Spray Dried Products
Tomato powder is much in demand by dehydrated soup manufacturers,
and is now produced in many countries where tomatoes are an indigenous
outdoor crop. The heavy cropping Italian plum tomato is ideal for drying
down to powder, and this is grown in most areas with a ‘Mediterranean-
type’ climate. Tomatoes have a very low solids content - not more than 6
percent - and dehydration must be preceded by evaporating the pulped
tomatoes down to a paste containing 30 percent solids. Drying to a powder
then follows by one or other of the methods described.
Fresh ripe tomatoes are delivered into a water soaking vat, from which they
are conveyed by roller conveyor to a spray washer. After washing, the fruit
is discharged to a sorting conveyor where bad tomatoes are removed
At the end of the sorting conveyor, the tomatoes are pulped in a chopping
machine, eitherby the ‘hot break‘ or ‘cold break‘ method. The former is more
often used with tomatoes for dehydration. The tomatoes are preheated
rapidly to about 88°C prior to pulping, and this rapid heating destroys
enzymes which prevent decomposition of the pectin. The latter’s retention
helps to give body to the paste.
The cold break method, by which thc fruit is pulped at room
temperature, produces a paste which is easier to spray but, when dried, the
powder will not reconstitute so well, the solids tending to settle out rather
than remain in homogeneous suspension. The cold break method has some
merit in the manufacture of tomato juice, in which it often produces a better
colour and flavour but it invariably has a tendency to cause separating out.
From the pulper the material passes to a holding tank, thence to a series of
strainers with perforated plates, reducing consecutively from 1 mm holes to
0.7mm and finally to 0.4mm. This process removes the skin and seeds,
amounting to 5 percent of the weight of the fruit. Strained pulp is then
transferred to storage tanks.
The juice is concentrated under vacuum from 5 to 30 percent solids, as a
preliminary stage to drying. A double-effect evaporator is normally used,
with a finishing pan in the final stage. From here, the paste is transferred to
a feed tank where it is constantly mechanically stirred.
The flow-sheet drawing Fig. 8.1 showsanoperation whereby the production
of tomato powder is continuous and concurrent with the evaporation of the
fresh pulp. In practice, however, some producers of tomato powder make
their product out of season, and in the case of a plant in Portugal, which the
author has visited, the company bought in most of their concentrate from a
nearby tomato paste factory where there was a surplus, over and above what
was contracted for export, as concentrate in 5kg cans.
The cans were delivered to the drying plant in standard 5kg packaging,
opened by a piston-type automatic can opener, which ejected the paste into
the storage vat serving the dryer, at the same time crushing the empty cans
and baling them for disposal. In this case the process commenced at Figure
19 on the Flow Sheet - Feed Tank for the Spray Dryer.
In this particular instance the concentrate was made by the hot break
system with concentration to 30-32 percent solids. Cold break pastes,
concentrated to 36-38 percent concentration before drying, are sometimes
Fig.8.1: Process flowsheet for producing tomato powder from fresh tomatoes by spray dying
IStF.0. SllNl
Key to Figure 8.1
1. Soaking vat
2. Roller conveyor stirrers 30. Spray-drying chamber with
3. Spray washing vat 18. Transfer pumps double wall
4. Air compressor 19. Feed tank for spray dryer 31. Exhausted drying air duct
5. Sorting table 20. Water tank 32. Cooling air fan for item (3 1)
6. Chopper 21.Three way valve 33. Cyclone with pneumatic
7. Preheater 22. Feed pump to atomiser transport conveying at base
8. Intermediate holding tank
10. Coarse mesh strainers
11. Medium mesh strainers
12. Fine mesh strainers
13. Holding tanks 26.Supply from air filter 39. Powder sieve
14. Doublehriple effect evaporator 27. Supply air fan
15. Finishing pan
16. Transfer pump gas air heaters arc altemativcs) atmosphere
17. Intermediate storage tanks with 29. Drying air disperser
23. Atoiniser (rotating vaned disc 34.Exhaust drying air fan
35. Exhaust duct and air hood
24. Supply air inlet (cooling spray 36. Band conveyor (air conditioned)
37. Packing room (air conditioned)
25. Supply air from atmosphere 38. Air conditioning unit
40. Powder packing box on scale
41. Chamber for packing in an inert
9. Transfer pump tY Pe)
drying chamber walls)
28. Steam-air heater (indircct oil-
By couvtesy of Niro Atoiniser
Above: Batch evaporator plant
Niro Dryer
There were two of these dryers in parallel in this particular plant, and the
Niro dryer is specially designed to cope with the properties of tomato
powder, with a drying chamber of non standard construction as compared
with other types of spray dryer. The conventional chamber design would
create problems on account of the thermoplastic and hygroscopic properties
of the powder, and continuous drying would be difficult. The co-current
drying chamber (30) has a jacketed wall for air cooling and a conical base.
Ambientair isdrawn through the jacket prior toentering thechamber via the
air heater (28). Cooling air intake is controlled to enable close maintenance
of a wall temperature which, in the range of 38'- 50°C, allows continuous
Paste is pumped to a rotating vaned-disc atomiser (23) located within
the air disperser (29). The vaned disc has multi-vanes to achieve complete
atomisation of the heavy paste feed. Paste is sprayed into the drying air
entering the chamber at a temperature of 138'- 150°C. The drying air to the
heater (28) is supplied from the cooling air wall jacket supplemented by
atmospheric air intake. The location of the atomiser within the roof air
disperser creates optimum spray/air contact conditions. Moisture
evaporation is rapid but controlled.
Product settles out of the air-flow on the chamber wall, building up to
loose layers (15 - 25mm thickness) before breaking away and falling as
nodules to the base of the chamber. The build-up is important for completion
of evaporation. For the removal of the remaining moisture from a tomato
particle, much resistance to mass transfer is apparent. The necessary long
second period of drying is accomplished by the residence timeon the cooled
wall. Increased drying temperatures cannot be used as heat degradation
wouldresult.15-20percentof the throughputdoesnot settleon thewalland
passes out of the chamber with the exhausted drying air. The entrained
product is recovered in a cyclone, and conveyed from the cyclone base in
dehumidified air.
The bulk of the production falls from the chamber base into an enclosed
band conveyor (36). Cool dehumidified air flows counter-currently slowly
over the surface, and the product nodules are cooled on the conveyor.
Ata temperatureof24"-3OoC, the nodules become brittle,and readily shatter
into powder as they fall from the conveyor on to a sieve (39). This conveyor
exit and sieve are installed within an air conditioned packing room kept at
a low humidity. The plant under review dehumidified this area to 30 percent
RH, with the temperature at 15°C.
Insome plants this dehumidified area is treated with sodium fluorate,
which is introduced into the air flow to provide a sterile atmosphere.
Finalmoistureof the powder is3 to3.5 percent, and to maintain this low level
in a hygroscopic material, it is preferably packed in nitrogen-flushed sealed
polyethylene-lined drums or tins. Whatever container is used it must be air
and moistureproof. Atmospheric packing in very dry air conditions was
practised at the factory visited but this is recommended only for limited
storage periods. Anticaking dessicants can also be used, in the form of silica
gel envelopes placed in each pack.
Overall Ratio: range from 20:l to 22:l (Raw material to powder)
Whilst the drying plant was equipped to process from 5kg cans of
concentrate, a more economical method of packing of the concentrate by the
supplier would be in asceptic 225 litre barrels. These are filled at the
concentrate plant by flash sterilising the paste at 95"C, cooling to 40°C and
filling intopresterilised barrels under reduced pressure. A vacuum is drawn
through a 20mm aperture in the top, and filling is through a second 50mm
aperture. In the event, the latter method was advised and implemented the
following season.
Above: Spray dryer for production of tomato powder
The first step in the processing line is a thorough cleaning of the green coffee
beans, to removedefectivebeans and extraneous matter. Blending is usually
carried out to achieve optimum flavour development in the roasting stage.
Roasting enhances the flavour and aroma and may be carried out batch-wise
or continuously. The latter continuous method is more cost effective. Grinding
to a particle size most suitable for the extraction process follows.
This is eithercontinuousorbatch. Thecontinuous method employsa tiltable
jacketed pressure vessel containing two helicoidal conveyors. Hot water
enters the top end and the extract flows through the trough by gravity. The
dwell time is from 30 to 40 minutes. In two stage extraction, atmospheric
pressure is used in the first stage and pressure in the second.
Batch extraction is carried out in a counter-current column battery
unit featuring split extraction under closely controlled conditions, and
yields of over 48 percent can be achieved. The first stage produces a prime
quality extract, which is held separately pending final pretreatment and
drying. The second stage produces a high overall extract yield but with low
solids and this has to be subsequently concentrated.
Two methods are used, eithera two stage falling film evaporator with aroma
recovery section, or a rotary thin film evaporator designed uniquely by Niro
for heat sensitive products.
Both types of evaporator operate undcr vacuum, thereby maintaining
low extract temperatures.
The concentrated extract is pumped to the pressure nozzle in the drying
chamberwhereit isatomizedand contacted with hot air. Drying temperatures
are low in order to preserve aroma and flavour in the dry product. An in-line
spargesystem operating with inert gas in the feed system allows adjustment
of powder bulk density and colour. The enlarged conical section of the
drying chamber separates the dried coffee from the drying air so effectively
that virtually all the powder leaves the base of the chamber, where it is
cooled, screened and passed to storage, packing or agglomeration.
Efficient cyclones clean the air, preventing the emission of coffee fines
to the atmosphere.
Heat recovery systems can be installed to preheat the inlet drying air,
whereby energy savings of 15 to 20 percent can be made.
As related in Chapter 4 (Dryers) energy costs can be cut by recovering
the spent grounds from the extractor plant, to produce a cheap fuel for steam
generation, if the boiler plant is normally fed by fossil fuels.
This is carried out by wetting the instant dried powder with either water or
coffee extract and after-drying in a fluidised bed dryer. The degree of
agglomeration is controlled to give the product the appearance of regular
ground coffee. Agglomeration improves the solubility factor, and simulates
fairly closely the appearance of freeze-dried coffee.
The Figure 8/2 shows a production line without agglomeration. A medium
sized plant would perform as under:
Green coffee (10% moisture) input 595kg per hour
Roasted coffee (6% moisture) input 520kg per hour
Extract solids content (split extraction) 10 / 25%
Green Coffee yield: 2.38:l ratio = 42%
Concentrate solid: 36%
Spray Dried powder rate: @ 3% moisture. 250kg per hour
Annual production: based on
270 days/6500 hours production time = 1625 tonnes.
An agglomerator
f. 6
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Skim milk powder accounts for about 80 per cent of the global production of
milk powders; dried whole milk, butter milk and whey comprising the
In 1987 it was reported that some 100,000 tonnes were in EEC
intervention storage, being surplus to commercial consumption requirements.
The latter fluctuate widely from year to year.
Milk quotas throughout Western Europe have been adjusted to
correct this surplus situation but the technology in spray drying has
recently been so much improved that new outlets for dried skim milk are
being progressively created. Whey powder also has found many new uses
with manufacturers - in ice cream mixes for flavour enhancing, in bakery
products as a shortening agent, in soup and sauce mixes, and in dessert
topping products.
The new technology in spray drying has also given more choice to the
buyer in that, for specific end uses, he can now specify low heat, medium heat,
or high heat powder. This is made possible by the introduction of multi-stage
dryers, as indicated in Chapter 4 (Anhydro Spray Drying Systems).
The process herein described is based on the author’s contact with skim
milk production in 1981, and whilst the spray dryers in this particular plant
were not of the design described in Chapter 4 they were efficient and met the
requirements of the processors, who were a company manufacturing a milk-
based value-added product, and the Dairy Marketing Board, who absorbed
any tonnage surplus to commercial sales.
It is customary for most drying plants to be located alongside the dairy in
which the whole milk is processed, either for straight consumption, or con-
version to cream, butter and cheese. In this particular case the dairy is located
some 500 metres from the drying plant, both companies being in separate
ownership. The drying plant has a long term contract with the dairy to supply
70 million litres of skim milk (or 92 percent of the creamery’s capacity) per
annum. This is fed into the drying plant by a pipe line, and subsequently into
buffer storage tanks, refrigerated to 5°C. The incoming skimmed milk has a
minimum 8.8 percent solids and its specific gravity is 1.035.
The supply is subject to seasonal peaks and troughs, which precludes
continuous operation throughout the year at 100 percent capacity. In some
circumstances, this could be corrected by an intake of skim milk in tankers
from other creameries but the location is isolated and not contiguous to other
creameries to make this a viable operation. Shifts are therefore reduced from 3
to 2 in the late winter months, and the late autumn.
In the normal way, had the company been dependant only on the sale of
straight skim milk powder, this partial restriction of supplies would have been
less than economic but the additional production of a value-added item
balances out any loss which might be occasioned by an interruption of the
spray drying process.
This production unit in Northern Ireland was monitored by the author
for the purpose of a valuation and viability, commercially. The process is set
out as follows:
The Skim Milk was evaporated with a 'falling film' evaporator to a
concentration of 45-46 per cent total solids. The falling film concept made it
possible to operate with low temperature differentials and to achieve high
thermal efficiency.
Manual supervision of the equipment was minimal, and the start-up,
shut-down and C.I.P. could be automatically performed. The evaporator
serving the first of two spray dryers was a 4-effect unit, with a three stage
instantizer, following the second spray dryer. Initial pasteurization time before
evaporation was at 71°C for 15 seconds.
This No 1 plant handled 19,350kg of skim milk (at 8 per cent total solids)
per hour yielding 1,820kg of powder at 4 per cent moisture per hour The
maximum inlet temperature of the drying air was 93°C with an outlet at 82°C.
At these temperatures the evaporation was approximately 1,865kg per hour
and the yield of powder at 4 per cent was 1,820kg per hour - a conversion ratio
of 10.63:l.
The steam consumption was 3,950kg per hour for the dryer and for the
evaporator 3,045kg per hour. Installed power was 240KVa.
The No 2 plant was smaller with a two stage instantizer. The efficiency
of the dryer was similar to the No 1 plant with an input of 7,727kg per hour
and a yield of 650kg per hour, although the evaporator was slightly less
efficient in that it consumed rather more steam per kg of water evaporated.
Steam consumption was 1,600kg per hour for the dryer and 1,900kg per
hour for the evaporator. Installed power was 95KVa.
Packaging was in polyethylene-lined multi-ply paper sacks. Bulk stor-
age silos had a capacity of 70 tonnes, and the warehouse had a capacity for
2,000 tonnes of product.
The storage of raw milk as previously indicated only provided for 28
hours reserve, and comprised 4 stainless tanks - 2 of 114,000 litres capacity and
2 of 91,000 litres, and this feed stock was maintained at 5°C.
Clean down procedures were carried out daily on the evaporating plant;
4 hours wash-down after 20 hours running.
The spray dryers were cleaned down as necessary at least every 4 weeks.
Tests on raw milk include: acidity, total solids, water adulteration, temperature
and full bacteriological tests.
In-process tests include total solids in the concentrate.
Total personnel, including management, is 67 at peak production times, of
whom 28 are permanent staff. The balance are, in this instance, seasonal
Whilst the foregoing relates to an established spray dried milk plant in
operation for some 13 years, a processor intending to engage currently in such
a project, should obviously evaluate market conditions, and furthermore study
the evolution of spray drying plant as recently outlined by APV Anhydro and
set out in detail in Chapter IV. The author has always endeavoured to set down
in the text the experience gained from practical contacts with operational
plants but the reader should also be aware that technology advances almost
day by day, and practices of even a year ago may be approaching obsolescence
today. A mere guide to processes and disciplines is all, therefore, that can be
achieved in a text book of this nature.
Agglomerated Skim Milk has been boosted in recent years by the public’s
trend to reduce their intake of fatty dairy products -butter, cream, cheese and
full cream milk - on health grounds. A high fat diet has been regarded, along
with other factors, as contributing to obesity and heart disease. High fat and
sucrose intake by children is thought by some nutrition experts to affect
behaviour patterns and mental concentration capacity. Specimen diets, studied
by medical specialists in nutritional problems, and containing high fat and
sucrose constituents have also indicated a deficiency of certain vitamins and
chemical trace elements which are necessary for a ‘balanced’ diet. The validity
of these claims has yet to be proved by a wider field of investigation than has
hitherto been undertaken but the low fat diet theory appears to be well
founded and accepted by many people.
This has given an impetus to the sale of liquid low fat milk and
aggressive advertising has created a substantial market for dried
agglomerated skim milk. Agglomeration ensures the immediate dispersal of
the milk solids in water, and the product is instantly soluble by the addition of
cold water.
The bakery and ice cream industries are substantial users of skim milk
powder, in addition to the other creamery by-products, whey and butter milk,
which in dried form have many uses.
In the light of the still-mounting stocks of milk powder in intervention
storage, the author has been involved in seeking interest in projects for
reconverting milk powder into liquid milk, by rehydration and the addition of
butter fat, then sterilising it and marketing the product in regions of high
population in the developing countries, where little or no fresh milk is
available. One project was in Cairo, which has a population of some 10,000,000,
increasing at times to 12,000,000, by an ingress of some two million 'floating'
In 1982 there was only one small processing plant involved in the
rehydration of milk powder in the manner suggested, and the food stores have
insufficient fresh milk to sell owing to the few dairy herds in existence. The
small reprocessing plant, packing reconstituted milk into 1 litre UHT retail
packages, which require no refrigeration, seems to fill a definite need. An
expanded scheme for Cairo and other major centres of population was the
subject of a feasibility study which envisaged a plant producing 8000 litres of
UHT milk per hour from skim milk powder with 6 percent of the productive
capacity of the plant diverted to the manufacture of ice cream and yogurt. The
project purported to show that the reconstituted milk, brought up to the
required butter fat content, could be produced at a price more than competitive
with fresh milk locally produced or imported. UHT milk would be available to
millions of people at a price they could afford, in a market which is somewhat
short of reasonably priced dairy products. This scheme envisaged the
production of the following products:
(1) UHT 1 litre packs of milk manufactured from skim milk plus anhydrous
(2) Evaporated Milk,
milk fat and water, this product to be either plain or flavoured.
Sweetened Condensed Milk,
Recombined butter and butter-type spreads,
Baby Foods,
Recombined Cheeses
(3) Yogurt - either zero-fat yogurt, or maximum 2 percent fat hard, 'scoopable'
ice cream yogurt.
(4) Ice Cream and Ice Cream Mixes
Investigations showed that supermarkets, stores and hotels would accept these
products, not only in Cairo, but in Alexandria, Ismalia and other major centres
of population.
Exports might eventually be feasible to other Middle East countries.
The process and plant for 'recombined' milk, as it is technically
described, has been developed by a multi-national dairy engineering plant
company, and is described hereunder, and is also referred to in Modern Dairy
Products (1975) published in the USA.
Four stages are involved: (1) Mixing of raw materials: (2) Uperisation:
(3) Aseptic Tank Storage: (4) Packaging.
To produce a recombined milk with 3 percent butter-fat content, the raw
material required for 16 million litres (assumed production per annum) would
1616 tonnes Skim Milk Powder
480 tonnes Butter Oil.
The raw material mix, therefore, will be 77.1 percent milk powder and 22.9
percent butter-oil.
Mixing is effected in a Liquiverter - a stainless steel hopper,
incorporating a rotary impeller in the base, which feeds the material in the
above proportions into two reconstitution tanks with paddle agitation.
Circulating pumps and a steam heated circulation heater provide the
energy and heat for this operation.
Water flows from one of the reconstitution tanks to meet the dry material
fed into the Liquiverter, where lumps are broken down by the impeller before
the flow is reversed and the mixture pumped back into the tank. During the
circulation the heater raises the temperature to 55".
The mixture is then transferred to the Uperisation unit, whilst the second
reconstitution tank is brought into use for the following batch mix.
This is a method of continuous sterilisation by injection of clean live steam into
the product. Vapour equal to the amount of steam injected is removed during
cooling - thus preventing dilution of the milk or over-concentration. Rapid
heating and cooling, with a short holding time ensures that flavour and
appearance are not affected.
After preheating to 77-80°C the milk is pressurised by a booster pump
before passing into the Uperiser, where steam is injected, raising the
temperature to 150°C. After a short holding time, the product is 'flashed' off
into the expansion vessel, and cooled to 80°C. In this vessel the same amount
of vapour is removed as was injected by steam.
The milk is then homogenised, cooled in a plate cooler and transferred
to the aseptic tank system.
These provide a buffer store of milk between the Uperiser and the packaging
In operation, the tanks and associated pipework are first flushed with
sterilising fluid, and the sterile condition is maintained by sterile air.
Constant air pressure ensures a steady flow from the tankage to the
packaging plant.
-t s
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- .~
Figure 8.4 - Key to Figure 8.3
1. The roll of packaging material is located in a cassette at the back of the
2. A photocell, which gives a signal when it is time to insert a new roll of
packaging material.
3. Rollers which soften up the creases in the packaging material, thus
facilitating final shaping of the cartons.
4. Stamping device, which stamps the packaging material with the date or
other marking.
5. Bending roller.
6. When the splice between two rolls of packaging material passes this point,
this is registered by the machine. The carton which is subsequently sealed
by the spliced packaging material and the two succeeding cartons are
discharged through the drop chute 20.
Strip applicator, in which one edge of the packaging material is provided
with a plastics strip. This is subsequently sealed to the other edge of the
packaging material.
In the sterilizing bath, the inside of the packaging material is wetted with
hydrogen peroxide. The wetting process is monitored by a built-in control
9. Rollers which mangle away any surplus hydrogen peroxide.
10. Cover for collection of air rising from the paper tube. This hot air is
returned to the sterile air compressor and, in conjunction with this, any
residual hydrogen peroxide in the air is removed by washing with water
which is collected in a special separator.
11. Upper bending roller.
12. The product to be packed is introduced through the stainless steel filling
tube, which is jacketed by a second tube through which sterile hot air can
be blown into the paper tube. The current of air is deflected upwards upon
reaching the lower edge of the tube heater.
13. As an initial stage in the sealing of the longitudinal seam, one edge of the
packaging material passes through an element which is heated by hot
sterile air.
14. The longitudinal seam is sealed in this forming ring where both edges of
the packaging material are pressed together.
15. The tube heater consists of a coil-shaped electric element that heats the
inside of the packaging material with radiant heat. This radiant heat
sterilizes the packaging material and at the same time a sterile atmosphere
is created above the liquid level.
16. Liquid level in the paper tube.
17. The liquid level in the paper tube is regulated mechanically by a float SO
that it is always higher than the mouth of the filling tube. By this means,
frothing is avoided.
18. Filling-tube mouth.
19. The cartons are finally sealed below the liquid level and are thus
completely filled. Sealing is carried out by a system of jaws, which also
separate the cartons.
20. Upon commencement of a production run, and when the packaging
material contains a splice, the cartons are discharged here.
21. The finished cartons are discharged from the machine, either to the right
or to the left, and carried by a conveyor to the place where they will be
packed in transport packaging.
Fig 8.5 Sterile air system for 1 litre packs
Key to Figure 8.5
1. The compressor which creates the necessary pressure in the sterile-air
system is of the water-ring type, implying that in order to function it
requires a continuous water supply at a rate of approximately 8 litres per
minute. The water serves a twofold purpose: not only does it afford a seal
between the rotating impeller and the pump housing but it also washes
away any residual hydrogen peroxide contained in the air sucked in from
the upper part of the machine at 17.
2. Water inlet to compressor.
3. Separator for removal of water from the air.
4. While the machine filling system is being sterilized prior to
commencement of production this valve is open and the water is
discharged to the drain. During production, the water is used as coolant in
the cooler 17, after which it is discharged into the drain.
Heater in which the air is heated to approximately 350°C.
Some of the heated air is conducted to the strip applicator and longitudinal
sealing element of the machine.
Cooler, in which the air temperature is lowered to approximately 80°C.
This valve is open while 1 litre cartons are being produced and conducts
the sterile air into the space above the liquid level in the sealed paper tube.
On machines for making smaller carton sizes this valve is closed during
The filling system is sterilized with hot air before commencement of
production, and during the process this valve is open.
10. Filling tube for the product to be packed.
11. The sterilized air is supplied through this tube which completely encases
the filling tube.
12. The electrically heated, coil-shaped tube heater element emits radiant heat
which sterilizes the inside of the packaging material.
13. At this point, the current of sterilized air in the paper tube is deflected
upwards. The vaporized sterilizing liquid is removed, and at the same
time a sterile atmosphere is created in the sealed paper tube. By this
means, re-infection from the air in the premises is prevented.
14. Liquid level in the sealed paper tube.
15. Float which regulates the liquid supply through the filling tube. This float
16. Throttle-type valve.
17. Cover which collects the air rising from the sealed paper tube. This air is
returned to the compressor 1, where it is mixed with water which washes
away any residual hydrogen peroxide. The water is then collected in the
separator 3.
communicates with valve 16.
21 I