Unit 6  Unit Six Section A The Widow I.???????? Greetings II.????? Review The key words and phases of Unit Five. III.?? Start the New Lesson 1.?????? Introduction ?????? A woman alone writes some painful lines in a notebook. To understand why the lines are painful, we go back in time to a strange event that happened on her wedding day. A strange woman gave the couple a message about their marriage. Every year, the husband and wife discussed their unique wedding guest. The wife thought she had come from heaven; the husband thought she had the wrong shape for someone from heaven. One night, he wrote his wife a note. He wrote that it did not matter where their guest had come from. What mattered was that the word gift she had given them was true. Now that her husband has died, the woman finds that painful lines in the book remind her of him. ? 2.?????? Discourse Analysis ???? The main idea of text A: The quotations taken from Cabin Fever bring the widow back in time to her wedding day and married life, which was as happy and peaceful as a strange woman predicted at the wedding ceremony. The passage is made up of three parts. Part 1 is made up of paragraph1-2, Part 2:3-15 Part3: 16-19 The main idea of Part1: The quotations the widow stores in a notebook remind her of the painful memory of her late husband. The main idea of Part 2: The widow’s mind slipped back to her wedding ceremony at which she and her husband received a strange word gift which had a magic power. The main idea of Part3: The message her husband left her showed that their “aunt” prophecy had come true---they worked hard and loved each other and that was why the widow stored the painful quotation. The devices for developing the three part: Part1: quotation(引言法), Part 2: Sequence of time & space(时空法) and flashback(倒叙法) Part 3 flashback(倒叙法) and quotation(引言法) 3.?????? Language Points 1.?????? Alone now, the widow reads considerably: because her husband has died, the woman lives alone now, and reads a lot. considerable: very large(相当多的,大的, 相当可观的) e.g. —a considerable salary 2.?????? She used to underline favorite passages to share with her husband: In the past when her husband was still alive, she drew lines under the passages she liked best and then read and enjoyed them together with her husband. share sth with sb: give part of what you have to others: e.g.—She shared her office with me. –She shared her bed with Mary. 3.?????? I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple: again, I feel in the deep part of my heart, the strong desire to find a husband and get married. 4.?????? So intense is this wish that: this wish is so intense that. Pay attention that this sentence is an inverted sentence. intense: very great, very strong. E.g.—intense pain,--intense heat. 5.?????? We begin with a worn wedding album: Let us begin our story with a worn wedding album. worn: old or maybe have broken because of overuse or overtouch. 6.?????? file: vi. walk one after another(一个接一个地走)。 E.g.—the students filed out of the classroom. –They filed into the dinning hall. 7.?????? From colleagues and old schoolmates came cheerful good wishes clothed in friendly jokes: This is an inverted sentence. The common order of the sentence is: good wishes clothed in friendly jokes came from colleagues and old schoolmates. It means: when their colleagues and old schoolmates filed past them, they told friendly jokes to the new couple and their friendly jokes contain cheerful good wishes. 8.?????? clothe: vt.(披上…的外衣, 以…方式表达出来) e.g.-- We clothe our thoughts in words.—Our thoughts are clothed in words. 9.?????? Some relatives were not pleased. Both these women—mothers of the bride and groom—would have insisted they wanted only the best for their children but they defined the best as staying home to help support the family: insist: say sth with emphasis(强调). The mothers of the bride and groom were not happy with their son and daughter’s marriage. That is, they were against their marriage. Because one of the mother sat in a car crying while the other mother was surrounded by sympathizers. As usual, in a wedding ceremony, the mothers should say good things to the new couple such as they wish their son and daughter a happy life, etc. but in this wedding ceremony, the two mothers refused to say such things. The first reason is that it seems that the two families were not wealthy, that is, they were poor and the two families need their children to earn money to support the family. That is, their children were great help to their families. If their children get married, they would leave home to live an independent life by themselves, that is, they will not continue to help their family as before, let alone the two mothers were not happy with their son-in-low and daughter- in-low. 10.?? define…as: explain sth as …e.g.—it is wrong to define happiness as owning lots of money. 11.?? Then quickly, for such a short, portly, elderly person, she disappeared: although she was short, over-weight and old, the woman disappeared all of a sudden. for: despite e.g.—For all his faults, we like him still. –For all your explanations, I understand no better that before. 12.?? lodge: a small hotel. 13.?? loan: lend usually with interest. E.g.—loan me $500, please. 14.?? afford: be able to spare time or money to do sth/for sth 15.?? with money loaned by the groom’s brother , they could afford a honeymoon at a state-park lodge: they borrowed money from the groom’s brother, they were able to have a honeymoon at a state-park lodge. From the statement we know that the new couple were very poor. The other reason may be that the parents refused to give their money because they were against their marriage. 16.?? they recalled the events of the day, especially the strange message conveyed by Aunt…: they remembered what happened on the day of their wedding, especially the meaning given/.expressed by Aunt… 17.?? mistake…for…:think wrongly that someone or something is someone or something else. e.g.—I often mistook her for her sister. 18.?? announcement: (通告,公告) 19.?? Peculiarly, neither ever asked “ Whose job is this?” or asserted “ This is not my responsibility!” this sentence hints that the couple were caring and helpful to each other. That is, they try their best to help each other and they never shift off their responsibility to the other. 20.?? both acted to fill their needs as time and opportunity allowed: whenever they had time and opportunity, they would help each other to make the other satisfied. 21.?? arrive from work: when he got back from work 22.?? restrain: hold back; prevent oneself from doing sth: e.g.—He restrained from writing to his parents. 23.?? bring up: mention 24.?? regarding: about 25.?? it has always seemed to me that she was the wrong shape for a heavenly messenger: I always think that the old woman could not be a messenger et by God because she was not beautiful. shape: the appearance(外形) 4.?????? Summary ?? After we have learnt this passage, we would get such a message from it that the happiness of a marriage depends on love between the couple, not on money and materials. So when we try to find Mr. Right/the right woman to get marry, first, we should make sure whether we love him or her or not, and then to consider whether he/she is rich or not. Second, we should also make sure whether he/she is a responsible and caring person. Because if he/she is not responsible or caring, he/she can only enjoy pleasure with us, but can’t live a hard life with us when the situation is hard. That is, before marriage we should make sure that he/she can share happiness and woe with us. 5.?????? Homework ?? The Exercise III, IV,V,VI,VII Unit Six Section B The Trashman I.???????? Greetings II.????? Review The major words and phrases of Section A III.?? Start the New Lesson 1.?????? Introduction ?? This passage is about the author’s idea about being a trash man. The author complains ordinary people’s misunderstanding and disdain to a trash man’s work and he insists that a trash man’s job is as important as a philosophers’ So, like the passage in Section A, this passage also conveys certain message to the readers. That is, after we learnt this passage, we would have understood more about the world. 2.?????? Discourse Analysis ?? This passage is made up of three parts. The first part is made up of paragraph, which tells the basic information about the author. ?? The second part is made up of paragraph 2-11, which tells the social misunderstanding and disdain to such a job. ?? The third part is made up of paragraph 12-14, which tells that the author still want to be a trash man because he believes that a trash man’s job is as important as a philosopher’s 3.?????? Language Points 26.?? head to: go to. E.g.—Which classroom are you heading to? 27.?? Saturday meant most adults were at home on the route: most adults who live along my route to carry trash every day were at home on Saturday. 28.?? make the rounds: 逐一访问, 挨户...; 巡视. E.g.—whenever we go back t the place my wife was born, we have to make the rounds of her relatives.? –The nurse was making her rounds. 29.?? approachable: easy to talk to and friendly(平易近人的) 30.?? go with: match, suit(与…相配, 与…协调). E.g.—She is shopping for a new diamond to go wit her ring. –These white shoes don’t go with your black suit. There wasn’t time for lengthy talks but enough to exchange greetings that go with civilized ways: there was no time to talk long but enough time to exchange some warm greetings in civilized ways/with good manner(以文雅的方式彼此问候几句). 31.?? That is where I got my shock: I got surprised when I tried to greet people. 32.?? I said hello in quite a few yards before the message registered that this wasn’t normally done: before: and then. The message: refers here the response of the host or the hostess who I am trying to say hello. Register: be understood. This wasn’t normally done: saying hello to the host or hostess wasn’t usually done by other trash men before. When I said hello to people before I began to collect garbage, I found people’s response not friendly and their response let me understand that I should not have spoken to them because no other trash men ever done that before. 33.?? human: a. 有人情味儿的 34.?? at the sound of : when sb hear the sound of 35.?? spontaneous: 不由自主的,自然而然的 36.?? Who are you to say what goes: how dare you say what I should do or what I shouldn’t do? 37.?? I.Q. : intelligence quotient 38.?? but my wife’s folks don’t: but my wife’s relatives don’t 39.?? yell: shout out 40.?? hold water: (理论、计划等)证明正确合理, 说得通, (容器)不漏水 4.?????? Summary ??? This passage makes us understand that a country needs both economists and trash men otherwise it will lead to a disaster. 5.?????? Homework ?? 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