Problem Set 5 BE.462J/3.962J
Issued: Day 15 Spring 2003
Due: Day 17
(10 points total)
1. Two hydrogels are prepared from two different candidate polymers for controlled release of a
protein drug, interleukin-2 (IL-2). The gels exhibit the same swelling ratio at equilibrium, but
gel A (formed by cross-linked polymer A, repeat unit molecular weight M
= 100 g/mole) has
a molecular weight between cross-links of 3,000 g/mole, while gel B (formed from cross-
linked polymer B, M
= 95 g/mole) has a molecular weight between cross-links of 12,500
g/mole. Separate measurements showed polymer chains of polymer A and polymer B that
have the same molecular weight have the same unperturbed end-to-end distance (< r
1/ 2
Finally, the hydrodynamic size r of the drug (IL-2) is one tenth the mesh size of gel B.
a. Will diffusion of IL-2 through these two gels be the same or different? Calculate the
ratio of the diffusion coefficient in gel A to that in gel B.
b. Explain in physical terms how two gels could have equal swelling ratios but different
mesh sizes and diffusion rates for an entrapped drug. (It may be helpful to try to
sketch the physical situation to explain the case described above where two gels
have different molecular weights between cross-links but equivalent swelling ratios.)
BE.462J/3.962J PS 5 1 of 1