The Bacteria
Phylogenetic tree of the major lineages
of Bacteria based on 16S ribosomal RNA
Sequence comparisons
The Purple Bacteria,also called Proteobacteria is the
largest and most physiological diverse of all bacteria
? Purple and Green (Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria)
? Cyanobacteria
? Prochlorophytes
? Chemolithotrophs,Nitrifying Bacteria
? Chemolithotrophs,Sulfur- and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
? Chemolithotrophs,Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria
? Methanotrophs and Methylotrophs
? Sulfate and Sulfur-Reducing Bacteria
? Homoacetogenic Bacteria
? Budding and Appendaged (Prosthecate) Bacteria
? Spirilla
? Spirochetes
? Gliding Bacteria
? Sheathed Bacteria
? Pseudomonads
? Free-Living Aerobic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
? Acetic Acid Bacteria
? Zymomonas and Chromobacterium
? Vibrio and Related Genera
? Facultatively Aerobic Gram-Negative Rods
? Neisseria and other Gram-Negative Cocci
? Rickettsias
? Clamydias
? Gram-Positive Bacteria,Cocci
? Lactic Acid Bacteria
? Endospore-Forming Gram-Positive Rods and Cocci
? Mycoplasmas
? High GC Gram-Positive Bacteria:,Actinomycetes”
? Coryneform Bacteria
? Propionic Acid Bacteria
? Mycobacteria
? Filamentous Actinomycetes
Facultatively Aerobic Gram-Negative Rods
Enteric Bacteria
? Gamma Purple bacteria
? Gram-negative straight rods
? Facultative aerobes
? Nonsporulating
? Motile by peritrichous flagella or nonmotile
? Large number of strains have been isolated
? Identification is now based on computer analysis of a
large number of diagnostic tests carried out using
miniaturized rapid diagnostic media kits and
immunological and nucleic acid probes
Facultatively Aerobic Gram-Negative Rods
Enteric Bacteria Erwinia carotovora,
and its biochemical pathway for
formation of butanediol from two
molecules of pyruvate
Fermentation products
are the key to separate
the enteric bacteria
Two Broad Patterns of Fermentations
? Mixed-Acid Fermenters:
? Proteus
? Citrobacter
? Edwardsiella
? Salmonella
? Escherichia
? Shigella
? Butanediol Producers
? Klebsiella
? Enterobacter
? Serratia
? Erwinia
? Hafnia
Aerobic Gram-
Negative Rods
A simplified key to identify
the main genera of enteric
? Universal inhabitants of the intestinal tract
? Play nutritional role (synthesizing vitamins)
? Consume O2,render the large intestine anoxic
? Some are pathogenic
? Diarrhea
? Children’s nurseries
? Urinary infections
? Enterotoxin
? Very similar to E,coli
? Commonly pathogenic to humans
? Gastroenteritis (bacillary dysentery)
? Endotoxin
? Neurotoxin
? Transmitted by Food and Waterborne
? Salmonella and Escherichia are related
? The two have 45-50% of their DNA sequences in common
? Usually pathogenic
? Typhoid fever
? Gastroenteritis
? O antigen:cell wall (somatic) antigen,
? H antigen,flagellar antigen,
? Rapid motility
? Production of enzyme urease
? Cause diseases:
? Urinary tract infection
? Enteritis
? Kidney infection
? Y,pestis,causal agent of bubonic plague
? Y,pseudotuberculosis,causal agent of a
tuberculosis-like disease of the lymph nodes
in animals (rarely in human)
? Y,enterocolitica,causal agent of an intestinal
infection (also occasionally systemic
infections) in humans and animals
Neisseria and Other Gram-Negative Cocci
? Beta purple bacteria
? Lack of motility
? Nonfermentative aerobic metabolism
? Have five genera:
? Neisseria (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
? Moraxella
? Kingella
? Psychrobacter
? Acinetobacter
? Gram-negative (Alpha purple)
? Coccoid or rod-shaped
? Obligate intracellular parasites:
? Typhus Fever
? Rocky Mountain Spotted
? Q Fever (by Coxiella burnetii)
? Transmitted by arthropod
vectors or by aerosols
(Coxiella Burnetii)
? Close relationship with
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
? Representatives,Rickettsia,
? Obligate parasites
? Three species:
? C,psittaci (psittacosis)
? C,trachomatis (trachoma)
? C,pneumoniae
? probably have the simplest
biochemical abilities of all
cellular organisms
What are the differences between
Richettsia,Chlamydias and Viruses?
Gram-Positive Bacteria,Cocci
? Clostridium (endospore formers)
? Lactic Acid Bacteria
? Most are Gram-Positive Cocci
? Actinomycetes
? Propionibacterium
Gram-Positive Bacteria,Cocci
? Staphylococcus,facultative aerobe,
produce acid from glucose both aerobically
and anaerobically,low GC ratios,common
parasites of human and animals,
occasionally cause diseases
? Micrococcus,obligate aerobe,high GC
? Sarcina,obligate anaerobes,extremely
acid-tolerant (pH 2),Sarcina ventriculi can
grow in stomach of human,causing pyloric
Gram-Positive Bacteria,Cocci,Deinococcus
? Resistant to radiation and
? Most are bright red and
pink in color
? Cell walls consist of several
? Deinococcus radiodurans
are more resistant to
radiation than bacterial
endospore,also resistant to
mutagenic chemicals.
? Isolated from near atomic
Lactic Acid Bacteria
? Gram-positive
? Non-motile
? Non-sporulating
? Lactic acid as a major or sole product of
fermentative metabolism
? Obtain energy only through substrate-level
? Anaerobes,but aerotolerant
? Homofermentative group,produces only lactic
acid as sole product
? Heterofermentative group,produces ethanol,
CO2 and lactic acid
The fermentation of
glucose in homofermentative
and heterofermentative lactic
acid bacteria
Lactic Acid Bacteria
? Genera:
? Streptococcus
? Leuconostoc
? Pediococcus
? Lactobacillus
? Enterococcus
? Lactococcus
All the above genera grow
in chains.
Many are used for the food
Lactic Acid Bacteria
? Picture above:
? Lactobacillus acidophilus
? Picture in the middle:
? Lactobacillus brevis
? Picture on the bottom:
? Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Endopsore-Forming Gram-Positive Rods and Cocci
? Bacillus and Clostridium are better studied
? Bacillus,aerobic and facultatively aerobic
? B,popilliae and B,thuringiensis produce insect larvicides
(biological insecticides)
? Clostridium,strictly anaerobic
? Some Clostridium sugar and produce butyric acid
? Some Clostridium produce acetone and butanol
? Some Clostridium ferment cellulose to ethanol,it is
industrially significant,could be used to turn waste cellulose
into motor fuel
? Most produce one spore except polyendosporus
Endopsore-Forming Gram-Positive Rods and Cocci
? B,popilliae and B,thuringiensis produce insect
larvicides (biological insecticides)
? Toxic parasporal crystal in B,thuringiensis
Endopsore-Forming Gram-Positive Rods and Cocci
? Clostridum species have various spore
location in the bacterial cells.
? Bottom left,Clostridium cadaveris
? Bottom middle,Clostridium sporogenes
? Bottom right,Clostridum bifermentans
Formation of fermentation
products from the butyric
acid group of clostridia
Endopsore-Forming Gram-Positive Rods and Cocci
? Sporosarcina is unique among endospore
formers as the cells are cocci instead of rods.
? Sporosarcina ureae can decomposes urea to
CO2 and NH3,Causing pH increase
? Microorganisms without cell walls that do
not revert to walled organsims
? The smallest organisms capable of
autonomous growth
? Resistant to osmotic pressure and penicillin
Due to lack of rigidity,
mycoplasma has various growth
morphologies,In agar,it appears
as fried egg shape
High GC Gram-Positive Bacteria:,Actinomycetes”
? Most are gram-positive
? Rod-shaped to filamentous
? Aerobic
? Generally nonmotile in the vegetative phase
? Form a subdivision of gram-positive bacteria
? Contain a large variety of bacteria:
? Coryneform group of bacteria
? Propionic acid bacteria
? Obligate anaerobes
? Actinomycetes
Coryneform Bacteria
? Gram-positive,aerobic
? Nonmotile,rod-shaped
? Forming irregular-shaped,club-
shaped or V-shaped cells
? Main genera:
? Corynebacterium
? Arthrobacter
? Corynebacterium,extremely diverse
group of bacteria,including animal
and plant pathogens
? Arthrobacter,soil organisms,
ditinguished from Corynebacterium
by a cycle of development from rod
to sphere and back to rod.
Coryneform Bacteria
? Arthrobacter,soil organisms,ditinguished
from Corynebacterium by a cycle of
development from rod to sphere and
back to rod.
Propionic Acid Bacteria
? Gram-positive,pleomorphic
? Nonsporulating rods
? Nonmotile and anaerobic
? Ferment lactic acid,carbohydrates and
polyhydroxy alcohols
? Produce propionic acid,succinic acid,acetic
acid and CO2
? Grow slowly
? First discovered as inhabitants of Swiss cheese
? Rod-shaped
? Acid-alcohol fastness (due to mycolic acid)
? Gram-positive,but not ready stained due to
high surface lipid content
? Pleomorphic (branching or filamentous)
? Many form yellow carotenoid pigments
? Mycobcterium tuberculosis grows slowly
? Other like Mycobacterium smegmatis grows
? The fuchsin dye
probably combines
with the mycolic
acid via ionic
bonds between
COO- and NH2+
? Characteristic colony morphology of
M,tuberculosis M,avium
Filamentous Actinomycetes
? A large group of filamentous bacteria
? Usually gram-positive,forming branching filaments
? Most form spores
? Have high GC content of 63-78%
? Streptomyces important
? Streptomyces are primarily soil organisms
? Streptomyces produces earthy odor (geosmins)
? Streptomyces,most important antibiotic producers
Filamentous Actinomycetes
? A young colony of an actinomycete of the
genus Nocardia
Filamentous Actinomycetes
? Several spore-bearing
structures of actinomycetes,
Filamentous Actinomycetes
? Stages in the conversion of a streptomycete’s
aerial hypha into spores (conidia)
Various types
of spore-bearing
structures in the
Filamentous Actinomycetes
? Typical
appearance of a
growing on agar
? The colors are
due to the
production of
Filamentous Actinomycetes
? Antibiotic
action of soil
ms on a
crowded plate
To reach the peak,you have to
begin from each brick
Molecular Biology Biochemistry
Physics Chemistry
Mathematics General Biology
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many successes and happinesses