? 陈国强
? e-mail,chengq@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
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For easy communication
Biology of Microorganisms
Ninth Edition (2002)
By Michael T,Madigan,
John M,Martinko and
Jack Parker
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Microbiology
? From very small virus and Bacteria to large
Introduction of Microbiology
? What is Microbiology?
The study of microorganisms,a
large and diverse group of
organisms that exist as single cells
or cell clusters.
Microbial Populations
What are Microorganisms?
? Virus (病毒) Non-cell microbes
? Bacteria (细菌)
? Archaea (远古细菌)
? Algae (藻类)
? Fungi (真菌,酵母、霉菌)
? Protozoa (原生动物)
(原核生物 )
Microorganisms are free-living cells
Plants and Animals are
composed of many cells,
these are multicellular.
Microorganisms are free-
living cells.
What are Prokaryotes?
? Bacteria(细菌 )
? Archaea(远古 细菌 )
? Actinomycetes(放线菌 )
? Mycoplasma(支原体 )
? Rickettsia(立克氏体 )
? Chlamydia(衣原体 )
? Cyanobacteria(篮细菌 )
What are Eukaryotic Microorganisms?
?Slime molds
Prokaryotic and eukatyptic cells
Virus,Virus,Viroids and Prions
Is Microbiology Useful?
? As a basic biological science,the most
accessible research tools for probing the
nature of life processes
? As an applied biological science,many
large scale industrial processes are
microbially based,BIOTECHNOLOGY
Products from Microorganisms
Genetically Engineered Microorganisms
? Many high-value-added peptide drugs are
produced by genetically engineered micro-
Blood proteins (Erythropoietin,Factors VII,VIII,IX)
Human hormones (Epidermal growth factor,Human
growth hormone,Insulin,Nerve growth factor)
Immune modulators (a-Interferon,b-Interferon)
Vaccines (Hepatitis B,Measles,Rabies)
Five Common Characteristics of Microorganisms
1,Small volume,large surface area
2,Fast absorption and conversion
3,Rapid duplication and growth
4,Strong adaptability
5,Widespread distribution and diversified
Five Common Characteristics of Microorganisms
1,Small volume,
large surface area.
Figure on the left:
The size of a virus in
comparison to a
bacterial and animal
Five Common Characteristics of Microorganisms
2,Fast absorption and conversion
For example:
5 g/l of bacteria (cell dry weight)
Azotobacter vinelandii UWD can
consumed 10 g/l of glucose to double its
weight to 10 g/l within less than 5 h.
How about you?
Five Common Characteristics of Microorganisms
3,Rapid duplication and growth
An Echerische coli (大肠杆菌) cell can
double itself within 15 minutes,it also
means its weight increases one fold
within 15 minutes,
How fast can you grow
Five Common Characteristics of Microorganisms
4,Strong adaptability (Adapt to extrem environment,such
as high salt concentration,high temperature,antibiotic resistant)
Five Common Characteristics of Microorganisms
5,Widespread distribution and diversified species
Populations,communities and ecosystems
An ecosystem
consists of many
consists of many
A population is
composed of
cells generally
derived from a
single parent cell.
Important Persons in Microbiology History
1684 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (discovery of bacteria)
1857-1864 Louis Pasteur (lactic acid fermentation,yeast
alcohol fermentation,spontaneous generation theory)
1881-1884 Robert Koch (pure culture,cause of tuberculosis,
Koch’s postulates,cause of (霍乱 ) cholera)
1889 Martinus Beijerinck (concept of a virus)
1929 Alexander Fleming (discovery of penicillin)
1953 James Watson,Francis Crick (DNA structure)
1983 Luc Montagnier (discovery of HIV)
Microorganisms as cells
All cells contain,proteins,nucleic acids,
lipids and polysaccharides (for our lab,
polyhydroxyalkanoates or PHA)
The hallmarks of a cell,
1,Self-feeding or nutrition
2,Self-replication or growth
4,Chemical signaling
All cells contain six
major elements:,
How are microorganisms cultivated?
? Petri Disks
? Shake Flasks
? Fermentor
The impact of microorganisms on human affairs
Cellular Evolution