Signals and Systems
Fall 2003
Lecture #18
6 November 2003
Inverse Laplace Transforms
Laplace Transform Properties
The System Function of an LTI System
Geometric Evaluation of Laplace Transforms
and Frequency Responses
Inverse Laplace Transform
But s = σ + jω (σ fixed)? ds = jdω
Fix σ ∈ ROC and apply the inverse Fourier transform
Inverse Laplace Transforms Via Partial Fraction
Expansion and Properties
Three possible ROC’s — corresponding to three different signals
ROC I,— Left-sided signal.
ROC III:— Right-sided signal.
ROC II,— Two-sided signal,has Fourier Transform.
Properties of Laplace Transforms
For example:
ROC at least the intersection of ROCs of X
(s) and X
ROC can be bigger (due to pole-zero cancellation)
Many parallel properties of the CTFT,but for Laplace transforms
we need to determine implications for the ROC
ROC entire s-plane
Time Shift
Time-Domain Differentiation
ROC could be bigger than the ROC of X(s),if there is pole-zero
s-Domain Differentiation
Convolution Property
ROC of Y(s) = H(s)X(s),at least the overlap of the ROCs of H(s) & X(s)
ROC could be empty if there is no overlap between the two ROCs
ROC could be larger than the overlap of the two,E.g.
The System Function of an LTI System
The system function characterizes the system
System properties correspond to properties of H(s) and its ROC
A first example:
Geometric Evaluation of Rational Laplace Transforms
Example #1,A first-order zero
Graphic evaluation
Can reason about
- vector length
- angle w/ real axis
Example #2,A first-order pole
Example #3,A higher-order rational Laplace transform
Still reason with vector,but
remember to "invert" for poles
First-Order System
Graphical evaluation of H(jω):
Bode Plot of the First-Order System
-20 dB/decade
changes by -π/2
Second-Order System
0 <ζ <1? complex poles
ζ =1
— Underdamped
double pole at s =?ω
ζ >1
— Critically damped
2 poles on negative real axis
— Overdamped
Demo Pole-zero diagrams,frequency response,and step
response of first-order and second-order CT causal systems
Bode Plot of a Second-Order System
-40 dB/decade
Top is flat when
ζ= 1/√2 = 0.707
a LPF for
ω < ω
changes by -π
Unit-Impulse and Unit-Step Response of a Second-
Order System
No oscillations when
ζ ≥ 1
Critically (=) and
over (>) damped.
First-Order All-Pass System
1,Two vectors have
the same lengths