Unit 4
Unit Four Section A? How to Make a Good Impression
I. Greetings
II. ?Review: the new words and phrases of Unit Three
III Start the new lesson
1. Introduction:
?Listening passage: People judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them. You can have a positive effect on other people through using your eyes, face and body in unspoken communication. What you say needs to match what you do. When you enter a room full of people, you can look at them and smile. You have the power to have a good effect on others because you are the only one who can be you. The key is to be your best by being relaxed and thinking of others instead of yourself.
??? The purpose of the pre-reading activities is to help the students focus on the content of the reading passages. After listening to the above passage, the students would be able to learn that Reading Passage A is about how to make a good impression on others. The students are encouraged with whatever answers they have got for the pre-reading questions. These are, in fact, open-ended questions with no right or wrong answers.
2. Discourse analysis
The main idea of the passage: When people want to make a good impression, the following advice can be of some help: you are the message; be yourself; use your eyes; and lighten up.
The whole passage is made up of three parts: Part 1 includes paragraph 1-2; Part 2 includes paragraph 3-14, Part 3 includes 15.
The main idea of Part 1: Research shows that we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.
The main idea of Part 2: The four qualities we can use to impress others:you are the message; be yourself; use your eyes; lighten up
The main idea of Part 3: We all have within ourselves the power to make a good impression. Just be ourselves and we’ll make it.
Devices for developing the passage:? Part 1 is developed by: listing(列举法) and questioning (设问法). Part 2: listing(列举法), exemplification(举例法), and deduction(演绎法). Part 3: induction through Questions & Answers(归纳法).
3.? Language points:
1???????? Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them: research shows within the first seven seconds when we meet someone, we form our opinion about them through nonverbal communication. make up one’s mind: decide(下定决心,打定主意); form our opinion about people(对…形成一定的看法,对…做出判断). E.g.—she made up her mind to become a teacher when she was seven years old.
2???????? Consciously or unconsciously we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces bodies and attitudes, causing a chain o reactions, ranging from comfort to fear: sometimes we realize that and sometimes we don’t realize that/ sometimes we are aware that or sometimes we are not aware that we have shown our feelings. That is, we don’t only speak out our true feelings and attitudes to others. Sometime, others can also make sure our true feelings by observing/noticing our eyes, faces and even our body language. That is, sometimes, our body language, our faces our eyes can also give other certain information about out true feelings. And when others have found our true feelings about something, they will have a sequence of different reactions. Their reactions are different from one another. Some of them feel comfortable, while some others may feel afraid/intimidated. conscious: remain knowing what is happening around, full awake(神志清醒的, 有意识的). sb be conscious of sth (意识到): realize something. e.g.—We are conscious of our danger. --They are not conscious of their mother’s unhappiness. –he was badly hurt, but he remain conscious.
3???????? a chain of sth: a sequence of things happening one after another(一系列). E.g.—a chain of events. –a chain of accidents.—a chain of thoughts(一连串的想法).
4???????? range…from…to: occur from…to…(从…到…范围或幅度内变化). E.g.—The students’ ages range from 20 to 30. –Prices range from $10 to $25. range from comfort to fear: the reactions include both of the opposites comfort and fear and anything in between.
5???????? an introduction to: notice that introduction is always followed by “to”.
6???????? a job interview(面试): a press interview(采访).
7???????? an encounter with a stranger(意外或偶然相遇): e.g.—my encounter with my friend Tom in the airport is the beginning of a chain of troubles.
8???????? focus on sth(注意力集中于): pay attention to. E.g.—Our discussion focused on the question of job-hunting.
9???????? You are the message: message: information. Your eyes, face, body and attitude all contain a lot of information about yourself from which people can form an impression about what kind of person you are, for example your personality, your life experience, etc./When you meet other people for the first time, the others will form a first impression about you with the help of the information sent out by your eye-contact, face expression, your gesture, the cloth you are wearing, etc. for example, a person with a formal western-style clothes will give others a different impression with a person with dirty or showy or vulgar clothes.
10???? I’ve helped them make persuasive presentations: make a presentation: give a speech on sth before an audience (就…进行演讲,讲解或陈述), for example, when you have a job interview, you may be asked to introduce your self within five minutes and so, someone wants to know how to impress the interviewers with a only five-minute speech. That is, how to make one’s presentation persuasive and successful. A lot of people needs such direction and giving them useful direction and suggestion is my job. make a +a.+ presentation of: make a …speech on sth. E.g.—He made a persuasive presentation of the situation. –He made a appealing presentation of the present status of human knowledge of the science.
11???? the secret has always been you are the message: when we say that a way of behaving is the secret of achieving something, we mean it is the best way or the only way to achieve it. That is, no matter how many verbal/language skills you can use to make your speech persuasive, but the first impression about you is always formed from your first seven seconds unspoken communication. And such a first impression is even more important than the impression you given to others by your speech.
12???? your good qualities: refers to both your nonverbal qualities.
13???? sb be committed to sth (投入, 专注于某事) : spend one’s time and energy on sth. E.g.—He is very committed to the cause of language teaching.
14???? sb be absorbed in sth(全神贯注于): e.g.—He was absorbed in reading a good book when I entered the room, so he didn’t notice me.
15???? how-to books: books offering advice.
16???? impress sb with sth: e.g.—She always tries to impress people with her gaudy clothes.
17???? stride into a room: when you stride into a room, it seems that you are sure and determined.
18???? fix one’s eyes on sb: look into one’s eyes/ keep one’s eyes on sb/ don’t look sideward/don’t move your eyes quickly. If you fix your eyes on sb when you meet him, it seems that you are self-confident, determined.
19???? drive sb crazy: make sb annoyed or upset.
20???? he trick is to be consistently you, at your best: trick: a special skill(秘诀,窍门). Don’t always change the ways you behavior or change your opinion or stand. Keep the same behavior, opinion and stand all the time as is your real behavior, opinion and stand. Don’t want to cheat people by pretending you are other person but not yourself. That is, always be yourself. But you should make sure that you are at your best state, at your best condition. Always being yourself will give people such an impression that you are reliable, dependable, trusty. People will tend to believe and trust you.
21???? effective: produce a strong impression(令人印象深刻的). E.g.—give an effective performance.
22???? address their garden club: it means in the informal situation.
23???? being interviewed for a jop: in a formal situation.
24???? A be consistent with B: 同…保持一致. E.g.—One’s words should be consistent with his actions. –Your attitude should be consistent with all of us.
25???? address sb: give a speech to sb: e.g.—the president addressed the congress to persuade the congress to ratify the bill.
26???? they communicate with their whole being: talk with others with means of/by means of: e.g.—deaf people communicate with others with sign language.
27???? being(一个人基本的特质,本质): their basic nature, their personality.
IV. Summary:? it is important to make a good impression on others, but it also very important to keep yourselves as who you are. That is , being yourself is the key to be successful to make a good impression on others
V. Homework:?? translation
Section B? Body Language
I. Greetings
II. Review:
1.?????? Answer the following questions: 1) What do really help you make a good impression on others??
2) How can a person be himself ?
2. Have a small quiz: dictation of some new words and phrases from section A:
III. Start the new lesson
1. Introduction:
Some people had thought that people got to know each other through conversation, but actually researchers found that we use various forms of body language to communicate with each other.
2. Discourse analysis
Part I (paras. 1-3): the misunderstanding of how a person be able to make a good impression
Part II (paras. 4-10): the importance of body language
3. Language points:
1???????? statement:n. something that one says or writes, often officially The Prime Minister will make a statement tomorrow on the new educational plans.
2???????? judgment: n.1). an opinion What, in your judgment, is the best course of action??????????? 2). the ability to form common sense opinions or to make wise decisions He always shows excellent judgment in his choice of staff.
3???????? assume:vt. accept or believe that something is true even though you have no evidence Most people assume actions speak louder than words.
4???????? acquaint:vt. make someone or oneself familiar with or aware ofPlease acquaint me with the facts of the case./ Are you acquainted with each other?
5???????? estimate:vt. figure out; judgeHe estimated that the journey would take two hours.?overestimate: v. think something is bigger or more important, etc. than it really is We overestimated how much food we would need - there was a lot left over.
6???????? account: v.(for) explain or give a reason forHis illness accounted for his not being here yesterday.???????? n.1). a report or description of something that has happened She gave the police a full account of the accident. ????????? 2). the plan by which a bank looks after your money for you to open /close an account
7???????? aggressive: a.1). using or showing force or stress in order to succeed an aggressive policeman ??? ????????2). ready or likely to fight or argue Some people get aggressive after drinking spirits.
8???????? resent:v. feel angry about something because it is unfairShe bitterly resented being treated differently from the men.?resentful: a. feeling annoyed He felt very resentful at being unfairly treated.
9???????? project:vt.1). show or present (oneself or one's qualities) in a certain way He tried to project himself as kind and thoughtful. ?????????? 2). plan The company has been projecting a 5% increase for its members.???????? n.1). a plan or secret plan a major project to reduce pollution in our river ????????? 2). a piece of study or research I'm doing a project on Chinese history.
10???? 1promote:vt.1). raise someone to a higher level or position He's been promoted from assistant manager to manager. ?????????? 2). encourage; help the progress of something The meetings of the officials have promoted good exchanges between the two countries.
11???? achievement:n. something that is done successfully, esp. through hard work or skillShe felt the book was her greatest achievement.
12???? lack of: not having enough of They were prevented from going on holiday by their lack of money.
find out: discover? ?I need to find out exactly what went wrong.
13???? actions speak louder than words: one is judged by what he does, rather than what he says he will do???? ?He said her actions speak louder than her words; she's never kept a promise.
14???? in relation to: concerning someone or something ?his comments in relation to this affair
15???? become /be acquainted with: become /be familiar or friendly wit
I'm not acquainted with her father.
16???? pick up:1). learn interesting or useful information You can pick up some really useful messages from his gestures. ???????? 2). learn a new skill or language by practicing it rather than being taught it I picked up quite a lot of Japanese words during my six-month stay in Japan.
17???? in part: to some degree; not completely ?The delay was in part due to the heavy rain.
18???? account for: explain or give a reason for ?Bad weather accounted for the crop's failing.
19???? ?be /feel at home: be /feel comfortable They were friendly and kind and I felt at home immediately.
20???? be content with: be satisfied or happy with He doesn't want more money — he's content with what he has.
21???? a wealth of: a great quantity of?? a wealth of information
Body language is as important as language in making a good impression on others.
V. Do Test Four
VI. Homework: Preview Book 1 Unit 5 Section A