Chapter 11
Phage strategies
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Lytic development is divided into two periods
11.3 Lytic development is controlled by a cascade
11.4 Functional clustering in phages T7 and T4
11.5 Lambda immediate early and delayed genes are needed for both
lysogeny and the lytic cycle
11.6 The lytic cycle depends on antitermination
11.7 Lysogeny is maintained by repressor protein
11.8 Repressor maintains an autogenous circuit
11.9 The repressor and its operators define the immunity region
11.10 The DNA-binding form of repressor is a dimer
11.11 Repressor uses a helix-turn-helix motif to bind DNA
11.12 Repressor dimers bind cooperatively to the operator
11.13 Repressor at OR2 interacts with RNA polymerase at PRM
11.14 The cII and cIII genes are needed to establish lysogeny
11.15 PRE is a poor promoter that requires cII protein
11.16 Lysogeny requires several events
11.17 The cro repressor is needed for lytic infection
11.18 What determines the balance between lysogenic and the lytic cycle?
Episome is a plasmid able to integrate into bacterial DNA,Epistasis
Immunity in phages refers to the ability of a prophage to prevent another
phage of the same type from infecting a cell,It results from the synthesis of
phage repressor by the prophage genome.
Induction refers to the ability of bacteria (or yeast) to synthesize certain
enzymes only when their substrates are present; applied to gene expression,
refers to switching on transcription as a result of interaction of the inducer
with the regulator protein.
Lysogeny describes the ability of a phage to survive in a bacterium as a
stable prophage component of the bacterial genome.
Lytic infection of bacteria by a phage ends in destruction of bacteria and
release of progeny phage.
Plasmid is an autonomous self-replicating extrachromosomal circular DNA.
Prophage is a phage genome covalently integrated as a linear part of the
bacterial chromosome.
11.1 Introduction
Figure 11.1 Lytic
development involves
the reproduction of
phage particles with
destruction of the host
bacterium,but lysogenic
existence allows the
phage genome to be
carried as part of the
bacterial genetic
11.1 Introduction
Figure 11.2 Several types of independent genetic units exist in bacteria,
11.1 Introduction
Figure 11.3 Lytic
development takes place by
producing phage genomes
and protein particles that
are assembled into progeny
11.2 Lytic development
is controlled by a
Figure 11.4
Phage lytic development
proceeds by a regulatory
cascade,in which a gene
product at each stage is
needed for expression of
the genes at the next stage,
11.2 Lytic development
is controlled by a
Figure 9.31 Switches in
specificity can be
controlled at initiation
or termination,
11.2 Lytic development
is controlled by a
Figure 11.5 Phage T7
contains three classes
of genes that are
genome is ~38 kb,
11.3 Functional
clustering in phages
T7 and T4
Essential genes are indicated by numbers,Nonessential genes are identified by
letters,Only some representative T4 genes are shown on the map.
11.3 Functional clustering in phages T7 and T4
Figure 11.6
The map of T4
is circular,
There is
clustering of
genes coding
components of
the phage and
processes such
as DNA
there is also
dispersion of
genes coding
for a variety of
enzymatic and
other functions.
Figure 11.7 The phage T4
lytic cascade falls into two
parts,early and quasi-late
functions are concerned with
DNA synthesis and gene
expression; late functions are
concerned with particle
11.3 Functional
clustering in
phages T7 and T4
Figure 11.24 RNA
polymerase binds
to PRE only in the
presence of CII,
which contacts the
region around -35.
11.3 Functional
clustering in
phages T7 and T4
Figure 11.8 The
lambda lytic
cascade is
interlocked with
the circuitry for
11.4 The lambda
lytic cascade relies
on antitermination
Figure 11.9 The lambda map shows clustering of related
functions,The genome is 48,514 bp.
11.4 The lambda lytic cascade relies on antitermination
Figure 11.10 Phage lambda has two early
transcription units; in the "leftward" unit,
the "upper" strand is transcribed toward the
left; in the "rightward" unit,the "lower"
strand is transcribed toward the right,
Promoters are indicated by the shaded red
or blue arrowheads,Terminators are
indicated by the shaded green boxes,
Genes N and cro are the immediate early
functions,and are separated from the
delayed early genes by the terminators,
Synthesis of N protein allows RNA
polymerase to pass the terminators tL1 to
the left and tR1 to the right,
11.4 The lambda lytic
cascade relies on
Figure 11.11 Lambda
DNA circularizes
during infection,so that
the late gene cluster is
intact in one
transcription unit.
11.4 The lambda lytic
cascade relies on
Immunity in phages refers to the ability
of a prophage to prevent another phage of
the same type from infecting a cell,It
results from the synthesis of phage
repressor by the prophage genome.
Virulent phage mutants are unable to
establish lysogeny.
11.5 Lysogeny is maintained by an
autogenous circuit
Figure 11.12 The lambda regulatory region contains a
cluster of trans-acting functions and cis-acting elements.
11.5 Lysogeny is maintained by an
autogenous circuit
Figure 11.13 Wild-type
and virulent lambda
mutants can be
distinguished by their
plaque types,Photograph
kindly provided by Dale
11.5 Lysogeny is maintained
by an autogenous circuit
Figure 11.14
Lysogeny is
maintained by an
autogenous circuit
(upper),If this circuit
is interrupted,the lytic
cycle starts (lower).
11.5 Lysogeny is
maintained by an
autogenous circuit
Figure 11.14
Lysogeny is
maintained by an
autogenous circuit
(upper),If this circuit
is interrupted,the lytic
cycle starts (lower).
11.5 Lysogeny is
maintained by an
autogenous circuit
Figure 11.15 The N-terminal and C-terminal regions of
repressor form separate domains,The C-terminal domains
associate to form dimers; the N-terminal domains bind DNA.
11.6 The DNA-binding form of
repressor is a dimer
Figure 11.16 Repressor
dimers bind to the operator,
The affinity of the N-
terminal domains for DNA
is controlled by the
dimerization of the C-
terminal domains.
11.6 The DNA-binding form
of repressor is a dimer
Figure 11.16-2
Lambda repressor
binds to operators
with second-order
11.6 The DNA-binding form
of repressor is a dimer
Figure 11.17 Lambda
repressor's N-terminal
domain contains five
stretches of a-helix;
helices 2 and 3 are
involved in binding
11.7 Repressor binds cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-turn-helix motif
Figure 11.18 In the two-helix model for DNA binding,
helix-3 of each monomer lies in the wide groove on the
same face of DNA,and helix-2 lies across the groove.
11.7 Repressor binds cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-turn-helix motif
Figure 11.19 Two
proteins that use the two-
helix arrangement to
contact DNA recognize
lambda operators with
affinities determined by
the amino acid sequence
of helix-3.
11.7 Repressor binds cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-turn-helix motif
Figure 11.20 A view from the back shows that the bulk of
the repressor contacts one face of DNA,but its N-terminal
arms reach around to the other face.
11.7 Repressor binds cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-turn-helix motif
Figure 11.21 Each operator contains three repressor-binding
sites,and overlaps with the promoter at which RNA
polymerase binds,The orientation of OL has been reversed
from usual to facilitate comparison with OR.
11.7 Repressor binds cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-turn-helix motif
Figure 11.21 Each operator contains three repressor-binding
sites,and overlaps with the promoter at which RNA
polymerase binds,The orientation of OL has been reversed
from usual to facilitate comparison with OR.
11.7 Repressor binds cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-turn-helix motif
Figure 11.14 Lysogeny
is maintained by an
autogenous circuit
(upper),If this circuit
is interrupted,the lytic
cycle starts (lower).
11.7 Repressor binds
cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-
turn-helix motif
Figure 11.22 Positive
control mutations
identify a small region
at helix-2 that
interacts directly with
RNA polymerase.
11.7 Repressor binds cooperatively at each
operator using a helix-turn-helix motif
Figure 11.12 The lambda regulatory region contains a
cluster of trans-acting functions and cis-acting elements.
11.8 How is repressor synthesis
Figure 11.23 Repressor synthesis is established by the action of
CII and RNA polymerase at PRE to initiate transcription that
extends from the antisense strand of cro through the cI gene.
11.8 How is repressor synthesis
Figure 11.24 RNA
polymerase binds to PRE
only in the presence of
CII,which contacts the
region around -35.
11.8 How is repressor
synthesis established?
Figure 11.25 Positive regulation can influence RNA
polymerase at either stage of initiating transcription.
11.8 How is repressor synthesis
Figure 11.26 A
cascade is needed to
establish lysogeny,but
then this circuit is
switched off and
replaced by the
autogenous repressor-
maintenance circuit.
11.8 How is repressor
synthesis established?
Figure 11.19 Two
proteins that use the
arrangement to
contact DNA
recognize lambda
operators with
affinities determined
by the amino acid
sequence of helix-3.
11.9 A second repressor is needed for
lytic infection
Figure 11.27 The lytic
cascade requires Cro
protein,which directly
prevents repressor
maintenance via PRM,as
well as turning off delayed
early gene expression,
indirectly preventing
repressor establishment
11.9 A second
repressor is needed
for lytic infection
Figure 11.26 A cascade
is needed to establish
lysogeny,but then this
circuit is switched off
and replaced by the
autogenous repressor-
maintenance circuit.
11.9 A second
repressor is needed
for lytic infection
1,Phages have a lytic life cycle,in which infection
of a host bacterium is followed by production of a
large number of phage particles,lysis of the cell,
and release of the viruses,
2,Lytic infection falls typically into three phases,
In the first phase a small number of phage genes
are transcribed by the host RNA polymerase.
3,In phage lambda,the genes are organized into
groups whose expression is controlled by
individual regulatory events.
4,Each operator consists of three binding sites
for repressor,
5,The helix-turn-helix motif is used by other
DNA-binding proteins,including lambda Cro,
which binds to the same operators,but has a
different affinity for the individual operator sites,
determined by the sequence of helix-3.
6,Establishment of repressor synthesis requires
use of the promoter PRE,which is activated by
the product of the cII gene.