Cause and Effect
1.重点:1)用句子下定义及常用句型 2)用段落下定义的写作方法
In everyday conversation,when you give your opinion on a topic,you will probably proceed to give your reasons to support it,If you begin with a cause,you will proceed to explain its resulting effects,while if you begin with some effects,then proceed to state the cause responsible for them..In writing,you can do the same.
2.Strategies 重点
2.1 Cause———Effect paragraph
Focus,the relation between the topic sentence and its supporting ideas
Developmental pattern,effect
Cause effect
Linking words,As a result,Next,In addition,Finally
Example 1,
1]It is difficult for workers to find employment this years.
2]As a result,many recent college graduates are unemployed or taking part-time jobs to meet expenses.
2]Unemployment among high school graduates has meant that large numbers of teenagers are seeking unemployment benefits.
2]The unemployment figures are the highest in decades.
2]Finally,the federal government must contribute large amounts of money to support the growing numbers of people who are receiving welfare assistance.
Example 2:
1]Bag-packing travelling is enjoying a higher and higher popularity among young people in china,
2]As a result,more and more young people comprehend the beauty and magic of nature and furtherly,fall in love with it.
2]After experiencing the amazing magnificence of high moutains and long rivers and the charming folklores of diverse peoples,they cannot help developing a feeling of patriotism.
2]Finally,the constant coming and going of visitors results in the development of local tourism and in consequence,that of local economy as a whole,
2.2 Effect----------Cause paragraph
Focus,the relation between the topic sentence and its supporting ideas
Developmental pattern,effect
Cause effect
Linking words,One reason…,In addition,another reason…,Finally (Example 1)
First of all,Second,In addition,Finally (Example 2)
Example 1:
1]It is difficult for workers to find employment this years,
2]One reason is that many industries are not hiring new workers,
2]In addition,industries are reducing their current staff levels because of a decline in national economic conditions,
2]Another reason is that workers who once might have considered early retirement are now staying at their jobs,
2]Finally,other workers who once view their job as optional now must keep their positions in order to meet their minimum financial responsibilities,
Example 2,
1]Bag-packing travelling is enjoying a higher and higher popularity among young people in china,
2]First of all,for poor financial condition,young people prefer this economic travelling,
2]Second,compared with under-guide tourists in a package-tour,bag-packers enjoy more freedom in planning the whole travelling,
2]In addition,it brings more fun with chances of visiting long-desired place as long as they like and experiencing diverse folklores as many as they can,
2]Finally,it rewards them with a fit built and a persevere character,
3.Useful words,phrases and sentence patterns 重点
Order (used to give reasons or causes)
First of all,One reason …
Second,In addition,
In addition,Another reason …
Concluding (used to state results or effects)
As a result,
Example,He has stopped smoking.Doctors say smoking is harmful for health,
⑴He has stopped smoking as a result of his doctor’s warning,
⑵Doctors say smoking is harmful for health,As a result/therefor/Consequently,he has stopped smoking,
Personal Viewpoint
I believe …
I think …
My own view is …
In my opinion,
Example:Heavy smoking------lung cancer
⑴I believe that his lung cancer is due to heavey smoking,
⑵In my opinion,he is suffering from lung cancer owing to his smoking heavily,
Basic Sentence Patterns 难点:同一因果关系的不同表达方式
is responsible for
a,A cause produces an effect,
result in
Example:Heavy smoking-----lung cancer
is responsible for
Heavy smoking can produce lung cancer,
results in
is due to
b,An effect results from a cause,
occurs from
Example:Heavy smoking-----lung cancer
was due to
His lung cancer resulted from heavy smoking,
occurred from
Owing to
c,Because of a cause,an effect takes place,
As a result of
Example:He has developped a bad cough.He has been smoking heavily.
⑴ He has developed a bad cough as a result of/owing to/because of heavy smoking,
⑵ He has developed a bad cough owing to the fact that he has been smoking heavily,
class activity:Using the information given below,write a number of sentences expressing the cause-and-effect relationship,
1,He dose not like English,English is difficult to learn,
2.His English is poor,He does not work hard at English,
Sentence construction
He escaped from his orphanage.He was distressed at the brutal conditions there,
He lived rough in Mosco.He had no family to turn to,
He was not easy to be captured.He had learned not to trust adults,
Paragraph Writing
Write two paragraphs,using the topic sentence and developmental pattern given below,
Paragraph A
Recent years found a boom of tourism in China,
In addition,
Paragraph B
Recent years found a boom of tourism in China.
As a result,
In addition,