Instructions for DVZ-oily
water separator
6.8 Instructions for DVZ-oily
water separator
? First set to operation Before putting into operation for the first time
check that:
? All connecting pipes and flanges specially on the suction side,are
completely tight
? Air pressure is at 5-7 bar
? The ship's voltage corresponds to that given on the type plate in the
switch box or input transformer
? The supply from the ship's electrical system to the oily water
separator's control system is connected-indicated by white lamp 2
? Seawater is present in pipeline A2
? All stop valves in pipelines to and from system are open
? Attention,
– Seen from top-the pump must turn,left”,i.e,anti-clock-wise
now,If not,the el,Motor’s supply has to be changed,At left-
turning pump the suction side is at A2,The pump now is sucking
seawater via the opened non return flap A2.l and is displacing it
via pressure flange,B2” into the separator,
– The mano-vacuum gauge,Pl.2” shows the suction head from sea,
The non return flaps,A5.l” and,A1.1” are closed; during the oil
drain valve,A3.l” is opened,The oily water separating system is
bleeding automatically via the sludge oil tank,All this is
automatically controlled by the sensing electrode,N1”,Its
sensing pins are surrounded by air.
6.8 Instructions for DVZ-oily
water separator
6.8 Instructions for DVZ-oily
water separator
– After first set to operation it takes some time until the air is
bleeded from the separator and bilge suction pipe,This is
indicated by irregular lighting up the lamp,oil to sludge tank”,
After some time the system stabilizes automatically,
– Under normal operating conditions more water than oil flows
through separator,So it takes some time until the sensing
electrode is surrounded by oil,because the oil buffer is growing
from top to bottom,If surrounded by oil,the sensing electrode
gives a signal via the niveau relay to the automatic switch box,
The valve,A3.l” opens and the pump turns,left”,The pump is
sucking from sea now and with that seawater the separated oil is
pressed out to sludge tank via valve,A3.l”,During this state the
non return valve,A1.1” is dosed to avoid the back flow to
bilge/bilge tank.
6.8 Instructions for DVZ-oily
water separator
? Worth of knowing Is the bilge/bilge tank emptied and
the separator continues running-no problems will arise,It
will be sucked air into the separator until the sensing
electrode is surrounded by it,Now the pump turns over to
"scavenging from sea",The air is pressed out of the
separator via valve"A3.l" until the sensing electrode is
surrounded by Water again,Now the unit turns over to
"suction from bilge” and so on,....
? When it should be forgotten to switch off the separator
after emptying the bilge,by this means,the pump can not
be destroyed by dry running.
? An oily water separator is not a main engine,the
ships operation is not dependent from it,and the
ship owners earn no profit with it,Often an oily
water separator is still estimated a necessary evil”
This is a false opinion! The use of the oily water
separator may protect the ship owner and ship
crew getting fined,because of prohibited
pollution of the sea from oil,
? The nowadays problems on board of ships are well-
known to us from long years experience,This knowledge
you will find in the design of the DVZ - VC -
"OILMASTER" - System,The design and function are
simple and robust; the maintenance is limited to a
minimum,From our experience from the past we know,
that the most DVZ-oily water separators make no
problems if they are continuously running for long time,
Though the DVZ-VC-"OILMASTER" is designed very
simple,from time to time it needs some,petting”.
The end of chapter 6
Chapter 7
MARPOL 73/78-