Microwave processing
D. A. E. Ehlermann, Federal Research Centre for Nutrition,
18.1 Introduction
Generally, the effects of microwave energy can be classified as either ‘macro-
scopic’ or ‘microscopic’. When the energy is used for heating food the effect is
macroscopic and results in a specific heating pattern. However, the causes of
certain features are due to microscopic effects, i.e. to physics at the atomic level.
The advantages of the technology are quick and uniform heating and the reduc-
tion of water usage.
Food is a complex system that contains many components such as biological
molecules, water and microorganisms. Its structure is determined by such struc-
tures as cells, membranes, polymers, proteins and lipids. There has always been
a suspicion that microwaves might have ‘athermal’ properties that influence unex-
pected changes in microorganisms, nutrients and living cells but at the time of
writing the allegations are unproven and the reported effects could always be
attributed to particular heating patterns and insufficient temperature control in the
experiments. Representatives of mainstream science have therefore concluded
that microwave heating is a safe method of food processing and can be usefully
applied both in the domestic household and in the food industry. Various aspects
are discussed in several of the sections that follow.
Electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of 300 MHz to 300 GHz are
usually called ‘microwaves’; this terminology is inappropriate but popular. The
prefix ‘micro’ would lead one to expect that the wavelength is in the micrometer
range but in free space the wavelength ranges from decimetre to millimetre and
therefore is in agreement with the dimensions of articles of daily use. For
example, in radar systems microwaves provide reasonable spatial resolution and
considerable radius of action and can be compared with optical imaging systems
using electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of THz (10
Hz), equivalent
to a wavelength of mm (micrometre). Photons of microwaves correspond to an
energy range of 1meV to 1 meV and are incapable of ionisation (binding energies
of electrons to the atom are 4 eV or above). Applications of microwaves are
mostly in radiocommunication, radar and heating.
Electromagnetic radiation was discovered by Rudolf Hertz in 1888 who did
not believe in its practical value nor in any possibilities for its industrial exploita-
tion (Hermann, 1988) but today nearly every household uses the microwave oven
or the cellular phone. In order not to disturb other uses of microwaves, the appli-
cation of microwave heating is limited by the International Telecommunication
Unions (ITU) to a number of frequency bands (Fig. 18.1). For practical purposes
only the following frequency bands are exploited:
? 2450 MHz in domestic ovens and industry.
? 970 MHz, 915 MHz and 897 MHz in some countries for industrial
? 22 125 MHz, reserved bands for future use.
The most relevant application to food is that of heating, both in the household
and in the food industry. In industry, a range of practical applications exploit
the particular heating patterns achievable by microwaves, which are superior
to conventional heating in the given circumstances. The aim of microwave
processing in general is to deliver more homogeneous heating at a faster rate and
in particular for pasteurisation and sterilisation. It is therefore necessary to under-
stand the physical principles and to achieve an insight into the limitations of
potential systems in this respect. For general information the reader is referred to
Microwave processing 397
Wavelength [cm]
Radio waves
Visible light
Gamma radiation
Cosmic radiation
Photon energy [eV]
13.6 Mhz = 22 m
915 Mhz = 0.33 m
2450 Mhz = 0.12 m
22125 Mhz = 0.014 m
Fig. 18.1 Range of energies (electromagnetic spectrum): the range of frequencies useful
for microwave heating is marked.
textbooks and reviews or survey articles (Rosenthal, 1972; Dehne, 1999; Harris
and Von Loeseke, 1960; Decareau, 1985; Mullin, 1995).
18.2 The principles of microwave heating
Microwave processing is simply heating by radiation (Kaatze, 1995). As such it
is similar to infrared heating; the energy transfer is by radiation and not by con-
vection or conduction. However, there are significant differences: in infrared
heating the penetration of the radiation into the substance is marginal and the
main portion is heated by conduction from the surface into the centre, in
microwave processing microwaves penetrate throughout the volume of the sub-
stance and the ‘heat-sources’ are dissipated inside it. This can contribute to a more
uniform heating of the substance. However, the penetration of microwaves is
limited and this must be taken into consideration both industrially and domesti-
cally. Microwaves are reflected by metals but transmitted by materials such as
glass, plastics, paper and ceramics. Microwaves are produced by a vacuum tube
device called a magnetron and the power in household ovens ranges from 600 to
1500 W while industrial installations use up to 50 kW. Energy conversion effi-
ciency by magnetrons is around 50% and the remaining heat is usually dissipated
by air cooling.
In order to understand the physical principles behind the radiation energy
transfer, it is necessary to understand that electromagnetic energy comes in por-
tions called ‘photons’ or ‘quanta’ that are discrete but very small quantities. An
impinging photon must match exactly the energy difference between several
allowed atomic energy states of the electrons in the treated material; otherwise,
no energy is absorbed and the object is ‘transparent’ to the electromagnetic wave.
This is the reason that food, which is mainly water with regard to microwave
heating, can be heated, but glass or plastic containers remain cold. (A mother
heating a baby’s bottle in a microwave oven and testing the temperature by
sensing its surface temperature with her cheek may not realise that the milk is
boiling inside.) In addition, the ‘heat capacity’ of the substance must be consid-
ered. It determines the heating effect: some food components such as fat do not
absorb the microwave energy as efficiently as water does; but their heat capac-
ity is much lower than that of water and despite the lower absorbance they are
heated much faster. (A piece of meat containing massive fat portions, being
cooked in the microwave oven will appear evenly cooked and ready to eat but
when cutting it the hot, liquid fat will spurt from inside!)
On the atomic level the following effects determine the energy transfer from
the radiation to the food (Fig. 18.2). When an electric field, whether static or alter-
nating, is applied the product undergoes polarisation. Polar molecules that carry
locally separated charges will orient in the direction of the actual electric field,
and water is such a polar molecule. Once oriented the electrical field will stretch
the molecule. Other molecules that are normally neutral and nonpolar will
become polarised as the electrons are moved to opposite ends of the molecule by
398 The nutrition handbook for food processors
the external field. As soon as this is complete the effects of rotation and stretch-
ing will also occur for these particular molecules. In addition, aqueous solutions
may contain components such as salts that easily dissociate and form electrically
charged ions and in the presence of an electrical field such ions move. The
microwaves are not static but oscillate regularly; i.e. these effects of polarisation,
rotation, stretching and migration repeat at the rate of oscillation and are ideally
synchronised. However, in practice there is a frictional effect i.e. interaction with
the electrical field of neighbouring molecules. This retards oscillation of the
polarised molecules, the molecules always follow the microwave that drives them
and heat energy is transferred to the medium. This means that at very low elec-
tromagnetic frequencies no energy is imparted because the water molecules
can rotate and reorientate themselves quickly enough to follow the field of the
microwave and at very high frequencies (approaching 1000 GHz) no energy is
imparted because the molecules are too inert to follow the field of the microwave.
Furthermore, ions in an aqueous solution cannot follow the oscillation of the elec-
trical field and cannot move over significant distances so energy is consumed in
keeping such ions oscillating and this also contributes to heat formation in the
medium. From this discussion the complexity of the physics of microwave
heating is evident. This is true even when cooking a simple item such as mashed
potatoes with table salt; the salt content may affect the heating pattern.
Because microwave heating of food (Ponne and Bartels, 1995) is dominated
by the physical properties of water it is informative to take a closer look. As
long as water molecules are well separated, such as in the gaseous phase, there
is only marginal coupling between neighbouring molecules and only a very small
number of allowed rotational and vibrational transitions exist. This means that
water vapour is transparent to microwaves except for photons of very distinct fre-
quencies which are absorbed. When the water condenses to a liquid, hydrogen
bonds between the molecules prevail and the allowable transitions are converted
(widened) to a range (or bands) of photon energies. Hence, liquid water can be
heated by a range of microwave frequencies. Quite dramatically, when water
Microwave processing 399
Fig. 18.2 Dipole rotation and ion oscillation or orientation polarisation versus space
charge polarisation: the horizontal arrows symbolise the alternating electrical field; the
ellipsoid (left) symbolises a polar molecule with the alternating rotation indicated
by arrows; the circles (right) with the charge marked symbolise ions with the linear
oscillation indicated by arrows.
becomes solid, that is it freezes to ice, rotation of the water molecules becomes
impossible and only small vibrations within the crystalline structure are still pos-
sible and so ice becomes nearly transparent for microwaves. This effect is the
limiting factor in thawing frozen food by microwaves; but there is a practical
solution that is discussed below.
As a practical consequence, the time-course of heating patterns is most
beneficial for microwaves compared to conventional methods (Fig. 18.3). The
warming up time is much shorter and results in the protection of nutrients from
excessive heat damage and leaching. The target temperature (in this example
121 °C to achieve sterility) is reached nearly instantaneously and held for a
well-defined period of time; whereas in conventional heat-sterilisation the central
temperature only approaches the target value asymptotically. Unfortunately, fast
and direct cooling is not possible and the cooling behaviour of the product is
identical for any sterilisation method.
The other practical consequence concerns the freezing point (Fig. 18.4). Dis-
tilled water clearly shows the heat absorption behaviour theoretically expected
and, for food such as raw meat, behaviour is similar at the freezing point of water
due to the physical properties of water at this temperature. However, with increas-
ing temperatures behaviour differs from that of distilled water and is due to sub-
stances such as salts dissolved in the cell contents.
In practice, microwave heating is controlled by a multitude of interwoven
factors such as the radiation source, the volume and design of the oven, the com-
position of the food (e.g. proportions of water, salts, fats) and its bulk density as
400 The nutrition handbook for food processors
010 20 30 40 5060
Time [min]
Temperature [°C]
Fig. 18.3 Comparison of heating curves: broken line: microwaves can cause a short
warming up period, the targeted holding temperature of 121 °C is perfectly reached for the
desired and shorter period of time; solid line: conventional heating, the warming up period
is rather long, the targeted holding temperature is reached only after prolonged periods.
Cooling behaviour is nearly identical in both cases.
well as such related parameters as dielectric properties, electrical conductivity,
heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Packaging formats may introduce another
difficulty because increased field strength at corners and edges can lead to local
over-heating that leaves other portions under-treated.
18.3 The effects of microwave radiation on food
It is common practice to classify the effects of microwave energy on a medium
as ‘thermal’ or ‘non-thermal’. However, this terminology is incorrect. The inter-
Microwave processing 401
Relative absorption
–20 20 60 100 140
Temperature [°C]
Distilled water
f = 2.45 GHz
Raw beef
Fig. 18.4 Energy absorption, water vs. beef in relation to temperature. Distilled water
and beef are mainly determined by the course of the dielectric properties of water below
the freezing point; around the freezing point energy absorption reaches a maximum; at
higher temperatures the energy absorption efficiency decreases continuously for water; for
raw beef there is an initial decrease and a later increase because of the mobility of ions in
aqueous solution within the meat.
action of matter with the electromagnetic field always results in an energy trans-
fer and therefore in a temperature change. However, some effects are specific to
the interaction with electromagnetic energy and cannot be achieved by conven-
tional heating. Other effects are identical to interaction with thermal energy i.e.
by conventional conductive or convective heating. For microwaves, the optical
and geometrical effects during exposure of matter can result in locally high and
low power levels and therefore in hot spots and cold spots. In many cases,
researchers were unaware of such phenomena and therefore their conclusions on
microwave-specific effects were incorrect. The objects exposed to microwaves
can be considered as antennae: if they are geometrically separated and are small
compared to the wavelength(s) they will not be ‘seen’ by microwaves, in the same
way as a radio or TV antenna must be of correct size for optimal reception. As a
consequence, many reported observations about biological effects in living cells
must be carefully compared to and separated from possible heating effects. Lit-
erature in this field includes that of many different subjects, and the studies have
been carried out from the viewpoint of various disciplines and are mostly in-
consistent in terminology. The direct effects on such substances as nutrients,
enzymes, proteins, microorganisms and cell membranes are of interest when con-
sidering the quality of microwaved food.
‘There is no substantiated mechanism of interaction of microwaves with
atoms, molecules, organisms and microorganisms other than volumetric heating’
(Ponne and Bartels, 1995; Mudgett, 1989).
Over the past few decades there has been a heated debate that resurfaced
during recent years due to concerns about mobile phones, electrical power lines
and electro-smog. It has been shown that temperature control in most of these
experiments was not possible to the level that was necessary. Several papers and
patents claimed beneficial ‘athermal’ effects, but it could be shown that identical
effects could be reached in conventional heating by simulating the heating pat-
terns expected to occur in microwave heating. Kinetic laws lead to a variety of
hypotheses: if an intermediate reactant has a long transition life time, electric
fields can increase the probability of molecular collision; if the reactant has a
short life time, the electric field can re-orient the molecules to more favourable
positions for further reaction. Another hypothesis assumes extremely high tem-
peratures at locations of atomic or molecular dimensions. All those theories still
need experimental verification. The principal difficulty for such experiments can
be understood by recognising that ‘temperature’ is defined at the macroscopic
level by the average of the molecular oscillations in the volume under considera-
tion and this does not apply for a point at the atomic level. How could the tem-
perature of an atom or inside a microorganism be measured experimentally?
From the viewpoint of the food technologist it is possible to conclude that the
strong electric and magnetic fields have an effect on cell membranes. These
effects result in a change of permeability, in functional disturbances and even in
rupture, but do not change the nutritional value and do not affect the technology
of microwave heating. Some theories also predict a direct effect of microwaves
on enzymatic activity, but there is not yet any experimental proof. The effect of
402 The nutrition handbook for food processors
microwave chemistry on reaction rate and specificity of reaction needs to be
In conclusion, the microwave heating of food only confers properties to food
that are conferred through conventional heating. Lethal effects to microorgan-
isms, parasites and other organisms are exclusively due to heat. Speed and homo-
geneity of heating are influenced by the composition of the food and the mass in
relation to power of the oven, as well as by the technical features of the appli-
ance. Because cold spots may occur care must be taken when anticipating the
reduction of microorganisms. Pathogen microorganisms might survive in one area
of the food while other parts show elevated temperatures. Standing time after
cooking may be used to achieve more even temperatures by heat exchange
through conduction.
18.4 The safety of microwave-heated food
Unknown hazards and mysterious phenomena in microwave heating are intimi-
dating to most people and, in contrast to conventional heating, there is no visible
heat source. Inside the oven the food is heated up to cooking temperature so the
obvious query is whether radiation leaking from the device can heat anyone stand-
ing close to it. For this reason, the permissible energy density at the surface of
any microwave facility is limited to 10 mW/cm
for an unlimited length of time
of exposure in the USA and European countries. In some eastern European coun-
tries and the former Soviet Union the upper limit for long-term exposure to
microwaves has even been set to 10mW/cm
. This very low limit was justified
because of supposed non-thermal effects attributed to interaction of microwaves
with living organisms. The alleged health problems included nervousness, hor-
monal imbalance, malformations and anomalous brain activity. The experimen-
tal evidence, however, for such phenomena is unsubstantiated (Foster, 1992;
Hileman, 1993).
The practical and achievable limit of 10 mW/cm
is justified because the
microwaves that are used are identical with those used in therapy. (For thera-
peutic effects the energy density must be well above a level of 100 mW/cm
There are numerous studies to determine damage thresholds and it has been
observed that no permanent effects occur at levels below 100 mW/cm
. For a
critical organ, the eye, it was observed that cataract formation may occur at
150 mW/cm
when the microwaves are applied for more than 90 minutes. Within
certain limits the body can absorb energy including microwaves and compensate
for the temperature increase easily by removing excessive heat by means of blood
flow. There are certain avascular structures in the body that may have a relatively
poor heat exchange; this is possibly true for testicles and temporary sterility has
been reported after microwave exposure. The energy flow from the sun may be
considered for comparison: on a sunny day in summer the infrared portion of the
spectrum may carry as much as 100 mW/cm
, which is not responsible for sun-
burn. Hence, introducing a safety factor of 10 is considered sufficient and the
Microwave processing 403
limiting energy density of 10 mW/cm
is widely accepted. However, in recog-
nising concerns about cell phones, broadcast antennas and satellites a lowering
of this limit by another factor of 10 is being considered.
To enhance radiological safety of microwave appliances several features are
implemented. Safety latches cut off the power as soon as the door is opened and
the user is not exposed to spurious radiation. Further chokes and absorbing strips
are attached to the doors as seals to eliminate any leakage of microwave radiation
to the outside. Industrial facilities are equipped with energy trapping devices at the
conveyor and system openings for product entry and exit. Such facilities for con-
tinuous treatment have to be operated ‘open door’, whereas the household oven is
used batchwise and the door must always be closed. The majority of household
appliances and industrial facilities that are built and installed today are well
shielded. At the time of purchase, for a domestic appliance the energy leakage is
usually considerably less than 1 mW/cm
at 5 cm from the door as presently regu-
lated in most countries. Microwave appliances have been regularly used in house-
holds for several years and no major accident has been reported. Survey studies
have confirmed the radiological safety of the appliances that are on the market.
However, there have been certain consumer demands regarding larger door open-
ings and bigger transparent windows at the front that have led the industry to be
more rigorous regarding the regulated leakage limits of 1 mW/cm
at 5 cm. The sta-
tistics from such surveys have shown that an increasing number of appliances is
manufactured as close as possible to the limits but this should not cause concern
because the energy limits already include a reasonable safety factor.
The presence of metallic conductors in the human body, especially if they are
heart pacemakers, can lead to complex effects and locally high electrical currents
as does a piece of metal left in food while being heated in a microwave oven.
This may lead to unforeseen interactions and so a particular note of caution must
be given to people with pacemakers. Experiments with volunteers have shown
that the most critical frequency is around 9 GHz which is used in radar facilities;
at those frequencies commonly used for heating purposes, 2450 MHz, only
small changes of the heart rhythm have been observed (the maximum energy
density in such experiments was limited to 25 mW/cm
). However, such warn-
ings are irrelevant in the case of household appliances as the regulated leakage
limit is usually 1 mW/cm
at 5 cm distance. Some precautions may be advisable
where microwave facilities are installed on a food production line in industry.
However, radiological safety at open-door facilities has also been generally
Prejudice and lack of technical understanding are causes of unfounded alle-
gations that food heated by microwave might become toxic and exotic chemical
compounds could be formed. However, microwave radiation cannot break chemi-
cal bonds and cannot cause ionisation nor create free radicals. Here there is an
essential difference from ionising radiation which has a quantum or photon
energy that is larger by several orders of magnitude. For this reason the possi-
bility of induced chemical reactions other than thermal ones is nonexistent. This
has been confirmed by many studies and it has been possible to attribute any par-
404 The nutrition handbook for food processors
ticular chemical effect to uncontrolled heating patterns in various experiments.
Microwave heating is newer than traditional methods such as broiling, roasting,
frying, smoking and barbecuing so it is less understood and accepted by the
public. However, in practice, microwave ovens are used in a large and increas-
ing number of households with no concerns.
Variations in food shape, size or composition can also result in underdone
products, and this is another risk in microwave cooking. Lack of understanding
has resulted in illness from surviving pathogen microorganisms or the formation
of microbial toxins; however, this is no different from undercooking food by tra-
ditional methods. In the same way, local overcooking can lead to the formation
of unacceptable chemical changes as it does in traditional heating methods.
Because there are no substantiated, special mechanisms of the interaction of
microwaves with atoms, molecules, organisms and microorganisms the toxico-
logical concerns regarding the consumption of food that is heated by microwave
have no foundation in reality.
18.5 The nutritional adequacy of microwave heated food
Since the discussion above has shown that chemical, biological, microbiological,
radiological and toxicological implications for microwave heated food give no
cause for concern, it should be expected that there are no particular nutritional
problems associated with the procedure. Any difference in the nutritional value
of microwaved food compared with food treated by conventional means must be
attributed to the different heating regimes. Microwaves bring the advantage of
fast heating throughout the food with a lower temperature burden because of
reduced cooking time. As a consequence, the loss in heat-sensitive vitamins is
minimised. In addition, the extent of chemical reactions, such as the Maillard
reaction, may be reduced and the retention of nutrients be enhanced. In
microwave heating, less water is needed so that less extraction of valuable nutri-
ents including minerals occurs. The quantification of such advantageous effects
is largely dependent on the way the appliance or industrial facility is set up.
However, in industrial applications the amount of water may be tailored to
achieve the optimal effect between heating, microorganism reduction and reten-
tion of nutrients.
18.6 Future trends
Because of its ease and convenience microwave cooking has been established
considerably more in the domestic situation than it has in the food industry. Many
homes today have a microwave oven and have done since the beginning of the
1970s and it may be expected that the food industry will now learn about the
advantages. Even the formulation of complex recipes and composite dishes can
be adapted to technical needs of microwave heating and some conventional
recipes are easy to tailor (George, 1993, Ramaswamy and van de Voort, 1990).
Microwave processing 405
Uncritical enthusiasm about the potential of microwave processing should not
disguise the facts and technological conditions. Discerning scientists and engi-
neers point to technical difficulties which still exist and to potential problems of
unknown dimensions in large-scale industrial exploitation of the technology.
Some present techniques and operational designs may be inadequate in dealing
with microwave technology and future requirements. Any limitations should be
recognised and be compared with the achievable advantages, otherwise elevated
expectations may be deflated by realities. However, it is hoped that scientists and
engineers will find solutions to the problems associated with microwave appli-
cations as they have done with other problems in the past.
One aspect of such future developments is the choice of appropriate contain-
ers and the development of more suitable materials with which to make them.
Intensive research and development efforts have already led to new materials
adapted for unique features in microwave heating because the container is an
active component for a microwavable product; the browning pan is an example.
Fractions of the microwave energy are absorbed in the wall material, or reflected
and transmitted to the product in the container.
18.7 References
decareau r v (1985), Microwaves in the Food Industry, Orlando, Academic Press
dehne l i (1999), Bibliography on Microwave Heating of Food, BgVV-Hefte 04/1999,
Berlin, Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterin?rmedizin
foster k r (1992), ‘Health effects of low-level electromagnetic fields: phantom or not-
so-phantom risk?’, Health Phys. 62, 429–35
george r m (1993), ‘Recent progress in product, package and process design for
microwavable foods’, Trends Food Sci. Technol. 4, 390–4
harris r s and von loesecke h (1960), Nutritional Evaluation of Food Processing, New
York, Wiley
hermann a (1988), ‘Heinrich Hertz und seine gro?e Entdeckung’ (Heinrich Hertz and his
great discovery), Naturwissenschaften 75, 219–24
hileman b (1993), ‘Health effects of electromagnetic fields remain unresolved’, C&EN
(Nov. 8, 1993), 15–29
kaatze u (1995), ‘Fundamentals of microwaves’, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 45, 539–48
mudgett r e (1989), ‘Microwave food processing. Scientific status summary by the Insti-
tute of Food Technologists’ Expert Panel on Food Safety and Nutrition’, Food Technol.
43(1), 117–26
mullin j (1995), ‘Microwave processing’ in Gould G W (ed.) New Methods of Food
Preservation, London, Blackie Academic & Professional
ponne c t and bartels p v (1995), ‘Interaction of electromagnetic energy with biologi-
cal material – relation to food processing’, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 45, 591–607
ramaswamy h and van de voort f r (1990), ‘Microwave applications in food process-
ing’, Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol. 33(1), 17–21
rosenthal i (1972), Electromagnetic Radiations in Food Science (Advanced Series in
Agricultural Sciences 19), Berlin, Springer
406 The nutrition handbook for food processors