The stability of vitamins during
food processing
P. Berry Ottaway, Berry Ottaway and Associates Ltd
10.1 Introduction
Vitamins, by their definition, are essential to health and have to be obtained from
the diet on a regular basis because, with the exception of vitamin D, they cannot
be produced by the body. In terms of medicine and nutrition, our knowledge of
vitamins is relatively recent. Although James Lind discovered an association
between limejuice and scurvy in 1753, it was over 170 years later that vitamin C
was eventually isolated. The understanding of vitamin B
goes back only to the
1950s and new roles for folates were still being discovered in the late 1990s.
Man’s supply of vitamins is obtained from a varied diet of vegetables, cereals,
fruits and meats and the quantities of vitamins that are present in the dietary
sources can be affected significantly by the processing and storage of the food.
10.2 The vitamins
Vitamins are a heterogeneous group of substances and are vital nutrients that must
be obtained from the diet. Although a number of these were termed vitamins
between the 1930s and 1950s, nutritional science now recognises only 13 sub-
stances, or groups of substances, as being true vitamins. The 13 substances are
divided into two categories, the fat-soluble vitamins of which there are four
(vitamins A, D, E and K) and the water-soluble vitamins of which there are nine
(vitamins C, B
, B
, B
, B
, niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin). They are listed
in Table 10.1. Even within the two sub-categories, the vitamins have almost no
common attributes in terms of chemistry, function or daily requirements. In terms
of requirements some, such as vitamins C, E and niacin, are needed in tens of
milligrams a day whilst others, such as vitamins D and B
, are only needed in
single microgram amounts. It can be seen from these examples that there is no
relationship between the form of delivery (i.e. fat or water soluble) and the daily
requirements. The heterogeneity also applies to the chemical structure and the
functions of the vitamins. Chemically, there are no similarities between the sub-
stances. Some are single substances such as biotin, whilst others, such as vitamin
E, are groups of compounds all exhibiting vitamin activity.
10.3 Factors affecting vitamin stability
One of the very few attributes that the vitamins have in common is that none is
completely stable in foods. The stability of the individual vitamins varies from
the relatively stable, such as in the case of niacin, to the relatively unstable, such
as vitamin B
. The factors that affect stability vary from vitamin to vitamin and
the principal ones are summarised in Table 10.2. The most important of these
factors are heat, moisture, oxygen, pH and light.
The deterioration of vitamins can take place naturally during the storage of
vegetables and fruits and losses can occur during the processing and preparation
248 The nutrition handbook for food processors
Table 10.1 Vitamins and some commonly used synonyms
Vitamin Synonyms
vitamin A retinol
vitamin D
vitamin D
vitamin E alpha, beta and gamma tocopherols and alpha tocotrienol
vitamin K
phylloquinone, phytomenadione
vitamin K
farnoquinone, menaquinone
vitamin K
vitamin B
vitamin B
vitamin B
pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine
vitamin B
cobalamins, cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin
niacin nicotinic acid (vitamin PP)
niacinamide nicotinamide (vitamin PP)
pantothenic acid —
folic acid folacin (vitamin M)
biotin vitamin H
vitamin C ascorbic acid
of foods and their ingredients, particularly those subjected to heat treatment. The
factors that affect the degradation of vitamins are the same whether the vitamins
are naturally occurring in the food or are added to the food from synthetic sources.
However, the form in which a synthetic source is used (e.g. a salt or ester) may
enhance its stability. For example, the vitamin E (tocopherol) esters are more
stable than the tocopherol form itself.
With the increased use of nutritional labelling of food products, vitamin levels
in foods have become the subject of label claims that can be easily checked by
the enforcement authorities. This poses a number of problems for the food tech-
nologist. When more than one vitamin is the subject of a quantitative label claim
for a food, it is very unlikely that the vitamins will deteriorate at the same rate.
If the amounts of these vitamins are included in nutritional labelling, the shelf
life of the food is determined by the life of the most unstable component.
In order to comply with the legal requirements of maintaining the label claim
throughout the declared life of a food product, the food technologist needs to
obtain a reasonably accurate estimation of the stability of each of the vitamins in
the product. This has to be evaluated in the context of the food system (solid,
liquid, etc.), the packaging and probable storage conditions and is achieved by
conducting well-designed stability tests.
10.4 Fat-soluble vitamins
10.4.1 Vitamin A
Nutritionally, the human body can obtain its vitamin A requirements from two
sources: from animal sources as forms of retinol, and from plant sources from
b-carotene and related carotenoids. Both sources provide a supply of vitamin A,
but by different metabolic pathways. In terms of stability the two sources are
different from each other.
Vitamin A is one of the more labile vitamins and retinol is less stable than the
The stability of vitamins during food processing 249
Table 10.2 Factors affecting the stability of vitamins
? Temperature
? Moisture
? Oxygen
? Light
? Presence of metallic ions (e.g. copper, iron)
? Oxidising and reducing agents
? Presence of other vitamins
? Other components of food (e.g. sulphur dioxide)
? Combinations of the above
retinyl esters. The presence of double bonds in its structure makes it subject to
isomerisation, particularly in an aqueous medium at acid pH. The isomer with
the highest biological activity is the all-trans vitamin A. The predominant cis
isomer is 13-cis or neovitamin A which only has a biological activity of 75% of
the all-trans isomer; and 6-cis and 2, 6-di-cis isomers which may also form during
isomerisation have less than 25% of the biological activity of the all-trans form
of vitamin A. The natural vitamin A sources usually contain about one-third
neovitamin A while most synthetic sources generally contain considerably less.
For aqueous products where isomerisation is known to occur, mixtures of vitamin
A palmitate isomers at the equilibrium ratio have been produced commercially.
Vitamin A is relatively stable in alkaline solutions.
Vitamin A is sensitive to atmospheric oxygen with the alcohol form being less
stable than the esters. The decomposition is catalysed by the presence of trace
minerals. As a consequence of its sensitivity to oxygen, vitamin A is normally
available commercially as a preparation that includes an antioxidant and often a
protective coating. While butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrox-
ytoluene (BHT) are permitted in a number of countries for use as antioxidants in
vitamin A preparations, the recent trend has been towards the use of tocopherols
(vitamin E). Both retinol and its esters are inactivated by the ultraviolet compo-
nent of light.
In general, vitamin A is relatively stable during food processing involving
heating, with the palmitate ester more stable to heat than retinol. It is normally
regarded as stable during milk processing, and food composition tables give only
small differences between the retinol contents of fresh whole milk, sterilised and
ultra high temperature (UHT) treated milk.
However, prolonged holding of milk
or butter at high temperatures in the presence of air can be shown to result in a
significant decrease in the vitamin A activity.
A provitamin is a compound that can be converted in the body to a vitamin
and there are a number of carotenoids with provitamin A activity. Carotenoids
are generally found as naturally occurring plant pigments that give the charac-
teristic yellow, orange and red colours to a wide range of fruits and vegetables.
Some can also be found in the liver, kidney, spleen and milk. The provitamin A
with the greatest nutritional and commercial importance is b-carotene. The sta-
bility of the carotenoids is similar to vitamin A in that they are sensitive to oxygen,
light and acid media.
It has been reported that treatment with sulphur dioxide reduces carotenoid
destruction in vegetables during dehydration and storage. A study with model
systems showed that the stability of b-carotene was greatly enhanced by sulphur
dioxide added either as a sulphite solution to cellulose powder prior to b-carotene
absorption or as a headspace gas in containers of b-carotene. While it was found
that the b-carotene stability was improved by increasing the nitrogen levels in
the containers, the stability was even greater when the nitrogen was replaced by
sulphur dioxide. Comparative values for the induction period were 19 hours for
b-carotene samples stored in oxygen only, 120 hours in nitrogen and 252 hours
in sulphur dioxide.
250 The nutrition handbook for food processors
Investigations into the effect of sulphur dioxide treatment on the b-carotene
stability in dehydrated vegetables have given varying results and it has been pos-
tulated that the effects of the drying and storage conditions on the stability of the
sulphur dioxide has a consequential effect on the stability of the b-carotene in
dehydrated products.
Studies on the heat stability of both a-carotene and b-
carotene showed that the b-carotene was about 1.9 times more susceptible than
a-carotene to heat damage during normal cooking and blanching processes.
Products containing b-carotene should be protected from light and headspace air
kept to the minimum.
10.4.2 Vitamin E
A number of naturally occurring substances exhibit vitamin E activity, including
the a, b, g and d tocopherols and a tocotrienols. Dietary sources of vitamin E are
found in a number of vegetables and cereals, with some vegetable oils such as
wheatgerm, sunflower seed, safflower seed and maize oils being particularly good
sources. Both synthetic and naturally-sourced forms of vitamin E are available
commercially. Whilst the natural sources of the tocopherols, which also have the
highest biological activity, are in the d form, the synthetic versions can only be
produced in the dl form. Both the d and dl forms are also commercially available
as esters.
There is a considerable difference in the stability of the tocopherol forms of
vitamin E and the tocopherol esters. While vitamin E is regarded as being one of
the more stable vitamins, the unesterified tocopherol is less stable due to the free
phenolic hydroxyl group.
Vitamin E is unusual in that it exhibits reduced stability at temperatures below
freezing. The explanation given for this is that the peroxides formed during fat
oxidation are degraded at higher temperatures but are stable at temperatures
below 0°C and as a consequence can react with the vitamin E.
It has also been
shown that a-tocopherol may function as a pro-oxidant in the presence of metal
ions such as iron.
a-Tocopherol is readily oxidised by air. It is stable to heat in the absence of
air but is degraded if heated in the presence of air and is readily oxidised dur-
ing the processing and storage of foods. One of the most important naturally-
occurring sources of tocopherols are the vegetable oils, particularly wheat germ
and cotton-seed oils. While deep-frying of the oils may result in a loss of vitamin
E of around 10%, it has been found that the storage of fried foods, even at tem-
peratures as low as -12°C, can result in very significant losses.
dl-a-Tocopheryl acetate is relatively stable in air but is hydrolysed by mois-
ture in the presence of alkalis or strong acids to free tocopherols.
10.4.3 Vitamin D
Present in nature in several forms, dietary vitamin D occurs predominantly in
animal products with very little being obtained from plant sources. Vitamin D
The stability of vitamins during food processing 251
or cholecalciferol is derived in animals, including man, from ultra-violet irra-
diation of 7-dehydrocholesterol found in the skin. Human requirements are
obtained both from the endogenous production in the skin and from dietary
sources. Vitamin D
(ergocalciferol) is produced by the ultraviolet irradiation of
ergosterol, which is widely distributed in plants and fungi. Both vitamins D
are manufactured for commercial use.
Both vitamins D
and D
are sensitive to light and can be destroyed relatively
rapidly if exposed to light. They are also adversely affected by acids. Prepara-
tions of vitamin D in edible oils are more stable than the crystalline forms, and
the vitamin is normally provided for commercial usage as an oil preparation or
stabilised powder containing an antioxidant (usually tocopherol). The prepara-
tions are normally provided in lightproof containers with inert gas flushing.
The presence of double bonds in the structure of both forms of vitamin D can
make them susceptible to isomerisation under certain conditions. Studies have
shown that the isomerisation rates of ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol are almost
equal. Isomerisation in solutions of cholecalciferol resulted in an equilibrium
being formed between ergocalciferol and precalciferol with the ratios of the
isomers being temperature dependent. The isomerisation of ergocalciferol has
been studied in powders prepared with calcium sulphate, calcium phosphate, talc
and magnesium trisilicate. It was found that the isomerisation was catalysed by
the surface acid of these additives.
Crystalline vitamin D
is sensitive to atmospheric oxygen and will show signs
of decomposition after a few days storage in the presence of air at ambient
temperatures. Crystalline cholecalciferol, D
, is also destroyed by atmospheric
oxygen but is relatively more stable than D
, possibly due to the fact that it has
one less double bond.
The vitamin D
naturally occurring in foods such as milk and fish, appears to
be relatively stable to heat processing.
10.4.4 Vitamin K
Vitamin K occurs in a number of forms. Vitamin K
(phytomenadione or phyl-
loquinone) is found in green plants and vegetables, potatoes and fruits, while
vitamin K
(menaquinone) can be found in animal and microbial materials.
The presence of double bonds in both vitamins K
and K
makes them liable
to isomerisation. Vitamin K
has only one double bond in the side chain in the
3-position whereas in K
double bonds recur regularly in the side chain. Vitamin
exists in the form of both trans and cis isomers. The trans isomer is the
naturally occurring form and is the one that is biologically active. The cis form
has no significant biological activity.
The various forms of vitamin K are relatively stable to heat and are retained
after most cooking processes. The vitamin is destroyed by sunlight and is
decomposed by alkalis. Vitamin K
is only slowly decomposed by atmospheric
Vitamin K is rarely added to food products and the most common commer-
252 The nutrition handbook for food processors
cially available form is K
(phytomenadione), which is insoluble in water. A
water-soluble K
is available as menadione sodium bisulphite.
10.5 Water-soluble vitamins
The water-soluble vitamin group contains eight vitamins collectively known as
the B-complex vitamins plus vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
10.5.1 Thiamin (vitamin B
Thiamin is widely distributed in living tissues. In most animal products it occurs
in a phosphorylated form, and in plant products it is predominantly in the non-
phosphorylated form. Commercially it is available as either thiamin hydrochlo-
ride or thiamin mononitrate. Both these salts have specific areas of application
and their use depends on the product matrix to which they are added.
A considerable amount of research has been carried out on the heat stability
of thiamin and its salts, particularly in the context of cooking losses. Early work
on thiamin losses during bread-making showed an initial cleavage of the thiamin
to pyrimidine and thiazole.
The destruction of thiamin by heat is more rapid in
alkaline media. Vitamin B
losses in milk, which has an average fresh content of
0.04 mg thiamin per 100 g, are normally less than 10% for pasteurised milk,
between 5 and 15% for UHT milk and between 30 and 40% for sterilised milk.
Between 30 and 50% of the vitamin B
activity can be lost during the production
of evaporated milk.
Losses of thiamin during the commercial baking of white bread are between
15 and 20%. Part of this loss is due to the yeast fermentation, which can convert
thiamin to cocarboxylase, which is less stable than thiamin. Thiamin is very
sensitive to sulphites and bisulphites as it is cleaved by sulphite. This reaction
is rapid at high pH, and is the cause of large losses of the vitamin in vegetables
blanched with sulphite, and in meat products such as comminuted meats where
sulphites and bisulphites are used as preservatives. Where the pH is low, such as
in citrus fruit juices, the bisulphite occurs mainly as the unionised acid, and
thiamin losses in such systems are not significantly different from those in prod-
ucts not containing bisulphite.
Studies on the rate of sulphite-induced cleavage of thiamin during the prepa-
ration and storage of minced meat showed that losses of thiamin were linear with
sulphur dioxide concentrates up to 0.1%. The storage temperature did not have
a significant effect on the losses. It has also been reported that thiamin is cleaved
by aromatic aldehydes. Thiamin is decomposed by both oxidising and reducing
agents. If it is allowed to stand in alkaline solution in air it is oxidised to the
disulphide and small amounts of thiothiazolone.
A range of food ingredients has been shown to have an effect on the stability
of thiamin. In general, proteins are protective of the vitamin, particularly food
proteins such as egg albumin and casein. When heated with glucose, either as a
The stability of vitamins during food processing 253
dry mixture or in solution, a browning analogous to a Maillard reaction can occur.
This reaction is similar to the reaction between sugars and amino acids and may
be important in the loss of thiamin during heat processing. Work has shown that
fructose, invertase, mannitol and inositol can actually retard the rate of destruc-
tion of thiamin.
Thiamin is unstable in alkaline solutions and becomes increasingly unstable
as the pH increases. The stability of the vitamin in low pH solutions such as for-
tified fruit drinks is very good. In common with that of some other vitamins, the
stability of thiamin is adversely affected by the presence of copper ions. This
effect can be reduced by the addition of metal-chelating compounds such as
calcium disodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetate (EDTA). The heavy metals only
appear to influence thiamin stability when they are capable of forming complex
anions with constituents of the medium.
The enzymes, thiaminases, which are present in small concentrations in a
number of animal and vegetable food sources, can degrade thiamin. These
enzymes are most commonly found in a range of seafoods such as shrimps, clams
and raw fish, but are also found in some varieties of beans, mustard seed and rice
polishings. Two types of thiaminases are known and these are designated thia-
minase I and thiaminase II. The former catalyses the decomposition of the thia-
mine by a base-exchange reaction, involving a nucleophilic displacement of the
methylene group of the pyrimidine moiety. Thiaminase II catalyses a simple
hydrolysis of thiamin.
A problem associated with the addition of vitamin B
to food products is the
unpleasant flavour and odour of the thiamin salts.
The breakdown of thiamin,
particularly during heating, may give rise to off-flavours, and the compounds
derived from the degradation of the vitamins are believed to contribute to the
‘cooked’ flavours in a number of foods. However, both thiamin hydrochloride
and mononitrate are relatively stable to atmospheric oxygen in the absence of
light and moisture, and both are normally considered to be very stable when used
in dry products with light and moisture-proof packaging.
10.5.2 Riboflavin (vitamin B
Riboflavin is the most widely distributed of all the vitamins and is found in all
plant and animal cells, although there are relatively few rich food sources. It is
present naturally in foods in two bound forms, riboflavin mononucleotide and
flavin adenine dinucleotide. Plants and many bacteria can synthesise riboflavin
and it is also found in dietary amounts in dairy products. Riboflavin is available
commercially as a crystalline powder that is only sparingly soluble in water. As
a consequence, the sodium salt of riboflavin-5¢-phosphate, which is more soluble
in water, is used for liquid preparations.
The most important factor influencing the stability of this vitamin is light, with
the greatest effect being caused by light in the 420 to 560mm range. Fluorescent
light is less harmful than direct sunlight, but products in transparent packaging
can be affected by strip lighting in retail outlets. Riboflavin and riboflavin phos-
254 The nutrition handbook for food processors
phate are both stable to heat and atmospheric oxygen, particularly in an acid
medium. In this respect, riboflavin is regarded as being one of the more stable
vitamins. It is degraded by reducing agents and becomes increasingly unstable
with increasing pH. While riboflavin is stable to the heat processing of milk, one
of the main causes of loss in milk and milk products is from exposure to light.
Liquid milk exposed to light can lose between 20 and 80% of its riboflavin
content in two hours, with the rate and extent of loss being dependent upon the
light intensity, the temperature and the surface area of the container exposed.
Although vitamin B
is sensitive to light, particularly in a liquid medium such as
milk, it remains stable in white bread wrapped in transparent packaging and kept
in a lit retail area.
10.5.3 Niacin
The term ‘niacin’ is generic for both nicotinic acid and nicotinamide (niaci-
namide) in foods. Both forms have equal vitamin activity, both are present in a
variety of foods and both forms are available as commercial isolates. Niacin
occurs naturally in the meat and liver of hoofed animals and also in some plants.
In maize and some other cereals it is found in the form of niacytin, which is bound
to polysaccharides and peptides in the outer layers of the cereal grains and is
unavailable to man unless treated with a mild alkali.
Both forms of niacin are normally very stable in foods because they are not
affected by atmospheric oxygen, heat and light in either aqueous or solid systems.
10.5.4 Pantothenic acid
In nature, pantothenic acid is widely distributed in plants and animals, but is
rarely found in the free state as it forms part of the coenzyme A molecule. It is
found in yeast and egg yolk, and in muscle tissue, liver, kidney and heart of
animals. It is also found in a number of vegetables, cereals and nuts. Pantothenic
acid is optically active and only its dextro-rotary forms have vitamin activity.
Losses of pantothenic acid during the preparation and cooking of foods are nor-
mally not very large. Milk generally loses less than 10% during processing, and
meat losses during cooking are not excessive when compared to those of the other
B vitamins.
Free pantothenic acid is an unstable and very hygroscopic oil. Commercial
preparations are normally provided as calcium or sodium salts. The alcohol
form, panthenol, is available as a stable liquid but is not widely used in
foods. The three commercial forms, calcium and sodium d-pantothenate and d-
pantothenol, are moderately stable to atmospheric oxygen and light when pro-
tected from moisture. All three compounds are hygroscopic, especially sodium
pantothenate. Aqueous solutions of both the salts and the alcohol form are ther-
molabile and will undergo hydrolytic cleavage, particularly at high or low pH.
The compounds are unstable in both acid and alkaline solutions and maximum
stability is in the pH range of 6 to 7. Aqueous solutions of d-panthenol are more
stable than the salts, particularly in the pH range 3 to 5.
The stability of vitamins during food processing 255
10.5.5 Folic acid/folates
Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid) does not occur in nature but can be produced
commercially. The naturally occurring forms are a number of derivatives collec-
tively known as folates or folacin, which contain one or more linked molecules
of glutamic acid. Polyglutamates predominate in fresh food, but on storage these
can slowly break down to monoglutamates and oxidise to less biologically avail-
able folates. The folic acid synthesised for food fortification contains only one
glutamic group.
Most of the stability studies have been carried out with the commercially avail-
able folic acid, which has been found to be moderately stable to heat and atmos-
pheric oxygen. In solution it is stable at around pH 7 but becomes increasingly
unstable in acid or alkali media, particularly at pH less than 5. Folic acid is
decomposed by oxidising and reducing agents. Sunlight, and particularly ultra-
violet radiation, has a serious effect on the stability of folic acid. Cleavage by
light is more rapid in the presence of riboflavin, but this reaction can be retarded
by the addition of the antioxidant BHA to solutions containing folic acid and
The stability of the folates in foods during processing and storage is variable.
Folic acid loss during the pasteurisation of milk is normally less than 5%. Losses
in the region of 20% can occur during UHT treatment and about 30% loss is
found after sterilisation. UHT milk stored for three months can lose over 50% of
its folic acid. The extra heat treatment involved in boiling pasteurised milk can
decrease the folic acid content by 20%. Losses of around 10% are found in boiled
eggs, while other forms of cooking (fried, poached, scrambled) give between 30
and 35% loss. Total folic acid losses from vegetables as a result of heating and
cooking processes can be very high.
A study carried out on the stability of folic acid in spinach during processing
and storage showed major differences between water blanching and steam
blanching, with a folate retention of 58% with steam blanching and only 17%
with water. Frozen spinach was found to retain 72% folate after 3 months
10.5.6 Vitamin B
Vitamin B
activity is shown by three compounds, pyridoxol, pyridoxal and
pyridoxamine and these are often considered together as pyridoxine. Vitamin
is found in red meat, liver, cod roe and liver, milk and green vegetables. The
commercial form normally used for food fortification is the salt, pyridoxine
Pyridoxine is normally stable to atmospheric oxygen and heat. Decomposition
is catalysed by metal ions. Pyridoxine is sensitive to light, particularly in neutral
and alkaline solutions. One of the main causes of loss of this vitamin in milk is
sunlight with a 21% loss being reported after 8 hours exposure.
Pyridoxine is
stable in milk during pasteurisation but about 20% can be lost during sterilisa-
256 The nutrition handbook for food processors
tion. Losses during UHT processing are around 27%,
but UHT milk stored for
3 months can lose 35% of this vitamin. Average losses as a result of roasting or
grilling of meat are 20%, with higher losses (30–60%) in stewed and boiled meat.
Cooking or canning of vegetables results in losses of 20–40%.
10.5.7 Vitamin B
The most important compound with vitamin B
activity is cyanocobalamin. This
has a complicated chemical structure and occurs only in animal tissue and as a
metabolite of certain microorganisms. The other compounds showing this vitamin
activity differ only slightly from the cyanocobalamin structure. The central ring
structure of the molecule is a ‘corrin’ ring with a central cobalt atom. In its natural
form, vitamin B
is probably bound to peptides or protein.
Vitamin B
is commercially available as crystalline cyanocobalamin, which
is a dark red powder. As human requirements of vitamin B
are very low (about
1–2mg a day), it is often supplied as a standardised dilution on a carrier.
Cyanocobalamin is decomposed by both oxidising and reducing agents. In
neutral and weakly acid solutions it is relatively stable to both atmospheric
oxygen and heat. It is only slightly stable in alkaline solutions and strong acids.
It is sensitive to light and ultraviolet radiation, and controlled studies on the effect
of light on cyanocobalamin in neutral aqueous solutions showed that sunlight at
a brightness of 8.6 ¥ 10
lux caused a 10% loss for every 30 minutes of exposure,
but exposure to levels of brightness 3.2 ¥ 10
lux had little effect.
Vitamin B
normally stable during pasteurisation of milk but up to 20% can be lost during
sterilisation, and losses of 20–35% can occur during spray drying of milk. The
stability of vitamin B
is significantly influenced by the presence of other
10.5.8 Biotin
The chemical structure of biotin is such that eight different isomers are possible
and of these only the dextro-rotatory or d-biotin possesses vitamin activity. d-
biotin is widely distributed, but in small concentrations, in animal and plant
tissues. It can occur both in the free state (milk, fruit and some vegetables) and
in a form bound to protein (animal tissues and yeast). It is commercially avail-
able as a white crystalline powder.
Biotin is generally regarded as having a good stability, being fairly stable in
air, heat and daylight. It can, however, gradually be decomposed by ultraviolet
radiation. Biotin in aqueous solutions is relatively stable if the solutions are either
weakly acid or weakly alkaline. In strong acid or alkaline solutions the biologi-
cal activity can be destroyed by heating.
Avidin, a protein complex, which is found in raw egg white, can react with
biotin and bind it in such a way that the biotin is inactivated. Avidin is denatured
by heat and biotin inactivation does not occur with cooked eggs.
The stability of vitamins during food processing 257
10.5.9 Vitamin C
Although a number of compounds possess vitamin C activity, the most important
is l-ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is widely distributed in nature and can occur at rel-
atively high levels in some fruits and vegetables and is also found in animal organs
such as liver and kidney. Small amounts can be found in milk and other meats.
Ascorbic acid is the enolic form of 3-keto-1-gulofuranolactone. The endiol
groups at C-2 and C-3 are sensitive to oxidation and can easily convert into a
diketo group. The resultant compound, dehydro-l-ascorbic acid, also has vitamin
C activity. The d-isomers do not have vitamin activity.
The l-ascorbic acid in foods is easily oxidised to the dehydro-l-ascorbic acid.
In fresh foods the reduced form normally predominates but processing, storage
and cooking increase the proportions of the dehydro form. Commercially, vitamin
C is available as l-ascorbic acid and its calcium, sodium and magnesium salts,
the ascorbates. It is also available as ascorbyl palmitate and can be used in this
form as an antioxidant in processed foods. Ascorbic acid and the ascorbates
are relatively stable in dry air but are unstable in the presence of moisture.
Ascorbic acid is readily oxidised in aqueous solutions, first forming dehydro-
l-ascorbic acid which is then further and rapidly oxidised. Conversion to dehy-
droascorbic acid is reversible but the products of the latter stages of oxidation are
Ascorbic acid is widely used in soft drinks and to restore manufacturing losses
in fruit juices, particularly citrus juices. Research has shown that its stability in
these products varies widely according to the composition and oxygen content of
the solution. It is very unstable in apple juice but stability in blackcurrant juice
is good, possibly as a result of the protective effects of phenolic substances with
antioxidant properties.
The effect of dissolved oxygen is very significant. As 11.2 mg of ascorbic acid
is oxidised by 1.0mg of oxygen, 75–100mg of ascorbic acid can be destroyed
by one litre of juice. Vacuum treatment stages are normally added to the process
to deaerate the solution to reduce the problem. It is also important to avoid sig-
nificant head-spaces in containers of liquids with added ascorbic acid as 3.3 mg
of ascorbic acid can be destroyed by the oxygen in 1 cm
of air.
Different pro-
duction and filling processes can have a significant effect on the retention of
vitamin C in drinks. For example, the ascorbic acid loss in a drink packed in a
0.7 litre glass bottle with a partial deaeration of the water and vacuum deaeration
of the drink immediately before filling was 16% of the same product filled without
any deaeration.
Traces of heavy metal ions act as catalysts to the degradation of ascorbic acid.
Studies on the stability of pharmaceutical solutions of ascorbic acid showed that
the order of the effectiveness of the metallic ions was Cu
> Fe
> Zn
ascorbate complex has been identified as being intermediate in the oxidation of
the ascorbic acid in the presence of Cu
ions. Other work on model systems has
shown that copper ion levels as low as 0.85 ppm was sufficient to catalyse oxi-
dation, and that the reaction rate was approximately proportional to the square
root of the copper concentration.
258 The nutrition handbook for food processors
Work with sequestrants has shown that ethylenediamine tetra-acetate (EDTA)
has a significant effect on the reduction of ascorbic acid oxidation, with the
optimal level of EDTA required to inhibit the oxidation of vitamin C in black-
currant juice being a mole ratio of EDTA to [Cu + Fe] of approximately 2.3.
Unfortunately, EDTA is not a permitted sequestrant for fruit juices in many coun-
tries. The amino acid cysteine has also been found to inhibit ascorbic acid oxi-
dation effectively.
Copper and iron ions play such a significant part in metal catalysed oxidation
of ascorbic acid that the selection of process equipment can have a marked effect
on the stability of vitamin C in food and drink products. Contact of product with
bronze, brass, cold rolled steel or black iron surfaces or equipment should be
avoided and only stainless steel, aluminium or plastic should be used.
The rate of ascorbic acid degradation in aqueous solutions is pH-dependent
with the maximum rate at about pH 4. Vitamin C losses can occur during the
frozen storage of foods, and work has shown that oxidation of ascorbic acid is
faster in ice than in the liquid water. Frozen orange concentrates can lose about
10% of their vitamin C content during twelve months’ storage at -23°C (-10°F).
Light, either in the form of sunlight or white fluorescent light, can have an effect
on the stability of vitamin C in milk, with the extent of the losses being depend-
ent on the translucency and permeability of the container and the length and con-
ditions of exposure. Bottled orange drinks exposed to light have been found to
lose up to 35% vitamin C in three months.
The destruction of vitamin C during processing or cooking of foods can be
quite considerable, with losses during pasteurisation being around 25%, sterili-
sation about 60% and up to 100% in UHT milk stored for three months. Milk
boiled from pasteurised can show losses of between 30 and 70%. Large losses of
vitamin C are also found after cooking or hot storage of vegetables and fruits.
The commercial dehydration of potatoes can cause losses of between 35 and 45%.
Destruction of vitamin C during the processing of vegetables depends on the
physical processing used and the surface area of product exposed to oxygen.
Slicing and dicing of vegetables will increase the rate of vitamin loss. Blanching
of cabbage can produce losses of up to 20% of the vitamin C, whilst subsequent
dehydration can account for a further 30%.
10.6 Vitamin–vitamin interactions
One of the least expected and less understood aspects of maintaining the stabil-
ity of vitamins in foods is the detrimental interaction between vitamins. This can
lead to the more rapid degradation of one or more of the vitamins in a food or
beverage. These interactions should be taken into consideration when vitamins
are used to restore or fortify products presented in the liquid (aqueous) phase such
as soft drinks or fruit juices. Most of the work in the area of vitamin–vitamin
interactions has been carried out by the pharmaceutical industry in relation to the
development of liquid multivitamin preparations. Four of the thirteen vitamins
The stability of vitamins during food processing 259
have been identified as having interactions with each other with deleterious
effects. These are ascorbic acid (vitamin C), thiamin (vitamin B
), riboflavin
(vitamin B
) and vitamin B
. The principal interactions are given in Table 10.3.
Other interactions have been identified that can be advantageous, particularly in
increasing the solubility of the less soluble vitamins in aqueous solutions. For
example, niacinamide has been shown to act as a solubiliser for riboflavin and
folic acid.
10.7 Vitamin loss during processing
As already discussed, all vitamins exhibit a degree of instability, the rate of which
is affected by a number of factors. Naturally-occurring vitamins in foods are sus-
ceptible to many of these factors during the harvesting, processing and storage
of the food and its ingredients. It is particularly important that the effects of pro-
cessing are taken into consideration when assessing vitamin stability in foods,
as the food may have been subjected to a number of adverse factors during pro-
cessing. The most common factor during processing is the application of heat,
which in some cases, such as canning, can be for a relatively long time. Most of
the work on the stability of vitamins in fruits and vegetables during blanching
and canning was carried out during the 1940s and 1950s. Although there have
since been refinements both in processing and analytical techniques, many of the
conclusions drawn from this research are still valid.
10.7.1 Blanching
In terms of blanching it was found that a high temperature–short time water
blanch gave a better vitamin retention than a low temperature–long time blanch
and that, overall, steam blanching was superior to water blanching. The addition
of sulphite to the blanching water has been shown to affect significantly
thiamin levels in fruits and vegetables. Beta carotene was found to be the best
survivor during blanching. Riboflavin had retentions in the range 80 to 95%;
260 The nutrition handbook for food processors
Table 10.3 Principal vitamin–vitamin interactions
Activator Increased instability
Ascorbic acid Folic acid
Ascorbic acid Vitamin B
Thiamin Folic acid
Thiamin Vitamin B
Riboflavin Thiamin
Riboflavin Folic acid
Riboflavin Ascorbic acid
vitamin C was in the range 70 to 90% under optimum conditions and niacin 75
to 90%.
10.7.2 Heat processing
Studies on the heat processing of fruits and vegetables in both tin and glass con-
tainers showed significant losses of both vitamin C and thiamin. In some cases,
the vitamin C levels assayed immediately after the heat processing were between
15 and 45% of the fresh product and these values further reduced during storage.
Thiamin reduced by about 50% during heat processing and further declined
to between 15 and 40% of the original level after 12 months’ storage. Riboflavin
losses were between 12 and 15% during processing but levels of about 50% of
the original were observed after 12 months. Niacin was more stable with initial
losses of 15 to 25% but with much less than riboflavin being lost during storage.
Beta carotene was found to be relatively stable.
In milk, the fat soluble vitamins A and D are relatively stable to the heat treat-
ments used for the processing of milk, as are the water soluble vitamins riboflavin,
niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin. Vitamin C, thiamin, vitamin B
, vitamin B
and folic acid are all affected by the heat processing of milk, with the more severe
the process, the greater the loss. With the exception of vitamin C, vitamin losses
are generally less than 10% after pasteurisation of milk and between 10 and 20%
after Ultra High Temperature (UHT) treatment. Average losses following sterili-
sation of milk are reported as 20% for thiamin, vitamin B
and vitamin B
30% for folic acid. Studies have shown that the stability of vitamin C during the
processing of milk is also affected by the oxygen content of the milk. Average
losses for the vitamin C were 25% after pasteurisation, 30% after UHT and 60%
after sterilisation. However, vitamin C appears to be particularly well retained in
condensed full cream milk.
B-vitamin stability during the heat processing and cooking of meats varies
widely. Cooking conditions can have a marked effect on stability and the reten-
tion of thiamin in beef and pork is related to roasting temperatures. If the vitamin
content of the drippings is taken into consideration, it is generally found that
riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B
are stable during the cooking of meat. Pan-
tothenic acid losses in cooked meat are usually less than 10% although high losses
of folate (both free and total) of over 50% have been found in pork, beef and
chicken that had been boiled for 15 minutes. Post-mortem ageing of beef can
result in up to a 30% loss of niacin over seven days, although the remaining niacin
is relatively stable on cooking. The baking of bread can induce losses of about
20% for thiamin, up to 17% for vitamin B
and up to one third of the natural
folate content. Niacin and pantothenic acid are normally stable during baking.
10.7.3 Freezing
Although most of the vitamins are stable in frozen fruits and vegetables for
periods of up to a year, losses of vitamin C have been found to occur at tem-
peratures as low as -23°C.
The stability of vitamins during food processing 261
10.7.4 Dehydration
Studies on the dehydration of blanched vegetables show that the dehydration
process can result in additional losses. The dehydration of blanched cabbage
(unsulphited) gave an additional 30% reduction in vitamin C content, 5 to 15%
in the niacin content and about 15% of the thiamin.
10.7.5 Effect of irradiation on vitamin stability in foods
The use of ionising radiation (irradiation) as a sterilisation technique for foods
has been accepted in a number of countries, including the European Union. In
many countries the foods and ingredients that are allowed to be irradiated are
restricted by law and the process is normally only used for foods at risk of high
levels of microbiological contamination.
It has been shown that vitamin levels in a food can be affected by irradiation
and the losses can, in general, be related to the dose. At low doses (e.g. up to
1 kilogray), the losses for most vitamins are not significant. At higher doses (3–
10 kGy) it has been shown that vitamin losses can occur in foods that are exposed
to air during the irradiation and subsequent storage. At the highest permitted
radiation doses, care has to be taken to protect the food by using packaging
that excludes the air and by carrying out the irradiation process at a low
There is evidence that the fat-soluble vitamins A, E and K and the water-
soluble thiamin are the most sensitive to irradiation, whereas niacin, riboflavin
and vitamin D are relatively stable. There is conflicting evidence for vitamins
with some foods showing significant losses and others almost none. If it is
intended that nutrition claims are to be made for irradiated foods, it is essential
that studies are carried out on the content and stability of the vitamins after the
treatment with the ionising radiation.
10.8 Vitamins and food product shelf-life
As the tendency to include nutritional information on the labels of food products
has increased, so have the liabilities of the manufacturers. For many, if not most,
foods the inclusion of nutrition information is optional but any statements made
on the label come under the force of law. A company making an inaccurate vol-
untary nutritional declaration can be subject to prosecution. Within a nutritional
information statement, vitamins are the main category of declared nutrients where
the quantities can significantly decrease during the shelf life of the food. The
vitamin content of processed foods can decrease during storage and it has already
been pointed out that losses of vitamin C can occur in frozen vegetables stored
at -23°C (page 259).
If declarations of vitamin levels are required on the label, whether voluntary
or statutory, the manufacturer needs to carry out suitable stability trials to deter-
262 The nutrition handbook for food processors
mine the stability of each vitamin claimed on the label over the duration of the
declared shelf life. The actual procedures used for the study will depend on the
composition of the food, the processing and the form in which it is presented and
stored. The type of packaging can have a significant effect on vitamin stability
and the quality of the barriers to oxygen, moisture and light is very important. A
requirement for label claims for vitamins can influence the selection of the form
of packaging. The need to retain the vitamins often means that a compromise has
to be achieved between the length of required shelf life and the barrier quality of
the packaging.
Due to the wide variety of products, processes and packaging, it is not pos-
sible to give specific procedures for the determination of the shelf life of vita-
mins in a food. However, guidelines have been established for the determinations
and predictions of shelf life.
The determination of the vitamin levels at each
stage of the shelf life study should be built into the protocol. As the degradation
of most of the vitamins follow ‘first order’ or ‘zero order’ kinetics, it is possible
for shelf life predictions to be made using a classical Arrhenius model on the
assumptions that the model holds for all the reactions being studied; that the same
reaction mechanism occurs throughout the temperature range of the study; that
the energy of activation is between 10 and 20 kcal/mole and that the effects of
moisture at ambient temperature are equivalent to maintaining the same relative
humidity at the higher temperatures.
Where it is possible to add vitamins to a food either to restore losses during
processing or to fortify the food, it is common practice to add an amount above
the label claims to compensate for losses during storage. This additional amount
is called an overage and is normally quoted as a percentage of the claimed level.
For example, if a label claim is made for 60 mg/serving of vitamin C and it is
determined that a 10% overage is required to achieve a stored shelf life of one
year, the input of vitamin C would be 110% of label claim, or 66 mg/serving. The
amount of overage added should be reasonable and well within any safety con-
cerns for the vitamin.
10.9 Protection of vitamins in foods
For all products for which claims for vitamins are intended, it is essential that
all stages of the processing, handling and storage of the product are evaluated to
minimise the degradation of the vitamins. This can be accomplished by keeping
residence times at high temperatures to a minimum and reducing or eliminating
exposure to light and oxygen. For example, during the processing of fruit juices,
fruit squashes and fruit drinks, the deaeration of the solution can have a protec-
tive effect on the vitamin C levels in the product by reducing or eliminating the
Commercial sources of vitamins for addition to foods can be obtained in forms
that have been encapsulated or coated to improve their stability.
The stability of vitamins during food processing 263
10.10 References
1 McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods (1991), 5 ed. (eds: Holland et
al), London, The Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF
2 baloch a k, buckle k a and edwards r a (1977), ‘Stability of beta carotene in model
systems containing sulphate’, J. Food Technol., 12, 309–16
3 baloch a k (1976), The stability of beta carotene in model systems, PhD Thesis,
University of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia
4 baloch a k, buckle k a and edwards r a (1977), ‘Effect of processing on the quality
of dehydrated carrot’, J. Food Technol., 12, 285–7
5 institute of food science and technology uk (1997), Addition of Micronutrients
to Food, London, IFST
6 de ritter m (1982), ‘Vitamins in pharmaceutical formulations’, J. Pharm. Sci., 71(10),
7 ryley j and kajda p (1994), ‘Vitamins in thermal processing’, Food Chem., 49,
8 dwivedi b k and arnold r g (1973), ‘Chemistry of thiamin degradation in food prod-
ucts and model systems: a review,’ J. Agric. Food Chem., 21(1), 54–60
9 borenstein b (1981), ‘Vitamins and amino acids’, in: Handbook of Food Additives
Volume I. (ed.: Furia T), Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, 85–114
10 clydesdale f m, ho c-t, leecy, mondy n i and shewfelt r l (1991), ‘The effects
of postharvest treatment and chemical interactions on the bioavailability of ascorbic
acid, thiamin, vitamin A, carotenoids and minerals’, Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 30(6),
11 tansey r p and schneller g h (1955), ‘Studies in the stabilisation of folic acid in
liquid pharmaceutical preparations’, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. (Sci. Ed.), 44(1), 35–7
12 morgan w (1996), ‘Effects of processing and preparation of foods on folate content’,
Austral. J. Nutr. Dietetics, 53, S31–S35
13 scott k j and bishop d r (1993), ‘The influence of combined storage procedures of
foods on B vitamin content demonstrated at the example of heat sterilisation and irra-
diation’, Nahrung, 38(4), 345–51
14 bender a e (1958), ‘The stability of vitamin C in a commercial fruit squash’, J. Sci.
Food Agric., 9, 754–60
15 timberlake c f (1960), ‘Metallic components of fruit juices. III Oxidation and sta-
bility of ascorbic acid in model systems’, J. Sci. Food Agric., 11, 258–68
16 timberlake c f (1960), ‘Metalic components of fruit juices. IV Oxidation and sta-
bility of ascorbic acid in blackcurrant juice’, J. Sci. Food Agric., 11, 268–73
17 grant n h and alburn h e (1965), ‘Fast reactions of ascorbic acid and hydrogen per-
oxide in ice,’ Science, 150, 1589–90
18 berry ottaway p (1993), ‘The stability of vitamins in food’, in The Technology of
Vitamins in Food, Chapter 5 (ed. Berry Ottaway P), Glasgow, Blackie Academic and
Professional Press
19 mallette m f, dawson c r, nelson w l and gortner w a (1946), ‘Commercially
dehydrated vegetables, oxidative enzymes, vitamin content and other factors’, Ind.
Eng. Chem., 38, 437–41
20 lenz m k and lund d b (1980), ‘Experimental procedures for determining destruc-
tion kinetics of food components’, Food Technol., 34(2), 51–5
264 The nutrition handbook for food processors