Question,What are the Gun Laws in New Hampshire?
Answer,Child Access Prevention Law? No.
Juvenile Possession Law? No,
Juvenile Sale/Transfer Law? Yes,
State Requirements
Rifles and Shotguns
Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No.
Registration of rifles and shotguns? No.
Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No.
Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No.
Permit to purchase handgun? No.
Registration of handguns? No,
Licensing of owners of handguns? No.
Permit to carry handguns? Yes,
Other Requirements
Is there a State waiting period? No.
Is there a FBI *NICS check for firearm transactions? Yes,
Permit to carry a concealed weapon required? Yes,
Record of sale,Yes.
*NICS - National Instant Check System
Caution,This summary is meant for general purposes only,Firearm laws frequently change.