2005 - 11 - 11 1 Properties Related to Band Theory History of Semiconductors Color Conductivity Photoluminescence P-n Junction Photoelectricity Semiconductors Historical Timelines Semiconductor Products are Proliferating LANs WANs Routers Hubs Switches Workstations Internet Servers Video Games Voice Over IP Digital Cameras Wireless Handsets PDAs PCsStorageSystems Set-Top Boxes Internet Browsers Scanners Digital Copiers Internet The Next Big Thing… A Lot of Little Things $27.0 $12.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2000 2005 Billions US$ China Semiconductor Consumption China to grow faster than the world at CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 17% from 2001?2005, reaching $27B in 2005 China currently produces only 1 of every 4 chips it consumes The Electronics Ecosystem Materials Semiconductor Equipment Semiconductors Electronic End Equipment SEMI MEMBERSHIP $990 B 2001 Estimate 2004 $21B $28B $139 B $879 B $28B $46B $218 B 2005 - 11 - 11 2 Band Gap Energy and Color . Bandgap energy (eV) Color that corresponds to band gap energy Apparent color of material (unabsorbed light) 4 3 2 1 red yellow green blue violet colorless black yellow orange ultraviolet infrared red Bandgap and Conductivity in Group 4A as Unit Cell increases, band gap energy (Eg) decreases major factor is orbital overlap; as it increases in tighter lattices, the band splitting also increases Element Unit Cell(?) Eg (eV) λ (nm) C 3.57 5.5 230 insulator Si 5.43 1.1 1100 semiconductor Ge 5.66 0.66 1900 semiconductor α-Sn 6.49 <0.1 12000 conductor Band Gap and Periodic Properties Note that Eg increases as the Pauling electronegativity difference, ?χ, increases (the compound gets more polar). Also, Eg increases as the unit cell size decreases. Material Unit Cell (?) ? χ Eg (eV) λ (nm) Color Ge 5.66 0 0.66 1900 black GaAs 5.65 0.6 1.42 890 black ZnSe 5.67 0.8 2.70 460 yellow CuBr 5.69 0.9 2.91 430 white Delocalized Bonding Model energy Conduction band Valence band electrons holes Bonding Picture of Silicon Delocalized bonding picture Electrical Conductivity Conductivity of metals decreases with temperature as atomic vibrations scatter free electrons. Conductivity of semiconductors increases with temperature as the number of carriers increases. 2005 - 11 - 11 3 Three Types of Solid Materials ?? Based on Electrical Conductivity 10 84-4-8-12-16-20 101010 10 10 10 10 glass diamond fused silica silicon germanium iron copper insulators semiconductors metals 0-2410 Conductivity (? -1cm-1 ) = isolator = alloy → increasing resistivity → resistivity below Tc = 0 !! → decreasing resistivity Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Conductivity of Metals and Semiconductors (Isolators) Creation of Carriers in Intrinsic Semiconductors by Thermal Excitation Thermally induced electrical conductivity T=0 K Conduction band empty Valence band completely filled No electrical conductivity T>>0 K The thermal energy is responsible for the promotion of electrons to the conduction band. Creation of electron?hole pairs: carriers Electrical conductivity Experimental Observation: Conductivity of Semiconductors Semiconductor block connected to the terminals of a battery No conductivity observed at low or room temperature or in the dark. When we increase the temperature or expose the semiconductor to light, we observe that it starts conduction. Semiconductors Intrinsic Semiconductors: If a semiconductor crystal contains no impurities, the only charge carriers present are thus produced by thermal breakdown of the covalent bonds. The conducting properties are thus characteristic of the pure semiconductor. Such a crystal is termed an intrinsic semiconductor. Extrinsic Semiconductors: If a semiconductor crystal contains n-type or p-type impurities, the conducting properties are chiefly due to the impurities. Such a crystal is termed an extrinsic semiconductor. Conductivity of Intrinsic Semiconductors §The valence band of semiconductors is completely filled. However, the band gap between the valence and conduction bands is small, and electrons can be promoted to the conduction band. §In semiconductors, only the electrons promoted to the conduction band and the holes created in the valence band will be carriers. §The smaller the gap, the easier to promote electrons to the conduction band. §At the same temperature, smaller gap semiconductors will show a larger conductivity. §The higher the temperature, the larger the number of carriers. §Conductivity increases with temperature TK2 E B g Ce ? =σ 2005 - 11 - 11 4 the Response of Equilibrium to Temperature The van’t Hoff equation 12 0 12 2 0 11 1 T/T/ R/HKlnKln RT H dT Klnd R H )T/(d )K(lnd o P ? ??=? ?= ??= Temperature Effects Intrinsic semiconductors Concentration of holes and free electrons increase with temperature. Because increasing thermal energy will excite more e- across the band gap. Ge has a greater charge concentration than Si. Because Ge has a smaller band gap than Si (0.67 vs 1.11) Carrier Mobility Similar to metals, charge carriers in semiconductors lose mobility with increasing dopant concentration. The intrinsic carrier mobility is defined as the drift velocity per unit electric field. Carrier Mobility Temperature also affects carrier mobility. Note regardless of dopant concentration, high temperatures reduce mobility. mobile holes:acid species electrons:basic species Semiconductors and Acid-Base Analogy Chemical Equilibrium in Solution H2O → H++OH- Kw=[H+][OH-] [H+]≈1014 ions/cm3 Chemical Equilibrium in Solid Si(crystal)→h++e- K=[h+][e-]=p?n [h+]≈1.5x1010cm-3 Donor States:n?type Semiconductors If an atom in the lattice is substituted by an atom of a different element with more valence electrons, once the impurity is accommodated to the lattice and the new bonds are formed, there will be a remaining negative charge. Example: Pentavalent Sb impurity in a silicon crystal (tetrahedrally coordinated) 2005 - 11 - 11 5 Effect of Doping on Conductivity Valence Band Acceptor States: p?type Semiconductors If an atom in the lattice is substituted by an atom of a different element with less valence electrons, once the impurity is accommodated to the lattice and the new bonds are formed, there will be a remaining positive charge. Example: Trivalent boron (B) impurity in a silicon crystal (tetrahedrally coordinated) Effect of Doping on Conductivity Valence Band Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Valence Band Conduction Band Intrinsic Extrinsic (doped) Conduction Band Valence Band h+ e- Conduction Band Valence Band n?type p?type Silicon Si:P Si:Al Extrinsic (Doped) Semiconductors We can enhance the electrical properties of a semiconductor by adding impurities to it. The addition of impurities is called doping and the doped semiconductor is called extrinsic.Example: the addition of 1 boron atom every 105 silicon atoms enhance the conductivity of silicon by a factor of 103 at room temperature. Extrinsic semiconductors are the basic materials in the electronics technology. Great importance in current technology: lasers, solar cells, rectifiers, transistors, ... p?type semiconductors Addition of acceptor states n?type semiconductors Addition of donor states Examples: P, As, or Sb impurities in Si or Ge. Examples: B, Al, Ga, or In impurities in Si or Ge. Band Diagram (n and p type) Electrons can jump to Al atom Electrons can jump from P atom to Conduction Band n type p type Acceptor level in Band Gap Ea Donor Level in Band Gap Ed 2005 - 11 - 11 6 Temperature Effects undoped Extrinsic n-type Semiconductors Low Temperatures Thermal energy is insufficient to excite electrons from the donor state Intermediate Temperatures e?’s from donor state are excited into the conduction band. e? concentration equal to dopant concentration. High Temperatures Enough thermal energy to excite an effective amount of valence e?’s into the conduction bandp?types behave similarly with temperature Fermi Level Ef metal Ef undoped semiconductor Ef Ef p?type semiconductor n?type semiconductor EdE a The pH of aqueous solutions and the Fermi level in semiconductors play analogous roles in determining the extent of ionization in the two media. Analogy Between pH and Fermi Level (Ef) Extent of Ionization: Weak Acid ? Acceptor Analogy When pH = pKa [HA] = [A?] Acid?base system Semiconductor When Ef ~ Ea [A] ~ [A?] Ea = acceptor energy level aa a KlogpK ]HA[ ]A][H[K AHHA ?= = +? ?+ ?+ ?+ +? AhA Energy Levels for Impurities in Silicon Donors Acceptors e- h+ shallow shallow deep Interaction of Light and Electrons absorption Spontaneous emission Stimulated emission 2005 - 11 - 11 7 Optical Properties of Semiconductors longest wavelength absorption to promote e? corresponds to Eg Eg is energy between “HOMO ”of valence band and “LUMO”of conduction band Eg Absorption Emission Eg Semiconductor Glossary Direct Bandgap Semiconductor: semiconductor in which the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band occur at the momentum k=0; in this case, energy released during band?to?band electron recombination with a hole is converted primarily into radiation (radiant recombination); wavelength of emitted radiation is determined by the energy gap of semiconductor. e.g. GaAs , InP, etc. Indirect Bandgap Semiconductor: semiconductor in which bottom of the conduction band does not occur at effective momentum k=0, i.e. is shifted with respect to the top of the valence band which occurs at k=0; energy released during electron recombination with a hole is converted primarily into phonon; e.g. Si, Ge, GaP. An important property of direct semiconductors is that electrons may easily drop from the conduction band to the valence band by emitting a photon This process is known as electron-hole recombination since the electron drops to occupy a hole state in the valence band ? the energy of the photon emitted by the semiconductor is determined by the size of its energy gap ? recombination is therefore analogous to the level transitions that occur in atomic systems Bandstructure in Three Dimensions E k PHOTON Electron-hole Recombination in a direct semiconductor such as GaAs An electron drops from the conduction band to the valence band and its excess energy is emitted in the form of a photon Note that in the figure shown here the initial and final wavevector states are the same … this is an important property of direct semiconductors In indirect semiconductors, we have seen that the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band occur at different points in k?space An electron cannot therefore drop from the conduction band to the valence band just by emitting a photon since this would violate momentum conservation ? instead the electron must simultaneously emit a photon and exchange momentum with the crystal lattice ? the probability of this double process occurring is very small,so indirect semiconductors turn out to be much poorer emitters of light than direct ones Bandstructure in Three Dimensions E k PHOTON Electron-hole recombination in an indirect Semiconductor In order to conserve energy and momentum, an electron must drop to the valence band by emitting a photon and exchanging momentum with the crystal Because this process has a low probability, indirect semiconductors such as Si or Ge cannot be used in optoelectronic applications as light emitters The opposite process to recombination is electron?hole generation in which an electron is excited from the valence band into the conduction band by absorbing a photon Since this process also must conserve momentum the electron is excited into a state with the same k?value as the initial valence?band state ? Both direct and indirect semiconductors may therefore be used as photodetectors to detect electromagnetic radiation ? The absorption of these materials strongly increases once the photon energy exceeds the direct band gap Bandstructure in Three Dimensions E k PHOTON absorptionof light by direct (left) and indirect (right) semiconductors E k PHOTON Luminescence 2005 - 11 - 11 8 Solid line: direct bandgap materials Dotted line: indirect bandgap materials Matched system to reduce the strain effect and epitaxial growth defects! What's Luminescence? The spontaneous emission of light upon electronic excitation is called luminescence. Absorption and Luminance p?n Junction What happens if we bring a p?type semiconductor in contact with a n?type semiconductor? Electrons close to the junction diffuse across the junction into the p?type region. Holes are filled by recombination. Equilibrium is established resulting in a potential difference. If the two regions are connected in a circuit a variety of applications are possible. pn - - - - e- + + + + h+ Energy? diagram of p?n Junction When p?type and n?type semiconductors touch, the Fermi levels do not align until equilibrium is reached. Biasing the p?n Junction Biasing ?? introduction of a voltage into the circuit containing the p?n junction. Forward bias ?? negative voltage is applied to n?type side. Decreases energy barrier for electrons and holes to flow through the junction. Reverse bias ?? positive voltage applied to n?type side. Raises energy barrier for current flow. pn V +— e- 2005 - 11 - 11 9 “Majority Carrier”and Current Flow in p?type Silicon p Type Silicon+ - Hole Flow Current Flow “Majority Carrier”and Current Flow in n?type Silicon Electron Flow n Type Silicon+ - Current Flow The p?n Junction p n 0 Volts Hole Diffusion Electron Diffusion Holes and Electrons “Recombine”at the Junction A Depletion Zone (D) and a Barrier Field Forms at the p?n Junction The Barrier Field Opposes Further Diffusion (Equilibrium Condition) p -- ++ n 0 Volts Hole (+) Diffusion Electron (-) Diffusion D Barrier Field Donor IonsAcceptor Ions “Forward Bias”of a p?n Junction ?Applied voltage reduces the barrier field ?Holes and electrons are “pushed”toward the junction and the depletion zone shrinks in size ?Carriers are swept across the junction and the depletion zone ?There is a net carrier flow in both the P and N sides = current flow! p ? + n + Volts - Volts Current “Reverse Bias”of a p?n Junction p ??? +++ n - Volts D + Volts Current ?Applied voltage adds to the barrier field ?Holes and electrons are “pulled”toward the terminals, increasing the size of the depletion zone. ?The depletion zone becomes, in effect, an insulator for majority carriers. ?Only a very small current can flow, due to a small number of minority carriers randomly crossing D (= reverse saturation current) 2005 - 11 - 11 10 Applications of p?n Junction Diode Rectifier Photodetectors solar cells LEDs diode lasers Optoelectronics Why call it p?n Junction as a Diode? Simple Application: Rectifier One of the most important uses of a diode is rectification. The normal PN junction diode is well?suited for this purpose as it conducts very heavily when forward biased (low?resistance direction) and only slightly when reverse biased (high? resistance direction). If we place this diode in series with a source of ac power, the diode will be forward and reverse biased every cycle. Since in this situation current flows more easily in one direction than the other, rectification is accomplished. PN junction p?n Rectifying Junction Forward Bias Holes and free electrons flow together and recombine at the junction. Current flows. Reverse Bias Holes and free electrons flow away from each other. The center of the diode quickly becomes a dead zone with no charge carriers. Current is reduced. p?n Rectifying Junction A diode’s properties can be seen when the voltage is examined Optoelectronics In optoelectronic applications of semiconductor devices, the basic idea is that the device is used to either detect or to emit electromagnetic radiation In detection the incident light is converted into a measurable electrical signal by exploiting internal carrier processes within the device. ? Examples of such devices include photodetectors and solar cells In emission on the other hand the internal processes allow the conversion of an electrical signal into detectable light and examples of such devices include LEDs and lasers 2005 - 11 - 11 11 Photodetector Photodetector converts optical energy into electrical energy, thus making possible data reading in the optical storage systems, such as CD or DVD drives. Modern photodetectors are typically semiconductor photodiodes. so?called "reverse ?bias p?n photodiode" with the carriers flowing away from the p?n junction thus creating a depletion region. There is very little current flowing through this junction until the light illuminates the surface of the photodiode. Then, the absorbed photons create pairs of electrons and holes ? mostly in the depletion area. Those new carriers move quickly in opposite directions, and moving electrons create current in the external circuit. LED (Light?Emitting Diodes) LEDs are p?n junction devices constructed of gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP), or gallium phosphide (GaP). Silicon and germanium are not suitable because those junctions produce heat and no appreciable IR or visible light. The junction in an LED is forward biased and when electrons cross the junction from the n- to the p-type material, the electron?hole recombination process produces some photons in the IR or visible in a process called electroluminescence. An exposed semiconductor surface can then emit light. Light?emitting diodes (LEDs) operate in the opposite manner to photodetectors by exploiting the enhanced diffusion of carriers that occurs across the depletion region in forward?biased junctions ? in direct semiconductors, the additional carriers recombine through band?to?band processes giving rise to the emission of light from the junction PHOTON PHOTON PHOTON when the p-n junction is forward biased large numbers of electrons and holes diffuse across the depletion region in a direct semiconductor these carriers may recombine by emitting photons the photon flux increases as the forward?bias voltage ? and so the corresponding diffusion current ? is increased LEDWith forward bias electrons reaching the p?type side can recombine with the abundant holes and emit light according to the energy difference. Holes reaching the n?type side can recombine with the abundant electrons emitting light. Color of luminescence is controlled by the composition of the solid solutions in the semiconductors. A great advantage of semiconductor optoelectronic devices is that they can be fabricated in a highly compact manner and can even be incorporated into integrated circuits semiconductor lens In contrast to photodetectors, an important requirement for light emitting diodes is that they be fabricated from a direct semiconductor While gallium arsenide is a direct semiconductor, its energy gap (1.42 eV) corresponds to a photon wavelength (870 nm) that lies outside of the visible spectrum For display applications it is therefore necessary to use alloys of GaAs which allow access to photon frequencies in the visible range of the spectrum. ALLOY COLOR GaAs0.6P0.4Ga RED As0.35P0.65:N ORANGE-RED GaAs0.14P0.86:N YELLOW GaP:N GREEN GaP:ZnO RED AlGaAs RED AlInGaP ORANGE AlInGaP YELLOW AlInGaP GREEN SiC BLUE GaN BLUE color characteristics of commercial LEDs changes in alloy composition are exploited to modify the energy band gap or to introduce impurity levels that mediate photon emission in indirect semiconductors the development of the blue GaNLED (from 1994) now allows the possibility of manufacturing full color LED-based displays 2005 - 11 - 11 12 Band Gap Engineering in Semiconductors: Solid Solutions Trends in cubic unit cell lattice parameter and Eg as a function of the composition x for the solid solution ternary semiconductor AlxGa1-xAs: Band gap engineering enables a range of optical and electronic devices to be fabricated. The roughly linear dependence of the physical properties on composition is known as Vegard’s law and proves that the distribution of the Al and Ga is random : P(AlxGa1-xAs) = xP(AlAs ) + (1?x)P(GaAs ) P = physical property Any physical property is the atomic fraction weighted average of the two end members. Semiconductor Heterostructures In addition to alloying, fabricating artificial structures with tailored optical and electronic properties has been possible using crystal growth techniques, such as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metal?organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). These techniques allow monolayer control in the chemical composition of the growing crystal. When two different semiconductors are grown into a single structure, the structure is called heterostructure. One such structure is superlattice in which two (or more) semiconductors A and B are grown alternately with thickness dA and dB,respectively. GaAs?AlGaAs superlattice. On the left is a sequence of nearly thirty different layers, while on the right the individual atomic resolution is indicated. What is a solar cell? A solar cell is a kind of semiconductor device that takes advantage of the photo?voltaic effect, in which electricity is produced when the semiconductor's PN junction is irradiated. Solar Cell (Photovoltaic) If light of sufficient energy strikes the semiconductor, electrons are promoted into the high energy state and move toward the n?type semiconductor. Holes are also generated and move toward the p?type semiconductor. This creates an electric current. Magnitude of current depends on intensity of light. pn e- h+ hg V Electron Flow in a Solar Cell n?typep?type hg e- h+ How A Solar Cell Works When sunlight strikes a solar cell, only certain bands (or wavelengths) of light will cause electrons to move within the semiconductor, thereby producing electric current. The energy "band gap" of the semiconductor determines the ideal portion of the light spectrum that will create this effect. To allow it all to happen, the semiconductor layers must be constructed so as to produce an electric field (shown as the layer above). 2005 - 11 - 11 13 Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells Amorphous silicon solar cells are cells containing noncrystalline silicon, which are produced using semiconductor techniques. Amorphous silicon solar cells are mostly used as power sources for devices requiring little electricity or as modulated light sensors. They are common in pocket calculators, watches, light detectors for cameras, and television and car navigator screens. Solar Vehicle Project “Spirit of Canberra”II solar vehicle (Australian) Amorphous Silicon and Solar Cell House Self-supplying Solar Cell House in Germany Water + primary energy sources Hydrogen + oxygen → water Clean Energy by Means of Advanced Materials Transistor Collector (n)Emitter (n) Base (p) Both p?n junctions are reversed biased First transistor ? 1947 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, William Shockley. MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) MOSFET transistor: consists of two small islands of p-type semiconductor created within n-type silicon substrate. Islands are connected by narrow p-type channel. Metal contacts are made to islands (source and drain), one more contact (gate) is separated from channel by a thin (< 10 nm) insulating oxide layer. Gate serves the function of the base in a junction transistor (the electric field induced by the gate controls the current through the transistor) 2005 - 11 - 11 14 MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) Voltage applied from source encourages carriers (holes in the case shown below) to flow from the source to the drain through the narrow channel. Width (and hence resistance) of channel is controlled by intermediate gate voltage. For example, if positive voltage is applied to the gate, most of the holes are repelled from the channel and conductivity is decreasing. Current flowing from the source to the drain is therefore modulated by the gate voltage (amplification and switching) The MOSFET dominates the microelectronic industry (memories, microcomputers, amplifiers, etc.) Large Si single crystals are grown and purified. Thin circular wafers (“chips”) are then cut from the crystals Circuit elements are then constructed by selective introduction of specific impurities (diffusion or ion implantation) A single 8”diameter wafer of silicon can contain as many as 1010 ? 1011 transistors in total Cost to consumer ~ 0.00001cent each. Transistors and Microelectronic Devices Sand à Silicon à Computer Chips Silicon Wafer Preparation Evaluation Melting Preparation Body growth Cool?down Ingot removal Silicon Wafer Preparation Slicing Lapping Etching Heat Treatment Polishing Silicon Wafer Preparation Epitaxial Processing Cleaning Inspection Packing 2005 - 11 - 11 15 Four Stages of Semiconductor Manufacturing raw semiconductor material mined and purified crystal growth and wafer preparation the devices or integrated circuits are actually formed in and on the wafer surface. Chip fabrication! packaging Why wide band?gap semiconductors? Needs: Solid?state amplifiers for: Broad band wireless comunications Sophisticated controllers for electric grids, Radars Base stations of future wireless network Multifunction RF Systems Military Applications Why Wide Band-gap Semiconductors? Requirements: Ultra high power High efficiency High Frequency Linearity Manufacturability Low Cost High Temperature (300°C?400°C ) & Hostile Surrondings Endurance Silicon Devices can not substain these requirements Gallium Arsenide GaAs Indium phosphide InP Silicon Carbide SiC Gallium Nitride GaN GaN will replace GaAs devices and all of its properties comes from electrical and physical characteristics Important Compound Semiconductors Materials Good1030GaN (like Si)0.610SiC Very Good0.5100?200InP Good110?50GaAs NOISE FIGUREPOWER W/mm SPEED GHz Commercial devices available Not commercial devices available Front-end Devices Semiconductor characteristics Semiconductor characteristics Silicon Galliun Arsenide Indium Phosphide Silicon Carbide Gallium Nitride Bandgap(eV) 1.1 1.42 1.35 3.26 3.49 Electron mobility (cm2/Vs) 1500 8500 5400 700 1000-2000 Saturated (peak) electron velocity (x107 cm/s) 1.0(1.0) 1.3 (2.1) 1.0 (2.3) 2.0 (2.0) 1.3 (2.1) Critical breakdown field MV/cm 0.3 0.4 0.5 3.0 3.0 Thermal conductivity 1.5 0.5 0.7 4.5 >1.5 Relative dielectric constant (er) 11.8 12.8 12.5 10 9 2005 - 11 - 11 16 Technology development costs can be amortized over several large electronic and opto-electronic applications, like BLUE & WHITE LED and BLUE LASER. Cost Advantages Nanocrystal ? 3 D Quantum layer ? 2 D Quantum wire ? 1 D Quantum dot ? 0 D Nanoscaled Semiconductor Quantum Confinement Trap particles and restrict their motion Quantum confinement produces new material behavior/phenomena “Engineer confinement”? control for specific applications Structures Quantum dots (0?D) only confined states, and no freely moving ones Nanowires (1?D) particles travel only along the wire Quantum wells (2?D) confines particles within a thin layer Variation of the Optical Properties with the Crystal Size 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1600 1200 800 Wavelength (nm) Absorbance (a.u.) Energy (eV) Photoluminescence 5.8 nm 5.0 nm 4.6 nm 4.0 nm 3.3 nm 2.9 nm 2.4 nm 6.4 nm 600 Quantum Confinement in InAs Nanocrystals Particle in a box model E n e r g y r 1Sh 1Ph 1Se 1Pe 1Sh 1Ph 1Se 1Pe Luminescence from Indirect Gap Semiconductors It is possible to observe luminescence from indirect gap semiconductors when their crystal size is very small. The origin of this emission is the modification of the electronic structure due to the size, although some theories support some other possible radiative paths in nanocrystals (defects, surface effects,...) 2005 - 11 - 11 17 Quantum Wells The optical properties of a semiconductor are altered by quantum size effects; at least one of the dimensions of material is on the order of De Broglie’s wavelength of an electron: λ = h/mν; if mν ~ eV ? λ = ~ a few nm; lSuperlattices based on Bi2Te3,Si/Ge, GaAs/AlAs Ec Ev x E Quantum well (QW)Barrier Top View Nanowire Al2O3 template lNanowires based on Bi, BiSb ,Bi2Te3,SiGe Nature, June 10, 2004 Outlook for Nanocrystal LEDs Brightens Victor Klimov and colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory assembled their cadmium selenide dots on top of a so- called quantum well, a thin sheet of semiconductor sandwiched between two barrier layers. A quick flash of laser light aimed at the well generates pairs of electrons and positively charged "holes" in the middle layer. Normally the pairs would recombine and emit a photon, but by making the top layer of the well thinner than 30 Angstroms, the researchers forced the recombined pairs to release their energy as a wiggling electric field. This field generated electron-hole pairs in the adjacent dots; these pairs recombine, producing photons. Important Semiconductor Materials for Optoelectronics Materials Type Substrate Devices Wavelength range(mm) Si SiC Ge GaAs AlGaAs GaInP GaAlInP GaP GaAsP InP InGaAs InGaAsP InAlAs InAlGaAs GaSb / GaAlSb CdHgTe ZnSe ZnS IV IV IV III- V III- V III- V III- V III- V III- V III- V III- V III- V III- V III- V II- VI II- VI] II- VI II- VI Si SiC Ge GaAS GaAS GaAs GaAS GaP GaP InP InP InP InP InP GaSb CdTe ZnSe ZnS Detectors, Solar cells Blue LEDs Detectors LEDs, Lasers, Detectors, Solar Cells, Imagers, Intensifiers LEDs, Lasers, Solar Cells, Imagers Visible Lasers, LEDs Visible Lasers, LEDs Visible LEDs Visible LEDs Solar Cells Detectors Lasers, LEDS Lasers, Detectors Lasers, Detectors Lasers, Detectors Long wavelength Detectors Short wavelength LEDs Short wavelength LEDs 0.5- 1 0.4 1-1.8 0.85 0.67 -0.98 0.5- 0.7 0.5- 0.7 0.5- 0.7 0.5- 0.7 0.9 1-1.67 1-1.6 1-2.5 1-2.5 2-3.5 3-5 and 8 -12 0.4- 0.6 0.4- 0.6 Commercial Applications of Optoelectronic Devices Materials Devices Applications Remote control TV, etc., video disk players, range- finding, solar energy conversion, optical fiber communication systems (local networks), image intensifiers Space solar cell Optical fiber communications (long - haul and local loop) Optical fiber communications, Military applications, medicine, sensor Displays, control, compact disk players, laser printers/scanners, optical disk memories, laser medicine equipment Solar energy conversions, e.g. watches, calculators, cooling, heating, detectors Detectors Displays, optical disk memories, etc. Infrared imaging, night vision sights, missileseekers, other military applications Commercial applications (R&D stages only) Detectors, Infrared LEDs and Lasers Solar cell Infrared LEDs, Lasers (1-1.6mm) 1-1.67mm Detectors 1.67 -2.4mm Detectors 0.5- 0.7mm LEDs and Lasers Detectors and Solar Cells Detectors Blue LEDs Long wavelength detectors/smitters Visible LEDs GaAs/ AlGaAs InP /InP InP /InGaP InP /InGaAs InGaAlAs/InGaAs GaAs/ GaInP / GaInAlP Si Ge SiC GaSb / GaAlSb /InSb ZnSe / ZnS