Planktonic Larvae Department of Oceanography Xiamen University 1 Planktonic Larvae of Diperent Phyla 1.1 Porifera (海绵动物) (海绵动物) Amphiblastular larva(两囊幼虫) (两囊幼虫) 1.2 Coelenterata (腔肠动物) (腔肠动物) 1.2.1 Planular Larva (浮浪幼虫) (浮浪幼虫) 1.2.2 Ephyra (蝶状幼体) (蝶状幼体) 1.2.3 Actinula (辐射幼虫) (辐射幼虫) 1.3 Nemertini (纽虫类) (纽虫类) Pilidium (帽状幼虫) (帽状幼虫) 1.4 Tubellaria (扁虫类) (扁虫类) 1.5 Polychaeta (多毛类) (多毛类) 1.5.1 Trochophora (担轮幼虫) (担轮幼虫) 1.5.2 Netochaete (疣足幼虫) (疣足幼虫) 1.6 Mollusca (软体动物) (软体动物) 1.6.1 Trochophora (担轮幼虫) (担轮幼虫) 1.6.2 Veliger (面盘幼虫) (面盘幼虫) 1.6.3 Postlarva (后期幼虫) (后期幼虫) umbo-veliger larva (壳顶幼虫) (壳顶幼虫) 1.7 Crustacea (甲壳动物) (甲壳动物) 1.7.1 Branchiopoda (鳃足类) (鳃足类) 1.7.2 Cirripedia (蔓足类) (蔓足类) Nauplius (无节幼虫) (无节幼虫) Cypris Larva (腺介幼虫) (腺介幼虫) 1.7.3 Copepoda (桡足类) (桡足类) Nauplius (无节幼体) (无节幼体) Copepodite (桡足幼体) (桡足幼体) 1.7.4 Euphausia (磷虾类) (磷虾类) Nauplius (无节幼虫)(无节幼虫) Calyptopis (节胸幼体)(节胸幼体) Furcilia (带叉幼体)(带叉幼体) Cyrtopia (节鞭幼体)(节鞭幼体) 1.7.5 Decapoda (十足类) (十足类) Macruran Larvae (长尾类幼虫) (长尾类幼虫) Anomura Larvae (歪尾类幼虫) (歪尾类幼虫) Brachyura Larvae (短尾类幼虫) (短尾类幼虫) 1.7.6 Stomatopoda (口足类) (口足类) Antizoea (前水蚤幼体) (前水蚤幼体) Erichthus larva (伊雷奇幼体) (伊雷奇幼体) Pseudozoea (假水蚤幼体) (假水蚤幼体) Alima larva (阿利玛幼体) (阿利玛幼体) 1.8 Echinodermata (棘皮动物) (棘皮动物) bipinnaria larva 羽腕幼虫 ophiopluteus larba 长腕幼虫 doliolaria larva 樽形幼虫 1.9 Chordata (脊索动物) (脊索动物) Fish fish larva 仔鱼 Urochorda (尾索动物) tadpole larva 蝌蚪幼虫 tornaria larva 柱头幼虫 Hemicorda (半索类) 2 Larval Ecology 2.1 Ecological Group of Planktonic Larvae Meroplankton Holoplankton 2.2 Ecological Characters of Planktonic Larvae Periodicity (出现的周期性) (出现的周期性) Transient (出现的短期性) (出现的短期性) Patchy Distribution (分布的不均匀性) (分布的不均匀性) 2.3 Distribution of Planktonic Larvae 2.3.1 Horizontal Distribution (水平分布) (水平分布) The biomass is greater in neritic waters than in oceanic waters. Its abundance is greater in tropical than in polar sea. Swarming of larvae. 2.3.2 Vertical Distribution (垂直分布) (垂直分布) light, age, other factors Each developmental stage has its own reaction to optimum light intensity. The older the animal, the deeper is its vertical distribution. diurnal vertical distribution 2.3.3 Seasonal Distribution (季节分布) (季节分布) In spring, summer and autumn, when the breeding of animal is in full swing, the larvae are abundant both in diversity and quantity, forming the predominant portion of the plankton community. The seasonal distribution of pelagic larvae is affected by environmental factors, such as temperature and food. The internal factor of periodicity of reproduction is also responsible for the seasonal variation in species composition and abundance of pelagic larvae. 3 Biology of Planktonic Larvae 3.1 Growth and Develpement temperature, salinity, food, light intensity and antibiotics 3.2 Settlement and Metamophosis 3.2.1 Settlement (附着) (附着) 3.2.2 Metamorphosis (变态) (变态) The importance of substratum for metamorphosis Factor affecting metamorphosis Temperature Ion concentration Amino acid Other factors