Questions list for Bacteria II
1 List three sulfate- and sulfur-reducing bacteria you have learned, respectively.
2 Describe two homoacetogenic bacteria you have learned and what are their physiological properties?
3 What are prosthecate bacteria? Are flagellates prosthecae? Why?
4 List two spirilla you have learned, give their Chinese names too.
5. Bdellovibrio is a group of interesting bacteria, what are their unique properties?
6. Give two names of the important spirochetes, describe the importance to study them.
7. Why is gliding myxobacteria interesting?
8. What is sheathed bacteria?
9 Tell as much as you know about Pseudomonads.
10 List at least three major genera of free-living, aerobic and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
11 How can acetic acid bacteria be used for practical purposes?
12 Why is Zymmomonas interesting?
13. What are the major genera of vibrio and related genera? Why do some fishes emit light?