Chapter 6,Laboratory animal facilities
Those who use animals for experimental and
diagnostic purposes have a moral obligation to take
every care to avoid causing them unnecessary pain
or suffering,The animals must be provided with
comfortable,hygienic housing and adequate
wholesome food and water,At the end of the
experiment they must be dealt with in a humane
For security reasons,the animal house should
be an independent,detached unit,If it adjoins
a laboratory,the design should provide for its
isolation from the public parts of the
laboratory should such need arise,and for its
decontamination and disinfestation.
Animal facilities,like laboratories,may be
designated according to a risk assessment and the
risk group of the microorganisms under
investigation,as Animal facility Biosafety Level 1,2,
3 or 4.
With respect to agents to be used in the animal
laboratory,factors for consideration include:
1,The normal route of transmission
2,The volumes and concentrations to be used
3,The route of inoculation
4,Whether and by what route these agents may
be excreted排泄,
With respect to animals to be used in the animal
laboratory,factors for consideration include:
1,The nature of the animals,i.e,their
aggressiveness and tendency to bite and scratch
2,Their natural ecto- and endoparasites
3,The zoonotic(人畜互传的 ) diseases to which they are
4,The possible dissemination(散播 ) of allergens.
As with laboratories,the requirements for design
features,equipment and precautions increase in
stringency according to the animal biosafety level,
These are described below and summarized in
Table 4,These guidelines are additive,so that each
higher level incorporates the standards of the lower
Animal facility – Biosafety Level 1
This is suitable for the maintenance of most stock
animals after quarantine (except nonhuman
primates灵长类,regarding which national
authorities should be consulted),and for animals
that are deliberately inoculated with agents in Risk
Group 1,GMT are required,The animal facility
director must establish policies,procedures and
protocols for all operations,and for access to the
vivarium动物园,植物园,An appropriate medical
surveillance programme for the staff must be
instituted,A safety or operations manual must be
prepared and adopted.
Animal facility – Biosafety Level 2
This is suitable for work with animals that are
deliberately inoculated with micro-organisms in
Risk Group2,The following safety precautions
1,All the requirements for animal facilities –
Biosafety Level 1 must be met.
2,Biohazard warning signs should be posted on
doors and other appropriate places.
3,The facility must be designed for easy cleaning
and housekeeping.
4,Doors must open inwards and be self-closing.
5,Heating,ventilation and lighting must be
6,If mechanical ventilation is provided,the
airflow must be inwards,Exhaust air is discharged
to the outside and should not be recirculated to any
part of the building.
7,Access must be restricted to authorized
8,No animals should be admitted other than
those for experimental use.
9,There should be an arthropod and rodent
control programme.
10.Windows,if present,must be secure,resistant
to breakage and,if able to be opened,must be fitted
with arthropod-proof screens.
11.After use,work surfaces must be
decontaminated with effective disinfectants,
12.Biological safety cabinets or isolator cages
with dedicated air supplies and HEPA-filtered
exhaust air must be provided for work that may
involve the generation of aerosols.
13.An autoclave must be available on site or in
appropriate proximity to the animal facility.
14.Animal bedding materials must be removed in
a manner that minimizes the generation of aerosols
and dust.
15.All waste materials and bedding must be
decontaminated before disposal.
16.Use of sharp instruments should be restricted
whenever possible,Sharps should always be
collected in puncture-proof/-resistant containers
fitted with covers and treated as infectious.
17.Material for autoclaving or incineration must
be transported safely,in closed containers.
18.Animal cages must be decontaminated after
19.Animal carcasses尸体 should be incinerated.
20.Protective clothing and equipment must be
worn in the facility,and removed on leaving.
21.Hand-washing facilities must be provided,
Staff must wash their hands before leaving the
animal facility.
22.All injuries,however minor,must be treated
appropriately,reported and recorded.
23.Eating,drinking,smoking and application of
cosmetics must be forbidden in the facility.
24.All personnel must receive appropriate
Animal facility – Biosafety Level 3
This is suitable for work with animals that are
deliberately inoculated with agents in Risk Group 3,
or when otherwise indicated by a risk assessment,
All systems,practices and procedures need to be
reviewed and recertified annually,The following
safety precautions apply:
1,All the requirements for animal facilities –
Biosafety Levels 1 and 2 must be met.
2,Access must be strictly controlled.
3,The facility must be separated from other
laboratory and animal house areas by a room with
a double-door entrance forming an anteroom.
4,Hand-washing facilities must be provided in
the anteroom.
5,Showers should be provided in the anteroom.
6,There must be mechanical ventilation to
ensure a continuous airflow through all the rooms,
Exhaust air must pass through HEPA filters before
being discharged to the atmosphere without
recirculation,The system must be designed to
prevent accidental reverse flow and positive
pressurization in any part of the animal house.
7,An autoclave must be available at a location
convenient for the animal house where the
biohazard is contained,Infectious waste should be
autoclaved before it is moved to other areas of the
8,An incinerator should be readily available on
site or alternative arrangements should be made
with the authorities concerned.
9,Animals infected with Risk Group 3
microorganisms must be housed in cages in
isolators or rooms with ventilation exhausts placed
behind the cages.
10.Bedding should be as dust-free as possible.
11.All protective clothing must be
decontaminated before it is laundered,
12.Windows must be closed and sealed,and
resistant to breakage.
13.Immunization of staff,as appropriate,should
be offered.
Animal facility – Biosafety Level 4
Work in this facility will normally be linked with
that in the maximum containment laboratory –
Biosafety Level 4,and national and local rules and
regulations must be harmonized to apply to both,If
work is to be done in a suit laboratory防护服型实验室,
additional practices and procedures must be used
over and above those described here.
1,All the requirements for animal facilities –
Biosafety Levels 1,2 and 3 must be met.
2,Access must be strictly controlled; only staff
designated by the director of the establishment
should have authority to enter.
3,Individuals must not work alone,the two-
person rule must apply.
4,Personnel must have received the highest
possible level of training as microbiologists and be
familiar with the hazards involved in their work
and with the necessary precautions.
5,Housing areas for animals infected with Risk
Group 4 agents must maintain the criteria for
containment described and applied for maximum
containment laboratories – Biosafety Level 4.
6,The facility must be entered by an airlock
anteroom,the clean side of which must be
separated from the restricted side by changing and
showering facilities.
7,Staff must remove street clothing when
entering and put on special,protective clothing,
After work they must remove the protective
clothing for autoclaving,and shower before leaving.
8,The facility must be ventilated by a HEPA-
filtered exhaust system designed to ensure a
negative pressure (inward directional airflow).
9,The ventilation system must be designed to
prevent reverse flow and positive-pressurization.
10.A double-ended autoclave with the clean end
in a room outside the containment rooms must be
provided for exchange of materials.
11.A pass-through airlock with the clean end in a
room outside the containment rooms must be
provided for exchange of non-autoclavable
12.All manipulations with animals infected with
Risk Group 4 agents must take place under
maximum containment – Biosafety Level 4
13.All animals must be housed in isolators.
14.All animal bedding and waste must be
autoclaved before removal from the facility.
15.There must be medical supervision of staff.
As with vertebrates,the animal facility biosafety
level will be determined by the risk groups of the
agents under investigation or when otherwise
indicated by a risk assessment,The following
additional precautions are necessary with certain
arthropods,particularly with flying insects:
1,Separate rooms should be provided for
infected and noninfected invertebrates.
2,The rooms should be capable of being sealed
for fumigation熏蒸,
3,Insecticide sprays should be readily available.
4.,Chilling” facilities should be provided to
reduce,where necessary,the activity of
5,Access should be through an anteroom
containing insect traps and with arthropod-proof
screens on the doors.
6,All exhaust ventilation ducts管 and openable
windows should be fitted with arthropod-proof
7,Waste traps on sinks and sluices水闸 should not
be allowed to dry out.
8,All waste should be decontaminated by
autoclaving,as some invertebrates are not killed by
all disinfectants.
9,A check should be kept on the numbers of
larval幼虫的 and adult forms of flying,crawling and
jumping arthropods.
larva // lava
10.Containers for ticks扁虱 and mites螨类 should
stand in trays of oil.
11.Infected or potentially infected flying insects
must be contained in double-netted cages.
12.Infected or potentially infected arthropods
must be handled in biological safety cabinets or
13.Infected or potentially infected arthropods
may be manipulated on cooling trays,