Lin Yuan-Shao Cao Wen-Qing
Guo Dong-Hui Wu Li-Sheng
(Dept,of Oceanography,XMU)
Chapter 15
Some terms and definition
1,Dominant species(优势种):生态系或群落中,数量多、出现频率高的
2,Common species(习见种):群落中分布广、但数量不是很多的种类。
3,Locally abundant species(局限种):局限分布于某一海域或地区的种
4,Uncommon species(少见种):群落中少见的种类。
5,Rare species(稀有种):海域或群落中数量稀少,分布窄的种类
6,Cold water species(冷水种):生殖、生长最适温度低于4 ℃,自然分布区月平均水温
<10℃ 的生物;包括寒带种(适温 0℃ 左右)和亚寒带种(适温 0-4℃ )
? Cold zone species(寒带种)
? Subcold zone species(亚寒带种)
7,Temperate water species(温水种):生殖、生长最适温度 4-20℃,自然分布月平均水温
10-15℃ ;包括冷温带种( 4-10℃ )和暖温带种( 10-20℃ )。
? Cold temperate species(冷温带种)
? Warm temperate species(暖温带种)
8,Warm water species(暖水种):生殖、生长适温 >20℃,自然分布区月平均水温 >15 ℃ 的
种类;包括亚热带种(适温 20-25℃ )和热带种(适温 >25℃ )
? Subtropical species(亚热带种)
? Tropical species(热带种)
? Native species(本地种)
? Immigrant species(迁入种)
? Exotic species(外地种)
? Cosmopolitan species(世界种):广温广盐性生物,
? Littoral organisms(沿岸生物)
? Indicate organisms (bio-indicator)
? Eurybathic organisms
? Euryhaline
? Eurytherm
? Reproductive
? Vegetative
? Stenobathic organisms
? Stenohaline
? Stenotherm
? Reproductive
? Vegetative
? Tropical submergence(热带深潜):某些广深性冷水种生物,能分布在南、
? Bipolarity(两极同源):也称两极分布( bipolar distribution),海洋生物的一种分布隔
的热带海洋。如 Calanus helgolandicus〕 同时分布在北大西洋和新西兰的海洋中。
? Discontinuous distribution(隔离分布):一个物种或类群的分布区不是连续
的,它们的分布区有 2个或几个相距很远的地区或水域所组成,中间地区没有该种或该类
? Geographic isolation(地理隔离):由地理障碍,入开阔海洋、河口或其它因
? Vegetative distribution(营养分布):某些生物的分布区超过其适于生
种分布区的分布称为营养分布,也称不妊分布( sterile distribution)
§ 15.1 Some concepts:
? Fertilregion
? Sterilregion
sterile distribution
§ 15.2 bipolarity
Topical submergence
?Eurytherm cosmopolitan
represent species,锥体浅室水母 (siphonophore),
Beroe cucumis (ctenophore),and Oithona similis
?Stenotherm cosmopolitan, Calanus finmarchicus
(copepoda),Dimophyes arctica (siphonophore),and
Themisto comressa (Amphipoda),etc.
§ 15.3 Geographic
distribution of plankton
(Ⅰ ) relationship between horizontal
distribution and temperature
1,plankton in frigid zone:( <0- 5℃ )
? arctic plankton,eg,Ceratium arcticum,Cyanea capillata,Calanus glacialis,
北极箭虫,and Spiratella retroversa.
? antarctic plankton,eg,Rhincalanus gigas,Euphausia superba,南极海天使、
Fritillaria autarctica.
2.Plankton in temperate zone,distribution in warm sea (5-20 ℃ ),various
3.Plankton in tropic zone,distribution in tropic sea( 25- 35℃ )
? e.g,Porpita porpita,Velella velella,and Physalia physalia ; Ocyropsis
crystallina,Cestum veneris (Ctenophora); Undinula spp.,Sapphirina spp.,
and Copilia spp,(copepoda); Sagitta crassa (Chaetognatha); Pyrosoma
4,Plankton in subtropics
( Ⅱ ) Relationship between horizontal
distribution and saltness
1) Pelagic plankton,inhabitation in sea region with
higher saltness
Velella velella,Physalia physalia,Sagitta hexaptera,Euphausia pasifica,and
Pyrosoma (Tunicata).
2) Inshore plankton,inhabitation in sea region with
lower saltness
? Chaetocera affinis (Diatom),Hemiaulus sinensis; Noctiluca scientillans,
? Tintinnopsis spp,(Tintinnida)
? Labidocera euchaeta,Centropages mcmurrichi,Acartia spinicauda
? Pseudeuphausia sinica,Acetes chinensis
? Sagitta bedoti (Chaetognatha)
? marine cladocerans,planktonic larvae
3) Estuarine plankton,inhabitation in estuary with
lower saltness
? Pseudodiaptomus spp.,Eurytemora spp.,Schmackeria spp.; rotifer
( Ⅲ ) Relationship between horizontal
distribution and ocean current
– Indicator species of warm current
– Indicator species of cold current
§ 15.4 Plankton in China sea
A) Plankton in Bohai
Bohai is a inland sea that half close,and it is quite
influenced by the mainland weather,The annual variation of Water
temperature is very wide (the range of variation > 25 ℃ ),The
saltness is lower,and usually under 30.
? In Bohai,the ecological characters of
plankton are eurythermal and with low
? Representative species of phytoplankton,
Chaetocera affinis,Skeletonema costatum;
? Dominant species of zooplankton,Sagitta
crassa,Labidocera euchaeta,Calanus
? In addition,some estuarine or inshore
species,such as Acetes chinensis,could
also dominate somtimes.
B) Plankton in Yellow sea
Yellow sea is also a half closed sea,and the
conditions of hydrology is quite complicated,mainly
influenced by the littoral dilute water,middle water
with low temperature and high salinity,and warm
current in southeast intruded from South China sea.
Characters of planktonic distribution in Yellow Sea:
( 1) Littoral plankton
– The main species of phytoplankton are Ditylum brightwellii,Hemiaulus
sinensis; the dominant species of zooplankton are Sagitta crassa,
Acartia clausi,Paracalanus parvus,and Calanus sinicus.
( 2) Middle plankton
– The main species of phytoplankton are Rhizosolenia (长栓 ) and薄壁半
管藻 ; the dominant species of zooplankton are Calanus sinicus,
Euphausia pacifica,and Themisto gracilipes.
( 3) Southeast plankton
– In winter and spring,the water with low-temperature and high-saltness
is dominant,and the plankton is similar to middle plankton,In summer
and autumn,some warm-water species come into this region,e.g.
Planktoniella sol,sagitta enflata,Undinula darwinii,because of Yellow
Sea Warm Current strengthening.
C) Plankton in East China sea
? The composition of planktonic species is
influenced by the interactive effect of the
Changjiang River runoff,the continental
littoral current,Kuroshio system,and
Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass southbound
from south of Yellow sea.
Characters of plankton in East China sea
? Littoral,Such as Skeletonema costatum,Ditylum
brightwellii,Calanus sinicus,Euchaeta concinna,
Pseudeuphausia sinica,and Schmackeria
? Pelagic sea:
a) East of 124° E in East China sea,and Taiwan
warm current flow cross there,There are mainly
warm-water species,e.g.,planktoniella sol and
Sagitta enflata;
b) Waters of Taiwan strait,offcoast of Fujian,It is
influenced by the interactive effect of the
Kuroshio branch,the littoral current from East
China sea,and South China Warm Current,The
composition of species varys with current
D) Plankton in South China sea
? The littoral plankton are such as
Stephanopyxis palmeriana,Lucifer
hanseni,and Lucifer intermedicus
E) Plankton in east of Taiwan
? The waters in east of Taiwan belongs to
west pacific,and the main current of
Kuroshio flow across there,The hydrologic
features are comparatively stable,and the
planktonic fauna is tropical.
§ 15.5 Indicators of ocean current
? Characters
– The indicators of warm current,such as
Velella velella,Physalia physalia,Cestum
veneris,Pyrosoma spp.,
– The indicaors of cold current,such as
Cyanea capillata,Calanus glacialis
Lin Yuan-Shao Cao Wen-Qing
Guo Dong-Hui Wu Li-Sheng
(Dept,of Oceanography,XMU)
Chapter 15
Some terms and definition
1,Dominant species(优势种):生态系或群落中,数量多、出现频率高的
2,Common species(习见种):群落中分布广、但数量不是很多的种类。
3,Locally abundant species(局限种):局限分布于某一海域或地区的种
4,Uncommon species(少见种):群落中少见的种类。
5,Rare species(稀有种):海域或群落中数量稀少,分布窄的种类
6,Cold water species(冷水种):生殖、生长最适温度低于4 ℃,自然分布区月平均水温
<10℃ 的生物;包括寒带种(适温 0℃ 左右)和亚寒带种(适温 0-4℃ )
? Cold zone species(寒带种)
? Subcold zone species(亚寒带种)
7,Temperate water species(温水种):生殖、生长最适温度 4-20℃,自然分布月平均水温
10-15℃ ;包括冷温带种( 4-10℃ )和暖温带种( 10-20℃ )。
? Cold temperate species(冷温带种)
? Warm temperate species(暖温带种)
8,Warm water species(暖水种):生殖、生长适温 >20℃,自然分布区月平均水温 >15 ℃ 的
种类;包括亚热带种(适温 20-25℃ )和热带种(适温 >25℃ )
? Subtropical species(亚热带种)
? Tropical species(热带种)
? Native species(本地种)
? Immigrant species(迁入种)
? Exotic species(外地种)
? Cosmopolitan species(世界种):广温广盐性生物,
? Littoral organisms(沿岸生物)
? Indicate organisms (bio-indicator)
? Eurybathic organisms
? Euryhaline
? Eurytherm
? Reproductive
? Vegetative
? Stenobathic organisms
? Stenohaline
? Stenotherm
? Reproductive
? Vegetative
? Tropical submergence(热带深潜):某些广深性冷水种生物,能分布在南、
? Bipolarity(两极同源):也称两极分布( bipolar distribution),海洋生物的一种分布隔
的热带海洋。如 Calanus helgolandicus〕 同时分布在北大西洋和新西兰的海洋中。
? Discontinuous distribution(隔离分布):一个物种或类群的分布区不是连续
的,它们的分布区有 2个或几个相距很远的地区或水域所组成,中间地区没有该种或该类
? Geographic isolation(地理隔离):由地理障碍,入开阔海洋、河口或其它因
? Vegetative distribution(营养分布):某些生物的分布区超过其适于生
种分布区的分布称为营养分布,也称不妊分布( sterile distribution)
§ 15.1 Some concepts:
? Fertilregion
? Sterilregion
sterile distribution
§ 15.2 bipolarity
Topical submergence
?Eurytherm cosmopolitan
represent species,锥体浅室水母 (siphonophore),
Beroe cucumis (ctenophore),and Oithona similis
?Stenotherm cosmopolitan, Calanus finmarchicus
(copepoda),Dimophyes arctica (siphonophore),and
Themisto comressa (Amphipoda),etc.
§ 15.3 Geographic
distribution of plankton
(Ⅰ ) relationship between horizontal
distribution and temperature
1,plankton in frigid zone:( <0- 5℃ )
? arctic plankton,eg,Ceratium arcticum,Cyanea capillata,Calanus glacialis,
北极箭虫,and Spiratella retroversa.
? antarctic plankton,eg,Rhincalanus gigas,Euphausia superba,南极海天使、
Fritillaria autarctica.
2.Plankton in temperate zone,distribution in warm sea (5-20 ℃ ),various
3.Plankton in tropic zone,distribution in tropic sea( 25- 35℃ )
? e.g,Porpita porpita,Velella velella,and Physalia physalia ; Ocyropsis
crystallina,Cestum veneris (Ctenophora); Undinula spp.,Sapphirina spp.,
and Copilia spp,(copepoda); Sagitta crassa (Chaetognatha); Pyrosoma
4,Plankton in subtropics
( Ⅱ ) Relationship between horizontal
distribution and saltness
1) Pelagic plankton,inhabitation in sea region with
higher saltness
Velella velella,Physalia physalia,Sagitta hexaptera,Euphausia pasifica,and
Pyrosoma (Tunicata).
2) Inshore plankton,inhabitation in sea region with
lower saltness
? Chaetocera affinis (Diatom),Hemiaulus sinensis; Noctiluca scientillans,
? Tintinnopsis spp,(Tintinnida)
? Labidocera euchaeta,Centropages mcmurrichi,Acartia spinicauda
? Pseudeuphausia sinica,Acetes chinensis
? Sagitta bedoti (Chaetognatha)
? marine cladocerans,planktonic larvae
3) Estuarine plankton,inhabitation in estuary with
lower saltness
? Pseudodiaptomus spp.,Eurytemora spp.,Schmackeria spp.; rotifer
( Ⅲ ) Relationship between horizontal
distribution and ocean current
– Indicator species of warm current
– Indicator species of cold current
§ 15.4 Plankton in China sea
A) Plankton in Bohai
Bohai is a inland sea that half close,and it is quite
influenced by the mainland weather,The annual variation of Water
temperature is very wide (the range of variation > 25 ℃ ),The
saltness is lower,and usually under 30.
? In Bohai,the ecological characters of
plankton are eurythermal and with low
? Representative species of phytoplankton,
Chaetocera affinis,Skeletonema costatum;
? Dominant species of zooplankton,Sagitta
crassa,Labidocera euchaeta,Calanus
? In addition,some estuarine or inshore
species,such as Acetes chinensis,could
also dominate somtimes.
B) Plankton in Yellow sea
Yellow sea is also a half closed sea,and the
conditions of hydrology is quite complicated,mainly
influenced by the littoral dilute water,middle water
with low temperature and high salinity,and warm
current in southeast intruded from South China sea.
Characters of planktonic distribution in Yellow Sea:
( 1) Littoral plankton
– The main species of phytoplankton are Ditylum brightwellii,Hemiaulus
sinensis; the dominant species of zooplankton are Sagitta crassa,
Acartia clausi,Paracalanus parvus,and Calanus sinicus.
( 2) Middle plankton
– The main species of phytoplankton are Rhizosolenia (长栓 ) and薄壁半
管藻 ; the dominant species of zooplankton are Calanus sinicus,
Euphausia pacifica,and Themisto gracilipes.
( 3) Southeast plankton
– In winter and spring,the water with low-temperature and high-saltness
is dominant,and the plankton is similar to middle plankton,In summer
and autumn,some warm-water species come into this region,e.g.
Planktoniella sol,sagitta enflata,Undinula darwinii,because of Yellow
Sea Warm Current strengthening.
C) Plankton in East China sea
? The composition of planktonic species is
influenced by the interactive effect of the
Changjiang River runoff,the continental
littoral current,Kuroshio system,and
Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass southbound
from south of Yellow sea.
Characters of plankton in East China sea
? Littoral,Such as Skeletonema costatum,Ditylum
brightwellii,Calanus sinicus,Euchaeta concinna,
Pseudeuphausia sinica,and Schmackeria
? Pelagic sea:
a) East of 124° E in East China sea,and Taiwan
warm current flow cross there,There are mainly
warm-water species,e.g.,planktoniella sol and
Sagitta enflata;
b) Waters of Taiwan strait,offcoast of Fujian,It is
influenced by the interactive effect of the
Kuroshio branch,the littoral current from East
China sea,and South China Warm Current,The
composition of species varys with current
D) Plankton in South China sea
? The littoral plankton are such as
Stephanopyxis palmeriana,Lucifer
hanseni,and Lucifer intermedicus
E) Plankton in east of Taiwan
? The waters in east of Taiwan belongs to
west pacific,and the main current of
Kuroshio flow across there,The hydrologic
features are comparatively stable,and the
planktonic fauna is tropical.
§ 15.5 Indicators of ocean current
? Characters
– The indicators of warm current,such as
Velella velella,Physalia physalia,Cestum
veneris,Pyrosoma spp.,
– The indicaors of cold current,such as
Cyanea capillata,Calanus glacialis