Computation Visualization Programming For Use with MATLAB ? Model Predictive Control Toolbox User’s Guide Version 1 Manfred Morari N. Lawrence Ricker How to Contact The MathWorks: 508-647-7000 Phone 508-647-7001 Fax The MathWorks, Inc. Mail 3AppleHillDrive Natick, MA 01760-2098 Web Anonymous FTP server comp.soft-sys.matlab Newsgroup Technical support Product enhancement suggestions Bug reports Documentation error reports Subscribing user registration Order status, license renewals, passcodes Sales, pricing, and general information Model Predictive Control Toolbox User’s Guide COPYRIGHT 1995 - 1998 by The MathWorks, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro- duced in any form without prior written consent from The MathWorks, Inc. FEDERAL ACQUISITION: This provision applies to all acquisitions of the Program and Documentation by or for the federal government of the United States. By accepting delivery of the Program, the government hereby agrees that this software qualifies as "commercial" computer software within the meaning of FAR Part 12.212, DFARS Part 227.7202-1, DFARS Part 227.7202-3, DFARS Part 252.227-7013, and DFARS Part 252.227-7014. The terms and conditions of The MathWorks, Inc. Software License Agreement shall pertain to the government’s use and disclosure of the Program and Documentation, and shall supersede any conflicting contractual terms or conditions. If this license fails to meet the government’s minimum needs or is inconsistent in any respect with federal procurement law, the government agrees to return the Program and Documentation, unused, to MathWorks. MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Handle Graphics, and Real-Time Workshop are registered trademarks, and Target Language Compiler is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Printing History: January 1995 First printing October 1998 Revised (Online only) i Contents Preface 1 Tutorial Introduction ......................................... 1-2 TargetAudiencefortheMPCToolbox .................... 1-3 SystemRequirements ................................. 1-3 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models Step Response Models ................................. 2-2 Model Identification .................................. 2-6 Unconstrained Model Predictive Control .............. 2-11 Closed-Loop Analysis ................................ 2-18 Constrained Model Predictive Control ................. 2-20 Application: Idle Speed Control ....................... 2-22 ProcessDescription .................................. 2-22 ControlProblemFormulation.......................... 2-22 Simulations ........................................ 2-24 Application: Control of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit . 2-31 ProcessDescription .................................. 2-31 ControlProblemFormulation.......................... 2-33 ii Contents Simulations ........................................ 2-34 StepResponseModel............................... 2-34 AssociatedVariables ............................... 2-36 UnconstrainedControlLaw ......................... 2-36 ConstrainedControlLaw ........................... 2-36 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models State-Space Models .................................... 3-2 ModFormat ......................................... 3-3 SISO Continuous-Time Transfer Function to Mod Format . . . . 3-3 SISO Discrete-Time Transfer Function to Mod Format . . . . . . 3-6 MIMOTransferFunctionDescriptiontoModFormat ....... 3-7 ContinuousorDiscreteState-SpacetoModFormat ......... 3-9 Identification Toolbox (“Theta”) Format to Mod Format . . . . . . 3-9 CombinationofModelsinModFormat .................. 3-10 ConvertingModFormattoOtherModelFormats .......... 3-10 Unconstrained MPC Using State-Space Models ......... 3-12 State-Space MPC with Constraints .................... 3-20 Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control .......... 3-26 MPCDesignBasedonNominalLinearModel............. 3-27 MPCofNonlinearPlant .............................. 3-38 4 Command Reference Commands Grouped by Function ....................... 4-2 Index Preface Preface iv Acknowledgments The toolbox was developed in cooperation with: Douglas B. Raven and Alex Zheng The contributions of the following people are acknowledged: Yaman Arkun, Nikolaos Bekiaris, Richard D. Braatz, Marc S. Gelormino, Evelio Hernandez, TylerR.Holcomb,IftikharHuq,SameerM.Jalnapurkar,JayH.Lee,Yusha Liu, Simone L. Oliveira, Argimiro R. Secchi, and Shwu-Yien Yang We would like to thank Liz Callanan, Jim Tung and Wes Wang from the MathWorks for assisting us with the project, and Patricia New who did such an excellent job putting the manuscript into LATEX. About the Authors v About the Authors Manfred Morari Manfred Morari received his diploma from ETH Zurich in 1974 and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1977, both in chemical engineering. Currently he is the McCollum-Corcoran Professor and Executive Officer for Control and Dynamical Systems at the California Institute of Technology. Morari’s research interests are in the areas of process control and design. In recognition of his numerous contributions, he has received the Donald P. Eckman Award of the Automatic Control Council, the Allan P. Colburn Award of the AIChE, the Curtis W. McGraw Research Award of the ASEE, was a Case Visiting Scholar, the Gulf Visiting Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and was recently elected to the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Morari hasheldappointmentswithExxonR&EandICIandhasconsulted internationally for a number of major corporations. He has coauthored one book on Robust Process Control with another on Model Predictive Control in preparation. N. Lawrence Ricker Larry Ricker received his B.S. degree from the University of Michigan in 1970, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1972/78. All are in Chemical Engineering. He is currently Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. Dr. Ricker has over 80 publications in the general area of chemical plant design and operation. He has been active in Model Predictive Control research and teaching for more than a decade. For example, he published one of the first nonproprietary studies of the application of MPC to an industrial process, and is currently involved in a large-scale MPC application involving more than 40 decision variables. Preface vi 1 Tutorial 1 Tutorial 1-2 Introduction The Model Predictive Control (MPC) Toolbox is a collection of functions (commands) developed for the analysis and design of model predictive control (MPC) systems. Model predictive control was conceived in the 1970s primarily by industry. Its popularity steadily increased throughout the 1980s. At present, there is little doubt that it is the most widely used multivariable control algorithm in the chemical process industries and in other areas. While MPC is suitable for almost any kind of problem, it displays its main strength when applied to problems with: ? A large number of manipulated and controlled variables ? Constraints imposed on both the manipulated and controlled variables ? Changing control objectives and/or equipment (sensor/actuator) failure ? Time delays Some of the popular names associated with model predictive control are Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC), IDCOM, model algorithmic control, etc. While these algorithms differ in certain details, the main ideas behind them are very similar. Indeed, in its basic unconstrained form MPC is closely related to linear quadratic optimal control. In the constrained case, however, MPC leads to an optimization problem which is solved on-line in real time at each sampling interval. MPC takes full advantage of the power available in today’s control computer hardware. This software and the accompanying manual are not intended to teach the user the basic ideas behind MPC. Background material is available in standard textbooks like those authored by Seborg, Edgar and Mellichamp (1989) 1 , Deshpande and Ash (1988) 2 and the monograph devoted solely to this topic authored by Morari and coworkers (Morari et al., 1994) 3 . This section provides a basic introduction to the main ideas behind MPC and the specific form of implementation chosen for this toolbox. The algorithms used here are consistent with those described in the monograph by Morari et al. Indeed, the software is meant to accompany the monograph and vice versa. The routines included in the MPC Toolbox fall into two basic categories: routines which use 1. D.E. Seborg, T.F. Edgar, D.A. Mellichamp; Process Dynamics and Control; JohnWiley & Sons, 1989 2. P.B. Deshpande, R.H. Ash; Computer Process Control with Advanced Control Applications, 2nd ed., ISA, 1988 3. M. Morari, C.E. Garcia, J.H. Lee, D.M. Prett; Model Predictive Control; Prentice Hall, 1994 (In the process of being written.) Introduction 1-3 a step response model description and routines which use a state-space model description. In addition, simple identification tools are provided for identifying step response models from plant data. Finally, there are also various conversion routines which convert between different model formats and analysis routines which can aid in determining the stability of the unconstrained system, etc. All MPC Toolbox commands have a built-in usage display. Any command called with no input arguments results in a brief description of the command line. For example, typing mpccon at the command line gives the following: usage: Kmpc = mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P) The following sections include several examples. They are available in the tutorial programs mpctut.m, mpctutid.m, mpctutst.m,andmpctutss.m. You can copy these demo files from the mpctools/mpcdemos source into a local directory and examine the effects of modifying some of the commands. Target Audience for the MPC Toolbox The package is intended for the classroom and for the practicing engineer. It can assist in communicating the concepts of MPC to a student in an introductory control course. At the same time it is sophisticated enough to allow an engineer in industry to evaluate alternate control strategies in simulation studies. System Requirements The MPC Toolbox assumes the following operating system requirements: ? MATLAB ? is running on your system. ? If nonlinear systems are to be simulated, Simulink ? is required for the functions nlcmpc and nlmpcsim. ? If the theta format from the System Identification Toolbox is to be used to create models in the MPC mod format (using the MPC Toolbox function, th2mod), then the System Identification Toolbox function polyform and the Control System Toolbox function append are required. 1 Tutorial 1-4 The MPC Toolbox analysis and simulation algorithms are numerically intensive and require approximately 1MB of memory, depending on the number of inputs and outputs. The available memory on your computer may limit the size of the systems handled by the MPC Toolbox. Note: there is a pack command in MATLAB that can help free memory space by compacting fragmented memory locations. For reasonable response times, a computer with power equivalent to an 80386 machine is recommended unless only simple tutorial example problems are of interest. 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-2 Step Response Models Step response models are based on the following idea. Assume that the system is at rest. For a linear time-invariant single-input single-output (SISO) system let the output change for a unit input change D v be given by {0, s 1 , s 2 ,...,s n , s n ,...} Here we assume that the system settles exactly after n steps. The step response {s 1 , s 2 ,...,s n } constitutes a complete model of the system, which allows us to compute the system output for any input sequence: Step response models can be used for both stable and integrating processes. For an integrating process it is assumed that the slope of the response remains constant after n steps, i.e., s n – s n –1 = s n +1 – s n = s n +2 – s n +1 =... For a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) process with n v inputs and n y outputs, one obtains a series of step response coefficient matrices where s l,m,i is the i th step response coefficient relating the m th input to the l th output. yk() s i vD ki–() i 1= n Ge5 s n vk n– 1–()+= S i s 11i,, s 12i,, … s 1 n v i,, s 21i,, s n y 1 i,, s n y 2 i,, … s n y n v i,, = … Step Response Models 2-3 The MPC Toolbox stores step response models in the following format: where delt2 isthesamplingtimeandthevectornout indicates if a particular output is integrating or not: nout(i) = 0 if output i is integrating. nout(i) = 1 if output i is stable. The step response can be obtained directly from identification experiments, or generated from a continuous or discrete transfer function or state-space model. For example, if the discrete system description (sampling time T =0.1)is y(k)=–0.5y(k –1)+v(k –3) then the transfer function is plant S 1 S 2 S n nout(1) 0 … 0 nout(2) 0 … 0 nout n y () 0 … 0 n y 0 … 0 delt2 0 … 0 nn y n y 2++()n v · = … …… … gz() z 3– 10.5z 1– + --------------------------= 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-4 The following commands (see mpctut.m) generate the step response model for this system and plot it: num = 1; den = [1 0.5]; delt1 = 0.1; delay = 2; g = poly2tfd(num,den,delt1,delay); % Set up the model in tf format tfinal = 1.6; delt2 = delt1; nout = 1; plant = tfd2step(tfinal,delt2,nout,g); % Calculate the step response plotstep(plant) % Plot the step response 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 u1 step response : y1 TIME Step Response Models 2-5 Alternatively, we could first generate a state-space description applying the command tf2ss and then generate the step response with ss2step.Inthis case, we need to pad the numerator and denominator polynomials to account for the time delay. num = [0 0 0 num]; den = [den 0 0]; [phi,gam,c,d] = tf2ss(num,den); % Convert to state-space plant = ss2step(phi,gam,c,d,tfinal,delt1,delt2,nout); % Calculate step response We can get some information on the contents of a matrix in the MPC Toolbox via the command mpcinfo.Forourexample,mpcinfo(plant) returns: This is a matrix in MPC Step format. sampling time = 0.1 number of inputs = 1 number of outputs = 1 number of step response coefficients = 16 All outputs are stable. 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-6 Model Identification The identification routines available in the MPC Toolbox are designed for multi-input single-output (MISO) systems. Based on a historical record of the output y l (k) and the inputs v 1 (k); v 2 (k),..., (k), thestepresponsecoefficients are estimated. For the estimation of the step response coefficients we write the SISO model in the form where D y(k)=y(k)–y(k –1) and h i = s i –s i –1 v n v yy l y l 1() y l 2() y l 3() = … v v 1 1()v 2 1() … v n v 1() v 1 2()v 2 2() … v n v 2() v 1 3()v 2 3() … v n v 3() = … … s l 11,, s l 21,, … s l n v 1,, s l 12,, s l 22,, … s l n v 2,, s l 1 i,, s l 2 i,, … s l n v i,, … … … … D yk() h i vD ki–() i 1= n Ge5 = Model Identification 2-7 h i are the impulse response coefficients. This model allows the designer to present all the input (v) and output(y l ) information in deviation form, which is often desirable. If the particular output is integrating, then the model where D (D y(k)) = D y(k)–D y(k –1) D h i = h i – h i –1 should be used to estimate D h i , and thus h i and s i are given by For parameter estimation it is usually recommended to scale all the variables such that they are the same order of magnitude. This may be done via the MPC Toolbox functions autosc or scal. Then the data has to be arranged into the form Y = XQ where Y contains all the output information (D y(k) for stable and D (D y(k)) for integrating outputs) and X all the input information (D v(k)) appropriately arranged. Q is a vector including all the parameters to be estimated (h i for stable and D h i for integrating outputs). This rearrangement of the input and output information is handled by wrtreg. The parameters Q can be estimated via multivariable least squares regression (mlr) or partial least squares (plsr). Finally, the step response model is generated from the impulse response coefficients via imp2step. The following example (seempctutid) illustrates this procedure. DD yk()() Dh i vD ki–() i 1= n Ge5 = h i D h k k 1= i Ge5 = s i h j j 1= i Ge5 D h k k 1= j Ge5 j 1= i Ge5 == 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-8 Example: % Load the input and output data. The input and output % data are generated from the following transfer % functions and random zero-mean noises. % TF from input 1 to output 1: g11=5.72exp(-14s)/ % (60s+1) % TF from input 2 to output 1: g12=1.52exp(-15s)/ % (25s+1) % Sampling time of 7 minutes was used. % % load mlrdat % % Determine the standard deviations for input data using % autosc. [ax,mx,stdx]=autosc(x); % % Scale the input data by their standard deviations only. mx=0*mx; sx=scal(x,mx,stdx); % % Put the input and output data in a form such that they % can be used to determine the impulse response % coefficients. 35 coefficients (n) are used. n=35; [xreg,yreg]=wrtreg(sx,y,n); % % Determine the impulse response coefficients via mlr. % By specifying plotopt=2, two plots—plot of predicted % output and actual output, and plot of the output % residual (or prediction error)—are produced. ninput=2; plotopt=2; [theta,yres]=mlr(xreg,yreg,ninput,plotopt); Model Identification 2-9 % Scale theta based on the standard deviations used in % scaling the input. theta=scal(theta,mx,stdx); % % Convert the impulse model to a step model to be used % in MPC design. % Sampling time of 7 minutes was used in determining % the impulse model. % Number of outputs (1 in this case) must be specified. nout=1; delt=7; model=imp2step(delt,nout,theta); % % Plot the step response. plotstep(model) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ?6 ?4 ?2 0 2 4 Actual value (o) versus Predicted Value (+) Sample Number Output 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Output Residual or Prediction Error Sample Number Residual 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-10 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 u1 step response : y1 TIME 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 u2 step response : y1 TIME Unconstrained Model Predictive Control 2-11 Unconstrained Model Predictive Control The MPC control law can be most easily derived by referring to the following figure. For any assumed set of present and future control moves D u(k), D u(k +1), ...,D u(k + m – 1) the future behavior of the process outputs y(k +1|k), y(k +2|k),...,y(k + p|k) can be predicted over a horizon p.Them present and future control moves (m £ p) are computed to minimize a quadratic objective of the form Here and are weighting matrices to penalize particular components of y or u at certain future time intervals. r(k + l) is the (possibly time-varying) vector of future reference values (setpoints). Though m control moves are calculated, only the first one (D u(k)) is implemented. At the next sampling interval, new values of the measured output are obtained, the control horizon is shifted forward by one step, and the same computations are repeated. The resulting control law is referred to as “moving horizon” or “receding horizon.” futurepast target u(k) k+pk k+1 k+2 horizon y(k+1|k) ^ y Projected Manipulated Variables Outputs min D uk()…Duk m 1–+() G l y yk l|k+()rk l+()–[] 2 l=1 p Ge5 + G l u D uk l+ 1–()[] 2 l=1 m Ge5 G l y G l u 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-12 The predicted process outputs y(k +1|k),...,y(k + p|k) depend on the current measurement and assumptions we make about the unmeasured disturbances and measurement noise affecting the outputs. The MPC Toolbox assumes that the unmeasured disturbances for each output are steps passing through a first order lag with time constant tfilter(2,:). 1 For rejecting measurement noise, the time constant of an exponential filter tfilter(1,:) can be specified by the user. (It can be shown that this procedure is optimal for white noise disturbances passed through an integrator and a first order lag, and white measurement noise). For conventional Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC) the disturbance time constant is assumed to be zero (tfilter(2,:) = zeros(1,ny)), i.e., the unmeasured disturbances have the form of steps, and the noise filter time constant is also set to zero (tfilter(1,:) = zeros(1,ny)),i.e.,thereisnomeasurementnoisefiltering for doing the prediction. Under the stated assumptions, it can be shown that a linear time-invariant feedback control law results D u(k)=K MP C E p (k +1|k) where E p (k +1|k) is the vector of predicted future errors over the horizon p which would result if all present and future manipulated variable moves were equal to zero D u(k)=D u(k +1)=...=0. For open-loop stable plants, nominal stability of the closed-loop system depends only on K MP C whichinturnisaffectedbythehorizonp, the number of moves m and the weighting matrices and . No precise conditions on m, p, and exist which guarantee closed-loop stability. In general, decreasing m relative to p makes the control action less aggressive and tends to stabilize a system. For p = 1, nominal stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed for any finite m, and time-invariant input and output weights. More commonly, is used as a tuning parameter. Increasing always has the effect of making the control action less aggressive. The noise filter time constanttfilter(1,:) and the disturbance time constant tfilter(2,:) do not affect closed-loop stability or the response of the system to setpoint changes or measured disturbances. They do, however, affect the robustness and the response to unmeasured disturbances. 1. See cmpc in the “Reference” section for details on how to specify tfilter. y? k() G l y G l u G l y G l u G l u G l u Unconstrained Model Predictive Control 2-13 Increasing the noise filter time constant makes the system more robust and the unmeasured disturbance response more sluggish. Increasing the disturbance time constant increases the lead in the loop, making the control action somewhat more aggressive, and is recommended for disturbances which have a slow effect on the output. All controllers designed with the MPC Toolbox track steps asymptotically error-free (Type 1). If the unmeasured disturbance model or the system itself is integrating, ramps are also tracked error-free (Type 2). Example: (see mpctutst.m) % Plant transfer function: g=5.72exp(-14s)/(60s+1) % Disturbance transfer function: gd=1.52exp(-15s)/ % (25s+1) % % Build the step response models for a sampling period % of 7. delt1=0; delay1=14; num1=5.72; den1=[60 1]; g=poly2tfd(num1,den1,delt1,delay1); tfinal=245; delt2=7; nout1=1; plant=tfd2step(tfinal,delt2,nout1,g); delay2=15; num2=1.52; den2=[25 1]; gd=poly2tfd(num2,den2,delt1,delay2); delt2=7; nout2=1; dplant=tfd2step(tfinal,delt2,nout2,gd); % % Calculate the MPC controller gain matrix for % No plant/model mismatch, % Output Weight=1, Input Weight=0 % Input Horizon=5, Output Horizon=20 model=plant; ywt=1; uwt=0; 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-14 M=5; P=20; Kmpc1=mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P); % % Simulate and plot response for unmeasured and measured % step disturbance through dplant. tend=245; r=[ ]; usat=[ ]; tfilter=[ ]; dmodel=[ ]; dstep=1; [y1,u1]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc1,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); dmodel=dplant; % measured disturbance [y2,u2]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc1,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); plotall([y1,y2],[u1,u2],delt2); pause; % Perfect rejection for measured disturbance case. % % Calculate a new MPC controller gain matrix for % No plant/model mismatch, % Output Weight=1, Input Weight=10 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Outputs Time 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.7 ?0.6 ?0.5 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 Manipulated Variables Time Unconstrained Model Predictive Control 2-15 % Input Horizon=5, Output Horizon=20 model=plant; ywt=1; uwt=10; M=5; P=20; mpc2=mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P); % % Simulate and plot response for unmeasured and measured % step disturbance through dplant. tend=245; r=[ ]; usat=[ ]; tfilter=[ ]; dmodel=[ ]; dstep=1; [y3,u3]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc2,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); dmodel=dplant; % measured disturbance [y4,u4]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc2,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); plotall([y3,y4],[u3,u4],delt2); pause; 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.35 ?0.3 ?0.25 ?0.2 ?0.15 ?0.1 ?0.05 0 Manipulated Variables Time 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-16 % % Simulate and plot response for unmeasured % step disturbance through dplant with uwt=0, % with and without noise filtering. tend=245; r=[ ]; usat=[ ]; dmodel=[ ]; tfilter=[ ]; dstep=1; [y5,u5]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc1,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); tfilter=20; % noise filtering time constant=20 [y6,u6]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc1,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); plotall([y5,y6],[u5,u6],delt2); pause; 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Outputs Time 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.7 ?0.6 ?0.5 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 Manipulated Variables Time Unconstrained Model Predictive Control 2-17 % % Simulate and plot response for unmeasured % step disturbance through dplant with uwt=0, % with and without unmeasured disturbance time constant % being specified. tend=245; r=[ ]; usat=[ ]; dmodel=[ ]; tfilter=[ ]; dstep=1; [y7,u7]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc1,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); tfilter=[0;25]; % unmeasured disturbance time constant=25 [y8,u8]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc1,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); plotall([y7,y8],[u7,u8],delt2); pause; 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Outputs Time 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?1.5 ?1 ?0.5 0 Manipulated Variables Time 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-18 Closed-Loop Analysis Apart from simulation, other tools are available in the MPC Toolbox to analyze the stability and performance of a closed-loop system. We can obtain the state-space description of the closed-loop system with the command mpccl and then determine the pole locations with smpcpole. Example: (mpctutst.m) % Construct a closed-loop system for no disturbances % and uwt = 0. Determine the poles of the system. clmod = mpccl(plant,model,Kmpc1); poles = smpcpole(clmod); maxpole = max(poles) Result is: maxpole = 1.0 The closed-loop system is stable if all the poles are inside or on the unit-circle. Furthermore we can examine the frequency response of the closed-loop system. For multivariable systems, singular values as a function of frequency can be obtained using svdfrsp. Example: (mpctutst.m) % Calculate and plot the frequency response of the % sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions. freq = [ -3,0,30]; ny = 1; in = [1:ny]; % input is r for comp. sensitivity out = [1:ny]; % output is yp for comp. sensitivity [frsp,eyefrsp] = mod2frsp(clmod,freq,out,in); plotfrsp(eyefrsp); % sensitivity pause; plotfrsp(frsp); % complementary sensitivity pause; % Magnitude = 1 for all frequencies chosen. Closed-Loop Analysis 2-19 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 10 1 Frequency (radians/time) Log Magnitude BODE PLOTS 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 ?100 ?50 0 50 100 Frequency (radians/time) Phase (degrees) 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 10 0 10 1 Frequency (radians/time) Log Magnitude BODE PLOTS 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 ?800 ?600 ?400 ?200 0 Frequency (radians/time) Phase (degrees) 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-20 Constrained Model Predictive Control The control action can also be computed subject to hard constraints on the manipulated variables and the outputs. Manipulated variable constraints: u min (l) £ u(k +l) £ u max (l) Manipulated variable rate constraints: |D u(k + l)| £D u max (l) Output variable constraints: y min (l) £ y(k +l|k) £ y max (l) When hard constraints of this form are imposed, a quadratic program has to be solved at each time step to determine the control action and the resulting control law is generally nonlinear. The performance of such a control system has to be evaluated via simulation. Example: (mpctutst.m) % Simulate and plot response for unmeasured step % disturbance through dplant with and without % input constraints. % No plant/model mismatch, % Output Weight = 1, Input Weight = 0 % Input Horizon = 5, Output Horizon = 20 % Minimum Constraint on Input = -0.4 % Maximum Constraint on Input = inf % Delta Constraint on Input = 0.1 model = plant; ywt = 1; uwt = 0; M = 5; P = 20; tend = 245; r = 0; ulim = [ ]; ylim = [ ]; tfilter = [ ]; dmodel = [ ]; dstep = 1; [y9,u9] = cmpc(plant,model,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r,... ulim,ylim,tfilter,dplant,dmodel,dstep); ulim = [ -0.4, inf, 0.1]; % impose constraints Constrained Model Predictive Control 2-21 [y10,u10] = cmpc(plant,model,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r,... ulim,ylim,tfilter,dplant,dmodel,dstep); plotall([y9,y10],[u9,u10],delt2); 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Outputs Time 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.6 ?0.5 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 Manipulated Variables Time 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-22 Application: Idle Speed Control Process Description An idle speed control 2 system should maintain the desired engine rpm with automatic transmission in neutral or drive. Despite sudden load changes due to the actions of air conditioning, power steering, etc., the control system should maintain smooth stable operation. Because of varying operating conditions and engine-to-engine variability inevitable in mass production, the system dynamics may change. The controller must be designed to be robust with respect to these changes. Two control inputs, bypass valve (or throttle) opening and spark advance, are used to maintain the engine rpm at a desired idle speed level. For safe operation, spark advance should not change by more than 20 degrees. Also, spark advance should be at the design point at steady-state for fuel economy. Thus, spark advance is viewed both as a manipulated input and a controlled output. Control Problem Formulation Here we consider two different operating conditions (transmission in neutral and drive positions) and the models for the two plants are taken from the paper by Hrovat and Bodenheimer. 3 Thegoalistodesignamodelpredictive controller such that the closed loop performance at both operating conditions is good in the presence of the input constraint specified above. There is no synthesis method available which systematically generates a controller design which guarantees robust performance (or even just robust stability) in the presence of constraints. Thus, we must rely on both design and simulation tools to determine achievable performance objectives when there are both constraints and robustness requirements. The toolbox helps us toward this objective. Consider the following system: 2. More detail on the problem formulation can be found in the paper by Williams et al., “Idle Speed Control Design Using an H ¥ Approach,” Proceedings of American Control Conference, 1989, pages 1950–1956. 3. D. Hrovat and B. Bodenheimer, “Robust Automotive Idle Speed Control Design Based on μ-Synthesis,” Proceedings of American Control Conference, 1993, pages 1778–1783. y 1 y 2 G 11 G 21 01 u 1 u 2 G d 0 w+= Application: Idle Speed Control 2-23 where y 1 is engine rpm, y 2 and u 2 are spark advance, u 1 is bypass valve, w is torque load (unmeasured disturbance), and G 11 , G 21 and Gd are the corresponding transfer functions. After scaling, the constraints on spark advance become ±0.7, i.e., |u 2 | £ 0.7. Plant #1 corresponds to operation in drive at 800 rpm and a load of 30 Nm and the transfer functions are given by Plant #2 corresponds to operation at 800 rpm in neutral with zero load and the transfer functions are given by The goal is to design a model predictive controller such that the closed-loop performance is good for plants #1 and #2 when subjected to an unmeasured torque load disturbance. G 11 9.62e 0.16s– s 2 2.4s 5.05++ ----------------------------------------= G 21 15.9 s( 3 )e+ 0.04s– s 2 2.4s 5.05++ -----------------------------------------------= G d 19.1– s 3+() s 2 2.4s 5.05++ -----------------------------------------= G 11 20.5e 0.16s– s 2 2.2s 12.8++ -----------------------------------------= G 21 47.6 s( 3.5 )e+ 0.04s– s 2 2.2s 12.8++ ----------------------------------------------------= G d 19.1– s 3.5+() s 2 2.2s 12.8++ ----------------------------------------= 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-24 Simulations Since the toolbox handles only discrete-time systems, the models are discretizedusingasamplingtimeof0.1.Weapproximateeachofthediscrete transfer functions with 40 step response coefficients. The function cmpc is used to generate the controller and to simulate the closed-loop response because it determines optimal changes of the manipulated variables subject to constraints. For comparison (Simulation # 4), we also use the functions mpccon for controller design and mpcsim for simulating closed-loop responses. On-line computations are simpler, but the resulting controller is linear and the constraints are not handled in an optimal fashion. The following additional functions from the toolbox are also used: tfd2step and plotall.TheMATLAB code for the following simulations can be found in the file idlectr.m in the directory mpcdemos. Figure 2-1 Responses to a Unit Torque Disturbance for Plant #1 (no model/ plant mismatch) Simulation #1. No model/plant mismatch. The following parameters are used: M = 10, P = inf, ywt = [5 1], uwt = [0.5 0.5], tfilter = [ ] The larger weight on the first output (engine rpm) is to emphasize that controlling engine rpm is more important than controlling spark advance. Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 show the closed-loop response for a unit step torque 123456789100 5 0 -5 123456789100 5 0 -5 10 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables Time y2 y1 u1 u2 Application: Idle Speed Control 2-25 load change. No model/plant mismatch is introduced, i.e., we use Plant #1 and Plant #2 as the nominal model for simulating the closed loop response for Plant #1 and Plant #2, respectively. As we can see, both controllers perform well for their respective plants. Because of the infinite output horizon, i.e., P = inf, nominal stability is guaranteed for both systems. In some sense, the performance observed in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 is the best which can be expected, when the spark advance constraint is invoked and there is no model/plant mismatch. Obviously, if we want to control Plant #1 and Plant #2 with the same controller the nominal performance for each plant will deteriorate. Figure 2-2 Responses to a Unit Torque Disturbance for Plant #2 (no model/plant mismatch) 123456789100 123456789100 0 -2 -4 2 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables Time 5 0 -5 y2 y1 u1 u2 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-26 Figure 2-3 Responses to a Unit Torque Disturbance for Plant #1 (nominal model = Plant #2) Simulation #2. Model/plant mismatch. All parameters are kept the same as in Simulation #1. Shown in Figure 2-3 is the response to a unit torque disturbance for Plant #1 using Plant #2 as the nominal model. Figure 2-4 depicts the response to a unit torque disturbance for Plant #2 using Plant #1 as the nominal model. As one can see, both systems are unstable. Therefore, the controllers must be detuned to improve robustness if one wants to control both plants with the same controller. 123456789100 123456789100 10 0 -10 20 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables Time 20 0 -20 y2 y1 u1 u2 Application: Idle Speed Control 2-27 Figure 2-4 Responses to a Unit Torque Disturbance for Plant #2 (nominal model = Plant #1) Simulation #3. The input weight is increased to [10 20] to improve robustness. All other parameters are kept the same as in Simulation #1. Plant #1 is used as the nominal model. The simulation results depicted in Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6 seem to indicate that with an input weight of [10 20] the controller stabilizes both plants. However, we must point out that the design procedure guarantees global asymptotic stability only for the nominal system, i.e., Plant # 1. Because of the input constraints, the system is nonlinear. The observed stability for Plant # 2 in Figure 2-6 should not be mistaken as an indication of global asymptotic stability. 123456789100 123456789100 2 0 -2 4 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables Time 5 0 -5 y2 y1 u1 u2 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-28 Figure 2-5 Responses to a Unit Torque Disturbance for Plant #1 (nominal model = Plant #1) Figure 2-6 Responses to a Unit Torque Disturbance for Plant #2 (nominal model = Plant #1) 123456789100 123456789100 0 10 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables Time 5 -5 -10 y2 y1 u1 u2 0 123456789100 123456789100 0 -2 -4 2 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables Time 4 2 0 y2 y1 u1 u2 Application: Idle Speed Control 2-29 As expected, the nominal performance for both Plant #1 and Plant #2 has deteriorated when compared to the simulations shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2. A similar effect would be observed if we had detuned the controller which uses Plant #2 as the nominal model. Simulation #4. The parameter values are the same as in Simulation #3. Instead of using cmpc,weusempccon and mpcsim for simulating the closed loop responses. Figure 2-2 compares the responses for Plant #1 using mpccon and mpcsim,andcmpc. As we can see, for this example and these tuning parameters, the improvement obtained through the on-line optimization in cmpc is small. However, the difference could be large, especially for ill-conditioned systems and other tuning parameters. For example, by reducing the output horizon to P = 80 while keeping the other parameters the same, the responses for Plant # 1 found with mpccon and mpcsim are significantly slower than those obtained with cmpc (Figure 2-8). Figure 2-7 Comparison of Responses From cmpc, and mpccon and mpcsim for Plant #1 P = inf 2468100 -4 -5 -6 -3 Solid: cmpc Time 0 -1 -2 1 Dashed: mpccon and mpcsim Ou t p u t y1 y2 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-30 Figure 2-8 Comparison of Responses From cmpc, and mpccon and mpcsim for Plant #1 (P = 80) 2468100 -4 -5 -6 -3 Solid: cmpc Time 0 -1 -2 1 Dashed: mpccon and mpcsim Ou tp u t y1 y2 -7 Application: Control of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit 2-31 Application: Control of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Process Description Fluid Catalytic Cracking Units (FCCUs) are widely used in the petroleum refining industry to convert high boiling oil cuts (of low economic value) to lighter more valuable hydrocarbons including gasoline. Cracking refers to the catalyst enhanced thermal breakdown of high molecular weight hydrocarbons into lower molecular weight materials. A schematic of the FCCU studied 4 is given in Figure 2-9. Fresh feed is contacted with hot catalyst at the base of the riser and travels rapidly up the riser where the cracking reactions occur. The desirable products of reaction are gaseous (lighter) hydrocarbons which are passed to a fractionator and subsequently to separation units for recovery and purification. The undesirable byproduct of cracking is coke which is deposited on the catalyst particles, reducing their activity. Catalyst coated with coke is transported to the regenerator section where the coke is burned off thereby restoring catalytic activity and raising catalyst temperature. The regenerated catalyst is then transported to the riser base where it is contacted with more fresh feed. Regenerated catalyst at the elevated temperature provides the heat required to vaporize the fresh feed as well as the energy required for the endothermic cracking reaction. 4. A detailed problem description and the model used for this study can be found in the paper by McFarlane et al., “Dynamic Simulator for a Model IV Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit,” Comp. & Chem. Eng., 17(3), 1993, pages 275–300 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-32 Figure 2-9 Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Schematic Product composition, and therefore the economic viability of the process, is determined by the cracking temperature. The bulk of the combustion air in the regenerator section is provided by the main air compressor which is operated at full capacity. Additional combustion air is provided by the lift air compressor, the throughput of which is adjustable by altering compressor speed. By maintaining excess flue gas oxygen concentration, it is possible to ensure essentially complete coke removal from the catalyst. Application: Control of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit 2-33 Control Problem Formulation The open loop system is modeled as follows: where G is the plant model and G d is the disturbance model. The variables are: ? Controlled variables - Cracking temperature — (T r ) - Flue gas oxygen concentration — ( ) ? Associated variable - LiftAirCompressorSurgeIndicator—(D F la ) ? Manipulated variables - Liftaircompressorspeed—(V lift ) - Flue gas valve opening — (V fg ) ? Modeled disturbances - Variations in ambient temperature affect compressor throughput — (d 1 ) - Fluctuations in heavy oil feed composition to the FCCU — (d 2 ) - Pressure upset in down stream units propagating back to the FCCU — (d 3 ) In addition to the controlled variables there are many process variables that need not be maintained at specific setpoints but which need to be within bounds for safety or economic reasons. These variables are called associated variables. For example, compressors must not surge during process upsets i.e., the suction flow rate must be greater than some minimum flow rate (surge flow rate). The control objective is to maintain the controlled variables (cracking temperature and flue gas oxygen concentration) at pre-determined setpoints in the presence of typical process disturbances while maintaining safe plant operation. yGuG d d+= uV fg V lift [] T = yC O 2 sg, T r D F la [] T = dd 1 d 2 d 3 [] T = C O 2 sg, 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-34 Simulations State-space realizations of the plant and disturbance models are available in the MATLAB file fcc_dat.mat in the directory mpcdemos. A MATLAB script detailing the simulations is also included (fcc_demo.m). The following table gives the parameters used for controller design and examination of the closed loop response: Table 2-1 FCCU Simulation Parameters Step Response Model Figure 2-10A shows the plant open loop step response to a unit step in V fg . Although the plant is stable the settling time is large (1 day). The time scale of interest for control purposes is on the order of one hour — which corresponds to the initial plant response, Figure 2-10B. For time scales of one hour, the process can be approximated by an integrating system. In deriving the step response model, the plant is therefore assumed to be an integrating process. Simulation Time(s) tend = 2500 # Step Response Coefficients 60 Process Sampling Time delt2 = 100 Output Weights ywt = [3 3 0] Input Weights uwt = [0 2] Prediction Horizon (steps) P = 12 # manipulated variable moves M = 3 input constraints u i ? [-1,1],i =1,2 output constraints y i ? [ -1,1] , i =1,2 y 3 ?-1(hard constraint) Application: Control of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit 2-35 Figure 2-10 Open Loop Step Response to u = [1 0] Figure 2-11 Unconstrained Closed Loop Response to d = [0 -0.5 -0.75] 0 2 4 6 x 10 4 ?600 ?500 ?400 ?300 ?200 ?100 0 time (s) cO2sg A 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 ?300 ?250 ?200 ?150 ?100 ?50 0 time (s) cO2sg B 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ?2 ?1 0 1 2 time (s) output variables cO2sg Tr surge indicator Disturbance Rejection, UNCONSTRAINED DESIGN 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ?1 ?0.8 ?0.6 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 time (s) manipulated variables V f g V l ift 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-36 Associated Variables As mentioned previously, associated variables need not be at any setpoint as long as they are within acceptable bounds. Deviations of associated variables from the nominal value do not appear in overall objective function to be minimized and the output weight corresponding to the associated variable is set to zero in Table 2-1. Unconstrained Control Law Figure 2-11 shows the closed loop response to a disturbance d = [0 -0.5 -0.75] at t = 0. The controller gain matrix is derived using mpccon and the closed loop response is examined using mpcsim.Notethe following: ? At the first time step (t = 100s) the controlled variables are outside their allowed limits. The onset of the disturbance at t = 0 is unknown to the controller at t = 0 since there is no disturbance feedforward loop. Thus from t = 0 to t = 100s there is no control action and the process response is the open loop response with no control action. Only after t = 100s is corrective action implemented. ? At t = 200s (2 nd time step) riser temperature is outside the allowed limits. ? The lift air compressor surges during the interval 200s £ t £ 800s which is unacceptable. Compressor surging will result in undesirable vibrations in the compressor leading to rapid wear and tear. Constrained Control Law It is clear that the unconstrained control law generated using mpcsim is physically unacceptable since hard output constraints are violated. Figure 2-12 shows the closed loop response of the nominal plant to the same disturbance taking process constraints explicitly into account. The closed loop response is determined using the command cmpc. Application: Control of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit 2-37 Figure 2-12 Constrained Closed Loop Response to d = [0 -0.5 -0.75] The output limit vector is: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ?2 ?1 0 1 2 time (s) output variables Disturbance Rejection, CONSTRAINED DESIGN cO2sg Tr surge indicator 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ?1 ?0.8 ?0.6 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 time (s) manipulated variables V f g V l ift ylim 1–1–1–11Inf 1–1–1–11Inf Inf–Inf–Inf– Inf Inf Inf = 2 MPC Based on Step Response Models 2-38 Note the following: ? At the first time step (t = 100s) the controlled variables are outside their allowed limits. In fact the outputs are identical to the outputs for the unconstrained case at t = 100s. This should be expected as there is no control action from t = 0 to t = 100s for both constrained and unconstrained designs. ? At t = 200s (2 nd time step) riser temperature (y 2 ) is still outside the allowed limits. This is because the constrained QP solved at t = 100s assumes that disturbances are constant for t > 100s which is not the case for this process. Thus while the manipulated variable move made at t = 100s ensures that the predicted y 2 = 1 at t = 200s, the actual output at t = 200s exceeds one. ? The lift air compressor does not surge during the disturbance transient, Figure 2-13. The constrained control law therefore ensures safe operation while rejecting process disturbances. If no constraints are violated, mpccon and mpcsim,and cmpc will give identical closed loop responses. Note that the disturbance d = [0 -0.5 -0.75] was specifically chosen to illustrate the possibility of constraint violations during disturbance transient periods. Figure 2-13 Comparison of Constrained and Unconstrained Response of D F la to d = [0 -0.5 -0.75] 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ?1.2 ?1 ?0.8 ?0.6 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 0.2 Unconstrained Response Constrained Response time (s) associated variable Associated Variable Response to Constrained & Unconstrained Control Laws 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-2 State-Space Models Consider the process shown in the above block diagram. The general discrete-time linear time invariant (LTI) state-space representation used in the MPC Toolbox is: where x is a vector of n state variables, u represents the n u manipulated variables, d represents n d measured but freely-varying inputs (i.e., measured disturbances), w represents n w unmeasured disturbances, y is a vector of n y plant outputs, z is measurement noise, and F, G u , etc., are constant matrices of appropriate size. The variable (k) represents the plant output before the addition of measurement noise. Define: S y y Unmeasured Disturbances Manipulated Variables Measured Disturbances Measurement Noise w u d ++ z Plant Measured Outputs xk 1+()Fxk() G u uk() G d dk() G w wk()+++= yk() yk() zk()+= Cx k() D u uk() D d dk() D w wk() zk()+++ += y G G u G d G w = D D u D d D w = State-Space Models 3-3 Inmanyapplications,alloutputsaremeasured.Insomecases,however,one has n ym measured and n yu unmeasured outputs in y,wheren ym + n yu = n y .If so, the MPC Toolbox assumes that the y vector and the C and D matrices are arranged such that the measured outputs come first, followed by the unmeasured outputs. Mod Format The MPC Toolbox works with state-space models in a special format, called the mod format. The mod format is a single matrix that contains the state-space F, G , C,andD matrices plus some additional information (see mod format in the "Command Reference" chapter for details). The MPC Toolbox includes a number of commands that make it easy to generate models in the mod format. The following sections illustrate the use of these commands. SISO Continuous-Time Transfer Function to Mod Format The MPC Toolbox uses a format called the tf format. Let the continuous-time transfer function be where T d is the time delay. The tf format is a matrix consisting of three rows: The tf matrix will always have at least two columns, since that is the minimum width of the third row. row 1: The n coefficients of the numerator polynomial, b 0 to b n . row 2: The n coefficients of the denominator polynomial, a 0 to a n . row 3: column 1: The sampling period. This must be zero for a continuous system. (It must be positive for discrete transfer functions — see next section). column 2: The time delay in time units. It must satisfy Td ? 0. Gs() b 0 s n b 1 s n 1– … b n +++ a 0 s n a 1 s n 1– … a n +++ ----------------------------------------------------------------e T– d s = 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-4 You can either define a model in the tf format directly or use the command poly2tfd. The general form of this command is g = poly2tfd(num,den,delt,delay) For example, consider a SISO system modeled by the transfer function To create the tf format directly you could use the command G = [0 -13.6 1; 54.3 113.5 1; 0 5.3 0]; which defines a matrix consisting of three rows and three columns. Note that all rows must have the same number of columns so you must be careful to insert zeros where appropriate. The poly2tfd command is more convenient since it does that for you automatically: G = poly2tfd([-13.6 1],[54.3 113.5 1],0,5.3); Either command would define a variable G in your workspace, containing the matrix To convert this to the mod format, use the command tfd2mod, which has the form model = tfd2mod(delt,ny,g1,g2,g3,...,gN) G= 0 -13.6000 1.0000 54.3000 113.5000 1.0000 0 5.3000 0 Gs() 13.6s– 1+ 54.3s 2 113.5s 1++ --------------------------------------------------- e 5.3s– = State-Space Models 3-5 where: Suppose you want to convert the SISO model defined above to the mod format with a sampling period of 2.1 time units. The appropriate command would be mod = tfd2mod(2.1,1,G); This would define a variable called mod in your workspace that would contain the discrete-time state-space description of your system. delt The sampling period. tfd2mod will convert your continuous time transfer function(s) g1, ..., gN to discrete-time using this sampling period. ny is the number of output variables in the plant you are modeling. g1,g2,...,gN A sequence of N transfer functions in the tf format, where N ? 1. tfd2mod assumes that these are the individual elements of a transfer-function matrix: Thus N must be an integer multiple (n u ) of the number of outputs, n y . You supply the transfer functions in column-wise order. In other words, you first give the n y transfer functions for input 1 ( ), then the n y transfer functions for input 2 ( ), etc. g 11, g 12, … g 1 n u , g 21, g 22, … g 2 n u , g n y 1, g n y 2, … g n y n u , … … … . . . g 11, to g n y 1, g 12, to g n y 2, 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-6 SISO Discrete-Time Transfer Function to Mod Format Suppose you have a transfer function in discrete-time format (in terms of the forward-shift operator, z): where d is an integer (? 0) and represents the sampling periods of pure delay. The corresponding tf formatisthesameasforthecontinuous-timecaseexcept for the definition of the third row: As in the previous section, you can use poly2tfd followed by tfd2mod to get such a transfer function in mod format. For example, the discrete-time representation of the SISO system considered in the previous section is If you had this to begin with, you could convert it to the mod format as follows: G = poly2tfd([-0.1048 0.1215 0.0033],[1 -0.9882 0.0082], 2.1,3); mod = tfd2mod(2.1,1,G); Note that both the poly2tfd and tfd2mod commands specify the same sampling period (delt=2.1). This would be the usual case, but you have the option of converting a discrete-time model in the tf format to a different sampling period in the mod format. column 1 is the sampling period for which G(z) was created. It must be positive (in contrast to the continuous-time case described above). column 2 is the periods of pure delay, d, which must be an integer ? 0. Contrast this to the continuous case, where the delay is given in time units. Gq() b 0 b 1 z 1– … b n z n– +++ a 0 a 1 q 1– … a n z n– +++ -------------------------------------------------------------- z d– = Gz() 0.1048– 0.1215z 1– 0.0033z 2– ++ 1 0.9882z 1– 0.0082z 2– +– ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- z 3– = State-Space Models 3-7 MIMO Transfer Function Description to Mod Format Suppose you have a transfer-function matrix description of your system in the form where g i,j is the transfer function of the i th output with respect to the j th input. If all n y outputs are measured and all n u inputs are manipulated variables, the default mode of tfd2mod will give you the correct mod format. For example, consider the 2-output, 3-input system: The following sequence of commands would convert this to the equivalent mod format with a sampling period of T =4: g11 = poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21 = poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12 = poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22 = poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); g13 = poly2tfd(3.8,[14.9 1],0,8); g23 = poly2tfd(4.9,[13.2 1],0,3); pmod = tfd2mod(4,2,g11,g21,g12,g22,g13,g23); g 11, g 12, … g 1 n u , g 21, g 22, … g 2 n u , g n y 1, g n y 2, … g n y n u , … … … . . . y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 3.8e 8s– 14.9s 1+ ------------------------ 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- 4.9e 3s– 13.2s 1+ ------------------------ u 1 s() u 2 s() u 3 s() = 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-8 Suppose, however, that the third input were actually an unmeasured disturbance, i.e., the system were In this case you would need to override the default mode of tfd2mod by specifying the number of inputs in each of the three categories described at the beginning of this section, i.e., manipulated variables, measured disturbances, and unmeasured disturbances. This and other information about the system is contained in the first 7 columns of row 1 of the mod format, as follows: Forexample,ifyouhaddefinedpmod using the default mode of tfd2mod as shown above, the contents of row 1, columns 1 to 7 of pmod would be: 4 13 3 0 0 2 0 You could override this to set n u =2andn w =1asfollows: pmod(1,3)=2; pmod(1,5)=1; column 1 T, the sampling period. 2 n, the number of states. 3 n u , the number of manipulated variable inputs. 4 n d , the number of measured disturbances. 5 n w , the number of unmeasured disturbances. 6 n ym , the number of measured outputs. 7 n yu , the number of unmeasured outputs. y 1 s y 2 s 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s u 2 s = 3.8e 8s– 14.9s 1+ ------------------------ 4.9e 3s– 13.2s 1+ ------------------------ ws()+ State-Space Models 3-9 Note that in the original transfer function matrix description, the first n u columns must be for the manipulated variables, the next n d for the measured disturbances (if any), and the last n w for the unmeasured disturbances (if any). Similarly, the first n ym outputs must be measured and the last n yu (? 0) unmeasured. Continuous or Discrete State-Space to Mod Format If you have a continuous-time state-space model, you may convert it to mod format by first using the function c2dmp (continuous to discrete-time state-space), followed by ss2mod(discrete-time state-space to mod format). Of course, if you are starting with a discrete-time state-space model you can skip the first step. For example, suppose a, b, c,andd are matrices describing a continuous-time system. To convert to the mod format using a sampling period of T =1.5,you could use the following commands: [phi,gam] = c2dmp(a,b,1.5); mod = ss2mod(phi,gam,c,d,1.5); If your system is complicated, i.e., it contains disturbance inputs and/or unmeasured outputs, you will need to override the default mode of ss2mod.See the “Command Reference” section for more details. Identification Toolbox (“Theta”) Format to Mod Format The System Identification Toolbox identifies discrete-time transfer-function models from input/output data. The result is a model in a special form called the theta format (see the System Identification Toolbox User’s Guide for details).Ingeneral,eachtheta model describes the response of a single output tooneormoreinputs(MISOmodel). The MPC Toolbox function, th2mod, converts one or more such models to the mod format. Suppose, for example, that th1 is the theta model describing the response of output y 1 to inputs u 1 and u 2 . th2 is the theta model describing the response of output y 2 to inputs u 1 and u 2 . 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-10 Then the following command would provide the equivalent mod format with n y =2andn u =2: mod = th2mod(th1,th2); Combination of Models in Mod Format The functions addmod, addmd, addumd, appmod, paramod,andsermod allow you to combine simple models in the mod format to generate more complex plant structures. For example, addmd includes the effect of one or more measured disturbances in an existing model, as shown in the following schematic: pmod gives the effect of one or more manipulated variables, u(k), and optional unmeasured disturbance(s), w(k), on the output(s), y(k). dmod gives the effect of the measured disturbance(s), d(k), on the same outputs. Once you have defined pmod and dmod (e.g., starting from transfer functions as illustrated above), you can use the command addmd to generate the composite, model: model = addmd(pmod,dmod); Please see Chapter 4, “Command Reference” for more details on the various model-building commands. Converting Mod Format to Other Model Formats The function mod2ss converts a model in the mod format to the standard discrete-time state-space format: [phi,gam,c,d,minfo] = mod2ss(mod); Here, phi, gam, c,andd are the coefficient matrices of dmod w d Model S y + + u y d pmod w u xk 1+()Fxk() Guk()+= State-Space Models 3-11 The vectorminfocontains the first 7 columns of the first row inmod.Thesection “MIMO Transfer Function Description to Mod Format” gives the significance of this information. Once you have phi, gam, c,andd,youcanused2cmp, ss2tf2, and other functions to convert from discrete state-space to other model forms. The function mod2step uses a model in the mod format to generate a step- response model in the step format as required by the functions mpccon,mpcsim, etc., discussed in Chapter 2, “MPC Based on Step Response Models”. See the Chapter 4, “Command Reference” for details on the use of mod2step. yk() Cx k() Du k()+= 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-12 Unconstrained MPC Using State-Space Models Once you have described your system by generating state-space models in the mod format you can use the commands: In addition, you can analyze certain properties of the closed-loop system using the commands: Note: smpcgain, smpcpole and mod2frsp also work with open-loop models in the mod format. smpccon to calculate the unconstrained controller gain matrix. smpcest to design a state estimator (optional). smpcsim tosimulatetheresponseoftheclosed-loopsystemtooneor more specified inputs. plotall (or ploteach) to plot the response(s). smpccl to generate a model of the closed-loop system (plant plus controller). smpcgain to calculate the closed-loop gain matrix. smpcpole to calculate the closed-loop poles. mod2frsp (and plotfrsp)tocalculateandplottheclosed-loop frequency response. svdfrsp to calculate the singular values of the frequency response. Unconstrained MPC Using State-Space Models 3-13 Example: (see mpctutss.m) The following example (mpctutss.m) illustrates the basic procedures. The example process has 2 measured outputs, 2 manipulated variables, and an unmeasured disturbance: We first define the model in the mod format. The following commands use a sampling period of T = 2 time units (chosen arbitrarily): delt = 2; ny = 2; g11 = poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21 = poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12 = poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22 = poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); umod = tfd2mod(delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); % Defines the effect of u inputs g13 = poly2tfd(3.8,[14.9 1],0,8); g23 = poly2tfd(4.9,[13.2 1],0,3); dmod = tfd2mod(delt,ny,g13,g23); % Defines the effect of w input pmod = addumd(umod,dmod); % Combines the two models. We now design an unconstrained MPC controller. The design parameters are essentially the same as for the functions based on step response models (see Chapter 2). In this case, start by choosing design parameters such that we get the perfect controller: imod = pmod;% assume perfect modeling ywt = [ ]; % default (unity) weights on both outputs uwt = [ ]; % default (zero) weights on both inputs P = 5; % prediction horizon M = P; % control horizon Ks = smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); y 1 s y 2 s 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s u 2 s = 3.8e 8s– 14.9s 1+ ------------------------ 4.9e 3s– 13.2s 1+ ------------------------ ws()+ 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-14 We check the design by running a simulation for a step increase in the setpoint of output y 1 : tend=30; % time period for simulation. r = [1 0]; % setpoints for the two outputs. [y,u] = smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r); plotall(y,u,delt) Notethatthereisnomodelerrorsinceweusedthesamemodeltorepresent the plant (pmod) as that used to design the controller (imod). The results are: Note that we get perfect tracking of the specified setpoint change (y 1 =1, y 2 = 0), but the manipulated variables are ringing. You could have anticipated this by calculating the poles of the controller: [clmod,cmod] = smpccl(pmod,imod,Ks); smpcpole(cmod) The result shows that one of the poles is at -0.9487 and another is at -0.9223. In general, such negative-real poles cause ringing. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1.5 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Manipulated Variables Time Unconstrained MPC Using State-Space Models 3-15 One way to minimize ringing is to make the prediction horizon significantly larger than the control horizon: P = 10; M = 3; Ks = smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); [y,u] = smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r); plotall(y,u,delt) This results in the following improved responses: Another (often more effective) way is to use blocking.Inthecaseofblocking, each element of the vector M indicates the number of steps over which D u =0 during the optimization. For example, M = [2 3] indicates that u(k +1)=u(k) or D u(k +1)=0andu(k +4)=u(k +3)=u(k +2)(orD u(k +3)=D u(k +4)=0): 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-16 M = [2 3 4]; % Defines 3 blocks of control moves Ks = smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); [y,u] = smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r); plotall(y,u,delt) pause This completely eliminates the ringing, as shown in the following responses, at the expense of a more sluggish servo response and a larger disturbance in y 2 . A third approach is to increase the weights on the manipulated variables: uwt = [1 1]; % increase input weighting P = 5; % original prediction horizon M = P; % original control horizon Ks = smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); [y,u] = smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r); plotall(y,u,delt) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Manipulated Variables Time Unconstrained MPC Using State-Space Models 3-17 for which the response is: In general, you must choose the horizons and weights by trial-and-error, using simulations to judge their effectiveness. The servo-response of the last controller looks good. Let’s see how it responds to a unit-step in the unmeasured disturbance, w(k): ulim = [ ]; % default (no) constraints on u variables. Kest = [ ]; % default (DMC) state estimator. r = [0 0]; % Both output setpoints at zero. z = [ ]; % default (zero) measurement noise. v = [ ]; % default (zero) measured disturbances. w = [1]; % unit-step in unmeasured disturbance. [y,u] = smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r,ulim,Kest,z,v,w); plotall(y,u,delt) pause 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-18 Note that both setpoints are zero. The resulting response is: The regulatory response has a rather long transient. Let’s see if we can improve it by using a state estimator other than the default (DMC) estimator: [Kest,newmod] = smpcest(imod,[15 15],[3 3]); Ks = smpccon(newmod,ywt,uwt,M,P); [y,u] = smpcsim(pmod,newmod,Ks,tend,r,ulim,Kest,z,v,w); plotall(y,u,delt) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Manipulated Variables Time Unconstrained MPC Using State-Space Models 3-19 See the detailed description of the smpcest function for a discussion of the estimator design parameters. The results show that the controller now compensates for the disturbance much more rapidly: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-20 State-Space MPC with Constraints The function scmpc handles problems with inequality constraints on the manipulated variables and/or outputs. The recommended procedure is to first use the tools described in the section section Unconstrained MPC Using State-Space Models to find values of the prediction horizon, P, control horizon, M, input and output weights, and a state-estimation strategy that work well for the unconstrained version of your problem. Then define the constraints and solve the problem using scmpc. The following example illustrates the use of scmpc. Example: (see mpctutss.m) We use the same example process as in the previous section, but use a sampling period of 1 and omit the unmeasured disturbance input: T = 1; g11 = poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21 = poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12 = poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22 = poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); imod = tfd2mod(2,T,g11,g21,g12,g22); The following statements specify parameters required in both the constrained and unconstrained cases, and calculate the gain for the unconstrained controller. nhor = 10; % Prediction horizon. ywt = [ ]; % Unity weighting on output tracking errors % (default). uwt = [ ]; % Zero weighting on man. variable moves % (default). blks = [2 3 5]; % Allows 3 moves of manipulated variables. K = [ ]; % DMC-type state estimation (default). Ks = smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,blks,nhor); State-Space MPC with Constraints 3-21 Let’s first verify that the constrained and unconstrained solutions will be the same when the constraints are loose i.e. inactive. The following statements define upper and lower bounds on u(k)at-¥ and ¥ , respectively, and bounds on D u(k)at10(bothu 1 and u 2 ). 1 Also, bounds on y(k) are set at the default values of ±¥ . ulim = [-inf -inf inf inf 10 10]; ylim = [ ]; % Default -- no limits on outputs. For the simulation we will make a step change of 0.8 in the setpoint for y 1 .We will also assume a perfect model, i.e., use the same model for the plant as was used to design the controller. setpts = [0.8 0]; % Define the step in the setpoint. plant = imod; tend = 20; % Duration of the simulation [y1,u1] = smpcsim(plant,imod,Ks,tend,setpts,ulim,K); [y,u] = scmpc(plant,imod,ywt,uwt,blks,nhor,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,K); plotall([y y1],[u u1],T) The above plotall command plots the results from smpcsim and scmpc on the same graph. Since the constraints were loose, there should be no difference. In the following plots, you can only distinguish two curves, i.e., the two simulations give the same values of y and u,asexpected. 1. Finite bounds on D u are required by scmpc. Here they are chosen large enough so that they have no effect. 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-22 Now let’s add some constraints to the problem. Suppose we want the maximum value of y 2 to be -0.1. In the previous case it goes slightly above zero (dashed line in the Outputs plot). The following statements define a hard upper limit of y 2 = -0.1, starting at the 4th step in the prediction horizon. This accounts for the minimum delay of 3 sampling periods before y 2 can be affected by either u 1 or u 2 , i.e., it is important to leave y 2 unconstrained for the first 3 steps in the prediction horizon. In this case, since the initial condition is y 2 =0,itis impossible to make y 2 £ -0.1 prior to t = 4. If you were to attempt to do so, you would get an error message stating that the problem is infeasible. Note also that the upper bound on y 2 supersedes the setpoint, which is still specified as zero. The controller thus maximizes the value of y 2 at steady state. ylim = [-inf -inf inf inf -inf -inf inf inf -inf -inf inf inf -inf -inf inf -0.1]; [y,u] = scmpc(plant,imod,ywt,uwt,blks,nhor,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,K); 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Manipulated Variables Time State-Space MPC with Constraints 3-23 The following plot shows that the constraints are satisfied for t ? 4, as expected. If you use a long prediction horizon with constraints, the calculations can be time-consuming. You can minimize this by turning off constraints that are far out in the prediction horizon. The following example defines bounds on y 1 and y 2 , then turns them off beyond the 4th point in the prediction horizon. The calculations are much faster than would be the case if only the first 4 rows of ylim had been used (try it). Also, since there is neither model error nor unmeasured disturbances, the solution satisfies all constraints for t 4 in any case. In general, output constraints must be chosen carefully to avoid infeasibilities and maximize the speed of the calculations. ylim = [-inf -inf inf inf -inf -inf 0.8 inf -inf -inf inf inf -inf 0.10 inf inf] -inf -inf inf inf % Turns off remaining bounds. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Outputs Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-24 [y,u] = scmpc(plant,imod,ywt,uwt,blks,nhor,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,K); plotall(y,u,T) As a final example we impose bounds on the manipulated variables: ulim = [-0.5 -0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0.3 -inf -inf inf inf 0.3 0.3]; [y,u] = scmpc(plant,imod,ywt,uwt,blks,nhor,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,K); plotall(y,u,T) Again, to save computer time the constraints apply only for the first block in the prediction horizon, i.e., the constraints are turned off for periods 2 through P = 10. The following plot shows that the upper bound of u 2 £ 0andD u 1 £ 0.3 are the most restrictive. The former prevents y 2 from coming back to the minimum allowed value of 0.1. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Outputs Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Manipulated Variables Time State-Space MPC with Constraints 3-25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Outputs Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-26 Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control Ying et al. (1992) 2 studied the control of composition and liquid level in a paper machine headbox, a schematic of which is shown in Figure 3-1. The process model is given by a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in bilinear form. Using their nomenclature, the states are x T =[H 1 H 2 N 1 N 2 ], where H 1 is the liquid level in the feed tank, H 2 is that in the headbox, N 1 is the consistency (percentage of pulp fibers in suspension) in the feed tank, and N 2 is that in the headbox. All states except H 1 are measured, i.e., the measured outputs are y T =[H 2 N 1 N 2 ]. The primary control objective is to hold H 2 and N 2 (y 1 and y 3 )atspecifiedsetpoints. Therearetwomanipulatedvariables:u T =[G p G w ], where G p is the flowrate of stock entering the feed tank, and G w is that of the recycled white water.There is a single measured disturbance: v =[N p ], the consistency of the stock entering the feed tank, and a single unmeasured disturbance: d =[N w ], the consistency of the white water. All variables are normalized such that they are zero at the nominal steady state, and variations about the steady-state are of the same order of magnitude. The process is open-loop stable. 2. Ying, Y., M. Rao, and Y. Sun, “Bilinear Control Strategy for Paper-Making Process,” Chem. Eng. Comm. 1992, 111, 13–28. Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-27 Figure 3-1 Schematic of Paper Machine Headbox Control Problem MPC Design Based on Nominal Linear Model The standard MPC design methods require a linear model of the plant. We therefore linearize the bilinear model at the nominal steady-state condition (x =0;u =0;v=0;d = 0). Since the model is simple, one can linearize it analytically to obtain: where x m ,y m ,andd m are the model states, outputs, and disturbances, respectively. The desired closed-loop response time is of the order of 10 minutes, so we choose a sampling period of T s = 2 minutes. The file pm_lin.m in the directory mpcdemos contains the code for all the computations in this section of the manual. The following commands define the linear model and plot the response of the outputs to a unit step in each manipulated variable: Feed Tank Headbox Wire White Water Stock Wet Paper H 1 N 1 H 2 N 2 N w N p G p G w x · m Ax m B 0 uB v vB d d m +++= 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-28 Figure 3-2 Responses of Paper Machine Outputs to Unit Step in u 1 % Matrices= of the linearized paper machine model A = [-1.93 0 0 0; .394 -.426 0 0; 0 0 .63 0; .82 -.784 .413 -.426]; B = [1.274 1.274 0 0;0 0 0 0;1.34 -.65 .203 .406;0 0 0 0]; C = [0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; D = zeros(3,4); % Discretize the linear model and save in mod form. dt = 2; 0 10 20 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 u1 step response : y1 TIME 0 10 20 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 u1 step response : y2 TIME 0 10 20 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 u1 step response : y3 TIME Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-29 [PHI,GAM] = c2dmp(A,B,dt); minfo = [dt,4,2,1,1,3,0]; imod = ss2mod(PHI,GAM,C,D,minfo); plotstep(mod2step(imod,30)) Figure 3-3 Responses of Paper Machine Outputs to Unit Step in u 2 0 10 20 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 u2 step response : y1 TIME 0 10 20 30 ?1.4 ?1.2 ?1 ?0.8 ?0.6 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 u2 step response : y2 TIME 0 10 20 30 ?1 ?0.8 ?0.6 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 u2 step response : y3 TIME 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-30 The step responses (Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3) show that there are large interactions in the open-loop system. Adjustments in u 1 and u 2 have strong effects on both y 1 and y 3 .Also,theu 2 fi y 3 step exhibits an inverse response. We begin by attempting a controller design for good response of both y 1 and y 3 : % Define controller parameters P = 10; % Prediction horizon M = 3; % Control horizon ywt = [1,0,1]; % Equal weighting of y(1) and y(3), % no control of y(2) uwt = 0.6*[1 1]; % Equal weighting of u(1) and u(2). ulim = [-10*[1 1] 10*[1 1] 2*[1 1]];% Constraints on u ylim = [ ]; % No constraints on y Kest = [ ]; % Use default estimator % Simulation using scmpc -- no model error pmod=imod; % plant and internal model are identical setpts = [1 0 0]; % servo response to step in y(1) setpoint tend = 30; % duration of simulation [y,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,Kest); plotall(y,u,dt) The prediction horizon of 10 sampling periods (20 minutes) extends well past the desired closed-loop response time. Preliminary trials suggested that longer horizons increased the computational load but provided no advantage in setpoint tracking. The use of M < P is not required in this case, but helps to reduce the computational load and inhibit ringing of the manipulated variables. Note the equal penalties on setpoint tracking errors for y 1 and y 3 (ywt variable), reflecting our desire to track both setpoints accurately. There is no penalty on y 2 , since it does not have a setpoint. The listeduwtpenalties were determined by running several trials. Figure 3-4 shows smooth control of y 1 with the desired 10-minute response time, but there is a noticeable disturbance in y 3 . Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-31 Figure 3-4 Response of closed-loop system to unit step in y 1 setpoint for equal output weighting. Output y 2 is uncontrolled, and the y 3 setpoint is zero One could repeat the simulation for a step change in the y 3 setpoint as follows: setpts = [0 0 1]; % servo response to step in y(3) setpoint [y,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,Kest); plotall(y,u,dt) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-32 Normally, control of consistency (y 3 ) is more important than control of liquid level, y 1 . We can achieve better control of y 3 if we allow larger tracking errors in y 1 . For example, an alternative controller design uses unequal weights on the controlled outputs: ywt = [0.2,0,1]; % Unequal weighting of y(1) and y(3), % no control of y(2) setpts = [1 0 0]; % servo response to step in y(1) setpoint [y,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,Kest); plotall(y,u,dt) AsshowninFigure3-5,ay 1 setpoint change causes a much smaller disturbance in y 3 than before (compare with Figure 3-4). The disadvantage is thattheresponsetimeofy 1 has increased from about 8 to 25 minutes. Similarly, a step change in the y 3 setpoint would cause a larger disturbance in y 1 than in the original design. Overall, however, the controller with unequal weighting gives better nominal performance and will be used as the basis for subsequent designs. Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-33 Figure 3-5 Response of closed-loop system to Unit step in y 1 setpoint for unequal output weighting. Output y 2 is uncontrolled, and the y 3 setpoint is zero. We now evaluate the response of the above controller to a unit step in the measured disturbance, v (i.e., feedforward control). The commands required for this are: setpts = [0 0 0]; % output setpoints z = [ ]; % measurement noise v = 1; % measured disturbance d = 0; % unmeasured disturbance [y,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,Kest,z,v,d); plotall(y,u,dt) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-34 As shown in Figure 3-6, both controlled outputs are held near their setpoints, with larger deviations in y 1 ,asexpected. Figure 3-6 Response of closed-loop system to unit step in measured disturbance, v. unequal output weighting with y 1 and y 3 setpoints at zero. Finally, we check the response to a step in the unmeasured disturbance. The required commands are: setpts = [0 0 0]; % output setpoints v = 0; % measured disturbance d = 1; % unmeasured disturbance [y,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,Kest,z,v,d); plotall(y,u,dt) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.04 ?0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 ?0.15 ?0.1 ?0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Manipulated Variables Time Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-35 As shown in Figure 3-7, the unmeasured disturbance causes significant deviations in both controlled outputs. In fact, the higher-priority output, y 3 , exhibits the larger tracking error of the two controlled variables. Figure 3-7 Response of closed-loop system (with default state estimator) to unit step in unmeasured disturbance, d. unequal output weighting with y 1 and y 3 setpoints at zero. The closed-loop response to unmeasured disturbances can often be improved by a change in the state estimator. In the previous trials, we were using the default estimator, which assumes that disturbances are independent, random steps at each output. In fact, the known unmeasured disturbance, d,hasno effect on y 1 , and its effects on y 2 and y 3 are approximately first order with time constants of 3 and 5 minutes, respectively. One way to exploit this knowledge is to specify an expected covariance for d and a measurement noise covariance for y,thenusetheKalmangainforthemodeleddisturbancecharacteristics. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Manipulated Variables Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-36 Consider the following sequence of commands, leading to the responses shown in Figure 3-8: Figure 3-8 Response of closed-loop system to unit step in unmeasured disturbance, d. with Kalman Estimator, unequal output weighting with y 1 and y 3 setpoints at zero. % Estimator design Q = 30; R = 1*eye(3); Kest = smpcest(imod,Q,R); % Simulation using scmpc -- no model error setpts = [0 0 0]; % servo response to step in y1 setpoint d = 1; % unmeasured disturbance [y,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,Kest,z,v,d); plotall(y,u,dt) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Manipulated Variables Time Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-37 The resulting Kest matrix is: Kest = 0 0 0 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.7446 0.0732 -0.0000 0.2985 0.0851 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.7777 0.2934 0.0000 0.2934 0.1977 We have specified equal measurement noise for each output (R is diagonal with a rank equal to the number of outputs, and equal elements on the diagonal). This makes the Kalman estimator give equal weight to each output measurement. 3 The dimension of Q must equal the number of elements in d (unity in this case). A relatively large value of Q(i,i) signifies an important disturbance mode. In practice, the elements of Q and R are tuning parameters, and one adjusts the relative magnitudes to achieve the desired balance of fast disturbance rejection (usually promoted by making Q relatively large) and robustness. For the chosen Q and R, and the disturbance model in imod, the elements of column 1 of Kest (shown above) are essentially zero. Thus, the measurement of y 1 provides no information regarding the effect of d on the process states. Output y 2 , on the other hand, provides large corrections to the state estimates. If it were not available, rejection of d would degrade. 4 Figure 3-8 shows that although the revised estimator reduced the disturbance in y 3 , it is still significant (compare to Figure 3-7). A key limiting factor is the use of a 2-minute sampling period. As shown in Figure 3-8, the controller does not respond to the disturbance until it is first detected at t = 2 minutes. You can verify that reducing the sampling period to 0.25 minutes (holding all other parameters constant) greatly reduces the disturbance in y 3 .Suchachange would also speed up the setpoint tracking in the nominal case. It may cause robustness problems, however, so we defer further consideration of the samplingperiodtotestswiththenonlinearplant(seenextsection). This application is unusual in that the characteristics of the unmeasured disturbance are known. When this is not the case, the output disturbance form 3. If a measurement were known to be inaccurate, its R(i,i) value should be relatively large. 4. You can see how serious the degradation would be by setting R(2,2) to a large value, e.g.,10000. 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-38 of the estimator simplifies the design procedure. It requires only a rough idea of the characteristic times for the disturbances, and the signal-to-noise ratio for each output. For example, you can verify that the following design rejects the d disturbance almost as well as the optimal Kalman design: % Alternative estimator design -- output disturbances taus = [5 5 5]; signoise = [10 10 10]; [Kest, newmod] = smpcest(imod,taus,signoise); % Simulation using scmpc -- no model error [y,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,newmod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... setpts,ulim,ylim,Kest,z,v,d); plotall(y,u,dt) MPC of Nonlinear Plant We are now ready to test the controller design on the real (nonlinear) plant. A special version of the scmpc function (called scmpcnl) is available for this purpose. It uses a nonlinear plant model in the S-function format required by Simulink. (See the Simulink documentation for more information on how to write such models.) The model of the paper machine is in the file pap_mach.m. Simulations with Simulink involving nonlinear models usually take much longer (by an order of magnitude) than linear simulations of a plant of comparable complexity. This is especially likely if the plant model is in the form of an .M file, as is the case here. If such models are to be used extensively, it may be worthwhile to code them as a .mex file (see MATLAB documentation). ToseehowwelltheMPCdesignrejectsthed disturbance of Figure 3-8, we could use the commands found in the file pm_nonl.m in the directory mpcdemos. The only differences between these commands and those for the original linear simulation are: ? We have defined the initial values of the plant state and manipulated variables (x0 and u0, respectively). ? A step size for numerical integration has been specified. The value of 0.05 minutes provides reasonable accuracy in this application. In general, one mustchoosethestepsizetofittheproblem(oruseavariablestep-size integration method, as provided by Simulink). You can verify that the results are nearly identical to those shown in Figure 3-8. In other words, the nonlinearities in the plant have caused negligible Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-39 performance degradation. Very similar results are also obtained for the setpoint change of Figure 3-4. As the magnitude of the disturbance (or setpoint change) increases, nonlinear effects become significant. For example, Figure 3-9 is for a step in d of 7 units. If the plant were linear, the curves in Figure 3-9 would be the same shape as those in Figure 3-8, but scaled by a factor of 7. Although this is approximately true, there are some qualitative differences. For example, at t = 8 minutes in Figure 3-9, y 2 has gone below y 1 , whereas in Figure 3-8, y 2 > y 1 at all times. Figure 3-9 As for Figure 3-8, but With Nonlinear Plant, and Step in d of 7 Units 5101520250 -1 -2 -3 0 3 2 1 4 -4 30 y2 y3 y1 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables -3 -4 -2 2 0 -1 1 51015202503 u2 u1 Time 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-40 If d is increased to 8, control quality degrades dramatically and the maximum tracking error in y 3 goes to about -10 5 (not shown). This is caused by changes in the plant characteristics as it moves away from the nominal state (i.e., causing errors in the MPC’s linear model). Sensitivity to modeling error can often be reduced by de-tuning the controller. A common approach is to increase the magnitudes of theuwtparameters. When nonlinear effects are severe, however, it may be impossible for any time-invariant, linear controller to provide stable, offset-free performance. In that case, if the nonlinear effects are predictable, one might try MPC based on a nonlinear model (e.g., Gattu and Zafiriou, 1992). 5 Scripts for this purpose can be developed using the functions in this toolbox. As a final test, let’s repeat the simulation of Figure 3-8 with a controller sampling period of 0.25 minutes (recall that the original sampling period was 2 minutes). Results appear in Figure 3-10. Compared to Figure 3-8, which had no model error (i.e., linear plant), we reduced the disturbance in y 3 by a factor of 3. Thus, a reduction in sampling period may not lead to robustness problems, and should be tested more thoroughly. You can verify that it works well for other combinations of small disturbances and setpoint changes. 5. Gattu, G. and E. Zafiriou, “Nonlinear Quadratic Dynamic Matrix Control with State Estimation,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Research, 1992, 31, 1096–1104. Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control 3-41 Figure 3-10 As for Figure 3-8, (d =1) but With Nonlinear Plant, Sampling Period of 0.25 Minutes 0 -0.05 -0.1 0.05 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.25 -0.15 51015202503 y2 y3 y1 Outputs Time Manipulated Variables Time 51015202503 -0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0.3 -0.3 u2 u1 3 MPC Based on State-Space Models 3-42 4 Command Reference 4 Command Reference 4-2 Commands Grouped by Function Identification autosc Automatically scales a matrix by its means and standard deviations. imp2step Combines MISO impulse response models to form MIMO models in MPC step format. mlr Calculates MISO impulse response model via multi- variable linear regression. plsr Calculates MISO impulse response model via partial least squares regression. rescal Converts scaled data back to its original form. scal Scales a matrix by specified means and standard deviations. validmod Validates a MISO impulse response model using new data. wrtreg Writes data matrices used for regression. Plotting and Matrix Information mpcinfo Outputs matrix type and attributes of system representation. plotall Plots outputs and inputs from a simulation run on one graph. plotfrsp Plots the frequency response of a system as a Bode plot. ploteach Makes separate plots of outputs and/or inputs from a simulation run. plotstep Plots the coefficients of a model in MPC step form. Commands Grouped by Function 4-3 Model Conversions c2dmp Converts state-space model from continuous time to discrete-time. (Equivalent to c2d in Control System Toolbox) cp2dp Converts from a continuous to a discrete transfer function in poly format. d2cmp Converts state-space model from discrete-time to continuous time. (Equivalent to d2c in Control System Toolbox) mod2mod Changes sampling period of a model in MPC mod format. mod2ss Converts a model in MPC mod format to a state-space model. mod2step Converts a model in MPC mod format to MPC step format. poly2tfd Converts a transfer function in poly format to MPC tf format. ss2mod Converts a state-space model to MPC mod format. ss2step Converts a state-space model to MPC step format. ss2tf2 Converts state-space model to transfer function. (Equivalent to ss2tf in Control System Toolbox) tf2ssm Converts transfer function to state-space model. (Equivalent to tf2ss in Control System Toolbox) tfd2mod Converts a model in MPC tf format to MPC mod format. tfd2step Converts a model in MPC tf format to MPC step format. th2mod Converts a model in theta format (System Identification Toolbox) into MPC mod format. 4 Command Reference 4-4 Model Building — MPC mod format addmd Adds one or more measured disturbances to a plant model. addmod Combines two models such that the output of one adds to the input of the other. addumd Adds one or more unmeasured disturbances to a plant model. appmod Appends two models in an unconnected, parallel structure. paramod Puts two models in parallel such that they share a common output. sermod Puts two models in series. Controller Design and Simulation — MPC step format cmpc Solves the quadratic programming problem to simulate performance of a closed-loop system with input and output constraints. mpccl Creates a model in MPC mod format of a closed-loop system with an unconstrained MPC controller. mpccon Calculates the unconstrained controller gain matrix for MPC. mpcsim Simulates a closed-loop system with optional saturation constraints on the manipulated variables. nlcmpc Simulink S-function block for MPC controller with input and output constraints (solves quadratic program). nlmpcsim Simulink S-function block for MPC controller with optional saturation constraints. Commands Grouped by Function 4-5 Controller Design and Simulation — MPC mod format scmpc Solves the quadratic programming problem to simulate performance of a closed-loop system with input and output constraints. smpccl Creates a model in MPC mod format of a closed-loop system with an unconstrained MPC controller. smpccon Calculates the unconstrained controller gain matrix for MPC. smpcest Designs a state estimator for use in MPC. smpcsim Simulates a closed-loop system with optional saturation constraints on the manipulated variables. Analysis mod2frsp Calculates frequency response for a system in MPC mod format. smpcgain Calculates steady-state gain matrix of a system in MPC mod format. smpcpole Calculates poles of a system in MPC mod format. svdfrsp Calculates singular values of a frequency response. 4 Command Reference 4-6 Utility Functions abcdchkm Checks dimensional consistency of (A,B,C,D) set. (Equivalent to abcdchk in Control System Toolbox) dantzgmp Solves quadratic programs. dareiter Solves discrete Riccati equation by an iterative method. dimpulsm Generates impulse response of discrete-time system. (Equivalent to dimpulse in Control System Toolbox) dlqe2 Calculates state-estimator gain matrix for discrete systems. dlsimm Simulates discrete-time systems. (Equivalent to dlsim in Control System Toolbox) mpcaugss Augments a state-space model with its outputs. mpcparal Puts two state-space models in parallel. nargchkm Checks number of M-file arguments. (Equivalent to nargchk in Control System Toolbox) mpcstair Creates the stairstep format used to plot manipulated variables. vec2mat Converts a vector to a matrix. addmd 4-7 1addmd Purpose Adds one or more measured disturbances to a plant model in the MPC mod format. Used to allow for feedforward compensation in MPC. Syntax model = addmd(pmod,dmod) Description The disturbance model contained in dmod adds to the plant model contained in pmod to form a composite, model, with the structure given in the following block diagram: pmod, dmod and model are in the MPC mod format (see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference for a detailed description). You would normally create pmod and dmod using either the tfd2mod, ss2mod or th2mod functions. addmd is a specialized version of paramod. Its main advantage over paramod is that it assumes all the inputs to dmod aretobemeasureddisturbances.This saves you the trouble of designating the input types in a separate step. Example See ss2mod for an example of the use of this function. Algorithm addmd converts pmod and dmod into their state-space form, then uses the mpcparal function to build the composite model. Restrictions ?pmod and dmod must have been created with equal sampling periods and number of output variables. ?pmod must not include measured disturbances, i.e., its mod format must specify n d =0. ? All inputs to dmod must be classified as manipulated variables. (They will be reclassified automatically as measured disturbances in model.) So the mod format of dmod must specify n d = n w = 0 (which is the default for all model creation functions). See Also addmod, addumd, appmod, paramod, sermod dmod w d model S y + + u y d pmod w u addmod 1-8 1addmod Purpose Combines two models in the MPC mod format such that the output of one combines with the manipulated inputs of the other. This function is specialized and rarely needed. Its main purpose is to build up a model of a complex structure that includes the situation shown in the diagram below. Syntax pmod = addmod(mod1,mod2) Description The output(s) of mod2 addtothemanipulatedvariable(s)ofmod1 to form a composite system, pmod, with the structure given in the following block diagram: pmod, mod1 and mod2 are in the MPC mod format (see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference for a detailed description). You would normally create mod1 and mod2 using either the tfd2mod, ss2mod or th2mod functions. The different input types associated withmod1andmod2will be retained in pmod andwillbeorderedasshowninthediagram. Example See mod2ss for an example of the use of this function. Restrictions ?mod1 and mod2 must have been created with equal sampling periods. ? The number of manipulated variables in mod1 must equal the number of output variables in mod2. See Also addmd, addumd, appmod, paramod, sermod mod2 pmod S y + + u 1 y mod1 u 2 d 1 d 2 w 1 w 2 u 1 u 2 d 1 d 2 w 1 w 2 addumd 4-9 1addumd Purpose Adds one or more unmeasured disturbances to a plant model in MPC mod format. Used for simulation of disturbances and for design of state estimators in MPC. Syntax model = addumd(pmod,dmod) Description The disturbance model contained in dmod adds to the plant model contained in pmod to form a composite,model, with the structure given in the following block diagram: pmod, dmod and model are in the MPC mod format (see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference for a detailed description). You would normally create pmod and dmod using either the tfd2mod, ss2mod or th2mod functions. addumd is a specialized version of paramod. Its main advantage over paramod is that it assumes all the inputs to dmod are to be unmeasured disturbances. This saves you the trouble of designating the input types in a separate step. Example See ss2mod for an example of the use of this function. Algorithm addumd converts pmod and dmod into their state-space form, then uses the mpcparal function to build the composite model. Restrictions ?pmod and dmod must have been created with equal sampling periods and number of output variables. ?pmod must not include unmeasured disturbances, i.e., its mod format must specify n w =0. ? All inputs to dmod must be classified as manipulated variables. (They will be reclassified automatically as unmeasured disturbances in model.) So the mod format of dmod must specify n d = n w = 0 (which is the default for all model creation functions). See Also addmod, addmd, appmod, paramod, sermod, smpcest dmod w d model S y + + u y d pmod d u appmod 1-10 1appmod Purpose Appends two models to form a composite model that retains the inputs and outputs of the original models. In other words, for models in the MPC mod format appmod replaces the append function of the Control Toolbox. Syntax pmod = appmod(mod1,mod2) Description The two input models combine as shown in the following block diagram: mod1, mod2 and pmod are in the MPC mod format (see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference for a detailed description). You would normally create mod1 and mod2 using either the tfd2mod, ss2mod,orth2mod function. Restriction mod1 and mod2 must have been created with equal sampling periods. See Also addmod, addmd, addumd, paramod, sermod mod1 y 2 mod2 u 1 d 1 w 1 u 2 d 2 w 2 y 1 y 2 y 1 pmod u 1 u 2 d 1 d 2 w 1 w 2 autosc, scal, rescal 4-11 1autosc, scal, rescal Purpose Scales a matrix automatically or by specified mean and standard deviation. Syntax [ax,mx,stdx] = autosc(x) sx = scal(x,mx) sx = scal(x,mx,stdx) rx = rescal(x,mx) rx = rescal(x,mx,stdx) Description autosc scales an input matrix or vector x by its column means (mx)and standard deviations (stdx) automatically and outputs mx and stdx as options. By using scal, the input can also be scaled by some specified means and/or standard deviations. rescal converts scaled data back to original data. Output mx is a row vector containing the mean value for each column of x while stdx is a row vector containing the standard deviation for each column. Outputs ax and sx are obtained by dividing the difference of each column of x and the mean for the column by the standard deviation for the column, i.e., ax(:,i) = (x :,i) – mx(i)/stdx(i).Outputrx is determined by multiplying each column of x by the corresponding standard deviation and adding the corresponding mean to that product. If only two arguments are specified in scal or rescal, x is scaled by specified means (mx)only. Example See mlr for an example of the use of these functions. See Also mlr, plsr, wrtreg cmpc 1-12 1cmpc Purpose Simulates closed-loop systems with hard bounds on manipulated variables and/or outputs using models in the MPC step format. Solves the MPC optimization problem by quadratic programming. Syntax yp = cmpc(plant,model,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r) [yp,u,ym]=cmpc(plant,model,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,... r,ulim,ylim,tfilter,dplant,dmodel,dstep) Description cmpc simulates the performance of the type of system shown in the above diagram when there are bounds on the manipulated variables and/or outputs. Measurement noise can be simulated by treating it as an unmeasured disturbance. The required input variables are as follows: plant Is a model in the MPC step format that represents the plant. model Is a model in the MPC step format that is to be used for state estimation in the controller. In general, it can be different from plant if you want to simulate the effect of plant/controller model mismatch. y Disturbance Model Controller Disturbances S u d + + r Plant Plant Disturbance Setpoints Plant Outputs d y cmpc 4-13 ywt Is a matrix of weights that will be applied to the setpoint tracking errors. If ywt=[ ], the default is equal (unity) weighting of all out- puts over the entire prediction horizon. Ifywt|[ ],itmusthaven y columns, where n y is the number of outputs. All weights must be ? 0. You may vary the weights at each step in the prediction horizon by including up to Prows inywt. Then the first row of n y values applies to the tracking errors in the first step in the prediction horizon, the next row applies to the next step, etc. See mpccon for details on the form of the optimization objective function. If you supply only nrow rows, where 1 £ nrow < P, cmpc will use the last row to fill in any remaining steps. Thus if you want the weighting to be the same for all P steps, you need only specify a single row. uwt Same format as ywt,exceptthatuwt applies to the changes in the manipulated variables. If you use uwt = [ ], the default is zero weighting. If uwt | [ ],it must have n u columns, where n u is the number of manipulated variables. M Therearetwowaystospecifythisvariable: If it is a scalar, cmpc interprets it as the input horizon (number of moves) as in DMC. If it is a row vector containing n b elements, each element of the vector indicates the number of steps over which D u = 0 during the optimization and cmpc interprets it as a set of n b blocking factors. There may be 1 £ n b £ P blocking factors, and their sum must be £ P If you set M=[ ] and P | Inf, the default is M=P, which is equivalent to M=ones(1,P). The default value for M is 1 if P=Inf. P The number of sampling periods in the prediction horizon. If P=Inf,the prediction horizon is infinite. tend Is the desired duration of the simulation (in time units). cmpc 1-14 r Is a setpoint matrix consisting of N rows and n y columns, where n y is the number of output variables, y: where r i (k) is the setpoint for output j at time t=kT,andT is the sampling period (as specified in the step format of plant and model). If tend > NT,the setpoints vary for the first N periods in the simulation, as specified by r,and are then held constant at the values given in the last row of r for the remainder of the simulation. In many simulations one wants the setpoints to be constant for the entire time, in which case r need only contain a single row of n y values. If you set r=[ ],thedefaultisarowofn y zeros. The following input variables are optional. In general, setting one of them equal to an empty matrix causes cmpc to use the default value, which is given in the description. r r 1 1() r 2 1() … r n y 1() r 1 2() r 2 2() … r n y 2() … r 1 N()r 2 N() … r n y N() = … … … cmpc 4-15 ulim Is a matrix giving the limits on the manipulated variables. Its format is as follows: Note that it contains three matrices of N rows. In this case, the limits on N are 1 £ N £ n b ,wheren b is the number of times the manipulated variables are to change over the input horizon. If you supply fewer than n b rows, the last row is repeated automatically. The first matrix specifies the lower bounds on the n u manipulated variables. For example, u min , j (2) is the lower bound for manipulated variable j for the second move of the manipulated variables (where the first move is at the start of the prediction horizon). If u min , j (k)=–inf, manipulated variable j will have no lower bound for that move. The second matrix gives the upper bounds on the manipulated variables. If u max,j (k) =inf, manipulated variable j will have no upper bound for that move. ,, ,, ,, , () , () D u max 1, 1() … Du max n u , 1() D u max 1, 2() … Du max n u , 2() … D u max 1, N() … Du max n u , N() …… ,, ,, ,, , () , () ulim u min 1, 1() … u min n u , 1() u min 1, 2() … u min n u , 2() … u min 1, N() … u min n u , N() = u max 1, 1() … u max n u , 1() u max 1, 2() … u max n u , 2() … u max 1, N() … u max n u , N() … … …… cmpc 1-16 The lower and upper bounds may be either positive or negative (or zero) as long as u min , j (k) £ u max,j (k). The third matrix gives the limits on the rate of change of the manipulated variables. In other words, cmpc will force|u j (k)–u j (k –1)|£D u max,j (k). The limits on the rate of change must be nonnegative and finite.Ifyouwantittobe unbounded, set the bound to a large number (but not too large — a value of 10 6 should work well in most cases). The default is u min = –inf, u max =infand D u max =10 6 ylim Same idea as for ulim, but for the lower and upper bounds of the outputs. The first row applies to the first point in the prediction horizon. The default is y min = –inf,andy max =inf. tfilter Is a matrix of time constants for the noise filter and the unmeasured disturbances entering at the plant output. The first row of n y elements gives the noise filter time constants and the second row of n y elements gives the time constants of the lags through which the unmeasured disturbance steps pass. If tfilter only contains one row, the unmeasured disturbances are assumed to be steps. If you set tfilter=[ ] or omit it, the default is no noise filtering and steplike unmeasured disturbances. dplant Is a model in MPC step format representing all the disturbances (measured and unmeasured) that affect plant in the above diagram. If dplant is provided, then input dstep is also required. For output step disturbances, set dplant=[ ]. The default is no disturbances. dmodel Is a model in MPC step format representing the measured disturbances. If dmodel is provided, then input dstep is also required. If there are no measured disturbances, set dmodel=[ ]. For output step disturbances, set dmodel=[ ].If there are both measured and un- measured disturbances, set the columns of dmodel corresponding to the unmeasured disturbances to zero. The default is no measured disturbances. cmpc 4-17 dstep Is a matrix of disturbances to the plant. For output step disturbances (dplant=[ ] and dmodel=[ ]), the format is the same as for r. For disturbances through step-response models (dplant only or both dplant and dmodel nonempty), the format is the same as for r, except that the number of columns is n d rather than n y . The default is a row of zeros. Notes ? You may use a different number of rows in the matrices r, ulim, ylim and dstep, should that be appropriate for your simulation. ? The ulim constraints used here are fundamentally different from the usat constraints used in the mpcsim function. The ulim constraints are defined relative to the beginning of the prediction horizon, which moves as the simulation progresses. Thus at each sampling period, k,theulim constraints apply to a block of calculated moves that begin at sampling period k and extend for the duration of the input horizon. The usat constraints, on the otherhand,arerelativetothefixedpointt = 0, the start of the simulation. The calculated outputs are as follows (all but yp are optional): yp Is a matrix containing M rows and n y columns, where M = max(fix(tend=T)+1, 2). The first row will contain the initial condition, and row k – 1 will give the values of the plant outputs, y (see above diagram), at time t=kT. u Is a matrix containing the same number of rows asypand n u columns. The time corresponding to each row is the same as for yp. The elements in each row are the values of the manipulated variables, u (see above diagram). ym Is a matrix of the same structure as yp, containing the values of the predicted output from the state estimator in the controller. These will, in general, differ from those in yp if model|plant and/or there are unmeasured disturbances. The prediction includes the effect of the most recent measurement, i.e., it is . For unconstrained problems, cmpc and mpcsim should give the same results. The latter will be faster because it uses an analytical solution of the QP problem, whereas cmpc solves it by iteration. y? kk() cmpc 1-18 Examples Consider the linear system: The following statements build the model and set up the controller in the same way as in the mpcsim example. g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; tfinal=90; model=tfd2step(tfinal,delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); plant=model; P=6; M=2; ywt=[ ]; uwt=[1 1]; tend=30; r=[0 1]; Here, however, we will demonstrate the effect of constraints. First we set a limitof0.1ontherateofchangeofu 1 and a minimum of –0.15 for u 2 . ulim=[-inf -0.15 inf inf 0.1 100]; ylim=[ ]; [y,u]=cmpc(plant,model,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r,ulim,ylim); plotall(y,u,delt),pause y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = cmpc 4-19 Note that D u 2 has a large (but finite) limit. It never comes into play. We next apply a lower bound of zero to both outputs: ulim=[-inf -0.15 inf inf 0.1 100]; ylim=[0 0 inf inf]; [y,u]=cmpc(plant,model,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r,ulim,ylim); plotall(y,u,delt),pause 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 ?0.18 ?0.16 ?0.14 ?0.12 ?0.1 ?0.08 ?0.06 Manipulated Variables Time cmpc 1-20 The following results show that no constraints are violated. Restriction Initial conditions of zero are used for all the variables. This simulates the condition where all variables represent a deviation from a steady-state initial condition. Suggestion Problems with many inequality constraints can be very time consuming. You can minimize the number of constraints by: ? Using small values for P and/or M. ? Leaving variables unconstrained (limits at ±inf) intermittently unless you think the constraint is important. See Also plotall, ploteach, mpccl, mpccon, mpcsim 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 Manipulated Variables Time cp2dp 4-21 1cp2dp Purpose Converts a single-input-single-output, continuous-time transfer function in standard MATLAB polynomial form (including an optional time delay) to a sampled-data transfer function. Syntax [numd,dend] = cp2dp(num,den,delt) [numd,dend] = cp2dp(num,den,delt,delay) Description num and den are the numerator and denominator polynomials of the continuous-time system (in the standard Control Toolbox polynomial format), delt is the sampling period, and delay is the (optional) time delay (in time units). If you omit delay, cp2dp assumes zero delay. The calculated results are numd and dend, the numerator and denominator polynomials of the corresponding discrete-time transfer function. cp2dp adds a zero-order hold at the input of the continuous-time system during the conversion to discrete-time. cp2dp accounts properly for the effect of a time delay that is a nonintegral multiple of the sampling period. If delay=0, cp2dp is equivalent to the MATLAB commands: [a,b,c,d]=tf2ss(num,den); [phi,gam]=c2dmp(a,b,delt); [numd,dend]=ss2tf2(phi,gam,c,d,1); Example See poly2tfd, poly format for an example of the use of this function. Algorithm cp2dp first converts num and den to the equivalent discrete state-space form. It then accounts for the fractional time delay (if any) using the formulas in ?str?m and Wittenmark (1984), pages 40–42. Finally, it converts the discrete state-space model to a discrete transfer-function model, simultaneously accounting for the whole periods of delay (if any). Reference ?str?m,K.J.;Wittenmark,B.Computer Control Systems Theory and Design, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984. Restriction The order of num must be £ that of den. See Also poly2tfd, poly format dlqe2 1-22 1dlqe2 Purpose Solves the discrete Riccati equation by an iterative method to determine the optimal steady-state gain (and optional covariance matrices) for a discrete Kalman filter or state estimator. Syntax k = dlqe2(phi,gamw,c,q,r) [k,m,p] = dlqe2(phi,gamw,c,q,r) Description Filter form: Consider the state-space description: where x is a vector of n state variables, u contains n u known inputs, is a vector of n y measured outputs, y is the noise-free output, w is a vector of n w unmeasured disturbance inputs, z is a vector of n y measurement noise inputs, and F , G u , G w ,C and D are constant matrices. We assume that w and z are stationary random-normal signals (white noise) with covariances E{w(k)w T (k)} = Q E{w(k)z T (k)} = R 12 =0 E{z(k)z T (k)} = R The steady-state Kalman filter is where is the estimate of x(k) based on the measurements available at period k, is that based on the measurements available at period xk 1+()Fxk() G u uk() G d dk() G w wk()+++= yk() yk() zk()+= Cx k() Du k() zk()++= y x? kk()x? kk 1–()Kyk() Cx? kk 1–()Du k()––[]+= x? k 1+ k()Fx? kk()G u uk()+= y? kk()Cx? kk()Du k()+= x? kk() x? kk 1–() dlqe2 4-23 k – 1, etc. Note that is an estimate of the noise-free output, . The steady-state Kalman gain, K,isthesolutionof where M and P may be interpreted as the expected covariance of the errors in the state estimates before and after the measurement update, respectively, i.e., where, by definition, The dlqe2 function takes F , G u , C, R,andQ as inputs and calculates K, M,and P. The last two output arguments are optional. Note that the input and output arguments are identical to those for dlqe in the Control Toolbox. The advantage of dlqe2 is that it can handle a singular state-transition matrix (F ), e.g., for systems with time delay. Predictor form: y? y KMC T RCMC T +[] 1– = M F PF T G w QG w T += PMKCM–= MEx? kk 1–()x? kk 1–() T {}= PEx? kk()x? kk() T {}= x? kk()xk() x? kk()–= x? kk 1–()xk() x? kk 1–()–= dlqe2 1-24 You can also use dlqe2 to calculate a state-estimator in the predictor form: The relationship between K p , the estimator gain for the predictor form, and K as calculated by dlqe2 is: The matrix M calculated by dlqe2 is the expected covariance of the errors in . Algorithm dlqe2 callsdareiter 1 , which solves the discrete algebraic Riccati equation using an iterative doubling algorithm. Example Consider a system represented by the block diagram: x? k 1+ k()Fx? kk 1–()G u uk() K p ek()++= y? kk 1–()Cx? kk 1–()Du k()+= ek() yk() y? kk 1–()–= K p F K= x? kk 1–() 1. We gratefully acknowledge Kjell Gustafsson, Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden, who provided this function. ySu + G w G u z y w S + + + dlqe2 4-25 where G u and G w are first-order, discrete-time transfer functions. and the statistics of the unmeasured inputs are Q =2,R =1. We use the appropriate MPC Toolbox functions to build a model of the system, then calculate the optimal gain: delt=2; ny=1; gu=poly2tfd(0.2,[1 -0.8],delt); Gw=poly2tfd(0.3,[1 -0.95],delt); [phi,gam,c,d]=mod2ss(tfd2mod(delt,ny,gu,Gw)); k=dlqe2(phi,gam(:,2),c,2,1) The result is: k = 0 1.0619 Note that the gain for the first state is zero since this corresponds to the state of G u , which is unaffected by the disturbance, w.Alsonoticethatinthe composite system, the second column of gam is G w . This is because of the order in which gu and G w were specified as inputs to the tfd2mod function. See Also smpcest G u z() 0.20 10.8z 1– – --------------------------= G w z() 0.3 10.95z 1– – -----------------------------= imp2step 1-26 1imp2step Purpose Constructs a multi-input multi-output model in MPC step format from multi-input single-output impulse response matrices. Syntax plant = imp2step(delt,nout,theta1,theta2, ..., theta25) Description Given the impulse response coefficient matrices, theta1, theta2,etc.,amodel in MPC step format is constructed. Each thetai is an n-by-n u matrix corresponding to the impulse response coefficients for output i. n is the number of the coefficients and n u is the number of inputs. delt is the sampling interval used for obtaining the impulse response coefficients. nout is the output stability indicator. For stable systems, this argument is set equal to number of outputs, n y . For systems with one or more integrating outputs, this argument is a column vector of length n y with nout(i)=0 indicating an integrating output and nout(i)=1 indicating a stable output. Example See mlr and plsr for examples of the use of this function. Restriction The limit on the number of impulse response matrices thetai is 25. See Also mlr, plsr mlr 4-27 1mlr Purpose Determines impulse response coefficients for a multi-input single-output system via Multivariable Least Squares Regression or Ridge Regression. Syntax [theta, yres] = mlr(xreg,yreg,ninput) [theta, yres] = mlr(xreg,yreg,ninput,plotopt,wtheta, ... wdeltheta) Description xreg and yreg are the input matrix and output vector produced by routines such aswrtreg.ninputis number of inputs. Least Squares is used to determine the impulse response coefficient matrix, theta. Columns of theta correspond to impulse response coefficients from each input. Optional output yres is the vector of residuals, the difference between the actual outputs and the predicted outputs. Optional inputs include plotopt, wtheta,andwdeltheta. No plot is produced if plotopt is equal to 0 which is the default; a plot of the actual output and the predicted output is produced if plotopt=1; two plots — plot of actual and predicted output, and plot of residuals — are produced forplotopt=2.Penalties on the squares of theta and the changes in theta can be specified through the scalar weights wtheta and wdeltheta, respectively (defaults are 0). theta is calculated as follows: theta1 = (X T X) –1 X T Y where X xreg wtheta I· wdeltheta delI· = Y yreg 0 0 = … mlr 1-28 where I is identity matrix of dimension n * n u dimension of delI is n * n u by n * n u . then Example Consider the following two-input single-output system: Load the input and output data. The input and output data were generated from the above transfer function and random zero-mean noise was added to the output. Sampling time of 7 minutes was used. load mlrdat; Determine the standard deviations for input data using the function autosc. [ax,mx,stdx] = autosc(x); Scale the input data by their standard deviations only. mx = [0,0]; sx = scal(x,mx,stdx); Put the input and output data in a form such that they can be used to determine the impulse response coefficients. 35 impulse response coefficients (n)areused. delI 1– 10… 0 01– 1 … 0 0 … 01– 1 0 … 00 1– = … theta [theta11:n()theta1 n 1:2n+()…= theta1 nu n 1–()1:nu n+ ] ** ys() 5.72e 14s– 60s 1+ ------------------------- 1.52e 15s– 25s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = mlr 4-29 n = 35; [xreg,yreg] = wrtreg(sx,y,n); Determine the impulse response coefficients via mlr.Byspecifyingplotopt=2, two plots — plot of predicted output and actual output, and plot of the output residual (or predicted error) — are produced. ninput = 2; plotopt = 2; [theta,yres] = mlr(xreg,yreg,ninput,plotopt); Scale theta based on the standard deviations used in scaling the input. theta = scal(theta,mx,stdx); Convert the impulse model to a step model to be used in MPC design. Recall that a sampling time of 7 minutes was used in determining the impulse model. Number of outputs (1 in this case) must be specified. nout = 1; delt = 7; model = imp2step(delt,nout,theta); 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ?6 ?4 ?2 0 2 4 Actual value (o) versus Predicted Value (+) Sample Number Output 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Output Residual or Prediction Error Sample Number Residual mlr 1-30 Plot the step response coefficients. plotstep(model) See Also plsr, validmod, wrtreg 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 u1 step response : y1 TIME 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 u2 step response : y1 TIME mod format 4-31 1mod format Purpose The MPC mod format is a compact way to store the model of a linear system for subsequent use in the MPC Toolbox functions. Description Consider the process shown in the above block diagram. Its discrete-time LTI state-space representation is: where x is a vector of n state variables, u represents the n u manipulated variables, d represents n d measured but freely-varying inputs (i.e., measured disturbances), w represents n w unmeasured disturbances, y is a vector of n y plant outputs, z is measurement noise, and F , G u , etc., are constant matrices of appropriate size. The variable (k) represents the plant output before the addition of measurement noise. Define: G =[G u G d G w ] D =[D u D ud D w ] In some cases one would like to include n ym measured and n yu unmeasured outputs in y, where n ym + n yu = n y .Ifso,themod format assumes that the y vector and the C and D matrices are arranged such that the measured outputs come first, followed by the unmeasured outputs. S y y Unmeasured Disturbances Manipulated Variables Measured Disturbances Measurement Noise w u d ++ z Plant Measured Outputs xk 1+()Fxk() G u uk() G d dk() G w wk()+++= yk() yk() zk()+= Cx k() D u uk() D d dk() D w wk() zk()+++ += y mod format 1-32 The mod format is a single matrix that contains the F, G, C,andD matrices, plus some additional information. Let M be the mod representation of the above system. Its overall dimensions are: ? Number of rows = n + n y +1 ? Number of columns = max(7, 1 + n + n u + n d + n w ) The minfo vector is the first seven elements of the first row in M. The elements of minfo are: The remainder of M contains the discrete state-space matrices: Notes Since the minfo vector requires seven columns, this is the minimum possible number of columns in the mod format, regardless of the dimensions of the state-space matrices. Also, the first column is reserved for other uses by MPC Toolbox routines. Thus the state-space matrices start in column 2, as described above. In order for the mpcinfo routine to recognize matrices in the MPC mod format, the (2,1) element is set to NaN (Not-a-Number). minfo (1) T, the sampling period used to create the model. (2) n, the number of states. (3) n u , the number of manipulated variable inputs. (4) n d , the number of measured disturbances. (5) n w , the number of unmeasured disturbances. (6) n ym , the number of measured outputs. (7) n yu , the number of unmeasured outputs. F in rows 2 to n +1 columns2ton +1 G in rows 2 to n +1 columnsn +2ton + n u +n d + n w +1 C in rows n +2ton + n y +1 columns2ton +1 D in rows n +2ton + n y +1 columnsn +2ton + n u +n d + n w +1 mod format 4-33 Example See ss2mod for a mod format example. See Also mod2ss, mod2step, step format, mpcinfo, ss2mod, step, tfd2mod, tf format, th2mod, theta format mod2frsp, varying format 1-34 1mod2frsp, varying format Purpose Calculates the complex frequency response in varying format of a system in MPC mod format. Syntax frsp = mod2frsp(mod,freq) [frsp,eyefrsp] = mod2frsp(mod,freq,out,in,balflg) Description mod2frsp calculates the complex frequency response of a system (mod)inMPC mod format. The desired frequencies are given by the input freq,arow vector of 3 elements specifying the lower frequency as a power of 10, the upper frequency as a power of 10, and the number of frequency points. Optional inputs out and in are row vectors that specify the outputs and inputs for which the frequency response is to be generated. If these variables are omitted or empty, the default is to use all outputs and inputs. Optional input balflg indicates whether the system’s F matrix should be balanced (using the MATLAB balance command). If balflg is nonzero, balancing is performed. Balancing improves the conditioning of the problem, but may cause errors in the frequency response. If balflg=[ ] or is omitted, no balancing is performed. Outputfrsp is the frequency response matrix given in varying format. Let F(w ) denote a matrix-valued function of the independent variable w . Then the N sampled values F(w 1 ),...,F(w N ) are contained in frsp as follows: If the dimension of each submatrix F(w i )isn by m, then the dimensions offrsp is n . N +1bym +1. frsp F w 1 () w 1 F w i () w N 0 F w N () 0 0…0Ninf = … … … … mod2frsp, varying format 4-35 Optional output eyefrsp is in varying format and represents I – F(w i )ateach frequency. This output can only be specified for square submatrices and may be useful in computing the frequency responses of both the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions. Example Consider the linear system: See the mpccl example for the commands that build the a closed-loop model for this process using a simple controller. However for this example, delt=6 and tfinal=90 are used to reduce the number of step response coefficients. y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = mod2frsp, varying format 1-36 Now we will calculate and plot the frequency response of the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions. freq = [-3,0,30]; in = [1:ny]; % input is r for comp. sensitivity out = [1:ny]; % output is yp for comp. sensitivity [frsp,eyefrsp] = mod2frsp(clmod,freq,out,in); plotfrsp(eyefrsp); % Sensitivity pause; plotfrsp(frsp); % Complementary Sensitivity pause; 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 10 ?4 10 ?2 10 0 10 2 Frequency (radians/time) Log Magnitude BODE PLOTS 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 ?500 ?400 ?300 ?200 ?100 0 100 Frequency (radians/time) Phase (degrees) mod2frsp, varying format 4-37 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 10 ?4 10 ?2 10 0 10 2 Frequency (radians/time) Log Magnitude BODE PLOTS 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 ?700 ?600 ?500 ?400 ?300 ?200 ?100 0 Frequency (radians/time) Phase (degrees) mod2frsp, varying format 1-38 Calculate and plot the singular values for the sensitivity function response. [sigma,omega] = svdfrsp(eyefrsp); clg; semilogx(omega,sigma); title(¢ Singular Values vs. Frequency¢ ); xlabel(¢ Frequency (radians/time)¢ ); ylabel(¢ Singular Values¢ ); Algorithm The algorithm to calculate the complex frequency response involves a matrix inverse problem which is solved via a Hessenberg matrix. Reference A.J. Laub, “Efficient Multivariable Frequency Response Computations,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC–26, No. 2, pp.407–408, April, 1981. See Also mod, mpccl, plotfrsp, smpccl, svdfrsp 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Singular Values vs. Frequency Frequency (radians/time) Singular Values mod2mod 4-39 1mod2mod Purpose Changes the sampling period of a model in MPC mod format. Syntax newmod = mod2mod(oldmod,delt2) Description Input oldmod is the existing model in MPC mod format. Inputdelt2 is the new sampling period for the model. mod2mod returnsnewmod, which is the system in mod format converted to the new sampling time. See Also mod, ss2mod mod2ss 1-40 1mod2ss Purpose Extracts the standard discrete-time state-space matrices and other information from a model stored in the MPC mod format. Syntax [phi,gam,c,d] = mod2ss(mod) [phi,gam,c,d,minfo] = mod2ss(mod) Description Consider the process shown in the above block diagram. mod2ss assumes that mod is a description of the above process in the MPC mod format (see modin the online MATLAB Function Reference for more details). An equivalent state-space representation is: where x is a vector of n state variables, u represents the n u manipulated variables, d represents n d measured but freely-varying inputs (i.e., measured disturbances), w represents n w unmeasured disturbances, y is a vector of n y plant outputs, z is measurement noise, and F , G u , etc., are constant matrices of appropriate size. The variable (k) represents the plant output before the addition of measurement noise. Define: G =[G u G d G w ] D =[D u D d D w ] S y y Unmeasured Disturbances Manipulated Variables Measured Disturbances Measurement Noise w u d ++ z Plant Measured Outputs xk 1+()Fxk() G u uk() G d dk() G w wk()+++= yk() yk() zk()+= Cx k() D u uk() D d dk() D w wk() zk()+++ += y mod2ss 4-41 mod2ssextracts the F , G , C,andD matrices from the input variable, mod.Italso extracts the vector minfo, which contains additional information about the sampling period, number of each type of input and output, etc. see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference for more details on minfo. Examples 1 See the example in the description of dlqe2. 2 Suppose you have a plant with the structure where the inputs and outputs are all scalars, and you have constructed mod1 and mod2 using the commands: phi1=diag([-0.7, 0.8]); gam1=[1, -1, 0; 0, 0, 1]; c1=[0.2 -0.4]; d1=zeros(1,3); minfo1=[1 2 1 1 1 1 0]; mod1=ss2mod(phi1,gam1,c1,d1,minfo1); phi2=-0.2; gam2=[1, -0.5, 0.2]; c2=3; d2=[0.2, 0, 0]; minfo2=[1 1 1 1 1 1 0]; mod2=ss2mod(phi2,gam2,c2,d2,minfo2); pmod=addmod(mod1,mod2); Now you want to calculate the response to a step change in d 2 ,whichisthe fourth input to the composite system, pmod.Onewaytodoitis: [phi,gam,c,d,minfo]=mod2ss(pmod); nstep=10; ustep=[zeros(nstep,3) ones(nstep,1) zeros(nstep,2)]; % Define step in d2 y=dlsimm(phi,gam,c,d,ustep); % simulate response to step input plot([0:nstep-1],y) mod2 S y(k) + + mod1 u 1 u 2 d 1 d 2 w 1 w 2 mod2ss 1-42 The results of the mod2ss call are: phi= -0.7000 0 3.0000 0 0.8000 0 0 0 -2.0000 gam= 1.0000 2.2000 -1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 1.0000 0 -.5000 0 0.2000 c= 0.2000 -0.4000 0 d= 0 0 0 0 0 0 minfo= 1 3 2 2 2 1 0 And the step response is: See Also mod, ss2mod 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ?0.35 ?0.3 ?0.25 ?0.2 ?0.15 ?0.1 ?0.05 0 mod2step, step format 4-43 1mod2step, step format Purpose Uses a model in the mod format to calculate the step response of a SISO or MIMO system in MPC step format. Syntax plant = mod2step(mod,tfinal) [plant,dplant] = mod2step(mod,tfinal,delt2,nout) Description The input variable mod is assumed to be a model in the mod format (see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference for a description). You would normally create it using ss2mod, tfd2mod,orth2mod. The input variable tfinal is the timeatwhichyouwouldliketoendthestepresponse. The optional input variable delt2 is the desired sampling period for the step response. If you use delt2=[ ] or omit it, the default is equal to the sampling period of mod (contained in the minfo vector of mod). The optional input variable nout is the output stability indicator. For stable systems, set nout equal to the number of outputs, n y .Forsystemswithoneor more integrating outputs, nout is a column vector of length n y with nout(i)=0 indicating an integrating output and nout(i)=1 indicating a stable output. If you use nout=[ ] or omit it, the default is nout=n y (only stable outputs). plant and dplant are matrices in MPC step format containing the calculated step responses.plantistheresponsetothemanipulatedvariables,anddplant is the response to the disturbances (if any), both measured and unmeasured. The overall dimensions of these matrices are: plant n-by-n y + n y +2rows,n u columns. dplant n-by-n y + n y +2rows,n d + n w columns. where n = round (tfinal/delt2) It is assumed that stable step responses are nearly constant after n sampling periods, while integrating responses increase with a constant slope after n–1 sampling periods. Each column gives the step response with respect to the corresponding input variable. Within each column, the first n y elements are the response for each output at time t=T, the next n y elements give each output at time t=2T,etc. mod2step, step format 1-44 The last n y + 2 rows contain nout, n y and delt2, respectively (all in column 1 — any remaining elements in these rows are set to zero). In other words, for plant thearrangementisasfollows: where S kji is the i th step response coefficient describing the effect of input j on output k. The arrangement of dplant is similar; the only difference is in the number of columns. plant S 1 S 2 S n nout(1) 0 … 0 nout(2) 0 … 0 nout n y () 0 … 0 n y 0 … 0 delt2 0 … 0 nn y n y 2++ ()n u · = … … … … S i S 11i,, S 12i,, … S 1 n u i,, S 21i,, S 22i,, … S 2 n u i,, S n y 1 i,, S n y 2 i,, … S n y n u i,, = … mod2step, step format 4-45 Example The following process has 3 inputs and 4 outputs: phi=diag([0.3, 0.7, -0.7]); gam=eye(3); c=[1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 1 0]; d=[1 0 0; zeros(3,3)]; We first calculate its step response for 4 samples (including the initial condition) with respect to each of the inputs using the Control Toolbox function, dstep: nstep=4; delt=1.5; yu1=dstep(phi,gam,c,d,1,nstep) yu2=dstep(phi,gam,c,d,2,nstep) yu3=dstep(phi,gam,c,d,3,nstep) The results are: We then use mod2step to do the same job: plant=mod2step(ss2mod(phi,gam,c,d,delt),(nstep-1)*delt) Response to u 1 Response to u 2 Response to u 3 Time y 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 y 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 y 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 0100000000000 T200000110110 2T 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 1.7 0 0.3 0.3 0 3T 2.39 0 0 0 0 0 2.19 2.19 0 0.79 0.79 0 mod2step, step format 1-46 obtaining the results: plant = 2.0000 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 2.3000 0 0 0 0 0.3000 0 1.7000 0.3000 0 1.7000 0 2.3900 0 0 0 0 0.7900 0 2.1900 0.7900 0 2.1900 0 1.0000 0 0 1.0000 0 0 1.0000 0 0 1.0000 0 0 4.0000 0 0 1.5000 0 0 See Also plotstep, ss2step, tfd2step mpcaugss 4-47 1mpcaugss Purpose Differences the states of a system and augments them with the output variables. Mainly used as a utility function for setting up model predictive controllers. Syntax [phia,gama,ca] = mpcaugss(phi,gam,c) [phia,gama,ca,da,na] = mpcaugss(phi,gam,c,d) Description Consider the process shown in the above block diagram. A state-space representation is: where x is a vector of n state variables, u is a vector of n u manipulated variables, d is a vector of n d measured disturbances, w is a vector of n w unmeasured disturbances, y is a vector of n y plant outputs, z is measurement noise, and F , G u , G d , G w , etc., are constant matrices of appropriate size. The variable = Cx(k) represents the plant output before the addition of the direct contribution of the inputs [D u u(k)+D d v(k)+D w w(k)] and the measurement noise [z(k)]. (The variable is the output before addition of the measurement noise). Define: D u(k)=u(k)–u(k –1) D x(k)=x(k)–x(k –1) S y y Unmeasured Disturbances Manipulated Variables Measured Disturbances Measurement Noise w u d ++ z Plant Measured Outputs zk 1+()Fxk() G u uk() G d dk() G w wk()+++= yk() yk() D u uk() D d dk() D w wk() zk()+++ += yk() zk()+= y? k() y mpcaugss 1-48 etc. Then equations 4.28 and 4.29 can be converted to the form x a (k+1) = F a x a (k)+G ua D u(k)+G da D (k)+G wa D w(k) y(k)=C a x a (k)+D u u(k)+D d d(k)+D w w(k)+z(k) where, by definition, The mpcaugss function takes the matrices F , G (= [G u G d G w ]), C as input, and creates the augmented matrices F a , G a , C a and D a in the form shown above. The D input matrix is optional. If you include it, mpcaugss assumes it has the form D =[D u D d D w ]. If you omit it, the default is zero. Note that all MPC design routines require D u = D d =0. The last output variable, na, is the order of the augmented system, i.e., n a = n + n y . It is optional. Example The following system has 2 states, 3 inputs, and 2 outputs. phi=diag([0.8, -0.2]); gam=[1 -1 0;0 2 -0.5]; c=[0.4 0;0 1.5]; x a k() D xk() y ? k() = F a F 0 CF I G a G ua G da G wa == G ua G u CG u G da G d CG d G wa G w CG w === C a 0 I D a D u D d D w == mpcaugss 4-49 Here is the augmentation command, followed by the calculated results: [phia,gama,ca,da,na]=mpcaugss(phi,gam,c) phia = 0.8000 0 0 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 0.3200 0 1.0000 0 0 -0.3000 0 1.0000 gama = 1.0000 -1.0000 0 0 2.0000 -0.5000 0.4000 -0.4000 0 0 3.0000 -0.7500 ca = 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 da = 0 0 0 0 0 0 na = 4 mpccl 1-50 1mpccl Purpose Combines a plant model and a controller model in MPC step format, yielding a closed-loop system model in the MPC mod format. This can be used for stability analysis and linear simulations of closed-loop performance. Syntax [clmod] = mpccl(plant,model,Kmpc) [clmod,cmod] = mpccl(plant,model,Kmpc,tfilter,... dplant, dmodel) Description plant Is a model (in step format) representing the plant in the above diagram. model Is a model (in step format)thatistobeusedtodesigntheMPCcontrollerblock shown in the diagram. It may be the same as plant (in which case there is no “model error” in the controller design), or it may be different. Kmpc Is a controller gain matrix, which was calculated by the function mpccon. Disturbance Model Controller Disturbances S u d + + r Plant Plant Disturbance Setpoints Noise-free d y Plant Outputs S Measured Outputs S w u y p Measurement Noise + + + + z mpccl 4-51 tfilter Is a (optional) matrix of time constants for the noise filter and the unmeasured disturbances entering at the plant output. If omitted or set to an empty matrix, the default is no noise filtering and steplike unmeasured disturbances. See the documentation for the function mpcsim for more details on the design and proper format of tfilter. dplant Is a (optional) model (in step format) representing all the disturbances (measured and unmeasured) that affect plant in the above diagram. If omitted or set to an empty matrix, the default is that there are no disturbances. dmodel Is a (optional) model (in step format) representing the measured disturbances. If omitted or set to an empty matrix, the default is that there are no measured disturbances. See the documentation for the function mpcsim for more details on how disturbances are handled when using step-response models. mpccl Calculates a model of the closed-loop system, clmod.Itisinthemod format and can be used, for example, with analysis functions such as smpcgain and smpcpole, and with simulation routines such as mod2step and dlsimm. mpccl also calculates (as an option) a model of the controller element, cmod. The closed-loop model, clmod, has the following state-space representation: x cl (k +1)=F cl x cl (k)+G cl u cl (k) y cl (k)=C cl x cl (k)+D cl u cl (k) where x cl is a vector of n state variables, u cl is a vector of input variables, y cl is a vector of outputs, and F cl , G cl , C cl ,andD cl are matrices of appropriate size. Theexpertusermaywanttoknowthesignificanceofthestatevariablesinx cl . They are (in the following order): ? The n p states of the plant (as specified in plant), ? The n i state estimates (based on the model specified in model), ? n d integrators that operate on the D d signal to yield a d signal. If there are no disturbances, these states are omitted. mpccl 1-52 ? n u integrators that operate on the D w u signal to yield a w u signal. ? n u integrators that operate on the D u signal produced by the standard MPC formulation to yield a u signal that can be used as input to the plant and as a closed-loop output. The closed-loop input and output variables are: where is the estimate of the noise-free plant output at sampling period k based on information available at period k. This estimate is generated by the controller element. The state-space form of the controller model, cmod,canbewrittenas: x c (k +1)=F c x c (k)+G c u c (k) y c (k)=C c x c (k)+D c u c (k) where and the controller states are the same as those of the closed loop system except that the n p plantstatesarenotincluded. Example Consider the linear system: u cl k() rk() zk() w u k() dk() and y cl k() y p k() uk() y? kk() == y? kk() u c k() rk() yk() dk 1–() and y c k() uk 1–()== y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = mpccl 4-53 We build the step response model using the MPC Toolbox functions poly2tfd and tfd2step. g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; tfinal = 60; model=tfd2step(tfinal,delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); plant=model; % No plant/model mismatch Now we design the controller. Since there is delay, we use M < P:Wespecify the defaults for the other tuning parameters, uwt and ywt, then calculate the controller gain: P=6; % Prediction horizon. M=2; % Number of moves (input horizon). ywt=[ ]; % Output weights (default - unity % on all outputs). uwt=[ ]; % Man. Var weights (default - zero % on all man. vars). Kmpc=mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P); Now we can calculate the model of the closed-loop system: clmod=mpccl(plant,model,Kmpc); You can use the closed-loop model to calculate and plot the step response with respecttoalltheinputs.Theappropriatecommandsare: tend=30; clstep=mod2step(clmod, tend); plotstep(clstep) mpccl 1-54 Since the closed-loop system has m =6inputsandp = 6 outputs, only one of the plots is reproduced here. It shows the response of the first 4 closed-loop outputs to a unit step in the first closed-loop input, which is the setpoint for y 1 : Closed-loop outputs y 1 and y 2 are the true plant outputs (noise-free). Output y 1 goes to the new setpoint quickly with a small overshoot. This causes a small, short-term disturbance in y 2 . The plots for y 3 and y 4 show the required variation in the manipulated variables. Restriction model and plant must have been created using the same sampling period. See Also cmpc, mod2step, step format, mpccon, mpcsim, smpcgain, smpcpole 0 10 20 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 u1 step response :y1 TIME 0 10 20 30 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 u1 step response :y2 TIME 0 10 20 30 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 u1 step response :y3 TIME 0 10 20 30 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 u1 step response :y4 TIME mpccon 4-55 1mpccon Purpose Calculates MPC controller gain using a model in MPC step format. Syntax Kmpc = mpccon(model) Kmpc = mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P) Description Combines the following variables (most of which are optional and have default values) to calculate the MPC gain matrix, Kmpc. model is the model of the process to be used in the controller design (in the step format). The following input variables are optional: ywt Is a matrix of weights that will be applied to the setpoint tracking errors. If you use ywt=[ ] or omit it, the default is equal (unity) weighting of all outputs over theentirepredictionhorizon.Ifyouuseywt|[ ],itmusthaven y columns, where n y is the number of outputs. All weights must be ? 0. You may vary the weights at each step in the prediction horizon by including up to Prows inywt. Then the first row of n y values applies to the tracking errors in the first step in the prediction horizon, the next row applies to the next step, etc. If you supply only nrow rows, where 1 £ nrow < P, mpccon will use the last row to fill in any remaining steps. Thus if you wish the weighting to be the same for all P steps, you need only specify a single row. uwt Same format as ywt,exceptthatuwt applies to the changes in the manipulated variables. If you use uwt = [ ] or omit it, the default is zero weighting. If uwt |[],itmusthaven u columns, where n u is the number of manipulated variables. M Therearetwowaystospecifythisvariable: mpccon 1-56 ? If it is a scalar, mpccon interprets it as the input horizon (number of moves) as in DMC. ? If it is a row vector containing n b elements, each element of the vector indicates the number of steps over which D u = 0 during the optimization and cmpc interprets it as a set of n b blocking factors. There may be 1 £ n b £ P blocking factors, and their sum must be £ P. If you set M=[ ]or omit it and P | Inf, the default is M=P, which is equivalent to M=ones(1,P). The default value for M is 1 if P=Inf. P The number of sampling periods in the prediction horizon. If you set P=Inf or omit it, the default is P=1.IfP=inf, the prediction horizon is infinite. If you take the default values for all the optional variables, you get the “perfect controller,” i.e., a model-inverse controller. This controller is not applicable when one or more outputs can not respond to the manipulated variables within one sampling period due to time delay. In this case, the plant-inverse controller is unrealizable. For nonminimum phase discrete plants, this controller is unstable. To counteract this you can penalize changes in the manipulated variables (variable uwt), use blocking (variable M), and/or make P>>M.The model-inverse controller is also relatively sensitive to model error and is best used as a point of reference from which you can progress to a more robust design. Algorithm The controller gain is a component of the solution to the optimization problem: with respect to (a series of current and future moves in the manipulated variables), where (k + j) is a prediction of output i at a time j sampling periods into the future (relative to the current time, k), which is a function of Minimize Jk() ywt i j()r i kj+()y? i – kj+()[] 2 i 1= n y Ge5 j 1= p Ge5 = uwt i j()D u? i j()() 2 i 1= n u Ge5 j 1= n b Ge5 + D u? i j() y? i mpccon 4-57 , r i (k + j) is the corresponding future setpoint, and n b is the number of blocks or moves of the manipulated variables. Example Consider the linear system: See the mpccl exampleforthecommandsthatbuildthemodelandasimple controller for this process. Here is a slightly more complex design with blocking and time-varying weights on the manipulated and output variables: P=6; M=[2 4]; uwt=[1 0; 0 1]; ywt=[1 0.1; 0.8 0.1; 0.1 0.1]; Kmpc=mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P); tend=30; r=[1 0]; [y,u]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc,tend,r); There is no particular rationale for using time varying weights in this case it is only for illustration. The manipulated variables will make 2 moves during the prediction horizon (see value of M,above).Theuwt selection gives u 1 a unity weight and u 2 a zero weight for the first move, then switches the weights for the second move. If there had been any additional moves they would have had thesameweightingasthesecondmove. D u? i j() y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = mpccon 1-58 The ywt value assigns a constant weight of 0.1 to y 2 , and a weight that decreases over the first 3 periods to y 1 . The weights for periods 4 to 6 are the same as for period 3. The resulting closed-loop (servo) response is: See Also cmpc, mpccl, mpcsim 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Manipulated Variables Time mpcinfo 4-59 1mpcinfo Purpose Determines the type of a matrix and returns information about the matrix. Syntax: mpcinfo(mat) Description mpcinfo returns information about the type and size of the matrix, mat.The information is determined from the matrix structure. The matrix types include MPC step format, MPC mod format, varying format and constant. mpcinfo returns text output to the screen. If the matrix is in MPC step format, the output includes the sampling time used to create the model, number of inputs, number of outputs and number of step response coefficients; it also indicates which outputs are stable and which outputs are integrating. If the matrix is in MPC mod format, the output includes the sampling time used to create the model, number of states, number of manipulated variable inputs, number of measured disturbances, number of unmeasured disturbances, number of measured outputs and number of unmeasured outputs. For a matrix in varying format, as formed in mod2frsp, the number of independent variable values, and the number of rows and number of columns of each submatrix are output. For a constant matrix, the text output consists of the number of rows and number of columns. Examples 1 MPC step format: After running the mod2step example mpcinfo(plant) returns: This is a matrix in MPC Step format. sampling time = 1.5 number of inputs = 3 number of outputs = 4 number of step response coefficients = 3 All outputs are stable. mpcinfo 1-60 2 MPC mod format: After running the ss2mod example mpcinfo(pmod) returns: This is a matrix in MPC Mod format. minfo = [2 3 1 1 1 1 0 ] sampling time = 2 number of states = 3 number of manipulated variable inputs = 1 number of measured disturbances = 1 number of unmeasured disturbances = 1 number of measured outputs = 1 number of unmeasured outputs = 0 3 varying format: After running the mod2frsp example mpcinfo(eyefrsp) returns: varying: 30 pts 2 rows 2 cols See Also mod, step, mod2frsp, varying format mpcsim 4-61 1mpcsim Purpose Simulates closed-loop systems with saturation constraints on the manipulated variables using models in the MPC step format. Can also be used for open-loop simulations. Syntax yp = mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc,tend,r) [yp,u,ym] = mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc,tend,r,usat,... tfilter,dplant,dmodel,dstep) Description mpcsim provides a convenient way to simulate the performance of the type of system shown in the above diagram. Measurement noise can be simulated by treating it as an unmeasured disturbance. The required input variables are as follows: plant Is a model in the MPC step format that is to represent the plant. model Is a model in the MPC step format that is to be used for state estimation in the controller. In general, it can be different from plant if you want to simulate the effect of plant/controller model mismatch. Note, however, that model should be thesameasthatusedtocalculateKmpc. Kmpc Is the MPC controller gain matrix, usually calculated using the function mpccon. y Disturbance Model Controller Disturbances S u d + + r Plant Plant Disturbance Setpoints Plant Outputs d y mpcsim 1-62 If you set Kmpc to an empty matrix, mpcsim will do an open-loop simulation. Then the inputs to the plant will be r (which must be set to the vector of manipulated variables in this case) and dstep. tend Is the desired duration of the simulation (in time units). r Is normally a setpoint matrix consisting of N rows and n y columns, where n y is the number of output variables, y: where r i (k) is the setpoint for output j at time t=kT,andT is the sampling period (as specified in the step format of plant and model). If tend > NT,the setpoints vary for the first N periods in the simulation, as specified by r,and are then held constant at the values given in the last row of r for the remainder of the simulation. In many simulations one wants the setpoints to be constant for the entire time, in which case r need only contain a single row of n y values. If you set r=[ ],thedefaultisarowofn y zeros. For open-loop simulations, r specifies the manipulated variables and must contain n u columns. The following input variables are optional. In general, setting one of them equal to an empty matrix causes mpcsimto use the default value, which is given in the description. r r 1 1() r 2 1() … r n y 1() r 1 2() r 2 2() … r n y 2() … r 1 N()r 2 N() … r n y N() = … … … mpcsim 4-63 usat Is a matrix giving the limits on the manipulated variables. Its format is as follows: Note that it contains three matrices of N rows. N may be different than that for the setpoint matrix, r, but the idea is the same: the saturation limits will vary for the first N sampling periods of the simulation, then be held constant at the values given in the last row of usat for the remaining periods (if any). The first matrix specifies the lower bounds on the n u manipulated variables. For example, u min , j (k) is the lower bound for manipulated variable j at time t= kT in the simulation. If u min , j (k)=–inf, manipulated variable j will have no lower bound at t=kT. The second matrix gives the upper bounds on the manipulated variables. If u max,j (k) =inf, manipulated variable j will have no upper bound at t=kT. The lower and upper bounds may be either positive or negative (or zero) as long as u min , j (k) £ u max,j (k). ,, ,, ,, , () , () usat u min 1, 1() … u min n u , 1() u min 1, 2() … u min n u , 2() … u min 1, N() … u min n u , N() = ,, ,, ,, , () , () D u max 1, 1() … Du max n u , 1() D u max 1, 2() … Du max n u , 2() … D u max 1, N() … Du max n u , N() …… u max 1, 1() … u max n u , 1() u max 1, 2() … u max n u , 2() … u max 1, N() … u max n u , N() … … …… mpcsim 1-64 The third matrix gives the limits on the rate of change of the manipulated variables. In other words, mpcsim will force |u j (k)–u j (k –1)|£D u max,j (k). The limits on the rate of change must be nonnegative. The default is no saturation constraints, i.e., all the u min values will be set to – inf, and all the u max and D u max values will be set to inf. Note: Saturation constraints in mpcsim are enforced by simply clipping the manipulated variable moves so that they satisfy all constraints. This is a nonoptimal solution that, in general, will differ from the results you would get using the ulim variable in cmpc. tfilter Is a matrix of time constants for the noise filter and the unmeasured disturbances entering at the plant output. The first row of n y elements gives the noise filter time constants and the second row of n y elements gives the time constants of the lags through which the unmeasured disturbance steps pass. If tfilter only contains one row, the unmeasured disturbances are assumed to be steps. If you set tfilter=[ ] or omit it, the default is no noise filtering and steplike unmeasured disturbances. dplant Is a model in MPC step format representing all the disturbances (measured and unmeasured) that affect plant in the above diagram. If dplant is provided, then input dstep is also required. For output step disturbances, set dplant=[ ]. The default is no disturbances. dmodel Is a model in MPC step format representing the measured disturbances. If dmodel is provided, then input dstep is also required. If there are no measured disturbances, set dmodel=[ ]. For output step disturbances, set dmodel=[ ].If there are both measured and un- measured disturbances, set the columns of dmodel corresponding to the unmeasured disturbances to zero. The default is no measured disturbances. mpcsim 4-65 dstep Is a matrix of disturbances to the plant. For output step disturbances (dplant=[ ] and dmodel=[ ]), the format is the same as for r. For disturbances through step-response models (dplant only or both dplant and dmodel nonempty), the format is the same as for r, except that the number of columns is n d rather than n y . The default is a row of zeros. Note: You may use a different number of rows in the matrices r, usat and dstep, should that be appropriate for your simulation. The calculated outputs are as follows (all but yp are optional): yp Is a matrix containing M rows and n y columns, where M = round(tend/delt2) + 1 and delt2 is the sampling time. The first row will contain the initial condition, and row k – 1 will give the values of the plant outputs, y (see above diagram), at time t=kT. u Is a matrix containing the same number of rows as yp and n u columns. The time corresponding to each row is the same as for yp. The elements in each row are the values of the manipulated variables, u (see above diagram). ym Is a matrix of the same structure as yp, containing the values of the predicted outputs from the state estimator in the controller. ym will, in general, differ from yp if model|plant and/or there are unmeasured disturbances. The prediction includes the effect of the most recent measurement, i.e., .y? kk() mpcsim 1-66 Examples Consider the linear system: The following statements build the model and calculate the MPC controller gain: g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; tfinal=90; model=tfd2step(tfinal,delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); plant=model; P=6; M=2; ywt=[ ]; uwt=[1 1]; Kmpc=mpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = mpcsim 4-67 Simulate and plot the closed-loop performance for a unit step in the setpoint for y 2 , occurring at t =0. tend=30; r=[0 1]; [y,u]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc,tend,r); plotall(y,u,delt),pause 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.24 ?0.22 ?0.2 ?0.18 ?0.16 ?0.14 ?0.12 ?0.1 Manipulated Variables Time mpcsim 1-68 Try a pulse change in the disturbance that adds to u 1 : r=[ ]; usat=[ ]; tfilter=[ ]; dmodel=[ ]; dplant=plant; dstep=[ 1 0; 0 0]; [y,u]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... dplant,dmodel,dstep); plotall(y,u,delt),pause For the same disturbance as in the previous case, limit the rates of change of both manipulated variables. usat=[-inf -inf inf inf 0.1 0.05]; [y,u]=mpcsim(plant,model,Kmpc,tend,r,usat,tfilter,... 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.6 ?0.5 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 Manipulated Variables Time mpcsim 4-69 dplant,dmodel,dstep); plotall(y,u,delt),pause Restriction Initial conditions of zero are used for all the variables. This simulates the condition where all variables represent a deviation from a steady-state initial condition. See Also plotall, ploteach, cmpc, mpccl, mpccon 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 Manipulated Variables Time nlcmpc 1-70 1nlcmpc Purpose Model predictive controller for simulating closed-loop systems with hard bounds on manipulated variables and/or controlled variables using linear models in the MPC step format for nonlinear plants represented as Simulink S-functions. Description nlcmpc is a Simulink S-function block and can be invoked by typing nlmpclib at the MATLAB prompt. Its usage is identical to other Simulink blocks. The input to nlcmpc includes both the variables controlled by nlcmpc and measured disturbances. The first n y elements of the input are treated as the controlled variables while the rest is taken as the measured disturbances. The output from nlcmpc are the values of the manipulated variables. Initial conditions for the manipulated variables and the measured disturbances must be specified. The controlled variables sent to nlcmpc and the manipulated variables returned by nlcmpc are actual variables; they are not deviation variables. Because of the limit on the number of masked variables that can be specified for a Simulink block, model and dmodel are put together as “one” variable, r, ywt,anduwt as “one” variable, and ylim and ulim as “one” variable. m and p should be entered as one row vector. u0 and d0 should also be entered as one row vector. The required input variables are as follows: modelpd Equals [model dmodel]. model is a linear model in the MPC step format that is to be used for state estimation in the controller. In general, it is a linear approximation of the nonlinear plant. dmodel is a model in MPC step format representing the effect of the measured disturbances. The default is no measured disturbances. Note that the truncation time for model and dmodel must be the same and the number of outputs for model and dmodel must be the same. nlcmpc 4-71 ryuwt Equals [r ywt uwt]. r is a setpoint matrix consisting of N rows and n y columns, where n y is the number of output variables, y: Where r i (k) is the setpoint for output i at time t=kT,andT is the sampling period (as specified in the step format of model). If the simulation time is larger than NT, the setpoints vary for the first N periods in the simulation, as specified by r, and are then held constant at the values given in the last row of r for the remainder of the simulation. In many simulations one wants the setpointstobeconstantfortheentiretime,inwhichcaser need only contain asinglerowofn y values. ywt Must have n y columns, where n y is the number of outputs. All weights must be ? 0. You may vary the weights at each step in the prediction horizon by including up to Prows inywt. Then the first row of n y values applies to the tracking errors in the first step in the prediction horizon, the next row applies to the next step, etc. See mpccon for details on the form of the optimization objective function. If you supply only nrow rows, where 1 £ nrow < P, nlcmpc will use the last row to fill in any remaining steps. Thus if you wish the weighting to be the same for all P steps, you need only specify a single row. uwt Has the same format as ywt,exceptthatuwt applies to the changes in the manipulated variables. If uwt|[ ],itmusthaven u columns, where n u is the number of manipulated variables. Notice that the number of rows for r, ywt,anduwt should be the same. If not, onecanenterthevariableasparpart(r, ywt, uwt). The function parpart r r 1 1() r 2 1() … r n y 1() r 1 2() r 2 2() … r n y 2() … r 1 N()r 2 N() … r n y N() = … … … nlcmpc 1-72 appends extra rows to r, ywt,and/oruwt so that they have the same number of rows. The default is r=y0, where y0 is the initial condition for the output, equal (unity) weighting of all outputs over the entire prediction horizon and zero weighting of all input. mp Equals [M P]. P equals the last element of MP. There are two ways to specify M: If it is a scalar, nlcmpc interprets it as the input horizon (number of moves) as in DMC; if it is a row vector containing n b elements, each element of the vector indicates number of the steps over which D u(k) = 0 during the optimization and nlcmpc interprets it as a set of n b blocking factors. There may be 1 £ n b £ P blocking factors, and their sum must be £ P.IfyousetM=[ ],thedefaultis M = P, which is equivalent toM=ones(1,P). Pis the number of sampling periods in the prediction horizon. yulim Equals [ylim ulim]. ulim is a matrix giving the limits on the manipulated variables. Its format is as follows: ,, ,, ,, , () , () ,, ,, ,, , () , () ulim u min 1, 1() … u min n u , 1() u min 1, 2() … u min n u , 2() … u min 1, N() … u min n u , N() = D u max 1, 1() … Du max n u , 1() D u max 1, 2() … Du max n u , 2() … D u max 1, N() … Du max n u , N() u max 1, 1() … u max n u , 1() u max 1, 2() … u max n u , 2() … u max 1, N() … u max n u , N() … … …… …… nlcmpc 4-73 Note that it contains three matrices of N rows. In this case, the limits on N are 1 £ N £ n b ,wheren b is the number of times the manipulated variables are to change over the input horizon. If you supply fewer than n b rows, the last row is repeated automatically. The first matrix specifies the lower bounds on the n u manipulated variables. For example, u min , j (2) is the lower bound for manipulated variable j for the second move of the manipulated variables (where the first move is at the start of the prediction horizon). If u min , j (k)=–inf, manipulated variable j will have no lower bound for that move. The second matrix gives the upper bounds on the manipulated variables. If u max,j (k) =inf, manipulated variable j will have no upper bound for that move. The lower and upper bounds may be either positive or negative (or zero) as long as u min , j (k) £ u max,j (k). The third matrix gives the limits on the rate of change of the manipulated variables. In other words, cmpc will force|u j (k)–u j (k –1)|£D u max,j (k). The limits on the rate of change must be nonnegative and finite.Ifyouwantittobe unbounded, set the bound to a large number (but not too large — a value of 10 6 should work well in most cases). ylim has the same format as ulim, but for the lower and upper bounds of the outputs. The first row applies to the first point in the prediction horizon. Note that the number of rows for ylim and ulim should be the same. If the number of rows for ylim and ulim differs, one can use parpart(ylim, ulim). The function parpart appends extra rows to ylim or ulim so that they have the same number of rows. If you set yulim = [ ],thenu min = –inf, u max =inf, D u max =10 6 , y min = –inf and y max =inf. tfilter Is a matrix of time constants for the noise filter and the unmeasured disturbances entering at the plant output. The first row of n y elements gives the noise filter time constants and the second row of n y elements gives the time constants of the lags through which the unmeasured disturbance steps pass. If tfilter only contains one row, the unmeasured disturbances are assumed to be steps. If you set tfilter= [ ], no noise filtering and steplike unmeasured disturbances are assumed. nlcmpc 1-74 ud0 Equals [u0 d0]. u0 are initial values of the manipulated variables arranged in a row vector having n u elements; n u is the number of the manipulated variables computed by nlcmpc. d0 are initial values of the measured disturbances arranged in a row vector having n d elements; n d is the number of the measured disturbances. The default is u0 = 0 and d0 = 0. Notes ? Initial conditions for the manipulated variables that are calculated by nlcmpc are specified through nlcmpc while initial conditions for the controlled variables are specified through the S-function for the nonlinear plant. ? You may use a different number of rows in the matrices r, ulim and ylim, should that be appropriate for your simulation. ? The ulim constraints used here are fundamentally different from the usat constraints used in the nlmpcsim block. The ulim constraints are defined relative to the beginning of the prediction horizon, which moves as the simulation progresses. Thus at each sampling period, k,theulim constraints apply to a block of calculated moves that begin at sampling period k and extend for the duration of the input horizon. The usat constraints, on the otherhand,arerelativetothefixedpointt = 0, the start of the simulation. ? For unconstrained problems, nlcmpc and nlmpcsim should give the same results. The latter will be faster because it uses an analytical solution of the QP problem, whereas nlcmpc solves it by iteration. Example See the examples for nlmpcsim with one modification: replace the block nlmpcsim with nlcmpc. Clearly, additional variables should be defined appropriately. See Also cmpc, nlmpcsim nlmpcsim 4-75 1nlmpcsim Purpose Model predictive controller for simulating closed-loop systems with saturation constraints on the manipulated variables using linear models in the MPC step format for nonlinear plants represented as Simulink S-functions. Description nlmpcsim is a Simulink S-function block and can be invoked by typing nlmpclib at the MATLAB prompt. Its usage is identical to other Simulink blocks. The input to nlmpcsim includes both the variables controlled by nlmpcsim and measured disturbances. The first n y elements of the input are treated as the controlled variables while the rest is taken as the measured disturbances. The output from nlmpcsim arethevaluesofthemanipulated variables. Initial conditions for the manipulated variables and the measured disturbances must be specified. Both the controlled variables sent to nlmpcsim and the manipulated variables returned by nlmpcsim are the actual variables; they are not deviation variables. Because of the limit on the number of masked variables that can be specified for a Simulink block, model and dmodel are put together as one variable. u0 and d0 should be entered as one row vector. The required input variables are as follows: modelpd Equals [model dmodel]. model is a linear model in the MPC step format that is to be used for state estimation in the controller. In general, it is a linear approximation for the nonlinear plant. Note, however, thatmodelshould be the same as that used to calculate Kmpc. dmodel is a model in MPC step format representing the measured disturbances. If dmodel = [ ], the default is no measured disturbances. Note that the truncation time for model and dmodel should be the same and the number of outputs for model and dmodel should be the same. Kmpc Is the MPC controller gain matrix, usually calculated using the function mpccon. nlmpcsim 1-76 r Is a setpoint matrix consisting of N rows and n y columns, where n y is the number of controlled variables, y: Where r i (k) is the setpoint for output i at time t=kT,andT is the sampling period (as specified in the step format of model). If the simulation time is larger than NT, the setpoints vary for the first N periods in the simulation, as specified by r, and are then held constant at the values given in the last row of r fortheremainderofthesimulation. In many simulations one wants the setpoints to be constant for the entire time, in which case r need only contain a single row of n y values. Note that r is the actual setpoint. If you set r=[ ], the default is y0. r r 1 1() r 2 1() … r n y 1() r 1 2() r 2 2() … r n y 2() … r 1 N()r 2 N() … r n y N() = … … … nlmpcsim 4-77 usat Is a matrix giving the saturation limits on the manipulated variables. Its format is as follows: Note that it contains three matrices of N rows. N may be different from that for the setpoint matrix, r, but the idea is the same: the saturation limits will vary for the first N sampling periods of the simulation, then be held constant at the values given in the last row of usat for the remaining periods (if any). The first matrix specifies the lower bounds on the n u manipulated variables. For example, u min , j (k) is the lower bound for manipulated variable j at time t= kT in the simulation. If u min , j (k)=–inf, manipulated variable j will have no lower bound at t=kT. The second matrix gives the upper bounds on the manipulated variables. If u max,j (k) =inf, manipulated variable j will have no upper bound at t=kT. The lower and upper bounds may be either positive or negative (or zero) as long as u min , j (k) £ u max,j (k). ,, ,, ,, , () , () ,, ,, ,, , () , () usat u min 1, 1() … u min n u , 1() u min 1, 2() … u min n u , 2() … u min 1, N() … u min n u , N() = D u max 1, 1() … Du max n u , 1() D u max 1, 2() … Du max n u , 2() … D u max 1, N() … Du max n u , N() u max 1, 1() … u max n u , 1() u max 1, 2() … u max n u , 2() … u max 1, N() … u max n u , N() … … …… …… nlmpcsim 1-78 The third matrix gives the limits on the rate of change of the manipulated variables. In other words, mpcsim will force|u j (k)–u j (k –1)|£D u max,j (k). The limits on the rate of change must be nonnegative. If usat= [ ],thenalltheu min values will be set to –inf, and all the u max and u max values will be set to inf. Note: Saturation constraints are enforced by simply clipping the manipulated variable moves so that they satisfy all constraints. This is a nonoptimal solution that, in general, will differ from the results you would get using the ulim variable in cmpc or nlcmpc. tfilter Is a matrix of time constants for the noise filter and the unmeasured disturbances entering at the plant output. The first row of n y elements gives the noise filter time constants and the second row of n y elements gives the time constants of the lags through which the unmeasured disturbance steps pass. If tfilter only contains one row, the unmeasured disturbances are assumed to be steps. If you set tfilter= [ ], no noise filtering and steplike unmeasured disturbances are assumed. ud0 Equals [u0 d0]. u0 are initial values of the manipulated variables arranged in a row vector having n u elements; n u is the number of the manipulated variables computed by nlmpcsim. d0 are initial values of the measured disturbances arranged in a row vector having n d elements; n d is the number of the measured disturbances. The default is u0 = 0 and d0 = 0. Note: You may use a different number of rows in the matrices r and usat, should that be appropriate for your simulation. Examples Let us now demonstrate the use of the controller nlmpcsim. Since the plant used in Example 1 is linear, using mpcsim would be much faster. The point, however, is to show how masked variables are specified for nlmpcsim. nlmpcsim 4-79 1 The plant is linear with two inputs and two outputs. It is represented by The Simulink S-function for this plant is in mpcplant.m. The nominal steady-state operating condition is y0 = [58.3 1.5] and u0 = [100 1].The Simulink block to simulate this plant using nlmpcsim is in nlmpcdm1.m and showninFigure1-1. Figure 1-1 Simulink Block for Example 1 The following statements build the step response model and specify the parameter values. Note that model does not equal the plant model stored in dx dt ------ 1.2– 0 0 1 1.5 --------– x 0.2 1 u 50 0 ++= yx= y1, y2 nlmpcsim Demo #1 (Double click on the "?" for more info) nlmpcsim nlmpcsim t Save Time y Save Outputs u Save Inputs mpcplant Sfunction Plot Results ? Load Data Clock nlmpcsim 1-80 mpcplant.m. The important thing to notice is that both r and usat are actual variables. They are not deviation variables. g11=poly(0.4,[1 2]); g21=poly2tfd(0,1); g12=poly2tfd(0,1); g22=poly2tfd(1,[1 1]); tfinal=8; delt=0.2; nout=2; model=tfd2step(tfinal,delt,nout,g11,g21,g12,g22); ywt=[1 1]; uwt=[0 0]; M=4; P=10; r=[68.3 2]; usat=[100 1 200 3 200 200]; tfilter=[ ]; Kmpc = mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P); dmodel = [ ]; Therearetwowaystosimulatetheclosedloopsystem.Wecansetthe simulation parameters and click on Start under Simulation or via the following statements. plant=¢ nlmpcdm1¢ ; y0=[58.3 1.5]; u0=[100 1]; tfsim = 2; tol=[1e-3]; minstep=[ ]; maxstep=[ ]; [t,yu]=gear(plant,tfsim,[y0 u0],[tol,minstep,maxstep]); Figure1-2showstheresponseforthesetpointchange. nlmpcsim 4-81 Figure 1-2 Output responses for a setpoint change for Example 1 2 The plant is the paper machine headbox discussed in the section, “Application: Paper Machine Headbox Control” in Chapter 3. The nonlinear plant model is represented as a Simulink S-function and is in pap_mach.m. The plant has two inputs, three outputs, four states, one measured disturbance, and one unmeasured disturbance. All these variables are zero at the nominal steady-state. Since the model for nlmpcsim must be linear, we linearize the nonlinear plant at the nominal steady-state to obtain a linear model. Since the model is simple, we can linearize it analytically to obtain A, B, C, and D. The Simulink block to simulate this nonlinear plant using nlmpcsim is in nlmpcdm2.m and shown in Figure 1-3. nlmpcsim 1-82 Figure 1-3 Simulink Block for Example 2 The following statements build the step response model and specify the parameter values. A=[-1.93 0 0 0; .394 -.426 0 0; 0 0 -.63 0; .82 -.784 .413 -.426]; B=[1.274 1.274 0; 0 0 0; 1.34 -.65 .203; 0 0 0]; C=[0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; D=zeros(3,3); % Discretize the linear model and save in MOD form. dt=2; [PHI,GAM]=c2dmp(A,B,dt); minfo=[dt,4,2,1,0,3,0]; imod=ss2mod(PHI,GAM,C,D,minfo); % Store plant model and measured disturbance model in MPC % step format Gp, Gw Np Nw nlmpcsim Demo #2 (Double click on the "?" for more info) nlmpcsim nlmpcsim Step Fcn1 Step Fcn t Save Time y Save Outputs u Save Inputs papmach Sfunction Plot Results Mux Mux2 Mux Mux1 ? Load Data Clock nlmpcsim 4-83 [model,dmodel]=mod2step(imod,20); m=5; p=20; ywt=[1 0 5]; % unequal weighting of y1 and y3, no control % of y2 uwt=[1 1]; % Equal weighting of u1 and u2 ulim=[-10 -10 10 10 2 2]; % Constraints on u ylim=[ ]; % No constraints on y usat=ulim; tfilter=[ ]; y0=[0 0 0]; u0=[0 0]; r=[0 0 0]; Kmpc=mpccon(model,ywt,uwt,M,P); Figure 1-4 shows the output responses for a unit-step measured disturbance Np = 1 and a step unmeasured disturbance with Nw =5. Figure 1-4 Output responses for a unit-step measured disturbance Np =1 and a step unmeasured disturbance Nw =5 See Also mpcsim, nlcmpc -6 -4 2 0 -2 4 5 1015202503 Ou tpu t Time Solid: y1 (H2) Dashed: y2 (N1) Dotted: y3 (N2) y1 y2 y3 paramod 1-84 1paramod Purpose Puts two models in parallel by connecting their outputs. Mimics the utility function mpcparal,exceptthatparamod worksonmodelsintheMPCmod format. Syntax pmod = paramod(mod1,mod2) Description mod1 and mod2 are models in the MPC mod format (see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference format section for a detailed description). You would normally create them using either the tfd2mod, ss2mod or th2mod functions. paramod combines them to form a composite system, pmod,asshowninthe above diagram. It is also in the mod format.Notehowtheinputstomod1 and mod2 are ordered in pmod. Restriction mod1 and mod2 must have been created with equal sampling periods and they must have the same number of measured and unmeasured outputs. See Also addmd, addmod, addumd, appmod, sermod mod1 y 2 mod2 u 1 d 1 w 1 u 2 d 2 w 2 y 1 y pmod u 1 u 2 d 1 d 2 w 1 w 2 y S + + plotall 4-85 1plotall Purpose Plots outputs and manipulated variables from a simulation, all on one “page.” Syntax plotall(y,u) plotall(y,u,t) Description Input variables y and u are matrices of outputs and manipulated variables, respectively. Each row represents a sample at a particular time. Each column shows how a particular output (or manipulated) variable changes with time. Input variable t is optional. If you supply it as a scalar, plotall interprets is as the sampling period, and calculates the time axis for the plots accordingly. It can also be a column vector, in which case it must have the same number of rows as y and u and is interpreted as the times at which the samples of y and u were taken. If you do not supply t, plotall uses a sampling period of 1 by default. plotall plots all the outputs on a single graph. If there are multiple outputs that have very different numerical scales, this may be unsatisfactory. In that case, use ploteach. plotall plots all the manipulated variables in “stairstep” form (i.e., assuming a zero-order hold) on a single graph. Again, ploteach may be the better choice if scales are very different. plotall 1-86 Example output: (mpccon example) See Also ploteach, plotstep, plotfrsp 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Manipulated Variables Time ploteach 4-87 1ploteach Purpose Plots outputs and manipulated variables from a simulation on separate graphs, up to four per page. Syntax ploteach(y) ploteach(y,u) ploteach([ ],u) ploteach(y,[ ],t) ploteach([ ],u,t) ploteach(y,u,t) Description Input variables y and u are matrices of outputs and manipulated variables, respectively. Each row represents a sample at a particular time. Each column shows how a particular output (or manipulated) variable changes with time. As shown above, you may supply both y and u,oromiteitheroneofthem. Input variable t is optional. If you supply it as a scalar, ploteach interprets is as the sampling period, and calculates the time axis for the plots accordingly. It can also be a column vector, in which case it must have the same number of rows as y and u and is interpreted as the times at which the samples of y and u were taken. If you do not supply t, ploteach uses a sampling period of 1 by default. ploteach plots the manipulated variables in “stairstep” form (i.e., assuming a zero-order hold). ploteach 1-88 Example output: (mpccon example) See Also plotall, plotfrsp, plotstep plotfrsp 4-89 1plotfrsp Purpose Plots the frequency response generated by mod2frsp as a Bode plot. Syntax plotfrsp(vmat) plotfrsp(vmat,out,in) Description vmat is a varying matrix which contains the data to be plotted. Let F(w ) denote the matrix (whose entries are functions of the independent variable w )whosesampledvaluesF(w 1 ), ... , F(w N ) are contained in vmat. plotfrsp(vmat) will generate Bode plots of all elements of F(w ). Optional inputs out and in are row vectors which specify the row and column indices respectively of a submatrix of F(w ). plotfrsp will then generate Bode plots of the elements of the specified submatrix of F(w ). Example Output: (mod2frsp example) See Also mod2frsp, varying format 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 10 ?4 10 ?2 10 0 10 2 Frequency (radians/time) Log Magnitude BODE PLOTS 10 ?3 10 ?2 10 ?1 10 0 ?500 ?400 ?300 ?200 ?100 0 100 Frequency (radians/time) Phase (degrees) plotstep 1-90 1plotstep Purpose Plots multiple step responses as calculated by mod2step, ss2step or tfd2step. Syntax plotstep(plant) plotstep(plant,opt) Description plant is a step-response matrix in the MPC step format created by mod2step, ss2step or tfd2step. opt is an optional scalar or row vector that allows you to select the outputs to be plotted. If you omit opt, plotstep plots every output. If, for example, plant contains results for 6 outputs, setting opt=[1,4,5] would cause only y 1 , y 4 and y 5 to be plotted. Example output: (tfd2step example) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 u1 step response : y1 TIME 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 u1 step response : y2 TIME plotstep 4-91 See Also imp2step, mod2step, step format, plotall, ploteach, plotfrsp, ss2step, tfd2step 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ?20 ?15 ?10 ?5 0 u2 step response : y1 TIME 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ?20 ?15 ?10 ?5 0 u2 step response : y2 TIME plsr 1-92 1plsr Purpose Determine the impulse response coefficients for a multi-input single-output system via Partial Least Squares (PLS). Syntax [theta,w,cw,ssqdif,yres] = plsr(xreg,yreg,ninput,lv) [theta,w,cw,ssqdif,yres] = plsr(xreg,yreg,ninput,lv, plotopt) Description Given a set of regression data, xreg and yreg, the impulse response coefficient matrix, theta, is determined via PLS. Column i of theta corresponds to the impulse response coefficients for input i. Only a single output is allowed. The number of inputs, ninput, and the number of latent variables, lv,mustbe specified. Optional output w is a matrix of dimension n (number of impulse response coefficients) by lv consisting of orthogonal column vectors maximizing the cross variance between input and output. Column vector cw (optional) contains the coefficients associated with each orthogonal vector for calculating theta (theta=w * cw). Optional output ssqdif is an lv-by-2 matrix containing the percent variances captured by PLS. The first column contains information for the input; the second column for the output. Row i of ssqdif gives a measure of the variance captured by using the first i latent variables. The output residual or prediction error (yres) is also returned (optional). No plot is produced if plotopt is equal to 0, which is the default; a plot of the actual output and the predicted output is produced if plotopt=1;twoplots— plot of actual and predicted output, and plot of output residual — are produced for plotopt=2. Example Consider the following two-input single-output system: Load the input and output data. The input and output data were generated from the above transfer function and random zero-mean noise was added to the output. Sampling time of 7 minutes was used. load plsrdat; ys() 5.72e 14s– 60s 1+ ------------------------- 1.52e 15s– 25s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = plsr 4-93 Put the input and output data in a form such that they can be used to determine the impulse response coefficients. 30 impulse response coefficients (n)areused. n = 30; [xreg,yreg] = wrtreg(x,y,n); Determine the impulse response coefficients via plsrusing 10 latent variables. By specifying plotopt=2, two plots — plot of predicted output and actual output, and plot of the output residual (or predicted error) — are produced. ninput = 2; lv = 10; plotopt = 2; theta = plsr(xreg,yreg,ninput,lv,plotopt); Use a new set of data to validate the impulse model. [newxreg,newyreg] = wrtreg(newx,newy,n); yres = validmod(newxreg,newyreg,theta,plotopt); 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 ?3 ?2 ?1 0 1 2 3 Actual value (o) versus Predicted Value (+) Sample Number Output 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Output Residual or Prediction Error Sample Number Residual plsr 1-94 Convert the impulse model to a step model to be used in MPC design. Sampling time of 7 minutes was used in determining the impulse model. Number of outputs (1 in this case) must be specified. nout = 1; delt = 7; model = imp2step(delt,nout,theta); 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?6 ?4 ?2 0 2 4 Actual value (o) versus Predicted Value (+) Sample Number Output 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.6 ?0.4 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Output Residual or Prediction Error Sample Number Residual plsr 4-95 Plot the step response coefficients. plotstep(model) See Also mlr, validmod, wrtreg 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 u1 step response : y1 TIME 0 50 100 150 200 250 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 u2 step response : y1 TIME poly2tfd, poly format 1-96 1poly2tfd, poly format Purpose poly2tfd converts a transfer function (continuous or discrete) from the standard MATLAB poly format into the MPC tf format. Syntax g = poly2tfd(num,den) g = poly2tfd(num,den,delt,delay) Description Consider a continuous-time (Laplace domain) transfer function such as or a discrete-time transfer function such as where z is the forward-shift operator. Using the MATLAB poly format, you would represent either of these as a numerator polynomial and a denominator polynomial, giving the coefficients of the highest-order terms first: num = [b 0 b 1 ... b n ]; den = [a 0 a 1 ... a n ]; If the numerator contains leading zeros, they may be omitted, i.e., the number of elements in num can be £ the number of elements in den. poly2tfd uses num and den as input to build a transfer function, g,intheMPC tf format (see tf section for details). Optional variables you can include are: delt The sampling period. If this is zero or you omit it, poly2tfd assumes that you are supplying a continuous-time transfer function. If you are supplying a discrete-time transfer function you must specify delt.Otherwiseg will be misinterpreted when you use it later in the MPC Toolbox functions. delay The time delay. For a continuous-time transfer function, delay should be in time units. For a discrete-time transfer function, delay should be specified as Gs() b 0 s n b 1 s n 1– … b n +++ a 0 s n a 1 s n 1– … a n +++ ----------------------------------------------------------------= Gz() b 0 b 1 z 1– … b n z n– +++ a 0 a 1 z 1– … a n z n– +++ -------------------------------------------------------------= poly2tfd, poly format 4-97 the integer number of sampling periods of time delay. If you omit it, poly2tfd assumes a delay of zero. Examples Consider the continuous-time transfer function: G(s) = 0.5 . It has no delay. The following command creates the MPC tf format: g=poly2tfd(0.5*[3 -1],[5 2 1]); Now suppose there were a delay of 2.5 time units: G(s) = 0.5 . You could use: g=poly2tfd(0.5*[3 -1],[5 2 1],0,2.5); Next let’s get the equivalent transfer function in discrete form. An easy way is to get the correct poly form using cp2dp,thenusepoly2tfd to get it in the tf form. Here are the commands to do it using a sampling period of 0.75 time units: delt=0.75; [numd,dend]=cp2dp(0.5 * [3 -1],[5 2 1],delt,rem(2.5,delt)); g=poly2tfd(numd,dend,delt,fix(2.5/delt)); Note that cp2dp is used to handle the fractional time delay and the integer number of sampling periods of time delay is an input to poly2tfd.Theresults are: numd = 0 0.1232 -0.1106 -0.0607 dend = 1.0000 -1.6445 0.7408 0 g = 0 0.1232 -0.1106 -0.0607 1.0000 -1.6445 0.7408 0 0.7500 3.0000 0 0 See Also cp2dp, tf, th2mod, tfd2step 3s 1– 5s 2 2s 1++ -------------------------------- 3s 1– 5s 2 2s 1++ --------------------------------e 2.5s– scmpc 1-98 1scmpc Purpose Simulates closed-loop systems with hard bounds on manipulated variables and/or outputs using models in the MPC mod format. Solves the MPC optimization problem by quadratic programming. Syntax yp = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r) [yp,u,ym] = scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend, ... r,ulim,ylim,Kest,z,d,w,wu) Description scmpc simulates the performance of the type of system shown in the above diagram when there are bounds on the manipulated variables and/or outputs. The required input variables are as follows: pmod Is a model in the MPC mod format that is to represent the plant. imod Is a model in the MPC mod format that is to be used for state estimation in the controller. In general, it can be different from pmod if you want to simulate the effect of plant/controller model mismatch. Disturbances u d r Plant Setpoints Noise-free d y Plant Outputs S Measured Outputs S w u y p Measurement Noise + + + + z Measured Disturbances Unmeasured Controller w d scmpc 4-99 ywt Is a matrix of weights that will be applied to the setpoint tracking errors (optional). If ywt=[ ], the default is equal (unity) weighting of all outputs over theentirepredictionhorizon.Ifywt|[ ],itmusthaven y columns, where n y is the number of outputs. All weights must be ? 0. You may vary the weights at each step in the prediction horizon by including up to Prows inywt. Then the first row of n y values applies to the tracking errors in the first step in the prediction horizon, the next row applies to the next step, etc. See smpccon for details on the form of the optimization objective function. If you supply only nrow rows, where 1 £ nrow < P, scmpc will use the last row to fill in any remaining steps. Thus if you wish the weighting to be the same for all P steps, you need only specify a single row. uwt Is as for ywt,exceptthatuwt applies to the changes in the manipulated variables. If you use uwt=[ ], the default is zero weighting. If uwt|[ ],itmust have n u columns, where n u is the number of manipulated variables. M Therearetwowaystospecifythisvariable: If it is a scalar, scmpc interprets it as the input horizon (number of moves) as in DMC. If it is a row vector containing n b elements, each element of the vector indicates the number of steps over which D u = 0 during the optimization and scmpc interprets it as a set of n b blocking factors. There may be 1 £ n b £ P blocking factors, and their sum must be £ P. If you set M=[ ], the default is M=P, which is equivalent to M=ones(1,P). P The number of sampling periods in the prediction horizon. tend Is the desired duration of the simulation (in time units). scmpc 1-100 r Is a setpoint matrix consisting of N rows and n y columns, where n y is the number of output variables, y: where r i (k) is the setpoint for output j at time t=kT,andT is the sampling period (as specified by the minfo vector in the mod format of pmod and imod). If tend > NT, the setpoints vary for the first N periods in the simulation, as specified by r, and are then held constant at the values given in the last row of r fortheremainderofthesimulation. In many simulations one wants the setpoints to be constant for the entire time, in which case r need only contain a single row of n y values. If you set r=[ ],thedefaultisarowofn y zeros. The following input variables are optional. In general, setting one of them equal to an empty matrix causes scmpc to use the default value, which is given in the description. r r 1 1() r 2 1() … r n y 1() r 1 2() r 2 2() … r n y 2() … r 1 N()r 2 N() … r n y N() = … … … scmpc 4-101 ulim Is a matrix giving the limits on the manipulated variables. Its format is as follows: Note that it contains three matrices of N rows. In this case, the limits on N are 1 £ N £ n b ,wheren b is the number of times the manipulated variables are to change over the input horizon. If you supply fewer than n b rows, the last row is repeated automatically. The first matrix specifies the lower bounds on the n u manipulated variables. For example, u min , j (2) is the lower bound for manipulated variable j for the second move of the manipulated variables (where the first move is at the start of the prediction horizon). If u min , j (k)=–inf, manipulated variable j will have no lower bound for that move. The second matrix gives the upper bounds on the manipulated variables. If u max,j (k) =inf, manipulated variable j will have no upper bound for that move. The lower and upper bounds may be either positive or negative (or zero) as long as u min , j (k) £ u max,j (k). ,, ,, ,, , () , () D u max 1, 1() … Du max n u , 1() D u max 1, 2() … Du max n u , 2() … D u max 1, N() … Du max n u , N() …… ,, ,, ,, , () , () ulim u min 1, 1() … u min n u , 1() u min 1, 2() … u min n u , 2() … u min 1, N() … u min n u , N() = u max 1, 1() … u max n u , 1() u max 1, 2() … u max n u , 2() … u max 1, N() … u max n u , N() … … …… scmpc 1-102 The third matrix gives the limits on the rate of change of the manipulated variables. In other words, cmpc will force|u j (k)–u j (k –1)|£D u max,j (k). The limits on the rate of change must be nonnegative and finite.Ifyouwantittobe unbounded, set the bound to a large number (but not too large — a value of 10 6 should work well in most cases). The default is u min = –inf, u max =infand D u max =10 6 ylim Same format as for ulim, but for the lower and upper bounds of the outputs. The first row applies to the first point in the prediction horizon. The default is y min = –inf,andy max =inf. Kest Is the estimator gain matrix. The default is the DMC estimator. See smpcest for more details. z Is measurement noise that will be added to the outputs (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r. The default is a row of n y zeros. d Is a matrix of measured disturbances (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r, except that the number of columns is n d rather than n y .The default is a row of n d zeros.s w Is a matrix of unmeasured disturbances (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r, except that the number of columns is n w rather than n y .The default is a row of n w zeros. wu Is a matrix of unmeasured disturbances that are added to the manipulated variables (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r, except that the number of columns is n u rather than n y .Thedefaultisarowofn u zeros. Notes ? You may use a different number of rows in the matrices r, z, d, w and wu, should that be appropriate for your simulation. scmpc 4-103 ? The ulim constraints used here are fundamentally different from the usat constraints used in the smpcsim function. The ulim constraints are defined relative to the beginning of the prediction horizon, which moves as the simulation progresses. Thus at each sampling period, k,theulim constraints apply to a block of calculated moves that begin at sampling period k and extend for the duration of the input horizon. The usat constraints, on the otherhand,arerelativetothefixedpointt = 0, the start of the simulation. The calculated outputs are as follows (all but yp are optional): yp Is a matrix containing M rows and n y columns, where M = max(fix(tend/T)+1, 2). The first row will contain the initial condition, and row k – 1 will give the values of the noise-free plant outputs, (see above diagram), at time t=kT. u Is a matrix containing the same number of rows asypand n u columns. The time corresponding to each row is the same as for yp. The elements in each row are the values of the manipulated variables, u (see above diagram). Note Theuvaluesarethosecomingfromthecontrollerbeforetheadditionof the unmeasured disturbance, w u . ym Is a matrix of the same structure as yp, containing the values of the predicted output from the state estimator in the controller. These will, in general, differ from those in yp if imod|pmod and/or there are unmeasured disturbances. The prediction includes the effect of the most recent measurement, i.e., it is . For unconstrained problems, scmpc and smpcsim should give the same results. The latter will be faster because it uses an analytical solution of the QP problem, whereas scmpc solves it by iteration. y p y? kk() scmpc 1-104 Examples Consider the linear system: The following statements build the model and set up the controller in the same way as in the smpcsim example. g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; imod=tfd2mod(delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); pmod=imod; P=6; M=2; ywt=[ ]; uwt=[1 1]; tend=30; r=[0 1]; Here, however, we will demonstrate the effect of constraints. First we set a limitof0.1ontherateofchangeofu 1 and a minimum of –0.15 for u 2 . ulim=[-inf -0.15 inf inf 0.1 100]; ylim=[ ]; [y,u]=scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r,ulim,ylim); plotall(y,u,delt), pause y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = scmpc 4-105 Note that D u 2 has a large (but finite) limit. It never comes into play. We next apply a lower bound of zero to both outputs: ulim=[-inf -0.15 inf inf 0.1 100]; ylim=[0 0 inf inf]; [y,u]=scmpc(pmod,imod,ywt,uwt,M,P,tend,r,ulim,ylim); plotall(y,u,delt), pause The following results show that no constraints are violated. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 ?0.18 ?0.16 ?0.14 ?0.12 ?0.1 ?0.08 ?0.06 Manipulated Variables Time scmpc 1-106 Restrictions ? Initial conditions of zero are used for all states in imod and pmod.This simulates the condition where all variables represent a deviation from a steady-state initial condition. ? The first n u + n d columns of the D matrices in imod and pmod must be zero. In other words, neither u nor d may have an immediate effect on the outputs. Suggestions Problems with many inequality constraints can be very time consuming. You can minimize the number of constraints by: ? Using small values for P and/or M. ? Leaving variables unconstrained (limits at ±inf) intermittently unless you think the constraint is important. See Also plotall, ploteach, smpccl, smpccon, smpcest, smpcsim 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 Manipulated Variables Time sermod 4-107 1sermod Purpose Puts two models in series by connecting the output of one to the input of the other. Mimics the series function of the Control System Toolbox, except that sermod worksonmodelsintheMPCmod format. Syntax pmod = sermod(mod1,mod2) Description mod1 and mod2 are models in the MPC mod format (see mod in the online MATLAB Function Reference for a detailed description). You would normally create them using either the tfd2mod, ss2mod or th2mod functions. sermodcombines them to form a composite system, pmod,asshownintheabove diagram. It is also in the mod format. Note how the inputs to mod1 and mod2 are ordered in pmod. Restrictions ?mod1 and mod2 must have been created with equal sampling periods. ? The number of measured outputs in mod1 must equal the number of manipulated variables in mod2. See Also addmd, addmod, addumd, appmod, paramod mod2 pmod y 1 =u 2 u 1 y mod1 u 2 d 1 d 2 w 1 w 2 u 1 d 1 d 2 w 1 w 2 y smpccl 1-108 1smpccl Purpose Combines a plant model and a controller model in the MPC mod format, yielding a closed-loop system model in the MPC format. This can be used for stability analysis and linear simulations of closed-loop performance. Syntax [clmod,cmod] = smpccl(pmod,imod,Ks) [clmod,cmod] = smpccl(pmod,imod,Ks,Kest) Description pmod Is a model (in the mod format) representing the plant in the above diagram. imod Is a model (in the same format) that is to be used to design the MPC controller blockshowninthediagram.Itmaybethesameaspmod (in which case there is no model error in the controller design), or it may be different. Ks Is a controller gain matrix, which must have been calculated by the function smpccon. Disturbances u d r Plant Setpoints Noise-free d y Plant Outputs S Measured Outputs S w u y p Measurement Noise + + + + z Measured Disturbances Unmeasured Controller w d smpccl 4-109 Kest Is an (optional) estimator gain matrix. If omitted or set to an empty matrix, the default is to use the DMC estimator index DMC estimator. See the documentation for the function smpcest for more details on the design and proper format of Kest. smpccl Calculates a model of the closed-loop system, clmod.Itisinthemod format and can be used, for example, with analysis functions such as smpcgain and smpcpole, and with simulation routines such as mod2step and dlsimm. smpccl also calculates a model of the controller element, cmod. The closed-loop model, clmod, has the following state-space representation: x cl (k +1)=F cl x cl (k)+G cl u cl (k) y cl (k)=C cl x cl (k)+D cl u cl (k) where x cl is a vector of n state variables, u cl is a vector of input variables, y cl is a vector of outputs, and F cl , G cl , C cl ,andD cl are matrices of appropriate size. Theexpertusermaywanttoknowthesignificanceofthestatevariablesinx cl . They are (in the following order): ? The n p states of the plant (as specified in pmod), ? The n i changes in the state estimates (based on the model specified in imod and the estimator gain, Kest), ? The n y estimates of the noise-free plant output (from the state estimator), ? n u integrators that operate on the D u signal produced by the standard MPC formulation to yield a u signal that can be used as input to the plant and as a closed-loop output, and ? n d differencing elements that operate on the d signal to produce the D d signal required in the standard MPC formulation. If there are no measured disturbances, these states are omitted. y? kk 1–()= smpccl 1-110 The closed-loop input and output variables are: where istheestimateofthenoise-freeplantoutputatsampling period k based on information available at period k.Thisestimateisgenerated by the controller element. Note that u cl will include d and/or w automatically whenever pmod includes measured disturbances and/or unmeasured disturbances. Thus the length of the u cl vector will depend on the inputs you have defined in pmod and imod. Similarly, ycl depends on the number of outputs and manipulated variables. Let m and p be the lengths of u cl and y cl ,respectively.Then m=2n y +n u +n d +n w p=2n y +n u The state-space form of the controller model, cmod,canbewrittenas: x c (k +1)=F c x c (k)+G cl u c (k) y c (k)=C c x c (k)+D c u c (k) where and the controller states are the same as those of the closed loop system except that the n p plantstatesarenotincluded. u cl k() rk() zk() w u k() dk() wk() and y cl k() y p k() uk() y? kk() == y? kk()= u c k() rk() yk() dk() and y c k() uk()== smpccl 4-111 Examples Consider the linear system: We build this model using the MPC Toolbox functions poly2tfd and tfd2mod. g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; imod=tfd2mod(delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); pmod=imod; % No plant/model mismatch Now we design the controller. Since there is delay, we use M < P:Wespecify the defaults for the other tuning parameters, uwt and ywt, then calculate the controller gain: P=6; % Prediction horizon. M=2; % Number of moves (input horizon). ywt=[ ]; % Output weights (default - unity on % all outputs). uwt=[ ]; % Man. Var weights (default - zero on % all man. vars). Ks=smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); Now we can calculate the model of the closed-loop system and check its poles for stability: clmod=smpccl(pmod,imod,Ks); maxpole=max(abs(smpcpole(clmod))) The result is: maxpole = 0.8869 Since this is less than 1, the plant and controller combination will be closed-loop stable. (The closed-loop system has 20 states in this example). y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = smpccl 1-112 You can also use the closed-loop model to calculate and plot the step response with respect to all theinputs.Theappropriatecommandsare: tend=30; clstep=mod2step(clmod,tend); plotstep(clstep) Since the closed-loop system has m =6inputsandp = 6 outputs, only one of the plots is reproduced here. It shows the response of the first 4 closed-loop outputs to a step in the first closed-loop input, which is the setpoint for y 1 : Closed-loop outputs y 1 and y 2 are the true plant outputs (noise-free). Output y 1 goes to the new setpoint quickly with a small overshoot. This causes a small, short-term disturbance in y 2 . The plots for y 3 and y 4 show the required variation in the manipulated variables. 0 10 20 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 u1 step response : y1 TIME 0 10 20 30 ?0.2 ?0.15 ?0.1 ?0.05 0 u1 step response : y2 TIME 0 10 20 30 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 u1 step response : y3 TIME 0 10 20 30 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 u1 step response : y4 TIME smpccl 4-113 The following commands show how you could use dlsimm to calculate the response of the closed-loop system to a step in the setpoint for y 1 ,withadded random measurement noise. r=[ones(11,1) zeros(11,1)]; z=0.1*rand(11,2); wu=zeros(11,2); d=[ ]; w=[ ]; ucl=[r z wu d w]; [phicl,gamcl,ccl,dcl]=mod2ss(clmods); ycl=dlsimm(phicl,gamcl,ccl,dcl,ucl); y=ycl(:,1:2); u=ycl(:,3:4); ym=ycl(:,5:6); Restrictions ?imod and pmod must have been created using the same sampling period, and an equal number of outputs, measured disturbances, and manipulated variables. ? Both imod and pmod must be strictly proper, i.e., the D matrices in their state-space descriptions must be zero. Exception: the last n w columns of the D matrices may be nonzero, i.e., the unmeasured disturbance may have an immediate effect on the outputs. See Also mod2step, scmpc, smpccon, smpcest, smpcgain, smpcpole, smpcsim smpccon 1-114 1smpccon Purpose Calculates MPC controller gain using a model in MPC mod format. Syntax Ks = smpccon(imod) Ks = smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P) Description Combines the following variables (most of which are optional and have default values) to calculate the state-space MPC gain matrix, Ks. imod is the model of the process to be used in the controller design (in the mod format). The following input variables are optional: ywt Is a matrix of weights that will be applied to the setpoint tracking errors. If you use ywt=[ ] or omit it, the default is equal (unity) weighting of all outputs over theentirepredictionhorizon.Ifywt|[ ],itmusthaven y columns, where n y is the number of outputs. All weights must be ? 0. You may vary the weights at each step in the prediction horizon by including up to Prows inywt. Then the first row of n y values applies to the tracking errors in the first step in the prediction horizon, the next row applies to the next step, etc. If you supply only nrow rows, where 1 £ nrow < P, smpccon will use the last row to fill in any remaining steps. Thus if you wish the weighting to be the same for all P steps, you need only specify a single row. uwt Same format as ywt,exceptthatuwt applies to the changes in the manipulated variables. If you use uwt=[ ] or omit it, the default is zero weighting. If uwt|[ ],itmusthaven u columns, where n u is the number of manipulated variables. M Therearetwowaystospecifythisvariable: If it is a scalar, smpccon interprets it as the input horizon (number of moves) as in DMC. smpccon 4-115 If it is a row vector containing n b elements, each element of the vector indicates the number of steps over which D u = 0 during the optimization and smpccon interprets it as a set of n b blocking factors. There may be 1 £ n b £ P blocking factors, and their sum must be £ P. If you set M=[ ] or omit it, the default is M=P, which is equivalent to M=ones(1,P). P The number of sampling periods in the prediction horizon. If you set P=[ ] or omit it, the default is P=1. If you take the default values for all the optional variables, you get the “perfect controller,” i.e., a model-inverse controller. This controller is not applicable in the following situations: ? When one or more outputs cannot respond to the manipulated variables within 1 sampling period due to time delay, the plant-inverse controller is unrealizable. To counteract this you can penalize changes in the manipulated variables (variable uwt), use blocking (variable M), and/or make P>>M. ? When imod contains transmission zeros outside the unit circle the plant-inverse controller will be unstable. To counteract this, you can use blocking (variable M), restrict the input horizon (variable M), and/or penalize changes in the manipulated variables (variable uwt). The model-inverse controller is also relatively sensitive to model error and is best used as a point of reference from which you can progress to a more robust design. Algorithm The controller gain is a component of the solution to the optimization problem: Minimize with respect to (a series of current and future moves in the manipulated variables), where (k + j) is a prediction of output i at a time j sampling periods into the future (relative to the current time, k), which is a function of Jk() ywt i j()r i kj+()– y? i kj+()[] 2 i 1= n y Ge5 j 1= p Ge5 = uwt i j()D u? i j()() 2 i 1= n u Ge5 j 1= n b Ge5 + D u? i j() y? i smpccon 1-116 (j), r i (k + j) is the corresponding future setpoint, and n b is the number of blocks or moves of the manipulated variables. References Ricker, N. L. “Use of Quadratic Programming for Constrained Internal Model Control,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 1985, 24, 925–936. Ricker, N. L. “Model-predictive control with state estimation,” I & EC Res., 1990, 29, 374. Example Consider the linear system: See the smpccl example for the commands that build the model and a simple controller for this process. Here is a slightly more complex design with blocking and time-varying weights on the manipulated and output variables: P=6; M=[2 4]; uwt=[1 0; 0 1]; ywt=[1 0.1; 0.8 0.1; 0.1 0.1]; Ks=smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); tend=30; r=[1 0]; [y,u]=smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r); There is no particular rationale for using time varying weights in this case — it is only for illustration. The manipulated variables will make 2 moves during the prediction horizon (see value of M,above).Theuwt selection gives u 1 a unity weight and u 2 a zero weight for the first move, then switches the weights for the second move. If there had been any additional moves they would have had the same weighting as the second move. D u? i y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = smpccon 4-117 The ywt value assigns a constant weight of 0.1 to y 2 , and a weight that decreases over the first 3 periods to y 1 . The weights for periods 4 to 6 are the same as for period 3. The resulting closed-loop (servo) response is: See Also scmpc, smpccl, smpcsim 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Manipulated Variables Time smpcest 1-118 1smpcest Purpose Sets up a state-estimator gain matrix for use with MPC controller design and simulation routines using models in MPC mod format. Can use either a disturbance/noise model that you specify, or a simplified form in which each output is affected by an independent disturbance (plus measurement noise). Syntax For the general case: [Kest] = smpcest(imod,Q,R) For simplified disturbance modeling: [Kest,newmod] = smpcest(imod) [Kest,newmod] = smpcest(imod,tau,signoise) Description In the above block diagram, u is a vector of n u manipulated variables (n u ? 1), d is a vector of n d measured disturbances (n d ? 0), w is a vector of unmeasured disturbances, z is measurement noise, y is a vector of outputs, and represents these outputs before the addition of measurement noise. The objective of the state estimator in MPC is to estimate the present and future values of , rejecting as much of the measurement noise as possible. The inputs u and d are assumed perfectly measurable, whereas w and z are unknown and must be inferred from the measurements. G w is a transfer function matrix representing the effect of each element of w on each output in y. General Case imod Is the model (in mod format) to be used as the basis for the state estimator. It should be the same as that used to calculate the controller gain (see smpccon). It must include a model of the disturbances, i.e., the G w element in the above yS u + G w Plant z y w S + + + d y y smpcest 4-119 diagram. You could, for example, use addumd to combine a plant and disturbance model, yielding a composite model in the proper form. Q Is a symmetric, positive semi-definite matrix giving the covariances of the disturbances in w.Itmustben w by n w ,wheren w (? 1) is the number of unmeasured disturbances in imod (i.e., the length of w). R Is a symmetric, positive-definite matrix giving the covariances of the measurement noise, z.Itmustben ym by n ym ,wheren ym (? 1) is the number of measured outputs in imod. The calculated output variable is: Kest The estimator gain matrix. It will contain n + n y rows and n ym columns, where n is the number of states in imod,andn y is the total number of outputs (measured plus unmeasured). Simplified disturbance modeling For the simplified disturbance/noise model we make the following assumptions: ? The vectors w, z, y and are all length n y . ? G w is diagonal. Thus each element of w affects one (and only one) element of y. Diagonal element G wi has the discrete (sampled-data) form: where a i = e –T/ t i ,0£t i £¥ ,andT is the sampling period. As , Gwi(q) approaches a unity gain, while as , G wi becomes an integrator. ? Element i of D w is a stationary white-noise signal with zero mean and standard deviation s wi (where w i (k)=w i (k)–w i (k –1)). ? Element i of z is a stationary white-noise signal with zero mean and standard deviation s zi . y G wi q() 1 qa i – --------------= t i 0fit i ¥fi smpcest 1-120 The input variables are then as follows: imod Is the model (in mod format) to be used as the basis for the state estimator. It should be the same as that used to calculate the controller gain (see smpccon). tau Is a row vector,lengthn y , giving the values of t i to be used in eq. 1. Each element must satisfy: 0 £t i £¥ .Ifyouusetau=[ ], smpcest uses the default, which is n y zeros. signoise Is a row vector,lengthn y , giving the signal-to-noise ratio for the each disturbance, defined as g i = s wi =s zi . Each element must be nonnegative. If omitted, smpcsim uses an infinite signal-to-noise ratio for each output. The calculated output variables are: Kest The estimator gain matrix. newmod The modified version of imod, which must be used in place of imod in any simulation/analysis functions that require Kest (e.g., smpccl, smpcsim, scmpc). If imod contains n states, and there are n 1 outputs for which t i >0,then newmod will have n + n 1 states. The optimal gain matrix, Kest, will have n + n 1 + n y rows and n ym columns. The first n rows will be zero, the next n 1 rows will have the gains for the estimates of the n 1 added states (if any), and the last n y rows will have the gains for estimating the noise-free outputs, . Examples Consider the linear system: y y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ----------------------- 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ----------------------- 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() 3.8e 8– s 14.9s 1+ ------------------------ 4.9e 3s– 13.2s 1+ ------------------------ ws()+= smpcest 4-121 The following statements build two models: pmod, which contains the model of the disturbance, w,andimod, which does not. g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=1; ny=2; imod=tfd2mod(delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); gw1=poly2tfd(3.8,[14.9 1],0,8); gw2=poly2tfd(4.9,[13.2 1],0,3); pmod=addumd(imod,tfd2mod(delt,ny,gw1,gw2)); Calculate the gain for a typical MPC (unconstrained) controller P=6; M=2; ywt=[ ]; uwt=[1 1]; Ks=smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); Next design an estimator using the G w model in pmod.ThechoicesofQandR are arbitrary. R was made relatively small (since measurement noise will be negligible in the simulations). Kest1=smpcest(pmod,1,0.001*eye(ny)); Ks1=smpccon(pmod,ywt,uwt,M,P); Now design another estimator using a simplified disturbance model in which each output is affected by a disturbance with a first-order time constant of 10 and a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. tau=[10 10]; signoise=[3 3]; [Kest2,newmod]=smpcest(imod,tau,signoise); Ks2=smpccon(newmod,ywt,uwt,M,P); Compare the performance of these two estimators to the default (DMC) estimator when there is a unit step in w: r=[ ]; ulim=[ ]; z=[ ]; d=[ ]; w=[1]; wu=[ ]; tend=30; [y 1 ,u 1 ]=smpcsim(pmod,pmod,Ks1,tend,r,ulim,Kest1, z,d,w,wu); [y 2 ,u 2 ]=smpcsim(pmod,newmod,Ks2,tend,r,ulim,Kest2, z,d,w,wu); [y 3 ,u3]=smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r,ulim,[ ],z,d,w,wu); smpcest 1-122 The solid lines in the following plots are for y 1 (or u 1 ) and the dashed lines are for y 2 (or u 2 ). Both outputs have setpoints at zero. You can see that the default estimator is much more sluggish than the others in counteracting this type of disturbance. The simplified disturbance design does nearly as well as that using the exact model of the disturbances. The main difference is that it allows more error in y 1 following the disturbance in y 2 . The first 14 states in both imod and pmod arefortheresponseoftheoutputsto u. Since the unmeasured disturbance has no effect on them, their gains are 2 1 0 -1 0102030 Time Outputs using general estimator 2 1 0 -1 0 102030 Time Outputs using simplified estimator 2 1 0 -1 0102030 Time Outputs using default estimator 1 0.5 0 0102030 Time Man.vars. using general estimator smpcest 4-123 zero. pmod contains 10 additional disturbance states and there are 2 outputs, so the last 12 rows of Kest1 are nonzero: Kest1(15:26,:)= -0.0556 8.8659 -0.0594 7.1499 -0.0635 5.1314 -0.0679 2.7748 -0.0725 0.0411 -0.0781 -0.0182 -0.0915 -0.0008 -0.0520 0.0001 1.2663 0.0000 0.0281 -0.0000 0.3137 0.0000 0.0000 0.9925 and the last 4 rows of Kest2 are nonzero: Kest2(15:18,:) = 0.7274 0 0 0.7274 0.9261 0 0 0.9261 Algorithm In the general case, smpcest uses dlqe2 to calculate the optimal estimator gain, Kest. In the simplified case, it uses an analytical solution of the discrete Riccati equation (which is possible to obtain in this case because the disturbances are independent with low-order dynamics). The number of rows in Kest is larger than that in newmod because the MPC analysis and simulation functions augment the model states with the outputs (see mpcaugss), and Kest must be set up to account for this. If all t i =0andallg i = ¥ ,wegettheDMCestimator, which has n rows of zeros followed by an identity matrix of dimension n y . This is the default for all of the MPC analysis and simulation routines that require an estimator gain as input. smpcest 1-124 Important note: smpcest decides whether you are using the general case or the simplified approach by checking the number of output arguments you have supplied. If there is only one, it assumes you want the general case. Otherwise, it proceeds as for the simplified case. It checks the dimensions of your input arguments to make sure they are consistent with this decision. If you get unexpected results or an error message, make sure you have specified the correct number of output arguments. See Also scmpc, smpccl, smpccon, smpcsim smpcgain, smpcpole 4-125 1smpcgain, smpcpole Purpose Calculates steady-state gain matrix or poles for a system in the MPC mod format. Syntax g = smpcgain(mod) poles = smpcpole(mod) Description mod is a dynamic model in the MPC mod format. smpcgain and smpcpole convert it to its equivalent state-space form: x(k +1)=F x(k)+G v (k) y(k)=Cx(k)+Dv(k) where n includes all of the inputs in mod. smpcgain then calculates the gain matrix: G = C(I – F ) 1 G + D which contains n y rows, corresponding to each of the outputs in mod,andn u + n d + n w columns, corresponding to each of the inputs. smpcpole calculates the poles, i.e., the eigenvalues of the F matrix. Example See smpccl for an example of the use of smpcpole. Restriction If mod is not asymptotically stable, smpcgain terminates with an error message. See Also mod smpcsim 1-126 1smpcsim Purpose Simulates closed-loop systems with saturation constraints on the manipulated variables using models in the MPC mod format. Can also be used for open-loop simulations. Syntax yp = smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r) [yp,u,ym] = smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r,usat,... Kest,z,d,w,wu) Description smpcsim provides a convenient way to simulate the performance of the type of system shown in the above diagram. The required input variables are as follows: pmod Is a model in the MPC mod format that is to represent the plant. imod Is a model in the MPC mod format that is to be used for state estimation in the controller. In general, it can be different from pmod if you wish to simulate the effect of plant/controller model mismatch. Note, however, that imod should be thesameasthatusedtocalculateKs. Disturbances u d r Plant Setpoints Noise-free d y Plant Outputs S Measured Outputs S w u y p Measurement Noise + + + + z Measured Disturbances Unmeasured Controller w d smpcsim 4-127 Ks Is the MPC controller gain matrix, usually calculated using the function smpccon. If you set Ksto an empty matrix, smpcsimwill do an open-loop simulation. Then the inputs to the plant will be r (which must be set to the vector of manipulated variablesinthiscase),d, w,andwu. The measurement noise input, z,willbe ignored. tend Is the desired duration of the simulation (in time units). r Is normally asetpointmatrixconsistingofN rows and n y columns, where n y is the number of output variables, y: where r i (k) is the setpoint for output j at time t=kT,andT is the sampling period (as specified by the minfo vector in the mod format of pmod and imod). If tend > NT, the setpoints vary for the first N periods in the simulation, as specified by r, and are then held constant at the values given in the last row of r fortheremainderofthesimulation. In many simulations one wants the setpoints to be constant for the entire time, in which case r need only contain a single row of n y values. If you set r=[ ], the default is a row of n y zeros. For open-loop simulations, r specifies the manipulated variables and must contain n u columns. The following input variables are optional. In general, setting one of them equal to an empty matrix causes smpcsim to use the default value, which is given in the description. r r 1 1() r 2 1() … r n y 1() r 1 2() r 2 2() … r n y 2() … r 1 N()r 2 N() … r n y N() = … … … smpcsim 1-128 usat Is a matrix giving the saturation limits on the manipulated variables. Its format is as follows: Note that it contains three matrices of N rows. N may be different than that for the setpoint matrix, r, but the idea is the same: the saturation limits will vary for the first N sampling periods of the simulation, then be held constant at the values given in the last row of usat for the remaining periods (if any). The first matrix specifies the lower bounds on the n u manipulated variables. For example, u min , j (k) is the lower bound for manipulated variable j at time t= kT in the simulation. If u min , j (k)=–inf, manipulated variable j will have no lower bound at t=kT. The second matrix gives the upper bounds on the manipulated variables. If u max,j (k) =inf, manipulated variable j will have no upper bound at t=kT. The lower and upper bounds may be either positive or negative (or zero) as long as u min , j (k) £ u max,j (k). ,, ,, ,, , () , () ,, ,, ,, , () , () usat u min 1, 1() … u min n u , 1() u min 1, 2() … u min n u , 2() … u min 1, N() … u min n u , N() = D u max 1, 1() … Du max n u , 1() D u max 1, 2() … Du max n u , 2() … D u max 1, N() … Du max n u , N() u max 1, 1() … u max n u , 1() u max 1, 2() … u max n u , 2() … u max 1, N() … u max n u , N() … … …… …… smpcsim 4-129 The third matrix gives the limits on the rate of change of the manipulated variables. In other words, smpcsim will force|u j (k)–u j (k –1)|£D u max,j (k). The limits on the rate of change must be nonnegative. The default is no saturation constraints, i.e., all the umin values will be set to –inf, and all the u max and D u max values will be set to inf. Note: Saturation constraints are enforced by simply “clipping” the manipulated variable moves so that they satisfy all constraints. This is a nonoptimal solution that, in general, will differ from the results you would get using the ulim variable in scmpc. Kest Is the estimator gain matrix. The default is the DMC estimator. See smpcest for more details. z Is measurement noise that will be added to the outputs (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r.Thedefaultisarowofn y zeros. d Is a matrix of measured disturbances (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r, except that the number of columns is n d rather than n y .The default is a row of n d zeros. w Is a matrix of unmeasured disturbances (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r, except that the number of columns is n w rather than n y .The default is a row of n w zeros.I wu Is a matrix of unmeasured disturbances that are added to the manipulated variables (see above diagram). The format is the same as for r,exceptthatthe number of columns is n u rather than n y .Thedefaultisarowofn u zeros. smpcsim 1-130 Note: You may use a different number of rows in the matrices r, usat, z, d, w and wu, should that be appropriate for your simulation. The calculated outputs are as follows (all but yp are optional): yp Is a matrix containing M rows and n y columns, where M = max(fix(tend=T) + 1, 2). The first row will contain the initial condition, and row k – 1 will give the values of the plant outputs, y (see above diagram), at time t=kT. u Is a matrix containing the same number of rows asypand n u columns. The time corresponding to each row is the same as for yp. The elements in each row are the values of the manipulated variables, u (see above diagram). Note: The u values are those coming from the controller before the addition of the unmeasured disturbance, w u . ym Is a matrix of the same structure as yp, containing the values of the predicted output from the state estimator in the controller. These will, in general, differ from those in yp if imod|pmod and/or there are unmeasured disturbances. The prediction includes the effect of the most recent measurement, i.e., it is . Examples Consider the linear system: y? kk() y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = smpcsim 4-131 The following statements build the model and calculate the MPC controller gain: g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; imod=tfd2mod(delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); pmod=imod; P=6; M=2; ywt=[ ]; uwt=[1 1]; Ks=smpccon(imod,ywt,uwt,M,P); Simulate and plot the closed-loop performance for a unit step in the setpoint for y 2 , occurring at t =0. tend=30; r=[0 1]; [y,u]=smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r); plotall(y,u,delt),pause 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.24 ?0.22 ?0.2 ?0.18 ?0.16 ?0.14 ?0.12 ?0.1 Manipulated Variables Time smpcsim 1-132 Try a pulse change in the disturbance that adds to u 1 : r=[ ]; usat=[ ]; Kest=[ ]; z=[ ]; d=[ ]; w=[ ]; wu=[ 1 0; 0 0]; [y,u]=smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r,usat,Kest,z,d,w,wu); plotall(y,u,delt),pause 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.6 ?0.5 ?0.4 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 Manipulated Variables Time smpcsim 4-133 For the same disturbance as in the previous case, limit the rates of change of both manipulated variables. usat=[-inf -inf inf inf 0.1 0.05]; [y,u]=smpcsim(pmod,imod,Ks,tend,r,usat,Kest,z,d,w,wu); plotall(y,u,delt),pause Restrictions ? Initial conditions of zero are used for all states in imod and pmod.This simulates the condition where all variables represent a deviation from a steady-state initial condition. ? The first n u + n d columns of the D matrices in pmod and imod must be zero. In other words, neither u nor d may have an immediate effect on the outputs. See Also plotall, ploteach, scmpc, smpccl, smpccon, smpcest 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?1 ?0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Outputs Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ?0.3 ?0.2 ?0.1 0 0.1 Manipulated Variables Time ss2mod 1-134 1ss2mod Purpose Converts a discrete-time state-space system model into the MPC mod format. Syntax pmod = ss2mod(phi,gam,c,d) pmod = ss2mod(phi,gam,c,d,minfo) Description Consider the process shown in the above block diagram. ss2mod assumes the following state-space representation: where x is a vector of n state variables, u represents n u manipulated variables, d represents n d measured disturbances, w represents n w unmeasured disturbances, y is a vector of n y plant outputs, z is measurement noise, and F , G u , etc., are constant matrices of appropriate size. The variable (k)represents the plant output before the addition of measurement noise. We further define: D =[D u D d D w ] G =[G u G d G w ] ss2mod uses the F, G , C, and D matrices you supply to build a model, pmod,in the MPC mod format. See the mod section for more details. S y y Unmeasured Disturbances Manipulated Variables Measured Disturbances Measurement Noise w u d ++ z Plant Measured Outputs xk 1+()Fxk() G u uk() G d dk() G w wk()+++= yk() yk() zk()+= Cx k() D u uk() D d dk() D w wk() zk()+++ += y ss2mod 4-135 You can also divide the outputs into n ym measured outputs and n yu unmeasured outputs, where n ym + n yu = n y . Then the first n ym elements in y and the first n ym rows in C and D are assumed to be for the measured outputs, and the rest are for the unmeasured outputs. minfo is an optional variable that allows you to specify certain characteristics of the system. The general form is a row vector with 7 elements, the interpretation of which is as follows: If you specify minfo as a scalar, ss2mod takesitasthesamplingperiodandsets the remaining elements of minfo as follows: minfo(2) = # rows in phi, minfo(3) = # columns in gam, minfo(4) = minfo(5) = 0, minfo(6) = # rows in c, minfo(7) = 0. In other words, the default is to assume that all inputs are manipulated variables and all outputs are measured. If you omit minfo, ss2mod sets the sampling period to 1 and uses the defaults for the remaining elements. minfo (1) T, the sampling period used to create the model. (2) n, the number of states. (3) n u , the number of manipulated variable inputs. (4) n d , the number of measured disturbances. (5) n w , the number of unmeasured disturbances. (6) n ym , the number of measured outputs. (7) n yu , the number of unmeasured outputs. ss2mod 1-136 Example Suppose you have the situation shown in the above diagram where u, d, w,and y are scalar signals, and the three transfer functions are first-order: The sampling period is T =2. One way to build the model of the complete system is to convert these to state-space form and use ss2mod: [phiu,gamu,cu,du]=tf2ss(0.7,[1 -0.9]); [phid,gamd,cd,dd]=tf2ss(-1.5,[1 -0.85]); [phiw,gamw,cw,dw]=tf2ss(1,[1 0.6]); [phi,gam,c,d]=mpcparal(phiu,gamu,cu,du,phid,gamd,cd,dd); [phi,gam,c,d]=mpcparal(phi,gam,c,d,phiw,gamw,cw,dw); delt=2; minfo=[delt 3 1 1 1 1 0]; pmod=ss2mod(phi,gam,c,d,minfo) You must be careful to build up the parallel structure in the correct order. For example, the columns corresponding to G u must always come first in G . yS u + G d G u y d S + + + G w w G d z() 1.5– 10.85z 1– – -----------------------------=G u z() 0.7 10.9z 1– – --------------------------= G w z() 1 10.6z 1– + --------------------------= ss2mod 4-137 Another, more foolproof way is to use the addmd and addumd functions: ny=1; gu=poly2tfd(0.7,[1 -0.9],delt); gd=poly2tfd(-1.5,[1 -0.85],delt); gw=poly2tfd(1,[1 0.6],delt); pmod=tfd2mod(delt,ny,gu); pmod=addmd(pmod,tfd2mod(delt,ny,gd)); pmod=addumd(pmod,tfd2mod(delt,ny,gw)) Using either approach, the result is: pmod = 2.0000 3.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 NaN 0.9000 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0.8500 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 -0.6000 0 0 1.0000 0 0.7000 -1.5000 1.0000 0 0 0 See Also mod format, mod2ss ss2step 1-138 1ss2step Purpose Uses a model in state-space format to calculate the step response of a SISO or MIMO system, in MPC step format. Syntax plant = ss2step(phi,gam,c,d,tfinal) plant = ss2step(phi,gam,c,d,tfinal,delt1,delt2,nout) Description The input variables phi, gam, c,andd are assumed to be a state-space model of a process. The model can be either continuous time: or discrete time: x(k +1)=F x(k)+G u(k) y(k)=Cx(k)+Du(k) where x is a vector of n state variables, u is a vector of n u inputs (usually but not necessarily manipulated variables), y is a vector of n y plant outputs, and F , G , etc., are constant matrices of appropriate size. The ss2step function calculates the step responses of all the outputs of this process with respect to all the inputs in u, and puts this information into the variable plant in MPC step format. The section for mod2step describes the step format in detail. The input variable tfinal isthetimeatwhichyouwouldliketoendthestep response calculation, and delt1 is the sampling period. For continuous systems, use delt1=0. If you do not specify delt1, the default is delt1=0. The optional input variable delt2 is the desired sampling period for the step response model. If you use delt2=[ ] or omit it, the default is delt2=delt1 if delt1 is specified and delt1 neq 0;otherwise,thedefaultisdelt2=1. The optional input variable nout is the output stability indicator. For stable systems, set nout equal to the number of outputs, n y . For systems with one or more integrating outputs, nout is a column vector of length n y with nout(i)=0 indicating an integrating output and nout(i)=1 indicating a stable output. If you use nout=[ ] or omit it, the default is nout=n y (only stable outputs). x · t() F xt() G ut()+= yt() Cx t() Du t()+= ss2step 4-139 Example The following process has 3 inputs and 4 outputs (and is the same one used for the example in the mod2step section): phi=diag([0.3, 0.7, -0.7]); gam=eye(3); c=[1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 1 0]; d=[1 0 0; zeros(3,3)]; The following command duplicates the results obtained with mod2step: delt1=1.5; tfinal=3 * 1.5; plant=ss2step(phi,gam,c,d,tfinal,delt1) See Also plotstep, mod2step, tfd2step svdfrsp 1-140 1svdfrsp Purpose Calculates the singular values of a varying matrix, for example, the frequency response generated by mod2frsp. Syntax [sigma,omega] = svdfrsp(vmat) Description vmat is a varying matrix which contains the sampled values F(w 1 ), ... , F(w N )of a matrix function F(w ). If the smaller dimension of F(w i )ism,andifs 1 (w i ), . . . , s m (w i )arethesingular values of F(w i ), in decreasing magnitude, then the output sigma is a matrix of singular values arranged as follows: The output omega is a column vector containing the frequencies w 1 ,...,w N . Example See mod2frsp, varying format for an example of the use of this function. See Also mod2frsp sigma s 1 w 1 ()s 2 w 1 () … s m w 1 () s 1 w 2 ()s 2 w 2 () … s m w 2 () s 1 w N ()s 2 w N () … s m w N () = … …… tfd2mod, tf format 4-141 1tfd2mod, tf format Purpose tfd2mod converts a transfer function (continuous or discrete) from the MPC tf format into the MPC mod format, converting to discrete time if necessary. Syntax model = tfd2mod(delt2,n y ,g1,g2,g3,...,g25) Description Consider a transfer function such as or The MPC tf format is a matrix consisting of three rows: The tf matrix will always have at least two columns, since that is the minimum width of the third row. The input arguments for tfd2mod are: row 1 The n coefficients of the numerator polynomial, b 0 to b n . row 2 The n coefficients of the denominator polynomial, a 0 to a n . row 3 column 1: The sampling period. This must be zero if the coefficients in the above rows are for a continuous system. It must be positive otherwise. column 2: The time delay. For a continuous-time transfer function, it is in time units. For a discrete-time transfer function, it is the integer number of sampling periods of time delay. Gs() b 0 s n b 1 s n 1– … b n +++ a 0 s n a 1 s n 1– … a n +++ ----------------------------------------------------------------= Gz() b 0 b 1 z 1– … b n z n– +++ a 0 a 1 z 1– … a n z n– +++ -------------------------------------------------------------= tfd2mod, tf format 1-142 delt2 The sampling period for the system. If any of the transfer functions g1, ..., gN are continuous-time or discrete-time with sampling period not equal to delt2, tfd2mod will convert them to discrete-time with this sampling period. ny The number of output variables in the plant you are modeling. g1, g2,...gN A sequence of N transfer functions in the tf format described above, where N ? 1. These are assumed to be the individual elements of a transfer-function matrix: Thus it should be clear that N must be an integer multiple (n u ) of the number of outputs, n y . Also, tfd2mod assumes that you are supplying the transfer functions in a column-wise order. In other words, you should first give the n y transfer functions for input 1 (g 1,1 to g ny , 1), then the n y transfer functions for input 2 (g 1,2 to g ny ,2),etc. tfd2mod converts the transfer functions to discrete-time, if necessary, and combines them to form the output variable, model, which is a composite system in the MPC mod form. Example Consider the linear system: g 11, g 12, … g 1 n u , g 21, g 22, … g 2 n u , g n y 1, g n y 2, … g n y n u , ……… . . y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() 3.8e 8– s 14.9s 1+ ------------------------ 4.9e 3s– 13.2s 1+ ------------------------ ws()+= tfd2mod, tf format 4-143 The following commands build separate models of the response to the manipulated variables, u, and the unmeasured disturbance, w,allfora sampling period T = 3 then combines them using addumd to get a model of the entire system (the pmod variable): g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; umod=tfd2mod(delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22); gw1=poly2tfd(3.8,[14.9 1],0,8); gw2=poly2tfd(4.9,[13.2 1],0,3); wmod=tfd2mod(delt,ny,gw1,gw2); pmod=addumd(umod,wmod); Restriction The current limit on the number of input transfer functions is N = 25. See Also mod, poly2tfd, tfd2step tfd2step 1-144 1tfd2step Purpose CalculatestheMIMOstepresponseofamodelintheMPCtf format. The resulting step response is in the MPC step format. Syntax plant = tfd2step(tfinal,delt2,nout,g1) plant = tfd2step(tfinal,delt2,nout,g1,...,g25) Description The input variables are as follows: tfinal Truncation time for step response. delt2 Desired sampling period for step response. nout Output stability indicator. For stable systems, this argument is set equal to the number of outputs, n y . For systems with one or more integrating outputs, this argument is a column vector of length n y with nout(i)=0 indicating an integrating output and nout(i)=1 indicating a stable output. g1, g2,...gN AsequenceofN transfer functions in the tf format (see tf format section), where N ? 1. These are assumed to be the individual elements of a transfer-function matrix: Thus it should be clear that N must be an integer multiple (n u ) of the number of outputs, n y . tfd2step assumes that you are supplying the transfer functions in a column-wise order. In other words, you should first give the n y transfer functions for input 1 (g 1,1 to g ny , 1), then the n y transfer functions for input 2 (g 1,2 to g ny ,2),etc. g 11, g 12, … g 1 n u , g 21, g 22, … g 2 n u , g n y 1, g n y 2, … g n y n u , ……… . . tfd2step 4-145 The output variableplant isthecalculatedstepresponseofthen y outputs with respect to all inputs. The format is as described in the step section. Example Consider the linear system: which is the same as that considered in the mpcsim example. We build the individual tf format models, then calculate and plot the MIMO step response. g11=poly2tfd(12.8,[16.7 1],0,1); g21=poly2tfd(6.6,[10.9 1],0,7); g12=poly2tfd(-18.9,[21.0 1],0,3); g22=poly2tfd(-19.4,[14.4 1],0,3); delt=3; ny=2; tfinal=90; plant=tfd2step(tfinal,delt,ny,g11,g21,g12,g22,gw1,gw2); plotstep(plant) The plots should match the example output in the plotstep description. Restriction The current limit on the number of input transfer functions is N = 25. See Also mod2step, plotstep, ss2step y 1 s() y 2 s() 12.8e s– 16.7s 1+ ------------------------ 18.9e– 3s– 21.0s 1+ ------------------------- 6.6e 7s– 10.9s 1+ ------------------------ 19.4e– 3s– 14.4s 1+ ------------------------- u 1 s() u 2 s() = th2mod, theta format 1-146 1th2mod, theta format Purpose Converts a SISO or MISO model from the theta format (as used in the System Identification Toolbox) to one in the MPC mod format. Can also combine such models to form a MIMO system. Syntax umod = th2mod(th) [umod,emod] = th2mod(th1,th2,...,thN) Description The System Identification Toolbox allows you to identify single-input, single-output (SISO) and multi-input, single-output (MISO) transfer functions from data. The MISO form relating an output, y,tom inputs, u 1 to u m ,anda noise input, e,is: where A, B i ,C,D,andF i are polynomials in the forward-shift operator, z. The System Identification Toolbox automatically stores such models in a special format, the theta format. See the System Identification Toolbox User’s Guide for details. th2mod converts one or more MISO theta models into the MPC mod format, which you can then use with the MPC Toolbox functions. If you supply a single input argument, th, and a single output argument, umod,thenumod will model theresponseofasingleoutput,y,tom inputs, u 1 to u m ,wherem ? 1. The value of m depends on the number of inputs included in the input model, th.Note that umod will reflect the values of the A(z), B(z), and F(z) polynomials in eq. 1. If you supply a second output argument, emod, it will model the response of y to the noise, e, i.e., the A(z), C(z) and D(z) polynomials in eq. 1. If you supply p input models (1 £ p £ 8), tfd2mod assumes that they define a MIMO system in the following form: Az()yk() B 1 z() F 1 z() ---------------u 1 k() B 2 z() F 2 z() ---------------u 2 k() … B m z() F m z() ---------------- u m k() Cz() Dz() ------------ ek()+++ += A 1 z()y 1 k() B 11 z() F 11 z() ----------------- u 1 k() … B 1m z() F 1m z() ------------------- u m k() C 1 z() D 1 z() --------------- e 1 k()++ += A p z()y p k() B p1 z() F p1 z() ------------------u 1 k() … B pm z() F pm z() ------------------- u m k() C p z() D p z() --------------- e p k()++ += … … … … th2mod, theta format 4-147 The p output variables have independent noise inputs. In this case, each of the p input models must include the same number of inputs, m.Thep outputs are arranged in parallel in the resulting umod output model (and the emod model, if used). If the th models are auto-regressive (i.e., m =0),thenumod will be set to an emptymatrixandonlyemod will be nonempty. Example The following commands create three SISO theta models using the mktheta command (System Identification Toolbox), then converts them to the equivalent mod form: th1=mktheta([1 0 -.2],[0 0 -1]); th2=mktheta([1 -.8 .1],[0 -.5 .3],1,1,1); th3=mktheta([1 -.2],[0 1],[1 2 0],[1 -1.2 .3], 1); [umod,emod]=th2mod(th1,th2,th3) th2mod, theta format 1-148 The results are: umod = 1.0000 5.0000 1.0000 0 0 3.0000 0 NaN 0 0.2000 0 0 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8000 -0.1000 0 1.0000 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0000 1.0000 0 0 -1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.5000 0.3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 emod = Columns 1 through 7 1.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0 0 3.0000 0 NaN 0 0.2000 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8000 -0.1000 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4000 -0.5400 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0.2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8000 -0.1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.4000 -0.5400 Columns 8 through 11 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0.0600 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0.0600 0 0 1.0000 th2mod, theta format 4-149 Restriction The System Identification Toolbox must be installed to use this function. See Also mod validmod 1-150 1validmod Purpose Validates an impulse response model for a new set of data. Syntax yres = validmod(xreg,yreg,theta) yres = validmod(xreg,yreg,theta,plotopt) Description Model validation is a very important part of building a model. For a new set of data, xreg and yreg, the impulse response model is tested by calculating the output residual, yres. theta consists of impulse response coefficients as determined by routines such as plsr or mlr. Optional input, plotopt, can be supplied to produce various plots. No plot is produced ifplotoptis equal to 0 which is the default; a plot of the actual output andthepredictedoutputisproducedifplotopt=1; two plots — plot of actual and predicted output, and plot of output residual — are produced for plotopt=2. Example See plsr for an example of the use of this function. See Also mlr, plsr wrtreg 4-151 1wrtreg Purpose Writes input and output data matrices for a multi-input single-output system such that they can be used in regression routines mlr and pls for determining impulse response coefficients. Syntax [xreg,yreg] = wrtreg(x,y,n) Description x is the input data of dimension N by n u where N is number of data points and n u is number of inputs. y is the output of dimension N by 1. n is number of impulse response coefficients for all inputs. x is rearranged to produce xreg of dimension (N–n–1) by n * n u while yreg is produced by deleting the first n rows of y. This operation is illustrated as follows: then A single sampling delay is assumed for all inputs. y must be a column vector, i.e., only one output can be specified. x x 1 1() … x n u 1() x 1 2() … x n u 2() x 1 N() … x n u N() = … … y y 1() yN() = … xreg x 1 n() … x 1 1() … x n u n() … x n u 1() x 1 n 1+()…x 1 2() …x n u n 1+()…x n u 2() x 1 N 1–()…x 1 Nn–()…x n u N 1()– … x n u Nn–() = … … … … yreg yn 1+() yN() = … wrtreg 1-152 Example See mlr and plsr for examples of the use of this function. See Also mlr, plsr I-1 Index A abcdchk 4-6 abcdchkm 4-6 addmd 4-4, 4-9, 4-149 addmod 4-4, 4-10 addumd 4-4, 4-11, 4-131, 4-149, 4-155 append 4-13 appmod 4-4, 4-13 associated variable 2-36 autosc 2-7, 2-8, 4-2, 4-14, 4-31 B balance 4-38 bilinear 3-26 blocking 3-15, 4-60 blocking factor 3-15, 4-76, 4-109 Bode plot 4-97 bound, see constraint output 4-120 bound, see constraint manipulated variable 4-97, 4-107, 4-108, 4-110, 4-112 output 4-113, 4-117, 4-120, 4-123, 4-125, 4-128 C c2d 4-3 c2dmp 4-3, 4-24, 4-89 closed-loop model in mod format 4-107 system model 4-56 cmpc 2-21, 2-24, 2-29, 4-4, 4-15 complementary sensitivity function 2-18, 4-39 constraint, see bound 2-20, 2-22, 3-12, 3-20 hard 2-20 continuous 3-9 controller gain 4-59, 4-66, 4-81, 4-137 for model in mod format 4-124 covariance 4-25 covariance matrix 4-129 cp2dp 4-3, 4-24 D d2c 4-3 d2cmp 4-3 dantzgmp 4-6, 4-15, 4-107, 4-126 dareiter 4-6, 4-27 demo file 1-3 dimpulse 4-6 dimpulsm 4-6 discrete 3-9 disturbance measured 3-10, 3-17, 3-26, 3-33, 4-35 time constant 4-17, 4-66, 4-75, 4-79 unmeasured 3-13, 3-17, 3-20, 3-23, 4-35 disturbance model 4-128, 4-129 disturbance time constant 2-12, 4-131 dlqe2 4-6, 4-25–4-28, 4-133 dlsimm 4-6, 4-119 DMC estimator 4-132, 4-133 DMC, 1, see dynamic matrix control 2-12, 3-18, 3-20, 4-60, 4-76, 4-109, 4-125 dynamic matrix control, 1, see DMC 2-12 E estimator 4-70 estimator gain 4-112, 4-120, 4-129, 4-130, 4-141 for models in mod format 4-128 Index I-2 F fcc_demo.m 2-34 feedforward compensation 4-9 feedforward control 3-33 filter 4-25 fluid catalytic cracking 2-31–2-38 forward-shift operator 3-6 frequency resoponse 2-18 frequency response 4-38, 4-41 plot 4-97 G gain matrix for model in mod format 4-135 H Hessenberg matrix 4-41 horizon 2-11, 2-12 control 3-20, 3-30 moving 2-11 prediction 3-22, 3-30 reciding 2-11 I IDCOM 1-2 identification 2-6 idle speed control 2-22–2-30 idlectr.m 2-24 imp2step 4-2, 4-29, 4-102 impulse response coefficient 2-6, 4-29 infeasibility 3-23 initial condition 4-79 input horizon 4-60, 4-78, 4-109, 4-125 integrating process 2-7, 2-34 integrating processes 2-2 inverse response 3-29 L least squares regression 4-30 linear quadratic optimal control 1-2 M manipulated variable bound 4-18, 4-68 rate limit 4-68, 4-84, 4-140 saturation limit 4-68, 4-82, 4-140 matrix type 4-63 mean 4-14 measurement noise 2-13, 4-15, 4-25, 4-35, 4-51 minfo 3-29, 4-44, 4-147 minfo vector 4-37 mktheta 4-159 mlr 4-2, 4-14, 4-30, 4-35, 4-37, 4-162, 4-163 mod format 4-35, 4-38, 4-63, 4-107 from discrete-time state-space model 4-146 from model in tf format 4-153 from model in theta format 4-158 matrix type infomation 4-63 mod2frsp 2-18, 3-12, 4-5, 4-38–??, 4-63, 4-152 varying format 4-38 mod2mod 4-3, 4-42 mod2ss 3-10, 4-3, 4-10, 4-28, 4-43, 4-43–?? mod2step 3-29, 4-3, 4-47–??, 4-90 step format 4-47 model algorithmic control 1-2 model-inverse controller 4-60, 4-125 mpcaugss 4-6, 4-51, 4-51–4-53, 4-133 mpccl 4-4, 4-54, 4-54–4-58, 4-61 Index I-3 mpccon 2-13, 2-15, 2-29, 2-36, 4-4, 4-54, 4-57, 4-59, 4-59–4-62 mpcinfo 4-2, 4-37, 4-63 mpcparal 4-6, 4-9, 4-11, 4-92, 4-148 mpcsim 2-14, 2-29, 2-36, 4-4, 4-65 mpcstair 4-6 mpctut.m 2-3 mpctutid 2-7 mpctutss.m 3-12, 3-20 N nargchk 4-6 nargchkm 4-6 nlcmpc 4-4, 4-74, 4-74–?? nlmpcdm1.m 4-86 nlmpclib 4-74, 4-81 nlmpcsim 4-4, 4-81 noise filter time constant 2-12, 4-19, 4-69, 4-79, 4-85 noise model 4-128 nonlinear plant 4-74 O operating conditions drive positions 2-22 transmission in neutral 2-22 output bound 4-19, 4-78, 4-107, 4-108 measured 2-11, 4-25, 4-36, 4-43 unmeasured 2-12, 4-36 output stability indicator 4-29, 4-47, 4-151, 4-156 P pap_mach.m 3-37, 4-88 paper machine headbox control 3-26 paramod 3-10, 4-4, 4-9, 4-92 parpart4-78 partial least squares 4-100 perfect controller 3-13, 4-60, 4-125 plotall 2-14, 2-15, 3-12, 4-2, 4-93 ploteach 3-12, 4-2, 4-93, 4-95 plotfrsp 2-18, 3-12, 4-2, 4-97 plotstep 2-4, 2-9, 4-2, 4-98 PLS 4-100 pls 4-163 plsr 2-7, 4-2, 4-100, 4-162 pm_lin.m 3-27 pm_nonl.m 3-37 pole for model in mod format 2-18, 4-135 poly format conversion to tf format 4-104 poly2tfd2-3, 2-13, 3-6, 3-7, 3-13, 3-20,4-3, 4-21, 4-28, 4-57, 4-104, 4-121, 4-131, 4-142, 4-155, 4-157 prediction horizon 4-59, 4-75, 4-108, 4-125 predictor 4-27 Q QP 4-21, 4-79, 4-114 quadratic program 4-6, 4-15, 4-107, 4-126 Index I-4 R ramp 2-13 rate limit 4-68, 4-82, 4-138 reference value 2-11 regression 4-163 least squares 4-30 partial least squares 4-100 ridge 4-30 rescal 4-2, 4-14 ridge regression 4-30 ringing 3-14 robust 2-22 robustness 2-12 S sampling period change in mod format 4-42 saturation constraint 4-65, 4-136 saturation limit 4-68, 4-84, 4-138 scal 2-9, 4-2, 4-14, 4-31 scaling 4-14 scmpc 3-21, 3-24, 3-30, 3-31, 3-32, 3-34, 4-5, 4-107,4-140 scmpcnl 3-37 sensitivity function 2-18, 4-41 sermod 3-10, 4-4, 4-117 setpoint 2-11 signal-to-noise ratio 3-37, 4-130 Simulink 1-3, 3-37, 4-4, 4-81, 4-85, 4-88, 4-89 singular value 2-18, 4-41 of varying matirix 4-152 smpccl 3-12, 3-14, 4-5, 4-118, 4-126 smpccon 3-12, 3-13, 4-5, 4-108, 4-118, 4-124, 4-129, 4-131, 4-134, 4-137, 4-142 smpcest 3-12, 3-18, 4-5, 4-119, 4-128, 4-141 smpcgain 3-12, 4-5, 4-135 smpcpole 3-12, 4-5, 4-121, 4-135 smpcsim 3-12, 3-14, 3-16, 3-18, 3-21, 4-5, 4-113 ss2mod 3-9, 3-29, 4-37, 4-146 ss2moda 4-3 ss2step 2-5, 4-3, 4-150 ss2tf 3-11, 4-3 ss2tf2 4-3 stability 2-12 stability analysis 4-54 stairstep 4-6, 4-93, 4-95 standard deviation 4-14 state estimation 4-15, 4-126 state estimator 3-35, 4-25 state space 2-18, 4-25 step format 4-15, 4-17, 4-29, 4-47–??, 4-55, 4-65 matrix type information 4-63 step response from mod format 4-47 from state-space model 4-150 from tf format 4-156 plot 4-98 step response coefficient 2-2 step response model 2-2 svdfrsp 3-12, 4-5, 4-152 System Identification Toolbox 3-9, 4-158 system requirement 1-3 T tf format 4-153 tf2ss 2-5, 4-3 tf2ssm 4-3 tfd2mod 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-13, 3-20, 4-3, 4-28, 4-121, 4-142, 4-153, 4-153, 4-159 Index I-5 tfd2step 2-4, 2-13, 2-24, 4-3, 4-21, 4-57, 4-156 th2mod 3-9, 4-3, 4-9 theta4-158 theta format 3-9, 4-158 time constant noise filter 4-19, 4-79 unmeasured disturbance 4-69, 4-85, 4-90, 4-113, 4-123 tutorial 1-3 U usage display 1-3 V validation 4-162 validmod 4-2, 4-101, 4-162 varying format matrix type information 4-63, 4-97 varying matrix 4-152 vec2mat 4-6 W weight 4-16, 4-59, 4-75, 4-108, 4-124 time varying 4-61, 4-126 weighting matrix 2-11, 2-12 white noise 4-25, 4-130 wrtreg 2-7, 2-8, 4-2, 4-163 Index I-6