词缀法 /派生法
★ 后缀 suffix
? -ability ability stability availability
? -age leakage shortage shrinkage drainage
? -al denial dismissal renewal withdrawal burial
? -an American Russian Asian Indian African
? -ance admittance attendance endurance
? -ant accountant attendant contestant pollutant
? -ary missionary adversary beneficiary dignitary
? -ate electorate consulate doctorate directorate
? -ation examination imagination relaxation education
? -cy privacy accuracy efficiency pregnancy presidency
? -dom freedom wisdom boredom stardom kingdom
? -ee employee nominee examinee trainee trustee
? -eer engineer mountaineer profiteer
? -ence difference existence dependence competence
? -er farmer observer leader waiter winner recorder
? -ery bribery mockery machinery scenery
? -ese Chinese Japanese Portuguese
? -ess princess actress empress goddess heiress
? -hood childhood manhood neighborhood brotherhood
? -ian magician musician historian politician physician
? -ibility possibility responsibility flexibility visibility
? -ing feeling reading cooking shopping ending washing
? -ion action contribution exhibition production conclusion
? -ism socialism realism idealism optimism terrorism
? -ist activist idealist capitalist communist socialist terrorist
? -ity prosperity equality formality hostility generosity
? -let piglet starlet booklet
? -man fireman businessman milkman policeman fisherman
? -ment achievement development agreement argument
? -ness happiness sadness goodness boldness
? -or actor conductor inspector instructor creator
? -ry jewelry slavery rivalry bravery imagery
? -ship friendship ownership authorship professorship
? -ty loyalty safety penalty
? -ure departure failure exposure pleasure pressure
? -ware software hardware silverware kitchenware
? -work housework metalwork brainwork homework
? -y modesty difficulty discovery treasury treaty
? -able advisable admirable lovable comfortable valuable
? -al national cultural musical historical original additional
? -an,ian American Cuban Russian Asian Canadian African
? -ant tolerant reluctant dominant triumphant important
? -ary momentary voluntary fragmentary customary
? -ate fortunate affectionate passionate collegiante
? -ed excited bored amazed retired bearded doomed
? -en woolen earthen golden wooden waxen silken
? -ent different dependent insistent persistent consistent
? -ese Chinese Japanese Burmese Vietnamese
? -ful beautiful hopeful helpful dutiful joyful graceful
? -ible permissible divisible contemptible collapsible
? -ic enthusiastic realistic poetic historic pessimistic
? -ical historical economical classical geographical
? -ing amusing disgusting frightening surprising amazing
? -ish Irish Swedish Spanish Boyish selfish bookish Childish
? -ive active effective creative attractive competitive
? -less endless restless useless careless heartless homeless
? -like childlike honey-like prison-like ladylike dreamlike
? -ly friendly lovely lively costly orderly lonely manly
? -ous courageous furious dangerous famous various nervous
? -some tiresome troublesome awesome wholesome loathsome
? -wide worldwide nationwide countrywide company-wide
? -worthy trustworthy praiseworthy noteworthy creditworthy
? -y rainy dirty dusty thirsty flowery bloody cloudy
? -ly clearly slowly obviously naturally exactly
finally gradually rapidly normally badly
? -down head-down palm-down belly-down
? -first head-first heel-first nose-first feet-
? -ward(s) homeward westward(s) onward(s)
backward(s) skyward(s) downward(s)
? -wise likewise clockwise anticlockwise
? -ate activate originate motivate
? -en widen hasten lengthen strengthen
sweeten sharpen shorten deepen loosen
quicken brighten
? -ify simplify intensify clarify notify purify
qualify terrify horrify personify justify
identify amplify
? -ize apologize moralize emphasize criticize
symbolize sympathize subsidize
characterize terrorize legalize modernize
? -teen thirteen sixteen fifteen
? -ty twenty eighty
? -th fifth twelfth thirtieth
前缀 prefix
★ 改变词类的前缀
? a- 加在名词前构成形容词或副词,asleep
aboard aside ashore ablaze
? be- 加在名词或形容词前构成动词,belittle
befriend behead bewitch bedim
? em- 加在名词等前构成动词,embark
embed embody empower embitter
? en- 加在名词或形容词前构成动词,endanger
encourage enrage enforce enslave
enrich enlarge enable
? out- 加在名词或形容词前构成动词,outflank
outnumber outpace outplay outsmart
outwit outrank outclass
? de- ( 非 …… ) de-emphasize decentralize demilitarize
demobilize declassify dehydrate
? dis- (不 …… )
构成动词,disappear disobey disapprove disagree dislike
displease distrust disbelieve disarm
构成名词,discontent dishonor discomfort disobedience
? 构 成形容 词, disloyal dishonest disinterested discourteous
? il- illegal illogical illiterate
? im- impatient impolite impossible immature
? in- incapable informal inadequate independent
inability injustice
? inadequacy insecurity
? ir- irresolute irresponsible irresistible irregular
? non- ( 非 ) non-essential non-economic non-violent non-
competitive non-smoker non-profit non-resident
? un- 形容词,unable uncertain untidy unsafe
unconscious unemployed unfortunate
? 副词,unluckily unhappily unusually
unwillingly unfortunately unnaturally
名词,uncertainty unacceptability
unfairness unpleasantness
动词,undress uncover undo unwrap
unpack unbutton untie unlock
分词,unexpected unfinished unprepared
unprecedented unchanging unhesitating
uninviting untrusting
? all- 纯, 全是 all-wool all-steel all-female all-new
各种 ( 个 ) all-age all-season all-purpose all-weather
? anti- 反,抗 anti-fascist anti-racist anti-war anti-abortion anti-
cancer anti-pollution anti-biotic
? arch- 大 archbishop archdeacon
头号的 arch-enemy arch-rival arch-traitor
? auto- 自动的 automatic auto-timer auto-record -auto-reverse
自己的 autobiography autograph autonomous
汽车的 automobile auto-industry auto-work auto-sport
? bi- 双, 二 bilingual bilateral bigamy bifocals
? bio- 生物的 biochemical biological biology biotechnology
? centi- 百分之一, 百 centimeter centigram centiliter centigrade
? co- 共同 ( 做某事 ) co-author co-chair co-pilot co-founder
? co-direct co-operate co-exist co-edit
? counter- 反 counter-measure counter-attack counter-strike
? double- 双 double-decker double-breasted double-bed
? down- 往下 downhill downward(s) downriver
恶化 downturn downfall downgrade downcast
? ever- 一直, 不断 ever-present everlasting
越来越 ever-stronger ever-bolder ever-faster
? ex- 以前的 ex-president ex-husband ex-lover
extra- 特别 …… extra-bright extra-strong
以外的 extra-curricular extra-mural
? fore- 前部的 foredeck forehead foreleg forearm
预先的 foresight foretell forecast foresee
? free- 自由的 free-flowing free-moving free-floating
? full- 完全 full-scale full-speed full-grown
全部 full-time full-year full-size full-page
? half- 半 half-asleep half-melted half-finished
? hand- 用手的 hand-made hand-operated handwritten
手提 (推 )的 handbag handcart hand-gun
? home- 在家里 home-made home-baked home-woven
家 ( 庭 ) 的 home-owner home-buyer home-town
? hydro- 水力的, 水的 hydro-power hydro-electric hydro-energy
? ill- 不好的 ill-health ill-humor ill-luck ill-will ill-tempered
不适宜的 ill-timed ill-informed ill-educated ill-chosen
? inter- 之间的 international inter-city inter-racial intercontinental
相互的 interchange interact interlink interrelate
? kilo- 千 kilogram kilowatt kilometer kilohertz
? mal- 不良的 maladjusted malnourished malformed malfunction
? man- 由人 ……, man-made man-devised mankind
人对人 man-killer man-eating manhunt manslaughter
? mid- 中间 ( 指时间 ) midday mid-summer midnight
中间 ( 指空间 ) midair Mid-Europe mid-ocean mid-Wales
? milli- 千分之一 milligram millimeter milliliter milliamp
? mini- 小, 微型的 minicab minibus mini-computer mini-skirt
? mis- 错误的 misjudge misunderstand misuse misprint
? new- 新近 newborn new-found new-wedded new-baked
? news- 新闻, 报纸 newscast newsletter newspaper news-stand
? over- 过分的 overeat over-react overdo oversesimate
过于 over-anxious over-eager over-cautious
过量的 overdose overcharge overweight overwork
压倒 overcome overpower overthrow overrule
其他意思 oversee overseas overlook overcoat
? post- …… 之后 post-election post-liberation
的邮 (政 ) postmark postcard post-box postcode
? pre- …… 之前 pre-war premarital pre-revolution
的预先 prejudge preview predetermine predecease
事前已经 pre-arranged pre-paid pre-planned
? pro- 支持的 pro-government pro-communist pro-abortion
? re- 重新, 再次 re-open rewrite remarry rebuild reappear
? self- 自我 …… 的 self-educated self-employed self-appointed
自己的 self-interested self-defend self-control self-criticism
自动 …… 的 self-locking self-winding self-regulating
? semi- 半 …… 的 semi-automatic semi-liquid semi-naked
半 semicircle semi-annual semiconductor semi-darkness
? sub- 次, 下一级的 subcontinent sub-committee subdivision
下面的 subway sub-current subconscious submarine
不够 …… 的 subnormal substandard
? super- 极 …… 的 super-clever super-cheap super-sensitive
超级的 superpower supermarket superstar superman
超 …… 的 supersonic supernatural supernormal
其他意思 superfluous superstition supervise
? tele- 远距离的 telescope television telecommunication
? too- 过于 too-tight too-cold too-intimate too-rigid
? trans- 从 …… 到 transport transfer transmit translate
穿越 trans-America trans-Atlantic trans-Siberian
? under- 不足 under-developed undernourished
下面的 underground underwear underline
下一级的 undergraduate under-secretary under-librarian
其他意思 understand undertake undermine underworld
? uni- 单一的 unilateral unisex unify unity
? up- 在 ( 向 ) 上方 upside uphill upriver upstairs
? 改进, 上升 update upgrade up-rate upsurge
? 打乱 upset uproar uproot uprising
? 其他意思 upright uphold upheaval upbringing
? vice- 副的 vice-chairman vice-premier vice-minister
? well- …… 得好的 well-behaved well-dressed well-
? 很 …… well-known well-deserved well-loved
? 其他意思 well-read well-informed well-paid well-
? aero- 空中的 aeroplane aerodynamic aeronautics
? agro- 农业的 agrology agronomy agronomist
? astro- 太空的 asronaut astronomy astrology
? audio- 听觉的 audio-visual audio-tape audio-cassette
? chron- 时间 chronic chronology chronicle
? contra- 反, 防 contrary contradiction contraceptive
? cross- 横跨 cross-country cross-channel cross-border
? deci- 十进, 十分之一 decimal decimeter deciliter
? eco- 生态的 ecology ecologist ecosystem
? electro- 电的, 电子的 electronic electrocute
? Euro- 欧洲的 Euro-bank Euro-currency Euro-policy
? fresh- 刚刚 …… 的 fresh-cut fresh-baked fresh-fried
geo- 与地有关的 geology geography geothermal
? homo- 相同的 homogeneous homosexual homonym
? hyper- 极为 …… 的 hyper-modern hyper-alert
? mega- 非, 极大的 megahertz megaton megastar
? micro- 微 …,.的 microscope microfilm micro-organism
? mock- 假装的 mock-fight mock-modesty mock-sadness
? mono- 单一的 monologue monotonous
? multi- 多 …… 的 multinational multi-party multi-purpose
? neo- 新 neo-classical new-colonialism neo—Nazism
? neur(o)-神经的 neurology neurobiologist neurosurgeon
? once- 一度 …… once-famous once-popular
? pan- 泛 pan-American pan-Arab pan-continental
? phon- 声音的 phonetics phonology phonograph phoneme
? poly- 多 …… 的 polysyllabic polytechnic polygon polygamy
? quadr-(quadri-) 四 …… 的 quadrangle quadrilateral quadruped
? socio- 社会 sociological socio-economic socio-political
? sur- 超过 surcharge surplus surpass surmount
? sym(n)- 相同 synonym sympathy synchronize synthesis
? tech- 技术 ( 艺 ) technical technician technique technology
? therm- 热的 thermotherapy thermometer thermonuclear
? tri- 三 triangle tripartite trilateral trilogy
? ultra- 极, 外 ultra-secret ultra-smart ultra-tiny ultraviolet
? video- 图像的 videotape videodisc video-recorder
? n.+ n,
? 可数名词,air-conditioner 空调机 air raid 空袭
alarm clock 闹钟 assembly line 装配线
baby-sitter 看孩子的人 bank account 银行户头
bus stop 公共汽车站 can opener 开罐器
heart attack 心脏病发作 credit card 信用卡
pen friend 笔友 package holiday 一揽子度假计划
tea-table 茶几 X-ray X光
? 不可数名词,physical punishment 体罚 blood pressure 血压
? heart failure 心力衰竭 income tax 所得税
? mineral water 矿泉水 pocket money 零用钱
? 常用于单数的合成词,
? arms race 军备竞赛 brain drain 人才流失
? generation gap 代沟 greenhouse effect 温室效应
? labor force 劳动力 mother-tongue 母语
? adj.+ n,
? a,可数名词 compact disc 激光唱盘 human being 人
nervous breakdown 神经失常 old hand 老手
? b,不可数名词
central heating 中央空调 common sense 见识, 判断力
dry-cleaning 干洗 higher education 高等教育
social security 社会保险 remote control 遥控
? c,常用于单数 general public 公众 high jump 跳高
long jump 跳远 open air 露天
private sector 私营部分 public sector 公营部分
? d,常用于复数 civil right 公民权利 current affairs 时事
? French fries 炸薯条 human rights 人权
Natural resources 自然资源 social services 社会服务(事业)
? v.-ing/-ed + another word
? a,可数名词 dining room 餐厅 drawing pin 图钉
driving license 驾照 guided missile 导弹 washing machine
洗衣机 zebra crossing 斑马线
? b,不可数名词 air-conditioning 空调 barbed wire 铁丝网
central-heating 集中供暖 data processing 数据处理 family
planning 计划生育 lost property 失物招领 tracing
paper 描图纸 washing powder 洗衣粉 chewing gum 口香糖
? 其他方式构成的合成名词
back-seat driver 指手画脚瞎指挥的人 comrade-in-arms 战友
cover-up 掩盖事实 fork-lift truck 叉车
looker-on 旁观者 one-parent family 单亲家庭
do-it-yourself 自己动手 show-off 爱卖弄 的人
bride-to-be 准新娘 merry-go-round 旋转木马
go-between 中间人, 媒人 get-together 联欢会
good-for-nothing 无用之人 commander-in-chief 总司令
editor-in-chief 总编辑
? 合成形容词很多由过去分词或带 -ed词尾的词构成, 特别是品质形容词
? absent-minded 心不在焉的 cold-blooded 冷血的
? good-tempered 脾气好的 ill-advised 不明智的
? light-hearted 心情轻松的 low-paid 工资很低的
? newborn 新生的 one-sided 片面的
? short-handed 人手短缺的 swollen-headed 自命不凡的
? well-balanced 稳健的, 均衡的 slow-witted 苯, 蠢的
? 类属形容词
? air-conditioned 有空调的 bow-legged 膝盖向外弯的
? broken-hearted 心碎的 gray-haired 头发花白的
? left-handed 用左手的 panic-stricken 惊惶失措的
? right-angled 直角的 so-called 所谓的
? remote-controlled 遥控的 mass-produced 成批生产的
v.-ing + another word
close-fitting 紧身的 easy-going 好说话的
hard-wearing 耐磨的 long-lasting 耐用的
mouth-watering 令人垂涎的 face-saving 顾面子的
never-ending 没完没了的 hard-working 勤劳的
adj,+ n,Or n.+ adj,
? First-class 头等的 second-rated 二流的
? Deep-sea 深海的 full-scale 全力 ( 进攻 ) 的
? Loose-leaf 活页的 one-way 单向通行的
? Top-secret 绝密的 full-length 全身 ( 像 ) 的
? Brand-new 全新的 top-heavy 头重脚轻的
? All-mighty 万能的 bullet-proof 防弹的
? Duty-free 免税的 knee-deep 到膝盖深的
? a,v,+ adv.,
run-down 年久失修的 drive-in 开车进去的 ( 电影院 )
broken-down 破旧不堪的 see-through 透明的
? b,adv,+ n.,
off-guard 失去警惕的 off-peak 非高峰期的
off-campus 校园外的 outdoor 户外的
off-budget 预算外的 uphill 上山的
? c,其它形式的,all-out 全力以赴的 well-off 富裕的
two-year-old 两岁大的 all-round 全面 的
ever-victorious 常胜的 face-to-face 面对面的
out-and-out 彻头彻尾的
a,n.+ v.,caves-drop 偷听 sleep-walk 梦游
spoon-feed 用勺喂, 灌输 ( 知识 ) baby-sit 看孩子
b,adv.+ v.,overthrow 推翻 under go 经历
overcharge 超额收费 overhear 听见 ( 别人讲话 )
uphold 维护 uplift 提起, 振奋
c,adj./adv.+ v,white-wash 粉刷 blacklist 列入黑名单
ill-treat 虐待 cross-examined 盘问
backtrack 往回走 back-pedal 从 …… 退缩
其他形式的合成动词,blow-dry 吹干 spin-dry 甩干
? stir-fry 炒 deep-fry 炸
? court-martial 军法审判 tittle-tattle 闲聊
? 合成副词
? maybe,forever,moreover,however,nevertheless,
furthermore,single-handed(单独的, 一个人的 ),offhand(马上 ),等
等 。
? l 截短法 (clipping),即把一个词截去一部分, 构成一个新词,可以截去前面部分 ( a), 也可截去后面部分 ( b),例如,
? a,telephone – phone aeroplane – plane helicopter – copter
bicycle – cycle
? b,advertisement – ad exposition – expo stereophonic – stereo
(立体声的 ) mathematics – maths examination – exam
laboratory – lab photograph – photo microphone – mike
kilogram –kilo
refrigerator – fridge influenza – flu (流感 )
? l 混合 ( blend),把两个词各取一部分混合在一起,
news broadcast – newscast television broadcast – telecast
breakfast and lunch – brunch Europe + Asia – Eurasia
multi-university – multiversity (综合大学 )
? l 缩写 ( abbreviation),有些字可以缩写, 其中 ( a) 有些按字
母读音, ( b) 有些像单词一样拼读在一起,
? a,TV TB (肺结核 ) FBI( 联邦调查局 ) CIA( 中央情报局 )
KGB( 克格勃, 前苏联国家安全委员会 ) MIT( 麻省理工学院 )
IMF( 国际货币基金组织 ) WTO( 世界贸易组织 )
? b,NATO /neitu/
Phrase differentiation and analysis
? 1,有, break‖的动词短语
break down break in break off break through break up break out
? 2,―by‖引导的短语
by chance by means of by mistake by the way
? 3,有, call‖的动词短语
call for call off call on call up
? 4,―carry‖的动词短语, carry off carry on carry out
? 5,有, catch‖的动词短语, catch sight of catch up (with)
? 6,有, come‖的动词短语, come across come off come on come out
come true come/go into effect/operation
? 7,for短语, for example/instance for good/ever for the present for
the sake of for the time being
? 8,有, get‖的动词短语 get along get across get hold of get in get off
get on get over get rid of get through get together get up
? 9,有, give‖的动词短语, give off give out give rise to give up give
way to
? 10,有, go‖的动词短语, go after go ahead go along with go in for go
into go off go on go out go over go through go wrong
? 11,有, hand‖的动词短语, hand over hand down hand in hand out
? 12,有, hold‖的动词短语, hold back hold on (to… ) hold out hold up
? 13,有, look‖的动词短语, look at look back (to… ) look down
on/upon look for look forward (to… ) look in look into
look out look over look through look up
? 14,有, make‖的动词短语, make for make fun of make out
make sense make sure make up make use of
? 15,―on‖的短语, on average on behalf of on board on business
on duty on fire on foot on purpose on sale on schedule on
second thoughts on the one hand on the other hand on the
point of on the whole on time
? 16,―out‖短语, out of breath out of control out of date out of
order out of place out of sight out of the question
? 17,有, put‖的动词短语, put aside put away put down put off
put forward put on put out put up put up with
? 18,有, run‖的动词短语, run down run into run out (of) run over
? 19,有, set‖的动词短语, set about set aside set back set free
set off set out set up
? 20,有, stand‖的动词短语, stand by stand for stand up
? 21,有, take‖的动词短语, take … for take … for granted take
care take down take care of take in take into account
take off take on take one’s time take over take part (in)
take place take the place of take up
? 22,有, turn‖的动词短语, turn down turn off turn on turn out
turn to turn up
? 23,―under‖短语,under control under way