Simplest synthetic pathways (Ch. 7) A. Symbolism of organ synthesis. B. The central question of organ synthesis. C. What is required to synthesize an organ? D. Trans-organ rules of synthesis. A. Symbolism of Organ Synthesis Information stored in a chemical equation Ammonia synthesis (F. Haber) T, P 3H 2 + N 2 → 2NH 3 reactor reactants → products NOTE: The stoichiometry (masses on both sides) of a chemical equation expresses conservation of mass (Lavoisier) Transition to biology I. Reactants ? Cells migrate, proliferate, synthesize matrices and cytokines, degrade matrices, etc. ? Cytokines are soluble molecules that diffuse. They serve as “language” between cells. ? Matrices are insoluble macromolecular networks and do not diffuse. They control cell behavior (phenotype) via integrin- ligand binding. Usually porous (“scaffolds”). Transition to biology II. Reactors ? In vitro reactors are dishes or flasks for cell culture. ? In vivo reactors are anatomical sites of organ loss in the living organism. ? Experimental in vivo reactors are generated by surgical excision (scalpel, laser, etc.). ? When organ synthesis takes place in vivo at the correct anatomical site of living organism it is referred to as “induced regeneration”. Skin: In vitro or in vivo synthesis? Image removed due to copyright considerations. See Figure 7.1 - top in Yannas, I. V. Tissue and Organ Regeneration in Adults. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001. Image removed due to copyright consi erations. See Figure 7.1 - top i as, I. V. Tissue and Organ Regeneration i Adults. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001. Nerves: In vitro or in vivo? Image removed due to copyright considerations. See Figure 7.1 – bottom in [Yannas]. Image removed due to copyright consi erations. See Figure 7.1 – ottom in [Yannas]. Standardized reactors ? Transected nerve SKIN PERIPHERAL NERVE dermis epidermis nerve stumps Transition to biology. III. Products ? Organs are made up of tissues. ? Products of the synthesis can be tissues or organs. ? Almost all organs are essentially made up of three types of tissues: epithelial, basement membrane and stroma (connective tissue). Members of the tissue triad ? EPITHELIA 100% cells. No matrix. No blood vessels. ? BASEMENT MEMBRANE No cells. 100% matrix. No blood vessels. ? STROMA (CONNECTIVE TISSUE) Cells. Matrix. Blood vessels. The tissue triad in skin and nerves The tissue triad in the organism BM is thick, solid line Problems and advantages of chemical symbolism ? No stoichiometric data currently available! How many cells? What is concentration of cytokine X? Ligand density? “Reaction diagrams”, not chemical equations. ? Neither reactants nor products currently have standardized, time-invariant structure, as do chemical compounds. ? BUT gain rapid estimate of minimum requirements for synthesis of tissues and organs. ? Look for similarities between different organs (e.g., skin vs. nerves). B. The central question in organ synthesis Which tissues in the triad do not regenerate spontaneously? ? When excised from an organ, the epithelia are regenerated spontaneously. Examples: the epidermis in skin, the myelin sheath in nerves. ? Likewise, the basement membrane regenerates spontaneously on the stroma. ? However, the stroma does not regenerate spontaneously. Examples: dermis in skin, endoneurium in nerves. SKIN: The epidermis regenerates spontaneously Epidermis lost. Dermis intact. Spontaneous regeneration SKIN: Scar formation. The dermis does not regenerate. Closure by contraction and scar formation Epidermis and dermis both lost to severe injury Scar NERVE: The injured myelin sheath regenerates spontaneously Regenerated myelin Injured myelin. Endoneurium intact. Axoplasm Myelin sheath Neuroma formation. The endoneurium does not regenerate. Transected nerve. Both myelin and endoneurium are severely injured. Neuroma forms at each stump by contraction and scar formation. Intact nerve fiber Image removed due to copyright considerations. See Figure 2.5 in [Yannas]. Image removed due to copyright consi erati ns. See Figure 2.5 in [Yannas]. Spontaneously healed nerve fiber (scar) The central question is… ? Epithelia and basement membrane (BM) are synthesized from remaining epithelial cells. ? The stroma is not synthesized from remaining stromal cells. Instead these cells induce closure of the injury by contraction and synthesis of scar. ? Therefore, the central question in organ synthesis is how to synthesize the stroma. ? Once the stroma has been induced to synthesize, epithelial cells can spontaneously synthesize both epithelia and BM over it (“sequential” synthesis). C. What is required to synthesize an organ? Required vs. redundant reactants ? Investigators typically supply (add) reactants based on favored hypotheses. Often, reactants supplied are not required to synthesize tissue or organ. ? In vitro all reactants, including culture medium, are supplied by investigator. ? In vivo the reactor spontaneously supplies exudate that contains certain reactants (endogenous reactants). The investigator supplies other reactants (exogenous). ? What are the minimal reactants that suffice to synthesize a tissue or organ? These are the “required” reactants. are Method used to identify required reactants Collect data from over 70 groups of investigators of skin and peripheral nerve (Ch. 7). All worked with standardized reactors. Some worked in vitro with cells in culture; others in vivo with animals (e.g., rat, mouse) Summarize complex protocol and results obtained by each investigator in the form of a “reaction diagram”. Omit some information. In vitro studies: Omit showing medium. In vivo studies: Do not show endogenous reactants; show only reactants that are supplied by investigator (exogenous). Results. Use color code for reactants ? epithelial cells (skin: keratinocytes, KC; nerve: Schwann cells, SC) ? stromal cells (fibroblasts, FB) ? matrices (analogs of extracellular matrix or synthetic polymers, CBL, DRT, COG, etc.) Conventions used in reaction diagrams 1. Epithelial cells are blue. Stromal cells are orange. Matrices are underlined in handout notes (but not in text). 2. Products are abbreviated (e.g., E = epidermis; E ·BM = epidermis with BM attached; E·BM·D = partial skin ). 3. Reaction diagrams describe processes in vitro unless in vivo is specified over reaction arrow. 4. Complete tabulation of reaction diagrams and abbreviations in text pp. 194-197 (skin) and pp. 198-200 (nerve). Synthesis of an Epidermis (E) ? epithelial cells: KC, SC ? stromal cells: FB ? matrix: DRT, CBL, L-DRT, COG etc. KC + FB → E KC + CBL → E KC → E (simplest is bold-fonted) KC + FB + L-DRT → E KC + DRT → E KC + FB + COG → E Synthesis of a basement membrane (E·BM) KC + COG → E?BM KC → E?BM (simplest) KC + CBL → E?BM KC + FB + PGL→ E?BM(?) (in vivo) KC →E?BM (in vivo) KC + FB + COG → E?BM KC + FB + COG → E?BM KC + COFL → No BM KC + FB + L-DRT→E?BM (in vivo) KC + PL → No BM KC + FB + NY → E?BM KC + DRT → E?BM (in vivo) Synthesis of a dermis (D) DRT → D (in vivo) (simplest) KC → No D (in vivo) KC + FB + COG → No D KC + FB + L-DRT→ D (in vivo) KC + FB + COG → D (in vivo) KC + FB + L-DRT → No D KC + CBL → No D KC + FB + PGL → No D KC + DRT → No D KC + FB + PGL → D (in vivo) Synthesis of skin (partial skin = PS = E?BM?D) KC + FB + COG → PS (in vivo) KC + CBL → PS (in vivo) KC + DRT → PS (in vivo) (simplest) KC + FB + PGL → PS (in vivo) KC + FB + L-DRT → PS (in vivo) Select simplest routes for skin synthesis ? Epidermis: KC → E ? Basement Membrane: KC → E?BM ? Dermis: DRT → D (in vivo) ? Skin (partial): KC + DRT → PS (in vivo) ______________________________________ ? Exogenous fibroblasts not required. ? Exogenous cytokines not required. ? Epithelia and BM synthesized in vitro. Dermis synthesized in vivo. ? Partial skin synthesized in vivo. Sequential vs. simultaneous synthesis of skin tissues A. Sequential (two-step) synthesis: 1. Synthesize the dermis using a template. DRT → D 2. Epidermis and BM later spontaneously synthesized by residual epithelial cells. KC → E·BM B. Simultaneous (one-step) synthesis of dermis and epidermis: Seed template with epithelial cells. KC + DRT → E·BM·D = PS Simplest routes for nerve synthesis ? Myelin sheath: SC → MAX ? Basement membrane: SC → MAX?BM ? Endoneurium: silicone tube → ED(?) ? Conducting nerve trunk: various tubes → MAX?BM?ED(?)?PN __________________________________ ? Exogenous fibroblasts not required. ? Exogenous cytokines not required. ? Epithelia and BM synthesized in vitro. Endoneurium uncertain. Nerve trunk synthesized in vivo. D. Trans-organ reaction diagrams Select only the simplest skin nerve EPITHELIA (in vitro) KC → E SC → MAX BM (in vitro) KC → E?BM SC → MAX?BM skin nerve STROMA (in vivo) DRT → D tubes → ED(?) ORGAN (in vivo) DRT → PS tubes → nerve trunk Summary of trans-organ rules for organ synthesis What are the similarities between the simplest pathways required to synthesize skin and peripheral nerves? Both in skin and peripheral nerve: ? Synthesis of epithelia simply required supply of epithelial cells in vitro (appropriate medium also required). ? Synthesis of stroma required supply only of an appropriate scaffold in vivo. Various synthetic routes Route 1: Sequential synthesis Stroma synthesized first using appropriate matrix (regeneration template). Epithelia and basement membrane both synthesized spontaneously later on the new stroma by endogenous epithelial cells. Route 2: Simultaneous synthesis All three tissues can be simultaneously synthesized using template seeded with epithelial cells. Route 3: Modular organ synthesis? Synthesize each tissue in separate reactor, then combine. Summary of synthetic rules for tissues and organs 1. Use symbolism of organic chemistry to compare several independent synthetic protocols from literature. 2. The central problem is synthesis of stroma. 3. Epithelial cells and appropriate medium only required to synthesize epithelia in vitro. Appropriate matrix only must be supplied to synthesize stroma in vivo. 4. Applicability to other organs?