Catching evolution in action
A hundred years ago Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution
by natural selection was taught as the foundation of biology
in public schools throughout the United States. Then
something happened. In the 1920s, conservative religious
groups began to argue against the teaching of evolution in
our nation's schools. Darwinism, they said, contradicted
the revealed word of God in the Bible and thus was a direct
attack on their religious beliefs. Many of you will have read
about the 1925 Scopes "monkey trial" or seen the move
about it, Inherit the Wind. In the backwash of this contro-
versy, evolution for the first time in this century disap-
peared from the schools. Textbook publishers and local
school boards, in a wish to avoid the dispute, simply chose
not to teach evolution. By 1959, 100 years after Darwin's
book, a famous American geneticist cried in anguish, "A
hundred years without Darwin is enough!" What he meant
was that the theory of evolution by natural selection has be-
come the central operating concept of the science of biol-
ogy, organic evolution being one of the most solidly vali-
dated facts of science. How could we continue to hide this
truth from our children, crippling their understanding of
In the 1970s, Darwin reappeared in our nation's schools,
part of the wave of concern about science that followed
Sputnik. Not for long, however. Cries from creationists for
equal time in the classroom soon had evolution out of our
classrooms again. Only in recent years, amid considerable
uproar, have states like California succeeded in reforming
their school curriculums, focusing on evolution as the cen-
tral principle of biology. In other states, teaching Darwin
remains controversial.
While Darwin’s proposal that evolution occurs as the
result of natural selection remains controversial in many
local school boards, it is accepted by practically every biol-
ogist who has examined it seriously. In this section, we will
review the evidence supporting Darwin’s theory. Evolu-
tionary biology is unlike most other fields of biology in
which hypotheses are tested directly with experimental
methods. To study evolution, we need to investigate what
happened in the past, sometimes many millions of years
ago. In this way, evolutionary biology is similar to astron-
omy and history, relying on observation and deduction
rather than experiment and induction to examine ideas
about past events.
Nonetheless, evolutionary biology is not entirely an ob-
servational science. Darwin was right about many things,
but one area in which he was mistaken concerns the pace
at which evolution occurs. Darwin thought that evolution
occurred at a very slow, almost imperceptible, pace. How-
ever, in recent years many case studies of natural popula-
tions have demonstrated that in some circumstances evolu-
tionary change can occur rapidly. In these instances, it is
possible to establish experimental studies to directly test
evolutionary hypotheses. Although laboratory studies on
fruit flies and other organisms have been common for
more than 50 years, it has only been in recent years that
scientists have started conducting experimental studies of
evolution in nature.
To conduct experimental tests of evolution, it is first nec-
essary to identify a population in nature upon which strong
selection might be operating (see above). Then, by manipu-
lating the strength of the selection, an investigator can pre-
dict what outcome selection might produce, then look and
see the actual effect on the population.
The evolution of protective coloration in guppies. In pools
below waterfalls where predation is high, guppies are drab
colored. In the absence of the highly predatory pike cichlid,
guppies in pools above waterfalls are much more colorful and
attractive to females. The evolution of these differences can be
experimentally tested.
420 Part VI Evolution
The Experiment
Guppies offer an excellent experimental opportunity. The
guppy, Poecilia reticulata, is found in small streams in north-
eastern South America and the nearby island of Trinidad.
In Trinidad, guppies are found in many mountain streams.
One interesting feature of several streams is that they have
waterfalls. Amazingly, guppies are capable of colonizing
portions of the stream above the waterfall. During flood
seasons, rivers sometimes overflow their banks, creating
secondary channels that move through the forest. During
these occasions, guppies may be able to move upstream and
invade pools above waterfalls. By contrast, not all species
are capable of such dispersal and thus are only found in
these streams below the first waterfall. One species whose
distribution is restricted by waterfalls is the pike cichlid,
Crenicichla alta, a voracious predator that feeds on other
fish, including guppies.
Because of these barriers to dispersal, guppies can be
found in two very different environments. In pools just
below the waterfalls, predation is a substantial risk and rates
of survival are relatively low. By contrast, in similar pools
just above the waterfall, few predators prey on guppies. As
a result, guppy populations above and below waterfalls have
evolved many differences. In the high-predation pools,
guppies exhibit drab coloration. Moreover, they tend to re-
produce at a younger age.
The differences suggest the action of natural selection.
Perhaps as a result of shunting energy to reproduction
rather than growth, the fish in high-predation pools attain
relatively smaller adult sizes. By contrast, male fish above
the waterfall display gaudy colors that they use to court fe-
males. Adults there mature later and grow to larger sizes.
Although the differences between guppies living above
and below the waterfalls are consistent with the hypothesis
that they represent evolutionary responses to differences in
the strength of predation, alternative explanations are pos-
sible. Perhaps, for example, only very large fish are capable
of moving past the waterfall to colonize pools. If this were
the case, then a founder effect would occur in which the
new population was established solely by individuals with
genes for large size.
The only way to rule out such alternative possibilities is
to conduct a controlled experiment. The first experiments
were conducted in large pools in laboratory greenhouses.
At the start of the experiment, a group of 2000 guppies
were divided equally among 10 large pools. Six months
later, pike cichlids were added to four of the pools and killi-
fish (which rarely prey on guppies) to another four, with
the remaining pools left as “no predator” controls.
The Results
Fourteen months later (which corresponds to 10 guppy
generations), the scientists compared the populations. The
guppies in the killifish and control pools were indistin-
guishable, brightly colored and large. In contrast, the gup-
pies in the pike cichlid pools were smaller and drab in col-
oration. These results established that predation can lead to
rapid evolutionary change, but does this laboratory experi-
ments reflect what occurs in nature?
To find out, scientists located two streams that had gup-
pies in pools below a waterfall, but not above it. As in other
Trinidadian streams, the pike cichlid was present in the
lower pools, but only the killifish was found above the wa-
terfalls. The scientists then transplanted guppies to the
upper pools and returned at several-year intervals to moni-
tor the populations. Despite originating from populations
in which predation levels were high, the transplanted popu-
lations rapidly evolved the traits characteristic of low-pre-
dation guppies: they matured late, attained greater size and
brighter colors. Control populations in the lower pools, by
contrast, continued to mature early and at smaller size.
These results demonstrate that substantial evolutionary
change can occur in less than 12 years.
To explore this concept further go to our interactive lab
at www.mhhe.com/raven6e
Evolutionary change in spot number. Populations transported to the low-predation environment quickly increased in number of spots,
whereas selection in more dangerous environments, like the predator-filled pool above right, led to less conspicuous fish.
Genes within Populations
Concept Outline
20.1 Genes vary in natural populations.
Gene Variation Is the Raw Material of Evolution.
Selection acts on the genetic variation present in
populations, favoring variants that increase the likelihood of
survival and reproduction.
Gene Variation in Nature. Natural populations contain
considerable amounts of variation, present at the DNA
level and expressed in proteins.
20.2 Why do allele frequencies change in populations?
The Hardy–Weinberg Principle. The proportion of
homozygotes and heterozygotes in a population is not
altered by meiosis or sexual reproduction.
Five Agents of Evolutionary Change. The frequency of
alleles in a population can be changed by evolutionary
forces like gene flow and selection.
Identifying the Evolutionary Forces Maintaining
Polymorphism. A number of processes can influence
allele frequencies in natural populations, but it is difficult to
ascertain their relative importance.
Heterozygote Advantage.—In some cases, heterozygotes
are superior to either type of homozygote. The gene for
sickle cell anemia is one particularly well-understood
20.3 Selection can act on traits affected by many
Forms of Selection. Selection can act on traits like
height or weight to stabilize or change the level at which
the trait is expressed.
Limits to What Selection Can Accomplish. Selection
cannot act on traits with little or no genetic variation.
o other human being is exactly like you (unless you
have an identical twin). Often the particular charac-
teristics of an individual have an important bearing on its
survival, on its chances to reproduce, and on the success of
its offspring. Evolution is driven by such consequences.
Genetic variation that influences these characteristics pro-
vides the raw material for natural selection, and natural
populations contain a wealth of such variation. In plants
(figure 20.1), insects, and vertebrates, practically every gene
exhibits some level of variation. In this chapter, we will ex-
plore genetic variation in natural populations and consider
the evolutionary forces that cause allele frequencies in nat-
ural populations to change. These deceptively simple mat-
ters lie at the core of evolutionary biology.
Genetic variation. The range of genetic material in a population
is expressed in a variety of ways—including color.
in the genetic makeup of populations. Allele frequencies
can also change as the result of repeated mutations from
one allele to another and from migrants bringing alleles
into a population. In addition, when populations are small,
the frequencies of alleles can change randomly as the result
of chance events. Evolutionary biologists debate the rela-
tive strengths of these processes. Although no one denies
that natural selection is a powerful force leading to adaptive
change, the importance of other processes is less certain.
Darwin proposed that natural selection on variants
within populations leads to the evolution of different
422 Part VI Evolution
Gene Variation Is the Raw Material
of Evolution
Evolution Is Descent with Modification
The word “evolution” is widely used in the natural and so-
cial sciences. It refers to how an entity—be it a social sys-
tem, a gas, or a planet—changes through time. Although
development of the modern concept of evolution in biology
can be traced to Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, the first
five editions of this book never actually used the term!
Rather, Darwin used the phrase “descent with modifica-
tion.” Although many more complicated definitions have
been proposed, Darwin’s phrase probably best captures the
essence of biological evolution: all species arise from other,
pre-existing species. However, through time, they accumu-
late differences such that ancestral and descendant species
are not identical.
Natural Selection Is an Important Mechanism of
Evolutionary Change
Darwin was not the first to propose a theory of evolution.
Rather, he followed a long line of earlier philosophers and
naturalists who deduced that the many kinds of organisms
around us were produced by a process of evolution. Un-
like his predecessors, however, Darwin proposed natural
selection as the mechanism of evolution. Natural selec-
tion produces evolutionary change when in a population
some individuals, which possess certain inherited charac-
teristics, produce more surviving offspring than individu-
als lacking these characteristics. As a result, the popula-
tion will gradually come to include more and more
individuals with the advantageous characteristics. In this
way, the population evolves and becomes better adapted
to its local circumstances.
Natural selection was by no means the only evolution-
ary mechanism proposed. A rival theory, championed by
the prominent biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, was that
evolution occurred by the inheritance of acquired
characteristics. According to Lamarck, individuals
passed on to offspring body and behavior changes ac-
quired during their lives. Thus, Lamarck proposed that
ancestral giraffes with short necks tended to stretch their
necks to feed on tree leaves, and this extension of the
neck was passed on to subsequent generations, leading to
the long-necked giraffe (figure 20.2a). In Darwin’s the-
ory, by contrast, the variation is not created by experi-
ence, but is the result of preexisting genetic differences
among individuals (figure 20.2b).
Although the efficacy of natural selection is now widely
accepted, it is not the only process that can lead to changes
20.1 Genes vary in natural populations.
Proposed ancestor
of giraffes has
characteristics of
modern-day okapi.
The giraffe ancestor
lengthened its neck by
stretching to reach tree
leaves, then passed the
change to offspring.
(a) Lamarck's theory: variation is acquired.
stretching stretching
Individuals are
born who
happen to
have longer
Over many generations,
individuals are more
successful and pass
the long-neck trait on
to their offspring.
to adult
to adult
(b) Darwin's theory: variation is inherited.
How did giraffes evolve a long neck?
Gene Variation in Nature
Evolution within a species may result from any process that
causes a change in the genetic composition of a population.
In considering this theory of population genetics, it is best
to start by looking at the genetic variation present among
individuals within a species. This is the raw material avail-
able for the selective process.
Measuring Levels of Genetic Variation
As we saw in chapter 13, a natural population can contain a
great deal of genetic variation. This is true not only of hu-
mans, but of all organisms. How much variation usually oc-
curs? Biologists have looked at many different genes in an
effort to answer this question:
1. Blood groups. Chemical analysis has revealed the ex-
istence of more than 30 blood group genes in humans,
in addition to the ABO locus. At least a third of these
genes are routinely found in several alternative allelic
forms in human populations. In addition to these, there
are more than 45 variable genes encoding other pro-
teins in human blood cells and plasma which are not
considered blood groups. Thus, there are more than 75
genetically variable genes in this one system alone.
2. Enzymes. Alternative alleles of genes specifying
particular enzymes are easy to distinguish by measur-
ing how fast the alternative proteins migrate in an
electric field (a process called electrophoresis). A
great deal of variation exists at enzyme-specifying
loci. About 5% of the enzyme loci of a typical human
are heterozygous: if you picked an individual at
random, and in turn selected one of the enzyme-
encoding genes of that individual at random, the
chances are 1 in 20 (5%) that the gene you selected
would be heterozygous in that individual.
Considering the entire human genome, it is fair to say
that almost all people are different from one another. This
is also true of other organisms, except for those that repro-
duce asexually. In nature, genetic variation is the rule.
Enzyme Polymorphism
Many loci in a given population have more than one allele
at frequencies significantly greater than would occur from
mutation alone. Researchers refer to a locus with more
variation than can be explained by mutation as polymor-
phic (poly, “many,” morphic, “forms”) (figure 20.3). The ex-
tent of such variation within natural populations was not
even suspected a few decades ago, until modern techniques
such as gel electrophoresis made it possible to examine en-
zymes and other proteins directly. We now know that most
populations of insects and plants are polymorphic (that is,
have more than one allele occurring at a frequency greater
than 5%) at more than half of their enzyme-encoding loci,
although vertebrates are somewhat less polymorphic. Het-
erozygosity (that is, the probability that a randomly se-
lected gene will be heterozygous for a randomly selected
individual) is about 15% in Drosophila and other inverte-
brates, between 5% and 8% in vertebrates, and around 8%
in outcrossing plants. These high levels of genetic variabil-
ity provide ample supplies of raw material for evolution.
DNA Sequence Polymorphism
With the advent of gene technology, it has become possible
to assess genetic variation even more directly by sequenc-
ing the DNA itself. In a pioneering study in 1989, Martin
Kreitman sequenced ADH genes isolated from 11 individu-
als of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. He found 43 vari-
able sites, only one of which had been detected by protein
electrophoresis! In the following decade, numerous other
studies of variation at the DNA level have confirmed these
findings: abundant variation exists in both the coding re-
gions of genes and in their nontranslated introns—consid-
erably more variation than we can detect examining en-
zymes with electrophoresis.
Natural populations contain considerable amounts of
genetic variation—more than can be accounted for by
mutation alone.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 423
Polymorphic variation. These Australian snails, all of the species
Bankivia fasciata, exhibit considerable variation in pattern and
color. Individual variations are heritable and passed on to
Population genetics is the study of the properties of genes
in populations. Genetic variation within natural popula-
tions was a puzzle to Darwin and his contemporaries. The
way in which meiosis produces genetic segregation among
the progeny of a hybrid had not yet been discovered. Selec-
tion, scientists then thought, should always favor an opti-
mal form, and so tend to eliminate variation. Moreover, the
theory of blending inheritance—in which offspring were
expected to be phenotypically intermediate relative to their
parents—was widely accepted. If blending inheritance were
correct, then the effect of any new genetic variant would
quickly be diluted to the point of disappearance in subse-
quent generations.
The Hardy–Weinberg Principle
Following the rediscovery of Mendel’s research, two people
in 1908 independently solved the puzzle of why genetic
variation persists—G. H. Hardy, an English mathemati-
cian, and G. Weinberg, a German physician. They pointed
out that the original proportions of the genotypes in a pop-
ulation will remain constant from generation to generation,
as long as the following assumptions are met:
1. The population size is very large.
2. Random mating is occurring.
3. No mutation takes place.
4. No genes are input from other sources (no immigra-
tion takes place).
5. No selection occurs.
Dominant alleles do not, in fact, replace recessive ones.
Because their proportions do not change, the genotypes are
said to be in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium.
In algebraic terms, the Hardy–Weinberg principle is
written as an equation. Consider a population of 100 cats,
with 84 black and 16 white cats. In statistics, frequency
is defined as the proportion of individuals falling within a
certain category in relation to the total number of indi-
viduals under consideration. In this case, the respective
frequencies would be 0.84 (or 84%) and 0.16 (or 16%).
Based on these phenotypic frequencies, can we deduce
the underlying frequency of genotypes? If we assume that
the white cats are homozygous recessive for an allele we
designate b, and the black cats are therefore either ho-
mozygous dominant BB or heterozygous Bb, we can cal-
culate the allele frequencies of the two alleles in the
population from the proportion of black and white indi-
viduals. Let the letter p designate the frequency of one al-
lele and the letter q the frequency of the alternative al-
lele. Because there are only two alleles, p plus q must
always equal 1.
The Hardy-Weinberg equation can now be expressed in
the form of what is known as a binomial expansion:
(p + q)
= p
+2pq + q
(Individuals (Individuals (Individuals
homozygous heterozygous homozygous
for allele B) with alleles B+ b) for allele b)
If q
= 0.16 (the frequency of white cats), then q = 0.4.
Therefore, p, the frequency of allele B, would be 0.6 (1.0 –
0.4 = 0.6). We can now easily calculate the genotype fre-
quencies: there are p
= (0.6)
H11003 100 (the number of cats in
the total population), or 36 homozygous dominant BB indi-
viduals. The heterozygous individuals have the Bb geno-
type, and there would be 2pq, or (2 H11003 0.6 H11003 0.4) H11003 100, or
48 heterozygous Bb individuals.
424 Part VI Evolution
20.2 Why do allele frequencies change in populations?
Sperm Eggs
Genotypes BB Bb bb
0.36 0.48 0.16
0.36 + 0.24 = 0.6B 0.24 + 0.16 = 0.4b
Frequency of
genotype in population
Frequency of gametes
Bb Bb
= 0.16
pq = 0.24 pq = 0.24
= 0.36
p = 0.6
q = 0.4
p = 0.6
q = 0.4
The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. In the absence of factors that alter them, the frequencies of gametes, genotypes, and phenotypes
remain constant generation after generation.
Using the Hardy–Weinberg Equation
The Hardy–Weinberg equation is a simple extension of the
Punnett square described in chapter 13, with two alleles as-
signed frequencies p and q. Figure 20.4 allows you to trace
genetic reassortment during sexual reproduction and see
how it affects the frequencies of the B and b alleles during
the next generation. In constructing this diagram, we have
assumed that the union of sperm and egg in these cats is
random, so that all combinations of b and B alleles occur.
For this reason, the alleles are mixed randomly and repre-
sented in the next generation in proportion to their original
representation. Each individual egg or sperm in each gen-
eration has a 0.6 chance of receiving a B allele (p = 0.6) and
a 0.4 chance of receiving a b allele (q = 0.4).
In the next generation, therefore, the chance of combin-
ing two B alleles is p
, or 0.36 (that is, 0.6 H11003 0.6), and ap-
proximately 36% of the individuals in the population will
continue to have the BB genotype. The frequency of bb in-
dividuals is q
(0.4 H11003 0.4) and so will continue to be about
16%, and the frequency of Bb individuals will be 2pq (2 H11003
0.6 H11003 0.4), or approximately 48%. Phenotypically, if the
population size remains at 100 cats, we will still see approx-
imately 84 black individuals (with either BB or Bb geno-
types) and 16 white individuals (with the bb genotype) in
the population. Allele, genotype, and phenotype frequen-
cies have remained unchanged from one generation to the
This simple relationship has proved extraordinarily
useful in assessing actual situations. Consider the recessive
allele responsible for the serious human disease cystic fi-
brosis. This allele is present in North Americans of Cau-
casian descent at a frequency q of about 22 per 1000 indi-
viduals, or 0.022. What proportion of North American
Caucasians, therefore, is expected to express this trait?
The frequency of double recessive individuals (q
) is ex-
pected to be 0.022 H11003 0.022, or 1 in every 2000 individu-
als. What proportion is expected to be heterozygous car-
riers? If the frequency of the recessive allele q is 0.022,
then the frequency of the dominant allele p must be 1 –
0.022, or 0.978. The frequency of heterozygous individu-
als (2pq) is thus expected to be 2 H11003 0.978 H11003 0.022, or 43
in every 1000 individuals.
How valid are these calculated predictions? For many
genes, they prove to be very accurate. As we will see, for
some genes the calculated predictions do not match the ac-
tual values. The reasons they do not tell us a great deal
about evolution.
Why Do Allele Frequencies Change?
According to the Hardy–Weinberg principle, both the al-
lele and genotype frequencies in a large, random-mating
population will remain constant from generation to gen-
eration if no mutation, no gene flow, and no selection
occur. The stipulations tacked onto the end of the state-
ment are important. In fact, they are the key to the im-
portance of the Hardy–Weinberg principle, because indi-
vidual allele frequencies often change in natural popula-
tions, with some alleles becoming more common and
others decreasing in frequency. The Hardy–Weinberg
principle establishes a convenient baseline against which
to measure such changes. By looking at how various fac-
tors alter the proportions of homozygotes and heterozy-
gotes, we can identify the forces affecting particular situa-
tions we observe.
Many factors can alter allele frequencies. Only five,
however, alter the proportions of homozygotes and het-
erozygotes enough to produce significant deviations from
the proportions predicted by the Hardy–Weinberg princi-
ple: mutation, gene flow (including both immigration into
and emigration out of a given population), nonrandom
mating, genetic drift (random change in allele frequencies,
which is more likely in small populations), and selection
(table 20.1). Of these, only selection produces adaptive evo-
lutionary change because only in selection does the result
depend on the nature of the environment. The other fac-
tors operate relatively independently of the environment,
so the changes they produce are not shaped by environ-
mental demands.
The Hardy–Weinberg principle states that in a large
population mating at random and in the absence of
other forces that would change the proportions of the
different alleles at a given locus, the process of sexual
reproduction (meiosis and fertilization) alone will not
change these proportions.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 425
Table 20.1 Agents of Evolutionary Change
Factor Description
Mutation The ultimate source of variation. Individual
mutations occur so rarely that mutation
alone does not change allele frequency
Gene flow A very potent agent of change. Populations
exchange members.
Nonrandom Inbreeding is the most common form. It
mating does not alter allele frequency but
decreases the proportion of
Genetic drift Statistical accidents. Usually occurs only in
very small populations.
Selection The only form that produces adaptive
evolutionary changes.
Five Agents of
Evolutionary Change
1. Mutation
Mutation from one allele to an-
other can obviously change the
proportions of particular alleles
in a population. Mutation rates
are generally so low that they
have little effect on the
Hardy–Weinberg proportions of
common alleles. A single gene
may mutate about 1 to 10 times
per 100,000 cell divisions (al-
though some genes mutate much
more frequently than that). Be-
cause most environments are
constantly changing, it is rare for
a population to be stable enough
to accumulate changes in allele
frequency produced by a process
this slow. Nonetheless, mutation
is the ultimate source of genetic
variation and thus makes evolu-
tion possible. It is important to
remember, however, that the likelihood of a particular mu-
tation occurring is not affected by natural selection; that is,
mutations do not occur more frequently in situations in
which they would be favored by natural selection.
2. Gene Flow
Gene flow is the movement of alleles from one population
to another. It can be a powerful agent of change because
members of two different populations may exchange ge-
netic material. Sometimes gene flow is obvious, as when an
animal moves from one place to another. If the characteris-
tics of the newly arrived animal differ from those of the an-
imals already there, and if the newcomer is adapted well
enough to the new area to survive and mate successfully,
the genetic composition of the receiving population may be
altered. Other important kinds of gene flow are not as ob-
vious. These subtler movements include the drifting of ga-
metes or immature stages of plants or marine animals from
one place to another (figure 20.5). Male gametes of flower-
ing plants are often carried great distances by insects and
other animals that visit their flowers. Seeds may also blow
in the wind or be carried by animals or other agents to new
populations far from their place of origin. In addition, gene
flow may also result from the mating of individuals belong-
ing to adjacent populations.
However it occurs, gene flow can alter the genetic char-
acteristics of populations and prevent them from maintain-
ing Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. In addition, even low
levels of gene flow tend to homogenize allele frequencies
among populations and thus keep the populations from di-
verging genetically. In some situations, gene flow can
counter the effect of natural selection by bringing an allele
into a population at a rate greater than that at which the al-
lele is removed by selection.
3. Nonrandom Mating
Individuals with certain genotypes sometimes mate with
one another more commonly than would be expected on a
random basis, a phenomenon known as nonrandom mat-
ing. Inbreeding (mating with relatives) is a type of nonran-
dom mating that causes the frequencies of particular geno-
types to differ greatly from those predicted by the
Hardy–Weinberg principle. Inbreeding does not change
the frequency of the alleles, but rather increases the pro-
portion of homozygous individuals because relatives are
likely be genetically similar and thus produce offspring
with two copies of the same allele. This is why populations
of self-fertilizing plants consist primarily of homozygous
individuals, whereas outcrossing plants, which interbreed
with individuals different from themselves, have a higher
proportion of heterozygous individuals.
By increasing homozygosity in a population, inbreeding
increases the expression of recessive alleles. It is for this
reason that marriage between close relatives is discouraged
and to some degree outlawed—it increases the possibility
of producing children homozygous for an allele associated
with one or more of the recessive genetic disorders dis-
cussed in chapter 13.
426 Part VI Evolution
(a) Mutation
UV light DNA
(b) Gene flow (c) Nonrandom mating
(e) Selection(d) Genetic drift
Five agents of
evolutionary change.
(a) Mutation, (b) gene flow,
(c) nonrandom mating,
(d) genetic drift, and
(e) selection.
4. Genetic Drift
In small populations, frequencies of particular alleles may
change drastically by chance alone. Such changes in allele
frequencies occur randomly, as if the frequencies were
drifting, and are thus known as genetic drift. For this rea-
son, a population must be large to be in Hardy–Weinberg
equilibrium. If the gametes of only a few individuals form
the next generation, the alleles they carry may by chance
not be representative of the parent population from which
they were drawn, as illustrated in figure 20.6, where a small
number of individuals are removed from a bottle contain-
ing many. By chance, most of the individuals removed are
blue, so the new population has a much higher population
of blue individuals than the parent one had.
A set of small populations that are isolated from one an-
other may come to differ strongly as a result of genetic drift
even if the forces of natural selection do not differ between
the populations. Indeed, because of genetic drift, harmful
alleles may increase in frequency in small populations, de-
spite selective disadvantage, and favorable alleles may be
lost even though selectively advantageous. It is interesting
to realize that humans have lived in small groups for much
of the course of their evolution; consequently, genetic drift
may have been a particularly important factor in the evolu-
tion of our species.
Even large populations may feel the effect of genetic
drift. Large populations may have been much smaller in the
past, and genetic drift may have greatly altered allele fre-
quencies at that time. Imagine a population containing only
two alleles of a gene, B and b, in equal frequency (that is, p
= q = 0.5). In a large Hardy–Weinberg population, the
genotype frequencies are expected to be 0.25 BB, 0.50 Bb,
and 0.25 bb. If only a small sample produces the next gener-
ation, large deviations in these genotype frequencies can
occur by chance. Imagine, for example, that four individu-
als form the next generation, and that by chance they are
two Bb heterozygotes and two BB homozygotes—the allele
frequencies in the next generation are p = 0.75 and q = 0.25!
If you were to replicate this experiment 1000 times, each
time randomly drawing four individuals from the parental
population, one of the two alleles would be missing entirely
from about 8 of the 1000 populations. This leads to an im-
portant conclusion: genetic drift leads to the loss of alleles
in isolated populations. Two related causes of decreases in
a population’s size are founder effects and bottlenecks.
Founder Effects. Sometimes one or a few individuals
disperse and become the founders of a new, isolated popu-
lation at some distance from their place of origin. These pi-
oneers are not likely to have all the alleles present in the
source population. Thus, some alleles may be lost from the
new population and others may change drastically in fre-
quency. In some cases, previously rare alleles in the source
population may be a significant fraction of the new popula-
tion’s genetic endowment. This phenomenon is called the
founder effect. Founder effects are not rare in nature.
Many self-pollinating plants start new populations from a
single seed.
Founder effects have been particularly important in the
evolution of organisms on distant oceanic islands, such as
the Hawaiian Islands and the Galápagos Islands visited by
Darwin. Most of the organisms in such areas probably de-
rive from one or a few initial “founders.” In a similar way,
isolated human populations are often dominated by genetic
features characteristic of their particular founders.
The Bottleneck Effect. Even if organisms do not move
from place to place, occasionally their populations may be
drastically reduced in size. This may result from flooding,
drought, epidemic disease, and other natural forces, or
from progressive changes in the environment. The few sur-
viving individuals may constitute a random genetic sample
of the original population (unless some individuals survive
specifically because of their genetic makeup). The resultant
alterations and loss of genetic variability has been termed
the bottleneck effect.
Some living species appear to be severely depleted ge-
netically and have probably suffered from a bottleneck ef-
fect in the past. For example, the northern elephant seal,
which breeds on the western coast of North America and
nearby islands, was nearly hunted to extinction in the nine-
teenth century and was reduced to a single population con-
taining perhaps no more than 20 individuals on the island
of Guadalupe off the coast of Baja, California. As a result of
this bottleneck, even though the seal populations have re-
bounded and now number in the tens of thousands, this
species has lost almost all of its genetic variation.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 427
(drastic reduction
in population)
Genetic drift: The bottleneck effect. The parent population
contains roughly equal numbers of blue and yellow individuals. By
chance, the few remaining individuals that comprise the next
generation are mostly blue. The bottleneck occurs because so few
individuals form the next generation, as might happen after an
epidemic or catastrophic storm.
5. Selection
As Darwin pointed out, some individuals leave behind
more progeny than others, and the rate at which they do so
is affected by phenotype and behavior. We describe the re-
sults of this process as selection and speak of both artifi-
cial selection and natural selection. In artificial selection,
the breeder selects for the desired characteristics. In natural
selection, environmental conditions determine which indi-
viduals in a population produce the most offspring. For
natural selection to occur and result in evolutionary
change, three conditions must be met:
1. Variation must exist among individuals in a popu-
lation. Natural selection works by favoring individ-
uals with some traits over individuals with alternative
traits. If no variation exists, natural selection cannot
2. Variation among individuals results in differences
in number of offspring surviving in the next gen-
eration. This is the essence of natural selection. Be-
cause of their phenotype or behavior, some individu-
als are more successful than others in producing
offspring and thus passing their genes on to the next
3. Variation must be genetically inherited. For
natural selection to result in evolutionary change,
the selected differences must have a genetic basis.
However, not all variation has a genetic basis—even
genetically identical individuals may be phenotypi-
cally quite distinctive if they grow up in different
environments. Such environmental effects are com-
mon in nature. In many turtles, for example, indi-
viduals that hatch from eggs laid in moist soil are
heavier, with longer and wider shells, than individu-
als from nests in drier areas. As a result of these en-
vironmental effects, variation within a population
does not always indicate the existence of underlying
genetic variation. When phenotypically different
individuals do not differ genetically, then differ-
ences in the number of their offspring will not alter
the genetic composition of the population in the
next generation and, thus, no evolutionary change
will have occurred.
It is important to remember that natural selection and
evolution are not the same—the two concepts often are
incorrectly equated. Natural selection is a process,
whereas evolution is the historical record of change
through time. Evolution is an outcome, not a process.
Natural selection (the process) can lead to evolution (the
outcome), but natural selection is only one of several
processes that can produce evolutionary change. More-
over, natural selection can occur without producing evo-
lutionary change; only if variation is genetically based will
natural selection lead to evolution.
Selection to Avoid Predators. Many of the most dra-
matic documented instances of adaptation involve genetic
changes which decrease the probability of capture by a
predator. The caterpillar larvae of the common sulphur
butterfly Colias eurytheme usually exhibit a dull Kelly green
color, providing excellent camouflage on the alfalfa plants
on which they feed. An alternative bright blue color morph
is kept at very low frequency because this color renders the
larvae highly visible on the food plant, making it easier for
bird predators to see them. In a similar fashion, the way the
shell markings in the land snail Cepaea nemoralis match its
background habitat reflects the same pattern of avoiding
predation by camouflage.
One of the most dramatic examples of background
matching involves ancient lava flows in the middle of
deserts in the American southwest. In these areas, the black
rock formations produced when the lava cooled contrasts
starkly to the surrounding bright glare of the desert sand.
Populations of many species of animals—including lizards,
rodents, and a variety of insects—occurring on these rocks
are dark in color, whereas sand-dwelling populations in
surrounding areas are much lighter (figure 20.7). Predation
is the likely cause selecting for these differences in color.
Laboratory studies have confirmed that predatory birds are
adept at picking out individuals occurring on backgrounds
to which they are not adapted.
428 Part VI Evolution
Pocket mice from the Tularosa Basin of New Mexico whose
color matches their background. (a) The rock pocket mouse
lives on lava, (b) while the Apache pocket mouse lives on white
Selection to Match Climatic Conditions. Many
studies of selection have focused on genes encoding en-
zymes because in such cases the investigator can directly
assess the consequences to the organism of changes in the
frequency of alternative enzyme alleles. Often investiga-
tors find that enzyme allele frequencies vary latitudinally,
with one allele more common in northern populations but
progressively less common at more southern locations. A
superb example is seen in studies of a fish, the mummi-
chog, Fundulus heteroclitus, which ranges along the eastern
coast of North America. In this fish, allele frequencies of
the gene that produces the enzyme lactase dehydrogenase,
which catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to lactate, vary
geographically (figure 20.8). Biochemical studies show
that the enzymes formed by these alleles function differ-
ently at different temperatures, thus explaining their geo-
graphic distributions. For example, the form of the en-
zyme that is more frequent in the north is a better catalyst
at low temperatures than the enzyme from the south.
Moreover, functional studies indicate that at low tempera-
tures, individuals with the northern allele swim faster, and
presumably survive better, than individuals with the alter-
native allele.
Selection for Pesticide Resistance. A particularly clear
example of selection in action in natural populations is pro-
vided by studies of pesticide resistance in insects. The
widespread use of insecticides has led to the rapid evolution
of resistance in more than 400 pest species. For example,
the resistance allele at the pen gene decreases the uptake of
insecticide, whereas alleles at the kdr and dld-r genes de-
crease the number of target sites, thus decreasing the bind-
ing ability of the insecticide (figure 20.9). Other alleles en-
hance the ability of the insects’ enzymes to identify and
detoxify insecticide molecules.
Single genes are also responsible for resistance in other
organisms. The pigweed, Amaranthus hybridus, is one of
about 28 agricultural weeds that have evolved resistance
to the herbicide Triazine. Triazine inhibits photosynthe-
sis by binding to a protein in the chloroplast membrane.
Single amino acid substitutions in the gene encoding the
protein diminish the ability of Triazine to decrease the
plant’s photosynthetic capabilities. Similarly, Norway rats
are normally susceptible to the pesticide Warfarin, which
diminishes the clotting ability of the rat’s blood and leads
to fatal hemorrhaging. However, a resistance allele at a
single gene alters a metabolic pathway and renders War-
farin ineffective.
Five factors can bring about a deviation from the
proportions of homozygotes and heterozygotes
predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg principle. Only
selection regularly produces adaptive evolutionary
change, but the genetic constitution of individual
populations, and thus the course of evolution, can also
be affected by mutation, gene flow, nonrandom
mating, and genetic drift.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 429
44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30
Latitude (Degrees North)
Selection to match climatic conditions. Frequency of the cold-
adapted allele for lactase dehydrogenase in the mummichog
(Fundulus heteroclitus) decreases at lower latitudes, which are
target site
Insect cell
Target site
Target site
(a) Insect cells with resistance allele at pen gene:
decreased uptake of the pesticide
(b) Insect cells with resistance allele at kdr gene:
decreased number of target sites for the pesticide
Selection for pesticide resistance. Resistance alleles at genes
like pen and kdr allow insects to be more resistant to pesticides.
Insects that possess these resistance alleles have become more
common through selection.
Identifying the Evolutionary Forces
Maintaining Polymorphism
The Adaptive Selection Theory
As evidence began to accumulate in the 1970s that natural
populations exhibit a great deal of genetic polymorphism
(that is, many alleles of a gene exist in the population), the
question arose: What evolutionary force is maintaining the
polymorphism? As we have seen, there are in principle five
processes that act on allele frequencies: mutation, migra-
tion, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and selection. Be-
cause migration and nonrandom mating are not major in-
fluences in most natural populations, attention focused on
the other three forces.
The first suggestion, advanced by R. C. Lewontin (one
of the discovers of enzyme polymorphism) and many oth-
ers, was that selection was the force acting to maintain the
polymorphism. Natural environments are often quite het-
erogeneous, so selection might reasonably be expected to
pull gene frequencies in different directions within differ-
ent microhabitats, generating a condition in which many
alleles persist. This proposal is called the adaptive selec-
tion theory.
The Neutral Theory
A second possibility, championed by the great Japanese
geneticist Moto Kimura, was that a balance between mu-
tation and genetic drift is responsible for maintaining
polymorphism. Kimura used elegant mathematics to
demonstrate that, even in the absence of selection, nat-
ural populations could be expected to contain consider-
able polymorphism if mutation rates (generating the vari-
ation) were high enough and population sizes (promoting
genetic drift) were small enough. In this proposal, selec-
tion is not acting, differences between alleles being “neu-
tral to selection.” The proposal is thus called the neutral
Kimura’s theory, while complex, can be stated simply:
= 1/(4N
μ +1)
, the mean heterozygosity, is the likelihood that a
randomly selected member of the population will be het-
erozygous at a randomly selected locus. In a population
without selection, this value is influenced by two vari-
ables, the effective population size (N
) and the mutation
rate (μ).
The peculiar difficulty of the neutral theory is that the
level of polymorphism, as measured by H
, is determined
by the product of a very large number, N
, and a very
small number, μ, both very difficult to measure with pre-
cision. As a result, the theory can account for almost any
value of H
, making it very difficult to prove or disprove.
As you might expect, a great deal of controversy has
Testing the Neutral Theory
Choosing between the adaptive selection theory and the
neutral theory is not simple, for they both appear to ac-
count for much of the data on gene polymorphism in nat-
ural populations. A few well-characterized instances where
selection acts on enzyme alleles do not settle the more gen-
eral issue. An attempt to test the neutral theory by examin-
ing large-scale patterns of polymorphism sheds light on the
difficulty of choosing between the two theories:
Population size: According to the neutral theory,
polymorphism as measured by H
should be proportional
to the effective population size N
, assuming the muta-
tion rate among neutral alleles μ is constant. Thus, H
should be much greater for insects than humans, as
there are far more individuals in an insect population
than in a human one. When DNA sequence variation is
examined, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster indeed
exhibits sixfold higher levels of variation, as the theory
predicts; but when enzyme polymorphisms are exam-
ined, levels of variation in fruit flies and humans are
similar. If the level of DNA variation correctly mirrors
the predictions of the neutral theory, then something
(selection?) is increasing variation at the enzyme level in
humans. These sorts of patterns argue for rejection of
the neutral theory.
The nearly neutral model: One way to rescue the
neutral theory from these sorts of difficulties is to retreat
from the assumption of strict neutrality, modifying the
theory to assume that many of the variants are slightly
deleterious rather than strictly neutral to selection. With
this adjustment, it is possible to explain many of the
population-size-dependent large-scale patterns. How-
ever, little evidence exists that the wealth of enzyme
polymorphism in natural populations is in fact slightly
As increasing amounts of DNA sequence data become
available, a detailed picture of variation at the DNA level is
emerging. It seems clear that most nucleotide substitutions
that change amino acids are disadvantageous and are elimi-
nated by selection. But what about the many protein alleles
that are seen in natural populations? Are they nearly neu-
tral or advantageous? No simple answer is yet available, al-
though the question is being actively investigated. Levels of
polymorphism at enzyme-encoding genes may depend on
both the action of selection on the gene (the adaptive selec-
tion theory) and on the population dynamics of the species
(the nearly neutral theory), with the relative contribution
varying from one gene to the next.
Adaptive selection clearly maintains some enzyme poly-
morphisms in natural populations. Genetic drift seems to
play a major role in producing the variation we see at the
DNA level. For most enzyme-level polymorphism, investi-
gators cannot yet choose between the selection theory and
the nearly neutral theory.
430 Part VI Evolution
Interactions among Evolutionary
When alleles are not selectively neu-
tral, levels of variation retained in a
population may be determined by the
relative strength of different evolution-
ary processes. In theory, for example, if
allele B mutates to allele b at a high
enough rate, allele b could be main-
tained in the population even if natural
selection strongly favored allele B. In
nature, however, mutation rates are
rarely high enough to counter the ef-
fects of natural selection.
The effect of natural selection also
may be countered by genetic drift.
Both processes may act to remove vari-
ation from a population. However,
whereas selection is a deterministic
process that operates to increase the
representation of alleles that enhance
survival and reproductive success, drift
is a random process. Thus, in some cases, drift may lead to
a decrease in the frequency of an allele that is favored by
selection. In some extreme cases, drift may even lead to the
loss of a favored allele from a population. Remember, how-
ever, that the magnitude of drift is negatively related to
population size; consequently, natural selection is expected
to overwhelm drift except when populations are very small.
Gene Flow versus Natural Selection
Gene flow can be either a constructive or a constraining
force. On one hand, gene flow can increase the adaptedness
of a species by spreading a beneficial mutation that arises in
one population to other populations within a species. On
the other hand, gene flow can act to impede adaptation
within a population by continually importing inferior alle-
les from other populations. Consider two populations of a
species that live in different environments. In this situation,
natural selection might favor different alleles—B and b—in
the different populations. In the absence of gene flow and
other evolutionary processes, the frequency of B would be
expected to reach 100% in one population and 0% in the
other. However, if gene flow were going on between the
two populations, then the less favored allele would continu-
ally be reintroduced into each population. As a result, the
frequency of the two alleles in each population would re-
flect a balance between the rate at which gene flow brings
the inferior allele into a population versus the rate at which
natural selection removes it.
A classic example of gene flow opposing natural selec-
tion occurs on abandoned mine sites in Great Britain. Al-
though mining activities ceased hundreds of years ago, the
concentration of metal ions in the soil is still much greater
than in surrounding areas. Heavy metal concentrations are
generally toxic to plants, but alleles at certain genes confer
resistance. The ability to tolerate heavy metals comes at a
price, however; individuals with the resistance allele exhibit
lower growth rates on non-polluted soil. Consequently, we
would expect the resistance allele to occur with a frequency
of 100% on mine sites and 0% elsewhere. Heavy metal tol-
erance has been studied particularly intensively in the slen-
der bent grass, Agrostis tenuis, in which researchers have
found that the resistance allele occurs at intermediate levels
in many areas (figure 20.10). The explanation relates to the
reproductive system of this grass in which pollen, the male
gamete (that is, the floral equivalent of sperm), is dispersed
by the wind. As a result, pollen—and the alleles it carries—
can be blown for great distances, leading to levels of gene
flow between mine sites and unpolluted areas high enough
to counteract the effects of natural selection.
In general, the extent to which gene flow can hinder the
effects of natural selection should depend on the relative
strengths of the two processes. In species in which gene
flow is generally strong, such as birds and wind-pollinated
plants, the frequency of the less favored allele may be rela-
tively high, whereas in more sedentary species which ex-
hibit low levels of gene flow, such as salamanders, the fa-
vored allele should occur at a frequency near 100%.
Evolutionary processes may act to either remove or
maintain genetic variation within a population. Allele
frequency sometimes may reflect a balance between
opposed processes, such as gene flow and natural
selection. In such cases, observed frequencies will
depend on the relative strength of the processes.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 431
Distance in meters
Mine Non-mine
0 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Prevailing wind
Bent grass
(Agrostis tenuis)
FIGURE 20.10
Degree of copper tolerance in grass plants on and near ancient mine sites. Prevailing
winds blow pollen containing nontolerant alleles onto the mine site and tolerant alleles
beyond the site’s borders.
Heterozygote Advantage
In the previous pages, natural selection has been discussed
as a process that removes variation from a population by fa-
voring one allele over others at a genetic locus. However, if
heterozygotes are favored over homozygotes, then natural
selection actually will tend to maintain variation in the
population. The reason is simple. Instead of tending to re-
move less successful alleles from a population, such het-
erozygote advantage will favor individuals with copies of
both alleles, and thus will work to maintain both alleles in
the population. Some evolutionary biologists believe that
heterozygote advantage is pervasive and can explain the
high levels of polymorphism observed in natural popula-
tions. Others, however, believe that it is relatively rare.
Sickle Cell Anemia
The best documented example of heterozygote advantage
is sickle cell anemia, a hereditary disease affecting hemo-
globin in humans. Individuals with sickle cell anemia ex-
hibit symptoms of severe anemia and contain abnormal
red blood cells which are irregular in shape, with a great
number of long and sickle-shaped cells. The disease is
particularly common among African Americans. In chap-
ter 13, we noted that this disorder, which affects roughly
3 African Americans out of every 1000, is associated with
a particular recessive allele. Using the Hardy–Weinberg
equation, you can calculate the frequency of the sickle cell
allele in the African-American population; this frequency
is the square root of 0.003, or approximately 0.054. In
contrast, the frequency of the allele among white Ameri-
cans is only about 0.001.
Sickle cell anemia is often fatal. Until therapies were
developed to more effectively treat its symptoms, almost
all affected individuals died as children. Even today, 31%
of patients in the United States die by the age of 15. The
disease occurs because of a single amino acid change, re-
peated in the two beta chains of the hemoglobin molecule.
In this change, a valine replaces the usual glutamic acid at
a location on the surface of the protein near the oxygen-
binding site. Unlike glutamic acid, valine is nonpolar (hy-
drophobic). Its presence on the surface of the molecule
creates a “sticky” patch that attempts to escape from the
polar water environment by binding to another similar
patch. As long as oxygen is bound to the hemoglobin mol-
ecule there is no problem, because the hemoglobin atoms
shield the critical area of the surface. When oxygen levels
fall, such as after exercise or when an individual is stressed,
oxygen is not so readily bound to hemoglobin and the ex-
posed sticky patch binds to similar patches on other hemo-
globin molecules, eventually producing long, fibrous
clumps (figure 20.11). The result is a deformed, “sickle-
shaped” red blood cell.
Individuals who are heterozygous or homozygous for
the valine-specifying allele (designated allele S) are said to
possess the sickle cell trait. Heterozygotes produce some
sickle-shaped red blood cells, but only 2% of the number
seen in homozygous individuals. The reason is that in het-
erozygotes, one-half of the molecules do not contain va-
line at the critical location. Consequently, when a mole-
cule produced by the non-sickle cell allele is added to the
chain, there is no further “sticky” patch available to add
additional molecules and chain elongation stops. Hence,
most chains in heterozygotes are too short to produce
sickling of the cell.
432 Part VI Evolution
Val 6
FIGURE 20.11
Why the sickle cell mutation causes
hemoglobin to clump. The sickle cell
mutation changes the sixth amino acid
in the hemoglobin β chain (position B6)
from glutamic acid (very polar) to valine
(nonpolar). The unhappy result is that
the nonpolar valine at position B6,
protruding from a corner of the
hemoglobin molecule, fits into a
nonpolar pocket on the opposite side of
another hemoglobin molecule, causing
the two molecules to clump together. As
each molecule has both a B6 valine and
an opposite nonpolar pocket, long
chains form. When polar glutamic acid
(the normal allele) occurs at position
B6, it is not attracted to the nonpolar
pocket, and no clumping occurs.
Copyright ? Irving Geis.
Malaria and Heterozygote Advantage
The average incidence of the S allele in the Central African
population is about 0.12, far higher than that found among
African Americans. From the Hardy–Weinberg principle,
you can calculate that 1 in 5 Central African individuals are
heterozygous at the S allele, and 1 in 100 develops the fatal
form of the disorder. People who are homozygous for the
sickle cell allele almost never reproduce because they usu-
ally die before they reach reproductive age. Why is the S
allele not eliminated from the Central African population
by selection, rather than being maintained at such high lev-
els? People who are heterozygous for the sickle cell allele
are much less susceptible to malaria—one of the leading
causes of illness and death in Central Africa, especially
among young children—in the areas where the allele is
common. The reason is that when the parasite that causes
malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, enters a red blood cell, it
causes extremely low oxygen tension in the cell, which
leads to cell sickling even in heterozygotes. Such cells are
quickly filtered out of the bloodstream by the spleen, thus
eliminating the parasite (the spleen’s filtering effect is what
leads to anemia in homozygotes as large numbers of red
blood cells are removed).
Consequently, even though most homozygous recessive
individuals die before they have children, the sickle cell al-
lele is maintained at high levels in these populations (it is se-
lected for) because of its association with resistance to
malaria in heterozygotes and also, for reasons not yet fully
understood, with increased fertility in female heterozygotes.
For people living in areas where malaria is common,
having the sickle cell allele in the heterozygous condition
has adaptive value (figure 20.12). Among African Ameri-
cans, however, many of whose ancestors have lived for
some 15 generations in a country where malaria has been
relatively rare and is now essentially absent, the environ-
ment does not place a premium on resistance to malaria.
Consequently, no adaptive value counterbalances the ill ef-
fects of the disease; in this nonmalarial environment, selec-
tion is acting to eliminate the S allele. Only 1 in 375
African Americans develop sickle cell anemia, far less than
in Central Africa.
The hemoglobin allele S, responsible for sickle cell
anemia in homozygotes, is maintained by heterozygote
advantage in Central Africa, where heterozygotes for
the S allele are resistant to malaria.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 433
Sickle cell
allele in Africa
malaria in Africa
(a) Normal red blood cells
Sickled red blood cells
FIGURE 20.12
Frequency of sickle cell allele and distribution of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (a)The red blood cells of people homozygous for the
sickle cell allele collapse into sickled shapes when the oxygen level in the blood is low. (b) The distribution of the sickle cell allele in Africa
coincides closely with that of P.falciparum malaria.
Forms of Selection
In nature many traits, perhaps most, are affected by more
than one gene. The interactions between genes are typi-
cally complex, as you saw in chapter 13. For example, alle-
les of many different genes play a role in determining
human height (see figure 13.18). In such cases, selection
operates on all the genes, influencing most strongly those
that make the greatest contribution to the phenotype. How
selection changes the population depends on which geno-
types are favored.
Disruptive Selection
In some situations, selection acts to eliminate rather than to
favor intermediate types. A clear example is the different
beak sizes of the African fire-bellied seedcracker finch Py-
ronestes ostrinus. Populations of these birds contain individ-
uals with large and small beaks, but very few individuals
with intermediate-sized beaks. As their name implies, these
birds feed on seeds, and the available seeds fall into two size
categories: large and small. Only large-beaked birds can
open the tough shells of large seeds, whereas birds with the
smallest beaks are most adept at handling small seeds. Birds
with intermediate-sized beaks are at a disadvantage with
both seed types: unable to open large seeds and too clumsy
to efficiently process small seeds. Consequently, selection
acts to eliminate the intermediate phenotypes, in effect par-
titioning the population into two phenotypically distinct
groups. This form of selection is called disruptive selec-
tion (figure 20.13a).
434 Part VI Evolution
0 25 50 100 12575
Selection for small and large individuals
Number of individuals
(a) Disruptive selection
Two peaks form
Number of individuals
0 25 50 100 12575
(c) Stabilizing selection
Peak gets narrower
0 25 50 100 12575
Selection for midsized individuals
0 25 50 100 12575
(b) Directional selection
Peak shifts
0 25 50 100 12575
Selection for larger individuals
0 25 50 100 12575
FIGURE 20.13
Three kinds of natural selection. The top panels show the populations before selection has occurred, with the forms that will be selected
against shaded red and the forms that will be favored shaded blue. The bottom panels indicate what the populations will look like after
selection has occurred. (a) In disruptive selection, individuals in the middle of the range of phenotypes of a certain trait are selected against
(red), and the extreme forms of the trait are favored (blue). (b) In directional selection, individuals concentrated toward one extreme of the
array of phenotypes are favored. (c) In stabilizing selection, individuals with midrange phenotypes are favored, with selection acting against
both ends of the range of phenotypes.
20.3 Selection can act on traits affected by many genes.
Directional Selection
When selection acts to eliminate one extreme from an
array of phenotypes (figure 20.13b), the genes promoting
this extreme become less frequent in the population. Thus,
in the Drosophila population illustrated in figure 20.14, the
elimination of flies that move toward light causes the popu-
lation to contain fewer individuals with alleles promoting
such behavior. If you were to pick an individual at random
from the new fly population, there is a smaller chance it
would spontaneously move toward light than if you had se-
lected a fly from the old population. Selection has changed
the population in the direction of lower light attraction.
This form of selection is called directional selection.
Stabilizing Selection
When selection acts to eliminate both extremes from an
array of phenotypes (figure 20.13c), the result is to increase
the frequency of the already common intermediate type. In
effect, selection is operating to prevent change away from
this middle range of values. Selection does not change the
most common phenotype of the population, but rather
makes it even more common by eliminating extremes.
Many examples are known. In humans, infants with inter-
mediate weight at birth have the highest survival rate (fig-
ure 20.15). In ducks and chickens, eggs of intermediate
weight have the highest hatching success. This form of se-
lection is called stabilizing selection.
Components of Fitness
Natural selection occurs when individuals with one pheno-
type leave more surviving offspring in the next generation
than individuals with an alternative phenotype. Evolution-
ary biologists quantify reproductive success as fitness, the
number of surviving offspring left in the next generation.
Although selection is often characterized as “survival of the
fittest,” differences in survival are only one component of
fitness. Even if no differences in survival occur, selection
may operate if some individuals are more successful than
others in attracting mates. In many territorial animal
species, large males mate with many females and small
mates rarely get to mate. In addition, the number of off-
spring produced per mating is also important. Large female
frogs and fish lay more eggs than smaller females and thus
may leave more offspring in the next generation.
Selection on traits affected by many genes can favor
both extremes of the trait, or intermediate values, or
only one extreme.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 435
Number of generations
age tendency to fly to
ard light
12 18 2014 16
Selected population
that tends not to
fly toward light
Selected population
that tends to fly
toward light
FIGURE 20.14
Directional selection for phototropism in Drosophila. In
generation after generation, individuals of the fly Drosophilawere
selectively bred to obtain two populations. When flies with a
strong tendency to fly toward light (positive phototropism) were
used as parents for the next generation, their offspring had a
greater tendency to fly toward light (top curve). When flies that
tended notto fly toward light were used as parents for the next
generation, their offspring had an even greater tendency not to fly
toward light (bottom curve).
Birth weight in pounds
ercent of bir
ths in population
ercent of inf
ant mor
FIGURE 20.15
Stabilizing selection for birth weight in human beings. The
death rate among babies (red curve; right y-axis) is lowest at an
intermediate birth weight; both smaller and larger babies have a
greater tendency to die than those around the optimum weight
(blue area; left y-axis) of between 7 and 8 pounds.
Limits to What Selection
Can Accomplish
Although selection is perhaps the most
powerful of the five principal agents of ge-
netic change, there are limits to what it can
accomplish. These limits arise because al-
ternative alleles may interact in different
ways with other genes and because alleles
often affect multiple aspects of the pheno-
type (the phenomena of epistasis and
pleiotropy discussed in chapter 13). These
interactions tend to set limits on how much
a phenotype can be altered. For example,
selecting for large clutch size in barnyard
chickens eventually leads to eggs with thin-
ner shells that break more easily. For this
reason, we do not have gigantic cattle that
yield twice as much meat as our leading
strains, chickens that lay twice as many
eggs as the best layers do now, or corn with
an ear at the base of every leaf, instead of
just at the base of a few leaves.
Evolution Requires Genetic
Over 80% of the gene pool of the thor-
oughbred horses racing today goes back to 31 known an-
cestors from the late eighteenth century. Despite intense
directional selection on thoroughbreds, their perfor-
mance times have not improved for the last 50 years (fig-
ure 20.16). Years of intense selection presumably have re-
moved variation from the population at a rate greater
than it could be replenished by mutation such that now
no genetic variation remains and evolutionary change is
not possible.
In some cases, phenotypic variation for a trait may
never have had a genetic basis. The compound eyes of in-
sects are made up of hundreds of visual units, termed om-
matidia. In some individuals, the left eye contains more
ommatidia than the right eye. However, despite intense
selection in the laboratory, scientists have never been
able to produce a line of fruit flies that consistently have
more ommatidia in the left eye than in the right. The
reason is that separate genes do not exist for the left and
right eyes. Rather, the same genes affect both eyes, and
differences in the number of ommatidia result from dif-
ferences that occur as the eyes are formed in the develop-
ment process (figure 20.17). Thus, despite the existence
of phenotypic variation, no genetic variation is available
for selection to favor.
436 Part VI Evolution
1920 1940 1960
Kentucky Derby winning speed
1980 2000
FIGURE 20.16
Selection for increased speed in racehorses is no longer effective. Kentucky
Derby winning speeds have not improved significantly since 1950.
FIGURE 20.17
Phenotypic variation in insect ommatidia. In some individuals,
the number of ommatidia in the left eye is greater than the
number in the right eye. However, this difference is not
genetically based; developmental processes cause the difference.
Selection against Rare Alleles
A second factor limits what selection can
accomplish: selection acts only on pheno-
types. For this reason, selection does not
operate efficiently on rare recessive alle-
les, simply because there is no way to se-
lect against them unless they come to-
gether as homozygotes. For example,
when a recessive allele a is present at a
frequency q equal to 0.2, only four out of
a hundred individuals (q
) will be double
recessive and display the phenotype asso-
ciated with this allele (figure 20.18). For
lower allele frequencies, the effect is even
more dramatic: if the frequency in the
population of the recessive allele q = 0.01,
the frequency of recessive homozygotes in
that population will be only 1 in 10,000.
The fact that selection acts on pheno-
types rather than genotypes means that
selection against undesirable genetic
traits in humans or domesticated animals
is difficult unless the heterozygotes can
also be detected. For example, if a par-
ticular recessive allele r (q = 0.01) was
considered undesirable, and none of the
homozygotes for this allele were allowed
to breed, it would take 1000 generations,
or about 25,000 years in humans, to
lower the allele frequency by half to
0.005. At this point, after 25,000 years of
work, the frequency of homozygotes
would still be 1 in 40,000, or 25% of
what it was initially.
Selection in Laboratory
One way to assess the action of selection is to carry out
artificial selection in the laboratory. Strains that are ge-
netically identical except for the gene subject to selection
can be crossed so that the possibility of linkage disequilib-
rium does not confound the analysis. Populations of bac-
teria provide a particularly powerful tool for studying se-
lection in the laboratory because bacteria have a short
generation time (less than an hour) and can be grown in
huge numbers in growth vats called chemostats. In pio-
neering studies, Dan Hartl and coworkers backcrossed
bacteria with different alleles of the enzyme 6-PGD into a
homogeneous genetic background, and then compared
the growth of the different strains when they were fed
only gluconate, the enzyme’s substrate. Hartl found that
all of the alleles grew at the same rate! The different alle-
les were thus selectively neutral in a normal genetic back-
ground. However, when Hartl disabled an alternative bio-
chemical pathway for the metabolism of gluconate, so that
only 6-PGD mediated the utilization of this sole source of
carbon, he obtained very different results: several alleles
were markedly superior to others. Selection was clearly
able to operate on these alleles, but only under certain
The ability of selection to produce evolutionary change
is hindered by a variety of factors, including multiple
effects of single genes, gene interactions, and lack of
genetic variation. Moreover, selection can only
eliminate rare recessive alleles very slowly.
Chapter 20 Genes within Populations 437
Genotype frequency
Frequency of a
0.2 0.4 0.6
0.8 1.0AA
FIGURE 20.18
The relationship between allele frequency and genotype frequency. If allele ais
present at a frequency of 0.2, the double recessive genotype aa is only present at a
frequency of 0.04. In other words, only 4 in 100 individuals will have a homozygous
recessive genotype, while 64 in 100 will have a homozygous dominant genotype.
438 Part VI Evolution
Chapter 20
Summary Questions Media Resources
20.1 Genes vary in natural populations.
? Evolution is best defined as “descent with
? Darwin’s primary insight was to propose that
evolutionary change resulted from the operation of
natural selection.
? By the 1860s, natural selection was widely accepted as
the correct explanation for the process of evolution.
The field of evolution did not progress much further,
however, until the 1920s because of the lack of a
suitable explanation of how hereditary traits are
? Invertebrates and outcrossing plants are often
heterozygous at about 12 to 15% of their loci; the
corresponding value for vertebrates is about 4 to 8%.
1. What is the difference
between natural selection and
2. What is adaptation? How
does it fit into Darwin’s concept
of evolution?
3. What is genetic
polymorphism? What has
polymorphism to do with
? Studies of how allele frequencies shift within
populations allow investigators to study evolution in
? Meiosis does not alter allele frequencies within
populations. Unless selection or some other force acts
on the genes, the frequencies of their alleles remain
unchanged from one generation to the next.
? A variety of processes can lead to evolutionary change
within a population, including genetic drift,
inbreeding, gene flow, and natural selection.
? For evolution to occur by natural selection, three
conditions must be met: 1. variation must exist in the
population; 2. the variation must have a genetic basis;
and 3. variation must be related to the number of
offspring left in the next generation.
? Natural selection can usually overpower the effects of
genetic drift, except in very small populations.
? Natural selection can overwhelm the effects of gene
flow in some cases, but not in others.
4. Given that allele A is present
in a large random-mating
population at a frequency of 54
per 100 individuals, what is the
proportion of individuals in that
population expected to be
heterozygous for the allele?
homozygous dominant?
homozygous recessive?
5. Why does the founder effect
have such a profound influence
on a population’s genetic
makeup? How does the
bottleneck effect differ from the
founder effect?
6. What effect does inbreeding
have on allele frequency? Why is
marriage between close relatives
20.2 Why do allele frequencies change in populations?
? Directional selection acts to eliminate one extreme
from an array of phenotypes; stabilizing selection acts
to eliminate both extremes; and disruptive selection
acts to eliminate rather than to favor the intermediate
? Natural selection is not all powerful; genetic variation
is required for natural selection to produce
evolutionary change.
7. Define selection. How does it
alter allele frequencies? What
are the three types of selection?
Give an example of each.
8. Why are there limitations to
the success of selection?
20.3 Selection can act on traits affected by many genes.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Scientists on Science:
from Butterflies to
Global Preservation
? Student Research:
Cotton Boll Weevil
? Book Review: The
Evolution of Jane by
? Hardy Weinberg
? Activity: Natural
? Activity: Allele
? Activity: Genetic Drift
? Types of Selection
? Evolutionary
? Other Processes of
? Adaptation
The Evidence for
Concept Outline
21.1 Fossil evidence indicates that evolution has
The Fossil Record. When fossils are arranged in the
order of their age, a continual series of change is seen, new
changes being added at each stage.
The Evolution of Horses. The record of horse evolution
is particularly well-documented and instructive.
21.2 Natural selection can produce evolutionary
The Beaks of Darwin’s Finches. Natural selection
favors stouter bills in dry years, when large tough-to-crush
seeds are the only food available to finches.
Peppered Moths and Industrial Melanism. Natural
selection favors dark-colored moths in areas of heavy
pollution, while light-colored moths survive better in
unpolluted areas.
Artificial Selection. Artificial selection practiced in
laboratory studies, agriculture, and domestication
demonstrate that selection can produce substantial
evolutionary change.
21.3 Evidence for evolution can be found in other
fields of biology.
The Anatomical Record. When anatomical features of
living animals are examined, evidence of shared ancestry is
often apparent.
The Molecular Record. When gene or protein
sequences from organisms are arranged, species thought to
be closely related based on fossil evidence are seen to be
more similar than species thought to be distantly related.
Convergent and Divergent Evolution. Evolution favors
similar forms under similar circumstances.
21.4 The theory of evolution has proven controversial.
Darwin’s Critics. Critics have raised seven objections to
Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.
f all the major ideas of biology, the theory that to-
day’s organisms evolved from now-extinct ancestors
(figure 21.1) is perhaps the best known to the general pub-
lic. This is not because the average person truly under-
stands the basic facts of evolution, but rather because many
people mistakenly believe that it represents a challenge to
their religious beliefs. Similar highly publicized criticisms
of evolution have occurred ever since Darwin’s time. For
this reason, it is important that, during the course of your
study of biology, you address the issue squarely: Just what
is the evidence for evolution?
A window into the past. The fossil remains of the now-
extinct reptile Mesosaurus found in Permian sediments in
Africa and South America provided one of the earliest clues
to a former connection between the two continents.
Mesosaurus was a freshwater species and so clearly incapable
of a transatlantic swim. Therefore, it must have lived in the
lakes and rivers of a formerly contiguous landmass that
later became divided as Africa and South America drifted
apart in the Cretaceous.
Dating Fossils
By dating the rocks in which fossils occur, we can get an ac-
curate idea of how old the fossils are. In Darwin’s day,
rocks were dated by their position with respect to one an-
other (relative dating); rocks in deeper strata are generally
older. Knowing the relative positions of sedimentary rocks
and the rates of erosion of different kinds of sedimentary
rocks in different environments, geologists of the nine-
teenth century derived a fairly accurate idea of the relative
ages of rocks.
Today, rocks are dated by measuring the degree of
decay of certain radioisotopes contained in the rock (ab-
solute dating); the older the rock, the more its isotopes have
decayed. Because radioactive isotopes decay at a constant
rate unaltered by temperature or pressure, the isotopes in a
rock act as an internal clock, measuring the time since the
rock was formed. This is a more accurate way of dating
rocks and provides dates stated in millions of years, rather
than relative dates.
A History of Evolutionary Change
When fossils are arrayed according to their age, from
oldest to youngest, they often provide evidence of succes-
sive evolutionary change. At the largest scale, the fossil
record documents the progression of life through time,
from the origin of eukaryotic organisms, through the
evolution of fishes, the rise of land-living organisms, the
reign of the dinosaurs, and on to the origin of humans
(figure 21.2).
440 Part VI Evolution
At its core, the case for evolution is built upon two pillars:
first, evidence that natural selection can produce evolution-
ary change and, second, evidence from the fossil record
that evolution has occurred. In addition, information from
many different areas of biology—including fields as differ-
ent as embryology, anatomy, molecular biology, and bio-
geography (the study of the geographic distribution of
species)—can only be interpreted sensibly as the outcome
of evolution.
The Fossil Record
The most direct evidence that evolution has occurred is
found in the fossil record. Today we have a far more com-
plete understanding of this record than was available in
Darwin’s time. Fossils are the preserved remains of once-
living organisms. Fossils are created when three events
occur. First, the organism must become buried in sedi-
ment; then, the calcium in bone or other hard tissue must
mineralize; and, finally, the surrounding sediment must
eventually harden to form rock. The process of fossilization
probably occurs rarely. Usually, animal or plant remains
will decay or be scavenged before the process can begin. In
addition, many fossils occur in rocks that are inaccessible to
scientists. When they do become available, they are often
destroyed by erosion and other natural processes before
they can be collected. As a result, only a fraction of the
species that have ever existed (estimated by some to be as
many as 500 million) are known from fossils. Nonetheless,
the fossils that have been discovered are sufficient to pro-
vide detailed information on the course of evolution
through time.
21.1 Fossil evidence indicates that evolution has occurred.
Millions of years ago
of land
Flowering plants
and first birds
of the
Timeline of the history of life as revealed by the fossil record.
Gaps in the Fossil Record
This is not to say that the fossil
record is complete. Given the low
likelihood of fossil preservation and
recovery, it is not surprising that
there are gaps in the fossil record.
Nonetheless, paleontologists (the
scientists who study fossils) continue
to fill in the gaps in the fossil record.
While many gaps interrupted the
fossil record in Darwin’s era, even
then, scientists knew of the Ar-
chaeopteryx fossil transitional between
dinosaurs and birds. Today, the fos-
sil record is far more complete, par-
ticularly among the vertebrates; fos-
sils have been found linking all the
major groups. Recent years have
seen spectacular discoveries closing
some of the major remaining gaps in
our understanding of vertebrate evo-
lution. For example, recently a four-
legged aquatic mammal was discov-
ered that provides important insights
concerning the evolution of whales
and dolphins from land-living,
hoofed ancestors (figure 21.3). Simi-
larly, a fossil snake with legs has shed
light on the evolution of snakes,
which are descended from lizards
that gradually became more and
more elongated with simultaneous
reduction and eventual disappear-
ance of the limbs.
On a finer scale, evolutionary
change within some types of animals
is known in exceptional detail. For
example, about 200 million years
ago, oysters underwent a change
from small curved shells to larger,
flatter ones, with progressively flat-
ter fossils being seen in the fossil
record over a period of 12 million
years (figure 21.4). A host of other
examples all illustrate a record of
successive change. The demonstra-
tion of this successive change is one
of the strongest lines of evidence
that evolution has occurred.
The fossil record provides a clear
record of the major evolutionary
transitions that have occurred
through time.
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 441
10 million
years ago
20 million
years ago
30 million
years ago
40 million
years ago
50 million
years ago
60 million
years ago
mesonychid skeleton
Modern toothed whales
Ambulocetus natans
probably walked on land (as do
modern sea lions) and swam by
flexing its backbone and paddling with
its hind limbs (as do modern otters)
Rodhocetus kasrani's
reduced hind limbs could not have aided it in
walking or swimming. Rodhocetus swam with an
up-and-down motion, as do modern whales
Whale “missing links.” The recent discoveries of Ambulocetus and Rodhocetus have filled
in the gaps between the mesonychids, the hypothetical ancestral link between the
whales and the hoofed mammals, and present-day whales.
G. arcuata
G. arcuata
G. mecullochii G. gigantea
Evolution of shell shape in oysters. Over 12 million years of the Early Jurassic
Period, the shells of this group of coiled oysters became larger, thinner, and flatter.
These animals rested on the ocean floor in a special position called the “life
position,” and it may be that the larger, flatter shells were more stable in disruptive
water movements.
The Evolution of Horses
One of the best-studied cases in the fossil record concerns
the evolution of horses. Modern-day members of the
Equidae include horses, zebras, donkeys and asses, all of
which are large, long-legged, fast-running animals adapted
to living on open grasslands. These species, all classified in
the genus Equus, are the last living descendants of a long
lineage that has produced 34 genera since its origin in the
Eocene Period, approximately 55 million years ago. Exam-
ination of these fossils has provided a particularly well-
documented case of how evolution has proceeded by adap-
tation to changing environments.
The First Horse
The earliest known members of the horse family, species in
the genus Hyracotherium, didn’t look much like horses at
all. Small, with short legs and broad feet (figure 21.5), these
species occurred in wooded habitats, where they probably
browsed on leaves and herbs and escaped predators by
dodging through openings in the forest vegetation. The
evolutionary path from these diminutive creatures to the
workhorses of today has involved changes in a variety of
traits, including:
Size. The first horses were no bigger than dogs, with
some considerably smaller. By contrast, modern equids
can weigh more than a half ton. Examination of the fos-
sil record reveals that horses changed little in size for
their first 30 million years, but since then, a number of
different lineages exhibited rapid and substantial in-
creases. However, trends toward decreased size were
also exhibited among some branches of the equid evolu-
tionary tree (figure 21.6).
Toe reduction. The feet of modern horses have a sin-
gle toe, enclosed in a tough, bony hoof. By contrast,
Hyracotherium had four toes on its front feet and three
on its hindfeet. Rather than hooves, these toes were en-
cased in fleshy pads. Examination of the fossils clearly
shows the transition through time: increase in length of
the central toe, development of the bony hoof, and re-
duction and loss of the other toes (figure 21.7). As with
body size, these trends occurred concurrently on several
different branches of the horse evolutionary tree. At the
same time as these developments, horses were evolving
changes in the length and skeletal structure of the limbs,
leading to animals capable of running long distances at
high speeds.
Tooth size and shape. The teeth of Hyracotherium
were small and relatively simple in shape. Through time,
horse teeth have increased greatly in length and have de-
veloped a complex pattern of ridges on their molars and
premolars (figure 21.7). The effect of these changes is to
produce teeth better capable of chewing tough and
gritty vegetation, such as grass, which tends to wear
teeth down. Accompanying these changes have been al-
terations in the shape of the skull that strengthened the
skull to withstand the stresses imposed by continual
chewing. As with body size, evolutionary change has not
been constant through time. Rather, much of the change
in tooth shape has occurred within the past 20 million
All of these changes may be understood as adaptations to
changing global climates. In particular, during the late
442 Part VI Evolution
Hyracotherium sandrae, one of the earliest horses, was the
size of a housecat.
Millions of years ago
60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Evolutionary change in body size of horses. Lines show the
broad outline of evolutionary relationships. Although most
change involved increases in size, some decreases also
Miocene and early Oligocene (approximately 20 to 25 mil-
lion years ago), grasslands became widespread in North
America, where much of horse evolution occurred. As
horses adapted to these habitats, long-distance and high-
speed locomotion probably became more important to es-
cape predators and travel great distances. By contrast, the
greater flexibility provided by multiple toes and shorter
limbs, which was advantageous for ducking through com-
plex forest vegetation, was no longer beneficial. At the
same time, horses were eating grasses and other vegetation
that contained more grit and other hard substances, thus
favoring teeth and skulls better suited for withstanding
such materials.
Evolutionary Trends
For many years, horse evolution was held up as an example
of constant evolutionary change through time. Some even
saw in the record of horse evolution evidence for a progres-
sive, guiding force, consistently pushing evolution to move
in a single direction. We now know that such views are
misguided; evolutionary change over millions of years is
rarely so simple.
Rather, the fossils demonstrate that, although there have
been overall trends evident in a variety of characteristics,
evolutionary change has been far from constant and uni-
form through time. Instead, rates of evolution have varied
widely, with long periods of little change and some periods
of great change. Moreover, when changes happen, they
often occur simultaneously in different lineages of the
horse evolutionary tree. Finally, even when a trend exists,
exceptions, such as the evolutionary decrease in body size
exhibited by some lineages, are not uncommon. These pat-
terns, evident in our knowledge of horse evolution, are usu-
ally discovered for any group of plants and animals for
which we have an extensive fossil record, as we shall see
when we discuss human evolution in chapter 23.
Horse Diversity
One reason that horse evolution was originally conceived
of as linear through time may be that modern horse diver-
sity is relatively limited. Thus, it is easy to mentally pic-
ture a straight line from Hyracotherium to modern-day
Equus. However, today’s limited horse diversity—only
one surviving genus—is unusual. Indeed, at the peak of
horse diversity in the Miocene, as many as 13 genera of
horses could be found in North America alone. These
species differed in body size and in a wide variety of other
characteristics. Presumably, they lived in different habi-
tats and exhibited different dietary preferences. Had this
diversity existed to modern times, early workers presum-
ably would have had a different outlook on horse evolu-
tion, a situation that is again paralleled by the evolution of
The extensive fossil record for horses provides a
detailed view of the evolutionary diversification of this
group from small forest dwellers to the large and fast
modern grassland species.
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 443
Evolutionary changes in horses through time.
As we saw in chapter 20, a variety of different processes can
result in evolutionary change. Nonetheless, in agreement
with Darwin, most evolutionary biologists would agree that
natural selection is the process responsible for most of the
major evolutionary changes that have occurred through
time. Although we cannot travel back through time, a vari-
ety of modern-day evidence confirms the power of natural
selection as an agent of evolutionary change. These data
come from both the field and the laboratory and from nat-
ural and human-altered situations.
The Beaks of Darwin’s Finches
Darwin’s finches are a classic example of evolution by nat-
ural selection. Darwin collected 31 specimens of finch from
three islands when he visited the Galápagos Islands off the
coast of Ecuador in 1835. Darwin, not an expert on birds,
had trouble identifying the specimens, believing by examin-
ing their bills that his collection contained wrens, “gross-
beaks,” and blackbirds. You can see Darwin’s sketches of
four of these birds in figure 21.8.
The Importance of the Beak
Upon Darwin’s return to England, ornithologist John
Gould examined the finches. Gould recognized that Dar-
win’s collection was in fact a closely related group of dis-
tinct species, all similar to one another except for their
bills. In all, there were 13 species. The two ground finches
with the larger bills in figure 21.8 feed on seeds that they
crush in their beaks, whereas the two with narrower bills
eat insects. One species is a fruit eater, another a cactus
eater, yet another a “vampire” that creeps up on seabirds
and uses its sharp beak to drink their blood. Perhaps most
remarkable are the tool users, woodpecker finches that pick
up a twig, cactus thorn, or leaf stalk, trim it into shape with
their bills, and then poke it into dead branches to pry out
The correspondence between the beaks of the 13 finch
species and their food source immediately suggested to
Darwin that evolution had shaped them:
“Seeing this gradation and diversity of structure in one
small, intimately related group of birds, one might really
fancy that from an original paucity of birds in this archi-
pelago, one species has been taken and modified for dif-
ferent ends.”
Was Darwin Wrong?
If Darwin’s suggestion that the beak of an ancestral finch
had been “modified for different ends” is correct, then it
ought to be possible to see the different species of finches
acting out their evolutionary roles, each using their bills to
acquire their particular food specialty. The four species
that crush seeds within their bills, for example, should feed
on different seeds, those with stouter beaks specializing on
harder-to-crush seeds.
444 Part VI Evolution
21.2 Natural selection can produce evolutionary change.
Darwin’s own sketches of Galápagos
finches. From Darwin’s Journal of
Researches: (1) large ground finch Geospiza
magnirostris; (2) medium ground finch
Geospiza fortis; (3) small tree finch
Camarhynchus parvulus; (4) warbler finch
Certhidea olivacea.
Many biologists visited the Galápagos after Darwin,
but it was 100 years before any tried this key test of his
hypothesis. When the great naturalist David Lack finally
set out to do this in 1938, observing the birds closely for
a full five months, his observations seemed to contradict
Darwin’s proposal! Lack often observed many different
species of finch feeding together on the same seeds. His
data indicated that the stout-beaked species and the
slender-beaked species were feeding on the very same
array of seeds.
We now know that it was Lack’s misfortune to study the
birds during a wet year, when food was plentiful. The
finch’s beak is of little importance in such flush times; small
seeds are so abundant that birds of all species are able to
get enough to eat. Later work has revealed a very different
picture during leaner, dry years, when few seeds are avail-
able and the difference between survival and starvation de-
pends on being able to efficiently gather enough to eat. In
such times, having beaks designed to be maximally effective
for a particular type of food becomes critical and the
species diverge in their diet, each focusing on the type of
food to which it is specialized.
A Closer Look
The key to successfully testing Darwin’s proposal that the
beaks of Galápagos finches are adaptations to different food
sources proved to be patience. Starting in 1973, Peter and
Rosemary Grant of Princeton University and generations
of their students have studied the medium ground finch
Geospiza fortis on a tiny island in the center of the Galápa-
gos called Daphne Major. These finches feed preferentially
on small tender seeds, produced in abundance by plants in
wet years. The birds resort to larger, drier seeds, which are
harder to crush, only when small seeds become depleted
during long periods of dry weather, when plants produce
few seeds.
The Grants quantified beak shape among the medium
ground finches of Daphne Major by carefully measuring
beak depth (width of beak, from top to bottom, at its base)
on individual birds. Measuring many birds every year, they
were able to assemble for the first time a detailed portrait
of evolution in action. The Grants found that beak depth
changed from one year to the next in a predictable fashion.
During droughts, plants produced few seeds and all avail-
able small seeds quickly were eaten, leaving large seeds as
the major remaining source of food. As a result, birds with
large beaks survived better, because they were better able
to break open these large seeds. Consequently, the average
beak depth of birds in the population increased the next
year, only to decrease again when wet seasons returned
(figure 21.9).
Could these changes in beak dimension reflect the ac-
tion of natural selection? An alternative possibility might
be that the changes in beak depth do not reflect changes in
gene frequencies, but rather are simply a response to diet—
perhaps during lean times the birds become malnourished
and then grow stouter beaks, for example. To rule out this
possibility, the Grants measured the relation of parent bill
size to offspring bill size, examining many broods over sev-
eral years. The depth of the bill was passed down faithfully
from one generation to the next, regardless of environmen-
tal conditions, suggesting that the differences in bill size in-
deed reflected genetic differences.
Darwin Was Right After All
If the year-to-year changes in beak depth indeed reflect ge-
netic changes, as now seems likely, and these changes can
be predicted by the pattern of dry years, then Darwin was
right after all—natural selection does seem to be operating
to adjust the beak to its food supply. Birds with stout beaks
have an advantage during dry periods, for they can break
the large, dry seeds that are the only food available. When
small seeds become plentiful once again with the return of
wet weather, a smaller beak proves a more efficient tool for
harvesting the more abundant smaller seeds.
Among Darwin’s finches, natural selection adjusts the
shape of the beak in response to the nature of the
available food supply, adjustments that can be seen to
be occurring even today.
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 445
1977 1980 1982 1984
Dry year Dry year Dry year
Wet year
Beak depth
Evidence that natural selection alters beak size in Geospiza
fortis. In dry years, when only large, tough seeds are available, the
mean beak size increases. In wet years, when many small seeds are
available, smaller beaks become more common.
Peppered Moths and Industrial
When the environment changes, natural selection often
may favor new traits in a species. The example of the Dar-
win’s finches clearly indicates how natural variation can
lead to evolutionary change. Humans are greatly altering
the environment in many ways; we should not be surprised
to see organisms attempting to adapt to these new condi-
tions. One classic example concerns the peppered moth,
Biston betularia. Until the mid-nineteenth century, almost
every individual of this species captured in Great Britain
had light-colored wings with black specklings (hence the
name “peppered” moth). From that time on, individuals
with dark-colored wings increased in frequency in the
moth populations near industrialized centers until they
made up almost 100% of these populations. Black individu-
als had a dominant allele that was present but very rare in
populations before 1850. Biologists soon noticed that in in-
dustrialized regions where the dark moths were common,
the tree trunks were darkened almost black by the soot of
pollution. Dark moths were much less conspicuous resting
on them than were light moths. In addition, the air pollu-
tion that was spreading in the industrialized regions had
killed many of the light-colored lichens on tree trunks,
making the trunks darker.
Selection for Melanism
Can Darwin’s theory explain the increase in the frequency
of the dark allele? Why did dark moths gain a survival ad-
vantage around 1850? An amateur moth collector named
J. W. Tutt proposed what became the most commonly
accepted hypothesis explaining the decline of the light-
colored moths. He suggested that peppered forms were
more visible to predators on sooty trees that have lost
their lichens. Consequently, birds ate the peppered moths
resting on the trunks of trees during the day. The black
forms, in contrast, were at an advantage because they
were camouflaged (figure 21.10). Although Tutt initially
had no evidence, British ecologist Bernard Kettlewell
tested the hypothesis in the 1950s by rearing populations
of peppered moths with equal numbers of dark and light
individuals. Kettlewell then released these populations
into two sets of woods: one, near heavily polluted Birm-
ingham, the other, in unpolluted Dorset. Kettlewell set up
rings of traps around the woods to see how many of both
kinds of moths survived. To evaluate his results, he had
marked the released moths with a dot of paint on the un-
derside of their wings, where birds could not see it.
In the polluted area near Birmingham, Kettlewell
trapped 19% of the light moths, but 40% of the dark ones.
This indicated that dark moths had a far better chance of
surviving in these polluted woods, where the tree trunks
were dark. In the relatively unpolluted Dorset woods, Ket-
tlewell recovered 12.5% of the light moths but only 6% of
the dark ones. This indicated that where the tree trunks
were still light-colored, light moths had a much better
chance of survival. Kettlewell later solidified his argument
by placing hidden blinds in the woods and actually filming
birds eating the moths. Sometimes the birds Kettlewell ob-
served actually passed right over a moth that was the same
color as its background.
Industrial Melanism
Industrial melanism is a term used to describe the evolu-
tionary process in which darker individuals come to pre-
dominate over lighter individuals since the industrial revo-
lution as a result of natural selection. The process is widely
believed to have taken place because the dark organisms are
better concealed from their predators in habitats that have
been darkened by soot and other forms of industrial pollu-
tion, as suggested by Kettlewell’s research.
446 Part VI Evolution
FIGURE 21.10
Tutt’s hypothesis explaining industrial melanism. These
photographs show color variants of the peppered moth,
Biston betularia. Tutt proposed that the dark moth is more
visible to predators on unpolluted trees (top), while the light
moth is more visible to predators on bark blackened by
industrial pollution (bottom).
Dozens of other species of moths have
changed in the same way as the peppered
moth in industrialized areas throughout
Eurasia and North America, with dark
forms becoming more common from the
mid-nineteenth century onward as indus-
trialization spread.
Selection against Melanism
In the second half of the twentieth cen-
tury, with the widespread implementa-
tion of pollution controls, these trends
are reversing, not only for the peppered
moth in many areas in England, but also
for many other species of moths
throughout the northern continents.
These examples provide some of the best
documented instances of changes in al-
lelic frequencies of natural populations as
a result of natural selection due to specific
factors in the environment.
In England, the pollution promoting
industrial melanism began to reverse
following enactment of Clean Air legis-
lation in 1956. Beginning in 1959, the
Biston population at Caldy Common
outside Liverpool has been sampled
each year. The frequency of the melanic
(dark) form has dropped from a high of
94% in 1960 to its current (1994) low of 19% (figure
21.11). Similar reversals have been documented at
numerous other locations throughout England. The drop
correlates well with a drop in air pollution, particularly
with tree-darkening sulfur dioxide and suspended
Interestingly, the same reversal of industrial melanism
appears to have occurred in America during the same time
that it was happening in England. Industrial melanism in
the American subspecies of the peppered moth was not as
widespread as in England, but it has been well-documented
at a rural field station near Detroit. Of 576 peppered moths
collected there from 1959 to 1961, 515 were melanic, a fre-
quency of 89%. The American Clean Air Act, passed in
1963, led to significant reductions in air pollution. Resam-
pled in 1994, the Detroit field station peppered moth pop-
ulation had only 15% melanic moths (see figure 21.11)!
The moths in Liverpool and Detroit, both part of the same
natural experiment, exhibit strong evidence of natural se-
Reconsidering the Target of Natural Selection
Tutt’s hypothesis, widely accepted in the light of Ket-
tlewell’s studies, is currently being reevaluated. The prob-
lem is that the recent selection against melanism does not
appear to correlate with changes in tree lichens. At Caldy
Common, the light form of the peppered moth began its
increase in frequency long before lichens began to reappear
on the trees. At the Detroit field station, the lichens never
changed significantly as the dark moths first became domi-
nant and then declined over the last 30 years. In fact, inves-
tigators have not been able to find peppered moths on De-
troit trees at all, whether covered with lichens or not.
Wherever the moths rest during the day, it does not appear
to be on tree bark. Some evidence suggests they rest on
leaves on the treetops, but no one is sure.
The action of selection may depend less on the presence
of lichens and more on other differences in the environ-
ment resulting from industrial pollution. Pollution tends to
cover all objects in the environment with a fine layer of
particulate dust, which tends to decrease how much light
surfaces reflect. In addition, pollution has a particularly se-
vere effect on birch trees, which are light in color. Both ef-
fects would tend to make the environment darker and thus
would favor darker color in moths.
Natural selection has favored the dark form of the
peppered moth in areas subject to severe air pollution,
perhaps because on darkened trees they are less easily
seen by moth-eating birds. Selection has in turn favored
the light form as pollution has abated.
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 447
ercentage of melanic moths
59 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95
FIGURE 21.11
Selection against melanism. The circles indicate the frequency of melanic Biston
moths at Caldy Common in England, sampled continuously from 1959 to
1995. Diamonds indicate frequencies in Michigan from 1959 to 1962 and from
1994 to 1995.
Source: Data from Grant, et al., “Parallel Rise and Fall of Melanic Peppered
Moths” in Journal of Heredity, vol. 87, 1996, Oxford University Press.
Artificial Selection
Humans have imposed selection upon plants and animals
since the dawn of civilization. Just as in natural selection,
artificial selection operates by favoring individuals with cer-
tain phenotypic traits, allowing them to reproduce and pass
their genes into the next generation. Assuming that pheno-
typic differences are genetically determined, such selection
should lead to evolutionary change and, indeed, it has. Arti-
ficial selection, imposed in laboratory experiments, agricul-
ture, and the domestication process, has produced substan-
tial change in almost every case in which it has been
applied. This success is strong proof that selection is an ef-
fective evolutionary process.
Laboratory Experiments
With the rise of genetics as a field of science in the 1920s
and 1930s, researchers began conducting experiments to
test the hypothesis that selection can produce evolutionary
change. A favorite subject was the now-famous laboratory
fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Geneticists have imposed
selection on just about every conceivable aspect of the fruit
fly—including body size, eye color, growth rate, life span,
and exploratory behavior—with a consistent result: selec-
tion for a trait leads to strong and predictable evolutionary
In one classic experiment, scientists selected for fruit
flies with many bristles (stiff, hairlike structures) on their
abdomen. At the start of the experiment, the average num-
ber of bristles was 9.5. Each generation, scientists picked
out the 20% of the population with the greatest number of
bristles and allowed them to reproduce, thus establishing
the next generation. After 86 generations of such selection,
the average number of bristles had quadrupled, to nearly
40. In a similar experiment, fruit flies were selected for ei-
ther the most or the fewest numbers of bristles. Within 35
generations, the populations did not overlap at all in range
of variation (figure 21.12).
Similar experiments have been conducted on a wide va-
riety of other laboratory organisms. For example, by select-
ing for rats that were resistant to tooth decay, scientists
were able to increase in less than 20 generations the aver-
age time for onset of decay from barely over 100 days to
greater than 500 days.
Similar methods have been practiced in agriculture for
many centuries. Familiar livestock, such as cattle and pigs,
and crops, like corn and strawberries, are greatly different
from their wild ancestors (figure 21.13). These differences
have resulted from generations of selection for desirable
traits like milk production and corn stalk size.
An experimental study with corn demonstrates the abil-
ity of artificial selection to rapidly produce major change in
crop plants. In 1896, agricultural scientists began selecting
on oil content of corn kernels, which initially was 4.5%. As
in the fruit fly experiments, the top 20% of all individuals
were allowed to reproduce. In addition, a parallel experi-
ment selected for the individuals with the lowest oil con-
tent. By 1986, at which time 90 generations had passed, av-
erage oil content had increased approximately 450% in the
high-content experiment; by contrast, oil content in the
low experiment had decreased to about 0.5%, a level at
which it is difficult to get accurate readings.
448 Part VI Evolution
Mean Mean Mean
Bristle number in Drosophila
0 1020304050607080901010
FIGURE 21.12
Artificial selection in the laboratory. In this experiment, one
population of Drosophila was selected for low numbers of
bristles and the other for high numbers. Note that not only
did the means of the populations change greatly in 35
generations, but also that all individuals in both experimental
populations lie outside the range of the initial population.
Teosinte Intermediates Modern corn
FIGURE 21.13
Corn looks very different from its ancestor. The tassels and
seeds of a wild grass, such as teosinte, evolved into the male
tassels and female ears of modern corn.
Artificial selection has also been responsible
for the great variety of breeds of cats, dogs
(figure 21.14), pigeons, cattle and other do-
mestic animals. In some cases, breeds have
been developed for particular purposes. Grey-
hound dogs, for example, were bred by select-
ing for maximal running abilities, with the end
result being an animal with long legs and tail
(the latter used as a rudder), an arched back (to
increase the length of its stride), and great
muscle mass. By contrast, the odd proportions
of the ungainly basset hound resulted from se-
lection for dogs that could enter narrow holes
in pursuit of rabbits and other small game. In
other cases, breeds have been developed pri-
marily for their appearance, such as the many
colorful and ornamented varieties of pigeons
or the breeds of cats.
Domestication also has led to unintentional
selection for some traits. In recent years, as
part of an attempt to domesticate the silver
fox, Russian scientists each generation have
chosen the most docile animals and allowed
them to reproduce. Within 40 years, the vast
majority of foxes born were exceptionally
docile, not only allowing themselves to be pet-
ted, but also whimpering to get attention and
sniffing and licking their caretakers. In many
respects, they had become no different than
domestic dogs! However, it was not only be-
havior that changed. These foxes also began to exhibit dif-
ferent color patterns, floppy ears, curled tails, and shorter
legs and tails. Presumably, the genes responsible for docile
behavior have other effects as well (the phenomenon of
pleiotropy discussed in the last chapter); as selection has fa-
vored docile animals, it has also led to the evolution of
these other traits.
Can Selection Produce Major Evolutionary
Given that we can observe the results of selection operating
over relatively short periods of time, most scientists believe
that natural selection is the process responsible for the evo-
lutionary changes documented in the fossil record. Some
critics of evolution accept that selection can lead to changes
within a species, but contend that such changes are rela-
tively minor in scope and not equivalent to the substantial
changes documented in the fossil record. In other words, it
is one thing to change the number of bristles on a fruit fly
or the size of a corn stalk, and quite another to produce an
entirely new species.
This argument does not fully appreciate the extent of
change produced by artificial selection. Consider, for ex-
ample, the breeds of dogs, all of which have been pro-
duced since wolves were first domesticated, perhaps
10,000 years ago. If the various dog breeds did not exist
and a paleontologist found fossils of animals similar to
dachshunds, greyhounds, mastiffs, Chihuahuas, and
pomeranians, there is no question that they would be con-
sidered different species. Indeed, these breeds are so dif-
ferent that they would probably be classified in different
genera. In fact, the diversity exhibited by dog breeds far
outstrips the differences observed among wild members of
the family Canidae—such as coyotes, jackals, foxes, and
wolves. Consequently, the claim that artificial selection
produces only minor changes is clearly incorrect. Indeed,
if selection operating over a period of only 10,000 years
can produce such substantial differences, then it would
seem powerful enough, over the course of many millions
of years, to produce the diversity of life we see around us
Artificial selection often leads to rapid and substantial
results over short periods of time, thus demonstrating
the power of selection to produce major evolutionary
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 449
FIGURE 21.14
Breeds of dogs. The differences between these dogs are greater than the
differences displayed between any wild species of canids.
The Anatomical
Much of the power of the theory of
evolution is its ability to provide a
sensible framework for understanding
the diversity of life. Many observa-
tions from a wide variety of fields of
biology simply cannot be understood
in any meaningful way except as a re-
sult of evolution.
As vertebrates evolved, the same
bones were sometimes put to differ-
ent uses. Yet the bones are still seen,
their presence betraying their evolu-
tionary past. For example, the fore-
limbs of vertebrates are all homolo-
gous structures, that is, structures
with different appearances and func-
tions that all derived from the same
body part in a common ancestor. You
can see in figure 21.15 how the bones
of the forelimb have been modified
in different ways for different verter-
bates. Why should these very differ-
ent structures be composed of the
same bones? If evolution had not oc-
curred, this would indeed be a riddle.
But when we consider that all of
these animals are descended from a
common ancestor, it is easy to under-
stand that natural selection has modi-
fied the same initial starting blocks to
serve very different purposes.
Some of the strongest anatomical evi-
dence supporting evolution comes
from comparisons of how organisms
develop. In many cases, the evolu-
tionary history of an organism can be
seen to unfold during its develop-
ment, with the embryo exhibiting
characteristics of the embryos of its
ancestors (figure 21.16). For example,
early in their development, human embryos possess gill
slits, like a fish; at a later stage, every human embryo has a
long bony tail, the vestige of which we carry to adulthood
as the coccyx at the end of our spine. Human fetuses even
possess a fine fur (called lanugo) during the fifth month of
development. These relict developmental forms suggest
strongly that our development has evolved, with new in-
structions layered on top of old ones.
450 Part VI Evolution
21.3 Evidence for evolution can be found in other fields of biology.
Human Cat Bat Porpoise Horse
FIGURE 21.15
Homology among the bones of the forelimb. Although these structures show
considerable differences in form and function, the same basic bones are present in
the forelimbs of humans, cats, bats, porpoises, and horses.
Gill slits
Fish Reptile Bird Human
Gill slits
FIGURE 21.16
Our embryos show our evolutionary history. The embryos of various groups of
vertebrate animals show the features they all share early in development, such as
gill slits (in purple) and a tail.
The observation that seemingly
different organisms may exhibit
similar embryological forms pro-
vides indirect but convincing evi-
dence of a past evolutionary rela-
tionship. Slugs and giant ocean
squids, for example, do not bear
much superficial resemblance to
each other, but the similarity of
their embryological forms pro-
vides convincing evidence that
they are both mollusks.
Vestigial Structures
Many organisms possess vestigial
structures that have no apparent
function, but that resemble struc-
tures their presumed ancestors
had. Humans, for example, possess
a complete set of muscles for wig-
gling their ears, just as a coyote
does (table 21.1). Boa constrictors
have hip bones and rudimentary hind legs. Manatees (a
type of aquatic mammal often referred to as “sea cows”)
have fingernails on their fins (which evolved from legs).
Figure 21.17 illustrates the skeleton of a baleen whale,
which contains pelvic bones, as other mammal skeletons
do, even though such bones serve no known function in the
whale. The human vermiform appendix is apparently vesti-
gial; it represents the degenerate terminal part of the
cecum, the blind pouch or sac in which the large intestine
begins. In other mammals such as mice, the cecum is the
largest part of the large intestine and functions in storage—
usually of bulk cellulose in herbivores. Although some sug-
gestions have been made, it is difficult to assign any current
function to the vermiform appendix. In many respects, it is
a dangerous organ: quite often it becomes infected, leading
to an inflammation called appendicitis; without surgical re-
moval, the appendix may burst, allowing the contents of
the gut to come in contact with the lining of the body cav-
ity, a potentially fatal event. It is difficult to understand ves-
tigial structures such as these as anything other than evolu-
tionary relicts, holdovers from the evolutionary past. They
argue strongly for the common ancestry of the members of
the groups that share them, regardless of how different
they have subsequently become.
Comparisons of the anatomy of different living animals
often reveal evidence of shared ancestry. In some
instances, the same organ has evolved to carry out
different functions, in others, an organ loses its function
altogether. Sometimes, different organs evolve in
similar ways when exposed to the same selective
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 451
FIGURE 21.17
Vestigial features. The skeleton of a baleen whale, a representative of the group of
mammals that contains the largest living species, contains pelvic bones. These bones
resemble those of other mammals, but are only weakly developed in the whale and have
no apparent function.
Table 21.1 Some Vestigial Traits in Humans
Trait Description
Ear-wiggling muscles Three small muscles around each ear that are large and important in some mammals, such as dogs, turning
the ears toward a source of sound. Few people can wiggle their ears, and none can turn them toward
Tail Present in human and all vertebrate embryos. In humans, the tail is reduced; most adults only have three
to five tiny tail bones and, occasionally, a trace of a tail-extending muscle.
Appendix Structure which presumably had a digestive function in some of our ancestors, like the cecum of some
herbivores. In humans, it varies in length from 5–15 cm, and some people are born without one.
Wisdom teeth Molars that are often useless and sometimes even trapped in the jawbone. Some people never develop
wisdom teeth.
Based on a suggestion by Dr. Leslie Dendy, Department of Science and Technology, University of New Mexico, Los Alamos.
The Molecular Record
Traces of our evolutionary past are
also evident at the molecular level. If
you think about it, the fact that organ-
isms have evolved successively from
relatively simple ancestors implies that
a record of evolutionary change is pre-
sent in the cells of each of us, in our
DNA. When an ancestral species gives
rise to two or more descendants, those
descendants will initially exhibit fairly
high overall similarity in their DNA.
However, as the descendants evolve in-
dependently, they will accumulate
more and more differences in their
DNA. Consequently, organisms that
are more distantly related would be ex-
pected to accumulate a greater number
of evolutionary differences, whereas
two species that are more closely re-
lated should share a greater portion of
their DNA.
To examine this hypothesis, we
need an estimate of evolutionary rela-
tionships that has been developed
from data other than DNA (it would
be a circular argument to use DNA to
estimate relationships and then con-
clude that closely related species are
more similar in their DNA than are
distantly related species). Such an hypothesis of evolu-
tionary relationships is provided by the fossil record,
which indicates when particular types of organisms
evolved. In addition, by examining the anatomical struc-
tures of fossils and of modern species, we can infer how
closely species are related to each other.
When degree of genetic similarity is compared with
our ideas of evolutionary relationships based on fossils, a
close match is evident. For example, when the human he-
moglobin polypeptide is compared to the corresponding
molecule in other species, closely related species are
found to be more similar. Chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-
utans, and macaques, vertebrates thought to be more
closely related to humans, have fewer differences from
humans in the 146-amino-acid hemoglobin β chain than
do more distantly related mammals, like dogs. Nonmam-
malian vertebrates differ even more, and nonvertebrate
hemoglobins are the most different of all (figure 21.18).
Similar patterns are also evident when the DNA itself is
compared. For example, chimps and humans, which are
thought to have descended from a common ancestor that
lived approximately 6 million years ago, exhibit few differ-
ences in their DNA.
Why should closely related species be similar in DNA?
Because DNA is the genetic code that produces the struc-
ture of living organisms, one might expect species that are
similar in overall appearance and structure, such as humans
and chimpanzees, to be more similar in DNA than are
more dissimilar species, such as humans and frogs. This ex-
pectation would hold true even if evolution had not oc-
curred. However, there are some noncoding stretches of
DNA (sometimes called “junk DNA”) that have no func-
tion and appear to serve no purpose. If evolution had not
occurred, there would be no reason to expect similar-
appearing species to be similar in their junk DNA. How-
ever, comparisons of such stretches of DNA provide the
same results as for other parts of the genome: more closely
related species are more similar, an observation that only
makes sense if evolution has occurred.
Comparison of the DNA of different species provides
strong evidence for evolution. Species deduced from
the fossil record to be closely related are more similar
in their DNA than are species thought to be more
distantly related.
452 Part VI Evolution
Number of amino acid differences between this hemoglobin polypeptide and a human one
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
80 90 100 110 120
FIGURE 21.18
Molecules reflect evolutionary divergence. You can see that the greater the
evolutionary distance from humans (white cladogram), the greater the number of
amino acid differences in the vertebrate hemoglobin polypeptide.
Convergent and
Divergent Evolution
Different geographical areas some-
times exhibit groups of plants and an-
imals of strikingly similar appearance,
even though the organisms may be
only distantly related. It is difficult to
explain so many similarities as the re-
sult of coincidence. Instead, natural
selection appears to have favored par-
allel evolutionary adaptations in simi-
lar environments. Because selection
in these instances has tended to favor
changes that made the two groups
more alike, their phenotypes have
converged. This form of evolutionary
change is referred to as convergent
evolution, or sometimes, parallel
The Marsupial-Placental
In the best-known case of conver-
gent evolution, two major groups of
mammals, marsupials and placentals,
have evolved in a very similar way,
even though the two lineages have
been living independently on sepa-
rate continents. Australia separated
from the other continents more than
50 million years ago, after marsupi-
als had evolved but before the ap-
pearance of placental mammals. As a
result, the only mammals in Aus-
tralia (other than bats and a few col-
onizing rodents) have been marsupi-
als, members of a group in which the
young are born in a very immature
condition and held in a pouch until
they are ready to emerge into the
outside world. Thus, even though
placental mammals are the dominant mammalian group
throughout most of the world, marsupials retained su-
premacy in Australia.
What are the Australian marsupials like? To an aston-
ishing degree, they resemble the placental mammals living
today on the other continents (figure 21.19). The similarity
between some individual members of these two sets of
mammals argues strongly that they are the result of conver-
gent evolution, similar forms having evolved in different,
isolated areas because of similar selective pressures in simi-
lar environments.
Homology versus Analogy
How do we know when two similar characters are homolo-
gous and when they are analogous? As we have seen, adap-
tation favoring different functions can obscure homologies,
while convergent evolution can create analogues that ap-
pear as similar as homologues. There is no hard-and-fast
answer to this question; the determination of homologues
is often a thorny issue in biological classification. As we
have seen in comparing vertebrate embryos, and again in
comparing slugs and squids, studies of embryonic develop-
ment often reveal features not apparent when studying
adult organisms. In general, the more complex two struc-
tures are, the less likely they evolved independently.
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 453
Niche Placental Mammals Australian Marsupials
Lesser anteater
Flying squirrel
Tasmanian "tiger cat"
Flying phalanger
Numbat (anteater)
Marsupial mole
FIGURE 21.19
Convergent evolution. Marsupials in Australia resemble placental mammals in the
rest of the world. They evolved in isolation after Australia separated from other
Darwin and Patterns of Recent Divergence
Darwin was the first to present evidence that animals and
plants living on oceanic islands resemble most closely the
forms on the nearest continent—a relationship that only
makes sense as reflecting common ancestry. The Galápagos
turtle in figure 21.20 is more similar to South American
turtles than to those of any other continent. This kind of
relationship strongly suggests that the island forms evolved
from individuals that came from the adjacent mainland at
some time in the past. Thus, the Galápagos finches of fig-
ure 21.8 have different beaks than their South American
relatives. In the absence of evolution, there seems to be no
logical explanation of why individual kinds of island plants
and animals would be clearly related to others on the near-
est mainland, but still have some divergent features. As
Darwin pointed out, this relationship provides strong evi-
dence that macroevolution has occurred.
A similar resemblance to mainland birds can be seen in
an island finch Darwin never saw—a solitary finch species
living on Cocos Island, a tiny, remote volcanic island lo-
cated 630 kilometers to the northeast of the Galápagos.
This finch does not resemble the finches of Europe, Aus-
tralia, Africa, or North America. Instead, it resembles the
finches of Costa Rica, 500 kilometers to the east.
Of course, because of adaptation to localized habitats, is-
land forms are not identical to those on the nearby conti-
nents. The turtles have evolved different shell shapes, for
example; those living in moist habitats have dome-shaped
shells while others living in dry places have low, saddle-
backed shells with the front of the shell bent up to expose
the head and neck. Similarly, the Galápagos finches have
evolved from a single presumptive ancestor into 13 species,
each specialized in a different way. These Galápagos turtles
and finches have evolved in concert with the continental
forms, from the same ancestors, but the two lineages have
diverged rather than converged.
It is fair to ask how Darwin knew that the Galápagos
tortoises and finches do not represent the convergence of
unrelated island and continental forms (analogues) rather
than the divergence of recently isolated groups (homo-
logues). While either hypothesis would argue for natural
selection, Darwin chose divergence of homologues as by far
the simplest explanation, because the turtles and finches
differ by only a few traits, and are similar in many.
In sum total, the evidence for macroevolution is over-
whelming. In the next chapter, we will consider Darwin’s
proposal that microevolutionary changes have led directly
to macroevolutionary changes, the key argument in his the-
ory that evolution occurs by natural selection.
Evolution favors similar forms under similar
circumstances. Convergence is the evolution of similar
forms in different lineages when exposed to the same
selective pressures. Divergence is the evolution of
different forms in the same lineage when exposed to
different selective pressures.
454 Part VI Evolution
FIGURE 21.20
A Galápagos tortoise most closely resembles South American tortoises. Isolated on these remote islands, the Galápagos tortoise
has evolved distinctive forms. This natural experiment is being terminated, however. Since Darwin’s time, much of the
natural habitat of the larger islands has been destroyed by human intrusion. Goats introduced by settlers, for example, have
drastically altered the vegetation.
Darwin’s Critics
In the century since he proposed it, Darwin's theory of
evolution by natural selection has become nearly univer-
sally accepted by biologists, but has proven controversial
among the general public. Darwin's critics raise seven prin-
cipal objections to teaching evolution:
1. Evolution is not solidly demonstrated. “Evolution
is just a theory,” Darwin's critics point out, as if theory
meant lack of knowledge, some kind of guess. Scien-
tists, however, use the word theory in a very different
sense than the general public does. Theories are the
solid ground of science, that of which we are most
certain. Few of us doubt the theory of gravity because
it is "just a theory."
2. There are no fossil intermediates. “No one ever
saw a fin on the way to becoming a leg,” critics claim,
pointing to the many gaps in the fossil record in Dar-
win's day. Since then, however, most fossil intermedi-
ates in vertebrate evolution have indeed been found.
A clear line of fossils now traces the transition be-
tween whales and hoofed mammals, between reptiles
and mammals, between dinosaurs and birds, between
apes and humans. The fossil evidence of evolution
between major forms is compelling.
3. The intelligent design argument. “The organs of
living creatures are too complex for a random process to
have produced—the existence of a clock is evidence of the
existence of a clockmaker.” Biologists do not agree.
The intermediates in the evolution of the mam-
malian ear can be seen in fossils, and many interme-
diate “eyes” are known in various invertebrates.
These intermediate forms arose because they have
value—being able to detect light a little is better
than not being able to detect it at all. Complex
structures like eyes evolved as a progression of slight
4. Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermody-
namics. “A jumble of soda cans doesn't by itself jump
neatly into a stack—things become more disorganized due
to random events, not more organized.” Biologists point
out that this argument ignores what the second law
really says: disorder increases in a closed system,
which the earth most certainly is not. Energy contin-
ually enters the biosphere from the sun, fueling life
and all the processes that organize it.
5. Proteins are too improbable. “Hemoglobin has 141
amino acids. The probability that the first one would be
leucine is 1/20, and that all 141 would be the ones they are
by chance is (1/20)
, an impossibly rare event.” This is
statistical foolishness—you cannot use probability to
argue backwards. The probability that a student in a
classroom has a particular birthday is 1/365; arguing
this way, the probability that everyone in a class of 50
would have the birthdays they do is (1/365)
, and yet
there the class sits.
6. Natural selection does not imply evolution. “No
scientist has come up with an experiment where fish evolve
into frogs and leap away from predators.” Is microevolu-
tion (evolution within a species) the mechanism that
has produced macroevolution (evolution among
species)? Most biologists that have studied the prob-
lem think so. Some kinds of animals produced by ar-
tificial selection are remarkably distinctive, such as
Chihuahuas, dachshunds, and greyhounds. While all
dogs are in fact the same species and can interbreed,
laboratory selection experiments easily create forms
that cannot interbreed and thus would in nature be
considered different species. Thus, production of rad-
ically different forms has indeed been observed, re-
peatedly. To object that evolution still does not ex-
plain really major differences, like between fish and
amphibians, simply takes us back to point 2—these
changes take millions of years, and are seen clearly in
the fossil record.
7. The irreducible complexity argument. The in-
tricate molecular machinery of the cell cannot be ex-
plained by evolution from simpler stages. Because each
part of a complex cellular process like blood clotting is es-
sential to the overall process, how can natural selection
fashion any one part? What's wrong with this argu-
ment is that each part of a complex molecular ma-
chine evolves as part of the system. Natural selection
can act on a complex system because at every stage
of its evolution, the system functions. Parts that im-
prove function are added, and, because of later
changes, become essential. The mammalian blood
clotting system, for example, has evolved from much
simpler systems. The core clotting system evolved at
the dawn of the vertebrates 600 million years ago,
and is found today in lampreys, the most primitive
fish. One hundred million years later, as vertebrates
evolved, proteins were added to the clotting system
making it sensitive to substances released from dam-
aged tissues. Fifty million years later, a third compo-
nent was added, triggering clotting by contact with
the jagged surfaces produced by injury. At each
stage as the clotting system evolved to become more
complex, its overall performance came to depend on
the added elements. Thus, blood clotting has be-
come "irreducibly complex"—as the result of Dar-
winian evolution.
Darwin’s theory of evolution has proven controversial
among the general public, although the commonly
raised objections are without scientific merit.
Chapter 21 The Evidence for Evolution 455
21.4 The theory of evolution has proven controversial.
456 Part VI Evolution
Chapter 21
Summary Questions Media Resources
21.1 Fossil evidence indicates that evolution has occurred.
? Fossils of many extinct species have never been
discovered. Nonetheless, the fossil record is complete
enough to allow a detailed understanding of the
evolution of life through time. The evolution of the
major vertebrate groups is quite well known.
? Although evolution of groups like horses may appear
to be a straight-line progression, in fact there have
been many examples of parallel evolution, and even
reversals from overall trends.
1. Why do gaps exist in the fossil
record? What lessons can be
learned from the fossil record of
horse evolution?
2. How did scientists date fossils
in Darwin’s day? Why are
scientists today able to date
rocks more accurately?
? Natural populations provide clear evidence of
evolutionary change.
? Darwin’s finches have different-sized beaks, which
are adaptations to eating different kinds of seeds. In
particularly dry years, natural selection favors birds
with stout beaks within one species, Geospiza fortis. As
a result, the average bill size becomes larger in the
next generation.
? The British populations of the peppered moth, Biston
betularia, consisted mostly of light-colored individuals
before the Industrial Revolution. Over the last two
centuries, populations that occur in heavily polluted
areas, where the tree trunks are darkened with soot,
have come to consist mainly of dark-colored
(melanic) individuals—a result of rapid natural
3. Why did the average beak size
of the medium ground finch
increase after a particularly dry
4. Why did the frequency of
light-colored moths decrease
and that of dark-colored moths
increase with the advent of
industrialism? What is industrial
5. What can artificial selection
tell us about evolution? Is
artificial selection a good
analogy for the selection that
occurs in nature?
21.2 Natural selection can produce evolutionary change.
? Several indirect lines of evidence argue that
macroevolution has occurred, including successive
changes in homologous structures, developmental
patterns, vestigial structures, parallel patterns of
evolution, and patterns of distribution.
? When differences in genes or proteins are examined,
species that are thought to be closely related based on
the fossil record may be more similar than species
thought to be distantly related.
6. What is homology? How does
it support evolutionary theory?
7. What is convergent
evolution? Give examples.
8. How did Darwin’s studies of
island populations provide
evidence for evolution?
21.3 Evidence for evolution can be found in other fields of biology.
? The objections raised by Darwin’s critics are easily
9. Is “Darwinism” really science?
21.4 The theory of evolution has proven controversial.
? On Science Article:
featherd Dinosaurs
Book Reviews:
? In Search of Deep Time
by Gee
? Digging Dinosaurs by
? Activity: Evolution of
? Exploration:
Evolution of the
? Molecular Clock
? Activity: Divergence
? Student Research:
Evolution of Insect
On Science Articles:
? Darwinism at the
Cellular Level
? Was Darwin Wrong?
? On Science Article:
Evolution’s Critics
? Bioethics Case Study:
Book Reviews:
? Mr. Darwin’s Shooter
by McDonald
http://www.mhhe.com/raven6e http://www.biocourse.com
The Origin of Species
Concept Outline
22.1 Species are the basic units of evolution.
The Nature of Species. Species are groups of actually or
potentially interbreeding natural populations which are
reproductively isolated from other such groups and that
maintain connectedness over geographic distances.
22.2 Species maintain their genetic distinctiveness
through barriers to reproduction.
Prezygotic Isolating Mechanisms. Some breeding
barriers prevent the formation of zygotes.
Postzygotic Isolating Mechanisms. Other breeding
barriers prevent the proper development or reproduction of
the zygote after it forms.
22.3 We have learned a great deal about how species
Reproductive Isolation May Evolve as a By-Product of
Evolutionary Change. Speciation can occur in the
absence of natural selection, but reproductive isolation
generally occurs more quickly when populations are
adapting to different environments.
The Geography of Speciation. Speciation occurs most
readily when populations are geographically isolated.
Sympatric speciation can occur by polyploidy and, perhaps,
by other means.
22.4 Clusters of species reflect rapid evolution.
Darwin’s Finches. Thirteen species of finches, all
descendants of one ancestral finch, occupy diverse niches.
Hawaiian Drosophila. More than a quarter of the world’s
fruit fly species are found on the Hawaiian Islands.
Lake Victoria Cichlid Fishes. Isolation has led to
extensive species formation among these small fishes.
New Zealand Alpine Buttercups. Repeated glaciations
have fostered waves of species formation in alpine plants.
Diversity of Life through Time. The number of species
has increased through time, despite a number of mass
extinction events.
The Pace of Evolution. The idea that evolution occurs
in spurts is controversial.
Problems with the Biological Species Concept. This
concept is not as universal as previously thought.
lthough Darwin titled his book On the Origin of Species,
he never actually discussed what he referred to as that
“mystery of mysteries” of how one species gives rise to an-
other. Rather, his argument concerned evolution by natural
selection; that is, how one species evolves through time to
adapt to its changing environment. Although of fundamen-
tal importance to evolutionary biology, the process of adap-
tation does not explain how one species becomes another
(figure 22.1); much less can it explain how one species can
give rise to many descendant species. As we shall see, adap-
tation may be involved in this process of speciation, but it
need not be.
A group of Galápagos iguanas bask in the sun on their
isolated island. How does geographic isolation contribute to the
formation of new species?
Occasionally, two species occur together that appear to
be nearly identical, and are thus called sibling species. In
most cases, however, our inability to distinguish the two re-
flects our own reliance on vision as our primary sense.
When the mating calls or chemicals exuded by such species
are examined, they usually reveal great differences. In other
words, even though we have trouble separating them, the
animals themselves have no such difficulties!
Geographic Variation within Species
Within the units classified as species, populations that occur
in different areas may be more or less distinct from one an-
other. Such groups of distinctive individuals may be classi-
fied taxonomically as subspecies or varieties (the vague
term “race” has a similar connotation, but is no longer com-
monly used). In areas where these populations approach one
another, individuals often exhibit combinations of features
characteristic of both populations. In other words, even
though geographically distant populations may appear dis-
tinct, they usually are connected by intervening populations
that are intermediate in their characteristics (figure 22.3).
The Biological Species Concept
What can account both for the distinctiveness of sympatric
species and the connectedness of geographic populations of
the same species? One obvious possibility is that each
species exchanges genetic material only with other mem-
bers of its species. If sympatric species commonly ex-
458 Part VI Evolution
The Nature of Species
Before we can discuss how one species gives rise to another,
we need to understand exactly what a species is. Even
though definition of what constitutes a species is of funda-
mental importance to evolutionary biology, this issue has
still not been completely settled and is currently the subject
of considerable research and debate. However, any concept
of a species must account for two phenomena: the distinc-
tiveness of species that occur together at a single locality,
and the connection that exists among populations of the
same species that are geographically separated.
The Distinctiveness of Sympatric Species
Put out a birdfeeder on your balcony or back porch and
you will attract a wide variety of different types of birds (es-
pecially if you put out a variety of different kinds of foods).
In the midwestern United States, for example, you might
routinely see cardinals, blue jays, downy woodpeckers,
house finches—even hummingbirds in the summer (figure
22.2). Although it might take a few days of careful observa-
tion, you would soon be able to readily distinguish the
many different species. The reason is that species that
occur together (termed sympatric from the Greek sym for
“same” and patria for “species”) are distinctive entities that
are phenotypically different, utilize different parts of the
habitat, and behave separately. This observation is gener-
ally true not only for birds, but also for most other types of
organisms in most places.
22.1 Species are the basic units of evolution.
Northern cardinal
Blue jay
Downy woodpecker House finch
Common birds in the midwestern United States. No one would doubt that these birds are distinct species. Each can be distinguished
from the others by many ecological, behavioral, and phenotypic traits.
changed genes, we might expect such species to rapidly lose
their distinctions as the gene pools of the different species
became homogenized. Conversely, the ability of geographi-
cally distant populations to share genes through the process
of gene flow may keep these populations integrated as
members of the same species. Based on these ideas, the
evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr coined the biological
species concept which defines species as:
“. . . groups of actually or potentially interbreeding
natural populations which are reproductively isolated from
other such groups.”
In other words, the biological species concept says that a
species is all individuals that are capable of interbreeding
and producing fertile offspring. Conversely, individuals
that cannot produce fertile offspring are said to be repro-
ductively isolated and, thus, members of different species.
Occasionally, members of different species will inter-
breed, a process termed hybridization. If the species are
reproductively isolated, either no offspring will result, or if
offspring are produced, they will be either unhealthy or
sterile. In this way, genes from one species generally will
not be able to enter the gene pool of another species.
Problems with Applying the Biological Species
The biological species concept has proven to be an effec-
tive way of understanding the existence of species in nature.
Nonetheless, the concept has some practical difficulties.
For example, it can be difficult to apply the concept to pop-
ulations that do not occur together in nature (and are thus
said to be allopatric). Because individuals of these popula-
tions do not encounter each other, it is not possible to ob-
serve whether they would interbreed naturally. Although
experiments can determine whether fertile hybrids can be
produced, this information is not enough. The reason is
that many species that will coexist without interbreeding in
nature will readily hybridize in the artificial settings of the
laboratory or zoo. Consequently, evaluating whether al-
lopatric populations constitute different species is ulti-
mately a judgment call.
In addition, the concept is more limited than its name
would imply. Many organisms are asexual and reproduce
without mating; reproductive isolation has no meaning for
such organisms.
Moreover, despite its name, the concept is really a zoo-
logical species concept and applies less readily to plants.
Even among animals, the biological species concept ap-
pears to apply more successfully to some groups than to
others. As we will see in section 22.4, biologists are cur-
rently reevaluating this and other approaches to the study
of species.
Species are groups of organisms that are distinct from
other co-occurring species and that are interconnected
geographically. The ability to exchange genes appears
to be a hallmark of such species.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 459
Red milk snake
(Lampropeltis triangulum syspila)
Eastern milk snake
(Lampropeltis triangulum
Scarlet kingsnake
(Lampropeltis triangulum
“Intergrade” form
Geographic variation in the milk snake, Lampropeltis triangulum. Although each subspecies appears phenotypically quite distinctive
from the others, they are connected by populations that are phenotypically intermediate.
Prezygotic Isolating Mechanisms
How do species keep their separate identities? Reproduc-
tive isolating mechanisms fall into two categories: prezy-
gotic isolating mechanisms, which prevent the formation
of zygotes; and postzygotic isolating mechanisms, which
prevent the proper functioning of zygotes after they form.
In the following sections we will discuss various isolating
mechanisms in these two categories and offer examples that
illustrate how the isolating mechanisms operate to help
species retain their identities.
Ecological Isolation
Even if two species occur in the same area, they may utilize
different portions of the environment and thus not hy-
bridize because they do not encounter each other. For ex-
ample, in India, the ranges of lions and tigers overlapped
until about 150 years ago. Even when they did, however,
there were no records of natural hybrids. Lions stayed
mainly in the open grassland and hunted in groups called
prides; tigers tended to be solitary creatures of the forest
(figure 22.4). Because of their ecological and behavioral dif-
ferences, lions and tigers rarely came into direct contact
with each other, even though their ranges overlapped over
thousands of square kilometers.
In another example, the ranges of two toads, Bufo wood-
housei and B. americanus, overlap in some areas. Although
these two species can produce viable hybrids, they usually
do not interbreed because they utilize different portions
of the habitat for breeding. Whereas B. woodhousei prefers
to breed in streams, B. americanus breeds in rainwater
puddles. Similarly, the ranges of two species of dragon-
flies overlap in Florida. However, the dragonfly Progom-
phus obscurus lives near rivers and streams, and P. alachue-
nis lives near lakes.
Similar situations occur among plants. Two species of
oaks occur widely in California: the valley oak, Quercus lo-
bata, and the scrub oak, Q. dumosa. The valley oak, a
graceful deciduous tree that can be as tall as 35 meters,
occurs in the fertile soils of open grassland on gentle
slopes and valley floors. In contrast, the scrub oak is an
evergreen shrub, usually only 1 to 3 meters tall, which
often forms the kind of dense scrub known as chaparral.
The scrub oak is found on steep slopes in less fertile soils.
Hybrids between these different oaks do occur and are
fully fertile, but they are rare. The sharply distinct habi-
tats of their parents limit their occurrence together, and
there is no intermediate habitat where the hybrids might
460 Part VI Evolution
22.2 Species maintain their genetic distinctiveness through barriers to
Lions and tigers are ecologically isolated. The ranges of lions
and tigers used to overlap in India. However, lions and tigers do
not hybridize in the wild because they utilize different portions of
the habitat. (a) Lions live in open grassland. (b) Tigers are solitary
animals that live in the forest. (c) Hybrids, such as this tiglon, have
been successfully produced in captivity, but hybridization does
not occur in the wild.
Behavioral Isolation
In chapter 27, we will consider the often elaborate
courtship and mating rituals of some groups of animals.
Related species of organisms such as birds often differ in
their courtship rituals, which tends to keep these species
distinct in nature even if they inhabit the same places (fig-
ure 22.5). For example, mallard and pintail ducks are per-
haps the two most common freshwater ducks in North
America. In captivity, they produce completely fertile off-
spring, but in nature they nest side-by-side and only rarely
More than 500 species of flies of the genus Drosophila
live in the Hawaiian Islands. This is one of the most re-
markable concentrations of species in a single animal
genus found anywhere. The genus occurs throughout the
world, but nowhere are the flies more diverse in external
appearance or behavior than in Hawaii. Many of these
flies differ greatly from other species of Drosophila, ex-
hibiting characteristics that can only be described as
The Hawaiian species of Drosophila are long-lived and
often very large compared with their relatives on the main-
land. The females are more uniform than the males, which
are often bizarrely distinctive. The males display complex
territorial behavior and elaborate courtship rituals.
The mating behavior patterns among Hawaiian species
of Drosophila are of great importance in maintaining the
distinctiveness of the individual species. For example, de-
spite the great differences between them, D. heteroneura
and D. silvestris are very closely related. Hybrids between
them are fully fertile. The two species occur together
over a wide area on the island of Hawaii, yet hybridiza-
tion has been observed at only one locality. The very dif-
ferent and complex behavioral characteristics of these
flies obviously play a major role in maintaining their dis-
Other Prezygotic Isolating Mechanisms
Temporal Isolation. Lactuca graminifolia and L.
canadensis, two species of wild lettuce, grow together
along roadsides throughout the southeastern United
States. Hybrids between these two species are easily
made experimentally and are completely fertile. But such
hybrids are rare in nature because L. graminifolia flowers
in early spring and L. canadensis flowers in summer.
When their blooming periods overlap, as they do occa-
sionally, the two species do form hybrids, which may be-
come locally abundant.
Many species of closely related amphibians have differ-
ent breeding seasons that prevent hybridization between
the species. For example, five species of frogs of the genus
Rana occur together in most of the eastern United States,
but hybrids are rare because the peak breeding time is dif-
ferent for each of them.
Mechanical Isolation. Structural differences prevent
mating between some related species of animals. Aside
from such obvious features as size, the structure of the male
and female copulatory organs may be incompatible. In
many insect and other arthropod groups, the sexual organs,
particularly those of the male, are so diverse that they are
used as a primary basis for classification.
Similarly, flowers of related species of plants often differ
significantly in their proportions and structures. Some of
these differences limit the transfer of pollen from one plant
species to another. For example, bees may pick up the
pollen of one species on a certain place on their bodies; if
this area does not come into contact with the receptive
structures of the flowers of another plant species, the
pollen is not transferred.
Prevention of Gamete Fusion. In animals that shed
their gametes directly into water, eggs and sperm derived
from different species may not attract one another. Many
land animals may not hybridize successfully because the
sperm of one species may function so poorly within the re-
productive tract of another that fertilization never takes
place. In plants, the growth of pollen tubes may be im-
peded in hybrids between different species. In both plants
and animals the operation of such isolating mechanisms
prevents the union of gametes even following successful
Prezygotic isolating mechanisms lead to reproductive
isolation by preventing the formation of hybrid zygotes.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 461
Differences in courtship rituals can isolate related bird
species. These Galápagos blue-footed boobies select their mates
only after an elaborate courtship display. This male is lifting his
feet in a ritualized high-step that shows off his bright blue feet.
The display behavior of other species of boobies, some of which
also occur in the Galápagos, is much different.
Postzygotic Isolating Mechanisms
All of the factors we have discussed up to this point tend to
prevent hybridization. If hybrid matings do occur and zy-
gotes are produced, many factors may still prevent those
zygotes from developing into normally functioning, fertile
individuals. Development in any species is a complex
process. In hybrids, the genetic complements of two species
may be so different that they cannot function together nor-
mally in embryonic development. For example, hybridiza-
tion between sheep and goats usually produces embryos
that die in the earliest developmental stages.
Leopard frogs (Rana pipiens complex) of the eastern
United States are a group of similar species, assumed for a
long time to constitute a single species (figure 22.6). How-
ever, careful examination revealed that although the frogs
appear similar, successful mating between them is rare be-
cause of problems that occur as the fertilized eggs develop.
Many of the hybrid combinations cannot be produced even
in the laboratory.
Examples of this kind, in which similar species have
been recognized only as a result of hybridization experi-
ments, are common in plants. Sometimes the hybrid em-
bryos can be removed at an early stage and grown in an ar-
tificial medium. When these hybrids are supplied with
extra nutrients or other supplements that compensate for
their weakness or inviability, they may complete their de-
velopment normally.
Even if hybrids survive the embryo stage, however,
they may not develop normally. If the hybrids are weaker
than their parents, they will almost certainly be elimi-
nated in nature. Even if they are vigorous and strong, as
in the case of the mule, a hybrid between a horse and a
donkey, they may still be sterile and thus incapable of
contributing to succeeding generations. Sterility may re-
sult in hybrids because the development of sex organs
may be abnormal, the chromosomes derived from the re-
spective parents may not pair properly, or from a variety
of other causes.
Postzygotic isolating mechanisms are those in which
hybrid zygotes fail to develop or develop abnormally, or
in which hybrids cannot become established in nature.
462 Part VI Evolution
Postzygotic isolation in leopard frogs. Numbers indicate the following species in the geographical ranges shown:
(1) Rana pipiens; (2) Rana blairi; (3) Rana utricularia; (4) Rana berlandieri. These four species resemble one another closely in their external
features. Their status as separate species was first suspected when hybrids between them produced defective embryos in some
combinations. Subsequent research revealed that the mating calls of the four species differ substantially, indicating that the species have
both pre- and postzygotic isolating mechanisms.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 463
One of the oldest questions in the field of evo-
lution is: how does one ancestral species be-
come divided into two descendant species? If
species are defined by the existence of repro-
ductive isolation, then the process of speciation
equates with the evolution of reproductive iso-
lating mechanisms. How do reproductive isolat-
ing mechanisms evolve?
Reproductive Isolation May
Evolve as a By-Product of
Evolutionary Change
Most reproductive isolating mechanisms ini-
tially arise for some reason other than to pro-
vide reproductive isolation. For example, a
population that colonizes a new habitat may
evolve adaptations for living in that habitat. As
a result, individuals from that population
might never encounter individuals from the
ancestral population. Even if they do meet, the
population in the new habitat may have
evolved new phenotypes or behavior so that
members of the two populations no longer
recognize each other as potential mates (figure
22.7). For this reason, some biologists believe
that the term “isolating mechanisms” is mis-
guided, because it implies that the traits
evolved specifically for the purpose of geneti-
cally isolating a species, which in most cases is
probably incorrect.
22.3 We have learned a great deal about how species form.
Prezygotic isolating mechanisms
Postzygotic isolating mechanisms
Geographic isolation
Species occur in different places
Behavioral isolation
Species have different mating rituals
Temporal isolation
Mating or flowering occur during
different seasons or at different times of the day
Species 1 Species 2
Ecological isolation
Species utilize different resources in the habitat
Prevention of gamete fusion
Gametes fail to attract each other or function poorly
Hybrid embryos do not develop properly
Fertile hybrid offspring
Mechanical isolation
Structural differences prevent mating or pollen transfer
Hybrid adults do not survive in nature
Hybrid adults are sterile or have reduced fertility
Reproductive isolating mechanisms. A
variety of different mechanisms can
prevent successful reproduction between
individuals of different species.
Selection May Reinforce Isolating Mechanisms
The formation of species is a continuous process, one that
we can understand because of the existence of intermediate
stages at all levels of differentiation. If populations that are
partly differentiated come into contact with one another,
they may still be able to interbreed freely, and the differ-
ences between them may disappear over the course of time
as genetic exchange homogenizes the populations. Con-
versely, if the populations are reproductively isolated, then
no genetic exchange will occur and the two populations will
be different species.
However, there is an intermediate situation in which
reproductive isolation has partially evolved, but is not
complete. As a result, hybridization will occur at least
occasionally. If they are partly sterile, or not as well
adapted to the existing habitats as their parents, these hy-
brids will be at a disadvantage. As a result, selection
would favor any alleles in the parental populations that
prevented hybridization because individuals that avoided
hybridizing would be more successful in passing their
genes on to the next generation. The result would be the
continual improvement of prezygotic isolating mecha-
nisms until the two populations were completely repro-
ductively isolated. This process is termed reinforcement
because initially incomplete isolating mechanisms are re-
inforced by natural selection until they are completely
Reinforcement is by no means inevitable, however.
When incompletely isolated populations come together,
gene flow immediately begins to occur between the
species. Although hybrids may be inferior, they are not, in
this case, completely inviable or infertile (if they were,
then the species would be reproductively isolated); hence,
when these hybrids reproduce with members of either
population, they will serve as a conduit of genetic ex-
change from one population to the other. As a result, the
two populations will tend to lose their genetic distinctive-
ness. Thus, a race ensues: can reproductive isolation be
perfected before gene flow destroys the differences be-
tween the populations? Experts disagree on the likely out-
come, but many believe that reinforcement is the much
less common outcome.
The Role of Natural Selection in Speciation
What role does natural selection play in the speciation
process? Certainly, the process of reinforcement is driven
by natural selection favoring the perfection of reproductive
isolation. But, as we have seen, reinforcement may not be
common. Is natural selection necessarily involved in the
initial evolution of isolating mechanisms?
Random Changes May Cause Reproductive
As we discussed in chapter 20, populations may diverge
for purely random reasons. Genetic drift in small popula-
tions, founder effects, and population bottlenecks all may
lead to changes in traits that cause reproductive isolation.
For example, in the Hawaiian Islands, closely related
species of Drosophila often differ greatly in their courtship
behavior. Colonization of new islands by these fruit flies
probably involves a founder effect, in which one or a few
fruit flies—perhaps only a single pregnant female—is
blown by strong winds to a new island. Changes in
courtship behavior between ancestor and descendant
populations may be the result of such founder events.
Given long enough periods of time, any two isolated
populations will diverge due to genetic drift. In some
cases, this random divergence may affect traits responsi-
ble for reproductive isolation, and speciation will have
Adaptation and Speciation
Nonetheless, adaptation and speciation are probably re-
lated in many cases. As species adapt to different circum-
stances, they will accumulate many differences that may
lead to reproductive isolation. For example, if one popula-
tion of flies adapts to wet conditions and another to dry
conditions, then the populations will evolve a variety of dif-
ferences in physiological and sensory traits; these differ-
ences may promote ecological and behavioral isolation and
may cause any hybrids they produce to be poorly adapted
to either habitat.
Selection might also act directly on mating behavior.
Male Anolis lizards, for example, court females by extend-
ing a colorful flap of skin, called a “dewlap,” that is lo-
cated under their throat (figure 22.8). The ability of one
lizard to see the dewlap of another lizard depends not
only on the color of the dewlap, but the environment in
which they occur. As a result, a light-colored dewlap is
most effective in reflecting light in a dim forest, whereas
dark colors are more apparent in the bright glare of open
habitats. As a result, when these lizards occupy new habi-
tats, natural selection will favor evolutionary change in
dewlap color because males whose dewlaps cannot be seen
will attract few mates. However, the lizards also distin-
guish members of their own species from those of other
species by the color of the dewlap. Hence, adaptive
change in mating behavior could have the incidental con-
sequence of causing speciation.
Laboratory scientists have conducted experiments on
fruit flies and other organisms in which they isolate popula-
464 Part VI Evolution
tions in different laboratory chambers and measure how
much reproductive isolation evolves. These experiments in-
dicate that genetic drift by itself can lead to some degree of
reproductive isolation, but, in general, reproductive isola-
tion evolves more rapidly when the populations are forced
to adapt to different laboratory environments (such as tem-
perature or food type).
Reproductive isolating mechanisms can evolve either
through random changes or as an incidental by-
product of adaptive evolution. Under some
circumstances, however, natural selection can directly
select for traits that increase the reproductive isolation
of a species.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 465
Dewlaps of several different species of Caribbean Anolis lizards. Males use their dewlaps in both territorial and courtship displays.
Coexisting species almost always differ in their dewlaps, which are used in species recognition. Some dewlaps are easier to see in open
habitats, whereas others are more visible in shaded environments.
(a) Anolis carolinensis. (b) Anlois sagrei.
(c) Anolis grahami. (d) Species name to come.
The Geography of Speciation
Speciation is a two-part process. First, initially identical
populations must diverge and, second, reproductive isola-
tion must evolve to maintain these differences. The diffi-
culty with this process, as we have seen, is that the homog-
enizing effect of gene flow between populations will
constantly be acting to erase any differences that may arise,
either by genetic drift or natural selection. Of course, gene
flow only occurs between populations that are in contact.
Consequently, evolutionary biologists have long recognized
that speciation is much more likely in geographically iso-
lated populations.
Allopatric Divergence Is the Primary Means of
Ernst Mayr was the first biologist to strongly make the
case for allopatric speciation. Marshalling data from a
wide variety of organisms and localities, Mayr was clearly
able to demonstrate that geographically separated popu-
lations appear much more likely to have evolved substan-
tial differences leading to speciation. For example, the
Papuan kingfisher, Tanysiptera hydrocharis, varies little
throughout its wide range in New Guinea despite the
great variation in the island’s topography and climate. By
contrast, isolated populations on nearby islands are strik-
ingly different from each other and from the mainland
population (figure 22.9).
Many other examples indicate that speciation can
occur in allopatry. Given that one would expect isolated
populations to diverge over time by either drift or selec-
tion, this result is not surprising. Rather, the question be-
comes: Is geographic isolation required for speciation to
Whether Speciation Can Occur in Sympatry Is
As we saw in chapter 20, disruptive selection can cause a
population to contain individuals exhibiting two different
phenotypes. One might think that if selection were strong
enough, these two phenotypes would evolve into different
species. However, before the two phenotypes could be-
come different species, they would have to evolve repro-
ductive isolating mechanisms. Because the two phenotypes
would initially not be reproductively isolated at all, genetic
exchange between individuals of the two phenotypes would
tend to prevent genetic divergence in mating preferences
or other isolating mechanisms. As a result, the two pheno-
466 Part VI Evolution
New Guinea
Phenotypic differentiation in the Papuan kingfisher in New Guinea. Isolated island populations (above left) are quite distinctive,
showing variation in tail feather structure and length, plumage coloration, and bill size, whereas kingfishers on the mainland (above right)
show little variation.
types would be retained as polymorphisms within a single
population. For this reason, most biologists consider sym-
patric speciation a rare event.
Nonetheless, in recent years, a number of cases have
appeared that appear difficult to interpret in any way
other than sympatric speciation. For example, the vol-
canic crater lake Barombi Mbo in Cameroon is extremely
small and ecologically homogeneous, with no opportunity
for within-lake isolation. Nonetheless, 11 species of
closely related cichlid fish occur in the lake; all of the
species are more closely related evolutionarily to each
other than to any species outside of the crater. The most
reasonable explanation is that an ancestral species colo-
nized the crater and subsequently speciated in sympatry
multiple times.
Genetic Changes Underlying Speciation
How much divergence does it take to create a new
species? How many gene changes does it take? Since Dar-
win, the traditional view has been that new species arise
by the accumulation of many small genetic differences.
While there is little doubt that many species have formed
in this gradual way, new techniques of molecular biology
suggest that in at least some cases, the evolution of a new
species may involve very few genes. Studying two species
of monkeyflower found in the western United States, re-
searchers found that only a few genes separate the two
species, even though at first glance the two species appear
to be very different (figure 22.10). Using gene technolo-
gies like those described in chapter 19, the researchers
found that all of the major differences in the flowers, in-
cluding not only flower shape and color, but also nectar
production, were attributable to several genes, each of
which had great phenotypic effects. Because individual
genes have such powerful effects, species as different as
these two can evolve in relatively few steps.
The Role of Polyploidy in Species Formation
Among plants, fertile individuals often arise from sterile
ones through polyploidy, which doubles the chromo-
some number of the original sterile hybrid individual. A
polyploid cell, tissue, or individual has more than two
sets of chromosomes. Polyploid cells and tissues occur
spontaneously and reasonably often in all organisms, al-
though in many they are soon eliminated. A hybrid may
be sterile simply because its sets of chromosomes, de-
rived from male and female parents of different species,
do not pair with one another. If the chromosome num-
ber of such a hybrid doubles, the hybrid, as a result of
the doubling, will have a duplicate of each chromosome.
In that case, the chromosomes will pair, and the fertility
of the polyploid hybrid individual may be restored. It is
estimated that about half of the approximately 260,000
species of plants have a polyploid episode in their his-
tory, including many of great commercial importance,
such as bread wheat, cotton, tobacco, sugarcane, ba-
nanas, and potatoes. As you might imagine, the advan-
tages a polyploid plant offers for natural selection can be
substantial as a result of their great levels of genetic vari-
ation; hence, the significance of polyploidy in the evolu-
tion of plants.
Because polyploid plants cannot reproduce with their
ancestors, reproductive isolation can evolve in one step.
Consequently, speciation by polyploidy is one uncontro-
versial means of sympatric speciation. Although much
rarer than in plants, speciation by polyploidy is also
known from a variety of animals, including insects, fish,
and salamanders.
Speciation occurs much more readily in the absence of
gene flow among populations. However, speciation can
occur in sympatry by means of polyploidy, and perhaps
in other cases also.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 467
FIGURE 22.10
Differences between species can result
from a few genes that have major
effects. (a) Mimulus lewisii has pale pink
flowers and concentrated nectar, which are
optimal for attracting bumblebees to serve
as pollinators. (b) By contrast, M. cardinalis
has the red flowers and copious dilute
nectar typical of hummingbird-pollinated
plants. Differences in flower shape and
color are the result of a few genes of large
(a) Mimulus lewisii (b) Mimulus cardinalis
Darwin’s Finches
One of the most visible manifestations of evolution is the
existence of groups of closely related species that have re-
cently evolved from a common ancestor by occupying
different habitats. This type of adaptive radiation oc-
curred among the 13 species of Darwin’s finches on the
Galápagos Islands. Presumably, the ancestor of Darwin’s
finches reached these islands before other land birds, and
all of the types of habitats where birds occur on the
mainland were unoccupied. As the new arrivals moved
into these vacant ecological niches and adopted new
lifestyles, they were subjected to diverse sets of selective
pressures. Under these circumstances, and aided by the
geographic isolation afforded by the many islands of the
Galápagos archipelago, the ancestral finches rapidly split
into a series of diverse populations, some of which
evolved into separate species. These species now occupy
many different kinds of habitats on the Galápagos Islands
(figure 22.11), habitats comparable to those several dis-
tinct groups of birds occupy on the mainland. The 13
species comprise four groups:
1. Ground finches. There are six species of Geospiza
ground finches. Most of the ground finches feed on
seeds. The size of their bills is related to the size of
the seeds they eat. Some of the ground finches feed
primarily on cactus flowers and fruits and have a
longer, larger, more pointed bill than the others.
2. Tree finches. There are five species of insect-
eating tree finches. Four species have bills that are
suitable for feeding on insects. The woodpecker finch
has a chisel-like beak. This unusual bird carries
around a twig or a cactus spine, which it uses to probe
for insects in deep crevices.
3. Warbler finch. This unusual bird plays the same
ecological role in the Galápagos woods that warblers
play on the mainland, searching continually over
the leaves and branches for insects. It has a slender,
warbler-like beak.
4. Vegetarian finch. The very heavy bill of this bud-
eating bird is used to wrench buds from branches.
Darwin’s finches, all derived from one similar mainland
species, have radiated widely on the Galápagos Islands
in the absence of competition.
468 Part VI Evolution
22.4 Clusters of species reflect rapid evolution.
Warbler finch
(Certhidea olivacea)
Woodpecker finch
(Cactospiza pallida)
tree finch
(C. parvulus)
tree finch
(C. psittacula)
tree finch
Cactus ground finch
(Geospiza scandens)
ground finch
(G. difficilis)
Small ground
(G. fuliginosa)
Medium ground
(G. fortis)
Insect eaters
Bud eater
Seed eaters
g b
FIGURE 22.11
Darwin’s finches. Ten of the 13 Galápagos species of Darwin’s finches occur on Isla Santa Cruz, one of the Galápagos Islands. These
species show differences in bills and feeding habits. The bills of several of these species resemble those of distinct families of birds on the
mainland. This condition presumably arose when the finches evolved new species in habitats lacking small birds. The woodpecker finch
uses cactus spines to probe in crevices of bark and rotten wood for food. Scientists believe all of these birds derived from a single common
Hawaiian Drosophila
Our second example of a cluster of species is the fly
genus Drosophila on the Hawaiian Islands, which we men-
tioned earlier as an example of behavioral isolation.
There are at least 1250 species of this genus throughout
the world, and more than a quarter are found only in the
Hawaiian Islands (figure 22.12). New species of
Drosophila are still being discovered in Hawaii, although
the rapid destruction of the native vegetation is making
the search more difficult. Aside from their sheer number,
Hawaiian Drosophila species are unusual because of the
morphological and behavioral traits discussed earlier. No
comparable species of Drosophila are found anywhere else
in the world.
A second, closely related genus of flies, Scaptomyza, also
forms a species cluster in Hawaii, where it is represented by
as many as 300 species. A few species of Scaptomyza are
found outside of Hawaii, but the genus is better repre-
sented there than elsewhere. In addition, species intermedi-
ate between Scaptomyza and Drosophila exist in Hawaii, but
nowhere else. The genera are so closely related that scien-
tists have suggested that all of the estimated 800 species of
these two genera that occur in Hawaii may have derived
from a single common ancestor.
The native Hawaiian flies are closely associated with
the remarkable native plants of the islands and are often
abundant in the native vegetation. Evidently, when their
ancestors first reached these islands, they encountered
many “empty” habitats that other kinds of insects and
other animals occupied elsewhere. The evolutionary op-
portunities the ancestral Drosophila flies found were simi-
lar to those the ancestors of Darwin’s finches in the Galá-
pagos Islands encountered, and both groups evolved in a
similar way. Many of the Hawaiian Drosophila species are
highly selective in their choice of host plants for their lar-
vae and in the part of the plant they use. The larvae of
various species live in rotting stems, fruits, bark, leaves, or
roots, or feed on sap.
New islands have continually arisen from the sea in the
region of the Hawaiian Islands. As they have done so, they
appear to have been invaded successively by the various
Drosophila groups present on the older islands. New species
have evolved as new islands have been colonized. The
Hawaiian species of Drosophila have had even greater evolu-
tionary opportunities than Darwin’s finches because of
their restricted ecological niches and the variable ages of
the islands. They clearly tell one of the most unusual evolu-
tionary stories found anywhere in the world.
The adaptive radiation of about 800 species of the flies
Drosophila and Scaptomyza on the Hawaiian Islands,
probably from a single common ancestor, is one of the
most remarkable examples of intensive species
formation found anywhere on earth.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 469
(a) Drosophila mulli
(b) Drosophila digressa
FIGURE 22.12
Hawaiian Drosophila. The hundreds of species that have evolved
on the Hawaiian Islands are extremely variable in appearance,
although genetically almost identical.
Lake Victoria Cichlid Fishes
Lake Victoria is an immense shallow freshwater sea about
the size of Switzerland in the heart of equatorial East
Africa, until recently home to an incredibly diverse collec-
tion of over 300 species of cichlid fishes.
Recent Radiation
This cluster of species appears to have evolved recently and
quite rapidly. By sequencing the cytochrome b gene in
many of the lake’s fish, scientists have been able to estimate
that the first cichlids entered Lake Victoria only 200,000
years ago, colonizing from the Nile. Dramatic changes in
water level encouraged species formation. As the lake rose,
it flooded new areas and opened up new habitat. Many of
the species may have originated after the lake dried down
14,000 years ago, isolating local populations in small lakes
until the water level rose again.
Cichlid Diversity
These small, perchlike fishes range from 2 to 10 inches in
length, and the males come in endless varieties of colors.
The most diverse assembly of vertebrates known to sci-
ence, the Lake Victoria cichlids defy simple description.
We can gain some sense of the vast range of types by
looking at how different species eat. There are mud
biters, algae scrapers, leaf chewers, snail crushers, snail
shellers (who pounce on slow-crawling snails and spear
their soft parts with long curved teeth before the snail
can retreat into its shell), zooplankton eaters, insect
eaters, prawn eaters, and fish eaters. Scale-scraping cich-
lids rasp slices of scales off of other fish. There are even
cichlid species that are “pedophages,” eating the young of
other cichlids.
Cichlid fish have a remarkable trait that may have been
instrumental in this evolutionary radiation: a second set of
functioning jaws occurs in the throats of cichlid fish (figure
22.13)! The ability of these jaws to manipulate and process
food has freed the oral jaws to evolve for other purposes,
and the result has been the incredible diversity of ecologi-
cal roles filled by these fish.
Abrupt Extinction
Much of this diversity is gone. In the 1950s, the Nile perch,
a commercial fish with a voracious appetite, was introduced
on the Ugandan shore of Lake Victoria. Since then it has
spread through the lake, eating its way through the cich-
lids. By 1990 all the open-water cichlid species were ex-
tinct, as well as many living in rocky shallow regions. Over
70% of all the named Lake Victoria cichlid species had dis-
appeared, as well as untold numbers of species that had yet
to be described.
Very rapid speciation occurred among cichlid fishes
isolated in Lake Victoria, but widespread extinction
followed when the isolation ended.
470 Part VI Evolution
Fish eater
Snail eater
Algae scraper
Zooplankton eater
Leaf eater
Second set of jaws
Insect eater
FIGURE 22.13
Cichlid fishes of Lake Victoria. These fishes have evolved adaptations to use a variety of different habitats. The second set of jaws located
in the throat of these fish has provided evolutionary flexibility, allowing oral jaws to be modified in many ways.
New Zealand Alpine Buttercups
Adaptive radiations as we have described in Galápagos
finches, Hawaiian Drosophila, and cichlid fishes seem to be
favored by periodic isolation. Finches and Drosophila invade
new islands, local species evolve, and they in turn reinvade
the home island, in a cycle of expanding diversity. Simi-
larly, cichlids become isolated by falling water levels, evolv-
ing separate species in isolated populations that later are
merged when the lake’s water level rises again.
A clear example of the role periodic isolation plays in
species formation can be seen in the alpine buttercups
(genus Ranunculus) which grow among the glaciers of New
Zealand (figure 22.14). More species of alpine buttercup
grow on the two islands of New Zealand than in all of
North and South America combined. Detailed studies by
the Canadian taxonomist Fulton Fisher revealed that the
evolutionary mechanism responsible for inducing this di-
versity is recurrent isolation associated with the recession
of glaciers. The 14 species of alpine Ranunculus occupy five
distinctive habitats within glacial areas: snowfields (rocky
crevices among outcrops in permanent snowfields at 7000
to 9000 feet elevation); snowline fringe (rocks at lower mar-
gin of snowfields between 4000 and 7000 ft); stony debris
(scree slopes of exposed loose rocks at 2000 to 6000 ft);
sheltered situations (shaded by rock or shrubs at 1000 to 6000
ft); and boggy habitats (sheltered slopes and hollows, poorly
drained tussocks at elevations between 2500 and 5000 ft).
Ranunculus speciation and diversification has been pro-
moted by repeated cycles of glacial advance and retreat. As
the glaciers retreat, populations become isolated on moun-
tain peaks, permitting speciation (figure 22.15). In the next
advance, these new species can expand throughout the
mountain range, coming into contact with their close rela-
tives. In this way, one initial species could give rise to many
descendants. Moreover, on isolated mountaintops during
glacial retreats, species have convergently evolved to oc-
cupy similar habitats; these distantly related but ecologi-
cally similar species have then been brought back into con-
tact in subsequent glacial advances.
Recurrent isolation promotes species formation.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 471
FIGURE 22.14
A New Zealand alpine buttercup. Fourteen species of alpine
Ranunculus grow among the glaciers and mountains of New
Zealand, including this R. lyallii, the giant buttercup.
Glaciers link alpine zones into
one continuous range.
Mountain populations
become isolated,
permitting divergence
and speciation.
Alpine zones
are reconnected. Separately
evolved species come
back into contact.
Glaciers recede Glaciation
FIGURE 22.15
Periodic glaciation encouraged species formation among alpine buttercups in New Zealand. The formation of extensive glaciers
during the Pleistocene linked the alpine zones of many mountains together. When the glaciers receded, these alpine zones were isolated
from one another, only to become reconnected with the advent of the next glacial period. During periods of isolation, populations of
alpine buttercups diverged in the isolated habitats.
Diversity of Life through Time
Although eukaryotes evolved nearly 3 billion years ago, the
diversity of life didn’t increase substantially until approxi-
mately 550 million years ago. Then, almost all of the extant
types of animals evolved in a geologically short period
termed the “Cambrian explosion.” In addition to organisms
whose descendants are recognizable today, a wide variety of
other types of organisms also evolved (figure 22.16). The
biology of these creatures, which quickly disappeared with-
out leaving any descendants, is poorly understood. The
Cambrian explosion seems to have been a time of evolu-
tionary experimentation and innovation, in which many
types of organisms appeared, but most were quickly weeded
out. What prompted this explosion of diversity is still a
subject of considerable controversy.
472 Part VI Evolution
16 17
FIGURE 22.16
Diversity of animals that evolved during the Cambrian explosion. In addition to the appearance of the ancestors of many present-day
groups, such as insects and vertebrates, a variety of bizarre creatures evolved that left no descendants, such as Wiwaxia, Marrella, Opabinia,
and the aptly named Hallucigenia. The natural history of these species is open to speculation. Key: (1) Amiskwia, (2) Odontogriphus, (3)
Eldonia, (4) Halichondrites, (5) Anomalocaris canadensis, (6) Pikaia, (7) Canadia, (8) Marrella splendens, (9) Opabinia, (10) Ottoia, (11) Wiwaxia,
(12) Yohoia, (13) Xianguangia, (14) Aysheaia, (15) Sidneyia, (16) Dinomischus, (17) Hallucigenia.
Trends in Species Diversity
The number of species in the world has increased vastly
since the Cambrian. However, the trend has been far from
consistent (figure 22.17). After a rapid rise, the number of
species reached a plateau for about 200 million years ago;
since then, the number has risen steadily.
Interspersed in these patterns, however, have been a
number of major setbacks, termed mass extinctions, in
which the number of species has greatly decreased. Five
major mass extinctions have been identified, the most se-
vere of which occurred at the end of the Permian Period,
approximately 225 million years ago, at which time more
than half of all families and as many as 96% of all species
may have perished.
The most famous and well-studied extinction, though
not as drastic, occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period
(63 million years ago), at which time the dinosaurs and a
variety of other organisms went extinct. Recent studies
have provided support for the hypothesis that this extinc-
tion event was triggered by a large asteroid which slammed
into the earth, perhaps causing global forest fires and ob-
scuring the sun for months by throwing particles into the
air. This mass extinction did have one positive effect,
though: with the disappearance of dinosaurs, mammals,
which previously had been small and inconspicuous,
quickly experienced a vast evolutionary radiation, which ul-
timately produced a wide variety of organisms, including
elephants, tigers, whales, and humans. Indeed, a general
observation is that biological diversity tends to rebound
quickly after mass extinctions, reaching comparable levels
of species richness, even if the organisms making up that
diversity are not the same.
A Sixth Extinction
The number of species in the world in recent times is
greater than it has ever been. Unfortunately, that number
is decreasing at an alarming rate due to human activities.
Some estimate that as many as one-fourth of all species
will become extinct in the next 50 years, a rate of
extinction not seen on earth since the Cretaceous mass
The number of species has increased through time,
although not at constant rates. Several major extinction
events have substantially, though briefly, reduced the
number of species.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 473
Millions of years ago
600 500 400 300 200 100 0
FIGURE 22.17
Diversity through time. Taxonomic diversity of families of marine animals since the Cambrian Period. The fossil record is most
complete for marine organisms because they are more readily fossilized than terrestrial species. Families are shown, rather than species,
because many species are known from only one specimen, thus introducing error into estimates of time of extinction.
The Pace of Evolution
Different kinds of organisms evolve at
different rates. Mammals, for exam-
ple, evolve relatively slowly. On the
basis of a relatively complete fossil
record, it has been estimated that an
average value for the duration of a
“typical” mammal species, from for-
mation of the species to its extinction,
might be about 200,000 years. Ameri-
can paleontologist George Gaylord
Simpson has pointed out that certain
groups of animals, such as lungfishes,
are apparently evolving even more
slowly than mammals. In fact, Simp-
son estimated that there has been lit-
tle evolutionary change among lung-
fishes over the past 150 million years,
and even slower rates of evolution
occur in other groups.
Evolution in Spurts?
Not only does the rate of evolution
differ greatly from group to group,
but evolution within a group appar-
ently proceeds rapidly during some
periods and relatively slowly during
others. The fossil record provides evi-
dence for such variability in evolution-
ary rates, and evolutionists are very
interested in understanding the factors
that account for it. In 1972, paleontol-
ogists Niles Eldredge of the American
Museum of Natural History in New York and Stephen
Jay Gould of Harvard University proposed that evolution
normally proceeds in spurts. They claimed that the evo-
lutionary process is a series of punctuated equilibria.
Evolutionary innovations would occur and give rise to
new lines; then these lines might persist unchanged for a
long time, in “equilibrium.” Eventually there would be a
new spurt of evolution, creating a “punctuation” in the
fossil record. Eldredge and Gould contrast their theory
of punctuated equilibrium with that of gradualism, or
gradual evolutionary change, which they claimed was
what Darwin and most earlier students of evolution had
considered normal (figure 22.18).
Eldredge and Gould proposed that stasis, or lack of
evolutionary change, would be expected in large popula-
tions experiencing stabilizing selection over long periods
of time. In contrast, rapid evolution of new species might
occur if populations colonized new areas. Such popula-
tions would be small, isolated, and possibly already dif-
fering from their parental population as a result of the
founder effect. This, combined with selective pressures
from a new environment, could bring about rapid
Unfortunately, the distinctions are not as clear-cut as
implied by this discussion. Some well-documented groups
such as African mammals clearly have evolved gradually,
and not in spurts. Other groups, like marine bryozoa, seem
to show the irregular pattern of evolutionary change the
punctuated equilibrium model predicts. It appears, in fact,
that gradualism and punctuated equilibrium are two ends
of a continuum. Although some groups appear to have
evolved solely in a gradual manner and others only in a
punctuated mode, many other groups appear to show evi-
dence of both gradual and punctuated episodes at different
times in their evolutionary history.
The punctuated equilibrium model assumes that
evolution occurs in spurts, between which there are
long periods in which there is little evolutionary
change. The gradualism model assumes that evolution
proceeds gradually, with successive change in a given
evolutionary line.
474 Part VI Evolution
(a) Punctuated equilibrium (b) Gradualism
FIGURE 22.18
Two views of the pace of macroevolution. (a) Punctuated equilibrium surmises that
species formation occurs in bursts, separated by long periods of quiet, while (b) gradualism
surmises that species formation is constantly occurring.
Problems with the Biological
Species Concept
Since the biological species concept was first proposed by
Ernst Mayr in the 1940s, it has been the predominant idea
of how to recognize and define species. However, in recent
years, workers from a variety of fields have begun to ques-
tion how universally applicable the concept really is.
The Extent of Hybridization
The crux of the matter concerns hybridization. Biological
species are reproductively isolated, so that hybridization
should be rare. If hybridization is common, one would ex-
pect one of two quick outcomes: either reinforcement
would occur, leading to the perfection of isolating mecha-
nisms and an end to hybridization, or the two populations
would merge together into a single homogeneous gene
However, in recent years biologists have detected much
greater amounts of hybridization than previously realized
between populations that seem to neither be experiencing
reinforcement nor losing their specific identities. Botanists
have always been aware that species can often experience
substantial amounts of hybridization. One study found that
more than 50% of the plant species surveyed in California
were not well defined by genetic isolation. For example,
the fossil record indicates that balsam poplars and cotton-
woods have been phenotypically distinct for 12 million
years, but throughout this time, they have routinely pro-
duced hybrids. Consequently, for many years, many
botanists have felt that the biological species concept only
applies to animals.
What is becoming increasingly evident, however, is
that hybridization is not all that uncommon in animals,
either. One recent survey indicated that almost 10% of
the world’s 9500 bird species are known to have hy-
bridized in nature. Recent years have seen the documen-
tation of more and more cases in which substantial hy-
bridization occurs between animal species. Again, the
Galápagos finches provide a particularly well-studied ex-
ample. Three species on the island of Daphne Major—the
medium ground finch, the cactus finch, and the small
ground finch—are clearly distinct morphologically and
occupy different ecological niches. Careful studies over
the past 20 years by Peter and Rosemary Grant found
that, on average, 2% of the medium ground finches and
1% of the cactus finches mated with other species every
year. Furthermore, hybrid offspring appeared to be at no
disadvantage either in terms of survival or subsequent re-
production. This is not a trivial amount of genetic ex-
change, and one might expect to see the species coalesc-
ing into one variable population, but the species are
nonetheless maintaining their distinctiveness.
Alternatives to the Biological Species Concept
This is not to say hybridization is rampant throughout the
animal world. As the bird survey indicated, 90% of bird
species are not known to hybridize, and even fewer proba-
bly experience significant amounts of hybridization. Still, it
is a common enough occurrence to cast doubt about
whether reproductive isolation is the only force maintain-
ing the integrity of species.
An alternative hypothesis is that the distinctions among
species are maintained by natural selection. The idea is that
each species has adapted to its own specific part of the envi-
ronment. Stabilizing selection then maintains the species’
adaptations; hybridization has little effect because alleles
introduced into the gene pool from other species quickly
would be eliminated by natural selection.
We have already seen in chapter 20 that the interac-
tion between gene flow and natural selection can have
many outcomes. In some cases, strong selection can over-
whelm any effects of gene flow, but in other situations,
gene flow can prevent populations from eliminating less
successful alleles from a population. As a general explana-
tion, then, natural selection is not likely to have any
fewer exceptions than the biological species concept, al-
though it may prove more successful for certain types of
organisms or habitats.
A variety of other ideas have been put forward to estab-
lish criteria for defining species. Many of these are spe-
cific to a particular type of organism and none has univer-
sal applicability. In truth, it may be that there is no single
explanation for what maintains the identity of species.
Given the incredible variation evident in plants, animals,
and microorganisms in all aspects of their biology, it is
perhaps not surprising that different processes are operat-
ing in different organisms. This is an area of active re-
search that demonstrates the dynamic nature of the field
of evolutionary biology.
Hybridization has always been recognized to be
widespread among plants, but recent research reveals
that it is surprisingly high in animals, too. Because of
the diversity of living organisms, no single definition of
what constitutes a species may be universally applicable.
Chapter 22 The Origin of Species 475
476 Part VI Evolution
Chapter 22
Summary Questions Media Resources
22.1 Species are the basic units of evolution.
? Species are groups of organisms that differ from one
another in one or more characteristics and do not
hybridize freely when they come into contact in their
natural environment. Many species cannot hybridize
with one another at all.
? Species exhibit geographic variation, yet
phenotypically distinctive populations are connected
by intermediate forms.
1. Define the term sympatry.
Why is sympatric speciation
thought by many to be unlikely?
2. What is the biological
species concept?
? Among the factors that separate populations and
species are geographical, ecological, temporal,
behavioral, and mechanical isolation, as well as factors
that inhibit the fusion of gametes or the normal
development of the hybrid organisms.
? Some isolating mechanisms (prezygotic) prevent
hybrid formation; others (postzygotic) prevent
hybrids from surviving and reproducing.
3. What is the difference
between prezygotic and
postzygotic isolating
4. What barriers exist to hybrid
formation and success? Which
are prezygotic and which are
postzygotic isolating
mechanisms? Why do some
people think the term “isolating
mechanism” is misleading?
22.2 Species maintain their genetic distinctiveness through barriers to reproduction.
? Reproductive isolation can arise as populations
differentiate by adaptation to different environments,
as well as by random genetic drift, founder effects, or
population bottlenecks.
? Natural selection may favor changes in the mating
system when a species occupies a new habitat, so that
the species becomes reproductively isolated from
other species.
? When two species are not completely reproductively
isolated, natural selection may favor the evolution of
more effective isolating mechanisms to prevent
hybridization, a process termed “reinforcement.”
5. How does selection relate to
population divergence?
6. How many genes are
involved in the speciation
7. When are hybrids at a
disadvantage? What can be the
result of this disadvantage?
8. Define the term polyploidy.
22.3 We have learned a great deal about how species form.
? Clusters of species arise when populations
differentiate to fill several niches. On islands,
differentiation is often rapid because of numerous
open habitats.
? The pace of evolution is not constant among all
organisms. Some scientists believe it occurs in spurts,
others argue that it proceeds gradually.
? Hybridization occurs commonly among plants and
even among animals. The biological species concept
may not apply to all organisms.
9. What is adaptive radiation?
What types of habitats
encourage it? Why?
10. What is the difference
between gradualism and
punctuated equilibrium?
11. Why is the biological species
concept no longer considered to
be universally applicable?
22.4 Clusters of species reflect rapid evolution.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Activity: Allopatric
? Introduction to
? Sympatric Speciation
? Allopatric Speciation
? Constructing
? Student Research:
Evolution in Ferns
? Evolutionary Trends
Book Reviews
? Darwin’s Dreampond
by Goldschmidt
? The Beak of the Finch
by Weiner
How Humans Evolved
Concept Outline
23.1 The evolutionary path to humans starts with the
advent of primates.
The Evolutionary Path to Apes. Primates first evolved
65 million years ago, giving rise first to prosimians and then
to monkeys.
How the Apes Evolved. Apes, including our closest
relatives, the chimpanzees, arose from an ancestor common
to Old World monkeys.
23.2 The first hominids to evolve were
An Evolutionary Tree with Many Branches. The first
hominids were australopithecines, of which there were
several different kinds.
The Beginning of Hominid Evolution. The ability to
walk upright on two legs marks the beginning of hominid
evolution. One can draw the hominid family tree in two
very different ways, either lumping variants together or
splitting them into separate species.
23.3 The genus Homo evolved in Africa.
African Origin: Early Homo. There may have been
several species of early Homo,with brains significantly
larger than those of australopithecines.
Out of Africa: Homo erectus. The first hominid species
to leave Africa was the relatively large-brained H. erectus,
the longest lived species of Homo.
23.4 Modern humans evolved quite recently.
The Last Stage of Hominid Evolution. Modern
humans evolved within the last 600,000 years, our own
species within the last 200,000 years.
Our Own Species: Homo sapiens. Our species appears
to have evolved in Africa, and then migrated to Europe and
Human Races. Our species is unique in evolving
culturally. Differences in populations in skin color reflect
adaptation to different environments, rather than genetic
differentiation among populations.
n 1871 Charles Darwin published another ground-
breaking book, The Descent of Man. In this book, he sug-
gested that humans evolved from the same African ape an-
cestors that gave rise to the gorilla and the chimpanzee.
Although little fossil evidence existed at that time to sup-
port Darwin’s case, numerous fossil discoveries made since
then strongly support his hypothesis (figure 23.1). Human
evolution is the part of the evolution story that often inter-
ests people most, and it is also the part about which we
know the most. In this chapter we follow the evolutionary
journey that has led to humans, telling the story chronolog-
ically. It is an exciting story, replete with controversy.
The trail of our ancestors. These fossil footprints, made in
Africa 3.7 million years ago, look as if they might have been left
by a mother and child walking on the beach. But these tracks,
preserved in volcanic ash, are not human. They record the
passage of two individuals of the genus Australopithecus, the group
from which our genus, Homo, evolved.
Origin of the Anthropoids
The anthropoids, or higher primates, include monkeys,
apes, and humans (figure 23.3). Anthropoids are almost all
diurnal—that is, active during the day—feeding mainly on
fruits and leaves. Evolution favored many changes in eye
design, including color vision, that were adaptations to day-
time foraging. An expanded brain governs the improved
senses, with the braincase forming a larger portion of the
head. Anthropoids, like the relatively few diurnal prosimi-
ans, live in groups with complex social interactions. In ad-
dition, the anthropoids tend to care for their young for
prolonged periods, allowing for a long childhood of learn-
ing and brain development.
The early anthropoids, now extinct, are thought to have
evolved in Africa. Their direct descendants are a very suc-
cessful group of primates, the monkeys.
New World Monkeys. About 30 million years ago, some
anthropoids migrated to South America, where they
evolved in isolation. Their descendants, known as the New
World monkeys, are easy to identify: all are arboreal, they
have flat spreading noses, and many of them grasp objects
with long prehensile tails (figure 23.4a).
478 Part VI Evolution
The Evolutionary Path to Apes
The story of human evolution begins around 65 million
years ago, with the explosive radiation of a group of small,
arboreal mammals called the Archonta. These primarily in-
sectivorous mammals had large eyes and were most likely
nocturnal (active at night). Their radiation gave rise to dif-
ferent types of mammals, including bats, tree shrews, and
primates, the order of mammals that contains humans.
The Earliest Primates
Primates are mammals with two distinct features that al-
lowed them to succeed in the arboreal, insect-eating envi-
1. Grasping fingers and toes. Unlike the clawed feet
of tree shrews and squirrels, primates have grasping
hands and feet that let them grip limbs, hang from
branches, seize food, and, in some primates, use tools.
The first digit in many primates is opposable and at
least some, if not all, of the digits have nails.
2. Binocular vision. Unlike the eyes of shrews and
squirrels, which sit on each side of the head so that
the two fields of vision do not overlap, the eyes of pri-
mates are shifted forward to the front of the face.
This produces overlapping binocular vision that lets
the brain judge distance precisely—important to an
animal moving through the trees.
Other mammals have binocular vision, but only pri-
mates have both binocular vision and grasping hands, mak-
ing them particularly well adapted to their environment.
While early primates were mostly insectivorous, their den-
tition began to change from the shearing, triangular-
shaped molars specialized for insect eating to the more
flattened, square-shaped molars and rodentlike incisors
specialized for plant eating. Primates that evolved later
also show a continuous reduction in snout length and
number of teeth.
The Evolution of Prosimians
About 40 million years ago, the earliest primates split into
two groups: the prosimians and the anthropoids. The
prosimians (“before monkeys”) looked something like a
cross between a squirrel and a cat and were common in
North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Only a few
prosimians survive today, lemurs, lorises and tarsiers (figure
23.2). In addition to having grasping digits and binocular
vision, prosimians have large eyes with increased visual acu-
ity. Most prosimians are nocturnal, feeding on fruits,
leaves, and flowers, and many lemurs have long tails for
23.1 The evolutionary path to humans starts with the advent of primates.
A prosimian. This tarsier, a prosimian native to tropical Asia,
shows the characteristic features of primates: grasping fingers and
toes and binocular vision.
Old World Monkeys. Around 25
million years ago, anthropoids that
remained in Africa split into two lin-
eages: one gave rise to the Old
World monkeys and one gave rise to
the hominoids (see page 480). Old
World monkeys include ground-
dwelling as well as arboreal species.
None of the Old World monkeys
have prehensile tails. Their nostrils
are close together, their noses point
downward, and some have toughened
pads of skin for prolonged sitting
(figure 23.4b).
The earliest primates arose from
small, tree-dwelling, insect-eaters
and gave rise to prosimians and
then anthropoids. Early
anthropoids gave rise to New
World monkeys and Old World
Chapter 23 How Humans Evolved 479
A primate evolutionary tree. The most ancient of the primates are the prosimians, while the hominids were the most recent to evolve.
New and Old World monkeys. (a) New World monkeys, such as this golden lion tamarin,
are arboreal, and many have prehensile tails. (b) Old World monkeys lack prehensile tails,
and many are ground dwellers.
(a) (b)
How the Apes Evolved
The other African anthropoid lineage is the hominoids,
which includes the apes and the hominids (humans and
their direct ancestors). The living apes consist of the gib-
bon (genus Hylobates), orangutan (Pongo), gorilla (Gorilla),
and chimpanzee (Pan) (figure 23.5). Apes have larger
brains than monkeys, and they lack tails. With the excep-
tion of the gibbon, which is small, all living apes are larger
than any monkey. Apes exhibit the most adaptable behav-
ior of any mammal except human beings. Once wide-
spread in Africa and Asia, apes are rare today, living in
relatively small areas. No apes ever occurred in North or
South America.
The First Hominoid
Considerable controversy exists about the identity of the
first hominoid. During the 1980s it was commonly believed
that the common ancestor of apes and hominids was a late
Miocene ape living 5 to 10 million years ago. In 1932, a
candidate fossil, an 8-million-year-old jaw with teeth, was
unearthed in India. It was called Ramapithecus (after the
Hindi deity Rama). However, these fossils have never been
found in Africa, and more complete fossils discovered in
1981 made it clear that Ramapithecus is in fact closely re-
lated to the orangutan. Attention has now shifted to an
earlier Miocene ape, Proconsul, which has many of the char-
acteristics of Old World monkeys but lacks a tail and has
apelike hands, feet, and pelvis. However, because very few
fossils have been recovered from the period 5 to 10 million
years ago, it is not yet possible to identify with certainty the
first hominoid ancestor.
480 Part VI Evolution
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
The living apes. (a) Mueller gibbon, Hylobates muelleri. (b) Orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus. (c) Gorilla, Gorilla gorilla. (d) Chimpanzee, Pan
Which Ape Is Our Closest Relative?
Studies of ape DNA have explained a great deal about how
the living apes evolved. The Asian apes evolved first. The
line of apes leading to gibbons diverged from other apes
about 15 million years ago, while orangutans split off about
10 million years ago (see figure 23.3). Neither are closely
related to humans.
The African apes evolved more recently, between 6
and 10 million years ago. These apes are the closest liv-
ing relatives to humans; some taxonomists have even ad-
vocated placing humans and the African apes in the same
zoological family, the Hominidae. Fossils of the earliest
hominids, described later in the chapter, suggest that the
common ancestor of the hominids was more like a chim-
panzee than a gorilla. Based on genetic differences, sci-
entists estimate that gorillas diverged from the line lead-
ing to chimpanzees and humans some 8 million years
Sometime after the gorilla lineage diverged, the com-
mon ancestor of all hominids split off from chimpanzee
line to begin the evolutionary journey leading to humans.
Because this split was so recent, the genes of humans and
chimpanzees have not had time to evolve many genetic dif-
ferences. For example, a human hemoglobin molecule dif-
fers from its chimpanzee counterpart in only a single amino
acid. In general, humans and chimpanzees exhibit a level of
genetic similarity normally found between closely related
sibling species of the same genus!
Comparing Apes to Hominids
The common ancestor of apes and hominids is thought to
have been an arboreal climber. Much of the subsequent
evolution of the hominoids reflected different approaches
to locomotion. Hominids became bipedal, walking up-
right, while the apes evolved knuckle-walking, supporting
their weight on the back sides of their fingers (monkeys, by
contrast, use the palms of their hands).
Humans depart from apes in several areas of anatomy re-
lated to bipedal locomotion (figure 23.6). Because humans
walk on two legs, their vertebral column is more curved than
an ape’s, and the human spinal cord exits from the bottom
rather than the back of the skull. The human pelvis has be-
come broader and more bowl-shaped, with the bones curving
forward to center the weight of the body over the legs. The
hip, knee, and foot (in which the human big toe no longer
splays sideways) have all changed proportions. Being bipedal,
humans carry much of the body’s weight on the lower limbs,
which comprise 32 to 38% of the body’s weight and are
longer than the upper limbs; human upper limbs do not bear
the body’s weight and make up only 7 to 9% of human body
weight. African apes walk on all fours, with the upper and
lower limbs both bearing the body’s weight; in gorillas, the
longer upper limbs account for 14 to 16% of body weight,
the somewhat shorter lower limbs for about 18%.
Hominoids, the apes and hominids, arose from Old
World monkeys. Among living apes, chimpanzees seem
the most closely related to humans.
Chapter 23 How Humans Evolved 481
Skull attaches posteriorly
Spine slightly curved
Long, narrow pelvis
Arms longer than legs
and also used for walking
Femur angled out
Skull attaches inferiorly
Chimpanzee Australopithecine
Spine S-shaped
Bowl-shaped pelvis
Arms shorter than legs
and not used for walking
Femur angled in
A comparison of ape and hominid skeletons. Early humans, such as australopithecines, were able to walk upright because their arms
were shorter, their spinal cord exited from the bottom of the skull, their pelvis was bowl-shaped and centered the body weight over the
legs, and their femurs angled inward, directly below the body, to carry its weight.
An Evolutionary Tree with Many
Five to 10 million years ago, the world’s climate began to
get cooler, and the great forests of Africa were largely re-
placed with savannas and open woodland. In response to
these changes, a new kind of hominoid was evolving, one
that was bipedal. These new hominoids are classified as
hominids—that is, of the human line.
There are two major groups of hominids: three to seven
species of the genus Homo (depending how you count
them) and seven species of the older, smaller-brained genus
Australopithecus. In every case where the fossils allow a de-
termination to be made, the hominids are bipedal, walking
upright. Bipedal locomotion is the hallmark of hominid
evolution. We will first discuss Australopithecus, and then
Discovery of Australopithecus
The first hominid was discovered in 1924 by Raymond
Dart, an anatomy professor at Johannesburg in South
Africa. One day, a mine worker brought him an unusual
chunk of rock—actually, a rock-hard mixture of sand and
soil. Picking away at it, Professor Dart uncovered a skull
unlike that of any ape he had ever seen. Beautifully pre-
served, the skull was of a five-year-old individual, still
with its milk teeth. While the skull had many apelike fea-
tures such as a projecting face and a small brain, it had
distinctly human features as well—for example, a rounded
jaw unlike the pointed jaw of apes. The ventral position
of the foramen magnum (the hole at the base of the skull
from which the spinal cord emerges) suggested that the
creature had walked upright. Dart concluded it was a
human ancestor.
What riveted Dart’s attention was that the rock in which
the skull was embedded had been collected near other fos-
sils that suggested that the rocks and their fossils were sev-
eral million years old! At that time, the oldest reported fos-
sils of hominids were less than 500,000 years old, so the
antiquity of this skull was unexpected and exciting. Scien-
tists now estimate Dart’s skull to be 2.8 million years old.
Dart called his find Australopithecus africanus (from the
Latin australo, meaning “southern” and the Greek pithecus,
meaning “ape”), the ape from the south of Africa.
Today, fossils are dated by the relatively new process of
single-crystal laser-fusion dating. A laser beam melts a sin-
gle potassium feldspar crystal, releasing argon gas, which is
measured in a gas mass spectrometer. Because the argon in
the crystal has accumulated at a known rate, the amount re-
leased reveals the age of the rock and thus of nearby fossils.
The margin of error is less than 1%.
482 Part VI Evolution
23.2 The first hominids to evolve were australopithecines.
A. afarensis
A. africanus
Nearly human. These four skulls, all photographed from the same angle, are among the best specimens available of the key
Australopithecus species.
Other Kinds of Australopithecus
In 1938, a second, stockier kind of Australopithecus was un-
earthed in South Africa. Called A. robustus, it had massive
teeth and jaws. In 1959, in East Africa, Mary Leakey dis-
covered a third kind of Australopithecus—A. boisei (after
Charles Boise, an American-born businessman who con-
tributed to the Leakeys’ projects)—who was even more
stockily built. Like the other australopithecines, A. boisei
was very old—almost 2 million years. Nicknamed “Nut-
cracker man,” A. boisei had a great bony ridge—a Mohawk
haircut of bone—on the crest of the head to anchor its im-
mense jaw muscles (figure 23.7).
In 1974, anthropologist Don Johanson went to the re-
mote Afar Desert of Ethiopia in search of early human
fossils and hit the jackpot. He found the most complete,
best preserved australopithecine skeleton known. Nick-
named “Lucy,” the skeleton was 40% complete and over
3 million years old. The skeleton and other similar fossils
have been assigned the scientific name Australopithecus
afarensis (from the Afar Desert). The shape of the pelvis
indicated that Lucy was a female, and her leg bones
proved she walked upright. Her teeth were distinctly ho-
minid, but her head was shaped like an ape’s, and her
brain was no larger than that of a chimpanzee, about 400
cubic centimeters, about the size of a large orange. More
than 300 specimens of A. afarensis have since been
In the last 10 years, three additional kinds of australo-
pithecines have been reported. These seven species pro-
vide ample evidence that australopithecines were a di-
verse group, and additional species will undoubtedly be
described by future investigators. The evolution of ho-
minids seems to have begun with an initial radiation of
numerous species.
Early Australopithecines Were Bipedal
We now know australopithecines from hundreds of fossils.
The structure of these fossils clearly indicates that australo-
pithecines walked upright. These early hominids weighed
about 18 kilograms and were about 1 meter tall. Their den-
tition was distinctly hominid, but their brains were not any
larger than those of apes, generally 500 cc or less. Homo
brains, by comparison, are usually larger than 600 cc; mod-
ern H. sapiens brains average 1350 cc. Australopithecine
fossils have been found only in Africa. Although all the fos-
sils to date come from sites in South and East Africa (ex-
cept for one specimen from Chad), it is probable that they
lived over a much broader area of Africa. Only in South
and East Africa, however, are sediments of the proper age
exposed to fossil hunters.
The australopithecines were hominids that walked
upright and lived in Africa over 3 million years ago.
Chapter 23 How Humans Evolved 483
A. robustus
A. boisei
FIGURE 23.7 (continued).
The Beginning of Hominid
The Origins of Bipedalism
For much of this century, biologists have debated the se-
quence of events that led to the evolution of hominids. A
key element may have been bipedalism. Bipedalism seems
to have evolved as our ancestors left dense forests for grass-
lands and open woodland (figure 23.8). One school of
thought proposes that hominid brains enlarged first, and
then hominids became bipedal. Another school sees
bipedalism as a precursor to bigger brains. Those who
favor the brain-first hypothesis speculate that human intel-
ligence was necessary to make the decision to walk upright
and move out of the forests and onto the grassland. Those
who favor the bipedalism-first hypothesis argue that
bipedalism freed the forelimbs to manufacture and use
tools, favoring the subsequent evolution of bigger brains.
A treasure trove of fossils unearthed in Africa has settled
the debate. These fossils demonstrate that bipedalism ex-
tended back 4 million years ago; knee joints, pelvis, and leg
bones all exhibit the hallmarks of an upright stance. Sub-
stantial brain expansion, on the other hand, did not appear
until roughly 2 million years ago. In hominid evolution,
upright walking clearly preceded large brains.
Remarkable evidence that early hominids were bipedal is
a set of some 69 hominid footprints found at Laetoli, East
Africa. Two individuals, one larger than the other, walked
upright side-by-side for 27 meters, their footprints pre-
served in 3.7-million-year-old volcanic ash (see figure
23.1). Importantly, the big toe is not splayed out to the side
as in a monkey or ape—the footprints were clearly made by
a hominid.
The evolution of bipedalism marks the beginning of the
hominids. The reason why bipedalism evolved in hominids
remains a matter of controversy. No tools appeared until
2.5 million years ago, so toolmaking seems an unlikely
cause. Alternative ideas suggest that walking upright is
faster and uses less energy than walking on four legs; that
an upright posture permits hominids to pick fruit from
trees and see over tall grass; that being upright reduces the
body surface exposed to the sun’s rays; that an upright
stance aided the wading of aquatic hominids, and that
bipedalism frees the forelimbs of males to carry food back
to females, encouraging pair-bonding. All of these sugges-
tions have their proponents, and none are universally ac-
cepted. The origin of bipedalism, the key event in the evo-
lution of hominids, remains a mystery.
The Root of the Hominid Tree
The Oldest Known Hominid. In 1994, a remarkable,
nearly complete fossil skeleton was unearthed in Ethiopia.
The skeleton is still being painstakingly assembled, but it
seems almost certainly to have been bipedal; the foramen
magnum, for example, is situated far forward, as in other
bipedal hominids. Some 4.4 million years old, it is the
most ancient hominid yet discovered. It is significantly
more apelike than any australopithecine and so has been
assigned to a new genus, Ardipithecus from the local Afar
language ardi for “ground” and the Greek pithecus for
“ape” (figure 23.9a).
The First Australopithecine. In 1995, hominid fossils
of nearly the same age, 4.2 million years old, were found in
the Rift Valley in Kenya. The fossils are fragmentary, but
they include complete upper and lower jaws, a piece of the
484 Part VI Evolution
A reconstruction of an early hominid walking upright. These articulated plaster skeletons, made by Owen Lovejoy and his students at
Kent State University, depict an early hominid (Australopithecus afarensis) walking upright.
skull, arm bones, and a partial leg
bone. The fossils were assigned to the
species Australopithecus anamensis (fig-
ure 23.9b); anam is the Turkana word
for lake. They were categorized in the
genus Australopithecus rather than
Ardipithecus because the fossils have
bipedal characteristics and are much
less apelike than A. ramidus. Although
clearly australopithecine, the fossils are
intermediate in many ways between
apes and A. afarensis. Numerous frag-
mentary specimens of A. anamensis
have since been found. Most re-
searchers agree that these slightly built
A. anamensis individuals represent the
true base of our family tree, the first
members of the genus Australopithecus,
and thus ancestor to A. afarensis and all
other australopithecines.
Differing Views of the Hominid
Family Tree
Investigators take two different philo-
sophical approaches to characterizing
the diverse group of African hominid
fossils. One group focuses on common
elements in different fossils, and tends
to lump together fossils that share key
characters. Differences between the fossils are attributed
to diversity within the group. Other investigators focus
more pointedly on the differences between hominid fos-
sils. They are more inclined to assign fossils that exhibit
differences to different species. The hominid phyloge-
netic tree in figure 23.10 presents such a view. Where
the “lumpers” tree presents three species of Homo, for ex-
ample, the “splitters” tree presents no fewer than seven!
At this point, it is not possible to decide which view is
correct; more fossils are needed to determine how much
of the differences between fossils represents within-
species variation and how much characterizes between-
species differences.
The evolution of bipedalism—walking upright—marks
the beginning of hominid evolution, although no one is
quite sure why bipedalism evolved. The root of the
hominid evolutionary tree is only imperfectly known.
The earliest australopithecine yet described is A.
anamensis, over 4 million years old.
Chapter 23 How Humans Evolved 485
Hominid fossils. (a) Our earliest known
ancestor. A tooth from Ardipithecus ramidus,
discovered in 1994. The name ramidusis
from the Latin word for “root,” as this is
thought to be the root of the hominid family
tree. The earliest known hominid, at 4.4
million years old, A. ramidus was about the
size of a chimpanzee and apparently could
walk upright. (b) The earliest
australopithecine. This fossil jaw of
Australopithecus is about 4.2 million years old,
making A. anamensis the oldest known
Classified by some
scientists as the single
species Homo sapiens
Classified by some
scientists as the single
species Homo habilis
Millions of years ago
H. sapiens H. neanderthalensis
H. heidelbergensis
H. habilis
H. erectus
H. ergaster
A. afarensis
H. rudolfensis
A. africanus
A. aethiopicus
A. robustus
A. boisei
FIGURE 23.10
A hominid evolutionary tree. In this tree, the most widely accepted, the vertical bars
show the known dates of first and last appearances of proposed species; bars are broken
where dates are uncertain. Six species of Australopithecusand seven of Homoare included.
(a) (b)
African Origin: Early Homo
The first humans evolved from australopithecine ancestors
about 2 million years ago. The exact ancestor has not been
clearly defined, but is commonly thought to be A. afarensis.
Only within the last 30 years have a significant number of
fossils of early Homo been uncovered. An explosion of in-
terest has fueled intensive field exploration in the last few
years, and new finds are announced regularly; every year,
our picture of the base of the human evolutionary tree
grows clearer. The account given here will undoubtedly be
outdated by future discoveries, but it provides a good ex-
ample of science at work.
Homo habilis
In the early 1960s, stone tools were found scattered among
hominid bones close to the site where A. boisei had been
unearthed. Although the fossils were badly crushed,
painstaking reconstruction of the many pieces suggested a
skull with a brain volume of about 680 cubic centimeters,
larger than the australopithecine range of 400 to 550 cubic
centimeters. Because of its association with tools, this early
human was called Homo habilis, meaning “handy man.” Par-
tial skeletons discovered in 1986 indicate that H. habilis was
small in stature, with arms longer than legs and a skeleton
much like Australopithecus. Because of its general similarity
to australopithecines, many researchers at first questioned
whether this fossil was human.
Homo rudolfensis
In 1972, Richard Leakey, working east of Lake Rudolf in
northern Kenya, discovered a virtually complete skull about
the same age as H. habilis. The skull, 1.9 million years old,
had a brain volume of 750 cubic centimeters and many of
the characteristics of human skulls—it was clearly human
and not australopithecine. Some anthropologists assign
this skull to H. habilis, arguing it is a large male. Other an-
thropologists assign it to a separate species, H. rudolfensis,
because of its substantial brain expansion.
Homo ergaster
Some of the early Homo fossils being discovered do not eas-
ily fit into either of these species (figure 23.11). They tend
to have even larger brains than H. rudolfensis, with skeletons
less like an australopithecine and more like a modern
human in both size and proportion. Interestingly, they also
have small cheek teeth, as modern humans do. Some an-
thropologists have placed these specimens in a third species
of early Homo, H. ergaster (ergaster is from the Greek for
How Diverse Was Early Homo?
Because so few fossils have been found of early Homo, there
is lively debate about whether they should all be lumped
into H. habilis or split into the three species H. rudolfensis,
H. habilis, and H. ergaster. If the three species designations
are accepted, as increasing numbers of researchers are
doing, then it would appear that Homo underwent an adap-
tive radiation (as described in chapter 22) with H. rudolfensis
the most ancient species, followed by H. habilis and then H.
ergaster. Because of its modern skeleton, H. ergaster is
thought the most likely ancestor to later species of Homo
(see figure 23.10).
Early species of Homo, the oldest members of our
genus, had a distinctly larger brain than
australopithecines and most likely used tools. There
may have been several different species.
486 Part VI Evolution
23.3 The genus Homo evolved in Africa.
FIGURE 23.11
Early Homo. This skull of a boy, who apparently died in early
adolescence, is 1.6 million years old and has been assigned to the
species Homo ergaster(a form of Homo habilisrecognized by some
as a separate species). Much larger than earlier hominids, he was
about 1.5 meters in height and weighed approximately
47 kilograms.
Out of Africa: Homo erectus
Our picture of what early Homo was like lacks detail, be-
cause it is based on only a few specimens. We have much
more information about the species that replaced it, Homo
Java Man
After the publication of Darwin’s book On the Origin of
Species in 1859, there was much public discussion about
“the missing link,” the fossil ancestor common to both hu-
mans and apes. Puzzling over the question, a Dutch doctor
and anatomist named Eugene Dubois decided to seek fossil
evidence of the missing link in the home country of the
orangutan, Java. Dubois set up practice in a river village in
eastern Java. Digging into a hill that villagers claimed had
“dragon bones,” he unearthed a skull cap and a thighbone
in 1891. He was very excited by his find, informally called
Java man, for three reasons:
1. The structure of the thigh bone clearly indicated that
the individual had long, straight legs and was an ex-
cellent walker.
2. The size of the skull cap suggested a very large brain,
about 1000 cubic centimeters.
3. Most surprisingly, the bones seemed as much as
500,000 years old, judged by other fossils Dubois un-
earthed with them.
The fossil hominid that Dubois had found was far older
than any discovered up to that time, and few scientists were
willing to accept that it was an ancient species of human.
Peking Man
Another generation passed before scientists were forced to
admit that Dubois had been right all along. In the 1920s a
skull was discovered near Peking (now Beijing), China, that
closely resembled Java man. Continued excavation at the
site eventually revealed 14 skulls, many excellently pre-
served. Crude tools were also found, and most important of
all, the ashes of campfires. Casts of these fossils were dis-
tributed for study to laboratories around the world. The
originals were loaded onto a truck and evacuated from
Peking at the beginning of World War II, only to disap-
pear into the confusion of history. No one knows what
happened to the truck or its priceless cargo. Fortunately,
Chinese scientists have excavated numerous additional
skulls of Peking man since 1949.
A Very Successful Species
Java man and Peking man are now recognized as belonging
to the same species, Homo erectus. Homo erectus was a lot
larger than Homo habilis—about 1.5 meters tall. It had a
large brain, about 1000 cubic centimeters (figure 23.12),
and walked erect. Its skull had prominent brow ridges and,
like modern humans, a rounded jaw. Most interesting of
all, the shape of the skull interior suggests that H. erectus
was able to talk.
Where did H. erectus come from? It should come as no
surprise to you that it came out of Africa. In 1976 a com-
plete H. erectus skull was discovered in East Africa. It was
1.5 million years old, a million years older than the Java
and Peking finds. Far more successful than H. habilis, H.
erectus quickly became widespread and abundant in
Africa, and within 1 million years had migrated into Asia
and Europe. A social species, H. erectus lived in tribes of
20 to 50 people, often dwelling in caves. They success-
fully hunted large animals, butchered them using flint
and bone tools, and cooked them over fires—the site in
China contains the remains of horses, bears, elephants,
deer, and rhinoceroses.
Homo erectus survived for over a million years, longer
than any other species of human. These very adaptable
humans only disappeared in Africa about 500,000 years
ago, as modern humans were emerging. Interestingly,
they survived even longer in Asia, until about 250,000
years ago.
Homo erectus evolved in Africa, and migrated from there
to Europe and Asia.
Chapter 23 How Humans Evolved 487
Hominid cranial capacity (cc)
4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5
Millions of years ago
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0
A. afarensis
A. africanus
H. rudolfensis
H. ergaster
A. boisei
A. robustus
H. habilis
H. erectus
H. heidelbergensis
H. neanderthalensis
H. sapiens
FIGURE 23.12
Brain size increased as hominids evolved. Homo erectus had a
larger brain than early Homo, which in turn had larger brains than
those of the australopithecines with which they shared East African
grasslands. Maximum brain size (and apparently body size) was
attained by H. neanderthalensis. Both brain and body size appear to
have declined some 10% in recent millennia.
The Last Stage of Hominid
The evolutionary journey to modern humans entered its
final phase when modern humans first appeared in Africa
about 600,000 years ago. Investigators who focus on human
diversity consider there to have been three species of mod-
ern humans: Homo heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, and
H. sapiens (see figure 23.10). Other investigators lump the
three species into one, H. sapiens (“wise man”). The oldest
modern human, Homo heidelbergensis, is known from a
600,000-year-old fossil from Ethiopia. Although it coex-
isted with H. erectus in Africa, H. heidelbergensis has more
advanced anatomical features, such as a bony keel running
along the midline of the skull, a thick ridge over the eye
sockets, and a large brain. Also, its forehead and nasal
bones are very like those of H. sapiens.
As H. erectus was becoming rarer, about 130,000 years
ago, a new species of human arrived in Europe from Africa.
Homo neanderthalensis likely branched off from the ancestral
line leading to modern humans as long as 500,000 years
ago. Compared with modern humans, Neanderthals were
short, stocky, and powerfully built. Their skulls were mas-
sive, with protruding faces, heavy, bony ridges over the
brows (figure 23.13), and larger brain-cases.
Out of Africa—Again?
The oldest fossil known of Homo sapiens, our own species,
is from Ethiopia and is about 130,000 years old. Other
fossils from Israel appear to be between 100,000 and
120,000 years old. Outside of Africa and the Middle East,
there are no clearly dated H. sapiens fossils older than
roughly 40,000 years of age. The implication is that H.
sapiens evolved in Africa, then migrated to Europe and
Asia, the Out-of-Africa model. An opposing view, the
Multiregional model, argues that the human races inde-
pendently evolved from H. erectus in different parts of the
Recently, scientists studying human mitochondrial
DNA have added fuel to the fire of this controversy. Be-
cause DNA accumulates mutations over time, the oldest
populations should show the greatest genetic diversity. It
turns out that the greatest number of different mitochon-
drial DNA sequences occur among modern Africans.
This result is consistent with the hypothesis that humans
have been living in Africa longer than on any other conti-
nent, and from there spread to all parts of the world, re-
tracing the path taken by H. erectus half a million years
before (figure 23.14).
488 Part VI Evolution
23.4 Modern humans evolved quite recently.
H. erectus
H. habilis
FIGURE 23.13
Our own genus. These four skulls illustrate the changes that have occurred during the evolution of the genus Homo. The Homo sapiensis
essentially the same as human skulls today. The skulls were photographed from the same angle.
A clearer analysis is possible using chro-
mosomal DNA, segments of which are far
more variable than mitochondrial DNA,
providing more “markers” to compare.
When a variable segment of DNA from
human chromosome 12 was analyzed in
1996, a clear picture emerged. A total of 24
different versions of this segment were
found. Fully 21 of them were present in
human populations in Africa, while three
were found in Europeans and only two in
Asians and in Americans. This result argues
strongly that chromosome 12 has existed in
Africa far longer than among non-African
humans, strongly supporting an African ori-
gin of H. sapiens. Recently discovered fossils
of early H. sapiens from Africa also lend
strong support to this hypothesis.
Homo sapiens, our species, seems to have
evolved in Africa and then, like H. erectus
before it, migrated to Europe and Asia.
Chapter 23 How Humans Evolved 489
av“J a man”
“Peking man”
FIGURE 23.14
Out of Africa—many times. A still-controversial theory suggests that Homo
spread from Africa to Europe and Asia repeatedly. First, Homo erectus (white
arrow) spread as far as Java and China. Later, H. erectus was followed and
replaced by Homo neanderthalensis, a pattern repeated again still later by Homo
sapiens (red arrow).
H. neanderthalensis
H. sapiens
FIGURE 23.13 (continued)
Our Own Species: Homo sapiens
H. sapiens is the only surviving species of the genus Homo,
and indeed is the only surviving hominid. Some of the
best fossils of Homo sapiens are 20 well-preserved skele-
tons with skulls found in a cave near Nazareth in Israel.
Modern dating techniques date these humans to between
90,000 and 100,000 years old. The skulls are modern in
appearance, with high, short braincases, vertical fore-
heads with only slight brow ridges, and a cranial capacity
of roughly 1550 cc, well within the range of modern
Cro-Magnons Replace the Neanderthals
The Neanderthals (classified by many paleontologists as a
separate species Homo neanderthalensis) were named after
the Neander Valley of Germany where their fossils were
first discovered in 1856. Rare at first outside of Africa, they
became progressively more abundant in Europe and Asia,
and by 70,000 years ago had become common. The Nean-
derthals made diverse tools, including scrapers, spearheads,
and handaxes. They lived in huts or caves. Neanderthals
took care of their injured and sick and commonly buried
their dead, often placing food, weapons, and even flowers
with the bodies. Such attention to the dead strongly sug-
gests that they believed in a life after death. This is the first
evidence of the symbolic thinking characteristic of modern
Fossils of H. neanderthalensis abruptly disappear from the
fossil record about 34,000 years ago and are replaced by
fossils of H. sapiens called the Cro-Magnons (named after
the valley in France where their fossils were first discov-
ered). We can only speculate why this sudden replacement
occurred, but it was complete all over Europe in a short pe-
riod. There is some evidence that the Cro-Magnons came
from Africa—fossils of essentially modern aspect but as
much as 100,000 years old have been found there. Cro-
Magnons seem to have replaced the Neanderthals com-
pletely in the Middle East by 40,000 years ago, and then
spread across Europe, coexisting and possibly even inter-
breeding with the Neanderthals for several thousand years.
The Cro-Magnons had a complex social organization and
are thought to have had full language capabilities. They
lived by hunting. The world was cooler than it is now—the
time of the last great ice age—and Europe was covered
with grasslands inhabited by large herds of grazing animals.
Pictures of them can be seen in elaborate and often beauti-
ful cave paintings made by Cro-Magnons throughout Eu-
rope (figure 23.15).
Humans of modern appearance eventually spread across
Siberia to North America, which they reached at least
13,000 years ago, after the ice had begun to retreat and a
land bridge still connected Siberia and Alaska. By 10,000
years ago, about 5 million people inhabited the entire
world (compared with more than 6 billion today).
Homo sapiens Are Unique
We humans are animals and the product of evolution. Our
evolution has been marked by a progressive increase in brain
size, distinguishing us from other animals in several ways.
First, humans are able to make and use tools effectively—a
capability that, more than any other factor, has been respon-
sible for our dominant position in the animal kingdom. Sec-
ond, although not the only animal capable of conceptual
thought, we have refined and extended this ability until it has
become the hallmark of our species. Lastly, we use symbolic
language and can with words shape concepts out of experi-
ence. Our language capability has allowed the accumulation
of experience, which can be transmitted from one generation
to another. Thus, we have what no other animal has ever
had: extensive cultural evolution. Through culture, we have
found ways to change and mold our environment, rather
than changing evolutionarily in response to the demands of
the environment. We control our biological future in a way
never before possible—an exciting potential and frightening
Our species, Homo sapiens, is good at conceptual
thought and tool use, and is the only animal that uses
symbolic language.
490 Part VI Evolution
FIGURE 23.15
Cro-Magnon art. Rhinoceroses are among the animals depicted
in this remarkable cave painting found in 1995 near Vallon-Pont
d’Arc, France.
Human Races
Human beings, like all other species, have differentiated in
their characteristics as they have spread throughout the
world. Local populations in one area often appear signifi-
cantly different from those that live elsewhere. For exam-
ple, northern Europeans often have blond hair, fair skin,
and blue eyes, whereas Africans often have black hair, dark
skin, and brown eyes. These traits may play a role in adapt-
ing the particular populations to their environments. Blood
groups may be associated with immunity to diseases more
common in certain geographical areas, and dark skin
shields the body from the damaging effects of ultraviolet
radiation, which is much stronger in the tropics than in
temperate regions.
All human beings are capable of mating with one an-
other and producing fertile offspring. The reasons that
they do or do not choose to associate with one another are
purely psychological and behavioral (cultural). The number
of groups into which the human species might logically be
divided has long been a point of contention. Some contem-
porary anthropologists divide people into as many as 30
“races,” others as few as three: Caucasoid, Negroid, and
Oriental. American Indians, Bushmen, and Aborigines are
examples of particularly distinctive subunits that are some-
times regarded as distinct groups.
The problem with classifying people or other organisms
into races in this fashion is that the characteristics used to
define the races are usually not well correlated with one an-
other, and so the determination of race is always somewhat
arbitrary. Humans are visually oriented; consequently, we
have relied on visual cues—primarily skin color—to define
races. However, when other types of characters, such as
blood groups, are examined, patterns of variation corre-
spond very poorly with visually determined racial classes.
Indeed, if one were to break the human species into sub-
units based on overall genetic similarity, the groupings
would be very different than those based on skin color or
other visual features (figure 23.16).
In human beings, it is simply not possible to delimit
clearly defined races that reflect biologically differentiated
and well-defined groupings. The reason is simple: different
groups of people have constantly intermingled and inter-
bred with one another during the entire course of history.
This constant gene flow has prevented the human species
from fragmenting in highly differentiated subspecies.
Those characteristics that are differentiated among popula-
tions, such as skin color, represent classic examples of the
antagonism between gene flow and natural selection. As
we saw in chapter 20, when selection is strong enough, as it
is for dark coloration in tropical regions, populations can
differentiate even in the presence of gene flow. However,
even in cases such as this, gene flow will still ensure that
populations are relatively homogeneous for genetic varia-
tion at other loci.
For this reason, relatively little of the variation in the
human species represents differences between the de-
scribed races. Indeed, one study calculated that only 8% of
all genetic variation among humans could be accounted for
as differences that exist among racial groups; in other
words, the human racial categories do a very poor job in
describing the vast majority of genetic variation that exists
in humans. For this reason, most modern biologists reject
human racial classifications as reflecting patterns of biolog-
ical differentiation in the human species. This is a sound
biological basis for dealing with each human being on his
or her own merits and not as a member of a particular
Human races do not reflect significant patterns of
underlying biological differentiation.
Chapter 23 How Humans Evolved 491
FIGURE 23.16
Patterns of genetic variation in human populations differ from
patterns of skin color variation. (a) Genetic variation among
Homo sapiens. Eight categories of humans were recognized based
on overall similarity at many enzyme and blood group genetic loci.
The code below the figure is arranged in order of similarity. (b)
Similarity among Homo sapiensbased on skin color. The categories
are arranged by amount of pigmentation in the skin.
Skin pigmentation
dark Dark Medium Light
Order of genetic similarity
492 Part VI Evolution
Chapter 23
Summary Questions Media Resources
23.1 The evolutionary path to humans starts with the advent of primates.
? Prehensile (grasping) fingers and toes and binocular
vision were distinct adaptations that allowed early
primates to be successful in their particular
? Mainly diurnal (day-active) anthropoids and mainly
nocturnal (night-active) prosimians diverged about 40
million years ago. Anthropoids include monkeys,
apes, and humans, and all exhibit complex social
interactions and enlarged brains.
? The hominoids evolved from anthropoid ancestors
about 25 million years ago. Hominoids consist of the
apes (gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees)
and upright-walking hominids (human beings and
their direct ancestors).
1. Which characteristics were
selected for in the earliest
primates to allow them to
become successful in their
2. How do monkeys differ from
3. How are apes distinguished
from monkeys?
4. What is the best explanation
for why humans and
chimpanzees are so similar
? Early hominids belonging to the genus
Australopithecuswere ancestral to humans. They
exhibited bipedalism (walking upright on two feet)
and lived in Africa over 4 million years ago.
5. When did the first hominids
appear? What were they called?
What distinguished them from
the apes?
23.2 The first hominids to evolve were australopithecines.
? Hominids with an enlarged brain and the ability to
use tools belong to the genus Homo.Species of early
Homoappeared in Africa about 2 million years ago
and became extinct about 1.5 million years ago.
? Homo erectusappeared in Africa at least 1.5 million
years ago and had a much larger brain than early
species of Homo.Homo erectusalso walked erect and
presumably was able to talk. Within a million years,
Homo erectusmigrated from Africa to Europe and
6. Why is there some doubt in
the scientific community that
Homo habiliswas a true human?
7. How did Homo erectus differ
from Homo habilis?
23.3 The genus Homo evolved in Africa.
? The modern species of Homoappeared about 600,000
years ago in Africa and about 350,000 years ago in
? The Neanderthals appeared in Europe about 130,000
years ago. They made diverse tools and showed
evidence of symbolic thinking.
? Studies of mitochondrial DNA suggest (but do not
yet prove) that all of today’s human races originated
from Africa.
? Categorization of humans into races does not
adequately reflect patterns of genetic differentiation
among people in different parts of the world.
8. The greatest number of
different mitochondrial DNA
sequences in humans occurs in
Africa. What does this tell us
about human evolution?
9. How did Cro-Magnons differ
from Neanderthals? Is there any
evidence that they coexisted with
Neanderthals? If so, where and
10. Are the commonly
recognized human races
equivalent to subspecies of other
plant and animal species?
23.4 Modern humans evolved quite recently.
www.mhhe.com www.biocourse.com
? Evolution of Primates
? On Science Article:
Human Evolution
? Huminid History
Why do tropical songbirds lay fewer
Sometimes odd generalizations in science lead to unex-
pected places. Take, for example, a long obscure mono-
graph published in 1944 by British ornithologist (bird ex-
pert) Reginald Moreau in the journal Ibis on bird eggs.
Moreau had worked in Africa for many years before mov-
ing to a professorship in England in the early 1940s. He
was not in England long before noting that the British
songbirds seemed to lay more eggs than he was accustomed
to seeing in nests in Africa. He set out to gather informa-
tion on songbird clutch size (that is, the number of eggs in
a nest) all over the world.
Wading through a mountain of data (his Ibis paper is 51
pages long!), Moreau came to one of these odd generaliza-
tions: songbirds in the tropics lay fewer eggs than their
counterparts at higher latitudes (see above right). Tropical
songbirds typically lay a clutch of 2 or 3 eggs, on average,
while songbirds in temperate and subarctic regions gener-
ally lay clutches of 4 to 6 eggs, and some species as many as
10. The trend is general, affecting all groups of songbirds
in all regions of the world.
What is a biologist to make of such a generalization? At
first glance, we would expect natural selection to maximize
evolutionary fitness—that is, songbirds the world over
should have evolved to produce as many eggs as possible.
Clearly, the birds living in the tropics have not read Dar-
win, as they are producing only half as many eggs as they
are capable of doing.
A way out of this quandary was proposed by ornitholo-
gist Alexander Skutch in 1949. He argued that birds pro-
duced just enough offspring to offset deaths in the popula-
tion. Any extra offspring would be wasteful of individuals,
and so minimized by natural selection. An interesting idea,
but it didn’t hold water. Bird populations are not smaller in
the tropics, or related to the size of the populations there.
A second idea, put forward a few years earlier in 1947
by a colleague of Moreau’s, David Lack, was more
promising. Lack, one of the twentieth-century’s great bi-
ologists, argued that few if any birds ever produce as
many eggs as they might under ideal conditions, for the
simple reason that conditions in nature are rarely ideal.
Natural selection will indeed tend to maximize reproduc-
tive rate (that is, the number of eggs laid in clutches) as
Darwin predicted, but only to the greatest level possible
within the limits of resources. There is nothing here that
would have surprised Darwin. Birds lay fewer eggs in the
tropics simply because parents can gather fewer resources
to provide their young there—competition is just too
fierce, resources too scanty.
Lack went on to construct a general theory of clutch size
in birds. He started with the sensible assumption that in a
resource-limited environment birds can supply only so
much food to their young. Thus, the more offspring they
have, the less they can feed each nestling. As a result, Lack
proposed that natural selection will favor a compromise be-
tween offspring number and investment in each offspring,
which maximizes the number of offspring which are fed
enough to survive to maturity.
The driving force behind Lack’s theory of optimal
clutch size is his idea that broods with too many offspring
would be undernourished, reducing the probability that the
chicks would survive. In Lack’s own words:
“The average clutch-size is ultimately determined by the av-
erage maximum number of young which the parents can success-
fully raise in the region and at the season in question, i.e. ... nat-
ural selection eliminates a disproportionately large number of
young in those clutches which are higher than the average,
through the inability of the parents to get enough food for their
young, so that some or all of the brood die before or soon after
fledging (leaving the nest), with the result that few or no descen-
dants are left with their parent’s propensity to lay a larger
Ecology and Behavior
This Kentucky warbler is tending her nest of eggs. A similar
species in the tropics would lay fewer eggs. Why?
494 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
The Experiment
Lack’s theory is attractive because of its simplicity and
common sense—but is it right? Many studies have been
conducted to examine this hypothesis. Typically, experi-
menters would remove eggs from nests, and look to see if
this improved the survivorship of the remaining off-
spring. If Lack is right, then it should, as the remaining
offspring will have access to a larger share of what the
parents can provide. Usually, however, removal of eggs
did not seem to make any difference. Parents just ad-
justed down the amount of food they provided. The situ-
ation was clearly more complicated than Lack’s simple
theory envisioned.
One can always argue with tests such as these, how-
ever, as they involve direct interference with the nests,
potentially having a major influence on how the birds be-
have. It is hard to believe that a bird caring for a nest of
six eggs would not notice when one turned up missing. A
clear test of Lack’s theory would require avoiding all
Just such a test was completed in 1987 in the woods near
Oxford, England. Over many years, Oxford University re-
searchers led by Professor Mark Boyce (now at the Univer-
sity of Wyoming, Laramie) carefully monitored nests of a
songbird, the greater tit, very common in the English
countryside. They counted the number of eggs laid in each
nest (the clutch size) and then watched to see how many of
the offspring survived to fly away from the nest. Nothing
was done to interfere with the birds. Over 22 years, they
patiently examined 4489 nests.
The Results
The Oxford researchers found that the average clutch size
was 8 eggs, but that nests with the greatest number of sur-
viving offspring had not 8 but 12 eggs in them! Clearly,
Lack’s theory is wrong. These birds are not producing as
many offspring as natural selection to maximize fitness
(that is, number of surviving offspring) would predict (see
above left).
Lack’s proposal had seemed eminently sensible. What
was wrong? In 1966 the evolutionary theorist George
Williams suggested the problem was that Lack’s theory ig-
nores the cost of reproduction (see above). If a bird spends
too much energy feeding one brood, then it may not sur-
vive to raise another. Looking after a large clutch may ex-
tract too high a price in terms of future reproductive suc-
cess of the parent. The clutch size actually favored by
natural selection is adjusted for the wear-and-tear on the
parents, so that it is almost always smaller than the number
which would produce the most offspring in that nest—just
what the Oxford researchers observed.
However, even William’s “cost-of-reproduction” is not
enough to completely explain Boyce’s greater tit data.
There were marked fluctuations in the weather over the
years that the Oxford researchers gathered their data, and
they observed that harsh years decreased survival of the
young in large nests more than in small ones. This “bad-
year” effect reduces the fitness of individuals laying larger
clutches, and Boyce argues that it probably contributes at
least as much as cost-of-reproduction in making it more
advantageous, in the long term, for birds to lay clutches
smaller than the Lack optimum.
Testing Lack’s theory of optimum clutch size. In this study
from woods near Oxford, England, researchers found that the
most common clutch size was 8, even though clutches of 12 pro-
duced the greatest number of surviving offspring. (After Boyce
and Perrins, 1987.)
Two theories of optimum clutch size. David Lack’s theory pre-
dicts that optimum clutch size will be where reproductive success
of the clutch is greatest. George Williams’s theory predicts that
optimum clutch size will be where the net benefit is greatest—that
is, where the difference between the cost of reproduction and the
reproductive success of the clutch is greatest.
Population Ecology
Concept Outline
24.1 Populations are individuals of the same species
that live together.
Population Ecology. The borders of populations are
determined by areas in which individuals cannot survive
and reproduce. Population ranges expand and contract
through time as conditions change.
Population Dispersion. The distribution of individuals in
a population can be clumped, random, or even.
Metapopulations. Sometimes, populations are arranged in
networks connected by the exchange of individuals.
24.2 Population dynamics depend critically upon age
Demography. The growth rate of a population is a
sensitive function of its age structure; populations with
many young individuals grow rapidly as these individuals
enter reproductive age.
24.3 Life histories often reflect trade-offs between
reproduction and survival.
The Cost of Reproduction. Evolutionary success is a
trade-off between investment in current reproduction and
in growth that promotes future reproduction.
24.4 Population growth is limited by the environment.
Biotic Potential. Populations grow if the birthrate exceeds
the death rate until they reach the carrying capacity of their
The Influence of Population Density. Some of the
factors that regulate a population’s growth depend upon the
size of the population; others do not.
Population Growth Rates and Life History Models. Some
species have adaptations for rapid, exponential population
growth, whereas other species exhibit slower population
growth and have intense competition for resources.
24.5 The human population has grown explosively in
the last three centuries.
The Advent of Exponential Growth. Human populations
have been growing exponentially since the 1700s and will
continue to grow in developing countries because of the
number of young people entering their reproductive years.
cology, the study of how organisms relate to one an-
other and to their environments, is a complex and
fascinating area of biology that has important implications
for each of us. In our exploration of ecological principles,
we will first consider the properties of populations, em-
phasizing population dynamics (figure 24.1). In chapter
25, we will discuss communities and the interactions that
occur in them. Chapter 26 moves on to focus on animals
and how and why they behave as they do. Chapter 27 then
deals with behavior in an environmental context, the ex-
tent to which natural selection has molded behaviors
Life takes place in populations. This population of gannets is
subject to the rigorous effects of reproductive strategy,
competition, predation, and other limiting factors.
Population Distributions
No population, not even of humans, occurs in all habitats
throughout the world. Most species, in fact, have relatively
limited geographic ranges. The Devil’s Hole pupfish, for
example, lives in a single hot water spring in southern
Nevada, and the Socorro isopod is known from a single
spring system in Socorro, New Mexico (figure 24.2). At the
other extreme, some species are widely distributed. Popula-
tions of some whales, for example, are found throughout all
of the oceans of the northern or southern hemisphere.
In chapter 29 we will discuss the variety of environmental
challenges facing organisms. Suffice it to say for now that no
population contains individuals adapted to live in all of the
different environments on the earth. Polar bears are exqui-
sitely adapted to survive the cold of the Arctic, but you won’t
find them in the tropical rain forest. Certain bacteria can live
in the near boiling waters of Yellowstone’s geysers, but they
do not occur in cooler streams that are nearby. Each popula-
tion has its own requirements—temperature, humidity, cer-
tain types of food, and a host of other factors—that deter-
mine where it can live and reproduce and where it can’t. In
addition, in places that are otherwise suitable, the presence
of predators, competitors, or parasites may prevent a popula-
tion from occupying an area.
496 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Population Ecology
Organisms live as members of populations, groups of indi-
viduals of a species that live together. In this chapter, we
will consider the properties of populations, focusing on ele-
ments that influence whether a population will grow or
shrink, and at what rate. The explosive growth of the
world’s human population in the last few centuries provides
a focus for our inquiry.
A population consists of the individuals of a given
species that occur together at one place and time. This flex-
ible definition allows us to speak in similar terms of the
world’s human population, the population of protozoa in
the gut of an individual termite, or the population of deer
that inhabit a forest. Sometimes the boundaries defining a
boundary are sharp, such as the edge of an isolated moun-
tain lake for trout, and sometimes they are more fuzzy,
such as when individuals readily move back and forth be-
tween areas, like deer in two forests separated by a corn-
Three aspects of populations are particularly important:
the range throughout which a population occurs, the dis-
persion of individuals within that range, and the size a pop-
ulation attains.
24.1 Populations are individuals of the same species that live together.
Iriomote cat
Northern white rhinoceros
New Guinea
tree kangaroo
Hawaiian bird
Catalina Island
mahogany tree
Species that occur in only one place. These species, and many others, are only found in a single population. All are endangered species,
and should anything happen to their single habitat, the population—and the species—would go extinct.
Range Expansions and
Population ranges are not static, but,
rather, change through time. These
changes occur for two reasons. In some
cases, the environment changes. For
example, as the glaciers retreated at the
end of the last ice age, approximately
10,000 years ago, many North Ameri-
can plant and animal populations ex-
panded northward. At the same time,
as climates have warmed, species have
experienced shifts in the elevation at
which they are found on mountains
(figure 24.3).
In addition, populations can ex-
pand their ranges when they are able
to circumvent inhospitable habitat to
colonize suitable, previously unoccu-
pied areas. For example, the cattle
egret is native to Africa. Some time
in the late 1800s, these birds ap-
peared in northern South America,
having made the nearly 2000-mile
transatlantic crossing, perhaps aided
by strong winds. Since then, they
have steadily expanded their range
such that they now can be found
throughout most of the United States
(figure 24.4).
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 497
Alpine tundra
Spruce-fir forests
Mixed conifer forest
chaparral, and
desert scrub
Grassland, chaparral,
and desert scrub
15,000 years ago
Alpine tundra
Spruce-fir forests
Mixed conifer forest
Elevation (km)
0 km
2 km
3 km
1 km
Altitudinal shifts in population ranges. During the glacial period 15,000 years ago, conditions were cooler than they are now. As the
climate has warmed, tree species that require colder temperatures have shifted their distributional range upward in altitude so that they live
in the climatic conditions to which they are adapted.
from Africa
Range expansion of the cattle egret. Although the cattle egret—so-named because it
follows cattle and other hoofed animals, catching any insects or small vertebrates that they
disturb—first arrived in South America in the late 1800s, the oldest preserved specimen dates
from the 1930s. Since then, the range expansion of this species has been well documented, as
it has moved westward and up into much of North America, as well as down the western side
of the Andes to near the southern tip of South America.
Population Dispersion
Another key characteristic of population structure is the
way in which individuals of a population are arranged.
They may be randomly spaced, uniformly spaced, or
clumped (figure 24.5).
Randomly spaced
Individuals are randomly spaced within populations when
they do not interact strongly with one another or with
nonuniform aspects of their microenvironment. Random
distributions are not common in nature. Some species of
trees, however, appear to exhibit random distributions in
Amazonian rain forests.
Uniformly spaced
Individuals often are uniformly spaced within a population.
This spacing may often, but not always, result from compe-
tition for resources. The means by which it is accom-
plished, however, varies.
In animals, uniform spacing often results from behav-
ioral interactions, which we will discuss in chapter 27. In
many species, individuals of one or both sexes defend a ter-
ritory from which other individuals are excluded. These
territories serve to provide the owner with exclusive access
to resources such as food, water, hiding refuges, or mates
and tend to space individuals evenly across the habitat.
Even in nonterritorial species, individuals often maintain a
defended space into which other animals are not allowed to
Among plants, uniform spacing also is a common result
of competition for resources. In this case, however, the
spacing results from direct competition for the resources.
Closely spaced individual plants will contest for available
sunlight, nutrients, or water. These contests can be direct,
such as one plant casting a shadow over another, or indi-
rect, such as two plants competing to see which is more
efficient at extracting nutrients or water from a shared
area. Only plants that are spaced an adequate distance
from each other will be able to coexist, leading to uniform
498 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
(a) Bacterial colonies
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ??
(b) Random distribution of Brosimum alicastrum
(c) Uniform distribution of Coccoloba coronata
(d) Clumped distribution of Chamguava schippii
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
Population dispersion. (a) Different arrangements of bacterial
colonies. The different patterns of dispersion are exhibited by
three different species of trees from the same locality in the
Amazonian rain forest. (b) Brosimum alicastrum is randomly
dispersed, (b) Coccoloba coronata is uniformly dispersed, and (d)
Chamguava schippii exhibits a clumped distribution.
Clumped Spacing
Individuals clump into groups or clusters in response to un-
even distribution of resources in their immediate environ-
ments. Clumped distributions are common in nature be-
cause individual animals, plants, and microorganisms tend
to prefer microhabitats defined by soil type, moisture, or
certain kinds of host trees.
Social interactions also can lead to clumped distribu-
tions. Many species live and move around in large groups,
which go by a variety of names (examples include herds of
antelope, flocks of birds, gaggles of geese, packs of wolves,
prides of lions). Such groupings can provide many advan-
tages, including increased awareness of and defense
against predators, decreased energetic cost of moving
through air and water, and access to the knowledge of all
group members.
At a broader scale, populations are often most densely
populated in the interior of their range and less densely dis-
tributed toward the edges. Such patterns usually result
from the manner in which the environment changes in dif-
ferent areas. Populations are often best adapted to the con-
ditions in the interior of their distribution. As environmen-
tal conditions change, individuals are less well adapted and
thus densities decrease. Ultimately, the point is reached at
which individuals cannot persist at all; this marks the edge
of a population’s range.
The Human Effect
By altering the environment, we have allowed some
species, such as coyotes, to expand their ranges, although,
sadly, for most species the effect has been detrimental.
Moreover, humans have served as an agent of dispersal for
many species. Some of these transplants have been widely
successful. For example, 100 starlings were introduced
into New York City in 1896 in a misguided attempt to es-
tablish every species of bird mentioned by Shakespeare.
Their population steadily spread such that by 1980, they
occurred throughout the United States. Similar stories
could be told for countless numbers of plants and animals,
and the list increases every year. Unfortunately, the suc-
cess of these invaders often comes at the expense of native
Dispersal Mechanisms
Dispersal to new areas can occur in many ways. Lizards,
for example, have colonized many distant islands, probably
by individuals or their eggs floating or drifting on vegeta-
tion. Seeds of many plants are designed to disperse in
many ways (figure 24.6). Some seeds are aerodynamically
designed to be blown long distances by the wind. Others
have structures that stick to the fur or feathers of animals,
so that they are carried long distances before falling to the
ground. Still others are enclosed in fruits. These seeds can
pass through the digestive systems of mammals or birds
and then germinate at the spot upon which they are defe-
cated. Finally, seeds of Arceuthobium are violently pro-
pelled from the base of the fruit in an explosive discharge.
Although the probability of long-distance dispersal events
occurring and leading to successful establishment of new
populations is slim, over millions of years, many such dis-
persals have occurred.
A population is a group of individuals of the same
species living together at the same place and time. The
range of a population is limited by ecologically
inhospitable habitats, but through time, these range
boundaries can change.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 499
Solanum dulcamara Juniperus chinensis Rubus sp.
Asclepias syriaca
Acer saccharum Terminalia calamansanai
Ranunculus muricatusBidens frondosaMedicago polycarpa
Some of the many
adaptations of seeds to
facilitate dispersal. Seeds
have evolved a number of
different means of moving
long distances from their
maternal plant.
Species are often composed of a network of distinct popu-
lations that interact with each other by exchanging individ-
uals. Such networks are termed metapopulations and usu-
ally occur in areas in which suitable habitat is patchily
distributed and separated by intervening stretches of un-
suitable habitat.
To what degree populations within a metapopulation in-
teract depends on the amount of dispersal and is often not
symmetrical: populations increasing in size may tend to
send out many dispersers, whereas populations at low levels
will tend to receive more immigrants than they send off. In
addition, relatively isolated populations will tend to receive
relatively few arrivals.
Not all suitable habitats within a metapopulation’s area
may be occupied at any one time. For various reasons,
some individual populations may go extinct, perhaps as a
result of an epidemic disease, a catastrophic fire, or in-
breeding depression. However, because of dispersal from
other populations, such areas may eventually be recolo-
nized. In some cases, the number of habitats occupied in a
metapopulation may represent an equilibrium in which the
rate of extinction of existing populations is balanced by the
rate of colonization of empty habitats.
A second type of metapopulation structure occurs in
areas in which some habitats are suitable for long-term
population maintenance, whereas others are not. In these
situations, termed source-sink metapopulations, the
populations in the better areas (the sources) continually
send out dispersers that bolster the populations in the
poorer habitats (the sinks). In the absence of such
continual replenishment, sink populations would have a
negative growth rate and would eventually become
Metapopulations of butterflies have been studied partic-
ularly intensively (figure 24.7). In one study, Ilkka Hanski
and colleagues at the University of Helsinki sampled pop-
ulations of the glanville fritillary butterfly at 1600 mead-
ows in southwestern Finland. On average, every year, 200
populations became extinct, but 114 empty meadows were
colonized. A variety of factors seemed to increase the like-
lihood of a population’s extinction, including small popu-
lation size, isolation from sources of immigrants, low re-
source availability (as indicated by the number of flowers
on a meadow), and lack of genetic variation present within
the population. The researchers attribute the greater num-
ber of extinctions than colonizations to a string of very dry
summers. Because none of the populations is large enough
to survive on its own, continued survival of the species in
southwestern Finland would appear to require the contin-
ued existence of a metapopulation network in which new
populations are continually created and existing popula-
tions are supplemented by emigrants. Continued bad
weather thus may doom the species, at least in this part of
its range.
Metapopulations, where they occur, can have two im-
portant implications for the range of a species. First, by
continual colonization of empty patches, they prevent
long-term extinction. If no such dispersal existed, then
each population might eventually perish, leading to disap-
pearance of the species from the entire area. Moreover, in
source-sink metapopulations, the species as a whole occu-
pies a larger area than it otherwise might occupy. For
these reasons, the study of metapopulations has become
very important in conservation biology as natural habitats
become increasingly fragmented.
The distribution of individuals within a population can
be random, uniform, or clumped. Across broader areas,
individuals may occur in populations that are loosely
interconnected, termed metapopulations.
500 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
10 km
Occupied habitat patch
Unoccupied habitat patch
Metapopulations of butterflies. The glanville fritillary butterfly
occurs in metapopulations in southwestern Finland on the ?land
Islands. None of the populations is large enough to survive for
long on its own, but continual emigration of individuals from
other populations allows some populations to survive. In addition,
continual establishment of new populations tends to offset
extinction of established populations, although in recent years,
extinctions have outnumbered colonizations.
One of the important features of any population is its
size. Population size has a direct bearing on the ability of
a given population to survive: for a variety of reasons dis-
cussed in chapter 31, smaller populations are at a greater
risk of disappearing than large populations. In addition,
the interactions that occur between members of a popu-
lation also depend critically on a population’s size and
Demography (from the Greek demos, “the people,” +
graphos, “measurement”) is the statistical study of popula-
tions. How the size of a population changes through time
can be studied at two levels. At the most inclusive level, we
can study the population as a whole to determine whether
it is increasing, decreasing, or remaining constant. Popula-
tions grow if births outnumber deaths and shrink if deaths
outnumber births. Understanding these trends is often eas-
ier if we break a population down into its constituent parts
and analyze each separately.
Factors Affecting Population Growth Rates
The proportion of males and females in a population is
its sex ratio. The number of births in a population is
usually directly related to the number of females, but may
not be as closely related to the number of males in
species in which a single male can mate with several fe-
males. In many species, males compete for the opportu-
nity to mate with females (a situation we discuss in chap-
ter 27); consequently, a few males get many matings,
whereas many males do not mate at all. In such species, a
female-biased sex ratio would not affect population
growth rates; reduction in the number of males simply
changes the identities of the reproductive males without
reducing the number of births. Among monogamous
species like many birds, by contrast, in which pairs form
long-lasting reproductive relationships, a reduction in the
number of males can directly reduce the number of
Generation time, defined as the average interval be-
tween the birth of an individual and the birth of its off-
spring, can also affect population growth rates. Species
differ greatly in generation time. Differences in body size
can explain much of this variation—mice go through ap-
proximately 100 generations during the course of one ele-
phant generation—but not all of it (figure 24.8). Newts,
for example, are smaller than mice, but have considerably
longer generation times. Everything else equal, popula-
tions with shorter generations can increase in size more
quickly than populations with long generations. Con-
versely, because generation time and life span are usually
closely correlated, populations with short generation
times may also diminish in size more rapidly if birthrates
suddenly decrease.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 501
24.2 Population dynamics depend critically upon age distribution.
1 H9262m
10 H9262m
100 H9262m
1 mm
1 cm
10 cm
1 m
10 m
100 m
Generation time
1 hour 1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year 10 years 100 years
B. aureus
E. coli
Housefly Clam
Horseshoe crab
Fox Beaver
The relationship between body size and generation time. In
general, larger animals have longer generation times, although
there are exceptions.
Age Structure
In most species, the probability that an individual will re-
produce or die varies through its life span. A group of indi-
viduals of the same age is referred to as a cohort. Within a
population, every cohort has a characteristic birthrate, or
fecundity, defined as the number of offspring produced in
a standard time (for example, per year), and a characteristic
death rate, or mortality, the number of individuals that die
in that period.
The relative number of individuals in each cohort de-
fines a population’s age structure. Because individuals of
different ages have different fecundity and death rates,
age structure has a critical impact on a population’s
growth rate. Populations with a large proportion of
young individuals, for example, tend to grow rapidly be-
cause an increasing proportion of their individuals are re-
productive. Populations in many underdeveloped coun-
tries are an example, as we will discuss later in the
chapter. Conversely, if a large proportion of a population
is relatively old, populations may decline. This phenome-
non now characterizes some wealthy countries in Europe
and Japan.
Life Tables and Population Change
through Time
Ecologists use life tables to assess how populations in na-
ture are changing. Life tables can be constructed by follow-
ing the fate of a cohort from birth until death, noting the
number of offspring produced and individuals that die each
year. A very nice example of a life table analysis is exhibited
in a study of the meadow grass Poa annua. This study fol-
lows the fate of 843 individuals through time, charting how
many survive in each interval and how many offspring each
survivor produces (table 24.1).
In table 24.1, the first column indicates the age of the
cohort (that is, the number of 3-month intervals from the
start of the study). The second and third columns indicate
the number of survivors and the proportion of the original
cohort still alive at the beginning of that interval. The
fourth column presents the mortality rate, the proportion
of individuals that started that interval alive but died by the
end of it. The fifth column indicates the average number of
seeds produced by each surviving individual in that interval,
and the last column presents the number of seeds produced
relative to the size of the original cohort.
502 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Table 24.1 Life Table for a Cohort of the grass Poa annua
Age Proportion of cohort produced
(in 3- Number alive at surviving to beginning Mortality per surviving Fecundity
month beginning of time of time interval rate during individual H11003
intervals) interval (survivorship) time interval (fecundity) survivorship
0 843 1.000 0.143 0.00 0.00
1 722 0.857 0.271 0.42 0.36
2 527 0.625 0.400 1.18 0.74
3 316 0.375 0.544 1.36 0.51
4 144 0.171 0.626 1.46 0.25
5 54 0.064 0.722 1.11 0.07
6 15 0.018 0.800 2.00 0.04
7 3 0.004 1.000 3.33 0.01
8 0 0.000 Total = 1.98
Modified from Ricklefs, 1997.
Much can be learned from examination of life tables. In
this particular case, we see that the probability of dying
increases steadily with age, whereas the number of off-
spring produced increases with age. By adding up the
numbers in the last column, we get the total number of
offspring produced per individual in the initial cohort.
This number is almost 2, which means that for every orig-
inal member of the cohort, on average two individuals
have been produced. A figure of 1.0 would be the break-
even number, the point at which the population was nei-
ther growing nor shrinking. In this case, the population
appears to be growing rapidly.
In most cases, life table analysis is more complicated
than this. First, except for organisms with short life spans,
it is difficult to track the fate of a cohort from birth until
death of the last individual. An alternative approach is to
construct a cross-sectional study, examining the fate of all
cohorts over a single year. In addition, many factors—
such as offspring reproducing before all members of their
parental generation’s cohort have died—complicate the
interpretation of whether populations are growing or
Survivorship Curves
One way to express some aspects of the age distribution
characteristics of populations is through a survivorship
curve. Survivorship is defined as the percentage of an orig-
inal population that survives to a given age. Examples of
different kinds of survivorship curves are shown in figure
24.9. In hydra, animals related to jellyfish, individuals are
equally likely to die at any age, as indicated by the straight
survivorship curve (type II). Oysters, like plants, produce
vast numbers of offspring, only a few of which live to re-
produce. However, once they become established and grow
into reproductive individuals, their mortality rate is ex-
tremely low (type III survivorship curve). Finally, even
though human babies are susceptible to death at relatively
high rates, mortality rates in humans, as in many animals
and protists, rise steeply in the postreproductive years (type
I survivorship curve). Examination of the data for Poa
annua reveals that it approximates a type II survivorship
curve (figure 24.10).
The growth rate of a population is a sensitive function
of its age structure. The age structure of a population
and the manner in which mortality and birthrates vary
among different age cohorts determine whether a
population will increase or decrease in size.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 503
0 25
Survival per thousand
(type I)
(type II)
(type III)
Percent of maximum life span
Survivorship curves. By convention, survival (the vertical axis) is
plotted on a log scale. Humans have a type I life cycle, the hydra
(an animal related to jellyfish) type II, and oysters type III.
6 9 12 15
Age (months)
Survival per thousand
18 21 24 27
FIGURE 24.10
Survivorship curve for a cohort of the meadow grass, Poa
annua. Mortality increases at a constant rate through time.
Natural selection favors traits that maximize the number
of surviving offspring left in the next generation. Two
factors affect this quantity: how long an individual lives
and how many young it produces each year. Why doesn’t
every organism reproduce immediately after its own
birth, produce large families of large offspring, care for
them intensively, and do this repeatedly throughout a
long life, while outcompeting others, escaping predators,
and capturing food with ease? The answer is that no one
organism can do all of this—there are simply not enough
resources available. Consequently, organisms allocate re-
sources either to current reproduction or to increase
their prospects of surviving and reproducing at later life
The Cost of Reproduction
The complete life cycle of an organism constitutes its life
history. All life histories involve significant trade-offs.
Because resources are limited, a change that increases re-
production may decrease survival and reduce future re-
production. Thus, a Douglas fir tree that produces more
cones increases its current reproductive success, but it
also grows more slowly; because the number of cones
produced is a function of how large a tree is, this dimin-
ished growth will decrease the number of cones it can
produce in the future. Similarly, birds that have more
offspring each year have a higher probability of dying
during that year or producing smaller clutches the fol-
lowing year (figure 24.11). Conversely, individuals that
delay reproduction may grow faster and larger, enhanc-
ing future reproduction.
In one elegant experiment, researchers changed the
number of eggs in nests of a bird, the collared flycatcher
(figure 24.12). Birds whose clutch size (the number of
eggs produced in one breeding event) was decreased laid
more eggs the next year, whereas those given more eggs
produced fewer eggs the following year. Ecologists refer
to the reduction in future reproductive potential result-
ing from current reproductive efforts as the cost of
Natural selection will favor the life history that maxi-
mizes lifetime reproductive success. When the cost of re-
production is low, individuals should invest in producing as
many offspring as possible because there is little cost. Low
costs of reproduction may occur when resources are abun-
dant, such that producing offspring does not impair sur-
vival or the ability to produce many offspring in subsequent
years. Costs of reproduction will also be low when overall
mortality rates are high. In such cases, individuals may be
unlikely to survive to the next breeding season anyway, so
the incremental effect of increased reproductive efforts may
not make a difference in future survival.
Alternatively, when costs of reproduction are high, life-
time reproductive success may be maximized by deferring
or minimizing current reproduction to enhance growth and
survival rates. This may occur when costs of reproduction
significantly affect the ability of an individual to survive or
decrease the number of offspring that can be produced in
the future.
504 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
24.3 Life histories often reflect trade-offs between reproduction and survival.
Annual adult mortality rate
Annual fecundity rate
FIGURE 24.11
Reproduction has a price. Increased fecundity in birds
correlates with higher mortality in several populations of birds
ranging from albatross (low) to sparrow (high). Birds that raise
more offspring per year have a higher probability of dying during
that year.
Change in clutch size
Clutch size following year
FIGURE 24.12
Reproductive events per lifetime. Adding eggs to nests of
collared flycatchers (which increases the reproductive efforts of
the female rearing the young) decreases clutch size the following
year; removing eggs from the nest increases the next year’s clutch
size. This experiment demonstrates the tradeoff between current
reproductive effort and future reproductive success.
Investment per Offspring
In terms of natural selection, the number of offspring pro-
duced is not as important as how many of those offspring
themselves survive to reproduce.
A key reproductive trade-off concerns how many re-
sources to invest in producing any single offspring. As-
suming that the amount of energy to be invested in off-
spring is limited, a trade-off must exist between the
number of offspring produced and the size of each off-
spring (figure 24.13). This trade-off has been experimen-
tally demonstrated in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stans-
buriana, which normally lays on average four and a half
eggs at a time. When some of the eggs are removed sur-
gically early in the reproductive cycle, the female lizard
produces only 1 to 3 eggs, but supplies each of these eggs
with greater amounts of yolk, producing eggs that are
much larger than normal.
In many species, the size of offspring critically affects
their survival prospects—larger offspring have a greater
chance of survival. Producing many offspring with little
chance of survival might not be the best strategy, but pro-
ducing only a single, extraordinarily robust offspring also
would not maximize the number of surviving offspring.
Rather, an intermediate situation, in which several fairly
large offspring are produced, should maximize the number
of surviving offspring. This example is fundamentally the
same as the trade-off between clutch size and parental in-
vestment discussed above; in this case, the parental invest-
ment is simply how many resources can be invested in each
offspring before they are born.
Reproductive Events per Lifetime
The trade-off between age and fecundity plays a key role
in many life histories. Annual plants and most insects
focus all of their reproductive resources on a single large
event and then die. This life history adaptation is called
semelparity (from the Latin semel, “once,” H11001 parito, “to
beget”). Organisms that produce offspring several times
over many seasons exhibit a life history adaptation called
iteroparity (from the Latin itero, “to repeat”). Species
that reproduce yearly must avoid overtaxing themselves in
any one reproductive episode so that they will be able to
survive and reproduce in the future. Semelparity, or “big
bang” reproduction, is usually found in short-lived species
in which the probability of staying alive between broods is
low, such as plants growing in harsh climates. Semelparity
is also favored when fecundity entails large reproductive
cost, as when Pacific salmon migrate upriver to their
spawning grounds. In these species, rather than investing
some resources in an unlikely bid to survive until the next
breeding season, individuals place all their resources into
Age at First Reproduction
Among mammals and many other animals, longer-lived
species reproduce later (figure 24.14). Birds, for example,
gain experience as juveniles before expending the high
costs of reproduction. In long-lived animals, the relative
advantage of juvenile experience outweighs the energy in-
vestment in survival and growth. In shorter-lived animals,
on the other hand, quick reproduction is more critical than
juvenile training, and reproduction tends to occur earlier.
Life history adaptations involve many trade-offs
between reproductive cost and investment in survival.
Different kinds of animals and plants employ quite
different approaches.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 505
024 68101214
Clutch size
FIGURE 24.13
The relationship between clutch size and offspring size. In
great tits, the size of nestlings is inversely related to the number of
eggs laid. The more mouths they have to feed, the less the parents
can provide to any one nestling.
Cottontail rabbit
Red squirrel
African elephant
Relative life expectancy
Relative age
at first reproduction
0.0 0.4 0.8
FIGURE 24.14
Age at first reproduction. Among mammals, compensating for the
effects of size, age at first reproduction increases with life
expectancy at birth. Each dot represents a species. Values are
relative to the species symbolized H18554. (After Begon et al., 1996.)
Biotic Potential
Populations often remain at a relatively constant size, re-
gardless of how many offspring they produce. As you saw
in chapter 1, Darwin based his theory of natural selection
partly on this seeming contradiction. Natural selection oc-
curs because of checks on reproduction, with some individ-
uals reproducing less often than others. To understand
populations, we must consider how they grow and what
factors in nature limit population growth.
The Exponential Growth Model
The actual rate of population increase, r, is defined as the
difference between the birth rate and the death rate cor-
rected for any movement of individuals in or out of the
population, whether net emigration (movement out of
the area) or net immigration (movement into the area).
r = (b – d) + (i – e)
Movements of individuals can have a major impact on
population growth rates. For example, the increase in
human population in the United States during the closing
decades of the twentieth century is mostly due to immi-
grants. Less than half of the increase came from the repro-
duction of the people already living there.
The simplest model of population growth assumes a
population growing without limits at its maximal rate. This
rate, called the biotic potential, is the rate at which a pop-
ulation of a given species will increase when no limits are
placed on its rate of growth. In mathematical terms, this is
defined by the following formula:
= r
where N is the number of individuals in the population,
dN/dt is the rate of change in its numbers over time, and r
is the intrinsic rate of natural increase for that population—
its innate capacity for growth.
The innate capacity for growth of any population is ex-
ponential (red line in figure 24.15). Even when the rate of
increase remains constant, the actual increase in the num-
ber of individuals accelerates rapidly as the size of the
population grows. The result of unchecked exponential
growth is a population explosion. A single pair of house-
flies, laying 120 eggs per generation, could produce more
than 5 trillion descendants in a year. In 10 years, their de-
scendants would form a swarm more than 2 meters thick
over the entire surface of the earth! In practice, such pat-
terns of unrestrained growth prevail only for short peri-
ods, usually when an organism reaches a new habitat with
abundant resources (figure 24.16). Natural examples in-
clude dandelions reaching the fields, lawns, and meadows
506 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
24.4 Population growth is limited by the environment.
= 1.0 N
Number of generations (t)
Population size (
= 1.0 N
1000 – N
FIGURE 24.15
Two models of population growth. The red line illustrates the
exponential growth model for a population with an r of 1.0. The
blue line illustrates the logistic growth model in a population with
r = 1.0 and K = 1000 individuals. At first, logistic growth
accelerates exponentially, then, as resources become limiting, the
death rate increases and growth slows. Growth ceases when the
death rate equals the birthrate. The carrying capacity (K)
ultimately depends on the resources available in the environment.
FIGURE 24.16
An example of a rapidly increasing population. European
purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, became naturalized over
thousands of square miles of marshes and other wetlands in North
America. It was introduced sometime before 1860 and has had a
negative impact on many native plants and animals.
of North America from Europe for the first time; algae
colonizing a newly formed pond; or the first terrestrial
immigrants arriving on an island recently thrust up from
the sea.
Carrying Capacity
No matter how rapidly populations grow, they eventually
reach a limit imposed by shortages of important environ-
mental factors, such as space, light, water, or nutrients. A
population ultimately may stabilize at a certain size, called
the carrying capacity of the particular place where it lives.
The carrying capacity, symbolized by K, is the maximum
number of individuals that a population can support.
The Logistic Growth Model
As a population approaches its carrying capacity, its rate of
growth slows greatly, because fewer resources remain for
each new individual to use. The growth curve of such a
population, which is always limited by one or more factors
in the environment, can be approximated by the following
logistic growth equation:
= rN
dt K
In this logistic model of population growth, the growth
rate of the population (dN/dt) equals its rate of increase (r
multiplied by N, the number of individuals present at any
one time), adjusted for the amount of resources available.
The adjustment is made by multiplying rN by the fraction
of K still unused (K minus N, divided by K). As N in-
creases (the population grows in size), the fraction by
which r is multiplied (the remaining resources) becomes
smaller and smaller, and the rate of increase of the popu-
lation declines.
In mathematical terms, as N approaches K, the rate of
population growth (dN/dt) begins to slow, reaching 0 when
N = K (blue line in figure 24.18). Graphically, if you plot N
versus t (time) you obtain an S-shaped sigmoid growth
curve characteristic of many biological populations. The
curve is called “sigmoid” because its shape has a double
curve like the letter S. As the size of a population stabilizes
at the carrying capacity, its rate of growth slows down,
eventually coming to a halt (figure 24.17a).
In many cases, real populations display trends corre-
sponding to a logistic growth curve. This is true not only in
the laboratory, but also in natural populations (figure
24.17b). In some cases, however, the fit is not perfect (fig-
ure 24.17c) and, as we shall see shortly, many populations
exhibit other patterns.
The size at which a population stabilizes in a particular
place is defined as the carrying capacity of that place for
that species. Populations often grow to the carrying
capacity of their environment.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 507
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (days)
Time (years)
Number of breeding male
fur seals (thousands)
1915 1925 1935 1945
? ?
? ?
20010 30 5040 60
Time (days)
FIGURE 24.17
Most natural populations exhibit logistic growth. (a)
Paramecium grown in a laboratory environment. (b) A fur seal
(Callorhinus ursinus) population on St. Paul Island, Alaska. (c)
Laboratory populations of two populations of the cladoceran
Bosmina longirsotris. Note that the populations first exceeded the
carrying capacity, before decreasing to a size which was then
The Influence of Population
The reason that population growth rates are affected by
population size is that many important processes are
density-dependent. When populations approach their
carrying capacity, competition for resources can be severe,
leading both to a decreased birthrate and an increased risk
of mortality (figure 24.18). In addition, predators often
focus their attention on particularly common prey, which
also results in increasing rates of mortality as populations
increase. High population densities can also lead to an ac-
cumulation of toxic wastes, a situation to which humans
are becoming increasingly accustomed.
Behavioral changes may also affect population growth
rates. Some species of rodents, for example, become antiso-
cial, fighting more, breeding less, and generally acting
stressed-out. These behavioral changes result from hor-
monal actions, but their ultimate cause is not yet clear;
most likely, they have evolved as adaptive responses to situ-
ations in which resources are scarce. In addition, in
crowded populations, the population growth rate may de-
crease because of an increased rate of emigration of indi-
viduals attempting to find better conditions elsewhere (fig-
ure 24.19).
However, not all density-dependent factors are nega-
tively related to population size. In some cases, growth
rates increase with population size. This phenomenon is re-
ferred to as the Allee effect (after Warder Allee, who first
described it). The Allee effect can take several forms. Most
obviously, in populations that are too sparsely distributed,
individuals may have difficulty finding mates. Moreover,
some species may rely on large groups to deter predators or
to provide the necessary stimulation for breeding activities.
508 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
40 80
Number of adults
Juvenile mortality
12010060200 140 160
20 40
Number of breeding females
Number of surviving young per female
605030100 70 80
FIGURE 24.18
Density dependence in the song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
on Mandarte Island. Reproductive success decreases (a) and
mortality rates increase (b) as population size increases.
FIGURE 24.19
Density-dependent effects. Migratory
locusts, Locusta migratoria, are a legendary
plague of large areas of Africa and Eurasia.
At high population densities, the locusts have
different hormonal and physical
characteristics and take off as a swarm. The
most serious infestation of locusts in 30 years
occurred in North Africa in 1988.
Density-Independent Effects
Growth rates in populations sometimes
do not correspond to the logistic
growth equation. In many cases, such
patterns result because growth is under
the control of density-independent
effects. In other words, the rate of
growth of a population at any instant is
limited by something other than the
size of the population.
A variety of factors may affect popula-
tions in a density-independent manner.
Most of these are aspects of the external
environment. Extremely cold winters,
droughts, storms, volcanic eruptions—
individuals often will be affected by these
activities regardless of the size of the
population. Populations that occur in
areas in which such events occur rela-
tively frequently will display erratic pop-
ulation growth patterns in which the
populations increase rapidly when condi-
tions are benign, but suffer extreme reductions whenever
the environment turns hostile.
Population Cycles
Some populations exhibit another type of pattern incon-
sistent with simple logistic equations: they exhibit cyclic
patterns of increase and decrease. Ecologists have studied
cycles in hare populations since the 1920s. They have
found that the North American snowshoe hare (Lepus
americanus) follows a “10-year cycle” (in reality, it varies
from 8 to 11 years). Its numbers fall tenfold to 30-fold in
a typical cycle, and 100-fold changes can occur. Two fac-
tors appear to be generating the cycle: food plants and
Food plants. The preferred foods of snowshoe hares
are willow and birch twigs. As hare density increases, the
quantity of these twigs decreases, forcing the hares to
feed on high-fiber (low-quality) food. Lower birthrates,
low juvenile survivorship, and low growth rates follow.
The hares also spend more time searching for food, ex-
posing them more to predation. The result is a precipi-
tous decline in willow and birch twig abundance, and a
corresponding fall in hare abundance. It takes two to
three years for the quantity of mature twigs to recover.
Predators. A key predator of the snowshoe hare is the
Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). The Canada lynx shows a
“10-year” cycle of abundance that seems remarkably en-
trained to the hare abundance cycle (figure 24.20). As
hare numbers increase, lynx numbers do, too, rising in
response to the increased availability of lynx food.
When hare numbers fall, so do lynx numbers, their food
supply depleted.
Which factor is responsible for the predator-prey oscil-
lations? Do increasing numbers of hares lead to overhar-
vesting of plants (a hare-plant cycle) or do increasing num-
bers of lynx lead to overharvesting of hares (a hare-lynx
cycle)? Field experiments carried out by C. Krebs and
coworkers in 1992 provide an answer. Krebs set up experi-
mental plots in Canada’s Yukon-containing hare popula-
tions. If food is added (no food effect) and predators ex-
cluded (no predator effect) from an experimental area, hare
numbers increase tenfold and stay there—the cycle is lost.
However, the cycle is retained if either of the factors is al-
lowed to operate alone: exclude predators but don’t add
food (food effect alone), or add food in presence of preda-
tors (predator effect alone). Thus, both factors can affect
the cycle, which, in practice, seems to be generated by the
interaction between the two factors.
Population cycles traditionally have been considered to
occur rarely. However, a recent review of nearly 700 long-
term (25 years or more) studies of trends within popula-
tions found that cycles were not uncommon; nearly 30% of
the studies—including birds, mammals, fish, and crus-
taceans—provided evidence of some cyclic pattern in popu-
lation size through time, although most of these cycles are
nowhere near as dramatic in amplitude as the snowshoe
hare and lynx cycles.
Density-dependent effects are caused by factors that
come into play particularly when the population size is
larger; density-independent effects are controlled by
factors that operate regardless of population size.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 509
1845 1855 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1925 1935
Number of pelts (in thousands)
Snowshoe hare
FIGURE 24.20
Linked population cycles of the snowshoe hare and the northern lynx. These data
are based on records of fur returns from trappers in the Hudson Bay region of Canada.
The lynx populations carefully track the snowshoe hares, but lag behind them slightly.
Population Growth Rates and Life
History Models
As we have seen, some species usually have stable popula-
tion sizes maintained near the carrying capacity, whereas
the populations of other species fluctuate markedly and are
often far below carrying capacity. As we saw in our discus-
sion of life histories, the selective factors affecting such
species will differ markedly. Populations near their carrying
capacity may face stiff competition for limited resources.
By contrast, resources are abundant in populations far
below carrying capacity.
We have already seen the consequences of such differ-
ences. When resources are limited, the cost of reproduc-
tion often will be very high. Consequently, selection will
favor individuals that can compete effectively and utilize re-
sources efficiently. Such adaptations often come at the cost
of lowered reproductive rates. Such populations are termed
K-selected because they are adapted to thrive when the
population is near its carrying capacity (K). Table 24.2 lists
some of the typical features of K-selected populations. Ex-
amples of K-selected species include coconut palms,
whooping cranes, whales, and humans.
By contrast, in populations far below the carrying ca-
pacity, resources may be abundant. Costs of reproduction
will be low, and selection will favor those individuals that
can produce the maximum number of offspring. Selec-
tion here favors individuals with the highest reproductive
rates; such populations are termed r-selected. Examples
of organisms displaying r-selected life history adaptations
include dandelions, aphids, mice, and cockroaches
(figure 24.21).
Most natural populations show life history adaptations
that exist along a continuum ranging from completely r-
selected traits to completely K-selected traits. Although
these tendencies hold true as generalities, few populations
are purely r- or K-selected and show all of the traits listed
in table 24.2. These attributes should be treated as general-
ities, with the recognition that many exceptions do exist.
Some life history adaptations favor near-exponential
growth, others the more competitive logistic growth.
Most natural populations exhibit a combination of the
510 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Table 24.2 r-Selected and K-Selected Life
History Adaptations
r-Selected K-Selected
Adaptation Populations Populations
Age at first Early Late
Life span Short Long
Maturation time Short Long
Mortality rate Often high Usually low
Number of offspring Many Few
produced per
reproductive episode
Number of Usually one Often several
reproductions per
Parental care None Often extensive
Size of offspring Small Large
or eggs
Source: Data from E. R. Pianka, Evolutionary Ecology, 4th edition, 1987,
Harper & Row, New York.
FIGURE 24.21
The consequences of exponential growth. All organisms have
the potential to produce populations larger than those that
actually occur in nature. The German cockroach (Blatella
germanica), a major household pest, produces 80 young every six
months. If every cockroach that hatched survived for three
generations, kitchens might look like this theoretical culinary
nightmare concocted by the Smithsonian Museum of Natural
The Advent of Exponential Growth
Humans exhibit many K-selected life history traits, in-
cluding small brood size, late reproduction, and a high
degree of parental care. These life history traits evolved
during the early history of hominids, when the limited
resources available from the environment controlled pop-
ulation size. Throughout most of human history, our
populations have been regulated by food availability, dis-
ease, and predators. Although unusual disturbances, in-
cluding floods, plagues, and droughts no doubt affected
the pattern of human population growth, the overall size
of the human population grew only slowly during our
early history. Two thousand years ago, perhaps 130 mil-
lion people populated the earth. It took a thousand years
for that number to double, and it was 1650 before it had
doubled again, to about 500 million. For over 16 cen-
turies, the human population was characterized by very
slow growth. In this respect, human populations resem-
bled many other species with predominantly K-selected
life history adaptations.
Starting in the early 1700s, changes in technology have
given humans more control over their food supply, en-
abled them to develop superior weapons to ward off
predators, and led to the development of cures for many
diseases. At the same time, improvements in shelter and
storage capabilities have made humans less vulnerable to
climatic uncertainties. These changes allowed humans to
expand the carrying capacity of the habitats in which they
lived, and thus to escape the confines of logistic growth
and reenter the exponential phase of the sigmoidal growth
Responding to the lack of environmental constraints, the
human population has grown explosively over the last 300
years. While the birthrate has remained unchanged at
about 30 per 1000 per year over this period, the death rate
has fallen dramatically, from 20 per 1000 per year to its
present level of 13 per 1000 per year. The difference be-
tween birth and death rates meant that the population grew
as much as 2% per year, although the rate has now declined
to 1.4% per year.
A 1.4% annual growth rate may not seem large, but it
has produced a current human population of 6 billion peo-
ple (figure 24.22)! At this growth rate, 77 million people
are added to the world population annually, and the human
population will double in 39 years. As we will discuss in
chapter 30, both the current human population level and
the projected growth rate have potential consequences for
our future that are extremely grave.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 511
24.5 The human population has grown explosively in the last three centuries.
4000 B.C.
3000 B.C. 2000 B.C. 1000 B.C.
Significant advances
in medicine through
science and technology
Bubonic plague
"Black Death"
Billions of people
0 1000 2000
FIGURE 24.22
History of human population size. Temporary increases in
death rate, even severe ones like the Black Death of the 1400s,
have little lasting impact. Explosive growth began with the
Industrial Revolution in the 1700s, which produced a significant
long-term lowering of the death rate. The current population is 6
billion, and at the current rate will double in 39 years.
Population Pyramids
While the human population as a whole continues to grow
rapidly at the close of the twentieth century, this growth is
not occurring uniformly over the planet. Some countries,
like Mexico, are growing rapidly, their birthrate greatly ex-
ceeding their death rate (figure 24.23). Other countries are
growing much more slowly. The rate at which a population
can be expected to grow in the future can be assessed
graphically by means of a population pyramid—a bar
graph displaying the numbers of people in each age cate-
gory. Males are conventionally shown to the left of the ver-
tical age axis, females to the right. A human population
pyramid thus displays the age composition of a population
by sex. In most human population pyramids, the number of
older females is disproportionately large compared to the
number of older males, because females in most regions
have a longer life expectancy than males.
Viewing such a pyramid, one can predict demographic
trends in births and deaths. In general, rectangular
“pyramids” are characteristic of countries whose popula-
tions are stable, their numbers neither growing nor
shrinking. A triangular pyramid is characteristic of a
country that will exhibit rapid future growth, as most of
its population has not yet entered the child-bearing
years. Inverted triangles are characteristic of populations
that are shrinking.
Examples of population pyramids for the United States
and Kenya in 1990 are shown in figure 24.24. In the nearly
rectangular population pyramid for the United States, the
cohort (group of individuals) 55 to 59 years old represents
people born during the Depression and is smaller in size
than the cohorts in the preceding and following years. The
cohorts 25 to 44 years old represent the “baby boom.” The
rectangular shape of the population pyramid indicates that
the population of the United States is not expanding
rapidly. The very triangular pyramid of Kenya, by contrast,
predicts explosive future growth. The population of Kenya
is predicted to double in less than 20 years.
512 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Death rate
Number per 1000 population
FIGURE 24.23
Why the population of Mexico is growing. The death rate (red
line) in Mexico fell steadily throughout the last century, while the
birthrate (blue line) remained fairly steady until 1970. The
difference between birth and death rates has fueled a high growth
rate. Efforts begun in 1970 to reduce the birthrate have been
quite successful, although the growth rate remains rapid.
Percent of population
Age Kenya
024246810 6 8 10
United States
FIGURE 24.24
Population pyramids from 1990. Population pyramids are graphed according to a population’s age distribution. Kenya’s pyramid has a
broad base because of the great number of individuals below child-bearing age. When all of the young people begin to bear children, the
population will experience rapid growth. The U.S. pyramid demonstrates a larger number of individuals in the “baby boom” cohort—the
pyramid bulges because of an increase in births between 1945 and 1964.
An Uncertain Future
The earth’s rapidly growing human population constitutes
perhaps the greatest challenge to the future of the bio-
sphere, the world’s interacting community of living things.
Humanity is adding 77 million people a year to the earth's
population—a million every five days, 150 every minute! In
more rapidly growing countries, the resulting population
increase is staggering (table 24.3). India, for example, had a
population of 853 million in 1996; by 2020 its population
will exceed 1.4 billion!
A key element in the world’s population growth is its
uneven distribution among countries. Of the billion people
added to the world’s population in the 1990s, 90% live in
developing countries (figure 24.25). This is leading to a
major reduction in the fraction of the world’s population
that lives in industrialized countries. In 1950, fully one-
third of the world’s population lived in industrialized coun-
tries; by 1996 that proportion had fallen to one-quarter; in
2020 the proportion will have fallen to one-sixth. Thus the
world’s population growth will be centered in the parts of
the world least equipped to deal with the pressures of rapid
Rapid population growth in developing countries has
the harsh consequence of increasing the gap between rich
and poor. Today 23% of the world’s population lives in
the industrialized world with a per capita income of
$17,900, while 77% of the world’s population lives in de-
veloping countries with a per capita income of only $810.
The disproportionate wealth of the industrialized quarter
of the world’s population is evidenced by the fact that
85% of the world’s capital wealth is in the industrial
world, only 15% in developing countries. Eighty percent
of all the energy used today is consumed by the industrial
world, only 20% by developing countries. Perhaps most
worrisome for the future, fully 94% of all scientists and
engineers reside in the industrialized world, only 6% in
developing countries. Thus the problems created by the
future’s explosive population growth will be faced by
countries with little of the world’s scientific or technolog-
ical expertise.
No one knows whether the world can sustain today’s
population of 6 billion people, much less the far greater
populations expected in the future. As chapter 30 out-
lines, the world ecosystem is already under considerable
stress. We cannot reasonably expect to continue to ex-
pand its carrying capacity indefinitely, and indeed we al-
ready seem to be stretching the limits. It seems unavoid-
able that to restrain the world’s future population
growth, birth and death rates must be equalized. If we are
to avoid catastrophic increases in the death rate, the
birthrates must fall dramatically. Faced with this grim di-
chotomy, significant efforts are underway worldwide to
lower birthrates.
The human population has been growing rapidly for
300 years, since technological innovations dramatically
reduced the death rate.
Chapter 24 Population Ecology 513
Table 24.3 A Comparison of 1996 Population Data in Developed and Developing Countries
United States Brazil Ethiopia
(highly developed )(moderately developed )(poorly developed )
Fertility rate 2.0 2.8 6.8
Doubling time at current rate (yr) 114 41 23
Infant mortality rate (per 1000 births) 7.5 58 120
Life expectancy at birth (yrs) 76 66 50
Per capita GNP (U.S. $; 1994) $25,860 $3,370 $130
orld population in billions
19501900 1990 2000
Developing countries
World total
2050 2100
Developed countries
FIGURE 24.25
Most of the worldwide increase in population since 1950 has
occurred in developing countries. The age structures of
developing countries indicate that this trend will increase in the
near future. The stabilizing of the world’s population at about 10
billion (shown here) is an optimistic World Bank/United Nations
prediction that assumes significant worldwide reductions in
growth rate. If the world’s population continues to increase at its
1996 rate, there will be over 30 billion humans by 2100!
514 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Chapter 24
Summary Questions Media Resources
24.1 Populations are individuals of the same species that live together.
? Populations are the same species in one place;
communities are populations of different species that
live together in a particular place. A community and
the nonliving components of its environment
combine to form an ecosystem.
? Populations may be dispersed in a clumped, uniform,
or random manner.
1. What are the three types of
dispersion in a population?
Which type is most frequently
seen in nature? Why?
2. What are some causes of
clumped distributions?
? The growth rate of a population depends on its age
structure, and to a lesser degree, sex ratio.
? Survivorship curves describe the characteristics of
mortality in different kinds of populations.
3. What is survivorship?
Describe the three types of
survivorship curves and give
examples of each.
4. What is demography? How
does a life table work?
24.2 Population dynamics depend critically upon age distribution.
? Organisms balance investment in current
reproduction with investment in growth and future
5. Why do some birds lay fewer
than the optimal number of
eggs as predicted by David
24.3 Life histories often reflect trade-offs between reproduction and survival.
? Population size will change if birth and death rates
differ, or if there is net migration into or out of the
population. The intrinsic rate of increase of a
population is defined as its biotic potential.
? Many populations exhibit a sigmoid growth curve,
with a relatively slow start in growth, a rapid increase,
and then a leveling off when the carrying capacity of
the environment is reached.
? Large broods and rapid rates of population growth
characterize r-strategists. K-strategists are limited in
population size by the carrying capacity of their
environments; they tend to have fewer offspring and
slower rates of population growth.
? Density-independent factors have the same impact on
a population no matter what its density.
6. Define the biotic potential of
a population. What is the
definition for the actual rate of
population increase? What other
two factors affect it?
7. What is an exponential
capacity for growth? When does
this type of growth naturally
occur? Give an example.
8. What is carrying capacity? Is
this a static or dynamic measure?
9. What is the difference
between r- and K-selected
24.4 Population growth is limited by the environment.
? Exponential growth of the world’s human population
is placing severe strains on the global environment.
10. How do population
pyramids predict whether a
population is likely to grow or
24.5 The human population has grown explosively in the last three centuries.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Introduction to
? Population
? On Science Article:
Snakes in Ireland
? On Science Article:
Deer Hunting
? On Science Article:
Science for the Future
? Human Population
? Stages of Population
? Population Growth
? Size Regulation
? Scientists on Science:
Coral Reefs
? Student Research:
Prairie Habitat
? On Science Article:
Tropical Songbirds
Lay Fewer Eggs
? On Science Article:
Was Malthus
Community Ecology
Concept Outline
25.1 Interactions among competing species shape
ecological niches.
The Realized Niche. Interspecific interactions often limit
the portion of their niche that they can actually use.
Gause and the Principle of Competitive Exclusion. No
two species can occupy the same niche indefinitely without
competition driving one to extinction.
Resource Partitioning. Species that live together
partition the available resources, reducing competition.
Detecting Interspecific Competition. Experiments are
often the best way to detect competition, but they have
their limitations.
25.2 Predators and their prey coevolve.
Predation and Prey Populations. Predators can limit the
size of populations and sometimes even eliminate a species
from a community.
Plant Defenses against Herbivores. Plants use chemicals
to defend themselves against animals trying to eat them.
Animal Defenses against Predators. Animals defend
themselves with camouflage, chemicals, and stings.
Mimicry. Sometimes a species copies the appearance of
another protected one.
25.3 Evolution sometimes fosters cooperation.
Coevolution and Symbiosis. Organisms have evolved
many adjustments and accommodations to living together.
Commensalism. Some organisms use others, neither
hurting or helping their benefactors.
Mutualism. Often species interact in ways that benefit
Parasitism. Sometimes one organism serves as the food
supply of another much smaller one.
Interactions among Ecological Processes. Multiple
processes may occur simultaneously within a community.
25.4 Ecological succession may increase species
Succession. Communities change through time.
The Role of Disturbance. Disturbances can disrupt
successional change. In some cases, moderate amounts of
disturbance increase species diversity.
ll the organisms that live together in a place are called
a community. The myriad species that inhabit a tropi-
cal rain forest are a community. Indeed, every inhabited
place on earth supports its own particular array of organ-
isms. Over time, the different species have made many
complex adjustments to community living (figure 25.1),
evolving together and forging relationships that give the
community its character and stability. Both competition
and cooperation have played key roles; in this chapter, we
will look at these and other factors in community ecology.
Communities involve interactions between disparate groups.
This clownfish is one of the few species that can nestle safely
among the stinging tentacles of the sea anemone—a classic
example of a symbiotic relationship.
Processes other than competition can also restrict the
realized niche of a species. For example, a plant, the St.
John’s-wort, was introduced and became widespread in
open rangeland habitats in California until a specialized
beetle was introduced to control it. Populations of the plant
quickly decreased and it is now only found in shady sites
where the beetle cannot thrive. In this case, the presence of
a predator limits the realized niche of a plant.
In some cases, the absence of another species leads to a
smaller realized niche. For example, many North American
plants depend on the American honeybee for pollination.
The honeybee’s population is currently declining for a vari-
ety of reasons. Conservationists are concerned that if the
honeybee disappears from some habitats, the niche of these
plant species will decrease or even disappear entirely. In
this case, then, the absence—rather than the presence—of
another species will be cause of a relatively small realized
A niche may be defined as the way in which an organism
utilizes its environment. Interspecific interactions may
cause a species’ realized niche to be smaller than its
fundamental niche. If resources are limiting, two
species normally cannot occupy the same niche
516 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
The Realized Niche
Each organism in an ecosystem confronts the challenge of
survival in a different way. The niche an organism occupies
is the sum total of all the ways it utilizes the resources of its
environment. A niche may be described in terms of space
utilization, food consumption, temperature range, appro-
priate conditions for mating, requirements for moisture,
and other factors. Niche is not synonymous with habitat,
the place where an organism lives. Habitat is a place, niche a
pattern of living.
Sometimes species are not able to occupy their entire
niche because of the presence or absence of other species.
Species can interact with each other in a number of ways,
and these interactions can either have positive or negative
effects. One type of interaction is interspecific competi-
tion, which occurs when two species attempt to utilize the
same resource when there is not enough of the resource to
satisfy both. Fighting over resources is referred to as inter-
ference competition; consuming shared resources is
called exploitative competition.
The entire niche that a species is capable of using,
based on its physiological requirements and resource
needs, is called the fundamental niche. The actual niche
the species occupies is called its realized niche. Because
of interspecific interactions, the realized niche of a
species may be considerably smaller than its fundamental
In a classic study, J. H. Connell of the University of
California, Santa Barbara investigated competitive inter-
actions between two species of barnacles that grow to-
gether on rocks along the coast of Scotland. Of the two
species Connell studied, Chthamalus stellatus lives in shal-
lower water, where tidal action often exposed it to air,
and Semibalanus balanoides (called Balanus balanoides prior
to 1995) lives lower down, where it is rarely exposed to
the atmosphere (figure 25.2). In the deeper zone, Semi-
balanus could always outcompete Chthamalus by crowding
it off the rocks, undercutting it, and replacing it even
where it had begun to grow, an example of interference
competition. When Connell removed Semibalanus from
the area, however, Chthamalus was easily able to occupy
the deeper zone, indicating that no physiological or other
general obstacles prevented it from becoming established
there. In contrast, Semibalanus could not survive in the
shallow-water habitats where Chthamalus normally oc-
curs; it evidently does not have the special adaptations
that allow Chthamalus to occupy this zone. Thus, the fun-
damental niche of the barnacle Chthamalus included both
shallow and deeper zones, but its realized niche was
much narrower because Chthamalus was outcompeted by
Semibalanus in parts of its fundamental niche. By con-
trast, the realized and fundamental niches of Semibalanus
appear to be identical.
25.1 Interactions among competing species shape ecological niches.
Competition among two species of barnacles limits niche use.
Chthamalus can live in both deep and shallow zones (its
fundamental niche), but Semibalanus forces Chthamalus out of the
part of its fundamental niche that overlaps the realized niche of
Gause and the Principle of
Competitive Exclusion
In classic experiments carried out in 1934 and 1935, Russ-
ian ecologist G. F. Gause studied competition among three
species of Paramecium, a tiny protist. All three species grew
well alone in culture tubes, preying on bacteria and yeasts
that fed on oatmeal suspended in the culture fluid (figure
25.3a). However, when Gause grew P. aurelia together with
P. caudatum in the same culture tube, the numbers of P.
caudatum always declined to extinction, leaving P. aurelia
the only survivor (figure 25.3b). Why? Gause found P. au-
relia was able to grow six times faster than its competitor P.
caudatum because it was able to better utilize the limited
available resources, an example of exploitative competition.
From experiments such as this, Gause formulated what
is now called the principle of competitive exclusion.
This principle states that if two species are competing for a
limited resource, the species that uses the resource more ef-
ficiently will eventually eliminate the other locally—no two
species with the same niche can coexist when resources are
Niche Overlap
In a revealing experiment, Gause challenged Paramecium
caudatum—the defeated species in his earlier experiments—
with a third species, P. bursaria. Because he expected these
two species to also compete for the limited bacterial food
supply, Gause thought one would win out, as had happened
in his previous experiments. But that’s not what happened.
Instead, both species survived in the culture tubes; the
paramecia found a way to divide the food resources. How
did they do it? In the upper part of the culture tubes, where
the oxygen concentration and bacterial density were high,
P. caudatum dominated because it was better able to feed on
bacteria. However, in the lower part of the tubes, the lower
oxygen concentration favored the growth of a different po-
tential food, yeast, and P. bursaria was better able to eat this
food. The fundamental niche of each species was the whole
culture tube, but the realized niche of each species was only
a portion of the tube. Because the niches of the two species
did not overlap too much, both species were able to sur-
vive. However, competition did have a negative effect on
the participants (figure 25.3c). When grown without a com-
petitor, both species reached densities three times greater
than when they were grown with a competitor.
Competitive Exclusion
Gause’s principle of competitive exclusion can be restated
to say that no two species can occupy the same niche indefinitely
when resources are limiting. Certainly species can and do co-
exist while competing for some of the same resources. Nev-
ertheless, Gause’s theory predicts that when two species
coexist on a long-term basis, either resources must not be
limited or their niches will always differ in one or more fea-
tures; otherwise, one species will outcompete the other and
the extinction of the second species will inevitably result, a
process referred to as competitive exclusion.
If resources are limiting, no two species can occupy the
same niche indefinitely without competition driving one
to extinction.
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 517
? ?
4 8 12 16 20 24 20161284
Days Days(b) (c)
P. caudatum
P. aurelia
P. caudatum
P. bursaria
Population density
(measured by volume)
Competitive exclusion
among three species of
Paramecium. In the
microscopic world,
Paramecium is a ferocious
predator. Paramecia eat by
ingesting their prey; their
cell membranes surround
bacterial or yeast cells,
forming a food vacuole
containing the prey cell.
(a) In his experiments, Gause found that three species
of Paramecium grew well alone in culture tubes. (b)
But Paramecium caudatum would decline to extinction
when grown with P. aurelia because they shared the
same realized niche, and P. aurelia outcompeted P.
caudatum for food resources. (c) However, P. caudatum
and P. bursaria were able to coexist because the two
have different realized niches and thus avoided
Population density
(measured by volume)
40 812162024 40 812162024 40 812162024
P. aurelia P. caudatum
P. bursaria
? ?
? ?
Resource Partitioning
Gause’s exclusion principle has a very important conse-
quence: persistent competition between two species is rare
in natural communities. Either one species drives the other
to extinction, or natural selection reduces the competition
between them. When the late Princeton ecologist Robert
MacArthur studied five species of warblers, small insect-
eating forest songbirds, he found that they all appeared to
be competing for the same resources. However, when he
studied them more carefully, he found that each species ac-
tually fed in a different part of spruce trees and so ate dif-
ferent subsets of insects. One species fed on insects near
the tips of branches, a second within the dense foliage, a
third on the lower branches, a fourth high on the trees and
a fifth at the very apex of the trees. Thus, each species of
warbler had evolved so as to utilize a different portion of
the spruce tree resource. They subdivided the niche, parti-
tioning the available resource so as to avoid direct competi-
tion with one another.
Resource partitioning is often seen in similar species
that occupy the same geographical area. Such sympatric
species often avoid competition by living in different por-
tions of the habitat or by utilizing different food or other
resources (figure 25.4). This pattern of resource partition-
ing is thought to result from the process of natural selec-
tion causing initially similar species to diverge in resource
use in order to reduce competitive pressures.
Evidence for the role of evolution comes from compari-
son of species whose ranges are only partially overlapping.
Where the two species co-occur, they tend to exhibit
greater differences in morphology (the form and structure
of an organism) and resource use than do their allopatric
populations. Called character displacement, the differ-
ences evident between sympatric species are thought to
have been favored by natural selection as a mechanism to
facilitate habitat partitioning and thus reduce competition.
Thus, the two Darwin’s finches in figure 25.5 have bills of
similar size where the finches are allopatric, each living on
an island where the other does not occur. On islands where
they are sympatric, the two species have evolved beaks of
different sizes, one adapted to larger seeds, the other to
smaller ones.
Sympatric species partition available resources,
reducing competition between them.
518 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
7 9 11 13 15
Finch beak depth (mm)
Los Hermanos
Daphne Major
San Cristobal and
Santa Maria Islands
G. fuliginosa
G. fortis
G. fuliginosa
Individuals in each size class (%)
Character displacement in Darwin’s finches. These two species
of finches (genus Geospiza) have bills of similar size when
allopatric, but different size when sympatric.
Resource partitioning among sympatric lizard species. Species of Anolis lizards on Caribbean islands partition their tree habitats in a
variety of ways. Some species of anoles occupy the canopy of trees (a), others use twigs on the periphery (b), and still others are found at
the base of the trunk (c). In addition, some use grassy areas in the open (d). When two species occupy the same part of the tree, they either
utilize different-sized insects as food or partition the thermal microhabitat; for example, one might only be found in the shade, whereas the
other would only bask in the sun. Most interestingly, the same pattern of resource partitioning has evolved independently on different
Caribbean islands.
Detecting Interspecific Competition
It is not simple to determine when two species are compet-
ing. The fact that two species use the same resources need
not imply competition if that resource is not in limited sup-
ply. If the population sizes of two species are negatively
correlated, such that where one species has a large popula-
tion, the other species has a small population and vice
versa, the two species need not be competing for the same
limiting resource. Instead, the two species might be inde-
pendently responding to the same feature of the environ-
ment—perhaps one species thrives best in warm conditions
and the other in cool conditions.
Experimental Studies of Competition
Some of the best evidence for the existence of competi-
tion comes from experimental field studies. By setting up
experiments in which two species either occur alone or
together, scientists can determine whether the presence
of one species has a negative effect on a population of a
second species. For example, a variety of seed-eating ro-
dents occur in the Chihuahuan Desert of the southwest-
ern part of North America. In 1988, researchers set up a
series of 50 meter H11003 50 meter enclosures to investigate
the effect of kangaroo rats on other, smaller seed-eating
rodents. Kangaroo rats were removed from half of the
enclosures, but not from the other enclosures. The walls
of all of the enclosures had holes in them that allowed ro-
dents to come and go, but in the kangaroo rat removal
plots, the holes were too small to allow the kangaroo rats
to enter. Over the course of the next three years, the re-
searchers monitored the number of the other, smaller
seed-eating rodents present in the plots. As figure 25.6 il-
lustrates, the number of other rodents was substantially
higher in the absence of kangaroo rats, indicating that
kangaroo rats compete with the other rodents and limit
their population sizes.
A great number of similar experiments have indicated
that interspecific competition occurs between many species
of plants and animals. Effects of competition can be seen in
aspects of population biology other than population size,
such as behavior and individual growth rates. For example,
two species of Anolis lizards occur on the island of St.
Maarten. When one of the species, A. gingivinus, is placed
in 12 m H11003 12 m enclosures without the other species, indi-
vidual lizards grow faster and perch lower than lizards of
the same species do when placed in enclosures in which A.
pogus is also present.
Caution Is Necessary
Although experimental studies can be a powerful means of
understanding the interactions that occur between coexist-
ing species, they have their limitations.
First, care is necessary in interpreting the results of field
experiments. Negative effects of one species on another do
not automatically indicate the existence of competition. For
example, many similar-sized fish have a negative effect on
each other, but it results not from competition, but from
the fact that adults of each species will prey on juveniles of
the other species. In addition, the presence of one species
may attract predators, which then also prey on the second
species. In this case, the second species may have a lower
population size in the presence of the first species due to
the presence of predators, even if they are not competing at
all. Thus, experimental studies are most effective when
they are combined with detailed examination of the ecolog-
ical mechanism causing the negative effect of one species
on another species.
In addition, experimental studies are not always feasible.
For example, the coyote has increased its population in the
United States in recent years simultaneously with the de-
cline of the grey wolf. Is this trend an indication that the
species compete? Because of the size of the animals and the
large geographic areas occupied by each individual, manip-
ulative experiments involving fenced areas with only one or
both species—with each experimental treatment replicated
several times for statistical analysis—are not practical. Sim-
ilarly, studies of slow-growing trees might require many
centuries to detect competition between adult trees. In
such cases, detailed studies of the ecological requirements
of the species are our best bet to understanding interspe-
cific interactions.
Experimental studies can provide strong tests of the
hypothesis that interspecific competition occurs, but
such studies have limitations. Detailed ecological
studies are important regardless of whether
experiments are conducted.
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 519
Kangaroo rats removed
Kangaroo rats present
Detecting interspecific competition. This experiment tests the
effect of removal of kangaroo rats on the population size of other
rodents. Immediately after kangaroo rats were removed, the
number of rodents increased relative to the enclosures that still
had kangaroo rats. Notice that population sizes (as estimated by
number of captures) increased and decreased in synchrony in the
two treatments, probably reflecting changes in the weather.
Predation is the consuming of one organism by another.
In this sense, predation includes everything from a leopard
capturing and eating an antelope, to a deer grazing on
spring grass. When experimental populations are set up
under simple laboratory conditions, the predator often ex-
terminates its prey and then becomes extinct itself, having
nothing left to eat (figure 25.7). However, if refuges are
provided for the prey, its population will drop to low levels
but not to extinction. Low prey population levels will then
provide inadequate food for the predators, causing the
predator population to decrease. When this occurs, the
prey population can recover.
Predation and Prey Populations
In nature, predators can often have large effects on prey
populations. Some of the most dramatic examples involve
situations in which humans have either added or elimi-
nated predators from an area. For example, the elimina-
tion of large carnivores from much of the eastern United
States has led to population explosions of white-tailed
deer, which strip the habitat of all edible plant life. Simi-
larly, when sea otters were hunted to near extinction on
the western coast of the United States, sea urchin popula-
tions exploded.
Conversely, the introduction of rats, dogs, and cats to
many islands around the world has led to the decimation
of native faunas. Populations of Galápagos tortoises on
several islands are endangered, for example, by intro-
duced rats, dogs, and cats, which eat eggs and young tor-
toises. Similarly, several species of birds and reptiles have
been eradicated by rat predation from New Zealand and
now only occur on a few offshore islands that the rats
have not reached. In addition, on Stephens Island, near
New Zealand, every individual of the now extinct
Stephen Island wren was killed by a single lighthouse
keeper’s cat!
A classic example of the role predation can play in a
community involves the introduction of prickly pear cac-
tus to Australia in the nineteenth century. In the absence
of predators, the cactus spread rapidly, by 1925 occupy-
ing 12 million hectares of rangeland in an impenetrable
morass of spines that made cattle ranching difficult. To
control the cactus, a predator from its natural habitat in
Argentina, the moth Cactoblastis cactorum, was introduced
beginning in 1926. By 1940, cactus populations had been
decimated, and it now generally occurs in small
Predation and Evolution
Predation provides strong selective pressures on prey popu-
lations. Any feature that would decrease the probability of
capture should be strongly favored. In the next three pages,
we discuss a number of defense mechanisms in plants and
animals. In turn, the evolution of such features will cause
natural selection to favor counteradaptations in predator
populations. In this way, a coevolutionary arms race may
ensue in which predators and prey are constantly evolving
better defenses and better means of circumventing these
One example comes from the fossil record of molluscs
and gastropods and their predators. During the Mesozoic
period (approximately 65 to 225 million years ago), new
forms of predatory fish and crustaceans evolved that were
able to crush or tear open shells. As a result, a variety of de-
fensive measures evolved in molluscs and gastropods, in-
cluding thicker shells, spines, and shells too smooth for
predators to be able to grasp. In turn, these adaptations
may have pressured predators to evolve ever more effective
predatory adaptations and tactics.
Predation can have substantial effects on prey
populations. As a result prey species often evolve
defensive adaptations.
520 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
25.2 Predators and their prey coevolve.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of individuals
Time (days)
Predator-prey in the microscopic world. When the predatory
Didinium is added to a Paramecium population, the numbers of
Didinium initially rise, while the numbers of Paramecium steadily
fall. When the Paramecium population is depleted, however, the
Didinium individuals also die.
Plant Defenses against
Plants have evolved many mecha-
nisms to defend themselves from her-
bivores. The most obvious are mor-
phological defenses: thorns, spines,
and prickles play an important role in
discouraging browsers, and plant
hairs, especially those that have a
glandular, sticky tip, deter insect her-
bivores. Some plants, such as grasses,
deposit silica in their leaves, both
strengthening and protecting them-
selves. If enough silica is present in
their cells, these plants are simply too
tough to eat.
Chemical Defenses
Significant as these morphological adaptations are, the
chemical defenses that occur so widely in plants are even
more crucial. Best known and perhaps most important in
the defenses of plants against herbivores are secondary
chemical compounds. These are distinguished from pri-
mary compounds, which are regular components of the
major metabolic pathways, such as respiration. Many
plants, and apparently many algae as well, contain very
structurally diverse secondary compounds that are either
toxic to most herbivores or disturb their metabolism
greatly, preventing, for example, the normal development
of larval insects. Consequently, most herbivores tend to
avoid the plants that possess these compounds.
The mustard family (Brassicaceae) is characterized by a
group of chemicals known as mustard oils. These are the
substances that give the pungent aromas and tastes to
such plants as mustard, cabbage, watercress, radish, and
horseradish. The same tastes we enjoy signal the presence
of chemicals that are toxic to many groups of insects. Sim-
ilarly, plants of the milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae) and
the related dogbane family (Apocynaceae) produce a
milky sap that deters herbivores from eating them. In ad-
dition, these plants usually contain cardiac glycosides,
molecules named for their drastic effect on heart function
in vertebrates.
The Evolutionary Response of Herbivores
Certain groups of herbivores are associated with each fam-
ily or group of plants protected by a particular kind of sec-
ondary compound. These herbivores are able to feed on
these plants without harm, often as their exclusive food
source. For example, cabbage butterfly caterpillars (sub-
family Pierinae) feed almost exclusively on plants of the
mustard and caper families, as well as on a few other small
families of plants that also contain mustard oils (figure
25.8). Similarly, caterpillars of monarch butterflies and
their relatives (subfamily Danainae) feed on plants of the
milkweed and dogbane families. How do these animals
manage to avoid the chemical defenses of the plants, and
what are the evolutionary precursors and ecological conse-
quences of such patterns of specialization?
We can offer a potential explanation for the evolution
of these particular patterns. Once the ability to manufac-
ture mustard oils evolved in the ancestors of the caper and
mustard families, the plants were protected for a time
against most or all herbivores that were feeding on other
plants in their area. At some point, certain groups of in-
sects—for example, the cabbage butterflies—evolved the
ability to break down mustard oils and thus feed on these
plants without harming themselves. Having developed
this ability, the butterflies were able to use a new resource
without competing with other herbivores for it. Often, in
groups of insects such as cabbage butterflies, sense organs
have evolved that are able to detect the secondary com-
pounds that their food plants produce. Clearly, the rela-
tionship that has formed between cabbage butterflies and
the plants of the mustard and caper families is an example
of coevolution.
The members of many groups of plants are protected
from most herbivores by their secondary compounds.
Once the members of a particular herbivore group
evolve the ability to feed on them, these herbivores gain
access to a new resource, which they can exploit
without competition from other herbivores.
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 521
(a) (b)
Insect herbivores are well suited to their hosts. (a) The green caterpillars of the cabbage
butterfly, Pieris rapae, are camouflaged on the leaves of cabbage and other plants on which
they feed. Although mustard oils protect these plants against most herbivores, the cabbage
butterfly caterpillars are able to break down the mustard oil compounds. (b) An adult
cabbage butterfly.
Animal Defenses against Predators
Some animals that feed on plants rich in secondary com-
pounds receive an extra benefit. When the caterpillars of
monarch butterflies feed on plants of the milkweed family,
they do not break down the cardiac glycosides that protect
these plants from herbivores. Instead, the caterpillars con-
centrate and store the cardiac glycosides in fat bodies; they
then pass them through the chrysalis stage to the adult and
even to the eggs of the next generation. The incorporation
of cardiac glycosides thus protects all stages of the monarch
life cycle from predators. A bird that eats a monarch but-
terfly quickly regurgitates it (figure 25.9) and in the future
avoids the conspicuous orange-and-black pattern that char-
acterizes the adult monarch. Some birds, however, appear
to have acquired the ability to tolerate the protective chem-
icals. These birds eat the monarchs.
Defensive Coloration
Many insects that feed on milkweed plants are brightly col-
ored; they advertise their poisonous nature using an eco-
logical strategy known as warning coloration, or apose-
matic coloration. Showy coloration is characteristic of
animals that use poisons and stings to repel predators,
while organisms that lack specific chemical defenses are sel-
dom brightly colored. In fact, many have cryptic col-
oration—color that blends with the surroundings and thus
hides the individual from predators (figure 25.10). Camou-
flaged animals usually do not live together in groups be-
cause a predator that discovers one individual gains a valu-
able clue to the presence of others.
Chemical Defenses
Animals also manufacture and use a startling array of sub-
stances to perform a variety of defensive functions. Bees,
wasps, predatory bugs, scorpions, spiders, and many other
arthropods use chemicals to defend themselves and to kill
their prey. In addition, various chemical defenses have
evolved among marine animals and the vertebrates, includ-
ing venomous snakes, lizards, fishes, and some birds. The
poison-dart frogs of the family Dendrobatidae produce
toxic alkaloids in the mucus that covers their brightly col-
ored skin (figure 25.11). Some of these toxins are so power-
ful that a few micrograms will kill a person if injected into
the bloodstream. More than 200 different alkaloids have
been isolated from these frogs, and some are playing im-
portant roles in neuromuscular research. There is an inten-
sive investigation of marine animals, algae, and flowering
plants for new drugs to fight cancer and other diseases, or
as sources of antibiotics.
Animals defend themselves against predators with
warning coloration, camouflage, and chemical defenses
such as poisons and stings.
522 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
A blue jay learns that monarch butterflies taste bad. (a) This
cage-reared jay had never seen a monarch butterfly before it tried
eating one. (b) The same jay regurgitated the butterfly a few
minutes later. This bird will probably avoid trying to capture all
orange-and-black insects in the future.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 25.10
Cryptic coloration. An inchworm caterpillar (Necophora quernaria)
(hanging from the upper twig) closely resembles a twig.
FIGURE 25.11
Vertebrate chemical defenses. Frogs of the family
Dendrobatidae, abundant in the forests of Latin America, are
extremely poisonous to vertebrates. Dendrobatids advertise their
toxicity with aposematic coloration, as shown here.
During the course of their evolution, many species have
come to resemble distasteful ones that exhibit aposematic
coloration. The mimic gains an advantage by looking like
the distasteful model. Two types of mimicry have been
identified: Batesian and Müllerian mimicry.
Batesian Mimicry
Batesian mimicry is named for Henry Bates, the British
naturalist who first brought this type of mimicry to gen-
eral attention in 1857. In his journeys to the Amazon re-
gion of South America, Bates discovered many instances
of palatable insects that resembled brightly colored, dis-
tasteful species. He reasoned that the mimics would be
avoided by predators, who would be fooled by the dis-
guise into thinking the mimic actually is the distasteful
Many of the best-known examples of Batesian mimicry
occur among butterflies and moths. Obviously, predators in
systems of this kind must use visual cues to hunt for their
prey; otherwise, similar color patterns would not matter to
potential predators. There is also increasing evidence indi-
cating that Batesian mimicry can also involve nonvisual
cues, such as olfaction, although such examples are less ob-
vious to humans.
The kinds of butterflies that provide the models in Bate-
sian mimicry are, not surprisingly, members of groups
whose caterpillars feed on only one or a few closely related
plant families. The plant families on which they feed are
strongly protected by toxic chemicals. The model butter-
flies incorporate the poisonous molecules from these plants
into their bodies. The mimic butterflies, in contrast, belong
to groups in which the feeding habits of the caterpillars are
not so restricted. As caterpillars, these butterflies feed on a
number of different plant families unprotected by toxic
One often-studied mimic among North American but-
terflies is the viceroy, Limenitis archippus (figure 25.12a).
This butterfly, which resembles the poisonous monarch,
ranges from central Canada through much of the United
States and into Mexico. The caterpillars feed on willows
and cottonwoods, and neither caterpillars nor adults were
thought to be distasteful to birds, although recent findings
may dispute this. Interestingly, the Batesian mimicry seen
in the adult viceroy butterfly does not extend to the cater-
pillars: viceroy caterpillars are camouflaged on leaves, re-
sembling bird droppings, while the monarch’s distasteful
caterpillars are very conspicuous.
Müllerian Mimicry
Another kind of mimicry, Müllerian mimicry, was named
for German biologist Fritz Müller, who first described it in
1878. In Müllerian mimicry, several unrelated but pro-
tected animal species come to resemble one another (figure
25.12b). If animals that resemble one another are all poiso-
nous or dangerous, they gain an advantage because a preda-
tor will learn more quickly to avoid them. In some cases,
predator populations even evolve an innate avoidance of
species; such evolution may occur more quickly when mul-
tiple dangerous prey look alike.
In both Batesian and Müllerian mimicry, mimic and
model must not only look alike but also act alike if preda-
tors are to be deceived. For example, the members of sev-
eral families of insects that closely resemble wasps behave
surprisingly like the wasps they mimic, flying often and ac-
tively from place to place.
In Batesian mimicry, unprotected species resemble
others that are distasteful. Both species exhibit
aposematic coloration. In Müllerian mimicry, two or
more unrelated but protected species resemble one
another, thus achieving a kind of group defense.
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 523
(a) Batesian mimicry: Monarch (Danaus) is poisonous; viceroy
(Limenitis) is palatable mimic
(b) Müllerian mimicry: two pairs of mimics; all are distasteful
Heliconius erato
Heliconius melpomene
Danaus plexippus
Limenitis archippus
Heliconius sapho Heliconius cydno
FIGURE 25.12
Mimicry. (a) Batesian mimicry. Monarch butterflies (Danaus
plexippus) are protected from birds and other predators by the
cardiac glycosides they incorporate from the milkweeds and
dogbanes they feed on as larvae. Adult monarch butterflies
advertise their poisonous nature with warning coloration. Viceroy
butterflies (Limenitis archippus) are Batesian mimics of the
poisonous monarch. (b) Pairs of Müllerian mimics. Heliconius erato
and H. melpomene are sympatric, and H. sapho and H. cydno are
sympatric. All of these butterflies are distasteful. They have
evolved similar coloration patterns in sympatry to minimize
predation; predators need only learn one pattern to avoid.
Coevolution and Symbiosis
The plants, animals, protists, fungi, and bacteria that live
together in communities have changed and adjusted to
one another continually over a period of millions of
years. For example, many features of flowering plants
have evolved in relation to the dispersal of the plant’s ga-
metes by animals (figure 25.13). These animals, in turn,
have evolved a number of special traits that enable them
to obtain food or other resources efficiently from the
plants they visit, often from their flowers. While doing
so, the animals pick up pollen, which they may deposit on
the next plant they visit, or seeds, which may be left else-
where in the environment, sometimes a great distance
from the parental plant.
Such interactions, which involve the long-term, mutual
evolutionary adjustment of the characteristics of the mem-
bers of biological communities, are examples of coevolu-
tion, a phenomenon we have already seen in predator-prey
Symbiosis Is Widespread
Another type of coevolution involves symbiotic relation-
ships in which two or more kinds of organisms live to-
gether in often elaborate and more-or-less permanent re-
lationships. All symbiotic relationships carry the potential
for coevolution between the organisms involved, and in
many instances the results of this coevolution are fascinat-
ing. Examples of symbiosis include lichens, which are asso-
ciations of certain fungi with green algae or cyanobacte-
ria. Lichens are discussed in more detail in chapter 36.
Another important example are mycorrhizae, the associa-
tion between fungi and the roots of most kinds of plants.
The fungi expedite the plant’s absorption of certain nutri-
ents, and the plants in turn provide the fungi with carbo-
hydrates. Similarly, root nodules that occur in legumes
and certain other kinds of plants contain bacteria that fix
atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to their host
In the tropics, leafcutter ants are often so abundant
that they can remove a quarter or more of the total leaf
surface of the plants in a given area. They do not eat
these leaves directly; rather, they take them to under-
ground nests, where they chew them up and inoculate
them with the spores of particular fungi. These fungi are
cultivated by the ants and brought from one specially
prepared bed to another, where they grow and repro-
duce. In turn, the fungi constitute the primary food of
the ants and their larvae. The relationship between leaf-
cutter ants and these fungi is an excellent example of
Kinds of Symbiosis
The major kinds of symbiotic relationships include (1)
commensalism, in which one species benefits while the
other neither benefits nor is harmed; (2) mutualism, in
which both participating species benefit; and (3) para-
sitism, in which one species benefits but the other is
harmed. Parasitism can also be viewed as a form of preda-
tion, although the organism that is preyed upon does not
necessarily die.
Coevolution is a term that describes the long-term
evolutionary adjustments of species to one another. In
symbiosis two or more species interact closely, with at
least one species benefitting.
524 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
25.3 Evolution sometimes fosters cooperation.
FIGURE 25.13
Pollination by bat. Many flowers have coevolved with other
species to facilitate pollen transfer. Insects are widely known as
pollinators, but they’re not the only ones. Notice the cargo of
pollen on the bat’s snout.
Commensalism is a symbiotic rela-
tionship that benefits one species
and neither hurts nor helps the
other. In nature, individuals of one
species are often physically attached
to members of another. For example,
epiphytes are plants that grow on the
branches of other plants. In general,
the host plant is unharmed, while the
epiphyte that grows on it benefits.
Similarly, various marine animals,
such as barnacles, grow on other,
often actively moving sea animals
like whales and thus are carried pas-
sively from place to place. These
“passengers” presumably gain more
protection from predation than they
would if they were fixed in one place,
and they also reach new sources of
food. The increased water circulation
that such animals receive as their
host moves around may be of great
importance, particularly if the pas-
sengers are filter feeders. The ga-
metes of the passenger are also more
widely dispersed than would be the
case otherwise.
Examples of Commensalism
The best-known examples of commensalism involve the re-
lationships between certain small tropical fishes and sea
anemones, marine animals that have stinging tentacles (see
chapter 44). These fish have evolved the ability to live
among the tentacles of sea anemones, even though these
tentacles would quickly paralyze other fishes that touched
them (figure 25.14). The anemone fishes feed on the detri-
tus left from the meals of the host anemone, remaining un-
injured under remarkable circumstances.
On land, an analogous relationship exists between birds
called oxpeckers and grazing animals such as cattle or rhi-
noceros. The birds spend most of their time clinging to the
animals, picking off parasites and other insects, carrying
out their entire life cycles in close association with the host
When Is Commensalism Commensalism?
In each of these instances, it is difficult to be certain
whether the second partner receives a benefit or not;
there is no clear-cut boundary between commensalism
and mutualism. For instance, it may be advantageous to
the sea anemone to have particles of food removed from
its tentacles; it may then be better able to catch other
prey. Similarly, while often thought of as commensalism,
the association of grazing mammals and gleaning birds is
actually an example of mutualism. The mammal benefits
by having parasites and other insects removed from its
body, but the birds also benefit by gaining a dependable
source of food.
On the other hand, commensalism can easily transform
itself into parasitism. For example, oxpeckers are also
known to pick not only parasites, but also scabs off their
grazing hosts. Once the scab is picked, the birds drink the
blood that flows from the wound. Occasionally, the cumu-
lative effect of persistent attacks can greatly weaken the
herbivore, particularly when conditions are not favorable,
such as during droughts.
Commensalism is the benign use of one organism by
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 525
FIGURE 25.14
Commensalism in the sea. Clownfishes, such as this Amphiprion perideraion in Guam,
often form symbiotic associations with sea anemones, gaining protection by remaining
among their tentacles and gleaning scraps from their food. Different species of anemones
secrete different chemical mediators; these attract particular species of fishes and may be
toxic to the fish species that occur symbiotically with other species of anemones in the same
habitat. There are 26 species of clownfishes, all found only in association with sea
anemones; 10 species of anemones are involved in such associations, so that some of the
anemone species are host to more than one species of clownfish.
Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship among organisms in
which both species benefit. Examples of mutualism are of
fundamental importance in determining the structure of bi-
ological communities. Some of the most spectacular exam-
ples of mutualism occur among flowering plants and their
animal visitors, including insects, birds, and bats. As we will
see in chapter 37, during the course of their evolution, the
characteristics of flowers have evolved in large part in rela-
tion to the characteristics of the animals that visit them for
food and, in doing so, spread their pollen from individual
to individual. At the same time, characteristics of the ani-
mals have changed, increasing their specialization for ob-
taining food or other substances from particular kinds of
Another example of mutualism involves ants and aphids.
Aphids, also called greenflies, are small insects that suck
fluids from the phloem of living plants with their piercing
mouthparts. They extract a certain amount of the sucrose
and other nutrients from this fluid, but they excrete much
of it in an altered form through their anus. Certain ants
have taken advantage of this—in effect, domesticating the
aphids. The ants carry the aphids to new plants, where they
come into contact with new sources of food, and then con-
sume as food the “honeydew” that the aphids excrete.
Ants and Acacias
A particularly striking example of mutualism involves ants
and certain Latin American species of the plant genus Aca-
cia. In these species, certain leaf parts, called stipules, are
modified as paired, hollow thorns. The thorns are inhab-
ited by stinging ants of the genus Pseudomyrmex, which do
not nest anywhere else (figure 25.15). Like all thorns that
occur on plants, the acacia horns serve to deter herbivores.
At the tip of the leaflets of these acacias are unique, pro-
tein-rich bodies called Beltian bodies, named after the
nineteenth-century British naturalist Thomas Belt. Beltian
bodies do not occur in species of Acacia that are not inhab-
ited by ants, and their role is clear: they serve as a primary
food for the ants. In addition, the plants secrete nectar
from glands near the bases of their leaves. The ants con-
sume this nectar as well, feeding it and the Beltian bodies
to their larvae.
Obviously, this association is beneficial to the ants, and
one can readily see why they inhabit acacias of this group.
The ants and their larvae are protected within the swollen
thorns, and the trees provide a balanced diet, including the
sugar-rich nectar and the protein-rich Beltian bodies.
What, if anything, do the ants do for the plants?
Whenever any herbivore lands on the branches or leaves
of an acacia inhabited by ants, the ants, which continually
patrol the acacia’s branches, immediately attack and devour
the herbivore. The ants that live in the acacias also help
their hosts to compete with other plants. The ants cut away
any branches of other plants that touch the acacia in which
they are living. They create, in effect, a tunnel of light
through which the acacia can grow, even in the lush decid-
uous forests of lowland Central America. In fact, when an
ant colony is experimentally removed from a tree, the aca-
cia is unable to compete successfully in this habitat. Finally,
the ants bring organic material into their nests. The parts
they do not consume, together with their excretions, pro-
vide the acacias with an abundant source of nitrogen.
As with commensalism, however, things are not always
as they seem. Ant-acacia mutualisms also occur in Africa. In
Kenya, several species of acacia ants occur, but only one
species occurs on any tree. One species, Crematogaster ni-
griceps, is competitively inferior to two of the other species.
To prevent invasion by other ant species, C. nigriceps
prunes the branches of the acacia, preventing it from com-
ing into contact with branches of other trees, which would
serve as a bridge for invaders. Although this behavior is
beneficial to the ant, it is detrimental to the tree, as it de-
stroys the tissue from which flowers are produced, essen-
tially sterilizing the tree. In this case, what has initially
evolved as a mutualistic interaction has instead become a
parasitic one.
Mutualism involves cooperation between species, to the
mutual benefit of both.
526 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
FIGURE 25.15
Mutualism: ants and acacias. Ants of the genus Pseudomyrmex
live within the hollow thorns of certain species of acacia trees in
Latin America. The nectaries at the bases of the leaves and the
Beltian bodies at the ends of the leaflets provide food for the ants.
The ants, in turn, supply the acacias with organic nutrients and
protect the acacia from herbivores.
Parasitism may be regarded as a special form of symbiosis
in which the predator, or parasite, is much smaller than the
prey and remains closely associated with it. Parasitism is
harmful to the prey organism and beneficial to the parasite.
The concept of parasitism seems obvious, but individual in-
stances are often surprisingly difficult to distinguish from
predation and from other kinds of symbiosis.
External Parasites
Parasites that feed on the exterior surface of an organism
are external parasites, or ectoparasites. Many instances of
external parasitism are known (figure 25.16). Lice, which
live on the bodies of vertebrates—mainly birds and mam-
mals—are normally considered parasites. Mosquitoes are
not considered parasites, even though they draw food from
birds and mammals in a similar manner to lice, because
their interaction with their host is so brief.
Parasitoids are insects that lay eggs on living hosts.
This behavior is common among wasps, whose larvae feed
on the body of the unfortunate host, often killing it.
Internal Parasites
Vertebrates are parasitized internally by endoparasites,
members of many different phyla of animals and protists.
Invertebrates also have many kinds of parasites that live
within their bodies. Bacteria and viruses are not usually
considered parasites, even though they fit our definition
Internal parasitism is generally marked by much more
extreme specialization than external parasitism, as shown
by the many protist and invertebrate parasites that infect
humans. The more closely the life of the parasite is linked
with that of its host, the more its morphology and behavior
are likely to have been modified during the course of its
evolution. The same is true of symbiotic relationships of all
sorts. Conditions within the body of an organism are dif-
ferent from those encountered outside and are apt to be
much more constant. Consequently, the structure of an in-
ternal parasite is often simplified, and unnecessary arma-
ments and structures are lost as it evolves.
Brood Parasitism
Not all parasites consume the body of their host. In brood
parasitism, birds like cowbirds and European cuckoos lay
their eggs in the nests of other species. The host parents
raise the brood parasite as if it were one of their own
clutch, in many cases investing more in feeding the im-
poster than in feeding their own offspring (figure 25.17).
The brood parasite reduces the reproductive success of the
foster parent hosts, so it is not surprising that in some cases
natural selection has fostered the hosts’ ability to detect
parasite eggs and reject them. What is more surprising is
that in many other species, the ability to detect parasite
eggs has not evolved.
In parasitism, one organism serves as a host to another
organism, usually to the host’s disadvantage.
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 527
FIGURE 25.16
An external parasite. The flowering plant dodder (Cuscuta) is a
parasite and has lost its chlorophyll and its leaves in the course of
its evolution. Because it is heterotrophic, unable to manufacture
its own food, dodder obtains its food from the host plants it
grows on.
FIGURE 25.17
Brood parasitism. This bird is feeding a cuckoo chick in its nest.
The cuckoo chick is larger than the adult bird, but the bird does
not recognize that the cuckoo is not its own offspring. Cuckoo
mothers sneak into the nests of other birds and lay an egg,
entrusting the care of their offspring to an unwitting bird of
another species.
Interactions among Ecological
We have seen the different ways in which species within a
community can interact with each other. In nature, how-
ever, more than one type of interaction usually occurs at
the same time. In many cases, the outcome of one type of
interaction is modified or even reversed when another type
of interaction is also occurring.
Predation Reduces Competition
When resources are limiting, a superior competitor can
eliminate other species from a community. However,
predators can prevent or greatly reduce competitive ex-
clusion by reducing the numbers of individuals of compet-
ing species. A given predator may often feed on two,
three, or more kinds of plants or animals in a given com-
munity. The predator’s choice depends partly on the rela-
tive abundance of the prey options. In other words, a
predator may feed on species A when it is abundant and
then switch to species B when A is rare. Similarly, a given
prey species may be a primary source of food for increas-
ing numbers of species as it becomes more abundant. In
this way, superior competitors may be prevented from
outcompeting other species.
Such patterns are often characteristic of biological
communities in marine intertidal habitats. For example,
in preying selectively on bivalves, sea stars prevent bi-
valves from monopolizing such habitats, opening up
space for many other organisms (figure 25.18). When sea
stars are removed from a habitat, species diversity falls
precipitously, the seafloor community coming to be dom-
inated by a few species of bivalves. Because predation
tends to reduce competition in natural communities, it is
usually a mistake to attempt to eliminate a major preda-
tor such as wolves or mountain lions from a community.
The result is to decrease rather than increase the biologi-
cal diversity of the community, the opposite of what is
Parasitism May Counter Competition
Parasites may effect sympatric species differently and thus
influence the outcome of interspecific interactions. In a
classic experiment, Thomas Park of the University of
Chicago investigated interactions between two flour bee-
tles, Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum with a parasite,
Adelina. In the absence of the parasite, T. castaneum is dom-
inant and T. confusum normally goes extinct. When the par-
asite is present, however, the outcome is reversed and T.
castaneum perishes. Similar effects of parasites in natural
systems have been observed in many species. For example,
in the Anolis lizards of St. Maarten mentioned previously,
the competitively inferior species is resistant to malaria,
whereas the other species is highly susceptible. Only in
areas in which the malaria parasite occurs are the two
species capable of coexisting.
Indirect Effects
In some cases, species may not directly interact, yet the
presence of one species may effect a second species by way
of interactions with a third species. Such effects are termed
indirect effects. For example, in the Chihuahuan Desert,
rodents and ants both eat seeds. Thus, one might expect
them to compete with each other. However, when all ro-
dents were completely removed from large enclosures (un-
like the experiment discussed above, there were no holes in
528 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
FIGURE 25.18
Predation reduces competition. (a) In a controlled experiment
in a coastal ecosystem, an investigator removed a key predator
(Pisaster). (b) In response, fiercely competitive mussels exploded in
growth, effectively crowding out seven other indigenous species.
the enclosure walls, so once removed, rodents couldn’t get
back in), ant populations first increased, but then declined
(figure 25.19). The initial increase was the expected result
of removing a competitor; why did it reverse? The answer
reveals the intricacies of natural ecosystems (figure 25.20).
Rodents prefer large seeds, whereas ants prefer smaller
seeds. Further, in this system plants with large seeds are
competitively superior to plants with small seeds. Thus, the
removal of rodents leads to an increase in the number of
plants with large seeds, which reduces the number of small
seeds available to ants, which thus leads to a decline in ant
populations. Thus, the effect of rodents on ants is compli-
cated: a direct negative effect of resource competition and
an indirect, positive effect mediated by plant competition.
Keystone Species
Species that have particularly strong effects on the compo-
sition of communities are termed keystone species.
Predators, such as the starfish, can often serve as keystone
species by preventing one species from outcompeting oth-
ers, thus maintaining high levels of species richness in a
There are, however, a wide variety of other types of key-
stone species. Some species manipulate the environment in
ways that create new habitats for other species. Beavers, for
example, change running streams into small impound-
ments, changing the flow of water and flooding areas (fig-
ure 25.21). Similarly, alligators excavate deep holes at the
bottoms of lakes. In times of drought, these holes are the
only areas in which water remains, thus allowing aquatic
species that otherwise would perish to persist until the
drought ends and the lake refills.
Many different processes are likely to be occurring
simultaneously within communities. Only by
understanding how these processes interact will we be
able to understand how communities function.
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 529
? ?
?? ?
Sampling periods
Oct 74 May 75 Sep 75 May 76 Aug 76 Jul 77
Rodents removed
Rodents not removed
FIGURE 25.19
Change in ant population size after the removal of rodents.
Ants initially increased in population size relative to ants in the
enclosures from which rodents weren’t removed, but then these
ant populations declined.
Large seeds Small seeds
+ +
FIGURE 25.20
Rodent-ant interactions. Rodents and ants both eat seeds, so the
presence of rodents has a negative effect on ants and vice versa.
However, the presence of rodents has a negative effect on large
seeds. In turn, the number of plants with large seeds has a negative
effect on plants that produce small seeds. Hence, the presence of
rodents should increase the number of small seeds. In turn, the
number of small seeds has a positive effect on ant populations.
Thus, indirectly, the presence of rodents has a positive effect on
ant population size.
FIGURE 25.21
Example of a keystone species. Beavers, by constructing dams
and transforming flowing streams into ponds, create new habitats
for many plant and animal species.
Even when the climate of an area remains stable year after
year, ecosystems have a tendency to change from simple to
complex in a process known as succession. This process is
familiar to anyone who has seen a vacant lot or cleared
woods slowly become occupied by an increasing number of
plants, or a pond become dry land as it is filled with vegeta-
tion encroaching from the sides.
If a wooded area is cleared and left alone, plants will
slowly reclaim the area. Eventually, traces of the clearing
will disappear and the area will again be woods. This kind
of succession, which occurs in areas where an existing
community has been disturbed, is called secondary
In contrast, primary succession occurs on bare, lifeless
substrate, such as rocks, or in open water, where organisms
gradually move into an area and change its nature. Primary
succession occurs in lakes left behind after the retreat of
glaciers, on volcanic islands that rise above the sea, and on
land exposed by retreating glaciers (figure 25.22). Primary
succession on glacial moraines provides an example (figure
25.23). On bare, mineral-poor soil, lichens grow first,
forming small pockets of soil. Acidic secretions from the
lichens help to break down the substrate and add to the ac-
cumulation of soil. Mosses then colonize these pockets of
soil, eventually building up enough nutrients in the soil for
alder shrubs to take hold. Over a hundred years, the alders
build up the soil nitrogen levels until spruce are able to
thrive, eventually crowding out the alder and forming a
dense spruce forest.
In a similar example, an oligotrophic lake—one poor in
nutrients—may gradually, by the accumulation of organic
matter, become eutrophic—rich in nutrients. As this oc-
curs, the composition of communities will change, first in-
creasing in species richness and then declining.
Primary succession in different habitats often eventually
arrives at the same kinds of vegetation—vegetation charac-
teristic of the region as a whole. This relationship led
American ecologist F. E. Clements, at about the turn of the
century, to propose the concept of a final climax commu-
nity. With an increasing realization that (1) the climate
keeps changing, (2) the process of succession is often very
slow, and (3) the nature of a region’s vegetation is being de-
termined to an increasing extent by human activities, ecol-
ogists do not consider the concept of “climax community”
to be as useful as they once did.
Why Succession Happens
Succession happens because species alter the habitat and
the resources available in it in ways that favor other species.
Three dynamic concepts are of critical importance in the
process: tolerance, inhibition, and facilitation.
1. Tolerance. Early successional stages are character-
ized by weedy r-selected species that are tolerant of
the harsh, abiotic conditions in barren areas.
2. Facilitation. The weedy early successional stages in-
troduce local changes in the habitat that favor other,
less weedy species. Thus, the mosses in the Glacier
Bay succession convert nitrogen to a form that allows
alders to invade. The alders in turn lower soil pH as
their fallen leaves decompose, and spruce and hem-
lock, which require acidic soil, are able to invade.
3. Inhibition. Sometimes the changes in the habitat
caused by one species, while favoring other species,
inhibit the growth of the species that caused them.
Alders, for example, do not grow as well in acidic soil
as the spruce and hemlock that replace them.
Over the course of succession, the number of species
typically increases as the environment becomes more hos-
pitable. In some cases, however, as ecosystems mature,
more K-selected species replace r-selected ones, and supe-
rior competitors force out other species, leading ultimately
to a decline in species richness.
Communities evolve to have greater total biomass and
species richness in a process called succession.
530 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
25.4 Ecological succession may increase species richness.
Pioneer mosses Invading
Year 1 Year 100 Year 200
Nitrogen concentration
of surface)
in mineral soil
in forest floor
FIGURE 25.22
Plant succession produces progressive changes in the soil.
Initially, the glacial moraine at Glacier Bay, Alaska, portrayed in
figure 25.23, had little soil nitrogen, but nitrogen-fixing alders led
to a buildup of nitrogen in the soil, encouraging the subsequent
growth of the conifer forest. Letters in the graph correspond to
photographs in parts b and c of figure 25.23.
The Role of Disturbance
Disturbances often interrupt the succession of plant com-
munities. Depending on the magnitude of the disturbance,
communities may revert to earlier stages of succession or
even, in extreme cases, begin at the earliest stages of pri-
mary succession. Disturbances severe enough to disrupt
succession include calamities such as forest fires, drought,
and floods. Animals may also cause severe disruptions.
Gypsy moths can devastate a forest by consuming its trees.
Unregulated deer populations may grow explosively, the
deer overgrazing and so destroying the forest they live in,
in the same way too many cattle overgraze a pasture by eat-
ing all available grass down to the ground.
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis
In some cases, disturbance may act to increase the species
richness of an area. According to the intermediate disturbance
hypothesis, communities experiencing moderate amounts of
disturbance will have higher levels of species richness than
communities experiencing either little or great amounts of
disturbance. Two factors could account for this pattern. First,
in communities in which moderate amounts of disturbance
occur, patches of habitat will exist at different successional
stages. Thus, within the area as a whole, species diversity will
be greatest because the full range of species—those character-
istic of all stages of succession—will be present. For example,
a pattern of intermittent episodic disturbance that produces
gaps in the rain forest (like when a tree falls) allows invasion
of the gap by other species (figure 25.24). Eventually, the
species inhabiting the gap will go through a successional se-
quence, one tree replacing another, until a canopy tree species
comes again to occupy the gap. But if there are lots of gaps of
different ages in the forest, many different species will coexist,
some in young gaps, others in older ones.
Second, moderate levels of disturbance may prevent
communities from reaching the final stages of succession,
in which a few dominant competitors eliminate most of the
other species. On the other hand, too much disturbance
might leave the community continually in the earliest
stages of succession, when species richness is relatively low.
Ecologists are increasingly realizing that disturbance is
the norm, rather than the exception, in many communities.
As a result, the idea that communities inexorably move
along a successional trajectory culminating in the develop-
ment of a climax community is no longer widely accepted.
Rather, predicting the state of a community in the future
may be difficult because the unpredictable occurrence of
disturbances will often counter successional changes. Un-
derstanding the role that disturbances play in structuring
communities is currently an important area of investigation
in ecology.
Succession is often disrupted by natural or human
causes. In some cases, intermediate levels of
disturbance may maximize the species richness of a
Chapter 25 Community Ecology 531
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 25.23
Primary succession at Alaska’s Glacier Bay. (a) The sides of the glacier have been retreating at a rate of some 8 meters a year, leaving
behind exposed soil from which nitrogen and other minerals have been leached out. The first invaders of these exposed sites are pioneer
moss species with nitrogen-fixing mutualistic microbes. Within 20 years, young alder shrubs take hold. (b) Rapidly fixing nitrogen, they
soon form dense thickets. As soil nitrogen levels rise, (c) spruce crowd out the mature alders, forming a forest.
FIGURE 25.24
disturbance. A
single fallen tree
creates a small
light gap in the
tropical rain forest
of Panama. Such
gaps play a key
role in maintaining
the high species
diversity of the
rain forest.
532 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Chapter 25
Summary Questions Media Resources
25.1 Interactions among competing species shape ecological niches.
? Each species plays a specific role in its ecosystem; this
role is called its niche.
? An organism’s fundamental niche is the total niche
that the organism would occupy in the absence of
competition. Its realized niche is the actual niche it
occupies in nature.
? Two species cannot occupy the same niche for long if
resources are limiting; one will outcompete the other,
driving it to extinction.
? Species can coexist by partitioning resources to mini-
mize competition.
1. What is the difference
between interspecific
competition and intraspecific
competition? What is Gause’s
principle of competitive
2. Is the term niche synonymous
with the term habitat? Why or
why not? How does an
organism’s fundamental niche
differ from its realized niche?
? Plants are often protected from herbivores by
chemicals they manufacture.
? Warning, or aposematic, coloration is characteristic
of organisms that are poisonous, sting, or are
otherwise harmful. In contrast, cryptic coloration, or
camouflage, is characteristic of nonpoisonous
? Predator-prey relationships are of crucial importance
in limiting population sizes in nature.
3. What morphological defenses
do plants use to defend
themselves against herbivores?
4. Consider aposematic
coloration, cryptic coloration,
and Batesian mimicry. Which
would be associated with an
adult viceroy butterfly? Which
would be associated with a larval
monarch butterfly? Which
would be associated with a larval
viceroy butterfly?
25.2 Predators and their prey coevolve.
? Coevolution occurs when different kinds of
organisms evolve adjustments to one another over
long periods of time.
? Many organisms have coevolved to a point of
dependence. In mutualism the relationship is
mutually beneficial; in commensalism, only one
organism benefits while the other is unharmed; and
in parasitism one organism serves as a host to
another, usually to the host’s disadvantage.
5. Why is eliminating predators
a bad idea for species richness?
6. How can predation and
competition interact in
regulating species diversity of a
25.3 Evolution sometimes fosters cooperation.
? Primary succession takes place in barren areas, like
rocks or open water. Secondary succession takes place
in areas where the original communities of organisms
have been disturbed.
? Succession occurs because of tolerance, facilitation,
and inhibition.
? Disturbance can disrupt successional changes. In
some cases, disturbance can increase species richness
of a community.
7. Why have scientists altered
the concept of a final, climax
vegetation in a given ecosystem?
What types of organisms are
often associated with early stages
of succession? What is the role
of disturbance in succession?
25.4 Ecological succession may increase species richness.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Introduction to
? Community
? On Science Article:
Killer Bees
? Student Research:
Hermit Crab—Sea
Anemone Associations
? Succession
? Book Review: Guns,
Germs, and Steel by
Animal Behavior
Concept Outline
26.1 Ethology focuses on the natural history of
Approaches to the Study of Behavior. Field biologists
focus on evolutionary aspects of behavior.
Behavioral Genetics. At least some behaviors are
genetically determined.
26.2 Comparative psychology focuses on how learning
influences behavior.
Learning. Association plays a major role in learning.
The Development of Behavior. Parent-offspring
interactions play a key role in the development of behavior.
The Physiology of Behavior. Hormones influence many
behaviors, particularly reproductive ones.
Behavioral Rhythms. Many behaviors are governed by
innate biological clocks.
26.3 Communication is a key element of many animal
Courtship. Animals use many kinds of signals to court
one another.
Communication in Social Groups. Bees and other social
animals communicate in complex ways.
26.4 Migratory behavior presents many puzzles.
Orientation and Migration. Animals use many cues
from the environment to navigate during migrations.
26.5 To what degree animals “think” is a subject of
lively dispute.
Animal Cognition. It is not clear to what degree animals
rganisms interact with their environment in many
ways. To understand these interactions, we need to
appreciate both the internal factors that shape the way an
animal behaves, as well as aspects of the external environ-
ment that affect individuals and organisms. In this chapter,
we explore the mechanisms that determine an animal’s be-
havior (figure 26.1), as well as the ways in which behavior
develops in an individual. In the next chapter, we will con-
sider the field of behavioral ecology, which investigates
how natural selection has molded behavior through evolu-
tionary time.
Rearing offspring involves complex behaviors. Living in groups
called prides makes lions better mothers. Females share the
responsibilities of nursing and protecting the pride’s young,
increasing the probability that the youngsters will survive into
other males and to attract a female to reproduce; this is
the ultimate, or evolutionary, explanation for the male’s
The study of behavior has had a long history of contro-
versy. One source of controversy has been the question of
whether behavior is determined more by an individual’s
genes or its learning and experience. In other words, is be-
havior the result of nature (instinct) or nurture (experi-
ence)? In the past, this question has been considered an “ei-
ther/or” proposition, but we now know that instinct and
experience both play significant roles, often interacting in
complex ways to produce the final behavior. The scientific
study of instinct and learning, as well as their interrelation-
ship, has led to the growth of several scientific disciplines,
including ethology, behavioral genetics, behavioral neuro-
science, and comparative psychology.
Ethology is the study of the natural history of behavior.
Early ethologists (figure 26.2) were trained in zoology and
evolutionary biology, fields that emphasize the study of an-
imal behavior under natural conditions. As a result of this
training, they believed that behavior is largely instinctive,
or innate—the product of natural selection. Because behav-
ior is often stereotyped (appearing in the same way in dif-
ferent individuals of a species), they argued that it must be
based on preset paths in the nervous system. In their view,
these paths are structured from genetic blueprints and
cause animals to show a relatively complete behavior the
first time it is produced.
The early ethologists based their opinions on behav-
iors such as egg retrieval by geese. Geese incubate their
eggs in a nest. If a goose notices that an egg has been
knocked out of the nest, it will extend its neck toward the
egg, get up, and roll the egg back into the nest with a
side-to-side motion of its neck while the egg is tucked
beneath its bill. Even if the egg is removed during re-
trieval, the goose completes the behavior, as if driven by
a program released by the initial sight of the egg outside
the nest. According to ethologists, egg retrieval behavior
is triggered by a sign stimulus (also called a key stimu-
lus), the appearance of an egg out of the nest; a compo-
nent of the goose’s nervous system, the innate releasing
mechanism, provides the neural instructions for the
motor program, or fixed action pattern (figure 26.3).
More generally, the sign stimulus is a “signal” in the en-
vironment that triggers a behavior. The innate releasing
mechanism is the sensory mechanism that detects the sig-
nal, and the fixed action pattern is the stereotyped act.
534 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Approaches to the Study of Behavior
During the past two decades, the study of animal behavior
has emerged as an important and diverse science that
bridges several disciplines within biology. Evolution, ecol-
ogy, physiology, genetics, and psychology all have natural
and logical linkages with the study of behavior, each disci-
pline adding a different perspective and addressing differ-
ent questions.
Research in animal behavior has made major contribu-
tions to our understanding of nervous system organization,
child development, and human communication, as well as
the process of speciation, community organization, and the
mechanism of natural selection itself. The study of the be-
havior of nonhuman animals has led to the identification of
general principles of behavior, which have been applied,
often controversially, to humans. This has changed the way
we think about the origins of human behavior and the way
we perceive ourselves.
Behavior can be defined as the way an organism re-
sponds to stimuli in its environment. These stimuli might
be as simple as the odor of food. In this sense, a bacterial
cell “behaves” by moving toward higher concentrations of
sugar. This behavior is very simple and well-suited to the
life of bacteria, allowing these organisms to live and repro-
duce. As animals evolved, they occupied different environ-
ments and faced diverse problems that affected their sur-
vival and reproduction. Their nervous systems and
behavior concomitantly became more complex. Nervous
systems perceive and process information concerning envi-
ronmental stimuli and trigger adaptive motor responses,
which we see as patterns of behavior.
When we observe animal behavior, we can explain it in
two different ways. First, we might ask how it all works,
that is, how the animal’s senses, nerve networks, or inter-
nal state provide a physiological basis for the behavior. In
this way, we would be asking a question of proximate
causation. To analyze the proximate cause of behavior,
we might measure hormone levels or record the impulse
activity of neurons in the animal. We could also ask why
the behavior evolved, that is, what is its adaptive value?
This is a question concerning ultimate causation. To
study the ultimate cause of a behavior, we would attempt
to determine how it influenced the animal’s survival or re-
productive success. Thus, a male songbird may sing dur-
ing the breeding season because it has a level of the
steroid sex hormone, testosterone, which binds to hor-
mone receptors in the brain and triggers the production
of song; this would be the proximate cause of the male
bird’s song. But the male sings to defend a territory from
26.1 Ethology focuses on the natural history of behavior.
Similarly, a frog unfolds its long, sticky tongue at the
sight of a moving insect, and a male stickleback fish will
attack another male showing a bright red underside. Such
responses certainly appear to be programmed and in-
stinctive, but what evidence supports the ethological view
that behavior has an underlying neural basis?
Behavior as a Response to Stimuli in the
In the example of egg retrieval behavior in geese, a goose
must first perceive that an egg is outside of the nest. To re-
spond to this stimulus, it must convert one form of energy
which is an input to its visual system—the energy of pho-
tons of light—into a form of energy its nervous system can
understand and use to respond—the electrical energy of a
nerve impulse. Animals need to respond to other stimuli in
the environment as well. For an animal to orient from a
food source back to its nest, it might rely on the position of
the sun. To find a mate, an animal might use a particular
chemical scent. The electromagnetic energy of light and
the chemical energy of an odor must be converted to the
electrical energy of a nerve impulse. This is done through
transduction, the conversion of energy in the environment
to an action potential, and the first step in the processing of
stimuli perceived by the senses. For example, rhodopsin is
responsible for the transduction of visual stimuli.
Rhodopsin is made of cis-retinal and the protein opsin.
Light is absorbed by the visual pigment cis-retinal causing it
to change its shape to trans-retinal (see chapter 55). This in
turn changes the shape of the companion protein opsin,
and induces the first step in a cascade of molecular events
that finally triggers a nerve impulse. Sound, odor, and
tastes are transduced to nerve impulses by similar
Ethologists study behavior from an evolutionary
perspective, focusing on the neural basis of behaviors.
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 535
The founding fathers of ethology: Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz, and Niko Tinbergen pioneered the study of behavioral
science. In 1973, they received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their path-making contributions. Von Frisch led the study
of honeybee communication and sensory biology. Lorenz focused on social development (imprinting) and the natural history of
aggression. Tinbergen examined the functional significance of behavior and was the first behavioral ecologist.
Lizard prey capture. The complex series of movements of the
tongue this chameleon uses to capture an insect represents a fixed
action pattern.
Behavioral Genetics
In a famous experiment carried out in the 1940s, Robert
Tryon studied the ability of rats to find their way through
a maze with many blind alleys and only one exit, where a
reward of food awaited. Some rats quickly learned to zip
right through the maze to the food, making few incorrect
turns, while other rats took much longer to learn the cor-
rect path (figure 26.4). Tryon bred the fast learners with
one another to establish a “maze-bright” colony, and he
similarly bred the slow learners with one another to estab-
lish a “maze-dull” colony. He then tested the offspring in
each colony to see how quickly they learned the maze.
The offspring of maze-bright rats learned even more
quickly than their parents had, while the offspring of
maze-dull parents were even poorer at maze learning.
After repeating this procedure over several generations,
Tryon was able to produce two behaviorally distinct types
of rat with very different maze-learning abilities. Clearly
the ability to learn the maze was to some degree heredi-
tary, governed by genes passed from parent to offspring.
Furthermore, those genes were specific to this behavior,
as the two groups of rats did not differ in their ability to
perform other behavioral tasks, such as running a com-
pletely different kind of maze. Tryon’s research demon-
strates how a study can reveal that behavior has a herita-
ble component.
Further support for the genetic basis of behavior has
come from studies of hybrids. William Dilger of Cornell
University has examined two species of lovebird (genus
Agapornis), which differ in the way they carry twigs, paper,
and other materials used to build a nest. A. personata holds
nest material in its beak, while A. roseicollis carries material
tucked under its flank feathers (figure 26.5). When Dilger
crossed the two species to produce hybrids, he found that
the hybrids carry nest material in a way that seems inter-
mediate between that of the parents: they repeatedly shift
material between the bill and the flank feathers. Other
studies conducted on courtship songs in crickets and tree
frogs also demonstrate the intermediate nature of hybrid
The role of genetics can also be seen in humans by
comparing the behavior of identical twins. Identical twins
are, as their name implies, genetically identical. How-
ever, most sets of identical twins are raised in the same
environment, so it is not possible to determine whether
similarities in behavior result from their genetic similar-
ity or from experiences shared as they grew up (the clas-
sic nature versus nurture debate). However, in some
cases, twins have been separated at birth. A recent study
of 50 such sets of twins revealed many similarities in per-
sonality, temperament, and even leisure-time activities,
even though the twins were often raised in very different
environments. These similarities indicate that genetics
plays a role in determining behavior even in humans, al-
though the relative importance of genetics versus envi-
ronment is still hotly debated.
536 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Total number of errors in
negotiating the maze
(fourteen trials)
9 39 64 114 214
Quicker rats
Slower rats
The genetics of learning. Tryon selected rats for their ability to
learn to run a maze and demonstrated that this ability is
influenced by genes. He tested a large group of rats, selected
those that ran the maze in the shortest time, and let them breed
with one another. He then tested their progeny and again selected
those with the quickest maze-running times for breeding. After
seven generations, he had succeeded in halving the average time
an inexperienced rat required to negotiate the maze. Parallel
“artificial selection” for slow running time more than doubled the
average running time.
Genetics of lovebird behavior. Lovebirds inherit the tendency to
carry nest material, such as these paper strips, under their flank
Single Gene Effects on Behavior
The maze-learning, hybrid, and identical twins studies just
described suggest genes play a role in behavior, but recent
research has provided much greater detail on the genetic
basis of behavior. In the fruit fly Drosophila, and in mice,
many mutations have been associated with particular be-
havioral abnormalities.
In fruit flies, for example, individuals that possess alter-
native alleles for a single gene differ greatly in their feeding
behavior as larvae; larvae with one allele move around a
great deal as they eat, whereas individuals with the alterna-
tive allele move hardly at all. A wide variety of mutations at
other genes are now known in Drosophila which affect al-
most every aspect of courtship behavior.
The ways in which genetic differences affect behavior
have been worked out for several mouse genes. For example,
some mice with one mutation have trouble remembering in-
formation that they learned two days earlier about where ob-
jects are located. This difference appears to result because
the mutant mice do not produce the enzyme α-calcium-
calmodulin-dependent kinase II, which plays an important
role in the functioning of a part of the brain, the hippocam-
pus, that is important for spatial learning.
Modern molecular biology techniques allow the role of
genetics in behavior to be investigated with ever greater
precision. For example, male mice genetically engineered
(as “knock-outs”) to lack the ability to synthesize nitric
oxide, a brain neurotransmitter, show increased aggressive
A particularly fascinating breakthrough occurred in
1996, when scientists using the knock-out technique dis-
covered a new gene, fosB, that seems to determine whether
or not female mice will nurture their young. Females with
both fosB alleles knocked out will initially investigate their
newborn babies, but then ignore them, in stark contrast to
the caring and protective maternal behavior provided by
normal females (figure 26.6).
The cause of this inattentiveness appears to result from a
chain reaction. When mothers of new babies initially in-
spect them, information from their auditory, olfactory, and
tactile senses are transmitted to the hypothalamus, where
fosB alleles are activated, producing a particular protein,
which in turn activates other enzymes and genes that affect
the neural circuitry within the hypothalamus. These modi-
fications within the brain cause the female to react mater-
nally toward her offspring. In contrast, in mothers lacking
the fosB alleles, this reaction is stopped midway. No protein
is activated, the brain’s neural circuitry is not rewired, and
maternal behavior does not result.
As these genetic techniques are becoming used more
widely, the next few years should see similar dramatic ad-
vances in our knowledge of how genes affect behavior in
many varieties of humans.
The genetic basis of behavior is supported by artificial
selection experiments, hybridization studies, and
studies on the behavior of mutants. Research has also
identified specific genes that control behavior.
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 537
fosB alleles present
fosB alleles absent
Genetically caused
defect in maternal
care. (a) In mice,
normal mothers take
very good care of their
offspring, retrieving
them if they move
away and crouching
over them. (b) Mothers
with the mutant fosB
allele perform neither
of these behaviors,
leaving their pups
exposed. (c) Amount of
time female mice were
observed crouching in
a nursing posture over
(d) Proportion of pups
retrieved when they
were experimentally
While ethologists were attempting to explain behavior as
an instinctive process, comparative psychologists focused
heavily on learning as the major element that shapes behav-
ior. These behavioral scientists, working primarily on rats
in laboratory settings, identified the ways in which animals
learn. Learning is any modification of behavior that results
from experience rather than maturation.
The simplest type of learning, nonassociative learn-
ing, does not require an animal to form an association
between two stimuli or between a stimulus and a re-
sponse. One form of nonassociative learning is habitua-
tion, which can be defined as a decrease in response to a
repeated stimulus that has no positive or negative conse-
quences (that is, no reinforcement). In many cases, the
stimulus evokes a strong response when it is first encoun-
tered, but the magnitude of the response gradually de-
clines with repeated exposure. For example, young birds
see many types of objects moving overhead. At first, they
may respond by crouching down and remaining still.
Some of the objects, like falling leaves or members of
their own species flying by, are seen very frequently and
have no positive or negative consequence to the
nestlings. Over time, the young birds may habituate to
such stimuli and stop responding. Thus, habituation can
be thought of as learning not to respond to a stimulus.
Being able to ignore unimportant stimuli is critical to an
animal confronting a barrage of stimuli in a complex en-
vironment. Another form of nonassociative learning is
sensitization, characterized by an increased responsive-
ness to a stimulus. Sensitization is essentially the opposite
of habituation.
A change in behavior that involves an association be-
tween two stimuli or between a stimulus and a response is
termed associative learning (figure 26.7). The behavior
is modified, or conditioned, through the association.
This form of learning is more complex than habituation
or sensitization. The two major types of associative learn-
ing are called classical conditioning and operant con-
ditioning; they differ in the way the associations are
Classical Conditioning
In classical conditioning, the paired presentation of two
different kinds of stimuli causes the animal to form an asso-
ciation between the stimuli. Classical conditioning is also
called Pavlovian conditioning, after Russian psychologist
Ivan Pavlov, who first described it. Pavlov presented meat
powder, an unconditioned stimulus, to a dog and noted that
the dog responded by salivating, an unconditioned response. If
an unrelated stimulus, such as the ringing of a bell, was
538 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
26.2 Comparative psychology focuses on how learning influences behavior.
Learning what is edible. Associative learning is involved in
predator-prey interactions. (a) A naive toad is offered a
bumblebee as food. (b) The toad is stung, and (c) subsequently
avoids feeding on bumblebees or any other insects having their
black-and-yellow coloration. The toad has associated the
appearance of the insect with pain, and modifies its behavior.
presented at the same time as the meat powder, over re-
peated trials the dog would salivate in response to the
sound of the bell alone. The dog had learned to associate
the unrelated sound stimulus with the meat powder stimu-
lus. Its response to the sound stimulus was, therefore, con-
ditioned, and the sound of the bell is referred to as a condi-
tioned stimulus.
Operant Conditioning
In operant conditioning, an animal learns to associate its
behavioral response with a reward or punishment. Ameri-
can psychologist B. F. Skinner studied operant condition-
ing in rats by placing them in an apparatus that came to be
called a “Skinner box.” As the rat explored the box, it
would occasionally press a lever by accident, causing a pel-
let of food to appear. At first, the rat would ignore the
lever, eat the food pellet, and continue to move about.
Soon, however, it learned to associate pressing the lever
(the behavioral response) with obtaining food (the reward).
When it was hungry, it would spend all its time pressing
the lever. This sort of trial-and-error learning is of major
importance to most vertebrates.
Comparative psychologists used to believe that any two
stimuli could be linked in classical conditioning and that
animals could be conditioned to perform any learnable
behavior in response to any stimulus by operant condi-
tioning. As you will see below, this view has changed.
Today, it is thought that instinct guides learning by deter-
mining what type of information can be learned through
It is now clear that some animals have innate predisposi-
tions toward forming certain associations. For example, if a
rat is offered a food pellet at the same time it is exposed to
X rays (which later produces nausea), the rat will remember
the taste of the food pellet but not its size. Conversely, if a
rat is given a food pellet at the same time an electric shock
is delivered (which immediately causes pain), the rat will re-
member the size of the pellet but not its taste. Similarly, pi-
geons can learn to associate food with colors but not with
sounds; on the other hand, they can associate danger with
sounds but not with colors.
These examples of learning preparedness demon-
strate that what an animal can learn is biologically influ-
enced—that is, learning is possible only within the bound-
aries set by instinct. Innate programs have evolved
because they underscore adaptive responses. Rats, which
forage at night and have a highly developed sense of
smell, are better able to identify dangerous food by its
odor than by its size or color. The seed a pigeon eats may
have a distinctive color that the pigeon can see, but it
makes no sound the pigeon can hear. The study of learn-
ing has expanded to include its ecological significance, so
that we are now able to consider the “evolution of learn-
ing.” An animal’s ecology, of course, is key to understand-
ing what an animal is capable of learning. Some species of
birds, like Clark’s nutcracker, feed on seeds. Birds store
seeds in caches they bury when seeds are abundant so they
will have food during the winter. Thousands of seed
caches may be buried and then later recovered. One
would expect the birds to have an extraordinary spatial
memory, and this is indeed what has been found (figure
26.8). Clark’s nutcracker, and other seed-hoarding birds,
have an unusually large hippocampus, the center for
memory storage in the brain (see chapter 54).
Habituation and sensitization are simple forms of
learning in which there is no association between
stimuli and responses. In contrast, associative learning
(classical and operant conditioning) involves the
formation of an association between two stimuli or
between a stimulus and a response.
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 539
The Clark’s nutcracker has an extraordinary memory. A
Clark’s nutcracker can remember the locations of up to 2000 seed
caches months after hiding them. After conducting experiments,
scientists have concluded that the birds use features of the
landscape and other surrounding objects as spatial references to
memorize the locations of the caches.
The Development of
Behavioral biologists now recognize
that behavior has both genetic and
learned components, and the schools
of ethology and psychology are less
polarized than they once were. Thus
far in this chapter we have discussed
the influence of genes and learning
separately. As we will see, these factors
interact during development to shape
Parent-Offspring Interactions
As an animal matures, it may form so-
cial attachments to other individuals or
form preferences that will influence
behavior later in life. This process,
called imprinting, is sometimes con-
sidered a type of learning. In filial im-
printing, social attachments form be-
tween parents and offspring. For
example, young birds of some species
begin to follow their mother within a
few hours after hatching, and their fol-
lowing response results in a bond be-
tween mother and young. However,
the young birds’ initial experience de-
termines how this imprint is estab-
lished. The German ethologist Kon-
rad Lorenz showed that birds will follow the first object
they see after hatching and direct their social behavior to-
ward that object. Lorenz raised geese from eggs, and when
he offered himself as a model for imprinting, the goslings
treated him as if he were their parent, following him duti-
fully (figure 26.9). Black boxes, flashing lights, and water-
ing cans can also be effective imprinting objects (figure
26.10). Imprinting occurs during a sensitive phase, or a
critical period (roughly 13 to 16 hours after hatching in
geese), when the success of imprinting is highest.
Several studies demonstrate that the social interactions
that occur between parents and offspring during the critical
period are key to the normal development of behavior. The
psychologist Harry Harlow gave orphaned rhesus monkey
infants the opportunity to form social attachments with two
surrogate “mothers,” one made of soft cloth covering a
wire frame and the other made only of wire. The infants
chose to spend time with the cloth mother, even if only the
wire mother provided food, indicating that texture and tac-
tile contact, rather than providing food, may be among the
key qualities in a mother that promote infant social attach-
ment. If infants are deprived of normal social contact, their
development is abnormal. Greater degrees of deprivation
lead to greater abnormalities in social behavior during
childhood and adulthood. Studies on orphaned human in-
fants suggest that a constant “mother figure” is required for
normal growth and psychological development.
Recent research has revealed a biological need for the
stimulation that occurs during parent-offspring interactions
early in life. Female rats lick their pups after birth, and this
stimulation inhibits the release of an endorphin (see chap-
ter 56) that can block normal growth. Pups that receive
normal tactile stimulation also have more brain receptors
for glucocorticoid hormones, longer-lived brain neurons,
and a greater tolerance for stress. Premature human infants
who are massaged gain weight rapidly. These studies indi-
cate that the need for normal social interaction is based in
the brain and that touch and other aspects of contact be-
tween parents and offspring are important for physical as
well as behavioral development.
Sexual imprinting is a process in which an individual
learns to direct its sexual behavior at members of its own
species. Cross-fostering studies, in which individuals of
one species are raised by parents of another species, reveal
that this form of imprinting also occurs early in life. In
most species of birds, these studies have shown that the fos-
tered bird will attempt to mate with members of its foster
species when it is sexually mature.
540 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
An unlikely parent. The eager goslings
following Konrad Lorenz think he is their
mother. He is the first object they saw
when they hatched, and they have used
him as a model for imprinting.
FIGURE 26.10
How imprinting is studied. Ducklings
will imprint on the first object they see,
even (a) a black box or (b) a white sphere.
Interaction between Instinct and Learning
The work of Peter Marler and his colleagues on the ac-
quisition of courtship song by white-crowned sparrows
provides an excellent example of the interaction between
instinct and learning in the development of behavior.
Courtship songs are sung by mature males and are
species-specific. By rearing male birds in soundproof in-
cubators provided with speakers and microphones, Marler
could control what a bird heard as it matured and record
the song it produced as an adult. He found that white-
crowned sparrows that heard no song at all during devel-
opment, or that heard only the song of a different species,
the song sparrow, sang a poorly developed song as adults
(figure 26.11). But birds that heard the song of their own
species, or that heard the songs of both the white-crowned
sparrow and the song sparrow, sang a fully developed,
white-crowned sparrow song as adults. These results sug-
gest that these birds have a genetic template, or instinc-
tive program, that guides them to learn the appropriate
song. During a critical period in development, the tem-
plate will accept the correct song as a model. Thus, song
acquisition depends on learning, but only the song of the
correct species can be learned. The genetic template for
learning is selective. However, learning plays a prominent
role as well. If a young white-crowned sparrow is surgi-
cally deafened after it hears its species’ song during the
critical period, it will also sing a poorly developed song as
an adult. Therefore, the bird must “practice” listening to
himself sing, matching what he hears to the model his
template has accepted.
Although this explanation of song development stood
unchallenged for many years, recent research has shown
that white-crowned sparrow males can learn another
species’ song under certain conditions. If a live male
strawberry finch is placed in a cage next to a young male
sparrow, the young sparrow will learn to sing the straw-
berry finch’s song! This finding indicates that social
stimuli may be more effective than a tape-recorded song
in overriding the innate program that guides song devel-
opment. Furthermore, the males of some bird species
have no opportunity to hear the song of their own
species. In such cases, it appears that the males instinc-
tively “know” their own species’ song. For example, cuck-
oos are brood parasites; females lay their eggs in the nest
of another species of bird, and the young that hatch are
reared by the foster parents (figure 26.12). When the
cuckoos become adults, they sing the song of their own
species rather than that of their foster parents. Because
male brood parasites would most likely hear the song of
their host species during development, it is adaptive for
them to ignore such “incorrect” stimuli. They hear no
adult males of their own species singing, so no correct
song models are available. In these species, natural selec-
tion has programmed the male with a genetically guided
Interactions that occur during sensitive phases of
imprinting are critical to normal behavioral
development. Physical contact plays an important role
in the development of psychological well-being and
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 541
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time (s)
FIGURE 26.11
Song development in birds. (a) The sonograms of songs
produced by male white-crowned sparrows that had been exposed
to their own species’ song during development are different from
(b) those of male sparrows that heard no song during rearing. This
difference indicates that the genetic program itself is insufficient
to produce a normal song.
FIGURE 26.12
Brood parasite. Cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of other
species of birds. Because the young cuckoos (large bird to the
right) are raised by a different species (like this meadow pipit,
smaller bird to the left), they have no opportunity to learn the
cuckoo song; the cuckoo song they later sing is innate.
The Physiology of
The early ethologists’ emphasis on in-
stinct sometimes overlooked the internal
factors that control behavior. If asked
why a male bird defends a territory and
sings only during the breeding season,
they would answer that a bird sings
when it is in the right motivational state
or mood and has the appropriate drive.
But what do these phrases mean in terms
of physiological control mechanisms?
Part of our understanding of the
physiological control of behavior has
come from the study of reproductive
behavior. Animals show reproductive
behaviors such as courtship only during
the breeding season. Research on
lizards, birds, rats, and other animals
has revealed that hormones play an im-
portant role in these behaviors. Changes
in day length trigger the secretion of
gonadotropin-releasing hormone by the
hypothalamus, which stimulates the re-
lease of the gonadotropins, follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone, by the anterior pi-
tuitary gland. These hormones cause
the development of reproductive tissues
to ready the animal for breeding. The
gonadotropins, in turn, stimulate the se-
cretion of the steroid sex hormones, es-
trogens and progesterone in females and
testosterone in males. The sex hor-
mones act on the brain to trigger behav-
iors associated with reproduction. For
example, birdsong and territorial behav-
ior depend upon the level of testos-
terone in the male, and the receptivity
of females to male courtship depends
upon estrogen levels.
Hormones have both organizational
and activational effects. In the example
of birdsong given above, estrogen in the
male causes the development of the
song system, which is composed of
neural tissue in the forebrain and its
connections to the spinal cord and the
syrinx (a structure like our larynx that allows the bird to
sing). Early in a male’s development, the gonads produce
estrogen, which stimulates neuron growth in the brain. In
the mature male, the testes produce testosterone, which
activates song. Thus, the development of the neural sys-
tems that are responsible for behavior is first organized,
then activated by hormones.
Research on the physiology of repro-
ductive behavior shows that there are
important interactions among hor-
mones, behavior, and stimuli in both the
physical and social environments of an
individual. Daniel Lehrman’s work on
reproduction in ring doves provides an
excellent example of how these factors
interact (figure 26.13). Male courtship
behavior is controlled by testosterone
and related steroid hormones. The
male’s behavior causes the release of
FSH in the female, and FSH promotes
the growth of the ovarian follicles (see
chapter 59). The developing follicles re-
lease estrogens, which affect other re-
productive tissues. Nest construction
follows after one or two days. The pres-
ence of the nest then triggers the secre-
tion of progesterone in the female, initi-
ating incubation behavior after the egg
is laid. Feeding occurs once the eggs
hatch, and this behavior is also hormon-
ally controlled.
The research of Lehrman and his
colleagues paved the way for many addi-
tional investigations in behavioral en-
docrinology, the study of the hormonal
regulation of behavior. For example,
male Anolis lizards begin courtship after
a seasonal rise in temperature, and the
male’s courtship is needed to stimulate
the growth of ovarian follicles in the fe-
male. These and other studies demon-
strate the interactive effects of the phys-
ical environment (for example,
temperature and day length) and the so-
cial environment (such as the presence
of a nest and the courtship display of a
mate) on the hormonal condition of an
animal. Hormones are, therefore, a
proximate cause of behavior. To control
reproductive behavior, they must be re-
leased when the conditions are most fa-
vorable for the growth of young. Other
behaviors, such as territoriality and
dominance behavior, also have hormonal
Hormones may interact with neuro-
transmitters to alter behavior. Estrogen affects the neuro-
transmitter serotonin in female mice, and may be in part
responsible for the “mood swings” experienced by some
human females during the menstrual cycle.
Hormones have important influences on reproductive
and social behavior.
542 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
FIGURE 26.13
Hormonal control of reproductive
behavior. Reproduction in the ring dove
involves a sequence of behaviors
regulated by hormones: (1) courtship
and copulation; (2) nest building; (3) egg
laying; (4) incubation; and (5) feeding
crop milk to the young after they hatch.
Behavioral Rhythms
Many animals exhibit behaviors that vary at regular inter-
vals of time. Geese migrate south in the fall, birds sing in
the early morning, bats fly at night rather than during the
day, and most humans sleep at night and are active in the
daytime. Some behaviors are timed to occur in concert
with lunar or tidal cycles (figure 26.14). Why do regular re-
peating patterns of behavior occur, and what determines
when they occur? The study of questions like these has re-
vealed that rhythmic animal behaviors are based on both
endogenous (internal) rhythms and exogenous (external)
Most studies of behavioral rhythms have focused on be-
haviors that appear to be keyed to a daily cycle, such as
sleeping. Rhythms with a period of about 24 hours are
called circadian (“about a day”) rhythms. Many of these
behaviors have a strong endogenous component, as if they
were driven by a biological clock. Such behaviors are said
to be free-running, continuing on a regular cycle even in the
absence of any cues from the environment. Almost all fruit
fly pupae hatch in the early morning, for example, even if
they are kept in total darkness throughout their week-long
development. They keep track of time with an internal
clock whose pattern is determined by a single gene, called
the per (for period) gene. Different mutations of the per
gene shorten or lengthen the daily rhythm. The per gene
produces a protein in a regular 24-hour cycle in the brain,
serving as the fly’s pacemaker of activity. The protein prob-
ably affects the expression of other genes that ultimately
regulate activity. As the per protein accumulates, it seems
to turn off the gene. In mice, the clock gene is responsible
for regulating the animal’s daily rhythm.
Most biological clocks do not exactly match the rhythms
of the environment. Therefore, the behavioral rhythm of
an individual deprived of external cues gradually drifts out
of phase with the environment. Exposure to an environ-
mental cue resets the biological clock and keeps the behav-
ior properly synchronized with the environment. Light is
the most common cue for resetting circadian rhythms.
The most obvious circadian rhythm in humans is the
sleep-activity cycle. In controlled experiments, humans
have lived for months in underground apartments, where
all light is artificial and there are no external cues whatso-
ever indicating day length. Left to set their own schedules,
most of these people adopt daily activity patterns (one
phase of activity plus one phase of sleep) of about 25 hours,
although there is considerable variation. Some individuals
exhibit 50-hour clocks, active for as long as 36 hours during
each period! Under normal circumstances, the day-night
cycle resets an individual’s free-running clock every day to
a cycle period of 24 hours.
What constitutes an animal’s biological clock? In some
insects, the clock is thought to be located in the optic lobes
of the brain, and timekeeping appears to be based on hor-
mones. In mammals, including humans, the biological
clock lies in a specific region of the hypothalamus called
the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN is a self-
sustaining oscillator, which means it undergoes sponta-
neous, cyclical changes in activity. This oscillatory activity
helps the SCN to act as a pacemaker for circadian rhythms,
but in order for the rhythms to be entrained to external
light-dark cycles, the SCN must be influenced by light. In
fact, there are both direct and indirect neural projections
from the retina to the SCN.
The SCN controls circadian rhythms by regulating the
secretion of the hormone melatonin by the pineal gland.
During the daytime, the SCN suppresses melatonin secre-
tion. Consequently, more melatonin is secreted over a 24-
hour period during short days than during long days. Vari-
ations in melatonin secretion thus serve as an indicator of
seasonal changes in day length, and these variations partici-
pate in timing the seasonal reproductive behavior of many
mammals. Disturbances in melatonin secretion may be par-
tially responsible for the “jet-lag” people experience when
air travel suddenly throws their internal clocks out of regis-
ter with the day-night cycle.
Many important behavioral rhythms have cycle periods
longer than 24 hours. For example, circannual behaviors
such as breeding, hibernation, and migration occur on a
yearly cycle. These behaviors seem to be largely timed by
hormonal and other physiological changes keyed to ex-
ogenous factors such as day length. The degree to which
endogenous biological clocks underlie circannual rhythms
is not known, as it is very difficult to perform constant-
environment experiments of several years’ duration. The
mechanism of the biological clock remains one of the
most tantalizing puzzles in biology today.
Endogenous circadian rhythms have free-running cycle
periods of approximately 24 hours; they are entrained
to a more exact 24-hour cycle period by environmental
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 543
FIGURE 26.14
Tidal rhythm. Oysters open their shells for feeding when the
tide is in and close them when the tide is out.
Much of the research in animal behavior is devoted to ana-
lyzing the nature of communication signals, determining
how they are perceived, and identifying the ecological roles
they play and their evolutionary origins.
During courtship, animals produce signals to communicate
with potential mates and with other members of their own
sex. A stimulus-response chain sometimes occurs, in
which the behavior of one individual in turn releases a be-
havior by another individual (figure 26.15).
Courtship Signaling
A male stickleback fish will defend the nest it builds on the
bottom of a pond or stream by attacking conspecific males
(that is, males of the same species) that approach the nest.
Niko Tinbergen studied the social releasers responsible for
this behavior by making simple clay models. He found that
a model’s shape and degree of resemblance to a fish were
544 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
26.3 Communication is a key element of many animal behaviors.
Female gives
head-up display
to male
Male swims zigzag
to female and then
leads her to nest
Male shows
female entrance
to nest
Female enters nest
and spawns while
male stimulates tail Male enters nest
and fertilizes eggs
unimportant; any model with a red underside (like the un-
derside of a male stickleback) could release the attack be-
havior. Tinbergen also used a series of clay models to
demonstrate that a male stickleback recognizes a female by
her abdomen, swollen with eggs.
Courtship signals are often species-specific, limiting com-
munication to members of the same species and thus play-
ing a key role in reproductive isolation. The flashes of fire-
flies (which are actually beetles) are such species-specific
signals. Females recognize conspecific males by their flash
pattern (figure 26.16), and males recognize conspecific fe-
males by their flash response. This series of reciprocal re-
sponses provides a continuous “check” on the species iden-
tity of potential mates.
Visual courtship displays sometimes have more than one
component. The male Anolis lizard extends and retracts his
fleshy and often colorful dewlap while perched on a branch
in his territory (figure 26.17). The display thus involves
both color and movement (the extension of the dewlap as
well as a series of lizard “push-ups”). To which component
of the display does the female respond? Experiments in
which the dewlap color is altered with ink show that color is
unimportant for some species; that is, a female can be
courted successfully by a male with an atypically colored
FIGURE 26.15
A stimulus-response chain. Stickleback courtship involves a sequence of behaviors leading to the fertilization of eggs.
Chemical signals also mediate interactions between males
and females. Pheromones, chemical messengers used for
communication between individuals of the same species,
serve as sex attractants among other functions in many ani-
mals. Even the human egg produces a chemical attractant
to communicate with sperm! Female silk moths (Bombyx
mori) produce a sex pheromone called bombykol in a gland
associated with the reproductive system. Neurophysiologi-
cal studies show that the male’s antennae contain numerous
sensory receptors specific for bombykol. These receptors
are extraordinarily sensitive, enabling the male to respond
behaviorally to concentrations of bombykol as low as one
molecule in 10
molecules of oxygen in the air!
Many insects, amphibians, and birds produce species-
specific acoustic signals to attract mates. Bullfrog males call
to females by inflating and discharging air from their vocal
sacs, located beneath the lower jaw. The female can distin-
guish a conspecific male’s call from the call of other frogs
that may be in the same habitat and mating at the same
time. Male birds produce songs, complex sounds composed
of notes and phrases, to advertise their presence and to at-
tract females. In many bird species, variations in the males’
songs identify particular males in a population. In these
species, the song is individually specific as well as species-
Level of Specificity
Why should different signals have different levels of speci-
ficity? The level of specificity relates to the function of
the signal. Many courtship signals are species-specific to
help animals avoid making errors in mating that would
produce inviable hybrids or otherwise waste reproductive
effort. A male bird’s song is individually specific because it
allows his presence (as opposed to simply the presence of
an unidentifiable member of the species) to be recognized
by neighboring birds. When territories are being estab-
lished, males may sing and aggressively confront neighbor-
ing conspecifics to defend their space. Aggression carries
the risk of injury, and it is energetically costly to sing.
After territorial borders have been established, intrusions
by neighbors are few because the outcome of the contests
have already been determined. Each male then “knows”
his neighbor by the song he sings, and also “knows” that
male does not constitute a threat because they have already
settled their territorial contests. So, all birds in the popula-
tion can lower their energy costs by identifying their
neighbors through their individualistic songs. In a similar
way, mammals mark their territories with pheromones that
signal individual identity, which may be encoded as a
blend of a number of chemicals. Other signals, such as the
mobbing and alarm calls of birds, are anonymous, convey-
ing no information about the identity of the sender. These
signals may permit communication about the presence of a
predator common to several bird species.
Courtship behaviors are keyed to species-specific visual,
chemical, and acoustic signals.
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 545
FIGURE 26.16
Firefly fireworks. The bioluminescent displays of these lampyrid
beetles are species-specific and serve as behavioral mechanisms of
reproductive isolation. Each number represents the flash pattern
of a male of a different species.
FIGURE 26.17
Dewlap display of a male Anolis lizard. Under hormonal
stimulation, males extend their fleshy, colored dewlaps to court
females. This behavior also stimulates hormone release and egg-
laying in the female.
Communication in
Social Groups
Many insects, fish, birds, and mam-
mals live in social groups in which in-
formation is communicated between
group members. For example, some
individuals in mammalian societies
serve as “guards.” When a predator
appears, the guards give an alarm call,
and group members respond by seek-
ing shelter. Social insects, such as ants
and honeybees, produce alarm
pheromones that trigger attack be-
havior. Ants also deposit trail
pheromones between the nest and a
food source to induce cooperation
during foraging (figure 26.18). Honey-
bees have an extremely complex dance
language that directs nestmates to
rich nectar sources.
The Dance Language of the
The European honeybee, Apis mellifera,
lives in hives consisting of 30,000 to
40,000 individuals whose behaviors are
integrated into a complex colony.
Worker bees may forage for miles from
the hive, collecting nectar and pollen
from a variety of plants and switching
between plant species and popula-
tions on the basis of how energeti-
cally rewarding their food is. The
food sources used by bees tend to
occur in patches, and each patch of-
fers much more food than a single
bee can transport to the hive. A
colony is able to exploit the resources
of a patch because of the behavior of
scout bees, which locate patches and
communicate their location to hivemates through a dance
language. Over many years, Nobel laureate Karl von
Frisch was able to unravel the details of this communica-
tion system.
After a successful scout bee returns to the hive, she per-
forms a remarkable behavior pattern called a waggle dance
on a vertical comb (figure 26.19). The path of the bee dur-
ing the dance resembles a figure-eight. On the straight part
of the path, the bee vibrates or waggles her abdomen while
producing bursts of sound. She may stop periodically to
give her hivemates a sample of the nectar she has carried
back to the hive in her crop. As she dances, she is followed
closely by other bees, which soon appear as foragers at the
new food source.
Von Frisch and his colleagues claimed that the other
bees use information in the waggle dance to locate the food
source. According to their explanation, the scout bee indi-
cates the direction of the food source by representing the
angle between the food source and the hive in reference to
the sun as the angle between the straight part of the dance
and vertical in the hive. The distance to the food source is
indicated by the tempo, or degree of vigor, of the dance.
Adrian Wenner, a scientist at the University of Califor-
nia, did not believe that the dance language communicated
anything about the location of food, and he challenged von
Frisch’s explanation. Wenner maintained that flower odor
was the most important cue allowing recruited bees to ar-
rive at a new food source. A heated controversy ensued as
546 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
(a) (b)
FIGURE 26.18
The chemical control of fire ant foraging. Trial pheromones, produced in an accessory
gland near the fire ant’s sting, organize cooperative foraging. The trails taken by the first
ants to travel to a food source (a) are soon followed by most of the other ants (b).
(a) (b)
FIGURE 26.19
The waggle dance of honeybees. (a) A scout bee dances on a comb in the hive. (b) The
angle between the food source and the nest is represented by a dancing bee as the angle
between the straight part of the dance and vertical. The food is 20° to the right of the sun,
and the straight part of the bee’s dance on the hive is 20° to the right of vertical.
the two groups of researchers published articles supporting
their positions.
The “dance language controversy” was resolved (in the
minds of most scientists) in the mid-1970s by the creative
research of James L. Gould. Gould devised an experiment
in which hive members were tricked into misinterpreting
the directions given by the scout bee’s dance. As a result,
Gould was able to manipulate where the hive members
would go if they were using visual signals. If odor were the
cue they were using, hive members would have appeared at
the food source, but instead they appeared exactly where
Gould predicted. This confirmed von Frisch’s ideas.
Recently, researchers have extended the study of the
honeybee dance language by building robot bees whose
dances can be completely controlled. Their dances are pro-
grammed by a computer and perfectly reproduce the nat-
ural honeybee dance; the robots even stop to give food
samples! The use of robot bees has allowed scientists to de-
termine precisely which cues direct hivemates to food
Primate Language
Some primates have a “vocabulary” that allows individuals
to communicate the identity of specific predators. The vo-
calizations of African vervet monkeys, for example, distin-
guish eagles, leopards, and snakes (figure 26.20). Chim-
panzees and gorillas can learn to recognize a large number
of symbols and use them to communicate abstract con-
cepts. The complexity of human language would at first ap-
pear to defy biological explanation, but closer examination
suggests that the differences are in fact superficial—all lan-
guages share many basic structural similarities. All of the
roughly 3000 languages draw from the same set of 40 con-
sonant sounds (English uses two dozen of them), and any
human can learn them. Researchers believe these similari-
ties reflect the way our brains handle abstract information,
a genetically determined characteristic of all humans.
Language develops at an early age in humans. Human
infants are capable of recognizing the 40 consonant sounds
characteristic of speech, including those not present in the
particular language they will learn, while they ignore other
sounds. In contrast, individuals who have not heard certain
consonant sounds as infants can only rarely distinguish or
produce them as adults. That is why English speakers have
difficulty mastering the throaty French “r,” French speak-
ers typically replace the English “th” with “z,” and native
Japanese often substitute “l” for the unfamiliar English “r.”
Children go through a “babbling” phase, in which they
learn by trial and error how to make the sounds of lan-
guage. Even deaf children go through a babbling phase
using sign language. Next, children quickly and easily learn
a vocabulary of thousands of words. Like babbling, this
phase of rapid learning seems to be genetically pro-
grammed. It is followed by a stage in which children form
simple sentences which, though they may be grammatically
incorrect, can convey information. Learning the rules of
grammar constitutes the final step in language acquisition.
While language is the primary channel of human com-
munication, odor and other nonverbal signals (such as
“body language”) may also convey information. However,
it is difficult to determine the relative importance of these
other communication channels in humans.
The study of animal communication involves analysis of
the specificity of signals, their information content, and
the methods used to produce and receive them.
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 547
0.5 seconds
0.5 seconds
1Frequency (kilocycles
per second)
Frequency (kilocycles
per second)
FIGURE 26.20
Primate semantics. (a) Predators, like this leopard, attack and feed on vervet
monkeys. (b) The monkeys give different alarm calls when eagles, leopards, and
snakes are sighted by troupe members. Each distinctive call elicits a different and
adaptive escape behavior.
Orientation and Migration
Animals may travel to and from a nest to feed or move reg-
ularly from one place to another. To do so, they must ori-
ent themselves by tracking stimuli in the environment.
Movement toward or away from some stimulus is called
taxis. The attraction of flying insects to outdoor lights is an
example of positive phototaxis. Insects that avoid light, such
as the common cockroach, exhibit negative phototaxis. Other
stimuli may be used as orienting cues. For example, trout
orient themselves in a stream so as to face against the cur-
rent. However, not all responses involve a specific orienta-
tion. Some animals just become more active when stimulus
intensity increases, a responses called kineses.
Long-range, two-way movements are known as migra-
tions. In many animals, migrations occur circannually.
Ducks and geese migrate along flyways from Canada across
the United States each fall and return each spring.
Monarch butterflies migrate each fall from central and
eastern North America to several small, geographically iso-
lated areas of coniferous forest in the mountains of central
Mexico (figure 26.21). Each August, the butterflies begin a
flight southward to their overwintering sites. At the end of
winter, the monarchs begin the return flight to their sum-
mer breeding ranges. What is amazing about the migration
of the monarch, however, is that two to five generations
may be produced as the butterflies fly north. The butter-
flies that migrate in the autumn to the precisely located
overwintering grounds in Mexico have never been there
When colonies of bobolinks became established in the
western United States, far from their normal range in the
Midwest and East, they did not migrate directly to their
winter range in South America. Instead, they migrated east
to their ancestral range and then south along the original
flyway (figure 26.22). Rather than changing the original
migration pattern, they simply added a new pattern.
How Migrating Animals Navigate
Biologists have studied migration with great interest, and
we now have a good understanding of how these feats of
navigation are achieved. It is important to understand the
distinction between orientation (the ability to follow a
bearing) and navigation (the ability to set or adjust a bear-
ing, and then follow it). The former is analogous to using a
compass, while the latter is like using a compass in con-
junction with a map. Experiments on starlings indicate that
inexperienced birds migrate by orientation, while older
birds that have migrated previously use true navigation
(figure 26.23).
Birds and other animals navigate by looking at the sun
and the stars. The indigo bunting, which flies during the
day and uses the sun as a guide, compensates for the
movement of the sun in the sky as the day progresses by
reference to the north star, which does not move in the
sky. Buntings also use the positions of the constellations
and the position of the pole star in the night sky, cues
they learn as young birds. Starlings and certain other
birds compensate for the sun’s apparent movement in the
548 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
26.4 Migratory behavior presents many puzzles.
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 26.21
Migration of monarch butterflies. (a) Monarchs from western North America overwinter in areas of mild climate along the Pacific
Coast. Those from the eastern United States and southeastern Canada migrate to Mexico, a journey of over 3000 kilometers that takes
from two to five generations to complete. (b) Monarch butterflies arriving at the remote fir forests of the overwintering grounds and (c)
forming aggregations on the tree trunks.
sky by using an internal clock. If such birds are shown an
experimental sun in a fixed position while in captivity,
they will change their orientation to it at a constant rate
of about 15° per hour.
Many migrating birds also have the ability to detect the
earth’s magnetic field and to orient themselves with respect
to it. In a closed indoor cage, they will attempt to move in
the correct geographical direction, even though there are
no visible external cues. However, the placement of a pow-
erful magnet near the cage can alter the direction in which
the birds attempt to move. Magnetite, a magnetized iron
ore, has been found in the heads of some birds, but the sen-
sory receptors birds employ to detect magnetic fields have
not been identified.
It appears that the first migration of a bird is innately
guided by both celestial cues (the birds fly mainly at
night) and the earth’s magnetic field. These cues give the
same information about the general direction of the mi-
gration, but the information about direction provided by
the stars seems to dominate over the magnetic informa-
tion when the two cues are experimentally manipulated to
give conflicting directions. Recent studies, however, indi-
cate that celestial cues tell northern hemisphere birds to
move south when they begin their migration, while mag-
netic cues give them the direction for the specific migra-
tory path (perhaps a southeast turn the bird must make
midroute). In short, these new data suggest that celestial
and magnetic cues interact during development to fine-
tune the bird’s navigation.
We know relatively little about how other migrating
animals navigate. For instance, green sea turtles migrate
from Brazil halfway across the Atlantic Ocean to Ascen-
sion Island, where the females lay their eggs. How do
they find this tiny island in the middle of the ocean,
which they haven’t seen for perhaps 30 years? How do
the young that hatch on the island know how to find
their way to Brazil? Recent studies suggest that wave ac-
tion is an important cue.
Many animals migrate in predictable ways, navigating
by looking at the sun and stars, and in some cases by
detecting magnetic fields.
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 549
FIGURE 26.22
Birds on the move. (a) The
summer range of bobolinks
recently extended to the far West
from their more established range
in the Midwest. When they
migrate to South America in the
winter, bobolinks that nested in
the West do not fly directly to the
winter range; instead, they fly to
the Midwest first and then use the
ancestral flyway. (b) The golden
plover has an even longer
migration route that is circular.
These birds fly from Arctic
breeding grounds to wintering
areas in southeastern South
America, a distance of some 13,000
Bobolink Golden plover
(a) (b)
FIGURE 26.23
Migratory behavior of starlings. The navigational abilities of
inexperienced birds differ from those of adults who have made the
migratory journey before. Starlings were captured in Holland,
halfway along their full migratory route from Baltic breeding
grounds to wintering grounds in the British Isles; these birds were
transported to Switzerland and released. Experienced older birds
compensated for the displacement and flew toward the normal
wintering grounds (blue arrow). Inexperienced young birds kept
flying in the same direction, on a course that took them toward
Spain (red arrow). These observations imply that inexperienced
birds fly by orientation, while experienced birds learn true
Animal Cognition
It is likely each of us could tell an anecdotal story about the
behavior of a pet cat or dog that would seem to suggest that
the animal had a degree of reasoning ability or was capable
of thinking. For many decades, however, students of animal
behavior flatly rejected the notion that nonhuman animals
can think. In fact, behaviorist Lloyd Morgan stated that
one should never assume a behavior represents conscious
thought if there is any other explanation that precludes the
assumption of consciousness. The prevailing approach was
to treat animals as though they responded to the environ-
ment through reflexlike behaviors.
In recent years, serious attention has been given to the
topic of animal awareness. The central question is
whether animals show cognitive behavior—that is, do
they process information and respond in a manner that
suggests thinking (figure 26.24)? What kinds of behavior
would demonstrate cognition? Some birds in urban areas
remove the foil caps from nonhomogenized milk bottles
to get at the cream beneath, and this behavior is known to
have spread within a population to other birds. Japanese
macaques learned to wash potatoes and float grain to sep-
arate it from sand. A chimpanzee pulls the leaves off of a
tree branch and uses the stick to probe the entrance to a
termite nest and gather termites. As we saw earlier, vervet
monkeys have a vocabulary that identifies specific preda-
Only a few experiments have tested the thinking ability
of nonhuman animals. Some of these studies suggest that
animals may give false information (that is, they “lie”).
Currently, researchers are trying to determine if some pri-
mates deceive others to manipulate the behavior of the
other members of their troop. There are many anecdotal
accounts that appear to support the idea that deception oc-
curs in some nonhuman primate species such as baboons
and chimpanzees, but it has been difficult to devise field-
based experiments to test this idea. Much of this type of re-
search on animal cognition is in its infancy, but it is sure to
grow and to raise controversy. In any case, there is nothing
to be gained by a dogmatic denial of the possibility of animal
550 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
26.5 To what degree animals “think” is a subject of lively dispute.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 26.24
Animal thinking? (a) This chimpanzee is stripping the leaves from a twig, which it will then use to probe a termite nest. This behavior
strongly suggests that the chimpanzee is consciously planning ahead, with full knowledge of what it intends to do. (b) This sea otter is
using a rock as an “anvil,” against which it bashes a clam to break it open. A sea otter will often keep a favorite rock for a long time, as
though it has a clear idea of what it is going to use the rock for. Behaviors such as these suggest that animals have cognitive abilities.
In any case, some examples, particularly those involving
problem-solving, are hard to explain in any way other than
as a result of some sort of mental process. For example, in a
series of classic experiments conducted in the 1920s, a
chimpanzee was left in a room with a banana hanging from
the ceiling out of reach. Also in the room were several
boxes, each lying on the floor. After unsuccessful attempts
to jump up and grab the bananas, the chimpanzee suddenly
looks at the boxes and immediately proceeds to move them
underneath the banana, stack one on top of another, and
climb up to claim its prize (figure 26.25).
Perhaps it is not so surprising to find obvious intelli-
gence in animals as closely related to us as chimpanzees.
But recent studies have found that other animals also
show evidence of cognition. Ravens have always been con-
sidered among the most intelligent of birds. Bernd Hein-
rich of the University of Vermont recently conducted an
experiment using a group of hand-reared crows that lived
in an outdoor aviary. Heinrich placed a piece of meat on
the end of a string and hung it from a branch in the
aviary. The birds liked to eat meat, but had never seen
string before and were unable to get at the meat. After
several hours, during which time the birds periodically
looked at the meat but did nothing else, one bird flew to
the branch, reached down, grabbed the string, pulled it
up, and placed it under his foot. He then reached down
and grabbed another piece of the string, repeating this ac-
tion over and over, each time bringing the meat closer
(figure 26.26). Eventually, the meat was within reach and
was grasped. The raven, presented with a completely
novel problem, had devised a solution. Eventually, three
of the other five ravens also figured out how to get to the
meat. Heinrich has conducted other similarly creative ex-
periments that can leave little doubt that ravens have ad-
vanced cognitive abilities.
Research on the cognitive behavior of animals is in its
infancy, but some examples are compelling.
Chapter 26 Animal Behavior 551
FIGURE 26.26
Problem solving by a raven. Confronted with a problem it had
never previously confronted, the raven figures out how to get the
meat at the end of the string by repeatedly pulling up a bit of
string and stepping on it.
FIGURE 26.25
Problem solving by a
chimpanzee. Unable to
get the bananas by
jumping, the chimpanzee
devises a solution.
552 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Chapter 26
Summary Questions Media Resources
26.1 Ethology focuses on the natural history of behavior.
? Behavior is an adaptive response to stimuli in the
environment. An animal’s sensory systems detect and
process information about these stimuli.
1. How does a hybrid lovebird’s
method of carrying nest
materials compare with that of
its parents? What does this
comparison suggest about
whether the behavior is
instinctive or learned?
? Behavior is both instinctive (influenced by genes) and
learned through experience. Genes are thought to
limit the extent to which behavior can be modified
and the types of associations that can be made.
? The simplest forms of learning involve habituation
and sensitization. More complex associative learning,
such as classical and operant conditioning, may be
due to the strengthening or weakening of existing
synapses as well as the formation of entirely new
? An animal’s internal state influences when and how a
behavior will occur. Hormones can change an ani-
mal’s behavior and perception of stimuli in a way that
facilitates reproduction.
2. How does associative learning
differ from nonassociative
learning? How does classical
conditioning differ from operant
3. What is filial imprinting?
What is sexual imprinting? Why
do some young animals imprint
on objects like a moving box?
4. How does Marler’s work on
song development in white-
crowned sparrows indicate that
behavior is shaped by learning?
How does it indicate that
behavior is shaped by instinct?
26.2 Comparative psychology focuses on how learning influences behavior.
? Animals communicate by producing visual, acoustic,
and chemical signals. These signals are involved in
mating, finding food, defense against predators, and
other social situations.
5. How do communication
signals participate in
reproductive isolation? Give one
example of a signal that is
species-specific. Why are some
signals individually specific?
26.3 Communication is a key element of many animal behaviors.
? Animals use cues such as the position of the sun and
stars to orient during daily activities and to navigate
during long-range migrations.
6. What is the definition of
taxis? What are kineses? What
cues do migrating birds use to
orient and navigate during their
26.4 Migratory behavior presents many puzzles.
? Many anecdotal accounts point to animal cognition,
but research is in its infancy.
7. What evidence would you
accept that an animal is
26.5 To what degree animals “think” is a subject of lively dispute.
www.mhhe.comraven6e www.biocourse.com
? On Science Article:
Polyandry in Hawks
Behavioral Ecology
Concept Outline
27.1 Evolutionary forces shape behavior.
Behavioral Ecology. Behavior is shaped by natural
Foraging Behavior. Natural selection favors the most
efficient foraging behavior.
Territorial Behavior. Animals defend territory to
increase reproductive advantage and foraging efficiency.
27.2 Reproductive behavior involves many choices
influenced by natural selection.
Parental Investment and Mate Choice. The degree of
parental investment strongly influences other reproductive
Reproductive Competition and Sexual Selection.
Mate choice affects reproductive success, and so is a target
of natural selection.
Mating Systems. Mating systems are reproductive
solutions to particular ecological challenges.
27.3 There is considerable controversy about the
evolution of social behavior.
Factors Favoring Altruism and Group Living. Many
explanations have been put forward to explain the evolution
of altruism.
Examples of Kin Selection. One explanation for altruism
is that individuals can increase the extent to which their
genes are passed on to the next generation by aiding their
Group Living and the Evolution of Social Systems.
Insect societies exhibit extreme cooperation and altruism,
perhaps as a result of close genetic relationship of society
27.4 Vertebrates exhibit a broad range of social
Vertebrate Societies. Many vertebrate societies exhibit
Human Sociobiology. Human behavior, like that of
other vertebrates, is influenced by natural selection.
nimal behavior can be investigated in a variety of
ways. An investigator can ask, how did the behavior
develop? What is the physiology behind the behavior? Or
what is the function of the behavior (figure 27.1), and does
it confer an advantage to the animal? The field of behav-
ioral ecology deals with the last two questions. Specifically,
behavioral ecologists study the ways in which behavior may be
adaptive by allowing an animal to increase or even maxi-
mize its reproductive success. This chapter examines both
of these aspects of behavioral ecology.
A snake in the throes of death—or is it? When threatened,
many organisms feign death, as this snake is doing—foaming at
the mouth and going limp or looking paralyzed.
success, behavioral ecologists are interested in how a trait
can lead to greater reproductive success. By enhancing en-
ergy intake, thus increasing the number of offspring pro-
duced? By improving success in getting more matings? By
decreasing the chance of predation? The job of a behav-
ioral ecologist is to determine the effect of a behavioral
trait on each of these activities and then to discover
whether increases in, for example, foraging efficiency,
translate into increased fitness.
Behavioral ecology is the study of how natural selection
shapes behavior.
554 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Behavioral Ecology
In an important essay, Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen
outlined the different types of questions biologists can ask
about animal behavior. In essence, he divided the investi-
gation of behavior into the study of its development,
physiological basis, and function (evolutionary signifi-
cance). One type of evolutionary analysis pioneered by
Tinbergen himself was the study of the survival value of
behavior. That is, how does an animal’s behavior allow it
to stay alive or keep its offspring alive? For example, Tin-
bergen observed that after gull nestlings hatch, the par-
ents remove the eggshells from the nest. To understand
why this behavior occurs, he camouflaged chicken eggs by
painting them to resemble the natural background where
they would lie and distributed them throughout the area
in which the gulls were nesting (figure 27.2). He placed
broken eggshells next to some of the eggs, and as a con-
trol, he left other camouflaged eggs alone without
eggshells. He then noted which eggs were found more
easily by crows. Because the crows could use the white in-
terior of a broken eggshell as a cue, they ate more of the
camouflaged eggs that were near eggshells. Thus, Tinber-
gen concluded that eggshell removal behavior is adaptive:
it reduces predation and thus increases the offspring’s
chances of survival.
Tinbergen is credited with being one of the founders of
the field of behavioral ecology, the study of how natural
selection shapes behavior. This branch of ecology examines
the adaptive significance of behavior, or how behavior
may increase survival and reproduction. Current research
in behavioral ecology focuses on the contribution behavior
makes to an animal’s reproductive success, or fitness. As
we saw in chapter 26, differences in behavior among indi-
viduals often result from genetic differences. Thus, natural
selection operating on behavior has the potential to pro-
duce evolutionary change. To study the relation between
behavior and fitness, then, is to study the process of adapta-
tion itself.
Consequently, the field of behavioral ecology is con-
cerned with two questions. First, is behavior adaptive?
Although it is tempting to assume that the behavior pro-
duced by individuals must in some way represent an
adaptive response to the environment, this need not be
the case. As we saw in chapter 20, traits can evolve for
many reasons other than natural selection, such as ge-
netic drift or gene flow. Moreover, traits may be present
in a population because they evolved as adaptations in the
past, but no longer are useful. These possibilities hold
true for behavioral traits as much as they do for any other
kind of trait.
If a trait is adaptive, the question then becomes: how is it
adaptive? Although the ultimate criterion is reproductive
27.1 Evolutionary forces shape behavior.
The adaptive value of egg coloration. Niko Tinbergen painted
chicken eggs to resemble the mottled brown camouflage of gull
eggs. The eggs were used to test the hypothesis that camouflaged
eggs are more difficult for predators to find and thus increase the
young’s chances of survival..
Foraging Behavior
The best introduction to behavioral ecology is the exami-
nation of one well-defined behavior in detail. While
many behaviors might be chosen, we will focus on forag-
ing behavior. For many animals, food comes in a variety
of sizes. Larger foods may contain more energy but may
be harder to capture and less abundant. In addition, some
types of food may be farther away than other types.
Hence, foraging for these animals involves a trade-off be-
tween a food’s energy content and the cost of obtaining
it. The net energy (in calories or Joules) gained by feeding
on each size prey is simply the energy content of the prey
minus the energy costs of pursuing and handling it. Ac-
cording to optimal foraging theory, natural selection
favors individuals whose foraging behavior is as energeti-
cally efficient as possible. In other words, animals tend to
feed on prey that maximize their net energy intake per
unit of foraging time.
A number of studies have demonstrated that foragers
do preferentially utilize prey that maximize the energy
return. Shore crabs, for example, tend to feed primarily
on intermediate-sized mussels which provide the greatest
energetic return; larger mussels provide more energy, but
also take considerably more energy to crack open
(figure 27.3).
This optimal foraging approach makes two assump-
tions. First, natural selection will only favor behavior that
maximizes energy acquisition if increased energy reserves
lead to increases in reproductive success. In some cases,
this is true. For example, in both Columbian ground
squirrels and captive zebra finches, a direct relationship
exists between net energy intake and the number of off-
spring raised; similarly, the reproductive success of orb-
weaving spiders is related to how much food they can
However, animals have other needs beside energy acqui-
sition, and sometimes these needs come in conflict. One
obvious alternative is avoiding predators: oftentimes the
behavior that maximizes energy intake is not the one that
minimizes predation risk. Thus, the behavior that maxi-
mizes fitness often may reflect a trade-off between obtain-
ing the most energy at the least risk of being eaten. Not
surprisingly, many studies have shown that a wide variety
of animal species alter their foraging behavior when preda-
tors are present. Still another alternative is finding mates:
males of many species, for example, will greatly reduce
their feeding rate in order to enhance their ability to attract
and defend females.
The second assumption of optimal foraging theory is
that it has resulted from natural selection. As we have
seen, natural selection can lead to evolutionary change
only when differences among individuals have a genetic
basis. Few studies have investigated whether differences
among individuals in their ability to maximize energy in-
take is the result of genetic differences, but there are some
exceptions. For example, one study found that female
zebra finches that were particularly successful in maximiz-
ing net energy intake tended to have offspring that were
similarly successful. Because birds were removed from
their mothers before they left the nest, this similarity
likely reflected a genetic basis for foraging behavior,
rather than being a result of young birds learning to for-
age from their mothers.
Differences among individuals in foraging behavior may
also be a function of age. Inexperienced yellow-eyed juncos
(a small North American bird), for example, have not
learned how to handle large prey items efficiently. As a re-
sult, the energetic costs of eating such prey are higher than
the benefits, and as a result they tend to focus on smaller
prey. Only when the birds are older and more experienced
do they learn to easily dispatch these prey, which are then
included in the diet.
Natural selection may favor the evolution of foraging
behaviors that maximize the amount of energy gained
per unit time spent foraging. Animals that acquire
energy efficiently during foraging may increase their
fitness by having more energy available for
reproduction, but other considerations, such as
avoiding predators, also are important in determining
reproductive success.
Chapter 27 Behavioral Ecology 555
Energy gain (J/s)
of m
ussels eaten per da
Length of mussel (mm)
10 20 30 40
Optimal diet. The shore crab selects a diet of energetically
profitable prey. The curve describes the net energy gain (equal to
energy gained minus energy expended) derived from feeding on
different sizes of mussels. The bar graph shows the numbers of
mussels of each size in the diet. Shore crabs most often feed on
those mussels that provide the most energy.
Territorial Behavior
Animals often move over a large area, or home range,
during their daily course of activity. In many animal
species, the home ranges of several individuals may over-
lap in time or in space, but each individual defends a por-
tion of its home range and uses it exclusively. This behav-
ior, in which individual members of a species maintain
exclusive use of an area that contains some limiting re-
source, such as foraging ground, food, or potential mates,
is called territoriality (figure 27.4). The critical aspect of
territorial behavior is defense against intrusion by other in-
dividuals. Territories are defended by displays that adver-
tise that the territories are occupied and by overt aggres-
sion. A bird sings from its perch within a territory to
prevent a takeover by a neighboring bird. If an intruder is
not deterred by the song, it may be attacked. However,
territorial defense has its costs. Singing is energetically
expensive, and attacks can lead to injury. In addition, ad-
vertisement through song or visual display can reveal
one’s position to a predator.
Why does an animal bear the costs of territorial de-
fense? Over the past two decades, it has become increas-
ingly clear that an economic approach can be useful in an-
swering this question. Although there are costs to
defending a territory, there are also benefits; these benefits
may take the form of increased food intake, exclusive ac-
cess to mates, or access to refuges from predators. Studies
of nectar-feeding birds like hummingbirds and sunbirds
provide an example (figure 27.5). A bird benefits from hav-
ing the exclusive use of a patch of flowers because it can
efficiently harvest the nectar they produce. In order to
maintain exclusive use, however, the bird must actively de-
fend the flowers. The benefits of exclusive use outweigh
the costs of defense only under certain conditions. Sun-
birds, for example, expend 3000 calories per hour chasing
intruders from a territory. Whether or not the benefit of
defending a territory will exceed this cost depends upon
the amount of nectar in the flowers and how efficiently the
bird can collect it. If flowers are very scarce or nectar lev-
els are very low, for example, a nectar-feeding bird may
not gain enough energy to balance the energy used in de-
fense. Under this circumstance, it is not advantageous to
be territorial. Similarly, if flowers are very abundant, a
bird can efficiently meet its daily energy requirements
without behaving territorially and adding the costs of de-
fense. From an energetic standpoint, defending abundant
resources isn’t worth the cost. Territoriality thus only oc-
curs at intermediate levels of flower availability and higher
levels of nectar production, where the benefits of defense
outweigh the costs.
In many species, exclusive access to females is a more
important determinant of territory size of males than is
food availability. In some lizards, for example, males
maintain enormous territories during the breeding sea-
son. These territories, which encompass the territories of
several females, are much larger than what is required to
supply enough food and are defended vigorously. In the
nonbreeding season, by contrast, male territory size de-
creases dramatically, as does aggressive territorial
An economic approach can be used to explain the
evolution and ecology of reproductive behaviors such as
territoriality. This approach assumes that animals that
gain more energy from a behavior than they expend will
have an advantage in survival and reproduction over
animals that behave in less efficient ways.
556 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
0 100
Competition for space. Territory size in birds is adjusted
according to the number of competitors. When six pairs of great
tits (Parus major) were removed from their territories (indicated
by R in the left figure), their territories were taken over by other
birds in the area and by four new pairs (indicated by N in the
right figure). Numbers correspond to the birds present before and
The benefit of territoriality. Sunbirds increase nectar
availability by defending flowers.
Searching for a place to nest, finding a mate, and rearing
young involve a collection of behaviors loosely referred
to as reproductive behavior. These behaviors often in-
volve seeking and defending a particular territory, mak-
ing choices about mates and about the amount of energy
to devote to the rearing of young. Mate selection, in par-
ticular, often involves intense natural selection. We will
look briefly at each of these components of reproductive
During the breeding season, animals make several im-
portant “decisions” concerning their choice of mates, how
many mates to have, and how much time and energy to
devote to rearing offspring. These decisions are all aspects
of an animal’s reproductive strategy, a set of behaviors
that presumably have evolved to maximize reproductive
success. Reproductive strategies have evolved partly in re-
sponse to the energetic costs of reproduction and the way
food resources, nest sites, and members of the opposite
sex are spatially distributed in the environment.
Parental Investment and
Mate Choice
Males and females usually differ in their reproductive
strategies. Darwin was the first to observe that females
often do not simply mate with the first male they en-
counter, but instead seem to evaluate a male’s quality and
then decide whether to mate. This behavior, called mate
choice, has since been described in many invertebrate and
vertebrate species.
By contrast, mate choice by males is much less common.
Why should this be? Many of the differences in reproduc-
tive strategies between the sexes can be understood by
comparing the parental investment made by males and fe-
males. Parental investment refers to the contributions
each sex makes in producing and rearing offspring; it is, in
effect, an estimate of the energy expended by males and fe-
males in each reproductive event.
Many studies have shown that parental investment is
high in females. One reason is that eggs are much larger
than sperm—195,000 times larger in humans! Eggs contain
proteins and lipids in the yolk and other nutrients for the
developing embryo, but sperm are little more than mobile
DNA. Furthermore, in some groups of animals, females are
responsible for gestation and lactation, costly reproductive
functions only they can carry out.
The consequence of such great disparities in reproduc-
tive investment is that the sexes should face very different
selective pressures. Because any single reproductive event is
relatively cheap for mates, they can best increase their fit-
ness by mating with as many females as possible—male fit-
ness is rarely limited by the amount of sperm they can pro-
duce. By contrast, each reproductive event for females is
much more costly and the number of eggs that can be pro-
duced often does limit reproductive success. For this rea-
son, females have an incentive to be choosy, trying to pick
the male the can provide the greatest benefit to her off-
spring. As we shall see, this benefit can take a number of
different forms.
These conclusions only hold when female reproductive
investment is much greater than that of males. In species
with parental care, males may contribute equally to the cost
of raising young; in this case, the degree of mate choice
should be equal between the sexes.
Furthermore, in some cases, male investment exceeds
that of females. For example, male mormon crickets
transfer a protein-containing spermatophore to females
during mating. Almost 30% of a male’s body weight is
made up by the spermatophore, which provides nutrition
for the female, and helps her develop her eggs. As one
might expect, in this case it is the females that compete
with each other for access to males, and the males that are
the choosy sex. Indeed, males are quite selective, favoring
heavier females. The selective advantage of this strategy
results because heavier females have more eggs; thus,
males that choose larger females leave more offspring
(figure 27.6).
Reproductive investment by the sexes is strongly
influenced by differences in the degree of parental
Chapter 27 Behavioral Ecology 557
27.2 Reproductive behavior involves many choices influenced by natural
Female body weight
Number of mature eggs
The advantage of male mate choice. Male mormon crickets
choose heavier females as mates, and larger females have more
eggs. Thus, male mate selection increases fitness.
Reproductive Competition and
Sexual Selection
In chapter 20, we learned that the reproductive success of
an individual is determined by a number of factors: how
long the individual lives, how successful it is in obtaining
matings, and how many offspring it produces per mating.
The second of these factors, competition for mating oppor-
tunities, has been termed sexual selection. Some people
consider sexual selection to be distinctive from natural se-
lection, but others see it as a subset of natural selection, just
one of a number of ways in which organisms can increase
their fitness.
Sexual selection involves both intrasexual selection, or
interactions between members of one sex (“the power to
conquer other males in battle,” as Darwin put it), and in-
tersexual selection, essentially mate choice (“the power to
charm”). Sexual selection thus leads to the evolution of
structures used in combat with other males, such as a deer’s
antlers and a ram’s horns, as well as ornamentation used to
“persuade” members of the opposite sex to mate, such as
long tail feathers and bright plumage (figure 27.7a). These
traits are called secondary sexual characteristics.
Intrasexual Selection
In many species, individuals of one sex—usually males—
compete with each other for the opportunity to mate with
individuals of the other sex. These competitions may take
place over ownership of a territory in which females reside
or direct control of the females themselves. The latter case
is exemplified by many species, such as impala, in which fe-
males travel in large groups with a single male that gets ex-
clusive rights to mate with the females and thus strives vig-
orously to defend these rights against other males which
would like to supplant him.
In mating systems such as these, a few males may get an
inordinate number of matings and most males do not mate
at all. In elephant seals, in which males control territories
on the breeding beaches, a few dominant males do most of
the breeding. On one beach, for example, eight males im-
pregnated 348 females, while the remaining males got very
little action (or, we could say, while the remaining males
mated rarely, if at all).
For this reason, selection will strongly favor any trait
that confers greater ability to outcompete other males. In
many cases, size determines mating success: the larger male
is able to dominate the smaller one. As a result, in many
territorial species, males have evolved to be considerably
larger than females, for the simple reason that the largest
males are the ones that get to mate. Such differences be-
tween the sexes are referred to as sexual dimorphism. In
other species, males have evolved structures used for fight-
ing, such as horns, antlers, and large canine teeth. These
traits are also often sexually dimorphic and may have
evolved because of the advantage they give in intrasexual
Intersexual Selection
Peahens prefer to mate with peacocks that have more spots
in their long tail feathers (figure 27.7b,c). Similarly, female
frogs prefer to mate with males with more complex calls.
Why did such mating preferences evolve?
558 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
140 150 160
Number of eyespots in tail feathers
Number of mates
Products of sexual selection. Attracting mates with long feathers is common in bird species such as the African paradise
whydah (a) and the peacock (b), which show pronounced sexual dimorphism. (c) Female peahens prefer to mate with males
with greater numbers of eyespots in their tail feathers.
(a) (b) (c)
The Benefits of Mate Choice
In some cases, the benefits are obvious. In many species of
birds and mammals, and some species of other types of ani-
mals, males help raise the offspring. In these cases, females
would benefit by choosing the male that can provide the
best care—the better the parent, the more offspring she is
likely to rear.
In other species, males provide no care, but maintain
territories that provide food, nesting sites, and predator
refuges. In such species, females that choose males with
the best territories will maximize their reproductive
Indirect Benefits
In other species, however, males provide no direct benefits
of any kind to females. In such cases, it is not intuitively
obvious what females have to gain by being choosy. More-
over, what could be the possible benefit of choosing a male
with an extremely long tail or a complex song?
A number of theories have been proposed to explain the
evolution of such preferences. One idea is that females
choose the male that is the healthiest or oldest. Large
males, for example, have probably been successful at living
long, acquiring a lot of food and resisting parasites and dis-
ease. Similarly, in guppies and some birds, the brightness of
a male’s color is a reflection of the quality of his diet and
overall health. Females may gain two benefits from mating
with large or colorful males. First, to the extent that the
males’ success in living long and prospering is the result of
a good genetic makeup, the female will be ensuring that
her offspring receive good genes from their father. Indeed,
several studies have demonstrated that males that are pre-
ferred by females produce offspring that are more vigorous
and survive better than offspring of males that are not pre-
ferred. Second, healthy males are less likely to be carrying
diseases, which might be transmitted to the female during
A variant of this theory goes one step further. In some
cases, females prefer mates with traits that are detrimental
to survival (figure 27.8). The long tail of the peacock is a
hindrance in flying and makes males more vulnerable to
predators. Why should females prefer males with such
traits? The handicap hypothesis states that only geneti-
cally superior mates can survive with such a handicap. By
choosing a male with the largest handicap, the female is en-
suring that her offspring will receive these quality genes.
Of course, the male offspring will also inherit the genes for
the handicap. For this reason, evolutionary biologists are
still debating the merits of this hypothesis.
Other courtship displays appear to have evolved from a
predisposition in the female’s sensory system to be stimu-
lated by a certain type of stimulus. For example, females
may be better able to detect particular colors or sounds at a
certain frequency. Sensory exploitation involves the evolu-
tion in males of an attractive signal that “exploits” these
preexisting biases—if females are particularly adept at de-
tecting red objects, for example, then males will evolve red
coloration. Consider the vocalizations of the Túngara frog
(Physalaemus pustulosus) (see figure 27.8). Unlike related
species, males include a “chuck” in their calls. Recent re-
search suggests that even females of related species are par-
ticularly attracted to calls of this sort, even though males of
these species do not produce “chucks.” Why this prefer-
ence evolved is unknown, but males of the Túngara frog
have evolved to take advantage of it.
A great variety of other theories have been proposed to
explain the evolution of mating preferences. Many of these
theories may be correct in some circumstances and none
seems capable of explaining all of the variation in mating
behavior in the animal world. This is an area of vibrant re-
search with new discoveries appearing regularly.
Natural selection has favored the evolution of behaviors
that maximize the reproductive success of males and
females. By evaluating and selecting mates with
superior qualities, an animal can increase its
reproductive success.
Chapter 27 Behavioral Ecology 559
Time (s)
Frequency (kHz)
The benefits and costs of vocalizing. (a) The male Túngara
frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. (b) The males’ calls attract females as
well as predatory bats. Calls of greater complexity are represented
from top to bottom in (c). Females prefer more complex calls, but
these calls are detected particularly well by bats. Consequently,
males that females prefer are at the greatest risk of being captured.
(b) (c)
Mating Systems
The number of individuals with which an animal mates
during the breeding season varies throughout the animal
kingdom. Mating systems such as monogamy (one male
mates with one female); polygyny (one male mates with
more than one female; figure 27.9), and polyandry (one
female mates with more than one male) are aspects of
male and female reproductive strategy that concern how
many mates an individual has during the breeding season.
Like mate choice, mating systems have evolved to maxi-
mize reproductive fitness. Much research has shown that
mating systems are strongly influenced by ecology. For
instance, a male may defend a territory that holds nest
sites or food sources necessary for a female to reproduce,
and the territory might have resources sufficient for more
than one female. If males differ in the quality of the terri-
tories they hold, a female’s fitness will be maximized if
she mates with a male holding a high-quality territory.
Such a male may already have a mate, but it is still more
advantageous for the female to breed with that male than
with an unmated male that defends a low-quality terri-
tory. In this way, natural selection would favor the evolu-
tion of polygyny.
Mating systems are also constrained by the needs of off-
spring. If the presence of both parents is necessary for
young to be reared successfully, then monogamy may be
favored. This is generally the case in birds, in which over
90% of all species are monogamous. A male may either re-
main with his mate and provide care for the offspring or
desert that mate to search for others; both strategies may
increase his fitness. The strategy that natural selection will
favor depends upon the requirement for male assistance in
feeding or defending the offspring. In some species, off-
spring are altricial—they require prolonged and extensive
care. In these species, the need for care by two parents will
reduce the tendency for the male to desert his mate and
seek other matings. In species where the young are preco-
cial (requiring little parental care), males may be more
likely to be polygynous.
Although polygyny is much more common, polyandrous
systems—in which one female mates with several males—
are known in a variety of animals. For example, in spotted
sandpipers, males take care of all incubation and parenting,
and females mate and leave eggs with two or more males.
In recent years, researchers have uncovered many unex-
pected aspects of animal reproductive systems. Some of
these discoveries have resulted from the application of new
technologies, whereas others have come from detailed and
intensive field studies.
Extra-Pair Copulations
In chapter 19, we saw how DNA fingerprinting can be used
to identify blood samples. Another common use of this
technology is to establish paternity. DNA fingerprints are
so variable that each individual’s is unique. Thus, by com-
paring the DNA of a man and a child, experts can establish
with a relatively high degree of confidence whether the
man is the child’s father.
This approach is now commonly used in paternity law-
suits, but it has also become a standard weapon in the arse-
nal of behavioral ecologists. By establishing paternity, re-
searchers can precisely quantify the reproductive success of
individual males and thus assess how successful their partic-
ular reproductive strategies have been (figure 27.10a). In
one classic study of red-winged blackbirds (figure 27.10b),
researchers established that half of all nests contained at
least one bird fertilized by a male other than the territory
owner; overall, 20% of the offspring were the result of such
extra-pair copulations (EPCs).
Studies such as this have established that EPCs—“cheat-
ing”—are much more pervasive in the bird world than
originally suspected. Even in some species that were be-
lieved to be monogamous on the basis of behavioral obser-
vations, the incidence of offspring being fathered by a male
other than the female’s mate is sometimes surprisingly
Why do individuals have extra-pair copulations? For
males, the answer is obvious: increased reproductive suc-
cess. For females, it is less clear, as in most cases, it does
not result in an increased number of offspring. One possi-
560 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Female defense polygyny in bats. The male at the lower right is
guarding a group of females.
bility is that females mate with genetically superior individ-
uals, thus enhancing the genes passed on to their offspring.
Another possibility is that females can increase the amount
of help they get in raising their offspring. If a female mates
with more than one male, each male may help raise the off-
spring. This is exactly what happens in a common English
bird, the dunnock. Females mate not only with the terri-
tory owner, but also with subordinate males that hang
around the edge of the territory. If these subordinates mate
enough with a female, they will help raise her young, pre-
sumably because some of these young may have been fa-
thered by this male.
Alternative Mating Tactics
Natural selection has led to the evolution of a variety of
other means of increasing reproductive success. For ex-
ample, in many species of fish, there are two genetic
classes of males. One group is large and defends territo-
ries to obtain matings. The other type of male is small
and adopts a completely different strategy. They do not
maintain territories, but hang around the edge of the ter-
ritories of large males. Just at the end of a male’s
courtship, when the female is laying her eggs and the ter-
ritorial male is depositing sperm, the smaller male will
dart in and release its own sperm into the water, thus fer-
tilizing some of the eggs. If this strategy is successful,
natural selection will favor the evolution of these two dif-
ferent male reproductive strategies.
Similar patterns are seen in other organisms. In some
dung beetles, territorial males have large horns that they
use to guard the chambers in which females reside,
whereas genetically small males don’t have horns; in-
stead, they dig side tunnels and attempt to intercept the
female inside her chamber. In isopods, there are three
genetic size classes. The medium-sized males pass for fe-
males and enter a large male’s territory in this way; the
smallest class are so tiny, they are able to sneak in com-
pletely undetected.
This is just a glimpse of the rich diversity in mating sys-
tems that have evolved. The bottom line is: if there is a way
of increasing reproductive success, natural selection will
favor its evolution.
Mating systems represent reproductive adaptations to
ecological conditions. The need for parental care, the
ability of both sexes to provide it, and the timing of
female reproduction are important influences on the
evolution of monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry.
Detailed study of animal mating systems, along with
the use of modern molecular techniques, are revealing
many surprises in animal mating systems. This
diversity is a testament to the power of natural
selection to favor any trait that increases an animal’s
Chapter 27 Behavioral Ecology 561
1 1
100 m
FIGURE 27.10
The study of paternity. (a) A DNA fingerprinting gel from the
dunnock. The bands represent fragments of DNA of different
lengths. The four nestlings (D-G) were in the nest of the female.
By comparing the bands present in the two males, we can
determine which male fathered which offspring. The triangles
point to the bands which are diagnostic for one male and not the
other. In this case, the beta male fathered three of the four
offspring. (b) Results of a DNA fingerprinting study in red-
winged blackbirds. Fractions indicate the proportion of offspring
fathered by the male in whose territory the nest occurred. Arrows
indicate how many offspring were fathered by particular males
outside of each territory. Nests on some territories were not
Factors Favoring Altruism and
Group Living
Altruism—the performance of an action that benefits an-
other individual at a cost to the actor—occurs in many
guises in the animal world. In many bird species, for exam-
ple, parents are assisted in raising their young by other
birds, which are called helpers at the nest. In species of
both mammals and birds, individuals that spy a predator
will give an alarm call, alerting other members of their
group, even though such an act would seem to call the
predator’s attention to the caller. Finally, lionesses with
cubs will allow all cubs in the pride to nurse, including cubs
of other females.
The existence of altruism has long perplexed evolution-
ary biologists. If altruism imposes a cost to an individual,
how could an allele for altruism be favored by natural selec-
tion? One would expect such alleles to be at a disadvantage
and thus their frequency in the gene pool should decrease
through time.
A number of explanations have been put forward to ex-
plain the evolution of altruism. One suggestion often
heard on television documentaries is that such traits
evolve for the good of the species. The problem with such
explanations is that natural selection operates on individu-
als within species, not on species themselves. Thus, it is
even possible for traits to evolve that are detrimental to
the species as a whole, as long as they benefit the individ-
ual. In some cases, selection can operate on groups of in-
dividuals, but this is rare. For example, if an allele for su-
percannibalism evolved within a population, individuals
with that allele would be favored, as they would have
more to eat; however, the group might eventually eat it-
self to extinction, and the allele would be removed from
the species. In certain circumstances, such group selec-
tion can occur, but the conditions for it to occur are
rarely met in nature. In most cases, consequently, the
“good of the species” cannot explain the evolution of al-
truistic traits.
Another possibility is that seemingly altruistic acts aren’t
altruistic after all. For example, helpers at the nest are often
young and gain valuable parenting experience by assisting
established breeders. Moreover, by hanging around an
area, such individuals may inherit the territory when the es-
tablished breeders die. Similarly, alarm callers may actually
be beneficial by causing other animals to panic. In the en-
suing confusion, the caller may be able to slip off unde-
tected. Detailed field studies in recent years have demon-
strated that some acts truly are altruistic, but others are not
as they seemed.
Robert Trivers, now of Rutgers University, proposed that
individuals may form “partnerships” in which mutual ex-
changes of altruistic acts occur, because it benefits both
participants to do so. In the evolution of such reciprocal
altruism, “cheaters” (nonreciprocators) are discriminated
against and are cut off from receiving future aid. Accord-
ing to Trivers, if the altruistic act is relatively inexpensive,
the small benefit a cheater receives by not reciprocating is
far outweighed by the potential cost of not receiving fu-
ture aid. Under these conditions, cheating should not
Vampire bats roost in hollow trees in groups of 8 to 12
individuals. Because these bats have a high metabolic
rate, individuals that have not fed recently may die. Bats
that have found a host imbibe a great deal of blood; giv-
ing up a small amount presents no great energy cost to
the donor, and it can keep a roostmate from starvation.
Vampire bats tend to share blood with past reciprocators.
If an individual fails to give blood to a bat from which it
had received blood in the past, it will be excluded from
future bloodsharing.
Kin Selection
The most influential explanation for the origin of altru-
ism was presented by William D. Hamilton in 1964. It is
perhaps best introduced by quoting a passing remark
made in a pub in 1932 by the great population geneticist
J. B. S. Haldane. Haldane said that he would willingly lay
down his life for two brothers or eight first cousins. Evolu-
tionarily speaking, Haldane’s statement makes sense, be-
cause for each allele Haldane received from his parents,
his brothers each had a 50% chance of receiving the same
allele (figure 27.11). Consequently, it is statistically ex-
pected that two of his brothers would pass on as many of
Haldane’s particular combination of alleles to the next
generation as Haldane himself would. Similarly, Haldane
and a first cousin would share an eighth of their alleles
(see figure 27.11). Their parents, which are siblings,
would each share half their alleles, and each of their chil-
dren would receive half of these, of which half on the av-
erage would be in common: one-half × one-half × one-
half = one-eighth. Eight first cousins would therefore
pass on as many of those alleles to the next generation as
Haldane himself would. Hamilton saw Haldane’s point
clearly: natural selection will favor any strategy that in-
creases the net flow of an individual’s alleles to the next
562 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
27.3 There is considerable controversy about the evolution of social behavior.
Hamilton showed that by directing aid toward kin, or
close genetic relatives, an altruist may increase the repro-
ductive success of its relatives enough to compensate for
the reduction in its own fitness. Because the altruist’s be-
havior increases the propagation of alleles in relatives, it
will be favored by natural selection. Selection that favors al-
truism directed toward relatives is called kin selection. Al-
though the behaviors being favored are cooperative, the
genes are actually “behaving selfishly,” because they en-
courage the organism to support copies of themselves in
other individuals.
Hamilton’s kin selection model predicts that altruism is
likely to be directed toward close relatives. The more
closely related two individuals are, the greater the poten-
tial genetic payoff. This relationship is described by
Hamilton’s rule, which states that altruistic acts are fa-
vored when b/c > 1/r. In this expression, b and c are the
benefits and costs of the altruistic act, respectively, and r
is the coefficient of relatedness, the proportion of alleles
shared by two individuals through common descent. For
example, an individual should be willing to have one less
child if such actions allow a half-sibling, which shares
one-quarter of its genes, to have more than four addi-
tional offspring.
Many factors could be responsible for the evolution of
altruistic behaviors.
Chapter 27 Behavioral Ecology 563
1 2
1 3
1 3
7 7
8 8
8 3
3 7
3 4
Gene 1
Gene 2
Gene 3
Gene 4
FIGURE 27.11
Hypothetical example of genetic relationship. On average, full siblings will share half of their alleles. By contrast, cousins will, on
average, only share one-eighth of their alleles.
Examples of Kin Selection
Many examples of kin selection are known from the ani-
mal world. For example, Belding’s ground squirrel give
alarm calls when they spot a predator such as a coyote or
a badger. Such predators may attack a calling squirrel, so
giving a signal places the caller at risk. The social unit of
a ground squirrel colony consists of a female and her
daughters, sisters, aunts, and nieces. Males in the colony
are not genetically related to these females. By marking
all squirrels in a colony with an individual dye pattern on
their fur and by recording which individuals gave calls
and the social circumstances of their calling, researchers
found that females who have relatives living nearby are
more likely to give alarm calls than females with no kin
nearby. Males tend to call much less frequently as would
be expected as they are not related to most colony
Another example of kin selection comes from a bird
called the white-fronted bee-eater which lives along rivers
in Africa in colonies of 100 to 200 birds. In contrast to the
ground squirrels, it is the males that usually remain in the
colony in which they were born, and the females that dis-
perse to join new colonies. Many bee-eaters do not raise
their own offspring, but rather help others. Many of these
birds are relatively young, but helpers also include older
birds whose nesting attempts have failed. The presence of
a single helper, on average, doubles the number of off-
spring that survive. Two lines of evidence support the
idea that kin selection is important in determining help-
ing behavior in this species. First, helpers are usually
males, which are usually related to other birds in the
colony, and not females, which are not related. Second,
when birds have the choice of helping different parents,
they almost invariably choose the parents to which they
are most closely related.
Haplodiploidy and Hymenopteran Social
Probably the most famous application of kin selection
theory has been to social insects. A hive of honeybees
consists of a single queen, who is the sole egg-layer, and
up to 50,000 of her offspring, nearly all of whom are fe-
male workers with nonfunctional ovaries (figure 27.12),
a situation termed eusociality. The sterility of the work-
ers is altruistic: these offspring gave up their personal
reproduction to help their mother rear more of their
Hamilton explained the origin of altruism in hy-
menopterans (that is, bees, wasps, and ants) with his kin
selection model. In these insects, males are haploid and
females are diploid. This unusual system of sex determi-
nation, called haplodiploidy, leads to an unusual situa-
tion. If the queen is fertilized by a single male, then all
female offspring will inherit exactly the same alleles from
their father (because he is haploid and has only one copy
of each allele). These female offspring will also share
among themselves, on average, half of the alleles they get
from the queen. Consequently, each female offspring will
share on average 75% of her alleles with each sister (to
verify this, rework figure 27.11, but allow the father to
only have one allele for each gene). By contrast, should
she have offspring of her own, she would only share half
of her alleles with these offspring (the other half would
come from their father). Thus, because of this close ge-
netic relatedness, workers propagate more alleles by giving
up their own reproduction to assist their mother in rearing
their sisters, some of whom will be new queens and start new
colonies and reproduce. Thus, this unusual haplodiploid sys-
tem may have set the stage for the evolution of eusocial-
ity in hymenopterans and, indeed, such systems have
evolved as many as 12 or many times in the Hy-
One wrinkle in this theory, however, is that eusocial
systems have evolved in several other groups, including
thrips, termites, and naked mole rats. Although thrips
are also haplodiploid, both termites and naked mole rats
are not. Thus, although haplodiploidy may have facili-
tated the evolution of eusociality, it is not a necessary
Kin selection is a potent force favoring, in some
situations, the evolution of altruism and even complex
social systems.
564 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
FIGURE 27.12
Reproductive division of labor in honeybees. The queen
(shown here with a red spot painted on her thorax) is the sole egg-
layer. Her daughters are sterile workers.
Group Living and the
Evolution of Social Systems
Organisms as diverse as bacteria, cnidarians, in-
sects, fish, birds, prairie dogs, lions, whales, and
chimpanzees exist in social groups. To encom-
pass the wide variety of social phenomena, we
can broadly define a society as a group of organ-
isms of the same species that are organized in a co-
operative manner.
Why have individuals in some species given
up a solitary existence to become members of
a group? We have just seen that one explana-
tion is kin selection: groups may be composed
of close relatives. In other cases, individuals
may benefit directly from social living. For ex-
ample, a bird that joins a flock may receive
greater protection from predators. As flock
size increases, the risk of predation decreases
because there are more individuals to scan the
environment for predators (figure 27.13). A
member of a flock may also increase its feed-
ing success if it can acquire information from
other flock members about the location of
new, rich food sources. In some predators, hunting in
groups can increase success and allow the group to tackle
prey too large for any one individual.
Insect Societies
In insects, sociality has chiefly evolved in two orders, the
Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps) and the Isoptera (ter-
mites), although a few other insect groups include social
species. All ants, some bees, some wasps, and all termites
are eusocial (truly social): they have a division of labor in
reproduction (a fertile queen and sterile workers), coopera-
tive care of brood and an overlap of generations so that the
queen lives alongside her offspring. Social insect colonies
are composed of different castes of workers that differ in
size and morphology and have different tasks they perform,
such as workers and soldiers.
In honeybees, the queen maintains her dominance in
the hive by secreting a pheromone, called “queen sub-
stance,” that suppresses development of the ovaries in
other females, turning them into sterile workers. Drones
(male bees) are produced only for purposes of mating.
When the colony grows larger in the spring, some mem-
bers do not receive a sufficient quantity of queen sub-
stance, and the colony begins preparations for swarming.
Workers make several new queen chambers, in which new
queens begin to develop. Scout workers look for a new
nest site and communicate its location to the colony. The
old queen and a swarm of female workers then move to
the new site. Left behind, a new queen emerges, kills the
other potential queens, flies out to mate, and returns to
assume “rule” of the hive.
The leafcutter ants provide another fascinating exam-
ple of the remarkable lifestyles of social insects. Leafcut-
ters live in colonies of up to several million individuals,
growing crops of fungi beneath the ground. Their
mound-like nests are underground “cities” covering more
than 100 square meters, with hundreds of entrances and
chambers as deep as 5 meters beneath the ground. The
division of labor among the worker ants is related to their
size. Every day, workers travel along trails from the nest
to a tree or a bush, cut its leaves into small pieces, and
carry the pieces back to the nest. Smaller workers chew
the leaf fragments into a mulch, which they spread like a
carpet in the underground fungus chambers. Even
smaller workers implant fungal hyphae in the mulch.
Soon a luxuriant garden of fungi is growing. While other
workers weed out undesirable kinds of fungi, nurse ants
carry the larvae of the nest to choice spots in the garden,
where the larvae graze. This elaborate social system has
evolved to produce reproductive queens that will disperse
from the parent nest and start new colonies, repeating
the cycle.
Eusocial insect workers exhibit an advanced social
structure that includes division of labor in reproduction
and workers with different tasks.
Chapter 27 Behavioral Ecology 565
1 2-10
(a) (b)
11-50 50+
1 2-10 11-50
Number of pigeons
in flock
Percent attack success
Median reaction distance (m)
Number of pigeons
in flock
FIGURE 27.13
Flocking behavior decreases predation. (a) As the size of a pigeon flock
increases, hawks are less successful at capturing pigeons. (b) When more
pigeons are present in the flock, they can detect hawks at greater distances,
thus allowing more time for the pigeons to escape.
Vertebrate Societies
In contrast to the highly structured and integrated insect
societies and their remarkable forms of altruism, vertebrate
social groups are usually less rigidly organized and cohe-
sive. It seems paradoxical that vertebrates, which have
larger brains and are capable of more complex behaviors,
are generally less altruistic than insects. Nevertheless, in
some complex vertebrate social systems individuals may be
exhibiting both reciprocity and kin-selected altruism. But
vertebrate societies also display more conflict and aggres-
sion among group members than do insect societies. Con-
flict in vertebrate societies generally centers on access to
food and mates.
Vertebrate societies, like insect societies, have particular
types of organization. Each social group of vertebrates has
a certain size, stability of members, number of breeding
males and females, and type of mating system. Behavioral
ecologists have learned that the way a group is organized is
influenced most often by ecological factors such as food
type and predation (figure 27.14).
African weaver birds, which construct nests from vege-
tation, provide an excellent example to illustrate the rela-
tionship between ecology and social organization. Their
roughly 90 species can be divided according to the type
of social group they form. One set of species lives in the
forest and builds camouflaged, solitary nests. Males and
females are monogamous; they forage for insects to feed
their young. The second group of species nests in
colonies in trees on the savanna. They are polygynous
and feed in flocks on seeds. The feeding and nesting
habits of these two sets of species are correlated with
their mating systems. In the forest, insects are hard to
find, and both parents must cooperate in feeding the
young. The camouflaged nests do not call the attention
of predators to their brood. On the open savanna, build-
ing a hidden nest is not an option. Rather, savanna-
dwelling weaver birds protect their young from predators
by nesting in trees which are not very abundant. This
shortage of safe nest sites means that birds must nest to-
gether in colonies. Because seeds occur abundantly, a fe-
male can acquire all the food needed to rear young with-
out a male’s help. The male, free from the duties of
parenting, spends his time courting many females—a
polygynous mating system.
One exception to the general rule that vertebrate soci-
eties are not organized like those of insects is the naked
mole rat, a small, hairless rodent that lives in and near East
Africa. Unlike other kinds of mole rats, which live alone or
in small family groups, naked mole rats form large under-
ground colonies with a far-ranging system of tunnels and a
central nesting area. It is not unusual for a colony to con-
tain 80 individuals.
Naked mole rats feed on bulbs, roots and tubers,
which they locate by constant tunneling. As in insect so-
cieties, there is a division of labor among the colony
members, with some mole rats working as tunnelers
while others perform different tasks, depending upon the
size of their body. Large mole rats defend the colony and
dig tunnels.
Naked mole rat colonies have a reproductive division of
labor similar to the one normally associated with the euso-
cial insects. All of the breeding is done by a single female or
“queen,” who has one or two male consorts. The workers,
consisting of both sexes, keep the tunnels clear and forage
for food.
Social behavior in vertebrates is often characterized by
kin-selected altruism. Altruistic behavior is involved in
cooperative breeding in birds and alarm-calling in
566 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
27.4 Vertebrates exhibit a broad range of social behaviors.
FIGURE 27.14
Foraging and predator avoidance. A meerkat sentinel on duty.
Meerkats, Suricata suricata, are a species of highly social mongoose
living in the semiarid sands of the Kalahari Desert. This meerkat
is taking its turn to act as a lookout for predators. Under the
security of its vigilance, the other group members can focus their
attention on foraging.
Human Sociobiology
As a social species, humans have an unparalleled com-
plexity. Indeed, we are the only species with the intelli-
gence to contemplate the social behavior of other ani-
mals. Intelligence is just one human trait. If an ethologist
were to take an inventory of human behavior, he or she
would list kin-selected altruism; reciprocity and other
elaborate social contracts; extensive parental care; con-
flicts between parents and offspring; violence and war-
fare; infanticide; a variety of mating systems, including
monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry; along with sexual
behaviors such as extra-pair copulation (“adultery”) and
homosexuality; and behaviors like adoption that appear to
defy evolutionary explanation. This incredible variety of
behaviors occurs in one species, and any trait can change
within any individual. Are these behaviors rooted in
human biology?
Biological and Cultural Evolution
During the course of human evolution and the emergence
of civilization, two processes have led to adaptive change.
One is biological evolution. We have a primate heritage,
reflected in the extensive amount of genetic material we
share with our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. Our up-
right posture, bipedal locomotion, and powerful, precise
hand grips are adaptations whose origins are traceable
through our primate ancestors. Kin-selected and recipro-
cal altruism, as well as other shared traits like aggression
and different types of mating systems, can also be seen in
nonhuman primates, in whom we can demonstrate that
these social traits are adaptive. We may speculate, based
on various lines of evidence, that similar traits evolved in
early humans. If individuals with certain social traits had
an advantage in reproduction over other individuals that
lacked the traits, and if these traits had a genetic basis,
then the alleles for their expression would now be ex-
pected to be part of the human genome and to influence
our behavior.
The second process that has underscored the emer-
gence of civilization and led to adaptive change is cultural
evolution, the transfer across generations of information
necessary for survival. This is a nongenetic mode of adap-
tation. Many adaptations—the use of tools, the formation
of cooperative hunting groups, the construction of shel-
ters, and marriage practices—do not follow Mendelian
rules of inheritance and are passed from generation to
generation by tradition. Nonetheless, cultural inheritance
is as valid a way to convey adaptations across generations
as genetic inheritance. Human cultures are also extraordi-
narily diverse. The ways in which children are socialized
among Trobriand Islanders, Pygmies, and Yanomamo In-
dians are very different. Again, we must remember that
this fantastic variation occurs within one species, and that
individual behavior is very flexible.
Identifying the Biological Components of Human
Given this great flexibility, how can the biological compo-
nents of human behavior be identified? One way is to look
for common patterns that appear in a wide variety of cul-
tures, that is, to study behaviors that are cross-cultural. In
spite of cultural variation, there are some traits that char-
acterize all human societies. For example, all cultures have
an incest taboo, forbidding marriages between close rela-
tives. Incestuous matings lead to a greater chance of ex-
posing disorders such as mental retardation and hemo-
philia. Natural selection may have acted to create a
behavioral disposition against incest, and that disposition
is now a cultural norm. Genes responsible for guiding this
behavior may have become fixed in human populations
because of their adaptive effects. Genes thus guide the di-
rection of culture.
Although human mating systems vary, polygyny is found
to be the most common among all cultures. Because most
mammalian species are polygynous, the human pattern
seems to reflect our mammalian evolutionary heritage and
thus is a part of our biology. This conclusion is drawn from
using the comparative approach, common in evolutionary
science. Nonverbal communication patterns, like smiling
and raising the hand in a greeting, also occur in many cul-
tures. Perhaps these behaviors represent a common human
The explanations sociobiology offers to understand
human behavior have been and continue to be controver-
sial. For example, the new discipline of evolutionary
psychology seeks to understand the origins of the human
mind. Human behaviors are viewed as being extensions
of our genes. The diversity of human cultures are
thought to have a common core of characteristics that are
generated by our psychology, which evolved as an adap-
tation to the lifestyle of our hunter-gatherer ancestors
during the Pleistocene. Much of human behavior is seen
as reflecting ancient, adaptive traits, now expressed in the
context of modern civilization. In this controversial view,
human behaviors such as jealousy and infidelity are
viewed as adaptations; these behaviors increased the fit-
ness of our ancestors, and thus are now part of the human
Sociobiology offers general explanations of human
behavior that are controversial, but are becoming more
generally accepted than in the past.
Chapter 27 Behavioral Ecology 567
568 Part VII Ecology and Behavior
Chapter 27
Summary Questions Media Resources
27.1 Evolutionary forces shape behavior.
? Many behaviors are ecologically important and serve
as adaptations.
? Foraging and territorial behaviors have evolved
because they allow animals to use resources
1. What does optimal foraging
theory predict about an animal’s
foraging behavior? What factors
unrelated to this theory may also
influence an animal’s foraging
2. What are the benefits of
territorial behavior, and what are
its costs? Under what
circumstances is territorial
behavior disadvantageous?
? Male and female animals maximize their fitness with
different reproductive behaviors. The differences
relate to the extent to which each sex provides care
for offspring.
? Usually, males are competitive and females show
mate choice because females have higher
reproductive costs.
? A species’ mating system is related to its ecology.
3. Why does natural selection
favor mate choice? What factor
is most important in
determining which sex exhibits
mate choice?
4. In birds, how does the amount
of parental care required by the
offspring affect the evolution of
a species’ mating system?
27.2 Reproductive behavior involves many choices influenced by natural selection.
? Many animals show altruistic, or self-sacrificing,
behavior. Altruism may evolve through reciprocity or
be directed toward relatives. Cooperative behavior
often increases an individual’s inclusive fitness.
? Individuals form social groups because it is
advantageous for them to do so.
? The benefits of living in a group, such as enhanced
feeding success, are often balanced by the cost of in-
creased incidence of disease and parasitism.
? Animal societies are characterized by cooperation and
conflict. The organization of a society is related to
the ecology of a species.
5. What is reciprocal altruism?
What is kin selection? How does
kin selection increase an
individual’s success in passing its
genes on to the next generation?
27.3 There is considerable controversy about the evolution of social behavior.
? Human behavior is extremely rich and varied and
may result from both biology and culture.
? Evolutionary theory can give us important insight
into human nature, but such an approach to the study
of human behavior may have political consequences.
6. In vertebrate societies, what
are the costs to an individual
who makes an alarm call? Based
on research in ground squirrels,
which individuals are most likely
to make alarm calls, and what
benefits do they receive by doing
27.4 Vertebrates exhibit a broad range of social behaviors.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Bioethics Case Study:
Behavior Disordered
? On Science Article:
Repetition and
? On Science Article:
Flipper, A Senseless
Identifying the Environmental
Culprit Harming Amphibians
What started out as a relatively standard field trip in 1995
turned into a bizarre experience for a group of middle-
school science students in Minnesota. Their assignment:
to collect frogs for their biology class. What they found in
local ponds were not frogs like you are accustomed to see-
ing, frogs like the one shown here. What they found
looked more like the result of some bizarre genetic experi-
ment! Approximately half of the animals collected were
deformed, with extra legs or missing legs or no eyes.
Turning to the Internet, they soon discovered that the
problem was not isolated to Minnesota. Neighboring
states were reporting the same phenomenon—an alarming
number of deformed frogs, all across the United States and
Although deformed frogs such as those collected by
the Minnesota students received national attention, a dif-
ferent problem affecting amphibians has received even
more. During the past 30 years, there has been a world-
wide catastrophic decline in amphibian populations, with
many local populations becoming extinct. The problem is
a focus of intensive research, which indicates that four
factors are contributing in a major way to the worldwide
amphibian decline: (1) habitat destruction, particularly
loss of wetlands, (2) the introduction of exotic species
that outcompete local amphibian populations, (3) alter-
ation of habitats by toxic chemicals or other human activ-
ities (clear-cutting of trees, for example, drastically re-
duces humidity), and (4) infection of amphibians by
chytrid fungi or ranavirus, both of which are fatal to
The developmental deformities reported in frogs are
also a worldwide problem, but seem to arise from a differ-
ent set of factors than those producing global declines in
amphibian populations. The increase in deformities seems
to reflect the fact that amphibians are particularly sensitive
to their environment. Their semi-aquatic mode of living,
depending on a watery environment to reproduce and keep
their skin moist, means that they are exposed to all types of
environmental changes.
Amphibians are particularly vulnerable during early de-
velopment, when their fertilized eggs lay in water, exposed
to potential infection by trematodes that can disrupt devel-
opment, to acid introduced to ponds by acid rain, to toxic
chemical pollutants, and to increased levels of UV-B radia-
tion produced by ozone depletion.
While numerous experiments performed under labora-
tory conditions have demonstrated the power of these fac-
tors to produce developmental deformities, and in so
doing to reduce population survival rates, it is important to
understand that “can” does not equal “does.” To learn
what is in fact going on, scientists have examined the ef-
fects of these factors on amphibian development in the
natural environment.
Some environmental scientists suspected that toxic
chemical pollutants in the water might be causing the de-
formities and that the widespread occurrence of deformed
frogs might well be an early warning of potential future
problems in other species, including humans.
Other scientists cautioned that a different factor might
be responsible. Although chemicals such as pesticides cer-
tainly couldproduce deformities in localized situations, say
near a chemical spill, so too could other environmental
factors affecting local habitats, particularly parasitic infec-
tions by trematodes. Demonstrating this point, re-
searchers in 1999 showed that the multilimb and missing
limb phenomenon in frogs can be caused by trematodes
that infect the developing tadpoles, disrupting develop-
ment of their limbs.
Responding to this alternative suggestion, those scien-
tists nominating toxins as the principal culprit have cau-
tioned that showing trematode parasites can have a sig-
nificant effect on local populations is not the same thing
as demonstrating that they have in fact done so. And,
they add, it certainly doesn’t rule out a major contribu-
tion to the problem by toxic environmental pollutants, or
by any of the other potential disruptors of amphibian
In a particularly clear example of the sort of investiga-
tion that will be needed to sort out this complex issue,
Andrew Blaustein of Oregon State University headed a
team of scientists that set out to examine the effects of
UV-B radiation on amphibians in natural populations. In
a series of experiments carried out in the field, they at-
tempted to assess the degree to which UV-B radiation
The Global Environment
Populations of
like this Cas-
cades frog
(Rana cascadae),
are declining in
numbers in
many regions
570 Part VIII The Global Environment
promoted amphibian developmental deformities under
natural conditions.
Laboratory experiments examining the affects of UV-B
on amphibian development had already shown a significant
increase in embryonic mortality in some amphibian species,
and not in others. Why only in some?
Perhaps behaviors shared by many amphibian species
might lead to an increased susceptibility to damage from
UV-B radiation, behaviors such as laying eggs in open,
shallow waters that offer significant exposure to UV-B ra-
diation. Perhaps physiological traits of certain species make
them particularly susceptible to damage from UV-B radia-
tion, traits such as low levels of photolyase, an enzyme that
removes harmful photoproducts induced by UV light.
Blaustein’s group selected a specimen that exhibits these
two factors, the long-toed salamander, Ambystoma macro-
The Experiment
The goal of Blaustein’s field experiment was to allow fertil-
ized eggs to develop in their natural environment with and
without a UV-B protective shield. Eggs in both groups were
monitored for the appearance of deformities and for survival
rates. Eggs were collected from natural shallow water sites
(H1102120 cm deep) and randomly placed within enclosures con-
taining either a UV-B blocking Mylar shield or a UV-B trans-
mitting acetate cover (50 eggs per each enclosure replicated
four times). The enclosures were placed in small, unperfo-
rated plastic pools containing pond water and the pools were
placed back in the pond, thereby exposing the eggs and devel-
oping embryos to ambient conditions. The UV-B blocking
Mylar shield filtered out more than 94% of ambient UV-B
radiation, while the UV-B transmitting acetate cover allowed
about 90% of ambient UV-B radiation to pass through.
The Results
Embryos under the UV-B shields had significantly higher
hatching rates and fewer deformities compared with those
under the UV-B transmitting acetate covers. Of the 29
UV-B exposed individuals that hatched, 25 had deformi-
ties. This is significant compared to the 190 UV-B shielded
individuals that hatched and only 1 showed deformities.
These results support the hypothesis that naturally occur-
ring UV-B radiation can adversely affect development in
some amphibians, inducing deformities.
Blaustein’s group speculates that the higher mortality
rates and deformities in frogs and other amphibian species
might in fact be due to lower than normal levels of pho-
tolyase activity in their developing eggs and embryos, low
levels such as found naturally in salamanders.
Laboratory and field experiments seem to support this
idea. For one thing, frog species that are not sensitive to
UV-B have very high photolyase activity levels. Evaluating
10 different species, Blaustein’s team found a strong corre-
lation between species exhibiting little UV-B radiation ef-
fects and higher levels of photolyase activity in developing
eggs and embryos.
In these experiments, the Pacific tree frog (Hyla
regilla)—whose populations have not shown deformities or
decline—exhibited the highest photolyase activity and was
not affected by UV-B radiation, showing no significant in-
creases in mortality rates in UV-B exposed individuals.
In parallel experiments, the Cascades frog (Rana
cascadae) and the Western toad (Bufo boreas)—both of whose
populations have been experiencing deformities and
markedly declining populations—had less than one-third
the photolyase activity seen in Hyla, and were strongly af-
fected by UV-B radiation, showing significant increases in
mortality rates when exposed to UV-B radiation.
These results suggest that increased level of UV-B ra-
diation resulting from ozone depletion may indeed be a
major contributor to amphibian deformities and de-
cline—in populations with low photolyase activity. Could
chemical pollutants be acting to lower activity levels of
this key enzyme? The investigation continues. Undoubt-
edly, many factors are contributing to deformities in am-
phibian population, and there are not going to be many
simple answers.
3 6 10
Length of exposure (days)
UV-B blocking shield UV-B transmitting cover
Survival rate
Length of exposure (days)
Animals with deformities
Blaustein’s UV-B experiment.In the group of salamanders whose eggs were protected from UV-B radiation, hatching rates were higher
and deformity rates were lower.
Dynamics of Ecosystems
Concept Outline
28.1 Chemicals cycle within ecosystems.
The Water Cycle. Water cycles between the atmosphere
and the oceans, although deforestation has broken the cycle
in some ecosystems.
The Carbon Cycle. Photosynthesis captures carbon
from the atmosphere; respiration returns it.
The Nitrogen Cycle. Nitrogen is captured from the
atmosphere by the metabolic activities of bacteria; other
bacteria degrade organic nitrogen, returning it to the
The Phosphorus Cycle. Of all nutrients that plants
require, phosphorus tends to be the most limiting.
Biogeochemical Cycles Illustrated: Recycling in a
Forest Ecosystem. In a classic experiment, the role of
forests in retaining nutrients is assessed.
28.2 Ecosystems are structured by who eats whom.
Trophic Levels. Energy passes through ecosystems in a
limited number of steps, typically three or four.
28.3 Energy flows through ecosystems.
Primary Productivity. Plants produce biomass by
photosynthesis, while animals produce biomass by
consuming plants or other animals.
The Energy in Food Chains. As energy passes through
an ecosystem, a good deal is lost at each step.
Ecological Pyramids. The biomass of a trophic level is
less, the farther it is from the primary production of
Interactions among Different Trophic Levels.
Processes on one trophic level can have effects on higher or
lower levels of the food chain.
28.4 Biodiversity promotes ecosystem stability.
Effects of Species Richness. Species-rich communities are
more productive and resistant to disturbance.
Causes of Species Richness. Ecosystem productivity,
spatial heterogeneity, and climate all affect the number of
species in an ecosystem.
Biogeographic Patterns of Species Diversity. Many
more species occur in the tropics than in temperate regions.
Island Biogeography. Species richness on islands may be a
dynamic equilibrium between extinction and colonization.
he earth is a closed system with respect to chemicals,
but an open system in terms of energy. Collectively,
the organisms in ecosystems regulate the capture and ex-
penditure of energy and the cycling of chemicals (figure
28.1). As we will see in this chapter, all organisms, includ-
ing humans, depend on the ability of other organisms—
plants, algae, and some bacteria—to recycle the basic com-
ponents of life. In chapter 29, we consider the many
different types of ecosystems that constitute the biosphere.
Chapters 30 and 31 then discuss the many threats to the
biosphere and the species it contains.
Mushrooms serve a greater function than haute cuisine.
Mushrooms and other organisms are crucial recyclers in
ecosystems, breaking down dead and decaying material and
releasing critical elements such as carbon and nitrogen back into
nutrient cycles.
The Water Cycle
The water cycle (figure 28.2) is the most familiar of all bio-
geochemical cycles. All life depends directly on the pres-
ence of water; the bodies of most organisms consist mainly
of this substance. Water is the source of hydrogen ions,
whose movements generate ATP in organisms. For that
reason alone, it is indispensable to their functioning.
The Path of Free Water
The oceans cover three-fourths of the earth’s surface. From
the oceans, water evaporates into the atmosphere, a process
powered by energy from the sun. Over land approximately
90% of the water that reaches the atmosphere is moisture
that evaporates from the surface of plants through a process
called transpiration (see chapter 40). Most precipitation falls
directly into the oceans, but some falls on land, where it
passes into surface and subsurface bodies of fresh water.
Only about 2% of all the water on earth is captured in any
form—frozen, held in the soil, or incorporated into the
bodies of organisms. All of the rest is free water, circulating
between the atmosphere and the oceans.
572 Part VIII The Global Environment
All of the chemical elements that occur in organisms cycle
through ecosystems in biogeochemical cycles, cyclical
paths involving both biological and chemical processes. On
a global scale, only a very small portion of these substances
is contained within the bodies of organisms; almost all ex-
ists in nonliving reservoirs: the atmosphere, water, or rocks.
Carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide), nitrogen, and oxy-
gen enter the bodies of organisms primarily from the at-
mosphere, while phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magne-
sium, calcium, sodium, iron, and cobalt come from rocks.
All organisms require carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
phosphorus, and sulfur in relatively large quantities; they
require other elements in smaller amounts.
The cycling of materials in ecosystems begins when
these chemicals are incorporated into the bodies of organ-
isms from nonliving reservoirs such as the atmosphere or
the waters of oceans or rivers. Many minerals, for example,
first enter water from weathered rock, then pass into or-
ganisms when they drink the water. Materials pass from the
organisms that first acquire them into the bodies of other
organisms that eat them, until ultimately, through decom-
position, they complete the cycle and return to the nonliv-
ing world.
28.1 Chemicals cycle within ecosystems.
in soil
The water cycle.Water circulates from atmosphere to earth and back again.
The Importance of Water to Organisms
Organisms live or die on the basis of their ability to capture
water and incorporate it into their bodies. Plants take up
water from the earth in a continuous stream. Crop plants
require about 1000 kilograms of water to produce one kilo-
gram of food, and the ratio in natural communities is simi-
lar. Animals obtain water directly or from the plants or
other animals they eat. The amount of free water available
at a particular place often determines the nature and abun-
dance of the living organisms present there.
Much less obvious than surface water, which we see in
streams, lakes, and ponds, is groundwater, which occurs
in aquifers—permeable, saturated, underground layers of
rock, sand, and gravel. In many areas, groundwater is the
most important reservoir of water. It amounts to more
than 96% of all fresh water in the United States. The
upper, unconfined portion of the groundwater consti-
tutes the water table, which flows into streams and is
partly accessible to plants; the lower confined layers are
generally out of reach, although they can be “mined” by
humans. The water table is recharged by water that per-
colates through the soil from precipitation as well as by
water that seeps downward from ponds, lakes, and
streams. The deep aquifers are recharged very slowly
from the water table.
Groundwater flows much more slowly than surface
water, anywhere from a few millimeters to a meter or so
per day. In the United States, groundwater provides about
25% of the water used for all purposes and provides about
50% of the population with drinking water. Rural areas
tend to depend almost exclusively on wells to access
groundwater, and its use is growing at about twice the rate
of surface water use. In the Great Plains of the central
United States, the extensive use of the Ogallala Aquifer as a
source of water for agricultural needs as well as for drink-
ing water is depleting it faster than it can be naturally
recharged. This seriously threatens the agricultural produc-
tion of the area and similar problems are appearing
throughout the drier portions of the globe.
Because of the greater rate of groundwater use, and be-
cause it flows so slowly, the increasing chemical pollution
of groundwater is also a very serious problem. It is esti-
mated that about 2% of the groundwater in the United
States is already polluted, and the situation is worsening.
Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers have become a serious
threat to water purity. Another key source of groundwater
pollution consists of the roughly 200,000 surface pits,
ponds, and lagoons that are actively used for the disposal of
chemical wastes in the United States alone. Because of the
large volume of water, its slow rate of turnover, and its in-
accessibility, removing pollutants from aquifers is virtually
Breaking the Water Cycle
In dense forest ecosystems such as tropical rainforests,
more than 90% of the moisture in the ecosystem is taken
up by plants and then transpired back into the air. Because
so many plants in a rainforest are doing this, the vegetation
is the primary source of local rainfall. In a very real sense,
these plants create their own rain: the moisture that travels
up from the plants into the atmosphere falls back to earth
as rain.
Where forests are cut down, the organismic water cycle
is broken, and moisture is not returned to the atmos-
phere. Water drains away from the area to the sea instead
of rising to the clouds and falling again on the forest. As
early as the late 1700s, the great German explorer Alexan-
der von Humbolt reported that stripping the trees from a
tropical rainforest in Colombia prevented water from re-
turning to the atmosphere and created a semiarid desert.
It is a tragedy of our time that just such a transformation
is occurring in many tropical areas, as tropical and tem-
perate rainforests are being clear-cut or burned in the
name of “development” (figure 28.3). Much of Madagas-
car, a California-sized island off the east coast of Africa,
has been transformed in this century from lush tropical
forest into semiarid desert by deforestation. Because the
rain no longer falls, there is no practical way to reforest
this land. The water cycle, once broken, cannot be easily
Water cycles between oceans and atmosphere. Some
96% of the fresh water in the United States consists of
groundwater, which provides 25% of all the water used
in this country.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 573
Deforestation breaks the water cycle.As time goes by, the
consequences of tropical deforestation may become even more
severe, as the extensive erosion in this deforested area of
Madagascar shows.
The Carbon Cycle
The carbon cycle is based on carbon dioxide, which makes
up only about 0.03% of the atmosphere (figure 28.4).
Worldwide, the synthesis of organic compounds from car-
bon dioxide and water through photosynthesis (see chapter
10) utilizes about 10% of the roughly 700 billion metric
tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere each year. This
enormous amount of biological activity takes place as a re-
sult of the combined activities of photosynthetic bacteria,
protists, and plants. All terrestrial heterotrophic organisms
obtain their carbon indirectly from photosynthetic organ-
isms. When the bodies of dead organisms decompose, mi-
croorganisms release carbon dioxide back to the atmo-
sphere. From there, it can be reincorporated into the
bodies of other organisms.
Most of the organic compounds formed as a result of
carbon dioxide fixation in the bodies of photosynthetic or-
ganisms are ultimately broken down and released back
into the atmosphere or water. Certain carbon-containing
compounds, such as cellulose, are more resistant to break-
down than others, but certain bacteria and fungi, as well
as a few kinds of insects, are able to accomplish this feat.
Some cellulose, however, accumulates as undecomposed
organic matter such as peat. The carbon in this cellulose
may eventually be incorporated into fossil fuels such as oil
or coal.
In addition to the roughly 700 billion metric tons of car-
bon dioxide in the atmosphere, approximately 1 trillion
metric tons are dissolved in the ocean. More than half of
this quantity is in the upper layers, where photosynthesis
takes place. The fossil fuels, primarily oil and coal, contain
more than 5 trillion additional metric tons of carbon, and
between 600 million and 1 trillion metric tons are locked
up in living organisms at any one time. In global terms,
photosynthesis and respiration (see chapters 9 and 10) are
approximately balanced, but the balance has been shifted
recently because of the consumption of fossil fuels. The
combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas has released large
stores of carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere appears
to be changing global climates, and may do so even more
rapidly in the future, as we will discuss in chapter 30.
About 10% of the estimated 700 billion metric tons of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is fixed annually by
the process of photosynthesis.
574 Part VIII The Global Environment
Diffusion Respiration
Plants and algae
Industry and home
Combustion of fuels
Carbonates in sediment
Fossil fuels
(oil, gas, coal)
Dissolved CO
The carbon cycle.Photosynthesis captures carbon; respiration returns it to the atmosphere.
The Nitrogen Cycle
Relatively few kinds of organisms—all of them bacteria—
can convert, or fix, atmospheric nitrogen (78% of the
earth’s atmosphere) into forms that can be used for biologi-
cal processes via the nitrogen cycle (figure 28.5). The
triple bond that links together the two atoms that make up
diatomic atmospheric nitrogen (N
) makes it a very stable
molecule. In living systems the cleavage of atmospheric ni-
trogen is catalyzed by a complex of three proteins—ferre-
doxin, nitrogen reductase, and nitrogenase. This process
uses ATP as a source of energy, electrons derived from
photosynthesis or respiration, and a powerful reducing
agent. The overall reaction of nitrogen fixation is written:
+ 3H
Some genera of bacteria have the ability to fix atmo-
spheric nitrogen. Most are free-living, but some form sym-
biotic relationships with the roots of legumes (plants of the
pea family, Fabaceae) and other plants. Only the symbiotic
bacteria fix enough nitrogen to be of major significance in
nitrogen production. Because of the activities of such organ-
isms in the past, a large reservoir of ammonia and nitrates
now exists in most ecosystems. This reservoir is the imme-
diate source of much of the nitrogen used by organisms.
Nitrogen-containing compounds, such as proteins in
plant and animal bodies, are decomposed rapidly by certain
bacteria and fungi. These bacteria and fungi use the amino
acids they obtain through decomposition to synthesize
their own proteins and to release excess nitrogen in the
form of ammonium ions (NH
), a process known as am-
monification. The ammonium ions can be converted to
soil nitrites and nitrates by certain kinds of organisms and
which then can be absorbed by plants.
A certain proportion of the fixed nitrogen in the soil
is steadily lost. Under anaerobic conditions, nitrate is
often converted to nitrogen gas (N
) and nitrous oxide
O), both of which return to the atmosphere. This
process, which several genera of bacteria carry out, is
called denitrification.
Nitrogen becomes available to organisms almost
entirely through the metabolic activities of bacteria,
some free-living and others which live symbiotically in
the roots of legumes and other plants.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 575
Amino acids
Loss to deep sediments
Plankton with
bacteria (plant roots)
bacteria (soil)
Death, excretion, feces
Decomposing bacteria
Ammonifying bacteria
Nitrifying bacteria
Soil nitrates
The nitrogen cycle.Certain bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen, converting it to a form living organisms can use. Other bacteria
decompose nitrogen-containing compounds from plant and animal materials, returning it to the atmosphere.
The Phosphorus Cycle
In all biogeochemical cycles other than those involving
water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, the reservoir of the
nutrient exists in mineral form, rather than in the atmo-
sphere. The phosphorus cycle (figure 28.6) is presented as
a representative example of all other mineral cycles. Phos-
phorus, a component of ATP, phospholipids, and nucleic
acid, plays a critical role in plant nutrition.
Of all the required nutrients other than nitrogen, phos-
phorus is the most likely to be scarce enough to limit plant
growth. Phosphates, in the form of phosphorus anions,
exist in soil only in small amounts. This is because they are
relatively insoluble and are present only in certain kinds of
rocks. As phosphates weather out of soils, they are trans-
ported by rivers and streams to the oceans, where they ac-
cumulate in sediments. They are naturally brought back up
again only by the uplift of lands, such as occurs along the
Pacific coast of North and South America, creating up-
welling currents. Phosphates brought to the surface are as-
similated by algae, and then by fish, which are in turn eaten
by birds. Seabirds deposit enormous amounts of guano
(feces) rich in phosphorus along certain coasts. Guano de-
posits have traditionally been used for fertilizer. Crushed
phosphate-rich rocks, found in certain regions, are also
used for fertilizer. The seas are the only inexhaustible
source of phosphorus, making deep-seabed mining look in-
creasingly commercially attractive.
Every year, millions of tons of phosphate are added to
agricultural lands in the belief that it becomes fixed to and
enriches the soil. In general, three times more phosphate
than a crop requires is added each year. This is usually in
the form of superphosphate, which is soluble calcium di-
hydrogen phosphate, Ca(H
, derived by treating
bones or apatite, the mineral form of calcium phosphate,
with sulfuric acid. But the enormous quantities of phos-
phates that are being added annually to the world’s agricul-
tural lands are not leading to proportionate gains in crops.
Plants can apparently use only so much of the phosphorus
that is added to the soil.
Phosphates are relatively insoluble and are present in
most soils only in small amounts. They often are so
scarce that their absence limits plant growth.
576 Part VIII The Global Environment
Loss to deep sediment
Rocks and
Soluble soil
Plants and
Animal tissue
and feces
Animal tissue
and feces
(bacteria and
(bacteria and
in solution
Loss in
The phosphorus cycle.Phosphates weather from soils into water, enter plants and animals, and are redeposited in the soil when plants
and animals decompose.
Biogeochemical Cycles Illustrated:
Recycling in a Forest Ecosystem
An ongoing series of studies conducted at the Hubbard
Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire has re-
vealed in impressive detail the overall recycling pattern of
nutrients in an ecosystem. The way this particular ecosys-
tem functions, and especially the way nutrients cycle
within it, has been studied since 1963 by Herbert Bor-
mann of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental
Studies, Gene Likens of the Institute of Ecosystem Stud-
ies, and their colleagues. These studies have yielded much
of the available information about the cycling of nutrients
in forest ecosystems. They have also provided the basis
for the development of much of the experimental
methodology that is being applied successfully to the
study of other ecosystems.
Hubbard Brook is the central stream of a large water-
shed that drains a region of temperate deciduous forest.
To measure the flow of water and nutrients within the
Hubbard Brook ecosystem, concrete weirs with V-shaped
notches were built across six tributary streams. All of the
water that flowed out of the valleys had to pass through
the notches, as the weirs were anchored in bedrock. The
researchers measured the precipitation that fell in the six
valleys, and determined the amounts of nutrients that
were present in the water flowing in the six streams. By
these methods, they demonstrated that the undisturbed
forests in this area were very efficient at retaining nutri-
ents; the small amounts of nutrients that precipitated
from the atmosphere with rain and snow were approxi-
mately equal to the amounts of nutrients that ran out of
the valleys. These quantities were very low in relation to
the total amount of nutrients in the system. There was a
small net loss of calcium—about 0.3% of the total calcium
in the system per year—and small net gains of nitrogen
and potassium.
In 1965 and 1966, the investigators felled all the trees
and shrubs in one of the six watersheds and then prevented
regrowth by spraying the area with herbicides. The effects
were dramatic. The amount of water running out of that
valley increased by 40%. This indicated that water that
previously would have been taken up by vegetation and ul-
timately evaporated into the atmosphere was now running
off. For the four-month period from June to September
1966, the runoff was four times higher than it had been
during comparable periods in the preceding years. The
amounts of nutrients running out of the system also greatly
increased; for example, the loss of calcium was 10 times
higher than it had been previously. Phosphorus, on the
other hand, did not increase in the stream water; it appar-
ently was locked up in the soil.
The change in the status of nitrogen in the disturbed
valley was especially striking (figure 28.7). The undis-
turbed ecosystem in this valley had been accumulating ni-
trogen at a rate of about 2 kilograms per hectare per year,
but the deforested ecosystem lost nitrogen at a rate of
about 120 kilograms per hectare per year. The nitrate
level of the water rapidly increased to a level exceeding
that judged safe for human consumption, and the stream
that drained the area generated massive blooms of
cyanobacteria and algae. In other words, the fertility of
this logged-over valley decreased rapidly, while at the
same time the danger of flooding greatly increased. This
experiment is particularly instructive at the start of the
twenty-first century, as large areas of tropical rain forest
are being destroyed to make way for cropland, a topic that
will be discussed further in chapter 30.
When the trees and shrubs in one of the valleys in the
Hubbard Brook watershed were cut down and the area
was sprayed with herbicide, water runoff and the loss of
nutrients from that valley increased. Nitrogen, which
had been accumulating at a rate of about 2 kilograms
per hectare per year, was lost at a rate of 120 kilograms
per hectare per year.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 577
1965 1966
Amount of nitrate (mg/
1967 1968
The Hubbard Brook experiment.(a) A 38-acre watershed was
completely deforested, and the runoff monitored for several
years. (b) Deforestation greatly increased the loss of minerals in
runoff water from the ecosystem. The red curve represents
nitrate in the runoff water from the deforested watershed; the
blue curve, nitrate in runoff water from an undisturbed
neighboring watershed.
Trophic Levels
An ecosystem includes autotrophs and heterotrophs. Au-
totrophs are plants, algae, and some bacteria that are able
to capture light energy and manufacture their own food.
To support themselves, heterotrophs, which include ani-
mals, fungi, most protists and bacteria, and nongreen
plants, must obtain organic molecules that have been syn-
thesized by autotrophs. Autotrophs are also called primary
producers,and heterotrophs are also called consumers.
Once energy enters an ecosystem, usually as the result of
photosynthesis, it is slowly released as metabolic processes
proceed. The autotrophs that first acquire this energy pro-
vide all of the energy heterotrophs use. The organisms that
make up an ecosystem delay the release of the energy ob-
tained from the sun back into space.
Green plants, the primary producers of a terrestrial
ecosystem, generally capture about 1% of the energy that
falls on their leaves, converting it to food energy. In espe-
cially productive systems, this percentage may be a little
higher. When these plants are consumed by other organ-
isms, only a portion of the plant’s accumulated energy is
actually converted into the bodies of the organisms that
consume them.
Several different levels of consumers exist. The primary
consumers, or herbivores, feed directly on the green
plants. Secondary consumers, carnivores and the parasites
of animals, feed in turn on the herbivores. Decomposers
break down the organic matter accumulated in the bodies
of other organisms. Another more general term that in-
cludes decomposers is detritivores.Detritivores live on the
refuse of an ecosystem. They include large scavengers, such
as crabs, vultures, and jackals, as well as decomposers.
All of these categories occur in any ecosystem. They
represent different trophic levels, from the Greek word
trophos, which means “feeder.” Organisms from each
trophic level, feeding on one another, make up a series
called a food chain (figure 28.8). The length and complex-
ity of food chains vary greatly. In real life, it is rather rare
for a given kind of organism to feed only on one other type
of organism. Usually, each organism feeds on two or more
kinds and in turn is eaten by several other kinds of organ-
isms. When diagrammed, the relationship appears as a se-
ries of branching lines, rather than a straight line; it is
called a food web(figure 28.9).
A certain amount of the chemical-bond energy ingested
by the organisms at a given trophic level goes toward stay-
ing alive (for example, carrying out mechanical motion).
Using the chemical-bond energy converts it to heat, which
organisms cannot use to do work. Another portion of the
chemical-bond energy taken in is retained as chemical-
bond energy within the organic molecules produced by
growth. Usually 40% or less of the energy ingested is
stored by growth. An invertebrate typically uses about a
quarter of this 40% for growth; in other words, about 10%
of the food an invertebrate eats is turned into its own body
and thus into potential food for its predators. Although the
comparable figure varies from approximately 5% in carni-
vores to nearly 20% for herbivores, 10% is a good average
value for the amount of organic matter that reaches the
next trophic level.
Energy passes through ecosystems, a good deal being
lost at each step.
578 Part VIII The Global Environment
28.2 Ecosystems are structured by who eats whom.
level 4
level 3
level 2
level 1
Primary consumer
Secondary consumer
Tertiary consumer
Trophic levels within a food chain.Plants obtain their energy
directly from the sun, placing them at trophic level 1. Animals that
eat plants, such as grasshoppers, are primary consumers or
herbivores and are at trophic level 2. Animals that eat plant-eating
animals, such as shrews, are carnivores and are at trophic level 3
(secondary consumers); animals that eat carnivorous animals, such
as hawks, are tertiary consumers at trophic level 4. Detritivores
use all trophic levels for food.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 579
Birds of prey
Bacteria and fungi
Top carnivores
The food web in a salt marsh shows the complex interrelationships among organisms.The meiofauna are very small animals that live
between the grains of sand.
Primary Productivity
Approximately 1 to 5% of the solar energy that falls on a
plant is converted to the chemical bonds of organic mate-
rial. Primary production or primary productivity are
terms used to describe the amount of organic matter pro-
duced from solar energy in a given area during a given pe-
riod of time. Gross primary productivity is the total or-
ganic matter produced, including that used by the
photosynthetic organism for respiration. Net primary
productivity (NPP), therefore, is a measure of the
amount of organic matter produced in a community in a
given time that is available for heterotrophs. It equals the
gross primary productivity minus the amount of energy
expended by the metabolic activities of the photosynthetic
organisms. The net weight of all of the organisms living
in an ecosystem, its biomass, increases as a result of its
net production.
Productive Biological Communities
Some ecosystems have a high net primary productivity. For
example, tropical forests and wetlands normally produce
between 1500 and 3000 grams of organic material per
square meter per year. By contrast, corresponding figures
for other communities include 1200 to 1300 grams for
temperate forests, 900 grams for savanna, and 90 grams for
deserts (table 28.1).
Secondary Productivity
The rate of production by heterotrophs is called sec-
ondary productivity. Because herbivores and carnivores
cannot carry out photosynthesis, they do not manufac-
ture biomolecules directly from CO
. Instead, they ob-
tain them by eating plants or other heterotrophs. Sec-
ondary productivity by herbivores is approximately an
order of magnitude less than the primary productivity
upon which it is based. Where does all the energy in
plants that is not captured by herbivores go (figure
28.10)? First, much of the biomass is not consumed by
herbivores and instead supports the decomposer commu-
nity (bacteria, fungi and detritivorous animals). Second,
some energy is not assimilated by the herbivore’s body
but is passed on as feces to the decomposers. Third, not
all the chemical-bond energy which herbivores assimilate
is retained as chemical-bond energy in the organic mole-
cules of their tissues. Some of it is lost as heat produced
by work.
Primary productivity occurs as a result of
photosynthesis, which is carried out by green plants,
algae, and some bacteria. Secondary productivity is the
production of new biomass by heterotrophs.
580 Part VIII The Global Environment
28.3 Energy flows through ecosystems.
FIGURE 28.10
How heterotrophs utilize food energy.A heterotroph
assimilates only a fraction of the energy it consumes. For example,
if the “bite” of a herbivorous insect comprises 500 Joules of
energy (1 Joule = 0.239 calories), about 50%, 250 J, is lost in feces,
about 33%, 165 J, is used to fuel cellular respiration, and about
17%, 85 J, is converted into insect biomass. Only this 85 J is
available to the next trophic level.
Table 28.1 Terrestrial Ecosystem Productivity Per Year
Net Primary Productivity (NPP)
Ecosystem NPP per Unit Area World NPP
Type (g/m
) (10
Extreme desert, 3 0.07
rock, sand, and ice
Desert and 90 1.6
semidesert shrub
Tropical rain forest 2200 37.4
Savanna 900 13.5
Cultivated land 650 9.1
Boreal forest 800 9.6
Temperate 600 5.4
Woodland and 700 6.0
Tundra and alpine 140 1.1
Tropical seasonal 1600 12.0
Temperate deciduous 1200 8.4
Temperate evergreen 1300 6.5
Wetlands 2000 4.0
Source:After Whittaker, 1975.
The Energy in Food Chains
Food chains generally consist of only three or four steps
(figure 28.11). So much energy is lost at each step that very
little usable energy remains in the system after it has been
incorporated into the bodies of organisms at four successive
trophic levels.
Community Energy Budgets
Lamont Cole of Cornell University studied the flow of en-
ergy in a freshwater ecosystem in Cayuga Lake in upstate
New York. He calculated that about 150 of each 1000 calo-
ries of potential energy fixed by algae and cyanobacteria are
transferred into the bodies of small heterotrophs (figure
28.12). Of these, about 30 calories are incorporated into
the bodies of smelt, small fish that are the principal sec-
ondary consumers of the system. If humans eat the smelt,
they gain about 6 of the 1000 calories that originally en-
tered the system. If trout eat the smelt and humans eat the
trout, humans gain only about 1.2 calories.
Factors Limiting Community Productivity
Communities with higher productivity can in theory sup-
port longer food chains. The limit on a community’s pro-
ductivity is determined ultimately by the amount of sun-
light it receives, for this determines how much
photosynthesis can occur. This is why in the deciduous
forests of North America the net primary productivity in-
creases as the growing season lengthens. NPP is higher in
warm climates than cold ones not only because of the
longer growing seasons, but also because more nitrogen
tends to be available in warm climates, where nitrogen-
fixing bacteria are more active.
Considerable energy is lost at each stage in food chains,
which limits their length. In general, more productive
food chains can support longer food chains.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 581
Primary consumerPrimary producer Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer
FIGURE 28.11
A food chain. Because so much energy is lost at each step, food chains usually consist of just three or four steps.
Algae and
1.2 calories
6 calories
30 calories
150 calories
1000 calories
FIGURE 28.12
The food web in Cayuga Lake. Autotrophic plankton (algae
and cyanobacteria) fix the energy of the sun, heterotrophic
plankton feed on them, and are both consumed by smelt. The
smelt are eaten by trout, with about a fivefold loss in fixed
energy; for humans, the amount of smelt biomass is at least five
times greater than that available in trout, although humans
prefer to eat trout.
Ecological Pyramids
A plant fixes about 1% of the sun’s energy that falls on its
green parts. The successive members of a food chain, in
turn, process into their own bodies about 10% of the en-
ergy available in the organisms on which they feed. For this
reason, there are generally far more individuals at the lower
trophic levels of any ecosystem than at the higher levels.
Similarly, the biomass of the primary producers present in
a given ecosystem is greater than the biomass of the pri-
mary consumers, with successive trophic levels having a
lower and lower biomass and correspondingly less potential
These relationships, if shown diagrammatically, appear
as pyramids (figure 28.13). We can speak of “pyramids of
biomass,” “pyramids of energy,” “pyramids of number,”
and so forth, as characteristic of ecosystems.
Inverted Pyramids
Some aquatic ecosystems have inverted biomass pyramids.
For example, in a planktonic ecosystem—dominated by
small organisms floating in water—the turnover of photo-
synthetic phytoplankton at the lowest level is very rapid,
with zooplankton consuming phytoplankton so quickly that
the phytoplankton (the producers at the base of the food
chain) can never develop a large population size. Because
the phytoplankton reproduce very rapidly, the community
can support a population of heterotrophs that is larger in
biomass and more numerous than the phytoplankton (see
figure 28.13b).
Top Carnivores
The loss of energy that occurs at each trophic level places a
limit on how many top-level carnivores a community can
support. As we have seen, only about one-thousandth of
the energy captured by photosynthesis passes all the way
through a three-stage food chain to a tertiary consumer
such as a snake or hawk. This explains why there are no
predators that subsist on lions or eagles—the biomass of
these animals is simply insufficient to support another
trophic level.
In the pyramid of numbers, top-level predators tend to
be fairly large animals. Thus, the small residual biomass
available at the top of the pyramid is concentrated in a rela-
tively small number of individuals.
Because energy is lost at every step of a food chain, the
biomass of primary producers (photosynthesizers) tends
to be greater than that of the herbivores that consume
them, and herbivore biomass greater than the biomass
of the predators that consume them.
582 Part VIII The Global Environment
(36,380 kilocalories/square meter/year)
(807 grams/square meter)
Plankton (4,000,000,000)
(3890 kilocalories/
square meter/year)
(5 grams/
square meter)
(4 grams/square meter)
Zooplankton and bottom fauna
(21 grams/square meter)
First-level carnivore
(48 kilocalories/
square meter/year)
(596 kilocalories/
square meter/year)
(37 grams/square meter)
First-level carnivore
(11 grams/square meter)
Second-level carnivore
(1.5 grams/square meter)
Pyramid of energy
Pyramid of biomass
Pyramid of numbers
FIGURE 28.13
Ecological pyramids.Ecological pyramids measure different
characteristics of each trophic level. (a) Pyramid of numbers.
(b) Pyramids of biomass, both normal (top) and inverted (bottom).
(c) Pyramid of energy.
Interactions among Different
Trophic Levels
The existence of food webs creates the possibility of inter-
actions among species at different trophic levels. Predators
will not only have effects on the species upon which they
prey, but also, indirectly, upon the plants eaten by these
prey. Conversely, increases in primary productivity will not
only provide more food for herbivores but, indirectly, lead
also to more food for carnivores.
Trophic Cascades
When we look at the world around us, we see a profusion
of plant life. Why is this? Why don’t herbivore populations
increase to the extent that all available vegetation is con-
sumed? The answer, of course, is that predators keep the
herbivore populations in check, thus allowing plant popula-
tions to thrive. This phenomenon, in which the effect of
one trophic level flows down to lower levels, is called a
trophic cascade.
Experimental studies have confirmed the existence of
trophic cascades. For example, in one study in New
Zealand, sections of a stream were isolated with a mesh that
prevented fish from entering. In some of the enclosures,
brown trout were added, whereas other enclosures were left
without large fish. After 10 days, the number of inverte-
brates in the trout enclosures was one-half of that in the
controls (figure 28.14). In turn, the biomass of algae, which
invertebrates feed upon, was five times greater in the trout
enclosures than in the controls.
The logic of trophic cascades leads to the prediction that
a fourth trophic level, carnivores that preyed on other car-
nivores, would also lead to cascading effects. In this case,
the top predators would keep lower-level predator popula-
tions in check, which should lead to a profusion of herbi-
vores and a paucity of vegetation. In an experiment similar
to the one just described, enclosures were created in free-
flowing streams in northern California. In this case, large
predatory fish were added to some enclosures and not oth-
ers. In the large fish enclosures, the number of smaller
predators, such as damselfly nymphs was greatly reduced,
leading to an increase in their prey, including algae-eating
insects, which lead, in turn, to decreases in the biomass of
algae (figure 28.15).
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 583
Fish added
No fish added
Damselflies (number/m
Chironomids (number/g algae)
Algae (g/m
Sample 1
(June 5)
Sample 2
(June 22)
FIGURE 28.14
Trophic cascades.Streams with trout have fewer herbivorous
invertebrates and more algae than streams without trout.
No fish Trout No fish Trout
Invertebrates (number/m
Algae (
g chlorophyll
FIGURE 28.15
Four-level trophic cascades.Streams with fish have fewer lower-
level predators, such as damselflies, more herbivorous insects
(exemplified by the number of chironomids, a type of aquatic
insect), and lower levels of algae.
Human Effects on Trophic Cascades
Humans have inadvertently created a test of the trophic
cascade hypothesis by removing top predators from ecosys-
tems. The great naturalist Aldo Leopold captured the re-
sults long before the trophic cascade hypothesis had ever
been scientifically articulated when he wrote in the Sand
County Almanac:
“I have lived to see state after state extirpate its wolves. I
have watched the face of many a new wolfless mountain,
and seen the south-facing slopes wrinkle with a maze of
new deer trails. I have seen every edible bush and seedling
browsed, first to anemic desuetude, and then to death. I
have seen every edible tree defoliated to the height of a
saddle horn.”
Many similar examples exist in nature in which the re-
moval of predators has led to cascading effects on lower
trophic levels. On Barro Colorado Island, a hilltop turned
into an island by the construction of the Panama Canal at
the beginning of the last century, large predators such as
jaguars and mountain lions are absent. As a result, smaller
predators whose populations are normally held in check—
including monkeys, peccaries (a relative of the pig), coat-
imundis and armadillos—have become extraordinarily
abundant. These animals will eat almost anything they find.
Ground-nesting birds are particularly vulnerable, and many
species have declined; at least 15 bird species have vanished
from the island entirely. Similarly, in woodlots in the mid-
western United States, raccoons, opossums, and foxes have
become abundant due to the elimination of larger preda-
tors, and populations of ground-nesting birds have declined
Bottom-Up Effects
Conversely, factors acting at the bottom of food webs may
have consequences that ramify to higher trophic levels,
leading to what are termed bottom-up effects. The basic
idea is when the productivity of an ecosystem is low, her-
bivore populations will be too small to support any preda-
tors. Increases in productivity will be entirely devoured by
the herbivores, whose populations will increase in size. At
some point, herbivore populations will become large
enough that predators can be supported. Thus, further in-
creases in productivity will not lead to increases in herbi-
vore populations, but, rather to increases in predator pop-
ulations. Again, at some level, top predators will become
established that can prey on lower-level predators. With
the lower-level predator populations in check, herbivore
populations will again increase with increasing productiv-
ity (figure 28.16).
Experimental evidence for the role of bottom-up ef-
fects was provided in an elegant study conducted on the
Eel River in northern California. Enclosures were con-
structed that excluded large fish. A roof was placed above
each enclosure. Some roofs were clear and let light pass
584 Part VIII The Global Environment
Higher level predators
Lower level predators
FIGURE 28.16
Bottom-up effects.At low levels of productivity, herbivore
populations cannot be maintained. Above some threshold,
increases in productivity lead to increases in herbivore biomass;
vegetation biomass no longer increases with productivity because
it is converted into herbivore biomass. Similarly, above another
threshold, herbivore biomass gets converted to carnivore biomass.
At this point, vegetation biomass is no longer constrained by
herbivores, and so again increases with increasing productivity.
through, whereas others produced light or deep shade.
The result was that the enclosures differed in the amount
of sunlight reaching them. As one might expect, the pri-
mary productivity differed and was greatest in the un-
shaded enclosures. This increased productivity led to
both more vegetation and more predators, but the
trophic level sandwiched in between, the herbivores, did
not increase, precisely as the bottom-up hypothesis pre-
dicted (figure 28.17).
Relative Importance of Trophic Cascades and
Bottom-Up Effects
Neither trophic cascades nor bottom-up effects are in-
evitable. For example, if two species of herbivores exist in
an ecosystem and compete strongly, and if one species is
much more vulnerable to predation than the other, then
top-down effects will not propagate to the next lower
trophic level. Rather, increased predation will simply de-
crease the population of the vulnerable species while in-
creasing the population of its competitor, with potentially
no net change on the vegetation in the next lower trophic
Similarly, productivity increases might not move up
through all trophic levels. In some cases, for example, prey
populations increase so quickly that their predators cannot
control them. In such cases, increases in productivity would
not move up the food chain.
In other cases, trophic cascades and bottom-up effects
may reinforce each other. In one experiment, large fish
were removed from one lake, leaving only minnows, which
ate most of the algae-eating zooplankton. By contrast, in
the other lake, there were few minnows and much zoo-
plankton. The researchers then added nutrients to both
lakes. In the minnow lake, there were few zooplankton, so
the resulting increase in algal productivity did not propa-
gate up the food chain and large mats of algae formed. By
comparison, in the large fish lake, increased productivity
moved up the food chain and algae populations were con-
trolled. In this case, both top-down and bottom-up
processes were operating.
Nature, of course, is not always so simple. In some cases,
species may simultaneously operate on multiple trophic
levels, such as the jaguar which eats both smaller carnivores
and herbivores, or the bear which eats both fish and
berries. Nature is often much more complicated than a
simple, linear food chain, as figure 28.9 indicates. Ecolo-
gists are currently working to apply theories of food chain
interactions to these more complicated situations.
Because of the linked nature of food webs, species on
different trophic levels will effect each other, and these
effects can promulgate both up and down the food web.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 585
? ?
0 300 600 900 1200 1500
Predator biomass(g/m
0 300 600 900 1200 1500
0 300 600 900 1200 1500
Herbivore biomass (g/m
Productivity (H9262mol light/m
egetation biomass (g algae/m
FIGURE 28.17
Bottom-up effects on a stream ecosystem.As predicted,
increases in productivity—which are a function of the amount of
light hitting the stream and leading to photosynthesis—lead to
increases in the amount of vegetation. However, herbivore
biomass does not increase with increased productivity because it is
converted into predator biomass.
Effects of Species Richness
Ecologists have long debated what are the consequences of
differences in species richness among communities. One
theory is that more species-rich communities are more sta-
ble; that is, more constant in composition and better able
to resist disturbance. This hypothesis has been elegantly
studied by David Tilman and colleagues at the University
of Minnesota’s Cedar Creek Natural History Area. These
workers monitored 207 small rectangular plots of land (8 to
16 m
) for 11 years. In each plot, they counted the number
of prairie plant species and measured the total amount of
plant biomass (that is, the mass of all plants on the plot).
Over the course of the study, plant species richness was re-
lated to community stability—plots with more species
showed less year-to-year variation in biomass (figure
28.18). Moreover, in two drought years, the decline in bio-
mass was negatively related to species richness; in other
words, plots with more species were less affected. In a re-
lated experiment, when seeds of other plant species were
added to different plots, the ability of these species to be-
come established was negatively related to species richness.
More diverse communities, in other words, are more resis-
tant to invasion by new species, another measure of com-
munity stability.
Species richness may also have effects on other ecosys-
tem processes. In a follow-up study, Tilman established an-
other 147 plots in which they experimentally varied the
number of plant species. Each of the plots was monitored
to estimate how much growth was occurring and how
much nitrogen the growing plants were taking up from the
soil. Tilman found that the more species a plot had, the
greater nitrogen uptake and total amount of biomass pro-
duced. In his study, increased biodiversity clearly leads to
greater productivity (figure 28.19).
Laboratory studies on artificial ecosystems have pro-
vided similar results. In one elaborate study, ecosystems
covering 1 m
were constructed in growth chambers that
controlled temperature, light levels, air currents, and at-
mospheric gas concentrations. A variety of plants, insects,
and other animals were introduced to construct ecosys-
tems composed of 9, 15, or 31 species with the lower di-
versity treatments containing a subset of the species in
the higher diversity enclosures. As with Tilman’s experi-
ments, the amount of biomass produced was related to
species richness, as was the amount of carbon dioxide
consumed, a measure of respiration occurring in the
Tilman’s conclusion that healthy ecosystems depend
on diversity is not accepted by all ecologists. Critics ques-
tion the validity and relevance of these biodiversity stud-
ies, claiming their experimental design is critically
flawed. Tilman’s Cedar Creek result was a statistical arti-
fact, they argue—the more species you add to a mix, the
greater the probability that you will add a highly produc-
tive one. Adding taller or highly productive plants of
course increases productivity, they explain. To show a
real benefit from diversity, experimental plots would have
to exhibit “overyielding”—plot productivity would have
to be greater than that of the single most productive
species grown in isolation. The long-simmering debate
Controversial experimental field studies support the
hypothesis that species-rich communities are more
586 Part VIII The Global Environment
28.4 Biodiversity promotes ecosystem stability.
Average species richness
ariation in biomass
0 2 4 6 8 10121416182022
FIGURE 28.18
Effect of species richness on ecosystem stability. In the Cedar
Creek experimental fields, each square is a 100-square-foot
experimental plot. Experimental plots with more plant species
seem to show less variation in the total amount of biomass
produced, and thus more community stability.
Species richness
Nitrogen in rooting
zone (mg/kg)
0 5 10 15 20 25
FIGURE 28.19
Effect of species richness on productivity.In Tilman’s
experimental studies, plots with more species took up more
nitrogen from the soil, leaving less in the rooting zone. The
increased amount of nitrogen absorption is an indicator of
increased growth, increased biomass, and thus increased
Causes of Species Richness
While ecologists still argue about why some ecosystems are
more stable than others—better able to avoid permanent
change and return to normal after disturbances like land
clearing, fire, invasion by plagues of insects, or severe
storm damage—most ecologists now accept as a working
hypothesis that biologically diverse ecosystems are gener-
ally more stable than simple ones. Ecosystems with many
different kinds of organisms support a more complex web
of interactions, and an alternative niche is thus more likely
to exist to compensate for the effect of a disruption.
Factors Promoting Species Richness
How does the number of species in a community affect
the functioning of the ecosystem? How does ecosystem
functioning affect the number of species in a community?
It is often extremely difficult to sort out the relative con-
tributions of different factors. With regard to determi-
nants of species richness in a community, of the many
variables that may play a role, we will discuss three:
ecosystem productivity, spatial heterogeneity, and cli-
mate. Two additional factors that may play an important
role, the evolutionary age of the community and the de-
gree to which the community has been disturbed, will be
examined later in this chapter.
Ecosystem Productivity. Ecosystems differ in produc-
tivity, which is a measure of how much new growth they
can produce. Surprisingly, the relationship between pro-
ductivity and species richness is not linear. Rather, ecosys-
tems with intermediate levels of productivity tend to have
the most species (figure 28.20). Why this is so is a topic of
considerable current debate. One possibility is that levels
of productivity are linked to numbers of predators. At low
productivity, there are few predators and superior competi-
tors eliminate most species, whereas at high productivity,
there are so many predators that only the most predation-
resistant species survive. At intermediate levels, however,
predators may act as keystone species, maintaining species
Spatial Heterogeneity. Environments that are more
spatially heterogeneous—that contain more soil types,
topographies, and other habitat variations—can be ex-
pected to accommodate more species because they provide
a greater variety of microhabitats, microclimates, places to
hide from predators, and so on. In general, the species rich-
ness of animals tends to reflect the species richness of the
plants in their community, while plant species richness re-
flects the spatial heterogeneity of the ecosystem. The
plants provide a biologically derived spatial heterogeneity
of microhabitats to the animals. Thus, the number of lizard
species in the American Southwest mirrors the structural
diversity of the plants (figure 28.21).
Climate. The role of climate is more difficult to assess.
On the one hand, more species might be expected to coex-
ist in a seasonal environment than in a constant one, be-
cause a changing climate may favor different species at dif-
ferent times of the year. On the other hand, stable
environments are able to support specialized species that
would be unable to survive where conditions fluctuate.
Thus, the number of mammal species along the west coast
of North America increases as the temperature range de-
creases (figure 28.22).
Species richness promotes ecosystem productivity and
is fostered by spatial heterogeneity and stable climate.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 587
(amount of biomass produced)
Species richness of South
mountainous vegetation
0 100 200 300 400
FIGURE 28.20
Productivity. In
fynbos plant
communities of
areas of South
Africa, species
richness of plants
peaks at
levels of
Plant structural complexity
0.10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Number of lizard species
FIGURE 28.21
The species
richness of desert
lizards is positively
correlated with
the structural
complexity of the
plant cover in
desert sites in the
Temperature range (°C)
Number of mammal species
? ?
FIGURE 28.22
species richness of
mammals is
correlated with
monthly mean
temperature range
along the west
coast of North
Biogeographic Patterns
of Species Diversity
Since before Darwin, biologists have recognized that there
are more different kinds of animals and plants in the tropics
than in temperate regions. For many species, there is a
steady increase in species richness from the arctic to the
tropics. Called a species diversity cline, such a biogeo-
graphic gradient in numbers of species correlated with lati-
tude has been reported for plants and animals, including
birds (figure 28.23), mammals, reptiles.
Why Are There More Species in the Tropics?
For the better part of a century, ecologists have puzzled
over the cline in species diversity from the arctic to the
tropics. The difficulty has not been in forming a reasonable
hypothesis of why there are more species in the tropics, but
rather in sorting through the many reasonable hypotheses
that suggest themselves. Here we will consider five of the
most commonly discussed suggestions:
Evolutionary age. It has often been proposed that the
tropics have more species than temperate regions be-
cause the tropics have existed over long and uninter-
rupted periods of evolutionary time, while temperate re-
gions have been subject to repeated glaciations. The
greater age of tropical communities would have allowed
complex population interactions to coevolve within
them, fostering a greater variety of plants and animals in
the tropics.
However, recent work suggests that the long-term
stability of tropical communities has been greatly exag-
gerated. An examination of pollen within undisturbed
soil cores reveals that during glaciations the tropical
forests contracted to a few small refuges surrounded by
grassland. This suggests that the tropics have not had a
continuous record of species richness over long periods
of evolutionary time.
Higher productivity. A second often-advanced hy-
pothesis is that the tropics contain more species because
this part of the earth receives more solar radiation than
temperate regions do. The argument is that more solar
energy, coupled to a year-round growing season, greatly
increases the overall photosynthetic activity of plants in
the tropics. If we visualize the tropical forest as a pie
(total resources) being cut into slices (species niches), we
can see that a larger pie accommodates more slices.
However, many field studies have indicated that species
richness is highest at intermediate levels of productivity.
Accordingly, increasing productivity would be expected
to lead to lower, not higher, species richness. Perhaps
the long column of vegetation down through which light
passes in a tropical forest produces a wide range of fre-
quencies and intensities, creating a greater variety of
light environments and so promoting species diversity.
Predictability. There are no winters in the tropics.
Tropical temperatures are stable and predictable, one
day much like the next. These unchanging environments
might encourage specialization, with niches subdivided
to partition resources and so avoid competition. The ex-
pected result would be a larger number of more special-
ized species in the tropics, which is what we see. Many
field tests of this hypothesis have been carried out, and
almost all support it, reporting larger numbers of nar-
rower niches in tropical communities than in temperate
Predation. Many reports indicate that predation may
be more intense in the tropics. In theory, more intense
predation could reduce the importance of competition,
permitting greater niche overlap and thus promoting
greater species richness.
Spatial heterogeneity. As noted earlier, spatial het-
erogeneity promotes species richness. Tropical forests,
by virtue of their complexity, create a variety of micro-
habitats and so may foster larger numbers of species.
No one really knows why there are more species in the
tropics, but there are plenty of suggestions.
588 Part VIII The Global Environment
of species
FIGURE 28.23
A latitudinal cline in species richness.Among North and
Central American birds, a marked increase in the number of
species occurs as one moves toward the tropics. Fewer than 100
species are found at arctic latitudes, while more than 600 species
live in southern Central America.
Island Biogeography
One of the most reliable patterns in ecology is the observa-
tion that larger islands contain more species than smaller
islands. In 1967, Robert MacArthur of Princeton Univer-
sity and Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University pro-
posed that this species-area relationship was a result of
the effect of area on the likelihood of species extinction and
The Equilibrium Model
MacArthur and Wilson reasoned that species are constantly
being dispersed to islands, so islands have a tendency to ac-
cumulate more and more species. At the same time that
new species are added, however, other species are lost by
extinction. As the number of species on an initially empty
island increases, the rate of colonization must decrease as
the pool of potential colonizing species not already present
on the island becomes depleted. At the same time, the rate
of extinction should increase—the more species on an is-
land, the greater the likelihood that any given species will
perish. As a result, at some point, the number of extinctions
and colonizations should be equal and the number of
species should then remain constant. Every island of a
given size, then, has a characteristic equilibrium number of
species that tends to persist through time (the intersection
point in figure 28.24a), although the individual species will
change as species become extinct and new species colonize.
MacArthur and Wilson’s equilibrium theory proposes
that island species richness is a dynamic equilibrium be-
tween colonization and extinction. Both island size and dis-
tance from the mainland would play important roles. We
would expect smaller islands to have higher rates of extinc-
tion because their population sizes would, on average, be
smaller. Also, we would expect fewer colonizers to reach is-
lands that lie farther from the mainland. Thus, small is-
lands far from the mainland have the fewest species; large
islands near the mainland have the most (figure 28.24b).
The predictions of this simple model bear out well in
field data. Asian Pacific bird species (figure 28.24c) exhibit a
positive correlation of species richness with island size, but
a negative correlation of species richness with distance
from the mainland.
Testing the Equilibrium Model
Field studies in which small islands have been censused,
cleared, and allowed to recolonize tend to support the equi-
librium model. However, long-term experimental field
studies are suggesting that the situation is more compli-
cated than MacArthur and Wilson envisioned. Their the-
ory predicts a high level of species turnover as some
species perish and others arrive. However, studies on island
birds and spiders indicate that very little turnover occurs
from year to year. Moreover, those species that do come
and go are a subset of species that never attain high popula-
tions. A substantial proportion of the species appears to
maintain high populations and rarely go extinct. These
studies, of course, have only been going on for 20 years or
less. It is possible that over periods of centuries, rare
species may become common and vice versa so that, over
such spans of time, the equilibrium theory is a good de-
scription of what determines island species richness. Future
research is necessary to fully understand the dynamics of
species richness.
Species richness on islands is a dynamic equilibrium
between colonization and extinction.
Chapter 28 Dynamics of Ecosystems 589
Number of species
Colonization rate
of new species
rate of island
(a) (b) (c)
Rate Rate
Number of species
Colonization r
Extinction r
Island near
far from
Small island
Island size (km
10010 1000 10,000 100,000
More than 3200 km from New Guinea
Number of Asian P
bird species
800–3200 km from New Guinea
Less than 800 km from
New Guinea
FIGURE 28.24
The equilibrium model of island biogeography.(a) Island species richness reaches an equilibrium (black dot) when the colonization rate
of new species equals the extinction rate of species on the island. (b) The equilibrium shifts when the colonization rate is affected by
distance from the mainland and when the extinction rate is affected by size of the island. Species richness is positively correlated with
island size and inversely correlated with distance from the mainland. (c) The effect of distance from a larger island—which can be the
source of colonizing species—is readily apparent. More distant islands have fewer species compared to nearer islands of the same size.
590 Part VIII The Global Environment
Chapter 28
Summary Questions Media Resources
28.1 Chemicals cycle within ecosystems.
? Fully 98% of the water on earth cycles through the
atmosphere. In the United States, 96% of the fresh
water is groundwater.
? About 10% of the roughly 700 billion metric tons of
free carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is fixed each
year through photosynthesis. About as much carbon
exists in living organisms at any one time as is present
in the atmosphere.
? Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen have gaseous or liquid
reservoirs, as does water. All of the other nutrients,
such as phosphorus, are contained in solid mineral
? Phosphorus is a key component of many biological
molecules; it weathers out of soils and is transported
to the world’s oceans.
1.What are the primary
reservoirs for the chemicals in
biogeochemical cycles? Are
more of the life-sustaining
chemicals found in these
reservoirs or in the earth’s living
2.What is denitrification?
Which organisms carry it out?
3.How is the phosphorus cycle
different from the water, carbon,
nitrogen, and oxygen cycles?
What are the natural sources for
4.What effect does
deforestation have on the water
cycle and overall fertility of the
? Plants convert about 1 to 5% of the light energy that
falls on their leaves to food energy. Producers, the
herbivores that eat them, and the carnivores that eat
the herbivores constitute three trophic levels.
? At each level, only about 10% of the energy available
in the food is fixed in the body of the consumer. For
this reason, food chains are always relatively short.
5.How might an increase in the
number of predators affect lower
levels of a food chain. How
might an increase in nutrients
affect upper levels?
28.2 Ecosystems are structured by who eats whom.
? The primary productivity of a community is a
measure of the biomass photosynthesis produces
within it.
? As energy passes through the trophic levels of an
ecosystem, much is lost at each step. Ecological
pyramids reflect this energy loss.
6.What is the difference
between primary productivity,
gross primary productivity, and
net primary productivity?
7.Which type of diet,
carnivorous or herbivorous,
provides more food value to any
given living organism?
28.3 Energy flows through ecosystems.
? Increasing the number of species in a community
seems to promote ecosystem productivity.
Controversial experiments suggest that communities
with increased species richness are more stable and
less vulnerable to disturbance.
8.Why might rain forests have
high levels of species diversity?
9.Why do distant islands tend
to have fewer species than nearer
islands of the same size? Why do
different-sized islands tend to
differ in species number?
28.4 Biodiversity promotes ecosystem stability.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Activity: Nutrient
? Activity: Carbon
? Ecosystem
? Ecosystem Concept
? Water Cycle
? Ground Water
? Water Qaulity
? Nutrient Cycles
? Carbon Cycle
? Nitrogen Cycle
? Activity: Energy flow
? Energy Flow
? Exponential
Population Growth
? Student Research:
? On Science Article: Is
Biodiversity Good?
? Bioethics Case Study:
Wolves in
? Book review: Island of
the Colorblindby Sacks
? The Song of the Dodo
by Quammen
The Biosphere
Concept Outline
29.1 Organisms must cope with a varied environment.
The Environmental Challenge. Habitats vary in ways
important to survival. Organisms cope with environmental
variation with physiological, morphological, and behavioral
29.2 Climate shapes the character of ecosystems.
The Sun and Atmospheric Circulation. The sun
powers major movements in atmospheric circulation.
Atmospheric Circulation, Precipitation, and Climate.
Latitude and elevation have important effects on climate,
although other factors affect regional climate.
29.3 Biomes are widespread terrestrial ecosystems.
The Major Biomes. Characteristic communities called
biomes occur in different climatic regions. Variations in
temperature and precipitation are good predictors of what
biomes will occur where. Major biomes include tropical
rain forest, savanna, desert, grassland, temperate deciduous
forest, temperate evergreen forest, taiga, and tundra.
29.4 Aquatic ecosystems cover much of the earth.
Patterns of Circulation in the Oceans. The world’s
oceans circulate in huge circles deflected by the continents.
Life in the Oceans. Most of the major groups of
organisms originated and are still represented in the sea.
Marine Ecosystems. The communities of the ocean are
delineated primarily by depth.
Freshwater Habitats. Like miniature oceans, ponds and
lakes support different communities at different depths.
Productivity of Freshwater Ecosystems. Freshwater
ecosystems are often highly productive.
he biosphere includes all living communities on earth,
from the profusion of life in the tropical rain forests to
the photosynthetic phytoplankton in the world’s oceans. In
a very general sense, the distribution of life on earth re-
flects variations in the world’s environments, principally in
temperature and the availability of water. Figure 29.1 is a
satellite image of North and South America, collected over
eight years, the colors keyed to the relative abundance of
chlorophyll, a good indicator of rich biological communi-
ties. Phytoplankton and algae produce the dark red zones
in the oceans and along the seacoasts. Green and dark
green areas on land are dense forests, while orange areas
like the deserts of western South America are largely bar-
ren of life.
Life in the biosphere. In this satellite image, orange zones are
largely arid. Almost every environment on earth can be described
in terms of temperature and moisture. These physical parameters
have great bearing on the forms of life that are able to inhabit a
particular region.
altitudes, such as in the Andes, initially experience altitude
sickness—the symptoms of which include heart palpita-
tions, nausea, fatigue, headache, mental impairment and, in
serious cases, pulmonary edema—because of the lower at-
mospheric pressure and consequent lower oxygen availabil-
ity in the air. After several days, however, the same people
will feel fine, because of a number of physiological changes
that increase the delivery of oxygen to body (table 29.1).
Some insects avoid freezing in the winter by adding
glycerol “antifreeze” to their blood; others tolerate freezing
by converting much of their glycogen reserves into alcohols
that protect their cell membranes from freeze damage.
Morphology. Animals that maintain a constant internal
temperature (endotherms) in a cold environment have
adaptations that tend to minimize energy expenditure.
Many other mammals grower thicker coats during the win-
ter, utilizing their fur as insulation to retain body heat dur-
ing the winter. In general, the thicker the fur, the greater
the insulation (figure 29.3). Thus, a wolf’s fur is some three
times as thick in winter as summer and insulates more than
twice as well. Other mammals escape some of the costs of
maintaining a constant body temperature during winter by
hibernating during the coldest season, behaving, in effect,
like conformers.
592 Part VIII The Global Environment
The Environmental Challenge
How Environments Vary
The nature of the physical environment in large measure
determines what organisms live in a place. Key elements
Temperature. Most organisms are adapted to live
within a relatively narrow range of temperatures and will
not thrive if temperatures are colder or warmer. The
growing season of plants, for example, is importantly in-
fluenced by temperature.
Water. Plants and all other organisms require water.
On land, water is often scarce, so patterns of rainfall
have a major influence on life.
Sunlight. Almost all ecosystems rely on energy cap-
tured by photosynthesis; the availability of sunlight in-
fluences the amount of life an ecosystem can support,
particularly below the surface in marine communities.
Soil. The physical consistency, pH, and mineral com-
position of soil often severely limit plant growth, partic-
ularly the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Active and Passive Approaches to Coping with
Environmental Variation
An individual encountering environmental variation may
choose to maintain a “steady-state” internal environment,
an approach known as maintaining homeostasis. Many
animals and plants actively employ physiological, mor-
phological, or behavioral mechanisms to maintain home-
ostasis. The beetle in figure 29.2 is using a behavioral
mechanism to cope with drastic changes in water avail-
ability. Other animals and plants simply conform to the
environment in which they find themselves, their bodies
adopting the temperature, salinity, and other aspects of
their surroundings.
Responses to environmental variation can be seen over
both the short and the long term. In the short term, span-
ning periods of a few minutes to an individual’s lifetime,
organisms have a variety of ways of coping with environ-
mental change. Over longer periods, natural selection can
operate to make a population better adapted to the envi-
Individual Response to Environmental Change
Physiology. Many organisms are able to adapt to envi-
ronmental change by making physiological adjustments.
Thus, your body constricts the blood vessels on the surface
of your face on a cold day, reducing heat loss (and also giv-
ing your face a “flush”). Similarly, humans who visit high
29.1 Organisms must cope with a varied environment.
Meeting the challenge of
obtaining moisture in a
desert. On the dry sand
dunes of the Namib Desert
in southwestern Africa, the
beetle Onymacris
unguicularis collects
moisture from the fog by
holding its abdomen up at
the crest of a dune to
gather condensed water.
Table 29.1 Physiological changes at high altitude that
increase the amount of oxygen delivered to body tissues
Increased rate of breathing
Increased erythrocyte production, increasing the amount of
hemoglobin in the blood
Decreased binding capacity of hemoglobin, thus increasing the
rate at which oxygen is unloaded in body tissues
Increased density of mitochondria, capillaries, and muscle
Based on Table 14-11 in A. J. Vander, J. H. Sherman, and D. S. Luciano,
Human Physiology, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Behavior. Many animals deal with variation in the envi-
ronment by moving from one patch of habitat to another,
avoiding areas that are unsuitable. The tropical lizards in
figure 29.4 manage to maintain a fairly uniform body tem-
perature in an open habitat by basking in patches of sun,
retreating to the shade when they become too hot. By con-
trast, in shaded forests, the same lizards do not have the op-
portunity to regulate their body temperature through be-
havioral means. Thus, they become conformers and adopt
the temperature of their surroundings.
Behavioral adaptations can be extreme. The spadefoot
toad Scaphiophus, which lives in the deserts of North Amer-
ica, can burrow nearly a meter below the surface and re-
main there for as long as nine months of each year, its
metabolic rate greatly reduced, living on fat reserves.
When moist cool conditions return, the toads emerge and
breed. The young toads mature rapidly and burrow back
Evolutionary Responses to Environmental
These examples represent different ways in which organ-
isms may adjust to changing environmental conditions.
The ability of an individual to alter its physiology, mor-
phology, or behavior is itself an evolutionary adaptation,
the result of natural selection. The results of natural selec-
tion can also be detected by comparing closely related
species that live in different environments. In such cases,
species often exhibit striking adaptations to the particular
environment in which they live.
For example, animals that live in different climates show
many differences. Mammals from colder climates tend to
have shorter ears and limbs (Allen’s Rule) and larger bodies
(Bergmann’s Rule) to limit heat loss. Both mechanisms re-
duce the surface area across which animals lose heat.
Lizards that live in different climates exhibit physiological
adaptations for coping with life at different temperatures.
Desert lizards are unaffected by high temperatures that
would kill a lizard from northern Europe, but the northern
lizards are capable of running, capturing prey, and digest-
ing food at cooler temperatures at which desert lizards
would be completely immobilized.
Many species also exhibit adaptations to living in areas
where water is scarce. Everyone knows of the camel, and
other desert animals, which can go extended periods with-
out drinking water. Another example of desert adaptation is
seen in frogs. Most frogs have moist skins through which
water permeates readily. Such animals could not survive in
arid climates because they would rapidly dehydrate and dry.
However, some frogs have solved this problem by greatly
reducing the rate of water loss through the skin. One
species, for example, secretes a waxy substance from spe-
cialized glands that waterproofs its skin and reduces rates of
water loss by 95%.
Adaptation to different environments can also be stud-
ied experimentally. For example, when strains of E. coli
are grown at high temperatures (42?C), the speed at which
resources are utilized improves through time. After 2000
generations, this ability increased 30% over what it had
been when the experiment started. The mechanism by
which efficiency of resource use was increased is still un-
known and is the focus of current research.
Organisms use a variety of physiological,
morphological, and behavioral mechanisms to adjust to
environmental variation. Over time, species evolve
adaptations to living in different environments.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 593
Polar bear
Polar bear
Thickness of fur (mm)
Insulation (
C cal/m
4.0 5.0 6.0
Morphological adaptation. Fur thickness in North American
mammals has a major impact on the degree of insulation the fur
24 26
Open habitat
28 30
Hourly mean body
temperature (
Hourly mean air temperature (°C)
Shaded forest
Behavioral adaptation. The Puerto Rican lizard Anolis cristatellus
maintains a relatively constant temperature by seeking out and
basking in patches of sunlight; in shaded forests, this behavior is
not possible and body temperature conforms to the surroundings.
The distribution of biomes (see
discussion later in this chapter) re-
sults from the interaction of the
features of the earth itself, such as
different soil types or the occur-
rence of mountains and valleys,
with two key physical factors: (1)
the amount of solar heat that
reaches different parts of the earth
and seasonal variations in that heat;
and (2) global atmospheric circula-
tion and the resulting patterns of
oceanic circulation. Together these
factors dictate local climate, and so
determine the amounts and distrib-
ution of precipitation.
The Sun and
The earth receives an enormous
quantity of heat from the sun in the
form of shortwave radiation, and it
radiates an equal amount of heat
back to space in the form of long-
wave radiation. About 10
arrive at the upper surface of the
earth’s atmosphere each year, or
about 1.94 calories per square cen-
timeter per minute. About half of
this energy reaches the earth’s sur-
face. The wavelengths that reach
the earth’s surface are not identical
to those that reach the outer atmos-
phere. Most of the ultraviolet radia-
tion is absorbed by the oxygen (O
and ozone (O
) in the atmosphere.
As we will see in chapter 30, the de-
pletion of the ozone layer, appar-
ently as a result of human activities,
poses serious ecological problems.
Why the Tropics Are Warmer
The world contains a great diversity of biomes because
its climate varies so much from place to place. On a given
day, Miami, Florida, and Bangor, Maine, often have very
different weather. There is no mystery about this. Be-
cause the earth is a sphere, some parts of it receive more
energy from the sun than others. This variation is re-
sponsible for many of the major climatic differences that
occur over the earth’s surface, and, indirectly, for much
of the diversity of biomes. The tropics are warmer than
temperate regions because the sun’s rays arrive almost
perpendicular to regions near the equator. Near the poles
the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays spreads them out
over a much greater area, providing less energy per unit
area (figure 29.5a).
594 Part VIII The Global Environment
29.2 Climate shapes the character of ecosystems.
Vernal equinox
(sun aims directly
at equator)
Summer solstice
(northern hemisphere
tilts toward the sun)
Winter solstice
(northern hemisphere
tilts away from the sun)
Autumnal equinox
(sun aims directly at
Relationships between the earth and the sun are critical in determining the nature
and distribution of life on earth. (a) A beam of solar energy striking the earth in the
middle latitudes spreads over a wider area of the earth’s surface than a similar beam
striking the earth near the equator. (b) The rotation of the earth around the sun has a
profound effect on climate. In the northern and southern hemispheres, temperatures
change in an annual cycle because the earth tilts slightly on its axis in relation to the path
around the sun.
The earth’s annual orbit around the sun and its daily ro-
tation on its own axis are both important in determining
world climate (figure 29.5b). Because of the annual cycle,
and the inclination of the earth’s axis at approximately
23.5° from its plane of revolution around the sun, there is a
progression of seasons in all parts of the earth away from
the equator. One pole or the other is tilted closer to the
sun at all times except during the spring and autumn
Major Atmospheric Circulation Patterns
The moisture-holding capacity of air increases when it
warms and decreases when it cools. High temperatures
near the equator encourage evaporation and create warm,
moist air. As this air rises and flows toward the poles, it
cools and loses most of its moisture (figure 29.6). Conse-
quently, the greatest amounts of precipitation on earth
fall near the equator. This equatorial region of rising air is
one of low pressure, called the doldrums, which draws air
from both north and south of the equator. When the air
masses that have risen reach about 30° north and south
latitude, the dry air, now cooler, sinks and becomes re-
heated. As the air reheats, its evaporative capacity in-
creases, creating a zone of decreased precipitation. The
air, still warmer than in the polar regions, continues to
flow toward the poles. It rises again at about 60° north
and south latitude, producing another zone of high pre-
cipitation. At this latitude there is another low-pressure
area, the polar front. Some of this rising air flows back to
the equator and some continues north and south, de-
scending near the poles and producing another zone of
low precipitation before it returns to the equator.
Air Currents Generated by the Earth’s Rotation
Related to these bands of north-south circulation are
three major air currents generated mainly by the interac-
tion of the earth’s rotation with patterns of worldwide
heat gain. Between about 30° north latitude and 30° south
latitude, the trade winds blow, from the east-southeast in
the southern hemisphere and from the east-northeast in
the northern hemisphere. The trade winds blow all year
long and are the steadiest winds found anywhere on earth.
They are stronger in winter and weaker in summer. Be-
tween 30° and 60° north and south latitude, strong pre-
vailing westerlies blow from west to east and dominate
climatic patterns in these latitudes, particularly along the
western edges of the continents. Weaker winds, blowing
from east to west, occur farther north and south in their
respective hemispheres.
Warm air rises near the equator, descends and
produces arid zones at about 30° north and south
latitude, flows toward the poles, then rises again at
about 60° north and south latitude, and moves back
toward the equator. Part of this air, however, moves
toward the poles, where it produces zones of low
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 595
Northeast trades
Southeast trades
General patterns of atmospheric circulation. (a) The pattern of air movement toward and away from the earth’s surface. (b) The major
wind currents across the face of the earth.
Atmospheric Circulation,
Precipitation, and Climate
As we have discussed, precipitation is generally low near
30° north and south latitude, where air is falling and warm-
ing, and relatively high near 60° north and south latitude,
where it is rising and cooling. Partly as a result of these fac-
tors, all the great deserts of the world lie near 30° north or
south latitude. Other major deserts are formed in the inte-
riors of large continents. These areas have limited precipi-
tation because of their distance from the sea, the ultimate
source of most moisture.
Rain Shadows
Other deserts occur because mountain ranges intercept
moisture-laden winds from the sea. When this occurs,
the air rises and the moisture-holding capacity of the air
decreases, resulting in increased precipitation on the
windward side of the mountains—the side from which
the wind is blowing. As the air descends the other side of
the mountains, the leeward side, it is warmed, and its
moisture-holding capacity increases, tending to block
precipitation. In California, for example, the eastern sides
of the Sierra Nevada Mountains are much drier than the
western sides, and the vegetation is often very different.
This phenomenon is called the rain shadow effect (fig-
ure 29.7).
Regional Climates
Four relatively small areas, each located on a different con-
tinent, share a climate that resembles that of the Mediter-
ranean region. So-called Mediterranean climates are found
in portions of Baja, California, and Oregon; in central
Chile; in southwestern Australia; and in the Cape region of
South Africa. In all of these areas, the prevailing westerlies
blow during the summer from a cool ocean onto warm
land. As a result, the air’s moisture-holding capacity in-
creases, the air absorbing moisture and creating hot rainless
summers. Such climates are unusual on a world scale. In
the five regions where they occur, many unique kinds of
plants and animals, often local in distribution, have
evolved. Because of the prevailing westerlies, the great
deserts of the world (other than those in the interiors of
continents) and the areas of Mediterranean climate lie on
the western sides of the continents.
Another kind of regional climate occurs in southern
Asia. The monsoon climatic conditions characteristic of
India and southern Asia occur during the summer months.
During the winter, the trade winds blow from the east-
northeast off the cool land onto the warm sea. From June
to October, though, when the land is heated, the direction
of the air flow reverses, and the winds veer around to blow
onto the Indian subcontinent and adjacent areas from the
southwest bringing rain. The duration and strength of the
monsoon winds spell the difference between food suffi-
ciency and starvation for hundreds of millions of people in
this region each year.
596 Part VIII The Global Environment
Wind direction
The rain shadow effect. Moisture-laden winds from the Pacific
Ocean rise and are cooled when they encounter the Sierra Nevada
Mountains. As their moisture-holding capacity decreases,
precipitation occurs, making the middle elevation of the range one
of the snowiest regions on earth; it supports tall forests, including
those that include the famous giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron
giganteum). As the air descends on the east side of the range, its
moisture-holding capacity increases again, and the air picks up
rather than releases moisture from its surroundings. As a result,
desert conditions prevail on the east side of the mountains.
in monthly
Annual mean
emperature (
30° 0 30° 60°
Temperature varies with latitude. The blue line represents the
annual mean temperature at latitudes from the North Pole to
Temperatures are higher in tropical ecosystems for a sim-
ple reason: more sunlight per unit area falls on tropical lati-
tudes. Solar radiation is most intense when the sun is di-
rectly overhead, and this only occurs in the tropics, where
sunlight strikes the equator perpendicularly. As figure 29.8
shows, the highest mean global temperatures occur near
the equator (that is, 0 latitude). Because there are no sea-
sons in the tropics, there is little variation in mean monthly
temperature in tropical ecosystems. As you move from the
equator into temperate latitudes, sunlight strikes the earth
at a more oblique angle, so that less falls on a given area. As
a result, mean temperatures are lower. At temperate lati-
tudes, temperature variation increases because of the in-
creasingly marked seasons.
Seasonal changes in wind circulation produce corre-
sponding changes in ocean currents, sometimes causing
nutrient-rich cold water to well up from ocean depths.
This produces “blooms” among the plankton and other
organisms living near the surface. Similar turnover occurs
seasonally in freshwater lakes and ponds, bringing nutri-
ents from the bottom to the surface in the fall and again in
the spring.
Temperature also varies with elevation, with higher alti-
tudes becoming progressively colder. At any given lati-
tude, air temperature falls about 6°C for every 1000-
meter increase in elevation. The ecological consequences
of temperature varying with elevation are the same as
temperature varying with latitude (figure 29.9). Thus, in
North America a 1000-meter increase in elevation results
in a temperature drop equal to that of an 880-kilometer
increase in latitude. This is one reason “timberline” (the
elevation above which trees do not grow) occurs at pro-
gressively lower elevations as one moves farther from the
Climate also varies on a very fine scale within ecosystems.
Within the litter on a forest floor, there is considerable
variation in shading, local temperatures, and rates of evapo-
ration from the soil. Called microclimate, these very local-
ized climatic conditions can be very different from those of
the overhead atmosphere. Gardeners spread straw over
newly seeded lawns to create such a moisture-retaining mi-
The great deserts and associated arid areas of the world
mostly lie along the western sides of continents at about
30° north and south latitude. Mountain ranges tend to
intercept rain, creating deserts in their shadow. In
general, temperatures are warmer in the tropics and at
lower elevations.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 597
North pole
Polar ice
rain forest
Sea level
3500 m
Polar ice
rain forest
Elevation affects the distribution of biomes much as latitude does. Biomes that normally occur far north and far south of the equator
at sea level also occur in the tropics at high mountain elevations. Thus, on a tall mountain in southern Mexico or Guatemala, one might
see a sequence of biomes like the one illustrated here.
The Major Biomes
Biomes are major communities of organisms that have a
characteristic appearance and that are distributed over a
wide land area defined largely by regional variations in cli-
mate. As you might imagine from such a broad definition,
there are many ways to classify biomes, and different ecolo-
gists may assign the same community to different biomes.
There is little disagreement, however, about the reality of
biomes as major biological communities—only about how
to best describe them.
Distribution of the Major Biomes
Eight major biome categories are presented in this text:
tropical rain forest, savanna, desert, temperate grassland,
temperate deciduous forest, temperate evergreen forest,
taiga, and tundra. These biomes occur worldwide, occu-
pying large regions that can be defined by rainfall and
Six additional biomes are considered by some ecologists
to be subsets of the eight major ones: polar ice, mountain
zone, chaparral, warm moist evergreen forest, tropical
monsoon forest, and semidesert. They vary remarkably
from one another because they have evolved in regions
with very different climates.
Distributions of the 14 biomes are mapped in figure
29.10. Although each is by convention named for the domi-
nant vegetation (deciduous forest, evergreen forest, grass-
land, and so on) each biome is also characterized by partic-
ular animals, fungi, and microorganisms adapted to live as
members of that community. Wolves, caribou or reindeer,
polar bears, hares, lynx, snowy owls, deer flies, and mosqui-
toes inhabit the tundra all over the world and are as much a
defining characteristic of the tundra biomes as the low,
shrubby, matlike vegetation.
598 Part VIII The Global Environment
29.3 Biomes are widespread terrestrial ecosystems.
Polar ice
Mountain zone
Temperate deciduous forest
Temperate evergreen forest
Warm, moist evergreen forest
Tropical monsoon forest
Tropical rain forest
Temperate grassland
FIGURE 29.10
The distribution of biomes. Each biome is similar in structure and appearance wherever it occurs on earth.
Biomes and Climate
Many different environmental factors play a role in deter-
mining which biomes are found where. Two key parame-
ters are available moisture and temperature. Figure 29.11
presents data on ecosystem productivity as a function of an-
nual precipitation and of annual mean temperature: ecosys-
tem productivity is strongly influenced by both. This is not
to say that other factors such as soil structure and its min-
eral composition (discussed in detail in chapter 39), or sea-
sonal versus constant climate, are not also important. Dif-
ferent places with the same annual precipitation and
temperature sometimes support different biomes, so other
factors must also be important. Nevertheless, these two
variables do a fine job of predicting what biomes will occur
in most places, as figure 29.12 illustrates.
If there were no mountains and no climatic effects
caused by the irregular outlines of continents and by differ-
ent sea temperatures, each biome would form an even belt
around the globe, defined largely by latitude. In truth,
these other factors also greatly affect the distribution of
biomes. Distance from the ocean has a major impact on
rainfall, and elevation affects temperature—the summits of
the Rocky Mountains are covered with a vegetation type
that resembles the tundra which normally occurs at a much
higher latitude.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 599
5000 1000 2000
Precipitation (mm/year)
Productivity (g
3000 4000
rain forest
150 200 250
Mean annual precipitation (cm)
Mean annual temperature (
300 350 400 450
FIGURE 29.11
The effects of precipitation and temperature on primary
productivity. The net primary productivity of ecosystems at
52 locations around the globe depends significantly upon (a)
mean annual precipitation and (b) mean annual temperature.
Productivity (g
Temperature (°C)
–10 0–5 5 1510 2520 30
FIGURE 29.12
Temperature and precipitation are excellent predictors of biome distribution. At mean annual precipitations between 50 and
150 cm, other factors such as seasonal drought, fire, and grazing also have a major influence on biome distribution.
Tropical Rain Forests
Rain forests, which receive 140 to 450
centimeters of rain a year, are the rich-
est ecosystems on earth (figure 29.13).
They contain at least half of the earth’s
species of terrestrial plants and ani-
mals—more than 2 million species! In a
single square mile of tropical forest in
Rondonia, Brazil, there are 1200
species of butterflies—twice the total
number found in the United States and
Canada combined. The communities
that make up tropical rain forests are
diverse in that each kind of animal,
plant, or microorganism is often repre-
sented in a given area by very few indi-
viduals. There are extensive tropical
rain forests in South America, Africa,
and Southeast Asia. But the world’s
rain forests are being destroyed, and
countless species, many of them never
seen by humans, are disappearing with
them. A quarter of the world’s species
will disappear with the rain forests dur-
ing the lifetime of many of us.
In the dry climates that border the tropics are the world’s
great grasslands, called savannas. Savanna landscapes are
open, often with widely spaced trees, and rainfall (75 to
125 centimeters annually) is seasonal. Many of the ani-
mals and plants are active only during the rainy season.
The huge herds of grazing animals that inhabit the
African savanna are familiar to all of us. Such animal
communities lived in North America during the Pleis-
tocene epoch but have persisted mainly in Africa. On a
global scale, the savanna biome is transitional between
tropical rain forest and desert. As these savannas are in-
creasingly converted to agricultural use to feed rapidly
expanding human populations in subtropical areas, their
inhabitants are struggling to survive. The elephant and
rhino are now endangered species; lion, giraffe, and chee-
tah will soon follow.
In the interior of continents are the world’s great deserts,
especially in Africa (the Sahara), Asia (the Gobi) and Aus-
tralia (the Great Sandy Desert). Deserts are dry places
where less than 25 centimeters of rain falls in a year—an
amount so low that vegetation is sparse and survival de-
pends on water conservation. Plants and animals may re-
strict their activity to favorable times of the year, when
water is present. To avoid high temperatures, most desert
vertebrates live in deep, cool, and sometimes even some-
what moist burrows. Those that are active over a greater
portion of the year emerge only at night, when tempera-
tures are relatively cool. Some, such as camels, can drink
large quantities of water when it is available and then sur-
vive long, dry periods. Many animals simply migrate to
or through the desert, where they exploit food that may
be abundant seasonally.
Temperate Grasslands
Halfway between the equator and the poles are temperate
regions where rich grasslands grow. These grasslands
once covered much of the interior of North America, and
they were widespread in Eurasia and South America as
well. Such grasslands are often highly productive when
converted to agricultural use. Many of the rich agricul-
tural lands in the United States and southern Canada
were originally occupied by prairies, another name for
temperate grasslands. The roots of perennial grasses
characteristically penetrate far into the soil, and grassland
soils tend to be deep and fertile. Temperate grasslands
are often populated by herds of grazing mammals. In
North America, huge herds of bison and pronghorns
once inhabited the prairies. The herds are almost all gone
now, with most of the prairies having been converted to
the richest agricultural region on earth.
600 Part VIII The Global Environment
FIGURE 29.13
Tropical rain forest.
Temperate Deciduous Forests
Mild climates (warm summers and cool
winters) and plentiful rains promote the
growth of deciduous (hardwood)
forests in Eurasia, the northeastern
United States, and eastern Canada (fig-
ure 29.14). A deciduous tree is one that
drops its leaves in the winter. Deer,
bears, beavers, and raccoons are familiar
animals of the temperate regions. Be-
cause the temperate deciduous forests
represent the remnants of more exten-
sive forests that stretched across North
America and Eurasia several million
years ago, the remaining areas in eastern
Asia and eastern North America share
animals and plants that were once more
widespread. Alligators, for example, are
found today only in China and in the
southeastern United States. The decidu-
ous forest in eastern Asia is rich in
species because climatic conditions have
historically remained constant. Many
perennial herbs live in areas of temper-
ate deciduous forest.
Temperate Evergreen Forests
Temperate evergreen forests occur in regions where win-
ters are cold and there is a strong, seasonal dry period. The
pine forests of the western United States and California
oak woodlands are typical temperate evergreen forests.
Temperate evergreen forests are characteristic of regions
with nutrient-poor soils. Temperate-mixed evergreen
forests represent a broad transitional zone between temper-
ate deciduous forests to the south and taiga to the north.
Many of these forests are endangered by overlogging, par-
ticularly in the western United States.
A great ring of northern forests of coniferous trees (spruce,
hemlock, and fir) extends across vast areas of Asia and
North America. Coniferous trees are ones with leaves like
needles that are kept all year long. This ecosystem, called
taiga, is one of the largest on earth. Here, the winters are
long and cold, and most of the limited precipitation falls in
the summer. Because the taiga has too short a growing sea-
son for farming, few people live there. Many large mam-
mals, including elk, moose, deer, and such carnivores as
wolves, bears, lynx, and wolverines, live in the taiga. Tradi-
tionally, fur trapping has been extensive in this region, as
has lumber production. Marshes, lakes, and ponds are com-
mon and are often fringed by willows or birches. Most of
the trees occur in dense stands of one or a few species.
In the far north, above the great coniferous forests and
south of the polar ice, few trees grow. There the grassland,
called tundra, is open, windswept, and often boggy. Enor-
mous in extent, this ecosystem covers one-fifth of the
earth’s land surface. Very little rain or snow falls. When
rain does fall during the brief arctic summer, it sits on
frozen ground, creating a sea of boggy ground. Per-
mafrost, or permanent ice, usually exists within a meter of
the surface. Trees are small and are mostly confined to the
margins of streams and lakes. As in taiga, herbs of the tun-
dra are perennials that grow rapidly during the brief sum-
mers. Large grazing mammals, including musk-oxen, cari-
bou, reindeer, and carnivores, such as wolves, foxes, and
lynx, live in the tundra. Lemming populations rise and fall
on a long-term cycle, with important effects on the animals
that prey on them.
Major biological communities called biomes can be
distinguished in different climatic regions. These
communities, which occur in regions of similar
climate, are much the same wherever they are found.
Variation in annual mean temperature and
precipitation are good predictors of what biome will
occur where.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 601
FIGURE 29.14
Temperate deciduous forest.
Patterns of Circulation in the
Patterns of ocean circulation are determined by the pat-
terns of atmospheric circulation, but they are modified by
the locations of landmasses. Oceanic circulation is domi-
nated by huge surface gyres (figure 29.15), which move
around the subtropical zones of high pressure between ap-
proximately 30° north and 30° south latitude. These gyres
move clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counter-
clockwise in the southern hemisphere. The ways they re-
distribute heat profoundly affects life not only in the
oceans but also on coastal lands. For example, the Gulf
Stream, in the North Atlantic, swings away from North
America near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and reaches
Europe near the southern British Isles. Because of the
Gulf Stream, western Europe is much warmer and more
temperate than eastern North America at similar latitudes.
As a general principle, western sides of continents in tem-
perate zones of the northern hemisphere are warmer than
their eastern sides; the opposite is true of the southern
hemisphere. In addition, winds passing over cold water
onto warm land increase their moisture-holding capacity,
limiting precipitation.
In South America, the Humboldt Current carries
phosphorus-rich cold water northward up the west coast.
Phosphorus is brought up from the ocean depths by the
upwelling of cool water that occurs as offshore winds
blow from the mountainous slopes that border the Pacific
Ocean. This nutrient-rich current helps make possible
the abundance of marine life that supports the fisheries of
Peru and northern Chile. Marine birds, which feed on
these organisms, are responsible for the commercially
important, phosphorus-rich, guano deposits on the sea-
coasts of these countries.
602 Part VIII The Global Environment
29.4 Aquatic ecosystems cover much of the earth.
Equatorial countercurrent
N. Equatorial current
Cold water current
Warm water current
l c
r c
FIGURE 29.15
Ocean circulation. Water moves in the oceans in great surface spiral patterns called gyres; they profoundly affect the climate on
adjacent lands.
El Ni?o and Ocean Ecology
Every Christmas a tepid current sweeps down the coast of
Peru and Ecuador from the tropics, reducing the fish popu-
lation slightly and giving local fishermen some time off.
The local fishermen named this Christmas current El Ni?o
(literally, “the child,” after “the Christ Child”). Now,
though, the term is reserved for a catastrophic version of
the same phenomenon, one that occurs every two to seven
years and is felt not only locally but on a global scale.
Scientists now have a pretty good idea of what goes on
in an El Ni?o. Normally the Pacific Ocean is fanned by
constantly blowing east-to-west trade winds that push
warm surface water away from the ocean’s eastern side
(Peru, Ecuador, and Chile) and allow cold water to well up
from the depths in its place, carrying nutrients that feed
plankton and hence fish. This surface water piles up in the
west, around Australia and the Philippines, making it sev-
eral degrees warmer and a meter or so higher than the east-
ern side of the ocean. But if the winds slacken briefly, warm
water begins to slosh back across the ocean.
Once this happens, ocean and atmosphere conspire to
ensure it keeps happening. The warmer the eastern ocean
gets, the warmer and lighter the air above it becomes, and
hence more similar to the air on the western side. This re-
duces the difference in pressure across the ocean. Because a
pressure difference is what makes winds blow, the easterly
trades weaken further, letting the warm water continue its
eastward advance.
The end result is to shift the weather systems of the
western Pacific Ocean 6000 km eastward. The tropical
rainstorms that usually drench Indonesia and the Philip-
pines are caused when warm seawater abutting these islands
causes the air above it to rise, cool, and condense its mois-
ture into clouds. When the warm water moves east, so do
the clouds, leaving the previously rainy areas in drought.
Conversely, the western edge of South America, its coastal
waters usually too cold to trigger much rain, gets a soaking,
while the upwelling slows down. During an El Ni?o, com-
mercial fish stocks virtually disappear from the waters of
Peru and northern Chile, and plankton drop to a twentieth
of their normal abundance.
That is just the beginning. El Ni?o’s effects are propa-
gated across the world’s weather systems (figure 29.16). Vi-
olent winter storms lash the coast of California, accompa-
nied by flooding, and El Ni?o produces colder and wetter
winters than normal in Florida and along the Gulf Coast.
The American midwest experiences heavier-than-normal
rains, as do Israel and its neighbors.
Though the effects of El Ni?os are now fairly clear,
what triggers them still remains a mystery. Models of
these weather disturbances suggest that the climatic
change that triggers El Ni?o is “chaotic.” Wind and
ocean currents return again and again to the same condi-
tion, but never in a regular pattern, and small nudges can
send them off in many different directions—including an
El Ni?o.
The world’s oceans circulate in huge gyres deflected by
continental landmasses. Circulation of ocean water
redistributes heat, warming the western side of
continents. Disturbances in ocean currents like El Ni?o
can have profound influences on world climate.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 603
Drier and
El Nino
Sea temperature
higher than normal
Wetter and warmer
Wetter and
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
FIGURE 29.16
An El Ni?o winter. El Ni?o currents produce unusual weather patterns all over the world as warm waters from the western Pacific move
Life in the Oceans
Nearly three-quarters of the earth’s surface is covered by
ocean. Oceans have an average depth of more than 3 kilo-
meters, and they are, for the most part, cold and dark. Het-
erotrophic organisms inhabit even the greatest ocean
depths, which reach nearly 11 kilometers in the Marianas
Trench of the western Pacific Ocean. Photosynthetic or-
ganisms are confined to the upper few hundred meters of
water. Organisms that live below this level obtain almost all
of their food indirectly, as a result of photosynthetic activi-
ties that occur above.
The supply of oxygen can often be critical in the ocean,
and as water temperatures become warmer, the water
holds less oxygen. For this reason, the amount of available
oxygen becomes an important limiting factor for organ-
isms in warmer marine regions of the globe. Carbon diox-
ide, in contrast, is almost never limited in the oceans. The
distribution of minerals is much more uniform in the
ocean than it is on land, where individual soils reflect the
composition of the parent rocks from which they have
Frigid and bare, the floors of the deep sea have long
been considered a biological desert. Recent close-up
looks taken by marine biologists, however, paint a differ-
ent picture (figure 29.17). The ocean floor is teeming
with life. Often miles deep, thriving in pitch darkness
under enormous pressure, crowds of marine invertebrates
have been found in hundreds of deep samples from the
Atlantic and Pacific. Rough estimates of deep-sea diver-
sity have soared to millions of species. Many appear en-
demic (local). The diversity of species is so high it may
rival that of tropical rain forests! This profusion is unex-
pected. New species usually require some kind of barrier
in order to diverge (see chapter 22), and the ocean floor
seems boringly uniform. However, little migration occurs
among deep populations, thus allowing populations to di-
verge and encouraging local specialization and species
formation. A patchy environment may also contribute to
species formation there; deep-sea ecologists find evidence
that fine but nonetheless formidable resource barriers
arise in the deep sea.
Another conjecture is that the extra billion years or so
that life has been evolving in the sea compared with land
may be a factor in the unexpected biological richness of its
deep recesses.
Despite the many new forms of small invertebrates
now being discovered on the seafloor, and the huge bio-
mass that occurs in the sea, more than 90% of all described
species of organisms occur on land. Each of the largest
groups of organisms, including insects, mites, nematodes,
fungi, and plants has marine representatives, but they
constitute only a very small fraction of the total number
of described species. There are two reasons for this. First,
barriers between habitats are sharper on land, and varia-
tions in elevation, parent rock, degree of exposure, and
other factors have been crucial to the evolution of the
millions of species of terrestrial organisms. Second, there
are simply few taxonomists actively classifying the profu-
sion of ocean floor life being brought to the surface.
In terms of higher level diversity, the pattern is quite
different. Of the major groups of organisms—phyla—
most originated in the sea, and almost every one has rep-
resentatives in the sea. Only a few phyla have been suc-
cessful on land or in freshwater habitats, but these have
given rise to an extraordinarily large number of described
Although representatives of almost every phylum occur
in the sea, an estimated 90% of living species of
organisms are terrestrial. This is because of the
enormous evolutionary success of a few phyla on land,
where the boundaries between different habitats are
sharper than they are in the sea.
604 Part VIII The Global Environment
FIGURE 29.17
Food comes to the ocean floor from above. Looking for all the
world like some undersea sunflower, the two sea anemones
(actually animals) use a glass-sponge stalk to catch “marine snow,”
food particles raining down on the ocean floor from the ocean
surface miles above.
Marine Ecosystems
The marine environment consists of three major habitats:
(1) the neritic zone, the zone of shallow waters along the
coasts of continents; (2) the pelagic zone, the area of water
above the ocean floor; and (3) the benthic zone, the actual
ocean floor (figure 29.18). The part of the ocean floor that
drops to depths where light does not penetrate is called the
abyssal zone.
The Neritic Zone
The neritic zone of the ocean is the area less than 300 me-
ters below the surface along the coasts of continents and is-
lands. The zone is small in area, but it is inhabited by large
numbers of species (figure 29.19). The intense and some-
times violent interaction between sea and land in this zone
gives a selective advantage to well-secured organisms that
can withstand being washed away by the continual beating
of the waves. Part of this zone, the intertidal region,
sometimes called the littoral region, is exposed to the air
whenever the tides recede.
The world’s great fisheries are in shallow waters over
continental shelves, either near the continents themselves
or in the open ocean, where huge banks come near the
surface. Nutrients, derived from land, are much more
abundant in coastal and other shallow regions, where up-
welling from the depths occurs, than in the open ocean.
This accounts for the great productivity of the continen-
tal shelf fisheries. The preservation of these fisheries, a
source of high-quality protein exploited throughout the
world, has become a growing concern. In Chesapeake
Bay, where complex systems of rivers enter the ocean
from heavily populated areas, environmental stresses have
become so severe that they not only threaten the contin-
ued existence of formerly highly productive fisheries, but
also diminish the quality of human life in these regions.
Increased runoff from farms and sewage effluent in areas
like Chesapeake Bay add large amounts of nutrients to
the water. This increased nutrient supply allows an in-
crease in the numbers of some marine organisms. The in-
creased populations then use up more and more of the
oxygen in the water and thus may disturb established
populations of organisms such as oysters. Climatic shifts
may magnify these effects, and large numbers of marine
animals die suddenly as a result.
About three-fourths of the surface area of the world’s
oceans are located in the tropics. In these waters, where the
water temperature remains about 21°C, coral reefs can
grow. These highly productive ecosystems can successfully
concentrate nutrients, even from the relatively nutrient-
poor waters characteristic of the tropics.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 605
Abyssal zone
Limit of light
Intertidal or littoral region
Neritic zone
FIGURE 29.18
Marine ecosystems. Ecologists classify marine communities into
neritic, pelagic, benthic, and abyssal zones, according to depth
(which affects how much light penetrates) and distance from
FIGURE 29.19
Diversity is great in coastal regions. Fishes and many other
kinds of animals find food and shelter among the kelp beds in the
coastal waters of temperate regions.
The Pelagic Zone
Drifting freely in the upper waters of
the pelagic zone, a diverse biological
community exists, primarily consisting
of microscopic organisms called
plankton. Fish and other larger or-
ganisms that swim in these waters con-
stitute the nekton, whose members feed
on plankton and one another. Some
members of the plankton, including
protists and some bacteria, are photo-
synthetic. Collectively, these organ-
isms account for about 40% of all pho-
tosynthesis that takes place on earth.
Most plankton live in the top 100 me-
ters of the sea, the zone into which
light from the surface penetrates
freely. Perhaps half of the total photo-
synthesis in this zone is carried out by
organisms less than 10 micrometers in
diameter—at the lower limits of size
for organisms—including cyanobacteria and algae, organ-
isms so small that their abundance and ecological impor-
tance have been unappreciated until relatively recently.
Many heterotrophic protists and animals live in the
plankton and feed directly on photosynthetic organisms
and on one another. Gelatinous animals, especially jellyfish
and ctenophores, are abundant in the plankton. The largest
animals that have ever existed on earth, baleen whales,
graze on plankton and nekton as do a number of other or-
ganisms, such as fishes and crustaceans.
Populations of organisms that make up plankton can in-
crease rapidly, and the turnover of nutrients in the sea is
great, although the productivity in these systems is quite
low. Because nitrogen and phosphorus are often present in
only small amounts and organisms may be relatively scarce,
this productivity reflects rapid use and recycling rather
than an abundance of these nutrients.
The Benthic Zone
The seafloor at depths below 1000 meters, the abyssal
zone, has about twice the area of all the land on earth. The
seafloor itself, sometimes called the benthic zone, is a
thick blanket of mud, consisting of fine particles that have
settled from the overlying water and accumulated over mil-
lions of years. Because of high pressures (an additional at-
mosphere of pressure for every 10 meters of depth), cold
temperatures (2° to 3°C), darkness, and lack of food, biolo-
gists thought that nothing could live on the seafloor. In
fact, recent work has shown that the number of species that
live at great depth is quite high. Most of these animals are
only a few millimeters in size, although larger ones also
occur in these regions. Some of the larger ones are biolu-
minescent (figure 29.20a) and thus are able to communi-
cate with one another or attract their prey.
Animals on the sea bottom depend on the meager left-
overs from organisms living kilometers overhead. The low
densities and small size of most deep-sea bottom animals is
in part a consequence of this limited food supply. In 1977,
oceanographers diving in a research submarine were sur-
prised to find dense clusters of large animals living on geo-
thermal energy at a depth of 2500 meters. These deep-sea
oases occur where seawater circulates through porous rock
at sites where molten material from beneath the earth’s
crust comes close to the rocky surface. A series of these
areas occur on the Mid-Ocean Ridge, where basalt erupts
through the ocean floor.
This water is heated to temperatures in excess of 350°C
and, in the process, becomes rich in reduced compounds.
These compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide, provide en-
ergy for bacterial primary production through chemosyn-
thesis instead of photosynthesis. Mussels, clams, and large
red-plumed worms in a phylum unrelated to any shallow-
water invertebrates cluster around the vents (figure 29.20b).
Bacteria live symbiotically within the tissues of these ani-
mals. The animal supplies a place for the bacteria to live
and transfers CO
, H
S, and O
to them for their growth;
the bacteria supply the animal with organic compounds to
use as food. Polychaete worms (see chapter 46), anemones,
and limpets live on free-living chemosynthetic bacteria.
Crabs act as scavengers and predators, and some of the fish
are also predators. This is one of the few ecosystems on
earth that does not depend on the sun’s energy.
About 40% of the world’s photosynthetic productivity is
estimated to occur in the oceans. The turnover of
nutrients in the plankton is much more rapid than in
most other ecosystems, and the total amounts of
nutrients are very low.
606 Part VIII The Global Environment
FIGURE 29.20
Life in the abyssal and benthic zones. (a) The luminous spot below the eye of this deep-
sea fish results from the presence of a symbiotic colony of luminous bacteria. Similar
luminous signals are a common feature of deep-sea animals that move about. (b) These
giant beardworms live along vents where water jets from fissures at 350°C and then cools to
the 2°C of the surrounding water.
(a) (b)
Freshwater Habitats
Freshwater habitats are distinct from
both marine and terrestrial ones, but
they are limited in area. Inland lakes
cover about 1.8% of the earth’s sur-
face, and running water (streams and
rivers) covers about 0.3%. All fresh-
water habitats are strongly connected
with terrestrial ones, with marshes
and swamps constituting intermedi-
ate habitats. In addition, a large
amount of organic and inorganic ma-
terial continuously enters bodies of
fresh water from communities grow-
ing on the land nearby (figure
29.21a). Many kinds of organisms are
restricted to freshwater habitats (fig-
ure 29.21b,c). When organisms live in
rivers and streams, they must be able
to swim against the current or attach
themselves in such a way as to resist
the effects of current, or risk being
swept away.
Ponds and Lakes
Small bodies of fresh water are
called ponds, and larger ones lakes.
Because water absorbs light passing
through it at wavelengths critical to
photosynthesis (every meter absorbs
40% of the red and about 2% of the
blue), the distribution of photosyn-
thetic organisms is limited to the
upper photic zone; heterotrophic
organisms occur in the lower
aphotic zone where very little light
Ponds and lakes, like the ocean,
have three zones where organisms
occur, distributed according to the
depth of the water and its distance
from shore (figure 29.22). The lit-
toral zone is the shallow area along
the shore. The limnetic zone is the
well-illuminated surface water away
from the shore, inhabited by plank-
ton and other organisms that live in
open water. The profundal zone is
the area below the limits where
light can effectively penetrate.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 607
FIGURE 29.21
A nutrient-rich stream. (a) Much organic
material falls or seeps into streams from
communities along the edges. This input
increases the stream’s biological productivity.
(b) This speckled darter and (c) this giant
waterbug with eggs on its back can only live in
freshwater habitats.
Limnetic zone
Littoral zone
Littoral zone
Profundal zone
FIGURE 29.22
The three zones in ponds and lakes. A shallow “edge” (littoral) zone lines the periphery of
the lake, where attached algae and their insect herbivores live. An open-water surface
(limnetic) zone lies across the entire lake and is inhabited by floating algae, zooplankton, and
fish. A dark, deep-water (profundal) zone overlies the sediments at the bottom of the lake and
contains numerous bacteria and wormlike organisms that consume dead debris settling at the
bottom of the lake.
Thermal Stratification
Thermal stratification is characteristic of larger lakes in
temperate regions (figure 29.23). In summer, warmer water
forms a layer at the surface known as the epilimnion. Cooler
water, called the hypolimnion (about 4°C), lies below. An
abrupt change in temperature, the thermocline, separates
these two layers. Depending on the climate of the particu-
lar area, the epilimnion may become as much as 20 meters
thick during the summer.
In autumn the temperature of the epilimnion drops
until it is the same as that of the hypolimnion, 4°C. When
this occurs, epilimnion and hypolimnion mix—a process
called fall overturn. Because water is densest at about 4°C,
further cooling of the water as winter progresses creates a
layer of cooler, lighter water, which freezes to form a
layer of ice at the surface. Below the ice, the water tem-
perature remains between 0° and 4°C, and plants and ani-
mals can survive. In spring, the ice melts, and the surface
water warms up. When it warms back to 4°C, it again
mixes with the water below. This process is known as
spring overturn. When lake waters mix in the spring and
fall, nutrients formerly held in the depths of the lake are
returned to the surface, and oxygen from surface waters is
carried to the depths.
Freshwater habitats include several distinct life zones.
These zones shift seasonally in temperate lakes and
ponds. In the spring and fall, when their temperatures
are equal, shallower and deeper waters of the lake mix,
with oxygen being carried to the depths and nutrients
being brought to the surface.
608 Part VIII The Global Environment
Spring overturn
Fall overturn
FIGURE 29.23
Stratification in fresh water. The pattern stratification in a large pond or lake in temperate regions is upset in the spring and fall
overturns. Of the three layers of water shown, the hypolimnion consists of the densest water, at 4°C; the epilimnion consists of warmer
water that is less dense; and the thermocline is the zone of abrupt change in temperature that lies between them. If you have dived into a
pond in temperate regions in the summer, you have experienced the existence of these layers.
Productivity of Freshwater
Some aquatic communities, such as fast-moving streams,
are not highly productive. Because the moving water
washes away plankton, the photosynthesis that supports the
community is limited to algae attached to the surface and
to rooted plants.
The Productivity of Lakes
Lakes can be divided into two categories based on their
production of organic matter. Eutrophic lakes contain an
abundant supply of minerals and organic matter. As the
plentiful organic material drifts below the thermocline
from the well-illuminated surface waters of the lake, it pro-
vides a source of energy for other organisms. Most of these
are oxygen-requiring organisms that can easily deplete the
oxygen supply below the thermocline during the summer
months. The oxygen supply of the deeper waters cannot be
replenished until the layers mix in the fall. This lack of oxy-
gen in the deeper waters of some lakes may have profound
effects, such as allowing relatively harmless materials such
as sulfates and nitrates to convert into toxic materials such
as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.
In oligotrophic lakes, organic matter and nutrients are
relatively scarce. Such lakes are often deeper than eu-
trophic lakes and have very clear blue water. Their hy-
polimnetic water is always rich in oxygen.
Human activities can transform oligotrophic lakes into
eutrophic ones. In many lakes, phosphorus is in short
supply and is the nutrient that limits growth. When ex-
cess phosphorus from sources such as fertilizer runoff,
sewage, and detergents enters lakes, it can quickly lead to
harmful effects. In many cases, this leads to perfect con-
ditions for the growth of blue-green algae, which prolif-
erate immensely. Soon, larger plants are outcompeted
and disappear, along with the animals that live on them.
In addition, as these phytoplankton die and decompose,
oxygen in the water is used up, killing the natural fish
and invertebrate populations. This situation can be reme-
died if the continual input of phosphorus can be dimin-
ished. Given time, lakes can recover and return to pre-
pollution states, as happened with Lake Washington
pictured in figure 29.24.
The Productivity of Wetlands
Swamps, marshes, bogs, and other wetlands covered
with water support a wide variety of water-tolerant
plants, called hydrophytes (“water plants”), and a rich di-
versity of invertebrates, birds, and other animals. Wet-
lands are among the most productive ecosystems on earth
(table 29.2). They also play a key ecological role by pro-
viding water storage basins that moderate flooding. Many
wetlands are being disrupted by human “development” of
what is sometimes perceived as otherwise useless land,
but government efforts are now underway to protect the
remaining wetlands.
The most productive freshwater ecosystems are
wetlands. Most lakes are far less productive, limited by
lack of nutrients.
Chapter 29 The Biosphere 609
Table 29.2 The Most Productive Ecosystems
Net Primary
Ecosystem per Unit Area (g/m
Coral reefs 2500
Tropical rain forest 2200
Wetlands 2000
Tropical seasonal forest 1600
Estuaries 1500
Temperate evergreen forest 1300
Temperate deciduous forest 1200
Savanna 900
Boreal forest 800
Cultivated land 650
Continental shelf 360
Lake and stream 250
Open ocean 125
Extreme desert, rock, sand, and ice 3
Source: Whitaker, 1975.
FIGURE 29.24
Oligotrophic lakes are highly susceptible to pollution. Lake
Washington is an oligotrophic lake near Seattle, Washington.
The drainage from fertilizers applied to the plantings around
residences, business concerns, and recreational facilities bordering
the lake poses an ever-present threat to its deep blue water. By
supplying phosphorus, the drainage promotes algal growth.
Aerobic bacteria decomposing dead algae deplete the lake’s
oxygen, killing much of the lake’s life.
? Biosphere
? Biosphere Quiz
? Climate
610 Part VIII The Global Environment
Chapter 29
Summary Questions Media Resources
29.1 Organisms must cope with a varied environment.
? Organisms employ physiological, morphological, and
behavioral mechanisms to cope with variations in the
1. What are several ways that
individual organisms adjust to
changes in temperature during
the course of a year?
? Warm air rises near the equator and flows toward the
poles, descending at about 30° north and south
latitude. Because the air falls in these regions, it is
warmed, and its moisture-holding capacity increases.
The great deserts of the world are formed in these
drier latitudes.
2. Why are the majority of great
deserts located near 30° north
and south latitude? Is it more
likely that a desert will form in
the interior or at the edge of a
continent? Explain why.
29.2 Climate shapes the character of ecosystems.
? The world’s major biomes, or terrestrial
communities, can be grouped into eight major
categories. These are (1) tropical rain forest; (2)
savanna; (3) desert; (4) temperate grassland; (5)
temperate deciduous forest; (6) temperate evergreen
forest; (7) taiga; and (8) tundra.
3. What is a biome? What are
the two key physical factors that
affect the distribution of biomes
across the earth?
29.3 Biomes are widespread terrestrial ecosystems.
? The ocean contains three major environments: the
neritic zone, the pelagic zone, and the benthic zone.
? The neritic zone, which lies along the coasts, is small
in area but very productive and rich in species.
? The surface layers of the pelagic zone are home to
plankton (drifting organisms) and nekton (actively
swimming ones). The productivity of this zone has
been underestimated because of the very small size
(less than 10 mm) of many of its key organisms and
because of its rapid turnover of nutrients.
? The benthic zone is home to a surprising number of
? Freshwater habitats constitute only about 2.1% of the
earth’s surface; most are ponds and lakes. These
possess a littoral zone, a limnetic zone, and a
profundal zone. The waters in these zones mix
seasonally, delivering oxygen to the bottom and
nutrients to the surface.
4. What is the difference
between plankton and nekton in
the ocean’s pelagic zone? How
important are the photosynthetic
plankton to the survival of the
earth? Is the turnover of
nutrients in the surface zone
slow or fast?
5. What conditions of the
abyssal zone led early deep-sea
biologists to believe nothing
lived there? What provides the
energy for the deep-sea
communities found around
thermal vents? What kind of
organisms live there?
6. Does much diversity occur in
the abyssal zone? How are such
ecosystems supported in the
absence of light?
7. What is the difference
between a eutrophic and an
oligotrophic lake? Why have
humans increased the frequency
of lakes becoming eutrophied?
29.4 Aquatic ecosystems cover much of the earth.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Four Seasons
? Global Air
? Rainshadow Effect
? Weather
? Soils
? Land Biomes
? Tropical Forests
? Temperate Forests
? Book Review:
Savages by Kane
? El Nino Southern
? Aquatic Systems
? Weather
? Student Research:
Exotic Species and
Freshwater Ecology
? On Science Article:
Cold Winter in
St. Louis
The Future of the
Concept Outline
30.1 The world’s human population is growing
A Growing Population. The world’s population of
6 billion people is growing rapidly and at current rates will
double in 39 years.
30.2 Improvements in agriculture are needed to feed a
hungry world.
The Future of Agriculture. Much of the effort in
searching for new sources of food has focused on improving
the productivity of existing crops.
30.3 Human activity is placing the environment under
increasing stress.
Nuclear Power. Nuclear power, a plentiful source of
energy, is neither cheap nor safe.
Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming. The world’s
industrialization has led to a marked increase in the
atmosphere’s level of CO
, with resulting warming of
Pollution. Human industrial and agricultural activity
introduces significant levels of many harmful chemicals into
Acid Precipitation. Burning of cheap high-sulfur coal
has introduced sulfur to the upper atmosphere, where it
combines with water to form sulfuric acid that falls back to
earth, harming ecosystems.
The Ozone Hole. Industrial chemicals called CFCs are
destroying the atmosphere’s ozone layer, removing an
essential shield from the sun’s UV radiation.
Destruction of the Tropical Forests. Much of the
world’s tropical forest is being destroyed by human activity.
30.4 Solving environmental problems requires
individual involvement.
Environmental Science. The commitment of one
person often makes a key difference in solving
environmental problems.
Preserving Nonreplaceable Resources. Three key
nonreplaceable resources are topsoil, groundwater, and
he view of New York City in figure 30.1 was pho-
tographed from a satellite in the spring of 1985. At the
moment this picture was taken, millions of people within
its view were talking, hundreds of thousands of cars were
struggling through traffic, hearts were being broken, babies
born, and dead people buried. Our futures and those of
everyone on the planet are linked to the unseen millions in
this photograph, for we share the earth with them. A lot of
people consume a lot of food and water, use a great deal of
energy and raw materials, and produce a great deal of
waste. They also have the potential to solve the problems
that arise in an increasingly crowded world. In this chapter,
we will study how human life affects the environment and
how the efforts being mounted can lessen the adverse im-
pact and increase the potential benefits of our burgeoning
New York City by satellite.
trialized countries will constitute a smaller and smaller
proportion of the world’s population. If India, with a 1995
population level of about 930 million people (36% under
15 years old), managed to reach a simple replacement re-
productive rate by the year 2000, its population would still
not stop growing until the middle of the twenty-first cen-
tury. At present rates of growth, India will have a popula-
tion of nearly 1.4 billion people by 2025 and will still be
growing rapidly.
612 Part VII The Global Environment
A Growing Population
The current world population of 6 billion people is plac-
ing severe strains on the biosphere. How did it grow so
large? For the past 300 years, the human birthrate (as a
global average) has remained nearly constant, at about 30
births per year per 1000 people. Today it is about 25
births per year per 1000 people. However, at the same
time, better sanitation and improved medical techniques
have caused the death rate to fall steadily, from about 29
deaths per 1000 people per year to 13 per 1000 per year.
Thus, while the birthrate has remained fairly constant
and may have even decreased slightly, the tremendous
fall in the death rate has produced today’s enormous pop-
ulation. The difference between the birth and death rates
amounts to an annual worldwide increase of approxi-
mately 1.4%. This rate of increase may seem relatively
small, but it would double the world’s population in only
39 years!
The annual increase in world population today is nearly
77 million people, about equal to the current population of
Germany. 210,000 people are added to the world each day,
or more than 140 every minute! The world population is
expected to continue beyond its current level of 6 billion
people, perhaps stabilizing at a figure anywhere between
8.5 billion and 20 billion during the next century.
The Future Situation
About 60% of the people in the world live in tropical or
subtropical regions (figure 30.2). An additional 20% will be
living in China, and the remaining 20% in the developed
or industrialized countries: Europe, the successor states of
the Soviet Union, Japan, United States, Canada, Australia,
and New Zealand. Although populations of industrialized
countries are growing at an annual rate of about 0.3%,
those of the developing, mostly tropical countries (exclud-
ing China) are growing at an annual rate estimated in 1995
to be about 2.2%. For every person living in an industrial-
ized country like the United States in 1950, there were two
people living elsewhere; in 2020, just 70 years later, there
will be five.
As you learned in chapter 24, the age structure of a
population determines how fast the population will grow.
To predict the future growth patterns of a population, it is
essential to know what proportion of its individuals have
not yet reached childbearing age. In industrialized coun-
tries such as the United States, about a fifth of the popula-
tion is under 15 years of age; in developing countries such
as Mexico, the proportion is typically about twice as high.
Even if most tropical and subtropical countries consis-
tently carry out the policies they have established to limit
population growth, their populations will continue to grow
well into the twenty-first century (figure 30.3), and indus-
30.1 The world’s human population is growing explosively.
2000 2050
Projected population (millions)
2100 2150
Sub-Saharan Africa
Latin America
Anticipated growth of the global human population. Despite
considerable progress in lowering birthrates, the human
population will continue to grow for another century (data are
presented above on a log scale). Much of the growth will center in
sub-Saharan Africa, the poorest region on the globe, where the
population could reach over 2 billion. Fertility rates there
currently range from 3 to more than 5 children per woman,
compared to fewer than 2.1 in Europe and the United States.
Population Growth Rate Starting to Decline
The United Nations has announced that the world popula-
tion growth rate continues to decline, down from a high of
2.0% in the period 1965–1970 to 1.4% in 1998. Nonethe-
less, because of the larger population, this amounts to an
increase of 77 million people per year to the world popula-
tion, compared to 53 million per year in the 1960s.
The U.N. attributes the decline to increased family
planning efforts and the increased economic power and so-
cial status of women. While the U.N. applauds the United
States for leading the world in funding family planning
programs abroad, some oppose spending money on inter-
national family planning. The opposition states that
money is better spent on improving education and the
economy in other countries, leading to an increased aware-
ness and lowered fertility rates. The U.N. certainly sup-
ports the improvement of education programs in develop-
ing countries, but, interestingly, it has reported increased
education levels following a decrease in family size as a re-
sult of family planning.
Most countries are devoting considerable attention to
slowing the growth rate of their populations, and there
are genuine signs of progress. If these efforts are main-
tained, the world population may stabilize sometime in
the next century. No one knows how many people the
planet can support, but we clearly already have more peo-
ple than can be sustainably supported with current
However, population size is not the only factor that de-
termines resource use; per capita consumption is also im-
portant. In this respect, we in the developing world need to
pay more attention to lessening the impact each of us
makes, because, even though the vast majority of the
world’s population is in developing countries, the vast ma-
jority of resource consumption occurs in the developed
world. Indeed, the wealthiest 20% of the world’s popula-
tion accounts for 86% of the world’s consumption of re-
sources and produces 53% of the world’s carbon dioxide
emissions, whereas the poorest 20% of the world is respon-
sible for only 1.3% of consumption and 3% of CO
sions. Looked at another way, in terms of resource use, a
child born today in the developed world will consume as
many resources over the course of his or her life as 30 to 50
children born in the developing world.
Building a sustainable world is the most important task
facing humanity’s future. The quality of life available to our
children in the next century will depend to a large extent
on our success both in limiting population growth and the
amount of per capita resource consumption.
In 1998, the global human population of 6 billion
people was growing at a rate of approximately 1.4%
annually. At that rate, the population would double in
39 years. Growth rates, however, are declining, but
consumption per capita in the developing world is also a
significant drain on resources.
Chapter 30 The Future of the Biosphere 613
Population growth is highest in tropical and subtropical
countries. Mexico City, the world’s largest city, has well over
20 million inhabitants.
The Future of Agriculture
One of the greatest and most immediate challenges facing
today’s world is producing enough food to feed our ex-
panding population. This problem is often not appreciated
by economists, who estimate that world food production
has expanded 2.6 times since 1950, more rapidly than the
human population. However, virtually all land that can be
cultivated is already in use, and much of the world is popu-
lated by large numbers of hungry people who are rapidly
destroying the sustainable productivity of the lands they in-
habit. Well over 20% of the world’s topsoil has been lost
from agricultural lands since 1950. In the face of these mas-
sive problems, we need to consider what the prospects are
for increased agricultural productivity in the future.
Finding New Food Plants
How many food plants do we use at present? Just three
species—rice, wheat, and corn—supply more than half of
all human energy requirements. Just over 100 kinds of
plants supply over 90% of the calories we consume. Only
about 5000 have ever been used for food. There may be
tens of thousands of additional kinds of plants, among the
250,000 known species, that could be used for human food
if their properties were fully explored and they were
brought into cultivation (figure 30.4).
Agricultural scientists are attempting to identify such
new crops, especially ones that will grow well in the tropics
and subtropics, where the world’s population is expanding
most rapidly. Nearly all major crops now grown in the
world have been cultivated for hundreds or even thousands
of years. Only a few, including rubber and oil palms, have
entered widespread cultivation since 1800.
One key feature for which nearly all of our important
crops were first selected was ease of growth by relatively
simple methods. Today, however, techniques of cultivation
are far more sophisticated and are able to improve soil fer-
tility and combat pests. This enables us to consider many
more plants as potential crops. Agricultural scientists are
searching systematically for new crops that fit the multiple
needs of modern society, in ways that would not have been
considered earlier.
Improving the Productivity of Today’s Crops
Searching for new crops is not a quick process. While the
search proceeds, the most promising strategy to quickly ex-
pand the world food supply is to improve the productivity
of crops that are already being grown. Much of the im-
614 Part VII The Global Environment
30.2 Improvements in agriculture are needed to feed a hungry world.
New food plants. (a) Grain amaranths (Amaranthus spp.) were important crops in the Latin American highlands during the days of the
Incas and Aztecs. Grain amaranths are fast-growing plants that produce abundant grain rich in lysine, an amino acid rare in plant proteins
but essential for animal nutrition. (b) The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) is a nitrogen-fixing tropical vine that produces highly
nutritious leaves and tubers whose seeds produce large quantities of edible oil. First cultivated in New Guinea and Southeast Asia, the
winged bean has spread since the 1970s throughout the tropics.
(a) (b)
provement in food production must take place in the trop-
ics and subtropics, where the rapidly growing majority of
the world’s population lives, including most of those en-
during a life of extreme poverty. These people cannot be
fed by exports from industrial nations, which contribute
only about 8% of their total food at present and whose
agricultural lands are already heavily exploited. During the
1950s and 1960s, the so-called Green Revolution intro-
duced new, improved strains of wheat and rice. The pro-
duction of wheat in Mexico increased nearly tenfold be-
tween 1950 and 1970, and Mexico temporarily became an
exporter of wheat rather than an importer. During the
same decades, food production in India was largely able to
outstrip even a population growth of approximately 2.3%
annually, and China became self-sufficient in food.
Despite the apparent success of the Green Revolution,
improvements were limited. Raising the new agricultural
strains of plants requires the expenditure of large amounts
of energy and abundant supplies of fertilizers, pesticides,
and herbicides, as well as adequate machinery. For exam-
ple, in the United States it requires about 1000 times as
much energy to produce the same amount of wheat pro-
duced from traditional farming methods in India.
Biologists are playing a crucial role in improving exist-
ing crops and in developing new ones by applying tradi-
tional methods of plant breeding and selection to many
new, nontraditional crops in the tropics and subtropics
(see figure 30.4).
Genetic Engineering to Improve Crops
Genetic engineering techniques (discussed in chapter 19)
make it possible to produce plants resistant to specific her-
bicides. These herbicides can then control weeds much
more effectively, without damaging crop plants. Genetic
engineers are also developing new strains of plants that will
grow successfully in areas where they previously could not
grow. Desirable characteristics are being introduced into
important crop plants. Genetically modified rice, for exam-
ple, is no longer deficient in ascorbic acid and iron, provid-
ing a major improvement in human nutrition. Other modi-
fications allow crops to tolerate irrigation with salt water,
fix nitrogen, carry out C
photosynthesis, and produce sub-
stances that deter pests and diseases.
Genetically modified crops (so-called GM foods) have
proven to be a highly controversial issue, one currently
being debated in legislative bodies all over the globe. Crit-
ics fear loss of genetic diversity, escape of engineered vari-
eties into the environment, harm to insects feeding near
GM crops, undo influence of seed companies, and many
other real or imagined potential problems. The issue of risk
is assessed in chapter 19. While risks must be carefully con-
sidered, the ability to transfer genes between organisms,
first accomplished in a laboratory in 1973, has tremendous
potential for the improvement of crop plants as the twenty-
first century opens.
New Approaches to Cultivation
Several new approaches may improve crop production.
“No-till” agriculture, spreading widely in the United
States and elsewhere in the 1990s, conserves topsoil and so
is a desirable agricultural practice for many areas. On the
other hand, hydroponics, the cultivation of plants in
water containing an appropriate mixture of nutrients,
holds less promise. It does not differ remarkably in its re-
quirements and challenges from growing plants on land. It
requires as much fertilizer and other chemicals, as well as
the water itself.
The oceans were once regarded as an inexhaustible
source of food, but overexploitation of their resources is
limiting the world catch more each year, and these catches
are costing more in terms of energy. Mismanagement of
fisheries, mainly through overfishing, local pollution, and
the destruction of fish breeding and feeding grounds, has
lowered the catch of fish in the sea by about 20% from
maximum levels. Many fishing areas that were until re-
cently important sources of food have been depleted or
closed. For example, the Grand Banks in the North At-
lantic Ocean off Newfoundland, a major source of cod and
other fish, are now nearly depleted. In 1994, the Canadian
government prohibited all cod fishing there indefinitely,
throwing 27,000 fishermen out of work, and the United
States government banned all fishing on Georges Bank
and other defined New England waters. Populations of At-
lantic bluefin tuna have dropped 90% since 1975. The
United Nations Food and Agriculture organization esti-
mated in 1993 that 13 of 17 major ocean fisheries are in
trouble, with the annual marine fish catch dropping from
86 million metric tons in 1986 to 82.5 million tons by
1992 and continuing to fall each year as the intensity of
the fishing increases.
The development of new kinds of food, such as mi-
croorganisms cultured in nutrient solutions, should defi-
nitely be pursued. For example, the photosynthetic,
nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Spirulina is being investi-
gated in several countries as a possible commercial food
source. It is a traditional food in Africa, Mexico, and
other regions. Spirulina thrives in very alkaline water, and
it has a higher protein content than soybeans. Ponds in
which it grows are 10 times more productive than wheat
fields. Such protein-rich concentrates of microorganisms
could provide important nutritional supplements. How-
ever, psychological barriers must be overcome to per-
suade people to eat such foods, and the processing re-
quired tends to be energy-expensive.
Just over 100 kinds of plants, out of the roughly
250,000 known, supply more than 90% of all the
calories we consume. Many more could be developed by
a careful search for new crops.
Chapter 30 The Future of the Biosphere 615
The simplest way to gain a feeling for the dimensions of
the global environmental problem we face is simply to
scan the front pages of any newspaper or news magazine
or to watch television. Although they are only a sam-
pling, features selected by these media teach us a great
deal about the scale and complexity of the challenge we
face. We will discuss a few of the most important issues
Nuclear Power
At 1:24 A.M. on April 26, 1986, one of the four reactors of
the Chernobyl nuclear power plant blew up. Located in
Ukraine 100 kilometers north of Kiev, Chernobyl was one
of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe, producing
1000 megawatts of electricity, enough to light a medium-
sized city. Before dawn on April 26, workers at the plant
hurried to complete a series of tests of how Reactor Num-
ber 4 performed during a power reduction and took a fool-
ish short-cut: they shut off all the safety systems. Reactors
at Chernobyl were graphite reactors designed with a series
of emergency systems that shut the reactors down at low
power, because the core is unstable then—and these are the
emergency systems the workers turned off. A power surge
occurred during the test, and there was nothing to dampen
it. Power zoomed to hundreds of times the maximum, and
a white-hot blast with the force of a ton of dynamite par-
tially melted the fuel rods and heated a vast head of steam
that blew the reactor apart.
The explosion and heat sent up a plume 5 kilometers
high, carrying several tons of uranium dioxide fuel and fis-
sion products. The blast released over 100 megacuries of
radioactivity, making it the largest nuclear accident ever
reported; by comparison, the Three Mile Island accident
in Pennsylvania in 1979 released 17 curies, millions of
times less. This cloud traveled first northwest, then south-
east, spreading the radioactivity in a band across central
Europe from Scandinavia to Greece. Within a 30-kilome-
ter radius of the reactor, at least one-fifth of the popula-
tion, some 24,000 people, received serious radiation doses
(greater than 45 rem). Thirty-one individuals died as a di-
rect result of radiation poisoning, most of them firefight-
ers who succeeded in preventing the fire from spreading to
nearby reactors.
The rest of Europe received a much lower but still sig-
nificant radiation dose. Data indicate that, because of the
large numbers of people exposed, radiation outside of the
immediate Chernobyl area can be expected to cause from
5000 to 75,000 cancer deaths.
The Promise of Nuclear Power
Our industrial society has grown for over 200 years on a
diet of cheap energy. Until recently, much of this energy
has been derived from burning wood and fossil fuels:
coal, gas, and oil. However, as these sources of fuel be-
come increasingly scarce and the cost of locating and ex-
tracting new deposits becomes more expensive, modern
society is being forced to look elsewhere for energy. The
great promise of nuclear power is that it provides an al-
ternative source of plentiful energy. Although nuclear
power is not cheap—power plants are expensive to build
and operate—its raw material, uranium ore, is so com-
mon in the earth’s crust that it is unlikely we will ever
run out of it.
Burning coal and oil to obtain energy produces two un-
desirable chemical by-products: sulfur and carbon dioxide.
The sulfur emitted from burning coal is a principal cause of
acid rain, while the CO
produced from burning all fossil
fuels is a major greenhouse gas (see the discussion of global
warming in the next section). For these reasons, we need to
find replacements for fossil fuels.
For all of its promise of plentiful energy, nuclear
power presents several new problems that must be ad-
dressed before its full potential can be realized. First, safe
operation of the world’s approximately 390 nuclear reac-
tors must be ensured. A second challenge is the need to
safely dispose of the radioactive wastes produced by the
plants and to safely decommission plants that have
reached the end of their useful lives (about 25 years). In
1997, over 35 plants were more than 25 years old, and
not one has been safely decommissioned, its nuclear
wastes disposed of. A third challenge is the need to guard
against terrorism and sabotage, because the technology of
nuclear power generation is closely linked to that of nu-
clear weapons.
For these reasons, it is important to continue to inves-
tigate and develop other promising alternatives to fossil
fuels, such as solar energy and wind energy. The genera-
tion of electricity by burning fossil fuels accounts for up
to 15% of global warming gas emissions in the United
States. As much as 75% of the electricity produced in the
United States and Canada currently is wasted through the
use of inefficient appliances, according to scientists at
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Using highly efficient
motors, lights, heaters, air conditioners, refrigerators, and
other technologies already available could save huge
amounts of energy and greatly reduce global warming gas
emission. For example, a new, compact fluorescent light
bulb uses only 20% of the amount of electricity a conven-
tional light bulb uses, provides equal or better lighting,
lasts up to 13 times longer, and provides substantial cost
Nuclear power offers plentiful energy for the world’s
future, but its use involves significant problems and
616 Part VII The Global Environment
30.3 Human activity is placing the environment under increasing stress.
Carbon Dioxide and
Global Warming
By studying earth’s history and mak-
ing comparisons with other planets,
scientists have determined that con-
centrations of gases in the atmo-
sphere, particularly carbon dioxide,
maintain the average temperature on
earth about 25°C higher than it
would be if these gases were absent.
Carbon dioxide and other gases trap
the longer wavelengths of infrared
light, or heat, radiating from the
surface of the earth, creating what is
known as a greenhouse effect (fig-
ure 30.5). The atmosphere acts like
the glass of a gigantic greenhouse
surrounding the earth.
Roughly seven times as much car-
bon dioxide is locked up in fossil
fuels as exists in the atmosphere
today. Before industrialization, the
concentration of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere was approximately
260 to 280 parts per million (ppm).
Since the extensive use of fossil
fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere has been increas-
ing rapidly. During the 25-year pe-
riod starting in 1958, the concentra-
tion of carbon dioxide increased
from 315 ppm to more than 340
ppm and continues to rise. Climatol-
ogists have calculated that the actual
mean global temperature has in-
creased about 1°C since 1900, a
change known as global warming.
In a recent study, the U.S. Na-
tional Research Council estimated that the concentration
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would pass 600 ppm
(roughly double the current level) by the third quarter of
the next century, and might exceed that level as soon as
2035. These concentrations of carbon dioxide, if actually
reached, would warm global surface air by between 1.5°
and 4.5°C. The actual increase might be considerably
greater, however, because a number of trace gases, such
as nitrous oxide, methane, ozone, and chlorofluorocar-
bons, are also increasing rapidly in the atmosphere as a
result of human activities. These gases have warming, or
“greenhouse,” effects similar to those of carbon dioxide.
One, methane, increased from 1.14 ppm in the atmo-
sphere in 1951 to 1.68 ppm in 1986—nearly a 50%
Major problems associated with climatic warming in-
clude rising sea levels. Sea levels may have already risen
2 to 5 centimeters from global warming. If the climate be-
comes so warm that the polar ice caps melt, sea levels
would rise by more than 150 meters, flooding the entire
Atlantic coast of North America for an average distance of
several hundred kilometers inland.
Changes in the distribution of precipitation are difficult
to model. Certainly, changing climatic patterns are likely to
make some of the best farmlands much drier than they are
at present. If the climate warms as rapidly as many scien-
tists project, the next 50 years may see greatly altered
weather patterns, a rising sea level, and major shifts of
deserts and fertile regions.
As the global concentration of carbon dioxide increases,
the world’s temperature is rising, with great potential
impact on the world’s climate.
Chapter 30 The Future of the Biosphere 617
'60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 '74 '76 '78
Year (1900s)
Carbon dioxide concentration (parts per million)
emperature (degrees Fahrenheit)
'80 '82 '84 '86 '88 '90 '92 '94 '96 '97 '98 '99 '2000
Average mean
global temperature,
The greenhouse effect. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has steadily
increased since the 1950s (blue line). The red line shows the general increase in average global
temperature for the same period of time.
Source: Data from Geophysical Monograph, American Geophysical Union, National Academy
of Sciences, and National Center for Atmospheric Research.
The River Rhine is a broad ribbon of water that runs
through the heart of Europe. From high in the Alps that
separate Italy and Switzerland, the Rhine flows north
across the industrial regions of Germany before reaching
Holland and the sea. Where it crosses the mountains be-
tween Mainz and Coblenz, Germany, the Rhine is one of
the most beautiful rivers on earth. On the first day of No-
vember 1986, the Rhine almost died.
The blow that struck at the life of the Rhine did not at
first seem deadly. Firefighters were battling a blaze that
morning in Basel, Switzerland. The fire was gutting a
huge warehouse, into which firefighters shot streams of
water to dampen the flames. The warehouse belonged to
Sandoz, a giant chemical company. In the rush to contain
the fire, no one thought to ask what chemicals were
stored in the warehouse. By the time the fire was out,
streams of water had washed 30 tons of mercury and pes-
ticides into the Rhine.
Flowing downriver, the deadly wall of poison killed
everything it passed. For hundreds of kilometers, dead fish
blanketed the surface of the river. Many cities that use the
water of the Rhine for drinking had little time to make
other arrangements. Even the plants in the river began to
die. All across Germany, from Switzerland to the sea, the
river reeked of rotting fish, and not one drop of water was
safe to drink.
Six months later, Swiss and German environmental sci-
entists monitoring the effects of the accident were able to
report that the blow to the Rhine was not mortal. Enough
small aquatic invertebrates and plants had survived to pro-
vide a basis for the eventual return of fish and other water
life, and the river was rapidly washing out the remaining
residues from the spill. A lesson difficult to ignore, the spill
on the Rhine has caused the governments of Germany and
Switzerland to intensify efforts to protect the river from fu-
ture industrial accidents and to regulate the growth of
chemical and industrial plants on its shores.
The Threat of Pollution
The pollution of the Rhine is a story that can be told
countless times in different places in the industrial world,
from Love Canal in New York to the James River in Vir-
ginia to the town of Times Beach in Missouri. Nor are all
pollutants that threaten the sustainability of life immedi-
ately toxic. Many forms of pollution arise as by-products of
industry. For example, the polymers known as plastics,
which we produce in abundance, break down slowly in na-
ture. Much is burned or otherwise degraded to smaller
vinyl chloride units. Virtually all of the plastic that has ever
been produced is still with us, in one form or another. Col-
lectively, it constitutes a new form of pollution.
Widespread agriculture, carried out increasingly by
modern methods, introduces large amounts of many new
kinds of chemicals into the global ecosystem, including
pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Industrialized coun-
tries like the United States now attempt to carefully moni-
tor side effects of these chemicals. Unfortunately, large
quantities of many toxic chemicals no longer manufactured
still circulate in the ecosystem.
For example, the chlorinated hydrocarbons, a class of
compounds that includes DDT, chlordane, lindane, and
dieldrin, have all been banned for normal use in the United
States, where they were once widely used. They are still
manufactured in the United States, however, and exported
to other countries, where their use continues. Chlorinated
hydrocarbon molecules break down slowly and accumulate
in animal fat. Furthermore, as they pass through a food
chain, they become increasingly concentrated in a process
called biological magnification (figure 30.6). DDT caused
serious problems by leading to the production of thin, frag-
ile eggshells in many predatory bird species in the United
States and elsewhere until the late 1960s, when it was
banned in time to save the birds from extinction. Chlori-
nated compounds have other undesirable side effects and
exhibit hormonelike activities in the bodies of animals, dis-
rupting normal hormonal cycles with sometimes poten-
tially serious consequences.
Chemical pollution is causing ecosystems to accumulate
many harmful substances, as the result of spills and
runoff from agricultural or urban use.
618 Part VII The Global Environment
DDT Concentration
25 ppm in
predatory birds
2 ppm in
large fish
0.5 ppm in
small fish
0.04 ppm in
0.000003 ppm
in water
Biological magnification of DDT. Because DDT accumulates
in animal fat, the compound becomes increasingly concentrated in
higher levels of the food chain. Before DDT was banned in the
United States, predatory bird populations drastically declined
because DDT made their eggshells thin and fragile enough to
break during incubation.
Acid Precipitation
The Four Corners power plant in New Mexico burns coal,
sending smoke up high into the atmosphere through its
smokestacks, each over 65 meters tall. The smoke the
stacks belch out contains high concentrations of sulfur
dioxide and other sulfates, which produce acid when they
combine with water vapor in the air. The intent of those
who designed the plant was to release the sulfur-rich smoke
high in the atmosphere, where winds would disperse and
dilute it, carrying the acids far away.
Environmental effects of this acidity are serious. Sul-
fur introduced into the upper atmosphere combines with
water vapor to produce sulfuric acid, and when the water
later falls as rain or snow, the precipitation is acid. Nat-
ural rainwater rarely has a pH lower than 5.6; in the
northeastern United States, however, rain and snow now
have a pH of about 3.8, roughly 100 times as acid
(figure 30.7).
Acid precipitation destroys life. Thousands of lakes in
southern Sweden and Norway no longer support fish; these
lakes are now eerily clear. In the northeastern United
States and eastern Canada, tens of thousands of lakes are
dying biologically as a result of acid precipitation. At pH
levels below 5.0, many fish species and other aquatic ani-
mals die, unable to reproduce. In southern Sweden and
elsewhere, groundwater now has a pH between 4.0 and 6.0,
as acid precipitation slowly filters down into the under-
ground reservoirs.
There has been enormous forest damage in the Black
Forest in Germany and in the forests of the eastern United
States and Canada. It has been estimated that at least 3.5
million hectares of forest in the northern hemisphere are
being affected by acid precipitation (figure 30.8), and the
problem is clearly growing.
Its solution at first seems obvious: capture and remove
the emissions instead of releasing them into the atmo-
sphere. However, there are serious difficulties in executing
this solution. First, it is expensive. The costs of installing
and maintaining the necessary “scrubbers” in the United
States are estimated to be 4 to 5 billion dollars per year. An
additional difficulty is that the polluter and the recipient of
the pollution are far from each other, and neither wants to
pay for what they view as someone else’s problem. The
Clean Air Act revisions of 1990 addressed this problem in
the United States significantly for the first time, and sub-
stantial worldwide progress has been made in implement-
ing a solution.
Industrial pollutants such as nitric and sulfuric acids,
introduced into the upper atmosphere by factory
smokestacks, are spread over wide areas by the
prevailing winds and fall to earth with precipitation
called “acid rain,’’ lowering the pH of water on the
ground and killing life.
Chapter 30 The Future of the Biosphere 619
Precipitation pH
pH values of rainwater in the United States. Precipitation in
the United States, especially in the Northeast, is more acidic than
that of natural rainwater, which has a pH of about 5.6.
Damage to trees at Clingman’s Dome, Tennessee. Acid
precipitation weakens trees and makes them more susceptible to
pests and predators.
The Ozone Hole
The swirling colors of the satellite photos in figure 30.9
represent different concentrations of ozone (O
), a differ-
ent form of oxygen gas than O
. As you can see, over
Antarctica there is an “ozone hole” three times the size of
the United States, an area within which the ozone concen-
tration is much less than elsewhere. The ozone thinning
appeared for the first time in 1975. The hole is not a per-
manent feature, but rather becomes evident each year for a
few months during Antarctic winter. Every September
from 1975 onward, the ozone “hole” has reappeared. Each
year the layer of ozone is thinner and the hole is larger.
The major cause of the ozone depletion had already
been suggested in 1974 by Sherwood Roland and Mario
Molina, who were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work
in 1995. They proposed that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
relatively inert chemicals used in cooling systems, fire ex-
tinguishers, and Styrofoam containers, were percolating up
through the atmosphere and reducing O
molecules to O
One chlorine atom from a CFC molecule could destroy
100,000 ozone molecules in the following mechanism:
UV radiation causes CFCs to release Cl atoms:
F ?→ Cl + CCl
UV creates oxygen free radicals:
?→ 2O
Cl atoms and O free radicals interact with ozone:
2Cl + 2O
?→ 2ClO + 2O
2ClO + 2O ?→ 2Cl + 2O
Net reaction: 2O
?→ 3O
Although other factors have also been implicated in
ozone depletion, the role of CFCs is so predominant that
worldwide agreements have been signed to phase out their
production. The United States banned the production of
CFCs and other ozone-destroying chemicals after 1995.
Nonetheless, the CFCs that were manufactured earlier are
moving slowly upward through the atmosphere. The ozone
layer will be further depleted before it begins to form
Thinning of the ozone layer in the stratosphere, 25 to
40 kilometers above the surface of the earth, is a matter of
serious concern. This layer protects life from the harmful
ultraviolet rays that bombard the earth continuously from
the sun. Life appeared on land only after the oxygen layer
was sufficiently thick to generate enough ozone to shield
the surface of the earth from these destructive rays.
Ultraviolet radiation is a serious human health concern.
Every 1% drop in atmospheric ozone is estimated to lead
to a 6% increase in the incidence of skin cancers. At middle
latitudes, the approximately 3% drop that has already oc-
curred worldwide is estimated to have increased skin can-
cers by as much as 20%. A type of skin cancer (melanoma)
is one of the more lethal human diseases.
Industrial CFCs released into the atmosphere react at
very cold temperatures with ozone, converting it to
oxygen gas. This has the effect of destroying the earth’s
ozone shield and exposing the earth’s surface to
increased levels of harmful UV radiation.
620 Part VII The Global Environment
August September
September 9, 2000
October November December
Southern hemisphere ozone hole area
(millions of square miles)
1990-99 average
The ozone hole over Antarctica is still growing. For decades NASA satellites have tracked the extent of ozone depletion over
Antarctica. Every year since 1979 an ozone “hole” has appeared in August when sunlight triggers chemical reactions in cold air trapped
over the South Pole during Antarctic winter. The hole intensifies during September before tailing off as temperatures rise in November-
December. In 2000, the 11.4 million square-mile hole (dark blue in the satellite image) covered an area larger than the United States,
Canada, and Mexico combined, the largest hole ever recorded. In September 2000, the hole extended over Punta Arenas, a city of about
120,000 people southern Chile, exposing residents to very high levels of UV radiation.
(a) (b)
Destruction of the
Tropical Forests
More than half of the world’s human
population lives in the tropics, and
this percentage is increasing rapidly.
For global stability, and for the sus-
tainable management of the world
ecosystem, it will be necessary to
solve the problems of food production
and regional stability in these areas.
World trade, political and economic
stability, and the future of most
species of plants, animals, fungi, and
microorganisms depend on our ad-
dressing these problems.
Rain Forests Are Rapidly
Tropical rain forests are biologically
the richest of the world’s biomes.
Most other kinds of tropical forest,
such as seasonally dry forests and sa-
vanna forests, have already been
largely destroyed—because they tend
to grow on more fertile soils, they
were exploited by humans a long time
ago. Now the rain forests, which
grow on poor soils, are being de-
stroyed. In the mid-1990s, it is estimated that only about
5.5 million square kilometers of tropical rain forest still
exist in a relatively undisturbed form. This area, about
two-thirds of the size of the United States (excluding
Alaska), represents about half of the original extent of the
rain forest. From it, about 160,000 square kilometers are
being clear-cut every year, with perhaps an equivalent
amount severely disturbed by shifting cultivation, fire-
wood gathering, and the clearing of land for cattle ranch-
ing. The total area of tropical rain forest destroyed—and
therefore permanently removed from the world total—
amounts to an area greater than the size of Indiana each
year. At this rate, all of the tropical rain forest in the
world will be gone in about 30 years; but in many regions,
the rate of destruction is much more rapid. As a result of
this overexploitation, experts predict there will be little
undisturbed tropical forest left anywhere in the world by
early in the next century. Many areas now occupied by
dense, species-rich forests may still be tree-covered, but
the stands will be sparse and species-poor.
A Serious Matter
Not only does the disappearance of tropical forests repre-
sent a tragic loss of largely unknown biodiversity, but the
loss of the forests themselves is ecologically a serious mat-
ter. Tropical forests are complex, productive ecosystems
that function well in the areas where they have evolved.
When people cut a forest or open a prairie in the north
temperate zone, they provide farmland that we know can
be worked for generations. In most areas of the tropics,
people are unable to engage in continuous agriculture.
When they clear a tropical forest, they engage in a one-
time consumption of natural resources that will never be
available again (figure 30.10). The complex ecosystems
built up over millions of years are now being dismantled, in
almost complete ignorance, by humans.
What biologists must do is to learn more about the
construction of sustainable agricultural ecosystems that
will meet human needs in tropical and subtropical re-
gions. The ecological concepts we have been reviewing in
the last three chapters are universal principles. The undis-
turbed tropical rain forest has one of the highest rates of
net primary productivity of any plant community on
earth, and it is therefore imperative to develop ways that
it can be harvested for human purposes in a sustainable,
intelligent way.
More than half of the tropical rain forests have been
destroyed by human activity, and the rate of loss is
Chapter 30 The Future of the Biosphere 621
FIGURE 30.10
Destroying the tropical forests. (a) When tropical forests are cleared, the ecological
consequences can be disastrous. These fires are destroying rain forest in Brazil and clearing
it for cattle pasture. (b) The consequences of deforestation can be seen on these middle-
elevation slopes in Ecuador, which now support only low-grade pastures and permit topsoil
to erode into the rivers (note the color of the water, stained brown by high levels of soil
erosion). These areas used to support highly productive forest, which protected the
watersheds of the area, in the 1970s.
(a) (b)
Environmental Science
Environmental scientists attempt to find solutions to en-
vironmental problems, considering them in a broad con-
text. Unlike biology or ecology, sciences that seek to learn
general principles about how life functions, environmental
science is an applied science dedicated to solving practical
problems. Its basic tools are derived from ecology, geology,
meteorology, social sciences, and many other areas of
knowledge that bear on the functioning of the environment
and our management of it. Environmental science ad-
dresses the problems created by rapid human population
growth: an increasing need for energy, a depletion of re-
sources, and a growing level of pollution.
Solving Environmental Problems
The problems our severely stressed planet faces are not in-
surmountable. A combination of scientific investigation and
public action, when brought to bear effectively, can solve
environmental problems that seem intractable. Viewed
simply, there are five components to solving any environ-
mental problem:
1. Assessment. The first stage in addressing any envi-
ronmental problem is scientific analysis, the gather-
ing of information. Data must be collected and exper-
iments performed to construct a model that describes
the situation. This model can be used to make predic-
tions about the future course of events.
2. Risk analysis. Using the results of scientific
analysis as a tool, it is possible to analyze what
could be expected to happen if a particular course of
action were followed. It is necessary to evaluate not
only the potential for solving the environmental
problem, but also any adverse effects a plan of ac-
tion might create.
3. Public education. When a clear choice can be
made among alternative courses of action, the public
must be informed. This involves explaining the prob-
lem in terms the public can understand, presenting
the alternatives available, and explaining the probable
costs and results of the different choices.
4. Political action. The public, through its elected
officials selects a course of action and implements
it. Choices are particularly difficult to implement
when environmental problems transcend national
5. Follow-through. The results of any action should
be carefully monitored to see whether the environ-
mental problem is being solved as well as to evaluate
and improve the initial modeling of the problem.
Every environmental intervention is an experiment,
and we need the knowledge gained from each one to
better address future problems.
Individuals Can Make the Difference
The development of appropriate solutions to the world’s
environmental problems must rest partly on the shoulders
of politicians, economists, bankers, engineers—many kinds
of public and commercial activity will be required. How-
ever, it is important not to lose sight of the key role often
played by informed individuals in solving environmental
problems. Often one person has made the difference; two
examples serve to illustrate the point.
The Nashua River. Running through the heart of New
England, the Nashua River was severely polluted by mills
established in Massachusetts in the early 1900s. By the
1960s, the river was clogged with pollution and declared
ecologically dead. When Marion Stoddart moved to a town
along the river in 1962, she was appalled. She approached
the state about setting aside a “greenway” (trees running
the length of the river on both sides), but the state wasn’t
interested in buying land along a filthy river. So Stoddart
organized the Nashua River Cleanup Committee and
began a campaign to ban the dumping of chemicals and
wastes into the river. The committee presented bottles of
dirty river water to politicians, spoke at town meetings, re-
cruited businesspeople to help finance a waste treatment
plant, and began to clean garbage from the Nashua’s banks.
This citizen’s campaign, coordinated by Stoddart, greatly
aided passage of the Massachusetts Clean Water Act of
1966. Industrial dumping into the river is now banned, and
the river has largely recovered.
Lake Washington. A large, 86 km
freshwater lake east
of Seattle, Lake Washington became surrounded by Seattle
suburbs in the building boom following the Second World
War. Between 1940 and 1953, a ring of 10 municipal
sewage plants discharged their treated effluent into the
lake. Safe enough to drink, the effluent was believed
“harmless.” By the mid-1950s a great deal of effluent had
been dumped into the lake (try multiplying 80 million
liters/day × 365 days/year × 10 years). In 1954, an ecology
professor at the University of Washington in Seattle,
W. T. Edmondson, noted that his research students were
reporting filamentous blue-green algae growing in the lake.
Such algae require plentiful nutrients, which deep fresh-
water lakes usually lack—the sewage had been fertilizing
the lake! Edmondson, alarmed, began a campaign in 1956
to educate public officials to the danger: bacteria decom-
posing dead algae would soon so deplete the lake’s oxygen
that the lake would die. After five years, joint municipal
taxes financed the building of a sewer to carry the effluent
out to sea. The lake is now clean.
In solving environmental problems, the commitment of
one person can make a critical difference.
622 Part VII The Global Environment
30.4 Solving environmental problems requires individual involvement.
Preserving Nonreplaceable
Among the many ways ecosystems are suffering damage,
one class of problem stands out as more serious than the
rest: consuming or destroying resources that we cannot re-
place in the future. While a polluted stream can be cleaned
up, no one can restore an extinct species. In the United
States, we are consuming three nonreplaceable resources at
alarming rates: topsoil, groundwater, and biodiversity. We
will briefly discuss the first two of these in this chapter,
with a more detailed discussion of biodiversity in the fol-
lowing chapter.
The United States is one of the most productive agricul-
tural countries on earth, largely because much of it is
covered with particularly fertile soils. Our midwestern
farm belt sits astride what was once a great prairie. The
topsoil of that ecosystem accumulated bit by bit from
countless generations of animals and plants until, by the
time humans began to plow it, the rich soil extended
down several feet.
We can never replace this rich topsoil, the capital
upon which our country’s greatness is built, yet we are al-
lowing it to be lost at a rate of centimeters every decade.
By repeatedly tilling (turning the soil over) to eliminate
weeds, we permit rain to wash more and more of the top-
soil away, into rivers, and eventually out to sea. Our
country has lost one-quarter of its topsoil since 1950!
New approaches are desperately needed to lessen our re-
liance on intensive cultivation. Some possible solutions
include using genetic engineering to make crops resistant
to weed-killing herbicides and terracing to recapture lost
A second resource we cannot replace is groundwater,
water trapped beneath the soil within porous rock reser-
voirs called aquifers (figure 30.11). This water seeped into
its underground reservoir very slowly during the last ice
age over 12,000 years ago. We should not waste this trea-
sure, for we cannot replace it.
In most areas of the United States, local governments
exert relatively little control over the use of groundwater.
As a result, a large portion is wasted watering lawns, wash-
ing cars, and running fountains. A great deal more is inad-
vertently polluted by poor disposal of chemical wastes—
and once pollution enters the groundwater, there is no
effective means of removing it.
Topsoil and groundwater are essential for agriculture
and other human activities. Replenishment of these
resources occurs at a very slow rate. Current levels of
consumption are not sustainable and will cause serious
problems in the near future.
Chapter 30 The Future of the Biosphere 623
Ogallala Aquifer water depths
0-30 m 30-120 m 120-350 m
FIGURE 30.11
The Ogallala Aquifer. This massive deposit of groundwater lies
under eight states, mainly Texas, Kansas, and Nebraska. Excessive
pumping of this water for irrigation and other uses has caused the
water level to drop 30 meters in some places. Continued excessive
use of this kind endangers the survival of the Ogallala Aquifer, as
it takes hundreds or even thousands of years for aquifers to
624 Part VII The Global Environment
Chapter 30
Summary Questions Media Resources
30.1 The world’s human population is growing explosively.
? Population growth rates are declining throughout
much of the world, but still the human population
increases by 77 million people per year. At this rate,
the global population will double in 39 years.
? An explosively growing human population is placing
considerable stress on the environment. People in the
developed world consume resources at a vastly higher
rate than those in the nondeveloped world. Such high
levels of consumption are not sustainable and are as
important a problem as global overpopulation.
1. What biological event
fostered the rapid growth of
human populations? How did
this event affect the location in
which humans lived? What
major cultural event eventually
took place?
2. Why, in some respects, is the
population size of the developed
world more of a consideration in
discussing resource use than the
population of the nondeveloped
? Much current effort is focused on improving the
productivity of existing crops, although the search for
new crops continues.
3. What three species supply
more than half of the human
energy requirements on earth?
How many plants supply over
30.2 Improvements in agriculture are needed to feed a hungry world.
? Human activities present many challenges to the
environment, including the release of harmful
materials into the environment.
? Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which
may increase the world’s temperature and alter
weather and ocean levels.
? Release of pollutants into rivers may make the water
unfit for aquatic life and human consumption.
? Release of industrial smoke into the upper
atmosphere leads to acid precipitation that kills
forests and lakes.
? Release of chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons may
destroy the atmosphere’s ozone and expose the world
to dangerous levels of ultraviolet radiation.
? Cutting and burning the tropical rain forests of the
world to make pasture and cropland is producing a
massive wave of extinction.
4. What problems must we
master before nuclear power’s
full potential can be realized?
5. Why were chlorinated
hydrocarbons banned in the
United States? Why can you still
find them as contaminants on
fruits and vegetables?
6. How does acid precipitation
form? Why has it been difficult
to implement solutions to this
7. What is the ozone layer? How
is it formed? What are the
harmful effects of decreasing the
earth’s ozone layer? What may
be the primary cause of this
30.3 Human activity is placing the environment under increasing stress.
? All of these challenges to our future can and must be
addressed. Today, environmental scientists and
concerned citizens are actively searching for
constructive solutions to these problems.
8. What sort of action might you
take that would make a
significant contribution to
solving the world’s
environmental problems?
30.4 Solving environmental problems requires individual involvement.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? History of Human
? Food Needs
? Food Production
? Future Agricultural
? Land Degradation
? Agriculture-Related
? Scientists on Science:
History of Life
? On Science Article:
? Global Warming
? Bioaccumulation
? Acid Rain
? Ozone Layer
? Student Research:
Plants and Global
? On Science Article:
Shrinking Sea Ice
Conservation Biology
Concept Outline
31.1 The new science of conservation biology is
focused on conserving biodiversity.
Overview of the Biodiversity Crisis. In prehistoric
times, humans decimated the faunas of many areas.
Worldwide extinction rates are accelerating.
Species Endemism and Hot Spots. Some geographic
areas are particularly rich in species that occur nowhere else.
What’s So Bad about Losing Biodiversity? Biodiversity
is of considerable direct economic value, and provides key
support to the biosphere.
31.2 Vulnerable species are more likely to become
Predicting Which Species Are Vulnerable to Extinction.
Biologists carry out population viability analyses to assess
danger of extinction.
Dependence upon Other Species. Extinction of one
species can have a cascading effect throughout the food
web, making other species vulnerable as well.
Categories of Vulnerable Species. Declining population
size, loss of genetic variation, and commercial value all tend
to increase a species’ vulnerability.
31.3 Causes of endangerment usually reflect human
Factors Responsible for Extinction. Most recorded
extinctions can be attributed to a few causes.
Habitat Loss. Without a place to live, species cannot survive.
Case Study: Overexploitation
Case Study: Introduced Species
Case Study: Disruption of Ecological Relationships
Case Study: Loss of Genetic Variation
Case Study: Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
31.4 Successful recovery plans will need to be
Many Approaches Exist for Preserving Endangered
Species. Species recovery requires restoring degraded
habitats, breeding in captivity, maintaining population
diversity, and maintaining keystone species.
Conservation of Ecosystems. Maintaining large
preserves and focusing on the health of the entire
ecosystem may be the best means of preserving biodiversity.
mong the greatest challenges facing the biosphere is
the accelerating pace of species extinctions—not since
the Cretaceous have so many species become extinct in so
short a period of time (figure 31.1). This challenge has led
to the emergence in the last decade of the new discipline of
conservation biology. Conservation biology is an applied
discipline that seeks to learn how to preserve species, com-
munities, and ecosystems. It both studies the causes of de-
clines in species richness and attempts to develop methods
to prevent such declines.In this chapter we will first exam-
ine the biodiversity crisis and its importance. Then, we will
assess the sorts of species which seem vulnerable to extinc-
tion. Using case histories, we go on to identify and study
five factors that have played key roles in many extinctions.
We finish with a review of recovery efforts at the species
and community level.
Endangered. The Siberian tiger is in grave danger of extinction,
hunted for its pelt and having its natural habitat greatly reduced.
A concerted effort is being made to save it, using many of the ap-
proaches discussed in this chapter.
Similar results have followed the arrival of humans
around the globe. Forty thousand years ago, Australia was
occupied by a wide variety of large animals, including mar-
supials similar in size and ecology to hippos and leopards, a
kangaroo nine feet tall, and a 20-foot-long monitor lizard.
These all disappeared, at approximately the same time as
humans arrived. Smaller islands have also been devastated.
On Madagscar, at least 15 species of lemurs, including one
the size of a gorilla, a pygmy hippopotamus , and the flight-
less elephant bird, Aepyornis, the largest bird to ever live
(more than 3 meters tall and weighing 450 kilograms) all
perished. On New Zealand, 30 species of birds went extinct,
including all 13 species of moas, another group of large,
flightless birds. Interestingly, one continent that seems to
have been spared these megafaunal extinctions is Africa. Sci-
entists speculate that this lack of extinction in prehistoric
Africa may have resulted because much of human evolution
occurred in Africa. Consequently, other African species had
been coevolving with humans for several million years and
thus had evolved counteradaptations to human predation.
Extinctions in Historical Time
Historical extinction rates are best known for birds and
mammals because these species are conspicuous—rela-
tively large and well studied. Estimates of extinction rates
for other species are much rougher. The data presented
626 Part VIII The Global Environment
Overview of the
Biodiversity Crisis
Extinction is a fact of life, as normal and nec-
essary as species formation is to a stable
world ecosystem. Most species, probably all,
go extinct eventually. More than 99% of
species known to science (most from the fos-
sil record) are now extinct. However, current
rates are alarmingly high. Taking into ac-
count the rapid and accelerating loss of habi-
tat that is occurring at present, especially in
the tropics, it has been calculated that as
much as 20% of the world’s biodiversity may
be lost during the next 30 years. In addition,
many of these species may be lost before we
are even aware of their extinction. Scientists
estimate that no more than 15% of the
world’s eukaryotic organisms have been dis-
covered and given scientific names, and this
proportion probably is much lower for tropi-
cal species.
These losses will not just affect poorly
known groups. As many as 50,000 species of
the world’s total of 250,000 species of plants,
4000 of the world’s 20,000 species of butter-
flies, and nearly 2000 of the world’s 9000 species of birds
could be lost during this short period of time. Considering
that our species has been in existence for only 500,000
years of the world’s 4.5-billion-year history, and that our
ancestors developed agriculture only about 10,000 years
ago, this is an astonishing—and dubious—accomplishment.
Extinctions Due to Prehistoric Humans
A great deal can be learned about current rates of extinction
by studying the past, and in particular the impact of human-
caused extinctions. In prehistoric times, Homo sapiens
wreaked havoc whenever they entered a new area. For ex-
ample, at the end of the last ice age, approximately 12,000
years ago, the fauna of North America was composed of a
diversity of large mammals similar to Africa today: mam-
moths and mastodons, horses, camels, giant ground-sloths,
saber-toothed cats, and lions, among others (figure 31.2).
Shortly after humans arrived, 74 to 86% of the megafauna
(that is, animals weighing more than 100 pounds) became
extinct. These extinctions are thought to have been caused
by hunting, and indirectly by burning and clearing forests
(some scientists attribute these extinctions to climate
change, but that hypothesis doesn’t explain why the end of
earlier ice ages was not associated with mass extinctions, nor
does it explain why extinctions occurred primarily among
larger animals, with smaller species relatively unaffected).
31.1 The new science of conservation biology is focused on conserving
North America before human inhabitants.Animals found in North America prior
to the migration of humans included large mammals and birds such as the ancient
North American camel, saber-toothed cat, giant ground-sloth, and the teratorn
in table 31.1, based on the best available evidence, shows
recorded extinctions from 1600 to the present. These es-
timates indicate that about 85 species of mammals and
113 species of birds have become extinct since the year
1600. That is about 2.1% of known mammal species and
1.3% of known birds. The majority of extinctions have
come in the last 150 years. The extinction rate for birds
and mammals was about one species every decade from
1600 to 1700, but it rose to one species every year during
the period from 1850 to 1950, and four species per year
between 1986 and 1990 (figure 31.3). It is this increase in
the rate of extinction that is the heart of the biodiversity
The majority of historic extinctions—though by no
means all of them—have occurred on islands. For example,
of the 90 species of mammals that have gone extinct in the
last 500 years, 73% lived on islands (and another 19% on
Australia). The particular vulnerability of island species
probably results from a number of factors: such species
have often evolved in the absence of predators and so have
lost their ability to escape both humans and introduced
predators such as rats and cats. In addition, humans have
introduced competitors and diseases (avian malaria, for ex-
ample has devastated the bird fauna of the Hawaiian Is-
lands). Finally, island populations are often relatively small,
and thus particularly vulnerable to extinction, as we shall
see later in the chapter.
In recent years, however, the extinction crisis has moved
from islands to continents. Most species now threatened
with extinction occur on continents, and it is these areas
which will bear the brunt of the extinction crisis in this
Some people have argued that we should not be con-
cerned because extinctions are a natural event and mass
extinctions have occurred in the past. Indeed, as we saw
in chapter 21, mass extinctions have occurred several
times over the past half billion years. However, the cur-
rent mass extinction event is notable in several respects.
First, it is the only such event triggered by a single
species. Moreover, although species diversity usually re-
covers after a few million years, this is a long time to
deny our descendants the benefits and joys of biodiver-
sity. In addition, it is not clear that biodiversity will re-
bound this time. After previous mass extinction events,
new species have evolved to utilize resources available
due to species extinctions. Today, however, such re-
sources are unlikely to be available, because humans are
destroying the habitats and taking the resources for their
own use.
Biologists estimate rates of extinction both by studying
recorded extinction events and by analyzing trends in
habitat loss and disruption. Since prehistoric times,
humans have had a devastating effect on biodiversity
almost everywhere in the world.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 627
Table 31.1 Recorded Extinctions since 1600 a.d.
Recorded Extinctions Approximate Percent of
Number of Taxon
Taxon Mainland Island Ocean Total Species Extinct
Mammals 30 51 4 85 4,000 2.1
Birds 21 92 0 113 9,000 1.3
Reptiles 1 20 0 21 6,300 0.3
Amphibians* 2 0 0 2 4,200 0.05
Fish 22 1 0 23 19,100 0.1
Invertebrates 49 48 1 98 1,000,000+ 0.01
Flowering plants 245 139 0 384 250,000 0.2
Source: Reid and Miller, 1989; data from various sources.
*There has been an alarming decline in amphibian populations recently, and many species may be on the verge of extinction.
1600 1700 1800
axonomic extinction (%)
1900 2000
Trends in species loss. The graphs above present data on re-
corded animal extinctions since 1600. The majority of extinctions
have occurred on islands, with birds and mammals particularly
affected (although this may reflect to some degree our more
limited knowledge of other groups).
Species Endemism and Hot Spots
A species found naturally in only one geographic area and
no place else is said to be endemic to that area. The area
over which an endemic species is found may be very large.
The black cherry tree (Prunus serotina), for example, is en-
demic to all of temperate North America. More typically,
however, endemic species occupy restricted ranges. The
Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) lives only on a few
small islands in the Indonesian archipelago, while the
Mauna Kea silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense) lives in
a single volcano crater on the island of Hawaii.
Isolated geographical areas, such as oceanic islands,
lakes, and mountain peaks, often have high percentages of
endemic species, often in significant danger of extinction.
The number of endemic plant species varies greatly in the
United States from one state to another. Thus, 379 plant
species are found in Texas and nowhere else, whereas New
York has only one endemic plant species. California, with
its varied array of habitats, including deserts, mountains,
seacoast, old growth forests, grasslands, and many others, is
home to more endemic species than any other state.
Worldwide, notable concentrations of endemic species
occur in particular “hot spots” of high endemism. Such hot
spots are found in Madagascar, in a variety of tropical rain
forests, in the eastern Himalayas, in areas with Mediter-
ranean climates like California, South Africa, and Australia,
and in several other climatic areas (figure 31.4 and table
31.2). Unfortunately, many of these areas are experiencing
high rates of habitat destruction with consequent species
extinctions. In Madagascar, it is estimated that 90% of the
original forest has already been lost, this in an island in
which 85% of the species are found nowhere else in the
world. In the forests of the Atlantic coast of Brazil, the ex-
tent of deforestation is even higher: 95% of the original
forest is gone.
Some areas of the earth have particularly high levels of
species endemism. Unfortunately, many of these areas
are currently in great jeopardy due to habitat
destruction with correspondingly high rates of species
628 Part VIII The Global Environment
Table 31.2 Numbers of Endemic Vertebrate Species in
Some “Hot Spot” Areas
Region Mammals Reptiles Amphibians
Atlantic coastal Brazil 40 92 168
Colombian Chocó 8 137 111
Philippines 98 120 41
Northern Borneo 42 69 47
Southwestern Australia 10 25 22
Madagascar 86 234 142
Cae region (South Africa) 16 43 23
California Floristic Province 15 25 7
New Cledonia 2 21 0
Eastern Himalayas — 20 25
Source: Data from Myers 1988; World Conservation and Monitoring
Center 1992.
Colombian Chocó
Western Ecuador
of western
Atlantic forest
region of
eastern BrazilCentral Chile
Arc forests,
Cape floral
Sri Lanka
Malaysia Queensland Australia
New Caledonia
“Hot spots” of high endemism. These areas are rich in endemic species under significant threat of imminent extinction.
What’s So Bad about Losing
What’s so bad about losing species? What is the value of
biodiversity? Its value can be divided into three principal
components: (1) direct economic value of products we obtain
from species of plants, animals, and other groups; (2) indi-
rect economic value of benefits produced by species without
our consuming them; and (3) ethicaland aestheticvalue.
Direct Economic Value
Many species have direct value, as sources of food, medi-
cine, clothing, biomass (for energy and other purposes),
and shelter. Most of the world’s food, for example, is de-
rived from a small number of plants that were originally
domesticated from wild plants in tropical and semi-arid re-
gions. In the future, wild strains of these species may be
needed for their genetic diversity if we are to improve
yields, or find a way to breed resistance to new pests.
About 40% of the prescription and nonprescription
drugs used today have active ingredients extracted from
plants or animals. Aspirin, the world’s most widely used
drug, was first extracted from the leaves of the tropical wil-
low, Salix alba. The rosy periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus,
from Madagascar has yielded potent drugs for combating
leukemia (figure 31.5).
Only in the last few decades have biologists perfected
the techniques that make possible the transfer of genes
from one kind of organism to another. We are just begin-
ning to be able to use genes obtained from other species to
our advantage, as explored at length in chapter 19. So-
called gene prospecting of the genomes of plants and ani-
mals for useful genes has only begun. We have been able to
examine only a minute proportion of the world’s organisms
so far, to see whether any of their genes have useful proper-
ties. By conserving biodiversity we maintain the option of
finding useful benefit in the future.
Indirect Economic Value
Diverse biological communities are of vital importance to
healthy ecosystems, in maintaining the chemical quality of
natural water, in buffering ecosystems against floods and
drought, in preserving soils and preventing loss of minerals
and nutrients, in moderating local and regional climate, in
absorbing pollution, and in promoting the breakdown of
organic wastes and the cycling of minerals. By destroying
biodiversity, we are creating conditions of instability and
lessened productivity and promoting desertification, water-
logging, mineralization, and many other undesirable out-
comes throughout the world.
Given the major role played by many species in main-
taining healthy ecosystems, it is alarming how little we
know about the details of how ecosystems and communi-
ties function. It is impossible to predict all the conse-
quences of removing a species, or to be sure that some of
them will not be catastrophic. Imagine taking a part list for
an airliner, and randomly changing a digit in one of the
part numbers: you might change a cushion to a roll of toi-
let paper—but you might as easily change a key bolt hold-
ing up the wing to a pencil. The point is, you shouldn’t
gamble if you cannot afford to lose, and in removing bio-
diversity we are gambling with the future of ecosystems
upon which we depend, and upon whose functioning we
only little understand.
Ethical and Aesthetic Value
Many people believe that preserving biodiversity is an ethi-
cal issue, feeling that every species is of value in its own
right, even if humans are not able to exploit or benefit from
it. It is clear that humans have the power to exploit and de-
stroy other species, but it is not as ethically clear that they
have the right to do so. Many people believe that along
with power comes responsibility: as the only organisms ca-
pable of eliminating species and entire ecosystems, and as
the only organisms capable of reflecting upon what we are
doing, we should act as guardians or stewards for the diver-
sity of life around us.
Almost no one would deny the aesthetic value of biodi-
versity, of a beautiful flower or noble elephant, but how do
we place a value on beauty? Perhaps the best we can do is
to appreciate the deep sense of lack we feel at its permanent
Biodiversity is of great value, for the products with
which it provides us, for its contributions to the health
of the ecosystems upon which we all depend, and for
the beauty it provides us, as well as being valuable in its
own right.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 629
The rosy periwinkle. Two drugs extracted from the Madagascar
periwinkle Catharanthus roseus,vinblastine and vincristine,
effectively treat common forms of childhood leukemia, increasing
chances of survival from 20% to over 95%.
Predicting Which Species Are
Vulnerable to Extinction
How can a biologist assess whether a particular species is
vulnerable to extinction? To get some handle on this, con-
servation biologists look for changes in population size and
habitat availability. Species whose populations are shrink-
ing rapidly, whose habitats are being destroyed (figure
31.6), or which are endemic to small areas can be consid-
ered to be endangered.
Population Viability Analysis
Quantifying the risk faced by a particular species is not a
simple or precise enterprise. Increasingly, conservation bi-
ologists make a rough estimate of a population’s risk of
local extinction in terms of a minimum viable population
(MVP), the estimated number or density of individuals
necessary for the population to maintain or increase its
Some small populations are at high risk of extinction,
while other populations equally small are at little or no
risk. Conservation biologists carry out a population via-
bility analysis (PVA) to assess how the size of a popula-
tion influences its risk of becoming extinct over a specific
time period, often 100 years. Many factors must be taken
into account in a PVA. Two components of particular
importance are demographic stochasticity (the amount of
random variation in birth and death rates) and genetic sto-
chasticity (fluctuations in a population’s level of genetic
variation). Demographic stochasticity refers to random
events that affect a population. The smaller the popula-
tion, the more likely it is that a random event, such as a
disease epidemic or an environmental disturbance (such
as a flood or a fire) could decimate a population and lead
to extinction. Similarly, small populations are most likely
to lose genetic variation due to genetic drift (see chapter
20) and thus be vulnerable to both the short- and long-
term consequences of genetic uniformity. For these rea-
sons, small populations are at particularly great risk of ex-
Many species are distributed as metapopulations, col-
lections of small populations each occupying a suitable
patch of habitat in an otherwise unsuitable landscape (see
chapter 24). Each individual subpopulation may be quite
small and in real threat of extinction, but the metapopu-
lation may be quite safe from extinction so long as indi-
viduals from other populations repopulate the habitat
patches vacated by extinct populations. The extent of this
rescue effect is an important component of the PVA of
such species; if rates of population extinction increase,
there may not be enough surviving populations to found
new populations, and the species as a whole may slide to-
ward extinction.
Small populations are particularly in danger of
extinction. To assess the risk of local extinction of a
particular species, conservation biologists carry out a
population viability analysis that takes into account
demographic and genetic variation.
630 Part VIII The Global Environment
31.2 Vulnerable species are more likely to become extinct.
Habitat removal. In this clear-cut lumbering of National Forest
land in Washington State, few if any trees have been left standing,
removing as well the home of the deer, birds, and other animal
inhabitants of temperate forest. Until a replacement habitat is
provided by replanting, this is a truly “lost” habitat.
Dependence upon Other Species
Species often become vulnerable to extinction when their
web of ecological interactions becomes seriously disrupted.
A recent case in point are the sea otters that live in the cold
waters off Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. A keystone
species in the kelp forest ecosystem, the otter populations
have declined sharply in recent years. In a 500-mile stretch
of coastline, otter numbers had dropped to an estimated
6000 from 53,000 in the 1970s, a plunge of nearly 90%. In-
vestigating this catastrophic decline, marine ecologists un-
covered a chain of interactions among the species of the
ocean and kelp forest ecosystems, a falling domino chain of
lethal effects.
The first in a series of events leading to the sea otter’s
decline seems to have been the heavy commercial harvest-
ing of whales (see the case history later in this chapter).
Without whales to keep their numbers in check, ocean zoo-
plankton thrived, leading in turn to proliferation of a
species of fish called pollock that feed on the now-abundant
zooplankton. Given this ample food supply, the pollock
proved to be very successful competitors of other northern
Pacific fish like herring and ocean perch, so that levels of
these other fish fell steeply in the 1970s.
Now the falling chain of dominos begins to accelerate.
The decline in the nutritious forage fish led to an ensuing
crash in Alaskan populations of Steller’s sea lions and har-
bor seals, for which pollock did not provide sufficient nour-
ishment. Numbers of these pinniped species have fallen
precipitously since the 1970s.
Pinnipeds are the major food of orcas, also called killer
whales. Faced with a food shortage, some orcas seem to
have turned to the next best thing: sea otters. In one bay
where the entrance from the sea was too narrow and shal-
low for orcas to enter, only 12% of the sea otters have dis-
appeared, while in a similar bay which orcas could enter
easily, two-thirds of the otters disappeared in a year’s time.
Without otters to eat them, the population of sea
urchins in the ecosystem exploded, eating the kelp and so
“deforesting” the kelp forests and denuding the ecosystem
(figure 31.7). As a result, fish species that live in the kelp
forest, like sculpins and greenlings (a cod relative), are de-
clining. This chain reaction demonstrates why sea otters
are considered to be a keystone species.
Commercial whaling appears to have initiated a series
of changes that have led to orcas feeding on sea otters,
with disastrous effects on their kelp forest ecosystem.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 631
Nutritious fish
Populations of nutritious fish like
ocean perch and herring declined,
likely due to overfishing, competition
with pollock, or climatic change.
Sea lions and harbor seals
Sea lion and harbor seal
populations drastically
declined in Alaska, probably
because the less-nutritious
pollock could not sustain
Kelp forests
Severely thinned by
the sea urchins, the
kelp beds no longer
support a diversity
of fish species,
which may lead to a
decline in
populations of
eagles that feed on
the fish.
Overharvesting of plankton-eating
whales may have caused an
increase in plankton-eating pollock
Killer whales
With the decline in their prey
populations of sea lions and
seals, killer whales turned to a
new source of food: sea
Sea otters
Sea otter populations
declined so dramatically
that they disappeared in
some areas.
Sea urchins
Usually the preferred
food of sea otters, sea
urchin populations now
exploded and fed on
Disruption of the kelp forest ecosystem. Overharvesting by commercial whalers altered the balance of fish in the ocean ecosystem,
inducing killer whales to feed on sea otters, a keystone species of the kelp forest ecosystem.
Categories of Vulnerable Species
Studying past extinctions of species and using population
viability analyses of threatened ones, conservation biolo-
gists have observed that some categories of species are par-
ticularly vulnerable to extinction.
Local Endemic Distribution
Local endemic species typically occur at only one or a few
sites in a restricted geographical range, which makes them
particularly vulnerable to anything that harms the site, such
as destruction of habitat by human activity. Bird species on
oceanic islands have often become extinct as humans affect
the island habitats. Many endemic fish species confined to a
single lake undergo similar fates.
Local endemic species often have small population
sizes, placing them at particular risk of extinction be-
cause of their greater vulnerability to demographic and
genetic fluctuations. Indeed, population size by itself
seems to be one of the best predictors of the extinction
risk of populations.
Local endemic species often have quite specialized
niche requirements. Once a habitat is altered, it may no
longer be able to support a particular local endemic, while
remaining satisfactory for species with less particular re-
quirements. For example, wetlands plants that require
very specific and regular changes in water level may be
rapidly eliminated when human activity affects the hy-
drology of an area.
Declining Population Size
Species in which population size is declining are often at
grave risk of extinction, particularly if the decline in num-
bers of individuals is severe. Although there is no hard rule,
population trends in nature tend to continue, so a popula-
tion showing significant signs of decline should be consid-
ered at risk of extinction unless the cause of the decline is
identified and corrected. Darwin makes this point very
clearly in On the Origin of Species:
“To admit that species generally become rare before
they become extinct, to feel no surprise at the rarity of the
species, and yet to marvel greatly when the species ceases
to exist, is much the same as to admit that sickness in the
individual is the forerunner of death—to feel no surprise at
sickness, but when the sick man dies, to wonder and to sus-
pect that he dies of some deed of violence.”
Although long-term trends toward smaller population
numbers suggest that a species may be at risk in future
years, abrupt recent declines in population numbers, partic-
ularly when the population is small or locally endemic,
fairly scream of risk of extinction. It is for this reason that
PVA is best carried out with data on population sizes gath-
ered over a period of time.
Lack of Genetic Variability
Species with little genetic variability are generally at signifi-
cantly greater risk of extinction than more variable species,
simply because they have a more limited arsenal with which
to respond to the vagaries of environmental change.
Species with extremely low genetic variability are particu-
larly vulnerable when faced with a new disease, predator, or
other environmental challenge. For example, the African
cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) has almost no genetic variability.
This lack of genetic variability is considered to be a signifi-
cant contributing factor to a lack of disease resistance in the
cheetah—diseases that are of little consequence to other cat
species can wipe out a colony of cheetahs (although envi-
ronmental factors also seem to have played a key role in the
cheetah’s decline).
Hunted or Harvested by People
Species that are hunted or harvested by people have histor-
ically been at grave risk of extinction. Overharvesting of
natural populations can rapidly reduce the population size
of a species, even when that species is initially very abun-
dant. A century ago the skies of North America were dark-
ened by huge flocks of passenger pigeons; hunted as free
and tasty food, they were driven to extinction. The buffalo
that used to migrate in enormous herds across the central
plains of North America only narrowly escaped the same
fate, a few individuals preserved from this catastrophic ex-
ercise in overhunting founding today’s modest herds.
The existence of a commercial market often leads to
overexploitation of a species. The international trade in
furs, for example, has severely reduced the numbers of
chinchilla, vicuna, otter, and many wild cat species. The
harvesting of commercially valuable trees provides another
telling example: almost all West Indies mahogany (Swiete-
nia mahogani) have been logged from the Caribbean is-
lands, and the extensive cedar forests of Lebanon, once
widespread at high elevations in the Middle East, now sur-
vive in only a few isolated groves.
A particularly telling example of overharvesting of a so-
called commercial species is the commercial harvesting of
fish in the North Atlantic. Fishing fleets continued to har-
vest large amounts of cod off Newfoundland during the
1980s, even as the population numbers declined precipi-
tously. By 1992 the cod population had dropped to less
than 1% of their original numbers. The American and
Canadian governments have closed the fishery, but no one
can predict if the fish populations will recover. The At-
lantic bluefin tuna has experienced a 90% population de-
cline in the last 10 years. The swordfish has declined even
further. In both cases, the drop has led to even more in-
tense fishing of the remaining populations.
A variety of factors can make a species particularly
vulnerable to extinction.
632 Part VIII The Global Environment
Factors Responsible For Extinction
Because a species is rare does not necessarily mean that it is
in danger of extinction. The habitat it utilizes may simply
be in short supply, preventing population numbers from
growing. In a similar way, shortage of some other resource
may be limiting the size of populations. Secondary carni-
vores, for example, are usually rare because so little energy
is available to support their populations. Nor are vulnerable
species such as those categories discussed in the previous
section always threatened with extinction. Many local en-
demics are quite stable and not at all threatened.
If it’s not just size or vulnerability, what factors are re-
sponsible for extinction? Studying a wide array of recorded
extinctions and many species currently threatened with ex-
tinction, conservation biologists have identified a few fac-
tors that seem to play a key role in many extinctions: over-
exploitation, introduced species, disruption of ecological
relationships, loss of genetic variability, and habitat loss and
fragmentation (figure 31.8 and table 31.3).
Most recorded extinctions can be attributed to one of
five causes: overexploitation, introduced species,
ecodisruption, loss of genetic variability, and habitat
loss and fragmentation.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 633
31.3 Causes of endangerment usually reflect human activities.
Overexploitation Introduced
Percent of species af
Factors responsible for animal extinction. These data
represent known extinctions of mammals in Australasia and the
Table 31.3 Causes of Extinctions
Percentage of Species Influenced by the Given Factor*
Habitat Species
Group Loss Overexploitation Introduction Predators Other Unknown
Mammals 19 23 20 1 1 36
Birds 20 11 22 0 2 37
Reptiles 5 32 42 0 0 21
Fish 35 4 30 0 4 48
Mammals 68 54 6 8 12 —
Birds 58 30 28 1 1 —
Reptiles 53 63 17 3 6 —
Amphibians 77 29 14 — 3 —
Fish 78 12 28 — 2 —
*Some species may be influenced by more than one factor; thus, some rows may exceed 100%.
Source: Reid and Miller, 1989.
Habitat Loss
As figure 31.8 and table 31.3 indicate, habitat loss is the
single most important cause of extinction. Given the
tremendous amounts of ongoing destruction of all types of
habitat, from rain forest to ocean floor, this should come as
no surprise. Natural habitats may be adversely affected by
human influences in four ways: (1) destruction, (2) pollu-
tion, (3) human disruption, and (4) habitat fragmentation.
A proportion of the habitat available to a particular species
may simply be destroyed. This is a common occurrence in
the “clear-cut” harvesting of timber, in the burning of trop-
ical forest to produce grazing land, and in urban and indus-
trial development. Forest clearance has been, and is, by far
the most pervasive form of habitat disruption (figure 31.9).
Many tropical forests are being cut or burned at a rate of
1% or more per year.
Biologists often use the well-established observation that
larger areas support more species (see figure 29.24) to esti-
mate the effect of reductions in habitat available to a
species. As we saw in chapter 30, a relationship usually ex-
ists between the size of an area and the number of species it
contains. Although this relationship varies according to ge-
ographic area, type of organism, and type of area (for ex-
ample, oceanic islands, patches of habitat on the mainland),
a general result is that a tenfold increase in area usually
leads to approximately a doubling in number of species.
This relationship suggests, conversely, that if the area of a
habitat is reduced by 90%, so that only 10% remains, then
half of all species will be lost. Evidence for this theory
comes from a study of extinction rates of birds on habitat
islands (that is, islands of a particular type of habitat sur-
rounded by unsuitable habitat) in Finland where the extinc-
tion rate was found to be inversely proportional to island
size (figure 31.10).
Habitat may be degraded by pollution to the extent that
some species can no longer survive there. Degradation oc-
curs as a result of many forms of pollution, from acid rain
to pesticides. Aquatic environments are particularly vulner-
able; many northern lakes in both Europe and North
America, for example, have been essentially sterilized by
acid rain.
Human Disruption
Habitat may be so disturbed by human activities as to
make it untenable for some species. For example, visitors
to caves in Alabama and Tennessee produced significant
population declines in bats over an eight-year period,
some as great as 100%. When visits were fewer than one
634 Part VIII The Global Environment
Before human
Extinction and habitat destruction. The rain forest covering
the eastern coast of Madagascar, an island off the coast of East
Africa, has been progressively destroyed as the island’s human
population has grown. Ninety percent of the original forest cover
is now gone. Many species have become extinct, and many others
are threatened, including 16 of Madagascar’s 31 primate species.
Extinction rate (per year)
Area (km
FIGURE 31.10
Extinction and the species-area relationship. The data present
percent extinction rates as a function of habitat area for birds on a
series of Finnish islands. Smaller islands experience far greater
local extinction rates.
per month, less than 20% of bats were lost, but caves with
more than four visits per month suffered population de-
clines of between 86 and 95%.
Habitat Fragmentation
Loss of habitat by a species frequently results not only in a
lowering of population numbers, but also in fragmentation
of the population into unconnected patches (figure 31.11).
A habitat may become fragmented in unobvious ways,
such as when roads and habitation intrude into forest. The
effect is to carve up the populations living in the habitat
into a series of smaller populations, often with disastrous
consequences. Although detailed data are not available,
fragmentation of wildlife habitat in developed temperate
areas is thought to be very substantial.
As habitats become fragmented and shrink in size, the
relative proportion of the habitat that occurs on the bound-
ary, or edge, increases. Edge effects can significantly de-
grade a population’s chances of survival. Changes in micro-
climate (temperature, wind, humidity, etc.) near the edge
may reduce appropriate habitat for many species more than
the physical fragmentation suggests. In isolated fragments
of rain forest, for example, trees on the edge are exposed to
direct sunlight and, consequently, hotter and drier condi-
tions than they are accustomed to in the cool, moist forest
interior. As a result, within 100 meters of the forest edge,
tree biomass decreased by 36% in the first 17 years after
fragment isolation in one study.
Also, increasing habitat edges opens up opportunities for
parasites and predators, both more effective at edges. As
fragments decrease in size, the proportion of habitat that is
distant from any edge decreases and, consequently, more
and more of the habitat is within the range of these preda-
tors. Habitat fragmentation is thought to have been re-
sponsible for local extinctions in a wide range of species.
The impact of habitat fragmentation can be seen clearly
in a major study done in Manaus, Brazil, as the rain forest
was commercially logged. Landowners agreed to preserve
patches of rain forest of various sizes, and censuses of these
patches were taken before the logging started, while they
were still part of a continuous forest. After logging, species
began to disappear from the now-isolated patches (figure
31.12). First to go were the monkeys, which have large
home ranges. Birds that prey on ant colonies followed, dis-
appearing from patches too small to maintain enough ant
colonies to support them.
Because some species like monkeys require large
patches, this means that large fragments are indispensable
if we wish to preserve high levels of biodiversity. The take-
home lesson is that preservation programs will need to pro-
vide suitably large habitat fragments to avoid this impact.
Habitat loss is probably the greatest cause of extinction.
As habitats are destroyed, remaining habitat becomes
fragmented, increasing the threat to many species.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 635
1831 1882 1902 1950
FIGURE 31.11
Fragmentation of woodland habitat. From the time of settlement of Cadiz Township, Wisconsin, the forest has been progressively
reduced from a nearly continuous cover to isolated woodlots covering less than 1% of the original area.
FIGURE 31.12
A study of habitat fragmentation. Biodiversity was monitored in
the isolated patches of rain forest in Manaus, Brazil, before and
after logging. Fragmentation led to significant species loss within
Case Study: Overexploitation—
Whales, the largest living animals, are rare in the world’s
oceans today, their numbers driven down by commercial
whaling. Commercial whaling began in the sixteenth cen-
tury, and reached its apex in the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries. Before the advent of cheap high-
grade oils manufactured from petroleum in the early
twentieth century, oil made from whale blubber was an
important commercial product in the worldwide market-
place. In addition, the fine lattice-like structure used by
baleen whales to filter-feed plankton from seawater
(termed “baleen,” but sometimes called “whalebone”
even though it is actually made of keratin, like finger-
nails) was used in undergarments. Because a whale is such
a large animal, each individual captured is of significant
commercial value.
Right whales were the first to bear the brunt of commer-
cial whaling. They were called right whales because they
were slow, easy to capture, and provided up to 150 barrels
of blubber oil and abundant whalebone, making them the
“right” whale for a commercial whaler to hunt.
As the right whale declined in the eighteenth century,
whalers turned to other species, the gray, humpback (figure
31.13), and bowhead. As their numbers declined, whalers
turned to the blue, largest of all whales, and when they
were decimated, to smaller whales: the fin, then the Sei,
then the sperm whales. As each species of whale became
the focus of commercial whaling, its numbers inevitably
began a steep decline (figure 31.14).
Hunting of right whales was made illegal in 1935. By
then, all three species had been driven to the brink of ex-
tinction, their numbers less than 5% of what they used to
be. Protected since, their numbers have not recovered in
either the North Atlantic or North Pacific. By 1946 sev-
eral other species faced imminent extinction, and whaling
nations formed the International Whaling Commission
(IWC) to regulate commercial whale hunting. Like hav-
ing the fox guard the hen house, the IWC for decades did
little to limit whale harvests, and whale numbers contin-
ued a steep decline. Finally, in 1974, when numbers of all
but the small minke whales had been driven down, the
IWC banned hunting of blue, gray, and humpback
whales, and instituted partial bans on other species. The
rule was violated so often, however, that the IWC in 1986
instituted a worldwide moratorium on all commercial
killing of whales. While some commercial whaling con-
tinues, often under the guise of harvesting for scientific
studies, annual whale harvests have dropped dramatically
in the last 15 years.
Some species appear to be recovering, while others do
not. Humpback numbers have more than doubled since the
early 1960s, increasing nearly 10% annually, and Pacific
gray whales have fully recovered to their previous numbers
of about 20,000 animals after being hunted to less than
1000. Right, sperm, fin, and blue whales have not recov-
ered, and no one knows whether they will.
Commercial whaling, by overharvesting, has driven
most large whale species to the brink of extinction.
Stopping the harvest has allowed recovery of some but
not all species.
636 Part VIII The Global Environment
FIGURE 31.13
A humpback whale. Only 5000 to 10,000 humpback whales
remain, out of a world population estimated to have been 100,000.
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Number of whales (in thousands)
FIGURE 31.14
A history of commercial whaling. These data show the world
catch of whales in the twentieth century. Each species in turn is
hunted until its numbers fall so low that hunting it becomes
commercially unprofitable.
Case Study: Introduced Species—
Lake Victoria Cichlids
Lake Victoria, an immense shallow freshwater sea about
the size of Switzerland in the heart of equatorial East
Africa, had until 1954 been home to an incredibly diverse
collection of over 300 species of cichlid fishes (figure
31.15). These small, perchlike fishes range from 2 to 10
inches in length, with males coming in endless varieties of
colors. Today, all of these cichlid species are threatened,
endangered, or extinct.
What happened to bring about the abrupt loss of so
many endemic cichlid species? In 1954, the Nile perch,
Lates niloticus, a commercial fish with a voracious ap-
petite, was introduced on the Ugandan shore of Lake
Victoria. Nile perch, which grow to over 4 feet in length,
were to form the basis of a new fishing industry (figure
31.16). For decades, these perch did not seem to have a
significant impact—over 30 years later, in 1978, Nile
perch still made up less than 2% of the fish harvested
from the lake.
Then something happened to cause the Nile perch to
explode and to spread rapidly through the lake, eating their
way through the cichlids. By 1986, Nile perch constituted
nearly 80% of the total catch of fish from the lake, and the
endemic cichlid species were virtually gone. Over 70% of
cichlid species disappeared, including all open-water
So what happened to kick-start the mass extinction of
the cichlids? The trigger seems to have been eutrophica-
tion. Before 1978, Lake Victoria had high oxygen levels at
all depths, down to the bottom layers exceeding 60 meters
depth. However, by 1989 high inputs of nutrients from
agricultural runoff and sewage from towns and villages had
led to algal blooms that severely depleted oxygen levels in
deeper parts of the lake. Cichlids feed on algae, and initially
their population numbers are thought to have risen in re-
sponse to this increase in their food supply, but unlike simi-
lar algal blooms of the past, the Nile perch was now pre-
sent to take advantage of the situation. With a sudden
increase in its food supply (cichlids), the numbers of Nile
perch exploded, and the greater numbers of them simply
ate all available cichlids.
Since 1990 the situation has been compounded by a sec-
ond factor, the introduction into Lake Victoria of a floating
water weed from South America, the water hyacinth Eichor-
nia crassipes. Extremely fecund under eutrophic conditions,
thick mats of water hyacinth soon covered entire bays and
inlets, choking off the coastal habitats of non-open-water
Lake Victoria’s diverse collection of cichlid species is
being driven to extinction by an introduced species, the
Nile perch. A normal increase in cichlid numbers due to
algal blooms led to an explosive increase in perch,
which then ate their way through the cichlids.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 637
FIGURE 31.15
Lake Victoria cichlids. Cichlid fishes are extremely diverse and
occupy different niches. Some species feed on arthropods, others
on dense stands of plants; there are fish-eaters, and still other
species feed on fish eggs and larvae.
FIGURE 31.16
Victor and vanquished. The Nile perch (larger fishes in
foreground), a commercial fish introduced into Lake Victoria as a
potential food source, is responsible for the virtual extinction of
hundreds of species of cichlid fishes (smaller fishes in tub).
Case Study: Disruption of
Ecological Relationships—Black-
Footed Ferrets
The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) is one of the most
attractive weasels of North America. A highly specialized
predator, black-footed ferrets prey on prairie dogs, which
live in large underground colonies connected by a maze of
tunnels. These ferrets have experienced a dramatic decline
in their North American range during this century, as agri-
cultural development has destroyed their prairie habitat,
and particularly the prairie dogs on which they feed (figure
31.17). Prairie dogs once roamed freely over 100 million
acres of the Great Plains states, but are now confined to
under 700,000 acres (table 31.4). Their ecological niche
devastated, populations of the black-footed ferret collapsed.
Increasingly rare in the second half of the century, the
black-footed ferret was thought to have gone extinct in the
late 1970s, when the only known wild population—a small
colony in South Dakota—died out.
In 1981, a colony of 128 animals was located in Mee-
teese, Wyoming. Left undisturbed for four years, the num-
ber of ferrets dropped by 50%, and the entire population
seemed in immediate danger of extinction. A decision was
made to capture some animals for a captive breeding pro-
gram. The first six black-footed ferrets captured died of ca-
nine distemper, a disease present in the colony and proba-
bly responsible for its rapid decline.
At this point, drastic measures seemed called for. In the
next year, a concerted effort was made to capture all the
remaining ferrets in the Meeteese colony. A captive popu-
lation of 18 individuals was established before the Mee-
teese colony died out. The breeding program proved a
great success, the population jumping to 311 individuals
by 1991.
In 1991, biologists began to attempt to reintroduce
black-footed ferrets to the wild, releasing 49 animals in
Wyoming. An additional 159 were released over the next
two years. Six litters were born that year in the wild, and
the reintroduction seemed a success. However, the re-
leased animals then underwent a drastic decline, and only
ten individuals were still alive in the wild five years later in
1998. The reason for the decline is not completely under-
stood, but predators such as coyotes appear to have played
a large role. Current attempts at reintroduction involve
killing the local coyotes. It is important that these attempts
succeed, as numbers of offspring in the captive breeding
colony are declining, probably as a result of the intensive
inbreeding. The black-footed ferret still teeters at the
brink of extinction.
Loss of its natural prey has eliminated black-footed
ferrets from the wild; attempts to reintroduce them
have not yet proven successful.
638 Part VIII The Global Environment
Table 31.4 Acres of Prairie Dog Habitat
State 1899-1990 1998
Arizona unknown extinct
Colorado 7,000,000 44,000
Kansas 2,500,000 36,000
Montana 6,000,000 65,000
Nebraska 6,000,000 60,000
New Mexico 12,000,000 15,000
North Dakota 2,000,000 20,400
Oklahoma 950,000 9,500*
South Dakota 1,757,000 244,500
Texas 56,833,000 22,650
Wyoming 16,000,000 70,000–180,000
U.S. Total 111,000,000 700,000
Source: National Wildlife Federation and U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Report, 1998.
FIGURE 31.17
Teetering on the brink. The black-footed ferret is a predator of
prairie dogs, and loss of prairie dog habitat as agriculture came to
dominate the plains states in this century has led to a drastic
decline in prairie dogs, and an even more drastic decline in the
black-footed ferrets that feed on them. Attempts are now being
made to reestablish natural populations of these ferrets, which
have been extinct in the wild since 1986.
Case Study: Loss of Genetic
Variation—Prairie Chickens
The greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) is
a showy 2-pound wild bird renowned for its flamboyant
mating rituals (figure 31.18). Abundant in many midwest-
ern states, the prairie chickens in Illinois have in the last six
decades undergone a population collapse. Once, enormous
numbers of birds covered the state, but with the introduc-
tion of the steel plow in 1837, the first that could slice
through the deep dense root systems of prairie grasses, the
Illinois prairie began to be replaced by farmland, and by
the turn of the century the prairie had vanished. By 1931,
the subspecies known as the heath hen (Tympanuchus cupido
cupido) became extinct in Illinois. The greater prairie
chicken fared little better in Illinois, its numbers falling to
25,000 statewide in 1933, then to 2000 in 1962. In sur-
rounding states with less intensive agriculture, it continued
to prosper.
In 1962, a sanctuary was established in an attempt to
preserve the prairie chicken, and another in 1967. But pri-
vately owned grasslands kept disappearing, with their
prairie chickens, and by the 1980s the birds were extinct in
Illinois except for the two preserves. And there they were
not doing well. Their numbers kept falling. By 1990, the
egg hatching rate, which had averaged between 91 and
100%, had dropped to an extremely low 38%. By the mid-
1990s, the count of males dropped to as low as six in each
What was wrong with the sanctuary populations? One
reasonable suggestion was that because of very small popu-
lation sizes and a mating ritual where one male may domi-
nate a flock, the Illinois prairie chickens had lost so much
genetic variability as to create serious inbreeding problems.
To test this idea, biologists at the University of Illinois
compared DNA from frozen tissue samples of birds that
died in Illinois between 1974 and 1993 and found that in
recent years, Illinois birds had indeed become genetically
less diverse. Extracting DNA from tissue in the roots of
feathers from stuffed birds collected in the 1930s from the
same population, the researchers found little genetic differ-
ence between the Illinois birds of the 1930s and present-
day prairie chickens of other states. However, present-day
Illinois birds had lost fully one-third of the genetic diver-
sity of birds living in the same place before the population
collapse of the 1970s.
Now the stage was set to halt the Illinois prairie chick-
en’s race toward extinction. Wildlife managers began to
transplant birds from genetically diverse populations of
Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska to Illinois. Between
1992 and 1996, a total of 518 out-of-state prairie chick-
ens were brought in to interbreed with the Illinois birds,
and hatching rates were back up to 94% by 1998. It looks
like the Illinois prairie chickens have been saved from
The key lesson to be learned is the importance of not al-
lowing things to go too far, not to drop down to a single
isolated population (figure 31.19). Without the outlying
genetically different populations, the prairie chickens in
Illinois could not have been saved. The black-footed ferrets
discussed on the previous page are particularly endangered
because they exist as a single isolated population.
When their numbers fell, Illinois prairie chickens lost
much of their genetic variability, resulting in
reproductive failure and the threat of immediate
extinction. Breeding with genetically more variable
birds appears to have reversed the decline.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 639
FIGURE 31.18
A male prairie chicken performing a mating ritual. He inflates
bright orange air sacs, part of his esophagus, into balloons on each
side of his head. As air is drawn into the sacs, it creates a three-
syllable “boom-boom-boom” that can be heard for miles.
Polymorphism (%)
Population size (log)
? ?
FIGURE 31.19
Small populations lose much of their genetic variability. The
percentage of polymorphic genes in isolated populations of the
tree Halocarpus bidwilliin the mountains of New Zealand is a
sensitive function of population size.
Case Study: Habitat Loss and
Every year since 1966, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
has organized thousands of amateur ornithologists and bird
watchers in an annual bird count called the Breeding Bird
Survey. In recent years, a shocking trend has emerged.
While year-round residents that prosper around humans,
like robins, starlings, and blackbirds, have increased their
numbers and distribution over the last 30 years, forest
songbirds have declined severely. The decline has been
greatest among long-distance migrants such as thrushes,
orioles, tanagers, catbirds, vireos, buntings, and warblers.
These birds nest in northern forests in the summer, but
spend their winters in South or Central America or the
Caribbean Islands.
In many areas of the eastern United States, more than
three-quarters of the neotropical migrant bird species have
declined significantly. Rock Creek Park in Washington,
D.C., for example, has lost 90 percent of its long distance
migrants in the last 20 years. Nationwide, American red-
starts declined about 50% in the single decade of the 1970s.
Studies of radar images from National Weather Service
stations in Texas and Louisiana indicate that only about
half as many birds fly over the Gulf of Mexico each spring
compared to numbers in the 1960s. This suggests a loss of
about half a billion birds in total, a devastating loss.
The culprit responsible for this widespread decline ap-
pears to be habitat fragmentation and loss. Fragmentation
of breeding habitat and nesting failures in the summer
nesting grounds of the United States and Canada have had
a major negative impact on the breeding of woodland song-
birds. Many of the most threatened species are adapted to
deep woods and need an area of 25 acres or more per pair
to breed and raise their young. As woodlands are broken up
by roads and developments, it is becoming increasingly dif-
ficult to find enough contiguous woods to nest successfully.
A second and perhaps even more important factor seems
to be the availability of critical winter habitat in Central
and South America. Living in densely crowded limited
areas, the availability of high-quality food is critical. Studies
of the American redstart clearly indicate that birds with
better winter habitat have a superior chance of successfully
migrating back to their breeding grounds in the spring.
Peter Marra and Richard Holmes of Dartmouth College
and Keith Hobson of the Canadian Wildlife Service cap-
tured birds, took blood samples, and measured the levels of
the stable carbon isotope
C. Plants growing in the best
overwintering habitats in Jamaica and Honduras (man-
groves and wetland forests) have low levels of
C, and so
do the redstarts that feed on them. Sixty-five percent of the
wet forest birds maintained or gained weight over the win-
ter. Plants growing in substandard dry scrub, by contrast,
have high levels of
C, and so do the redstarts that feed on
them. Scrub-dwelling birds lost up to 11% of their body
mass over the winter. Now here’s the key: birds that winter
in the substandard scrub leave later in the spring on the
long flight to northern breeding grounds, arrive at their
summer homes, and have fewer young. You can see this
clearly in the redstart study (figure 31.20): the proportion
C carbon in birds arriving in New Hampshire breeding
grounds increases as spring wears on and scrub-overwinter-
ing stragglers belatedly arrive. Thus, loss of mangrove
habitat in the neotropics is having a real negative impact.
As the best habitat disappears, overwintering birds fare
poorly, and this leads to population declines. Unfortu-
nately, the Caribbean lost about 10% of its mangroves in
the 1980s, and continues to lose about 1% a year. This loss
of key habitat appears to be a driving force in the looming
extinction of songbirds.
Fragmentation of summer breeding grounds and loss of
high-quality overwintering habitat seem both to be
contributing to a marked decline in migratory songbird
640 Part VIII The Global Environment
Stable carbon isotope values (
May 12 May 17 May 22 May 27 June 1
FIGURE 31.20
The American redstart, a migratory songbird whose
numbers are in serious decline. The graph presents data on the
level of
C in redstarts arriving at summer breeding grounds.
Early arrivals, with the best shot at reproductive success, have
lower levels of
C, indicating they wintered in more favorable
mangrove-wetland forest habitats.
Many Approaches Exist for
Preserving Endangered Species
Once you understand the reasons why a particular species
is endangered, it becomes possible to think of designing a
recovery plan. If the cause is commercial overharvesting,
regulations can be designed to lessen the impact and pro-
tect the threatened species. If the cause is habitat loss,
plans can be instituted to restore lost habitat. Loss of ge-
netic variability in isolated subpopulations can be coun-
tered by transplanting individuals from genetically differ-
ent populations. Populations in immediate danger of
extinction can be captured, introduced into a captive
breeding program, and later reintroduced to other suit-
able habitat.
Of course, all of these solutions are extremely expensive.
As Bruce Babbitt, Interior Secretary in the Clinton admin-
istration, noted, it is much more economical to prevent
such “environmental trainwrecks” from occurring than it is
to clean them up afterwards. Preserving ecosystems and
monitoring species before they are threatened is the most
effective means of protecting the environment and prevent-
ing extinctions.
Habitat Restoration
Conservation biology typically concerns itself with preserv-
ing populations and species in danger of decline or extinc-
tion. Conservation, however, requires that there be some-
thing left to preserve, while in many situations,
conservation is no longer an option. Species, and in some
cases whole communities, have disappeared or have been
irretrievably modified. The clear-cutting of the temperate
forests of Washington State leaves little behind to con-
serve; nor does converting a piece of land into a wheat field
or an asphalt parking lot. Redeeming these situations re-
quires restoration rather than conservation.
Three quite different sorts of habitat restoration pro-
grams might be undertaken, depending very much on the
cause of the habitat loss.
Pristine Restoration. In situations where all species have
been effectively removed, one might attempt to restore the
plants and animals that are believed to be the natural in-
habitants of the area, when such information is available.
When abandoned farmland is to be restored to prairie (fig-
ure 31.21), how do you know what to plant? Although it is
in principle possible to reestablish each of the original
species in their original proportions, rebuilding a commu-
nity requires that you know the identity of all of the origi-
nal inhabitants, and the ecologies of each of the species.
We rarely ever have this much information, so no restora-
tion is truly pristine.
Removing Introduced Species. Sometimes the habitat
of a species has been destroyed by a single introduced
species. In such a case, habitat restoration involves re-
moval of the introduced species. Restoration of the once-
diverse cichlid fishes to Lake Victoria will require more
than breeding and restocking the endangered species. Eu-
trophication will have to be reversed, and the introduced
water hyacinth and Nile perch populations brought under
control or removed.
It is important to act quickly if an introduced species is
to be removed. When aggressive African bees (the so-called
“killer bees”) were inadvertently released in Brazil, they re-
mained in the local area only one season. Now they occupy
much of the Western hemisphere.
Cleanup and Rehabilitation. Habitats seriously de-
graded by chemical pollution cannot be restored until the
pollution is cleaned up. The successful restoration of the
Nashua River in New England, discussed in chapter 30,
is one example of how a concerted effort can succeed in
restoring a heavily polluted habitat to a relatively pristine
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 641
31.4 Successful recovery plans will need to be multidimensional.
FIGURE 31.21
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum has
pioneered restoration ecology. (a) The restoration of the
prairie was at an early stage in November, 1935. (b) The prairie as
it looks today. This picture was taken at approximately the same
location as the 1935 photograph.
Captive Propagation
Recovery programs, particularly those focused on one or a
few species, often must involve direct intervention in nat-
ural populations to avoid an immediate threat of extinction.
Earlier we learned how introducing wild-caught individuals
into captive breeding programs is being used in an attempt
to save ferret and prairie chicken populations in immediate
danger of disappearing. Several other such captive propaga-
tion programs have had significant success.
Case History: The Peregrine Falcon. American popu-
lations of birds of prey such as the peregrine falcon (Falco
peregrinus) began an abrupt decline shortly after World
War II. Of the approximately 350 breeding pairs east of the
Mississippi River in 1942, all had disappeared by 1960. The
culprit proved to be the chemical pesticide DDT
(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and related organochlo-
rine pesticides. Birds of prey are particularly vulnerable to
DDT because they feed at the top of the food chain, where
DDT becomes concentrated. DDT interferes with the de-
position of calcium in the bird’s eggshells, causing most of
the eggs to break before they hatch.
The use of DDT was banned by federal law in 1972,
causing levels in the eastern United States to fall quickly.
There were no peregrine falcons left in the eastern United
States to reestablish a natural population, however. Falcons
from other parts of the country were used to establish a
captive breeding program at Cornell University in 1970,
with the intent of reestablishing the peregrine falcon in the
eastern United States by releasing offspring of these birds
By the end of 1986, over 850 birds had been released in 13
eastern states, producing an astonishingly strong recovery
(figure 31.22).
Case History: The California Condor. Numbers of
the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus), a large
vulturelike bird with a wingspan of nearly 3 meters, have
been declining gradually for the last 200 years. By 1985
condor numbers had dropped so low the bird was on the
verge of extinction. Six of the remaining 15 wild birds
disappeared that year alone. The entire breeding popula-
tion of the species consisted of the 6 birds remaining in
the wild, and an additional 21 birds in captivity. In a last-
ditch attempt to save the condor from extinction, the re-
maining birds were captured and placed in a captive
breeding population. The breeding program was set up
in zoos, with the goal of releasing offspring on a large
5300-ha ranch in prime condor habitat. Birds were iso-
lated from human contact as much as possible, and
closely related individuals were prevented from breeding.
By the end of 1999 the captive population of California
condors had reached over 110 individuals. Twenty-nine
captive-reared condors have been released successfully in
California at two sites in the mountains north of Los An-
geles, after extensive prerelease training to avoid power
poles and people, all of the released birds seem to be
doing well. Twenty additional birds released into the
Grand Canyon have adapted well. Biologists are waiting
to see if the released condors will breed in the wild and
successfully raise a new generation of wild condors.
Case History: Yellowstone Wolves. The ultimate
goal of captive breeding programs is not simply to pre-
serve interesting species, but rather to restore ecosystems
to a balanced functional state. Yellowstone Park has been
an ecosystem out of balance, due in large part to the sys-
tematic extermination of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) in the
park early in this century. Without these predators to
keep their numbers in check, herds of elk and deer ex-
panded rapidly, damaging vegetation so that the elk
themselves starve in times of scarcity. In an attempt to
restore the park’s natural balance, two complete wolf
packs from Canada were released into the park in 1995
and 1996. The wolves adapted well, breeding so success-
fully that by 1998 the park contained nine free-ranging
packs, a total of 90 wolves.
While ranchers near the park have been unhappy about
the return of the wolves, little damage to livestock has been
noted, and the ecological equilibrium of Yellowstone Park
seems well on the way to recovery. Elk are congregating in
larger herds, and their populations are not growing as
rapidly as in years past. Importantly, wolves are killing coy-
otes and their pups, driving them out of some areas. Coy-
otes, the top predators in the absence of wolves, are known
to attack cattle on surrounding ranches, so reintroduction
of wolves to the park may actually benefit the cattle ranch-
ers that are opposed to it.
642 Part VIII The Global Environment
1982 1984
Number of pairs of peregrines
1986 1988 1990
Pairs observed
Pairs nesting
Pairs producing offspring
FIGURE 31.22
Captive propagation. The peregrine falcon has been
reestablished in the eastern United States by releasing captive-
bred birds over a period of 10 years.
Sustaining Genetic Diversity
One of the chief obstacles to a successful species recovery
program is that a species is generally in serious trouble by
the time a recovery program is instituted. When popula-
tions become very small, much of their genetic diversity is
lost (see figure 31.19), as we have seen clearly in our exami-
nation of the case histories of prairie chickens and black-
footed ferrets. If a program is to have any chance of suc-
cess, every effort must be made to sustain as much genetic
diversity as possible.
Case History: The Black Rhino. All five species of
rhinoceros are critically endangered. The three Asian
species live in forest habitat that is rapidly being de-
stroyed, while the two African species are illegally killed
for their horns. Fewer than 11,000 individuals of all five
species survive today. The problem is intensified by the
fact that many of the remaining animals live in very small,
isolated populations. The 2400 wild-living individuals of
the black rhino, Diceros bicornis, live in approximately
75 small widely separated groups (figure 31.23) consisting
of six subspecies adapted to local conditions throughout
the species’ range. All of these subspecies appear to have
low genetic variability; in three of the subspecies, only a
few dozen animals remain. Analysis of mitochondrial
DNA suggests that in these populations most individuals
are genetically very similar.
This lack of genetic variability represents the greatest
challenge to the future of the species. Much of the range
of the black rhino is still open and not yet subject to
human encroachment. To have any significant chance of
success, a species recovery program will have to find a way
to sustain the genetic diversity that remains in this species.
Heterozygosity could be best maintained by bringing all
black rhinos together in a single breeding population, but
this is not a practical possibility. A more feasible solution
would be to move individuals between populations. Man-
aging the black rhino populations for genetic diversity
could fully restore the species to its original numbers and
much of its range.
Placing black rhinos from a number of different loca-
tions together in a sanctuary to increase genetic diversity
raises a potential problem: local subspecies may be adapted
in different ways to their immediate habitats—what if these
local adaptations are crucial to their survival? Homogeniz-
ing the black rhino populations by pooling their genes risks
destroying such local adaptations, if they exist, perhaps at
great cost to survival.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 643
Black African Rhino
Present distribution
Former distribution
FIGURE 31.23
Sustaining genetic diversity. The black rhino (a) is highly
endangered, living in 75 small, widely separated populations (b).
Only about 2400 individuals survive in the wild.
Preserving Keystone Species
Keystone species are species that exert
a particularly strong influence on the
structure and functioning of a particu-
lar ecosystem. The sea otters of figure
31.7 are a keystone species of the kelp
forest ecosystem, and their removal can
have disastrous consequences. There is
no hard-and-fast line that allows us to
clearly identify keystone species. It is
rather a qualitative concept, a state-
ment that a species plays a particularly
important role in its community. Key-
stone species are usually characterized
by measuring the strength of their im-
pact on their community. Community
importance measures the change in
some quantitative aspect of the ecosys-
tem (species richness, productivity, nu-
trient cycling) per unit of change in the
abundance of a species.
Case History: Flying Foxes. The
severe decline of many species of
pteropodid bats, or “flying foxes,” in
the Old World tropics is an example of
how the loss of a keystone species can
have dramatic effects on the other
species living within an ecosystem,
sometimes even leading to a cascade of
further extinctions (figure 31.24).
These bats have very close relationships with important
plant species on the islands of the Pacific and Indian
Oceans. The family Pteropodidae contains nearly 200
species, approximately a quarter of them in the genus Ptero-
pus, and is widespread on the islands of the South Pacific,
where they are the most important—and often the only—
pollinators and seed dispersers. A study in Samoa found
that 80 to 100% of the seeds landing on the ground during
the dry season were deposited by flying foxes. Many species
are entirely dependent on these bats for pollination. Some
have evolved features like night-blooming flowers that pre-
vent any other potential pollinators from taking over the
role of the fruit bats.
In Guam, where the two local species of flying fox have
recently been driven extinct or nearly so, the impact on the
ecosystem appears to be substantial. Botanists have found
some plant species are not fruiting, or are doing so only
marginally, with fewer fruits than normal. Fruits are not
being dispersed away from parent plants, so offspring
shoots are being crowded out by the adults.
Flying foxes are being driven to extinction by human
hunting. They are hunted for food, for sport, and by or-
chard farmers, who consider them pests. Flying foxes are
particularly vulnerable because they live in large, easily
seen groups of up to a million individuals. Because they
move in regular and predictable patterns and can be easily
tracked to their home roost, hunters can easily bag thou-
sands at a time.
Species preservation programs aimed at preserving par-
ticular species of flying foxes are only just beginning. One
particularly successful example is the program to save the
Rodrigues fruit bat, Pteropus rodricensis, which occurs only
on Rodrigues Island in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar.
The population dropped from about 1000 individuals in
1955 to fewer than 100 by 1974, the drop reflecting largely
the loss of the fruit bat’s forest habitat to farming. Since
1974 the species has been legally protected, and the forest
area of the island is being increased through a tree-planting
program. Eleven captive breeding colonies have been es-
tablished, and the bat population is now increasing rapidly.
The combination of legal protection, habitat restoration,
and captive breeding has in this instance produced a very
effective preservation program.
Recovery programs at the species level must deal with
habitat loss and fragmentation, and often with a marked
reduction in genetic diversity. Captive breeding
programs that stabilize genetic diversity and pay careful
attention to habitat preservation and restoration are
typically involved in successful recoveries.
644 Part VIII The Global Environment
FIGURE 31.24
Preserving keystone species. The flying fox is a keystone species in many Old World
tropical islands. It pollinates many of the plants, and is a key disperser of seeds. Its
elimination by hunting and habitat loss is having a devastating effect on the ecosystems of
many South Pacific islands.
Conservation of Ecosystems
Habitat fragmentation is one of the most pervasive enemies
of biodiversity conservation efforts. As we have seen, some
species simply require large patches of habitat to thrive,
and conservation efforts that cannot provide suitable habi-
tat of such a size are doomed to failure. As it has become
clear that isolated patches of habitat lose species far more
rapidly than large preserves do, conservation biologists
have promoted the creation, particularly in the tropics, of
so-called megareserves, large areas of land containing a
core of one or more undisturbed habitats (figure 31.25).
The key to devoting such large tracts of land to reserves
successfully over a long period of time is to operate the re-
serve in a way compatible with local land use. Thus, while
no economic activity is allowed in the core regions of the
megareserve, the remainder of the reserve may be used for
nondestructive harvesting of resources. Linking preserved
areas to carefully managed land zones creates a much larger
total “patch” of habitat than would otherwise be economi-
cally practical, and thus addresses the key problem created
by habitat fragmentation. Pioneering these efforts, a series
of eight such megareserves have been created in Costa Rica
(figure 31.26) to jointly manage biodiversity and economic
In addition to this focus on maintaining large enough
reserves, in recent years, conservation biologists also have
recognized that the best way to preserve biodiversity is to
focus on preserving intact ecosystems, rather than focusing
on particular species. For this reason,
attention in many cases is turning to
identifying those ecosystems most in
need of preservation and devising the
means to protect not only the species
within the ecosystem, but the function-
ing of the ecosystem itself.
Efforts are being undertaken
worldwide to preserve biodiversity
in megareserves designed to
counter the influences of habitat
fragmentation. Focusing on the
health of entire ecosystems, rather
than of particular species, can often
be a more effective means of
preserving biodiversity.
Chapter 31 Conservation Biology 645
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
Core (Conservation and Monitoring)
Buffer (Research, Education, Tourism)
Experimental Research
Traditional Use
Transition Area
Human Settlements
Facilities for Research (R), Education (E),
Tourism (T), Monitoring (M)
FIGURE 31.25
Design of a megareserve. A megareserve, or biosphere reserve,
recognizes the need for people to have access to resources. Critical
ecosystems are preserved in the core zone. Research and tourism
is allowed in the buffer zone. Sustainable resource harvesting and
permanent habitation is allowed in the multiple-use areas
surrounding the buffer.
Caribbean Sea
Pacific Ocean
Isla Bola?os N.W.R.
Santa Rosa-Guanacaste
Rincón de la
Vieja N.P.
Ca?o Negro
Lake Arenal
Lomas Barbudal
Biological Reserve
Palo Verde N.P.
Honda N.P.
Ostional N.W.R.
Cabo Blanco AbsoluteBiological Reserve
Volcán Poás
San José
Tapantí N.W.R.
Antonio N.P.
Guayabo N.M.
Braulio Carrillo N.P.
Barra del Colorado N.W.R.
Tortuguero N.P.
La Amistad N.P.
Cahuita N.P.
Isla del Ca?o
Biological Reserve
Golfito N.W.R.
Corcovado N.P.
Isla del Coco N.P.
Biological Reserve
La Selva
FIGURE 31.26
Biopreserves in Costa Rica. Costa Rica
has placed about 12% of its land into
national parks and eight megareserves.
646 Part VIII The Global Environment
Chapter 31
Summary Questions Media Resources
31.1 The new science of conservation biology is focusing on conserving biodiversity.
? Early humans caused many extinctions when they
appeared in new areas, but rates of extinction have
increased in modern times.
? Some areas are particularly rich in species diversity
and particularly merit conservation attention.
1.Are some areas particularly
important for conserving
2.Describe some of the indirect
economic values of biodiversity.
? Interdependence among species in an ecosystem leads
to the possibility of cascading extinctions if removal
of one species has major effects throughout the food
? Species are particularly vulnerable when they have
localized distributions, are declining in population
size, lack genetic variability, or are harvested or
hunted by humans.
3.What factors contribute to
the extinction rate on a
particular piece of land?
4.How does a low genetic
variability contribute to a
species’ greater risk of
31.2 Vulnerable species are more likely to become extinct.
? Habitat loss is the single most important cause of
species extinction.
? As suggested by the species-area relationship, a
reduced habitat will support fewer numbers of
? This reduction in habitat can occur in four different
ways: a habitat can be completely removed or
destroyed, a habitat can become fragmented and
disjunct, a habitat can be degraded or altered, or a
habitat can become too frequently used by humans so
as to disturb the species there.
5.How can problems resulting
from lack of genetic diversity
within a population be solved?
6.How can extinction of a
keystone species be particularly
disruptive to an ecosystem?
31.3 Causes of endangerment usually reflect human activities.
? Pristine restoration of a habitat may be attempted,
but removing introduced species, rehabilitating the
habitat, and cleaning up the habitat may be more
? Captive propagation, sustaining genetic variability,
and preserving keystone species have been effective in
preserving biodiversity.
? Megareserves have been successfully designed in
many parts of the world to contain core areas of
undisturbed habitat surrounded by managed land.
7.Why is maintaining large
preserves particularly important?
8.Is captive propagation always
an answer to species
9.Why is it important to
attempt to eradicate introduced
species soon after they appear?
31.4 Successful recovery plans will need to be multidimensional.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Biodiversity
? Species
? Extinction
? Wetlands
? Deoxygenation of
? On Science
Article:What’s Killing
the Frogs?
? Book Review: The End
of the Gameby Beard
? Book Review: West
with the Night
by Markham
? Activity:
? On Science
Behind Bars
? Extinction