Chapter 4 Protozoa Department of Oceanography Xiamen University Protozoa are the most primitive unicellar animals. Protozoa possess all the essential life characteristics of Metazoa. It has organelle to perform various life functions. REFERENCES ? Lee J. J. et al., 2000. Illustrated guide to the protozoa. 2nd edition. Society of Protozoologists ? Patterson D. J., Burford M. A., 2001. A Guide to the Protozoa of Marine Aquaculture Ponds , CSIRO Publishing, ? Striider-Kypke M. C. et al., 2002. The user-friendly guide to coastal planktonic cilites. ?沈韫芬等, 1999. 原生动物学. ?宋微波等, 1999. 原生动物学专论. 青岛海洋大学出 版社. 362p ?郑守仪, 2001. 中国动物志粒网虫门有孔虫纲胶结 有孔虫 ?谭智源, 1998. 中国动物志原生动物门肉足虫纲等 辐骨虫目泡沫虫目 ?谭智源, 宿星慧, 2003. 中国动物志无脊椎动物第32 卷放射虫门多孔虫纲罩笼虫目稀孔虫纲.稀孔虫 目 郑守仪院士 Contents 4.1 General morphology 4.1.1 Size and form 4.1.2 cytosome 4.1.3 Shell and skeleton 4.1.4 Nucleus 4.1.5 Organelle 4.2 Classification 4.3 Biology and Significance 4.1 General morphology 4.1.1 Size and form ? size:smaller than 250μm ? form:varies greatly 4.1.2 Cytosome ? endoplasm ? ectoplasm pellicle: hard thin menbrane 4.1.3 Shell and skeleton protect cell 1 shell: ? siliceous:Distephanes and Radiolaria ? calcareous:Globigerina ? pseudochitinous or tectin:Tintinnida 2 spicules: ? siliceous:Radiolaria ? calcareous:Foraminifera 4.1.4 Nucleus ? vesicular nucleus:less chromatin, uneven distribution ? massive nucleus:more chromatin, even and massive distribution 4.1.5 Organelle differentiated from cytoplasm for serving particular vital functions 1 locomotive organelle (1)pseudopodia (2)cilia 2 nutritive organelle:cytostome, cytopharynx, food vacuole, cytopyge etc. 3 excretive organelle:contractile vacuole Contents 4.1 General morphology 4.2 Classification 4.2.1 Class Sarcodina(肉足虫纲) 4.2.2 Class Ciliophora(纤毛虫纲) 4.3 Biology and Significance 4.2 Classification 4.2.1 Class Sarcodina(肉足虫纲) 4.2.2 Class Ciliophora(纤毛虫纲) 4.2.3 Class Sporozoa(孢子虫纲) 4.2.4 Class Suctoria(吸管虫纲) 4.2.1 Class Sarcodina (1)pseudopodia as locomotive and feeding organelles (2)no hard pellicle,shape of body can change (3)coated with out shell which bears pores, pseudopodia stretching out from shell pores 1 Subclass Rhizopoda(根足亚纲) Foraminifera(有孔虫目) 2 Subclass Radiolaria(放射虫亚纲) Globigerina抱球虫属 Globigerina bulloides Foraminifer有孔虫 圆球虫 Radiolaria放射虫 Radiolaria Acanthometron Foraminifera Globigerina (1)cilia are the locomotive and food-catching organelles (2)cell has a layer of pellicles on the surface for protection and to prevent it from deformation Order Tintinnida(沙壳纤毛虫目) gelatinous or pseudochitinous lorica (1)Family Tintinnididae:Leprotintinnus (2)Family Codonellidae:Tintinnopsis (3)Family Codonellopsidae:Favella 4.2.2 Class Ciliata Tintinnopsis拟铃虫属 Tintinnopsis nana Favella网纹虫属 Favella serra 4.3 Biology and Significance 4.3.1 Distribution ? horizontal distribution ? seasonal distribution 4.3.2 Economic Significance