重庆电力高等专科学校英语试题(第二册A级) 班级_______________姓名_______________学号_______________分数_______________ Make the best choice: 1.She was able to cope ----- the difficulties she met with. a. in b. with c. of d. to 2.Would you mind ----- the radio? a. not turn on b. not to turn on c. not turning on d. not turned on 3.The lion is a ----- of courage. a. symbol b. sign c. mark d. animal 4. ----- he was writing a composition, the telephone rang. a. Until b. While c. Since d. Before 5.I hope I ----- the task by the end of last month. a. shall finish b. finish c. shall have finish d. shall been finish 6. We are making every possible effort to develop a market -----. a. economy b. economic c. economics d. economical 7. This machine is ----- that one. a. as four times light as b. four times as light as c. as light as four times d. as light four times as 8.Ten minutes ----- too short a time to finish this job. a. are b. was c. were d. is 9.Tim carefully repaired his ----- jacket. a. tear b. tearing torn tore 10. The person ----- to Mary is the captain of the team. a. talking b.talk c. talks d. talked 11. Temperatures ----- with the time of the year. a. vary b. varies c. is varied d. are varied 12. The story ---- with a nobleman and a country girl. a. connected b. is concerned c. is concentraded d. is considered 13. Such an idea never ----- to me before. a. happened b. appear c. reminded d. occurred 14. We ----- meet them every Sundays, before they closed the park. a. must b. shall c. need d. could 15. He had always wanted to write, ----- he bought himself a typewriter. a. so b. for c. since d. when 16. The ----- north you move, the ----- it will be. a. far… cold b. farther… colder c. further… colder d. more far… more cold 17. He spoke as clearly as he could ----- everyone could understand. a. in order to b. so as to c. so that d. but 18.I should have been there by now if I ----- the bus. a. missed b. had missed c. didn’t miss d. hadn’t missed 19.Then every cat and dog in town ----- upset for weeks. a. are b. were c. is d. was 20.I am considering ----- to the Yellow Mountain. Do you consider it a good idea ----- there? a. going…to go b. to… to c. going…going d. to go… going II. Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets: Every nation has its own (tradition) ----------culture. His dreams of going to college was (real) ---------- at last. It took him some time to get used to (drive)---------- on the right side of the road. The man appeared (sudden) ---------- from behind the tree. John is a fast worker, but he makes a lot of mistakes. He shouldn’t be so (care) ----------. This plan is the (produce) ---------- of our careful thought. 2002/2003学年度下学期英语考试试卷B卷 (供电测、环境、电气、继保-0111\0112班使用)共6页第2页 班级_______________姓名_______________学号_______________分数_______________ The development of oil field (rich)---------- the Arabia nations. Few large cities still remain (pollute)----------. He didn’t allow his son to take over the (manage) ---------- of his business. He is telling the truth, and I am sure of his (honest)----------. III. Reading comprehension: A: Read the passage and then make the best choice. The Successful Language Learner Some people seem to have the ability to learn language. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules and grammar, and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others. They do not seem to be anymore intelligent than others, so what makes language learning so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners we may discover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them. First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes. Successful language learning is an active learning. Therefore successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word. Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it. What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above. The techniques discussed in the passage and leading to success in foreign language learning are-----. a. learning the language from mistake b. seeking for a chance to use the language c. communicating actively with the people who speak the language d. all of the above Independent learners -----. a. do not need teachers while learning b. depend on their own way to succeed c. do not make mistakes d. learn patterns and rules from books Active learning means -----. a. talking with native speakers b. communicating actively c. looking for a chance to practice the language d. trying to understand the meaning of every word How could you learn with the language?-----. a. In class b. From a teacher c. By using it in actual communication d. With a purpose The author mainly tells us -----. a. the different ways of language learning b. something about language learning c. how to succeed in language learning d. what a successful language learner looks like B: Read the passage and then make the best choice. In this game you are in a tank and the screen shows your view of the landscape outside. You gain points by shooting enemy tanks, super-tanks, missiles and succors. Experts gain scores of around 150,000 points at this game. To get a high score you have to destroy twenty tanks as quickly as possible. After this the super tanks, missiles and saucers appear. These are worth far more points than the ordinary tanks. (The number of tanks you have to destroy before the super-tanks appear varies on different 2002/2003学年度下学期英语考试试卷B卷 (供电测、环境、电气、继保-0111\0112班使用)共6页第3页 班级_______________姓名_______________学号_______________分数_______________ machines.) Try to approach an enemy tank from the side or the back, so it cannot shoot at you. Then, when you get close, turn to face it, line it up in your sights and fire before it turns to shoot at you. If you miss or are too slow, quickly escape by moving out of the enemy’s line of fire. You can then move around the enemy and come in from another side. When a super-tank appears, try to destroy it. Then wait safely behind an obstacle for a missile or flying saucer. The cubes are useful objects to hide as you can fire over them without exposing yourself to danger. The missiles will fly straight at you, but they are difficult to hit, so do not shoot at them until they are quite close. The saucers are much easier to hit, but do not chase them as you will be open to attack from tanks. This information refers to -----. a. an underwater game b. a computer game c. a video game d. a ball game To get a high score you must first-----. a. capture a number of tanks b. shoot down some explosive weapons c. destroy some armored vehicles(装甲车) d. eliminate twenty super-tanks A good plan when attacking an enemy tank is to-----. a. move it to the side b. get behind it c. shoot it in the back d. move out of its range If you hide behind the cubes during an attack you can -----. a. fire through them b. shoot from behind them c. be certain of hitting your target d. let them shoot over you You are likely to be attacked if you -----. a. fire straight at a missile b. hit a flying saucer c. pursue a flying target d. chase enemy tanks C. Read the passage and then answer the question: Most westerners ___ particularly most Americans are not as concerned about manners in social matter as Chinese people are. But there are a few Western customs which are exactly important and which you should try at all times to observe. Do not leave your napkin (paper or cloth) on the table. Put it on your clothes from spilled food or used to wipe your hands or mouth when necessary. Do not put your own utensils (fork, knife, spoon) into serving bowl. Use the utensil in the bowl (generally a large spoon or fork) to pit some of the food on your own plate, and then return the saving utensil to the bowl. Do not spit food anywhere. If you have bones in your mouth, take them out with your fingers and place them on the edge of your plate, never on the table or floor. Don’t drink soup or other liquids out of a bowl. Use a spoon. Do not reach across the table or in front of another person. Ask someone to pass whatever you want Do not put nut shells, fruit peelings, etc. on the floor. Put them in a plate or, lacking these, on a table top. Do not belch out loud. If you do, say “excuse me” quietly and go on with the conversation. Do not sneeze or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief or paper handkerchief. If you cough, try to cover your mouth with your hand.. Where should you place your napkins when eating? What should you use to drink soup? What is proper for you to do if you want something you cannot reach? What is proper for to do if you feel like coughing? Where should you put nut shells or fruit peelings? D: Read the passage and then fill in the blanks:(B班不做) Television undoubtedly offers us much entertainment, but it has some bad effects on heavy viewers. Firstly, television encourages passive enjoyment. As the viewers spend hour after hour watching TV, they get receptive unquestioning about the things on TV. The very danger of watching television lies in the fact that the viewers make no choice and exercise no judgement, as everything is presented to them without any effort on their part. Secondly, television prevents them from communicating 2002/2003学年度下学期英语考试试卷B卷 (供电测、环境、电气、继保-0111\0112班使用)共6页第4页 班级_______________姓名_______________学号_______________分数_______________ with the real world. What the viewer receives from television dramas is nothing but fictional events, persons, objects and places. As the viewer has grown addicted(有瘾的) to television, he often ignores the necessary and important things in reality. As a result, he would be completely cut off from the real world. Clearly, television is to be blamed for the effects of passivity and its action it brought to the heavy viewers. Therefore, watching TV should be strictly confined to selection. This essay is mainly about_____________________________. The good effects of TV:_______________________________. The bad effects of TV(A):_____________________________. The bad effects of TV(B):_____________________________. Solution to the problem :______________________________. IV.Translation:(7题B班不做) Being on My own, talking with friendly people and having Fridays off---- these are just some things I like about college. It is obvious that people supply money to a company because they think it will make profits. The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American. The brain is the most complicated part of the human body, and yet less is known about it than any other part. Once the signs are posted throughout the world, a knife and fork will mean a restaurant, a suitcase will indicate baggage, and etc. If you wish to take part in the worthwhile activity, what sort of things would you do? Think of the people most in need of help and the ways in which help can be given. Most of the community service is concerned with the care of the elderly and the handicapped. In the early 19th century, the Americans made use of the natural rubber for the first time. First they made overshoes to keep their feet dry. Then, they made coats of cloth covered with natural rubber. V. Writing: 1.写一信封给WANG LING,地址是中国重庆中华路51号,邮编为400001。寄信人地址为你本人在学校的信箱地址。 2.写一张留言条告诉ANNA,JOHN打电话来说他将于星期天晚上7:00钟来ANNA家看世界杯足球赛(World Cup), 叫她在家等着别出去了。 2002/2003学年度下学期英语考试试卷B卷 (供电测、环境、电气、继保-0111\0112班使用)共6页第5页 班级_______________姓名_______________学号_______________分数_______________ ANSWER SHEET I. Make the best choice: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 III. Reading comprehension: A: Read the passage and then make the best choice. 1 2 3 4 5 B: Read the passage and then make the best choice. 1 2 3 4 5 C. Read the passage and then answer the question: 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________ D: Read the passage and then fill in the blanks:(B班不做) 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________ IV.Translation: (7题B班不做) 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ V. Writing: 1.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2002/2003学年下学期度英语考试试卷B卷 (供电测、环境、电气、继保-0111\0112班使用)共6页第6页 班级_______________姓名_______________学号_______________分数_______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________