a73 Immunologic Basis of Graft Rejection
a73 Clinical Manifestations of Graft Rejection
a73 General Immunosuppressive Therapy
a73 Specific Immunosuppressive Therapy
a73 Immune Tolerance to Allografts
a73 Clinical Transplantation
Transplantations Routinely Used in Clinical Practice
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immunology, refers to the act of transferring cells,
tissues, or organs from one site to another. The
desire to accomplish transplants stems from the realization
that many diseases can be cured by implantation of a healthy
organ, tissue, or cells (a graft) from one individual (the
donor) to another in need of the transplant (the recipient or
host). The development of surgical techniques that allow the
facile reimplantation of organs has removed one barrier to
successful transplantation, but others remain. One is the lack
of organs for transplantation. Although a supply of organs is
provided by accident victims and, in some cases, living
donors, there are more patients in need of transplants than
there are organs available. The seriousness of the donor-
organ shortage is reflected in the fact that, as of November
2000, an estimated 73,000 patients in the United States were
on the waiting list for an organ transplantation. The major-
ity of those on the list (~70%) require a kidney; at present,
the waiting period for this organ averages over 800 days.
While the lack of organs for transplantation is a serious is-
sue, the most formidable barrier to making transplantation
a routine medical treatment is the immune system. The
immune system has evolved elaborate and effective mecha-
nisms to protect the organism from attack by foreign agents,
and these same mechanisms cause rejection of grafts from
anyone who is not genetically identical to the recipient.
Alexis Carrel reported the first systematic study of trans-
plantation in 1908; he interchanged both kidneys in a series
of nine cats. Some of those receiving kidneys from other cats
maintained urinary output for up to 25 days. Although all
the cats eventually died, the experiment established that a
transplanted organ could carry out its normal function in
the recipient. The first human kidney transplant, attempted
in 1935 by a Russian surgeon, failed because there was a mis-
match of blood types between donor and recipient. This
incompatibility caused almost immediate rejection of the
kidney, and the patient died without establishing renal func-
tion. The rapid immune response experienced here, termed
hyperacute rejection, is mediated by antibodies and will be
described in this chapter. The first successful human kidney
transplant, which was between identical twins, was accom-
plished in Boston in 1954. Today, kidney, pancreas, heart,
lung, liver, bone-marrow, and cornea transplantations are
performed among nonidentical individuals with ever-
increasing frequency and success.
A variety of immunosuppressive agents can aid in the
survival of the transplants, including drugs and specific anti-
bodies developed to diminish the immunologic attack on
grafts, but the majority of these agents have an overall
immunosuppressive effect, and their long-term use is delete-
rious. New methods of inducing specific tolerance to the
graft without suppressing other immune responses are being
developed and promise longer survival of transplants with-
out compromise of host immunity. This chapter describes
the mechanisms underlying graft rejection, various proce-
dures that are used to prolong graft survival, and a summary
of the current status of transplantation as a clinical tool. A
Clinical Focus section examines the use of organs from non-
human species (xenotransplants) to circumvent the shortage
of organs available for patients in need of them.
chapter 21
Immunologic Basis of Graft Rejection
The degree of immune response to a graft varies with the
type of graft. The following terms are used to denote differ-
ent types of transplants:
Autograft is self-tissue transferred from one body site to
another in the same individual. Transferring healthy skin
to a burned area in burn patients and use of healthy
blood vessels to replace blocked coronary arteries are
examples of frequently used autografts.
Isograft is tissue transferred between genetically identical
individuals. In inbred strains of mice, an isograft can be
performed from one mouse to another syngeneic mouse.
In humans, an isograft can be performed between
genetically identical (monozygotic) twins.
Allograft is tissue transferred between genetically
different members of the same species. In mice, an
allograft is performed by transferring tissue or an organ
from one strain to another. In humans, organ grafts from
one individual to another are allografts unless the donor
and recipient are identical twins.
Xenograft is tissue transferred between different species
(e.g., the graft of a baboon heart into a human). Because
of significant shortages in donated organs, raising
animals for the specific purpose of serving as organ
donors for humans is under serious consideration.
Autografts and isografts are usually accepted, owing to the
genetic identity between graft and host (Figure 21-1a). Be-
cause an allograft is genetically dissimilar to the host, it is
often recognized as foreign by the immune system and is re-
jected. Obviously, xenografts exhibit the greatest genetic dis-
parity and therefore engender a vigorous graft rejection.
Allograft Rejection Displays Specificity
and Memory
The rate of allograft rejection varies according to the tissue
involved. In general, skin grafts are rejected faster than other
tissues such as kidney or heart. Despite these time differ-
ences, the immune response culminating in graft rejection
always displays the attributes of specificity and memory. If an
inbred mouse of strain A is grafted with skin from strain B,
primary graft rejection, known as first-set rejection, occurs
(Figure 21-1b). The skin first becomes revascularized between
days 3 and 7; as the reaction develops, the vascularized trans-
plant becomes infiltrated with lymphocytes, monocytes, neu-
trophils, and other inflammatory cells. There is decreased vas-
cularization of the transplanted tissue by 7–10 days, visible
necrosis by 10 days, and complete rejection by 12–14 days.
Immunologic memory is demonstrated when a second
strain-B graft is transferred to a previously grafted strain-A
mouse. In this case, a graft-rejection reaction develops more
quickly, with complete rejection occurring within 5–6 days;
this secondary response is designated second-set rejection
(Figure 21-1c). The specificity of second-set rejection can be
demonstrated by grafting an unrelated strain-C graft at the
same time as the second strain-B graft. Rejection of the
strain-C graft proceeds according to first-set rejection kinet-
ics, whereas the strain-B graft is rejected in an accelerated
second-set fashion.
T Cells Play a Key Role in Allograft Rejection
In the early 1950s, Avrion Mitchison showed in adoptive-
transfer experiments that lymphocytes, but not serum anti-
body, could transfer allograft immunity. Later studies im-
plicated T cells in allograft rejection. For example, nude
mice, which lack a thymus and consequently lack functional
T cells, were found to be incapable of allograft rejection;
indeed, these mice even accept xenografts. In other studies,
T cells derived from an allograft-primed mouse were shown
to transfer second-set allograft rejection to an unprimed
syngeneic recipient, as long as that recipient was grafted with
the same allogeneic tissue (Figure 21-2).
Analysis of the T-cell subpopulations involved in allograft
rejection has implicated both CD4
and CD8
In one study, mice were injected with monoclonal antibodies
to deplete one or both types of T cells and then the rate of
graft rejection was measured. As shown in Figure 21-3, re-
moval of the CD8
population alone had no effect on graft
survival, and the graft was rejected at the same rate as in con-
trol mice (15 days). Removal of the CD4
T-cell population
alone prolonged graft survival from 15 days to 30 days. How-
ever, removal of both the CD4
and the CD8
T cells resulted
in long-term survival (up to 60 days) of the allografts. This
study indicated that both CD4
and CD8
T-cells partici-
pated in rejection and that the collaboration of both subpop-
ulations resulted in more pronounced graft rejection.
Similar Antigenic Profiles Foster
Allograft Acceptance
Tissues that are antigenically similar are said to be histocom-
patible; such tissues do not induce an immunologic response
that leads to tissue rejection. Tissues that display significant
antigenic differences are histoincompatible and induce an
immune response that leads to tissue rejection. The various
antigens that determine histocompatibility are encoded by
more than 40 different loci, but the loci responsible for the
most vigorous allograft-rejection reactions are located with-
in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The orga-
nization of the MHC—called the H-2 complex in mice and
the HLA complex in humans—was described in Chapter 7
(see Figure 7-1). Because the MHC loci are closely linked,
they are usually inherited as a complete set, called a haplo-
type, from each parent.
482 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Within an inbred strain of mice, all animals are homozy-
gous at each MHC locus. When mice from two different in-
bred strains, with haplotypes b and k, for example, are mated,
all the F
progeny inherit one haplotype from each parent (see
Figure 7-2a). These F
offspring have the MHC type b/k and
can accept grafts from either parent. Neither of the parental
strains, however, can accept grafts from the F
offspring be-
cause each parent lacks one of the F
haplotypes. MHC inher-
itance in outbred populations is more complex, because the
high degree of polymorphism exhibited at each MHC locus
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 483
(a) Autograft acceptance
Grafted epidermis
Blood vessels
Days 3–7: Revascularization
(b) First-set rejection
Grafted epidermis
(c) Second-set rejection
Grafted epidermis
Days 3–7: Revascularization Days 3–4: Cellular infiltration
Days 7–10: Healing
Days 12–14: Resolution Days 10–14: Thrombosis and necrosis
Damaged blood vessels
Necrotic tissue
Days 7–10: Cellular infiltration Days 5–6: Thrombosis and necrosis
Necrotic tissue
Blood clots
FIGURE 21-1 Schematic diagrams of the process of graft ac-
ceptance and rejection. (a) Acceptance of an autograft is com-
pleted within 12–14 days. (b) First-set rejection of an allograft
begins 7–10 days after grafting, with full rejection occurring by
10–14 days. (c) Second-set rejection of an allograft begins within
3–4 days, with full rejection by 5–6 days. The cellular infiltrate that
invades an allograft (b, c) contains lymphocytes, phagocytes, and
other inflammatory cells.
gives a high probability of heterozygosity at most loci. In mat-
ings between members of an outbred species, there is only a
25% chance that any two offspring will inherit identical MHC
haplotypes (see Figure 7-2c), unless the parents share one or
more haplotypes. Therefore, for purposes of organ or bone-
marrow grafts, it can be assumed that there is a 25% chance of
identity within the MHC between siblings. With parent-to-
child grafts, the donor and recipient will always have one hap-
lotype in common but are nearly always mismatched for the
haplotype inherited from the other parent.
Graft Donors and Recipients Are Typed
for RBC and MHC Antigens
Since differences in blood group and major histocompatibility
antigens are responsible for the most intense graft-rejection
reactions, various tissue-typing procedures to identify these
antigens have been developed to screen potential donor and
recipient cells. Initially, donor and recipient are screened for
ABO blood-group compatibility. The blood-group antigens
are expressed on RBCs, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells.
Antibodies produced in the recipient to any of these antigens
that are present on transplanted tissue will induce antibody-
mediated complement lysis of the incompatible donor cells.
HLA typing of potential donors and a recipient can be
accomplished with a microcytotoxicity test (Figure 21-4a, b).
In this test, white blood cells from the potential donors and
recipient are distributed into a series of wells on a microtiter
plate, and then antibodies specific for various class I and class
II MHC alleles are added to different wells. After incubation,
complement is added to the wells, and cytotoxicity is assessed
by the uptake or exclusion of various dyes (e.g., trypan blue
or eosin Y) by the cells. If the white blood cells express the
MHC allele for which a particular monoclonal antibody is
specific, then the cells will be lysed upon addition of comple-
ment, and these dead cells will take up a dye such as trypan
blue. HLA typing based on antibody-mediated microcyto-
toxicity can thus indicate the presence or absence of various
MHC alleles.
Even when a fully HLA-compatible donor is not available,
transplantation may be successful. In this situation, a one-way
mixed-lymphocyte reaction (MLR) can be used to quantify
the degree of class II MHC compatibility between potential
484 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
First skin graft,
strain A
Second skin graft,
strain A
Naive strain = B mouse
First-set rejection Second-set rejection
14 days Time 6 days
Naive strain = B mouse
First skin graft,
strain A
Second-set rejection
6 days
Spleenic T cells
FIGURE 21-2 Experimental demonstration that T cells can trans-
fer allograft rejection. When T cells derived from an allograft-primed
mouse are transferred to an unprimed syngeneic mouse, the recipi-
ent mounts a second-set rejection to an initial allograft from the orig-
inal allogeneic strain.
Surviving grafts, %
Time after grafting, days
and Anti–CD8
FIGURE 21-3 The role of CD4
and CD8
T cells in allograft rejec-
tion is demonstrated by the curves showing survival times of skin
grafts between mice mismatched at the MHC. Animals in which the
T cells were removed by treatment with an anti-CD8 mono-
clonal antibody (red) showed little difference from untreated control
mice (black). Treatment with monoclonal anti-CD4 (blue) improved
graft survival significantly, and treatment with both anti-CD4 and
anti-CD8 antibody prolonged graft survival most dramatically
(green). [Adapted from S. P. Cobbold et al., 1986, Nature 323:165.]
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 485
Donor cell Recipient cell
HLA–A allele 2 HLA–A allele 1
Antibody to
HLA–A allele 2
Dye (trypan blue
or eosin Y)
Cells become
No lysis
Dye taken up Dye excluded
Antibody to different HLA-A antigens
Donor 1
Donor 2
Donor cells
Allele A
Recipient cells lacking
class II MHC of donor
Recipient cells sharing
class II MHC of donor
Allele B
Allele A
No reaction
Activation and
proliferation of
recipient cells [
Incorporation of of
radioactivity into
cell nuclear DNA
FIGURE 21-4 Typing procedures for HLA antigens. (a, b) HLA typ-
ing by microcytotoxicity. (a) White blood cells from potential donors
and the recipient are added to separate wells of a microtiter plate.
The example depicts the reaction of donor and recipient cells with a
single antibody directed against an HLA-A antigen. The reaction se-
quence shows that if the antigen is present on the lymphocytes, ad-
dition of complement will cause them to become porous and unable
to exclude the added dye. (b) Because cells express numerous HLA
antigens, they are tested separately with a battery of antibodies spe-
cific for various HLA-A antigens. Here, donor 1 shares HLA-A anti-
gens recognized by antisera in wells 1 and 7 with the recipient,
whereas donor 2 has none of HLA-A antigens in common with the re-
cipient. (c) Mixed lymphocyte reaction to determine identity of class
II HLA antigens between a potential donor and recipient. Lympho-
cytes from the donor are irradiated or treated with mitomycin C to
prevent cell division and then added to cells from the recipient. If the
class II antigens on the two cell populations are different, the recipi-
ent cells will divide rapidly and take up large quantities of radioactive
nucleotides into the newly synthesized nuclear DNA. The amount of
radioactive nucleotide uptake is roughly proportionate to the MHC
class II differences between the donor and recipient lymphocytes.
donors and a recipient (Figure 21-4c). Lymphocytes from a
potential donor that have been x-irradiated or treated with
mitomycin C serve as the stimulator cells, and lymphocytes
from the recipient serve as responder cells. Proliferation of
the recipient T cells, which indicates T-cell activation, is mea-
sured by the uptake of [
H]thymidine into cell DNA. The
greater the class II MHC differences between the donor and
recipient cells, the more [
H]thymidine uptake will be ob-
served in an MLR assay. Intense proliferation of the recipient
lymphocytes indicates a poor prognosis for graft survival.
The advantage of the MLR over microcytotoxicity typing is
that it gives a better indication of the degree of T
-cell acti-
vation generated in response to the class II MHC antigens of
the potential graft. The disadvantage of the MLR is that it
takes several days to run the assay. If the potential donor is a
cadaver, for example, it is not possible to wait for the results
of the MLR, because the organ must be used soon after re-
moval from the cadaver. In that case, the microcytotoxicity
test, which can be performed within a few hours, must be
relied on.
The importance of MHC matching for acceptance of allo-
grafts is confirmed by data gathered from recipients of kid-
ney transplants. The data in Figure 21-5 reveal that survival
of kidney grafts depends primarily on donor-recipient match-
ing of the HLA class II antigens. Matching or mismatching of
the class I antigens has a lesser effect on graft survival unless
there also is mismatching of the class II antigens. A two-year
survival rate of 90% is seen for kidney transplants in which
one or two class I HLA loci are mismatched, while trans-
planted kidneys with differences in the class II MHC have
only a 70% chance of lasting for this period. Those with
greater numbers of mismatches have a very low survival rate
at one year after transplant. As described below, HLA match-
ing is most important for kidney and bone-marrow trans-
plants; liver and heart transplants may survive with greater
Current understanding of the killer-inhibitory receptors
(KIR) on the NK cell (see Chapter 14) suggests that absence
of a class I antigen recognized by the KIR molecules could
lead to killing of the foreign cell. Rejection was observed in
experimental bone-marrow transplants where the class I
molecule recognized by the recipient NK-inhibitory receptor
is absent on donor cells. The effects of such class I mismatch-
ing on solid organ grafts may be less marked.
MHC identity of donor and host is not the sole factor
determining tissue acceptance. When tissue is transplanted
between genetically different individuals, even if their MHC
antigens are identical, the transplanted tissue can be rejected
because of differences at various minor histocompatibility
loci. As described in Chapter 10, the major histocompatibility
antigens are recognized directly by T
and T
cells, a phe-
nomenon termed alloreactivity. In contrast, minor histocom-
patibility antigens are recognized only when they are pre-
sented in the context of self-MHC molecules. The tissue
rejection induced by minor histocompatibility differences
is usually less vigorous than that induced by major histo-
compatibility differences. Still, reaction to these minor tissue
differences often results in graft rejection. For this reason,
successful transplantation even between HLA-identical indi-
viduals requires some degree of immune suppression.
Cell-Mediated Graft Rejection Occurs
in Two Stages
Graft rejection is caused principally by a cell-mediated im-
mune response to alloantigens (primarily, MHC molecules)
expressed on cells of the graft. Both delayed-type hypersensi-
tive and cell-mediated cytotoxicity reactions have been im-
plicated. The process of graft rejection can be divided into two
stages: (1) a sensitization phase, in which antigen-reactive
lymphocytes of the recipient proliferate in response to allo-
486 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Cumulative graft survival, %
Time after transplantation, months
HLA mismatches (no.)
Curve no. Class I Class II
1 or 2
3 or 4
1 or 2
3 or 4
1 or 2
1 or 2
1 or 2
FIGURE 21-5 The effect of HLA class I and class II antigen match-
ing on survival of kidney grafts. Mismatching of one or two class I
(HLA-A or HLA-B) antigens has little effect on graft survival. A single
class II difference (line 4) has the same effect as 3 or 4 differences in
class I antigens (line 3). When both class I and class II antigens are
mismatched, rejection is accelerated. [Adapted from T. Moen et al.,
1980, N. Engl. J. Med. 303:850.]
antigens on the graft, and (2) an effector stage, in which im-
mune destruction of the graft takes place.
During the sensitization phase, CD4
and CD8
T cells rec-
ognize alloantigens expressed on cells of the foreign graft
and proliferate in response. Both major and minor histo-
compatibility alloantigens can be recognized. In general, the
response to minor histocompatibility antigens is weak, al-
though the combined response to several minor differences
can sometimes be quite vigorous. The response to major histo-
compatibility antigens involves recognition of both the donor
MHC molecule and an associated peptide ligand in the cleft of
the MHC molecule. The peptides present in the groove of
allogeneic class I MHC molecules are derived from proteins
synthesized within the allogeneic cell. The peptides present
in the groove of allogeneic class II MHC molecules are gener-
ally proteins taken up and processed through the endocytic
pathway of the allogeneic antigen-presenting cell.
A host T
cell becomes activated when it interacts with an
antigen-presenting cell (APC) that both expresses an appro-
priate antigenic ligand–MHC molecule complex and pro-
vides the requisite co-stimulatory signal. Depending on the
tissue, different populations of cells within a graft may func-
tion as APCs. Because dendritic cells are found in most tis-
sues and because they constitutively express high levels of
class II MHC molecules, dendritic cells generally serve as the
major APC in grafts. APCs of host origin can also migrate
into a graft and endocytose the foreign alloantigens (both
major and minor histocompatibility molecules) and present
them as processed peptides together with self-MHC mole-
In some organ and tissue grafts (e.g., grafts of kidney, thy-
mus, and pancreatic islets), a population of donor APCs
called passenger leukocytes has been shown to migrate from
the graft to the regional lymph nodes. These passenger leuko-
cytes are dendritic cells, which express high levels of class II
MHC molecules (together with normal levels of class I MHC
molecules) and are widespread in mammalian tissues, with
the chief exception of the brain. Because passenger leuko-
cytes express the allogeneic MHC antigens of the donor graft,
they are recognized as foreign and therefore can stimulate
immune activation of T lymphocytes in the lymph node. In
some experimental situations, the passenger cells have been
shown to induce tolerance to their surface antigens by dele-
tion of thymic T-cell populations with receptors specific for
them. Consistent with the notion that exposure to donor
cells can induce tolerance are data showing that blood tran-
fusions from the donor prior to transplantation can aid ac-
ceptance of the graft.
Passenger leukocytes are not the only cells involved in im-
mune stimulation. For example, they do not seem to play any
role in skin grafts. Other cell types that have been implicated
in alloantigen presentation to the immune system include
Langerhans cells and endothelial cells lining the blood ves-
sels. Both of these cell types express class I and class II MHC
Recognition of the alloantigens expressed on the cells of
a graft induces vigorous T-cell proliferation in the host.
This proliferation can be demonstrated in vitro in a mixed-
lymphocyte reaction (see Figure 21-4c). Both dendritic cells
and vascular endothelial cells from an allogeneic graft induce
host T-cell proliferation. The major proliferating cell is the
T cell, which recognizes class II alloantigens directly or
alloantigen peptides presented by host antigen-presenting
cells. This amplified population of activated T
cells is
thought to play a central role in inducing the various effector
mechanisms of allograft rejection.
A variety of effector mechanisms participate in allograft re-
jection (Figure 21-6). The most common are cell-mediated
reactions involving delayed-type hypersensitivity and CTL-
mediated cytotoxicity; less common mechanisms are antibody-
plus-complement lysis and destruction by antibody-dependent
cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). The hallmark of graft
rejection involving cell-mediated reactions is an influx of
T cells and macrophages into the graft. Histologically, the in-
filtration in many cases resembles that seen during a delayed-
type hypersensitive response, in which cytokines produced
by T
cells promote macrophage infiltration (see Figure
14-15). Recognition of foreign class I alloantigens on the
graft by host CD8
cells can lead to CTL-mediated killing (see
Figure 14-4). In some cases, CD4
T cells that function as class
II MHC–restricted cytotoxic cells mediate graft rejection.
In each of these effector mechanisms, cytokines secreted
by T
cells play a central role (see Figure 21-6). For example,
IL-2, IFN-H9253, and TNF-H9252 have each been shown to be impor-
tant mediators of graft rejection. IL-2 promotes T-cell pro-
liferation and generally is necessary for the generation of
effector CTLs (see Figure 14-1). IFN-H9253 is central to the devel-
opment of a DTH response, promoting the influx of macro-
phages into the graft and their subsequent activation into
more destructive cells. TNF-H9252 has been shown to have a di-
rect cytotoxic effect on the cells of a graft. A number of cyto-
kines promote graft rejection by inducing expression of class
I or class II MHC molecules on graft cells. The interferons (H9251,
H9252, and H9253), TNF-H9251, and TNF-H9252 all increase class I MHC ex-
pression, and IFN-H9253 increases class II MHC expression as
well. During a rejection episode, the levels of these cytokines
increase, inducing a variety of cell types within the graft to
express class I or class II MHC molecules. In rat cardiac allo-
grafts, for example, dendritic cells are initially the only cells
that express class II MHC molecules. However, as an allograft
reaction begins, localized production of IFN-H9253 in the graft
induces vascular endothelial cells and myocytes to express
class II MHC molecules as well, making these cells targets for
CTL attack.
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 487
Clinical Manifestations of Graft
Graft-rejection reactions have various time courses depending
upon the type of tissue or organ grafted and the immune
response involved. Hyperacute rejection reactions occur with-
in the first 24 hours after transplantation; acute rejection reac-
tions usually begin in the first few weeks after transplantation;
and chronic rejection reactions can occur from months to
years after transplantation.
Pre-Existing Recipient Antibodies Mediate
Hyperacute Rejection
In rare instances, a transplant is rejected so quickly that the
grafted tissue never becomes vascularized. These hyperacute
reactions are caused by preexisting host serum antibodies
specific for antigens of the graft. The antigen-antibody com-
plexes that form activate the complement system, resulting in
an intense infiltration of neutrophils into the grafted tissue.
The ensuing inflammatory reaction causes massive blood
clots within the capillaries, preventing vascularization of the
graft (Figure 21-7).
488 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
B cell
NK cell or
Fc receptor
Class II MHC
Class I MHC
IL–2, IL–4,
IL–5, IL–6
FIGURE 21-6 Effector mechanisms (purple blocks) involved in
allograft rejection. The generation or activity of various effector cells
depends directly or indirectly on cytokines (blue) secreted by activated
cells. ADCC = antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
Several mechanisms can account for the presence of pre-
existing antibodies specific for allogeneic MHC antigens. Re-
cipients of repeated blood transfusions sometimes develop
significant levels of antibodies to MHC antigens expressed
on white blood cells present in the transfused blood. If some
of these MHC antigens are the same as those on a subsequent
graft, then the antibodies can react with the graft, inducing a
hyperacute rejection reaction. With repeated pregnancies, wo-
men are exposed to the paternal alloantigens of the fetus and
may develop antibodies to these antigens. Finally, individuals
who have had a previous graft sometimes have high levels of
antibodies to the allogeneic MHC antigens of that graft.
In some cases, the preexisting antibodies participating in
hyperacute graft rejection may be specific for blood-group
antigens in the graft. If tissue typing and ABO blood-group
typing are performed prior to transplantation, these preex-
isting antibodies can be detected and grafts that would result
in hyperacute rejection can be avoided. Xenotransplants are
often rejected in a hyperacute manner because of antibodies
to cellular antigens of the donor species that are not present
in the recipient species. Such an antigen is discussed in the
Clinical Focus section of this chapter.
In addition to the hyperacute rejection mediated by pre-
existing antibodies, there is a less frequent form of rejection
termed accelerated rejection caused by antibodies that are
produced immediately after transplantation.
Acute Rejection Is Mediated
by T-Cell Responses
Cell-mediated allograft rejection manifests as an acute rejec-
tion of the graft beginning about 10 days after transplanta-
tion (see Figure 21-1b). Histopathologic examination reveals
a massive infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes at the
site of tissue destruction, suggestive of T
-cell activation and
proliferation. Acute graft rejection is effected by the mecha-
nisms described previously (see Figure 21-6).
Chronic Rejection Occurs Months
or Years Post-Transplant
Chronic rejection reactions develop months or years after acute
rejection reactions have subsided. The mechanisms of chronic
rejection include both humoral and cell-mediated responses by
the recipient. While the use of immunosuppressive drugs and
the application of tissue-typing methods to obtain optimum
match of donor and recipient have dramatically increased sur-
vival of allografts during the first years after engraftment, little
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 489
Antibodies bind to antigens of renal capillaries
and activate complement (C
Pre-existing host
antibodies are carried to
kidney graft
Neutrophil lytic enzymes destroy endothelial
cells; platelets adhere to injured tissue, causing
vascular blockage
Complement split products attract neutrophils,
which release lytic enzymes
FIGURE 21-7 Steps in the hyperacute rejection of a kidney graft.
progress has been made in long-term survival. The use of im-
munosuppressive drugs, which are described below, greatly
increases the short-term survival of the transplant, but chronic
rejection is not prevented in most cases. Data for rejection of
kidney transplants since 1975 indicates an increase from 40%
to over 80% in one-year survival of grafts. However, in the
same period long-term survival has risen only slightly; as in
1975, about 50% of transplanted kidneys are still functioning
at 10 years after transplant. Chronic rejection reactions are dif-
ficult to manage with immunosuppressive drugs and may
necessitate another transplantation.
General Immunosuppressive
Allogeneic transplantation requires some degree of immu-
nosuppression if the transplant is to survive. Most of the
immunosuppressive treatments that have been developed
have the disadvantage of being nonspecific; that is, they
result in generalized immunosuppression of responses to all
antigens, not just those of the allograft, which places the
recipient at increased risk of infection. In addition, many
490 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
(and those of most mammals other than
humans and the highest nonhuman pri-
mates) of a disaccharide antigen (galacto-
syl-1,3-H9251-galactose) that is not present on
human cells. The presence of this antigen
on many microorganisms means that
nearly everyone has been exposed to it
and has formed antibodies against it. The
preexisting antibodies react with pig cells,
which are then lysed rapidly by comple-
ment. The absence of human regulators
of complement activity on the pig cells, in-
cluding human decay-accelerating factor
(DAF) and human membrane-cofactor
protein (MCP), intensifies the comple-
ment lysis cycle. (See Chapter 13 for de-
scriptions of DAF and MCP.)
How can this major obstacle be cir-
cumvented? Being tested are strategies
for absorbing the antibodies from the
circulation on solid supports, and using
soluble gal-gal disaccharides to block
antibody reactions. A more elegant solu-
tion involves genetically engineering pigs
to knock out the gene for the enzyme
that synthesizes galactosyl-1,3-H9251-galactose.
Solving the immediate rejection reaction
by interfering with the specific reaction
against this antigen may not prevent all
antibody-mediated rejection. Certainly other
antigenic differences to which human re-
cipients have antibodies will be present
in some if not all donor/recipient pairs.
However, any antibody attack on the pig
cells may be blunted if human DAF is pre-
sent on the targeted cell to dampen the
complement reaction. The lack of human
DAF is remedied by producing transgenic
pigs that express this protein. Addition of
human complement regulators to the pig
represents a universal solution, in that any
cell that might become a target in the
transplant will resist complement lysis.
An additional concern is that pig en-
dogenous retroviruses will be introduced
into humans as a result of xenotransplan-
tation and cause disease. Opponents of
xenotransplantation raise the specter of
another HIV-type epidemic resulting from
human infection by a new animal retro-
virus. Recently, a Boston-based company
announced development of pigs free of
endogenous pig retroviruses, reducing
the possibility of this bleak outcome.
Will we see the use of pig kidneys in
humans in the near future? The increasing
demand for organs is driving the com-
mercial development of colonies of pigs
suitable to become organ donors. While
kidneys are the most sought-after organ at
present, other organs and cells from the
specially bred and engineered animals will
find use if they are proven to be safe and
effective. A statement from the American
Society of Transplantation and the Ameri-
can Society of Transplant Surgeons en-
dorses the use of xenotransplants if cer-
tain conditions are met (Xenotransplanta-
tion 7:235). These include the demonstra-
tion of feasibility in a nonhuman primate
model, proven benefit to the patient, and
lack of infectious-disease risk. Barriers re-
main to the clinical use of xenotrans-
plants, but serious efforts are in motion to
overcome them.
Unless organ
donations increase drastically, most of
the 72,000 U.S. patients on the waiting
list for a transplant will not receive one.
The majority (47,000) need a kidney, but
last year only 12,500 kidneys were trans-
planted. A solution to this shortfall is to
utilize animal organs. Some argue that
xenografts bring the risk of introducing
pathogenic retroviruses into the human
population; others object based on ethi-
cal grounds relating to animal rights.
Nevertheless, the use of pigs to supply
organs for humans is under serious con-
sideration. Pigs breed rapidly, have large
litters, can be housed in pathogen-free
environments, and share considerable
anatomic and physiologic similarity with
humans. In fact, pigs have served as
donors of cardiac valves for humans for
years. Primates are more closely related
to humans than pigs are, but the avail-
ability of large primates as transplant
donors is, and will continue to be, ex-
tremely limited.
Balancing the advantages of pig do-
nors are serious difficulites. For example,
if a pig kidney were implanted into a hu-
man by techniques standard for human
transplants, it would likely fail in a rapid
and dramatic fashion due to hyperacute
rejection. This antibody-mediated rejec-
tion is due to the presence on the pig cells
Is There a Clinical Future
for Xenotransplantation?
immunosuppressive measures are aimed at slowing the pro-
liferation of activated lymphocytes. However, because any
rapidly dividing nonimmune cells (e.g., epithelial cells of the
gut or bone-marrow hematopoietic stem cells) are also af-
fected, serious or even life-threatening complications can
occur. Patients on long-term immunosuppressive therapy
are at increased risk of cancer, hypertension, and metabolic
bone disease.
Mitotic Inhibitors Thwart T-Cell Proliferation
Azathioprine (Imuran), a potent mitotic inhibitor, is often
given just before and after transplantation to diminish T-cell
proliferation in response to the alloantigens of the graft. Aza-
thioprine acts on cells in the S phase of the cell cycle to block
synthesis of inosinic acid, which is a precursor of the purines
adenylic and guanylic acid. Both B-cell and T-cell prolifera-
tion is diminished in the presence of azathioprine. Func-
tional immune assays such as the MLR, CML, and skin test
show a significant decline after azathioprine treatment, indi-
cating an overall decrease in T-cell numbers.
Two other mitotic inhibitors that are sometimes used in
conjunction with other immunosuppressive agents are cyclo-
phosphamide and methotrexate. Cyclophosphamide is an
alkylating agent that inserts into the DNA helix and becomes
cross-linked, leading to disruption of the DNA chain. It is
especially effective against rapidly dividing cells and there-
fore is sometimes given at the time of grafting to block T-cell
proliferation. Methotrexate acts as a folic-acid antagonist to
block purine biosynthesis. The fact that the mitotic inhi-
bitors act on all rapidly dividing cells and not specifically on
those involved in immune response against the allograft can
lead to deleterious side reactions by thwarting division of
other functional cells in the body.
Corticosteroids Suppress Inflammation
As described at the end of Chapter 15, corticosteroids, such as
prednisone and dexamethasone, are potent anti-inflammatory
agents that exert their effects at many levels of the immune
response. These drugs are often given to transplant recipients
together with a mitotic inhibitor such as azathioprine to pre-
vent acute episodes of graft rejection.
Certain Fungal Metabolites
Are Immunosuppressants
Cyclosporin A (CsA), FK506 (tacrolimus), and rapamycin
(sirolimus) are fungal metabolites with immunosuppressive
properties. Although chemically unrelated, CsA and FK506
have similar actions. Both drugs block activation of resting
T cells by inhibiting the transcription of genes encoding IL-2
and the high-affinity IL-2 receptor (IL-2R), which are essen-
tial for activation. CsA and FK506 exert this effect by binding
to cytoplasmic proteins called immunophilins, forming a
complex that blocks the phosphatase activity of calcineurin.
This prevents the formation and nuclear translocation of the
cytoplasmic subunit NFATc and its subsequent assembly into
NFAT, a DNA-binding protein necessary for transcription of
the genes encoding a number of molecules important to
T-cell activation (see Figure 10-11). Rapamycin is structur-
ally similar to FK506 and also binds to an immunophilin.
However, the rapamycin-immunophilin complex does not
inhibit calcineurin activity; instead, it blocks the prolifera-
tion and differentiation of activated T
cells in the G
of the cell cycle. All three drugs, by inhibiting T
-cell prolif-
eration and thus T
-cell cytokine expression, reduce the sub-
sequent activation of various effector populations involved
in graft rejection, including T
cells, T
cells, NK cells,
macrophages, and B cells.
The profound immunosuppressive properties of these
three agents have made them a mainstay of heart, liver, kid-
ney, and bone-marrow transplantation. Cyclosporin A has
been shown to prolong graft survival in kidney, liver, heart,
and heart-lung transplants. In one study of 209 kidney trans-
plants from cadaver donors, the 1-year survival rate was 64%
among recipients receiving other immunosuppressive treat-
ments and 80% among those receiving cyclosporin A. Simi-
lar results have been obtained with liver transplants (Figure
21-8). Despite these impressive results, CsA does have some
negative side effects, the most notable of which is toxicity to
the kidneys. Acute nephrotoxicity is quite common, in some
cases progressing to chronic nephrotoxicity and drug-induced
kidney failure. FK506 and rapamycin are 10–100 times more
potent as immune suppressants than CsA, and therefore can
be administered at lower doses and with fewer side effects
than CsA.
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 491
Survival, %
Time after transplantation, months
FIGURE 21-8 Comparison of the survival rate of liver transplants
in 84 patients who were immunosuppressed with azathioprine and
corticosteroids (black) with the survival rate in 55 patients who were
immunosuppressed with cyclosporin A and corticosteroids (blue).
[Adapted from S. M. Sabesin and J. W. Williams, 1987, Hosp. Pract.
15( July):75.]
Total Lymphoid Irradiation Eliminates
Because lymphocytes are extremely sensitive to x-rays,
x-irradiation can be used to eliminate them in the transplant
recipient just before grafting. In total lymphoid x-irradiation,
the recipient receives multiple x-ray exposures to the thymus,
spleen, and lymph nodes before the transplant surgery. The
typical protocol is daily x-irradiation treatments of about
200 rads per day for several weeks until a total of 3400 rads
has been administered. The recipient is grafted in this im-
munosuppressed state. Because the bone marrow is not
x-irradiated, lymphoid stem cells proliferate and renew the
population of recirculating lymphocytes. These newly formed
lymphocytes appear to be more tolerant to the antigens of
the graft.
Specific Immunosuppressive
In addition to harmful side effects peculiar to the various
immunosuppressive treatments described above, a major
limitation common to all is that they lack specificity, thus
producing a more-or-less generalized immunosuppression
and increasing the recipient’s risk for infection. What is
needed ideally is an antigen-specific immunosuppressant
that reduces the immune response to the alloantigens of the
graft while preserving the recipient’s ability to respond to
other foreign antigens. Although this goal has not yet been
achieved in human transplants, recent successes in animal
experiments indicate that it may be possible. Specific immu-
nosuppression to allografts has been achieved in animal
experiments using antibodies or soluble ligands reactive with
cell-surface molecules.
Monoclonal Antibodies Can Suppress
Graft-Rejection Responses
Monoclonal antibodies directed against various surface mol-
ecules on cells of the immune system have been used success-
fully to suppress T-cell activity in general or to suppress the
activity of subpopulations of T cells. Results from studies
with animal models suggest further that certain monoclonals
may be used to suppress only T cells that are activated. Suc-
cesses with animal models and trials with humans give
reason to believe that two types of strategies involving anti-
bodies to suppress rejection will find broad clinical use.
Monoclonal antibodies may be used to deplete the recipient
of a certain broad or specific cell population; alternatively,
they may be used to block co-stimulatory signals. In the lat-
ter case, a state of anergy is induced in those T cells that react
to antigens present on the allograft.
A strategy to deplete immune cells involves use of a mon-
oclonal antibody to the CD3 molecule of the TCR complex.
Injection of such monoclonal antibodies results in a rapid
depletion of mature T cells from the circulation. This deple-
tion appears to be caused by binding of antibody-coated
T cells to Fc receptors on phagocytic cells, which then phago-
cytose and clear the T cells from the circulation. In a further
refinement of this strategy, a cytotoxic agent such as diphthe-
ria toxin is coupled with the antibody. The cell with which
the antibody reacts internalizes the toxin, causing its death.
Another depletion strategy used to increase graft survival
uses monoclonal antibodies specific for the high-affinity
IL-2 receptor (anti-TAC). Since the high-affinity IL-2 recep-
tor is expressed only on activated T cells, exposure to anti-
TAC after the graft specifically blocks proliferation of T cells
activated in response to the alloantigens of the graft.
Monoclonal-antibody therapy, which was initially em-
ployed to deplete T cells in graft recipients, also has been used
to treat donors’ bone marrow before it is transplanted. Such
treatment is designed to deplete the immunocompetent
T cells in the bone-marrow transplant; these are the cells that
react with the recipient tissues, causing graft-versus-host dis-
ease (described below). Monoclonal antibodies with isotypes
that activate the complement system are most effective in all
cell-depletion strategies.
The CD3 receptor and the high-affinity IL-2 receptor are
targets present on all activated T cells; molecules present on
particular T-cell subpopulations may also be targeted for im-
munosuppressive therapy. For example, a monoclonal anti-
body to CD4 has been shown to prolong graft survival. In
one study, monkeys were given a single large dose of anti-
CD4 just before they received a kidney transplant. Graft sur-
vival in the treated animals was markedly increased over that
in untreated control animals. Interestingly, the anti-CD4 did
not reduce the CD4
T-cell count, but instead appeared to
induce the T cells to enter an immunosuppressed state. This
is an example of a nondepleting antibody.
Other targets for monoclonal-antibody therapy are the
cell-surface adhesion molecules. Simultaneous treatment with
monoclonal antibodies to the adhesion molecules ICAM-1
and LFA-1 for 6 days after transplantation has permitted
indefinite survival of cardiac grafts between allogeneic mice.
However, when either monoclonal antibody was adminis-
tered alone, the cardiac transplant was rejected. The require-
ment that both monoclonal antibodies be given at the same
time probably reflects redundancy of the adhesion mole-
cules: LFA-1 is known to bind to ICAM-2 in addition to
ICAM-1; and ICAM-1 is known to bind to Mac-1 and CD43
in addition to LFA-1. Only when all possible pairings among
these adhesins are blocked at the same time is adhesion and
signal transduction through this ligand pair blocked.
A practical difficulty with using monoclonal antibodies to
prolong graft survival in humans is that they are generally of
mouse origin. Many recipients develop an antibody response
to the mouse monoclonal antibody, rapidly clearing it from
the body. This limitation has been overcome by the construc-
tion of human monoclonal antibodies and mouse-human
chimeric antibodies (see Figure 5-25 and Clinical Focus in
Chapter 5).
492 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Because cytokines appear to play an important role in al-
lograft rejection, another strategy for prolonging graft sur-
vival is to inject animals with monoclonal antibodies specific
for the implicated cytokines, particularly TNF-H9251, IFN-H9253, and
IL-2. Monoclonal antibodies to TNF-H9251 have been shown to
prolong bone-marrow transplants in mice and to reduce the
incidence of graft-versus-host disease. Monoclonal antibod-
ies to IFN-H9253 and to IL-2 have each been reported in some
cases to prolong cardiac transplants in rats.
Blocking Co-Stimulatory Signals
Can Induce Anergy
As described in Chapter 10, T
-cell activation requires a co-
stimulatory signal in addition to the signal mediated by the
T-cell receptor. The interaction between the B7 molecule on
the membrane of antigen-presenting cells and the CD28 or
CTLA-4 molecule on T cells provides one such signal (see
Figure 10-13). Lacking a co-stimulatory signal, antigen-
activated T cells become anergic (see Figure 10-15). CD28 is
expressed on both resting and activated T cells and binds
B7 with a moderate affinity; CTLA-4 is expressed at much
lower levels and only on activated T cells but binds B7 with a
20-fold higher affinity. A second pair of co-stimulatory mol-
ecules required for T-cell activation are CD40, which is pre-
sent on the APC, and CD40 ligand (CD40L or CD154),
which is present on the T cell.
D. J. Lenschow, J. A. Bluestone, and colleagues demon-
strated that blocking the B7-mediated co-stimulatory signal
with CTLA-4 after transplantation would cause the host’s
T cells directed against the grafted tissue to become anergic,
thus enabling it to survive. In their experiment, human pan-
creatic islets were transplanted into mice injected with
CTLA-4Ig, a soluble fusion protein consisting of the extracel-
lular domains of CTLA4 and the constant region of the IgG1
heavy chain (see Figure 10-14). Including the IgG1 heavy-
chain constant region increases the half-life of the soluble
fusion protein. The xenogeneic graft exhibited long-term
survival in treated mice but was quickly rejected in untreated
controls. The fact that the soluble form of the CTLA-4 re-
ceptor was able to block the rejection of the human tissue
transplant in the recipient mice is evidence that blocking co-
stimulatory signals in vivo is a viable strategy (Figure 21-9).
These exciting results were extended to transplantation of
kidneys mismatched for class I and class II antigens in mon-
keys by Allan Kirk, David Harlan, and their colleagues. The
recipients were treated for about 4 weeks after transplanta-
tion with either CTLA4-Ig or a monoclonal antibody directed
against CD40L, or both in combination. Untreated control
animals rejected the mismatched kidneys within 5–8 days;
those treated with a single agent retained their grafts for
20–98 days. However, the animals given both reagents showed
no evidence of rejection at 150 days after transplantation.
This suppression of allograft rejection did not lead to a state
of general immunosuppression; peripheral T-cell counts re-
mained normal and other immune functions were present,
including mixed lymphocyte reactivity between donor and
recipients. Human clinical trials of the procedures developed
for monkeys are planned; if successful, they could revolution-
ize clinical transplantation procedures. The ability to block
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 493
T cell
T cells that recognize graft
antigens become activated
Graft rejected Graft survives
CD28 B7
T cells that recognize graft antigens
lack co-stimulation and become anergic
FIGURE 21-9 Blocking co-stimulatory signals at the time of trans-
plantation can cause anergy instead of activation of the T cells reactive
against the graft. T-cell activation requires both the interaction of the
TCR with its ligand and the reaction of co-stimulatory receptors with
their ligands (a). In (b), contact between one of the co-stimulatory re-
ceptors, CD28 on the T cell, and its ligand, B7 on the APC, is blocked
by reaction of B7 with the soluble ligand CTLA-4Ig. The CTLA4 is cou-
pled to an Ig H chain, which slows its clearance from the circulation.
This process specifically suppresses graft rejection without inhibiting
the immune response to other antigens.
allograft rejection without general immunosuppression and
without the deleterious side effects of suppressive drugs
would enable recipients to lead normal lives.
Immune Tolerance to Allografts
There are instances in which an allograft may be accepted
without the use of immunosuppressive measures. Obviously,
in the case of tissues that lack alloantigens, such as cartilage
or heart valves, there is no immunologic barrier to transplan-
tation. However, there are also instances in which the strong
predicted response to an allograft does not occur. There are
two general cases in which an allograft may be accepted. One
is when cells or tissue are grafted to a so-called privileged site
that is sequestered from immune-system surveillance. The
second is when a state of tolerance has been induced biologi-
cally, usually by previous exposure to the antigens of the
donor in a manner that causes immune tolerance rather than
sensitization in the recipient. Each of these exceptions is con-
sidered below.
Privileged Sites Accept Antigenic Mismatches
In immunologically privileged sites, an allograft can be
placed without engendering a rejection reaction. These sites
include the anterior chamber of the eye, the cornea, the
uterus, the testes, and the brain. The cheek pouch of the Syr-
ian hamster is a privileged site used in experimental situa-
tions. Each of these sites is characterized by an absence of
lymphatic vessels and in some cases by an absence of blood
vessels as well. Consequently, the alloantigens of the graft are
not able to sensitize the recipient’s lymphocytes, and the graft
has an increased likelihood of acceptance even when HLA
antigens are not matched.
The privileged location of the cornea has allowed corneal
transplants to be highly successful. The brain is an immu-
nologically privileged site because the blood-brain barrier
prevents the entry or exit of many molecules, including anti-
bodies. The successful transplantation of allogeneic pan-
creatic islet cells into the thymus in a rat model of diabetes
suggests that the thymus may also be an immunologically
privileged site.
Immunologically privileged sites fail to induce an im-
mune response because they are effectively sequestered from
the cells of the immune system. This suggests the possibility
of physically sequestering grafted cells. In one study, pancre-
atic islet cells were encapsulated in semipermeable mem-
branes (fabricated from an acrylic copolymer) and then
transplanted into diabetic mice. The islet cells survived and
produced insulin. The transplanted cells were not rejected,
because the recipient’s immune cells could not penetrate the
membrane. This novel transplant method enabled the dia-
betic mice to produce normal levels of insulin and may have
application for treatment of human diabetics.
Early Exposure to Alloantigens Can Induce
Specific Tolerance
In 1945, Ray Owen reported that nonidentical twins in cattle
retained the ability to accept cells or tissue from the genet-
ically distinct sibling throughout their lives, unlike noniden-
tical twins of other mammalian species. A shared placenta in
cattle allows free circulation of cells from one twin to the
other throughout the embryonic period. Although the twins
may have inherited distinct paternal and maternal antigens,
they do not recognize those of their placental partner as for-
eign and can accept grafts from them.
Experimental support for the notion that tolerance comes
from exposure of the developing organism to alloantigens
came from mouse experiments. If neonates of mouse strain
A are injected with cells from strain C they will accept grafts
from C strain as adults. Immunocompetence of the injected
A-strain mice and specificity of the tolerance is shown by the
fact that they reject grafts from other strains as rapidly as
their untreated littermates. While no human experimental
data demonstrate such specific tolerance, anecdotal data sug-
gests that it may operate in humans as well. There are exam-
ples in which allografts, mismatched at a single HLA locus
are accepted with little or no immune suppression. In cases
where the mismatched antigen is expressed by the mother,
but not inherited by the offspring, there is the possibility that
perinatal exposure induced subsequent tolerance to this anti-
gen. Because human maternal cells do not normally cross the
placental barrier, such specific tolerance to noninherited
maternal antigens would be an exception rather than a com-
monplace event.
Clinical Transplantation
For a number of illnesses, a transplant is the only means of
therapy. Figure 21-10 summarizes the major organ and cell
transplants being performed at the present time. In addition,
certain combinations of organs, such as heart and lung or
kidney and pancreas, are being transplanted simultaneously
with increasing frequency. Since the first kidney transplant
was performed in the 1950s, approximately 400,000 kidneys
have been transplanted worldwide. The next most frequently
transplanted solid organ is the liver (52,000), followed by the
heart (42,000) and, more distantly, by the lung (6,000) and
pancreas (2,000). Bone-marrow transplants number around
80,000. Although the clinical results of transplantation of
various cells, tissues, and organs in humans have improved
considerably in the past few years, major obstacles to the use
of this treatment exist. As explained above, the use of immu-
nosuppressive drugs greatly increases the short-term survival
of the transplant, but medical problems arise from use of
these drugs, and chronic rejection is not prevented in most
cases. The need for additional transplants after rejection exac-
erbates the shortage of organs which is a major obstacle to the
494 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
widespread use of transplantation. Several of the organ sys-
tems for which transplantation is a common treatment are
considered below. The frequency with which a given organ or
tissue is transplanted depends on a number of factors:
Clinical situations in which transplantation is
Availability of tissue or organs
Difficulty in performing transplantation and caring for
post-transplantation patients
Specific factors that aid or hinder acceptance of the
particular transplant
The urgency of the transplantation may depend on the
affected organ. In the case of the heart, lung, and liver, few
alternative procedures can keep the patient alive when these
organs cease to function. Although dialysis may be used to
maintain a patient awaiting a kidney transplant, there are no
comparable measures for the heart or lungs if the allograft
fails. Research on artificial organs is ongoing but there are no
reports of long-term successes.
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 495
From cadaver
Immunosuppression not required
40,000 transplants per year
From brain-dead donor
Procedure recently developed;
little data available
955 transplants in 2000
Often heart/lung transplant (47 in 2000)
From brain-dead donor
HLA matching useful but often
Risk of coronary artery damage, perhaps
mediated by host antibody
2172 transplants in 2000
From live donor or cadaver
ABO and HLA matching useful
Immunosuppression usually required
Risk of GVHD very low
13,258 transplants in 2000
From cadaver
Islet cells from organ sufficient
420 transplants in 2000
Increasingly, pancreas/kidney transplant
for advanced diabetes (910 in 2000)
Transfused from living donor
ABO and Rh matching required
Complications extremely rare
An estimated 14 million units used
each year
Mostly autologous (burn victims)
Temporary grafts of nonviable tissue
Allogeneic grafts rare, require
From cadaver
Surgical implantation complex
Resistant to hyperacute rejection
Risk of GVHD
4816 transplants in 2000
Bone marrow
Needle aspiration from living donor
Implanted by IV injection
ABO and HLA matching required
Rejection rare but GVHD a risk
FIGURE 21-10 Transplantations routinely used in clinical prac-
tice. For the solid organs, the number of transplants performed in
the United States in 2000 is indicated. Estimates are included for
other transplants if available.
The Most Commonly Transplanted Organ
Is the Kidney
As mentioned above, the most commonly transplanted organ
is the kidney; in 2000, there were 13,258 kidney transplants
performed in the United States. Major factors contributing to
this number are the numerous clinical indications for kidney
transplantation. Many common diseases, such as diabetes and
various types of nephritis, result in kidney failure that can be
alleviated by transplantation. With respect to availability, kid-
neys can be obtained not only from cadavers but also from liv-
ing relatives or volunteers, because it is possible to donate a
kidney and live a normal life with the remaining kidney. In
1999, 4457 of the 12,483 kidneys transplanted in the U.S. came
from living donors. Surgical procedures for transplantation
are straightforward; technically, the kidney is simpler to reim-
plant than the liver or heart. Because many kidney transplants
have been done, patient-care procedures have been worked
out in detail. Matching of blood and histocompatibility groups
is advantageous in kidney transplantation because the organ
is heavily vascularized, but the kidney presents no special
problems that promote rejection or graft-versus-host disease
(GVHD), as the bone marrow or liver do.
Two major problems are faced by patients waiting for a
kidney. One is the short supply of available organs, and the
second is the increasing number of sensitized recipients. The
latter problem stems from rejection of a first transplant,
which then sensitizes the individual and leads to the forma-
tion of antibodies and activation of cellular mechanisms di-
rected against kidney antigens. Any subsequent graft con-
taining antigens in common with the first would be quickly
rejected. Therefore, detailed tissue typing procedures must
be used to ascertain that the patient has no antibodies or
active cellular mechanisms directed against the potential
donor’s kidney. In many cases, patients can never again find a
match after one or two rejection episodes. It is almost always
necessary to maintain kidney-transplant patients on some
form of immunosuppression, usually for their entire lives.
Unfortunately, this gives rise to complications, including risks
of cancer and infection as well as other side effects such as
hypertension and metabolic bone disease.
Bone-Marrow Transplants Are Used for
Leukemia, Anemia, and Immunodeficiency
After the kidney, bone marrow is the most frequent trans-
plant. Since the early 1980s, bone-marrow transplantation
has been increasingly adopted as a therapy for a number of
malignant and nonmalignant hematologic diseases, includ-
ing leukemia, lymphoma, aplastic anemia, thalassemia ma-
jor, and immunodeficiency diseases, especially severe com-
bined immunodeficiency, or SCID (see Chapter 19). The
bone marrow, which is obtained from a living donor by multi-
ple needle aspirations, consists of erythroid, myeloid, mono-
cytoid, megakaryocytic, and lymphocytic lineages. The graft,
usually about 10
cells per kilogram of host body weight, is
injected intravenously into the recipient. The first successful
bone-marrow transplantations were performed between iden-
tical twins. However, development of the tissue-typing pro-
cedures described earlier now makes it possible to identify
allogeneic donors who have HLA antigens identical or near-
identical to those of the recipients. While the supply of bone
marrow for transplantation is not a problem, finding a
matched donor may be one.
In the usual procedure, the recipient of a bone-marrow
transplant is immunologically suppressed before grafting.
Leukemia patients, for example, are often treated with cyclo-
phosphamide and total-body irradiation to kill all cancerous
cells. The immune-suppressed state of the recipient makes
graft rejection rare; however, because the donor bone mar-
row contains immunocompetent cells, the graft may reject
the host, causing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). GVHD
affects 50%–70% of bone-marrow-transplant patients; it
develops as donor T cells recognize alloantigens on the host
cells. The activation and proliferation of these T cells and the
subsequent production of cytokines generate inflammatory
reactions in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. In
severe cases, GVHD can result in generalized erythroderma
of the skin, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and liver failure.
Various treatments are used to prevent GVHD in bone-
marrow transplantation. The transplant recipient is usually
placed on a regimen of immunosuppressive drugs, often
including cyclosporin A and methotrexate, in order to inhibit
the immune responses of the donor cells. In another ap-
proach, the donor bone marrow is treated with anti-T-cell
antisera or monoclonal antibodies specific for T cells before
transplantation, thereby depleting the offending T cells. Com-
plete T-cell depletion from donor bone marrow, however,
increases the likelihood that the marrow will be rejected, and
so the usual procedure now is a partial T-cell depletion.
Apparently, a low level of donor T-cell activity, which results
in a low-level GVHD, is actually beneficial because the donor
cells kill any host T cells that survive the immunosuppression
treatment. This prevents residual recipient cells from becom-
ing sensitized and causing rejection of the graft. In leukemia
patients, low-level GVHD also seems to result in destruction
of host leukemic cells, thus making it less likely for the
leukemia to recur.
Heart Transplantation Is a Challenging
Perhaps the most dramatic form of transplantation is that of
the heart; once the damaged heart has been removed, the
patient must be kept alive by wholly artificial means until
the transplanted heart is in place and beating. Heart-lung
machines are available to circulate and aerate the patient’s
blood after the heart is removed. The donor’s heart must be
maintained in such a manner that it will begin beating when
it is placed in the recipient. It has been found that a human
heart can be kept viable for a limited period in ice-cold buffer
solutions that effectively short circuit the electric impulses
496 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
that control the rhythmic beating, which could damage the
isolated organ. The surgical methods of implanting a heart
have been available for a number of years. The first heart
transplant was carried out in South Africa by Dr. Christian
Barnard, in 1964. Since then, the one-year survival rate for
transplantation of the heart has become greater than 80%. In
2000, 2172 heart transplants were performed in the United
States and about 3500 worldwide. An issue peculiar to heart
transplantation has been a new type of atherosclerotic dis-
ease in the coronary arteries of the implanted organ. There is
some possibility that host antibodies mediate injury to the
vessels in the donated heart.
Although a heart transplant may greatly benefit patients
with various types of heart disease or damage, there is obvi-
ously a strict limit on the number of available hearts. Acci-
dent victims who are declared brain dead but have an intact
circulatory system and a functioning heart are the normal
source of these organs. HLA matching is desirable but not
often possible, because of the limited supply of hearts and the
urgency of the procedure.
Lung Transplants Are on the Increase
In recent years, lung transplantation, either by itself or in
conjunction with heart transplantation, has been used to
treat diseases such as cystic fibrosis and emphysema or acute
damage to the lungs such as that caused by smoke inhalation.
In 2000, 945 lung and 47 heart/lung transplants were per-
formed. First-year survival rate for lung transplants is re-
ported at about 60%.
Liver Transplants Treat Congenital Defects
and Damage from Viral or Chemical Agents
The liver is a large organ that performs a number of func-
tions related to clearance and detoxification of chemical and
biological substances. Liver malfunction can be caused by
damage to the organ from viral diseases such as hepatitis or
by exposure to harmful chemicals, as in chronic alcoholism.
Damage to the liver may correct itself and the damaged tissue
can regenerate after the causative injurious agent is cleared. If
the liver tissue does not regenerate, damage may be fatal. The
majority of liver transplants are used as a therapy for con-
genital abnormalities of the liver. Because the liver is large
and has a complicated circulation, re-implantation of the
liver initially posed a technical problem. Techniques have been
developed to overcome this major surgical challenge, and the
recent one-year survival rate has risen to approximately 65%.
In 2000, 4816 livers were transplanted in the United States.
Increasingly, a liver from a single donor may be split and
given to two recipients; normally, a child will receive the
smaller portion and an adult the larger.
The immunology of liver transplantation is interesting
because the organ appears to resist rejection by hyperacute
antibody-mediated mechanisms. It has been shown that even
transplantation across blood-group barriers, which would
be expected to trigger hyperacute rejection, can be successful
in the short term. However, leukocytes within the donor or-
gan together with anti–blood-group antibodies can mediate
antibody-dependent hemolysis of recipient red blood cells if
there is a mismatch of the blood groups. In addition, mani-
festations of GVHD have occurred in liver transplants even
when donor and recipient are blood-group compatible. These
reactions are obviously caused by donor lymphocytes carried
by the transplanted liver.
Pancreas Transplantation Offers a Cure
for Diabetes Mellitus
One of the more common diseases in the United States is
diabetes mellitus. This disease is caused by malfunction of
insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas. Transplantation
of a pancreas could provide the appropriately regulated levels
of insulin necessary to make the diabetic individual normal.
Recently, one-year success rates for pancreas transplantation
of about 55% have been reported. Transplantation of the com-
plete pancreas is not necessary to restore the function needed
to produce insulin in a controlled fashion; transplantation of
the islet cells alone could restore function. Kidney failure is a
frequent complication of advanced diabetes occurring in
about 30% of diabetics, therefore kidney and pancreas trans-
plants are indicated. In 2000, there were 420 pancreas trans-
plants and 904 simultaneous kidney/pancreas transplants. A
group at the University of Wisconsin reports that they have
overcome surgical and medical barriers to the dual trans-
plant and have achieved survival rates of 87% at one year and
78% at five years for the 381 cases in their study. Whether it is
better to carry out simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplants
or to transplant separately remains an issue to be resolved on
a case-to-case basis.
Skin Grafts Are Used to Treat Burn Victims
Most skin transplantation in humans is done with autolo-
gous tissue. However, in cases of severe burn, grafts of foreign
skin thawed from frozen deposits in tissue banks may be
used. These grafts generally act as biologic dressings, because
the cellular elements are no longer viable and the graft does
not grow in the new host; the grafts are left in place for sev-
eral days but are regularly replaced. True allogeneic skin graft-
ing using fresh viable donor skin has been undertaken in
some cases, but rejection must be prevented by the use of
immunosuppressive therapy. This is not desirable because a
major problem with burn victims is the high risk of infec-
tion, and immunosuppressive therapy accentuates this risk.
The above list of common transplants is by no means all-
inclusive and is expected to grow in future years. For exam-
ple, intracerebral neural-cell grafts have restored functional-
ity in victims of Parkinson’s disease. In studies conducted
thus far, the source of neural donor cells was human em-
bryos; the possibility of using those from other animal spe-
cies is being tested.
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 497
Xenotransplantation May Be the Answer
to the Shortage of Donor Organs
While the immune system represents a formidable barrier to
the use of transplantation, there has been significant progress
in overcoming this obstacle. However, there has not been
comparable progress in solving the complex problem of find-
ing organs for those who need them. The insufficient supply
of available organs means that a large percentage of patients
die while waiting for a transplant. The need for an alternative
source of donor organs has focused attention on xenotrans-
plantation. The larger nonhuman primates (chimpanzees and
baboons) have served as the main transplant donors, and, as
discussed in the Clinical Focus section, the use of the pig as a
source of organs is under serious consideration.
The earliest transplants of chimpanzee kidneys into hu-
mans date back to 1964. Since that time, sporadic attempts at
kidney, heart, liver, and bone-marrow transplantation from
primates into humans have been made. No attempt has met
with great success but several have received some attention. In
1993, T. E. Starzl performed two liver transplants from ba-
boons into patients suffering from liver failure. Both patients
died, one after 26 days and the other after 70 days. In 1994, a
pig liver was transplanted into a 26-year-old suffering from
acute hepatic failure. The liver functioned only 30 hours before
it was rejected by a hyperacute rejection reaction. In 1995,
baboon bone marrow was infused into an HIV-infected man
with the aim of boosting his weakened immune system with
the baboon immune cells, which do not become infected with
the virus. Although there were no complications from the
transplant, the baboon bone marrow did not appear to estab-
lish itself in the recipient.
A major problem with xenotransplants is that immune
rejection is often quite vigorous, even when recipients are
treated with potent immunosuppressive drugs such as FK506
or rapamycin. The major response involves the action of
humoral antibody and complement, leading to the develop-
ment of a hyperacute rejection reaction. In addition to the
problem of rejection, there is general concern that xeno-
transplantation has the potential of spreading pathogens
from the donor to the recipient. These pathogens could po-
tentially cause diseases, called xenozoonoses, that are fatal for
humans. For example, certain viruses, including close rela-
tives of HIV-1 found in chimpanzees and HIV-2 and herpes-
virus B, which occur in several primate species, cause limited
pathogenesis in their primate hosts but can lead to deadly
infections in humans. In addition, there is the fear that pri-
mate retroviruses (see Chapter 19), such as SIV, may recom-
bine with human variants to produce new agents of disease.
The possibility of introducing new viruses into humans may
be greater for transplants from closely related species, such as
primates, and less in the case of more distantly related spe-
cies, such as pigs, because viruses are less likely to replicate in
cells from unrelated species.
Graft rejection is an immunologic response displaying the
attributes of specificity, memory, and self/nonself recogni-
tion. There are three major types of rejection reactions:
? Hyperacute rejection mediated by preexisting host anti-
bodies to graft antigens.
? Acute graft rejection in which T
cells and/or CTLs
mediate tissue damage.
? Chronic rejection, which involves both cellular and hu-
moral immune components.
The immune response to tissue antigens encoded within
the major histocompatibility complex is the strongest force
in rejection.
The match between a recipient and potential graft donors is
assessed by typing MHC class I and class II tissue antigens.
The process of graft rejection can be divided into a sensiti-
zation stage, in which T cells are stimulated, and an effector
stage, in which they attack the graft.
In most clinical situations, graft rejection is suppressed by
nonspecific immunosuppressive agents or by total lym-
phoid x-irradiation.
Experimental approaches using monoclonal antibodies
offer the possibility of specific immunosuppression. These
antibodies may act by:
? Deleting populations of reactive cells.
? Inhibiting co-stimulatory signals leading to anergy in
specifically reactive cells.
Certain sites in the body, including the cornea of the eye,
brain, testes, and uterus, do not reject transplants despite
genetic mismatch between donor and recipient.
Specific tolerance to alloantigens is induced by exposure
to them in utero or by injection of neonates.
A major complication in bone-marrow transplantation is
graft-versus-host reaction mediated by the lymphocytes
contained within the donor marrow.
The critical shortage of organs available for transplanta-
tion may be solved in the future by using organs from
nonhuman species (xenotransplants).
Adams, D. H. 2000. Cardiac xenotransplantation: clinical expe-
rience and future direction. Ann. Thoracic Surg. 70:320.
Auchincloss, H., M. Sykes, and D. H. Sachs. 1999. Transplanta-
tion immunology, in Fundamental Immunology, 4
ed. W. E.
Paul, ed. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia. p. 1175.
Fox, A., and L. C. Harrison. 2000. Innate immunity and graft
rejection. Immunol. Rev. 173:141.
498 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Grover, F. L., et al. 1997. The past, present, and future of lung
transplantation. Am.J.Surg.173:523.
Harlan, D. M., and A. D. Kirk. 1999. The future of organ and tis-
sue transplantation: can T-cell co-stimulatory pathway modi-
fiers revolutionize the prevention of graft rejection? JAMA
Hirose, R., and F. Vincenti. Review of transplantation—1999.
Clin. Transplants 1999:295.
Hong J. C., and B. D. Kahan. 2000. Immunosuppressive agents
in transplantation: past, present, and future. Sem. Nephrol. 20:
Kirk, A. D., et al. 1997. CTLA4-Ig and anti-CD40 ligand prevent
renal allograft rejection in primates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
Lenschow, D. J., et al. 1992. Long-term survival of xenogeneic
pancreatic islets induced by CTLA4-Ig. Science 257:789.
Markees, T. G., et al. 1997. Prolonged survival of mouse skin
allografts in recipients treated with donor splenocytes and
antibody to CD40 ligand. Transplantation 64:329.
Mollnes, T. E., and A. E. Fiane. 1999. Xenotransplantation: how
to overcome the complement obstacle? Mol. Immunol. 36:269.
Rayhill, S. C., et al. 1996. Simultaneous pancreas-kidney trans-
plantation: recent experience at the University of Wisconsin.
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes 104:353.
Woo, S. B., S. J. Lee, and M. M. Schubert. 1997. Graft-vs-host dis-
ease. Crit. Rev. Oral Biol. Med. 8:201.
Links to hundreds of sites giving information on all aspects of
organ transplantation.
United Network for Organ Sharing site has information con-
cerning solid-organ transplantation for patients, families,
doctors, and teachers.
The National Marrow Donor Program Web site contains infor-
mation about all aspects of bone-marrow transplantation.
Study Questions
CLINICAL FOCUS QUESTION What features would you include in
an ideal animal donor for xenotransplantation? How would you
test your model prior to doing clinical trials in humans?
1. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or
false. If you think a statement is false, explain why.
a. Acute rejection is mediated by preexisting host antibod-
ies specific for antigens on the grafted tissue.
b. Second-set rejection is a manifestation of immunologic
c. Passenger leukocytes are host dendritic cells that migrate
into grafted tissue and act as antigen-presenting cells.
d. All allografts between individuals with identical HLA
haplotypes will be accepted.
e. Cytokines produced by host T
cells activated in re-
sponse to alloantigens play a major role in graft rejection.
2. You are a pediatrician treating a child who needs a kidney
transplant. The child does not have an identical twin, but both
parents and several siblings are willing to donate a kidney if the
MHC match with the patient is good.
a. What is the best possible MHC match that could be
achieved in this situation?
b. In which relative(s) might you find it? Why?
c. What test(s) would you perform in order to find the best-
matched kidney?
3. Indicate in the Response column in the table on page 500
whether a skin graft from each donor to each recipient listed
would result in a rejection (R) or an acceptance (A) response. If
you believe a rejection reaction would occur, then indicate in the
right-hand column whether it would be a first-set rejection
(FSR), occurring in 12–14 days, or a second-set rejection (SSR),
occurring in 5–6 days. All the mouse strains listed in the table
have different H-2 haplotypes.
4. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) frequently develops after
certain types of transplantations.
a. Briefly outline the mechanisms involved in GVHD.
b. Under what conditions is GVHD likely to occur?
c. Some researchers have found that GVHD can be dimin-
ished by prior treatment of the graft with monoclonal
antibody plus complement or with monoclonal antibody
conjugated with toxins. List at least two cell-surface anti-
gens to which monoclonal antibodies could be prepared
and used for this purpose, and give the rationale for your
5. A child who requires a kidney transplant has been offered a
kidney from both parents and from five siblings.
a. Cells from the potential donors are screened with mono-
clonal antibodies to the HLA-A, -B, and -C antigens in a
microcytotoxicity assay. In addition, ABO blood-group
typing is performed. Based on the results in the table on
page 500, a kidney graft from which donor(s) is most
likely to survive?
b. Now a one-way MLR is performed using various combi-
nations of mitomycin-treated lymphocytes. The results,
expressed as counts per minute of [
H]thymidine incor-
porated, are shown in the table on page 500; the stimula-
tion index (ratio of the experimental value to the control
in which identical leukocytes are mixed) is listed below in
parentheses. Based on these data, a graft from which
donor(s) is most likely to be accepted?
6. What is the biologic basis for attempting to use soluble
CTL4A or anti-CD40L to block allograft rejection? Why might
this be better than treating a graft recipient with CsA or FK506?
Transplantation Immunology CHAPTER 21 499
Go to www.whfreeman.com/immunology Self-Test
Review and quiz of key terms
500 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Donor Recipient Response Type of rejection
BALB/c Rat
BALB/c Nude mouse
BALB/c C3H, had previous BALB/c graft
BALB/c C3H, had previous C57BL/6 graft
BALB/c (BALB/c H11003 C3H)F
BALB/c (C3H H11003 C57BL/6)F
(BALB/c H11003 C3H)F
(BALB/c H11003 C3H)F
BALB/c, had previous F
For use with Question 3:
For use with Question 5a:
cells Patient Sibling A Sibling B Sibling C Sibling D Sibling E
Patient 1,672 1,800 13,479 5,210 13,927 13,808
(1.0) (1.1) (8.1) (3.1) (8.3) (8.3)
Sibling A 1,495 933 11,606 8,443 11,708 13,430
(1.6) (1.0) (12.4) (9.1) (12.6) (14.4)
Sibling B 25,418 26,209 2,570 13,170 19,722 4,510
(9.9) (10.2) (1.0) (5.1) (7.7) (1.8)
Sibling C 10,722 10,714 13,032 1,731 1,740 14,365
(6.2) (5.9) (7.5) (1.0) (1.0) (8.3)
Sibling D 15,988 13,492 18,519 3,300 3,151 18,334
(5.1) (4.2) (5.9) (1.1) (1.0) (5.9)
Sibling E 5,777 8,053 2,024 6,895 10,720 888
(6.5) (9.1) (2.3) (7.8) (12.1) (1.0)
Mytomycin C-treated stimulator cells
For use with Question 5b:
ABO type HLA-A type HLA-B type HLA-C type
Recipient O A1/A2 B8/B12 Cw3
Potential donors
Mother A A1/A2 B8/B12 Cw1/Cw3
Father O A2 B12/B15 Cw3
Sibling A O A1/A2 B8/B15 Cw3
Sibling B O A2 B12 Cw1/Cw3
Sibling C O A1/A2 B8/B12 Cw3
Sibling D A A1/A2 B8/B12 Cw3
Sibling E O A1/A2 B8/B15 Cw3
ABO type HLA-A type HLA-B type HLA-C type