Why Some Lizards Take
a Deep Breath
Sometimes, what is intended as a straightforward observa-
tional study about an animal turns out instead to uncover an
odd fact, something that doesn’t at first seem to make sense.
Teasing your understanding with the unexpected, this kind
of tantalizing finding can be fun and illuminating to investi-
gate. Just such an unexpected puzzle comes to light when
you look very carefully at how lizards run.
A lizard runs a bit like a football fullback, swinging his
shoulder forward to take a step as the opposite foot pushes
off the ground. This produces a lateral undulating gait, the
body flexing from side to side with each step. This sort of
gait uses the body to aid the legs in power running. By con-
tracting the chest (intercostal) muscles on the side of the
body opposite the swinging shoulder, the lizard literally
thrusts itself forward with each flex of its body.
The odd fact, the thing that at first doesn’t seem to make
sense, is that running lizards should be using these same in-
tercostal chest muscles for something else.
At rest, lizards breathe by expanding their chest, much as
you do. The greater volume of the expanded thorax lowers
the interior air pressure, causing fresh air to be pushed into
the lungs from outside. You expand your chest by contract-
ing a diaphragm at the bottom of the chest. Lizards do not
have a diaphragm. Instead, they expand their chest by con-
tracting the intercostal chest muscles on both sides of the
chest simultaneously. This contraction rotates the ribs,
causing the chest to expand.
Do you see the problem? A running lizard cannot contract
its chest muscles on both sides simultaneously for effective
breathing at the same time that it is contracting the same
chest muscles alternatively for running. This apparent conflict
has led to a controversial hypothesis about how running
lizards breathe. Called the axial constraint hypothesis, it states
that lizards are subject to a speed-dependent axial constraint
that prevents effective lung ventilation while they are running.
This constraint, if true, would be rather puzzling from
an evolutionary perspective, because it suggests that when a
lizard needs more oxygen because it is running, it breathes
less effectively.
Dr. Elizabeth Brainerd of the University of Massachu-
setts, Amherst, is one of a growing cadre of young re-
searchers around the country that study the biology of
lizards. She set out to investigate this puzzle several years
ago, first by examining oxygen consumption.
Looking at oxygen consumption seemed a very straight-
forward approach. If the axial constraint hypothesis is cor-
rect, then running lizards should exhibit a lower oxygen
consumption because of lowered breathing efficiency. This
is just what her research team found with green iguanas
(Iguana iguana). Studying fast-running iguanas on tread-
mills, oxygen consumption went down as running pro-
ceeded, as the axial constraint hypothesis predicted.
Unexpectedly, however, another large lizard gave a com-
pletely different result. The savannah monitor lizard
(Varanus exanthematicus) exhibited elevated oxygen con-
sumption with increasing speeds of locomotion! This result
suggests that something else is going on in monitor lizards.
Somehow, they seem to have found a way to beat the axial
How do they do it? Taking a more detailed look at run-
ning monitor lizards, Dr. Brainerd’s research team ran a se-
ries of experiments to sort this out. First, they used videora-
diography to directly observe lung ventilation in monitor
lizards while the lizards were running on a treadmill. The
X-ray negative video images revealed the monitor’s trick:
the breathing cycle began with an inhalation that did not
completely fill the lungs, just as the axial constraint hypoth-
esis predicts. But then something else kicks in. The gular
cavity located in the throat area also fills with air, and as in-
halation proceeds the gular cavity compresses, forcing this
air into the lungs. Like an afterburner on a jet, this added air
increases the efficiency of breathing, making up for the lost
contribution of the intercostal chest muscles.
Animal Form and
Some species of
lizard breathe
better than oth-
ers. The savannah
monitor lizard
Varanus exanthe-
maticus breathes
more efficiently
than some of its
relatives by pump-
ing air into its
lungs from the
gular folds over its
Real People Doing Real Science
The Experiment
Brainerd set out to test this gular pumping hypothesis. Gular
pumping occurs after the initial inhalation because the lizard
closes its mouth, sealing shut internal nares (nostril-like struc-
tures). Air is thus trapped in the gular cavity. By contracting
muscles that compress the gular cavity, this air is forced into
the lungs. This process can be disrupted by propping the
mouth open so that, when the gular cavity is compressed, its
air escapes back out of the mouth. The lizards were trained
to run on a treadmill. A plastic mask was placed over the ani-
mal’s mouth and nostrils and air was drawn through the mask.
The mask permitted the measurement of oxygen and CO
levels as a means of monitoring gas consumption. The ex-
pired gas volume (V
) was measured in the last minutes of lo-
comotion and the first minute of recovery at each speed. The
speeds ranged from 0 km/hr to 2 km/hr. The maximum run-
ning speed of these lizards on a treadmill is 6.6 km/hr.
To disable gular pumping, the animal’s mouth was
propped open with a retainer made of plastic tubing. In
parallel experiments that allow gular pumping, the same
animals wore the masks, but no retainer was used to disrupt
the oral seal necessary for gular pumping.
The Results
Parallel experiments were conducted on monitor lizards
with and without gular pumping:
1. Gular pumping allowed. When the gular pumping
mechanism was not obstructed, the V
increased to a maxi-
mum at a speed of 2 km/hr and decreased during the recov-
ery period (see blue line in graph b above). This result is
predicted under conditions where there is no axial con-
straint on the animal (see graph a above).
2. Gular pumping disabled. When the gular pumping
mechanism is obstructed, V
increased above the resting
value up to a speed of 1 km/hr. The value began to decrease
between 1 and 2 km/hr indicating that there was constraint
on ventilation. During the recovery period, V
increased as
predicted by the axial constraint hypothesis, because there
was no longer constraint on the intercostal muscles. V
creased to pay back an oxygen debt that occurred during the
period of time when anaerobic metabolism took over.
Comparing the V
measurements under control and ex-
perimental conditions, the researchers concluded that moni-
tor lizards are indeed subject to speed-dependent axial con-
straint, just as theory had predicted, but can circumvent this
constraint when running by using an accessory gular pump
to enhance ventilation. When the gular pump was experi-
mentally disrupted, the speed-dependent axial constraint
condition became apparent.
Although the researchers have not conducted a more
complete comparative analysis using the methods shown
here, they have found correlations between gular pumping
and increased locomotor activity. Six highly active species
exhibited gular pumping while six less active species did not
exhibit gular pumping in lung ventilation. It is interesting
to speculate that gular pumping evolved in lizards as a
means of enhancing breathing to allow greater locomotor
endurance. The gular pumping seen in lizards is similar to
the breathing mechanism found in amphibians and air-
breathing fish. In these animals, the air first enters a cavity
in the mouth called the buccal cavity. The mouth and nares
close and the buccal cavity collapses, forcing air into the
lungs. The similarities in these two mechanisms suggest
that one might have arisen from the other.
Speed (km/h)
Axial constraint
No axial constraint
max V
Recovery Speed (km/h) Recovery
Expired gas volume (V
Gular pumping
Gular pumping
Effects of gular pumping in lizards. (a) THEORY: The axial constraint hypothesis predicts that, above a threshold speed, ventilation,
measured by expired gas volume (V
), will decrease with increasing speed, and only reach a maximum during the recovery period after lo-
comotion ceases. Without axial constraint, ventilation should reach its maximum during locomotion. (b) EXPERIMENT: Monitor lizards
typically show no axial constraint while running. Axial constraint is evident, however, if gular pumping of air is disabled. So, it seems that
some species of monitor lizards are able to use gular pumping to overcome the axial constraint on ventilation.
To explore this experiment further, go to the Vir-
tual Lab at www.mhhe.com/raven6/vlab13.mhtml
Organization of the
Animal Body
Concept Outline
49.1 The bodies of vertebrates are organized into
functional systems.
Organization of the Body. Cells are organized into
tissues, and tissues are organized into organs. Several
organs can cooperate to form organ systems.
49.2 Epithelial tissue forms membranes and glands.
Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue. Epithelial
membranes cover all body surfaces, and thus can serve for
protection or for transport of materials. Glands are also
epithelial tissue. Epithelial membranes may be composed of
one layer or many.
49.3 Connective tissues contain abundant extracellular
Connective Tissue Proper. Connective tissues have
abundant extracellular material. In connective tissue proper,
this material consists of protein fibers within an amorphous
ground substance.
Special Connective Tissues. These tissues include
cartilage, bone, and blood, each with their own unique form
of extracellular material.
49.4 Muscle tissue provides for movement, and nerve
tissue provides for control.
Muscle Tissue. Muscle tissue contains the filaments
actin and myosin, which enable the muscles to contract.
There are three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac, and
Nerve Tissue. Nerve cells, or neurons, have specialized
regions that produce and conduct electrical impulses.
Neuroglia cells support neurons but do not conduct
electrical impulses.
hen most people think of animals, they think of their
pet dogs and cats and the animals that they’ve seen
in a zoo, on a farm, in an aquarium, or out in the wild.
When they think about the diversity of animals, they may
think of the differences between the predatory lions and
tigers and the herbivorous deer and antelope, between a fe-
rocious-looking shark and a playful dolphin. Despite the
differences among these animals, they are all vertebrates.
All vertebrates share the same basic body plan, with the
same sorts of organs operating in much the same way. In
this chapter, we will begin a detailed consideration of the
biology of vertebrates and of the fascinating structure and
function of their bodies (figure 49.1).
Bone. Like most of the tissues in the vertebrate body, bone is a
dynamic structure, constantly renewing itself.
984 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Organization of the Body
The bodies of all mammals have the same general archi-
tecture (figure 49.2), and are very similar to the general
body plan of other vertebrate groups. This body plan is
basically a tube suspended within a tube. Starting from
the inside, it is composed of the digestive tract, a long
tube that travels from one end of the body to the other
(mouth to anus). This tube is suspended within an inter-
nal body cavity, the coelom. In fishes, amphibians, and
most reptiles, the coelom is subdivided into two cavities,
one housing the heart and the other the liver stomach,
and intestines. In mammals and some reptiles, a sheet of
muscle, the diaphragm, separates the peritoneal cavity,
which contains the stomach, intestines, and liver, from
the thoracic cavity; the thoracic cavity is further subdi-
vided into the pericardial cavity, which contains the heart,
and pleural cavities, which contain the lungs. All verte-
brate bodies are supported by an internal skeleton made
of jointed bones or cartilage blocks
that grow as the body grows. A bony
skull surrounds the brain, and a col-
umn of bones, the vertebrae, sur-
rounds the dorsal nerve cord, or spinal
There are four levels of organization
in the vertebrate body: (1) cells, (2) tis-
sues, (3) organs, and (4) organ systems.
Like those of all animals, the bodies of
vertebrates are composed of different
cell types. In adult vertebrates, there
are between 50 and several hundred
different kinds of cells.
Groups of cells similar in structure and
function are organized into tissues.
Early in development, the cells of the
growing embryo differentiate (special-
ize) into three fundamental embryonic
tissues, called germ layers. From inner-
most to outermost layers, these are the
endoderm, mesoderm, and ecto-
derm. These germ layers, in turn, dif-
ferentiate into the scores of different
cell types and tissues that are character-
istic of the vertebrate body. In adult
vertebrates, there are four principal
kinds of tissues, or primary tissues: ep-
ithelial, connective, muscle, and nerve
(figure 49.3), each discussed in separate
sections of this chapter.
49.1 The bodies of vertebrates are organized into functional systems.
Spinal cord
Pericardial cavity
pleural cavtiy
Architecture of the vertebrate body. All vertebrates have a
dorsal central nervous system. In mammals and some reptiles, a
muscular diaphragm divides the coelom into the thoracic cavity
and the peritoneal cavity.
Loose connective
Muscle Tissues
Smooth muscle in
intestinal wall
Cuboidal epithelium
in kidney tubules
Columnar epithelium
lining stomach
Stratified epithelium
in epidermis
Skeletal muscle in
voluntary muscles
Cardiac muscle in
Nerve Tissue Connective
Vertebrate tissue types. Epithelial tissues are indicated by blue arrows, connective tissues
by green arrows, muscle tissues by red arrows, and nerve tissue by a yellow arrow.
Organs and Organ Systems
Organs are body structures composed
of several different tissues that form a
structural and functional unit (figure
49.4). One example is the heart, which
contains cardiac muscle, connective
tissue, and epithelial tissue and is
laced with nerve tissue that helps reg-
ulate the heartbeat. An organ system
is a group of organs that function to-
gether to carry out the major activities
of the body. For example, the diges-
tive system is composed of the diges-
tive tract, liver, gallbladder, and pan-
creas. These organs cooperate in the
digestion of food and the absorption
of digestion products into the body.
The vertebrate body contains 11 prin-
cipal organ systems (table 49.1 and
figure 49.5).
The bodies of humans and other
mammals contain a cavity divided
by the diaphragm into thoracic and
abdominal cavities. The body’s cells
are organized into tissues, which
are, in turn, organized into organs
and organ systems.
Chapter 49 Organization of the Animal Body 985
Table 49.1 The Major Vertebrate Organ Systems
System Functions Components Treatment
Transports cells, respiratory gases, and
chemical compounds throughout the body
Captures soluble nutrients from ingested
Coordinates and integrates the activities of
the body
Covers and protects the body
Vessels transport extracellular fluid and
fat to circulatory system; lymph nodes
and lymphatic organs provide defenses to
microbial infection and cancer
Produces body movement
Receives stimuli, integrates information,
and directs the body
Carries out reproduction
Captures oxygen and exchanges gases
Protects the body and provides support for
locomotion and movement
Removes metabolic wastes from the
Heart, blood vessels, lymph, and lymph
Mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, and
Pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and other ductless
Skin, hair, nails, scales, feathers, and sweat glands
Lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, thymus,
tonsils, spleen
Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth
Nerves, sense organs, brain, and spinal cord
Testes, ovaries, and associated reproductive
Lungs, trachea, gills, and other air passageways
Bones, cartilage, and ligaments
Kidney, bladder, and associated ducts
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57
Chapter 50
Chapters 54, 55
Chapter 59
Chapter 53
Chapter 50
Chapter 58
Heart Cardiac
muscle cell
Organ system Organ Tissue Cell
Levels of organization within the body. Similar cell types operate together and form
tissues. Tissues functioning together form organs. Several organs working together to
carry out a function for the body are called an organ system. The circulatory system is an
example of an organ system.
986 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Skeletal system Circulatory system Endocrine system
Nervous system Respiratory system Lymphatic/Immune system
Vertebrate organ systems. The 11 principal organ systems of the human body are shown, including both male and female reproductive
Chapter 49 Organization of the Animal Body 987
Vas deferens
Digestive system Urinary system Muscular system
Reproductive system
Reproductive system
Integumentary system
FIGURE 49.5 (continued)
Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
An epithelial membrane, or epithelium, covers every sur-
face of the vertebrate body. Epithelial membranes are de-
rived from all three germ layers. The epidermis, derived
from ectoderm, constitutes the outer portion of the skin.
The inner surface of the digestive tract is lined by an ep-
ithelium derived from endoderm, and the inner surfaces of
the body cavities are lined with an epithelium derived from
Because all body surfaces are covered by epithelial mem-
branes, a substance must pass through an epithelium in
order to enter or leave the body. Epithelial membranes
thus provide a barrier that can impede the passage of some
substances while facilitating the passage of others. For
land-dwelling vertebrates, the relative impermeability of
the surface epithelium (the epidermis) to water offers es-
sential protection from dehydration and from airborne
pathogens (disease-causing organisms). On the other hand,
the epithelial lining of the digestive tract must allow selec-
tive entry of the products of digestion while providing a
barrier to toxic substances, and the epithelium of the lungs
must allow for the rapid diffusion of gases.
Some epithelia become modified in the course of em-
bryonic development into glands, which are specialized for
secretion. A characteristic of all epithelia is that the cells
are tightly bound together, with very little space between
them. As a consequence, blood vessels cannot be interposed
between adjacent epithelial cells. Therefore, nutrients and
oxygen must diffuse to the epithelial cells from blood ves-
sels in nearby tissues. This places a limit on the thickness of
epithelial membranes; most are only one or a few cell layers
Epithelium possesses remarkable regenerative powers,
constantly replacing its cells throughout the life of the ani-
mal. For example, the liver, a gland formed from epithelial
tissue, can readily regenerate after substantial portions of it
have been surgically removed. The epidermis is renewed
every two weeks, and the epithelium inside the stomach is
replaced every two to three days.
There are two general classes of epithelial membranes:
simple and stratified. These classes are further subdivided
into squamous, cuboidal, and columnar, based upon the
shape of the cells (table 49.2). Squamous cells are flat,
cuboidal cells are about as thick as they are tall, and colum-
nar cells are taller than they are wide.
Types of Epithelial Tissues
Simple epithelial membranes are one cell layer thick. A
simple, squamous epithelium is composed of squamous ep-
ithelial cells that have an irregular, flattened shape with ta-
pered edges. Such membranes line the lungs and blood
capillaries, for example, where the thin, delicate nature of
these membranes permits the rapid movement of molecules
(such as the diffusion of gases). A simple cuboidal epithelium
lines the small ducts of some glands, and a simple columnar
epithelium is found in the airways of the respiratory tract
and in the gastrointestinal tract, among other locations. In-
terspersed among the columnar epithelial cells are numer-
ous goblet cells, specialized to secrete mucus. The columnar
epithelial cells of the respiratory airways contain cilia on
their apical surface (the surface facing the lumen, or cavity),
which move mucus toward the throat. In the small intes-
tine, the apical surface of the columnar epithelial cells form
fingerlike projections called microvilli, that increase the sur-
face area for the absorption of food.
Stratified epithelial membranes are several cell layers
thick and are named according to the features of their up-
permost layers. For example, the epidermis is a stratified
squamous epithelium. In terrestrial vertebrates it is further
characterized as a keratinized epithelium, because its upper
layer consists of dead squamous cells and filled with a
water-resistant protein called keratin. The deposition of
keratin in the skin can be increased in response to abrasion,
producing calluses. The water-resistant property of keratin
is evident when the skin is compared with the red portion
of the lips, which can easily become dried and chapped be-
cause it is covered by a nonkeratinized, stratified squamous
The glands of vertebrates are derived from invaginated
epithelium. In exocrine glands, the connection between
the gland and the epithelial membrane is maintained as a
duct. The duct channels the product of the gland to the
surface of the epithelial membrane and thus to the external
environment (or to an interior compartment that opens to
the exterior, such as the digestive tract). Examples of ex-
ocrine glands include sweat and sebaceous (oil) glands,
which secrete to the external surface of the skin, and acces-
sory digestive glands such as the salivary glands, liver, and
pancreas, which secrete to the surface of the epithelium lin-
ing the digestive tract.
Endocrine glands are ductless glands; their connections
with the epithelium from which they were derived are lost
during development. Therefore, their secretions, called
hormones, are not channeled onto an epithelial membrane.
Instead, hormones enter blood capillaries and thus stay
within the body. Endocrine glands are discussed in more
detail in chapter 56.
Epithelial tissues include membranes that cover all
body surfaces and glands. The epidermis of the skin is
an epithelial membrane specialized for protection,
whereas membranes that cover the surfaces of hollow
organs are often specialized for transport.
988 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
49.2 Epithelial tissue forms membranes and glands.
Chapter 49 Organization of the Animal Body 989
Table 49.2 Epithelial Tissue
Simple Epithelium
Typical Location
Lining of lungs, capillary walls, and blood vessels
Cells very thin; provides thin layer across which diffusion can
readily occur
Characteristic Cell Types
Epithelial cells
Typical Location
Lining of some glands and kidney tubules; covering of ovaries
Cells rich in specific transport channels; functions in secretion
and absorption
Characteristic Cell Types
Gland cells
Typical Location
Surface lining of stomach, intestines, and parts of respiratory tract
Thicker cell layer; provides protection and functions in
secretion and absorption
Characteristic Cell Types
Epithelial cells
Stratified Epithelium
Typical Location
Outer layer of skin; lining of mouth
Tough layer of cells; provides protection
Characteristic Cell Types
Epithelial cells
Typical Location
Lining parts of the respiratory tract
Secretes mucus; dense with cilia that aid in movement of
mucus; provides protection
Characteristic Cell Types
Gland cells; ciliated epithelial cells
Goblet cell
epithelial cell
Goblet cell
Connective Tissue Proper
Connective tissues are derived from embryonic meso-
derm and occur in many different forms (table 49.3).
These various forms are divided into two major classes:
connective tissue proper, which is further divided into
loose and dense connective tissues; and special connec-
tive tissues that include cartilage, bone, and blood. At
first glance, it may seem odd that such diverse tissues are
placed in the same category. Yet all connective tissues do
share a common structural feature: they all have abun-
dant extracellular material because their cells are spaced
widely apart. This extracellular material is generically
known as the matrix of the tissue. In bone, the extracel-
lular matrix contains crystals that make the bones hard;
in blood, the extracellular matrix is plasma, the fluid por-
tion of the blood.
Loose connective tissue consists of cells scattered
within an amorphous mass of proteins that form a ground
substance. This gelatinous material is strengthened by a
loose scattering of protein fibers such as collagen (figure
49.6), elastin, which makes the tissue elastic, and reticulin,
which supports the tissue by forming a collagenous mesh-
work. The flavored gelatin we eat for dessert consists of the
extracellular material from loose connective tissues. The
cells that secrete collagen and other fibrous proteins are
known as fibroblasts.
Loose connective tissue contains other cells as well, in-
cluding mast cells that produce histamine (a blood vessel
dilator) and heparin (an anticoagulant) and macrophages, the
immune system’s first defense against invading organisms,
as will be described in detail in chapter 57.
Adipose cells are found in loose connective tissue,
usually in large groups that form what is referred to as
adipose tissue (figure 49.7). Each adipose cell contains a
droplet of fat (triglycerides) within a storage vesicle.
When that fat is needed for energy, the adipose cell hy-
drolyzes its stored triglyceride and secretes fatty acids
into the blood for oxidation by the cells of the muscles,
liver, and other organs. The number of adipose cells in
an adult is generally fixed. When a person gains weight,
the cells become larger, and when weight is lost, the cells
Dense connective tissue contains tightly packed colla-
gen fibers, making it stronger than loose connective tis-
sue. It consists of two types: regular and irregular. The
collagen fibers of dense regular connective tissue are
lined up in parallel, like the strands of a rope. This is the
structure of tendons, which bind muscle to bone, and liga-
ments, which bind bone to bone. In contrast, the collagen
fibers of dense irregular connective tissue have many
different orientations. This type of connective tissue pro-
duces the tough coverings that package organs, such as
the capsules of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It also cov-
ers muscle as epimysium, nerves as perineurium, and bones
as periosteum.
Connective tissues are characterized by abundant
extracellular materials in the matrix between cells.
Connective tissue proper may be either loose or dense.
990 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
49.3 Connective tissues contain abundant extracellular material.
Collagen fibers. Each fiber is composed of many individual
collagen strands and can be very strong under tension.
Adipose tissue. Fat is stored in globules of adipose tissue, a type
of loose connective tissue. As a person gains or loses weight, the
size of the fat globules increases or decreases. A person cannot
decrease the number of fat cells by losing weight.
Chapter 49 Organization of the Animal Body 991
Table 49.3 Connective Tissue
Typical Location
Beneath skin; between organs
Provides support, insulation, food storage, and nourishment for epithelium
Characteristic Cell Types
Fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, fat cells
Typical Location
Tendons; sheath around muscles; kidney; liver; dermis of skin
Provides flexible, strong connections
Characteristic Cell Types
Typical Location
Spinal discs; knees and other joints; ear; nose; tracheal rings
Provides flexible support, shock absorption, and reduction of friction on load-
bearing surfaces
Characteristic Cell Types
Typical Location
Most of skeleton
Protects internal organs; provides rigid support for muscle attachment
Characteristic Cell Types
Typical Location
Circulatory system
Functions as highway of immune system and primary means of communication
between organs
Characteristic Cell Types
Erythrocytes, leukocytes
Special Connective
The special connective tissues—carti-
lage, bone, and blood—each have unique
cells and extracellular matrices that allow
them to perform their specialized func-
Cartilage (figure 49.8) is a specialized
connective tissue in which the ground
substance is formed from a characteristic
type of glycoprotein, and the collagen
fibers are laid down along the lines of
stress in long, parallel arrays. The result
is a firm and flexible tissue that does not
stretch, is far tougher than loose or
dense connective tissue, and has great
tensile strength. Cartilage makes up the
entire skeletal system of the modern ag-
nathans and cartilaginous fishes (see
chapter 48), replacing the bony skeletons
that were characteristic of the ancestors
of these vertebrate groups. In most adult
vertebrates, however, cartilage is re-
stricted to the articular (joint) surfaces of
bones that form freely movable joints
and to other specific locations. In hu-
mans, for example, the tip of the nose,
the pinna (outer ear flap), the interverte-
bral discs of the backbone, the larynx
(voice box) and a few other structures are composed of car-
Chondrocytes, the cells of the cartilage, live within
spaces called lacunae within the cartilage ground substance.
These cells remain alive, even though there are no blood
vessels within the cartilage matrix, because they receive
oxygen and nutrients by diffusion through the cartilage
ground substance from surrounding blood vessels. This dif-
fusion can only occur because the cartilage matrix is not
calcified, as is bone.
In the course of fetal development, the bones of vertebrate
fins, arms, and legs, among others, are first “modeled” in
cartilage. The cartilage matrix then calcifies at particular
locations, so that the chondrocytes are no longer able to
obtain oxygen and nutrients by diffusion through the ma-
trix. The dying and degenerating cartilage is then replaced
by living bone. Bone cells, or osteocytes, can remain alive
even though the extracellular matrix becomes hardened
with crystals of calcium phosphate. This is because blood
vessels travel through central canals into the bone. Osteo-
cytes extend cytoplasmic processes toward neighboring os-
teocytes through tiny canals, or canaliculi (figure 49.9). Os-
teocytes communicate with the blood vessels in the central
canal through this cytoplasmic network.
It should be noted here that some bones, such as those
of the cranium, are not formed first as cartilage models.
These bones instead develop within a membrane of dense,
irregular connective tissue. The structure and formation of
bone are discussed in chapter 50.
Blood is classified as a connective tissue because it contains
abundant extracellular material, the fluid plasma. The cells
of blood are erythrocytes, or red blood cells, and leuko-
cytes, or white blood cells (figure 49.10). Blood also con-
tains platelets, or thrombocytes, which are fragments of a
type of bone marrow cell.
Erythrocytes are the most common blood cells; there are
about 5 billion in every milliliter of blood. During their mat-
uration in mammals, they lose their nucleus, mitochondria,
and endoplasmic reticulum. As a result, mammalian erythro-
cytes are relatively inactive metabolically. Each erythrocyte
992 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Cartilage is a strong, flexible tissue that makes up the larynx (voice box) and
several other structures in the human body. The larynx (a) is seen under the light
microscope in (b), where the cartilage cells, or chondrocytes, are visible within cavities, or
lacunae, in the matrix (extracellular material) of the cartilage. This is diagrammed in (c).
contains about 300 million molecules
of the iron-containing protein hemoglobin,
the principal carrier of oxygen in verte-
brates and in many other groups of
There are several types of leukocytes,
but together they are only one-thou-
sandth as numerous as erythrocytes.
Unlike mammalian erythrocytes, leuko-
cytes have nuclei and mitochondria but
lack the red pigment hemoglobin.
These cells are therefore hard to see
under a microscope without special
staining. The names neutrophils,
eosinophils, and basophils distinguish
three types of leukocytes on the basis of
their staining properties; other leuko-
cytes include lymphocytes and monocytes.
These different types of leukocytes play
critical roles in immunity, as will be de-
scribed in chapter 57.
The blood plasma is the “commons”
of the body; it (or a derivative of it)
travels to and from every cell in the
body. As the plasma circulates, it car-
ries nourishment, waste products, heat,
and regulatory molecules. Practically
every substance used by cells, including
sugars, lipids, and amino acids, is deliv-
ered by the plasma to the body cells.
Waste products from the cells are car-
ried by the plasma to the kidneys, liver,
and lungs or gills for disposal, and reg-
ulatory molecules (hormones) that en-
docrine gland cells secrete are carried
by the plasma to regulate the activities
of most organs of the body. The plasma
also contains sodium, calcium, and
other inorganic ions that all cells need,
as well as numerous proteins. Plasma
proteins include fibrinogen, produced by
the liver, which helps blood to clot; al-
bumin, also produced by the liver,
which exerts an osmotic force needed
for fluid balance; and antibodies pro-
duced by lymphocytes and needed for
Special connective tissues each have
a unique extracellular matrix
between cells. The matrix of
cartilage is composed of organic
material, whereas that of bone is
impregnated with calcium phosphate
crystals. The matrix of blood is fluid,
the plasma.
Chapter 49 Organization of the Animal Body 993
The structure of bone. A photomicrograph (a) and diagram (b) of the structure of bone,
showing the bone cells, or osteocytes, within their lacunae (cavities) in the bone matrix.
Though the bone matrix is calcified, the osteocytes remain alive because they can be
nourished by blood vessels in the central cavity. Nourishment is carried between the
osteocytes through a network of cytoplasmic processes extending through tiny canals, or
FIGURE 49.10
White and red
blood cells
(500×). White
blood cells, or
leukocytes, are
roughly spherical
and have irregular
surfaces with
extending pili.
Red blood cells,
or erythrocytes,
are flattened
spheres, typically
with a depressed
center, forming
biconcave discs.
Blood vessels
Central canal
within a lacuna
Muscle Tissue
Muscle cells are the motors of the vertebrate body. The
characteristic that makes them unique is the relative abun-
dance and organization of actin and myosin filaments
within them. Although these filaments form a fine network
in all eukaryotic cells, where they contribute to cellular
movements, they are far more common in muscle cells,
which are specialized for contraction. Vertebrates possess
three kinds of muscle: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac (table
49.4). Skeletal and cardiac muscles are also known as stri-
ated muscles because their cells have transverse stripes
when viewed in longitudinal section under the microscope.
The contraction of each skeletal muscle is under voluntary
control, whereas the contraction of cardiac and smooth
muscles is generally involuntary. Muscles are described in
more detail in chapter 50.
Smooth Muscle
Smooth muscle was the earliest form of muscle to evolve,
and it is found throughout the animal kingdom. In verte-
brates, smooth muscle is found in the organs of the internal
environment, or viscera, and is sometimes known as visceral
muscle. Smooth muscle tissue is organized into sheets of
long, spindle-shaped cells, each cell containing a single nu-
cleus. In some tissues, the cells contract only when they are
stimulated by a nerve, and then all of the cells in the sheet
contract as a unit. In vertebrates, muscles of this type line
the walls of many blood vessels and make up the iris of the
eye. In other smooth muscle tissues, such as those in the
wall of the gut, the muscle cells themselves may sponta-
neously initiate electric impulses and contract, leading to a
slow, steady contraction of the tissue. Nerves regulate,
rather than cause, this activity.
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscles are usually attached by tendons to bones,
so that, when the muscles contract, they cause the bones to
move at their joints. A skeletal muscle is made up of numer-
ous, very long muscle cells, called muscle fibers, which lie
parallel to each other within the muscle and insert into the
tendons on the ends of the muscle. Each skeletal muscle
fiber is stimulated to contract by a nerve fiber; therefore, a
stronger muscle contraction will result when more of the
muscle fibers are stimulated by nerve fibers to contract. In
this way, the nervous system can vary the strength of skele-
tal muscle contraction. Each muscle fiber contracts by
means of substructures called myofibrils (figure 49.11) that
contain highly ordered arrays of actin and myosin myofil-
aments, that, when aligned, give the muscle fiber its striated
appearance. Skeletal muscle fibers are produced during de-
velopment by the fusion of several cells, end to end. This
994 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
49.4 Muscle tissue provides for movement, and nerve tissue provides for
Myofilaments of
actin and myosin
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
FIGURE 49.11
A muscle fiber, or muscle cell. Each muscle fiber is composed of numerous myofibrils, which, in turn, are composed of actin and myosin
filaments. Each muscle fiber is multinucleate as a result of its embryological development from the fusion of smaller cells. Muscle cells
have a modified endoplasmic reticulum called the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
embryological development explains why a mature muscle
fiber contains many nuclei. The structure and function of
skeletal muscle is explained in more detail in chapter 50.
Cardiac Muscle
The hearts of vertebrates are composed of striated muscle
cells arranged very differently from the fibers of skeletal
muscle. Instead of having very long, multinucleate cells
running the length of the muscle, cardiac muscle is com-
posed of smaller, interconnected cells, each with a single
nucleus. The interconnections between adjacent cells ap-
pear under the microscope as dark lines called intercalated
discs. In reality, these lines are regions where adjacent cells
are linked by gap junctions. As we noted in chapter 7, gap
junctions have openings that permit the movement of small
substances and electric charges from one cell to another.
These interconnections enable the cardiac muscle cells to
form a single, functioning unit known as a myocardium.
Certain cardiac muscle cells generate electric impulses
spontaneously, and these impulses spread across the gap
junctions from cell to cell, causing all of the cells in the
myocardium to contract. We will describe this process more
fully in chapter 52.
Skeletal muscles enable the vertebrate body to move.
Cardiac muscle powers the heartbeat, while smooth
muscles provide a variety of visceral functions.
Chapter 49 Organization of the Animal Body 995
Table 49.4 Muscle Tissue
Typical Location
Walls of blood vessels, stomach, and intestines
Powers rhythmic, involuntary contractions commanded by the
central nervous system
Characteristic Cell Types
Smooth muscle cells
Typical Location
Voluntary muscles
Powers walking, lifting, talking, and all other voluntary
Characteristic Cell Types
Skeletal muscle cells
Typical Location
Walls of heart
Highly interconnected cells; promotes rapid spread of signal
initiating contraction
Characteristic Cell Types
Cardiac muscle cells
Nerve Tissue
The fourth major class of vertebrate tissue is nerve tissue
(table 49.5). Its cells include neurons and neuroglia, or sup-
porting cells. Neurons are specialized to produce and con-
duct electrochemical events, or “impulses.” Each neuron
consists of three parts: cell body, dendrites, and axon (fig-
ure 49.12). The cell body of a neuron contains the nucleus.
Dendrites are thin, highly branched extensions that receive
incoming stimulation and conduct electric events to the cell
body. As a result of this stimulation and the electric events
produced in the cell body, outgoing impulses may be pro-
duced at the origin of the axon. The axon is a single exten-
sion of cytoplasm that conducts impulses away from the
cell body. Some axons can be quite long. The cell bodies of
neurons that control the muscles in your feet, for example,
lie in the spinal cord, and their axons may extend over a
meter to your feet.
Neuroglia do not conduct electrical impulses but instead
support and insulate neurons and eliminate foreign materi-
als in and around neurons. In many neurons, neuroglia cells
associate with the axons and form an insulating covering, a
myelin sheath, produced by successive wrapping of the
membrane around the axon (figure 49.13). Adjacent neu-
roglia cells are separated by interruptions known as nodes of
Ranvier, which serve as sites for accelerating an impulse
(see chapter 54).
The nervous system is divided into the central nervous
system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord,
and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes
nerves and ganglia. Nerves consist of axons in the PNS that
are bundled together in much the same way as wires are
bundled together in a cable. Ganglia are collections of neu-
ron cell bodies.
There are different types of neurons, but all are
specialized to receive, produce, and conduct electrical
signals. Neuroglia do not conduct electrical impulses
but have various functions, including insulating axons
to accelerate an electrical impulse. Both neurons and
neuroglia are present in the CNS and the PNS.
996 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Cell body
FIGURE 49.12
A neuron has a very long projection called an axon. (a) A
nerve impulse is received by the dendrites and then passed to the
cell body and out through the axon. (b) Axons can be very long;
single axons extend from the skull down several meters through a
giraffe’s neck to its pelvis.
Chapter 49 Organization of the Animal Body 997
Table 49.5 Nerve Tissue
Cell body
Dendrite Axon
Cell body
Cell body
Typical Location
Eyes; ears; surface of skin
Receive information about body’s condition and external environment; send impulses
from sensory receptors to CNS
Characteristic Cell Types
Rods and cones; muscle stretch receptors
Typical Location
Brain and spinal cord
Stimulate muscles and glands; conduct impulses out of CNS toward muscles and glands
Characteristic Cell Types
Motor neurons
Typical Location
Brain and spinal cord
Integrate information; conduct impulses between neurons within CNS
Characteristic Cell Types
Association neurons
Node of Ranvier
FIGURE 49.13
A myelinated neuron. Many dendrites
arise from the cell body, as does a
single long axon. In some neurons
specialized for rapid signal conduction,
the axon is encased in a myelin sheath
that is interrupted at intervals. At its far
end, the axon may branch to terminate
on more than one cell.
998 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Chapter 49
Summary Questions Media Resources
49.1 The bodies of vertebrates are organized into functional systems.
? The vertebrate body is organized into cells, tissues,
organs, and organ systems, which are specialized for
different functions.
? The four primary tissues of the vertebrate adult
body—epithelial, connective, muscle, and nerve—are
derived from three embryonic germ layers.
1. What is a tissue? What is an
organ? What is an organ system?
? Epithelial membranes cover all body surfaces.
? Stratified membranes, particularly the keratinized ep-
ithelium of the epidermis, provides protection,
whereas simple membranes are more adapted for se-
cretion and transport.
? Exocrine glands secrete into ducts that conduct the
secretion to the surface of an epithelial membrane;
endocrine glands secrete hormones into the blood.
2. What are the different types of
epithelial membranes, and how
do they differ in structure and
3. What are the two types of
glands, and how do they differ in
structure and function?
49.2 Epithelial tissue forms membranes and glands.
? Connective tissues are characterized by abundant ex-
tracellular matrix, which is composed of fibrous pro-
teins and a gel-like ground substance in connective
tissue proper.
? Loose connective tissues contain many cell types such
as adipose cells and mast cells; dense regular connec-
tive tissues form tendons and ligaments.
? Special connective tissues include cartilage, bone, and
blood. Nutrients can diffuse through the cartilage
matrix but not through the calcified matrix of bone,
which contains canaliculi for that purpose.
4. What feature do all connective
tissues share? What are the dif-
ferent categories of connective
tissue? Give an example of each.
5. What is the structure of a liga-
ment? How do cartilage and
bone differ? Why is blood con-
sidered to be a connective tissue?
49.3 Connective tissues contain abundant extracellular material.
? Smooth muscles are composed of spindle-shaped cells
and are found in the organs of the internal environ-
ment and in the walls of blood vessels.
? Skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated; skeletal
muscles, however, are under voluntary control
whereas cardiac muscle is involuntary.
? Neurons consist of a cell body with one or more den-
drites and one axon. Neuron cell bodies form ganglia,
and their axons form nerves in the peripheral nervous
? Neuroglia are supporting cells with various functions
including insulating axons to accelerate an electrical
6. From what embryonic tissue is
muscle derived? What two con-
tractile proteins are abundant in
muscle? What are the three cate-
gories of muscle tissue? Which
two are striated?
7. Why are skeletal muscle fibers
multinucleated? What is the
functional significance of interca-
lated discs in heart muscle?
49.4 Muscle tissue provides for movement, and nerve tissue provides for control.
? Art Activity:
Mammalian body
? Epithelial tissue
? Epithelial glands
? Connective tissue
? Tissues
? Nerve tissue
? Nervous tissue
? Muscle tissue
Concept Outline
50.1 A skeletal system supports movement in animals.
Types of Skeletons. There are three types of skeletal
systems found in animals: hydrostatic skeletons,
exoskeletons, and endoskeletons. Hydrostatic skeletons
function by the movement of fluid in a body cavity.
Exoskeletons are made of tough exterior coverings on
which muscles attach to move the body. Endoskeletons are
rigid internal bones or cartilage which move the body by
the contraction of muscles attached to the skeleton.
The Structure of Bone. The human skeleton, an
example of an endoskeleton, is made of bone that contains
cells called osteocytes within a calcified matrix.
50.2 Skeletal muscles contract to produce movements
at joints.
Types of Joints. The joints where bones meet may be
immovable, slightly movable, or freely movable.
Actions of Skeletal Muscles. Synergistic and
antagonistic muscles act on the skeleton to move the body.
50.3 Muscle contraction powers animal locomotion.
The Sliding Filament Mechanism of Contraction.
Thick and thin myofilaments slide past one another to
cause muscle shortening.
The Control of Muscle Contraction. During
contraction Ca
moves aside a regulatory protein which
had been preventing cross-bridges from attaching to the
thin filaments. Nerves stimulate the release of Ca
from its
storage depot so that contraction can occur.
Types of Muscle Fibers. Muscle fibers can be
categorized as slow-twitch (slow to fatigue) or fast-twitch
(fatigue quickly but can provide a fast source of power).
Comparing Cardiac and Smooth Muscles. Cardiac
muscle cells are interconnected to form a single functioning
unit. Smooth muscles lack the myofilament organization
found in striated muscle but they still contract via the
sliding filament mechanism.
Modes of Animal Locomotion. Animals rarely move in
straight lines. Their movements are adjusted both by
mechanical feedback and by neural control. Muscles
generate power for movement, and also act as springs,
brakes, struts, and shock absorbers.
lants and fungi move only by growing, or as the passive
passengers of wind and water. Of the three multicellu-
lar kingdoms, only animals explore their environment in an
active way, through locomotion. In this chapter we exam-
ine how vertebrates use muscles connected to bones to
achieve movement. The rattlesnake in figure 50.1 slithers
across the sand by a rhythmic contraction of the muscles
sheathing its body. Humans walk by contracting muscles in
their legs. Although our focus in this chapter will be on
vertebrates, it is important to realize that essentially all ani-
mals employ muscles. When a mosquito flies, its wings are
moved rapidly through the air by quickly contracting flight
muscles. When an earthworm burrows through the soil, its
movement is driven by strong muscles pushing its body
past the surrounding dirt.
On the move. The movements made by this sidewinder
rattlesnake are the result of strong muscle contractions acting on
the bones of the skeleton. Without muscles and some type of
skeletal system, complex locomotion as shown here would not be
There are three types of animal skeletons: hydrostatic
skeleton, exoskeleton, and endoskeleton. The
endoskeletons found in vertebrates are composed of
bone or cartilage and are organized into axial and
appendicular portions.
1000 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Types of Skeletons
Animal locomotion is accomplished through the force of
muscles acting on a rigid skeletal system. There are three
types of skeletal systems in the animal kingdom: hydraulic
skeletons, exoskeletons, and endoskeletons.
Hydrostatic skeletons are primarily found in soft-
bodied invertebrates such as earthworms and jellyfish. In
this case, a fluid-filled cavity is encircled by muscle fibers.
As the muscles contract, the fluid in the cavity moves and
changes the shape of the cavity. In an earthworm, for ex-
ample, a wave of contractions of circular muscles begins
anteriorly and compresses each segment of the body, so
that the fluid pressure pushes it forward. Contractions of
longitudinal muscles then pull the rear of the body for-
ward (figure 50.2).
Exoskeletons surround the body as a rigid hard case
in most animals. Arthropods, such as crustaceans and in-
sects, have exoskeletons made of the polysaccharide chitin
(figure 50.3a). An exoskeleton offers great protection to
internal organs and resists bending. However, in order to
grow, the animal must periodically molt. During molt-
ing, the animal is particularly vulnerable to predation be-
cause its old exoskeleton has been shed. Having an exo-
skeleton also limits the size of the animal. An animal
with an exoskeleton cannot get too large because its ex-
oskeleton would have to become thicker and heavier, in
order to prevent collapse, as the animal grew larger. If an
insect were the size of a human being, its exoskeleton
would have to be so thick and heavy it would be unable
to move.
Endoskeletons, found in vertebrates and echino-
derms, are rigid internal skeletons to which muscles are
attached. Vertebrates have a flexible exterior that accom-
modates the movements of their skeleton. The en-
doskeleton of vertebrates is composed of cartilage or
bone. Unlike chitin, bone is a cellular, living tissue capa-
ble of growth, self-repair, and remodeling in response to
physical stresses.
The Vertebrate Skeleton
A vertebrate endoskeleton (figure 50.3b) is divided into an
axial and an appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton’s
bones form the axis of the body and support and protect
the organs of the head, neck, and chest. The appendicular
skeleton’s bones include the bones of the limbs, and the
pectoral and pelvic girdles that attach them to the axial
The bones of the skeletal system support and protect the
body, and serve as levers for the forces produced by con-
traction of skeletal muscles. Blood cells form within the
bone marrow, and the calcified matrix of bones acts as a
reservoir for calcium and phosphate ions.
50.1 A skeletal system supports movement in animals.
Locomotion in earthworms. The hydrostatic skeleton of the
earthworm uses muscles to move fluid within the segmented body
cavity changing the shape of the animal. When an earthworm’s
circular muscles contract, the internal fluid presses on the
longitudinal muscles, which then stretch to elongate segments of
the earthworms. A wave of contractions down the body of the
earthworm produces forward movement.
Chitinous outercovering
Vertebral column
Skull Scapula
(a) Exoskeleton
(b) Endoskeleton
Exoskeleton and endoskeleton. (a) The hard, tough outcovering
of an arthropod, such as this crab, is its exoskeleton. (b)
Vertebrates, such as this cat, have endoskeletons. The axial
skeleton is shown in the peach shade, the appendicular skeleton in
the yellow shade. Some of the major bones are labeled.
The Structure of Bone
Bone, the building material of the ver-
tebrate skeleton, is a special form of
connective tissue (see chapter 49). In
bone, an organic extracellular matrix
containing collagen fibers is impreg-
nated with small, needle-shaped crys-
tals of calcium phosphate in the form
of hydroxyapatite crystals. Hydroxyap-
atite is brittle but rigid, giving bone
great strength. Collagen, on the other
hand, is flexible but weak. As a result,
bone is both strong and flexible. The
collagen acts to spread the stress over
many crystals, making bone more re-
sistant to fracture than hydroxyapatite
is by itself.
Bone is a dynamic, living tissue
that is constantly reconstructed
throughout the life of an individual.
New bone is formed by osteoblasts,
which secrete the collagen-containing
organic matrix in which calcium phos-
phate is later deposited. After the cal-
cium phosphate is deposited, the cells,
now known as osteocytes, are encased
within spaces called lacunae in the cal-
cified matrix. Yet another type of
bone cells, called osteoclasts, act to
dissolve bone and thereby aid in the
remodeling of bone in response to
physical stress.
Bone is constructed in thin, concen-
tric layers, or lamellae, which are laid
down around narrow channels called
Haversian canals that run parallel to the
length of the bone. Haversian canals
contain nerve fibers and blood vessels,
which keep the osteocytes alive even
though they are entombed in a calcified matrix. The con-
centric lamellae of bone, with their entrapped osteocytes,
that surround a Haversian canal form the basic unit of bone
structure, called a Haversian system.
Bone formation occurs in two ways. In flat bones, such
as those of the skull, osteoblasts located in a web of dense
connective tissue produce bone within that tissue. In long
bones, the bone is first “modeled” in cartilage. Calcifica-
tion then occurs, and bone is formed as the cartilage de-
generates. At the end of this process, cartilage remains
only at the articular (joint) surfaces of the bones and at
the growth plates located in the necks of the long bones.
A child grows taller as the cartilage thickens in the
growth plates and then is partly replaced with bone. A
person stops growing (usually by the late teenage years)
when the entire cartilage growth plate becomes replaced
by bone. At this point, only the articular cartilage at the
ends of the bone remains.
The ends and interiors of long bones are composed of
an open lattice of bone called spongy bone. The spaces
within contain marrow, where most blood cells are formed
(figure 50.4). Surrounding the spongy bone tissue are con-
centric layers of compact bone, where the bone is much
denser. Compact bone tissue gives bone the strength to
withstand mechanical stress.
Bone consists of cells and an extracellular matrix that
contains collagen fibers, which provide flexibility, and
calcium phosphate, which provides strength. Bone
contains blood vessels and nerves and is capable of
growth and remodeling.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1001
Red marrow
in spongy bone
Capillary in
Haversian canal
Haversian system
found here
Spongy bone
The organization of bone, shown at three levels of detail. Some parts of bone are
dense and compact, giving the bone strength. Other parts are spongy, with a more open
lattice; it is there that most blood cells are formed.
Types of Joints
The skeletal movements of the body are produced by con-
traction and shortening of muscles. Skeletal muscles are
generally attached by tendons to bones, so when the mus-
cles shorten, the attached bones move. These movements
of the skeleton occur at joints, or articulations, where one
bone meets another. There are three main classes of joints:
1. Immovable joints include the sutures that join the
bones of the skull (figure 50.5a). In a fetus, the skull
bones are not fully formed, and there are open areas
of dense connective tissue (“soft spots,” or fontanels)
between the bones. These areas allow the bones to
shift slightly as the fetus moves through the birth
canal during childbirth. Later, bone replaces most of
this connective tissue.
2. Slightly movable joints include those in which the
bones are bridged by cartilage. The vertebral bones
of the spine are separated by pads of cartilage called
intervertebral discs (figure 50.5b). These cartilaginous
joints allow some movement while acting as efficient
shock absorbers.
3. Freely movable joints include many types of joints
and are also called synovial joints, because the articu-
lating ends of the bones are located within a synovial
capsule filled with a lubricating fluid. The ends of the
bones are capped with cartilage, and the synovial cap-
sule is strengthened by ligaments that hold the articu-
lating bones in place.
Synovial joints allow the bones to move in direc-
tions dictated by the structure of the joint. For exam-
ple, a joint in the finger allows only a hingelike move-
ment, while the joint between the thigh bone (femur)
and pelvis has a ball-and-socket structure that permits
a variety of different movements (figure 50.5c).
Joints confer flexibility to a rigid skeleton, allowing a
range of motions determined by the type of joint.
1002 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
50.2 Skeletal muscles contract to produce movements at joints.
(a) Immovable joint
(b) Slightly movable joints
Body of
Pelvic girdle
Head of
(c) Freely movable joints
Three types of joints. (a) Immovable joints include the sutures of the skull; (b) slightly movable joints include the cartilaginous joints
between the vertebrae; and (c) freely movable joints are the synovial joints, such as a finger joint and or a hip joint.
Actions of Skeletal Muscles
Skeletal muscles produce movement of the skeleton when
they contract. Usually, the two ends of a skeletal muscle
are attached to different bones (although in some cases,
one or both ends may be connected to some other kind of
structure, such as skin). The attachments to bone are
made by means of dense connective tissue straps called
tendons. Tendons have elastic properties that allow “give-
and-take” during muscle contraction. One attachment of
the muscle, the origin, remains relatively stationary dur-
ing a contraction. The other end of the muscle, the in-
sertion, is attached to the bone that moves when the
muscle contracts. For example, contraction of the biceps
muscle in the upper arm causes the forearm (the insertion
of the muscle) to move toward the shoulder (the origin of
the muscle).
Muscles that cause the same action at a joint are syner-
gists. For example, the various muscles of the quadriceps
group in humans are synergists: they all act to extend the
knee joint. Muscles that produce opposing actions are an-
tagonists. For example, muscles that flex a joint are antag-
onist to muscles that extend that joint (figure 50.6a). In hu-
mans, when the hamstring muscles contract, they cause
flexion of the knee joint (figure 50.6b). Therefore, the
quadriceps and hamstrings are antagonists to each other. In
general, the muscles that antagonize a given movement are
relaxed when that movement is performed. Thus, when the
hamstrings flex the knee joint, the quadriceps muscles
Isotonic and Isometric Contractions
In order for muscle fibers to shorten when they contract,
they must generate a force that is greater than the opposing
forces that act to prevent movement of the muscle’s inser-
tion. When you lift a weight by contracting muscles in your
biceps, for example, the force produced by the muscle is
greater than the force of gravity on the object you are lift-
ing. In this case, the muscle and all of its fibers shorten in
length. This type of contraction is referred to as isotonic
contraction, because the force of contraction remains rela-
tively constant throughout the shortening process (iso =
same; tonic = strength).
Preceding an isotonic contraction, the muscle begins
to contract but the tension is absorbed by the tendons
and other elastic tissue associated with the muscle. The
muscle does not change in length and so this is called
isometric (literally, “same length”) contraction. Isomet-
ric contractions occur as a phase of normal muscle con-
traction but also exist to provide tautness and stability to
the body.
Synergistic muscles have the same action, whereas
antagonistic muscles have opposite actions. Both muscle
groups are involved in locomotion. Isotonic contractions
involve the shortening of muscle, while isometric
contractions do not alter the length of the muscle.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1003
Flexor and extensor muscles of the leg. (a) Antagonistic
muscles control the movement of an animal with an exoskeleton,
such as the jumping of a grasshopper. When the smaller flexor
tibia muscle contracts it pulls the lower leg in toward the upper
leg. Contraction of the extensor tibia muscles straightens out the
leg and sends the insect into the air. (b) Similarly, antagonistic
muscles can act on an endoskeleton. In humans, the hamstrings, a
group of three muscles, produce flexion of the knee joint, whereas
the quadriceps, a group of four muscles, produce extension.
The Sliding Filament Mechanism of
Each skeletal muscle contains numerous muscle fibers, as
described in chapter 49. Each muscle fiber encloses a bun-
dle of 4 to 20 elongated structures called myofibrils. Each
myofibril, in turn, is composed of thick and thin myofila-
ments (figure 50.7). The muscle fiber is striated (has cross-
striping) because its myofibrils are striated, with dark and
light bands. The banding pattern results from the organiza-
tion of the myofilaments within the myofibril. The thick
myofilaments are stacked together to produce the dark
bands, called A bands; the thin filaments alone are found in
the light bands, or I bands.
Each I band in a myofibril is divided in half by a disc of
protein, called a Z line because of its appearance in electron
micrographs. The thin filaments are anchored to these
discs of proteins that form the Z lines. If you look at an
electron micrograph of a myofibril (figure 50.8), you will
see that the structure of the myofibril repeats from Z line
to Z line. This repeating structure, called a sarcomere, is
the smallest subunit of muscle contraction.
The thin filaments stick partway into the stack of thick
filaments on each side of an A band, but, in a resting
1004 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
50.3 Muscle contraction powers animal locomotion.
Skeletal muscle
Muscle fascicle
(with many
muscle fibers)
Muscle fiber
The organization of skeletal muscle. Each muscle is composed of many fascicles, which are bundles of muscle cells, or fibers. Each fiber
is composed of many myofibrils, which are each, in turn, composed of myofilaments.
muscle, do not project all the way to
the center of the A band. As a result,
the center of an A band (called an H
band) is lighter than each side, with
its interdigitating thick and thin fila-
ments. This appearance of the sar-
comeres changes when the muscle
A muscle contracts and shortens be-
cause its myofibrils contract and
shorten. When this occurs, the myofil-
aments do not shorten; instead, the
thin filaments slide deeper into the A
bands (figure 50.9). This makes the H
bands narrower until, at maximal
shortening, they disappear entirely. It
also makes the I bands narrower, be-
cause the dark A bands are brought
closer together. This is the sliding fil-
ament mechanism of contraction.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1005
An electron micrograph of a skeletal muscle fiber. The Z lines that serve as the borders
of the sarcomeres are clearly seen within each myofibril. The thick filaments comprise the A
bands; the thin filaments are within the I bands and stick partway into the A bands,
overlapping with the thick filaments. There is no overlap of thick and thin filaments at the
central region of an A band, which is therefore lighter in appearance. This is the H band.
I band
I band
Thin filaments (actin) Thick filaments (myosin)
Electron micrograph (a) and diagram (b) of the sliding filament mechanism of contraction. As the thin filaments slide deeper into
the centers of the sarcomeres, the Z lines are brought closer together. (1) Relaxed muscle; (2) partially contracted muscle.
Electron micrographs reveal cross-
bridges that extend from the thick to
the thin filaments, suggesting a mecha-
nism that might cause the filaments to
slide. To understand how this is accom-
plished, we have to examine the thick
and thin filaments at a molecular level.
Biochemical studies show that each
thick filament is composed of many
myosin proteins packed together, and
every myosin molecule has a “head” re-
gion that protrudes from the thick fila-
ments (figure 50.10). These myosin
heads form the cross-bridges seen in
electron micrographs. Biochemical
studies also show that each thin filament
consists primarily of many globular
actin proteins twisted into a double helix (figure 50.11).
Therefore, if we were able to see a sarcomere at a molecu-
lar level, it would have the structure depicted in figure
Before the myosin heads bind to the actin of the thin
filaments, they act as ATPase enzymes, splitting ATP into
ADP and P
. This activates the heads, “cocking” them so
that they can bind to actin and form cross-bridges. Once a
myosin head binds to actin, it undergoes a conformational
(shape) change, pulling the thin filament toward the cen-
ter of the sarcomere (figure 50.12b) in a power stroke. At
the end of the power stroke, the myosin head binds to a
new molecule of ATP. This allows the head to detach
from actin and continue the cross-bridge cycle (figure
50.13), which repeats as long as the muscle is stimulated
to contract.
In death, the cell can no longer produce ATP and
therefore the cross-bridges cannot be broken—this
causes the muscle stiffness of death, or rigor mortis. A liv-
ing cell, however, always has enough ATP to allow the
1006 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Myosin head
Myosin molecule
(b) Thick filament
Myosin head
FIGURE 50.10
Thick filaments are composed of myosin. (a) Each myosin molecule consists of two polypeptide chains wrapped around each other; at
the end of each chain is a globular region referred to as the “head.” (b) Thick filaments consist of myosin molecules combined into bundles
from which the heads protrude at regular intervals.
Actin molecules
Thin filament
FIGURE 50.11
Thin filaments are composed of globular actin proteins. Two rows of actin proteins
are twisted together in a helix to produce the thin filaments.
myosin heads to detach from actin. How, then, is the
cross-bridge cycle arrested so that the muscle can relax?
The regulation of muscle contraction and relaxation re-
quires additional factors that we will discuss in the next
Thick and thin filaments are arranged to form
sarcomeres within the myofibrils. Myosin proteins
comprise the thick filaments, and the heads of the
myosin form cross-bridges with the actin proteins of
the thin filaments. ATP provides the energy for the
cross-bridge cycle and muscle contraction.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1007
Z line
Thin filaments (actin)
Thick filament (myosin)
FIGURE 50.12
The interaction of thick and thin filaments in striated muscle sarcomeres. The heads on the two ends of the thick filaments are
oriented in opposite directions (a), so that the cross-bridges pull the thin filaments and the Z lines on each side of the sarcomere toward
the center. (b) This sliding of the filaments produces muscle contraction.
Thin filament
Thick filament
FIGURE 50.13
The cross-bridge cycle in muscle
contraction. (a) With ADP and P
attached to the myosin head, (b) the
head is in a conformation that can
bind to actin and form a cross-
bridge. (c) Binding causes the myosin
head to assume a more bent
conformation, moving the thin
filament along the thick filament (to
the left in this diagram) and releasing
ADP and P
. (d) Binding of ATP to
the head detaches the cross-bridge;
cleavage of ATP into ADP and P
puts the head into its original
conformation, allowing the cycle to
begin again.
The Control of Muscle Contraction
The Role of Ca
in Contraction
When a muscle is relaxed, its myosin heads are “cocked”
and ready, through the splitting of ATP, but are unable to
bind to actin. This is because the attachment sites for the
myosin heads on the actin are physically blocked by an-
other protein, known as tropomyosin, in the thin fila-
ments. Cross-bridges therefore cannot form in the relaxed
muscle, and the filaments cannot slide.
In order to contract a muscle, the tropomyosin must be
moved out of the way so that the myosin heads can bind to
actin. This requires the function of troponin, a regulatory
protein that binds to the tropomyosin. The troponin and
tropomyosin form a complex that is regulated by the cal-
cium ion (Ca
) concentration of the muscle cell cytoplasm.
When the Ca
concentration of the muscle cell cyto-
plasm is low, tropomyosin inhibits cross-bridge formation
and the muscle is relaxed (figure 50.14). When the Ca
concentration is raised, Ca
binds to troponin. This causes
the troponin-tropomyosin complex to be shifted away from
the attachment sites for the myosin heads on the actin.
Cross-bridges can thus form, undergo power strokes, and
produce muscle contraction.
Where does the Ca
come from? Muscle fibers store
in a modified endoplasmic reticulum called a sar-
coplasmic reticulum, or SR (figure 50.15). When a muscle
fiber is stimulated to contract, an electrical impulse travels
into the muscle fiber down invaginations called the trans-
verse tubules (T tubules). This triggers the release of
from the SR. Ca
then diffuses into the myofibrils,
where it binds to troponin and causes contraction. The
contraction of muscles is regulated by nerve activity, and so
nerves must influence the distribution of Ca
in the muscle
1008 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Binding sites for
cross-bridges blocked
Binding sites for
cross-bridges exposed
FIGURE 50.14
How calcium controls striated muscle contraction. (a) When
the muscle is at rest, a long filament of the protein tropomyosin
blocks the myosin-binding sites on the actin molecule. Because
myosin is unable to form cross-bridges with actin at these sites,
muscle contraction cannot occur. (b) When Ca
binds to another
protein, troponin, the Ca
-troponin complex displaces
tropomyosin and exposes the myosin-binding sites on actin,
permitting cross-bridges to form and contraction to occur.
Nucleus Mitochondrion
Z line
Transverse tubule (T tubules)
FIGURE 50.15
The relationship between the
myofibrils, transverse tubules,
and sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Impulses travel down the axon of a
motor neuron that synapses with a
muscle fiber. The impulses are
conducted along
the transverse tubules and stimulate
the release of Ca
from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum into the
cytoplasm. Ca
diffuses toward the
myofibrils and causes contraction.
Nerves Stimulate Contraction
Muscles are stimulated to contract by motor neurons. The
particular motor neurons that stimulate skeletal muscles, as
opposed to cardiac and smooth muscles, are called somatic
motor neurons. The axon (see figure 49.12) of a somatic
motor neuron extends from the neuron cell body and
branches to make functional connections, or synapses, with a
number of muscle fibers. (Synapses are discussed in more
detail in chapter 54.) One axon can stimulate many muscle
fibers, and in some animals a muscle fiber may be inner-
vated by more than one motor neuron. However, in hu-
mans each muscle fiber only has a single synapse with a
branch of one axon.
When a somatic motor neuron produces electrochemi-
cal impulses, it stimulates contraction of the muscle fibers
it innervates (makes synapses with) through the following
1. The motor neuron, at its synapse with the muscle
fibers, releases a chemical known as a neurotransmit-
ter. The specific neurotransmitter released by so-
matic motor neurons is acetylcholine (ACh). ACh
acts on the muscle fiber membrane to stimulate the
muscle fiber to produce its own electrochemical
2. The impulses spread along the membrane of the
muscle fiber and are carried into the muscle fibers
through the T tubules.
3. The T tubules conduct the impulses toward the sar-
coplasmic reticulum, which then release Ca
. As de-
scribed earlier, the Ca
binds to troponin, which ex-
poses the cross-bridge binding sites on the actin
myofilaments, stimulating muscle contraction.
When impulses from the nerve stop, the nerve stops re-
leasing ACh. This stops the production of impulses in the
muscle fiber. When the T tubules no longer produce im-
pulses, Ca
is brought back into the SR by active trans-
port. Troponin is no longer bound to Ca
, so tropomyosin
returns to its inhibitory position, allowing the muscle to
The involvement of Ca
in muscle contraction is called,
excitation-contraction coupling because it is the release
of Ca
that links the excitation of the muscle fiber by the
motor neuron to the contraction of the muscle.
Motor Units and Recruitment
A single muscle fiber responds in an all-or-none fashion
to stimulation. The response of an entire muscle depends
upon the number of individual fibers involved. The set of
muscle fibers innervated by all axonal branches of a given
motor neuron is defined as a motor unit (figure 50.16).
Every time the motor neuron produces impulses, all mus-
cle fibers in that motor unit contract together. The divi-
sion of the muscle into motor units allows the muscle’s
strength of contraction to be finely graded, a requirement
for coordinated movements of the skeleton. Muscles that
require a finer degree of control have smaller motor units
(fewer muscle fibers per neuron) than muscles that re-
quire less precise control but must exert more force. For
example, there are only a few muscle fibers per motor
neuron in the muscles that move the eyes, while there are
several hundred per motor neuron in the large muscles of
the legs.
Most muscles contain motor units in a variety of sizes,
which can be selectively activated by the nervous system.
The weakest contractions of a muscle involve the activa-
tion of a few small motor units. If a slightly stronger con-
traction is necessary, additional small motor units are also
activated. The initial increments to the total force gener-
ated by the muscle are therefore relatively small. As ever
greater forces are required, more and larger motor units
are brought into action, and the force increments become
larger. The nervous system’s use of increased numbers and
sizes of motor units to produce a stronger contraction is
termed recruitment.
The cross-bridges are prevented from binding to actin
by tropomyosin in a relaxed muscle. In order for a
muscle to contract, Ca
must be released from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum, where it is stored, so that it can
bind to troponin and cause the tropomyosin to shift its
position in the thin filaments. Muscle contraction is
stimulated by neurons. Varying sizes and numbers of
motor units are used to produce different types of
muscle contractions.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1009
Motor unit
(a) Tapping toe (b) Running
FIGURE 50.16
The number and size of motor units. (a) Weak, precise muscle
contractions use smaller and fewer motor units. (b) Larger and
stronger movements require additional motor units that are
Types of Muscle Fibers
Muscle Fiber Twitches
An isolated skeletal muscle can be studied by stimulating it
artificially with electric shocks. If a muscle is stimulated
with a single electric shock, it will quickly contract and
relax in a response called a twitch. Increasing the stimulus
voltage increases the strength of the twitch up to a maxi-
mum. If a second electric shock is delivered immediately
after the first, it will produce a second twitch that may par-
tially “ride piggyback” on the first. This cumulative re-
sponse is called summation (figure 50.17).
If the stimulator is set to deliver an increasing frequency
of electric shocks automatically, the relaxation time be-
tween successive twitches will get shorter and shorter, as
the strength of contraction increases. Finally, at a particular
frequency of stimulation, there is no visible relaxation be-
tween successive twitches. Contraction is smooth and sus-
tained, as it is during normal muscle contraction in the
body. This smooth, sustained contraction is called tetanus.
(The term tetanus should not be confused with the disease
of the same name, which is accompanied by a painful state
of muscle contracture, or tetany.)
Skeletal muscle fibers can be divided on the basis of
their contraction speed into slow-twitch, or type I,
fibers, and fast-twitch, or type II, fibers. The muscles
that move the eyes, for example, have a high proportion
of fast-twitch fibers and reach maximum tension in about
7.3 milliseconds; the soleus muscle in the leg, by con-
trast, has a high proportion of slow-twitch fibers and re-
quires about 100 milliseconds to reach maximum tension
(figure 50.18).
Muscles like the soleus must be able to sustain a con-
traction for a long period of time without fatigue. The
resistance to fatigue demonstrated by these muscles is
aided by other characteristics of slow-twitch (type I)
fibers that endow them with a high capacity for aerobic
respiration. Slow-twitch fibers have a rich capillary sup-
ply, numerous mitochondria and aerobic respiratory en-
zymes, and a high concentration of myoglobin pigment.
Myoglobin is a red pigment, similar to the hemoglobin in
red blood cells, but its higher affinity for oxygen im-
proves the delivery of oxygen to the slow-twitch fibers.
Because of their high myoglobin content, slow-twitch
fibers are also called red fibers.
The thicker, fast-twitch (type II) fibers have fewer capil-
laries and mitochondria than slow-twitch fibers and not as
much myoglobin; hence, these fibers are also called white
fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are adapted to respire anaerobi-
cally by using a large store of glycogen and high concentra-
tions of glycolytic enzymes. Fast-twitch fibers are adapted
for the rapid generation of power and can grow thicker and
stronger in response to weight training. The “dark meat”
and “white meat” found in meat such as chicken and turkey
consists of muscles with primarily red and white fibers,
In addition to the type I (slow-twitch) and type II (fast-
twitch) fibers, human muscles also have an intermediate
form of fibers that are fast-twitch but also have a high ox-
idative capacity, and so are more resistant to fatigue. En-
durance training increases the proportion of these fibers in
1010 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
? ? ? ? ? ?
Amplitude of muscle contractions
FIGURE 50.17
Muscle twitches summate to produce a sustained, tetanized contraction. This pattern is produced when the muscle is stimulated
electrically or naturally by neurons. Tetanus, a smooth, sustained contraction, is the normal type of muscle contraction in the body.
Muscle Metabolism during Rest and Exercise
Skeletal muscles at rest obtain most of their energy from
the aerobic respiration of fatty acids. During exercise, mus-
cle glycogen and blood glucose are also used as energy
sources. The energy obtained by cell respiration is used to
make ATP, which is needed for (1) the movement of the
cross-bridges during muscle contraction and (2) the pump-
ing of Ca
into the sarcoplasmic reticulum for muscle re-
laxation. ATP can be obtained by skeletal muscles quickly
by combining ADP with phosphate derived from creatine
phosphate. This compound was produced previously in the
resting muscle by combining creatine with phosphate de-
rived from the ATP generated in cell respiration.
Skeletal muscles respire anaerobically for the first 45 to
90 seconds of moderate-to-heavy exercise, because the car-
diopulmonary system requires this amount of time to suffi-
ciently increase the oxygen supply to the exercising mus-
cles. If exercise is moderate, aerobic respiration contributes
the major portion of the skeletal muscle energy require-
ments following the first 2 minutes of exercise.
Whether exercise is light, moderate, or intense for a
given person depends upon that person’s maximal capacity
for aerobic exercise. The maximum rate of oxygen con-
sumption in the body (by aerobic respiration) is called the
maximal oxygen uptake, or the aerobic capacity. The inten-
sity of exercise can also be defined by the lactate threshold.
This is the percentage of the maximal oxygen uptake at
which a significant rise in blood lactate levels occurs as a
result of anaerobic respiration. For average, healthy people,
for example, a significant amount of blood lactate appears
when exercise is performed at about 50 to 70% of the maxi-
mal oxygen uptake.
Muscle Fatigue and Physical Training
Muscle fatigue refers to the use-dependant decrease in the
ability of a muscle to generate force. The reasons for fa-
tigue are not entirely understood. In most cases, however,
muscle fatigue is correlated with the production of lactic
acid by the exercising muscles. Lactic acid is produced by
the anaerobic respiration of glucose, and glucose is ob-
tained from muscle glycogen and from the blood. Lactate
production and muscle fatigue are therefore also related to
the depletion of muscle glycogen.
Because the depletion of muscle glycogen places a limit
on exercise, any adaptation that spares muscle glycogen will
improve physical endurance. Trained athletes have an in-
creased proportion of energy derived from the aerobic res-
piration of fatty acids, resulting in a slower depletion of
their muscle glycogen reserve. The greater the level of
physical training, the higher the proportion of energy de-
rived from the aerobic respiration of fatty acids. Because
the aerobic capacity of endurance-trained athletes is higher
than that of untrained people, athletes can perform more
exercise before lactic acid production and glycogen deple-
tion cause muscle fatigue.
Endurance training does not increase muscle size.
Muscle enlargement is produced only by frequent periods
of high-intensity exercise in which muscles work against
high resistance, as in weight lifting. As a result of resis-
tance training, type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers become
thicker as a result of the increased size and number of
their myofibrils. Weight training, therefore, causes skele-
tal muscles to grow by hypertrophy (increased cell size)
rather than by cell division and an increased number of
Muscles contract through summation of the
contractions of their fibers, producing tension that may
result in shortening of the muscle. Slow-twitch skeletal
muscle fibers are adapted for aerobic respiration and
are slower to fatigue than fast-twitch fibers, which are
more adapted for the rapid generation of power.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1011
Time (msec)
Contraction strength
Eye muscle
(lateral rectus)
Calf muscle
Deep muscle of leg
FIGURE 50.18
Skeletal muscles have different
proportions of fast-twitch and slow-
twitch fibers. The muscles that move the
eye contain mostly fast-twitch fibers,
whereas the deep muscle of the leg (the
soleus) contains mostly slow-twitch fibers.
The calf muscle (gastrocnemius) is
intermediate in its composition.
Comparing Cardiac and
Smooth Muscles
Cardiac and smooth muscle are similar
in that both are found within internal
organs and both are generally not
under conscious control. Cardiac mus-
cle, however, is like skeletal muscle in
that it is striated and contracts by
means of a sliding filament mecha-
nism. Smooth muscle (as its name im-
plies) is not striated. Smooth muscle
does contain actin and myosin fila-
ments, but they are arranged less reg-
ularly within the cell.
Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle in the vertebrate
heart is composed of striated muscle
cells that are arranged differently from the fibers in a
skeletal muscle. Instead of the long, multinucleate cells
that form skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle is composed of
shorter, branched cells, each with its own nucleus, that
interconnect with one another at intercalated discs (fig-
ure 50.19). Intercalated discs are regions where the mem-
branes of two cells fuse together, and the fused mem-
branes are pierced by gap junctions (chapter 7). The gap
junctions permit the diffusion of ions, and thus the
spread of electric excitation, from one cell to the next.
The mass of interconnected cardiac muscle cells forms a
single, functioning unit called a myocardium. Electric im-
pulses begin spontaneously in a specific region of the my-
ocardium known as the pacemaker. These impulses are not
initiated by impulses in motor neurons, as they are in
skeletal muscle, but rather are produced by the cardiac
muscle cells themselves. From the pacemaker, the im-
pulses spread throughout the myocardium via gap junc-
tions, causing contraction.
The heart has two myocardia, one that receives blood
from the body and one that ejects blood into the body. Be-
cause all of the cells in a myocardium are stimulated as a
unit, cardiac muscle cannot produce summated contrac-
tions or tetanus. This would interfere with the alternation
between contraction and relaxation that is necessary for
Smooth Muscle
Smooth muscle surrounds hollow internal organs, includ-
ing the stomach, intestines, bladder, and uterus, as well as
all blood vessels except capillaries. Smooth muscle cells are
long and spindle-shaped, and each contains a single nu-
cleus. They also contain actin and myosin, but these con-
tractile proteins are not organized into sarcomeres. Parallel
arrangements of thick and thin filaments cross diagonally
from one side of the cell to the other.
The thick filaments are attached either
to structures called dense bodies, the
functional equivalents of Z lines, or to
the plasma membrane. Most smooth
muscle cells have 10 to 15 thin fila-
ments per thick filament, compared to
3 per thick filament in striated muscle
Smooth muscle cells do not have a
sarcoplasmic reticulum; during a con-
traction, Ca
enters from the extracel-
lular fluid. In the cytoplasm, Ca
binds to calmodulin, a protein that is
structurally similar to troponin. The
-calmodulin complex activates an
enzyme that phosphorylates (adds a
phosphate group to) the myosin heads.
Unlike the case with striated muscles,
this phosphorylation is required for the
myosin heads to form cross-bridges with actin.
This mechanism allows gradations in the strength of
contraction in a smooth muscle cell, increasing contraction
strength as more Ca
enters the cytoplasm. Heart patients
sometimes take drugs that block Ca
entry into smooth
muscle cells, reducing the cells’ ability to contract. This
treatment causes vascular smooth muscle to relax, dilating
the blood vessels and reducing the amount of work the
heart must do to pump blood through them.
In some smooth muscle tissues, the cells contract only
when they are stimulated by the nervous system. These
muscles line the walls of many blood vessels and make up
the iris of the eye. Other smooth muscle tissues, like those
in the wall of the gut, contains cells that produce electric
impulses spontaneously. These impulses spread to adjoin-
ing cells through gap junctions, leading to a slow, steady
contraction of the tissue.
Neither skeletal nor cardiac muscle can be greatly
stretched because if the thick and thin filaments no longer
overlay in the sarcomere, cross-bridges cannot form. Un-
like these striated muscles, smooth muscle can contract
even when it is greatly stretched. If one considers the de-
gree to which some internal organs may be stretched—a
uterus during pregnancy, for example—it is no wonder that
these organs contain smooth muscle instead of striated
Cardiac muscle cells interconnect physically and
electrically to form a single, functioning unit called a
myocardium, which produces its own impulses at a
pacemaker region. Smooth muscles lack the
organization of myofilaments into sarcomeres and lack
sarcoplasmic reticulum but contraction still occurs as
myofilaments slide past one another by use of cross-
1012 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
FIGURE 50.19
Cardiac muscle. Cells are organized into
long branching chains that interconnect,
forming a lattice; neighboring cells are
linked by structures called intercalated
Modes of Animal Locomotion
Animals are unique among multicellular organisms in their
ability to actively move from one place to another. Loco-
motion requires both a propulsive mechanism and a control
mechanism. Animals employ a wide variety of propulsive
mechanisms, most involving contracting muscles to gener-
ate the necessary force. The quantity, quality, and position
of contractions are initiated and coordinated by the ner-
vous system. In large animals, active locomotion is almost
always produced by appendages that oscillate—appendicular
locomotion—or by bodies that undulate, pulse, or undergo
peristaltic waves—axial locomotion.
While animal locomotion occurs in many different
forms, the general principles remain much the same in all
groups. The physical restraints to movement—gravity and
frictional drag—are the same in every environment, differ-
ing only in degree. You can conveniently divide the envi-
ronments through which animals move into three types,
each involving its own forms of locomotion: water, land,
and air.
Locomotion in Water
Many aquatic and marine invertebrates move along the
bottom using the same form of locomotion employed by
terrestrial animals moving over the land surface. Flatworms
employ ciliary activity to brush themselves along, round-
worms a peristaltic slither, leeches a contract-anchor-
extend creeping. Crabs walk using limbs to pull themselves
along; mollusks use a muscular foot, while starfish use
unique tube feet to do the same thing.
Moving directly through the water, or swimming, pre-
sents quite a different challenge. Water’s buoyancy reduces
the influence of gravity. The primary force retarding for-
ward movement is frictional drag, so body shape is impor-
tant in reducing the friction and turbulence produced by
swimming through the water.
Some marine invertebrates swim using hydraulic propul-
sion. Scallops clap their shells together forcefully, while
squids and octopuses squirt water like a marine jet. All
aquatic and marine vertebrates, however, swim.
Swimming involves using the body or its appendages
to push against the water. An eel swims by sinuous undu-
lations of its whole body (figure 50.20a). The undulating
body waves of eel-like swimming are created by waves of
muscle contraction alternating between the left and right
axial musculature. As each body segment in turn pushes
against the water, the moving wave forces the eel
Fish, reptiles, and aquatic amphibians swim in a way
similar to eels, but only undulate the posterior (back) por-
tion of the body (figure 50.20b) and sometimes only the
caudal (rear) fin. This allows considerable specialization of
the front end of the body, while sacrificing little propulsive
Whales also swim using undulating body waves, but un-
like any of the fishes, the waves pass from top to bottom
and not from side to side. The body musculature of eels
and fish is highly segmental; that is, a muscle segment al-
ternates with each vertebra. This arrangement permits the
smooth passage of undulatory waves along the body.
Whales are unable to produce lateral undulations because
mammals do not have this arrangement.
Many tetrapod vertebrates swim, usually with appendic-
ular locomotion. Most birds that swim, like ducks and
geese, propel themselves through the water by pushing
against it with their hind legs, which typically have webbed
feet. Frogs, turtles, and most marine mammals also swim
with their hind legs and have webbed feet. Tetrapod verte-
brates that swim with their forelegs usually have these
limbs modified as flippers, and pull themselves through the
water. These include sea turtles, penguins, and fur seals. A
few principally terrestrial tetrapod vertebrates, like polar
bears and platypuses, swim with walking forelimbs not
modified for swimming.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1013
FIGURE 50.20
Movements of swimming fishes. (a) An eel pushes against the
water with its whole body, (b) a trout only with its posterior half.
Locomotion on Land
The three great groups of terrestrial animals—mollusks,
arthropods, and vertebrates—each move over land in dif-
ferent ways.
Mollusk locomotion is far less efficient than that of the
other groups. Snails, slugs, and other terrestrial mollusks
secrete a path of mucus that they glide along, pushing with
a muscular foot.
Only vertebrates and arthropods (insects, spiders, and
crustaceans) have developed a means of rapid surface loco-
motion. In both groups, the body is raised above the
ground and moved forward by pushing against the ground
with a series of jointed appendages, the legs.
Because legs must provide support as well as propulsion,
it is important that the sequence of their movements not
shove the body’s center of gravity outside of the legs’ zone
of support. If they do, the animal loses its balance and falls.
It is the necessity to maintain stability that determines the
sequence of leg movements, which are similar in verte-
brates and arthropods.
The apparent differences in the walking gaits of these
two groups reflects the differences in leg number. Verte-
brates are tetrapods (four limbs), while all arthropods have
six or more limbs. Although having many legs increases sta-
bility during locomotion, they also appear to reduce the
maximum speed that can be attained.
The basic walking pattern of all tetrapod vertebrates is
left hind leg (LH), left foreleg (LF), right hindleg (RH),
right foreleg (RF), and then the same sequence again and
again. Unlike insects, vertebrates can begin to walk with
any of the four legs, and not just the posterior pair. Both
arthropods and vertebrates achieve faster gaits by overlap-
ping the leg movements of the left and right sides. For ex-
ample, a horse can convert a walk to a trot, by moving di-
agonally opposite legs simultaneously.
The highest running speeds of tetrapod vertebrates,
such as the gallop of a horse, are obtained with asymmetric
gaits. When galloping, a horse is never supported by more
than two legs, and occasionally is supported by none. This
reduces friction against the ground to an absolute mini-
mum, increasing speed. With their larger number of legs,
arthropods cannot have these speedy asymmetric gaits, be-
cause the movements of the legs would interfere with each
Not all animals walk or run on land. Many insects, like
grasshoppers, leap using strong rear legs to propel them-
selves through the air. Vertebrates such as kangaroos, rab-
bits, and frogs are also effective leapers (figure 50.21).
Many invertebrates use peristaltic motion to slide over
the surface. Among vertebrates, this form of locomotion is
exhibited by snakes and caecilians (legless amphibians).
Most snakes employ serpentine locomotion, in which the
body is thrown into a series of sinuous curves. The move-
ments superficially resemble those of eel-like swimming,
but the similarity is more apparent than real. Propulsion is
not by a wave of contraction undulating the body, but by a
simultaneous lateral thrust in all segments of the body in
contact with the ground. To go forward, it is necessary that
the strongest muscular thrust push against the ground op-
posite the direction of movement. Because of this, thrust
tends to occur at the anterior (outside) end of the inward-
curving side of the loop of the snake’s body.
1014 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
FIGURE 50.21
Animals that hop or leap use their rear legs to propel themselves through the air. The powerful leg muscles of this frog allow it to
explode from a crouched position to a takeoff in about 100 milliseconds.
Locomotion in Air
Flight has evolved among the animals four times: insects,
pterosaurs (extinct flying reptiles), birds, and bats. In all
four groups, active flying takes place in much the same way.
Propulsion is achieved by pushing down against the air
with wings. This provides enough lift to keep insects in the
air. Vertebrates, being larger, need greater lift, obtaining it
with wings that are convex in cross section. Because air
must travel farther over the top surface, it moves faster,
creating lift over the wing.
In birds and most insects, the raising and lowering of the
wings is achieved by the alternate contraction of extensor
muscles (elevators) and flexor muscles (depressors). Four
insect orders (containing flies, mosquitoes, wasps, bees, and
beetles), however, beat their wings at frequencies from 100
to more than 1000 times per second, faster than nerves can
carry successive impulses! In these insects, the flight mus-
cles are not attached to the wings at all but rather to the
stiff wall of the thorax, which is distorted in and out by
their contraction. The reason that these muscles can beat
so fast is that the contraction of one set stretches the other,
triggering its contraction in turn without waiting for the
arrival of a nerve impulse.
Among vertebrates (figure 50.22), flight first evolved
some 200 million years ago among flying reptiles called
pterosaurs. A very successful and diverse group, pterosaurs
ranged in size from individuals no bigger than sparrows to
pterodons the size of a fighter plane. For much of this time,
they shared the skies with birds, which most paleontologists
believe evolved from feathered dinosaurs about 150 million
years ago. How did they share their ecological world for 100
million years without competition driving one or the other
from the skies? No one knows for sure. Perhaps these early
birds were night fliers, while pterosaurs flew by day.
Such an arrangement for sharing resources is not as un-
likely as it might at first appear. Bats, flying mammals which
evolved after the pterosaurs disappeared with the dinosaurs,
are night fliers. By flying at night bats are able to shop in a
store with few other customers and a wealth of food: night-
flying insects. It has proven to be a very successful approach.
One-quarter of all mammal species are bats.
Locomotion in larger animals is almost always produced
by appendages that push against the surroundings in
some fashion, or by shoving the entire body forward by
an undulation.
Chapter 50 Locomotion 1015
Eastern bluebird
flying fox
FIGURE 50.22
Flight has evolved three times among the vertebrates. These three very different vertebrates all have lightened bones and forelimbs
transformed into wings.
1016 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Chapter 50
Summary Questions Media Resources
50.1 A skeletal system supports movement in animals.
? There are three types of skeleton: hydrostatic
skeletons, exoskeletons, and endoskeletons.
? Bone is formed by the secretion of an organic matrix
by osteoblasts; this organic matrix becomes calcified.
1. What are the two major
components of the extracellular
matrix in bone? What structural
properties does each component
have? How do the two
components combine to make
bone resistant to fracture?
? Freely movable joints surround the articulating bones
with a synovial capsule filled with a lubricating fluid.
? Skeletal muscles can work together as synergists, or
oppose each other as antagonists.
2. What are the three types of
joints in a vertebrate skeleton?
Give an example of where each
type is found in the body.
3. What is the difference
between a skeletal muscle’s
origin and its insertion?
50.2 Skeletal muscles contract to produce movements at joints.
? A muscle fiber contains numerous myofibrils, which
consist of thick filaments composed of myosin and
thin filaments of actin.
? There are small cross-bridges of myosin that extend
out toward the actin; the cross-bridges are activated
by the hydrolysis of ATP so that it can bind to actin
and undergo a power stroke that causes the sliding of
the myofilaments.
? When Ca
binds to troponin, the tropomyosin shifts
position in the thin filament, allowing the cross-
bridges to bind to actin and undergo a power stroke.
? The release of Ca
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
is stimulated by impulses in the muscle fiber
produced by neural stimulation.
? Slow-twitch fibers are adapted for aerobic respiration
and are resistant to fatigue; fast-twitch fibers can pro-
vide power quickly but produce lactic acid and fatigue
? Cardiac muscle cells have gap junctions that permit
the spread of electric impulses from one cell to the
? Cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary and reg-
ulated by autonomic nerves; the contractions are au-
tomatically produced in cardiac muscle and some
smooth muscles.
? Animals have adapted modes of locomotion to three
different environments: water, land, and air.
4. Of what proteins are thick
and thin filaments composed?
5. Describe the steps involved
in the cross-bridge cycle. What
functions does ATP perform in
the cycle?
6. Describe the steps involved
in excitation-contraction
coupling. What functions do
acetylcholine and Ca++ perform
in this process?
7. How does a somatic motor
neuron stimulate a muscle fiber
to contract?
8. What is the difference
between a muscle twitch and
9. Why can’t a myocardium
produce a sustained contraction?
10. How does smooth muscle
differ from skeletal muscle in
terms of thick and thin filament
organization, the role of Ca++ in
contraction, and the effect of
stretching on the muscle’s ability
to contract?
11. What do all modes of
locomotion have in common?
50.3 Muscle contraction powers animal locomotion.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? On Science Article:
Running improperly
? Bioethics case study:
Sports and fitness
? On Science Article:
Climbing the walls
? Straited muscle
? Muscle contraction
action potential
? Detailed straited
? Actin-myosin
? Activity: Muscle
? Muscle cell function
? Body musculature
? Head and neck
? Trunk muscles
? Upper limb muscles
? Lower limb muscles
? Muscle characteristics
? Walking
Fueling Body
Activities: Digestion
Concept Outline
51.1 Animals employ a digestive system to prepare
food for assimilation by cells.
Types of Digestive Systems. Some invertebrates have a
gastrovascular cavity, but vertebrates have a digestive tract
that chemically digests and absorbs the food.
Vertebrate Digestive Systems. The different regions of
the gastrointestinal tract are adapted for different functions.
51.2 Food is ingested, swallowed, and transported to
the stomach.
The Mouth and Teeth. Carnivores, herbivores, and
omnivores display differences in the structure of their teeth.
Esophagus and Stomach. The esophagus delivers food
to the stomach, which secretes hydrochloric acid and
51.3 The small and large intestines have very different
The Small Intestine. The small intestine has mucosal
folds called villi and smaller folds called microvilli that
absorb glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids into the blood.
The Large Intestine. The large intestine absorbs water,
ions, and vitamin K, and excretes what remains as feces.
Variations in Vertebrate Digestive Systems. Digestive
systems are adapted to particular diets.
51.4 Accessory organs, neural stimulation, and
endocrine secretions assist in digestion.
Accessory Organs. The pancreas secretes digestive
enzymes and the hormones insulin and glucagon. The liver
produces bile, which emulsifies fat; the gallbladder stores
the bile.
Neural and Hormonal Regulation of Digestion.
Nerves and hormones help regulate digestive functions.
51.5 All animals require food energy and essential
Food Energy and Energy Expenditure. The intake of
food energy must balance the energy expended by the body
in order to maintain a stable weight.
Essential Nutrients. Food must contain vitamins,
minerals, and specific amino acids and fatty acids for health.
lants and other photosynthetic organisms can produce
the organic molecules they need from inorganic com-
ponents. Therefore, they are autotrophs, or self-sustaining.
Animals are heterotrophs: they must consume organic mol-
ecules present in other organisms (figure 51.1). The mole-
cules heterotrophs eat must be digested into smaller mole-
cules in order to be absorbed into the animal’s body. Once
these products of digestion enter the body, the animal can
use them for energy in cell respiration or for the construc-
tion of the larger molecules that make up its tissues. The
process of animal digestion is the focus of this chapter.
Animals are heterotrophs.All animals must consume plant
material or other animals in order to live. The nuts in this
chipmunk’s cheeks will be consumed and converted to body
tissue, energy, and refuse.
cialized in different regions for the ingestion, storage, frag-
mentation, digestion, and absorption of food. All higher
animal groups, including all vertebrates, show similar spe-
cializations (figure 51.3).
The ingested food may be stored in a specialized region
of the digestive tract or may first be subjected to physical
fragmentation. This fragmentation may occur through the
chewing action of teeth (in the mouth of many vertebrates),
or the grinding action of pebbles (in the gizzard of earth-
worms and birds). Chemical digestion then occurs, break-
ing down the larger food molecules of polysaccharides and
disaccharides, fats, and proteins into their smallest sub-
units. Chemical digestion involves hydrolysis reactions that
liberate the subunit molecules—primarily monosaccha-
rides, amino acids, and fatty acids—from the food. These
products of chemical digestion pass through the epithelial
lining of the gut into the blood, in a process known as ab-
sorption. Any molecules in the food that are not absorbed
cannot be used by the animal. These waste products are ex-
creted, or defecated, from the anus.
Most animals digest their food extracellularly. The
digestive tract, with a one-way transport of food and
specialization of regions for different functions, allows
food to be ingested, physically fragmented, chemically
digested, and absorbed.
1018 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Types of Digestive Systems
Heterotrophs are divided into three groups on the basis
of their food sources. Animals that eat plants exclusively
are classified as herbivores; common examples include
cows, horses, rabbits and sparrows. Animals that are
meat-eaters, such as cats, eagles, trout, and frogs, are
carnivores. Omnivores are animals that eat both plants
and other animals. Humans are omnivores, as are pigs,
bears, and crows.
Single-celled organisms (as well as sponges) digest
their food intracellularly. Other animals digest their
food extracellularly, within a digestive cavity. In this
case, the digestive enzymes are released into a cavity that
is continuous with the animal’s external environment. In
coelenterates and flatworms (such as Planaria), the diges-
tive cavity has only one opening that serves as both
mouth and anus. There can be no specialization within
this type of digestive system, called a gastrovascular cavity,
because every cell is exposed to all stages of food diges-
tion (figure 51.2).
Specialization occurs when the digestive tract, or ali-
mentary canal, has a separate mouth and anus, so that
transport of food is one-way. The most primitive digestive
tract is seen in nematodes (phylum Nematoda), where it is
simply a tubular gut lined by an epithelial membrane.
Earthworms (phylum Annelida) have a digestive tract spe-
51.1 Animals employ a digestive system to prepare food for assimilation by cells.
Body stalk
Mouth Food
The gastrovascular cavity of Hydra, a coelenterate.Because
there is only one opening, the mouth is also the anus, and no
specialization is possible in the different regions that participate
in extracellular digestion.
Stomach Cloaca
The one-way digestive tract of nematodes, earthworms, and
vertebrates.One-way movement through the digestive tract
allows different regions of the digestive system to become
specialized for different functions.
Vertebrate Digestive Systems
In humans and other vertebrates, the digestive system con-
sists of a tubular gastrointestinal tract and accessory diges-
tive organs (figure 51.4). The initial components of the
gastrointestinal tract are the mouth and the pharynx, which
is the common passage of the oral and nasal cavities. The
pharynx leads to the esophagus, a muscular tube that deliv-
ers food to the stomach, where some preliminary digestion
occurs. From the stomach, food passes to the first part of
the small intestine, where a battery of digestive enzymes
continues the digestive process. The products of digestion
then pass across the wall of the small intestine into the
bloodstream. The small intestine empties what remains
into the large intestine, where water and minerals are ab-
sorbed. In most vertebrates other than mammals, the waste
products emerge from the large intestine into a cavity
called the cloaca (see figure 51.3), which also receives the
products of the urinary and reproductive systems. In mam-
mals, the urogenital products are separated from the fecal
material in the large intestine; the fecal material enters the
rectum and is expelled through the anus.
In general, carnivores have shorter intestines for their
size than do herbivores. A short intestine is adequate for a
carnivore, but herbivores ingest a large amount of plant
cellulose, which resists digestion. These animals have a
long, convoluted small intestine. In addition, mammals
called ruminants (such as cows) that consume grass and
other vegetation have stomachs with multiple chambers,
where bacteria aid in the digestion of cellulose. Other her-
bivores, including rabbits and horses, digest cellulose (with
the aid of bacteria) in a blind pouch called the cecum lo-
cated at the beginning of the large intestine.
The accessory digestive organs (described in detail later in
the chapter) include the liver, which produces bile (a green
solution that emulsifies fat), the gallbladder, which stores
and concentrates the bile, and the pancreas. The pancreas
produces pancreatic juice, which contains digestive enzymes
and bicarbonate. Both bile and pancreatic juice are secreted
into the first region of the small intestine and aid digestion.
The tubular gastrointestinal tract of a vertebrate has a
characteristic layered structure (figure 51.5). The innermost
layer is the mucosa, an epithelium that lines the interior of
the tract (the lumen). The next major tissue layer, made of
connective tissue, is called the submucosa. Just outside the
submucosa is the muscularis, which consists of a double
layer of smooth muscles. The muscles in the inner layer
have a circular orientation, and those in the outer layer are
arranged longitudinally. Another connective tissue layer, the
serosa, covers the external surface of the tract. Nerves, in-
tertwined in regions called plexuses, are located in the sub-
mucosa and help regulate the gastrointestinal activities.
The vertebrate digestive system consists of a tubular
gastrointestinal tract, which is modified in different
animals, composed of a series of tissue layers.
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1019
Salivary gland
Salivary gland
The human digestive system.Humans, like all placental
mammals, lack a cloaca and have a separate exit from the digestive
tract through the rectum and anus.
Blood vessel
Connective tissue layer
Gland in
Longitudinal layer
Circular layer
Gland outside
The layers of the gastrointestinal tract.The mucosa contains a
lining epithelium; the submucosa is composed of connective
tissue (as is the serosa), and the muscularis consists of smooth
The Mouth and Teeth
Specializations of the digestive systems in different kinds of
vertebrates reflect differences in the way these animals live.
Fishes have a large pharynx with gill slits, while air-breathing
vertebrates have a greatly reduced pharynx. Many verte-
brates have teeth (figure 51.6), and chewing (mastication)
breaks up food into small particles and mixes it with fluid se-
cretions. Birds, which lack teeth, break up food in their two-
chambered stomachs (figure 51.7). In one of these chambers,
the gizzard, small pebbles ingested by the bird are churned
together with the food by muscular action. This churning
grinds up the seeds and other hard plant material into
smaller chunks that can be digested more easily.
Vertebrate Teeth
Carnivorous mammals have pointed teeth that lack flat
grinding surfaces. Such teeth are adapted for cutting and
shearing. Carnivores often tear off pieces of their prey but
have little need to chew them, because digestive enzymes
can act directly on animal cells. (Recall how a cat or dog
gulps down its food.) By contrast, grass-eating herbivores,
such as cows and horses, must pulverize the cellulose cell
walls of plant tissue before digesting it. These animals have
large, flat teeth with complex ridges well-suited to grinding.
Human teeth are specialized for eating both plant and
animal food. Viewed simply, humans are carnivores in the
front of the mouth and herbivores in the back (figure 51.8).
The four front teeth in the upper and lower jaws are sharp,
chisel-shaped incisors used for biting. On each side of the
incisors are sharp, pointed teeth called cuspids (sometimes
referred to as “canine” teeth), which are used for tearing
food. Behind the canines are two premolars and three mo-
lars, all with flattened, ridged surfaces for grinding and
crushing food. Children have only 20 teeth, but these de-
ciduous teeth are lost during childhood and are replaced by
32 adult teeth.
The Mouth
Inside the mouth, the tongue mixes food with a mucous so-
lution, saliva. In humans, three pairs of salivary glands se-
crete saliva into the mouth through ducts in the mouth’s
mucosal lining. Saliva moistens and lubricates the food so
that it is easier to swallow and does not abrade the tissue it
passes on its way through the esophagus. Saliva also con-
tains the hydrolytic enzyme salivary amylase, which initi-
ates the breakdown of the polysaccharide starch into the
disaccharide maltose. This digestion is usually minimal in
humans, however, because most people don’t chew their
food very long.
The secretions of the salivary glands are controlled by
the nervous system, which in humans maintains a constant
flow of about half a milliliter per minute when the mouth is
empty of food. This continuous secretion keeps the mouth
moist. The presence of food in the mouth triggers an in-
creased rate of secretion, as taste-sensitive neurons in the
mouth send impulses to the brain, which responds by stim-
ulating the salivary glands. The most potent stimuli are
1020 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
51.2 Food is ingested, swallowed, and transported to the stomach.
Molars Premolars
Diagram of generalized vertebrate dentition.Different
vertebrates will have specific variations from this generalized
pattern, depending on whether the vertebrate is an herbivore,
carnivore, or omnivore.
Birds store food in the crop and grind it up in the gizzard.
Birds lack teeth but have a muscular chamber called the gizzard
that works to break down food. Birds swallow gritty objects or
pebbles that lodge in the gizzard and pulverize food before it
passes into the small intestine.
Soft palate
Hard palate
acidic solutions; lemon juice, for example, can increase the
rate of salivation eightfold. The sight, sound, or smell of
food can stimulate salivation markedly in dogs, but in hu-
mans, these stimuli are much less effective than thinking or
talking about food.
When food is ready to be swallowed, the tongue moves
it to the back of the mouth. In mammals, the process of
swallowing begins when the soft palate elevates, pushing
against the back wall of the pharynx (figure 51.9). Elevation
of the soft palate seals off the nasal cavity and prevents food
from entering it. Pressure against the pharynx triggers an
automatic, involuntary response called a reflex. In this re-
flex, pressure on the pharynx stimulates neurons within its
walls, which send impulses to the swallowing center in the
brain. In response, electrical impulses in motor neurons
stimulate muscles to contract and raise the larynx (voice
box). This pushes the glottis, the opening from the larynx
into the trachea (windpipe), against a flap of tissue called
the epiglottis.These actions keep food out of the respiratory
tract, directing it instead into the esophagus.
In many vertebrates ingested food is fragmented
through the tearing or grinding action of specialized
teeth. In birds, this is accomplished through the
grinding action of pebbles in the gizzard. Food mixed
with saliva is swallowed and enters the esophagus.
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1021
Pulp cavity with
nerves and vessels
Root canal
The human pharynx, palate, and larynx.Food that enters the pharynx is prevented from entering the nasal cavity by elevation of the soft
palate, and is prevented from entering the larynx and trachea (the airways of the respiratory system) by elevation of the larynx against the
Human teeth.(a) The front six teeth on the upper and lower jaws
are cuspids and incisors. The remaining teeth, running along the
sides of the mouth, are grinders called premolars and molars.
Hence, humans have carnivore-like teeth in the front of their
mouth and herbivore-like teeth in the back. (b) Each tooth is alive,
with a central pulp containing nerves and blood vessels. The
actual chewing surface is a hard enamel layered over the softer
dentin, which forms the body of the tooth.
Esophagus and Stomach
Structure and Function of the Esophagus
Swallowed food enters a muscular tube called the esopha-
gus, which connects the pharynx to the stomach. In adult
humans, the esophagus is about 25 centimeters long; the
upper third is enveloped in skeletal muscle, for voluntary
control of swallowing, while the lower two-thirds is sur-
rounded by involuntary smooth muscle. The swallowing
center stimulates successive waves of contraction in these
muscles that move food along the esophagus to the stom-
ach. These rhythmic waves of muscular contraction are
called peristalsis (figure 51.10); they enable humans and
other vertebrates to swallow even if they are upside
In many vertebrates, the movement of food from the
esophagus into the stomach is controlled by a ring of circu-
lar smooth muscle, or a sphincter, that opens in response to
the pressure exerted by the food. Contraction of this
sphincter prevents food in the stomach from moving back
into the esophagus. Rodents and horses have a true sphinc-
ter at this site and thus cannot regurgitate, while humans
lack a true sphincter and so are able to regurgitate. Nor-
mally, however, the human esophagus is closed off except
during swallowing.
Structure and Function of the Stomach
The stomach (figure 51.11) is a saclike portion of the diges-
tive tract. Its inner surface is highly convoluted, enabling it
to fold up when empty and open out like an expanding bal-
loon as it fills with food. Thus, while the human stomach
has a volume of only about 50 milliliters when empty, it
may expand to contain 2 to 4 liters of food when full. Car-
nivores that engage in sporadic gorging as an important
survival strategy possess stomachs that are able to distend
much more than that.
Secretory Systems
The stomach contains an extra layer of smooth muscle for
churning food and mixing it with gastric juice, an acidic se-
cretion of the tubular gastric glands of the mucosa (figure
51.11). These exocrine glands contain two kinds of secre-
tory cells: parietal cells, which secrete hydrochloric acid
(HCl); and chief cells, which secrete pepsinogen, a weak
protease (protein-digesting enzyme) that requires a very
low pH to be active. This low pH is provided by the HCl.
Activated pepsinogen molecules then cleave one another at
specific sites, producing a much more active protease,
pepsin. This process of secreting a relatively inactive en-
zyme that is then converted into a more active enzyme out-
side the cell prevents the chief cells from digesting them-
selves. It should be noted that only proteins are partially
digested in the stomach—there is no significant digestion
of carbohydrates or fats.
Action of Acid
The human stomach produces about 2 liters of HCl and
other gastric secretions every day, creating a very acidic so-
lution inside the stomach. The concentration of HCl in
this solution is about 10 millimolar, corresponding to a pH
of 2. Thus, gastric juice is about 250,000 times more acidic
than blood, whose normal pH is 7.4. The low pH in the
stomach helps denature food proteins, making them easier
to digest, and keeps pepsin maximally active. Active pepsin
hydrolyzes food proteins into shorter chains of polypep-
tides that are not fully digested until the mixture enters the
small intestine. The mixture of partially digested food and
gastric juice is called chyme.
1022 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Relaxed muscles
Contracted muscles
FIGURE 51.10
The esophagus and peristalsis.After food has entered the
esophagus, rhythmic waves of muscular contraction, called
peristalsis, move the food down to the stomach.
The acidic solution within the stomach also kills most of
the bacteria that are ingested with the food. The few bacte-
ria that survive the stomach and enter the intestine intact
are able to grow and multiply there, particularly in the
large intestine. In fact, most vertebrates harbor thriving
colonies of bacteria within their intestines, and bacteria are
a major component of feces. As we will discuss later, bacte-
ria that live within the digestive tract of cows and other ru-
minants play a key role in the ability of these mammals to
digest cellulose.
Overproduction of gastric acid can occasionally eat a hole
through the wall of the stomach. Such gastric ulcers are
rare, however, because epithelial cells in the mucosa of the
stomach are protected somewhat by a layer of alkaline
mucus, and because those cells are rapidly replaced by cell
division if they become damaged (gastric epithelial cells
are replaced every 2 to 3 days). Over 90% of gastrointesti-
nal ulcers are duodenal ulcers.These may be produced when
excessive amounts of acidic chyme are delivered into the
duodenum, so that the acid cannot be properly neutralized
through the action of alkaline pancreatic juice (described
later). Susceptibility to ulcers is increased when the mu-
cosal barriers to self-digestion are weakened by an infec-
tion of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Indeed, modern
antibiotic treatments of this infection can reduce symp-
toms and often even cure the ulcer.
In addition to producing HCl, the parietal cells of the
stomach also secrete intrinsic factor, a polypeptide needed
for the intestinal absorption of vitamin B
. Because this vi-
tamin is required for the production of red blood cells, per-
sons who lack sufficient intrinsic factor develop a type of
anemia (low red blood cell count) called pernicious anemia.
Leaving the Stomach
Chyme leaves the stomach through the pyloric sphincter (see
figure 51.11) to enter the small intestine. This is where all
terminal digestion of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins oc-
curs, and where the products of digestions—amino acids,
glucose, and so on—are absorbed into the blood. Only
some of the water in chyme and a few substances such as
aspirin and alcohol are absorbed through the wall of the
Peristaltic waves of contraction propel food along the
esophagus to the stomach. Gastric juice contains strong
hydrochloric acid and the protein-digesting enzyme
pepsin, which begins the digestion of proteins into
shorter polypeptides. The acidic chyme is then
transferred through the pyloric sphincter to the small
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1023
Gastric pits
Gastric glands
FIGURE 51.11
The stomach and duodenum.Food enters the stomach from the esophagus. A band of smooth muscle called the pyloric sphincter
controls the entrance to the duodenum, the upper part of the small intestine. The epithelial walls of the stomach are dotted with gastric
pits, which contain gastric glands that secrete hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsinogen. The gastric glands consist of mucous cells,
chief cells that secrete pepsinogen, and parietal cells that secrete HCl. Gastric pits are the openings of the gastric glands.
The Small Intestine
Digestion in the Small Intestine
The capacity of the small intestine is limited, and its diges-
tive processes take time. Consequently, efficient digestion
requires that only relatively small amounts of chyme be in-
troduced from the stomach into the small intestine at any
one time. Coordination between gastric and intestinal ac-
tivities is regulated by neural and hormonal signals, which
we will describe in a later section.
The small intestine is approximately 4.5 meters long in a
living person, but is 6 meters long at autopsy when the
muscles relax. The first 25 centimeters is the duodenum;
the remainder of the small intestine is divided into the je-
junum and the ileum. The duodenum receives acidic
chyme from the stomach, digestive enzymes and bicarbon-
ate from the pancreas, and bile from the liver and gallblad-
der. The pancreatic juice enzymes digest larger food mole-
cules into smaller fragments. This occurs primarily in the
duodenum and jejunum.
The epithelial wall of the small intestine is covered with
tiny, fingerlike projections called villi (singular, villus; figure
51.12). In turn, each of the epithelial cells lining the villi is
covered on its apical surface (the side facing the lumen) by
many foldings of the plasma membrane that form cytoplas-
mic extensions called microvilli. These are quite tiny and can
be seen clearly only with an electron microscope (figure
51.13). In a light micrograph, the microvilli resemble the
bristles of a brush, and for that reason the epithelial wall of
the small intestine is also called a brush border.
The villi and microvilli greatly increase the surface area
of the small intestine; in humans, this surface area is 300
square meters! It is over this vast surface that the products
of digestion are absorbed. The microvilli also participate in
digestion because a number of digestive enzymes are em-
bedded within the epithelial cells’ plasma membranes, with
their active sites exposed to the chyme (figure 51.14).
These brush border enzymes include those that hydrolyze
the disaccharides lactose and sucrose, among others (table
51.1). Many adult humans lose the ability to produce the
brush border enzyme lactase and therefore cannot digest
lactose (milk sugar), a rather common condition called lac-
tose intolerance.The brush border enzymes complete the di-
gestive process that started with the action of the pancre-
atic enzymes released into the duodenum.
1024 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
51.3 The small and large intestines have very different functions.
Small intestine
Cell membrane
Epithelial cell
Capillary Villus
Lymphatic duct
FIGURE 51.12
The small intestine.
Cross-section of the small
intestine; the
enlargements show villi
and an epithelial cell with
numerous microvilli.
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1025
Lumen of duodenum
Epithelial cell
of small intestine
FIGURE 51.13
Intestinal microvilli.Microvilli, shown in an electron
micrograph, are very densely clustered, giving the small intestine
an enormous surface area important in efficient absorption of the
digestion products.
FIGURE 51.14
Brush border enzymes.These enzymes, which are labeled “EN”
in this diagram, are part of the plasma membrane of the microvilli
in the small intestine. They catalyze many of the terminal steps in
Table 51.1 Digestive Enzymes
Location Enzymes Substrates Digestion Products
Salivary glands Amylase Starch, glycogen Disaccharides
Stomach Pepsin Proteins Short peptides
Small intestine Peptidases Short peptides Amino acids
(brush border) Nucleases DNA, RNA Sugars, nucleic acid bases
Lactase, maltase, sucrase Disaccharides Monosaccharides
Pancreas Lipase Triglycerides Fatty acids, glycerol
Trypsin, chymotrypsin Proteins Peptides
DNase DNA Nucleotides
RNase RNA Nucleotides
Absorption in the Small Intestine
The amino acids and monosaccharides resulting from the di-
gestion of proteins and carbohydrates, respectively, are
transported across the brush border into the epithelial cells
that line the intestine (figure 51.15a). They then move to the
other side of the epithelial cells, and from there are trans-
ported across the membrane and into the blood capillaries
within the villi. The blood carries these products of digestion
from the intestine to the liver via the hepatic portal vein.
The term portal here refers to a special arrangement of ves-
sels, seen only in a couple of instances, where one organ (the
liver, in this case) is located “downstream” from another
organ (the intestine). As a result, the second organ receives
blood-borne molecules from the first. Because of the hepatic
portal vein, the liver is the first organ to receive most of the
products of digestion. This arrangement is important for the
functions of the liver, as will be described in a later section.
The products of fat digestion are absorbed by a different
mechanism (figure 51.15b). Fats (triglycerides) are hy-
drolyzed into fatty acids and monoglycerides, which are ab-
sorbed into the intestinal epithelial cells and reassembled
into triglycerides. The triglycerides then combine with
proteins to form small particles called chylomicrons. In-
stead of entering the hepatic portal circulation, the chy-
lomicrons are absorbed into lymphatic capillaries (see
chapter 52), which empty their contents into the blood in
veins near the neck. Chylomicrons can make the blood
plasma appear cloudy if a sample of blood is drawn after a
fatty meal.
The amount of fluid passing through the small intes-
tine in a day is startlingly large: approximately 9 liters.
However, almost all of this fluid is absorbed into the body
rather than eliminated in the feces. About 8.5 liters are
absorbed in the small intestine and an additional 350 mil-
liliters in the large intestine. Only about 50 grams of solid
and 100 milliliters of liquid leave the body as feces. The
normal fluid absorption efficiency of the human digestive
tract thus approaches 99%, which is very high indeed.
Digestion occurs primarily in the duodenum, which
receives the pancreatic juice enzymes. The small
intestine provides a large surface area for absorption.
Glucose and amino acids from food are absorbed
through the small intestine and enter the blood via the
hepatic portal vein, going to the liver. Fat from food
enters the lymphatic system.
1026 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Bile salts
Free fatty acids,
of triglycerides
+ protein cover
Fat globules
Blood capillary Lymphatic capillary
cell of
(a) (b)
FIGURE 51.15
Absorption of the products of digestion.(a) Monosaccharides and amino acids are transported into blood capillaries. (b) Fatty acids and
monoglycerides within the intestinal lumen are absorbed and converted within the intestinal epithelial cells into triglycerides. These are
then coated with proteins to form tiny structures called chylomicrons, which enter lymphatic capillaries.
The Large Intestine
The large intestine, or colon, is much shorter than the
small intestine, occupying approximately the last meter of
the digestive tract; it is called “large” only because of its
larger diameter. The small intestine empties directly into
the large intestine at a junction where two vestigial struc-
tures, the cecum and the appendix, remain (figure 51.16).
No digestion takes place within the large intestine, and
only about 4% of the absorption of fluids by the intestine
occurs there. The large intestine is not as convoluted as the
small intestine, and its inner surface has no villi. Conse-
quently, the large intestine has less than one-thirtieth the
absorptive surface area of the small intestine. Although
sodium, vitamin K, and some products of bacterial metabo-
lism are absorbed across its wall, the primary function of
the large intestine is to concentrate waste material. Within
it, undigested material, primarily bacterial fragments and
cellulose, is compacted and stored. Many bacteria live and
reproduce within the large intestine, and the excess bacteria
are incorporated into the refuse material, called feces.Bacte-
rial fermentation produces gas within the colon at a rate of
about 500 milliliters per day. This rate increases greatly
after the consumption of beans or other vegetable matter
because the passage of undigested plant material (fiber) into
the large intestine provides substrates for fermentation.
The human colon has evolved to process food with a rel-
atively high fiber content. Diets that are low in fiber, which
are common in the United States, result in a slower passage
of food through the colon. Low dietary fiber content is
thought to be associated with the level of colon cancer in
the United States, which is among the highest in the world.
Compacted feces, driven by peristaltic contractions of
the large intestine, pass from the large intestine into a short
tube called the rectum. From the rectum, the feces exit the
body through the anus. Two sphincters control passage
through the anus. The first is composed of smooth muscle
and opens involuntarily in response to pressure inside the
rectum. The second, composed of striated muscle, can be
controlled voluntarily by the brain, thus permitting a con-
scious decision to delay defecation.
In all vertebrates except most mammals, the reproduc-
tive and urinary tracts empty together with the digestive
tract into a common cavity, the cloaca. In some reptiles and
birds, additional water from either the feces or urine may
be absorbed in the cloaca before the products are expelled
from the body.
The large intestine concentrates wastes for excretion by
absorbing water. Some ions and vitamin K are also
absorbed by the large intestine.
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1027
Ascending portion
of large intestine
Last portion
of small intestine
FIGURE 51.16
The junction of the small and large intestines in humans.The large intestine, or colon, starts with the cecum, which is relatively small
in humans compared with that in other mammals. A vestigial structure called the appendix extends from the cecum.
Variations in Vertebrate Digestive
Most animals lack the enzymes necessary to digest cellu-
lose, the carbohydrate that functions as the chief struc-
tural component of plants. The digestive tracts of some
animals, however, contain bacteria and protists that con-
vert cellulose into substances the host can digest. Al-
though digestion by gastrointestinal microorganisms plays
a relatively small role in human nutrition, it is an essential
element in the nutrition of many other kinds of animals,
including insects like termites and cockroaches, and a few
groups of herbivorous mammals. The relationships be-
tween these microorganisms and their animal hosts are
mutually beneficial and provide an excellent example of
Cows, deer, and other ruminants have large, divided
stomachs (figure 51.17). The first portion consists of the
rumen and a smaller chamber, the reticulum; the second
portion consists of two additional chambers: the omasum
and abomasum. The rumen which may hold up to 50 gal-
lons, serves as a fermentation vat in which bacteria and pro-
tozoa convert cellulose and other molecules into a variety
of simpler compounds. The location of the rumen at the
front of the four chambers is important because it allows
the animal to regurgitate and rechew the contents of the
rumen, an activity called rumination, or “chewing the cud.”
The cud is then swallowed and enters the reticulum, from
which it passes to the omasum and then the abomasum,
where it is finally mixed with gastric juice. Hence, only the
abomasum is equivalent to the human stomach in its func-
tion. This process leads to a far more efficient digestion of
cellulose in ruminants than in mammals that lack a rumen,
such as horses.
In horses, rodents, and lagomorphs (rabbits and hares),
the digestion of cellulose by microorganisms takes place in
the cecum, which is greatly enlarged (figure 51.18). Be-
cause the cecum is located beyond the stomach, regurgita-
tion of its contents is impossible. However, rodents and
lagomorphs have evolved another way to digest cellulose
that achieves a degree of efficiency similar to that of rumi-
nant digestion. They do this by eating their feces, thus
passing the food through their digestive tract a second
time. The second passage makes it possible for the animal
to absorb the nutrients produced by the microorganisms in
its cecum. Animals that engage in this practice of co-
prophagy (from the Greek words copros, “excrement,” and
phagein, “eat”) cannot remain healthy if they are prevented
from eating their feces.
Cellulose is not the only plant product that vertebrates
can use as a food source because of the digestive activities
of intestinal microorganisms. Wax, a substance indi-
gestible by most terrestrial animals, is digested by symbi-
otic bacteria living in the gut of honey guides, African
birds that eat the wax in bee nests. In the marine food
chain, wax is a major constituent of copepods (crus-
taceans in the plankton), and many marine fish and birds
appear to be able to digest wax with the aid of symbiotic
Another example of the way intestinal microorganisms
function in the metabolism of their animal hosts is pro-
vided by the synthesis of vitamin K. All mammals rely on
intestinal bacteria to synthesize this vitamin, which is nec-
essary for the clotting of blood. Birds, which lack these bac-
teria, must consume the required quantities of vitamin K in
their food. In humans, prolonged treatment with antibi-
otics greatly reduces the populations of bacteria in the in-
testine; under such circumstances, it may be necessary to
provide supplementary vitamin K.
Much of the food value of plants is tied up in cellulose,
and the digestive tract of many animals harbors colonies
of cellulose-digesting microorganisms. Intestinal
microorganisms also produce molecules such as vitamin
K that are important to the well-being of their
vertebrate hosts.
1028 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
FIGURE 51.17
Four-chambered stomach of a ruminant.The grass and other
plants that a ruminant, such as a cow, eats enter the rumen, where
they are partially digested. Before moving into a second chamber,
the reticulum, the food may be regurgitated and rechewed. The
food is then transferred to the rear two chambers: the omasum
and abomasum. Only the abomasum is equivalent to the human
stomach in its function of secreting gastric juice.
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1029
Short intestine,
no cecum
Short intestine
and colon,
small cecum
stomach with
large rumen;
long small and
large intestine
Simple stomach,
large cecum
FIGURE 51.18
The digestive systems of different mammals reflect their diets.Herbivores require long digestive tracts with specialized
compartments for the breakdown of plant matter. Protein diets are more easily digested; thus, insectivorous and carnivorous mammals
have short digestive tracts with few specialized pouches.
Accessory Organs
Secretions of the Pancreas
The pancreas (figure 51.19), a large
gland situated near the junction of the
stomach and the small intestine, is
one of the accessory organs that con-
tribute secretions to the digestive
tract. Pancreatic fluid is secreted into
the duodenum through the pancreatic
duct; thus, the pancreas functions as
an exocrine organ. This fluid contains
a host of enzymes, including trypsin
and chymotrypsin, which digest pro-
teins; pancreatic amylase, which di-
gests starch; and lipase, which digests
fat. These enzymes are released into
the duodenum primarily as inactive
zymogens and are then activated by
the brush border enzymes of the in-
testine. Pancreatic enzymes digest
proteins into smaller polypeptides,
polysaccharides into shorter chains of
sugars, and fat into free fatty acids and
other products. The digestion of
these molecules is then completed by
the brush border enzymes.
Pancreatic fluid also contains bi-
carbonate, which neutralizes the HCl from the stomach
and gives the chyme in the duodenum a slightly alkaline
pH. The digestive enzymes and bicarbonate are produced
by clusters of secretory cells known as acini.
In addition to its exocrine role in digestion, the pancreas
also functions as an endocrine gland, secreting several hor-
mones into the blood that control the blood levels of glu-
cose and other nutrients. These hormones are produced in
the islets of Langerhans, clusters of endocrine cells scat-
tered throughout the pancreas. The two most important
pancreatic hormones, insulin and glucagon, are discussed
later in this chapter.
The Liver and Gallbladder
The liver is the largest internal organ of the body (see fig-
ure 51.4). In an adult human, the liver weighs about 1.5
kilograms and is the size of a football. The main exocrine
secretion of the liver is bile, a fluid mixture consisting of
bile pigments and bile salts that is delivered into the duode-
num during the digestion of a meal. The bile pigments do
not participate in digestion; they are waste products result-
ing from the liver’s destruction of old red blood cells and
ultimately are eliminated with the feces. If the excretion of
bile pigments by the liver is blocked, the pigments can ac-
cumulate in the blood and cause a yellow staining of the
tissues known as jaundice.
In contrast, the bile salts play a very important role in
the digestion of fats. Because fats are insoluble in water,
they enter the intestine as drops within the watery chyme.
The bile salts, which are partly lipid-soluble and partly
water-soluble, work like detergents, dispersing the large
drops of fat into a fine suspension of smaller droplets. This
emulsification process produces a greater surface area of fat
upon which the lipase enzymes can act, and thus allows the
digestion of fat to proceed more rapidly.
After it is produced in the liver, bile is stored and con-
centrated in the gallbladder. The arrival of fatty food in
the duodenum triggers a neural and endocrine reflex (dis-
cussed later) that stimulates the gallbladder to contract,
causing bile to be transported through the common bile
duct and injected into the duodenum. If the bile duct is
blocked by a gallstone (formed from a hardened precipi-
tate of cholesterol), contraction of the gallbladder will
cause pain generally felt under the right scapula (shoul-
der blade).
1030 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
51.4 Accessory organs, neural stimulation, and endocrine secretions assist in
From liver
Pancreatic islet
(of Langerhans)
bile duct
FIGURE 51.19
The pancreas and bile duct empty into the duodenum.The pancreas secretes pancreatic
juice into the pancreatic duct. The pancreatic islets of Langerhans secrete hormones into the
blood; α-cells secrete glucagon and β-cells secrete insulin.
Regulatory Functions of the Liver
Because the hepatic portal vein carries blood from the
stomach and intestine directly to the liver, the liver is in a
position to chemically modify the substances absorbed in
the gastrointestinal tract before they reach the rest of the
body. For example, ingested alcohol and other drugs are
taken into liver cells and metabolized; this is why the liver
is often damaged as a result of alcohol and drug abuse. The
liver also removes toxins, pesticides, carcinogens, and other
poisons, converting them into less toxic forms. An impor-
tant example of this is the liver’s conversion of the toxic
ammonia produced by intestinal bacteria into urea, a com-
pound that can be contained safely and carried by the blood
at higher concentrations.
Similarly, the liver regulates the levels of many com-
pounds produced within the body. Steroid hormones, for
instance, are converted into less active and more water-
soluble forms by the liver. These molecules are then in-
cluded in the bile and eliminated from the body in the
feces, or carried by the blood to the kidneys and excreted in
the urine.
The liver also produces most of the proteins found in
blood plasma. The total concentration of plasma proteins is
significant because it must be kept within normal limits in
order to maintain osmotic balance between blood and in-
terstitial (tissue) fluid. If the concentration of plasma pro-
teins drops too low, as can happen as a result of liver dis-
ease such as cirrhosis, fluid accumulates in the tissues, a
condition called edema.
Regulation of Blood Glucose Concentration
The neurons in the brain obtain their energy primarily
from the aerobic respiration of glucose obtained from the
blood plasma. It is therefore extremely important that the
blood glucose concentration not fall too low, as might hap-
pen during fasting or prolonged exercise. It is also impor-
tant that the blood glucose concentration not stay at too
high a level, as it does in people with uncorrected diabetes
mellitus,because this can lead to tissue damage.
After a carbohydrate-rich meal, the liver and skeletal
muscles remove excess glucose from the blood and store it
as the polysaccharide glycogen. This process is stimulated
by the hormone insulin, secreted by the β (beta) cells in the
islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. When blood glucose
levels decrease, as they do between meals, during periods of
fasting, and during exercise, the liver secretes glucose into
the blood. This glucose is obtained in part from the break-
down of liver glycogen to glucose-6-phosphate, a process
called glycogenolysis. The phosphate group is then re-
moved, and free glucose is secreted into the blood. Skeletal
muscles lack the enzyme needed to remove the phosphate
group, and so, even though they have glycogen stores, they
cannot secrete glucose into the blood. The breakdown of
liver glycogen is stimulated by another hormone, glucagon,
which is secreted by the α (alpha) cells of the islets of
Langerhans in the pancreas (figure 51.20).
If fasting or exercise continues, the liver begins to con-
vert other molecules, such as amino acids and lactic acid,
into glucose. This process is called gluconeogenesis (“new
formation of glucose”). The amino acids used for gluco-
neogenesis are obtained from muscle protein, which ex-
plains the severe muscle wasting that occurs during pro-
longed fasting.
The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and
bicarbonate into the pancreatic duct. The liver
produces bile, which is stored and concentrated in the
gallbladder. The liver and the pancreatic hormones
regulate blood glucose concentration.
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1031
Pancreatic islets
Eating carbohydrate-rich meal
Insulin secretion
Glucagon secretion
Formation of
glycogen and fat
Fasting or exercise
Increasing blood glucose
Pancreatic islets
Breakdown of
glycogen and fat
Decreasing blood glucose
Insulin secretion
Glucagon secretion
FIGURE 51.20
The actions of insulin and glucagon.
After a meal, an increased secretion of
insulin by the βcells of the pancreatic
islets promotes the deposition of glycogen
and fat. During fasting or exercising, an
increased glucagon secretion by the αcells
of the pancreatic islets and a decreased
insulin secretion promote the breakdown
(through hydrolysis reactions) of glycogen
and fat.
Neural and Hormonal Regulation
of Digestion
The activities of the gastrointestinal tract are coordinated
by the nervous system and the endocrine system. The ner-
vous system, for example, stimulates salivary and gastric se-
cretions in response to the sight and smell of food. When
food arrives in the stomach, proteins in the food stimulate
the secretion of a stomach hormone called gastrin (table
51.2), which in turn stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen
and HCl from the gastric glands (figure 51.21). The se-
creted HCl then lowers the pH of the gastric juice, which
acts to inhibit further secretion of gastrin. Because inhibi-
tion of gastrin secretion will reduce the amount of HCl re-
leased into the gastric juice, a negative feedback loop is
completed. In this way, the secretion of gastric acid is kept
under tight control.
The passage of chyme from the stomach into the duo-
denum inhibits the contractions of the stomach, so that
no additional chyme can enter the duodenum until the
previous amount has been processed. This inhibition is
mediated by a neural reflex and by a hormone secreted by
the small intestine that inhibits gastric emptying. The
hormone is known generically as an enterogastrone (entero
refers to the intestine; gastro to the stomach). The chemi-
cal identity of the enterogastrone is currently controver-
sial. A hormone known as gastric inhibitory peptide
(GIP), released by the duodenum, was named for this
function but may not be the only, or even the major, en-
terogastrone. The secretion of enterogastrone is stimu-
lated most strongly by the presence of fat in the chyme.
Fatty meals therefore remain in the stomach longer than
meals low in fat.
The duodenum secretes two additional hormones.
Cholecystokinin (CCK), like enterogastrone, is secreted in
response to the presence of fat in the chyme. CCK stimu-
lates the contractions of the gallbladder, injecting bile into
the duodenum so that fat can be emulsified and more effi-
ciently digested. The other duodenal hormone is secretin.
Released in response to the acidity of the chyme that ar-
rives in the duodenum, secretin stimulates the pancreas to
release bicarbonate, which then neutralizes some of the
acidity. Secretin has the distinction of being the first hor-
mone ever discovered.
Neural and hormonal reflexes regulate the activity of
the digestive system. The stomach’s secretions are
regulated by food and by the hormone gastrin. Other
hormones, secreted by the duodenum, inhibit stomach
emptying and promote the release of bile from the
gallbladder and the secretion of bicarbonate in
pancreatic juice.
1032 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Table 51.2 Hormones of Digestion
Hormone Class Source Stimulus Action Note
inhibitory peptide
Pyloric portion
of stomach
Entry of food
into stomach
Fatty chyme in
Fatty chyme in
Acidic chyme
in duodenum
Stimulates secretion of HCl
and pepsinogen by stomach
Stimulates gallbladder
contraction and secretion of
digestive enzymes by pancreas
Inhibits stomach emptying
Stimulates secretion of
bicarbonate by pancreas
Unusual in that it acts
on same organ that
secretes it
Structurally similar to
Also stimulates insulin
The first hormone to
be discovered (1902)
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1033
+ +
+ –
FIGURE 51.21
Hormonal control of the gastrointestinal tract.Gastrin is secreted by the mucosa of the stomach and stimulates the secretion of
pepsinogen (which is converted into pepsin) and HCl. The duodenum secretes three hormones: cholecystokinin (CCK), which stimulates
contraction of the gallbladder and secretion of pancreatic enzymes; secretin, which stimulates secretion of pancreatic bicarbonate; and an
enterogastrone, which inhibits stomach emptying.
Food Energy and Energy
The ingestion of food serves two primary functions: it pro-
vides a source of energy, and it provides raw materials the
animal is unable to manufacture for itself. Even an animal
that is completely at rest requires energy to support its
metabolism; the minimum rate of energy consumption
under defined resting conditions is called the basal meta-
bolic rate (BMR). The BMR is relatively constant for a
given individual, depending primarily on the person’s age,
sex, and body size.
Exercise raises the metabolic rate above the basal levels,
so the amount of energy that the body consumes per day is
determined not only by the BMR but also by the level of
physical activity. If food energy taken in is greater than the
energy consumed per day, the excess energy will be stored
in glycogen and fat. Because glycogen reserves are limited,
however, continued ingestion of excess food energy results
primarily in the accumulation of fat. The intake of food en-
ergy is measured in kilocalories (1 kilocalorie = 1000 calo-
ries; nutritionists use Calorie with a capital C instead of
kilocalorie). The measurement of kilocalories in food is de-
termined by the amount of heat generated when the food is
“burned,” either literally, or when the caloric content of
food is measured using a calorimeter, or in the body when
the food is digested. Caloric intake can be altered by the
choice of diet, and the amount of energy expended in exer-
cise can be changed by the choice of lifestyle. The daily en-
ergy expenditures (metabolic rates) of people vary between
1300 and 5000 kilocalories per day, depending on the per-
son’s BMR and level of physical activity. If the food kilo-
calories ingested exceed the metabolic rate for a sustained
period, the person will accumulate an amount of fat that is
deleterious to health, a condition called obesity. In the
United States, about 30% of middle-aged women and 15%
of middle-aged men are classified as obese, which means
they weigh at least 20% more than the average weight for
their height.
Regulation of Food Intake
Scientists have for years suspected that adipose tissue se-
cretes a hormonal satiety factor (a circulating chemical that
decreases appetite), because genetically obese mice lose
weight when their circulatory systems are surgically
joined with those of normal mice. Apparently, some
weight-loss hormone was passing into the obese mice!
The satiety factor secreted by adipose tissue has recently
been identified. It is the product of a gene first observed
in a strain of mice known as ob/ob (ob stands for “obese”;
the double symbols indicate that the mice are homozy-
gous for this gene—they inherit it from both parents).
The ob gene has been cloned in mice, and more recently
in humans, and has been found to be expressed (that is, to
produce mRNA) only in adipocytes. The protein product
of this gene, the presumed satiety factor, is called leptin.
The ob mice produce a mutated and ineffective form of
leptin, and it is this defect that causes their obesity. When
injected with normal leptin, they stop eating and lose
weight (figure 51.22).
More recent studies in humans show that the activity of
the obgene and the blood concentrations of leptin are actu-
ally higher in obese than in lean people, and that the leptin
produced by obese people appears to be normal. It has
therefore been suggested that most cases of human obesity
may result from a reduced sensitivity to the actions of lep-
tin in the brain rather than from reduced leptin production
by adipose cells. Aggressive research is ongoing, as might
be expected from the possible medical and commercial ap-
plications of these findings.
In the United States, serious eating disorders have be-
come much more common since the mid-1970s. The most
common of these disorders are anorexia nervosa,a condition
in which the afflicted individuals literally starve themselves,
and bulimia, in which individuals gorge themselves and
then vomit, so that their weight stays constant. Ninety to
95% of those suffering from these disorders are female; re-
searchers estimate that 2 to 5% of the adolescent girls and
young women in the United States have eating disorders.
The amount of caloric energy expended by the body
depends on the basal metabolic rate and the additional
calories consumed by exercise. Obesity results if the
ingested food energy exceeds the energy expenditure by
the body over a prolonged period.
1034 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
51.5 All animals require food energy and essential nutrients.
FIGURE 51.22
Injection of the hormone leptin causes genetically obese
mice to lose weight.These two mice are identical twins, both
members of a mutant strain of obese mice. The mouse on the
right has been injected with the hormone leptin. It lost 30% of its
body weight in just two weeks, with no apparent side effects.
Essential Nutrients
Over the course of their evolution, many animals have lost
the ability to synthesize specific substances that neverthe-
less continue to play critical roles in their metabolism. Sub-
stances that an animal cannot manufacture for itself but
which are necessary for its health must be obtained in the
diet and are referred to as essential nutrients.
Included among the essential nutrients are vitamins, cer-
tain organic substances required in trace amounts. Hu-
mans, apes, monkeys, and guinea pigs, for example, have
lost the ability to synthesize ascorbic acid (vitamin C). If vi-
tamin C is not supplied in sufficient quantities in their
diets, they will develop scurvy, a potentially fatal disease.
Humans require at least 13 different vitamins (table 51.3).
Some essential nutrients are required in more than trace
amounts. Many vertebrates, for example, are unable to syn-
thesize 1 or more of the 20 amino acids used in making
proteins. These essential amino acids must be obtained from
proteins in the food they eat. There are nine essential
amino acids for humans. People who are vegetarians must
choose their foods so that the essential amino acids in one
food complement those in another.
In addition, all vertebrates have lost the ability to syn-
thesize certain unsaturated fatty acids and therefore must
obtain them in food. On the other hand, some essential nu-
trients that vertebrates can synthesize cannot be manufac-
tured by the members of other animal groups. For exam-
ple, vertebrates can synthesize cholesterol, a key
component of steroid hormones, but some carnivorous in-
sects cannot.
Food also supplies essential minerals such as calcium,
phosphorus, and other inorganic substances, including a
wide variety of trace elements such aszinc and molybdenum
which are required in very small amounts (see table 2.1).
Animals obtain trace elements either directly from plants
or from animals that have eaten plants.
The body requires vitamins and minerals obtained in
food. Also, food must provide particular essential amino
acids and fatty acids that the body cannot manufacture
by itself.
Chapter 51 Fueling Body Activities: Digestion 1035
Table 51.3 Major Vitamins
Vitamin Function Source Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin A
B-complex vitamins
(pantothenic acid)
Folic acid
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Used in making visual pigments, maintenance
of epithelial tissues
Coenzyme in CO
removal during cellular
Part of coenzymes FAD and FMN, which play
metabolic roles
Part of coenzymes NAD
and NADP
Part of coenzyme-A, a key connection between
carbohydrate and fat metabolism
Coenzyme in many phases of amino acid
Coenzyme in the production of nucleic acids
Coenzyme in fat synthesis and amino acid
Coenzyme in amino acid and nucleic acid
Important in forming collagen, cement of bone,
teeth, connective tissue of blood vessels; may
help maintain resistance to infection
Increases absorption of calcium and promotes
bone formation
Protects fatty acids and cell membranes from
Essential to blood clotting
Green vegetables,
milk products, liver
Meat, grains, legumes
Many different kinds
of foods
Liver, lean meats,
Many different kinds
of foods
Cereals, vegetables,
Red meats, dairy
Meat, vegetables
Green vegetables
Fruit, green leafy
Dairy products, cod
liver oil
Margarine, seeds,
green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables
Night blindness, flaky skin
Beriberi, weakening of heart,
Inflammation and breakdown
of skin, eye irritation
Pellagra, inflammation of
nerves, mental disorders
Rare: fatigue, loss of
Anemia, convulsions,
Pernicious anemia
Rare: depression, nausea
Anemia, diarrhea
Scurvy, breakdown of skin,
blood vessels
Rickets, bone deformities
Severe bleeding
1036 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Chapter 51
Summary Questions Media Resources
51.1 Animals employ a digestive system to prepare food for assimilation by cells.
? The digestive system of vertebrates consists of a
gastrointestinal tract and accessory digestive organs.
? Different regions of the digestive tract display
specializations of structure and function.
1.What are the layers that
make up the wall of the
vertebrate gastrointestinal tract?
What type of tissue is found in
each layer?
? The teeth of carnivores are different from those of
? The esophagus contracts in peristaltic waves to drive
the swallowed food to the stomach.
? Cells of the gastric mucosa secrete hydrochloric acid,
which activates pepsin, an enzyme that promotes the
partial hydrolysis of ingested proteins.
2.How does tooth structure
vary among carnivores,
herbivores, and omnivores?
3.What normally prevents
regurgitation in humans, and
why can’t horses regurgitate?
4.What inorganic substance is
secreted by parietal cells?
51.2 Food is ingested, swallowed, and transported to the stomach.
? The duodenum receives pancreatic juice and bile,
which help digest the chyme that arrives from the
stomach through the pyloric valve.
? Digestive enzymes in the small intestine finish the
breakdown of food into molecules that can be
absorbed by the small intestine.
? The large intestine absorbs water and ions, as well as
certain organic molecules such as vitamin K; the
remaining material passes out of the anus.
5.How are the products of
protein and carbohydrate
digestion absorbed across the
intestinal wall, and where do
they go after they are absorbed?
6.What anatomical and
behavioral specializations do
ruminants have for making use
of microorganisms?
51.3 The small and large intestines have very different functions.
? Pancreatic juice contains bicarbonate to neutralize
the acid chyme from the stomach. Bile contains bile
pigment and bile salts, which emulsify fat. The liver
metabolizes toxins and hormones that are delivered to
it in the hepatic portal vein; the liver also helps to
regulate the blood glucose concentration.
? The stomach secretes the hormone gastrin, and the
small intestine secretes various hormones that help to
regulate the digestive system.
7.What are the main exocrine
secretions of the pancreas, and
what are their functions?
8.What is the function of bile
salts in digestion?
9.Describe the role of gastrin
and secretin in digestion.
51.4 Accessory organs, neural stimulation, and endocrine secretions assist in digestion.
? The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the lowest level of
energy consumption of the body.
? Vitamins, minerals, and the essential amino acids and
fatty acids must be supplied in the diet.
10.What is a vitamin? What is
the difference between an
essential amino acid and any
other amino acid?
51.5 All animals require food energy and essential nutrients.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Art Activity:
Digestive tract wall
? Art Activities:
Digestive system
Glottis function
? Art Activities:
Small intestine
Hepatic lobules
? Introduction to
? Human digestion
? Digestion overview
? Stomach to small
? Small intestine
? Art Activity:
Digestive system
? formation of
? Nutrition
Concept Outline
52.1 The circulatory systems of animals may be open
or closed.
Open and Closed Circulatory Systems. All vertebrates
have a closed circulation, while many invertebrate animals
have open circulatory systems.
52.2 A network of vessels transports blood through
the body.
The Blood Plasma. The blood plasma transports a
variety of solutes, including ions, metabolites, proteins, and
The Blood Cells. The blood cells include erythrocytes,
which transport oxygen, leukocytes, which provide defenses
for the body, and platelets, which function in blood
Characteristics of Blood Vessels. Blood leaves the heart
in arteries and returns in veins; in between, the blood passes
through capillaries, where all exchanges with tissues occur.
The Lymphatic System. The lymphatic system returns
interstitial fluid to the bloodstream.
52.3 The vertebrate heart has undergone progressive
evolutionary change.
The Fish Heart. The fish heart consists of a row of four
chambers that receives blood in the posterior end from the
body and pumps blood from the anterior end to the gills.
Amphibian and Reptile Circulation. Land vertebrates
have a double circulation, where blood from the lungs
returns to the heart to be pumped to the rest of the body.
Mammalian and Bird Hearts. Mammals and birds have
a complete separation between the two sides of the heart.
52.4 The cardiac cycle drives the cardiovascular system.
The Cardiac Cycle. The right and left sides of the heart
rest and receive blood at the same time, then pump the
blood into arteries at the same time.
Electrical Excitation and Contraction of the Heart.
The impulse begins in one area of the heart and is
conducted to the rest of the heart.
Blood Flow and Blood Pressure. Blood flow and blood
pressure depend on the diameter of the arterial vessels and
on the amount of blood pumped by the heart.
very cell in the animal body must acquire the energy
it needs for living from other molecules in food. Like
residents of a city whose food is imported from farms in
the countryside, cells in the body need trucks to carry the
food, highways for the trucks to travel on, and a way to
cook the food when it arrives. In animals, the circulatory
system provides blood and blood vessels (the trucks and
highways), and is discussed in this chapter (figure 52.1).
The respiratory system provides the glucose (fuel) and
oxygen (fuel to cook the food), and will be discussed in the
following chapter.
Red blood cells.This ruptured blood vessel, seen in a scanning
electron micrograph, is full of red blood cells, which move
through vessels transporting oxygen from one place to another in
the body.
the blood posteriorly until it eventually reenters the dorsal
vessel. Smaller vessels branch from each artery to supply
the tissues of the earthworm with oxygen and nutrients and
to transport waste products (figure 52.2c).
The Functions of Vertebrate Circulatory Systems
The vertebrate circulatory system is more elaborate than
the invertebrate circulatory system. It functions in trans-
porting oxygen and nutrients to tissues by the cardiovascu-
lar system. Blood vessels form a tubular network that per-
mits blood to flow from the heart to all the cells of the
body and then back to the heart. Arteriescarry blood away
from the heart, whereas veins return blood to the heart.
Blood passes from the arterial to the venous system in capil-
laries, which are the thinnest and most numerous of the
blood vessels.
As blood plasma passes through capillaries, the pressure
of the blood forces some of this fluid out of the capillary
walls. Fluid derived from plasma that passes out of capillary
walls into the surrounding tissues is called interstitial
fluid. Some of this fluid returns directly to capillaries, and
some enters into lymph vessels, located in the connective
tissues around the blood vessels. This fluid, now called
lymph,is returned to the venous blood at specific sites. The
lymphatic system is considered a part of the circulatory sys-
tem and is discussed later in this chapter.
The vertebrate circulatory system has three principal
functions: transportation, regulation, and protection.
1. Transportation. All of the substances essential for
cellular metabolism are transported by the circula-
tory system. These substances can be categorized as
a. Respiratory. Red blood cells, or erythrocytes, trans-
port oxygen to the tissue cells. In the capillaries of
1038 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Open and Closed Circulatory
Among the unicellular protists, oxygen and nutrients are
obtained directly from the aqueous external environment
by simple diffusion. The body wall is only two cell layers
thick in cnidarians, such as Hydra,and flatworms, such as
Planaria. Each cell layer is in direct contact with either
the external environment or the gastrovascular cavity (fig-
ure 52.2a). The gastrovascular cavity of Hydra (see chap-
ter 51) extends from the body cavity into the tentacles,
and that of Planaria branches extensively to supply every
cell with oxygen and nutrients. Larger animals, however,
have tissues that are several cell layers thick, so that many
cells are too far away from the body surface or digestive
cavity to exchange materials directly with the environ-
ment. Instead, oxygen and nutrients are transported from
the environment and digestive cavity to the body cells by
an internal fluid within a circulatory system.
There are two main types of circulatory systems: openor
closed.In an open circulatory system,such as that found in
mollusks and arthropods (figure 52.2b), there is no distinc-
tion between the circulating fluid (blood) and the extracel-
lular fluid of the body tissues (interstitial fluid or lymph).
This fluid is thus called hemolymph. In insects, the heart
is a muscular tube that pumps hemolymph through a net-
work of channels and cavities in the body. The fluid then
drains back into the central cavity.
In a closed circulatory system, the circulating fluid, or
blood, is always enclosed within blood vessels that trans-
port blood away from and back to a pump, the heart. An-
nelids (see chapter 45) and all vertebrates have a closed cir-
culatory system. In annelids such as an earthworm, a dorsal
vessel contracts rhythmically to function as a pump. Blood
is pumped through five small connecting arteries which
also function as pumps, to a ventral vessel, which transports
52.1 The circulatory systems of animals may be open or closed.
Gastrovascular cavity
Tubular heart
Dorsal blood vessel
Ventral blood
(c) Earthworm:
closed circulation
(b) Insect:
open circulation
(a) Planaria:
gastrovascular cavity
Circulatory systems of the animal kingdom.(a) The gastrovascular cavity of Planariaserves as both a digestive and circulatory system,
delivering nutrients directly to the tissue cells by diffusion from the digestive cavity. (b) In the open circulation of an insect, hemolymph is
pumped from a tubular heart into cavities in the insect’s body; the hemolymph then returns to the blood vessels so that it can be
recirculated. (c) In the closed circulation of the earthworm, blood pumped from the hearts remains within a system of vessels that returns it
to the hearts. All vertebrates also have closed circulatory systems.
the lungs or gills, oxygen attaches to hemo-
globin molecules within the erythrocytes
and is transported to the cells for aerobic
respiration. Carbon dioxide, a by-product of
cell respiration, is carried by the blood to
the lungs or gills for elimination.
b. Nutritive. The digestive system is responsi-
ble for the breakdown of food into mole-
cules so that nutrients can be absorbed
through the intestinal wall and into the
blood vessels of the circulatory system. The
blood then carries these absorbed products
of digestion through the liver and to the
cells of the body.
c. Excretory. Metabolic wastes, excessive water
and ions, and other molecules in the fluid
portion of blood are filtered through the
capillaries of the kidneys and excreted in
2. Regulation. The cardiovascular system transports
regulatory hormones and participates in temperature
a. Hormone transport. The blood carries hormones
from the endocrine glands, where they are se-
creted, to the distant target organs they regulate.
b. Temperature regulation. In warm-blooded verte-
brates, or endotherms, a constant body tempera-
ture is maintained regardless of the ambient tem-
perature. This is accomplished in part by blood
vessels located just under the epidermis. When the
ambient temperature is cold, the superficial vessels
constrict to divert the warm blood to deeper ves-
sels. When the ambient temperature is warm, the
superficial vessels dilate so that the warmth of the
blood can be lost by radiation (figure 52.3).
Some vertebrates also retain heat in a cold envi-
ronment by using a countercurrent heat ex-
change (also see chapter 53). In this process, a ves-
sel carrying warm blood from deep within the body
passes next to a vessel carrying cold blood from the
surface of the body (figure 52.4). The warm blood
going out heats the cold blood returning from the
body surface, so that this blood is no longer cold
when it reaches the interior of the body.
3. Protection. The circulatory system protects against
injury and foreign microbes or toxins introduced into
the body.
a. Blood clotting. The clotting mechanism protects
against blood loss when vessels are damaged. This
clotting mechanism involves both proteins from
the blood plasma and cell fragments called
platelets (discussed in the next section).
b. Immune defense. The blood contains white blood
cells, or leukocytes, that provide immunity against
many disease-causing agents. Some white blood
cells are phagocytic, some produce antibodies, and
some act by other mechanisms to protect the body.
Circulatory systems may be open or closed. All
vertebrates have a closed circulatory system, in which
blood circulates away from the heart in arteries and
back to the heart in veins. The circulatory system serves
a variety of functions, including transportation,
regulation, and protection.
Chapter 52 Circulation 1039
(a) Vasoconstriction (b) Vasodilation
Heat loss
or water
Regulation of heat loss.The amount of heat lost at the body’s surface can
be regulated by controlling the flow of blood to the surface. (a) Constriction
of surface blood vessels limits flow and heat loss; (b) dilation of these vessels
increases flow and heat loss.
Cold blood
Warm blood
of environment
Core body
Countercurrent heat exchange.Many marine animals, such as
this killer whale, limit heat loss in cold water using countercurrent
heat exchange. The warm blood pumped from within the body in
arteries loses heat to the cold blood returning from the skin in
veins. This warms the venous blood so that the core body
temperature can remain constant in cold water and cools the
arterial blood so that less heat is lost when the arterial blood
reaches the tip of the extremity.
The Blood Plasma
Blood is composed of a fluid plasma and several different
kinds of cells that circulate within that fluid (figure 52.5).
Blood platelets, although included in figure 52.5, are not
complete cells; rather, they are fragments of cells that re-
side in the bone marrow. Blood plasma is the matrix in
which blood cells and platelets are suspended. Interstitial
(extracellular) fluids originate from the fluid present in
Plasma contains the following solutes:
1. Metabolites, wastes, and hormones. Dissolved
within the plasma are all of the metabolites used by
cells, including glucose, amino acids, and vitamins.
Also dissolved in the plasma are hormones that regu-
late cellular activities, wastes such as nitrogen com-
pounds, and CO
produced by metabolizing cells.
is carried in the blood as bicarbonate because
free carbon dioxide would decrease blood pH.
2. Ions. Like the water of the seas in which life arose,
blood plasma is a dilute salt solution. The predomi-
nant plasma ions are sodium, chloride, and bicarbon-
ate ions. In addition, there are trace amounts of other
ions such as calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium,
and zinc. The composition of the plasma, therefore,
is similar to seawater, but plasma has a lower total ion
concentration than that of present-day seawater.
3. Proteins. The liver produces most of the plasma
proteins, including albumin, which comprises most
of the plasma protein; the alpha (α) and beta (β)
globulins,which serve as carriers of lipids and steroid
hormones; and fibrinogen,which is required for blood
clotting. Following an injury of a blood vessel,
platelets release clotting factors (proteins) into the
blood. In the presence of these clotting factors, fi-
brinogen is converted into insoluble threads of fibrin.
Fibrin then aggregates to form the clot. Blood plasma
which has had fibrinogen removed is called serum.
Plasma, the liquid portion of the blood, contains
different types of proteins, ions, metabolites, wastes,
and hormones. This liquid, and fluids derived from it,
provide the extracellular environment of most the cells
of the body.
1040 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
52.2 A network of vessels transports blood through the body.
Types of blood cells.Erythrocytes are red blood cells, platelets
are fragments of a bone marrow cell, and all the other cells are
different types of leukocytes, or white blood cells.
Blood cell Life span in blood
120 days
7 hours
3 days
7- 8 days
Immune defenses
Defense against
(precursor of
tissue macrophage)
Antibody production
(precursor of
plasma cells)
Cellular immune
Blood clotting
and CO
B - lymphocyte
T - lymphocyte
The Blood Cells
Red blood cells function in oxygen transport, white blood
cells in immunological defenses, and platelets in blood clot-
ting (see figure 52.5).
Erythrocytes and Oxygen Transport
Each cubic millimeter of blood contains about 5 million
red blood cells, or erythrocytes. The fraction of the total
blood volume that is occupied by erythrocytes is called the
blood’s hematocrit;in humans, it is typically around 45%. A
disc with a central depression, each erythrocyte resembles a
doughnut with a hole that does not go all the way through.
As we’ve already seen, the erythrocytes of vertebrates con-
tain hemoglobin, a pigment which binds and transports
oxygen. In vertebrates, hemoglobin is found only in ery-
throcytes. In invertebrates, the oxygen binding pigment
(not always hemoglobin) is also present in plasma.
Erythrocytes develop from unspecialized cells, called
stem cells. When plasma oxygen levels decrease, the kidney
converts a plasma protein into the hormone, erythropoietin.
Erythropoietin then stimulates the production of erythro-
cytes in bone marrow. In mammals, maturing erythrocytes
lose their nuclei through a process called erythropoiesis. This
is different from the mature erythrocytes of all other verte-
brates, which remain nucleated. As mammalian erythro-
cytes age, they are removed from the blood by phagocytic
cells of the spleen, bone marrow, and liver. Balancing this
loss, new erythrocytes are constantly formed in the bone
Leukocytes Defend the Body
Less than 1% of the cells in human blood are leukocytes,
or white blood cells; there are only 1 or 2 leukocytes for
every 1000 erythrocytes. Leukocytes are larger than ery-
throcytes and have nuclei. Furthermore, leukocytes are not
confined to the blood as erythrocytes are, but can migrate
out of capillaries into the interstitial (tissue) fluid.
There are several kinds of leukocytes, each of which
plays a specific role in defending the body against invading
microorganisms and other foreign substances, as described
in Chapter 57. Granular leukocytes include neutrophils,
eosinophils, and basophils, which are named according to
the staining properties of granules in their cytoplasm.
Nongranular leukocytes include monocytes and lym-
phocytes. Neutrophils are the most numerous of the
leukocytes, followed in order by lymphocytes, monocytes,
eosinophils, and basophils.
Platelets Help Blood to Clot
Megakaryocytes are large cells present in bone marrow.
Pieces of cytoplasm are pinched off of the megakaryocytes
and become platelets. Platelets play an important role in
blood clotting. When a blood vessel is broken, smooth
muscle in the vessel walls contracts, causing the vessel to
constrict. Platelets then accumulate at the injured site and
form a plug by sticking to each other and to the surround-
ing tissues. This plug is reinforced by threads of the protein
fibrin (figure 52.6), which contract to form a tighter mass.
The tightening plug of platelets, fibrin, and often trapped
erythrocytes constitutes a blood clot.
Erythrocytes contain hemoglobin and serve in oxygen
transport. The different types of leukocytes have
specialized functions that serve to protect the body
from invading pathogens, and the platelets participate
in blood clotting.
Chapter 52 Circulation 1041
Fibrin threads
Vessel is
tissue to blood.
Collagen fibers
Red blood
Blood vessel
Platelets adhere
and become
sticky, forming
a plug.
Cascade of enzymatic reactions
is triggered by platelets, plasma
factors, and damaged tissue.
Prothrombin Thrombin
Fibrinogen Fibrin
Threads of fibrin
trap erythrocytes
and form a clot.
Platelet plug
Blood clotting.Fibrin is formed from a soluble protein,
fibrinogen, in the plasma. This reaction is catalyzed by the
enzyme thrombin, which is formed from an inactive enzyme
called prothrombin. The activation of thrombin is the last step in
a cascade of enzymatic reactions that produces a blood clot when
a blood vessel is damaged.
Characteristics of Blood Vessels
Blood leaves the heart through vessels known as arter-
ies. These continually branch, forming a hollow “tree”
that enters each of the organs of the body. The finest,
microscopically-sized branches of the arterial trees are
the arterioles. Blood from the arterioles enters the cap-
illaries (from the Latin capillus, “a hair”), an elaborate
latticework of very narrow, thin-walled tubes. After tra-
versing the capillaries, the blood is collected into
venules; the venules lead to larger vessels called veins,
which carry blood back to the heart.
Arteries, arterioles, veins, and venules all have the
same basic structure (figure 52.7). The innermost layer is
an epithelial sheet called the endothelium. Covering the
endothelium is a thin layer of elastic fibers, a smooth
muscle layer, and a connective tissue layer. The walls of
these vessels are thus too thick to permit any exchange of
materials between the blood and the tissues outside the
vessels. The walls of capillaries, however, are made up of
only the endothelium, so molecules and ions can leave
the blood plasma by diffusion, by filtration through pores
in the capillary walls, and by transport through the en-
dothelial cells. Therefore, it is while blood is in the capil-
laries that gases and metabolites are exchanged with the
cells of the body.
Arteries and Arterioles
Arteries function in transporting blood away from the
heart. The larger arteries contain extra elastic fibers in
their walls, allowing them to recoil each time they receive a
volume of blood pumped by the heart. Smaller arteries and
arterioles are less elastic, but their disproportionately thick
smooth muscle layer enables them to resist bursting.
The vast tree of arteries presents a frictional resistance
to blood flow. The narrower the vessel, the greater the fric-
tional resistance to flow. In fact, a vessel that is half the di-
ameter of another has 16 times the frictional resistance!
This is because the resistance to blood flow is inversely
proportional to the radius of the vessel. Therefore, within
the arterial tree, it is the small arteries and arterioles that
provide the greatest resistance to blood flow. Contraction
of the smooth muscle layer of the arterioles results in vaso-
constriction, which greatly increases resistance and de-
creases flow. Relaxation of the smooth muscle layer results
in vasodilation, decreasing resistance and increasing blood
flow to an organ (see figure 52.3).
In addition, blood flow through some organs is regu-
lated by rings of smooth muscle around arterioles near the
region where they empty into capillaries. These precapil-
lary sphincters (figure 52.8) can close off specific capillary
beds completely. For example, the closure of precapillary
sphincters in the skin contributes to the vasoconstriction
that limits heat loss in cold environments.
Exchange in the Capillaries
Each time the heart contracts, it must produce sufficient
pressure to pump blood against the resistance of the arter-
ial tree and into the capillaries. The vast number and exten-
sive branching of the capillaries ensure that every cell in the
body is within 100 μm of a capillary.On the average, capillar-
ies are about 1 mm long and 8 μm in diameter, only slightly
larger than a red blood cell (5 to 7 μm in diameter). Despite
the close fit, red blood cells can squeeze through capillaries
without difficulty.
Although each capillary is very narrow, there are so
many of them that the capillaries have the greatest total
cross-sectional area of any other type of vessel. Conse-
1042 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Smooth muscle
(a) (b) (c)
Connective tissue
Smooth muscle
Elastic layer
The structure of blood vessels.(a) Arteries and (c) veins have the same tissue layers. (b) Capillaries are composed of only a single layer of
endothelial cells. (not to scale)
quently, the blood decreases in velocity as it passes through
the capillary beds, allowing more time for it to exchange
materials with the surrounding extracellular fluid. By the
time the blood reaches the end of a capillary, it has released
some of its oxygen and nutrients and picked up carbon
dioxide and other waste products. Blood also loses most of
its pressure in passing through the vast capillary networks,
and so is under very low pressure when it enters the veins.
Venules and Veins
Blood flows from the venules to ever larger veins, and ulti-
mately back to the heart. Venules and veins have the same
tissue layers as arteries, but they have a thinner layer of
smooth muscle. Less muscle is needed because the pressure
in the veins is only about one-tenth that in the arteries.
Most of the blood in the cardiovascular system is contained
within veins, which can expand when needed to hold addi-
tional amounts of blood. You can see the expanded veins in
your feet when you stand for a long time.
When the blood pressure in the veins is so low, how
does the blood return to the heart from the feet and legs?
The venous pressure alone is not sufficient, but several
sources provide help. Most significantly, skeletal muscles
surrounding the veins can contract to move blood by
squeezing the veins. Blood moves in one direction through
the veins back to the heart with the help of venous valves
(figure 52.9). When a person’s veins expand too much with
blood, the venous valves may no longer work and the
blood may pool in the veins. Veins in this condition are
known as varicose veins.
Blood is pumped from the heart into the arterial
system, which branches into fine arterioles. This blood
is delivered into the thinnest and most numerous of
vessels, the capillaries, where exchanges with the tissues
occur. Blood returns to the heart through veins.
Chapter 52 Circulation 1043
Arteriole Venule
sphincters open
sphincters closed
(a) Blood flows through capillary network (b) Blood flow in capillary network is limited
The capillary network connects arteries with veins.(a) Most of the exchange between the blood and the extracellular fluid occurs while
the blood is in the capillaries. Entrance to the capillaries is controlled by bands of muscle called precapillary sphincters at the entrance to
each capillary. (b) When a sphincter contracts, it closes off the capillary. By contracting these sphincters, the body can limit the amount of
blood in the capillary network of a particular tissue, and thus control the rate of exchange in that tissue.
Blood flows
toward heart
One-way flow of blood through veins.Venous valves ensure
that blood moves through the veins in only one direction, back to
the heart.
The Lymphatic System
The cardiovascular system is considered to be a closed
system because all of its vessels are connected with one
another—none are simply open-ended. However, some
water and solutes in the blood plasma do filter through
the walls of the capillaries to form the interstitial (tissue)
fluid. This filtration is driven by the pressure of the
blood, and it helps supply the tissue cells with oxygen and
nutrients. Most of the fluid is filtered from the capillaries
near their arteriolar ends, where the blood pressure is
higher, and returned to the capillaries near their venular
ends. This return of fluid occurs by osmosis, which is dri-
ven by a higher solute concentration within the capillar-
ies. Most of the plasma proteins cannot escape through
the capillary pores because of their large size and so the
concentration of proteins in the plasma is greater than the
protein concentration in the interstitial fluid. The differ-
ence in protein concentration produces an osmotic pres-
sure, called the oncotic pressure, that causes osmosis of
water into the capillaries (figure 52.10).
Because interstitial fluid is produced because of the
blood pressure, high capillary blood pressure could cause
too much interstitial fluid to be produced. A common ex-
ample of this occurs in pregnant women, when the fetus
compresses veins and thereby increases the capillary blood
pressure in the mother’s lower limbs. The increased inter-
stitial fluid can cause swelling of the tissues, or edema, of
the feet. Edema may also result if the plasma protein con-
centration (and thus the oncotic pressure) is too low. Fluids
will not return to the capillaries but will remain as intersti-
tial fluid. This may be caused either by liver disease, be-
cause the liver produces most of the plasma proteins, or by
protein malnutrition (kwashiorkor).
Even under normal conditions, the amount of fluid fil-
tered out of the capillaries is greater than the amount
that returns to the capillaries by osmosis. The remainder
does eventually return to the cardiovascular system, how-
ever, by way of an opencirculatory system called the lym-
phatic system. The lymphatic system consists of lym-
phatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and
lymphatic organs, including the spleen and thymus. Ex-
cess fluid in the tissues drains into blind-ended lymph
capillaries with highly permeable walls. This fluid, now
called lymph, passes into progressively larger lymphatic
vessels, which resemble veins and have one-way valves
(figure 52.11). The lymph eventually enters two major
lymphatic vessels, which drain into veins on each side of
the neck.
Movement of lymph in mammals is accomplished by
skeletal muscles squeezing against the lymphatic vessels, a
mechanism similar to the one that moves blood through
veins. In some cases, the lymphatic vessels also contract
rhythmically. In many fishes, all amphibians and reptiles,
bird embryos, and some adult birds, movement of lymph is
propelled by lymph hearts.
As the lymph moves through lymph nodes and lym-
phatic organs, it is modified by phagocytic cells that line
the channels of those organs. In addition, the lymph nodes
and lymphatic organs contain germinal centers for the pro-
duction of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell critically
important in immunity.
Lymphatic vessels carry excess interstitial fluid back to
the vascular system. This fluid, called lymph, travels
through lymph nodes and lymphatic organs where it
encounters the immune cells called lymphocytes that
are produced in these organs.
1044 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Excess interstitial fluid
becomes lymph
Osmosis due to plasma
proteins causes net
Blood pressure
causes net filtration
FIGURE 52.10
Plasma fluid, minus proteins, is filtered out of capillaries.
This forms interstitial fluid, which bathes the tissues. Much of the
interstitial fluid is returned to the capillaries by the osmotic
pressure generated by the higher protein concentration in plasma.
The excess interstitial fluid is drained into open-ended lymphatic
capillaries, which ultimately return the fluid to the cardiovascular
FIGURE 52.11
A lymphatic vessel valve (25×).Valves allow lymph to flow in
one direction (from left to right in this figure) but not in the
reverse direction.
The Fish Heart
The chordates that were ancestral to the vertebrates are
thought to have had simple tubular hearts, similar to those
now seen in lancelets (see chapter 48). The heart was little
more than a specialized zone of the ventral artery, more
heavily muscled than the rest of the arteries, which con-
tracted in simple peristaltic waves. A pumping action re-
sults because the uncontracted portions of the vessel have a
larger diameter than the contracted portion, and thus pre-
sent less resistance to blood flow.
The development of gills by fishes required a more effi-
cient pump, and in fishes we see the evolution of a true cham-
ber-pump heart. The fish heart is, in essence, a tube with four
chambers arrayed one after the other (figure 52.12a). The
first two chambers—the sinus venosusand atrium—are col-
lection chambers, while the second two, the ventricle and
conus arteriosus,are pumping chambers.
As might be expected, the sequence of the heartbeat in
fishes is a peristaltic sequence, starting at the rear and
moving to the front, similar to the early chordate heart.
The first of the four chambers to contract is the sinus
venosus, followed by the atrium, the ventricle, and finally
the conus arteriosus. Despite shifts in the relative posi-
tions of the chambers in the vertebrates that evolved later,
this heartbeat sequence is maintained in all vertebrates. In
fish, the electrical impulse that produces the contraction
is initiated in the sinus venosus; in other vertebrates, the
electrical impulse is initiated by their equivalent of the
sinus venosus.
The fish heart is remarkably well suited to the gill respi-
ratory apparatus and represents one of the major evolution-
ary innovations in the vertebrates. Perhaps its greatest ad-
vantage is that the blood that moves through the gills is
fully oxygenated when it moves into the tissues. After blood
leaves the conus arteriosus, it moves through the gills,
where it becomes oxygenated; from the gills, it flows
through a network of arteries to the rest of the body; then
it returns to the heart through the veins (figure 52.12b).
This arrangement has one great limitation, however. In
passing through the capillaries in the gills, the blood loses
much of the pressure developed by the contraction of the
heart, so the circulation from the gills through the rest of
the body is sluggish. This feature limits the rate of oxygen
delivery to the rest of the body.
The fish heart is a modified tube, consisting of a series
of four chambers. Blood first enters the heart at the
sinus venosus, where the wavelike contraction of the
heart begins.
Chapter 52 Circulation 1045
52.3 The vertebrate heart has undergone progressive evolutionary change.
Atrium Ventricle
FIGURE 52.12
The heart and circulation of a fish.(a) Diagram of a fish heart,
showing the chambers in series with each other. (b) Diagram of
fish circulation, showing that blood is pumped by the ventricle
through the gills and then to the body. Blood rich in oxygen
(oxygenated) is shown in red; blood low in oxygen (deoxygenated)
is shown in blue.
Amphibian and Reptile Circulation
The advent of lungs involved a major change in the pattern
of circulation. After blood is pumped by the heart through
the pulmonary arteriesto the lungs, it does not go directly to
the tissues of the body but is instead returned via the pul-
monary veins to the heart. This results in two circulations:
one between heart and lungs, called the pulmonary circu-
lation, and one between the heart and the rest of the body,
called the systemic circulation.
If no changes had occurred in the structure of the heart,
the oxygenated blood from the lungs would be mixed in the
heart with the deoxygenated blood returning from the rest
of the body. Consequently, the heart would pump a mixture
of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood rather than fully
oxygenated blood. The amphibian heart has two structural
features that help reduce this mixing (figure 52.13). First,
the atrium is divided into two chambers: the right atrium
receives deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation,
and the left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the
lungs. These two stores of blood therefore do not mix in the
atria, and little mixing occurs when the contents of each
atrium enter the single, common ventricle, due to internal
channels created by recesses in the ventricular wall. The
conus arteriosus is partially separated by a dividing wall
which directs deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary arter-
ies to the lungs and oxygenated blood into the aorta, the
major artery of the systemic circulation to the body.
Because there is only one ventricle in an amphibian
heart, the separation of the pulmonary and systemic cir-
culations is incomplete. Amphibians in water, however,
can obtain additional oxygen by diffusion through their
skin. This process, called cutaneous respiration, helps
to supplement the oxygenation of the blood in these
Among reptiles, additional modifications have re-
duced the mixing of blood in the heart still further. In
addition to having two separate atria, reptiles have a sep-
tum that partially subdivides the ventricle. This results
in an even greater separation of oxygenated and deoxy-
genated blood within the heart. The separation is com-
plete in one order of reptiles, the crocodiles, which have
two separate ventricles divided by a complete septum.
Crocodiles therefore have a completely divided pul-
monary and systemic circulation. Another change in the
circulation of reptiles is that the conus arteriosus has be-
come incorporated into the trunks of the large arteries
leaving the heart.
Amphibians and reptiles have two circulations,
pulmonary and systemic, that deliver blood to the lungs
and rest of the body, respectively. The oxygenated
blood from the lungs is kept relatively separate from
the deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body by
incomplete divisions within the heart.
1046 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Right atrium
To lungs
To body
To body
To lungs
To body
To body
Left atrium
Sinus venosus
(a) (b)
FIGURE 52.13
The heart and circulation of an amphibian.(a) The frog heart has two atria but only one ventricle, which pumps blood both to the
lungs and to the body. (b) Despite the potential for mixing, the oxygenated and deoxygenated bloods (red and blue, respectively) mix very
little as they are pumped to the body and lungs. The slight mixing is shown in purple. RA = right atrium; LA = left atrium; V = ventricle.
Mammalian and Bird Hearts
Mammals, birds, and crocodiles have a four-chambered
heart with two separate atria and two separate ventricles
(figure 52.14). The right atrium receives deoxygenated
blood from the body and delivers it to the right ventricle,
which pumps the blood to the lungs. The left atrium re-
ceives oxygenated blood from the lungs and delivers it to
the left ventricle, which pumps the oxygenated blood to
the rest of the body. This completely double circulation
is powered by a two-cycle pump. Both atria fill with
blood and simultaneously contract, emptying their blood
into the ventricles. Both ventricles contract at the same
time, pushing blood simultaneously into the pulmonary
and systemic circulations. The increased efficiency of the
double circulatory system in mammals and birds is
thought to have been important in the evolution of en-
dothermy (warm-bloodedness), because a more efficient
circulation is necessary to support the high metabolic
rate required.
Because the overall circulatory system is closed, the
same volume of blood must move through the pulmonary
circulation as through the much larger systemic circulation
with each heartbeat. Therefore, the right and left ventricles
must pump the same amount of blood each time they con-
tract. If the output of one ventricle did not match that of
the other, fluid would accumulate and pressure would in-
crease in one of the circuits. The result would be increased
filtration out of the capillaries and edema (as occurs in con-
gestive heart failure, for example). Although the volume of
blood pumped by the two ventricles is the same, the pres-
sure they generate is not. The left ventricle, which pumps
blood through the higher-resistance systemic pathway, is
more muscular and generates more pressure than does the
right ventricle.
Throughout the evolutionary history of the vertebrate
heart, the sinus venosus has served as a pacemaker, the site
where the impulses that initiate the heartbeat originate. Al-
though it constitutes a major chamber in the fish heart, it is
reduced in size in amphibians and further reduced in rep-
tiles. In mammals and birds, the sinus venosus is no longer
evident as a separate chamber, but its disappearance is not
really complete. Some of its tissue remains in the wall of
the right atrium, near the point where the systemic veins
empty into the atrium. This tissue, which is called the
sinoatrial (SA) node, is still the site where each heartbeat
The oxygenated blood from the lungs returns to the left
atrium and is pumped out the left ventricle. The
deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the right
atrium and out the right ventricle to the lungs.
Chapter 52 Circulation 1047
semilunar valve
vena cava
vena cava
Tricuspid valve
Right ventricle
Left ventricle
Right atrium
Left atrium
mitral valve
Right lung
Left lung
(a) (b)
FIGURE 52.14
The heart and circulation of mammals and birds.(a) The path of blood through the four-chambered heart. (b) The right side of the
heart receives deoxygenated blood and pumps it to the lungs; the left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood and pumps it to the body.
In this way, the pulmonary and systemic circulations are kept completely separate. RA = right atrium; LA = left atrium; RV = right
ventricle; LV = left ventricle.
The Cardiac Cycle
The human heart, like that of all mammals and birds, is re-
ally two separate pumping systems operating within a sin-
gle organ. The right pump sends blood to the lungs, and
the left pump sends blood to the rest of the body.
The heart has two pairs of valves. One pair, the atri-
oventricular (AV) valves, guards the opening between the
atria and ventricles. The AV valve on the right side is the
tricuspid valve, and the AV valve on the left is the bicus-
pid, or mitral, valve. Another pair of valves, together called
the semilunar valves, guard the exits from the ventricles to
the arterial system; the pulmonary valve is located at the
exit of the right ventricle, and the aortic valve is located at
the exit of the left ventricle. These valves open and close as
the heart goes through its cardiac cycle of rest (diastole)and
contraction (systole).The sound of these valves closing pro-
duces the “lub-dub” sounds heard with a stethoscope.
Blood returns to the resting heart through veins that
empty into the right and left atria. As the atria fill and the
pressure in them rises, the AV valves open to admit the
blood into the ventricles. The ventricles become about
80% filled during this time. Contraction of the atria wrings
out the final 20% of the 80 milliliters of blood the ventri-
cles will receive, on average, in a resting person. These
events occur while the ventricles are relaxing, a period
called ventricular diastole.
After a slight delay, the ventricles contract; this period of
contraction is known as ventricular systole. Contraction of
each ventricle increases the pressure within each chamber,
causing the AV valves to forcefully close (the “lub” sound),
thereby preventing blood from backing up into the atria.
Immediately after the AV valves close, the pressure in the
ventricles forces the semilunar valves open so that blood
can be pushed out into the arterial system. As the ventricles
relax, closing of the semilunar valves prevents back flow
(the “dub” sound).
The right and left pulmonary arteries deliver oxygen-
depleted blood to the right and left lungs. As previously
mentioned, these return blood to the left atrium of the heart
via the pulmonary veins. The aorta and all its branches are
systemic arteries (figure 52.15), carrying oxygen-rich blood
from the left ventricle to all parts of the body. The coro-
nary arteries are the first branches off the aorta; these sup-
ply the heart muscle itself. Other systemic arteries branch
from the aorta as it makes an arch above the heart, and as it
descends and traverses the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
These branches provide all body organs with oxygenated
blood. The blood from the body organs, now lower in oxy-
gen, returns to the heart in the systemic veins. These even-
tually empty into two major veins: the superior vena cava,
which drains the upper body, and the inferior vena cava,
which drains the lower body. These veins empty into the
right atrium and thereby complete the systemic circulation.
Measuring Arterial Blood Pressure
As the ventricles contract, great pressure is generated in the
arteries throughout the body. You can tell this by feeling
your pulse, either on the inside of your wrist, below the
thumb or on the sides of your neck below your ear and jaw-
bone. The contraction of the ventricles has to be strong
enough to force blood through capillary beds but not too
strong as to cause damage to smaller arteries and arterioles.
Doctors measure your blood pressure to determine how
hard your heart is working.
The measuring device used is called a sphygmomanometer
and measures the blood pressure of the brachial artery found
on the inside part of the arm, at the elbow (figure 52.15). A
cuff wrapped around the upper part of the arm is tightened
enough to stop the flow of blood to the lower part of the arm.
As the cuff is loosened, blood will begin pulsating through
the artery and can be detected using a stethoscope. Two mea-
surements are recorded: the systolic and the diastolic pres-
sure. The systolic pressure is the peak pressure during ven-
tricular systole (contraction of the ventricle). The diastolic
pressure is the minimum pressure between heartbeats (repo-
larization of the ventricles). The blood pressure is written as a
ratio of systolic over diastolic pressure, and for a healthy per-
son in his or her twenties, a typical blood pressure is 120/75
(measurement in mm of mercury). A condition called hyper-
tension(high blood pressure) occurs when the ventricles expe-
rience very strong contractions, and the blood pressure is ele-
vated, either systolic pressure greater than 150 or diastolic
pressures greater than 90.
The cardiac cycle consists of systole and diastole; the
ventricles contract at systole and relax at diastole.
1048 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
52.4 The cardiac cycle drives the cardiovascular system.
250 0
250 0
Cuff pressure: 150
No sound:
artery closed
Cuff pressure: 120
Pulse sound:
Systolic pressure
Cuff pressure: 75
Sound stops:
Diastolic pressure
FIGURE 52.15
Measurement of blood pressure.
Electrical Excitation and
Contraction of the Heart
As in other types of muscle, contraction of heart muscle is
stimulated by membrane depolarization, a reversal of the
electrical polarity that normally exists across the plasma
membrane (see chapter 50). In skeletal muscles, the ner-
vous system initiates depolarization. However, in the heart,
the depolarization is triggered by the sinoatrial (SA) node
(figure 52.16), the small cluster of cardiac muscle cells de-
rived from the sinus venosus. The SA node acts as a pace-
maker for the rest of the heart by producing depolarization
impulses spontaneously at a particular rate. Each depolar-
ization initiated within this pacemaker region passes
quickly from one cardiac muscle cell to another in a wave
that envelops the right and left atria nearly simultaneously.
The spread of depolarization is possible because the cardiac
muscle cells are electrically coupled by gap junctions.
After a delay of almost 0.1 second, the wave of depolar-
ization spreads to the ventricles. The reason for this delay
is that connective tissue separates the atria from the ventri-
cles, and connective tissue cannot transmit depolarization.
The depolarization would not pass to the ventricles at all,
were it not for a group of specialized cardiac muscle cells
known as the atrioventricular (AV) node. The cells in the
AV node transmit the depolarization slowly, causing the
delay. This delay permits the atria to finish contracting and
emptying their blood into the ventricles before the ventri-
cles contract.
From the AV node, the wave of depolarization is con-
ducted rapidly over both ventricles by a network of fibers
called the atrioventricular bundle or bundle of His. It is
then transmitted by Purkinje fibers, which directly stimu-
late the myocardial cells of the ventricles. The rapid con-
duction of the depolarization along the bundle of His and
the Purkinje fibers causes the almost simultaneous contrac-
tion of the left and right ventricles. The rate can be in-
creased or decreased by neural regulation or increased by
the hormone epinephrine.
The spread of electrical activity through the heart cre-
ates currents that can be recorded from the surface of the
body with electrodes placed on the limbs and chest. The
recording, called an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG),
shows how the cells of the heart depolarize and repolarize
during the cardiac cycle (see figure 52.16). As was explained
in chapter 50, depolarization causes contraction of a muscle
(including the heart), while repolarization causes relaxation.
The first peak in the recording, P, is produced by the depo-
larization of the atria, and thus is associated with atrial sys-
tole. The second, larger peak, QRS, is produced by ventric-
ular depolarization; during this time, the ventricles contract
(ventricular systole) and eject blood into the arteries. The
last peak, T, is produced by ventricular repolarization; at
this time the ventricles begin diastole.
The SA node in the right atrium initiates waves of
depolarization that stimulate first the atria and then the
ventricles to contract.
Chapter 52 Circulation 1049
SA node
Bundle of His
AV node
Purkinje fibers
12 3 4
P wave in ECG QRS wave in ECG
1 sec
QRS wave
FIGURE 52.16
The path of electrical excitation in the heart.A wave of
depolarization begins at the sinoatrial (SA) node. After passing
over the atria and causing them to contract (forming the P wave
on the ECG), the depolarization reaches the atrioventricular (AV)
node, from which it passes to the ventricles along the septum by
the bundle of His. Finer Purkinje fibers carry the depolarization
into the right and left ventricular muscles (forming the QRS wave
on the ECG). The T wave on the ECG corresponds to the
repolarization of the ventricles.
Blood Flow and Blood Pressure
Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped by each
ventricle per minute. Because humans (like all vertebrates)
have a closed circulation, the cardiac output is the same as
the volume of blood that traverses the systemic or pul-
monary circulations per minute. It is calculated by multi-
plying the heart rate by the stroke volume,which is the vol-
ume of blood ejected by each ventricle per beat. For
example, if the heart rate is 72 beats per minute and the
stroke volume is 70 milliliters, the cardiac output is 5 liters
per minute, which is about average in a resting person.
Cardiac output increases during exercise because of an
increase in heart rate and stroke volume. When exercise be-
gins, the heart rate increases up to about 100 beats per
minute. As exercise becomes more intense, skeletal muscles
squeeze on veins more vigorously, returning blood to the
heart more rapidly. In addition, the ventricles contract more
strongly, so they empty more completely with each beat.
During exercise, the cardiac output increases to a maxi-
mum of about 25 liters per minute in an average young
adult. Although the cardiac output has increased five times,
not all organs receive five times the blood flow; some re-
ceive more, others less. This is because the arterioles in
some organs, such as in the digestive system, constrict,
while the arterioles in the exercising muscles and heart di-
late. As previously mentioned, the resistance to flow de-
creases as the radius of the vessel increases. As a conse-
quence, vasodilation greatly increases and vasoconstriction
greatly decreases blood flow.
Blood Pressure and the Baroreceptor Reflex
The arterial blood pressure depends on two factors: how
much blood the ventricles pump (the cardiac output) and
how great a resistance to flow the blood encounters in
the entire arterial system. An increased blood pressure,
therefore, could be produced by an increased heart rate
or an increased blood volume (because both increase the
cardiac output) or by vasoconstriction, which increases
the resistance to blood flow. Conversely, blood pressure
will fall if the heart rate slows or if the blood volume is
reduced, for example by dehydration or excessive bleed-
ing (hemorrhage).
Changes in the arterial blood pressure are detected by
baroreceptors located in the arch of the aorta and in the
carotid arteries. These receptors activate sensory neurons
that relay information to cardiovascular control centersin the
medulla oblongata, a region of the brain stem. When the
baroreceptors detect a fall in blood pressure, they stimulate
neurons that go to blood vessels in the skin and viscera,
causing arterioles in these organs to constrict and raise the
blood pressure. This baroreceptor reflex therefore com-
pletes a negative feedback loop that acts to correct the fall
in blood pressure and restore homeostasis.
Blood Volume Reflexes
Blood pressure depends in part on the total blood volume.
A decrease in blood volume, therefore, will decrease blood
pressure, if all else remains equal. Blood volume regulation
involves the effects of four hormones: (1) antidiuretic hor-
mone; (2) aldosterone; (3) atrial natriuretic hormone; and
(4) nitric oxide.
Antidiuretic Hormone. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH),
also called vasopressin,is secreted by the posterior pituitary
gland in response to an increase in the osmotic concentra-
tion of the blood plasma. Dehydration, for example, causes
the blood volume to decrease while the remaining plasma
becomes more concentrated. This stimulates osmoreceptors
in the hypothalamus of the brain, a region located immedi-
ately above the pituitary. The osmoreceptors promote
thirst and stimulate ADH secretion from the posterior pi-
tuitary gland. ADH, in turn, stimulates the kidneys to re-
tain more water in the blood, excreting less in the urine
(urine is derived from blood plasma—see chapter 58). A de-
hydrated person thus drinks more and urinates less, helping
to raise the blood volume and restore homeostasis.
Aldosterone. If a person’s blood volume is lowered (by
dehydration, for example), the flow of blood through the
organs will be reduced if no compensation occurs. When-
ever the kidneys experience a decreased blood flow, a group
of kidney cells initiate the release of a short polypeptide
known as angiotensin II. This is a very powerful molecule: it
stimulates vasoconstriction throughout the body while it
also stimulates the adrenal cortex (the outer region of the
adrenal glands) to secrete the hormone aldosterone. This im-
portant steroid hormone is necessary for life; it acts on the
kidneys to promote the retention of Na
and water in the
blood. An animal that lacks aldosterone will die if un-
treated, because so much of the blood volume is lost in
urine that the blood pressure falls too low to sustain life.
Atrial Natriuretic Hormone. When the body needs to
eliminate excessive Na
, less aldosterone is secreted by the
adrenals, so that less Na
is retained by the kidneys. In re-
cent years, scientists have learned that Na
excretion in the
urine is promoted by another hormone. Surprisingly, this
hormone is secreted by the right atrium of the heart—the
heart is an endocrine gland! The right atrium secretes atrial
natriuretic hormone in response to stretching of the atrium
by an increased blood volume. The action of atrial natri-
uretic hormone completes a negative feedback loop, be-
cause it promotes the elimination of Na
and water, which
will lower the blood volume and pressure.
Nitric Oxide. Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas that acts as a hor-
mone in vertebrates, regulating blood pressure and blood
flow. As described in chapter 7, nitric oxide gas is a
paracrine hormone, is produced by one cell, penetrates
through membranes, and alters the activities of other
1050 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
neighboring cells. In 1998 the Nobel Prize for Medicine
was awarded for the discovery of this signal transmission
activity. How does NO regulate blood pressure? Nitric
oxide gas produced by the surface endothelial cells of blood
vessels passes inward through the cell layers of the vessel,
causing the smooth muscles that encase it to relax and the
blood vessel to dilate (become wider). For over a century,
heart patients have been prescribed nitroglycerin to relieve
chest pain, but only now has it become clear that nitroglyc-
erin acts by releasing nitric oxide gas.
Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in
the United States; more than 42 million people have some
form of cardiovascular disease. Heart attacks are the main
cause of cardiovascular deaths in the United States, ac-
counting for about a fifth of all deaths. They result from an
insufficient supply of blood reaching one or more parts of
the heart muscle, which causes myocardial cells in those
parts to die. Heart attacks may be caused by a blood clot
forming somewhere in the coronary arteries (the arteries
that supply the heart muscle with blood) and blocking the
passage of blood through those vessels. They may also re-
sult if an artery is blocked by atherosclerosis (see below).
Recovery from a heart attack is possible if the portion of
the heart that was damaged is small enough that the other
blood vessels in the heart can enlarge their capacity and re-
supply the damaged tissues. Angina pectoris, which liter-
ally means “chest pain,” occurs for reasons similar to those
that cause heart attacks, but it is not as severe. The pain
may occur in the heart and often also in the left arm and
shoulder. Angina pectoris is a warning sign that the blood
supply to the heart is inadequate but still sufficient to avoid
myocardial cell death.
Strokes are caused by an interference with the blood
supply to the brain. They may occur when a blood vessel
bursts in the brain, or when blood flow in a cerebral artery
is blocked by a thrombus (blood clot) or by atherosclerosis.
The effects of a stroke depend on how severe the damage is
and where in the brain the stroke occurs.
Atherosclerosis is an accumulation within the arteries
of fatty materials, abnormal amounts of smooth muscle, de-
posits of cholesterol or fibrin, or various kinds of cellular
debris. These accumulations cause blood flow to be re-
duced (figure 52.17). The lumen (interior) of the artery
may be further reduced in size by a clot that forms as a re-
sult of the atherosclerosis. In the severest cases, the artery
may be blocked completely. Atherosclerosis is promoted by
genetic factors, smoking, hypertension (high blood pres-
sure), and high blood cholesterol levels. Diets low in cho-
lesterol and saturated fats (from which cholesterol can be
made) can help lower the level of blood cholesterol, and
therapy for hypertension can reduce that risk factor. Stop-
ping smoking, however, is the single most effective action a
smoker can take to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
Arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, occurs
when calcium is deposited in arterial walls. It tends to occur
when atherosclerosis is severe. Not only do such arteries
have restricted blood flow, but they also lack the ability to
expand as normal arteries do to accommodate the volume
of blood pumped out by the heart. This inflexibility forces
the heart to work harder.
Cardiac output depends on the rate of the heart and
how much blood is ejected per beat. Blood flow is
regulated by the degree of constriction of the arteries,
which affects the resistance to flow. Blood pressure is
influenced by blood volume. The volume of water
retained in the vascular system is regulated by
hormones that act on the kidneys and blood vessels.
Many cardiovascular diseases are associated with the
accumulation of fatty materials on the inner surfaces of
Chapter 52 Circulation 1051
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 52.17
Atherosclerosis.(a) The coronary artery shows only minor blockage. (b) The artery exhibits severe atherosclerosis—much of the passage
is blocked by build-up on the interior walls of the artery. (c) The coronary artery is essentially completely blocked.
1052 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Chapter 52
Summary Questions Media Resources
52.1 The circulatory systems of animals may be open or closed.
? Vertebrates have a closed circulation, where the
blood stays within vessels as it travels away from and
back to the heart.
? The circulatory system serves a variety of functions,
including transport, regulation, and protection.
1.What is the difference
between a closed circulatory
system and an open circulatory
system? In what types of animals
would you find each?
? Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood. A variety of
plasma proteins, ions, metabolites, wastes, and
hormones are dissolved in the plasma.
? Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, contain hemoglobin
and function to transport oxygen; the leukocytes, or
white blood cells, function in immunological
? The heart pumps blood into arteries, which branch
into smaller arterioles.
? Blood from the arterial system empties into
capillaries with thin walls; all exchanges between the
blood and tissues pass across the walls of capillaries.
? Blood returns to the heart in veins, which have one-
way valves to ensure that blood travels toward the
heart only.
? Lymphatic vessels return interstitial fluid to the
venous system.
2.What are the major
components of blood plasma?
3.Describe the structure of
arteries and veins, explaining
their similarities and differences.
Why do arteries differ in
structure from veins?
4.What is the relationship
between vessel diameter and the
resistance to blood flow? How
do the arterial trees adjust their
resistance to flow?
5.What drives the flow of fluid
within the lymphatic system, and
in what direction does the fluid
52.2 A network of vessels transports blood through the body.
? The fish heart consists of four chambers in a row; the
beat originates in the sinus venosus and spreads
through the atrium, ventricle, and conus arteriosus.
? In the circulation of fishes, blood from the heart goes
to the gills and then to the rest of the body before
returning to the heart; in terrestrial vertebrates, blood
returns from the lungs to the heart before it is
pumped to the body.
6.Describe the pattern of
circulation through a fish and an
amphibian, and compare the
structure of their hearts. What
new circulatory pattern
accompanies the evolution of
52.3 The vertebrate heart has undergone progressive evolutionary change.
? Electrical excitation of the heart is initiated by the SA
(sinoatrial) node, spreads through gap junctions
between myocardial cells in the atria, and then is
conducted into the ventricles by specialized
conducting tissue.
? The cardiac output is regulated by nerves that
influence the cardiac rate and by factors that
influence the stroke volume.
7.How does the baroreceptor
reflex help to maintain blood
pressure? How do ADH and
aldosterone maintain blood
volume and pressure? What
causes their secretion?
52.4 The cardiac cycle drives the cardiovascular system.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Bioethics case study:
Heart transplant
? Types of systems
? On Science Article:
Dinosaur hearts
? Art Activities:
External heart
Internal view of heart
? Cardiac cycle blood
? Art Activity:
? Art Activities:
Blood vessels
Capillary bed
Human circulatory
Lymphatic system
Lymphoid organs
? Lymphatic system
? Vessels and pressure
? Blood
? Lymph system
? Plasma
? Blood flow
? Cardiac cycle
? Blood pressure
Concept Outline
53.1 Respiration involves the diffusion of gases.
Fick’s Law of Diffusion. The rate of diffusion across a
membrane depends on the surface area of the membrane,
the concentration gradients, and the distance across the
How Animals Maximize the Rate of Diffusion. The
diffusion rate increases when surface area or concentration
gradient increases.
53.2 Gills are used for respiration by aquatic
The Gill as a Respiratory Structure. Water is forced
past the gill surface, and blood flows through the gills.
53.3 Lungs are used for respiration by terrestrial
Respiration in Air-Breathing Animals. In insects, oxygen
diffuses directly from the air into body cells; in vertebrates,
oxygen diffuses into blood and then into body cells.
Respiration in Amphibians and Reptiles. Amphibians
force air into their lungs, whereas reptiles, birds, and
mammals draw air in by expanding their rib cage.
Respiration in Mammals. In mammals, gas exchange
occurs across millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli.
Respiration in Birds. In birds, air flows through the lung
53.4 Mammalian breathing is a dynamic process.
Structures and Mechanisms of Breathing. The rib
cage and lung volumes are expanded during inspiration by
the contraction of the diaphragm and other muscles.
Mechanisms That Regulate Breathing. The respiratory
control center in the brain is influenced by reflexes triggered
by the blood levels of carbon dioxide and blood pH.
53.5 Blood transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Hemoglobin and Oxygen Transport. Hemoglobin, a
molecule within the red blood cells, loads with oxygen in
the lungs and unloads its oxygen in the tissue capillaries.
Carbon Dioxide and Nitric Oxide Transport. Carbon
dioxide is converted into carbonic acid in erythrocytes and
is transported as bicarbonate.
Animals pry energy out of food molecules using the bio-
chemical process called cellular respiration. While the term
cellular respiration pertains to the use of oxygen and pro-
duction of carbon dioxide at the cellular level, the general
term respiration describes the uptake of oxygen from the
environment and the disposal of carbon dioxide into the
environment at the body system level. Respiration at the
body system level involves a host of processes not found at
the cellular level, like the mechanics of breathing and the
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the capillaries.
These processes, one of the principal physiological chal-
lenges facing all animals (figure 53.1), are the subject of this
Elephant seals are respiratory champions. Diving to depths
greater than those of all other marine animals, including sperm
whales and sea turtles, elephant seals can hold their breath for
over two hours, descend and ascend rapidly in the water, and
endure repeated dives without suffering any apparent respiratory
D = the diffusion constant;
A = the area over which diffusion takes place;
?p = the difference in concentration (for gases, the difference
in their partial pressures) between the interior of the
organism and the external environment; and
d = the distance across which diffusion takes place.
Major changes in the mechanism of respiration have oc-
curred during the evolution of animals (figure 53.2) that
have tended to optimize the rate of diffusion R. By in-
specting Fick’s Law, you can see that natural selection can
optimize R by favoring changes that (1) increase the sur-
face area A; (2) decrease the distance d; or (3) increase the
concentration difference, as indicated by ?p. The evolu-
tion of respiratory systems has involved changes in all of
these factors.
Fick’s Law of Diffusion states that the rate of diffusion
across a membrane depends on surface area,
concentration (partial pressure) difference, and
1054 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Fick’s Law of Diffusion
Respiration involves the diffusion of gases across plasma
membranes. Because plasma membranes must be sur-
rounded by water to be stable, the external environment in
gas exchange is always aqueous. This is true even in terres-
trial animals; in these cases, oxygen from air dissolves in a
thin layer of fluid that covers the respiratory surfaces, such
as the alveoli in lungs.
In vertebrates, the gases diffuse into the aqueous layer
covering the epithelial cells that line the respiratory organs.
The diffusion process is passive, driven only by the differ-
ence in O
and CO
concentrations on the two sides of the
membranes. In general, the rate of diffusion between two
regions is governed by a relationship known as Fick’s Law
of Diffusion:
R = D H11003 A
In this equation,
R = the rate of diffusion; the amount of oxygen or carbon
dioxide diffusing per unit of time;
53.1 Respiration involves the diffusion of gases.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Blood vessel
Gas exchange may take place in a variety of ways. (a) Gases diffuse directly into single-celled organisms. (b) Amphibians and many
other animals respire across their skin. (c) Echinoderms have protruding papulae, which provide an increased respiratory surface area. (d)
Inspects respire through an extensive tracheal system. (e) The gills of fishes provide a very large respiratory surface area and
countercurrent exchange. ( f ) The alveoli in mammalian lungs provide a large respiratory surface area but do not permit countercurrent
How Animals Maximize the Rate of
The levels of oxygen required by oxidative metabolism
cannot be obtained by diffusion alone over distances
greater than about 0.5 millimeter. This restriction se-
verely limits the size of organisms that obtain their oxy-
gen entirely by diffusion directly from the environment.
Protists are small enough that such diffusion can be ade-
quate (see figure 53.2a), but most multicellular animals
are much too large.
Most of the more primitive phyla of invertebrates lack
special respiratory organs, but they have developed means
of improving the movement of water over respiratory
structures. In a number of different ways, many of which
involve beating cilia, these organisms create a water current
that continuously replaces the water over the respiratory
surfaces. Because of this continuous replenishment with
water containing fresh oxygen, the external oxygen concentra-
tion does not decrease along the diffusion pathway. Although
each oxygen molecule that passes into the organism has
been removed from the surrounding water, new water con-
tinuously replaces the oxygen-depleted water. This in-
creases the rate of diffusion by maximizing the concentra-
tion difference—the ?p of the Fick equation.
All of the more advanced invertebrates (mollusks,
arthropods, echinoderms), as well as vertebrates, possess
respiratory organs that increase the surface area available
for diffusion and bring the external environment (either
water or air) close to the internal fluid, which is usually
circulated throughout the body. The respiratory organs
thus increase the rate of diffusion by maximizing surface
area and decreasing the distance the diffusing gases must
travel (the A and d factors, respectively, in the Fick
Atmospheric Pressure and Partial Pressures
Dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen (N
), 20.95% oxygen,
0.93% argon and other inert gases, and 0.03% carbon diox-
ide. Convection currents cause air to maintain a constant
composition to altitudes of at least 100 kilometers, al-
though the amount (number of molecules) of air that is pre-
sent decreases with altitude (figure 53.3).
Imagine a column of air extending from the ground to
the limits of the atmosphere. All of the gas molecules in
this column experience the force of gravity, so they have
weight and can exert pressure. If this column were on top
of one end of a U-shaped tube of mercury at sea level, it
would exert enough pressure to raise the other end of the
tube 760 millimeters under a set of specified, standard con-
ditions (see figure 53.3). An apparatus that measures air
pressure is called a barometer, and 760 mm Hg (millime-
ters of mercury) is the barometric pressure of the air at sea
level. A pressure of 760 mm Hg is also defined as one at-
mosphere of pressure.
Each type of gas contributes to the total atmospheric
pressure according to its fraction of the total molecules
present. That fraction contributed by a gas is called its par-
tial pressure and is indicated by P
, P
, P
, and so on.
The total pressure is the sum of the partial pressures of all
gases present. For dry air, the partial pressures are calcu-
lated simply by multiplying the fractional composition of
each gas in the air by the atmospheric pressure. Thus, at
sea level, the partial pressures of N
inert gases, O
, and
= 760 H11003 7902% = 6006mm Hg,
= 760 H11003 2095% = 1592mm Hg, and
= 760 H11003 0.03% = 0.2mm Hg.
Humans do not survive long at altitudes above 6000 me-
ters. Although the air at these altitudes still contains
20.95% oxygen, the atmospheric pressure is only about 380
mm Hg, so its P
is only 80 mm Hg (380 × 20.95%), only
half the amount of oxygen available at sea level.
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an
organism and its environment occurs by diffusion of
dissolved gases across plasma membranes and is
maximized by increasing the concentration gradient and
the surface area and by decreasing the distance that the
diffusing gases must travel.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1055
Air pressure (mm Hg)
Oxygen partial pressure (mm Hg)
Altitude (m)
0 40 80 120 160
0 200 400 600
4350 m
8882 m
The relationship between air pressure and altitude above sea
level. At the high altitudes characteristic of mountaintops, air
pressure is much less than at sea level. At the top of Mount
Everest, the world’s highest mountain, the air pressure is only
one-third that at sea level.
The Gill as a Respiratory Structure
Aquatic respiratory organs increase the diffusion surface
area by extensions of tissue, called gills, that project out into
the water. Gills can be simple, as in the papulae of echino-
derms (see figure 53.2c), or complex, as in the highly con-
voluted gills of fish (see figure 53.2e). The great increase in
diffusion surface area provided by gills enables aquatic or-
ganisms to extract far more oxygen from water than would
be possible from their body surface alone.
External gills (gills that are not enclosed within body
structures) provide a greatly increased surface area for gas
exchange. Examples of vertebrates with external gills are
the larvae of many fish and amphibians, as well as develop-
mentally arrested (neotenic) amphibian larvae that remain
permanently aquatic, such as the axolotl. One of the disad-
vantages of external gills is that they must constantly be
moved or the surrounding water becomes depleted in oxy-
gen as the oxygen diffuses from the water to the blood of
the gills. The highly branched gills, however, offer signifi-
cant resistance to movement, making this form of respira-
tion ineffective except in smaller animals. Another disad-
vantage is that external gills are easily damaged. The thin
epithelium required for gas exchange is not consistent with
a protective external layer of skin.
Other types of aquatic animals evolved specialized
branchial chambers, which provide a means of pumping
water past stationary gills. Mollusks, for example, have an
internal mantle cavity that opens to the outside and contains
the gills. Contraction of the muscular walls of the mantle
cavity draws water in and then expels it. In crustaceans, the
branchial chamber lies between the bulk of the body and
the hard exoskeleton of the animal. This chamber contains
gills and opens to the surface beneath a limb. Movement of
the limb draws water through the branchial chamber, thus
creating currents over the gills.
The Gills of Bony Fishes
The gills of bony fishes are located between the buccal
(mouth) cavity and the opercular cavities (figure 53.4). The
buccal cavity can be opened and closed by opening and
closing the mouth, and the opercular cavity can be opened
and closed by movements of the operculum, or gill cover.
The two sets of cavities function as pumps that expand al-
ternately to move water into the mouth, through the gills,
and out of the fish through the open operculum. Water is
brought into the buccal cavity by lowering the jaw and
floor of the mouth, and then is moved through the gills
into the opercular cavity by the opening of the operculum.
The lower pressure in the opercular cavity causes water to
move in the correct direction across the gills, and tissue
that acts as valves ensures that the movement is one-way.
Some fishes that swim continuously, such as tuna, have
practically immobile opercula. These fishes swim with their
mouths partly open, constantly forcing water over the gills in
a form of ram ventilation. Most bony fishes, however, have
flexible gill covers that permit a pumping action. For exam-
ple, the remora, a fish that rides “piggyback” on sharks, uses
ram ventilation while the shark swims and the pumping ac-
tion of its opercula when the shark stops swimming.
There are four gill arches on each side of the fish head.
Each gill arch is composed of two rows of gill filaments, and
each gill filament contains thin membranous plates, or
lamellae, that project out into the flow of water (figure
53.5). Water flows past the lamellae in one direction only.
Within each lamella, blood flows in a direction that is oppo-
site the direction of water movement. This arrangement is
called countercurrent flow, and it acts to maximize the
oxygenation of the blood by increasing the concentration
gradient of oxygen along the pathway for diffusion, increas-
ing ?p in Fick’s Law of Diffusion.
The advantages of a countercurrent flow system were dis-
cussed in chapter 52 in relation to temperature regulation and
are again shown here in figure 53.6a. Blood low in oxygen en-
1056 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
53.2 Gills are used for respiration by aquatic vertebrates.
Opercular cavity
Oral valve
Mouth opened,
jaw lowered
Mouth closed,
operculum opened
How most bony fishes
respire. The gills are
suspended between the buccal
(mouth) cavity and the
opercular cavity. Respiration
occurs in two stages. (a) The
oral valve in the mouth is
opened and the jaw is
depressed, drawing water into
the buccal cavity while the
opercular cavity is closed. (b)
The oral valve is closed and
the operculum is opened,
drawing water through the
gills to the outside.
(a) (b)
ters the back of the lamella, where it comes in close proximity
to water that has already had most of its oxygen removed as it
flowed through the lamella in the opposite direction. The
water still has a higher oxygen concentration than the blood
at this point, however, so oxygen diffuses from the water to
the blood. As the blood flows toward the front of the lamella,
it runs next to water that has a still higher oxygen content, so
oxygen continuously diffuses from the water to the blood.
Thus, countercurrent flow ensures that a concentration gradi-
ent remains between blood and water throughout the flow.
This permits oxygen to continue to diffuse all along the
lamellae, so that the blood leaving the gills has nearly as high
an oxygen concentration as the water entering the gills.
This concept is easier to understand if we look at what
would happen if blood and water flowed in the same direc-
tion, that is, had a concurrent flow. The difference in oxygen
concentration would be very high at the front of each lamella,
where oxygen-depleted blood would meet oxygen-rich water
entering the gill (figure 53.6b). The concentration difference
would fall rapidly, however, as the water lost oxygen to the
blood. Net diffusion of oxygen would cease when the oxygen
concentration of blood matched that of the water. At this
point, much less oxygen would have been transferred to the
blood than is the case with countercurrent flow. The flow of
blood and water in a fish gill is in fact countercurrent, and be-
cause of the countercurrent exchange of gases, fish gills are
the most efficient of all respiratory organs.
In bony fishes, water is forced past gills by the pumping
action of the buccal and opercular cavities, or by active
swimming in ram ventilation. In the gills, blood flows in
an opposite direction to the flow of water. This
countercurrent flow maximizes gas exchange, making
the fish’s gill an efficient respiratory organ.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1057
Gill raker
Gill raker
Gill arch
Gill arch
Gill filaments
Gill filaments
Lamellae with
capillary networks
Structure of a fish gill. Water passes from the gill arch over the filaments (from left to right in the diagram). Water always passes the
lamellae in a direction that is opposite to the direction of blood flow through the lamellae. The success of the gill’s operation critically
depends on this countercurrent flow of water and blood.
No further
net diffusion
Blood (0%
Blood (50%
Concurrent exchange
Water (50%
Water (100%
Water (15%
Blood (0%
(a) (b)
Blood (85%
Countercurrent exchange
Water (100%
When blood and water flow in opposite directions (a), the initial
oxygen concentration difference between water and blood is not
large, but is sufficient for oxygen to diffuse from water to blood.
As more oxygen diffuses into the blood, raising the blood’s
oxygen concentration, the blood encounters water with ever
higher oxygen concentrations. At every point, the oxygen
concentration is higher in the water, so that diffusion continues.
In this example, blood attains an oxygen concentration of 85%.
When blood and water flow in the same direction (b), oxygen can
diffuse from the water into the blood rapidly at first, but the
diffusion rate slows as more oxygen diffuses from the water into
the blood, until finally the concentrations of oxygen in water and
blood are equal. In this example, blood’s oxygen concentration
cannot exceed 50%.
Countercurrent exchange. This process allows for the most
efficient blood oxygenation known in nature.
Respiration in Air-
Breathing Animals
Despite the high efficiency of gills as respira-
tory organs in aquatic environments, gills
were replaced in terrestrial animals for two
principal reasons:
1. Air is less buoyant than water. The
fine membranous lamellae of gills lack
structural strength and rely on water
for their support. A fish out of water,
although awash in oxygen (water con-
tains only 5 to 10 mL O
/L, compared
with air with 210 mL O
/L), soon suf-
focates because its gills collapse into a
mass of tissue. This collapse greatly re-
duces the diffusion surface area of the
gills. Unlike gills, internal air passages
can remain open, because the body it-
self provides the necessary structural
2. Water diffuses into air through
evaporation. Atmospheric air is
rarely saturated with water vapor, ex-
cept immediately after a rainstorm.
Consequently, terrestrial organisms
that are surrounded by air constantly
lose water to the atmosphere. Gills
would provide an enormous surface
area for water loss.
Two main types of respiratory organs are
used by terrestrial animals, and both sacri-
fice respiratory efficiency to some extent in
exchange for reduced evaporation. The first
are the tracheae of insects (see chapter 46
and figure 53.2d). Tracheae comprise an ex-
tensive series of air-filled passages connect-
ing the surface of an insect to all portions of its body.
Oxygen diffuses from these passages directly into cells,
without the intervention of a circulatory system. Piping
air directly from the external environment to the cells
works very well in insects because their small bodies give
them a high surface area-to-volume ratio. Insects prevent
excessive water loss by closing the external openings of
the tracheae whenever their internal CO
levels fall below
a certain point.
The other main type of terrestrial respiratory organ is
the lung (figure 53.7). A lung minimizes evaporation by
moving air through a branched tubular passage; the air
becomes saturated with water vapor before reaching the
portion of the lung where a thin, wet membrane permits
gas exchange. The lungs of all terrestrial vertebrates ex-
cept birds use a uniform pool of air that is in contact
with the gas exchange surface. Unlike the one-way flow of
water that is so effective in the respiratory function of
gills, air moves in and out by way of the same airway pas-
sages, a two-way flow system. Let us now examine the
structure and function of lungs in the four classes of ter-
restrial vertebrates.
Air is piped directly to the body cells of insects, but the
cells of terrestrial vertebrates obtain oxygen from the
blood. The blood obtains its oxygen from a uniform
pool of air by diffusion across the wet membranes of the
lungs, which are filled with air in the process of
1058 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
53.3 Lungs are used for respiration by terrestrial vertebrates.
Human lungs. This chest X ray (dorsal view) was color-enhanced to show the lungs
clearly. The heart is the pear-shaped object behind the vertical white column that is
the esophagus.
Respiration in Amphibians and
The lungs of amphibians are formed as saclike outpouch-
ings of the gut (figure 53.8). Although the internal surface
area of these sacs is increased by folds, much less surface
area is available for gas exchange in amphibian lungs than
in the lungs of other terrestrial vertebrates. Each amphib-
ian lung is connected to the rear of the oral cavity, or phar-
ynx, and the opening to each lung is controlled by a valve,
the glottis.
Amphibians do not breathe the same way other terres-
trial vertebrates do. Amphibians force air into their lungs
by creating a greater-than-atmospheric pressure (positive
pressure) in the air outside their lungs. They do this by fill-
ing their buccal cavity with air, closing their mouth and nos-
trils, and then elevating the floor of their oral cavity. This
pushes air into their lungs in the same way that a pressur-
ized tank of air is used to fill balloons. This is called posi-
tive pressure breathing; in humans, it would be analogous
to forcing air into a victim’s lungs by performing mouth-
to-mouth resuscitation.
All other terrestrial vertebrates breathe by expanding
their lungs and thereby creating a lower-than-atmospheric
pressure (a negative pressure) within the lungs. This is
called negative pressure breathing and is analogous to tak-
ing air into an accordion by pulling the accordion out to a
greater volume. In reptiles, birds, and mammals, this is ac-
complished by expanding the thoracic (chest) cavity
through muscular contractions, as will be described in a
later section.
The oxygenation of amphibian blood by the lungs is
supplemented by cutaneous respiration—the exchange of
gases across the skin, which is wet and well vascularized in
amphibians. Cutaneous respiration is actually more signifi-
cant than pulmonary (lung) ventilation in frogs during win-
ter, when their metabolisms are slow. Lung function be-
comes more important during the summer as the frog’s
metabolism increases. Although not common, some terres-
trial amphibians, such as plethodontid salamanders, rely on
cutaneous respiration exclusively.
Reptiles expand their rib cages by muscular contraction,
and thereby take air into their lungs through negative pres-
sure breathing. Their lungs have somewhat more surface
area than the lungs of amphibians and so are more efficient
at gas exchange. Terrestrial reptiles have dry, tough, scaly
skins that prevent desiccation, and so cannot have cuta-
neous respiration. Cutaneous respiration, however, has
been demonstrated in marine sea snakes.
Amphibians force air into their lungs by positive
pressure breathing, whereas reptiles and all other
terrestrial vertebrates take air into their lungs by
expanding their lungs when they increase rib cage
volume through muscular contractions. This creates a
subatmospheric pressure in the lungs.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1059
Amphibian lungs. Each lung of this frog is an outpouching of the gut and is filled with air by the creation of a positive pressure in the
buccal cavity. The amphibian lung lacks the structures present in the lungs of other terrestrial vertebrates that provide an enormous
surface area for gas exchange, and so are not as efficient as the lungs of other vertebrates.
Respiration in Mammals
The metabolic rate, and therefore the demand for oxygen,
is much greater in birds and mammals, which are endother-
mic and thus require a more efficient respiratory system.
The lungs of mammals are packed with millions of alve-
oli, tiny sacs clustered like grapes (figure 53.9). This pro-
vides each lung with an enormous surface area for gas ex-
change. Air is brought to the alveoli through a system of air
passages. Inhaled air is taken in through the mouth and
nose past the pharynx to the larynx (voice box), where it
passes through an opening in the vocal cords, the glottis,
into a tube supported by C-shaped rings of cartilage, the
trachea (windpipe). The trachea bifurcates into right and
left bronchi (singular, bronchus), which enter each lung and
further subdivide into bronchioles that deliver the air into
blind-ended sacs called alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded
by an extremely extensive capillary network. All gas ex-
change between the air and blood takes place across the
walls of the alveoli.
The branching of bronchioles and the vast number of
alveoli combine to increase the respiratory surface area (A
in Fick’s Law) far above that of amphibians or reptiles. In
humans, there are about 300 million alveoli in each of the
two lungs, and the total surface area available for diffusion
can be as much as 80 square meters, or about 42 times the
surface area of the body. Respiration in mammals will be
considered in more detail in a separate section later.
Mammalian lungs are composed of millions of alveoli
that provide a huge surface area for gas exchange. Air
enters and leaves these alveoli through the same system
of airways.
1060 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Nasal cavity
Right lung
Left lung
Pulmonary venule
Pulmonary arteriole
Blood flow
Capillary network
on surface
of alveolus
Smooth muscle
The human respiratory system and the structure of the mammalian lung. The lungs of mammals have an enormous surface area
because of the millions of alveoli that cluster at the ends of the bronchioles. This provides for efficient gas exchange with the blood.
Respiration in Birds
The avian respiratory system has a unique structure that af-
fords birds the most efficient respiration of all terrestrial
vertebrates. Unlike the blind-ended alveoli in the lungs of
mammals, the bird lung channels air through tiny air ves-
sels called parabronchi, where gas exchange occurs (figure
53.10a). Air flows through the parabronchi in one direction
only; this is similar to the unidirectional flow of water
through a fish gill, but markedly different from the two-
way flow of air through the airways of other terrestrial ver-
tebrates. In other terrestrial vertebrates, the inhaled fresh
air is mixed with “old” oxygen-depleted air that was not ex-
haled from the previous breathing cycle. In birds, only
fresh air enters the parabronchi of the lung, and the old air
exits the lung by a different route.
The unidirectional flow of air through the parabronchi
of an avian lung is achieved through the action of air sacs,
which are unique to birds (figure 53.10b). There are two
groups of air sacs, anterior and posterior. When they are
expanded during inspiration they take in air, and when they
are compressed during expiration they push air into and
through the lungs.
If we follow the path of air through the avian respiratory
system, we will see that respiration occurs in two cycles.
Each cycle has an inspiration and expiration phase—but the
air inhaled in one cycle is not exhaled until the second
cycle. Upon inspiration, both anterior and posterior air sacs
expand and take in air. The inhaled air, however, only en-
ters the posterior air sacs; the anterior air sacs fill with air
from the lungs (figure 53.10c). Upon expiration, the air
forced out of the anterior air sacs is exhaled, but the air
forced out of the posterior air sacs enters the lungs. This
process is repeated in the second cycle, so that air flows
through the lungs in one direction and is exhaled at the end
of the second cycle.
The unidirectional flow of air also permits a second res-
piratory efficiency: the flow of blood through the avian
lung runs at a 90° angle to the air flow. This cross-current
flow is not as efficient as the 180° countercurrent flow in
fish gills, but it has the capacity to extract more oxygen
from the air than a mammalian lung can. Because of the
unidirectional air flow in the parabronchi and cross-current
blood flow, a sparrow can be active at an altitude of 6000
meters while a mouse, which has a similar body mass and
metabolic rate, cannot respire successfully at that elevation.
The avian respiration system is the most efficient
among terrestrial vertebrates because it has
unidirectional air flow and cross-current blood flow
through the lungs.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1061
air sacs
air sacs
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Parabronchi of lung
air sacs
air sacs
Inspiration Expiration
FIGURE 53.10
How a bird breathes. (a) Cross section of lung of a domestic chicken
(75×). Air travels through tiny tunnels in the lungs, called parabronchi,
while blood circulates within the fine lattice at right angles to the air
flow. This cross-current flow makes the bird lung very efficient at
extracting oxygen. (b) Birds have a system of air sacs, divided into an
anterior group and posterior group, that extend between the internal
organs and into the bones. (c) Breathing occurs in two cycles. Cycle 1:
Inhaled air (shown in red) is drawn from the trachea into the posterior
air sacs and then is exhaled into the lungs. Cycle 2: Air is drawn from the
lungs into the anterior air sacs and then is exhaled through the trachea.
Passage of air through the lungs is always in the same direction, from
posterior to anterior (right to left in this diagram).
Structures and Mechanisms of
In mammals, inspired air travels through the trachea,
bronchi, and bronchioles to reach the alveoli, where gas ex-
change occurs. Each alveolus is composed of an epithelium
only one cell thick, and is surrounded by blood capillaries
with walls that are also only one cell layer thick. There are
about 30 billion capillaries in both lungs, or about 100 cap-
illaries per alveolus. Thus, an alveolus can be visualized as a
microscopic air bubble whose entire surface is bathed by
blood. Because the alveolar air and the capillary blood are
separated by only two cell layers, the distance between the
air and blood is only 0.5 to 1.5 micrometers, allowing for
the rapid exchange of gases by diffusion by decreasing d in
Fick’s Law.
The blood leaving the lungs, as a result of this gas ex-
change, normally contains a partial oxygen pressure (P
of about 100 millimeters of mercury. As previously dis-
cussed, the P
is a measure of the concentration of dis-
solved oxygen—you can think of it as indicating the plasma
oxygen. Because the P
of the blood leaving the lungs is
close to the P
of the air in the alveoli (about 105 mm
Hg), the lungs do a very effective, but not perfect, job of
oxygenating the blood. After gas exchange in the systemic
capillaries, the blood that returns to the right side of the
heart is depleted in oxygen, with a P
of about 40 millime-
ters of mercury. These changes in the P
of the blood, as
well as the changes in plasma carbon dioxide (indicated as
the P
), are shown in figure 53.11.
The outside of each lung is covered by a thin membrane
called the visceral pleural membrane. A second, parietal
pleural membrane lines the inner wall of the thoracic cav-
ity. The space between these two membranes, the pleural
cavity, is normally very small and filled with fluid. This
fluid links the two membranes in the same way a thin film
of water can hold two plates of glass together, effectively
coupling the lungs to the thoracic cavity. The pleural
membranes package each lung separately—if one collapses
due to a perforation of the membranes, the other lung can
still function.
Mechanics of Breathing
As in all other terrestrial vertebrates except amphibians, air
is drawn into the lungs by the creation of a negative, or
subatmospheric, pressure. In accordance with Boyle’s Law,
when the volume of a given quantity of gas increases its
pressure decreases. This occurs because the volume of the
thorax is increased during inspiration (inhalation), and the
lungs likewise expand because of the adherence of the vis-
ceral and parietal pleural membranes. When the pressure
within the lungs is lower than the atmospheric pressure, air
enters the lungs.
The thoracic volume is increased through contraction
of two sets of muscles: the external intercostals and the di-
aphragm. During inspiration, contraction of the external
intercostal muscles between the ribs raises the ribs and
expands the rib cage. Contraction of the diaphragm, a
convex sheet of striated muscle separating the thoracic
cavity from the abdominal cavity, causes the diaphragm
to lower and assume a more flattened shape. This ex-
pands the volume of the thorax and lungs while it in-
creases the pressure on the abdomen (causing the belly to
protrude). You can force a deeper inspiration by con-
tracting other muscles that insert on the sternum or rib
cage and expand the thoracic cavity and lungs to a greater
extent (figure 53.12a).
The thorax and lungs have a degree of elasticity—they
tend to resist distension and they recoil when the distend-
1062 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
53.4 Mammalian breathing is a dynamic process.
Expired airInspired air
Alveolar air
= 100 mm Hg
= 40 mm Hg
= 40 mm Hg
= 46 mm Hg
= 105 mm Hg
= 40 mm Hg
FIGURE 53.11
Gas exchange in the blood capillaries of the lungs and
systemic circulation. As a result of gas exchange in the lungs, the
systemic arteries carry oxygenated blood with a relatively low
carbon dioxide concentration. After the oxygen is unloaded to the
tissues, the blood in the systemic veins has a lowered oxygen
content and an increased carbon dioxide concentration.
ing force subsides. Expansion of the thorax and lungs dur-
ing inspiration places these structures under elastic tension.
It is the relaxation of the external intercostal muscles and
diaphragm that produces unforced expiration, because it
relieves that elastic tension and allows the thorax and lungs
to recoil. You can force a greater expiration by contracting
your abdominal muscles and thereby pressing the abdomi-
nal organs up against the diaphragm (figure 53.12b).
Breathing Measurements
A variety of terms are used to describe the volume changes
of the lung during breathing. At rest, each breath moves a
tidal volume of about 500 milliliters of air into and out of
the lungs. About 150 milliliters of the tidal volume is con-
tained in the tubular passages (trachea, bronchi, and bron-
chioles), where no gas exchange occurs. The air in this
anatomical dead space mixes with fresh air during inspiration.
This is one of the reasons why respiration in mammals is
not as efficient as in birds, where air flow through the lungs
is one-way.
The maximum amount of air that can be expired after a
forceful, maximum inspiration is called the vital capacity.
This measurement, which averages 4.6 liters in young men
and 3.1 liters in young women, can be clinically important,
because an abnormally low vital capacity may indicate dam-
age to the alveoli in various pulmonary disorders. For ex-
ample, in emphysema, a potentially fatal condition usually
caused by cigarette smoking, vital capacity is reduced as the
alveoli are progressively destroyed.
A person normally breathes at a rate and depth that
properly oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide,
keeping the blood P
and P
within a normal range. If
breathing is insufficient to maintain normal blood gas mea-
surements (a rise in the blood P
is the best indicator),
the person is hypoventilating. If breathing is excessive for
a particular metabolic rate, so that the blood P
is abnor-
mally lowered, the person is said to be hyperventilating.
Perhaps surprisingly, the increased breathing that occurs
during moderate exercise is not necessarily hyperventila-
tion, because the faster breathing is matched to the faster
metabolic rate, and blood gas measurements remain nor-
mal. The next section describes how breathing is regulated
to keep pace with metabolism.
Humans inspire by contracting muscles that insert on
the rib cage and by contracting the diaphragm.
Expiration is produced primarily by muscle relaxation
and elastic recoil. As a result, the blood oxygen and
carbon dioxide levels are maintained in a normal range
through adjustments in the depth and rate of breathing.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1063
Abdominal muscles
contract (for forced
muscles relax
muscles contract
(for forced inspiration)
FIGURE 53.12
How a human breathes. (a) Inspiration. The diaphragm contracts and the walls of the chest cavity expand, increasing the volume of the
chest cavity and lungs. As a result of the larger volume, air is drawn into the lungs. (b) Expiration. The diaphragm and chest walls return to
their normal positions as a result of elastic recoil, reducing the volume of the chest cavity and forcing air out of the lungs through the
trachea. Note that inspiration can be forced by contracting accessory respiratory muscles (such as the sternocleidomastoid), and expiration
can be forced by contracting abdominal muscles.
Mechanisms That
Regulate Breathing
Each breath is initiated by neurons in
a respiratory control center located in the
medulla oblongata, a part of the brain
stem (see chapter 54). These neurons
send impulses to the diaphragm and
external intercostal muscles, stimulat-
ing them to contract, and contractions
of these muscles expand the chest cav-
ity, causing inspiration. When these
neurons stop producing impulses, the
inspiratory muscles relax and expira-
tion occurs. Although the muscles of
breathing are skeletal muscles, they are
usually controlled automatically. This
control can be voluntarily overridden,
however, as in hypoventilation (breath
holding) or hyperventilation.
A proper rate and depth of breath-
ing is required to maintain the blood
oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in
the normal range. Thus, although the
automatic breathing cycle is driven by
neurons in the brain stem, these neu-
rons must be responsive to changes in
blood P
and P
in order to main-
tain homeostasis. You can demonstrate
this mechanism by simply holding your
breath. Your blood carbon dioxide im-
mediately rises and your blood oxygen
falls. After a short time, the urge to breathe induced by the
changes in blood gases becomes overpowering. This is due
primarily to the rise in blood carbon dioxide, as indicated
by a rise in P
, rather than to the fall in oxygen levels.
A rise in P
causes an increased production of car-
bonic acid (H
), which is formed from carbon dioxide
and water and acts to lower the blood pH (carbonic acid
dissociates into HCO
and H
, thereby increasing blood
concentration). A fall in blood pH stimulates neurons in
the aortic and carotid bodies, which are sensory struc-
tures known as peripheral chemoreceptors in the aorta and the
carotid artery. These receptors send impulses to the respi-
ratory control center in the medulla oblongata, which then
stimulates increased breathing. The brain also contains
chemoreceptors, but they cannot be stimulated by blood
because the blood is unable to enter the brain. After a
brief delay, however, the increased blood P
also causes
a decrease in the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
bathing the brain. This stimulates the central chemore-
ceptors in the brain (figure 53.13).
The peripheral chemoreceptors are responsible for the
immediate stimulation of breathing when the blood P
rises, but this immediate stimulation only accounts for
about 30% of increased ventilation. The central chemore-
ceptors are responsible for the sustained increase in ventila-
tion if P
remains elevated. The increased respiratory
rate then acts to eliminate the extra CO
, bringing the
blood pH back to normal (figure 53.14).
A person cannot voluntarily hyperventilate for too long.
The decrease in plasma P
and increase in pH of plasma
and CSF caused by hyperventilation extinguish the reflex
drive to breathe. They also lead to constriction of cerebral
blood vessels, causing dizziness. People can hold their
breath longer if they hyperventilate first, because it takes
longer for the CO
levels to build back up, not because hy-
perventilation increases the P
of the blood. Actually, in
people with normal lungs, P
becomes a significant stimu-
lus for breathing only at high altitudes, where the P
low. Low P
can also stimulate breathing in patients with
emphysema, where the lungs are so damaged that blood
can never be adequately eliminated.
Breathing serves to keep the blood gases and pH in the
normal range and is under the reflex control of
peripheral and central chemoreceptors. These
chemoreceptors sense the pH of the blood and
cerebrospinal fluid, and they regulate the respiratory
control center in the medulla oblongata of the brain.
1064 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Medulla oblongata
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Blood-CSF barrier
Capillary blood
FIGURE 53.13
The effect of blood CO
on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Changes in the pH of the CSF
are detected by chemosensitive neurons in the brain that help regulate breathing.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1065
Increased blood CO
concentration (P
blood pH
Peripheral chemoreceptors
(aortic and carotid bodies)
cerebrospinal fluid pH
Central chemoreceptors
Brain stem
Negative feedback
Increased breathing
FIGURE 53.14
The regulation of breathing by chemoreceptors. Peripheral and central chemoreceptors sense a fall in the pH of blood and
cerebrospinal fluid, respectively, when the blood carbon dioxide levels rise as a result of inadequate breathing. In response, they stimulate
the respiratory control center in the medulla oblongata, which directs an increase in breathing. As a result, the blood carbon dioxide
concentration is returned to normal, completing the negative feedback loop.
Hemoglobin and
Oxygen Transport
When oxygen diffuses from the
alveoli into the blood, its journey
is just beginning. The circulatory
system delivers oxygen to tissues
for respiration and carries away
carbon dioxide. The transport of
oxygen and carbon dioxide by
the blood is itself an interesting
and physiologically important
The amount of oxygen that
can be dissolved in the blood
plasma depends directly on the
of the air in the alveoli, as
we explained earlier. When the
lungs are functioning normally,
the blood plasma leaving the
lungs has almost as much dis-
solved oxygen as is theoretically possible, given the P
of the air. Because of oxygen’s low solubility in water,
however, blood plasma can contain a maximum of only
about 3 milliliters O
per liter. Yet whole blood carries
almost 200 milliliters O
per liter! Most of the oxygen is
bound to molecules of hemoglobin inside the red blood
Hemoglobin is a protein composed of four polypeptide
chains and four organic compounds called heme groups. At
the center of each heme group is an atom of iron, which
can bind to a molecule of oxygen (figure 53.15). Thus, each
hemoglobin molecule can carry up to four molecules of
oxygen. Hemoglobin loads up with oxygen in the lungs,
forming oxyhemoglobin. This molecule has a bright red,
tomato juice color. As blood passes through capillaries in
the rest of the body, some of the oxyhemoglobin releases
oxygen and becomes deoxyhemoglobin. Deoxyhemoglo-
bin has a dark red color (the color of blood that is collected
from the veins of blood donors), but it imparts a bluish
tinge to tissues. Because of these color changes, vessels that
carry oxygenated blood are always shown in artwork with a
red color, and vessels that carry oxygen-depleted blood are
indicated with a blue color.
Hemoglobin is an ancient protein that is not only the
oxygen-carrying molecule in all vertebrates, but is also
used as an oxygen carrier by many invertebrates, includ-
ing annelids, mollusks, echinoderms, flatworms, and even
some protists. Many other invertebrates, however, em-
ploy different oxygen carriers, such as hemocyanin. In he-
mocyanin, the oxygen-binding atom is copper instead of
iron. Hemocyanin is not found in blood cells, but is in-
stead dissolved in the circulating fluid (hemolymph) of
Oxygen Transport
The P
of the air within alveoli at sea level is approxi-
mately 105 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), which is less
than the P
of the atmosphere because of the mixing of
freshly inspired air with “old” air in the anatomical dead
space of the respiratory system. The P
of the blood leav-
ing the alveoli is slightly less than this, about 100 mm Hg,
because the blood plasma is not completely saturated with
oxygen due to slight inefficiencies in lung function. At a
blood P
of 100 mm Hg, approximately 97% of the he-
moglobin within red blood cells is in the form of oxyhe-
moglobin—indicated as a percent oxyhemoglobin satura-
tion of 97%.
As the blood travels through the systemic blood capillar-
ies, oxygen leaves the blood and diffuses into the tissues.
Consequently, the blood that leaves the tissue in the veins
has a P
that is decreased (in a resting person) to about 40
mm Hg. At this lower P
, the percent saturation of hemo-
globin is only 75%. A graphic representation of these
changes is called an oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (fig-
ure 53.16). In a person at rest, therefore, 22% (97% minus
75%) of the oxyhemoglobin has released its oxygen to the
tissues. Put another way, roughly one-fifth of the oxygen is
unloaded in the tissues, leaving four-fifths of the oxygen in
the blood as a reserve.
This large reserve of oxygen serves an important func-
tion. It enables the blood to supply the body’s oxygen
needs during exercise as well as at rest. During exercise,
the muscles’ accelerated metabolism uses more oxygen
from the capillary blood and thus decreases the venous
blood P
. For example, the P
of the venous blood
could drop to 20 mm Hg; in this case, the percent satura-
tion of hemoglobin will be only 35% (see figure 53.16).
1066 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
53.5 Blood transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Beta (H9252) chains
Alpha (H9251) chains
Oxygen (O
Iron (Fe
Heme group
FIGURE 53.15
Hemoglobin consists of four polypeptide chains—two alpha (α) chains and two beta (β)
chains. Each chain is associated with a heme group, and each heme group has a central iron atom,
which can bind to a molecule of O
Because arterial blood still contains 97% oxyhemoglobin
(ventilation increases proportionately with exercise), the
amount of oxygen unloaded is now 62% (97% minus
35%), instead of the 22% at rest. In addition to this func-
tion, the oxygen reserve also ensures that the blood con-
tains enough oxygen to maintain life for four to five min-
utes if breathing is interrupted or if the heart stops
Oxygen transport in the blood is affected by other con-
ditions. The CO
produced by metabolizing tissues as a
product of aerobic respiration combines with H
O to ulti-
mately form bicarbonate and H
, lowering the pH of the
blood. This reaction occurs primarily inside red blood
cells, where the lowered pH reduces hemoglobin’s affinity
for oxygen and thus causes it to release oxygen more read-
ily. The effect of pH on hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen
is known as the Bohr effect and is shown graphically by a
shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right
(figure 53.17a). Increasing temperature has a similar affect
on hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen (figure 53.17b) Be-
cause skeletal muscles produce carbon dioxide more
rapidly during exercise and active muscles produce heat,
the blood unloads a higher percentage of the oxygen it
carries during exercise.
Deoxyhemoglobin combines with oxygen in the lungs
to form oxyhemoglobin, which dissociates in the tissue
capillaries to release its oxygen. The degree to which
the loading reaction occurs depends on ventilation; the
degree of unloading is influenced by such factors as pH
and temperature.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1067
(a) P
(mm Hg)
Percent oxyhemoglobin saturation
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
More O
to tissues
(mm Hg)
Percent oxyhemoglobin saturation
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
More O
to tissues
pH 7.60
pH 7.20
pH 7.40
FIGURE 53.17
The effect of pH and temperature on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Lower blood pH (a) and higher blood temperatures
(b) shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right, facilitating oxygen unloading. This can be seen as a lowering of the
oxyhemoglobin percent saturation from 60 to 40% in the example shown, indicating that the difference of 20% more oxygen is unloaded
to the tissues.
(mm Hg)
Percent saturation
Amount of O
unloaded to
tissues at rest
(at rest)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Amount of O
unloaded to
tissues during
FIGURE 53.16
The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Hemoglobin combines
with O
in the lungs, and this oxygenated blood is carried by
arteries to the body cells. After oxygen is removed from the blood
to support cell respiration, the blood entering the veins contains
less oxygen. The difference in O
content between arteries and
veins during rest and exercise shows how much O
was unloaded
to the tissues.
Carbon Dioxide and Nitric Oxide
The systemic capillaries deliver oxygen to the tissues and
remove carbon dioxide. About 8% of the CO
in blood is
simply dissolved in plasma; another 20% is bound to hemo-
globin. (Because CO
binds to the protein portion of he-
moglobin, however, and not to the heme irons, it does not
compete with oxygen.) The remaining 72% of the CO
fuses into the red blood cells, where the enzyme carbonic
anhydrase catalyzes the combination of CO
with water to
form carbonic acid (H
). Carbonic acid dissociates into
bicarbonate (HCO
) and hydrogen (H
) ions. The H
binds to deoxyhemoglobin, and the bicarbonate moves out
of the erythrocyte into the plasma via a transporter that ex-
changes one chloride ion for a bicarbonate (this is called
the “chloride shift”). This reaction removes large amounts
of CO
from the plasma, facilitating the diffusion of addi-
tional CO
into the plasma from the surrounding tissues
(figure 53.18). The formation of carbonic acid is also im-
portant in maintaining the acid-base balance of the blood,
because bicarbonate serves as the major buffer of the blood
The blood carries CO
in these forms to the lungs. The
lower P
of the air inside the alveoli causes the carbonic
anhydrase reaction to proceed in the reverse direction,
converting H
into H
O and CO
(see figure 53.18).
The CO
diffuses out of the red blood cells and into the
alveoli, so that it can leave the body in the next exhalation
(figure 53.19).
Nitric Oxide Transport
Hemoglobin also has the ability to hold and release nitric
oxide gas (NO). Although a noxious gas in the atmos-
phere, nitric oxide has an important physiological role in
the body and acts on many kinds of cells to change their
shapes and functions. For example, in blood vessels the
presence of NO causes the blood vessels to expand be-
cause it relaxes the surrounding muscle cells (see chap-
ters 7 and 52). Thus, blood flow and blood pressure are
regulated by the amount of NO released into the
A current hypothesis proposes that hemoglobin carries
NO in a special form called super nitric oxide. In this
form, NO has acquired an extra electron and is able to
bind to the amino acid cysteine in hemoglobin. In the
lungs, hemoglobin that is dumping CO
and picking up
also picks up NO as super nitric oxide. In blood vessels
at the tissues, hemoglobin that is releasing its O
picking up CO
can do one of two things with nitric
oxide. To increase blood flow, hemoglobin can release the
1068 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Tissue cells
Plasma Plasma
in plasma
in plasma
with hemoglobin
with hemoglobin
+ H
Red blood cells
+ H
Hemoglobin + CO
FIGURE 53.18
The transport of carbon dioxide by the blood. CO
is transported in three ways: dissolved in plasma, bound to the protein portion of
hemoglobin, and as carbonic acid and bicarbonate, which form in the red blood cells. When the blood passes through the pulmonary
capillaries, these reactions are reversed so that CO
gas is formed, which is exhaled.
super nitric oxide as NO into the blood, making blood
vessels expand because NO acts as a relaxing agent. Or,
hemoglobin can trap any excess of NO on its iron atoms
left vacant by the release of oxygen, causing blood vessels
to constrict. When the red blood cells return to the lungs,
hemoglobin dumps its CO
and the regular form of NO
bound to the iron atoms. It is then ready to pick up O
and super nitric oxide and continue the cycle.
Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in three
ways: dissolved in the plasma, bound to hemoglobin,
and the majority as bicarbonate in the plasma following
an enzyme-catalyzed reaction in the red blood cells.
Nitric oxide is also transported in the blood providing
yet another explanation of NO actions on blood vessels.
Chapter 53 Respiration 1069
diffuses out from red blood cells
into the alveolar spaces of the lung,
while O
diffuses into red blood cells
from air in the lungs.
diffuses out from red blood cells
into the body tissues, while CO
diffuses into red blood cells from
the body tissues.
Oxygen-rich blood is carried to the
heart and pumped to the body.
Oxygen-poor blood is carried back to
the heart and pumped to the lungs.
Red blood cell
Alveolus in lung
Red blood cell
FIGURE 53.19
Summary of respiratory gas exchange.
1070 Part XIII Animal Form and Function
Chapter 53
Summary Questions Media Resources
53.1 Respiration involves the diffusion of gases.
? The factors that influence the rate of diffusion,
surface area, concentration gradient, and diffusion
distance, are described by Fick’s Law.
? Animals have evolved to maximize the diffusion rate
across respiratory membranes by increasing the
respiratory surface area, increasing the concentration
gradient across the membrane, or decreasing the
diffusion distance.
1. Approximately what
percentage of dry air is oxygen,
and what percentage is carbon
2. Why is it that only very small
organisms can satisfy their
respiratory requirements by
direct diffusion to all cells from
the body surface?
? As water flows past a gill’s lamellae, it comes close to
blood flowing in an opposite, or countercurrent,
direction; this maximizes the concentration difference
between the two fluids, thereby maximizing the
diffusion of gases.
3. What is countercurrent flow,
and how does it help make the
fish gill the most efficient
respiratory organ?
53.2 Gills are used for respiration by aquatic vertebrates.
? Reptiles, birds, and mammals use negative pressure
breathing; air is taken into the lungs when the lung
volume is expanded to create a partial vacuum.
? Mammals have lungs composed of millions of alveoli,
where gas exchange occurs; this is very efficient, but
because inspiration and expiration occur through the
same airways, new air going into the lungs is mixed
with some old air.
4. How do amphibians get air
into their lungs? How do other
terrestrial vertebrates get air into
their lungs?
5. What two features in birds
make theirs the most efficient of
all terrestrial respiratory
53.3 Lungs are used for respiration by terrestrial vertebrates.
? The lungs are covered with a wet membrane that
sticks to the wet membrane lining the thoracic cavity,
so the lungs expand as the chest expands through
muscular contractions.
? Breathing is controlled by centers in the medulla
oblongata of the brain; breathing is stimulated by a
rise in blood CO
, and consequent fall in blood pH,
as sensed by chemoreceptors located in the aorta and
carotid artery.
6. How are the lungs connected
to and supported within the
thoracic cavity?
7. How does the brain control
inspiration and expiration? How
do peripheral and central
chemoreceptors influence the
brain’s control of breathing?
53.4 Mammalian breathing is a dynamic process.
? Hemoglobin loads with oxygen in the lungs; this
oxyhemoglobin then unloads oxygen as the blood
goes through the systemic capillaries.
? Carbon dioxide combines with water as the carbon
dioxide is transported to the lungs for exhalation.
8. In what form does most of the
carbon dioxide travel in the
blood? How and where is this
molecule produced?
53.5 Blood transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Respiration
? Gas exchange systems
? Respiratory overview
? Gas exchange
? Art Activities:
Respiratory tract
Upper respiratory
Section of larynx
? Gas exchange
? Boyle’s Law
? Breathing
? Breathing
? Mechanics of
? Control of respiration
? Art Activity:
Hemoglobin module
? Hemoglobin
Are Pollutants Affecting the Sexual
Development of Florida’s Alligators?
Alligators are among the most interesting of animals for a
biologist to study. Their ecology is closely tied to the envi-
ronment, and their reptilian biology offers an interesting
contrast to that of mammals like ourselves. Studies of alliga-
tor development offer powerful general lessons well worthy
of our attention.
In no area of biology is this more true than in investiga-
tion of alligator sexual development. This importance is not
because sexual development in alligators is unusual. It is not.
As with all vertebrates, sexual development in alligator
males—particularly development of their external sexual or-
gans—is largely dependent on the androgen sex hormone
testosterone and its derivatives. In the alligator embryo,
these steroid hormones are responsible for the differentia-
tion of the male internal duct system, as well as the forma-
tion of the external genitalia. After the alligator’s birth, an-
drogen hormones are essential for normal maturation and
growth of the juvenile male reproductive system, particu-
larly during puberty.
The strong dependence of a male alligator’s sexual de-
velopment on androgens is not unusual—mammals show
the same strong dependence. So why should researchers be
interested in alligators? In a nutshell, we humans don’t
spend our lives sloshing around in an aquatic environment,
and alligators do. Florida alligators live in the many lakes
that pepper the state, and, living in these lakes, they are ex-
posed all their lives to whatever chemicals happen to be
added to the lakewater by chemical spills, industrial wastes,
and agricultural runoff.
The androgen-dependent sexual development of alliga-
tors provides a sensitive barometer to environmental pollu-
tion, because the androgen response can be blocked by a
class of pollutant chemicals called endocrine disrupters.
When endocrine-disrupting pollutants contaminate Florida
lakes, their presence can be detected by its impact on the
sexual development of the lakes’ resident alligators. Just as
the death of coal miners’ canaries warn of the buildup of
dangerous gas within the shaft of coal mines, so disruption
of the sexual development of alligators can warn us of dan-
gerous chemicals in the environment around us.
One of the great joys of biological research is being able
to choose research that is fun to do. Few research projects
offer the particular joys of studying alligators. With State
Game Commission permits, researchers go to lakes in cen-
tral Florida, wait till after dark, then spend the night on the
lake in small boats hand-capturing the animals. As you
might guess, researchers mostly choose juvenile individuals.
The captured animals are confined in cloth bags until sex
can be determined, body measurements made, and blood
samples collected, and then released.
For over six years, Louis Guillette of the University of
Florida, Gainesville, and his students have been carrying
out just this sort of research. Their goal has been to as-
sess the degree to which agricultural and other chemicals
have polluted the lakes of central Florida, using as their
gauge the disruption of normal sexual development in
To assess hormonal changes that might be expected to
inhibit male sexual development, Guillette’s team looked
at the relative ratio of androgens (which promote male
development) to estrogens (which promote female devel-
opment) in each captured alligator. Some male endocrine
disrupters act like estrogens, while others decrease native
androgen levels. In either case, the ratio of estrogen to
androgen (the E/A ratio) increases, producing a more es-
trogenic environment and so retarding male sexual devel-
opment. Particularly after puberty, the growth of male al-
ligators’ external sexual organs is very dependent upon a
high-androgen environment. Any pollutant that raises the
E/A ratio would be expected to markedly inhibit this de-
Regulating the Animal
Catching alligators is a job best done at night. Alligators in
Florida lakes, like the one shown here in the hands of Professor
Guillette, seem to be experiencing developmental abnormalities,
perhaps due to pollution of many of Florida’s lakes by endocrine-
disrupting chemicals.
Real People Doing Real Science
The Experiment
Guillette’s team first looked at animals in two lakes and then
expanded the research to look at animals from several other
lakes. Alligators were initially collected from Lake
Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge and from Lake Apopka.
Lake Woodruff is a relatively pristine lake with no agricul-
tural or industrial runoff. Lake Apopka, on the other hand,
is a large eutrophic lake exposed to various agricultural and
municipal contaminants. In 1980, the lake experienced a sul-
furic acid spill from a chemical company, and has a history
of pesticide contamination by DDT.
Clear comparisons of alligators collected from different
lakes required that animals be captured as nearly as possible
at the same time, to minimize possible variation due to pho-
toperiod, temperature, and nutrition. This experimental re-
quirement led to truly prodigious feats of alligator catching
by the research team. On a single night in 1994, 40 male al-
ligators were hand-captured from Lake Woodruff. The fol-
lowing night, 54 males were captured from Lake Apopka. In
a broader study of seven lakes carried out the following year,
528 animals were captured during a 17-day period.
The external genitalia and total body length were mea-
sured on captured animals. Body-length is a good indicator
of the age of the alligator. Alligators reach puberty at about
3 years of age, and this must be taken into account when
making comparisons.
Blood samples were taken from each animal in order to
determine the plasma levels of estrogen and testosterone.
Investigators measured plasma concentrations of estradiol-
17βand testosterone. By comparing the ratio of the two val-
ues, the researchers estimated the E/A ratio, and thus if the
internal environment was androgenic or estrogenic.
The Results
In most of the seven lakes studied, female alligators showed
a much higher E/A ratio than males (graph aabove), a nor-
mal result. The exceptions are Lake Griffin and Lake
Apopka, the most polluted of the lakes. The larger E/A ratio
observed in male alligators caught from these two lakes indi-
cates an estrogenic hormonal environment in these animals
rather than the normal androgenic one.
Does this estrogenic environment have an impact on ju-
venile sexual development? Yes. Researchers observed that
postpuberty juvenile males from Lake Apopka and Lake
Griffith (where E/A ratios were elevated) exhibited stunted
reproductive organs compared to those found in Lake
Woodruff and other lakes (graph babove).
Prepuberty males did not show this effect, exhibiting the
same size external reproductive organs whatever the E/A
ratio. This is as you would expect, as organ growth occurs
primarily after puberty, in response to androgen hormones
released from the testes.
A primary contaminant found in alligators’ eggs in Lake
Apopka is p,p'-DDE, a major metabolite of DDT. p,p'-DDE
has been shown to bind to androgen receptors, and func-
tions as an antiandrogen. The presence of p,p'-DDE reduces
the androgen effect in cells, creating a more estrogenic envi-
The researchers also measured levels of plasma testos-
terone. The plasma levels of testosterone were signifi-
cantly reduced in alligators from Lake Apopka compared
to the control animals removed from Lake Woodruff.
These reduced levels of plasma testosterone from the Lake
Apopka alligators also act to reduce the E/A ratio, and so
to produce the observed abnormalities in reproductive
Griffin Woodruff Jessup Apopke Okeechobee Orange Monroe
Penis tip length (mm)
E/A ratio
Older juveniles (3–7 years old)
Younger juveniles (under 3 years old)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Alligator sexual development inhibited by contamination. (a) Ratio of estrogen/androgen (E/A) plasma concentrations in large juvenile
alligators 3-7 years old. A relatively larger ratio in males is atypical and indicates an estrogenic hormonal environment, as opposed to the
expected androgenic hormonal environment. (b) Sexual development in male alligators, measured by penis length as a function of E/A
ratio. In small juveniles under 3 years old, there is no apparent influence. In older juveniles 3-7 years old, there is a pronounced effect,
higher E/A ratios retarding sexual development.
To explore this experiment further, go to the Vir-
tual Lab at www.mhhe.com/raven6/vlab14.mhtml
The Nervous System
Concept Outline
54.1 The nervous system consists of neurons and
supporting cells.
Neuron Organization. Neurons and neuroglia are
organized into the central nervous system (the brain and
spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (sensory and
motor neurons).
54.2 Nerve impulses are produced on the axon
The Resting Membrane Potential. The inside of the
membrane is electrically negative in comparison with the
Action Potentials. In response to a stimulus that
depolarizes the membrane, voltage-gated channels open,
producing a nerve impulse. One action potential stimulates
the production of the next along the axon.
54.3 Neurons form junctions called synapses with
other cells.
Structure of Synapses. Neurotransmitters diffuse across
to the postsynaptic cell and combine with receptor proteins.
Neurotransmitters and Their Functions. Some
neurotransmitters cause a depolarization in the postsynaptic
membrane; others produce inhibition by hyperpolarization.
54.4 The central nervous system consists of the brain
and spinal cord.
The Evolution of the Vertebrate Brain. Vertebrate
brains include a forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
The Human Forebrain. The cerebral cortex contains
areas specialized for different functions.
The Spinal Cord. Reflex responses and messages to and
from the brain are coordinated by the spinal cord.
54.5 The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory
and motor neurons.
Components of the Peripheral Nervous System. A
spinal nerve contains sensory and motor neurons.
The Autonomic Nervous System. Sympathetic motor
neurons arouse the body for fight or flight; parasympathetic
motor neurons have antagonistic actions.
ll animals except sponges use a network of nerve cells
to gather information about the body’s condition and
the external environment, to process and integrate that
information, and to issue commands to the body’s muscles
and glands. Just as telephone cables run from every com-
partment of a submarine to the conning tower, where the
captain controls the ship, so bundles of nerve cells called
neurons connect every part of an animal’s body to its
command and control center, the brain and spinal cord
(figure 54.1). The animal body is run just like a subma-
rine, with status information about what is happening in
organs and outside the body flowing into the command
center, which analyzes the data and issues commands to
glands and muscles.
A neuron in the retina of the eye (500×).This neuron has been
injected with a fluorescent dye, making its cell body and long
dendrites readily apparent.
thetic systems, which act to counterbalance each other (fig-
ure 54.3).
Despite their varied appearances, most neurons have the
same functional architecture (figure 54.4). The cell body is
an enlarged region containing the nucleus. Extending from
the cell body are one or more cytoplasmic extensions called
dendrites. Motor and association neurons possess a profu-
sion of highly branched dendrites, enabling those cells to
1074 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Neuron Organization
An animal must be able to respond to environmental stim-
uli. A fly escapes a swat; the antennae of a crayfish detect
food and the crayfish moves toward it. To do this, it must
have sensory receptors that can detect the stimulus and
motor effectors that can respond to it. In most invertebrate
phyla and in all vertebrate classes, sensory receptors and
motor effectors are linked by way of the nervous system. As
described in chapter 49, the nervous system consists of neu-
rons and supporting cells. Sensory (or afferent) neurons
carry impulses from sensory receptorsto the central ner-
vous system (CNS); motor(or efferent) neuronscarry im-
pulses from the CNS to effectors—muscles and glands (fig-
ure 54.2).
In addition to sensory and motor neurons, a third type of
neuron is present in the nervous systems of most inverte-
brates and all vertebrates: association neurons (or in-
terneurons). These neurons are located in the brain and
spinal cord of vertebrates, together called the central ner-
vous system (CNS), where they help provide more com-
plex reflexes and higher associative functions, including
learning and memory. Sensory neurons carry impulses into
the CNS, and motor neurons carry impulses away from the
CNS. Together, sensory and motor neurons constitute the
peripheral nervous system (PNS) of vertebrates. Motor
neurons that stimulate skeletal muscles to contract are so-
matic motor neurons, and those that regulate the activity
of the smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and glands are auto-
nomic motor neurons. The autonomic motor neurons are
further subdivided into the sympathetic and parasympa-
54.1 The nervous system consists of neurons and supporting cells.
Nervous system
nervous system
The divisions of the vertebrate nervous system.The major
divisions are the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Sensory neuron
Cell body
Direction of
Cell body
Motor neuron Dendrites
Three types of
neurons. Sensory
information about the
environment to the
brain and spinal cord.
Association neuronsare
found in the brain and
spinal cord and often
provide links between
sensory and motor
neurons. Motor neurons
carry impulses or
“commands” to
muscles and glands
receive information from many differ-
ent sources simultaneously. Some neu-
rons have extensions from the den-
drites called dendritic spines that
increase the surface area available to
receive stimuli. The surface of the cell
body integrates the information arriv-
ing at its dendrites. If the resulting
membrane excitation is sufficient, it
triggers impulses that are conducted
away from the cell body along an
axon. Each neuron has a single axon
leaving its cell body, although an axon
may produce small terminal branches
to stimulate a number of cells. An axon
can be quite long: the axons control-
ling the muscles in your feet are more
than a meter long, and the axons that
extend from the skull to the pelvis in a
giraffe are about three meters long!
Neurons are supported both struc-
turally and functionally by support-
ing cells, which are called neuroglia.
These cells are ten times more nu-
merous than neurons and serve a va-
riety of functions, including supply-
ing the neurons with nutrients,
removing wastes from neurons, guid-
ing axon migration, and providing
immune functions. Two of the most
important kinds of neuroglia in verte-
brates are Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes, which
produce myelin sheaths that surround the axons of
many neurons. Schwann cells produce myelin in the
PNS, while oligodendrocytes produce myelin in the
CNS. During development, these cells wrap themselves
around each axon several times to form the myelin
sheath, an insulating covering consisting of multiple lay-
ers of membrane (figure 54.5). Axons that have myelin
sheaths are said to be myelinated, and those that don’t
are unmyelinated. In the CNS, myelinated axons form
the white matter, and the unmyelinated dendrites and
cell bodies form the gray matter. In the PNS, both
myelinated and unmyelinated axons are bundled to-
gether, much like wires in a cable, to form nerves.
The myelin sheath is interrupted at intervals of 1 to 2
mm by small gaps known as nodes of Ranvier (see figure
54.4). The role of the myelin sheath in impulse conduction
will be discussed later in this chapter.
Neurons and neuroglia make up the central and
peripheral nervous systems in vertebrates. Sensory,
motor, and association neurons play different roles in
the nervous system, and the neuroglia aid their
function, in part by producing myelin sheaths.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1075
Node of
NucleusCell body
Structure of a typical neuron.Extending from the cell
body are many dendrites, which receive information and
carry it to the cell body. A single axon transmits impulses
away from the cell body. Many axons are encased by a
myelin sheath, whose multiple membrane layers facilitate a
more rapid conduction of impulses. The sheath is
interrupted at regular intervals by small gaps called nodes
of Ranvier. In the peripheral nervous system, myelin
sheaths are formed by supporting Schwann cells.
Myelin sheath
The formation of the
myelin sheath around
a peripheral axon.
The myelin sheath is
formed by successive
wrappings of Schwann
cell membranes,
leaving most of the
Schwann cell
cytoplasm outside the
The Resting Membrane Potential
Neurons communicate through changes in electrical prop-
erties of the plasma membrane that travel from one cell to
another. The architecture of the neuron aids the spread of
these electrical signals called nerve impulses. To under-
stand how these signals are generated and transmitted
within the nervous system, we must first examine some of
the electrical properties of plasma membranes.
The battery in a car or a flashlight separates electrical
charges between its two poles. There is said to be a potential
difference, or voltage, between the poles, with one pole
being positive and the other negative. Similarly, a potential
difference exists across every cell’s plasma membrane. The
side of the membrane exposed to the cytoplasm is the nega-
tive pole, and the side exposed to the extracellular fluid is
the positive pole. This potential difference is called the
membrane potential.
The inside of the cell is more negatively charged in rela-
tion to the outside because of three factors: (1) Large mole-
cules like proteins and nucleic acids that are negatively
charged are more abundant inside the cell and cannot dif-
fuse out. These molecules are called fixed anions. (2) The
sodium-potassium pump brings only two potassium ions
) into the cell for every three sodium ions (Na
) it
pumps out (figure 54.6). In addition to contributing to the
electrical potential, this also establishes concentration gra-
dients for Na
and K
. (3) Ion channels allow more K
diffuse out of the cell than Na
to diffuse into the cell. Na
and K
channels in the plasma membrane have gates, por-
tions of the channel protein that open or close the chan-
nel’s pore. In the axons of neurons and in muscle fibers, the
gates are closed or open depending on the membrane po-
tential. Such channels are therefore known as voltage-gated
ion channels(figure 54.7).
In most cells, the permeability of ions through the mem-
brane is constant, and the net negativity on the inside of
the cell remains constant. The plasma membranes of mus-
cle and neurons, however, are excitable because the perme-
ability of their ion channels can be altered by various stim-
uli. When a neuron is not being stimulated, it maintains a
resting membrane potential. A cell is very small, and so its
membrane potential is very small. The electrical potential
of a car battery is typically 12 volts, but a cell’s resting
membrane potential is about –70 millivolts (–70 mV or
0.07 volts). The negative sign indicates that the inside of
the cell is negative with respect to the outside.
We know that the resting membrane potential is –70
mV because of an unequal distribution of electrical charges
across the membrane. But why –70 mV rather than –50
mV or –10 mV? To understand this, we need to remember
that there are two forces acting on the ions involved in es-
tablishing the resting membrane potential: (1) ions are at-
tracted to ions or molecules of opposite charge; and (2)
ions respond to concentration gradients by moving from an
area of high concentration to an area of lower concentra-
The positively charged ions, called cations, outside the
cell are attracted to the negatively charged fixed anions in-
side the cell. However, the resting plasma membrane is
more permeable to K
than to other cations, so K
the cell. Other cations enter the cell, but the leakage of K
into the cell has the dominant effect on the resting mem-
brane potential. In addition to the electrical gradient dri-
1076 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
54.2 Nerve impulses are produced on the axon membrane.
The sodium-potassium pump.This pump transports three Na
to the outside of the cell and simultaneously transports two K
to the
inside of the cell. This is an active transport carrier requiring the breakdown of ATP.
ving K
into the cell, there is also a concentration gradient
established by the sodium-potassium pump that is driving
out of the cell. At a point, these two forces balance each
other, and the voltage at which the influx of K
equals the
efflux of K
is called the equilibrium potential (table
54.1). For potassium, the equilibrium potential is –90 mV.
At –80 mV, K
will diffuse out of the cell and at –100 mV
will diffuse into the cell.
If K
were the only cation involved, the resting mem-
brane potential of the cell would be –90 mV. However, the
membrane is also slightly permeable to Na
, and its equi-
librium potential is +60 mV. The effects of Na
into the cell make the resting membrane potential less neg-
ative. With a membrane potential less negative than –90
mV, K
diffuses into the cell, and the combined effect bring
the equilibrium potential for the resting cell to –70 mV.
The resting membrane potential of a neuron can be seen
using a voltmeter and a pair of electrodes, one outside and
one inside the cell (figure 54.8)
When a nerve or muscle cell is stimulated, sodium
channels become more permeable, and Na
rushes into the
cell, down its concentration gradient. This sudden influx
of positive charges reduces the negativity on the inside of
the cell and causes the cell to depolarize(move toward a po-
larity above that of the resting potential). After a slight
delay, potassium channels also become more permeable,
and K
flows out of the cell down its concentration gradi-
ent. Similarly, the membrane becomes more permeable to
, and Cl
flows into the cell. But the effects of Cl
on the
membrane potential are far less than those of K
. The in-
side of the cell again becomes more negative and causes
the cell to hyperpolarize (move its polarity below that of the
resting potential).
The resting plasma membrane maintains a potential
difference as a result of the uneven distribution of
charges, where the inside of the membrane is negatively
charged in comparison with the outside (–70 mV). The
magnitude, measured in millivolts, of this potential
difference primarily reflects the difference in K
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1077
Table 54.1 The Ionic Composition of Cytoplasm and
Extracellular Fluid (ECF)
Concentration Concentration Equilibrium
in Cytoplasm in ECF Potential
Ion (mM) (mM) Ratio (mV)
15 150 10:1 +60
150 5 1:30 –90
7 110 15:1 –70
Channel closed Channel open
+ –
Voltage-gated ion channels.In neurons and muscle cells, the
channels for Na
and K
have gates that are closed at the resting
membrane potential but open when a threshold level of
depolarization is attained.
H1100270 H1100190
Fixed anions
The establishment of the resting membrane potential.The
fixed anions (primarily proteins and nucleic acids) attract cations
from the extracellular fluid. If the membrane were only permeable
to K
, an equilibrium would be established and the membrane
potential would be –90 mV. A true resting membrane potential is
about –70 mV, because the membrane does allow a low rate of
diffusion into the cell. This is not quite sufficiently negative
to prevent the outward diffusion of K
, so the cell is not at
equilibrium and the action of the sodium-potassium pumps is
required to maintain stability.
Action Potentials
Generation of Action Potentials
If the plasma membrane is depolarized slightly, an oscillo-
scope will show a small upward deflection of the line that
soon decays back to the resting membrane potential. These
small changes in membrane potential are called graded po-
tentials because their amplitudes depend on the strength of
the stimulus. Graded potentials can be either depolarizing
or hyperpolarizing and can add together to amplify or re-
duce their effects, just as two waves add to make one bigger
one when they meet in synchrony or cancel each other out
when a trough meets with a crest. The ability of graded po-
tentials to combine is called summation (figure 54.9). Once
a particular level of depolarization is reached (about –55
mV in mammalian axons), however, a nerve impulse, or ac-
tion potential, is produced. The level of depolarization
needed to produce an action potential is called the thresh-
A depolarization that reaches or exceeds the threshold
opens both the Na
and the K
channels, but the Na
nels open first. The rapid diffusion of Na
into the cell
shifts the membrane potential toward the equilibrium po-
tential for Na
(+60 mV—recall that the positive sign indi-
cates that the membrane reverses polarity as Na
rushes in).
1078 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Membrane potential
1 2 3 4
Graded potentials.(1) A weak excitatory stimulus, E
, elicits a
smaller depolarization than (2) a stronger stimulus, E
. (3) An
inhibitory stimulus, I, produces a hyperpolarization. (4) Because
graded potentials can summate, if all three stimuli occur very close
together, the resulting polarity change will be the algebraic sum of
the three changes individually.
–70 mV
–60 mV
–80 mV
–50 mV
–40 mV
–30 mV
–20 mV
–10 mV
0 mV
10 mV
flows in K
flows out
20 mV
30 mV
40 mV
Membrane potential
Depolarization Repolarization
Resting potential Resting1
FIGURE 54.10
The action potential.(1) At resting membrane potential, some K
channels are open. (2) In response to a stimulus, the cell begins to
depolarize, and once the threshold level is reached, an action potential is produced. (3) Rapid depolarization occurs (the rising portion of
the spike) because sodium channels open, allowing Na
to diffuse into the axon. (4) At the top of the spike, Na
channels close, and K
channels that were previously closed begin to open. (5) With the K
channels open, repolarization occurs because of the diffusion of K
of the axon. (6) An undershoot occurs before the membrane returns to its original resting potential.
When the action potential is recorded on an oscilloscope,
this part of the action potential appears as the rising phaseof
a spike (figure 54.10). The membrane potential never quite
reaches +60 mV because the Na
channels close and, at
about the same time, the K
channels that were previously
closed begin to open. The action potential thus peaks at
about +30 mV. Opening the K
channels allows K
to dif-
fuse out of the cell, repolarizing the plasma membrane. On
an oscilloscope, this repolarization of the membrane ap-
pears as the falling phase of the action potential. In many
cases, the repolarization carries the membrane potential to
a value slightly more negative than the resting potential for
a brief period because K
channels remain open, resulting
in an undershoot.The entire sequence of events in an action
potential is over in a few milliseconds.
Action potentials have two distinguishing characteristics.
First, they follow an all-or-none law: each depolarization
produces either a full action potential, because the voltage-
gated Na
channels open completely at threshold, or none
at all. Secondly, action potentials are always separate
events; they cannot add together or interfere with one an-
other as graded potentials can because the membrane en-
ters a brief refractory period after it generates an action po-
tential during which time voltage-gated Na
cannot reopen.
The production of an action potential results entirely
from the passive diffusion of ions. However, at the end of
each action potential, the cytoplasm has a little more Na
and a little less K
than it did at rest. The constant activity
of the sodium-potassium pumps compensates for these
changes. Thus, although active transport is not required to
produce action potentials, it is needed to maintain the ion
Propagation of Action Potentials
Although we often speak of axons as conducting action po-
tentials (impulses), action potentials do not really travel
along an axon—they are events that are reproduced at dif-
ferent points along the axon membrane. This can occur for
two reasons: action potentials are stimulated by depolariza-
tion, and an action potential can serve as a depolarization
stimulus. Each action potential, during its rising phase, re-
flects a reversal in membrane polarity (from –70 mV to +30
mV) as Na
diffuses rapidly into the axon. The positive
charges can depolarize the next region of membrane to
threshold, so that the next region produces its own action
potential (figure 54.11). Meanwhile, the previous region of
membrane repolarizes back to the resting membrane po-
tential. This is analogous to people in a stadium perform-
ing the “wave”: individuals stay in place as they stand up
(depolarize), raise their hands (peak of the action potential),
and sit down again (repolarize).
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1079
– ++++++++
+ –––++++
–– –––
– +++
+ –––+
–– ––
–– ––
–– ++
++––– +
FIGURE 54.11
Propagation of an action potential in an unmyelinated axon.
When one region produces an action potential and undergoes a
reversal of polarity, it serves as a depolarization stimulus for the
next region of the axon. In this way, action potentials are
regenerated along each small region of the unmyelinated axon
Saltatory Conduction
Action potentials are conducted without decrement (with-
out decreasing in amplitude); thus, the last action potential
at the end of the axon is just as large as the first action po-
tential. The velocity of conduction is greater if the diame-
ter of the axon is large or if the axon is myelinated (table
54.2). Myelinated axons conduct impulses more rapidly
than nonmyelinated axons because the action potentials in
myelinated axons are only produced at the nodes of Ran-
vier. One action potential still serves as the depolarization
stimulus for the next, but the depolarization at one node
must spread to the next before the voltage-gated channels
can be opened. The impulses therefore seem to jump from
node to node (figure 54.12) in a process called saltatory
conduction(Latin saltare,“to jump”).
To see how saltatory conduction speeds nervous trans-
mission, return for a moment to the “wave” analogy used
on the previous page to describe propagation of an action
potential. The “wave” moves across the seats of a crowded
stadium as fans standing up in one section trigger the next
section to stand up in turn. Because the “wave” will skip
sections of empty bleachers, it actually
progresses around the stadium even
faster with more empty sections. The
wave doesn’t have to wait for the miss-
ing people to stand, simply “jumping”
the gaps—just as saltatory conduction
jumps the nonconduction “gaps” of
myelin between exposed nodes.
The rapid inward diffusion of Na
followed by the outward diffusion
of K
produces a rapid change in
the membrane potential called an
action potential. Action potentials
are all-or-none events and cannot
summate. Action potentials are
regenerated along an axon as one
action potential serves as the
depolarization stimulus for the next
action potential.
1080 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Table 54.2 Conduction Velocities of Some Axons
Axon Conduction
Diameter Velocity
(mm) Myelin (m/s)
Squid giant axon 500 No 25
Large motor 20 Yes 120
axon to human
leg muscle
Axon from human 10 Yes 50
skin pressure
Axon from human 5 Yes 20
skin temperature
Motor axon to 1 No 2
human internal
Action potential Saltatory
FIGURE 54.12
Saltatory conduction in a myelinated axon.Action potentials are only produced at the
nodes of Ranvier in a myelinated axon. One node depolarizes the next node so that the
action potentials can skip between nodes. As a result, saltatory (“leaping”) conduction in a
myelinated axon is more rapid than conduction in an unmyelinated axon.
Structure of Synapses
An action potential passing down an axon eventually
reaches the end of the axon and all of its branches. These
branches may form junctions with the dendrites of other
neurons, with muscle cells, or with gland cells. Such inter-
cellular junctions are called synapses. The neuron whose
axon transmits action potentials to the synapse is the presy-
naptic cell, while the cell on the other side of the synapse is
the postsynaptic cell. Although the presynaptic and postsy-
naptic cells may appear to touch when the synapse is seen
under a light microscope, examination with an electron mi-
croscope reveals that most synapses have a synaptic cleft, a
narrow space that separates these two cells (figure 54.13).
The end of the presynaptic axon is swollen and contains
numerous synaptic vesicles, which are each packed with
chemicals called neurotransmitters. When action poten-
tials arrive at the end of the axon, they stimulate the open-
ing of voltage-gated Ca
channels, causing a rapid inward
diffusion of Ca
. This serves as the stimulus for the fusion
of the synaptic vesicles membrane with
the plasma membrane of the axon, so
that the contents of the vesicles can be
released by exocytosis (figure 54.14).
The higher the frequency of action po-
tentials in the presynaptic axon, the
more vesicles will release their contents
of neurotransmitters. The neurotrans-
mitters diffuse rapidly to the other side
of the cleft and bind to receptor pro-
teins in the membrane of the postsynap-
tic cell. There are different types of neu-
rotransmitters, and different ones act in
different ways. We will next consider the
action of a few of the important neuro-
transmitter chemicals.
The presynaptic axon is separated
from the postsynaptic cell by a
narrow synaptic cleft.
Neurotransmitters diffuse across it
to transmit a nerve impulse.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1081
54.3 Neurons form junctions called synapses with other cells.
cell (skeletal
FIGURE 54.13
A synaptic cleft.An electron micrograph showing a
neuromuscular synapse.
Terminal branch
of axon
Synaptic vesicles
Muscle cell
Neurotransmitter (ACh)
Synaptic cleft
Action potential
FIGURE 54.14
The release of neurotransmitter.Action
potentials arriving at the end of an axon
trigger the uptake of Ca
, which causes
synaptic vesicles to fuse with the plasma
membrane and release their neurotransmitters
(acetylcholine [ACh] in this case), which
diffuse across the synaptic gap and bind to
receptors in the postsynaptic membrane.
Neurotransmitters and Their
Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter chemical to be
discovered and is widely used in the nervous system. Many
other neurotransmitter chemicals have been shown to play
important roles, however, and ongoing research continues
to produce new information about neurotransmitter func-
Acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter that crosses
the synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber.
This synapse is called a neuromuscular junction (figure
54.15). Acetylcholine binds to its receptor proteins in the
postsynaptic membrane and thereby causes ion channels
within these proteins to open (figure 54.16). The gates to
these ion channels are said to be chemically gated because
they open in response to ACh, rather than in response to
depolarization. The opening of the chemically regulated
channels permits Na
to diffuse into the postsynaptic cell
and K
to diffuse out. Although both ions move at the same
time, the inward diffusion of Na
occurs at a faster rate and
has the predominant effect. As a result, that site on the
1082 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
FIGURE 54.15
Neuromuscular junctions.A light micrograph shows axons
branching to make contact with several individual muscle fibers.
Cytoplasm in postsynaptic cell
Synaptic cleft
Cell membrane
FIGURE 54.16
The binding of ACh to its receptor opens ion channels.The chemically regulated gates to these channels open when the
neurotransmitter ACh binds to the receptor.
postsynaptic membrane produces a depolarization (figure
54.17a) called an excitatory postsynaptic potential
(EPSP). The EPSP can now open the voltage-gated chan-
nels for Na
and K
that are responsible for action poten-
tials. Because the postsynaptic cell we are discussing is a
skeletal muscle cell, the action potentials it produces stimu-
late muscle contraction through the mechanisms discussed
in chapter 50.
If ACh stimulates muscle contraction, we must be able
to eliminate ACh from the synaptic cleft in order to relax
our muscles. This illustrates a general principle: molecules
such as neurotransmitters and certain hormones must be
quickly eliminated after secretion if they are to be effective
regulators. In the case of ACh, the elimination is achieved
by an enzyme in the postsynaptic membrane called acetyl-
cholinesterase (AChE). This enzyme is one of the fastest
known, cleaving ACh into inactive fragments. Nerve gas
and the agricultural insecticide parathion are potent in-
hibitors of AChE and in humans can produce severe spastic
paralysis and even death if the respiratory muscles become
Although ACh acts as a neurotransmitter between motor
neurons and skeletal muscle cells, many neurons also use
ACh as a neurotransmitter at their synapses with other
neurons; in these cases, the postsynaptic membrane is gen-
erally on the dendrites or cell body of the second neuron.
The EPSPs produced must then travel through the den-
drites and cell body to the initial segment of the axon,
where the first voltage-regulated channels needed for ac-
tion potentials are located. This is where the first action
potentials will be produced, providing that the EPSP depo-
larization is above the threshold needed to trigger action
Glutamate, Glycine, and GABA
Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the
vertebrate CNS, producing EPSPs and stimulating action
potentials in the postsynaptic neurons. Although normal
amounts produce physiological stimulation, excessive stim-
ulation by glutamate has been shown to cause neurodegen-
eration, as in Huntington’s chorea.
Glycine and GABA (an acronym for gamma-
aminobutyric acid) are inhibitory neurotransmitters. If
you remember that action potentials are triggered by a
threshold level of depolarization, you will understand
why hyperpolarization of the membrane would cause in-
hibition. These neurotransmitters cause the opening of
chemically regulated gated channels for Cl
, which has a
concentration gradient favoring its diffusion into the
neuron. Because Cl
is negatively charged, it makes the
inside of the membrane even more negative than it is at
rest—from –70 mV to –85 mV, for example (figure
54.17b). This hyperpolarization is called an inhibitory
postsynaptic potential (IPSP), and is very important for
neural control of body movements and other brain func-
tions. Interestingly, the drug diazepam (Valium) causes
its sedative and other effects by enhancing the binding of
GABA to its receptors and thereby increasing the effec-
tiveness of GABA at the synapse.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1083
Gate closed
Gate closed
FIGURE 54.17
Different neurotransmitters can have
different effects.(a) An excitatory
neurotransmitter promotes a
depolarization, or excitatory postsynaptic
potential (EPSP). (b) An inhibitory
neurotransmitter promotes a
hyperpolarization, or inhibitory
postsynaptic potential (IPSP).
Biogenic Amines
The biogenic amines include the hormone epinephrine
(adrenaline), together with the neurotransmitters
dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and dopamine are derived from the amino
acid tyrosine and are included in the subcategory of cate-
cholamines. Serotonin is a biogenic amine derived from a
different amino acid, tryptophan.
Dopamine is a very important neurotransmitter used in
the brain to control body movements and other functions.
Degeneration of particular dopamine-releasing neurons
produces the resting muscle tremors of Parkinson’s disease,
and people with this condition are treated with L-dopa (an
acronym for dihydroxyphenylalanine), a precursor of
dopamine. Additionally, studies suggest that excessive ac-
tivity of dopamine-releasing neurons in other areas of the
brain is associated with schizophrenia. As a result, patients
with schizophrenia are sometimes helped by drugs that
block the production of dopamine.
Norepinephrine is used by neurons in the brain and
also by particular autonomic neurons, where its action as a
neurotransmitter complements the action of the hormone
epinephrine, secreted by the adrenal gland. The autonomic
nervous system will be discussed in a later section of this
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in the regula-
tion of sleep and is also implicated in various emotional
states. Insufficient activity of neurons that release serotonin
may be one cause of clinical depression; this is suggested by
the fact that antidepressant drugs, particularly fluoxetine
(Prozac) and related compounds, specifically block the
elimination of serotonin from the synaptic cleft (figure
54.18). The drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) specifi-
cally blocks serotonin receptors in a region of the brain
stem known as the raphe nuclei.
Other Neurotransmitters
Axons also release various polypeptides, called neuropep-
tides, at synapses. These neuropeptides may have a neuro-
transmitter function or they may have more subtle, long-
term action on the postsynaptic neurons. In the latter case,
they are often referred to as neuromodulators. A given
axon generally releases only one kind of neurotransmitter,
but many can release both a neurotransmitter and a neuro-
One important neuropeptide is substance P, which is
released at synapses in the CNS by sensory neurons acti-
vated by painful stimuli. The perception of pain, however,
can vary depending on circumstances; an injured football
1084 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
FIGURE 54.18
Serotonin and depression.Depression
can result from a shortage of the
neurotransmitter serotonin. The
antidepressant drug Prozac works by
blocking reabsorption of serotonin in the
synapse, making up for the shortage.
player may not feel the full extent of his trauma, for exam-
ple, until he’s taken out of the game. The intensity with
which pain is perceived partly depends on the effects of
neuropeptides called enkephalins and endorphins.
Enkephalins are released by axons descending from the
brain and inhibit the passage of pain information to the
brain. Endorphins are released by neurons in the brain
stem and also block the perception of pain. Opium and its
derivatives, morphine and heroin, have an analgesic (pain-
reducing) effect because they are similar enough in chemi-
cal structure to bind to the receptors normally utilized by
enkephalins and endorphins. For this reason, the
enkephalins and the endorphins are referred to as endoge-
nous opiates.
Nitric oxide (NO) is the first gas known to act as a
regulatory molecule in the body. Because NO is a gas, it
diffuses through membranes so it cannot be stored in
vesicles. It is produced as needed from the amino acid
arginine. Nitric oxide’s actions are very different from
those of the more familiar nitrous oxide (N
O), or laugh-
ing gas, sometimes used by dentists. Nitric oxide diffuses
out of the presynaptic axon and into neighboring cells by
simply passing through the lipid portions of the cell mem-
branes. In the PNS, nitric oxide is released by some neu-
rons that innervate the gastrointestinal tract, penis, respi-
ratory passages, and cerebral blood vessels. These are
autonomic neurons that cause smooth muscle relaxation
in their target organs. This can produce, for example, the
engorgement of the spongy tissue of the penis with blood,
causing erection. The drug sildenafil (Viagra) increases
the release of nitric oxide in the penis, prolonging erec-
tion. Nitric oxide is also released as a neurotransmitter in
the brain, and has been implicated in the processes of
learning and memory.
Synaptic Integration
The activity of a postsynaptic neuron in the brain and
spinal cord of vertebrates is influenced by different types of
input from a number of presynaptic neurons. For example,
a single motor neuron in the spinal cord can receive as
many as 50,000 synapses from presynaptic axons! Each
postsynaptic neuron may receive both excitatory and in-
hibitory synapses. The EPSPs (depolarizations) and IPSPs
(hyperpolarizations) from these synapses interact with each
other when they reach the cell body of the neuron. Small
EPSPs add together to bring the membrane potential
closer to the threshold, while IPSPs subtract from the de-
polarizing effect of the EPSPs, keeping the membrane po-
tential below the threshold (figure 54.19). This process is
called synaptic integration.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1085
(a) (b)
FIGURE 54.19
Integration of EPSPs and IPSPs takes place on the neuronal cell body.(a) The synapses made by some axons are excitatory (blue);
the synapses made by other axons are inhibitory (red).The summed influence of all of these inputs determines whether the axonal
membrane of the postsynaptic cell will be sufficiently depolarized to produce an action potential. (b) Micrograph of a neuronal cell body
with numerous synapses (15,000×).
Neurotransmitters and Drug Addiction
When a cell of your body is exposed to a stimulus that pro-
duces a chemically mediated signal for a prolonged period,
it tends to lose its ability to respond to the stimulus with its
original intensity. (You are familiar with this loss of sensi-
tivity—when you sit in a chair, how long are you aware of
the chair?) Nerve cells are particularly prone to this loss of
sensitivity. If receptor proteins within synapses are exposed
to high levels of neurotransmitter molecules for prolonged
periods, that nerve cell often responds by inserting fewer
receptor proteins into the membrane. This feedback is a
normal function in all neurons, one of several mechanisms
that have evolved to make the cell more efficient, in this
case, adjusting the number of “tools” (receptor proteins) in
the membrane “workshop” to suit the workload.
Cocaine. The drug cocaine causes abnormally large
amounts of neurotransmitter to remain in the synapses for
long periods of time. Cocaine affects nerve cells in the
brain’s pleasure pathways (the so-called limbic system).
These cells transmit pleasure messages using the neuro-
transmitter dopamine. Using radioactively labeled cocaine
molecules, investigators found that cocaine binds tightly to
the transporter proteins in synaptic clefts. These proteins
normally remove the neurotransmitter dopamine after it
has acted. Like a game of musical chairs in which all the
chairs become occupied, there are no unoccupied carrier
proteins available to the dopamine molecules, so the
dopamine stays in the cleft, firing the receptors again and
again. As new signals arrive, more and more dopamine is
added, firing the pleasure pathway more and more often
(figure 54.20).
When receptor proteins on limbic system nerve cells
are exposed to high levels of dopamine neurotransmitter
molecules for prolonged periods of time, the nerve cells
“turn down the volume” of the signal by lowering the
number of receptor proteins on their surfaces. They re-
spond to the greater number of neurotransmitter mole-
cules by simply reducing the number of targets available
for these molecules to hit. The cocaine user is now ad-
dicted (figure 54.21). With so few receptors, the user
needs the drug to maintain even normal levels of limbic
Is Nicotine an Addictive Drug? Investigators attempt-
ing to explore the habit-forming nature of nicotine used
what had been learned about cocaine to carry out what
seemed a reasonable experiment—they introduced radioac-
tively labeled nicotine into the brain and looked to see what
sort of carrier protein it attached itself to. To their great
surprise, the nicotine ignored proteins in the synaptic clefts
and instead bound directly to a specific receptor on the
postsynaptic cell! This was totally unexpected, as nicotine
does not normally occur in the brain—why should it have a
receptor there?
Intensive research followed, and researchers soon
learned that the “nicotine receptors” were a class of recep-
tors that normally served to bind the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine. There are other types of ACh receptors that
don’t respond to nicotine. It was just an accident of nature
that nicotine, an obscure chemical from a tobacco plant,
was also able to bind to them. What, then, is the normal
function of these receptors? The target of considerable re-
search, these receptors turned out to be one of the brain’s
most important tools. The brain uses them to coordinate
the activities of many other kinds of receptors, acting to
“fine tune” the sensitivity of a wide variety of behaviors.
When neurobiologists compare the nerve cells in the
brains of smokers to those of nonsmokers, they find
changes in both the number of nicotine receptors and in
the levels of RNA used to make the receptors. They have
found that the brain adjusts to prolonged exposure to nico-
tine by “turning down the volume” in two ways: (1) by
making fewer receptor proteins to which nicotine can bind;
and (2) by altering the pattern of activation of the nicotine
receptors (that is, their sensitivity to neurotransmitter).
It is this second adjustment that is responsible for the
profound effect smoking has on the brain’s activities. By
overriding the normal system used by the brain to coordi-
nate its many activities, nicotine alters the pattern of re-
lease into synaptic clefts of many neurotransmitters, includ-
ing acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and many others.
1086 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
FIGURE 54.20
How cocaine alters events at the synapse.When cocaine binds
to the dopamine transporters, the neurotransmitter survives
longer in the synapse and continues to stimulate the postsynaptic
cell. Cocaine thus acts to intensify pleasurable sensations.
As a result, changes in level of activity occur in a wide vari-
ety of nerve pathways within the brain.
Addiction occurs when chronic exposure to nicotine in-
duces the nervous system to adapt physiologically. The
brain compensates for the many changes nicotine induces
by making other changes. Adjustments are made to the
numbers and sensitivities of many kinds of receptors within
the brain, restoring an appropriate balance of activity.
Now what happens if you stop smoking? Everything is
out of whack! The newly coordinated system requiresnico-
tine to achieve an appropriate balance of nerve pathway ac-
tivities. This is addiction in any sensible use of the term.
The body’s physiological response is profound and un-
avoidable. There is no way to prevent addiction to nicotine
with willpower, any more than willpower can stop a bullet
when playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun. If you
smoke cigarettes for a prolonged period, you will become
What do you do if you are addicted to smoking ciga-
rettes and you want to stop? When use of an addictive drug
like nicotine is stopped, the level of signaling will change to
levels far from normal. If the drug is not reintroduced, the
altered level of signaling will eventually induce the nerve
cells to once again make compensatory changes that restore
an appropriate balance of activities within the brain. Over
time, receptor numbers, their sensitivity, and patterns of
release of neurotransmitters all revert to normal, once
again producing normal levels of signaling along the path-
ways. There is no way to avoid the down side of addiction.
The pleasure pathways will not function at normal levels
until the number of receptors on the affected nerve cells
have time to readjust.
Many people attempt to quit smoking by using patches
containing nicotine; the idea is that providing gradually
lesser doses of nicotine allows the smoker to be weaned of
his or her craving for cigarettes. The patches do reduce the
craving for cigarettes—so long as you keep using the
patches! Actually, using such patches simply substitutes one
(admittedly less dangerous) nicotine source for another. If
you are going to quit smoking, there is no way to avoid the
necessity of eliminating the drug to which you are addicted.
Hard as it is to hear the bad news, there is no easy way out.
The only way to quit is to quit.
Acetylcholine stimulates the opening of chemically
regulated ion channels, causing a depolarization called
an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP). Glycine
and GABA are inhibitory neurotransmitters that
produce hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic
membrane. There are also many other
neurotransmitters, including the biogenic amines:
dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. The effects
of different neurotransmitters are integrated through
summation of depolarizations and hyperpolarizations.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1087
Receptor protein Drug
1. Neurotransmitter is reabsorbed
at a normal synapse.
2. Drug molecules prevent
reabsorption and cause
overstimulation of the
postsynaptic membrane.
3. The number of receptors
4. The synapse is less sensitive
when the drug is removed.
Neurotransmitter Transporter
FIGURE 54.21
Drug addiction.(1) In a normal synapse, the neurotransmitter binds to a transporter molecule and is rapidly reabsorbed after it has acted.
(2) When a drug molecule binds to the transporters, reabsorption of the neurotransmitter is blocked, and the postsynaptic cell is over-
stimulated by the increased amount of neurotransmitter left in the synapse. (3) The central nervous system adjusts to the increased firing
by producing fewer receptors in the postsynaptic membrane. The result is addiction. (4) When the drug is removed, normal absorption of
the neurotransmitter resumes, and the decreased number of receptors creates a less-sensitive nerve pathway. Physiologically, the only way
a person can then maintain normal functioning is to continue to take the drug. Only if the drug is removed permanently will the nervous
system eventually adjust again and restore the original amount of receptors.
The Evolution of the Vertebrate
Sponges are the only major phylum of multicellular ani-
mals that lack nerves. The simplest nervous systems occur
among cnidarians (figure 54.22): all neurons are similar and
are linked to one another in a web, or nerve net.There is no
associative activity, no control of complex actions, and little
coordination The simplest animals with associative activity
in the nervous system are the free-living flatworms, phylum
Platyhelminthes. Running down the bodies of these flat-
worms are two nerve cords; peripheral nerves extend out-
ward to the muscles of the body. The two nerve cords con-
verge at the front end of the body, forming an enlarged
mass of nervous tissue that also contains associative neu-
rons with synapses connecting neurons to one another.
This primitive “brain” is a rudimentary central nervous sys-
tem and permits a far more complex control of muscular
responses than is possible in cnidarians.
All of the subsequent evolutionary changes in nervous
systems can be viewed as a series of elaborations on the
characteristics already present in flatworms. For example,
earthworms exhibit a central nervous system that is con-
nected to all other parts of the body by peripheral nerves.
And, in arthropods, the central coordination of complex re-
sponse is increasingly localized in the front end of the
nerve cord. As this region evolved, it came to contain a
progressively larger number of associative interneurons,
and to develop tracts, which are highways within the brain
that connect associative elements.
Casts of the interior braincases of fossil agnathans, fishes
that swam 500 million years ago, have revealed much about
the early evolutionary stages of the vertebrate brain. Al-
though small, these brains already had the three divisions
that characterize the brains of all contemporary vertebrates:
(1) the hindbrain, or rhombencephalon; (2) the midbrain,
or mesencephalon; and (3) the forebrain, or prosen-
cephalon (figure 54.23).
1088 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
54.4 The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
Central nervous
Ventral nerve
Spinal cord
FIGURE 54.22
Evolution of the nervous system.Animals exhibit a progressive elaboration of organized nerve cords and the centralization of complex
responses in the front end of the nerve cord.
The hindbrain was the major component of these early
brains, as it still is in fishes today. Composed of the cerebel-
lum, pons,and medulla oblongata,the hindbrain may be con-
sidered an extension of the spinal cord devoted primarily to
coordinating motor reflexes. Tracts containing large num-
bers of axons run like cables up and down the spinal cord to
the hindbrain. The hindbrain, in turn, integrates the many
sensory signals coming from the muscles and coordinates
the pattern of motor responses.
Much of this coordination is carried on within a small
extension of the hindbrain called the cerebellum (“little
cerebrum”). In more advanced vertebrates, the cerebellum
plays an increasingly important role as a coordinating cen-
ter for movement and is correspondingly larger than it is in
the fishes. In all vertebrates, the cerebellum processes data
on the current position and movement of each limb, the
state of relaxation or contraction of the muscles involved,
and the general position of the body and its relation to the
outside world. These data are gathered in the cerebellum,
synthesized, and the resulting commands issued to efferent
In fishes, the remainder of the brain is devoted to the re-
ception and processing of sensory information. The mid-
brain is composed primarily of the optic lobes, which re-
ceive and process visual information, while the forebrain is
devoted to the processing of olfactory (smell) information.
The brains of fishes continue growing throughout their
lives. This continued growth is in marked contrast to the
brains of other classes of vertebrates, which generally com-
plete their development by infancy (figure 54.24). The
human brain continues to develop through early childhood,
but no new neurons are produced once development has
ceased, except in the tiny hippocampus, which controls
which experiences are filed away into long-term memory
and which are forgotten.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1089
Medulla oblongata Pituitary Hypothalamus
FIGURE 54.23
The basic organization of the vertebrate brain can be seen in
the brains of primitive fishes.The brain is divided into three
regions that are found in differing proportions in all vertebrates:
the hindbrain, which is the largest portion of the brain in fishes;
the midbrain, which in fishes is devoted primarily to processing
visual information; and the forebrain, which is concerned mainly
with olfaction (the sense of smell) in fishes. In terrestrial
vertebrates, the forebrain plays a far more dominant role in neural
processing than it does in fishes.
Diencephalon Telencephalon
Forebrain (Prosencephalon)
5 weeks 8 weeks 11 weeks 9 months
Pituitary gland
FIGURE 54.24
Development of the brain in humans. The main regions of the brain form during fetal development.
The Dominant Forebrain
Starting with the amphibians and continuing more promi-
nently in the reptiles, processing of sensory information is
increasingly centered in the forebrain. This pattern was the
dominant evolutionary trend in the further development of
the vertebrate brain (figure 54.25).
The forebrain in reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mam-
mals is composed of two elements that have distinct func-
tions. The diencephalon (Greek dia, “between”) consists of
the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus is an inte-
grating and relay center between incoming sensory infor-
mation and the cerebrum. The hypothalamus participates
in basic drives and emotions and controls the secretions of
the pituitary gland. The telencephalon, or “end brain”
(Greek telos, “end”), is located at the front of the forebrain
and is devoted largely to associative activity. In mammals,
the telencephalon is called the cerebrum.
The Expansion of the Cerebrum
In examining the relationship between brain mass and
body mass among the vertebrates (figure 54.26), you can
1090 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Spinal cord
Medulla oblongata
Optic tectum
Olfactory tract
FIGURE 54.25
The evolution of the vertebrate brain involved changes in the relative sizes of different brain regions.In sharks and other fishes,
the hindbrain is predominant, and the rest of the brain serves primarily to process sensory information. In amphibians and reptiles, the
forebrain is far larger, and it contains a larger cerebrum devoted to associative activity. In birds, which evolved from reptiles, the cerebrum
is even more pronounced. In mammals, the cerebrum covers the optic tectum and is the largest portion of the brain. The dominance of the
cerebrum is greatest in humans, in whom it envelops much of the rest of the brain.
see a remarkable difference between fishes and reptiles, on
the one hand, and birds and mammals, on the other.
Mammals have brains that are particularly large relative to
their body mass. This is especially true of porpoises and
humans; the human brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms. The
increase in brain size in the mammals largely reflects the
great enlargement of the cerebrum, the dominant part of
the mammalian brain. The cerebrum is the center for cor-
relation, association, and learning in the mammalian brain.
It receives sensory data from the thalamus and issues
motor commands to the spinal cord via descending tracts
of axons.
In vertebrates, the central nervous system is composed
of the brain and the spinal cord (table 54.3). These two
structures are responsible for most of the information
processing within the nervous system and consist primar-
ily of interneurons and neuroglia. Ascending tracts carry
sensory information to the brain. Descending tracts carry
impulses from the brain to the motor neurons and in-
terneurons in the spinal cord that control the muscles of
the body.
The vertebrate brain consists of three primary regions:
the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The hindbrain
was the principal component of the brain of early
vertebrates; it was devoted to the control of motor
activity. In vertebrates more advanced than fishes, the
processing of information is increasingly centered in
the forebrain.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1091
Table 54.3 Subdivisions of the Central Nervous System
Subdivision Function
Medulla oblongata
Basal ganglia
Corpus callosum
(limbic system)
Cerebral cortex
Spinal reflexes; relays sensory
Sensory nuclei; reticular activating
system; visceral control
Reticular activating system;
visceral control
Coordination of movements;
Reflexes involving eyes and ears
Relay station for ascending
sensory and descending tracts;
visceral control
Visceral control; neuroendocrine
Motor control
Connects the two hemispheres
Memory; emotion
Higher functions
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10,000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10,000
Body mass in kilograms(a) (b)
Brain mass in grams
Vertebrates Mammals
Vampire bat
Homo sapiens
Male gorilla
FIGURE 54.26
Brain mass versus body mass.Among most vertebrates, brain mass is a relatively constant proportion of body mass, so that a plot of
brain mass versus body mass gives a straight line. (a) However, the proportion of brain mass to body mass is much greater in birds than in
reptiles, and it is greater still in mammals. (b) Among mammals, humans have the greatest brain mass per unit of body mass (that is, the
farthest perpendicular distance from the plotted line). In second place are the porpoises.
The Human Forebrain
The human cerebrum is so large that it appears to en-
velop the rest of the brain (figure 54.27). It is split into
right and left cerebral hemispheres, which are connected
by a tract called the corpus callosum. The hemispheres are
further divided into the frontal, parietal, temporal, and oc-
cipital lobes.
Each hemisphere receives sensory input from the oppo-
site, or contralateral, side of the body and exerts motor
control primarily over that side. Therefore, a touch on the
right hand, for example, is relayed primarily to the left
hemisphere, which may then initiate movement of that
hand in response to the touch. Damage to one hemisphere
due to a stroke often results in a loss of sensation and paral-
ysis on the contralateral side of the body.
Cerebral Cortex
Much of the neural activity of the cerebrum occurs within a
layer of gray matter only a few millimeters thick on its
outer surface. This layer, called the cerebral cortex, is
densely packed with nerve cells. In humans, it contains over
10 billion nerve cells, amounting to roughly 10% of all the
neurons in the brain. The surface of the cerebral cortex is
highly convoluted; this is particularly true in the human
brain, where the convolutions increase the surface area of
the cortex threefold.
The activities of the cerebral cortex fall into one of
three general categories: motor, sensory, and associative.
The primary motor cortex lies along the
gyrus (convolution) on the posterior
border of the frontal lobe, just in front
of the central sulcus (crease) (figure
54.28). Each point on its surface is asso-
ciated with the movement of a different
part of the body (figure 54.29). Just be-
hind the central sulcus, on the anterior
edge of the parietal lobe, lies the pri-
mary somatosensory cortex. Each point
in this area receives input from sensory
neurons serving cutaneous and muscle
senses in a particular part of the body.
Large areas of the motor cortex and pri-
mary somatosensory cortex are devoted
to the fingers, lips, and tongue because
of the need for manual dexterity and
speech. The auditory cortex lies within
the temporal lobe, and different regions
of this cortex deal with different sound
frequencies. The visual cortex lies on
the occipital lobe, with different sites
processing information from different
positions on the retina, equivalent to
particular points in the visual fields of
the eyes.
1092 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Corpus callosum
Parietal lobe of
cerebral cortex
Pineal gland
Occipital lobe
of cerebral
Medulla oblongata
HypothalamusPituitary gland
Frontal lobe
of cerebral
Lateral ventricle
Optic chiasm
Optic recess
FIGURE 54.27
A section through the human brain.In this sagittal section
showing one cerebral hemisphere, the corpus callosum, a fiber
tract connecting the two cerebral hemispheres, can be clearly
Motor areas involved with the control
of voluntary muscles
Motor speech area
(Broca's area)
Lateral sulcus
Auditory area
Interpretation of sensory experiences,
memory of visual and auditory patterns
Temporal lobe
visual images,
visual recognitio
of objects
Occipital lob
General interpretative
area (Wernicke's are
Parietal lobe
Sensory areas involved with
cutaneous and other senses
Central sulcus
FIGURE 54.28
The lobes of the cerebrum.Some of the known regions of specialization are indicated
in this diagram.
The portion of the cerebral cortex that is not occupied
by these motor and sensory cortices is referred to as associa-
tion cortex. The site of higher mental activities, the associa-
tion cortex reaches its greatest extent in primates, especially
humans, where it makes up 95% of the surface of the cere-
bral cortex.
Basal Ganglia
Buried deep within the white matter of the cerebrum are
several collections of cell bodies and dendrites that produce
islands of gray matter. These aggregates of neuron cell
bodies, which are collectively termed the basal ganglia, re-
ceive sensory information from ascending tracts and motor
commands from the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Out-
puts from the basal ganglia are sent down the spinal cord,
where they participate in the control of body movements.
Damage to specific regions of the basal ganglia can produce
the resting tremor of muscles that is characteristic of peo-
ple with Parkinson’s disease.
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
The thalamus is a primary site of sensory integration in the
brain. Visual, auditory, and somatosensory information is
sent to the thalamus, where the sensory tracts synapse with
association neurons. The sensory information is then re-
layed via the thalamus to the occipital, temporal, and pari-
etal lobes of the cerebral cortex, respectively. The transfer
of each of these types of sensory information is handled by
specific aggregations of neuron cell bodies within the thala-
The hypothalamus integrates the visceral activities. It
helps regulate body temperature, hunger and satiety, thirst,
and—along with the limbic system—various emotional
states. The hypothalamus also controls the pituitary gland,
which in turn regulates many of the other endocrine glands
of the body. By means of its interconnections with the
cerebral cortex and with control centers in the brain stem
(a term used to refer collectively to the midbrain, pons, and
medulla oblongata), the hypothalamus helps coordinate the
neural and hormonal responses to many internal stimuli
and emotions.
The hippocampusand amygdalaare, together with the hy-
pothalamus, the major components of the limbic system.
This is an evolutionarily ancient group of linked structures
deep within the cerebrum that are responsible for emo-
tional responses. The hippocampus is also believed to be
important in the formation and recall of memories, a topic
we will discuss later.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1093
Leg, genitals
Toes Knee Hip
Shoulder Ar
Sensory Motor
FIGURE 54.29
The primary somatosensory cortex (left) and the primary motor cortex (right).Each of these regions of the cerebral cortex is
associated with a different region of the body, as indicated in this stylized map. The areas of the body are drawn in proportion to the
amount of cortex dedicated to their sensation or control. For example, the hands have large areas of sensory and motor control, while the
pharynx has a considerable area of motor control but little area devoted to the sensations of the pharynx.
Language and Other Functions
Arousal and Sleep. The brain stem
contains a diffuse collection of neu-
rons referred to as the reticular forma-
tion. One part of this formation, the
reticular activating system, controls
consciousness and alertness. All of the
sensory pathways feed into this sys-
tem, which monitors the information
coming into the brain and identifies
important stimuli. When the reticular
activating system has been stimulated
to arousal, it increases the level of ac-
tivity in many parts of the brain.
Neural pathways from the reticular
formation to the cortex and other
brain regions are depressed by anes-
thetics and barbiturates.
The reticular activating system
controls both sleep and the waking
state. It is easier to sleep in a dark
room than in a lighted one because
there are fewer visual stimuli to stimu-
late the reticular activating system. In
addition, activity in this system is re-
duced by serotonin, a neurotransmit-
ter we previously discussed. Serotonin
causes the level of brain activity to
fall, bringing on sleep.
Sleep is not the loss of conscious-
ness. Rather, it is an active process
whose multiple states can be revealed
by recording the electrical activity of
the brain in an electroencephalogram (EEG). In a re-
laxed but awake individual whose eyes are shut, the EEG
consists primarily of large, slow waves that occur at a fre-
quency of 8 to 13 hertz (cycles per second). These waves
are referred to as alpha waves. In an alert subject whose
eyes are open, the EEG waves are more rapid (beta waves
are seen at frequencies of 13 to 30 hertz) and is more de-
synchronized because multiple sensory inputs are being
received, processed, and translated into motor activities.
Theta waves(4 to 7 hertz) and delta waves(0.5 to 4 hertz)
are seen in various stages of sleep. The first change seen in
the EEG with the onset of drowsiness is a slowing and re-
duction in the overall amplitude of the waves. This slow-
wave sleep has several stages but is generally characterized
by decreases in arousability, skeletal muscle tone, heart
rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate. During REM
sleep (named for the rapid eye movements that occur dur-
ing this stage), the EEG resembles that of a relaxed, awake
individual, and the heart rate, blood pressure, and respira-
tory rate are all increased. Paradoxically, individuals in
REM sleep are difficult to arouse and are more likely to
awaken spontaneously. Dreaming occurs during REM
sleep, and the rapid eye movements resemble the tracking
movements made by the eyes when awake, suggesting that
dreamers “watch” their dreams.
Language and Spatial Recognition. Although the two
cerebral hemispheres seem structurally similar, they are re-
sponsible for different activities. The most thoroughly in-
vestigated example of this lateralization of function is lan-
guage. The left hemisphere is the “dominant” hemisphere
for language—the hemisphere in which most neural pro-
cessing related to language is performed—in 90% of right-
handed people and nearly two-thirds of left-handed people.
There are two language areas in the dominant hemisphere.
Wernicke’s area (see figure 54.28), located in the parietal
lobe between the primary auditory and visual areas, is im-
portant for language comprehension and the formulation
of thoughts into speech (figure 54.30). Broca’s area, found
near the part of the motor cortex controlling the face, is re-
sponsible for the generation of motor output needed for
language communication. Damage to these brain areas can
1094 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
FIGURE 54.30
Different brain regions control various activities.This illustration shows how the brain
reacts in human subjects asked to listen to a spoken word, to read that same word silently,
to repeat the word out loud, and then to speak a word related to the first. Regions of white,
red, and yellow show the greatest activity. Compare this with figure 54.28 to see how
regions of the brain are mapped.
cause language disorders known as aphasias.For example, if
Wernicke’s area is damaged, the person’s speech is rapid
and fluid but lacks meaning; words are tossed together as in
a “word salad.”
While the dominant hemisphere for language is adept at
sequential reasoning, like that needed to formulate a sen-
tence, the nondominant hemisphere (the right hemisphere
in most people) is adept at spatial reasoning, the type of
reasoning needed to assemble a puzzle or draw a picture. It
is also the hemisphere primarily involved in musical abil-
ity—a person with damage to Broca’s speech area in the left
hemisphere may not be able to speak but may retain the
ability to sing! Damage to the nondominant hemisphere
may lead to an inability to appreciate spatial relationships
and may impair musical activities such as singing. Even
more specifically, damage to the inferior temporal cortex in
that hemisphere eliminates the capacity to recall faces.
Reading, writing, and oral comprehension remain normal,
and patients with this disability can still recognize acquain-
tances by their voices. The nondominant hemisphere is
also important for the consolidation of memories of non-
verbal experiences.
Memory and Learning. One of the great mysteries of
the brain is the basis of memory and learning. There is no
one part of the brain in which all aspects of a memory ap-
pear to reside. Specific cortical sites cannot be identified
for particular memories because relatively extensive cortical
damage does not selectively remove memories. Although
memory is impaired if portions of the brain, particularly
the temporal lobes, are removed, it is not lost entirely.
Many memories persist in spite of the damage, and the
ability to access them gradually recovers with time. There-
fore, investigators who have tried to probe the physical
mechanisms underlying memory often have felt that they
were grasping at a shadow. Although we still do not have a
complete understanding of these mechanisms, we have
learned a good deal about the basic processes in which
memories are formed.
There appear to be fundamental differences between
short-term and long-term memory. Short-term memory is
transient, lasting only a few moments. Such memories can
readily be erased by the application of an electrical shock,
leaving previously stored long-term memories intact. This
result suggests that short-term memories are stored electri-
cally in the form of a transient neural excitation. Long-
term memory, in contrast, appears to involve structural
changes in certain neural connections within the brain.
Two parts of the temporal lobes, the hippocampus and the
amygdala, are involved in both short-term memory and its
consolidation into long-term memory. Damage to these
structures impairs the ability to process recent events into
long-term memories.
Synapses that are used intensively for a short period of
time display more effective synaptic transmission upon sub-
sequent use. This phenomenon is called long-term potenti-
ation (LTP). During LTP, the presynaptic neuron may re-
lease increased amounts of neurotransmitter with each
action potential, and the postsynaptic neuron may become
increasingly sensitive to the neurotransmitter. It is believed
that these changes in synaptic transmission may be respon-
sible for some aspects of memory storage.
Mechanism of Alzheimer’s Disease Still a Mystery
In the past, little was known about Alzheimer’s disease, a
condition in which the memory and thought processes of
the brain become dysfunctional. Drug companies are eager
to develop new products for the treatment of Alzheimer’s,
but they have little concrete evidence to go on. Scientists
disagree about the biological nature of the disease and its
cause. Two hypotheses have been proposed: one that nerve
cells in the brain are killed from the outside in, and the
other that the cells are killed from the inside out.
In the first hypothesis, external proteins called β-amy-
loid peptides kill nerve cells. A mistake in protein process-
ing produces an abnormal form of the peptide, which then
forms aggregates, or plaques. The plaques begin to fill in
the brain and then damage and kill nerve cells. However,
these amyloid plaques have been found in autopsies of peo-
ple that did not have Alzheimer’s disease.
The second hypothesis maintains that the nerve cells are
killed by an abnormal form of an internal protein. This
protein, called tau (τ), normally functions to maintain pro-
tein transport microtubules. Abnormal forms of τ assemble
into helical segments that form tangles, which interfere
with the normal functioning of the nerve cells. Researchers
continue to study whether tangles and plaques are causes or
effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
Progress has been made in identifying genes that in-
crease the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s and genes
that, when mutated, can cause Alzheimer’s disease. How-
ever, the genes may not reveal much about Alzheimer’s as
they do not show up in most Alzheimer’s patients, and they
cause symptoms that start much earlier than when most
Alzheimer’s patients show symptoms.
The cerebrum is composed of two cerebral
hemispheres. Each hemisphere consists of the gray
matter of the cerebral cortex overlying white matter
and islands of gray matter (nuclei) called the basal
ganglia. These areas are involved in the integration of
sensory information, control of body movements, and
such associative functions as learning and memory.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1095
The Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is a cable of neurons extending from the
brain down through the backbone (figure 54.31). It is en-
closed and protected by the vertebral column and layers of
membranes called meninges, which also cover the brain. In-
side the spinal cord there are two zones. The inner zone,
called gray matter, consists of interneurons and the cell
bodies of motor neurons. The outer zone, called white
matter, contains the axons and dendrites of nerve cells.
Messages from the body and the brain run up and down the
spinal cord, an “information highway.”
In addition to relaying messages, the spinal cord also
functions in reflexes, the sudden, involuntary movement of
muscles. A reflex produces a rapid motor response to a
stimulus because the sensory neuron passes its information
to a motor neuron in the spinal cord, without higher level
processing. One of the most frequently used reflexes in
your body is blinking, a reflex that protects your eyes. If
anything, such as an insect or a cloud of dust, approaches
your eye, the eyelid blinks before you realize what has hap-
pened. The reflex occurs before the cerebrum is aware the
eye is in danger.
1096 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
FIGURE 54.31
A view down the human spinal cord.Pairs of spinal nerves can
be seen extending from the spinal cord. It is along these nerves, as
well as the cranial nerves that arise from the brain, that the central
nervous system communicates with the rest of the body.
Specialized muscle
fibers (spindle fibers)
Spinal cord
Dorsal root
Nerve fiber
Stretch receptor
(muscle spindle)
FIGURE 54.32
The knee-jerk reflex.This is the simplest reflex, involving only sensory and motor neurons.
Because they pass information along only a few neurons,
reflexes are very fast. Many reflexes never reach the brain.
The nerve impulse travels only as far as the spinal cord and
then comes right back as a motor response. A few reflexes,
like the knee-jerk reflex (figure 54.32), are monosynaptic
reflex arcs. In these, the sensory nerve cell makes synaptic
contact directly with a motor neuron in the spinal cord
whose axon travels directly back to the muscle. The knee-
jerk reflex is also an example of a muscle stretch reflex.When
the muscle is briefly stretched by tapping the patellar liga-
ment with a rubber mallet, the muscle spindle apparatus is
also stretched. The spindle apparatus is embedded within
the muscle, and, like the muscle fibers outside the spindle,
is stretched along with the muscle. Stretching of the spin-
dle activates sensory neurons that synapse directly with so-
matic motor neurons within the spinal cord. As a result, the
somatic motor neurons conduct action potentials to the
skeletal muscle fibers and stimulate the muscle to contract.
This reflex is the simplest in the vertebrate body because
only one synapse is crossed in the reflex arc.
Most reflexes in vertebrates, however, involve a single
connecting interneuron between the sensory and the motor
neuron. The withdrawal of a hand from a hot stove or the
blinking of an eye in response to a puff of air involve a relay
of information from a sensory neuron through one or more
interneurons to a motor neuron. The motor neuron then
stimulates the appropriate muscle to contract (figure
Spinal Cord Regeneration
In the past, scientists have tried to repair severed spinal
cords by installing nerves from another part of the body to
bridge the gap and act as guides for the spinal cord to re-
generate. But most of these experiments have failed be-
cause although axons may regenerate through the im-
planted nerves, they cannot penetrate the spinal cord tissue
once they leave the implant. Also, there is a factor that in-
hibits nerve growth in the spinal cord. After discovering
that fibroblast growth factor stimulates nerve growth, neu-
robiologists tried gluing on the nerves, from the implant to
the spinal cord, with fibrin that had been mixed with the fi-
broblast growth factor. Three months later, rats with the
nerve bridges began to show movement in their lower bod-
ies. In further analyses of the experimental animals, dye
tests indicated that the spinal cord nerves had regrown
from both sides of the gap. Many scientists are encouraged
by the potential to use a similar treatment in human medi-
cine. However, most spinal cord injuries in humans do not
involve a completely severed spinal cord; often, nerves are
crushed, which results in different tissue damage. Also,
while the rats with nerve bridges did regain some locomo-
tory ability, tests indicated that they were barely able to
walk or stand.
The spinal cord relays messages to and from the brain
and processes some sensory information directly.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1097
Cell body in
dorsal root
in skin
FIGURE 54.33
A cutaneous spinal reflex.This reflex is more involved than a
knee-jerk reflex because it involves interneurons as well as
sensory and motor neurons.
Components of the Peripheral
Nervous System
The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves and gan-
glia. Nerves are cablelike collections of axons (figure
54.34), usually containing both sensory and motor neurons.
Ganglia are aggregations of neuron cell bodies located out-
side the central nervous system.
At its origin, a spinal nerve separates into sensory and
motor components. The axons of sensory neurons enter
the dorsal surface of the spinal cord and form the dorsal
root of the spinal nerve, whereas motor axons leave from
the ventral surface of the spinal nerve and form the ventral
rootof the spinal nerve. The cell bodies of sensory neurons
are grouped together outside each level of the spinal cord
in the dorsal root ganglia. The cell bodies of somatic
motor neurons, on the other hand, are located within the
spinal cord and so are not located in ganglia.
Somatic motor neurons stimulate skeletal muscles to
contract, and autonomic motor neurons innervate invol-
untary effectors—smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and
glands. A comparison of the somatic and autonomic ner-
vous systems is provided in table 54.4 and each will be
discussed in turn. Somatic motor neurons stimulate the
skeletal muscles of the body to contract in response to
conscious commands and as part of reflexes that do not
require conscious control. Conscious control of skeletal
muscles is achieved by activation of tracts of axons that
descend from the cerebrum to the appropriate level of the
spinal cord. Some of these descending axons will stimulate
spinal cord motor neurons directly, while others will acti-
vate interneurons that in turn stimulate the spinal motor
neurons. When a particular muscle is stimulated to con-
tract, however, its antagonist must be inhibited. In order
to flex the arm, for example, the flexor muscles must be
stimulated while the antagonistic extensor muscle is in-
hibited (see figure 50.6). Descending motor axons pro-
duce this necessary inhibition by causing hyperpolariza-
tions (IPSPs) of the spinal motor neurons that innervate
the antagonistic muscles.
A spinal nerve contains sensory neurons that enter the
dorsal root and motor neurons that enter the ventral
root of the nerve. Somatic motor neurons innervate
skeletal muscles and stimulate the muscles to contract.
1098 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
54.5 The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory and motor neurons.
Table 54.4 Comparison of the Somatic and Autonomic
Nervous Systems
Characteristic Somatic Autonomic
Effect on motor
Innervation of
effector cells
Number of neurons
in path to effector
Skeletal muscle
Always single
Cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
Blood vessels
Exocrine glands
Excitation or
Typically dual
FIGURE 54.34
Nerves in the peripheral nervous system.Photomicrograph
(1600×) showing a cross section of a bullfrog nerve. The nerve is a
bundle of axons bound together by connective tissue. Many
myelinated axons are visible, each looking somewhat like a
The Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system is composed of the sympa-
thetic and parasympathetic divisions and the medulla ob-
longata of the hindbrain, which coordinates this system.
Though they differ, the sympathetic and parasympathetic
divisions share several features. In both, the efferent motor
pathway involves two neurons: the first has its cell body in
the CNS and sends an axon to an autonomic ganglion,
while the second has its cell body in the autonomic gan-
glion and sends its axon to synapse with a smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle, or gland cell (figure 54.35). The first neu-
ron is called a preganglionic neuron, and it always releases
ACh at its synapse. The second neuron is a postganglionic
neuron; those in the parasympathetic division release ACh,
while those in the sympathetic division release norepineph-
In the sympathetic division, the preganglionic neurons
originate in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal
cord (figure 54.36). Most of the axons from these neurons
synapse in two parallel chains of ganglia immediately out-
side the spinal cord. These structures are usually called
the sympathetic chain of ganglia. The sympathetic chain
contains the cell bodies of postganglionic neurons, and it
is the axons from these neurons that innervate the differ-
ent visceral organs. There are some exceptions to this
general pattern, however. Most importantly, the axons of
some preganglionic sympathetic neurons pass through the
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1099
Autonomic motor reflex
Interneuron Dorsal
FIGURE 54.35
An autonomic reflex.There are two motor neurons in the
efferent pathway. The first, or preganglionic neuron, exits the
CNS and synapses at an autonomic ganglion. The second, or
postganglionic neuron, exits the ganglion and regulates the
visceral effectors (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, or glands).
Secrete saliva
Stop secretion
Dilate bronchioles
Speed up heartbeat
Secrete adrenaline
Decrease secretion
Decrease motility
Retain colon contents
Delay emptying
Increase secretion
Empty colon
Increase motility
Empty bladder
Slow down heartbeat
Constrict bronchioles
Small intestine
Large intestine
FIGURE 54.36
The sympathetic and
divisions of the
autonomic nervous
preganglionic neurons of
the sympathetic division
exit the thoracic and
lumbar regions of the
spinal cord, while those
of the parasympathetic
division exit the brain
and sacral region of the
spinal cord. The ganglia
of the sympathetic
division are located near
the spinal cord, while
those of the
parasympathetic division
are located near the
organs they innervate.
Most of the internal
organs are innervated by
both divisions.
sympathetic chain without synapsing and,
instead, terminate within the adrenal
gland. The adrenal gland consists of an
outer part, or cortex, and an inner part, or
medulla. The adrenal medulla receives
sympathetic nerve innervation and se-
cretes the hormone epinephrine (adrena-
line) in response.
When the sympathetic division be-
comes activated, epinephrine is released
into the blood as a hormonal secretion,
and norepinephrine is released at the
synapses of the postganglionic neurons.
Epinephrine and norepinephrine act to
prepare the body for fight or flight (fig-
ure 54.37). The heart beats faster and
stronger, blood glucose concentration
increases, blood flow is diverted to the
muscles and heart, and the bronchioles
dilate (table54.5).
These responses are antagonized by the
parasympathetic division. Preganglionic
parasympathetic neurons originate in the brain and sacral re-
gions of the spinal cord. Because of this origin, there cannot
be a chain of parasympathetic ganglia analogous to the sym-
pathetic chain. Instead, the preganglionic axons, many of
which travel in the vagus (the tenth cranial) nerve, terminate
1100 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Table 54.5 Autonomic Innervation of Target Tissues
Target Tissue Sympathetic Stimulation Parasympathetic Stimulation
Pupil of eye Dilation Constriction
Salivary Vasoconstriction; slight secretion Vasodilation; copious secretion
Gastric Inhibition of secretion Stimulation of gastric activity
Liver Stimulation of glucose secretion Inhibition of glucose secretion
Sweat Sweating None
Gastrointestinal tract
Sphincters Increased tone Decreased tone
Wall Decreased tone Increased motility
Gallbladder Relaxation Contraction
Urinary bladder
Muscle Relaxation Contraction
Sphincter Contraction Relaxation
Heart muscle Increased rate and strength Decreased rate
Lungs Dilation of bronchioles Constriction of bronchioles
Blood vessels
In muscles Dilation None
In skin Constriction None
In viscera Constriction Dilation
Hypothalamus activates
sympathetic division of
nervous system
Heart rate, blood
pressure, and
Adrenal medulla
secretes epinephrine
and norepinephrine
Blood flow
to skeletal
are inhibited
FIGURE 54.37
The sympathetic division of the nervous system in action. To prepare the body for
fight or flight, the sympathetic division is activated and causes changes in many organs,
glands, and body processes.
in ganglia located near or even within the internal organs.
The postganglionic neurons then regulate the internal or-
gans by releasing ACh at their synapses. Parasympathetic
nerve effects include a slowing of the heart, increased secre-
tions and activities of digestive organs, and so on.
G Proteins Mediate Cell Responses
to Autonomic Nerves
You might wonder how ACh can slow the heart rate—an
inhibitory effect—when it has excitatory effects elsewhere.
This inhibitory effect in the pacemaker cells of the heart is
produced because ACh causes the opening of potassium
channels, leading to the outward diffusion of potassium and
thus to hyperpolarization. This and other parasympathetic
effects of ACh are produced indirectly, using a group of
membrane proteins called G proteins (so-called because
they are regulated by guanosine diphosphate and guanosine
triphosphate [GDP and GTP]). Because the ion channels
are located some distance away from the receptor proteins
for ACh, the G proteins are needed to serve as connecting
links between them.
There are three G protein subunits, designated α, β, and
γ, bound together and attached to the receptor protein for
ACh. When ACh, released by parasympathetic endings,
binds to its receptor, the G protein subunits dissociate (fig-
ure 54.38). Specific G protein components move within the
membrane to the potassium channel and cause it to open,
producing hyperpolarization and a slowing of the heart. In
other organs, the G proteins have different effects that lead
to excitation. In this way, for example, the parasympathetic
nerves that innervate the stomach can cause increased gas-
tric secretions and contractions.
The sympathetic nerve effects also involve the action of
G proteins. Stimulation by norepinephrine from sympa-
thetic nerve endings and epinephrine from the adrenal
medulla requires G proteins to activate the target cells. We
will describe this in more detail, together with hormone ac-
tion, in chapter 56.
The sympathetic division of the autonomic system,
together with the adrenal medulla, activates the body
for fight-or-flight responses, whereas the
parasympathetic division generally has antagonistic
effects. The actions of parasympathetic nerves are
produced by ACh, whereas the actions of sympathetic
nerves are produced by norepinephrine.
Chapter 54 The Nervous System 1101
ACh binds
to receptor
Cell membrane of
pacemaker cell in heart
G proteins
G protein
slows the heart rate
G protein
subunit binds
to K
causing it to open
FIGURE 54.38
The parasympathetic effects of ACh require the action of G proteins.The binding of ACh to its receptor causes dissociation of a G
protein complex, releasing some components of this complex to move within the membrane and bind to other proteins that form ion
channels. The example shown here is the effects of ACh on the heart, where the G protein components cause the opening of potassium
channels. This leads to outward diffusion of potassium and hyperpolarization, slowing the heart rate.
1102 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Chapter 54
Summary Questions Media Resources
54.1 The nervous system consists of neurons and supporting cells.
? The nervous system is subdivided into the central
nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system
1.What are the differences and
similarities among the three
types of neurons?
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? The resting axon has a membrane potential of –70
mV; the magnitude of this voltage is produced
primarily by the distribution of K
? A depolarization stimulus opens voltage-regulated
channels and then K
channels, producing first
the upward phase and then the repolarization phase
of the action potential.
? Action potentials are all or none and are conducted
without decrease in amplitude because each action
potential serves as the stimulus for the production of
the next action potential along the axon.
2.Which cation is most
concentrated in the cytoplasm of
a cell, and which is most
concentrated in the extracellular
fluid? How are these
concentration differences
3.What is a voltage-gated ion
4.What happens to the size of
an action potential as it is
54.2 Nerve impulses are produced on the axon membrane.
? The presynaptic axon releases neurotransmitter
chemicals that diffuse across the synapse and
stimulate the production of either a depolarization or
a hyperpolarization in the postsynaptic membrane.
? Depolarizations and hyperpolarization can summate
in the dendrites and cell bodies of the postsynaptic
neuron, allowing integration of information.
5.If a nerve impulse can jump
from node to node along a
myelinated axon, why can’t it
jump from the presynaptic cell
to the postsynaptic cell across a
synaptic cleft?
54.3 Neurons form junctions called synapses with other cells.
? The vertebrate brain is divided into a forebrain,
midbrain, and hindbrain, and these are further
subdivided into other brain regions. The cerebral
cortex has a primary motor area and a primary
somatosensory area, as well as areas devoted to the
analysis of vision and hearing and the integration and
association of information.
? The spinal cord carries information to and from the
brain and coordinates many reflex movements.
6.Where are the basal ganglia
located, and what is their
7.How are short-term and long-
term memory thought to differ
in terms of their basic
underlying mechanisms?
54.4 The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
? The sympathetic division is activated during fight-or-
flight responses; the parasympathetic division opposes
the action of the sympathetic division in most
8.How do the sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions differ
in the locations of the ganglionic
54.5 The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory and motor neurons.
? Nervous system
? Nervous system cells I
? Nervous system cells II
? Membrane potential
? Action potential
? Activities:
Action potential 1
Action potential 2
? Action potential 1
? Membrane potential
? Local potential
? Bioethics case study:
Smoking bar
? Student Research:
Neural development
in Moths
? On ScienirArticles:
Is smoking addictive?
Nobel prize 2000
? Art activities:
Central nervous
Spinal cord anatomy
Human brain
? Reflex arc
? Art activity:
Peripheral nervous
Sensory Systems
Concept Outline
55.1 Animals employ a wide variety of sensory
Categories of Sensory Receptors and Their Actions.
Sensory receptors can be classified according to the type of
stimuli to which they can respond.
55.2 Mechanical and chemical receptors sense the
body’s condition.
Detecting Temperature and Pressure. Receptors
within the skin respond to touch, pressure, pain, heat and
Sensing Muscle Contraction and Blood Pressure. A
muscle spindle responds to stretching of the muscle;
receptors in arteries monitor changes in blood pressure.
Sensing Taste, Smell, and Body Position. Receptors
that respond to chemicals produce sensations of taste and
smell. Hair cells send nerve impulses when they are bent.
55.3 Auditory receptors detect pressure waves
in the air.
The Ears and Hearing. Sound causes vibrations in the
ear that bend hair cell processes, initiating a nerve impulse.
Sonar. Bats orient themselves in space by emitting sounds
and detecting the time required for the sounds to bounce
off objects and return to their ears.
55.4 Optic receptors detect light over a broad range of
Evolution of the Eye. True image-forming eyes evolved
independently in several phyla.
Vertebrate Photoreceptors. Light causes a pigment
molecule in a rod or cone cell to dissociate; this “bleaching”
reaction activates the photoreceptor.
Visual Processing in the Vertebrate Retina. Action
potentials travel from the retina of the eyes to the brain for
visual perception.
55.5 Some vertebrates use heat, electricity, or
magnetism for orientation.
Diversity of Sensory Experiences. Special receptors
can detect heat, electrical currents, and magnetic
ll input from sensory neurons to the central nervous
system arrives in the same form, as action potentials
propagated by afferent (inward-conducting) sensory neu-
rons. Different sensory neurons project to different brain
regions, and so are associated with different sensory modal-
ities (figure 55.1). The intensity of the sensation depends
on the frequency of action potentials conducted by the sen-
sory neuron. A sunset, a symphony, and a searing pain are
distinguished by the brain only in terms of the identity of
the sensory neuron carrying the action potentials and the
frequency of these impulses. Thus, if the auditory nerve is
artificially stimulated, the brain perceives the stimulation as
sound. But if the optic nerve is artificially stimulated in ex-
actly the same manner and degree, the brain perceives a
flash of light.
Photoreceptors in the vertebrate eye. Rods, the broad, tubular
cells, allow black-and-white vision, while cones, the short, tapered
cells, are responsible for color vision. Not all vertebrates have
both types of receptors.
tems provide only enough information to determine that
an object is present; they call the animal’s attention to
the object but give little or no indication of where it is lo-
cated. Other sensory systems provide information about
the location of an object, permitting the animal to move
toward it. Still other sensory systems enable the brain to
construct a three-dimensional image of an object and its
Interoceptors sense stimuli that arise from within the
body. These internal receptors detect stimuli related to
1104 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Categories of Sensory Receptors
and Their Actions
Sensory information is conveyed to the CNS and perceived
in a four-step process (figure 55.2): (1) stimulation—a physi-
cal stimulus impinges on a sensory neuron or an accessory
structure; (2) transduction—the stimulus energy is used to
produce electrochemical nerve impulses in the dendrites of
the sensory neuron; (3) transmission—the axon of the sen-
sory neuron conducts action potentials along an afferent
pathway to the CNS; and (4) interpretation—the brain cre-
ates a sensory perception from the electrochemical events
produced by afferent stimulation. We actually see (as well
as hear, touch, taste, and smell) with our brains, not with
our sense organs.
Sensory receptors differ with respect to the nature of
the environmental stimulus that best activates their sen-
sory dendrites. Broadly speaking, we can recognize three
classes of environmental stimuli: (1) mechanical forces,
which stimulate mechanoreceptors; (2) chemicals,
which stimulate chemoreceptors; and (3) electromag-
netic and thermal energy, which stimulate a variety of re-
ceptors, including the photoreceptors of the eyes
(table 55.1).
The simplest sensory receptors are free nerve endings that
respond to bending or stretching of the sensory neuron
membrane, to changes in temperature, or to chemicals like
oxygen in the extracellular fluid. Other sensory receptors
are more complex, involving the association of the sensory
neurons with specialized epithelial cells.
Sensing the External and Internal Environments
Exteroceptors are receptors that sense stimuli that arise
in the external environment. Almost all of a vertebrate’s
exterior senses evolved in water before vertebrates in-
vaded the land. Consequently, many senses of terrestrial
vertebrates emphasize stimuli that travel well in water,
using receptors that have been retained in the transition
from the sea to the land. Mammalian hearing, for exam-
ple, converts an airborne stimulus into a waterborne one,
using receptors similar to those that originally evolved in
the water. A few vertebrate sensory systems that function
well in the water, such as the electrical organs of fish, can-
not function in the air and are not found among terrestrial
vertebrates. On the other hand, some land-dwellers have
sensory systems, such as infrared receptors, that could not
function in the sea.
Sensory systems can provide several levels of informa-
tion about the external environment. Some sensory sys-
55.1 Animals employ a wide variety of sensory receptors.
Transduction of stimulus
into electrochemical impulse
in sensory receptor
Transmission of
action potential
in sensory neuron
Interpretation of stimulus
in central nervous
The path of sensory information. Sensory stimuli must be
transduced into electrochemical nerve impulses that are
conducted to the brain for interpretation.
Table 55.1 Classes of Environmental Stimuli
Mechanical Electromagnetic
Forces Chemicals Energy
Pressure Taste Light
Gravity Smell Heat
Inertia Humidity Electricity
Sound Magnetism
muscle length and tension, limb position, pain, blood
chemistry, blood volume and pressure, and body tempera-
ture. Many of these receptors are simpler than those that
monitor the external environment and are believed to bear
a closer resemblance to primitive sensory receptors. In the
rest of this chapter, we will consider the different types of
interoceptors and exteroceptors according to the kind of
stimulus each is specialized to detect (table 55.2).
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1105
Table 55.2 Sensory Transduction Among the Vertebrates
Stimulus Receptor Location Structure Process
Muscle stretch
Blood pressure
Heat receptors and
cold receptors
Meissner’s corpuscles,
Merkel cells
Pacinian corpuscles
Stretch receptors
Lateral line organ
Taste bud cells
Olfactory neurons
Organ of Corti
Rod and cone cells
Pit organ
Ampullae of Lorenzini
Skin, hypothalamus
Surface of skin
Deep within skin
Throughout body
Within muscles
Arterial branches
Outer chambers of
inner ear
Semicircular canals
of inner ear
Within grooves on
body surface of fish
Mouth; skin of fish
Nasal passages
Cochlea of inner ear
Retina of eye
Face of snake
Within skin of fishes
Free nerve ending
Nerve ending within elastic
Nerve ending within elastic
Free nerve ending
Spiral nerve endings wrapped
around muscle spindle
Nerve endings over thin part of
arterial wall
Otoliths and hair cells
Collection of hair cells
Collection of hair cells
Chemoreceptors: epithelial
cells with microvilli
Chemoreceptors: ciliated neu-
Hair cells between basilar
and tectorial membranes
Array of photosensitive pig-
Temperature receptors in two
Closed vesicles with
asymmetrical ion channel
Temperature change opens/
closes ion channels in
Rapid or extended change in
pressure deforms membrane
Severe change in pressure
deforms membrane
Chemicals or changes in
pressure or temperature
open/close ion channels in
Stretch of spindle deforms
Stretch of arterial wall
deforms membrane
Otoliths deform hair cells
Fluid movement deforms
hair cells
Fluid movement deforms
hair cells
Chemicals bind to membrane
Chemicals bind to membrane
Sound waves in fluid deform
Light initiates process that
closes ion channels
Receptors compare
temperatures of surface and
interior chambers
Electrical field alters ion dis-
tribution on membranes
Deflection at magnetic field
initiates nerve impulses?
Table 55.2 Sensory Transduction Among the Vertebrates
Sensory Transduction
Sensory cells respond to stimuli because they possess stimulus-
gated ion channels in their membranes. The sensory stimu-
lus causes these ion channels to open or close, depending
on the sensory system involved. In doing so, a sensory
stimulus produces a change in the membrane potential of
the receptor cell. In most cases, the sensory stimulus pro-
duces a depolarization of the receptor cell, analogous to
the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP, described in
chapter 54) produced in a postsynaptic cell in response to
neurotransmitter. A depolarization that occurs in a sensory
receptor upon stimulation is referred to as a receptor po-
tential (figure 55.3a).
Like an EPSP, a receptor potential is graded: the larger
the sensory stimulus, the greater the degree of depolariza-
tion. Receptor potentials also decrease in size (decrement)
with distance from their source. This prevents small, irrele-
vant stimuli from reaching the cell body of the sensory
neuron. Once a threshold level of depolarization is reached,
the receptor potential stimulates the production of action
potentials that are conducted by a sensory axon into the
CNS (figure 55.3b). The greater the sensory stimulus, the
greater the depolarization of the receptor potential and the
higher the frequency of action potentials. There is gener-
ally a logarithmic relationship between stimulus intensity
and action potential frequency—a sensory stimulus that is
ten times greater than another stimulus will produce action
potentials at twice the frequency of the other stimulus.
This allows the brain to interpret the incoming signals as
indicating a sensory stimulus of a particular strength.
Sensory receptors transduce stimuli in the internal or
external environment into graded depolarizations,
which stimulates the production of action potentials.
Sensory receptors may be classified on the basis of the
type of stimulus energy to which they respond.
1106 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
(a) (b)
Receptor potentialStimulus
oltage (mV)
Train of action potentialsStimulus
oltage (mV)
Events in sensory transduction. (a) Depolarization of a free nerve ending leads to a receptor potential that spreads by local current flow
to the axon. (b) Action potentials are produced in the axon in response to a sufficiently large receptor potential.
Detecting Temperature and
While the receptors of the skin, called the cutaneous re-
ceptors, are classified as interoceptors, they in fact respond
to stimuli at the border between the external and internal
environments. These receptors serve as good examples of
the specialization of receptor structure and function, re-
sponding to heat, cold, pain, touch, and pressure.
The skin contains two populations of thermoreceptors,
which are naked dendritic endings of sensory neurons that
are sensitive to changes in temperature. Cold receptors are
stimulated by a fall in temperature and inhibited by warm-
ing, while warm receptors are stimulated by a rise in temper-
ature and inhibited by cooling. Cold receptors are located
immediately below the epidermis, while warm receptors are
located slightly deeper, in the dermis. Thermoreceptors are
also found within the hypothalamus of the brain, where
they monitor the temperature of the circulating blood and
thus provide the CNS with information on the body’s in-
ternal (core) temperature.
A stimulus that causes or is about to cause tissue damage
is perceived as pain. The receptors that transmit impulses
that are perceived by the brain as pain are called nocicep-
tors. They consist of free nerve endings located through-
out the body, especially near surfaces where damage is most
likely to occur. Different nociceptors may respond to ex-
tremes in temperature, very intense mechanical stimula-
tion, or specific chemicals in the extracellular fluid, includ-
ing some that are released by injured cells. The thresholds
of these sensory cells vary; some nociceptors are sensitive
only to actual tissue damage, while others respond before
damage has occurred.
Several types of mechanoreceptors are present in the
skin, some in the dermis and others in the underlying sub-
cutaneous tissue (figure 55.4). Morphologically special-
ized receptors that respond to fine touch are most con-
centrated on areas such as the fingertips and face. They
are used to localize cutaneous stimuli very precisely and
can be either phasic (intermittently activated) or tonic
(continuously activated). The phasic receptors include
hair follicle receptors and Meissner’s corpuscles, which are pre-
sent on body surfaces that do not contain hair, such as the
fingers, palms, and nipples. The tonic receptors consist of
Ruffini endings in the dermis and touch dome endings
(Merkel cells) located near the surface of the skin. These
receptors monitor the duration of a touch and the extent
to which it is applied.
Deep below the skin in the subcutaneous tissue lie pha-
sic, pressure-sensitive receptors called Pacinian corpus-
cles. Each of these receptors consists of the end of an af-
ferent axon, surrounded by a capsule of alternating layers
of connective tissue cells and extracellular fluid. When
sustained pressure is applied to the corpuscle, the elastic
capsule absorbs much of the pressure and the axon ceases
to produce impulses. Pacinian corpuscles thus monitor
only the onset and removal of pressure, as may occur re-
peatedly when something that vibrates is placed against
the skin.
Different cutaneous receptors respond to touch,
pressure, heat, cold, and pain. Some of these receptors
are naked dendrites of sensory neurons, while others
have supporting cells that modify the activities of their
sensory dendrites.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1107
55.2 Mechanical and chemical receptors sense the body’s condition.
Meissner's corpuscle
Organ of RuffiniPacinian corpuscle
Hair follicle
Free nerve
Merkel cell
Sensory receptors in human skin.
Cutaneous receptors may be free nerve
endings or sensory dendrites in association
with other supporting structures.
Sensing Muscle Contraction and
Blood Pressure
Mechanoreceptors contain sensory cells with ion channels
that are sensitive to a mechanical force applied to the mem-
brane. These channels open in response to mechanical dis-
tortion of the membrane, initiating a depolarization (recep-
tor potential) that causes the sensory neuron to generate
action potentials.
Muscle Length and Tension
Buried within the skeletal muscles of all vertebrates except
the bony fishes are muscle spindles, sensory stretch recep-
tors that lie in parallel with the rest of the fibers in the
muscle (figure 55.5). Each spindle consists of several thin
muscle fibers wrapped together and innervated by a sensory
neuron, which becomes activated when the muscle, and
therefore the spindle, is stretched. Muscle spindles, to-
gether with other receptors in tendons and joints, are
known as proprioceptors, which are sensory receptors that
provide information about the relative position or move-
ment of the animal’s body parts. The sensory neurons con-
duct action potentials into the spinal cord, where they
synapse with somatic motor neurons that innervate the
muscle. This pathway constitutes the muscle stretch reflex,
including the knee-jerk reflex, previously discussed in chap-
ter 54.
When a muscle contracts, it exerts tension on the ten-
dons attached to it. The Golgi tendon organs, another type
of proprioceptor, monitor this tension; if it becomes too
high, they elicit a reflex that inhibits the motor neurons in-
nervating the muscle. This reflex helps to ensure that mus-
cles do not contract so strongly that they damage the ten-
dons to which they are attached.
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is monitored at two main sites in the body.
One is the carotid sinus, an enlargement of the left and right
internal carotid arteries, which supply blood to the brain.
The other is the aortic arch, the portion of the aorta very
close to its emergence from the heart. The walls of the
blood vessels at both sites contain a highly branched net-
work of afferent neurons called baroreceptors, which de-
tect tension in the walls. When the blood pressure de-
creases, the frequency of impulses produced by the
baroreceptors decreases. The CNS responds to this re-
duced input by stimulating the sympathetic division of the
autonomic nervous system, causing an increase in heart rate
and vasoconstriction. Both effects help to raise the blood
pressure, thus maintaining homeostasis. A rise in blood
pressure, conversely, reduces sympathetic activity and stim-
ulates the parasympathetic division, slowing the heart and
lowering the blood pressure.
Mechanical distortion of the plasma membrane of
mechanoreceptors produces nerve impulses that serve
to monitor muscle length from skeletal muscle spindles
and to monitor blood pressure from baroreceptors
within arteries.
1108 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Skeletal muscle
Specialized muscle fibers
(spindle fibers)
A muscle spindle is a stretch receptor embedded within skeletal muscle. Stretching of the muscle elongates the spindle fibers and
stimulates the sensory dendritic endings wrapped around them. This causes the sensory neurons to send impulses to the CNS, where they
synapse with motor neurons.
Sensing Taste, Smell,
and Body Position
Some sensory cells, called chemore-
ceptors, contain membrane proteins
that can bind to particular chemicals in
the extracellular fluid. In response to
this chemical interaction, the mem-
brane of the sensory neuron becomes
depolarized, leading to the production
of action potentials. Chemoreceptors
are used in the senses of taste and smell
and are also important in monitoring
the chemical composition of the blood
and cerebrospinal fluid.
Taste buds—collections of chemosensi-
tive epithelial cells associated with af-
ferent neurons—mediate the sense of
taste in vertebrates. In a fish, the taste
buds are scattered over the surface of
the body. These are the most sensitive
vertebrate chemoreceptors known.
They are particularly sensitive to amino
acids; a catfish, for example, can distin-
guish between two different amino
acids at a concentration of less than 100
parts per billion (1 g in 10,000 L of
water)! The ability to taste the sur-
rounding water is very important to
bottom-feeding fish, enabling them to
sense the presence of food in an often murky environment.
The taste buds of all terrestrial vertebrates are located
in the epithelium of the tongue and oral cavity, within
raised areas called papillae (figure 55.6). Humans have four
kinds of taste buds—salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. The
salty taste is produced by the effects of sodium (Na
) and
the sour taste by the effects of hydrogen (H
). Organic
molecules that produce the sweet and bitter tastes, such as
sugars and quinine, respectively, are varied in structure.
Taste buds that respond best to specific tastes are concen-
trated in specific regions of the tongue: sweet at the tip,
sour at the sides, bitter at the back, and salty over most of
the tongue’s surface. Our complex perception of taste is
the result of different combinations of impulses in the
sensory neurons from these four kinds of taste buds, to-
gether with information related to smell. The effect of
smell on the sense of taste can easily be demonstrated by
eating an onion with the nose open and then eating it
with the nose plugged.
Like vertebrates, many arthropods also have taste
chemoreceptors. For example, flies, because of their mode
of searching for food, have taste receptors in sensory hairs
located on their feet. The sensory hairs contain different
chemoreceptors that are able to detect sugars, salts, and
other molecules (figure 55.7). They can detect a wide vari-
ety of tastes by the integration of stimuli from these
chemoreceptors. If they step on potential food, the pro-
boscis (the tubular feeding apparatus) extends to feed.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1109
Taste papilla
Taste bud
Nerve fiber
cell with
Taste. (a) Human beings have four kinds of taste buds (bitter, sour, salty, and sweet),
located on different regions of the tongue. (b) Groups of taste buds are typically organized
in sensory projections called papillae. (c) Individual taste buds are bulb-shaped collections
of chemosensitive receptors that open out into the mouth through a pore. (d)
Photomicrograph of taste buds in papillae.
Signals to brain
Different chemoreceptors
Sensory hair on foot
Many insects taste with their feet. In the blowfly shown here,
chemoreceptors extend into the sensory hairs on the foot. Each
different chemoreceptor detects a different type of food molecule.
When the fly steps in a food substance, it can taste the different
food molecules and extend its proboscis for feeding.
In terrestrial vertebrates, the sense of smell, or olfaction,
involves chemoreceptors located in the upper portion of
the nasal passages (figure 55.8). These receptors are bipolar
neurons whose dendrites end in tassels of cilia that project
into the nasal mucosa, and whose axon projects directly
into the cerebral cortex. A terrestrial vertebrate uses its
sense of smell in much the same way that a fish uses its
sense of taste—to sample the chemical environment around
it. Because terrestrial vertebrates are surrounded by air
rather than water, their sense of smell has become special-
ized to detect airborne particles (but these particles must
first dissolve in extracellular fluid before they can activate
the olfactory receptors). The sense of smell can be ex-
tremely acute in many mammals, so much so that a single
odorant molecule may be all that is needed to excite a given
Although humans can detect only four modalities of
taste, they can discern thousands of different smells. New
research suggests that there may be as many as a thousand
different genes coding for different receptor proteins for
smell. The particular set of olfactory neurons that respond
to a given odor might serve as a “fingerprint” the brain can
use to identify the odor.
Internal Chemoreceptors
Sensory receptors within the body detect a variety of
chemical characteristics of the blood or fluids derived
from the blood, including cerebrospinal fluid. Included
among these receptors are the peripheral chemoreceptors of
the aortic and carotid bodies, which are sensitive primar-
ily to plasma pH, and the central chemoreceptors in the
medulla oblongata of the brain, which are sensitive to the
pH of cerebrospinal fluid. These receptors were dis-
cussed together with the regulation of breathing in chap-
ter 53. When the breathing rate is too low, the concen-
tration of plasma CO
increases, producing more
carbonic acid and causing a fall in the blood pH. The
carbon dioxide can also enter the cerebrospinal fluid and
cause a lowering of the pH, thereby stimulating the cen-
tral chemoreceptors. This chemoreceptor stimulation in-
directly affects the respiratory control center of the brain
stem, which increases the breathing rate. The aortic bod-
ies can also respond to a lowering of blood oxygen con-
centrations, but this effect is normally not significant un-
less a person goes to a high altitude.
1110 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Olfactory nerve
Nasal passage
Olfactory mucosa Axon
Basal cell Support cell
Receptor cell
To olfactory
To olfactory
Smell. Humans detect smells by means of olfactory neurons located in the lining of the nasal passages. The axons of these neurons
transmit impulses directly to the brain via the olfactory nerve. Basal cells regenerate new olfactory neurons to replace dead or damaged
cells. Olfactory neurons typically live about one month.
The Lateral Line System
The lateral line system provides fish with a sense of “dis-
tant touch,” enabling them to sense objects that reflect
pressure waves and low-frequency vibrations. This enables
a fish to detect prey, for example, and to swim in synchrony
with the rest of its school. It also enables a blind cave fish
to sense its environment by monitoring changes in the pat-
terns of water flow past the lateral line receptors. The lat-
eral line system is found in amphibian larvae, but is lost at
metamorphosis and is not present in any terrestrial verte-
brate. The sense provided by the lateral line system supple-
ments the fish’s sense of hearing, which is performed by a
different sensory structure. The structures and mechanisms
involved in hearing will be described in a later section.
The lateral line system consists of sensory structures
within a longitudinal canal in the fish’s skin that extends
along each side of the body and within several canals in the
head (figure 55.9a). The sensory structures are known as
hair cells because they have hairlike processes at their sur-
face that project into a gelatinous membrane called a cupula
(Latin, “little cup”). The hair cells are innervated by sen-
sory neurons that transmit impulses to the brain.
Hair cells have several hairlike processes of approxi-
mately the same length, called stereocilia, and one longer
process called a kinocilium (figure 55.9b). Vibrations carried
through the fish’s environment produce movements of the
cupula, which cause the hairs to bend. When the stereocilia
bend in the direction of the kinocilium, the associated sen-
sory neurons are stimulated and generate a receptor poten-
tial. As a result, the frequency of action potentials produced
by the sensory neuron is increased. If the stereocilia are
bent in the opposite direction, on the other hand, the activ-
ity of the sensory neuron is inhibited.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1111
Lateral line
Lateral line
Canal Lateral line
Hair cell
Afferent axons
Sensory nerves
Stimulation of
sensory neuron
Inhibition Excitation
(not present in
mammalian cochlea)
Hair cell
The lateral line system. (a) This system consists of canals
running the length of the fish’s body beneath the surface of the
skin. Within these canals are sensory structures containing hair
cells with cilia that project into a gelatinous cupula. Pressure
waves traveling through the water in the canals deflect the cilia
and depolarize the sensory neurons associated with the hair cells.
(b) Hair cells are mechanoreceptors with hairlike cilia that project
into a gelatinous membrane. The hair cells of the lateral line
system (and the membranous labyrinth of the vertebrate inner ear)
have a number of smaller cilia called stereocilia and one larger
kinocilium. When the cilia bend in the direction of the
kinocilium, the hair cell releases a chemical transmitter that
depolarizes the associated sensory neuron. Bending of the cilia in
the opposite direction has an inhibitory effect.(a)
Gravity and Angular Acceleration
Most invertebrates can orient themselves
with respect to gravity due to a sensory
structure called a statocyst. Statocysts
generally consist of ciliated hair cells
with the cilia embedded in a gelatinous
membrane containing crystals of calcium
carbonate. These “stones,” or statoliths,
increase the mass of the gelatinous mem-
brane so that it can bend the cilia when
the animal’s position changes. If the ani-
mal tilts to the right, for example, the
statolith membrane will bend the cilia on
the right side and activate associated sen-
sory neurons.
A similar structure is found in the
membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
of vertebrates. The labyrinth is a system
of fluid-filled membranous chambers
and tubes that constitute the organs of
equilibrium and hearing in vertebrates.
This membranous labyrinth is sur-
rounded by bone and perilymph, which
is similar in ionic content to interstitial
fluid. Inside, the chambers and tubes are
filled with endolymph fluid, which is
similar in ionic content to intracellular
fluid. Though intricate, the entire struc-
ture is very small; in a human, it is about
the size of a pea.
The receptors for gravity in verte-
brates consist of two chambers of the
membranous labyrinth called the utricle
and saccule (figure 55.10). Within these
structures are hair cells with stereocilia
and a kinocilium, similar to those in the
lateral line system of fish. The hairlike
processes are embedded within a gelati-
nous membrane containing calcium car-
bonate crystals; this is known as an
otolith membrane, because of its location
in the inner ear (oto is derived from the
Greek word for ear). Because the otolith
organ is oriented differently in the utri-
cle and saccule, the utricle is more sensi-
1112 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Cochlear duct
Cochlear nerve
Utricle (horizontal
Semicircular canals
Saccule (vertical
FIGURE 55.10
The structure of the utricle and saccule. (a) The relative positions of the utricle and
saccule within the membranous labyrinth of the human inner ear. (b) Enlargement of a
section of the utricle or saccule showing the otoliths embedded in the gelatinous matrix
that covers the hair cells.
tive to horizontal acceleration (as in a moving car) and the
saccule to vertical acceleration (as in an elevator). In both
cases, the acceleration causes the stereocilia to bend and
consequently produces action potentials in an associated
sensory neuron.
The membranous labyrinth of the utricle and saccule is
continuous with three semicircular canals, oriented in dif-
ferent planes so that angular acceleration in any direction
can be detected (figure 55.11). At the ends of the canals are
swollen chambers called ampullae, into which protrude the
cilia of another group of hair cells. The tips of the cilia are
embedded within a sail-like wedge of gelatinous material
called a cupula (similar to the cupula of the fish lateral line
system) that protrudes into the endolymph fluid of each
semicircular canal.
When the head rotates, the fluid inside the semicircular
canals pushes against the cupula and causes the cilia to
bend. This bending either depolarizes or hyperpolarizes
the hair cells, depending on the direction in which the cilia
are bent. This is similar to the way the lateral line system
works in a fish: if the stereocilia are bent in the direction of
the kinocilium, a depolarization (receptor potential) is pro-
duced, which stimulates the production of action potentials
in associated sensory neurons.
The saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals are collec-
tively referred to as the vestibular apparatus. While the sac-
cule and utricle provide a sense of linear acceleration, the
semicircular canals provide a sense of angular acceleration.
The brain uses information that comes from the vestibular
apparatus about the body’s position in space to maintain
balance and equilibrium.
Receptors that sense chemicals originating outside the
body are responsible for the senses of odor, smell, and
taste. Internal chemoreceptors help to monitor
chemicals produced within the body and are needed for
the regulation of breathing. Hair cells in the lateral line
organ of fishes detect water movements, and hair cells
in the vestibular apparatus of terrestrial vertebrates
provide a sense of acceleration.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1113
Semicircular canals
Flow of endolymph
Cilia of hair
Hair cells
Direction of body movement
FIGURE 55.11
The structure of the semicircular canals. (a) The position of the semicircular canals in relation to the rest of the inner ear.
(b) Enlargement of a section of one ampulla, showing how hair cell cilia insert into the cupula. (c) Angular acceleration in the plane of the
semicircular canal causes bending of the cupula, thereby stimulating the hair cells.
The Ears and Hearing
Fish detect vibrational pressure waves
in water by means of their lateral line
system. Terrestrial vertebrates detect
similar vibrational pressure waves in
air by means of similar hair cell
mechanoreceptors in the inner ear.
Hearing actually works better in water
than in air because water transmits
pressure waves more efficiently. De-
spite this limitation, hearing is widely
used by terrestrial vertebrates to mon-
itor their environments, communicate
with other members of the same
species, and to detect possible sources
of danger (figure 55.12). Auditory
stimuli travel farther and more
quickly than chemical ones, and audi-
tory receptors provide better direc-
tional information than do chemore-
ceptors. Auditory stimuli alone,
however, provide little information
about distance.
Structure of the Ear
Fish use their lateral line system to de-
tect water movements and vibrations
emanating from relatively nearby ob-
jects, and their hearing system to detect vibrations that
originate from a greater distance. The hearing system of
fish consists of the otolith organs in the membranous
labyrinth (utricle and saccule) previously described, to-
gether with a very small outpouching of the membranous
labyrinth called the lagena. Sound waves travel through
the body of the fish as easily as through the surrounding
water, as the body is composed primarily of water. There-
fore, an object of different density is needed in order for
the sound to be detected. This function is served by the
otolith (calcium carbonate crystals) in many fish. In cat-
fish, minnows, and suckers, however, this function is
served by an air-filled swim bladder that vibrates with the
sound. A chain of small bones, Weberian ossicles, then
transmits the vibrations to the saccule in some of these
In the ears of terrestrial vertebrates, vibrations in air
may be channeled through an ear canal to the eardrum, or
tympanic membrane. These structures are part of the outer
ear. Vibrations of the tympanic membrane cause movement
of three small bones (ossicles)—the malleus (hammer), incus
(anvil), and stapes (stirrup)—that are located in a bony cav-
ity known as the middle ear (figure 55.13). These middle ear
ossicles are analogous to the Weberian ossicles in fish. The
middle ear is connected to the throat by the Eustachian tube,
which equalizes the air pressure between the middle ear
and the external environment. The “ear popping” you may
have experienced when flying in an airplane or driving on a
mountain is caused by pressure equalization between the
two sides of the eardrum.
The stapes vibrates against a flexible membrane, the
oval window, which leads into the inner ear. Because the
oval window is smaller in diameter than the tympanic
membrane, vibrations against it produce more force per
unit area, transmitted into the inner ear. The inner ear
consists of the cochlea (Latin for “snail”), a bony struc-
ture containing part of the membranous labyrinth called
the cochlear duct. The cochlear duct is located in the
center of the cochlea; the area above the cochlear duct is
the vestibular canal, and the area below is the tympanic
canal. All three chambers are filled with fluid, as previ-
ously described. The oval window opens to the upper
vestibular canal, so that when the stapes causes it to vi-
brate, it produces pressure waves of fluid. These pressure
waves travel down to the tympanic canal, pushing an-
other flexible membrane, the round window, that trans-
mits the pressure back into the middle ear cavity (see fig-
ure 55.13).
1114 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
55.3 Auditory receptors detect pressure waves in the air.
FIGURE 55.12
Kangaroo rats have specialized ears. Kangaroo rats (Dipodomys) are unique in having an
enlarged tympanic membrane (eardrum), a lengthened and freely rotating malleus (ear
bone), and an increased volume of air-filled chambers in the middle ear. These and other
specializations result in increased sensitivity to sound, especially to low-frequency sounds.
Experiments have shown that the kangaroo rat’s ears are adapted to nocturnal life and allow
them to hear the low-frequency sounds of their predators, such as an owl’s wingbeats or a
sidewinder rattlesnake’s scales rubbing against the ground. Also, the ears seem to be
adapted to the poor sound-carrying quality of dry, desert air.
Transduction in the Cochlea
As the pressure waves produced by vibrations of the oval
window are transmitted through the cochlea to the round
window, they cause the cochlear duct to vibrate. The bot-
tom of the cochlear duct, called the basilar membrane, is
quite flexible and vibrates in response to these pressure
waves. The surface of the basilar membrane contains sen-
sory hair cells, similar to those of the vestibular apparatus
and lateral line system but lacking a kinocilium. The cilia
from the hair cells project into an overhanging gelatinous
membrane, the tectorial membrane. This sensory apparatus,
consisting of the basilar membrane, hair cells with associ-
ated sensory neurons, and tectorial membrane, is known as
the organ of Corti.
As the basilar membrane vibrates, the cilia of the hair
cells bend in response to the movement of the basilar mem-
brane relative to the tectorial membrane. As in the lateral
line organs and the vestibular apparatus, the bending of
these cilia depolarizes the hair cells. The hair cells, in turn,
stimulate the production of action potentials in sensory
neurons that project to the brain, where they are inter-
preted as sound.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1115
Malleus StapesMiddle
Outer ear Semicircular
Auditory nerve
to brain
To auditory
Organ of Corti
Eustachian tube
(a) (b)
Eustachian tube
FIGURE 55.13
Structure of the human ear. (a) Sound waves passing through the ear canal produce vibrations of the tympanic membrane, which cause
movement of the (b) middle ear ossicles (the malleus, incus, and stapes) against an inner membrane called the oval window. Vibration of
the oval window sets up pressure waves that (c and d) travel through the fluid in the vestibular and tympanic canals of the cochlea.
Frequency Localization in the
The basilar membrane of the cochlea
consists of elastic fibers of varying
length and stiffness, like the strings of a
musical instrument, embedded in a
gelatinous material. At the base of the
cochlea (near the oval window), the
fibers of the basilar membrane are
short and stiff. At the far end of the
cochlea (the apex), the fibers are 5
times longer and 100 times more flexi-
ble. Therefore, the resonant frequency
of the basilar membrane is higher at
the base than the apex; the base re-
sponds to higher pitches, the apex to
When a wave of sound energy en-
ters the cochlea from the oval window,
it initiates a traveling up-and-down
motion of the basilar membrane.
However, this wave imparts most of its
energy to that part of the basilar mem-
brane with a resonant frequency near
the frequency of the sound wave, re-
sulting in a maximum deflection of the
basilar membrane at that point (figure
55.14). As a result, the hair cell depo-
larization is greatest in that region,
and the afferent axons from that re-
gion are stimulated to produce action
potentials more than those from other
regions. When these action potentials
arrive in the brain, they are inter-
preted as representing a sound of that
particular frequency, or pitch.
The flexibility of the basilar mem-
brane limits the frequency range of
human hearing to between approxi-
mately 20 and 20,000 cycles per sec-
ond (hertz) in children. Our ability to
hear high-pitched sounds decays pro-
gressively throughout middle age.
Other vertebrates can detect sounds at
frequencies lower than 20 hertz and
much higher than 20,000 hertz. Dogs, for example, can
detect sounds at 40,000 hertz, enabling them to hear
high-pitched dog whistles that seem silent to a human
Hair cells are also innervated by efferent axons from the
brain, and impulses in those axons can make hair cells less
sensitive. This central control of receptor sensitivity can in-
crease an individual’s ability to concentrate on a particular
auditory signal (for example, a single voice) in the midst of
background noise, which is effectively “tuned out” by the
efferent axons.
The middle ear ossicles vibrate in response to sound
waves, creating fluid vibrations within the inner ear.
This causes the hair cells to bend, transducing the
sound into action potentials. The pitch of a sound is
determined by which hair cells (and thus which sensory
neurons) are activated by the vibration of the basilar
1116 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Malleus Incus Stapes Oval
High frequency (22,000Hz)
Medium frequency (2000Hz)
Low frequency (500Hz)
FIGURE 55.14
Frequency localization in the cochlea. The cochlea is shown unwound, so that the
length of the basilar membrane can be seen. The fibers within the basilar membrane
vibrate in response to different frequencies of sound, related to the pitch of the sound.
Thus, regions of the basilar membrane show maximum vibrations in response to different
sound frequencies. Notice that low-frequency (pitch) sounds vibrate the basilar membrane
more toward the apex, while high frequencies cause vibrations more toward the base.
Because terrestrial vertebrates have two ears located on op-
posite sides of the head, the information provided by hear-
ing can be used by the CNS to determine direction of a
sound source with some precision. Sound sources vary in
strength, however, and sounds are attenuated (weakened)
to varying degrees by the presence of objects in the envi-
ronment. For these reasons, auditory sensors do not pro-
vide a reliable measure of distance.
A few groups of mammals that live and obtain their food
in dark environments have circumvented the limitations of
darkness. A bat flying in a completely dark room easily
avoids objects that are placed in its path—even a wire less
than a millimeter in diameter (figure 55.15). Shrews use a
similar form of “lightless vision” beneath the ground, as do
whales and dolphins beneath the sea. All of these mammals
perceive distance by means of sonar. They emit sounds and
then determine the time it takes these sounds to reach an
object and return to the animal. This process is called
echolocation. A bat, for example, produces clicks that last 2
to 3 milliseconds and are repeated several hundred times
per second. The three-dimensional imaging achieved with
such an auditory sonar system is quite sophisticated.
Being able to “see in the dark” has opened a new ecolog-
ical niche to bats, one largely closed to birds because birds
must rely on vision. There are no truly nocturnal birds;
even owls rely on vision to hunt, and do not fly on dark
nights. Because bats are able to be active and efficient in
total darkness, they are one of the most numerous and
widespread of all orders of mammals.
Some mammals emit sounds and then determine the
time it takes for the sound to return, using the method
of sonar to locate themselves and other objects in a
totally dark environment by the characteristics of the
echo. Bats are the most adept at this echolocation.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1117
FIGURE 55.15
Sonar. As it flies, a bat emits high-frequency “chirps” and listens for the return of the chirps after they are reflected by objects such as
moths. By timing how long it takes for a chirp to return, the bat can locate its prey and catch it even in total darkness.
Evolution of the Eye
Vision begins with the capture of light energy by pho-
toreceptors. Because light travels in a straight line and ar-
rives virtually instantaneously, visual information can be
used to determine both the direction and the distance of
an object. No other stimulus provides as much detailed
Many invertebrates have simple visual systems with
photoreceptors clustered in an eyespot. Simple eyespots
can be made sensitive to the direction of a light source by
the addition of a pigment layer which shades one side of
the eye. Flatworms have a screening pigmented layer on
the inner and back sides of both eyespots allowing stimula-
tion of the photoreceptor cells only by light from the front
of the animal (figure 55.16). The flatworm will turn and
swim in the direction in which the photoreceptor cells are
the least stimulated. Although an eyespot can perceive the
direction of light, it cannot be used to construct a visual
image. The members of four phyla—annelids, mollusks,
arthropods, and chordates—have evolved well-developed,
image-forming eyes. True image-forming eyes in these
phyla, though strikingly similar in structure, are believed
to have evolved independently (figure 55.17). Interest-
ingly, the photoreceptors in all of them use the same light-
capturing molecule, suggesting that not many alternative
molecules are able to play this role.
Structure of the Vertebrate Eye
The eye of a human is typical of the vertebrate eye (figure
55.18). The “white of the eye” is the sclera, formed of
tough connective tissue. Light enters the eye through a
transparent cornea, which begins to focus the light. This
occurs because light is refracted (bent) when it travels into
a medium of different density. The colored portion of the
eye is the iris; contraction of the iris muscles in bright light
decreases the size of its opening, the pupil. Light passes
through the pupil to the lens, a transparent structure that
completes the focusing of the light onto the retina at the
back of the eye. The lens is attached by the suspensory liga-
ment to the ciliary muscles.
The shape of the lens is influenced by the amount of
tension in the suspensory ligament, which surrounds the
1118 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
55.4 Optic receptors detect light over a broad range of wavelengths.
Pigment layer
Flatworm will turn
away from light
FIGURE 55.16
Simple eyespots in the flatworm. Eyespots will detect the
direction of light because a pigmented layer on one side of the
eyespot screens out light coming from the back of the animal.
Light is thus the strongest coming from the front of the animal;
flatworms will respond by turning away from the light.
FIGURE 55.17
Eyes in three phyla of animals. Although they are superficially similar, these eyes differ greatly in structure and are not homologous.
Each has evolved separately and, despite the apparent structural complexity, has done so from simpler structures.
lens and attaches it to the circular cil-
iary muscle. When the ciliary muscle
contracts, it puts slack in the suspen-
sory ligament and the lens becomes
more rounded and powerful. This is re-
quired for close vision; in far vision, the
ciliary muscles relax, moving away from
the lens and tightening the suspensory
ligament. The lens thus becomes more
flattened and less powerful, keeping the
image focused on the retina. People
who are nearsighted or farsighted do
not properly focus the image on the
retina (figure 55.19). Interestingly, the
lens of an amphibian or a fish does not
change shape; these animals instead
focus images by moving their lens in
and out, just as you would do to focus a
Annelids, mollusks, arthropods,
and vertebrates have independently
evolved image-forming eyes. The
vertebrate eye admits light through
a pupil and then focuses this light
by means of an adjustable lens onto
the retina at the back of the eye.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1119
Optic nerve
Ciliary muscle
ligament under iris
Ciliary muscle
FIGURE 55.18
Structure of the human eye. The transparent cornea and lens focus light onto the retina
at the back of the eye, which contains the rods and cones. The center of each eye’s visual
field is focused on the fovea. Focusing is accomplished by contraction and relaxation of the
ciliary muscle, which adjusts the curvature of the lens.
Normal distant vision
Normal near vision
Nearsighted, corrected
Farsighted, corrected
FIGURE 55.19
Focusing the human eye. (a) In people with normal vision, the image remains focused on the retina in both near and far vision because of
changes produced in the curvature of the lens. When a person with normal vision stands 20 feet or more from an object, the lens is in its
least convex form and the image is focused on the retina. (b) In nearsighted people, the image comes to a focus in front of the retina and
the image thus appears blurred. (c) In farsighted people, the focus of the image would be behind the retina because the distance from the
lens to the retina is too short.
(a) (b) (c)
Vertebrate Photoreceptors
The vertebrate retina contains two kinds of photorecep-
tors, called rods and cones (figure 55.20). Rods are respon-
sible for black-and-white vision when the illumination is
dim, while cones are responsible for high visual acuity
(sharpness) and color vision. Humans have about 100 mil-
lion rods and 3 million cones in each retina. Most of the
cones are located in the central region of the retina known
as the fovea, where the eye forms its sharpest image. Rods
are almost completely absent from the fovea.
Rods and cones have the same basic cellular structure.
An inner segment rich in mitochondria contains numerous
vesicles filled with neurotransmitter molecules. It is con-
nected by a narrow stalk to the outer segment, which is
packed with hundreds of flattened discs stacked on top of
one another. The light-capturing molecules, or photopig-
ments, are located on the membranes of these discs.
In rods, the photopigment is called rhodopsin. It con-
sists of the protein opsin bound to a molecule of cis-retinal
(figure 55.21), which is derived from carotene, a photosyn-
thetic pigment in plants. The photopigments of cones,
called photopsins, are structurally very similar to
rhodopsin. Humans have three kinds of cones, each of
which possesses a photopsin consisting of cis-retinal bound
to a protein with a slightly different amino acid sequence.
These differences shift the absorption maximum—the region
of the electromagnetic spectrum that is best absorbed by
the pigment—(figure 55.22). The absorption maximum of
the cis-retinal in rhodopsin is 500 nanometers (nm); the
absorption maxima of the three kinds of cone photopsins,
in contrast, are 455 nm (blue-absorbing), 530 nm (green-
absorbing), and 625 nm (red-absorbing). These differences
in the light-absorbing properties of the photopsins are re-
sponsible for the different color sensitivities of the three
kinds of cones, which are often referred to as simply blue,
green, and red cones.
Most vertebrates, particularly those that are diurnal (ac-
tive during the day), have color vision, as do many insects.
Indeed, honeybees can see light in the near-ultraviolet
range, which is invisible to the human eye. Color vision re-
quires the presence of more than one photopigment in dif-
ferent receptor cells, but not all animals with color vision
have the three-cone system characteristic of humans and
other primates. Fish, turtles, and birds, for example, have
four or five kinds of cones; the “extra” cones enable these
animals to see near-ultraviolet light. Many mammals (such
as squirrels), on the other hand, have only two types of
The retina is made up of three layers of cells (figure
55.23): the layer closest to the external surface of the eye-
ball consists of the rods and cones, the next layer contains
bipolar cells, and the layer closest to the cavity of the eye is
composed of ganglion cells. Thus, light must first pass
through the ganglion cells and bipolar cells in order to
reach the photoreceptors! The rods and cones synapse
with the bipolar cells, and the bipolar cells synapse with
the ganglion cells, which transmit impulses to the brain via
the optic nerve. The flow of sensory information in the
retina is therefore opposite to the path of light through the
retina. It should also be noted that the retina contains two
additional types of neurons, horizontal cells and amacrine
cells. Stimulation of horizontal cells by photoreceptors at
1120 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Rod Cone
FIGURE 55.20
Rods and cones. The
pigment-containing outer
segment in each of these
cells is separated from the
rest of the cell by a partition
through which there is only
a narrow passage, the
connective cilium.
All-trans isomer
11-cis isomer
FIGURE 55.21
Absorption of light. When light is absorbed by a photopigment,
the 11-cis isomer of retinal, the light-capturing portion of the
pigment undergoes a change in shape: the linear end of the
molecule (at the right in this diagram) rotates about a double bond
(indicated here in red). The resulting isomer is referred to as all-
trans retinal. This change in retinal’s shape initiates a chain of
events that leads to hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor.
the center of a spot of light on the retina can inhibit the
response of photoreceptors peripheral to the center. This
lateral inhibition enhances contrast and sharpens the
Sensory Transduction in Photoreceptors
The transduction of light energy into nerve impulses fol-
lows a sequence that is the inverse of the usual way that
sensory stimuli are detected. This is because, in the dark,
the photoreceptors release an inhibitory neurotransmitter
that hyperpolarizes the bipolar neurons. Thus inhibited,
the bipolar neurons do not release excitatory neurotrans-
mitter to the ganglion cells. Light inhibits the photorecep-
tors from releasing their inhibitory neurotransmitter, and
by this means, stimulates the bipolar cells and thus the gan-
glion cells, which transmit action potentials to the brain.
A rod or cone contains many Na
channels in the plasma
membrane of its outer segment, and in the dark, many of
these channels are open. As a consequence, Na
ously diffuses into the outer segment and across the narrow
stalk to the inner segment. This flow of Na
that occurs in
the absence of light is called the dark current, and it causes
the membrane of a photoreceptor to be somewhat depolar-
ized in the dark. In the light, the Na
channels in the outer
segment rapidly close, reducing the dark current and caus-
ing the photoreceptor to hyperpolarize.
Researchers have discovered that cyclic guanosine
monophosphate (cGMP) is required to keep the Na
nels open, and that the channels will close if the cGMP is
converted into GMP. How does light cause this conversion
and consequent closing of the Na
channels? When a pho-
topigment absorbs light, cis-retinal isomerizes and dissoci-
ates from opsin in what is known as the bleaching reaction.
As a result of this dissociation, the opsin protein changes
shape. Each opsin is associated with over a hundred regula-
tory G proteins (see chapters 7 and 54). When the opsin
changes shape, the G proteins dissociate, releasing subunits
that activate hundreds of molecules of the enzyme phospho-
diesterase. This enzyme converts cGMP to GMP, thus clos-
ing the Na
channels at a rate of about 1000 per second and
inhibiting the dark current. The absorption of a single pho-
ton of light can block the entry of more than a million
sodium ions, thereby causing the photoreceptor to
hyperpolarize and release less inhibitory neuro-
transmitters. Freed from inhibition, the bipo-
lar cells activate ganglion cells, which transmit action po-
tentials to the brain.
Photoreceptor rods and cones contain the
photopigment cis-retinal, which dissociates in response
to light and indirectly activates bipolar neurons and
then ganglion cells.
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1121
400 500 600
Wavelength (nm)
Light absorption
(percent of maximum)
Green RedBlue
FIGURE 55.22
Color vision. The absorption maximum of cis-retinal in the
rhodopsin of rods is 500 nanometers (nm). However, the “blue
cones” have their maximum light absorption at 455 nm; the
“green cones” at 530 nm, and the red cones at 625 nm. The brain
perceives all other colors from the combined activities of these
three cones’ systems.
FIGURE 55.23
Structure of the retina. Note that the rods and
cones are at the rear of the retina, not the front. Light
passes through four other types of cells in the retina before it reaches the rods
and cones. Once the photoreceptors are activated, they stimulate bipolar
cells, which in turn stimulate ganglion cells. The direction of nerve impulses
in the retina is thus opposite to the direction of light.
Axons to
optic nerve
Bipolar cell Choroid
Horizontal cell
Amacrine cell
Ganglion cell
Visual Processing in the Vertebrate
Action potentials propagated along the axons of ganglion
cells are relayed through structures called the lateral
geniculate nuclei of the thalamus and projected to the oc-
cipital lobe of the cerebral cortex (figure 55.24). There
the brain interprets this information as light in a specific
region of the eye’s receptive field. The pattern of activity
among the ganglion cells across the retina encodes a
point-to-point map of the receptive field, allowing the
retina and brain to image objects in visual space. In addi-
tion, the frequency of impulses in each ganglion cell pro-
vides information about the light intensity at each point,
while the relative activity of ganglion cells connected
(through bipolar cells) with the three types of cones pro-
vides color information.
The relationship between receptors, bipolar cells, and
ganglion cells varies in different parts of the retina. In the
fovea, each cone makes a one-to-one connection with a
bipolar cell, and each bipolar cell synapses, in turn, with
one ganglion cell. This point-to-point relationship is re-
sponsible for the high acuity of foveal vision. Outside the
fovea, many rods can converge on a single bipolar cell,
and many bipolar cells can converge on a single ganglion
cell. This convergence permits the summation of neural
activity, making the area of the retina outside of the fovea
more sensitive to dim light than the fovea, but at the ex-
pense of acuity and color vision. This is why dim objects,
such as faint stars at night, are best seen when you don’t
look directly at them. It has been said that we use the pe-
riphery of the eye as a detector and the fovea as an
Color blindness is due to an inherited lack of one or
more types of cones. People with normal color vision are
trichromats; those with only two types of cones are dichro-
mats. People with this condition may lack red cones (have
protanopia), for example, and have difficulty distinguishing
red from green. Men are far more likely to be color blind
than women, because the trait for color blindness is carried
on the X chromosome; men have only one X chromosome
per cell, whereas women have two X chromosomes and so
can carry the trait in a recessive state.
Binocular Vision
Primates (including humans) and most predators have
two eyes, one located on each side of the face. When
both eyes are trained on the same object, the image that
each sees is slightly different because each eye views the
object from a different angle. This slight displacement of
the images (an effect called parallax) permits binocular
vision, the ability to perceive three-dimensional images
and to sense depth. Having their eyes facing forward
maximizes the field of overlap in which this stereoscopic
vision occurs.
In contrast, prey animals generally have eyes located to
the sides of the head, preventing binocular vision but en-
larging the overall receptive field. Depth perception is less
important to prey than detection of potential enemies
from any quarter. The eyes of the American Woodcock,
for example, are located at exactly opposite sides of its
skull so that it has a 360-degree field of view without turn-
ing its head! Most birds have laterally placed eyes and, as
an adaptation, have two foveas in each retina. One fovea
provides sharp frontal vision, like the single fovea in the
retina of mammals, and the other fovea provides sharper
lateral vision.
The axons of ganglion cells transmit action potentials to
the thalamus, which in turn relays visual information to
the occipital lobe of the brain. The fovea provides high
visual acuity, whereas the retina outside the fovea
provides high sensitivity to dim light. Binocular vision
with overlapping visual fields provides depth
1122 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Occipital lobe
of cerebrum
(visual cortex)
Brain stem
Occipital lobe
of cerebrum
(visual cortex)
Left eye
Right eye
FIGURE 55.24
The pathway of visual information. Action potentials in the
optic nerves are relayed from the retina to the lateral geniculate
nuclei, and from there to the visual cortex of the occipital lobes.
Notice that the medial fibers of the optic nerves cross to the other
side at the optic chiasm, so that each hemisphere of the cerebrum
receives input from both eyes.
Diversity of Sensory Experiences
Vision is the primary sense used by all vertebrates that live
in a light-filled environment, but visible light is by no
means the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that
vertebrates use to sense their environment.
Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than
those of visible light is too low in energy to be detected by
photoreceptors. Radiation from this infrared (“below red”)
portion of the spectrum is what we normally think of as ra-
diant heat. Heat is an extremely poor environmental stimu-
lus in water because water has a high thermal capacity and
readily absorbs heat. Air, in contrast, has a low thermal ca-
pacity, so heat in air is a potentially useful stimulus. How-
ever, the only vertebrates known to have the ability to sense
infrared radiation are the snakes known as pit vipers.
The pit vipers possess a pair of heat-detecting pit organs
located on either side of the head between the eye and the
nostril (figure 55.25). The pit organs permit a blindfolded
rattlesnake to accurately strike at a warm, dead rat. Each pit
organ is composed of two chambers separated by a mem-
brane. The infrared radiation falls on the membrane and
warms it. Thermal receptors on the membrane are stimu-
lated. The nature of the pit organ’s thermal receptor is not
known; it probably consists of temperature-sensitive neu-
rons innervating the two chambers. The two pit organs ap-
pear to provide stereoscopic information, in much the same
way that two eyes do. Indeed, the information transmitted
from the pit organs is processed by the visual center of the
snake brain.
While air does not readily conduct an electrical current,
water is a good conductor. All aquatic animals generate
electrical currents from contractions of their muscles. A
number of different groups of fishes can detect these elec-
trical currents. The electrical fish even have the ability to
produce electrical discharges from specialized electrical or-
gans. Electrical fish use these weak discharges to locate
their prey and mates and to construct a three-dimensional
image of their environment even in murky water.
The elasmobranchs (sharks, rays, and skates) have elec-
troreceptors called the ampullae of Lorenzini. The recep-
tor cells are located in sacs that open through jelly-filled
canals to pores on the body surface. The jelly is a very
good conductor, so a negative charge in the opening of
the canal can depolarize the receptor at the base, causing
the release of neurotransmitter and increased activity of
sensory neurons. This allows sharks, for example, to de-
tect the electrical fields generated by the muscle contrac-
tions of their prey. Although the ampullae of Lorenzini
were lost in the evolution of teleost fish (most of the bony
fish), electroreception reappeared in some groups of
teleost fish that use sensory structures analogous to the
ampullae of Lorenzini. Electroreceptors evolved yet an-
other time, independently, in the duck-billed platypus, an
egg-laying mammal. The receptors in its bill can detect
the electrical currents created by the contracting muscles
of shrimp and fish, enabling the mammal to detect its
prey at night and in muddy water.
Eels, sharks, bees, and many birds appear to navigate
along the magnetic field lines of the earth. Even some
bacteria use such forces to orient themselves. Birds kept
in blind cages, with no visual cues to guide them, will
peck and attempt to move in the direction in which they
would normally migrate at the appropriate time of the
year. They will not do so, however, if the cage is shielded
from magnetic fields by steel. Indeed, if the magnetic field
of a blind cage is deflected 120° clockwise by an artificial
magnet, a bird that normally orients to the north will ori-
ent toward the east-southeast. There has been much spec-
ulation about the nature of the magnetic receptors in
these vertebrates, but the mechanism is still very poorly
Pit vipers can locate warm prey by infrared radiation
(heat), and many aquatic vertebrates can locate prey and
ascertain the contours of their environment by means of
Chapter 55 Sensory Systems 1123
55.5 Some vertebrates use heat, electricity, or magnetism for orientation.
FIGURE 55.25
“Seeing” heat. The depression between the nostril and the eye of
this rattlesnake opens into the pit organ. In the cutaway portion of
the diagram, you can see that the organ is composed of two
chambers separated by a membrane. Snakes known as pit vipers
have this unique ability to sense infrared radiation (heat).
1124 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Chapter 55
Summary Questions Media Resources
55.1 Animals employ a wide variety of sensory receptors.
? Mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and
photoreceptors are responsive to different categories
of sensory stimuli; interoceptors and exteroceptors
respond to stimuli that originate in the internal and
external environments, respectively.
1. Can you name a sensory
receptor that does not produce
a membrane depolarization?
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Muscle spindles respond to stretching of the skeletal
? The sensory organs of taste are taste buds, scattered
over the surface of a fish’s body but located on the
papillae of the tongue in terrestrial vertebrates.
? Chemoreceptors in the aortic and carotid bodies
sense the blood pH and oxygen levels, helping to
regulate breathing.
? Hair cells in the membranous labyrinth of the inner
ear provide a sense of acceleration.
2. What mechanoreceptors
detect muscle stretch and the
tension on a tendon?
3. What structures in the
vertebrate ear detect changes in
the body’s position with respect
to gravity? What structures
detect angular motion?
55.2 Mechanical and chemical receptors sense the body’s condition.
? In terrestrial vertebrates, sound waves cause
vibrations of ear membranes.
? Different pitches of sounds vibrate different regions
of the basilar membrane, and therefore stimulate
different hair cells.
? Bats and some other vertebrates use sonar to provide
a sense of “lightless vision.”
4. How are sound waves
transmitted and amplified
through the middle ear? How
is the pitch of the sound
55.3 Auditory receptors detect pressure waves in the air.
? A flexible lens focuses light onto the retina, which
contains the photoreceptors.
? Light causes the photodissociation of the visual
pigment, thereby blocking the dark current and
hyperpolarizing the photoreceptor; this inverse effect
stops the inhibitory effect of the photoreceptor and
thereby activates the bipolar cells.
5. How does focusing in fishes
and amphibians differ from that
in other vertebrates?
6. When a photoreceptor
absorbs light, what happens to
the Na+ channels in its outer
55.4 Optic receptors detect light over a broad range of wavelengths.
? The pit organs of snakes allows them to detect the
position and movements of prey. Many aquatic
vertebrates can detect electrical currents produced by
muscular contraction. Some vertebrates can orient
themselves using the earth’s magnetic field.
7. Why do rattlesnakes strike a
moving lightbulb?
8. How do sharks detect their
prey? Why don’t terrestrial
vertebrates have this sense?
55.5 Some vertebrates use heat, electricity, or magnetism for orientation.
? Introduction to sense
? Receptors and
? Somatic senses
? Smell
? Taste
? Sense of balance
? Sense of rotational
? Sense of taste
? Sense of smell
? Equilibrium
? Art Activity
Human ear anatomy
? Hearing
? Art Activity
Human eye anatomy
? Vision
? Chemorecptors
The Endocrine
Concept Outline
56.1 Regulation is often accomplished by chemical
Types of Regulatory Molecules. Regulatory molecules
may function as neurotransmitters, hormones, or as organ-
specific regulators.
Endocrine Glands and Hormones. Endocrine glands
secrete molecules called hormones into the blood.
Paracrine Regulation. Paracrine regulators act within
organs that produce them.
56.2 Lipophilic and polar hormones regulate their
target cells by different means.
Hormones That Enter Cells. Steroid and thyroid
hormones act by entering target cells and stimulating
specific genes.
Hormones That Do Not Enter Cells. All other
hormones bind to receptors on the cell surface and activate
second-messenger molecules within the target cells.
56.3 The hypothalamus controls the secretions of the
pituitary gland.
The Posterior Pituitary Gland. The posterior pituitary
receives and releases hormones from the hypothalamus.
The Anterior Pituitary Gland. The anterior pituitary
produces a variety of hormones under stimulation from
hypothalamic releasing hormones.
56.4 Endocrine glands secrete hormones that regulate
many body functions.
The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands. The thyroid
hormones regulate metabolism; the parathyroid glands
regulate calcium balance.
The Adrenal Glands. The adrenal medulla secretes
epinephrine during the fight-or-flight reaction, while the
adrenal cortex secretes steroid hormones that regulate
glucose and mineral balance.
The Pancreas. The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
secrete insulin, which acts to lower blood glucose, and
glucagon, which acts to raise blood glucose.
Other Endocrine Glands. The gonads, pineal gland,
thymus, kidneys, and other organs secrete important
hormones that have a variety of functions.
he tissues and organs of the vertebrate body cooperate
to maintain homeostasis of the body’s internal envi-
ronment and control other body functions such as repro-
duction. Homeostasis is achieved through the actions of
many regulatory mechanisms that involve all the organs of
the body. Two systems, however, are devoted exclusively to
the regulation of the body organs: the nervous system and
the endocrine system (figure 56.1). Both release regulatory
molecules that control the body organs by first binding to
receptor proteins in the cells of those organs. In this chap-
ter we will examine these regulatory molecules, the cells
and glands that produce them, and how they function to
regulate the body’s activities.
The endocrine system controls when animals breed. These
Japanese macaques live in a close-knit community whose
members cooperate to ensure successful breeding and raising of
offspring. Not everybody breeds at the same time because
hormone levels vary among individuals.
times called a neurohormone. The distinction between
the nervous system and endocrine system blurs when it
comes to such molecules. Indeed, because some neurons in
the brain secrete hormones, the brain can be considered an
endocrine gland!
In addition to the chemical messengers released as
neurotransmitters and as hormones, other chemical regu-
latory molecules are released and act within an organ. In
this way, the cells of an organ regulate one another. This
type of regulation is not endocrine, because the regula-
tory molecules work without being transported by the
blood, but is otherwise similar to the way that hormones
regulate their target cells. Such regulation is called
paracrine. Another type of chemical messenger that is
released into the environment is called a pheromone.
These messengers aid in the communication between an-
imals, not in the regulation within an animal. A compari-
son of the different types of chemical messengers used
for regulation is given in figure 56.2.
Regulatory molecules released by axons at a synapse are
neurotransmitters, those released by endocrine glands
into the blood are hormones, and those that act within
the organ in which they are produced are paracrine
1126 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Types of Regulatory Molecules
As we discussed in chapter 54, the axons of neurons secrete
chemical messengers called neurotransmitters into the
synaptic cleft. These chemicals diffuse only a short distance
to the postsynaptic membrane, where they bind to their re-
ceptor proteins and stimulate the postsynaptic cell (another
neuron, or a muscle or gland cell). Synaptic transmission
generally affects only the one postsynaptic cell that receives
the neurotransmitter.
A hormone is a regulatory chemical that is secreted into
the blood by an endocrine gland or an organ of the body
exhibiting an endocrine function. The blood carries the
hormone to every cell in the body, but only the target
cells for a given hormone can respond to it. Thus, the dif-
ference between a neurotransmitter and a hormone is not
in the chemical nature of the regulatory molecule, but
rather in the way it is transported to its target cells, and its
distance from these target cells. A chemical regulator called
norepinephrine, for example, is released as a neurotrans-
mitter by sympathetic nerve endings and is also secreted by
the adrenal gland as a hormone.
Some specialized neurons secrete chemical messengers
into the blood rather than into a narrow synaptic cleft. In
these cases, the chemical that the neurons secrete is some-
56.1 Regulation is often accomplished by chemical messengers.
Endocrine gland
Target cell
Paracrine regulator
Receptor proteins
carried by blood
The functions of organs are influenced by neural, paracrine, and endocrine regulators. Each type of chemical regulator binds in a
specific fashion to receptor proteins on the surface of or within the cells of target organs.
Endocrine Glands and Hormones
The endocrine system (figure 56.3) includes all of the or-
gans that function exclusively as endocrine glands—such
as the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and
so on (table 56.1)—as well as organs that secrete hor-
mones in addition to other functions. Endocrine glands
lack ducts and thus must secrete into surrounding blood
capillaries, unlike exocrine glands, which secrete their
products into a duct.
Hormones secreted by endocrine glands belong to four
different chemical categories:
1. Polypeptides. These hormones are composed of
chains of amino acids that are shorter than about
100 amino acids. Some important examples include
insulin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
2. Glycoproteins. These are composed of a polypep-
tide significantly longer than 100 amino acids to
which is attached a carbohydrate. Examples include
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
hormone (LH).
3. Amines. Derived from the amino acids tyrosine and
tryptophan, they include hormones secreted by the
adrenal medulla, thyroid, and pineal glands.
4. Steroids. These hormones are lipids derived from
cholesterol, and include the hormones testosterone,
estradiol, progesterone, and cortisol.
Steroid hormones can be subdivided into sex steroids,
secreted by the testes, ovaries, placenta, and adrenal cortex,
and corticosteroids, secreted only by the adrenal cortex
(the outer portion of the adrenal gland). The corticos-
teroids include cortisol, which regulates glucose balance,
and aldosterone, which regulates salt balance.
The amine hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla
(the inner portion of the adrenal gland), known as cate-
cholamines, include epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepi-
nephrine (noradrenaline). These are derived from the
amino acid tyrosine. Another hormone derived from tyro-
sine is thyroxine, secreted by the thyroid gland. The pineal
gland secretes a different amine hormone, melatonin, de-
rived from tryptophan.
All hormones may be categorized as lipophilic (fat-
soluble) or hydrophilic (water-soluble). The lipophilic
hormones include the steroid hormones and thyroxine; all
other hormones are water-soluble. This distinction is im-
portant in understanding how these hormones regulate
their target cells.
Neural and Endocrine Interactions
The endocrine system is an extremely important regulatory
system in its own right, but it also interacts and cooperates
with the nervous system to regulate the activities of the
other organ systems of the body. The secretory activity of
many endocrine glands is controlled by the nervous system.
Among such glands are the adrenal medulla, posterior pitu-
itary, and pineal gland. These three glands are derived
from the neural ectoderm (to be discussed in chapter 60),
the same embryonic tissue layer that forms the nervous sys-
tem. The major site for neural regulation of the endocrine
system, however, is the brain’s regulation of the anterior
pituitary gland. As we’ll see, the hypothalamus controls the
hormonal secretions of the anterior pituitary, which in turn
regulates other endocrine glands. On the other hand, the
secretion of a number of hormones is largely independent
of neural control. The release of insulin by the pancreas
and aldosterone by the adrenal cortex, for example, are
stimulated primarily by increases in the blood concentra-
tions of glucose and potassium (K
), respectively.
Any organ that secretes a hormone from a ductless
gland is part of the endocrine system. Hormones may
be any of a variety of different chemicals.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1127
Parathyroid glands
(behind thyroid)
(in females)
(in males)
The human endocrine system. The major endocrine glands are
shown, but many other organs secrete hormones in addition to
their primary functions.
Paracrine Regulation
Paracrine regulation occurs in many organs and among the
cells of the immune system. Some of these regulatory mol-
ecules are known as cytokines, particularly if they regulate
different cells of the immune system. Other paracrine regu-
lators are called growth factors, because they promote
growth and cell division in specific organs. Examples in-
clude platelet-derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor,
and the insulin-like growth factors that stimulate cell division
and proliferation of their target cells. Nerve growth factor is
a regulatory molecule that belongs to a family of paracrine
regulators of the nervous system called neurotrophins.
Nitric oxide, which can function as a neurotransmitter (see
chapter 54), is also produced by the endothelium of blood
vessels. In this context, it is a paracrine regulator because it
diffuses to the smooth muscle layer of the blood vessel and
promotes vasodilation. The endothelium of blood vessels also
produces other paracrine regulators, including endothelin,
which stimulates vasoconstriction, and bradykinin, which pro-
motes vasodilation. This paracrine regulation supplements
the regulation of blood vessels by autonomic nerves.
The most diverse group of paracrine regulators are the
prostaglandins. A prostaglandin is a 20-carbon-long fatty
acid that contains a five-member carbon ring. This mole-
cule is derived from the precursor molecule arachidonic acid,
released from phospholipids in the cell membrane under
hormonal or other stimulation. Prostaglandins are pro-
duced in almost every organ and participate in a variety of
regulatory functions, including:
1. Immune system. Prostaglandins promote many as-
pects of inflammation, including pain and fever.
Drugs that inhibit prostaglandin synthesis help to al-
leviate these symptoms.
2. Reproductive system. Prostaglandins may play a
1128 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Table 56.1 Principal Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones*
Endocrine Gland Target Chemical
and Hormone Tissue Principal Actions Nature
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Growth hormone (GH)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone
Prolactin (PRL)
hormone (MSH)
Thyroxine (thyroid hormone)
Parathyroid hormone
Mammary glands
Many organs
Adrenal cortex
Thyroid gland
Mammary glands
Most cells
Bone, kidneys,
digestive tract
Stimulates reabsorption of water; conserves water
Stimulates contraction
Stimulates milk ejection
Stimulates growth by promoting protein synthesis
and fat breakdown
Stimulates secretion of adrenal cortical hormones
such as cortisol
Stimulates thyroxine secretion
Stimulates ovulation and corpus luteum formation in
females; stimulates secretion of testosterone in males
Stimulates spermatogenesis in males; stimulates
development of ovarian follicles in females
Stimulates milk production
Stimulates color change in reptiles and amphibians;
unknown function in mammals
Stimulates metabolic rate; essential to normal
growth and development
Lowers blood calcium level by inhibiting loss of
calcium from bone
Raises blood calcium level by stimulating bone
breakdown; stimulates calcium reabsorption in
kidneys; activates vitamin D
(9 amino acids)
(9 amino acids)
(39 amino acids)
Peptide (two
forms; 13 and 22
amino acids)
Iodinated amino
(32 amino acids)
(34 amino acids)
*These are hormones released from endocrine glands. As discussed previously, many hormones are released from other body organs.
role in ovulation. Excessive prostaglandin production
may be involved in premature labor, endometriosis,
or dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps).
3. Digestive system. Prostaglandins produced by the
stomach and intestines may inhibit gastric secretions
and influence intestinal motility and fluid absorption.
4. Respiratory system. Some prostaglandins cause
constriction, whereas others cause dilation of blood
vessels in the lungs and of bronchiolar smooth muscle.
5. Circulatory system. Prostaglandins are needed for
proper function of blood platelets in the process of
blood clotting.
6. Urinary system. Prostaglandins produced in the
renal medulla cause vasodilation, resulting in increased
renal blood flow and increased excretion of urine.
The synthesis of prostaglandins are inhibited by aspirin.
Aspirin is the most widely used of the nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), a class of drugs that also in-
cludes indomethacin and ibuprofen. These drugs produce
their effects because they specifically inhibit the enzyme
cyclooxygenase-2 (cox-2), needed to produce prostaglandins
from arachidonic acid. Through this action, the NSAIDs
inhibit inflammation and associated pain. Unfortunately,
NSAIDs also inhibit another similar enzyme, cox-1, which
helps maintain the wall of the digestive tract, and in so
doing can produce severe unwanted side effects, including
gastric bleeding and prolonged clotting time. A new kind of
pain reliever, celecoxib (Celebrex), inhibits cox-2 but not
cox-1, a potentially great benefit to arthritis sufferers and
others who must use pain relievers regularly.
The neural and endocrine control systems are
supplemented by paracrine regulators, including the
prostaglandins, which perform many diverse functions.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1129
Epinephrine (adrenaline) and
norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
Table 56.1 Principal Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones
Endocrine Gland Target Chemical
and Hormone Tissue Principal Actions Nature
Smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle,
blood vessels
Kidney tubules
Many organs
Liver, skeletal
muscles, adipose
Liver, adipose tissue
Female reproductive
Mammary glands
Many organs
Male reproductive
Gonads, pigment
Initiate stress responses; raise heart rate, blood
pressure, metabolic rate; dilate blood vessels;
mobilize fat; raise blood glucose level
Maintains proper balance of Na
and K
Adaptation to long-term stress; raises blood glucose
level; mobilizes fat
Lowers blood glucose level; stimulates storage of
glycogen in liver
Raises blood glucose level; stimulates breakdown of
glycogen in liver
Stimulates development of secondary sex
characteristics in females
Stimulates growth of sex organs at puberty and
monthly preparation of uterus for pregnancy
Completes preparation for pregnancy
Stimulates development
Stimulates development of secondary sex
characteristics in males and growth spurt at puberty
Stimulates development of sex organs; stimulates
Function not well understood; influences
pigmentation in some vertebrates; may control
biorhythms in some animals; may influence
onset of puberty in humans
Amino acid
(51 amino acids)
(29 amino acids)
Amino acid
Hormones That Enter Cells
As we mentioned previously, hormones can be divided
into those that are lipophilic (lipid-soluble) and those
that are hydrophilic (water-soluble). The lipophilic
hormones—all of the steroid hormones (figure 56.4) and
thyroxine—as well as other lipophilic regulatory mole-
cules (including the retinoids, or vitamin A) can easily
enter cells. This is because the lipid portion of the cell
membrane does not present a barrier to the entry of
lipophilic regulators. Therefore, all lipophilic regulatory
molecules have a similar mechanism of action. Water-
soluble hormones, in contrast, cannot pass through cell
membranes. They must regulate their target cells
through different mechanisms.
Steroid hormones are lipids themselves and thus
lipophilic; thyroxine is lipophilic because it is derived
from a nonpolar amino acid. Because these hormones are
not water-soluble, they don’t dissolve in plasma but rather
travel in the blood attached to protein carriers. When the
hormones arrive at their target cells, they dissociate from
their carriers and pass through the plasma membrane of
1130 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
56.2 Lipophilic and polar hormones regulate their target cells by different means.
Estradiol - 17H9252
Cortisol (hydrocortisone)
Chemical structures of some
steroid hormones. Steroid
hormones are derived from the
blood lipid cholesterol. The
hormones shown, cortisol,
estradiol, and testosterone,
differ only slightly in chemical
structure yet have widely
different effects on the body.
Steroid hormones are secreted
by the adrenal cortex, testes,
ovaries, and placenta.
1 Steroid hormone (S)
passes through plasma
Inside target cell, the
steroid hormone binds to a
specific receptor protein in
the cytoplasm or nucleus.
complex enters the
nucleus and binds to
DNA, causing gene
Protein is produced.
Protein synthesis
is induced.
Plasma membrane
Blood plasma
The mechanism of steroid hormone action. Steroid hormones are lipid-soluble and thus readily diffuse through the plasma membrane
of cells. They bind to receptor proteins in either the cytoplasm or nucleus (not shown). If the steroid binds to a receptor in the cytoplasm,
the hormone-receptor complex moves into the nucleus. The hormone-receptor complex then binds to specific regions of the DNA,
stimulating the production of messenger RNA (mRNA).
the cell (figure 56.5). Some steroid hormones then bind to
very specific receptor proteins in the cytoplasm, and then
move as a hormone-receptor complex into the nucleus.
Other steroids travel directly into the nucleus before en-
countering their receptor proteins. Whether the steroid
finds its receptor in the nucleus or translocates with its re-
ceptor to the nucleus from the cytoplasm, the rest of the
story is the same.
The hormone receptor, activated by binding to the
lipophilic hormone, is now also able to bind to specific re-
gions of the DNA. These DNA regions are known as the
hormone response elements. The binding of the hormone-
receptor complex has a direct effect on the level of tran-
scription at that site by activating genetic transcription.
This produces messenger RNA (mRNA), which then codes
for the production of specific proteins. These proteins
often have enzymatic activity that changes the metabolism
of the target cell in a specific fashion.
The thyroid hormone’s mechanism of action resembles
that of the steroid hormones. Thyroxine contains four
iodines and so is often abbreviated T
(for tetraiodothyro-
nine). The thyroid gland also secretes smaller amounts of a
similar molecule that has only three iodines, called tri-
iodothyronine (and abbreviated T
). Both hormones enter
target cells, but all of the T
that enters is changed into T
(figure 56.6). Thus, only the T
form of the hormone enters
the nucleus and binds to nuclear receptor proteins. The
hormone-receptor complex, in turn, binds to the appropri-
ate hormone response elements on DNA.
The lipophilic hormones pass through the target cell’s
plasma membrane and bind to intracellular receptor
proteins. The hormone-receptor complex then binds to
specific regions of DNA, thereby activating genes and
regulating the target cells.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1131
Plasma membrane
Blood plasma
The mechanism of thyroxine action. Thyroxine contains four iodines. When it enters the target cell, thyroxine is changed into
triiodothyronine, with three iodines. This hormone moves into the nucleus and binds to nuclear receptors. The hormone-receptor
complex then binds to regions of the DNA and stimulates gene transcription.
Hormones That Do Not Enter Cells
Hormones that are too large or too polar to cross the
plasma membranes of their target cells include all of the
peptide and glycoprotein hormones, as well as the cate-
cholamine hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine.
These hormones bind to receptor proteins located on the
outer surface of the plasma membrane—the hormones do
not enter the cell. If you think of the hormone as a messen-
ger sent from an endocrine gland to the target cell, it is evi-
dent that a second messenger is needed within the target
cell to produce the effects of the hormone. A number of
different molecules in the cell can serve as second messen-
gers, as we saw in chapter 7. The interaction between the
hormone and its receptor activates mechanisms in the
plasma membrane that increase the concentration of the
second messengers within the target cell cytoplasm.
The binding of a water-soluble hormone to its receptor
is reversible and usually very brief. After the hormone
binds to its receptor and activates a second-messenger sys-
tem, it dissociates from the receptor and may travel in the
blood to another target cell somewhere else in the body.
Eventually, enzymes (primarily in the liver) degrade the
hormone by converting it into inactive derivatives.
The Cyclic AMP Second-Messenger System
The action of the hormone epinephrine can serve as an ex-
ample of a second-messenger system. Epinephrine can bind
to two categories of receptors, called alpha (α)- and beta (β)-
adrenergic receptors. The interaction of epinephrine with
each type of receptor activates a different second-messenger
system in the target cell.
In the early 1960s, Earl Sutherland showed that cyclic
adenosine monophosphate, or cyclic AMP (cAMP),
serves as a second messenger when epinephrine binds to
β-adrenergic receptors on the plasma membranes of liver
cells (figure 56.7). The cAMP second-messenger system
was the first such system to be described.
The β-adrenergic receptors are associated with mem-
brane proteins called G proteins (see chapters 7 and 54).
Each G protein is composed of three subunits, and the
binding of epinephrine to its receptor causes one of the G
protein subunits to dissociate from the other two. This
subunit then diffuses within the plasma membrane until it
encounters adenylyl cyclase, a membrane enzyme that is
inactive until it binds to the G protein subunit. When ac-
tivated by the G protein subunit, adenylyl cyclase cat-
alyzes the formation of cAMP from ATP. The cAMP
formed at the inner surface of the plasma membrane dif-
fuses within the cytoplasm, where it binds to and activates
protein kinase-A, an enzyme that adds phosphate groups
to specific cellular proteins.
The identities of the proteins that are phosphorylated by
protein kinase-A varies from one cell type to the next, and
this variation is one of the reasons epinephrine has such di-
verse effects on different tissues. In liver cells, protein kinase-
A phosphorylates and thereby activates another enzyme,
phosphorylase, which converts glycogen into glucose.
Through this multistep mechanism, epinephrine causes the
liver to secrete glucose into the blood during the fight-or-
flight reaction, when the adrenal medulla is stimulated by the
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (see
chapter 54). In cardiac muscle cells, protein kinase-A phos-
phorylates a different set of cellular proteins, which cause the
heart to beat faster and more forcefully.
The IP
Second-Messenger System
When epinephrine binds to α-adrenergic receptors, it
doesn’t activate adenylyl cyclase and cause the production
of cAMP. Instead, through a different type of G protein, it
activates another membrane-bound enzyme, phospholipase
C (figure 56.8). This enzyme cleaves certain membrane
phospholipids to produce the second messenger, inositol
1132 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
G protein
Liver cell
The action of epinephrine on a liver cell. (1) Epinephrine
binds to specific receptor proteins on the cell surface. (2) Acting
through intermediary G proteins, the hormone-bound receptor
activates the enzyme adenylyl cyclase, which converts ATP into
cyclic AMP (cAMP). (3) Cyclic AMP performs as a second
messenger and activates protein kinase-A, an enzyme that was
previously present in an inactive form. (4) Protein kinase-A
phosphorylates and thereby activates the enzyme phosphorylase,
which catalyzes the hydrolysis of glycogen into glucose.
trisphosphate (IP
). IP
diffuses into the cytoplasm from
the plasma membrane and binds to receptors located on the
surface of the endoplasmic reticulum.
Recall from chapter 5 that the endoplasmic reticulum
is a system of membranous sacs and tubes that serves a
variety of functions in different cells. One of its functions
is to accumulate Ca
by actively transporting Ca
out of
the cytoplasm. Other pumps transport Ca
from the cy-
toplasm through the plasma membrane to the extracellu-
lar fluid. These two mechanisms keep the concentration
of Ca
in the cytoplasm very low. Consequently, there is
an extremely steep concentration gradient for Ca
tween the cytoplasm and the inside of the endoplasmic
reticulum, and between the cytoplasm and the extracellu-
lar fluid.
When IP
binds to its receptors on the endoplasmic
reticulum, it stimulates the endoplasmic reticulum to re-
lease its stored Ca
. Calcium channels in the plasma
membrane may also open, allowing Ca
to diffuse into
the cell from the extracellular fluid. Some of the Ca
has suddenly entered the cytoplasm then binds to a pro-
tein called calmodulin, which has regulatory functions
analogous to those of cyclic AMP. One of the actions of
calmodulin is to activate another type of protein kinase,
resulting in the phosphorylation of a different set of cellu-
lar proteins.
What is the advantage of having multiple second-
messenger systems? Consider the antagonistic actions of ep-
inephrine and insulin on liver cells. Epinephrine uses cAMP
as a second messenger to promote the hydrolysis of glyco-
gen to glucose, while insulin stimulates the synthesis of
glycogen from glucose. Clearly, insulin cannot use cAMP as
a second messenger. Although the exact mechanism of in-
sulin’s action is still not well understood, insulin may act in
part through the IP
second-messenger system.
Not all large polar hormones act by increasing the con-
centration of a second messenger in the cytoplasm of the
target cell. Others cause a change in the shape of a mem-
brane protein called an ion channel (see chapters 6 and 54).
If these channels are normally “closed,” then a change in
shape will open them allowing a particular ion to enter or
leave the cell depending on its concentration gradient. If an
ion channel is normally open, a chemical messenger can
cause it to close. For example, some hormones open Ca
channels on smooth muscle cell membranes; other hor-
mones close them. This will increase or decrease, respec-
tively, the amount of muscle contraction.
The molecular mechanism for changing the shape of an
ion channel is similar to that for activating a second mes-
senger. The hormone first binds to a receptor protein on
the outer surface of the target cell. This receptor protein
may then use a G protein to signal the ion channel to
change shape.
Although G proteins play a major role in many hormone
functions they don’t seem to be necessary for all identified
actions of hormones on target cells. In the cases where G
proteins are not involved, the receptor protein is connected
directly to the enzyme or ion channel.
The water-soluble hormones cannot pass through the
plasma membrane; they must rely on second
messengers within the target cells to mediate their
actions. Such second messengers include cyclic AMP
(cAMP), inositol trisphosphate (IP
), and Ca
. In many
cases, the second messengers activate previously
inactive enzymes.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1133
G protein
Phospholipase C
The IP
system. (1) The hormone epinephrine
binds to specific receptor proteins on
the cell surface. (2) Acting through G
proteins, the hormone-bound receptor
activates the enzyme phospholipase C,
which converts membrane
phospholipids into inositol
trisphosphate (IP
). (3) IP
through the cytoplasm and binds to
receptors on the endoplasmic
reticulum. (4) The binding of IP
to its
receptors stimulates the endoplasmic
reticulum to release Ca
into the
cytoplasm. (5) Some of the released
binds to a regulatory protein called
calmodulin. (6) The Ca
complex activates other intracellular
proteins, ultimately producing the
effects of the hormone.
The Posterior Pituitary Gland
The pituitary gland hangs by a stalk from the hypothala-
mus of the brain (figure 56.9) posterior to the optic chiasm
(see chapter 54). A microscopic view reveals that the gland
consists of two parts. The anterior portion appears glandu-
lar and is called the anterior pituitary; the posterior por-
tion appears fibrous and is the posterior pituitary. These
two portions of the pituitary gland have different embry-
onic origins, secrete different hormones, and are regulated
by different control systems.
The Posterior Pituitary Gland
The posterior pituitary appears fibrous because it contains
axons that originate in cell bodies within the hypothalamus
and extend along the stalk of the pituitary as a tract of
fibers. This anatomical relationship results from the way
that the posterior pituitary is formed in embryonic devel-
opment. As the floor of the third ventricle of the brain
forms the hypothalamus, part of this neural tissue grows
downward to produce the posterior pituitary. The hypo-
thalamus and posterior pituitary thus remain intercon-
nected by a tract of axons.
The endocrine role of the posterior pituitary gland first
became evident in 1912, when a remarkable medical case
was reported: a man who had been shot in the head devel-
oped the need to urinate every 30 minutes or so, 24 hours a
day. The bullet had lodged in his pituitary gland. Subse-
quent research demonstrated that removal of this gland
produces the same symptoms. Pituitary extracts were found
to contain a substance that makes the kidneys conserve
water, and in the early 1950s investigators isolated a pep-
tide from the posterior pituitary, antidiuretic hormone
1134 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
56.3 The hypothalamus controls the secretions of the pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland hangs by a short stalk from the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland (the oval structure hanging from the stalk),
shown here enlarged 15 times, regulates hormone production in many of the body’s endocrine glands.
(ADH, also known as vasopressin), that stimulates water
retention by the kidneys (figure 56.10). When ADH is
missing, the kidneys do not retain water and excessive
quantities of urine are produced. This is why the consump-
tion of alcohol, which inhibits ADH secretion, leads to fre-
quent urination.
The posterior pituitary also secretes oxytocin, a second
peptide hormone which, like ADH, is composed of nine
amino acids. Oxytocin stimulates the milk-ejection reflex,
so that contraction of the smooth muscles around the
mammary glands and ducts causes milk to be ejected from
the ducts through the nipple. During suckling, sensory re-
ceptors in the nipples send impulses to the hypothalamus,
which triggers the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is also
needed to stimulate uterine contractions in women during
childbirth. Oxytocin secretion continues after childbirth in
a woman who is breast-feeding, which is why the uterus of
a nursing mother returns to its normal size after pregnancy
more quickly than does the uterus of a mother who does
not breast-feed.
ADH and oxytocin are actually produced by neuron cell
bodies located in the hypothalamus. These two hormones are
transported along the axon tract that runs from the hypothal-
amus to the posterior pituitary and are stored in the posterior
pituitary. In response to the appropriate stimulation—
increased blood plasma osmolarity in the case of ADH, the
suckling of a baby in the case of oxytocin—the hormones
are released by the posterior pituitary into the blood. Be-
cause this reflex control involves both the nervous and en-
docrine systems, the secretion of ADH and oxytocin are
neuroendocrine reflexes.
The posterior pituitary gland contains axons originating
from neurons in the hypothalamus. These neurons
produce ADH and oxytocin, which are stored in and
released from the posterior pituitary gland in response
to neural stimulation from the hypothalamus.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1135
Dehydration Lowers blood volume
and pressure
Increased water
(in some vertebrates)
leading to higher
blood pressure
urine volume
of blood
ADH synthesized
by neurosecretory
cells in hypothalamus
ADH released from posterior
pituitary into blood
– –
FIGURE 56.10
The effects of antidiuretic
hormone (ADH). An increase in
the osmotic concentration of the
blood stimulates the posterior
pituitary gland to secrete ADH,
which promotes water retention by
the kidneys. This works as a
negative feedback loop to correct
the initial disturbance of
The Anterior Pituitary Gland
The anterior pituitary, unlike the posterior pituitary, does
not develop from a downgrowth of the brain; instead, it de-
velops from a pouch of epithelial tissue that pinches off
from the roof of the embryo’s mouth. Because it is epithe-
lial tissue, the anterior pituitary is a complete gland—it
produces the hormones it secretes. Many, but not all, of
these hormones stimulate growth in their target organs, in-
cluding other endocrine glands. Therefore, the hormones
of the anterior pituitary gland are collectively termed tropic
hormones (Greek trophe, “nourishment”), or tropins. When
the target organ of a tropic hormone is another endocrine
gland, that gland is stimulated by the tropic hormone to se-
crete its own hormones.
The hormones produced and secreted by different cell
types in the anterior pituitary gland (figure 56.11) include
the following:
1. Growth hormone (GH, or somatotropin) stimulates
the growth of muscle, bone (indirectly), and other tis-
sues and is also essential for proper metabolic regula-
2. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, or corti-
cotropin) stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce cor-
ticosteroid hormones, including cortisol (in humans)
and corticosterone (in many other vertebrates), which
regulate glucose homeostasis.
3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, or thy-
rotropin) stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thy-
roxine, which in turn stimulates oxidative respiration.
4. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is needed for ovulation
and the formation of a corpus luteum in the female
menstrual cycle (see chapter 59). It also stimulates the
testes to produce testosterone, which is needed for
sperm production and for the development of male
secondary sexual characteristics.
1136 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Thyroid gland
Gonadotropic hormones:
hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone (LH)
Mammary glands
in mammals
of uterus
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Antidiuretic hormone
hormone (ACTH)
Growth hormone (GH)
Prolactin (PRL)
and muscle
in amphibian
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
FIGURE 56.11
The major hormones of the anterior and posterior pituitary glands. Only a few of the actions of these hormones are shown.
5. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is required for
the development of ovarian follicles in females. In
males, it is required for the development of sperm.
FSH and LH are both referred to as gonadotropins.
6. Prolactin (PRL) stimulates the mammary glands to
produce milk in mammals. It also helps regulate kid-
ney function in vertebrates, the production of “crop
milk” (nutritional fluid fed to chicks by regurgita-
tion) in some birds, and acts on the gills of fish that
travel from salt to fresh water to promote sodium
7. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) stimu-
lates the synthesis and dispersion of melanin pigment,
which darken the epidermis of some fish, amphibians,
and reptiles. MSH has no known specific function in
mammals, but abnormally high amounts of ACTH
can cause skin darkening because it contains the
amino acid sequence of MSH within its structure.
Growth Hormone
The importance of the anterior pituitary gland first be-
came understood in 1909, when a 38-year-old South
Dakota farmer was cured of the growth disorder
acromegaly by the surgical removal of a pituitary tumor.
Acromegaly is a form of gigantism in which the jaw begins
to protrude and other facial features thicken. It was discov-
ered that gigantism is almost always associated with pitu-
itary tumors. Robert Wadlow, born in 1928 in Alton, Illi-
nois, stood 8 feet, 11 inches tall and weighed 485 pounds
before he died from infection at age 22 (figure 56.12). He
was the tallest human being ever recorded, and he was still
growing the year he died.
We now know that gigantism is caused by the excessive
secretion of growth hormone (GH) by the anterior pitu-
itary gland in a growing child. GH stimulates protein syn-
thesis and growth of muscles and connective tissues; it also
indirectly promotes the elongation of bones by stimulating
cell division in the cartilaginous epiphyseal growth plates of
bones. Researchers found that this stimulation does not
occur in the absence of blood plasma, suggesting that bone
cells lack receptors for GH and that the stimulation by GH
was indirect. We now know that GH stimulates the pro-
duction of insulin-like growth factors, which are pro-
duced by the liver and secreted into the blood in response
to stimulation by GH. The insulin-like growth factors then
stimulate growth of the epiphyseal growth plates and thus
elongation of the bones.
When a person’s skeletal growth plates have converted
from cartilage into bone, however, GH can no longer cause
an increase in height. Therefore, excessive GH secretion in
an adult produces bone and soft tissue deformities in the
condition called acromegaly. A deficiency in GH secretion
during childhood results in pituitary dwarfism, a failure to
achieve normal growth.
Other Anterior Pituitary Hormones
Prolactin is like growth hormone in that it acts on organs
that are not endocrine glands. In addition to its stimulation
of milk production in mammals and “crop milk” produc-
tion in birds, prolactin has varied effects on electrolyte bal-
ance by acting on the kidneys, the gills of fish, and the salt
glands of marine birds (discussed in chapter 58). Unlike
growth hormone and prolactin, the other anterior pituitary
hormones act on specific glands.
Some of the anterior pituitary hormones that act on spe-
cific glands have common names, such as thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH), and alternative names that emphasize the
tropic nature of the hormone, such as thyrotropin. TSH
stimulates only the thyroid gland, and adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) stimulates only the adrenal cortex (outer
portion of the adrenal glands). Follicle-stimulating hor-
mone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) act only on the
gonads (testes and ovaries); hence, they are collectively
called gonadotropic hormones. Although both FSH and LH
act on the gonads, they each act on different target cells in
the gonads of both females and males.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1137
FIGURE 56.12
The Alton giant. This photograph of Robert Wadlow of Alton,
Illinois, taken on his 21st birthday, shows him at home with his
father and mother and four siblings. Born normal size, he
developed a growth hormone–secreting pituitary tumor as a
young child and never stopped growing during his 22 years of life.
Hypothalamic Control of Anterior Pituitary
Gland Secretion
The anterior pituitary gland, unlike the posterior pitu-
itary, is not derived from the brain and does not receive
an axon tract from the hypothalamus. Nevertheless, the
hypothalamus controls production and secretion of the
anterior pituitary hormones. This control is exerted hor-
monally rather than by means of nerve axons. Neurons in
the hypothalamus secrete releasing hormones and inhibit-
ing hormones into blood capillaries at the base of the hy-
pothalamus (figure 56.13). These capillaries drain into
small veins that run within the stalk of the pituitary to a
second bed of capillaries in the anterior pituitary. This
unusual system of vessels is known as the hypothalamohy-
pophyseal portal system (another name for the pituitary is
the hypophysis). It is called a portal system because it has
a second capillary bed downstream from the first; the only
other body location with a similar system is the liver,
where capillaries receive blood drained from the gastroin-
testinal tract (via the hepatic portal vein—see chapter 52).
Because the second bed of capillaries receives little oxygen
from such vessels, the vessels must be delivering some-
thing else of importance.
Each releasing hormone delivered by the hypothalamo-
hypophyseal system regulates the secretion of a specific
anterior pituitary hormone. For example, thyrotropin-
releasing hormone (TRH) stimulates the release of TSH,
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulates the release
of ACTH, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
stimulates the release of FSH and LH. A releasing hor-
mone for growth hormone, called growth hormone–releasing
hormone (GHRH) has also been discovered, and a releasing
hormone for prolactin has been postulated but has thus far
not been identified.
The hypothalamus also secretes hormones that inhibit
the release of certain anterior pituitary hormones. To date,
three such hormones have been discovered: somatostatin in-
hibits the secretion of GH; prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF),
found to be the neurotransmitter dopamine, inhibits the se-
cretion of prolactin; and melanotropin-inhibiting hormone
(MIH) inhibits the secretion of MSH.
Negative Feedback Control of Anterior Pituitary
Gland Secretion
Because hypothalamic hormones control the secretions of
the anterior pituitary gland, and the anterior pituitary hor-
mones control the secretions of some other endocrine
glands, it may seem that the hypothalamus is in charge of
hormonal secretion for the whole body. This idea is not
valid, however, for two reasons. First, a number of en-
docrine organs, such as the adrenal medulla and the pan-
creas, are not directly regulated by this control system. Sec-
ond, the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland are
themselves partially controlled by the very hormones
whose secretion they stimulate! In most cases this is an in-
hibitory control, where the target gland hormones inhibit
the secretions of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
(figure 56.14). This type of control system is called nega-
tive feedback inhibition and acts to maintain relatively con-
stant levels of the target cell hormone.
Let’s consider the hormonal control of the thyroid
gland. The hypothalamus secretes TRH into the hypothal-
amohypophyseal portal system, which stimulates the ante-
rior pituitary gland to secrete TSH, which in turn stimu-
lates the thyroid gland to release thyroxine. Among
thyroxine’s many target organs are the hypothalamus and
the anterior pituitary gland themselves. Thyroxine acts
upon these organs to inhibit their secretion of TRH and
TSH, respectively (figure 56.15). This negative feedback
inhibition is essential for homeostasis because it keeps the
thyroxine levels fairly constant.
To illustrate the importance of negative feedback in-
hibition, we will examine a person who lacks sufficient
iodine in the diet. Without iodine, the thyroid gland
cannot produce thyroxine (which contains four iodines
per molecule). As a result, thyroxine levels in the blood
fall drastically, and the hypothalamus and anterior pitu-
itary receive far less negative feedback inhibition than is
normal. This reduced inhibition causes an elevated se-
cretion of TRH and TSH. The high levels of TSH stim-
1138 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Cell body
Axons to
Pituitary stalk
Posterior pituitary
Anterior pituitary
portal system
FIGURE 56.13
Hormonal control of the anterior pituitary gland by the
hypothalamus. Neurons in the hypothalamus secrete hormones
that are carried by short blood vessels directly to the anterior
pituitary gland, where they either stimulate or inhibit the
secretion of anterior pituitary hormones.
ulate the thyroid gland to grow, but it still cannot pro-
duce thyroxine without iodine. The consequence of this
interruption of the normal inhibition by thyroxine is an
enlarged thyroid gland, a condition known as a goiter
(figure 56.16).
Positive feedback in the control of the hypothalamus
and anterior pituitary by the target glands is not common
because positive feedback cannot maintain constancy of the
internal environment (homeostasis). Positive feedback ac-
centuates change, driving the change in the same direction.
One example of positive control involves the control of
ovulation, an explosive event that culminates in the expul-
sion of the egg cell from the ovary. In that case, an ovarian
hormone, estradiol, actually stimulates the secretion of an
anterior pituitary hormone, LH. This will be discussed in
detail in chapter 59.
The hypothalamus controls the anterior pituitary gland
by means of hormones, and the anterior pituitary gland
controls some other glands through the hormones it
secretes. However, both the hypothalamus and the
anterior pituitary gland are controlled by other glands
through negative feedback inhibition.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1139
Anterior pituitary
Inhibition –
Inhibition –
Target glands
(Thyroid, adrenal cortex, gonads)
Releasing hormones
Tropic hormones
Anterior pituitary
Thyroid gland
(Thyrotropin-releasing hormone)
(Thyroid-stimulating hormone)
FIGURE 56.14
Negative feedback inhibition. The hormones secreted by some
endocrine glands feed back to inhibit the secretion of
hypothalamic releasing hormones and anterior pituitary tropic
FIGURE 56.15
Regulation of thyroxine secretion. The hypothalamus secretes
TRH, which stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete TSH.
The TSH then stimulates the thyroid to secrete thyroxine, which
exerts negative feedback control of the hypothalamus and anterior
FIGURE 56.16
A person with a goiter. This condition is caused by a lack of
iodine in the diet. As a result, thyroxine secretion is low, so there
is less negative feedback inhibition of TSH. The elevated TSH
secretion, in turn, stimulates the thyroid to grow and produce the
The Thyroid and
Parathyroid Glands
The endocrine glands that are regu-
lated by the anterior pituitary, and
those endocrine glands that are regu-
lated by other means, help to control
metabolism, electrolyte balance, and
reproductive functions. Some of the
major endocrine glands will be con-
sidered in this section.
The Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland (Greek thyros,
“shield”) is shaped like a shield and
lies just below the Adam’s apple in the
front of the neck. We have already
mentioned that the thyroid gland se-
cretes thyroxine and smaller amounts
of triiodothyronine (T
), which stimu-
late oxidative respiration in most cells
in the body and, in so doing, help set
the body’s basal metabolic rate (see
chapter 51). In children, these thyroid
hormones also promote growth and
stimulate maturation of the central
nervous system. Children with under-
active thyroid glands are therefore
stunted in their growth and suffer se-
vere mental retardation, a condition
called cretinism. This differs from pi-
tuitary dwarfism, which results from inadequate GH and is
not associated with abnormal intellectual development.
People who are hypothyroid (whose secretion of thyrox-
ine is too low) can take thyroxine orally, as pills. Only thy-
roxine and the steroid hormones (as in contraceptive pills),
can be taken orally because they are nonpolar and can pass
through the plasma membranes of intestinal epithelial cells
without being digested.
There is an additional function of the thyroid gland that
is unique to amphibians—thyroid hormones are needed for
the metamorphosis of the larvae into adults (figure 56.17).
If the thyroid gland is removed from a tadpole, it will not
change into a frog. Conversely, if an immature tadpole is
fed pieces of a thyroid gland, it will undergo premature
metamorphosis and become a miniature frog!
The thyroid gland also secretes calcitonin, a peptide
hormone that plays a role in maintaining proper levels of
calcium (Ca
) in the blood. When the blood Ca
centration rises too high, calcitonin stimulates the uptake
of Ca
into bones, thus lowering its level in the blood.
Although calcitonin may be important in the physiology
of some vertebrates, its significance in normal human
physiology is controversial, and it appears less important
in the day-to-day regulation of Ca
levels. A hormone
that plays a more important role in Ca
homeostasis is
secreted by the parathyroid glands, described in the next
The Parathyroid Glands and Calcium
The parathyroid glands are four small glands attached to
the thyroid. Because of their size, researchers ignored them
until well into this century. The first suggestion that these
organs have an endocrine function came from experiments
on dogs: if their parathyroid glands were removed, the Ca
concentration in the dogs’ blood plummeted to less than
half the normal value. The Ca
concentration returned to
normal when an extract of parathyroid gland was adminis-
tered. However, if too much of the extract was adminis-
tered, the dogs’ Ca
levels rose far above normal as the
calcium phosphate crystals in their bones was dissolved. It
was clear that the parathyroid glands produce a hormone
that stimulates the release of Ca
from bone.
1140 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
56.4 Endocrine glands secrete hormones that regulate many body functions.
–35 –30 –25 –20 –15
Days from emergence of forelimb
–10 –5 0 +5 +10
Thyroxine secretion rate
TRH rises
Rapid growth
Reduced growth,
rapid differentiation
Rapid differentiation
TRH TSH Thyroxine
Prometamorphosis Climax
FIGURE 56.17
Thyroxine triggers metamorphosis in amphibians. In tadpoles at the premetamorphic
stage, the hypothalamus releases TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone), which causes the
anterior pituitary to secrete TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). TSH then acts on the
thyroid gland, which secretes thyroxine. The hindlimbs then begin to form. As
metamorphosis proceeds, thyroxine reaches its maximal level, after which the forelimbs
begin to form.
The hormone produced by the parathyroid glands is a
peptide called parathyroid hormone (PTH). It is one of
only two hormones in humans that are absolutely essential
for survival (the other is aldosterone, which will be dis-
cussed in the next section). PTH is synthesized and re-
leased in response to falling levels of Ca
in the blood.
This cannot be allowed to continue uncorrected, because a
significant fall in the blood Ca
level can cause severe mus-
cle spasms. A normal blood Ca
is important for the func-
tioning of muscles, including the heart, and for proper
functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.
PTH stimulates the osteoclasts (bone cells) in bone to
dissolve the calcium phosphate crystals of the bone matrix
and release Ca
into the blood (figure 56.18). PTH also
stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb Ca
from the urine and
leads to the activation of vitamin D, needed for the absorp-
tion of Ca
from food in the intestine.
Vitamin D is produced in the skin from a cholesterol de-
rivative in response to ultraviolet light. It is called a vitamin
because a dietary source is needed to supplement the
amount that the skin produces. Secreted into the blood
from the skin, vitamin D is actually an inactive form of a
hormone. In order to become activated, the molecule must
gain two hydroxyl groups (—OH); one of these is added by
an enzyme in the liver, the other by an enzyme in the kid-
neys. The enzyme needed for this final step is stimulated by
PTH, thereby producing the active form of vitamin D
known as 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D. This hormone stimu-
lates the intestinal absorption of Ca
and thereby helps to
raise blood Ca
levels so that bone can become properly
mineralized. A diet deficient in vitamin D thus leads to
poor bone formation, a condition called rickets.
Thyroxine helps to set the basal metabolic rate by
stimulating the rate of cell respiration throughout the
body; this hormone is also needed for amphibian
metamorphosis. Parathyroid hormone acts to raise the
blood Ca
levels, in part by stimulating osteoclasts to
dissolve bone.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1141
Increased blood Ca
Low blood Ca
hormone (PTH)
Increased absorption
of Ca
from intestine
(due to PTH activation
of vitamin D)
Reabsorption of Ca
excretion of PO
Osteoclasts dissolve
crystals in
bone, releasing Ca
FIGURE 56.18
Regulation of blood Ca
levels by parathyroid hormone (PTH). When blood Ca
levels are low, parathyroid hormone (PTH) is
released by the parathyroid glands. PTH directly stimulates the dissolution of bone and the reabsorption of Ca
by the kidneys. PTH
indirectly promotes the intestinal absorption of Ca
by stimulating the production of the active form of vitamin D.
The Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands are located just above each kidney (fig-
ure 56.19). Each gland is composed of an inner portion, the
adrenal medulla, and an outer layer, the adrenal cortex.
The Adrenal Medulla
The adrenal medulla receives neural input from axons of
the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system,
and it secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine in response
to stimulation by these axons. The actions of these hor-
mones trigger “alarm” responses similar to those elicited by
the sympathetic division, helping to prepare the body for
“fight or flight.” Among the effects of these hormones are
an increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dilation
of the bronchioles, elevation in blood glucose, and reduced
blood flow to the skin and digestive organs. The actions of
epinephrine released as a hormone supplement those of
norepinephrine released as a sympathetic nerve neurotrans-
The Adrenal Cortex: Homeostasis
of Glucose and Na
The hormones from the adrenal cortex are all steroids and
are referred to collectively as corticosteroids. Cortisol (also
called hydrocortisone) and related steroids secreted by the
adrenal cortex act on various cells in the body to maintain
glucose homeostasis. In mammals, these hormones are re-
ferred to as glucocorticoids. The glucocorticoids stimulate
the breakdown of muscle protein into amino acids, which
are carried by the blood to the liver. They also stimulate
the liver to produce the enzymes needed for gluconeogene-
sis, the conversion of amino acids into glucose. This cre-
ation of glucose from protein is particularly important dur-
ing very long periods of fasting or exercise, when blood
glucose levels might otherwise become dangerously low.
In addition to regulating glucose metabolism, the gluco-
corticoids modulate some aspects of the immune response.
Glucocorticoids are given medically to suppress the im-
mune system in persons with immune disorders, such as
rheumatoid arthritis. Derivatives of cortisol, such as pred-
nisone, have widespread medical use as antiinflammatory
Aldosterone, the other major corticosteroid, is classi-
fied as a mineralocorticoid because it helps regulate min-
eral balance through two functions. One of the functions
of aldosterone is to stimulate the kidneys to reabsorb Na
from the urine. (Urine is formed by filtration of blood
plasma, so the blood levels of Na
will decrease if Na
not reabsorbed from the urine; see chapter 58.) Sodium is
the major extracellular solute and is needed for the main-
tenance of normal blood volume and pressure. Without
aldosterone, the kidneys would lose excessive amounts of
blood Na
in the urine, followed by Cl
and water; this
would cause the blood volume and pressure to fall. By
stimulating the kidneys to reabsorb salt and water, aldo-
sterone thus maintains the normal blood volume and
pressure essential to life.
The other function of aldosterone is to stimulate the
kidneys to secrete K
into the urine. Thus, when aldos-
terone levels are too low, the concentration of K
in the
blood may rise to dangerous levels. Because of these essen-
tial functions performed by aldosterone, removal of the
adrenal glands, or diseases that prevent aldosterone secre-
tion, are invariably fatal without hormone therapy.
The adrenal medulla is stimulated by sympathetic
neurons to secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine
during the fight-or-flight reaction. The adrenal cortex
is stimulated to secrete its steroid hormones by ACTH
from the anterior pituitary. Cortisol helps to regulate
blood glucose and aldosterone acts to regulate blood
and K
1142 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Left adrenal
Right adrenal
Vena cava
FIGURE 56.19
The adrenal glands. The inner
portion of the gland, the adrenal
medulla, produces epinephrine and
norepinephrine, which initiate a
response to stress. The outer
portion of the gland, the adrenal
cortex, produces steroid hormones
that influence blood glucose levels.
The Pancreas
The pancreas is located adjacent
to the stomach and is connected
to the duodenum of the small in-
testine by the pancreatic duct. It
secretes bicarbonate ions and a va-
riety of digestive enzymes into the
small intestine through this duct
(see chapter 51), and for a long
time the pancreas was thought to
be solely an exocrine gland. In
1869, however, a German medical
student named Paul Langerhans
described some unusual clusters of
cells scattered throughout the
pancreas; these clusters came to
be called islets of Langerhans.
Laboratory workers later ob-
served that the surgical removal of
the pancreas caused glucose to ap-
pear in the urine, the hallmark of
the disease diabetes mellitus. This
suggested that the pancreas,
specifically the islets of Langer-
hans, might be producing a hor-
mone that prevents this disease.
That hormone is insulin, se-
creted by the beta (β) cells of the
islets. Insulin was not isolated
until 1922, when two young doc-
tors working in a Toronto hospi-
tal succeeded where many others
had not. On January 11, 1922,
they injected an extract purified
from beef pancreas into a 13-year-old diabetic boy, whose
weight had fallen to 65 pounds and who was not expected
to survive. With that single injection, the glucose level in
the boy’s blood fell 25%. A more potent extract soon
brought the level down to near normal. The doctors had
achieved the first instance of successful insulin therapy.
Two forms of diabetes mellitus are now recognized. Peo-
ple with type I, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, lack
the insulin-secreting β cells. Treatment for these patients
therefore consists of insulin injections. (Because insulin is a
peptide hormone, it would be digested if taken orally and
must instead be injected into the blood.) In the past, only
insulin extracted from the pancreas of pigs or cattle was
available, but today people with insulin-dependent diabetes
can inject themselves with human insulin produced by ge-
netically engineered bacteria. Active research on the pos-
sibility of transplanting islets of Langerhans holds much
promise of a lasting treatment for these patients. Most di-
abetic patients, however, have type II, or non-insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus. They generally have normal
or even above-normal levels of insulin in their blood, but
their cells have a reduced sensitivity to insulin. These
people do not require insulin injections and can usually
control their diabetes through diet and exercise.
The islets of Langerhans produce another hormone; the
alpha (α) cells of the islets secrete glucagon, which acts an-
tagonistically to insulin (figure 56.20). When a person eats
carbohydrates, the blood glucose concentration rises. This
stimulates the secretion of insulin by β cells and inhibits the
secretion of glucagon by the α cells. Insulin promotes the
cellular uptake of glucose into liver and muscle cells, where
it is stored as glycogen, and into adipose cells, where it is
stored as fat. Between meals, when the concentration of
blood glucose falls, insulin secretion decreases and
glucagon secretion increases. Glucagon promotes the hy-
drolysis of stored glycogen in the liver and fat in adipose
tissue. As a result, glucose and fatty acids are released into
the blood and can be taken up by cells and used for energy.
The β cells of the islets of Langerhans secrete insulin,
and the α cells secrete glucagon. These two hormones
have antagonistic actions on the blood glucose
concentration; insulin lowers and glucagon raises blood
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1143
Blood glucose
Blood glucose
Glucose moves from
blood into cells
Insulin secretion increased
Glucagon secretion decreased
Insulin secretion decreased
Glucagon secretion increased
Glycogen hydrolyzed
to glucose, then
secreted into blood
Islets of Langerhans
– –
Between mealsAfter a meal
FIGURE 56.20
The antagonistic actions of insulin and glucagon on blood glucose. Insulin stimulates the
cellular uptake of blood glucose into skeletal muscles and the liver after a meal. Glucagon stimulates
the hydrolysis of liver glycogen between meals, so that the liver can secrete glucose into the blood.
These antagonistic effects help to maintain homeostasis of the blood glucose concentration.
Other Endocrine Glands
Sexual Development, Biological Clocks, and
Immune Regulation in Vertebrates
The ovaries and testes are important endocrine glands,
producing the steroid sex hormones called androgens (in-
cluding estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone), to be
described in detail in chapter 59. During embryonic devel-
opment, testosterone production in the embryo is critical
for the development of male sex organs. In mammals, an-
drogens are responsible for the development of secondary
sexual characteristics at puberty. These characteristics in-
clude breasts in females, body hair, and increased muscle
mass in males. Because of this, some bodybuilders illegally
take androgens to increase muscle mass. In addition to
being illegal, this practice can cause liver disorders as well
as a number of other serious side effects. In females, andro-
gens are especially important in maintaining the sexual
cycle. Estrogen and progesterone produced in the ovaries
are critical regulators of the menstrual and ovarian cycles.
During pregnancy, estrogen production in the placenta
maintains the uterine lining, which protects and nourishes
the developing embryo.
Another major endocrine gland is the pineal gland, lo-
cated in the roof of the third ventricle of the brain in most
vertebrates (see figure 54.27). It is about the size of a pea
and is shaped like a pine-cone (hence its name). The pineal
gland evolved from a median light-sensitive eye (sometimes
called a “third eye,” although it could not form images) at
the top of the skull in primitive vertebrates. This pineal eye
is still present in primitive fish (cyclostomes) and some rep-
tiles. In other vertebrates, however, the pineal gland is
buried deep in the brain and functions as an endocrine
gland by secreting the hormone melatonin. One of the ac-
tions of melatonin is to cause blanching of the skin of lower
vertebrates by reducing the dispersal of melanin granules.
The secretion of melatonin is stimulated by activity of
the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus.
The SCN is known to function as the major biological
clock in vertebrates, entraining (synchronizing) various
body processes to a circadian rhythm (one that repeats
every 24 hours). Through regulation by the SCN, the se-
cretion of melatonin by the pineal gland is entrained to cy-
cles of light and dark, decreasing during the day and in-
creasing at night. This daily cycling of melatonin release
regulates body cycles such as sleep/wake cycles and tem-
perature cycles. In some vertebrates, melatonin helps to
regulate reproductive physiology in species with distinct
breeding seasons, but the role of melatonin in human re-
production is controversial.
There are a variety of hormones secreted by non-
endocrine organs. The thymus is the site of production of
particular lymphocytes called T cells, and it secretes a
number of hormones that function in the regulation of
the immune system. The right atrium of the heart se-
cretes atrial natriuretic hormone, which stimulates the
kidneys to excrete salt and water in the urine. This hor-
mone, therefore, acts antagonistically to aldosterone,
which promotes salt and water retention. The kidneys se-
crete erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the bone
marrow to produce red blood cells. Other organs such as
the liver, stomach, and small intestines secrete hormones;
even the skin has an endocrine function: it secretes vita-
min D. The gas nitric oxide, made by many different
cells, controls blood pressure by dilating arteries. The
drug sildenafil (Viagra) counters impotence by causing
nitric oxide to dilate the blood vessels of the penis.
Molting and Metamorphosis in Insects
As insects grow during postembryonic development, their
hardened exoskeletons do not expand. To overcome this
problem, insects undergo a series of molts wherein they
shed their old exoskeleton (figure 56.21) and secrete a new,
1144 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
FIGURE 56.21
A molting cicada. This adult insect is emerging from its old
larger one. In one molt, a juvenile insect, or larvae, often
undergoes a radical transformation to the adult. This
process is called metamorphosis. Hormonal secretions in-
fluence both molting and metamorphosis in insects. Prior
to molting, neurosecretory cells on the surface of the brain
secrete a small peptide, brain hormone, which in turn
stimulates a gland in the thorax called the prothoracic
gland to produce molting hormone, or ecdysone (figure 56.22).
High levels of ecdysone bring about the biochemical and
behavioral changes that cause molting to occur. Another
pair of endocrine glands near the brain called the corpora
allata produce a hormone called juvenile hormone. High
levels of juvenile hormone prevent the transformation to
the adult and result in a larval to larval molt. If the level of
juvenile hormone is low, however, the molt will result in
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Because target cells are very sensitive to hormones, these
hormones are in very low concentrations in the blood.
Therefore, small changes in concentrations can make a big
difference in how the target organs function. Unfortu-
nately, scientists are now finding that the endocrine system
is not sufficiently protected from the outside world. Some
man-made chemicals (and even a few plant-produced
chemicals) can enter the body and interrupt normal en-
docrine function. These chemicals may be ones we manu-
facture for some other purpose and accidentally leak into
the environment, ones that are industrial waste products
which we “throw away” into the environment, or ones we
purposefully release into the environment such as pesti-
cides. These environmental contaminants get into the food
we eat and the air we breathe. They are everywhere on
earth and cannot be avoided. Some can last for years in the
environment, and just as long in an animal’s body. Those
chemicals that interfere with hormone function are called
endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Any chemical that can bind to receptor proteins and
mimic the effects of the hormone is called a hormone ago-
nist. Any chemical that binds to receptor proteins and has
no effect but blocks the hormone from binding is called a
hormone antagonist. Endocrine disrupting chemicals can
also interfere by binding to the hormone’s protein carriers
in the blood. So far, endocrine disrupting chemicals have
been shown to interfere with reproductive hormones, thy-
roid hormones, and the immune system chemical messen-
gers. These effects are not lethal, but may make individuals
vulnerable in their environment. If they are having prob-
lems reproducing, maintaining the proper metabolic rate,
or fighting off infections, then their numbers will decrease
(perhaps even leading to extinction). These environmental
contaminants may be harming humans in addition to other
species. Laws have been passed requiring the testing of
thousands of chemicals to see if they have endocrine dis-
rupting potential, and the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) must include this testing in their standard
protocols before approving any new compounds.
Sex steroid hormones from the gonads regulate
reproduction, melatonin secreted by the pineal gland
helps regulate circadian rhythms, and thymus hormones
help regulate the vertebrate immune system. Molting
hormone, or ecdysone, and juvenile hormone regulate
metamorphosis and molting in insects.
Chapter 56 The Endocrine System 1145
Neurosecretory cells
Larval molt Pupal molt Adult molt
Corpora allata
Brain hormone
Juvenile hormone
Molting hormone
FIGURE 56.22
The hormonal control of metamorphosis
in the silkworm moth, Bombyx mori.
While molting hormone (ecdysone),
produced by the prothoracic gland, triggers
when molting will occur, juvenile hormone,
produced by bodies near the brain called the
corpora allata, determines the result of a
particular molt. High levels of juvenile
hormone inhibit the formation of the pupa
and adult forms. At the late stages of
metamorphosis, therefore, it is important
that the corpora allata not produce large
amounts of juvenile hormone.
1146 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Chapter 56
Summary Questions Media Resources
56.1 Regulation is often accomplished by chemical messengers.
? Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the blood,
which are then transported to target cells.
? Hormones may be lipophilic, such as the steroid
hormones and thyroxine, or polar, such as amine,
polypeptide, and glycoprotein hormones.
? Prostaglandins and other paracrine regulatory
molecules are produced by one cell type and regulate
different cells within the same organ.
1. What is the definition of a
hormone? How do hormones
reach their target cells? Why are
only certain cells capable of
being target cells for a particular
2. How do hormones and
paracrine regulators differ from
one another?
? Lipid-soluble hormones enter their target cells, bind
to intracellular receptor proteins, and the complex
then binds to hormone response elements on the
DNA, activating specific genes.
? Polar hormones do not enter their target cells, but
instead bind to receptor proteins on the cell
membrane and activate second-messenger systems or
control ion channels.
3. How does epinephrine result
in the production of cAMP in its
target cells? How does cAMP
bring about specific changes
inside target cells?
56.2 Lipophilic and polar hormones regulate their target cells by different means.
? Axons from neurons in the hypothalamus enter the
posterior pituitary, carrying ADH and oxytocin; the
posterior pituitary stores these hormones and secretes
them in response to neural activity.
? The anterior pituitary produces and secretes a variety
of hormones, many of which control other endocrine
glands; the anterior pituitary, however, is itself
controlled by the hypothalamus via releasing and
inhibiting hormones secreted by the hypothalamus.
4. Where are hormones secreted
by the posterior pituitary gland
actually produced?
5. Why are the hormones of the
anterior pituitary gland called
tropic hormones?
6. How does the hypothalamus
regulate the secretion of the
anterior pituitary?
56.3 The hypothalamus controls the secretions of the pituitary gland.
? The thyroid secretes thyroxine and triiodothyronine,
which set the basal metabolic rate by stimulating the
rate of cell respiration in most cells of the body.
? The adrenal cortex secretes cortisol, which regulates
glucose balance, and aldosterone, which regulates
and K
? The β cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
secrete insulin, which lowers the blood glucose;
glucagon, secreted by the α cells, raises the blood
glucose level.
7. What hormones are produced
by the adrenal cortex? What
functions do these hormones
serve? What stimulates the
secretion of these hormones?
8. What pancreatic hormone is
produced when the body’s blood
glucose level becomes elevated?
56.4 Endocrine glands secrete hormones that regulate many body functions.
? Art Activity:
–Endocrine System
? Endocrine System
? Peptide Hormone
–Peptide Hormones
–Steroid Hormones
? Types of Hormones
? Portal System
? Hypothalamus
? Pituitary Gland
? Parathyroid Hormone
? Glucose Regulation
? Thyroid Gland
? Parathyroid Glands
? Adrenal Glands
? Pancreas
The Immune System
Concept Outline
57.1 Many of the body’s most effective defenses are
Skin: The First Line of Defense. The skin provides a
barrier and chemical defenses against foreign bodies.
Cellular Counterattack: The Second Line of Defense.
Neutrophils and macrophages kill through phagocytosis;
natural killer cells kill by making pores in cells.
The Inflammatory Response. Histamines, phagocytotic
cells, and fever may all play a role in local inflammations.
57.2 Specific immune defenses require the recognition
of antigens.
The Immune Response: The Third Line of Defense.
Lymphocytes target specific antigens for attack.
Cells of the Specific Immune System. B cells and T cells
serve different functions in the immune response.
Initiating the Immune Response. T cells must be
activated by an antigen-presenting cell.
57.3 T cells organize attacks against invading microbes.
T cells: The Cell-Mediated Immune Response. T cells
respond to antigens when presented by MHC proteins.
57.4 B cells label specific cells for destruction.
B Cells: The Humoral Immune Response. Antibodies
secreted by B cells label invading microbes for destruction.
Antibodies. Genetic recombination generates millions of
B cells, each specialized to produce a particular antibody.
Antibodies in Medical Diagnosis. Antibodies react
against certain blood types and pregnancy hormones.
57.5 All animals exhibit nonspecific immune response
but specific ones evolved in vertebrates.
Evolution of the Immune System. Invertebrates possess
immune elements analogous to those of vertebrates.
57.6 The immune system can be defeated.
T Cell Destruction: AIDS. The AIDS virus suppresses
the immune system by selectively destroying helper T cells.
Antigen Shifting. Some microbes change their surface
antigens and thus evade the immune system.
Autoimmunity and Allergy. The immune system
sometimes causes disease by attacking its own antigens.
hen you consider how animals defend themselves, it
is natural to think of turtles, armadillos, and other
animals covered like tanks with heavy plates of armor.
However, armor offers no protection against the greatest
dangers vertebrates face—microorganisms and viruses. We
live in a world awash with attackers too tiny to see with the
naked eye, and no vertebrate could long withstand their
onslaught unprotected. We survive because we have
evolved a variety of very effective defenses against this con-
stant attack. As we review these defenses, it is important to
keep in mind that they are far from perfect. Some 22 mil-
lion Americans and Europeans died from influenza over an
18-month period in 1918–1919 (figure 57.1), and more
than 3 million people will die of malaria this year. Attempts
to improve our defenses against infection are among the
most active areas of scientific research today.
The influenza epidemic of 1918–1919 killed 22 million
people in 18 months. With 25 million Americans infected, the
Red Cross often worked around the clock.
rive at the stratum corneum, where they normally remain
for about a month before they are shed and replaced by
newer cells from below. Psoriasis, which afflicts some
4 million Americans, is a chronic skin disorder in which
epidermal cells are replaced every 3 to 4 days, about eight
times faster than normal.
The dermis of skin is 15 to 40 times thicker than the
epidermis. It provides structural support for the epidermis
and a matrix for the many blood vessels, nerve endings,
muscles, and other structures situated within skin. The
wrinkling that occurs as we grow older takes place in the
dermis, and the leather used to manufacture belts and shoes
is derived from very thick animal dermis.
The layer of subcutaneous tissue below the dermis
contains primarily adipose cells. These cells act as shock
absorbers and provide insulation, conserving body heat.
Subcutaneous tissue varies greatly in thickness in differ-
ent parts of the body. It is nonexistent in the eyelids, is a
half-centimeter thick or more on the soles of the feet,
and may be much thicker in other areas of the body, such
as the buttocks and thighs.
Other External Surfaces
In addition to the skin, two other potential routes of entry
by viruses and microorganisms must be guarded: the diges-
tive tract and the respiratory tract. Recall that both the di-
gestive and respiratory tracts open to the outside and their
surfaces must also protect the body from foreign invaders.
Microbes are present in food, but many are killed by saliva
(which also contains lysozyme), by the very acidic environ-
ment of the stomach, and by digestive enzymes in the in-
testine. Microorganisms are also present in inhaled air.
The cells lining the smaller bronchi and bronchioles se-
crete a layer of sticky mucus that traps most microorgan-
isms before they can reach the warm, moist lungs, which
would provide ideal breeding grounds for them. Other
cells lining these passages have cilia that continually sweep
the mucus toward the glottis. There it can be swallowed,
carrying potential invaders out of the lungs and into the
digestive tract. Occasionally, an infectious agent, called a
pathogen, will enter the digestive and respiratory systems
and the body will use defense mechanisms such as vomit-
ing, diarrhea, coughing, and sneezing to expel the
The surface defenses of the body consist of the skin and
the mucous membranes lining the digestive and
respiratory tracts, which eliminate many
microorganisms before they can invade the body
1148 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Skin: The First Line of Defense
The vertebrate is defended from infection the same way
knights defended medieval cities. “Walls and moats” make
entry difficult; “roaming patrols” attack strangers; and
“sentries” challenge anyone wandering about and call pa-
trols if a proper “ID” is not presented.
1. Walls and moats. The outermost layer of the ver-
tebrate body, the skin, is the first barrier to penetra-
tion by microbes. Mucous membranes in the respira-
tory and digestive tracts are also important barriers
that protect the body from invasion.
2. Roaming patrols. If the first line of defense is pen-
etrated, the response of the body is to mount a cellu-
lar counterattack, using a battery of cells and chemi-
cals that kill microbes. These defenses act very
rapidly after the onset of infection.
3. Sentries. Lastly, the body is also guarded by mobile
cells that patrol the bloodstream, scanning the sur-
faces of every cell they encounter. They are part of
the immune system. One kind of immune cell ag-
gressively attacks and kills any cell identified as for-
eign, whereas the other type marks the foreign cell or
virus for elimination by the roaming patrols.
The Skin as a Barrier to Infection
The skin is the largest organ of the vertebrate body, ac-
counting for 15% of an adult human’s total weight. The
skin not only defends the body by providing a nearly im-
penetrable barrier, but also reinforces this defense with
chemical weapons on the surface. Oil and sweat glands give
the skin’s surface a pH of 3 to 5, acidic enough to inhibit
the growth of many microorganisms. Sweat also contains
the enzyme lysozyme, which digests bacterial cell walls. In
addition to defending the body against invasion by viruses
and microorganisms, the skin prevents excessive loss of
water to the air through evaporation.
The epidermis of skin is approximately 10 to 30 cells
thick, about as thick as this page. The outer layer, called
the stratum corneum, contains cells that are continuously
abraded, injured, and worn by friction and stress during
the body’s many activities. The body deals with this dam-
age not by repairing the cells, but by replacing them. Cells
are shed continuously from the stratum corneum and are
replaced by new cells produced in the innermost layer of
the epidermis, the stratum basale, which contains some of
the most actively dividing cells in the vertebrate body. The
cells formed in this layer migrate upward and enter a
broad intermediate stratum spinosum layer. As they move
upward they form the protein keratin, which makes skin
tough and water-resistant. These new cells eventually ar-
57.1 Many of the body’s most effective defenses are nonspecific.
Cellular Counterattack: The Second
Line of Defense
The surface defenses of the vertebrate body are very effec-
tive but are occasionally breached, allowing invaders to
enter the body. At this point, the body uses a host of non-
specific cellular and chemical devices to defend itself. We
refer to this as the second line of defense. These devices all
have one property in common: they respond to any micro-
bial infection without pausing to determine the invader’s
Although these cells and chemicals of the nonspecific
immune response roam through the body, there is a central
location for the collection and distribution of the cells of
the immune system; it is called the lymphatic system (see
chapter 52). The lymphatic system consists of a network of
lymphatic capillaries, ducts, nodes and lymphatic organs
(figure 57.2), and although it has other functions involved
with circulation, it also stores cells and other agents used in
the immune response. These cells are distributed through-
out the body to fight infections, and also stored in the
lymph nodes where foreign invaders can be eliminated as
body fluids pass through.
Cells That Kill Invading Microbes
Perhaps the most important of the vertebrate body’s non-
specific defenses are white blood cells called leukocytes that
circulate through the body and attack invading microbes
within tissues. There are three basic kinds of these cells,
and each kills invading microorganisms differently.
Macrophages (“big eaters”) are large, irregularly shaped
cells that kill microbes by ingesting them through phagocy-
tosis, much as an amoeba ingests a food particle (figure
57.3). Within the macrophage, the membrane-bound vac-
uole containing the bacterium fuses with a lysosome. Fu-
sion activates lysosomal enzymes that kill the microbe by
liberating large quantities of oxygen free-radicals.
Macrophages also engulf viruses, cellular debris, and dust
particles in the lungs. Macrophages circulate continuously
in the extracellular fluid, and their phagocytic actions sup-
plement those of the specialized phagocytic cells that are
part of the structure of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
In response to an infection, monocytes (an undifferentiated
leukocyte) found in the blood squeeze through capillaries
to enter the connective tissues. There, at the site of the in-
fection, the monocytes are transformed into additional
Neutrophils are leukocytes that, like macrophages, in-
gest and kill bacteria by phagocytosis. In addition, neu-
trophils release chemicals (some of which are identical to
household bleach) that kill other bacteria in the neighbor-
hood as well as neutrophils themselves.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1149
Lymph nodes
Lymphatic vessels
The lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of
lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymphatic organs, including
the spleen and thymus gland.
A macrophage in action (1800?). In this scanning electron
micrograph, a macrophage is “fishing” with long, sticky
cytoplasmic extensions. Bacterial cells that come in contact with
the extensions are drawn toward the macrophage and engulfed.
Natural killer cells do not attack invading microbes di-
rectly. Instead, they kill cells of the body that have been
infected with viruses. They kill not by phagocytosis, but
rather by creating a hole in the plasma membrane of the
target cell (figure 57.4). Proteins, called perforins, are re-
leased from the natural killer cells and insert into the
membrane of the target cell, forming a pore. This pore al-
lows water to rush into the target cell, which then swells
and bursts. Natural killer cells also attack cancer cells,
often before the cancer cells have had a chance to develop
into a detectable tumor. The vigilant surveillance by nat-
ural killer cells is one of the body’s most potent defenses
against cancer.
Proteins That Kill Invading Microbes
The cellular defenses of vertebrates are enhanced by a very
effective chemical defense called the complement system.
This system consists of approximately 20 different proteins
that circulate freely in the blood plasma. When they en-
counter a bacterial or fungal cell wall, these proteins aggre-
gate to form a membrane attack complex that inserts itself
into the foreign cell’s plasma membrane, forming a pore
like that produced by natural killer cells (figure 57.5).
Water enters the foreign cell through this pore, causing the
cell to swell and burst. Aggregation of the complement
proteins is also triggered by the binding of antibodies to in-
vading microbes, as we will see in a later section.
The proteins of the complement system can augment
the effects of other body defenses. Some amplify the in-
flammatory response (discussed next) by stimulating hista-
mine release; others attract phagocytes to the area of infec-
tion; and still others coat invading microbes, roughening
the microbes’ surfaces so that phagocytes may attach to
them more readily.
Another class of proteins that play a key role in body de-
fense are interferons. There are three major categories of
interferons: alpha, beta, and gamma. Almost all cells in the
body make alpha and beta interferons. These polypeptides
act as messengers that protect normal cells in the vicinity of
infected cells from becoming infected. Though viruses are
still able to penetrate the neighboring cells, the alpha and
beta interferons prevent viral replication and protein as-
sembly in these cells. Gamma interferon is produced only
by particular lymphocytes and natural killer cells. The se-
cretion of gamma interferon by these cells is part of the im-
munological defense against infection and cancer, as we
will describe later.
A patrolling army of macrophages, neutrophils, and
natural killer cells attacks and destroys invading viruses
and bacteria and eliminates infected cells. In addition, a
system of proteins called complement may be activated
to destroy foreign cells, and body cells infected with a
virus secrete proteins called interferons that protect
neighboring cells.
1150 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Cell membrane
Target cell
Killer cell
How natural killer cells kill target cells. The initial event, the
tight binding of the killer cell to the target cell, causes vesicles
loaded with perforin molecules within the killer cell to move to the
plasma membrane and disgorge their contents into the
intercellular space over the target cell. The perforin molecules
insert into the plasma membrane of the target cell like staves of a
barrel, forming a pore that admits water and ruptures the cell.
How complement creates a hole in a cell membrane. As the
diagram shows, the complement proteins form a complex
transmembrane pore resembling the perforin-lined pores formed
by natural killer cells.
The Inflammatory Response
The inflammatory response is a localized, nonspecific re-
sponse to infection. Infected or injured cells release chemi-
cal alarm signals, most notably histamine and
prostaglandins. These chemicals promote the dilation of
local blood vessels, which increases the flow of blood to the
site of infection or injury and causes the area to become red
and warm. They also increase the permeability of capillar-
ies in the area, producing the edema (tissue swelling) so
often associated with infection. The more permeable capil-
laries allow phagocytes (monocytes and neutrophils) to mi-
grate from the blood to the extracellular fluid, where they
can attack bacteria. Neutrophils arrive first, spilling out
chemicals that kill the bacteria in the vicinity (as well as tis-
sue cells and themselves); the pus associated with some in-
fections is a mixture of dead or dying pathogens, tissue
cells, and neutrophils. Monocytes follow, become
macrophages and engulf pathogens and the remains of the
dead cells (figure 57.6).
The Temperature Response
Macrophages that encounter invading microbes release a
regulatory molecule called interleukin-1, which is carried
by the blood to the brain. Interleukin-1 and other pyrogens
(Greek pyr, “fire”) such as bacterial endotoxins cause neu-
rons in the hypothalamus to raise the body’s temperature
several degrees above the normal value of 37°C (98.6°F).
The elevated temperature that results is called a fever.
Experiments with lizards, which regulate their body
temperature by moving to warmer or colder locations,
demonstrate that infected lizards choose a warmer environ-
ment—they give themselves a fever! Further, if lizards are
prevented from elevating their body temperature, they have
a slower recovery from their infection. Fever contributes to
the body’s defense by stimulating phagocytosis and causing
the liver and spleen to store iron, reducing blood levels of
iron, which bacteria need in large amounts to grow. How-
ever, very high fevers are hazardous because excessive heat
may inactivate critical enzymes. In general, temperatures
greater than 39.4°C (103°F) are considered dangerous for
humans, and those greater than 40.6°C (105°F) are often
Inflammation aids the fight against infection by
increasing blood flow to the site and raising
temperature to retard bacterial growth.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1151
alarm signals
The events in a local inflammation. When an invading microbe has penetrated the skin, chemicals, such as histamine and
prostaglandins, cause nearby blood vessels to dilate. Increased blood flow brings a wave of phagocytic cells, which attack and engulf
invading bacteria.
The Immune Response:
The Third Line of
Few of us pass through childhood
without contracting some sort of in-
fection. Chicken pox, for example, is
an illness that many of us experience
before we reach our teens. It is a dis-
ease of childhood, because most of us
contract it as children and never catch it
again. Once you have had the disease,
you are usually immune to it. Specific
immune defense mechanisms provide
this immunity.
Discovery of the Immune
In 1796, an English country doctor
named Edward Jenner carried out an
experiment that marks the beginning of
the study of immunology. Smallpox was
a common and deadly disease in those
days. Jenner observed, however, that
milkmaids who had caught a much milder form of “the
pox” called cowpox (presumably from cows) rarely caught
smallpox. Jenner set out to test the idea that cowpox con-
ferred protection against smallpox. He infected people with
cowpox (figure 57.7), and as he had predicted, many of
them became immune to smallpox.
We now know that smallpox and cowpox are caused by
two different viruses with similar surfaces. Jenner’s patients
who were injected with the cowpox virus mounted a de-
fense that was also effective against a later infection of the
smallpox virus. Jenner’s procedure of injecting a harmless
microbe in order to confer resistance to a dangerous one is
called vaccination. Modern attempts to develop resistance
to malaria, herpes, and other diseases often involve deliver-
ing antigens via a harmless vaccinia virus related to cowpox
Many years passed before anyone learned how exposure
to an infectious agent can confer resistance to a disease. A
key step toward answering this question was taken more
than a half-century later by the famous French scientist
Louis Pasteur. Pasteur was studying fowl cholera, and he
isolated a culture of bacteria from diseased chickens that
would produce the disease if injected into healthy birds.
Before departing on a two-week vacation, he accidentally
left his bacterial culture out on a shelf. When he returned,
he injected this old culture into healthy birds and found
that it had been weakened; the injected birds became only
slightly ill and then recovered. Surprisingly, however, those
birds did not get sick when subse-
quently infected with fresh fowl
cholera. They remained healthy even if
given massive doses of active fowl
cholera bacteria that did produce the
disease in control chickens. Clearly,
something about the bacteria could
elicit immunity as long as the bacteria
did not kill the animals first. We now
know that molecules protruding from
the surfaces of the bacterial cells evoked
active immunity in the chickens.
Key Concepts of Specific
An antigen is a molecule that provokes
a specific immune response. Antigens
are large, complex molecules such as
proteins; they are generally foreign to
the body, usually present of the surface
of pathogens. A large antigen may have
several parts, and each stimulate a dif-
ferent specific immune response. In this
case, the different parts are known as
antigenic determinant sites, and each
serves as a different antigen. Particular lymphocytes have
receptor proteins on their surfaces that recognize an anti-
gen and direct a specific immune response against either
the antigen or the cell that carries the antigen.
Lymphocytes called B cells respond to antigens by pro-
ducing proteins called antibodies. Antibody proteins are se-
creted into the blood and other body fluids and thus provide
humoral immunity. (The term humor here is used in its
ancient sense, referring to a body fluid.) Other lymphocytes
called T cells do not secrete antibodies but instead directly
attack the cells that carry the specific antigens. These cells
are thus described as producing cell-mediated immunity.
The specific immune responses protect the body in two
ways. First, an individual can gain immunity by being ex-
posed to a pathogen (disease-causing agent) and perhaps get-
ting the disease. This is acquired immunity, such as the resis-
tance to the chicken pox that you acquire after having the
disease in childhood. Another term for this process is active
immunity. Second, an individual can gain immunity by ob-
taining the antibodies from another individual. This hap-
pened to you before you were born, with antibodies made
by your mother being transferred to you across the placenta.
Immunity gained in this way is called passive immunity.
Antigens are molecules, usually foreign, that provoke a
specific immune attack. This immune attack may
involve secreted proteins called antibodies, or it may
invoke a cell-mediated attack.
1152 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
57.2 Specific immune defenses require the recognition of antigens.
The birth of immunology. This famous
painting shows Edward Jenner inoculating
patients with cowpox in the 1790s and thus
protecting them from smallpox.
Cells of the Specific
Immune System
The immune defense mechanisms of the body
involve the actions of white blood cells, or
leukocytes. Leukocytes include neutrophils,
eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes, all of
which are phagocytic and are involved in the
second line of defense, as well as two types of
lymphocytes (T cells and B cells), which are not
phagocytic but are critical to the specific im-
mune response (table 57.1), the third line of de-
fense. T cells direct the cell-mediated response,
B cells the humoral response.
After their origin in the bone marrow,
T cells migrate to the thymus (hence the desig-
nation “T”), a gland just above the heart.
There they develop the ability to identify mi-
croorganisms and viruses by the antigens ex-
posed on their surfaces. Tens of millions of
different T cells are made, each specializing in
the recognition of one particular antigen. No
invader can escape being recognized by at least
a few T cells. There are four principal kinds of
T cells: inducer T cells oversee the develop-
ment of T cells in the thymus; helper T cells
(often symbolized T
) initiate the immune re-
sponse; cytotoxic (“cell-poisoning”) T cells
(often symbolized T
) lyse cells that have been
infected by viruses; and suppressor T cells ter-
minate the immune response.
Unlike T cells, B cells do not travel to the
thymus; they complete their maturation in the
bone marrow. (B cells are so named because they
were originally characterized in a region of
chickens called the bursa.) From the bone mar-
row, B cells are released to circulate in the blood
and lymph. Individual B cells, like T cells, are
specialized to recognize particular foreign anti-
gens. When a B cell encounters the antigen to
which it is targeted, it begins to divide rapidly,
and its progeny differentiate into plasma cells
and memory cells. Each plasma cell is a minia-
ture factory producing antibodies that stick like
flags to that antigen wherever it occurs in the
body, marking any cell bearing the antigen for
destruction. The immunity that Pasteur ob-
served resulted from such antibodies and from
the continued presence of the B cells that pro-
duced them.
The lymphocytes, T cells and B cells, are
involved in the specific immune response.
T cells develop in the thymus while B cells
develop in the bone marrow.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1153
Table 57.1 Cells of the Immune System
Cell Type Function
Helper T cell
Inducer T cell
Cytotoxic T cell
Suppressor T cell
B cell
Plasma cell
Mast cell
Natural killer cell
Commander of the immune response;
detects infection and sounds the alarm,
initiating both T cell and B cell
Not involved in the immediate response
to infection; mediates the maturation of
other T cells in the thymus
Detects and kills infected body cells;
recruited by helper T cells
Dampens the activity of T and B cells,
scaling back the defense after the
infection has been checked
Precursor of plasma cell; specialized to
recognize specific foreign antigens
Biochemical factory devoted to the
production of antibodies directed against
specific foreign antigens
Initiator of the inflammatory response,
which aids the arrival of leukocytes at a
site of infection; secretes histamine and
is important in allergic responses
Precursor of macrophage
The body’s first cellular line of defense;
also serves as antigen-presenting cell to
B and T cells and engulfs antibody-
covered cells
Recognizes and kills infected body cells;
natural killer (NK) cell detects and kills
cells infected by a broad range of
invaders; killer (K) cell attacks only
antibody-coated cells
Initiating the Immune Response
To understand how the third line of defense works, imag-
ine you have just come down with the flu. Influenza viruses
enter your body in small water droplets inhaled into your
respiratory system. If they avoid becoming ensnared in the
mucus lining the respiratory membranes (first line of de-
fense), and avoid consumption by macrophages (second
line of defense), the viruses infect and kill mucous mem-
brane cells.
At this point macrophages initiate the immune de-
fense. Macrophages inspect the surfaces of all cells they
encounter. The surfaces of most vertebrate cells possess
glycoproteins produced by a group of genes called the
major histocompatibility complex (MHC). These gly-
coproteins are called MHC proteins or, specifically in
humans, human leukocyte antigens (HLA). The genes
encoding the MHC proteins are highly polymorphic
(have many forms); for example, the human MHC pro-
teins are specified by genes that are the most polymor-
phic known, with nearly 170 alleles each. Only rarely will
two individuals have the same combination of alleles, and
the MHC proteins are thus different for each individual,
much as fingerprints are. As a result, the MHC proteins
on the tissue cells serve as self markers that enable the in-
dividual’s immune system to distinguish its cells from
foreign cells, an ability called self-versus-nonself
recognition. T cells of the immune system will recog-
nize a cell as self or nonself by the MHC proteins present
on the cell surface.
When a foreign particle, such as a virus, infects the
body, it is taken in by cells and partially digested. Within
the cells, the viral antigens are processed and moved to the
surface of the plasma membrane. The cells that perform
this function are known as antigen-presenting cells (fig-
ure 57.8). At the membrane, the processed antigens are
complexed with the MHC proteins. This enables T cells to
recognize antigens presented to them associated with the
MHC proteins.
There are two classes of MHC proteins. MHC-I is
present on every nucleated cell of the body. MHC-II,
however, is found only on macrophages, B cells, and a
subtype of T cells called CD4
T cells (table 57.2). These
three cell types work together in one form of the immune
response, and their MHC-II markers permit them to rec-
ognize one another. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which act
to destroy infected cells as previously described, can only
interact with antigens presented to them with MHC-I
proteins. Helper T lymphocytes, whose functions will
soon be described, can interact only with antigens pre-
sented with MHC-II proteins. These restrictions result
from the presence of coreceptors, which are proteins as-
sociated with the T cell receptors. The coreceptor known
as CD8 is associated with the cytotoxic T cell receptor
(these cells can therefore be indicated
as CD8
). The CD8 coreceptor can in-
teract only with the MHC-I proteins of
an infected cell. The coreceptor known
as CD4 is associated with the helper T
cell receptor (these cells can thus be in-
dicated as CD4
) and interacts only
with the MHC-II proteins of another
lymphocyte (figure 57.9).
1154 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
MHC protein
(a) Body cell (b) Foreign microbe
(c) Antigen-presenting cell
Antigens are presented on MHC
proteins. (a) Cells of the body have MHC
proteins on their surfaces that identify
them as “self” cells. Immune system cells
do not attack these cells. (b) Foreign cells
or microbes have antigens on their
surfaces. B cells are able to bind directly
to free antigens in the body and initiate an
attack on a foreign invaded. (c) T cells can
bind to antigens only after the antigens
are processed and complexed with MHC
proteins on the surface of an antigen-
presenting cell.
Macrophages encounter foreign particles in the body,
partially digest the virus particles, and present the foreign
antigens in a complex with the MHC-II proteins on its
membrane. This combination of MHC-II proteins and for-
eign antigens is required for interaction with the receptors
on the surface of helper T cells. At the same time,
macrophages that encounter antigens or antigen-presenting
cells release a protein called interleukin-1 that acts as a
chemical alarm signal (discussed in the next section).
Helper T cells respond to interleukin-1 by simultaneously
initiating two parallel lines of immune system defense: the
cell-mediated response carried out by T cells and the hu-
moral response carried out by B cells.
Antigen-presenting cells must present foreign antigens
together with MHC-II proteins in order to activate
helper T cells, which have the CD4 coreceptor.
Cytotoxic T cells use the CD8 coreceptor and must
interact with foreign antigens presented on MHC-I
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1155
Table 57.2 Key Cell Surface Proteins of the Immune System
Immune Receptors MHC Proteins
Cell Type T Receptor B Receptor MHC-I MHC-II
B cell – + + +
T cell + – + +
T cell + – + –
Macrophage – – + +
Note: CD4
T cells include inducer T cells and helper T cells; CD8
T cells include cytotoxic T cells and suppressor T cells. + means present; – means
Helper T cell
Cytotoxic T cell
Target cell
T cell receptor
Foreign antigen
CD8 coreceptorCD4 coreceptor
II protein
I protein
T cells bind to foreign antigens in conjunction with MHC proteins. The CD4 coreceptor on helper T cells requires that these cells
interact with class-2 MHC (or MHC-II) proteins. The CD8 coreceptor on cytotoxic T cells requires that these cells interact only with
cells bearing class-1 MHC (or MHC-I) proteins.
T cells: The Cell-Mediated
Immune Response
The cell-mediated immune response, carried out by
T cells, protects the body from virus infection and cancer,
killing abnormal or virus-infected body cells.
Once a helper T cell that initiates this response is pre-
sented with foreign antigen together with MHC proteins
by a macrophage or other antigen-presenting cell, a com-
plex series of steps is initiated. An integral part of this
process is the secretion of autocrine regulatory molecules
known generally as cytokines, or more specifically as lym-
phokines if they are secreted by lymphocytes.
When a cytokine is first discovered, it is named according
to its biological activity (such as B cell–stimulating factor).
However, because each cytokine has many different actions,
such names can be misleading. Scientists have thus agreed to
use the name interleukin, followed by a number, to indicate
a cytokine whose amino acid sequence has been determined.
Interleukin-1, for example, is secreted by macrophages and
can activate the T cell system. B cell–stimulating factor,
now called interleukin-4, is secreted by T cells and is re-
quired for the proliferation and clone development of B cells.
Interleukin-2 is released by helper T cells and, among its ef-
fects, is required for the activation of cytotoxic T lympho-
cytes. We will consider the actions of the cytokines as we
describe the development of the T cell immune response.
Cell Interactions in the T Cell Response
When macrophages process the foreign antigens, they se-
crete interleukin-1, which stimulates cell division and pro-
liferation of T cells (figure 57.10). Once the helper T cells
have been activated by the antigens presented to them by
1156 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
57.3 T cells organize attacks against invading microbes.
MHC-II protein Processed
viral antigen
Helper T cell
Infected cell
destroyed by
cytotoxic T cell
T cell
that fits the
Antigen-presenting cell
MHC-I protein
Viral antigen
Cytotoxic T cell
FIGURE 57.10
The T cell immune defense. After a macrophage has processed an antigen, it releases interleukin-1, signaling helper T cells to bind to
the antigen-MHC protein complex. This triggers the helper T cell to release interleukin-2, which stimulates the multiplication of
cytotoxic T cells. In addition, proliferation of cytotoxic T cells is stimulated when a T cell with a receptor that fits the antigen displayed by
an antigen-presenting cell binds to the antigen-MHC protein complex. Body cells that have been infected by the antigen are destroyed by
the cytotoxic T cells. As the infection subsides, suppressor T cells “turn off” the immune response.
the macrophages, they secrete the cytokines known as
macrophage colony-stimulating factor and gamma inter-
feron, which promote the activity of macrophages. In addi-
tion, the helper T cells secrete interleukin-2, which stimu-
lates the proliferation of cytotoxic T cells that are specific
for the antigen. (Interleukin-2 also stimulates B cells, as we
will see in the next section.) Cytotoxic T cells can destroy
infected cells only if those cells display the foreign antigen
together with their MHC-I proteins (see figure 57.10).
T Cells in Transplant Rejection and Surveillance
against Cancer
Cytotoxic T cells will also attack any foreign version of
MHC-I as if it signaled a virus-infected cell. Therefore, even
though vertebrates did not evolve the immune system as a de-
fense against tissue transplants, their immune systems will at-
tack transplanted tissue and cause graft rejection. Recall that
the MHC proteins are polymorphic, but because of their ge-
netic basis, the closer that two individuals are related, the less
variance in their MHC proteins and the more likely they will
tolerate each other’s tissues—this is why relatives are often
sought for kidney transplants. The drug cyclosporin inhibits
graft rejection by inactivating cytotoxic T cells.
As tumors develop, they reveal surface antigens that can
stimulate the immune destruction of the tumor cells. Tumor
antigens activate the immune system, initiating an attack pri-
marily by cytotoxic T cells (figure 57.11) and natural killer
cells. The concept of immunological surveillance against
cancer was introduced in the early 1970s to describe the pro-
posed role of the immune system in fighting cancer.
The production of human interferons by genetically en-
gineered bacteria has made large amounts of these sub-
stances available for the experimental treatment of cancer.
Thus far, interferons have proven to be a useful addition to
the treatment of particular forms of cancer, including some
types of lymphomas, renal carcinoma, melanoma, Kaposi’s
sarcoma, and breast cancer.
Interleukin-2 (IL-2), which activates both cytotoxic T cells
and B cells, is now also available for therapeutic use through
genetic-engineering techniques. Particular lymphocytes from
cancer patients have been removed, treated with IL-2, and
given back to the patients together with IL-2 and gamma in-
terferon. Scientists are also attempting to identify specific
antigens and their genes that may become uniquely expressed
in cancer cells, in an effort to help the immune system to bet-
ter target cancer cells for destruction.
Helper T cells are only activated when a foreign antigen
is presented together with MHC antigens by a
macrophage or other antigen-presenting cells. The
helper T cells are also stimulated by interleukin-1
secreted by the macrophages, and, when activated,
secrete a number of lymphokines. Interleukin-2,
secreted by helper T cells, activates both cytotoxic
T cells and B cells. Cytotoxic T cells destroy infected
cells, transplanted cells, and cancer cells by cell-
mediated attack.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1157
(a) (b)
FIGURE 57.11
Cytotoxic T cells destroy cancer cells. (a) The cytotoxic T cell (orange) comes into contact with a cancer cell (pink). (b) The T cell
recognizes that the cancer cell is “nonself” and causes the destruction of the cancer.
B Cells: The Humoral Response
B cells also respond to helper T cells activated by interleukin-
1. Like cytotoxic T cells, B cells have receptor proteins on
their surface, one type of receptor for each type of B cell. B
cells recognize invading microbes much as cytotoxic T cells
recognize infected cells, but unlike cytotoxic T cells, they
do not go on the attack themselves. Rather, they mark the
pathogen for destruction by mechanisms that have no “ID
check” system of their own. Early in the immune response,
the markers placed by B cells alert complement proteins to
attack the cells carrying them. Later in the immune re-
sponse, the markers placed by B cells activate macrophages
and natural killer cells.
The way B cells do their marking is simple and fool-
proof. Unlike the receptors on T cells, which bind only to
antigen-MHC protein complexes on antigen-presenting
cells, B cell receptors can bind to free, unprocessed anti-
gens. When a B cell encounters an antigen, antigen parti-
cles will enter the B cell by endocytosis and get
processed. Helper T cells that are able to recognize the
specific antigen will bind to the antigen-MHC protein
complex on the B cell and release interleukin-2, which
stimulates the B cell to divide. In addition, free, un-
processed antigens stick to antibodies on the B cell sur-
face. This antigen exposure triggers even more B cell
proliferation. B cells divide to produce long-lived mem-
ory B cells and plasma cells that serve as short-lived anti-
body factories (figure 57.12). The antibodies are released
into the blood plasma, lymph, and other extracellular flu-
ids. Figure 57.13 summarizes the roles of helper T cells,
which are essential in both the cell-mediated and hu-
moral immune responses.
Antibodies are proteins in a class called im-
munoglobulins (abbreviated Ig), which is divided into
subclasses based on the structures and functions of the
1158 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
57.4 B cells label specific cells for destruction.
B cell receptor
B cell
B cell
T cell receptor
MHC-II protein
Processed antigen
Helper T cell
Helper T cell
Plasma cell Plasma cell
Memory cell
marked for
FIGURE 57.12
The B cell immune defense. Invading particles are bound by B cells, which interact with helper T cells and are activated to divide. The
multiplying B cells produce either memory B cells or plasma cells that secrete antibodies which bind to invading microbes and tag them for
destruction by macrophages.
antibodies. The different immunoglobulin subclasses are
as follows:
1. IgM. This is the first type of antibody to be secreted
during the primary response and they serve as recep-
tors on the lymphocyte surface. These antibodies also
promote agglutination reactions (causing antigen-con-
taining particles to stick together, or agglutinate).
2. IgG. This is the major form of antibody in the
blood plasma and is secreted in a secondary response.
3. IgD. These antibodies serve as receptors for anti-
gens on the B cell surface. Their other functions are
4. IgA. This is the major form of antibody in external
secretions, such as saliva and mother’s milk.
5. IgE. This form of antibodies promotes the release
of histamine and other agents that aid in attacking a
pathogen. Unfortunately, they sometimes trigger a
full-blown response when a harmless antigen enters
the body producing allergic symptoms, such as those
of hay fever.
Each B cell has on its surface about 100,000 IgM or
IgD receptors. Unlike the receptors on T cells, which
bind only to antigens presented by certain cells, B recep-
tors can bind to free antigens. This provokes a primary
response in which antibodies of the IgM class are se-
creted, and also stimulates cell division and clonal expan-
sion. Upon subsequent exposure, the plasma cells secrete
large amounts of antibodies that are generally of the IgG
class. Although plasma cells live only a few days, they
produce a vast number of antibodies. In fact, antibodies
constitute about 20% by weight of the total protein in
blood plasma. Production of IgG antibodies peaks after
about three weeks (figure 57.14).
When IgM (and to a lesser extent IgG) antibodies bind
to antigens on a cell, they cause the aggregation of com-
plement proteins. As we mentioned earlier, these pro-
teins form a pore that pierces the plasma membrane of
the infected cell (see figure 57.5), allowing water to enter
and causing the cell to burst. In contrast, when IgG anti-
bodies bind to antigens on a cell, they serve as markers
that stimulate phagocytosis by macrophages. Because cer-
tain complement proteins attract phagocytic cells, activa-
tion of complement is generally accompanied by in-
creased phagocytosis. Notice that antibodies don’t kill
invading pathogens directly; rather, they cause destruc-
tion of the pathogens by activating the complement sys-
tem and by targeting the pathogen for attack by phago-
cytic cells.
In the humoral immune response, B cells recognize
antigens and divide to produce plasma cells, producing
large numbers of circulating antibodies directed against
those antigens. IgM antibodies are produced first, and
they activate the complement system. Thereafter, IgG
antibodies are produced and promote phagocytosis.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1159
to congregate at
site of infection
T cells
Shut down both
cell-mediated and
humoral immune
of new
T cells
T cells
Cause cytotoxic
T cells to
and gamma
Bind to
B cell–antigen
Cause B cells
to multiply
T cells
FIGURE 57.13
The many roles of helper T cells. Helper T cells, through their
secretion of lymphokines and interaction with other cells of the
immune system, participate in every aspect of the immune
Antibody levels
0 2 4 6
FIGURE 57.14
IgM and IgG antibodies. The first antibodies produced in the
humoral immune response are IgM antibodies, which are very
effective at activating the complement system. This initial wave of
antibody production peaks after about one week and is followed
by a far more extended production of IgG antibodies.
Structure of Antibodies
Each antibody molecule consists of two identical short
polypeptides, called light chains, and two identical long
polypeptides, called heavy chains (figure 57.15). The four
chains in an antibody molecule are held together by disul-
fide (—S—S—) bonds, forming a Y-shaped molecule (fig-
ure 57.16).
Comparing the amino acid sequences of different anti-
body molecules shows that the specificity of antibodies
for antigens resides in the two arms of the Y, which have
a variable amino acid sequence. The amino acid sequence
of the polypeptides in the stem of the Y is constant
within a given class of immunoglobulins. Most of the se-
quence variation between antibodies of different speci-
ficity is found in the variable region of each arm. Here, a
cleft forms that acts as the binding site for the antigen.
Both arms always have exactly the same cleft and so bind
to the same antigen.
Antibodies with the same variable
segments have identical clefts and
therefore recognize the same antigen,
but they may differ in the stem por-
tions of the antibody molecule. The
stem is formed by the so-called “con-
stant” regions of the heavy chains. In
mammals there are five different
classes of heavy chain that form five
classes of immunoglobulins: IgM, IgG,
IgA, IgD, and IgE. We have already
discussed the roles of IgM and IgG an-
tibodies in the humoral immune re-
IgE antibodies bind to mast cells.
The heavy-chain stems of the IgE an-
tibody molecules insert into receptors
on the mast cell plasma membrane, in
effect creating B receptors on the mast
cell surface. When these cells en-
counter the specific antigen recog-
nized by the arms of the antibody, they
initiate the inflammatory response by
releasing histamine. The resulting va-
sodilation and increased capillary per-
meability enable lymphocytes,
macrophages, and complement pro-
teins to more easily reach the site where the mast cell en-
countered the antigen. The IgE antibodies are involved
in allergic reactions and will be discussed in more detail
in a later section.
IgA antibodies are present in secretions such as milk,
mucus, and saliva. In milk, these antibodies are thought to
provide immune protection to nursing infants, whose own
immune systems are not yet fully developed.
Antibody Diversity
The vertebrate immune system is capable of recognizing
as foreign millions nonself molecule presented to it. Al-
though vertebrate chromosomes contain only a few hun-
dred receptor-encoding genes, it is estimated that human
B cells can make between 10
and 10
different antibody
molecules. How do vertebrates generate millions of dif-
ferent antigen receptors when their chromosomes con-
1160 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Light chains
Heavy chains
FIGURE 57.15
The structure of an antibody molecule. In this molecular model
of an antibody molecule, each amino acid is represented by a small
sphere. The heavy chains are colored blue; the light chains are red.
The four chains wind about one another to form a Y shape, with
two identical antigen-binding sites at the arms of the Y and a stem
region that directs the antibody to a particular portion of the
immune response.
Constant region
Variable region
S-S bridges
B cell
FIGURE 57.16
Structure of an antibody as a B cell receptor. The receptor molecules are
characterized by domains of about 100 amino acids (represented as loops) joined by
—S—S— covalent bonds. Each receptor has a constant region (purple) and a variable
region (yellow). The receptor binds to antigens at the ends of its two variable regions.
tain only a few hundred copies of the genes encoding
those receptors?
The answer to this question is that in the B cell the mil-
lions of immune receptor genes do not have to be inherited at
conception because they do not exist as single sequences of
nucleotides. Rather, they are assembled by stitching together
three or four DNA segments that code for different parts of
the receptor molecule. When an antibody is assembled, the
different sequences of DNA are brought together to form a
composite gene (figure 57.17). This process is called somatic
rearrangement. For example, combining DNA in different
ways can produce 16,000 different heavy chains and about
1200 different light chains (in mouse antibodies).
Two other processes generate even more sequences.
First, the DNA segments are often joined together with
one or two nucleotides off-register, shifting the reading
frame during gene transcription and so generating a totally
different sequence of amino acids in the protein. Second,
random mistakes occur during successive DNA replications
as the lymphocytes divide during clonal expansion. Both
mutational processes produce changes in amino acid se-
quences, a phenomenon known as somatic mutation be-
cause it takes place in a somatic cell, a B cell rather than in
a gamete.
Because a B cell may end up with any heavy-chain gene
and any light-chain gene during its maturation, the total
number of different antibodies possible is staggering:
16,000 heavy-chain combinations × 1200 light-chain com-
binations = 19 million different possible antibodies. If one
also takes into account the changes induced by somatic mu-
tation, the total can exceed 200 million! It should be under-
stood that, although this discussion has centered on B cells
and their receptors, the receptors on T cells are as diverse
as those on B cells because they also are subject to similar
somatic rearrangements and mutations.
Immunological Tolerance
A mature animal’s immune system normally does not re-
spond to that animal’s own tissue. This acceptance of self
cells is known as immunological tolerance. The immune
system of an embryo, on the other hand, is able to respond
to both foreign and self molecules, but it loses the ability to
respond to self molecules as its development proceeds. In-
deed, if foreign tissue is introduced into an embryo before
its immune system has developed, the mature animal that
results will not recognize that tissue as foreign and will ac-
cept grafts of similar tissue without rejection.
There are two general mechanisms for immunological
tolerance: clonal deletion and clonal suppression. During
the normal maturation of hemopoietic stem cells in an em-
bryo, fetus, or newborn, most lymphocyte clones that have
receptors for self antigens are either eliminated (clonal
deletion) or suppressed (clonal suppression). The cells
“learn” to identify self antigens because the antigens are
encountered very frequently. If a receptor is activated fre-
quently, it is assumed that the cell is recognizing a self anti-
gen and the lymphocytes are eliminated or suppressed.
Thus, the only clones that survive this phase of develop-
ment are those that are directed against foreign rather than
self molecules.
Immunological tolerance sometimes breaks down, caus-
ing either B cells or T cells (or both) to recognize their
own tissue antigens. This loss of immune tolerance results
in autoimmune disease. Myasthenia gravis, for example, is
an autoimmune disease in which individuals produce anti-
bodies directed against acetylcholine receptors on their
own skeletal muscle cells, causing paralysis. Autoimmunity
will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
An antibody molecule is composed of constant and
variable regions. The variable regions recognize a
specific antigen because they possess clefts into which
the antigen can fit. Lymphocyte receptors are encoded
by genes that are assembled by somatic rearrangement
and mutation of the DNA.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1161
of gene
Chromosome of
undifferentiated B cell
B cell
DNA of
B cell
of DNA
FIGURE 57.17
The lymphocyte receptor molecule is produced by a
composite gene. Different regions of the DNA code for different
regions of the receptor structure (C, constant regions; J, joining
regions; D, diversity regions; and V, variable regions) and are
brought together to make a composite gene that codes for the
receptor. Through different somatic rearrangements of these
DNA segments, an enormous number of different receptor
molecules can be produced.
Active Immunity through Clonal Selection
As we discussed earlier, B and T cells have receptors on
their cell surfaces that recognize and bind to specific anti-
gens. When a particular antigen enters the body, it must,
by chance, encounter the specific lymphocyte with the ap-
propriate receptor in order to provoke an immune re-
sponse. The first time a pathogen invades the body, there
are only a few B or T cells that may have the receptors that
can recognize the invader’s antigens. Binding of the anti-
gen to its receptor on the lymphocyte surface, however,
stimulates cell division and produces a clone (a population of
genetically identical cells). This process is known as clonal
selection. In this first encounter, there are only a few cells
that can mount an immune response and the response is
relatively weak. This is called a primary immune re-
sponse (figure 57.18).
If the primary immune response involves B cells, some
become plasma cells that secrete antibodies, and some be-
come memory cells. Because a clone of memory cells spe-
cific for that antigen develops after the primary response,
the immune response to a second infection by the same
pathogen is swifter and stronger. The next time the body is
invaded by the same pathogen, the immune system is
ready. As a result of the first infection, there is now a large
clone of lymphocytes that can recognize that pathogen (fig-
ure 57.19). This more effective response, elicited by subse-
quent exposures to an antigen, is called a secondary im-
mune response.
Memory cells can survive for several decades, which is
why people rarely contract chicken pox a second time after
they have had it once. Memory cells are also the reason that
vaccinations are effective. The vaccine triggers the primary
response so that if the actual pathogen is encountered later,
the large and rapid secondary response occurs and stops the
infection before it can start. The viruses causing childhood
diseases have surface antigens that change little from year to
year, so the same antibody is effective for decades.
Figure 57.20 summarizes how the cellular and humoral
lines of defense work together to produce the body’s spe-
cific immune response.
Active immunity is produced by clonal selection and
expansion. This occurs because interaction of an
antigen with its receptor on the lymphocyte surface
stimulates cell division, so that more lymphocytes are
available to combat subsequent exposures to the same
1162 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Amount of antibody
to smallpox
to cowpox
This interval
may be years.
FIGURE 57.18
The development of active immunity. Immunity to smallpox in
Jenner’s patients occurred because their inoculation with cowpox
stimulated the development of lymphocyte clones with receptors
that could bind not only to cowpox but also to smallpox antigens.
As a result of clonal selection, a second exposure, this time to
smallpox, stimulates the immune system to produce large amounts
of the antibody more rapidly than before.
B lymphocyte
Plasma cell
Memory cells
of clone
FIGURE 57.19
The clonal selection theory of active immunity. In response to
interaction with an antigen that binds specifically to its surface
receptors, a B cell divides many times to produce a clone of
B cells. Some of these become plasma cells that secrete antibodies
for the primary response, while others become memory cells that
await subsequent exposures to the antigen for the mounting of a
secondary immune response.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1163
Viruses infect the cell. Viral
proteins are displayed on
the cell surface.
Viruses and viral
proteins on infected
cells stimulate
2Cytotoxic T
cells bind to
infected cells
and kill them.
destroy viruses
and cells tagged
with antibodies.
Antibodies bind to
viral proteins, some
displayed on the
surface of infected
activates helper T
cells, which release
activates B cells and
cytotoxic T cells.
B cells
Some B cells
become memory
Helper T cell
Cytotoxic T cell
B cell
Infected cell
Other B
cells become
FIGURE 57.20
Overview of the specific immune response.
Antibodies in Medical
Blood Typing
The blood type denotes the class of
antigens found on the red blood cell
surface. Red blood cell antigens are
clinically important because their types
must be matched between donors and
recipients for blood transfusions. There
are several groups of red blood cell
antigens, but the major group is known
as the ABO system. In terms of the
antigens present on the red blood cell
surface, a person may be type A (with
only A antigens), type B (with only B
antigens), type AB (with both A and B
antigens), or type O (with neither A nor
B antigens).
The immune system is tolerant to its
own red blood cell antigens. A person
who is type A, for example, does not
produce anti-A antibodies. Surpris-
ingly, however, people with type A
blood do make antibodies against the B
antigen, and conversely, people with
blood type B make antibodies against
the A antigen. This is believed to result
from the fact that antibodies made in
response to some common bacteria
cross-react with the A or B antigens. A
person who is type A, therefore, ac-
quires antibodies that can react with B
antigens by exposure to these bacteria
but does not develop antibodies that
can react with A antigens. People who are type AB develop
tolerance to both antigens and thus do not produce either
anti-A or anti-B antibodies. Those who are type O, in con-
trast, do not develop tolerance to either antigen and, there-
fore, have both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their
If type A blood is mixed on a glass slide with serum from
a person with type B blood, the anti-A antibodies in the
serum will cause the type A red blood cells to clump to-
gether, or agglutinate (figure 57.21). These tests allow the
blood types to be matched prior to transfusions, so that ag-
glutination will not occur in the blood vessels, where it
could lead to inflammation and organ damage.
Rh Factor. Another group of antigens found in most
red blood cells is the Rh factor (Rh stands for rhesus mon-
key, in which these antigens were first discovered). Peo-
ple who have these antigens are said to be Rh-positive,
whereas those who do not are Rh-negative. There are
fewer Rh-negative people because this condition is reces-
sive to Rh-positive. The Rh factor is of particular signifi-
cance when Rh-negative mothers give birth to Rh-
positive babies.
Because the fetal and maternal blood are normally kept
separate across the placenta (see chapter 60), the Rh-negative
mother is not usually exposed to the Rh antigen of the fetus
during the pregnancy. At the time of birth, however, a vari-
able degree of exposure may occur, and the mother’s im-
mune system may become sensitized and produce antibod-
ies against the Rh antigen. If the woman does produce
antibodies against the Rh factor, these antibodies can cross
the placenta in subsequent pregnancies and cause hemolysis
of the Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus. The baby is
therefore born anemic, with a condition called erythroblasto-
sis fetalis, or hemolytic disease of the newborn.
Erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented by injecting the
Rh-negative mother with an antibody preparation against
the Rh factor within 72 hours after the birth of each Rh-
positive baby. This is a type of passive immunization in
which the injected antibodies inactivate the Rh antigens
and thus prevent the mother from becoming actively im-
munized to them.
1164 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Recipient's blood
Type A serum
Donor's blood
Type A
Type B
Type AB
Type B serum
FIGURE 57.21
Blood typing. Agglutination of the red blood cells is seen when blood types are mixed with
sera containing antibodies against the ABO antigens. Note that no agglutination would be
seen if type O blood (not shown) were used.
Monoclonal Antibodies
Antibodies are commercially prepared for use in medical di-
agnosis and research. In the past, antibodies were obtained
by chemically purifying a specific antigen and then injecting
this antigen into animals. However, because an antigen typi-
cally has many different antigenic determinant sites, the an-
tibodies obtained by this method were polyclonal; they stimu-
lated the development of different B-cell clones with
different specificities. This decreased their sensitivity to a
particular antigenic site and resulted in some degree of
cross-reaction with closely related antigen molecules.
Monoclonal antibodies, by contrast, exhibit specificity
for one antigenic determinant only. In the preparation of
monoclonal antibodies, an animal (frequently, a mouse) is
injected with an antigen and subsequently killed. B lym-
phocytes are then obtained from the animal’s spleen and
placed in thousands of different in vitro incubation vessels.
These cells soon die, however, unless they are hybridized
with cancerous multiple myeloma cells. The fusion of a B
lymphocyte with a cancerous cell produces a hybrid that
undergoes cell division and produces a clone called a hy-
bridoma. Each hybridoma secretes large amounts of identi-
cal, monoclonal antibodies. From among the thousands of
hybridomas produced in this way, the one that produces
the desired antibody is cultured for large-scale production,
and the rest are discarded (figure 57.22).
The availability of large quantities of pure monoclonal
antibodies has resulted in the development of much more
sensitive clinical laboratory tests. Modern pregnancy tests,
for example, use particles (latex rubber or red blood cells)
that are covered with monoclonal antibodies produced
against a pregnancy hormone (abbreviated hCG—see
chapter 59) as the antigen. When these particles are mixed
with a sample that contains this hormone antigen from a
pregnant woman, the antigen-antibody reaction causes a
visible agglutination of the particles (figure 57.23).
Agglutination occurs because different antibodies exist
for the ABO and Rh factor antigens on the surface of
red blood cells. Monoclonal antibodies are
commercially produced antibodies that react against
one specific antigen.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1165
Myeloma cell culture Myeloma cells
Clone antibody-
producing (positive)
Selection of
hybrid cells
Assay for
for future use
B lymphocytes
from spleen
Assay for
Mass culture
FIGURE 57.22
The production of monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies are produced by cells that arise from successive divisions of a single B cell,
and hence all of the antibodies target a single antigenic determinant site. Such antibodies are used for a variety of medical applications,
including pregnancy testing.
Latex particles
Antibodies attached to latex particles
+ Antigen X
Agglutination (clumping) of latex particles
FIGURE 57.23
Using monoclonal antibodies to detect an antigen. In many
clinical tests (such as pregnancy testing), the monoclonal
antibodies are bound to particles of latex, which agglutinate in the
presence of the antigen.
Evolution of the Immune System
All organisms possess mechanisms to protect themselves
from the onslaught of smaller organisms and viruses. Bac-
teria defend against viral invasion by means of restriction en-
donucleases, enzymes that degrade any foreign DNA lacking
the specific pattern of DNA methylation characteristic of
that bacterium. Multicellular organisms face a more diffi-
cult problem in defense because their bodies often take up
whole viruses, bacteria, or fungi instead of naked DNA.
Invertebrate animals solve this problem by marking the sur-
faces of their cells with proteins that serve as “self” labels.
Special amoeboid cells in the invertebrate attack and engulf
any invading cells that lack such labels. By looking for the
absence of specific markers, invertebrates employ a negative
test to recognize foreign cells and viruses. This method pro-
vides invertebrates with a very effective surveillance system,
although it has one great weakness: any microorganism or
virus with a surface protein resembling the invertebrate self
marker will not be recognized as foreign. An invertebrate
has no defense against such a “copycat” invader.
In 1882, Russian zoologist Elie Metchnikoff became the
first to recognize that invertebrate animals possess immune
defenses. On a beach in Sicily, he collected the tiny transpar-
ent larva of a common starfish. Carefully he pierced it with a
rose thorn. When he looked at the larva the next morning,
he saw a host of tiny cells covering the surface of the thorn as
if trying to engulf it (figure 57.24). The cells were attempt-
ing to defend the larva by ingesting the invader by phagocy-
tosis (described in chapter 6). For this discovery of what
came to be known as the cellular immune response,
Metchnikoff was awarded the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiol-
ogy or Medicine, along with Paul Ehrlich for his work on
the other major part of the immune defense, the antibody or
humoral immune response. The invertebrate immune re-
sponse shares several elements with the vertebrate one.
Phagocytes. All animals possess phagocytic cells that at-
tack invading microbes. These phagocytic cells travel
through the animal’s circulatory system or circulate within
the fluid-filled body cavity. In simple animals like sponges
that lack either a circulatory system or a body cavity, the
phagocytic cells circulate among the spaces between cells.
Distinguishing Self from Nonself. The ability to rec-
ognize the difference between cells of one’s own body and
those of another individual appears to have evolved early
in the history of life. Sponges, thought to be the oldest
animals, attack grafts from other sponges, as do insects
and starfish. None of these invertebrates, however, exhibit
any evidence of immunological memory; apparently, the
antibody-based humoral immune defense did not evolve
until the vertebrates.
Complement. While invertebrates lack complement,
many arthropods (including crabs and a variety of insects)
possess an analogous nonspecific defense called the
prophenyloxidase (proPO) system. Like the vertebrate
complement defense, the proPO defense is activated as a
cascade of enzyme reactions, the last of which converts the
inactive protein prophenyloxidase into the active enzyme
phenyloxidase. Phenyloxidase both kills microbes and aids
in encapsulating foreign objects.
Lymphocytes. Invertebrates also lack lymphocytes, but
annelid earthworms and other invertebrates do possess
lymphocyte-like cells that may be evolutionary precursors
of lymphocytes.
Antibodies. All invertebrates possess proteins called
lectins that may be the evolutionary forerunners of anti-
bodies. Lectins bind to sugar molecules on cells, making
the cells stick to one another. Lectins isolated from sea
urchins, mollusks, annelids, and insects appear to tag invad-
ing microorganisms, enhancing phagocytosis. The genes
encoding vertebrate antibodies are part of a very ancient
gene family, the immunoglobulin superfamily. Proteins in
1166 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
57.5 All animals exhibit nonspecific immune response but specific ones
evolved in vertebrates.
FIGURE 57.24
Discovering the cellular immune response in invertebrates.
In a Nobel-Prize-winning experiment, the Russian zoologist
Metchnikoff pierced the larva of a starfish with a rose thorn and
the next day found tiny phagocytic cells covering the thorn.
this group all have a characteristic recognition structure
called the Ig fold. The fold probably evolved as a self-
recognition molecule in early metazoans. Insect im-
munoglobulins have been described in moths, grasshop-
pers, and flies that bind to microbial surfaces and promote
their destruction by phagocytes. The antibody immune re-
sponse appears to have evolved from these earlier, less
complex systems.
The earliest vertebrates of which we have any clear infor-
mation, the jawless lampreys that first evolved some 500
million years ago, possess an immune system based on lym-
phocytes. At this early stage of vertebrate evolution, how-
ever, lampreys lack distinct populations of B and T cells
such as found in all higher vertebrates (figure 57.25).
With the evolution of fish with jaws, the modern verte-
brate immune system first arose. The oldest surviving group
of jawed fishes are the sharks, which evolved some 450 mil-
lion years ago. By then, the vertebrate immune defense had
fully evolved. Sharks have an immune response much like
that seen in mammals, with a cellular response carried out
by T-cell lymphocytes and an antibody-mediated humoral
response carried out by B cells. The similarities of the cellu-
lar and humoral immune defenses are far more striking than
the differences. Both sharks and mammals possess a thymus
that produces T cells and a spleen that is a rich source of
B cells. Four hundred fifty million years of evolution did lit-
tle to change the antibody molecule—the amino acid se-
quences of shark and human antibody molecules are very
similar. The most notable difference between sharks and
mammals is that their antibody-encoding genes are arrayed
somewhat differently.
The sophisticated two-part immune defense of
mammals evolved about the time jawed fishes appeared.
Before then, animals utilized a simpler immune defense
based on mobile phagocytic cells.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1167
Lymphocytes separate into populations
of T and B cells
First lymphocytes appear
Immune systems based on phagocytic
cells only
Primitive chordates
Jawless fish
Cartilaginous fish
Bony fish
Frog Snake Bird HumanShark FishTunicate LampreyStarfishSponge
(millions of years ago)
FIGURE 57.25
How immune systems evolved. Lampreys were the first vertebrates to possess an immune system based on lymphocytes, although
distinct B and T cells did not appear until the jawed fishes evolved. By the time sharks and other cartilaginous fish appeared, the vertebrate
immune response was fully formed.
T Cell Destruction: AIDS
One mechanism for defeating the vertebrate immune sys-
tem is to attack the immune mechanism itself. Helper T
cells and inducer T cells are CD4
T cells. Therefore, any
pathogen that inactivates CD4
T cells leaves the immune
system unable to mount a response to any foreign antigen.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a deadly
disease for just this reason. The AIDS retrovirus, called
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), mounts a direct at-
tack on CD4
T cells because it recognizes the CD4 core-
ceptors associated with these cells.
HIV’s attack on CD4
T cells cripples the immune sys-
tem in at least three ways. First, HIV-infected cells die only
after releasing replicated viruses that infect other CD4
cells, until the entire population of CD4
T cells is de-
stroyed (figure 57.26). In a normal individual, CD4
T cells
make up 60 to 80% of circulating T cells; in AIDS patients,
T cells often become too rare to detect (figure
57.27). Second, HIV causes infected CD4
T cells to se-
crete a soluble suppressing factor that blocks other T cells
from responding to the HIV antigen. Finally, HIV may
block transcription of MHC genes, hindering the recogni-
tion and destruction of infected CD4
T cells and thus pro-
tecting those cells from any remaining vestiges of the im-
mune system.
The combined effect of these responses to HIV infec-
tion is to wipe out the human immune defense. With no
defense against infection, any of a variety of otherwise
commonplace infections proves fatal. With no ability to
recognize and destroy cancer cells when they arise, death
by cancer becomes far more likely. Indeed, AIDS was first
recognized as a disease because of a cluster of cases of an
unusually rare form of cancer. More AIDS victims die of
cancer than from any other cause.
Although HIV became a human disease vector only re-
cently, possibly through transmission to humans from
chimpanzees in Central Africa, it is already clear that AIDS
is one of the most serious diseases in human history (figure
57.28). The fatality rate of AIDS is 100%; no patient ex-
hibiting the symptoms of AIDS has ever been known to
survive more than a few years without treatment. Aggres-
sive treatments can prolong life but how much longer has
not been determined. However, the disease is not highly
contagious, as it is transmitted from one individual to an-
other through the transfer of internal body fluids, typically
in semen and in blood during transfusions. Not all individ-
uals exposed to HIV (as judged by anti-HIV antibodies in
their blood) have yet acquired the disease.
Until recently, the only effective treatment for slowing
the progression of the disease involved treatment with
drugs such as AZT that inhibit the activity of reverse tran-
scriptase, the enzyme needed by the virus to produce DNA
from RNA. Recently, however, a new type of drug has be-
1168 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
57.6 The immune system can be defeated.
FIGURE 57.26
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Viruses released from infected
T cells soon spread to neighboring CD4
T cells, infecting
them in turn. The individual viruses, colored blue in this scanning
electron micrograph, are extremely small; over 200 million would
fit on the period at the end of this sentence.
5 10
T cells
T cells
Days after infection
Percent surviving cells
20 250
FIGURE 57.27
Survival of T cells in culture after exposure to HIV. The virus
has little effect on the number of CD8
T cells, but it causes the
number of CD4
T cells (this group includes helper T cells) to
decline dramatically.
come available that acts to inhibit protease, an enzyme
needed for viral assembly. Treatments that include a com-
bination of reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease in-
hibitors (p. 672) appear to lower levels of HIV, though they
are very costly. Efforts to develop a vaccine against AIDS
continue, both by splicing portions of the HIV surface pro-
tein gene into vaccinia virus and by attempting to develop a
harmless strain of HIV. These approaches, while promis-
ing, have not yet proved successful and are limited by the
fact that different strains of HIV seem to possess different
surface antigens. Like the influenza virus, HIV engages in
some form of antigen shifting, making it difficult to de-
velop an effective vaccine.
AIDS destroys the ability of the immune system to
mount a defense against any infection. HIV, the virus
that causes AIDS, induces a state of immune deficiency
by attacking and destroying CD4
T cells.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1169
‘82 ‘83 ‘84 ‘85 ‘86 ‘87 ‘88 ‘89 ‘90 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99
Total to date
(end of 1999):
Number of new AIDS cases reported
FIGURE 57.28
The AIDS epidemic in the United States: new cases. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 43,678
new AIDS cases were reported in 1998 and 46,137 new cases in 1999, with a total of 733,374 cases and 390,692 deaths in the United
States. Over 1.5 million other individuals are thought to be infected with the HIV virus in the United States, and 14 million worldwide.
The 100,000th AIDS case was reported in August 1989, eight years into the epidemic; the next 100,000 cases took just 26 months; the
third 100,000 cases took barely 19 months (May 1993), and the fourth 100,000 took only 13 months (June 1994). The extraordinarily high
numbers seen in 1992 reflect an expansion of the definition of what constitutes an AIDS case.
Source: Data from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
Antigen Shifting
A second way that a pathogen may defeat the immune sys-
tem is to mutate frequently so that it varies the nature of
its surface antigens. The virus which causes influenza uses
this mechanism, and so we have to be immunized against
a different strain of this virus periodically. This way of es-
caping immune attack is known as antigen shifting, and is
practiced very effectively by trypanosomes, the protists
responsible for sleeping sickness (see chapter 35). Try-
panosomes possess several thousand different versions of
the genes encoding their surface protein, but the cluster
containing these genes has no promoter and so is not
transcribed as a unit. The necessary promoter is located
within a transposable element that jumps at random from
one position to another within the cluster, transcribing a
different surface protein gene with every move. Because
such moves occur in at least one cell of an infective try-
panosome population every few weeks, the vertebrate im-
mune system is unable to mount an effective defense
against trypanosome infection. By the time a significant
number of antibodies have been generated against one
form of trypanosome surface protein, another form is al-
ready present in the trypanosome population that survives
immunological attack, and the infection cycle is renewed.
People with sleeping sickness rarely rid themselves of the
Although this mechanism of mutation to alter surface
proteins seems very “directed” or intentional on the part of
the pathogen, it is actually the process of evolution by nat-
ural selection at work. We usually think of evolution as re-
quiring thousands of years to occur, and not in the time
frame of weeks. However, evolution can occur whenever
mutations are passed on to offspring that provide an organ-
ism with a competitive advantage. In the case of viruses,
bacteria, and other pathogenic agents, their generation
times are on the order of hours. Thus, in the time frame of
a week, the population has gone through millions of cell di-
visions. Looking at it from this perspective, it is easy to see
how random mutations in the genes for the surface anti-
gens could occur and change the surface of the pathogen in
as little as a week’s time.
How Malaria Hides from the Immune System
Every year, about a half-million people become infected
with the protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which
multiplies in their bodies to cause the disease malaria. The
plasmodium parasites enter the red blood cells and con-
sume the hemoglobin of their hosts. Normally this sort of
damage to a red blood cell would cause the damaged cell to
be transported to the spleen for disassembly, destroying the
plasmodium as well. The plasmodium avoids this fate, how-
ever, by secreting knoblike proteins that extend through
the surface of the red blood cell and anchor the cell to the
inner surface of the blood vessel.
Over the course of several days, the immune system of
the infected person slowly brings the infection under con-
trol. During this time, however, a small proportion of the
plasmodium parasites change their knob proteins to a form
different from those that sensitized the immune system.
Cells infected with these individuals survive the immune
response, only to start a new wave of infection.
Scientists have recently discovered how the malarial par-
asite carries out this antigen-shifting defense. About 6% of
the total DNA of the plasmodium is devoted to encoding a
block of some 150 var genes, which are shifted on and off
in multiple combinations. Each time a plasmodium divides,
it alters the pattern of var gene expression about 2%, an in-
credibly rapid rate of antigen shifting. The exact means by
which this is done is not yet completely understood.
DNA Vaccines May Get around Antigen Shifting
Vaccination against diseases such as smallpox, measles, and
polio involves introducing into your body a dead or dis-
abled pathogen, or a harmless microbe with pathogen pro-
teins displayed on its surface. The vaccination triggers an
immune response against the pathogen, and the blood-
stream of the vaccinated person contains B cells which will
remember and quickly destroy the pathogen in future in-
fections. However, for some diseases, vaccination is nearly
impossible because of antigen shifting; the pathogens
change over time, and the B cells no longer recognize
them. Influenza, as we have discussed, presents different
surface proteins yearly. The trypanosomes responsible for
sleeping sickness change their surface proteins every few
A new type of vaccine, based on DNA, may prove to be
effective against almost any disease. The vaccine makes use
of the killer T cells instead of the B cells of the immune
system. DNA vaccines consist of a plasmid, a harmless cir-
cle of bacterial DNA, that contains a gene from the
pathogen that encodes an internal protein, one which is
critical to the function of the pathogen and does not
change. When this plasmid is injected into cells, the gene
they carry is transcribed into protein but is not incorpo-
rated into the DNA of the cell’s nucleus. Fragments of the
pathogen protein are then stuck on the cell’s membrane,
marking it for destruction by T cells. In actual infections
later, the immune system will be able to respond immedi-
ately. Studies are now underway to isolate the critical, un-
changing proteins of pathogens and to investigate fully the
use of the vaccines in humans.
Antigen shifting refers to the way a pathogen may
defeat the immune system by changing its surface
antigens and thereby escaping immune recognition.
Pathogens that employ this mechanism include flu
viruses, trypanosomes, and the protozoans that cause
1170 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Autoimmunity and
The previous section described ways
that pathogens can elude the immune
system to cause diseases. There is an-
other way the immune system can fail;
it can itself be the agent of disease. Such
is the case with autoimmune diseases
and allergies—the immune system is
the cause of the problem, not the cure.
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are produced by
failure of the immune system to recog-
nize and tolerate self antigens. This fail-
ure results in the activation of autoreac-
tive T cells and the production of
autoantibodies by B cells, causing in-
flammation and organ damage. There
are over 40 known or suspected autoim-
mune diseases that affect 5 to 7% of the
population. For reasons that are not un-
derstood, two-thirds of the people with
autoimmune diseases are women.
Autoimmune diseases can result from
a variety of mechanisms. The self antigen may normally be
hidden from the immune system, for example, so that the
immune system treats it as foreign if exposure later occurs.
This occurs when a protein normally trapped in the thyroid
follicles triggers autoimmune destruction of the thyroid
(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). It also occurs in systemic lupus
erythematosus, in which antibodies are made to nucleopro-
teins. Because the immune attack triggers inflammation, and
inflammation causes organ damage, the immune system
must be suppressed to alleviate the symptoms of autoim-
mune diseases. Immune suppression is generally accom-
plished with corticosteroids (including hydrocortisone) and
by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, including aspirin.
The term allergy, often used interchangeably with hypersen-
sitivity, refers to particular types of abnormal immune re-
sponses to antigens, which are called allergens in these
cases. There are two major forms of allergy: (1) immediate
hypersensitivity, which is due to an abnormal B-cell re-
sponse to an allergen that produces symptoms within sec-
onds or minutes, and (2) delayed hypersensitivity, which
is an abnormal T cell response that produces symptoms
within about 48 hours after exposure to an allergen.
Immediate hypersensitivity results from the production
of antibodies of the IgE subclass instead of the normal IgG
antibodies. Unlike IgG antibodies, IgE antibodies do not
circulate in the blood. Instead, they attach to tissue mast
cells and basophils, which have membrane receptors for
these antibodies. When the person is again exposed to the
same allergen, the allergen binds to the antibodies attached
to the mast cells and basophils. This stimulates these cells
to secrete various chemicals, including histamine, which
produce the symptom of the allergy (figure 57.29).
Allergens that provoke immediate hypersensitivity in-
clude various foods, bee stings, and pollen grains. The most
common allergy of this type is seasonal hay fever, which
may be provoked by ragweed (Ambrosia) pollen grains.
These allergic reactions are generally mild, but in some al-
lergies (as to penicillin or peanuts in susceptible people) the
widespread and excessive release of histamine may cause
anaphylactic shock, an uncontrolled fall in blood pressure.
In delayed hypersensitivity, symptoms take a longer time
(hours to days) to develop than in immediate hypersensitiv-
ity. This may be due to the fact that immediate hypersensi-
tivity is mediated by antibodies, whereas delayed hypersen-
sitivity is a T cell response. One of the best-known
examples of delayed hypersensitivity is contact dermatitis,
caused by poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Be-
cause the symptoms are caused by the secretion of lym-
phokines rather than by the secretion of histamine, treat-
ment with antihistamines provides little benefit. At present,
corticosteroids are the only drugs that can effectively treat
delayed hypersensitivity.
Autoimmune diseases are produced when the immune
system fails to tolerate self antigens.
Chapter 57 The Immune System 1171
B cell
Plasma cell
Mast cell
Histamine and
other chemicals
IgE antibodies
IgE receptor
FIGURE 57.29
An allergic reaction. This is an immediate hypersensitivity response, in which B cells
secrete antibodies of the IgE class. These antibodies attach to the plasma membranes of
mast cells, which secrete histamine in response to antigen-antibody binding.
1172 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Chapter 57
Summary Questions Media Resources
57.1 Many of the body’s most effective defenses are nonspecific.
? Nonspecific defenses include physical barriers such as
the skin, phagocytic cells, killer cells, and
complement proteins.
? The inflammatory response aids the mobilization of
defensive cells at infected sites.
1. How do macrophages destroy
foreign cells?
2. How does the complement
system participate in defense
against infection?
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Lymphocytes called B cells secrete antibodies and
produce the humoral response; lymphocytes called T
cells are responsible for cell-mediated immunity.
3. On what types of cells are the
two classes of MHC proteins
57.2 Specific immune defenses require the recognition of antigens.
? T cells only respond to antigens presented to them by
macrophages or other antigen-presenting cells
together with MHC proteins.
? Cytotoxic T cells kill cells that have foreign antigens
presented together with MHC-I proteins.
4. In what two ways do
macrophages activate helper T
cells? How do helper T cells
stimulate the proliferation of
cytotoxic T cells?
57.3 T cells organize attacks against invading microbes.
? The antibody molecules consist of two heavy and two
light polypeptide regions arranged like a “Y”; the
ends of the two arms bind to antigens.
? An individual can produce a tremendous variety of
different antibodies because the genes which produce
those antibodies recombine extensively.
? Active immunity occurs when an individual gains
immunity by prior exposure to a pathogen; passive
immunity is produced by the transfer of antibodies
from one individual to another.
5. How do IgM and IgG
antibodies differ in triggering
destruction of infected cells?
6. How does the clonal selection
model help to explain active
7. How are lymphocytes able to
produce millions of different
types of immune receptors?
57.4 B cells label specific cells for destruction.
? The immune system evolved in animals from a
strictly nonspecific immune response in invertebrates
to the two-part immune defense found in mammals.
8. Compare insect and
mammalian immune defenses.
57.5 All animals exhibit nonspecific immune response but specific ones evolved in vertebrates.
? Flu viruses, trypanosomes, and the protozoan that
causes malaria are able to evade the immune system
by mutating the genes that produce their surface
antigens. In autoimmune diseases, the immune
system targets the body’s own antigens.
9. What might cause an immune
attack of self antigens?
10. How does HIV defeat
human immune defenses?
57.6 The immune system can be defeated.
? Art Activity:
Human skin anatomy
? Specific immunity
? Lymphocytes
? Cell mediated
? Clonal selection
? Activity:
Plasma cell production
? T-cell function
? Phagocytic cells
? Abnormalities
Maintaining the Internal
Concept Outline
58.1 The regulatory systems of the body maintain
The Need to Maintain Homeostasis. Regulatory
mechanisms maintain homeostasis through negative
feedback loops.
Antagonistic Effectors and Positive Feedback.
Antagonistic effectors cause opposite changes, while
positive feedback pushes changes further in the same way.
58.2 The extracellular fluid concentration is constant
in most vertebrates.
Osmolality and Osmotic Balance. Vertebrates have to
cope with the osmotic gain or loss of body water.
Osmoregulatory Organs. Invertebrates have a variety of
organs to regulate water balance; kidneys are the
osmoregulatory organs of most vertebrates.
Evolution of the Vertebrate Kidney. Freshwater bony
fish produce a dilute urine and marine bony fish produce an
isotonic urine. Only birds and mammals can retain so much
water that they produce a concentrated urine.
58.3 The functions of the vertebrate kidney are
performed by nephrons.
The Mammalian Kidney. Each kidney contains
nephrons that produce a filtrate which is modified by
reabsorption and secretion to produce urine.
Transport Processes in the Mammalian Nephron.
The nephron tubules of birds and mammals have loops of
Henle, which function to draw water out of the tubule and
back into the blood.
Ammonia, Urea, and Uric Acid. The breakdown of
protein and nucleic acids yields nitrogen, which is excreted
as ammonia in bony fish, as urea in mammals, and as uric
acid in reptiles and birds.
58.4 The kidney is regulated by hormones.
Hormones Control Homeostatic Functions.
Antidiuretic hormone promotes water retention and the
excretion of a highly concentrated urine. Aldosterone
stimulates the retention of salt and water, whereas atrial
natriuretic hormone promotes the excretion of salt and water.
he first vertebrates evolved in seawater, and the physi-
ology of all vertebrates reflects this origin. Approxi-
mately two-thirds of every vertebrate’s body is water. If the
amount of water in the body of a vertebrate falls much
lower than this, the animal will die. In this chapter, we dis-
cuss the various mechanisms by which animals avoid gain-
ing or losing too much water. As we shall see, these mecha-
nisms are closely tied to the way animals exploit the varied
environments in which they live and to the regulatory sys-
tems of the body (figure 58.1).
Regulating body temperature with water. One of the ways an
elephant can regulate its temperature is to spray water on its
body. Water also cycles through the elephant’s body in enormous
quantities each day and helps to regulate its internal environment.
input from a temperature sensor, like a thermometer (a
sensor) within the wall unit. It compares the actual temper-
ature to its set point. When these are different, it sends a
signal to an effector. The effector in this case may be an air
conditioner, which acts to reverse the deviation from the
set point.
In a human, if the body temperature exceeds the set
point of 37°C, sensors in a part of the brain detect this de-
viation. Acting via an integrating center (also in the brain),
these sensors stimulate effectors (including sweat glands)
that lower the temperature (figure 58.3). One can think of
the effectors as “defending” the set points of the body
against deviations. Because the activity of the effectors is
influenced by the effects they produce, and because this
regulation is in a negative, or reverse, direction, this type of
control system is known as a negative feedback loop.
The nature of the negative feedback loop becomes clear
when we again refer to the analogy of the thermostat and
air conditioner. After the air conditioner has been on for
some time, the room temperature may fall significantly
below the set point of the thermostat. When this occurs,
the air conditioner will be turned off. The effector (air con-
ditioner) is turned on by a high temperature; and, when ac-
tivated, it produces a negative change (lowering of the tem-
perature) that ultimately causes the effector to be turned
off. In this way, constancy is maintained.
1174 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
The Need to Maintain
As the animal body has evolved, special-
ization has increased. Each cell is a so-
phisticated machine, finely tuned to
carry out a precise role within the body.
Such specialization of cell function is
possible only when extracellular condi-
tions are kept within narrow limits.
Temperature, pH, the concentrations of
glucose and oxygen, and many other fac-
tors must be held fairly constant for cells
to function efficiently and interact prop-
erly with one another.
Homeostasis may be defined as the
dynamic constancy of the internal envi-
ronment. The term dynamic is used be-
cause conditions are never absolutely
constant, but fluctuate continuously
within narrow limits. Homeostasis is
essential for life, and most of the regu-
latory mechanisms of the vertebrate
body that are not devoted to reproduc-
tion are concerned with maintaining
Negative Feedback Loops
To maintain internal constancy, the vertebrate body must
have sensors that are able to measure each condition of the
internal environment (figure 58.2). These constantly moni-
tor the extracellular conditions and relay this information
(usually via nerve signals) to an integrating center, which
contains the “set point” (the proper value for that condi-
tion). This set point is analogous to the temperature setting
on a house thermostat. In a similar manner, there are set
points for body temperature, blood glucose concentration,
the tension on a tendon, and so on. The integrating center
is often a particular region of the brain or spinal cord, but
in some cases it can also be cells of endocrine glands. It re-
ceives messages from several sensors, weighing the relative
strengths of each sensor input, and then determines
whether the value of the condition is deviating from the set
point. When a deviation in a condition occurs (the “stimu-
lus”), the integrating center sends a message to increase or
decrease the activity of particular effectors. Effectors are
generally muscles or glands, and can change the value of
the condition in question back toward the set point value
(the “response”).
To return to the idea of a home thermostat, suppose you
set the thermostat at a set point of 70°F. If the temperature
of the house rises sufficiently above the set point, the ther-
mostat (equivalent to an integrating center) receives this
58.1 The regulatory systems of the body maintain homeostasis.
feedback loop
Return to
set point
Deviation from
set point
Causes changes
to compensate
for deviation
conditions to
set point
A generalized diagram of a negative feedback loop. Negative feedback loops maintain
a state of homeostasis, or dynamic constancy of the internal environment, by correcting
deviations from a set point.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1175
Blood vessels
Glands release
Body temperature
Body temperature
Blood vessels
Skeletal muscles
contract, shiver
Body temperature
Body temperature
Perturbing factor
Perturbing factor
Snow and ice
To increase
body temperature
To decrease
body temperature
Negative feedback
Negative feedback
Negative feedback loops keep the body temperature within a normal range. An increase (top) or decrease (bottom) in body
temperature is sensed by the brain. The integrating center in the brain then processes the information and activates effectors, such as
surface blood vessels, sweat glands, and skeletal muscles. When the body temperature returns to normal, negative feedback prevents
further stimulation of the effectors by the integrating center.
Regulating Body Temperature
Humans, together with other mammals and with birds, are
endothermic; they can maintain relatively constant body tem-
peratures independent of the environmental temperature.
When the temperature of your blood exceeds 37°C (98.6°F),
neurons in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus detect
the temperature change. Acting through the control of
motor neurons, the hypothalamus responds by promoting
the dissipation of heat through sweating, dilation of blood
vessels in the skin, and other mechanisms. These responses
tend to counteract the rise in body temperature. When body
temperature falls, the hypothalamus coordinates a different
set of responses, such as shivering and the constriction of
blood vessels in the skin, which help to raise body tempera-
ture and correct the initial challenge to homeostasis.
Vertebrates other than mammals and birds are ectother-
mic; their body temperatures are more or less dependent on
the environmental temperature. However, to the extent
that it is possible, many ectothermic vertebrates attempt to
maintain some degree of temperature homeostasis. Certain
large fish, including tuna, swordfish, and some sharks, for
example, can maintain parts of their body at a significantly
higher temperature than that of the water. Reptiles attempt
to maintain a constant body temperature through behav-
ioral means—by placing themselves in varying locations of
sun and shade (see chapter 29). That’s why you frequently
see lizards basking in the sun. Sick lizards even give them-
selves a “fever” by seeking warmer locations!
Most invertebrates do not employ feedback regulation
to physiologically control their body temperature. Instead,
they use behavior to adjust their temperature. Many butter-
flies, for example, must reach a certain body temperature
before they can fly. In the cool of the morning they orient
so as to maximize their absorption of sunlight. Moths and
many other insects use a shivering reflex to warm their tho-
racic flight muscles (figure 58.4).
Regulating Blood Glucose
When you digest a carbohydrate-containing meal, you ab-
sorb glucose into your blood. This causes a temporary rise
in the blood glucose concentration, which is brought back
down in a few hours. What counteracts the rise in blood
glucose following a meal?
Glucose levels within the blood are constantly moni-
tored by a sensor, the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.
When levels increase, the islets secrete the hormone in-
sulin, which stimulates the uptake of blood glucose into
muscles, liver, and adipose tissue. The islets are, in this
case, the sensor and the integrating center. The muscles,
liver, and adipose cells are the effectors, taking up glucose
to control the levels. The muscles and liver can convert the
glucose into the polysaccharide glycogen; adipose cells can
convert glucose into fat. These actions lower the blood glu-
cose (figure 58.5) and help to store energy in forms that the
body can use later.
Negative feedback mechanisms correct deviations from
a set point for different internal variables. In this way,
body temperature and blood glucose, for example, are
kept within normal limits.
1176 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Time (minutes)
emperature (
C) of thorax muscles
No wing
Warm up
of thorax
Full range
of wings
Thermoregulation in insects. Some insects, such as the sphinx
moth, contract their thoracic muscles to warm up for flight.
Blood glucose
Islets of Langerhans
Stops insulin
Cellular uptake of glucose
Blood glucose
The negative feedback control of blood glucose. The rise in
blood glucose concentration following a meal stimulates the secre-
tion of insulin from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. In-
sulin is a hormone that promotes the entry of glucose in skeletal
muscle and other tissue, thereby lowering the blood glucose and
compensating for the initial rise.
Antagonistic Effectors and Positive
The negative feedback mechanisms that maintain home-
ostasis often oppose each other to produce a finer degree of
control. In a few cases positive feedback mechanisms,
which push a change further in the same direction, are used
by the body.
Antagonistic Effectors
Most factors in the internal environment are controlled by
several effectors, which often have antagonistic actions.
Control by antagonistic effectors is sometimes described as
“push-pull,” in which the increasing activity of one effector
is accompanied by decreasing activity of an antagonistic ef-
fector. This affords a finer degree of control than could be
achieved by simply switching one effector on and off.
Room temperature can be maintained, for example, by
simply turning an air conditioner on and off, or by just turn-
ing a heater on and off. A much more stable temperature,
however, can be achieved if the air conditioner and heater
are both controlled by a thermostat (figure 58.6). Then the
heater is turned on when the air conditioner shuts off, and
vice versa. Antagonistic effectors are similarly involved in the
control of body temperature and blood glucose. Whereas in-
sulin, for example, lowers blood glucose following a meal,
other hormones act to raise the blood glucose concentration
between meals, especially when a person is exercising. The
heart rate is similarly controlled by antagonistic effectors.
Stimulation of one group of nerve fibers increases the heart
rate, while stimulation of another group slows the heart rate.
Positive Feedback Loops
Feedback loops that accentuate a disturbance are called
positive feedback loops. In a positive feedback loop, pertur-
bations cause the effector to drive the value of the con-
trolled variable even farther from the set point. Hence, sys-
tems in which there is positive feedback are highly
unstable, analogous to a spark that ignites an explosion.
They do not help to maintain homeostasis. Nevertheless,
such systems are important components of some physiolog-
ical mechanisms. For example, positive feedback occurs in
blood clotting, where one clotting factor activates another
in a cascade that leads quickly to the formation of a clot.
Positive feedback also plays a role in the contractions of the
uterus during childbirth (figure 58.7). In this case, stretch-
ing of the uterus by the fetus stimulates contraction, and
contraction causes further stretching; the cycle continues
until the fetus is expelled from the uterus. In the body,
most positive feedback systems act as part of some larger
mechanism that maintains homeostasis. In the examples
we’ve described, formation of a blood clot stops bleeding
and hence tends to keep blood volume constant, and expul-
sion of the fetus reduces the contractions of the uterus.
Antagonistic effectors that act antagonistically to each
other are more effective than effectors that act alone.
Positive feedback mechanisms accentuate changes and
have limited functions in the body.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1177
Set point
for heating
Set point
for cooling
73 786863 83
Room temperature is maintained by antagonistic effectors. If
a thermostat senses a low temperature, the heater is turned on and
the air conditioner is turned off. If the temperature is too high,
the air conditioner is activated, and the heater is turned off.
centers in brain
Increased neural
and hormonal signals
Continued increased
neural stimulation
Increased contraction
force and frequency
in smooth
muscles of uterus
Receptors detect
increased stretch
The fetus is
pushed against
the uterine opening,
causing the inferior
uterus to stretch
An example of positive feedback during childbirth. This is one
of the few examples of positive feedback that operate in the
vertebrate body.
Osmolality and Osmotic Balance
Water in an animal’s body is distributed between the intra-
cellular and extracellular compartments (figure 58.8). In
order to maintain osmotic balance, the extracellular com-
partment of an animal’s body (including its blood plasma)
must be able to take water from its environment or to ex-
crete excess water into its environment. Inorganic ions
must also be exchanged between the extracellular body flu-
ids and the external environment to maintain homeostasis.
Such exchanges of water and electrolytes between the body
and the external environment occur across specialized ep-
ithelial cells and, in most vertebrates, through a filtration
process in the kidneys.
Most vertebrates maintain homeostasis in regard to the
total solute concentration of their extracellular fluids and in
regard to the concentration of specific inorganic ions.
Sodium (Na
) is the major cation in extracellular fluids, and
chloride (Cl
) is the major anion. The divalent cations, cal-
cium (Ca
) and magnesium (Mg
), as well as other ions,
also have important functions and must be maintained at
their proper concentrations.
Osmolality and Osmotic Pressure
Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a membrane, and it
always occurs from a more dilute solution (with a lower
solute concentration) to a less dilute solution (with a higher
solute concentration). Because the total solute concentra-
tion of a solution determines its osmotic behavior, the total
moles of solute per kilogram of water is expressed as the
osmolality of the solution. Solutions that have the same
osmolality are isosmotic. A solution with a lower or higher
osmolality than another is called hypoosmotic or hyperosmotic,
If one solution is hyperosmotic compared with an-
other, and if the two solutions are separated by a semi-
permeable membrane, water may move by osmosis from
the more dilute solution to the hyperosmotic one. In this
case, the hyperosmotic solution is also hypertonic
(“higher strength”) compared with the other solution,
and it has a higher osmotic pressure. The osmotic pres-
sure of a solution is a measure of its tendency to take in
water by osmosis. A cell placed in a hypertonic solution,
which has a higher osmotic pressure than the cell cyto-
plasm, will lose water to the surrounding solution and
shrink. A cell placed in a hypotonic solution, in contrast,
will gain water and expand.
If a cell is placed in an isosmotic solution, there may
be no net water movement. In this case, the isosmotic so-
lution can also be said to be isotonic. Isotonic solutions
such as normal saline and 5% dextrose are used in med-
ical care to bathe exposed tissues and to be given as intra-
venous fluids.
Osmoconformers and Osmoregulators
Most marine invertebrates are osmoconformers; the os-
molality of their body fluids is the same as that of seawater
(although the concentrations of particular solutes, such as
magnesium ion, are not equal). Because the extracellular
fluids are isotonic to seawater, there is no osmotic gradient
and no tendency for water to leave or enter the body.
Therefore, osmoconformers are in osmotic equilibrium
with their environment. Among the vertebrates, only the
primitive hagfish are strict osmoconformers. The sharks
and their relatives in the class Chondrichthyes (cartilagi-
nous fish) are also isotonic to seawater, even though their
blood level of NaCl is lower than that of seawater; the dif-
ference in total osmolality is made up by retaining urea at a
high concentration in their blood plasma.
All other vertebrates are osmoregulators—that is, ani-
mals that maintain a relatively constant blood osmolality
despite the different concentration in the surrounding envi-
ronment. The maintenance of a relatively constant body
fluid osmolality has permitted vertebrates to exploit a wide
variety of ecological niches. Achieving this constancy, how-
ever, requires continuous regulation.
Freshwater vertebrates have a much higher solute con-
centration in their body fluids than that of the surround-
ing water. In other words, they are hypertonic to their
environment. Because of their higher osmotic pressure,
water tends to enter their bodies. Consequently, they
must prevent water from entering their bodies as much as
possible and eliminate the excess water that does enter.
In addition, they tend to lose inorganic ions to their envi-
ronment and so must actively transport these ions back
into their bodies.
In contrast, most marine vertebrates are hypotonic to
their environment; their body fluids have only about one-
third the osmolality of the surrounding seawater. These an-
imals are therefore in danger of losing water by osmosis
and must retain water to prevent dehydration. They do this
by drinking seawater and eliminating the excess ions
through their kidneys and gills.
The body fluids of terrestrial vertebrates have a higher
concentration of water than does the air surrounding them.
Therefore, they tend to lose water to the air by evaporation
from the skin and lungs. All reptiles, birds, and mammals,
as well as amphibians during the time when they live on
land, face this problem. These vertebrates have evolved ex-
cretory systems that help them retain water.
Marine invertebrates are isotonic with their
environment, but most vertebrates are either hypertonic
or hypotonic to their environment and thus tend to gain
or lose water. Physiological mechanisms help most
vertebrates to maintain a constant blood osmolality and
constant concentrations of individual ions.
1178 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
58.2 The extracellular fluid concentration is constant in most vertebrates.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1179
Extracellular compartment
(including blood)
Intracellular compartments
External environment
O and solutes
Animal body Integument
Epithelial cell
O and solutes
O and solutes
Some water and solutes are reabsorbed,
but excess water and solutes are excreted.
Water and solutes are transported into and out
of the body, depending on concentration gradients.
O and solutes
O and solutes
O and solutes
Excess H
O and solutes excreted
Filtration in kidneys
The interaction between intracellular and extracellular compartments of the body and the external environment. Water can be
taken in from the environment or lost to the environment. Exchanges of water and solutes between the extracellular fluids of the body and
the environment occur across transport epithelia, and water and solutes can be filtered out of the blood by the kidneys. Overall, the
amount of water and solutes that enters and leaves the body must be balanced in order to maintain homeostasis.
Osmoregulatory Organs
Animals have evolved a variety of mechanisms to cope with
problems of water balance. In many animals, the removal of
water or salts from the body is coupled with the removal of
metabolic wastes through the excretory system. Protists
employ contractile vacuoles for this purpose, as do sponges.
Other multicellular animals have a system of excretory
tubules (little tubes) that expel fluid and wastes from the
In flatworms, these tubules are called protonephridia, and
they branch throughout the body into bulblike flame cells
(figure 58.9). While these simple excretory structures open
to the outside of the body, they do not open to the inside of
the body. Rather, cilia within the flame cells must draw in
fluid from the body. Water and metabolites are then reab-
sorbed, and the substances to be excreted are expelled
through excretory pores.
Other invertebrates have a system of tubules that open
both to the inside and to the outside of the body. In the
earthworm, these tubules are known as metanephridia
(figure 58.10). The metanephridia obtain fluid from the
body cavity through a process of filtration into funnel-
shaped structures called nephrostomes. The term filtration
is used because the fluid is formed under pressure and
passes through small openings, so that molecules larger
than a certain size are excluded. This fil-
tered fluid is isotonic to the fluid in the
coelom, but as it passes through the tubules
of the metanephridia, NaCl is removed by
active transport processes. A general term
for transport out of the tubule and into the
surrounding body fluids is reabsorption. Be-
cause salt is reabsorbed from the filtrate,
the urine excreted is more dilute than the
body fluids (is hypotonic). The kidneys of
mollusks and the excretory organs of crus-
taceans (called antennal glands) also produce
urine by filtration and reclaim certain ions
by reabsorption.
The excretory organs in insects are the
Malpighian tubules (figure 58.11), exten-
sions of the digestive tract that branch off
anterior to the hindgut. Urine is not
formed by filtration in these tubules, be-
cause there is no pressure difference be-
tween the blood in the body cavity and the
tubule. Instead, waste molecules and potas-
sium (K
) ions are secreted into the tubules
by active transport. Secretion is the oppo-
site of reabsorption—ions or molecules are
transported from the body fluid into the
tubule. The secretion of K
creates an os-
motic gradient that causes water to enter
the tubules by osmosis from the body’s
1180 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
The protonephridia of flatworms. A branching system of
tubules, bulblike flame cells, and excretory pores make up the
protonephridia of flatworms. Cilia inside the flame cells draw in
fluids from the body by their beating action. Substances are then
expelled through pores which open to the outside of the body.
Coelomic fluid Pore for
urine excretion
FIGURE 58.10
The metanephridia of annelids. Most invertebrates, such as the annelid shown
here, have metanephridia. These consist of tubules that receive a filtrate of coelomic
fluid, which enters the funnel-like nephrostomes. Salt can be reabsorbed from these
tubules, and the fluid that remains, urine, is released from pores into the external
open circulatory system. Most of the water and K
is then
reabsorbed into the circulatory system through the ep-
ithelium of the hindgut, leaving only small molecules and
waste products to be excreted from the rectum along with
feces. Malpighian tubules thus provide a very efficient
means of water conservation.
The kidneys of vertebrates, unlike the Malpighian
tubules of insects, create a tubular fluid by filtration of
the blood under pressure. In addition to containing waste
products and water, the filtrate contains many small mol-
ecules that are of value to the animal, including glucose,
amino acids, and vitamins. These molecules and most of
the water are reabsorbed from the tubules into the blood,
while wastes remain in the filtrate. Additional wastes may
be secreted by the tubules and added to the filtrate, and
the final waste product, urine, is eliminated from the
It may seem odd that the vertebrate kidney should filter
out almost everything from blood plasma (except proteins,
which are too large to be filtered) and then spend energy to
take back or reabsorb what the body needs. But selective
reabsorption provides great flexibility, because various ver-
tebrate groups have evolved the ability to reabsorb differ-
ent molecules that are especially valuable in particular habi-
tats. This flexibility is a key factor underlying the successful
colonization of many diverse environments by the verte-
Many invertebrates filter fluid into a system of tubules
and then reabsorb ions and water, leaving waste
products for excretion. Insects create an excretory fluid
by secreting K
into tubules, which draws water
osmotically. The vertebrate kidney produces a filtrate
that enters tubules and is modified to become urine.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1181
Air sac
Poison sac
FIGURE 58.11
The Malpighian tubules of insects. (a) The Malpighian
tubules of insects are extensions of the digestive tract that
collect water and wastes from the body’s circulatory system.
(b) K
is secreted into these tubules, drawing water with it
osmotically. Much of this water (see arrows) is reabsorbed
across the wall of the hindgut.
Evolution of the Vertebrate Kidney
The kidney is a complex organ made up of thousands of re-
peating units called nephrons, each with the structure of a
bent tube (figure 58.12). Blood pressure forces the fluid in
blood past a filter, called the glomerulus, at the top of each
nephron. The glomerulus retains blood cells, proteins, and
other useful large molecules in the blood but allows the
water, and the small molecules and wastes dissolved in it, to
pass through and into the bent tube part of the nephron. As
the filtered fluid passes through the nephron tube, useful
sugars and ions are recovered from it by active transport,
leaving the water and metabolic wastes behind in a fluid
Although the same basic design has been retained in all
vertebrate kidneys, there have been a few modifications.
Because the original glomerular filtrate is isotonic to blood,
all vertebrates can produce a urine that is isotonic to blood
by reabsorbing ions and water in equal proportions or hy-
potonic to blood—that is, more dilute than the blood, by
reabsorbing relatively less water blood. Only birds and
mammals can reabsorb enough water from their glomeru-
lar filtrate to produce a urine that is hypertonic to blood—
that is, more concentrated than the blood, by reabsorbing
relatively more water.
Freshwater Fish
Kidneys are thought to have evolved first among the
freshwater teleosts, or bony fish. Because the body fluids
of a freshwater fish have a greater osmotic concentration
than the surrounding water, these animals face two seri-
ous problems: (1) water tends to enter the body from the
environment; and (2) solutes tend to leave the body and
enter the environment. Freshwater fish address the first
problem by not drinking water and by excreting a large
volume of dilute urine, which is hypotonic to their body
fluids. They address the second problem by reabsorbing
ions across the nephron tubules, from the glomerular fil-
trate back into the blood. In addition, they actively trans-
port ions across their gill surfaces from the surrounding
water into the blood.
Marine Bony Fish
Although most groups of animals seem to have evolved first
in the sea, marine bony fish (teleosts) probably evolved
from freshwater ancestors, as was mentioned in chapter 48.
They faced significant new problems in making the transi-
tion to the sea because their body fluids are hypotonic to
the surrounding seawater. Consequently, water tends to
leave their bodies by osmosis across their gills, and they
also lose water in their urine. To compensate for this con-
tinuous water loss, marine fish drink large amounts of sea-
water (figure 58.13).
Many of the divalent cations (principally Ca
and Mg
in the seawater that a marine fish drinks remain in the di-
gestive tract and are eliminated through the anus. Some,
however, are absorbed into the blood, as are the monova-
lent ions K
, Na
, and Cl
. Most of the monovalent ions are
actively transported out of the blood across the gill sur-
faces, while the divalent ions that enter the blood are se-
creted into the nephron tubules and excreted in the urine.
In these two ways, marine bony fish eliminate the ions they
get from the seawater they drink. The urine they excrete is
isotonic to their body fluids. It is more concentrated than
the urine of freshwater fish, but not as concentrated as that
of birds and mammals.
1182 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Distal armGlomerulus Neck
Collecting duct
(Loop of Henle)
Amino acids
FIGURE 58.12
The basic organization of
the vertebrate nephron. The
nephron tubule of the
freshwater fish is a basic
design that has been retained
in the kidneys of marine fish
and terrestrial vertebrates that
evolved later. Sugars, amino
acids, and divalent ions such as
are recovered in the
proximal arm; monovalent
ions such as Na
and Cl
recovered in the distal arm;
and water is recovered in the
collecting duct.
Cartilaginous Fish
The elasmobranchs, including sharks and rays, are by far the
most common subclass in the class Chondrichthyes (carti-
laginous fish). Elasmobranchs have solved the osmotic prob-
lem posed by their seawater environment in a different way
than have the bony fish. Instead of having body fluids that
are hypotonic to seawater, so that they have to continuously
drink seawater and actively pump out ions, the elasmo-
branchs reabsorb urea from the nephron tubules and main-
tain a blood urea concentration that is 100 times higher than
that of mammals. This added urea makes their blood ap-
proximately isotonic to the surrounding sea. Because there is
no net water movement between isotonic solutions, water
loss is prevented. Hence, these fishes do not need to drink
seawater for osmotic balance, and their kidneys and gills do
not have to remove large amounts of ions from their bodies.
The enzymes and tissues of the cartilaginous fish have
evolved to tolerate the high urea concentrations.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1183
fresh water
Freshwater fish
Marine fish
Kidney tubule
Active tubular
of NaCl
Kidney: Excretion
of dilute urine
Active absorption of
NaCl, water enters
reduced or
Passive reabsorption
of NaCl and water
Active secretion of
NaCl, water loss
Intestinal wastes:
with feces
Excretion of MgSO
urea, little water
Active tubular
of MgSO
FIGURE 58.13
Freshwater and marine teleosts (bony fish) face different osmotic problems. Whereas the freshwater teleost is hypertonic to its
environment, the marine teleost is hypotonic to seawater. To compensate for its tendency to take in water and lose ions, a freshwater fish
excretes dilute urine, avoids drinking water, and reabsorbs ions across the nephron tubules. To compensate for its osmotic loss of water,
the marine teleost drinks seawater and eliminates the excess ions through active transport across epithelia in the gills and kidneys.
Amphibians and Reptiles
The first terrestrial vertebrates were the amphibians, and
the amphibian kidney is identical to that of freshwater fish.
This is not surprising, because amphibians spend a signifi-
cant portion of their time in fresh water, and when on land,
they generally stay in wet places. Amphibians produce a
very dilute urine and compensate for their loss of Na
actively transporting Na
across their skin from the sur-
rounding water.
Reptiles, on the other hand, live in diverse habitats.
Those living mainly in fresh water occupy a habitat simi-
lar to that of the freshwater fish and amphibians and
thus have similar kidneys. Marine reptiles, including
some crocodilians, sea turtles, sea snakes, and one lizard,
possess kidneys similar to those of their freshwater rela-
tives but face opposite problems; they tend to lose water
and take in salts. Like marine teleosts (bony fish), they
drink the seawater and excrete an isotonic urine. Marine
teleosts eliminate the excess salt by transport across their
gills, while marine reptiles eliminate excess salt through
salt glands located near the nose or the eye (fig-
ure 58.14).
1184 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Skin absorbs Na
from water
Drinks seawater
Salt gland secretes excess salts
Drinks seawater
Salt gland secretes excess salts
Does not drink seawater
Drinks fresh water
Drinks no water
Obtains water from food
and metabolic processes
Urine concentration
relative to blood
Strongly hypotonic
Weakly hypertonic
Strongly hypertonic
Weakly hypertonic
Strongly hypertonic
Marine reptile
Marine bird
Marine mammal
Terrestrial bird
Desert mammal
Excretes weakly hypertonic urine
FIGURE 58.14
Osmoregulation by some vertebrates. Only birds and mammals can produce a hypertonic urine and thereby retain water efficiently, but
marine reptiles and birds can drink seawater and excrete the excess salt through salt glands.
The kidneys of terrestrial reptiles also reabsorb much
of the salt and water in their nephron tubules, helping
somewhat to conserve blood volume in dry environments.
Like fish and amphibians, they cannot produce urine that
is more concentrated than the blood plasma. However,
when their urine enters their cloaca (the common exit of
the digestive and urinary tracts), additional water can be
Mammals and Birds
Mammals and birds are the only vertebrates able to pro-
duce urine with a higher osmotic concentration than
their body fluids. This allows these vertebrates to excrete
their waste products in a small volume of water, so that
more water can be retained in the body. Human kidneys
can produce urine that is as much as 4.2 times as concen-
trated as blood plasma, but the kidneys of some other
mammals are even more efficient at conserving water.
For example, camels, gerbils, and pocket mice of the
genus Perognathus can excrete urine 8, 14, and 22 times as
concentrated as their blood plasma, respectively. The
kidneys of the kangaroo rat (figure 58.15) are so efficient
it never has to drink water; it can obtain all the water it
needs from its food and from water produced in aerobic
cell respiration!
The production of hypertonic urine is accomplished by
the loop of Henle portion of the nephron (see figure 58.18),
found only in mammals and birds. A nephron with a long
loop of Henle extends deeper into the renal medulla, where
the hypertonic osmotic environment draws out more water,
and so can produce more concentrated urine. Most mam-
mals have some nephrons with short loops and other
nephrons with loops that are much longer (see figure
58.17). Birds, however, have relatively few or no nephrons
with long loops, so they cannot produce urine that is as
concentrated as that of mammals. At most, they can only
reabsorb enough water to produce a urine that is about
twice the concentration of their blood. Marine birds solve
the problem of water loss by drinking salt water and then
excreting the excess salt from salt glands near the eyes (fig-
ure 58.16).
The moderately hypertonic urine of a bird is delivered
to its cloaca, along with the fecal material from its digestive
tract. If needed, additional water can be absorbed across
the wall of the cloaca to produce a semisolid white paste or
pellet, which is excreted.
The kidneys of freshwater fish must excrete copious
amounts of very dilute urine, while marine teleosts
drink seawater and excrete an isotonic urine. The basic
design and function of the nephron of freshwater fishes
have been retained in the terrestrial vertebrates.
Modifications, particularly the presence of a loop of
Henle, allow mammals and birds to reabsorb more
water and produce a hypertonic urine.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1185
FIGURE 58.15
The kangaroo rat, Dipodomys panamintensis. This mammal has
very efficient kidneys that can concentrate urine to a high degree
by reabsorbing water, thereby minimizing water loss from the
body. This feature is extremely important to the kangaroo rat’s
survival in dry or desert habitats.
Salt glands
Salt secretion
FIGURE 58.16
Marine birds drink seawater and then excrete the salt
through salt glands. The extremely salty fluid excreted by these
glands can then dribble down the beak.
The Mammalian Kidney
In humans, the kidneys are fist-sized organs located in the
region of the lower back. Each kidney receives blood from
a renal artery, and it is from this blood that urine is pro-
duced. Urine drains from each kidney through a ureter,
which carries the urine to a urinary bladder. Within the
kidney, the mouth of the ureter flares open to form a fun-
nel-like structure, the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis, in turn,
has cup-shaped extensions that receive urine from the renal
tissue. This tissue is divided into an outer renal cortex and
an inner renal medulla (figure 58.17). Together, these
structures perform filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and
Nephron Structure and Filtration
On a microscopic level, each kidney contains about one
million functioning nephrons. Mammalian kidneys contain a
mixture of juxtamedullary nephrons, which have long loops
which dip deeply into the medulla, and cortical nephrons
with shorter loops (see figure 58.17). The significance of
the length of the loops will be explained a little later.
Each nephron consists of a long tubule and associated
small blood vessels. First, blood is carried by an afferent ar-
teriole to a tuft of capillaries in the renal cortex, the
glomerulus (figure 58.18). Here the blood is filtered as the
blood pressure forces fluid through the porous capillary
walls. Blood cells and plasma proteins are too large to enter
1186 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
58.3 The functions of the vertebrate kidney are performed by nephrons.
Renal medulla
Collecting duct
vena cava
Renal vein
and artery
Renal pelvis
Renal medulla
Renal cortex
FIGURE 58.17
The urinary system of a human female. (a)
The positions of the organs of the urinary
system. (b) A sectioned kidney, revealing the
internal structure. (c) The position of nephrons in
the mammalian kidney. Cortical nephrons are
located predominantly in the renal cortex, while
juxtamedullary nephrons have long loops that
extend deep into the renal medulla.
this glomerular filtrate, but large amounts of water and
dissolved molecules leave the vascular system at this step.
The filtrate immediately enters the first region of the
nephron tubules. This region, Bowman’s capsule, envelops
the glomerulus much as a large, soft balloon surrounds
your fist if you press your fist into it. The capsule has slit
openings so that the glomerular filtrate can enter the sys-
tem of nephron tubules.
After the filtrate enters Bowman’s capsule it goes into
a portion of the nephron called the proximal convoluted
tubule, located in the cortex. The fluid then moves down
into the medulla and back up again into the cortex in a
loop of Henle. Only the kidneys of mammals and birds
have loops of Henle, and this is why only birds and mam-
mals have the ability to concentrate their urine. After
leaving the loop, the fluid is delivered to a distal convo-
luted tubule in the cortex that next drains into a collect-
ing duct. The collecting duct again descends into the
medulla, where it merges with other collecting ducts to
empty its contents, now called urine, into the renal
Blood components that were not filtered out of the
glomerulus drain into an efferent arteriole, which then
empties into a second bed of capillaries called peritubular
capillaries that surround the tubules. This is the only loca-
tion in the body where two capillary beds occur in series.
The glomerulus is drained by an arteriole and this second
arteriole delivers blood to a second capillary bed, the per-
itubular capillaries. As described later, the peritubular
capillaries are needed for the processes of reabsorption
and secretion.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1187
Renal cortex
Renal medulla
convoluted tubule
Descending limb
of loop of Henle
Loop of Henle
convoluted tubule
Ascending limb
of loop of Henle
Collecting duct
To ureter
FIGURE 58.18
A nephron in a mammalian kidney. The nephron tubule is surrounded by peritubular capillaries, which carry away molecules and ions
that are reabsorbed from the filtrate.
Reabsorption and Secretion
Most of the water and dissolved solutes that enter the
glomerular filtrate must be returned to the blood (figure
58.19), or the animal would literally urinate to death. In a
human, for example, approximately 2000 liters of blood
passes through the kidneys each day, and 180 liters of
water leaves the blood and enters the glomerular filtrate.
Because we only have a total blood volume of about 5
liters and only produce 1 to 2 liters of urine per day, it is
obvious that each liter of blood is filtered many times per
day and most of the filtered water is reabsorbed. The re-
absorption of water occurs as a consequence of salt
(NaCl) reabsorption through mechanisms that will be de-
scribed shortly.
The reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, and many
other molecules needed by the body is driven by active
transport carriers. As in all carrier-mediated transport, a
maximum rate of transport is reached whenever the carriers
are saturated (see chapter 6). For the renal glucose carriers,
saturation occurs when the concentration of glucose in the
blood (and thus in the glomerular filtrate) is about 180 mil-
ligrams per 100 milliliters of blood. If a person has a blood
glucose concentration in excess of this amount, as happens
in untreated diabetes mellitus, the glucose left untrans-
ported in the filtrate is expelled in the urine. Indeed, the
presence of glucose in the urine is diagnostic of diabetes
The secretion of foreign molecules and particular
waste products of the body involves the transport of these
molecules across the membranes of the blood capillaries
and kidney tubules into the filtrate. This process is similar
to reabsorption, but it proceeds in the opposite direction.
Some secreted molecules are eliminated in the urine so
rapidly that they may be cleared from the blood in a sin-
gle pass through the kidneys. This rapid elimination ex-
plains why penicillin, which is secreted by the nephrons,
must be administered in very high doses and several times
per day.
A major function of the kidney is the elimination of a vari-
ety of potentially harmful substances that animals eat and
drink. In addition, urine contains nitrogenous wastes, such
as urea and uric acid, that are products of the catabolism of
amino acids and nucleic acids. Urine may also contain ex-
cess K
, H
, and other ions that are removed from the
blood. Urine’s generally high H
concentration (pH 5 to 7)
helps maintain the acid-base balance of the blood within a
narrow range (pH 7.35 to 7.45). Moreover, the excretion of
water in urine contributes to the maintenance of blood vol-
ume and pressure; the larger the volume of urine excreted,
the lower the blood volume.
The purpose of kidney function is therefore homeosta-
sis—the kidneys are critically involved in maintaining the
constancy of the internal environment. When disease inter-
feres with kidney function, it causes a rise in the blood con-
centration of nitrogenous waste products, disturbances in
electrolyte and acid-base balance, and a failure in blood
pressure regulation. Such potentially fatal changes high-
light the central importance of the kidneys in normal body
The mammalian kidney is divided into a cortex and
medulla and contains microscopic functioning units
called nephrons. The nephron tubules receive a blood
filtrate from the glomeruli and modify this filtrate to
produce urine, which empties into the renal pelvis and
is expelled from the kidney through the ureter.
1188 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Renal tubule
Reabsorption to blood
Secretion from blood
FIGURE 58.19
Four functions of the
kidney. Molecules enter
the urine by filtration out
of the glomerulus and by
secretion into the tubules
from surrounding
peritubular capillaries.
Molecules that entered
the filtrate can be
returned to the blood by
reabsorption from the
tubules into surrounding
peritubular capillaries, or
they may be eliminated
from the body by excretion
through the tubule to a
ureter, then to the
Transport Processes in the
Mammalian Nephron
As previously described, approximately 180 liters (in a
human) of isotonic glomerular filtrate enters the Bowman’s
capsules each day. After passing through the remainder of
the nephron tubules, this volume of fluid would be lost as
urine if it were not reabsorbed back into the blood. It is
clearly impossible to produce this much urine, yet water is
only able to pass through a cell membrane by osmosis, and
osmosis is not possible between two isotonic solutions.
Therefore, some mechanism is needed to create an osmotic
gradient between the glomerular filtrate and the blood, al-
lowing reabsorption.
Proximal Tubule
Approximately two-thirds of the NaCl and water filtered
into Bowman’s capsule is immediately reabsorbed across
the walls of the proximal convoluted tubule. This reabsorp-
tion is driven by the active transport of Na
out of the fil-
trate and into surrounding peritubular capillaries. Cl
lows Na
passively because of electrical attraction, and
water follows them both because of osmosis. Because NaCl
and water are removed from the filtrate in proportionate
amounts, the filtrate that remains in the tubule is still iso-
tonic to the blood plasma.
Although only one-third of the initial volume of filtrate
remains in the nephron tubule after the initial reabsorption
of NaCl and water, it still represents a large volume (60 L
out of the original 180 L of filtrate produced per day by
both human kidneys). Obviously, no animal can excrete
that much urine, so most of this water must also be reab-
sorbed. It is reabsorbed primarily across the wall of the col-
lecting duct because the interstitial fluid of the renal
medulla surrounding the collecting ducts is hypertonic.
The hypertonic renal medulla draws water out of the col-
lecting duct by osmosis, leaving behind a hypertonic urine
for excretion.
Loop of Henle
The reabsorption of much of the water in the tubular fil-
trate thus depends on the creation of a hypertonic renal
medulla; the more hypertonic the medulla is, the steeper
the osmotic gradient will be and the more water will leave
the collecting ducts. It is the loops of Henle that create
the hypertonic renal medulla in the following manner
(figure 58.20):
1. The ascending limb of the loop actively extrudes Na
and Cl
follows. The mechanism that extrudes NaCl
from the ascending limb of the loop differs from that
which extrudes NaCl from the proximal tubule, but
the most important difference is that the ascending
limb is not permeable to water. As Na
exits, the fluid
within the ascending limb becomes increasingly di-
lute (hypotonic) as it enters the
cortex, while the surrounding
tissue becomes increasingly
concentrated (hypertonic).
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1189
Inner medulla
Outer medulla
Loop of Henle
Distal tubule
otal solute concentration (mOsm)
FIGURE 58.20
The reabsorption of salt and
water in the mammalian kidney.
Active transport of Na
out of the
proximal tubules is followed by the
passive movement of Cl
and water.
Active extrusion of NaCl from the
ascending limb of the loop of Henle
creates the osmotic gradient required
for the reabsorption of water from
the collecting duct. The changes in
osmolality from the cortex to the
medulla is indicated to the left of the
2. The NaCl pumped out of the ascending limb of the
loop is trapped within the surrounding interstitial
fluid. This is because the peritubular capillaries in
the medulla also have loops, called vasa recta, so that
NaCl can diffuse from the blood leaving the
medulla to the blood entering the medulla. Thus,
the vasa recta functions in a countercurrent ex-
change, similar to that described for oxygen in the
countercurrent flow of water and blood in the gills
of fish (see chapter 53). In the case of the renal
medulla, the diffusion of NaCl between the blood
vessels keeps much of the NaCl within the intersti-
tial fluid, making it hypertonic.
3. The descending limb is permeable to water, so water
leaves by osmosis as the fluid descends into the hy-
pertonic renal medulla. This water enters the blood
vessels of the vasa recta and is carried away in the
general circulation.
4. The loss of water from the descending limb multi-
plies the concentration that can be achieved at each
level of the loop through the active extrusion of
NaCl by the ascending limb. The longer the loop of
Henle, the longer the region of interaction between
the descending and ascending limbs, and the greater
the total concentration that can be achieved. In a
human kidney, the concentration of filtrate entering
the loop is 300 milliosmolal, and this concentration
is multiplied to more than 1200 milliosmolal at the
bottom of the longest loops of Henle in the renal
Because fluid flows in opposite directions in the two
limbs of the loop, the action of the loop of Henle in creat-
ing a hypertonic renal medulla is known as the countercur-
rent multiplier system. The high solute concentration of the
renal medulla is primarily the result of NaCl accumulation
by the countercurrent multiplier system, but urea also con-
tributes to the total osmolality of the medulla. This is be-
cause the descending limb of the loop of Henle and the
collecting duct are permeable to urea, which leaves these
regions of the nephron by diffusion.
Distal Tubule and Collecting Duct
Because NaCl was pumped out of the ascending limb, the
filtrate that arrives at the distal convoluted tubule and en-
ters the collecting duct in the renal cortex is hypotonic
(with a concentration of only 100 mOsm). The collecting
duct carrying this dilute fluid now plunges into the
medulla. As a result of the hypertonic interstitial fluid of
the renal medulla, there is a strong osmotic gradient that
pulls water out of the collecting duct and into surrounding
blood vessels.
The osmotic gradient is normally constant, but the per-
meability of the collecting duct to water is adjusted by a
hormone, antidiuretic hormone (ADH, also called vaso-
pressin), discussed in chapters 52 and 56. When an animal
needs to conserve water, the posterior pituitary gland se-
cretes more ADH, and this hormone increases the number
of water channels in the plasma membranes of the collect-
ing duct cells. This increases the permeability of the col-
lecting ducts to water so that more water is reabsorbed and
less is excreted in the urine. The animal thus excretes a hy-
pertonic urine.
In addition to the regulation of water balance, the kid-
neys regulate the balance of electrolytes in the blood by
reabsorption and secretion. For example, the kidneys re-
absorb K
in the proximal tubule and then secrete an
amount of K
needed to maintain homeostasis into the
distal convoluted tubule (figure 58.21). The kidneys also
maintain acid-base balance by excreting H
into the urine
and reabsorbing bicarbonate (HCO
), as previously
The loop of Henle creates a hypertonic renal medulla as
a result of the active extrusion of NaCl from the
ascending limb and the interaction with the descending
limb. The hypertonic medulla then draws water
osmotically from the collecting duct, which is
permeable to water under the influence of antidiuretic
1190 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Reabsorbed Secreted
FIGURE 58.21
The nephron controls the amounts of K
, H
, and HCO
excreted in the urine. K
is completely reabsorbed in the
proximal tubule and then secreted in varying amounts into the
distal tubule. HCO
is filtered but normally completely
reabsorbed. H
is filtered and also secreted into the distal tubule,
so that the final urine has an acidic pH.
Ammonia, Urea, and Uric Acid
Amino acids and nucleic acids are nitrogen-containing
molecules. When animals catabolize these molecules for
energy or convert them into carbohydrates or lipids, they
produce nitrogen-containing by-products called nitroge-
nous wastes (figure 58.22) that must be eliminated from
the body.
The first step in the metabolism of amino acids and nu-
cleic acids is the removal of the amino (—NH
) group and
its combination with H
to form ammonia (NH
) in the
liver. Ammonia is quite toxic to cells and therefore is safe
only in very dilute concentrations. The excretion of am-
monia is not a problem for the bony fish and tadpoles,
which eliminate most of it by diffusion through the gills
and less by excretion in very dilute urine. In elasmo-
branchs, adult amphibians, and mammals, the nitrogenous
wastes are eliminated in the far less toxic form of urea.
Urea is water-soluble and so can be excreted in large
amounts in the urine. It is carried in the bloodstream
from its place of synthesis in the liver to the kidneys
where it is excreted in the urine.
Reptiles, birds, and insects excrete nitrogenous wastes in
the form of uric acid, which is only slightly soluble in
water. As a result of its low solubility, uric acid precipitates
and thus can be excreted using very little water. Uric acid
forms the pasty white material in bird droppings called
guano. The ability to synthesize uric acid in these groups of
animals is also important because their eggs are encased
within shells, and nitrogenous wastes build up as the em-
bryo grows within the egg. The formation of uric acid,
while a lengthy process that requires considerable energy,
produces a compound that crystallizes and precipitates. As
a precipitate, it is unable to affect the embryo’s develop-
ment even though it is still inside the egg.
Mammals also produce some uric acid, but it is a waste
product of the degradation of purine nucleotides (see chap-
ter 3), not of amino acids. Most mammals have an enzyme
called uricase, which converts uric acid into a more soluble
derivative, allantoin. Only humans, apes, and the dalmat-
ian dog lack this enzyme and so must excrete the uric acid.
In humans, excessive accumulation of uric acid in the joints
produces a condition known as gout.
The metabolic breakdown of amino acids and nucleic
acids produces ammonia as a by-product. Ammonia is
excreted by bony fish, but other vertebrates convert
nitrogenous wastes into urea and uric acid, which are
less toxic nitrogenous wastes.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1191
some others
and birds
Urea Uric acid
FIGURE 58.22
Nitrogenous wastes. When amino acids and nucleic acids are metabolized, the immediate by-product is ammonia, which is quite toxic
but which can be eliminated through the gills of teleost fish. Mammals convert ammonia into urea, which is less toxic. Birds and terrestrial
reptiles convert it instead into uric acid, which is insoluble in water.
Hormones Control
Homeostatic Functions
In mammals and birds, the amount of
water excreted in the urine, and thus the
concentration of the urine, varies ac-
cording to the changing needs of the
body. Acting through the mechanisms
described next, the kidneys will excrete a
hypertonic urine when the body needs to
conserve water. If an animal drinks too
much water, the kidneys will excrete a
hypotonic urine. As a result, the volume
of blood, the blood pressure, and the os-
molality of blood plasma are maintained
relatively constant by the kidneys, no
matter how much water you drink. The
kidneys also regulate the plasma K
concentrations and blood pH within
very narrow limits. These homeostatic
functions of the kidneys are coordinated
primarily by hormones (see chapter 56).
Antidiuretic Hormone
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is pro-
duced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the posterior
pituitary gland. The primary stimulus for ADH secretion
is an increase in the osmolality of the blood plasma. The
osmolality of plasma increases when a person is dehy-
drated or when a person eats salty food. Osmoreceptors in
the hypothalamus respond to the elevated blood osmolal-
ity by sending more nerve signals to the integration cen-
ter (also in the hypothalamus). This, in turn, triggers a
sensation of thirst and an increase in the secretion of
ADH (figure 58.23).
ADH causes the walls of the collecting ducts in the kid-
ney to become more permeable to water. This occurs be-
cause water channels are contained within the membranes
of intracellular vesicles in the epithelium of the collecting
ducts, and ADH stimulates the fusion of the vesicle mem-
brane with the plasma membrane, similar to the process of
exocytosis. When the secretion of ADH is reduced, the
plasma membrane pinches in to form new vesicles that con-
tain the water channels, so that the plasma membrane be-
comes less permeable to water.
Because the extracellular fluid in the renal medulla is hy-
pertonic to the filtrate in the collecting ducts, water leaves
the filtrate by osmosis and is reabsorbed into the blood.
Under conditions of maximal ADH secretion, a person ex-
cretes only 600 milliliters of highly concentrated urine per
day. A person who lacks ADH due to pituitary damage has
the disorder known as diabetes insipidus and constantly ex-
cretes a large volume of dilute urine. Such a person is in
danger of becoming severely dehydrated and succumbing
to dangerously low blood pressure.
Aldosterone and Atrial Natriuretic Hormone
Sodium ion is the major solute in the blood plasma. When
the blood concentration of Na
falls, therefore, the blood
osmolality also falls. This drop in osmolality inhibits ADH
secretion, causing more water to remain in the collecting
duct for excretion in the urine. As a result, the blood vol-
ume and blood pressure decrease. A decrease in extracellu-
lar Na
also causes more water to be drawn into cells by
osmosis, partially offsetting the drop in plasma osmolarity
but further decreasing blood volume and blood pressure. If
deprivation is severe, the blood volume may fall so
low that there is insufficient blood pressure to sustain life.
For this reason, salt is necessary for life. Many animals
have a “salt hunger” and actively seek salt, such as the deer
at “salt licks.”
A drop in blood Na
concentration is normally compen-
sated by the kidneys under the influence of the hormone al-
dosterone, which is secreted by the adrenal cortex. Aldos-
terone stimulates the distal convoluted tubules to reabsorb
, decreasing the excretion of Na
in the urine. Indeed,
under conditions of maximal aldosterone secretion, Na
may be completely absent from the urine. The reabsorp-
1192 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
58.4 The kidney is regulated by hormones.
Increased osmolality
of plasma
pituitary gland
ADH secretion
Increased reabsorption
of water
water intake
in hypothalamus
Negative feedback
FIGURE 58.23
Antidiuretic hormone stimulates the reabsorption of water by the kidneys. This
action completes a negative feedback loop and helps to maintain homeostasis of blood
volume and osmolality.
tion of Na
is followed by Cl
and by water, so aldosterone
has the net effect of promoting the retention of both salt
and water. It thereby helps to maintain blood volume and
The secretion of aldosterone in response to a de-
creased blood level of Na
is indirect. Because a fall in
blood Na
is accompanied by a decreased blood volume,
there is a reduced flow of blood past a group of cells
called the juxtaglomerular apparatus, located in the re-
gion of the kidney between the distal convoluted tubule
and the afferent arteriole (figure 58.24). The juxta-
glomerular apparatus responds by secreting the enzyme
renin into the blood, which catalyzes the production of
the polypeptide angiotensin I from the protein an-
giotensinogen (see chapter 52). Angiotensin I is then
converted by another enzyme into angiotensin II, which
stimulates blood vessels to constrict and the adrenal cor-
tex to secrete aldosterone. Thus, homeostasis of blood
volume and pressure can be maintained by the activation
of this renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
In addition to stimulating Na
reabsorption, aldosterone
also promotes the secretion of K
into the distal convoluted
tubules. Consequently, aldosterone lowers the blood K
concentration, helping to maintain constant blood K
in the face of changing amounts of K
in the diet. People
who lack the ability to produce aldosterone will die if un-
treated because of the excessive loss of salt and water in the
urine and the buildup of K
in the blood.
The action of aldosterone in promoting salt and water
retention is opposed by another hormone, atrial natriuretic
hormone (ANH, see chapter 52). This hormone is secreted
by the right atrium of the heart in response to an increased
blood volume, which stretches the atrium. Under these
conditions, aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex
will decrease and atrial natriuretic hormone secretion will
increase, thus promoting the excretion of salt and water in
the urine and lowering the blood volume.
ADH stimulates the insertion of water channels into the
cells of the collecting duct, making the collecting duct
more permeable to water. Thus, ADH stimulates the
reabsorption of water and the excretion of a hypertonic
urine. Aldosterone promotes the reabsorption of NaCl
and water across the distal convoluted tubule, as well as
the secretion of K
into the tubule. ANH decreases
NaCl reabsorption.
Chapter 58 Maintaining the Internal Environment 1193
Low blood
Low blood
of Henle
Angiotensin II
Increased NaCl
and H
FIGURE 58.24
A lowering of blood volume
activates the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system. (1) Low
blood volume accompanies a
decrease in blood Na
(2) Reduced blood flow past the
juxtaglomerular apparatus triggers
(3) the release of renin into the
blood, which catalyzes the
production of angiotensin I from
angiotensinogen. (4) Angiotensin
I converts into an active form,
angiotensin II. (5) Angiotensin II
stimulates blood vessel
constriction and (6) the release of
aldosterone from the adrenal
cortex. (7) Aldosterone stimulates
the reabsorption of Na
in the
distal convoluted tubules.
(8) Increased Na
reabsorption is
followed by the reabsorption of
and water. (9) This increases
blood volume. An increase in
blood volume may also trigger the
release of atrial natriuretic
hormone that inhibits the release
of aldosterone. These two
systems work together to
maintain homeostasis.
1194 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Chapter 58
Summary Questions Media Resources
58.1 The regulatory systems of the body maintain homeostasis.
? Negative feedback loops maintain nearly constant
extracellular conditions in the internal environment
of the body, a condition called homeostasis.
? Antagonistic effectors afford an even finer degree of
1. What is homeostasis? What
is a negative feedback loop? Give
an example of how homeostasis
is maintained by a negative
feedback loop.
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Osmoconformers maintain a tissue fluid osmolality
equal to that of their environment, whereas
osmoregulators maintain a constant blood osmolality
that is different from that of their environment.
? Insects eliminate water by secreting K
Malpighian tubules and the water follows the K
? The kidneys of most vertebrates eliminate water by
filtering blood into nephron tubules.
? Freshwater bony fish are hypertonic to their
environment, and saltwater bony fish are hypotonic
to their environment; these conditions place different
demands upon their kidneys and other regulatory
? Birds and mammals are the only vertebrates that have
loops of Henle and thus are capable of producing a
hypertonic urine.
2. What is the difference
between an osmoconformer and
an osmoregulator? What are
examples of each?
3. How does the body fluid
osmolality of a freshwater
vertebrate compare with that of
its environment? Does water
tend to enter or exit its body?
What must it do to maintain
proper body water levels?
4. In what type of animal are
Malpighian tubules found? By
what mechanism is fluid caused
to flow into these tubules? How
is this fluid further modified
before it is excreted?
58.2 The extracellular fluid concentration is constant in most vertebrates.
? The primary function of the kidneys is homeostasis of
blood volume, pressure, and composition, including
the concentration of particular solutes in the blood
and the blood pH.
? Bony fish remove the amine portions of amino acids
and excrete them as ammonia across the gills.
? Elasmobranchs, adult amphibians, and mammals
produce and excrete urea, which is quite soluble but
much less toxic than ammonia.
? Insects, reptiles, and birds produce uric acid from the
amino groups in amino acids; this precipitates, so that
little water is required for its excretion.
5. What drives the movement of
fluid from the blood to the
inside of the nephron tubule at
Bowman’s capsule?
6. In what portion of the
nephron is most of the NaCl and
water reabsorbed from the
7. What causes water
reabsorption from the collecting
duct? How is this influenced by
antidiuretic hormone?
58.3 The functions of the vertebrate kidney are performed by nephrons.
? Antidiuretic hormone is secreted by the posterior
pituitary gland in response to an increase in blood
osmolality, and acts to increase the number of water
channels in the walls of the collecting ducts.
8. What effects does aldosterone
have on kidney function? How is
the secretion of aldosterone
58.4 The kidney is regulated by hormones.
? Osmoregulation
? Body fluid distribution
? Water balance
? Bioethics case study:
Kidney transplant
? Art activities
Urinary system
Anatomy of kidney
and lobe
Nephron anatomy
? Kidney function
? Kidney function
Sex and Reproduction
Concept Outline
59.1 Animals employ both sexual and asexual
reproductive strategies.
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction. Some animals
reproduce asexually, but most reproduce sexually; male and
female are usually different individuals, but not always.
59.2 The evolution of reproduction among the
vertebrates has led to internalization of
fertilization and development.
Fertilization and Development. Among vertebrates that
have internal fertilization, the young are nourished by egg
yolk or from their mother’s blood.
Fish and Amphibians. Most bony fish and amphibians
have external fertilization, while most cartilaginous fish
have internal fertilization.
Reptiles and Birds. Most reptiles and all birds lay eggs
externally, and the young develop inside the egg.
Mammals. Monotremes lay eggs, marsupials have
pouches where their young develop, and placental
mammals have placentas that nourish the young within the
59.3 Male and female reproductive systems are
specialized for different functions.
Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive
System. The testes produce sperm and secrete the male
sex hormone, testosterone.
Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive
System. An egg cell within an ovarian follicle develops
and is released from the ovary; the egg cell travels into the
female reproductive tract, which undergoes cyclic changes
due to hormone secretion.
59.4 The physiology of human sexual intercourse is
becoming better known.
Physiology of Human Sexual Intercourse. The human
sexual response can be divided into four phases: excitement,
plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
Birth Control. Various methods of birth control are
employed, including barriers to fertilization, prevention of
ovulation, and prevention of the implantation.
he cry of a cat in heat, insects chirping outside the win-
dow, frogs croaking in swamps, and wolves howling in
a frozen northern forest are all sounds of evolution’s essen-
tial act, reproduction. These distinct vocalizations, as well
as the bright coloration characteristic of some animals like
the tropical golden toads of figure 59.1, function to attract
mates. Few subjects pervade our everyday thinking more
than sex, and few urges are more insistent. This chapter
deals with sex and reproduction among the vertebrates, in-
cluding humans.
The bright color of male golden toads serves to attract
mates. The rare golden toads of the Monteverde Cloud Forest
Reserve of Costa Rica are nearly voiceless and so use bright colors
to attract mates. Always rare, they may now be extinct.
The Russian biologist Ilya Darevsky reported in 1958
one of the first cases of unusual modes of reproduction
among vertebrates. He observed that some populations of
small lizards of the genus Lacerta were exclusively female,
and suggested that these lizards could lay eggs that were vi-
able even if they were not fertilized. In other words, they
were capable of asexual reproduction in the absence of
sperm, a type of parthenogenesis. Further work has shown
that parthenogenesis also occurs among populations of
other lizard genera.
Another variation in reproductive strategies is her-
maphroditism, when one individual has both testes and
ovaries, and so can produce both sperm and eggs (figure
59.2a). A tapeworm is hermaphroditic and can fertilize it-
self, a useful strategy because it is unlikely to encounter an-
other tapeworm. Most hermaphroditic animals, however,
require another individual to reproduce. Two earthworms,
for example, are required for reproduction—each functions
as both male and female, and each leaves the encounter
with fertilized eggs.
1196 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Asexual and Sexual
Asexual reproduction is the primary
means of reproduction among the pro-
tists, cnidaria, and tunicates, but it may
also occur in some of the more complex
animals. Indeed, the formation of iden-
tical twins (by the separation of two
identical cells of a very early embryo) is
a form of asexual reproduction.
Through mitosis, genetically identi-
cal cells are produced from a single
parent cell. This permits asexual repro-
duction to occur in protists by division
of the organism, or fission. Cnidaria
commonly reproduce by budding,
where a part of the parent’s body be-
comes separated from the rest and dif-
ferentiates into a new individual. The
new individual may become an inde-
pendent animal or may remain at-
tached to the parent, forming a colony.
Sexual reproduction occurs when a
new individual is formed by the union
of two sex cells, or gametes, a term
that includes sperm and eggs (or
ova). The union of sperm and egg
cells produces a fertilized egg, or zygote, that develops
by mitotic division into a new multicellular organism.
The zygote and the cells it forms by mitosis are diploid;
they contain both members of each homologous pair of
chromosomes. The gametes, formed by meiosis in the sex
organs, or gonads—the testes and ovaries—are haploid
(see chapter 12). The process of spermatogenesis (sperm
formation) and oogenesis (egg formation) will be de-
scribed in later sections. For a more detailed discussion
of asexual and sexual reproduction, see chapter 12.
Different Approaches to Sex
Parthenogenesis (virgin birth) is common in many
species of arthropods; some species are exclusively
parthenogenic (and all female), while others switch be-
tween sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis in differ-
ent generations. In honeybees, for example, a queen bee
mates only once and stores the sperm. She then can con-
trol the release of sperm. If no sperm are released, the
eggs develop parthenogenetically into drones, which are
males; if sperm are allowed to fertilize the eggs, the fer-
tilized eggs develop into other queens or worker bees,
which are female.
59.1 Animals employ both sexual and asexual reproductive strategies.
Hermaphroditism and protogyny. (a) The hamlet bass (genus Hypoplectrus) is a deep-sea
fish that is a hermaphrodite—both male and female at the same time. In the course of a
single pair-mating, one fish may switch sexual roles as many as four times, alternately
offering eggs to be fertilized and fertilizing its partner’s eggs. Here the fish acting as a male
curves around its motionless partner, fertilizing the upward-floating eggs. (b) The bluehead
wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatium, is protogynous—females sometimes turn into males. Here a
large male, or sex-changed female, is seen among females, typically much smaller.
(a) (b)
There are some deep-sea fish that are hermaphro-
dites—both male and female at the same time. Numerous
fish genera include species in which individuals can
change their sex, a process called sequential hermaphro-
ditism. Among coral reef fish, for example, both protog-
yny (“first female,” a change from female to male) and
protandry (“first male,” a change from male to female)
occur. In fish that practice protogyny (figure 59.2b), the
sex change appears to be under social control. These fish
commonly live in large groups, or schools, where success-
ful reproduction is typically limited to one or a few large,
dominant males. If those males are removed, the largest
female rapidly changes sex and becomes a dominant
Sex Determination
Among the fish just described, and in some species of rep-
tiles, environmental changes can cause changes in the sex of
the animal. In mammals, the sex is determined early in em-
bryonic development. The reproductive systems of human
males and females appear similar for the first 40 days after
conception. During this time, the cells that will give rise to
ova or sperm migrate from the yolk sac to the embryonic
gonads, which have the potential to become either ovaries
in females or testes in males. For this reason, the embry-
onic gonads are said to be “indifferent.” If the embryo is a
male, it will have a Y chromosome with a gene whose prod-
uct converts the indifferent gonads into testes. In females,
which lack a Y chromosome, this gene and the protein it
encodes are absent, and the gonads become ovaries. Recent
evidence suggests that the sex-determining gene may be
one known as SRY (for “sex-determining region of the Y
chromosome”) (figure 59.3). The SRY gene appears to have
been highly conserved during the evolution of different
vertebrate groups.
Once testes form in the embryo, the testes secrete
testosterone and other hormones that promote the devel-
opment of the male external genitalia and accessory repro-
ductive organs. If the embryo lacks testes (the ovaries are
nonfunctional at this stage), the embryo develops female
external genitalia and sex accessory organs. In other words,
all mammalian embryos will develop female sex accessory
organs and external genitalia unless they are masculinized
by the secretions of the testes.
Sexual reproduction is most common among animals,
but many reproduce asexually by fission, budding, or
parthenogenesis. Sexual reproduction generally involves
the fusion of gametes derived from different individuals
of a species, but some species are hermaphroditic.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1197
(Follicles do not
develop until
third trimester)
Develop in early
Sex determination in mammals is made by a region of the Y chromosome designated SRY. Testes are formed when the Y
chromosome and SRY are present; ovaries are formed when they are absent.
Fertilization and Development
Vertebrate sexual reproduction evolved in the ocean before
vertebrates colonized the land. The females of most species
of marine bony fish produce eggs or ova in batches and re-
lease them into the water. The males generally release their
sperm into the water containing the eggs, where the union
of the free gametes occurs. This process is known as exter-
nal fertilization.
Although seawater is not a hostile environment for ga-
metes, it does cause the gametes to disperse rapidly, so
their release by females and males must be almost simul-
taneous. Thus, most marine fish restrict the release of
their eggs and sperm to a few brief and well-defined peri-
ods. Some reproduce just once a year, while others do so
more frequently. There are few seasonal cues in the
ocean that organisms can use as signals for synchronizing
reproduction, but one all-pervasive signal is the cycle of
the moon. Once each month, the moon approaches
closer to the earth than usual, and when it does, its in-
creased gravitational attraction causes somewhat higher
tides. Many marine organisms sense the tidal changes and
entrain the production and release of their gametes to the
lunar cycle.
The invasion of land posed the new danger of desicca-
tion, a problem that was especially severe for the small
and vulnerable gametes. On land, the gametes could not
simply be released near each other, as they would soon
dry up and perish. Consequently, there was intense selec-
tive pressure for terrestrial vertebrates (as well as some
groups of fish) to evolve internal fertilization, that is,
the introduction of male gametes into the female repro-
ductive tract. By this means, fertilization still occurs in a
nondesiccating environment, even when the adult ani-
mals are fully terrestrial. The vertebrates that practice in-
ternal fertilization have three strategies for embryonic
and fetal development:
1. Oviparity. This is found in some bony fish, most
reptiles, some cartilaginous fish, some amphibians, a
few mammals, and all birds. The eggs, after being fer-
tilized internally, are deposited outside the mother’s
body to complete their development.
2. Ovoviviparity. This is found in some bony fish (in-
cluding mollies, guppies, and mosquito fish), some
cartilaginous fish, and many reptiles. The fertilized
eggs are retained within the mother to complete their
development, but the embryos still obtain all of their
nourishment from the egg yolk. The young are fully
developed when they are hatched and released from
the mother.
3. Viviparity. This is found in most cartilaginous
fish, some amphibians, a few reptiles, and almost all
mammals. The young develop within the mother
and obtain nourishment directly from their moth-
er’s blood, rather than from the egg yolk (fig-
ure 59.4).
Fertilization is external in most fish but internal in most
other vertebrates. Depending upon the relationship of
the developing embryo to the mother and egg, those
vertebrates with internal fertilization may be classified
as oviparous, ovoviviparous, or viviparous.
1198 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
59.2 The evolution of reproduction among the vertebrates has led to
internalization of fertilization and development.
Viviparous fish
carry live, mobile
young within their
bodies. The young
complete their
development within
the body of the
mother and are then
released as small but
competent adults.
Here a lemon shark
has just given birth
to a young shark,
which is still
attached by the
umbilical cord.
Fish and Amphibians
Most fish and amphibians, unlike other vertebrates, repro-
duce by means of external fertilization.
Fertilization in most species of bony fish (teleosts) is exter-
nal, and the eggs contain only enough yolk to sustain the
developing embryo for a short time. After the initial supply
of yolk has been exhausted, the young fish must seek its
food from the waters around it. Development is speedy,
and the young that survive mature rapidly. Although thou-
sands of eggs are fertilized in a single mating, many of the
resulting individuals succumb to microbial infection or pre-
dation, and few grow to maturity.
In marked contrast to the bony fish, fertilization in most
cartilaginous fish is internal. The male introduces sperm
into the female through a modified pelvic fin. Development
of the young in these vertebrates is generally viviparous.
The amphibians invaded the land without fully adapting
to the terrestrial environment, and their life cycle is still
tied to the water. Fertilization is external in most amphib-
ians, just as it is in most species of bony fish. Gametes
from both males and females are released through the
cloaca. Among the frogs and toads, the male grasps the fe-
male and discharges fluid containing the sperm onto the
eggs as they are released into the water (figure 59.5). Al-
though the eggs of most amphibians develop in the water,
there are some interesting exceptions. In two species of
frogs, for example, the eggs develop in the vocal sacs and
stomach, and the young frogs leave through their moth-
er’s mouth (figure 59.6)!
The time required for development of amphibians is
much longer than that for fish, but amphibian eggs do not
include a significantly greater amount of yolk. Instead, the
process of development in most amphibians is divided into
embryonic, larval, and adult stages, in a way reminiscent of
the life cycles found in some insects. The embryo develops
within the egg, obtaining nutrients from the yolk. After
hatching from the egg, the aquatic larva then functions as a
free-swimming, food-gathering machine, often for a con-
siderable period of time. The larvae may increase in size
rapidly; some tadpoles, which are the larvae of frogs and
toads, grow in a matter of weeks from creatures no bigger
than the tip of a pencil into individuals as big as a goldfish.
When the larva has grown to a sufficient size, it undergoes
a developmental transition, or metamorphosis, into the ter-
restrial adult form.
The eggs of most bony fish and amphibians are
fertilized externally. In amphibians the eggs develop
into a larval stage that undergoes metamorphosis.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1199
The eggs of frogs are fertilized externally. When frogs mate,
as these two are doing, the clasp of the male induces the female to
release a large mass of mature eggs, over which the male
discharges his sperm.
Different ways young develop in frogs. (a) In the poison arrow
frog, the male carries the tadpoles on his back. (b) In the female
Surinam frog, froglets develop from eggs in special brooding
pouches on the back. (c) In the South American pygmy marsupial
frog, the female carries the developing larvae in a pouch on her
back. (d) Tadpoles of the Darwin’s frog develop into froglets in
the vocal pouch of the male and emerge from the mouth.
Reptiles and Birds
Most reptiles and all birds are
oviparous—after the eggs are fertilized
internally, they are deposited outside of
the mother’s body to complete their de-
velopment. Like most vertebrates that
fertilize internally, male reptiles utilize a
tubular organ, the penis, to inject sperm
into the female (figure 59.7). The penis,
containing erectile tissue, can become
quite rigid and penetrate far into the fe-
male reproductive tract. Most reptiles
are oviparous, laying eggs and then
abandoning them. These eggs are sur-
rounded by a leathery shell that is de-
posited as the egg passes through the
oviduct, the part of the female reproduc-
tive tract leading from the ovary. A few
species of reptiles are ovoviviparous or
viviparous, forming eggs that develop
into embryos within the body of the
All birds practice internal fertilization,
though most male birds lack a penis. In
some of the larger birds (including
swans, geese, and ostriches), however,
the male cloaca extends to form a false
penis. As the egg passes along the oviduct, glands secrete
albumin proteins (the egg white) and the hard, calcareous
shell that distinguishes bird eggs from reptilian eggs. While
modern reptiles are poikilotherms (animals whose body
temperature varies with the temperature of their environ-
ment), birds are homeotherms (animals that maintain a rel-
atively constant body temperature independent of environ-
mental temperatures). Hence, most birds incubate their
eggs after laying them to keep them warm (figure 59.8).
The young that hatch from the eggs of most bird species
are unable to survive unaided, as their development is still
incomplete. These young birds are fed and nurtured by
their parents, and they grow to maturity gradually.
The shelled eggs of reptiles and birds constitute one of
the most important adaptations of these vertebrates to life
on land, because shelled eggs can be laid in dry places.
Such eggs are known as amniotic eggs because the embryo
develops within a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by a mem-
brane called the amnion. The amnion is an extraembry-
onic membrane—that is, a membrane formed from embry-
onic cells but located outside the body of the embryo.
Other extraembryonic membranes in amniotic eggs in-
clude the chorion, which lines the inside of the eggshell,
the yolk sac, and the allantois. In contrast, the eggs of fish
and amphibians contain only one extraembryonic mem-
brane, the yolk sac. The viviparous mammals, including
humans, also have extraembryonic membranes that will be
described in chapter 60.
Most reptiles and all birds are oviparous, laying
amniotic eggs that are protected by watertight
membranes from desiccation. Birds, being
homeotherms, must keep the eggs warm by incubation.
1200 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
The introduction of sperm by the male into the female’s body is called copulation.
Reptiles such as these turtles were the first terrestrial vertebrates to develop this form of
reproduction, which is particularly suited to a terrestrial environment.
Crested penguins incubating their egg. This nesting pair is
changing the parental guard in a stylized ritual.
Some mammals are seasonal breeders, reproducing only
once a year, while others have shorter reproductive cycles.
Among the latter, the females generally undergo the repro-
ductive cycles, while the males are more constant in their
reproductive activity. Cycling in females involves the peri-
odic release of a mature ovum from the ovary in a process
known as ovulation. Most female mammals are “in heat,”
or sexually receptive to males, only around the time of ovu-
lation. This period of sexual receptivity is called estrus,
and the reproductive cycle is therefore called an estrous
cycle. The females continue to cycle until they become
In the estrous cycle of most mammals, changes in the se-
cretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteiniz-
ing hormone (LH) by the anterior pituitary gland cause
changes in egg cell development and hormone secretion in
the ovaries. Humans and apes have menstrual cycles that
are similar to the estrous cycles of other mammals in their
cyclic pattern of hormone secretion and ovulation. Unlike
mammals with estrous cycles, however, human and ape fe-
males bleed when they shed the inner lining of their uterus,
a process called menstruation, and may engage in copula-
tion at any time during the cycle.
Rabbits and cats differ from most other mammals in that
they are induced ovulators. Instead of ovulating in a cyclic
fashion regardless of sexual activity, the females ovulate
only after copulation as a result of a reflex stimulation of
LH secretion (described later). This makes these animals
extremely fertile.
The most primitive mammals, the monotremes (con-
sisting solely of the duck-billed platypus and the
echidna), are oviparous, like the reptiles from which they
evolved. They incubate their eggs in a nest (figure 59.9a)
or specialized pouch, and the young hatchlings obtain
milk from their mother’s mammary glands by licking her
skin, as monotremes lack nipples. All other mammals are
viviparous, and are divided into two subcategories based
on how they nourish their young. The marsupials, a
group that includes opossums and kangaroos, give birth
to fetuses that are incompletely developed. The fetuses
complete their development in a pouch of their mother’s
skin, where they can obtain nourishment from nipples of
the mammary glands (figure 59.9b). The placental mam-
mals (figure 59.9c) retain their young for a much longer
period of development within the mother’s uterus. The
fetuses are nourished by a structure known as the pla-
centa, which is derived from both an extraembryonic
membrane (the chorion) and the mother’s uterine lining.
Because the fetal and maternal blood vessels are in very
close proximity in the placenta, the fetus can obtain nu-
trients by diffusion from the mother’s blood. The func-
tioning of the placenta is discussed in more detail in
chapter 60.
Among mammals that are not seasonal breeders, the
females undergo shorter cyclic variations in ovarian
function. These are estrous cycles in most mammals
and menstrual cycles in humans and apes. Some
mammals are induced ovulators, ovulating in response
to copulation.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1201
(a) (b) (c)
Reproduction in mammals. (a) Monotremes, like the duck-billed platypus shown here, lay eggs in a nest. (b) Marsupials, such as this
kangaroo, give birth to small fetuses which complete their development in a pouch. (c) In placental mammals, like this domestic cat, the
young remain inside the mother’s uterus for a longer period of time and are born relatively more developed.
Structure and Function of the Male
Reproductive System
The structures of the human male reproductive system,
typical of mammals, are illustrated in figure 59.10. If
testes form in the human embryo, they develop seminifer-
ous tubules beginning at around 43 to 50 days after con-
ception. The seminiferous tubules are the sites of sperm
production. At about 9 to 10 weeks, the Leydig cells, lo-
cated in the interstitial tissue between the seminiferous
tubules, begin to secrete testosterone (the major male sex
hormone, or androgen). Testosterone secretion during
embryonic development converts indifferent structures
into the male external genitalia, the penis and the scrotum,
a sac that contains the testes. In the absence of testos-
terone, these structures develop into the female external
In an adult, each testis is composed primarily of the
highly convoluted seminiferous tubules (figure 59.11).
Although the testes are actually formed within the ab-
dominal cavity, shortly before birth they descend through
an opening called the inguinal canal into the scrotum,
which suspends them outside the abdominal cavity. The
scrotum maintains the testes at around 34°C, slightly
lower than the core body temperature (37°C). This lower
temperature is required for normal sperm development
in humans.
Production of Sperm
The wall of the seminiferous tubule consists of germinal
cells, which become sperm by meiosis, and supporting
Sertoli cells. The germinal cells near the outer surface of
the seminiferous tubule are diploid (with 46 chromo-
somes in humans), while those located closer to the
lumen of the tubule are haploid (with 23 chromosomes
each). Each parent cell duplicates by mitosis, and one of
the two daughter cells then undergoes meiosis to form
sperm; the other remains as a parent cell. In that way, the
male never runs out of parent cells to produce sperm.
Adult males produce an average of 100 to 200 million
sperm each day and can continue to do so throughout
most of the rest of their lives.
The diploid daughter cell that begins meiosis is called
a primary spermatocyte. It has 23 pairs of homologous
chromosomes (in humans) and each chromosome is du-
plicated, with two chromatids. The first meiotic division
separates the homologous chromosomes, producing two
haploid secondary spermatocytes. However, each chromo-
some still consists of two duplicate chromatids. Each of
these cells then undergoes the second meiotic division to
separate the chromatids and produce two haploid cells,
the spermatids. Therefore, a total of four haploid sper-
matids are produced by each primary spermatocyte (fig-
ure 59.11). All of these cells constitute the germinal ep-
ithelium of the seminiferous tubules because they
“germinate” the gametes.
In addition to the germinal epithelium, the walls of
the seminiferous tubules contain nongerminal cells
known as Sertoli cells. The Sertoli cells nurse the devel-
oping sperm and secrete products required for spermato-
genesis (sperm production). They also help convert the
spermatids into spermatozoa by engulfing their extra
Spermatozoa, or sperm, are relatively simple cells, con-
sisting of a head, body, and tail (figure 59.12). The head
encloses a compact nucleus and is capped by a vesicle
called an acrosome, which is derived from the Golgi com-
plex. The acrosome contains enzymes that aid in the pen-
etration of the protective layers surrounding the egg. The
body and tail provide a propulsive mechanism: within the
tail is a flagellum, while inside the body are a centriole,
which acts as a basal body for the flagellum, and mito-
chondria, which generate the energy needed for flagellar
1202 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
59.3 Male and female reproductive systems are specialized for different functions.
Bladder Ureter
Vas deferens
FIGURE 59.10
Organization of the human male reproductive system. The
penis and scrotum are the external genitalia, the testes are the
gonads, and the other organs are sex accessory organs, aiding the
production and ejaculation of semen.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1203
Vas deferens
Cross-section of
seminiferous tubule
Germinal cell
Sertoli cell
FIGURE 59.11
The testis and spermatogenesis. Inside the testis, the seminiferous tubules are the sites of spermatogenesis. Germinal cells in the
seminiferous tubules give rise to spermatozoa by meiosis. Sertoli cells are nongerminal cells within the walls of the seminiferous tubules.
They assist spermatogenesis in several ways, such as helping to convert spermatids into spermatozoa. A primary spermatocyte is diploid. At
the end of the first meiotic division, homologous chromosomes have separated, and two haploid secondary spermatocytes form. The
second meiotic division separates the sister chromatids and results in the formation of four haploid spermatids.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 59.12
Human sperm. (a) A scanning electron micrograph. (b) A diagram of the main components of a sperm cell.
Male Accessory Sex Organs
After the sperm are produced within the seminiferous
tubules, they are delivered into a long, coiled tube called
the epididymis (figure 59.13). The sperm are not motile
when they arrive in the epididymis, and they must remain
there for at least 18 hours before their motility develops.
From the epididymis, the sperm enter another long tube,
the vas deferens, which passes into the abdominal cavity via
the inguinal canal.
The vas deferens from each testis joins with one of the
ducts from a pair of glands called the seminal vesicles (see
figure 59.10), which produce a fructose-rich fluid. From
this point, the vas deferens continues as the ejaculatory
duct and enters the prostate gland at the base of the urinary
bladder. In humans, the prostate gland is about the size of a
golf ball and is spongy in texture. It contributes about 60%
of the bulk of the semen, the fluid that contains the prod-
ucts of the testes, fluid from the seminal vesicles, and the
products of the prostate gland. Within the prostate gland,
the ejaculatory duct merges with the urethra from the uri-
nary bladder. The urethra carries the semen out of the
body through the tip of the penis. A pair of pea-sized bul-
bourethral glands secrete a fluid that lines the urethra and
lubricates the tip of the penis prior to coitus (sexual inter-
In addition to the urethra, there are two columns of
erectile tissue, the corpora cavernosa, along the dorsal
side of the penis and one column, the corpus spongiosum,
along the ventral side (figure 59.14). Penile erection is
produced by neurons in the parasympathetic division of
the autonomic nervous system. As a result of the release
of nitric oxide by these neurons, arterioles in the penis di-
late, causing the erectile tissue to become engorged with
blood and turgid. This increased pressure in the erectile
tissue compresses the veins, so blood flows into the penis
but cannot flow out. The drug sildenafil (Viagra) pro-
longs erection by stimulating release of nitric oxide in the
penis. Some mammals, such as the walrus, have a bone in
the penis that contributes to its stiffness during erection,
but humans do not.
The result of erection and continued sexual stimulation
is ejaculation, the ejection from the penis of about 5 milli-
liters of semen containing an average of 300 million sperm.
Successful fertilization requires such a high sperm count
because the odds against any one sperm cell successfully
completing the journey to the egg and fertilizing it are ex-
traordinarily high, and the acrosomes of several sperm need
to interact with the egg before a single sperm can penetrate
the egg. Males with fewer than 20 million sperm per milli-
liter are generally considered sterile. Despite their large
numbers, sperm constitute only about 1% of the volume of
the semen ejaculated.
1204 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
FIGURE 59.13
Photograph of the human testis. The dark, round object in the
center of the photograph is a testis, within which sperm are
formed. Cupped around it is the epididymis, a highly coiled
passageway in which sperm complete their maturation. Mature
sperm are stored in the vas deferens, a long tube that extends from
the epididymis.
Dorsal veins
FIGURE 59.14
A penis in cross-section (left) and longitudinal section (right).
Note that the urethra runs through the corpus spongiosum.
Hormonal Control of Male Reproduction
As we saw in chapter 56, the anterior pituitary gland se-
cretes two gonadotropic hormones: FSH and LH. Al-
though these hormones are named for their actions in the
female, they are also involved in regulating male reproduc-
tive function (table 59.1). In males, FSH stimulates the Ser-
toli cells to facilitate sperm development, and LH stimu-
lates the Leydig cells to secrete testosterone.
The principle of negative feedback inhibition discussed in
chapter 56 applies to the control of FSH and LH secretion
(figure 59.15). The hypothalamic hormone, gonadotropin-
releasing hormone (GnRH), stimulates the anterior pituitary
gland to secrete both FSH and LH. FSH causes the Sertoli
cells to release a peptide hormone called inhibin that specifi-
cally inhibits FSH secretion. Similarly, LH stimulates testos-
terone secretion, and testosterone feeds back to inhibit the
release of LH, both directly at the anterior pituitary gland
and indirectly by reducing GnRH release. The importance
of negative feedback inhibition can be demonstrated by re-
moving the testes; in the absence of testosterone and inhibin,
the secretion of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary is
greatly increased.
An adult male produces sperm continuously by meiotic
division of the germinal cells lining the seminiferous
tubules. Semen consists of sperm from the testes and
fluid contributed by the seminal vesicles and prostate
gland. Production of sperm and secretion of
testosterone from the testes are controlled by FSH and
LH from the anterior pituitary.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1205
Table 59.1 Mammalian Reproductive Hormones
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Stimulates spermatogenesis
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Stimulates secretion of testosterone by Leydig cells
Testosterone Stimulates development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics and accessory
sex organs
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Stimulates growth of ovarian follicles and secretion of estradiol
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Stimulates ovulation, conversion of ovarian follicles into corpus luteum, and secretion of
estradiol and progesterone by corpus luteum
Estradiol Stimulates development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics;
prompts monthly preparation of uterus for pregnancy
Progesterone Completes preparation of uterus for pregnancy; helps maintain female secondary sexual
Oxytocin Stimulates contraction of uterus and milk-ejection reflex
Prolactin Stimulates milk production
Inhibition –
sex characteristics
Inhibition –Inhibition –
FIGURE 59.15
Hormonal interactions between the testes and anterior
pituitary. LH stimulates the Leydig cells to secrete testosterone,
and FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules to
secrete inhibin. Testosterone and inhibin, in turn, exert negative
feedback inhibition on the secretion of LH and FSH, respectively.
Structure and Function of the
Female Reproductive System
The structures of the reproductive system in a human fe-
male are shown in figure 59.16. In contrast to the testes,
the ovaries develop much more slowly. In the absence of
testosterone, the female embryo develops a clitoris and
labia majora from the same embryonic structures that
produce a penis and scrotum in males. Thus clitoris and
penis, and the labia majora and scrotum, are said to be
homologous structures. The clitoris, like the penis, contains
corpora cavernosa and is therefore erectile. The ovaries
contain microscopic structures called ovarian follicles,
which each contain an egg cell and smaller granulosa
cells. The ovarian follicles are the functional units of the
At puberty, the granulosa cells begin to secrete the
major female sex hormone estradiol (also called estrogen),
triggering menarche, the onset of menstrual cycling.
Estradiol also stimulates the formation of the female sec-
ondary sexual characteristics, including breast develop-
ment and the production of pubic hair. In addition, estra-
diol and another steroid hormone, progesterone, help to
maintain the female accessory sex organs: the fallopian
tubes, uterus, and vagina.
Female Accessory Sex Organs
The fallopian tubes (also called uterine tubes or oviducts)
transport ova from the ovaries to the uterus. In humans,
the uterus is a muscular, pear-shaped organ that narrows to
form a neck, the cervix, which leads to the vagina (figure
59.17a). The uterus is lined with a simple columnar epithe-
lial membrane called the endometrium. The surface of the
endometrium is shed during menstruation, while the un-
derlying portion remains to generate a new surface during
the next cycle.
Mammals other than primates have more complex fe-
male reproductive tracts, where part of the uterus divides to
form uterine “horns,” each of which leads to an oviduct
(figure 59.17b, c). In cats, dogs, and cows, for example,
there is one cervix but two uterine horns separated by a
septum, or wall. Marsupials, such as opossums, carry the
split even further, with two unconnected uterine horns, two
cervices, and two vaginas. A male marsupial has a forked
penis that can enter both vaginas simultaneously.
1206 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Fallopian tube
FIGURE 59.16
Organization of the human female reproductive system. The ovaries are the gonads, the fallopian tubes receive the ovulated ova, and
the uterus is the womb, the site of development of an embryo if the egg cell becomes fertilized.
Menstrual and Estrous Cycles
At birth, a female’s ovaries contain some 2 million follicles,
each with an ovum that has begun meiosis but which is ar-
rested in prophase of the first meiotic division. At this
stage, the ova are called primary oocytes. Some of these
primary-oocyte-containing follicles are stimulated to de-
velop during each cycle. The human menstrual (Latin mens,
“month”) cycle lasts approximately one month (28 days on
the average) and can be divided in terms of ovarian activity
into a follicular phase and luteal phase, with the two phases
separated by the event of ovulation.
Follicular Phase
During the follicular phase, a few follicles are stimulated to
grow under FSH stimulation, but only one achieves full
maturity as a tertiary, or Graafian, follicle (figure 59.18).
This follicle forms a thin-walled blister on the surface of
the ovary. The primary oocyte within the Graafian follicle
completes the first meiotic division during the follicular
phase. Instead of forming two equally large daughter cells,
however, it produces one large daughter cell, the secondary
oocyte, and one tiny daughter cell, called a polar body.
Thus, the secondary oocyte acquires almost all of the cyto-
plasm from the primary oocyte, increasing its chances of
sustaining the early embryo should the oocyte be fertilized.
The polar body, on the other hand, often disintegrates.
The secondary oocyte then begins the second meiotic divi-
sion, but its progress is arrested at metaphase II. It is in this
form that the egg cell is discharged from the ovary at ovu-
lation, and it does not complete the second meiotic division
unless it becomes fertilized in the fallopian tube.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1207
Uterine horns Uterine horns
FIGURE 59.17
A comparison of mammalian uteruses. (a) Humans and other primates; (b) cats, dogs, and cows; and (c) rats, mice, and rabbits.
FIGURE 59.18
A mature Graafian follicle in a cat ovary (50H11547). Note the ring
of granulosa cells that surrounds the secondary oocyte. This ring
will remain around the egg cell when it is ovulated, and sperm
must tunnel through the ring in order to reach the plasma
membrane of the egg cell.
The increasing level of estradiol in the
blood during the follicular phase stimu-
lates the anterior pituitary gland to se-
crete LH about midcycle. This sudden
secretion of LH causes the fully devel-
oped Graafian follicle to burst in the
process of ovulation, releasing its sec-
ondary oocyte. The released oocyte en-
ters the abdominal cavity near the fim-
briae, the feathery projections
surrounding the opening to the fallopian
tube. The ciliated epithelial cells lining
the fallopian tube propel the oocyte
through the fallopian tube toward the
uterus. If it is not fertilized, the oocyte
will disintegrate within a day following
ovulation. If it is fertilized, the stimulus
of fertilization allows it to complete the
second meiotic division, forming a fully
mature ovum and a second polar body.
Fusion of the two nuclei from the ovum
and the sperm produces a diploid zygote
(figure 59.19). Fertilization normally oc-
curs in the upper one-third of the fallop-
ian tube, and in a human the zygote
takes approximately three days to reach
the uterus, then another two to three
days to implant in the endometrium (fig-
ure 59.20).
1208 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
First polar body
Germinal cell
Primary follicles
Mature follicle
with secondary
Corpus luteum
Fallopian tube
FIGURE 59.19
The meiotic events
of oogenesis in
humans. A primary
oocyte is diploid. At
the completion of the
first meiotic division,
one division product
is eliminated as a
polar body, while the
other, the secondary
oocyte, is released
during ovulation. The
secondary oocyte does
not complete the
second meiotic
division until after
fertilization; that
division yields a
second polar body and
a single haploid egg,
or ovum. Fusion of
the haploid egg with a
haploid sperm during
fertilization produces
a diploid zygote.
Developing follicles
First mitosis
Fallopian tube
FIGURE 59.20
The journey of an egg. Produced within a follicle and released at ovulation, an egg is
swept into a fallopian tube and carried along by waves of ciliary motion in the tube walls.
Sperm journeying upward from the vagina fertilize the egg within the fallopian tube. The
resulting zygote undergoes several mitotic divisions while still in the tube, so that by the
time it enters the uterus, it is a hollow sphere of cells called a blastocyst. The blastocyst
implants within the wall of the uterus, where it continues its development. (The egg and its
subsequent stages have been enlarged for clarification.)
Luteal Phase
After ovulation, LH stimulates the empty Graafian follicle
to develop into a structure called the corpus luteum (Latin,
“yellow body”). For this reason, the second half of the
menstrual cycle is referred to as the luteal phase of the
cycle. The corpus luteum secretes both estradiol and an-
other steroid hormone, progesterone. The high blood lev-
els of estradiol and progesterone during the luteal phase
now exert negative feedback inhibition of FSH and LH se-
cretion by the anterior pituitary gland. This inhibition dur-
ing the luteal phase is in contrast to the stimulation exerted
by estradiol on LH secretion at midcycle, which caused
ovulation. The inhibitory effect of estradiol and proges-
terone on FSH and LH secretion after ovulation acts as a
natural contraceptive mechanism, preventing both the de-
velopment of additional follicles and continued ovulation.
During the follicular phase the granulosa cells secrete in-
creasing amounts of estradiol, which stimulates the growth
of the endometrium. Hence, this portion of the cycle is also
referred to as the proliferative phase of the endometrium.
During the luteal phase of the cycle, the combination of
estradiol and progesterone cause the endometrium to be-
come more vascular, glandular, and enriched with glycogen
deposits. Because of the endometrium’s glandular appear-
ance, this portion of the cycle is known as the secretory
phase of the endometrium (figure 59.21).
In the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum triggers
its own atrophy, or regression, toward the end of the luteal
phase. It does this by secreting hormones (estradiol and prog-
esterone) that inhibit the secretion of LH, the hormone
needed for its survival. In many mammals, atrophy of the cor-
pus luteum is assisted by luteolysin, a paracrine regulator be-
lieved to be a prostaglandin. The disappearance of the corpus
luteum results in an abrupt decline in the blood concentra-
tion of estradiol and progesterone at the end of the luteal
phase, causing the built-up endometrium to be sloughed off
with accompanying bleeding. This process is called menstru-
ation, and the portion of the cycle in which it occurs is known
as the menstrual phase of the endometrium.
If the ovulated oocyte is fertilized, however, regression of
the corpus luteum and subsequent menstruation is averted
by the tiny embryo! It does this by secreting human chori-
onic gonadotropin (hCG), an LH-like hormone produced
by the chorionic membrane of the embryo. By maintaining
the corpus luteum, hCG keeps the levels of estradiol and
progesterone high and thereby prevents menstruation,
which would terminate the pregnancy. Because hCG comes
from the embryonic chorion and not the mother, it is the
hormone that is tested for in all pregnancy tests.
Menstruation is absent in mammals with an estrous
cycle. Although such mammals do cyclically shed cells from
the endometrium, they don’t bleed in the process. The es-
trous cycle is divided into four phases: proestrus, estrus,
metestrus, and diestrus, which correspond to the prolifera-
tive, mid-cycle, secretory, and menstrual phases of the en-
dometrium in the menstrual cycle.
The ovarian follicles develop under FSH stimulation,
and one follicle ovulates under LH stimulation. During
the follicular and luteal phases, the hormones secreted
by the ovaries stimulate the development of the
endometrium, so an embryo can implant there if
fertilization has occurred. A secondary oocyte is
released from an ovary at ovulation, and it only
completes meiosis if it is fertilized.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1209
Endometrial changes
during menstrual cycle
Hormone blood levels
Levels of
hormones in blood
Ovarian cycle
Ovulation Secretory
0 7 14 21 28 days
7 21 28 days014
7 21 28 days0
Follicular phase Luteal phase
Developing follicles Ovulation Corpus luteum
FIGURE 59.21
The human menstrual cycle. The growth and thickening of the
endometrial (uterine) lining is stimulated by estradiol and
progesterone. The decline in the levels of these two hormones
triggers menstruation, the sloughing off of built-up endometrial
Physiology of Human Sexual
Few physical activities are more pleasurable to humans
than sexual intercourse. The sex drive is one of the
strongest drives directing human behavior, and as such, it is
circumscribed by many rules and customs. Sexual inter-
course acts as a channel for the strongest of human emo-
tions such as love, tenderness, and personal commitment.
Few subjects are at the same time more private and of more
general interest. Here we will limit ourselves to a very nar-
row aspect of sexual behavior, its immediate physiological
effects. The emotional consequences are no less real, but
they are beyond the scope of this book.
Until relatively recently, the physiology of human sexual
activity was largely unknown. Perhaps because of the
prevalence of strong social taboos against the open discus-
sion of sexual matters, no research was carried out on the
subject, and detailed information was lacking. Over the past
40 years, however, investigations by William Masters and
Virginia Johnson, as well as an army of researchers who
followed them, have revealed much about the biological
nature of human sexual activity.
The sexual act is referred to by a variety of names, in-
cluding sexual intercourse, copulation, and coitus, as well as
a host of informal terms. It is common to partition the
physiological events that accompany intercourse into four
phases—excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution—
although there are no clear divisions between these phases.
The sexual response is initiated by the nervous system. In
both males and females, commands from the brain increase
the respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. The
nipples commonly harden and become more sensitive.
Other changes increase the diameter of blood vessels, lead-
ing to increased circulation. In some people, these changes
may produce a reddening of the skin around the face,
breasts, and genitals (the sex flush). Increased circulation
also leads to vasocongestion, producing erection of the
male’s penis and similar swelling of the female’s clitoris.
The female experiences changes that prepare the vagina for
sexual intercourse: the labia majora and labia minora, lips
of tissue that cover the opening to the vagina, swell and
separate due to the increased circulation; the vaginal walls
become moist; and the muscles encasing the vagina relax.
The penetration of the vagina by the thrusting penis con-
tinuously stimulates nerve endings both in the tip of the
penis and in the clitoris. The clitoris, which is now swollen,
becomes very sensitive and withdraws up into a sheath or
“hood.” Once it has withdrawn, the clitoris is stimulated
indirectly when the thrusting movements of the penis rub
the clitoral hood against the clitoris. The nervous stimula-
tion produced by the repeated movements of the penis
within the vagina elicits a continuous response in the auto-
nomic nervous system, greatly intensifying the physiologi-
cal changes initiated during the excitement phase. In the fe-
male, pelvic thrusts may begin, while in the male the penis
reaches its greatest length and rigidity.
The climax of intercourse is reached when the stimulation
is sufficient to initiate a series of reflexive muscular con-
tractions. The nerve impulses producing these contractions
are associated with other activity within the central nervous
system, activity that we experience as intense pleasure. In
females, the contractions are initiated by impulses in the
hypothalamus, which causes the posterior pituitary gland to
release large amounts of oxytocin. This hormone, in turn,
causes the muscles in the uterus and around the vaginal
opening to contract and the cervix to be pulled upward.
Contractions occur at intervals of about one per second.
There may be one to several intense peaks of contractions
(orgasms), or the peaks may be more numerous but less in-
Analogous contractions take place in the male. The first
contractions, which occur in the vas deferens and prostate
gland, cause emission, the peristaltic movement of sperm
and seminal fluid into a collecting zone of the urethra lo-
cated at the base of the penis. Shortly thereafter, violent
contractions of the muscles at the base of the penis result in
ejaculation of the collected semen through the penis. As in
the female, the contractions are spaced about one second
apart, although in the male they continue for only a few
seconds and are almost invariably restricted to a single in-
tense wave.
After ejaculation, males rapidly lose their erection and
enter a refractory period lasting 20 minutes or longer, in
which sexual arousal is difficult to achieve and ejaculation is
almost impossible. By contrast, many women can be
aroused again almost immediately. After intercourse, the
bodies of both men and women return over a period of sev-
eral minutes to their normal physiological state.
Sexual intercourse is a physiological series of events
leading to the ultimate deposition of sperm within the
female reproductive tract. The phases are similar in
males and females.
1210 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
59.4 The physiology of human sexual intercourse is becoming better known.
Birth Control
In most vertebrates, copulation is associated
solely with reproduction. Reflexive behavior
that is deeply ingrained in the female limits
sexual receptivity to those periods of the sex-
ual cycle when she is fertile. In humans and a
few species of apes, the female can be sexually
receptive throughout her reproductive cycle,
and this extended receptivity to sexual inter-
course serves a second important function—it
reinforces pair-bonding, the emotional rela-
tionship between two individuals living to-
Not all human couples want to initiate a
pregnancy every time they have sexual inter-
course, yet sexual intercourse may be a nec-
essary and important part of their emotional
lives together. The solution to this dilemma
is to find a way to avoid reproduction with-
out avoiding sexual intercourse; this ap-
proach is commonly called birth control or
contraception. A variety of approaches dif-
fering in effectiveness and in their accept-
ability to different couples are commonly
taken to achieve birth control (figure 59.22
and table 59.2).
The simplest and most reliable way to avoid pregnancy is
not to have sexual intercourse at all. Of all methods of birth
control, this is the most certain. It is also the most limiting,
because it denies a couple the emotional support of a sexual
Sperm Blockage
If sperm cannot reach the uterus, fertilization cannot
occur. One way to prevent the delivery of sperm is to en-
case the penis within a thin sheath, or condom. Many
males do not favor the use of condoms, which tend to de-
crease their sensory pleasure during intercourse. In prin-
ciple, this method is easy to apply and foolproof, but in
practice it has a failure rate of 3 to 15% because of incor-
rect use or inconsistent use. Nevertheless, it is the most
commonly employed form of birth control in the United
States. Condoms are also widely used to prevent the
transmission of AIDS and other sexually transmitted dis-
eases (STDs). Over a billion condoms were sold in the
United States last year.
A second way to prevent the entry of sperm into the
uterus is to place a cover over the cervix. The cover may
be a relatively tight-fitting cervical cap, which is worn for
days at a time, or a rubber dome called a diaphragm,
which is inserted immediately before intercourse. Because
the dimensions of individual cervices vary, a cervical cap
or diaphragm must be fitted by a physician. Failure rates
average 4 to 25% for diaphragms, perhaps because of the
propensity to insert them carelessly when in a hurry. Fail-
ure rates for cervical caps are somewhat lower.
Sperm Destruction
A third general approach to birth control is to eliminate the
sperm after ejaculation. This can be achieved in principle
by washing out the vagina immediately after intercourse,
before the sperm have a chance to enter the uterus. Such a
procedure is called a douche (French, “wash”). The douche
method is difficult to apply well, because it involves a rapid
dash to the bathroom immediately after ejaculation and a
very thorough washing. Its failure rate is as high as 40%.
Alternatively, sperm delivered to the vagina can be de-
stroyed there with spermicidal jellies or foams. These treat-
ments generally require application immediately before in-
tercourse. Their failure rates vary from 10 to 25%. The use
of a spermicide with a condom increases the effectiveness
over each method used independently.
Prevention of Ovulation
Since about 1960, a widespread form of birth control in the
United States has been the daily ingestion of birth control
pills, or oral contraceptives, by women. These pills contain
analogues of progesterone, sometimes in combination with
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1211
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIGURE 59.22
Four common methods of birth control. (a) Condom; (b) diaphragm and
spermicidal jelly; (c) oral contraceptives; (d) Depo-Provera.
estrogens. As described earlier, progesterone and estradiol
act by negative feedback to inhibit the secretion of FSH
and LH during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle,
thereby preventing follicle development and ovulation.
They also cause a buildup of the endometrium. The hor-
mones in birth control pills have the same effects. Because
the pills block ovulation, no ovum is available to be fertil-
ized. A woman generally takes the hormone-containing
pills for three weeks; during the fourth week, she takes pills
without hormones (placebos), allowing the levels of those
hormones in her blood to fall, which causes menstruation.
Oral contraceptives provide a very effective means of birth
control, with a failure rate of only 1 to 5%. In a variation of
the oral contraceptive, hormone-containing capsules are
implanted beneath the skin. These implanted capsules have
failure rates below 1%.
1212 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Table 59.2 Methods of Birth Control
Device Action Rate* Advantages Disadvantages
device (IUD)
Cervical cap
Foams, creams,
jellies, vaginal
Hormones (progesterone
analogue alone or in
combination with other
hormones) primarily prevent
Thin sheath for penis that
collects semen; “female
condoms” sheath vaginal walls
Soft rubber cup covers
entrance to uterus, prevents
sperm from reaching egg,
holds spermicide
Small plastic or metal device
placed in the uterus;
prevents implantation;
some contain copper,
others release hormones
Miniature diaphragm covers
cervix closely, prevents sperm
from reaching egg, holds
Chemical spermicides
inserted in vagina before
intercourse that prevent
sperm from entering uterus
Capsules surgically implanted
under skin slowly release
hormone that blocks
Injection every 3 months of
a hormone that is slowly
released and prevents
on type
similar to
that of
Convenient; highly effective;
provides significant
noncontraceptive health
benefits, such as protection
against ovarian and endometrial
Easy to use; effective;
inexpensive; protects against
some sexually transmitted
No dangerous side effects;
reliable if used properly;
provides some protection
against sexually transmitted
diseases and cervical cancer
Convenient; highly effective;
infrequent replacement
No dangerous side effects; fairly
effective; can remain in place
longer than diaphragm
Can be used by anyone who
is not allergic; protect against
some sexually transmitted
diseases; no known side effects
Very safe, convenient, and
effective; very long-lasting
(5 years); may have
nonreproductive health benefits
like those of oral contraceptives
Convenient and highly
effective; no serious side effects
other than occasional heavy
menstrual bleeding
Must be taken regularly;
possible minor side effects which
new formulations have
reduced; not for women with
cardiovascular risks (mostly
smokers over age 35)
Requires male cooperation; may
diminish spontaneity; may
deteriorate on the shelf
Requires careful fitting; some
inconvenience associated with
insertion and removal; may be
dislodged during intercourse
Can cause excess menstrual
bleeding and pain; risk of
perforation, infection, expulsion,
pelvic inflammatory disease, and
infertility; not recommended for
those who eventually intend to
conceive or are not monogamous;
dangerous in pregnancy
Problems with fitting and
insertion; comes in limited
number of sizes
Relatively unreliable; sometimes
messy; must be used 5–10 minutes
before each act of intercourse
Irregular or absent periods;
minor surgical procedure needed
for insertion and removal; some
scarring may occur
Animal studies suggest it may
cause cancer, though new studies
in humans are mostly encouraging;
occasional heavy menstrual
*Failure rate is expressed as pregnancies per 100 actual users per year.
Source: Data from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Contraception, Patient Education Pamphlet No. AP005.ACOG, Washington,
D.C., 1990.
A small number of women using birth control pills or
implants experience undesirable side effects, such as blood
clotting and nausea. These side effects have been reduced
in newer generations of birth control pills, which contain
less estrogen and different analogues of progesterone.
Moreover, these new oral contraceptives provide a number
of benefits, including reduced risks of endometrial and
ovarian cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis (for
older women). However, they may increase the risk of con-
tracting breast cancer and cervical cancer. The risks in-
volved with birth control pills increase in women who
smoke and increase greatly in women over 35 who smoke.
The current consensus is that, for many women, the health
benefits of oral contraceptives outweigh their risks, al-
though a physician must help each woman determine the
relative risks and benefits.
Prevention of Embryo Implantation
The insertion of a coil or other irregularly shaped object
into the uterus is an effective means of birth control, be-
cause the irritation it produces in the uterus prevents the
implantation of an embryo within the uterine wall. Such in-
trauterine devices (IUDs) have a failure rate of only 1 to
5%. Their high degree of effectiveness probably reflects
their convenience; once they are inserted, they can be for-
gotten. The great disadvantage of this method is that al-
most a third of the women who attempt to use IUDs expe-
rience cramps, pain, and sometimes bleeding and therefore
must discontinue using them.
Another method of preventing embryo implantation is
the “morning after pill,” which contains 50 times the dose
of estrogen present in birth control pills. The pill works by
temporarily stopping ovum development, by preventing
fertilization, or by stopping the implantation of a fertilized
ovum. Its failure rate is 1 to 10%, but many women are un-
easy about taking such high hormone doses, as side effects
can be severe. This is not recommended as a regular
method of birth control but rather as a method of emer-
gency contraception.
A completely effective means of birth control is steriliza-
tion, the surgical removal of portions of the tubes that
transport the gametes from the gonads (figure 59.23). Ster-
ilization may be performed on either males or females, pre-
venting sperm from entering the semen in males and pre-
venting an ovulated oocyte from reaching the uterus in
females. In males, sterilization involves a vasectomy, the re-
moval of a portion of the vas deferens from each testis. In
females, the comparable operation involves the removal of
a section of each fallopian tube.
Fertilization can be prevented by a variety of birth
control methods, including barrier contraceptives,
hormonal inhibition, surgery, and abstinence. Efficacy
rates vary from method to method.
Chapter 59 Sex and Reproduction 1213
Vas deferens within
spermatic cord
Vas deferens
cut and tied
Fallopian tube
cut and tied
FIGURE 59.23
Birth control through sterilization. (a)
Vasectomy; (b) tubal ligation.
1214 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Chapter 59
Summary Questions Media Resources
59.1 Animals employ both sexual and asexual reproductive strategies.
? Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction
that is practiced by many insects and some lizards.
? Among mammals, the sex is determined by the
presence of a Y chromosome in males and its absence
in females.
1. How are oviparity,
ovoviviparity, and viviparity
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Most bony fish practice external fertilization,
releasing eggs and sperm into the water where
fertilization occurs. Amphibians have external
fertilization and the young go through a larval stage
before metamorphosis.
? Reptiles and birds are oviparous, the young
developing in eggs that are deposited externally. Most
mammals are viviparous, the young developing within
the mother.
2. How does fetal development
differ in the monotremes,
marsupials, and placental
59.2 The evolution of reproduction among the vertebrates has led to
internalization of fertilization and development.
? Sperm leave the testes and pass through the
epididymis and vas deferens; the ejaculatory duct
merges with the urethra, which empties at the tip of
the penis.
? An egg cell released from the ovary in ovulation is
drawn by fimbria into the fallopian tube, which
conducts the egg cell to the lining of the uterus, or
endometrium, where it implants if fertilized.
? If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum
regresses at the end of the cycle and the resulting fall
in estradiol and progesterone secretion cause
menstruation to occur in humans and apes.
3. Briefly describe the function
of seminal vesicles, prostate
gland, and bulbourethral glands.
4. When do the ova in a female
mammal begin meiosis? When
do they complete the first
meiotic division?
5. What hormone is secreted by
the granulosa cells in a Graafian
follicle? What effect does this
hormone have on the
59.3 Male and female reproductive systems are specialized for different functions.
? The physiological events that occur in the human
sexual response are grouped into four phases:
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
? Males and females have similar phases, but males
enter a refractory period following orgasm that is
absent in many women.
? There are a variety of methods of birth control
available that range in ease of use, effectiveness, and
6. What are the four phases in
the physiological events of sexual
intercourse in humans? During
the first phase, what events occur
specifically in males, and what
events occur specifically in
7. How do birth control pills
prevent pregnancy?
59.4 The physiology of human sexual intercourse is becoming better known.
? Introduction to
? On Science articles:
? Student Research:
Reproductive biology
of house mice
Evolution of uterine
? Spermatogenesis
? Menstruation
? Female reproductive
? Oogenesis
? Penile erection
? Vasectomy
? Tubal ligation
? Art Activities:
Sperm and egg
Male reproductive
Penis anatomy
Female reproductive
Breast anatomy
Concept Outline
60.1 Fertilization is the initial event in development.
Stages of Development. Fertilization of an egg cell by a
sperm occurs in three stages: penetration, activation of the
egg cell, and fusion of the two haploid nuclei.
60.2 Cell cleavage and the formation of a blastula set
the stage for later development.
Cell Cleavage Patterns. The cytoplasm of the zygote is
divided into smaller cells by a mitotic cell division in a
process called cleavage.
60.3 Gastrulation forms the three germ layers of the
The Process of Gastrulation. Cells of the blastula
invaginate and involute to produce an outer ectoderm, an
inner endoderm layer, and a third layer, the mesoderm.
60.4 Body architecture is determined during the next
stages of embryonic development.
Developmental Processes during Neurulation. The
mesoderm of chordates forms a notochord, and the
overlying ectoderm rolls to produce a neural tube.
How Cells Communicate during Development. Cell-
to-cell contact plays a major role in selecting the paths
along which cells develop.
Embryonic Development and Vertebrate Evolution.
The embryonic development of a mammal includes stages
that are characteristic of more primitive vertebrates.
Extraembryonic Membranes. Embryonic cells form
several membranes outside of the embryo that provide
protection, nourishment, and gas exchange for the embryo.
60.5 Human development is divided into trimesters.
First Trimester. A blastocyst implants into the mother’s
endometrium, and the formation of body organs begins
during the third and fourth week.
Second and Third Trimesters. All of the major organs
of the body form during the first trimester and so further
growth and development take place during this time.
Birth and Postnatal Development. Birth occurs as a
result of uterine contractions; the human brain continues to
grow significantly after birth.
eproduction in all but a few vertebrates unites two
haploid gametes to form a single diploid cell called a
zygote. The zygote develops by a process of cell division
and differentiation into a complex multicellular organism,
composed of many different tissues and organs (figure
60.1). Although the process of development is a continuous
series of events with some of the details varying among dif-
ferent vertebrate groups, we will examine vertebrate devel-
opment in six stages. In this chapter, we will consider the
stages of development and conclude with a description of
the events that occur during human development.
Development is the process that determines an organism’s
form and function. A human fetus at 18 weeks is not yet
halfway through the 38 weeks—about 9 months—it will spend
within its mother, but it has already developed many distinct
behaviors, such as the sucking reflex that is so important to
survival after birth.
protein layer called the zona pellucida. The head of each
sperm is capped by an organelle called the acrosome, which
contains glycoprotein-digesting enzymes. These enzymes
become exposed as the sperm begin to work their way into
the layer of granulosa cells, and the activity of the enzymes
enables the sperm to tunnel their way through the zona
pellucida to the egg’s plasma membrane. In sea urchins,
egg cytoplasm bulges out at this point, engulfing the head
of the sperm and permitting the sperm nucleus to enter the
cytoplasm of the egg (figure 60.3).
The series of events initiated by sperm penetration are col-
lectively called egg activation. In some frogs, reptiles, and
birds, more than one sperm may penetrate the egg, but
only one is successful in fertilizing it. In mammals, by con-
trast, the penetration of the first sperm initiates changes in
the egg membrane that prevent the entry of other sperm.
As the sperm makes contact with the oocyte membrane,
there is a change in the membrane potential (see chapter 54
1216 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Stages of Development
In vertebrates, as in all sexual animals, the first step in de-
velopment is the union of male and female gametes, a
process called fertilization. Fertilization is typically ex-
ternal in fish and amphibians, which reproduce in water,
and internal in all other vertebrates. In internal fertiliza-
tion, small, motile sperm are introduced into the female
reproductive tract during mating. The sperm swim up the
reproductive tract until they encounter a mature egg or
oocyte in an oviduct, where fertilization occurs. Fertiliza-
tion consists of three stages: penetration, activation, and
As described in chapter 59, the secondary oocyte is released
from a fully developed Graafian follicle at ovulation. It is
surrounded by the same layer of small granulosa cells that
surrounded it within the follicle (figure 60.2). Between the
granulosa cells and the egg’s plasma membrane is a glyco-
60.1 Fertilization is the initial event in development.
Oocyte Granulosa cells
Mammalian reproductive cells. (a) A sperm must penetrate a layer of
granulosa cells and then a layer of glycoprotein called the zona pellucida,
before it reaches the oocyte membrane. This penetration is aided by
digestive enzymes in the acrosome of the sperm. These scanning electron
micrographs show (b) a human oocyte (90×) surrounded by numerous
granulosa cells, and (c) a human sperm on an egg (3000×).
First polar
Granulosa cell
Second meiotic
Zona pellucida
Plasma membrane
of oocyte
of oocyte
for discussion of membrane potential) that prevents other
sperm from fusing with the oocyte membrane. In addition
to these changes, sperm penetration can have three other
effects on the egg. First, in mammals it stimulates the chro-
mosomes in the egg nucleus to complete the second mei-
otic division, producing two egg nuclei. One of these nuclei
is extruded from the egg as a second polar body (see chap-
ter 59), leaving a single haploid egg nucleus within the egg.
Second, sperm penetration in some animals triggers
movements of the egg cytoplasm around the point of sperm
entry. These movements ultimately establish the bilateral
symmetry of the developing animal. In frogs, for example,
sperm penetration causes an outer pigmented cap of egg
cytoplasm to rotate toward the point of entry, uncovering a
gray crescent of interior cytoplasm opposite the point of
penetration (figure 60.4). The position of the gray crescent
determines the orientation of the first cell division. A line
drawn between the point of sperm entry and the gray cres-
cent would bisect the right and left halves of the future
adult. Third, activation is characterized by a sharp increase
in protein synthesis and an increase in metabolic activity in
general. Experiments demonstrate that the protein synthe-
sis in the activated oocyte is coded by mRNA that was pre-
viously produced and already present in the cytoplasm of
the unfertilized egg cell.
In some vertebrates, it is possible to activate an egg
without the entry of a sperm, simply by pricking the egg
membrane. An egg that is activated in this way may go on
to develop parthenogenetically. A few kinds of amphibians,
fish, and reptiles rely entirely on parthenogenetic repro-
duction in nature, as we mentioned in chapter 59.
Nuclei Fusion
The third stage of fertilization is the fusion of the entering
sperm nucleus with the haploid egg nucleus to form the
diploid nucleus of the zygote. This fusion is triggered by
the activation of the egg. If a sperm nucleus is microin-
jected into an egg without activating the egg, the two nu-
clei will not fuse. The nature of the signals that are ex-
changed between the two nuclei, or sent from one to the
other, is not known.
The three stages of fertilization are penetration,
activation, and nuclei fusion. Penetration initiates a
complex series of developmental events, including
major movements of cytoplasm, which eventually lead
to the fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1217
Egg plasma
Cortical granule
secreting contents
into perivitelline
Altered vitelline
membrane prevents
further sperm
Sperm nucleus
(a) (b)
Sperm penetration of a sea urchin egg. (a) The stages of penetration. (b) An electron micrograph (50,000×) of penetration. Penetration
in both invertebrate and vertebrate eggs is similar.
Movement of pigment
opposite sperm entry
Gray crescent formation in frog eggs. The gray crescent
appears opposite the point of penetration by the sperm.
Cell Cleavage Patterns
Following fertilization, the second major event in verte-
brate reproduction is the rapid division of the zygote into a
larger and larger number of smaller and smaller cells (table
60.1). This period of division, called cleavage, is not ac-
companied by an increase in the overall size of the embryo.
The resulting tightly packed mass of about 32 cells is called
a morula, and each individual cell in the morula is referred
to as a blastomere. As the blastomeres continue to divide,
they secrete a fluid into the center of the morula. Eventu-
ally, a hollow ball of 500 to 2000 cells, the blastula, is
formed. The fluid-filled cavity within the blastula is known
as the blastocoel.
The pattern of cleavage division is influenced by the
presence and location of yolk, which is abundant in the
eggs of many vertebrates (figure 60.5). As we discussed in
the previous chapter, vertebrates have embraced a variety
of reproductive strategies involving different patterns of
yolk utilization.
Primitive Chordates
When eggs contain little or no yolk, cleavage occurs
throughout the whole egg (figure 60.6). This pattern of
cleavage, called holoblastic cleavage, was characteristic of
the ancestors of the vertebrates and is
still seen in groups such as the
lancelets and agnathans. In these ani-
mals, holoblastic cleavage results in the
formation of a symmetrical blastula
composed of cells of approximately
equal size.
Amphibians and Advanced Fish
The eggs of bony fish and frogs con-
tain much more cytoplasmic yolk in
one hemisphere than the other. Be-
cause yolk-rich cells divide much more
slowly than those that have little yolk,
holoblastic cleavage in these eggs re-
sults in a very asymmetrical blastula
(figure 60.7), with large cells contain-
ing a lot of yolk at one pole and a con-
centrated mass of small cells contain-
ing very little yolk at the other. In
these blastulas, the pole that is rich in
yolk is called the vegetal pole, while
the pole that is relatively poor in yolk
is called the animal pole.
1218 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
60.2 Cell cleavage and the formation of a blastula set the stage for later
(a) Lancelet
(b) Frog
(c) Chicken
Yolk distribution in three kinds of eggs. (a) In the lancelet, a
primitive chordate, the egg consists of a central nucleus surrounded
by a small amount of yolk. (b) In a frog egg there is much more
yolk, and the nucleus is displaced toward one pole. (c) Bird eggs are
complexly organized, with the nucleus just under the surface of a
large, central yolk.
Holoblastic cleavage (3000×). In this
type of cleavage, cell division occurs
throughout the entire egg.
Dividing frog eggs. The closest cells in
this photo (those near the animal pole)
divide faster and are smaller than those
near the vegetal pole.
Table 60.1 Stages of Vertebrate Development (Mammal)
Fertilization The haploid male and female gametes fuse to form a diploid
Cleavage The zygote rapidly divides into many cells, with no overall
increase in size. These divisions affect future development, since
different cells receive different portions of the egg cytoplasm and,
hence, different regulatory signals.
Gastrulation The cells of the embryo move, forming three primary cell layers:
ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
Neurulation In all chordates, the first organ to form is the notochord; second
is the dorsal nerve cord.
Neural crest During neurulation, the neural crest is produced as the neural
cell formation tube is formed. The neural crest gives rise to several uniquely
vertebrate structures.
Organogenesis Cells from the three primary layers combine in various ways to
produce the organs of the body.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1219
Neural groove
Neural crest
Neural tube
Reptiles and Birds
The eggs produced by reptiles, birds, and some fish are
composed almost entirely of yolk, with a small amount of
cytoplasm concentrated at one pole. Cleavage in these eggs
occurs only in the tiny disc of polar cytoplasm, called the
blastodisc, that lies astride the large ball of yolk material.
This type of cleavage pattern is called meroblastic cleavage
(figure 60.8). The resulting embryo is not spherical, but
rather has the form of a thin cap perched on the yolk.
Mammalian eggs are in many ways similar to the reptilian
eggs from which they evolved, except that they contain
very little yolk. Because cleavage is not impeded by yolk in
mammalian eggs, it is holoblastic, forming a ball of cells
surrounding a blastocoel. However, an inner cell mass is
concentrated at one pole (figure 60.9). This inner cell mass
is analogous to the blastodisc of reptiles and birds, and it
goes on to form the developing embryo. The outer sphere
of cells, called a trophoblast, is analogous to the cells that
form the membranes underlying the tough outer shell of
the reptilian egg. These cells have changed during the
course of mammalian evolution to carry out a very different
function: part of the trophoblast enters the endometrium
(the epithelial lining of the uterus) and contributes to the
placenta, the organ that permits exchanges between the
fetal and maternal bloods. While part of the placenta is
composed of fetal tissue (the trophoblast), part is composed
of the modified endometrial tissue (called the decidua
basalis) of the mother’s uterus. The placenta will be dis-
cussed in more detail in a later section.
The Blastula
Viewed from the outside, the blastula looks like a simple
ball of cells all resembling each other. In many animals, this
appearance is misleading, as unequal distribution of devel-
opmental signals from the egg produces some degree of
mosaic development, so that the cells are already commit-
ted to different developmental paths. In mammals, how-
ever, it appears that all of the blastomeres receive equiva-
lent sets of signals, and body form is determined by
cell-cell interactions. In a mammalian blastula, called a blas-
tocyst, each cell is in contact with a different set of neigh-
boring cells, and these interactions with neighboring cells
are a major factor influencing the developmental fate of
each cell. This positional information is of particular im-
portance in the orientation of mammalian embryos, setting
up different patterns of development along three embry-
onic axes: anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and proximal-
For a short period of time, just before they implant in
the uterus, the cells of the mammalian blastocyst have the
power to develop into many of the 210 different types of
cells in the body—and probably all of them. Biologists have
long sought to grow these cells, called embryonic stem cells,
in tissue culture, as such stem cells might in principle be
used to produce tissues for human transplant operations.
Injected into a patient, for example, they might be able to
respond to local signals and produce new tissue (see chap-
ter 19). The first success in growing stem cells in culture
was reported in 1998, when researchers isolated cells from
the inner cell mass of human blastocysts and successfully
grew them in tissue culture. These stem cells continue to
grow and divide in culture indefinitely, unlike ordinary
body cells, which divide only 50 or so times and then die.
A series of rapid cell divisions called cleavage
transforms the zygote into a hollow ball of cells, the
blastula. The cleavage pattern is influenced by the
amount of yolk and its distribution in the egg.
1220 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Meroblastic cleavage (400×). In this type of cleavage, only a
portion of the egg actively divides to form a mass of cells.
Inner cell
The embryos of mammals and birds are more similar than
they seem. (a) A mammalian blastula is composed of a sphere of
cells, the trophoblast, surrounding a cavity, the blastocoel, and an
inner cell mass. (b) An avian (bird) blastula consists of a cap of
cells, the blastodisc, resting atop a large yolk mass. The blastodisc
will form an upper and a lower layer with a compressed blastocoel
in between.
The Process of Gastrulation
The first visible results of cytoplasmic distribution and cell
position within the blastula can be seen immediately after
the completion of cleavage. Certain groups of cells invagi-
nate (dent inward) and involute (roll inward) from the sur-
face of the blastula in a carefully orchestrated activity called
gastrulation. The events of gastrulation determine the
basic developmental pattern of the vertebrate embryo. By
the end of gastrulation, the cells of the embryo have re-
arranged into three primary germ layers: ectoderm,
mesoderm, and endoderm. The cells in each layer have
very different developmental fates. In general, the ecto-
derm is destined to form the epidermis and neural tissue;
the mesoderm gives rise to connective tissue, skeleton,
muscle, and vascular elements; and the endoderm forms the
lining of the gut and its derivatives (table 60.2).
How is cell movement during gastrulation brought
about? Apparently, migrating cells creep over stationary
cells by means of actin filament contractions that change
the shapes of the migrating cells affecting an invagination
of blastula tissue. Each cell that moves possesses particular
cell surface polysaccharides, which adhere to similar poly-
saccharides on the surfaces of the other moving cells. This
interaction between cell surface molecules enables the mi-
grating cells to adhere to one another and move as a single
mass (see chapter 7).
Just as the pattern of cleavage divisions in different
groups of vertebrates depends heavily on the amount and
distribution of yolk in the egg, so the pattern of gastrula-
tion among vertebrate groups depends on the shape of the
blastulas produced during cleavage.
Gastrulation in Primitive Chordates
In primitive chordates such as lancelets, which develop
from symmetrical blastulas, gastrulation begins as the sur-
face of the blastula invaginates into the blastocoel. About
half of the blastula’s cells move into the interior of the blas-
tula, forming a structure that looks something like an in-
dented tennis ball. Eventually, the inward-moving wall of
cells pushes up against the opposite side of the blastula and
then stops moving. The resulting two-layered, cup-shaped
embryo is the gastrula (figure 60.10). The hollow structure
resulting from the invagination is called the archenteron,
and it is the progenitor of the gut. The opening of the
archenteron, the future anus, is known as the blastopore.
This process produces an embryo with two cell layers:
an outer ectoderm and an inner endoderm. Soon afterward,
a third cell layer, the mesoderm, forms between the ecto-
derm and endoderm. In lancelets, the mesoderm forms
from pouches that pinch off the endoderm. The appear-
ance of these three primary cell layers sets the stage for all
subsequent tissue and organ differentiation.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1221
Table 60.2 Developmental Fates of the
Primary Cell Layers
Ectoderm Epidermis, central nervous system, sense
organs, neural crest
Mesoderm Skeleton, muscles, blood vessels, heart, gonads
Endoderm Lining of digestive and respiratory tracts; liver,
60.3 Gastrulation forms the three germ layers of the embryo.
Endoderm Blastopore
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 60.10
Gastrulation in a lancelet. In these chordates, the endoderm is formed by invagination of surface cells (a, b). This produces the primitive
gut, or archenteron (c). Mesoderm will later be formed from pouches off the endoderm.
Gastrulation in Most Aquatic Vertebrates
In the blastulas of amphibians and those aquatic vertebrates
with asymmetrical yolk distribution, the yolk-laden cells of
the vegetal pole are fewer and much larger than the yolk-
free cells of the animal pole. Consequently, gastrulation is
more complex than it is in the lancelets. First, a layer of
surface cells invaginates to form a small, crescent-shaped
slit where the blastopore will soon be located. Next, cells
from the animal pole involute over the dorsal lip of the
blastopore (figure 60.11), at the same location as the gray
crescent of the fertilized egg (see figure 60.4). As in the
lancelets, the involuting cell layer eventually presses against
the inner surface of the opposite side of the embryo, elimi-
nating the blastocoel and producing an archenteron with a
blastopore. In this case, however, the blastopore is filled
with yolk-rich cells, forming the yolk plug. The outer layer
of cells resulting from these movements is the ectoderm,
and the inner layer is the endoderm. Other cells that invo-
lute over the dorsal lip and ventral lip (the two lips of the
blastopore that are separated by the yolk plug) migrate be-
tween the ectoderm and endoderm to form the third germ
layer, the mesoderm (figure 60.11).
1222 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Animal pole
Vegetal pole
Dorsal lip of
(d) (e)
Dorsal lip
Yolk plug
Ventral lip
Neural plate Neural plate
Neural fold
FIGURE 60.11
Frog gastrulation. (a) A layer of cells from the animal pole moves toward the yolk cells ultimately involuting through the dorsal lip of
the blastopore. (b) Cells in the dorsal lip zone then involute into the hollow interior, or blastocoel, eventually pressing against the far
wall. The three primary tissues (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) become distinguished. Ectoderm is shown in blue, mesoderm in
red, and endoderm in yellow. (c) The movement of cells in the dorsal lip creates a new internal cavity, the archenteron, which opens to
the outside through the plug of yolk remaining at the point of invagination. (d) The neural plate later forms from ectoderm. (e) This will
next form a neural groove and then a neural tube as the embryo begins the process of neurulation. The cells of the neural ectoderm are
shown in green.
Gastrulation in Reptiles, Birds, and
In the blastodisc of a bird or reptile and the
inner cell mass of a mammal, the develop-
ing embryo is a small cap of cells rather
than a sphere. No yolk separates the two
sides of the embryo, and, as a result, the
lower cell layer is able to differentiate into
endoderm and the upper layer into ecto-
derm without cell movement. Just after
these two primary cell layers form, the
mesoderm arises by invagination and invo-
lution of cells from the upper layer. The
surface cells begin moving to the midline
where they involute and migrate laterally to
form a mesodermal layer between the ecto-
derm and endoderm. A furrow along the
longitudinal midline marks the site of this
involution (figures 60.12 and 60.13). This
furrow, analogous to an elongated blasto-
pore, is called the primitive streak.
Gastrulation in lancelets involves the
formation of ectoderm and endoderm
by the invagination of the blastula, and
the mesoderm layer forms from
pouches pinched from the endoderm.
In those vertebrates with extensive
amounts of yolk, gastrulation requires
the involution of surface cells into a
blastopore or primitive streak, and the
mesoderm is derived from some of
these involuted cells.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1223
Primitive streak
FIGURE 60.12
Gastrulation in birds. The upper layer of the blastodisc (a) differentiates into
ectoderm, the lower layer into endoderm (b). Among the cells that migrate into the
interior through the dorsal primitive streak are future mesodermal cells (c).
Inner cell
Amniotic cavity
Primitive streak
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Formation of
FIGURE 60.13
Mammalian gastrulation. (a) The amniotic cavity forms within the inner cell mass and its base. Layers of ectoderm and endoderm
differentiate (b and c) as in the avian blastodisc. (d) A primitive streak develops, through which cells destined to become mesoderm migrate
into the interior, again reminiscent of gastrulation in birds. The trophoblast has now moved further away from the embryo and begins to
play a role in forming the placenta.
Developmental Processes during
During the next step in vertebrate development, the three
primary cell layers begin their transformation into the
body’s tissues and organs. The process of tissue differentia-
tion begins with the formation of two morphological fea-
tures found only in chordates, the notochord and the hol-
low dorsal nerve cord. This development of the dorsal
nerve cord is called neurulation.
The notochord is first visible soon after gastrulation is
complete, forming from mesoderm along the dorsal mid-
line of the embryo. It is a flexible rod located along the
dorsal midline in the embryos of all chordates, although its
function is replaced by the vertebral column when it devel-
ops from mesoderm in the vertebrates. After the notochord
has been laid down, a layer of ectodermal cells situated
above the notochord invaginates, forming a long crease, the
neural groove, down the long axis of the embryo. The
edges of the neural groove then move toward each other
and fuse, creating a long hollow cylinder, the neural tube
(figure 60.14), which runs beneath the surface of the em-
bryo’s back. The neural tube later differentiates into the
spinal cord and brain.
The dorsal lip of the blastopore induces the formation
of a notochord, and the presence of the notochord induces
the overlying ectoderm to differentiate into the neural
tube. The process of induction, when one embryonic re-
gion of cells influences the development of an adjacent re-
gion by changing its developmental pathway, was discussed
in chapter 17 and is further examined in the next section.
While the neural tube is forming from ectoderm, the
rest of the basic architecture of the body is being deter-
mined rapidly by changes in the mesoderm. On either side
of the developing notochord, segmented blocks of meso-
derm tissue called somites form; more somites are added
as development continues. Ultimately, the somites give rise
to the muscles, vertebrae, and connective tissues. The
mesoderm in the head region does not separate into dis-
crete somites but remains connected as somitomeres and
form the striated muscles of the face, jaws, and throat.
Some body organs, including the kidneys, adrenal glands,
and gonads, develop within another strip of mesoderm that
runs alongside the somites. The remainder of the meso-
derm moves out and around the endoderm and eventually
surrounds it completely. As a result of this movement, the
mesoderm becomes separated into two layers. The outer
layer is associated with the body wall and the inner layer is
associated with the gut. Between these two layers of meso-
derm is the coelom (see chapter 45), which becomes the
body cavity of the adult.
The Neural Crest
Neurulation occurs in all chordates, and the process in a
lancelet is much the same as it is in a human. However, in
vertebrates, just before the neural groove closes to form the
neural tube, its edges pinch off, forming a small strip of
cells, the neural crest, which becomes incorporated into
the roof of the neural tube (figure 60.14). The cells of the
neural crest later move to the sides of the developing em-
bryo. The appearance of the neural crest was a key event in
the evolution of the vertebrates because neural crest cells,
after migrating to different parts of the embryo, ultimately
develop into the structures characteristic of (though not
necessarily unique to) the vertebrate body.
The differentiation of neural crest cells depends on their
location. At the anterior end of the embryo, they merge
1224 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
60.4 Body architecture is determined during the next stages of embryonic
Neural fold
Neural plate
Neural fold
Neural plate
Neural groove
FIGURE 60.14
Mammalian neural tube formation. (a) The neural tube forms above the notochord when (b) cells of the neural plate fold together to
form the (c) neural groove.
with the anterior portion of the brain, the forebrain.
Nearby clusters of ectodermal cells associated with the
neural crest cells thicken into placodes, which are distinct
from neural crest cells although they arise from similar cel-
lular interactions. Placodes subsequently develop into parts
of the sense organs in the head. The neural crest and asso-
ciated placodes exist in two lateral strips, which is why the
vertebrate sense organs that develop from them are paired.
Neural crest cells located in more posterior positions
have very different developmental fates. These cells mi-
grate away from the neural tube to other locations in the
head and trunk, where they form connections between the
neural tube and the surrounding tissues. At these new loca-
tions, they contribute to the development of a variety of
structures that are particularly characteristic of the verte-
brates, several of which are discussed below. The migration
of neural crest cells is unique in that it is not simply a
change in the relative positions of cells, such as that seen in
gastrulation. Instead, neural crest cells actually pass
through other tissues.
The Gill Chamber
Primitive chordates such as lancelets are filter-feeders,
using the rapid beating of cilia to draw water into their
bodies through slits in their pharynx. These pharyngeal
slits evolved into the vertebrate gill chamber, a structure
that provides a greatly improved means of respiration. The
evolution of the gill chamber was certainly a key event in
the transition from filter-feeding to active predation.
In the development of the gill chamber, some of the
neural crest cells form cartilaginous bars between the em-
bryonic pharyngeal slits. Other neural crest cells induce
portions of the mesoderm to form muscles along the carti-
lage, while still others form neurons that carry impulses be-
tween the nerve cord and these muscles. A major blood
vessel called the aortic arch passes through each of the em-
bryonic bars. Lined by still more neural crest cells, these
bars, with their internal blood supply, become highly
branched and form the gills of the adult.
Because the stiff bars of the gill chamber can be bent in-
ward by powerful muscles controlled by nerves, the whole
structure is a very efficient pump that drives water past the
gills. The gills themselves act as highly efficient oxygen ex-
changers, greatly increasing the respiratory capacity of the
animals that possess them.
Elaboration of the Nervous System
Some neural crest cells migrate ventrally toward the noto-
chord and form sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia
(see chapter 54). Others become specialized as Schwann
cells, which insulate nerve fibers and permit the rapid con-
duction of nerve impulses. Still others form the autonomic
ganglia and the adrenal medulla. Cells in the adrenal
medulla secrete epinephrine when stimulated by the sym-
pathetic division of the autonomic nervous system during
the fight-or-flight reaction. The similarity in the chemical
nature of the hormone epinephrine and the neurotransmit-
ter norepinephrine, released by sympathetic neurons, is un-
derstandable—both adrenal medullary cells and sympa-
thetic neurons derive from the neural crest.
Sensory Organs and Skull
A variety of sense organs develop from the placodes. In-
cluded among them are the olfactory (smell) and lateral line
(primitive hearing) organs discussed in chapter 55. Neural
crest cells contribute to tooth development and to some of
the facial and cranial bones of the skull.
The appearance of the neural crest in the developing
embryo marked the beginning of the first truly
vertebrate phase of development, as many of the
structures characteristic of vertebrates derive directly
or indirectly from neural crest cells.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1225
(d) (e)
Neural crest
Neural tube
Neural tube
Neural crest
(digestive cavity)
Neural crest
FIGURE 60.14 (continued)
(d) The neural groove eventually closes to form a hollow tube. (e) As the tube closes, some of the cells from the dorsal margin of the neural
tube differentiate into the neural crest, which is characteristic of vertebrates.
How Cells Communicate during
In the process of vertebrate development, the relative posi-
tion of particular cell layers determines, to a large extent,
the organs that develop from them. By now, you may have
wondered how these cell layers know where they are. For
example, when cells of the ectoderm situated above the de-
veloping notochord give rise to the neural groove, how do
these cells know they are above the notochord?
The solution to this puzzle is one of the outstanding
accomplishments of experimental embryology, the study
of how embryos form. The great German biologist Hans
Spemann and his student Hilde Mangold solved it early in
this century. In their investigation they removed cells
from the dorsal lip of an amphibian blastula and trans-
planted them to a different location on another blastula
(figure 60.15). (The dorsal lip region of amphibian blastu-
las develops from the grey crescent zone and is the site of
origin of those mesoderm cells that later produce the no-
tochord.) The new location corresponded to that of the
animal’s belly. What happened? The embryo developed
two notochords, a normal dorsal one and a second one
along its belly!
By using genetically different donor and host blastulas,
Spemann and Mangold were able to show that the noto-
chord produced by transplanting dorsal lip cells contained
host cells as well as transplanted ones. The transplanted
dorsal lip cells had acted as organizers (see also chapter
17) of notochord development. As such, these cells stimu-
lated a developmental program in the belly cells of the
embryos in which they were transplanted: the develop-
ment of the notochord. The belly cells clearly contained
this developmental program but would not have expressed
it in the normal course of their development. The trans-
plantation of the dorsal lip cells caused them to do so.
1226 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Discard mesoderm
opposite dorsal lip
Dorsal lip
Donor mesoderm
from dorsal lip
neural fold
neural development
Primary notochord
and neural development
Secondary notochord
and neural development
FIGURE 60.15
Spemann and Mangold’s dorsal lip transplant experiment.
These cells had indeed induced the ectoderm cells of the
belly to form a notochord. This phenomenon as a whole
is known as induction.
The process of induction that Spemann discovered ap-
pears to be the basic mode of development in vertebrates.
Inductions between the three primary tissue types—ecto-
derm, mesoderm, and endoderm—are referred to as pri-
mary inductions. Inductions between tissues that have al-
ready been differentiated are called secondary inductions.
The differentiation of the central nervous system during
neurulation by the interaction of dorsal ectoderm and dor-
sal mesoderm to form the neural tube is an example of pri-
mary induction. In contrast, the differentiation of the lens
of the vertebrate eye from ectoderm by interaction with tis-
sue from the central nervous system is an example of sec-
ondary induction.
The eye develops as an extension of the forebrain, a stalk
that grows outward until it comes into contact with the epi-
dermis (figure 60.16). At a point directly above the growing
stalk, a layer of the epidermis pinches off, forming a trans-
parent lens. When the optic stalks of the two eyes have just
started to project from the brain and the lenses have not yet
formed, one of the budding stalks can be removed and
transplanted to a region underneath a different epidermis,
such as that of the belly. When Spemann performed this
critical experiment, a lens still formed, this time from belly
epidermis cells in the region above where the budding stalk
had been transplanted.
What is the nature of the inducing signal that passes
from one tissue to the other? If one imposes a nonporous
barrier, such as a layer of cellophane, between the inducer
and the target tissue, no induction takes place. In contrast,
a porous filter, through which proteins can pass, does per-
mit induction to occur. The induction process was dis-
cussed in detail in chapter 17. In brief, the inducer cells
produce a protein factor that binds to the cells of the target
tissue, initiating changes in gene expression.
The Nature of Developmental Decisions
All of the cells of the body, with the exception of a few spe-
cialized ones that have lost their nuclei, have an entire
complement of genetic information. Despite the fact that
all of its cells are genetically identical, an adult vertebrate
contains hundreds of cell types, each expressing various as-
pects of the total genetic information for that individual.
What factors determine which genes are to be expressed in
a particular cell and which are not to be? In a liver cell,
what mechanism keeps the genetic information that speci-
fies nerve cell characteristics turned off? Does the differen-
tiation of that particular cell into a liver cell entail the phys-
ical loss of the information specifying other cell types? No,
it does not—but cells progressively lose the capacity to ex-
press ever-larger portions of their genomes. Development is a
process of progressive restriction of gene expression.
Some cells become determined quite early in develop-
ment. For example, all of the egg cells of the human female
are set aside very early in the life of the embryo, yet some
of these cells will not achieve differentiation into functional
oocytes for more than 40 years. To a large degree, a cell’s
location in the developing embryo determines its fate. By
changing a cell’s location, an experimenter can alter its de-
velopmental destiny. However, this is only true up to a cer-
tain point in the cell’s development. At some stage, every
cell’s ultimate fate becomes fixed, a process referred to as
commitment. Commitment is not irreversible (entire indi-
viduals can be cloned from an individual specialized cell, as
recounted in chapter 17), but rarely if ever reverses under
ordinary circumstances.
When a cell is “determined,” it is possible to predict its
developmental fate; when a cell is “committed,” that
developmental fate cannot be altered. Determination
often occurs very early in development, commitment
somewhat later.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1227
Wall of forebrain
Optic stalk
Optic cup
Lens vesicle Lens
Optic nerve
FIGURE 60.16
Development of the eye by induction. An extension of the optic stalk grows until it contacts ectoderm, which induces a section of the
ectoderm to pinch off and form the lens. Other structures of the eye develop from the optic stalk.
Embryonic Development and
Vertebrate Evolution
The primitive chordates that gave rise to vertebrates
were initially slow-moving, filter-feeding animals with
relatively low metabolic rates. Many of the unique verte-
brate adaptations that contribute to their varied ecologi-
cal roles involve structures that arise from neural crest
cells. The vertebrates became fast-swimming predators
with much higher metabolic rates. This accelerated me-
tabolism permitted a greater level of activity than was
possible among the more primitive chordates. Other evo-
lutionary changes associated with the derivatives of the
neural crest provided better detection of prey, a greatly
improved ability to orient spatially during prey capture,
and the means to respond quickly to sensory information.
The evolution of the neural crest and of the structures
derived from it were thus crucial steps in the evolution of
the vertebrates (figure 60.17).
Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny
The patterns of development in the vertebrate groups that
evolved most recently reflect in many ways the simpler pat-
terns occurring among earlier forms. Thus, mammalian de-
velopment and bird development are elaborations of reptile
development, which is an elaboration of amphibian devel-
opment, and so forth (figure 60.18). During the develop-
ment of a mammalian embryo, traces can be seen of ap-
pendages and organs that are apparently relicts of more
primitive chordates. For example, at certain stages a human
embryo possesses pharyngeal slits, which occur in all chor-
dates and are homologous to the gill slits of fish. At later
stages, a human embryo also has a tail.
In a sense, the patterns of development in chordate
groups has built up in incremental steps over the evolu-
tionary history of those groups. The developmental in-
structions for each new form seem to have been layered
on top of the previous instructions, contributing addi-
1228 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Lining of
Lining of
Pancreas Liver
Outer covering
of internal
Lining of
thoracic and
Blood Vessels
Epidermis, skin,
hair, epithelium,
inner ear, lens
of eye
Gill arches,
sensory ganglia,
Schwann cells,
adrenal medulla
spinal cord,
spinal nerves
nerve cord
Chordates Vertebrates
FIGURE 60.17
Derivation of the major tissue types. The three germ layers that form during gastrulation give rise to all organs and tissues in the body,
but the neural crest cells that form from ectodermal tissue give rise to structures that are prevalent in the vertebrate animal such as gill
arches and Schwann cells.
tional steps in the developmental journey. This hypothe-
sis, proposed in the nineteenth century by Ernst Haeckel,
is referred to as the “biogenic law.” It is usually stated as
an aphorism: ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny; that is, em-
bryological development (ontogeny) involves the same
progression of changes that have occurred during evolu-
tion (phylogeny). However, the biogenic law is not liter-
ally true when stated in this way because embryonic stages
are not reflections of adult ancestors. Instead, the embry-
onic stages of a particular vertebrate often reflect the em-
bryonic stages of that vertebrate’s ancestors. Thus, the
pharyngeal slits of a mammalian embryo are not like the
gill slits its ancestors had when they were adults. Rather,
they are like the pharyngeal slits its ancestors had when
they were embryos.
Vertebrates seem to have evolved largely by the
addition of new instructions to the developmental
program. Development of a mammal thus proceeds
through a series of stages, and the earlier stages are
unchanged from those that occur in the development of
more primitive vertebrates.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1229
FIGURE 60.18
Embryonic development
of vertebrates. Notice
that the early embryonic
stages of these vertebrates
bear a striking resem-
blance to each other, even
though the individuals are
from different classes (fish,
amphibians, reptiles, birds,
and mammals). All
vertebrates start out with
an enlarged head region,
gill slits, and a tail
regardless of whether
these characteristics are
retained in the adults.
Extraembryonic Membranes
As an adaptation to terrestrial life, the embryos of reptiles,
birds, and mammals develop within a fluid-filled amniotic
membrane (see chapter 48). The amniotic membrane and
several other membranes form from embryonic cells but
are located outside of the body of the embryo. For this
reason, they are known as extraembryonic membranes.
The extraembryonic membranes, later to become the
fetal membranes, include the amnion, chorion, yolk sac,
and allantois.
In birds, the amnion and chorion arise from two folds
that grow to completely surround the embryo (figure
60.19). The amnion is the inner membrane that surrounds
the embryo and suspends it in amniotic fluid, thereby mim-
icking the aquatic environments of fish and amphibian em-
bryos. The chorion is located next to the eggshell and is
separated from the other membranes by a cavity, the ex-
traembryonic coelom. The yolk sac plays a critical role in the
nutrition of bird and reptile embryos; it is also present in
mammals, though it does not nourish the embryo. The al-
lantois is derived as an outpouching of the gut and serves
to store the uric acid excreted in the urine of birds. During
development, the allantois of a bird embryo expands to
form a sac that eventually fuses with the overlying chorion,
just under the eggshell. The fusion of the allantois and
chorion form a functioning unit in which embryonic blood
vessels, carried in the allantois, are brought close to the
porous eggshell for gas exchange. The allantois is thus the
functioning “lung” of a bird embryo.
In mammals, the embryonic cells form an inner cell
mass that will become the body of the embryo and a layer
of surrounding cells called the trophoblast (see figure 60.9).
The trophoblast implants into the endometrial lining of its
mother’s uterus and becomes the chorionic membrane (fig-
ure 60.20). The part of the chorion in contact with en-
dometrial tissue contributes to the placenta, as is described
in more detail in the next section. The allantois in mam-
mals contributes blood vessels to the structure that will be-
come the umbilical cord, so that fetal blood can be deliv-
ered to the placenta for gas exchange.
The extraembryonic membranes include the yolk sac,
amnion, chorion, and allantois. These are derived from
embryonic cells and function in a variety of ways to
support embryonic development.
1230 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Amniotic folds
Union of
amniotic folds
Yolk sac
Allantois Allantois AllantoisChorion AmnionChorion Amnion
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 60.19
The extraembryonic membranes of a chick embryo. The membranes begin as amniotic folds from the embryo (a) that unite (b) to form
a separate amnion and chorion (c). The allantois continues to grow until it will eventually unite with the chorion just under the eggshell.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1231
Yolk sac
of embryo
blood vessels
chorionic villi
Body stalk
(umbilical cord)
Umbilical blood vessels
Yolk sac
Villus of chorion
Maternal blood vessels
FIGURE 60.20
The extraembryonic membranes of a mammalian embryo. (a) After the embryo implants into the mother’s endometrium (6–7 days
after fertilization), the trophoblast becomes the chorion, and the yolk sac and amnion are produced. (b) The chorion develops extensions,
called villi, that interdigitate with surrounding endometrial tissue. The embryo is encased within an amniotic sac.
First Trimester
The development of the human embryo shows its evolu-
tionary origins. Without an evolutionary perspective, we
would be unable to account for the fact that human devel-
opment proceeds in much the same way as development in
a bird. In both animals, the embryo develops from a flat-
tened collection of cells—the blastodisc in birds or the
inner cell mass in humans. While the blastodisc of a bird is
flattened because it is pressed against a mass of yolk, the
inner cell mass of a human is flat despite the absence of a
yolk mass. In humans as well as in birds, a primitive streak
forms and gives rise to the three primary germ layers.
Human development, from fertilization to birth, takes an
average of 266 days. This time is commonly divided into
three periods, called trimesters.
The First Month
About 30 hours after fertilization, the zygote undergoes its
first cleavage; the second cleavage occurs about 30 hours
after that. By the time the embryo reaches the uterus (6–7
days after fertilization), it is a blastula, which in mammals is
referred to as a blastocyst. As we mentioned earlier, the
1232 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
60.5 Human development is divided into trimesters.
FIGURE 60.21
Structure of the placenta. The placenta contains a fetal component, the chorionic frondosum, and a maternal component, the decidua
basalis. Deoxygenated fetal blood from the umbilical arteries (shown in blue) enters the placenta, where it picks up oxygen and nutrients
from the mother’s blood. Oxygenated fetal blood returns in the umbilical vein (shown in red) to the fetus, where it picks up oxygen and
nutrients from the mother’s blood.
blastocyst consists of an inner cell mass, which will become
the body of the embryo, and a surrounding layer of tro-
phoblast cells (see figure 60.9). The blastocyst begins to
grow rapidly and initiates the formation of the amnion and
the chorion. The blastocyst digests its way into the en-
dometrial lining of the uterus in the process known as im-
During the second week after fertilization, the develop-
ing chorion forms branched extensions, the chorionic frondo-
sum (fetal placenta) that protrude into the endometrium
(figure 60.21). These extensions induce the surrounding
endometrial tissue to undergo changes and become the de-
cidua basalis (maternal placenta). Together, the chorionic
frondosum and decidua basalis form a single functioning
unit, the placenta (figure 60.22). Within the placenta, the
mother’s blood and the blood of the embryo come into
close proximity but do not mix (see figure 60.21). Oxygen
can thus diffuse from the mother to the embryo, and car-
bon dioxide can diffuse in the opposite direction. In addi-
tion to exchanging gases, the placenta provides nourish-
ment for the embryo, detoxifies certain molecules that may
pass into the embryonic circulation, and secretes hor-
mones. Certain substances such as alcohol, drugs, and an-
tibiotics are not stopped by the placenta and pass from the
mother’s bloodstream to the fetus.
One of the hormones released by the placenta is human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which was discussed in
chapter 59. This hormone is secreted by the trophoblast
cells even before they become the chorion, and is the hor-
mone assayed in pregnancy tests. Because its action is al-
most identical to that of luteinizing hormone (LH), hCG
maintains the mother’s corpus luteum. The corpus luteum,
in turn, continues to secrete estradiol and progesterone,
thereby preventing menstruation and further ovulations.
Gastrulation also takes place in the second week after
fertilization. The primitive streak can be seen on the sur-
face of the embryo, and the three germ layers (ectoderm,
mesoderm, and endoderm) are differentiated.
In the third week, neurulation occurs. This stage is
marked by the formation of the neural tube along the dor-
sal axis of the embryo, as well as by the appearance of the
first somites, which give rise to the muscles, vertebrae, and
connective tissues. By the end of the week, over a dozen
somites are evident, and the blood vessels and gut have
begun to develop. At this point, the embryo is about 2 mil-
limeters long.
Organogenesis (the formation of body organs) begins
during the fourth week (figure 60.23a). The eyes form. The
tubular heart develops its four chambers and starts to pul-
sate rhythmically, as it will for the rest of the individual’s
life. At 70 beats per minute, the heart is destined to beat
more than 2.5 billion times during a lifetime of 70 years.
Over 30 pairs of somites are visible by the end of the fourth
week, and the arm and leg buds have begun to form. The
embryo has increased in length to about 5 millimeters. Al-
though the developmental scenario is now far advanced,
many women are unaware they are pregnant at this stage.
Early pregnancy is a very critical time in development
because the proper course of events can be interrupted eas-
ily. In the 1960s, for example, many pregnant women took
the tranquilizer thalidomide to minimize the discomforts
associated with early pregnancy. Unfortunately, this drug
had not been adequately tested. It interferes with limb bud
development, and its widespread use resulted in many de-
formed babies. Organogenesis may also be disrupted dur-
ing the first and second months of pregnancy if the mother
contracts rubella (German measles). Most spontaneous
abortions occur during this period.
The Second Month
Morphogenesis (the formation of shape) takes place dur-
ing the second month (figure 60.23b). The miniature limbs
of the embryo assume their adult shapes. The arms, legs,
knees, elbows, fingers, and toes can all be seen—as well as a
short bony tail! The bones of the embryonic tail, an evolu-
tionary reminder of our past, later fuse to form the coccyx.
Within the abdominal cavity, the major organs, including
the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder, become evident. By the
end of the second month, the embryo has grown to about
25 millimeters in length, weighs about one gram, and be-
gins to look distinctly human.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1233
FIGURE 60.22
Placenta and fetus at seven weeks.
The Third Month
The nervous system and sense organs develop during the
third month, and the arms and legs start to move (figure
60.23c). The embryo begins to show facial expressions and
carries out primitive reflexes such as the startle reflex and
sucking. The eighth week marks the transition from em-
bryo to fetus. At this time, all of the major organs of the
body have been established. What remains of development
is essentially growth.
At around 10 weeks, the secretion of human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG) by the placenta declines, and the
corpus luteum regresses as a result. However, menstrua-
tion does not occur because the placenta itself secretes
estradiol and progesterone (figure 60.24). In fact, the
amounts of these two hormones secreted by the placenta
far exceed the amounts that are ever secreted by the
ovaries. The high levels of estradiol and progesterone in
the blood during pregnancy continue to inhibit the re-
lease of FSH and LH, thereby preventing ovulation.
They also help maintain the uterus and eventually pre-
pare it for labor and delivery, and they stimulate the de-
velopment of the mammary glands in preparation for lac-
tation after delivery.
The embryo implants into the endometrium,
differentiates the germ layers, forms the
extraembryonic membranes, and undergoes
organogenesis during the first month and
morphogenesis during the second month.
1234 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
(a) (b)
FIGURE 60.23
The developing human. (a) Four weeks, (b) seven weeks, (c) three months, and (d) four months.
Months of pregnancy
Increasing hormone concentration
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FIGURE 60.24
Hormonal secretion by the placenta. The placenta secretes
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for 10 weeks. Thereafter, it
secretes increasing amounts of estradiol and progesterone.
Second and Third Trimesters
The second and third trimesters are characterized by the
tremendous growth and development required for the via-
bility of the baby after its birth.
Second Trimester
Bones actively enlarge during the fourth month (figure
60.23d), and by the end of the month, the mother can feel
the baby kicking. During the fifth month, the head and
body grow a covering of fine hair. This hair, called lanugo,
is another evolutionary relict but is lost later in develop-
ment. By the end of the fifth month, the rapid heartbeat of
the fetus can be heard with a stethoscope, although it can
also be detected as early as 10 weeks with a fetal monitor.
The fetus has grown to about 175 millimeters in length and
attained a weight of about 225 grams. Growth begins in
earnest in the sixth month; by the end of that month, the
baby weighs 600 grams (1.3 lbs) and is over 300 millimeters
(1 ft) long. However, most of its prebirth growth is still to
come. The baby cannot yet survive outside the uterus with-
out special medical intervention.
Third Trimester
The third trimester is predominantly a period of growth
rather than development. The weight of the fetus doubles
several times, but this increase in bulk is not the only kind
of growth that occurs. Most of the major nerve tracts in the
brain, as well as many new neurons (nerve cells), are
formed during this period. The developing brain produces
neurons at an average rate estimated at more than 250,000
per minute! Neurological growth is far from complete at
the end of the third trimester, when birth takes place. If the
fetus remained in the uterus until its neurological develop-
ment was complete, it would grow too large for safe deliv-
ery through the pelvis. Instead, the infant is born as soon as
the probability of its survival is high, and its brain contin-
ues to develop and produce new neurons for months after
The critical stages of human development take place
quite early, and the following six months are essentially
a period of growth. The growth of the brain is not yet
complete, however, by the end of the third trimester,
and must be completed postnatally.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1235
(c) (d)
Birth and Postnatal
In some mammals, changing hormone levels in the
developing fetus initiate the process of birth. The
fetuses of these mammals have an extra layer of cells
in their adrenal cortex, called a fetal zone. Before
birth, the fetal pituitary gland secretes corticotropin,
which stimulates the fetal zone to secrete steroid
hormones. These corticosteroids then induce the
uterus of the mother to manufacture prostaglandins,
which trigger powerful contractions of the uterine
smooth muscles.
The adrenal glands of human fetuses lack a fetal
zone, and human birth does not seem to be initiated
by this mechanism. In a human, the uterus releases
prostaglandins, possibly as a result of the high levels
of estradiol secreted by the placenta. Estradiol also
stimulates the uterus to produce more oxytocin re-
ceptors, and as a result, the uterus becomes increas-
ingly sensitive to oxytocin. Prostaglandins begin the
uterine contractions, but then sensory feedback
from the uterus stimulates the release of oxytocin
from the mother’s posterior pituitary gland. Work-
ing together, oxytocin and prostaglandins further
stimulate uterine contractions, forcing the fetus
downward (figure 60.25). Initially, only a few con-
tractions occur each hour, but the rate eventually in-
creases to one contraction every two to three min-
utes. Finally, strong contractions, aided by the mother’s
pushing, expel the fetus, which is now a newborn baby.
After birth, continuing uterine contractions expel the
placenta and associated membranes, collectively called the
afterbirth. The umbilical cord is still attached to the baby,
and to free the newborn, a doctor or midwife clamps and
cuts the cord. Blood clotting and contraction of muscles in
the cord prevent excessive bleeding.
Milk production, or lactation, occurs in the alveoli of mam-
mary glands when they are stimulated by the anterior pitu-
itary hormone, prolactin. Milk from the alveoli is secreted
into a series of alveolar ducts, which are surrounded by
smooth muscle and lead to the nipple (figure 60.26). Dur-
ing pregnancy, high levels of progesterone stimulate the
development of the mammary alveoli, and high levels of
estradiol stimulate the development of the alveolar ducts.
However, estradiol blocks the actions of prolactin on the
1236 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Wall of
FIGURE 60.25
Position of the fetus just before birth. A developing fetus is a major
addition to a woman’s anatomy. The stomach and intestines are pushed far
up, and there is often considerable discomfort from pressure on the lower
back. In a natural delivery, the fetus exits through the vagina, which must
dilate (expand) considerably to permit passage.
FIGURE 60.26
A sagittal section of a mammary gland. The mammary alveoli
produce milk in response to stimulation by prolactin, and milk is
ejected through the lactiferous duct in response to stimulation by
mammary glands, and it inhibits prolactin secretion by pro-
moting the release of prolactin-inhibiting hormone from
the hypothalamus. During pregnancy, therefore, the mam-
mary glands are prepared for lactation but prevented from
When the placenta is discharged after birth, the concen-
trations of estradiol and progesterone in the mother’s
blood decline rapidly. This decline allows the anterior pitu-
itary gland to secrete prolactin, which stimulates the mam-
mary alveoli to produce milk. Sensory impulses associated
with the baby’s suckling trigger the posterior pituitary
gland to release oxytocin. Oxytocin stimulates contraction
of the smooth muscle surrounding the alveolar ducts, thus
causing milk to be ejected by the breast. This pathway is
known as the milk-ejection reflex. The secretion of oxy-
tocin during lactation also causes some uterine contrac-
tions, as it did during labor. These contractions help to re-
store the tone of uterine muscles in mothers who are
The first milk produced after birth is a yellowish fluid
called colostrum, which is both nutritious and rich in ma-
ternal antibodies. Milk synthesis begins about three days
following the birth and is referred to as when milk “comes
in.” Many mothers nurse for a year or longer. During this
period, important pair-bonding occurs between the mother
and child. When nursing stops, the accumulation of milk in
the breasts signals the brain to stop prolactin secretion, and
milk production ceases.
Postnatal Development
Growth of the infant continues rapidly after birth. Babies
typically double their birth weight within two months. Be-
cause different organs grow at different rates and cease
growing at different times, the body proportions of infants
are different from those of adults. The head, for example, is
disproportionately large in newborns, but after birth it
grows more slowly than the rest of the body. Such a pattern
of growth, in which different components grow at different
rates, is referred to as allometric growth.
In most mammals, brain growth is mainly a fetal phe-
nomenon. In chimpanzees, for instance, the brain and the
cerebral portion of the skull grow very little after birth,
while the bones of the jaw continue to grow. As a result,
the head of an adult chimpanzee looks very different from
that of a fetal chimpanzee (figure 60.27). In human infants,
on the other hand, the brain and cerebral skull grow at the
same rate as the jaw. Therefore, the jaw-skull proportions
do not change after birth, and the head of a human adult
looks very similar to that of a human fetus. It is primarily
for this reason that an early human fetus seems so remark-
ably adultlike. The fact that the human brain continues to
grow significantly for the first few years of postnatal life
means that adequate nutrition and a rich, safe environment
are particularly crucial during this period for the full devel-
opment of the person’s intellectual potential.
Birth occurs in response to uterine contractions
stimulated by oxytocin and prostaglandins. Lactation is
stimulated by prostaglandin, but the milk-ejection
reflex requires the action of oxytocin.
Chapter 60 Vertebrate Development 1237
Chimpanzee Human
FIGURE 60.27
Allometric growth. In young chimpanzees, the jaw grows at a
faster rate than the rest of the head. As a result, the adult chim-
panzee head shape differs greatly from its head shape as a
newborn. In humans, the difference in growth between the jaw
and the rest of the head is much smaller, and the adult head shape
is similar to that of the newborn.
1238 Part XIV Regulating the Animal Body
Chapter 60
Summary Questions Media Resources
60.1 Fertilization is the initial event in development.
? Fertilization is the union of an egg and a sperm to
form a zygote. It is accomplished externally in most
fish and amphibians, and internally in all other
? The three stages of fertilization are (1) penetration,
(2) activation, and (3) fusion.
1. What are the three stages of
fertilization, and what happens
during each stage?
www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com
? Cleavage is the rapid division of the newly formed
zygote into a mass of cells, without any increase in
overall size.
? The cleavages produce a hollow ball of cells, called
the blastula.
2. What is the difference
between holoblastic cleavage and
meroblastic cleavage? What is
responsible for an embryo
undergoing one or the other
type of cleavage?
60.2 Cell cleavage and the formation of a blastula set the stage for later development.
? During gastrulation, cells in the blastula change their
relative positions, forming the three primary cell
layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
? In eggs with moderate or large amounts of yolk, cells
involute down and around the yolk, through a
blastopore or primitive streak to form the three germ
3. What is an archenteron, and
during what developmental stage
does it form? What is the future
fate of this opening in
4. How is gastrulation in
amphibians different from that
in lancelets?
60.3 Gastrulation forms the three germ layers of the embryo.
? Neurulation involves the formation of a structure
found only in chordates, the notochord and dorsal
hollow nerve cord.
? The formation of the neural crest is the first
developmental event unique to vertebrates. Most of
the distinctive structures associated with vertebrates
are derived from the neural crest.
5. What structure unique to
chordates forms during
6. What are the functions of
the amnion, chorion, and
allantois in birds and mammals?
60.4 Body architecture is determined during the next stages of embryonic development.
? Most of the critical events in human development
occur in the first month of pregnancy. Cleavage
occurs during the first week, gastrulation during the
second week, neurulation during the third week, and
organogenesis during the fourth week.
? The second and third months of human development
are devoted to morphogenesis and to the elaboration
of the nervous system and sensory organs.
? During the last six months before birth, the human
fetus grows considerably, and the brain produces
large numbers of neurons and establishes major nerve
7. How does the placenta
prevent menstruation during the
first two months of pregnancy?
8. At what time during human
pregnancy does organogenesis
9. Is neurological growth
complete at birth?
10. What hormone stimulates
lactation (milk production)?
What hormone stimulates milk
ejection from the breast?
60.5 Human development is divided into trimesters.
? Fertilization
? Cell differentation
? Early development
? Preembryonic
? Art Activity:
Human extra-
embryonic membranes
? Embryonic and fetal
? Bioethics Case Study:
Critically ill newborns
? Human development
? Pregnancy
? Postnatal period