Corporate Criminal Law and Organization
Incentives: A Managerial Perspective
Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
November 2000
Corporate criminal liability puts a serious challenge to the eco-
nomic theory of enforcement. Are corporate crimes different from
other crimes? Are these crimes best deterred by punishing individ-
uals, punishing corporations, or both? What is optimal structure of
sanctions? Should corporate liability be criminal or civil?
This paper has two major contributions to the literature. First,
it provides a common analytical framework to most results presented
and largely discussed in the field. In second place, by making use of
the framework, we provide new insights into how corporations should
be punished for the offenses committed by their employees.
Keywords: law enforcement, corporation
JEL classification: K4.
Financial support by CICYT (grant SEC99-1191-C02-01) is gratefully acknowledged.
The usual disclaimers apply.
yDepartment d’Economia i Empresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Ramon Trias Far-
gas 25-27, 08005 Barcelona, Spain. Email:; Phone: +34-93-
5422639; Fax: +34-93-5421746
1 Introduction
In the United States, but generally not in Europe, firms are criminally liable
for crimes committed by their employees within the scope of the firm and to
its benefit. The nature of corporate crime comprises essentially fraud (usually
against the government), environmental violations, and antitrust violations
(Cohen, 1996).
Corporate criminal liability puts a serious challenge to the economics of
enforcement. Are corporate crimes different from other crimes? Are these
crimes best deterred by punishing individuals, punishing corporations, or
both? What is optimal structure of sanctions? Should corporate liability be
criminal or civil?
This paper has two major contributions to the literature. First, it pro-
vides a common analytical framework to most results presented and largely
discussed in the field. In second place, by making use of the framework,
we provide new insights into how corporations should be punished for the
offenses committed by their employees.
Evidence suggests that wrongdoing by corporations is largely an agency
cost. It appears to be the case that the managers do not commit corporate
crimes to serve the interests of the shareholders (Alexander and Cohen, 1996
and 1999). Thus, the usual economic model of crime needed to be extended
to a principal and agent framework in order to explain corporate crime.
Even though the economic analysis of crime is now over 30 years old,
Becker’s (1968) analysis of optimal punishment has only recently been ap-
plied to corporate crime. While most of the literature surveyed in Polinsky
and Shavell (2000) has been concerned with optimal sanctioning of rational
individuals, recent theoretical analysis has focused on employee-manager re-
lationship. Given the existence of different interests, one aims at designing
the appropriate incentives to deter offenses. Under an optimal design, it is
useful to discuss if it is desirable to hold an employee liable for corporate
crimes (Polinsky and Shavell, 1993; Shavell, 1997), or what the structure of
optimal corporate sanctions should be (Arlen, 1994).
In Becker’s model, an offense is committed by a rational individual who
decides whether or not to commit the crime based on the probability and
severity of punishment. However, in the context of corporations or organi-
zations, the crime results from different possible actors committing or pre-
venting offenses. Thus, the results presented in Polinsky and Shavell (2000)
must be reinterpreted in the context of corporate crime.
Corporate crime is not committed by firms, as such, but by different in-
dividuals within the corporation, who are eventually criminally liable. A
socially optimal criminal sanctioning policy would favor large corporate fines
over criminal liability (and jail sentences) for these individuals involved in
the criminal activity (Cohen, 1996). This claim, based on Becker’s analysis,
assumes that corporate directors and shareholders who could be subject to
large fines will provide the correct amount of employee monitoring, and even-
tually ex post sanctions on their employees to ensure that socially harmful
offensesarenotcommitted. Inaperfectworld, withcompletecontractingand
without liquidity constraints, individual liability alone would induce efficient
behavior. Consequently, corporate liability would not be necessary (Arlen,
1999). Conversely, corporate liability is worthwhile investigating when con-
tracts are incomplete or when solvency matters.
Imposing non-monetary sanctions (e.g., imprisonment sentences) is a par-
tial solution to the problem of agents’ insufficient wealth. Imprisonment how-
ever is expensive and usually courts are not willing to impose them (Arlen
and Kraakman, 1997). Thus, corporate liability is the other possible solution.
Corporate liability can take the form of strict liability imposed whenever a
crime takes place; duty-based liability imposed only the firm itself violates a
legalduty; oracompositeregimeinwhichthefirmisliablebutthemagnitude
of the sanction depends on whether the firm complied with its duties (Arlen,
1999). Vicarious liability is the strict liability of a principal or the firm for
the misconduct of an agent or an employee. Most corporate liability for torts,
and in the United States for crimes as well, is vicarious (Kraakman, 1999).
Withinacontextofcorporateliability, shareholdersbecomequasi-enforcers.
Since corporations are held strictly liable for their employees’ actions, the
government delegates on the corporation the task of monitoring and control-
ling potential offenders (Baysinger, 1991). It lowers the cost of enforcement
to the government, but it increases the monitoring costs to firms. Moreover,
the government must make sure the firm has the appropriate incentives to
monitor and penalize its employees.
The principal-agent setup is the usual framework to study this problem,
where the government is the principal, the shareholders are the supervisors,
and the employees are the agents. Note in passing that most of the literature
characterizes the problem as the corporation being the principal and the
employees the agents. Our characterization seems more appropriate and
more useful as discussed later.
One important question is which party (the government or firm) is the
least-cost enforcer. It could be the case that imposing individual criminal li-
ability might be less expensive than imposing high monitoring costs on firms.
However, the standard case for corporate liability points out that firms have
better information, thus providing less expensive preventive measures. As
Arlen and Kraakman (1997) characterize, a firm could be ‘superior sanction-
er’ because their enforcement measures are more credible and effective.
The second important point is how the firm might align the interests of
its employees with its own. In particular, the analysis depends on whether
or not the firm has the ability to provide correct incentives. Corporate and
individual sanctions are substitutes in order to deter crime as long as the
employee can bear the full cost of the optimal monetary fine. If the penalty
is imposed on the firm, it will be passed along to its employees by lowering
salaries. When the firm is unable to shift the penalty to the employee, the
penalty should be placed directly on the employee and the corporation must
monitor the employee’s action to prevent the occurrence.1
Aligning the interests of the corporation with those of the government is
also expensive (Block, 1991; Alexander and Cohen, 1999). The general result
seems to be that poorly performing corporations are more likely to engage in
crime (Macey, 1991). Alexander and Cohen (1996) also find that larger firms
are more likely to engage in crime than smaller firms. Weak internal controls
and concern with short-term financial arrangements, and less concern with
long run portfolio diversification, seem to be positively related to corporate
crime (Baysinger, 1991). Consequently, performance and dimension of the
firm affect the government’s cost in monitoring the corporation.
Inducing optimal monitoring and ensuring internal sanctioning (that is,
credibility of firm’s enforcement policy) is not immune to controversy. Arlen
(1994) identifies a ‘potentially perverse effect’ by which holding firms (vicari-
1Cohen (1996) finds that sanctions increase with harm and increased individual liability
when the organization cannot afford to pass along to its employees the fine.
ously) liable for offenses committed by its employees can increase enforcement
costs. If the information that the firm acquires can be used to increase its own
probability of incurring liability, the firm will not monitor optimally. In order
to tackle this effect, a composite liability regime where some duty-based lia-
bility or mitigation provisions are included has been proposed (Arlen, 1994;
Arlen and Kraakman, 1997).2 However, it has been noted when information
costs are high, strict liability could be preferable.3
The role of risk aversion is not explicitly considered in our paper. Port-
folio diversification means shareholders behave as if they were risk neutral,
whereas managers are risk averse. Criminal liability increases the risk of
projects, making managers less willing to take them. However, because share-
holders are risk neutral, they should be more willing to accept projects that
involve criminal offenses, ceteris paribus. These observations suggest that
managers should be pushed by shareholders to take projects that involve
criminal offenses. Corporation criminal liability would be justified as a de-
vice to deter this type of behavior by shareholders (Macey, 1991). Clearly
there is an inconsistency with empirical evidence (Romano, 1991): Managers
do not commit corporate crimes to serve the interests of the shareholders
Our paper is organized the following way: the basic model is presented
in section two, while sections three (moral hazard), four (reputation loss),
five (internal punishment), and six (internal control) consider different ex-
tensions. Final remarks are addressed in section seven.
2 Basic Model
The underlying results of the literature come from the principal-agent model
in which the firm’s choice of compensation contract affects the agent’s choice
of care in avoiding crime. In that respect, our model draws on Alexander
and Cohen (1999) and Gans (2000).
2Duty-based liability is imposed only when the firm itself violates a legal duty, and not
whenever a crime occurs as in strict liability.
3An important extension of corporate criminal law is the potential use of secondary
liability beyond the firm. In particular, liability of ‘gatekeepers’ as a third party monitor-
ing the corporation could be useful. Examples include criminal liability of auditors and
Suppose that equity depends on two sort of activities, one being the usual
productive effort (m) and the other a socially harmful behavior, e.g. violation
of some environmental regulations (n). The expected value of management’s
equity is given by G(m;n), where is the fraction of outstanding equities
securities that management owns and G(:) is the expected value of firm
Equity is determined the following way: it is one with probability m + n
and zero with probability 1 m n. Thus, the expected value of equity is
G(m;n) = m+n.
The expected private value of management’s socially harmful behavior is
E(n), where En > 0 and Enn < 0. Management’s effort cost is C(n;m),
where Cn > 0, Cm > 0, Cnn > 0, Cmm > 0, and Cmn > 0.
While n denotes the management’s influence over the probability that
corporate crime will occur, let u be an independent random influence variable
with distribution function F(:). Assuming n and u have additive effects,
social damage occurs if and only if n + u > 0. Thus, the probability of
social damage being observed is Pr(n + u > 0) = 1 F( n) = P(n), the
probability of crime being continuously increasing in n, Pn > 0 and Pnn 0.
It is assumed that the government cannot actually observe n. However,
if the social bad occurs, the government can, with probability , detect the
agent’s harmful activity and punish accordingly. Management bears, in that
event, a penalty sa while the employer bears a penalty sp.
The fixed component of the salary of the management is !. The expected
profits of the (risk neutral) management are:
U = ! + (m+n)+E(n) C(n;m) P(n) sa (1)
The expected profits of the owners of the firm are:
V = (1 )(m+n) ! P(n) sp (2)
The optimal contract when the employer can observe m and n is described
by maximizing the expected profits of the owners of the firm subject to the
participation constraint, U k, where k is the agent’s reservation utility.
Rearranging expected profits, we can write:
V = m+n+E(n) C(n;m) P(n) (sa +sp) k (3)
The first-order conditions of the problem are:
Vm = 1 Cm = 0 (4)
Vn = 1+En Cn Pn (sa +sp) = 0 (5)
Since second-order conditions are satisfied, we derive the optimal contract
hm ;n i. The socially harmful activity is decreasing in the policy parameters
h ;sa;spi, whereas the productive effort is increasing in those same parame-
ters (because Cmn > 0).
As in the usual framework (Polinsky and Shavell, 2000), we consider social
welfare to be the sum of the payoffs of the employer and of the management
minus the social damage caused by the socially harmful activity. Social
welfare is given by:
W = m+n+E(n) C(m;n) P(n)H k (6)
where H is social harm. Notice that the difference between the government’s
objective and the employer’s is the social damage. By setting sa + sp =
H= , the government can make the employer’s objective identical to its own.
Nevertheless this is not a first best outcome because enforcement is costly
(Becker, 1968).
It is not very relevant who is actually punished since management and
employer can bargain ex ante and reallocate sanctions. It is equally effective
to set sa = H= and sp = 0 or sp = H= and sa = 0. Furthermore, individual
liability of management alone induces efficient behavior.
Corporate liability is not needed or necessary unless there is a wealth
constraint that limits sa. Suppose there is a binding liquidity constraint so
that sa = ˉ! < H= . Then, we should have sp = H= ˉ! to fully internalize
social damage. Corporate liability is justified on the grounds that managers
do not have enough wealth to pay for social damage (Polinsky and Shavell,
1993; Shavell, 1997).
In our model, the principal is the government, not the corporation. The
corporation and its management team are the agents. There is virtually no
distinction between corporation and management because their interests can
be aligned at no cost. Once the alignment of interests is costly, the manager
is the agent, but the corporation becomes a supervisor or a quasi-enforcer.
3 Model with moral hazard
Suppose the employer cannot observe what sort of activities generated any
realized profit. Let us restrict our attention to linear wage contracts. The
first-order conditions of the problem for management are:
Um = Cm = 0 (7)
Un = +En Cn Pn sa = 0 (8)
Since second-order conditions are satisfied, we derive the agent’s choice of
effort h?m;?ni.
The optimal contract when the employer cannot observe m and n is de-
scribed by maximizing the expected profits of the owners of the firm subject
to the participation constraint, U k, and to the incentive compatibility
constraint, h?m;?ni. Rearranging expected profits, we can write:
V = ?m+ ?n+E(?n) C(?n; ?m) P(?n) (sa +sp) k (9)
The first-order condition of the problem is:
V = Vm ?m +Vn?n = 0 (10)
Vm = 1 Cm(?m) = 1
Vn = 1+En(?n) Cn(?n) Pn(?n) (sa +sp)
= 1 Pn(?n) sp (11)
Let us ignore the sanctions for a moment. It is straightforward that we can
delegate the optimal effort plan by setting = 1. That is hardly surprising
in this framework since both employer and management are risk neutral.
A similar conclusion is derived if sp = 0. In other words, when corporations
are not liable for agent’s behavior, the optimal contract can be delegated in
the presence of moral hazard.
Suppose now that sp > 0. Setting = 1 leads to too much socially harmful
activity because management ignores the sanction borne by the employer.
Thus, the employer chooses < 1 to reduce liability, but at the same time,
diminishes productive effort (Gans, 2000).
Corporate liability distorts incentives inside the corporation. From a policy
view, in this context, corporate liability should not be introduced. Thus,
from the set of possible policies we have considered before, we should have
sa = H= and sp = 0.
Consider again a binding liquidity constraint so that sa = ˉ! < H= . Then,
we need sp = H= ˉ! to fully internalize the externality. Management’s
limited wealth generates the need of corporate liability to internalize social
damage. However, note that there is a loss of efficiency because of incentives
being distorted. As a consequence, the policy should be to fix corporate
liability such that 0 < sp < H= ˉ!. In general, the social damage in not
fully internalized because of the loss of efficiency due to the distortion of
incentives (Polinsky and Shavell, 1993).
4 Model with reputational sanctions
Suppose the employer suffers a loss of reputation if found liable for involve-
ment in socially harmful activities. Denote this loss of reputation by a mon-
etary measure . The agent’s choice of effort h?m;?ni is the same as before
since nothing changed for the agent.
The optimal contract is described as before by maximizing the expected
profitsof theownersofthe firm subject totheparticipation constraint, U k,
and to the incentive compatibility constraint, h?m;?ni. Rearranging expected
profits, we can write:
V = ?m+ ?n+E(?n) C(?n; ?m) P(?n) (sa +sp + ) k
Notice that the loss of reputation plays the role of a penalty.
The first-order condition of the problem is:
V = Vm ?m +Vn?n = 0 (12)
Vm = 1 Cm(?m) = 1
Vn = 1+En(?n) Cn(?n) Pn(?n) (sa +sp + )
= 1 Pn(?n) (sp + ) (13)
Within our discussion before, it is easy to see that we cannot delegate the
optimal effort plan even if sp = 0 (unless of course = 0). From a social
viewpoint, we should have sa = H= and sp = to guarantee efficient
incentives and full internalization of social harm. Not only sanctioning the
employer distorts incentives, but the government should bear the cost of rep-
utation losses (by subsidizing corporations) to make sure the optimal effort
plan is chosen. Setting the employer’s sanction to zero is not enough because
the principal still bears a reputation loss. Indeed corporate liability creates
inefficiency because of reputation loss even if the monetary penalty paid to
the government is relatively low.
Suppose there is a binding wealth constraint on the agent. We know al-
ready that sa = ˉ!, but the government should be careful in setting the
sanction of the employer. If the loss of reputation is ignored, there will be
over-deterrence (Lott, 1996). In other words, by setting sp = H= ˉ!, there
is over-deterrence because the corporation actually suffers sp + . Conse-
quently, we should consider sp = H= ˉ! to assure full internalization
of social damage. Nevertheless, as before, there is a trade-off between full
internalization of social damage and efficient incentives. Thus, we should
have < sp < H= ˉ! to avoid over-deterrence and find the optimal
response to the trade-off between full internalization of social damage and
efficient incentives.
5 Model with internal punishment
Suppose the employer can apply an internal punishment in the form of a
monetary penalty if the socially harmful activity is detected by the govern-
ment. Denote such penalty by si. The first-order conditions of the problem
for management are now:
Um = Cm = 0 (14)
Un = +En Cn Pn (sa +si) = 0 (15)
Since second-order conditions are satisfied, we derive the agent’s choice of
effort h?m;?ni.
The optimal contract is described as before by maximizing the expected
profitsof theownersofthe firmsubjectto theparticipation constraint, U k,
and to the incentive compatibility constraint, h?m;?ni. Rearranging expected
profits, we can write again:
V = ?m+ ?n+E(?n) C(?n; ?m) P(?n) (sa +sp) k
Note that the internal penalty si disappears from V because the fixed salary
! exactly compensates for the expected internal penalty (by solving the par-
ticipation constraint).
The first-order conditions of the problem are:
V = Vm ?m +Vn?n = 0 (16)
Vsi = Vm ?msi +Vn?nsi = 0 (17)
Vm = 1 Cm(?m) = 1
Vn = 1+En(?n) Cn(?n) Pn(?n) (sa +sp)
= 1 Pn(?n) (sp si) (18)
It is easy to see that we can delegate the optimal effort plan by setting
= 1 and si = sp. As long as management pays for the employer’s sanction,
the best solution can be achieved. Corporate liability becomes less important
if an internal penalty system can be designed so that management bears the
liability loss.
One problem with internal punishment is that there are legal limitations
to employer’s ability to control management. Suppose these constraints are
binding so that si = ˉs < sp. Then, we have < 1 for the reasons dis-
cussed before, that is, by reducing liability costs, the employer also reduces
productive effort. The optimal effort plan cannot be delegated.
From the government’s viewpoint, any policy where sp ˉs and sa =
H= sp is equally effective. Corporate liability does not play a major role
as long as the government recognizes the internal penalty as a mechanism to
achieve efficient incentives (Shavell, 1997).
Consider again the possibility of a binding wealth constraint on the agent.
It must be the case that sa + si ˉ!. In order to assure optimal effort, we
should have si = sp, which implies sa+sp ˉ!. The problem of course is that
because ˉ! is less than H= , the social damage is not internalized. Recall that
full internalization of the social damage implies sa + sp = H= . Given the
wealth constraint, to assure full internalization it is necessary the case that
si < sp, that is, the optimal effort plan is not delegated because incentives
are distorted.
The design of enforcement policy must take into account that, in absence
of restrictions on internal punishment, the corporation will set si = ˉ! sa.
By setting sa = ˉ!, the corporation cannot apply an internal punishment
scheme (since management cannot pay for it), and si = 0 . In this situation
incentives are highly distorted inside the firm. Thus, in general, the policy
will be described by 0 < sa < ˉ! and 0 < sp < H= sa as a response
to the trade-off between internalization of social damages and appropriate
incentives inside the corporation.
Notice that if sa = ˉ!, the policy is described as in the simple model with
moral hazard, making no use of internal punishment. By reducing sa, the
corporation can make use of internal punishment and improve incentives in-
side the firm. However, a reduction of sa asks for an increase of sp to offset
the negative effect on the internalization of social damage. Nevertheless, an
increase of sp distorts incentives inside the corporation. Thus, the govern-
ment might not want to increase sp and accept less internalization of social
damage than otherwise, but more efficient incentives.
6 Model with internal control
The model so far presented is one of corporate strict liability, where the
punishment of the corporation sp is applied once the socially harmful activity
is detected by the government. In this version of the model, we extend the
analysis to internal control and consider a composite liability regime with
some duty-based liability.
Consider that the corporation has the possibility of introducing an internal
controldevice: Managementisauditedanddetectedwithprobability bythe
employer. If detected by the employer, management will be reported to the
government. The probability of being detected by the government if detected
by the employer is one because the corporation acts as a quasi-enforcer.4 If
management is not detected by the employer, there is a probability of
being detected by the government. The sanction imposed on the agent is sa.
The sanction imposed on the employer is sq if management is detected by
the corporation, and sp if management is detected by the government. The
difference sp sq could be interpreted as corporate liability mitigation for
introducing internal control mechanisms. The cost for the employer to set
such internal control device is T( ), where T0 > 0 for > 0, T0(0) = 0, and
T00 > 0.
The expected profits of the (risk neutral) management are:
U = ! + (m+n)+E(n) C(n;m) P(n)[ +(1 ) ]sa (19)
For a given , the likelihood of management being detected is higher when
an internal control mechanism is adopted. The first-order conditions of the
problem for management are:
Um = Cm = 0 (20)
Un = +En Cn Pn[ +(1 ) ]sa = 0 (21)
Since second-order conditions are satisfied, we derive the agent’s choice of
effort h?m;?ni.
The optimal contract is described as before by maximizing the expected
profitsofthe ownersof the firmsubject to theparticipation constraint, U k,
and to the incentive compatibility constraint, h?m;?ni. Rearranging expected
profits, we can write again:
V = ?m+ ?n+E(?n) C(?n; ?m) P(?n)[ (sa +sq)+(1 ) (sa +sp)] T( ) k
The ‘perverse effect’ of adopting internal control mechanisms is exposed by
comparing the expected sanction (sa+sq) with (1 )(sa+sp). Employer’s
4We discuss later the possibility that the corporation may renege on its enforcement
monitoring and detection activities generate compromising evidence that can
make conviction easier. Setting sq < sp is not enough to make sure that the
employer does really prefer an internal control device for two reasons. First,
even though the sanction is lower, the likelihood of paying it could be high
enough to offset the first effect (Arlen, 1994). Second, the employers bears
the sanction paid by the agent (because of the participation constraint), and
the agent is fined with a higher probability when there is internal control.
The first-order conditions of the problem are:
V = Vm ?m +Vn?n = 0 (22)
V = Vm ?m +Vn?n
P(?n)[(1 )sa +sq sp] T0 = 0 (23)
Vm = 1 Cm(?m) = 1
Vn = 1+En(?n) Cn(?n) Pn(?n)[ (sa +sq)+(1 ) (sa +sp)]
= 1 Pn(?n)[ sq +(1 ) sp] (24)
It is easy to see that we cannot delegate the optimal effort as long as at
least one of sp or sq is positive (as long as there is corporate liability). From
social welfare viewpoint, by setting:
(sa +sq)+(1 ) (sa +sp) = H (25)
the government can make the employer’s objective identical to its own. One
possibility is to set sp = sq = 0 and sa = H=[ + (1 ) ]. Given that
both the government and the employer have the same objective function, the
decision of introducing an internal control mechanism taken by the employer
is socially optimal. Clearly in this case the corporation never adopts an
internal mechanism control since there is no corporate liability.
We consider a binding wealth constraint to generate more interesting re-
sults. Suppose sa = ˉ!. Full internalization of social damage is guaranteed
by solving:
sq +(1 ) sp = H ˉ![ +(1 ) ] (26)
It is important to note that the right-hand-side of (26) is decreasing in
. With an internal control mechanism, full internalization of social damage
when management has a wealth constraint can be achieved with a lower
expected sanction for the employer. Consider a very effective internal system
where management is detected with probability one. Full internalization of
social damage requires the sanction sq = H ˉ! which is less than the sanction
derived in section three, sp = H= ˉ!, when there is no internal control.
It confirms that full internalization of social damage can be achieved with a
lower sanction for the employer.
When social damage is fully internalized, the government and the corpora-
tion have the same objective function. By construction, the employer would
choose the socially optimal internal control mechanism since both employer
and government have the same objective function. But we already know
that the consequence is that incentives will be distorted inside the corpora-
tion (due to the fact that < 1).
The distortion of incentives which has been explained in section three
implies that generally we will have:
sq +(1 ) sp < H ˉ![ +(1 ) ] (27)
The implication is that the objective function of the employer is no longer
that of the government. The optimal for the corporation is described by
(23). There are three effects to be considered. The last term measures the
marginal cost of introducing an internal mechanism. The first two terms are
positive because an internal mechanism generates more efficient incentives (it
increases productive effort and reduces the socially harmful activity). The
third term measures the marginal gain for the corporations from introducing
an internal control mechanism in terms of being sanctioned. The so-called
‘potentially perverse effect’ is measured by the marginal gain sp sq (1
Suppose sp sq (1 )ˉ! < 0, that is, the third tem in (23) is positive.
In our model, this corresponds to the so-called ‘potentially perverse effect’
(Arlen, 1994). Liability costs are increased for the corporation, and so the
employer will be less willing to invest on an internal control device. The
reason would be that even though an internal mechanism control improves
incentives inside the corporation, it increases liability and enforcement costs.
Note that if incentives were efficient, an employer would always reject an
internal control mechanism.
From the policymaker viewpoint, the corporation’s choice of would be
socially optimal when the third term is zero.5 Consequently, the policymaker
should set:
sq = sp (1 )ˉ! (28)
The liability mitigation differential is justified on the basis that it makes
the employer’s choice of an internal control mechanism socially optimal. In
general, we should expect sq < 0, that is, the corporation should be compen-
sated for introducing the (socially optimal) internal control device.
When the corporation is a ‘superior sanctioner,’ the cost T0 will be rea-
sonably low whereas the probability will be high enough. The government
prefers corporate liability with an internal mechanism. However, if the gov-
ernment is a ‘superior sanctioner,’ the costT0 will be large and the probability
will be low. It is better to have corporate liability without relying too much
on an internal control mechanism (Arlen and Kraakman, 1997).
One possible problem with an internal mechanism is the incentive for the
corporation to renegade on its enforcement responsibilities, settle with man-
agement a private deal, and not report to the government. One possible way
to avoid the problem is having the government auditing the corporation mak-
ing sure the employer does not renege on enforcement commitments. This
governmental auditing makes an internal control mechanism more expensive,
and eventually less appealing. The alternative way is for the government to
pay a compensation for the employer. Let us show that the solution we
propose is collusion-proof.
By informing the government, the employer loses sq, whereas by not in-
forming, the employer faces a sanction sp with probability . Management
pays sa if the employer reports, whereas faces a sanction sa with probability
if the employer does not report. The maximum payment management is
willing to make is sa(1 ). The payoff of employer by reporting is sq
whereas the expected payoff by withholding evidence is sa(1 ) sp. Tak-
ing sq as shown in (28), we have that both payoffs are the same, making
5From maximizing W with respect to , it is immediate that the first-order condition
is similar to (23) when the third term is zero.
collusion not possible. The corporation has no incentive to renege on its
enforcement responsibilities.
In conclusion, the policy would be to set sq = sp (1 )ˉ! and 0 <
sp < H= ˉ!. The sanction sq assures that an internal control mechanism is
socially optimal. The sanction sp is determined by the optimal response to
the trade-off between fully internalizing social damage and designing efficient
7 Conclusion
Our paper has reviewed the economic model of corporate criminal law within
a unified framework. We offer new insights, in particular, we extensively
discuss the role of moral hazard and liquidity constraints in creating the
need for corporate liability.
The critique of corporate criminal liability versus civil penalties proceeds
on three fronts. First, Fischel and Sykes (1996) note that incarceration is
unavailable against corporations and makes little sense in the context of
corporate liability. Even though it might appear to reduce the insolvency
problem caused by imposing very high fines, it will impose additional non-
monetary sanctions, such as stigma. Karpoff and Lott (1993), Khanna (1996)
and Lott (1996) argue that corporate criminal sanctions have an associated
reputational loss absent on civil penalties. The loss of reputation could over-
penalize corporations (Alexander, 1999).
The second critique refers to the fact that corporate penalties do not aim
at conventional deterrence, but at monitoring, leading to over-deterrence
(Fischel and Sykes, 1996; Parker, 1996). When a corporation cannot dis-
tinguish between good and harmful acts, but can only set incentives based
on observed variables, the imposition of criminal liability could dilute in-
centives and reduce productivity (Gans, 2000). Nevertheless, the empirical
effect on management turnover and governance changes does not seem to be
very systematic (Agrawal, Jaffe and Karpoff, 1999).
Finally, even though corporate liability could serve a preference-shaping
function, other mechanisms could be more efficient, e.g. publicity (Khanna,
Our paper shows that corporate criminal liability is useful when agents
cannot pay for the social damage their actions cause. Nevertheless, because
of the several problems mention above, the sanction borne by the corpora-
tion is less than what should be to fully internalize social damage. The paper
points out that corporate criminal liability is the solution to a trade-off be-
tween internalization of social damage (i.e., socially optimal deterrence) and
efficient incentives (due to moral hazard)
Our model suggests that corporate monetary fines should be low, a result
with strong empirical evidence (Cohen, 1991). The introduction of corporate
criminal sentencing guidelines and the Sentencing Commission’s announced
intention of raising and restructuring corporate monetary penalties seem to
indicate that until 1991 corporate fines were too limited. After 1991, it is
of dispute if corporate criminal sentencing plays an important role in the
overall public enforcement effort (Alexander, Arlen and Cohen, 1999; Parker
and Atkins, 1999)
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