Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Practical Software Development using UML and Java
Chapter 5,
Modelling with Classes
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 2
5.1 What is UML?
The Unified Modelling Language is a standard graphical language
for modelling object oriented software
? At the end of the 1980s and the beginning of 1990s,the first object-
oriented development processes appeared
? The proliferation of methods and notations tended to cause
considerable confusion
? Two important methodologists Rumbaugh and Booch decided to
merge their approaches in 1994.
— They worked together at the Rational Software Corporation
? In 1995,another methodologist,Jacobson,joined the team
— His work focused on use cases
? In 1997 the Object Management Group (OMG) started the process
of UML standardization
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 3
UML diagrams
? Class diagrams
— describe classes and their relationships
? Interaction diagrams
— show the behaviour of systems in terms of how
objects interact with each other
? State diagrams and activity diagrams
— show how systems behave internally
? Component and deployment diagrams
— show how the various components of systems are
arranged logically and physically
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 4
UML features
? It has detailed semantics
? It has extension mechanisms
? It has an associated textual language
— Object Constraint Language (OCL)
The objective of UML is to assist in software
— It is not a methodology
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 5
What constitutes a good model?
A model should
? use a standard notation
? be understandable by clients and users
? lead software engineers to have insights about the
? provide abstraction
Models are used:
? to help create designs
? to permit analysis and review of those designs,
? as the core documentation describing the system,
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 6
5.2 Essentials of UML Class Diagrams
The main symbols shown on class diagrams are:
? Classes
- represent the types of data themselves
? Associations
- represent linkages between instances of classes
? Attributes
- are simple data found in classes and their instances
? Operations
- represent the functions performed by the classes and their
? Generalizations
- group classes into inheritance hierarchies
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 7
A class is simply represented as a box with the name of
the class inside
? The diagram may also show the attributes and operations
? The complete signature of an operation is,
operationName(parameterName,parameterType …),returnType
R e c t a n g l e
he ig ht, i nt
w i dt h,i nt
ge t Area ( ),i nt
res iz e(in t,in t )
R e c t a n g l e
he ig ht
w i dt h
ge t Area
res iz e
R e c t a n g l e
he ig ht
w i dt h
R e c t a n g l e
ge t Area
res iz e
R e c t a n g l e
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 8
5.3 Associations and Multiplicity
An association is used to show how two classes are
related to each other
? Symbols indicating multiplicity are shown at each end of
the association
0,3., 8 *
E m p l o y e e
* *1., *
*0., 1
S e c r e t a r y
O f f i c e
P e r s o n
C o m p a n y
E m p l o y e e C o m p a n y
M a n a g e r
B o a r d O f D i r e c t o r s
B o a r d O f D i r e c t o r s
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 9
Labelling associations
? Each association can be labelled,to make explicit the
nature of the association
su p e r v is o r
*1., *
w o r k sF o r
a l l o c a t e d T o
0., 1
b o a r d M e m b e r
0,3., 8 *
E m p l o y e e
S e c r e t a r y
O f f i c e
P e r s o n
C o m p a n y
E m p l o y e e C o m p a n y
M a n a g e r
B o a r d O f D i r e c t o r s
B o a r d O f D i r e c t o r s
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 10
Analyzing and validating associations
? One-to-one
— For each company,there is exactly one board of
— A board is the board of only one company
— A company must always have a board
— A board must always be of some company
C o m p a n y B o a rd O f D i re c t o rs
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 11
Analyzing and validating associations
? Many-to-many
— A secretary can work for many managers
— A manager can have many secretaries
— Secretaries can work in pools
— Managers can have a group of secretaries
— Some managers might have zero secretaries,
— Is it possible for a secretary to have,perhaps
temporarily,zero managers?
s u p e r v is o r
*1,, *S e c re t a r y M a n a g e r
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 12
Analyzing and validating associations
? One-to-one
— For each company,there is exactly one board of
— A board is the board of only one company
— A company must always have a board
— A board must always be of some company
C o m p a n y B o a rd O f D i re c t o rs
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 13
Analyzing and validating associations
Avoid unnecessary one-to-one associations
Avoid this do this
P e r s o n
n a m e
a d d r e s s
e m a i l
b i r t h d a t e
P e r s o n
n a m e
P e r s o n I n f o
a d d r e s s
e m a i l
b i r t h d a t e
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 14
A more complex example
? A booking is always for exactly one passenger
— no booking with zero passengers
— a booking could never involve more than one
? A Passenger can have any number of Bookings
— a passenger could have no bookings at all
— a passenger could have more than one booking
**P a s s e n g e r S p e c i f i c F l i g h tB o o k i n g
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 15
Association classes
? Sometimes,an attribute that concerns two associated
classes cannot be placed in either of the classes
? The following are equivalent
Student CourseSection* *
Student CourseSection* *
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 16
Reflexive associations
? It is possible for an association to connect a class to
Course * isMutuallyExclusiveWith
successor *
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 17
Directionality in associations
? Associations are by default bi-directional
? It is possible to limit the direction of an association by
adding an arrow at one end
* NoteDay
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 18
5.4 Generalization
Specializing a superclass into two or more subclasses
? The discriminator is a label that describes the criteria
used in the specialization
A n i m a l A n i m a l
h a b i t a t t y p e O f F o o d
H e r b i v o r eC a r n i v o r eL a n d A n i m a lA q u a t i c A n i m a l
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 19
Avoiding unnecessary generalizations
R o c k R e c o r d i n gB l u e s R e c o r d i n gC l a s s i c a lR e c o r d i n gJ a zzR e c o r d in gM u s i c V i d e o
V i d e o R e c o d i n g A u d i o R e c o r d i n g
R e c o r d in g
rockbluesclassicaljazzmusic video
video audio
Recording * hasCategory
subcategory subcategorysubcategorysubcategorysubcategory
9th Symphony
Let it be
The BeatlesBeethoven
Inappropriate hierarchy of
classes,which should be
Improved class diagram,
with its corresponding
instance diagram
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 20
Handling multiple discriminators
A n i m a l
h a b i t a t
L a n d A n i m a lA q u a t i c A n im a l
A q u a t i c C a r n i v o r e A q u a t i c H e r b i v o r e L a n d C a r n i v o r e L a n d H e r b i v o r e
t y p e O f F o o d t y p e O f F o o d
? Creating higher-level generalization
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 21
? Using multiple inheritance
? Using the Player-Role pattern (in Chapter 6)
Handling multiple discriminators
habitat typeOfFood
AquaticCarnivore AquaticHerbivore LandCarnivore LandHerbivore
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 22
Avoiding having instances change class
S t u d e n t
a t t e n d a n ce
P a r t T im e S t u d e n tF u ll T i m e S t u d e n t
? An instance should never need to change class
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 23
5.5 Instance Diagrams
? A link is an instance of an association
— In the same way that we say an object is an instance
of a class
OOCorp:Company OOCorp's Board:
UML inc's BoardUML inc:Company
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 24
Associations versus generalizations in
instance diagrams
? Associations describe the relationships that will exist
between instances at run time,
— When you show an instance diagram generated from
a class diagram,there will be an instance of both
classes joined by an association
? Generalizations describe relationships between classes
in class diagrams,
— They do not appear in instance diagrams at all,
— An instance of any class should also be considered
to be an instance of each of that class’s superclasses
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 25
5.6 More Advanced Features,Aggregation
? Aggregations are special associations that represent
‘part-whole’ relationships,
— The ‘whole’ side is often called the assembly or the
— This symbol is a shorthand notation association
named isPartOf
* Region
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 26
When to use an aggregation
As a general rule,you can mark an association as an
aggregation if the following are true:
? You can state that
— the parts ‘are part of’ the aggregate
— or the aggregate ‘is composed of’ the parts
? When something owns or controls the aggregate,then they
also own or control the parts
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 27
? A composition is a strong kind of aggregation
— if the aggregate is destroyed,then the parts are
destroyed as well
? Two alternatives for addresses
* RoomBuilding
E m p l o y e eE m p l o y e e
ad dres s, A ddres s
A d d r e s s
s t ree t
m un ic ip al it y
regi on
c o unt ry
po s t al C od e
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 28
Aggregation hierarchy
* *
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 29
? A mechanism where an operation in an aggregate is
implemented by having the aggregate perform that
operation on its parts
? At the same time,properties of the parts are often
propagated back to the aggregate
? Propagation is to aggregation as inheritance is to
— The major difference is:
- inheritance is an implicit mechanism
- propagation has to be programmed when required
* L i n e S e g m e n tP o l y g o n
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 30
An interface describes a portion of the visible behaviour
of a set of objects.
? An interface is similar to a class,except it lacks instance
variables and implemented methods
Person Machine
Cashier Cashier
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 31
Notes and descriptive text
? Descriptive text and other diagrams
— Embed your diagrams in a larger document
— Text can explain aspects of the system using any
notation you like
— Highlight and expand on important features,and
give rationale
? Notes,
— A note is a small block of text embedded in a UML
— It acts like a comment in a programming language
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 32
Object Constraint Language (OCL)
OCL is a specification language designed to formally
specify constraints in software modules
? An OCL expression simply specifies a logical fact (a
constraint) about the system that must remain true
? A constraint cannot have any side-effects
— it cannot compute a non-Boolean result nor modify
any data.
? OCL statements in class diagrams can specify what the
values of attributes and associations must be
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 33
OCL statements
OCL statements can be built from:
? References to role names,association names,attributes
and the results of operations
? The logical values true and false
? Logical operators such as and,or,=,>,< or <> (not
? String values such as,‘a string’
? Integers and real numbers
? Arithmetic operations *,/,+,-
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 34
An example,constraints on Polygons
edge LineSegment
Path Line Polygon
{startPoint <> endPoint}
{edge->forAll(e1,e2 |
e1.length = e2.length)}
{edge->forAll(e1,e2 |
e1 <> e2
implies e1.startPoint <> e2.startpoint
and e1.endPoint <> e2.endpoint)}
length, int
{length =
{edge->first.startPoint =
a LinearShape is any shape
that can be constructed of line
segments (in contrast with
shapes that contain curves).
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 35
5.7 Detailed Example,A Class Diagram for
? Problems
— A person must have two parents
— Marriages not properly accounted for
ch i ld
P e r s o n
na m e
pl ac eOf Bi r t h
da t e Of B irt h
pl ac eOf D ea t h
da t e Of D eat h
pl ac eOf M arr i ag e
da t e Of M a r rai ge
da t e Of D iv orc e
p a r e n t
0., 1
0., 1 w i f e
h u sb a n d
{ h u sb a n d, s e x
= # m a l e }
{ w i f e, s e x
= # f e m a l e }
{ p a r e n t - > f o r A ll ( p 1,p 2,
p 1 < > p 2
i m p li e s p 1, s e x < > p 2, se x) }
s ex
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 36
Genealogy example,Possible solutions
partner 0..2
child* malePartner0..1child
femalePartner 0..1
Woman Man
{partner->forAll(p1,p2 |
p1 <> p2
implies p1.sex <> p2.sex)}
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 37
5.8 The Process of Developing Class
You can create UML models at different stages and with
different purposes and levels of details
? Exploratory domain model:
— Developed in domain analysis to learn about the
? System domain model:
— Models aspects of the domain represented by the
? System model:
— Includes also classes used to build the user interface
and system architecture
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 38
domain model
Yes No No
System domain
Yes Yes No
System model Yes Yes Yes
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 39
System domain model vs System model
? The system domain model omits many classes that are
needed to build a complete system
— Can contain less than half the classes of the system.
— Should be developed to be used independently of
particular sets of
- user interface classes
- architectural classes
? The complete system model includes
— The system domain model
— User interface classes
— Architectural classes
— Utility classes
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 40
Suggested sequence of activities
? Identify a first set of candidate classes
? Add associations and attributes
? Find generalizations
? List the main responsibilities of each class
? Decide on specific operations
? Iterate over the entire process until the model is
— Add or delete classes,associations,attributes,
generalizations,responsibilities or operations
— Identify interfaces
— Apply design patterns (Chapter 6)
Don’t be too disorganized,Don’t be too rigid either.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 41
Identifying classes
? When developing a domain model you tend to discover
? When you work on the user interface or the system
architecture,you tend to invent classes
— Needed to solve a particular design problem
— (Inventing may also occur when creating a domain
? Reuse should always be a concern
— Frameworks
— System extensions
— Similar systems
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 42
A simple technique for discovering domain
? Look at a source material such as a description of
? Extract the nouns and noun phrases
? Eliminate nouns that:
— are redundant
— represent instances
— are vague or highly general
— not needed in the application
? Pay attention to classes in a domain model that represent
types of users or other actors
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 43
Identifying associations and attributes
? Start with classes you think are most central and
? Decide on the clear and obvious data it must contain and
its relationships to other classes.
? Work outwards towards the classes that are less
? Avoid adding many associations and attributes to a class
— A system is simpler if it manipulates less
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 44
Tips about identifying and specifying valid
? An association should exist if a class
- possesses
- controls
- isconnected to
- isrelated to
- isa part of
- has as parts
- isa member of,or
- has as members
some other class in your model
? Specify the multiplicity at both ends
? Label it clearly.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 45
Actions versus associations
? A common mistake is to represent actions as if they
were associations
borrow Loan
Bad,due to the use of associations
that are actions
Better,The borrow operation creates a Loan,and
the return operation sets the returnedDate
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 46
Identifying attributes
? Look for information that must be maintained about each
? Several nouns rejected as classes,may now become
? An attribute should generally contain a simple value
— E.g,string,number
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 47
Tips about identifying and specifying valid
? It is not good to have many duplicate attributes
? If a subset of a class’s attributes form a coherent group,
then create a distinct class containing these attributes
P e r s o n
n a m e
a d d re s s e s
a d d r e s se s
P e r s o n
n a m e
s t re e t 1
m u n ic ip a l it y 1
p ro v O r S t a t e 1
c o u n t ry 1
p o s t a l C o d e 1
s t re e t 2
m u n ic ip a l it y 2
p ro v O r S t a t e 2
c o u n t ry 2
p o s t a l C o d e 2
P e r s o n
n a m e
A d d r e s s
s t re e t
m u n ic ip a l it y
p ro v O r S t a t e
c o u n t ry
p o s t a l c o d e
t y p e
B a d d u e t o
a p l u ra l
a t t r i b u t e
B a d d u e t o t o o m a n y
a t t r i b u t e s,a n d i n a b i l i t y
t o a d d m o r e a d d r e s s e s
G o o d s o l u t i o n, T h e
t y p e i n d i c a t e s w h e t h e r
i t i s a h o m e a d d re s s,
b u s i n e s s a d d re s s e t c,
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 48
An example (attributes and associations)
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 49
Identifying generalizations and interfaces
? There are two ways to identify generalizations:
— bottom-up
- Group together similar classes creating a new superclass
— top-down
- Look for more general classes first,specialize them if
? Create an interface,instead of a superclass if
— The classes are very dissimilar except for having a
few operations in common
— One or more of the classes already have their own
— Different implementations of the same class might
be available
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 50
An example (generalization)
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 51
Allocating responsibilities to classes
A responsibility is something that the system is required to do.
? Each functional requirement must be attributed to one of the classes
— All the responsibilities of a given class should be clearly
— If a class has too many responsibilities,consider splitting it into
distinct classes
— If a class has no responsibilities attached to it,then it is
probably useless
— When a responsibility cannot be attributed to any of the existing
classes,then a new class should be created
? To determine responsibilities
— Perform use case analysis
— Look for verbs and nouns describing actions in the system
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 52
Categories of responsibilities
? Setting and getting the values of attributes
? Creating and initializing new instances
? Loading to and saving from persistent storage
? Destroying instances
? Adding and deleting links of associations
? Copying,converting,transforming,transmitting or
? Computing numerical results
? Navigating and searching
? Other specialized work
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 53
An example (responsibilities)
— Creating a new
regular flight
— Searching for a
— Modifying
attributes of a
— Creating a
specific flight
— Booking a
— Canceling a
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 54
Prototyping a class diagram on paper
? As you identify classes,you write their names on small
? As you identify attributes and responsibilities,you list
them on the cards
— If you cannot fit all the responsibilities on one card:
- this suggests you should split the class into two related
? Move the cards around on a whiteboard to arrange them
into a class diagram.
? Draw lines among the cards to represent associations and
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 55
Identifying operations
Operations are needed to realize the responsibilities of
each class
? There may be several operations per responsibility
? The main operations that implement a responsibility are
normally declared public
? Other methods that collaborate to perform the
responsibility must be as private as possible
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 56
An example (class collaboration)
addLinkToSpecificFlight [a2,d3]
deleteLinkToSpecificFlight [d2]
+ specifyAirplane [a1]
+ createFlightLog [b1]
+ makeBooking [c1]
+ changeAirplane [d1]
+ findCrewMember [e1]
+ getName [e2]
FlightLog [b2]
Booking [c2]
addLinkToBooking [c4]
addLinkToBooking [c3]
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 57
Class collaboration ‘a’
Making a bi-directional link between two existing objects;
e.g,adding a link between an instance of SpecificFlight
and an instance of Airplane.
1,(public) The instance of SpecificFlight
— makes a one-directional link to the instance of
— then calls operation 2.
2,(non-public) The instance of Airplane
— makes a one-directional link back to the instance
of SpecificFlight
A i rp l a n e
a d d L i n k T o S p e c i f i c F l i g h t [ a 2,d 3 ]
S p e c i fi c F l i g h t
+ s p e c i f y A i r p l a n e [ a 1 ]
* 0,, 1
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 58
Class collaboration ‘b’
Creating an object and linking it to an existing object
e.g,creating a FlightLog,and linking it to a
1,(public) The instance of SpecificFlight
— calls the constructor of FlightLog (operation 2)
— then makes a one-directional link to the new
instance of FlightLog.
2,(non-public) Class FlightLog’s constructor
— makes a one-directional link back to the
instance of SpecificFlight.
S p e c ific F lig h t
+ c r e a t e F l i g h t L o g [ b 1 ]
F lig h t L o g
F l i g h t L o g [ b 2 ]
0,, 10,, 1
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 59
Class collaboration ‘c’
Creating an association class,given two existing objects
e.g,creating an instance of Booking,which will link a
SpecificFlight to a PassengerRole.
1,(public) The instance of PassengerRole
— calls the constructor of Booking (operation 2).
2,(non-public) Class Booking’sconstructor,among its other actions
— makes a one-directional link back to the instance of
— makes a one-directional link to the instance of
— calls operations 3 and 4.
3,(non-public) The instance of SpecificFlight
— makes a one-directional link to the instance of Booking.
4,(non-public) The instance of PassengerRole
— makes a one-directional link to the instance of Booking.
S p e c i f i c F l i g h t
+ m ak eB o ok i ng [ c 1]
B o o k in g
Bo ok i ng [ c 2 ]
P a s s e n g e r R o le
ad dLi nk T oB o ok in g [ c 4]
* * ad dLi nk T oB o ok in g [ c 3]
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 60
Class collaboration ‘d’
Changing the destination of a link
e.g,changing the Airplane of to a SpecificFlight,from
airplane1 to airplane2
1,(public) The instance of SpecificFlight
— deletes the link to airplane1
— makes a one-directional link to airplane2
— calls operation 2
— then calls operation 3.
2,(non-public) airplane1
— deletes its one-directional link to the instance of
3,(non-public) airplane2
— makes a one-directional link to the instance of
A i r p l a n e
ad dLi nk T oSp ec if i c F l i ght [ a 2,d3 ]
de le t e Li nk T oSpe c i f ic F l ig ht [ d2]
S p e c i fi c F l i g h t
+ c h ang eAi r p la ne [ d1]
* 0., 1
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 61
Class collaboration ‘e’
Searching for an associated instance
e.g,searching for a crew member associated with a
SpecificFlight that has a certain name.
1,(public) The instance of SpecificFlight
— creates an Iterator over all the crewMember links
of the SpecificFlight\
— for each of them call operation 2,until it finds a
2,(may be public) The instance of EmployeeRole returns
its name.
S p e c ific F lig h t
+ f in d C re w M e m b e r [ e 1 ]
E m p lo y e e R o le
+ g e t N a m e [ e 2 ]
* *
c r e w M e m b e r
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 62
5.9 Implementing Class Diagrams in Java
? Attributes are implemented as instance variables
? Generalizations are implemented using extends
? Interfaces are implemented using implements
? Associations are normally implemented using instance variables
? Divide each two-way association into two one-way associations
— so each associated class has an instance variable.
? For a one-way association where the multiplicity at the other
end is ‘one’ or ‘optional’
— declare a variable of that class (a reference)
? For a one-way association where the multiplicity at the other
end is ‘many’:
— use a collection class implementing List,such as Vector
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 63
class SpecificFlight
private Calendar date;
private RegularFlight regularFlight;
private TerminalOfAirport destination;
private Airplane airplane;
private FlightLog flightLog;
private ArrayList crewMembers;
// of EmployeeRole
private ArrayList bookings
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 64
// Constructor that should only be called from
// addSpecificFlight
Calendar aDate,
RegularFlight aRegularFlight)
date = aDate;
regularFlight = aRegularFlight;
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 5,Modelling with classes 65
class RegularFlight
private ArrayList specificFlights;
// Method that has primary
// responsibility
public void addSpecificFlight(
Calendar aDate)
SpecificFlight newSpecificFlight;
newSpecificFlight =
new SpecificFlight(aDate,this);