Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 1 of 76
Chap,3 Climate/Change and Agriculture
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.2 Inventory of climate resources
3.3 Plant growth and crop growth models
3.4 Impacts of climate changes on
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 2 of 76
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.1.1 Ground environment
? CO2
? Radiation
? Heat
? Water
3.1.2 Soil
? Water
? Nutrient matter
? Air/heat
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 3 of 76
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.1.3 Plant canopy and microclimate
? Radiation
? Wind
? Temperature
? Moisture
? CO2
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 4 of 76
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.1.4 Farming system
的养地制度的综合技术体系 。
( 1) Cropping system
一个地区或生产单位作物组成, 配置, 熟制与种植
方式的总称 。
( 2) Crop composition and distribution
一个地区或生产单位作物组成和配置的总称 。
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 5 of 76
Cropping system
? multiple cropping( 多熟种植 )
? sequential cropping ( 复种 )
? fallow ( 休闲 )
? row intercropping ( 间作 )
? mixed intercropping ( 混作 )
? relay cropping ( 套作 )
? crop rotation ( 轮作 )
? continuous cropping ( 连作 )
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 6 of 76
Cropping system in China
( 1) 种植方式
撂荒制 ( shifting cultivation)
一年一熟 ( rotation,continuous)
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 7 of 76
Cropping system in China
( 2) 作物组成与布局
Homework 3,crop composition and
distribution in China during 1999-2000
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 8 of 76
Cropping system in China
( 3) 种植制度区划
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 9 of 76
climate change and its impacts on
Focus on,food security
depend on how to use
? climate resources
variations of productivity
? land resources
basic farmland
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 10 of 76
3.2 Inventory of climate resources
3.2.1 Radiation and photosynthesis
3.2.2 Heat and temperature
3.2.3 Precipitation and water requirement
3.2.4 Climate resources
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 11 of 76
3.2.1 Radiation and photosynthesis
(1) Radiation
Q = D + S
Rg = F? - F? =(1-?)Q - Fo
Fo=Eg - ?Ea
? Measured Data
? Calculation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 12 of 76
Measured Radiation
? Solar radiation,Q,D,S,R
? Terrestrial radiation,Fo,Eg,Ea
? Radiation stations (98)
Class one(17),Q,D,S,R,Fo
Class two(33),Q,Fo
Class three(48),Q
? Weather stations,s,c
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 13 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
? Solar radiation,Q,D,S
? Terrestrial radiation,Fo,Rg,Eg,Ea
翁笃鸣, 中国辐射气候,气象出版社,1997
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 14 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
? Radiant flux(J/s,W)
? Radiant flux density(W/m2)
? Radiation amount (W/m2 d or mon)
? Unit conversion
1 cal = 4.187J
1J = 1Nm=2.78*10-7kw h=0.239cal
1cal/s=4.178 w
1cal/cm2 min=697.8 W/m2
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 15 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
General equation,
J = Jo f(x)
J,average radiation in a condition
Jo,average radiation in an ideal condition
F(x),function for atmosphere
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 16 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
Errors of estimation depends on,
? Start values of Jo
? Function forms of F(x) and involved
influencing factors
? Empirical relative errors,
For Q,5%
For D and S,10%
For Fo,10-15%
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 17 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
? Qi--astronomical solar radiation (Qa)
? Qi--clear radiance,possible ground
solar radiation in a clear sky (Qo)
? Qi--ground solar radiation through
ideal (dry) atmosphere (Qm)
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 18 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Qa(W/m2 day)
=(24/?)(Io/?2)(?o·sin? · sin? + cos?· cos?· sin?o)
? ?o=arccos(-tg?tg?)
? 1/?2 = 1.00011+0.034221cos?o+0.00128sin?o
+0.000719 cos2?o+0.000077sin2?o
? ? = (0.006918-0.399912cos?o+0.070257sin?o
+0.000148sin3?o)(180/?)( degree)
? ?o = 2?(dn-1)/365 (弧度)
? ?=b/a
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 19 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Qa(W/m2 day)
=(24/?)(Io/?2)(?o·sin? · sin? + cos?· cos?· sin?o)
? Io –solar constant,1367 W/m2
? ?o –solar angels of sun raise and sunset
? ?--latitude
? ? sun 赤纬
? dn—the series number of the day
? ?=b/a
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 20 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
? ground solar radiation through dry air
学报,1980,1( 1),1-9
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 21 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
? Possible ground solar radiation
? ground solar radiation through clear sky
特征,太阳能学报,1988,9( 1),12-23
气象学院学报,1995,18( 3),317-323
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 22 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Qo=(Io · sin(ho))/(1+f · m)
For clear sky,
f=a+b · ln(1+e)
a=0.183(p/po); b=0.0542+0.0598(p/po);
e—vapor pressure; p,po—air pressure
For possible radiation,
f=0.5 - a · exp(b · e)
a=0.426,b= -0.0492,Nov.-Apr,
a=0.380,b= -0.0194,May-Oct,
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 23 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
F(x) function,
? Q=Qi(a+b·s or n)
? a+b=1 or a+b=0.7
? Hours of sunshine (or percent of sunshine),s
? Cloud,n
? s+n>=1
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 24 of 76
左大康 ( 1963),
翁笃鸣 ( 1964),
Q=QA(0.625+0.130s) 华南
Q=QA(0.475+0.205s) 华中
Q=QA(0.708+0.105s) 华北
Q=QA(0.390+0.344s) 西北
王炳忠 ( 1980), Q=Qm(a+b?s )
陆渝蓉等 ( 1976), Q= a+b?QA?s
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 25 of 76
? Qi
? s+n=A
? a,b
翁笃鸣, 试论总辐射的气候学计算方法,气象学报,1964,34
( 3),304-315
祝昌汉, 再论总辐射的气候学计算方法(一),南京气象学院学
祝昌汉, 再论总辐射的气候学计算方法(二),南京气象学院学
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 26 of 76
? Net terrestrial radiation,Fo
Fo = ??[To4-T4(1.035-0.295e-0.166w)]
w= (0.1054+0.1513e)exp(0.06z)
To—earth surface temperature(K)
T—air temperature (K)
e—vapor pressure (hPa)
w—vapor content(g/cm2)
z—elevation (km)
Calculation of Lone Wave Radiation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 27 of 76
? Atmosphere counter radiation,Ea
For clear sky,
Ea = ?T4[(0.536+0.128Ln(1+e)]
For cloud sky,
Ea = ?T4[(0.536+0.128Ln(1+e)](1+0.145n2)
T—air temperature (K)
e—vapor pressure (hPa)
Calculation of Lone Wave Radiation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 28 of 76
? Definition
Solar radiation with wave band of 0.4 - 0.7?m,
absorbed by plants for their photosynthesis
? Amount
About 50% of insolation
? Unit
Photon flux density(?mol/m2 s)
(2) Photosynthetically Active
Chapter 3
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? Radiation distribution in plant canopies
? Measurement of PAR in canopies
(2) Photosynthetically Active
Chapter 3
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? SUNFLECK(Light Bar)
? SunScan Canopy Analysis System
Measurement of PAR for plant canopies
Chapter 3
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? Model SF-80
? 80 light sensors alone a probe at 1cm intervals
? 7 functions
? Unit,
PAR:?mol/m2 s2
Chapter 3
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Measurement of PAR
—top of the canopy
Chapter 3
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Measurement of PAR
—bottom of the canopy
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Measurement of PAR--Sunscan
Chapter 3
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(1) Heat intensity
(2) Length of heating
(3) Accumulation of heat
(4) Plants response to heat/temperature
3.2.2 Heat and temperature
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 36 of 76
? Average air temperature
? Temperature extremes
? Temperature ranges
? Soil temperature
(1) Heat intensity
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For plants,
? Threshold temperature
? Optimum temperature
(1) Heat intensity
Chapter 3
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? Frost free days
? Growth days
? Day of daily temperature above,
(2) Length of heating
Chapter 3
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? Temperature sum
Active temperature sum,
Effective temperature sum,
(3) Accumulation of heat
Chapter 3
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? Active temperature sum (?10oC day-degree) and
crops in China
?8000oC,tropical crops like coffee,rubber tree
4500-8000oC,subtropical crops like tea
3400-4500oC,warm temperate crops like cotton
1600-3400oC,temperate crops like maize,wheat,
?1600oC,cold temperate crops like spring wheat,potato
(3) Accumulation of heat
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 41 of 76
? Threshold temperature
? Optimum temperature
? Effects on plant development
? High/low temperature injury
(4) Plants response to heat/temperature
Chapter 3
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(1) Water cycle
(2) Water balance
(3) Precipitation
(4) Evaporation
(5) Soil moisture
(6) Plants response to water
3.2.3 Precipitation and water requirement
Chapter 3
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? Precipitation
? Evaporation
? Runoff
? Vapor transportation
(1) Water cycle
Chapter 3
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dw/dt = P + I + M – ET – D – R
? dw/dt- change of soil moisture
? P- precipitation
? I- irrigation
? M- snowmelt
? ET- evportranspiration
? D- drainage
? R- runoff
(2) Water balance
Chapter 3
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? Amount
? Intensity
? Duration
? Return period
? Variation
? Droughts and floods
(3) Precipitation
Chapter 3
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? Amount(mm)
? Intensity and duration(mm/min,mm/h)
average intensity
peak intensity
relationship between intensity and duration
(3) Precipitation
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? Return period
order of rainfall amount
(3) Precipitation
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? Variation,Droughts and floods
>R+1.17 ??R
R+0.33 ??R,R+1.17 ??R
R-0.33 ??R,R+0.33 ??R
R-1.17 ??R,R+0.33 ??R
<R-1.17 ??R
(3) Precipitation
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? Storms
(3) Precipitation
Chapter 3
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? Weather stations
1949,101 stations
1960,3240 stations
1982,2352 stations
? Hydrological stations
1960,5684 stations
1970,10154 stations
1980,15732 stations
1990,15602 stations
(3) Precipitation measurement
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 51 of 76
? Density of rainfall stations
China,21.3 stations/104km2
Eastern China,50-100 stations/104km2
Japan,160 stations/104km2
UK,290 stations/104km2
(3) Precipitation measurement
Chapter 3
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? Rainfall data availability
Weather stations
Hydrological stations
(3) Precipitation measurement
Chapter 3
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? The ordinary rain gauges
Canada,10 square inch
? Recording rain gauges
the automatic siphon gauge
the tipping-bucket gauge
(3) Precipitation measurement
Chapter 3
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? Definitions
? Influencing factors
? Measurement
? Estimation
(4) Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Evaporation,process of converting liquid
to water vapor
? Transpiration,evaporation of water that
has passed through the plant
? Evapotranspiration,total process of
water transfer into the atmosphere from
vegetated land surface
Chapter 3
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? Available water
? Climate factors
Factors of Influencing Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Evaporation power(capacity)
? Potential evaporation
? Evporativity
? Potential evapotranspiration
? Reference crop evapotranspiration
? Actual evapotranspiration
Some Concepts on Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Large evaporation tanks
? Small evaporation pans
? Lysimeters
? Evaporimeters
Measurement of Evaporation
Chapter 3
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In irrigation management,
? Crop water requirements
? Consumptive water use of a plant
? Irrigation water need
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Hydrologic/water balance method
? Climatological methods
? Micrometeorological methods
Mass transport
Bowen ratio
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 61 of 76
? Climatological methods
Thornthwaite (1948)
Penman (1948)
Penman method modified by Monteith (1963,
Priestley-Taylor (1972)
Hargreaves (1974)
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 62 of 76
Thornthwaite method,
ETp= 1.6( 10Ti/I) a
? Ti,monthly temperature
? I,heat index derived from the sum of 12
monthly index values of Ii
? Ii = ( Ti/5) 1.514
? a= 6.75?10-7?I3 - 7.71?10-5?I2 + 1.79?10-2?I + 0.49
Variable needed,t
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 63 of 76
Hargreaves method,
ETp= MF(1.8Ta + 32)CH
? Ta,monthly temperature
? MF,monthly latitude-dependent factor (given
in table)
? CH = 0.166(100-RH) 0.5,correction factor for
relative humidity RH,only used when daily
RH exceed 64%
Variable needed,t,RH,latitude
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 64 of 76
ETp=α× ( Rn+G) /(1+γ/Δ)
? α:modified coefficient,1.2
? Rn,net radiation
? G,soil heat flux density
? γ,psychrometric constant
? Δ,slope vapor pressure curve
Variable needed,R(S),t
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 65 of 76
Blaney-Criddle method,
reference evaportransipiration
ETo = p (0.46 T mean +8)
? T mean:mean daily temperature (° C)
? p,mean daily percentage of annual daytime
Variable needed,R(S),t
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 66 of 76
Penman method,
ETp= (?R+?Ea)/(?+?)
? ?,the sope of the saturation vapor pressure curve
? ?, psychromeric PCp/L?; ?=Mw/Ma (mole
? R,net radiation
? Ea=f(U)(es-ea)
Variable needed,R(S),t,ea (RH),U
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
67 of 76
Penman-Monteith method,
reference potential evaportanspiration
ETp= (?(R-G)+?(900/T)Ea)/(?+?(1+0.34U2))
? ?,slope vapor pressure curve
? ?, psychromeric PCp/L?; ?=Mw/Ma (mole weight)
? R,net radiation
? G,soil heat flux density
? Ea=f(U2)(es-ea)
Variable needed,R(S),t,ea(RH),U
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Some related terms
? Measurement
? Soil available water
(5) Soil moisture
Chapter 3
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? Soil bulk density (dry,g/cm3),?b=ms/vt
? Soil bulk density (wet,g/cm3),?t=ms +mw/vt
? Soil porosity,vt -vs /vt
? Soil moisture(%),
Volume(?v)—vw/vt(used widely)
?v = ?b ?m
Some related terms
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 70 of 76
soil water content,
? Depth,Dw=h ?v
? Water content
available soil water,
?v –Wp
Some related terms
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? field capacity,Fc,-0.1bar/-0.3bar
? wilting point,Wp,-15bar
Some related terms
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? Some related terms
? Measurement
? Soil available water
Some related terms
Chapter 3
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? Oven-dry method,?m,100-110oC
? Neutron-scattering,?v
? TDR (time domain reflectometry),?v
Chapter 3
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? Water use
? Water stress
(6) Plants response to water
Chapter 3
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Combinations of variables,
? Amount
? Temporary distributions
? Spatial distributions
3.2.4 Climate resources
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 76 of 76
? Regionalization of climate resources
temperature sum
? Agro-ecological zone
? Plant/crop productivity
3.2.4 Climate resources
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 1 of 76
Chap,3 Climate/Change and Agriculture
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.2 Inventory of climate resources
3.3 Plant growth and crop growth models
3.4 Impacts of climate changes on
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 2 of 76
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.1.1 Ground environment
? CO2
? Radiation
? Heat
? Water
3.1.2 Soil
? Water
? Nutrient matter
? Air/heat
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 3 of 76
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.1.3 Plant canopy and microclimate
? Radiation
? Wind
? Temperature
? Moisture
? CO2
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 4 of 76
3.1 Environment and plant growth
3.1.4 Farming system
的养地制度的综合技术体系 。
( 1) Cropping system
一个地区或生产单位作物组成, 配置, 熟制与种植
方式的总称 。
( 2) Crop composition and distribution
一个地区或生产单位作物组成和配置的总称 。
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 5 of 76
Cropping system
? multiple cropping( 多熟种植 )
? sequential cropping ( 复种 )
? fallow ( 休闲 )
? row intercropping ( 间作 )
? mixed intercropping ( 混作 )
? relay cropping ( 套作 )
? crop rotation ( 轮作 )
? continuous cropping ( 连作 )
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 6 of 76
Cropping system in China
( 1) 种植方式
撂荒制 ( shifting cultivation)
一年一熟 ( rotation,continuous)
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 7 of 76
Cropping system in China
( 2) 作物组成与布局
Homework 3,crop composition and
distribution in China during 1999-2000
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 8 of 76
Cropping system in China
( 3) 种植制度区划
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 9 of 76
climate change and its impacts on
Focus on,food security
depend on how to use
? climate resources
variations of productivity
? land resources
basic farmland
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 10 of 76
3.2 Inventory of climate resources
3.2.1 Radiation and photosynthesis
3.2.2 Heat and temperature
3.2.3 Precipitation and water requirement
3.2.4 Climate resources
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 11 of 76
3.2.1 Radiation and photosynthesis
(1) Radiation
Q = D + S
Rg = F? - F? =(1-?)Q - Fo
Fo=Eg - ?Ea
? Measured Data
? Calculation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 12 of 76
Measured Radiation
? Solar radiation,Q,D,S,R
? Terrestrial radiation,Fo,Eg,Ea
? Radiation stations (98)
Class one(17),Q,D,S,R,Fo
Class two(33),Q,Fo
Class three(48),Q
? Weather stations,s,c
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 13 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
? Solar radiation,Q,D,S
? Terrestrial radiation,Fo,Rg,Eg,Ea
翁笃鸣, 中国辐射气候,气象出版社,1997
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 14 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
? Radiant flux(J/s,W)
? Radiant flux density(W/m2)
? Radiation amount (W/m2 d or mon)
? Unit conversion
1 cal = 4.187J
1J = 1Nm=2.78*10-7kw h=0.239cal
1cal/s=4.178 w
1cal/cm2 min=697.8 W/m2
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 15 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
General equation,
J = Jo f(x)
J,average radiation in a condition
Jo,average radiation in an ideal condition
F(x),function for atmosphere
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 16 of 76
Calculation of Radiation
Errors of estimation depends on,
? Start values of Jo
? Function forms of F(x) and involved
influencing factors
? Empirical relative errors,
For Q,5%
For D and S,10%
For Fo,10-15%
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 17 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
? Qi--astronomical solar radiation (Qa)
? Qi--clear radiance,possible ground
solar radiation in a clear sky (Qo)
? Qi--ground solar radiation through
ideal (dry) atmosphere (Qm)
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 18 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Qa(W/m2 day)
=(24/?)(Io/?2)(?o·sin? · sin? + cos?· cos?· sin?o)
? ?o=arccos(-tg?tg?)
? 1/?2 = 1.00011+0.034221cos?o+0.00128sin?o
+0.000719 cos2?o+0.000077sin2?o
? ? = (0.006918-0.399912cos?o+0.070257sin?o
+0.000148sin3?o)(180/?)( degree)
? ?o = 2?(dn-1)/365 (弧度)
? ?=b/a
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 19 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Qa(W/m2 day)
=(24/?)(Io/?2)(?o·sin? · sin? + cos?· cos?· sin?o)
? Io –solar constant,1367 W/m2
? ?o –solar angels of sun raise and sunset
? ?--latitude
? ? sun 赤纬
? dn—the series number of the day
? ?=b/a
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 20 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
? ground solar radiation through dry air
学报,1980,1( 1),1-9
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 21 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
? Possible ground solar radiation
? ground solar radiation through clear sky
特征,太阳能学报,1988,9( 1),12-23
气象学院学报,1995,18( 3),317-323
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 22 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Qo=(Io · sin(ho))/(1+f · m)
For clear sky,
f=a+b · ln(1+e)
a=0.183(p/po); b=0.0542+0.0598(p/po);
e—vapor pressure; p,po—air pressure
For possible radiation,
f=0.5 - a · exp(b · e)
a=0.426,b= -0.0492,Nov.-Apr,
a=0.380,b= -0.0194,May-Oct,
Chapter 3
Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 23 of 76
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
F(x) function,
? Q=Qi(a+b·s or n)
? a+b=1 or a+b=0.7
? Hours of sunshine (or percent of sunshine),s
? Cloud,n
? s+n>=1
Chapter 3
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左大康 ( 1963),
翁笃鸣 ( 1964),
Q=QA(0.625+0.130s) 华南
Q=QA(0.475+0.205s) 华中
Q=QA(0.708+0.105s) 华北
Q=QA(0.390+0.344s) 西北
王炳忠 ( 1980), Q=Qm(a+b?s )
陆渝蓉等 ( 1976), Q= a+b?QA?s
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 25 of 76
? Qi
? s+n=A
? a,b
翁笃鸣, 试论总辐射的气候学计算方法,气象学报,1964,34
( 3),304-315
祝昌汉, 再论总辐射的气候学计算方法(一),南京气象学院学
祝昌汉, 再论总辐射的气候学计算方法(二),南京气象学院学
Calculation of Ground Solar Radiation
Chapter 3
2012-3-21 Assessment of Climate/Change Impacts 26 of 76
? Net terrestrial radiation,Fo
Fo = ??[To4-T4(1.035-0.295e-0.166w)]
w= (0.1054+0.1513e)exp(0.06z)
To—earth surface temperature(K)
T—air temperature (K)
e—vapor pressure (hPa)
w—vapor content(g/cm2)
z—elevation (km)
Calculation of Lone Wave Radiation
Chapter 3
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? Atmosphere counter radiation,Ea
For clear sky,
Ea = ?T4[(0.536+0.128Ln(1+e)]
For cloud sky,
Ea = ?T4[(0.536+0.128Ln(1+e)](1+0.145n2)
T—air temperature (K)
e—vapor pressure (hPa)
Calculation of Lone Wave Radiation
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? Definition
Solar radiation with wave band of 0.4 - 0.7?m,
absorbed by plants for their photosynthesis
? Amount
About 50% of insolation
? Unit
Photon flux density(?mol/m2 s)
(2) Photosynthetically Active
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? Radiation distribution in plant canopies
? Measurement of PAR in canopies
(2) Photosynthetically Active
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? SUNFLECK(Light Bar)
? SunScan Canopy Analysis System
Measurement of PAR for plant canopies
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? Model SF-80
? 80 light sensors alone a probe at 1cm intervals
? 7 functions
? Unit,
PAR:?mol/m2 s2
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Measurement of PAR
—top of the canopy
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Measurement of PAR
—bottom of the canopy
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Measurement of PAR--Sunscan
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(1) Heat intensity
(2) Length of heating
(3) Accumulation of heat
(4) Plants response to heat/temperature
3.2.2 Heat and temperature
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? Average air temperature
? Temperature extremes
? Temperature ranges
? Soil temperature
(1) Heat intensity
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For plants,
? Threshold temperature
? Optimum temperature
(1) Heat intensity
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? Frost free days
? Growth days
? Day of daily temperature above,
(2) Length of heating
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? Temperature sum
Active temperature sum,
Effective temperature sum,
(3) Accumulation of heat
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? Active temperature sum (?10oC day-degree) and
crops in China
?8000oC,tropical crops like coffee,rubber tree
4500-8000oC,subtropical crops like tea
3400-4500oC,warm temperate crops like cotton
1600-3400oC,temperate crops like maize,wheat,
?1600oC,cold temperate crops like spring wheat,potato
(3) Accumulation of heat
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? Threshold temperature
? Optimum temperature
? Effects on plant development
? High/low temperature injury
(4) Plants response to heat/temperature
Chapter 3
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(1) Water cycle
(2) Water balance
(3) Precipitation
(4) Evaporation
(5) Soil moisture
(6) Plants response to water
3.2.3 Precipitation and water requirement
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? Precipitation
? Evaporation
? Runoff
? Vapor transportation
(1) Water cycle
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dw/dt = P + I + M – ET – D – R
? dw/dt- change of soil moisture
? P- precipitation
? I- irrigation
? M- snowmelt
? ET- evportranspiration
? D- drainage
? R- runoff
(2) Water balance
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? Amount
? Intensity
? Duration
? Return period
? Variation
? Droughts and floods
(3) Precipitation
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? Amount(mm)
? Intensity and duration(mm/min,mm/h)
average intensity
peak intensity
relationship between intensity and duration
(3) Precipitation
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? Return period
order of rainfall amount
(3) Precipitation
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? Variation,Droughts and floods
>R+1.17 ??R
R+0.33 ??R,R+1.17 ??R
R-0.33 ??R,R+0.33 ??R
R-1.17 ??R,R+0.33 ??R
<R-1.17 ??R
(3) Precipitation
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? Storms
(3) Precipitation
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? Weather stations
1949,101 stations
1960,3240 stations
1982,2352 stations
? Hydrological stations
1960,5684 stations
1970,10154 stations
1980,15732 stations
1990,15602 stations
(3) Precipitation measurement
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? Density of rainfall stations
China,21.3 stations/104km2
Eastern China,50-100 stations/104km2
Japan,160 stations/104km2
UK,290 stations/104km2
(3) Precipitation measurement
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? Rainfall data availability
Weather stations
Hydrological stations
(3) Precipitation measurement
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? The ordinary rain gauges
Canada,10 square inch
? Recording rain gauges
the automatic siphon gauge
the tipping-bucket gauge
(3) Precipitation measurement
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? Definitions
? Influencing factors
? Measurement
? Estimation
(4) Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Evaporation,process of converting liquid
to water vapor
? Transpiration,evaporation of water that
has passed through the plant
? Evapotranspiration,total process of
water transfer into the atmosphere from
vegetated land surface
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? Available water
? Climate factors
Factors of Influencing Evaporation
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? Evaporation power(capacity)
? Potential evaporation
? Evporativity
? Potential evapotranspiration
? Reference crop evapotranspiration
? Actual evapotranspiration
Some Concepts on Evaporation
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? Large evaporation tanks
? Small evaporation pans
? Lysimeters
? Evaporimeters
Measurement of Evaporation
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In irrigation management,
? Crop water requirements
? Consumptive water use of a plant
? Irrigation water need
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Hydrologic/water balance method
? Climatological methods
? Micrometeorological methods
Mass transport
Bowen ratio
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
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? Climatological methods
Thornthwaite (1948)
Penman (1948)
Penman method modified by Monteith (1963,
Priestley-Taylor (1972)
Hargreaves (1974)
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
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Thornthwaite method,
ETp= 1.6( 10Ti/I) a
? Ti,monthly temperature
? I,heat index derived from the sum of 12
monthly index values of Ii
? Ii = ( Ti/5) 1.514
? a= 6.75?10-7?I3 - 7.71?10-5?I2 + 1.79?10-2?I + 0.49
Variable needed,t
Estimation of Evaporation
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Hargreaves method,
ETp= MF(1.8Ta + 32)CH
? Ta,monthly temperature
? MF,monthly latitude-dependent factor (given
in table)
? CH = 0.166(100-RH) 0.5,correction factor for
relative humidity RH,only used when daily
RH exceed 64%
Variable needed,t,RH,latitude
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
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ETp=α× ( Rn+G) /(1+γ/Δ)
? α:modified coefficient,1.2
? Rn,net radiation
? G,soil heat flux density
? γ,psychrometric constant
? Δ,slope vapor pressure curve
Variable needed,R(S),t
Estimation of Evaporation
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Blaney-Criddle method,
reference evaportransipiration
ETo = p (0.46 T mean +8)
? T mean:mean daily temperature (° C)
? p,mean daily percentage of annual daytime
Variable needed,R(S),t
Estimation of Evaporation
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Penman method,
ETp= (?R+?Ea)/(?+?)
? ?,the sope of the saturation vapor pressure curve
? ?, psychromeric PCp/L?; ?=Mw/Ma (mole
? R,net radiation
? Ea=f(U)(es-ea)
Variable needed,R(S),t,ea (RH),U
Estimation of Evaporation
Chapter 3
67 of 76
Penman-Monteith method,
reference potential evaportanspiration
ETp= (?(R-G)+?(900/T)Ea)/(?+?(1+0.34U2))
? ?,slope vapor pressure curve
? ?, psychromeric PCp/L?; ?=Mw/Ma (mole weight)
? R,net radiation
? G,soil heat flux density
? Ea=f(U2)(es-ea)
Variable needed,R(S),t,ea(RH),U
Estimation of Evaporation
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? Some related terms
? Measurement
? Soil available water
(5) Soil moisture
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? Soil bulk density (dry,g/cm3),?b=ms/vt
? Soil bulk density (wet,g/cm3),?t=ms +mw/vt
? Soil porosity,vt -vs /vt
? Soil moisture(%),
Volume(?v)—vw/vt(used widely)
?v = ?b ?m
Some related terms
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soil water content,
? Depth,Dw=h ?v
? Water content
available soil water,
?v –Wp
Some related terms
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? field capacity,Fc,-0.1bar/-0.3bar
? wilting point,Wp,-15bar
Some related terms
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? Some related terms
? Measurement
? Soil available water
Some related terms
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? Oven-dry method,?m,100-110oC
? Neutron-scattering,?v
? TDR (time domain reflectometry),?v
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? Water use
? Water stress
(6) Plants response to water
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Combinations of variables,
? Amount
? Temporary distributions
? Spatial distributions
3.2.4 Climate resources
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? Regionalization of climate resources
temperature sum
? Agro-ecological zone
? Plant/crop productivity
3.2.4 Climate resources