U5L1 Check n. A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit; a draft. 支票给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票;汇票 Issue v.tr. To circulate or distribute in an official capacity: 流通,发出通过政府机关流通或分配: Automatic teller machine Nowhere adv. 无处;任何地方都不 nowhere to hide We are nowhere near your bank. cashier n.(商店等的)出纳员, (银行或公司的)司库 Point n. A narrowly particularized and localized position or place; a spot: 位置十分具体且固定的地方或位置;地点: EPS=Electronic point of sale Swipe v.intr. To make a sweeping stroke. 挥击做大幅度的一击 Punch v.tr. To depress (a key or button, for example) in order to activate a device or perform an operation: 按为了使某一装置运行或完成某项工作而按(例如,键或按纽): punched the “repeat” key; punched in the number on the computer. 按下“重复”键;按下输入数字在计算器上 Worries n.【复数】 The act of worrying or the condition of being worried; persistent mental uneasiness. 忧虑,烦恼担忧的行为或处于担忧的状况;一直精神不安 constantly adv.不变地, 经常地, 坚持不懈地 comfortable adj.舒适的 thought n. The act or process of thinking; cogitation. 思考思考的行为或过程;思索 1 ABDABDADCA 2 A. classical B. classic 2) A. delighted B. delightful 3) A. favorite B. favorable 4) A. emigrants B. immigrants 5) A. economic B. economical 6) A. variations B. variety 7) A. incredible B. incredulous 8) A. Imaginative B. imaginary 9) A. changed B. exchanged 10) A. invented B. created 11) A. opponents B. rival 12) A. legend B. myth 13) A. genuine B. true 14) A. insured B. guarantee 15) A. elementary B. basic 16) A. electronic B. electric Notes: clap one’s hands: 鼓掌 housekeeping n.家务管理 character n.角色 Orpheus n.[希神]俄耳甫斯(歌手,善弹竖琴) 3 few performer success way order most stands either attract 10) stay 10_5 1 CCBBDADAAB Notes: in that由于, 因为 2 sorted out; prior to; resulting from; to a certain extent; account for; have a good opinion of; is comprised of; take on; occurred to; be based on; relies on/upon; was involved in Notes: 1. sort out整理好;挑出;解决;整顿;惩罚, 打败;[和反身代词连用]解决...之间的问题, (使)恢复正常 sort out from 把...从...挑出来 2. take on承担(工作、责任等) 3. neglect n.(常与of连用)疏忽;忽略 neglect of duty 疏于职守 n. 被忽略的状况;被忽略的事实 an old person living in unhappy neglect 一位老人在被人忽略的情况下不幸地生活 4. plateau /’pl?t?u/ n.高地, 高原(上升后的)稳定水平(或时期、状态) 3 impatient; disadvantageous; illogical; unfortunate; non-standard; illegal; independent; impractical; irresponsible; unreasonable Notes: be independent of(常与of连用)独立的;自立的 make demands on对...提出要求; 有求于 decline v.拒绝 disadvantageous adj. Detrimental; unfavorable.不利的;不适宜的 4 Along with; novelty; pride; inventing; improving; convince; whether; afford; producers; on; another; convenience; tremendous; typical; designed; However Notes: cleanliness n.洁癖, 清洁 charge v. 索价;要人支付; That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays. 那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价。 suburban adj. 郊外的, 偏远的 U7L Awful adv. (Informal)Extremely; very: 极度地;非常: was awful sick. 病得很重 Depressed adj.沮丧的, 降低的wedding examination=checkup memorize v. 记住, 记忆Fahrenheit Keep it straight(整齐的, 端正的, 有条理的) schedule v.确定时间 by any chance万一, 碰巧, 或许 epidemic adj.流行的, 传染的, 流行性 n.时疫, 疫疾流行, (风尚等的)流行, 流行病 10_8 U6IncVoc 1 baaabbba 2 source consideration perceive tend campaign relatively primary appeal Translation All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure. Such behavior may result in the executive being asked to leave. Our products compete with those of other factories in terms of quality, reliability and, above all, variety. The team’s performance was greatly affected by the heavy rain. I appreciate your reasons for objecting to the proposal. To some extent, she should be responsible for the accident. I’m deeply troubled by the thought that life is just too comfortable. Women tend to live longer than men. U8L1 Mugging n. an assault upon a person especially with the intent to rob 行凶抢劫对人身的袭击,尤指带有抢劫的倾向性 snatch vt., vi. (常与away, from连用)攫取;抢;夺取 He snatched the book from my hands. 他从我的手里抢走了书。 peeling n.剥皮, 剥下的皮 Portland n.波特兰(美国俄勒冈西北部港市) Oregon n.美国俄勒冈州 Hold-up抢劫 Grille格子窗 Transparent Flee, fled=ran away U8L2 Fast adj.深沉的;彻底的: In a fast sleep 睡得很熟 Spare adj.备用的 A spare tire 备用轮胎 Alert adj.提防的, 警惕的 n.警惕, 警报 Burglar n. 夜贼,夜盗 Decidedly adv. 果断地, 断然地 champagne n.香槟酒, 香槟色 campaign n.[军]战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动 vi.参加活动, 从事活动, 作战 championship=tournament n.锦标赛 Readers’ digest n.分类, 摘要 vi.消化 vt.消化, 融会贯通 Parisian n.巴黎人 adj.巴黎的, 巴黎人的 Lachelle地名 Went in search of Fountain He was fast asleep./He was in a fast sleep. won_xu@yahoo.com temptation resist promoting/marketing activities coupon 9/26 Appeal vi.呼吁;恳求 The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。 (常与to连用)吸引;引起兴趣 Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to/interest you? 你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作? n.呼吁;恳求 an appeal for aid 恳求援助 n. The power of attracting or of arousing interest: 吸引力,感染力吸引或引起兴趣的力量: a city with appeal for tourists. 对游客有吸引力的城市 Appreciate v.tr. To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of: 重视,赏识认识到…的质量、显著性或重要性: appreciated their freedom. 重视他们的自由 Consideration in consideration of 报答;由于 take into consideration 顾及,考虑到 under consideration 在考虑中,在研究中 Distribute vt.分;分发 to distribute books to students 给学生发书 Emphasize vt.强调 I must emphasize the fact that they are only children. "我必须强调这一事实,即他们只不过是孩子。" Entertainment n. 公众娱乐 A cinema is a place of entertainment. 电影院是公众娱乐场所。 Evaluation n.估计[量, 价]; 评定[价, 估], 测[鉴, 推]定; 计值, 计算 accomplishment evaluation 学业成绩评定 Impact v.tr. To strike forcefully:用力撞击: meteorites impacting the lunar surface. 陨石撞击月球表面 To have an effect or impact on.发生影响 How will the war impact on such a poet? 战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响? Mature adj. 成熟的;理智的 You are a mature man now; you are no longer a boy. 你现在是成人了,不再是孩子了。 Nevertheless adv. 尽管如此;不过;可是;然而 She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working. 她虽然很疲倦,可仍在继续工作。 He's stupid, but I like him nevertheless. 他是很笨,然而我喜欢他。 Orient vt.(常与towards连用)为…定方向; 为…定位 We must orient our products to the needs of the market. 我们必须使我们的产品适应市场的需要。 Peer n. 同等的人;同辈 children who are easily influenced by their peers. 易受同龄人影响的孩子 (英国)贵族 peer of the realm 世袭的贵族 Perceive v.tr. To become aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing. 意识到通过任何一种感官,尤指视觉或听觉等直接意识到 To achieve understanding of; apprehend. 理解获得对…的理解;理解 I perceived that I could not make her change her mind. 我发觉我不能使她改变她的主意。 Prior adj. Preceding in importance or value: 更重要的,优先的重要性或价值居先的: a prior consideration. 优先考虑 Rational adj. Of sound mind; sane. 神智健全的;头脑清晰的;正常的 Consistent with or based on reason; logical: 合理的;与理性相符或以理性为基础的: rational behavior. 理智的行为 Rely vi.(与on, upon连用) 依靠;依赖 rely on one's own efforts 依靠自己的努力 信任;信赖 You may rely on me. 你可以信赖我。 Tend vt.(常与to连用)有某种倾向;有…的趋势 People under stress tend to express their full range of potential. 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。 Tentative adj. Not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional: 试验性的还末完全完工的、总结或得出了一致结论的;临时的: just a tentative schedule. 仅仅是个试验性的计划 After I Delivery n. 递送;送与den There is no delivery of letters on Sundays. 星期日不送信。 Display vt.展示;给看;表现 The children's work was displayed on the wall. 孩子们的作品在墙上展出来了。 n.展示;陈列;表现 On New Year's Eve the display of fireworks offers many attractions. 除夕之夜的焰火很吸引人。 Ignore vt.不理睬;忽视neglect I tried to tell her but she ignored me. 我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我。 Receipt n.收据;收条 When you have paid for sth., a receipt is given to you. 当你付了某个东西的钱时,就给了你收据。 Reject vt.拒绝;不接受 He rejected/declined/turned down their invitation point-blank. 他直截了当地拒绝了他们 的邀请。 After II Comprise vt.包括;包含;构成is comprised of The house comprises ten rooms. 这所房子包括10个房间。 Faculty n.才能 She has the faculty to learn languages easily. 她有轻而易举学会语言的才能。 Neglect v.tr. To pay little or no attention to; fail to heed; disregard: 不注意,忽略不太或毫不注意;不被重视;忽视: neglected their warnings. 不顾他们的警告 To fail to care for or attend to properly: 忽视,疏忽未给与适当的重视或关心: neglects her appearance. 没太重视她的外貌 To fail to do or carry out, as through carelessness or oversight: 没有完成,漏做由于疏忽或有意丢下未做或实施: neglected to return the call. 有意不回电话 Plus prep.加;加上 4 plus 3 equals 7. 四加三等于七。 略大的;超过标准的 Her mark was B plus。 她的分数B+。 Volunteer vt., vi.(常与to连用)自愿去做,主动请求去做 volunteered their services; 志愿提供他们的服务; We all volunteered to paint the house. 我们都自愿漆这房子。 Whereas conj.但是;相反obese Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it. 有些人喜欢肥肉,相反有些人讨厌肥肉。 After III Accuse vt.控告;指控 The police accused him of stealing. 警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。 extort money from sb. 向某人勒索钱财 Fade vt.渐渐消失 The memory of her sufferings in her childhood will never fade from her mind. 她永远不会忘却童年时代所受的痛苦。 Prohibit v.tr. prevent; preclude:妨碍阻止;避免: Modesty prohibits me from saying what happened. 羞怯妨碍我说出所发生的事情 whereupon conj.于是 He saw me coming, whereupon he offered me his seat. 他看到我来,于是把座位让给了我。 Covering n. 覆盖物 Nails n. 钉子 paint Fabrics n. 织物clothes Toilet n. 厕所 Hairdressing n. 理发 Lip-stick Panacea Suit Spray onto the clerk’s face U6L1 Athens n.雅典(希腊首都) flight n.班机 Zurich n.苏黎世 Window n.橱窗 Drachmas n.德拉克马(现代希腊基本货币单位) at sb.'s service 为某人效劳; 随时提供服务 association n.协会 straight adv.直接地 Second-hand n.旧货 Local adj.地方的;本地的 describe as(与as连用)把…说成是 Perfect adj.完美的 asking price索价 Repairs n. The work, act, or process of repairing. 修补修补的工作、行为或过程 dealer n.经销商, 商人 faultless adj.无可指责的,完美无缺的 make a claim对(赔偿等)提出要求... 1 1) childish, child, childhood, childlike 2) Commercially, commercial, commerce, commercials, non-commercial 3) exciting, excites, excited, excitements 4) satisfied, satisfy, satisfaction, satisfying, satisfactorily Stamp v.intr. To thrust the foot forcibly downward. 跺脚把脚用力向下跺 stamp about the room 在房里重步走来走去 Childish adj. Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity; puerile: 未成熟的以未成熟为特征或显得未成熟的;幼稚愚蠢的: tired of your childish pranks. 厌倦了你幼稚的胡闹 commercial n. An advertisement on television or radio. 在电视或无线电上的广告 adj. 商业的;商务的 excitement n. Something that excites: 刺激的因素使兴奋的事物: the dancing tigers and other circus excitements. 老虎跳舞和其它杂技令人感到兴奋 satisfactory adj. Giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement; adequate. 令人满意的使要求或请求等得到充分满足的;满足的 2 1) spirit A. (pl) A mood or an emotional state: 心境,情绪: B. (pl) An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor. 含酒精饮料,尤指非发酵的烈酒 2) present A. adj. Being at hand or in attendance: 当前的随时在手边的或出席的: Thirty guests were present at the ceremony. 有三十位客人出席这次典礼 B. n. Something presented; a gift. 礼物;赠品 3) sophisticated A. adj. Having acquired worldly knowledge or refinement; lacking natural simplicity or naiveté. 老于世故的具备世故的知识或精细的;缺乏自然的单纯或天真幼稚的 B. adj. Very complex or complicated: 非常复杂精密或尖瑞的: the latest and most sophisticated technology. 最新最尖端的技术: 4) routine (humdrum adj.单调的; checkup n.身体检查) A. A set of customary and often mechanically performed procedures or activities. 老一套一套惯常的且常常机械地执行的程序或活动 B. adj. In accord with established procedure: 例行公事的: a routine check of passports. 检查护照的惯例 5) approach A. vt., vi. 走近;靠近 We approached the museum. 我们走近博物馆。 B. n. 接近;打交道 making approaches to strangers 和陌生人打交道 6) lean A. v.intr. To rely for assistance or support: 依靠依靠以获取帮助或支持: Lean on me for help. 依赖我的帮助 B. To bend or slant away from the vertical. 斜从垂直的位置弯曲或倾斜 7) whatever A. No matter what: 不管什么: Whatever happens, we'll meet here tonight. 不管发生什么事情,我们今晚都在这儿碰头 B. Everything or anything that: 无论什么,任何东西,一切事物: Do whatever you please. 你喜欢做什么就做什么 3 fry v.tr. To cook over direct heat in hot oil or fat. 油炸直接在热油或油状物中烹调Meat, fish, vegetables, etc. can be fried in shallow oil or fat. boil v.intr. To undergo the action of boiling, especially in being cooked. 在沸水中煮,尤指烹煮We boil vegetables, eggs, rice, etc. by covering them with water and heating it. steam v.tr. To expose to steam, as in cooking. 蒸烹调时暴露于蒸汽中We steam fish, puddings, etc. by placing the food above boiling water. roast v.tr. To cook with dry heat, as in an oven or near hot coals. 烘烤如放在烤箱里或热煤附近通过干热烘烤We roast large pieces of meat, potatoes, etc. bake v.tr. To cook (food) with dry heat, especially in an oven. 烤用干热量烤(食品),尤指在烤炉里We bake bread, cakes, etc. in the oven. toast v.tr. To heat and brown (bread, for example) by placing in a toaster or an oven or close to a fire. 烤通过把(比如面包)放入烤箱或炉子或接近火焰进行加热,使之变成棕黄色 Translation 1 The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance, but the name of the speaker is not. 2 It seemed incredible that some students still played football before the exams. 3 Mr Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others. 4 Two Americans shared last year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine. 5 First of all I’d like to welcome you to the meeting. 6 I’m not accustomed to such luxury. It’s a waste of money. 7 The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon. 8 Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science. Junk food垃圾食品 Wholesome adj.有益于增进健康的, 合乎卫生的 对身心有益的 Spray v.intr. To discharge sprays of liquid. 溅散液体 Magnetic bar code磁性的条形码 be on sale Electronic scanner n. 电子的扫描器,扫描仪 Object to v.intr. To present a dissenting or opposing argument; raise an objection: 反对提出不同意见或反对意见;反对: objected to the testimony of the witness. 反对证人的证词 v.tr. To put forward in or as a reason for opposition; offer as criticism: 提出…作为反对的理由;反对说…: They objected that discipline was lacking. 他们提出缺少纪律作为反对的理由 Indicate vt.指出, 显示, 象征 Suppose vt.推想, 假设, 猜想 vi.料想 conj.假使...结果会怎样 Dependently adv.依靠的, 依赖的 Mention vt.提及, 说起 Market vi., vt.到市场去做买卖;在市场出售 to market ones' goods 在市场出售商品 Source n .来源, 水源, 消息来源 U8L1 Mugging n. An assault upon a person especially with the intent to rob. 行凶抢劫对人身的袭击,尤指带有抢劫的倾向性 snatch vt., vi. (常与away, from连用)攫取;抢;夺取 He snatched the book from my hands. 他从我的手里抢走了书。 peeling n.剥皮, 剥下的皮 Portland n.波特兰(美国俄勒冈西北部港市) Oregon n.美国俄勒冈州 U8L2 Fast adj.深沉的;彻底的: in a fast sleep. 睡得很熟 Spare adj.备用的 a spare tire 备用轮胎 Alert adj.提防的, 警惕的 n.警惕, 警报 Burglar n. 夜贼,夜盗 Decidedly adv. 果断地, 断然地 champagne n.香槟酒, 香槟色 campaign n.[军]战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动 vi.参加活动, 从事活动, 作战 championship n.锦标赛 digest n.分类, 摘要 vi.消化 vt.消化, 融会贯通 Parisian] n.巴黎人 adj.巴黎的, 巴黎人的 U8L3 revolve v.(使)旋转, 考虑, 循环出现 sheepishly adv.怯懦地, 羞怯地 Clutch v.intr. To attempt to grasp or seize: 试图抓住: clutch at a life raft. 试图抓住救生筏 dishearten vt.使...气馁, 使...沮丧, 使...失去勇气 gang n.(一)伙, (一)群 ultimately adv.最后, 终于, 根本, 基本上 ankle n.[解]踝 practical joke恶作剧 to make one's getaway逃跑 Rothesay地名 U8Inc accessibility n.易接近, 可到达 access n. 进入;通道 There is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。 使用;接近 Students need access to books. 学生需要使用书本。 advisable adj. Worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent. 可取的值得被推荐或被建议的;审慎的 It is advisable to leave now. 你最好现在离开。 on ... basis (=on the basis of) 以...为根据, 在...基础上 concern vt. 关于;对…有关系 Attend to what concerns you. 注意与你有关的事物。 影响;关系 This concerns us deeply. 这事对我们关系极大。 担心;担忧;挂念 We're rather concerned about father's health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。 (常与with, about, in连用)关心;关照 to concern oneself with public work 关心公众事务 We're rather concerned about father's health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。 n. 有利害关系;所关切的事 It's no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。 关心;关怀;关照 a nurse's concern for a sick man 护士对病人的关心 担心;担忧 She showed great concern about you. 她很为你担心。 cope v.intr. To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them: 对抗与困难作斗争并且克服它们: (常与with连用)应付;对抗 She is not a competent driver and can't cope with driving in heavy traffic. "她不是个能干的司机,在交通拥挤时就开不好车。" enable v.tr. To supply with the means, knowledge, or opportunity; make able: 使能够提供方法、知识或机会;使能够: This dictionary enable you to understand English words. 这本词典使你能理解英语词汇。 Foster v.tr. To promote the growth and development of; cultivate: 促进,培养促进生长、发展等;培养: detect and foster artistic talent. 发展并培养艺术才能 invaluable adj. Of inestimable value; priceless: 非常宝贵的具有无法估计的价值的;无价的: invaluable paintings; invaluable help. 千金难买的绘画作品;巨大的帮助 isolate v.tr. To set apart or cut off from others. 分开;隔断把…分开或与其他的事物隔断 Several villages have been isolated by the floods. 洪水使好几座村庄与外界隔绝了。 relax v.tr. To relieve from tension or strain: 使轻松由紧张或约束中释放出来: The warm bath relaxed me. 温暖的沐浴使我放松 resent v.tr. To feel indignantly (愤怒地) aggrieved (权利受到不法侵害的, 抱不平的) at. 生气,憎恶,怨恨对…感到愤怒地怨恨 He resents criticism. 他怨恨批评。 Secure v.tr. To guard from danger or risk of loss: 保护保护使免受危险或失败: The troops secured the area before the civilians were allowed to return. 在百姓返回之前军队负责保护这个地区 Stimulate v.tr.To rouse to activity or heightened action, as by spurring or goading; excite. 激发激发活动或更兴奋的活动,如通过刺激或激励;使兴奋 Light stimulates the optic nerve. 光刺激视神经。 Suppress v.tr. To inhibit the expression of (an impulse, for example); check: 抑制抑制表情(如由于感情冲动的);限制: suppress a smile. 忍住笑容 After-classI Odds n. 可能性;可能的机会 The odds are against us. 我们没有成功的机会。 The odds are in their favor. 他们有成功的可能。 Bet vt., vi.打赌 I bet it will rain soon! 我确信马上要下雨! The girls bet the boys a big fancy cake on their winning the game. 女孩子们与男孩子们用一块大花式蛋糕打赌,说她们比赛会赢。 Cater vi.(与for连用)替(某人)办酒席 (与to连用)迎合;投合 a restaurant catering only to the Muslims 专供穆斯林就餐的饭店, 清真馆子 cater for the need of the customers 迎合顾客的需求 Grab v.tr.To take or grasp suddenly: 夺取或抓住突然拿走或抓住: grabbed the letter from me. 从我手里抢走了信 Grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的 I am grateful to you for helping me. 感谢你的帮助。 Our grateful thanks are due to you. 我们衷心感谢你。 Harm v.tr.To do harm to. 对…施加伤害 Integrate v.tr.To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify. 使成一体把所有部分放在一起而成一整体;使结合 integrate theory with practice 使理论与实践相结合 vi.与...结合起来 (with); 成一体 A integrates with B. A和B结合起来。 Label vt. 贴标签 I labeled the trunk for Shanghai. 我给皮箱拴上运往上海的标签。 (常与as连用)把…称作 People labeled him as a liar. 人们称他为撒谎者。 标示;标明 The bottle is labeled poison. 瓶上标明有毒。 Somewhat adv. 有几分,略,稍 I was somewhat surprised. 我有点惊讶。 Terrify vt. 使恐怖;使惊吓;吓坏 The animals were terrified by the storm. 动物被风暴吓坏了。 After-classII Appall v.tr.To fill with consternation or dismay. 使惊恐,使惊骇 The public were appalled when they heard the president had been murdered. 听到总统被谋杀的消息公众惊骇万分。 Collision n. The act or process of colliding; a crash or conflict. 碰撞碰撞的行为或过程;碰撞或冲突 come into collision with 和... 相撞[冲突, 抵触] in collision with 和... 相撞[冲突] Muster vt., vi. 召集;鼓起;提起 to muster one's courage 鼓起勇气 Presence n.The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence. 出席,出场,存在出席的状态或事实;现实存在或发生 These famous film stars's presence greatly brightened up the evening party. 这些电影明星在场使晚会大为活跃。 Rage vi.发怒 The raging sea was lulled.(vt.使平静, 哄骗, 使安静) 翻腾的海浪平息了。 Recede v.intr.To move back or away from a limit, point, or mark: 倒退,后退从某限定中、某点或某记号处向后移动或离开: The flood waters finally receded. 洪水最终退走了 Scatter vt.撒(种), 散播 The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens. 农民把谷子撒在院子里喂鸡。 vi.分散 The tourists scattered about the town . 旅游者遍布全城。 Suffocate vt. 使窒息, 闷死 be suffocated by [with] excitement 兴奋得透不过气来 Vanish v.intr.To pass out of sight, especially quickly; disappear. 消失,突然不见从视线中消失,尤指迅速地消失;消失 Zigzag v.intr. To move in or form a zigzag: 之字形行进或形成之字形: a destroyer zigzagging to evade torpedos. 驱逐战舰曲折行进,巧妙地避开了鱼雷 U8FurDev Break out To emerge or escape. 出现或逃走 fine n.罚款, 罚金 owe vt., vi. 欠, 欠债 I owe you an apology. 我该向你道歉。 (常与to连用)归功于;由于 The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement. 年轻作家把自己的成功归于他老师的鼓励。 blame vt.谴责;归咎 Don't blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。 be to blame 应受谴责 The children were not to blame. 孩子们不应受到谴责。 factor n.因素, 要素 cause n.原因 in a row 连续 make a difference 有影响,很重要 crime-ridden受...支配的, 受...虐待[折磨]的, ...横行的 offense n. A violation or an infraction of a moral or social code; a transgression or a sin. 违反违反或打破道德或社会规范;一种侵犯或犯罪 The act of attacking or assaulting. 袭击袭击或攻击的行为 ?1. Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for a few hours. ?2. How will taxes affect people with low income? ?3. My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad that I did not give up practicing the piano. ?4. The prices of the books range from $10 to $20. ?5. It seems to me that you don’t have much choice. ?6. Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job. ?7. For such a big house the price is fairly cheap, but you’ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs. ?8. Can we begin by discussing questions arising from the last meeting? U8Quiz (Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Color. 84 Minutes. Directed by Walt Disney and David Hand. Music by Frank Churchill. Walt Disney Company, 1937 (re-released and digitalized in 1993). The first full-length animated (adj.动画的) feature film (n. 正片剧院上映的主要影片) (December 21, 1937) ever made, it is considered a Disney masterpiece and has been placed in the National Film Registry (记录簿) (1989) by the Library of Congress. It received a Special Academy Award (one full-sized oscar and seven small ones) from the Motion Picture Academy in 1938. Perhaps one of the most influential films for children ever produced in that it has influenced our view of "Snow White." It is important to remember that filming of Snow White was a lengthy process and that rough sketches of the characters for Snow White began to appear fairly early at the Walt Disney Studios.  Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Music by Frank Churchill. Disneyland/Buena Vista, 1993. The world’s first full-length animated feature, Walt Disney’s Academy Award winning masterpiece Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs began the Disney tradition of family entertainment complete in its delightful charm, dynamic storytelling and breathtaking (adj.惊人的, 惊险的) animation (n.动画). Alive with fair (adj.美丽的) tale magic, heart-pounding suspense (n.焦虑, 悬念, 悬而不决) and rousing (adj.鼓舞人的, 活跃的, 非凡的) adventure, it all begins when Snow White’s jealous (adj.妒忌的, 猜疑的, 警惕的, 嫉妒的) stepmother consults her Magic Mirror and furiously discovers that Snow White’s beauty surpasses (vt.超越, 胜过) her own. To escape the vengeful (adj.复仇心重的, (利于)报复的) queen, Snow White takes refuge in an enchanted (vt.施魔法, 使迷惑) cottage (n.村舍, 小别墅), where she changes the lives of its seven lovable residents-Dopey (adj.被麻醉的, 笨的, 迟钝的), Steepy (adj.险峻的), Sneezy (adj.打喷嚏的,有喷嚏的,引起喷嚏的), Bashful (adj.害羞的), Happy, Doc, and the rough-edged Grumpy (adj.脾气坏的, 性情乖戾的, 脾气暴躁的). Heal: v.tr. To restore to health or soundness; cure. v.intr. To become whole and sound; return to health. He was healed of his sickness. 他病已痊愈。 Time heals all sorrows. 时间会治愈一切忧伤。 His wounds are healing up [over]. 他的伤口正在痊愈。 Likely Possessing or displaying the qualities or characteristics that make something probable: 可能的具有或显示使某事成为可能的特征或品质: They are likely to become angry with him. 他们可能会对他发怒 Prescribe v.tr. To order the use of (a medicine or other treatment). 规定嘱咐(某药或其它疗法)的用法 v.intr. To order a medicine or other treatment. 开处方,给医嘱 The doctor prescribed radiotherapy for him. 医生要他做放射治疗。 prescribe for a patient in a fever 给发烧患者开药方 React v.intr. To act in response to or under the influence of a stimulus or prompting: 反应,作出反应在某种刺激或提示的影响下或针对这种影响而采取的行动: reacted strongly to the sarcastic tone of the memorandum. 对于备忘录所使用的讽刺性口吻而作出强烈反应 Reassurance n. stem reassure v.tr. To restore confidence to. 恢复信心重新树立……的信心 To assure again. 再保证又一次地保证 People are reassured. 人心安定了。 The captain's confidence during the storm reassured the passengers. 在风暴中船长的信念使旅客们恢复了信心。 Relief n. The easing of a burden or distress, such as pain, anxiety, or oppression. 减缓缓解负担或忧虑,如痛苦,焦虑或压抑 I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination. 听说我已经通过了考试,感到轻松多了。 Swear I swear I won't tell anyone your secret. 我发誓不把你的秘密告诉任何人 Tribal adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a tribe. 部落的,宗族的属于或关于部落的,或有部落的特征的 Ulcer n. 溃疡 a mouth ulcer 口腔溃疡 a stomach ulcer 胃溃疡 the ulcer of the society 社会弊病 Expect To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of: 期待期望某事的发生或出现: expecting a telephone call; expects rain on Sunday. 等电话;等待星期天下雨 won_xu@yahoo.com 88831699 Vocabulary 1 medicine 药剂 医学/术 shot 枪击 注射 capsule 太空舱 胶囊 heal To become whole and sound; return to health. 变得完整和健全;重返健康 To set right; repair: 使恢复正常;修缮: treatment 待遇 Administration or application of remedies to a patient or for a disease or an injury; medicinal or surgical management; therapy. 处理,治疗给病人或为了治疗一种疾病或损伤施加或使用药物;药物处理或外科治疗 operation 【医学】A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, or a defect外科手术为修补伤口、或缺陷等治疗疾病的外科手术 The act or process of operating or functioning. 操作操作或起作用的行为或过程 case An occurrence of a disease or disorder: 病例一种疾病或不适的例子: A set of circumstances or a state of affairs; a situation: 情况,状况一系列情况或事件的一种状态;状况: suggest To bring or call to mind by logic or association使人想到通过逻辑或联想使想起或唤起 To offer for consideration or action; propose:建议 2. a e f d g h c b Translation All I can say is that we are extremely sorry. In many cases regulations alone will not work. He is highly likely to succeed because of his intelligence and diligence. She stared at me as if I were a stranger. It is reported that three people were injured in the traffic accident yesterday. I feel angry at the way he has treated me. The patient is much the same as he was yesterday. I’d like to stay at home this evening rather than go out. U3L1 Average adj. Being intermediate between extremes, as on a scale: 中等的在数量上位于两极端之间的: a player of average ability. 一个中等能力的运动员 Usual or ordinary in kind or character: 普通的在类型或特征上通常的或寻常的: a poll of average people; average eyesight. 普通人群落;中等视力 Outgoing adj. Sociable and responsive to others; friendly: 友好的好交际的且乐于助人的;友善的:society, social a warm, outgoing personality. 热情友好的个性 Overpowering adj. So strong as to be overwhelming: 压倒性的,强烈的如此强烈以至于压倒一切的: too dynamic, energetic, active an overpowering need for solitude. 对孤独的强烈需求 Inquisitive adj. Unduly curious and inquiring.好奇的,好询问的 Don't be so inquisitive; I'm not telling you what I've promised not to say. "别这么好管闲事了,我不会告诉你我允诺不讲的事。" Accent n. 口音;腔调 She told me her story (in broken accent), weeping. 她泣不成声weeping地告诉我她的经历。 Inferior adj. 下等的; 下级的 Behavior n. 行为;举动 Everyone praises the children's good behavior. 每个人都赞扬孩子们的好行为。Improve get to know from cradle to tomb, knight, gentleman, submarines were sunken, cuisine, to the extreme, elite U3L2 Land v.intr. To arrive in a place or condition: 陷入,到达到达某地或遭遇某种情况: landed at the theater too late for the opening curtain. ceremony 到达剧院时太晚了以致于看不到开幕式 lost adj. 迷路的 I’m lost for words. The little boy went for a walk and got lost. 小男孩去散步走迷了路。 Settle v.intr. To establish one's residence: 定居建立某人的住处: settle in Canada. 定居加拿大 Suspicion n. The condition of being suspected, especially of wrongdoing. 嫌疑之处尤指被怀疑的情况,尤指坏事 Suspicion crept(creep) into his mind. 不由得他不产生怀疑。 Hesitant adj.踌躇的;犹豫的 She was hesitant about accepting the invitation. 她对是否接受邀请犹豫不决。 Dilute vt. 稀释;淡化 to dilute wine with water 加水冲淡酒 Spoil v.tr. To impair the completeness, perfection, or unity of; flaw grievously: 损害,破坏损害其它完整性、完美性及整体感;严重损害: spoiled the party. 破坏了聚会 pour v.tr. To make (a liquid or granular solid) stream or flow, as from a container. Contents/content 倒使(液体或颗粒状固体)从一容器中流出 to pour away the water 倒掉水 addition n. 增加物 Our baby brother is an addition to our family. 新出生的弟弟使我们家多了一口人。 bow v. 鞠躬, 弯腰lines: The mountain should never bow to high winds. sweeten v. (使) 变甜, 加糖 grant permission准许 compare matrix 15(row 1, column 5), 19 peace 11, 66 crèche 12, 72 friends 13, 46 snow 31, 81 wreath 91, 131 holly 43, 93 carols 110, 92 boxing 27, 54 tree 14, 912 Christmas 67, 137 goodwill 103, 76 star 113, 77 angel 106, 136 hope 143, 146 love 1414,147 stocking U4L1 jingle n. The sound produced by or as if by bits of metal striking together. 叮当声有金属片相互撞击而发出的声音或象由其发出的声音 dash v.intr. To move with haste; rush: 快速地移动;猛冲: dashed to the door. 猛冲到门口 bobtail n. A short or shortened tail. 短尾巴,截短的尾巴 Jingle Bells Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh, Over the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright, What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Now the ground is white, go it while you're young Take the girls tonight, and sing this sleighing song; Just get a bob-tailed bay, two-forty as his speed Hitch him to an open sleigh and crack! you'll take the lead U4L2 neighborhood n. 街坊;四邻 The whole neighborhood was there. 街坊都在那里。 recipe n. 食谱;烹饪法 In the recipe, it says that I must use two eggs. 这个食谱上说我必须用两个鸡蛋。 in one’s name/in the name of 以…的名义;为了…的缘故;凭…的权威 He attended the party in the name of his father. 他以他父亲的名义参加聚会。 U4L3 Origin n. 起源, 由来, 起因, 出身, 血统, [数]原点 date back 回溯至 break rules 破例, 犯规 Saint n.【神学】A person officially recognized, especially by canonization, as being entitled to public veneration and capable of interceding (v.调解) for people on earth. 圣徒正式承认(尤指追封的)做为公众尊崇和能够给地球上的人类说情的人 Legend n. An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical. 传说,(历史)传奇故事从早期时代相传下业的未经证实的故事,尤指那些被普遍认为是基于史实者 Emperor n.皇帝, 君主 Priest n. 牧师 1 DABABCADBDDABBCABD 2 enormous social solve stemmed cited minimizes analyze amount ridiculous swore 3 impractical independent irrational insecure indirect incapable unfortunately impatient impolite 1 1) childish, child, childhood, childlike 2) Commercially, commercial, commerce, commercials, non-commercial 3) exciting, excites, excited, excitements 4) satisfied, satisfy, satisfaction, satisfying, satisfactorily Stamp v.intr. To thrust the foot forcibly downward. 跺脚把脚用力向下跺 stamp about the room 在房里重步走来走去 Childish adj. Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity; puerile: 未成熟的以未成熟为特征或显得未成熟的;幼稚愚蠢的: tired of your childish pranks. 厌倦了你幼稚的胡闹 commercial n. An advertisement on television or radio. 在电视或无线电上的广告 adj. 商业的;商务的 excitement n. Something that excites: 刺激的因素使兴奋的事物: the dancing tigers and other circus excitements. 老虎跳舞和其它杂技令人感到兴奋 satisfactory adj. Giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement; adequate. 令人满意的使要求或请求等得到充分满足的;满足的 2 1) spirit A. (pl) A mood or an emotional state: 心境,情绪: B. (pl) An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor. 含酒精饮料,尤指非发酵的烈酒 2) present A. adj. Being at hand or in attendance: 当前的随时在手边的或出席的: Thirty guests were present at the ceremony. 有三十位客人出席这次典礼 B. n. Something presented; a gift. 礼物;赠品 3) sophisticated A. adj. Having acquired worldly knowledge or refinement; lacking natural simplicity or naiveté. 老于世故的具备世故的知识或精细的;缺乏自然的单纯或天真幼稚的 B. adj. Very complex or complicated: 非常复杂精密或尖瑞的: the latest and most sophisticated technology. 最新最尖端的技术: 4) routine (humdrum adj.单调的; checkup n.身体检查) A. A set of customary and often mechanically performed procedures or activities. 老一套一套惯常的且常常机械地执行的程序或活动 B. adj. In accord with established procedure: 例行公事的: a routine check of passports. 检查护照的惯例 5) approach A. vt., vi. 走近;靠近 We approached the museum. 我们走近博物馆。 B. n. 接近;打交道 making approaches to strangers 和陌生人打交道 6) lean A. v.intr. To rely for assistance or support: 依靠依靠以获取帮助或支持: Lean on me for help. 依赖我的帮助 B. To bend or slant away from the vertical. 斜从垂直的位置弯曲或倾斜 7) whatever A. No matter what: 不管什么: Whatever happens, we'll meet here tonight. 不管发生什么事情,我们今晚都在这儿碰头 B. Everything or anything that: 无论什么,任何东西,一切事物: Do whatever you please. 你喜欢做什么就做什么 3 fry v.tr. To cook over direct heat in hot oil or fat. 油炸直接在热油或油状物中烹调Meat, fish, vegetables, etc. can be fried in shallow oil or fat. boil v.intr. To undergo the action of boiling, especially in being cooked. 在沸水中煮,尤指烹煮We boil vegetables, eggs, rice, etc. by covering them with water and heating it. steam v.tr. To expose to steam, as in cooking. 蒸烹调时暴露于蒸汽中We steam fish, puddings, etc. by placing the food above boiling water. roast v.tr. To cook with dry heat, as in an oven or near hot coals. 烘烤如放在烤箱里或热煤附近通过干热烘烤We roast large pieces of meat, potatoes, etc. bake v.tr. To cook (food) with dry heat, especially in an oven. 烤用干热量烤(食品),尤指在烤炉里We bake bread, cakes, etc. in the oven. toast v.tr. To heat and brown (bread, for example) by placing in a toaster or an oven or close to a fire. 烤通过把(比如面包)放入烤箱或炉子或接近火焰进行加热,使之变成棕黄色 Translation 1 The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance, but the name of the speaker is not. 2 It seemed incredible that some students still played football before the exams. 3 Mr Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others. 4 Two Americans shared last year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine. 5 First of all I’d like to welcome you to the meeting. 6 I’m not accustomed to such luxury. It’s a waste of money. 7 The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon. 8 Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science. 1 ABDABDADCA 2 A. classical B. classic 2) A. delighted B. delightful 3) A. favorite B. favorable 4) A. emigrants B. immigrants 5) A. economic B. economical 6) A. variations B. variety 7) A. incredible B. incredulous 8) A. Imaginative B. imaginary 9) A. changed B. exchanged 10) A. invented B. created 11) A. opponents B. rival 12) A. legend B. myth 13) A. genuine B. true 14) A. insured B. guarantee 15) A. elementary B. basic 16) A. electronic B. electric 3 few performer success way order most stands either attract 10)stay U5L1 Check n. A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit; a draft. 支票给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票;汇票 Issue v.tr. To circulate or distribute in an official capacity: 流通,发出通过政府机关流通或分配: Automatic teller machine Nowhere adv. 无处;任何地方都不 nowhere to hide We are nowhere near your bank. cashier n.(商店等的)出纳员, (银行或公司的)司库 Point n. A narrowly particularized and localized position or place; a spot: 位置十分具体且固定的地方或位置;地点: EPS=Electronic point of sale Swipe v.intr. To make a sweeping stroke. 挥击做大幅度的一击 Punch v.tr. To depress (a key or button, for example) in order to activate a device or perform an operation: 按为了使某一装置运行或完成某项工作而按(例如,键或按纽): punched the “repeat” key; punched in the number on the computer. 按下“重复”键;按下输入数字在计算器上 Worries n.【复数】 The act of worrying or the condition of being worried; persistent mental uneasiness. 忧虑,烦恼担忧的行为或处于担忧的状况;一直精神不安 constantly adv.不变地, 经常地, 坚持不懈地 comfortable adj.舒适的 thought n. The act or process of thinking; cogitation. 思考思考的行为或过程;思索 After-class Reading I Account科目;账户 He paid the money into his bank account. 他把钱存在他的银行账户上。 Addicted嗜好… 的;上了…瘾的 addicted to smoking 吸烟上了瘾 Amount n. Quantity: 数量: a great amount of intelligence. 非常聪明 Behavior n. The manner in which one behaves. 行为指人行动的方式 Belief n. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet (n.原则) or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons. 信仰,信条被相信或被接受为真理的东西,尤指为一群人接受的一种特别的宗旨或许多原则 Claim v.tr. To state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain: 断言,宣称声称正确,尤指面对质疑时;极力主张或坚持: He claimed that he hadn't done it, but I didn't believe him. 他声称没有做这件事,可是我不相信他。 Compulsive adj.【心理学】 Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession. 强迫的由强迫或压制所引起或制约的 强迫(性)的, 不由自主的, 情不自禁的 have a compulsive desire to cry 情不自禁的想哭 a compulsive liar 一再说谎的人 Discount n. A reduction from the full or standard amount of a price or debt. 折扣从整个或标准的价格或债款的折扣 Hunt v.tr. To seek out; search for. 搜索;寻找 Reflect v.tr. To form an image of (an object); mirror: 反映形成(物体)的形象;映出: ?Baseball reflects America's history? “棒球反映出美国的历史” To manifest as a result of one's actions: 表明作为某人行动的结果而显示出: Her work reflects intelligence. 她的工作显示出她的智慧 Complain v.intr. To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment. 抱怨表达疼痛、不满或愤怒的感受 They complained about the food. 他们抱怨这糟糕的食物。 Influence v.tr. To produce an effect on by imperceptible or intangible means; sway. 感化,影响用不可见的或不知不觉的方式来产生影响;感化影响 To affect the nature, development, or condition of; modify. 影响,变更影响某物的本质、发展或状况;修改 My teacher influenced my decision to study science. 我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用。 take (a) pleasure in 以...为乐 After-class Reading II Analyze v.tr. To separate into parts or basic principles so as to determine the nature of the whole; examine methodically. 分析分成部分或基本要素来确定整体性质;用方法检验 Annoy v.tr. To cause slight irritation to (another) by troublesome, often repeated acts. 使生气,使烦恼用烦人的,通常是重复性的行为使(别人)生气 We're annoyed at his cavalier treatment of his old friends. 他用这种傲慢的态度对待老朋友,我们都感到气愤。 Aspect n. A way in which something can be viewed by the mind: 视点,角度某物能通过大脑被看到的方式: looked at all aspects of the situation. 从不同角度看情况 authority n. A public agency or corporation with administrative powers in a specified field: 当局在某一特定领域具有行政权力的公共机构或组织: a city transit authority. 城市运输当局 automate v.tr. To convert to automatic operation: 使自动化使变为自动化的操作: automate a factory. 使工厂自动操作 Cite v.tr. To quote as an authority or example. 引用把…作为权威或例子引用 To mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof: 引证把…作为支持、说明或证明而提及或提出: It's no use citing the Bible to a non-Christian. 对非基督徒引用《圣经》是没用的。 Extend v.tr. To stretch or spread (something) out to greater or fullest length: 延伸伸长或扩展(某物)到较大程度或最大长度: extended the radio antenna. 把收音机的天线拉到最长 finding n. A conclusion reached after examination or investigation: 结果,结论检查或调查后得出的结果: the finding of a grand jury;. 大陪审团的审查结果; highly adv. 非常地 highly scientific 非常科学的 justice n. 公平;合理;公正 Everyone should be treated with justice. 每个人都应受到公正的对待。 latter adj. Being the second of two persons or things mentioned: 后者的所提到的两个人或两件事中的第二个: Between captain and major, the latter is the higher rank. 在上尉与少校之间,后者是军衔较高 Lengthen To make or become longer. 使延长,使变长使更长或变得更长 Summer lengthens (out) into autumn. 夏去秋来。 to lengthen a dress 放长衣服 Minimize v.tr. To reduce to the smallest possible amount, extent, size, or degree. 减少到最低限度将其总数、范围、尺寸或程度缩减到尽可能小 The polar explorers took every precaution to minimize the dangers of their trip. 极地探险者十分小心谨慎,以便使旅途的危险性减少到最小。 Preferable adj. More desirable or worthy than another; preferred: 偏爱的比另一个更合意或更有价值的;偏爱的: Coffee is preferable to tea, I think. 我认为咖啡比茶更好 queue v.intr. To get in line: 排队: queue up at the box office. 在售票处排队 relate v.tr. To bring into or link in logical or natural association. 使有联系使有逻辑的联系或有自然的联系 to relate two ideas 把两种观点联系起来看 Transfer v.tr. To convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another. 转移传递或使从一个地方、人或事物移到另一地方、人或事物 He has been transferred from Beijing to Shanghai. 他已从北京被调到上海。 ultimately adv. At last; in the end; eventually. 最后;最终;终于 We hope ultimately to be able to buy a house of our own. 我们希望最终能够自己买一所房子。 unbearable adj. So unpleasant, distasteful, or painful as to be intolerable: 难以忍受的令人难以忍受的讨厌或痛苦的: unbearable heat. 无法忍受的酷热 Case An instance of something; an occurrence; an example: 事例事例;事件;例子: a case of mistaken identity. 一个身份有误的例子 in any case Regardless of what has occurred or will occur. 无论如何,总之不管已经或将要发生什么 in case If it happens that; if. 如果发生;如果 As a precaution: 以防万一: took along an umbrella, just in case. 随身带一把伞,以防万一 in case of If there should happen to be: 如果发生: a number to call in case of emergency. 万一发生意外打的号码 After-class Reading III Elvis Presley Associate v.tr. To connect in the mind or imagination: 联想在心里或想象中联系: ?I always somehow associate Chatterton with autumn?(John Keats) “我怎么总把查特顿与秋天联想在一起”(约翰·济慈) comfort v.tr. To soothe in time of affliction or distress. 慰藉对苦恼和忧伤的及时安慰 Confirm v.tr. To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify. 证实支持或确认…的肯定性或有效性;确认 Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me. 请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。 Recall v.tr. To remember; recollect. burden Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today. "想想过去的苦,比比今天的甜。" 回想;回忆 Exercise Decline n. The process or result of declining, especially a gradual deterioration. 衰退衰落,尤指逐渐恶化的过程或结果 the decline of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的衰亡 need/Demand n. Something demanded: 需求事物需要的事物: It is impossible to satisfy(meet) all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。 Teachers are in demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。 Shorten v.intr. To become short or shorter. 变短变短或变得更短 v.tr. To make short or shorter. 缩短使…变短或变得更短 The antonym to shorten is lengthen to shorten a dress 把衣服改短 Soothing adj. 安慰性的 缓和的, 减轻(痛苦)的; 起镇定作用的 Desperately adv. 拼命地, 失望地 Cure(常与of连用)治愈 to cure a patient 治愈病人 Impractical adj. Unwise to implement or maintain in practice: 不切实际的;不现实的不明智地坚持或实行的: The boys should not be trained to be an impractical person who can't even boil an egg. "孩子们不应该训练成一个不懂实际,甚至连煮个鸡蛋都不会的人。" Advertiser n. 广告商 be taken by surprise 冷不防被...吓一跳, 出其不意地攻击 Be bound to 必定, 一定 U4Inc Concentrate v.intr. To direct one's thoughts or attention: 全神贯注: We concentrated on the task before us. 我们专注于眼前的任务 Conspicuous adj. Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable. 惹人注意的(通过显得不平常或出色而)惹人注意的;值得注意的 She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style. "因为她衣着鲜艳,发型古怪,所以总是惹人注目。" Consumption n. The using up of goods and services by consumer purchasing or in the production of other goods. 消费消费者在购买或生产其它商品时所消耗的商品及服务 Distressed adj. Suffering distress: 痛苦的,苦恼的;忧虑的: the distressed parents of wayward youths. 为任性的年轻人而苦恼的双亲 Incredible adj. So implausible as to elicit (give rise to) disbelief: 不能采纳的;难以相信的如此不真实而令人难以置信的: gave an incredible explanation of the cause of the accident. 对事故发生的原因作了令人难以置信的解释 Luxury n. Sumptuous living or surroundings: 豪华豪华的生活或环境: They live in luxury in a very big house. 他们在一所很大的房子里过着奢侈的生活。 Routine n. A set of customary and often mechanically performed procedures or activities. 老一套一套惯常的且常常机械地执行的程序或活动 Sophisticated adj. Having acquired worldly knowledge or refinement; lacking natural simplicity or naiveté. 老于世故的具备世故的知识或精细的;缺乏自然的单纯或天真幼稚的 a sophisticated girl 一个老于世故的女孩子 a sophisticated columnist 老练的专栏作家 Stretch v.intr. To extend over a given period of time: 穿越穿越一段给定的时间: ?This story stretches over a whole generation?(William Golding) “这故事穿越整整一代人”(威廉·戈尔丁) wasteful adj. Marked by or inclined to waste; extravagant. 浪费的以浪费为特征或倾向于浪费的;挥霍的 wasteful habits 浪费的习惯 After-class I Blend v.tr. To combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another: 混合结合或混杂以使组成部分分辨不出彼此: ?He has no difficulty blending his two writing careers: novels and films?(Charles E. Claffey) “他毫无困难地把两种写作专业——小说和电影结合在一起”(查尔斯E.克拉弗) create v.tr. To produce through artistic or imaginative effort: 通过艺术或想象力创造: create a poem; create a role. 创作一首诗;塑造一个角色 Decorate v.tr. To furnish, provide, or adorn with something ornamental; embellish. 修饰用装饰性的东西布置,提供,或使…生色;修饰 decorate a house for New Year 装饰房子过新年 Exchange v.tr. To give and receive reciprocally; interchange: 互换,交流相互给和接收;交换:(常与for, with连用) John exchanged gifts with Mary. 约翰与玛丽交换礼物。 Generous adj. Liberal in giving or sharing. 大方的慷慨给予的或分享的 He is very generous — he often buys things for other people. 他很大方,经常为别人买东西。 Guarantee v.tr. To undertake to do, accomplish, or ensure (something) for another: 承诺,保证保证为某人去做(某事或获得某物): guaranteed to free the captives 保证释放犯人 To express or declare with conviction: 管保以肯定的态度表示或宣称: I guarantee that you'll like this book. 我管保你会喜欢这本书 Manufacture v.tr. To make or process (a raw material) into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation. VLSI 制造(把原材料)制造加工或成品,尤指大型工业的运作 His books seem to have been manufactured rather than composed?(Dwight Macdonald) “他的作品象是被机器加工出的,而不是创作的”(德怀特·麦克唐纳) Perform v.tr. To begin and carry through to completion; do: 做,执行开始并且执行以完成某事;做: The surgeon performed the operation. 医师做了手术 To give a public presentation of; present: 演出进行公开的展示;上演: The theater group performed a three-act play. 剧团排演了一出三幕剧 act I, act II Variation n. The extent or degree to which something varies: 变化范围或变化程度某物变化的范围或程度: a variation of ten pounds in weight. 在重量上十磅的变化量 After-class II Abandon v.tr. To withdraw one's support or help from, especially in spite of duty, allegiance, or responsibility; desert: 放弃,抛弃不顾义务,忠诚或责任而不予支持或帮助;遗弃:semicolon abandon a friend in trouble. 抛弃处于危难中的朋友 Amuse v.tr. To occupy in an agreeable, pleasing, or entertaining fashion. 娱乐,消遣以愉快、欢乐或娱乐的方式占有 The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games. 孩子们玩捉迷藏游戏取乐。 Authenticity n. The quality or condition of being authentic, trustworthy, or genuine. 真实性具有真实的,可信赖的及真诚的性质或状态 the authenticity of an anecdote 一则轶事的真实性 Convince v.tr. To bring by the use of argument or evidence to firm belief or a course of action. 说服通过进行辩论或者提供证据使…确信或使…采取某种行为 He convinced me that I should study law. 他劝我应该学法律。Class2_9_22 Criticize v.tr. To find fault with: 批评;挑剔;责难notice His policies were severely criticized. 他的政策受到了严厉批评。 To judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaluate. 分析,评估评论…的优点和缺点;分析和评价 Would you like to read and criticize my new book? 你愿不愿意读一读我的新书并给以评论? Deceive v.tr. To cause to believe what is not true; mislead. 使…相信某事不是真的;误导 He deceived her into thinking he could drive a car. 他骗她,使她相信他会开汽车。 Depict vt. 画, 刻画; 描写, 描绘, 叙述 depict the horrors of war 描述战争的恐怖 Determined adj. Marked by or showing determination; resolute: 被决定了的;坚决的: be engaged in a protracted struggle with a determined enemy. 致力于与死敌的持久战 Establish v.tr. To cause to be recognized and accepted: 使…被接受使…得到承认和使…被接受: a discovery that established his reputation. 这个发现建立了他的声望 Existence n. The fact or state of existing; being. 存在存在的行为或状态;存在 The elephant is the largest land animal in existence. 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。whale Expertise n. Skill or knowledge in a particular area. 专门知识专门领域的知识或技巧 technical expertise 技术专长 Extraordinary adj. Beyond what is ordinary or usual: 非凡的超出一般或平常的: extraordinary authority. 特权 Fortify v.tr. To strengthen and secure (a position) with fortifications. 设防御工事,设防以防御公事加强或防护(战略位置) a fortified city 设防城市 Genuine adj. Actually possessing the alleged or apparent attribute or character: complicated real 真的真正地具有所谓的或显然的性质或特征的: genuine leather. 真皮 Imaginary adj. Having existence only in the imagination; unreal. 想像中的,虚幻的只在想像中存在的;不真实的 imaginative He told a story about an imaginary land. 他讲了一个关于虚构的地方的故事。 Inspiration n. Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired. 灵感激起或唤起的事物,如突然的创造性行为或想法 Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature. 诗人与艺术家往往由自然得到灵感。Poetry= a lot of poems Launch v.tr. To set or thrust (a self-propelled craft or projectile) in motion: 发射使或强行使(自助推进航空器或发射物)发动: launch a rocket; launch a torpedo. 发射一枚火箭;发射一颗鱼雷 Mislead v.tr. To lead into error of thought or action, especially by intentionally deceiving. 把…引入岐途把…引致错误的思想或行为,尤指通过故意欺骗 He is a good boy, but bad companions misled him. 他是个好孩子,但坏伙伴把他带坏了。 Overlook v.tr. To rise above, especially so as to afford a view over: 高耸于…之上,俯瞰高出,尤指为了俯看全貌: The tower overlooks the sea. 这座塔楼俯瞰大海 the twin tower collapsed Reserve v.tr. To set or cause to be set apart for a particular person or use. 存下把或使…分离开来专门留给某人或某用途 I have reserved a room for you at the hotel. 我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。 uncover v.tr. To manifest or disclose; reveal: 显现,暴露,揭露: uncovered new evidence. 揭示新的证据 value v.tr. something we value/treasure journalist