51 0 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
Often in multiple-effect evaporators the concentration of the liquid
being evaporated changes drastically from effect to effect, especially in the
latter effects. In such cases, this phenomenon can be used to advantage by
staging one or more of the latter effects. Staging is the operation of an effect
by maintaining two or more sections in which liquids at different concentra-
tions are all being evaporated at the same pressure. The liquid from one stage
is fed to the next stage. The heating medium is the same for all stages in a
single effect, usually the vapor from the previous effect. Staging can
substantially reduce the cost of an evaporator system. The cost is reduced
because the wide steps in concentrations from effect to effect permit the stages
to operate at intermediate concentrations, which result in both better heat
transfer rates and higher temperature differences.
The single largest variable cost factor in making a separation by
evaporation is the cost of energy. Ifcrude oil is the ultimate source of energy,
the cost of over $126.67 per m3 ($20 per barrel) is equivalent to more than
$3.33 for 1 million kJ. Water has a latent heat of 480 kJkg at 760 mm of
mercury, absolute, so the energy required to evaporate 1 kg of water exceeds
0.16 cents. Therefore, the efficient utilization ofenergy is the most important
consideration in evaluating which type of evaporation system should be
Energy can never be used up; the first law of thermodynamics
guarantees its conservation. When normally speaking of “energy use” what
is really meant is the lowering ofthe level at which energy is available. Energy
has a value that falls sharply with level. Accounting systems need to
recognize this fact in order to properly allocate the use of energy level.
The best way to conserve energy is not to “use” it in the first place.[22]
Of course, this is the goal of every process engineer when he evaluates a
process, but once the best system, from an energy point of view, has been
selected, the necessary energy should be used to the best advantage. The most
efficient use of heat is by the transfer of heat through a heat exchanger with
process-oriented heat utilization, or by the generation of steam at sufficient
levels to permit it to be used in the process plant directly as heat. When heat
is available only at levels too low to permit recovery in the process directly,
thermal engine cycles may be used for energy recovery. Heat pumps may also
Evaporation 51 I
be used to “pump” energy from a lower to a higher level, enabling “waste”
heat to be recovered through process utilization.
Thermal efficiencies of heat exchangers are high, 90-95%. Thermal
efficiencies of thermal engine cycles are low, 10-20%. Heat pumps permit
external energy input to be reduced by a factor of 4 to 5; however, the energy
required in a heat pump is in the work form, the most expensive energy form.
Utility consumption, of course, is one of the major factors which
determine operating cost and, hence, the cost of producing the product for
which a plant has been designed. In order to select the proper equipment for
a specific application it is important to be able to evaluate different alterna-
tives, which may result in a reduction of utility usage or enable the use of a
less costly utility. For example, the choice of an air-cooled condenser versus
a water-cooled condenser can be made only after evaluating both equipment
costs and the costs of cooling water and horsepower.
When heating with steam, a selection ofthe proper steam pressure level
must be made when designing the evaporator. No definite rules for the
selection can be established because of changing plant steam balances and
availability. However, it is generally more economical to select the lowest
available steam pressure level which offers a saturation temperature above
the process temperature required. Some evaporator types require relatively
low temperature differences. Some products may require low temperature in
order to reduce fouling or product degradation.
Maximum outlet temperatures for cooling water usually are dictated
by the chemistry ofthe cooling water. Most cooling water contains chlorides
and carbonates; consequently temperatures at the heat transfer surfaces must
not exceed certain values in order to minimize formation of deposits or scale,
which reduces heat transfer and leads to excessive corrosion. In addition,
velocity restrictions must be imposed and observed to prevent corrosion and
fouling as a result of sedimentation and poor venting. Stagnant conditions on
the water side must always be avoided. In some plants, water consumption
is dictated by thermal pollution restrictions.
Unnecessary restraints should not be imposed on the pressure drops
permitted across the water side of condensers. All too often, specified design
values for pressure drop are too low and much higher values are realized when
the unit has been installed and is operating. Not only does this result in more
expensive equipment, but frequently the water flow rate is not monitored and
cooling water consumption is excessive, increasing operating costs. Because
cooling water consumption is governed by factors other than energy conser-
vation and because cooling water velocities must be maintained above certain
values, tempered water systems can be effectively used at locations where
512 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
cooling water temperatures vary with the season of the year. At some
locations a 3OoC difference between summer and winter water temperatures
is experienced. At such locations a tempered water system may be used in
order to reduce both pumping costs and maintenance costs. A tempered water
system requires a pump to recycle part of the heated cooling water in order
to maintain a constant inlet water temperature.
Evaporative-cooled condensers in many applications give greater heat
transfer than air-cooled or water-cooled condensers. The evaporative
equipment can do this by offering a lower temperature sink. Evaporative-
cooled condensers are frequently called wet-surface air-coolers. Perhaps the
best description for this type of equipment is a combination shell-and-tube
exchanger and cooling tower built into a single package. The tube surfaces
are cooled by evaporation of water into air.
Air-cooled condensers are especially attractive at locations where
water is scarce or expensive to treat. Even when water is plentifbl, air coolers
are frequently the more economical alternative. Elimination of the problems
associated with the water side of water-cooled equipment, such as fouling,
stress-corrosion cracking, and water leaks into the process, is an important
advantage of air-cooled equipment. In many cases, carbon steel tubes can be
employed in aircooled condensers when more expensive alloy tubes would
otherwise have been necessary. The use of air-cooled heat exchangers may
eliminate the need for additional investment in plant cooling water facilities.
Maintenance costs for air-cooled equipment are about 25% of the
maintenance costs for water-cooled equipment. Power requirements for air-
coolers can vary throughout the day and the year if the amount of air pumped
is controlled. Water rates can be varied to a lesser degree because daily water
temperatures are more constant and because water velocities must be kept
high to reduce maintenance. The initial investment for an air-cooled
condenser is generally higher than that for a water-cooled unit. However,
operating costs and maintenance costs are usually considerably less. These
factors must be considered when selecting water or air as the cooling medium.
Air-cooled condensers employ axial-flow fans to force or induce a flow
of ambient air across a bank of externally finned tubes. Finned tubes are used
because air is a poor heat transfer fluid, The extended surface enables air to
be used economically. Several types of finned-tube construction are avail-
able. The most common types are extruded bimetallic finnedtubes and fluted
tension-wound finned tubes. The most common fin material is aluminum.
Air-cooled heat exchangers generally require more space than other
types. However, they can be located in areas that otherwise would not be
used (e.g., on top of pipe racks). A forced draft unit has a fan below the tube
Evaporation 513
bundle which pushes air across the finned tubes. An induced draft unit has
a fan above the tube bundle which pulls air across the finned tubes. Air-
cooled condensers are normally controlled by using controllable-pitch fans.
Good air distribution is achieved ifat least 40% ofthe face area ofthe bundle
is covered with fans. It is most economical to arrange the bundles and select
the fan diameters to minimize the number of fans. Controllable-pitch fans
permit only the air flow required for heat transfer to be pumped. An
important added advantage is the reduction of the power required for
operation when ambient air temperature is lower than that used for design.
Controllable-pitch fans can result in a 50% reduction in the annual power
consumption over fixed-blade fans.
There are many ways to waste energy in pumping systems. As energy
costs have continued to climb, it has often been found that a complete
pumping unit’s initial investment can be less than the equivalent investment
value of one electrical horsepower. Calandria circulating pumps require a
certain availableNPSH. This is usually obtained by elevating the evaporator,
often with a skirt. Quite often the designer establishes the skirt height before
he selects the calandria recirculating pump. In the interest of economy he
provides a skirt as short as possible, often without realizing that he will be
forever paying an energy penalty for a smaller initial capital savings. More
efficient pumps often require greater NPSH. Therefore, it is prudent to check
the NPSH requirements of pumping applications before establishing skirt
heights of evaporator systems.
Heat pumps or refrigeration cycles involves the use of external power
to “pump” heat from a lower temperature to a higher temperature. The
working fluid may be a refrigerant or a process fluid. Heat pumps use energy
that often would otherwise be thrown away in the form of waste heat in
effluents or stack gases. The external energy input can be reduced by a factor
of 4 to 5, depending on the temperature difference and temperature level of
the heat pump system.
There are several ways to increase the steam economy, or to get more
evaporation with less steam input, for certain types of evaporation applica-
tions. The use of multiple-effect configurations or compression evaporation
can be considered for large flow rates of relatively dilute aqueous solutions.
Both multiple-effect and compression evaporation systems require a sizable
incremental capital investment over single-effect evaporators, and these
systems are larger and more complex than the simpler one-stage evaporators.
Like the multiple-effect evaporators described above, compression evapora-
tion systems can only be justified by a reduced level of steam consumption.
514 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
In a compression evaporation, a part or all of the evaporated vapor is
compressed by a compressor to a higher pressure level and then condensed,
usually in the heating element, thus providing a large fraction of the heat
required for evaporation.[23] Energy economy obtained by multiple-effect
evaporation can sometimes be equalled in a singleeffect compression
evaporator. Compression can be achieved with mechanical compressors or
with steam jet thermo-compressors. To achieve reasonable compressor costs
and power requirements, compression evaporators must operate with fairly
low temperature differences, usually from 5" to 10°C. This results in a large
heat transfer surface, partially offsetting the potential energy economy.
When a compression evaporator of any type is designed, the designer must
provide adequate heat transfer surface and may decide to provide extra area
over that required to anticipate reduced heat transfer should fouling occur. If
there is inadequate surface to transfer heat available after compression, the
design compression ratio will be exceeded causing a thermo-compressor to
break or bacwre or a mechanical compressor to exceed the horsepower
Mechanical compression evaporation (Figs. 19 and 20) is generally
limited to a single effect. All of the vapor is compressed and condensed,
eIiminating the cooling water required for conventional or steam jet thermo-
compression evaporators; an advantage when cooling water is costly. Me-
chanical compression is ideally suited for locations where power is relatively
inexpensive and fuel is expensive. The greatest advantage of mechanical
compression is the high energy economy. Compressors may be reciprocating,
rotary positive displacement, centrifugal, or axial flow. Single stage positive
displacement compressors appear to be better suited to compression evapo-
ration because of lower cost and their characteristic fixed capacity, dependent
only on speed or discharge pressures. They are, however, limited in
developed compression ratios and material of construction. The compressor
may be driven with a diesel unit, a steam turbine, a gas turbine or an electric
motor. Selecting the compressor drive requires analysis of all factors present
at a particular location. One disadvantage of mechanical compression is that
most systems require a heat source to initiate evaporation during start-up.
Because the vapor is frequently water, which has a low molecular
weight and a high specific volume, compressors are usually quite large and
costly. Compressors require high purity of the vapor to avoid buildup on the
blades of solids that result from evaporation of liquid as the vapor is
superheated by compression. Liquids having high boilingpoint elevations are
Evaporation 51 5
not usually adaptable to compression evaporation. Mechanical compression
evaporation sometimes requires more heat than is available from the com-
pressed vapor, so the evaporation rate can be controlled by regulating the
makeup steam flow to maintain a constant liquor temperature. Usually,
mechanical compression results in slightly higher maintenance costs because
of the compressor and its drive. Mechanical compression is best suited for
atmospheric or pressure operation, for mildly corrosive vapors, for low
boiling-point elevation liquids, low temperature differences across the
calandria, and where energy economy is important.
Mokeup steam -4
Heater 2 41
Condensate II
Circulating pump -, kf
Thick liquor
Figure 19. Mechanical recompression applied to forced-circulation evaporator. (From
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering by W. L. McCabe and J. D. Smith (2nd. ed.,
1967), p. 473. OMcGraw-Hill. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company)
Evaporation 51 7
Steam jet thermo-compressors can be used with either single or
multiple-effect evaporators. As a rule-of-thumb, the addition of a thermo-
compressor will provide an improved steam economy equivalent to an
additional effect, but at a considerably lower cost. Thermo-compressors have
low efficiencies which further diminish when the jet is not operated at its
design point. Thermo-compressors in a typical operation can entrain one
pound of vapor per pound of motive steam. They are available in a wide range
of materials of construction, and can have a wide range of design and
operating conditions. They should be considered only when high pressure
motive steam is available, and when the evaporator can be operated with low
pressure steam. Motive steam pressures above 60 psig usually are required
to justig using thermo-compressors. Steam condensate from thermo-
compressors often is contaminated with trace amounts of product and may
have to be treated before being returned to the steam generator.
It is relatively easy to design an evaporator using thermo-compression
for a given set of operating conditions. However, once the thermo-compres-
sor has been designed and fabricated, its performance characteristics are
basically fixed. The design of a thermo-compression evaporation system
should include an analysis ofthe consequences of changing operating points.
The characteristics of a thermo-compressor make it difficult to predict
performances at conditions different from the design point, so accurate
prediction of evaporator performance at other than design conditions be-
comes impossible.
Because of the unpredictable performance of thermo-compressors,
control of evaporators using them is more difficult than for a conventional
system where it is necessary to set only steam and feed rates to maintain a
constant evaporation rate. One way to provide flexibility with better
operating stability is to use two or more thermo-compressors in parallel. This
permits capacity control without loss in energy economy. Thermo-compres-
sion evaporators are used for single or double-effect systems where low
operating temperatures and improved economy are desired. It costs less to
add athermo-compressor instead of an additional effect, and both have about
the same effect on energy economy. The temperature differences across the
thermocompressor should be below 15OC. This evaporator system is not as
flexible as multiple-effect systems because of the unpredictable variation of
performance characteristics for the thermo-compressor under changing
operating conditions.
518 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
From the process viewpoint, the two parameters that should be
regulated are the concentration and flow rate of the bottoms product. If the
composition of the feed stream is constant, good control of the feed rate and
the evaporation rate will give the desired concentrated product at the proper
production rate (see Fig. 1). Of course, the method of control can depend
upon the evaporator type and method of operation. When evaporation rate
is to be maintained at a constant rate, a steam flow controller is generally used.
Steam flow control usually is accomplished by throttling the steam which
results in a loss of temperature difference. Steam may, therefore, be
uncontrolled to achieve maximum capacity. Steam pressure controllers may
be used to protect the equipment or to assure substantially constant tempera-
tures in the front end of a multistage evaporation system. Constant
temperatures in the later effects of the evaporator can be controlled with a
pressure controller on the last effect.
A control system consists of three parts: a measurement; a control
algorithm; and a process actuator. The process actuator (often a control
valve) is always a direct user of energy; the measurement may take energy
from the process (as in the case of a head-type flow meter); and the control
calculation never requires a significant energy supply. However, the correct
control calculation is essential for energy-efficient operation of any process.
The well-engineered control system depends on the ability to directly
measure the parameter that is to be controlled, or to measure another
parameter from which the controlled variable can be inferred. In every case,
a measurement of the controlled variable is preferred. A survey of the
measurements in a major production unit gave the following distribution of
Type of Measurement Percent
Flow 34
Temperature and analytical 24
Pressure 22
Liquid level 20
Flow rates are the largest single group of process measurements used
for control, and flow is the only process variable for which significant energy
may be required by the measuring device. Most flows are measured by orifice
meters which are heat-type devices that extract head loss from the pumping
Evaporation 51 9
system. The amount of power required by an orifice, nozzle, or venturi tube
meter can be significant. There are many flow sensors available and
numerous considerations to be evaluated in the design of a flow metering
system. The cost of operating each meter should be evaluated and the type
selected should have the best balance between operating, maintenance, and
capital costs. Although the energy required to operate a process unit can be
reduced if the designer becomes sensitive to the hidden cost in each meter
installation, the amount of energy required to operate most process meters is
small; and the opportunities for significant reductions in energy usage by
modifications of flow meters in lines less than 10 inches in diameter is limited.
A control system requires a mechanism to change the state of the
process when a disturbance causes the control variable to move from the
desired value. This control mechanism is most often a control valve although
it can be a motor, a set of louvers, an electrical power supply, a fan on an air-
cooled condenser, etc. Control which is achieved by changing the area of the
valve body opening is a direct energy expense to the operating unit.
The control valve is a variable orifice device in which the size of the
orifice is adjusted to control a process variable. Consequently, the manufac-
turer, type, or even the size of a control valve has no effect on the energy
dissipated in the control of a selected stream once the process pressure, line
size, and pumps have been selected. This energy-independence of the control
valve assures that continuous throttling of the flow stream is required to
control a process variable. In those cases where a valve is used for shut-off
or ovemde control (not a continuous throttling device), energy savings can
be realized by selecting a valve with a minimum pressure loss in the full-open
Any control system which is properly designed to control the evapora-
tion process must maintain both an energy and material balance across the
evaporator boundaries. The control system must be able to accommodate
some fluctuation in the feed flow rate or composition within a specified range,
and still enable the evaporation system to perform the required separation
with stable operation. The control system should function to reduce heat
input with a reduction in feed rate, or change the evaporation rate as changes
in the feed composition occur.
The best control system should be used in the design of evaporator
systems. Products which are off-specification require additional time,
expense, and energy in reprocessing. A properly designed control system can
do much to reduce these wastes, and ensure that the evaporation system uses
the optimum energy during normal operation.
520 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
Product concentration can be controlled by measuring a number of
physical properties, most usually specific gravity and boiling point elevation.
Control is usually accomplished by controlling the discharge of product from
the evaporator. Feed rate and flow rates between effects are then adjusted to
maintain constant liquid levels. When this is not possible, product concen-
tration may be controlled by throttling the feed. Often there is a considerable
time lag before a change in feed rate is reflected by a change in product
concentration. Liquid level control in evaporators may be important for
product concentration, to prevent scaling, and to maintain heat transfer rates.
Level control may also reduce splashing and entrainment.
Several methods are used to control the amount of heat removed in the
condenser, including controlling the cooling medium flow rate or tempera-
ture, changing the amount of surface available for heat transfer, and
introducing inert gases into the condensing vapor.
The condensate from a condenser is subcooled. Because of the
temperature gradient across the condensate liquid film, there is no way to
avoid subcooling even when it is not desired. In some cases, the condensate
is purposely subcooled several degrees in order to reduce product losses
through the vent. For total condensers with essentially isothermal conditions,
subcooling results in apressure reduction, unless something is donetoprevent
it. This happens because the subcooled liquid has a vapor pressure lower than
the operating pressure. The system pressure for a subcooled condensate will
be the vapor pressure of a condensate when no inert gases are present.
Permitting the system pressure to vary as the degree of subcooling changes
is not usually desirable. A constant pressure vent system is normally provided
to prevent this pressure kind of variation. Inert gases are introduced or
removed as required to ensure that the system pressure drop is reflected only
by the friction drop and not by changes in vapor pressure. The inert gases
should be introduced downstream of the condenser; introducing inerts
upstream of the condenser will reduce the heat transfer rate requiring more
heat transfer surface. This approach, however, is sometimes used to control
the condenser. When the condenser and condensate tank are closely
connected, the condensate tank must be properly sized in order to permit the
condensate liquid level to be controlled somewhere in the condensate tank. If
the condensate tank is too small, liquid level control can be achieved only by
flooding part of the condenser, especially when the condensate is pumped
from the tank. Liquid level must be maintained in the condensate tank and not
in the condenser.
Control of natural circulation calandrias presents some problems not
found in other heating elements. When heating with condensing vapors,
Evaporation 521
changes in condensing pressure affect four variables: heat transfer coeffi-
cients, temperature difference, liquid composition, and circulation rate. The
same four variables are affected when throttling the flow of a liquid heating
medium. The whole mode of operation is changed when one variable is
altered, and it is not always possible to predict from experience which
direction the change will take. The liquid level on the shell side of kettle-type
re-boilers should be sufficient to ensure that all the tubes are covered with the
boiling fluid. Controlling by varying process liquid levels may result in
fouling ofthe heat transfer surface as part ofthat surface is deprived of liquid.
In addition, the temperature difference may be affected as the hydrostatic
head (which affects boiling temperature) is reduced.
The temperature gradient across the liquid film in falling-film evapo-
rators must be kept relatively low, usually less than 15°C. Excessive
temperature difference between the process and utility fluids may result in
boiling of the fluid on the heat transfer surface with resulting fouling. Film
boiling can also occur with subsequent reduction in the rate of heat transfer.
Inert gases are sometimes injected into a falling-film evaporator in order to
reduce the partial pressure required to vaporize the volatile component. This
technique will often eliminate the need for vacuum operation. Enough inert
gas must be injected to achieve the desired results, but too much can produce
flooding and entrainment, resulting in poor control.
Steam-heated calandrias with process boiling temperature less than
100°C can present control problems, especially at reduced rates and during
start-up. In most such cases, low-pressure steam is used for heating. Control
is usually achieved by throttling the entering steam in order to reduce the
pressure at which it is condensed. At reduced rates this often results in steam
pressures less than atmospheric or less than the steam condensate return
system pressure. The steam is usually removed through steam traps which
require a positive pressure differential to finction. In order for the trap to
hnction, steam condensate floods part of the steam chamber until the steam
pressure is sufficient to operate the trap. This leads to poor control and all
the problems associated with condensate flooding.
Calandrias heated with sensible heat from a hot liquid are normally
controlled by throttling the liquid flow. Usually, good control may be
achieved by controlling the temperature of the heating medium. The best
utilization of the available heat transfer surface is achieved by maximizing
the temperature difference in the calandria, and this is accomplished by
designing for high pumping rates for the heat transfer medium and the
process fluid in order to achieve nearly isothermal conditions on both sides
of the heating surface.
522 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
Energy economy and evaporative capacity are the major measures of
evaporator performance. When evaporating water with steam, the economy
is nearly always less than 1 .O for singleeffect evaporators, but in multiple-
effect evaporators it is considerably greater. Other performance variables to
be considered include: product quality, product losses, and decrease in
performance as scaling, salting, or fouling occurs.
Designers of evaporation systems strive to achieve high heat transfer
rates. This can be justified by a costhenefit analysis. High rates of heat
transfer in theory must often be proved in practice. Evaporators designed for
high rates of heat transfer are generally more affected by traces of scale or
non-condensable gases.
Product loss requirements may be an important factor in the evaporator
design. Provisions to reduce product losses have far less effect on the cost of
an evaporator system than does the amount of heat transfer surface. Product
losses in evaporator vapor occur as a result of entrainment, splashing, or
foaming. Foaming properties of the liquid may at times dictate the selection
of evaporator type.
Losses from entrainment result from the presence of droplets in the
vapor that cannot separate because of the high vapor velocity. Entrainment
is thought to be due mainly to the collapse of the liquid film around vapor
bubbles. This collapse projects small droplets of liquid into the vapor. The
amount of entrainment is a function ofthe size distribution ofthe droplets and
the vapor velocity. Bubbles leaving the surface cause droplets of different
sizes to be propelled upward. The smaller droplets are caught in the fast
moving vapor and are carried upward as entrainment, while the larger ones
fall to the surface. The largest size (or mass) drop camed up is dependent on
the gas velocity and density, and on other physical properties. At very high
gas velocities, large drops produced at the surface are shattered into smaller
droplets and all the generated entrainment is carried overhead, flooding the
device. This breakup phenomenon occurs when the inertial forces, which
cause a pressure or force imbalance, exceed the surface tension forces, which
tend to restore a drop of its natural spherical shape. The gas velocity at which
this flow crisis develops is the flooding velocity and is given by the following
(PL -P&
'Gf E 0'7[ ]
Evaporation 523
Equipment containing both gases and liquids in which the gas flows vertically
upward will be flooded at velocities exceeding that predicted from the above
equation. In practice, most equipment is designed to operate well below the
flooding limit. Factors such as disengaging height, convergence effects, and
nonuniform gas velocities prevent operation at velocities exceeding roughly
half the flooding velocity.
The amount of entrainment from an upward flowing gas can be
estimated and is a function of gas velocity, gas and liquid densities, and
surface tension. Entrainment can be separated from a gas stream with a
variety of mechanisms, including gravity, inertial impaction, interception,
centrifugal force, and Brownian motion. Separators can be classified
according to mechanism, but it is more useful to categorize them by
construction type. Separators in common use include: flash tanks, vane
impingement separators, wire mesh separators, Karbate strut separators,
centrifugal separators, cyclones, and special separator designs,
Flash tanks are generally used when the liquid entrainment exceeds
20% ofthe gas flow on a weight basis. Flash tanks may be either vertical or
horizontal. Proper sizing of a flash tank should result in a residual
entrainment under 3% of the gas rate. Vane impingement, wire mesh,
centrifugal, and Karbate strut separators are commercial proprietary design
and all compete for similar applications. Performance and cost, however, can
vary widely from one type to another. The designer should understand the
advantages and disadvantages of each type and the level of separation that
each type can achieve.
Except for flash tanks and some special separators, the efficiency of all
these separators tends to increase with increasing velocity up to a maximum
allowable limit. In this region the efficiency seems to depend primarily on gas
velocity and particle size, and to be somewhat insensitive to gas and liquid
physical properties. Except for the cyclone and some special separators,
there is a predictable maximum allowable velocity. The following equation
is commonly used:
where v, is the maximum gas velocity and F is an experimentally derived
constant. Both equations indicate that the term @G)-” is of primary
importance in separator sizing.
524 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
The world value for end products using biological manufacturing
methods was approximately $250 billion in 1980.[251 This total value can be
broken down as follows:
$ Billion $ Billion
Food 218.4
Baked goods requiring yeasts 41.4
Butter and cheese 79.2
Alcoholic beverages 90.6
Others 7.2
Others 15.0
Fuel ethanol, amino acids, enzymes 3.2
Miscellaneous 11.8
Total 248.6 248.6
Many of these food and pharmaceutical products are heat sensitive;
that is, the finished product may be damaged or destroyed if it is exposed to
too great a temperature over an extended period of time. Even common
products like tomato catsup and penicillin “spoil” or lose their efficacy when
exposed to ambient temperatures for long periods of time. The chemical
reactions that limit shelf life are strongly temperature dependent. Some
biological products may be handled at elevated temperatures in dilute
solutions, but may degrade at the same temperature once the concentration
exceeds a certain threshold value.
Thus, it is not uncommon for heat sensitive products to be concentrated
in two different evaporator types in series-in natural or forced circulation
evaporators to perform the bulk of the solvent removal and in a low mean
residence time evaporator to finish the concentration step. Because of the
recycle and back mixing effects of anatural or forced circulation evaporator,
the mean residence time ofthe average molecule can be several hours. Some
evaporators operate without recycle; these are called once-through or single
Evaporation 525
pass evaporators, and have mean residence times measured in minutes or
even seconds.
Figure 2 1 represents the “heat history” or the temperature-time rela-
tionship as seen by the product, which is to say an average fluid element in
the product. After the product reaches the final concentration within the
allotted time, it cools to an ambient or final temperature. Because the loss in
product quality (degradation, oxidation, polymerization, etc.) is generally
due to one or more chemical reactions, this deterioration phenomenon is a rate
problem which is determined by chemical reaction kinetics. It is, therefore,
possible to evaporate a heat sensitive product at a higher temperature in a
short residence time evaporator rather than in a recirculating or other long
residence time unit. This could have important positive consequences,
including increased energy efficiency and smaller evaporator size. Note that
it may make sense to install a low residence time product cooler for the
concentrate from a low residence time evaporator, since the product could
still be damaged by long residence time cooling.
Figure 21. Heat history of long (left) and short (right) residence time evaporators. (Luwu
Corporation. )
An average residence time expressed as holding volume divided by
discharge rate was frequently used in the past for both single-pass and
recirculation evaporators. However, statistical analysis of several types of
evaporators has revealed that the actual time of replacement of 97% of the
526 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
feed in a recirculating evaporator is about 3.2 times the average residence
time as defined above. It takes longer to replace a larger percentage of feed.
The actual residence time achieved in any evaporator can be calculated
from the equation below:
where x = fraction of feed removed
0 = time, minutes
r = ratio of holding volume to discharge rate, l/min
Nearly every supplier of evaporation equipment and systems maintains a pilot
plant facility where, for a fee, different evaporation schemes can be set up.
Data obtained from several days of testing on small laboratory or pilot plant
units can be good predictors of evaporator performance, and these data are
very helpful in the scaling-up calculations for production-sized installations.
Samplers obtained from the test work can be used to check the mass balances,
concentrations, and product quality. Serious operational problems like
foaming, plugging, and fouling can occur in even short pilot plant tests and
can point to the need for alternative evaporator types or modified designs.
Many details must be considered when installing heat transfer equip-
ment. Some of these may seem of minor importance but it is precisely these
small details that often lead to poor performance, operational difficulties, and
increased maintenance.
Vent and drain connections are normally provided, and they should be
permanently installed. In some cases, intermittent venting ofnon-condensables
may be acceptable. For vertical exchangers with cooling water on the shell
side, it is essential to provide means for venting gases that are released as the
water is heated. If these gases are not continuously removed, they collect in
pockets; the shell side heat transfer is reduced; and corrosive attack may occur
in the gaseous region. In vertical units, the gases tend to collect just beneath
the top tubesheet and the tubes in this area corrode rapidly when not
surrounded by liquid. Corrosion and stress cracking may occur in this area
and solids may also buildup on the tubes. Vent connections should be located
at positions which enable these gases to be vented and to insure that the
tubesheet is swept with water.
Evaporation 52 7
Vertical steam-heated exchangers must also be vented to remove
carbon dioxide and other gases which can accumulate under the top tubesheet.
Corrosion of the shell, tubes, and tubesheet, especially in the area just
opposite the steam inlet nozzle, may result ifadequate venting is not provided.
Sometimes a continuous steam purge or intermittent venting is recommended.
The cooling water side of condensers should operate under a positive
pressure whenever possible. Frequently, water-cooled units are mounted
high in a structure and the available pressure is barely adequate to deliver
water to the user. OAen a vacuum exists and boiling of the water may occur.
This causes corrosion and hydraulic problems, both in the exchanger and the
outlet water piping. Any control valve should be placed in the outlet piping
so that the maximum available pressure is realized at the exchanger. No
design should be finalized without considering what the pressure at the outlet
of the exchanger will be when operating, and the consequence of a siphon
effect in the cooling water line.
Generally, U-bend exchangers should not be installed in a vertical
position. Vertical U-bends are difficult to vent or drain on the tube side
because connections cannot be provided at the U-bend end. Multi-pass
exchangers are relatively high and provisions are made to ensure that the
tubes operate completely flooded.
Sufficient space should be allowed in the equipment layout to remove
the tube bundle from the removable bundle units. Consideration should be
given to units expected to require periodic maintenance or cleaning. Early
recognition should be given to space requirements of air-cooled exchangers.
Equipment layouts should be made recognizing that longertube lengths result
in more economical heat exchangers. Care should be exercised to avoid
forcing the equipment to fit the layout, rather than providing a layout to match
the equipment.
The manner in which a heat exchanger is piped up can influence its
performance. Horizontal units should have inlet and outlet nozzles on the top
and bottom of the shell or channel. Nozzles should not be on the horizontal
centerline of the unit. In general, fluids should enter the bottom of the
exchanger and exit at the top, except when condensation occurs. Units are
almost always designed to be counterflow and the piping must reflect this.
When cocurrent flow has been specified, it is equally important that it be piped
to suit.
Ifthe equipment will be used in corrosive service and ifthe components
will have a short life expectancy, the design engineer should select units that
are easy to repair. Removable bundle units may be required. In addition, the
plant equipment layout should be arranged to facilitate removal and repair.
528 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
Maintenance costs and production losses can often be reduced by specifying
equipment with standard components or designing equipment to be inter-
changeable among several different services. By anticipating potential
maintenance problems, the designer can avoid high maintenance or cleaning
expenses and costly shutdowns. To anticipate maintenance problems, the
designer needs to be familiar with the plant location, process flow-sheet, and
anticipated plant operation. The designer will need to know, for example,
whether the equipment will have to be periodically cleaned and if chemical or
mechanical cleaning methods can be used.
Occasionally, it becomes necessary to investigate the performance of
an evaporator in order to evaluate its performance at other operating
conditions or to determine why the system is not performing as expected.
Fortunately, most conditions that result in an evaporator not meeting
expected performance are easily corrected. Troubleshooting, therefore, often
means checking for small details which have agreat effect on the performance
of the evaporator system. Of course, it is possible that a type of evaporator
has been misapplied, the heat transfer surface that has been provided is not
adequate for the intended service, or fouling is occurring.
Discrepancies in performance may be caused by deviations in physical
properties of fluids, flow rates, inlet temperatures, mechanical construction
of the equipment, or by problems caused during the installation of the
equipment. The troubleshooter should first check to see that compositions,
flows, temperatures, and physical properties agree with those specified for
design. He should then examine the equipment drawings to determine if the
problem could lie in the manner in which the equipment was constructed, or
in the manner in which the equipment has been installed. After these basic
items have been reviewed, the checklist below outlines some questions that
should be raised.
1. Has the steam side been vented to remove air or other
entrapped gases?
2. Has the steam control valve been adequately sized? What
is the actual steam pressure in the steam chamber?
3. Has the steam trap been properly selected and sized?
Evaporation 529
4. Are the control valve and steam trap hnctioning cor-
5. Is steam condensate flooding part of the surface? What is
the temperature of the steam condensate? Is the conden-
sate nozzle large enough? Is steam trap piping adequately
6. Is the process liquid level maintained at the proper place?
Are liquid level instruments calibrated? Are instrument
leads plugged?
7. Is the liquid holdup adequate to prevent surging?
8. Are process compositions and temperatures equal tothose
used for design? Does the process material contain
enough volatiles to provide adequate boiling?
9. What is the temperature of the top head for natural
circulation calandrias? A temperature higher than the
liquid temperature may indicate inadequate circulation
for some reason?
10. Is the available steam pressure equal to that used for
1 1. Are process nozzles adequate?
12. Is the process side adequately blown down or purged?
13. Were debris and other foreign objects removed from the
equipment and piping prior to start-up? How often is the
unit cleaned? What is the appearance of the equipment
before cleaning? Is the cleaning adequate?
14. If apump is provided, do the pump and the system match?
Is the pump cavitating?
15. Has enough back pressure been provided to prevent
boiling of the process fluid when the evaporator operation
requires this (submerged tube type)?
16. Is entrainment occurring? Are entrainment separators
properly sized and installed? Are they plugged?
17. Is dilution important?
18. Are flows adequate to maintain flow regimes used in
design? Is the pressure drop out of line?
530 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
19. For falling film units, is the unit plumb? Is there equal
liquid distribution to eachtube? Is the inlet channel vented
to remove any flashed vapors? Are flows adequate to
ensure that a film is formed? Is the outlet flow rate
sufficient to prevent the film from breaking?
1. Has a constant pressure vent system been provided? Has
it been properly installed? Inerts should be injected
downstream of the condenser, not upstream?
2. Is the vent system adequate?
3. Are condensate connections properly sized? Is liquid
being entrained into the condenser? If horizontal, are the
tubes level (or sloped toward the outlet)?
4. Is all piping adequate?
5. Is the water side operating under a vacuum?
6. Are the temperatures and composition equal to those used
7. Is the water flow adequate? Properly vented?
8. Were debris or other foreign objects removed from the
equipment and piping prior to start-up?
9. If aircooled, is the inlet piping adequate to effect good
distribution? Are fan blades properly pitched? Are
motors delivering rated power? Are fan belts slipping? Is
there noticeable recirculation of hot exhaust air?
Performance testing is an experimental procedure to help understand
the performance of an evaporation system. Tests can be performed to identi@
and characterize unsatisfactory performance, and often indicate methods to
improve operation. Performance tests may also be required to establish that
a new evaporator system has met performance guaranteed by the supplier.
Tests may be used to determine evaporator capacity under different operating
conditions or to obtain data for designing a new evaporator system. The
American Institute of Chemical Engineers has published a procedure entitled
Testing Procedure for Evaporators. This procedure covers methods for
conducting performance tests and discusses several factors influencing
performance and accuracy of test results.
for design?
Evaporation 531
Tests are conducted to determine capacity, heat transfer rates, steam
economy, product losses, and cleaning cycles. Practically all the criteria of
evaporator performance are obtained from differences between test measure-
ments. Errors can result when measuring flow rates, temperatures and
pressures, concentrations, and steam quality. Factors which can have a great
effect on performance include dilution, vent losses, heat losses, and physical
properties of fluids.
Frequent causes for poor performance of an evaporator system include
the following:
Low Steam Economy:
Steam economy with a fixed feed arrangement can be calculated from
heat and material balances. Steam economies lower than those calculated
during the design ofthe unit may be the result of one or more of the following:
1. Leakage of pump gland seal water
2. Excessive rinsing
3. Excessive venting
4. Flooded barometric condensers
5. Dilution from condensate leakage
1. Salted, scaled, or fouled surfaces
2. Inadequate venting
3. Condensate flooding
4. Inadequate circulation
Excessive Entrainment:
1. Air leakage
2. Excessive flashing
3. Sudden pressure changes
4. Inadequate liquid levels
5. Inadequate pressure levels
6. Operation at increased capacity
Short Time Between Cleaning Cycles:
frequency of cleaning. Short cycles may be caused by:
Low Rates of Heat Transfer:
Downtime required for cleaning may not agree with the expected
532 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
1. Sudden changes in operating conditions (such as pressure
or liquid level)
2. Low vehicles.
3. Introduction of hard water or other contaminants during
4. High temperature differences
5. Improper cleaning procedures
cleaning, rinsing, or from seal leaks
Perry, R. H., Chilton, C. H., andKirkpatrick, S. D., (eds.), Chemical
Engineers' Handbook, Fourth Ed., pp. 1-24, McGraw-Hill, New York
Minton, P. E., Course Director Lecture Outline and Notes from Evapora-
tion Technology, p. B-2, The Center for Professional Advancement, East
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Standards of Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer 'sAssociation, Fifth Ed.,
p. 9, New York (1968)
McCabe, L. and Smith, J. C., Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
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Kern, D. Q., Process Heat Transfer, pp. 6-7, McGraw-Hill, New York
Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E., and Lightfoot, E. N., Transport Phenomena,
p. 284, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1960)
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Gilmour, C. H., A Resume ofExpressions for Heat Transfer CoefJicients,
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Fifth Ed., pp. 11-3 1, McGraw-Hill, New York (1973)
Perry, R. H., and Chilton, C. H., ibid., pp. 11-27
Minton, P. E., op. cit., p. B-48
Minton, P. E., ibid., p. B-60
Evaporation 533
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sional Advancement, East Brunswick, New Jersey (May 2-24, 1978)
Frees, H. L., and Glover. W. B., Mechanically Agitated Thin-Film
Evaporators, Chem. Eng. Progr., pp. 56-58 (Jan. 1979)
Fischer, R., Agitated Thin-Film Evaporators: Part 3-Process Applica-
tions, Chem Eng., p. 186 (Sept. 13, 1965)
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Minton, P. E., ibid., p. B-91
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Engineers, New York (1 96 1)
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534 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook
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Solomons, G. L., Materials and Methods of Fermentation, Academic
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I and 11, Chemical Publishing Company, New York (1954)
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