Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Practical Software Development using UML and Java
Chapter 9,
Architecting and Designing Software
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 2
9.1 The Process of Design
? Design is a problem-solving process whose objective is
to find and describe a way:
—To implement the system’s functional
—While respecting the constraints imposed by the
non-functional requirements...
- including the budget
—And while adhering to general principles of good
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 3
Design as a series of decisions
A designer is faced with a series of design issues
? These are sub-problems of the overall design problem,
? Each issue normally has several alternative solutions,
—design options,
? The designer makes a design decision to resolve each
—This process involves choosing the best option from
among the alternatives,
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 4
Making decisions
To make each design decision,the software engineer
? Knowledge of
—the requirements
—the design as created so far
—the technology available
—software design principles and ‘best practices’
—what has worked well in the past
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 5
Design space
The space of possible designs that could be achieved by
choosing different sets of alternatives is often called the
design space
? For example:
c l i e n t - s e r v e r
m o n o l i t h ic
s e p a r a t e
u s e r i n t e r f a c e
l a y e r f o r
c l i e n t
n o
s e p a r a t e
u s e r i n t e r f a c e
l a y e r f o r c l i e n t
f a t - c l i e n t
t h i n - c l ie n t
p r o g r a m m m e d i n J a v a
p r o g r a m m e d i n V is u a l B a s ic
p r o g r a m m e d i n C + +
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 6
Any piece of software or hardware that has a clear role,
? A component can be isolated,allowing you to replace it with
a different component that has equivalent functionality.
? Many components are designed to be reusable.
? Conversely,others perform special-purpose functions.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 7
A component that is defined at the programming
language level
? For example,methods,classes and packages are
modules in Java.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 8
A logical entity,having a set of definable responsibilities or
objectives,and consisting of hardware,software or both,
? A system can have a specification which is then implemented by a
collection of components,
? A system continues to exist,even if its components are changed or
? The goal of requirements analysis is to determine the responsibilities
of a system.
? Subsystem,
—A system that is part of a larger system,and which has a
definite interface
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 9
UML diagram of system parts
C o m p o n e n t
n a m e
M o d u l e
d e f i n e d a t p r o g r a m m m in g la n g u a g e l e v e l
S y s t e m
n a m e
h a s re s p o n s i b i li t e s
S u b s y s t e m
i m p l e m e n t e d U s in g
1,, *
F r a m e w o r k
s p e c if i e s i n t e rf a c e
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 10
Top-down and bottom-up design
Top-down design
? First design the very high level structure of the system.
? Then gradually work down to detailed decisions about
low-level constructs.
? Finally arrive at detailed decisions such as:
—the format of particular data items;
—the individual algorithms that will be used.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 11
Top-down and bottom-up design
Bottom-up design
? Make decisions about reusable low-level utilities.
? Then decide how these will be put together to create
high-level constructs.
A mix of top-down and bottom-up approaches are
normally used,
? Top-down design is almost always needed to give the
system a good structure,
? Bottom-up design is normally useful so that reusable
components can be created.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 12
Different aspects of design
? Architecture design,
—The division into subsystems and components,
- How these will be connected.
- How they will interact.
- Their interfaces,
? Class design,
—The various features of classes.
? User interface design
? Algorithm design,
—The design of computational mechanisms.
? Protocol design,
—The design of communications protocol.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 13
9.2 Principles Leading to Good Design
Overall goals of good design:
? Increasing profit by reducing cost and increasing
? Ensuring that we actually conform with the requirements
? Accelerating development
? Increasing qualities such as
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 14
Design Principle 1,Divide and conquer
Trying to deal with something big all at once is normally
much harder than dealing with a series of smaller things
? Separate people can work on each part.
? An individual software engineer can specialize.
? Each individual component is smaller,and therefore
easier to understand.
? Parts can be replaced or changed without having to
replace or extensively change other parts.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 15
Ways of dividing a software system
? A distributed system is divided up into clients and
? A system is divided up into subsystems
? A subsystem can be divided up into one or more
? A package is divided up into classes
? A class is divided up into methods
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 16
Design Principle 2,Increase cohesion where
A subsystem or module has high cohesion if it keeps
together things that are related to each other,and keeps
out other things
? This makes the system as a whole easier to understand
and change
? Type of cohesion:
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 17
Functional cohesion
This is achieved when all the code that computes a
particular result is kept together - and everything else is
kept out
? i.e,when a module only performs a single computation,
and returns a result,without having side-effects.
? Benefits to the system:
—Easier to understand
—More reusable
—Easier to replace
? Modules that update a database,create a new file or
interact with the user are not functionally cohesive
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 18
Layer cohesion
All the facilities for providing or accessing a set of related services
are kept together,and everything else is kept out
? The layers should form a hierarchy
—Higher layers can access services of lower layers,
—Lower layers do not access higher layers
? The set of procedures through which a layer provides its services is
the application programming interface (API)
? You can replace a layer without having any impact on the other
—You just replicate the API
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 19
Example of the use of layers
Screen display
User account
(handling processes
and swapping)
Application programs
and receiving
Dealing with
Dealing with
Dealing with
application protocols
a) Typical layers in an
application program
b) Typical layers in an
operating system
c) Simplified view of layers
in a communication system
Operating system
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 20
Communicational cohesion
All the modules that access or manipulate certain data
are kept together (e.g,in the same class) - and
everything else is kept out
? A class would have good communicational cohesion
—if all the system’s facilities for storing and
manipulating its data are contained in this class.
—if the class does not do anything other than manage
its data.
? Main advantage,When you need to make changes to the
data,you find all the code in one place
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 21
Sequential cohesion
Procedures,in which one procedure provides input to
the next,are kept together – and everything else is kept
? You should achieve sequential cohesion,only once you
have already achieved the preceding types of cohesion,
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 22
Procedural cohesion
Keep together several procedures that are used one
after another
? Even if one does not necessarily provide input to the
? Weaker than sequential cohesion.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 23
Temporal Cohesion
Operations that are performed during the same phase of
the execution of the program are kept together,and
everything else is kept out
? For example,placing together the code used during
system start-up or initialization.
? Weaker than procedural cohesion.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 24
Utility cohesion
When related utilities which cannot be logically placed
in other cohesive units are kept together
? A utility is a procedure or class that has wide
applicability to many different subsystems and is
designed to be reusable.
? For example,the java.lang.Math class.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 25
Design Principle 3,Reduce coupling where
Coupling occurs when there are interdependencies
between one module and another
? When interdependencies exist,changes in one place will
require changes somewhere else.
? A network of interdependencies makes it hard to see at a
glance how some component works.
? Type of coupling:
Call,Type use,Inclusion/Import,External
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 26
Content coupling,
Occurs when one component surreptitiously modifies
data that is internal to another component
? To reduce content coupling you should therefore
encapsulate all instance variables
—declare them private
—and provide get and set methods
? A worse form of content coupling occurs when you
directly modify an instance variable of an instance
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 27
Example of content coupling
public class Line
private Point start,end;
public Point getStart() { return start; }
public Point getEnd() { return end; }
public class Arch
private Line baseline;
void slant(int newY)
Point theEnd = baseline.getEnd();
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 28
Common coupling
Occurs whenever you use a global variable
? All the components using the global variable become
coupled to each other
? A weaker form of common coupling is when a variable
can be accessed by a subset of the system’s classes
—e.g,a Java package
? Can be acceptable for creating global variables that
represent system-wide default values
? The Singleton pattern provides encapsulated global
access to an object
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 29
Control coupling
Occurs when one procedure calls another using a ‘flag’
or ‘command’ that explicitly controls what the second
procedure does
? To make a change you have to change both the calling
and called method
? The use of polymorphic operations is normally the best
way to avoid control coupling
? One way to reduce the control coupling could be to have
a look-up table
—commands are then mapped to a method that should
be called when that command is issued
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 30
Example of control coupling
public routineX(String command)
if (command.equals("drawCircle")
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 31
Stamp coupling,
Occurs whenever one of your application classes is
declared as the type of a method argument
? Since one class now uses the other,changing the system
becomes harder
—Reusing one class requires reusing the other
? Two ways to reduce stamp coupling,
—using an interface as the argument type
—passing simple variables
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 32
Example of stamp coupling
public class Emailer
public void sendEmail(Employee e,String text)
public class Emailer
public void sendEmail(
String name,String email,String text)
Using simple data types to avoid it:
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 33
Example of stamp coupling
public interface Addressee
public abstract String getName();
public abstract String getEmail();
public class Employee implements Addressee {…}
public class Emailer
public void sendEmail(
Addressee e,String text)
Using an interface to avoid it:
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 34
Data coupling
Occurs whenever the types of method arguments are
either primitive or else simple library classes
? The more arguments a method has,the higher the
—All methods that use the method must pass all the
? You should reduce coupling by not giving methods
unnecessary arguments
? There is a trade-off between data coupling and stamp
—Increasing one often decreases the other
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 35
Routine call coupling
Occurs when one routine (or method in an object
oriented system) calls another
? The routines are coupled because they depend on each
other’s behaviour
? Routine call coupling is always present in any system,
? If you repetitively use a sequence of two or more
methods to compute something
—then you can reduce routine call coupling by writing
a single routine that encapsulates the sequence.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 36
Type use coupling
Occurs when a module uses a data type defined in
another module
? It occurs any time a class declares an instance variable or
a local variable as having another class for its type.
? The consequence of type use coupling is that if the type
definition changes,then the users of the type may have
to change
? Always declare the type of a variable to be the most
general possible class or interface that contains the
required operations
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 37
Inclusion or import coupling
Occurs when one component imports a package
? (as in Java)
or when one component includes another
? (as in C++).
? The including or importing component is now exposed
to everything in the included or imported component.
? If the included/imported component changes something
or adds something.
—This may raises a conflict with something in the
includer,forcing the includer to change.
? An item in an imported component might have the same
name as something you have already defined.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 38
External coupling
When a module has a dependency on such things as the
operating system,shared libraries or the hardware
? It is best to reduce the number of places in the code
where such dependencies exist.
? The Fa?ade design pattern can reduce external coupling
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 39
Design Principle 4,Keep the level of
abstraction as high as possible
Ensure that your designs allow you to hide or defer
consideration of details,thus reducing complexity
? A good abstraction is said to provide information hiding
? Abstractions allow you to understand the essence of a
subsystem without having to know unnecessary details
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 40
Abstraction and classes
Classes are data abstractions that contain procedural
? Abstraction is increased by defining all variables as
? The fewer public methods in a class,the better the
? Superclasses and interfaces increase the level of
? Attributes and associations are also data abstractions.
? Methods are procedural abstractions
—Better abstractions are achieved by giving methods
fewer parameters
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 41
Design Principle 5,Increase reusability
where possible
Design the various aspects of your system so that they
can be used again in other contexts
? Generalize your design as much as possible
? Follow the preceding three design principles
? Design your system to contain hooks
? Simplify your design as much as possible
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 42
Design Principle 6,Reuse existing designs
and code where possible
Design with reuse is complementary to design for
? Actively reusing designs or code allows you to take
advantage of the investment you or others have made in
reusable components
—Cloning should not be seen as a form of reuse
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 43
Design Principle 7,Design for flexibility
Actively anticipate changes that a design may have to
undergo in the future,and prepare for them
? Reduce coupling and increase cohesion
? Create abstractions
? Do not hard-code anything
? Leave all options open
—Do not restrict the options of people who have to
modify the system later
? Use reusable code and make code reusable
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 44
Design Principle 8,Anticipate obsolescence
Plan for changes in the technology or environment so
the software will continue to run or can be easily
? Avoid using early releases of technology
? Avoid using software libraries that are specific to
particular environments
? Avoid using undocumented features or little-used
features of software libraries
? Avoid using software or special hardware from
companies that are less likely to provide long-term
? Use standard languages and technologies that are
supported by multiple vendors
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 45
Design Principle 9,Design for Portability
Have the software run on as many platforms as possible
? Avoid the use of facilities that are specific to one
particular environment
? E.g,a library only available in Microsoft Windows
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 46
Design Principle 10,Design for Testability
Take steps to make testing easier
? Design a program to automatically test the software
—Discussed more in Chapter 10
—Ensure that all the functionality of the code can by
driven by an external program,bypassing a graphical
user interface
? In Java,you can create a main() method in each class in
order to exercise the other methods
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 47
Design Principle 10,Design defensively
Never trust how others will try to use a component you
are designing
? Handle all cases where other code might attempt to use
your component inappropriately
? Check that all of the inputs to your component are valid,
the preconditions
—Unfortunately,over-zealous defensive design can
result in unnecessarily repetitive checking
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 48
Design by contract
A technique that allows you to design defensively in an
efficient and systematic way
? Key idea
—each method has an explicit contract with its callers
? The contract has a set of assertions that state:
—What preconditions the called method requires to be
true when it starts executing
—What postconditions the called method agrees to
ensure are true when it finishes executing
—What invariants the called method agrees will not
change as it executes
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 49
9.3 Techniques for making good design
Using priorities and objectives to decide among
? Step 1,List and describe the alternatives for the design
? Step 2,List the advantages and disadvantages of each
alternative with respect to your objectives and priorities.
? Step 3,Determine whether any of the alternatives
prevents you from meeting one or more of the
? Step 4,Choose the alternative that helps you to best
meet your objectives.
? Step 5,Adjust priorities for subsequent decision making.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 50
Example priorities and objectives
Imagine a system has the following objectives,starting with top
? Security,Encryption must not be breakable within 100 hours
of computing time on a 400Mhz Intel processor,using known
cryptanalysis techniques.
? Maintainability,No specific objective.
? CPU efficiency,Must respond to the user within one second
when running on a 400MHz Intel processor.
? Network bandwidth efficiency,Must not require
transmission of more than 8KB of data per transaction.
? Memory efficiency,Must not consume over 20MB of RAM.
? Portability,Must be able to run on Windows 98,NT 4 and
ME as well as Linux
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 51
Example evaluation of alternatives
‘NO’ means that the objective is not met
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 52
Using cost-benefit analysis to choose
among alternatives
? To estimate the costs,add up:
—The incremental cost of doing the software
engineering work,including ongoing maintenance
—The incremental costs of any development
technology required
—The incremental costs that end-users and product
support personnel will experience
? To estimate the benefits,add up:
—The incremental software engineering time saved
—The incremental benefits measured in terms of either
increased sales or else financial benefit to users
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 53
9.4 Software Architecture
Software architecture is process of designing the global
organization of a software system,including:
? Dividing software into subsystems.
? Deciding how these will interact.
? Determining their interfaces.
—The architecture is the core of the design,so all
software engineers need to understand it.
—The architecture will often constrain the overall
efficiency,reusability and maintainability of the
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 54
The importance of software architecture
Why you need to develop an architectural model:
? To enable everyone to better understand the system
? To allow people to work on individual pieces of the
system in isolation
? To prepare for extension of the system
? To facilitate reuse and reusability
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 55
Contents of a good architectural model
A system’s architecture will often be expressed in terms
of several different views
? The logical breakdown into subsystems
? The interfaces among the subsystems
? The dynamics of the interaction among components at
run time
? The data that will be shared among the subsystems
? The components that will exist at run time,and the
machines or devices on which they will be located
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 56
Design stable architecture
To ensure the maintainability and reliability of a system,
an architectural model must be designed to be stable,
? Being stable means that the new features can be easily
added with only small changes to the architecture
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 57
Developing an architectural model
Start by sketching an outline of the architecture
? Based on the principal requirements and use cases
? Determine the main components that will be needed
? Choose among the various architectural patterns
—Discussed next
? Suggestion,have several different teams independently
develop a first draft of the architecture and merge
together the best ideas
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 58
Developing an architectural model
? Refine the architecture
—Identify the main ways in which the components will
interact and the interfaces between them
—Decide how each piece of data and functionality will
be distributed among the various components
—Determine if you can re-use an existing framework,
if you can build a framework
? Consider each use case and adjust the architecture to
make it realizable
? Mature the architecture
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 59
Describing an architecture using UML
? All UML diagrams can be useful to describe aspects of
the architectural model
? Four UML diagrams are particularly suitable for
architecture modelling,
—Package diagrams
—Subsystem diagrams
—Component diagrams
—Deployment diagrams
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 60
Package diagrams
c o m m o n
s i m p le c h a t 1 o c s f
c l i e n t
s e r v e r
c l i e n t 玦 m p o r t s
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 61
Subsystem diagrams
requestToRegister(aStudent), boolean
getSchedule( ), Iterator
Register in
a course
a course
* CourseSection
Realization Elements
Specification Elements
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 62
Component diagrams
Client Server<<communication>>
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 63
Deployment diagrams
Machine1,TCP/IP Machine2:GPS
communication Client1:
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 64
9.5 Architectural Patterns
The notion of patterns can be applied to software
? These are called architectural patterns or architectural
? Each allows you to design flexible systems using
—The components are as independent of each other as
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 65
The Multi-Layer architectural pattern
In a layered system,each layer communicates only with the layer
immediately below it,
? Each layer has a well-defined interface used by the layer
immediately above,
—The higher layer sees the lower layer as a set of services.
? A complex system can be built by superposing layers at increasing
levels of abstraction.
—It is important to have a separate layer for the UI.
—Layers immediately below the UI layer provide the application
functions determined by the use-cases,
—Bottom layers provide general services.
- e.g,network communication,database access
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 66
Example of multi-layer systems
Screen display
User account
(handling processes
and swapping)
Application programs
and receiving
Dealing with
Dealing with
Dealing with
application protocols
a) Typical layers in an
application program
b) Typical layers in an
operating system
c) Simplified view of layers
in a communication system
Operating system
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 67
The multi-layer architecture and design
1,Divide and conquer,The layers can be independently
2,Increase cohesion,Well-designed layers have layer
3,Reduce coupling,Well-designed lower layers do not
know about the higher layers and the only connection
between layers is through the API.
4,Increase abstraction,you do not need to know the
details of how the lower layers are implemented.
5,Increase reusability,The lower layers can often be
designed generically.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 68
The multi-layer architecture and design
6,Increase reuse,You can often reuse layers built by
others that provide the services you need.
7,Increase flexibility,you can add new facilities built on
lower-level services,or replace higher-level layers.
8,Anticipate obsolescence,By isolating components in
separate layers,the system becomes more resistant to
9,Design for portability,All the dependent facilities can
be isolated in one of the lower layers.
10,Design for testability,Layers can be tested
11,Design defensively,The APIs of layers are natural
places to build in rigorous assertion-checking.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 69
The Client-Server and other distributed
architectural patterns
? There is at least one component that has the role of
server,waiting for and then handling connections.
? There is at least one component that has the role of
client,initiating connections in order to obtain some
? A further extension is the Peer-to-Peer pattern.
—A system composed of various software components
that are distributed over several hosts.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 70
An example of a distributed system
look up addresses<<communication>>
exchange messages
exchange messages <<communication>>
exchange messages
look up addresses
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 71
The distributed architecture and design
1,Divide and conquer,Dividing the system into client and server
processes is a strong way to divide the system.
—Each can be separately developed.
2,Increase cohesion,The server can provide a cohesive service to
3,Reduce coupling,There is usually only one communication channel
exchanging simple messages.
4,Increase abstraction,Separate distributed components are often
good abstractions.
6,Increase reuse,It is often possible to find suitable frameworks on
which to build good distributed systems
—However,client-server systems are often very application
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 72
The distributed architecture and design
7,Design for flexibility,Distributed systems can often be
easily reconfigured by adding extra servers or clients.
9,Design for portability,You can write clients for new
platforms without having to port the server.
10 Design for testability,You can test clients and servers
11,Design defensively,You can put rigorous checks in the
message handling code.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 73
The Broker architectural pattern
? Transparently distribute aspects of the software system
to different nodes
—An object can call methods of another object without
knowing that this object is remotely located.
—CORBA is a well-known open standard that allows
you to build this kind of architecture.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 74
Example of a Broker system
C l i en t Bro k erob je c t re q ue s t
Pro x y R e m o t e O bj ec t
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 75
The broker architecture and design
1,Divide and conquer,The remote objects can be independently
5,Increase reusability,It is often possible to design the remote
objects so that other systems can use them too.
6,Increase reuse,You may be able to reuse remote objects that others
have created.
7,Design for flexibility,The brokers can be updated as required,or
the proxy can communicate with a different remote object.
9,Design for portability,You can write clients for new platforms
while still accessing brokers and remote objects on other platforms.
11,Design defensively,You can provide careful assertion checking in
the remote objects.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 76
The Transaction-Processing architectural
A process reads a series of inputs one by one,
? Each input describes a transaction – a command that
typically some change to the data stored by the system
? There is a transaction handler component that decides
what to do with each transaction
? This dispatches a procedure call or message to a
component that will handle the transaction
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 77
Example of a transaction-processing system
Handler for
Handler for
Flight cancellation
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 78
The transaction-processing architecture and
design principles
1,Divide and conquer,The transaction handlers are
suitable system divisions that you can give to separate
software engineers.
2,Increase cohesion,Transaction handlers are naturally
cohesive units.
3,Reduce coupling,Separating the dispatcher from the
handlers tends to reduce coupling.
7,Design for flexibility,You can readily add new
transaction handlers.
11,Design defensively,You can add assertion checking in
each transaction handler and/or in the dispatcher.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 79
The Pipe-and-Filter architectural pattern
A stream of data,in a relatively simple format,is passed
through a series of processes
? Each of which transforms it in some way,
? Data is constantly fed into the pipeline.
? The processes work concurrently.
? The architecture is very flexible.
—Almost all the components could be removed.
—Components could be replaced.
—New components could be inserted.
—Certain components could be reordered.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 80
Example of a pipe-and-filter system
encoders for
encoder for
compress transmit
TCP/IP Transmission
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 81
The pipe-and-filter architecture and design
1,Divide and conquer,The separate processes can be
independently designed.
2,Increase cohesion,The processes have functional
3,Reduce coupling,The processes have only one input
and one output.
4,Increase abstraction,The pipeline components are
often good abstractions,hiding their internal details.
5,Increase reusability,The processes can often be used in
many different contexts.
6,Increase reuse,It is often possible to find reusable
components to insert into a pipeline.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 82
The pipe-and-filter architecture and design
7,Design for flexibility,There are several ways in which
the system is flexible.
10,Design for testability,It is normally easy to test the
individual processes.
11,Design defensively,You rigorously check the inputs of
each component,or else you can use design by contract.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 83
The Model-View-Controller (MVC)
architectural pattern
An architectural pattern used to help separate the user
interface layer from other parts of the system
? The model contains the underlying classes whose
instances are to be viewed and manipulated
? The view contains objects used to render the appearance
of the data from the model in the user interface
? The controller contains the objects that control and
handle the user’s interaction with the view and the
? The Observable design pattern is normally used to
separate the model from the view
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 84
Example of the MVC architecture for the UI
C o n t rol l e r
V i e w
M o d e l
n o t i f y a b o u t
c h a n g e s
c rea t e a n d u p d a t e
m o d if y
v i e w e d
b y a c t o r
rec e iv e s
a c t o r e v e n t s
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 85
The MVC architecture and design principles
1,Divide and conquer,The three components can be somewhat
independently designed.
2,Increase cohesion,The components have stronger layer cohesion
than if the view and controllerwere together in a single UI layer.
3,Reduce coupling,The communication channels between the three
components are minimal.
6,Increase reuse,The view and controller normally make extensive
use of reusable components for various kinds of UI controls.
7,Design for flexibility,It is usually quite easy to change the UI by
changing the view,the controller,or both.
10,Design for testability,You can test the application separately from
the UI.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 86
9.6 Writing a Good Design Document
Design documents as an aid to making better designs
? They force you to be explicit and consider the important
issues before starting implementation,
? They allow a group of people to review the design and
therefore to improve it.
? Design documents as a means of communication.
—To those who will be implementing the design.
—To those who will need,in the future,to modify the
—To those who need to create systems or subsystems
that interface with the system being designed.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 87
Structure of a design document
—What system or part of the system this design document describes.
—Make reference to the requirements that are being implemented by this
design (traceability),
B,General priorities:
—Describe the priorities used to guide the design process.
C,Outline of the design:
—Give a high-level description of the design that allows the reader to
quickly get a general feeling for it.
D,Major design issues:
—Discuss the important issues that had to be resolved.
—Give the possible alternatives that were considered,the final decision
and the rationale for the decision.
E,Other details of the design,
—Give any other details the reader may want to know that have not yet
been mentioned,
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 88
When writing the document
? Avoid documenting information that would be readily
obvious to a skilled programmer or designer.
? Avoid writing details in a design document that would
be better placed as comments in the code.
? Avoid writing details that can be extracted automatically
from the code,such as the list of public methods.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 89
9.7 Design of a Feature of the SimpleChat
This document describes important aspects of the implementation of the
#block,#unblock,#whoiblock and #whoblocksme
commands of the SimpleChat system.
B,General Priorities
Decisions in this document are made based on the following priorities
(most important first),Maintainability,Usability,Portability,Efficiency
C,Outline of the design
Blocking information will be maintained in the
ConnectionToClient objects,The various commands will update
and query the data using setValue and getValue.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 90
Design Example
D,Major design issue
Issue 1,Where should we store information regarding the establishment of
Option 1.1,Store the information in the ConnectionToClient object
associated with the client requesting the block.
Option 1.2,Store the information in the ConnectionToClient object
associated with the client that is being blocked.
Decision,Point 2.2 of the specification requires that we be able to block a
client even if that client is not logged on,This means that we must choose
option 1.1 since no ConnectionToClient will exist for clients that are
logged off.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 91
Design Example
E,Details of the design:
Client side:
? The four new commands will be accepted by
handleMessageFromClientUI and passed unchanged to the server.
? Responses from the server will be displayed on the UI,There will be no
need for handleMessageFromServer to understand that the
responses are replies to the commands.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 92
Design Example
Server side:
? Method handleMessageFromClient will interpret #block
commands by adding a record of the block in the data associated with
the originating client.
This method will modify the data in response to #unblock.
? The information will be stored by calling
where arg is a Vector containing the names of the blocked
? Method handleMessageFromServerUI will also have to have
an implementation of #block and #unblock.
These will have to save the blocked users as elements of a new
instance variable declared thus,Vector blockedUsers;
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 93
Design Example
? The implementations of #whoiblock in
handleMessageFromClient and
handleMessageFromServerUI will straightforwardly process
the contents of the vectors.
? For #whoblocksme,a new method will be created in the server class
that will be called by both handleMessageFromClient and
This will take a single argument (the name of the initiating client,or
else 'SERVER').
It will check all the blockedUsers vectors of the connected
clients and also the blockedUsers instance variable for matching
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 94
Design example
? The #forward,#msg and #private commands will be
modified as needed to reflect the specifications.
Each of these will each examine the relevant
blockedUsers vectors and take appropriate action.
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 95
9.8 Difficulties and Risks in Design
Like modelling,design is a skill that requires considerable
—Individual software engineers should not attempt the
design of large systems
—Aspiring software architects should actively study
designs of other systems
Poor designs can lead to expensive maintenance
—Ensure you follow the principles discussed in this
? Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chapter 9,Architecting and designing software 96
Difficulties and Risks in Design
It requires constant effort to ensure a software system’s
design remains good throughout its life
—Make the original design as flexible as possible so
as to anticipate changes and extensions.
—Ensure that the design documentation is usable and
at the correct level of detail
—Ensure that change is carefully managed