Master the key words and structures,Be able to explain the
differences between man and woman with respect to the
social position and the career ladder as well,Discuss
whether the factors causing the differences are biological or
apparent avoid claim convince evidence
influence reveal solve suggest statistics
tend bring up
come up with find out go back (to)
lead to point out take up think of,.,as
as,.,as; be likely to do
Using comparison and contrast to find out the
meanings of words
Charts reading
Business card reading
Lead In Activity; Study of the Text; Study of Words and
Phrases; Study of Reading Skills; Study of Practical Reading;
Study of Practical Writing
Lead In
1,Liberal Arts
2,Bachelor’s Degrees Earned by American Women
3,Distinguished Women in Science
4,Chinese Women
5,Topic-related Words and Phrases
Text Study
1,Global Reading
2,Detailed Reading
4,Group Discussion
2,Words and Phrases
3,Listening Practice
2,Practical Reading
Language Application
1,Practical Writing
Drills for PRETCO Test
1,Listening Comprehension
2,Vocabulary and Structure
Liberal Arts
The term liberal in liberal arts originally meant
“appropriate for free men,” i.e.,among the Romans,only
freemen were permitted to pursue them,In the Middle Ages,
these seven branches of learning were — grammar,logic,rhetoric,
arithmetic,geometry,music,and astronomy,In modern times
the liberal arts include the sciences,philosophy,history,etc.,
which compose the course of academical or collegiate education,
Hence,degrees in the arts; master and bachelor of arts,
Women earn a greater proportion of bachelor?s degrees than
they did 30 years ago,In 1970 — 1971,women earned 43 percent of
all bachelor?s degrees,In 2001 — 2002,women were awarded 57
percent of all bachelor?s degrees,Some fields that were female
dominated in 1970 — 1971 remained so in 2001 — 2002,including
health professions and related sciences,education,English
language and literature/letters,and visual and performing arts,
Though women earned less than half of the bachelor?s degrees in
the traditionally male-dominated fields,and in 2001 — 2002,they
have made substantial gains since 1970 — 1971,
Women have earned more than half of all
bachelor?s degrees every year since 1981 — 1982,
They still trail men in certain fields but have made
substantial gains since 1970 — 1971,
Bachelor’s Degrees Earned by American Women
Distinguished Women in Science
Marie Curie (1867 — 1934),Born on November 7,
1867,in Warsaw,Marie Curie was married to Pierre
Curie in July 1895,She is best known as the discoverer
of the radioactive elements polonium and radium and
as the first person to win two Nobel prizes,For
scientists and the public,radium was a key to a basic change in
our understanding of matter and energy,Her work not only
influenced the development of fundamental science but also
ushered in a new era in medical research and treatment,
Either alone or in collaboration with her husband,she did
important work on natural and artificial radioactivity,transmutation
of elements,and nuclear physics; she shared the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry for 1935 with him,in recognition of their synthesis of
new radioactive elements,
In 1936 Irène Joliot Curie was appointed Undersecretary of
State for Scientific Research,She was a member of several foreign
academies and of numerous scientific societies,had honorary
doctor?s degrees of several universities,and was an Officer of the
Legion of Honor,She died in Paris in 1956,
Irène Joliot Curie (1897 — 1956),Born in Paris,
September 12,1897,was the daughter of Pierre and
Marie Curie,and since 1926 the wife of Frédéric Joliot,
She became Doctor of Science in 1925,having
prepared a thesis on the alpha rays of polonium,
Emmy Noether (1882 — 1935),Born on 23 March 1882
in Erlangen,Bavaria,Germany,Died,14 April 1935 in
Bryn Mawr,Pennsylvania,USA,
Noether was permitted to matriculate at Erlangen and in 1907 was
granted a doctorate after working under Paul Gordan,
It was her work in the theory of invariants which led to
formulations for several concepts of Einstein?s general theory of
Emmy Noether first intended to become a language
teacher,for she had studied several languages,but later
she decided to study mathematics at university,In 1904
Owing to her outstanding mathematical contributions,she was
invited to address the International Mathematical Congress at
Bologna in 1928 and again at Zurich in 1932,In 1932 she also
received,jointly with Artin,the Alfred Ackermann-Teubner Memorial
Prize for the Advancement of Mathematical Knowledge,
In 1933,the Nazis caused her dismissal from the University of
G?ttingen because she was Jewish,She accepted a visiting
professorship at Bryn Mawr College in the USA and also lectured at
the Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton in the USA,
In the spring of 1924 she enrolled at the University at
G?ttingen,with the intention of becoming a mathematician,But
soon she found herself more attracted to physics,She took her
doctorate in 1930 in theoretical physics,There were three Nobel
Prize winners on the doctoral committee,Born,Franck and
She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a
corresponding member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Heidelberg,She has received honorary degrees of Doctor of
Science from Russel Sage College,Mount Holyoke College and
Smith College,She won the 1963 Nobel Laureate in Physics for
discoveries concerning nuclear shell structure,
Maria Goeppert Mayer (1906 — 1972),Maria Goeppert
Mayer was born on June 28,1906,in Kattowitz,Upper
Silesia,then Germany,
in 1934,Hodgkin?s contributions to crystallography included
solutions of the structures of cholesterol,lacto globulin,ferritin,
tobacco mosaic virus,penicillin,vitamin B-12,and insulin (a
solution on which she worked for 34 years),as well as the
development of methods for indexing and processing X-ray
Hodgkin was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1947
after publishing the structure of penicillin and was awarded the
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 for her solution of vitamin B-12,
She suffered a stroke and died in 1994,
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910 — 1994),Born in
Cairo,Egypt,May 12,1910,Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
is known as a founder of the science of protein
crystallography,She and her mentor,J.D,Bernal,were
the first to successfully apply X-ray diffraction to
crystals of biological substances,beginning with pepsin
Barbara McClintock,Born in Hartford,Connecticut,
USA,16 June,1902,Barbara McClintock died on
September 2,1992,She was awarded the Nobel Prize
in Medicine and Physiology for discovering genetic
transposition through her work with the maize plant,
She proved that chromosomes can mend themselves
two decades before molecular biologists were able to do so
working with much simpler cellular structures,
Dr,McClintock earned her Ph.D,from Cornell University,She
was partly or entirely responsible for each of the discoveries in
genetics made by the famous Cornell maize genetics group,She
was also a professor and wrote children?s books,
It took more than three decades for her work to win her the
Nobel Prize,
In old China,women were excluded from social life,New China
has enabled women to make conspicuous progress in all aspects of
society,especially in the fields of education,science,technology,
culture,sports and public health,
In 2001,there were 1,263 academics in the Chinese Academy of
Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering,and 78,or 6.2
percent,of them were women,
In 2001,there were 69,907 women teachers at the associate-
professor level or above in China?s colleges and universities,
accounting for 29.64 percent of the total,Over 20 women across
the country assume the posts of university president or vice-
president,Women in China have enjoyed more educational
opportunities since the implementation of the strategy of
invigorating the country through science,technology and education
in the 1990s,
Chinese Women
Xie Xide,former President of
Fudan University
Wu Qidi,President of Tongji University;
Vice-Minister of Ministry of Education
Fang-Hua LI,Professor & academician,
Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of
Sciences,Beijing,is a specialist of electron
microscopy,Her work has pushed back the
limits of observation of crystalline structures
through the elimination of interference,She got the L?ORéAL-
UNESCO AWARD for WOMEN in SCIENCE on 27th Feb,2003 in Paris,
This was the first time in China,
The L?ORéAL-UNESCO AWARD distinguishes five remarkable women
researchers representing the five continents,Africa,Asia-Pacific,
Europe,Latin America and North America,Often,these women?s
exceptional careers have opened up new and revolutionary ways of
improving conditions of life and well being,Professor Pierre-Gilles de
Gennes,Nobel Prize in Physics 1991,presided over an international
jury of ten eminent scientists,
Topic-related Words and Phrases
1) Change in differences between the sexes in mathematics
achievement at the lower secondary school level in Australia over
In order to make meaningful comparisons the mathematics test
scores from the three studies conducted in Australia under the
auspices of the International Association for Evaluation of
Educational Achievement were brought to a common interval scale
using Rasch measurement procedures,No significant sex differences
in mathematics achievement were found,
2) Percentage of bachelor?s degrees earned by women in America
3) What influence does intelligence arise from?
Today,almost all scientists agree that intelligence arises from
the influence of both genetic and environmental factors,Careful
study is required in order to attribute any influence to either
environment or heredity,For example,one measure commonly used
to assess a child?s home environment is the number of books in the
home,But having many books in the home may be related to the
parents? IQ,The child?s intelligence may be due to the parents?
genes or to the number of books in the home,Further,parents may
buy more books in response to their child?s genetically influenced
intelligence,Which of these possibilities is correct cannot be
determined without thorough studies of all the factors involved,
Although girls are equal to boys in mathematics,they
have not been encouraged to do so,
Questions and Answers
Directions,Skim the paragraphs for answers to the following
Besides genetic differences,there are many other
important factors that may influence their choices,
Paragraph 1,
Question,What makes it difficult to understand what boys and
girls show while choosing subjects?
Paragraph 2,
Question,What do the statistics and the report show?
Girls avoid mathematics courses mainly for social reasons
rather than being afraid of the difficulty,
Only boys,not girls,are encouraged to work on their
own and complete tasks,
Paragraph 3,
What?s the difference in nursery school?
The teachers seem to give more attention to boys than
Paragraph 4,
What does the further report reveal?
Paragraph 5,
Why do girls avoid mathematics courses?
Because girls regard mathematics and science as
“masculine” subjects,they are less likely to take them
Paragraph 6,
Why don?t the teenage girls like to take mathematics
and science up?
Text Analysis
Main Ideas
The scientists have tried to explain the differences
between men and women at science and maths,
Girls are equal to boys in mathematics,Girls only stop
studying mathematics because of social attitudes,
The differences during teenage years result from
educational attitudes in childhood,
The teachers seem to give more attention to boys than
to girls,
Both boys and girls tend to regard subjects like
mathematics and science as difficult,
Mathematics and science are mainly masculine
subjects,so the teenage girls are less likely to take
them up,
Many people believe that boys usually do better in
mathematics and science subjects than girls,However,few
people bother to look deeper into the issue to find out the
reasons behind this belief,Why do boys achieve more in
science and mathematics? Are boys really brighter? Or are
girls being held back for one reason or another?
Read In
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
But the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,
there are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to
tell whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether
they've been brought up to think of these subjects as boys'
But the difficulty is that when children enter schools,there
will be so many other factors influencing them that it will be
very hard to tell if girls are worse at science and maths or
whether they have been reared to consider these subjects to
be boys?,fields of study.”
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
anyway ad,
1) in any way or manner 不论用何种方式
2) in any case; at least 无论如何;至少
3) nevertheless; regardless 但是;不顾
e.g,Get the job done anyway you can,
e.g,I don?t know if it was lost or stolen;
anyway,it?s gone,
e.g,It was raining but they continued
the Marath n anyway,
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
try v,
1) make an effort to do 试,试图
2) taste 尝试
e.g,He tried to climb the tree,but he could not,
e.g,Have you tried his chocolate?
Related words,attempt; essay
Collocations,try on 试穿,试验 ; try to 设法
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
come up with,find or offer (an answer,a solution,etc.) 提出
e.g,He couldn?t come up with an answer,
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
convince v,persuade someone to believe 说服
e.g,He convinced me that I should study law,
Related word,persuade
Extended word,conviction
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
point out,indicate 指出
e.g,I will point out that his help isn?t welcome,
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
genetic a,of the genes 遗传的,基因的
e.g,The scientist is investigating how genetic defects are
passed on,
Extended word,gene
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
influence v,have an effect on 影响
e.g,The weather influences crops,
n,the effec that a person has on
sb.?s decisions,opinions,or behavior
or the way sth,happens 影响
e.g,My teacher?s influence made me study science at college,
Related word,affect
Extended word,influential
Who's Afraid of Maths Anyway?
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for
the difference between boys and girls,However,none were
convincing enough to explain the general picture,As one scientist
points out,"There are slight genetic differences between the sexes
at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose,But
the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there
are so many other influences that it is almost impossible to tell
whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they've
been brought up to think of these subjects as boys' 'territory'."
territory n,
1) area claimed or dominated by one person or animal
领地, 地盘
2) the area of knowledge( 知识等的 ) 领域,范围
e.g,Wild animals will not allow other animals to enter their
e.g,His scientific investigations cover a wide territory,
Related words,area,district,land,place,region,zone
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal
to boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,One of the report's
authors says,"While it is socially unacceptable for people not to
be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say
that they are 'hopeless' at maths,Our research shows that,
although girls get marks which are as good as the boys',they
have not been encouraged to do so."
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal
to boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,One of the report's
authors says,"While it is socially unacceptable for people not to
be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say
that they are 'hopeless' at maths,Our research shows that,
although girls get marks which are as good as the boys',they
have not been encouraged to do so."
While it is socially unacceptabl for people no to be able to
read and writ,it is still ac eptable for women to say that
they are ?hopeless? at maths,
Although in a modern society it is unthinkable that people are
unable to read or write,it see s to be acceptable for w men
to claim that they ar very bad at maths,
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal
to boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,One of the report's
authors says,"While it is socially unacceptable for people not to
be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say
that they are 'hopeless' at maths,Our research shows that,
although girls get marks which are as good as the boys',they
have not been encouraged to do so."
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal
to boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,One of the report's
authors says,"While it is socially unacceptable for people not to
be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say
that they are 'hopeless' at maths,Our research shows that,
although girls get marks which are as good as the boys',they
have not been encouraged to do so."
suggest v,
1) offer for consideration or action 建议,提出
2) bring to mind by logic or association 使人想起, 使人联想到
3) make evident indirectly 暗示
e.g,The teacher suggests things for children to do,
e.g,The thought of summer suggests swimming,
e.g,That girl?s sun-tanned face suggests excellent
Related words,advise,imply,propose
Extended words,suggestion,suggestible,suggestive
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal
to boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,One of the report's
authors says,"While it is socially unacceptable for people not to
be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say
that they are 'hopeless' at maths,Our research shows that,
although girls get marks which are as good as the boys',they
have not been encouraged to do so."
attitude n,a state of mind or a feeling 态度, 看法
e.g,What is your attitude towards this question?
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal
to boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,One of the report's
authors says,"While it is socially unacceptable for people not to
be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say
that they are 'hopeless' at maths,Our research shows that,
although girls get marks which are as good as the boys',they
have not been encouraged to do so."
It is… for sb,to do sth.,某人干某事,.,
e.g,It is very good for someone to table a proposal,
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal
to boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,One of the report's
authors says,"While it is socially unacceptable for people not to
be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say
that they are 'hopeless' at maths,Our research shows that,
although girls get marks which are as good as the boys',they
have not been encouraged to do so."
encourage v,inspire with hope 鼓励
e.g,I encouraged them to work hard and to try for the
Extended words,encouragement,encouraging,encouraged,
Related word,inspire
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during the
teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during the
teenage years,could be found in some of the early experiences
of childhood,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
apparent a,clearly seen or understood 明显的
e.g,It was apparent to all of us that there wasn?t enough water,
Extended word,apparently
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
go back (to), have one?s origins in (an earlier time) 追溯至
e.g,This festival goes back to the 1980s,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
childhood n,the time or state of being a child 童年时代
e.g,He has taken a great interest in football since childhood,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
on one?s own,by one?s own efforts 独自地
e.g,Sh got the jo on her ow,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
lead v,
1) show the way by going in advance 带领
2) guide or direct in a course 导引, 指导
3) serve as a route for 通向
e.g,He led us to his home,
e.g,He leads a horse by the halter,
e.g,The path leads to the depth of forest,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
later on,后来, 过后
e.g,I?ll tell you all about it later on,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
evidence n,things helpful in forming a conclusion 证据
v,support by testimony 证实, 证明
e.g,Can you show me any evidence for your statement?
e.g,The police evidenced that the killer was an old woman,
The explanation for the difference,which is apparent during
the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences,
From their first days in nursery school,girls are not encouraged to
work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are,For
example,boys and not girls,are often asked to "help" with repair
work,This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve
problems later on in life,Evidence shows that exceptional
mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who supplied
answers; they had to find out for themselves,
find out,discover 发现, 找出
e.g,I?ve found you out at last,
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
Most teachers who took part in the study claimed that they
expect their male students to do better at mathematics and
science subjects than their female students,
Most teachers taking part in the study of the difference
between boys and girls said that they expect their boy students
to do better at mathematics and science subjects than their girl
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
“masculine” subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
It is interesting that both boys and girls often look upon these
boys? subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
reveal v,
1) make known 揭露
2) bring to view; show 使,..显露;显示
e.g,Research has revealed him to be a spy,
e.g,The action reveals that it is a man,
Related words,disclose,display,show
Extended word,revelation
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
claim v,
1) demand 要求
2) state sth,as a fact 声称, 宣称
e.g,Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?
e.g,He claimed that he hadn't done it,but I didn't believe him,
Related words,demand,require
Extended word,disclaim
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
tend v,be disposed or inclined 倾向于
e.g,He tends to pitch the ball oo high,
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
regard … as…,look upon or consider in a certain way 将,..看待成,.,
e.g,I regard him as a fool,
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
masculine a,relatin to men 男性的
e.g,The young girl has the masculine courage
to dance with a bear,
A further report on maths teaching reveals that teachers
seem to give more attention to boys than to girls,Most teachers
who took part in the study claimed that they expect their male
students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than
their female students,All of this tends to encourage boys to work
harder in these subjects,and gives them confidence and
convinces them that they can succeed,
Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such
"masculine" subjects like mathematics and science as difficult,
Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,
not because they are difficult,but for social reasons,
avoid v,
1) keep away from 避免
2) keep … from happening 防止,..发生
e.g,I crossed the street to avoid meeting him,
e.g,We can avoid illness with rest and a balanced diet,
Related words,
avoidable,avoidance Extended words,
Mathematics and science are mainly masculine subjects,and
therefore,as girls become teenagers,they are less likely to take
them up,Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with
boys,Neither do they want to do better than boys because they
are afraid to appear less feminine and so,less attractive,
Mathematics and science are mainly masculine subjects,and
therefore,as girls become teenagers,they are less likely to take
them up,Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with
boys,Neither do they want to do better than boys because they
are afraid to appear less feminine and so,less attractive,
Mathematics and science are mainly masculine subjects,and
therefore,as girls become teenagers,they are less likely to take
them up,Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with
boys,Neither do they want to do better than boys because they
are afraid to appear less feminine and so,less attractive,
be likely to do,tend to do sth,有可能做 ( 某事 )
e.g,Are you likely to be in London this year?
Mathematics and science are mainly masculine subjects,and
therefore,as girls become teenagers,they are less likely to take
them up,Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with
boys,Neither do they want to do better than boys because they
are afraid to appear less feminine and so,less attractive,
take up,begin to do or learn 开始从事
e.g,He took up art while at school,
Since there are too many on young learners
like boys and girls,scientists have found it hard to
the reason why some girls are worse at mathematics
and science than boys.,recent reports have
suggested that even from their early nursery school days,girls are
not to work independently,and,boys are
encouraged in schools by their teacher?s that they do
better than girl students,Another possible reason is that girls
regard mathematics and science as difficult,, subjects
and them,although both boys and girls think these
are difficult,
Directions,Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks,
Social Influences on Young Learners
social influences______________
encouraged __________ in contrast __________
expectations ___________
masculine _________
avoid ______ subjects ________
view … as …
show or tell by mentioning
make happen as a result
a fact or sign that makes one believe something
think of or produce (an idea,reply)
affecting power
stay clear of,keep from
persuade or cause to believe
take care of and educate
discover or reveal by study or investigation
Words and Phrases
Directions,Write out a word according to the meaning given
Section A
lead to _______
think of … as … _____________
point out ________
evidence ________
come up with ____________
influence ________
avoid _______
convince ________
bring up _______
find out _______
1,This is an (encourage) advance in medical research,
2,Every religion regards its founder as the (reveal) of the
truth and the true source of the teaching for all to follow,
3,This is a (convince) speech,
4,The guide (point out) the White House as we passed
by it,
5,This is a ring-like symbol (suggest) unity,
Directions,Complete the sentences with the proper forms of
the words given in parentheses,
Words and Phrases
encouraging __________
Section B
convincing __________
pointed out ___________
suggesting _________
6,He made the (suggest) that we go by train,
7,Prices are (tend) upward,
8,I (claim) the coat that the teacher found,
9,The only (explain) for his behavior is that he?s mad,
10,Outside factors (influence) him to resign,
suggestion __________
Words and Phrases
tending _______
claimed _______
explanation __________
influenced __________
Directions,Complete the sentences with the proper forms of
the words given in parentheses,
Section B
tend to be likely to come up with find out take up
later on influence encourage reveal claim
1,People under stress express their full range of potential,
2,He that he had done the work without help,
3,Please when the ship is going to New York,
4,What he said a top secret,
5,The from his teacher excites him,
Directions,Fill in the blanks with words and phrases chosen from
the following box,Change the forms where necessary,
Section C
Words and Phrases
tend to _______
claimed _______
find out _______
encouragement _____________
6,Rain and heat are factors in the growth of plants,
7,He painting at the age of three,
8,He a good excuse for being late for the meeting,
9,I?ll tell you the affair about Mr,White,
10,They become angry with him,
influencing __________
Words and Phrases
took up _______
came up with ____________
later on _______
are likely to ___________
Directions,Fill in the blanks with words and phrases chosen from
the following box,Change the forms where necessary,
Section C
tend to be likely to come up with find out take up
later on influence encourage reveal claim
Listening Practice
Directions,Listen to the following passage,And decide whether
the following sentences are,T” or,F.”
Men are smarter than women,
Intelligence tests may show gender differences,
The distribution of IQ scores is much different for men than for
There are differences in some more specialized abilities,
The differences of mathematical ability result from parents?
different expectations of boys? and girls? abilities,
F ( )
F ( )
F ( )
F ( )
T ( )
Listening Practice
Directions,Listen to the following passage,And decide whether
the following sentences are,T” or,F.”
Men are smarter than women,
Intelligence tests may show gender differences,
The distribution of IQ scores is much different for men than for
There are differences in some more specialized abilities,
The differences of mathematical ability result from parents?
different expectations of boys? and girls? abilities,
F ( )
F ( )
F ( )
F ( )
T ( )
Are women smarter or are men smarter? Psychologists
have studied sex differences in intelligence since the
beginning of intelligence testing,Intelligence tests,therefore,
may not show gender differences even if they exist,
There appear to be no substantial differences between
men and women in average IQ,But the distribution of IQ
scores is slightly different for men than for women,Men tend
to be more heavily represented at the extremes of the IQ
Sex Differences
Listening Practice
Directions,Listen to the following passage,And decide whether
the following sentences are,T” or,F.”
Men are smarter than women,
Intelligence tests may show gender differences,
The distribution of IQ scores is much different for men than for
There are differences in some more specialized abilities,
The differences of mathematical ability result from parents?
different expectations of boys? and girls? abilities,
F ( )
F ( )
F ( )
F ( )
T ( )
Although there are no differences in overall IQ test
performance between men and women,ther do eem to be
differences in some more specialized abilities,Men,on
average,perform better on tests of spatial ability than do
women,Spatial ability is the ability to visualize spatial
relationships and to mentally manipulate objects,Some
psychologists speculate that spatial ability evolved more in
men because men were historically hunters and required
spatial ability to track prey and find their way back from
hunting forays,Others believe that the differences result
from parents? different expectations of boys? and girls?
Group Discussion
Directions,Listen to the following passage and then discuss the
following questions in small groups,After discussion,
some of the students will be required to represent
their respective groups to report their discussion to
the whole class,The following words and expressions
are for your reference,
Biological scientists have found it hard to determine why some
girls are worse at mathematics and science than boys,Nevertheless,
recent reports have suggested that even from their early nursery
school days,girls are not encouraged to work independently,and in
contrast,boys are encouraged in schools by their teacher?s
expectation that they do better than girl students,Boys are often
asked to,help” with repair work,This encouragement leads to a
way of learning how to solve problems later on in life,Evidence
shows that exceptional mathematicians and scientists did not have
teachers who supplied answers,they had to find out for themselves,
Teachers seem to give more attention to boys than to girls and
expect them to do better at mathematics and science subjects,All
Social Influences on Young Learners
of this tends to encourage boys to work harder in these subjects,
and gives them confidence and convinces them that they can
succeed,On the other hand girls usually regard mathematics and
science as difficult,masculine” subjects and avoid them,although
both boys and girls think these subjects are difficult,
Statistics show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal to
boys,A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying
mathematics because of social attitudes,
Research shows that,although girls get marks which are as
good as the boys?,they have not been encouraged to do so,
Maintain the view that all students can learn mathematics
successfully irrespective of sex at all stages of schooling and in
particular at the lower and middle secondary school levels,
Why do boys achieve more in science and mathematics?
What influences are girls being held back for?
Are there any differences between men and women at science and
Reference words and expressions,
social,influences,young learner,biological,found,reason,
worse,mathematics,science,recent reports,suggest,
evidence,show,exceptional,find out,take part in,claim,
up,think of,territory,regard as,difficult,masculine,avoid,
although,think,statistics,show,at least,equal,suggest,
stop,studying,attitude,mark,as good as,maintain,view,
lower,middle,secondary school,level
Practical Writing
Business Card
2.Notes of Format
3.Language Points
5.Do It Yourself
4.Culture About Business Card
Notes of Format
1) 名片用途:商业名片, 公用名片, 个人名片 。
2) 名片质料和印刷方式:数码名片, 胶印名片, 特种名片 。
3) 印刷色彩:单色, 双色, 彩色, 真彩色 。
4) 排版方式:横式名片, 竖式名片, 折卡名片 。
5) 印刷表面:单面印刷, 双面印刷 。
6) 名片尺寸,国内通用的标准名片主要有两大类尺寸, 即普通与折卡 。 普通
名片的设计尺寸为,55× 90mm,折卡名片的设计尺寸为,95× 90mm。
Language Points
1) 信息选择:文字信息包含单位名称, 名片持有人名称, 职务, 职称, 头
衔和联系方法 。 联系方法为单位地址, 邮编, 固定电话, 移动电话, 呼
叫器, 传真和 E-mail地址 。 部分商业名片还有经营范围, 多种文字选择,
单位的座右铭或吉祥字句 。
2) 标志选择:单位用户如果有自己单位的标识, 大多要印上名片 。
3) 图片选择:你还可选择名片中印上个人照片, 图片, 底纹, 书法作品和
简单地图, 使你的名片更具个人风格 。
4) 文字信息的英文写法可参照填写英文表格的方法 。
1) a calling card
2) Business Cards,First Impressions Are Important,
3) People will assess you by that 3.5" x 2" piece of paper,
4) You never get a second chance to make a good first
5) Business cards are the front line image of your business,
[美 ]名片
别人通过这 3.5" x 2"的小纸片评定你。
Culture About Business Card
6) Your business card is an advertisement,
7) Your customers will associate the attention put on your image
with the attention put on your products and services,
8) Think about it,.,how many times have you taken a second look
at a business card?
9) It is imperative that your business card portrays professionalism
and high quality,
10) Your business card is used to sell your services,promote your
image and make a lasting impression on a prospect,
Basic Patterns
Do It Yourself
Directions,This part is to test your ability to do practical
writing,You are required to make an English
card according to the following information in
国际教育和多元文化交流中心 周晓阳 市场发展部经理
上海延安西路 888号延安大厦 18楼 A座 邮编,200002
电话,66557788 传真,66557789
International Education & Multi-Culture Centre
Xiaoyang Zhou
Marketing Manager
18/A Yan An Building,888 Yan An Xi Road,
Tel,(86-21) 66557788 Fax,(86-21) 66557789
Practical Reading
Read the given chart carefully,Then answer the
questions following it with the information you have
got from the chart,
The panthera tigris(虎) population live in the following countries in
Cambodia ?????????????????????????????????
Malaysia ?????????????????????????????????
Thailand ?????????????????????????????????
Vietnam ????????????????????????????????
Bengal ?????????????????????????????????
Bhutan ?????????????????????????????????
India ?????????????????????????????????
Nepal ?????????????????????????????????
China ?????????????????????????????????
Korea ?????????????????????????????????
Indonesia ?????????????????????????????????
1,Which country has the largest panthera tigris population?
2,How many panthera tigris are there in Bhutan?
3,How many more panthera tigris are there in Malaysia than there
are in Cambodia?
4,Of these eleven countries,which one has the smallest panthera
tigris population?
5,Are there more panthera tigris in Bengal or in Vietnam?
India ______,
80~240 _______,
300~550 _______,
Korea _______,
Bengal _______,
Section A
Directions,This section is to test your ability to understand
short dialogues,There are five recorded dialogues
in it,After each dialogue,there is a recorded
question,Both the dialogues and the questions will
be spoken only once,When you hear a question,you
should decide on the correct answer from the four
choices marked A),B),C) and D),
Listening Comprehension
A) In 1973,
C) In 1982,
D) In 1988,
1,Script M,Could you please tell me something of your university
W,I was admitted by Harvard in 1973,Then I graduated
from this university five years later,And I became a
successful doctor 10 years after my graduation,
Q,When did the woman graduate from the university?
B) In 1978,
B) The woman is not very polite to the man,
C) The woman is going to talk to her manager
D) The woman will not change the coat for the
M,I think I need to talk to the manager about this,
W,You don?t have to,sir,In fact,I can change that
coat for you,
Q,What conclusion can we draw from this
Key A) The woman is afraid of losing her job,
Script 3,
A) The prices,
B) The menu,
D) The desserts,
M,I don?t like the prices on this menu,They always
seem so high,
W,You never want to eat anywhere else,though,
Q,What might the man like?
C) The restaurant,
4,Script M,Maybe you lost your watch in this room,Let?s look
for it again,
W,But I have searched for it from top to bottom,
Q,What does the woman mean?
A) The watch is worth a lot,
B) She put the watch on the top of the shelf,
C) The room is on the bottom,
D) She has looked for it carefully everywhere,
M,I just bought a new Walkman,Do you have one?
W,Oh,yes,I?ve had one for years,It?s an old type,
Q,Do they both have Walkman?
B) No,one of them does,
C) Neither of them does,
D) They never did,
Key A) Yes,they do,
Section B
Directions,This section is to test your ability to understand
short conversations,There are two recorded
conversations in it,After each conversation,there
are some recorded questions,Both the conversations
and the questions will be spoken twice,When you
hear a question,you should decide on the correct
answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and
Good afternoon,Mr Tigers,Did you have a good lunch?
Yes,thank you,Miss Bradley,It was very good,Did anyone
phone while I was out?
No,Nobody phoned,but … er … Mr Powell came,
What? But he?s the man I told you about!
Yes,I know,He came in for something urgent,He said he
wanted to see you right away,but …
Well,then,why didn?t you phone me? We all know that Mr
Powell has some very important information,I wanted to
talk to him as soon as possible,I told you all that before I
left,Didn?t you understand me?
Yes,of course,I understood you,Mr Tigers,but …
Conversation 1
A) Mr Powell telephoned,
B) The woman dated Mr Powell,
D) There was a traffic jam,
Q,What happened during the man?s lunch time? Script
C) Someone came to see him,
Script 7,
A) Because she hasn?t recorded the phone message,
B) Because she hasn?t let Mr Powell in,
C) Because she hasn?t invited him to lunch,
Q,Why is the man angry with the woman?
D) Because she hasn?t phoned him,
Good afternoon,I?d like some information about the trains,
Yes,madam,Which train? Where are you going?
To Xi?an,You see,I have a sister there,you know,We had a
phone call yesterday and she invited me over to stay for the
weekend,so …
So your question is,When?s the next train to Xi?an”? Is that
Yes,that?s right,When is the next train to Xi?an,please?
At half past eleven,That?s in about a minute,
Thank you very much,Oh! Can I get something to eat on the
train? I always have something to eat when I travel,I find
that a good cup of tea and a sandwich always help my nerves,
Yes,madam,There?s buffet car on the train,
Conversation 2
Q,Why does the woman want to go to Xi?an? 8,
A) Because she received an emergency call the
previous day,
B) Because she has never been to the city before,
C) Because she was invited to attend a wedding
D) Because she?d like to spend the weekend there,
Q,According to the man,when will the next train
to Xi?an leave?
B) In less than half an hour,
C) At 11:13,
D) At noon,
Key A) In a minute,
Q,What does the woman like to have when she
is traveling?
A) Someone to talk with,
B) Interesting books to read,
D) Watching television,
C) Something to eat and drink,
Section C
Directions,This section is to test your ability to comprehend
short passages,You will hear a recorded passage,
After that you will hear five questions,Both the
passage and the questions will be read twice,
When you hear a question,you should complete
the answer to it with a word or short phrase,
Section C
Directions,This section is to test your ability to comprehend
short passages,You will hear a recorded passage,
After that you will hear five questions,Both the
passage and the questions will be read twice,
When you hear a question,you should complete
the answer to it with a word or short phrase,
Not very long ago,a special family system existed in
certain parts of S uth India,In this system,th actual head
of a family unit was the mother?s eldest brother,though the
mother also had an important position in the family,In
families of this kind,a husband was actually no more than a
visitor,He did not live with his wife,but with his own mother,
brothers and sisters in another house,He saw his sons and
daughters sometimes,but the man who actually fed and
cared for them and acted as their father was their uncle —
their mother?s brother,
Section C
Directions,This section is to test your ability to comprehend
short passages,You will hear a recorded passage,
After that you will hear five questions,Both the
passage and the questions will be read twice,
When you hear a question,you should complete
the answer to it with a word or short phrase,
But this system,in which brothers and sisters take the
place of the father,no longer exists in South India except in a
few villages,Economic changes have had a great effect on
family life,Family life began to change when man went out
to work in factories and offices instead of working with their
mothers,brothers and sisters on the land,When a man went
out to work he had money of his own and could buy his own
land and build his own family,instead of depending on his
mother and brothers,He wanted to be independent,This is
an example of the way in which economic relations can have
an effect on family relationships,
When man went out to work in
instead of working with their mothers on the land,
Because have had a great effect on
family life,
He did not live,but with his own mother,
Where did the special family system exist in the passage?
parts of South India _________________,
Who was the actual head of a family unit in the special
family system?
Where did the husband live?
When did family life begin to change?
Why does the system no longer exist except in a few
mother’s eldest brother _____________________,
with his wife____________
economic changes ________________
factories and offices __________________
In certain
The actual head of a family unit was the
Section A
Directions,In this section,there are 10 incomplete sentences,You
are required to complete each one by deciding on the
most appropriate word or words from the four choices
marked A),B),C) and D),
Vocabulary and Structure
16,He is the only one of the members who always on time,A _____
在,one of + 附属名词 + who/that/which”引导的从句结构中,关系
代词 who/that/which的先行词是靠近它的附属名词而不是 one。因此,
从句中的动词应该是复数形式。但是此 one之前有 the only等修饰语时,
关系代词的先行词是 one,而不是复数名词。因此,从句中的动词应是单
数形式。正确答案为 A。
A) is
B) are
C) was
D) be
17,This year?s production is five times it was ten years
A) what
B) that
C) when
D) as
what = the thing that,是个兼做先行词的关系代词 。 既可以指
人, 也可以指物 。 也就是说, 句子中有先行词时, 就用关系代词
that,which,who等 。 没有先行词时, 就要用 what。 what在其
引导的从句中可作主语, 宾语或表语 。 正确答案为 A。
18,We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible,
but they seemed to sincerity?
A) lack of
B) be lack of
C) lack in
D) be lacking in
lack意为, 缺少,,, 为 … 所缺少的,, 作名词时, 后接 of+名词 。 做及
物动词时, 后面不接任何介词 。 现在分词 lacking常用作表语, 主语往往
是人 。 表示, 某人缺乏某种品质, 特点, 。 正确答案为 D。
D ______
19,Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered
as a teacher of the deaf of the telephone,
A) than inventing
B) than the invention
C) than as the inventor
D) as the inventor
这是一个 would rather … than … 短语。如果不了解这是一个后接平行
结构的句子,常常容易做错。这里由于 would rather后接 be
remembered as,than后也应用一个平行的结构 be remembered as。
句子为简洁起见,省略 be remembered。正确答案为 C。
C _____
20,Free theatre tickets will be sent to phones us first,
A) whomever
B) whoever
C) who
D) those
由 who,whom等构成的合成连接代词 whoever和 whomever相当于
anyone who,anyone whom。 他们可以引导主语从句和宾语从句,
在从句中分别作主语, 宾语, 也就是说, 他们具有双重语法功能 。 在从
句中是主语用 whoever,在从句中是宾语用 whomever。 根据上下文,
合成代词在句子中要充当 phones us first 的主语 。 正确答案为 B。
B _____
Section B
Fill in each blank with the proper form of the
word given in the brackets,
21.He (come up with) a new idea for increasing sales,
22.His wife (want) him to repair their son?s bicycle!
23.They (encourage) by an advance in sports
24.Thoughts of fishing (bring) to mind our youth,
came up with
wanted _______
他妻子叫他去给他们的儿子修理自行车 !
are encouraged _____________
brought ________
25,He (convince) of his error,
26,The war is (avoid),
27,He (take up) photography as a hobby,
28,The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little
(attractive) to young people nowadays,
was convinced ____________
unavoidable ___________
has taken up ____________
attraction _________
29.There is a cloud that (suggest) a mushroom in sky,suggests
30.,Titanic” is (regard) as his best film so far,
Directions,This part is to test your ability to translate English
into Chinese,After each sentence numbered from
31 to 34,you will read four choices of suggested
translation,You should choose the best translation
and write your translation of sentence numbered
35 in the corresponding space,
A) 我们告诉安妮放弃飞机坐火车。
B) 我们告诉安妮火车比飞机安全。
C) 我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车。
D) 我们说服了安妮放弃火车坐飞机。
We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane,
A) 我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用。
B) 我的老师对我学理科起了决定的影响作用。
C) 我的老师影响了我学理科的决心。
D) 我学理科的决定是受了老师的影响。
My teacher influenced my decision to study science,
A) 人们对这些摩天大楼的态度很不相同。
B) 人们认为摩天大楼发展范围广。
C) 人们认为摩天大楼变化很快。
D) 人们对摩天大楼的态度是要广泛地变化。
People?s attitude towards the skyscrapers varies
34,The thought of summer suggests swimming,
A) 整个夏天让人游泳。
B) 想到夏天,就使人联想到游泳。
C) 夏天的想法就是游泳。
D) 一到夏天就提出游泳。
I have come to China for the beautiful future of our two
countries,I am firmly convinced that,together,we two
peoples can and will make tomorrow a better day,
Key 我来中国是为了我们两国美好的未来。 我坚信我们两国人民能够,也
Global Reading
1.Questions and Answers
2.Text Analysis