? 课程介绍
课程属性 —— 限定性选修课
课时 —— 48学时
课程内容 —— 汽车结构、工作原理。教材内容较新,新技术内容多。
The Basic Components of an Automobile
The Basic Components of an Automobile
Electrical Equipment
component [k?m'p?un?nt]n.成分,组成,部件,零件
chassis ['∫?si]n.底盘
transmission [tr?nz'mi∫?n]n.变速器,传动,传动系统,
lubrication [?lu:bri'kei∫?n]n.润滑
Ignition [ig'ni∫?n]n.点火,点燃
Ignite [ig'nait]v.点火,点燃
boost [bu:st]v.升压,推进,增加,增压,提高
filter ['filt?]n,滤清器,滤波器,过滤器
carburetor ['kɑ:bjuret?]n.化油器
combustible [k?m'b?st?bl]a.易燃的
radiator ['reidieit?]n.散热器,冷却器,辐射体
hollow ['h?l?u]a.空心的,虚伪的; n.洞,窟窿,山谷;
circulate ['s?:kjuleit]v,(使 )循环,(使 )流通
defroster [?di:'fr?st?]n.除冰 (或霜 )装置
sludge [sl]n.软泥,淤泥
hood [hud]n.发动机罩
styling ['staili?]n.花 [式 ]样
streamlined ['stri:mlaind]a.流线型的,现代化的
sedan [si'd?n]n.轿车,轿子
enclosed [in'klouzd]a.封闭的,密闭的
pick-up ['pik?p]n.拾波器,皮卡(轻型货车),传感器
gross [grous]a.总的,毛重的 ; n.总额
coach [kout∫]n.四轮大马车,长途客车,教练
rigid ['ri?id]a.刚硬的,刚性的,严格的
articulated [ɑ:'tikjuleitid]a.铰接 (的 ),有关节的
capacity [k?'p?siti]n.容量,生产量,才能,能力
luxurious [l?g'zju?ri?s]a.奢侈的,豪华的
suspension [s?s'pen∫?n]n.悬架,悬浮,悬浮液,暂停,中止,悬而未决
differential [?dif?'ren∫?l]n.差速器,微分; a.微分的,差动的
clutch [kl?t∫]n.离合器
hydraulic [hai'dr?:lik]a.液压的,水压的,水力的
isolate ['ais?leit]v.隔离,孤立,绝缘,查出(故障)
course [k?:s]n.过程,经过,进程,方针,路线,跑道,课程
manoeuvre [m?'nu:v?]=maneuvre v.策划,调动,演习,
操纵,机动(动作); n.策略,调动
drum [dr?m]n.鼓,鼓声; v.击鼓
pedal ['pedl]n.踏板
spark-ignition engine 点燃式发动机
compression-ignition engine 压燃式发动机
storage battery 蓄电池
ignition coil 点火线圈
charging circuit 充电电路
combustion chamber 燃烧室
passenger compartment 乘客室,乘客舱
window defroster 风窗除霜器
motor oil 机油 ( =engine oil )
sheet metal 钢板,金属板
trunk deck 行李箱盖
multi-purpose van (MPV) 多用途厢式车
commercial vehicle 商用汽车
power train 传动系,动力装置
propeller shaft 传动轴 ( = drive shaft )
torque converter 液力变矩器
gear ratio 传动比
flexible joint 柔性接头
axle shaft 半轴
road wheel 车轮
brake lining 制动器摩擦衬片
The Basic Components of an Automobile
Today's average car contains more than 15,000 separate,
individual parts that must work together,These parts can be
grouped into four major categories,engine,body,chassis
and electrical equipments.
The engine acts as the power unit,The internal
combustion engine is most common,this obtains its power
by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder,There are
two types of engine,gasoline (also called a spark-ignition
engine) and diesel (also called a compression-ignition
engine),Both engines are called heat engines; the burning
fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder
to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft
connected to the transmission [1].
All engines have fuel,exhaust,cooling,and lubrication
systems,Gasoline engines also have an ignition system,
The ignition system supplies the electric spark needed to
ignite the air-fuel mixture in the cylinders,When the ignition
switch is turned on,current flows from the 12-volt storage
battery to the ignition coil,The coil boosts the voltage to
produce the strong spark of 20,000 V needed to ignite the
engine fuel.
The automobile supplies all the electricity it needs through
its electrical system,For example,the electrical system
supplies electricity for the ignition,horn,lights,heater,and
starter,The electricity level is maintained by a charging
The fuel system stores liquid fuel and delivers it to the
engine,The fuel is stored in the tank,which is connected to a
fuel pump by a fuel line,The fuel is pumped from the fuel tank
through the fuel lines,It is forced through a filter into the
carburetor where it is mixed with air,or into the fuel injection
system,The fuel is mixed with air to form a combustible
mixture in the carburetor,the manifold,or the cylinders
themselves [2].
The cooling system removes excessive heat from the
engine,The temperature in engine combustion chambers is
about 2,000℉ ( 1,094℃ ),Since steel melts at around
2,500℉ (1,354℃ ),this heat must be carried away to prevent
engine damage,Air and a coolant are used to carry away the
heat,The radiator is filled with a coolant,The water pump
circulates this coolant through the hollow walls of the engine
block and head,Constant circulation of the coolant through
the engine and the radiator removes heat from the engine,
Heat also is removed by the radiator fan,which draws air
through the narrow fins of the radiator,This system also
supplies heat to the passenger compartment and the
window defrosters.
The lubrication system is important in keeping the engine
running smoothly,Motor oil is the lubricant used in the
system,The lubrication system has four functions:
1,It cuts down friction by coating moving parts with oil.
2,It produces a seal between the piston rings and the
cylinder walls.
3,It carries away sludge,dirt,and acids.
4,It cools the engine by circulating the motor oil.
To keep this system working efficiently,oil filters and motor
oil must be changed regularly,All other moving parts in an
automobile must also be lubricated,
An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows,
doors,a hood,and a trunk deck built into it,It provides a
protective covering for the engine,passengers,and cargo,
The body is designed to keep passengers safe and
comfortable,The body styling provides an attractive,colorful,
modem appearance for the vehicle,It is streamlined to
lessen wind resistance and to keep the car from swaying at
the driving speeds.
A sedan has an enclosed body with a maximum of 4
doors to allow access to the passenger compartment,The
design also allows for storage of luggage or other goods,A
sedan can also be referred to as a saloon and traditionally
has a fixed roof,There are soft-top versions of the same
body design except for having 2 doors,and these are
commonly referred to as convertibles (Fig,1-1),
Figure 1-1
Sedan and
Multi-purpose vans (MPV) can be based on common
sedan designs or redesigns so that maximum cargo space
is available.
The pick-up carries goods,Usually it has stronger
chassis components and suspension than a sedan to
support greater gross vehicle mass.
The bodies of commercial vehicles that transport goods
are designed for that specific purpose.
Buses and coaches are usually 4-wheel rigid vehicles,
but a large number of wheels and axles can be used,
Sometimes articulated buses are used to increase capacity,
Buses and coaches can be single-deck or double-deck,
Buses are commonly used in cities as commuter transports
while coaches are more luxurious used for long distances.
The chassis is an assembly of those systems that are
the major operating parts of a vehicle,The chassis includes
the power train,suspension,steering,and brake systems.
Power Train
The power train system comprises clutch,transmission,
propeller shaft,rear axle and differential and the driving
road wheels.
The clutch or torque converter has the task of
disconnecting and connecting the engine's power from and
to the driving wheels of the vehicle,This action may be
manual or automatic.
The main purpose of the transmission or gearbox is to
provide a selection of gear ratios between the engine and
driving wheels,so that the vehicle can operate satisfactorily
under all driving conditions,Gear selection may be done
manually by the driver or automatically by a hydraulic
control system.
The function of the propeller (drive) shaft is to transmit
the drive from the gearbox to the input shaft of the rear axle
and differential assembly,Flexible joints allow the rear axle
and wheels to move up and down without affecting
The rear axle and differential unit transmits the engine's
rotational power through 90° from propeller shaft to axle
shaft to road wheels,A further function is to allow each
driving wheel to turn at a different speed; essential when
cornering because the outer wheel must turn further than
the inside wheel,A third function is to introduce another
gear ratio for torque multiplication.
Suspension System
The axles and wheels are isolated from the chassis by a
suspension system,The basic job of the suspension
system is to absorb the shocks caused by irregular road
surfaces that would otherwise be transmitted to the vehicle
and its occupants,thus helping to keep the vehicle on a
controlled and level course,regardless of road conditions
Steering System
The steering system,under the control of the driver at the
steering wheel,provides the means by which the front
wheels are directionally turned,The steering system may be
power assisted to reduce the effort required to turn the
steering wheel and make the vehicle easier to manoeuvre.
Brake System
The braking system on a vehicle has three main
functions,It must be able to reduce the speed of the vehicle,
when necessary; it must be able to stop the car in as short a
distance as possible; it must be able to hold the vehicle
stationary,The braking action is achieved as a result of the
friction developed by forcing a stationary surface (the brake
lining) into contact with a rotating surface (the drum or disc).
Each wheel has a brake assembly,of either the drum type
or the disc type,hydraulically operated when the driver
applies the foot brake pedal.
Electrical Equipment
The electrical system supplies electricity for the ignition,
horn,lights,heater,and starter,The electricity level is
maintained by a charging circuit,This circuit consists of a
battery,and an alternator (or generator),The battery stores
electricity,The alternator changes the engine's mechanical
energy into electrical energy and recharges the battery.
Translation Techniques(1)
— 翻译过程与翻译标准
理解阶段是要在辨明词义、弄清语法的基础上,结合已经掌握的知识或原理,准确地把握原文含义。 理解过程分为下面两个步骤:通读全文、领略原文大意;确定词义和语法关系。 必要时,
表达是运用必要的翻译技巧,将英文用规范的汉语体现出原文的内容与含义。 表达的过程主要有三个步骤:初译、核对与润色。
Electrical Equipment