Unit Four The Virtual World Teaching Period : 10 (1-2) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 2 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To understand the reading material (Text A) Important Point: Understanding the reading material (Text A) Difficult Point: Training the Ss’ reading ability Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 0’ ) STEP THREE: Introduction ( 15’ ) a. Pre-reading task on P100 Some questions from the teacher: 1. Is the hero a student or an employee? 2. What was he doing when the boss came in? 3. How did he act in front of his boss? 4. Can you guess what the texts in this unit are going to be about? b. Theme of the unit: & Text A: The Virtual World STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 75’ ) Text A on P100-P103 Comprehension a. Pre-reading Background Knowledge (P105) b. While-reading Go through the Text paragraph by paragraph Point out the important structures and long sentences for further explanation later c. Post-reading Text Organization & Text Questions (P107 Text Organization P106 Text Questions ) Part One: (Para2-3) Part Two: (Para1, 4-10, 13) Part Three: (Para 11) Part Four: (Para 12 ) Writing characteristics (1) an narrative essay Vocabulary items related to computer and the Internet (P36教师用书) (3) Inductive generalization (归纳总结法) (P125) Discussion (P77) (1) What are the negative and the positive effects of a virtual life? (2) What is the author’s attitude toward the digital world? Which do you think she prefers, a virtual life or the real life? (3) What do you do on computer nowadays? How much do you rely on it for company? (Computer is one of the best friends to us. But if we don’t make good use of it, it may do harm to us.) 4. Summarize the main idea STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 8’ ) Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review the understanding of the text and preview the language items of the text; Comprehension (P106-P109) b. Written: Nothing Teaching Period : 10 (3-4) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 2 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) a. Revising the understanding of Text A 1. Retell the story b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) **consequence: n. 结果,后果 (usu. pl.) e.g. Her investment had disastrous consequences: she lost everything she owned. **acknowledge: vt. e.g. I acknowledged the truth of his statement. He acknowledged it to be true/that it was true. *virtual: adj. (1) 虚拟的 virtual office virtual community e.g. I can visit a virtual store and put what I want in my basket at the click of a mouse button.. *interpret: v. interpretation interpreter misinterpret (1) 理解 interpret…as/to be … e.g. We interpreted his answer/silence as a refusal. He interpreted the silence as contempt. *tone: n. 语气,口气,腔调 e.g. say something in a deep/angry t tone From the tone of the voice I could tell she was very angry. *stretch: *submit: submission n.服从/呈递 submissive adj. 顺从的 (1) vt. 提交,呈交 submit sth. (to sb.) e.g. I hope you can submit your term papers before the deadlines. *edit: v. 编辑, 修改 e.g. Jack is busy editing Shakespeare’ plays for use in school. John didn’t finish editing the annual report until the end of month. 9. ** via prep. 经由,途径;通过;凭借 e.g. You may travel from Beijing to Shanghai via Tianjing. 10. *email: electronic mail 11. *communicate: communication n. (1) vt. 告知, 传达 convey e.g. Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly. 12. *Internet: n. e.g. Whether we like it or not, the Internet is an ever-growing part of our lives. 13. *relationship: n. (1) 关系,关联 =relation e.g. What is the relationship between language and thought? 14: *at times: sometimes e.g. She had been away from her home for about a year. At times she wishes she had never left. 15. *take in: take-phrases (1) 吸收 e.g. The earth takes in heat and light from the sun. 16. *data: 数据,资料 datum e.g. This data is/are stored on the network and can be accessed by anybody. 17. *spit (spat or spit) v. 吐,吐出 spit sth. (out) (at / on/ onto sth./ sb.) e.g. No spitting! 18. *on line: 在线,联机 e.g. Our system is on line to the main computer. 19. *symptom: n. symptomatic adj. (1) 征兆 e.g. High interest rates are a symptom of a weak economy. 20. *nightmare: n. a terrifying dream e.g. Tom didn’t eat fish because it gives him nightmare. Watching horror films gives me nightmares. I had a nightmare about falling off the skyscraper. 21. **replace vt. (1) 放回原处 e.g. When you have finished using the axe, please replace it. 取代;代替 replace sth./sb. (as sth./sb. ) e.g. Can anything replace a mother’s love? STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review … and preview the second part of the words and phrases 2 .Language Focus P110-P116 b.Written: Nothing Teaching Period : 10 (5-6) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 2 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) a. Review the first part of the words and phrases b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) 22. *conversely: adv. 相反地 e.g. Bill doesn’t like Elizabeth; or conversely, she doesn’t like him. 23. **confront vt. 面对, 面临, 遭遇 confront sth. e.g. Let’s confront reality. A solider has to confront danger and death bravely and calmly. 24. *but then: yet at the same time e.g. The failure of China’s soccer team looks inevitable. But then, anything can happen in football. 25. *jar: vt.& vi 使感到不愉快,刺激 jar sth jar on sb./sth. (2) jar with… 与…不一致 26. *suck 吸,吮, 吞没 e.g. He was sucking milk through a straw. Tom is always sucking a sweet. Powerful currents sucked the boat under water. 27. *keep up with: keep-phrase (1) 及时了解某事 keep up with sth. e.g. Carrie likes to keep up with the latest fashions. He didn’t bother to keep up with the news. His only concern was to study. 28. *in sight: 29. **sensitive adj. insensitive be sensitive to sth. 敏感的; 易生气的 e.g. Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. Her ears are highly sensitive to any unusual sound in the machine. She is sensitive to what people think of her. Some people’s teeth are highly sensitive to cold. She is very sensitive to criticism. 30. *remark: (1) n. 话语, 评论, 谈论 make a remark on/about e.g. The principal of the school made some remarks about educational reform at the meeting. 31. *emotional: adj. emotion n. (1) 感情的,情绪的 e.g. She is grateful to him for his emotional support while she was in trouble. 32. *cue: n. 提示,暗示 cue to do sth. cue for sth. e.g. When he stated to talk about the finances, that was our cue to get up quietly and leave. 33. *routine: (1) n. 例行公事,常规,日常事物,程序 e.g. I arrive at nine o’clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my morning routine. 34. *rely on/upon: reliable adj. reliance n. rely on sth. /doing sth. rely on/upon sb./sth. to do sth. (1) 指望或依赖 e.g. We should rely on our own efforts. Some children relies heavily on the advice of their parents. 35. *abuse: n. 滥用;虐待 (2) vt. 滥用,虐待 misuse mistreat 36. *restore: vt. restorable adj. restoration n. 37. *arrange: 安排 arrange sth. arrange to do sth.; arrange for sb./ sth. to do sth. 38. *flee: (fled) vt. flee someplace Everyone fled the building when the fire alarm sounded. vi. flee from…to…; 39. *interview: interviewer interviewee (1) n. 接见;采访;面试; (2) v. 采访;面试 40. *appointment: n. 约会 ( followed by with) e.g. You can’t see the president of the university unless you make an appointment. I’ve made an appointment to see my tutor tomorrow. 41. **annoy vt. e.g. What annoys me is that he won’t even listen to other people’s suggestions. These flies are annoying me. 42. *tune: 曲子,曲调 e.g. She whished a happy tune all the way home. STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1.Review … and preview the structures and long sentences of the text; 2.Language Focus P110-116 b.Written: 1. P110 1 Teaching Period : 10 (7-8) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 2 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful structures, understand some difficult sentences and check the exercises in Part II Important Point: Grasping some useful structures and understanding some difficult sentences Difficult Point: Practising the usage of the structures Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 7’ ) Revising the words and phrases of Text A (Usage) Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to deal with some important structures and difficult sentences in Text A and check the exercises of Part II. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80' ) a. Important structures in Text A as long as find find +oneself+形容词/过去分词/现在分词/介词短语 e.g. When he came to, he found himself in a ward of a hospital. When he turned the corner, he found himself tailed by a man in black. Once or twice I found myself doubting my own judgment. She found herself more sensitive than before. of no possible use not useful as though/as if (1) 引导方式状语从句或表语从句 如果与相反: 主句的谓语动词为实义动词,要用虚拟语气。 现在:一般过去时 过去:had done 将来: would/might/could+动词的原形 b. Difficult sentences in Text A Exercises of Part II STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 10ˊ ) Summary Part II. Text A 1. Comprehension Pre-reading * Background knowledge (2) While-reading * Go through the Text paragraph by paragraph *Point out the important structures and long sentences for further explanation later (3) Post-reading *Text Questions *Discussion *Text Organization *Writing Characteristics *Main Idea b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1ˊ ) a. Oral: 1. Review the structures and difficult sentences and preview Part III & IV. b. Written: 1. P114 Structure 1, 2 Teaching Period : 10 (9-10) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 2 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: 1.To understand Text B 2.To perform the theme-related language learning tasks . Practising the speaking and writing skills Important Point: Understanding Text B Difficult Point: .Practising the speaking and writing skills Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 7’ ) Review Part II (Text A) Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to deal with Part III & IV: Text B and the theme-related language learning tasks STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80' ) Text B (Part III) 1. Words and phrases to learn (P87) (1) be hooked on (2) on top of (3) intense (4) communication (5) worldwide (6) acquaintance (7) scatter (8) outwards (9) vehicle (10) overnight (11)on the whole (12) tendency (13) slip (14) individual (15) plot (16) to one’s knowledge (17) needless to say (18) version (19) innocent (20) call forth 2. Comprehension (1) Explain the text (2) Summarize Text Organization Part I. (Para1-2) The daughter gets addicted to the Internet. Part II. (Para3-4) Mother expresses her opinion of the Internet and of making friends on the net. Part III. (Para5-10) Mother and daughter argued over whether daughter should make friends on the net. Part IV. (Para11-12) Mother is so worried that she imagines something dreadful. Part V. (Para13-14) Despite mother’s warning, daughter continues talking to the friends on the net. (3) Summarize General idea The essay focused on mother and daughter’s different attitudes towards the Internet. Mother didn’t refuse the Internet completely. In fact she admitted the positive effects of Internet on the way in which people communicate with each other and the way in which we obtain information. However, she could not understand why her daughter wasted so much time on the net and confused the virtual life with the real life. In particular, she objected to daughter’s making friends on the net, which she thought was mad, bad and dangerous. Daughter’s plan to invite a group of what mother called internuts for a party at home started a hot argument between mother and daughter, however they failed to reach agreement. 3. Long sentences It is the sound of the only lasting disagreement in a household that is otherwise peaceful. It leads to intimacy before acquaintance; it scatters secrets outwards, not inwards; and, most worrying of all, it is a vehicle for liars. I said, trying to be reasonable but not altogether succeeding, that in and among the things they “tell” each other on the tap-tap, a tendency to murder might just have been overlooked, might it not? Needless to say, it is a new version of the old tale of innocents calling forth evil forces they cannot control, this time in the form of a visitor with the ever-handy axe packed in his luggage. b. the theme-related language learning tasks (Part IV) 1. Mock Debate 2. Essay writing Inductive generalization Induction is the process by which we accumulate evidence or facts until, at some point, we make “the inductive leap” and reach a useful generalization. Induction is often used in expository writing as well as in persuasive writing. Take Text A of this unit for example. Beginning from paragraph 4, the writer accumulates evidence to show the negative effects of the virtual life on her: her aversion to outside forms of socializing, her lack of discipline, a tendency to become shyer and bad-tempered, etc. Then in paragraph 10, she makes the inductive leap and reaches the generalization that daily routine and socializing are important to a human being. (2) Titles for essay *The Internet Will Isolate Us from One Another The Internet Will Not Isolate Us from One Another *What Makes a Good Teacher (P143) STEP FIVE: Consolidations ( 10’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review Text B and finish the exercises (P121-123) b. Written: 1.Write an essay