Chapter 9 Chaetognatha
Department of Oceanography
?萧贻昌, 2004. 中国动物志无脊椎动物V38
Characteristic Features
? body transparent and elongated, bilateral symmetry
? bristles on the frontal part of body
? body form arrow-like
? embryonic development belong to Deutostoma
? coelom
? significance in studies on evolution, special group
9.1 General Features
9.1.1 External Features
? 1)hood 头巾
? 2)bristles (hook) 颚刺(颚毛)
? 3)tooth
? 4)eye
? 5)corona ciliata纤毛冠
? 6)vestibular organ 前庭器
anterior teeth row
posterior teeth row
corona ciliata
corona cilliata
? Type A: 限于头部,呈盾形或卵圆形S. enflata, S. hexaptera
? Type B: 从脑后向后伸展道躯干前部,细长,两侧作波浪状弯曲S.
pacifica, S. sinica, S. bipunctata, S. robusta
? Type C: 起于眼后,延伸到躯干前部,细长,有波状弯曲S. crassa, S.
? Type D: 分布局限于颈部,呈长圆形或扁圆形Spadella plana, Spadella
? “E” type: Sagitta sinica, S. crassa f. naikaiensis
? “B” type: S. nagae
? “star” type: S. enflata, S. bedoti
? “H” type: S. lyra, S. scrippsae
? “卜” type: S. pacifica, S. hexaptera, S. ferox
vestibular organ
vestibular organ
vestibular groove
lateral fins
(1)tail fin
(2)seminal vesicle
seminal vesicle
? Type A:圆形或卵圆形,排精时侧面破裂S. enflata
? Type B:前部膨大,后部狭长,沿前部侧面破裂S. crassa
? Type C:长椭圆形,沿侧面或前部侧面破裂S. bedoti
? Type D:前端侧面有齿状突起,沿侧面中段破裂排精S. pacifica
9.1.2 Internal Features
Digestive system
Nervous system
? cerebral ganglion
? ventral ganglion
Reproductive system
protandrous hermaphrodite
? well developed and rather
? 1) lateral band
? 2) dorsolateral longitudinal muscle
? 3) ventrolateral longitudinal muscle
9.2 Classification
one class, Sagittoidea; two orders, 5 families, 6 genera
Comparison with common families
withoutwell developed
with not well
one rowtwo rowstwo rowsteeth
1 pair, located on
both trunk and tail
1 pair, located on
the tail
2 pairsLateral fins
9.2.1 Sagittidae
characteristics for classification:
? Size and the ratio of caudal to body length
? Number of anterior and posterior teeth
? Position and shape of the corona ciliata
? Degree of development for collarette
? Position and number of lateral fins and the
distribution of fin rays
? Position and shape of seminal vesicle
S. enflata
? Body wide, floppy, transparent and widest around
its mid-length.
? On either side of the head 7-10 hooks, 6-11
anterior teeth and 8-18 posterior teeth.
? Head is wider than long with a conspicuous neck.
? The lateral fins short, approximately the same
length, show distinctive rayless zones. Anterior
fins separate from posterior fins and start distance
behind ventral ganglion
? No collarette or intestinal diverticula.
? Small spherical, seminal vesicles touch the caudal
fin, but well separated from the posterior fins.
S. bedoti
? Body opaque, firm and wider at the middle.
? On each side of the head 6-8 thick, short, not
strongly curved hook, 10-13 anterior teeth and 23-
29 thin, closely packed posterior teeth.
? A short thin collarette can be present.
? The anterior fins start in the middle of the ventral
ganglion, both pairs of fins have an anterior and
long internal rayless zone.
? No gut diverticula.
? The seminal vesicles touch both the posterior and
caudal fins.
S. crassa
? Lateral fins are completely
rayed, with fin rays almost at
right angles to the body wall.
? Intestinal diverticula present.
? Seminal vesicles generally
situated just behind the
posterior fins, less apart from
the tail fin.
? Tail segment relatively long.
S. pacifica
? Body translucent, slender, firm and rigid, with
trunk region of the same width along its whole
? On either side of the head 5-6 serrated hooks, 9-11
anterior teeth and 18-23 posterior teeth.
? A thin collarette can be present on the neck and
between the seminal vesicles and caudal fin.
? Lateral fins completely rayed, anterior fins start
slightly behind posterior edge of ventral ganglion.
? Intestinal diverticula absent.
? Seminal vesicles touch the posterior fins, but
separated from caudal fin. The vesicles have a
series of chitinous teeth on the side.
9.2.2 Pterosagittidae
Plerosagitta draco
? Opaque, firm and stout body.
? On each side of head 7-9 hooks, 7-9 anterior
teeth, 11-17 posterior teeth.
? Massive collarette, extending from the neck
over the paired fins, thinning towards the tip
of the tail.
? A single of lateral fins, semicircular in shape
and with no rayless zone, run between the
trunk/tail septum and the seminal vesicle.
9.2.3 Krohnittidae
Krohnitta pacifica
? The body is slender and transparent.
? On either side of the head there are
7-10 hooks and 11-16 teeth in a single
row. The teeth are long and meet at
the tips to give a funnel shape.
? A single pair of lateral fins,
extending from the tail section to less
than half way along the trunk. The
fin rays cover the outer half of the fin
surface, leaving the internal and
anterior part without rays.
? No collarette or gut diverticular.
9.3 Biology and Significance
9.3.1 Distribution
1 Geographic distribution
? frigid species
? temperate and subtropic species
? tropic species
? neritic species
? oceanic species
(3)eurythermic species
2 Vertical distribution
9.3.2 Reproduction and Development
9.3.3 Feeding carnivore
9.3.4 Regeneration
9.3.5 Significance
?(1)food for fish
?(2)current indicators
?(3)evolution studies
9.3.6 Harmful to fisheries