1 47
Production and diversification of antibiotics
6.1 An introduction to antibiotics
6.2 General strategies for the production of antibiotics
6.3 A brief history of peNcillin production
6.4 Antibacterial mode of action of fl-lactam antibiotics
6.5 Biosynthesis of penicillins and cephalosporins
6.6 Semi-synthetic penicillins
6.7 Cephalosporin diversification
6.8 Alternative strategies for product diversification
Summary and objectives
Appendix 6.1 Examples of biotransformation of antibiotics (data
abstracted from Sebek, 0. K. "Antibiotics" in Biotechnology -
Volume 6a, edited by Kieslich, K. 1984 Verlag Chemie, Weinheim).
148 Chapter 6
Production and diversification of antibiotics
6.1 An introduction to antibiotics
The discovery and production of antibiotics has been of tremendous importance to
human and animal health care. Prior to their dimvery about half a century ago, many
bacterial infections caused debilitating diseases and fatalities were high. The discovery
of antibiotics was a major step in the treatment of infectious diseases, especially those
caused by bacteria. Today about 50,OOO tonnes of antibiotics are produced annually.
About a third of this consists of peNcillins, whilst tetracyclines make up about a quarter
of the market.
The first of the antibiotics that found practical use as a therapeutic was penicillin. The
success of penicillin initiated a vast screening process all over the world, which resulted
in the isolation of a large number of antibiotic substances from various ~Wal sources.
Many of these compounds were produced by micro-organisms and prove to be lethal
for other micro-organisms. Many of these compounds were also very toxic to humans
and could not be used thempeutically. Nevertheless a large number of classes of useful
compounds were produced. The chemical structures of members of some of the most
impo+nt classes are shown in Figure 6.1.
Examine Figure 6.1 and see if you can identify the f3-lactam structure in the first
rI four structures shown.
The structure you are loolung for is a four membered ring containing three carbon
atoms and a nitrogen atom in the ring. The structure you should have identified is
You will see that this structure contains a tertiary amide.
You should examine the other structures shown, but we would not expect you to
remember the details of these structures. You should, however, be aware of the general
forms of
majordasses glycopeptides;
of mlibiilics
Production and diversification of antibiotics
Figure 6.1 The chemical structure of some members of the important classes of antibiotics.
150 Chapter 6
Figure 6.1 _.______ Continued.
n in the same way in target organism?
From these structures, would you expect each of these pups of antibiotics to act
Production and diversification of antibiotics 151
modes of adon
You should have concluded that because these structures are very diverse, it is unlikely
that they will act in the same way. This is, in fact, true; the mode of action differs from
one class of antibiotics to another. We have listed some modes of action of antibiotics in
Table 6.1.
r\ntlbiotlc Mode of action
Polyene antifungals
Fusldk add
Inhibition of synthesis of, or damage to, cell wall
Inhibition of synthesis or metabolism of nucleic acids
Inhibition of synthesis or damage to cytoplasmic membrane
Modifition of energy metabolism
Inhibition of protein biosynthesis
Table 6.1 Modes of action of antibiotics.
152 Chapter 6
We have this far established that the antibiotics are a diverse group of compounds that
are produced industrially in large amounts which are of great value in health care. We
need to establish one further point.
Write down two reasons why society needs so many different antibiotics and
rI explain why we do need to continue to find ways of producing new antibiotics?
There are many reasons why we need to produce a large variety of antibiotics. Different
disease causing microorganisms have different structures and different metabolisms.
Thus you should have anticipated that a particular antibiotic may be effective against a
particular type of micro-organism but not against others. For example, traditional
penicillins were more effective against Gram-positive bacteria than against
Gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, because of the large numbers of cells involved,
their rapid rates of growth and the ability to transfer genetic material between often
quite unrelated organisms, new varieties of disease-causing microorganisms arise
quite frequently. Amongst the changes that are detected amongst disease-causing
micro-organisms is the development of resistance to antibiotics. This resistance may, for
example, depend upon the production of enzymes that destroy the antibiotic or on
changes to structural components of cells which result in the antibiotic not being taken
up by cells, or on its failure to interact with the target component. The widespread use
of antibiotics will itself act as a selection mechanism leading to the proliferation of
antibiotic resistant strains. Thus, when penicillin was first introduced, most
diseasecausing Gram-positive bacteria were sensitive to this antibiotic. Now many
such organisms are resistant to this antibiotic. In most cases, this resistance is based
upon the production of an enzyme which hydrolyses either the p-lactam ring
(p-lactamase) or the secondary amine linking the lactam ring to another moiety
(penicillinase). In many instances the genes coding for the resistance factor are encoded
in plasmids and are, therefore, readily transmitted from organism to organism. Many
strains of bacteria now carry multiple antibiotic resistances.
It is for these reasons that a search for new antibiotics must continue.
resktance to
In this chapter, we will examine strategies for producing antibiotics. We have had to be
selective and have chosen to confine discussion largely to the b-lactams, with particular
emphasis on the diversification of the primary antibiotics using biotransformation. We
have adopted this strategy in order to produce a manageable study, while enabling us
to explain the main principles involved.
We will bep by giving a brief overview of the stratqjes that may be employed to
produce desirable antibiotics. Then we will give a brief review of the history of the
production of penicillin. We will then examine the mode of action of &lactam antibiotics
and briefly describe the biosynthetic pathways of p-lactam antibiotic production.
Subsequently we will examine, in greater depth, the biotransformation of penicillins. A
consideration of cephalsporin production will follow and will be compared with the
production and diversification of penicillins. In the final part of this chapter we will
briefly describe the new p-lactams.
Production and diversification of antibiotics 153
6.2 General strategies for the production of antibiotics
The major classes of antibiotics are secondary metabolic products of micro-organisms.
Many were discovered by empirically scmening culture filtrates or cell extracts for
antimicrobial activity. A range of techniques (examples are methods using,
impregnated discs, porous cylinders, cut wells, see Figure 6.2) have been used to carry
out such screening.
Figure 6.2 Examples of techniques used to screen microbial cultures for antibiotic activity. In
a), filter discs are impregnated with the test sample and placed on the surface of a nutrient agar
filled Petri dish, which had been seeded with bacteria. Anti-microbial activity is detected by the
inhibition of growth around the impregnated disc. b) Illustrates a similar approach except in this
case the test substances is placed in the centre of a porous cylinder. Antimicrobial substances
diffuse out of the cylinder and inhibit growth around the cylinder. c) Illustrates another
procedure that depends upon the diffusion of antibiotics through agar. In this case, a single
sample is tested for antimicrobial activity against a range of organisms.
Examine Figure 6.2 carefully. Which test sample in a) appears to have the greatest
n antimicrobial activity?
154 Chapter 6
The most obviaus answer is A because the zone of inhibition is greatest around the disc
impregnated with A. However, there are other possibilities. The size of the zone of
inhibition depends on:
0 the amount of antimicrobial agent present (ie its concentration);
the rate at which it diffuses (this depends on its molecular mass);
the sensitivity of the organism that has been used to seed the plate to the
antimicrobial component.
Thus, it could be for example that B produces an anti-microbial agent but this is
ineffective against the test organism. The gutter plate method (Figure 6.2~) provides a
method for testing samples for antimicrobial activity against a range of organisms.
a) most sensitive to the antimicrobial activity of the sample illustrated in Figure 62c?
b) insensitive to the sample being tested in Figure 6.2c?
The answer to a) is B. The growth of this organism is prevented at quite some distance
from the gutter. The answer to b) is A and D, neither of these organisms appear to be
inhibited by the test substances.
Once an antibiotic producer has been identified, the next stage is to produce sufficient
of the antibiotic toevaluate its potential for therapeutic use. Questions, such as, is it toxic
to humans?, is it effective against disease organisms?, does it possess suitable
characteristics (for example solubility, chemical stability) for use as a medicine?, need
answering. Let us assume that a new, potentially useful antibiotic has been discovered.
The key questions then become, how can the desired material be produced in the most
cost effective way? is it possible to produce variants of the antibiotic which have
desirable properties, such as greater effectivity against infection, cheaper ways to
produce it or increased stability?
new strains,
changed by
See if you can list some approaches that may be used to reduce costs/maximise
n yields of antibiotic production.
There are many approaches that may be used here. One approach is to xmen related
organisms to see if a higher yielding strain may be obtained. Alternatively, the culture
conditions used to cultivate the antibiotic-producing strain may be modified with the
objective of increasing antibiotic production. This may include manipulation of physical
conditions such as pH and temperature, addition of precursors of the antibiotic or
specific inhibition of particuiar metabolic activities. We might also use genetic
manipulation (for example mutation or genetic engineering) to enhance product yield.
You will meet specific examples of these strategies in our discussions of penicillin
Production and diversification of antibiotics 155
Assume you have an antibiotic-producing organism. See if you can list some
approaches that may enable you to use the same organism to produce a range of
different, but related antibiotics.
There are several possibilities you may have suggested, for example, using slightly
different precursors which may lead to the production of slightly different end
products. Alternatively, metabolic inhibition might be used or you may have
consid& using mutants. Another approach would be to isolate the antibiotic first and
to modify it in zifm using chemical or biotransformation (enzymatic) methods. AH of
these approaches have found practical applications. We will a+ use the &lactams to
illustrate these strategies.
In Figure 6.3, we have provided a su~~unary of the possible strategies for improving
yields of antibiotics produced by microbial cultures and for diversifying the nature of
the products that are manufactured.
Figure 6.3 Summary of the strategies available for improving yields and for diversifying the
products made by antibiotic-produang rnicro-organisms.
Consideration of pencillin production serves to illustrate the success of these strategies.
Penicillin was produced at a concentration of about 1 ppm by the first penicillin
producers that were isolated. By manipulation of culture conditions together with
genetic manipulation, yields in excess of 10 g 1-' (excess of l0,ooO ppm) are routinely
achieved. This development has also been paralleled by the diversification of the
156 Chapter 6
product and a wide variety of penicillins are now available. For these reasons, together
with the fact that the history of penicillin production includes most of the important
innovations now taken for granted in newer fermentation, it is worthwhile briefly
reviewing the history of penicillin production.
The structure of penicillin G is drawn below in a different form from that
illustrated for &lactams in Figure 6.1.
Make a comparison of the structure of penicillin G and amoxycillin and briefly
explain a strategy that might be used to diverse penicillins.
6.3 A brief history of penicillin production
6.3.1 Surface cultures and product diversification
Penicillins, like most antibiotics, are secondary products whose synthesis is not dkctly
linked to growth. The enzymes that produce secondary products are normally
qressed or inhibited under conditions which favour rapid growth. In the early work
on penicillin, Penicillium notatum was grown as a floating mycelium on about 2 an depth
of liquid medium The mycelium absorbed nutrients from the medium and penicillin
was excreted into the medium. The mycelium and spent medium are readily separated.
Figure 6.4 Stylised representation of changing parameters and penicillin production in cultures
of Penidllum notaturn grown as a surfaca culture on Czapek-Dox medium (adapted from
Hockenhull DJ-D "Production of Antibiotics by Fermentation" in Essays in Applied Microbiology
edited by Nonls J R & Richmond M H 1981. John Wiley 8 Sons Ltd Chichester).
Production and diversification of antibiotics 157
slow release of
corn steep
CSL conmined
Initially, Czapek-Dox medium was used. This medium, containing mineral salts,
sodium nitrate and sugar (usually sucrose or glucose), allowed rapid growth but only
very small amounts (around lpg ml-') of penicillin were produced. Effectively what
happened in these cultures was rapid growth with no penicillin production until
virtually all the sugar had been used. At the same time, the pH dropped dramatically
as the sugars were being metabolised, but rose sharply when the mycelium began to
lyse. The culture was, therefore, only in the optimum pH range (pH 657.0) for
penicillin production for a very short time. These observations are illustrated in Figure
The important question was, how could the period of penicillin production be
extended? See if you can list two or three ways in which this might have been
There are several possibilities. One would be to ensure that carbohydrates were
available at such a rate that they did not cause excessively rapid growth. This was
achieved by using lactose in place of the more readily assimilated glucose or sucrose.
The fungus hydrolyses this substrate only slowly, thereby releasing the more readily
assimilated glucose and galactose at a slow rate. Thus the mycelium behaved as though
it was semi-starved and the biomass produced penicillin over a much longer time
period (day 2 to 7). Also under these conditions the pH was maintained nearer to the
pH optimum of 6.6-7.0 for penicillin production. The result was an improvement in
penicillin yield of about 5-10 fold.
Further improvements were achieved by using ammonium acetate or ammonium
lactate as nitrogen source in place of nitrate. This reduced the rise in pH observed at the
end of the fermentation. Replacement of these nitrogen sources by complex nitrogen
sources, such as casein hydrolysate, improved the long term availability of nitmgen and
further stabilised the pH with concomitant improvements in yields. Thus by changing
the energy, carbon and nitrogen sources significant advances in product yield were
achieved as a consequence of slower growth and pH stabilisation.
The subsequent advance was rather fortuitous and rested more with serendipity than
with scientific logic. A search was made for cheaper more effective replacements for
casein hydrolysate. Amongst the tested materials was corn steep liquor (CSL). CSL is a
by-product of the manufacture of starch from maize kernals. Whole maize is incubated
in warm water, at 50°C acidified with so2. Thermophilic bacteria hydrolyse proteins
and other components of the kernals, thereby loosening the starch granules. These are
removed, leaving behind the steep liquor which is used to treat further maize kernals.
Ultimately, the liquor is too viscous to re-use and the liquor is concentrated and used as
cattle feed. It was this material that was used for penicillin fermentation. Surprisin y,
the yield of penicillin increased by a further 5-10 fold giving yields of 50-10 pg ml- .
In part, the increase in yield could be attributed to the capacity of the CSL to buffer the
pH and to facilitate the slow release of carbohydrate. However, by far the most
important factor was that CSL provided a precursor that led to the production of a more
stable and easier to isolate form of penicillin, what we now call penicillin G.
In essence, what was happening was that the CSL supplied phenylethylamine. This
had been produced from the amino acid phenylalanine by the action of the microflora
in the CSL. Thus:
158 Chapter 6
v v
phenylalanine phenyl ethylmine
The P. ilofatum took up the p-phenyl ethylamine, converted it to p-phenylacetate, which
was subsequently attached to the &amino group of penicillanic acid to give benzyl
penicillin (penicillin G). We can represent this prcxxss by:
penicilli G
and improved
Previous penicillins had aliphatic groups attached to the &amino penicillanic acid
moiety. Penicillin G has many advantages over the aliphatic derivatives, eg it is mom
easily aystallised and it is more stable.
n suggest an alternative way of producing penicillin G, without using CSL.
The obvious way is to include bphenylacetic acid or kphenylethylamine in cultures.
Indeed, when bphenylacetic acid was added to cultures grown in CSL, the yields of
penicillin were enhanced further. Typical yields were 1W150 pg ml-'.
The results obtained by the addition of kphenylacetic acid to cultures suggest a
n method of producing a wide variety of penicillins. See if you can explain what
this is.
In principle, by adding derivatives of acetic acid to culture media, we mght be able to
produce a wide range of penicillins. This strategy was adopted, eg inclusion of
phenoxyacetic acid led to the production of penicillin V
Production and diversification of antibiotics
oral Penicillin V has advantages over some other penicillins as it is stable at low pH and can
We may describe the production of diverse penicillins using this strategy as directed
biosynthesis using precursor feeding. We have listed some examples of penidllins in
Table 6.2.
administration be admini*& orally.
Table 6.2 Examples of penicillins
Suggest what precursors should be fed to cultures to produce each of the
penicillins shown in Table 6.2. Read our response carefully as it contains some
additional information.
160 Chapter 6
6.3.2 Use of deep cultures in the production of penicillin
So far we have shown how, by manipulating the formulation of media, improvements
in product yield and product diversification were achieved in the early years of
penicillin production. We have deliberately selected the high points of these
development activities. We will now turn our attention to another aspect of the
development of penicillin production: the switch from surface to deep culture.
IN tially, penicillin was produced in shallow earthenware "penicillin pots" that
resembled bedpans used in hospitals. h4ilk bottles were then used. The problems with
these approaches stemmed from the costs of the multiple inoculations that were needed
and the costs of harvesting from multitudinous small cultures. Replacement of these
small vessels by lqer tray-like vessels, however, was not entirely successful: the trays
often warped during sterilisation.
n See if you can list some advantages of using surface cultures.
The main advantages of using shallow surface cultures are that there are few problems
ensuring that the cultures remain aerated and, because of the large surface area and thin
layer of medium, there are few problems with localised overheating.
Despite these advantages, deep (submerged) cultures were still deemed to be the most
viable route to satisfymg the market demand for penicillin. It was estimated that a
surface culture equivalent to 2 hectares would be required to produce the same amount
of penicillin as a deep culture equivalent to 5 x lo' Iitres. The desire to switch to deep
cultures was thus driven by commercial consideration.
In practice, P. notutum was found to be unsatisfactory for deep culture. It grew in large
tightly packed pellets. This lead to oxygen starvation in the centre of the pellets.
Alternative organisms were sought which would combine good growth characteristics
(loose, confluent growth) with high penicillin yield. A strain of Penicillium chrysasemtm
was selected. This strain, NRRL 1951, produced only 50 pg penicillin ml-'. Nevertheless,
its growth characteristics made it desirable. Subsequently, variants of this strain (for
example B25, X1612), produced by mutagenesis, gave higher yields. Strain X1612
produces above 400-500 pg penicillin mP.
The development of the deep culture approach followed conventional routes, including
optimising inoculum density, oxygen dispersal and contml of temperature, pH and
foam. These aspects of process technology are dealt with elsewhere in the BIOTOL
series (for example "Operational Modes of Bioreactors" and "Bioreador Design and
Product Yield) so we will not deal with them in any detail here. You should appreciate
that the development of the technology recognised the apparent distinction between the
growth of the producing organism and the biosynthesis of the desired product. The
concept arose that two phases in penicillin production could be distinguished. In the
first phase, rapid growth of the organism took place, while in the second phase little
growth occurred, but this phase was marked by penicillin production. So there was
separaiion into a growth phase and a production phase which were later called the
"trophophase" and "idiophase" by Bu'llock. Although the separation of these two
phases may not be quite as distinct as may be implied by the use of these two terms, it
provides the basis of contemporary penicillin production processes. In these processes,
the culture is first cultivated under conditions which favour growth. Once the culture
has fully grown, culture conditions are manipulated to favour penicillin production.
Although these manipulations may be carried out in a single vessel, it is molp usual to
Produdion and diversification of antibiotics
physically separate them into two vessels. Such two phase processes have become the
norm for the production of secondary products. A stylid system is shown in E-
Figure 6.5 A stylised system for producing secondary metabolites such as penicillin.
Although processes differ in detail, this generalised scheme is adopted for the
production of secondary metabolites. Usually, the vessel used for biomass
production is smaller than that used to produce the desired product Explain why
this is so.
The aim in most processes is to produce biomass as quickly as possible (that is use
conditions which allow rapid growth), but to maintain cells in production as long as
possible. If for example it took the cultures 3 days to grow, but they could be maintained
in a productive state (that is in the idiophase) for 10 days, then in principle the ratio of
vessel volumes could be 3:10, troph0phase:idiophase. Again this is a simplification,
since in some processes the cultures leaving the growth phase may be concentrated
before being transferred to the production phase, in order to establish very high
biomass concentrations in the idiophase tank. Such processes may be operated in a
batch-wise manner, the biomass produced in the trophophase being transferred en bloc
into the idiophase. Alternatively, biomass may be transferred continually from the
trophophase vessel into the idiophase tank.
In this description we have made a clear distinction between growth and secondary
product synthesis. You should, however, realise that the distinction is not quite so sharp
in practice. Thus we might expect some, albeit a small amount, of secondary product
formation in the trophophase and some growth of new cells replacing dead ones in the
idiophase. Nevertheless, the separation of the process into two phases enables the
optimisation of conditions for growth in one phase and the imposition of conditions
which maximise production of antibiotic in the other.
Before we leave this description of the production of peNcillin, we should point out that
it is not essential that growth and production phases are physically separated. It is
possible by using a preset feed pattern to carry out both processes in the same vessel.
162 Chapter 6
In Figure 6.6 we have illustrated the production of penicillin in a single vessel. You will
notice that sugars are fed into the vessel, first slowly because there is little biomass to
support, but as this increases the rate of sugar input is also increased. Once growth is
complete, the sugar feed rate is again reduced to a level which maintains the grown
culture and allows penicillin production. Notice also the change in pH during growth
and its maintenance at an optimum for penicillin biosynthesis in the production phase.
single vesd
Figure 6.6 Production of penicillin using pre-set feed patterns. Note that increase in biomass
occurs over the first short phase, while the penicillin production phase is maintained for a much
longer period.
In Figure 6.6 we have used sugar feed rate as an example of a pre-set feed pattern. In
practice we can adjust a wide variety of parametes during the incubation.
Suggest some parameters that might be adjusted to enhance penicillin
n production.
You may for example have suggested that the supply of other nutrients, such as
ammonia and Oz, may be adjusted to respond to the diff-t needs of growth and
penicillin production. You may also have suggested that precursors of specific
penicillins, such as f&phenylacetic acid, may be added after the growth phase is
complete. You may have also considered altering physical parameters such as pH and
The development of deep cultures for the production ofpicillin posed a number of
important technological questions. A typical large (50 m ) bioreactor uses 05 tonne of
sugar per day. The heat generated by the metabolism would, if not removed, cause the
temperature to rise by almost 2°C per hour. Similarly, such a vessel would consume
almost 05 tonne of oxygen per day. Thus important questions of how to remove the
excess heat and supply the necessaryoxygen without causing foaming had tobe solved.
sugar feed rata
Oxygen supPlv
and heat
Production and diversification of antibiotics 163
This is as far as we want to take our discussion of the development of deep cultures for
the production of penicillin in this chapter. It is an aspect of the production of secondary
metabolites, such as penicillin, more appropriately dealt with in the technology texts in
the BIOTOL series.
The lessons we hope you will take from this brief description of the history of penicillin ¡®taka home¡¯
mews production are that:
yields of secondary metabolites may be greatly influenced by the composition of the
culture media and by physical parameters such as pH;
growth of biomass and accumulation of secondary metabolite frequently occur in
two separate phases (trophophase and idiophase) and the optimum conditions for
each may be quite different;
growth and production phases may be carried out in separate vessels or, by using
preset feed rates and parameter control, in a single vessel;
the exact form of the product may be influenced by components in the culture media
and precursor feeding may be used to direct the biosynthesis of a specific product.
Two figures showing changing parameters in surface cultures of Penicillium
notaturn any given below. The medium used in each case was based on that of
Czapek-Dox. In the upper figure, the substrate was glucose, while in the lower
figure the substrate was an unspeuf~ed sugar X. Explain why the yield of
penicillin was greater for X than it was with glucose.
164 Chapter 6
Now that we have provided you with an overview of the history of penicillin
production, we will examine some more details of the biotransformation of &lactams.
We will briefly outline the normal biosynthesis pathways that lead to their productim
and then consider how these products may be diversified in uih to give a wider range
of valuable compounds. We begin by briefly explaining how the giactam antibiotics am
effective as therapeutic agents.
6.4 Antibacterial mode of action of p-lactam antibiotics
The origin of the success of glactam antibiotics mainly results from the extreme low
toxicity of these compounds with regard to human beings. In other words, &ladam
antibiotics have a highly selective toxicity for bacteria since they do not interfere with
human metabolism, but inhibit the formation of the cell wall of growing bacteria.
In bacteria the cytoplasmic membrane is covered with a peptidoglycan layer, which
determines cell shape and imparts the rigidity necessary to protect the bacterium from
osmotic rupture. The peptidoglycan structure consists of alternating units of the amino
sugars N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid. The N-acetylmuramic acid
units are linked to peptide chains. Many of these peptide chains are also cross-linked to
each other. In StaphyIococcus au~eus, for example, the cross-linking is achieved when the
amino group of a terminal glycine unit is inserted in the bond that links an alanylalanine
unit of another chain (Figure 6.7).
Figure 6.7 Formation of cross-linkage between individual peptide chains in the peptidoglycan
layer of S. aureus.
Production and diversification of antibiotics 165
This insertion is accomplished by an enzyme called transpeptidase. f3-Lactam
antibiotics function as substrates for the transpeptidase, thereby establishing selective
inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis. The structural similarity between g-lactam
antibiotics and the alanylalanine unit is remarkable as can be seen in Figure 6.8.
Figure 6.8 Pencillins are similar to the bacterial peptidoglycan terminal alanylalanine moiety.
Because of this similarity, the enzyme transpeptidase recognizes plactam antibiotics as
substrate. As a result of this the fMactam is incorporated in the peptide chain thereby making
peptidepeptide cross-linking impossible. The occurrence of this phenomenon stops the
construction of the bacterial cell wall.
6.5 Biosynthesis of penicillins and cephalosporins
Use Figure 6.9 to help you follow the description given below.
Penicillins and cephalosporins are products of biosynthetic pathways that have many
identical enzymatic steps. It is generally accepted that the tripeptide,
G(L-a-aminoadipy1)-Lcysteinyl-D-valine (LLD-Am), is the direct precursor to both
penicillin and cephalosporin C.
The first biosynthetic steps are two reactions that generate ACV from its constituent
amino acids L-a-aminoadipic acid, L-cysteine and L-valine. L-a-aminoadipic acid and
L-cysteine are condensed by the enzyme 'AC synthetase' and, in the next step, the
resultant G(L-a-aminoadipy1)-Lcysteine is coupled with L-valine. In this step the
configuration of L-valine is inverted to D-valine.
The tripeptide LLD-ACV is then cyclised to isopenicillin N by an oxidative reaction
involving the removal of four protons. The enzyme that catalyses this reaction is
isopenicillin N synthetase or synthase (IPNS).
many identiml
166 Chapter 6
Figure 6.9 Formation of isopenicillin N from its constituent amino adds. After condensation of
Lu-aminoadipic acid with L-cysteine, L-valine is coupled. During this transformation, ?he
configuration of the latter amino acid inverts to give D-valine.
Production and diversification of antibiotics 1 67
Now use Figm 6.10 to follow the rest of the discussion.
~ ~~
Figure 6.10 Biosynthetic pathways from isopeniullin N to penicillin G and cephalosporin C.
Some strains have the ability to convert deacetylcephalosporin C into cepharnycin C.
168 Chapter 6
Different strains of microorganisms are responsible for the production of either
penicillins or cephalosporins. In penicillin-producing strains, an acyltransferase
enzyme system is present which can remove the side chain from isopenicillin N to give
6-aminopenicillanic acid (&MA), and which can subsequently acylate 6APA to
generate various penicillins, the most important ones being penicillin G and V(see
section 6.3, Table 6.2).
Cephalosporin-producing strains are characterid by the presence of the enzyme
epimerase, responsible for the conversion of the L-a-aminoadipyl side chain in
isopenicillin N, into the Da-aminoadipyl side chain in penicillin N. The next step is an
oxidative ring expansion and involves the loss of two protons, it is catalysed by the
enzyme expandase. Unaware of this phenomenon, chemists carried out the ring
enlargement of the penicillin skeleton by nonenzymatic means, finding only much
later that nature had been doing the same for a long time. Deacetoxycephalosporin C
thus obtained is hydroxylated to give deacetylcephalosporin C, using the enzyme
hydroxylase (mono-oxygenase). Finally, deacetylcephalosporin C is converted into
cephalosporin C with the aid of an acyltransferase.
From what you read in Section 6.3, does the enzyme I€"-acyltransferase exhibit
a high degree of specificity? Given reasons for your answer.
1 I
6.6 Semi-synthetic penicillins
penicillin G
In spite of its remarkable therapeutic usefulness and low toxicity, penicillin G appeared
to have had its limitations when resistant strains of bacteria emerged. Thus it became of
interest to consider producing variants of this molecule with different activities.
Although a range of penicillins could be produced by directed biosynthesis using
precursor feeding, this approach is limited by the toxicity of the precursors, the ability
of the penicillin producing cells to take up the precursor and by the capability of the
acyltransferase to transfer the acyl pups onto the 6-aminopenicillanic acid moiety.
It was noted that many penicillin-resistant organisms produce enzymes that catalyse
the hydrolyses of the amide links in penicillin. These enzymes are penicillin acylases
and &lactamases depending upon the amide links they hydmlyse.
Production and diversification of antibiotics 169
Figure 6.1 1 Hydrolysis of penicillin G by penicillin acylase and plactamase.
Obviously, the production of penicillins that were not sensitive to this hydrolysis would
be advantageous.
Examine Figure 6.11 and see if you can suggest a strategy that might be adopted
n to produce modified penicillin.
The strategy we hope you identified is to first produce 6aminopenidanic acid, then
attempt to add different moieties to the &amino group. This can be achieved either
chemically or enzymatically. In the following section we will consider the conversion of
penicillin G into 6-aminopenicillanic acid and follow this by examining how
6-aminopenicillanic acid may be converted into ampicillin and amoxidin.
6.6.1 Conversion of penicillin G into 6-aminopenicillanic acid
In Figure 6.11 we indicated that penicillin acylases selectively hydrolysed the secondary
amide link, releasing 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-MA). Although these enzymes could
be used to produce 6-APA from peNcillin G, initially, the vulnerability and hi
As can be seen in Figure 6.12, penicillin G contains two amide functionalities, of which
the plactam linkage is extremely susceptible to basic and nucleophilic attack. Therefore,
cleavage of the phenylacetyl side chain could not be performed using classical base
hydrolysis. The problem of selectivity was resolved by taking advantage of the fact that
the amide bond to be hydrolysed is secondary rather than tertiary.
of enzymatic deacylation were important reasons to search for alternative, h- emical
1 70 Chapter 6
Figure 6.12 Penicillin G contains two amide linkages (circled in a ). The amide linkage to the
side chain is secondary and exists in two forms (shown in b).
Key factor in addressing this problem was the application of silyl chemistry in order to
protect the penicillin C-3 carboxyl in situ, giving high yields at low cost. The process is
illustrated in Figure 6.13. Examine this figure carefully so that you remember, at least
in outline, how the chemical conversion takes place. Furthermore, the occurrence of
various undesirable side-reactions, so easily met within penicillin chemistry, was
successfully avoided by performing reactions with phosphorus pentachloride and
alcohol at low temperatures. Thus an inexpensive one-stage process to &MA, now one
of the world's largest selling B-lactam intermediates, was developed.
siw chemistry
Figure 6.13 Deacylation of penicillin G using phosphorous pentachloride.
Production and diversification of antibiotics
Enzymatic approach
Eventually, a growing concern for environmental safety pmmpted researchers to
reinvestigate the possible application of the previously described enzymatic
deacylation. Application of enzymes in industrial synthesis had long been viewed as
being highly impractical since enzymes are unstable at extreme reaction conditions
(organic solvents, pH and temperature), sometimes quire very expensive cefactors,
and are often difficult to recover from complex reaction mixtures. However, as research
progresses, it becomes more and more clear that these drawbacks are not always
commonplace. As we have illustrated elsewhere in this text, nowadays enzymatic
catalysis is known to be very practical in several non-aqueous solvents. Enzymes that
function at extreme pH and temperatures have been isolated and certain enzymes,
particularly hydrolytic ones, do not need co-factors. Enzymes have become potentially
useful catalysts for a wide range of chemical transformations. However, practical
industrial application is dictated by economic factors. Costsffectiveness is still the most
important consideration and one always needs to question whether the enzyme of
choice can indeed fulfil its catalytic properties. In many examples, enzyme regeneration
is not practically applicable and thedore the enzyme needs to be available at low cost
in order to compete with traditional chemicals. In other instances, regeneration is a
relatively simple concept and the enzyme can indeed be referred to as a catalyst. If this
is the case, the cost of the enzyme is of almost no consequence.
Simple enzyme regeneration techniques can be applied when the product of a given
transformation is soluble in a water-immiscible solvent Since the enzyme is soluble in
water, the reaction can be carried out in a twephase system consisting of water and a
water-immiscible solvent. Transfoxmation can only occur at the contacting surfaces of
the two phases, and it is for this reason that severe mechanical stirring is often required
in order to achieve a sufficient degree of mixing. When the desired transformation has
been effected, separation of the phases gives an uncontaminated solution of the enzyme
in water which is easily reusable.
When the reaction product is soluble in water, enzyme regeneration is difficult to
achieve, since the enzyme is often lost during isolation of the product. One way to
overcome this problem is application of immobilised enzyme systems. The enzyme is
either covalently or ionically attached to an insoluble carrier material or is entrapped in
a gel. Depending on the size of the particles used, a simple filtration and washing
procedure can be used to separate the immobilised enzyme from the dissolved product.
A well-known example of this technique is the industrial production of 6-APA.
Here we will focus on the biochemical aspects. The techniques of isolating enzymes, the
process of enzyme immobilisation and the behaviour of immobilised enzyme reactors
are discussed in detail in the BIOTOL text 'Technological Applications of Biocatalysts",
so will not deal with these aspects in detail here. In outline, however, once the desired
enzyme is isolated, it is attached to a carrier material. In order to ascertain sufficient
accessibility of the enzyme, a bifunctional spacer molecule is attached to the carrier:
172 Chapter 6
functiomsation Thus, the active functions of the carrier material, which is usdy a naturally ocaming
or synthetically prepared polymer, can be of almost any naturr. Introduction of the
spacer molecules (functionalisation) is also the phase determining the activity of the
immobilised enzyme preparation; the more spacer molecules per unit area, the more
enzyme molecules can be attached. Of course, steric hindrance exerts a limit on this
number. After the carrier has been functionalid, excess reagent is removed by
filtration and washing and the enzyme can be attached to the support. The immobilised
enzyme thus obtained is usually storpd in an aqueous medium in order to avoid
dehydration, which may lead to irreversible deactivation of the enzyme. Just before use,
the beads containing the enzyme are collected by filtration, washed, and added to the
aqueous solution of substrate. Once the desired conversion has been effected, the beads
are removed by filtration, washed, and either stored or reused directly afterwards.
GAPA is produced from penicillin G or penicillin V. We remind you that during
fermentation leading to these products, a precursor is added which determines the
formation of product. When phenylacetic acid is used as precursor, penicillin G is
formed. Likewise, when phenoxyacetic acid is used as pTecursor, peNcillin V is formed.
Different enzymes show different specificities. Those of bacterid origin have, in
general, higher affinity for benzyl penicillin and hence hydrolyse penicillin G morr
readily than they do penicillin V. In contrast, the penicillin acylases produced by
actinomycetes and fungi are generally more active with phenoxymethyl penicillin and
therefore more readily hydrolyse penicillin V. We might conveniently regard these two
types of enzymes as penicillin G acylase and peNcillin V acylase respectively. The
reactions they catalyse are illustrated in Figure 6.14.
acylaw for
Figure 6.14 Enzymatic side chain cleavage of penicillins. 6-Aminopenicillanic acid, a valuable
intermediate for the production of various semi-synthetic penicillins, can be obtained through
enzyme-mediated hydrolysis of the phenylacetyl group of penicillin G or the phenoxyacetyl
group of penicillin V. The active site of the enzyme recognises the aromatic side chain and the
amide linkage, rather than the penidtiin nucleus. Chemical entitles other than penicillins are
therefore often good substrates, as long as they contain the aromatic acetamide moiety.
Production and diversification of antibiotics 173
A variety of enzyme sources have been used. Some examples are given in Table 63.
Bacillus megaterium
Bonsra phmbia
Escherichia coli
Kluyvera citrophila
Pseudomonas melanogenum
Table 6.3 Some sources of penicillin acylases used for the large scale production of GAPA.
From the description given previously, see if you can identify a likely murres of
i) penicillin G acylase and ii) penicillin Vacylase, from the examples given in Table
To answer this you would need to have a little knowledge of the taxonony of the
organisms listed in Table 6.3. You probably could identify BaciIlus megdm*um,
Escherichia coli, Muyoem cifrophila and Pseudonumas melamgenum as bacteria and should
have predicted, therefore, that these are likely to produce penicillin G acylases. You
would have been mmct except for the enzyme from P. mehgmm, it has a rather
different specificity. We will deal with this in section 6.62 The enzyme from E. di has
found particular industrial application. In some cases whole cells of E. Cali are entrapped
in polyacrylamide gels or the isolated enzyme is entrapped in cellulose triacetate fibres
or immobilised onto Sephadex beads or polymethacrylate min. Immobilised enzyme
preparations may, with careful handling, be used for over a hundred batches. Yields of
over 90% 6-APA with a purity of over 95% are routinely achieved.
The most commonly used source of penicillin V acylase is the fungus BoDista piumbia.
Incubation of phenoxymethyl penicillin (penicillin V) with this enzyme produces a
yield of about 90-92% 6-APA.
What product other than 6-APA is produced from the enzymatic hydrolysis of
n penicillin G? Has this product any value? If so explain how it may be used.
You should have identified that the acyl moiety, phenylacetic acid, is the second
product arising from the hydrolysis of penicillin G. This could be recovered from the
reaction mixture and reused as a precursor for penicillin G production. In practice, an
integrated process is used. We can represent this in the following way:
1 74 Chapter 6
In our description we have mentioned that either immobilised whole organisms
which produce penicillin acylases or purified enzymes may be used to hydrolyse
penicillins. See if you can list two advantages and two disadvantages of using
whole cells cornpad with using purified enzymes (you should d that the
advantages and disadvantages of using whole cells and enzymes in chemical
synthesis were considered in Chapter 2).
There are several advantages and disadvantages you might have listed. The principle
advantages are:
0 using whole cells requires less preparation of the catalytic entity. AU that needs to
be done is for the cells to be grown, harvested and immobilised. With purified
enzymes, substantial post-harvesting processing needs to be carried out;
with whole cells, the enzyme is held intracellularly and is, to some extent, protected
from denaturation arising from the physical and chemical conditions of the reaction
0 chemical attachment of the cells to matrix used for immobilisation may be made
betwen components of the cells (for example the cell walls), rather than directly to
the enzyme. There is, therefore, likely to be less damage to the enzyme;
0 if entrapment is used for immobilisation, cells are larger and a more open matrix
may be used. This, in turn, will offer less resistance to the diffusion into the matrix;
although not relevant to acylases, you may also have mentioned that for enzymes
requiring co-factors, these co-factors will be present within the cells and need not be
advantages of
*le dls
Production and diversification of antibiotics 1 75
The principle disadvantages are:
using whole cells means that the substrate has to penetrate both the immobilisation
matrix and the cells in order to come into contact with the enzyme. Cell walls and
membranes may be a considerable barrier and, therefore, the rates of reactions may
which pumps the substrate into the cells, then the rate will be governed by the rate
of diffusion into the immobilisation matrix. We should also consider the diffusion of
products away from the enzyme. If these are retained inside the cells, then their
accumulation may result in a slowing of the overall reaction (remember, the
hydrolytic reaction is reversible);
inevitably, using whole cells means that the amount of catalyst (the penicillin
acylase) per unit volume of mixture will be much lower than that achievable using
purified enzyme. The penicillin acylase will represent only a small fraction of the
cells used;
or whole ~IIS
be slowed substantially. Of course, if the cells have an active transport mecham ¡®sm
0 using whole cells may result in the production of a greater variety of end products.
Cells will contain enzymes other than the acylases that may catalyse the
transformation of the substrate or the products of the acylases.
The latter two points usually tip the balance in favour of using p&ed enzymes. Ideally
the enzyme should be easy to isolate. The penicillin acylase from &Icillus megaterium is,
for example, an extracelluar enzyme and can be readily absorbed into bentonite.
Before we leave our discussion of preparing 6-aminopenicillanic acid for use as a
starting material in the manufacture of semi-synthetic penicillins, we should point out
that similar processes are used in the manufacture of semi-synthetic cephalosporins.
Here the key intermediate is 7-aminodeacetoxycephalosporanic acid (7-ADCA). We
have drawn outline schemes comparing the production of semi-synthetic penicillins
and cephalosporins in Figure 6.15. You will see that the two schemes are very similar.
1 76 Chapter 6
Figure 6.15 Produdion of semi-synthetic penicillins (left) and cephalosporins (right), from
enzymatically obtained intermediates 6-APA and 7-ADCA respectively.
We have learnt that the penicillin acylases show some -city towards the acyl
pups attached to the APA moiety. For example, we have distinguished between
penicillin G acylases and penicillin V acylases. Some of these enzymes will also
work with cephalosporins. What does this tell you about their specificity?
Production and diversification of antibiotics
Clearly these enzymes are not highly speaiic, since they do not distinguish between the
ring structures of the penicillins and those of the cephalosporins.
Another important enzymatic process in the production of 7-ADCA, for use in the
production of semi-synthetic cephalosporins, is the hydrolysis of
~-&n-halOsporaniC acid (7-ACA) by the enzyme acetyl esterase. This process,
again using immobilisation techniques, is illustrated in Figure 6.16. The deacylatd
product can be used, for example, as an intermediate in the production of the important
oral cephalosporin cefuroxhe. We will return to cephalosporin antibiotics later in this
acetyl mbrasB
Figure 6.16 Production of 7-aminodeacetylcephalosporanic acid from 7-ACA using an
immobilised acetyl esterase. Following enzymatic removal of the acetyl group from 7-ACA, a
3-hydroxymethyl cephalosporin is obtained that can serve as intermediate in the production of
The introduction of immobilised enzymes has several advantages over the
chemical deacylation of blactam. List as many as you can. (You may need to
refer back to Figures 6.13-6.16 and the associated text
178 Chapter 6
6.6.2 Conversion of 6-aminopenicilianic acid into ampicillin and
In section 6.6.1, we described how enzymatic methods have come to dominate the
production of the important intermediates used in the manufacture of semi-synthetic
f.%lactams. In principle, the hydrolytic penicillin acylases may be used in the reverse
direction to add acyl groups to GAPA. For example, a twestep enzymatic pmess has
been described for the preparation of ampicillin (D-(-)u-aminobenzylpenicillin;
structure shown in Figure 6.17).
Figure 6.17 Structures of amoxidllin (R=OH) and ampiallin (R=H).
In this process, penicillin G is first hydrolysed to 6-APA with the acylase derived from
Muyvera citrophila at a slightly alkaline pH (pH 75). Subsequently the 6-APA is
incubated with an acylase derived from Psmdomanas mdanogenum and with
DL-phenylglycine methyl ester at pH 55. This produces ampicillin in reasonable yields
only because of the specificity of the P. melamgmm enzyme. This enzyme does not
react with penicillin G nor phenylacetic acid.
Efficient synthetic methodologies for N-acylation of 6-APA have been developed.
Ampicillin, for instance, can be prepared conveniently by acylation with phenylglycyl
chloride hydrochloride under Schotten-Baumann conditions in an aqueous medium.
As circumstances require, either ampicillin anhydrate, ampicillin trihydrate or
ampicillin sodium can easily be produced on an industrial scale.
Also illustrated in Figure 6.17 there is another important antibiotic, amoxicillin. Both
amoxicillin and ampicillin can be made enzymatically or chemically. Although
enzymes are available that can be applied very well for the conversion of 6-APA into a
variety of semi-synthetic penicillins, economic reasons are still impeding large scale
A different approach has been used for the synthesis of amoxicillin (Figure 6.18). Based
on the application of the inexpensive Dane salt of 4-hyhxyphenylglycine, a process
has been developed giving the required compound in almost quantitative yield.
Production and diversification of antibiotics
Figure 6.18 Chemical synthesis of amoxicillin from 6-aminopenicillanic acid via the Dane Salt
of 4-hydroxyphenylglycine.
We do not expect you to remember the details of this chemistry. What we do, however,
hope you realise that just because a process may be carried out enzymatically, this may
not be the route chosen by industry. Commercial consideration may still favour the
chemical approach. In other words, biotechnological processes have to compete
commercially with alternative approaches if they are to be implemented.
6.7 Cephalosporin diversification
6.7.1 Cephalosporin C: discovery, fermentation and production
A highlight in the search for new f3-lactam antibiotics was the finding at Oxford (UK) in
1953 by Abraham and Newton that a fungus of the genus Cephlosportum, which had
been discovered by Brotzu in Sardinia (Italy), produced a number of antibiotics, among
them cephalosporin C (Figure 6.19). Interest was aroused when it appeared that this
antibiotic was of potential medical importance, after it had shown activity against
180 Chapter 6
Gram-negative bacteria, had displayed resistance to hydrolysis by certain penicillinases
and had the low toxicity of the penicillins.
specific9 of
chemical side
After a strain improvement and development programme similar to, but more
complicated than that of penicillin, the D-a-aminoadipyl side chain containing
cephalosporin C was obtained by large scale fermentation. However, cephalosporin C
could not be isolated as easily as penicillin G or V. Due to its amphoteric nature it is
soluble at any pH in the fermentation broth. Several costly isolation procedures
involving ionexchange chromatography have been developed, as a result of which
cephalosporin C is much more expensive than penicillin G.
6.7.2 Conversion of cephalosporin C into 7-arninocephalosporanic acid
It was almost immediately recognised that the deacylated product,
7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA, Figure 6.16), would be of similar importance as
was BAPA in the development of new penicillins. However, 7-ACA, the cephalosporin
equivalent of BAPA, could not be found in fermentations of CephaZospin acremunium.
In Figure 6.15 we have shown that penicillin acylase hydrolyses the acyl residue from
natural cephalosporins. Up to a point this is true. These acylases will, however, only
work with a limited range of acyl residues. It now seems that nature does not provide
for acylases or transacylases that have the capacity to remove or change the
Da-aminoadipyl side chain of cephalosporin C efficiently in a single step. Widespread
search for such an enzyme still remains unsuccessful.
Fortunately, 7-ACA became readily available after the discovery that cephalosporin C
could be converted into 7-ACA by chemical side chain cleavage. Initially, reaction of
cephalosporin C with nitrosyl chloride led to a rearranged product that could be easily
hydrolysed to give 7-ACA, as outlined in Figure 6.19. However, this method suffered
from low yields and eventually a better approach was developed using silyl prokction,
reaction with phosphorous pentachloride and subsequent alcoholysis. It is well worth
mentioning that this chemistry, originally uncovered for cephalosporin C, was
successfully applied for many years for the production of 6-APA as outlined before (see
Figure 6.13). After the successful isolation of 7-ACA, numerous approaches to obtain
new antibiotically active entities were developed. Apart from acylation of the iT-amino
function, which is a logical approach in view of similar modifications of &MA, a
remarkable innovation was accomplished when the acetoxy group at the C-3 position
was xvplaced with various substituents. The smallest of these substituents, hydrogen,
gave entry into the very important class of deacetoxyephalosporin intemediates.
Production and diversification of antibiotics 181
Figure 6.19 Chemical conversion of cephalosporin C into 7-ACA.
We will leave the story of cephalosporin here, since much of the subsequent
modifications depend more upon synthetic chemistry than upon biotechnology. It is for
example possible to convert deacetoxycephalosporin, exomethylenecephain and
demethylcephalosporin derivatives using synthetic chemical prdures. If you wish to
follow up this aspect of antibiotic production in more detail, we would mommend
Sebek K. 0 "Antibiotics" in Biotechnology - Volume 6a, edited by Kieslich, K. 1984.
Verlag Chemie, Weinheim.
6.8 Alternative strategies for product diversification
In this chapter, by using the examples of p-lactams we have briefly examined how
microbial cultures may be used to produce sufficient antibiotics to meet market
demands. We have also explained how enzymes (or cells) may be used to biotransform,
and thereby diversify, antibiotics. By outlining the history of penicillin production, we
explained how analysis and manipulation of culture regimes may be used to enhance
the yields of antibiotics (and other secondary products). These studies led to the concept
of directed biosynthesis by precursor feeding.
This is not the only route by which new antibiotics may be produced in
fermentation bxuth. See if you can identify ways in which new antibiotics or
antibiotic-related compounds may be produced.
182 Chapter 6
One alternative strategy is to use metabolic inhibitors. Although this approach has not
been used with the fHactams, it is worthwhile bearing in mind as a possibility. It has
been used in the production of tetracyclines.
Streptumyces aurqficiens naturally produces chlortetracycline. This has the structure
By including an inhibitor of the chlorination step in the fermentation broth, the main
product formed is tetracvcline
hydrogen at
position 5
use ofambgs
Notice that, in this case hydrogen, not chlorine, is present at position 5.
Similarly, by adding analogs of L-methionine, the methylation of C6 is inhibited,
resulting in the formation of 6demethylchlortetracycline. The analogs that may be used
include D-methionine and ethionine.
An alternative strategy for pducing new derivatives by directed biosynthesis is to
produce mutants in which particular pathways may be blocked or a new pathway
mated. Again, we will use a specific example to illustrate this approach.
Many strains of StreprOmyces peucetius produce daunomycin. These strains often carry a
permanently repressed (silent) gene that codes for the enzyme duanomycin
14-hydroxylase. If this is reactivated by mutation, the daunomycin is further
metabolised to produce a new antibiotics, 14-hydroxydaunomycin (adnamycin).
More frequently, however, mutation is used to block a particular pathway. Sfreptontyces
@dim produces neomycin. 2-Deoxystreptamine is an intermediate in the biosynthetic
pathway leading to the production of neomycin (see Figure 6.20).
Production and diversification of antibiotics 183
Figure 6.20 Stylised representation of neomycin biosynthesis.
Mutants can be isolated which are unable to produce 2deoxystreptamine.
n HOW may such mutants be used to produce new neomycin andogs?
The obvious solution is to feed these cells with compounds that have structures similar
to 2-deoxyjtreptamine, which would become incorporated into the neomycin. If for
example, strrptamine is included in the fermentation bmth, this is incorporated into the
neomycin produced. Thus:
184 Chapter 6
streptatnine as
By this approach, a wide variety of structural analogues of 2deoxystreptamine have
been used to produce a range of neomycin-like antibiotics. These structural analogues
include methylated and halogenated derivatives of 2deoxystreptamine.
1) Assume that you have a mutant of a neomycin producing organism that is
blocked in the synthesis of 2deoxystreptamine. You cultivate this organism
in the presence of
a) 6-O-methyldeoxystreptamine
b) 3-N-methyldeoxystreptamine
c) 5-0-methyldeoxystreptamine
In each case, state whether or not a neomycin-like analogue is likely to be
produced and give its probable structure.
part 1.
2) Explain what assumption you have made in coming to your conclusion to
We complete this section by reminding you that we have now identified three strategies
of using directed biosynthesis to produce diversified products. These are:
0 precursor feeding (eg for producing penicillin G, V etc);
metabolic inhibition (eg for producing various tetracyclines);
mutation (eg for producing various neomycins).
Production and diversification of antibiotics
In the next section, we will expand on the possibilities of using in oitru
biotransformation to diversify products.
6.8.1 Further biotransformations of antibiotics
In our discussion of the diversification of the &ladams, we explained how acylases and
acylating enzymes may be used in the production of modified (semi-synthetic)
fl-ladams. However, the potential of using enzymes to modify organic molecules is
much wider than this.
You should be able to recall from your earlier studies a much wider range of
n reaction types that might be used. Try to write a list of these before reading on.
The sorts of reactions we hope you would list include:
0 aminations/deaminations;
0 esterifications / de-esterifications;
0 methylations/demethylations;
0 phosphorylations/dephosphorylations;
0 isomerisations;
0 hydrations / dehydrations;
You may well have included many others.
Many of these have been demonstrated with a range of antibiotics and antibiotic
precursors, although relatively few have been applied commercially. We have included
a list of published examples in the form of an Appendix at the end of this chapter. We
do not expect you to remember the details of this Appendix. It has been included as an
illustration of the potential to use enzymes to modify organic molecules like antibiotics.
It should be anticipated that, as enzyme technology develops and the search for new
antibiotics continues, an inmasing number of enzymebased transformation will find
commeraal application.
potenliat lor
186 Chapter 6
Summary and objectives
In this chapter, we have examined some aspects of the application of
biotechnology to the production of antibiotics. We began by briefly
describing the range of antibiotics and their modes of action. We described
the general strategies used for the production of antibiotics, with particular
emphasis on the approaches used to improve yields and to diversify the
products synthesised in antibiotic fermentations. We used the 0-lactams in
particular to illustrate the principles involved, with special emphasis on
directed biosynthesis by precursor feeding and in mtro modification of
fermentation products. We explained how growth and antibiotic synthesis
occurs in the phases called the 'trophophase' and 'idiophase' and the
implications of this in process design. We also explained the competition
between chemical and biological approaches to the production of so called
semi-synthetic antibiotics. The use of metabolic inhibitors and mutants to
achieve biosynthesis tailored to produce alternative products was also
examined. At the end of the chapter we explored briefly the further
potential of using biocatalytic systems to modify antibiotics.
Now that you have completed this chapter you should be able to:
list a wide variety of classes of antibiotics and, in outline, described
their modes of action;
explain how antibiotic-producing micro-organisms may be identified;
explain, using penicillin production as an example, how culture
conditions may be manipulated to improve the yields of antibiotics
produced by fermentation;
explain, by using suitable examples, how directed biosynthesis may be
achieved using precursor feeding;
describe how enzymes may be used to produce 6aminopenicillanic
acid from penicillin G and V and explain how this product may be used
in the production of semi-synthetic penicillins;
apply the principles of using preclursor feeding mutants and metabolic
inhibitors to producing specific end products;
explain, using suitable examples, metabolic inhibitors and mutation
may be used to redirect biosynthesis;
demonstrate an awareness of the potential to use enzymes to modify
Production and diversification of antibiotics 1 87
A pendix 6.1 Examples of biotransformation of antibiotics
&ita abstracted from Sebek, 0. K. "Antibiotics" in
Liotechnoloqy - Volume 6a, edited by Kieslich, K. 1984
Verlag Chemie, Weinheim).
Substrate Reaction Product Micm-organism
Ampicillh, Ca&nicillin
Cephalosporin C
Benzyl- and Hydrolysis Corresponding Escherichia coli
Phenoxymethylpenicillins, B-lactarn ring Streptomyces dhs
cleavage products Pseudomonas aemginosa
Enterobacter cloacae
Streptomyces sp.
Benzyl-, phenoxyrnethyl-
and other penicillins
N-Acetylde hydroxy-
thienarnycin (PS-5)
Cephalosporin C
Nocardicin C
6-APA + phenylacetic
+ phenoxyacetic acid
+ carboxylic acid and
+ phenyglycine esters
7-ACA, ?-ADCA, and
their organic acid esters
N-Deacylation 6-APA and the Escherichia coli
corresponding acyl Fusarium semitemm
side chains Penicillium chrysogenum
Asper.giIIus oryzae
Nine different bacteria
Deacetylated PS-5 Strqtomyces olivaceus
ODeacylation 3-Deacetylcephalo- Various bacteria and
sporin actinomycetes
3-Deacetylcephalo- Eschericia coli
3-Arninonocardicinic Pseudomonas
and a-arninoadipic schuy/killiensis
Acylation Benzylpenicillin Escherichia coli
Alcaligenes faecalis
Phenoxyrnethyl- Alcaligenes faecalis
Penicillins with the Kluyvera Citrophila
corresponding acyl Pseudomonas
sides chains melanogenum
Ampicillin Kluyvera citrophila
Corresponding Kluyvera citrophila
cephalosporins Xanthomonas citm
(cephalexin, and other
cephaloglycine) pseudomonads
188 Chapter 6
Substrate Reaction Product Micro+rganism
Validamycins A and D
Validarnycin B
Validamycins C, E and F
Gentarnicins C, CI and
Kanamycin A
Kanamycin B
Gentamicin CI and Cla
Lividomycins A and B
Butirosin A
Hydrolysis Streptomycin Streptomyces griseus
Validamycin A and
Validoxylamine yeasts
Validoxylamine A Pseudomonas denitrihns
and other micro-organisms
H ydroxyvalidarni ne Pseudomonas denitrifkans
Validmycin A Endomycopsis spp and
Various bacteria and
Candkja intermedia
Acylation 3-N-Acetyl Escherichia coli
derivatives of the Klebsiella penumoniae
respective Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae
2¡¯-N-Acetyl Providema spp.
derivatives of the
Proridencia spp.
Providema spp.
6¡®-N-Acetyl Pseudomonas aeruginosa
derivatives of the
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Phosphorylation 3¡¯-OPhosphorylated Staphflmus aureus
derivatives of the
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Production and diversification of antibiotics 189
Substrate Reaction Product Microorganism
Kanamycin A
Gentamicins A, B, Cia,
Kanamycin B
Gentarnicins Cla and Cp Methylation
Adriamyci n Reduction
Daunomycinol and its
Dau nomyci none
Rubeornycin A
Aurarnycinone Hydroxylation
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus
3"- O-Phosphorylated Pseudomonas aeruginosa
derivatives of the
Gentamicins Ca,
and CI
mycinone and
mycinol aglycone
mycinol aglycone
Rubeomycin B
1 1 -OH-Auramy-
cinone and
9-methyl-1 O-OH-
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Mkromonospora purpurea
Streptomyces linwlnensis
steffisbug ensis
Corynebacterium qui
Mucor spinosus
steffisbug ensis
steffisbug ensis
Streptomyces galilaeus
Streptomyces aureofaciens
Streptomyces nogalater
Rhodotomla glutinis
Daunomyci n 14-OH-Daunomycin Streptomyces peucetius
(adriamycin) var. caesius
190 Chapter 6
Substrate Reaction Product MicrPorganism
E- lsorhodomydnone
e-P yrromycinone
1 4- OAcetyl-8- Oacyl-
lankacidin C
Lankacidin A
Lankacidinol A
Various 8-014-odl
acylated Lankacidin C
Leucornycines AT and A3
Magnamycins A and B
Leucomycin A5
Mariiornycin 111
A231 87-Methyl ester
and polyvinylpyrrolidone
Maridomycin I
Narbom ycin
Ketone formation
Lan kacidi no I
Midecarnycin AI
Demet hylation
1 -0H-13-Dihydrodauno Streptomyces
mycin (and its
Nformyl derivative)
Lankacidin C
1 4-OAcylated
lankacidin C
Corresponding 4¡±-0
Leucomycin V
maridornycin I1
rnycin 111,
maridomycin Ill
Beauveria sulfurescens
Streptomyces roche/
Streptomyces rochei,
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillys sojae
Trametes sanguinea
Streptomyces roche/
Cunninghamella el6gans
and other fungi
Streptomyces sp.
Bacillus megatenurn
streptomyces sp
1 8-Dihydro4¡°depopio
nylmaridomycin 111
16-Hydroxylated (and Streptomyces chartreusis
3¡±-OH-Josarnyci n Streptomyces oliwceus
3¡±-OH-Maridomycin I
Picromycin Streptomyces
Picronolide Streptomyces
Lankacidin A Streptomyces rochei
var. voiubilis
Midecarnycin A3 Streptomyces
Production and diversification of antibiotics 191
substrate Reaction Product Miim-organism
Carbomycin B
Leucomycin A3
Carbomycin A
Carbomycin A
Carbomycin B
Mariiomycin 111
Midecamycin A3
carbomycin A
Maridomycin II
Fosfom yci n
Reductions 2,3-Di hydroalbocycline
Carbomycin A P1
Maridomycin II
Leucomycin A3
mycin 111
Midecarnycin AI
h yg rosqicus
Penicillium spnulosum
Streptomyces venezuelae
Streptomyces halstedii
Streptomyces lutea and
Streptomyces sp.
Nocardia corallina