Phases of Cell?
? Polarization?
? Protrusion and
? Contraction?
? Rear release?
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Staining for actin (green) and myosin II (red) in a
migrating cell.
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Yellow indicates the location of myosin II
tethered to the actin matrix in a migrating cell.?
Actin polymerization generally occurs at the
protruding membrane of a migrating cell.
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See Figure 1 in Pollard, T. D., and G. G. Borisy.
"Cellular Motility Driven by Assembly and Disassembly of Actin Filaments."
Cell 112: 453-465 (21 Feb 2003).
One scenario for how myosin movement along the actin matrix
can give rise to matrix contraction.
bipolar myosin II
actin filament
Cell migration patterns. In the absence of
an external signal (e.g., chemoattractant
gradient), the migration pattern resembles a
random walk.
Migration speed tends to vary
inversely with persistence time.
Migration speed first increases, then falls as the strength of
attachment is increased.
Cilia beating on the surface of
an airway epithelial cell.
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