Solution The MATLAB program w=logspace(-2,3,200);; s=j*w;; K=100 z1 = 1 p1 = 0 p2 = 4 p3 = 4 p4 = 20 %mag = K*abs(s + z1);; %mag = mag./(abs(s + p1).*abs(s + p2).*abs(s+p3).*abs(s + p4) );; %mag = 20*log10(mag);; mag = 20*log10( abs((K.*(s+z1))./( (s+p1).*(s+p2).*(s+p3).*(s+p4))));; phase = (angle(s+z)-angle(s+p1)-angle(s+p2)-angle(s+p3)-angle(s+p4))*180/pi;; plot(phase,mag);; grid on axis([-270,0,-80 40]) print -deps 10891logmag.eps draws the log magnitude plot in Figure 1 1 -260 -240 -220 -200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Phase in Degrees Magnitude in decibels Figure 1: Log magnitude chart for K = 100 2