■ Cancer: Origin and Terminology
■ Malignant Transformation of Cells
■ Oncogenes and Cancer Induction
■ Tumors of the Immune System
■ Tumor Antigens
■ Immune Response to Tumors
■ Tumor Evasion of the Immune System
■ Cancer Immunotherapy
Cancerous melanoma cells.
Cancer and the
Immune System
? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?????????? ???????
has declined in the Western world, cancer has
become the second-ranking cause of death there,
led only by heart disease. Current estimates project that one
person in three in the United States will develop cancer, and
that one in five will die from it. From an immunologic per-
spective, cancer cells can be viewed as altered self-cells that
have escaped normal growth-regulating mechanisms. This
chapter examines the unique properties of cancer cells, pay-
ing particular attention to those properties that can be recog-
nized by the immune system. The immune responses that
develop to cancer cells, as well as the methods by which can-
cers manage to evade those responses, are then described.
The final section describes current clinical and experimental
immunotherapies for cancer.
Cancer: Origin and Terminology
In most organs and tissues of a mature animal, a balance is
usually maintained between cell renewal and cell death. The
various types of mature cells in the body have a given life
span; as these cells die, new cells are generated by the prolif-
eration and differentiation of various types of stem cells.
Under normal circumstances, the production of new cells is
regulated so that the number of any particular type of cell
remains constant. Occasionally, though, cells arise that no
longer respond to normal growth-control mechanisms. These
cells give rise to clones of cells that can expand to a consider-
able size, producing a tumor, or neoplasm.
A tumor that is not capable of indefinite growth and does
not invade the healthy surrounding tissue extensively is be-
nign. A tumor that continues to grow and becomes progres-
sively invasive is malignant; the term cancer refers speci-
fically to a malignant tumor. In addition to uncontrolled
growth, malignant tumors exhibit metastasis; in this pro-
cess, small clusters of cancerous cells dislodge from a tumor,
invade the blood or lymphatic vessels, and are carried to
other tissues, where they continue to proliferate. In this way
a primary tumor at one site can give rise to a secondary
tumor at another site (Figure 22-1).
Malignant tumors or cancers are classified according to
the embryonic origin of the tissue from which the tumor is
derived. Most (>80%) are carcinomas, tumors that arise
from endodermal or ectodermal tissues such as skin or the
epithelial lining of internal organs and glands. The majority
of cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, and lung are carci-
nomas. The leukemias and lymphomas are malignant tu-
mors of hematopoietic cells of the bone marrow and ac-
count for about 9% of cancer incidence in the United States.
Leukemias proliferate as single cells, whereas lymphomas
tend to grow as tumor masses. Sarcomas, which arise less
frequently (around 1% of the incidence in the United States),
are derived from mesodermal connective tissues such as
bone, fat, and cartilage.
Malignant Transformation of Cells
Treatment of normal cultured cells with chemical carcino-
gens, irradiation, and certain viruses can alter their mor-
phology and growth properties. In some cases this process,
referred to as transformation, makes the cells able to pro-
duce tumors when they are injected into animals. Such cells
chapter 22
are said to have undergone malignant transformation, and
they often exhibit properties in vitro similar to those of can-
cer cells. For example, they have decreased requirements for
growth factors and serum, are no longer anchorage-dependent,
and grow in a density-independent fashion. Moreover, both
cancer cells and transformed cells can be subcultured indefi-
nitely; that is, for all practical purposes, they are immortal.
Because of the similar properties of cancer and transformed
cells, the process of malignant transformation has been stud-
ied extensively as a model of cancer induction.
Various chemical agents (e.g., DNA-alkylating reagents) and
physical agents (e.g., ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation)
that cause mutations have been shown to induce transforma-
tion. Induction of malignant transformation with chemical or
physical carcinogens appears to involve multiple steps and at
least two distinct phases: initiation and promotion. Initiation
involves changes in the genome but does not, in itself, lead to
malignant transformation. After initiation, promoters stimu-
late cell division and lead to malignant transformation.
The importance of mutagenesis in the induction of cancer
is illustrated by diseases such as xeroderma pigmentosum.
This rare disorder is caused by a defect in the gene that en-
codes a DNA-repair enzyme called UV-specific endonuclease.
Individuals with this disease are unable to repair UV-induced
mutations and consequently develop skin cancers.
A number of DNA and RNA viruses have been shown to
induce malignant transformation. Two of the best-studied
are SV40 and polyoma. In both cases the viral genomes,
502 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Initially modified tumor cell Invasive tumor cells
Mass of tumor cells (localized benign tumor)
Tumor cells
blood vessels,
to occur
FIGURE 22-1 Tumor growth and metastasis. (a) A single cell
develops altered growth properties at a tissue site. (b) The altered
cell proliferates, forming a mass of localized tumor cells, or be-
nign tumor. (c) The tumor cells become progressively more inva-
sive, invading the underlying basal lamina. The tumor is now
classified as malignant. (d) The malignant tumor metastasizes by
generating small clusters of cancer cells that dislodge from the tu-
mor and are carried by the blood or lymph to other sites in the
body. [Adapted from J. Darnell et al., 1990, Molecular Cell Biology,
2d ed., Scientific American Books.]
which integrate randomly into the host chromosomal DNA,
include several genes that are expressed early in the course of
viral replication. SV40 encodes two early proteins called large
T and little T, and polyoma encodes three early proteins called
large T, middle T, and little T. Each of these proteins plays a
role in the malignant transformation of virus-infected cells.
Most RNA viruses replicate in the cytosol and do not
induce malignant transformation. The exceptions are retro-
viruses, which transcribe their RNA into DNA by means of a
reverse-transcriptase enzyme and then integrate the tran-
script into the host’s DNA. This process is similar in the cyto-
pathic retroviruses such as HIV-1 and HIV-2 and in the
transforming retroviruses, which induce changes in the host
cell that lead to malignant transformation. In some cases,
retrovirus-induced transformation is related to the presence
of oncogenes, or “cancer genes,” carried by the retrovirus.
One of the best-studied transforming retroviruses is the
Rous sarcoma virus. This virus carries an oncogene called
v-src, which encodes a 60-kDa protein kinase (v-Src) that cat-
alyzes the addition of phosphate to tyrosine residues on pro-
teins. The first evidence that oncogenes alone could induce
malignant transformation came from studies of the v-src on-
cogene from Rous sarcoma virus. When this oncogene was
cloned and transfected into normal cells in culture, the cells
underwent malignant transformation.
Oncogenes and Cancer Induction
In 1971, Howard Temin suggested that oncogenes might not
be unique to transforming viruses but might also be found in
normal cells; indeed, he proposed that a virus might acquire
oncogenes from the genome of an infected cell. He called
these cellular genes proto-oncogenes, or cellular oncogenes
(c-onc), to distinguish them from their viral counterparts
(v-onc). In the mid-1970s, J. M. Bishop and H. E. Varmus
identified a DNA sequence in normal chicken cells that is
homologous to v-src from Rous sarcoma virus. This cellular
oncogene was designated c-src. Since these early discoveries,
numerous cellular oncogenes have been identified.
Sequence comparisons of viral and cellular oncogenes
reveal that they are highly conserved in evolution. Although
most cellular oncogenes consist of a series of exons and in-
trons, their viral counterparts consist of uninterrupted cod-
ing sequences, suggesting that the virus might have acquired
the oncogene through an intermediate RNA transcript from
which the intron sequences had been removed during RNA
processing. The actual coding sequences of viral oncogenes
and the corresponding proto-oncogenes exhibit a high de-
gree of homology; in some cases, a single point mutation is
all that distinguishes a viral oncogene from the correspond-
ing proto-oncogene. It has now become apparent that most,
if not all, oncogenes (both viral and cellular) are derived from
cellular genes that encode various growth-controlling pro-
teins. In addition, the proteins encoded by a particular onco-
gene and its corresponding proto-oncogene appear to have
very similar functions. As described below, the conversion of
a proto-oncogene into an oncogene appears in many cases to
accompany a change in the level of expression of a normal
growth-controlling protein.
Cancer-Associated Genes Have
Many Functions
Homeostasis in normal tissue is maintained by a highly reg-
ulated process of cellular proliferation balanced by cell death.
If there is an imbalance, either at the stage of cellular prolif-
eration or at the stage of cell death, then a cancerous state will
develop. Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes have been
shown to play an important role in this process, by regulating
either cellular proliferation or cell death. Cancer-associated
genes can be divided into three categories that reflect these
different activities, summarized in Table 22-1.
One category of proto-oncogenes and their oncogenic coun-
terparts encodes proteins that induce cellular proliferation.
Some of these proteins function as growth factors or growth-
factor receptors. Included among these are sis, which encodes
a form of platelet-derived growth factor, and fms, erbB, and
neu, which encode growth-factor receptors. In normal cells,
the expression of growth factors and their receptors is care-
fully regulated. Usually, one population of cells secretes a
growth factor that acts on another population of cells that
carries the receptor for the factor, thus stimulating prolifera-
tion of the second population. Inappropriate expression of
either a growth factor or its receptor can result in uncon-
trolled proliferation.
Other oncogenes in this category encode products that
function in signal-transduction pathways or as transcription
factors. The src and abl oncogenes encode tyrosine kinases,
and the ras oncogene encodes a GTP-binding protein. The
products of these genes act as signal transducers. The myc,
jun, and fos oncogenes encode transcription factors. Overac-
tivity of any of these oncogenes may result in unregulated
A second category of cancer-associated genes—called tumor-
suppressor genes, or anti-oncogenes—encodes proteins that
inhibit excessive cell proliferation. Inactivation of these re-
sults in unregulated proliferation. The prototype of this cate-
gory of oncogenes is Rb, the retinoblastoma gene. Hereditary
retinoblastoma is a rare childhood cancer, in which tumors
develop from neural precursor cells in the immature retina.
The affected child has inherited a mutated Rb allele; somatic
inactivation of the remaining Rb allele leads to tumor growth.
Probably the single most frequent genetic abnormality in
human cancer is mutation in p53, which encodes a nuclear
phosphoprotein. Over 90% of small-cell lung cancers and
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 503
over 50% of breast and colon cancers have been shown to be
associated with mutations in p53.
A third category of cancer-associated genes regulates pro-
grammed cell death. These genes encode proteins that either
block or induce apoptosis. Included in this category of onco-
genes is bcl-2, an anti-apoptosis gene. This oncogene was
originally discovered because of its association with B-cell fol-
licular lymphoma. Since its discovery, bcl-2 has been shown to
play an important role in regulating cell survival during
hematopoiesis and in the survival of selected B cells and
T cells during maturation. Interestingly, the Epstein-Barr
virus contains a gene that has sequence homology to bcl-2
and may act in a similar manner to suppress apoptosis.
Proto-Oncogenes Can Be Converted
to Oncogenes
In 1972, R. J. Huebner and G. J. Todaro suggested that muta-
tions or genetic rearrangements of proto-oncogenes by car-
cinogens or viruses might alter the normally regulated function
of these genes, converting them into potent cancer-causing
oncogenes (Figure 22-2). Considerable evidence supporting
this hypothesis accumulated in subsequent years. For example,
some malignantly transformed cells contain multiple copies of
cellular oncogenes, resulting in increased production of onco-
gene products. Such amplification of cellular oncogenes has
been observed in cells from various types of human cancers.
Several groups have identified c-myc oncogenes in homo-
geneously staining regions (HSRs) of chromosomes from can-
504 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
TABLE 22-1 Functional classification of cancer-associated genes
Type/name Nature of gene product
Growth factors
sis A form of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
Growth-factor receptors
fms Receptor for colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1)
erbB Receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF)
neu Protein (HER2) related to EGF receptor
erbA Receptor for thyroid hormone
Signal transducers
src Tyrosine kinase
abl Tyrosine kinase
Ha-ras GTP-binding protein with GTPase activity
N-ras GTP-binding protein with GTPase activity
K-ras GTP-binding protein with GTPase activity
Transcription factors
jun Component of transcription factor AP1
fos Component of transcription factor AP1
myc DNA-binding protein
Rb Suppressor of retinoblastoma
p53 Nuclear phosphoprotein that inhibits formation of small-cell lung cander and colon cancers
DCC Suppressor of colon carcinoma
APC Suppressor of adenomatous polyposis
NF1 Suppressor of neurofibromatosis
WT1 Suppressor of Wilm’s tumor
bcl-2 Suppressor of apoptosis
* The activity of the normal products of the category II genes inhibits progression of the cell cycle. Loss of a gene or its inactivation by mutation in an indicated
tumor-suppressor gene is associated with development of the indicated cancers.
cer cells; these HSRs represent long tandem arrays of amplified
In addition, some cancer cells exhibit chromosomal trans-
locations, usually the movement of a proto-oncogene from
one chromosomal site to another (Figure 22-3). In many
cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma, for example, c-myc is moved
from its normal position on chromosome 8 to a position
near the immunoglobulin heavy-chain enhancer on chro-
mosome 14. As a result of this translocation, synthesis of the
c-Myc protein, which functions as a transcription factor,
Mutation in proto-oncogenes also has been associated
with cellular transformation, and it may be a major mecha-
nism by which chemical carcinogens or x-irradiation convert
a proto-oncogene into a cancer-inducing oncogene. For in-
stance, single-point mutations in c-ras have been detected in
a significant fraction of several human cancers, including car-
cinomas of the bladder, colon, and lung. Some of these muta-
tions appear to reduce the ability of Ras to associate with
GTPase-stimulating proteins, thus prolonging the growth-
activated state of Ras.
Viral integration into the host-cell genome may in itself
serve to convert a proto-oncogene into a transforming onco-
gene. For example, avian leukosis virus (ALV) is a retrovirus
that does not carry any viral oncogenes and yet is able to trans-
form B cells into lymphomas. This particular retrovirus has
been shown to integrate within the c-myc proto-oncogene,
which contains three exons. Exon 1 of c-myc has an unknown
function; exons 2 and 3 encode the Myc protein. Insertion of
AVL between exon 1 and exon 2 has been shown in some cases
to allow the provirus promoter to increase transcription of
exons 2 and 3, resulting in increased synthesis of c-Myc.
A variety of tumors have been shown to express signifi-
cantly increased levels of growth factors or growth-factor
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 505
Normal cells Transformed cells
Mutagens, viruses,
radiation, and genetic
Cellular oncogenes
Viral oncogenes
Essential growth–
controlling proteins
Growth factors
Growth–factor receptors
Signal transducers
Intranuclear factors
Regulators of programmed
cell death
1 Qualitatively altered,
hyperactive proteins
2 Quantitative alterations
(gene amplification
or translocation)
resulting in increased
or decreased levels
of products
FIGURE 22-2 Conversion of proto-oncogenes into oncogenes can
involve mutation, resulting in production of qualitatively different gene
products, or DNA amplification or translocation, resulting in increased
or decreased expression of gene products.
(a) Chronic myelogenous leukemia
(b) Burkitt's lymphoma
9 q
22 q
8 q
14 q
FIGURE 22-3 Chromosomal translocations in (a) chronic myeloge-
nous leukemia (CML) and (b) Burkitt’s lymphoma. Leukemic cells
from all patients with CML contain the so-called Philadelphia chromo-
some, which results from a translocation between chromosomes 9
and 22. Cancer cells from some patients with Burkitt’s lymphoma ex-
hibit a translocation that moves part of chromosome 8 to chromo-
some 14. It is now known that this translocation involves c-myc, a
cellular oncogene. Abnormalities such as these are detected by band-
ing analysis of metaphase chromosomes. Normal chromosomes are
shown on the left, and translocated chromosomes on the right.
receptors. Expression of the receptor for epidermal growth
factor, which is encoded by c-erbB, has been shown to be
amplified in many cancer cells. And in breast cancer, increased
synthesis of the growth-factor receptor encoded by c-neu has
been linked with a poor prognosis.
The Induction of Cancer Is a Multistep
The development from a normal cell to a cancerous cell is
usually a multistep process of clonal evolution driven by a
series of somatic mutations that progressively convert the cell
from normal growth to a precancerous state and finally a
cancerous state.
The presence of myriad chromosomal abnormalities in
precancerous and cancerous cells lends support to the role of
multiple mutations in the development of cancer. This has
been demonstrated in human colon cancer, which progresses
in a series of well-defined morphologic stages (Figure 22-4).
Colon cancer begins as small, benign tumors called adeno-
mas in the colorectal epithelium. These precancerous tumors
grow,gradually becoming increasingly disorganized in their
intracellular organization until they acquire the malignant
phenotype. These well-defined morphologic stages of colon
cancer have been correlated with a sequence of gene changes
involving inactivation or loss of three tumor-suppressor genes
(APC, DCC, and p53) and activation of one cellular prolifer-
ation oncogene (K-ras).
Studies with transgenic mice also support the role of multi-
ple steps in the induction of cancer. Transgenic mice express-
ing high levels of Bcl-2 develop a population of small resting
B cells, derived from secondary lymphoid follicles, that have
greatly extended life spans. Gradually these transgenic mice
develop lymphomas. Analysis of lymphomas from these mice
has shown that approximately half have a c-myc translocation
to the immunoglobulin H-chain locus. The synergism of Myc
and Bcl-2 is highlighted in double-transgenic mice produced
by mating the bcl-2
transgenic mice with myc
mice. These mice develop leukemia very rapidly.
Tumors of the Immune System
Tumors of the immune system are classified as lymphomas
or leukemias. Lymphomas proliferate as solid tumors within
a lymphoid tissue such as the bone marrow, lymph nodes, or
thymus; they include Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lym-
phomas. Leukemias tend to proliferate as single cells and are
detected by increased cell numbers in the blood or lymph.
Leukemia can develop in lymphoid or myeloid lineages.
Historically, the leukemias were classified as acute or
chronic according to the clinical progression of the disease.
The acute leukemias appeared suddenly and progressed
rapidly, whereas the chronic leukemias were much less ag-
gressive and developed slowly as mild, barely symptomatic
diseases. These clinical distinctions apply to untreated leuke-
mias; with current treatments, the acute leukemias often have
a good prognosis, and permanent remission can often be
achieved. Now the major distinction between acute and
chronic leukemias is the maturity of the cell involved. Acute
leukemias tend to arise in less mature cells, whereas chronic
leukemias arise in mature cells. The acute leukemias include
acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myelogenous
leukemia (AML); these diseases can develop at any age and
have a rapid onset. The chronic leukemias include chronic
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and chronic myelogenous
leukemia (CML); these diseases develop slowly and are seen in
A number of B- and T-cell leukemias and lymphomas in-
volve a proto-oncogene that has been translocated into the
immunoglobulin genes or T-cell receptor genes. One of the
best characterized is the translocation of c-myc in Burkitt’s
lymphoma and in mouse plasmacytomas. In 75% of Burkitt’s
lymphoma patients, c-myc is translocated from chromosome 8
to the Ig heavy-chain gene cluster on chromosome 14 (see
506 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Carcinoma Metastasis
FIGURE 22-4 Model of sequential genetic alterations leading to
metastatic colon cancer. Each of the stages indicated at the bottom is
morphologically distinct, allowing researchers to determine the se-
quence of genetic alterations. [Adapted from B. Vogelstein and K. W.
Kinzler, 1993, Trends Genet. 9:138.]
Figure 22-3b). In the remaining patients, c-myc remains on
chromosome 8 and the H9260 or H9253 light-chain genes are translo-
cated to a region 3H11032 of c-myc.Kappa-gene translocations
from chromosome 2 to chromosome 8 occur 9% of the time,
and H9253-gene translocations from chromosome 22 to chromo-
some 8 occur 16% of the time.
Translocations of c-myc to the Ig heavy-chain gene cluster
on chromosome 14 have been analyzed, and, in some cases,
the entire c-myc gene is translocated head-to-head to a re-
gion near the heavy-chain enhancer. In other cases, exons 1,
2, and 3 or exons 2 and 3 of c-myc are translocated head-to-
head to the S
or S
switch site (Figure 22-5). In each case,
the translocation removes the myc coding exons from the
regulatory mechanisms operating in chromosome 8 and
places them in the immunoglobulin-gene region, a very ac-
tive region that is expressed constitutively in these cells. The
consequences of enhancer-mediated high levels of constitu-
tive myc expression in lymphoid cells have been investigated
in transgenic mice. In one study, mice containing a transgene
consisting of all three c-myc exons and the immunoglobulin
heavy-chain enhancer were produced. Of 15 transgenic pups
born, 13 developed lymphomas of the B-cell lineage within a
few months of birth.
Tumor Antigens
The subdiscipline of tumor immunology involves the study
of antigens on tumor cells and the immune response to these
antigens. Two types of tumor antigens have been identified
on tumor cells: tumor-specific transplantation antigens
(TSTAs) and tumor-associated transplantation antigens
(TATAs). Tumor-specific antigens are unique to tumor cells
and do not occur on normal cells in the body. They may
result from mutations in tumor cells that generate altered
cellular proteins; cytosolic processing of these proteins
would give rise to novel peptides that are presented with class
I MHC molecules, inducing a cell-mediated response by
tumor-specific CTLs (Figure 22-6). Tumor-associated anti-
gens, which are not unique to tumor cells, may be proteins
that are expressed on normal cells during fetal development
when the immune system is immature and unable to respond
but that normally are not expressed in the adult. Reactivation
of the embryonic genes that encode these proteins in tumor
cells results in their expression on the fully differentiated
tumor cells. Tumor-associated antigens may also be proteins
that are normally expressed at extremely low levels on normal
cells but are expressed at much higher levels on tumor cells. It
is now clear that the tumor antigens recognized by human T
cells fall into one of four major categories:
Antigens encoded by genes exclusively expressed by
Antigens encoded by variant forms of normal genes that
have been altered by mutation
Antigens normally expressed only at certain stages of
differentiation or only by certain differentiation lineages
Antigens that are overexpressed in particular tumors
Many tumor antigens are cellular proteins that give rise to
peptides presented with MHC molecules; typically, these an-
tigens have been identified by their ability to induce the pro-
liferation of antigen-specific CTLs or helper T cells.
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 507
Switch regionD
5′ 3′
c–myc exons
Rearranged Ig heavy–chain
gene on chromosome 14
Translocated c–myc gene in
some Burkitt's lymphomas
5′ 3′
c–myc exons
Translocated c–myc gene in
other Burkitt's lymphomas
FIGURE 22-5 In many patients with Burkitt’s lymphoma, the c-myc
gene is translocated to the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene cluster
on chromosome 14. In some cases, the entire c-myc gene is inserted
near the heavy-chain enhancer (a), but in other cases, only the coding
exons (2 and 3) of c-myc are inserted at the S
switch site (b). Only
exons 2 and 3 of c-myc are coding exons. Translocation may lead to
overexpression of c-Myc.
Some Antigens Are Tumor-Specific
Tumor-specific antigens have been identified on tumors in-
duced with chemical or physical carcinogens and on some
virally induced tumors. Demonstrating the presence of tumor-
specific antigens on spontaneously occurring tumors is par-
ticularly difficult because the immune response to such tu-
mors eliminates all of the tumor cells bearing sufficient
numbers of the antigens and in this way selects for cells bear-
ing low levels of the antigens.
Methylcholanthrene and ultraviolet light are two carcinogens
that have been used extensively to generate lines of tumor cells.
When syngeneic animals are injected with killed cells from a
carcinogen-induced tumor-cell line, the animals develop a
specific immunologic response that can protect against later
challenge by live cells of the same line but not other tumor-cell
lines (Table 22-2). Even when the same chemical carcinogen
induces two separate tumors at different sites in the same ani-
mal, the tumor antigens are distinct and the immune response
to one tumor does not protect against the other tumor.
The tumor-specific transplantation antigens of chemically
induced tumors have been difficult to characterize because
they cannot be identified by induced antibodies but only by
their T-cell–mediated rejection. One experimental approach
that has allowed identification of genes encoding some TSTAs
is outlined in Figure 22-7. When a mouse tumorigenic cell line
), which gives rise to progressively growing tumors, is
treated in vitro with a chemical mutagen, some cells are
mutated so that they no longer are capable of growing into a
508 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Altered self-peptide
Mutation generates new peptide
in class I MHC molecule (TSTA)
Normal cell
Inappropriate expression of
embryonic gene (TATA)
Class I MHC
Class I MHC
Overexpression of
normal protein (TATA)
FIGURE 22-6 Different mechanisms generate tumor-specific transplantation antigens (TSTAs)
and tumor-associated transplantation antigens (TATAs). The latter are more common.
TABLE 22-2
Immune response to
methyl-cholanthrene (MCA)
or polyoma virus (PV)*
Transplanted Live tumor cells Tumor
killed tumor cells for challenge growth
MCA-induced sarcoma A MCA-induced sarcoma A –
MCA-induced sarcoma A MCA-induced sarcoma B +
PV-induced sarcoma A PV-induced sarcoma A –
PV-induced sarcoma A PV-induced sarcoma B –
PV-induced sarcoma A SV40-induced sarcoma C +
*Tumors were induced either with MCA or PV, and killed cells from the induced
tumors were injected into syngeneic animals, which were then challenged with
live cells from the indicated tumor-cell lines. The absence of tumor growth after
live challenge indicates that the immune response induced by tumor antigens
on the killed cells provided protection against the live cells.
tumor in syngeneic mice. These mutant tumor cells are desig-
nated as tum
variants. Most tum
variants have been shown
to express TSTAs that are not expressed by the original tum
tumor-cell line. When tum
cells are injected into syngeneic
mice, the unique TSTAs that the tum
cells express are recog-
nized by specific CTLs. The TSTA-specific CTLs destroy the
tumor cells, thus preventing tumor growth. To identify
the genes encoding the TSTAs that are expressed on a tum
line, a cosmid DNA library is prepared from the tum
Genes from the tum
cells are transfected into the original
cells. The transfected tum
cells are tested for the expres-
sion of the tum
TSTAs by their ability to activate cloned
CTLs specific for the tum
TSTA. A number of diverse TSTAs
have been identified by this method.
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 509
Clone #1 (tum
No tumor growth
Clone #2 (tum
) Clone #3 (tum
Mutagenize and clone
Tumor growthTumor growth
Isolate and clone
CTLs from mouse
TSTA–specific CTLs
Incubate transfected
cells with TSTA
specific CTL clone
Prepare cDNA
library from
into tum
gene #1
gene #2
TSTA gene
Tumor growth
cells do
not express
for lysis
No lysis (cells
do not express
No lysis (cells
do not express
Lysis (cells
express TSTA)
FIGURE 22-7 One procedure for identifying genes encoding tumor-
specific transplantation antigens (TSTAs). Most TSTAs can be detected
only by the cell-mediated rejection they elicit. In the first part of this pro-
cedure, a nontumorigenic (tum
) cell line is generated; this cell line ex-
presses a TSTA that is recognized by syngeneic mice, which mount a
cell-mediated response against it. To isolate the gene encoding the
TSTA, a cosmid gene library is prepared from the tum
cell line, the
genes are transfected into tumorigenic tum
cells, and the transfected
cells are incubated with TSTA-specific CTLs.
In the past few years, two methods have facilitated the char-
acterization of TSTAs (Figure 22-8). In one method, peptides
bound to class I MHC molecules on the membranes of the
tumor cells are eluted with acid and purified by high-pressure
liquid chromatography (HPLC). In some cases, sufficient pep-
tide is eluted to allow its sequence to be deduced by Edman
degradation. In a second approach, cDNA libraries are pre-
pared from tumor cells. These cDNA libraries are transfected
transiently into COS cells, which are monkey kidney cells
transfected with the gene that codes for the SV40 large-T anti-
gen. When these cells are later transfected with plasmids con-
taining both the tumor-cell cDNA and an SV40 origin of repli-
cation, the large-T antigen stimulates plasmid replication, so
that up to 104–105 plasmid copies are produced per cell. This
results in high-level expression of the tumor-cell DNA.
The genes that encode some TSTAs have been shown to
differ from normal cellular genes by a single point mutation.
Further characterization of TSTAs has demonstrated that
many of them are not cell-membrane proteins; rather, as indi-
cated already, they are short peptides derived from cytosolic
proteins that have been processed and presented together with
class I MHC molecules.
Tumor Antigens May Be Induced by Viruses
In contrast to chemically induced tumors, virally induced
tumors express tumor antigens shared by all tumors induced
by the same virus. For example, when syngeneic mice are
injected with killed cells from a particular polyoma-induced
tumor, the recipients are protected against subsequent chal-
lenge with live cells from any polyoma-induced tumors (see
Table 22-2). Likewise, when lymphocytes are transferred from
mice with a virus-induced tumor into normal syngeneic
recipients, the recipients reject subsequent transplants of all
syngeneic tumors induced by the same virus. In the case of
both SV40- and polyoma-induced tumors, the presence of
tumor antigens is related to the neoplastic state of the cell. In
humans, Burkitt’s-lymphoma cells have been shown to express
a nuclear antigen of the Epstein-Barr virus that may indeed be
a tumor-specific antigen for this type of tumor. Human papil-
loma virus (HPV) E6 and E7 proteins are found in more than
80% of invasive cervical cancers—the clearest example of a
virally encoded tumor antigen. Consequently, there is great
interest in testing as vaccine candidates the HPVs that are
strongly linked to cervical cancer, such as HPV-16.
The potential value of these virally induced tumor antigens
can be seen in animal models. In one experiment, mice immu-
nized with a preparation of genetically engineered polyoma
virus tumor antigen were shown to be immune to subsequent
injections of live polyoma-induced tumor cells. In another
experiment, mice were immunized with a vaccinia-virus vac-
cine engineered with the gene encoding the polyoma-tumor
antigen. These mice also developed immunity, rejecting later
injections of live polyoma-induced tumor cells (Figure 22-9).
510 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Monkey kidney
cos cells
Melanoma tumor cells
cDNA library
origin of
Plasmid DNA
Plasmids replicate
of cDNA)
FIGURE 22-8 Two methods used to isolate tumor antigens that induce tumor-specific
CTLs. See text for details.
Most Tumor Antigens Are Not Unique
to Tumor Cells
The majority of tumor antigens are not unique to tumor cells
but also are present on normal cells. These tumor-associated
transplantation antigens may be proteins usually expressed
only on fetal cells but not on normal adult cells, or they may
be proteins expressed at low levels by normal cells but at
much higher levels by tumor cells. The latter category in-
cludes growth factors and growth-factor receptors, as well as
oncogene-encoded proteins.
Several growth-factor receptors are expressed at signifi-
cantly increased levels on tumor cells and can serve as tumor-
associated antigens. For instance, a variety of tumor cells ex-
press the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor at levels
100 times greater than that in normal cells. An example of an
over-expressed growth factor serving as a tumor-associated
antigen is a transferrin growth factor, designated p97, which
aids in the transport of iron into cells. Whereas normal cells
express less than 8,000 molecules of p97 per cell, melanoma
cells express 50,000–500,000 molecules of p97 per cell. The
gene that encodes p97 has been cloned, and a recombinant
vaccinia virus vaccine has been prepared that carries the
cloned gene. When this vaccine was injected into mice, it in-
duced both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses,
which protected the mice against live melanoma cells ex-
pressing the p97 antigen. Results such as this highlight the
importance of identifying tumor antigens as potential targets
of tumor immunotherapy.
Oncofetal tumor antigens, as the name implies, are found not
only on cancerous cells but also on normal fetal cells. These
antigens appear early in embryonic development, before the
immune system acquires immunocompetence; if these anti-
gens appear later on cancer cells, they are recognized as nonself
and induce an immunologic response. Two well-studied onco-
fetal antigens are alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and carcinoem-
bryonic antigen (CEA).
Although the serum concentration of AFP drops from mil-
ligram levels in fetal serum to nanogram levels in normal adult
serum, elevated AFP levels are found in a majority of patients
with liver cancer (Table 22-3). CEA is a membrane glycoprotein
found on gastrointestinal and liver cells of 2- to 6-month-old
fetuses. Approximately 90% of patients with advanced colorec-
tal cancer and 50% of patients with early colorectal cancer have
increased levels of CEA in their serum; some patients with
other types of cancer also exhibit increased CEA levels. How-
ever, because AFP and CEA can be found in trace amounts in
some normal adults and in some noncancerous disease states,
the presence of these oncofetal antigens is not diagnostic of
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 511
Recombinant PV
tumor antigen
Live PV–induced
tumor cells
No tumor
Vaccinia virus vector–
PV tumor antigen
Live PV–induced
tumor cells
No tumor
Isolate and clone CTLs specific
for PV tumor antigen
Live PV–induced
tumor cells
No tumor
Live PV–induced
tumor cells
Tumor develops
FIGURE 22-9 Experimental induction of immunity
against tumor cells induced by polyoma virus (PV) has
been achieved by immunizing mice with recombinant
polyoma tumor antigen (a), with a vaccinia vector vac-
cine containing the gene encoding the PV tumor anti-
gen (b), or with CTLs specific for the PV tumor antigen
(c). Unimmunized mice (d) develop tumors when in-
jected with live polyoma-induced tumor cells, whereas
the immunized mice do not.
tumors but rather serves to monitor tumor growth. If, for
example, a patient has had surgery to remove a colorectal carci-
noma, CEA levels are monitored after surgery. An increase in
the CEA level is an indication of resumed tumor growth.
A number of tumors have been shown to express tumor-
associated antigens encoded by cellular oncogenes. These
antigens are also present in normal cells encoded by the cor-
responding proto-oncogene. In many cases, there is no qual-
itative difference between the oncogene and proto-oncogene
products; instead, the increased levels of the oncogene prod-
uct can be recognized by the immune system. For example, as
noted earlier, human breast-cancer cells exhibit elevated ex-
pression of the oncogene-encoded Neu protein, a growth-
factor receptor, whereas normal adult cells express only trace
amounts of Neu protein. Because of this difference in the Neu
level, anti-Neu monoclonal antibodies can recognize and
selectively eliminate breast-cancer cells without damaging
normal cells.
Several tumor-associated transplantation antigens have been
identified on human melanomas. Five of these—MAGE-1,
MAGE-3, BAGE, GAGE-1, GAGE-2—are oncofetal-type an-
tigens. Each of these antigens is expressed on a significant pro-
portion of human melanoma tumors, as well as on a number
of other human tumors, but not on normal differentiated
tissues except for the testis, where it is expressed on germ-line
cells. In addition, a number of differentiation antigens ex-
pressed on normal melanocytes—including tyrosinase, gp100,
Melan-A or MART-1, and gp75—are overexpressed by mela-
noma cells, enabling them to function as tumor-associated
transplantation antigens.
Several of the human melanoma tumor antigens are shared
by a number of other tumors. About 40% of human mela-
nomas are positive for MAGE-1, and about 75% are positive
for MAGE-2 or 3. In addition to melanomas, a significant per-
centage of glioma cell lines, breast tumors, non-small-cell lung
tumors, and head or neck carcinomas express MAGE-1, 2, or
3. These shared tumor antigens could be exploited for clinical
treatment. It might be possible to produce a tumor vaccine
expressing the shared antigen for treatment of a number of
these tumors, as described at the end of this chapter.
Tumors Can Induce Potent Immune
In experimental animals, tumor antigens can be shown to
induce both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses
that result in the destruction of the tumor cells. In general, the
cell-mediated response appears to play the major role. A
number of tumors have been shown to induce tumor-specific
CTLs that recognize tumor antigens presented by class I MHC
on the tumor cells. However, as discussed below, expression of
class I MHC molecules is decreased in a number of tumors,
thereby limiting the role of specific CTLs in their destruction.
NK Cells and Macrophages Are Important
in Tumor Recognition
The recognition of tumor cells by NK cells is not MHC
restricted. Thus, the activity of these cells is not compro-
mised by the decreased MHC expression exhibited by some
tumor cells. In some cases, Fc receptors on NK cells can bind
to antibody-coated tumor cells, leading to ADCC. The im-
portance of NK cells in tumor immunity is suggested by the
mutant mouse strain called beige and by Chediak-Higashi
syndrome in humans, as described in the Clinical Focus in
Chapter 14. In each case, a genetic defect causes marked
impairment of NK cells and an associated increase in certain
types of cancer.
512 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
TABLE 22-3
Elevation of Alpha-fetoprotein
(AFP) and carcinoembryonic
antigen (CEA) in serum of patients
with various diseases
No. of % of patients
patients with high AFP
Disease tested or CEA levels*
AFP > 400 H9262/ML
Alcoholic cirrhosis NA 0
Hepatitis NA 1
Hepatocellular carcinoma NA 69
Other carcinoma NA 0
CEA > 10 ng/ml
CEA > 10 MG/ML
Breast carcinoma 125 14
Colorectal carcinoma 544 35
Gastric carcinoma 79 19
Noncarcinoma carcinoma 228 2
Pancreatic carcinoma 55 35
Pulmonary carcinoma 181 26
Alcoholic cirrhosis 120 2
Cholecystitis 39 1
Nonmalignant disease 115 0
Pulmonary emphysema 49 4
Rectal polyps 90 1
Ulcerative colitis 146 5
*Altough trace amounts of both AFP and CEA can be found in some healthy
adults, none would have levels greater than those indicated in the table.
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 513
some of which are unique to melanoma
(see Table 22-5). These observations are
enhanced by the ability to create cDNA
libraries (see Chapter 23) from tumor
cells. The cDNAs can be transfected into
target cells expressing the appropriate
MHC molecules and then used as targets
for CTL-mediated killing. Once CTL reac-
tivity is recognized, the transfected cDNA
can be isolated and identified as a poten-
tial tumor antigen. The ability to isolate
genes encoding tumor-associated anti-
gens provides us with the opportunity
to use these proteins as immunogens
for the induction of tumor-specific
responses. Additionally, the identifica-
tion of tumor-associated proteins allows
us to identify peptides that elicit anti-
tumor responses.
Over the past few years, several bio-
tech companies have devised strategies
for the development of vaccines against
melanoma as well as other cancers. These
strategies have one thing in the com-
mon; the induction of a cell-mediated
response to tumor-associated antigens.
Antigens are derived from individual
patient tumors or established tumor cell
lines. The use of patient-derived tumors
is appealing for obvious reasons. The
response to that tumor should, in theory,
be uniquely directed only at tumor anti-
gens and not other, potentially allotypic,
determinants. However, such individual-
ized therapy could be very expensive and
time-consuming. In this scenario, the
tumor would be biopsied or surgically
removed, placed into culture, and then
used as an immunogen. Establishing a
primary tumor in culture is not easy, even
for melanoma, and the procedure can
take several weeks. The time factor, cou-
pled with the realization that many
tumors are not easy to grow in vitro,
places this into the category of “designer
therapies” that may or may not be feasi-
ble under the reality of managed health
care today.
The use of established tumors as the
source of the immunogen is much more
accessible in cost and practicality. Sam-
ples from several tumors can be grown in
culture and protein extracts prepared and
frozen, providing a source of immuno-
gen for many patients. In addition to
reduced costs, this strategy also allows
careful assessment of the immunogenic-
ity of the tumor antigens found in the
cultured cells. It is possible that some
tumors may express higher levels of
tumor-associated antigens and be more
immunogenic than others. Indeed one
biotech company in California, CancerVax
(www.CancerVax.com), has derived three
cell lines that express high levels of over
20 tumor-associated antigens. Addition-
ally, these cells express MHC class I alle-
les which are represented in the majority
of individuals in the population, meaning
that intracellular antigens will be present-
ed properly. Cells are irradiated to render
them incapable of cell division and used
as irradiated whole cells for immuniza-
tion. The advantages of this approach
lies in the ability to standardize the im-
munogen as well as reducing the cost.
Antigen presentation is a critical fea-
ture of any immunization strategy and one
way to enhance to immunization against
tumor antigens is to manipulate the fash-
ion in which the antigen is presented.
Professional antigen-presenting cells such
as dendritic cells are excellent candidates
to employ in vaccination protocols. Sever-
al companies have developed novel uses
for dendritic cells in cancer therapy. Den-
dreon (www.Dendreon.com), a Seattle-
based company, first isolates dendritic-cell
precursors from patient blood, then intro-
duces the immunogen into the dendritic
cells and returns the antigen-pulsed den-
dritic cells to the bloodstream of the
cancer patient. This company, through
genomics-based drug discovery, has iden-
tified tumor-associated antigens prevalent
on a wide variety of cancers. Thus the
THE realization that the verte-
brate immune system evolved to distin-
guish self from non-self led to the notion
that our immune system could recog-
nize a tumor as foreign. In fact, a major
research effort amongst cancer immu-
nologists during the latter half of the
20th century was the identification and
characterization of tumor specific mole-
cules, the so-called tumor antigens. This
area of research was met with skepti-
cism. First of all, the existence of tumor-
specific antigens was questionable; many
antigens were identified as tumor specif-
ic only to find that other cells also
expressed these antigens. Secondly, ear-
ly investigations in the field of tumor
immunology necessarily employed ani-
mal models that may or may not be rele-
vant to human cancers. However, with
advances in biotechnology, genomics,
and proteomics, coupled with our in-
creased understanding of the cellular in-
teractions in the immune system, tumor
immunology now offers us the promise
of new drugs that will aid in the treat-
ment of cancer. We now understand that
tumor-associated antigens do exist and
that focusing the cellular arm of the
immune system toward the recognition
these proteins is a rational approach to
the development of a cancer vaccine.
One of the best-studied tumor-
immunity models is melanoma. Mela-
noma has evolved as a model system for
several reasons. First of all and paradox-
ically, most human cancers are difficult
to establish in tissue culture, making it
difficult to develop in vitro systems for
experimental manipulation. Melanoma
is relatively easy to adapt to tissue cul-
ture, which has led to the identification
of several tumor-associated antigens,
Cancer Vaccines Promise
Hope for the Future
Numerous observations indicate that activated macro-
phages also play a significant role in the immune response to
tumors. For example, macrophages are often observed to
cluster around tumors, and their presence is often correlated
with tumor regression. Like NK cells, macrophages are not
MHC restricted and express Fc receptors, enabling them to
bind to antibody on tumor cells and mediate ADCC. The
antitumor activity of activated macrophages is probably me-
diated by lytic enzymes and reactive oxygen and nitrogen
intermediates. In addition, activated macrophages secrete a
514 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
APCs, are internalized, and unexpected-
ly, the antigen is processed and is
thought to re-emerge as peptide/MHC
class I complexes on the APC, resulting
in the priming of a CD8
T-cell response.
This would not be the predicted re-
sponse, since the exogenous antigens
are almost uniformly presented by class
II MHC molecules. However, an impres-
sive amount of experimental data
demonstrates that HSPs isolated and
purified from tumor tissue are a potent
inducer of tumor-specific CTLs. These
observations have led to phase III clini-
cal trials conducted by Antigenics (www.
antigenics.com) of HSP/antigen com-
plexes as immunogens for kidney cancer
as well as melanoma. The mechanism by
which HSP/antigen complexes bound to
CD91 are delivered to the class I presen-
tation machinery is not well understood,
but it is clear that HSP/antigen complex-
es, when presented to APCs, result in the
vigorous activation of CD8
T cells.
The promise for cancer vaccines ap-
pears very bright. Genomics and pro-
teomic methodologies provide novel
tools for identifying tumor antigens.
Additionally, there is a variety of ap-
proaches available to engage the im-
mune system to respond to tumor anti-
gens. The past decade has seen a rapid
increase in the number of biotech com-
panies directed at identifying cancer vac-
cines, and the number of companies in
phase II or phase III clinical trials invites
an air of optimism about this area of clin-
ical research.
dendritic-cell therapy can be tailored to a
variety of different tumors. A variation on
this theme currently is being tested by
Genzyme Molecular Oncology (www.
genzymemolecularoncology.com). Their
approach also uses dendritic cells, but
rather than employing already-defined an-
tigens, clinical trials are underway where
dendritic cells from the patient are fused,
using polyethylene glycol, with inactivat-
ed tumor cells taken from the same
patient. The advantage of this technique
is that the hybrid cell has the antigen-
presenting capability of a dendritic cell
but also contains the antigens from the
patient’s tumor cells. The dendritic cell
processes these tumor antigens and effi-
ciently presents the processed antigen to
the immune system of the patient.
A different but equally promising
approach to the design of cancer vac-
cines comes from observations made
many years ago that tumor cells are
immunogenic—animals injected with
killed tumor cells do not grow tumors
when challenged with live tissue. When
the basis of this protective immuno-
genicity was explored, it was found that
heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are critical
in providing protection. Furthermore
HSPs were found to carry immunogenic
peptides, thus acting as molecular chap-
erones. But how do HSP/peptide com-
plexes in tumor tissue prime the host
immune system? Recent data demon-
strate that HSPs bind CD91, a receptor
found primarily on APCs such as dendrit-
ic cells as well as on macrophages. In
this scenario, HSP/peptide complexes
from tumor cells bind the CD91 on
Use tumor
cell line
Mix killed tumor cells or
proteins extracted from
tumor cells with dendritic
cells from patient
Return dendritic cells and
tumor antigens to patient
Cancer vaccine design. Tumor cells are removed from the patient and placed in culture. Al-
ternatively, established tumor-cell lines are chosen and placed into culture. Tumor cells are
inactivated and mixed with dendritic cells from the patient and injected back into the pa-
tient as immunogens. An alternate approach is to prepare extracts or antigens from the tu-
mor cells and inject these, in addition to dendritic cells, into the patient.
cytokine called tumor necrosis factor (TNF-H9251) that has po-
tent antitumor activity. When TNF-H9251 is injected into tumor-
bearing animals, it has been found to induce hemorrhage
and necrosis of the tumor.
The immune surveillance theory was first conceptualized in
the early 1900s by Paul Ehrlich. He suggested that cancer cells
frequently arise in the body but are recognized as foreign and
eliminated by the immune system. Some 50 years later, Lewis
Thomas suggested that the cell-mediated branch of the im-
mune system had evolved to patrol the body and eliminate
cancer cells. According to these concepts, tumors arise only if
cancer cells are able to escape immune surveillance, either by
reducing their expression of tumor antigens or by an impair-
ment in the immune response to these cells.
Among the early observations that seemed to support the
immune surveillance theory was the increased incidence of
cancer in transplantation patients on immunosuppressive
drugs. Other findings, however, were difficult to reconcile
with this theory. Nude mice, for example, lack a thymus and
consequently lack functional T cells. According to the im-
mune surveillance theory, these mice should show an in-
crease in cancer, instead, nude mice are no more susceptible
to cancer than other mice. Furthermore, although individu-
als on immunosuppressive drugs do show an increased inci-
dence of cancers of the immune system, other common can-
cers (e.g., lung, breast, and colon cancer) are not increased in
these individuals, contrary to what the theory predicts. One
possible explanation for the selective increase in immune-
system cancers is that the immunosuppressive agents them-
selves may exert a direct carcinogenic effect on immune cells.
Experimental data concerning the effect of tumor-cell
dosage on the ability of the immune system to respond also
are incompatible with the immune surveillance theory. For
example, animals injected with very low or very high doses of
tumor cells develop tumors, whereas those injected with
intermediate doses do not. The mechanism by which a low
dose of tumor cells “sneaks through” is difficult to reconcile
with the immune surveillance theory. Finally, this theory as-
sumes that cancer cells and normal cells exhibit qualitative
antigen differences. In fact, as stated earlier, many types of
tumors do not express tumor-specific antigens, and any im-
mune response that develops must be induced by quantitative
differences in antigen expression by normal cells and tumor
cells. However, tumors induced by viruses would be expected
to express some antigens encoded by the viral genome. These
antigens are qualitatively different from those expressed by
normal tissues and would be expected to attract the attention
of the immune system. In fact, there are many examples of spe-
cific immune responses to virally induced tumors.
Nevertheless, apart from tumors caused by viruses, the
basic concept of the immune surveillance theory—that malig-
nant tumors arise only if the immune system is somehow
impaired or if the tumor cells lose their immunogenicity,
enabling them to escape immune surveillance—at this time
remains unproved. In spite of this, it is clear that an immune
response can be generated to tumor cells, and therapeutic ap-
proaches aimed at increasing that response may serve as a de-
fense against malignant cells.
Tumor Evasion of the Immune
Although the immune system clearly can respond to tumor
cells, the fact that so many individuals die each year from
cancer suggests that the immune response to tumor cells is
often ineffective. This section describes several mechanisms
by which tumor cells appear to evade the immune system.
Anti-Tumor Antibodies Can Enhance
Tumor Growth
Following the discovery that antibodies could be produced to
tumor-specific antigens, attempts were made to protect ani-
mals against tumor growth by active immunization with
tumor antigens or by passive immunization with antitumor
antibodies. Much to the surprise of the researchers, these im-
munizations did not protect against tumor growth; in many
cases, they actually enhanced growth of the tumor.
The tumor-enhancing ability of immune sera subsequently
was studied in cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) reactions in
vitro. Serum taken from animals with progressive tumor
growth was found to block the CML reaction, whereas serum
taken from animals with regressing tumors had little or no
blocking activity. K. E. and I. Hellstrom extended these find-
ings by showing that children with progressive neuroblastoma
had high levels of some kind of blocking factor in their sera
and that children with regressive neuroblastoma did not have
such factors. Since these first reports, blocking factors have
been found to be associated with a number of human tumors.
In some cases, antitumor antibody itself acts as a blocking
factor. Presumably the antibody binds to tumor-specific anti-
gens and masks the antigens from cytotoxic T cells. In many
cases, the blocking factors are not antibodies alone but rather
antibodies complexed with tumor antigens. Although these
immune complexes have been shown to block the CTL re-
sponse, the mechanism of this inhibition is not known. The
complexes also may inhibit ADCC by binding to Fc receptors
on NK cells or macrophages and blocking their activity.
Antibodies Can Modulate
Tumor Antigens
Certain tumor-specific antigens have been observed to dis-
appear from the surface of tumor cells in the presence of
serum antibody and then to reappear after the antibody is no
longer present. This phenomenon, called antigenic modula-
tion, is readily observed when leukemic T cells are injected
into mice previously immunized with a leukemic T-cell anti-
gen (TL antigen). These mice develop high titers of anti-TL
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 515
antibody, which binds to the TL antigen on the leukemic cells
and induces capping, endocytosis, and/or shedding of the
antigen-antibody complex. As long as antibody is present,
these leukemic T cells fail to display the TL antigen and thus
cannot be eliminated.
Tumor Cells Frequently Express Low
Levels of Class I MHC Molecules
Since CD8
CTLs recognize only antigen associated with
class I MHC molecules, any alteration in the expression of
class I MHC molecules on tumor cells may exert a profound
effect on the CTL-mediated immune response. Malignant
transformation of cells is often associated with a reduction
(or even a complete loss) of class I MHC molecules, and a
number of tumors have been shown to express decreased lev-
els of class I MHC molecules. The decrease in class I MHC
expression can be accompanied by progressive tumor growth,
and so the absence of MHC molecules on a tumor is gener-
ally an indication of a poor prognosis. As illustrated in Figure
22-10, the immune response itself may play a role in selecting
tumor cells with decreased class I MHC expression.
Tumor Cells May Provide Poor
Co-Stimulatory Signals
T-cell activation requires an activating signal, triggered by re-
cognition of a peptide–MHC molecule complex by the T-cell
receptor, and a co-stimulatory signal, triggered by the inter-
action of B7 on antigen-presenting cells with CD28 on the
T cells. Both signals are needed to induce IL-2 production
and proliferation of T cells. The poor immunogenicity of
516 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Class I MHC
tumor antigen
Tumor cell
class I MHC
class I MHC
class I MHC
class I MHC
FIGURE 22-10 Down-regulation of class I MHC expression on tu-
mor cells may allow a tumor to escape CTL-mediated recognition.
The immune response may play a role in selecting for tumor cells ex-
pressing lower levels of class I MHC molecules by preferentially elim-
inating those cells expressing high levels of class I molecules. With
time, malignant tumor cells may express progressively fewer MHC
molecules and thus escape CTL-mediated destruction.
many tumor cells may be due in large part to lack of the
co-stimulatory molecules. Without sufficient numbers of
antigen-presenting cells in the immediate vicinity of a tumor,
the T cells will receive only a partial activating signal, which
may lead to clonal anergy.
Cancer Immunotherapy
Although various immune responses can be generated to
tumor cells, the response frequently is not sufficient to pre-
vent tumor growth. One approach to cancer treatment is to
augment or supplement these natural defense mechanisms.
Several types of cancer immunotherapy in current use or
under development are described in this concluding section.
Manipulation of Co-Stimulatory Signals Can
Enhance Immunity
Several research groups have demonstrated that tumor im-
munity can be enhanced by providing the co-stimulatory sig-
nal necessary for activation of CTL precursors (CTL-Ps).
When mouse CTL-Ps are incubated with melanoma cells in
vitro, antigen recognition occurs, but in the absence of a co-
stimulatory signal, the CTL-Ps do not proliferate and differ-
entiate into effector CTLs. However, when the melanoma
cells are transfected with the gene that encodes the B7 ligand,
then the CTL-Ps differentiate into effector CTLs.
These findings offer the possibility that B7-transfected
tumor cells might be used to induce a CTL response in vivo.
For instance, when P. Linsley, L. Chen, and their colleagues
injected melanoma-bearing mice with B7
melanoma cells,
the melanomas completely regressed in more than 40% of
the mice. S. Townsend and J. Allison used a similar approach
to vaccinate mice against malignant melanoma. Normal mice
were first immunized with irradiated, B7-transfected mela-
noma cells and then challenged with unaltered malignant
melanoma cells. The “vaccine” was found to protect a high
percentage of the mice (Figure 22-11a). It is hoped that a
similar vaccine might prevent metastasis after surgical re-
moval of a primary melanoma in human patients.
Because human melanoma antigens are shared by a num-
ber of different human tumors, it might be possible to gener-
ate a panel of B7-transfected melanoma cell lines that are
typed for tumor-antigen expression and for HLA expression.
In this approach, the tumor antigen(s) expressed by a pa-
tient’s tumor would be determined, and then the patient
would be vaccinated with an irradiated B7-transfected cell
line that expresses similar tumor antigen(s).
Enhancement of APC Activity Can Modulate
Tumor Immunity
Mouse dendritic cells cultured in GM-CSF and incubated
with tumor fragments, then reinfused into the mice, have
been shown to activate both TH cells and CTLs specific for
the tumor antigens. When the mice were subsequently chal-
lenged with live tumor cells, they displayed tumor immunity.
These experiments have led to a number of approaches
aimed at expanding the population of antigen-presenting
cells, so that these cells can activate TH cells or CTLs specific
for tumor antigens.
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 517
Tumor cell
with B7 gene
Dendritic cell
tumor antigen
CTL activation Tumor destruction
Tumor cell
transfected with
GM-CSF gene
1 2
FIGURE 22-11 Use of transfected tumor cells for cancer im-
munotherapy. (a) Tumor cells transfected with the B7 gene express
the co-stimulatory B7 molecule, enabling them to provide both acti-
vating signal (1) and co-stimulatory signal (2) to CTL-Ps. As a result
of the combined signals, the CTL-Ps differentiate into effector CTLs,
which can mediate tumor destruction. In effect, the transfected tu-
mor cell acts as an antigen-presenting cell. (b) Transfection of tumor
cells with the gene encoding GM-CSF allows the tumor cells to se-
crete high levels of GM-CSF. This cytokine will activate dendritic cells
in the vicinity of the tumor, enabling the dendritic cells to present tu-
mor antigens to both TH cells and CTL-Ps.
One approach that has been tried is to transfect tumor
cells with the gene encoding GM-CSF. These engineered
tumor cells, when reinfused into the patient, will secrete GM-
CSF, enhancing the differentiation and activation of host
antigen-presenting cells, especially dendritic cells. As these
dendritic cells accumulate around the tumor cells, the GM-
CSF secreted by the tumor cells will enhance the presentation
of tumor antigens to TH cells and CTLs by the dendritic cells
(Figure 22-11b).
Another way to expand the dendritic-cell population is to
culture dendritic cells from peripheral-blood progenitor cells
in the presence of GM-CSF, TNF-H9251, and IL-4. These three
cytokines induce the generation of large numbers of den-
dritic cells. There is some hope that, if these dendritic cells
are pulsed with tumor fragments and then reintroduced into
the patient, they can activate TH and TC cells specific for the
tumor antigens. Whether these hopes are justified will be
determined by further investigation.
A number of adjuvants, including the attenuated strains of
Mycobacterium bovis called bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)
and Corynebacterium parvuum, have been used to boost
tumor immunity. These adjuvants activate macrophages, in-
creasing their expression of various cytokines, class II MHC
molecules, and the B7 co-stimulatory molecule. These acti-
vated macrophages are better activators of TH cells, resulting
in generalized increases in both humoral and cell-mediated
responses. Thus far, adjuvants have shown only modest thera-
peutic results.
Cytokine Therapy Can Augment Immune
Responses to Tumors
The isolation and cloning of the various cytokine genes has
facilitated their large-scale production. A variety of experi-
mental and clinical approaches have been developed to use
recombinant cytokines, either singly or in combination, to
augment the immune response against cancer. Among the
cytokines that have been evaluated in cancer immunother-
apy are IFN-H9251, H9252, and H9253;IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-12;
GM-CSF; and TNF. Although these trials have produced
occasional encouraging results, many obstacles remain to the
successful use of this type of cancer immunotherapy.
The most notable obstacle is the complexity of the cytokine
network itself. This complexity makes it very difficult to know
precisely how intervention with a given recombinant cytokine
will affect the production of other cytokines. And since some
cytokines act antagonistically, it is possible that intervention
with a recombinant cytokine designed to enhance a particular
branch of the immune response may actually lead to suppres-
sion. In addition, cytokine immunotherapy is plagued by the
difficulty of administering the cytokines locally. In some cases,
systemic administration of high levels of a given cytokine has
been shown to lead to serious and even life-threatening con-
sequences. Although the results of several experimental and
clinical trials of cytokine therapy for cancer are discussed
here, it is important to keep in mind that this therapeutic
approach is still in its infancy.
Large quantities of purified recombinant preparations of the
interferons, IFN-H9251, IFN-H9252, and IFN-H9253,are now available,
each of which has shown some promise in the treatment of
human cancer. To date, most of the clinical trials have in-
volved IFN-H9251. Daily injections of recombinant IFN-H9251 have
been shown to induce partial or complete tumor regression
in some patients with hematologic malignancies such as
leukemias, lymphomas, and myelomas and with solid tu-
mors such as melanoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, renal cancer, and
breast cancer.
Interferon-mediated antitumor activity may involve several
mechanisms. All three types of interferon have been shown to
increase class I MHC expression on tumor cells; IFN-H9253 has
also been shown to increase class II MHC expression on
macrophages. Given the evidence for decreased levels of class
I MHC molecules on malignant tumors, the interferons may
act by restoring MHC expression, thereby increasing CTL ac-
tivity against tumors. In addition, the interferons have been
shown to inhibit cell division of both normal and malignantly
transformed cells in vitro. It is possible that some of the anti-
tumor effects of the interferons are related to this ability to
directly inhibit tumor-cell proliferation. Finally, IFN-H9253 directly
or indirectly increases the activity of TC cells, macrophages,
and NK cells, all of which play a role in the immune response
to tumor cells.
In some instances, the tumor necrosis factors TNF-H9251 and
TNF-H9252 have been shown to exhibit direct antitumor activity,
killing some tumor cells and reducing the rate of prolifera-
tion of others while sparing normal cells (Figure 22-12). In
the presence of TNF-H9251 or TNF-H9252,a tumor undergoes visible
hemorrhagic necrosis and regression. TNF-H9251 has also been
shown to inhibit tumor-induced vascularization (angiogene-
sis) by damaging the vascular endothelial cells in the vicinity
of a tumor, thereby decreasing the flow of blood and oxygen
that is necessary for progressive tumor growth.
Animal studies have shown that lymphocytes can be acti-
vated against tumor antigens in vitro by culturing them with
x-irradiated tumor cells in the presence of IL-2 and added
tumor antigens. These activated lymphocytes mediate more
effective tumor destruction than untreated lymphocytes
when they are reinjected into the original tumor-bearing ani-
mal. It is difficult, however, to activate in vitro enough lym-
phocytes with antitumor specificity to be useful in cancer
While sensitizing lymphocytes to tumor antigens by this
method, S. Rosenberg discovered that, in the presence of high
518 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
concentrations of cloned IL-2 but without the addition of
tumor antigens, large numbers of activated lymphoid cells
were generated that could kill fresh tumor cells but not nor-
mal cells. He called these cells lymphokine-activated killer
(LAK) cells. In one study, for example, Rosenberg found that
infusion of LAK cells plus recombinant IL-2 into tumor-
bearing animals mediated effective tumor-cell destruction
(Figure 22-13). LAK-cell populations are typically >90% ac-
tivated NK cells. However, small numbers of TCR-bearing
cells are present in LAK populations and it is possible that
these may also contribute to their tumoricidal activity.
Because large numbers of LAK cells can be generated in
vitro and because these cells are active against a wide variety
of tumors, their effectiveness in human tumor immunother-
apy has been evaluated in several clinical trials. In these trials,
peripheral-blood lymphocytes were removed from patients
with various advanced metastatic cancers and were activated
in vitro to generate LAK cells. In an early study, patients were
then infused with their autologous LAK cells together with
IL-2. In this trial, which involved 25 patients, cancer regres-
sion was seen in some patients. Subsequently, a more exten-
sive trial with 222 patients resulted in complete regression in
16 patients. However, a number of undesirable side effects
are associated with the high levels of IL-2 required for LAK-
cell activity. The most noteworthy is vascular leak syndrome,
in which lymphoid cells and plasma emigrate from the
peripheral blood into the tissues, leading to shock.
Tumors contain lymphocytes that have infiltrated the tu-
mor and presumably are taking part in an antitumor response.
By taking small biopsy samples of tumors, one can obtain a
population of these lymphocytes and expand it in vitro with
IL-2. These activated tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are
called TILs. Many TILs have a wide range of antitumor activ-
ity and appear to be indistinguishable from LAK cells. How-
ever, some TILs cells have specific cytolytic activity against
their autologous tumor. These tumor-specific TILs are of in-
terest because they have increased antitumor activity and
require 100-fold lower levels of IL-2 for their activity than
LAK cells do. In one study, TIL populations were expanded in
vitro from biopsy samples taken from patients with malig-
nant melanoma, renal-cell carcinoma, and small-cell lung
cancer. The expanded populations of TILs were reinjected
into autologous patients together with continuous infusions
of recombinant IL-2. Renal-cell carcinomas and malignant
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 519
FIGURE 22-12 Photomicrographs of cultured normal melanocytes
(top) and cultured cancerous melanoma cells (bottom) in the pres-
ence (left) and absence (right) of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-H9251). Note
that, in the presence of TNF-H9251, the cancer cells stop proliferating,
whereas TNF-H9251 has no inhibitory effect on proliferation of the normal
cells. [From L. J. Old, 1988, Sci. Am. 258(5):59.]
melanomas showed partial regression in 29% and 23% of the
patients, respectively.
Monoclonal Antibodies Are Effective
in Treating Some Tumors
Monoclonal antibodies have been used in various ways as ex-
perimental immunotherapeutic agents for cancer. For exam-
ple, anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies have been used
with some success in treating human B-cell lymphomas and
T-cell leukemias. In one remarkable study, R. Levy and his
colleagues successfully treated a 64-year-old man with termi-
nal B-cell lymphoma. At the time of treatment, the lym-
phoma had metastasized to the liver, spleen, bone marrow,
and peripheral blood. Because this was a B-cell cancer, the
membrane-bound antibody on all the cancerous cells had
the same idiotype. By the procedure outlined in Figure 22-14,
these researchers produced mouse monoclonal antibody spe-
cific for the B-lymphoma idiotype. When this mouse mono-
clonal anti-idiotype antibody was injected into the patient, it
bound specifically to the B-lymphoma cells, because these
cells expressed that particular idiotype. Since B-lymphoma
cells are susceptible to complement-mediated lysis, the mon-
oclonal antibody activated the complement system and lysed
the lymphoma cells without harming other cells. After four
injections with this anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody, the
tumors began to shrink, and this patient entered an unusu-
ally long period of complete remission.
However, this approach requires that a custom monoclonal
antibody be raised for each lymphoma patient. This is prohib-
itively expensive and cannot be used as a general therapeutic
approach for the thousands of patients diagnosed each year
with B lymphoma. Recently, Levy and his colleagues have used
direct immunization to recruit the immune systems of pa-
tients to an attack against their B lymphoma. In a clinical trial
with 41 B-cell lymphoma patients, the genes encoding the re-
arranged immunoglobulin genes of the lymphomas of each
patient were isolated and used to encode the synthesis of
recombinant immunoglobulin that bore the idiotype typical
of the patient’s tumor. Each of these Igs was coupled to keyhole
limpet hemocyanin (KLH), a mollusk protein that is often
used as a carrier protein because of its efficient recruitment of
T-cell help. The patients were immunized with their own
tumor-specific antigens, the idiotypically unique immuno-
globulins produced by their own lymphomas. About 50% of
the patients developed anti-idiotype antibodies against their
tumors. Significantly, improved clinical outcomes were seen in
the 20 patients with anti-idiotype responses, but not in the
others. In fact, 2 of these 20 experienced complete remission.
Despite its promise, the anti-idiotypic approach is by its
very nature patient-specific. A more general monoclonal-
antibody therapy for B-cell lymphoma is based on the fact
that most B cells, whether normal or cancerous, bear lineage-
distinctive antigens. One such determinant, CD20, has been
the target of intensive efforts; a monoclonal antibody to it,
raised in mice and engineered to contain mostly human se-
quences, has been useful in the treatment of B-cell lym-
phoma (see Clinical Focus, Chapter 5). Aside from CD20, a
number of tumor-associated antigens (Table 22-4) are being
tested in clinical trials for their suitability as targets for anti-
body-mediated anti-tumor therapy.
A variety of tumors express significantly increased levels
of growth-factor receptors, which are promising targets for
anti-tumor monoclonal antibodies. For example, in 25 to
30 percent of women with metastatic breast cancer, a genetic
alteration of the tumor cells results in the increased expres-
sion of HER2, an epidermal-growth-factor–like receptor. An
anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody was raised in mice and the
genes encoding it were isolated. Except for the sequences
encoding the antibody’s CDRs, the mouse Ig sequences were
replaced with human Ig counterparts. This prevents the gen-
eration of human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMAs) and
allows the patient to receive repeated doses of the “human-
ized” anti-HER2 in large amounts (100 milligrams or more).
Preparations of this antibody, called Herceptin, are now
commercially available for the treatment of HER2-receptor–
bearing breast cancers (see Clinical Focus, Chapter 5). Mon-
oclonal antibodies also have been used to prepare tumor-
520 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
Cells transferred
Mean no. of pulmonary sarcoma metastases at day 13
With IL–2
Without IL–2
LAK cellsCultured
FIGURE 22-13 Experimental demonstration of tumor-destroying
activity of LAK cells plus IL-2. Spleen cells or LAK cells, in the pres-
ence or absence of recombinant IL-2, were infused into mice with
pulmonary sarcoma. The animals were evaluated 13 days later for the
number of pulmonary sarcoma metastases. The LAK cells were pre-
pared by isolating lymphocytes from tumor-bearing animals and in-
cubating them in vitro with high concentrations of IL-2. Note that
LAK cells caused tumor regression only when IL-2 was also infused.
[Data from S. Rosenberg et al., 1988, Ann. Int. Med., 108:853.]
specific anti-tumor agents. In this approach, antibodies to
tumor-specific or tumor-associated antigens are coupled with
radioactive isotopes, chemotherapy drugs, or potent toxins
of biological origin. In such “guided missile” therapies, the
toxic agents are delivered specifically to tumor cells. This
focuses the toxic effects on the tumor and spares normal tis-
sues. Reagents known as immunotoxins have been con-
structed by coupling the inhibitor chain of a toxin (e.g., diph-
theria toxin) to an antibody against a tumor-specific or
tumor-associated antigen (see Figure 4-23). In vitro studies
have demonstrated that these “magic bullets” can kill tumor
cells without harming normal cells. Immunotoxins specific for
tumor antigens in a variety of cancers (e.g., melanoma, col-
orectal carcinoma, metastatic breast carcinoma, and various
lymphomas and leukemias) have been evaluated in phase I or
phase II clinical trials. In a number of trials, significant num-
bers of leukemia and lymphoma patients exhibited partial or
complete remission. However in a number of cases, the clinical
responses in patients with larger tumor masses were disap-
pointing. In some of these patients, the sheer size of the tumor
may render most of its cells inaccessible to the immunotoxin.
Tumor cells differ from normal cells in numerous ways. In
particular, changes in the regulation of growth of tumor
cells allow them to proliferate indefinitely, then invade the
underlying tissue, and eventually metastasize to other tis-
sues (see Figure 22-1). Normal cells can be transformed in
vitro by chemical and physical carcinogens and by trans-
forming viruses. Transformed cells exhibit altered growth
properties and are sometimes capable of inducing cancer
when they are injected into animals.
Proto-oncogenes encode proteins involved in control of
normal cellular growth. The conversion of proto-oncogenes
to oncogenes is one of the key steps in the induction of most
human cancer. This conversion may result from mutation in
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 521
Fuse and select for hybridoma
secreting B-lymphoma Ab
B-lymphoma cells Human myeloma cell
B-lymphoma Ab
Ab (Ab-1)
Spleen cells + Mouse myeloma cells
Inject anti-idiotype
Ab-2 into patient
Secreted Ab-2 to
Ab-1 idiotype
Secreted Ab to
Ab-1 isotype
Selection: binds to
Normal human Ig
Monoclonal Ab-1
Step 5
Step 4
Step 3
Step 2
Step 1
FIGURE 22-14 Treatment of B-cell lymphoma with monoclonal an-
tibody specific for idiotypic determinants on the cancer cells. Because all
the lymphoma cells are derived from a single transformed B cell, they all
express membrane-bound antibody (Ab-1) with the same idiotype (i.e.,
the same antigenic specificity). In the procedure illustrated, monoclonal
anti-idiotype antibody (Ab-2) against the B-lymphoma membrane-
bound antibody was produced (steps 1–4). When this anti-idiotype
antibody was injected into the patient (step 5), it bound selectively to
B-lymphoma cells, which then were susceptible to complement-plus-
antibody lysis.
an oncogene, its translocation, or its amplification (see Fig-
ure 22-2).
A number of B- and T-cell leukemias and lymphomas are
associated with translocated proto-oncogenes. In its new
site, the translocated gene may come under the influence
of enhancers or promoters that cause its transcription at
higher levels than usual (see Figure 22-5).
Tumor cells display tumor-specific antigens and the more
common tumor-associated antigens. Among the latter are
oncofetal antigens, (see Table 22-3) and increased levels of
normal oncogene products (see Figure 22-6). In contrast to
tumor antigens induced by chemicals or radiation, virally
encoded tumor antigens are shared by all tumors induced by
the same virus.
The tumor antigens recognized by T cells fall into one of
four major categories: antigens encoded by genes with
tumor-specific expression; antigens encoded by variant
forms of normal genes that have been altered by mutation;
certain antigens normally expressed only at certain stages
of differentiation or differentiation lineages; antigens that
are overexpressed in particular tumors.
The use of a variety of genetic, biochemical, and immuno-
logical approaches has allowed the identification of several
tumor-associated antigens (see Table 22-4). In many cases
the antigen is expressed on more than one type of tumor.
Common tumor antigens offer hope for the design of
better therapies, detection, and monitoring, and have
important implications for the possibility of anti-tumor
The immune response to tumors includes CTL-mediated
lysis, NK-cell activity, macrophage-mediated tumor de-
struction, and destruction mediated by ADCC. Several cyto-
toxic factors, including TNF-H9251 and TNF-H9252,help to mediate
tumor-cell killing. Tumors may evade the immune response
by modulating their tumor antigens, by reducing their
expression of class I MHC molecules, and by antibody-
mediated or immune complex-mediated inhibition of CTL
Experimental cancer immunotherapy is exploring a vari-
ety of approaches. Some of these are the enhancement of
the co-stimulatory signal required for T-cell activation (see
Figure 22-11a), genetically engineering tumor cells to
secrete cytokines that may increase the intensity of the
immune response against them (see Figure 22-11b), the
therapeutic use of cytokines (see Figure 22-12), and ways
of increasing the activity of antigen-presenting cells.
A number of encouraging clinical results have been ob-
tained with therapy using monoclonal antibodies against
tumor-associated and (in a few cases) tumor-specific anti-
gens (see Figure 22-14). Coupling of antibodies against
522 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
TABLE 22-4
Some tumor-associated antigens under examination as potential targets for
monoclonal-antibody therapy
Tumor antigen Tumor type Target antigen
T-cell marker T-cell leukemia/lymphoma CD5
B-cell marker B-cell lymphoma CD20
Hematopoietic-cell marker Acute myeloblastic leukemia CD45
Anti-idiotype B-cell lymphoma Immunoglobulin
Cell-surface antigens
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) Colon cancer (some others) Glycoprotein
MUC1 Breast cancer Glycoprotein
Gangliosides such as GD2 and GD3 Neuroectodermal tumors Glycolipids associated with neural tissue
Growth-factor receptors
Epidermal growth-factor receptor (EGFR) Some lung, head, neck, and breast tumors EGF-binding cell surface protein
HER2 (and EFG-like receptor) Breast and ovarian tumors Cell-surface EGF-binding protein
with homology to EGFR
SOURCE: Adapted from Scott and Welt, 1997, Curr. Opin. Immunol. 9:717.
tumor antigens with toxins, chemotherapeutic agents, or
radioactive elements is being examined. The expectation is
that such strategies will focus the toxic effects of these
agents on the tumor and spare normal cells their deleteri-
ous effects.
Key elements in the design of strategies for vaccination
against cancer are the identification of significant tumor
antigens by genetic or biochemical approaches; the devel-
opment of strategies for the effective presentation of tu-
mor antigens; and the generation of activated populations
of helper or cytotoxic T cells.
Aisenberg, A. C. 1993. Utility of gene rearrangements in lym-
phoid malignancies. Annu. Rev. Med. 44:75.
Allison, J. P., A. A. Hurwitz, and D. R. Leach. 1995. Manipulation
of costimulatory signals to enhance antitumor T-cell responses.
Curr.Opin. Immunol. 7:682.
Baselga J., et al. 1996. Phase II study of weekly intravenous re-
combinant humanized anti-p185HER2 monoclonal antibody
in patients with her2/neu-overexpressing metastatic breast
cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 14:737.
Boon, T., P, G. Coulie, and B. Van den Eynde. 1997.Tumor anti-
gens recognized by T cells. Immunol Today. 18:267.
Coulie, P. G., et al. 1994. A new gene coding for a differentiation
antigen recognized by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes on
HLA-A2 melanomas. J. Exp. Med. 180:35.
Cournoyer, D., and C. T. Caskey. 1993. Gene therapy of the im-
mune system. Annu. Rev.Immunol. 11:297.
DeVita, V. T., S. Hellman, and S. A. Rosenberg. 1997. Cancer
Principles & Practice of Oncology, 5th ed., Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins.
Houghton, A. N., J. S. Gold, and N. E. Blachere. 2001. Immunity
against cancer: lessons learned from melanoma. Curr.Opin.
Immunol. 13:134.
Hsu, F. J., et al. 1997. Tumor-specific idiotype vaccines in the
treatment of patients with B-cell lymphoma. Blood. 89:3129.
Kufe, D. W. 2000. Smallpox, polio and now a cancer vaccine?
Nature Med. 6:252
Pardoll, D. M. 1996. Cancer vaccines: a road map for the next
decade. Curr.Opin. Immunol. 8:619.
Paterson, Y., and G. Ikonomidis. 1996. Recombinant Listeria
monocytogenes cancer vaccines Curr.Opin. Immunol. 8:651.
Rosenberg, S. A. 2001. Progress in human tumour immunology
and immunotherapy. Nature 411:380.
Rosenberg, S. A, et al. 1994. Treatment of patients with metastatic
melanoma with autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and
interleukin 2. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 86:1159.
Sahin, U., O. Tureci, and M. Pfreundschuh. 1997. Serological
identification of human tumor antigens. Curr.Opin. Immunol.
Scott, A. M., and S. Welt. 1997. Antibody-based immunological
therapies. Curr.Opin. Immunol. 9:717.
Srivastava, S. 2002. Roles of heat-shock proteins in innate and
adaptive immunity. Nature Rev. Immunol. 2:185.
Tindle, R. W. 1996. Human papillomavirus vaccines for cervical
cancer. Curr.Opin. Immunol. 8:643.
Cancer and the Immune System CHAPTER 22 523
Some tumor-associated antigens under examination as potential targets for
Human tumor Protein Peptide
Many melanomas, esophageal carcinomas, MAGE-1 EADPTGHSY and SAYGEPRKL
non small-cell lung carcinomas and
hepatocellular carcinomas
Melanoma Tyrosinase MLLAVLYCL, YMNGTMSQV,
YMDGTMSQV, and others
Colon cancer Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) YLSGANLNL
Breast and ovarian cancer HER2/NEU KIFGSLAFL
Head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma Caspase 8 FPSDSWCYF
Chronic myeloid leukemia bcr-abl fusion protein (product of a ATGFKQSSKALQRPVAS
fusion of an Ig gene with the abl gene)
Prostatic cancer PSA FLTPKKKLQCV and
SOURCE: Adapted from B. Van Den Eynde and P. van der Bruggen, 1996, Curr. Opin. Immunol. 9:684.
TABLE 22-5 Tumor-associated and tumor-specific antigen peptides recognized by human T cells
Van Den Eynde, B., and P. van der Bruggen. 1996. T cell defined
tumor antigens. Curr.Opin. Immunol. 9:684.
Weinberg, R. A. 1996. How cancer arises. Sci. Am. 275(3):62.
Oncolink is a site that offers comprehensive information
about many types of cancer. It is a good source of information
about cancer research and advances in cancer therapy. The site
is regularly updated and it includes many useful links to other
This is the Web site of the American Cancer Society. It contains
a great deal of information on the incidence, treatment, pre-
vention of cancer. The site also highlights significant achieve-
ments in cancer research.
A good resource for information on the cytological examination
of tumors and on matters related to staining patterns that are
typical of the cell populations found in a number of cancers.
Study Questions
CLINICAL FOCUS QUESTION You are an oncologist and wish to
treat a patient with one of the newly available cancer vaccines,
but the only tumor from this patient is preserved in formalde-
hyde. Can you still use a vaccine? If so, what type of vaccine is
available for your use? If you have a tumor sample containing liv-
ing cells, are there other types of vaccines available?
1. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or
false. If you think a statement is false, explain why.
a. Hereditary retinoblastoma results from overexpression
of a cellular oncogene.
b. Translocation of c-myc gene is found in many patients
with Burkitt’s lymphoma.
c. Multiple copies of cellular oncogenes are sometimes
observed in cancer cells.
d. Viral integration into the cellular genome may convert a
proto-oncogene into a transforming oncogene.
e. All oncogenic retroviruses carry viral oncogenes.
f. The immune response against a virus-induced tumor pro-
tects against another tumor induced by the same virus.
g. LAK cells are tumor specific.
2. You are a clinical immunologist studying acute lymphoblas-
tic leukemia (ALL). Leukemic cells from most patients with
ALL have the morphology of lymphocytes but do not express
cell-surface markers characteristic of mature B or T cells. You
have isolated cells from ALL patients that do not express mem-
brane Ig but do react with monoclonal antibody against a nor-
mal pre-B-cell marker (B-200). You therefore suspect that these
leukemic cells are pre-B cells. How would you use genetic analy-
sis to confirm that the leukemic cells are committed to the B-cell
3. In a recent experiment, melanoma cells were isolated from
patients with early or advanced stages of malignant melanoma.
At the same time, T cells specific for tetanus-toxoid antigen were
isolated and cloned from each patient.
a. When early-stage melanoma cells were cultured together
with tetanus-toxoid antigen and the tetanus toxoid–
specific T-cell clones, the T-cell clones were observed to
proliferate. This proliferation was blocked by addition of
chloroquine or by addition of monoclonal antibody to
HLA-DR. Proliferation was not blocked by addition of
monoclonal antibody to HLA-A, -B, -DQ, or -DP. What
might these findings indicate about the early-stage mela-
noma cells in this experimental system?
b. When the same experiment was repeated with advanced-
stage melanoma cells, the tetanus-toxoid T-cell clones
failed to proliferate in response to the tetanus-toxoid
antigen. What might this indicate about advanced-stage
melanoma cells?
c. When early and advanced malignant melanoma cells were
fixed with paraformaldehyde and incubated with pro-
cessed tetanus toxoid, only the early-stage melanoma cells
could induce proliferation of the tetanus-toxoid-T-cell
clones. What might this indicate about early-stage mela-
noma cells?
d. How might you confirm your hypothesis experimentally?
4. What are three likely sources of tumor antigens?
5. Various cytokines have been evaluated for use in tumor im-
munotherapy. Describe four mechanisms by which cytokines
mediate antitumor effects and the cytokines that induce each type
of effect.
6. Infusion of transfected melanoma cells into cancer patients
is a promising immunotherapy.
a. Which two genes have been transfected into melanoma
cells for this purpose? What is the rationale behind use of
each of these genes?
b. Why might use of such transfected melanoma cells also
be effective in treating other types of cancers?
524 PART IV The Immune System in Health and Disease