a73 Properties of Cytokines
a73 Cytokine Receptors
a73 Cytokine Antagonists
a73 Cytokine Secretion by T
1 and T
2 Subsets
a73 Cytokine-Related Diseases
a73 Therapeutic Uses of Cytokines and Their Receptors
a73 Cytokines in Hematopoiesis
Class I Cytokine Receptors
?? ??????????? ?? ?? ????????? ??????
response involves lymphoid cells, inflammatory
cells, and hematopoietic cells. The complex inter-
actions among these cells are mediated by a group of pro-
teins collectively designated cytokines to denote their role in
cell-to-cell communication. Cytokines are low-molecular-
weight regulatory proteins or glycoproteins secreted by
white blood cells and various other cells in the body in
response to a number of stimuli. These proteins assist in reg-
ulating the development of immune effector cells, and some
cytokines possess direct effector functions of their own.
This chapter focuses on the biological activity of cyto-
kines, the structure of cytokines and their receptors, signal
transduction by cytokine receptors, the role of cytokine
abnormalities in the pathogenesis of certain diseases, and
therapeutic uses of cytokines or their receptors. The impor-
tant role of cytokines in the inflammatory response is
described in Chapter 15.
Properties of Cytokines
Cytokines bind to specific receptors on the membrane of
target cells, triggering signal-transduction pathways that
ultimately alter gene expression in the target cells (Figure
12-1a). The susceptibility of the target cell to a particular
cytokine is determined by the presence of specific mem-
brane receptors. In general, the cytokines and their receptors
exhibit very high affinity for each other, with dissociation
constants ranging from 10
to 10
M. Because their af-
finities are so high, cytokines can mediate biological effects
at picomolar concentrations.
A particular cytokine may bind to receptors on the mem-
brane of the same cell that secreted it, exerting autocrine
action; it may bind to receptors on a target cell in close prox-
imity to the producer cell, exerting paracrine action; in a few
cases, it may bind to target cells in distant parts of the body,
exerting endocrine action (Figure 12-1b). Cytokines regu-
late the intensity and duration of the immune response by
stimulating or inhibiting the activation, proliferation, and/
or differentiation of various cells and by regulating the secre-
tion of antibodies or other cytokines. As described later,
binding of a given cytokine to responsive target cells gener-
ally stimulates increased expression of cytokine receptors
and secretion of other cytokines, which affect other target
cells in turn. Thus, the cytokines secreted by even a small
number of lymphocytes activated by antigen can influence
the activity of numerous cells involved in the immune
response. For example, cytokines produced by activated T
cells can influence the activity of B cells, T
cells, natural
killer cells, macrophages, granulocytes, and hematopoietic
stem cells, thereby activating an entire network of interact-
ing cells.
Cytokines exhibit the attributes of pleiotropy, redun-
dancy, synergy, antagonism, and cascade induction, which
permit them to regulate cellular activity in a coordinated,
interactive way (Figure 12-2). A given cytokine that has
different biological effects on different target cells has a
pleiotropic action. Two or more cytokines that mediate sim-
ilar functions are said to be redundant; redundancy makes it
difficult to ascribe a particular activity to a single cytokine.
Cytokine synergism occurs when the combined effect of two
cytokines on cellular activity is greater than the additive
chapter 12
effects of the individual cytokines. In some cases, cytokines
exhibit antagonism; that is, the effects of one cytokine inhibit
or offset the effects of another cytokine. Cascade induction
occurs when the action of one cytokine on a target cell
induces that cell to produce one or more other cytokines,
which in turn may induce other target cells to produce other
The term cytokine encompasses those cytokines secreted
by lymphocytes, substances formerly known as lympho-
kines, and those secreted by monocytes and macrophages,
substances formerly known as monokines. Although these
other two terms continue to be used, they are misleading
because secretion of many lymphokines and monokines is
not limited to lymphocytes and monocytes as these terms
imply, but extends to a broad spectrum of cells and types.
For this reason, the more inclusive term cytokine is preferred.
Many cytokines are referred to as interleukins, a name
indicating that they are secreted by some leukocytes and act
upon other leukocytes. Interleukins 1–25 have been identi-
fied. There is reason to suppose that still other cytokines will
be discovered and that the interleukin group will expand
further. Some cytokines are known by common names,
including the interferons and tumor necrosis factors. Re-
cently gaining prominence is yet another another subgroup
of cytokines, the chemokines, a group of low-molecular-
weight cytokines that affect chemotaxis and other aspects
of leukocyte behavior. These molecules play an important
role in the inflammatory response and are described in
Chapter 15.
Because cytokines share many properties with hormones
and growth factors, the distinction between these three
classes of mediators is often blurred. All three are secreted
soluble factors that elicit their biological effects at picomolar
concentrations by binding to receptors on target cells.
Growth factors tend to be produced constitutively, whereas
cytokines and hormones are secreted in response to discrete
stimuli, and secretion is short-lived, generally ranging from a
few hours to a few days. Unlike hormones, which generally
act long range in an endocrine fashion, most cytokines act
over a short distance in an autocrine or paracrine fashion. In
addition, most hormones are produced by specialized glands
and tend to have a unique action on one or a few types of tar-
get cell. In contrast, cytokines are often produced by, and
bind to, a variety of cells.
The activity of cytokines was first recognized in the mid-
1960s, when supernatants derived from in vitro cultures of
lymphocytes were found to contain factors that could regulate
proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of allogeneic
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 277
Cytokine-producing cell
Target cell
Endocrine action
Distant cell
Paracrine action Nearby cell
Autocrine action
FIGURE 12-1 (a) Overview of the induction and function of
cytokines. (b) Most cytokines exhibit autocrine and/or paracrine
action; fewer exhibit endocrine action.
immune-system cells. Soon after, it was discovered that pro-
duction of these factors by cultured lymphocytes was induced
by activation with antigen or with nonspecific mitogens. Bio-
chemical isolation and purification of cytokines was ham-
pered because of their low concentration in culture super-
natants and the absence of well-defined assay systems for
individual cytokines. A great advance was made with the
development of gene-cloning techniques during the 1970s
and 1980s, which made it possible to produce pure cytokines
by expressing the protein from cloned genes. The discovery of
278 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
Activated T
Mast cell
B cell
Target Cell Effect
Activated T
Activated T
Induces class switch to IgE
Blocks class switch to IgE
induced by IL-4
Activated T
B cell
B cell
B cell
Activated T
Activated T
IFN-γ, TNF, IL-2, and
other cytokines
(a) (b)
FIGURE 12-2 Cytokine attributes of (a) pleiotropy, redundancy,
synergy (synergism), antagonism, and (b) cascade induction.
cell lines whose growth depended on the presence of a partic-
ular cytokine provided researchers with the first simple assay
systems. The derivation of monoclonal antibodies specific for
each of the more important cytokines has made it possible to
develop rapid quantitative immunoassays for each of them
(Figure 12-3).
Cytokines Belong to Four Structural
Once the genes encoding various cytokines had been cloned,
sufficient quantities of purified preparations became avail-
able for detailed studies on their structure and function.
Cytokines generally have a molecular mass of less than
30 kDa. Structural studies have shown that the cytokines
characterized so far belong to one of four groups: the
hematopoietin family, the interferon family, the chemokine
family, or the tumor necrosis factor family.
The structures of two members of the hematopoietin
family, IL-2 and IL-4, are depicted in Figure 12-4. Although
the amino acid sequences of these family members differ
considerably, all of them have a high degree of H9251-helical
structure and little or no H9252-sheet structure. The molecules
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 279
Add enzyme-
secondary antibody
Cytokine bound
to antibody coated
onto well
Add substrate
and measure
Concentration of IL-12 (pg/ml)
Optical density
0.1 1 10 100
36 42
96 52
β strand
A–B loop
(a) Interleukin 2
(b) Interleukin 4
FIGURE 12-3 ELISA assay of a cytokine. (a) The sample contain-
ing the cytokine of interest is captured by specific antibody (blue)
coated onto wells of a microtiter plate. A second specific antibody
(blue), conjugated to an enzyme (E) such as horseradish peroxidase,
forms a sandwich with the captured cytokine, immobilizing the en-
zyme in the microtiter well. A chromogenic substrate (S) is added,
and the enzyme generates a color whose intensity is proportional to
the amount of cytokine bound to the capture antibody. The optical
density of this color produced by the unknown is compared with val-
ues on an appropriately determined standard curve. (b) The standard
curve shown here is for human interleukin 12 (IL-12). It is clear that
this assay is sufficiently sensitive to detect as little as 1 picogram of
IL-12. [Part (b) courtesy of R&D Systems.]
FIGURE 12-4 Several representations of structures in the hemato-
poietin family. (a) Left: Topographical representation of the primary
structure of IL-2 showing H9251-helical regions (H9251 and A–D) and connect-
ing chains of the molecule. Right: Proposed three-dimensional model
of IL-2. (b) Ribbon model of IL-4 deduced from x-ray crystallographic
analysis of the molecule. In (a) and (b) the H9251 helices are shown in red
and the H9252 sheets in blue. The structures of other cytokines belonging to
the hematopoietin family are thought to be generally similar. [Part (b)
from J. L. Boulay and W. E. Paul, 1993, Curr. Biol. 3:573.]
share a similar polypeptide fold, with four H9251-helical regions
(A–D) in which the first and second helices and the third and
fourth helices run roughly parallel to one another and are
connected by loops.
Cytokines Have Numerous Biological
Although a variety of cells can secrete cytokines, the two
principal producers are the T
cell and the macrophage.
Cytokines released from these two cell types activate an
entire network of interacting cells (Figure 12-5). Among the
numerous physiologic responses that require cytokine in-
volvement are development of cellular and humoral im-
mune responses, induction of the inflammatory response,
regulation of hematopoiesis, control of cellular proliferation
and differentiation, and the healing of wounds. Although the
immune response to a specific antigen may include the pro-
duction of cytokines, it is important to remember that
cytokines act in an antigen-nonspecific manner. That is, they
affect whatever cells they encounter that bear appropriate
receptors and are in a physiological state that allows them
to respond.
Cytokines are involved in a staggeringly broad array of
biological activities including innate immunity, adaptive
immunity, inflammation, and hematopoiesis. Altogether, the
total number of proteins with cytokine activity easily exceeds
100 and research continues to uncover new ones. Table 12-1
summarizes the activities of some cytokines and places them
into functional groups. An expanded list of cytokines can be
found in the Appendix. It should be kept in mind that most
of the listed functions have been identified from analysis of
280 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
promotion of
of T
Cytokine promotion of activation,
differentiation, proliferation, or cell
death of T cells, B cells, macrophages,
dendritic cells, NK cells, and
other leukocytes.
FIGURE 12-5 Interaction of antigen with macrophages and the
subsequent activation of resting T
cells leads to release of nu-
merous cytokines (blue arrows), generating a complex network of
interacting cells in the immune response.
the effects of recombinant cytokines, often at nonphysiologic
concentrations, added individually to in vitro systems. In
vivo, however, cytokines rarely, if ever, act alone. Instead, a
target cell is exposed to a milieu containing a mixture of
cytokines, whose combined synergistic or antagonistic ef-
fects can have very different consequences. In addition,
cytokines often induce the synthesis of other cytokines, re-
sulting in cascades of activity.
The nonspecificity of cytokines seemingly conflicts with
the established specificity of the immune system. What keeps
the nonspecific cytokines from activating cells in a nonspe-
cific fashion during the immune response? One way in which
specificity is maintained is by careful regulation of the ex-
pression of cytokine receptors on cells. Often cytokine recep-
tors are expressed on a cell only after that cell has interacted
with antigen. In this way cytokine activation is limited to
antigen-activated lymphocytes. Another means of maintain-
ing specificity may be a requirement for direct interaction
between the cytokine-producing cell and the target cell to
trigger cytokine secretion, thus ensuring that effective concen-
trations of the cytokine are released only in the vicinity of the
intended target. In the case of the T
cell, a major producer of
cytokines, close cellular interaction occurs when the T-cell
receptor recognizes an antigen-MHC complex on an appro-
priate antigen-presenting cell, such as a macrophage, den-
dritic cell, or B lymphocyte. Cytokines secreted at the junction
of these interacting cells reach high enough local concentra-
tions to affect the target APC but not more distant cells. In
addition, the half-life of cytokines in the bloodstream or other
extracellular fluids into which they are secreted is usually very
short, ensuring that they act for only a limited period of time
and thus over a short distance.
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 281
TABLE 12-1 Functional groups of selected cytokines
Cytokine* Secreted by** Targets and effects
Interleukin 1 (IL-1) Monocytes, macrophages, Vasculature (inflammation); hypothalamus (fever);
endothelial cells, epithelial cells l iver (induction of acute phase proteins)
Tumor Necrosis Macrophages Vasculature (inflammation); liver (induction of acute phase
Factor-H9251 (TNF-H9251) proteins); loss of muscle, body fat (cachexia); induction of
death in many cell types; neutrophil activation
Interleukin 12 (IL-12) Macrophages, dendritic cells NK cells; influences adaptive immunity (promotes T
1 subset)
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) Macrophages, endothelial cells Liver (induces acute phase proteins); influences adaptive
immunity (proliferation and antibody secretion of B cell lineage)
Interferon H9251 (IFN-H9251) Macrophages Induces an antiviral state in most nucleated cells; increases MHC
(This is a family of molecules) class I expression; activates NK cells
Interferon H9252 (IFN-H9252) Fibroblasts Induces an antiviral state in most nucleated cells; increases MHC
class I expression; activates NK cells
Interleukin 2 (IL-2) T cells T-cell proliferation; can promote AICD. NK cell activation and
proliferation; B-cell proliferation
Interleukin 4 (IL-4)T
2 cells; mast cells Promotes T
2 differentiation; isotype switch to IgE
Interleukin 5 (IL-5
2 cells Eosinophil activation and generation
Interleukin 25 (IL-25) Unknown Induces secretion of T
2 cytokine profile
Transforming growth T cells, macrophages, Inhibits T-cell proliferation and effector functions; inhibits
factor H9252 (TGF-H9252) other cell types B-cell proliferation; promotes isotype switch to IgE;
inhibits macrophages
Interferon H9253 (IFN-H9253)T
1 cells; CD8
cells; NK cells Activates macrophages; increases expression MHC class I
and class II molecules; increases antigen presentation
Many cytokines play roles in more than one functional category.
*Only the major cell types providing cytokines for the indicated activity are listed; other cell types may also have the capacity to synthesize the given cytokine.
**Also note that activated cells generally secrete greater amounts of cytokine than unactivated cells.
Cytokine Receptors
As noted already, to exert their biological effects, cytokines
must first bind to specific receptors expressed on the mem-
brane of responsive target cells. Because these receptors are
expressed by many types of cells, the cytokines can affect a
diverse array of cells. Biochemical characterization of cyto-
kine receptors initially progressed at a very slow pace because
their levels on the membrane of responsive cells is quite low.
As with the cytokines themselves, cloning of the genes encod-
ing cytokine receptors has led to rapid advances in the iden-
tification and characterization of these receptors.
Cytokine Receptors Fall Within Five Families
Receptors for the various cytokines are quite diverse struc-
turally, but almost all belong to one of five families of recep-
tor proteins (Figure 12-6):
Immunoglobulin superfamily receptors
Class I cytokine receptor family (also known as the
hematopoietin receptor family)
Class II cytokine receptor family (also known as the
interferon receptor family)
TNF receptor family
Chemokine receptor family
Many of the cytokine-binding receptors that function in
the immune and hematopoietic systems belong to the class I
cytokine receptor family. The members of this receptor family
have conserved amino acid sequence motifs in the extracellu-
lar domain consisting of four positionally conserved cysteine
residues (CCCC) and a conserved sequence of tryptophan-
serine-(any amino acid)-tryptophan-serine (WSXWS, where
X is the nonconserved amino acid). The receptors for all the
cytokines classified as hematopoietins belong to the class I
cytokine receptor family, which also is called the hematopoi-
etin receptor family. The class II cytokine receptors possess
the conserved CCCC motifs, but lack the WSXWS motif pre-
sent in class I cytokine receptors. Initially only the three
interferons, H9251, H9252, and H9253, were thought to be ligands for these
receptors. However, recent work has shown that the IL-10
receptor is also a member of this group.
Another feature common to most of the hematopoietin
(class I cytokine) and the class II cytokine receptor families is
282 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
(a) Immunoglobulin superfamily
(b) Class I cytokine receptors
Growth hormone
(c) Class II cytokine receptors
(d) TNF receptors
Nerve growth factor (NGF)
(e) Chemokine receptors
FIGURE 12-6 Schematic diagrams showing the structural features
that define the five types of receptor proteins to which most cytokines
bind. The receptors for most of the interleukins belong to the class I
cytokine receptor family. C refers to conserved cysteine.
multiple subunits, often including one subunit that binds
specific cytokine molecules and another that mediates signal
transduction. Note, however, that these two functions are not
always confined to one subunit or the other. Engagement of
all of the class I and class II cytokine receptors studied to date
has been shown to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of the
receptor through the activity of protein tyrosine kinases
closely associated with the cytosolic domain of the receptors.
Subfamilies of Class I Cytokine Receptors
Have Signaling Subunits in Common
Several subfamilies of class I cytokine receptors have been
identified, with all the receptors in a subfamily having an
identical signal-transducing subunit. Figure 12-7 schemati-
cally illustrates the members of three receptor subfamilies,
named after GM-CSF, IL-2, and IL-6.
The sharing of signal-transducing subunits among recep-
tors explains the redundancy and antagonism exhibited by
some cytokines. Consider the GM-CSF receptor subfamily,
which includes the receptors for IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF (see
Figure 12-7a). Each of these cytokines binds to a unique low-
affinity, cytokine-specific receptor consisting of an H9251 subunit
only. All three low-affinity subunits can associate noncova-
lently with a common signal-transducing H9252 subunit. The re-
sulting dimeric receptor not only exhibits increased affinity
for the cytokine but also can transduce a signal across the
membrane after binding the cytokine (Figure 12-8a). Inter-
estingly, IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF exhibit considerable redun-
dancy. IL-3 and GM-CSF both act upon hematopoietic stem
cells and progenitor cells, activate monocytes, and induce
megakaryocyte differentiation. All three of these cytokines
induce eosinophil proliferation and basophil degranulation
with release of histamine.
Since the receptors for IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF share a
common signal-transducing H9252 subunit, each of these cyto-
kines would be expected to transduce a similar activation sig-
nal, accounting for the redundancy among their biological
effects (Figure 12-8b). In fact, all three cytokines induce the
same patterns of protein phosphorylation. Furthermore,
IL-3 and GM-CSF exhibit antagonism; IL-3 binding has been
shown to be inhibited by GM-CSF, and conversely, binding
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 283
ββ β
(a) GM-CSF receptor subfamily (common β subunit)
(c) IL-2 receptor subfamily (common γ subunit)
(b) IL-6 Receptor subfamily (common gp130 subunit)
IL-2Rβ IL-2Rβ
IL-2Rα IL-15Rα
IL-15 IL-9IL-7
FIGURE 12-7 Schematic diagrams of the three subfamilies of class
I cytokine receptors. All members of a subfamily have a common sig-
nal-transducing subunit (blue), but a unique cytokine-specific subunit.
In addition to the conserved cysteines (double black lines) and WSXWS
motifs (red lines) that characterize class I cytokine receptors, immu-
noglobulin-like domains are present in some of these receptors. CNTF
= ciliary neurotrophic factor; LIF/OSM = leukemia-inhibitory factor/
oncostatin. [Adapted from K. Sugamura et al., 1996, Annu. Rev. Im-
munol. 14:179.]
of GM-CSF has been shown to be inhibited by IL-3. Since
the signal-transducing H9252 subunit is shared between the re-
ceptors for these two cytokines, their antagonism is due to
competition for a limited number of H9252 subunits by the
cytokine-specific H9251 subunits of the receptors (Figure 12-8c).
A similar situation is found among the IL-6 receptor sub-
family, which includes the receptors for IL-6, IL-11, leukemia-
inhibitory factor (LIF), oncostatin M (OSM), and ciliary
neurotrophic factor (CNTF) (see Figure 12-7b). In this case,
a common signal-transducing subunit called gp130 associ-
ates with one or two different cytokine-specific subunits. LIF
and OSM, which must share certain structural features, both
bind to the same H9251 subunit. As expected, the cytokines that
bind to receptors in this subfamily display overlapping bio-
logical activities: IL-6, OSM, and LIF induce synthesis of
acute-phase proteins by liver hepatocytes and differentiation
of myeloid leukemia cells into macrophages; IL-6, LIF, and
CNTF affect neuronal development, and IL-6, IL-11, and
OSM stimulate megakaryocyte maturation and platelet pro-
duction. The presence of gp130 in all receptors of the IL-6
subfamily explains their common signaling pathways as well
as the binding competition for limited gp130 molecules that
is observed among these cytokines.
A third signal-transducing subunit defines the IL-2 recep-
tor subfamily, which includes receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7,
IL-9, and IL-15 (see Figure 12-7c). The IL-2 and the IL-15
receptors are heterotrimers, consisting of a cytokine-specific
H9251 chain and two chains—H9252 and H9253—responsible for signal
transduction. The IL-2 receptor H9253 chain functions as the sig-
nal-transducing subunit in the other receptors in this sub-
family, which are all dimers. Recently, it has been shown that
congenital X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency
(XSCID) results from a defect in the H9253-chain gene, which
maps to the X chromosome. The immunodeficiencies ob-
served in this disorder are due to the loss of all the cytokine
functions mediated by the IL-2 subfamily receptors.
The IL-2R Is One of the Most Thoroughly
Studied Cytokine Receptors
Because of the central role of IL-2 and its receptor in the
clonal proliferation of T cells, the IL-2 receptor has received
intensive study. As noted in the previous section, the com-
plete trimeric receptor comprises three distinct subunits—
the H9251, H9252, and H9253 chains. The H9252 and H9253 chains belong to the class
I cytokine receptor family, containing the characteristic CCCC
and WSXWS motifs, whereas the H9251 chain has a quite different
structure and is not a member of this receptor family (see
Figure 12-7c).
The IL-2 receptor occurs in three forms that exhibit dif-
ferent affinities for IL-2: the low-affinity monomeric IL-2RH9251,
the intermediate-affinity dimeric IL-2RH9252H9253, and the high-
affinity trimeric IL-2RH9251H9252H9253 (Figure 12-9). Because the H9251
chain is expressed only by activated T cells, it is often referred
to as the TAC (T-cell activation) antigen. A monoclonal anti-
284 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
β subunit
Same signal from all three
ααα ααα
FIGURE 12-8 Interactions between cytokine-specific subunits and a
common signal-transducing subunit of cytokine receptors. (a) Sche-
matic diagram of the low-affinity and high-affinity receptors for IL-3, IL-5,
and GM-CSF. The cytokine-specific subunits exhibit low-affinity binding
and cannot transduce an activation signal. Noncovalent association of
each subunit with a common H9252 subunit yields a high-affinity dimeric re-
ceptor that can transduce a signal across the membrane. (b) Associa-
tion of cytokine-specific subunits with a common signaling unit, the
H9252 subunit, allows the generation of cytokine-specific signals despite the
generation of the same signal by the different cytokine receptors shown.
(c) Competition of ligand-binding chains of different receptors for a
common subunit can produce antagonistic effects between cytokines.
Here binding of IL-3 by H9251 subunits of the IL-3 receptor allows them to
out-compete H9251 chains of the GM-CSF receptor for H9252 subunits. [Part (a)
adapted from T. Kishimoto et al., 1992, Science 258:593.]
body, designated anti-TAC, which binds to the 55-kDa H9251
chain, is often used to identify IL-2RH9251 on cells. Signal trans-
duction by the IL-2 receptor requires both the H9252 and H9253
chains, but only the trimeric receptor containing the H9251 chain
as well binds IL-2 with high affinity. Although the H9253 chain
appears to be constitutively expressed on most lymphoid
cells, expression of the H9251 and H9252 chains is more restricted and
is markedly enhanced after antigen has activated resting
lymphocytes. This phenomenon ensures that only antigen-
activated CD4
and CD8
T cells will express the high-
affinity IL-2 receptor and proliferate in response to physio-
logic levels of IL-2. Activated T cells express approximately
5 H11003 10
high-affinity receptors and ten times as many low-
affinity receptors. NK cells express the H9252 and H9253 subunits con-
stitutively, accounting for their ability to bind IL-2 with an
intermediate affinity and to be activated by IL-2.
Engaged Cytokine Receptors Activate
Signaling Pathways
While some important cytokine receptors lie outside the
class I and class II families, the majority are included within
these two families. As mentioned previously, class I and class
II cytokine receptors lack signaling motifs (e.g., intrinsic
tyrosine kinase domains). Yet, early observations demon-
strated that one of the first events after the interaction of
a cytokine with one of these receptors is a series of pro-
tein tyrosine phosphorylations. While these results were ini-
tially puzzling, they were explained when a unifying model
emerged from studies of the molecular events triggered by
binding of interferon gamma (IFN-H9253) to its receptor, a mem-
ber of the class II family.
IFN-H9253 was originally discovered because of its ability to
induce cells to block or inhibit the replication of a wide vari-
ety of viruses. Antiviral activity is a property it shares with
IFN-H9251 and IFN-H9252. However, unlike these other interferons,
IFN-H9253 plays a central role in many immunoregulatory
processes, including the regulation of mononuclear phago-
cytes, B-cell switching to certain IgG classes, and the support
or inhibition of the development of T
-cell subsets. The dis-
covery of the major signaling pathway invoked by interaction
of IFN-H9253 with its receptor led to the realization that signal
transduction through most, if not all, class I and class II
cytokine receptors involves the following steps, which are the
basis of a unifying signaling model (Figure 12-10).
The cytokine receptor is composed of separate subunits,
an H9251 chain required for cytokine binding and for signal
transduction and a H9252 chain necessary for signaling but
with only a minor role in binding.
Different inactive protein tyrosine kinases are associated
with different subunits of the receptor. The H9251 chain of the
receptor is associated with a novel family of protein
tyrosine kinases, the Janus kinase (JAK)* family. The
association of the JAK and the receptor subunit occurs
spontaneously and does not require the binding of
cytokine. However, in the absence of cytokine, JAKs lack
protein tyrosine kinase activity.
Cytokine binding induces the association of the two
separate cytokine receptor subunits and activation of the
receptor-associated JAKs. The ability of IFN-H9253,which
binds to a class II cytokine receptor, to bring about the
association of the ligand-binding chains of its receptor
has been directly demonstrated by x-ray crystallographic
studies, as shown in Figure 12-11.
Activated JAKs create docking sites for the STAT
transcription factors by phosphorylation of specific tyrosine
residues on cytokine receptor subunits. Once receptor-
associated JAKs are activated, they phosphorylate
specific tyrosines in the receptor subunits of the
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 285
constant (K
expressed by:
M 10
M 10
constant (K
): 10
M 10
M 10
NK cells
Resting T cells
(low numbers)
Activated CD4
and CD8
T cells
Activated B cells
(low numbers)
α α
affinity IL-2R
High affinity
Low affinity
FIGURE 12-9 Comparison of the three forms of the IL-2 receptor.
Signal transduction is mediated by the H9252 and H9253 chains, but all three
chains are required for high-affinity binding of IL-2.
*The Roman god Janus had two faces. Kinases of the Janus family have two
sites, a binding site at which they link with the cytokine receptor subunit and a
catalytic site that, when activated, has protein tyrosine kinase activity. Some bio-
chemists, wearied by the multitude of different protein kinases that have been
discovered, claim JAK means Just Another Kinase.
complex. Members of a family of transcription factors
known as STATs (signal transducers and activators of
transcription) bind to these phosphorylated tyrosine
residues. Specific STATs (see Table 12-2) play essential
roles in the signaling pathways of a wide variety of
cytokines. The binding of STATs to receptor subunits is
mediated by the joining of the SH2 domain on the
STAT with the docking site created by the JAK-mediated
phosphorylation of a particular tyrosine on receptor
After undergoing JAK-mediated phosphorylation, STAT
transcription factors translocate from receptor docking
sites at the membrane to the nucleus, where they initiate
the transcription of specific genes. While docked to
receptor subunits, STATs undergo JAK-catalyzed
phosphorylation of a key tyrosine. This is followed by
the dissociation of the STATs from the receptor subunits
and their dimerization. The STAT dimers then
translocate into the nucleus and induce the expression
of genes containing appropriate regulatory sequences in
their promoter regions.
In addition to IFN-H9253, a number of other class I and class II
ligands have been shown to cause dimerization of their re-
ceptors. An important element of cytokine specificity derives
from the exquisite specificity of the match between cytokines
and their receptors. Another aspect of cytokine specificity is
that each particular cytokine (or group of redundant cyto-
kines) induces transcription of a specific subset of genes in a
given cell type; the resulting gene products then mediate the
various effects typical of that cytokine. The specificity of
cytokine effects is then traceable to three factors. First, par-
ticular cytokine receptors start particular JAK-STAT path-
ways. Second, the transcriptional activity of activated STATs
286 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
αβ β
of receptor
Activation of JAK
family tyrosine kinases,
phosphorylation of receptor
Tyrosine phosphorylation of
STAT by JAK kinase
Specific gene transcription
FIGURE 12-10 General model of signal transduction mediated by
most class I and class II cytokine receptors. Binding of a cytokine in-
duces dimerization of the receptor subunits, which leads to the activa-
tion of receptor-subunit-associated JAK tyrosine kinases by reciprocal
phosphorylation. Subsequently, the activated JAKs phosphorylate vari-
ous tyrosine residues, resulting in the creation of docking sites for
STATs on the receptor and the activation of the one or more STAT tran-
scription factors. The phosphorylated STATs dimerize and translocate
to the nucleus, where they activate transcription of specific genes.
FIGURE 12-11 The complex between IFN-H9253 and the ligand-binding
chains of its receptor. This model is based on the x-ray crystallo-
graphic analysis of a crystalline complex of interferon-H9253 (violet and
blue) bound to ligand-binding H9251 chains of the receptor (green and
yellow). Note that IFN-H9253 is shown in its native dimeric form; each
member of the dimer engages the H9251 chain of an IFN-H9253 receptor,
thereby bringing about receptor dimerization and signal transduc-
tion. [From M. R. Walter et al., 1995, Nature 376:230, courtesy M. Walter,
University of Alabama.]
is specific because a particular STAT homodimer or het-
erodimer will only recognize certain sequence motifs and
thus can interact only with the promoters of certain genes.
Third, only those target genes whose expression is permitted
by a particular cell type can be activated within that variety
of cell. That is, in any given cell type only a subset of the
potential target genes of a particular STAT may be permitted
expression. For example, IL-4 induces one set of genes in
T cells, another in B cells, and yet a third in eosinophils.
Cytokine Antagonists
A number of proteins that inhibit the biological activity of
cytokines have been reported. These proteins act in one of
two ways: either they bind directly to a cytokine receptor but
fail to activate the cell, or they bind directly to a cytokine,
inhibiting its activity. The best-characterized inhibitor is the
IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), which binds to the IL-1
receptor but has no activity. Binding of IL-1Ra to the IL-1
receptor blocks binding of both IL-1H9251 and IL-1H9252,thus
accounting for its antagonistic properties. Production of
IL-1Ra has been thought by some to play a role in regulating
the intensity of the inflammatory response. It has been
cloned and is currently being investigated as a potential treat-
ment for chronic inflammatory diseases.
Cytokine inhibitors are found in the bloodstream and
extracellular fluid. These soluble antagonists arise from enzy-
matic cleavage of the extracellular domain of cytokine recep-
tors. Among the soluble cytokine receptors that have been de-
tected are those for IL-2, -4, -6, and -7, IFN-H9253 and -H9251,TNF-H9252,
and LIF. Of these, the soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R), which is
released in chronic T-cell activation, is the best characterized.
A segment containing the amino-terminal 192 amino acids
of the H9251 subunit is released by proteolytic cleavage, forming
a 45-kDa soluble IL-2 receptor. The shed receptor can bind
IL-2 and prevent its interaction with the membrane-bound
IL-2 receptor. The presence of sIL-2R has been used as a clin-
ical marker of chronic T-cell activation and is observed in a
number of diseases, including autoimmunity, transplant re-
jection, and AIDS.
Some viruses also produce cytokine-binding proteins or
cytokine mimics. The evolution of such anti-cytokine strate-
gies by microbial pathogens is good biological evidence of
the importance of cytokines in organizing and promoting ef-
fective anti-microbial immune responses. The poxviruses, for
example, have been shown to encode a soluble TNF-binding
protein and a soluble IL-1–binding protein. Since both TNF
and IL-1 exhibit a broad spectrum of activities in the inflam-
matory response, these soluble cytokine-binding proteins
may prohibit or diminish the inflammatory effects of the
cytokines, thereby conferring upon the virus a selective ad-
vantage. Epstein-Barr virus produces an IL-10–like molecule
(viral IL-10 or vIL-10) that binds to the IL-10 receptor and,
like cellular IL-10, suppresses T
1-type cell-mediated re-
sponses (see the next section), which are effective against
many intracellular parasites such as viruses. Molecules pro-
duced by viruses that mimic cytokines allow the virus to
manipulate the immune response in ways that aid the sur-
vival of the pathogen. This is an interesting and powerful
modification some viruses have undergone in their continu-
ing struggle to overcome the formidable barrier of host
immunity. Table 12-3 lists a number of viral products that
mimic cytokines or their receptors.
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 287
TABLE 12-2
STAT and JAK interaction with
selected cytokine receptors during
signal transduction
Cytokine receptor JAK STAT
IFN-H9253 JAK1 and JAK2 Stat1
IFN-H9251/H9252 JAK1 and Tyk-2 Stat2
IL-2 JAK1 and JAK3 Stat5
IL-3 JAK2 Stat5
IL-4 JAK1 and JAK3 Stat6
IL-6 JAK1 (and sometimes others) Stat3
IL-10 JAK1 and Tyk-2* Stat3
IL-12 JAK2 and Tyk-2* Stat4
*Despite its name, Tyk-2 is also a Janus kinase.
SOURCE: Adapted from E. A. Bach, M. Aguet, and R. D. Schreiber, 1997,
Annu. Rev. Immun. 15:563.
TABLE 12-3
Viral mimics of cytokine
and cytokine receptors
Virus Product
Leporipoxvirus Soluble IFN-H9253 receptor
(a myxoma virus)
Several poxviruses Soluble IFN-H9253 receptor
Vaccinia, smallpox virus Soluble IL-1 H9252 receptor
Epstein-Barr IL-10 homolog
Human herpesvirus-8 IL-6 homolog; also homologs
of the chemokines MIP-I and
Cytomegalovirus Three different chemokine
receptor homologs, one of
which binds three different
soluble chemokines (RANTES,
MCP-1, and MIP-1H9251)
Cytokine Secretion by T
and T
2 Subsets
The immune response to a particular pathogen must induce
an appropriate set of effector functions that can eliminate the
disease agent or its toxic products from the host. For exam-
ple, the neutralization of a soluble bacterial toxin requires
antibodies, whereas the response to an intracellular virus
or to a bacterial cell requires cell-mediated cytotoxicity or
delayed-type hypersensitivity. A large body of evidence im-
plicates differences in cytokine-secretion patterns among
-cell subsets as determinants of the type of immune
response made to a particular antigenic challenge.
cells exert most of their helper functions
through secreted cytokines, which either act on the cells that
produce them in an autocrine fashion or modulate the re-
sponses of other cells through paracrine pathways. Although
CTLs also secrete cytokines, their array of cytokines
generally is more restricted than that of CD4
cells. As
briefly discussed in Chapter 10, two CD4
-cell subpopu-
lations designated T
1 and T
2, can be distinguished in vitro
by the cytokines they secrete. Both subsets secrete IL-3 and
GM-CSF but differ in the other cytokines they produce
(Table 12-4). T
1 and T
2 cells are characterized by the fol-
lowing functional differences:
The T
1 subset is responsible for many cell-mediated
functions (e.g., delayed-type hypersensitivity and
activation of T
cells) and for the production of
opsonization-promoting IgG antibodies (i.e. antibodies
that bind to the high-affinity Fc receptors of phagocytes
and interact with the complement system). This subset
is also associated with the promotion of excessive
inflammation and tissue injury.
The T
2 subset stimulates eosinophil activation and
differentiation, provides help to B cells, and promotes
the production of relatively large amounts of IgM, IgE,
and noncomplement-activating IgG isotypes. The T
subset also supports allergic reactions.
The differences in the cytokines secreted by T
1 and T
cells determine the different biological functions of these two
subsets. A defining cytokine of the T
1 subset, IFN-H9253,acti-
vates macrophages, stimulating these cells to increase micro-
bicidal activity, up-regulate the level of class II MHC, and
secrete cytokines such as IL-12, which induces T
cells to dif-
ferentiate into the T
1 subset. IFN-H9253 secretion by T
1 cells
also induces antibody-class switching to IgG classes (such as
IgG2a in the mouse) that support phagocytosis and fixation
of complement. TNF-H9252 and IFN-H9253 are cytokines that medi-
ate inflammation, and it is their secretion that accounts for
the association of T
1 cells with inflammatory phenomena
such as delayed hypersensitivity (Chapter 16). T
1 cells pro-
duce IL-2 and IFN-H9253 cytokines that promote the differentia-
tion of fully cytotoxic T
cells from CD8
precursors. This
pattern of cytokine production makes the T
1 subset partic-
ularly suited to respond to viral infections and intracellular
pathogens. Finally, IFN-H9253 inhibits the expansion of the T
The secretion of IL-4 and IL-5 by cells of the T
2 subset in-
duces production of IgE and supports eosinophil-mediated
attack on helminth (roundworm) infections. IL-4 promotes a
pattern of class switching that produces IgG that does not
activate the complement pathway (IgG1 in mice, for exam-
ple). IL-4 also increases the extent to which B cells switch
from IgM to IgE. This effect on IgE production meshes with
eosinophil differentiation and activation by IL-5, because
eosinophils are richly endowed with FcH9280 receptors, which
bind IgE. Typically, roundworm infections induce T
2 re-
sponses and evoke anti-roundworm IgE antibody. The anti-
body bound to the worm binds to the Fc receptors of
eosinophils, thus forming an antigen-specific bridge between
the worm and the eosinophils. The attack of the eosinophil
on the worm is triggered by crosslinking of the FcH9280-bound
IgE. Despite these beneficial actions of IgE, it is also the Ig
288 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
TABLE 12-4
Cytokine secretion and principal
functions of mouse TH1 and
TH2 subsets
Cytokine/function T
1 T
IL-2 +–
IFN-H9253 ++ –
TNF-H9252 ++ –
GM-CSF ++ +
IL-3 ++ ++
IL-4 –++
IL-10 –++
Help for total antibody production + ++
Help for IgE production – ++
Help for IgG2a production ++ +
Eosinophil and mast-cell production – ++
Macrophage activation ++ –
Delayed-type hypersensitivity ++ –
-cell activation ++ –
SOURCE: Adapted from F. Powrie and R. L. Coffman, 1993, Immunol. Today
class responsible for allergy. Finally, IL-4 and IL-10 suppress
the expansion of T
1 cell populations.
Because the T
1 and T
2 subsets were originally identi-
fied in long-term in vitro cultures of cloned T-cell lines, some
researchers doubted that they represented true in vivo sub-
populations. They suggested instead that these subsets might
represent different maturational stages of a single lineage.
Also, the initial failure to locate either subset in humans led
some to believe that T
1, T
2, and other subsets of T helper
cells did not occur in this species. Further research corrected
these views. In many in vivo systems, the full commitment of
populations of T cells to either the T
1 or T
2 phenotype
often signals the endpoint of a chronic infection or allergy.
Hence it was difficult to find clear T
1 or T
2 subsets in
studies employing healthy human subjects, who would not
be at this stage of a response. Experiments with transgenic
mice demonstrated conclusively that T
1 and T
2 cells arise
independently. Furthermore, it was possible to demonstrate
1 or T
2 populations in T cells isolated from humans dur-
ing chronic infectious disease or chronic episodes of allergy.
It is also important to emphasize that many helper T cells do
not show either a T
1 or a T
2 profile; individual cells have
shown striking heterogeneity in the T
-cell population. One
of the best described of these is the T
0 subset, which
secretes IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IFN-H9253, and IL-10, as well as IL-3 and
Numerous reports of studies in both mice and humans
now document that the in vivo outcome of the immune
response can be critically influenced by the relative levels of
1-like or T
2-like activity. Typically, the T
1 profile of
cytokines is higher in response to intracellular pathogens,
and the T
2 profile is higher in allergic diseases and hel-
minthic infections.
The Development of T
1 and T
2 Subsets
Is Determined by the Cytokine Environment
The cytokine environment in which antigen-primed T
differentiate determines the subset that develops (Figure
12-12). In particular, IL-4 is essential for the development of
a T
2 response, and IFN-H9253, IL-12, and IL-18 all are impor-
tant in the physiology of the development of T
1 cells. The
source of IL-12, one of the key mediatiors of T
1 differentia-
tion, is typically macrophages or dendritic cells activated
by an encounter with intracellular bacteria, with bacterial
products such as LPS, or with a number of other intracellular
parasites. T
1 development is also critically dependent on
IFN-H9253, which induces a number of changes, including the
up-regulation of IL-12 production by macrophages and den-
dritic cells, and the activation of the IL-12 receptor on acti-
vated T cells, which it accomplishes by up-regulating expres-
sion of the H9252 chain of the IL-12 receptor. At the beginning of
an immune response, IFN-H9253 is generated by stimulation of
T cells and can also come from activated NK cells.Yet another
cytokine, IL-18, promotes proliferation and IFN-H9253 produc-
tion by both developing and fully differentiated T
1 cells
and by NK cells. So a regulatory network of cytokines posi-
tively controls the generation of T
1 cells. The critical role
played by each of these cytokines and their receptors has
been demonstrated in a series of experiments in which either
the cytokine or its receptor has been knocked out. Mice in
which the genes for any of these critical components have
been knocked out fail to generate populations of T
1 cells.
Just as T
1 cells require IL-12 and IFN-H9253, the generation
of T
2 cells depends critically on IL-4. Exposing naive helper
cells to IL-4 at the beginning of an immune response causes
them to differentiate into T
2 cells. In fact, this influence of
IL-4 is predominant in directing T
cells to the T
2 route.
Provided a threshold level of IL-4, T
2 development is
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 289
or dendritic
Positive feedback
Positive feedback
T cell
?Certain opsonic or
IL-4 , IL-5, IL-10, IL-13
?IgE and some other
antibody classes
IL-12 IFN-δ , IL-2, TNF-β
FIGURE 12-12 Cytokine-mediated generation and cross regula-
tion of T
subsets. Antigen-activated naive CD4
T cell produces IL-2
and proliferates. If it proliferates in an IL-12 dominated environment,
it generates a population of T
1 cells that secretes a characteristic
profile of cytokines including interferon H9253. A positive feedback loop is
established when IFN-H9253 secreted by the expanding T
1 population
stimulates dendritic cells or macrophages to produce more IL-12. If
the environment is dominated by IL-4, a T
2 population emerges
and secretes a profile of cytokines that promotes eosinophil activa-
tion and the synthesis of certain antibody classes. Key cytokines pro-
duced by each subset positively regulate the subset that produces it
and negatively regulate the other subset. [Adapted from J. Rengarajan,
S. Szabo, and L. Glimcher, 2000, Immunology Today 21:479.]
greatly favored over T
1 even if IL-12 is present. The critical
role of signals from IL-4 in T
2 development is shown by the
observation that knocking out the gene that encodes IL-4
prevents the development of this T-cell subset. Additional
evidence supporting the central role of IL-4 comes from an
experiment that interrupted the IL-4 signal-transduction
pathway. Like so many other cytokines, IL-4 uses a pathway
that involves JAK and STAT proteins. The Stat6 transcription
factor is the one activated in signaling by IL-4. Consequently,
in mice in which the gene for Stat6 has been disrupted (Stat6
knockouts), IL-4 mediated processes are severely inhibited or
absent. The observation that Stat6 knockout mice have very
few T
2 cells confirms the importance of IL-4 for the differ-
entiation of this subset.
Cytokine Profiles Are Cross-Regulated
The critical cytokines produced by T
1 and T
2 subsets have
two characteristic effects on subset development. First, they
promote the growth of the subset that produces them; sec-
ond, they inhibit the development and activity of the oppo-
site subset, an effect known as cross-regulation, (see Figure
12-12). For instance, IFN-H9253 (secreted by the T
1 subset)
preferentially inhibits proliferation of the T
2 subset, and
IL-4 and IL-10 (secreted by the T
2 subset) down-regulate
secretion of IL-12, one of the critical cytokines for T
1 dif-
ferentiation, by both macrophages and dendritic cells. Simi-
larly, these cytokines have opposing effects on target cells
other than T
subsets. IFN-H9253 secreted by the T
1 subset pro-
motes IgG2a production by B cells but inhibits IgG1 and IgE
production. On the other hand, IL-4 secreted by the T
2 sub-
set promotes production of IgG1 and IgE and suppresses
production of IgG2a. The phenomenon of cross-regulation
explains the observation that there is often an inverse rela-
tionship between antibody production and cell-mediated
immunity; that is, when antibody production is high, cell-
mediated immunity is low, and vice versa. Furthermore,
recent research has shown that IL-4 and IFN-H9253 make mem-
bers of the T-cell subset that releases them less responsive to
the cytokine that directs differentiation of the other T-cell
subset. Thus, IL-4 enhances T
2 cell development by making
cells less susceptible to the cytokine signals that cause
these cells to enter a differentiation pathway that would lead
to T
1 development. On the other hand, as explained below,
IFN-H9253 up-regulates the expression of a key regulatory mole-
cule that favors the differentiation and activity of T
1 cells.
Recent work has given insight into the molecular basis
for the cytokine-mediated cross-regulation by which one
subset promotes its own expansion and development while
inhibiting the development of the opposite subset. Two tran-
scription factors, T-Bet and GATA-3, are key elements in de-
termining subset commitment and cross-regulation. The ex-
pression of T-Bet drives cells to differentiate into T
1 cells
and suppresses their differentiation along the T
2 pathway.
Expression of GATA-3 does the opposite, promoting the de-
velopment of naive T cells into T
2 cells while suppressing
their differentiation into T
1 cells. As shown in Figure 12-13,
the expression of T-Bet versus GATA-3 is determined by the
cytokines IFN-H9253and IL-4. In the presence of IFN-H9253, T cells up-
regulate the expression of T-Bet and down-regulate GATA-3.
This IFN-H9253 receptor/Stat1–dependent process shifts the cyto-
kine profile to the production of IFN-H9253, the signature cytokine
of T
1 cells, and other cytokines typical of the T
1 set. On the
other hand, in a process that involves the IL-4 receptor and
Stat6, IL-4 induces the cell to produce IL-4 and other T
cytokines. Further study has revealed that the up-regulation
of T-Bet represses the expression of GATA-3. Similarly,
expression of GATA-3 down-regulates T-Bet. Consequently,
cytokine signals that induce one of these transcription fac-
tors set in motion a chain of events that repress the other. At
the intracellular level, the differentiation of a T cell along the
1 pathway, prevents its development of T
2 characteris-
tics and vice versa.
290 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
FIGURE 12-13 Cross-regulation at the intracellular level. Signals
through the TCR and cytokine receptors determine whether the cell
will produce the T
1-promoting transcription factor, T-Bet, or the
2-promoting transcription factor, GATA-3. Experimental evidence
supports a model in which exposure of cells bearing receptors for
IFN-H9253 to IFN-H9253 induces the formation of T-Bet, which up-regulates
the synthesis of IFN-H9253 and represses the expression of GATA-3. Ex-
posure of IL-4 R–bearing cells to IL-4 induces the formation of GATA-
3, which up-regulates the synthesis of IL-4 and IL-5 but represses the
expression of T-Bet. [Adapted from J. Rengarajan, S. Szabo, and
L. Glimcher, 2000, Immunology Today 21:479.]
The cross-regulation of T
1 cells by IL-10 secreted from
2 cells is not a direct inhibition of the T
1 cells; instead,
IL-10 acts on monocytes and macrophages, interfering with
their ability to activate the T
1 subset. This interference is
thought to result from the demonstrated ability of IL-10 to
down-regulate the expression of class II MHC molecules on
these antigen-presenting cells. IL-10 has other potent immu-
nosuppressant effects on the monocyte-macrophage lineage,
such as suppressing the production of nitric oxide and other
bactericidal metabolites involved in the destruction of path-
ogens, and also suppressing the production of various inflam-
matory mediators (e.g., IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF, G-CSF,
and TNF-H9253). These suppressive effects on the macrophage
serve to further diminish the biologic consequences of T
The T
2 Balance Determines
Disease Outcomes
The progression of some diseases may depend on the balance
between the T
1 and T
2 subsets. In humans, a well-studied
example of this phenomenon is leprosy, which is caused by
Mycobacterium leprae, an intracellular pathogen that can sur-
vive within the phagosomes of macrophages. Leprosy is not a
single clinical entity; rather, the disease presents as a spec-
trum of clinical responses, with two major forms of disease,
tuberculoid and lepromatous, at each end of the spectrum.
In tuberculoid leprosy, a cell-mediated immune response
forms granulomas, resulting in the destruction of most of the
mycobacteria, so that only a few organisms remain in the
tissues. Although skin and peripheral nerves are damaged,
tuberculoid leprosy progresses slowly and patients usually
survive. In lepromatous leprosy, the cell-mediated response
is depressed and, instead, humoral antibodies are formed,
sometimes resulting in hypergammaglobulinemia. The myco-
bacteria are widely disseminated in macrophages, often reach-
ing numbers as high as 10
per gram of tissue. Lepromatous
leprosy progresses into disseminated infection of the bone
and cartilage with extensive nerve damage.
The development of lepromatous or tuberculoid leprosy
depends on the balance of T
1 and T
2 cells (Figure 12-14).
In tuberculoid leprosy, the immune response is characterized
by a T
1-type response with delayed-type hypersensitivity
and a cytokine profile consisting of high levels of IL-2, IFN-H9253,
and TNF-H9252. In lepromatous leprosy, there is a T
2-type im-
mune response, with high levels of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10. This
cytokine profile explains the diminished cell-mediated im-
munity and increased production of serum antibody in lep-
romatous leprosy.
There is also evidence for changes in T
-subset activity in
AIDS. Early in the disease, T
1 activity is high, but as AIDS
progresses, some workers have suggested, there may be a shift
from a T
1-like to a T
2-like response. In addition, some
pathogens may influence the activity of the T
subsets. The
Epstein-Barr virus, for instance, produces vIL-10, which has
IL-10–like activity and, like cellular IL-10, tends to suppress
1 activity by cross-regulation. Some researchers have spec-
ulated that vIL-10 may reduce the cell-mediated response to
the Epstein-Barr virus, thus conferring a survival advantage
on the virus.
Cytokine-Related Diseases
Defects in the complex regulatory networks governing the
expression of cytokines and cytokine receptors have been
implicated in a number of diseases. This section describes
several diseases resulting from overexpression or underex-
pression of cytokines or cytokine receptors.
Bacterial Septic Shock Is Common
and Potentially Lethal
The role of cytokine overproduction in pathogenesis can be
illustrated by bacterial septic shock. This condition may
develop a few hours after infection by certain gram-negative
bacteria, including E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Neisseria meningitidis.
The symptoms of bacterial septic shock, which is often fatal,
include a drop in blood pressure, fever, diarrhea, and wide-
spread blood clotting in various organs. This condition afflicts
about 500,000 Americans annually and causes more than
70,000 deaths. The annual cost for treating bacterial septic
shock is estimated to be in excess of $5 billion.
Bacterial septic shock apparently develops because bacte-
rial cell-wall endotoxins stimulate macrophages to over-
produce IL-1 and TNF-H9251 to levels that cause septic shock. In
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 291
FIGURE 12-14 Correlation between type of leprosy and relative
1 or T
2 activity. Messenger RNA isolated from lesions from tu-
berculoid and lepromatous leprosy patients was analyzed by South-
ern blotting using the cytokine probes indicated. Cytokines produced
by T
1 cells predominate in the tuberculoid patients, while cytokines
produced by T
2 cells predominate in the lepromatous patients.
[From P. A. Sieling and R. L. Modlin, 1994, Immunobiology 191: 378.]
TH1 activity TH2 activity
Tuberculoid Lepromatous Tuberculoid Lepromatous
one study, for example, higher levels of TNF-H9251 were found in
patients who died of meningitis than in those who recovered.
Furthermore, a condition resembling bacterial septic shock
can be produced by injecting mice with recombinant TNF-H9251
in the absence of gram-negative bacterial infection. Several
studies offer some hope that neutralization of TNF-H9251 or IL-1
activity with monoclonal antibodies or antagonists may pre-
vent this fatal shock from developing in these bacterial infec-
tions. In one study, monoclonal antibody to TNF-H9251 protected
animals from endotoxin-induced shock. Another study has
shown that injection of a recombinant IL-1 receptor antago-
nist (IL-1Ra), which prevents binding of IL-1 to the IL-1
receptor, resulted in a three-fold reduction in mortality. It
is hoped that these experimental results will lead to clinically
useful products for the treatment of bacterial septic shock
in humans.
Bacterial Toxic Shock Is Caused
by Superantigens
A variety of microorganisms produce toxins that act as super-
antigens. As Chapter 10 described, superantigens bind simul-
taneously to a class II MHC molecule and to the V
domain of
the T-cell receptor, activating all T cells bearing a particular V
domain (Figure 10-16). Because of their unique binding abil-
ity, superantigens can activate large numbers of T cells irre-
spective of their antigenic specificity.
Although less than 0.01% of T cells respond to a given
conventional antigen, between 5% and 25% of T cells can
respond to a given superantigen. The large proportion of
T cells responsive to a particular superantigen results from
the limited number of TCR V
genes carried in the germ line.
Mice, for example, have about 20 V
genes. Assuming that
each V
gene is expressed with equal frequency, then each
superantigen would be expected to interact with 1 in 20
T cells, or 5% of the total T-cell population.
A number of bacterial superantigens have been implicated
as the causative agent of several diseases such as bacterial toxic
shock and food poisoning. Included among these bacterial
superantigens are several enterotoxins, exfoliating toxins, and
toxic-shock syndrome toxin (TSST1) from Staphylococcus
aureus; pyrogenic exotoxins from Streptococcus pyrogenes; and
Mycoplasma arthritidis supernatant (MAS). The large number
of T cells activated by these superantigens results in excessive
production of cytokines. The toxic-shock syndrome toxin,
for example, has been shown to induce extremely high levels
of TNF and IL-1. As in bacterial septic shock, these elevated
concentrations of cytokines can induce systemic reactions
that include fever, widespread blood clotting, and shock.
Cytokine Activity Is Implicated in Lymphoid
and Myeloid Cancers
Abnormalities in the production of cytokines or their recep-
tors have been associated with some types of cancer. For ex-
ample, abnormally high levels of IL-6 are secreted by cardiac
myxoma cells (a benign heart tumor), myeloma and plasma-
cytoma cells, and cervical and bladder cancer cells. In
myeloma cells, IL-6 appears to operate in an autocrine man-
ner to stimulate cell proliferation. When monoclonal anti-
bodies to IL-6 are added to in vitro cultures of myeloma cells,
their growth is inhibited. In addition, transgenic mice that
express high levels of IL-6 have been found to exhibit a mas-
sive, fatal plasma-cell proliferation, called plasmacytosis.
Although these plasma cells are not malignant, the high rate
of plasma-cell proliferation possibly contributes to the devel-
opment of cancer.
Chagas’ Disease Is Caused
by a Parasite
The protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of
Chagas’ disease, which is characterized by severe immune
suppression. The ability of T. cruzi to mediate immune sup-
pression can be observed by culturing peripheral-blood T
cells in the presence and in the absence of T. cruzi and then
evaluating their immune reactivity. Antigen, mitogen, or
anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody normally can activate peri-
pheral T cells, but in the presence of T. cruzi, T cells are not
activated by any of these agents. The defect in these lympho-
cytes has been traced to a dramatic reduction in the expres-
sion of the 55-kDa H9251 subunit of the IL-2 receptor. As noted
earlier, the high-affinity IL-2 receptor contains H9251, H9252, and H9253
subunits. The H9251 subunit is specific for cytokine binding (see
Figure 12-9). Co-culturing of T cells with T. cruzi and sub-
sequent staining with fluorescein-labeled anti-TAC, which
binds to the H9251 subunit, revealed a 90% decrease in the level of
the H9251 subunit.
Although the mechanism by which T. cruzi suppresses
expression of the H9251 subunit is still unknown, the suppression
can be induced across a filter that prevents contact between
the lymphocytes and protozoa. This finding suggests that a
diffusible factor mediates suppression. Such a factor, once
isolated, might have numerous clinical applications for regu-
lating the level of activated T cells in leukemias and autoim-
mune diseases.
Therapeutic Uses of Cytokines
and Their Receptors
The availability of purified cloned cytokines and soluble
cytokine receptors offers the prospect of specific clinical
therapies to modulate the immune response. A few cyto-
kines—notably, interferons (see Clinical Focus)—and colony-
stimulating factors, such as GM-CSF, have proven to be ther-
apeutically useful. However, despite the promise of cytokines
as powerful mediators of immune and other biological
292 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 293
responses, not many have made their way into clinical prac-
tice. A number of factors are likely to raise difficulties in
adapting cytokines for safe and effective routine medical use.
One of these is the need to maintain effective dose levels over
a clinically significant period of time. During an immune
response, interacting cells produce sufficiently high concen-
trations of cytokines in the vicinity of target cells, but achiev-
ing such local concentrations when cytokines must be ad-
ministered systemically for clinical treatment is difficult. In
addition, cytokines often have a very short half-life, so that
continuous administration may be required. For example,
recombinant human IL-2 has a half-life of only 7–10 min
when administered intravenously. Finally, cytokines are ex-
tremely potent biological response modifiers and they can
cause unpredictable and undesirable side effects. The side ef-
fects from administration of recombinant IL-2, for instance,
range from mild (e.g., fever, chills, diarrhea, and weight gain)
to serious, such as anemia, thrombocytopenia, shock, respi-
ratory distress, and coma. Despite these difficulties, the pro-
mise of cytokines for clinical medicine is great and efforts to
develop safe and effective cytokine-related strategies con-
tinue, particularly in areas such as inflammation, cancer
therapy, and modification of the immune response during
organ transplantation, infectious disease, and allergy.
Some specific examples of various approaches being ex-
plored include cytokine receptor blockade and the use of
cytokine analogs and cytokine-toxin conjugates. For instance,
proliferation of activated T
cells and activation of T
can be blocked by anti-TAC, a monoclonal antibody that
binds to the H9251 subunit of the high-affinity IL-2 receptor (Fig-
ure 12-15a, left panel). Administration of anti-TAC has pro-
longed the survival of heart transplants in rats. Similar
results have been obtained with IL-2 analogs that retain their
ability to bind the IL-2 receptor but have lost their biological
activity (Figure 12-15a, right panel). Such analogs have been
produced by site-directed mutagenesis of cloned IL-2 genes.
Finally, cytokines conjugated to various toxins (e.g., the
H9252 chain of diphtheria toxin) have been shown to diminish re-
jection of kidney and heart transplants in animals. Such con-
jugates containing IL-2 selectively bind to and kill activated
cells (Figure 12-15b).
Cytokines in Hematopoiesis
Early work in Australia and Israel demonstrated that soluble
factors could support the growth and differentiation of red
and white blood cells. The first of these soluble factors to be
cell T
Antibodies to IL-2R
IL-2 analogs
cell T
Toxin conjugated
to IL-2
(b) Destruction of activated T
(a) Suppression of T
-cell proliferation and T
-cell activation
FIGURE 12-15 Experimental cytokine-related therapeutic agents
offer the prospect of selectively modulating the immune response.
(a) The anti-IL-2R monoclonal antibody binds to the cytokine recep-
tor (IL-2R) on the cell surface, thereby preventing interaction of the
cytokine with its receptor. (b) Conjugation of a toxin with a cytokine
results in destruction of cells expressing the cytokine receptor.
characterized, erythropoietin, was isolated from the urine
of anemic patients and shown to support the develop-
ment of red blood cells. Subsequently, many cytokines have
been shown to play essential roles in hematopoiesis (see
Table 12-5). During hematopoiesis, cytokines act as develop-
mental signals that direct commitment of progenitor cells
into and through particular lineages. As shown in Figure
12-16, a myeloid progenitor in the presence erythropoietin
294 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
IFN-H9251 (also known by its trade
names Roferon and Intron-A) has
been used for the treatment of
hepatitis C and hepatitis B. It has
also found a number of different
applications in cancer therapy. A
type of B-cell leukemia known as
hairy-cell leukemia (because the cells
are covered with fine, hairlike
cytoplasmic projections) responds
well to IFN-H9251. Chronic myelogenous
leukemia, a disease characterized by
increased numbers of granulocytes,
begins with a slowly developing
chronic phase that changes to an
accelerated phase and terminates in
a blast phase, which is usually
resistant to treatment. IFN-H9251 is an
effective treatment for this leukemia
in the chronic phase (70% response
rates have been reported) and some
patients (as many as 20% in some
studies) undergo complete
remission. Kaposi’s sarcoma, the
cancer most often seen in American
AIDS patients, also responds to
treatment with IFN-H9251, and there are
reports of a trend toward longer
survival and fewer opportunistic
infections in patients treated with
this agent. IFN-H9253 has also been
used, with varying degrees of
success, to treat a variety of
malignancies that include non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cutaneous
T-cell lymphoma, and multiple
myeloma. Most of the effects
mentioned above have been
obtained in clinical studies that used
IFN-H9251 alone. Future clinical trials in
which IFN-H9251 is used in combinations
with other agents may improve the
effectiveness of this interferon in
cancer therapy.
IFN-H9252 has emerged as the first drug
capable of producing clinical
improvement in multiple sclerosis
(MS). Young adults are the primary
target of this autoimmune neurologic
disease, in which nerves in the central
nervous system (CNS) undergo
demyelination. This results in
progressive neurologic dysfunction,
which leads to significant and, in
many cases, severe disability. This
disease is often characterized by
periods of nonprogression and
remission alternating with periods of
relapse. Treatment with IFN-H9252
provides longer periods of remission
and reduces the severity of relapses.
Furthermore, magnetic-resonance-
imaging studies of CNS damage in
treated and untreated patients
revealed that MS-induced damage
was less in a group of IFN-H9252-treated
patients than in untreated ones.
IFN-H9253 has found application in the
clinic as an agent for the treatment of
chronic granulomatous disease
(CGD). This disease is hereditary and
quite rare. Its central feature is a
serious impairment of the ability of
phagocytic cells to kill ingested
microbes. Patients with CGD are
beset with recurring infections by a
number of bacteria (Staphylococcus
aureus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, and
others) and fungi such as Aspergillus
and Candida. Before interferon
therapy, standard treatment for the
disease was attempts to avoid
infection, aggressive administration of
Interferons are an
extraordinary group of proteins whose
antiviral activity led to their discovery
almost 50 years ago. Subsequent studies
showed that interferons have other
effects, including the capacity to induce
cell differentiation, to inhibit proliferation
by some cell types, to inhibit angiogene-
sis, and to function in various immu-
noregulatory roles. Their effects on the
immune system are important and dra-
matic. Interferons induce increases in the
expression of class I and class II MHC
molecules, and augment NK-cell activity.
Increased class I expression increases
the display of antigen to CD8
cells, a
class that includes most of the T
lation. This enhanced display of antigen
not only makes the antigen-presenting
cells more effective in inducing cytotoxic
T-cell populations, it also makes them
better targets for attack by T
cells. In
addition to up-regulating class I MHC
expression of many cell types, IFN-H9253 in-
creases the expression of class II MHC
molecules on such antigen-presenting
cells as macrophages and dendritic cells.
This makes them better presenters of
antigen to T
cells. IFN-H9253 is also a potent
inducer of macrophage activation and
general promoter of inflammatory re-
sponses. Cloning of the genes that en-
code all three types of interferon, IFN-H9251,
IFN-H9252, and IFN-H9253, has made it possible
for the biotechnology industry to produce
large amounts of all of these interferons
at costs that make their clinical use prac-
tical. Some clinical uses of each type of
interferon are described here:
Therapy with Interferons
would proceed down a pathway that leads to the production
of erythrocytes; suitable concentrations of a group of cyto-
kines including IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-1, and IL-6 will cause it to
enter differentiation pathways that lead to the generation of
monocytes, neutrophils, and other leukocytes of the myeloid
group. The participation of leukocytes in immune responses
often results in their death and removal. However, both adap-
tive and innate immune responses generate cytokines that
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 295
osteopetrosis, (not osteoporosis) a
life-threatening congenital disorder
characterized by overgrowth of
bone which results in blindness
and deafness. Another problem
presented by this disease is that the
buildup of bone reduces the amount
of space available for bone marrow
and the decrease in hematopoiesis
results in fewer red blood cells and
anemia. The decreased generation
of white blood cells causes an
increased susceptibility to infection.
The use of interferons in clinical prac-
tice is likely to expand as more is learned
about their effects in combination with
other therapeutic agents. Although, in
common with other cytokines, interfer-
ons are powerful modifiers of biological
responses, fortunately, the side effects
accompanying their use are much
milder. Typical side effects include flu-
like symptoms, such as headache, fever,
chills, and fatigue. These symptoms can
largely be managed with acetaminophen
(Tylenol) and diminish in intensity dur-
ing continued treatment. Although inter-
feron toxicity is usually not severe, seri-
ous manifestations such as anemia and
depressed platelet and white-blood-cell
counts have been seen.
antibiotics, and surgical drainage of
abscesses. A failure to generate
microbicidal oxidants (H
superoxide, and others) is the basis
of CGD, and the administration of
IFN-H9253 significantly reverses this
defect. Therapy of CGD patients with
IFN-H9253 significantly reduces the
incidence of infections. Also, the
infections that are contracted are less
severe and the average number of
days spent by patients in the hospital
goes down.
IFN-H9253 has also been shown to
be effective in the treatment of
Cytokine-Based Therapies In Clinical Use
Agent Nature of agent Clinical application
Enbrel Chimeric TNF-receptor/IgG Rheumatoid arthritis
constant region
Remicade Monoclonal antibody Rheumatoid arthritis
against TNF-H9251 receptor
Interferon H9251-2a Antiviral cytokine Hepatitis B
Hairy cell leukemia
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Interferon H9251-2b Antiviral cytokine Hepatitis C
Interferon H9252 Antiviral cytokine Multiple sclerosis
Actimmune Interferon H9253 Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
Neupogen G-CSF (hematopoietic cytokine) Stimulates production of neutrophils
Reduction of infection in cancer patients
treated with chemotherapy
Leukine GM-CSF (hematopoietic cytokine) Stimulates production of myeloid cells after
bone-marrow transplantation
Neumega Interleukin 11 (IL-11), a Stimulates production of platelets
hematopoietic cytokine
Epogen Erythopoietin (hematopoietic Stimulates red-blood-cell production
stimulate and support the production of leukocytes. The
steps at which a number of cytokines participate in hema-
topoiesis is shown in Figure 12-16.
Cytokines are low-molecular-weight proteins that are pro-
duced and secreted by a variety of cell types. They play
major roles in the induction and regulation of the cellular
interactions involving cells of the immune, inflammatory
and hematopoietic systems.
The biological activities of cytokines exhibit pleiotropy, re-
dundancy, synergy, antagonism, and, in some instances,
cascade induction.
There are over 200 different cytokines, most of which fall
into one of the following families: hematopoietins, inter-
ferons, chemokines, and tumor necrosis factors.
Cytokines act by binding to cytokine receptors, most of
which can be classified as immunoglobulin superfamily
receptors, class I cytokine receptors, class II cytokine recep-
tors, members of the TNF receptor family, and chemokine
A cytokine can only act on a cell that expresses a receptor
for it. The activity of particular cytokines is directed to spe-
cific cells by regulation of the cell’s profile of cytokine
Cytokine-induced multimerization of class I and class I cyto-
kine receptors activates a JAK/STAT signal-transduction
Antigen stimulation of T
cells in the presence of certain
cytokines can lead to the generation of subpopulations of
helper T cells known as T
1 and T
2. Each subset displays
characterisic and different profiles of cytokine secretion.
The cytokine profile of T
1 cells supports immune re-
sponses that involve the marshalling of phagocytes, CTLs,
and NK cells to eliminate intracellular pathogens. T
2 cells
produce cytokines that support production of particular
immunoglobulin isotypes and IgE-mediated responses.
Therapies based on cytokines and cytokine receptors have
entered clinical practice.
Abbas, A., K. M. Murphy, and A. Sher. 1996. Functional diversity
of helper T lymphocytes. Nature 383:787.
Alcami, A., and U. H. Koszinowski. 2000. Viral mechanisms of
immune evasion. Immunol. Today 9:447–455.
Bach, E. A., M. Aguet, and R. D. Schreiber. 1998. The IFN-H9253
receptor: a paradigm for cytokine receptor signaling. Ann. Rev.
Immunol. 15:563.
Darnell, J. E. Jr. 1997. STATs and gene regulation. Science
296 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms
TABLE 12-5 Haematopoietic cytokines
Haematopoietic growth factor Sites of production Main functions
Erythropoietin Kidney, liver Erythrocyte production
G-CSF Endothelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages Neutrophil production
Thrombopoietin Liver, kidney Platelet production
M-CSF Fibroblasts, endothelial cells, macrophages Macrophage and osteoclast production
SCF/c-kit ligand Bone marrow stromal cells, constitutively Stem cell, progenitor cells survival/division;
mast cell differentiation
Flt-3 ligand Fibroblasts, endothelial cells Early progenitor cell expansion; pre-B cells
GM-CSF T cells (T
1 and T
2), macrophages, Macrophage, granulocyte production; dendritic
mast cells cell maturation and activation
IL-3 T cells (T
1 and T
2), macrophages Stem cells and myeloid progenitor cell growth;
mast cells
IL-5 Activated helper T cells –T
2 response only Eosinophil production murine B-cell growth
IL-6 Activated T cells monocytes, fibroblasts, Progenitor cell stimulation; platelet production;
endothelial cells immunoglobulin production in B cells
IL-11 As above As LIF
IL-7 T-cell survival
G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IL, interleukin;
M-CSF, macrophage colony-stimulating factor; SCF, stem cell factor. Adapted from D. Thomas and A. Lopez, 2001.
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences: Haematopoietic growth factors, Nature Publishing Group.
Go to www.whfreeman.com/immunology Self-Test
Review and quiz of key terms
Fitzgerald, K. A., et al. 2001. The Cytokine Facts Book, second edi-
tion. Academic Press.
Flynn, J. L., and J. Chan. 2001. Immunology of tuberculosis.
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 19:93–129.
Gadina, M., et al. 2001. Signaling by type I and II cytokine recep-
tors: ten years after. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 3:363–373.
Jaeckel, E., et al. 2001. Treatment of acute hepatitis C with inter-
feron H9251-2b. N. Engl. J .Med. 345:1452–1457.
Mossman, T. R., H. Cherwinski, M. W. Bond, M. A. Gledlin, and
R. L. Coffman. 1986. Two types of murine helper T cell clone.
I. Definition according to profiles of lymphokine activities and
secreted proteins. J. Immunology 136:2348.
Rengarajan, J., S. J. Szabo, and L. H. Glimcher. 2000. Transcrip-
tional regulation of Th
2 polarization. Immunol. Today
Szabo, S. J. et al. 2000. A novel transcription factor, T-bet, directs
1 lineage commitment. Cell 100:655–669.
Walter, M. R., et al. 1995. Crystal structure of a complex between
interferon-H9253 and its soluble high-affinity receptor. Nature 376:
Cytokines CHAPTER 12 297
stem cell
IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-6
IL-7, others
IL-7, others
Thrombpoietin, IL-11
T lymphocytes
Natural killer cell
B lymphocytes
Eosinophil MonocyteNeutrophilBasophilPlateletsErythrocyte
FIGURE 12-16 Hematopoietic cytokines and hematopoiesis. A vari-
ety of cytokines are involved in supporting the growth and directing the
differentiation of hematopoietic cells. Note that additional factors may
be required for some of the developmental pathways shown in the dia-
gram. CFU = colony-forming unit, a cell capable of generating a colony
of cells from which the fully differentiated cell type emerges.
The cytokine minireviews found at R&D Systems Web site
provide extensive, detailed, well-referenced, and often strik-
ingly illustrated reviews of many cytokines and their receptors.
LocusLink provides access to sequence and descriptive infor-
mation about genetic loci of cytokines and other proteins. It
also references papers discussing the basic biology (function
and structure) of the gene or protein of interest.
Study Questions
CLINICAL FOCUS QUESTION Cytokines are proving to be powerful
drugs, but their use is accompanied by side effects that can be
harmful to patients. What are some of the side effects produced
by Actimmune, Roferon, and interferon beta? (Hint: Manufac-
turer’s Web sites often provide detailed information on the side
effects of drugs they produce.)
1. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or
false. If you think a statement is false, explain why.
a. The high-affinity IL-2 receptor consists of two trans-
membrane proteins.
b. The anti-TAC monoclonal antibody recognizes the IL-1
receptor on T cells.
c. All cytokine-binding receptors contain two or three sub-
d. Expression of the H9252 subunit of the IL-2 receptor is indica-
tive of T-cell activation.
e. Some cytokine receptors possess domains with tyrosine
kinase activity that function in signal transduction.
f. All members of each subfamily of the class I cyto-
kine (hematopoietin) receptors share a common signal-
transducing subunit.
2. When IL-2 is secreted by one T cell in a peripheral lymphoid
organ, do all the T cells in the vicinity proliferate in response
to the IL-2 or only some of them? Explain.
3. Briefly describe the similarities and differences among cyto-
kines, growth factors, and hormones.
4. Indicate which subunit(s) of the IL-2 receptor are expressed
by the following types of cells:
a. Resting T cells
b. Activated T cells
c. Activated T cells + cyclosporin A
d. Resting T
e. CTLs
f. NK cells
5. Superantigens have been implicated in several diseases and
have been useful as research tools.
a. What properties of superantigens distinguish them from
conventional antigens?
b. By what mechanism are bacterial superantigens thought
to cause symptoms associated with food poisoning and
toxic-shock syndrome?
c. Does the activity of superantigens exhibit MHC restric-
6. IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF exhibit considerable redundancy in
their effects. What structural feature of the receptors for
these cytokines might explain this redundancy?
7. Considerable evidence indicates the existence of two T
subsets, differing in the pattern of cytokines they secrete.
a. What type of immune response is mediated by the T
subset? What type of antigen challenge is likely to induce
a T
1-mediated response?
b. What type of immune response is mediated by the T
subset? What type of antigen challenge is likely to induce
1-mediated response?
298 PART III Immune Effector Mechanisms