Questions list for Bacteria IIB 1 List as many as possible the enteric bacteria you have known. What diseases they may cause? 2 What Neisseria species causes sexual disease? 3 Compare the differences and similarity among Rickettsia, Chlamydia and Viruses 4 What are the major groups of Gram-positive bacteria? 5 List two gram-positive Cocci you have learned. 6 What is the uniqueness of Deinococcus radiodurans? 7 List at least three lactic acid bacteria you have learned, both in English and Chinese. 8 What group of bacteria are gram-positive, endospore-forming bacteria? 9 Which bacteria can be used as bioinsecticides? 10 Differences between protoplasts and Mycoplasma? 11 What are the major groups of the High GC Gram-Positive Bacteria: “Actinomycetes”? 12 List two major groups of corynebacterium. 13 Where was propionibacterium fast discovered? 14 What is the bacteria that causes tuberculosis? 15 What is streptomycete so interesting?