647 Discovering the Virus Responsible for Hepatitis C You may not be aware that our country is in the midst of an epidemic of this potentially fatal liver disease. Almost 4 million Americans are infected with the hepatitis C virus, most of them without knowing it. Some 9000 peo- ple will die this year in the United States from liver can- cer and chronic liver failure brought on by the virus, and the number is expected to triple in the next decade. In the first years of the new century, the number of annual U.S. deaths caused by hepatitis C is predicted to overtake deaths caused by AIDS. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Researchers in the 1940s identified two distinct forms. One, called infectious hepatitis or hepatitis A, is transmitted by contact with feces from infected individuals. A second form of hepatitis, called serum hepatitis or hepatitis B, is passed only through the blood. Hepatitis B virus was isolated in the mid-1960s, he- patitis A virus a decade later. This led in the 1970s to the development of tests for the two viruses. Disturbingly, a substantial proportion of hepatitis cases did not appear to be caused by either of these two viruses. Clearly another virus was at work. At first, investigators thought it wouldn't be long before it was isolated. How- ever, it was not until 1990 that researchers succeeded in isolating the virus responsible for these "non-A, non-B" cases, a virus that we now call hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV was difficult to isolate because it cannot be grown reliably in a laboratory culture of cells. Making the prob- lem even more difficult, HCV is a strictly primate virus. It infects only humans and our close relatives—chimpanzees and tamarins. Because it is very expensive to maintain these animals in research laboratories, only small numbers of animals can be employed in any one study. Thus, the virus could not be isolated by the traditional means of pu- rification from extracts of infected cells. What finally suc- ceeded, after 15 years of failed attempts at isolation, was molecular technology. HCV was the first virus isolated en- tirely by cloning the infectious nucleic acid. The successful experiment was carried out by Michael Houghton and fellow researchers at Chiron, a California biotechnology company. What they did was shotgun clone the DNA of infected cells, and then screen for HCV. The genetic material of HCV, like that of many other viruses, is RNA. So the first step was to convert HCV RNA to DNA, so that it could be cloned. There was no need to attempt to achieve entire faithful copies, a touchy and diffi- cult task, because they did not wish to replicate HCV, only identify it. So the researchers took the far easier route of copying the virus RNA as a series of segments, each carry- ing some part of the virus genome. Next, they inserted these DNA copies of HCV genes into a bacteriophage, and allowed the bacteriophage to in- fect Escherichia coli bacteria. In such a "shotgun" experi- ment, millions of bacterial cells are infected with bacterio- phages. The researchers grew individual infected cells to form discrete colonies on plates of solid culture media. The colonies together constituted a "clone library." The prob- lem then is to screen the library for colonies that had suc- cessfully received HCV. To understand how they did this, focus on the quarry, a cell infected with an HCV gene. Once inside a bacterial cell, an HCV gene fragment becomes just so much more DNA, not particularly different from all the rest. The cel- lular machinery of the bacteria reads it just like bacterial genes, manufacturing the virus protein that the inserted HCV gene encodes. The secret is to look for cells with HCV proteins. How to identify an HCV protein from among a back- ground of thousands of bacterial proteins? Houghton and his colleagues tested each colony for its ability to cause a visible immune reaction with serum isolated from HCV- infected chimpanzees. The test is a very simple and powerful one, because its success does not depend on knowing the identity of the genes you seek. The serum of HCV-infected animals con- tains antibodies directed against a broad range of HCV proteins encountered while combating the animal's HCV infection. The serum can thus be used as a probe for the presence of HCV proteins in other cells. Out of a million bacterial clones tested, just one was found that reacted with the chimp HCV serum, but not with serum from the same chimp before infection. Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Electron micrograph of hepatitis C virus. 648 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Using this clone as a toehold, the researchers were able to go back and fish out the rest of the virus genome from infected cells. From the virus genome, it was a straightfor- ward matter to develop a diagnostic antibody test for the presence of the HCV virus. Using the diagnostic test, researchers found hepatitis C to be far more common than had been supposed. This is a problem of major proportions, because hepatitis C virus is unlike hepatitis A or B in a very important respect: it causes chronic disease. Most viruses cause a brief, intense infec- tion and then are done. Hepatitis A, for example, typically lasts a few weeks. Ninety percent of people with hepatitis C have it for years, many of them for decades. All during these long years of infection, damage is being done to the liver. Cells of the immune system called cyto- toxic T cells recognize hepatitis C virus proteins on the surface of liver cells, and kill the infected cells. Over the years, many dead liver cells accumulate, and in response the cells around them begin to secrete collagen and other proteins to cover the mess. This eventually produces pro- tein fibers interlacing the liver, fibers which disrupt the flow of materials through the liver's many internal pas- sages. Imagine dropping bricks and rubble on a highway— it gets more and more difficult for traffic to move as the rubble accumulates. If this fibrosis progresses far enough, it results in com- plete blockage, cirrhosis, a serious condition which may in- duce fatal liver failure, and which often induces primary liver cancer. About 20% of patients develop cirrhosis within 20 years of infection. Luckily, hepatitis C is a very difficult virus to transmit. Direct blood contact is the only known path of direct trans- mission. Sexual transmission does not seem likely, although the possibility is still being investigated. Married partners of infected individuals rarely get the virus, and its incidence among promiscuous gay men is no higher than among the population at large. Why not move vigorously to produce a vaccine directed against hepatitis C? This turns out to be particularly difficult for this virus, because antibodies directed against it appear to be largely ineffective. Those few individuals who do succeed in clearing the virus from their bodies gain no immunity to subsequent infection. They produce antibodies directed against the virus, but the antibodies don't protect them. It ap- pears that hepatitis C virus evades our antibody defenses by high mutation rates, just as the AIDS virus does. By the time antibodies are being produced against one version of the virus, some of the viruses have already mutated to a different form that the antibody does not recognize. Like chasing a burglar who is constantly changing his disguise, the antibod- ies never learn to recognize the newest version of the virus. To date, attempts to develop a drug to combat hepatitis C virus focus on the virus itself. This virus carries just one gene, a very big one. When it infects liver cells, this gene is translated into a single immense "polyprotein." Enzymes then cut the polyprotein into 10 functional pieces. Each piece plays a key role in building new viruses in infected liver cells. Some of these proteins form parts of the virus body, others are enzymes needed to replicate the virus gene. As you might expect, each of these 10 proteins is being investigated as a potential target for a drug to fight the virus, although no success is reported as yet. Other attempts to fight hepatitis C focus on the part of our immune system that attacks infected liver cells. Unlike the ineffective antibody defense, our bodies' cytotoxic T cells clearly are able to detect and attack cells carrying hepatitis C proteins. A vaccine that stimulates these cytotoxic T cells might eliminate all infected cells at the start of an infection, stopping the disease in its tracks before it got started. A seri- ous effort is being made to develop such a vaccine. It doesn't look like an effective remedy is going to be available anytime soon. In the meantime, as the death rates from hepatitis C exceed those for AIDS in the next few years, we can hope research will further intensify. How the hepatitis C virus was discovered. Michael Houghton and fellow researchers identified the virus responsible for hepatitis C by making DNA copies of RNA from the cells of infected chimpanzees. They then cloned this DNA, using bacteriophages to carry it into bacterial cells. Colonies of the bacteria were then tested with serum from infected chimps. Any colony that produced an immune reaction would have to contain the virus. 649 32 How We Classify Organisms Concept Outline 32.1 Biologists name organisms in a systematic way. The Classification of Organisms. Biologists name organisms using a binomial system. Species Names. Every kind of organism is assigned a unique name. The Taxonomic Hierarchy. The higher groups into which an organism is placed reveal a great deal about the organism. What Is a Species? Species are groups of similar organisms that tend not to interbreed with individuals of other groups. 32.2 Scientists construct phylogenies to understand the evolutionary relationships among organisms. Evolutionary Classifications. Traditional and cladistic interpretations of evolution differ in the emphasis they place on particular traits. 32.3 All living organisms are grouped into one of a few major categories. The Kingdoms of Life. Living organisms are grouped into three great groups called domains, and within domains into kingdoms. Domain Archaea (Archaebacteria). The oldest domain consists of primitive bacteria that often live in extreme environments. Domain Bacteria (Eubacteria). Too small to see with the unaided eye, eubacteria are more numerous than any other organism. Domain Eukarya (Eukaryotes). There are four kingdoms of eukaryotes, three of them entirely or predominantly multicellular. Two of the most important characteristics to have evolved among the eukaryotes are multicellularity and sexuality. Viruses: A Special Case. Viruses are not organisms, and thus do not belong to any kingdom. A ll organisms share many biological characteristics. They are composed of one or more cells, carry out metabolism and transfer energy with ATP, and encode hereditary information in DNA. All species have evolved from simpler forms and continue to evolve. Individuals live in populations. These populations make up communities and ecosystems, which provide the overall structure of life on earth. So far, we have stressed these common themes, considering the general principles that apply to all organ- isms. Now we will consider the diversity of the biological world and focus on the differences among groups of organ- isms (figure 32.1). For the rest of the text, we will examine the different kinds of life on earth, from bacteria and amoe- bas to blue whales and sequoia trees. FIGURE 32.1 Biological diversity.All living things are assigned to particular classifications based on characteristics such as their anatomy, development, mode of nutrition, level of organization, and biochemical composition. Coral reefs, like the one seen here, are home to a variety of living things. books, employed the polynomial system. But as a kind of shorthand, Linnaeus also included in these books a two- part name for each species. For example, the honeybee be- came Apis mellifera. These two-part names, or binomials (bi, “two”) have become our standard way of designating species. A Closer Look at Linnaeus To illustrate Linnaeus’s work further, let’s consider how he treated two species of oaks from North America, which by 1753 had been described by scientists. He grouped all oaks in the genus Quercus, as had been the practice since Roman times. Linnaeus named the willow oak of the southeastern United States (figure 32.2a) Quercus foliis lanceolatis inte- gerrimis glabris (“oak with spear-shaped, smooth leaves with absolutely no teeth along the margins”). For the common red oak of eastern temperate North America (figure 32.2b), Lin- naeus devised a new name, Quercus foliis obtuse-sinuatis setaceo-mucronatis (“oak with leaves with deep blunt lobes bearing hairlike bristles”). For each of these species, he also presented a shorthand designation, the binomial names Quer- cus phellosand Quercus rubra.These have remained the official names for these species since 1753, even though Linnaeus did not intend this when he first used them in his book. He con- sidered the polynomials the true names of the species. Two-part (“binomial”) Latin names, first utilized by Linnaeus, are now universally employed by biologists to name particular organisms. 650 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms The Classification of Organisms Organisms were first classified more than 2000 years ago by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who categorized living things as either plants or animals. He classified ani- mals as either land, water, or air dwellers, and he divided plants into three kinds based on stem differences. This simple classifica- tion system was expanded by the Greeks and Romans, who grouped animals and plants into basic units such as cats, horses, and oaks. Eventually, these units began to be called genera (singular, genus), the Latin word for “groups.” Starting in the Middle Ages, these names began to be systemati- cally written down, using Latin, the lan- guage used by scholars at that time. Thus, cats were assigned to the genus Felis, horses to Equus, and oaks to Quercus—names that the Romans had applied to these groups. For genera that were not known to the Romans, new names were invented. The classification system of the Middle Ages, called the polynomial system, was used virtually unchanged for hun- dreds of years. The Polynomial System Until the mid-1700s, biologists usually added a series of descriptive terms to the name of the genus when they wanted to refer to a particular kind of organism, which they called a species. These phrases, starting with the name of the genus, came to be known as polynomials (poly, “many”; nomial, “name”), strings of Latin words and phrases consisting of up to 12 or more words. One name for the European honeybee, for example, was Apis pubes- cens, thorace subgriseo, abdomine fusco, pedibus posticis glabris utrinque margine ciliatis. As you can imagine, these poly- nomial names were cumbersome. Even more worrisome, the names were altered at will by later authors, so that a given organism really did not have a single name that was its alone. The Binomial System A much simpler system of naming animals, plants, and other organisms stems from the work of the Swedish biolo- gist Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778). Linnaeus devoted his life to a challenge that had defeated many biologists before him—cataloging all the different kinds of organisms. In the 1750s he produced several major works that, like his earlier 32.1 Biologists name organisms in a systematic way. Quercus phellos (Willow oak) Quercus rubra (Red oak) FIGURE 32.2 Two species of oaks.(a) Willow oak, Quercus phellos.(b) Red oak, Quercus rubra. Although they are both oaks (Quercus), these two species differ sharply in leaf shape and size and in many other features, including geographical range. Species Names Taxonomy is the science of classify- ing living things, and a group of or- ganisms at a particular level in a clas- sification system is called a taxon (plural, taxa). By agreement among taxonomists throughout the world, no two organisms can have the same name. So that no one country is fa- vored, a language spoken by no coun- try—Latin—is used for the names. Because the scientific name of an or- ganism is the same anywhere in the world, this system provides a standard and precise way of communicating, whether the language of a particular biologist is Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, or English. This is a great improve- ment over the use of common names, which often vary from one place to the next. As you can see in figure 32.3, corn in Europe refers to the plant Americans call wheat; a bear is a large placental omnivore in the United States but a koala (a vegetar- ian marsupial) in Australia; and a robin is a very different bird in Eu- rope and North America. Also by agreement, the first word of the binomial name is the genus to which the organism belongs. This word is always capitalized. The sec- ond word refers to the particular species and is not capitalized. The two words together are called the scien- tific name and are written in italics or distinctive print: for example, Homo sapiens. Once a genus has been used in the body of a text, it is often abbrevi- ated in later uses. For example, the di- nosaur Tyrannosaurus rex becomes T. rex, and the potentially dangerous bacterium Escherichia coli is known as E. coli. The system of naming animals, plants, and other organisms estab- lished by Linnaeus has served the sci- ence of biology well for nearly 230 years. By convention, the first part of a binomial species name identifies the genus to which the species belongs, and the second part distinguishes that particular species from other species in the genus. Chapter 32 How We Classify Organisms 651 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 32.3 Common names make poor labels.The common names corn (a), bear (b), and robin (c) bring clear images to our minds (photos on left), but the images are very different to someone living in Europe or Australia (photos on right). There, the same common names are used to label very different species. The Taxonomic Hierarchy In the decades following Linnaeus, taxonomists began to group organisms into larger, more inclusive categories. Genera with similar properties were grouped into a cluster called a family, and similar families were placed into the same order (figure 32.4). Orders with common properties were placed into the same class, and classes with similar characteristics into the same phylum (plural, phyla). For historical reasons, phyla may also be called divisions among plants, fungi, and algae. Finally, the phyla were assigned to one of several great groups, the kingdoms. Biologists cur- rently recognize six kingdoms: two kinds of bacteria (Ar- chaebacteria and Eubacteria), a largely unicellular group of eukaryotes (Protista), and three multicellular groups (Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia). In order to remember the seven categories of the taxonomic hierarchy in their proper order, it may prove useful to memorize a phrase such as “kindly pay cash or furnish good security” (kingdom–phy- lum–class–order–family–genus–species). In addition, an eighth level of classification, called do- mains, is sometimes used. Biologists recognize three do- mains, which will be discussed later in this chapter. The scientific names of the taxonomic units higher than the genus level are capitalized but not printed distinctively, italicized, or underlined. The categories at the different levels may include many, a few, or only one taxon. For example, there is only one liv- ing genus of the family Hominidae, but several living gen- era of Fagaceae. To someone familiar with classification or with access to the appropriate reference books, each taxon implies both a set of characteristics and a group of organ- isms belonging to the taxon. For example, a honeybee has the species (level 1) name Apis mellifera. Its genus name (level 2) Apis is a member of the family Apidae (level 3). All members of this family are bees, some solitary, others liv- ing in hives as A. mellifera does. Knowledge of its order (level 4), Hymenoptera, tells you that A. mellifera is likely able to sting and may live in colonies. Its class (level 5) In- secta indicates that A. mellifera has three major body seg- ments, with wings and three pairs of legs attached to the middle segment. Its phylum (level 6), Arthropoda, tells us that the honeybee has a hard cuticle of chitin and jointed appendages. Its kingdom (level 7), Animalia, tells us that A. mellifera is a multicellular heterotroph whose cells lack cell walls. Species are grouped into genera, genera into families, families into orders, orders into classes, and classes into phyla. Phyla are the basic units within kingdoms; such a system is hierarchical. 652 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Eastern gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis FIGURE 32.4 The hierarchical system used in classifying an organism.The organism is first recognized as a eukaryote (domain: Eukarya). Second, within this domain, it is an animal (kingdom: Animalia). Among the different phyla of animals, it is a vertebrate (phylum: Chordata, subphylum: Vertebrata). The organism’s fur characterizes it as a mammal (class: Mammalia). Within this class, it is distinguished by its gnawing teeth (order: Rodentia). Next, because it has four front toes and five back toes, it is a squirrel (family: Sciuridae). Within this family, it is a tree squirrel (genus: Sciurus), with gray fur and white-tipped hairs on the tail (species: Sciurus carolinensis, the eastern gray squirrel). What Is a Species? In the previous section we discussed how species are named and grouped, but how do biologists decide when one or- ganism is distinct enough from another to be called its own species? In chapter 22, we reviewed the nature of species and saw there are no absolute criteria for the definition of this category. Looking different, for example, is not a use- ful criterion: different individuals that belong to the same species (for example, dogs) may look very unlike one an- other, as different as a Chihuahua and a St. Bernard. These very different-appearing individuals are fully capable of hy- bridizing with one another. The biological species concept (figure 32.5) essentially says that two organisms that cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring are different species. This definition of a species can be useful in describing sexually reproducing species that regularly outcross—interbreed with individu- als other than themselves. However, in many groups of or- ganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and many plants and an- imals, asexual reproduction—reproduction without sex—predominates. Among them, hybridization cannot be used as a criterion for species recognition. Defining Species Despite such difficulties, biologists generally agree on the organisms they classify as species based on the similarity of morphological features and ecology. As a practical defini- tion, we can say that species are groups of organisms that remain relatively constant in their characteristics, can be distinguished from other species, and do not normally in- terbreed with other species in nature. Evolutionary Species Concept This simple definition of species leaves many problems un- solved. How, for instance, are we to compare living species with seemingly similar ones now extinct? Much of the dis- agreement among alternative species concepts relates to solving this problem. When do we assign fossil specimens a unique species name, and when do we assign them to species living today? If we trace the lineage of two sister species backwards through time, how far must we go before the two species converge on their common ancestor? It is often very hard to know where to draw a sharp line be- tween two closely related species. To address this problem, biologists have added an evo- lutionary time dimension to the biological species concept. A current definition of an evolutionary species is a single lineage of populations that maintains its distinctive identity from other such lineages. Unlike the biological species concept, the evolutionary species concept applies to both asexual and sexually reproducing forms. Abrupt changes in diagnostic features mark the boundaries of different species in evolu- tionary time. How Many Species Are There? Scientists have described and named a total of 1.5 million species, but doubtless many more actually exist. Some groups of organisms, such as flowering plants, vertebrate animals, and butterflies, are relatively well known with an estimated 90% of the total number of species that actually exist in these groups having already been described. Many other groups, however, are very poorly known. It is gener- ally accepted that only about 5% of all species have been recognized for bacteria, nematodes (roundworms), fungi, and mites (a group of organisms related to spiders). By taking representative samples of organisms from dif- ferent environments, such as the upper branches of tropical trees or the deep ocean, scientists have estimated the total numbers of species that may actually exist to be about 10 million, about 15% of them marine organisms. Most Species Live in the Tropics Most species, perhaps 6 or 7 million, are tropical. Presently only 400,000 species have been named in tropical Asia, Africa, and Latin America combined, well under 10% of all species that occur in the tropics. This is an incredible gap in our knowledge concerning biological diversity in a world that depends on biodiversity for its sustainability. These estimates apply to the number of eukaryotic or- ganisms only. There is no functional way of estimating the numbers of species of prokaryotic organisms, although it is clear that only a very small fraction of all species have been discovered and characterized so far. Species are groups of organisms that differ from one another in recognizable ways and generally do not interbreed with one another in nature. Chapter 32 How We Classify Organisms 653 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 32.5 The biological species concept. Horses (a) and donkeys (b) are not the same species, because the offspring they produce when they interbreed, mules (c), are sterile. Evolutionary Classifications After naming and classifying some 1.5 million organisms, what have biologists learned? One very important advan- tage of being able to classify particular species of plants, an- imals, and other organisms is that individuals of species that are useful to humans as sources of food and medicine can be identified. For example, if you cannot tell the fungus Penicillium from Aspergillus, you have little chance of pro- ducing the antibiotic penicillin. In a thousand ways, just having names for organisms is of immense importance in our modern world. Taxonomy also enables us to glimpse the evolutionary history of life on earth. The more similar two taxa are, the more closely related they are likely to be. By looking at the differences and similarities between organisms, bi- ologists can construct an evolutionary tree, or phy- logeny, inferring which organisms evolved from which other ones, in what order, and when. The reconstruction and study of phylogenies is called systematics. Within a phylogeny, a grouping can be either monophyletic, para- phyletic, or polyphyletic. A monophyletic group in- cludes the most recent common ancestor of the group and all of its descendants. A paraphyletic group includes the most recent common ancestor of the group but not all of its descendants. And, a polyphyletic group does not include the most recent common ancestor of all the members of the group. Monophyletic groups are com- monly assigned names, but systematists will not assign a taxonomic classification to a polyphyletic group. Para- phyletic groups may be considered taxa by some scien- tists, although they do not accurately represent the evo- lutionary relationships among the members of the group (figure 32.6). Cladistics A simple and objective way to construct a phylogenetic tree is to focus on key characters that a group of organ- isms share because they have inherited them from a com- mon ancestor. A clade is a group of organisms related by descent, and this approach to constructing a phylogeny is called cladistics. Cladistics infers phylogeny (that is, builds family trees) according to similarities derived from a common ancestor, so-called derived characters. A de- rived character that is unique to a particular clade is sometimes called a synapomorphy. The key to the ap- proach is being able to identify morphological, physio- logical, or behavioral traits that differ among the organ- isms being studied and can be attributed to a common ancestor. By examining the distribution of these traits among the organisms, it is possible to construct a clado- 654 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 32.2 Scientists construct phylogenies to understand the evolutionary relationships among organisms. Ray Shark Whale Cow Orangutan Gorilla Chimpanzee Human Monophyletic group Ray Shark Whale Cow Orangutan Gorilla Chimpanzee Human Paraphyletic group Ray Shark Whale Cow Orangutan Gorilla Chimpanzee Human Polyphyletic group (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 32.6 (a) A monophyletic group consists of the most recent common ancestor and all of its descendants. All taxonomists accept monophyletic groups in their classifications and in the above example would give the name “Apes” to the orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. (b) A paraphyletic group consists of the most recent common ancestor and some of its descendants. Taxonomists differ in their acceptance of paraphyletic groups. For example, some taxonomists arbitrarily group orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees into the paraphyletic family Pongidae, separate from humans. Other taxonomists do not use the family Pongidae in their classifications because gorillas and chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than to orangutans. (c) A polyphyletic group does not contain the most recent common ancestor of the group, and taxonomists do not assign taxa to polyphyletic groups. For example, sharks and whales could be classified in the same group because they have similar shapes, anatomical features, and habitats. However, their similarities reflect convergent evolution, not common ancestry. gram (figure 32.7), a branching diagram that represents the phylogeny. In traditional phylogenies, proposed ancestors will often be indicated at the nodes between branches, and the lengths of branches correspond to evolutionary time, with extinct groups having shorter branches. In contrast, clado- grams are not true family trees in that they do not identify ancestors, and the branch lengths do not reflect evolution- ary time (see figure 32.6). Instead, they convey compara- tive information about relative relationships. Organisms that are closer together on a cladogram simply share a more recent common ancestor than those that are farther apart. Because the analysis is comparative, it is necessary to have something to anchor the comparison to, some solid ground against which the comparisons can be made. To achieve this, each cladogram must contain an outgroup, a rather different organism (but not too different) to serve as a baseline for comparisons among the other organisms being evaluated, the ingroup. For example, in figure 32.7, the lamprey is the outgroup to the clade of animals that have jaws. Cladistics is a relatively new approach in biology and has become popular among students of evolution. This is be- cause it does a very good job of portraying the order in which a series of evolutionary events have occurred. The great strength of a cladogram is that it can be completely objective. In fact, most cladistic analyses involve many characters, and computers are required to make the com- parisons. Sometime it is necessary to “weight” characters, or take into account the variation in the “strength” of a character, such as the size or location of a fin or the effectiveness of a lung. To reduce a systematist’s bias even more, many analyses will be run through the computer with the traits weighted differently each time. Under this procedure, several different cladograms will be constructed, the goal being to choose the one that is the most parsimonious, or simplest and thus most likely. Reflecting the impor- tance of evolutionary processes to all fields of biology, most taxonomy today includes at least some element of cladistic analysis. Chapter 32 How We Classify Organisms 655 Lamprey Tiger Gorilla Human Jaws Lungs Amniotic membrane Hair No tail Bipedal LizardSalamanderShark Traits: Organism Jaws Lungs Amniotic membrane Hair No tail Bipedal Lamprey Shark Salamander Lizard Tiger Gorilla Human 00 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 0 0 11 1 1 0 0 11 1 1 1 0 11 1 1 1 1 FIGURE 32.7 A cladogram.Morphological data for a group of seven vertebrates is tabulated. A “1” indicates the presence of a trait, or derived character, and a “0” indicates the absence of the trait. A tree, or cladogram, diagrams the proposed evolutionary relationships among the organisms based on the presence of derived characters. The derived characters between the cladogram branch points are shared by all organisms above the branch point and are not present in any below it. The outgroup, in this case the lamprey, does not possess any of the derived characters. Traditional Taxonomy Weighting characters lies at the core of traditional taxon- omy. In this approach, taxa are assigned based on a vast amount of information about the morphology and biology of the organism gathered over a long period of time. Tradi- tional taxonomists consider both the common descent and amount of adaptive evolutionary change when grouping or- ganisms. The large amount of information used by tradi- tional taxonomists permits a knowledgeable weighting of characters according to their biological significance. In tra- ditional taxonomy, the full observational power and judg- ment of the biologist is brought to bear—and also any bi- ases he or she may have. For example, in classifying the terrestrial vertebrates, traditional taxonomists place birds in their own class (Aves), giving great weight to the characters that made powered flight possible, such as feathers. How- ever, cladists (figure 32.8) lumps birds in among the rep- tiles with crocodiles. This accurately reflects their true an- cestry but ignores the immense evolutionary impact of a derived character such as feathers. Overall, classifications based on traditional taxonomy are information-rich, while classifications based on clado- grams need not be. Traditional taxonomy is often used when a great deal of information is available to guide char- acter weighting, while cladistics is a good approach when little information is available about how the character af- fects the life of the organism. DNA sequence comparisons, for example, lend themselves well to cladistics—you have a great many derived characters (DNA sequence differences) but little or no idea of what impact the sequence differ- ences have on the organism. A phylogeny may be represented as a cladogram based on the order in which groups evolved. Traditional taxonomists weight characters according to assumed importance. 656 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Mammals Mammals Turtles Turtles Crocodilians Crocodilians Birds Birds Dinosaurs Dinosaurs Lizards and snakes Lizards and snakes Early reptiles Class Mammalia Class Reptilia Class Aves Mammalia Reptilia Archosaurs (a) Traditional phylogeny and taxonomic classification (b) Cladogram and cladistic classification FIGURE 32.8 Traditional and cladistic interpretations of vertebrate classification.Traditional and cladistic taxonomic analyses of the same set of data often produce different results: in these two classifications of vertebrates, notice particularly the placement of the birds. (a) In the traditional analysis, key characteristics such as feathers and hollow bones are weighted more heavily than others, placing the birds in their own group and the reptiles in a paraphyletic group. (b) Cladistic analysis gives equal weight to these and many other characters and places birds in the same grouping with crocodiles, reflecting the close evolutionary relationship between the two. Also, in the traditional phylogeny, the branch leading to the dinosaurs is shorter because the length corresponds to evolutionary time. In cladograms, branch lengths do not correspond to evolutionary time. The Kingdoms of Life The earliest classification systems recognized only two kingdoms of living things: animals and plants (figure 32.9a). But as biologists discovered microorganisms and learned more about other organisms, they added kingdoms in recognition of fundamental differences discovered among organisms (figure 32.9b). Most biologists now use a six-kingdom system first proposed by Carl Woese of the University of Illinois (figure 32.9c). In this system, four kingdoms consist of eukaryotic or- ganisms. The two most familiar kingdoms, Animalia and Plantae, contain only organisms that are multicellular dur- ing most of their life cycle. The kingdom Fungi contains multicellular forms and single-celled yeasts, which are thought to have multicellular ancestors. Fundamental dif- ferences divide these three kingdoms. Plants are mainly sta- tionary, but some have motile sperm; fungi have no motile cells; animals are mainly motile. Animals ingest their food, plants manufacture it, and fungi digest it by means of se- creted extracellular enzymes. Each of these kingdoms prob- ably evolved from a different single-celled ancestor. The large number of unicellular eukaryotes are arbitrar- ily grouped into a single kingdom called Protista (see chapter 35). This kingdom includes the algae, all of which are unicellular during parts of their life cycle. The remaining two kingdoms, Archaebacteria and Eu- bacteria, consist of prokaryotic organisms, which are vastly different from all other living things (see chapter 34). Ar- chaebacteria are a diverse group including the methanogens and extreme thermophiles, and differ from the other bacteria, members of the kingdom Eubacteria. Domains As biologists have learned more about the archaebacteria, it has become increasingly clear that this ancient group is very different from all other organisms. When the full ge- nomic DNA sequences of an archaebacterium and a eubac- terium were first compared in 1996, the differences proved striking. Archaebacteria are as different from eubacteria as eubacteria are from eukaryotes. Recognizing this, biologists are increasingly adopting a classification of living organ- isms that recognizes three domains, a taxonomic level higher than kingdom (figure 32.9d). Archaebacteria are in one domain, eubacteria in a second, and eukaryotes in the third. Living organisms are grouped into three general categories called domains. One of the domains, the eukaryotes, is subdivided into four kingdoms: protists, fungi, plants, and animals. Chapter 32 How We Classify Organisms 657 32.3 All living organisms are grouped into one of a few major categories. Animalia AnimaliaPlantae Plantae FungiProtistaArchaebacteria AnimaliaPlantaeFungiProtistaMonera (a) A two-kingdom system—Linnaeus (b) A five-kingdom system—Whittaker (c) A six-kingdom system—Woese (d) A three-domain system—Woese EukaryaArchaeaBacteria Eubacteria FIGURE 32.9 Different approaches to classifying living organisms.(a) Linnaeus popularized a two-kingdom approach, in which the fungi and the photosynthetic protists were classified as plants, and the nonphotosynthetic protists as animals; when bacteria were described, they too were considered plants. (b) Whittaker in 1969 proposed a five-kingdom system that soon became widely accepted. (c) Woese has championed splitting the bacteria into two kingdoms for a total of six kingdoms, or even assigning them separate domains (d). Domain Archaea (Archaebacteria) The term archaebacteria (Greek, archaio, ancient) refers to the ancient origin of this group of bacteria, which seem to have diverged very early from the eubacteria (figure 32.10). This conclusion comes largely from comparisons of genes that encode ribosomal RNAs. The last several years have seen an explosion of DNA sequence informa- tion from microorganisms, information which paints a more complex picture. It had been thought that by se- quencing numerous microbes we could eventually come up with an accurate picture of the phylogeny of the earliest organisms on earth. The new whole-genome DNA se- quence data described in chapter 19 tells us that it will not be that simple. Comparing whole-genome sequences leads evolutionary biologists to a variety of trees, some of which contradict each other. It appears that during their early evolution microorganisms have swapped genetic informa- tion, making constructing phylogenetic trees very difficult. As an example of the problem, we can look at Thermo- toga, a thermophile found on Volcano Island off Italy. The sequence of one of its RNAs places it squarely within the eubacteria near an ancient microbe called Aquifex. Recent DNA sequencing, however, fails to support any consistent relationship between the two microbes. There is disagree- ment as to the serious effect of gene swapping on the abil- ity of evolutionary biologists to provide accurate phyloge- nies from molecular data. For now, we will provisionally accept the tree presented in figure 32.10. Over the next few years we can expect to see considerable change in accepted viewpoints as more and more data is brought to bear. Today, archaebacteria inhabit some of the most extreme environments on earth. Though a diverse group, all archae- bacteria share certain key characteristics (table 32.1). Their cell walls lack peptidoglycan (an important component of the cell walls of eubacteria), the lipids in the cell mem- branes of archaebacteria have a different structure than those in all other organisms, and archaebacteria have dis- tinctive ribosomal RNA sequences. Some of their genes possess introns, unlike those of other bacteria. The archaebacteria are grouped into three general cate- gories, methanogens, extremophiles, and nonextreme ar- chaebacteria, based primarily on the environments in which they live or their specialized metabolic pathways. Methanogens obtain their energy by using hydrogen gas (H 2 ) to reduce carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) to methane gas (CH 4 ). They are strict anaerobes, poisoned by even traces of oxygen. They live in swamps, marshes, and the intestines of mammals. Methanogens release about 2 billion tons of methane gas into the atmosphere each year. Extremophiles are able to grow under conditions that seem extreme to us. Thermophiles (“heat lovers”) live in very hot places, typi- cally from 60o to 80oC. Many thermophiles are au- totrophs and have metabolisms based on sulfur. Some thermophilic archaebacteria form the basis of food webs around deep-sea thermal vents where they must with- stand extreme temperatures and pressures. Other types, like Sulfolobus, inhabit the hot sulfur springs of Yellow- stone National Park at 70o to 75oC. The recently de- scribed Pyrolobus fumarii holds the current record for heat stability, with a 106oC temperature optimum and 113oC maximum—it is so heat tolerant that it is not killed by a one-hour treatment in an autoclave (121oC)! Halophiles (“salt lovers”) live in very salty places like the Great Salt Lake in Utah, Mono Lake in California, and the Dead Sea in Israel. Whereas the salinity of seawater is around 3%, these bacteria thrive in, and indeed re- quire, water with a salinity of 15 to 20%. pH-tolerant archaebacteria grow in highly acidic (pH = 0.7) and very basic (pH = 11) environments. Pressure-tolerant archaebacteria have been isolated from ocean depths that require at least 300 atmospheres of pressure to survive, and tolerate up to 800 atmospheres! Nonextreme archaebacteria grow in the same envi- ronments eubacteria do. As the genomes of archaebacteria have become better known, microbiologists have been able to identify signature sequences of DNA present in all ar- chaebacteria and in no other organisms. When samples from soil or seawater are tested for genes matching these signal sequences, many of the bacteria living there prove to be archaebacteria. Clearly, archaebacteria are not restricted to extreme habitats, as microbiologists used to think. Archaebacteria are poorly understood bacteria that inhabit diverse environments, some of them extreme. 658 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Domain Bacteria (Eubacteria) Domain Archaea (Archaebacteria) Common ancestor Domain Eukarya (Eukaryotes) FIGURE 32.10 An evolutionary relationship among the three domains. Eubacteria are thought to have diverged early from the evolutionary line that gave rise to the archaebacteria and eukaryotes. Domain Bacteria (Eubacteria) The eubacteria are the most abundant organisms on earth. There are more living eubacteria in your mouth than there are mammals living on earth. Although too tiny to see with the unaided eye, eubacteria play critical roles throughout the biosphere. They extract from the air all the nitrogen used by organisms, and play key roles in cycling carbon and sulfur. Much of the world’s photosynthesis is carried out by eubacteria. However, certain groups of eubacteria are also responsible for many forms of disease. Understanding their metabolism and genetics is a critical part of modern medi- cine. There are many different kinds of eubacteria, and the evolutionary links between them are not well understood. While there is considerable disagreement among taxono- mists about the details of bacterial classification, most rec- ognize 12 to 15 major groups of eubacteria. Comparisons of the nucleotide sequences of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules are beginning to reveal how these groups are re- lated to one another and to the other two domains. One view of our current understanding of the “Tree of Life” is presented in figure 32.11. The oldest divergences represent the deepest rooted branches in the tree. The root of the tree is within the eubacterial domain. The archaebacteria and eukaryotes are more closely related to each other than to eubacteria and are on a separate evolutionary branch of the tree, even though archaebacteria and eubacteria are both prokaryotes. Eubacteria are as different from archaebacteria as from eukaryotes. Chapter 32 How We Classify Organisms 659 BACTERIA Purple bacteria Common ancestor Cyanobacteria Flavobacteria Thermotoga Pyrodictium Thermoproteus Methanobacterium Methanopyrus Thermoplasma Methano- coccus Thermo- coccus Halobacterium Aquifex Gram-positive bacteria Entamoebae Slime molds Animals Fungi Plants Ciliates Flagellates Diplomonads Microsporidia ARCHAEA EUKARYA FIGURE 32.11 A tree of life.This phylogeny, prepared from rRNA analyses, shows the evolutionary relationships among the three domains. The base of the tree was determined by examining genes that are duplicated in all three domains, the duplication presumably having occurred in the common ancestor. When one of the duplicates is used to construct the tree, the other can be used to root it. This approach clearly indicates that the root of the tree is within the eubacterial domain. Archaebacteria and eukaryotes diverged later and are more closely related to each other than either is to eubacteria. Table 32.1 Features of the Domains of Life Domain Feature Archaea Bacteria Eukarya Amino acid Methionine Formyl- Methionine that initiates methionine protein synthesis Introns Present in Absent Present some genes Membrane- Absent Absent Present bounded organelles Membrane Branched Unbranched Unbranched lipid structure Nuclear Absent Absent Present envelope Number of Several One Several different RNA polymerases Peptidoglycan Absent Present Absent in cell wall Response Growth Growth Growth not to the not inhibited inhibited inhibited antibiotics streptomycin and chloram- phenicol Domain Eukarya (Eukaryotes) For at least 2 billion years, bacteria ruled the earth. No other organisms existed to eat them or compete with them, and their tiny cells formed the world’s oldest fossils. The third great domain of life, the eukaryotes, appear in the fossil record much later, only about 1.5 billion years ago. Metabolically, eukaryotes are more uniform than bacteria. Each of the two domains of prokaryotic organ- isms has far more metabolic diversity than all eukaryotic organisms taken together. However, despite the metabolic similarity of eukaryotic cells, their structure and function allowed larger cell sizes and, eventually, multicellular life to evolve. Four Kingdoms of Eukaryotes The first eukaryotes were unicellular organisms. A wide variety of unicellular eukaryotes exist today, grouped to- gether in the kingdom Protista on the basis that they do not fit into any of the other three kingdoms of eukaryotes. Protists are a fascinating group containing many organ- isms of intense interest and great biological significance. They vary from the relatively simple, single-celled amoeba to multicellular organisms like kelp that can be 20 meters long. Fungi, plants, and animals are largely multicellular king- doms, each a distinct evolutionary line from a single-celled ancestor that would be classified in the kingdom Protista. Because of the size and ecological dominance of plants, ani- mals, and fungi, and because they are predominantly multi- cellular, we recognize them as kingdoms distinct from Pro- tista, even though the amount of diversity among the protists is much greater than that within or between the fungi, plants, and animals. Symbiosis and the Origin of Eukaryotes The hallmark of eukaryotes is complex cellular organiza- tion, highlighted by an extensive endomembrane system that subdivides the eukaryotic cell into functional compart- ments. Not all of these compartments, however, are de- rived from the endomembrane system. With few excep- tions, all modern eukaryotic cells possess energy-producing organelles, the mitochondria, and some eukaryotic cells possess chloroplasts, which are energy-harvesting or- ganelles. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are both believed to have entered early eukaryotic cells by a process called endosymbiosis (endo, inside). We discussed the theory of the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts in chapter 5; also see figure 32.12. Both organelles contain their own ribosomes, which are more similar to bacterial ri- bosomes than to eukaryotic cytoplasmic ribosomes. They manufacture their own inner membranes. They divide in- dependently of the cell and contain chromosomes similar to those in bacteria. Mitochondria are about the size of bacteria and contain DNA. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of this DNA with that of a variety of organisms 660 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Thermophiles Halophiles Methanogens Purple bacteria Photosynthetic bacteria Photosynthetic protists Nonphotosynthetic protists Brown algae Animalia Fungi Protista Plantae Eubacteria Red algae Green algae Other bacteria Archaebacteria Ancestral eukaryotic cell Original cell Mitochondria Chloroplasts FIGURE 32.12 Diagram of the evolutionary relationships among the six kingdoms of organisms.The colored lines indicate symbiotic events. indicates clearly that mitochondria are the descendants of purple bacteria that were incorporated into eukaryotic cells early in the history of the group. Chloro- plasts are derived from cyanobacteria that became symbiotic in several groups of protists early in their history. Some biologists suggest that basal bodies, centrioles, flagella, and cilia may have arisen from endosymbiotic spirochaete-like bacteria. Even today, so many bacteria and unicellular pro- tists form symbiotic alliances that the incorporation of smaller organisms with desirable features into eukaryotic cells appears to be a relatively common process. Key Characteristics of Eukaryotes Multicellularity. The unicellular body plan has been tremendously suc- cessful, with unicellular prokaryotes and eukaryotes constituting about half of the biomass on earth. Yet a single cell has limits. The evolution of multi- cellularity allowed organisms to deal with their environ- ments in novel ways. Distinct types of cells, tissues, and organs can be differentiated within the complex bodies of multicellular organisms. With such a functional division within its body, a multicellular organism can do many things, like protect itself, resist drought efficiently, regu- late its internal conditions, move about, seek mates and prey, and carry out other activities on a scale and with a complexity that would be impossible for its unicellular ancestors. With all these advantages, it is not surprising that multicellularity has arisen independently so many times. True multicellularity, in which the activities of individ- ual cells are coordinated and the cells themselves are in contact, occurs only in eukaryotes and is one of their major characteristics. The cell walls of bacteria occasion- ally adhere to one another, and bacterial cells may also be held together within a common sheath. Some bacteria form filaments, sheets, or three-dimensional aggregates (figure 32.13), but the individual cells remain independent of each other, reproducing and carrying on their meta- bolic functions and without coordinating with the other cells. Such bacteria are considered colonial, but none are truly multicellular. Many protists also form similar colo- nial aggregates of many cells with little differentiation or integration. Other protists—the red, brown, and green algae, for ex- ample—have independently attained multicellularity. Cer- tain forms of multicellular green algae were ancestors of the plants (see chapters 35 and 37), and, like the other photosyn- thetic protists, are considered plants in some classification schemes. In the sys- tem adopted here, the plant kingdom in- cludes only multicellular land plants, a group that arose from a single ancestor in terrestrial habitats and that has a unique set of characteristics. Aquatic plants are recent derivatives. Fungi and animals arose from unicel- lular protist ancestors with different characteristics. As we will see in subse- quent chapters, the groups that seem to have given rise to each of these king- doms are still in existence. Sexuality. Another major characteris- tic of eukaryotic organisms as a group is sexuality. Although some interchange of genetic material occurs in bacteria (see chapter 34), it is certainly not a regular, predictable mechanism in the same sense that sex is in eukaryotes. The sex- ual cycle characteristic of eukaryotes alternates between syngamy, the union of male and female gametes producing a cell with two sets of chromosomes, and meiosis, cell divi- sion producing daughter cells with one set of chromo- somes. This cycle differs sharply from any exchange of ge- netic material found in bacteria. Except for gametes, the cells of most animals and plants are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes, during some part of their life cycle. A few eukaryotes complete their life cycle in the haploid condition, with only one set of chromosomes in each cell. As we have seen, in diploid cells, one set of chromosomes comes from the male parent and one from the female parent. These chromosomes seg- regate during meiosis. Because crossing over frequently oc- curs during meiosis (see chapter 12), no two products of a single meiotic event are ever identical. As a result, the off- spring of sexual, eukaryotic organisms vary widely, thus providing the raw material for evolution. Sexual reproduction, with its regular alternation be- tween syngamy and meiosis, produces genetic variation. Sexual organisms can adapt to the demands of their envi- ronments because they produce a variety of progeny. In many of the unicellular phyla of protists, sexual re- production occurs only occasionally. Meiosis may have originally evolved as a means of repairing damage to DNA, producing an organism better adapted to survive changing environmental conditions. The first eukaryotes were prob- ably haploid. Diploids seem to have arisen on a number of separate occasions by the fusion of haploid cells, which then eventually divided by meiosis. Chapter 32 How We Classify Organisms 661 FIGURE 32.13 Colonial bacteria.No bacteria are truly multicellular. These gliding bacteria, Stigmatella aurantiaca,have aggregated into a structure called a fruiting body; within, some cells transform into spores. Eukaryotic Life Cycles Eukaryotes are characterized by three major types of life cycles (figure 32.14): 1. In the simplest cycle, found in algae, the zygote is the only diploid cell. Such a life cycle is said to be charac- terized by zygotic meiosis, because the zygote im- mediately undergoes meiosis. 2. In most animals, the gametes are the only haploid cells. Animals exhibit gametic meiosis, meiosis pro- ducing gametes which fuse, giving rise to a zygote. 3. Plants show a regular alternation of generations be- tween a multicellular haploid phase and a multicel- lular diploid phase. The diploid phase undergoes meiosis producing haploid spores that give rise to the haploid phase, and the haploid phase produces gametes that fuse to form the zygote. The zygote is the first cell of the multicellular diploid phase. This kind of life cycle is characterized by alternation of generations and has sporic meiosis. The characteristics of the six kingdoms are outlined in table 32.2. Eukaryotic cells acquired mitochondria and chloroplasts by endosymbiosis, mitochondria being derived from purple bacteria and chloroplasts from cyanobacteria. The complex differentiation that we associate with advanced life-forms depends on multicellularity and sexuality, which must have been highly advantageous to have evolved independently so often. 662 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Table 32.2 Characteristics of the Six Kingdoms Nuclear Kingdom Cell Type Envelope Mitochondria Chloroplasts Cell Wall Archaebacteria and Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Absent Present Present Present Present Absent Present or absent Present or absent Present Present None (photosynthetic membranes in some types) Present (some forms) Absent Present Absent Noncellulose (polysaccharide plus amino acids) Present in some forms, various types Chitin and other noncellulose polysaccharides Cellulose and other polysaccharides Absent 2n Zygote n + + – – Haploid individuals – + Meiosis Syngamy Haploid cells Gametes (a) Zygotic meiosis Haploid DiploidKey: + – – – + Syngamy Gametes Gametes (b) Gametic meiosis (c) Sporic meiosis n 2n Reproductive cell2n 2n Diploid individual Zygote Meiosis n + + – – – + Meiosis Syngamy Spores Gametes n Gametophytes (haploid) 2n Spore-forming cell2n 2n Sporophyte (diploid) Zygote + FIGURE 32.14 Diagrams of the three major kinds of life cycles in eukaryotes.(a) Zygotic meiosis, (b) gametic meiosis, and (c) sporic meiosis. Viruses: A Special Case Viruses pose a challenge to biologists as they do not possess the fundamental characteristics of living organisms. Viruses appear to be fragments of nucleic acids originally derived from the genome of a living cell. Unlike all living organ- isms, viruses are acellular—that is, they are not cells and do not consist of cells. They do not have a metabolism; in other words, viruses do not carry out photosynthesis, cellu- lar respiration, or fermentation. The one characteristic of life that they do display is reproduction, which they do by hijacking the metabolism of living cells. Viruses thus present a special classification problem. Be- cause they are not organisms, we cannot logically place them in any of the kingdoms. Viruses are really just com- plicated associations of molecules, bits of nucleic acids usu- ally surrounded by a protein coat. But, despite their sim- plicity, viruses are able to invade cells and direct the genetic machinery of these cells to manufacture more of the mole- cules that make up the virus (figure 32.15). Viruses can in- fect organisms at all taxonomic levels. Viruses are not organisms and are not classified in the kingdoms of life. Chapter 32 How We Classify Organisms 663 Table 32.2 Characteristics of the Six Kingdoms Means of Genetic Recombination, Mode of Nervous if Present Nutrition Motility Multicellularity System Conjugation, transduction, transformation Fertilization and meiosis Fertilization and meiosis Fertilization and meiosis Fertilization and meiosis Autotrophic (chemo- synthetic, photosyn- thetic) or heterotrophic Photosynthetic or het- erotrophic, or combina- tion of both Absorption Photosynthetic chlorophylls aand b Digestion Bacterial flagella, gliding or nonmotile 9 + 2 cilia and flagella; amoeboid, contractile fibrils Nonmotile None in most forms, 9 + 2 cilia and flagella in gametes of some forms 9 + 2 cilia and flagella, contractile fibrils Absent Absent in most forms Present in most forms Present in all forms Present in all forms None Primitive mechanisms for conducting stimuli in some forms None None Present, often complex FIGURE 32.15 Viruses are cell parasites.In this micrograph, several T4 bacteriophages (viruses) are attacking an Escherichia colibacterium. Some of the viruses have already entered the cell and are reproducing within it. 664 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms ? A fundamental division among organisms is between prokaryotes, which lack a true nucleus, and eukaryotes, which have a true nucleus and several membrane-bound organelles. ? Prokaryotes, or bacteria, are assigned to two quite different kingdoms, Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. ? The eukaryotic kingdoms are more closely related than are the two kingdoms of prokaryotes. Many distinctive evolutionary lines of unicellular eukaryotes exist, most are in the Protista kingdom. ? Three of the major evolutionary lines of eukaryotic organisms that consist principally or entirely of multicellular organisms are recognized as separate kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi. ? True multicellularity and sexuality are found only among eukaryotes. Multicellularity confers the advantages of functional specialization. Sexuality permits genetic variation among descendants. ? Viruses are not organisms and are not included in the classification of organisms. They are self-replicating portions of the genomes of organisms. 5.Is there a greater fundamental difference between plants and animals or between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Explain. 6.From which of the four eukaryotic kingdoms have the other three evolved? 7.What is the apparent origin of the organelles found in almost all eukaryotes? 8.What defines if a collection of cells is truly multicellular? Did multicellularity arise once or many times in the evolutionary process? What advantages do multicellular organisms have over unicellular ones? 9.What are the three major types of life cycles in eukaryotes? Describe the major events of each. 32.3 All living organisms are grouped into one of a few major categories. Chapter 32 Summary Questions Media Resources 32.1 Biologists name organisms in a systematic way. ? Biologists give every species a two-part (binomial) name that consists of the name of its genus plus a distinctive specific epithet. ? In the hierarchical system of classification used in biology, genera are grouped into families, families into orders, orders into classes, classes into phyla, and phyla into kingdoms. ? There are perhaps 10 million species of plants, animals, fungi, and eukaryotic microorganisms, but only about 1.5 million of them have been assigned names. About 15% of the total number of species are marine; the remainder are mostly terrestrial. 1.What was the polynomial system? Why didn’t this system become the standard for naming particular species? 2.From the most specific to the most general, what are the names of the groups in the hierarchical taxonomic system? Which two are given special consideration in the way in which they are printed? What are these distinctions? ? Taxonomists may use different approaches to classify organisms. ? Cladistic systems of classification arrange organisms according to evolutionary relatedness based on the presence of shared, derived traits. ? Traditional taxonomy classifies organisms based on large amounts of information, giving due weight to the evolutionary significance of certain characters. 3.What types of features are emphasized in a cladistic classification system? What is the resulting relationship of organisms that are classified in this manner? 4.What does it mean when characters are weighted? 32.2 Scientists construct phylogenies to understand the evolutionary relationships among organisms. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Hierarchies ? Book Reviews: Ship Feverby Barrett ? Art Activity: Organism Classification ? Kingdoms ? Three Domains ? Phylogeny ? Book Review: Thowim Way Leg by Flannery 665 33 Viruses Concept Outline 33.1 Viruses are strands of nucleic acid encased within a protein coat. The Discovery of Viruses. The first virus to be isolated proved to consist of two chemicals, one a protein and the other a nucleic acid. The Nature of Viruses. Viruses occur in all organisms. Able to reproduce only within living cells, viruses are not themselves alive. 33.2 Bacterial viruses exhibit two sorts of reproductive cycles. Bacteriophages. Some bacterial viruses, called bacteriophages, rupture the cells they infect, while others integrate themselves into the bacterial chromosome to become a stable part of the bacterial genome. Cell Transformation and Phage Conversion. Integrated bacteriophages sometimes modify the host bacterium they infect. 33.3 HIV is a complex animal virus. AIDS. The animal virus HIV infects certain key cells of the immune system, destroying the ability of the body to defend itself from cancer and disease. The HIV infection cycle is typically a lytic cycle, in which the HIV RNA first directs the production of a corresponding DNA, and this DNA then directs the production of progeny virus particles. The Future of HIV Treatment. Combination therapies and chemokines offer promising avenues of AIDS therapy. 33.4 Nonliving infectious agents are responsible for many human diseases. Disease Viruses. Some of the most serious viral diseases have only recently infected human populations, the result of transfer from other hosts. Prions and Viroids. In some instances, proteins and “naked” RNA molecules can also transmit diseases. W e start our exploration of the diversity of life with viruses. Viruses are genetic elements enclosed in protein and are not considered to be organisms, as they cannot reproduce independently. Because of their disease- producing potential, viruses are important biological enti- ties. The virus particles you see in figure 33.1 produce the important disease influenza. Other viruses cause AIDS, polio, flu, and some can lead to cancer. Many scientists have attempted to unravel the nature of viral genes and how they work. For more than four decades, viral studies have been thoroughly intertwined with those of genetics and molecular biology. In the future, it is expected that viruses will be one of the principal tools used to experimen- tally carry genes from one organism to another. Already, viruses are being employed in the treatment of human ge- netic diseases. FIGURE 33.1 Influenza viruses. A virus has been referred to as “a piece of bad news wrapped up in a protein.” How can something as “simple” as a virus have such a profound effect on living organisms? (30,000H11003) lar but rather chemical. Each particle of TMV virus is in fact a mixture of two chemicals: RNA and protein. The TMV virus has the structure of a Twinkie, a tube made of an RNA core surrounded by a coat of protein. Later work- ers were able to separate the RNA from the protein and purify and store each chemical. Then, when they reassem- bled the two components, the reconstructed TMV particles were fully able to infect healthy tobacco plants and so clearly were the virus itself, not merely chemicals derived from it. Further experiments carried out on other viruses yielded similar results. Viruses are chemical assemblies that can infect cells and replicate within them. They are not alive. 666 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms The Discovery of Viruses The border between the living and the nonliving is very clear to a biologist. Living organisms are cellular and able to grow and reproduce independently, guided by informa- tion encoded within DNA. The simplest creatures living on earth today that satisfy these criteria are bacteria. Even simpler than bacteria are viruses. As you will learn in this section, viruses are so simple that they do not satisfy the criteria for “living.” Viruses possess only a portion of the properties of or- ganisms. Viruses are literally “parasitic” chemicals, seg- ments of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protein coat. They cannot reproduce on their own, and for this reason they are not considered alive by biologists. They can, however, re- produce within cells, often with disastrous results to the host organism. Earlier theories that viruses represent a kind of halfway point between life and nonlife have largely been abandoned. Instead, viruses are now viewed as detached fragments of the genomes of organisms due to the high de- gree of similarity found among some viral and eukaryotic genes. Viruses vary greatly in appearance and size. The smallest are only about 17 nanometers in diameter, and the largest are up to 1000 nanometers (1 micrometer) in their greatest dimension (figure 33.2). The largest viruses are barely visi- ble with a light microscope, but viral morphology is best revealed using the electron microscope. Viruses are so small that they are comparable to molecules in size; a hy- drogen atom is about 0.1 nanometer in diameter, and a large protein molecule is several hundred nanometers in its greatest dimension. Biologists first began to suspect the existence of viruses near the end of the nineteenth century. European scientists attempting to isolate the infectious agent re- sponsible for hoof-and-mouth disease in cattle concluded that it was smaller than a bacterium. Investigating the agent further, the scientists found that it could not multi- ply in solution—it could only reproduce itself within liv- ing host cells that it infected. The infecting agents were called viruses. The true nature of viruses was discovered in 1933, when the biologist Wendell Stanley prepared an extract of a plant virus called tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and at- tempted to purify it. To his great surprise, the purified TMV preparation precipitated (that is, separated from so- lution) in the form of crystals. This was surprising because precipitation is something that only chemicals do—the TMV virus was acting like a chemical off the shelf rather than an organism. Stanley concluded that TMV is best re- garded as just that—chemical matter rather than a living organism. Within a few years, scientists disassembled the TMV virus and found that Stanley was right. TMV was not cellu- 33.1 Viruses are strands of nucleic acid encased within a protein coat. Vaccinia virus (cowpox) Influenza virus T4 bacteriophage HIV-1 (AIDS) Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) Herpes simplex virus Rhinovirus (common cold) Adenovirus (respiratory virus) Poliovirus (polio) Ebola virus 100 nm FIGURE 33.2 Viral diversity. A sample of the extensive diversity and small size viruses is depicted. At the scale these viruses are shown, a human hair would be nearly 8 meters thick. The Nature of Viruses Viral Structure All viruses have the same basic struc- ture: a core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein. Individual viruses contain only a single type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA. The DNA or RNA genome may be linear or circular, and single-stranded or double-stranded. Viruses are frequently classified by the nature of their genomes. RNA-based viruses are known as retroviruses. Nearly all viruses form a protein sheath, or capsid, around their nucleic acid core. The capsid is composed of one to a few different protein molecules repeated many times (figure 33.3) In some viruses, specialized enzymes are stored within the capsid. Many animal viruses form an envelope around the capsid rich in proteins, lipids, and glyco- protein molecules. While some of the material of the envelope is derived from the host cell’s membrane, the envelope does contain proteins derived from viral genes as well. Viruses occur in virtually every kind of organism that has been investigated for their presence. However, each type of virus can replicate in only a very limited number of cell types. The suitable cells for a particular virus are collectively referred to as its host range. The size of the host range reflects the coevolved histories of the virus and its potential hosts. A recently discovered herpesvirus turned lethal when it expanded its host range from the African elephant to the Indian elephant, a situation made possible through cross-species contacts between elephants in zoos. Some viruses wreak havoc on the cells they infect; many others produce no disease or other outward sign of their infection. Still other viruses remain dormant for years until a specific signal triggers their expression. A given organism often has more than one kind of virus. This suggests that there may be many more kinds of viruses than there are kinds of organisms—perhaps mil- lions of them. Only a few thousand viruses have been de- scribed at this point. Viral Replication An infecting virus can be thought of as a set of instruc- tions, not unlike a computer program. A computer’s oper- ation is directed by the instructions in its operating pro- gram, just as a cell is directed by DNA-encoded instructions. A new program can be introduced into the computer that will cause the computer to cease what it is doing and devote all of its energies to another activity, such as making copies of the introduced program. The new program is not itself a computer and cannot make copies of itself when it is outside the computer, lying on the desk. The introduced program, like a virus, is simply a set of instructions. Viruses can reproduce only when they enter cells and utilize the cellular machinery of their hosts. Viruses code their genes on a single type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, but viruses lack ribosomes and the enzymes neces- sary for protein synthesis. Viruses are able to reproduce be- cause their genes are translated into proteins by the cell’s genetic machinery. These proteins lead to the production of more viruses. Viral Shape Most viruses have an overall structure that is either helical or isometric. Helical viruses, such as the tobacco mosaic virus, have a rodlike or threadlike appearance. Isometric viruses have a roughly spherical shape whose geometry is revealed only under the highest magnification. The only structural pattern found so far among isomet- ric viruses is the icosahedron, a structure with 20 equilat- eral triangular facets, like the adenovirus shown in figure 33.2. Most viruses are icosahedral in basic structure. The icosahedron is the basic design of the geodesic dome. It is the most efficient symmetrical arrangement that linear subunits can take to form a shell with maximum internal capacity. Viruses occur in all organisms and can only reproduce within living cells. Most are icosahedral in structure. Chapter 33 Viruses 667 Capsid (protein sheath) DNA Envelope protein Envelope Capsid Enzyme RNA (a) Bacteriophage (b) Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (c) Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) RNA Proteins FIGURE 33.3 The structure of a bacterial, plant, and animal virus. (a) Bacterial viruses, called bacteriophages, often have a complex structure. (b) TMV infects plants and consists of 2130 identical protein molecules (purple) that form a cylindrical coat around the single strand of RNA (green). The RNA backbone determines the shape of the virus and is protected by the identical protein molecules packed tightly around it. (c) In the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the RNA core is held within a capsid that is encased by a protein envelope. Bacteriophages Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. They are diverse both structurally and functionally, and are united solely by their occurrence in bacterial hosts. Many of these bacteriophages, called phages for short, are large and com- plex, with relatively large amounts of DNA and proteins. Some of them have been named as members of a “T” series (T1, T2, and so forth); others have been given different kinds of names. To illustrate the diversity of these viruses, T3 and T7 phages are icosahedral and have short tails. In contrast, the so-called T-even phages (T2, T4, and T6) have an icosahedral head, a capsid that consists primarily of three proteins, a connecting neck with a collar and long “whiskers,” a long tail, and a complex base plate (figure 33.4). The Lytic Cycle During the process of bacterial infection by T4 phage, at least one of the tail fibers of the phage—they are normally held near the phage head by the “whiskers”—contacts the lipoproteins of the host bacterial cell wall. The other tail fibers set the phage perpendicular to the surface of the bac- terium and bring the base plate into contact with the cell surface. The tail contracts, and the tail tube passes through an opening that appears in the base plate, piercing the bac- terial cell wall. The contents of the head, mostly DNA, are then injected into the host cytoplasm. When a virus kills the infected host cell in which it is replicating, the reproductive cycle is referred to as a lytic cycle (figure 33.5). The T-series bacteriophages are all vir- ulent viruses, multiplying within infected cells and even- tually lysing (rupturing) them. However, they vary consid- erably as to when they become virulent within their host cells. The Lysogenic Cycle Many bacteriophages do not immediately kill the cells they infect, instead integrating their nucleic acid into the genome of the infected host cell. While residing there, it is called a prophage. Among the bacteriophages that do this is the lambda (H9261) phage of Escherichia coli. We know as much about this bacteriophage as we do about virtually any other biological particle; the complete sequence of its 48,502 bases has been determined. At least 23 proteins are associated with the development and maturation of lambda phage, and many other enzymes are involved in the inte- gration of these viruses into the host genome. The integration of a virus into a cellular genome is called lysogeny. At a later time, the prophage may exit the genome and initiate virus replication. This sort of repro- ductive cycle, involving a period of genome integration, is called a lysogenic cycle. Viruses that become stably inte- grated within the genome of their host cells are called lyso- genic viruses or temperate viruses. Bacteriophages are a diverse group of viruses that attack bacteria. Some kill their host in a lytic cycle; others integrate into the host’s genome, initiating a lysogenic cycle. 668 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 33.2 Bacterial viruses exhibit two sorts of reproductive cycles. .05 μm (b) Head Capsid (protein sheath) DNA Whiskers Tail Tail fiber Base plate Neck FIGURE 33.4 A bacterial virus. Bacteriophages exhibit a complex structure. (a) Electron micrograph and (b) diagram of the structure of a T4 bacteriophage.(a) Cell Transformation and Phage Conversion During the integrated portion of a lysogenic reproductive cycle, virus genes are often expressed. The RNA poly- merase of the host cell reads the viral genes just as if they were host genes. Sometimes, expression of these genes has an important effect on the host cell, altering it in novel ways. The genetic alteration of a cell’s genome by the in- troduction of foreign DNA is called transformation. When the foreign DNA is contributed by a bacterial virus, the alteration is called phage conversion. Phage Conversion of the Cholera-Causing Bacterium An important example of this sort of phage conversion di- rected by viral genes is provided by the bacterium responsi- ble for an often-fatal human disease. The disease-causing bacteria Vibrio cholerae usually exists in a harmless form, but a second disease-causing, virulent form also occurs. In this latter form, the bacterium causes the deadly disease cholera, but how the bacteria changed from harmless to deadly was not known until recently. Research now shows that a bacteriophage that infects V. cholerae introduces into the host bacterial cell a gene that codes for the cholera toxin. This gene becomes incorporated into the bacterial chromosome, where it is translated along with the other host genes, thereby converting the benign bacterium to a disease-causing agent. The transfer occurs through bacter- ial pili (see chapter 34); in further experiments, mutant bac- teria that did not have pili were resistant to infection by the bacteriophage. This discovery has important implications in efforts to develop vaccines against cholera, which have been unsuccessful up to this point. Bacteriophages convert Vibrio cholerae bacteria from harmless gut residents into disease-causing agents. Chapter 33 Viruses 669 Lysis of cell Uninfected cell Virus attaching to cell wall Bacterial chromosome Viral DNA injected into cell Viral DNA integrated into bacterial chromosome Reproduction of lysogenic bacteria Lysogenic cycle Lytic cycle Reduction to prophage Induction of prophage to vegetative virus Replication of vegetative virus Assembly of new viruses using bacterial cell machinery FIGURE 33.5 Lytic and lysogenic cycles of a bacteriophage. In the lytic cycle, the bacteriophage exists as viral DNA free in the bacterial host cell’s cytoplasm; the viral DNA directs the production of new viral particles by the host cell until the virus kills the cell by lysis. In the lysogenic cycle, the bacteriophage DNA is integrated into the large, circular DNA molecule of the host bacterium and is reproduced along with the host DNA as the bacterium replicates. It may continue to replicate and produce lysogenic bacteria or enter the lytic cycle and kill the cell. Bacteriophages are much smaller relative to their hosts than illustrated in this diagram. AIDS A diverse array of viruses occur among animals. A good way to gain a general idea of what they are like is to look at one animal virus in detail. Here we will look at the virus responsible for a comparatively new and fatal viral disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS was first reported in the United States in 1981. It was not long before the infectious agent, a retrovirus called human im- munodeficiency virus (HIV), was identified by laboratories in France and the United States. Study of HIV revealed it to be closely related to a chimpanzee virus, suggesting a recent host expansion to humans in central Africa from chimpanzees. Infected humans have little resistance to infection, and nearly all of them eventually die of diseases that nonin- fected individuals easily ward off. Few who contract AIDS survive more than a few years untreated. The risk of HIV transmission from an infected individual to a healthy one in the course of day-to-day contact is essen- tially nonexistent. However, the transfer of body fluids, such as blood, semen, or vaginal fluid, or the use of non- sterile needles, between infected and healthy individuals poses a severe risk. In addition, HIV-infected mothers can pass the virus on to their unborn children during fetal development. The incidence of AIDS is growing very rapidly in the United States. It is estimated that over 33 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. Many—perhaps all of them—will eventually come down with AIDS. Over 16 million people have died already since the outbreak of the epidemic. AIDS incidence is already very high in many African countries and is growing at 20% worldwide. The AIDS epidemic is discussed further in chapter 57. How HIV Compromises the Immune System In normal individuals, an army of specialized cells patrols the bloodstream, attacking and destroying any invading bacteria or viruses. In AIDS patients, this army of de- fenders is vanquished. One special kind of white blood cell, called a CD4 + T cell (discussed further in chapter 57) is required to rouse the defending cells to action. In AIDS patients, the virus homes in on CD4 + T cells, in- fecting and killing them until none are left (figure 33.6). Without these crucial immune system cells, the body cannot mount a defense against invading bacteria or viruses. AIDS patients die of infections that a healthy person could fight off. Clinical symptoms typically do not begin to develop until after a long latency period, generally 8 to 10 years after the initial infection with HIV. During this long interval, carriers of HIV have no clinical symptoms but are apparently fully in- fectious, which makes the spread of HIV very difficult to con- trol. The reason why HIV remains hidden for so long seems to be that its infection cycle continues throughout the 8- to 10-year latent period without doing serious harm to the in- fected person. Eventually, however, a random mutational event in the virus allows it to quickly overcome the immune defense, starting AIDS. The HIV Infection Cycle The HIV virus infects and eliminates key cells of the im- mune system, destroying the body’s ability to defend itself from cancer and infection. The way HIV infects humans (figure 33.7) provides a good example of how animal viruses replicate. Most other viral infections follow a simi- lar course, although the details of entry and replication dif- fer in individual cases. Attachment. When HIV is introduced into the human bloodstream, the virus particle circulates throughout the entire body but will only infect CD4 + cells. Most other ani- mal viruses are similarly narrow in their requirements; he- patitis goes only to the liver, and rabies to the brain. How does a virus such as HIV recognize a specific kind of target cell? Recall from chapter 7 that every kind of cell in the human body has a specific array of cell-surface glyco- protein markers that serve to identify them to other, similar cells. Each HIV particle possesses a glycoprotein (called gp120) on its surface that precisely fits a cell-surface marker protein called CD4 on the surfaces of immune sys- tem cells called macrophages and T cells. Macrophages are infected first. 670 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 33.3 HIV is a complex animal virus. FIGURE 33.6 The AIDS virus. HIV particles exit an infected CD4 + T cell (both shown in false color). The free virus particles are able to infect neighboring CD4 + T cells. Entry into Macrophages. After docking onto the CD4 receptor of a macrophage, HIV requires a second macrophage receptor, called CCR5, to pull itself across the cell membrane. After gp120 binds to CD4, it goes through a conformational change that allows it to bind to CCR5. The current model suggests that after the conformational change, the second receptor passes the gp120-CD4 complex through the cell membrane, triggering passage of the contents of the HIV virus into the cell by endocytosis, with the cell mem- brane folding inward to form a deep cavity around the virus. Replication. Once inside the macrophage, the HIV parti- cle sheds its protective coat. This leaves virus RNA floating in the cytoplasm, along with a virus enzyme that was also within the virus shell. This enzyme, called reverse tran- scriptase, synthesizes a double strand of DNA complemen- tary to the virus RNA, often making mistakes and so intro- ducing new mutations. This double-stranded DNA directs the host cell machinery to produce many copies of the virus. HIV does not rupture and kill the macrophage cells it in- fects. Instead, the new viruses are released from the cell by exocytosis. HIV synthesizes large numbers of viruses in this way, challenging the immune system over a period of years. Entry into T Cells. During this time, HIV is con- stantly replicating and mutating. Eventually, by chance, HIV alters the gene for gp120 in a way that causes the gp120 protein to change its second-receptor allegiance. This new form of gp120 protein prefers to bind instead to a different second receptor, CXCR4, a receptor that occurs on the surface of T lymphocyte CD4 + cells. Soon the body’s T lymphocytes become infected with HIV. This has deadly consequences, as new viruses exit the cell by rupturing the cell membrane, effectively killing the in- fected T cell. Thus, the shift to the CXCR4 second re- ceptor is followed swiftly by a steep drop in the number of T cells. This destruction of the body’s T cells blocks the immune response and leads directly to the onset of AIDS, with cancers and opportunistic infections free to invade the defenseless body. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is an RNA virus that replicates inside human cells by first making a DNA copy of itself. It is only able to gain entrance to those cells possessing a particular cell surface marker recognized by a glycoprotein on its own surface. Chapter 33 Viruses 671 1 2 3 4 Reverse transcriptase catalyzes the synthesis of a DNA copy of the viral RNA. The host cell then synthesizes a complementary strand of DNA. The gp120 glycoprotein on the surface of HIV attaches to CD4 and one of two coreceptors on the surface of a CD4 + cell. The viral contents enter the cell by endocytosis. The double-stranded DNA directs the synthesis of both HIV RNA and HIV proteins. Complete HIV particles are assembled. In macrophages, HIV buds out of the cell by exocytosis. In T cells, however, HIV ruptures the cell, releasing free HIV back into the bloodstream. DNA Viral RNA Reverse transcriptase Double- stranded DNA Viral RNA CD4 receptor gp120 HIV CD4 + cell CCR5 or CXCR4 coreceptor DNA Viral RNA Viral proteins Viral exit by exocytosis in macrophages Viral exit by cell lysis in T cells FIGURE 33.7 The HIV infection cycle. The cycle begins and ends with free HIV particles present in the bloodstream of its human host. These free viruses infect white blood cells called CD4 H11001 T cells. The Future of HIV Treatment New discoveries of how HIV works continue to fuel re- search on devising ways to counter HIV. For example, sci- entists are testing drugs and vaccines that act on HIV re- ceptors, researching the possibility of blocking CCR5, and looking for defects in the structures of HIV receptors in in- dividuals that are infected with HIV but have not devel- oped AIDS. Figure 33.8 summarizes some of the recent de- velopments and discoveries. Combination Drug Therapy A variety of drugs inhibit HIV in the test tube. These in- clude AZT and its analogs (which inhibit virus nucleic acid replication) and protease inhibitors (which inhibit the cleavage of the large polyproteins encoded by gag, poll, and env genes into functional capsid, enzyme, and envelope seg- ments). When combinations of these drugs were adminis- tered to people with HIV in controlled studies, their condi- tion improved. A combination of a protease inhibitor and two AZT analog drugs entirely eliminated the HIV virus from many of the patients’ bloodstreams. Importantly, all of these patients began to receive the drug therapy within three months of contracting the virus, before their bodies had an opportunity to develop tolerance to any one of them. Widespread use of this combination therapy has cut the U.S. AIDS death rate by three-fourths since its in- troduction in the mid-1990s, from 49,000 AIDS deaths in 1995 to 36,000 in 1996, and just over 10,000 in 1999. Unfortunately, this sort of combination therapy does not appear to actually succeed in eliminating HIV from the body. While the virus disappears from the blood- stream, traces of it can still be detected in lymph tissue of the patients. When combination therapy is discontinued, virus levels in the bloodstream once again rise. Because of demanding therapy schedules and many side effects, long-term combination therapy does not seem a promis- ing approach. Using a Defective HIV Gene to Combat AIDS Recently, five people in Australia who are HIV-positive but have not developed AIDS in 14 years were found to have all received a blood transfusion from the same HIV-positive person, who also has not developed AIDS. This led scien- tists to believe that the strain of virus transmitted to these people has some sort of genetic defect that prevents it from effectively disabling the human immune system. In subse- quent research, a defect was found in one of the nine genes present in this strain of HIV. This gene is called nef, named for “negative factor,” and the defective version of nef in the HIV strain that infected the six Australians seems to be missing some pieces. Viruses with the defective gene may have reduced reproductive capability, allowing the immune system to keep the virus in check. This finding has exciting implications for developing a vaccine against AIDS. Before this, scientists have been un- successful in trying to produce a harmless strain of AIDS that can elicit an effective immune response. The Aus- tralian strain with the defective nef gene has the potential to be used in a vaccine that would arm the immune system against this and other strains of HIV. Another potential application of this discovery is its use in developing drugs that inhibit HIV proteins that speed virus replication. It seems that the protein produced from the nef gene is one of these critical HIV proteins, because viruses with defective forms of nef do not reproduce, as seen in the cases of the six Australians. Research is cur- rently underway to develop a drug that targets the nef protein. Chemokines and CAF In the laboratory, chemicals called chemokines appear to inhibit HIV infection by binding to and blocking the CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors. As you might expect, peo- ple long infected with the HIV virus who have not devel- oped AIDS prove to have high levels of chemokines in their blood. The search for HIV-inhibiting chemokines is intense. Not all results are promising. Researchers report that in their tests, the levels of chemokines were not different be- tween patients in which the disease was not progressing and those in which it was rapidly progressing. More promising, levels of another factor called CAF (CD8 + cell antiviral factor) are different between these two groups. Re- searchers have not yet succeeded in isolating CAF, which seems not to block receptors that HIV uses to gain entry to cells, but, instead, to prevent replication of the virus once it has infected the cells. Research continues on the use of chemokines in treatments for HIV infection, either in- creasing the amount of chemokines or disabling the CCR5 receptor. However, promising research on CAF suggests that it may be an even better target for treatment and pre- vention of AIDS. One problem with using chemokines as drugs is that they are also involved in the inflammatory response of the immune system. The function of chemokines is to at- tract white blood cells to areas of infection. Chemokines work beautifully in small amounts and in local areas, but chemokines in mass numbers can cause an inflammatory response that is worse than the original infection. Injec- tions of chemokines may hinder the immune system’s ability to respond to local chemokines, or they may even trigger an out-of-control inflammatory response. Thus, scientists caution that injection of chemokines could make patients more susceptible to infections, and they continue to research other methods of using chemokines to treat AIDS. 672 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Disabling Receptors A 32-base-pair deletion in the gene that codes for the CCR5 receptor appears to block HIV infection. Individuals at high risk of HIV infection who are homozygous for this mutation do not seem to develop AIDS. In one study of 1955 people, scientists found no individuals who were infected and ho- mozygous for the mutated allele. The allele seems to be more common in Caucasian populations (10 to 11%) than in African-American populations (2%), and absent in African and Asian populations. Treatment for AIDS involving dis- ruption of CCR5 looks promising, as research indicates that people live perfectly well without CCR5. Attempts to block or disable CCR5 are being sought in numerous laboratories. A cure for AIDS is not yet in hand, but many new approaches look promising. Chapter 33 Viruses 673 Blocking Receptors gp120 Viral RNA HIV CD4 CCR5 or CXCR4Chemokine blocking receptor Mutated coreceptor Disabling Receptors CCR5 or CXCR4 Blocking Replication with CAF Replication CAF 3 4 5 CD4 CD4 + cell Envelope proteins tat or rev gag pol vif vpr vpu env nef Replication AZT Protease inhibitors Capsid proteins Replication proteins Critical protein nef protein inhibitor Vaccine incorporating defective nef Combination Therapy 1 Vaccine or Drug Therapy 2 HIV RNA FIGURE 33.8 Research is currently underway to develop new treatments for HIV. Among them are these five: (1) Combination therapy involves using two drugs, AZT to block replication of the virus and protease inhibitors to block the production of critical viral proteins. (2) Using a defective form of the viral gene nef, scientists may be able to construct an HIV vaccine. Also, drug therapy that inhibits nef’s protein product is being tested. (3) Other research focuses on the use of chemokine chemicals to block receptors (CXCR4 and CCR5), thereby disabling the mechanism HIV uses to enter CD4 H11001 T cells. (4) Producing mutations that will disable receptors may also be possible. (5) Lastly, CAF, an antiviral factor which acts inside the CD4 H11001 T cell, may be able to block replication of HIV. Disease Viruses Humans have known and feared diseases caused by viruses for thousands of years. Among the diseases that viruses cause (table 33.1) are influenza, smallpox, infectious hepati- tis, yellow fever, polio, rabies, and AIDS, as well as many other diseases not as well known. In addition, viruses have been implicated in some cancers and leukemias. For many autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, and for diabetes, specific viruses have been found associated with certain cases. In view of their effects, it is easy to see why the late Sir Peter Medawar, Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine, wrote, “A virus is a piece of bad news wrapped in protein.” Viruses not only cause many human diseases, but also cause major losses in agriculture, forestry, and in the productivity of natural ecosystems. Influenza Perhaps the most lethal virus in human history has been the influenza virus. Some 22 million Americans and Euro- peans died of flu within 18 months in 1918 and 1919, an as- tonishing number. Types. Flu viruses are animal retroviruses. An individ- ual flu virus resembles a rod studded with spikes com- posed of two kinds of protein (figure 33.9). There are three general “types” of flu virus, distinguished by their capsid (inner membrane) protein, which is different for each type: Type A flu virus causes most of the serious flu epidemics in humans, and also occurs in mammals and birds. Type B and Type C viruses, with narrower host ranges, are restricted to humans and rarely cause serious health problems. Subtypes. Different strains of flu virus, called subtypes, differ in their protein spikes. One of these proteins, hemagglutinin (H) aids the virus in gaining access to the cell interior. The other, neuraminidase (N) helps the daughter virus break free of the host cell once virus repli- cation has been completed. Parts of the H molecule con- tain “hot spots” that display an unusual tendency to change as a result of mutation of the virus RNA during imprecise replication. Point mutations cause changes in these spike proteins in 1 of 100,000 viruses during the course of each generation. These highly variable seg- ments of the H molecule are targets against which the body’s antibodies are directed. The high variability of these targets improves the reproductive capacity of the virus and hinders our ability to make perfect vaccines. Because of accumulating changes in the H and N mole- cules, different flu vaccines are required to protect against different subtypes. Type A flu viruses are cur- rently classified into 13 distinct H subtypes and 9 distinct N subtypes, each of which requires a different vaccine to protect against infection. Thus, the type A virus that caused the Hong Kong flu epidemic of 1968 has type 3 H molecules and type 2 N molecules, and is called A(H3N2). 674 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 33.4 Nonliving infectious agents are responsible for many human diseases. Envelope (outer lipid membrane) Capsid (inner protein membrane) Hemagglutinin Coils of RNA Neuraminidase (b) (a) FIGURE 33.9 The influenza virus. (a) TEM of the so-called “bird flu” influenza virus, A(H5N1), which first infected humans in Hong Kong in 1997. (b) Diagram of an influenza virus. The coiled RNA has been revealed by cutting through the outer lipid-rich envelope, with its two kinds of projecting spikes, and the inner protein capsid. Importance of Recombination. The greatest problem in combating flu viruses arises not through mutation, but through recombination. Viral genes are readily reas- sorted by genetic recombination, sometimes putting to- gether novel combinations of H and N spikes unrecog- nizable by human antibodies specific for the old configuration. Viral recombination of this kind seems to have been responsible for the three major flu pandemics (that is, worldwide epidemics) that occurred in the last century, by producing drastic shifts in H N combina- tions. The “killer flu” of 1918, A(H1N1), killed 40 mil- lion people. The Asian flu of 1957, A(H2N2), killed over 100,000 Americans. The Hong Kong flu of 1968, A(H3N2), infected 50 million people in the United States alone, of which 70,000 died. Chapter 33 Viruses 675 Table 33.1 Important Human Viral Diseases Disease Pathogen Reservoir Vector/Epidemiology AIDS HIV STD Destroys immune defenses, resulting in death by infection or cancer. Over 33 million cases worldwide by 1998. Chicken pox Human herpes- Humans Spread through contact with infected individuals. No cure. virus 3 (varicella- Rarely fatal. Vaccine approved in U.S. in early 1995. zoster) Ebola Filoviruses Unknown Acute hemorrhagic fever; virus attacks connective tissue, leading to massive hemorrhaging and death. Peak mortality is 50–90% if the disease goes untreated. Outbreaks confined to local regions of central Africa. Hepatitus B Hepatitis B virus Humans Highly infectious through contact with infected body fluids. (viral) (HBV) Approximately 1% of U.S. population infected. Vaccine available, no cure. Can be fatal. Herpes Herpes simplex Humans Fever blisters; spread primarily through contact with virus (HSV) infected saliva. Very prevalent worldwide. No cure. Exhibits latency—the disease can be dormant for several years. Influenza Influenza viruses Humans, ducks Historically a major killer (22 million died in 18 months in 1918–19); wild Asian ducks, chickens, and pigs are major reservoirs. The ducks are not affected by the flu virus, which shuffles its antigen genes while multiplying within them, leading to new flu strains. Measles Paramyxoviruses Humans Extremely contagious through contact with infected individuals. Vaccine available. Usually contracted in childhood, when it is not serious; more dangerous to adults. Mononucleosis Epstein-Barr Humans Spread through contact with infected saliva. May last several virus (EBV) weeks; common in young adults. No cure. Rarely fatal. Mumps Paramyxovirus Humans Spread through contact with infected saliva. Vaccine available; rarely fatal. No cure. Pneumonia Influenza virus Humans Acute infection of the lungs, often fatal without treatment. Polio Poliovirus Humans Acute viral infection of the CNS that can lead to paralysis and is often fatal. Prior to the development of Salk’s vaccine in 1954, 60,000 people a year contracted the disease in the U.S. alone. Rabies Rhabdovirus Wild and domestic Canidae An acute viral encephalomyelitis transmitted by the bite of (dogs, foxes, wolves, an infected animal. Fatal if untreated. coyotes), bats, and raccoons Smallpox Variola virus Formerly humans, now Historically a major killer; the last recorded case of smallpox only exists in two research was in 1977. A worldwide vaccination campaign wiped out labs—may be eliminated the disease completely. Yellow fever Flavivirus Humans, mosquitoes Spread from individual to individual by mosquito bites; a notable cause of death during the construction of the Panama Canal. If untreated, this disease has a peak mortality rate of 60%. It is no accident that new strains of flu usually originate in the far east. The most common hosts of influenza virus are ducks, chickens, and pigs, which in Asia often live in close proximity to each other and to humans. Pigs are sub- ject to infection by both bird and human strains of the virus, and individual animals are often simultaneously in- fected with multiple strains. This creates conditions favor- ing genetic recombination between strains, producing new combinations of H and N subtypes. The Hong Kong flu, for example, arose from recombination between A(H3N8) [from ducks] and A(H2N2) [from humans]. The new strain of influenza, in this case A(H3N2), then passed back to hu- mans, creating an epidemic because the human population has never experienced that H N combination before. A potentially deadly new strain of flu virus emerged in Hong Kong in 1997, A(H5N1). Unlike all previous in- stances of new flu strains, A(H5N1) passed to humans di- rectly from birds, in this case chickens. A(H5N1) was first identified in chickens in 1961, and in the spring of 1997 devastated flocks of chickens in Hong Kong. Fortunately, this strain of flu virus does not appear to spread easily from person to person, and the number of human infections by A(H5N1) remains small. Public health officials remain con- cerned that the genes of A(H5N1) could yet mix with those of a human strain to create a new strain that could spread widely in the human population, and to prevent this or- dered the killing of all 1.2 million chickens in Hong Kong in 1997. Emerging Viruses Sometimes viruses that originate in one organism pass to another, thus expanding their host range. Often, this ex- pansion is deadly to the new host. HIV, for example, arose in chimpanzees and relatively recently passed to humans. Influenza is fundamentally a bird virus. Viruses that origi- nate in one organism and then pass to another and cause disease are called emerging viruses and represent a con- siderable threat in an age when airplane travel potentially allows infected individuals to move about the world quickly, spreading an infection. Among the most lethal of emerging viruses are a collec- tion of filamentous viruses arising in central Africa that cause severe hemorrhagic fever. With lethality rates in ex- cess of 50%, these so-called filoviruses are among the most lethal infectious diseases known. One, Ebola virus (figure 33.10), has exhibited lethality rates in excess of 90% in iso- lated outbreaks in central Africa. The outbreak of Ebola virus in the summer of 1995 in Zaire killed 245 people out of 316 infected—a mortality rate of 78%. The latest out- break occurred in Gabon, West Africa, in February 1996. The natural host of Ebola is unknown. Another type of emerging virus caused a sudden out- break of a hemorrhagic-type infection in the southwestern United States in 1993. This highly fatal disease was soon attributed to the hantavirus, a single-stranded RNA virus associated with rodents. The hantavirus is transmitted to humans through rodent fecal contamination in areas of human habitation. Although hantavirus has been known for some period of time, this particular outbreak was attributed to the presence of an unusually large rodent population in the area following a higher than normal amount of rainfall the previous winter. Viruses and Cancer Through epidemiological studies and research, scientists have established a link between some viral infections and the subsequent development of cancer. Examples include the association between chronic hepatitis B infections and the development of liver cancer and the development of cervical carcinoma following infections with certain strains of papillomaviruses. It has been suggested that viruses con- tribute to about 15% of all human cancer cases worldwide. Viruses are capable of altering the growth properties of human cells they infect by triggering the expression of oncogenes (cancer-causing genes). Certain viruses can ei- ther activate host proto-oncogenes (see chapter 18) or bring in viral oncogenes that become incorporated into the host genome. Virus-induced cancer is not simply a matter of infection. The disease involves complex interactions with cellular genes and requires a series of events in order to de- velop. Viruses are responsible for some of the most lethal diseases of humans. Some of the most serious examples are viruses that have transferred to humans from some other host. Influenza, a bird virus, has been responsible for the most devastating epidemics in human history. Newly emerging viruses such as Ebola have received considerable public attention. 676 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms FIGURE 33.10 The Ebola virus. This virus, with a fatality rate that can exceed 90%, appears sporadically in West Africa. Health professionals are scrambling to identify the natural host of the virus, which is unknown, so they can devise strategies to combat transmission of the disease. Prions and Viroids For decades scientists have been fascinated by a peculiar group of fatal brain diseases. These diseases have the un- usual property that it is years and often decades after infec- tion before the disease is detected in infected individuals. The brains of infected individuals develop numerous small cavities as neurons die, producing a marked spongy appear- ance. Called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), these diseases include scrapie in sheep, “mad cow” disease in cattle, and kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. TSEs can be transmitted by injecting infected brain tis- sue into a recipient animal’s brain. TSEs can also spread via tissue transplants and, apparently, food. Kuru was common in the Fore people of Papua New Guinea, when they prac- ticed ritual cannibalism, literally eating the brains of in- fected individuals. Mad cow disease spread widely among the cattle herds of England in the 1990s because cows were fed bone meal prepared from cattle carcasses to increase the protein content of their diet. Like the Fore, the British cattle were literally eating the tissue of cattle that had died of the disease. A Heretical Suggestion In the 1960s, British researchers T. Alper and J. Griffith noted that infectious TSE preparations remained infectious even after exposed to radiation that would destroy DNA or RNA. They suggested that the infectious agent was a pro- tein. Perhaps, they speculated, the protein usually preferred one folding pattern, but could sometimes misfold, and then catalyze other proteins to do the same, the misfolding spreading like a chain reaction. This heretical suggestion was not accepted by the scientific community, as it violates a key tenant of molecular biology: only DNA or RNA act as hereditary material, transmitting information from one generation to the next. Prusiner’s Prions In the early 1970s, physician Stanley Prusiner, moved by the death of a patient from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, began to study TSEs. Prusiner became fascinated with Alper and Griffith’s hypothesis. Try as he might, Prusiner could find no evidence of nucleic acids or viruses in the in- fectious TSE preparations, and concluded, as Alper and Griffith had, that the infectious agent was a protein, which in a 1982 paper he named a prion, for “proteinaceous in- fectious particle.” Prusiner went on to isolate a distinctive prion protein, and for two decades continued to amass evidence that pri- ons play a key role in triggering TSEs. The scientific com- munity resisted Prusiner’s renegade conclusions, but even- tually experiments done in Prusiner’s and other laboratories began to convince many. For example, when Prusiner injected prions of a different abnormal conforma- tion into several different hosts, these hosts developed pri- ons with the same abnormal conformations as the parent prions (figure 33.11). In another important experiment, Charles Weissmann showed that mice genetically engi- neered to lack Prusiner’s prion protein are immune to TSE infection. However, if brain tissue with the prion protein is grafted into the mice, the grafted tissue—but not the rest of the brain—can then be infected with TSE. In 1997, Prusiner was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on prions. Viroids Viroids are tiny, naked molecules of RNA, only a few hun- dred nucleotides long, that are important infectious disease agents in plants. A recent viroid outbreak killed over ten million coconut palms in the Philippines. It is not clear how viroids cause disease. One clue is that viroid nu- cleotide sequences resemble the sequences of introns within ribosomal RNA genes. These sequences are capable of catalyzing excision from DNA—perhaps the viroids are catalyzing the destruction of chromosomal integrity. Prions are infectious proteins that some scientists believe are responsible for serious brain diseases. In plants, naked RNA molecules called viroids can also transmit disease. Chapter 33 Viruses 677 Misfolded prion proteins Normal prion proteins Neuron FIGURE 33.11 How prions arise. Misfolded prions seem to cause normal prion protein to misfold simply by contacting them. When prions misfolded in different ways (blue) contact normal prion protein (purple), the normal prion protein misfolds in the same way. 678 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Chapter 33 Summary Questions Media Resources 33.1 Viruses are strands of nucleic acid encased within a protein coat. ? Viruses are fragments of DNA or RNA surrounded by protein that are able to replicate within cells by using the genetic machinery of those cells. ? The simplest viruses use the enzymes of the host cell for both protein synthesis and gene replication; the more complex ones contain up to 200 genes and are capable of synthesizing many structural proteins and enzymes. ? Viruses are basically either helical or isometric. Most isometric viruses are icosahedral in shape. 1. Why are viruses not considered to be living organisms? 2. How did early scientists come to the conclusion that the infectious agents associated with hoof-and-mouth disease in cattle were not bacteria? 3. What is the approximate size range of viruses and type of microscope is generally required to visualize viruses? ? Virulent bacteriophages infect bacterial cells by injecting their viral DNA or RNA into the cell, where it directs the production of new virus particles, ultimately lysing the cell. ? Temperate bacteriophages, upon entering a bacterial cell, insert their DNA into the cell genome, where they may remain integrated into the bacterial genome as a prophage for many generations. 4. What is a bacteriophage? How does a T4 phage infect a host cell? 33.2 Bacterial viruses exhibit two sorts of reproductive cycles. ? AIDS, a viral infection that destroys the immune system, is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). After docking on a specific protein called CD4, HIV enters the cell and replicates, destroying the cell. ? Considerable progress has been made in the treatment of AIDS, particularly with drugs such as protease inhibitors that block cleavage of HIV polyproteins into functional segments. 5. What specific type of human cell does the AIDS virus infect? How does it recognize this specific kind of cell? 6. How do many animal viruses penetrate the host cell? How does a plant virus infect its host? How does a bacterial virus infect its host? 33.3 HIV is a complex animal virus. ? Viruses are responsible for many serious human diseases. Some of the most serious, like AIDS and Ebola, have only recently transferred to humans from some other animal host. ? Proteins called prions may transmit serious brain diseases from one individual to another. 7. Why is it so much more difficult to treat a viral infection than a bacterial one? Is this different from treating bacterial infections? 8. What is a prion? How does it integrate into living systems? 33.4 Nonliving infectious agents are responsible for many human diseases. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Characteristics of Viruses ? Life Cycle of Viruses ? Bioethics Case Study: AIDS Vaccine On Science Articles: ? HIV’s Waiting Game ? Drug Therapy for AIDS ? Curing AIDS Just Got Harder ? HIV Delivery Protein ? Scientists on Science: Prions ? Book Review: The Coming Plague by Garrett On Science Articles: ? Smallpox: Tomorrow’s Nightmare? ? Smallpox Questions ? Mad Cows and Prions ? Prions and Blood Supply ? Hepatitis C ? Increasing Mad Cow Diseases 679 34 Bacteria Concept Outline 34.1 Bacteria are the smallest and most numerous organisms. The Prevalence of Bacteria. The simplest of organisms, bacteria are thought to be the most ancient. They are the most abundant living organisms. Bacteria lack the high degree of internal compartmentalization characteristic of eukaryotes. 34.2 Bacterial cell structure is more complex than commonly supposed. The Bacterial Surface. Some bacteria have a secondary membranelike covering outside of their cell wall. The Cell Interior. While bacteria lack extensive internal compartments, they may have complex internal membranes. 34.3 Bacteria exhibit considerable diversity in both structure and metabolism. Bacterial Diversity. There are at least 16 phyla of bacteria, although many more remain to be discovered. Bacterial Variation. Mutation and recombination generate enormous variation within bacterial populations. Bacterial Metabolism. Bacteria obtain carbon atoms and energy from a wide array of sources. Some can thrive in the absence of other organisms, while others must obtain their energy and carbon atoms from other organisms. 34.4 Bacteria are responsible for many diseases but also make important contributions to ecosystems. Human Bacterial Diseases. Many serious human diseases are caused by bacteria, some of them responsible for millions of deaths each year. Importance of Bacteria. Bacteria have had a profound impact on the world’s ecology, and play a major role in modern medicine and agriculture. T he simplest organisms living on earth today are bacte- ria, and biologists think they closely resemble the first organisms to evolve on earth. Too small to see with the un- aided eye, bacteria are the most abundant of all organisms (figure 34.1) and are the only ones characterized by prokaryotic cellular organization. Life on earth could not exist without bacteria because bacteria make possible many of the essential functions of ecosystems, including the cap- ture of nitrogen from the atmosphere, decomposition of organic matter, and, in many aquatic communities, photo- synthesis. Indeed, bacterial photosynthesis is thought to have been the source for much of the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere. Bacterial research continues to provide extra- ordinary insights into genetics, ecology, and disease. An understanding of bacteria is thus essential. FIGURE 34.1 A colony of bacteria. With their enormous adaptability and metabolic versatility, bacteria are found in every habitat on earth, carrying out many of the vital processes of ecosystems, including photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and decomposition. Bacterial Form Bacteria are mostly simple in form and exhibit one of three basic structures: bacillus (plural, bacilli) straight and rod- shaped, coccus (plural, cocci) spherical-shaped, and spiril- lus (plural, spirilla) long and helical-shaped, also called spirochetes. Spirilla bacteria generally do not form associa- tions with other cells and swim singly through their envi- ronments. They have a complex structure within their cell membranes that allow them to spin their corkscrew-shaped bodies which propels them along. Some rod-shaped and spherical bacteria form colonies, adhering end-to-end after they have divided, forming chains (see figure 34.2). Some bacterial colonies change into stalked structures, grow long, branched filaments, or form erect structures that re- lease spores, single-celled bodies that grow into new bacte- rial individuals. Some filamentous bacteria are capable of gliding motion, often combined with rotation around a longitudinal axis. Biologists have not yet determined the mechanism by which they move. Prokaryotes versus Eukaryotes Prokaryotes—eubacteria and archaea—differ from eukary- otes in numerous important features. These differences represent some of the most fundamental distinctions that separate any groups of organisms. 1. Multicellularity. All prokaryotes are fundamentally single-celled. In some types, individual cells adhere to 680 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms The Prevalence of Bacteria Bacteria are the oldest, structurally simplest, and the most abundant forms of life on earth. They are also the only organisms with prokaryotic cellular organization. Represented in the oldest rocks from which fossils have been obtained, 3.5 to 3.8 billion years old, bacteria were abundant for over 2 billion years before eukaryotes appeared in the world (see figure 4.11). Early photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) altered the earth’s at- mosphere with the production of oxy- gen which lead to extreme bacterial and eukaryotic diversity. Bacteria play a vital role both in productivity and in cycling the substances essential to all other life-forms. Bacteria are the only organisms capable of fixing atmos- pheric nitrogen. About 5000 different kinds of bac- teria are currently recognized, but there are doubtless many thousands more awaiting proper identification (figure 34.2). Every place microbiologists look, new species are being discovered, in some cases altering the way we think about bacteria. In the 1970s and 80s a new type of bac- terium was analyzed that eventually lead to the classifica- tion of a new prokaryotic cell type, the archeabacteria (or Archaea). Even when viewed with an electron microscope, the structural differences between different bacteria are minor compared to other groups of organisms. Because the structural differences are so slight, bacteria are classified based primarily upon their metabolic and genetic charac- teristics. Bacteria can be characterized properly only when they are grown on a defined medium because the charac- teristics of these organisms often change, depending on their growth conditions. Bacteria are ubiquitous on Earth, and live everywhere eukaryotes do. Many of the other more extreme environ- ments in which bacteria are found would be lethal to any other form of life. Bacteria live in hot springs that would cook other organisms, hypersaline environments that would dehydrate other cells, and in atmospheres rich in toxic gases like methane or hydrogen sulfide that would kill most other organisms. These harsh environments may be similar to the conditions present on the early Earth, when life first began. It is likely that bacteria evolved to dwell in these harsh conditions early on and have retained the abil- ity to exploit these areas as the rest of the atmosphere has changed. 34.1 Bacteria are the smallest and most numerous organisms. (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 34.2 The diversity of bacteria. (a) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a rod-shaped, flagellated bacterium (bacillus). Pseudomonas includes the bacteria that cause many of the most serious plant diseases. (b) Streptococcus. The spherical individual bacteria (cocci) adhere in chains in the members of this genus (34,000H11003). (c) Spirillum volutans, one of the spirilla. This large bacterium, which occurs in stagnant fresh water, has a tuft of flagella at each end (500H11003). each other within a matrix and form filaments, how- ever the cells retain their individuality. Cyanobacte- ria, in particular, are likely to form such associations but their cytoplasm is not directly interconnected, as often is the case in multicellular eukaryotes. The ac- tivities of a bacterial colony are less integrated and coordinated than those in multicellular eukaryotes. A primitive form of colonial organization occurs in gliding bacteria, which move together and form spore-bearing structures (figure 34.3). Such coordi- nated multicellular forms are rare among bacteria. 2. Cell size. As new species of bacteria are discovered, we are finding that the size of prokaryotic cells varies tremendously, by as much as five orders of magni- tude. Most prokaryotic cells are only 1 micrometer or less in diameter. Most eukaryotic cells are well over 10 times that size. 3. Chromosomes. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane- bound nucleus containing chromosomes made up of both nucleic acids and proteins. Bacteria do not have membrane-bound nuclei, nor do they have chromo- somes of the kind present in eukaryotes, in which DNA forms a structural complex with proteins. In- stead, their naked circular DNA is localized in a zone of the cytoplasm called the nucleoid. 4. Cell division and genetic recombination. Cell divi- sion in eukaryotes takes place by mitosis and involves spindles made up of microtubules. Cell division in bac- teria takes place mainly by binary fission (see chapter 11). True sexual reproduction occurs only in eukaryotes and involves syngamy and meiosis, with an alternation of diploid and haploid forms. Despite their lack of sex- ual reproduction, bacteria do have mechanisms that lead to the transfer of genetic material. These mecha- nisms are far less regular than those of eukaryotes and do not involve the equal participation of the individuals between which the genetic material is transferred. 5. Internal compartmentalization. In eukaryotes, the enzymes for cellular respiration are packaged in mitochondria. In bacteria, the corresponding en- zymes are not packaged separately but are bound to the cell membranes (see chapters 5 and 9). The cyto- plasm of bacteria, unlike that of eukaryotes, contains no internal compartments or cytoskeleton and no or- ganelles except ribosomes. 6. Flagella. Bacterial flagella are simple in structure, composed of a single fiber of the protein flagellin (figure 34.4; see also chapter 5). Eukaryotic flagella and cilia are complex and have a 9 + 2 structure of microtubules (see figure 5.27). Bacterial flagella also function differently, spinning like propellers, while eukaryotic flagella have a whiplike motion. 7. Metabolic diversity. Only one kind of photosyn- thesis occurs in eukaryotes, and it involves the release of oxygen. Photosynthetic bacteria have several dif- ferent patterns of anaerobic and aerobic photosynthe- sis, involving the formation of end products such as sulfur, sulfate, and oxygen (see chapter 10). Prokary- otic cells can also be chemoautotrophic, using the en- ergy stored in chemical bonds of inorganic molecules to synthesize carbohydrates; eukaryotes are not capa- ble of this metabolic process. Bacteria are the oldest and most abundant organisms on earth. Bacteria, or prokaryotes, differ from eukaryotes in a wide variety of characteristics, a degree of difference as great as any that separates any groups of organisms. Chapter 34 Bacteria 681 FIGURE 34.3 Approaches to multicellularity in bacteria. Chondromyces crocatus, one of the gliding bacteria. The rod-shaped individuals move together, forming the composite spore-bearing structures shown here. Millions of spores, which are basically individual bacteria, are released from these structures. FIGURE 34.4 Flagella in the common intestinal bacterium, Escherichia coli. The long strands are flagella, while the shorter hairlike outgrowths are called pili. The Bacterial Surface The bacterial cell wall is an important structure because it maintains the shape of the cell and protects the cell from swelling and rupturing. The cell wall usually consists of peptidoglycan, a network of polysaccharide molecules connected by polypeptide cross-links. In some bacteria, the peptidoglycan forms a thick, complex network around the outer surface of the cell. This network is interlaced with peptide chains. In other bacteria a thin layer of peptidogly- can is found sandwiched between two plasma membranes. The outer membrane contains large molecules of lipopoly- saccharide, lipids with polysaccharide chains attached. These two major types of bacteria can be identified using a staining process called a Gram stain. Gram-positive bac- teria have the thicker peptidoglycan wall and stain a purple color (figure 34.5). The more common gram-negative bacteria contain less peptidoglycan and do not retain the purple-colored dye. Gram-negative bacteria stain red. The outer membrane layer makes gram-negative bacteria resis- tant to many antibiotics that interfere with cell wall synthe- sis in gram-positive bacteria. In some kinds of bacteria, an additional gelatinous layer, the capsule, surrounds the cell wall. Many kinds of bacteria have slender, rigid, helical fla- gella (singular, flagellum) composed of the protein fla- gellin (figure 34.6). These flagella range from 3 to 12 mi- crometers in length and are very thin—only 10 to 20 nanometers thick. They are anchored in the cell wall and spin, pulling the bacteria through the water like a propeller. Pili (singular, pilus) are other hairlike structures that occur on the cells of some bacteria (see figure 34.4). They are shorter than bacterial flagella, up to several microme- ters long, and about 7.5 to 10 nanometers thick. Pili help the bacterial cells attach to appropriate substrates and ex- change genetic information. Some bacteria form thick-walled endospores around their chromosome and a small portion of the surrounding cytoplasm when they are exposed to nutrient-poor condi- tions. These endospores are highly resistant to environ- mental stress, especially heat, and can germinate to form new individuals after decades or even centuries. Bacteria are encased within a cell wall composed of one or more polysaccharide layers. They also may contain external structures such as flagella and pili. 682 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 34.2 Bacterial cell structure is more complex than commonly supposed. Peptidoglycan Peptide side chains Cell wall (peptidoglycan) Cell wall Plasma membrane Plasma membrane Protein Outer membrane Gram-positive bacteria Gram-negative bacteria Lipopolysaccharides FIGURE 34.5 The Gram stain. The peptidoglycan layer encasing gram-positive bacteria traps crystal violet dye, so the bacteria appear purple in a Gram-stained smear (named after Hans Christian Gram, who developed the technique). Because gram-negative bacteria have much less peptidoglycan (located between the plasma membrane and an outer membrane), they do not retain the crystal violet dye and so exhibit the red background stain (usually a safranin dye). The Cell Interior The most fundamental characteristic of bacterial cells is their prokaryotic organization. Bacterial cells lack the ex- tensive functional compartmentalization seen within eu- karyotic cells. Internal membranes. Many bacteria possess invagi- nated regions of the plasma membrane that function in respiration or photosynthesis (figure 34.7). Nucleoid region. Bacteria lack nuclei and do not pos- sess the complex chromosomes characteristic of eukary- otes. Instead, their genes are encoded within a single double-stranded ring of DNA that is crammed into one region of the cell known as the nucleoid region. Many bacterial cells also possess small, independently replicat- ing circles of DNA called plasmids. Plasmids contain only a few genes, usually not essential for the cell’s sur- vival. They are best thought of as an excised portion of the bacterial chromosome. Ribosomes. Bacterial ribosomes are smaller than those of eukaryotes and differ in protein and RNA con- tent. Antibiotics such as tetracycline and chlorampheni- col can tell the difference—they bind to bacterial ribo- somes and block protein synthesis, but do not bind to eukaryotic ribosomes. The interior of a bacterial cell may possess internal membranes and a nucleoid region. Chapter 34 Bacteria 683 Flagellum Filament Sleeve Hook Outer membrane Peptidoglycan portion of cell wall Rod H + Plasma membrane Outer protein ring Inner protein ring H + FIGURE 34.6 The flagellar motor of a gram-negative bacterium. A protein filament, composed of the protein flagellin, is attached to a protein shaft that passes through a sleeve in the outer membrane and through a hole in the peptidoglycan layer to rings of protein anchored in the cell wall and plasma membrane, like rings of ballbearings. The shaft rotates when the inner protein ring attached to the shaft turns with respect to the outer ring fixed to the cell wall. The inner ring is an H + ion channel, a proton pump that uses the passage of protons into the cell to power the movement of the inner ring past the outer one. FIGURE 34.7 Bacterial cells often have complex internal membranes. This aerobic bacterium (a) exhibits extensive respiratory membranes within its cytoplasm not unlike those seen in mitochondria. This cyanobacterium (b) has thylakoid-like membranes that provide a site for photosynthesis. (a) (b) Bacterial Diversity Bacteria are not easily classified according to their forms, and only recently has enough been learned about their biochemical and metabolic characteristics to de- velop a satisfactory overall classification comparable to that used for other organisms. Early systems for classify- ing bacteria relied on differential stains such as the Gram stain. Key bacterial characteristics used in classify- ing bacteria were: 1. Photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic 2. Motile or nonmotile 3. Unicellular or multicellular 4. Formation of spores or dividing by transverse binary fission With the development of genetic and molecular ap- proaches, bacterial classifications can at last reflect true evolutionary relatedness. Molecular approaches include: (1) the analysis of the amino acid sequences of key pro- teins; (2) the analysis of nucleic acid base sequences by establishing the percent of guanine (G) and cytosine (C); (3) nucleic acid hybridization, which is essentially the mixing of single-stranded DNA from two species and determining the amount of base-pairing (closely related species will have more bases pairing); and (4) nucleic acid sequencing especially looking at ribosomal RNA. Lynn Margulis and Karlene Schwartz proposed a useful classification system that divides bacteria into 16 phyla, according to their most significant features. Table 34.1 outlines some of the major features of the phyla we describe. Kinds of Bacteria Although they lack the structural complexity of eukary- otes, bacteria have diverse internal chemistries, metabo- lisms and unique functions. Bacteria have adapted to many kinds of environments, including some you might consider harsh. They have successfully invaded very salty waters, very acidic or alkaline environments, and very hot or cold areas. They are found in hot springs where the temperatures exceed 78°C (172°F) and have been recov- ered living beneath 435 meters of ice in Antarctica! Much of what we know of bacteria we have learned from studies in the laboratory. It is important to under- stand the limits this has placed on our knowledge: we have only been able to study those bacteria that can be cultured in laboratories. Field studies suggest that these represent but a small fraction of the kinds of bacteria that occur in soil, most of which cannot be cultured with existing tech- niques. We clearly have only scraped the surface of bacte- rial diversity. As we learned in chapter 32, bacteria split into two lines early in the history of life, so different in structure and metabolism that they are as different from each other as either is from eukaryotes. The differences are so fun- damental that biologists assign the two groups of bacteria to separate domains. One domain, the Archaea, consists of the archaebacteria (“ancient bacteria”—although they are actually not as ancient as the other bacterial domain). It was once thought that survivors of this group were confined to extreme environments that may resemble habitats on the early earth. However, the use of genetic screening has revealed that these “ancient” bacteria live in nonextreme environments as well. The other more an- cient domain, the Bacteria, consists of the eubacteria (“true bacteria”). It includes nearly all of the named species of bacteria. Comparing Archaebacteria and Eubacteria Archaebacteria and eubacteria are similar in that they both have a prokaryotic cellular but they vary considerably at the biochemical and molecular level. There are four key areas in which they differ: 1. Cell wall. Both kinds of bacteria typically have cell walls covering the plasma membrane that strengthen the cell. The cell walls of eubacteria are constructed of carbohydrate-protein complexes called peptidoglycan, which link together to create a strong mesh that gives the eubacterial cell wall great strength. The cell walls of archaebacteria lack peptidoglycan. 2. Plasma membranes. All bacteria have plasma membranes with a lipid-bilayer architecture (as de- scribed in chapter 6). The plasma membranes of eu- bacteria and archaebacteria, however, are made of very different kinds of lipids. 3. Gene translation machinery. Eubacteria possess ribosomal proteins and an RNA polymerase that are distinctly different from those of eukaryotes. However, the ribosomal proteins and RNA of archaebacteria are very similar to those of eukaryotes. 4. Gene architecture. The genes of eubacteria are not interrupted by introns, while at least some of the genes of archaebacteria do possess introns. While superficially similar, bacteria differ from one another in a wide variety of characteristics. 684 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 34.3 Bacteria exhibit considerable diversity in both structure and metabolism. Chapter 34 Bacteria 685 Table 34.1 Bacteria Major Group Typical Examples Key Characteristics ARCHAEBACTERIA Archaebacteria Methanogens, thermophiles, halophiles EUBACTERIA Actinomycetes Streptomyces, Actinomyces Chemoautotrophs Sulfur bacteria, Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas Cyanobacteria Anabaena, Nostoc Enterobacteria Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Vibrio Gliding and Myxobacteria, budding bacteria Chondromyces Pseudomonads Pseudomonas Rickettsias and Rickettsia, chlamydias Chlamydia Spirochaetes Treponema Bacteria that are not members of the kingdom Eubacteria. Mostly anaerobic with unusual cell walls. Some produce methane. Others reduce sulfur. Gram-positive bacteria. Form branching filaments and produce spores; often mistaken for fungi. Produce many commonly used antibiotics, including streptomycin and tetracycline. One of the most common types of soil bacteria; also common in dental plaque. Bacteria able to obtain their energy from inorganic chemicals. Most extract chemical energy from reduced gases such as H 2 S (hydrogen sulfide), NH 3 (ammonia), and CH 4 (methane). Play a key role in the nitrogen cycle. A form of photosynthetic bacteria common in both marine and freshwater environments. Deeply pigmented; often responsible for “blooms” in polluted waters. Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria. Do not form spores; usually aerobic heterotrophs; cause many important diseases, including bubonic plague and cholera. Gram-negative bacteria. Exhibit gliding motility by secreting slimy polysaccharides over which masses of cells glide; some groups form upright multicelluar structures carrying spores called fruiting bodies. Gram-negative heterotrophic rods with polar flagella. Very common form of soil bacteria; also contain many important plant pathogens. Small, gram-negative intracelluar parasites. Rickettsia life cycle involves both mammals and arthropods such as fleas and ticks; Rickettsia are responsible for many fatal human diseases, including typhus (Rickettsia prowazekii) and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Chlamydial infections are one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Long, coil-shaped cells. Common in aquatic environments; a parasitic form is responsible for the disease syphilis. Bacterial Variation Bacteria reproduce rapidly, allowing genetic variations to spread quickly through a population. Two processes create variation among bacteria: mu- tation and genetic recombination. Mutation Mutations can arise spontaneously in bacteria as errors in DNA replica- tion occur. Certain factors tend to increase the likelihood of errors oc- curring such as radiation, ultraviolet light, and various chemicals. In a typical bacterium such as Escherichia coli there are about 5000 genes. It is highly probably that one mutation will occur by chance in one out of every million copies of a gene. With 5000 genes in a bacterium, the laws of probability predict that 1 out of every 200 bacteria will have a muta- tion (figure 34.8). A spoonful of soil typically contains over a billion bac- teria and therefore should contain something on the order of 5 million mutant individuals! With adequate food and nutri- ents, a population of E. coli can dou- ble in under 20 minutes. Because bacteria multiply so rapidly, mutations can spread rapidly in a population and can change the characteristics of that population. The ability of bacteria to change rapidly in response to new challenges often has adverse effects on humans. Re- cently a number of strains of Staphylococcus aureus associated with serious infections in hospitalized patients have ap- peared, some of them with alarming frequency. Unfortu- nately, these strains have acquired resistance to penicillin and a wide variety of other antibiotics, so that infections caused by them are very difficult to treat. Staphylococcus infections provide an excellent example of the way in which mutation and intensive selection can bring about rapid change in bac- terial populations. Such changes have serious medical impli- cations when, as in the case of Staphylococcus, strains of bacte- ria emerge that are resistant to a variety of antibiotics. Recently, concern has arisen over the prevalence of an- tibacterial soaps in the marketplace. They are marketed as a means of protecting your family from harmful bacteria; however, it is likely that their routine use will favor bacteria that have mutations making them immune to the antibi- otics contained in them. Ultimately, extensive use of an- tibacterial soaps could have an adverse effect on our ability to treat common bacterial infections. Genetic Recombination Another source of genetic variation in populations of bac- teria is recombination, discussed in detail in chapter 18. Bacterial recombination occurs by the transfer of genes from one cell to another by viruses, or through conjuga- tion. The rapid transfer of newly produced, antibiotic- resistant genes by plasmids has been an important factor in the appearance of the resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus discussed earlier. An even more important example in terms of human health involves the Enterobacteriaceae, the family of bacteria to which the common intestinal bacterium, Escherichia coli, belongs. In this family, there are many important pathogenic bacteria, including the or- ganisms that cause dysentery, typhoid, and other major diseases. At times, some of the genetic material from these pathogenic species is exchanged with or transferred to E. coli by plasmids. Because of its abundance in the human digestive tract, E. coli poses a special threat if it acquires harmful traits. Because of the short generation time of bacteria, mutation and recombination play an important role in generating genetic diversity. 686 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Incubate Incubate Velveteen Cells lifted from colonies Colonies absent Medium lacking growth factor Mutagen-treated bacteria are added Supplemented medium Bacterial colony A A A B Bacterial cells are spread B FIGURE 34.8 A mutant hunt in bacteria. Mutations in bacteria can be detected by a technique called replica plating, which allows the genetic characteristics of the colonies to be investigated without destroying them. The bacterial colonies, growing on a semisolid agar medium, are transferred from A to B using a sterile velveteen disc pressed on the plate. Plate A has a medium that includes special growth factors, while B has a medium that lacks some of these growth factors. Bacteria that are not mutated can produce their own growth factors and do not require them to be added to the medium. The colonies absent in B were unable to grow on the deficient medium and were thus mutant colonies; they were already present but undetected in A. Bacterial Metabolism Bacteria have evolved many mechanisms to acquire the en- ergy and nutrients they need for growth and reproduction. Many are autotrophs, organisms that obtain their carbon from inorganic CO 2 . Autotrophs that obtain their energy from sunlight are called photoautotrophs, while those that harvest energy from inorganic chemicals are called chemoautotrophs. Other bacteria are heterotrophs, organ- isms that obtain at least some of their carbon from organic molecules like glucose. Heterotrophs that obtain their en- ergy from sunlight are called photoheterotrophs, while those that harvest energy from organic molecules are called chemoheterotrophs. Photoautotrophs. Many bacteria carry out photosyn- thesis, using the energy of sunlight to build organic mol- ecules from carbon dioxide. The cyanobacteria use chlorophyll a as the key light-capturing pigment and use H 2 O as an electron donor, releasing oxygen gas as a by- product. Other bacteria use bacteriochlorophyll as their pigment and H 2 S as an electron donor, leaving elemen- tal sulfur as the by-product. Chemoautotrophs. Some bacteria obtain their energy by oxidizing inorganic substances. Nitrifiers, for exam- ple, oxidize ammonia or nitrite to obtain energy, pro- ducing the nitrate that is taken up by plants. This process is called nitrogen fixation and is essential in ter- restrial ecosystems as plants can only absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrate. Other bacteria oxidize sulfur, hydro- gen gas, and other inorganic molecules. On the dark ocean floor at depths of 2500 meters, entire ecosystems subsist on bacteria that oxidize hydrogen sulfide as it es- capes from thermal vents. Photoheterotrophs. The so-called purple nonsulfur bacteria use light as their source of energy but obtain carbon from organic molecules such as carbohydrates or alcohols that have been produced by other organisms. Chemoheterotrophs. Most bacteria obtain both car- bon atoms and energy from organic molecules. These include decomposers and most pathogens. How Heterotrophs Infect Host Organisms In the 1980s, researchers studying the disease-causing species of Yersinia, a group of gram-negative bacteria, found that they produced and secreted large amounts of proteins. Most proteins secreted by gram-negative bac- teria have special signal sequences that allow them to pass through the bacterium’s double membrane. This key signal sequence was missing the proteins being se- creted by Yersinia. These proteins lacked a signal- sequence that two known secretion mechanisms require for transport across the double membrane of gram- negative bacteria. The proteins must therefore have been secreted by a third type of system, which re- searchers called the type III system. As more bacteria species are studied, the genes coding for the type III system are turning up in other gram- negative animal pathogens, and even in more distantly related plant pathogens. The genes seem to be more closely related to one another than do the bacteria. Fur- thermore, the genes are similar to those that code for bacterial flagella. The role of these proteins is still under investigation, but it seems that some of the proteins are used to transfer other virulence proteins into nearby eukaryotic cells. Given the similarity of the type III genes to the genes that code for flagella, some scientists hypothesize that the transfer proteins may form a flagellum-like structure that shoots virulence proteins into the host cells. Once in the eukaryotic cells, the virulence proteins may determine the host’s response to the pathogens. In Yersinia, proteins secreted by the type III system are injected into macrophages; they disrupt signals that tell the macrophages to engulf bacteria. Salmonella and Shigella use their type III proteins to enter the cytoplasm of eu- karyotic cells and thus are protected from the immune system of their host. The proteins secreted by E. coli alter the cytoskeleton of nearby intestinal eukaryotic cells, re- sulting in a bulge onto which the bacterial cells can tightly bind. Currently, researchers are looking for a way to disarm the bacteria using knowledge of their internal machinery, possibly by causing the bacteria to release the virulence proteins before they are near eukaryotic cells. Others are studying the eukaryotic target proteins and the process by which they are affected. Bacteria as Plant Pathogens Many costly diseases of plants are associated with partic- ular heterotrophic bacteria. Almost every kind of plant is susceptible to one or more kinds of bacterial disease. The symptoms of these plant diseases vary, but they are commonly manifested as spots of various sizes on the stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits. Other common and de- structive diseases of plants, including blights, soft rots, and wilts, also are associated with bacteria. Fire blight, which destroys pears, apple trees, and related plants, is a well-known example of bacterial disease. Most bacteria that cause plant diseases are members of the group of rod-shaped bacteria known as pseudomonads (see figure 34.2a). While bacteria obtain carbon and energy in many ways, most are chemoheterotrophs. Some heterotrophs have evolved sophisticated ways to infect their hosts. Chapter 34 Bacteria 687 688 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Human Bacterial Diseases Bacteria cause many diseases in humans, including cholera, leprosy, tetanus, bacterial pneumonia, whooping cough, diphtheria and lyme disease (table 34.2). Members of the genus Streptococcus (see figure 34.2b) are associated with scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, pneumonia, and other infec- tions. Tuberculosis (TB), another bacterial disease, is still a leading cause of death in humans. Some of these diseases like TB are mostly spread through the air in water vapor. Other bacterial diseases are dispersed in food or water, in- cluding typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and bacillary dysentery. Typhus is spread among rodents and humans by insect vectors. Tuberculosis Tuberculosis has been one of the great killer diseases for thousands of years. Currently, about one-third of all people worldwide are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the tuberculosis bacterium (figure 34.9). Eight million new cases crop up each year, with about 3 million people dying from the disease annually (the World Health Organization predicts 4 million deaths a year by 2005). In fact, in 1997, TB was the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent worldwide. Since the mid-1980s, the United States has been experiencing a dramatic resurgence of tuberculo- sis. TB afflicts the respiratory system and is easily transmit- ted from person to person through the air. The causes of this current resurgence of TB include social factors such as poverty, crowding, homelessness, and incarceration (these factors have always promoted the spread of TB). The in- creasing prevalence of HIV infections is also a significant contributing factor. People with AIDS are much more likely to develop TB than people with healthy immune sys- tems. In addition to the increased numbers of cases—more than 25,000 nationally as of March 1995—there have been alarming outbreaks of multidrug-resistant strains of tuber- culosis—strains resistant to the best available anti-TB med- ications. Multidrug-resistant TB is particularly concerning because it requires much more time to treat, is more expen- sive to treat, and may prove to be fatal. The basic principles of TB treatment and control are to make sure all patients complete a full course of medication so that all of the bacteria causing the infection are killed and drug-resistant strains do not develop. Great efforts are being made to ensure that high-risk individuals who are in- fected but not yet sick receive preventative therapy, which is 90% effective in reducing the likelihood of developing active TB. Dental Caries One human disease we do not usually consider bacterial in origin arises in the film on our teeth. This film, or plaque, consists largely of bacterial cells surrounded by a polysac- charide matrix. Most of the bacteria in plaque are filaments of rod-shaped cells classified as various species of Actino- myces, which extend out perpendicular to the surface of the tooth. Many other bacterial species are also present in plaque. Tooth decay, or dental caries, is caused by the bacteria present in the plaque, which persists especially in places that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. Diets that are high in sugars are especially harmful to teeth be- cause lactic acid bacteria (especially Streptococcus sanguis and S. mutans) ferment the sugars to lactic acid, a substance that reduces the pH of the mouth, causing the local loss of cal- cium from the teeth. Frequent eating of sugary snacks or sucking on candy over a period of time keeps the pH level of the mouth low resulting in the steady degeneration of the tooth enamel. As the calcium is removed from the tooth, the remaining soft matrix of the tooth becomes vul- nerable to attack by bacteria which begin to break down its proteins and tooth decay progresses rapidly. Fluoride makes the teeth more resistant to decay because it retards the loss of calcium. It was first realized that bacteria cause tooth decay when germ-free animals were raised. Their teeth do not decay even if they are fed sugary diets. 34.4 Bacteria are responsible for many diseases but also make important contributions to ecosystems. FIGURE 34.9 Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This color-enhanced image shows the rod-shaped bacterium responsible for tuberculosis in humans. Chapter 34 Bacteria 689 Table 34.2 Important Human Bacterial Diseases Disease Pathogen Vector/Reservoir Epidemiology Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Animals, including Bacterial infection that can be transmitted through processed skins contact or ingested. Rare except in sporadic outbreaks. May be fatal. Botulism Clostridium botulinum Improperly prepared food Contracted through ingestion or contact with wound. Produces acute toxic poison; can be fatal. Chlamydia Chlamydia trachomatis Humans, STD Urogenital infections with possible spread to eyes and respiratory tract. Occurs worldwide; increasingly common over past 20 years. Cholera Vibrio cholerae Human feces, plankton Causes severe diarrhea that can lead to death by dehydration; 50% peak mortality if the disease goes untreated. A major killer in times of crowding and poor sanitation; over 100,000 died in Rwanda in 1994 during a cholera outbreak. Dental caries Streptococcus Humans A dense collection of this bacteria on the surface of teeth leads to secretion of acids that destroy minerals in tooth enamel—sugar alone will not cause caries. Diphtheria Corynebacterium Humans Acute inflammation and lesions of mucous diphtheriae membranes. Spread through contact with infected individual. Vaccine available. Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae Humans only STD, on the increase worldwide. Usually not fatal. Hansen’s disease Mycobacterium leprae Humans, feral armadillos Chronic infection of the skin; worldwide incidence (leprosy) about 10–12 million, especially in Southeast Asia. Spread through contact with infected individuals. Lyme disease Borrelia bergdorferi Ticks, deer, small rodents Spread through bite of infected tick. Lesion followed by malaise, fever, fatigue, pain, stiff neck, and headache. Peptic ulcers Helicobacter pylori Humans Originally thought to be caused by stress or diet, most peptic ulcers now appear to be caused by this bacterium; good news for ulcer sufferers as it can be treated with antibiotics. Plague Yersinia pestis Fleas of wild rodents: rats Killed 1 ?4 of the population of Europe in the 14th and squirrels century; endemic in wild rodent populations of the western U.S. today. Pneumonia Streptococcus, Humans Acute infection of the lungs, often fatal without Mycoplasma, Chlamydia treatment Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Humans An acute bacterial infection of the lungs, lymph, and tuberculosis meninges. Its incidence is on the rise, complicated by the development of new strains of the bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi Humans A systemic bacterial disease of worldwide incidence. Less than 500 cases a year are reported in the U.S. The disease is spread through contaminated water or foods (such as improperly washed fruits and vegetables). Vaccines are available for travelers. Typhus Rickettsia typhi Lice, rat fleas, humans Historically a major killer in times of crowding and poor sanitation; transmitted from human to human through the bite of infected lice and fleas. Typhus has a peak untreated mortality rate of 70%. Sexually Transmitted Diseases A number of bacteria cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Three are particularly important (figure 34.10). Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is one of the most prevalent communicable diseases in North America. Caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, gonorrhea can be transmit- ted through sexual intercourse or any other sexual contacts in which body fluids are exchanged, such as oral or anal in- tercourse. Gonorrhea can infect the throat, urethra, cervix, or rectum and can spread to the eyes and internal organs, causing conjunctivitis (a severe infection of the eyes) and arthritic meningitis (an infection of the joints). Left un- treated in women, gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflamma- tory disease (PID), a condition in which the fallopian tubes become scarred and blocked. PID can eventually lead to sterility. The incidence of gonorrhea has been on the de- cline, but it remains a serious threat. Syphilis. Syphilis, a very destructive STD, was once prevalent but is now less common due to the advent of blood-screening procedures and antibiotics. Syphilis is caused by a spirochete bacterium, Treponema pallidum, that is transmitted during sexual intercourse or through direct contact with an open syphilis sore. The bacterium can also be transmitted from a mother to her fetus, often causing damage to the heart, eyes, and nervous system of the baby. Once inside the body, the disease progresses in four dis- tinct stages. The first, or primary stage, is characterized by the appearance of a small, painless, often unnoticed sore called a chancre. The chancre resembles a blister and oc- curs at the location where the bacterium entered the body about three weeks following exposure. This stage of the disease is highly infectious, and an infected person may un- wittingly transmit the disease to others. The second stage of syphilis is marked by a rash, a sore throat, and sores in the mouth. The bacteria can be trans- mitted at this stage through kissing or contact with an open sore. The third stage of syphilis is symptomless. This stage may last for several years, and at this point, the person is no longer infectious but the bacteria are still present in the body, attacking the internal organs. The final stage of syphilis is the most debilitating, however, as the damage done by the bacteria in the third stage becomes evident. Sufferers at this stage of syphilis experience heart disease, mental deficiency, and nerve damage, which may include a loss of motor functions or blindness. Chlamydia. Sometimes called the “silent STD,” chlamy- dia is caused by an unusual bacterium, Chlamydia trachoma- tis, that has both bacterial and viral characteristics. Like a bacterium, it is susceptible to antibiotics, and, like a virus, it depends on its host to replicate its genetic material; it is an obligate internal parasite. The bacterium is transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse with an infected person. Chlamydia is called the “silent STD” because women usually experience no symptoms until after the infection has become established. In part because of this symptom- less nature, the incidence of chlamydia has skyrocketed, in- creasing by more than sevenfold nationally since 1984. The effects of an established chlamydia infection on the female body are extremely serious. Chlamydia can cause pelvic in- flammatory disease (PID), which can lead to sterility. It has recently been established that infection of the re- productive tract by chlamydia can cause heart disease. Chlamydia produce a peptide similar to one produced by cardiac muscle. As the body’s immune system tries to fight off the infection, it recognizes this peptide. The similarity between the bacterial and cardiac peptides confuses the im- mune system and T cells attack cardiac muscle fibers, inad- vertently causing inflammation of the heart and other problems. Within the last few years, two types of tests for chlamy- dia have been developed that look for the presence of the bacteria in the discharge from men and women. The treat- ment for chlamydia is antibiotics, usually tetracycline (peni- cillin is not effective against chlamydia). Any woman who experiences the symptoms associated with this STD should be tested for the presence of the chlamydia bacterium; oth- erwise, her fertility may be at risk. This discussion of STDs may give the impression that sexual activity is fraught with danger, and in a way, it is. It is folly not to take precautions to avoid STDs. The best way to do this is to know one’s sexual partners well enough to discuss the possible presence of an STD. Condom use can also prevent transmission of most of the diseases. Re- sponsibility for protection lies with each individual. Bacterial diseases have a major impact worldwide. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are becoming increasingly widespread among Americans as sexual activity increases. 690 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 1984 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Year Syphilis Number of cases (per 100,000 people) 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 Gonorrhea Chlamydia FIGURE 34.10 Trends in sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. Source: CDC, Atlanta, GA. Importance of Bacteria Bacteria were largely responsible for creating the proper- ties of the atmosphere and the soil over billions of years. They are metabolically much more diverse than eukary- otes, which is why they are able to exist in such a wide range of habitats. The many autotrophic bacteria—either photosynthetic or chemoautotrophic—make major contri- butions to the carbon balance in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. Other heterotrophic bacteria play a key role in world ecology by breaking down organic com- pounds. One of the most important roles of bacteria in the global ecosystem relates to the fact that only a few genera of bacteria—and no other organisms—have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and thus make it available for use by other organisms (see chapter 28). Bacteria are very important in many industrial processes. Bacteria are used in the production of acetic acid and vinegar, various amino acids and enzymes, and especially in the fermentation of lactose into lactic acid, which coagulates milk proteins and is used in the produc- tion of almost all cheeses, yogurt, and similar products. In the production of bread and other foods, the addition of certain strains of bacteria can lead to the enrichment of the final product with respect to its mix of amino acids, a key factor in its nutritive value. Many products tradition- ally manufactured using yeasts, such as ethanol, can also be made using bacteria. The comparative economics of these processes will determine which group of organisms is used in the future. Many of the most widely used antibi- otics, including streptomycin, aureomycin, erythromycin, and chloromycetin, are derived from bacteria. Most an- tibiotics seem to be substances used by bacteria to com- pete with one another and fungi in nature, allowing one species to exclude others from a favored habitat. Bacteria can also play a part in removing environmental pollutants (figure 34.11) Bacteria and Genetic Engineering Applying genetic engineering methods to produce im- proved strains of bacteria for commercial use, as discussed in chapter 19, holds enormous promise for the future. Bac- teria are under intense investigation, for example, as non- polluting insect control agents. Bacillus thuringiensis attacks insects in nature, and improved, highly specific strains of B. thuringiensis have greatly increased its usefulness as a bio- logical control agent. Bacteria have also been extraordinar- ily useful in our attempts to understand genetics and mole- cular biology. Bacteria play a major role in modern medicine and agriculture, and have profound ecological impact. Chapter 34 Bacteria 691 FIGURE 34.11 Using bacteria to clean up oil spills. Bacteria can often be used to remove environmental pollutants, such as petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated compounds. In areas contaminated by the Exxon Valdez oil spill (rocks on the left), oil-degrading bacteria produced dramatic results (rocks on the right). 692 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Chapter 34 Summary Questions Media Resources 34.1 Bacteria are the smallest and most numerous organisms. ? Bacteria are the oldest and simplest organisms, but they are metabolically much more diverse than all other life-forms combined. ? Bacteria differ from eukaryotes in many ways, the most important of which concern the degree of internal organization within the cell. 1. Structural differences among bacteria are not great. How are different species of bacteria recognized? 2. In what seven ways do prokaryotes differ substantially from eukaryotes? ? Most bacteria have cell walls that consist of a network of polysaccharide molecules connected by polypeptide cross-links. ? A bacterial cell does not possess specialized compartments or a membrane-bounded nucleus, but it may exhibit a nucleoid region where the bacterial DNA is located. 3. What is the structure of the bacterial cell wall? How does the cell wall differ between gram- positive and gram-negative bacteria? In general, which type of bacteria is more resistant to the action of most antibiotics? Why? 34.2 Bacterial cell structure is more complex than commonly supposed. ? The two bacterial kingdoms, Archaebacteria and Eubacteria, are made up of prokaryotes, with about 5000 species named so far. ? The Archaebacteria differ markedly from Eubacteria and from eukaryotes in their ribosomal sequences and in other respects. ? Mutation and genetic recombination are important sources of variability in bacteria. ? Many bacteria are autotrophic and make major contributions to the world carbon balance. Others are heterotrophic and play a key role in world ecology by breaking down organic compounds. ? Some heterotrophic bacteria cause major diseases in plants and animals. 4. How do the Archaebacteria differ from the Eubacteria? What unique metabolism do they exhibit? 5. Why does mutation play such an important role in creating genetic diversity in bacteria? 6. How do heterotrophic bacteria that are successful pathogens overcome the many defenses the human body uses to ward off disease? 34.3 Bacteria exhibit considerable diversity in both structure and metabolism. ? Human diseases caused by heterotrophic bacteria include many fatal diseases that have had major impacts on human history, including tuberculosis, cholera, plague, and typhus. ? Bacteria play vital roles in cycling nutrients within ecosystems. Certain bacteria are the only organisms able to fix atmospheric nitrogen into organic molecules, a process on which all life depends. 7. What are STDs? How are they transmitted? Which STDs are caused by viruses and which are caused by bacteria? Why is the cause of chlamydia unusual? 34.4 Bacteria are responsible for many diseases but also make important contributions to ecosystems. ? Enhancement Chapter: Extremophilic Bacteria, Introduction and Section 1 ? Characteristics of Bacteria ? Enhancement Chapter: Extremophilic Bacteria, Section 2 ? Bacteria Diversity ? Scientists on Science: Marine Biotechnology ? Enhancement Chapter: Extremophilic Bacteria, Section 3 ? Student Research: Improving Antibiotics ? On Science Article: Antibiotic Resistance www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com 693 35 Protists Concept Outline 35.1 Eukaryotes probably arose by endosymbiosis. Endosymbiosis. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to have arisen by endosymbiosis from aerobic bacteria. 35.2 The kingdom Protista is by far the most diverse of any kingdom. The Challenge of Classifying the Protists. There is no general agreement among taxonomists about how to classify the protists. General Biology of the Protists. Protista contains members exhibiting a wide range of methods of locomotion, nutrition, and reproduction. 35.3 Protists can be categorized into five groups. Five Groups of Protists. The 15 major phyla of protists can be conveniently discussed in seven general groups that share certain characteristics. Heterotrophs with No Permanent Locomotor Apparatus. Amoebas and other sarcodines have no permanent locomotor apparatus. Photosynthetic Protists. The flagellates are photosynthesizers that propel themselves through the water with flagella. Diatoms are photosynthesizers with hard shells of silica. Algae are photosynthetic protists, some are multicellular. Heterotrophs with Flagella. Flagellates propel themselves through the water. Single cells with many cilia, the ciliates possess highly complex and specialized organelles. Nonmotile Spore-Formers. The sporozoans are nonmotile parasites that spread by forming spores. Heterotrophs with Restricted Mobility. Heterotrophs with restricted mobility, molds have cell walls made of carbohydrate. F or more than half of the long history of life on earth, all life was microscopic in size. The biggest organisms that existed for over 2 billion years were single-celled bac- teria fewer than 6 micrometers thick. The first evidence of a different kind of organism is found in tiny fossils in rock 1.5 billion years old. These fossil cells are much larger than bacteria (some as big as 60 micrometers in diameter) and have internal membranes and what appear to be small, membrane-bounded structures. Many have elaborate shapes, and some exhibit spines or filaments. These new, larger fossil organisms mark one of the most important events in the evolution of life, the appearance of a new kind of organism, the eukaryote (figure 35.1). Flexible and adaptable, the eukaryotes rapidly evolved to produce all of the diverse large organisms that populate the earth today, including ourselves—indeed, all organisms other than bac- teria are eukaryotes. FIGURE 35.1 Volvox, a colonial protist. The protists are a large, diverse group of primarily single-celled organisms, a group from which the other three eukaryotic kingdoms each evolved. contained a complex system of inter- nal membranes. The inner membrane of mitochondria is folded into numer- ous layers, resembling the folded membranes of nonsulfur purple bacte- ria; embedded within this membrane are the proteins that carry out oxida- tive metabolism. The engulfed bacte- ria became the interior portion of the mitochondria we see today. Host cells were unable to carry out the Krebs cycle or other metabolic reactions necessary for living in an atmosphere that contained increasing amounts of oxygen before they had acquired these bacteria. During the billion and a half years in which mitochondria have existed as en- dosymbionts within eukaryotic cells, most of their genes have been trans- ferred to the chromosomes of the host cells—but not all. Each mitochondrion still has its own genome, a circular, closed molecule of DNA similar to that found in eubacteria, on which is located genes encoding the essential proteins of oxidative metabolism. These genes are transcribed within the mitochondrion, using mitochondrial ribosomes that are smaller than those of eukaryotic cells, very much like bacte- rial ribosomes in size and structure. Mitochondria divide by simple fission, just as bacteria do, replicating and sorting their DNA much as bacteria do. However, nuclear genes direct the process, and mitochondria cannot be grown out- side of the eukaryotic cell, in cell-free culture. The theory of endosymbiosis has had a controversial history but has now been accepted by all but a few biolo- gists. The evidence supporting the theory is so extensive that in this text we will treat it as established. What of mitosis, the other typical eukaryotic process that Pelomyxa lacks? The mechanism of mitosis, now so common among eukaryotes, did not evolve all at once. Traces of very different, and possibly intermediate, mechanisms survive today in some of the eukaryotes. In fungi and some groups of protists, for example, the nu- clear membrane does not dissolve and mitosis is confined to the nucleus. When mitosis is complete in these organ- isms, the nucleus divides into two daughter nuclei, and only then does the rest of the cell divide. This separate nuclear division phase of mitosis does not occur in most protists, or in plants or animals. We do not know if it represents an intermediate step on the evolutionary jour- ney to the form of mitosis that is characteristic of most 694 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Endosymbiosis What was the first eukaryote like? We cannot be sure, but a good model is Pelomyxa palustris, a single-celled, nonphotosynthetic organism that ap- pears to represent an early stage in the evolution of eukaryotic cells (fig- ure 35.2). The cells of Pelomyxa are much larger than bacterial cells and contain a complex system of internal membranes. Although they resemble some of the largest early fossil eukary- otes, these cells are unlike those of any other eukaryote: Pelomyxa lacks mitochondria and does not undergo mitosis. Its nuclei divide somewhat as do those of bacteria, by pinching apart into two daughter nuclei, around which new membranes form. Al- though Pelomyxa cells lack mitochon- dria, two kinds of bacteria living within them may play the same role that mitochondria do in all other eu- karyotes. This primitive eukaryote is so distinctive that it is assigned a phy- lum all its own, Caryoblastea. Biologists know very little of the origin of Pelomyxa, except that in many of its fundamental characteristics it resembles the archae- bacteria far more than the eubacteria. Because of this gen- eral resemblance, it is widely assumed that the first eukary- otic cells were nonphotosynthetic descendants of archaebacteria. What about the wide gap between Pelomyxa and all other eukaryotes? Where did mitochondria come from? Most biologists agree with the theory of endosymbiosis, which proposes that mitochondria originated as symbiotic, aerobic (oxygen-requiring) eubacteria (figure 35.3). Sym- biosis (Greek, syn, “together with” + bios, “life”) means liv- ing together in close association. Recall from chapter 5 that mitochondria are sausage-shaped organelles 1 to 3 microm- eters long, about the same size as most eubacteria. Mito- chondria are bounded by two membranes. Aerobic eubac- teria are thought to have become mitochondria when they were engulfed by ancestral eukaryotic cells, much like Pelomyxa, early in the history of eukaryotes. The most similar eubacteria to mitochondria today are the nonsulfur purple bacteria, which are able to carry out oxidative metabolism (described in chapter 9). In mi- tochondria, the outer membrane is smooth and is thought to be derived from the endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell, which, like Pelomyxa, may have already 35.1 Eukaryotes probably arose by endosymbiosis. FIGURE 35.2 Pelomyxa palustris.This unique, amoeba- like protist lacks mitochondria and does not undergo mitosis. Pelomyxamay represent a very early stage in the evolution of eukaryotic cells. eukaryotes today or if it is simply a different way of solv- ing the same problem. There are no fossils in which we can see the interiors of dividing cells well enough to be able to trace the history of mitosis. Endosymbiosis Is Not Rare Many eukaryotic cells contain other endosymbiotic bacteria in addition to mitochondria. Plants and algae contain chloroplasts, bacteria-like organelles that were apparently derived from symbiotic photosynthetic bacteria. Chloro- plasts have a complex system of inner membranes and a cir- cle of DNA. Centrioles, organelles associated with the as- sembly of microtubules, resemble in many respects spirochete bacteria, and they contain bacteria-like DNA in- volved in the production of their structural proteins. While all mitochondria are thought to have arisen from a single symbiotic event, it is difficult to be sure with chloro- plasts. Three biochemically distinct classes of chloroplasts exist, each resembling a different bacterial ancestor. Red algae possess pigments similar to those of cyanobacteria; plants and green algae more closely resemble the photosyn- thetic bacteria Prochloron; while brown algae and other pho- tosynthetic protists resemble a third group of bacteria. This diversity of chloroplasts has led to the widely held belief that eukaryotic cells acquired chloroplasts by symbiosis at least three different times. Recent comparisons of chloroplast DNA sequences, however, suggest a single origin of chloro- plasts, followed by very different postendosymbiotic histo- ries. For example, in each of the three main lines, different genes became relocated to the nucleus, lost, or modified. The theory of endosymbiosis proposes that mitochondria originated as symbiotic aerobic eubacteria. Chapter 35 Protists 695 Photosynthetic bacterium Ancestral eukaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion Internal membrane system Aerobic bacterium Mitochondrion Chloroplast Eukaryotic cell with chloroplasts Endosymbiosis Endosymbiosis FIGURE 35.3 The theory of endosymbiosis.Scientists propose that ancestral eukaryotic cells, which already had an internal system of membranes, engulfed aerobic eubacteria, which then became mitochondria in the eukaryotic cell. Chloroplasts may also have originated this way, with eukaryotic cells engulfing photosynthetic eubacteria. The Challenge of Classifying the Protists Protists are the most diverse of the four kingdoms in the domain Eukaryota. The kingdom Protista contains many unicellular, colonial, and multicellular groups. Probably the most important statement we can make about the kingdom Protista is that it is an artificial group; as a matter of conve- nience, single-celled eukaryotic organisms have typically been grouped together into this kingdom. This lumps many very different and only distantly related forms to- gether. The “single-kingdom” classification of the Protista is not representative of any evolutionary relationships. The phyla of protists are, with very few exceptions, only dis- tantly related to one another. New applications of a wide variety of molecular methods are providing important insights into the relationships among the protists. Of all the groups of organisms biolo- gists study, protists are probably in the greatest state of flux when it comes to classification. There is little consensus, even among experts, as to how the different kinds of protists should be classified. Are they a single, very diverse kingdom, or are they better considered as several different kingdoms, each of equal rank with animals, plants, and fungi? Because the Protista are still predominantly considered part of one diverse, nonunified group, that is how we will treat them in this chapter, bearing in mind that biologists are rapidly gaining a better understanding of the evolution- ary relationships among members of the kingdom Protista (figure 35.4). It seems likely that within a few years, the tra- ditional kingdom Protista will be replaced by another more illuminating arrangement. The taxonomy of the protists is in a state of flux as new information shapes our understanding of this kingdom. 696 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 35.2 The kingdom Protista is by far the most diverse of any kingdom. Animals Ciliates and dinoflagellates Euglenoids, cellular slime molds, water molds, trypanosomes Rhizopods, plasmodial slime molds, fungi (basidiomycetes) Plants Fungi (ascomycetes) Red algae Analysis Based on Ribosomal Subunits Red algae KINGDOM CHROMISTA 10 protist phyla, including the more familiar 7 “heterokont” phyla: brown algae, slime nets, and diatoms Photosynthetic protists (Volvox, Spirogyra) and plants Most rhizopods, water molds, diatoms, brown algae, heliozoans, slime nets Heterotrophic symbiotic flagellates (Trichomonas, Trichonympha, Giardia) Choanoflagellates and animals Amoeboflagellates and cellular slime molds Euglenoids Dinoflagellates and ciliates Cladistic Analysis (Prokaryotic Ancestor) Six Eukaryotic Kingdoms KINGDOM ARCHEZOA Primitive amitochondrial forms, including Pelomyxa, Giardia KINGDOM FUNGI Fungi and 1 phylum of saprophytic protists (chytridiomycota) KINGDOM ANIMALIA (no protist phyla) KINGDOM PLANTAE Plants and 5 protist phyla, including the green algae (Volvox, Ulva, Spirogyra) and the red algae KINGDOM PROTOZOA 14 protist phyla, including hypermastigotes (Trichonympha), euglenoids, slime molds, choanoflagellates, dinoflagellates, ciliates, apicomplexans, rhizopods, heliozoans, foraminiferans, and radiolarians FIGURE 35.4 The challenge of protistan classification. Three different suggestions for protistan classification are presented, each adapted from the work of an authority in the field. Their great differences attest to the wide divergence of opinion within the field itself. The classification on the top is based on molecular variation in ribosomal subunits. The classification in the middle presents a cladistic analysis of a broad range of characters (including ribosomal subunits). The classification on the bottom outlines a more revolutionary reevaluation of the protists. Comparison of the three schemes reveals that some groups are commonly recognized as related (like ciliates and dinoflagellates), while the classification of others (like Giardia) is clearly in a state of flux. General Biology of the Protists Protists are united on the basis of a single negative characteristic: they are not fungi, plants, or animals. In all other respects they are highly variable with no uniting features. Many are unicellular (figure 35.5), but there are numerous colonial and multicellular groups. Most are mi- croscopic, but some are as large as trees. They represent all symmetries, and exhibit all types of nutrition. The Cell Surface Protists possess a varied array of cell surfaces. Some protists, like amoebas, are surrounded only by their plasma membranes. All other protists have a plasma membrane but some, like algae and molds, are encased within strong cell walls. Still others, like di- atoms and forams, secrete glassy shells of silica. Locomotor Organelles Movement in protists is also accomplished by diverse mech- anisms. Protists move chiefly by either flagellar rotation or pseudopodial movement. Many protists wave one or more flagella to propel themselves through the water, while oth- ers use banks of short, flagella-like structures called cilia to create water currents for their feeding or propulsion. Pseudopodia are the chief means of locomotion among amoeba, whose pseudopods are large, blunt extensions of the cell body called lobopodia. Other related protists extend thin, branching protrusions called filopodia. Still other pro- tists extend long, thin pseudopodia called axopodia sup- ported by axial rods of microtubules. Axopodia can be ex- tended or retracted. Because the tips can adhere to adjacent surfaces, the cell can move by a rolling motion, shortening the axopodia in front and extending those in the rear. Cyst Formation Many protists with delicate surfaces are successful in quite harsh habitats. How do they manage to survive so well? They survive inhospitable conditions by forming cysts. A cyst is a dormant form of a cell with a resistant outer cover- ing in which cell metabolism is more or less completely shut down. Not all cysts are so sturdy. Vertebrate parasitic amoebae, for example, form cysts that are quite resistant to gastric acidity, but will not tolerate desiccation or high temperature. Nutrition Protists employ every form of nutri- tional acquisition except chemoau- totrophic, which has so far been ob- served only in bacteria. Some protists are photosynthetic autotrophs and are called phototrophs. Others are het- erotrophs that obtain energy from or- ganic molecules synthesized by other or- ganisms. Among heterotrophic protists, those that ingest visible particles of food are called phagotrophs, or holozoic feeders. Those ingesting food in soluble form are called osmotrophs, or sapro- zoic feeders. Phagotrophs ingest food particles into intracellular vesicles called food vac- uoles or phagosomes. Lysosomes fuse with the food vacuoles, introducing en- zymes that digest the food particles within. As the digested molecules are ab- sorbed across the vacuolar membrane, the food vacuole becomes progressively smaller. Reproduction Protists typically reproduce asexually, reproducing sexu- ally only in times of stress. Asexual reproduction involves mitosis, but the process is often somewhat different from the mitosis that occurs in multicellular animals. The nu- clear membrane, for example, often persists throughout mitosis, with the microtubular spindle forming within it. In some groups, asexual reproduction involves spore for- mation, in others fission. The most common type of fis- sion is binary, in which a cell simply splits into nearly equal halves. When the progeny cell is considerably smaller than its parent, and then grows to adult size, the fission is called budding. In multiple fission, or schizo- gony, common among some protists, fission is preceded by several nuclear divisions, so that fission produces sev- eral individuals almost simultaneously. Sexual reproduction also takes place in many forms among the protists. In ciliates and some flagellates, ga- metic meiosis occurs just before gamete formation, as it does in metazoans. In the sporozoans, zygotic meiosis oc- curs directly after fertilization, and all the individuals that are produced are haploid until the next zygote is formed. In algae, there is intermediary meiosis, producing an alter- nation of generations similar to that seen in plants, with significant portions of the life cycle spent as haploid as well as diploid. Protists exhibit a wide range of forms, locomotion, nutrition and reproduction. Chapter 35 Protists 697 FIGURE 35.5 A unicellular protist. The protist kingdom is a catch-all kingdom for many different groups of unicellular organisms, such as this Vorticella(phylum Ciliophora), which is heterotrophic, feeds on bacteria, and has a retractable stalk. Five Groups of Protists There are some 15 major phyla of protists. It is difficult to encompass their great diversity with any simple scheme. Traditionally, texts have grouped them artificially (as was done in the nineteenth century) into photosynthesizers (algae), heterotrophs (protozoa), and absorbers (funguslike protists). In this text, we will group the protists into five gen- eral groups according to some of the major shared char- acteristics (figure 35.6). These are characteristics that taxonomists are using today in broad attempts to classify the kingdom Protista. These include (1) the presence or absence and type of cilia or flagella, (2) the presence and kinds of pigments, (3) the type of mitosis, (4) the kinds of cristae present in the mitochondria, (5) the molecular genetics of the ribosomal “S” subunit, (6) the kind of in- clusions the protist may have, (7) overall body form (amoeboid, coccoid, and so forth), (8) whether the pro- tist has any kind of shell or other body “armor,” and (9)modes of nutrition and movement. These represent only some of the characters used to define phylogenetic relationships. The five criteria we have chosen to define groups are not the only ones that might be chosen, and there is no broad agreement among biologists as to which set of crite- ria is preferable. As molecular analysis gives us a clearer picture of the phylogenetic relationships among the pro- tists, more evolutionarily suitable groupings will without a doubt replace the one represented here. Table 35.1 sum- marizes some of the general characteristics and groupings of the 15 major phyla of protists. It is important to remem- ber that while the phyla of protists discussed here are gen- erally accepted taxa, the larger groupings of phyla pre- sented are functional groupings. The 15 major protist phyla can be conveniently categorized into five groups according to major shared characteristics. 698 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 35.3 Protists can be categorized into five groups. Rhizopoda Actinopoda Foraminifera Pyrrhophyta Euglenophyta Chrysophyta Rhodophyta Phaeophyta Chlorophyta Sarcomastigophora Ciliophora Apicomplexa Oomycota Acrasiomycota Myxomycota Protists Heterotrophs with no permanent locomotor apparatus Photosynthetic protists Heterotrophs with flagella Nonmotile spore-formers Heterotrophs with restricted mobility FIGURE 35.6 Five general groups of protists. This text presents the 15 major phyla of protists in five groups that share major characteristics. Chapter 35 Protists 699 Table 35.1 Kinds of Protists Typical Group Phylum Examples Key Characteristics HETEROTROPHS WITH NO PERMANENT LOCOMOTOR APPARATUS Amoebas Rhizopoda Amoeba Move by pseudopodia Radiolarians Actinopoda Radiolarians Glassy skeletons; needlelike pseudopods Forams Foraminifera Forams Rigid shells; move by protoplasmic streaming PHOTOSYNTHETIC PROTISTS Dinoflagellates Pyrrhophyta Red tides Photosynthetic; unicellular; two flagella; contain chlorophylls aand b Euglenoids Euglenophyta Euglena Some photosynthetic; others heterotrophic; unicellular; contain chlorophylls aand b or none Diatoms Chrysophyta Diatoma Unicellular; manufacture the carbohydrate chrysolaminarin; unique double shells of silica; contain chlorophylls aand c Golden algae Chrysophyta Golden algae Unicellular, but often colonial; manufacture the carbohydrate chrysolaminarin; contain chlorophylls aand c Red Rhodophyta Coralline algae Most multicellular; contain chlorophyll aand a red pigment Brown Phaeophyta Kelp Multicellular; contain chlorophylls aand c Green Chlorophyta Chlamydomonas Unicellular or multicellular; contain chlorophylls aand b HETEROTROPHS WITH FLAGELLA Zoomastigotes Sarcomastigophora Trypanosomes Heterotrophic; unicellular Ciliates Ciliophora Paramecium Heterotrophic unicellular protists with cells of fixed shape possessing two nuclei and many cilia; many cells also contain highly complex and specialized organelles NONMOTILE SPORE-FORMERS Sporozoans Apicomplexa Plasmodium Nonmotile; unicellular; the apical end of the spores contains a complex mass of organelles HETEROTROPHS WITH RESTRICTED MOBILITY Water molds Oomycota Water molds, Terrestrial and freshwater rusts, and mildew Cellular slime Acrasiomycota Dictyostelium Colonial aggregations of individual cells; molds most closely related to amoebas Plasmodial Myxomycota Fuligo Stream along as a multinucleate slime molds mass of cytoplasm Heterotrophs with No Permanent Locomotor Apparatus The largest of the five general groups of protists are primarily unicellular or- ganisms with amoeboid forms. There are three principle phyla: the forams and the radiolarians have carbonate shells and the rhizopods lack shells. Rhizopoda: The Amoebas Hundreds of species of amoebas are found throughout the world in both fresh and salt waters. They are also abundant in soil. Many kinds of amoe- bas are parasites of animals. Reproduc- tion in amoebas occurs by fission, or the direct division into two cells of equal volume. Amoebas of the phylum Rhizopoda lack cell walls, flagella, meiosis, and any form of sexuality. They do undergo mitosis, with a spin- dle apparatus that resembles that of other eukaryotes. Amoebas move from place to place by means of their pseudopods, from the Greek words for “false” and “foot” (figure 35.7). Pseudopods are flowing projections of cytoplasm that extend and pull the amoeba forward or engulf food particles, a process called cyto- plasmic streaming. An amoeba puts a pseudopod forward and then flows into it. Microfilaments of actin and myosin similar to those found in muscles are associated with these movements. The pseudopodia can form at any point on the cell body so that it can move in any direction. Some kinds of amoebas form resis- tant cysts. In parasitic species such as Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amoebic dysentery, cysts enable the amoebas to resist di- gestion by their animal hosts. Mitotic division takes place within the cysts, which ultimately rupture and release four, eight, or even more amoebas within the digestive tracts of their host animals. The primary infection takes place in the intestine, but it often moves into the liver and other parts of the body. The cysts are dispersed in the feces and may be transmitted from person to person in in- fected food or water, or by flies. It is estimated that up to 10 million people in the United States have infections of parasitic amoebas, and some 2 million show symptoms of the disease, ranging from abdominal discomfort with slight diarrhea to much more serious conditions. In some tropical areas, more than half of the population may be infected. The spread of amoebic dysentery can be limited by proper sanitation and hygiene. Actinopoda: The Radiolarians The pseudopodia of amoeboid cells give them truly amorphous bodies. One group, however, have more dis- tinct structures. Members of the phy- lum Actinopoda, often called radiolari- ans, secrete glassy exoskeletons made of silica. These skeletons give the uni- cellular organisms a distinct shape, ex- hibiting either bilateral or radial sym- metry. The shells of different species form many elaborate and beautiful shapes and its pseudopodia extrude outward along spiky projections of the skeleton (figure 35.8). Microtubules support these cytoplasmic projections. Foraminifera: Forams Members of the phylum Foraminifera are heterotrophic marine protists. They range in diameter from about 20 micrometers to several centimeters. Characteristic of the group are pore- studded shells (called tests) composed of organic materials usually reinforced with grains of inorganic matter. These grains may be calcium carbonate, sand, or even plates from the shells of echin- oderms or spicules (minute needles of calcium carbonate) from sponge skele- tons. Depending on the building mate- rials they use, foraminifera—often in- formally called “forams”—may have shells of very different appearance. Some of them are brilliantly colored red, salmon, or yellow-brown. Most foraminifera live in sand or are attached to other organisms, but two families consist of free-floating plank- tonic organisms. Their tests may be single-chambered but more often are multichambered, and they sometimes have a spiral shape resembling that of a tiny snail. Thin cytoplas- mic projections called podia emerge through openings in the tests (figure 35.9). Podia are used for swimming, gath- ering materials for the tests, and feeding. Forams eat a wide variety of small organisms. The life cycles of foraminifera are extremely complex, involving an alternation between haploid and diploid gen- erations (sporic meiosis). Forams have contributed massive 700 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms FIGURE 35.7 Amoeba proteus. This relatively large amoeba is commonly used in teaching and for research in cell biology. The projections are pseudopods; an amoeba moves by flowing into them. The nucleus of the amoeba is plainly visible. Heterotrophs with no permanent locomotor apparatus Photosynthetic protists Heterotrophs with flagella Nonmotile spore-formers Heterotrophs with restricted mobility accumulations of their tests to the fossil record for more than 200 million years. Because of the excellent preserva- tion of their tests and the often striking differences among them, forams are very important as geological markers. The pattern of occurrence of different forams is often used as a guide in searching for oil-bearing strata. Limestones all over the world, including the famous white cliffs of Dover in southern England, are often rich in forams (fig- ure 35.10). Amoebas, radiolarians, and forams are unicellular, heterotrophic protists that lack cell walls, flagella, meiosis, and sexuality. Amoebas move from place to place by means of extensions called pseudopodia. The pore-studded tests, or shells, of the forams have openings through which podia extend that are used for locomotion. Chapter 35 Protists 701 FIGURE 35.8 Actinosphaerium, a protist of the phylum Actinopoda (300×). This amoeba-like radiolarian has striking needlelike pseudopods. FIGURE 35.9 A representative of the Foraminifera (90×). A living foram with podia, thin cytoplasmic projections that extend through pores in the calcareous test, or shell, of the organism. FIGURE 35.10 White cliffs of Dover. The limestone that forms these cliffs is composed almost entirely of fossil shells of protists, including coccolithophores (a type of algae) and foraminifera. Photosynthetic Protists Pyrrhophyta: The Dinoflagellates The dinoflagellates consist of about 2100 known species of primarily uni- cellular, photosynthetic organisms, most of which have two flagella. A majority of the dinoflagellates are ma- rine, and they are often abundant in the plankton, but some occur in fresh water. Some planktonic dinoflagel- lates are luminous and contribute to the twinkling or flashing effects that we sometimes see in the sea at night, especially in the tropics. The flagella, protective coats, and biochemistry of dinoflagellates are distinctive, and they do not appear to be directly related to any other phy- lum. Plates made of a cellulose-like material encase the cells. Grooves form at the junctures of these plates and the flagella are usually located within these grooves, one encircling the body like a belt, and the other perpendicular to it. By beating in their respective grooves, these fla- gella cause the dinoflagellate to ro- tate like a top as it moves. The di- noflagellates that are clad in stiff cellulose plates, often encrusted with silica, may have a very unusual ap- pearance (figure 35.11). Most have chlorophylls a and c, in addition to carotenoids, so that in the biochem- istry of their chloroplasts, they re- semble the diatoms and the brown algae, possibly acquiring such chloro- plasts by forming endosymbiotic re- lationships with members of those groups. Some dinoflagellates occur as sym- bionts in many other groups of or- ganisms, including jellyfish, sea anemones, mollusks, and corals. When dinoflagellates grow as sym- bionts within other cells, they lack their characteristic cellulose plates and flagella, appearing as spherical, golden-brown globules in their host cells. In such a state they are called zooxanthellae. Photosynthetic zooxanthellae provide their hosts with nutrients. It is the photosynthe- sis conducted by zooxanthellae that makes coral reefs one of the most pro- ductive ecosystems on earth. Corals primarily live in warm tropical seas that are typically extremely low in nu- trients; without the aid of their photo- synthetic endosymbionts, they would not be able to form large reefs in the nutrient-poor environment. Most of the carbon that the zooxanthellae fix is translocated to the host corals. The poisonous and destructive “red tides” that occur frequently in coastal areas are often associated with great population explosions, or “blooms,” of dinoflagellates. The pigments in the in- dividual, microscopic cells of the di- noflagellates are responsible for the color of the water. Red tides have a pro- found, detrimental effect on the fishing industry in the United States. Some 20 species of dinoflagellates are known to produce powerful toxins that inhibit the diaphragm and cause respiratory failure in many vertebrates. When the toxic di- noflagellates are abundant, fishes, birds, and marine mammals may die in large numbers. More recently, a particularly dan- gerous toxic dinoflagellate called Pfies- teria piscicida is reported to be a carniv- orous, ambush predator. During blooms, it stuns fish with its toxin and then feeds on the prey’s body fluids. Dinoflagellates reproduce primarily by asexual cell division. But sexual re- production has been reported to occur under starvation conditions. They have a unique form of mitosis in which the permanently condensed chromo- somes divide longitudinally within the confines of a permanent nuclear enve- lope. After the numerous chromo- somes duplicate, the nucleus divides into two daughter nuclei. Also the di- noflagellate chromosome is unique among eukaryotes in that the DNA is not complexed with histone proteins. In all other eukaryotes, the chromoso- mal DNA is complexed with histones to form nucleosomes, which represents the first order of DNA packaging in the nucleus. How dinoflagellates are able to maintain distinct chromosomes without histones and nucleosomes re- mains a mystery. 702 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Noctiluca Ptychodiscus Ceratium Gonyaulax Heterotrophs with no permanent locomotor apparatus Photosynthetic protists Heterotrophs with flagella Nonmotile spore-formers Heterotrophs with restricted mobility FIGURE 35.11 Some dinoflagellates: Noctiluca, Ptychodiscus, Ceratium, and Gonyaulax. Noctiluca,which lacks the heavy cellulose armor characteristic of most dinoflagellates, is one of the bioluminescent organisms that causes the waves to sparkle in warm seas. In the other three genera, the shorter, encircling flagellum is seen in its groove, with the longer one projecting away from the body of the dinoflagellate. (Not drawn to scale.) Euglenophyta: The Euglenoids Most of the approximately 1000 known species of eugle- noids live in fresh water. The members of this phylum clearly illustrate the impossibility of distinguishing “plants” from “animals” among the protists. About a third of the ap- proximately 40 genera of euglenoids have chloroplasts and are fully autotrophic; the others lack chloroplasts, ingest their food, and are heterotrophic. These organisms are not significantly different from some groups of zoomastigotes (see next section), and many biologists believe that the two phyla should be merged into one. Some euglenoids with chloroplasts may become het- erotrophic if the organisms are kept in the dark; the chloroplasts become small and nonfunctional. If they are put back in the light, they may become green within a few hours. Normally photosynthetic euglenoids may sometimes feed on dissolved or particulate food. Individual euglenoids range from 10 to 500 micrometers long and are highly variable in form. Interlocking proteina- ceous strips arranged in a helical pattern form a flexible structure called the pellicle, which lies within the cell membrane of the euglenoids. Because its pellicle is flexible, a euglenoid is able to change its shape. Reproduction in this phylum occurs by mitotic cell division. The nuclear en- velope remains intact throughout the process of mitosis. No sexual reproduction is known to occur in this group. In Euglena (figure 35.12), the genus for which the phy- lum is named, two flagella are attached at the base of a flask-shaped opening called the reservoir, which is located at the anterior end of the cell. One of the flagella is long and has a row of very fine, short, hairlike projections along one side. A second, shorter flagellum is located within the reservoir but does not emerge from it. Contractile vacuoles collect excess water from all parts of the organism and empty it into the reservoir, which apparently helps regulate the osmotic pressure within the organism. The stigma, an organ that also occurs in the green algae (phylum Chloro- phyta), is light-sensitive and aids these photosynthetic or- ganisms to move toward light. Cells of Euglena contain numerous small chloroplasts. These chloroplasts, like those of the green algae and plants, contain chlorophylls aand b,together with carotenoids. Al- though the chloroplasts of euglenoids differ somewhat in structure from those of green algae, they probably had a common origin. It seems likely that euglenoid chloroplasts ultimately evolved from a symbiotic relationship through ingestion of green algae. Chapter 35 Protists 703 (a) Reservoir Pellicle Basal body Contractile vacuole Second flagellum Stigma Flagellum Nucleus Chloroplast Paramylon granule (b) FIGURE 35.12 Euglenoids. (a) Micrograph of individuals of the genus Euglena (Euglenophyta). (b) Diagram of Euglena.Paramylon granules are areas where food reserves are stored. Chrysophyta: The Diatoms and Golden Algae The Diatoms. Diatoms, members of the phylum Chrys- ophyta, are photosynthetic, unicellular organisms with unique double shells made of opaline silica, which are often strikingly and characteristically marked. The shells of di- atoms are like small boxes with lids, one half of the shell fit- ting inside the other. Their chloroplasts, with chlorophylls aand c,as well as carotenoids, resemble those of the brown algae and dinoflagellates. In other respects, however, there are few similarities between these groups, and they proba- bly do not share an immediate common ancestor. Another member of the phylum Chrysophyta is the golden algae. Diatoms and golden algae are grouped together because they both produce a unique carbohydrate called chrysolam- inarin. There are more than 11,500 living species of diatoms, with many more known in the fossil record. The shells of fossil diatoms often form very thick deposits, which are sometimes mined commercially. The resulting “diatoma- ceous earth” is used as an abrasive or to add the sparkling quality to the paint used on roads, among other purposes. Living diatoms are often abundant both in the sea and in fresh water, where they are important food producers. Di- atoms occur in the plankton and are attached to submerged objects in relatively shallow water. Many species are able to move by means of a secretion that is produced from a fine groove along each shell. The diatoms exude and perhaps also retract this secretion as they move. There are two major groups of diatoms, one with radial symmetry (like a wheel) and the other with bilateral (two- sided) symmetry (figure 35.13). Diatom shells are rigid, and the organisms reproduce asexually by separating the two halves of the shell, each half then regenerating another half shell within it. Because of this mode of reproduction, there is a tendency for the shells, and consequently the individual diatoms, to get smaller and smaller with each asexual re- production. When the resulting individuals have dimin- ished to about 30% of their original size, one may slip out of its shell, grow to full size, and regenerate a full-sized pair of new shells. Individual diatoms are diploid. Meiosis occurs more fre- quently under conditions of starvation. Some marine di- atoms produce numerous sperm and others a single egg. If fusion occurs, the resulting zygote regenerates a full-sized individual. In some freshwater diatoms, the gametes are amoeboid and similar in appearance. The Golden Algae. Also included within the Chryso- phyta are the golden algae, named for the yellow and brown carotenoid and xanthophyll accessory pigments in their chloroplasts, which give them a golden color. Unicel- lular but often colonial, these freshwater protists typically have two flagella, both attached near the same end of the cell. When ponds and lakes dry out in summer, golden algae form resistant cysts. Viable cells emerge from these cysts when wetter conditions recur in the fall. 704 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms FIGURE 35.13 Diatoms (Chrysophyta). Several different centric (radially symmetrical) diatoms. Rhodophyta: The Red Algae Along with green algae and brown algae, red algae are the seaweeds we see cast up along shores and on beaches. Their characteristic colors re- sult from phycoerythrin, a type of phy- cobilin pigment. Phycobilins are re- sponsible for the colors of the cyanobacteria. Chlorophyll a also oc- curs with the phycobilins in red algae, just as it does in cyanobacteria. These similarities with cyanobacteria make it likely that the rhodophyta evolved when their heterotrophic eukaryotic ancestor developed an endosymbiotic relationship with a cyanobacteria which eventually gave rise to their chloroplasts. The great majority of the estimated 4000 species of red algae occur in the sea, and almost all are multicellular. Red algae have complex bodies made up of interwoven filaments of cells. In the cell walls of many red algae are sulfated polysaccharides such as agar and carrageenan, which make these algae important economically. Agar is used to make gel capsules, as material for dental impressions, and as a base for cosmetics. It is also the basis of the laboratory media on which bac- teria, fungi, and other organisms are often grown. In addition, agar is used to prevent baked goods from drying out, for rapid-setting jellies, and as a temporary preservative for meat and fish in warm regions. Carrageenan is used mainly to stabilize emulsions such as paints, cosmetics, and dairy products such as ice cream. In addition to these uses, red algae such as Por- phyra, called “nori,” are eaten and, in Japan, are even cultivated as a human food crop. The life cycles of red algae are com- plex but usually involve an alternation of generations (sporic meiosis). None of the red algae have flagella or cilia at any stage in their life cycle, and they may have descended directly from an- cestors that never had them, especially as the red algae also lack centrioles. To- gether with the fungi, which also lack flagella and centrioles, the red algae may be one of the most ancient groups of eukaryotes. Phaeophyta: The Brown Algae The phaeophyta, or brown algae, con- sist of about 1500 species of multicel- lular protists, almost exclusively ma- rine. They are the most conspicuous seaweeds in many northern regions, dominating rocky shores almost every- where in temperate North America. In habitats where large brown algae known as kelps (order Laminariales) occur abundantly in so-called kelp forests (figure 35.14), they are respon- sible for most of the food production through photosynthesis. Many kelps are conspicuously differentiated into flattened blades, stalks, and grasping basal portions that anchor them to the rocks. Among the larger brown algae are genera such as Macrocystis, in which some individuals may reach 100 me- ters in length. The flattened blades of this kelp float out on the surface of the water, while the base is anchored tens of meters below the surface. An- other ecologically important member of this phylum is sargasso weed, Sar- gassum, which forms huge floating masses that dominate the vast Sar- gasso Sea, an area of the Atlantic Ocean northeast of the Caribbean. The stalks of the larger brown algae often exhibit a complex internal dif- ferentiation of conducting tissues analogous to that of plants. The life cycle of the brown algae is marked by an alternation of genera- tions between a sporophyte and a ga- metophyte. The large individuals we recognize, such as the kelps, are sporophytes. The gametophytes are often much smaller, filamentous indi- viduals, perhaps a few centimeters across. Sporangia, which produce haploid, swimming spores after meio- sis, are formed on the sporophytes. These spores divide by mitosis, giving rise to individual gametophytes. There are two kinds of gametophytes in the kelps; one produces sperm, and the other produces eggs. If sperm and eggs fuse, the resulting zygotes grow into the mature kelp sporophytes, provided that they reach a favorable site. FIGURE 35.14 Brown algae (Phaeophyta). The massive “groves” of giant kelp that occur in relatively shallow water along the coasts of the world provide food and shelter for many different kinds of organisms. Chlorophyta: The Green Algae Green algae are an extremely varied group of more than 7000 species. The chlorophytes have an extensive fossil record dating back 900 million years. They are mostly aquatic, but some are semiterrestrial in moist places, such as on tree trunks or in soil. Many are microscopic and uni- cellular, but some, such as sea let- tuce, Ulva (see figure 35.16), are tens of centimeters across and easily visible on rocks and pilings around the coasts. Green algae are of special inter- est, both because of their unusual di- versity and because the ancestors of the plant kingdom were clearly mul- ticellular green algae. Many features of modern green algae closely re- semble plants, especially their chloroplasts which are biochemically similar to those of the plants. They contain chlorophylls a and b, as well as carotenoids. Green algae include a very wide array of both unicellular and multicellular organisms. Among the unicellular green algae, Chlamydomonas (figure 35.15) is a well-known genus. Individuals are microscopic (usually less than 25 micrometers long), green, rounded, and have two flagella at the anterior end. They move rapidly in water by beating their flagella in opposite directions. Each individual has an eyespot, which contains about 100,000 molecules of rhodopsin, the same pigment employed in vertebrate eyes. Light received by this eyespot is used by the alga to help direct its swimming. Most individuals of Chlamydomonas are haploid. Chlamy- domonas reproduces asexually (by cell division) as well as sexually. In sexual reproduction, two haploid individuals fuse to form a four-flagellated zygote. The zygote ulti- mately enters a resting phase, called the zygospore, in which the flagella disappear and a tough protective coat is formed. Meiosis occurs at the end of this resting period and results in the production of four haploid cells. Chlamydomonas probably represents a primitive state for green algae and several lines of evolutionary specialization have been derived from organisms like it. The first is the evolution of nonmotile, unicellular green algae. Chlamy- domonas is capable of retracting its flagella and settling down as an immobile unicellular organism if the ponds in which it lives dry out. Some common algae of soil and bark, such as Chlorella, are essentially like Chlamydomonas in this trait, but do not have the ability to form flagella. Chlorellais widespread in both fresh and salt water as well as soil and is only known to reproduce asexually. Recently, Chlorella has been widely investigated as a possible food source for hu- mans and other animals, and pilot farms have been estab- lished in Israel, the United States, Germany, and Japan. Another major line of specialization from cells like Chlamydomonas concerns the formation of motile, colonial organisms. In these genera of green algae, the Chlamy- domonas-like cells retain some of their individuality. The most elaborate of these organisms is Volvox(see figure 35.1), a hollow sphere made up of a single layer of 500 to 60,000 individual cells, each cell with two flagella. Only a small number of the cells are reproductive. The colony has defi- nite anterior and posterior ends, and the flagella of all of the cells beat in such a way as to rotate the colony in a clockwise direction as it moves forward through the water. The repro- ductive cells of Volvox are located mainly at the posterior end of the colony. Some may divide asexually, bulge inward, and give rise to new colonies that initially remain within the parent colony. Others produce gametes. In some species of 706 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms – Strain – Strain – Gamete + Gamete SYNGAMY MEIOSIS Zygospore (diploid) Asexual reproduction + Strain + Strain n 2n Pairing of positive and negative strains FIGURE 35.15 Life cycle of Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyta). Individual cells of this microscopic, biflagellated alga, which are haploid, divide asexually, producing identical copies of themselves. At times, such haploid cells act as gametes—fusing, as shown in the lower right-hand side of the diagram, to produce a zygote. The zygote develops a thick, resistant wall, becoming a zygospore; this is the only diploid cell in the entire life cycle. Within this diploid zygospore, meiosis takes place, ultimately resulting in the release of four haploid individuals. Because of the segregation during meiosis, two of these individuals are called the (+) strain, the other two the (–) strain. Only + and – individuals are capable of mating with each other when syngamy does take place, although both may divide asexually to reproduce themselves. Volvox, there is a true division of labor among the different types of cells, which are specialized in relation to their ulti- mate function throughout the development of the organism. In addition to these two lines of specialization from Chlamydomonas-like cells, there are many other kinds of green algae of less certain derivation. Many filamentous genera, such as Spirogyra, with its ribbon-like chloro- plasts, differ substantially from the remainder of the green algae in their modes of cell division and reproduction. Some of these genera have even been placed in separate phyla. The study of the green algae, involving modern methods of electron microscopy and biochemistry, is be- ginning to reveal unexpected new relationships within this phylum. Ulva, or sea lettuce (figure 35.16), is a genus of marine green algae that is extremely widespread. The glistening individuals of this genus, often more than 10 centimeters across, consist of undulating sheets only two cells thick. Sea lettuce attaches by protuberances of the basal cells to rocks or other substrates. The reproductive cycle of Ulva involves an alternation of generations (sporic meiosis; figure 35.16) as is typical among green algae. Unlike most organisms that undergo sporic meiosis, however, the gametophytes (haploid phase) and sporophytes (diploid phase) resemble one another closely. The stoneworts, a group of about 250 living species of green algae, many of them in the genera Chara and Nitella, have complex structures. Whorls of short branches arise regularly at their nodes, and the gametangia (structures that give rise to gametes) are complex and multicellular. Stoneworts are often abundant in fresh to brackish water and are common as fossils. Dinoflagellates are primarily unicellular, photosynthetic, and flagellated. Euglenoids (phylum Euglenophyta) consist of about 40 genera, about a third of which have chloroplasts similar biochemically to those of green algae and plants. Diatoms and golden algae are unicellular, photosynthetic organisms that produce a unique carbohydrate. Diatoms have double shells made of opaline silica. Nonmotile, unicellular algae and multicellular, flagellated colonies have been derived from green algae like Chlamydomonas—a biflagellated, unicellular organism. The life cycle of brown algae is marked by an alternation of generations between the diploid phase, or sporophyte, and the haploid phase, or gametophyte. Chapter 35 Protists 707 Spores MEIOSIS Sporangia Sporophyte (2n) Germinating zygote Zygote SYNGAMY Gametes + – + Gametangia + Gametophyte (n) – Gametangia – Gametophyte (n) 2n n Gametes fuse FIGURE 35.16 Life cycle of Ulva.In this green alga, the gametophyte and the sporophyte are identical in appearance and consist of flattened sheets two cells thick. In the haploid (n) gametophyte, gametangia give rise to haploid gametes, which fuse to form a diploid (2n) zygote. The zygote germinates to form the diploid sporophyte. Sporangia within the sporophyte give rise to haploid spores by meiosis. The haploid spores develop into haploid gametophytes. Heterotrophs with Flagella The phylum Sarcomastigophora con- tains a diverse group of protists com- bined into one phylum because they all possess a single kind of nucleus and use flagella or pseudopodia (or both) for locomotion. We will focus on the class Zoomastigophora. Zoomastigophora: The Zoomastigotes The class Zoomastigophora is com- posed of unicellular, heterotrophic or- ganisms that are highly variable in form (figure 35.17). Each has at least one flagellum, with some species hav- ing thousands. They include both free- living and parasitic organisms. Many zoomastigotes apparently reproduce only asexually, but sexual reproduction occurs in some species. The members of one order, the kinetoplastids, in- clude the genera Trypanosoma (figure 35.17c) and Crithidia, pathogens of hu- mans and domestic animals. The eug- lenoids could be viewed as a special- ized group of zoomastigotes, some of which acquired chloroplasts during the course of evolution. Trypanosomes cause many serious human diseases, the most familiar of which is trypanosomiasis also known as African sleeping sickness (figure 35.18). Trypanosomes cause many other diseases including East Coast fever, leishmaniasis, and Chagas’ dis- ease, all of great importance in tropical areas where they afflict millions of people each year. Leishmaniasis, which is transmitted by sand flies, af- flicts about 4 million people a year. The effects of these diseases range from extreme fatigue and lethargy in sleeping sickness to skin sores and deep eroding lesions that can almost obliterate the face in leishmaniasis. The trypanosomes that cause these diseases are spread by biting insects, including tsetse flies and assassin bugs. A serious effort is now under way to produce a vaccine for trypanosome- caused diseases. These diseases make it impossible to raise domestic cattle for meat or milk in a large portion of Africa. Control is especially difficult because of the unique attributes of these organisms. For example, tsetse fly-transmitted trypanosomes have evolved an elaborate genetic mecha- nism for repeatedly changing the anti- genic nature of their protective glyco- protein coat, thus dodging the antibodies their hosts produce against them (see chapter 57). Only a single one out of some 1000 to 2000 variable antigen genes is expressed at a time. Rearrangements of these genes during the asexual cycle of the organism allow for the expression of a seemingly end- less variety of different antigen genes that maintain infectivity by the try- panosomes. When the trypanosomes are in- gested by a tsetse fly, they embark on a complicated cycle of development and multiplication, first in the fly’s gut and later in its salivary glands. It is their position in the salivary glands that al- lows them to move into their verte- brate host. Recombination has been observed between different strains of trypanosomes introduced into a single fly, thus suggesting that mating, syn- gamy, and meiosis occur, even though they have not been observed directly. Although most trypanosome repro- duction is asexual, this sexual cycle, re- ported for the first time in 1986, af- fords still further possibilities for recombination in these organisms. In the guts of the flies that spread them, trypanosomes are noninfective. When they are ready to transfer to the skin or bloodstream of their host, try- panosomes migrate to the salivary glands and acquire the thick coat of glycoprotein antigens that protect them from the host’s antibodies. When they are taken up by a fly, the try- panosomes again shed their coats. The production of vaccines against such a system is complex, but tests are under- way. Releasing sterilized flies to im- pede the reproduction of populations is another technique used to try to con- trol the fly population. Traps made of dark cloth and scented like cows, but 708 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Trypanosoma (c) Codosiga (a) Trichonympha (b) Heterotrophs with no permanent locomotor apparatus Photosynthetic protists Heterotrophs with flagella Nonmotile spore-formers Heterotrophs with restricted mobility FIGURE 35.17 Three genera of zoomastigotes (Zoomastigophora), a highly diverse group. (a) Codosiga,a colonial choanoflagellate that remains attached to its substrate; other colonial choanoflagellates swim around as a colony, resembling the green alga Volvoxin this respect. (b) Trichonympha,one of the zoomastigotes that inhabits the guts of termites and wood- feeding cockroaches and digests cellulose there. Trichonymphahas rows of flagella in its anterior regions. (c) Trypanosoma,which causes sleeping sickness, an important tropical disease. It has a single, anterior flagellum. poisoned with insecticides, have like- wise proved effective. Research is pro- ceeding rapidly because the presence of tsetse flies with their associated try- panosomes blocks the use of some 11 million square kilometers of potential grazing land in Africa. Some zoomastigotes occur in the guts of termites and other wood-eat- ing insects. They possess enzymes that allow them to digest the wood and thus make the components of the wood available to their hosts. The re- lationship is similar to that between certain bacteria and protozoa that function in the rumens of cattle and related mammals (see chapter 51). Another order of zoomastigotes, the choanoflagellates, is most likely the group from which the sponges (phylum Porifera) and probably all animals arose. Choanoflagellates have a single emergent flagellum surrounded by a funnel-shaped, con- tractile collar composed of closely placed filaments, a unique structure that is exactly matched in the sponges. These protists feed on bacteria strained out of the water by the collar. Hiker’s Diarrhea. Giardia lamblia is a flagellate protist (belonging to a small order called diplomonads) found throughout the world, including all parts of the United States and Canada (figure 35.19). It occurs in water, includ- ing the clear water of mountain streams and the water sup- plies of some cities. It infects at least 40 species of wild and domesticated animals in addition to humans. In 1984 in Pittsburgh, 175,000 people had to boil their drinking water for several days following the appearance of Giardia in the city’s water system. Although most individuals exhibit no symptoms if they drink water infested with Giardia, many suffer nausea, cramps, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea. Only 35 years ago, Giardia was thought to be harmless; today, it is estimated that at least 16 million residents of the United States are infected by it. Giardia lives in the upper small intestine of its host. It occurs there in a motile form that cannot survive outside the host’s body. It is spread in the feces of infected individ- uals in the form of dormant, football-shaped cysts—some- times at levels as high as 300 million individuals per gram of feces. These cysts can survive at least two months in cool water, such as that of mountain streams. They are relatively resistant to the usual water-treatment agents such as chlo- rine and iodine but are killed at temperatures greater than about 65°C. Apparently, pollution by humans seems to be the main way Giardia is released into stream water. There are at least three species of Giardia and many distinct strains; how many of them attack humans and under what circumstances are not known with certainty. In the wilderness, good sanitation is important in pre- venting the spread of Giardia. Dogs, which readily contract and spread the disease, should not be taken into pristine wilderness areas. Drinking water should be filtered—the filter must be capable of eliminating particles as small as 1 micrometer in diameter—or boiled for at least one minute. Water from natural streams or lakes should never be con- sumed directly, regardless of how clean it looks. In other regions, good sanitation methods are important to prevent not only Giardiainfection but also other diseases. Chapter 35 Protists 709 FIGURE 35.18 Trypanosoma is the zoomastigote that causes sleeping sickness. (a) Trypanosomaamong red blood cells. The nuclei (dark-staining bodies), anterior flagella, and undulating, changeable shape of the trypanosomes are visible in this photograph (500×). (b) The tsetse FIGURE 35.19 Giardia lamblia. Giardiaare flagellated unicellular parasites that infect the human intestine. Giardiaare very primitive, having only a rudimentary cytoskeleton and lacking mitochondria and chloroplasts. Sequencing of ribosomal RNA suggests that Giardia and Pelomyxa,the eukaryotes most closely related to prokaryotes, should be grouped together. The name Archezoa (Greek arkhaios, “ancient”) has been suggested for the group, stressing its early divergence from bacteria as long as 2 billion years ago. 20 μm (a) (b) Ciliophora: The Ciliates As the name indicates, most members of the Ciliophora feature large numbers of cilia. These heterotrophic, unicel- lular protists range in size from 10 to 3000 micrometers long. About 8000 species have been named. Despite their unicellularity, ciliates are extremely complex organisms, in- spiring some biologists to consider them organisms without cell boundaries rather than single cells. Their most characteristic feature, cilia, are usually arranged either in longitudinal rows or in spirals around the body of the organism (figure 35.20). Cilia are anchored to microtubules beneath the cell membrane, and they beat in a coordinated fashion. In some groups, the cilia have specialized locomotory and feeding functions, becoming fused into sheets, spikes, and rods which may then function as mouths, paddles, teeth, or feet. The ciliates have a tough but flexible outer covering called the pellicle that enables the organism to squeeze through or move around many kinds of obstacles. All ciliates that have been studied have two very differ- ent types of nuclei within their cells, small micronuclei and larger macronuclei (figure 35.21). The micronuclei, which contain apparently normal diploid chromosomes, di- vide by meiosis and are able to undergo genetic recombina- tion. Macronuclei are derived from certain micronuclei in a complex series of steps. Within the macronuclei are multi- ple copies of the genome, and the DNA is divided into small pieces—smaller than individual chromosomes. In one group of ciliates, these are equivalent to single genes. Macronuclei divide by elongating and constricting and play an essential role in routine cellular functions, such as the production of mRNA to direct protein synthesis for growth and regeneration. Ciliates form vacuoles for ingesting food and regulating their water balance. Food first enters the gullet, which in the well-known ciliate Paramecium is lined with cilia fused into a membrane (figure 35.21). From the gullet, the food passes into food vacuoles, where enzymes and hydrochloric acid aid in its digestion. After the digested material has been completely absorbed, the vacuole empties its waste contents through a special pore in the pellicle known as the cytoproct. The cytoproct is essentially an exocytotic vesi- cle that appears periodically when solid particles are ready to be expelled. The contractile vacuoles, which function in the regulation of water balance, periodically expand and contract as they empty their contents to the outside of the organism. Ciliates usually reproduce by transverse fission of the parent cell across its short axis, thus forming two identical individuals (figure 35.22a). In this process of cell division, the mitosis of the micronuclei proceeds normally, and the macronuclei divide as just described. In Paramecium, the cells divide asexually for about 700 generations and then die if sexual reproduction has not oc- curred. Like most ciliates, Paramecium has a sexual process called conjugation, in which two individual cells remain attached to each other for up to several hours (figure 35.22b,c). Only cells of two different genetically determined mating types, oddand even,are able to conjugate. Meiosis in the micronuclei of each individual produces several haploid micronuclei, and the two partners exchange a pair of these micronuclei through a cytoplasmic bridge that appears be- tween the two partners. In each conjugating individual, the new micronucleus fuses with one of the micronuclei already present in that in- dividual, resulting in the production of a new diploid mi- cronucleus in each individual. After conjugation, the macronucleus in each cell disintegrates, while the new diploid micronucleus undergoes mitosis, thus giving rise to two new identical diploid micronuclei within each individ- ual. One of these micronuclei becomes the precursor of the future micronuclei of that cell, while the other micronu- cleus undergoes multiple rounds of DNA replication, be- coming the new macronucleus. This kind of complete seg- regation of the genetic material is a unique feature of the 710 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Anterior contractile vacuole Micronucleus Macronucleus Pellicle Posterior contractile vacuole Food vacuole Gullet Cilia Cytoproct FIGURE 35.20 A ciliate (Ciliophora). Stentor,a funnel- shaped ciliate, showing spirally arranged cilia (120×). FIGURE 35.21 Paramecium. The main features of this familiar ciliate are shown. ciliates and makes them ideal organisms for the study of certain aspects of genetics. Progeny from a sexual division in Paramecium must go through about 50 asexual divisions before they are able to conjugate. When they do so, their biological clocks are restarted, and they can conjugate again. After about 600 asexual divisions, however, Paramecium loses the protein molecules around the gullet that enable it to recognize an appropriate mating partner. As a result, the individuals are unable to mate, and death follows about 100 generations later. The exact mechanisms producing these unusual events are unknown, but they involve the accumulation of a protein, which is now being studied. The zoomastigotes are a highly diverse group of flagellated unicellular heterotrophs, containing among their members the ancestors of animals as well as the very primitive Giardia. Ciliates possess characteristic cilia, and have two types of nuclei. The macronuclei contain multiple copies of certain genes, while the micronuclei contain multigene chromosomes. Chapter 35 Protists 711 Two Paramecium individuals of different mating types come into contact. The diploid micronucleus in each divides by meiosis to produce four haploid micronuclei. Three of the haploid micronuclei degenerate. The remaining micronucleus in each divides by mitosis. Mates exchange micronuclei. In each individual, the new micronucleus fuses with the micronucleus already present, forming a diploid micronucleus. The macronucleus disintegrates, and the diploid micronucleus divides by mitosis to produce two identical diploid micronuclei within each individual. One of these micronuclei is the precursor of the micronucleus for that cell, and the other eventually gives rise to the macronucleus. Macronucleus Micronucleus (2n) (c) Diploid micronucleus (2n) Haploid micronucleus (n) (a) (b) FIGURE 35.22 Life cycle of Paramecium. (a) When Parameciumreproduces asexually, a mature individual divides, and two complete individuals result. (b,c) In sexual reproduction, two mature cells fuse in a process called conjugation (100×). Nonmotile Spore- Formers Apicomplexa: The Sporozoans All sporozoans are nonmotile, spore- forming parasites of animals. Their spores are small, infective bodies that are transmitted from host to host. These organisms are distinguished by a unique arrangement of fibrils, micro- tubules, vacuoles, and other cell or- ganelles at one end of the cell. There are 3900 described species of this phy- lum; best known among them is the malarial parasite, Plasmodium. Sporozoans have complex life cycles that involve both asexual and sexual phases. Sexual reproduction involves an alternation of haploid and diploid generations. Both haploid and diploid individuals can also divide rapidly by mitosis, thus produc- ing a large number of small infective individuals. Sexual re- production involves the fertilization of a large female ga- mete by a small, flagellated male gamete. The zygote that results soon becomes an oocyst. Within the oocyst, mei- otic divisions produce infective haploid spores called sporozoites. An alternation between different hosts often occurs in the life cycles of sporozoans. Sporozoans of the genus Plas- modium are spread from person to person by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles (figure 35.23); at least 65 different species of this genus are involved. When an Anopheles mos- quito penetrates human skin to obtain blood, it injects saliva mixed with an anticoagulant. If the mosquito is in- fected with Plasmodium, it will also inject the elongated sporozoites into the bloodstream of its victim. The parasite makes its way through the bloodstream to the liver, where it rapidly divides asexually. After this division phase, mero- zoites, the next stage of the life cycle, form, either reinvad- ing other liver cells or entering the host’s bloodstream. In the bloodstream, they invade the red blood cells, dividing rapidly within them and causing them to become enlarged and ultimately to rupture. This event releases toxic sub- stances throughout the body of the host, bringing about the well-known cycle of fever and chills that is characteris- tic of malaria. The cycle repeats itself regularly every 48 hours, 72 hours, or longer. Plasmodium enters a sexual phase when some mero- zoites develop into gametocytes, cells capable of produc- ing gametes. There are two types of gametocytes: male and female. Gametocytes are incapable of producing ga- metes within their human hosts and do so only when they are extracted from an infected human by a mosquito. Within the gut of the mosquito, the male and female ga- metocytes form sperm and eggs, respectively. Zygotes de- velop within the mosquito’s intestinal walls and ultimately differentiate into oocysts. Within the oocysts, repeated mitotic divisions take place, produc- ing large numbers of sporozoites. These sporozoites migrate to the sali- vary glands of the mosquito, and from there they are injected by the mosquito into the bloodstream of a human, thus starting the life cycle of the parasite again. Malaria. Malaria, caused by infec- tions by the sporozoan Plasmodium,is one of the most serious diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization, about 500 mil- lion people are affected by it at any one time, and approximately 2 mil- lion of them, mostly children, die each year. Malaria kills most children under five years old who contract it. In areas where malaria is prevalent, most survivors more than five or six years old do not become seriously ill again from malaria infections. The symptoms, familiar throughout the trop- ics, include severe chills, fever, and sweating, an enlarged and tender spleen, confusion, and great thirst. Ulti- mately, a victim of malaria may die of anemia, kidney failure, or brain damage. The disease may be brought under control by the person’s immune system or by drugs. As discussed in chapter 21, some individuals are genetically resistant to malaria. Other persons develop immunity to it. Efforts to eradicate malaria have focused on (1) the elimination of the mosquito vectors; (2) the development of drugs to poison the parasites once they have entered the human body; and (3) the development of vaccines. The widescale applications of DDT from the 1940s to the 1960s led to the elimination of the mosquito vectors in the United States, Italy, Greece, and certain areas of Latin America. For a time, the worldwide elimination of malaria appeared possible, but this hope was soon crushed by the development of DDT-resistant strains of malaria-carrying mosquitoes in many regions; no fewer than 64 resistant strains were identified in a 1980 survey. Even though the worldwide use of DDT, long banned in the United States, nearly doubled from its 1974 level to more than 30,000 metric tons in 1984, its effectiveness in controlling mosqui- toes is dropping. Further, there are serious environmental concerns about the use of this long-lasting chemical any- where in the world. In addition to the problems with resis- tant strains of mosquitoes, strains of Plasmodium have ap- peared that are resistant to the drugs that have historically been used to kill them. As a result of these problems, the number of new cases of malaria per year roughly doubled from the mid-1970s to 712 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Heterotrophs with no permanent locomotor apparatus Photosynthetic protists Heterotrophs with flagella Nonmotile spore-formers Heterotrophs with restricted mobility the mid-1980s, largely because of the spread of resistant strains of the mosquito and the parasite. In many tropical regions, malaria is blocking permanent settlement. Scien- tists have therefore redoubled their efforts to produce an effective vaccine. Antibodies to the parasites have been iso- lated and produced by genetic engineering techniques, and they are starting to produce promising results. Vaccines against Malaria. The three different stages of the Plasmodium life cycle each produce different antigens, and they are sensitive to different antibodies. The gene encoding the sporozoite antigen was cloned in 1984, but it is not certain how effective a vaccine against sporozoites might be. When a mosquito inserts its proboscis into a human blood vessel, it injects about a thousand sporo- zoites. They travel to the liver within a few minutes, where they are no longer exposed to antibodies circulat- ing in the blood. If even one sporozoite reaches the liver, it will multiply rapidly there and cause malaria. The num- ber of malaria parasites increases roughly eightfold every 24 hours after they enter the host’s body. A compound vaccination against sporozoites, merozoites, and gameto- cytes would probably be the most effective preventive measure, but such a compound vaccine has proven diffi- cult to develop. However, research completed in 1997 brings a glim- mer of hope. An experimental vaccine containing one of the surface proteins of the disease-causing parasite, P. fal- ciparum, seems to induce the immune system to produce defenses that are able to destroy the parasite in future in- fections. In tests, six out of seven vaccinated people did not get malaria after being bitten by mosquitoes that car- ried P. falciparum. Although research is still underway, many are hopeful that this new vaccine may be able to fight malaria, especially in Africa, where it takes a devas- tating toll. The best known of the sporozoans is the malarial parasite Plasmodium. Like other sporozoans, Plasmodium has a complex life cycle involving sexual and asexual phases and alternation between different hosts, in this case mosquitoes and humans. Malaria kills about 2 million people each year. Chapter 35 Protists 713 Mosquito injects sporozoites Gametocytes ingested by mosquito Oocysts Sporozoites form within mosquito Gametocytes Certain merozoites develop into gametocytes Sporozoites Stages in liver Merozoites Stages in red blood cells Zygote 6 1 2 3 4 5 FIGURE 35.23 The life cycle of Plasmodium, the sporozoan that causes malaria. Plasmodiumhas a complex life cycle that alternates between mosquitoes and mammals. Heterotrophs with Restricted Mobility Oomycota The oomycetes comprise about 580 species, among them the water molds, white rusts, and downy mildews. All of the members of this group are either parasites or saprobes (organisms that live by feeding on dead organic mat- ter). The cell walls of the oomycetes are composed of cellulose or polymers that resemble cellulose. They differ re- markably from the chitin cell walls of fungi, with which the oomycetes have at times been grouped. Oomycete life cycles are characterized by gametic meiosis and a diploid phase; this also differs from fungi. Mitosis in the oomycetes resembles that in most other organisms, while mitosis in fungi has a number of un- usual features, as you will see in chapter 36. Filamentous structures of fungi and, by convention, those of oomycetes, are called hyphae. Most oomycetes live in fresh or salt water or in soil, but some are plant parasites that depend on the wind to spread their spores. A few aquatic oomycetes are animal parasites. Oomycetes are distinguished from other protists by the structure of their motile spores, or zoospores, which bear two unequal flagella, one of which is directed forward, the other backward. Such zoospores are pro- duced asexually in a sporangium. Sex- ual reproduction in the group involves gametangia (singular, ga- metangium)—gamete-producing structures—of two different kinds. The female gametangium is called an oogonium, and the male ga- metangium is called an antheridium. The antheridia contain numerous male nuclei, which are the functional male gametes; the oogonia contain from one to eight eggs, which are the female gametes. When the contents of an antheridium flow into an oogo- nium, it leads to the individual fusion of male nuclei with eggs. This is followed by the thickening of the cell wall around the resulting zygote or zygotes. This produces a special kind of thick-walled cell called an oospore, the structure that gives the phylum its name. De- tails from the life cycle of one of the oomycetes, Saproleg- nia,are shown in figure 35.24. 714 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Heterotrophs with no permanent locomotor apparatus Photosynthetic protists Heterotrophs with flagella Nonmotile spore-formers Heterotrophs with restricted mobility Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction Oospores Encysted primary zoospore Germination of secondary zoospore Encysted secondary zoospore Sperm nuclei fertilize eggs Hyphae Secondary zoospore with lateral flagella Primary zoospore with apical flagella Sporangium Antheridium Oogonium Eggs Sperm nucleus in fertilization tube MEIOSIS FIGURE 35.24 Life cycle of Saprolegnia, an oomycete. Asexual reproduction by means of flagellated zoospores is shown at left, sexual reproduction at right. Hyphae with diploid nuclei are produced by germination of both zoospores and oospores. Aquatic oomycetes, or water molds, are common and easily cultured. Some water molds cause fish diseases, pro- ducing a kind of white fuzz on aquarium fishes. Among their terrestrial relatives are oomycetes of great importance as plant pathogens, including Plasmopara viticola, which causes downy mildew of grapes, and Phytophthora infestans, which causes the late blight of potatoes. This oomycete was responsible for the Irish potato famine of 1845 and 1847, during which about 400,000 people starved to death or died of diseases complicated by starvation. Millions of Irish peo- ple emigrated to the United States and elsewhere as a result of this disaster. Acrasiomycota: The Cellular Slime Molds There are about 70 species of cellular slime molds. This phylum has extraordinarily interesting features and was once thought to be related to fungi, “mold” being a general term for funguslike organisms. In fact, the cellular slime molds are probably more closely related to amoebas (phy- lum Rhizopoda) than to any other group, but they have many special features that mark them as distinct. Cellular slime molds are common in fresh water, damp soil, and on rotting vegetation, especially fallen logs. They have be- come one of the most important groups of organisms for studies of differentiation because of their relatively simple developmental systems and the ease of analyzing them (fig- ure 35.25). The individual organisms of this group behave as sepa- rate amoebas, moving through the soil or other substrate and ingesting bacteria and other smaller organisms. At a certain phase of their life cycle, the individual organisms aggregate and form a moving mass, the “slug,” that eventu- ally transforms itself into a spore-containing mass, the sorocarp. In the sorocarp the amoebas become encysted as spores. Some of the amoebas fuse sexually to form macro- cysts, which have diploid nuclei; meiosis occurs in them after a short period (zygotic meiosis). The sporocarp de- velops a stalked structure with a chamber at the top which releases the spores. Other amoebas are released directly, eventually aggregating again to form a new slug. The development of Dictyostelium discoideum, a cellular slime mold, has been studied extensively because of the im- plication its unusual life cycle has for understanding the de- velopmental process in general. When the individual amoe- bas of this species exhaust the supply of bacteria in a given area and are near starvation, they aggregate and form a compound, motile mass. The aggregation of the individual amoebas is induced by pulses of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which the cells begin to secrete when they are starving. The cells form an aggregate organ- ism that moves to a new area where food is more plentiful. In the new area, the colony differentiates into a multicellu- lar sorocarp within which spores differentiate. Each of these spores, if it falls into a suitably moist habitat, releases a new amoeba, which begins to feed, and the cycle is started again. Chapter 35 Protists 715 Slug begins to right itself. Slug is transformed into spore-forming body, the sorocarp. Spores Free-living amoeba is released. Amoeba mass forms. Amoebas begin to congregate. Moving amoeba mass is called a slug. (c) (b) (a) (f) (d) (e) FIGURE 35.25 Development in Dictyostelium discoideum, a cellular slime mold. (a) First, a spore germinates, forming amoebas. These amoebas feed and reproduce until the food runs out. (b) The amoebas aggregate and move toward a fixed center. (c) Next, they form a multicellular “slug” 2 to 3 mm long that migrates toward light. (d) The slug stops moving and begins to differentiate into a spore-forming body, called a sorocarp (e). (f) Within heads of the sorocarps, amoebas become encysted as spores. Myxomycota: The Plasmodial Slime Molds Plasmodial slime molds are a group of about 500 species. These bizarre organisms stream along as a plasmodium, a nonwalled, multinucleate mass of cytoplasm, that resembles a moving mass of slime (figure 35.26). This is called the feeding phase, and the plasmodia may be orange, yellow, or another color. Plasmodia show a back-and-forth streaming of cytoplasm that is very conspicuous, especially under a mi- croscope. They are able to pass through the mesh in cloth or simply flow around or through other obstacles. As they move, they engulf and digest bacteria, yeasts, and other small particles of organic matter. Plasmodia contain many nuclei (multinucleate), but these are not separated by cell membranes. The nuclei undergo mitosis synchronously, with the nuclear envelope breaking down, but only at late anaphase or telophase. Centrioles are lacking in cellular slime molds. Although they have similar common names, there is no evidence that the plasmodial slime molds are closely related to the cellular slime molds; they differ in most features of their structure and life cycles (figure 35.27). When either food or moisture is in short supply, the plasmodium migrates relatively rapidly to a new area. Here it stops moving and either forms a mass in which spores dif- ferentiate or divides into a large number of small mounds, each of which produces a single, mature sporangium, the structure in which spores are produced. These sporangia are often extremely complex in form and beautiful (figure 35.28). The spores can be either diploid or haploid. In most species of plasmodial slime molds with a diploid plasmod- ium, meiosis occurs in the spores within 24 hours of their formation. Three of the four nuclei in each spore disinte- grate, leaving each spore with a single haploid nucleus. The spores are highly resistant to unfavorable environ- mental influences and may last for years if kept dry. When conditions are favorable, they split open and release their protoplast, the contents of the individual spore. The proto- plast may be amoeboid or bear two flagella. These two stages appear to be interchangeable, and conversions in ei- ther direction occur readily. Later, after the fusion of hap- loid protoplasts (gametes), a usually diploid plasmodium may be reconstituted by repeated mitotic divisions. Molds are heterotrophic protists, many of which are capable of amoeba-like streaming. The feeding phase of plasmodial slime molds consists of a multinucleate mass of protoplasm; a plasmodium can flow through a cloth mesh and around obstacles. If the plasmodium begins to dry out or is starving, it forms often elaborate sporangia. Meiosis occurs in the spores once they have formed within the sporangium. 716 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms FIGURE 35.26 A plasmodial protist. This multinucleate plasmodium moves about in search of the bacteria and other organic particles that it ingests. Chapter 35 Protists 717 MEIOSIS Spores (n) Mature spore Mature sporangium Germinating spore Amoeboid gametes Flagellated gametes SYNGAMY Zygote Diploid plasmodium (2n) Initiation of sporangium formation Young sporangium n2n FIGURE 35.27 Life cycle of a plasmodial slime mold. When food or moisture is scarce, a diploid plasmodium stops moving and forms sporangia. Haploid spores form by meiosis. The spores wait until conditions are favorable to germinate. Spores can give rise to flagellated or amoeboid gametes; the two forms convert from one to the other readily. Fusion of the gametes forms the diploid zygote, which gives rise to the mobile, feeding plasmodium by mitosis. FIGURE 35.28 Sporangia of three genera of plasmodial slime molds (phylum Myxomycota). (a) Arcyria. (b) Fuligo.(c) Developing sporangia of Tubifera. (a) (b) (c) 718 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Chapter 35 Summary Questions Media Resources 35.1 Eukaryotes probably arose by endosymbiosis. ? The theory of endosymbiosis, accepted by almost all biologists, proposes that mitochondria and chloroplasts were once aerobic eubacteria that were engulfed by ancestral eukaryotes. ? There is some suggestion that centrioles may also have an endosymbiotic origin. 1.What kind of bacteria most likely gave rise to the chloroplasts in the eukaryotic cells of plants and some algae? ? The kingdom Protista consists of predominantly unicellular phyla, together with three phyla that include large numbers of multicellular organisms. ? The catch-all kingdom Protista includes all eukaryotic organisms except animals, plants, and fungi. 2.Why is the kingdom Protista said to be an artificial group? How is this different from the other kingdoms? 35.2 The kingdom Protista is by far the most diverse of any kingdom. ? Dinoflagellates (phylum Dinoflagellata) are a major phylum of primarily unicellular organisms that have unique chromosomes and a very unusual form of mitosis. They are the only eukaryotes known to lack histones and nucleosomes. ? Euglenoids (phylum Euglenophyta) have chloroplasts that share the biochemical features of those found in green algae and plants. ? Diatoms (phylum Chrysophyta) are unicellular, photosynthetic protists with opaline silica shells. They include the golden algae. ? Brown algae (phylum Phaeophyta) are multicellular, marine protists, some reaching 100 meters in length. The kelps contribute greatly to the productivity of the sea, especially along the coasts in relatively shallow areas. ? The zoomastigotes (phylum Sarcomastigophora) are a group of heterotrophic, mostly unicellular protists that includes the organism responsible for sleeping sickness. ? There are about 8000 named species of ciliates (phylum Ciliophora); these protists have a very complex morphology with numerous cilia. ? The malarial parasite, Plasmodium,is a member of the phylum Apicomplexa. Carried by mosquitoes, it multiplies rapidly in the liver of humans and other primates and brings about the cyclical fevers characteristic of malaria by releasing toxins into the bloodstream of its host. 3.Why is mitosis in dinoflagellates unique? What are zooxanthellae? 4.What determines whether a collection of individuals is truly multicellular? 5.What unique characteristic differentiates the members of Ciliophora from other protists? What is the function of two vacuoles exhibited by most members of Ciliophora? 6.Why has it been so difficult to produce a vaccine for trypanosome-caused diseases? 7.What differentiates the oomycetes from the kingdom Fungi, in which they were previously placed? What is the feeding strategy of this phylum? Why are these organisms generally considered harmful? 35.3 Protists can be categorized into five groups. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Characteristics of Protists ? Protozoa ? Photosynthetic Protists ? Fungus-like Protists 719 36 Fungi Concept Outline 36.1 Fungi are unlike any other kind of organism. A Fungus Is Not a Plant. Unlike any plant, all fungi are filamentous heterotrophs with cell walls made of chitin. The Body of a Fungus. Cytoplasm flows from one cell to another within the filamentous body of a fungus. How Fungi Reproduce. Fungi reproduce sexually when filaments of different fungi encounter one another and fuse. How Fungi Obtain Nutrients. Fungi secrete digestive enzymes and then absorb the products of the digestion. Ecology of Fungi. Fungi are among the most important decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems. 36.2 Fungi are classified by their reproductive structures. The Three Phyla of Fungi. There are three phyla of fungi, distinguished by their reproductive structures. Phylum Zygomycota. In zygomycetes, the fusion of hyphae leads directly to the formation of a zygote. Phylum Ascomycota. In ascomycetes, hyphal fusion leads to stable dikaryons that grow into massive webs of hyphae that form zygotes within a characteristic saclike structure, the ascus. Yeasts are unicellular fungi, mostly ascomycetes, that play many important commercial and medical roles. Phylum Basidiomycota. In basidiomycetes, dikaryons also form, but zygotes are produced within reproductive structures called basidia. The Imperfect Fungi. Fungi that have not been observed to reproduce sexually cannot be classified into one of the three phyla. 36.3 Fungi form two key mutualistic symbiotic associations. Lichens. A lichen is a mutualistic symbiotic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic alga or cyanobacterium. Mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae are mutualistic symbiotic associations between fungi and the roots of plants. O f all the bewildering variety of organisms that live on earth, perhaps the most unusual, the most peculiarly different from ourselves, are the fungi (figure 36.1). Mush- rooms and toadstools are fungi, multicellular creatures that grow so rapidly in size that they seem to appear overnight on our lawns. At first glance, a mushroom looks like a funny kind of plant growing up out of the soil. However, when you look more closely, fungi turn out to have nothing in common with plants except that they are multicellular and grow in the ground. As you will see, the more you ex- amine fungi, the more unusual they are. FIGURE 36.1 Spores exploding from the surface of a puffball fungus. The fungi constitute a unique kingdom of heterotrophic organisms. Along with bacteria, they are important decomposers and disease- causing organisms. Most fungi reproduce sexually with nuclear exchange rather than gametes. 4. Fungi have cell walls made of chitin. The cell walls of fungi are built of polysaccharides (chains of sugars) and chitin, the same tough material a crab shell is made of. The cell walls of plants are made of cellulose, also a strong building material. 5. Fungi have nuclear mitosis. Mitosis in fungi is different from that in plants or most other eukaryotes in one key respect: the nuclear envelope does not break down and re-form. Instead, mitosis takes place withinthe nucleus. A spindle apparatus forms there, dragging chromosomes to opposite poles of the nu- cleus(not the cell, as in most other eukaryotes). You could build a much longer list, but already the take-home lesson is clear: fungi are not like plants at all! Their many unique features are strong evidence that fungi are not closely related to any other group of organisms. DNA studies confirm significant differences from other eukaryotes. Fungi absorb their food after digesting it with secreted enzymes. This mode of nutrition, combined with a filamentous growth form, nuclear mitosis, and other traits, makes the members of this kingdom highly distinctive. 720 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms A Fungus Is Not a Plant The fungi are a distinct kingdom of organisms, comprising about 77,000 named species (figure 36.2). Mycologists, scientists who study fungi, believe there may be many more species in existence, as many as 1.2 million. Although fungi have traditionally been included in the plant kingdom, they lack chlorophyll and resemble plants only in their general appearance and lack of mobility. Significant differences be- tween fungi and plants include the following: 1. Fungi are heterotrophs. Perhaps most obviously, a mushroom is not green. Virtually all plants are pho- tosynthesizers, while no fungi have chlorophyll or carry out photosynthesis. Instead, fungi obtain their food by secreting digestive enzymes onto the sub- strate, and then absorbing the organic molecules that are released by the enzymes. 2. Fungi have filamentous bodies. Fungi are basi- cally filamentous in their growth form (that is, their bodies consist of long slender filaments called hy- phae), even though these hyphae may be packed to- gether to form complex structures like the mush- room. Plants, in contrast, are made of several types of cells organized into tissues and organs. 3. Fungi have unusual reproductive modes. Some plants have motile sperm with flagella. No fungi do. 36.1 Fungi are unlike any other kind of organism. FIGURE 36.2 Representatives of the three phyla of fungi. (a) A cup fungus, Cookeina tricholoma,an ascomycete, from the rain forest of Costa Rica. (b) Amanita muscaria,the fly agaric, a toxic basidiomycete. In the cup fungi, the spore-producing structures line the cup; in basidiomycetes that form mushrooms, like Amanita,they line the gills beneath the cap of the mushroom. All visible structures of fleshy fungi, such as the ones shown here, arise from an extensive network of filamentous hyphae that penetrates and is interwoven with the substrate on which they grow. (c) Pilobolus, a zygomycete that grows on animal feces. Stalks about 10 millimeters long contain dark spore-bearing sacs. (a) (b) (c) The Body of a Fungus Fungi exist mainly in the form of slender filaments, barely visible to the naked eye, which are called hyphae (singular, hypha). These hyphae are typically made up of long chains of cells joined end-to-end divided by cross-walls called septa (singular, septum). The septa rarely form a complete barrier, except when they separate the reproductive cells. Cytoplasm characteristically flows or streams freely throughout the hyphae, passing right through major pores in the septa (figure 36.3). Because of this streaming, pro- teins synthesized throughout the hyphae may be carried to their actively growing tips. As a result, fungal hyphae may grow very rapidly when food and water are abundant and the temperature is optimum. A mass of connected hyphae is called a mycelium (plural, mycelia). This word and the term mycologistare both derived from the Greek word for fungus, myketos.The mycelium of a fungus (figure 36.4) constitutes a system that may, in the aggregate, be many meters long. This mycelium grows through and penetrates its substrate, re- sulting in a unique relationship between the fungus and its environment. All parts of such a fungus are metabolically active, continually interacting with the soil, wood, or other material in which the mycelium is growing. In two of the three phyla of fungi, reproductive struc- tures formed of interwoven hyphae, such as mushrooms, puffballs, and morels, are produced at certain stages of the life cycle. These structures expand rapidly because of rapid elongation of the hyphae. For this reason, mushrooms can appear suddenly on your lawn. The cell walls of fungi are formed of polysaccharides and chitin, not cellulose like those of plants and many groups of protists. Chitin is the same material that makes up the major portion of the hard shells, or exoskeletons, of arthropods, a group of animals that includes insects and crustaceans (see chapter 46). The commonality of chitin is one of the traits that has led scientists to believe that fungi and animals share a common ancestor. Mitosis in fungi differs from that in most other organ- isms. Because of the linked nature of the cells, the cell it- self is not the relevant unit of reproduction; instead, the nucleus is. The nuclear envelope does not break down and re-form; instead, the spindle apparatus is formed withinit. Centrioles are lacking in all fungi; instead, fungi regulate the formation of microtubules during mitosis with small, relatively amorphous structures called spindle plaques. This unique combination of features strongly suggests that fungi originated from some unknown group of single- celled eukaryotes with these characteristics. Fungi exist primarily in the form of filamentous hyphae, typically with incomplete division into individual cells by septa. These and other unique features indicate that fungi are not closely related to any other group of organisms. Chapter 36 Fungi 721 FIGURE 36.3 A septum (45,000×). This transmission electron micrograph of a section through a hypha of the basidiomycete Inonotus tomentosus shows a pore through which the cytoplasm streams. FIGURE 36.4 Fungal mycelium. This mycelium, composed of hyphae, is growing through leaves on the forest floor in Maryland. How Fungi Reproduce Fungi are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduc- tion. When a fungus reproduces sexually it forms a diploid zygote, as do animals and plants. Unlike animals and plants, all fungal nuclei except for the zygote are hap- loid, and there are many haploid nuclei in the common cytoplasm of a fungal mycelium. When fungi reproduce sexually, hyphae of two genetically different mating types come together and fuse. In two of the three phyla of fungi, the genetically different nuclei that are associated in a common cytoplasm after fusion do not combine im- mediately. Instead, the two types of nuclei coexist for most of the life of the fungus. A fungal hypha containing nuclei derived from two genetically distinct individuals is called a heterokaryotic hypha. If all of the nuclei are ge- netically similar to one another, the hypha is said to be homokaryotic. If there are two distinct nuclei within each compartment of the hyphae, they are dikaryotic. If each compartment has only a single nucleus, it is monokaryotic. Dikaryotic hyphae have some of the ge- netic properties of diploids, because both genomes are transcribed. These distinctions are important in under- standing the life cycles of the individual groups. Cytoplasm in fungal hyphae normally flows through perforated septa or moves freely in their absence. Repro- ductive structures are an important exception to this gen- eral pattern. When reproductive structures form, they are cut off by complete septa that lack perforations or have perforations that soon become blocked. Three kinds of re- productive structures occur in fungi: (1) sporangia, which are involved in the formation of spores; (2) gametangia, structures within which gametes form; and (3) conidio- phores, structures that produce conidia, multinucleate asexual spores. Spores are a common means of reproduction among fungi. They may form as a result of either asexual or sexual processes and are always nonmotile, being dispersed by wind. When spores land in a suitable place, they germinate, giving rise to a new fungal hypha. Because the spores are very small, they can remain suspended in the air for long periods of time. Because of this, fungal spores may be blown great distances from their place of origin, a factor in the extremely wide distributions of many kinds of fungi. Unfortunately, many of the fungi that cause diseases in plants and animals are spread rapidly and widely by such means. The spores of other fungi are routinely dispersed by insects and other small animals. Fungi reproduce sexually after two hyphae of opposite mating type fuse. Asexual reproduction by spores is a second common means of reproduction. How Fungi Obtain Nutrients All fungi obtain their food by secreting digestive enzymes into their surroundings and then absorbing back into the fungus the organic molecules produced by this external di- gestion. The significance of the fungal body plan reflects this approach, the extensive network of hyphae providing an enormous surface area for absorption. Many fungi are able to break down the cellulose in wood, cleaving the link- ages between glucose subunits and then absorbing the glu- cose molecules as food. That is why fungi so often grow on dead trees. It might surprise you to know that some fungi are predatory (figure 36.5). For example, the mycelium of the edible oyster fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus,excretes a sub- stance that anesthetizes tiny roundworms known as nema- todes (see chapter 44) that feed on the fungus. When the worms become sluggish and inactive, the fungal hyphae envelop and penetrate their bodies and absorb their nutri- tious contents. The fungus usually grows within living trees or on old stumps, obtaining the bulk of its glucose through the enzymatic digestion of cellulose from the wood, so that the nematodes it consumes apparently serve mainly as a source of nitrogen—a substance almost always in short supply in biological systems. Other fungi are even more active predators than Pleurotus,snaring, trapping, or firing projectiles into nematodes, rotifers, and other small animals on which they prey. Fungi secrete digestive enzymes onto organic matter and then absorb the products of the digestion. 722 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms FIGURE 36.5 A carnivorous fungus. The oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, not only decomposes wood but also immobilizes nematodes, which the fungus uses as a source of nitrogen. Ecology of Fungi Fungi, together with bacteria, are the principal decom- posers in the biosphere. They break down organic materi- als and return the substances locked in those molecules to circulation in the ecosystem. Fungi are virtually the only organisms capable of breaking down lignin, one of the major constituents of wood. By breaking down such sub- stances, fungi release critical building blocks, such as car- bon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, from the bodies of dead or- ganisms and make them available to other organisms. In breaking down organic matter, some fungi attack liv- ing plants and animals as a source of organic molecules, while others attack dead ones. Fungi often act as disease- causing organisms for both plants (figure 36.6) and animals, and they are responsible for billions of dollars in agricul- tural losses every year. Not only are fungi the most harmful pests of living plants, but they also attack food products once they have been harvested and stored. In addition, fungi often secrete substances into the foods that they are attacking that make these foods unpalatable, carcinogenic, or poisonous. The same aggressive metabolism that makes fungi eco- logically important has been put to commercial use in many ways. The manufacture of both bread and beer de- pends on the biochemical activities of yeasts, single-celled fungi that produce abundant quantities of ethanol and car- bon dioxide. Cheese and wine achieve their delicate flavors because of the metabolic processes of certain fungi, and others make possible the manufacture of soy sauce and other fermented foods. Vast industries depend on the bio- chemical manufacture of organic substances such as citric acid by fungi in culture, and yeasts are now used on a large scale to produce protein for the enrichment of animal food. Many antibiotics, including the first one that was used on a wide scale, penicillin, are derived from fungi. Some fungi are used to convert one complex organic molecule into another, cleaning up toxic substances in the environment. For example, at least three species of fungi have been isolated that combine selenium, accumulated at the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge in California’s San Joaquin Valley, with harmless volatile chemicals—thus re- moving excess selenium from the soil. Two kinds of mutualistic associations between fungi and autotrophic organisms are ecologically important. Lichens are mutualistic symbiotic associations between fungi and either green algae or cyanobacteria. They are prominent nearly everywhere in the world, especially in unusually harsh habitats such as bare rock. Mycorrhizae, specialized mutualistic symbiotic associations between the roots of plants and fungi, are characteristic of about 90% of all plants. In each of them, the photosynthetic organisms fix atmospheric carbon dioxide and thus make organic material available to the fungi. The metabolic activities of the fungi, in turn, enhance the overall ability of the symbiotic associa- tion to exist in a particular habitat. In the case of mycor- rhizae, the fungal partner expedites the plant’s absorption of essential nutrients such as phosphorus. Both of these as- sociations will be discussed further in this chapter. Fungi are key decomposers and symbionts within almost all terrestrial ecosystems and play many other important ecological and commercial roles. Chapter 36 Fungi 723 FIGURE 36.6 World’s largest organism? Armillaria,a pathogenic fungus shown here afflicting three discrete regions of coniferous forest in Montana, grows out from a central focus as a single circular clone. The large patch at the bottom of the picture is almost 8 hectares in diameter. The largest clone measured so far has been 15 hectares in diameter—pretty impressive for a single individual! The Three Phyla of Fungi There are three phyla but actually four groups of fungi: phylum Zygomycota, the zygomycetes; phylum Ascomy- cota, the ascomycetes; phylum Basidiomycota, the basid- iomycetes, and the imperfect fungi (figure 36.7 and table 36.1). Several other groups that historically have been asso- ciated with fungi, such as the slime molds and water molds (phylum Oomycota; see chapter 35), now are considered to be protists, not fungi. Oomycetes are sharply distinct from fungi in their (1) motile spores; (2) cellulose-rich cell walls; (3) pattern of mitosis; and (4) diploid hyphae. The three phyla of fungi are distinguished primarily by their sexual reproductive structures. In the zygomycetes, the fusion of hyphae leads directly to the formation of a zy- gote, which divides by meiosis when it germinates. In the other two phyla, an extensive growth of dikaryotic hyphae may lead to the formation of structures of interwoven hy- phae within which are formed the distinctive kind of repro- ductive cell characteristic of that particular group. Nuclear fusion, followed by meiosis, occurs within these cells. The imperfect fungi are either asexual or the sexual reproduc- tive structures have not been identified. Sexual reproductive structures distinguish the three phyla of fungi. 724 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 36.2 Fungi are classified by their reproductive structures. Zygomycota (zygomycetes) Imperfect fungi Ascomycota (ascomycetes) Basidiomycota (basidiomycetes) Fungi FIGURE 36.7 The four major groups of fungi.The imperfect fungi are not a true phylum, but rather a collection of fungi in which sexual structures have not been identified. Table 36.1 Fungi Approximate Number of Phylum Typical Examples Key Characteristics Living Species Ascomycota Yeasts, truffles, Develop by sexual means; ascospores are 32,000 morels formed inside a sac called an ascus; asexual reproduction is also common Imperfect Aspergillus, Sexual reproduction has not been observed; 17,000 fungi Penicillium most are thought to be ascomycetes that have lost the ability to reproduce sexually Basidiomycota Mushrooms, Develop by sexual means; basidiospores are 22,000 toadstools, rusts borne on club-shaped structures called basidia; the terminal hyphal cell that produces spores is called a basidium; asexual reproduction occurs occasionally Zygomycota Rhizopus Develop sexually and asexually; multinucleate 1050 (black bread mold) hyphae lack septa, except for reproductive structures; fusion of hyphae leads directly to formation of a zygote, in which meiosis occurs just before it germinates Phylum Zygomycota The zygomycetes (phylum Zygomycota) lack septa in their hyphae except when they form sporangia or gametangia. Zy- gomycetes are by far the smallest of the three phyla of fungi, with only about 1050 named species. Included among them are some of the more common bread molds (figure 36.8), as well as a variety of other microscopic fungi found on decaying or- ganic material. The group is named after a characteristic feature of the life cycle of its members, the production of temporarily dormant structures called zygosporangia. In the life cycle of the zygomycetes (fig- ure 36.8b), sexual reproduction occurs by the fusion of gametangia, which contain numerous nuclei. The gametangia are cut off from the hyphae by complete septa. These gametangia may be formed on hyphae of dif- ferent mating types or on a single hypha. If both + and – mating strains are present in a colony, they may grow to- gether and their nuclei may fuse. Once the haploid nuclei have fused, forming diploid zygote nuclei, the area where the fusion has taken place develops into an often massive and elaborate zygosporangium. A zygosporangium may contain one or more diploid nuclei and acquires a thick coat. The zygosporangium helps the species survive conditions not favorable for growth. Meiosis occurs during the germi- nation of the zygosporangium. Normal, haploid hyphae grow from the haploid cells that result from this process. Except for the zygote nuclei, all nuclei of the zy- gomycetes are haploid. Asexual reproduction occurs much more frequently than sexual reproduction in the zygomycetes. During asexual reproduction, hyphae grow over the surface of the bread or other material on which the fungus feeds and produce clumps of erect stalks, called sporangiophores. The tips of the sporangiophores form sporangia, which are separated by septa. Thin-walled hap- loid spores are produced within the sporangia. Their spores are thus shed above the substrate, in a position where they may be picked up by the wind and dispersed to a new food source. Zygomycetes form characteristic resting structures, called zygosporangia, which contain one or more zygotic nuclei. The hyphae of zygomycetes are multinucleate, with septa only where gametangia or sporangia are separated. Chapter 36 Fungi 725 Imperfect fungi Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Zygomycetes FIGURE 36.8 Rhizopus, a zygomycete that grows on moist bread and other similar substrates. (a) The dark, spherical, spore-producing sporangia are on hyphae about a centimeter tall. The rootlike hyphae anchor the sporangia. (b) Life cycle of Rhizopus,a zygomycete. This phylum is named for its characteristic zygosporangia. Hypha n2n MEIOSIS (occurs during germination) Rhizoid Sporangiophore Sporangium Mating strain – Mating strain + Gametangia FUSION OF GAMETANGIA + – Zygosporangium Germinating zygosporangium + – Sporangium Spores (a) (b) Phylum Ascomycota The second phylum of fungi, the as- comycetes (phylum Ascomycota), is a very large group of about 32,000 named species, with more being discovered each year. Among the ascomycetes are such familiar and economically important fungi as yeasts, common molds, morels (figure 36.9a,b), and truffles. Also included in this phylum are many serious plant pathogens, including the chestnut blight, Cryphonectria parasitica,and Dutch elm disease, Ophiostoma ulmi. The ascomycetes are named for their characteristic reproductive structure, the microscopic, saclike ascus (plural, asci). The zygotic nucleus, which is the only diploid nucleus of the ascomycete life cycle (figure 36.9c), is formed within the ascus. The asci are differentiated within a structure made up of densely interwoven hyphae, corre- sponding to the visible portions of a morel or cup fungus, called the ascocarp. Asexual reproduction is very common in the as- comycetes. It takes place by means of conidia (singular, conidium), spores cut off by septa at the ends of modified hyphae called conidio- phores. Conidia allow for the rapid colo- nization of a new food source. Many coni- dia are multinucleate. The hyphae of ascomycetes are divided by septa, but the septa are perforated and the cytoplasm flows along the length of each hypha. The septa that cut off the asci and conidia are initially perforated, but later become blocked. The cells of ascomycete hyphae may contain from several to many nuclei. The hyphae may be either homokaryotic or heterokaryotic. Female gametangia, called ascogonia, each have a beaklike outgrowth called a trichogyne. When the antheridium, or male gametangium, forms, it fuses with the trichogyne of an adjacent ascogonium. Initially, both kinds of gametangia contain a number of nuclei. Nuclei from the antheridium then migrate through the trichogyne into the ascogonium and pair with nuclei of the opposite mating type. Dikaryotic hyphae then arise from the area of the fusion. Throughout such hyphae, 726 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Imperfect fungi Basidiomycetes Zygomycetes Ascomycetes n 2n + Strain Ascospore Each haploid nucleus divides once by mitosis Trichogyne Antheridium Plasmogamy (cytoplasmic bridge allows strain nuclei to pass into ascogonium) Dikaryotic hyphae form from ascogonium Karyogamy (formation of young ascus) Zygote Young ascus Asexual reproduction by spores (conidia) Fully developed ascocarp composed of dikaryotic (ascogenic) hyphae and sterile hyphae Dikaryotic Monokaryotic MEIOSIS – – Strain Ascogonium (c) FIGURE 36.9 An ascomycetes. (a) This morel, Morchella esculenta,is a delicious edible ascomycete that appears in early spring. (b) A cup fungus. (c) Life cycle of an ascomycete. The zygote forms within the ascus. (a) (b) nuclei that represent the two different original mating types occur. These hyphae are thus both dikaryotic and heterokaryotic. Asci are formed at the tips of the dikaryotic hyphae and are separated by the formation of septa. There are two haploid nuclei within each ascus, one of each mating type represented in the dikaryotic hypha. Fusion of these two nuclei occurs within each ascus, forming a zygote. Each zygote divides immediately by meiosis, forming four hap- loid daughter nuclei. These usually divide again by mito- sis, producing eight haploid nuclei that become walled as- cospores. In many ascomycetes, the ascus becomes highly turgid at maturity and ultimately bursts, often at a pre- formed area. When this occurs, the ascospores may be thrown as far as 30 centimeters, an amazing distance con- sidering that most ascospores are only about 10 microme- ters long. This would be equivalent to throwing a baseball (diameter 7.5 centimeters) 1.25 kilometers—about 10 times the length of a home run! Yeasts Yeasts, which are unicellular, are one of the most interest- ing and economically important groups of microscopic fungi, usually ascomycetes. Most of their reproduction is asexual and takes place by cell fission or budding, when a smaller cell forms from a larger one (figure 36.10). Sometimes two yeast cells will fuse, forming one cell containing two nuclei. This cell may then function as an ascus, with syngamy followed immediately by meiosis. The resulting ascospores function directly as new yeast cells. Because they are single-celled, yeasts were once con- sidered primitive fungi. However, it appears that they are actually reduced in structure and were originally de- rived from multicellular ancestors. The word yeastactu- ally signifies only that these fungi are single-celled. Some yeasts have been derived from each of the three phyla of fungi, although ascomycetes are best repre- sented. Even yeasts that were derived from ascomycetes are not necessarily directly related to one another, but instead seem to have been derived from different groups of ascomycetes. Putting Yeasts to Work. The ability of yeasts to fer- ment carbohydrates, breaking down glucose to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide, is fundamental in the produc- tion of bread, beer, and wine. Many different strains of yeast have been domesticated and selected for these processes. Wild yeasts—ones that occur naturally in the areas where wine is made—were important in wine mak- ing historically, but domesticated yeasts are normally used now. The most important yeast in all these processes is Saccharomyces cerevisiae.This yeast has been used by hu- mans throughout recorded history. Other yeasts are im- portant pathogens and cause diseases such as thrush and cryptococcosis; one of them, Candida,causes common oral or vaginal infections. Over the past few decades, yeasts have become increas- ingly important in genetic research. They were the first eukaryotes to be manipulated extensively by the tech- niques of genetic engineering, and they still play the lead- ing role as models for research in eukaryotic cells. In 1983, investigators synthesized a functional artificial chro- mosome in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeby assembling the ap- propriate DNA molecule chemically; this has not yet been possible in any other eukaryote. In 1996, the genome se- quence of S. cerevisiae,the first eukaryote to be sequenced entirely, was completed. With their rapid generation time and a rapidly increasing pool of genetic and biochemical information, the yeasts in general and S. cerevisiaein par- ticular are becoming the eukaryotic cells of choice for many types of experiments in molecular and cellular biol- ogy. Yeasts have become, in this respect, comparable to Escherichia coliamong the bacteria, and they are continu- ing to provide significant insights into the functioning of eukaryotic systems. Ascomycetes form their zygotes within a characteristic saclike structure, the ascus. Meiosis follows, resulting in the production of ascospores. Yeasts are unicellular fungi, mainly ascomycetes, that have evolved from hypha-forming ancestors; not all yeasts are directly related to one another. Long useful for baking, brewing, and wine making, yeasts are now becoming very important in genetic research. Chapter 36 Fungi 727 FIGURE 36.10 Scanning electron micrograph of a yeast, showing the characteristic cell division method of budding (19,000×). The cells tend to hang together in chains, a feature that calls to mind the derivation of single-celled yeasts from multicellular ancestors. Phylum Basidiomycota The third phylum of fungi, the basid- iomycetes (phylum Basidiomycota), has about 22,000 named species. These are among the most familiar fungi. Among the basidiomycetes are not only the mush- rooms, toadstools, puffballs, jelly fungi, and shelf fungi, but also many important plant pathogens including rusts and smuts (figure 36.11). Many mushrooms are used as food, but others are deadly poisonous. Basidiomycetes are named for their char- acteristic sexual reproductive structure, the basidium (plural, basidia). A basidium is club-shaped. Karyogamy occurs within the basidium, giving rise to the zygote, the only diploid cell of the life cycle (figure 36.11b). As in all fungi, meiosis occurs immediately after the formation of the zy- gote. In the basidiomycetes, the four haploid products of meiosis are incorporated into basidiospores. In most members of this phylum, the basidiospores are borne at the end of the basidia on slender projections called sterigmata (singular, sterigma). Thus the structure of a basidium dif- fers from that of an ascus, although functionally the two are identical. Recall that the ascospores of the ascomycetes are borne internally in asci. The life cycle of a basidiomycete contin- ues with the production of homokaryotic hyphae after spore germination. These hy- phae lack septa at first. Eventually, septa form between the nuclei of the monokary- otic hyphae. A basidiomycete mycelium made up of monokaryotic hyphae is called a primary mycelium. Different mating types of monokaryotic hyphae may fuse, forming a dikaryotic or secondary mycelium. Such a mycelium is heterokary- otic, with two nuclei, representing the two different mating types, between each pair of septa. The maintenance of two genomes in the heterokaryon allows for more ge- netic plasticity than in a diploid cell with one nucleus. One genome may compen- sate for mutations in the other. The basidiocarps, or mushrooms, are formed entirely of secondary (dikaryotic) mycelium. Gills on the undersurface of the cap of a mush- room form vast numbers of minute spores. It has been esti- mated that a mushroom with a cap that is 7.5 centimeters across produces as many as 40 million spores per hour! Most basidiomycete hyphae are dikaryotic. Ultimately, the hyphae fuse to form basidiocarps, with basidia lining the gills on the underside. Meiosis immediately follows syngamy in these basidia. 728 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Imperfect fungi Ascomycetes Zygomycetes Basidiomycetes FIGURE 36.11 Basidiomycetes. (a) Death cap mushroom, Amanita phalloides.When eaten, these mushrooms are usually fatal. (b) Life cycle of a basidiomycete. The basidium is the reproductive structure where syngamy occurs. Fusion of and hyphae –+ Basidiocarp MEIOSIS Formation of basidiospores Basidiospores Primary mycelium (monokaryotic) Secondary mycelium (dikaryotic) Gills lined with basidia Basidia Sterigma Zygote n n + n Strain Strain – n2 + – + (a) (b) The Imperfect Fungi Most of the so-called imperfect fungi, a group also called deuteromycetes, are those in which the sexual reproductive stages have not been observed. Most of these ap- pear to be related to ascomycetes although some have clear affinities to the other phyla. The group of fungi from which a particular nonsexual strain has been derived usually can be determined by the features of its hyphae and asexual reproduction. It cannot, however, be classified by the stan- dards of that group because the classifica- tion systems are based on the features re- lated to sexual reproduction. One consequence of this system is that as sexual reproduction is discovered in an imperfect fungus, it may have two names assigned to different stages of its life cycle. There are some 17,000 described species of imperfect fungi (figure 36.12). Even though sexual reproduction is absent among imperfect fungi, a certain amount of ge- netic recombination occurs. This becomes possible when hyphae of different genetic types fuse, as sometimes hap- pens spontaneously. Within the heterokaryotic hyphae that arise from such fusion, a special kind of genetic re- combination called parasexuality may occur. In parasex- uality, genetically distinct nuclei within a common hypha exchange portions of chromosomes. Recombination of this sort also occurs in other groups of fungi and seems to be responsible for some of the new pathogenic strains of wheat rust. Economic Importance Among the economically important genera of the imperfect fungi are Penicilliumand Aspergillus.Some species of Penicilliumare sources of the well-known antibiotic peni- cillin, and other species of the genus give the characteristic flavors and aromas to cheeses such as Roquefort and Camembert. Species of Aspergillusare used to ferment soy sauce and soy paste, processes in which certain bacteria and yeasts also play impor- tant roles. Citric acid is produced commer- cially with members of this genus under highly acidic conditions. Some species of both Penicilliumand Aspergillusform asco- carps, but the genera are still classified pri- marily as imperfect fungi because the asco- carps are found rarely in only a few species. Most of the fungi that cause skin diseases in humans, including athlete’s foot and ringworm, are also imperfect fungi. A number of imperfect fungi occur widely on food. Fusariumspecies growing on spoiled food produce highly toxic substances such as trichothecenes. Aflatoxins, among the most carcinogenic compounds known, are produced by some Aspergillus flavusstrains growing on corn, peanuts, etc. Most developed countries have legal limits on the con- centration of aflatoxin permitted in different foods. Imperfect fungi are fungi in which no sexual reproduction has been observed. For this reason, they cannot be classified by the standards applied to the three phyla of fungi. The great majority of the imperfect fungi are clearly ascomycetes. Chapter 36 Fungi 729 Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Zygomycetes Imperfect fungi FIGURE 36.12 The imperfect fungi. (a) Verticillium alboatrum(1350×), an important pathogen of alfalfa, has whorled conidiophores. The single-celled conidia of this member of the imperfect fungi are borne at the ends of the conidiophores. (b) In Tolypocladium inflatum,the conidia arise along the branches. This fungus is one of the sources of cyclosporin, a drug that suppresses immune reactions and thus assists in making human organ grafts possible; the drug was put on the market in 1979. (c) This scanning electron micrograph of Aspergillus shows conidia, the spheres at the end of the hyphae.(a) (b) (c) Lichens Lichens (figure 36.13) are symbiotic associations between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner. They pro- vide an outstanding example of mu- tualism, the kind of symbiotic asso- ciation that benefits both partners. Ascomycetes (including some imper- fect fungi) are the fungal partners in all but about 20 of the approxi- mately 15,000 species of lichens esti- mated to exist; the exceptions, mostly tropical, are basidiomycetes. Most of the visible body of a lichen consists of its fungus, but within the tissues of that fungus are found cyanobacteria, green algae, or some- times both (figure 36.14). Special- ized fungal hyphae penetrate or envelop the photosyn- thetic cells within them and transfer nutrients directly to the fungal partner. Biochemical “signals” sent out by the fungus apparently direct its cyanobacterial or green algal component to produce metabolic substances that it does not produce when growing independently of the fungus. The photosynthetic member of the association is nor- mally held between thick layers of interwoven fungal hy- phae and is not directly exposed to the light, but enough light penetrates the translucent layers of fungal hyphae to make photosynthesis possible. The fungi in lichens are unable to grow normally without their photosynthetic partners and the fungi protect their partners from strong light and desiccation. The durable construction of the fungus, combined with the photosynthetic properties of its partner, has enabled lichens to invade the harshest habitats at the tops of moun- tains, in the farthest northern and southern latitudes, and on dry, bare rock faces in the desert. In harsh, exposed areas, lichens are often the first colonists, breaking down the rocks and setting the stage for the invasion of other organisms. Lichens are often strikingly colored because of the pres- ence of pigments that probably play a role in protecting the photosynthetic partner from the destructive action of the sun’s rays. These same pigments may be extracted from the lichens and used as natural dyes. The traditional method of manufacturing Scotland’s famous Harris tweed used fungal dyes. Lichens are extremely sensitive to pollutants in the at- mosphere, and thus they can be used as bioindicators of air quality. Their sensitivity results from their ability to ab- sorb substances dissolved in rain and dew. Lichens are generally absent in and around cities because of automo- bile traffic and industrial activity, even though suitable substrates exist. Lichens are symbiotic associations between a fungus— an ascomycete in all but a very few instances—and a photosynthetic partner, which may be a green alga or a cyanobacterium or both. 730 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms 36.3 Fungi form two key mutualistic symbiotic associations. (a) (b) FIGURE 36.13 Lichens are found in a variety of habitats. (a) A fruticose lichen, Cladina evansii,growing on the ground in Florida. (b) A foliose (“leafy”) lichen, Parmotrema gardneri,growing on the bark of a tree in a mountain forest in Panama. Fungal hyphae Algal cells FIGURE 36.14 Stained section of a lichen (250×). This section shows fungal hyphae (purple) more densely packed into a protective layer on the top and, especially, the bottom layer of the lichen. The blue cells near the upper surface of the lichen are those of a green alga. These cells supply carbohydrate to the fungus. Mycorrhizae The roots of about 90% of all kinds of vascular plants nor- mally are involved in mutualistic symbiotic relationships with certain kinds of fungi. It has been estimated that these fungi probably amount to 15% of the total weight of the world’s plant roots. Associations of this kind are termed mycorrhizae (from the Greek words for “fungus” and “roots”). The fungi in mycorrhizae associations function as extensions of the root system. The fungal hyphae dramati- cally increase the amount of soil contact and total surface area for absorption. When mycorrhizae are present, they aid in the direct transfer of phosphorus, zinc, copper, and other nutrients from the soil into the roots. The plant, on the other hand, supplies organic carbon to the fungus, so the system is an example of mutualism. There are two principal types of mycorrhizae (figure 36.15): endomycorrhizae, in which the fungal hyphae penetrate the outer cells of the plant root, forming coils, swellings, and minute branches, and also extend out into the surrounding soil; and ectomycorrhizae, in which the hyphae surround but do not penetrate the cell walls of the roots. In both kinds of mycorrhizae, the mycelium extends far out into the soil. Endomycorrhizae Endomycorrhizae are by far the more common of these two types. The fungal component in them is a zy- gomycete. Only about 100 species of zygomycetes are known to be involved in such relationships throughout the world. These few species of zygomycetes are associated with more than 200,000 species of plants. Endomycor- rhizal fungi are being studied intensively because they are potentially capable of increasing crop yields with lower phosphate and energy inputs. The earliest fossil plants often show endomycorrhizal roots. Such associations may have played an important role in allowing plants to colonize land. The soils available at such times would have been sterile and completely lacking in organic matter. Plants that form mycorrhizal associa- tions are particularly successful in infertile soils; consider- ing the fossil evidence, the suggestion that mycorrhizal as- sociations found in the earliest plants helped them succeed on such soils seems reasonable. In addition, the most prim- itive vascular plants surviving today continue to depend strongly on mycorrhizae. Ectomycorrhizae Ectomycorrhizae (figure 36.15b) involve far fewer kinds of plants than do endomycorrhizae, perhaps a few thousand. They are characteristic of certain groups of trees and shrubs, particularly those of temperate regions, including pines, firs, oaks, beeches, and willows. The fungal compo- nents in most ectomycorrhizae are basidiomycetes, but some are ascomycetes. Several different kinds of ectomyc- orrhizal fungi may form mycorrhizal associations with one plant. Different combinations have different effects on the physiological characteristics of the plant and its ability to survive under different environmental conditions. At least 5000 species of fungi are involved in ectomycorrhizal rela- tionships, and many of them are restricted to a single species of plant. Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between plants and fungi. Chapter 36 Fungi 731 FIGURE 36.15 Endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae. (a) In endomycorrhizae, fungal hyphae penetrate and branch out in the root cells of plants. In ectomycorrhizae, fungal hyphae do not penetrate root cells but grow around and extend between the cells. (b) Ectomycorrhizae on roots of pines. From left to right are yellow-brown mycorrhizae formed by Pisolithus,white mycorrhizae formed by Rhizopagon,and pine roots not associated with a fungus. Ectomycorrhizae Endomycorrhizae (a) (b) 732 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms Chapter 36 Summary Questions Media Resources 36.1 Fungi are unlike any other kind of organism. ? The fungi are a distinct kingdom of eukaryotic organisms characterized by a filamentous growth form, lack of chlorophyll and motile cells, chitin-rich cell walls, and external digestion of food by the secretion of enzymes. ? Fungal filaments, called hyphae, collectively make up the fungus body, which is called the mycelium. ? In many fungi, the two kinds of nuclei that will eventually undergo syngamy occur together in hyphae for a long period before they fuse. Meiosis occurs immediately after the formation of the zygote in all fungi; the zygote, therefore, is the only diploid nucleus of the entire life cycle in these organisms. 1.What is a hypha? What is the advantage to having incomplete septa? 2.What is the composition of the fungal cell wall? Why is this composition an advantage to the fungi? 3.Which fungal nuclei are diploid? Which are haploid? To what do the following terms refer: heterokaryotic, homokaryotic, dikaryotic, andmonokaryotic? ? There are three phyla of fungi: Zygomycota, the zygomycetes; Ascomycota, the ascomycetes; and Basidiomycota, the basidiomycetes. ? Zygomycetes form septa only when gametangia or sporangia are cut off at the ends of their hyphae; otherwise, their hyphae are multinucleate. Most hyphae of ascomycetes and basidiomycetes have perforated septa through which the cytoplasm, but not necessarily the nuclei, flows freely. ? Cells within the heterokaryotic hyphae of ascomycetes are multinucleate; those within the heterokaryotic hyphae of the basidiomycetes are dikaryotic. Zygotes in ascomycetes form within sac- like structures known as asci, and those in basidiomycetes form within structures known as basidia. ? Asexual reproduction in zygomycetes takes place by means of spores from multinucleate sporangia; in ascomycetes, it takes place by means of conidia. Asexual reproduction in basidiomycetes is rare. 4.What are the three reproductive structures that occur in fungi? How do they differ? 5.Fungi are nonmotile. How are they dispersed to new areas? 6.What are the ascomycete asexual spores called? Do the nonreproductive hyphae of this division have septa? 7.To what phyla do the yeasts belong? How do they differ from other fungi? Is it more likely that this characteristic is primitive or degenerate? 8.What are the imperfect fungi? Which phylum seems to be best represented in this group? By what means can individuals in this group be classified? 36.2 Fungi are classified by their reproductive structures. ? Lichens are mutualistic symbiotic systems involving fungi (almost always ascomycetes), which derive their nutrients from green algae, cyanobacteria, or both. ? Mycorrhizae are mutualistic symbiotic associations between fungi and plants. Endomycorrhizae, more common, involve zygomycetes, while ectomycor- rhizal fungi are mainly basidiomycetes. 9.What are lichens? Which fungal phylum is best represented in the lichens? 10.What are mycorrhizae? How do endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae differ? 36.3 Fungi form two key mutualistic symbiotic associations. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Characteristics of Fungi ? Diversity of Fungi ? Student Research: Mushroom Spore Germination 733 Part Opener Title Text to come. Part X Plant Form and Function Part opener figure 1 title. Figure legend. 734 Part X Plant Form and Function Part opener figure 2 title. Figure legend. 735 37 Evolutionary History of Plants Concept Outline 37.1 Plants have multicellular haploid and diploid stages in their life cycles. The Evolutionary Origins of Plants. Plants evolved from freshwater green algae and eventually developed cuticles, stomata, conducting systems, and reproductive strategies that adapt them well for life on land. Plant Life Cycles. Plants have haplodiplontic life cycles. Diploid sporophytes produce haploid spores which develop into haploid gametophytes that produce haploid gametes. 37.2 Nonvascular plants are relatively unspecialized, but successful in many terrestrial environments. Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts. The most conspicuous part of a nonvascular plant is the green photosynthetic gametophyte, which supports the smaller sporophyte nutritionally. 37.3 Seedless vascular plants have well-developed conducting tissues in their sporophytes. Features of Vascular Plants. In vascular plants, specialized tissue called xylem conducts water and dissolved minerals within the plant, and tissue called phloem conducts sucrose and plant growth regulators within the plant. Seedless Vascular Plants. Seedless vascular plants have a much more conspicuous sporophyte than nonvascular plants do, and many have well-developed conducting systems in stem, roots, and leaves. 37.4 Seeds protect and aid in the dispersal of plant embryos. Seed Plants. In seed plants, the sporophyte is dominant. Male and female gametophytes develop within the sporophyte and depend on it for food. Seeds allow embryos to germinate when conditions are favorable. Gymnosperms. In gymnosperms, the female gametophyte (ovule) is not completely enclosed by sporophyte tissue at the time of pollination by male gametophytes (pollen). Angiosperms. In angiosperms, the ovule is completely enclosed by sporophyte tissue at the time of pollination. Angiosperms, by far the most successful plant group, produce flowers. P lant evolution is the story of the conquest of land by green algal ancestors. For about 500 million years, algae were confined to a watery domain, limited by the need for water to reproduce, provide structural support, prevent water loss, and provide some protection from the sun’s ultraviolet irradiation. Numerous evolutionary solu- tions to these challenges have resulted in over 300,000 species of plants dominating all terrestrial communities today, from forests to alpine tundra, from agricultural fields to deserts (figure 37.1). Most plants are photosyn- thetic, converting light energy into chemical-bond energy and providing oxygen for all aerobic organisms. We rely on plants for food, clothing, wood for shelter and fuel, chemicals, and many medicines. This chapter explores the evolutionary history and strategies that have allowed plants to inhabit most terrestrial environments over mil- lions of years. FIGURE 37.1 An arctic tundra. This is one of the harshest environments on earth, yet a diversity of plants have made this home. These ecosystems are fragile and particularly susceptible to global change. Adaptations to Land Plants and fungi are the only major groups of organisms that are primarily terrestrial. Most plants are protected from desiccation—the tendency of organisms to lose water to the air—by a waxy cuticle that is secreted onto their ex- posed surfaces. The cuticle is relatively impermeable and provides an effective barrier to water loss. This solution creates another problem by limiting gas exchange essential for respiration and photosynthesis. Water and gas diffusion into and out of a plant occurs through tiny mouth-shaped openings called stomata (sin- gular, stoma). The evolution of leaves resulted in increased photo- synthetic surface area. The shift to a dominant diploid generation, accompanied by the structural support of vas- cular tissue, allowed plants to take advantage of the verti- cal dimension of the terrestrial environment, resulting in trees. Plants evolved from freshwater green algae and eventually developed cuticles, stomata, conducting systems, and reproductive strategies that adapt them well for life on land. 736 Part X Plant Form and Function The Evolutionary Origins of Plants Biologists have long suspected that plants are the evolu- tionary descendants of green algae. Now we are sure. The evolutionary history of plants was laid bare at the 1999 In- ternational Botanical Congress held in St. Louis, Mis- souri, by a team of 200 biologists from 12 countries that had been working together for five years with U.S. federal funding. Their project, Deep Green (more formally known as The Green Plant Phylogeny Research Coordi- nation Group), coordinated the efforts of laboratories using molecular, morphological, and anatomical traits to create a new “Tree of Life.” Deep Green confirmed the long-standing claim that green algae were ancestral to plants. More surprising was the finding that just a single species of green algae gave rise to the entire terrestrial plant lineage from moss through the flowering plants (an- giosperms). Exactly what this ancestral alga was is still a mystery, but close relatives are believed to exist in fresh- water lakes today. DNA sequence data is consistent with the claim that a single “Eve” gave rise to the entire king- dom Plantae 450 million years ago. At each subsequent step in evolution, the evidence suggests that only a single family of plants made the transition. The fungi appear to have branched later than the plants and are more closely related to us. There are 12 plant phyla, all of which afford some pro- tection to their embryos. All plants also have a haploid and a diploid stage that is multicellular. The trend over time has been toward increasing embryo protection and a smaller haploid stage in the life cycle. The plants are di- vided into two groups based on the presence or absence of vascular tissues which facilitate the transport of water and nutrients in plants. Three phyla (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) lack vascular tissue and are referred to as the nonvascular plants. Members of 9 of the 12 plant phyla are collectively called vascular plants, and include, among others, the ferns, conifers, and flowering plants. Vascular plants have water-conducting xylem and food-conducting phloem strands of tissues in their stems, roots, and leaves. Vascular plants can be further grouped based on how much protection embryos have. The seedless vascular plants (ferns) provide less protection than the seeds of the gym- nosperms (conifers) and angiosperms (flowering plants) (figure 37.2). About 150 million years ago the angiosperms arose with further innovations—flowers to attract pollina- tors and fruit surrounding the seed to protect the embryo and aid in seed dispersal. Many of these lineages have per- sisted. If you could travel back 65 million years to the di- nosaur era, you would encounter oak, walnut, and sycamore trees! 37.1 Plants have multicellular haploid and diploid stages in their life cycles. Nonvascular plants Seedless vascular plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Plants FIGURE 37.2 The four major groups of plants. In this chapter we will discuss four major groups of plants. The green algae, discussed in chapter 35, are the protists from which plants are thought to have evolved. Plant Life Cycles All plants undergo mitosis after both gamete fusion and meiosis. The result is a multicellu- lar haploid and a multicellular diploid individ- ual, unlike us where gamete fusion directly fol- lows meiosis. We have a diplontic life cycle (only the diploid stage is multicellular), but the plant life cycle is haplodiplontic (with multi- cellular haploid and diploid stages). The basic haplodiplontic cycle is summarized in figure 37.3. Brown, red, and green algae are also hap- lodiplontic (see chapter 35). While we produce gametes via meiosis, plants actually produce gametes by mitosis in a multicellular, haploid individual. The diploid generation, or sporo- phyte, alternates with the haploid generation, or gametophyte. Sporophyte means “spore plant,” and gametophyte means “gamete plant.” These terms indicate the kinds of re- productive cells the respective generations produce. The diploid sporophyte undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores (not gametes). Meiosis takes place in structures called spo- rangia, where diploid spore mother cells (sporocytes) undergo meiosis, each producing four haploid spores. Spores divide by mitosis, producing a multicellular, haploid gameto- phyte. Spores are the first cells of the gameto- phyte generation. In turn, the haploid gametophyte produces haploid ga- metes by mitosis. When the gametes fuse, the zygote they form is diploid and is the first cell of the next sporo- phyte generation. The zygote grows into a diploid sporo- phyte that produces sporangia in which meiosis ulti- mately occurs. While all plants are haplodiplontic, the haploid genera- tion consumes a much larger chunk of the life cycle in mosses than in gymnosperms and angiosperms. In mosses, liverworts, and ferns, the gametophyte is photosynthetic and free-living; in other plants it is either nutritionally de- pendent on the sporophyte, or saprobic (deriving its en- ergy directly from nonliving organic matter). When you look at moss, what you see is largely gametophyte tissue; their sporophytes are usually smaller, brownish or yellow- ish structures attached to or enclosed within tissues of the gametophyte. In most vascular plants the gametophytes are much smaller than the sporophytes. In seed plants, the ga- metophytes are nutritionally dependent on the sporophytes and are enclosed within their tissues. When you look at a gymnosperm or angiosperm, what you see, with rare excep- tions, is a sporophyte. The difference between dominant gametophytes and sporophytes is key to understanding why there are no moss trees. What we identify as a moss plant is a gameto- phyte and it produces gametes at its tip. The egg is sta- tionery and sperm lands near the egg in a droplet of water. If the moss were the height of a sequoia, not only would it need vascular tissue for conduction and support, the sperm would have to swim up the tree! In contrast, the fern gametophyte develops on the forest floor where gametes can meet. Fern trees abound in Australia and the haploid spores fall to the ground and develop into game- tophytes. Having completed our overview of plant life cycles, we will consider the major plant groups. As we do, we will see a progressive reduction of the gametophyte from group to group, a loss of multicellular gametangia (structures in which gametes are produced), and increas- ing specialization for life on the land, culminating with the remarkable structural adaptations of the flowering plants, the dominant plants today. Similar trends must have characterized the progression to seed plants over the hundreds of millions of years since a freshwater alga made the move onto land. Plants have haplodiplontic life cycles. Diploid sporophytes produce haploid spores which develop into haploid gametophytes that produce haploid gametes. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 737 2n 2n Egg Mitosis Spore 2n Sporophyte (2n) Sporangia Spore mother cell Spores n n n n Gametophyte (n) Gamete fusion Sperm Embryo Zygote Meiosis Haploid Diploid FIGURE 37.3 A generalized plant life cycle. Anything yellow is haploid and anything blue is diploid. Note that both haploid and diploid individuals can be multicellular. Also, spores are produced by meiosis while gametes are produced by mitosis. Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts There are about 24,700 bryophytes— mosses, liverworts, and hornworts— that are simply but highly adapted to a diversity of terrestrial environments (even deserts!). Scientists now agree that bryophytes consist of three quite distinct phyla of relatively unspecial- ized plants. Their gametophytes are photosynthetic. Sporophytes are at- tached to the gametophytes and de- pend on them nutritionally to varying degrees. Bryophytes, like ferns and cer- tain other vascular plants, require water (for example, rainwater) to re- produce sexually. It is not surprising that they are especially common in moist places, both in the tropics and tem- perate regions. Most bryophytes are small; few exceed 7 centimeters in height. The gametophytes are more conspicuous than the sporo- phytes. Some of the sporophytes are com- pletely enclosed within gametophyte tissue; others are not and usually turn brownish or straw-colored at maturity. Mosses (Bryophyta) The gametophytes of mosses typically consist of small leaflike structures arranged spirally or alternately around a stemlike axis (figure 37.4); the axis is an- chored to its substrate by means of rhi- zoids. Each rhizoid consists of several cells that absorb water, but nothing like the volume of water absorbed by a vascu- lar plant root. Moss “leaves” have little in common with true leaves, except for the superficial appearance of the green, flat- tened blade and slightly thickened midrib that runs lengthwise down the middle. They are only one cell thick (except at the midrib), lack vascular strands and stomata, and all the cells are haploid. Water may rise up a strand of specialized cells in the center of a moss gametophyte axis, but most water used by the plant travels up the outside of the plant. Some mosses also have specialized food-conducting cells surrounding those that conduct water. Multicellular gametangia are formed at the tips of the leafy gametophytes (figure 37.5). Female gametangia (archegonia) may develop either on the same gametophyte as the male ga- metangia (antheridia) or on separate plants. A single egg is produced in the swollen lower part of an archegonium while numerous sperm are produced in an antheridium. When sperm are re- leased from an antheridium, they swim with the aid of flagella through a film of dew or rainwater to the archegonia. One sperm (which is haploid) unites with an egg (also haploid), forming a diploid zygote. The zygote divides by mitosis and develops into the sporo- phyte, a slender, basal stalk with a swollen capsule, the sporangium, at its tip. As the sporophyte develops, its base becomes em- bedded in gametophyte tissue, its nutri- tional source. The sporangium is often cylindrical or club-shaped. Spore mother cells within the sporangium undergo meio- sis, each becoming four haploid spores. At maturity, the top of the sporangium pops off, and the spores are released. A spore that lands in a suitable damp location may germinate and grow into a threadlike struc- ture that branches to form rhizoids and “buds” that grow upright. Each bud devel- ops into a new gametophyte plant consist- ing of a leafy axis. In the Arctic and the Antarctic, mosses are the most abundant plants, boasting not only the largest number of individuals in these harsh regions, but also the largest number of species. Many mosses are able to withstand prolonged periods of drought, al- though they are not common in deserts. Most are remarkably sensitive to air pollu- tion and are rarely found in abundance in or near cities or other areas with high levels of air pollu- tion. Some mosses, such as the peat mosses (Sphagnum), can absorb up to 25 times their weight in water and are valuable commercially as a soil conditioner, or as a fuel when dry. 738 Part X Plant Form and Function 37.2 Nonvascular plants are relatively unspecialized, but successful in many terrestrial environments. Nonvascular plants Seedless vascular plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms FIGURE 37.4 A hair-cup moss, Polytrichum (phylum Bryophyta). The “leaves” belong to the gametophyte. Each of the yellowish-brown stalks, with the capsule, or sporangium, at its summit, is a sporophyte. Liverworts (Hepaticophyta) The old English word wyrt means “plant” or “herb.” Some common liver- worts have flattened gametophytes with lobes resembling those of liver—hence the combination “liverwort.” Although the lobed liverworts are the best-known representatives of this phylum, they constitute only about 20% of the species (figure 37.6). The other 80% are leafy and superficially resemble mosses. Liverworts are less complex than mosses. Gametophytes are pros- trate instead of erect, and the rhizoids are one-celled. Some liverworts have air chambers containing upright, branching rows of photosynthetic cells, each chamber having a pore at the top to facilitate gas exchange. Unlike stomata, the pores are fixed open and cannot close. Sexual reproduction in liverworts is similar to that in mosses. Lobed liver- worts form gametangia in umbrella- like structures. Asexual reproduction occurs when lens-shaped pieces of tissue that are released from the gametophyte grow to form new gametophytes. Hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) The origins of hornworts are a puzzle. They are most likely among the earliest land plants, yet the earliest fossil spores date from the Cretaceous period, 65 to 145 million years ago, when an- giosperms were emerging. The small hornwort sporophytes re- semble tiny green broom handles rising from filmy gametophytes usually less than 2 centimeters in diameter (figure 37.7). The sporophyte base is embed- ded in gametophyte tissue, from which it derives some of its nutrition. How- ever, the sporophyte has stomata, is photosynthetic, and provides much of the energy needed for growth and re- production. Hornwort cells usually have a single chloroplast. The three major phyla of nonvascular plants are all relatively unspecialized, but well suited for diverse terrestrial environments. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 739 Sperm FERTILIZATION Zygote Developing sporophyte in archegonium Mature sporophyte Parent gametophyte Sporangium Antheridium Egg Archegonium Male Female Gametophytes Bud Rhizoid Germinating spores Spores MEIOSIS n 2n Mitosis FIGURE 37.5 Life cycle of a typical moss. The majority of the life cycle of a moss is in the haploid state. The leafy gametophyte is photosynthetic, while the smaller sporophyte is not, and is nutritionally dependent on the gametophyte. Water is required to carry sperm to the egg. FIGURE 37.6 A common liverwort, Marchantia (phylum Marchantiophyta). The sporophytes are borne within the tissues of the umbrella-shaped structures that arise from the surface of the flat, green, creeping gametophyte. FIGURE 37.7 Hornworts (phylum Anthocerotophyta). Hornwort sporophytes are seen in this photo. Unlike the sporophytes of other bryophytes, these are photosynthetic, but they also depend on the gametophyte for nutrition. Features of Vascular Plants The first vascular plants for which we have a relatively complete record belonged to the phylum Rhyniophyta; they flourished some 410 million years ago but are now ex- tinct. We are not certain what the very earliest of these vas- cular plants looked like, but fossils of Cooksonia provide some insight into their characteristics (figure 37.8). Cookso- nia, the first known vascular land plant, appeared in the late Silurian period about 420 million years ago. It was suc- cessful partly because it encountered little competition as it spread out over vast tracts of land. The plants were only a few centimeters tall and had no roots or leaves. They con- sisted of little more than a branching axis, the branches forking evenly and expanding slightly toward the tips. They were homosporous (producing only one type of spore). Sporangia formed at branch tips. Other ancient vascular plants that followed evolved more complex arrangements of sporangia. Leaves began to appear as protuberances from stems. Cooksonia and the other early plants that followed it be- came successful colonizers of the land through the develop- ment of efficient water- and food-conducting systems known as vascular tissues. The word vascular comes from the Latin vasculum, meaning a “vessel or duct.” These tis- sues consist of strands of specialized cylindrical or elon- gated cells that form a network throughout a plant, extend- ing from near the tips of the roots, through the stems, and into true leaves. One type of vascular tissue, the xylem, con- ducts water and dissolved minerals upward from the roots; another type of tissue, phloem, conducts sucrose and hor- monal signals throughout the plant. It is important to note that vascular tissue developed in the sporophyte, but (with few exceptions) not the gametophyte. (See the discussion of vascular tissue structure in chapter 38.) The presence of a cuticle and stomata are also characteristic of vascular plants. The nine phyla of vascular plants (table 37.1) dominate terrestrial habitats everywhere, except for the highest mountains and the tundra. The haplodiplontic life cycle persists, but the gametophyte has been reduced during evo- lution of vascular plants. A similar reduction in multicellu- lar gametangia has occurred. Accompanying this reduction in size and complexity of the gametophytes has been the appearance of the seed. Seeds are highly resistant structures well suited to protect a plant embryo from drought and to some extent from predators. In addition, most seeds contain a supply of food for the young plant. Seeds occur only in het- erosporous plants (plants that produce two types of spores). Heterospory is believed to have arisen multiple times in the plants. Fruits in the flowering plants add a layer of protection to seeds and attract animals that assist in seed dispersal, expanding the potential range of the species. Flowers, which evolved among the angiosperms, attract pollinators. Flowers allow plants to overcome lim- itations of their rooted, immobile nature and secure the benefits of wide outcrossing in promoting genetic diversity. Most vascular plants have well-developed conducting tissues, specialized stems, leaves, roots, cuticles, and stomata. Many have seeds which protect embryos until conditions are suitable for further development. 740 Part X Plant Form and Function 37.3 Seedless vascular plants have well-developed conducting tissues in their sporophytes. Sporangia FIGURE 37.8 Cooksonia, the first known vascular land plant. Its upright, branched stems, which were no more than a few centimeters tall, terminated in sporangia, as seen here. It probably lived in moist environments such as mudflats, had a resistant cuticle, and produced spores typical of vascular plants. This fossil represents a plant that lived some 410 million years ago. Cooksonia belongs to phylum Rhyniophyta, consisting entirely of extinct plants. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 741 Table 37.1 The Nine Phyla of Extant Vascular Plants Approximate Number of Phylum Examples Key Characteristics Living Species Heterosporous seed plants. Sperm not motile; conducted 250,000 to egg by a pollen tube. Seeds enclosed within a fruit. Leaves greatly varied in size and form. Herbs, vines, shrubs, trees. About 14,000 genera. Primarily homosporous (a few heterosporous) vascular 11,000 plants. Sperm motile. External water necessary for fertilization. Leaves are megaphylls that uncoil as they mature. Sporophytes and virtually all gametophytes photosynthetic. About 365 genera. Homosporous or heterosporous vascular plants. Sperm 1,150 motile. External water necessary for fertilization. Leaves are microphylls. About 12–13 genera. Heterosporous seed plants. Sperm not motile; conducted 601 to egg by a pollen tube. Leaves mostly needlelike or scalelike. Trees, shrubs. About 50 genera. Heterosporous vascular seed plants. Sperm flagellated and 206 motile but confined within a pollen tube that grows to the vicinity of the egg. Palmlike plants with pinnate leaves. Secondary growth slow compared with that of the conifers. Ten genera. Heterosporous vascular seed plants. Sperm not motile; 65 conducted to egg by a pollen tube. The only gymnosperms with vessels. Trees, shrubs, vines. Three very diverse genera (Ephedra, Gnetum, Welwitschia). Homosporous vascular plants. Sperm motile. External 15 water necessary for fertilization. Stems ribbed, jointed, either photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic. Leaves scalelike, in whorls, nonphotosynthetic at maturity. One genus. Homosporous vascular plants. Sperm motile. External 6 water necessary for fertilization. No differentiation between root and shoot. No leaves; one of the two genera has scalelike enations and the other leaflike appendages. Heterosporous vascular seed plants. Sperm flagellated and 1 motile but conducted to the vicinity of the egg by a pollen tube. Deciduous tree with fan-shaped leaves that have evenly forking veins. Seeds resemble a small plum with fleshy, ill-scented outer covering. Anthophyta Pterophyta Lycophyta Coniferophyta Cycadophyta Gnetophyta Arthrophyta Psilophyta Ginkgophyta Flowering plants (angiosperms) Ferns Club mosses Conifers (including pines, spruces, firs, yews, redwoods, and others) Cycads Gnetophytes Horsetails Whisk ferns Ginkgo Seedless Vascular Plants The earliest vascular plants lacked seeds. Members of four phyla of living vascular plants lack seeds, as do at least three other phyla known only from fos- sils. As we explore the adaptations of the vascular plants, we focus on both repro- ductive strategies and the advantages of increasingly complex transport systems. We will begin with the most familiar phylum of seedless vascular plants, the ferns. Ferns (Pterophyta) Ferns are the most abundant group of seedless vascular plants, with about 12,000 living species. The fossil record indicates that they originated during the Devonian period about 350 million years ago and became abundant and varied in form during the next 50 million years. Their apparent ancestors had no broad leaves and were established on land as much as 375 million years ago. Today, ferns flourish in a wide range of habitats throughout the world; about 75% of the species, however, occur in the tropics. The conspicuous sporophytes may be less than a centimeter in diameter—as seen in small aquatic ferns such as Azolla—or more than 24 meters tall and with leaves up to 5 meters or more long in the tree ferns (figure 37.9). The sporophytes and the smaller gametophytes, which rarely reach 6 millimeters in diameter, are both pho- tosynthetic. The fern life cycle differs from that of a moss primarily in the much greater development, independence, and dominance of the fern’s sporophyte. The fern’s sporo- phyte is much more complex than that of the moss’s; the fern sporophyte has vascular tissue and well-differentiated roots, stems, and leaves. The gametophyte, however, lacks vascular tissue. Fern sporophytes typically have a horizontal under- ground stem called a rhizome, with roots emerging from the sides. The leaves, referred to as fronds, usually de- velop at the tip of the rhizome as tightly rolled-up coils (“fiddleheads”) that unroll and expand. Many fronds are highly dissected and feathery, making the ferns that pro- duce them prized as ornamentals. Some ferns, such as Marsilea, have fronds that resemble a four-leaf clover, but Marsilea fronds still begin as coiled fiddleheads. Other ferns produce a mixture of photosynthetic fronds and nonphotosynthetic reproductive fronds that tend to be brownish in color. Most ferns are homosporous, producing distinctive, spo- rangia, usually in clusters called sori, typically on the backs of the fronds. Sori are often protected during their devel- opment by a transparent, umbrella-like covering. At first glance, one might mistake the sori for an infection on the plant. Diploid spore mother cells in each sporangium un- dergo meiosis, producing haploid spores. At maturity, the spores are catapulted from the sporangium by a snapping ac- tion, and those that land in suitable damp locations may germinate, produc- ing gametophytes which are often heart- shaped, are only one cell thick (except in the center) and have rhizoids that anchor them to their substrate. These rhizoids are not true roots as they lack vascular tissue, but as with many of the nonvascu- lar plants they do aid in transporting water and nutrients from the soil. Flask- shaped archegonia and globular an- theridia are produced on either the same or different gametophyte. 742 Part X Plant Form and Function Nonvascular plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Seedless vascular plants FIGURE 37.9 A tree fern (phylum Pterophyta) in the forests of Malaysia. The ferns are by far the largest group of seedless vascular plants. Trees in other phyla are now extinct. The sperm formed in the antheridia have flagella, with which they swim toward the archegonia when water is pre- sent, often in response to a chemical signal secreted by the archegonia. One sperm unites with the single egg toward the base of an archegonium, forming a zygote. The zygote then develops into a new sporophyte, completing the life cycle (figure 37.10). There are still multicellular gametan- gia. As discussed earlier, the shift to a dominant sporophyte generation allows ferns to achieve significant height with- out interfering with sperm swimming efficiently to the egg. The multicellular archegonia provide some protection for the developing embryo. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 743 Archegonium Egg Antheridium Sperm FERTILIZATION Embryo Leaf of young sporophyte Gametophyte Rhizome Mature frond Mature sporangium MEIOSIS Spore Rhizoids Gametophyte n 2n Adult sporophyte Mitosis Sorus (cluster of sporangia) FIGURE 37.10 Life cycle of a typical fern. Both the gametophyte and sporophyte are photosynthetic and can live independently. Water is necessary for fertilization. The gametes are released on the underside of the gametophyte and swim in moist soil to neighboring gametophytes. Spores are dispersed by wind. Whisk Ferns (Psilophyta) The three other phyla of seedless vascular plants, the Psilo- phyta, (whisk ferns), Lycophyta (club mosses), and Arthro- phyta (horsetails), have many features in common with ferns. For example, they all form antheridia and archego- nia. Free water is required for the process of fertilization, during which the sperm, which have flagella, swim to and unite with the eggs. In contrast, most seed plants have non- flagellated sperm; none form antheridia, although a few form archegonia. The origins of the two genera of whisk ferns, which occur in the tropics and subtropics, are not clear, but they are considered to be living remnants of the very ear- liest vascular plants. Certainly they are the simplest of all extant vascular plants, consisting merely of evenly forking green stems without roots or leaves. The two or three species of the genus Psilotum do, however, have tiny, green, spirally arranged, flaps of tissue lacking veins and stomata. Another genus, Tmespiteris, has leaflike appendages. The gametophytes of whisk ferns were unknown for many years until their discovery in the soil beneath the sporophytes. They are essentially colorless and are less than 2 millimeters in diameter, but they can be up to 18 mil- limeters long. They form saprobic or parasitic associations with fungi, which furnish their nutrients. Some develop el- ements of vascular tissue and have the distinction of being the only gametophytes known to do so. Club Mosses (Lycophyta) The club mosses are worldwide in distribution but are most abundant in the tropics and moist temperate re- gions. Several genera of club mosses, some of them tree- like, became extinct about 270 million years ago. Mem- bers of the four genera and nearly 1000 living species of club mosses superficially resemble true mosses, but once their internal structure and reproductive processes be- came known it was clear that these vascular plants are quite unrelated to mosses. Modern club mosses are either homosporous or heterosporous. The sporophytes have leafy stems that are seldom more than 30 centimeters long. Horsetails (Arthrophyta) The 15 living species of horsetails, also called scouring rushes, are all heterosporous and herbaceous. They con- stitute a single genus, Equisetum. Fossil forms of Equise- tum extend back 300 million years to an era when some of their relatives were treelike. Today, they are widely scat- tered around the world, mostly in damp places. Some that grow among the coastal redwoods of California may reach a height of 3 meters, but most are less than a meter tall (figure 37.11). Horsetail sporophytes consist of ribbed, jointed, photo- synthetic stems that arise from branching underground rhi- zomes with roots at their nodes. A whorl of nonphotosyn- thetic, scalelike leaves emerges at each node. The stems, which are hollow in the center, have silica deposits in the epidermal cells of the ribs, and the interior parts of the stems have two sets of vertical, somewhat tubular canals. The larger outer canals, which alternate with the ribs, con- tain air, while the smaller inner canals opposite the ribs contain water. Ferns and other seedless vascular plants have a much larger and more conspicuous sporophyte, with vascular tissue. Many have well-differentiated roots, stem, and leaves. The shift to a dominant sporophyte lead to the evolution of trees. 744 Part X Plant Form and Function FIGURE 37.11 A horsetail, Equisetum telmateia, a representative of the only living genus of the phylum Arthrophyta. This species forms two kinds of erect stems; one is green and photosynthetic, and the other, which terminates in a spore-producing “cone,” is mostly light brown. Seed Plants Seed plants first appeared about 425 million years ago. Their ancestors appear to have been spore-bearing plants known as progymnosperms. Progymnosperms shared sev- eral features with modern gymnosperms, including sec- ondary xylem and phloem (which allows for an increase in girth later in development). Some progymnosperms had leaves. Their reproduction was very simple, and it is not certain which particular group of progymnosperms gave rise to seed plants. From an evolutionary and ecological perspective, the seed represents an important advance. The embryo is pro- tected by an extra layer of sporophyte tissue creating the ovule. During development this tissue hardens to produce the seed coat. In addition to protection from drought, dis- persal is enhanced. Perhaps even more significantly, a dor- mant phase is introduced into the life cycle that allows the embryo to survive until environmental conditions are fa- vorable for further growth. Seed plants produce two kinds of gametophytes—male and female, each of which consists of just a few cells. Pollen grains, multicellular male gametophytes, are conveyed to the egg in the female gametophyte by wind or a pollinator. The sperm move toward the egg through a growing pollen tube. This eliminates the need for water. In contrast to the seedless plants, the whole male gametophyte rather than just the sperm moves to the female gametophyte. A female gametophyte develops within an ovule. In flowering plants (angiosperms), the ovules are completely enclosed within diploid sporophyte tissue (ovaries which develop into the fruit). In gymnosperms (mostly cone-bearing seed plants), the ovules are not completely enclosed by sporophyte tissue at the time of pollination. A common ancestor with seeds gave rise to the gymnosperms and the angiosperms. Seeds can allow for a pause in the life cycle until environmental conditions are more optimal. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 745 37.4 Seeds protect and aid in the dispersal of plant embryos. filament The stalklike structure that sup- ports the anther of a stamen. gametophyte The multicellular, haploid phase of a plant life cycle in which gametes are produced by mitosis. gynoecium The carpel(s) of a flower. heterosporous Refers to a plant that pro- duces two types of spores: microspores and megaspores. homosporous Refers to a plant that pro- duces only one type of spore. integument The outer layer(s) of an ovule; integuments become the seed coat of a seed. micropyle The opening in the ovule in- tegument through which the pollen tube grows. nucellus The tissue of an ovule in which an embryo sac develops. ovary The basal, swollen portion of a carpel (gynoecium); it contains the ovules and develops into the fruit. ovule A seed plant structure within an ovary; it contains a female gametophyte surrounded by the nucellus and one or two integuments. At maturity, an ovule becomes a seed. pollen grain A binucleate or trinucleate seed plant structure produced from a mi- crospore in a microsporangium. pollination The transfer of a pollen grain from an anther to a stigma in angiosperms, or to the vicinity of the ovule in gym- nosperms. primary endosperm nucleus The triploid nucleus resulting from the fusion of a single sperm with the two polar nuclei. seed A reproductive structure that devel- ops from an ovule in seed plants. It consists of an embryo and a food supply surrounded by a seed coat. seed coat The protective layer of a seed; it develops from the integument or integu- ments. spore A haploid reproductive cell, pro- duced when a diploid spore mother cell un- dergoes meiosis; it gives rise by mitosis to a gametophyte. sporophyte The multicellular, diploid phase of a plant life cycle; it is the genera- tion that ultimately produces spores. stamen A unit of an androecium; it con- sists of a pollen-bearing anther and usually a stalklike filament. stigma The uppermost pollen-receptive portion of a gynoecium. androecium The stamens of a flower. anther The pollen-producing portion of a stamen. This is a sporophyte structure where male gametophytes are produced by meiosis. antheridium The male sperm-producing structure found in the gametophytes of seedless plants and certain fungi. archegonium The multicellular egg- producing structure in the gametophytes of seedless plants and gymnosperms. carpel A leaflike organ in angiosperms that encloses one or more ovules; a unit of a gynoecium. double fertilization The process, unique to angiosperms, in which one sperm fuses with the egg, forming a zygote, and the other sperm fuses with the two polar nuclei, forming the primary endosperm nucleus. endosperm The usually triploid (although it can have a much higher ploidy level) food supply of some angiosperm seeds. A Vocabulary of Plant Terms Gymnosperms There are several groups of living gym- nosperms (conifers, cycads, gneto- phytes, and Ginkgo), none of which are directly related to one another, but all of which lack the flowers and fruits of angiosperms. In all of them the ovule, which becomes a seed, rests exposed on a scale (modified leaf) and is not com- pletely enclosed by sporophyte tissues at the time of pollination. The name gym- nosperm combines the Greek root gym- nos, or “naked,” with sperma, or “seed.” In other words, gymnosperms are naked-seeded plants. However, al- though the ovules are naked at the time of pollination, the seeds of gym- nosperms are sometimes enclosed by other sporophyte tissues by the time they are mature. Details of reproduction vary somewhat in gym- nosperms, and their forms vary greatly. For example, cy- cads and Ginkgo have motile sperm, even though the sperm are borne within a pollen tube, while many others have sperm with no flagella. The female cones range from tiny woody structures weighing less than 25 grams with a diameter of a few millimeters, to massive structures weighing more than 45 kilograms growing to lengths more than a meter. Conifers (Coniferophyta) The most familiar gymnosperms are conifers (phylum Coniferophyta), which include pines (figure 37.12), spruces, firs, cedars, hemlocks, yews, larches, cypresses, and others. The coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), a conifer native to northwestern California and southwestern Oregon, is the tallest living vascular plant; it may attain nearly 100 meters (300 feet) in height. Another conifer, the bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) of the White Mountains of California is the oldest living tree; one is 4900 years of age. Conifers are found in the colder temperate and sometimes drier regions of the world, especially in the northern hemi- sphere. They are sources of timber, paper, resin, turpen- tine, taxol (used to treat cancer) and other economically important products. Pines. More than 100 species of pines exist today, all native to the northern hemisphere, although the range of one species does extend a little south of the equator. Pines and spruces are members of the vast coniferous forests that lie between the arctic tundra and the temperate de- ciduous forests and prairies to their south. During the past century, pines have been extensively planted in the southern hemisphere. Pines have tough, needlelike leaves produced mostly in clusters of two to five. The leaves, which have a thick cuti- cle and recessed stomata, represent an evolutionary adaptation for retarding water loss. This is important because many of the trees grow in areas where the topsoil is frozen for part of the year, making it difficult for the roots to obtain water. The leaves and other parts of the sporophyte have canals into which sur- rounding cells secrete resin. The resin, apparently secreted in response to wounding, deters insect and fungal at- tacks. The resin of certain pines is har- vested commercially for its volatile liquid portion, called turpentine, and for the solid rosin, which is used on stringed in- struments. The wood of pines consists primarily of xylem tissue that lacks some of the more rigid cell types found in other trees. Thus it is considered a “soft” rather than a “hard” wood. The thick bark of pines represents another adaptation for surviving fires and subzero temperatures. Some cones actually depend on fire to open, releasing seed to reforest burnt areas. 746 Part X Plant Form and Function Nonvascular plants Seedless vascular plants Angiosperms Gymnosperms FIGURE 37.12 Conifers. Slash pines, Pinus palustris, in Florida, are representative of the Coniferophyta, the largest phylum of gymnosperms. As mentioned earlier, all seed plants are heterosporous, so the spores give rise to two types of gametophytes (fig- ure 37.13). The male gametophytes of pines develop from pollen grains, which are produced in male cones that develop in clusters of 30 to 70, typically at the tips of the lower branches; there may be hundreds of such clusters on any single tree. The male cones generally are 1 to 4 centimeters long and consist of small, papery scales arranged in a spiral or in whorls. A pair of microsporangia form as sacs within each scale. Numerous mi- crospore mother cells in the microspo- rangia undergo meiosis, each becoming four microspores. The microspores de- velop into four-celled pollen grains with a pair of air sacs that give them added buoyancy when released into the air. A single cluster of male pine cones may produce more than 1 million pollen grains. Female cones typically are produced on the upper branches of the same tree that produces male cones. Female cones are larger than male cones, and their scales become woody. Two ovules develop toward the base of each scale. Each ovule contains a megaspo- rangium called the nucellus. The nu- cellus itself is completely surrounded by a thick layer of cells called the in- tegument that has a small opening (the micropyle) toward one end. One of the layers of the integument later be- comes the seed coat. A single mega- spore mother cell within each mega- sporangium undergoes meiosis, becoming a row of four megaspores. Three of the mega- spores break down, but the remaining one, over the better part of a year, slowly develops into a female gametophyte. The female gametophyte at maturity may consist of thou- sands of cells, with two to six archegonia formed at the micropylar end. Each archegonium contains an egg so large it can be seen without a microscope. Female cones usually take two or more seasons to ma- ture. At first they may be reddish or purplish in color, but they soon turn green, and during the first spring, the scales spread apart. While the scales are open, pollen grains carried by the wind drift down between them, some catching in sticky fluid oozing out of the mi- cropyle. As the sticky fluid evaporates, the pollen grains are slowly drawn down through the micropyle to the top of the nucellus, and the scales close shortly thereafter. The archegonia and the rest of the female gametophyte are not mature until about a year later. While the female gametophyte is developing, a pollen tube emerges from a pollen grain at the bottom of the micropyle and slowly digests its way through the nucellus to the archegonia. While the pollen tube is growing, one of the pollen grain’s four cells, the generative cell, divides by mitosis, with one of the resulting two cells dividing once more. These last two cells function as sperm. The germinated pollen grain with its two sperm is the mature male gametophyte. About 15 months after pollination, the pollen tube reaches an archegonium, and discharges its contents into it. One sperm unites with the egg, forming a zygote. The other sperm and cells of the pollen grain degenerate. The zygote develops into an embryo within a seed. After disper- sal and germination of the seed, the young sporophyte of the next generation grows into a tree. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 747 Longisection of seed, showing embryo FERTILIZATION (15 months after pollination) Ovulate (seed-bearing) cone Megaspore mother cell Microspore mother cell Microspores Pollen Pollen-bearing cone Pollen tube Pollination n 2n Megaspore MEIOSIS Sporophyte Seedling Pine seed Mature seed cone (2nd year) Scale Embryo Scale Mitosis Mitosis FIGURE 37.13 Life cycle of a typical pine. The male and female gametophytes have been dramatically reduced in size. Wind generally disperses sperm that is within the male gametophyte (pollen). Pollen tube growth delivers the sperm to the egg on the female cone. Additional protection for the embryo is provided by the ovule which develops into the seed coat. Cycads (Cycadophyta) Cycads are slow-growing gymnosperms of tropical and subtropical regions. The sporophytes of most of the 100 known species resemble palm trees (figure 37.14a) with trunks that can attain heights of 15 meters or more. Unlike palm trees—which are flowering plants—cycads produce cones and have a life cycle similar to that of pines. The fe- male cones, which develop upright among the leaf bases, are huge in some species and can weigh up to 45 kilograms. The sperm of cycads, although conveyed to an archego- nium by a pollen tube, have thousands of spirally arranged flagella. Several species are facing extinction in the wild and soon may exist only in botanical gardens. Gnetophytes (Gnetophyta) There are three genera and about 70 living species of Gnetophyta. Gnetophytes are the closest living relatives of angiosperms and probably share a common ancestor with that group. They are the only gymnosperms with vessels (a particularly efficient conducting cell type) in their xylem— a common feature in angiosperms. The members of the three genera differ greatly from one another in form. One of the most bizarre of all plants is Welwitschia, which oc- curs in the Namib and Mossamedes deserts of southwest- ern Africa (figure 37.14b). The stem is shaped like a large, shallow cup that tapers into a taproot below the surface. It has two strap-shaped, leathery leaves that grow continu- ously from their base, splitting as they flap in the wind. The reproductive structures of Welwitschia are conelike, appear toward the bases of the leaves around the rims of the stems, and are produced on separate male and female plants. More than half of the gnetophyte species are in the genus Ephedra, which is common in arid regions of the western United States and Mexico. The plants are shrubby, with stems that superficially resemble those of horsetails as they are jointed and have tiny, scalelike leaves at each node. Male and female reproductive structures may be produced on the same or different plants. The drug ephedrine, widely used in the treatment of respiratory problems, was in the past extracted from Chinese species of Ephedra, but it has now been largely replaced with synthetic preparations. Mormon tea is brewed from Ephedra stems in the south- western United States. The best known species of Gnetum is a tropical tree, but most species are vinelike. All species have broad leaves sim- ilar to those of angiosperms. One Gnetum species is culti- vated in Java for its tender shoots, which are cooked as a vegetable. Ginkgo (Ginkgophyta) The fossil record indicates that members of the Ginkgo family were once widely distributed, particularly in the northern hemisphere; today only one living species, the maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba), remains. The tree, which sheds its leaves in the fall, was first encountered by Euro- peans in cultivation in Japan and China; it apparently no longer exists in the wild (figure 37.14c). The common name comes from the resemblance of its fan-shaped leaves to the leaflets of maidenhair ferns. Like the sperm of cy- cads, those of Ginkgo have flagella. The Ginkgo is diecious, that is, the male and female reproductive struc- tures of Ginkgo are produced on separate trees. The fleshy outer coverings of the seeds of female Ginkgo plants exude the foul smell of rancid butter caused by butyric and isobutyric acids. In the Orient, however, the seeds are considered a delicacy. In Western countries, because of the seed odor, male plants vegetatively propagated from shoots are preferred for cultivation. Because it is resistant to air pollution, Ginkgo is commonly planted along city streets. Gymnosperms are mostly cone-bearing seed plants. In gymnosperms, the ovules are not completely enclosed by sporophyte tissue at pollination. 748 Part X Plant Form and Function FIGURE 37.14 Three phyla of gymnosperms. (a) An African cycad, Encephalartos transvenosus. (b) Welwitschia mirabilis, one of the three genera of gnetophytes. (c) Maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba, the only living representative of the phylum Ginkgophyta. (a) (b) (c) Angiosperms The 250,000 known species of flower- ing plants are called angiosperms be- cause their ovules, unlike those of gymnosperms, are enclosed within diploid tissues at the time of pollina- tion. The name angiosperm derives from the Greek words angeion, “ves- sel,” and sperma, “seed.” The “vessel” in this instance refers to the carpel, which is a modified leaf that encapsu- lates seeds. The carpel develops into the fruit, a unique angiosperm feature. While some gymnosperms, including yew, have fleshlike tissue around their seeds, it is of a different origin and not a true fruit. The origins of the angiosperms puzzled even Darwin (his “abominable mystery”). Recently, consensus has been reached on the most basal, living angiosperm— Amborella trichopoda (figure 37.15). This has ended the de- bate between the supporters of magnolias and those of water lilies as the closest relatives of the original an- giosperm. Amborella, with small, cream-colored flowers, is even more primitive than either the magnolias or water lilies. This small shrub found only on the island of New Caledonia in the South Pacific is the last remaining species of the earliest extant lineage of the angiosperms. About 135 million years ago a close relative of Amborella developed floral parts and branched off from the gymnosperms. While Amborella is not the original angiosperm, it is suffi- ciently close that much will be learned from studying its re- productive biology that will help us understand the early radiation of the angiosperms. Flowering plants (phylum Anthophyta) exhibit an almost infinite variety of shapes, sizes, and textures. They vary, for example, from the huge Tasmanian Eucalyptus trees, which have nearly as much mass as the giant redwoods, to the tiniest duckweeds, which are less than 1 millimeter long. In addition to the typical flattened green leaves with which everyone is familiar, flowering plant leaves may be succu- lent, floating, submerged, cup-shaped, spinelike, scalelike, feathery, papery, hairy, or insect-trapping, and of almost any color. Some are so tiny one needs a microscope to ex- amine them, while others, such as those of the Seychelles Island palm, can be up to 6 meters long. Their flowers vary from the simple blossoms of buttercups to the extraordi- narily complex flowers of some orchids, which may lure their pollinators with drugs, forcibly attach bags of pollen to their bodies, or dunk them in fluid they secrete. The flowers may weigh less than 1 gram and remain functional for only a few minutes, or they can weigh up to 9 kilograms and be functional for months. Plants of several families are parasitic or partially parasitic (for example, dodder, or mistletoe) on other plants, or mycotrophic (deriving their nu- trients from fungi that form a mutualism with plant roots). Others, such as many orchids, are epiphytic (attached to other plants, with no roots in the ground, and not in any way parasitic). The Structure of Flowers Flowers are considered to be modified stems bearing modi- fied leaves. Regardless of their size and shape, they all share certain features (see figure 37.16). Each flower originates as a primordium that develops into a bud at the end of a stalk called a pedicel. The pedicel expands slightly at the tip into a base, the receptacle, to which the remaining flower parts are attached. The other flower parts typically are at- tached in circles called whorls. The outermost whorl is composed of sepals. In most flowers there are three to five sepals, which are green and somewhat leaflike; they often function in protecting the immature flower and in some species may drop off as the flower opens. The next whorl consists of petals that are often colored and attract pollina- tors such as insects and birds. The petals, which commonly number three to five, may be separate, fused together, or missing altogether in wind-pollinated flowers. The third whorl consists of stamens, collectively called the androecium, a term derived from the Greek words an- dros, “male,” and oikos, “house.” Each stamen consists of a pollen-bearing anther and a stalk called a filament, which may be missing in some flowers. The gynoecium, consist- ing of one or more carpels, is at the center of the flower. The term gynoecium derives from the Greek words gynos, which means “female,” and oikos, or “house.” The first carpel is believed to have been formed from a leaflike struc- ture with ovules along its margins. The edges of the blade then rolled inward and fused together, forming a carpel. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 749 Nonvascular plants Seedless vascular plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms FIGURE 37.15 A flowering plant. Amborella trichopoda. This plant is believed to be the closest living relative to the original angiosperm. Primitive flowers can have several to many separate carpels, but in most flowers, two to several carpels are fused to- gether. Such fusion can be seen in an orange sliced in half; each segment represents one carpel. A carpel has three major regions (figure 37.16). The ovary is the swollen base, which contains from one to hundreds of ovules; the ovary later develops into a fruit. The tip of the pistil is called a stigma. Most stigmas are sticky or feathery, causing pollen grains that land on them to adhere. Typically there is a neck or stalk called a style connecting the stigma and the ovary; in some flowers, the style may be very short or even miss- ing. Many flowers have nectar-secreting glands called nec- taries, often located toward the base of the ovary. Nectar is a fluid containing sugars, amino acids, and other molecules used to attract insects, birds, and other animals to flowers. The Angiosperm Life Cycle While a flower bud is developing, a single megaspore mother cell in the ovule undergoes meiosis, producing four megaspores (figure 37.17). In most flowering plants, three of the megaspores soon disappear while the nucleus of the remaining one divides mitotically, and the cell slowly ex- pands until it becomes many times its original size. While this expansion is occurring, each of the daughter nuclei di- vide twice, resulting in eight haploid nuclei arranged in two groups of four. At the same time, two layers of the ovule, the integuments, differentiate and become the seed coat of a seed. The integuments, as they develop, leave a small gap or pore at one end—the micropyle (see figure 37.16). One nucleus from each group of four migrates toward the cen- ter, where they function as polar nuclei. Polar nuclei may fuse together, forming a single diploid nucleus, or they may form a single cell with two haploid nuclei. Cell walls also form around the remaining nuclei. In the group closest to the micropyle, one cell functions as the egg; the other two nuclei are called synergids. At the other end, the three cells are now called antipodals; they have no apparent function and eventually break down and disappear. The large sac with eight nuclei in seven cells is called an em- bryo sac; it constitutes the female gametophyte. Although it is completely dependent on the sporophyte for nutrition, it is a multicellular, haploid individual. While the female gametophyte is developing, a similar but less complex process takes place in the anthers. Most anthers have patches of tissue (usually four) that eventu- ally become chambers lined with nutritive cells. The tis- sue in each patch is composed of many diploid mi- crospore mother cells that undergo meiosis more or less simultaneously, each producing four microspores. The four microspores at first remain together as a quartet or tetrad, and the nucleus of each microspore divides once; in most species the microspores of each quartet then sep- arate. At the same time, a two-layered wall develops around each microspore. As the anther matures, the wall between adjacent pairs of chambers breaks down, leaving two larger sacs. At this point, the binucleate microspores have become pollen grains. The outer pollen grain wall layer often becomes beautifully sculptured, and it con- tains chemicals that may react with others in a stigma to signal whether or not development of the male gameto- phyte should proceed to completion. The pollen grain has areas called apertures, through which a pollen tube may later emerge. Pollination is simply the mechanical transfer of pollen from its source (an anther) to a receptive area (the stigma of a flowering plant). Most pollination takes place between flowers of different plants and is brought about by insects, wind, water, gravity, bats, and other animals. In as many as a quarter of all angiosperms, however, a pollen grain may be deposited directly on the stigma of its own flower, and self-pollination occurs. Pollination may or may not be fol- lowed by fertilization, depending on the genetic compatibil- ity of the pollen grain and the flower on whose stigma it has landed. (In some species, complex, genetically con- trolled mechanisms prevent self-fertilization to enhance ge- netic diversity in the progeny.) If the stigma is receptive, the pollen grain’s dense cytoplasm absorbs substances from the stigma and bulges through an aperture. The bulge de- velops into a pollen tube that responds to chemicals released by the embryo sac. It follows a diffusion gradient of the chemicals and grows down through the style and into the micropyle. The pollen tube usually takes several hours to two days to reach the micropyle, but in a few instances, it may take up to a year. One of the pollen grain’s two nuclei, the generative nucleus, lags behind. This nucleus divides, ei- 750 Part X Plant Form and Function Stigma Style Ovule Ovary Pistil Anther Filament Stamen Petal Sepal Receptacle Pedicel Megaspore mother cell Nucellus Integuments Micropyle Stalk of ovule (funiculus) (a) (b) FIGURE 37.16 Diagram of an angiosperm flower. (a) The main structures of the flower are labeled. (b) Details of an ovule. The ovary as it matures will become a fruit; as the ovule’s outer layers (integuments) mature, they will become a seed coat. ther in the pollen grain or in the pollen tube, producing two sperm nuclei. Unlike sperm in mosses, ferns, and some gymnosperms, the sperm of flowering plants have no fla- gella. At this point, the pollen grain with its tube and sperm has become a mature male gametophyte. As the pollen tube enters the embryo sac, it destroys a synergid in the process and then discharges its contents. Both sperm are functional, and an event called double fertilization, unique to angiosperms, follows. One sperm unites with the egg and forms a zygote, which develops into an embryo sporophyte plant. The other sperm and the two polar nuclei unite, forming a triploid primary en- dosperm nucleus. The primary endosperm nucleus begins dividing rapidly and repeatedly, becoming triploid en- dosperm tissue that may soon consist of thousands of cells. Endosperm tissue can become an extensive part of the seed in grasses such as corn (see figure 41.7). But in most flowering plants, it provides nutrients for the embryo that develops from the zygote; in many species, such as peas and beans, it disappears completely by the time the seed is mature. Following double fertilization, the integu- ments harden and become the seed coat of a seed. The haploid cells remaining in the embryo sac (antipodals, syn- ergid, tube nucleus) degenerate. There is some evidence for a type of double fertilization in gymnosperms believed to be closely related to the angiosperms. Further studies of this and of fertilization in Amborella, the most basal, extant angiosperm, may provide clues to the evolution of this double fertilization event. Angiosperms are characterized by ovules that at pollination are enclosed within an ovary at the base of a carpel—a structure unique to the phylum; a fruit develops from the ovary. Evolutionary innovations including flowers to attract pollinators, fruits to protect and aid in embryo dispersal, and double fertilization providing additional nutrients for the embryo all have contributed to the widespread success of this phylum. Chapter 37 Evolutionary History of Plants 751 FIGURE 37.17 Life cycle of a typical angiosperm. As in pines, water is no longer required for fertilization. In most species of angiosperms, animals carry pollen to the carpel. The outer wall of the carpel forms the fruit that entices animals to disperse seed. Rhizome n2n Generative cell 8-nucleate embryo sac (megagametophyte ) (n) Formation of pollination tube (n) MEIOSIS MEIOSIS Tube nucleus Tube nucleus Sperm Style Sperm Egg Polar nuclei Seed coat Embryo (2n) Seed (2n) Endosperm (3n) Young sporophyte (2n) Adult sporophyte with flowers (2n) Anther Ovary Stigma Anther (2n) Microspore mother cells (2n) Microspores (n) Pollen grains (microgametophytes) (n) Megaspore (n) Megaspore mother cell (2n) Pollen tube Ovule DOUBLE FERTILIZATION Germination Egg Mitosis Mitosis 752 Part X Plant Form and Function Chapter 37 Summary Questions Media Resources 37.1 Plants have multicellular haploid and diploid stages in their life cycles. ? Plants evolved from a multicellular, freshwater green algae 450 million years ago. The evolution of their conducting tissues, cuticle, stomata, and seeds has made them progressively less dependent on external water for reproduction. ? All plants have a haplodiplontic life cycle in which haploid gametophytes alternate with diploid sporophytes. 1. Where did the most recent ancestors of land plants live? What were they like? What adaptations were necessary for the “move” onto land? 2. What does it mean for a plant to alternate generations? Distinguish between sporophyte and gametophyte. ? Three phyla of plants lack well-developed vascular tissue, are the simplest in structure, and have been grouped as bryophytes. This grouping does not reflect a common ancestry or close relationship. ? Sporophytes of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts are usually nutritionally dependent on the gametophytes, which are more conspicuous and photosynthetic. 3. Distinguish between male gametophytes and female gametophytes. Which specific haploid spores give rise to each of these? 4. What reproductive limitations would a moss tree (if one existed) face? 37.2 Nonvascular plants are relatively unspecialized, but successful in many terrestrial environments. ? Nine of the 12 plant phyla contain vascular plants, which have two kinds of well-defined conducting tissues: xylem, which is specialized to conduct water and dissolved minerals; and phloem, which is specialized to conduct the sugars produced by photosynthesis and plant growth regulators. ? In ferns and other seedless vascular plants, the sporophyte generation is dominant. The fern sporophyte has vascular tissue and well-differentiated roots, stems, and leaves. 5. In what ways are the gametophytes of seedless plants different from the gametophytes of seed plants? 6. Which generation(s) of the fern are nutritionally independent? 37.3 Seedless vascular plants have well-developed conducting tissues in their sporophytes. ? Seeds were an important evolutionary advance providing for a dormant stage in development. ? In gymnosperms, ovules are exposed directly to pollen at the time of pollination; in angiosperms, ovules are enclosed within an ovary, and a pollen tube grows from the stigma to the ovule. ? The pollen of gymnosperms is usually disseminated by wind. In most angiosperms the pollen is transported by insects and other animals. Both flowers and fruits are found only in angiosperms and may account for the extensive colonization of terrestrial environments by the flowering plants. 7. What is a seed? Why is the seed a crucial adaptation to terrestrial life? 8. What is the principal difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms? 9. If all the offspring of a plant were to develop in a small area, they would suffer from limited resources. Compare dispersal strategies in moss, pine, and angiosperms. 37.4 Seeds protect and aid in the dispersal of plant embryos. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Life Cycles of Plants ? Student Research: Plant Biodiversity in New Hampshire ? Book Review: A Rum Affair by Sabbagh ? Book Review: The Orchid Thief by Orlean ? Non-Vascular Plants ? Seedless Vascular Plants ? Gymnosperms ? Angiosperms 753 38 The Plant Body Concept Outline 38.1 Meristems elaborate the plant body plan after germination. Meristems. Growth occurs in the continually dividing cells that function like stem cells in animals. Organization of the Plant Body. The plant body is a series of iterative units stacked above and below the ground. Primary and Secondary Growth. Different meristems allow plants to grow in both height and circumference. 38.2 Plants have three basic tissues, each composed of several cell types. Dermal Tissue. This tissue forms the “skin” of the plant body, protecting it and preventing water loss. Ground Tissue. Much of a young plant is ground tissue, which supports the plant body and stores food and water. Vascular Tissue. Special piping tissues conduct water and sugars through the plant body. 38.3 Root cells differentiate as they become distanced from the dividing root apical meristem. Root Structure. Roots have a durable cap, behind which primary growth occurs. Modified Roots. Roots can have specialized functions. 38.4 Stems are the backbone of the shoot, transporting nutrients and supporting the aerial plant organs. Stem Structure. The stem supports the leaves and is anchored by the roots. Vascular tissues are organized within the stem in different ways. Modified Stems. Specialized stems are adapted for storage and vegetative (asexual) propagation. 38.5 Leaves are adapted to support basic plant functions. Leaf External Structure. Leaves have flattened blades and slender stalks. Leaf Internal Structure. Leaves contain cells that carry out photosynthesis, gas exchange, and evaporation. Modified Leaves. In some plants, leaf development has been modified to provide for a unique need. A lthough the similarities between a cactus, an orchid plant, and a tree might not be obvious at first sight, most plants have a basic unity of structure (figure 38.1). This unity is reflected in how the plants are constructed; in the way they grow, manufacture, and transport their food; and in how their development is regulated. This chapter addresses the question of how a vascular plant is “built.” We will focus on the diversity of cell, tissue, and organ types that compose the adult body. The roots and shoots which give the adult plant its distinct above and below ground architecture are the final product of a basic body plan first established during embryogenesis, a process we will explore in detail in chapter 40. FIGURE 38.1 All vascular plants share certain characteristics. Vascular plants such as this tree require an elaborate system of support and fluid transport to grow this large. Smaller plants have similar (though simpler) structures. Much of this support system is actually underground in the form of extensive branching root systems. 754 Part X Plant Form and Function Meristems The plant body that develops after germination depends on the activities of meristematic tissues. Meristematic tissues are lumps of small cells with dense cytoplasm and propor- tionately large nuclei that act like stem cells in animals. That is, one cell divides to give rise to two cells. One re- mains meristematic, while the other is free to differentiate and contribute to the plant body. In this way, the popula- tion of meristem cells is continually renewed. Molecular genetic evidence supports the hypothesis that stem cells and meristem cells may also share some common molecular mechanisms. Elongation of both root and shoot takes place as a result of repeated cell divisions and subsequent elongation of the cells produced by the apical meristems. In some vascular plants, including shrubs and most trees, lateral meristems produce an increase in girth. Apical Meristems Apical meristems are located at the tips of stems (figure 38.2) and at the tips of roots (figure 38.3), just behind the root cap. The plant tissues that result from primary growth are called primary tissues. During periods of growth, the cells of apical meristems divide and continu- ally add more cells to the tips of a seedling’s body. Thus, the seedling lengthens. Primary growth in plants is brought about by the apical meristems. The elongation of the root and stem forms what is known as the primary plant body, which is made up of primary tissues. The pri- mary plant body comprises the young, soft shoots and roots of a tree or shrub, or the entire plant body in some herbaceous plants. Both root and shoot apical meristems are composed of delicate cells that need protection. The root apical meri- stem is protected from the time it emerges by the root cap. Root cap cells are produced by the root meristem and are sloughed off and replaced as the root moves through the soil. A variety of adaptive mechanisms protect shoot apical meristem during germination (figure 38.4). The epicotyl or hypocotyl (“stemlike” tissue above or below the cotyle- dons) may bend as the seedling emerges to minimize the force on the shoot tip. In the monocots (a late evolving group of angiosperms) there is often a coleoptile (sheath of tissue) that forms a protective tube around the emerging shoot. Later in development, the leaf primordia cover the shoot apical meristem which is particularly susceptible to desiccation. The apical meristem gives rise to three types of embry- onic tissue systems called primary meristems. Cell divi- sion continues in these partly differentiated tissues as they develop into the primary tissues of the plant body. The 38.1 Meristems elaborate the plant body plan after germination. Young leaf primordium Apical meristem Older leaf primordium Lateral bud primordium Young leaf primordium Apical meristem Older leaf primordium Lateral bud primordium Vascular tissue FIGURE 38.2 An apical shoot meristem. This longitudinal section through a shoot apex in Coleus shows the tip of a stem. Between the young leaf primordia is the apical meristem. Epidermis Phloem Xylem Root hair Cortex Endodermis Primary xylem Primary phloem Protoderm Ground meristem Procambium Apical meristem Root cap FIGURE 38.3 An apical root meristem. This diagram of meristems in the root shows their relation to the root tip. three primary meristems are the protoderm, which forms the epidermis; the procambium, which produces primary vascular tissues (primary xylem and primary phloem); and the ground meristem, which differentiates further into ground tissue, which is composed of parenchyma cells. In some plants, such as horsetails and corn, intercalary meristems arise in stem internodes, adding to the inter- node lengths. If you walk through a corn field (when the corn is about knee high) on a quiet summer night, you may hear a soft popping sound. This is caused by the rapid growth of intercalary meristems. The amount of stem elon- gation that occurs in a very short time is quite surprising. Lateral Meristems Many herbaceous plants exhibit only primary growth, but others also exhibit secondary growth. Most trees, shrubs, and some herbs have active lateral meristems, which are cylinders of meristematic tissue within the stems and roots (figure 38.5). Although secondary growth increases girth in many nonwoody plants, its effects are most dramatic in woody plants which have two lateral meristems. Within the bark of a woody stem is the cork cambium, a lateral meris- tem that produces the cork cells of the outer bark. Just be- neath the bark is the vascular cambium, a lateral meristem that produces secondary vascular tissue. The vascular cam- bium forms between the xylem and phloem in vascular bundles, adding secondary vascular tissue on opposite sides of the vascular cambium. Secondary xylem is the main com- ponent of wood. Secondary phloem is very close to the outer surface of a woody stem. Removing the bark of a tree dam- ages the phloem and may eventually kill the tree. Tissues formed from lateral meristems, which comprise most of the trunk, branches, and older roots of trees and shrubs, are known as secondary tissues and are collectively called the secondary plant body. Meristems are actively dividing, embryonic tissues responsible for both primary and secondary growth. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 755 (a) (b) FIGURE 38.4 Developing seedling. Apical meristems are protected early in development. (a) In this soybean, a dicot, a bent epicotyl (stem above the cotyledons), rather than the shoot tip, pushes through the soil before straightening. (b) In corn, a monocot, a sleeve of tissue called the coleoptile sheaths the shoot tip until it has made it to daylight. Apical meristem Protoderm Procambium Ground meristem Shoot Root Root cap Procambium Ground meristem Root hairs Lateral meristems Lateral meristems Vascular cambium Vascular cambium Cork cambium Cork cambium Apical meristem FIGURE 38.5 Apical and lateral meristems. Apical meristems produce primary growth, the elongation of the root and stem. In some plants, the lateral meristems produce an increase in the girth of a plant. This type of growth is secondary because the meristems were not directly produced by apical meristems. Organization of the Plant Body Coordination of primary and secondary meristematic growth produces the body of the adult sporophyte plant. Plant bodies do not have a fixed size. Parts such as leaves, roots, branches, and flowers all vary in size and number from plant to plant—even within a species. The develop- ment of the form and structure of plant parts may be rela- tively rigidly controlled, but some aspects of leaf, stem, and root development are quite flexible. As a plant grows, the number, location, size, and even structure of leaves and roots are often influenced by the environment. A vascular plant consists of a root system and a shoot system (figure 38.6). The root system anchors the plant and penetrates the soil, from which it absorbs water and ions crucial to the plant’s nutrition. The shoot system consists of the stems and their leaves. The stem serves as a framework for positioning the leaves, the principal sites of photosynthesis. The arrangement, size, and other fea- tures of the leaves are of critical importance in the plant’s production of food. Flowers, other reproductive organs, and, ultimately, fruits and seeds are also formed on the shoot (see chapters 40 and 42). The reiterative unit of the vegetative shoot consists of the internode, node, leaf, and axillary buds. Axillary buds are apical meristems derived from the primary apical meristem that allow the plant to branch or replace the main shoot if it is munched by an herbivore. A vegetative axillary bud has the capacity to re- iterate the development of the primary shoot. When the plant has transited to the reproductive phase of develop- ment (see chapter 41), these axillaries may produce flow- ers or floral shoots. Three basic types of tissues exist in plants: ground tis- sue, dermal, and vascular tissue. Each of the three basic tis- sues has its own distinctive, functionally related cell types. Some of these cell types will be discussed later in this chapter. In plants limited to primary growth, the dermal system is composed of the epidermis. This tissue is one cell thick in most plants, and forms the outer pro- tective covering of the plant. In young exposed parts of the plant, the epidermis is covered with a fatty cutin layer constituting the cuticle; in plants such as the desert succulents, a layer of wax may be added outside the cuti- cle. In plants with secondary growth, the bark forms the outer protective layer and is considered a part of the der- mal tissue system. Ground tissue consists primarily of thin-walled parenchyma cells that are initially (but briefly) more or less spherical. However, the cells, which have living proto- plasts, push up against each other shortly after they are produced and assume other shapes, often ending up with 11 to 17 sides. Parenchyma cells may live for many years; they function in storage, photosynthesis, and secretion. Vascular tissue includes two kinds of conducting tis- sues: (1) xylem, which conducts water and dissolved miner- als; and (2) phloem, which conducts carbohydrates— mainly sucrose—used by plants for food. The phloem also transports hormones, amino acids, and other substances that are necessary for plant growth. Xylem and phloem dif- fer in structure as well as in function. Root and shoot meristems give rise to a plant body with an extensive underground, branching root system and aboveground shoot system with reiterative units of advantageously placed leaves joined at the node of the plant, internode, and axillary buds. 756 Part X Plant Form and Function Pith Node Shoot Root Blade Leaf Lateral root Apical meristem Terminal bud Petiole Vein Primary growth zone Secondary growth zone (vascular cambium) Internode Axillary bud Vascular system Primary root Primary growth zone Apical meristem FIGURE 38.6 Diagram of a plant body. Branching in both the root and shoot system increases the number of apical meristems. A significant increase in stem/root circumference and the formation of bark can only occur if there is secondary growth initiated by vascular and cork cambium (secondary meristems). The lime green areas are zones of active elongation; secondary growth occurs in the lavender areas. Primary and Secondary Growth Primary and secondary growth play important roles in es- tablishing the basic body plan of the organism. Here we will look at how these meristems give rise to highly differ- entiated tissues that support the growing plant body. In the earliest vascular plants, the vascular tissues produced by primary meristems played the same conducting roles as they do in contemporary vascular plants. There was no dif- ferentiation of the plant body into stems, leaves, and roots. The presence of these three kinds of organs is a property of most modern plants. It reflects increasing specialization in relation to the demands of a terrestrial existence. With the evolution of secondary growth, vascular plants could develop thick trunks and become treelike (figure 38.7). This evolutionary advance in the sporophyte genera- tion made possible the development of forests and the domination of the land by plants. As discussed in chapter 37, reproductive constraints would have made secondary growth and increased height nonadaptive if it had occurred in the gametophyte generation. Judging from the fossil record, secondary growth evolved independently in several groups of vascular plants by the middle of the Devonian period 380 million years ago. There were two types of conducting systems in the earli- est plants—systems that have become characteristic of vas- cular plants as a group. Sieve-tube members conduct carbo- hydrates away from areas where they are manufactured or stored. Vessel members and tracheids are thick-walled cells that transport water and dissolved minerals up from the roots. Both kinds of cells are elongated and occur in linked strands making tubes. Sieve-tube members are characteris- tic of phloem tissue; vessel members and tracheids are characteristic of xylem tissue. In primary tissues, which re- sult from primary growth, these two types of tissue are typ- ically associated with each other in the same vascular strands. In secondary growth, the phloem is found on the periphery, while a very thick xylem core develops more centrally. You will see that roots and shoots of many vascu- lar plants have different patterns of vascular tissue and sec- ondary growth. Keep in mind that water and nutrients travel between the most distant tip of a redwood root and the tip of the shoot. For the system to work, these tissues connect, which they do in the transition zone between the root and the shoot. In the next section, we will consider the three tissue systems that are present in all plant organs, whether the plant has secondary growth or not. Plants grow from the division of meristematic tissue. Primary growth results from cell division at the apical meristem at the tip of the plant, making the shoot longer. Secondary growth results from cell division at the lateral meristem in a cylinder encasing the shoot, and increases the shoot’s girth. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 757 (a) Epidermis Primary phloem Primary xylem (b) Primary phloem Primary xylem Secondary phloem Secondary xylem Lateral meristems (c) Primary phloem Primary xylem Secondary phloem Secondary xylem Annual growth layers FIGURE 38.7 Secondary growth. (a) Before secondary growth begins, primary tissues continue to elongate as the apical meristems produce primary growth. (b) As secondary growth begins, the lateral meristems produce secondary tissues, and the stem’s girth increases. (c) In this three-year-old stem, the secondary tissues continue to widen, and the trunk has become thick and woody. Note that the lateral meristems form cylinders that run axially in roots and shoots that have them. Dermal Tissue Epidermal cells, which originate from the protoderm, cover all parts of the primary plant body. This is probably the earliest tissue system to appear in embryogenesis. The exposed outer walls have a cuticle that varies in thick- ness, depending on the species and en- vironmental conditions. A number of types of specialized cells occur in the epidermis, including guard cells, tri- chomes, and root hairs. Guard cells are paired sausage- or dumbbell-shaped cells flanking a stoma (plural, stomata), a mouth- shaped epidermal opening. Guard cells, unlike other epidermal cells, contain chloroplasts. Stomata occur in the epi- dermis of leaves (figure 38.8), and sometimes on other parts of the plant, such as stems or fruits. The passage of oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as diffusion of water in vapor form, takes place almost exclusively through the stomata. There are between 1000 to more than 1 million stomata per square centimeter of leaf surface. In many plants, stomata are more numerous on the lower epidermis than on the upper epidermis of the leaf. Some plants have stomata only on the lower epidermis, and a few, such as water lilies, have them only on the upper epidermis. Guard cell formation is the result of an asymmetrical cell division just like we saw in the first cell division in an algal and angiosperm zygote. The patterning of these asymmetri- cal divisions resulting in stomatal distribution has intrigued developmental biologists. Research on mutants that get “confused” about where to position stomata are providing information on the timing of stomatal initiation and the kind of intercellular communication that triggers guard cell formation. For example, the too many mouths mutation may be caused by a failure of developing stomata to suppress stomatal formation in neighboring cells (figure 38.9). The stomata open and shut in response to external fac- tors such as light, temperature, and availability of water. During periods of active photosynthesis, the stomata are open, allowing the free passage of carbon dioxide into and oxygen out of the leaf. We will consider the mechanism that governs such movements in chapter 39. Trichomes are hairlike outgrowths of the epidermis (fig- ure 38.10). They occur frequently on stems, leaves, and reproductive organs. A “fuzzy” or “woolly” leaf is covered with trichomes that can be seen clearly with a microscope 758 Part X Plant Form and Function 38.2 Plants have three basic tissues, each composed of several cell types. 71 μm 71 μm (a) (b) FIGURE 38.8 Epidermis of a dicot and monocot leaf (250×). Stomata are evenly distributed over the epidermis of monocots and dicots, but the patterning is quite different. (a) A pea (dicot) leaf with a random arrangement of stomata. (b) A corn leaf with stomata evenly spaced in rows. These photos also show the variety of cell shapes in plants. Some plant cells are boxlike, as seen in corn (b), while others are irregularly shaped, as seen in peas (a). FIGURE 38.9 The too many mouths stomatal mutant. This Arabidopsis plant lacks an essential signal for spacing guard cells. under low magnification. Trichomes play an important role in keeping the leaf surface cool and in reducing the rate of evaporation. Trichomes vary greatly in form in different kinds of plants; some consist of a single cell, while others may consist of several cells. Some are glan- dular, often secreting sticky or toxic substances to deter herbivory. Trichome development has been investigated exten- sively in Arabidopsis. Four genes are needed to specify the site of trichome formation and initiate it (figure 38.11). Next, eight genes are necessary for extension growth. Loss of function of any one of these genes results in a trichome with a distorted root hair. This is an example of taking a very simple system and trying to genetically dissect all the component parts. Understanding the formation of more complex plant parts is a major challenge. Root hairs, which are tubular extensions of individual epidermal cells, occur in a zone just behind the tips of young, growing roots (see figure 38.3). Because a root hair is simply an extension and not a separate cell, there is no crosswall isolating it from the epidermal cell. Root hairs keep the root in intimate contact with the surrounding soil particles and greatly increase the root’s surface area and the efficiency of absorption. As the root grows, the extent of the root hair zone remains roughly constant as root hairs at the older end slough off while new ones are pro- duced at the other end. Most of the absorption of water and minerals occurs through root hairs, especially in herbaceous plants. Root hairs should not be confused with lateral roots which are multicellular and have their origins deep within the root. In the case of secondary growth, the cork cambium (discussed in the section on stems in this chapter) pro- duces the bark of a tree trunk or root. This replaces the epidermis which gets stretched and broken with the ra- dial expansion of the axis. Epidermal cells generally lack the plasticity of other cells, but in some cases, they can fuse to the epidermal cells of another organ or organelle and dedifferentiate. Some epidermal cells are specialized for protection, others for absorption. Spacing of these specialized cells within the epidermis maximizes their function and is an intriguing developmental puzzle. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 759 FIGURE 38.10 Trichomes. A covering of trichomes, teardrop-shaped blue structures above, creates a layer of more humid air near the leaf surface, enabling the plant to conserve available water supplies. 32 μm 57 μm FIGURE 38.11 Trichome mutations. Mutants have revealed genes involved in a signal transduction pathway that regulates the spacing and development of trichomes. These include (a) DISTORTED1 (DIS1) and (b) DIS2 mutants in which trichomes are swollen and twisted. (a) (b) Ground Tissue Parenchyma Parenchyma cells, which have large vacuoles, thin walls, and an average of 14 sides at maturity, are the most com- mon type of plant cell. They are the most abundant cells of primary tissues and may also occur, to a much lesser extent, in secondary tissues (figure 38.12a). Most parenchyma cells have only primary walls, which are walls laid down while the cells are still maturing. Parenchyma are less specialized than other plant cells, although there are many variations that do have special functions such as nectar and resin se- cretion, or storage of latex, proteins, and metabolic wastes. Parenchyma cells, which have functional nuclei and are capable of dividing, commonly also store food and water, and usually remain alive after they mature; in some plants (for example, cacti), they may live to be over 100 years old. The majority of cells in fruits such as apples are parenchyma. Some parenchyma contain chloroplasts, espe- cially in leaves and in the outer parts of herbaceous stems. Such photosynthetic parenchyma tissue is called chlorenchyma. Collenchyma Collenchyma cells, like parenchyma cells, have living pro- toplasts and may live for many years. The cells, which are usually a little longer than wide, have walls that vary in thickness (figure 38.12b). Collenchyma cells, which are rel- atively flexible, provide support for plant organs, allowing them to bend without breaking. They often form strands or continuous cylinders beneath the epidermis of stems or leaf petioles (stalks) and along the veins in leaves. Strands of collenchyma provide much of the support for stems in which secondary growth has not taken place. The parts of celery that we eat (petioles, or leaf stalks), have “strings” that consist mainly of collenchyma and vascular bundles (conducting tissues). Sclerenchyma Sclerenchyma cells have tough, thick walls; they usually lack living protoplasts when they are mature. Their sec- ondary cell walls are often impregnated with lignin, a highly branched polymer that makes cell walls more rigid. Cell walls containing lignin are said to be lignified. Lignin is common in the walls of plant cells that have a supporting or mechanical function. Some kinds of cells have lignin de- posited in primary as well as secondary cell walls. There are two types of sclerenchyma: fibers and sclereids. Fibers are long, slender cells that are usually grouped to- gether in strands. Linen, for example, is woven from strands of sclerenchyma fibers that occur in the phloem of flax. Sclereids are variable in shape but often branched. They may occur singly or in groups; they are not elon- gated, but may have various forms, including that of a star. The gritty texture of a pear is caused by groups of sclereids that occur throughout the soft flesh of the fruit (figure 38.12c). Both of these tough, thick-walled cell types serve to strengthen the tissues in which they occur. Parenchyma cells are the most common type of plant cells and have various functions. Collenchyma cells provide much of the support in young stems and leaves. Sclerenchyma cells strengthen plant tissues and may be nonliving at maturity. 760 Part X Plant Form and Function (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 38.12 The three types of ground tissue. (a) Parenchyma cells. Only primary cell walls are seen in this cross-section of parenchyma cells from grass. (b) Collenchyma cells. Thickened side walls are seen in this cross-section of collenchyma cells from a young branch of elderberry (Sambucus). In other kinds of collenchyma cells, the thickened areas may occur at the corners of the cells or in other kinds of strips. (c) Sclereids. Clusters of sclereids (“stone cells”), stained red in this preparation, in the pulp of a pear. The surrounding thin-walled cells, stained light blue, are parenchyma. These sclereid clusters give pears their gritty texture. Vascular Tissue Xylem Xylem, the principal water-conducting tissues of plants, usually contains a combination of vessels, which are contin- uous tubes formed from dead, hollow, cylindrical cells (ves- sel members) arranged end to end, and tracheids, which are dead cells that taper at the ends and overlap one another (figure 38.13). In some plants, such as gymnosperms, tra- cheids are the only water-conducting cells present; water passes in an unbroken stream through the xylem from the roots up through the shoot and into the leaves. When the water reaches the leaves, much of it passes into a film of water on the outside of the parenchyma cells, and then it diffuses in the form of water vapor into the intercellular spaces and out of the leaves into the surrounding air, mainly through the stomata. This diffusion of water vapor from a plant is known as transpiration. In addition to conducting water, dissolved minerals, and inorganic ions such as ni- trates and phosphates throughout the plant, xylem supplies support for the plant body. Primary xylem is derived from the procambium, which comes from the apical meristem. Secondary xylem is formed by the vascular cambium, a lateral meristem that develops later. Wood consists of accumulated secondary xylem. Vessel members are found almost exclusively in an- giosperms. In primitive angiosperms, vessel members tend to resemble fibers and are relatively long. In more ad- vanced angiosperms, vessel members tend to be shorter and wider, resembling microscopic, squat coffee cans with both ends removed. Both vessel members and tracheids have thick, lignified secondary walls and no living protoplasts at maturity. Lignin is produced by the cell and secreted to strengthen the cellulose cell walls before the protoplast dies, leaving only the cell wall. When the continuous stream of water in a plant flows through tracheids, it passes through pits, which are small, mostly rounded-to-elliptical areas where no secondary wall material has been deposited. The pits of adjacent cells occur opposite one another. In contrast, vessel members, which are joined end to end, may be almost completely open or may have bars or strips of wall material across the open ends. Vessels appear to conduct water more efficiently than do the overlapping strands of tracheids. We know this partly because vessel members have evolved from tracheids inde- pendently in several groups of plants, suggesting that they are favored by natural selection. It is also probable that some types of fibers have evolved from tracheids, becoming specialized for strengthening rather than conducting. Some ancient flowering plants have only tracheids, but virtually all modern angiosperms have vessels. Plants, with a muta- tion that prevents the differentiation of xylem, but does not affect tracheids, wilt soon after germination and are unable to transport water efficiently. In addition to conducting cells, xylem typically includes fibers and parenchyma cells (ground tissue cells). The parenchyma cells, which are usually produced in horizontal rows called rays by special ray initials of the vascular cam- bium, function in lateral conduction and food storage. An initial is another term for a meristematic cell. It divides to produce another initial and a cell that differentiates into a ray cell. In cross-sections of woody stems and roots, the rays can be seen radiating out from the center of the xylem like the spokes of a wheel. Fibers are abundant in some kinds of wood, such as oak (Quercus), and the wood is cor- respondingly dense and heavy. The arrangements of these and other kinds of cells in the xylem make it possible to identify most plant genera and many species from their wood alone. These fibers are a major component in mod- ern paper. Earlier paper was made from fibers in phloem. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 761 Tracheid Pits Pores Vessel member Vessel member (a) (b) Tracheids Vessel FIGURE 38.13 Comparison between vessel members and tracheids. (a) In tracheids, the water passes from cell to cell by means of pits, (b) while in vessel members, it moves by way of perforation plates or between bars of wall material. In gymnosperm wood, tracheids both conduct water and provide support; in most kinds of angiosperms, vessels are present in addition to tracheids, or present exclusively. These two types of cells conduct the water, and fibers provide additional support. (c) Scanning micrograph of the wood of red maple, Acer rubrum (350×). (c) Phloem Phloem, which is located toward the outer part of roots and stems, is the principal food-conducting tissue in vascu- lar plants. If a plant is girdled (by removing a substantial strip of bark down to the vascular cambium), the plant eventually dies from starvation of the roots. Food conduction in phloem is carried out through two kinds of elongated cells: sieve cells and sieve-tube mem- bers (figure 38.14). Seedless vascular plants and gym- nosperms have only sieve cells; most angiosperms have sieve-tube members. Both types of cells have clusters of pores known as sieve areas. Sieve areas are more abun- dant on the overlapping ends of the cells and connect the protoplasts of adjoining sieve cells and sieve-tube mem- bers. Both of these types of cells are living, but most sieve cells and all sieve-tube members lack a nucleus at maturity. This type of cell differentiation has parallels to the differ- entiation of human red blood cells which also lack a nu- cleus at maturity. In sieve-tube members, some sieve areas have larger pores and are called sieve plates. Sieve-tube members occur end to end, forming longitudinal series called sieve tubes. Sieve cells are less specialized than sieve-tube mem- bers, and the pores in all of their sieve areas are roughly of the same diameter. In an evolutionary sense, sieve-tube members are more advanced, more specialized, and, pre- sumably, more efficient. Each sieve-tube member is associated with an adjacent specialized parenchyma cell known as a companion cell. Companion cells apparently carry out some of the meta- bolic functions that are needed to maintain the associated sieve-tube member. In angiosperms, a common initial cell divides asymmetrically to produce a sieve-tube member cell and its companion cell. Companion cells have all of the components of normal parenchyma cells, including nu- clei, and their numerous plasmodesmata (cytoplasmic connections between adjacent cells) connect their cyto- plasm with that of the associated sieve-tube members. Fibers and parenchyma cells are often abundant in phloem. Xylem conducts water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the shoots and the leaves. Phloem carries organic materials from one part of the plant to another. 762 Part X Plant Form and Function Sieve plates Sieve plate Sieve-tube member Nucleus Companion cell FIGURE 38.14 A sieve-tube member. (a) Looking down into sieve plates in squash phloem reveals the perforations sucrose and hormones move through. (b) Sieve-tube member cells are stacked with the sieve plates forming the connection. The narrow cell with the nucleus at the left of the sieve-tube member is a companion cell. This cell nourishes the sieve-tube members, which have plasma membranes, but no nuclei. (a) (b) Root Structure The three tissue systems are found in the three kinds of vegetative organs in plants: roots, stems, and leaves. Roots have a simpler pattern of organization and develop- ment than stems, and we will consider them first. Four zones or regions are commonly recognized in developing roots. The zones are called the root cap, the zone of cell division, the zone of elongation, and the zone of matu- ration (figure 38.15). In three of the zones, the boundaries are not clearly defined. When apical initials divide, daugh- ter cells that end up on the tip end of the root become root cap cells. Cells that divide in the opposite direction pass through the three other zones before they finish differenti- ating. As you consider the different zones, visualize the tip of the root moving away from the soil surface by growth. This will counter the static image of a root that diagrams and photos convey. The Root Cap The root cap has no equivalent in stems. It is composed of two types of cells, the inner columella (they look like columns) cells and the outer, lateral root cap cells that are continuously replenished by the root apical meristem. In some plants with larger roots it is quite obvious. Its most obvious function is to protect the delicate tissues behind it as growth extends the root through mostly abrasive soil particles. Golgi bodies in the outer root cap cells secrete and release a slimy substance that passes through the cell walls to the outside. The cells, which have an average life of less than a week, are constantly being replaced from the in- side, forming a mucilaginous lubricant that eases the root through the soil. The slimy mass also provides a medium for the growth of beneficial nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the roots of some plants such as legumes. A new root cap is produced when an existing one is ar- tificially or accidentally removed from a root. The root cap also functions in the perception of gravity. The columella cells are highly specialized with the endoplasmic retic- ulum in the periphery and the nucleus located at either the middle or the top of the cell. There are no large vacuoles. Columella cells contain amyloplasts (plastids with starch grains) that collect on the sides of cells facing the pull of gravity. When a potted plant is placed on its side, the amyloplasts drift or tumble down to the side nearest the source of gravity, and the root bends in that direction. Lasers have been used to ablate (kill) individual columella cells in Arabidopsis. It turns out that only two of the columella cells are essential for gravity sensing! The precise nature of the gravitational response is not known, but some evidence indicates that calcium ions in the amyloplasts in- fluence the distribution of growth hor- mones (auxin in this case) in the cells. There may be multiple signaling mech- anisms because bending has been ob- served in the absence of auxin. A cur- rent hypothesis is that an electrical signal moves from the columella cell to cells in the distal region of the elonga- tion zone (the region closest to the zone of cell division). Chapter 38 The Plant Body 763 38.3 Root cells differentiate as they become distanced from the dividing root apical meristem. Zone of maturation Zone of elongation Zone of cell division Epidermis Ground meristem Procambium Protoderm Endodermis Ground tissue Vascular tissue Quiescent center Lateral root cap Columella root cap Root in cross-section Apical meristem KEY Dermal tissue Ground tissue Vascular tissue FIGURE 38.15 Root structure. A root tip in corn, Zea mays. This longitudinal section of a root shows the root cap, apical meristem, procambium, protoderm, epidermis, and ground meristem. The Zone of Cell Division The apical meristem is shaped like an inverted, concave dome of cells and is located in the center of the root tip in the area protected by the root cap. Most of the activity in this zone of cell division takes place toward the edges of the dome, where the cells divide every 12 to 36 hours, often rhythmically, reaching a peak of division once or twice a day. Most of the cells are essentially cuboidal with small vacuoles and propor- tionately large, centrally located nuclei. These rapidly divid- ing cells are daughter cells of the apical meristem. The quies- cent center is a group of cells in the center of the root apical meristem. They divide very infrequently. This makes sense if you think about a solid ball expanding. The outer surface would have to increase far more rapidly than the very center. The apical meristem daughter cells soon subdivide into the three primary tissue systems previously discussed: proto- derm, procambium, and ground meristem. Genes have been identified in the relatively simple root of Arabidopsis that regulate the patterning of these tissue systems. The pat- terning of these cells begins in this zone, but it is not until the cells reach the zone of maturation that the anatomical and morphological expression of this patterning is fully re- vealed. WEREWOLF, for example, is required for the pat- terning of the two root epidermal cell types, those with and without root hairs (figure 38.16a). The SCARECROW gene is important in ground cell differentiation (figure 38.16b). It is necessary for an asymmetric cell division that gives rise to two cylinders of cells from one. The outer cell layer be- comes ground tissue and serves a storage function. The inner cell layer forms the endodermis which regulates the intercellular flow of water and solutes into the vascular core of the root. Cells in this region develop according to their position. If that position changes because of a mistake in cell division or the ablation of another cell, the cell devel- ops according to its new position. The Zone of Elongation In the zone of elongation, the cells produced by the primary meristems become several times longer than wide, and their width also increases slightly. The small vacuoles pre- sent merge and grow until they occupy 90% or more of the volume of each cell. No further increase in cell size occurs above the zone of elongation, and the mature parts of the root, except for an increase in girth, remain stationary for the life of the plant. 764 Part X Plant Form and Function FIGURE 38.16 Tissue-specific gene expression. (a) Epidermal-specific gene expression. The promoter of the WEREWOLF gene of Arabidopsis was attached to a green fluorescent protein and used to make a transgenic plant. The green fluorescence shows the epidermal cells where the gene is expressed. The red was used to visually indicate cell boundaries. (b) Ground tissue-specific gene expression. The SCARECROW gene is needed for an asymmetric cell division allowing for the formation of side-by-side ground tissue and endodermal cells. These two layers are blue in wild-type, but in the mutant, only one cell layer is blue because the asymmetric cell division does not occur. (a) (b) The Zone of Maturation The cells that have elongated in the zone of elongation be- come differentiated into specific cell types in the zone of maturation. The cells of the root surface cylinder mature into epidermal cells, which have a very thin cuticle. Many of the epidermal cells each develop a root hair; the protuber- ance is not separated by a crosswall from the main part of the cell and the nucleus may move into it. Root hairs, which can number over 35,000 per square centimeter of root surface and many billions per plant, greatly increase the surface area and therefore the absorptive capacity of the root. The root hairs usually are alive and functional for only a few days before they are sloughed off at the older part of the zone of maturation, while new ones are being produced toward the zone of elongation. Symbiotic bacte- ria that fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by legumes enter the plant via root hairs and “instruct” the plant to create a nodule around it. Parenchyma cells are produced by the ground meri- stem immediately to the interior of the epidermis. This tissue, called the cortex, may be many cells wide and functions in food storage. The inner boundary of the cor- tex differentiates into a single-layered cylinder of endo- dermis (figure 38.17), whose primary walls are impreg- nated with suberin, a fatty substance that is impervious to water. The suberin is produced in bands, called Caspar- ian strips that surround each adjacent endodermal cell wall perpendicular to the root’s surface (figure 38.18). This blocks transport between cells. The two surfaces that are parallel to the root surface are the only way into the core of the root and the cell membranes control what passes through. All the tissues interior to the endodermis are collectively referred to as the stele. Immediately adjacent and interior to the endodermis is a cylinder of parenchyma cells known as the pericycle. Pericycle cells can divide, even after they mature. They can give rise to lateral (branch) roots or, in di- cots, to part of the vascular cambium. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 765 Epidermis Cortex Endodermis Pericycle Primary phloem Primary xylem Pith FIGURE 38.17 Cross-section of the zone of maturation of a young monocot root. Greenbrier (Smilax), a monocot (100H11003). Casparian strip Sectioned endodermal cells H 2 O H 2 O FIGURE 38.18 Casparian strip. The Casparian strip is a water-proofing band that protects cells inside the endodermis from flooding. The water-conducting cells of the primary xylem are dif- ferentiated as a solid core in the center of young dicot roots. In a cross-section of a dicot root, the central core of primary xylem often is somewhat star-shaped, with one or two to several radiating arms that point toward the pericy- cle (figure 38.19). In monocot (and a few dicot) roots, the primary xylem is in discrete vascular bundles arranged in a ring, which surrounds parenchyma cells, called pith, at the very center of the root. Primary phloem, composed of cells involved in food conduction, is differentiated in dis- crete groups of cells between the arms of the xylem in both dicot and monocot roots. In dicots and other plants with secondary growth, part of the pericycle and the parenchyma cells between the phloem patches and the xylem arms become the root vascu- lar cambium, which starts producing secondary xylem to the inside and secondary phloem to the outside (figure 38.20). Eventually, the secondary tissues acquire the form of concentric cylinders. The primary phloem, cortex, and epidermis become crushed and are sloughed off as more secondary tissues are added. In the pericycle of woody plants, the cork cambium produces bark which will be dis- cussed in the section on stems (see figure 38.26). In the case of secondary growth in dicot roots, everything outside the stele is lost and replaced with bark. Root apical meristems produce a root cap at the tip and root tissue on the opposite side. Cells mature as the root cap and meristem grows away from them. Transport systems, external barriers, and a branching root system develop from the primary root as it matures. 766 Part X Plant Form and Function Cortex Epidermis Endodermis Passage cell Primary xylem Pericycle Primary phloem FIGURE 38.19 Cross-section of the zone of maturation of a young dicot root. (a) Buttercup (Ranunculus), a dicot (40H11003). (b) The enlargement shows the various tissues present (600H11003). (a) (b) Zygote Embryo Shoot apical meristem Root apical meristem Cork cambium Vascular cambium Leaf primordia Bud primordia Shoot elongation Outer bark Phloem Xylem Inner bark Wood Bark Leaves Lateral shoots Cork cambium Vascular cambium Pericycle Phloem Xylem Lateral roots Root elongation Undifferentiated Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5: Fully differentiated Outer bark Inner bark Wood Bark FIGURE 38.20 Stages in the differentiation of plant tissues. Modified Roots Most plants produce either a taproot system in which there is a single large root with smaller branch roots, or a fi- brous root system in which there are many smaller roots of similar diameter. Some plants, however, have intriguing root modifications with specific functions in addition to those of anchorage and absorption. Aerial roots. Some plants, such as epiphytic orchids (or- chids that are attached to tree branches and grow un- connected to the ground without being parasitic in any way) have roots that extend out into the air. Some aerial roots have an epidermis that is several cells thick, an adap- tation to reduce water loss. These aerial roots may also be green and photosynthetic, as in the vanilla orchid. Some monocots, such as corn, pro- duce thick roots from the lower parts of the stem; these prop roots grow down to the ground and brace the plants against wind. Climbing plants such as ivy also produce roots from their stems; these anchor the stems to tree trunks or a brick wall. Any root that arises along a stem or in some place other than the root of the plant is called an adventitious root. Adventitious root formation in ivy depends on the developmental stage of the shoot. When the shoot transitions to the adult phase of development, it is no longer capable of initiating these roots. Pneumatophores. Some plants that grow in swamps and other wet places may produce spongy outgrowths called pneumatophores from their underwater roots (fig- ure 38.21a). The pneumatophores commonly extend several centimeters above water, facilitating the oxygen supply to the roots beneath. Contractile roots. The roots from the bulbs of lilies and of several other plants such as dandelions contract by spiraling to pull the plant a little deeper into the soil each year until they reach an area of relatively stable temperatures. The roots may contract to a third of their original length as they spiral like a corkscrew due to cel- lular thickening and constricting. Parasitic roots. The stems of certain plants that lack chlorophyll, such as dodder (Cuscuta), produce peglike roots called haustoria that penetrate the host plants around which they are twined. The haustoria establish contact with the conducting tissues of the host and ef- fectively parasitize their host. Food storage roots. The xylem of branch roots of sweet potatoes and similar plants produce at intervals many extra parenchyma cells that store large quantities of carbohydrates. Carrots, beets, parsnips, radishes, and turnips have combinations of stem and root that also function in food storage. Cross sections of these roots reveal multiple rings of secondary growth. Water storage roots. Some members of the pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae), especially those that grow in arid regions, may produce water-storage roots weighing 50 or more kilograms (figure 38.21b). Buttress roots. Certain species of fig and other tropical trees produce huge buttress roots toward the base of the trunk, which provide considerable stability (figure 38.21c). Some plants have modified roots that carry out photosynthesis, gather oxygen, parasitize other plants, store food or water, or support the stem. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 767 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 38.21 Three types of modified roots. (a) Pneumatophores (foreground) are spongy outgrowths from the roots below. (b) A water storage root weighing over 25 kilograms (60 pounds). (c) Buttress roots of a tropical fig tree. Stem Structure External Form The shoot apical meristem initiates stem tissue and inter- mittently produces bulges (primordia) that will develop into leaves, other shoots, or even flowers (figure 38.22). The stem is an axis from which organs grow. Leaves may be arranged in a spiral around the stem, or they may be in pairs opposite one another; they also may occur in whorls (circles) of three or more. Spirals are the most common and, for reasons still not understood, sequential leaves tend to be placed 137.5 o apart. This angle relates to the golden mean, a mathematical ratio, that is found in nature (the angle of coiling in some shells, for example), classical architecture (the Parthenon wall dimensions), and even modern art (Mondrian). The pattern of leaf arrangement is called phyllotaxy and may optimize exposure of leaves to the sun. The region or area (no structure is involved) of leaf attachment is called a node; the area of stem between two nodes is called an internode. A leaf usually has a flattened blade and sometimes a petiole (stalk). When the petiole is missing, the leaf is then said to be sessile. Note that the word sessile as applied to plants has a differ- ent meaning than it does when ap- plied to animals (probably obvious, as plants don’t get up and move around!); in plants, it means immobile or attached. The space between a petiole (or blade) and the stem is called an axil. An axillary bud is pro- duced in each axil. This bud is a product of the primary shoot apical meristem, which, with its associated leaf primordia, is called a terminal bud. Axillary buds frequently de- velop into branches or may form meristems that will develop into flowers. (Refer back to figure 38.6 to review these terms.) Herbaceous stems do not produce a cork cambium. The stems are usually green and photosynthetic, with at least the outer cells of the cortex containing chloroplasts. Herbaceous stems commonly have stomata, and may have various types of trichomes (hairs). Woody stems can persist over a number of years and develop distinctive markings in addition to the original organs that form. Terminal buds usually extend the length of the shoot during the growing season. Some buds, such as those of geraniums, are unprotected, but most buds of woody plants have protective winter bud scales that drop off, leaving tiny bud scars as the buds ex- pand. Some twigs have tiny scars of a different origin. A pair of butterfly-like appendages called stipules (part of the leaf) develop at the base of some leaves. The stipules can fall off and leave stipule scars. When leaves of decidu- ous trees drop in the fall, they leave leaf scars with tiny bundle scars, marking where vascular connections were. The shapes, sizes, and other features of leaf scars can be distinctive enough to identify the plants in winter (figure 38.23). 768 Part X Plant Form and Function 38.4 Stems are the backbone of the shoot, transporting nutrients and supporting the aerial plant organs. FIGURE 38.22 A shoot apex (200×). Scanning electron micrograph of the apical meristem of wheat (Triticum). Bundle scar Terminal bud (a) (b) Leaf scar Petiole Stipules Blade Node Axillary bud Terminal bud scale scars Internode FIGURE 38.23 A woody twig. (a) In winter. (b) In summer. Internal Form As in roots, there is an apical meristem at the tip of each stem, which produces primary tissues that contribute to the stem’s increases in length. Three primary meristems de- velop from the apical meristem. The protoderm gives rise to the epidermis. The ground meristem produces parenchyma cells. Parenchyma cells in the center of the stem constitute the pith; parenchyma cells away from the center constitute the cortex. The procambium produces cylinders of primary xylem and primary phloem, which are surrounded by ground tissue. A strand of xylem and phloem, called a trace, branches off from the main cylinder of xylem and phloem and enters the developing leaf, flower, or shoot. These spaces in the main cylinder of conducting tissues are called gaps. In di- cots, a vascular cambium develops between the primary xylem and primary phloem (figure 38.24). In many ways, this is a connect-the-dots game where the vascular cam- bium connects the ring of primary vascular bundles. In monocots, these bundles are scattered throughout the ground tissue (figure 38.25) and there is no logical way to connect them that would allow a uniform increase in girth. This is why monocots do not have secondary growth. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 769 75 μm Cortex Epidermis Collenchyma Parenchyma Primary phloem Secondary phloem Vascular cambium Secondary xylem Primary xylem Pith FIGURE 38.24 Early stage in differentiation of vascular cambium in the castor bean, Ricirus (25x). The outer part of the cortex consists of collenchyma, and the inner part of parenchyma. Epidermis (outer layer) Pith Vascular bundle Xylem Phloem Cortex Collenchyma (layers below epidermis) Xylem Ground tissue Phloem Vascular bundles FIGURE 38.25 Stems. Transverse sections of a young stem in (a) a dicot, the common sunflower, Helianthus annuus, in which the vascular bundles are arranged around the outside of the stem (10×); and (b) a monocot, corn, Zea mays, with the scattered vascular bundles characteristic of the class (5×). (a) (b) The cells of the vascular cambium divide indefinitely, producing secondary tissues (mainly secondary xylem and secondary phloem). The production of xylem is extensive in trees and is called wood. Rings in the stump of a tree re- veal annual patterns of growth; cell size varies depending on growth conditions. In woody dicots, a second cam- bium, the cork cambium, arises in the outer cortex (occa- sionally in the epidermis or phloem) and produces box- like cork cells to the outside and also may produce parenchyma-like phelloderm cells to the inside; the cork cambium, cork, and phelloderm are collectively referred to as the periderm (figure 38.26). Cork tissues, whose cells become impregnated with suberin shortly after they are formed and then die, constitute the outer bark. The cork tissue, whose suberin is impervious to moisture, cuts off water and food to the epidermis, which dies and sloughs off. In young stems, gas exchange between stem tissues and the air takes place through stomata, but as the cork cambium produces cork, it also produces patches of unsuberized cells beneath the stomata. These unsuber- ized cells, which permit gas exchange to continue, are called lenticels (figure 38.27). The stem results from the dynamic growth of the shoot apical meristem which initiates stem tissue and organs including leaves. Shoot apical meristems initiate new apical meristems at the junction of leaf and stem. These meristems can form buds which reiterate the growth pattern of the terminal bud or they can make flowers directly. 770 Part X Plant Form and Function Epidermis Cork Cork cambium Phelloderm Collenchyma Parenchyma 42 μm FIGURE 38.26 Section of periderm (50×). An early stage in the development of periderm in cottonwood (Populus sp.). FIGURE 38.27 Lenticels. (a) Lenticels, the numerous, small, pale, raised areas shown here on cherry tree bark (Prunus cerasifera), allow gas exchange between the external atmosphere and the living tissues immediately beneath the bark of woody plants. Highly variable in form in different species, lenticels are an aid to the identification of deciduous trees and shrubs in winter. (b) Transverse section through a lenticel (extruding area) in a stem of elderberry, Sambucus canadensis (30×). (a) (b) Modified Stems Although most stems grow erect, there are some modifica- tions that serve special purposes, including that of natural vegetative propagation. In fact, the widespread artificial vege- tative propagation of plants, both commercial and private, frequently involves the cutting of modified stems into seg- ments, which are then planted and produce new plants. As you become acquainted with the following modified stems, keep in mind that stems have leaves at nodes, with internodes between the nodes, and buds in the axils of the leaves, while roots have no leaves, nodes, or axillary buds. Bulbs. Onions, lilies, and tulips have swollen under- ground stems that are really large buds with adventitious roots at the base (figure 38.28a). Most of a bulb consists of fleshy leaves attached to a small, knoblike stem. In onions, the fleshy leaves are surrounded by papery, scalelike leaf bases of the long, green aboveground leaves. Corms. Crocuses, gladioluses, and other popular gar- den plants produce corms that superficially resemble bulbs. Cutting a corm in half, however, reveals no fleshy leaves. Instead, almost all of a corm consists of stem, with a few papery, brown nonfunctional leaves on the outside, and adventitious roots below. Rhizomes. Perennial grasses, ferns, irises, and many other plants produce rhizomes, which typically are hori- zontal stems that grow underground, often close to the surface (figure 38.28b). Each node has an inconspicuous scalelike leaf with an axillary bud; much larger photo- synthetic leaves may be produced at the rhizome tip. Ad- ventitious roots are produced throughout the length of the rhizome, mainly on the lower surface. Runners and stolons. Strawberry plants produce hor- izontal stems with long internodes, which, unlike rhi- zomes, usually grow along the surface of the ground. Several runners may radiate out from a single plant (fig- ure 38.28c). Some botanists use the term stolon synony- mously with runner; others reserve the term stolon for a stem with long internodes that grows underground, as seen in Irish (white) potato plants. An Irish potato itself, however, is another type of modified stem—a tuber. Tubers. In Irish potato plants, carbohydrates may ac- cumulate at the tips of stolons, which swell, becoming tubers; the stolons die after the tubers mature (figure 38.28d). The “eyes” of a potato are axillary buds formed in the axils of scalelike leaves. The scalelike leaves, which are present when the potato is starting to form, soon drop off; the tiny ridge adjacent to each “eye” of a mature potato is a leaf scar. Tendrils. Many climbing plants, such as grapes and Boston ivy, produce modified stems knows as tendrils, which twine around supports and aid in climbing (figure 38.28e). Some tendrils, such as those of peas and pump- kins, are actually modified leaves or leaflets. Cladophylls. Cacti and several other plants produce flattened, photosynthetic stems called cladophylls that re- semble leaves (figure 38.28f ). In cacti, the real leaves are modified as spines. Some plants possess modified stems that serve special purposes including food storage, support, or vegetative propagation. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 771 Fleshy leaves Knoblike stem Adventitious roots (a) Bulbs (onion) Photosynthetic leaf Scalelike leaf at each node Rhizome (b) Rhizomes (iris) (c) Runners (strawberry) (d) Tubers (potato) Runner Stolen Tuber (swollen tip of stolen) Nodes (axillary buds adjacent to leaf scars) (e) Tendrils (grape) (f) Cladophylls (prickly pear) Tendril Cladophyll Leaves (modified as spines) FIGURE 38.28 Types of modified stems. Leaf External Structure Leaves, which are initiated as primordia by the apical meri- stems (see figure 38.2), are vital to life as we know it. They are the principal sites of photosynthesis on land. Leaves ex- pand primarily by cell enlargement and some cell division. Like our arms and legs, they are determinate structures which means growth stops at maturity. Because leaves are crucial to a plant, features such as their arrangement, form, size, and internal structure are highly significant and can differ greatly. Different patterns have adaptive value in dif- ferent environments. Leaves are really an extension of the shoot apical meri- stem and stem development. Leaves first emerge as primor- dia as discussed in the section on stems. At that point, they are not committed to be leaves. Experiments where very young leaf primordia in fern and in coleus are isolated and grown in culture demonstrate this. If the primordia are young enough, they will form an entire shoot rather than a leaf. So, positioning the primordia and beginning the initial cell divisions occurs before those cells are committed to the leaf developmental pathway. Leaves fall into two different morphological groups which may reflect differences in evolutionary origin. A mi- crophyll is a leaf with one vein that does not leave a gap when it branches from the vascular cylinder of the stem; microphylls are mostly small and are associated primarily with the phylum Lycophyta (see chapter 37). Most plants have leaves called megaphylls, which have several to many veins; a megaphyll’s conducting tissue leaves a gap in the stem’s vascular cylinder as it branches from it. Most dicot leaves have a flattened blade, and a slender stalk, the petiole. The flattening of the leaf blade reflects a shift from radial symmetry to dorsal-ventral (top-bottom) symmetry. We’re just beginning to understand how this shift occurs by analyzing mutants like phantastica which prevents this transition (figure 38.29). In addition, a pair of stipules may be present at the base of the petiole. The stip- ules, which may be leaflike or modified as spines (as in the black locust—Robinia pseudo-acacia) or glands (as in cherry trees—Prunus cerasifera), vary considerably in size from mi- croscopic to almost half the size of the leaf blade. Develop- ment of stipules appears to be independent of development of the rest of the leaf. Grasses and other monocot leaves usually lack a petiole and tend to sheathe the stem toward the base. Veins (a term used for the vascular bundles in leaves), consisting of both xylem and phloem, are distributed throughout the leaf blades. The main veins are parallel in most monocot leaves; the veins of dicots, on the other hand, form an often intri- cate network (figure 38.30). 772 Part X Plant Form and Function 38.5 Leaves are adapted to support basic plant functions. FIGURE 38.29 The phantastica mutant in snapdragon. Snapdragon leaves are usually flattened with a top and bottom side (plant on left). In the phantastica mutant (plant on right), the leaf never flattens but persists as a radially symmetrical bulge. (a) (b) FIGURE 38.30 Dicot and monocot leaves. The leaves of dicots, such as this (a) African violet relative from Sri Lanka, have netted, or reticulate, veins; (b) those of monocots, like this cabbage palmetto, have parallel veins. The dicot leaf has been cleared with chemicals and stained with a red dye to make the veins show up more clearly. Leaf blades come in a variety of forms from oval to deeply lobed to having separate leaflets. In simple leaves (figure 38.31a), such as those of lilacs or birch trees, the blades are undivided, but simple leaves may have teeth, in- dentations, or lobes of various sizes, as in the leaves of maples and oaks. In compound leaves, such as those of ashes, box elders, and walnuts, the blade is divided into leaflets. The relationship between the development of compound and simple leaves is an open question. Two ex- planations are being debated: (1) a compound leaf is a highly lobed simple leaf, or (2) a compound leaf utilizes a shoot development program. There are single mutations that convert compound leaves to simple leaves which are being used to address this debate. If the leaflets are arranged in pairs along a common axis (the axis is called a rachis—the equivalent of the main central vein, or midrib, in simple leaves), the leaf is pinnately compound (figure 38.31b). If, however, the leaflets radiate out from a com- mon point at the blade end of the petiole, the leaf is palmately compound (figure 38.31c). Palmately com- pound leaves occur in buckeyes (Aesculus spp.) and Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). The leaf blades them- selves may have similar arrangements of their veins, and are said to be pinnately or palmately veined. Leaves, regardless of whether they are simple or com- pound, may be alternately arranged (alternate leaves usu- ally spiral around a shoot) or they may be in opposite pairs. Less often, three or more leaves may be in a whorl, a circle of leaves at the same level at a node (figure 38.32). Leaves are the principal sites of photosynthesis. Their blades may be arranged in a variety of ways. In simple leaves the blades are undivided, while in compound leaves the leaf is composed of two or more leaflets. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 773 FIGURE 38.31 Simple versus compound leaves. (a) A simple leaf, its margin deeply lobed, from the tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera). (b) A pinnately compound leaf, from a mountain ash (Sorbus sp.). A compound leaf is associated with a single lateral bud, located where the petiole is attached to the stem. (c) Palmately compound leaves of a Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). (c) (b) (a) Alternate (spiral): Ivy Opposite: Periwinkle Whorled: Sweet woodruff FIGURE 38.32 Types of leaf arrangements. The three common types of leaf arrangements are alternate, opposite, and whorled. Leaf Internal Structure The entire surface of a leaf is covered by a transparent epidermis, most of whose cells have no chloroplasts. The epidermis itself has a waxy cuticle of variable thickness, and may have different types of glands and tri- chomes (hairs) present. The lower epidermis (and occasionally the upper epidermis) of most leaves con- tains numerous slit-like or mouth- shaped stomata (figure 38.33). Stom- ata, as discussed earlier, are flanked by guard cells and function in gas ex- change and regulation of water movement through the plant. The tissue between the upper and lower epidermis is called mesophyll. Mesophyll is inter- spersed with veins (vascular bundles) of various sizes. In most dicot leaves, there are two distinct types of meso- phyll. Closest to the upper epidermis are one to several (usually two) rows of tightly packed, barrel-shaped to cylindrical chlorenchyma cells (parenchyma with chloro- plasts) that constitute the palisade mesophyll (figure 38.34). Some plants, including species of Eucalyptus, have leaves that hang down, rather than extending horizontally. They have palisade parenchyma on both sides of the leaf, and there is, in effect, no upper side. In nearly all leaves there are loosely arranged spongy mesophyll cells be- tween the palisade mesophyll and the lower epidermis, with many air spaces throughout the tissue. The intercon- nected intercellular spaces, along with the stomata, func- tion in gas exchange and the passage of water vapor from 774 Part X Plant Form and Function Epidermal cell Guard cell Stoma Thickened inner wall of guard cell Stoma Epidermal cell Nucleus Chloroplast Guard cell FIGURE 38.33 A stoma. (a) Surface view. (b) View in cross-section. Upper epidermis Palisade mesophyll Spongy mesophyll Lower epidermis Cuticle Guard cell Stoma Vein Guard cell Stoma Vein FIGURE 38.34 A leaf in cross-section. Transection of a leaf showing the arrangement of palisade and spongy mesophyll, a vascular bundle or vein, and the epidermis with paired guard cells flanking the stoma. (a) (b) the leaves. The mesophyll of monocot leaves is not differ- entiated into palisade and spongy layers and there is often little distinction between the upper and lower epidermis. This anatomical difference often correlates with a modi- fied photosynthetic pathway that maximizes the amount of CO 2 relative to O 2 to reduce energy loss through pho- torespiration (refer to chapter 10). Leaf anatomy directly relates to its juggling act to balance water loss, gas ex- change, and transport of photosynthetic products to the rest of the plant. Leaves are basically flattened bags of epidermis containing vascular tissue and tightly packed palisade mesophyll rich in chloroplasts and loosely packed spongy mesophyll with many interconnected air spaces that function in gas and water vapor exchange. Modified Leaves As plants colonized a wide variety of environments, from deserts to lakes to tropical rain forests, modifications of plant organs that would adapt the plants to their specific habitats arose. Leaves, in particular, have evolved some re- markable adaptations. A brief discussion of a few of these modifications follows. Floral leaves (bracts). Poinsettias and dogwoods have relatively inconspicuous, small, greenish-yellow flowers. However, both plants produce large modified leaves, called bracts (mostly colored red in poinsettias and white or pink in dogwoods). These bracts surround the true flowers and perform the same function as showy petals (figure 38.35). It should be noted, however, that bracts can also be quite small and not as conspicuous as those of the examples mentioned. Spines. The leaves of many cacti, barberries, and other plants are modified as spines (see figure 38.28f ). In the case of cacti, the reduction of leaf surface reduces water loss and also may deter predators. Spines should not be confused with thorns, such as those on honey lo- cust (Gleditsia triacanthos), which are modified stems, or with the prickles on raspberries and rose bushes, which are simply outgrowths from the epidermis or the cortex just beneath it. Reproductive leaves. Several plants, notably Kalan- cho?, produce tiny but complete plantlets along their margins. Each plantlet, when separated from the leaf, is capable of growing independently into a full-sized plant. The walking fern (Asplenium rhizophyllum) produces new plantlets at the tips of its fronds. While leaf tissue iso- lated from many species will regenerate a whole plant, this in vivo regeneration is unique among just a few species. Window leaves. Several genera of plants growing in arid regions produce succulent, cone-shaped leaves with transparent tips. The leaves often become mostly buried in sand blown by the wind, but the transparent tips, which have a thick epidermis and cuticle, admit light to the hollow interiors. This allows photosynthesis to take place beneath the surface of the ground. Shade leaves. Leaves produced where they receive significant amounts of shade tend to be larger in surface area, but thinner and with less mesophyll than leaves on the same tree receiving more direct light. This plasticity in development is remarkable, as both types of leaves on the plant have exactly the same genes. Environmental signals can have a major effect on development. Insectivorous leaves. Almost 200 species of flowering plants are known to have leaves that trap insects, with some digesting their soft parts. Plants with insectivorous leaves often grow in acid swamps deficient in needed el- ements, or containing elements in forms not readily available to the plants; this inhibits the plants’ capacities to maintain metabolic processes sufficient to meet their growth requirements. Their needs are, however, met by the supplementary absorption of nutrients from the ani- mal kingdom. Pitcher plants (for example, Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, Nepenthes) have cone-shaped leaves in which rainwater can accumulate. The insides of the leaves are very smooth, but there are stiff, downward-pointing hairs at the rim. An insect falling into such a leaf finds it very difficult to escape and eventually drowns. The nutrients released when bacteria, and in most species digestive en- zymes, decompose the insect bodies are absorbed into the leaf. Other plants, such as sundews (Drosera), have glands that secrete sticky mucilage that trap insects, which are then digested by enzymes. The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) produces leaves that look hinged at the midrib. When tiny trigger hairs on the leaf blade are stimulated by a moving insect, the two halves of the leaf snap shut, and digestive enzymes break down the soft parts of the trapped insect into nutrients that can be ab- sorbed through the leaf surface. Nitrogen is the most common nutrient needed. Curiously, the Venus flytrap will not survive in a nitrogen-rich environment, perhaps a trade-off made in the intricate evolutionary process that resulted in its ability to capture and digest insects. The leaves of plants exhibit a variety of adaptations, including spines, vegetative reproduction, and even leaves that are carnivorous. Chapter 38 The Plant Body 775 FIGURE 38.35 Modified leaves. In this dogwood “flower,” the white-colored bracts (modified leaves) surround the several true flowers without petals in the center. 776 Part X Plant Form and Function Chapter 38 Summary Questions Media Resources 38.1 Meristems elaborate the plant body plan after germination. ? A plant body is basically an axis that includes two parts: root and shoot—with associated leaves. There are four basic types of tissues in plants: meristems, ground tissue, epidermis, and vascular tissue. 1. What are the three major tissue systems in plants? What are their functions? ? Ground tissue supports the plant and stores food and water. ? Epidermis forms an outer protective covering for the plant. ? Vascular tissue conducts water, carbohydrates, and dissolved minerals to different parts of the plant. Xylem conducts water and minerals from the roots to shoots and leaves, and phloem conducts food molecules from sources to all parts of the plant. 2. What is the function of xylem? How do primary and secondary xylem differ in origin? What are the two types of conducting cells within xylem? 3. What is the function of phloem? How do the two types of conducting cells in phloem differ? 38.2 Plants have three basic tissues, each composed of several cell types. ? Roots have four growth zones: the root cap, zone of cell division, zone of elongation, and zone of maturation. ? Some plants have modified roots, adapted for photosynthesis, food or water storage, structural support, or parasitism. 4. Compare monocot and dicot roots. How does the arrangement of the tissues differ? 5. How are lateral branches of roots formed? 38.3 Root cells differentiate as they become distanced from the dividing root apical meristem. ? Plants branch by means of buds derived from the primary apical meristem. They are found in the junction between the leaf and the stem. ? The vascular cambium is a cylinder of dividing cells found in both roots and shoots. As a result of their activity, the girth of a plant increases. 6. What types of cells are produced when the vascular cambium divides outwardly, inwardly, or laterally? 7. Why don’t monocots have secondary growth? 38.4 Stems are the backbone of the shoot, transporting nutrients and supporting the aerial plant organs. ? Leaves emerge as bulges on the meristem in a variety of patterns, but most form a spiral around the stem. The bulge lengthens and loses its radial symmetry as it flattens. ? Photosynthesis occurs in the ground tissue system which is called mesophyll in the leaf. Vascular tissue forms the venation patterns in the leaves, serving as the endpoint for water conduction and often the starting point for the transport of photosynthetically produced sugars. 8. How do simple and compound leaves differ from each other? Name and describe the three common types of leaf growth patterns. 38.5 Leaves are adapted to support basic plant functions. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Art Activity: Plant Body Organization ? Art Activity: Stem Tip Structure ? Art Activity: Primary Meristem Structure ? Characteristics of Plants ? Meristems ? Cambia ? Art Activity: Dicot Root Structure ? Roots ? Effect of Water on Leaves ? Girth Increase in Woody Dicots ? Vascular System of Plants ? Art Activity: Dicot Stem Structure ? Art Activity: Secondary Growth ? Art Activity: Herbaceous Dicot Stem Anatomy ? Activity: Cambium ? Stems ? Art Activity: Plant Anatomy ? Art Activity: Leaf Structure ? Leaves ? Activity: Vascular Tissue ? Ground Tissue ? Dermal Tissue ? Vascular Tissue ? Student Research: Leaf Structure Wetness 777 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants Concept Outline 39.1 Plants require a variety of nutrients in addition to the direct products of photosynthesis. Plant Nutrients. Plants require a few macronutrients in large amounts and several micronutrients in trace amounts. Soil. Plant growth is significantly influenced by the nature of the soil. 39.2 Some plants have novel strategies for obtaining nutrients. Nutritional Adaptations. Venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants lure and capture insects and then digest them to obtain energy and nutrients. Some plants entice bacteria to produce organic nitrogen for them. These bacteria may be free-living or form a symbiotic relationship with a host plant. About 90% of all vascular plants rely on fungal associations to gather essential nutrients, especially phosphorus. 39.3 Water and minerals move upward through the xylem. Overview of Water and Mineral Movement through Plants. The bulk movement of water and dissolved minerals is the result of movement between cells, across cell membranes, and through tubes of xylem. Water and Mineral Absorption. Water and minerals enter the plant through the roots. Water and Mineral Movement. A combination of the properties of water, structure of xylem, and transpiration of water through the leaves results in the passive movement of water to incredible heights. Water leaves the plant through openings in the leaves called stomata. Too much water is harmful to a plant, although many plants have adaptations that make them tolerant of flooding. 39.4 Dissolved sugars and hormones are transported in the phloem. Phloem Transport Is Bidirectional. Sucrose and hormones can move from shoot to root or root to shoot in the phloem. Phloem transport requires energy to load and unload sieve tubes. V ast energy inputs are required for the ongoing con- struction of a plant such as described in chapter 38. In this chapter, we address two major questions: (1) what in- puts, besides energy from the sun, does a plant need to sur- vive? and (2) how do all parts of the complex plant body share the essentials of life? Plants, like animals, need various nutrients to remain alive and healthy. Lack of an important nutrient may slow a plant’s growth or make the plant more susceptible to disease or even death. Plants acquire these nutrients through photosynthesis and from the soil, although some take a more direct approach (figure 39.1). Carbohydrates produced in leaves must be carried through- out the plant, and minerals and water absorbed from the ground must be transported up to the leaves and other parts of the plant. As discussed in chapter 38, these two types of transport take place in specialized tissues, xylem and phloem. FIGURE 39.1 A carnivorous plant. Most plants absorb water and essential nutrients from the soil, but carnivorous plants are able to obtain some nutrients directly from small animals. (essential for amino acids), potassium, calcium, phospho- rus, magnesium (the center of the chlorophyll molecule), and sulfur. Each of these nutrients approaches or, as in the case with carbon, may greatly exceed 1% of the dry weight of a healthy plant. The seven micronutrient elements— iron, chlorine, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, and boron—constitute from less than one to several hundred parts per million in most plants (figure 39.2). The macronutrients were generally discovered in the last cen- tury, but the micronutrients have been detected much more recently as technology developed to identify and work with such small quantities. Nutritional requirements are assessed in hydroponic cultures; the plants roots are suspended in aerated water containing nutrients. The solutions contain all the neces- sary nutrients in the right proportions but with certain known or suspected nutrients left out. The plants are then 778 Part X Plant Form and Function Plant Nutrients The major source of plant nutrition is the fixation of at- mospheric CO 2 into simple sugar using the energy of the sun. CO 2 enters through the stomata. O 2 is a product of photosynthesis and atmospheric component that also moves through the stomata. It is used in cellular respira- tion to release energy from the chemical bonds in the sugar to support growth and maintenance in the plant. However, CO 2 and light energy are not sufficient for the synthesis of all the molecules a plant needs. Plants require a number of inorganic nutrients (table 39.1). Some of these are macronutrients, which the plants need in rela- tively large amounts, and others are micronutrients, which are required in trace amounts. There are nine macronutri- ents: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen—the three elements found in all organic compounds—as well as nitrogen 39.1 Plants require a variety of nutrients in addition to the direct products of photosynthesis. Table 39.1 Essential Nutrients in Plants Principal Form Approximate in which Element Percent of Elements Is Absorbed Dry Weight Examples of Important Functions MACRONUTRIENTS Carbon (CO 2 ) 44 Major component of organic molecules Oxygen (O 2 , H 2 O) 44 Major component of organic molecules Hydrogen (H 2 O) 6 Major component of organic molecules Nitrogen (NO 3 – , NH 4 + ) 1–4 Component of amino acids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, coenzymes, enzymes Potassium (K + ) 0.5–6 Protein synthesis, operation of stomata Calcium (Ca ++ ) 0.2–3.5 Component of cell walls, maintenance of membrane structure and permeability, activates some enzymes Magnesium (Mg ++ ) 0.1–0.8 Component of chlorophyll molecule, activates many enzymes Phosphorus (H 2 PO 4 – , HPO 4 = ) 0.1–0.8 Component of ADP and ATP, nucleic acids, phospholipids, several coenzymes Sulfur (SO 4 = ) 0.05–1 Components of some amino acids and proteins, coenzyme A MICRONUTRIENTS (CONCENTRATIONS IN PPM) Chlorine (Cl – ) 100–10,000 Osmosis and ionic balance Iron (Fe ++ , Fe +++ ) 25–300 Chlorophyll synthesis, cytochromes, nitrogenase Manganese (Mn ++ ) 15–800 Activator of certain enzymes Zinc (Zn ++ ) 15–100 Activator of many enzymes, active in formation of chlorophyll Boron (BO 3 – or B 4 O 7 = ) 5–75 Possibly involved in carbohydrate transport, nucleic acid synthesis Copper (Cu ++ ) 4–30 Activator or component of certain enzymes Molybdenum (MoO 4 = ) 0.1–5 Nitrogen fixation, nitrate reduction allowed to grow and are studied for the presence of abnor- mal symptoms that might indicate a need for the missing element (figure 39.3). However, the water or vessels used often contain enough micronutrients to allow the plants to grow normally, even though these substances were not added deliberately to the solutions. To give an idea of how small the quantities of micronutrients may be, the standard dose of molybdenum added to seriously deficient soils in Australia amounts to about 34 grams (about one handful) per hectare, once every 10 years! Most plants grow satis- factorily in hydroponic culture, and the method, although expensive, is occasionally practical for commercial pur- poses. Analytical chemistry has made it much easier to take plant material and test for levels of different molecules. One application has been the investigation of elevated lev- els of CO 2 (a result of global warming) on plant growth. With increasing levels of CO 2 , the leaves of some plants increase in size, but the amount of nitrogen decreases rela- tive to carbon. This decreases the nutritional value of the leaves to herbivores. The plant macronutrients carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen constitute about 94% of a plant’s dry weight; the other macronutrients—nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur—each approach or exceed 1% of a plant’s dry weight. Chapter 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants 779 (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 39.2 Mineral deficiencies in plants. (a) Leaves of a healthy Marglobe tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plant. (b) Chlorine- deficient plant with necrotic leaves (leaves with patches of dead tissue). (c) Copper- deficient plant with blue- green, curled leaves. (d) Zinc-deficient plant with small, necrotic leaves. (f) Manganese- deficient plant with chlorosis (yellowing) between the veins. The agricultural implications of deficiencies such as these are obvious; a trained observer can determine the nutrient deficiencies that are affecting a plant simply by inspecting it. Complete nutrient solution Solution lacking one suspected essential nutrient Suspected nutrient is essential Abnormal growth Normal growth Suspected nutrient is not essential T r a ns pla n t Monitor growth FIGURE 39.3 Identifying nutritional requirements of plants. A seedling is first grown in a complete nutrient solution. The seedling is then transplanted to solution that lacks one suspected essential nutrient. The growth of the seedling is then studied for the presence of abnormal symptoms, such as discolored leaves and stunted growth. If the seedling’s growth is normal, the nutrient that was left out may not be essential; if the seedling’s growth is abnormal, the lacking nutrient is essential for growth. Soil Plant growth is affected by soil composition. Soil is the highly weathered outer layer of the earth’s crust. It is com- posed of a mixture of ingredients, which may include sand, rocks of various sizes, clay, silt, humus, and various other forms of mineral and organic matter; pore spaces containing water and air occur between the particles. The mineral frac- tion of soils varies according to the composition of the rocks. The crust includes about 92 naturally occurring elements; table 2.1 in chapter 2 lists the most common of these ele- ments and their percentage of the earth’s crust by weight. Most elements are combined as inorganic compounds called minerals; most rocks consist of several different minerals. The soil is also full of microorganisms that break down and recycle organic debris. About 5 metric tons of carbon is tied up in the organisms that are present in the soil under a hectare (0.06 mile 2 ) of wheat land in England, an amount that approximately equals the weight of 100 sheep! Most roots are found in topsoil (figure 39.4), which is a mixture of mineral particles of varying size (most less than 2 mm thick), living organisms, and humus. Humus consists of partly decayed organic material. When topsoil is lost because of erosion or poor landscaping, both the water- holding capacity and the nutrient relationships of the soil are adversely affected. About half of the total soil volume is occupied by spaces or pores, which may be filled with air or water, depending on moisture conditions. Some of the soil water, because of its properties described below, is unavailable to plants. Due to gravity, some of the water that reaches a given soil will drain through it immediately. Another fraction of the water is held in small soil pores, which are generally less than about 50 micrometers in diameter. This water is readily available to plants. When it is depleted through evapora- tion or root uptake, the plant will wilt and eventually die unless more water is added to the soil. Cultivation In natural communities, nutrients are recycled and made available to organisms on a continuous basis. When these communities are replaced by cultivated crops, the situation changes drastically: the soil is much more exposed to ero- sion and the loss of nutrients. For this reason, cultivated crops and garden plants usually must be supplied with addi- tional mineral nutrients. One solution to this is crop rotation. For example, a farmer might grow corn in a field one year and soybeans the next year. Both crops remove nutrients from the soil, but the plants have different nutritional requirements, and therefore the soil does not lose the same nutrients two years in a row. Soybean plants even add nitrogen compounds to the soil, re- leased by nitrogen-fixing bacteria growing in nodules on their roots. Sometimes farmers allow a field to lie fallow—that is, they do not grow a crop in the field for a year or two. This al- lows natural processes to rebuild the field’s store of nutrients. Other farming practices that help maintain soil fertility involve plowing under plant material left in fields. You can do the same thing in a lawn or garden by leaving grass clip- pings and dead leaves. Decomposers in the soil do the rest, turning the plant material into humus. Fertilizers are also used to replace nutrients lost in culti- vated fields. The most important mineral nutrients that need to be added to soils are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). All of these elements are needed in large quantities (see table 39.1) and are the most likely to become deficient in the soil. Both chemical and organic fertilizers are often added in large quantities and can be significant sources of pollution in certain situations (see chapter 30). Organic fertilizers were widely used long before chemical fertilizers were available. Substances such as manure or the remains of dead animals have traditionally been applied to crops, and plants are often plowed under to increase the soil’s fertility. There is no basis for believing that organic fertilizers supply any element to plants that inorganic fertilizers cannot pro- vide and they can. However, organic fertilizers build up the humus content of the soil, which often enhances its water- and nutrient-retaining properties. For this reason, nutrient availability to plants at different times of the year may be im- proved, under certain circumstances, with organic fertilizers. Soils contain organic matter and various minerals and nutrients. Farming practices like crop rotation, plowing crops under, and fertilization are often necessary to maintain soil fertility. 780 Part X Plant Form and Function A Topsoil B Subsoil C Weathering bedrock FIGURE 39.4 Most roots occur in topsoil. The uppermost layer in soil is called topsoil, and it contains organic matter, such as roots, small animals, and humus, and mineral particles of various sizes. Subsoil lies underneath the topsoil and contains larger mineral particles and relatively little organic matter. Beneath the subsoil are layers of bedrock, the raw material from which soil is formed over time and weathering. Nutritional Adaptations Carnivorous Plants Some plants are able to obtain nitro- gen directly from other organisms, just as animals do. These carnivorous plants often grow in acidic soils, such as bogs that lack organic nitrogen. By capturing and digesting small animals directly, such plants obtain adequate nitrogen supplies and thus are able to grow in these seemingly unfavorable environments. Carnivorous plants have modified leaves adapted to lure and trap insects and other small ani- mals (figure 39.5). The plants digest their prey with enzymes secreted from various types of glands. The Venus flytrap (Dionaea mus- cipula), which grows in the bogs of coastal North and South Carolina, has three sensitive hairs on each side of each leaf, which, when touched, trigger the two halves of the leaf to snap together (see figure 39.1). Once the Venus flytrap enfolds a prey item within a leaf, enzymes secreted from the leaf surfaces digest the prey. These flytraps actually shut and open by a growth mechanism. They have a limited number of times they can open and close as a result. In the sun- dews, the glandular trichomes secrete both sticky mucilage, which traps small animals, and digestive enzymes. Unlike Venus flytraps they do not close rapidly and it is possible that the two share a common ancestor. Pitcher plants attract insects by the bright, flowerlike colors within their pitcher-shaped leaves and per- haps also by sugar-rich secretions. Once inside the pitchers, insects slide down into the cavity of the leaf, which is filled with water and diges- tive enzymes. Bladderworts, Utricularia, are aquatic. They sweep small animals into their bladderlike leaves by the rapid action of a springlike trapdoor, and then they digest these animals. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Plants need ammonia (NH 3 ) to build amino acids, but most of the nitrogen is in the atmosphere in the form of N 2 . Plants lack the biochemical pathways (including the enzyme ni- trogenase) necessary to convert gaseous nitrogen to ammonia, but some bacteria have this capacity. Some of these bacteria live in close association with the roots of plants. Others go through an intricate dance and end up being housed in plant tis- sues created especially for them called nodules (figure 39.6). Only legumes are capable of forming root nodules and there is a very specific recogni- tion required by a bacteria species and its host. Hosting these bacteria costs the plant in terms of energy, but is well worth it when there is little ammonia in the soil. An energy con- servation mechanism has evolved in the legumes so that the root hairs will not respond to bacterial signals when nitrogen levels are high. Mycorrhizae While symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria are rare, sym- biotic associations with mycorrhizal fungi are found in about 90% of the vascular plants. These fungi have been described in detail in chapter 36. In terms of plant nutrition, it is im- portant to recognize the significant role these organisms play in enhanc- ing phosphorus transfer to the plant. The uptake of some of the micronu- trients is also enhanced. Functionally, the mycorrhizae extend the surface area of nutrient uptake substantially Carnivorous plants obtain nutrients, especially nitrogen, directly by capturing and digesting insects and other organisms. Nitrogen can also be obtained from bacteria living in close association with the roots. Fungi help plants obtain phosphorus and other nutrients from the soil. Chapter 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants 781 39.2 Some plants have novel strategies for obtaining nutrients. FIGURE 39.5 A carnivorous plant. A tropical Asian pitcher plant, Nepenthes. Insects enter the pitchers and are trapped and digested. Complex communities of invertebrate animals and protists inhabit the pitchers. FIGURE 39.6 Nitrogen-fixing nodule. A root hair of alfalfa is invaded by Rhizobium, a bacterium (yellow structures) that fixes nitrogen. Through a series of exchanges of chemical signals, the plant cells divide to create a nodule for the bacteria which differentiate and begin producing ammonia. Overview of Water and Mineral Movement through Plants Local Changes Result in the Long-Distance, Upward Movement of Water Most of the nutrients and water discussed above enter the plant through the roots and move upward in the xylem. It is not unusual for a large tree to have leaves more than 10 stories off the ground (figure 39.7). Did you ever wonder how water gets from the roots to the top of a tree that high? Water moves through the spaces between the proto- plasts of cells, through plasmodesmata (membrane connec- tions between cells), through cell membranes and through the continuous tubing system in the xylem. We know that there are interconnected, water-conducting xylem elements extending throughout a plant. We also know that water first enters the roots and then moves to the xylem. After that, however, water rises through the xylem because of a combination of factors and some exits through the stomata in the leaves. While most of our focus will be on the mechanics of water transport through xylem, the movement of water at the cellular level plays a significant role in bulk water transport in the plant as well, although over much shorter distances. You know that the Casparian strip in the root forces water to move through cells. In the case of parenchyma cells it turns out that most water also moves across membranes rather than in the intercellular spaces. For a long time, it was believed that water moved across cell membranes only by osmosis through the lipid bilayer. We now know that osmosis is enhanced by water channels called aquaporins. These transport channels are found in both plants and animals. In plants they exist in vacuole and plasma membranes. There at least 30 different genes cod- ing for aquaporin-like proteins in Arabidopsis. Some aqua- porins only appear or open during drought stress. Aqua- porins allow for faster water movement between cells than osmosis. They are important not only in maintaining water balance within a cell, but in getting water between many plant cells and the xylem. The greatest distances traveled by water molecules and dissolved minerals are in the xylem. Once water enters the xylem, it can move upward 100 m in the redwoods. Some “pushing” from the pres- sure of water entering the roots is involved. However, most of the force is “pulling” caused by water evaporating (transpiration) through the stomata on the leaves and other plant surfaces. This works because water molecules stick to themselves with hydrogen bonds (cohesion) and to the walls of the tracheid or xylem vessel (adhesion). The result is an unusually stable column of liquid reach- ing great heights. 782 Part X Plant Form and Function 39.3 Water and minerals move upward through the xylem. FIGURE 39.7 How does water get to the top of this tree? We would expect gravity to make such a tall column of water too heavy to be maintained by capillary action. What pulls the water up? Water Potential Plant biologists often discuss the forces that act on water within a plant in terms of potentials. The turgor pressure, which is a physical pressure that results as water enters the cell vacuoles, is referred to as pressure potential. Water coming through a garden hose is an example of physical pressure. There is also a potential caused by an uneven distribution of a solute on either side of a mem- brane, which will result in osmosis (movement of water to the side with the greater concentration of solute). By applying pressure (on the side that has the greater con- centration of solute), it is possible to prevent osmosis from taking place. The smallest amount of pressure needed to stop osmosis is referred to as the solute (or osmotic) potential of the solution. Water will enter a cell osmotically until it is stopped by the pressure poten- tial caused by the cell wall. The water potential of a plant cell is, in essence, the combination of its pressure potential and solute potential; it represents the total po- tential energy of the water in a plant. If two adjacent cells have different water potentials, water will move from the cell with the higher water potential to the cell with the lower water potential. Water in a plant moves along a gradient between the relatively high water potential in the soil to successively lower water potentials in the roots, stems, leaves, and atmosphere. Water potential in a plant regulates movement of water. At the roots there is a positive water potential (ex- cept in the case of severe drought). On the surface of leaves and other organs, water loss called transpiration creates a negative pressure. It depends on its osmotic ab- sorption by the roots and the negative pressures created by water loss from the leaves and other plant surfaces (fig- ure 39.8). The negative pressure generated by transpira- tion is largely responsible for the upward movement of water in xylem. Aquaporins enhance water transport at the cellular level, which ultimately affects bulk water transport. The loss of water from the leaf surface, called transpiration, literally pulls water up the stem from the roots which have the greater water potential. This works because of the strong cohesive forces between molecules of water that allow them to stay “stuck” together in a liquid column and adhesion to walls of tracheids and vessels. Chapter 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants 783 H 2 O H 2 O H 2 O H 2 O H 2 O and minerals H 2 O H 2 O and minerals and minerals H 2 O Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Phloem Xylem Xylem Spongy mesophyll layer Stoma Water exits the plant through stomata in leaves. The water potential of air is low. Water enters the plant through the roots. The water potential of soil is high. Water and minerals pass up through xylem along a gradient of successively lower water potentials. Water and carbohydrates travel to all parts of the plant. FIGURE 39.8 Water movement through a plant. This diagram illustrates the path of water and inorganic materials as they move into, through, and out of the plant body. Water and Mineral Absorption Most of the water absorbed by the plant comes in through root hairs, which collectively have an enormous surface area (figure 39.8). Root hairs are almost always turgid be- cause their solute potential is greater than that of the sur- rounding soil due to mineral ions being actively pumped into the cells. Because the mineral ion concentration in the soil water is usually much lower than it is in the plant, an expenditure of energy (supplied by ATP) is required for the accumulation of such ions in root cells. The plasma membranes of root hair cells contain a variety of protein transport channels, through which proton pumps (see page 120) transport specific ions against even large concentration gradients. Once in the roots, the ions, which are plant nutrients, are transported via the xylem throughout the plant. The ions may follow the cell walls and the spaces between them or more often go directly through the plasma membranes and the protoplasm of adjacent cells (figure 39.9). When mineral ions pass between the cell walls, they do so nonselectively. Eventually, on their jour- ney inward, they reach the endodermis and any further passage through the cell walls is blocked by the Casparian strips. Water and ions must pass through the plasma mem- branes and protoplasts of the endodermal cells to reach the xylem. However, transport through the cells of the endo- dermis is selective. The endodermis, with its unique struc- ture, along with the cortex and epidermis, controls which ions reach the xylem. Transpiration from the leaves (figure 39.10), which cre- ates a pull on the water columns, indirectly plays a role in helping water, with its dissolved ions, enter the root cells. However, at night, when the relative humidity may ap- proach 100%, there may be no transpiration. Under these circumstances, the negative pressure component of water potential becomes small or nonexistent. Active transport of ions into the roots still continues to take place under these circumstances. This results in an in- creasingly high ion concentration with the cells, which causes more water to enter the root hair cells by osmosis. In terms of water potential, we say that active transport in- creases the solute potential of the roots. The result is movement of water into the plant and up the xylem columns despite the absence of transpiration. This phe- nomenon is called root pressure, which in reality is an os- motic phenomenon. 784 Part X Plant Form and Function Xylem Phloem Pericycle Vascular cylinder Endodermis Cortex Endodermal cells Casparia strip Cell wall Water and solutes Root hair Casparian strips Water and solutes Water and solutes FIGURE 39.9 The pathways of mineral transport in roots. Minerals are absorbed at the surface of the root, mainly by the root hairs. In passing through the cortex, they must either follow the cell walls and the spaces between them or go directly through the plasma membranes and the protoplasts of the cells, passing from one cell to the next by way of the plasmodesmata. When they reach the endodermis, however, their further passage through the cell walls is blocked by the Casparian strips, and they must pass through the membrane and protoplast of an endodermal cell before they can reach the xylem. Under certain circumstances, root pressure is so strong that water will ooze out of a cut plant stem for hours or even days. When root pressure is very high, it can force water up to the leaves, where it may be lost in a liquid form through a process known as guttation (figure 39.11). Guttation does not take place through the stomata, but in- stead occurs through special groups of cells located near the ends of small veins that function only in this process. Root pressure is never sufficient to push water up great distances. Water enters the plant by osmosis. Transport of minerals (ions) across the endodermis is selective. Root pressure, which often occurs at night, is caused by the continued, active accumulation of ions in the roots at times when transpiration from the leaves is very low or absent. Chapter 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants 785 Water exits plant through stomata Water moves up plant through xylem Water enters plant through roots Upper epidermis Palisade mesophyll Vascular bundle Spongy mesophyll Intercellular space (100% humidity) Epidermis Stoma Water molecule FIGURE 39.10 Transpiration. Water evaporating from the leaves through the stomata causes the movement of water upward in the xylem and the entrance of water through the roots. FIGURE 39.11 Guttation. In herbaceous plants, water passes through specialized groups of cells at the edges of the leaves; it is visible here as small droplets around the edge of the leaf in this strawberry plant (Fragaria ananassa). Water and Mineral Movement Water and Mineral Movement through the Xylem It is clear that root pressure is insufficient to push water to the top of a tall tree, although it can help. So, what does work? Otto Renner proposed the solution in Ger- many in 1911. Passage of air across leaf surfaces results in loss of water by evaporation, creating a pull at the open upper end of the “tube.” Evaporation from the leaves pro- duces a tension on the entire water column that extends all the way down to the roots. Water has an inherent ten- sile strength that arises from the cohesion of its mole- cules, their tendency to form hydrogen bonds with one another. The tensile strength of a column of water varies inversely with the diameter of the column; that is, the smaller the diameter of the column, the greater the tensile strength. Because plants have transporting vessels of very narrow diameter, the cohesive forces in them are strong. The water molecules also adhere to the sides of the tra- cheid or xylem vessels, further stabilizing the long column of water. The water column would fail if air bubbles were in- serted (visualize a tower of blocks and then pull one out in the middle). Anatomical adaptations decrease the proba- bility of this. Individual tracheids and vessel members are connected by one of more pits (cavities) in their walls. Air bubbles are generally larger than the openings, so they cannot pass through them. Furthermore, the cohesive force of water is so great that the bubbles are forced into rigid spheres that have no plasticity and therefore cannot squeeze through the openings. Deformed cells or freezing can cause small bubbles of air to form within xylem cells. Any bubbles that do form are limited to the xylem ele- ments where they originate, and water may continue to rise in parallel columns. This is more likely to occur with seasonal temperature changes. As a result, most of the ac- tive xylem in woody plants occurs peripherally, toward the vascular cambium. Most minerals the plant needs enter the root through active transport. Ultimately, they are removed from the roots and relocated through the xylem to other metaboli- cally active parts of the plant. Phosphorus, potassium, ni- trogen, and sometimes iron may be abundant in the xylem during certain seasons. In many plants, such a pat- tern of ionic concentration helps to conserve these essen- tial nutrients, which may move from mature deciduous parts such as leaves and twigs to areas of active growth. Keep in mind that minerals that are relocated via the xylem must move with the generally upward flow through the xylem. Not all minerals can re-enter the xylem conduit. Calcium, an essential nutrient, cannot be transported elsewhere once it has been deposited in plant parts. Transpiration of Water from Leaves More than 90% of the water taken in by the roots of a plant is ultimately lost to the atmosphere through transpi- ration from the leaves. Water moves into the pockets of air in the leaf from the moist surfaces of the walls of the meso- phyll cells. As you saw in chapter 38, these intercellular spaces are in contact with the air outside of the leaf by way of the stomata. Water that evaporates from the surfaces of the mesophyll cells leaves the stomata as vapor. This water is continuously replenished from the tips of the veinlets in the leaves. Water is essential for plant metabolism, but is continu- ously being lost to the atmosphere through the stomata. Photosynthesis requires a supply of CO 2 entering the stomata from the atmosphere. This results in two some- what conflicting requirements: the need to minimize the loss of water to the atmosphere and the need to admit car- bon dioxide. Structural features such as stomata and the cu- ticle have evolved in response to one or both of these re- quirements. The rate of transpiration depends on weather condi- tions like humidity and the time of day. After the sun sets, transpiration from the leaves decreases. The sun is the ul- timate source of potential energy for water movement. The water potential that is responsible for water move- ment is largely the product of negative pressure generated by transpiration, which is driven by the warming effects of sunlight. The Regulation of Transpiration Rate. On a short- term basis, closing the stomata can control water loss. This occurs in many plants when they are subjected to water stress. However, the stomata must be open at least part of the time so that CO 2 can enter. As CO 2 enters the intercellular spaces, it dissolves in water before entering the plant’s cells. The gas dissolves mainly in water on the walls of the intercellular spaces below the stomata. The continuous stream of water that reaches the leaves from the roots keeps these walls moist. A plant must respond both to the need to conserve water and to the need to admit CO 2. Stomata open and close because of changes in the turgor pressure of their guard cells. The sausage- or dumbbell- shaped guard cells stand out from other epidermal cells not only because of their shape, but also because they are the only epidermal cells containing chloroplasts. Their distinc- tive wall construction, which is thicker on the inside and thinner elsewhere, results in a bulging out and bowing when they become turgid. You can make a model of this for yourself by taking two elongated balloons, tying the closed ends together, and inflating both balloons slightly. When you hold the two open ends together, there should be very little space between the two balloons. Now place 786 Part X Plant Form and Function duct tape on the inside edge of both balloons and inflate each one a bit more. Hold the open ends together. You should now be holding a doughnut-shaped pair of “guard cells” with a “stoma” in the middle. Real guard cells rely on the influx and efflux of water, rather than air, to open and shut. Loss of turgor in guard cells causes the uptake of potas- sium (K + ) ions through ATP-powered ion transport chan- nels in their plasma membranes. This creates a solute po- tential within the guard cells that causes water to enter osmotically. As a result, these cells accumulate water and become turgid, opening the stomata (figure 39.12a). Keep- ing the stomata open requires a constant expenditure of ATP, and the guard cells remain turgid only as long as ions are pumped into the cells. When stomata close, sucrose, rather than K + , leaves the cell through sucrose transporters. Water then leaves the guard cells, which lose turgor, and the stomata close (figure 39.12b). Why closing depends on sucrose transport out of the cell and opening on K + uptake is an open question. Experimental evidence is consistent with several pathways regulating stomatal opening and closing. Photosynthesis in the guard cells apparently provides an immediate source of ATP, which drives the active transport of K + by way of a specific K + channel; this K + channel has now been isolated and studied. In some species, Cl – accom- panies the K + in and out of the guard cells, thus maintain- ing electrical neutrality. In most species, both Cl – and malate 2- move in the opposite direction of K + . When a whole plant wilts because there is insufficient water available, the guard cells may also lose turgor, and as a result, the stomata may close. The guard cells of many plant species regularly become turgid in the morning, when photosynthesis occurs, and lose turgor in the evening, re- gardless of the availability of water. When they are turgid, the stomata open, and CO 2 enters freely; when they are flaccid, CO 2 is largely excluded, but water loss is also re- tarded. Abscisic acid, a plant hormone discussed in chapter 41, plays a primary role in allowing K + to pass rapidly out of guard cells, causing the stomata to close in response to drought. This hormone is released from chloroplasts and produced in leaves. It binds to specific receptor sites in the plasma membranes of guard cells. Plants likely control the duration of stomatal opening through the integration of several stimuli, including blue light. In the next chapter, we will explore the interactions between the environment and the plant in more detail. Chapter 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants 787 Chloroplasts Epidermal cell NucleusGuard cell Thickened inner cell wall (rigid) Stoma open Stoma closed H 2 O H 2 O H 2 OH 2 OH 2 2 O H 2 O H 2 O H 2 O H 2 O H 2 O H 2 O Solute potential is high; water moves into guard cells Solute potential is low; water moves out of guard cells Chloroplasts (a) (b) FIGURE 39.12 How a stoma opens and closes. (a) When potassium ions from surrounding cells are pumped into guard cells, the guard cell turgor pressure increases as water enters by osmosis. The increased turgor pressure causes the guard cells to bulge, with the thick walls on the inner side of each guard cell bowing outward, thereby opening the stoma. (b) When the potassium ions leave the guard cells and their solute potential becomes low, they lose water and turgor, and the stoma closes. Other Factors Regulating Transpiration. Factors such as CO 2 concentration, light, and temperature can also af- fect stomatal opening. When CO 2 concentrations are high, guard cells of many plant species lose turgor, and their stomata close. Additional CO 2 is not needed at such times, and water is conserved when the guard cells are closed. The stomata also close when the temperature exceeds 30° to 34°C when transpiration would increase substantially. In the dark, stomata will open at low concentrations of CO 2 . In chapter 10, we mentioned CAM photosynthesis, which occurs in some succulent like cacti. In this process, CO 2 is taken in at night and fixed during the day. CAM photosyn- thesis conserves water in dry environments where succulent plants grow. Many mechanisms to regulate the rate of water loss have evolved in plants. One involves dormancy during dry times of the year; another involves loss of leaves. Deciduous plants are common in areas that periodically experience a severe drought. Plants are often deciduous in regions with severe winters, when water is locked up in ice and snow and thus unavailable to them. In a general sense, annual plants conserve water when conditions are unfavorable, simply by going into dormancy as seeds. Thick, hard leaves, often with relatively few stomata— and frequently with stomata only on the lower side of the leaf—lose water far more slowly than large, pliable leaves with abundant stomata. Temperatures are significantly re- duced in leaves covered with masses of woolly-looking tri- chomes. These trichomes also increase humidity at the leaf surface. Plants in arid or semiarid habitats often have their stomata in crypts or pits in the leaf surface. Within these depressions the water vapor content of the air may be high, reducing the rate of water loss. Plant Responses to Flooding Plants can also receive too much water, and ultimately “drown.” Flooding rapidly depletes available oxygen in the soil and interferes with the transport of minerals and carbo- hydrates in the roots. Abnormal growth often results. Hor- mone levels change in flooded plants—ethylene (the only hormone that is a gas) increases, while gibberellins and cy- tokinins usually decrease. Hormonal changes contribute to the abnormal growth patterns. Oxygen-deprivation is among the most significant prob- lems. Standing water has much less oxygen than moving water. Generally, standing water flooding is more harmful to a plant (riptides excluded). Flooding that occurs when a plant is dormant is much less harmful than flooding when it is growing actively. Physical changes that occur in the roots as a result of oxygen deprivation may halt the flow of water through the plant. Paradoxically, even though the roots of a plant may be standing in water, its leaves may be drying out. One adaptive solution is that stomata of flooded plants often close to maintain leaf turgor. Adapting to Life in Fresh Water. Algal ancestors of plants adapted to a freshwater environment from a salt- water environment before the “move” onto land. This in- volved a major change in controlling salt balance. Since that time, many have “moved” back into fresh water and grow in places that are often or always flooded naturally; they have adapted to these conditions during the course of their evolution (figure 39.13). One of the most frequent adaptations among such plants is the formation of aerenchyma, loose parenchymal tissue with large air spaces in it (figure 39.14). Aerenchyma is very prominent in water lilies and many other aquatic plants. Oxygen may be transported from the parts of the plant above water to those below by way of passages in the aerenchyma. This supply of oxygen allows oxidative respiration to take place even in the submerged portions of the plant. Some plants normally form aerenchyma, whereas others, subject to periodic flooding, can form it when necessary. In corn, ethylene, which becomes abundant under the anaero- bic conditions of flooding, induces aerenchyma formation. Plants also respond to flooded conditions by forming larger lenticels (which facilitate gas exchange) and additional ad- ventitious roots. 788 Part X Plant Form and Function FIGURE 39.13 Adaptation to flooded conditions. The “knees” of the bald cypress (Taxodium) form whenever it grows in wet conditions, increasing its ability to take in oxygen. Adapting to Life in Salt Water. Plants such as man- groves that are normally flooded with salt water must not only provide a supply of oxygen for their submerged parts, but also control their salt balance. The salt must be ex- cluded, actively secreted, or diluted as it enters. The arch- ing silt roots of mangroves are connected to long, spongy, air-filled roots that emerge above the mud. These roots, called pneumatophores (see chapter 38), have large lenticels on their above-water portions through which oxy- gen enters; it is then transported to the submerged roots (figure 39.15). In addition, the succulent leaves of man- groves contain large quantities of water, which dilute the salt that reaches them. Many plants that grow in such con- ditions also secrete large quantities of salt. Transpiration from leaves pulls water and minerals up the xylem. This works because of the physical properties of water and the narrow diameters of the conducting tubes. Stomata open when their guard cells become turgid. Opening and closing of stomata is osmotically regulated. Biochemical, anatomical, and morphological adaptations have evolved to reduce water loss through transpiration. Plants are harmed by excess water. However, plants can survive flooded conditions, and even thrive in them, if they can deliver oxygen to their submerged parts. Chapter 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants 789 O 2, CO 2 Gas exchange Gas exchange Stoma Upper epidermis of leafVein Lower epidermis of leaf Air spaces Aerenchyma (a) (b) FIGURE 39.14 Aerenchyma tissue. Gas exchange in aquatic plants. (a) Water lilies float on the surface of ponds where oxygen is collected and transported to submerged portions of the plant. (b) Large air spaces in the leaves add buoyancy. The specialized parenchyma tissue that forms these open spaces is called aerenchyma. Gas exchange occurs through stomata found only on the upper surface of the leaf. Stilt roots Pneumatophores Section of pneumatophore Lenticel O 2 O 2 transported to submerged portions of plants FIGURE 39.15 How mangroves get oxygen to their submerged part. Mangrove plants grow in areas that are commonly flooded, and much of each plant is usually submerged. However, modified roots called pneumatophores supply the submerged portions of the plant with oxygen because these roots emerge above the water and have large lenticels. Oxygen can enter the roots through the lenticels, pass into the abundant aerenchyma, and move to the rest of the plant. Phloem Transport Is Bidirectional Most carbohydrates manufactured in leaves and other green parts are distributed through the phloem to the rest of the plant. This process, known as translocation, is re- sponsible for the availability of suitable carbohydrate building blocks in roots and other actively growing re- gions of the plant. Carbohydrates concentrated in storage organs such as tubers, often in the form of starch, are also converted into transportable molecules, such as sucrose, and moved through the phloem. The pathway that sugars and other substances travel within the plant has been demonstrated precisely by using radioactive tracers, de- spite the fact that living phloem is delicate and the process of transport within it is easily disturbed. Radioactive car- bon dioxide ( 14 CO 2 ) gets incorporated into glucose as a result of photosynthesis. The glucose is used to make su- crose, which is transported in the phloem. Such studies have shown that sucrose moves both up and down in the phloem. Aphids, a group of insects that extract plant sap for food, have been valuable tools in understanding translocation. Aphids thrust their stylets (piercing mouthparts) into phloem cells of leaves and stems to obtain abundant sugars there. When a feeding aphid is removed by cutting its stylet, the liquid from the phloem continues to flow through the detached mouthpart and is thus available in pure form for analysis (figure 39.16). The liquid in the phloem contains 10 to 25% dry matter, almost all of which is sucrose. Using aphids to obtain the critical samples and radioactive tracers to mark them, it has been demonstrated that movement of substances in phloem can be remarkably fast; rates of 50 to 100 centimeters per hour have been measured. While the primary focus of this chapter is on nutrient and water transport, it is important to note that phloem also transports plant hormones. As we will explore in the next chapter, environmental signals can result in the rapid translocation of hormones in the plant. Energy Requirements for Phloem Transport The most widely accepted model of how carbohydrates in solution move through the phloem has been called the mass-flow hypothesis, pressure flow hypothesis, or bulk flow hypothesis. Experimental evidence supports much of this model. Dissolved carbohydrates flow from a source and are released at a sink where they are utilized. Carbohydrate sources include photosynthetic tissues, such as the mesophyll of leaves, and food-storage tissues, such as the cortex of roots. Sinks occur primarily at the growing tips of roots and stems and in developing fruits. In a process known as phloem loading, carbohydrates (mostly sucrose) enter the sieve tubes in the smallest veinlets at the source. This is an energy-requiring step, as active transport is needed. Companion cells and parenchyma cells adjacent to the sieve tubes provide the ATP energy to drive this transport. Then, because of the 790 Part X Plant Form and Function 39.4 Dissolved sugars and hormones are transported in the phloem. FIGURE 39.16 Feeding on phloem. (a) Aphids, like this individual of Macrosiphon rosae shown here on the edge of a rose leaf, feed on the food-rich contents of the phloem, which they extract through their piercing mouthparts (b), called stylets. When an aphid is separated from its stylet and the cut stylet is left in the plant, the phloem fluid oozes out of it and can then be collected and analyzed. (a) (a) difference between the water potentials in the sieve tubes and in the nearby xylem cells, water flows into the sieve tubes by osmosis. Turgor pressure in the sieve tubes in- creases. The increased turgor pressure drives the fluid throughout the plant’s system of sieve tubes. At the sink, carbohydrates are actively removed. Water moves from the sieve tubes by osmosis and the turgor pressure there drops, causing a mass flow from the higher pressure at the source to the lower pressure sink (figure 39.17). Most of the water at the sink diffuses then back into the xylem, where it may either be recirculated or lost through transpiration. Transport of sucrose and other carbohydrates through sieve tubes does not require energy. The loading and unloading of these substances from the sieve tubes does. Chapter 39 Nutrition and Transport in Plants 791 Xylem Phloem Mesophyll Shoot (sink) Root (sink) Leaf (source) Sieve tubes Leaf cells Sucrose Active transport of sucrose out of sieve tube cells into root and other growth areas (sink) Transport of water into sieve tube cells by osmosis Active transport of sucrose from leaf cells into sieve tube cells (source) KEY: Transport of water in xylem Transport of sucrose and water in phloem KEY: Water FIGURE 39.17 Diagram of mass flow. In this diagram, red dots represent sucrose molecules, and blue dots symbolize water molecules. Moving from the mesophyll cells of a leaf or another part of the plant into the conducting cells of the phloem, the sucrose molecules are then transported to other parts of the plant by mass flow and unloaded where they are required. 792 Part X Plant Form and Function Chapter 39 Summary Questions Media Resources 39.1 Plants require a variety of nutrients in addition to the direct products of photosynthesis. ? Plants require a few macronutrients in large amounts and several micronutrients in trace amounts. Most of these are obtained from the soil through the roots. ? Plant growth is significantly influenced by the nature of the soil. Soils vary in terms of nutrient composi- tion and water-holding capacity. 1. What is the difference between a macronutrient and a micronutrient? Explain how a plant would utilize each of the macronutrients. ? Some plants entice bacteria to produce organic nitrogen for them. These bacteria may be free-living or form a symbiotic relationship with a host plant. ? About 90% of all vascular plants rely on fungal associations to gather essential nutrients. 2. The atmosphere is full of nitrogen yet it is inaccessible to most plants. Why is that? What solution has evolved in legumes? 39.2 Some plants have novel strategies for obtaining nutrients. ? Water and minerals enter the plant through the roots. Energy is required for active transport. ? The bulk movement of water and minerals is the re- sult of movement between cells, across cell mem- branes, and through tubes of xylem. Aquaporins are water channels that enhance osmosis. ? A combination of the properties of water, structure of xylem, and transpiration of water through the leaves results in the passive movement of water to incredible heights. The ultimate energy source for pulling water through xylem vessels and tracheids is the sun. ? Water leaves the plant through openings in the leaves called stomata. Stomata open when their guard cells are turgid and bulge, causing the thickened inner walls of these cells to bow away from the opening. ? Plants can tolerate long submersion in water, if they can deliver oxygen to their submerged tissues. 3. What is pressure potential? How does it differ from solute potential? How do these pressures cause water to rise in a plant? 4. What proportion of water that enters a plant leaves it via transpiration? 5. Why are root hairs usually turgid? Does the accumulation of minerals within a plant root require the expenditure of energy? Why or why not? 6. Under what environmental condition is water transport through the xylem reduced to near zero? How much transpiration occurs under these circumstances? 7. Does stomatal control require energy? Explain. 39.3 Water and minerals move upward through the xylem. ? Sucrose and hormones can move up and down in the phloem between sources and sinks. ? The movement of water containing dissolved sucrose and other substances in the phloem requires energy. Sucrose is loaded into the phloem near sites of syn- thesis, or sources, using energy supplied by the com- panion cells or other nearby parenchyma cells. 8. What is translocation? What is the driving force behind translocation? 9. Describe the movement of carbohydrates through a plant, beginning with the source and ending with the sink. Is this process active or passive? 39.4 Dissolved sugars and hormones are transported in the phloem. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Nutrients ? Soil ? Activity: Water Movement ? Uptake by Roots ? Water Movement ? Student Research: Heavy Metal Uptake 793 The Control of Patterning in Plant Root Development Did you ever think of how a root grows? Down in the dark, with gravity its only cue, the very tip of the root elongates, periodically forming a node from which root branches will extend. How does the root determine the position of its branches, and the spacing between them? The serial organi- zation of the root’s branches is controlled by events that happen on a microscopic scale out at the very tip of the root, the so-called root apex. There, within a space of a millime- ter or less, molecular events occur that orchestrate how the root will grow and what it will be like. The problem of understanding how a plant’s root apex controls the way a root develops is one example of a much larger issue, perhaps the most challenging research problem in modern botany: What mechanism mediates central pat- tern formation in the plant kingdom? Almost nothing was known of these mechanisms a decade ago, but intensive re- search is now rapidly painting in the blank canvas. Much of the most exciting research on plant pattern for- mation is being performed on a small weedy relative of the mustard plant, the wall cress Arabidopsis thaliana (see photo above). With individual plants no taller than your thumb that grow quickly in laboratory test-tubes, Arabidopsis is an ideal model for studying plant development. Its genome, about the size of the fruit fly Drosophila, has been completely sequenced, greatly aiding research into the molecular events underlying pattern formation. To gain some insight into the sort of research being done, we will focus on work being done by John Schiefel- bein and colleagues at the University of Michigan. Schiefel- bein has focused on one sharply defined aspect of plant root pattern formation in Arabidopsis, the formation of root hairs on the epidermis, the root’s outer layer of cells. These root hairs constitute the principal absorbing surface of the root, and their position is under tight central control. In a nutshell, the problem of properly positioning root hairs is one of balancing cell production and cell differentia- tion. Cells in the growth zone beneath the surface of the root—a sheath called a meristem—are constantly dividing. The cells that are produced by the meristem go on to differ- entiate into two kinds of cells: trichoblasts which form hair- bearing epidermal cells, and atrichoblasts which form hair- less epidermal cells. The positioning of trichoblasts among atrichoblasts determines the pattern of root hairs on the de- veloping root. When researchers looked very carefully at the dividing root meristem, they found that the initial cells determined to be trichoblasts and atrichoblasts alternate with one an- other in a ring of 16 cells around the circumference of the root. As the cells divide, more and more cells are added, forming columns of cells extending out in 16 files. As the files extend farther and farther out, occasional side-ways di- visions fill in the gaps that develop, forming new files. Maintaining this simple architecture requires that the root maintain a tight control of the plane and rate to cell di- vision. Because this rate is different for the two cell types, the root must also control the rate at which the cell types differentiate. Schiefelbein set out to learn how the root apex coordinates these two processes. To get a handle on the process, Schiefelbein seized on a recently characterized root pattern mutant called transparent testa glabra(TTG). This mutant changes the pattern of root hairs in Arabidopsis,and it has been proposed that it controls whether a cell becomes a trichoblast or an atrichoblast. But does it control the rate and orientation in the root meristem epidermis? To answer this question, Schiefelbein’s team used clonal analysis to microscopically identify individual cell types in the root epidermis, and set out to see if they indeed divide at different rates, and if the TTG mutation affects these rates differently. If so, there must be a link between cell differen- tiation and the control of cell division in plants. Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Arabidopsis thaliana. An important plant for studying root devel- opment because it offers a simple pattern of cellular organization in the root. Real People Doing Real Science The Experiment Two developmental mutants of A. thaliana were compared to investigate whether the control of cell differentiation and the rate of cell division were linked. One, TTG, alters early events in root epidermal cell differentiation, while the other, glabra2 (gl2) acts later. The investigators first set out to map the surface of the roots of each mutant type, as well as those of nonmutant wild type. To avoid confusion in studying files of cells, it is necessary to clearly identify the starting point of each file of cells. To do this, roots were selected that contained clones of trichoblast and atrichoblast produced by longitudinal cell divisions perpendicular to the surface of the root. Called longitudinal anticlinal cell divisions, these clones are rare but easily recognized when stained with propidium iodide. Careful mapping of individual cells with a confocal micro- scope allowed investigators to determine the number and location of trichoblast and atrichoblast cells present in the epidermal tissue of each clone. The Results The researchers made two important observations based on their visual identification of individual trichoblast and atri- choblast cells in the various plant types examined. 1. The two cell types are produced at different rates.Among plants that had been cultured for up to six cell divisions, they ob- served a significant difference in the ratio of trichoblast (T) versus atrichoblast (A) cells following two or more cell divi- sions. In their study you can readily see that the TTGmutant produces a significantly lower ratio of T cells to A cells com- pared to the wild-type plants or gl2 mutants (see graph a above). This strongly suggests that TTG is involved in con- trolling the rate of cell division in the T cell file. 2. TTG controls the rate of longitudinal cell division. The re- search team went on to examine longitudinal cell divisions that fill in the gaps as cell division causes files of cells to ex- tend outward from the meristem. The researchers set out to determine the probability of such longitudinal anticlinal cell division occurring in the three types of plants shown in graph a. The more rapidly cell files are produced, the more often longitudinal divisions would be required to fill in gaps be- tween files. For proper root hair position to be maintained, the rate of this longitudinal division would have to be tightly coordinated with the rate of vertical division within the file. The investigators found that longitudinal cell division, al- ways rare, was usually seen, when it did occur, in T cell files. Did the TTG mutation affect this process as well as file-ex- tending cell divisions? This was determined by examining the ratio of the probability of longitudinal anticlinal divi- sions in T cells versus A cells (pLT/pLA). Researchers compared the ratio in wild-type plants with that in the two mutants, TTG and gl2. Did the TTG muta- tion alter longitudinal division? Yes! Their results indicate at least a 60% reduction in the pLT/pLA ratio of the TTG mutant compared to wild type and gl2 plants (see graph b above). The percent of clones in the A file of the TTGmu- tants exhibiting this type of cell division was twice that seen in the wild-type or gl2mutants. This observation directly supports the hypothesis that the TTGgene is not only required for cell division in the T cell file, but also controls longitudinal cell divisions which are characteristically more frequent in trichoblasts. The research team concluded from these studies that TTG is probably the earliest point of control of root epi- dermis cell fate specification, and that this control most likely acts by negatively controlling trichoblast cell fate. Number of cell divisions Ratio of T cells/A cells Ratio of probability of longitudinal division in T vesus A cells (pLT/pLA) 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 054321 Wild-type 6 0 20 Wild-type gl2 mutant TTG mutant 5 10 15 (b)(a) gl2 mutant TTG mutant Comparing the differentiation and cell division of trichoblast (T) cells versus atrichoblast (A) cells in root epidermis.(a) As cell di- visions proceeded, T cells and A cells were identified in the root epidermis of wild-type plants and two mutants, gl2and TTG. Comparing the ratio of T cells to A cells, there is an increase in the number of A cells compared to T cells in the TTG mutant. (b) The rate of cell di- vision was also examined by comparing the ratio of probabilities of longitudinal anticlinal cell division in T cells and A cells among the wild-type and mutant plants. This ratio was lowest in TTG mutants, indicating that this mutation affects cell division. To explore this experiment further, go to the Vir- tual Lab at www.mhhe.com/raven6/vlab11.mhtml 795 40 Early Plant Development Concept Outline 40.1 Plant embryo development establishes a basic body plan. Establishing the Root-Shoot Axis. Asymmetric cell division starts patterning the embryo. Early in embryogenesis the root-shoot axis is established. Establishing Three Tissue Systems. Three tissue systems are established without any cell movement. While the embryo is still a round ball, the root-shoot axis is established. The shape of the plant is determined by planes of cell division and direction of cell elongation. Nutrients are used during embryogenesis, but proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates are also set aside to support the plant during germination before it becomes photosynthetic. 40.2 Seed formation protects the dormant embryo from water loss. How Seeds Form. Seeds allow plants to survive unfavorable conditions and invade new habitats. 40.3 Fruit formation enhances the dispersal of seeds. How Fruits Form. Seed-containing fruits are carried far by animals, wind and water, allowing angiosperms to colonize large areas. 40.4 Germination initiates post-seed development. Mechanisms of Germination. External signals including water, light, abrasion, and temperature can trigger germination. Rupturing the seed coat and adequate oxygen are essential.Stored reserves in the endosperm or cotyledon are made available to the embryo during germination. I n chapter 37 we emphasized evolutionary changes in re- production and physiology that gave rise to the highly successful flowering plants (angiosperms). Chapters 38 and 39 explored the morphological and anatomical develop- ment of the angiosperm sporophyte, where most of these innovations occurred. In the next few chapters, we continue our focus on the sporophyte generation of the an- giosperms. In many cases, we will use the model plant Ara- bidopsis, a weedy member of the mustard family. Its very small genome has allowed plant biologists to study how genes regulate plant growth and development. In this chap- ter, we will follow the development of the embryo through seed germination (figure 40.1). The next few chapters will also continue to emphasize the roles of gene expression, hormones, and environmental signals in regulating plant development and function. FIGURE 40.1 This plant has recently emerged from its seed.It is extending its shoot and leaves up into the air, toward light. These tissue systems are organized radially around the root-shoot axis. While the embryo is developing, two other critical events are occurring. A food supply is established that will support the embryo during germination while it gains pho- tosynthetic capacity. This starts with the second fertiliza- tion event that produces endosperm in angiosperms. Sec- ondly, ovule tissue (from the parental sporophyte) differentiates to form a hard, protective covering around the embryo. The seed (ovule containing the embryo) then enters a dormant phase, signaling the end of embryogene- sis. Environmental signals (for example, water, tempera- ture, and light) can break dormancy and trigger a cascade of internal events resulting in germination. Early Cell Division and Patterning The first division of the fertilized egg in a flowering plant is asymmetric and generates cells with two different fates (figure 40.2). One daughter cell is small, with dense cyto- plasm. That cell, which will become the embryo, begins to divide repeatedly in different planes, forming a ball of cells. The other daughter cell divides repeatedly, forming an elongated structure called a suspensor, which links the em- bryo to the nutrient tissue of the seed. The suspensor also 796 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Establishing the Root-Shoot Axis In plants, three-dimensional shape and form arises by regu- lating the amount and pattern of cell division. Even the very first cell division is asymmetric resulting in two differ- ent cell types. Early in embryo development most cells can give rise to a wide range of cell and organ types, including leaves. As development proceeds, the cells with multiple potentials are restricted to regions called meristems. Many meristems are established by the time embryogenesis ends and the seed becomes dormant. Apical meristems will con- tinue adding cells to the growing root and shoot tips after germination. These generate the large numbers of cells needed to form leaves, flowers, and all other components of the mature plant. Apical meristem cells of corn, for exam- ple, divide every 12 hours, producing half a million cells a day in an actively growing corn plant. Lateral meristems can cause an increase in the girth of some plants, while in- tercalary meristems within the stems allow for elongation. In addition to developing the root-shoot axis in em- bryogenesis, cell differentiation occurs and three basic tis- sue systems are established. These are the dermal, ground, and vascular tissue systems and they are radially patterned. These tissue systems contain various cell types that can be highly differentiated for specific functions. 40.1 Plant embryo development establishes a basic body plan. Polar nuclei Egg Micropyle Sperm Pollen tube Triploid endosperm mother cell Zygote Endosperm Suspensor Basal cell Cotyledon Procambium Ground meristem Protoderm Root apex (radicle) Proembryo Hypocotyl Root apical meristem Cotyledons Shoot apical meristem Endosperm Cotyledons FIGURE 40.2 Stages of development in an angiosperm embryo.The very first cell division is asymmetric. Differentiation begins almost immediately after fertilization. provides a route for nutrients to reach the developing em- bryo. The root-shoot axis also forms at this time. Cells near the suspensor are destined to form a root, while those at the other end of the axis ultimately become a shoot. Investigating the asymmetry of the first cell division is difficult because the fertilized egg is embedded within the gametophyte, which is surrounded by sporophyte tissue (ovule and carpel tissue). One approach has been to use the brown algae Fucus as a model system. Although there is a huge evolutionary difference between brown algae and the angiosperms, there are similarities in early embryogenesis which may have ancient origins. The egg is released prior to fertilization so there are no extra tissues surrounding the zygote (fertilized egg). One side of the zygote begins to bulge establishing the vertical axis. Cell division occurs and the original bulge becomes the smaller of the two cells. It develops into a rhizoid that anchors the alga and the other cell develops into the main body, or thallus, of the sporo- phyte. This axis is first established by the point of sperm entry, but can be changed by environmental signals, espe- cially light and gravity which ensure that the rhizoid is down and the thallus is up. Internal gradients are estab- lished that specify where the rhizoid will form in response to environmental signals (figure 40.3). The ability to “re- member” where the rhizoid will form depends on the cell wall. Enzymatic removal of the cell wall in Fucuscells spec- ified to form either rhizoids or plant body, resulted in cells that could give rise to both. Cell walls contain a wide vari- ety of carbohydrates and proteins attached to the wall’s structural fibers. Attempting to pin down the identities of these suspected developmental signals is an area of active research. Another approach to investigating the initial asymmetry in embryos has been to study mutants with abnormal sus- pensors. By understanding what is going wrong, it is often possible to infer normal developmental mechanisms. For example, the suspensor mutant in Arabidopsis has aberrant development in the embryo followed by embryo-like devel- opment of the suspensor (figure 40.4). From this, one can conclude that the embryo normally prevents the suspensor from developing into a second embryo. Early in embryogenesis the root-shoot axis is established. Chapter 40 Early Plant Development 797 Light Fertilized egg Bulge Rhizoid Rhizoid cell ThallusThallus cell Young alga Adult alga First cell division (asymmetric) FIGURE 40.3 Asymmetric cell division in a Fucus zygote. An unequal distribution of material in the fertilized egg leads to a bulge where the first cell division will occur. This division results in a smaller cell that will go on to divide and produce the rhizoid that anchors the plant; the larger cell divides to form the thallus or main plant body. The point of sperm entry determines where the smaller rhizoid cell will form, but light and gravity can modify this to ensure that the rhizoid will point downward where it can anchor this brown alga. Calcium- mediated currents set up an internal gradient of charged molecules which lead to a weakening of the cell wall where the rhizoid will form. The fate of the two resulting cells is held in memory by cell wall components. Embryo proper Suspensor FIGURE 40.4 The embryo suppresses development of the suspensor as a second embryo. This suspensor mutant of Arabidopsishas a defect appear in embryo development followed by embryo-like development of the suspensor. Establishing Three Tissue Systems Three basic tissues differentiate while the plant embryo is still a ball of cells, the globular stage (figure 40.5), but no cell movements are involved. The protoderm consists of the outermost cells in a plant embryo and will become dermal tissue. These cells almost always divide with their cell plate perpendicular to the surface. This perpetuates a single outer layer of cells. Dermal tissue produces cells that pro- tect the plant from desiccation, including the stomata that open and close to facilitate gas exchange and minimize water loss. The bulk of the embryonic interior consists of ground tissuecells that eventually function in food and water storage. Lastly, procambium at the core of the embryo is destined to form the future vascular tissue responsible for water and nutrient transport. Root and Shoot Formation The root-shoot axis is established during the globular stage of development. The shoot apical meristem will later give rise to leaves and eventually reproductive structures. While both the shoot and root meristems are apical meris- tems, their formation is controlled independently. This conclusion is supported by mutant analysis in Arabidopsis where the shootmeristemless (stm) mutant fails to produce a viable shoot, but does produce a root (figure 40.6). Simi- larly, root meristem–specific genes have been identified. For example, monopterous mutants of Arabidopsis lack roots. The hormone auxin may play a role in root-shoot axis formation. Auxin is one of six classes of hormones that regulate plant development and function that we will ex- plore in more detail later in this unit. As you study the development of roots and shoots after germination, you will notice that many of the same patterns of tissue differentiation seen in the embryo are reiterated in the apical meristems. Remember that there are also many events discussed earlier in this chapter that are unique to embryogenesis. For example, the LEAFY COTYLEDON 798 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Wild type stm mutant FIGURE 40.6 Shoot-specific genes specify formation of the shoot apical meristem. The shootmeristemless mutant of Arabidopsishas a normal root meristem, but fails to produce a shoot meristem. (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 40.5 Early developmental stages of Arabidopsis thaliana.(a) Early cell division has produced the embryo and suspensor. (b) Globular stage. (c,d) Heart-shaped stage. gene in Arabidopsisis active in early and late embryo devel- opment and may be responsible for maintaining an embry- onic environment. It is possible to turn this gene on later in development using recombinant DNA techniques (see chapter 43). In that case, embryos can form on leaves! Morphogenesis The globular stage gives rise to a heart-shaped embryo in one group of angiosperms (the dicots, see figure 40.5) and a ball with a bulge on a single side in another group (the monocots). The bulges are cotyledons (“first leaves”) and are produced by the embryonic cells, not the shoot apical meristem that begins forming during the globular stage. This process, called morphogenesis (generation of form), re- sults from changes in planes and rates of cell division. Be- cause plant cells cannot move, the form of a plant body is largely determined by the plane in which cells divide and by controlled changes in cell shape as they expand osmoti- cally after they form. Both microtubules and actin play a role in establishing the position of the cell plate which de- termines the direction of division. Plant growth-regulators and other factors influence the orientation of bundles of microtubules on the interior of the plasma membrane. These microtubules also guide cellulose deposition as the cell wall forms around the outside of a new cell, determin- ing its final shape. For example, if you start with a box and reinforce four of the six sides more heavily with cellulose, the cell will expand and grow in the direction of the two sides with less reinforcement. Much is being learned at the cell biological level about morphogenesis from mutants that divide, but cannot control their plane of cell division or the direction of cell expansion. Food Storage Throughout embryogenesis there is the production of starch, lipids, and proteins. The seed storage proteins are so abundant that the genes coding for them were the first cloning targets for plant molecular biologists. As noted in chapter 37, the evolutionary trend in the plants has been toward increased protection of the embryo. One way this is accomplished is through parental sporophyte input transferred by the suspensor in angiosperms (in gym- nosperms the suspensor serves only to push the embryo closer to the gametophytic nutrient source produced by multiple nuclear divisions without cell division). This hap- pens concurrently with the development of the endosperm (present only in angiosperms, although double fertilization has been observed in the gymnosperm Ephedra) which may be extensive or minimal. Endosperm in coconut is the “milk” and is in liquid form. In corn the endosperm is solid and in popping corn expands with heat to form the edible part of popcorn. In peas and beans, the endosperm is used up during embryo development and nutrients are stored in thick, fleshy cotyledons (figure 40.7). The pho- tosynthetic machinery is built in response to light. So, it is critical that seeds have stored nutrients to aid in germina- tion until the growing sporophyte can photosynthesize. A seed buried too deeply will use up all its reserves before reaching the surface and sunlight. After the root-shoot axis is established, a radial, three- tissue system, and a stored food supply, are formed through controlled cell division and expansion. Chapter 40 Early Plant Development 799 Embryo Cotyledon Bean FIGURE 40.7 Endosperm in corn and bean.The corn kernel has endosperm that is still present at maturity, while the endosperm in the bean has disappeared; the bean embryo’s cotyledons take over food storage functions. Endosperm Embryo Corn (a) (b) How Seeds Form A protective seed coat forms from the outer layers of ovule cells, and the embryo within is now either surrounded by nutritive tissue or has amassed stored food in its cotyle- dons. The resulting package, known as a seed,is resistant to drought and other unfavorable conditions; in its dormant state, it is a vehicle for dispersing the embryo to distant sites and allows a plant embryo to survive in environments that might kill a mature plant. In some embryos, the cotyledons are bent over to fit within the constraints of the hardening ovule wall with the inward cotyledon being slightly smaller for efficient packing (figure 40.8). Remem- ber that the ovule wall is actually tissue from the previous sporophyte generation. Adaptive Importance of Seeds Early in the development of an angiosperm embryo, a pro- foundly significant event occurs: the embryo stops develop- ing. In many plants, development of the embryo is arrested soon after the meristems and cotyledons differentiate. The integuments—the outer cell layers of the ovule—develop into a relatively impermeable seed coat, which encloses the seed with its dormant embryo and stored food. Seeds are important adaptively in at least four ways: 1. They maintain dormancy under unfavorable condi- tions and postpone development until better condi- tions arise. If conditions are marginal, a plant can “af- ford” to have some seeds germinate, because others will remain dormant. 2. The seed affords maximum protection to the young plant at its most vulnerable stage of development. 3. The seed contains stored food that permits develop- ment of a young plant prior to the availability of an adequate food supply from photosynthetic activity. 4. Perhaps most important, the dispersal of seeds facili- tates the migration and dispersal of plant genotypes into new habitats. Once a seed coat forms, most of the embryo’s metabolic activities cease. A mature seed contains only about 5% to 20% water. Under these conditions, the seed and the young plant within it are very stable; it is primarily the pro- gressive and severe desiccation of the embryo and the asso- ciated reduction in metabolic activity that are responsible for its arrested growth. Germination cannot take place until water and oxygen reach the embryo, a process that sometimes involves cracking the seed coat through abrasion or alternate freezing and thawing. Seeds of some plants have been known to remain viable for hundreds and, in rare instances, thousands of years (figure 40.9). 800 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 40.2 Seed formation protects the dormant embryo from water loss. Procambium Root apical meristem Root cap Cotyledons Seed coat Shoot apical meristem FIGURE 40.8 A mature angiosperm embryo.Note that two cotyledons have grown in a bent shape to accommodate the tight confines of the seed. In some embryos, the shoot apical meristem will have already initiated a few leaf primordia as well. Specific adaptations often help ensure that the plant will germinate only under appropriate conditions. Sometimes, seeds lie within tough cones that do not open until they are exposed to the heat of a fire (figure 40.10). This causes the plant to germinate in an open, fire-cleared habitat; nutri- ents will be relatively abundant, having been released from plants burned in the fire. Seeds of other plants will germi- nate only when inhibitory chemicals have been leached from their seed coats, thus guaranteeing their germination when sufficient water is available. Still other plants will ger- minate only after they pass through the intestines of birds or mammals or are regurgitated by them, which both weak- ens the seed coats and ensures the dispersal of the plants in- volved. Sometimes seeds of plants thought to be extinct in a particular area may germinate under unique or improved environmental circumstances, and the plants may then reappear. Seed dormancy is an important evolutionary factor in plants, ensuring their survival in unfavorable conditions and allowing them to germinate when the chances of survival for the young plants are the greatest. Chapter 40 Early Plant Development 801 FIGURE 40.9 Seeds can remain dormant for long periods.This seedling was grown from a lotus seed recovered from the mud of a dry lake bed in Manchuria, northern China. The radiocarbon age of this seed indicates that it was formed around A.D. 1515. The coin is included in the photo to give some idea of the size. (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 40.10 Fire induces seed germination in some pines. (a) Fire will destroy these adult jack pines, but stimulate growth of the next generation. (b) Cones of a jack pine are tightly sealed and cannot release the seeds protected by the scales. (c) High temperatures lead to the release of the seeds. How Fruits Form Paralleling the evolution of angiosperm flowers, and nearly as spectacular, has been the evolution of their fruits, which are defined simply as mature ovaries (carpels). During seed formation, the flower ovary begins to develop into fruit. Fruits form in many ways and exhibit a wide array of spe- cializations in relation to their dispersal. The differences among some of the fruit types seen today are shown in fig- ure 40.11. Three layers of ovary wall can have distinct fates which accounts for the diversity of fruit types from fleshy to dry and hard. An array of mechanisms allow for the re- lease of the seed(s) within the fruits. Developmentally, fruits are fascinating organs that contain three generations 802 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 40.3 Fruit formation enhances the dispersal of seeds. Follicles Split along one carpel edge only; milkweed, larkspur. Legumes Split along two carpel edges with seeds at- tached to carpel edges; peas, beans. Samaras Not split and with a wing formed from the outer tissues; maples, elms, ashes. Drupes Single seed enclosed in a hard pit; peaches, plums, cherries. True berries More than one seed and a thin skin; blue- berries, tomatoes, grapes, peppers. Hesperidiums More than one seed and a leathery skin; or- anges, lemons, limes. FIGURE 40.11 Examples of some kinds of fruits.Distinguishing features of each of these fruit types are listed below each photo. Follicles, legumes, and samaras are examples of dry fruits. Drupes, true berries, and hesperidiums are simple fleshy fruits; they develop from a flower with a single pistil. Aggregate and multiple fruits are compound fleshy fruits; they develop from flowers with more than one ovary or from more than one flower. Aggregate fruits Derived from many ovaries of a single flower; strawberries, blackberries. Multiple fruits Develop from a cluster of flowers; mulberries, pineapples. in one package. The fruit and seed coat are from the prior sporophyte generation. Within the seed are rem- nants of the gametophyte generation that produced the egg that was fertil- ized to give rise to the next sporophyte generation, the embryo. The Dispersal of Fruits Aside from the many ways fruits can form, they also exhibit a wide array of specialized dispersal methods. Fruits with fleshy coverings, often shiny black or bright blue or red, normally are dispersed by birds or other verte- brates (figure 40.12a). Like red flow- ers, red fruits signal an abundant food supply. By feeding on these fruits, birds and other animals may carry seeds from place to place and thus transfer plants from one suitable habi- tat to another. Fruits with hooked spines, like those of burgrass (figure 40.12b), are typical of several genera of plants that occur in the northern deciduous woods. Such fruits are often disseminated by mammals, including humans. Squirrels and similar mammals disperse and bury fruits such as acorns and other nuts. Other fruits, such as those of maples, elms, and ashes, have wings which aid in their dis- tribution by the wind. The dandelion provides another fa- miliar example of a fruit type that is dispersed by wind (figure 40.13), and the dispersal of seeds from plants such as milkweeds, willows, and cottonwoods is similar. Or- chids have minute, dustlike seeds, which are likewise blown away by the wind. Coconuts and other plants that characteristically occur on or near beaches are regularly spread throughout a re- gion by water (figure 40.14). This sort of dispersal is es- pecially important in the colonization of distant island groups, such as the Hawaiian Islands. It has been calcu- lated that seeds of about 175 original angiosperms, nearly a third from North America, must have reached Hawaii to have evolved into the roughly 970 species found there today. Some of these seeds blew through the air, others were transported on the feathers or in the guts of birds, and still others drifted across the Pacific. Although the distances are rarely as great as the distance between Hawaii and the mainland, dispersal is just as important for mainland plant species that have discontinuous habi- tats, such as mountaintops, marshes, or north-facing cliffs. Fruits, which are characteristic of angiosperms, are extremely diverse. The evolution of specialized structures allows fruits to be dispersed by animals, wind, and water. Chapter 40 Early Plant Development 803 (a) (b) FIGURE 40.12 Animal-dispersed fruits.(a) The bright red berries of this honeysuckle, Lonicera hispidula, are highly attractive to birds, just as are red flowers. After eating the fruits, birds may carry the seeds they contain for great distances either internally or, because of their sticky pulp, stuck to their feet or other body parts. (b) The spiny fruits of this burgrass, Cenchrus incertus, adhere readily to any passing animal, as you will know if you have ever stepped on them. FIGURE 40.13 Wind-dispersed fruits.False dandelion, Pyrrhopappus carolinanus.The “parachutes” disperse the fruits of both false and true dandelions widely in the wind, much to the gardener’s despair. FIGURE 40.14 A water-dispersed fruit.This fruit of the coconut, Cocos nucifers, is sprouting on a sandy beach. Coconuts, one of the most useful plants for humans in the tropics, have become established on even the most distant islands by drifting on the waves. When conditions are satisfactory, the embryo emerges from its desiccated state, utilizes food reserves, and re- sumes growth. As the sporophyte pushes through the seed coat it orients with the environment so the root grows down and the shoot grows up. New growth comes from delicate meristems that are protected from environ- mental rigors. The shoot becomes photosynthetic and the post-embryonic phase of growth and development is underway. Mechanisms of Germination Germination is the first step in the development of the plant outside of its seed coat. Germination occurs when a seed absorbs water and its metabolism resumes. The amount of water a seed can absorb is phenomenal and creates a force strong enough to break the seed coat. At this point, it is important that oxygen be available to the developing embryo because plants, like animals, require oxygen for cellular respiration. Few plants produce seeds that germinate successfully under water, although some, such as rice, have evolved a tolerance to anaerobic conditions. A dormant seed, although it may have imbibed a full supply of water and may be respiring, synthesizing proteins and RNA, and apparently carrying on normal metabolism, may nonetheless fail to germinate without an additional signal from the environment. This signal may be light of the correct wavelengths and intensity, a series of cold days, or simply the passage of time at temperatures appropriate for germination. Seeds of many plants will not germinate unless they have been stratified—held for periods of time at low temperatures. This phenomenon prevents seeds of plants that grow in cold areas from germinating until they have passed the winter, thus protecting their seedlings from cold conditions. Germination can occur over a wide temperature range (5°to 30°C), although certain species and specific habitats may have relatively narrow optimum ranges. Some seeds will not germinate even under the best con- ditions. In some species, a significant fraction of a sea- son’s seeds remain dormant, providing a gene pool of great evolutionary significance to the future plant population. The Utilization of Reserves Germination occurs when all internal and external re- quirements are met. Germination and early seedling growth require the utilization of metabolic reserves; these reserves are stored in the starch grains of amyloplasts (colorless plastids that store starch) and protein bodies. Fats and oils also are important food reserves in some kinds of seeds. They can readily be digested during ger- mination, producing glycerol and fatty acids, which yield energy through cellular respiration; they can also be con- verted to glucose. Depending on the kind of plant, any of these reserves may be stored in the embryo itself or in the endosperm. In the kernels of cereal grains, the single cotyledon is modified into a relatively massive structure called the scutellum (figure 40.15), from the Latin word meaning “shield.” The abundant food stored in the scutellum is used up first because these plants do not need to use the en- dosperm during germination. Later, while the seedling is becoming established, the scutellum serves as a nutrient conduit from the endosperm to the embryo. This is one of the best examples of how plant growth regulators modulate development in plants (40.16). The embryo produces gib- berellic acid which signals the outer layer of the endosperm called the aleurone to produce α-amylase. This enzyme is responsible for breaking the starch in the endosperm down into sugars that are passed by the scutellum to the embryo. Abscisic acid, another plant growth regulator, which is im- portant in establishing dormancy, can inhibit this process. Abscisic acid levels may be reduced further when a seed ab- sorbs water. The emergence of the embryonic root and shoot from the seed during germination varies widely from species to species. In most plants, the root emerges before the shoot appears and anchors the young seedling in the soil (see figure 40.15). In plants such as peas and corn, the cotyledons may be held below ground; in other plants, such as beans, radishes, and sunflowers, the cotyledons are held above ground. The cotyledons may or may not become green and contribute to the nutrition of the seedling as it becomes established. The period from the germination of the seed to the establishment of the young plant is a very critical one for the plant’s survival; the seedling is unusually susceptible to disease and drought during this period. During germination and early seedling establishment, the utilization of food reserves stored in the embryo or the endosperm is mediated by hormones, which, in some cases, are gibberellins. 804 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 40.4 Germination initiates post-seed development. Chapter 40 Early Plant Development 805 FIGURE 40.16 Hormonal regulation of seedling growth.The germinating barley embryos utilize the starch stored in the endosperm by releasing the hormone gibberellic acid (GA) that triggers the outer layers of the endosperm (aleurone layers) to produce the starch-digesting enzyme α-amylase. The α-amylase breaks down starch into sugar which moves through the scutellum (cotyledon) into the embryo where it provides energy for growth. A second hormone, abscisic acid (ABA), is important in establishing dormancy and becomes diluted as seeds imbibe water. When there is excess ABA, the GA-triggered production of alpha-amylase is inhibited. Hypocotyl Epicotyl Secondary roots Primary roots Seed coat Cotyledon Withered cotyledonsHypocotyl Plumule Scutellum Primary root Adventitious root Radicle Coleorhiza First leaf Coleoptile FIGURE 40.15 Shoot development.The stages shown are for a dicot, the common bean, (a) Phaseolus vulgaris,and a monocot, corn, (b) Zea mays. Aleurone Endosperm Scutellum Embryo Gibberellic acid H9251-amylase Sugars Starch (a) (b) 806 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Chapter 40 Summary Questions Media Resources 40.1 Plant embryo development establishes a basic body plan. ? Plant shape is determined by the direction of cell division and expansion. ? Three tissue systems form radially through regulated cell division and differentiation. ? Shoot and root apical meristems are established to continuously produce new tissues, which then differ- entiate into body parts. ? Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are stored for ger- mination in the endosperm or cotyledons. 1.The pattern of cell division regulates the shape of an embryo. Describe the cell division pattern that results in the single, outer layer of protoderm in the globular stage embryo. 2.What evidence supports the claim that the shoot meristem is genetically specified separately from the root? ? The ovule wall (integuments) around the embryo hardens to protect the embryo as embryogenesis ends. ? Seed formation allows the embryo to enter a dormant state and continue growth under more optimal condi- tions. 3.Why are seeds adaptively important? Why may a seed showing proper respiration and synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids and all other normal metabolic activities still fail to germinate? 40.2 Seed formation protects the dormant embryo from water loss. ? Fruits are an angiosperm innovation that develop from the ovary wall (a modified leaf) that surrounds the ovule(s). ? Fruits are highly diverse in terms of their dispersal mechanisms, often displaying wings, barbs, or other structures that aid in their transport from place to place. Fruit dispersal methods are especially impor- tant in the colonization of islands or other distant patches of suitable habitat. 4.Why is it advantageous for a plant to produce fruit? How does the genotype of the fruit compare with the genotype of the embryo? How does the genotype of the seed wall compare with the fruit wall? 40.3 Fruit formation enhances seed dispersal. ? In a seed, the embryo with its food supply is encased within a sometimes rigid, relatively impermeable seed coat that may need to be abraded before germination can occur. Weather or passage through an animal’s digestive tract may be necessary for germination to begin. ? When temperature, light, and water conditions are appropriate, germination can begin. In some cases, a period of chilling is required prior to germination. This adaptation protects seeds from germinating dur- ing the cold season. ? At germination, the mobilization of the food reserves is critical. Hormones control this process. 5.Explain how the embryo signals the endosperm to obtain sugars for growth during germination. 6.Why does the root (actually the radicle) of the embryo emerge first? 40.4 Germination initiates post-seed development. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Art Activity: Corn Grain Structure ? Art Activity: Garden Bean Seed Structure ? Embryos and Seeds ? Activity: Fruits ? Fruits ? Germination 807 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment Concept Outline 41.1 Plant growth is often guided by environmental cues. Tropisms. Plant growth is often influenced by light, gravity, and contact with other plants and animals. Dormancy. The ability to cease growth allows plants to wait out the bad times. 41.2 The hormones that guide growth are keyed to the environment. Plant Hormones. Hormones are grouped into seven classes. Auxin. Auxin is involved in the elongation of stems. Cytokinins. Cytokinins stimulate cell division. Gibberellins. Gibberellins control stem elongation. Brassinosteroids and Oligosaccharins. There are several recent additions to the plant hormone family. Ethylene. Ethylene controls leaves and flower abscision. Abscisic Acid. Abscisic acid suppresses growth of buds and promotes leaf senescence. 41.3 The environment influences flowering. Plants Undergo Metamorphosis. The transition of a shoot meristem from vegetative to adult is called phase change. Pathways Leading to Flower Production. Photoperiod is regulated in complex ways. Identity Genes and the Formation of Floral Meristems and Floral Organs. Floral meristem identity genes activate floral organ identity genes. 41.4 Many short-term responses to the environment do not require growth. Turgor Movement. Changes in the water pressure within plant cells result in quick and reversible plant movements. Plant Defense Responses. In addition to generalized defense mechanisms, some plants have highly evolved recognition mechanisms for specific pathogens. A ll organisms sense and interact with their environ- ment. This is particularly true of plants. Plant survival and growth is critically influenced by abiotic factors includ- ing water, wind, and light. In this chapter, we will explore how a plant senses such factors, and transduces these sig- nals to elicit an optimal physiological, growth, or develop- mental response. Hormones play an important role in the internal signaling that brings about environmental re- sponses, and is keyed in many ways to the environment. The effect of the local environment on plant growth also accounts for much of the variation in adult form within a species (figure 41.1). Precisely regulated responses to the environment not only allow a plant to survive from day to day but also determine when a flowering plant will produce a flower. The entire process of constructing a flower in turn sets the stage for intricate reproductive strategies that will be discussed in the next chapter. FIGURE 41.1 Plant growth is affected by environmental cues.The branches of this fallen tree are growing straight up in response to gravity and light. given biological reaction that is affected by phytochrome will occur. When most of the P fr has been replaced by P r , the reaction will not occur (figure 41.3). While we refer to phytochrome as a single molecule here, it is important to note that several different phytochromes have now been identified that appear to have specific biological functions. Phytochrome is a light receptor, but it does not act di- rectly to bring about reactions to light. The existence of phytochrome was conclusively demonstrated in 1959 by Harry A. Borthwick and his collaborators at the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture Research Center at Beltsville, Maryland. It has since been shown that the molecule con- sists of two parts: a smaller one that is sensitive to light and a larger portion that is a protein. The protein compo- nent initiates a signal transduction leading to a particular tropism. The phytochrome pigment is blue, and its light- sensitive portion is similar in structure to the phycobilins that occur in cyanobacteria and red algae. Phytochrome is present in all groups of plants and in a few genera of green algae, but not in bacteria, fungi, or protists (other than the few green algae). It is likely that phytochrome systems for measuring light evolved among the green algae and were present in the common ancestor of the plants. Phytochrome is involved in many plant growth re- sponses. For example, seed germination is inhibited by far- red light and stimulated by red light in many plants. Be- cause chlorophyll absorbs red light strongly but does not absorb far-red light, light passing through green leaves in- hibits seed germination. Consequently, seeds on the 808 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Tropisms Growth patterns in plants are often guided by environ- mental signals. Tropisms (from trope, the Greek word for “turn”) are positive or negative growth responses of plants to external stimuli that usually come from one direction. Some responses occur independently of the direction of the stimuli and are referred to as nastic movements. For example, a tendril of a pea plant will always coil in one di- rection when touched. Tropisms, on the other hand, are directional and offer significant compensation for the plant’s inability to get up and walk away from unfavorable environmental conditions. Tropisms contribute the vari- ety of branching patterns we see within a species. Here we will consider three major classes of plant tropisms: pho- totropism, gravitropism, and thigmotropism. Tropisms are particularly intriguing because they challenge us to connect environmental signals with cellular perception of the signal, transduction into biochemical pathways, and ultimately an altered growth response. Phototropism Phototropic responses involve the bending of growing stems and other plant parts toward sources of light (figure 41.2). In general, stems are positively phototropic, growing toward a light source, while most roots do not respond to light or, in exceptional cases, exhibit only a weak negative phototropic response. The phototropic reactions of stems are clearly of adaptive value, giving plants greater exposure to available light. They are also important in determining the development of plant organs and, therefore, the ap- pearance of the plant. Individual leaves may display pho- totropic responses. The position of leaves is important to the photosynthetic efficiency of the plant. A plant hormone called auxin (discussed later in this chapter) is probably in- volved in most, if not all, of the phototropic growth re- sponses of plants. The first step in a phototropic response is perceiving the light. Photoreceptors perceive different wavelengths of light with blue and red being the most common. Blue light receptors are being characterized and we are begin- ning to understand how plants “see blue.” Much more is known about “seeing red” and translating that perception into a signal transduction pathway leading to an altered growth response. Plants contain a pigment, phy- tochrome, which exists in two interconvertible forms, P r and P fr . In the first form, phytochrome absorbs red light; in the second, it absorbs far-red light. When a molecule of P r absorbs a photon of red light (660 nm), it is instantly converted into a molecule of P fr , and when a molecule of P fr absorbs a photon of far-red light (730 nm), it is in- stantly converted to P r . P fr is biologically active and P r is biologically inactive. In other words, when P fr is present, a 41.1 Plant growth is often guided by environmental cues. FIGURE 41.2 Phototropism. Impatiensplant growing toward light. ground under deciduous plants that lose their leaves in winter are more apt to germinate in the spring after the leaves have decomposed and the seedlings are exposed to direct sunlight. This greatly improves the chances the seedlings will become established. A second example of these relationships is the elonga- tion of the shoot in an etiolated seedling (one that is pale and slender from having been kept in the dark). Such plants become normal when exposed to light, especially red light, but the effects of such exposure are canceled by far-red light. This indicates a relationship similar to that observed in seed germination. There appears to be a link between phytochrome light perception and brassinosteroids in the etiolation response. Etiolation is an energy conservation strategy to help plants growing in the dark reach the light before they die. They don't green-up until there is light, and they divert energy to growing as tall as possible through internode elongation. The de-etiolated (det2) Ara- bidopsis mutant has a poor etiolation response. It does not have elongated internodes and greens up a bit in the dark. It turns out that det2 mutants are defective in an enzyme necessary for brassinosteroid biosynthesis. Researchers sus- pect that brassinosteroids play a role in how plants respond to light through phytochrome. Thus, because det2 mutants lack brassinosteroids, they do not respond to light, or lack of light, as normal plants do, and the det2 mutants grow normally in the dark. Red and far-red light also are used as signals for plant spacing. The closer plants are together, the more likely they are to grow tall and try to outcompete others for the sunshine. Plants somehow measure the amount of far-red light being bounced back to them from neighboring trees. If their perception is messed up by putting a collar around the stem with a solution that blocks light absorption, the elongation response is no longer seen. Gravitropism When a potted plant is tipped over, the shoot bends and grows upward (figure 41.4). The same thing happens when a storm pushes over plants in a field. These are examples of gravitropism, the response of a plant to the gravitational field of the earth. We saw in chapter 40 that brown algae orient their first cell division so the rhizoid grows down- ward. Rhizoids also develop away from a unilateral light source. Separating out phototropic effects is important in the study of gravitropisms. Gravitropic responses are present at germination when the root grows down and the shoot grows up. Why does a shoot have a negative gravitropic response (growth away from gravity), while a root has a positive gravitropic re- sponse? The opportunity to experiment on the space shuttle in a gravity-free environment has accelerated re- search in this area. Auxins play a primary role in gravit- ropic responses, but they may not be the only way gravita- tional information is sent through the plant. When John Glenn made his second trip into space, he was accompa- nied by an experiment designed to test the role of gravity and electrical signaling in root bending. Analysis of grav- itropic mutants is also adding to our understanding of gravitropism. There are four steps that lead to a gravit- ropic response: 1. Gravity is perceived by the cell 2. Signals form in the cell that perceives gravity 3. The signal is transduced intra- and intercellularly 4. Differential cell elongation occurs between cells in the “up” and “down” sides of the root or shoot. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 809 Far-red light (730 nm) Biological response is blocked P d Red light (660 nm) Phytochrome P r Long period of darkness Destruction Synthesis Phytochrome P fr Precursor P p FIGURE 41.3 How phytochrome works.Phytochrome is synthesized in the P r form from amino acids, designated P p for phytochrome precursor. When exposed to red light, P r changes to P fr , which is the active form that elicits a response in plants. P fr is converted to P r when exposed to far-red light, and it also converts to P r or is destroyed in darkness. The destruction product is designated P d . FIGURE 41.4 Plant response to gravity. This plant (Zebrina pendula) was placed horizontally and allowed to grow for 7 days. Note the negative gravitational response of the shoot. One of the first steps in perceiving gravity is that amy- loplasts, plastids that contain starch, sink toward the gravi- tational field. These may interact with the cytoskeleton, but the net effect is that auxin becomes more concentrated on the lower side of the stem axis than on the upper side. The increased auxin concentration on the lower side in stems causes the cells in that area to grow more than the cells on the upper side. The result is a bending upward of the stem against the force of gravity—in other words there is a negative gravitropic response. Such differences in hor- mone concentration have not been as well documented in roots. Nevertheless, the upper sides of roots oriented hori- zontally grow more rapidly than the lower sides, causing the root ultimately to grow downward; this phenomenon is known as positive gravitropism. In shoots, the gravity- sensing cells are in the endoderm. Mutants like scarecrow and short root in Arabidopsis that lack normal endodermal development fail to have a normal gravitropic response. These endodermal cells are the sites of the amyloplasts in the stems. In roots, the gravity-sensing cells are located in the root cap and the cells that actually do the asymmetric growth are in the distal elongation zone which is closest to the root cap. How the information gets transferred over this distance is an intriguing problem. Auxin may be involved, but when auxin transport is suppressed, there is still a gravitropic response in the distal elongation zone. Some type of electrical signaling involving membrane po- larization has been hypothesized and this was tested aboard the space shuttle. So far the verdict is still not in on the exact mechanism. It may surprise you to learn that in tropical rain forests, roots of some plants may grow up the stems of neighboring plants, instead of exhibiting the normal positive gravitropic responses typical of other roots. The rainwater dissolves nutrients, both while passing through the lush upper canopy of the forest, and also subsequently as it trickles down tree trunks. Such water functions as a more reliable source of nutrients for the roots than the nutrient-poor soils in which the plants are anchored. Explaining this in terms of current hypotheses is a challenge. It has been pro- posed that roots are more sensitive to auxin than shoots and that auxin may actually inhibit growth on the lower side of a root, resulting in a positive gravitropic response. Perhaps in these tropical plants, the sensitivity to auxin in roots is reduced. Thigmotropism Thigmotropism is a name derived from the Greek root thigma, meaning “touch.” A thigmotropism is a response of a plant or plant part to contact with the touch of an object, animal, plant, or even the wind. (figure 41.5). When a ten- dril makes contact with an object, specialized epidermal cells, whose action is not clearly understood, perceive the contact and promote uneven growth, causing the tendril to curl around the object, sometimes within as little as 3 to 10 minutes. Both auxin and ethylene appear to be involved in tendril movements, and they can induce coiling in the ab- sence of any contact stimulus. In other plants, such as clematis, bindweed, and dodder, leaf petioles or unmodified stems twine around other stems or solid objects. Again, Arabidopsis is proving valuable as a model system. A gene has been identified that is expressed in 100-fold higher levels 10 to 30 minutes after touch. Given the value of a molecular genetics approach in dissecting the pathways leading from an environmental signal to a growth response, this gene provides a promising first step in understanding how plants respond to touch. Other Tropisms The tropisms just discussed are among the best known, but others have been recognized. They include electrotropism (responses to electricity); chemotropism (response to chemi- cals); traumotropism (response to wounding which we dis- cuss on page 834); thermotropism (response to temperature); aerotropism (response to oxygen); skototropism (response to dark); and geomagnetotropism (response to magnetic fields). Roots will often follow a diffusion gradient of water com- ing from a cracked pipe and enter the crack. Some call such growth movement hydrotropism, but there is disagreement whether responses to water and several other “stimuli” are true tropisms. While plants can’t move away or toward optimal conditions, they can grow. Phototropisms are growth responses of plants to a unidirectional source of light. Gravitropism, the response of a plant to gravity, generally causes shoots to grow up (negative gravitropism) and roots to grow down (positive gravitropism). Thigmotropisms are growth responses of plants to contact. 810 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction FIGURE 41.5 Thigmotropism. The thigmotropic response of these twining stems causes them to coil around the object with which they have come in contact. Dormancy Sometimes modifying the direction of growth is not enough to protect a plant from harsh conditions. The abil- ity to cease growth and go into a dormant stage provides a survival advantage. The extreme example is seed dormancy, but there are intermediate approaches to waiting out the bad times as well. Environmental signals both initiate and end dormant phases in the life of a plant. In temperate regions, we generally associate dormancy with winter, when freezing temperatures and the accompa- nying unavailability of water make it impossible for plants to grow. During this season, buds of deciduous trees and shrubs remain dormant, and apical meristems remain well protected inside enfolding scales. Perennial herbs spend the winter underground as stout stems or roots packed with stored food. Many other kinds of plants, including most an- nuals, pass the winter as seeds. In some seasonally dry climates, seed dormancy occurs primarily during the dry season, often the summer. Rain- falls trigger germination when conditions for survival are more favorable. Annual plants occur frequently in areas of seasonal drought. Seeds are ideal for allowing annual plants to bypass the dry season, when there is insufficient water for growth. When it rains, they can germinate and the plants can grow rapidly, having adapted to the relatively short periods when water is available. Chapter 40 covered some of the mechanisms involved in breaking seed dor- mancy and allowing germination under favorable circum- stances. These include the leaching from the seed coats of chemicals that inhibit germination, or mechanically crack- ing the seed coats, a procedure that is particularly suitable for promoting growth in seasonally dry areas. Whenever rains occur, they will leach out the chemicals from the seed coats, and the hard coats of other seeds may be cracked when they are being washed down along temporarily flooded arroyos (figure 41.6). Seeds may remain dormant for a surprisingly long time. Many legumes (plants of the pea and bean family, Fabaceae) have tough seeds that are virtually impermeable to water and oxygen. These seeds often last decades and even longer without special care; they will eventually ger- minate when their seed coats have been cracked and water is available. Seeds that are thousands of years old have been successfully germinated! A period of cold is necessary before some kinds of seeds will germinate, as we mentioned in chapter 40. The seeds of other plants will germinate only when adequate water is available and the temperatures are relatively high. For this reason, certain weeds germinate and grow in the cooler part of the year and others in the warmer part of the year. Similarly, a period of cold is needed before the buds of some trees and shrubs will break dormancy and develop normally. For this reason, many plants that nor- mally grow in temperate regions do not thrive in warmer regions near the equator, because even at high elevations in the tropics it still does not get cold enough, and the day-length relationships are different from those of tem- perate regions. Mature plants may become dormant in dry or cold seasons that are unfavorable for growth. Dormant plants usually lose their leaves and drought-resistant winter buds are produced. Long unfavorable periods may be bypassed through the production of seeds, which themselves can remain dormant for long periods. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 811 FIGURE 41.6 Palo verde (Cercidium floridum).This desert tree (a) has tough seeds (b) that germinate only after they are cracked. (a) (b) Plant Hormones While initial responses of plants to environmental signals may rely primarily on electrical signaling, longer-term re- sponses that alter morphology rely on complex physiologi- cal networks. Many internal signaling pathways involve plant hormones, which are the focus of this section. Hor- mones are involved in responses to the environment, as well as internally regulated development (examples of which you saw in chapter 40). Hormones are chemical substances produced in small, often minute, quantities in one part of an organism and then transported to another part, where they bring about physiological or developmental responses. The activity of hormones results from their capacity to stimulate certain physiological processes and to inhibit others (figure 41.7). How they act in a particular instance is influenced both by the hormone and the tissue that receives the message. In animals, hormones are usually produced at definite sites, usually organs. In plants, hormones are not produced in specialized tissues but, instead, in tissues that also carry out other, usually more obvious, functions. There are seven major kinds of plant hormones: auxin, cytokinins, gib- berellins, brassinosteroids, oligosaccharins, ethylene, and abscisic acid (table 41.1). Current research is focused on the biosynthesis of hormones and on characterizing the hor- mone receptors that trigger signal transduction pathways. Much of the molecular basis of hormone function remains enigmatic. Because hormones are involved in so many aspects of plant function and development, we have chosen to inte- grate examples of hormone activity with specific aspects of plant biology throughout the text. In this section, our goal is to give you a brief overview of these hormones. Use this section as a reference when specific hormones are discussed in the next few chapters. There are seven major kinds of plant hormones: auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, brassinosteroids, oligosaccharins, ethylene, and abscisic acid. 812 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 41.2 The hormones that guide growth are keyed to the environment. FIGURE 41.7 Effects of plant hormones. Plant hormones, often acting together, influence many aspects of plant growth and development, including (a) leaf abscission and (b) the formation of mature fruit. (a) (b) Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 813 Table 41.1 Functions of the Major Plant Hormones Where Produced Hormone Major Functions or Found in Plant Auxin (IAA) Promotion of stem elongation Apical meristems; other and growth; formation of immature parts of plants adventitious roots; inhibition of leaf abscission; promotion of cell division (with cytokinins); inducement of ethylene production; promotion of lateral bud dormancy Cytokinins Stimulation of cell division, Root apical meristems; but only in the presence of immature fruits auxin; promotion of chloroplast development; delay of leaf aging; promotion of bud formation Gibberellins Promotion of stem elongation; Roots and shoot tips; young stimulation of enzyme production leaves; seeds in germinating seeds Brassinosteroids Overlapping functions with Pollen, immature seeds, auxins and gibberellins shoots, leaves Oligosaccharins Pathogen defense, possibly Cell walls reproductive developmentz Ethylene Control of leaf, flower, and Roots, shoot apical meristems; fruit abscission; promotion leaf nodes; aging flowers; of fruit ripening ripening fruits Abscisic acid Inhibition of bud growth; Leaves, fruits, root caps, seeds control of stomatal closure; some control of seed dormancy; inhibition of effects of other hormones CH 2 NH NN N H N CH 2 COOH OH CH 2 COOHCH 3 O HO C O H O HO HO O O OH OH N O OH OHHO HO O O OHHO O OH OHHO O O OHHO O OH OHHO OH OH HO OH HO OH OH HO OH O O O O O O CH 3 CH 3 OH CH 3 CH 3 COOH O CCC H H H H Auxin More than a century ago, an organic substance known as auxin became the first plant hormone to be discovered. Auxin increases the plasticity of plant cell walls and is in- volved in elongation of stems. Cells can enlarge in re- sponse to changes in turgor pressure when their cell walls have enhanced plasticity from auxin action. The discov- ery of auxin and its role in plant growth is an elegant ex- ample of thoughtful experimental design. The historical story is recounted here for that reason. Recent efforts have uncovered an auxin receptor. Transport mecha- nisms are also being unraveled. As with all the classes of hormones, we are just beginning to understand, at a cel- lular and molecular level, how hormones regulate growth and development. Discovery of Auxin In his later years, the great evolutionist, Charles Darwin, became increasingly devoted to the study of plants. In 1881, he and his son Francis published a book called The Power of Movement of Plants. In this book, the Darwins re- ported their systematic experiments on the response of growing plants to light—responses that came to be known as phototropisms. They used germinating oat (Avena sativa) and canary grass (Phalaris canariensis) seedlings in their experiments and made many observa- tions in this field. Charles and Francis Darwin knew that if light came pri- marily from one direction, the seedlings would bend strongly toward it. If they covered the tip of the shoot with a thin glass tube, the shoot would bend as if it were not covered. However, if they used a metal foil cap to exclude light from the plant tip, the shoot would not bend (figure 41.8). They also found that using an opaque collar to ex- clude light from the stem below the tip did not keep the area above the collar from bending. In explaining these unexpected findings, the Darwins hypothesized that when the shoots were illuminated from one side, they bent toward the light in response to an “in- fluence” that was transmitted downward from its source at the tip of the shoot. For some 30 years, the Darwins’ per- ceptive experiments remained the sole source of informa- tion about this interesting phenomenon. Then Danish plant physiologist Peter Boysen-Jensen and the Hungarian plant physiologist Arpad Paal independently demonstrated that the substance that caused the shoots to bend was a chemical. They showed that if the tip of a germinating grass seedling was cut off and then replaced with a small block of agar separating it from the rest of the seedling, the seedling would grow as if there had been no change. Some- thing evidently was passing from the tip of the seedling through the agar into the region where the bending oc- curred. On the basis of these observations under conditions of uniform illumination or of darkness, Paal suggested that 814 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction (a) 1 2 3 4 Light Lightproof cap Transparent cap Lightproof collar (b) FIGURE 41.8 The Darwins’ experiment.(a) Young grass seedlings normally bend toward the light. (b) The bending (1) did not occur when the tip of a seedling was covered with a lightproof cap (2), but did occur when it was covered with a transparent one (3). When a collar was placed below the tip (4), the characteristic light response took place. From these experiments, the Darwins concluded that, in response to light, an “influence” that caused bending was transmitted from the tip of the seedling to the area below, where bending normally occurs. an unknown substance continually moves down from the tips of grass seedlings and promotes growth on all sides. Such a light pattern would not, of course, cause the shoot to bend. Then, in 1926, Dutch plant physiologist Frits Went car- ried Paal’s experiments an important step further. Went cut off the tips of oat seedlings that had been illuminated normally and set these tips on agar. He then took oat seedlings that had been grown in the dark and cut off their tips in a similar way. Finally, Went cut tiny blocks from the agar on which the tips of the light-grown seedlings had been placed and placed them off-center on the tops of the decapitated dark-grown seedlings (figure 41.9). Even though these seedlings had not been exposed to the light themselves, they bent away from the side on which the agar blocks were placed. Went then put blocks of pure agar on the decapitated stem tips and noted either no effect or a slight bending to- ward the side where the agar blocks were placed. Finally, Went cut sections out of the lower portions of the light- grown seedlings to see whether the active principle was present in them. He placed these sections on the tips of de- capitated, dark-green oat seedlings and again observed no effect. As a result of his experiments, Went was able to show that the substance that had diffused into the agar from the tips of light-grown oat seedlings could make seedlings curve when they otherwise would have remained straight. He also showed that this chemical messenger caused the cells on the side of the seedling into which it flowed to grow more than those on the opposite side (figure 41.10). In other words, it enhanced rather than retarded cell elon- gation. He named the substance that he had discovered auxin, from the Greek word auxein, which means “to in- crease.” Went’s experiments provided a basis for understanding the responses that the Darwins had obtained some 45 years earlier. The oat seedlings bent toward the light because of differences in the auxin concentrations on the two sides of the shoot. The side of the shoot that was in the shade had more auxin, and its cells therefore elongated more than those on the lighted side, bending the plant toward the light. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 815 Auxin in tip of seedling Agar Auxin diffuses into agar block Auxin 1 2 3 FIGURE 41.9 Frits Went’s experiment.(1) Went removed the tips of oat seedlings and put them in agar, an inert, gelatinous substance. (2) Blocks of agar were then placed off-center on the ends of other oat seedlings from which the tips had been removed. (3) The seedlings bent away from the side on which the agar block was placed. Went concluded that the substance that he named auxin promoted the elongation of the cells and that it accumulated on the side of an oat seedling away from the light. Light Lighted side of seedling Shaded side of seedling FIGURE 41.10 Auxin causes cells on the dark side to elongate.Went determined that a substance called auxin enhanced cell elongation. Plant cells that are in the shade have more auxin and grow faster than cells on the lighted side, causing the plant to bend toward light. Further experiments showed exactly why there is more auxin on the shaded side of a plant. The Effects of Auxins Auxin acts to adapt the plant to its environment in a highly advantageous way. It promotes growth and elongation and facilitates the plant’s response to its environment. Environ- mental signals directly influence the distribution of auxin in the plant. How does the environment—specifically, light— exert this influence? Theoretically, it might destroy the auxin, decrease the cells’ sensitivity to auxin, or cause the auxin molecules to migrate away from the light into the shaded portion of the shoot. This last possibility has proved to be the case. In a simple but effective experiment, Winslow Briggs in- serted a thin sheet of mica vertically between the half of the shoot oriented toward the light and the half of the shoot oriented away from it (figure 41.11). He found that light from one side does not cause a shoot with such a barrier to bend. When Briggs examined the illuminated plant, he found equal auxin levels on both the light and dark sides of the barrier. He concluded that a normal plant’s response to light from one direction involves auxin migrating from the light side to the dark side, and that the mica barrier pre- vented a response by blocking the migration of auxin. The effects of auxin are numerous and varied. Auxin promotes the activity of the vascular cambium and the vas- cular tissues. Also, auxins are present in pollen in large quantities and play a key role in the development of fruits. Synthetic auxins are used commercially for the same pur- pose. Fruits will normally not develop if fertilization has not occurred and seeds are not present, but frequently they will if auxins are applied. Pollination may trigger auxin re- lease in some species leading to fruit development occur- ring even before fertilization. How Auxin Works In spite of this long history of research on auxin, its molec- ular basis of action has been an enigma. The chemical structure of IAA resembles that of the amino acid trypto- phan, from which it is probably synthesized by plants (fig- ure 41.12). Unlike animal hormones, a specific signal is not sent to specific cells, eliciting a predictable response. There are most likely multiple auxin perception sites. Auxin is also unique among the plant hormones in that it is transported toward the base of the plant. Two families of genes have been identified in Arabidopsis that are involved in auxin transport. For example, one protein is involved in the top to bottom transport of auxin; while two other proteins function in the root tip to regulate the growth response to gravity. We are still a ways from linking the measurable and observable effects of auxin to events that transpire after it travels to a site and binds to a receptor. 816 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Light Light Auxin in seedling tip (a) (b) (c) 24H11543 31H11543 12H11543 (d) (a) IAA (Indoleacetic acid) CH 2 CH NH 2 COOH (b) Tryptophan CH 2 O COOH CH 2 COOH (c) Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) Cl Cl N H N H FIGURE 41.12 Auxins.(a) Indoleacetic acid (IAA), the principal naturally occurring auxin. (b) Tryptophan, the amino acid from which plants probably synthesize IAA. (c) Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a synthetic auxin, is a widely used herbicide. FIGURE 41.11 Phototropism and auxin: the Winslow Briggs experiments.The basic design of these experiments was to place the tip of an oat seedling on an agar block, apply light from one side, and observe the degree of curvature produced when the agar blocks were later placed on the decapitated seedlings. However, Briggs inserted a barrier in various places and noted how this affected the location of auxin. A comparison of (a) and (b) with similar experiments performed in the dark showed that auxin production does not depend on light; all produced approximately 24? of curvature. If a barrier was inserted in the agar block (d), light caused the displacement of the auxin away from the light. Finally, experiment (c) showed that it was displacement that had occurred, and not different rates of auxin production on the dark and light sides, because when displacement was prevented with a barrier, both sides of the agar block produced about 24? of curvature. One of the downstream effects of auxin is an increase in plasticity of the plant cell wall. This will only work on young cell walls without extensive secondary cell wall for- mation. A more plastic wall will stretch more while its pro- toplast is swelling during active cell growth. The acid growth hypothesis provides a model linking auxin to cell wall expansion (figure 41.13). Auxin causes responsive cells to release hydrogen ions into the cell wall. This decreases the pH which activates enzymes that can break bonds be- tween cell wall fibers. Remember that different enzymes op- erate optimally at different pHs. This hypothesis has been experimentally supported in several ways. Buffers that pre- vent cell wall acidification block cell expansion. Other com- pounds that release hydrogen ions from the cell can also cause cell expansion. The movement of hydrogen ions has been observed in response to auxin treatment. This hypoth- esis explains the rapid growth response. There are also de- layed responses which most likely involve auxin-stimulated gene expression. Synthetic Auxins. Synthetic auxins such as NAA (naph- thalene acetic acid) and IBA (indolebutyric acid) have many uses in agriculture and horticulture. One of their most im- portant uses is based on their prevention of abscission, the process that causes a leaf or other organ to fall from a plant. Synthetic auxins are used to prevent fruit drop in ap- ples before they are ripe and to hold berries on holly that is being prepared for shipping. Synthetic auxins are also used to promote flowering and fruiting in pineapples and to in- duce the formation of roots in cuttings. Synthetic auxins are routinely used to control weeds. When used as herbicides, they are applied in higher con- centrations than IAA would normally occur in plants. One of the most important synthetic auxin herbicides is 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, usually known as 2,4-D (see figure 41.12c). It kills weeds in grass lawns by selectively eliminating broad-leaved dicots. The stems of the dicot weeds cease all axial growth. The herbicide 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, better known as 2,4,5-T, is closely related to 2,4-D. 2,4,5-T was widely used as a broad-spectrum herbicide to kill weeds and seedlings of woody plants. It became notorious during the Vietnam War as a component of a jungle defoliant known as Agent Orange and was banned in 1979 for most uses in the United States. When 2,4,5-T is manufactured, it is un- avoidably contaminated with minute amounts of dioxin. Dioxin, in doses as low as a few parts per billion, has pro- duced liver and lung diseases, leukemia, miscarriages, birth defects, and even death in laboratory animals. Vietnam vet- erans and children of Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange have been among the victims. Auxin is synthesized in apical meristems of shoots. It causes young stems to bend toward light when it migrates toward the darker side, where it makes young cell walls more plastic and thereby promotes cell elongation. By interacting with other hormones, auxin can promote an increase in girth and is involved in growth responses to gravity and fruit ripening. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 817 H + H + H + H + H + H + Turgor Cytoplasm Auxin Cellulose fiber in cell wall Enzyme (inactive) Cross bridge Active enzyme 1. Auxin causes cells to pump hydrogen ions into the cell wall. 2. pH in the cell wall decreases, activating enzymes that break cross-bridges between cellulose fibers in the cell wall. 3. Cellulose fibers loosen and allow the cell to expand as turgor pressure inside the cell pushes against the cell wall. FIGURE 41.13 Acid growth hypothesis.Auxin stimulates the release of hydrogen ions from the target cells which alters the pH of the cell wall. This optimizes the activity of enzymes which break bonds in the cell wall, allowing them to expand. Cytokinins Cytokinins comprise another group of naturally occurring growth hormones in plants. Studies by Gottlieb Haber- landt of Austria around 1913 demonstrated the existence of an unknown chemical in various tissues of vascular plants that, in cut potato tubers, would cause parenchyma cells to become meristematic, and would induce the differentiation of a cork cambium. The role of cytokinins, active compo- nents of coconut milk, in promoting the differentiation of organs in masses of plant tissue growing in culture later led to their discovery. Subsequent studies have focused on the role cytokinins play in the differentiation of tissues from callus. A cytokinin is a plant hormone that, in combination with auxin, stimulates cell division and differentiation in plants. Most cytokinins are produced in the root apical meristems and transported throughout the plant. Develop- ing fruits are also important sites of cytokinin synthesis. In mosses, cytokinins cause the formation of vegetative buds on the gametophyte. In all plants, cytokinins, working with other hormones, seem to regulate growth patterns. All naturally occurring cytokinins are purines that ap- pear to be derivatives of, or have molecule side chains simi- lar to, those of adenine (figure 41.14). Other chemically di- verse molecules, not known to occur naturally, have effects similar to those of cytokinins. Cytokinins promote growth of lateral buds into branches (figure 41.15); though, along with auxin and ethylene, they also play a role in apical dominance (the suppression of lateral bud growth). Con- 818 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Adenine Kinetin CH 2 O 6-Benzylamino purine (BAP) CH 2 NH NN N H N NH 2 NN N H N NH NN N H N FIGURE 41.14 Some cytokinins.Two commonly used synthetic cytokinins: kinetin and 6-benzylamino purine. Note their resemblance to the purine base adenine. Lateral buds Lateral branches Apical bud removed Apical bud removed Auxin Lateral buds FIGURE 41.15 Cytokinins stimulate lateral bud growth.(a) When the apical meristem of a plant is intact, auxin from the apical bud will inhibit the growth of lateral buds. (b) When the apical bud is removed, cytokinins are able to produce the growth of lateral buds into branches. (c) When the apical bud is removed and auxin is added to the cut surface, axillary bud outgrowth is suppressed. (a) (b) (c) versely, cytokinins inhibit formation of lateral roots, while auxins promote their formation. As a consequence of these relationships, the balance between cytokinins and auxin, along with other factors, determines the appearance of a mature plant. In addition, the application of cytokinins to leaves detached from a plant retards their yellowing. They function as anti-aging hormones. The action of cytokinins, like that of other hormones, has been studied in terms of its effects on growth and dif- ferentiation of masses of tissue growing in defined media. Plant tissue can form shoots, roots, or an undifferentiated mass of tissues, depending on the relative amounts of auxin and cytokinin (figure 41.16). In the early cell-growth exper- iments coconut “milk” was an essential factor. Eventually, it was discovered that coconut “milk” is not only rich in amino acids and other reduced nitrogen compounds re- quired for growth, but it also contains cytokinins. Cy- tokinins seem to be essential for mitosis and cell division. They apparently promote the synthesis or activation of proteins that are specifically required for mitosis. Cytokinins have also been used against plants by pathogens. The bacteria Agrobacterium, for example, intro- duces genes into the plant genome that increase the rate of cytokinin, as well as auxin, production. This causes massive cell division and the formation of a tumor called crown gall (figure 41.17). How these hormone biosynthesis genes ended up in a bacterium is an intriguing evolutionary ques- tion. Coevolution does not always work to the plant’s advantage. Cytokinins are plant hormones that, in combination with auxin, stimulate cell division and, along with a number of other factors, determine the course of differentiation. In contrast to auxins, cytokinins are purines that are related to or derived from adenine. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 819 Auxin: Cytokinin: High HighLow Low Intermediate Intermediate FIGURE 41.16 Relative amounts of cytokinins and auxin affect organ regeneration in culture.In the case of tobacco, (a) high auxin to cytokinin ratios favor root development; (b) high cytokinin to auxin ratios favor shoot development; and (c) intermediate concentrations result in the formation of undifferentiated cells. These developmental responses to cytokinin/auxin ratios in culture are species specific. FIGURE 41.17 Crown gall tumor. Sometimes cytokinins can be used against the plant by a pathogen. In this case Agrobacterium tumefaciens(a bacteria) has incorporated a piece of its DNA into the plant genome. This DNA contains genes coding for enzymes necessary for cytokinin and auxin biosynthesis. The increased levels of these hormones in the plant cause massive cell division and the formation of a tumor. Gibberellins Gibberellins are named after the fungus Gibberella fu- jikuroi, which causes rice plants, on which it is parasitic, to grow abnormally tall. Japanese plant pathologist Eiichi Kurosawa investigated Bakane (“foolish seedling”) disease in the 1920s. He grew Gibberella in culture and obtained a substance that, when applied to rice plants, produced bakane. This substance was isolated and the structural for- mula identified by Japanese chemists in 1939. British chemists reconfirmed the formula in 1954. Although such chemicals were first thought to be only a curiosity, they have since turned out to belong to a large class of more than 100 naturally occurring plant hormones called gib- berellins. All are acidic and are usually abbreviated to GA (for gibberellic acid), with a different subscript (GA 1 , GA 2 , and so forth) to distinguish each one. While gibberellins function endogenously as hormones, they also function as pheromones in ferns. In ferns gibberellin-like compounds released from one gametophyte can trigger the develop- ment of male reproductive structures on a neighboring ga- metophyte. Gibberellins, which are synthesized in the apical por- tions of stems and roots, have important effects on stem elongation. The elongation effect is enhanced if auxin is also present. The application of gibberellins to dwarf mu- tants is known to restore the normal growth and develop- ment in many plants (figure 41.18). Some dwarf mutants produce insufficient amounts of gibberellin; while others lack the ability to perceive gibberellin. The large number of gibberellins are all part of a complex biosynthetic path- way that has been unraveled using gibberellin-deficient mutants in maize (corn). While many of these gibberellins are intermediate forms in the production of GA 1 , recent work shows that different forms may have specific biologi- cal roles. In chapter 41, we noted the role gibberellins stimulate the production of H11008-amylase and other hydrolytic en- zymes needed for utilization of food resources during ger- mination and establishment of cereal seedlings. How are the genes encoding these enzymes transcribed? Experi- mental studies in the aleurone layer surrounding the en- dosperms of cereal grains have shown that transcription occurs when the gibberellins initiate a burst of messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein synthesis. GA somehow en- hances DNA binding proteins, which in turn allow DNA transcription of a gene. Synthesis of DNA does not seem to occur during the early stages of seed germination but becomes important when the radicle has grown through the seed coats. Gibberellins also affect a number of other aspects of plant growth and development. These hormones also has- ten seed germination, apparently because they can substi- tute for the effects of cold or light requirements in this process. Gibberellins are used commercially to space grape flowers by extending internode length so the fruits have more room to grow (figure 41.19). Gibberellins are an important class of plant hormones that are produced in the apical regions of shoots and roots. They play the major role in controlling stem elongation for most plants, acting in concert with auxin and other hormones. 820 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction FIGURE 41.18 Effects of gibberellins.This rapid cycling member of the mustard family plant (Brassica rapa)will “bolt” and flower because of increased gibberellin levels. Mutants such as the rosette mutant shown here (left) are defective in producing gibberellins. They can be rescued by applying gibberellins. Other mutants have been identified that are defective in perceiving gibberellins and they will not respond to gibberellin applications. FIGURE 41.19 Applications of gibberellins increase the space between grapes. Larger grapes develop because there is more room between individual grapes. Brassinosteroids and Oligosaccharins Brassinosteroids Although we’ve known about brassinosteroids for 30 years, it is only recently that they have claimed their place as a class of plant hormones. They were first discovered in Bras- sica pollen, hence the name. Their historical absence in dis- cussions of hormones may be partially due to their func- tional overlap with other plant hormones, especially auxins and gibberellins. Additive effects among these three classes have been reported. The application of molecular genetics to the study of brassinosteroids has led to tremendous ad- vances in our understanding of how they are made and, to some extent, how they function in signal transduction path- ways. What is particularly intriguing about brassinosteroids are similarities to animal steroid hormones (figure 41.20). One of the genes coding for an enzyme in the brassinos- teroid biosynthetic pathway has significant similarity to an enzyme used in the synthesis of testosterone and related steroids. Brassinosteroids have been identified in algae and appear to be quite ubiquitous among the plants. It is plausi- ble that their evolutionary origin predated the plant-animal split. Brassinosteroids have a broad spectrum of physiological effects—elongation, cell division, bending of stems, vascu- lar tissue development, delayed senescence, membrane po- larization, and reproductive development. Environmental signals can trigger brassinosteroid actions. Mutants have been identified that alter the response to brassinosteroid, but signal transduction pathways remain to be uncovered. From an evolutionary perspective, it will be quite interest- ing to see how these pathways compare with animal steroid signal transduction pathways. Oligosaccharins In addition to cellulose, plant cell walls are composed of numerous complex carbohydrates called oligosaccharides. There is some evidence that these cell wall components function as signaling molecules as well as structural wall components. Oligosaccharides that are proposed to have a hormonelike function are called oligosaccharins. Oligosac- charins can be released from the cell wall by enzymes se- creted by pathogens. These carbohydrates are believed to signal defense responses, such as the hypersensitive re- sponse discussed later in this chapter. Another oligosaccha- rin has been shown to inhibit auxin-stimulated elongation of pea stems. These molecules are active at concentrations one to two orders of magnitude less than the traditional plant hormones. You have seen how auxin and cytokinin ratios can affect organogenesis in culture. Oligosaccharins also affect the phenotype of regenerated tobacco tissue, in- hibiting root formation and stimulating flower production in tissues that are competent to regenerate flowers. How the culture results translate to in vivosystems is an open question. The structural biochemistry of oligosaccharins makes them particularly challenging molecules to study. How they interface with cells and initiate signal transduc- tion pathways is an open question. Brassinosteroids are structurally similar to animal steroid hormones. They have many effects on plant growth and development that parallel those of auxins and gibberellins. Oligosaccharins are complex carbohydrates that are released from cell walls and appear to regulate both pathogen responses and growth and development in some plants. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 821 HO HO O O OH OH O OH O CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 3 HO C O OH CH 3 CH 3 HO OH CH 3 Estradiol Testosterone Cortisol Brassinolide FIGURE 41.20 Brassinosteroids, such as brassinolide, have structural similarities to animal steroid hormones. Ethylene Long before its role as a plant hormone was appreciated, the simple, gaseous hydrocarbon ethylene (H 2 CH33527CH 2 ) was known to defoliate plants when it leaked from gaslights in streetlamps. Ethylene is, however, a natural product of plant metabolism that, in minute amounts, interacts with other plant hormones. When auxin is transported down from the apical meristem of the stem, it stimulates the production of ethylene in the tissues around the lat- eral buds and thus retards their growth. Ethylene also suppresses stem and root elongation, probably in a similar way. An ethylene receptor has been identi- fied and characterized. It appears to have evolved early in the evolution of photosynthetic organisms, sharing fea- tures with environmental-sensing pro- teins identified in bacteria. Ethylene plays a major role in fruit ripening. At first, auxin, which is pro- duced in significant amounts in polli- nated flowers and developing fruits, stimulates ethylene production; this, in turn, hastens fruit ripening. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, chlorophylls are broken down, cell walls become soft, and the volatile compounds associated with fla- vor and scent in ripe fruits are produced. One of the first observations that led to the recognition of ethylene as a plant hormone was the premature ripening in bananas produced by gases coming from oranges. Such rela- tionships have led to major commercial uses of ethylene. For example, tomatoes are often picked green and artifi- cially ripened later by the application of ethylene. Ethylene is widely used to speed the ripening of lemons and oranges as well. Carbon dioxide has the opposite effect of arresting ripening. Fruits are often shipped in an atmosphere of car- bon dioxide. A biotechnology solution has also been devel- oped (figure 41.21). One of the genes necessary for ethylene biosynthesis has been cloned, and its antisense copy has been inserted into the tomato genome. The antisense copy of the gene is a nucleotide sequence that is complementary to the sense copy of the gene. In this transgenic plant, both the sense and antisense sequences for the ethylene biosyn- thesis gene are transcribed. The sense and antisense mRNA sequences then pair with each other. This blocks transla- tion, which requires single-stranded RNA; ethylene is not synthesized, and the transgenic tomatoes do not ripen. Sturdy green tomatoes can be shipped without ripening and rotting. Exposing these tomatoes to ethylene later will allow them to ripen. Studies have shown that ethylene plays an important eco- logical role. Ethylene production increases rapidly when a plant is exposed to ozone and other toxic chemicals, temper- ature extremes, drought, attack by pathogens or herbivores, and other stresses. The increased production of ethylene that occurs can accelerate the loss of leaves or fruits that have been damaged by these stresses. Some of the damage associ- ated with exposure to ozone is due to the ethylene produced by the plants. The production of ethylene by plants attacked by herbivores or infected with diseases may be a signal to ac- tivate the defense mechanisms of the plants. This may in- clude the production of molecules toxic to the pests. Ethylene, a simple gaseous hydrocarbon, is a naturally occurring plant hormone. Among its numerous effects is the stimulation of ripening in fruit. Ethylene production is also elevated in response to environmental stress. 822 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Enzyme for ethylene biosynthesis Gene for ethylene biosynthesis enzyme Transcription mRNA Translation T omatoes T omatoes Antisense copy of gene Transcription Sense mRNA Antisense mRNA Hybridization No translation and no ethylene synthesis Ethylene synthesis Ethylene Wild type tomatoes Transgenic tomatoes DNA DNA FIGURE 41.21 Genetic regulation of fruit ripening. An antisense copy of the gene for ethylene biosynthesis prevents the formation of ethylene and subsequent ripening of transgenic fruit. The antisense strand is complementary to the sequence for the ethylene biosynthesis gene. After transcription, the antisense mRNA pairs with the sense mRNA, and the double- stranded mRNA cannot be translated into a functional protein. Ethylene is not produced, and the fruit does not ripen. The fruit is sturdier for shipping in its unripened form and can be ripened later with exposure to ethylene. Thus, while wild-type tomatoes may already be rotten and damaged by the time they reach stores, transgenic tomatoes stay fresh longer. Abscisic Acid Abscisic acid, a naturally occurring plant hormone, ap- pears to be synthesized mainly in mature green leaves, fruits, and root caps. The hormone earned its name be- cause applications of it appear to stimulate leaf senescence (aging) and abscission, but there is little evidence that it plays an important role in this process. In fact, it is believed that abscisic acid may cause ethylene synthesis, and that it is actually the ethylene that promotes senescence and absci- sion. When abscisic acid is applied to a green leaf, the areas of contact turn yellow. Thus, abscisic acid has the exact op- posite effect on a leaf from that of the cytokinins; a yellow- ing leaf will remain green in an area where cytokinins are applied. Abscisic acid probably induces the formation of winter buds—dormant buds that remain through the winter—by suppressing growth. The conversion of leaf primordia into bud scales follows (figure 41.22a). Like ethylene, it may also suppress growth of dormant lateral buds. It appears that abscisic acid, by suppressing growth and elongation of buds, can counteract some of the effects of gibberellins (which stimulate growth and elongation of buds); it also promotes senescence by counteracting auxin (which tends to retard senescence). Abscisic acid plays a role in seed dor- mancy and is antagonistic to gibberellins during germina- tion. It is also important in controlling the opening and closing of stomata (figure 41.22b). Abscisic acid occurs in all groups of plants and appar- ently has been functioning as a growth-regulating sub- stance since early in the evolution of the plant kingdom. Relatively little is known about the exact nature of its phys- iological and biochemical effects. These effects are very rapid—often taking place within a minute or two—and therefore they must be at least partly independent of gene expression. Some longer-term effects of abscisic acid in- volve the regulation of gene expression, but the way this occurs is poorly understood. Abscisic acid levels become greatly elevated when the plant is subject to stress, espe- cially drought. Like other plant hormones, abscisic acid probably will prove to have valuable commercial applica- tions when its mode of action is better understood. It is a particularly strong candidate for understanding desiccation tolerance. Abscisic acid, produced chiefly in mature green leaves and in fruits, suppresses growth of buds and promotes leaf senescence. It also plays an important role in controlling the opening and closing of stomata. Abscisic acid may be critical in ensuring survival under environmental stress, especially water stresses. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 823 FIGURE 41.22 Effects of abscisic acid.(a) Abscisic acid plays a role in the formation of these winter buds of an American basswood. These buds will remain dormant for the winter, and bud scales— modified leaves—will protect the buds from desiccation. (b) Abscisic acid also affects the closing of stomata by influencing the movement of potassium ions out of guard cells. (a) (b) Plants Undergo Metamorphosis Overview of Initiating Flowering Carefully regulated processes deter- mine when and where flowers will form. Plants must often gain compe- tence to respond to internal or exter- nal signals regulating flowering. Once plants are competent to reproduce, a combination of factors including light, temperature, and both promotive and inhibitory internal signals determine when a flower is produced (figure 41.23). These signals turn on genes that specify where the floral organs, sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels will form. Once cells have instructions to become a specific flo- ral organ, yet another developmental cascade leads to the three-dimensional construction of flower parts. Phase Change Plants go through developmental changes leading to re- productive maturity just like many animals. This shift from juvenile to adult development is seen in the meta- morphosis of a tadpole to an adult frog or caterpillar to a butterfly that can then reproduce. Plants undergo a simi- lar metamorphosis that leads to the production of a flower. Unlike the frog that loses its tail, plants just keep adding on structures to existing structures with their meristems. At germination, most plants are incapable of producing a flower, even if all the environmental cues are optimal. Internal developmental changes allow plants to obtain competence to respond to external and/or internal signals that trigger flower formation. This transition is re- ferred to as phase change. Phase change can be morpho- logically obvious or very subtle. Take a look at an oak tree in the winter. The lower leaves will still be clinging to the branches, while the upper ones will be gone (figure 41.24a). Those lower branches were initiated by a juvenile meristem. The fact that they did not respond to environ- mental cues and drop their leaves indicates that they are young branches and have not made a phase change. Ivy also has distinctive juvenile and adult phases of growth (figure 41.24b). Stem tissue produced by a juvenile meris- tem initiates adventitious roots that can cling to walls. If 824 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 41.3 The environment influences flowering. Phase change Juvenile Adult Floral promoters, floral inhibitors Flowering Temperature Light FIGURE 41.23 Factors involved in initiating flowering. This is a model of environmentally cued and internally processed events that result in a shoot meristem initiating flowers. FIGURE 41.24 Phase change.(a) The lower branches of this oak tree represent the juvenile phase of development and cling to their leaves in the winter. The lower leaves are not able to form an abscission layer and break off the tree in the fall. Such visible changes are marks of phase change, but the real test is whether or not the plant is able to flower. (b) Juvenile ivy (left) makes adventitious roots and has an alternating leaf arrangement. Adult ivy (right) cannot make adventitious roots and has leaves with a different morphology that are arranged on an upright stem in a spiral. (a) (b) you look at very old brick buildings that are covered with ivy, you will notice the uppermost branches are falling off because they have transitioned to the adult phase of growth and have lost the ability to produce adventitious roots. It is important to remember that even though a plant has reached the adult stage of development, it may or may not produce reproductive structures. Other factors may be necessary to trigger flowering. Generally it is easier to get a plant to revert from an adult to vegetative state than to induce phase change exper- imentally. Applications of gibberellins and severe pruning can cause reversion. There is evidence in peas and Ara- bidopsis for genetically controlled repression of flowering. The embryonic flower mutant of Arabidopsis flowers almost immediately (figure 41.25), which is consistent with the hy- pothesis that the wild-type allele suppresses flowering. It is possible that flowering is the default state and that mecha- nisms have evolved to delay flowering. This delay allows the plant to store more energy to be allocated for repro- duction. The best example of inducing the juvenile to adult transition comes from the construction of transgenic plants that overexpress a gene necessary for flowering, that is found in many species. This gene, LEAFY, was cloned in Arabidopsis and its promoter was replaced with a viral promoter that results in constant, high levels of LEAFY transcription. This gene construct was then in- troduced into cultured aspen cells which were used to re- generate plants. When LEAFY is overexpressed in aspen, flowering oc- curs in weeks instead of years (figure 41.26). Phase change requires both sufficient signal and the ability to per- ceive the signal. Some plants acquire competence in the shoot to perceive a signal of a certain intensity. Others acquire competence to produce suffi- cient promotive signal(s) and/or de- crease inhibitory signal(s). Plants become reproductively competent through changes in signaling and perception. The transition to the adult stage of development where reproduction is possible is called phase change. Plants in the adult phase of development may or may not produce reproductive structures (flowers), depending on environmental cues. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 825 FIGURE 41.25 In Arabidopsis, the embryonic flower gene may repress flowering. The embryonic flowermutant flowers upon germination. (a) (b) FIGURE 41.26 Overexpression of a flowering gene can accelerate phase change. (a) An aspen tree normally grows for several years before producing flowers. (b) Overexpression of the Arabidopsis flowering gene, LEAFY, causes rapid flowering in a transgenic aspen. Pathways Leading to Flower Production The environment can promote or repress flowering. In some cases, it can be relatively neutral. Light can be a sig- nal that long, summer days have arrived in a temperate cli- mate and conditions are favorable for reproduction. In other cases, plants depend on light to accumulate sufficient amounts of sucrose to fuel reproduction, but flower inde- pendently of the length of day. Temperature can also be used as a clue. Gibberellins are important and have been linked to the vernalization pathway. Clearly, reproductive success would be unlikely in the middle of a blizzard. As- suming regulation of reproduction first arose in more con- stant tropical environments, many of the day length and temperature controls would have evolved as plants colo- nized more temperate climates. Plants can rely primarily on one pathway, but all three pathways can be present. The complexity of the flowering pathways has been dissected physiologically. Now analysis of flowering mutants is pro- viding insight into the molecular mechanisms of the floral pathways. The redundancy of pathways to flowering en- sures that there will be another generation. Light-Dependent Pathway Flowering requires much energy accumulated via photosyn- thesis. Thus, all plants require light for flowering, but this is distinct from the photoperiodic, or light-dependent, flow- ering pathway. Aspects of growth and development in most plants are keyed to changes in the proportion of light to dark in the daily 24-hour cycle (day length). This provides a mechanism for organisms to respond to sea- sonal changes in the relative length of day and night. Day length changes with the seasons; the farther from the equator, the greater the variation. Flowering responses of plants to day length fall into several basic categories. When the daylight becomes shorter than a critical length, flowering is initiated in short-day plants (figure 41.27). When the daylight becomes longer than a critical length, flowering is initiated in long-day plants. Other plants, such as snapdragons, roses, and many native to the tropics (for example, tomatoes), will flower when mature regardless of day length, as long as they have received enough light for normal growth. These are referred to as day-neutral plants. Several grasses (for example, Indian grass, Sorghastrum nutans), as well as ivy, have two critical 826 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Long-day plants Short-day plants Short length of dark required for bloom Iris Midnight Noon 6 P.M. 6 A.M. 6 P.M. 6 A.M. 6 P.M. 6 A.M. Early summer Late fall Midnight Noon Flash of light Noon (a) (b) Goldenrod Long length of dark required for bloom FIGURE 41.27 How flowering responds to day length. (a) This iris is a long-day plant that is stimulated by short nights to flower in the spring. The goldenrod is a short-day plant that, throughout its natural distribution in the northern hemisphere, is stimulated by long nights to flower in the fall. (b) If the long night of winter is artificially interrupted by a flash of light, the goldenrod will not flower, and the iris will. In each case, it is the duration of uninterrupted darkness that determines when flowering will occur. photoperiods; they will not flower if the days are too long, and they also will not flower if the days are too short. In some species, there is a sharp distinction be- tween long and short days. In others, flowering occurs more rapidly or slowly depending on the length of day. These plants rely on other flowering pathways as well and are called facultative long- or short-day plants. The garden pea is an example of a facultative long-day plant. In all of these plants, it is actually the length of darkness (night), not the length of day, that is physiologically sig- nificant. Using light as a cue permits plants to flower when abiotic environmental conditions are optimal, polli- nators are available, and competition for resources with other plants may be less. For example, the spring ephemerals flower in the woods before the canopy leafs out, blocking sunlight necessary for photosynthesis. At middle latitudes, most long-day plants flower in the spring and early summer; examples of such plants include clover, irises, lettuce, spinach, and hollyhocks. Short-day plants usually flower in late summer and fall, and include chrysanthemums, goldenrods, poinsettias, soybeans, and many weeds. Commercial plant growers use these re- sponses to day length to bring plants into flower at spe- cific times. For example, photoperiod is manipulated in greenhouses so poinsettias flower just in time for the winter holidays (figure 41.28). The geographic distribu- tion of certain plants may be determined by flowering re- sponses to day length. Photoperiod is perceived by several different forms of phytochrome and also a blue-light-sensitive molecule (cryptochrome). The conformational change in a light re- ceptor molecule triggers a cascade of events that leads to the production of a flower. There is a link between light and the circadian rhythm regulated by an internal clock that facilitates or inhibits flowering. At a molecular level the gaps between light signaling and production of flowers are rapidly filling in and the control mechanisms are quite complex. Here is one example of how day length affects a specific flowering gene in Arabidopsis, a facultative long-day plant that flowers in response to both far-red and blue light. Red light inhibits flowering. The gene CONSTANS (CO) is expressed under long days but not short days. The loss of CO product does not alter when a plant flowers under short days, but delays flowering under long days. What happens is that the gene is positively regulated by cryptochrome that perceives blue light under long days. Cryptochrome appears to inhibit the inhibition of flower- ing by phytochrome B exposed to red light. Simply put, flowering is promoted by repressing a gene that represses flowering! CO is a transcription factor that turns on other genes which results in the expression of LEAFY. As dis- cussed in the section on phase change, LEAFY is one of the key genes that “tells” a meristem to switch over to flower- ing. We will see that other pathways also converge on this important gene. The Flowering Hormone: Does It Exist? The Holy Grail in plant biology has been a flowering hormone, quested unsuccessfully for more than 50 years. A consider- able amount of evidence demonstrates the existence of sub- stances that promote flowering and substances that inhibit it. Grafting experiments have shown that these substances can move from leaves to shoots. The complexity of their interactions, as well as the fact that multiple chemical mes- sengers are evidently involved, has made this scientifically and commercially interesting search very difficult, and to this day, the existence of a flowering hormone remains strictly hypothetical. We do know that LEAFY can be ex- pressed in the vegetative as well as the reproductive por- tions of plants. Clearly, information about day length gath- ered by leaves is transmitted to shoot apices. Given that there are multiple pathways to flowering, several signals may be facilitating communication between leaves and shoots. We also know that roots can be a source of floral inhibitors affecting shoot development. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 827 FIGURE 41.28 Manipulation of photoperiod in greenhouses ensures that short-day poinsettias flower in time for the winter holidays. Note that the colorful “petals” are actually sepals. Even after flowering is induced, there are many developmental events leading to the production of species-specific flowers. Temperature-Dependent Pathway Lysenko solved the problem of winter wheat seed rotting in the fields in Russia by chilling the seeds and planting them in the spring. Winter wheat would not flower without a pe- riod of chilling, called vernalization. Unfortunately a great many problems, including mistreatment of Russian geneti- cists, resulted from this scientifically significant discovery. Lysenko erroneously concluded that he had converted one species, winter wheat, to another, spring wheat, by simply altering the environment. There was a shift from science to politics. Genetics and Darwinian evolution were suspect for half a century. Social history aside, the valuable lesson here is that cold temperatures can accelerate or permit flowering in many species. As with light, this ensures that plants flower at more optimal times. Vernalization may be necessary for seeds or plants in later stages of development. Analysis of mutants in Arabidopsis and pea indicate that vernalization is a sepa- rate flowering pathway that may be linked to the hor- mone gibberellin. In this pathway, repression may also lead to flowering. High levels of one of the genes in the pathway may block the promotion of flowering by gib- berellins. When plants are chilled, there is less of this gene product and gibberellin activity may increase. It is known that gibberellins enhance the expression of LEAFY. One proposal is that both the vernalization and autonomous pathways share a common intersection af- fecting gibberellin promotion of flowering. Weigel has shown that gibberellin actually binds the promoter of the LEAFY gene, so its effect on flowering is direct. The con- nection between gibberellin levels and temperature also needs to be understood. Autonomous Pathway The autonomous pathway to flowering is independent of external cues except for basic nutrition. Presumably this was the first pathway to evolve. Day-neutral plants often depend primarily on the autonomous pathway which allows plants to “count” and “remember.” A field of day-neutral tobacco will produce a uniform number of nodes before flowering. If the shoots of these plants are removed at dif- ferent positions, axillary buds will grow out and produce the same number of nodes as the removed portion of the shoot (figure 41.29). At a certain point in development shoots become committed or determined to flower (figure 41.30). The upper axillary buds of flowering tobacco will remember their position when rooted or grafted. The ter- minal shoot tip becomes florally determined about four nodes before it initiates a flower. In some other species, this commitment is less stable and/or occurs later. How do shoots know where they are and at some point “remember” that information? It is clear that there are in- hibitory signals from the roots. If bottomless pots are con- tinuously placed over a growing tobacco plant and filled with soil, flowering is delayed by the formation of adventi- tious roots (figure 41.31). Control experiments with leaf re- moval show that it is the addition of roots and not the loss of leaves that delays flowering. A balance between floral promoting and inhibiting signals may regulate when flow- ering occurs in the autonomous pathway and the other pathways as well. 828 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Intact plant Shoot removed Replacement shoot Intact plant Shoot removed Replacement shoot (a) Upper axillary bud removed (b) Lower axillary bud removed Shoot removed here Shoot removed here FIGURE 41.29 Plants can count.When axillary buds of flowering tobacco plants are released from apical dominance by removing the main shoot, they replace the number of nodes that were initiated by the main shoot. (After McDaniel 1996.) Determination for flowering is tested at the organ or whole plant level by changing the environment and ascer- taining whether or not the fate has changed. How does flo- ral determination correlate with molecular level changes? In Arabidopsis, floral determination correlates with the in- crease of LEAFY gene expression and has occurred by the time a second flowering gene, APETALA1, is expressed. Because all three flowering pathways appear to converge with increased levels of LEAFY, this determination event should occur in species with a variety of balances among the pathways. Plants use light receptor molecules to measure the length of night. This information is then used to signal pathways that promote or inhibit flowering. Light receptors in the leaves trigger events that result in changes in the shoot meristem. Vernalization is the requirement for a period of chilling before a plant can flower. The autonomous pathway leads to flowering independent of environmental cues. Plants integrate information about position in regulating flowering and both promoters and inhibitors of flowering are important. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 829 (a) Shoot florally determined (b) Shoot not florally determined Shoot removed here Intact plant Intact plant Shoot removed Shoot removed Rooted shoot Flowering rooted shoot Rooted shoot Flowering rooted shoot Shoot removed here FIGURE 41.30 Plants can remember.At a certain point in the flowering process, shoots become committed to making a flower. This is called floral determination. (a) Florally determined axillary buds “remember” their position when rooted in a pot. That is, they produce the same number of nodes that they would have if they had grown out on the plant, and then they flower. (b) Those that are not yet florally determined cannot remember how many nodes they have left, so they start counting again. That is, they develop like a seedling and then flower. (After McDaniel 1996.) Control plants: no treatment Experimental plants: pot-on-pot treatment Control plants: Lower leaves were continually removed FIGURE 41.31 Roots can inhibit flowering.Adventitious roots formed as bottomless pots were continuously placed over growing tobacco plants, delaying flowering. The delay in flowering is caused by the roots, not the loss of the leaves. This was shown by removing leaves on control plants at the same time and in the same position as leaves on experimental plants that became buried as pots were added. Identity Genes and the Formation of Floral Meristem and Floral Organs Arabidopsis and snapdragon are valuable model systems for identifying flowering genes and understanding their interactions. The three pathways, discussed in the previ- ous section, lead to an adult meristem becoming a floral meristem by either activating or repressing the inhibition of floral meristem identity genes (figure 41.32). Two of the key floral meristem identity genes are LEAFY and APETALA1. These genes establish the meristem as a flower meristem. They then turn on floral organ identity genes. The floral organ identity genes define four con- centric whorls moving inward in the floral meristem as sepal, petal, stamen, and carpel. Meyerowitz and Coen proposed a model, called the ABC model, to explain how three classes of floral organ identity genes could specify four distinct organ types (figure 41.33). The ABC model proposes that three classes of organ identity genes (A, B, and C) specify the floral organs in the four floral whorls. By studying mutants the researchers have determined the following: 1. Class Agenes alone specify the sepals. 2. Class Aand class B genes together specify the petals. 3. Class B and class C genes together specify the stamens. 4. Class Cgenes alone specify the carpels. The beauty of their ABC model is that it is entirely testable by making different combinations of floral organ identity mutants. Each class of genes is expressed in two whorls, yielding four different combinations of the gene products. When any one class is missing, there are aberrant floral or- gans in predictable positions. It is important to recognize that this is actually only the beginning of the making of a flower. These organ identity genes are transcription factors that turn on many more genes that will actually give rise to the three-dimensional flower. There are also genes that “paint” the petals. Com- plex biochemical pathways lead to the accumulation of an- thocyanin pigments in vacuoles. These pigments can be or- ange, red, or purple and the actual color is influenced by pH and by the shape of the petal. The Formation of Gametes The ovule within the carpel has origins more ancient than the angiosperms. Floral parts are modified leaves, and within the ovule is the female gametophyte. This next generation develops from placental tissue in the ovary. A megaspore mother cell develops and meiotically gives rise to the embryo sac. Usually two layers of integument tissue form around this embryo sac and will become the seed coat. Genes responsible for the initiation of integuments and also those responsible for the formation of the integu- ment have been identified. Some also affect leaf structure. This chapter has focused on the complex and elegant process that gives rise to the reproductive structure called the flower. It is indeed a metamorphosis, but the subtle shift from mitosis to meiosis in the megaspore mother cell leading to the development of a haploid, gamete-producing gametophyte is per- haps even more critical. The same can be said for pollen formation in the anther of the stamen. As we will see in the next chapter, the flower houses the haploid generations that will produce gametes. The flower also functions to increase the probability that male and female gametes from different (or sometimes the same plant) will unite. Floral structures form as a result of floral meristem identity genes turning on floral organ identity genes which specify where sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels will form. This is followed by organ development which involves many complex pathways that account for floral diversity among species. 830 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Repression of floral inhibitors Activation of floral meristem identity genes Phytochrome and cryptochrome Gibberellin production Light Cold temperature Light dependent pathway Autonomous pathway Temperature dependent pathway Adult meristem Floral meristem FIGURE 41.32 Model for flowering.The light-dependent, temperature-dependent, and autonomous flowering pathways promote the formation of floral meristems from adult meristems by repressing floral inhibitors and activating floral meristem identity genes. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 831 Whorl 1 Sepal Whorl 2 Petal Whorl 3 Stamen Whorl 4 Carpel AA A and B A and B B and C B and C C CC B and C B and C B and C B and C C Wild type floral meristem Sepals Petals Stamens Carpels Development Development Development Development Cross-section of wild type flower –A mutant floral meristem: missing gene class A –B mutant floral meristem: missing gene class B –C mutant floral meristem: missing gene class C Carpels Carpels Stamens Stamens Sepals Sepals Carpels Carpels AA AA A A A C CC Cross-section of –A mutant flower Cross-section of –B mutant flower Cross-section of –C mutant flower Sepals Petals Petals Sepals A and B A and B A and B A and B FIGURE 41.33 ABC model for floral organ specification. Letters labeling whorls indicate which gene classes are active. When Afunction is lost (-A), C expands to the first and second whorls. When Bfunction is lost (-B), both outer two whorls have just Afunction, and both inner two whorls have just Cfunction; none of the whorls have dual gene function. When Cfunction is lost (-C), Aexpands into the inner two whorls. These new combinations of gene expression patterns alter which floral structures form in each whorl. (Model proposed by Coen and Meyerowitz, 1991.) Larger predators, microbes, water, and wind often present a plant with rapid immediate stress. Response, to be effec- tive, must also be immediate. There is little time for growth, and plants instead invoke a variety of other kinds of responses. Many environmental cues trigger rapid and reversible localized plant movements, for example. The rapid folding of leaves can startle a potential predator. Leaf folding can also prevent water loss by reducing the surface area available for transpiration. Some localized plant move- ments are triggered by unpredictable environmental sig- nals. Other movements are tied into daily internal rhythms established by cyclic environmental signals like light and temperature. Plants lack a nervous system in the conven- tional sense. Some of the rapid signaling, however, is the result of electric charge moving through an organ as a wave of membrane ion exchange, not unlike that seen in animals. This is translated into movement by changing the turgor pressure of cells. Turgor Movement Turgor is pressure within a living cell resulting from diffu- sion of water into it. If water leaves turgid cells (ones with turgor pressure), the cells may collapse, causing plant movement; conversely, water entering a limp cell may also cause movement as the cell once more becomes turgid. Many other plants, including those of the legume family (Fabaceae), exhibit leaf movements in response to touch or other stimuli. After exposure to a stimulus, the changes in leaf orientation are mostly associated with rapid turgor pressure changes in pulvini (singular: pulvinus), which are multicellular swellings located at the base of each leaf or leaflet. When leaves with pulvini, such as those of the sen- sitive plant (Mimosa pudica), are stimulated by wind, heat, touch, or, in some instances, intense light, an electrical sig- nal is generated. The electrical signal is translated into a chemical signal, with potassium ions, followed by water, migrating from the cells in one half of a pulvinus to the in- tercellular spaces in the other half. The loss of turgor in half of the pulvinus causes the leaf to “fold.” The move- ments of the leaves and leaflets of the sensitive plant are es- pecially rapid; the folding occurs within a second or two after the leaves are touched (figure 41.34). Over a span of about 15 to 30 minutes after the leaves and leaflets have folded, water usually diffuses back into the same cells from which it left, and the leaf returns to its original position. 832 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 41.4 Many short-term responses to the environment do not require growth. Pulvinus Vascular tissue Cells retaining turgor Cells losing turgor (a) (b) FIGURE 41.34 Sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica).(a) The blades of Mimosaleaves are divided into numerous leaflets; at the base of each leaflet is a swollen structure called a pulvinus. (b) Changes in turgor cause leaflets to fold in response to a stimulus. (c) When leaves are touched (center two leaves above), they fold due to loss of turgor. The leaves of some plants with similar mechanisms may track the sun, with their blades oriented at right angles to it; how their orientation is directed is, however, poorly un- derstood. Such leaves can move quite rapidly (as much as 15°an hour). This movement maximizes photosynthesis and is analogous to solar panels that are designed to track the sun. Some of the most familiar of these reversible changes are seen in leaves and flowers that “open” during the day and “close” at night. For example, the flowers of four o’clocks open at 4 P.M.and evening primrose petals open at night. The blades of plant leaves that exhibit such a daily shift in position may not actually fold; instead, their orien- tation may be changed as a result of turgor movements. Bean leaves are horizontal during the day when their pul- vini are turgid, but become more or less vertical at night as the pulvini lose turgor (figure 41.35). These sleep move- ments reduce water loss from transpiration during the night, but maximize photosynthetic surface area during the day. In these cases, the movement is closely tied to an in- ternal rhythm. Circadian Clocks How do leaves know when to “sleep”? They have endoge- nous circadian clocks that set a rhythm with a period of about 24 hours (actually it is closer to 22 or 23 hours). While there are shorter and much longer, naturally occur- ring rhythms, circadian rhythms are particularly common and widespread because of the day-night cycle on earth. Jean de Mairan, a French astronomer, first identified circa- dian rhythms in 1729. He studied the sensitive plant which, in addition to having a touch response, closes its leaflets and leaves at night like the bean plant described above. When de Mairan put the plants in total darkness, they con- tinued “sleeping” and “waking” just as they did when ex- posed to night and day. This is one of four characteristics of a circadian rhythm: it must continue to run in the ab- sence of external inputs. It must be about 24 hours in dura- tion and can be reset or entrained. (Perhaps you’ve experi- enced entrainment when traveling to a different time zone in the form of jet-lag recovery.) The fourth characteristic is that the clock can compensate for differences in tempera- ture. This is quite unique when you consider what you know about biochemical reactions; most rates of reactions vary significantly based on temperature. Circadian clocks exist in many organisms and appear to have evolved inde- pendently multiple times. The mechanism behind the clock is not fully understood, but is being actively investigated at the molecular level. Turgor movements of plants are reversible and involve changes in the turgor pressure of specific cells. Circadian clocks are endogenous timekeepers that keep plant movements and other responses synchronized with the environment. Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 833 FIGURE 41.35 Sleep movements in bean leaves.In the bean plant, leaf blades are oriented horizontally during the day and vertically at night. 12:00 NOON 3:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 12:00 MIDNIGHT Plant Defense Responses Interactions between plants and other organisms can be symbiotic (for example, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhizae) or pathogenic. In evolutionary terms, these two types of interactions may simply be opposite sides of the same coin. The interactions have many common as- pects and are the result of coevolution between two species that signal and respond to each other. In the case of pathogens, the microbe or pest is “winning,” at least for that second in evolutionary time. In chapter 38, we dis- cussed surface barriers the plant constructs to block inva- sion. In this section, we will focus on cellular level re- sponses to attacks by microbes and animals. Recognizing the Invader Half a century ago, Flor proposed that there is a plant re- sistance gene (R) whose product interacts with that of a pathogen avirulence gene (avr). This is called the gene-for- gene model and several pairs of avr and R genes have been cloned in different species pathogenized by microbes, fungi, and insects, in one case. This has been motivated partially by the agronomic benefit of identifying genes that can be added to protect other plants from invaders. Much is now known about the signal transduction pathways that follow the recognition of the pathogen by the R gene. These pathways lead to the triggering of the hypersensitive response (HR) which leads to rapid cell death around the source of the invasion and also a longer-term resistance (figure 41.36). There is not always a gene-for-gene re- sponse, but plants still have defense responses to pathogens and also mechanical wounding. Some of the response path- ways may be similar. Also, oligosaccharins in the cell walls may serve as recognition and signaling molecules. While our focus is on invaders outside the plant king- dom, more is being learned about how parasitic plants in- vade other plants. There are specific molecules released from the root hairs of the host that the parasitic plant rec- ognizes and responds to with invasive action. Less is known about the host response and so far the different defense genes that are activated appear to be ineffective. Responding to the Invader When a plant is attacked and there is gene-for-gene recog- nition, the HR response leads to very rapid cell death around the site of attack. This seals off the wounded tissue to prevent the pathogen or pest from moving into the rest of the plant. Hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide are pro- duced and may signal a cascade of biochemical events re- sulting in the localized death of host cells. They may also have negative effects on the pathogen, although antioxidant abilities have coevolved in pathogens. Other antimicrobial agents produced include the phytoalexins which are chemi- cal defense agents. A variety of pathogenesis-related genes (PR genes) are expressed and their proteins can either func- tion as antimicrobial agents or signals for other events that protect the plant. In the case of virulent invaders (no R gene recognition), there are changes in local cell walls that at least partially block the movement of the pathogen or pest farther into the plant. In this case there is not an HR response and the local plant cells are not suicidal. When an insect takes a mouthful of a leaf, defense responses are also triggered. Mechanical damage causes re- sponses that have some similar components, but the reac- tion may be slower. Biochemically, it is distinct from some of the events triggered by signals in the insect’s mouth. Such responses are collectively called wound responses. Wound responses are a challenge in designing other types of experiments with plants that involve cutting or otherwise mechanically damaging the tissue. It is important to run control experiments to be sure you are answering your question and not observing a wound response. Preparing for Future Attacks In addition to the HR or other local responses, plants are capable of a systemic response to a pathogen or pest at- tack. This is called a systemic acquired response (SAR). Several pathways lead to broad-ranging resistance that lasts for a period of days. The signals that induce SAR in- clude salicylic acid and jasmonic acid. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in aspirin too! SAR allows the plant to respond more quickly if it is attacked again. However, this is not the same as the human immune response where an- tibodies (proteins) that recognize specific antigens (for- eign proteins) persist in the body. SAR is neither as spe- cific or long lasting. Plants defend themselves from invasion in ways reminiscent of the animal immune system. When an invader is recognized, localized cell death seals off the infected area. 834 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Chapter 41 How Plants Grow in Response to Their Environment 835 Plant cell Plant cells HR R protein Microbial protein Hypersensitive response (HR): local cell death seals off pathogen Systemic acquired response (SAR): temporary broad-ranging resistance to pathogen Pathogenic microbial attack Signal molecule Signal molecule SAR FIGURE 41.36 Plant defense responses. In the gene-for-gene response, a cascade of events is triggered leading to local cell death (HR response) and longer-term resistance in the rest of the plant (SAR). 836 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Chapter 41 Summary Questions Media Resources 41.1 Plant growth is often guided by environmental cues. ? Tropisms in plants are growth responses to external stimuli, such as light, gravity, or contact. ? Dormancy is a plant adaptation that carries a plant through unfavorable seasons or periods of drought. 1.In general, which part of a plant is positively phototropic? What is the adaptive significance of this reaction? ? Auxin migrates away from light and promotes the elongation of plant cells on the dark side, causing stems to bend in the direction of light. ? Cytokinins are necessary for mitosis and cell division in plants. They promote growth of lateral buds and inhibit formation of lateral roots. ? Gibberellins, along with auxin, play a major role in stem elongation in most plants. They also tend to hasten the germination of seeds and to break dormancy in buds. 2.How does auxin affect the plasticity of the plant cell walls? 3.Where are most cytokinins produced? From what biomolecule do cytokinins appear to be derived? 4.What plant hormones could be lacking in genetically dwarfed plants? 41.2 The hormones that guide growth are keyed to the environment. ? The transition of a shoot meristem from vegetative to adult development is called phase change. During phase change, plants gain competence to produce a floral signal(s) and or perceive a signal. ? The light-dependent pathway uses information from light receptor molecules integrated with a biological clock to determine if the length of night is sufficient for flowering. ? The autonomous path functions independently of environmental cues. Internal floral inhibitor(s) from roots and leaves and floral promoter(s) from leaves move through the plant. 5.A plant has undergone phase change. Although it is an adult, it does not flower. How might you get this plant to flower? 6.You have recently moved from Canada to Mexico and brought some seeds from your favorite plants. They germinate and produce beautiful leaves, but never flower. What went wrong? 41.3 The environment influences flowering. ? Changes in turgor pressure reflect responses to environmental signals that can protect plants from predation. ? Other reversible movements in plants are caused by changes in turgor pressure that are regulated by internal circadian rhythms. ? Plants have the ability to recognize and respond to invaders through cellular level recognition and response. 7.How are motor cells involved in the function of the pulvinus? What happens in the motor cells of the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) when its leaves are touched? 8.In what ways can a plant protect itself from pathogenic microbes? From animals? 41.4 Many short-term responses to the environment do not require growth. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Photoperiod ? Hormones ? Student Research: Plant Growth ? Student Research: Selection in Flowering Plants 837 42 Plant Reproduction Concept Outline 42.1 Angiosperms have been incredibly successful, in part, because of their reproductive strategies. Rise of the Flowering Plants. Animal and wind dispersal of pollen increases genetic variability in a species. Seed and fruit dispersal mechanisms allow offspring to colonize distant regions. Other features such as shortened life cycles may also have been responsible for the rapid diversification of the flowering plants. Evolution of the Flower. A complete flower has four whorls, containing protective sepals, attractive petals, male stamens, and female ovules. 42.2 Flowering plants use animals or wind to transfer pollen between flowers. Formation of Angiosperm Gametes. The male gametophytes are the pollen grains, and the female gametophyte is the embryo sac. Pollination. Evolutionary modifications of flowers have enhanced effective pollination. Self-Pollination. Self-pollination is favored in stable environments, but outcrossing enhances genetic variability. Fertilization. Angiosperms use two sperm cells, one to fertilize the egg, the other to produce a nutrient tissue called endosperm. 42.3 Many plants can clone themselves by asexual reproduction. Asexual Reproduction. Some plants do without sexual reproduction, instead cloning new individuals from parts of themselves. 42.4 How long do plants and plant organs live? The Life Span of Plants. Clonal plants can live indefinitely through their propagules. Parts of plants senesce and die. Some plants reproduce sexually only once and die. T he remarkable evolutionary success of flowering plants can be linked to their reproductive strategies (figure 42.1). The evolution and development of flowers has been discussed in chapters 37 and 41. Here we explore reproduc- tive strategies in the angiosperms and how their unique fea- tures, flowers and fruits, have contributed to their success. This is, in part, a story of coevolution between plants and animals that ensures greater genetic diversity by dispersing plant gametes widely. However, in a stable environment, there are advantages to maintaining the status quo geneti- cally. Asexual reproduction is a strategy to clonally propa- gate individuals. An unusual twist to sexual reproduction in some flowering plants is that senescence and death of the parent plant follows. FIGURE 42.1 Reproductive success in flowering plants. Unique reproductive systems and strategies have coevolved between plants and animals, accounting for almost 250,000 flowering plants inhabiting all but the harshest environments on earth. form varies from cacti, grasses, and daisies to aquatic pondweeds. Most shrubs and trees (other than conifers and Ginkgo) are also in this phylum. This chapter focuses on re- production in angiosperms (figure 42.2) because of their tremendous success and many uses by humans. Virtually all 838 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Rise of the Flowering Plants Most of the plants we see daily are angiosperms. The 250,000 species of flowering plants range in size from al- most microscopic herbs to giant Eucalyptus trees, and their 42.1 Angiosperms have been incredibly successful, in part, because of their reproductive strategies. Anther Microspore mother cell (2n) Megaspore mother cell (2n) MEIOSIS Pollen grains (microgametophyte) (n) Pollen grain Stigma Tube cell nucleus Sperm cells Formation of pollen tube (n) Pollen tube Egg DOUBLE FERTILIZATION Endosperm (3n) Seed (2n) Seed coat Embryo Adult sporophyte (2n) with flowers Carpel Ovary Ovule MEIOSIS Eight-nucleate embryo sac (megagametophyte) (n) Pollen sac Young embryo (2n) Pollen tube cell FIGURE 42.2 Angiosperm life cycle. Eggs form within the embryo sac inside the ovules, which, in turn, are enclosed in the carpels. The pollen grains, meanwhile, are formed within the sporangia of the anthers and are shed. Fertilization is a double process. A sperm and an egg come together, producing a zygote; at the same time, another sperm fuses with the polar nuclei to produce the endosperm. The endosperm is the tissue, unique to angiosperms, that nourishes the embryo and young plant. of our food is derived, directly or indirectly, from flowering plants; in fact, more than 90% of the calories we consume come from just over 100 species. Angiosperms are also sources of medicine, clothing, and building materials. While the other plant phyla also provide resources, they are outnumbered seven to one by the angiosperms. For ex- ample, there are only about 750 extant gymnosperm species! Why Are the Angiosperms Successful? When flowering plants originated, Africa and South Amer- ica were still connected to each other, as well as to Antarc- tica and India, and, via Antarctica, to Australia and New Zealand (figure 42.3). These landmasses formed the great continent known as Gondwanaland. In the north, Eurasia and North America were united, forming another super- continent called Laurasia. The huge landmass formed by the union of South America and Africa spanned the equator and probably had a climate characterized by extreme tem- peratures and aridity in its interior. Similar climates occur in the interiors of major continents at present. Much of the early evolution of angiosperms may have taken place in patches of drier and less favorable habitat found in the inte- rior of Gondwanaland. Many features of flowering plants seem to correlate with successful growth under arid and semiarid conditions. The transfer of pollen between flowers of separate plants, sometimes over long distances, ensures outcrossing (cross-pollination between individuals of the same species) and may have been important in the early success of angiosperms. The various means of effective fruit dis- persal that evolved in the group were also significant in the success of angiosperms (see chapter 40). The rapid life cycle of some of the angiosperms (Arabidopsis can go from seed to adult flowering plant in 24 days) was an- other factor. Asexual reproduction has given many inva- sive species a competitive edge. Xylem vessels and other anatomical and morphological features of the an- giosperms correlate with their biological success. As early angiosperms evolved, all of these advantageous features became further elaborated and developed, and the pace of their diversification accelerated. The Rise to Dominance Angiosperms began to dominate temperate and tropical terrestrial communities about 80 to 90 million years ago, during the second half of the Cretaceous Period. We can document the relative abundance of different groups of plants by studying fossils that occur at the same time and place. In rocks more than 80 million years old, the fossil remains of plant phyla other than angiosperms, includ- ing lycopods, horsetails, ferns, and gymnosperms, are most common. Angiosperms arose in temperate and tropical terrestrial communities in a relatively short time. At about the time that angiosperms became abundant in the fossil record, pollen, leaves, flowers, and fruits of some families that still survive began to appear. For example, representatives of the magnolia, beech, and legume fami- lies, which were in existence before the end of the Creta- ceous Period (65 million years ago), are alive and flourish- ing today. A number of insect orders that are particularly associ- ated with flowers, such as Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and Diptera (flies), appeared or became more abundant during the rise of angiosperms. Plants and in- sects have clearly played a major role in each other’s pat- terns of evolution, and their interactions continue to be of fundamental importance. Additional animals, includ- ing birds and mammals, now assist in pollination and seed dispersal. By 80 to 90 million years ago, angiosperms were dominant in terrestrial habitats throughout the world. Chapter 42 Plant Reproduction 839 Equator Gondwanaland Laurasia FIGURE 42.3 The alignment of the continents when the angiosperms first appeared in the fossil record about 130 million years ago. Africa, Madagascar, South America, India, Australia, and Antarctica were all connected and part of the huge continent of Gondwanaland, which eventually separated into the discrete landmasses we have today. Evolution of the Flower Pollination in angiosperms does not involve direct contact between the pollen grain and the ovule. Pollen matures within the anthers and is transported, often by insects, birds, or other animals, to the stigma of another flower. When pollen reaches the stigma, it germinates, and a pollen tube grows down, carrying the sperm nuclei to the embryo sac. After double fertilization takes place, develop- ment of the embryo and endosperm begins. The seed ma- tures within the ripening fruit; the germination of the seed initiates another life cycle. Successful pollination in many angiosperms depends on the regular attraction of pollinators such as insects, birds, and other animals, so that pollen is transferred between plants of the same species. When animals disperse pollen, they perform the same functions for flowering plants that they do for themselves when they actively search out mates. The relationship between plant and pollinator can be quite intricate. Mutations in either partner can block reproduc- tion. If a plant flowers at the “wrong” time, the pollinator may not be available. If the morphology of the flower or pollinator is altered, there may be physical barriers to polli- nation. Clearly floral morphology has coevolved with polli- nators and the result is much more complex and diverse than the initiation of four distinct whorls of organs de- scribed in chapter 40. Characteristics of Floral Evolution The evolution of the angiosperms is a focus of chapter 37. Here we need to keep in mind that the diversity of an- giosperms is partly due to the evolution of a great variety of floral phenotypes that may enhance the effectiveness of pollination. All floral organs are thought to have evolved from leaves. In early angiosperms, these organs maintain the spiral phyllotaxy often found in leaves. The trend has been toward four distinct whorls. A complete flower has four whorls of parts (calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoe- cium), while an incomplete flower lacks one or more of the whorls (figure 42.4). In both complete and incomplete flowers, the calyx usu- ally constitutes the outermost whorl; it consists of flattened appendages, called sepals, which protect the flower in the bud. The petals collectively make up the corolla and may be fused. Petals function to attract pollinators. While these two outer whorls of floral organs are sterile, they can en- hance reproductive success. Androecium (from the Greek andros, “man”, + oikos, “house”) is a collective term for all the stamens (male structures) of a flower. Stamens are specialized structures that bear the angiosperm microsporangia. There are simi- lar structures bearing the microsporangia in the pollen cones of gymnosperms. Most living angiosperms have sta- mens whose filaments (“stalks”) are slender and often threadlike, and whose four microsporangia are evident at the apex in a swollen portion, the anther. Some of the more primitive angiosperms have stamens that are flattened and leaflike, with the sporangia producing from the upper or lower surface. The gynoecium (from the Greek gyne, “woman,” + oikos, “house”) is a collective term for all the female parts of a flower. In most flowers, the gynoecium, which is unique to angiosperms, consists of a single carpel or two or more fused carpels. Single or fused carpels are often referred to as the simple or compound pistils, respectively. Most flow- ers with which we are familiar—for example, those of tomatoes and oranges—have a single compound pistil. In other mostly primitive flowers—for example, buttercups and stonecups—there may be several to many separate pis- tils, each formed from a single carpel. Ovules (which de- velop into seeds) are produced in the pistil’s swollen lower portion, the ovary, which usually narrows at the top into a slender, necklike style with a pollen-receptive stigma at its apex. Sometimes the stigma is divided, with the number of stigma branches indicating how many carpels are in the particular pistil. Carpels are essentially inrolled floral leaves with ovules along the margins. It is possible that the first carpels were leaf blades that folded longitudinally; the mar- gins, which had hairs, did not actually fuse until the fruit developed, but the hairs interlocked and were receptive to pollen. In the course of evolution, there is evidence the hairs became localized into a stigma, a style was formed, and the fusing of the carpel margins ultimately resulted in a pistil. In many modern flowering plants, the carpels have become highly modified and are not visually distinguish- able from one another unless the pistil is cut open. Trends of Floral Specialization Two major evolutionary trends led to the wide diversity of modern flowering plants: (1) separate floral parts have 840 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Anther Microspore mother cell (2n) Megaspore mother cell (2n) MEIO Ovary Ovule MEIOSIS FIGURE 42.4 Structure of an angiosperm flower. grouped together, or fused, and (2) floral parts have been lost or reduced (figure 42.5). In the more advanced an- giosperms, the number of parts in each whorl has often been reduced from many to few. The spiral patterns of at- tachment of all floral parts in primitive angiosperms have, in the course of evolution, given way to a single whorl at each level. The central axis of many flowers has short- ened, and the whorls are close to one another. In some evolutionary lines, the members of one or more whorls have fused with one another, sometimes joining into a tube. In other kinds of flowering plants, different whorls may be fused together. Whole whorls may even be lost from the flower, which may lack sepals, petals, stamens, carpels, or various combinations of these structures. Mod- ifications often relate to pollination mechanisms and, in some cases like the grasses, wind has replaced animals for pollen dispersal. While much floral diversity is the result of natural se- lection related to pollination, it is important to recognize the impact breeding (artificial selection) has had on flower morphology. Humans have selected for practical or aesthetic traits that may have little adaptive value to species in the wild. Maize (corn), for example, has been selected to satisfy the human palate. Human intervention ensures the reproductive success of each generation; while in a natural setting modern corn would not have the same protection from herbivores as its ancestors, and the fruit dispersal mechanism would be quite different (see figure 21.13). Floral shops sell heavily bred species with modified petals, often due to polyploidy, that en- hance their economic value, but not their ability to at- tract pollinators. In making inferences about symbioses between flowers and pollinators, be sure to look at native plants that have not been genetically altered by human intervention. Trends in Floral Symmetry Other trends in floral evolution have affected the symmetry of the flower (figure 42.6). Primitive flowers such as those of buttercups are radically symmetrical; that is, one could draw a line anywhere through the center and have two roughly equal halves. Flowers of many advanced groups are bilaterally symmetrical; that is, they are divisible into two equal parts along only a single plane. Examples of such flowers are snapdragons, mints, and orchids. Such bilater- ally symmetrical flowers are also common among violets and peas. In these groups, they are often associated with advanced and highly precise pollination systems. Bilateral symmetry has arisen independently many times. In snap- dragons, the cyclodia gene regulates floral symmetry, and in its absence flowers are more radial (figure 42.7). Here the evolutionary introduction of a single gene is sufficient to cause a dramatic change in morphology. Whether the same gene or functionally similar genes arose in parallel in other species is an open question. The first angiosperms likely had numerous free, spirally arranged flower parts. Modification of floral parts appears to be closely tied to pollination mechanisms. More recently, horticulturists have bred plants for aesthetic reasons resulting in an even greater diversity of flowers. Chapter 42 Plant Reproduction 841 FIGURE 42.5 Trends in floral specialization. Wild geranium, Geranium maculatum.The petals are reduced to five each, the stamens to ten. FIGURE 42.6 Bilateral symmetry in an orchid. While primitive flowers are usually radially symmetrical, flowers of many advanced groups, such as the orchid family (Orchidaceae), are bilaterally symmetrical. (a) (b) FIGURE 42.7 Genetic regulation of asymmetry in flowers. (left) Snapdragon flowers normally have bilateral symmetry. (right) The cyclodiagene regulates floral symmetry, and cyclodiamutant snapdragons have radially symmetrical flowers. Formation of Angiosperm Gametes Reproductive success depends on uniting the gametes (egg and sperm) found in the embryo sacs and pollen grains of flowers. As mentioned previously, plant sexual life cycles are characterized by an alternation of generations, in which a diploid sporophyte generation gives rise to a haploid ga- metophyte generation. In angiosperms, the gametophyte generation is very small and is completely enclosed within the tissues of the parent sporophyte. The male gameto- phytes, or microgametophytes, are pollen grains. The fe- male gametophyte, or megagametophyte, is the embryo sac. Pollen grains and the embryo sac both are produced in separate, specialized structures of the angiosperm flower. Like animals, angiosperms have separate structures for producing male and female gametes (figure 42.8), but the reproductive organs of angiosperms are different from those of animals in two ways. First, in angiosperms, both male and female structures usually occur together in the same individual flower (with exceptions noted in chapter 38). Second, angiosperm reproductive structures are not permanent parts of the adult individual. Angiosperm flow- ers and reproductive organs develop seasonally, at times of the year most favorable for pollination. In some cases, re- productive structures are produced only once and the par- ent plant dies. It is significant that the germ line for an- giosperms is not set aside early in development, but forms quite late, as detailed in chapter 40. 842 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 42.2 Flowering plants use animals or wind to transfer pollen between flowers. Anther Microspore mother cell (2n) Meiosis Microspores (n) Megaspores (n) Mitosis Mitosis Pollen grains (n) (microgametophyte) Tube cell nucleus Generative cell Ovule Megaspore mother cell (2n) Surviving megaspore Antipodals Polar nuclei Degenerated megaspores 8-nucleate embryo sac (megagametophyte) (n) Synergids Egg cell Meiosis FIGURE 42.8 Formation of pollen grains and the embryo sac. Diploid (2n) microspore mother cells are housed in the anther and divide by meiosis to form four haploid (n) microspores. Each microspore develops by mitosis into a pollen grain. The generative cell within the pollen grain will later divide to form two sperm cells. Within the ovule, one diploid megaspore mother cell divides by meiosis to produce four haploid megaspores. Usually only one of the megaspores will survive, and the other three will degenerate. The surviving megaspore divides by mitosis to produce an embryo sac with eight nuclei. Pollen Formation Pollen grains form in the two pollen sacs located in the anther. Each pollen sac contains specialized chambers in which the microspore mother cells are enclosed and pro- tected. The microspore mother cells undergo meiosis to form four haploid microspores. Subsequently, mitotic di- visions form four pollen grains. Inside each pollen grain is a generative cell; this cell will later divide to produce two sperm cells. Pollen grain shapes are specialized for specific flower species. As discussed in more detail later in the chapter, fertilization requires that the pollen grain grow a tube that penetrates the style until it encounters the ovary. Most pollen grains have a furrow from which this pollen tube emerges; some grains have three furrows (figure 42.9). Embryo Sac Formation Eggs develop in the ovules of the angiosperm flower. Within each ovule is a megaspore mother cell. Each megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid megaspores. In most plants, only one of these megaspores, however, survives; the rest are ab- sorbed by the ovule. The lone remaining megaspore un- dergoes repeated mitotic divisions to produce eight hap- loid nuclei that are enclosed within a seven-celled embryo sac. Within the embryo sac, the eight nuclei are arranged in precise positions. One nucleus is located near the opening of the embryo sac in the egg cell. Two are located in a single cell in the middle of the embryo sac and are called polar nuclei; two nuclei are contained in cells called synergids that flank the egg cell; and the other three nuclei reside in cells called the antipodals, lo- cated at the end of the sac, opposite the egg cell (figure 42.10). The first step in uniting the sperm in the pollen grain with the egg and polar nuclei is to get pollen ger- minating on the stigma of the carpel and growing toward the embryo sac. In angiosperms, both male and female structures often occur together in the same individual flower. These reproductive structures are not a permanent part of the adult individual and the germ line is not set aside early in development. Chapter 42 Plant Reproduction 843 FIGURE 42.9 Pollen grains. (a) In the Easter lily, Lilium candidum,the pollen tube emerges from the pollen grain through the groove or furrow that occurs on one side of the grain. (b) In a plant of the sunflower family, Hyoseris longiloba,three pores are hidden among the ornamentation of the pollen grain. The pollen tube may grow out through any one of them. (a) (b) 2 Antipodals (3rd antipodal not visible) 2 Polar nuclei Egg Synergids FIGURE 42.10 A mature embryo sac of a lily. The eight haploid nuclei produced by mitotic divisions of the haploid megaspore are labeled. Pollination Pollination is the process by which pollen is placed on the stigma. Pollen may be carried to the flower by wind or by animals, or it may originate within the individual flower itself. When pollen from a flower’s anther pollinates the same flower’s stigma, the process is called self-pollination. Pollination in Early Seed Plants Early seed plants were pollinated passively, by the action of the wind. As in present-day conifers, great quantities of pollen were shed and blown about, occasionally reaching the vicinity of the ovules of the same species. In- dividual plants of any given species must grow relatively close to one another for such a system to operate efficiently. Otherwise, the chance that any pollen will arrive at the appropriate destination is very small. The vast majority of windblown pollen travels less than 100 meters. This short distance is significant com- pared with the long distances pollen is routinely carried by certain insects, birds, and other animals. Pollination by Animals The spreading of pollen from plant to plant by pollinators visiting flowers of specific angiosperm species has played an important role in the evolutionary success of the group. It now seems clear that the earliest angiosperms, and perhaps their ancestors also, were insect-pollinated, and the coevo- lution of insects and plants has been important for both groups for over 100 million years. Such interactions have also been important in bringing about increased floral spe- cialization. As flowers become increasingly specialized, so do their relationships with particular groups of insects and other animals. Bees. Among insect-pollinated angiosperms, the most numerous groups are those pollinated by bees (figure 42.11). Like most insects, bees initially locate sources of food by odor, then orient themselves on the flower or group of flowers by its shape, color, and texture. Flowers that bees characteristically visit are often blue or yellow. Many have stripes or lines of dots that indicate the location of the nectaries, which often occur within the throats of specialized flowers. Some bees collect nectar, which is used as a source of food for adult bees and occasionally for lar- vae. Most of the approximately 20,000 species of bees visit flowers to obtain pollen. Pollen is used to provide food in cells where bee larvae complete their development. Only a few hundred species of bees are social or semi- social in their nesting habits. These bees live in colonies, as do the familiar honeybee, Apis mellifera, and the bumble- bee, Bombus. Such bees produce several generations a year and must shift their attention to different kinds of flowers as the season progresses. To maintain large colonies, they also must use more than one kind of flower as a food source at any given time. Except for these social and semi-social bees and about 1000 species that are parasitic in the nests of other bees, the great majority of bees—at least 18,000 species—are soli- tary. Solitary bees in temperate regions characteristically have only a single generation in the course of a year. Often they are active as adults for as little as a few weeks a year. Solitary bees often use the flowers of a given group of plants almost exclusively as sources of their larval food. The highly constant relationships of such bees with those flowers may lead to modifications, over time, in both the flowers and the bees. For example, the time of day when the flowers open may correlate with the time when the bees appear; the mouthparts of the bees may become elongated in relation to tubular flowers; or the bees’ pollen-collecting apparatuses may be adapted to the pollen of the plants that they normally visit. When such relationships are estab- lished, they provide both an efficient mechanism of pollina- tion for the flowers and a constant source of food for the bees that “specialize” on them. Insects Other Than Bees. Among flower-visiting in- sects other than bees, a few groups are especially promi- nent. Flowers such as phlox, which are visited regularly by butterflies, often have flat “landing platforms” on which butterflies perch. They also tend to have long, slender flo- ral tubes filled with nectar that is accessible to the long, coiled proboscis characteristic of Lepidoptera, the order of insects that includes butterflies and moths. Flowers like jimsonweed, evening primrose, and others visited regularly by moths are often white, yellow, or some other pale color; they also tend to be heavily scented, thus serving to make the flowers easy to locate at night. 844 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction FIGURE 42.11 Pollination by a bumblebee. As this bumblebee, Bombus, squeezes into the bilaterally symmetrical, advanced flower of a member of the mint family, the stigma contacts its back and picks up any pollen that the bee may have acquired during a visit to a previous flower. Birds. Several interesting groups of plants are regularly visited and pollinated by birds, especially the humming- birds of North and South America and the sunbirds of Africa (figure 42.12). Such plants must produce large amounts of nectar because if the birds do not find enough food to maintain themselves, they will not continue to visit flowers of that plant. Flowers producing large amounts of nectar have no advantage in being visited by insects because an insect could obtain its energy requirements at a single flower and would not cross-pollinate the flower. How are these different selective forces balanced in flowers that are “specialized” for hummingbirds and sunbirds? Ultraviolet light is highly visible to insects. Carotenoids, yellow or orange pigments frequently found in plants, are responsible for the colors of many flowers, such as sunflow- ers and mustard. Carotenoids reflect both in the yellow range and in the ultraviolet range, the mixture resulting in a distinctive color called “bee’s purple.” Such yellow flow- ers may also be marked in distinctive ways normally invisi- ble to us, but highly visible to bees and other insects (figure 42.13). These markings can be in the form of a bull’s-eye or a landing strip. Red does not stand out as a distinct color to most in- sects, but it is a very conspicuous color to birds. To most insects, the red upper leaves of poinsettias look just like the other leaves of the plant. Consequently, even though the flowers produce abundant supplies of nectar and attract hummingbirds, insects tend to bypass them. Thus, the red color both signals to birds the presence of abundant nectar and makes that nectar as inconspicuous as possible to in- sects. Red is also seen again in fruits that are dispersed by birds. Other Animals. Other animals including bats and small rodents may aid in pollination. The signals here also are species specific. These animals also assist in dispersing the seeds and fruits that result from pollination. Monkeys are attracted to orange and yellow and will be effective in dis- persing those fruits. Wind-Pollinated Angiosperms Many angiosperms, representing a number of different groups, are wind-pollinated—a characteristic of early seed plants. Among them are such familiar plants as oaks, birches, cottonwoods, grasses, sedges, and nettles. The flowers of these plants are small, greenish, and odorless; their corollas are reduced or absent (see figures 42.14 and 42.15). Such flowers often are grouped together in fairly large numbers and may hang down in tassels that wave about in the wind and shed pollen freely. Many wind- pollinated plants have stamen- and carpel-containing flow- ers separated among individuals or on a single individual. If the pollen-producing and ovule-bearing flowers are sepa- rated, it is certain that pollen released to the wind will reach a flower other than the one that sheds it, a strategy that greatly promotes outcrossing. Some wind-pollinated plants, especially trees and shrubs, flower in the spring, be- fore the development of their leaves can interfere with the wind-borne pollen. Wind-pollinated species do not depend on the presence of a pollinator for species survival. Bees are the most frequent and characteristic pollinators of flowers. Insects often are attracted by the odors of flowers. Bird-pollinated flowers are characteristically odorless and red, with the nectar not readily accessed by insects. Chapter 42 Plant Reproduction 845 FIGURE 42.12 Hummingbirds and flowers. A long-tailed hermit hummingbird extracts nectar from the flowers of Heliconia imbricatain the forests of Costa Rica. Note the pollen on the bird’s beak. Hummingbirds of this group obtain nectar primarily from long, curved flowers that more or less match the length and shape of their beaks. FIGURE 42.13 How a bee sees a flower. (a) The yellow flower of Ludwigia peruviana(Onagraceae) photographed in normal light and (b) with a filter that selectively transmits ultraviolet light. The outer sections of the petals reflect both yellow and ultraviolet, a mixture of colors called “bee’s purple”; the inner portions of the petals reflect yellow only and therefore appear dark in the photograph that emphasizes ultraviolet reflection. To a bee, this flower appears as if it has a conspicuous central bull’s-eye. (a) (b) Self-Pollination All of the modes of pollination that we have considered thus far tend to lead to outcrossing, which is as highly ad- vantageous for plants as it is for eukaryotic organisms gen- erally. Nevertheless, self-pollination also occurs among an- giosperms, particularly in temperate regions. Most of the self-pollinating plants have small, relatively inconspicuous flowers that shed pollen directly onto the stigma, some- times even before the bud opens. You might logically ask why there are many self-pollinated plant species if out- crossing is just as important genetically for plants as it is for animals. There are two basic reasons for the frequent oc- currence of self-pollinated angiosperms: 1. Self-pollination obviously is ecologically advanta- geous under certain circumstances because self- pollinators do not need to be visited by animals to produce seed. As a result, self-pollinated plants expend less energy in the production of pollinator attractants and can grow in areas where the kinds of insects or other animals that might visit them are absent or very scarce—as in the Arctic or at high elevations. 2. In genetic terms, self-pollination produces progenies that are more uniform than those that result from out- crossing. Remember that because meiosis is involved, there is still recombination and the offspring will not be identical to the parent. However, such progenies may contain high proportions of individuals well- adapted to particular habitats. Self-pollination in nor- mally outcrossing species tends to produce large num- bers of ill-adapted individuals because it brings together deleterious recessive genes; but some of these combinations may be highly advantageous in particu- lar habitats. In such habitats, it may be advantageous for the plant to continue self-pollinating indefinitely. This is the main reason many self-pollinating plant species are weeds—not only have humans made weed habitats uniform, but they have also spread the weeds all over the world. Factors That Promote Outcrossing Outcrossing, as we have stressed, is of critical importance for the adaptation and evolution of all eukaryotic organ- isms. Often flowers contain both stamens and pistils, which increase the likelihood of self-pollination. One strategy to promote outcrossing is to separate stamens and pistils. In various species of flowering plants—for example, wil- lows and some mulberries—staminate and pistillate flowers may occur on separate plants. Such plants, which produce only ovules or only pollen, are called dioecious, from the Greek words for “two houses.” Obviously, they cannot self- pollinate and must rely exclusively on outcrossing. In other kinds of plants, such as oaks, birches, corn (maize), and pumpkins, separate male and female flowers may both be produced on the same plant. Such plants are called monoe- cious, meaning “one house” (figure 42.14). In monoecious plants, the separation of pistillate and staminate flowers, which may mature at different times, greatly enhances the probability of outcrossing. Even if, as usually is the case, functional stamens and pistils are both present in each flower of a particular plant species, these organs may reach maturity at different times. Plants in which this occurs are called dichogamous. If the stamens mature first, shedding their pollen before the stig- mas are receptive, the flower is effectively staminate at that time. Once the stamens have finished shedding pollen, the stigma or stigmas may then become receptive, and the flower may become essentially pistillate (figures 42.15 and 42.16). This has the same effect as if the flower completely lacked either functional stamens or functional pistils; its outcrossing rate is thereby significantly increased. 846 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction FIGURE 42.14 Staminate and pistillate flowers of a birch, Betula. Birches are monoecious; their staminate flowers hang down in long, yellowish tassels, while their pistillate flowers mature into clusters of small, brownish, conelike structures. FIGURE 42.15 Wind-pollinated flowers. The large yellow anthers, dangling on very slender filaments, are hanging out, about to shed their pollen to the wind; later, these flowers will become pistillate, with long, feathery stigmas—well suited for trapping windblown pollen— sticking far out of them. Many grasses, like this one, are therefore dichogamous. Many flowers are constructed such that the stamens and stigmas do not come in contact with each other. With such an arrangement, there is a natural tendency for the pollen to be transferred to the stigma of another flower rather than to the stigma of its own flower, thereby promoting outcrossing. Even when a flower’s stamens and stigma mature at the same time, genetic self-incompatibility, which is wide- spread in flowering plants, increases outcrossing. Self-incompatibility results when the pollen and stigma recognize each other as being genetically related and fertilization is blocked (figure 42.17). Self-incompatibility is con- trolled by the S (self-incompatibility) locus. There are many alleles at the S locus that regulate recognition re- sponses between the pollen and stigma. There are two types of self-incompati- bility. Gametophytic self-incompatibil- ity depends on the haploid S locus of the pollen and the diploid S locus of the stigma. If either of the S alleles in the stigma match the pollen S allele, pollen tube growth stops before it reaches the embryo sac. Petunias have gametophytic self-incompatibility. In the case of sporo- phytic self-incompatibility, such as in broccoli, both S alleles of the pollen parent are important; if the alleles in the stigma match with either of the pollen parent S alleles, the haploid pollen will not germinate. Much is being learned about the cellular basis of this recognition and the signal transduction pathways that block the successful growth of the pollen tube. These pollen recognition mechanisms may have had their ori- gins in a common ancestor of the gymnosperms. Fossils with pollen tubes from the Carboniferous are consistent with the hypothesis that they had highly evolved pollen- recognition systems. These may have been systems that recognized foreign pollen that predated self-recognition systems. Self-pollinated angiosperms are frequent where there is a strong selective pressure to produce large numbers of genetically uniform individuals adapted to specific, relatively uniform habitats. Outcrossing in plants may be promoted through dioecism, monoecism, self- incompatibility, or the physical separation or different maturation times of the stamens and pistils. Outcrossing promotes genetic diversity. Chapter 42 Plant Reproduction 847 (a) (b) FIGURE 42.16 Dichogamy, as illustrated by the flowers of fireweed, Epilobium angustifolium. More than 200 years ago (in the 1790s) fireweed, which is outcrossing, was one of the first plant species to have its process of pollination described. First, the anthers shed pollen, and then the style elongates above the stamens while the four lobes of the stigma curl back and become receptive. Consequently, the flowers are functionally staminate at first, becoming pistillate about two days later. The flowers open progressively up the stem, so that the lowest are visited first. Working up the stem, the bees encounter pollen-shedding, staminate-phase flowers and become covered with pollen, which they then carry to the lower, functionally pistillate flowers of another plant. Shown here are flowers in (a) the staminate phase and (b) the pistillate phase. S 1 S 2 pollen parent S 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 3 carpel of pollen recipient S 1 S 2 pollen parent S 2 S 3 carpel of pollen recipient (a) Gametophytic self-incompatibility (b) Sporophytic self-incompatibility X XX FIGURE 42.17 Self-pollination can be genetically controlled so self-pollen is not recognized. (a) Gametophytic self-incompatibility is determined by the haploid pollen genotype. (b) Sporophytic self-incompatibility recognizes the genotype of the diploid pollen parent, not just the haploid pollen genotype. In both cases, the recognition is based on the Slocus, which has many different alleles. The subscript numbers indicate the Sallele genotype. In gametophytic self-incompatibility, the block comes after pollen tube germination. In sporophytic self- incompatibility, the pollen tube fails to germinate. Fertilization Fertilization in angiosperms is a complex, somewhat un- usual process in which two sperm cells are utilized in a unique process called double fertilization. Double fertil- ization results in two key developments: (1) the fertiliza- tion of the egg, and (2) the formation of a nutrient sub- stance called endosperm that nourishes the embryo. Once a pollen grain has been spread by wind, by animals, or through self-pollination, it adheres to the sticky, sugary substance that covers the stigma and begins to grow a pollen tube that pierces the style (figure 42.18). The pollen tube, nourished by the sugary substance, grows until it reaches the ovule in the ovary. Meanwhile, the generative cell within the pollen grain tube cell divides to form two sperm cells. The pollen tube eventually reaches the embryo sac in the ovule. At the entry to the embryo sac, the tip of the pollen tube bursts and releases the two sperm cells. Simul- taneously, the two nuclei that flank the egg cell disinte- grate, and one of the sperm cells fertilizes the egg cell, forming a zygote. The other sperm cell fuses with the two polar nuclei located at the center of the embryo sac, form- ing the triploid (3n) primary endosperm nucleus. The pri- mary endosperm nucleus eventually develops into the en- dosperm. Once fertilization is complete, the embryo develops by dividing numerous times. Meanwhile, protective tissues en- close the embryo, resulting in the formation of the seed. The seed, in turn, is enclosed in another structure called the fruit. These typical angiosperm structures evolved in response to the need for seeds to be dispersed over long distances to ensure genetic variability. In double fertilization, angiosperms utilize two sperm cells. One fertilizes the egg, while the other helps form a substance called endosperm that nourishes the embryo. 848 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Generative cell Tube cell Stigma Style Ovary Ovule Carpel Pollination Embryo sac Tube cell Sperm cells Tube cell nucleus Growth of pollen tube Pollen tube Double fertilizationRelease of sperm cells Pollen grain Zygote (2n) Antipodals Polar nuclei Egg cell Synergids Endosperm (3n) FIGURE 42.18 The formation of the pollen tube and double fertilization. When pollen lands on the stigma of a flower, the pollen tube cell grows toward the embryo sac, forming a pollen tube. While the pollen tube is growing, the generative cell divides to form two sperm cells. When the pollen tube reaches the embryo sac, it bursts through one of the synergids and releases the sperm cells. In a process called double fertilization, one sperm cell nucleus fuses with the egg cell to form the diploid (2n) zygote, and the other sperm cell nucleus fuses with the two polar nuclei to form the triploid (3n) endosperm nucleus. Asexual Reproduction While self-pollination reduces genetic variability, asexual reproduction results in genetically identical individuals be- cause only mitotic cell divisions occur. In the absence of meiosis, individuals that are highly adapted to a relatively unchanging environment persist for the same reasons that self-pollination is favored. Should conditions change dra- matically, there will be less variation in the population for natural selection to act upon and the species may be less likely to survive. Asexual reproduction is also used in agri- culture and horticulture to propagate a particularly desir- able plant whose traits would be altered by sexual repro- duction, even self-pollination. Most roses and potatoes for example, are vegetatively propagated. Vegetative Reproduction In a very common form of asexual reproduction called veg- etative reproduction, new plant individuals are simply cloned from parts of adults (figure 42.19). The forms of vegetative reproduction in plants are many and varied. Stolons. Some plants reproduce by means of runners, or stolons—long, slender stems that grow along the surface of the soil. In the cultivated strawberry, for example, leaves, flowers, and roots are produced at every other node on the runner. Just beyond each second node, the tip of the run- ner turns up and becomes thickened. This thickened por- tion first produces adventitious roots and then a new shoot that continues the runner. Rhizomes. Underground stems, or rhizomes, are also important reproductive structures, particularly in grasses and sedges. Rhizomes invade areas near the parent plant, and each node can give rise to a new flowering shoot. The noxious character of many weeds results from this type of growth pattern, and many garden plants, such as irises, are propagated almost entirely from rhizomes. Corms, bulbs, and tubers are rhizomes specialized for storage and repro- duction. White potatoes are propagated artificially from tuber segments, each with one or more “eyes.” The eyes, or “seed pieces,” of potato give rise to the new plant. Suckers. The roots of some plants—for example, cherry, apple, raspberry, and blackberry—produce “suckers,” or sprouts, which give rise to new plants. Commercial vari- eties of banana do not produce seeds and are propagated by suckers that develop from buds on underground stems. When the root of a dandelion is broken, as it may be if one attempts to pull it from the ground, each root fragment may give rise to a new plant. Adventitious Leaves. In a few species, even the leaves are reproductive. One example is the house plant Kalancho? daigremontiana, familiar to many people as the “maternity plant,” or “mother of thousands.” The common names of this plant are based on the fact that numerous plantlets arise from meristematic tissue located in notches along the leaves. The maternity plant is ordinarily propagated by means of these small plants, which, when they mature, drop to the soil and take root. Apomixis In certain plants, including some citruses, certain grasses (such as Kentucky bluegrass), and dandelions, the em- bryos in the seeds may be produced asexually from the parent plant. This kind of asexual reproduction is known as apomixis. The seeds produced in this way give rise to individuals that are genetically identical to their parents. Thus, although these plants reproduce asexually by cloning diploid cells in the ovule, they also gain the ad- vantage of seed dispersal, an adaptation usually associated with sexual reproduction. As you will see in chapter 43, embryos can also form via mitosis when plant tissues are cultured. In general, vegetative reproduction, apomixis, and other forms of asexual reproduction promote the exact reproduction of individuals that are particularly well suited to a certain environment or habitat. Asexual reproduction among plants is far more common in harsh or marginal environments, where there is little margin for variation. There is a greater proportion of asexual plants in the arctic, for example, than in temperate regions. Plants that reproduce asexually clone new individuals from portions of the root, stem, leaves, or ovules of adult individuals. The asexually produced progeny are genetically identical to the parent individual. Chapter 42 Plant Reproduction 849 42.3 Many plants can clone themselves by asexual reproduction. FIGURE 42.19. Vegetative reproduction. Small plants arise from notches along the leaves of the house plant Kalancho? daigremontiana. The Life Span of Plants Plant Life Spans Vary Greatly Once established, plants live for highly variable periods of time, depending on the species. Life span may or may not correlate with reproductive strategy. Woody plants, which have extensive secondary growth, nearly always live longer than herbaceous plants, which have limited or no secondary growth. Bristlecone pine, for example, can live upward of 4000 years. Some herba- ceous plants send new stems above the ground every year, producing them from woody underground structures. Others germinate and grow, flowering just once before they die. Shorter-lived plants rarely become very woody be- cause there is not enough time for the accumulation of secondary tissues. De- pending on the length of their life cy- cles, herbaceous plants may be annual, biennial, or perennial, while woody plants are generally perennial (figure 42.20). Determining life span is even more com- plicated for clonally reproducing organisms. Aspen trees form huge clones from asexual reproduction of their roots. Collectively, an aspen clone may form the largest “organism” on earth. Other asexually reproducing plants may cover less territory but live for thousands of years. Creosote bushes in the Mojave Desert have been identi- fied that are up to 12,000 years old! Annual Plants Annual plants grow, flower, and form fruits and seeds within one growing season; they then die when the process is complete. Many crop plants are annuals, includ- ing corn, wheat, and soybeans. Annuals generally grow rapidly under favorable conditions and in proportion to the availability of water or nutrients. The lateral mer- istems of some annuals, like sunflowers or giant ragweed, do produce poorly developed secondary tissues, but most are entirely herbaceous. Annuals typically die after flower- ing once, the developing flowers or embryos using hor- monal signaling to reallocate nutrients so the parent plant literally starves to death. This can be demonstrated by comparing a population of bean plants where the beans are continually picked with a population where the beans are left on the plant. The frequently picked population will continue to grow and yield beans much longer than the untouched population. The process that leads to the death of a plant is called senescence. Biennial Plants Biennial plants, which are much less common than an- nuals, have life cycles that take two years to complete. During the first year, biennials store photosynthate in underground storage organs. During the second year of growth, flowering stems are produced using energy stored in the underground parts of the plant. Certain crop plants, including carrots, cabbage, and beets, are bi- ennials, but these plants generally are harvested for food during their first season, before they flower. They are grown for their leaves or roots, not for their fruits or seeds. Wild biennials include evening primroses, Queen Anne’s lace, and mullein. Many plants that are considered biennials actually do not flower until they are three or more years of age, but all biennial plants flower only once before they die. Perennial Plants Perennial plants continue to grow year after year and may be herbaceous, as are many woodland, wetland, and prairie wildflowers, or woody, as are trees and shrubs. The majority of vascular plant species are perennials. Herbaceous perennials rarely experience any secondary growth in their stems; the stems die each year after a pe- riod of relatively rapid growth and food accumulation. Food is often stored in the plants’ roots or underground stems, which can become quite large in comparison to their less substantial aboveground counterparts. 850 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 42.4 How long do plants and plant organs live? FIGURE 42.20 Annual and perennial plants. Plants live for very different lengths of time. (a) Desert annuals complete their entire life span in a few weeks. (b) Some trees, such as the giant redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum), which occurs in scattered groves along the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada in California, live 2000 years or more. Trees and shrubs generally flower repeatedly, but there are exceptions. Bamboo lives for many seasons as a vegetative plant, but senesces and dies after flowering. The same is true for at least one tropical tree which achieves great heights before flowering and senescing. Considering the tremendous amount of energy that goes into the growth of a tree, this particular reproductive strategy is quite curious. Trees and shrubs are either deciduous, with all the leaves falling at one particular time of year and the plants remaining bare for a period, or evergreen, with the leaves dropping throughout the year and the plants never appear- ing completely bare. In northern temperate regions, conifers are the most familiar evergreens; but in tropical and subtropical regions, most angiosperms are evergreen, except where there is a severe seasonal drought. In these areas, many angiosperms are deciduous, losing their leaves during the drought and thus conserving water. Organ Abscission Senescence is an important developmental process that leads to the death of an organ, shoot, or the whole plant. Annual and biennial plants undergo whole plant senes- cence, but individual organs on any plant can also senesce and be shed. The process by which leaves or petals are shed is called abscission. One advantage to organ senescence is that nutrient sinks can be dispensed with. For example, shaded leaves that are no longer photosynthetically productive can be shed. Petals, which are modified leaves, may senesce once polli- nation occurs. Orchid flowers remain fresh for long periods of time, even in a florist shop. However, once pollination occurs, a hormonal change is triggered that leads to petal senescence. This makes sense in terms of allocation of en- ergy resources, as the petals are no longer necessary to at- tract a pollinator. On a larger scale, deciduous plants in temperate areas produce new leaves in the spring and then lose them in the fall. In the tropics, however, the produc- tion and subsequent loss of leaves in some species is corre- lated with wet and dry seasons. Evergreen plants, such as most conifers, usually have a complete change of leaves every two to seven years, periodically losing some but not all of their leaves. Abscission involves changes that take place in an abscis- sion zone at the base of the petiole (figure 42.21). Young leaves produce hormones (especially cytokinins) that in- hibit the development of specialized layers of cells in the abscission zone. Hormonal changes take place as the leaf ages, however, and two layers of cells become differenti- ated. (Despite the name, abscisic acid is not involved in this process.) A protective layer, which may be several cells wide, develops on the stem side of the petiole base. These cells become impregnated with suberin, which, as you will recall, is a fatty substance that is impervious to moisture. A separation layer develops on the side of the leaf blade; the cells of the separation layer sometimes di- vide, swell, and become gelatinous. When temperatures drop, the duration and intensity of light diminishes as the days grow shorter, or other environmental changes occur, enzymes break down the pectins in the middle lamellae of the separation cells. Wind and rain can then easily separate the leaf from the stem. Left behind is a sealed leaf scar that is protected from bacteria and other disease organisms. As the abscission zone develops, the green chlorophyll pigments present in the leaf break down, revealing the yel- lows and oranges of other pigments, such as carotenoids, that previously had been masked by the intense green col- ors. At the same time, water-soluble red or blue pigments called anthocyanins and betacyanins may also accumulate in the vacuoles of the leaf cells—all contributing to an array of fall colors in leaves (see figure 41.7a). Annual plants complete their whole growth cycle within a single year. Biennial plants flower only once, normally after two seasons of growth. Perennials flower repeatedly and live for many years. Abscission occurs when a plant sheds its organs. Chapter 42 Plant Reproduction 851 Petiole Separation layer Suberized cells of protective layer Axillary bud FIGURE 42.21 Leaf abscission. The abscission zone of a leaf. Hormonal changes in this zone cause abscission. Two layers of cells in the abscission zone differentiate into a protective layer and a separation layer. As pectins in the separation layer break down, wind and rain can easily separate the leaf from the stem. 852 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Chapter 42 Summary Questions Media Resources 42.1 Angiosperms have been incredibly successful, in part, because of their reproductive strategies. ? Angiosperms have been successful because they can be relatively drought-resistant, and smaller herbaceous angiosperms have relatively short life cycles. Most important, however, are their flowers and fruits. Flowers make possible the precise transfer of pollen and, therefore, outcrossing, even when the stationary individual plants are widely separated. Fruits, with their complex adaptations, facilitate the wide dispersal of angiosperms. ? Modification of floral parts, especially petals, has been key in facilitating pollination. Bilateral symmetry has evolved independently, multiple times. 1. What characteristics of early angiosperms are thought to contribute to their success. 2. What flower whorl is collectively made up of petals? With which other flower parts are the petals of most flowers homologous? 3. What is an androecium? Of which flower parts is it composed? www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Bees are the most frequent and constant pollinators of flowers. Insects often are attracted by the odors of flowers rather than color. Birds are attracted to red flowers, but not odors. ? Self-pollination reduces genetic variability among offspring. Outcrossing increases genetic diversity. ? Outcrossing in different angiosperms is promoted by the separation of stamens and carpels into different flowers, or even into different individuals. 4. What does it mean if a plant is dichogamous? Of what advantage is it to the plant? 5. Is it more likely that a flower visited by a social or a solitary bee will become highly specialized toward that bee? Why? 42.2 Flowering plants use animals or wind to transfer pollen between flowers. ? In asexual reproduction, plants clone new individuals from portions of adult roots, stems, leaves, or ovules. ? The progeny produced by asexual reproduction are all genetically identical to the parent individual, even when they are produced in the ovules (apomixis). 6. Why would a plant capable of sexual reproduction reproduce asexually? 7. You have just cloned a gene responsible for apomixis. Several corn breeders are very interested in your gene. Why? 42.3 Many plants can clone themselves by asexual reproduction. ? Plants can live for a single season or thousands of years. ? For annual and biennial plants, reproduction triggers senescence and death. ? Asexually reproducing plants can form clones that cover huge areas and/or live for many thousands of years. ? Plant organs and shoots can senesce and die while the whole plant thrives. Organ senescence is an efficient way to maximize the use of energy resources. 8. Some plants flower once and die; others flower multiple times, reaching great heights and diameters. What are the relative advantages of the two strategies? 9. How and why does leaf abscission occur? 42.4 How long do plants and plant organs live? ? Asexual Reproduction ? Gamete formation ? Fertilization 853 43 Plant Genomics Concept Outline 43.1 Genomic organization is much more varied in plants than in animals. Overview of Plant Genomics. As agrarian societies formed, people began to select for desirable traits. Until relatively recently, plant biologists focused their research efforts on variation in chromosomes, but work is now shifting increasingly to the molecular level. Organization of Plant Genomes. Plant genomes are more complex than those of other eukaryotic organisms due to the presence of multiple chromosome copies and extensive amounts of DNA with repetitive sequences. Comparative Genome Mapping and Model Systems. RFLP and AFLP techniques are useful for mapping traits in plant genomes. Despite the technical success in sequencing the Arabidopsis genome and other genomes, we still don’t know what most of these genes do and how the proteins they encode function in physiology and development. 43.2 Advances in plant tissue culture are revolutionizing agriculture. Overview of Plant Tissue Culture. Because plants are totipotent, bits of tissue can be used to regenerate whole plants. Types of Plant Tissue Cultures. Plant cells, tissues, and organs can be grown in an artificial culture medium, and some cells can be directed to generate whole plants. Applications of Plant Tissue Culture. Plant tissue cultures can be used for the production of plant products, propagation of horticultural plants, and crop improvement. 43.3 Plant biotechnology now affects every aspect of agriculture. World Population in Relation to Advances Made in Crop Production. It is uncertain whether advances made in crop production by improved farming practices and crop breeding can provide for an increasing world population. Plant Biotechnology for Agricultural Improvement. Plants can be genetically engineered to have altered levels of oils and amino acids and to provide vaccines. Methods of Plant Transformation. The genetic engineering of plants is based upon introduction of foreign DNA into plant cells. B y selective breeding favoring desired traits, people have been genetically modifying plants since agrarian soci- eties began. All of our key modern crops are the result of this long effort. Today, we have even more powerful tools, recombinant DNA technologies that are the subject of this chapter. This chapter looks ahead to the impact of these new technologies on the future of plants and our study of plant biology (figure 43.1). Both the Arabidopsis and rice genomes are essentially sequenced. Not only can we expect to learn much about the molecular basis of plant physiology and development from these rich databases; we will surely gain a far deeper understanding of plant evolution. FIGURE 43.1 Golden rice. Rice is the dietary staple of almost half the world’s population, but it lacks vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency leads to vision and immunity problems. Genetically engineered rice that produces vitamin A has now been developed. The rice is golden because a biosynthetic pathway has been genetically modified to produce gold-colored beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. Here, while rice is mixed in with golden rice. The intensity of golden color indicates the amount of pro-vitamin A present. regions of sequence repeats, sequence inversions, or trans- posable element insertions, which further modify their ge- netic content. Traditionally, variation in chromosome in- versions and ploidy has been used to build up a picture of how plant species have evolved (figure 43.3). Increasingly, researchers are turning to studying the organization of plant DNA sequences to obtain important information about the evolutionary history of a plant species. People have been genetically engineering plants for centuries by selecting for desired traits. Traditionally, biologists have examined variation among plants at the chromosome level; today, researchers are focusing more of their efforts at the DNA sequence level. 854 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Overview of Plant Genomics Early Approaches While the term genetic engineering is commonly used to describe plants and animals modified using recombinant DNA technology, people have actually been genetic engi- neers for thousands of years. As agrarian societies formed, changes in the gene pool within crop species began. For ex- ample, seed dispersal was selected against in maize and wheat. Without the ability to disperse seed, these domesti- cated plants are completely dependent on humans for seed dispersal. Rice was converted from a perennial plant to an annual plant without the seed dormancy mechanisms present in wild rice. Parts of the plant that were of most dietary value to humans and domesticated animals have been se- lected for increased size. These include seeds, fruits, and storage organs like roots in the case of carrots. All of these changes were accomplished without knowledge of particu- lar genes, by selecting and propagating individuals with the desired traits. Breeding Strategies to Enhance Yield At the beginning of the twentieth century, a growing un- derstanding of genetics increased the rate of crop improve- ment. Among the most dramatic agricultural developments was the introduction of hybrid corn. As corn breeding pro- gressed, highly inbred lines began to have decreased yield as deleterious recessive genes became homozygous. George Harrison Shull found that crossing two different inbred lines gave rise to offspring with “hybrid vigor.” The yield increased fourfold! Hybrid corn now grows in almost all fields in the United States. Hybrid rice developed by the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines has increased yield 20%. Breeders have now turned to specific genes to optimize food quality (see figure 43.1). Only a small percentage of the genes and their function have been identified, but we start this century with technologically powerful new ways to understand genomes. Studying Plant Genomes Plant genomes are more complex than other eukaryotic genomes, and analysis reveals many evolutionary flips and turns of the DNA sequences over time. Plants show widely different chromosome numbers and varied ploidy levels (figure 43.2). Overall, the size of plant genomes (both num- ber of chromosomes and total nucleotide base-pairs) ex- hibits the greatest variation of any kingdom in the biologi- cal world. For example, tulips contain over 170 times as much DNA as the small weed Arabidopsis thaliana (table 43.1). The DNA of plants, like animals, can also contain Table 43.1 Genome Size of Plants Genome Size Common (Millions of Scientific Name Name Base-Pairs) Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis 145 Prunus persica Peach 262 Ricinus communis Castor bean 323 Citrus sinensis Orange 367 Oryza sativa spp. javanica Rice 424 Petunia parodii Petunia 1,221 Pisum sativum Garden pea 3,947 Avena sativa Oats 11,315 Tulipa spp. Garden tulip 24,704 Source: From Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, by P. J. Lea and R. C. Leegods, eds. Copyright ? 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Limited. Reproduced with permission. 43.1 Genomic organization is much more varied in plants than in animals. Haploid Diploid Polyploid FIGURE 43.2 Chromosome numbers possible in plant genomes. Haploid: a set of chromosomes without their pairs; for example, the chromosome number present in a gamete. Diploid: a single set of chromosome pairs. Polyploid: multiple sets of chromosome pairs; for example, bananas have a triple set of chromosomes and are therefore polyploid. Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 855 Diploid: 2H115477 Tetraploid: 4H115477 Hexaploid: 6H115477 Diploid: 2H115477 Triticum monococcum (2n =14) AA Sterile hybrid (1n =14) AB Sterile hybrid(1n =21) ABC Triticum turgidum (2n =28) AABB Triticum aestivum (2n =42) AABBCC Triticum tauschii (2n =14) CC Diploid: 2H115477 Triticum searsii (2n =14) BB Chromosome doubling Chromosome doubling FIGURE 43.3 Evolutionary history of wheat. Domestic wheat arose in southwestern Asia in the hilly country of what is now Iraq. In this region, there is a rich assembly of grasses of the genus Triticum. Domestic wheat (T. aestivum) is a polyploid species of Triticum that arose through two so-called “allopolyploid” events. (1) Two different diploid species, AA and BB, hybridized to form an AB polyploid; the species were so different that A and B chromosomes could not pair in meiosis, so the AB polyploid was sterile. However, in some plants the chromosome number spontaneously doubled due to a failure of chromosomes to separate in meiosis, producing a fertile tetraploid species AABB. This wheat is used in the production of pasta. (2) In a similar fashion, the tetraploid species AABB hybridized with another diploid species CC to produce the hexaploid T. aestivum, AABBCC. This bread wheat is commonly used throughout the world. Organization of Plant Genomes Low-, Medium-, and High- Copy-Number DNA Most seed plants contain quantities of DNA that greatly exceed their needs for coding and regulatory function. Hence, for plants, a very small percent- age of the genome may actually encode genes involved in the production of protein. This portion of the genome which encodes most of the transcribed genes is often referred to as “low-copy- number DNA,” because the DNA se- quences comprising these genes are present in single or small numbers of copies. How do plants function with so much extra DNA inserted into the genome? It appears that most of these sequence alterations occur in noncoding regions. “Medium-copy-number DNA” is composed largely of DNA sequences that encode ribosomal RNA (rRNA), a key element of the cellular machinery that translates transcribed messenger RNA (mRNA) into protein. In plant genomes, rRNA genes may be repeated several hundred to several thousand times. This is in contrast to animal cells, where only 100 to 200 rRNA genes are normally present. The extent of vari- ability in plant genomes with respect to the number of rRNA genes and mutations in them has provided a useful tool for analyzing the evolutionary patterns of plant species. Plant cells may also contain excess DNA in their genomes in the form of highly repetitive sequences, or “high-copy-number DNA.” At present, the function of this high-copy-number DNA in plant genomes is un- known. Roughly half the maize genome is composed of such retroviral-like DNA. RNA retroviruses like HIV use their host genomes to make DNA copies that then insert into the host genome. Clearly, the effects of some retro- viruses can be lethal. How maize came to tolerate such a large amount of this foreign DNA is an evolutionary mystery. Sequence Replication and Inversion High-copy-number DNA sequences in the plant genome may be short, such as the nucleotide sequence “GAA,” or much longer, involving up to several hundred nucleotides. Moreover, the number of copies of an individual high- copy repetitive DNA sequence can total from 10,000 to 100,000. There are several possibilities for how high-copy repetitive DNA sequences may be organized within a plant genome (figure 43.4a). Several copies of a single repetitive DNA sequence may be present together in the same orientation, in a pattern called “simple tandem array.” Alternatively, repetitive DNA sequences can be dispersed among single-copy DNA in the same orienta- tion (“repeat/single-copy interspersion”) or the opposite orientation (“inverted repeats”). In addition, groups of repetitive DNA sequences can also occur together in plant genomes in a variety of possible arrangements, such as a “compound tandem array” or a “repeat/repeat intersper- sion.” The presence of repetitive DNA can vastly increase the size of a plant genome, making it difficult to find and characterize individual single-copy genes. Characterizing single-copy genes can thus become a sort of “needle-in- the-haystack” hunt. A variety of mechanisms can account for the presence of highly repetitive DNA sequences in plant genomes. Repetitive sequences can be generated by DNA sequence amplification in which multiple rounds of DNA replica- tion occur for specific chromosomal regions. Unequal crossing over of the chromosomes during meiosis or mi- tosis (translocation) or the action of transposable ele- ments (see next section) can also generate repetitive sequences. 856 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction (a) Different arrangements of repeated and inverted DNA sequences (b) Transposable element excision and reinsertion Simple tandem array Repeat/single-copy interspersion Inverted repeats Compound tandem array Repeat/repeat interspersion Single-copy gene Transposable element FIGURE 43.4 Organization of repeated DNA sequences and the mechanism of transposable elements in altering gene function. (a) Repeated DNA sequences can occur in plant genomes in several different arrangements. The arrows represent repeated DNA sequences. Arrows of the same size and color represent DNA sequences which are identical to each other. The direction of the arrowhead indicates the orientation of the DNA sequence. (b) Transposable elements can be a source of repetitive DNA that alters gene function. Following excision from its original location, a transposable element may reinsert in the single-copy DNA sequence comprising a gene and alter the gene’s function. Transposable Elements Transposable elements, described in chapter 18, are special sequences of DNA with the ability to move from place to place in the genome. They can excise from one site at un- predictable times and reinsert in another site. For this rea- son, transposable elements have been called “jumping genes.” Transposable elements often insert into coding re- gions or regulatory regions of a gene and so affect expres- sion of that gene, resulting in a mutation that may or may not be detectable (figure 43.4b). Barbara McClintock won the Nobel Prize in 1983 for her work describing transpos- able elements in corn (see figure 18.23). Due to their capacity to replicate independently and to move through the genome, transposable elements can also be involved in generating repetitive DNA sequences. This is believed to be the case with the extensive retroviral-like insertions in maize. Retention of the repetitive DNA se- quence at a particular site in the genome would involve in each instance a mutation in the transposable element itself which removes its capacity to transpose. Chloroplast Genome and Its Evolution The chloroplast is a plant organelle that functions in pho- tosynthesis, and it can independently replicate in the plant cell. Plant chloroplasts have their own specific DNA, which is separate from that present in the nucleus. This DNA is maternally inherited and encodes unique chloroplast pro- teins. Many of the proteins encoded by chloroplast DNA are involved in photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are thought to have originated from a photosynthetic prokaryote that be- came part of a plant cell by endosymbiosis. In support of this concept, research has shown that chloroplast DNA has many prokaryote-like features. Chloroplast DNA is present as circular loops of double-stranded DNA similar to prokaryotic chromosomal DNA. Moreover, chloroplast DNA contains genes for ribosomes that are very similar to those present in prokaryotes. The DNA in chloroplasts of all land plants has about the same number of genes (~100), and they are present in about the same order (figure 43.5). In contrast to the evolution of the DNA in the plant cell nucleus, chloroplast DNA has evolved at a more conservative pace, and therefore shows a more interpretable evolutionary pattern when scientists study DNA sequence similarities. Chloroplast DNA is also not subject to modification caused by transposable ele- ments and mutations due to recombination. Over time, there appears to have been some genetic exchange between the nuclear and chloroplast genomes. For example, the key enzyme in the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis (RUBISCO) consists of a large and small subunit. The small subunit is encoded in the nuclear genome. The protein it encodes has a targeting sequence that allows it to enter the chloroplast and combine with large subunits. The evolutionary history of the localization of these genes is a puzzle. A characteristic feature of the chloroplast genome is the presence of two identical inverted repeats in the DNA se- quence. Other DNA sequence inversions or deletions occur rarely, but when they do occur, they provide a char- acter or a tool to analyze evolutionary relationships be- tween plants. For instance, a large inversion in chloroplast DNA is found in the Asteraceae, or sunflower family, and not in other plant families. While previous work on the evolutionary relationships between plants has emphasized the comparative analysis of plant anatomy or morphology, there is increasing use of plant molecular data such as chloroplast DNA sequences. When considered together, morphological and molecular information can provide a clearer understanding of the evolutionary processes that govern biological diversity. Plant nuclear genomes may contain large amounts of DNA in comparison to other eukaryotic organisms, but only a small amount of this DNA represents functional genes. Excess DNA in plant genomes can result from increased chromosome copy number (polyploidy), and DNA sequence repeats. Chloroplast genomes evolve more slowly than nuclear genomes and can provide important evolutionary information. Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 857 Typical plant chloroplast genome Small single-copy region (~18 kb) Large single-copy region (~87 kb) Inverted repeat (~25 kb) FIGURE 43.5 Chloroplast genome. A schematic drawing of a typical plant chloroplast genome indicates two regions containing single-copy genes, one containing about 87,000 nucleotides (87 kb) and another about 18 kb, and two symmetrical inverted repeats, each containing about 25 kb. Chloroplast DNA does not show recombination events that are common in the nuclear genome. It is thus a good subject for DNA phylogenetic analysis. Comparative Genome Mapping and Model Systems Knowledge of plant genomes has been growing with the advent of new techniques to study DNA sequences, such as gene mapping and chromosome synteny. An increased un- derstanding of plant genomes can lead to better manipula- tion of genetic traits such as crop yield, disease resistance, growth abilities, nutritive qualities, or drought tolerance. Multiple genes could encode each of these traits. By genome mapping model plants, plant biologists can lay a foundation for future plant breeding and for an under- standing of plant evolution at the genetic level. One such model system, rice, has been chosen because it has a high level of synteny with other grains. In a genomic sense, “rice is wheat.” This provides a strong argument for rice as a model system. The other model system that has been se- lected in plants is Arabidopsis. This small weed that is a member of the mustard family has an unusually small genome with only 20% repetitive DNA (see table 43.1) which has made it possible to sequence the entire genome. Getting down to the level of individual base pairs is a step- wise process, as described below. RFLP and AFLP as Tools to Map Genomes and Detect Polymorphisms The classical approach to locating genes in linear order on chromosomes involves making crosses between plants with known genes identified by mutations. The frequency of re- combination is used to calculate distance (see chapter 13). The result is a genetic or linkage map. This approach is limited to genes with alleles that can be phenotypically identified. Much more of the genome can be mapped using RFLPs (restriction fragment length polymorphisms) which need not have a macroscopic phenotype. This approach, described in detail in chapter 19 (see figures 19.2, 19.4, 19.9, and 19.10), involves analysis of the RFLP map, or the pattern of DNA fragments, produced when DNA is treated with restriction enzymes that cleave at specific sites. RFLP mapping can identify important regions of the genome at a glance, while sequence data require sophisticated com- puter-based searching and matching systems. A comparison of the RFLP maps of parents and progeny can give an indi- cation of the heritability of gene traits and of heritable loci that are characteristic of traits. If the trait and the RFLP co-segregate, you have a direct link between the trait and the DNA sequence. Moreover, after full genomes are se- quenced at the nucleotide level, the genetic identification of RFLP markers in regions of interest will be facilitated. Remember, RFLPs are chunks of DNA that may contain a part of one or more genes. Currently, the most dense RFLP map is in rice where 2000 DNA sequences have been mapped onto 12 chromosomes. Another tool that utilizes sequence variability is AFLPs, or amplified fragment length polymorphisms. Hybridizing DNA primers with genomic DNA fragments that have been cut with restriction enzymes, usually EcoRI and MseI, and then subsequently amplified using the poly- merase chain reaction (PCR) generates AFLP maps. The resulting PCR products, which represent each piece of DNA cut by a restriction enzyme, are separated by size 858 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 43.6 AFLP fingerprint pattern from normal and “hypernodulating” soybeans. It is still not known what determines the nodule number in (a) a normal soybean root versus (b) a “hypernodulating” mutant. The slight genetic differences between these plants can be evaluated by AFLP (c). The banding pattern changes indicate what genetic markers are linked to the “hypernodulation” mutation. Lane 1: normal soybean DNA; Lane 2: “hypernodulating” soybean DNA. via gel electrophoresis. The band sizes on an AFLP gel tend to show more polymorphisms than those found with RFLP mapping because the entire genome is visible on the gel (figure 43.6). Both RFLPs and AFLPs (among many other tools for genome analysis) can provide mark- ers of traits which are inherited from parents to progeny through crosses. DNA Microarrays How can DNA sequences be made available to researchers, other than as databases of electronic information? DNA mi- croarrays are a way to link sequences with the study of gene function and make DNA sequences available to many. Also called biochips or “genes on chips,” these convenient assays for the presence of a particular version of a gene were dis- cussed in chapter 19. To prepare a particular DNA microar- ray, fragments of DNA are deposited on a microscope slide by a robot at indexed locations. Up to 10,000 spots can be displayed over an area of only 3.24 cm 2 (figure 43.7). The primary applications of microarrays are to determine which genes are expressed developmentally in certain tissues or in response to environmental factors. RNA from these tissues can be isolated and used as a probe for these microarrays. Only those sequences that are expressed in the tissues will be present to hybridize to the spot on the microarray. Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 859 DNA Arabidopsis genome DNA microarray DNA Flower-specific mRNA (sample 1) Reverse transcriptase Fluorescent nucleotide Reverse transcriptase Different fluorescent nucleotide cDNA probe cDNA probe Leaf-specific mRNA (sample 2) Probe 1 Probe 2 Strong signal from probe 2 Weak signal from probe 2 Strong signal from probe 1 Weak signal from probe 1 Similar signals from both probes Mix Hybridize 3. Samples of mRNA are obtained, for instance from two different tissues. Probes for each sample are prepared using a different fluorescent nucleotide for each sample. 4. The two probes are mixed and hybridized with the microarray. Fluorescent signals on the microarray are analyzed. 2. DNA is printed onto a microscope slide. 1. Target DNA is amplified by PCR. Robotic quill FIGURE 43.7 Microarrays. Microarrays are created by robotically placing DNA onto a microscope slide. The microarray can then be probed with RNA from tissues of interest to identify expressed DNA. The microarray with hybridized probes is analyzed and often displayed as a false-color image. If a gene is frequently expressed in one of the samples, the fluorescent signal will be strong (red or green) where the gene is located on the microarray. If a gene is rarely expressed in one of the samples, the signal will be weak (pink or light green). A yellow color indicates genes that are expressed at similar levels in each sample. Plant Genome Projects The potential of having complete ge- nomic sequences of plants is tremen- dous and about to be realized now that the Arabidopsis Genome Project is es- sentially complete. This project repre- sents a new paradigm in the way biol- ogy is done. The international effort brought together research teams with the expertise and tenacity to apply new sequencing technology to an entire genome, rather than single genes. Powerful databases are being con- structed to make this information ac- cessible to all. The completely se- quenced Arabidopsis genome will have far-reaching uses in agricultural breeding and evolutionary analysis. This information can be expected to help plant breeders in the future be- cause the localization of genes in one plant species can help indicate where that gene might also be located in an- other species (figure 43.8). In plant genomes, local gene order seems to be more conserved than the nucleotide sequences of homologous genes. Thus, the complete genomic sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana will facilitate gene cloning from many plant species, using information on relative genomic location as well as similarity of sequences. Sequencing the rice genome provides a model for a small monocot genome. Rice was selected, in part, be- cause its genome is 6, 10, and 40 times smaller than maize, barley, and wheat. These grains represent a major food source for humans. By understanding the rice genome at the level of its DNA sequence, it should be much easier to identify and isolate genes from grains with larger genomes. Even though these plants diverged more than 50 million years ago, the chromosomes of rice, corn, barley, wheat, and other grass crops show extensive con- served arrangements of segments (synteny) (figure 43.9). DNA sequence analysis of cereal grains will be important for identifying genes associated with disease resistance, crop yield, nutritional quality, and growth capacity. It will also be possible to construct an approximate map of the ancestral cereal genome. Functional Genomics and Proteomics Sequencing the Arabidopsis and rice genome represent major technological accomplishments. A new field of bioinformatics takes advantage of high-end computer technology to analyze the growing gene databases, look for relationships among genomes, and hypothesize func- tions of genes based on sequence. Genomics (the study of genomes) is now shifting gears and moving back to hypothesis-driven science. Again, an international com- munity of researchers has come together with a plan to assign function to all of the 20,000 to 25,000 Arabidopsis genes by 2010 (Project 2010). In many ways, the goal is to ultimately answer the questions we have raised in chapters 37 through 42. One of the first steps is to deter- mine when and where these genes are expressed. Each step beyond that will require additional enabling technol- ogy. Research will move from genomics to proteomics (the study of all proteins in an organism). Proteins are much more difficult to study because of posttranslational modification and formation of complexes of proteins. This information will be essential in understanding cell biology, physiology, development, and evolution. For ex- ample, how are similar genes used in different plants to create biochemically and morphologically distinct organ- isms? So, in many ways, we continue to ask the same questions that even Mendel asked, but at a much differ- ent level of organization. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) represent important tools for mapping genetic traits in plant genomes. Due to its short life cycle, small size, and small genome, the mustard relative Arabidopsis thaliana is being used as a model plant for genetic studies. The genome of rice is also essentially sequenced and will be a valuable model for other monocot cereal grains such as wheat, barley, oats, and corn. Assigning function to these genes is the next challenge. 860 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction FIGURE 43.8 Future directions in the genetic engineering of vegetable oils? Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 861 123 456 78 9101 12 ABCD FGH I 12345678 1234567 910 Rice genome Sugar cane chromosome segments Wheat chromosome segments Corn chromosome segments Genomic alignment (segment rearrangement) Rice Corn Wheat S ug ar ca n e FIGURE 43.9 Grain genomes are rearrangements of similar chromosome segments. Shades of the same color represent pieces of DNA that are conserved among the different species but have been rearranged. By splitting the individual chromosomes of major grass species into segments, and rearranging the segments, researchers have found that the genome components of rice, sugar cane, corn, and wheat are highly conserved. This implies that the order of the segments in the ancestral grass genome has been rearranged by recombination as the grasses have evolved. Data: G. Moore, K. M. Devos, Z. Wang, and M. D. Gale: “Grasses, line up and form a circle,” Current Biology 1995, vol. 5, pp. 737-739. 862 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Overview of Plant Tissue Culture One of the major hopes for the plant genome projects is using newly identified genes for biotechnology, and ad- vances in tissue culture are facilitating this. Having an agriculturally valuable gene in hand is just the beginning. With methods discussed in chapter 19 and below, desir- able genes can be introduced into plants, yielding trans- genic cells and tissues. Whole plants can than be regener- ated using tissue culture. While animals can now be cloned, the process is much simpler in plants. Many so- matic (not germ-line) plant cells are totipotent, which means they can express portions of their previously unex- pressed genes and develop into whole plants under the right conditions. The successful culture of plant cells, tissues, or organs requires utilizing the proper plant starting material, ap- propriate nutrient medium, and timing of hormonal treatments to maximize growth potential and drive differ- entiation (figure 43.10). Most plant tissue cultures are initiated from explants, or small sections of tissue re- moved from an intact plant under sterile conditions. After being placed on a sterile growth medium contain- ing nutrients, vitamins, and combinations of plant growth regulators, cells present in the explant will begin to di- vide and proliferate. Under appropriate culture condi- tions, plant cells can multiply and form organs (roots, shoots, embryos, leaf primordia, and so on) and can even regenerate a whole plant. The regeneration of a whole plant from tissue-cultured plant cells represents an im- portant step in the production of genetically engineered plants. Using plant tissue cultures, genetic manipulation can be conducted at the level of single cells in culture, and whole plants can then be produced bearing the intro- duced genetic trait. Plant cells growing in culture can also be used for the mass production of genetically identical plants (clones) with valuable inheritable traits. For example, this ap- proach of clonal propagation using plant tissue culture is commonly used in the commercial production of many ornamental plants such as chrysanthemums and ferns. As we will describe next, different types of cultures can be generated based on the initial type of plant tissue used for the explant and on the composition of the growth medium. It is often possible to regenerate an entire plant from one or a few cells. Depending on the plant tissue used and the growth medium selected, different types of cultures may be produced. 43.2 Advances in plant tissue culture are revolutionizing agriculture. (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 43.10 Culture of orchid plants. While the natural maturation of a single orchid plant may take up to seven years, commercial growers can produce thousands of cultured orchids in a relatively short time. (a) The apical meristem is removed from an orchid plant. (b) The meristematic tissue is grown in flasks containing hormone-enhanced media, and roots and shoots begin to form. (c) The plantlets are then separated and grown to maturity. Types of Plant Tissue Cultures Depending on the type of plant tissue used as the explant and the composition of the growth medium, a variety of different types of plant tissue cultures can be generated. These different types of plant tissue cultures have applica- tions both in basic plant research and commercial plant production. Callus Culture Callus culture refers to the growth of unorganized masses of plant cells in culture. To generate a callus culture, an ex- plant, usually containing a region of meristematic cells, is incubated on a growth medium containing certain plant growth regulators such as auxin and cytokinin (figure 43.11). The cells grow from the explant and divide to form an undifferentiated mass of cells called a callus. This unor- ganized mass of growing cells is analogous to a plant tumor. Cells can proliferate indefinitely if they are periodi- cally transferred to fresh growth media. However, if the callus cells are transferred to a growth medium containing a different combination of plant growth regulators, the cells can be directed to differentiate into roots and/or shoots. This process of converting unorganized growth into the production of shoots and roots is called organo- genesis, and it represents one means by which a whole plant can be regenerated from tissue culture cells. When a plantlet produced by organogenesis is large enough, it can be transferred to a large container with nutrients or soil and grown to maturity. Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 863 (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 43.11 Callus culture. (a) An explant is incubated on growth media. (b) The cells grow and divide and form a callus. (c) The callus cells, grown on media containing new plant growth regulators, differentiate into plant parts. (d) After the plantlet is large enough, it is grown to maturity in soil. Cell Suspension Culture Plant cell suspension culture involves the growth of single or small groups of plant cells in a liquid growth medium. Cell suspension cultures are usually initiated by the trans- fer of plant callus cells into a liquid medium containing a combination of plant growth regulators and chemicals that promote the disaggregation of the cells into single cells or small clumps of cells (figure 43.12). Continued cell growth requires that the liquid cultures be shaken at low speed to promote aeration and chemical exchange with the medium. Suspension cell cultures are often used in re- search applications where access to single cells is impor- tant. The suspension bath can provide an efficient means for selecting out cells with desirable traits such as herbi- cide tolerance or salt tolerance because the bath is in uni- form contact with all the cells at once. This differs from callus culture, where only those cells in contact with the solid medium can be selected by chemical additions to the medium. Suspension cultures can also provide a conve- nient means for producing and collecting the plant chemi- cals cells secrete. These can include important plant metabolites, such as food products, oils, and medicinal chemicals. In addition, plant suspension cell cultures can often be used to produce whole plants via a process known as somatic cell embryogenesis (figure 43.13). For some plants, this provides a more convenient means of regener- ating a whole plant after genetic engineering takes place at the single-cell level. In somatic cell embryogenesis, plant suspension culture cells are transferred to a medium con- taining a combination of growth regulators that drive dif- ferentiation and organization of the cells to form individ- ual embryos. Under a dissection microscope, these embryos can be isolated and transferred to a new growth medium, where they grow into individual plants. 864 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction FIGURE 43.12 Cell suspension culture. Plant cells can be grown as individual cells or small groups of cells in a liquid culture medium. Liquid suspension culture of plant cells ensures that most cells are in contact with the growth medium. (a) (e)(d) (b) (c) FIGURE 43.13 Somatic cell embryogenesis. A large number of plants can be cloned from a single soybean seed via somatic cell embryogenesis. (a) Immature soybean seeds placed on culture medium. (b) Embryos appear on the seeds after two weeks in culture. (c) Four embryos at different stages of development (globular, heart, torpedo, and plantlet). (d) Seedlings with shoots and roots. (e) Mature soybean plants. Protoplast Isolation and Culture Protoplasts are plant cells that have had their thick cell walls removed by an enzymatic process, leaving behind a plant cell enclosed only by the plasma membrane. Plant protoplasts have been extremely useful in research on the plant plasma membrane, a structure normally inaccessible due to its close association with the cell wall. Within hours of their isolation, plant protoplasts usually begin to resyn- thesize cell walls, so this process has also been useful in studies on cell wall production in plants. Plant protoplasts are also more easily transformed with foreign DNA using approaches such as electroporation (see the subsequent section). In addition, protoplasts isolated from different plants can be forced to fuse together to form a hybrid. If they are regenerated into whole plants, these hybrids formed from protoplast fusion can represent genetic com- binations that would never occur in nature. Hence, proto- plast fusion can provide an additional means of genetic en- gineering, allowing beneficial traits from one plant to be incorporated into another plant despite broad differences between the species. When either single or fused proto- plasts are transferred to a culture growth medium, cell wall regeneration takes place, followed by cell division to form a callus (figure 43.14). Once a callus is formed, whole plants can be produced either by organogenesis or by so- matic cell embryogenesis in culture. Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 865 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) FIGURE 43.14 Protoplast regeneration. Different stages in the recovery of intact plants from single plant protoplasts of evening primrose. (a) Individual plant protoplasts. (b) Regeneration of the cell wall and the beginning of cell division. (c, d) Aggregates of plant cells resulting from cell division which can form a callus. (e) Production of somatic cell embryos from the callus. ( f ) Recovery of a plantlet from the somatic cell embryo through the process described in figure 43.13. Anther/Pollen Culture In flowers, the anthers are the anatomical structures that contain the pollen. In normal flower develop- ment, the anthers mature and open to allow pollen dispersal. In anther cul- ture, anthers are excised from the flowers of a plant and then trans- ferred to an appropriate growth medium. After a short period of time, pollen cells can be manipulated to form individual plantlets, which can be grown in culture and used to pro- duce mature plants. The development of these plantlets usually proceeds through the formation of embryos (figure 43.15). Plants produced by an- ther/pollen culture can be haploid be- cause they were originally derived from pollen cells that have undergone meiosis. However, these plants may be sterile and thus not useful for breeding or genetic manipulation. On the other hand, plants derived from anther/pollen culture can be treated at an early stage with chemical agents such as colchicine, which allows chro- mosome duplication. Chromosome duplication results in the conversion of sterile haploid plants into fertile diploid organisms. Under these con- ditions, plants can be produced that are homozygous for every single trait, even those which tend to be recessive traits. On a cautionary note, not every cell exposed to colchicine becomes diploid. Some have unusual ploidy levels, and they can be screened for chromosome num- ber. The homozygous plants are useful tools, allowing breeders to introduce a normally recessive trait. Plant Organ Culture Plant organs can also be grown under culture conditions, and this has provided a useful tool in the study of plant organ development. For example, pollinated flowers of a plant such as a tomato can be excised and transferred to a culture flask containing an appropriate medium. Over time, the ovular portion of the plant will develop into a tomato fruit that will eventually turn red and ripen. Sec- tions of plant roots can also be excised and transferred to a liquid growth medium. In this medium, the roots can proliferate extensively, forming both primary and sec- ondary root branches (figure 43.16). Many plant cells are totipotent; a whole plant may be regenerated from a single plant cell. Depending upon the explant type, culture medium, and combinations of plant growth regulators, it is possible to grow plant cells, tissues, or organs in sterile cultures. 866 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 43.15 Anther culture. Callus formation from maize pollen. Anthers containing pollen can be regenerated on tissue culture medium. The pollen in the anthers contain a haploid set of chromosomes, which can be doubled to form a homozygous diploid cell. Regenerated homozygous diploid plants are important for plant breeding purposes. (a) Maize anthers in culture medium. (b) Callus formation from pollen. (c) Callus and shoot formation. FIGURE 43.16 Plant organ culture. Plant roots growing in a liquid culture medium. From small excised sections of plant roots, the roots will grow and proliferate with extensive lateral root formation (branching). Applications of Plant Tissue Culture In addition to the applications already described, plant tissue cultures have a variety of uses both in agriculture and in industry. Suspension Cultures as Biological Factories An important industrial application of plant tissue culture involves the use of plant cells as biological factories. Large-scale suspension cultures can be grown to produce antimicrobial com- pounds, antitumor alkaloids, vitamins, insecticides, and food flavors. Plant roots can also be grown in liquid cul- ture, creating a mesh of roots that can produce a number of useful plant com- pounds. Horticultural Uses Plants with valuable traits can be mass propagated through tissue-culture cloning. In this application of plant tis- sue culture, hundreds or even thou- sands of genetically identical plants can be produced by vegetative asexual propagation from one plant source. This has been extensively used in the flower industry where genetically iden- tical plants can be produced from a su- perior parent plant. Propagation of plant tissue in the sterile environment of the growth medium can also help in the production disease-free plants, such as those cultured from the meristematic (apical dome) tissue untouched by viruses or other diseases because it is new growth. This ap- proach has been particularly useful in the culture of dis- ease-free orchids and raspberries. Somaclonal Variation Plant tissue culture also has a problematic side effect that can be used as an asset under certain conditions. During periods of extended growth of plant cells in callus or sus- pension cell culture, various parts of the plant genome may become more or less “active” due to a release of control over gene expression. Transposable elements may also be- come more active, and chromosomal rearrangements may occur. Sometimes you end up with unusual numbers of chromosomes. This altered control provides a new source of genetic diversity that can result in novel traits which were not even present in the original plant material used as the explant to start the cultures (figure 43.17). This in- creased genetic diversity following extended time in tissue culture is called somaclonal variation. It can be problem- atic if the desired goal is the propagation or production of identical plant clones. However, somaclonal variation, in- duced by intentionally growing plant cells in tissue over a longer time period, can be very useful to generate novel plants with traits not currently present in a given gene pool. These traits can be identified either at the tissue cul- ture stage (for example, disease resistance or heat tolerance) or following the regeneration of whole plants by either organogenesis or embryogenesis (plant size, photosynthetic rates, and so forth). Plant cell, tissue, and organ cultures have important applications in agriculture and industry. Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 867 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 43.17 Somaclonal variation. Regeneration of plants from tissue culture can produce plants that are not similar to their parents due to chromosomal alterations. This variability can be used to select plants with altered traits. These maize plants show evidence of somaclonal variation. (a) Yellow leaf stripe. (b) Dwarf maize. (c) Yellow leaf tip. Plant biotechnology provides an efficient means to pro- duce an array of novel products and tools for use by our global society. Agricultural biotechnology has the poten- tial to increase farming revenue, lower the cost of raw ma- terials, and improve environmental quality. Plant genetic engineering is becoming a key tool for improving crop production. World Population in Relation to Advances Made in Crop Production Due in a large part to scientific advances in crop breeding and farming techniques, world food production has dou- bled since 1960. Moreover, productivity of agricultural land and water usage has tripled over this time period. While major genetic improvements have been made in crops through crop breeding, this can be a slow process. Furthermore, most crops grown in the United States pro- duce less than 50% of their genetic potential. These short- falls in yield are due in large part to the inability of crops to tolerate or adapt to environmental stresses (salt, water, and temperature), pests, and disease (figure 43.18). The world now farms an area the size of South America, but without the scientific advances of the past 30 years, farmland equaling the entire western hemisphere would be required to feed the world. Nevertheless, the world popula- tion is expected to double to 12 billion by the first half of this century, and it is not clear whether current levels of food production can keep pace with this rate of population growth. Many believe the exploitation of conventional crop breeding programs may have reached their limit. The ques- tion is how best to feed billions of additional people with- out destroying much of the planet in the process. In this re- spect, the disappearance of tropical rain forests, wetlands, and other vital habitats will accelerate unless agriculture becomes more productive and less taxing to the environ- ment. Advances in our understanding of plant reproduction from the molecular to the ecosystems levels are providing tools to further protect natural environments by preventing the spread of modified genes to wild populations. Although improved farming practices and crop breeding have increased crop yields, it is uncertain whether these approaches can keep pace with the food demands of an ever-increasing world population. 868 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction 43.3 Plant biotechnology now affects every aspect of agriculture. FIGURE 43.18 Corn crop productivity well below its genetic potential due to drought stress. Corn production can be limited by water deficiencies due to drought during the growing season in dry climates. Plant Biotechnology for Agricultural Improvement It seems certain that plant genetic engineering will play a major role in resolving the problem of feeding an increas- ing world population. The nutritional quality of crop plants is being improved by increasing the levels of nutrients they contain, such as beta-carotene and vitamins A, C, and E, which may protect people from health problems such as cancer and heart disease. Biotechnology is now being em- ployed to improve the quality of seed grains, increase pro- tein levels in forage crops, and transform plants to improve their resistance to disease, insects, herbicides, and viruses. Other stresses on plants, such as heat or salt, can be im- proved by engineering higher tolerance levels. Compared with approaches that rely on plant breed- ing, genetic engineering can compress the time frame re- quired for the development of improved crop varieties. Moreover, in genetic engineering, genetic barriers, such as pollen compatibility with the pistil, no longer limit the introduction of advantageous traits from diverse species into crop plants. Once a useful trait has been identified at the level of individual genes and their DNA sequences, the incorporation of this trait into a crop plant requires only the introduction of the DNA bearing these genes into the crop plant genome. The process of incorporating foreign DNA into an existing plant genome is called plant transformation. At present, there are several ap- proaches for plant transformation; the use of Agrobac- terium tumefaciens in this process was described in chapter 19. This approach works best if the plant being trans- formed is a dicot. However, many food crops, such as the cereal grains (rice, wheat, corn, barley, oats, and so on) are monocots. Two additional plant transformation methods that can be used with both dicots and monocots are discussed in the next section. Useful Traits That Can Be Introduced into Plants Although plant transformation represents a relatively new technology, extensive efforts are underway to utilize this approach to develop plants and food products with benefi- cial characteristics. We discussed a variety of biotechnolog- ical applications for crop improvement in chapter 19. Fur- ther applications of this approach involve modifications of nutritional quality of foods, phytoremediation, production of plastics, and using plants as “edible vaccines.” Improved Nutritional Quality of Food Crops. Approx- imately 75% of the world’s production of oils and fats come from plant sources. For medical and dietary reasons, there is a trend away from the use of animal fats and toward the use of high-quality vegetable oils. Genetic engineering has allowed researchers to modify seed oil biochemistry to produce “designer oils” for edible and nonedible products. One technique modifies canola oil to replace cocoa butter as a source of saturated fatty acids; others modify the en- zyme ACP desaturase for the creation of monounsaturated fatty acids in transgenic plants. High-lauric acid canola has been planted in several countries and used in both foods and soaps. Attempts are also underway to modify the amino acid contents of various plant seeds to present a more complete nutritional diet to the consumer. A high-lysine corn seed is being developed; this would cut down on the need for ly- sine supplements that are currently added to livestock feed. Biotechnology has the potential to make plant foods healthier and more nutritious for human consumption. Fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, may be engineered to contain increased levels of vitamins A and C and beta- carotene, which, when included in the human diet, may help protect against chronic diseases. Phytoremediation. Cleaning up environmental toxins to reclaim polluted land is an ongoing challenge. Genetically modified plants offer an enticing solution. Work is pro- gressing on plants that accumulate heavy metals at high concentrations. These plants can then be harvested. Be- cause most of their biomass is water, the dried plants allow for the collection of the metals in a small area. Organic compounds that pose hazards to human health have the po- tential to be taken up by plants and broken down into harmless components. Modified biochemical pathways are being used to break down toxic substances. Modified poplars, for example, have been engineered to break down TNT. Plants Bearing Vaccines for Human Diseases. An- other very interesting application of plant genetic engi- neering includes the introduction of “vaccine genes” into edible plants. Here, genes encoding the antigen (for ex- ample, a viral coat protein) for a particular human pathogen is introduced into the genome of an edible plant such as a banana, tomato, or apple via plant transforma- tion. This antigen protein would then be present in the cells of the edible plant, and a human individual that con- sumed the plant would develop antibodies against the pathogenic organism. Currently, researchers are trying to develop such edible vaccines for a coat protein of hepatitis B, an enterotoxin B of E. coli, and a viral capsid protein of the Norwalk virus. The measles gene has been introduced into tobacco as a model system and is now being intro- duced into lettuce and rice. This is a terrific advance for tropical areas where it is difficult to keep the traditional vaccine cold (remember that proteins degrade rapidly as the temperature increases). Genetic engineering of crop plants has allowed researchers to alter the oil content, amino acid composition, and vitamin content of food crops. Genetic engineering may also allow the production of food crops bearing “edible vaccines.” Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 869 Methods of Plant Transformation Plant Transformation Using the Particle Gun Using a “gun” to blast plant cells does not seem like a suit- able method for introducing foreign DNA into a plant genome. However, it works, and many whole plants have been regenerated after foreign DNA is shot through the cell wall and then integrated into the plant genome. The particle gun utilizes microscopic gold particles coated with the foreign DNA, shooting these particles into plant cells at high velocity. Acceleration of the particles to a sufficient velocity to pass through the plant cell wall can be achieved by a burst of high-pressure helium gas or an electrical dis- charge (figure 43.19a). Only a few cells actually receive the foreign DNA and survive this treatment. These cells are identified with the help of a selectable marker also present on the foreign DNA. The selectable marker allows only those cells receiving the foreign DNA to survive on a par- ticular growth medium (figure 43.20). The selectable markers include genes for resistance to a herbicide or an- tibiotic. Plant cells which survive growth in the selection medium are then tested for the presence of the foreign gene(s) of interest. Plant Transformation Using Electroporation Foreign DNA can also be “shocked” into cells that lack a cell wall, such as the plant protoplasts described earlier. A pulse of high-voltage electricity in a solution containing plant protoplasts and DNA briefly opens up small pores in the protoplasts’ plasma membranes, allowing the foreign DNA to enter the cell (figure 43.19b). Ideally, the DNA in- corporates into one of the plant’s chromosomes. Following electroporation, the protoplasts are transferred to a growth medium for cell wall regeneration, cell division, and, even- tually, the regeneration of whole plants. As with the use of the particle gun, a selectable marker is typically present in the foreign DNA, and protoplasts containing foreign DNA are selected based upon their ability to survive and prolifer- ate in a growth medium containing the selection treatment (antibiotic or herbicide). Once regenerated from electropo- rated protoplasts, whole plants can then be evaluated for the presence of the beneficial trait. Plant biotechnology may play an important role in the further improvement of crop plants. The particle gun and electroporation are useful methods for introducing foreign DNA into plants. 870 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Discharge chamber HV(+) HV(–) DNA coated gold particles on film Retaining screen Target cells/tissue (a) – + DNA Cells Voltage applied Transformed cell (b) FIGURE 43.19 Methods for plant transformation. (a) The particle gun is one method for introducing foreign DNA into plant cells. Here an electrical discharge propels DNA-coated gold particles into plant cells or tissue. A retaining screen reduces cellular damage associated with bombardment by only allowing the DNA-coated particles to pass and retaining fragments of the mounting film. (b) Foreign DNA can also be introduced into plant protoplasts by electroporation. A brief pulse of electricity generates pores in the plasma membrane, allowing DNA to enter the cells. FIGURE 43.20 Regeneration after transformation with the use of a selectable marker. Stages in the recovery of a plant containing foreign DNA introduced by the “particle gun” method for plant cell transformation. A selectable marker, in this case a gene for resistance to herbicide, aids in the identification and recovery of plants containing the DNA insert. (a) Embryonic callus just prior to particle gun bombardment. (b) Following bombardment, callus cells containing the foreign DNA are indicated by color from the gus gene used as a tag or label on the foreign DNA. (c) Shoot formation in the transformed plants growing on a selective medium. Here, the gene for herbicide resistance in the transformed plants allows growth on the selective medium containing the herbicide. Nontransformed plants do not contain the herbicide resistance gene and do not grow well. (d) Production of plantlets from transformed plants growing on the selective medium. (e) Comparison of growth on the selection medium for transformed plants bearing the herbicide resistance gene (left) and a nontransformed plant (right). ( f ) Mature transgenic plants resulting from this process. Chapter 43 Plant Genomics 871 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 872 Part XI Plant Growth and Reproduction Chapter 43 Summary Questions Media Resources 43.1 Genomic organization is much more varied in plants than in animals. ? Plant genomes are very large in comparison to other eukaryotes, mainly due to a high amount of repetitive DNA. ? Plant genomes can be compared with one another by mapping the locations of certain genes or gene traits in various plants. RFLPs and AFLPs can be used to map plant DNA. ? Arabidopsis thaliana has a small genome, for a plant. This complete genome is essentially sequenced, so all genes and their positions are known. ? The molecular maps of the genomes of rice and other grains demonstrate remarkable similarity. ? Functional genomics and proteomics will allow us to understand and utilize the information in fully se- quenced plant genomes. 1. Describe mechanisms for the generation of highly repetitive DNA in plants. 2. What characteristics of Arabidopsis thaliana make it useful as a model system in genetic studies and for the sequencing of its entire genome? Why is rice useful as a model system for the analysis of the genome of a monocot plant? 3. Why will microarrays be useful in functional genomics? 4. What type of questions can be asked now that the Arabidopsis and rice genomes are essentially sequenced? ? With the addition of appropriate combinations of plant growth regulators (auxin, cytokinin), plant cells in culture can be directed to form organs, embryos, or whole plants. ? Anther cultures can produce haploid plants or plants that are homozygous for all traits. ? Plant tissue culture has a number of practical applications, including the industrial production of plant chemicals, clonal propagation of horticultural plants, and the generation of disease-free plants. ? Growth of plant cells in tissue culture over extended time results in an increase in genetic variation called somaclonal variation. This variation can extend beyond the traits present in the gene pool and can generate novel genetic variations in breeding studies. 5. Describe how whole plants can be regenerated from tissue- cultured plant cells using either organogenesis or somatic cell embryogenesis. Which approach requires the use of suspension cell cultures? 6. How are plant protoplasts generated, and what is protoplast fusion? How can plant protoplasts be used to generate hybrid plants that would not occur in nature? 43.2 Advances in plant tissue culture are revolutionizing agriculture. ? Genetic engineering and biotechnology can be utilized to improve the quality of food crops, increase disease resistance, and improve the tolerance of crops to environmental stress. ? A key aspect of plant genetic engineering is the introduction of foreign DNA into plant cells. This can be achieved using a particle gun or electroporation. 7. Describe how the particle gun and electroporation can be used to introduce foreign DNA into plant cells. Which approach requires the use of plant protoplasts? Why? 8. How can a plant be “engineered” to produce an edible vaccine ? 43.3 Plant biotechnology now affects every aspect of agriculture. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Scientists on Science: Plant Biotechnology ? Student Research: Plant Crop Protection 873 Part Opener Title Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. 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Legend to come. 874 Part XII Animal Diversity Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Text to come. Part opener figure 2 title. Legend to come. 875 44 The Noncoelomate Animals Concept Outline 44.1 Animals are multicellular heterotrophs without cell walls. Some General Features of Animals. Animals lack cell walls and move more rapidly and in more complex ways than other organisms. The animal kingdom is divided into animals without symmetry and tissues, and animals with symmetry and tissues. Five Key Transitions in Body Plan. Over the course of animal evolution, the animal body plan has undergone many changes, five of them significant. 44.2 The simplest animals are not bilaterally symmetrical. Parazoa. Sponges are the most primitive animals, without either tissues or, for the most part, symmetry. Eumetazoa: The Radiata. Cnidarians and ctenophorans have distinct tissues and radial symmetry. 44.3 Acoelomates are solid worms that lack a body cavity. Eumetazoa: The Bilaterian Acoelomates. Flatworms are the simplest bilaterally symmetrical animals; they lack a body cavity, but possess true organs. 44.4 Pseudocoelomates have a simple body cavity. The Pseudocoelomates. Nematodes and rotifers possess a simple body cavity. 44.5 The coming revolution in animal taxonomy will likely alter traditional phylogenies. Reevaluating How the Animal Body Plan Evolved. The use of molecular data will most likely generate changes to traditional animal phylogenies. W e will now explore the great diversity of animals, the result of a long evolutionary history. Animals, con- stituting millions of species, are among the most abundant living things. Found in every conceivable habitat, they be- wilder us with their diversity. We will start with the sim- plest members of the animal kingdom—sponges, jellyfish, and simple worms. These animals lack a body cavity called a coelom, and are thus called noncoelomates (figure 44.1). The major organization of the animal body first evolved in these animals, a basic body plan upon which all the rest of animal evolution has depended. In chapters 45 through 48, we will consider the more complex animals. Despite their great diversity, you will see that all animals have much in common. FIGURE 44.1 A noncoelomate: a marine flatworm. Some of the earliest invertebrates to evolve, marine flatworms possess internal organs but lack a true cavity called a coelom. the zygote. Consequently, with a few exceptions, there is no counterpart among animals to the alternation of haploid (gametophyte) and diploid (sporophyte) generations char- acteristic of plants (see chapter 32). Embryonic Development. Most animals have a similar pattern of embryonic development. The zygote first under- goes a series of mitotic divisions, called cleavage, and be- comes a solid ball of cells, the morula, then a hollow ball of cells, the blastula. In most animals, the blastula folds in- ward at one point to form a hollow sac with an opening at one end called the blastopore. An embryo at this stage is called a gastrula. The subsequent growth and movement of the cells of the gastrula produce the digestive system, also called the gut or intestine. The details of embryonic development differ widely from one phylum of animals to another and often provide important clues to the evolu- tionary relationships among them. The Classification of Animals Two subkingdoms are generally recognized within the kingdom Animalia: Parazoa—animals that for the most part lack a definite symmetry and possess neither tissues nor or- gans, mostly comprised of the sponges, phylum Porifera; and Eumetazoa—animals that have a definite shape and symmetry and, in most cases, tissues organized into organs and organ systems. Although very different in structure, both types evolved from a common ancestral form (figure 44.2) and possess the most fundamental animal traits. All eumetazoans form distinct embryonic layers during development that differentiate into the tissues of the adult animal. Eumetazoans of the subgroup Radiata (having ra- dial symmetry) have two layers, an outer ectoderm and an inner endoderm, and thus are called diploblastic. All other eumetazoans, the Bilateria (having bilateral symme- try), are triploblastic and produce a third layer, the meso- derm, between the ectoderm and endoderm. No such lay- ers are present in sponges. The major phyla of animals are listed in table 44.1. The simplest invertebrates make up about 14 phyla. In this chapter, we will discuss 8 of these 14 phyla and focus in de- tail on 4 major phyla: phylum Porifera (sponges), which lacks any tissue organization; phylum Cnidaria (radially symmetrical jellyfish, hydroids, sea anemones, and corals); phylum Platyhelminthes (bilaterally symmetrical flat- worms); and phylum Nematoda (nematodes), a phylum that includes both free-living and parasitic roundworms. Animals are complex multicellular organisms typically characterized by high mobility and heterotrophy. Most animals also possess internal tissues and organs and reproduce sexually. 876 Part XII Animal Diversity Some General Features of Animals Animals are the eaters or consumers of the earth. They are heterotrophs and depend directly or indirectly on plants, photosynthetic protists (algae), or autotrophic bacteria for nourishment. Animals are able to move from place to place in search of food. In most, ingestion of food is followed by digestion in an internal cavity. Multicellular Heterotrophs. All animals are multicellu- lar heterotrophs. The unicellular heterotrophic organisms called Protozoa, which were at one time regarded as simple animals, are now considered to be members of the kingdom Protista, the large and diverse group we discussed in chap- ter 35. Diverse in Form. Almost all animals (99%) are inverte- brates, lacking a backbone. Of the estimated 10 million liv- ing animal species, only 42,500 have a backbone and are re- ferred to as vertebrates. Animals are very diverse in form, ranging in size from ones too small to see with the naked eye to enormous whales and giant squids. The animal king- dom includes about 35 phyla, most of which occur in the sea. Far fewer phyla occur in fresh water and fewer still occur on land. Members of three phyla, Arthropoda (spi- ders and insects), Mollusca (snails), and Chordata (verte- brates), dominate animal life on land. No Cell Walls. Animal cells are distinct among multicel- lular organisms because they lack rigid cell walls and are usually quite flexible. The cells of all animals but sponges are organized into structural and functional units called tis- sues, collections of cells that have joined together and are specialized to perform a specific function; muscles and nerves are tissues types, for example. Active Movement. The ability of animals to move more rapidly and in more complex ways than members of other kingdoms is perhaps their most striking characteristic and one that is directly related to the flexibility of their cells and the evolution of nerve and muscle tissues. A remark- able form of movement unique to animals is flying, an abil- ity that is well developed among both insects and verte- brates. Among vertebrates, birds, bats, and pterosaurs (now-extinct flying reptiles) were or are all strong fliers. The only terrestrial vertebrate group never to have had fly- ing representatives is amphibians. Sexual Reproduction. Most animals reproduce sexually. Animal eggs, which are nonmotile, are much larger than the small, usually flagellated sperm. In animals, cells formed in meiosis function directly as gametes. The hap- loid cells do not divide by mitosis first, as they do in plants and fungi, but rather fuse directly with each other to form 44.1 Animals are multicellular heterotrophs without cell walls. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 877 ? Radiata (Cnidaria and Ctenophora) Porifera (sponges) Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Nematoda (roundworms) Rotifera (rotifers) Mollusca Annelida Arthropoda Lophophorates Echinodermata Chordata Ancestral protist Multicellularity Tissues Bilateral symmetry Body cavity Coelom Deuterostome development, Endoskeleton Notochord, Segmentation, Jointed appendages Jointed appendages, Exoskeleton Segmentation Protostome development Pseudocoel No body cavity Radial symmetry No true tissues Parazoa Radiata Acoelomates Pseudocoelomates Eumetazoa Bilateria Protostomes Segmented Coelomates Deuterostomes Segmented 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 FIGURE 44.2 A possible phylogeny of the major groups of the kingdom Animalia. Transitions in the animal body plan are identified along the branches; the five key advances are the evolution of tissues, bilateral symmetry, a body cavity, protostome and deuterostome development, and segmentation. 878 Part XII Animal Diversity Table 44.1 The Major Animal Phyla Approximate Number of Phylum Typical Examples Key Characteristics Named Species Arthropoda (arthropods) Mollusca (mollusks) Chordata (chordates) Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Nematoda (roundworms) Annelida (segmented worms) Beetles, other insects, crabs, spiders Snails, oysters, octopuses, nudibranchs Mammals, fish, reptiles, birds, amphibians Planaria, tapeworms, liver flukes Ascaris, pinworms, hookworms, Filaria Earthworms, polychaetes, beach tube worms, leeches Most successful of all animal phyla; chitinous exoskeleton covering segmented bodies with paired, jointed appendages; many insect groups have wings Soft-bodied coelomates whose bodies are divided into three parts: head-foot, visceral mass, and mantle; many have shells; almost all possess a unique rasping tongue, called a radula; 35,000 species are terrestrial Segmented coelomates with a notochord; possess a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a tail at some stage of life; in vertebrates, the notochord is replaced during development by the spinal column; 20,000 species are terrestrial Solid, unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical worms; no body cavity; digestive cavity, if present, has only one opening Pseudocoelomate, unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical worms; tubular digestive tract passing from mouth to anus; tiny; without cilia; live in great numbers in soil and aquatic sediments; some are important animal parasites Coelomate, serially segmented, bilaterally symmetrical worms; complete digestive tract; most have bristles called setae on each segment that anchor them during crawling 1,000,000 110,000 42,500 20,000 12,000 + 12,000 Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 879 Table 44.1 The Major Animal Phyla (continued) Approximate Number of Phylum Typical Examples Key Characteristics Named Species Cnidaria (cnidarians) Echinodermata (echinoderms) Porifera (sponges) Bryozoa (moss animals) Rotifera (wheel animals) Jellyfish, hydra, corals, sea anemones Sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers Barrel sponges, boring sponges, basket sponges, vase sponges Bowerbankia, Plumatella, sea mats, sea moss Rotifers Soft, gelatinous, radially symmetrical bodies whose digestive cavity has a single opening; possess tentacles armed with stinging cells called cnidocytes that shoot sharp harpoons called nematocysts; almost entirely marine Deuterostomes with radially symmetrical adult bodies; endoskeleton of calcium plates; five-part body plan and unique water vascular system with tube feet; able to regenerate lost body parts; marine Asymmetrical bodies without distinct tissues or organs; saclike body consists of two layers breached by many pores; internal cavity lined with food-filtering cells called choanocytes; most marine (150 species live in fresh water) Microscopic, aquatic deuterostomes that form branching colonies, possess circular or U-shaped row of ciliated tentacles for feeding called a lophophore that usually protrudes through pores in a hard exoskeleton; also called Ectoprocta because the anus or proct is external to the lophophore; marine or freshwater Small, aquatic pseudocoelomates with a crown of cilia around the mouth resembling a wheel; almost all live in fresh water 10,000 6,000 5,150 4,000 2,000 880 Part XII Animal Diversity Table 44.1 The Major Animal Phyla (continued) Approximate Number of Phylum Typical Examples Key Characteristics Named Species Five phyla of minor worms Brachiopoda (lamp shells) Velvet worms, acorn worms, arrow worms, giant tube worms Comb jellies, sea walnuts Phoronis Nanaloricus mysticus Chaetognatha (arrow worms): coelomate deuterostomes; bilaterally symmetrical; large eyes (some) and powerful jaws Hemichordata (acorn worms): marine worms with dorsal and ventral nerve cords Onychophora (velvet worms): protostomes with a chitinous exoskeleton; evolutionary relics Pogonophora (tube worms): sessile deep- sea worms with long tentacles; live within chitinous tubes attached to the ocean floor Nemertea (ribbon worms): acoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical marine worms with long extendable proboscis Like bryozoans, possess a lophophore, but within two clamlike shells; more than 30,000 species known as fossils Lingula Ctenophora (sea walnuts) Phoronida (phoronids) Loricifera (loriciferans) Gelatinous, almost transparent, often bioluminescent marine animals; eight bands of cilia; largest animals that use cilia for locomotion; complete digestive tract with anal pore Lophophorate tube worms; often live in dense populations; unique U-shaped gut, instead of the straight digestive tube of other tube worms Tiny, bilaterally symmetrical, marine pseudocoelomates that live in spaces between grains of sand; mouthparts include a unique flexible tube; a recently discovered animal phylum (1983) 980 250 100 12 6 Five Key Transitions in Body Plan 1. Evolution of Tissues The simplest animals, the Parazoa, lack both defined tis- sues and organs. Characterized by the sponges, these ani- mals exist as aggregates of cells with minimal intercellular coordination. All other animals, the Eumetazoa, have dis- tinct tissues with highly specialized cells. The evolution of tissues is the first key transition in the animal body plan. 2. Evolution of Bilateral Symmetry Sponges also lack any definite symmetry, growing asym- metrically as irregular masses. Virtually all other animals have a definite shape and symmetry that can be defined along an imaginary axis drawn through the animal’s body. Animals with symmetry belong to either the Radiata, ani- mals with radial symmetry, or the Bilateria, animals with bilateral symmetry. Radial Symmetry. Symmetrical bodies first evolved in marine animals belonging to two phyla: Cnidaria (jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals) and Ctenophora (comb jellies). The bodies of members of these two phyla, the Radiata, ex- hibit radial symmetry, a body design in which the parts of the body are arranged around a central axis in such a way that any plane passing through the central axis divides the organism into halves that are approximate mirror images (figure 44.3a). Bilateral Symmetry. The bodies of all other animals, the Bilateria, are marked by a fundamental bilateral symme- try, a body design in which the body has a right and a left half that are mirror images of each other (figure 44.3b). A bilaterally symmetrical body plan has a top and a bottom, better known respectively as the dorsal and ventral portions of the body. It also has a front, or anterior end, and a back, or posterior end. In some higher animals like echinoderms (starfish), the adults are radially symmetrical, but even in them the larvae are bilaterally symmetrical. Bilateral symmetry constitutes the second major evolu- tionary advance in the animal body plan. This unique form of organization allows parts of the body to evolve in differ- ent ways, permitting different organs to be located in dif- ferent parts of the body. Also, bilaterally symmetrical ani- mals move from place to place more efficiently than radially symmetrical ones, which, in general, lead a sessile or passively floating existence. Due to their increased mo- bility, bilaterally symmetrical animals are efficient in seek- ing food, locating mates, and avoiding predators. During the early evolution of bilaterally symmetrical an- imals, structures that were important to the organism in monitoring its environment, and thereby capturing prey or avoiding enemies, came to be grouped at the anterior end. Other functions tended to be located farther back in the body. The number and complexity of sense organs are much greater in bilaterally symmetrical animals than they are in radially symmetrical ones. Much of the nervous system in bilaterally symmetrical animals is in the form of major longitudinal nerve cords. In a very early evolutionary advance, nerve cells became grouped around the anterior end of the body. These nerve cells probably first functioned mainly to transmit impulses from the anterior sense organs to the rest of the nervous system. This trend ultimately led to the evolution of a defi- nite head and brain area, a process called cephalization, as well as to the increasing dominance and specialization of these organs in the more advanced animal phyla. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 881 (a) (b) Ventral Dorsal Anterior Posterior F rontal plane Sagittal plane T r ansv erse plane FIGURE 44.3 A comparison of radial and bilateral symmetry. (a) Radially symmetrical animals, such as this sea anemone, can be bisected into equal halves in any two-dimensional plane. (b) Bilaterally symmetrical animals, such as this squirrel, can only be bisected into equal halves in one plane (the sagittal plane). 3. Evolution of a Body Cavity A third key transition in the evolution of the animal body plan was the evolu- tion of the body cavity. The evolution of efficient organ systems within the animal body was not possible until a body cavity evolved for supporting or- gans, distributing materials, and foster- ing complex developmental interac- tions. The presence of a body cavity allows the digestive tract to be larger and longer. This longer passage allows for storage of undigested food, longer ex- posure to enzymes for more complete digestion, and even storage and final processing of food remnants. Such an arrangement allows an animal to eat a great deal when it is safe to do so and then to hide during the digestive process, thus limiting the animal’s exposure to predators. The tube within the body cavity architecture is also more flexible, thus allowing the animal greater freedom to move. An internal body cavity also provides space within which the gonads (ovaries and testes) can expand, allowing the ac- cumulation of large numbers of eggs and sperm. Such stor- age capacity allows the diverse modifications of breeding strategy that characterize the more advanced phyla of ani- mals. Furthermore, large numbers of gametes can be stored and released when the conditions are as favorable as possi- ble for the survival of the young animals. Kinds of Body Cavities. Three basic kinds of body plans evolved in the Bilateria. Acoelomates have no body cavity. Pseudocoelomates have a body cavity called the pseudo- coel located between the mesoderm and endoderm. A third way of organizing the body is one in which the fluid-filled body cavity develops not between endoderm and meso- derm, but rather entirely within the mesoderm. Such a body cavity is called a coelom, and animals that possess such a cavity are called coelomates. In coelomates, the gut is suspended, along with other organ systems of the animal, within the coelom; the coelom, in turn, is surrounded by a layer of epithelial cells entirely derived from the mesoderm. The portion of the epithelium that lines the outer wall of the coelom is called the parietal peritoneum, and the por- tion that covers the internal organs suspended within the cavity is called the visceral peritoneum (figure 44.4). The development of the coelom poses a problem—cir- culation—solved in pseudocoelomates by churning the fluid within the body cavity. In coelomates, the gut is again surrounded by tissue that presents a barrier to dif- fusion, just as it was in solid worms. This problem is solved among coelomates by the development of a circu- latory system, a network of vessels that carries fluids to parts of the body. The circulating fluid, or blood, carries nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and removes wastes and carbon dioxide. Blood is usually pushed through the circulatory system by contraction of one or more muscu- lar hearts. In an open circulatory system, the blood passes from vessels into sinuses, mixes with body fluid, and then reenters the vessels later in another location. In a closed circulatory system, the blood is physically sep- arated from other body fluids and can be separately con- trolled. Also, blood moves through a closed circulatory system faster and more efficiently than it does through an open system. The evolutionary relationship among coelomates, pseudocoelomates, and acoelomates is not clear. Acoelo- mates, for example, could have given rise to coelomates, but scientists also cannot rule out the possibility that acoelomates were derived from coelomates. The different phyla of pseudocoelomates form two groups that do not appear to be closely related. Advantages of a Coelom. What is the functional dif- ference between a pseudocoel and a coelom? The answer has to do with the nature of animal embryonic develop- ment. In animals, development of specialized tissues in- volves a process called primary induction in which one of the three primary tissues (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) interacts with another. The interaction re- quires physical contact. A major advantage of the coelo- mate body plan is that it allows contact between meso- derm and endoderm, so that primary induction can occur during development. For example, contact between mesoderm and endoderm permits localized portions of the digestive tract to develop into complex, highly spe- cialized regions like the stomach. In pseudocoelomates, mesoderm and endoderm are separated by the body cav- ity, limiting developmental interactions between these tissues that ultimately limits tissue specialization and development. 882 Part XII Animal Diversity Ectoderm Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Pseudocoel Ectoderm Mesoderm Visceral peritoneum Coelomic cavity Endoderm Parietal peritoneum Mesoderm Endoderm Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate Coelomate FIGURE 44.4 Three body plans for bilaterally symmetrical animals. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 883 4. The Evolution of Protostome and Deuterostome Development Two outwardly dissimilar large phyla, Echinodermata (starfish) and Chordata (vertebrates), together with two smaller phyla, have a series of key embryological features different from those shared by the other animal phyla. Be- cause it is extremely unlikely that these features evolved more than once, it is believed that these four phyla share a common ancestry. They are the members of a group called the deuterostomes. Members of the other coelomate ani- mal phyla are called protostomes. Deuterostomes evolved from protostomes more than 630 million years ago. Deuterostomes, like protostomes, are coelomates. They differ fundamentally from protostomes, however, in the way in which the embryo grows. Early in embryonic growth, when the embryo is a hollow ball of cells, a por- tion invaginates inward to form an opening called the blastopore. The blastopore of a protostome becomes the animal’s mouth, and the anus develops at the other end. In a deuterostome, by contrast, the blastopore becomes the animal’s anus, and the mouth develops at the other end (figure 44.5). Deuterostomes differ in many other aspects of embryo growth, including the plane in which the cells divide. Per- haps most importantly, the cells that make up an embry- onic protostome each contain a different portion of the regulatory signals present in the egg, so no one cell of the embryo (or adult) can develop into a complete organism. In marked contrast, any of the cells of a deuterostome can de- velop into a complete organism. 5. The Evolution of Segmentation The fifth key transition in the animal body plan involved the subdivision of the body into segments. Just as it is effi- cient for workers to construct a tunnel from a series of identical prefabricated parts, so segmented animals are “as- sembled” from a succession of identical segments. During the animal’s early development, these segments become most obvious in the mesoderm but later are reflected in the ectoderm and endoderm as well. Two advantages result from early embryonic segmentation: 1. In annelids and other highly segmented animals, each segment may go on to develop a more or less com- plete set of adult organ systems. Damage to any one segment need not be fatal to the individual because the other segments duplicate that segment’s func- tions. 2. Locomotion is far more effective when individual segments can move independently because the animal as a whole has more flexibility of movement. Because the separations isolate each segment into an individ- ual skeletal unit, each is able to contract or expand autonomously in response to changes in hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, a long body can move in ways that are often quite complex. Segmentation, also referred to as metamerism, underlies the organization of all advanced animal body plans. In some adult arthropods, the segments are fused, but seg- mentation is usually apparent in their embryological devel- opment. In vertebrates, the backbone and muscular areas are segmented, although segmentation is often disguised in the adult form. True segmentation is found in only three phyla: the annelids, the arthropods, and the chordates, al- though this trend is evident in many phyla. Five key transitions in body design are responsible for most of the differences we see among the major animal phyla: the evolution of (1) tissues, (2) bilateral symmetry, (3) a body cavity, (4) protostome and deuterostome development, and (5) segmentation. Invagination in early embryo Invagination in early embryo Blastopore Anus Anus Mouth Mouth (a) Protostomes (b) Deuterostomes Blastopore Ectoderm Mesoderm cells Endoderm Ectoderm Endoderm Mesoderm FIGURE 44.5 The fate of the blastopore. (a) In protostomes, the blastopore becomes the animal’s mouth. (b) In deuterostomes, the blastopore becomes the animal’s anus. Parazoa The sponges are Parazoans, animals that lack tissues and organs and a defi- nite symmetry. However, sponges, like all animals, have true, complex multicellularity, unlike their protistan ancestors. The body of a sponge con- tains several distinctly different types of cells whose activities are loosely co- ordinated with one another. As we will see, the coordination between cell types in the eumetazoans increases and becomes quite complex. The Sponges There are perhaps 5000 species of marine sponges, phylum Porifera, and about 150 species that live in fresh water. In the sea, sponges are abundant at all depths. Although some sponges are tiny, no more than a few millimeters across, some, like the loggerhead sponges, may reach 2 meters or more in diameter. A few small ones are radially symmetrical, but most members of this phylum completely lack symmetry. Many sponges are colonial. Some have a low and encrusting form, while oth- ers may be erect and lobed, some- times in complex patterns. Although larval sponges are free-swimming, adults are sessile, or anchored in place to submerged objects. Sponges, like all animals, are composed of multiple cell types (see figure 44.7), but there is relatively little coordination among sponge cells. A sponge seems to be little more than a mass of cells embedded in a gelatinous matrix, but these cells recognize one another with a high degree of fidelity and are specialized for different functions of the body. The basic structure of a sponge can best be understood by examining the form of a young individual. A small, anatomically simple sponge first attaches to a substrate and then grows into a vaselike shape. The walls of the “vase” have three functional layers. First, facing into the internal cavity are specialized flagellated cells called choanocytes, or collar cells. These cells line either the entire body cavity or, in many large and more complex sponges, specialized chambers. Sec- ond, the bodies of sponges are bounded by an outer epithelial layer consisting of flattened cells some- what like those that make up the ep- ithelia, or outer layers, of other ani- mal phyla. Some portions of this layer contract when touched or ex- posed to appropriate chemical stim- uli, and this contraction may cause some of the pores to close. Third, between these two layers, sponges consist mainly of a gelatinous, pro- tein-rich matrix called the mesohyl, within which various types of amoe- boid cells occur. In addition, many kinds of sponges have minute nee- dles of calcium carbonate or silica known as spicules, or fibers of a tough protein called spongin, or both, within this matrix. Spicules and spongin strengthen the bodies of the sponges in which they occur. A spongin skeleton is the model for the bathtub sponge, once the skeleton of a real animal, but now largely known from its cellulose and plastic mimics. Sponges feed in a unique way. The beating of flagella that line the inside of the sponge draws water in through numerous small pores; the name of the phylum, Porifera, refers to this system of pores. Plankton and other small organisms are filtered from the water, which flows through passageways and eventually is forced out through an osculum, a special- ized, larger pore (figure 44.6). Choanocytes. Each choanocyte closely resembles a protist with a sin- gle flagellum (figure 44.7), a similarity that reflects its evolutionary deriva- tion. The beating of the flagella of the many choanocytes that line the body cavity draws water in through the pores and through the sponge, thus bringing in food and oxygen and expelling wastes. Each choanocyte flagellum beats independently, and the pressure they create collectively in the cavity forces water out of the osculum. In some sponges, the inner wall of the body cavity is highly convoluted, increasing the surface area and, therefore, the number of flagella that can drive the water. In such a sponge, 1 cubic centimeter of sponge can propel more than 20 liters of water a day. 884 Part XII Animal Diversity 44.2 The simplest animals are not bilaterally symmetrical. Sponges Cnidar ians Flatw or ms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Ar thropods Echinoder ms Chordates FIGURE 44.6 Aplysina longissima. This beautiful, bright blue and yellow elongated sponge is found on deep regions of coral reefs. The oscula are ringed with yellow. Reproduction in Sponges. Some sponges will re-form themselves once they have passed through a silk mesh. Thus, as you might suspect, sponges frequently repro- duce by simply breaking into fragments. If a sponge breaks up, the resulting fragments usually are able to re- constitute whole new individuals. Sexual reproduction is also exhibited by sponges, with some mature individuals producing eggs and sperm. Larval sponges may undergo their initial stages of development within the parent. They have numerous external, flagellated cells and are free-swimming. After a short planktonic stage, they settle down on a suitable substrate, where they begin their transformation into adults. Sponges probably represent the most primitive animals, possessing multicellularity but neither tissue-level development nor body symmetry. Their cellular organization hints at the evolutionary ties between the unicellular protists and the multicellular animals. Sponges are unique in the animal kingdom in possessing choanocytes, special flagellated cells whose beating drives water through the body cavity. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 885 The body of a sponge is lined with cells called choanocytes and is perforated by many tiny pores through which water enters. Sponges are multicellular, containing many different cell types, such as amoebocytes and choanocytes. The beating flagella of the many choanocytes draw water in through the pores, through the sponge, and eventually out through the osculum. When a choanocyte beats its flagellum, water is drawn down through openings in its collar, where food particles become trapped. The particles are then devoured by endocytosis. Each choanocyte is exactly like a type of unicellular protist called a choanoflagellate. It seems certain that these protists are the ancestors of the sponges, and probably of all animals. Between the outer wall and the body cavity of the sponge body are amoeboid cells called amoebocytes that secrete hard mineral needles called spicules and tough protein fibers called spongin. These structures strengthen and protect the sponge. Osculum Pore Water Pore Spicule Spongin Choanocyte Choanocyte Collar Flagellum Nucleus Amoebocyte Epithelial wall PHYLUM PORIFERA: Multicellularity FIGURE 44.7 The body of a sponge is multicellular. The first evolutionary advance seen in animals is complex multicellularity, in which individuals are composed of many highly specialized kinds of cells. Eumetazoa: The Radiata The subkingdom Eumetazoa contains animals that evolved the first key transition in the animal body plan: distinct tissues. Two distinct cell layers form in the embryos of these animals: an outer ectoderm and an inner endo- derm. These embryonic tissues give rise to the basic body plan, differenti- ating into the many tissues of the adult body. Typically, the outer cov- ering of the body (called the epider- mis) and the nervous system develop from the ectoderm, and the layer of digestive tissue (called the gastroder- mis) develops from the endoderm. A layer of gelatinous material, called the mesoglea, lies between the epidermis and gastrodermis and contains the muscles in most eumetazoans. Eumetazoans also evolved true body symmetry and are divided into two major groups. The Radiata in- cludes two phyla of radially symmet- rical organisms, Cnidaria (pro- nounced ni-DAH-ree-ah), the cnidarians—hydroids, jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals—and Ctenophora (pronounced tea-NO-fo- rah), the comb jellies, or ctenophores. All other eumetazoans are in the Bila- teria and exhibit a fundamental bilat- eral symmetry. The Cnidarians Cnidarians are nearly all marine, al- though a few live in fresh water. These fascinating and simply con- structed animals are basically gelati- nous in composition. They differ markedly from the sponges in organi- zation; their bodies are made up of distinct tissues, although they have not evolved true organs. These animals are carnivores. For the most part, they do not actively move from place to place, but rather capture their prey (which includes fishes, crustaceans, and many other kinds of animals) with the tentacles that ring their mouths. Cnidarians may have two basic body forms, polyps and medusae (figure 44.8). Polyps are cylindrical and are usu- ally found attached to a firm substrate. They may be soli- tary or colonial. In a polyp, the mouth faces away from the substrate on which the animal is growing, and, therefore, often faces upward. Many polyps build up a chitinous or calcareous (made up of calcium car- bonate) external or internal skeleton, or both. Only a few polyps are free- floating. In contrast, most medusae are free-floating and are often um- brella-shaped. Their mouths usually point downward, and the tentacles hang down around them. Medusae, particularly those of the class Scyphozoa, are commonly known as jellyfish because their mesoglea is thick and jellylike. Many cnidarians occur only as polyps, while others exist only as medusae; still others alternate be- tween these two phases during their life cycles. Both phases consist of diploid individuals. Polyps may re- produce asexually by budding; if they do, they may produce either new polyps or medusae. Medusae repro- duce sexually. In most cnidarians, fer- tilized eggs give rise to free-swim- ming, multicellular, ciliated larvae known as planulae. Planulae are com- mon in the plankton at times and may be dispersed widely in the currents. A major evolutionary innovation in cnidarians, compared with sponges, is the internal extracellular digestion of food (figure 44.9). Digestion takes place within a gut cavity, rather than only within individual cells. Digestive enzymes are released from cells lining the walls of the cavity and partially break down food. Cells lining the gut subsequently engulf food fragments by phagocytosis. The extracellular fragmentation that precedes phagocytosis and intra- cellular digestion allows cnidarians to digest animals larger than individual cells, an important improvement over the strictly intracellular diges- tion of sponges. Nets of nerve cells coordinate contraction of cnidarian muscles, apparently with little central control. Cnidarians have no blood vessels, respiratory system, or excretory organs. On their tentacles and sometimes on their body surface, cnidarians bear specialized cells called cnidocytes. The name of the phylum Cnidaria refers to these cells, which are highly distinctive and occur in no other group of organisms. Within each cnidocyte is a nematocyst, a small but powerful “har- poon.” Each nematocyst features a coiled, threadlike tube. Lining the inner wall of the tube is a series of barbed spines. 886 Part XII Animal Diversity Sponges Cnidar ians Flatw or ms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Ar thropods Echinoder ms Chordates Gastrovascular cavity Gastrovascular cavity Mouth Epidermis Mesoglea Gastrodermis Tentacles Polyp Medusa FIGURE 44.8 Two body forms of cnidarians, the medusa and the polyp. These two phases alternate in the life cycles of many cnidarians, but a number—including the corals and sea anemones, for example— exist only as polyps. Both forms have two fundamental layers of cells, separated by a jellylike layer called the mesoglea. Cnidarians use the threadlike tube to spear their prey and then draw the harpooned prey back with the tentacle contain- ing the cnidocyte. Nematocysts may also serve a defensive purpose. To propel the harpoon, the cnidocyte uses water pressure. Before firing, the cnidocyte builds up a very high in- ternal osmotic pressure. This is done by using active transport to build a high concentration of ions inside, while keeping its wall impermeable to water. Within the undischarged nemato- cyst, osmotic pressure reaches about 140 atmospheres. When a flagellum-like trigger on the cnidocyte is stim- ulated to discharge, its walls become permeable to water, which rushes inside and violently pushes out the barbed filament. Nematocyst discharge is one of the fastest cellu- lar processes in nature. The nematocyst is pushed out- ward so explosively that the barb can penetrate even the hard shell of a crab. A toxic protein often produced a stinging sensation, causing some cnidarians to be called “stinging nettles.” Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 887 PHYLUM CNIDARIA: Tissues and radial symmetry Hydra Cross-section Stinging cell (cnidocyte) with nematocyst Trigger Discharged nematocyst Undischarged nematocyst Filament Tentacles Hydra and other jellyfish are radially symmetrical, with parts arranged around a central axis like petals of a daisy. The cells of cnidarians are organized into tissues. A major innovation of hydra and jellyfish is extracellular digestion of food—that is, digestion within a gut cavity. Tentacles and body have stinging cells (cnidocytes) that contain small but very powerful harpoons called nematocysts. The harpoon is propelled by osmotic pressure and is one of the fastest and most powerful processes in nature. Hydra use nematocysts to spear prey and then draw the wounded prey back to the hydra. The barb explodes out of the stinging cell at a high velocity and can even penetrate the hard shell of a crustacean. Hydra and jellyfish are carnivores that capture their prey with tentacles that ring their mouth. Mouth Sensory cell Gastrodermis Mesoglea Epidermis Cnidocyte FIGURE 44.9 Eumetazoans all have tissues and symmetry. The cells of a cnidarian like this Hydra are organized into specialized tissues. The interior gut cavity is specialized for extracellular digestion—that is, digestion within a gut cavity rather than within individual cells. Cnidarians are also radially symmetrical. Classes of Cnidarians There are four classes of cnidarians: Hydrozoa (hydroids), Scyphozoa (jellyfish), Cubozoa (box jellyfish), and Antho- zoa (anemones and corals). Class Hydrozoa: The Hydroids. Most of the approxi- mately 2700 species of hydroids (class Hydrozoa) have both polyp and medusa stages in their life cycle (figure 44.10). Most of these animals are marine and colonial, such as Obelia and the already mentioned, very unusual Por- tuguese man-of-war. Some of the marine hydroids are bio- luminescent. A well-known hydroid is the abundant freshwater genus Hydra, which is exceptional in that it has no medusa stage and exists as a solitary polyp. Each polyp sits on a basal disk, which it can use to glide around, aided by mucous se- cretions. It can also move by somersaulting, bending over and attaching itself to the substrate by its tentacles, and then looping over to a new location. If the polyp detaches itself from the substrate, it can float to the surface. Class Scyphozoa: The Jellyfish. The approximately 200 species of jellyfish (class Scyphozoa) are transparent or translucent marine organisms, some of a striking orange, blue, or pink color (figure 44.11). These animals spend most of their time floating near the surface of the sea. In all of them, the medusa stage is dominant—much larger and more complex than the polyps. The medusae are bell- shaped, with hanging tentacles around their margins. The polyp stage is small, inconspicuous, and simple in structure. The outer layer, or epithelium, of a jellyfish contains a number of specialized epitheliomuscular cells, each of which can contract individually. Together, the cells form a muscular ring around the margin of the bell that pulses rhythmically and propels the animal through the water. Jel- lyfish have separate male and female individuals. After fer- tilization, planulae form, which then attach and develop into polyps. The polyps can reproduce asexually as well as budding off medusae. In some jellyfish that live in the open ocean, the polyp stage is suppressed, and planulae develop directly into medusae. 888 Part XII Animal Diversity Feeding polyp Medusa bud Reproductiv polyp e Ovary Medusae Eggs Sperm Sexual reproduction Zygote Testis Blastula Free-swimming planula larva Settles down to start new colony Young colony and asexual budding Mature colony FIGURE 44.10 The life cycle of Obelia, a marine colonial hydroid. Polyps reproduce by asexually budding, forming colonies. They may also give rise to medusae, which reproduce sexually via gametes. These gametes fuse, producing zygotes that develop into planulae, which, in turn, settle down to produce polyps. FIGURE 44.11 Class Scyphozoa. Jellyfish, Aurelia aurita. Class Cubozoa: The Box Jellyfish. Until recently the cubozoa were con- sidered an order of Scyphozoa. As their name implies, they are box- shaped medusa (the polyp stage is in- conspicuous and in many cases not known). Most are only a few cm in height, although some are 25 cm tall. A tentacle or group of tentacles is found at each corner of the box (figure 44.12). Box jellies are strong swim- mers and voracious predators of fish. Stings of some species can be fatal to humans. Class Anthozoa: The Sea Anemones and Corals. By far the largest class of cnidarians is Anthozoa, the “flower animals” (from the Greek anthos, meaning “flower”). The approxi- mately 6200 species of this group are solitary or colonial marine animals. They include stonelike corals, soft- bodied sea anemones, and other groups known by such fanciful names as sea pens, sea pansies, sea fans, and sea whips (figure 44.13). All of these names reflect a plantlike body topped by a tuft or crown of hollow tentacles. Like other cnidarians, anthozoans use these tentacles in feeding. Nearly all members of this class that live in shal- low waters harbor symbiotic algae, which supplement the nutrition of their hosts through photosynthesis. Fertilized eggs of anthozoans usually develop into planulae that settle and develop into polyps; no medusae are formed. Sea anemones are a large group of soft-bodied anthozoans that live in coastal waters all over the world and are especially abundant in the tropics. When touched, most sea anemones re- tract their tentacles into their bodies and fold up. Sea anemones are highly muscular and relatively complex organ- isms, with greatly divided internal cavi- ties. These animals range from a few millimeters to about 10 centimeters in diameter and are perhaps twice that high. Corals are another major group of anthozoans. Many of them secrete tough outer skeletons, or exoskele- tons, of calcium carbonate and are thus stony in texture. Others, includ- ing the gorgonians, or soft corals, do not secrete exoskeletons. Some of the hard corals help form coral reefs, which are shallow-water limestone ridges that occur in warm seas. Al- though the waters where coral reefs develop are often nutrient-poor, the coral animals are able to grow actively because of the abundant algae found within them. The Ctenophorans (Comb Jellies) The members of this small phylum range from spherical to ribbonlike and are known as comb jellies or sea wal- nuts. Traditionally, the roughly 90 ma- rine species of ctenophores (phylum Ctenophora) were considered closely related to the cnidarians. However, ctenophores are structurally more com- plex than cnidarians. They have anal pores, so that water and other sub- stances pass completely through the an- imal. Comb jellies, abundant in the open ocean, are transparent and usually only a few centimeters long. The mem- bers of one group have two long, re- tractable tentacles that they use to cap- ture their prey. Ctenophores propel themselves through water with eight comblike plates of fused cilia that beat in a coor- dinated fashion (figure 44.14). They are the largest animals that use cilia for lo- comotion. Many ctenophores are biolu- minescent, giving off bright flashes of light particularly evident in the open ocean at night. Cnidarians and ctenophores have tissues and radial symmetry. Cnidarians have a specialized kind of cell called a cnidocyte. Ctenophores propel themselves through the water by means of eight comblike plates of fused cilia. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 889 FIGURE 44.12 Class Cubozoa. Box jelly, Chironex fleckeri. FIGURE 44.13 Class Anthozoa. The sessile soft-bodied sea anemone. FIGURE 44.14 A comb jelly (phylum Ctenophora). Note the comblike plates along the ridges of the base. Eumetazoa: The Bilaterian Acoelomates The Bilateria are characterized by the second key transition in the ani- mal body plan, bilateral symmetry, which allowed animals to achieve high levels of specialization within parts of their bodies. The simplest bilaterians are the acoelomates; they lack any internal cavity other than the digestive tract. As discussed ear- lier, all bilaterians have three em- bryonic layers during development: ectoderm, endoderm, and meso- derm. We will focus our discussion of the acoelomates on the largest phylum of the group, the flatworms. Phylum Platyhelminthes: The Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminthes consists of some 20,000 species. These ribbon-shaped, soft-bodied animals are flattened dorsoventrally, from top to bottom. Flatworms are among the simplest of bilaterally symmetrical animals, but they do have a definite head at the anterior end and they do possess organs. Their bodies are solid: the only internal space con- sists of the digestive cavity (figure 44.15). Flatworms range in size from a millimeter or less to many meters long, as in some tapeworms. Most species of flatworms are parasitic, occurring within the bodies of many other kinds of animals (figure 44.16). Other flatworms are free-liv- ing, occurring in a wide variety of marine and freshwater habitats, as well as moist places on land. Free- living flatworms are carnivores and scavengers; they eat various small an- imals and bits of organic debris. They move from place to place by means of ciliated epithelial cells, which are particularly concentrated on their ventral surfaces. Those flatworms that have a diges- tive cavity have an incomplete gut, one with only one opening. As a re- sult, they cannot feed, digest, and eliminate undigested particles of food simultaneously, and thus, flatworms cannot feed continuously, as more ad- vanced animals can. Muscular con- tractions in the upper end of the gut cause a strong sucking force allowing flatworms to ingest their food and tear it into small bits. The gut is branched and extends throughout the body, functioning in both di- gestion and transport of food. Cells that line the gut engulf most of the food particles by phagocytosis and digest them; but, as in the cnidarians, some of these particles are partly digested extracellularly. Tapeworms, which are par- asitic flatworms, lack digestive systems. They absorb their food directly through their body walls. 890 Part XII Animal Diversity 44.3 Acoelomates are solid worms that lack a body cavity. Sponges Cnidar ians Flatw or ms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Ar thropods Echinoder ms Chordates Eyespot Opening to pharynx Protruding pharynx Intestinal diverticulum Intestine Testis Epidermis Parenchymal muscle Longitudinal muscles Intestine Circular muscles Oviduct Nerve cord Sperm duct FIGURE 44.15 Architecture of a solid worm. This organism is Dugesia, the familiar freshwater “planaria” of many biology laboratories. Unlike cnidarians, flatworms have an excretory system, which consists of a network of fine tubules (little tubes) that runs throughout the body. Cilia line the hollow centers of bulblike flame cells located on the side branches of the tubules (see figure 58.9). Cilia in the flame cells move water and excretory substances into the tubules and then to exit pores located between the epidermal cells. Flame cells were named because of the flickering movements of the tuft of cilia within them. They primarily regulate the water bal- ance of the organism. The excretory function of flame cells appears to be a secondary one. A large proportion of the metabolic wastes excreted by flatworms diffuses directly into the gut and is eliminated through the mouth. Like sponges, cnidarians, and ctenophorans, flatworms lack circulatory systems for the transport of oxygen and food molecules. Consequently, all flatworm cells must be within diffusion distance of oxygen and food. Flatworms have thin bodies and highly branched digestive cavities that make such a relationship possible. The nervous system of flatworms is very simple. Like cnidarians, some primitive flatworms have only a nerve net. However, most members of this phylum have longi- tudinal nerve cords that constitute a simple central ner- vous system. Free-living members of this phylum have eyespots on their heads. These are inverted, pigmented cups containing light-sensitive cells connected to the nervous system. These eyespots enable the worms to distinguish light from dark; worms move away from strong light. The reproductive systems of flatworms are complex. Most flatworms are hermaphroditic, with each individual containing both male and female sexual structures. In many of them, fertilization is internal. When they mate, each partner deposits sperm in the copulatory sac of the other. The sperm travel along special tubes to reach the eggs. In most free-living flatworms, fertilized eggs are laid in co- coons strung in ribbons and hatch into miniature adults. In some parasitic flatworms, there is a complex succession of distinct larval forms. Flatworms are also capable of asexual regeneration. In some genera, when a single individual is divided into two or more parts, each part can regenerate an entirely new flatworm. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 891 Scolex Scolex attached to intestinal wall Repeated proglottid segments Uterus Hooks Sucker Solid worms are bilaterally symmetrical acoelomates. Their bodies are composed of solid layers of tissues surrounding a central gut. The body of many flatworms is soft and flattened, like a piece of tape or ribbon. Each proglottid segment contains reproductive organs. When segments of a worm pass out of humans in feces, embryos may be ingested by cattle or another human, transmitting the parasite to a new host. Embryos of the tapeworms are released through a single genital pore on each proglottid segment. Genital pore Tapeworms are parasites that attach by their heads to the intestinal wall of a host organism. The body of a mature tapeworm may reach 10 meters in length—longer than a truck. PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES: Bilateral symmetry Most solid worms have a highly branched gut that brings food near all tissues for absorption directly across the body wall. Tapeworms are a special case in that they have solid bodies that lack a digestive cavity. Proglottid FIGURE 44.16 The evolution of bilateral symmetry. Acoelomate solid worms like this beef tapeworm, Taenia saginata, are bilaterally symmetrical. In addition, all bilaterians have three embryonic layers and exhibit cephalization. Class Turbellaria: Turbellarians. Only one of the three classes of flat- worms, the turbellarians (class Turbellaria) are free-living. One of the most familiar is the freshwater genus Dugesia, the common planaria used in biology laboratory exercises. Other members of this class are widespread and often abundant in lakes, ponds, and the sea. Some also occur in moist places on land. Class Trematoda: The Flukes. Two classes of parasitic flatworms live within the bodies of other ani- mals: flukes (class Trematoda) and tapeworms (class Cestoda). Both groups of worms have epithelial lay- ers resistant to the digestive enzymes and immune defenses produced by their hosts—an important feature in their parasitic way of life. However, they lack certain features of the free- living flatworms, such as cilia in the adult stage, eyespots, and other sen- sory organs that lack adaptive signif- icance for an organism that lives within the body of another animal. Flukes take in food through their mouth, just like their free-living relatives. There are more than 10,000 named species, ranging in length from less than 1 millimeter to more than 8 centimeters. Flukes attach themselves within the bodies of their hosts by means of suckers, anchors, or hooks. Some have a life cycle that involves only one host, usually a fish. Most have life cycles involving two or more hosts. Their larvae almost always occur in snails, and there may be other intermediate hosts. The final host of these flukes is almost always a vertebrate. To human beings, one of the most important flat- worms is the human liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis. It lives in the bile passages of the liver of humans, cats, dogs, and pigs. It is especially common in Asia. The worms are 1 to 2 centimeters long and have a complex life cycle. Al- though they are hermaphroditic, cross-fertilization usu- ally occurs between different individuals. Eggs, each con- taining a complete, ciliated first-stage larva, or miracidium, are passed in the feces (figure 44.17). If they reach water, they may be ingested by a snail. Within the snail an egg transforms into a sporocyst—a baglike struc- ture with embryonic germ cells. Within the sporocysts are produced rediae, which are elongated, nonciliated larvae. These larvae continue growing within the snail, giving rise to several individuals of the tadpole-like next larval stage, cercariae. Cercariae escape into the water, where they swim about freely. If they encounter a fish of the family Cyprinidae— the family that includes carp and goldfish—they bore into the muscles or under the scales, lose their tails, and trans- form into metacercariae within cysts in the muscle tissue. If a human being or other mammal eats raw infected fish, the cysts dissolve in the intestine, and the young flukes mi- grate to the bile duct, where they mature. An individual fluke may live for 15 to 30 years in the liver. In humans, a heavy infestation of liver flukes may cause cirrhosis of the liver and death. Other very important flukes are the blood flukes of genus Schistosoma. They afflict about 1 in 20 of the world’s population, more than 200 million people throughout trop- ical Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Three species of Schistosoma cause the disease called schis- tosomiasis, or bilharzia. Some 800,000 people die each year from this disease. Recently, there has been a great deal of effort to control schistosomiasis. The worms protect themselves in part from the body’s immune system by coating themselves with a variety of the host’s own antigens that effectively render the worm immunologically invisible (see chapter 57). De- spite this difficulty, the search is on for a vaccine that would cause the host to develop antibodies to one of the antigens of the young worms before they protect them- selves with host antigens. This vaccine would prevent hu- mans from infection. The disease can be cured with drugs after infection. 892 Part XII Animal Diversity Adult fluke Egg containing miracidium Miracidium hatches after being eaten by snail Sporocyst Redia Cercaria Metacercarial cysts in fish muscle Bile duct Liver Raw, infected fish is consumed by humans or other mammals FIGURE 44.17 Life cycle of the human liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis. Class Cestoda: The Tapeworms. Class Cestoda is the third class of flatworms; like flukes, they live as parasites within the bodies of other animals. In contrast to flukes, tapeworms simply hang on to the inner walls of their hosts by means of specialized terminal attachment organs and ab- sorb food through their skins. Tapeworms lack digestive cavities as well as digestive enzymes. They are extremely specialized in relation to their parasitic way of life. Most species of tapeworms occur in the intestines of vertebrates, about a dozen of them regularly in humans. The long, flat bodies of tapeworms are divided into three zones: the scolex, or attachment organ; the unseg- mented neck; and a series of repetitive segments, the proglottids (see figure 44.16). The scolex usually bears several suckers and may also have hooks. Each proglottid is a complete hermaphroditic unit, containing both male and female reproductive organs. Proglottids are formed contin- uously in an actively growing zone at the base of the neck, with maturing ones moving farther back as new ones are formed in front of them. Ultimately the proglottids near the end of the body form mature eggs. As these eggs are fertilized, the zygotes in the very last segments begin to dif- ferentiate, and these segments fill with embryos, break off, and leave their host with the host’s feces. Embryos, each surrounded by a shell, emerge from the proglottid through a pore or the ruptured body wall. They are deposited on leaves, in water, or in other places where they may be picked up by another animal. The beef tapeworm Taenia saginata occurs as a juvenile in the intermuscular tissue of cattle but as an adult in the intestines of human beings. A mature adult beef tapeworm may reach a length of 10 meters or more. These worms at- tach themselves to the intestinal wall of their host by a scolex with four suckers. The segments that are shed from the end of the worm pass from the human in the feces and may crawl onto vegetation. The segments ultimately rup- ture and scatter the embryos. Embryos may remain viable for up to five months. If they are ingested by cattle, they burrow through the wall of the intestine and ultimately reach muscle tissues through the blood or lymph vessels. About 1% of the cattle in the United States are infected, and some 20% of the beef consumed is not federally in- spected. When infected beef is eaten rare, infection of hu- mans by these tapeworms is likely. As a result, the beef tapeworm is a frequent parasite of humans. Phylum Nemertea: The Ribbon Worms The phylogenetic relationship of phylum Nemertea (figure 44.18) to other free-living flatworms is unclear. Ne- merteans are often called ribbon worms or proboscis worms. These aquatic worms have the body plan of a flat- worm, but also possess a fluid-filled sac that may be a prim- itive coelom. This sac serves as a hydraulic power source for their proboscis, a long muscular tube that can be thrust out quickly from a sheath to capture prey. Shaped like a thread or a ribbon, ribbon worms are mostly marine and consist of about 900 species. Ribbon worms are large, often 10 to 20 centimeters and sometimes many meters in length. They are the simplest animals that possess a complete di- gestive system, one that has two separate openings, a mouth and an anus. Ribbon worms also exhibit a circula- tory system in which blood flows in vessels. Many impor- tant evolutionary trends that become fully developed in more advanced animals make their first appearance in the Nemertea. The acoelomates, typified by flatworms, are the most primitive bilaterally symmetrical animals and the simplest animals in which organs occur. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 893 FIGURE 44.18 A ribbon worm, Lineus (phylum Nemertea). This is the simplest animal with a complete digestive system. The Pseudocoelomates All bilaterians except solid worms possess an internal body cavity, the third key transition in the animal body plan. Seven phyla are character- ized by their possession of a pseudo- coel (see figure 44.4). Their evolu- tionary relationships remain unclear, with the possibility that the pseudo- coelomate condition arose indepen- dently many times. The pseudocoel serves as a hydrostatic skeleton—one that gains its rigidity from being filled with fluid under pressure. The ani- mals’ muscles can work against this “skeleton,” thus making the move- ment of pseudocoelomates far more efficient than that of the acoelomates. Pseudocoelomates lack a defined circulatory system; this role is per- formed by the fluids that move within the pseudocoel. Most pseudocoelo- mates have a complete, one-way di- gestive tract that acts like an assembly line. Food is first broken down, then absorbed, and then treated and stored. Phylum Nematoda: The Roundworms Nematodes, eelworms, and other roundworms constitute a large phy- lum, Nematoda, with some 12,000 recognized species. Scientists estimate that the actual number might ap- proach 100 times that many. Members of this phylum are found everywhere. Nematodes are abundant and diverse in marine and freshwater habitats, and many members of this phylum are parasites of animals (figure 44.19) and plants. Many nematodes are micro- scopic and live in soil. It has been estimated that a spade- ful of fertile soil may contain, on the average, a million nematodes. Nematodes are bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented worms. They are covered by a flexible, thick cuticle, which is molted as they grow. Their muscles constitute a layer beneath the epidermis and extend along the length of the worm, rather than encircling its body. These lon- gitudinal muscles pull both against the cuticle and the pseudocoel, which forms a hydrostatic skeleton. When nematodes move, their bodies whip about from side to side. Near the mouth of a nematode, at its anterior end, are usually 16 raised, hairlike, sensory organs. The mouth is often equipped with piercing organs called stylets. Food passes through the mouth as a result of the sucking action of a muscular chamber called the pharynx. After passing through a short corridor into the pharynx, food continues through the other portions of the digestive tract, where it is bro- ken down and then digested. Some of the water with which the food has been mixed is reabsorbed near the end of the digestive tract, and material that has not been digested is eliminated through the anus (figure 44.20). Nematodes completely lack flagella or cilia, even on sperm cells. Repro- duction in nematodes is sexual, with sexes usually separate. Their develop- ment is simple, and the adults consist of very few cells. For this reason, nema- todes have become extremely important subjects for genetic and developmental studies (see chapter 17). The 1-mil- limeter-long Caenorhabditis elegans ma- tures in only three days, its body is transparent, and it has only 959 cells. It is the only animal whose complete de- velopmental cellular anatomy is known. About 50 species of nematodes, in- cluding several that are rather com- mon in the United States, regularly parasitize human beings. The most se- rious common nematode-caused dis- ease in temperate regions is trichi- nosis, caused by worms of the genus Trichinella. These worms live in the small intestine of pigs, where fertilized female worms burrow into the intestinal wall. Once it has penetrated these tissues, each female produces about 1500 live young. The young enter the lymph channels and travel to muscle tissue throughout the body, where they mature and form highly resistant, calcified cysts. Infection in human beings or other animals arises from eating under- cooked or raw pork in which the cysts of Trichinella are present. If the worms are abundant, a fatal infection can result, but such infections are rare; only about 20 deaths in the United States have been attributed to trichinosis during the past decade. 894 Part XII Animal Diversity 44.4 Pseudocoelomates have a simple body cavity. Sponges Cnidar ians Flatw or ms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Ar thropods Echinoder ms Chordates FIGURE 44.19 Trichinella nematode encysted in pork. The serious disease trichinosis can result from eating undercooked pork or bear meat containing such cysts. Phylum Rotifera: Rotifers Phylum Rotifera includes common, small, bilaterally sym- metrical, basically aquatic animals that have a crown of cilia at their heads. Rotifers are pseudocoelomates but are very unlike nematodes. They have several features that suggest their ancestors may have resembled flatworms. There are about 2000 species of this phylum. While a few rotifers live in soil or in the capillary water in cushions of mosses, most occur in fresh water, and they are common everywhere. Very few rotifers are marine. Most rotifers are between 50 and 500 micrometers in length, smaller than many protists. Rotifers have a well-developed food-processing appara- tus. A conspicuous organ on the tip of the head called the corona gathers food. It is composed of a circle of cilia which sweeps their food into their mouths, as well as being used for locomotion. Rotifers are often called “wheel animals” because the cilia, when they are beating together, resemble the movement of spokes radiating from a wheel. A Relatively New Phylum: Cycliophora In December 1995, two Danish biologists reported the dis- covery of a strange new kind of creature, smaller than a pe- riod on a printed page. The tiny organism had a striking circular mouth surrounded by a ring of fine, hairlike cilia and has so unusual a life cycle that they assigned it to an entirely new phylum, Cycliophora (Greek for “carrying a small wheel”). There are only about 35 known animal phyla, so finding a new one is extremely rare! When the lobster to which it is attached starts to molt, the tiny sym- biont begins a bizarre form of sexual reproduction. Dwarf males emerge, with nothing but brains and reproductive organs. Each dwarf male seeks out another female sym- biont on the molting lobster and fertilizes its eggs, generat- ing free-swimming individuals that can seek out another lobster and renew the life cycle. The pseudocoelomates, including nematodes and rotifers, all have fluid-filled pseudocoels. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 895 The pseudocoel of a nematode separates the endoderm-lined gut from the rest of the body. The digestive tract is one-way: food enters the mouth at one end of the worm and leaves through the anus at the other end. The nematode's body is covered with a flexible, thick cuticle that is shed as the worm grows. Muscles extend along the length of the body rather than encircling it, which allows the worm to flex its body to move through the soil. Roundworms are bilaterally symmetrical, cylindrical, unsegmented worms. Most nematodes are very small, less than a millimeter long— hundreds of thousands may live in a handful of fertile soil. An adult nematode consists of very few cells. Caenorhabditis elegans has exactly 959 cells and is the only animal whose complete cellular anatomy is known. Pseudocoel PHYLUM NEMATODA: Body cavity Nematodes have excretory ducts that permit them to conserve water and live on land. Other roundworms possess excretory cells called flame cells.Intestine Intestine Oviduct Cuticle Nerve cord Ovary Ovary Muscle Uterus Uterus Excretory duct Anus Genital pore Pharynx Mouth Excretory pore FIGURE 44.20 The evolution of a simple body cavity. The major innovation in body design in roundworms (phylum Nematoda) is a body cavity between the gut and the body wall. This cavity is the pseudocoel. It allows chemicals to circulate throughout the body and prevents organs from being deformed by muscle movements. Reevaluating How the Animal Body Plan Evolved The great diversity see in the body plan of animals is diffi- cult to fit into any one taxonomic scheme. Biologists have traditionally inferred the general relationships among the 35 animal phyla by examining what seemed to be funda- mental characters—segmentation, possession of a coelom, and so on. The general idea has been that such characters are most likely to be conserved during a group’s evolution. Animal phyla that share a fundamental character are more likely to be closely related to each other than to other phyla that do not exhibit the character. The phylogeny presented in figure 44.2 is a good example of the sort of taxonomy this approach has generated. However, not every animal can be easily accommodated by this approach. Take, for example, the myzostomids (fig- ure 44.21), an enigmatic and anatomically bizarre group of marine animals that are parasites or symbionts of echino- derms. Myzostomid fossils are found associated with echin- oderms since the Ordovician, so the myzostomid-echino- derm relationship is a very ancient one. Their long history of obligate association has led to the loss or simplification of many myzostomid body elements, leaving them, for ex- ample, with no body cavity (they are acoelomates) and only incomplete segmentation. This character loss has led to considerable disagreement among taxonomists. However, while taxonomists have dis- agreed about the details, all have generally allied myzosto- mids is some fashion with the annelids, sometimes within the polychaetes, sometimes as a separate phylum closely al- lied to the annelids. Recently, this view has been challenged. New taxonomi- cal comparisons using molecular data have come to very different conclusions. Researchers examined two compo- nents of the protein synthesis machinery, the small riboso- mal subunit rRNA gene, and an elongation factor gene (called 1 alpha). The phylogeny they obtain does not place the myzostomids in with the annelids. Indeed, they find that the myzostomids have no close links to the annelids at all. Instead, surprisingly, they are more closely allied with the flatworms! This result hints strongly that the key morphological characters that biologists have traditionally used to con- struct animal phylogenies—segmentation, coeloms, jointed appendages, and the like—are not the conservative characters we had supposed. Among the myzostomids these features appear to have been gained and lost again during the course of their evolution. If this unconservative evolutionary pattern should prove general, our view of the evolution of the animal body plan, and how the various an- imal phyla relate to one another, will soon be in need of major revision. Molecular Phylogenies The last decade has seen a wealth of new molecular se- quence data on the various animal groups. The animal phy- logenies that these data suggest are often significantly at odds with the traditional phylogeny used in this text and presented in figure 44.2. One such phylogeny, developed from ribosomal RNA studies, is presented in figure 44.22. It is only a rough outline; in the future more data should allow us to resolve relationships within groupings. Still, it is clear that major groups are related in very different ways in the molecular phylogeny than in the more traditional one. At present, molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ani- mal kingdom is in its infancy. Molecular phylogenies devel- oped from different molecules often tend to suggest differ- ent evolutionary relationships. However, the childhood of this approach is likely to be short. Over the next few years, a mountain of additional molecular data can be anticipated. As more data are brought to bear, we can hope that the confusion will lessen, and that a consensus phylogeny will emerge. When and if this happens, it is likely to be very different from the traditional view. The use of molecular data to construct phylogenies is likely to significantly alter our understanding of relationships among the animal phyla. 896 Part XII Animal Diversity 44.5 The coming revolution in animal taxonomy will likely alter traditional phylogenies. FIGURE 44.21 A taxonomic puzzle. Myzostoma martenseni has no body cavity and incomplete segmentation. Animals such as this present a classification challenge, causing taxonomists to reconsider traditional animal phylogenies based on fundamental characters. Chapter 44 The Noncoelomate Animals 897 Vertebrates Cephalochordates Urochordates Hemichordates Echinoderms Brachiopods Bryozoans Phoronids Sipunculans Mollusks Echiurians Pogonophorans Annelids Onychophorans Tardigrades Arthropods Gnathostomulids Rotifers Gastrotrichs Nematodes Priapulids Kinorhynchs Platyhelminthes Nemerteans Entoprocts Ctenophorans Cnidarians Poriferans Poriferans Cnidarians Ctenophorans Gastrotrichs Nematodes Priapulids Kinorhynchs Onychophorans Tardigrades Arthropods Bryozoans Entoprocts Platyhelminthes Pogonophorans Brachiopods Phoronids Nemerteans Annelids Echiurans Mollusks Sipunculans Gnathostomulids Rotifers Vertebrates Cephalochordates Urochordates Hemichordates Echinoderms Bilateria Bilateria Deuterostomes Deuterostomes Protostomes Protostomes Lophophorates Ecdysozoans Radiata Acoelomates Pseudocoelomates Coelomates Lophotrochozoans (a) Traditional phylogeny (b) Molecular phylogeny FIGURE 44.22 Traditional versus molecular animal phylogenies. (a) Traditional phylogenies are based on fundamental morphological characters. (After L. H. Hyman, The Invertebrates, 1940.) (b) More recent phylogenies are often based on molecular analyses, this one on comparisons of rRNA sequence differences among the animal phyla. (After Adoutte, et al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 97: p. 4454, 2000.) 898 Part XII Animal Diversity Chapter 44 Summary Questions Media Resources 44.1 Animals are multicellular heterotrophs without cell walls. ? Animals are heterotrophic, multicellular, and usually have the ability to move. Almost all animals reproduce sexually. Animal cells lack rigid cell walls and digest their food internally. ? The kingdom Animalia is divided into two subkingdoms: Parazoa, which includes only the asymmetrical phylum Porifera, and Eumetazoa, characterized by body symmetry. 1. What are the characteristics that distinguish animals from other living organisms? 2. What are the two subkingdoms of animals? How do they differ in terms of symmetry and body organization? ? The sponges (phylum Porifera) are characterized by specialized, flagellated cells called choanocytes. They do not possess tissues or organs, and most species lack symmetry in their body organization. ? Cnidarians (phylum Cnidaria) are predominantly marine animals with unique stinging cells called cnidocytes, each of which contains a specialized harpoonlike apparatus, or nematocyst. 3. From what kind of ancestor did sponges probably evolve? 4. What are the specialized cells used by a sponge to capture food? 5. What are the two ways sponges reproduce? What do larval sponges look like? 6. What is a planula? 44.2 The simplest animals are not bilaterally symmetrical. ? Acoelomates lack an internal cavity, except for the digestive system, and are the simplest animals that have organs. ? The most prominent phylum of acoelomates, Platyhelminthes, includes the free-living flatworms and the parasitic flukes and tapeworms. ? Ribbon worms (phylum Nemertea) are similar to free-living flatworms, but have a complete digestive system and a circulatory system in which the blood flows in vessels. 7. What body plan do members of the phylum Platyhelminthes possess? Are these animals parasitic or free-living? How do they move from place to place? 8. How are tapeworms different from flukes? How do tapeworms reproduce? 44.3 Acoelomates are solid worms that lack a body cavity. ? Pseudocoelomates, exemplified by the nematodes (phylum Nematoda), have a body cavity that develops between the mesoderm and the endoderm. ? Rotifers (phylum Rotifera), or wheel animals, are very small freshwater pseudocoelomates. 9. Why are nematodes structurally unique in the animal world? 10. How do rotifers capture food? 44.4 Pseudocoelomates have a simple body cavity. ? Molecular data are suggesting animal phylogenies that are in considerable disagreement with traditional phylogenies. 11. With what group are myzostomids most closely allied? 44.5 The coming revolution in animal taxonomy will likely alter traditional phylogenies. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Activity: Invertebrates ? Characteristics of Invertebrates ? Body Organization ? Symmetry in Nature ? Posterior to Anterior ? Sagittal Plane ? Frontal to Coronal Plane ? Transvere/Cross- sectional Planes ? Sponges ? Radical Phyla ? Bilateral Acoelomates ? Student Research: Parasitic Flatworms ? Pseudocoelomates ? Student Research: Molecular Phylogeny of Gastropods 899 45 Mollusks and Annelids Concept Outline 45.1 Mollusks were among the first coelomates. Coelomates. Next to the arthropods, mollusks comprise the second most diverse phylum and include snails, clams, and octopuses. There are more terrestrial mollusk species than terrestrial vertebrates! Body Plan of the Mollusks. The mollusk body plan is characterized by three distinct sections, a unique rasping tongue, and distinctive free-swimming larvae also found in annelid worms. The Classes of Mollusks. The three major classes of mollusks are the gastropods (snails and slugs), the bivalves (oysters and clams), and the cephalopods (octopuses and squids). While they seem very different at first glance, on closer inspection, they all have the same basic mollusk body plan. 45.2 Annelids were the first segmented animals. Segmented Animals. Annelids are segmented coelomate worms, most of which live in the sea. The annelid body is composed of numerous similar segments. Classes of Annelids. The three major classes of annelids are the polychaetes (marine worms), the oligochaetes (earthworms and related freshwater worms), and the hirudines (leeches). 45.3 Lophophorates appear to be a transitional group. Lophophorates. The three phyla of lophophorates share a unique ciliated feeding structure, but differ in many other ways. A lthough acoelomates and pseudocoelomates have proven very successful, a third way of organizing the animal body has also evolved, one that occurs in the bulk of the ani- mal kingdom. We will begin our discussion of the coelomate animals with mollusks, which include such animals as clams, snails, slugs, and octopuses. Annelids (figure 45.1), such as earthworms, leeches, and seaworms, are also coelomates, but in addition, were the earliest group of animals to evolve seg- mented bodies. The lophophorates, a group of marine ani- mals united by a distinctive feeding structure called the lophophore, have features intermediate between those of pro- tostomes and deuterostomes and will also be discussed in this chapter. The remaining groups of coelomate animals will be discussed in chapters 46, 47, and 48. FIGURE 45.1 An annelid, the Christmas-tree worm, Spirobranchus giganteus. Mollusks and annelids inhabit both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. They are large and successful groups, with some of their most spectacular members represented in marine environments. As a group, mollusks are an impor- tant source of food for humans. Oys- ters, clams, scallops, mussels, octopuses, and squids are among the culinary deli- cacies that belong to this large phylum. Mollusks are also of economic signifi- cance to us in many other ways. For ex- ample, pearls are produced in oysters, and the material called mother-of- pearl, often used in jewelry and other decorative objects, is produced in the shells of a number of different mol- lusks, but most notably in the snail called abalone. Mollusks are not wholly beneficial to humans, however. Bivalve mollusks called shipworms burrow through wood submerged in the sea, damaging boats, docks, and pilings. The zebra mussel has recently invaded North American ecosystems from Eu- rope via the ballast water of cargo ships from Europe, wreaking havoc in many aquatic ecosystems. Slugs and terres- trial snails often cause extensive dam- age to garden flowers, vegetables, and crops. Other mollusks serve as hosts to the intermediate stages of many serious parasites, including several nematodes and flatworms, which we discussed in chapter 44. Mollusks range in size from almost microscopic to huge, although most measure a few centimeters in their largest dimension. Some, however, are minute, while others reach formidable sizes. The giant squid, which is occa- sionally cast ashore but has rarely been observed in its natural environment, may grow up to 21 meters long! Weighing up to 250 kilograms, the giant squid is the largest invertebrate and, along with the giant clam (figure 45.4), the heaviest. Millions of giant squid probably inhabit the deep regions of the ocean, even though they are seldom caught. Another large mollusk is the bivalve Tridacna maxima, the giant clam, which may be as long as 1.5 meters and may weigh as much as 270 kilograms. Mollusks are the second-largest phylum of animals in terms of named species; mollusks exhibit a variety of body forms and live in many different environments. 900 Part XII Animal Diversity Coelomates The evolution of the coelom was a sig- nificant advance in the structure of the animal body. Coelomates have a new body design that repositions the fluid and allows the development of com- plex tissues and organs. This new body plan also made it possible for animals to evolve a wide variety of different body architectures and to grow to much larger sizes than acoelomate ani- mals. Among the earliest groups of coelomates were the mollusks and the annelids. Mollusks Mollusks (phylum Mollusca) are an ex- tremely diverse animal phylum, second only to the arthropods, with over 110,000 described species. Mollusks include snails, slugs, clams, scallops, oysters, cuttlefish, octopuses, and many other familiar animals (figure 45.2). The durable shells of some mol- lusks are often beautiful and elegant; they have long been favorite objects for professional scientists and amateurs alike to collect, preserve, and study. Chitons and nudibranchs are less fa- miliar marine mollusks. Mollusks are characterized by a coelom, and while there is extraordinary diversity in this phylum, many of the basic compo- nents of the mollusk body plan can be seen in figure 45.3. Mollusks evolved in the oceans, and most groups have remained there. Ma- rine mollusks are widespread and often abundant. Some groups of mol- lusks have invaded freshwater and terrestrial habitats, in- cluding the snails and slugs that live in your garden. Ter- restrial mollusks are often abundant in places that are at least seasonally moist. Some of these places, such as the crevices of desert rocks, may appear very dry, but even these habitats have at least a temporary supply of water at certain times. There are so many terrestrial mollusks that only the arthropods have more species adapted to a ter- restrial way of life. The 35,000 species of terrestrial mol- lusks far outnumber the roughly 20,000 species of terres- trial vertebrates. 45.1 Mollusks were among the first coelomates. Sponges Cnidarians Flatworms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Arthropods Echinoderms Chordates FIGURE 45.2 A mollusk. The blue-ringed octopus is one of the few mollusks dangerous to humans. Strikingly beautiful, it is equipped with a sharp beak and poison glands—divers give it a wide berth! Chapter 45 Mollusks and Annelids 901 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA: Coelom Radula Mantle Digestive gland Stomach Gonad Intestine Heart Coelom Nephridium Shell Gill Mantle cavity Anus Retractor musclesFootNerve collar Mouth The mantle is a heavy fold of tissue wrapped around the mollusk body like a cape. The cavity between the mantle and the body contains gills, which capture oxygen from the water passing through the mantle cavity. In some mollusks, like snails, the mantle secretes a hard outer shell. Many mollusks are carnivores. They locate prey using chemosensory structures. Within the mouth of a snail are horny jaws and a unique rasping tongue called a radula. Snails creep along the ground on a muscular foot. Squid can shoot through the water by squeezing water out of the mantle cavity, in a kind of jet propulsion. Mollusks were among the first animals to develop an efficient excretory system. Tubular structures called nephridia gather wastes from the coelom and discharge them into the mantle cavity. Snails have a three-chambered heart and an open circulation system. The coelom is confined to a small cavity around the heart. FIGURE 45.3 Evolution of the coelom. A generalized mollusk body plan is shown above. The body cavity of a mollusk is a coelom, which is completely enclosed within the mesoderm. This allows physical contact between the mesoderm and the endoderm, permitting interactions that lead to development of highly specialized organs such as a stomach. FIGURE 45.4 Giant clam. Second only to the arthropods in number of described species, members of the phylum Mollusca occupy almost every habitat on earth. This giant clam, Tridacna maxima, has a green color that is caused by the presence of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae). Through photosynthesis, the dinoflagellates probably contribute most of the food supply of the clam, although it remains a filter feeder like most bivalves. Some individual giant clams may be nearly 1.5 meters long and weigh up to 270 kilograms. Body Plan of the Mollusks In their basic body plan (figure 45.5), mollusks have dis- tinct bilateral symmetry. Their digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs are concentrated in a visceral mass, and a muscular foot is their primary mechanism of loco- motion. They may also have a differentiated head at the anterior end of the body. Folds (often two) arise from the dorsal body wall and enclose a cavity between themselves and the visceral mass; these folds constitute the mantle. In some mollusks the mantle cavity acts as a lung; in others it contains gills. Gills are specialized portions of the mantle that usually consist of a system of filamentous projections rich in blood vessels. These projections greatly increase the surface area available for gas exchange and, therefore, the animal’s overall respiratory potential. Mollusk gills are very efficient, and many gilled mollusks extract 50% or more of the dissolved oxygen from the water that passes through the mantle cavity. Finally, in most members of this phylum, the outer surface of the mantle also secretes a protective shell. A mollusk shell consists of a horny outer layer, rich in protein, which protects the two underlying calcium-rich layers from erosion. The middle layer consists of densely packed crystals of calcium carbonate. The inner layer is pearly and increases in thickness throughout the animal’s life. When it reaches a sufficient thickness, this layer is used as mother-of-pearl. Pearls themselves are formed when a foreign object, like a grain of sand, becomes lodged between the mantle and the inner shell layer of bivalve mollusks (two-shelled), including clams and oysters. The mantle coats the foreign object with layer upon layer of shell material to reduce irritation caused by the object. The shell of mollusks serves primarily for protection. Many species can withdraw for protection into their shell if they have one. In aquatic mollusks, a continuous stream of water passes into and out of the mantle cavity, drawn by the cilia on the gills. This water brings in oxygen and, in the case of the bi- valves, also brings in food; it also carries out waste materi- als. When the gametes are being produced, they are fre- quently carried out in the same stream. The foot of a mollusk is muscular and may be adapted for locomotion, attachment, food capture (in squids and oc- topuses), or various combinations of these functions. Some mollusks secrete mucus, forming a path that they glide along on their foot. In cephalopods—squids and octo- puses—the foot is divided into arms, also called tentacles. In some pelagic forms, mollusks that are perpetually free- swimming, the foot is modified into wing-like projections or thin fins. One of the most characteristic features of all the mol- lusks except the bivalves is the radula, a rasping, tongue- like organ used for feeding. The radula consists primarily of dozens to thousands of microscopic, chitinous teeth arranged in rows (figure 45.6). Gastropods (snails and their relatives) use their radula to scrape algae and other food materials off their substrates and then to convey this food to the digestive tract. Other gastropods are active predators, some using a modified radula to drill through the shells of prey and extract the food. The small holes often seen in oyster shells are produced by gastropods that have bored holes to kill the oyster and extract its body for food. The circulatory system of all mollusks except cephalopods consists of a heart and an open system in which blood circulates freely. The mollusk heart usually has three chambers, two that collect aerated blood from the gills, while the third pumps it to the other body tissues. In mollusks, the coelom takes the form of a small cavity around the heart. 902 Part XII Animal Diversity Radula Gut Gill Gut Gill Radula Foot Mantle Mantle cavity Shell GutGillTentacles Foot Mantle Mantle cavity Shell Radula Gut GillRadula Foot Mantle Mantle cavity Shell Gut Gill Foot Mantle Mantle cavity Shell Cephalopods Chitons Bivalves Hypothetical Ancestor Gastropods FIGURE 45.5 Body plans among the mollusks. Nitrogenous wastes are removed from the mollusk by one or two tubu- lar structures called nephridia. A typi- cal nephridium has an open funnel, the nephrostome, which is lined with cilia. A coiled tubule runs from the nephrostome into a bladder, which in turn connects to an excretory pore. Wastes are gathered by the nephridia from the coelom and discharged into the mantle cavity. The wastes are then expelled from the mantle cavity by the continuous pumping of the gills. Sug- ars, salts, water, and other materials are reabsorbed by the walls of the nephridia and returned to the animal’s body as needed to achieve an appropri- ate osmotic balance. In animals with a closed circulatory system, such as annelids, cephalopod mollusks, and vertebrates, the coiled tubule of a nephridium is surrounded by a network of capillaries. Wastes are extracted from the circulatory system through these capillaries and are trans- ferred into the nephridium, then sub- sequently discharged. Salts, water, and other associated materials may also be reabsorbed from the tubule of the nephridium back into the capillaries. For this reason, the excretory systems of these coelomates are much more ef- ficient than the flame cells of the acoelomates, which pick up substances only from the body fluids. Mollusks were one of the earliest evolutionary lines to develop an efficient excretory system. Other than chordates, coelo- mates with closed circulation have sim- ilar excretory systems. Reproduction in Mollusks Most mollusks have distinct male and female individuals, al- though a few bivalves and many gastropods are hermaphro- ditic. Even in hermaphroditic mollusks, cross-fertilization is most common. Remarkably, some sea slugs and oysters are able to change from one sex to the other several times dur- ing a single season. Most aquatic mollusks engage in external fertilization. The males and females release their gametes into the water, where they mix and fertilization occurs. Gastropods more often have internal fertilization, however, with the male in- serting sperm directly into the female’s body. Internal fer- tilization is one of the key adaptations that allowed gas- tropods to colonize the land. Many marine mollusks have free-swimming larvae called trochophores (figure 45.7a), which closely resemble the lar- val stage of many marine annelids. Trochophores swim by means of a row of cilia that encircles the middle of their body. In most marine snails and in bivalves, a second free- swimming stage, the veliger, follows the trochophore stage. This veliger stage, has the beginnings of a foot, shell, and mantle (figure 45.7b). Trochophores and veligers drift widely in the ocean currents, dispersing mollusks to new areas. Mollusks were among the earliest animals to evolve an efficient excretory system. The mantle of mollusks not only secretes their protective shell, but also forms a cavity that is essential to respiration. Chapter 45 Mollusks and Annelids 903 (a) (b) FIGURE 45.6 Structure of the radula in a snail. (a) The radula consists of chitin and is covered with rows of teeth. (b) Enlargement of the rasping teeth on a radula. (a) (b) FIGURE 45.7 Stages in the molluscan life cycle. (a) The trochophore larva of a mollusk. Similar larvae, as you will see, are characteristic of some annelid worms as well as a few other phyla. (b) Veliger stage of a mollusk. The Classes of Mollusks There are seven classes of mollusks. We will examine four classes of mollusks as representatives of the phylum: (1) Polyplacophora—chitons; (2) Gastropoda—snails, slugs, limpets, and their relatives; (3) Bivalvia—clams, oysters, scallops, and their relatives; and (4) Cephalopoda—squids, octopuses, cuttlefishes, and nautilus. By studying living mollusks and the fossil record, some scientists have de- duced that the ancestral mollusk was probably a dorsoven- trally flattened, unsegmented, wormlike animal that glided on its ventral surface. This animal may also have had a chitinous cuticle and overlapping calcareous scales. Other scientists believe that mollusks arose from segmented an- cestors and became unsegmented secondarily. Class Polyplacophora: The Chitons Chitons are marine mollusks that have oval bodies with eight overlapping calcareous plates. Underneath the plates, the body is not segmented. Chitons creep along using a broad, flat foot surrounded by a groove or mantle cavity in which the gills are arranged. Most chitons are grazing her- bivores that live in shallow marine habitats, but some live at depths of more than 7000 meters. Class Gastropoda: The Snails and Slugs The class Gastropoda contains about 40,000 described species of snails, slugs, and similar animals. This class is primarily a marine group, but it also contains many fresh- water and terrestrial mollusks (figure 45.8). Most gas- tropods have a shell, but some, like slugs and nudibranchs, have lost their shells through the course of evolution. Gas- tropods generally creep along on a foot, which may be modified for swimming. The heads of most gastropods have a pair of tentacles with eyes at the ends. These tentacles have been lost in some of the more advanced forms of the class. Within the mouth cavity of many members of this class are horny jaws and a radula. During embryological development, gastropods undergo torsion. Torsion is the process by which the mantle cavity and anus are moved from a posterior location to the front of the body, where the mouth is located. Torsion is brought about by a disproportionate growth of the lateral muscles; that is, one side of the larva grows much more rapidly than the other. A 120-degree rotation of the vis- ceral mass brings the mantle cavity above the head and twists many internal structures. In some groups of gas- tropods, varying degrees of detorsion have taken place. The coiling, or spiral winding, of the shell is a separate process. This process has led to the loss of the right gill and right nephridium in most gastropods. Thus, the visceral mass of gastropods has become bilaterally asymmetrical during the course of evolution. Gastropods display extremely varied feeding habits. Some are predatory, others scrape algae off rocks (or aquarium glass), and others are scavengers. Many are herbi- vores, and some terrestrial ones are serious garden and agricultural pests. The radula of oyster drills is used to bore holes in the shells of other mollusks, through which the contents of the prey can be removed. In cone shells, the radula has been modified into a kind of poisonous harpoon, which is shot with great speed into the prey. Sea slugs, or nudibranchs, are active predators; a few species of nudibranchs have the extraordinary ability to ex- tract the nematocysts from the cnidarian polyps they eat and transfer them through their digestive tract to the sur- face of their gills intact and use them for their own protec- tion. Nudibranchs are interesting in that they get their name from their gills, which instead of being enclosed within the mantle cavity are exposed along the dorsal sur- face (nudi, “naked”; branch; “gill”). In terrestrial gastropods, the empty mantle cavity, which was occupied by gills in their aquatic ancestors, is extremely rich in blood vessels and serves as a lung, in effect. This structure evolved in animals living in environments with plentiful oxygen; it absorbs oxygen from the air much more effectively than a gill could, but is not as effective under water. Class Bivalvia: The Bivalves Members of the class Bivalvia include the clams, scallops, mussels, and oysters. Bivalves have two lateral (left and right) shells (valves) hinged together dorsally (figure 45.9). A ligament hinges the shells together and causes them to gape open. Pulling against this ligament are one or two large adductor muscles that can draw the shells together. 904 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 45.8 A gastropod mollusk. The terrestrial snail, Allogona townsendiana. The mantle secretes the shells and ligament and envelops the internal organs within the pair of shells. The mantle is frequently drawn out to form two siphons, one for an in- coming and one for an outgoing stream of water. The siphons often function as snorkels to allow bivalves to filter water through their body while remaining almost com- pletely buried in sediments. A complex folded gill lies on each side of the visceral mass. These gills consist of pairs of filaments that contain many blood vessels. Rhythmic beat- ing of cilia on the gills creates a pattern of water circula- tion. Most bivalves are sessile filter-feeders. They extract small organisms from the water that passes through their mantle cavity. Bivalves do not have distinct heads or radulas, differing from gastropods in this respect (see figure 45.5). However, most have a wedge-shaped foot that may be adapted, in dif- ferent species, for creeping, burrowing, cleansing the ani- mal, or anchoring it in its burrow. Some species of clams can dig into sand or mud very rapidly by means of muscular contractions of their foot. Bivalves disperse from place to place largely as larvae. While most adults are adapted to a burrowing way of life, some genera of scallops can move swiftly through the water by using their large adductor muscles to clap their shells to- gether. These muscles are what we usually eat as “scallops.” The edge of a scallop’s body is lined with tentacle-like pro- jections tipped with complex eyes. There are about 10,000 species of bivalves. Most species are marine, although many also live in fresh water. Over 500 species of pearly freshwater mussels, or naiads, occur in the rivers and lakes of North America. Class Cephalopoda: The Octopuses, Squids, and Nautilus The more than 600 species of the class Cephalopoda—oc- topuses, squids, and nautilus—are the most intelligent of the invertebrates. They are active marine predators that swim, often swiftly, and compete successfully with fish. The foot has evolved into a series of tentacles equipped with suction cups, adhesive structures, or hooks that seize prey efficiently. Squids have 10 tentacles (figure 45.10); oc- topuses, as indicated by their name, have eight; and the nautilus, about 80 to 90. Once the tentacles have snared the prey, it is bitten with strong, beaklike paired jaws and pulled into the mouth by the tonguelike action of the radula. Cephalopods have highly developed nervous systems, and their brains are unique among mollusks. Their eyes are very elaborate, and have a structure much like that of verte- brate eyes, although they evolved separately (see chapter 55). Many cephalopods exhibit complex patterns of behav- ior and a high level of intelligence; octopuses can be easily trained to distinguish among classes of objects. Most mem- bers of this class have closed circulatory systems and are the only mollusks that do. Although they evolved from shelled ancestors, living cephalopods, except for the few species of nautilus, lack an external shell. Like other mollusks, cephalopods take water into the mantle cavity and expel it through a siphon. Cephalopods have modified this system into a means of jet propulsion. When threatened, they eject water violently and shoot themselves through the water. Most octopus and squid are capable of changing color to suit their background or display messages to one another. They accomplish this feat through the use of their chro- matophores, pouches of pigments embedded in the epithe- lium. Gastropods typically live in a hard shell. Bivalves have hinged shells but do not have a distinct head area. Cephalopods possess well-developed brains and are the most intelligent invertebrates. Chapter 45 Mollusks and Annelids 905 FIGURE 45.9 A bivalve. The file shell, Lima scabra, opened, showing tentacles. FIGURE 45.10 A cephalopod. Squids are active predators, competing effectively with fish for prey. Segmented Animals A key transition in the animal body plan was segmentation, the building of a body from a series of similar segments. The first segmented animals to evolve were most likely annelid worms, phy- lum Annelida (figure 45.11). One ad- vantage of having a body built from re- peated units (segments) is that the development and function of these units can be more precisely controlled, at the level of individual segments or groups of segments. For example, dif- ferent segments may possess different combinations of organs or perform dif- ferent functions relating to reproduc- tion, feeding, locomotion, respiration, or excretion. Annelids Two-thirds of all annelids live in the sea (about 8000 species), and most of the rest, some 3100 species, are earthworms. Annelids are characterized by three principal features: 1. Repeated segments. The body of an annelid worm is composed of a series of ring-like segments running the length of the body, looking like a stack of donuts or roll of coins (figure 45.12). Internally, the seg- ments are divided from one another by partitions called septa, just as bulkheads separate the segments of a submarine. In each of the cylindrical segments, the excretory and locomotor organs are repeated. The fluid within the coelom of each segment creates a hydrostatic (liquid-supported) skeleton that gives the segment rigidity, like an inflated balloon. Muscles within each segment push against the fluid in the coelom. Because each segment is separate, each can expand or contract independently. This lets the worm move in complex ways. 2. Specialized segments. The anterior (front) seg- ments of annelids have become modified to contain specialized sensory organs. Some are sensitive to light, and elaborate eyes with lenses and retinas have evolved in some annelids. A well-developed cerebral ganglion, or brain, is contained in one an- terior segment. 3. Connections. Although partitions separate the seg- ments, materials and information do pass between segments. Annelids have a closed circulatory system that carries blood from one segment to another. A ventral nerve cord connects the nerve centers or gan- glia in each segment with one another and the brain. These neural connections are critical features that allow the worm to function and behave as a unified and coordinated organism. Body Plan of the Annelids The basic annelid body plan is a tube within a tube, with the internal digestive tract—a tube running from mouth to anus—suspended within the coelom. The tube that makes up the digestive tract has several portions—the pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard, and intestine—that are special- ized for different functions. Annelids make use of their hydrostatic skeleton for lo- comotion. To move, annelids contract circular muscles running around each segment. Doing so squeezes the segment, causing the coelomic fluid to squirt outwards, like a tube of toothpaste. Because the fluid is trapped in the segment by the septa, instead of escaping like tooth- paste, the fluid causes the segment to elongate and get much thinner. By then contracting longitudinal muscles that run along the length of the worm, the segment is re- turned to its original shape. In most annelid groups, each segment typically possesses setae, bristles of chitin that help anchor the worms during locomotion. By extending the setae in some segments so that they anchor in the substrate and retracting them in other segments, the worm can squirt its body, section by section, in either direction. 906 Part XII Animal Diversity 45.2 Annelids were the first segmented animals. Sponges Cnidarians Flatworms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Arthropods Echinoderms Chordates FIGURE 45.11 A polychaete annelid. Nereis virens is a wide-ranging, predatory, marine polychaete worm equipped with feathery parapodia for movement and respiration, as well as jaws for hunting. You may have purchased Nereis as fishing bait! Unlike the arthropods and most mollusks, most annelids have a closed circulatory system. Annelids exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the environment through their body surfaces; most lack gills or lungs. However, much of their oxygen supply reaches the different parts of their bodies through their blood vessels. Some of these vessels at the ante- rior end of the worm body are enlarged and heavily muscular, serving as hearts that pump the blood. Earthworms have five pulsating blood vessels on each side that serve as hearts, help- ing to pump blood from the main dorsal vessel, which is their major pumping structure, to the main ventral vessel. The excretory system of annelids consists of ciliated, funnel-shaped nephridia generally similar to those of mol- lusks. These nephridia—each segment has a pair—collect waste products and transport them out of the body through the coelom by way of specialized excretory tubes. Annelids are a diverse group of coelomate animals characterized by serial segmentation. Each segment in the annelid body has its own circulatory, excretory, neural elements, and setae. Chapter 45 Mollusks and Annelids 907 PHYLUM ANNELIDA: Segmentation Segments Setae Clitellum Mouth Brain Pharynx Hearts Esophagus Dorsal blood vessel Intestine Longitudinal muscleSepta Male gonads Female gonads Nerve cord Ventral blood vessel NephridiumCircular muscle Each segment contains a set of excretory organs and a nerve center. Segments are connected by the circulatory and nervous systems. A series of hearts at the anterior (front) end pump the blood. A well-developed brain located in an anterior segment coordinates the activities of all segments. Each segment has a coelom. Muscles squeeze the fluid of the coelom, making each segment rigid, like an inflated balloon. Because each segment can contract independently, a worm can crawl by lengthening some segments while shortening others. Earthworms crawl by anchoring bristles called setae to the ground and pulling against them. Polychaete annelids have a flattened body and swim or crawl by flexing it. FIGURE 45.12 The evolution of segmentation. Marine polychaetes and earthworms (phylum Annelida) were most likely the first organisms to evolve a body plan based on partly repeated body segments. Segments are separated internally from each other by septa. Classes of Annelids The roughly 12,000 described species of annelids occur in many different habitats. They range in length from as lit- tle as 0.5 millimeter to the more than 3-meter length of some polychaetes and giant Australian earthworms. There are three classes of annelids: (1) Polychaeta, which are free-living, almost entirely marine bristleworms, comprising some 8000 species; (2) Oligochaeta, terrestrial earthworms and related marine and freshwater worms, with some 3100 species; and (3) Hirudinea, leeches, mainly freshwater predators or bloodsuckers, with about 500 species. The an- nelids are believed to have evolved in the sea, with poly- chaetes being the most primitive class. Oligochaetes seem to have evolved from polychaetes, perhaps by way of brackish water to estuaries and then to streams. Leeches share with oligochaetes an organ called a clitellum, which secretes a cocoon specialized to receive the eggs. It is generally agreed that leeches evolved from oligochaetes, specializing in their bloodsucking lifestyle as external parasites. Class Polychaeta: The Polychaetes Polychaetes (class Polychaeta) include clamworms, plume worms, scaleworms, lugworms, twin-fan worms, sea mice, peacock worms, and many others. These worms are often surprisingly beautiful, with unusual forms and sometimes iridescent colors (figure 45.13; see also figure 45.1). Poly- chaetes are often a crucial part of marine food chains, as they are extremely abundant in certain habitats. Some polychaetes live in tubes or permanent burrows of hardened mud, sand, mucuslike secretions, or calcium car- bonate. These sedentary polychaetes are primarily filter feeders, projecting a set of feathery tentacles from the tubes in which they live that sweep the water for food. Other polychaetes are active swimmers, crawlers, or burrowers. Many are active predators. Polychaetes have a well-developed head with specialized sense organs; they differ from other annelids in this re- spect. Their bodies are often highly organized into distinct regions formed by groups of segments related in function and structure. Their sense organs include eyes, which range from simple eyespots to quite large and conspicuous stalked eyes. Another distinctive characteristic of polychaetes is the paired, fleshy, paddlelike flaps, called parapodia, on most of their segments. These parapodia, which bear bristlelike setae, are used in swimming, burrowing, or crawling. They also play an important role in gas exchange because they greatly increase the surface area of the body. Some poly- chaetes that live in burrows or tubes may have parapodia featuring hooks to help anchor the worm. Slow crawling is carried out by means of the parapodia. Rapid crawling and swimming is by undulating the body. In addition, the poly- chaete epidermis often includes ciliated cells which aid in respiration and food procurement. The sexes of polychaetes are usually separate, and fertil- ization is often external, occurring in the water and away from both parents. Unlike other annelids, polychaetes usu- ally lack permanent gonads, the sex organs that produce gametes. They produce their gametes directly from germ cells in the lining of the coelom or in their septa. Fertiliza- tion results in the production of ciliated, mobile trochophore larvae similar to the larvae of mollusks. The trochophores develop for long periods in the plankton before beginning to add segments and thus changing to a juvenile form that more closely resembles the adult form. Class Oligochaeta: The Earthworms The body of an earthworm (class Oligochaeta) consists of 100 to 175 similar segments, with a mouth on the first and an anus on the last. Earthworms seem to eat their way through the soil because they suck in organic and other material by expanding their strong pharynx. Everything that they ingest passes through their long, straight digestive tracts. One region of this tract, the gizzard, grinds up the organic material with the help of soil particles. The material that passes through an earthworm is de- posited outside of its burrow in the form of castings that 908 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 45.13 A polychaete. The shiny bristleworm, Oenone fulgida. consist of irregular mounds at the opening of a burrow. In this way, earthworms aerate and enrich the soil. A worm can eat its own weight in soil every day. In view of the underground lifestyle that earthworms have evolved, it is not surprising that they have no eyes. However, earthworms do have numerous light-, chemo-, and touch-sensitive cells, mostly concentrated in segments near each end of the body—those regions most likely to en- counter light or other stimuli. Earthworms have fewer setae than polychaetes and no parapodia or head region. Earthworms are hermaphroditic, another way in which they differ from most polychaetes. When they mate (figure 45.14), their anterior ends point in opposite directions, and their ventral surfaces touch. The clitellum is a thickened band on an earthworm’s body; the mucus it secretes holds the worms together during copulation. Sperm cells are re- leased from pores in specialized segments of one partner into the sperm receptacles of the other, the process going in both directions simultaneously. Two or three days after the worms separate, the clitel- lum of each worm secretes a mucous cocoon, surrounded by a protective layer of chitin. As this sheath passes over the female pores of the body—a process that takes place as the worm moves—it receives eggs. As it subsequently passes along the body, it incorporates the sperm that were deposited during copulation. Fertilization of the eggs takes place within the cocoon. When the cocoon finally passes over the end of the worm, its ends pinch together. Within the cocoon, the fertilized eggs develop directly into young worms similar to adults. Class Hirudinea: The Leeches Leeches (class Hirudinea) occur mostly in fresh water, al- though a few are marine and some tropical leeches occupy terrestrial habitats. Most leeches are 2 to 6 centimeters long, but one tropical species reaches up to 30 centimeters. Leeches are usually flattened dorsoventrally, like flat- worms. They are hermaphroditic, and develop a clitellum during the breeding season; cross-fertilization is obligatory as they are unable to self-fertilize. A leech’s coelom is reduced and continuous throughout the body, not divided into individual segments as in the polychaetes and oligochaetes. Leeches have evolved suckers at one or both ends of the body. Those that have suckers at both ends move by attaching first one and then the other end to the substrate, looping along. Many species are also capable of swimming. Except for one species, leeches have no setae. Some leeches have evolved the ability to suck blood from animals. Many freshwater leeches live as external par- asites. They remain on their hosts for long periods and suck their blood from time to time. The best-known leech is the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis (figure 45.15). Individuals of Hirudo are 10 to 12 centimeters long and have bladelike, chitinous jaws that rasp through the skin of the victim. The leech secretes an anticoagulant into the wound to prevent the blood from clotting as it flows out, and its powerful sucking muscles pump the blood out quickly once the hole has been opened. Leeches were used in medicine for hundreds of years to suck blood out of patients whose diseases were mistakenly believed to be caused by an excess of blood. Today, Euro- pean pharmaceutical companies still raise and sell leeches, but they are used to remove excess blood after certain surg- eries. Following the surgery, blood may accumulate be- cause veins may function improperly and fail to circulate the blood. The accumulating blood “turns off” the arterial supply of fresh blood, and the tissue often dies. When leeches remove the excess blood, new capillaries form in about a week, and the tissues remain healthy. Segmented annelids evolved in the sea. Earthworms are their descendents, as are parasitic leeches. Chapter 45 Mollusks and Annelids 909 FIGURE 45.14 Earthworms mating. The anterior ends are pointing in opposite directions. FIGURE 45.15 Hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech, is seen here feeding on a human arm. Leeches uses chitinous, bladelike jaws to make an incision to access blood and secrete an anticoagulant to keep the blood from clotting. Both the anticoagulant and the leech itself have made important contributions to modern medicine. Lophophorates Three phyla of marine animals—Phoronida, Ectoprocta, and Brachiopoda—are characterized by a lophophore, a circular or U-shaped ridge around the mouth bearing one or two rows of ciliated, hollow tentacles. Because of this unusual feature, they are thought to be related to one an- other. The lophophore presumably arose in a common an- cestor. The coelomic cavity of lophophorates extends into the lophophore and its tentacles. The lophophore functions as a surface for gas exchange and as a food-collection organ. Lophophorates use the cilia of their lophophore to capture the organic detritus and plankton on which they feed. Lophophorates are attached to their substrate or move slowly. Lophophorates share some features with mollusks, an- nelids and arthropods (all protostomes) and share others with deuterostomes. Cleavage in lophophorates is mostly radial, as in deuterostomes. The formation of the coelom varies; some lophophorates resemble protostomes in this respect, others deuterostomes. In the Phoronida, the mouth forms from the blastopore, while in the other two phyla, it forms from the end of the embryo opposite the blastopore. Molecular evidence shows that the ribosomes of all lophophorates are decidedly protostome-like, lending strength to placing them within the protostome phyla. De- spite the differences among the three phyla, the unique structure of the lophophore seems to indicate that the members share a common ancestor. Their relationships continue to present a fascinating puzzle. Phylum Phoronida: The Phoronids Phoronids (phylum Phoronida) superficially resemble common polychaete tube worms seen on dock pilings but have many important differences. Each phoronid secretes a chitinous tube and lives out its life within it (figure 45.16). They also extend tentacles to feed and quickly withdraw them when disturbed, but the resemblance to the tube worm ends there. Instead of a straight tube- within-a-tube body plan, phoronids have a U-shaped gut. Only about 10 phoronid species are known, ranging in length from a few millimeters to 30 centimeters. Some species lie buried in sand, others are attached to rocks ei- ther singly or in groups. Phoronids develop as proto- stomes, with radial cleavage and the anus developing sec- ondarily. Phylum Ectoprocta: The Bryozoans Ectoprocts (phylum Ectoprocta) look like tiny, short ver- sions of phoronids (figure 45.17). They are small—usually less than 0.5 millimeter long—and live in colonies that look like patches of moss on the surfaces of rocks, seaweed, or other submerged objects (in fact, their common name bry- ozoans translates from Greek as “moss-animals”). The name Ectoprocta refers to the location of the anus (proct), which is external to the lophophore. The 4000 species in- clude both marine and freshwater forms—the only nonma- rine lophophorates. Individual ectoprocts secrete a tiny chitinous chamber called a zoecium that attaches to rocks and other members of the colony. Individuals communicate chemically through pores between chambers. Ectoprocts develop as deuterostomes, with the mouth developing sec- ondarily; cleavage is radial. 910 Part XII Animal Diversity 45.3 Lophophorates appear to be a transitional group. LophophoreTentacles of lophophore Anus Mouth Nephridium Body wall Intestine Testis Ovary FIGURE 45.16 Phoronids (phylum Phoronida). A phoronid, such as Phoronis, lives in a chitinous tube that the animal secretes to form the outer wall of its body. The lophophore consists of two parallel, horseshoe-shaped ridges of tentacles and can be withdrawn into the tube when the animal is disturbed. Phylum Brachiopoda: The Brachiopods Brachiopods, or lamp shells, superfi- cially resemble clams, with two calci- fied shells (figure 45.18). Many species attach to rocks or sand by a stalk that protrudes through an open- ing in one shell. The lophophore lies within the shell and functions when the brachiopod’s shells are opened slightly. Although a little more than 300 species of brachiopods (phylum Brachiopoda) exist today, more than 30,000 species of this phylum are known as fossils. Because brachiopods were common in the earth’s oceans for millions of years and because their shells fossilize readily, they are often used as index fossils to define a partic- ular time period or sediment type. Brachiopods develop as deutero- stomes and show radial cleavage. The three phyla of lophophorates probably share a common ancestor, and they show a mixture of protostome and deuterostome characteristics. Chapter 45 Mollusks and Annelids 911 Anus Intestine Mouth Stomach Lophophore Retracted lophophore Retractor muscle Zoecium (a) (b) FIGURE 45.17 Ectoprocts (phylum Ectoprocta). (a) A small portion of a colony of the freshwater ectoproct, Plumatella (phylum Ectoprocta), which grows on the underside of rocks. The individual at the left has a fully extended lophophore, the structure characteristic of the three lophophorate phyla. The tiny individuals of Plumatella disappear into their shells when disturbed. (b) Plumatella repens, a freshwater bryozoan. Pedicel Digestive gland Stomach Nephridium Intestine Muscle Coelom Mouth Spiral portion of lophophore Lateral arm of lophophore Mantle Ventral (pedicel) valve Dorsal (brachial) valve Gonad FIGURE 45.18 Brachiopods (phylum Brachiopoda). (a) The lophophore lies within two calcified shells, or valves. (b) The brachiopod, Terebratolina septentrionalsi, is shown here slightly opened so that the lophophore is visible. (a) (b) 912 Part XII Animal Diversity Chapter 45 Summary Questions Media Resources 45.1 Mollusks were among the first coelomates. ? Mollusks contain a true body cavity, or coelom, within the embryonic mesoderm and were among the first coelomate animals. ? The mollusks constitute the second largest phylum of animals in terms of named species. Their body plan consists of distinct parts: a head, a visceral mass, and a foot. ? Of the seven classes of mollusks, the gastropods (snails and slugs), bivalves (clams and scallops), and cephalopods (octopuses, squids, and nautilus), are best known. ? Gastropods typically live in a hard shell. During development, one side of the embryo grows more rapidly than the other, producing a characteristic twisting of the visceral mass. ? Members of the class Bivalvia have two shells hinged together dorsally and a wedge-shaped foot. They lack distinct heads and radulas. Most bivalves are filter- feeders. ? Octopuses and other cephalopods are efficient and often large predators. They possess well-developed brains and are the most intelligent invertebrates. 1. What is the basic body plan of a mollusk? Where is the mantle located? Why is it important in the mollusks? What occurs in the mantle cavity of aquatic mollusks? 2. What is a radula? Do all classes of mollusks possess this structure? How is it used in different types of mollusks? 3. How does the mollusk excretory structure work? Why is it better than the flame cells of acoelomates? 4. What is a trochophore? What is a veliger? 5. Do bivalves generally disperse as larvae or adults? Explain. ? Segmentation is a characteristic seen only in coelomate animals at the annelid evolutionary level and above. Segmentation, or the repetition of body regions, greatly facilitates the development of specialized regions of the body. ? Annelids are worms with bodies composed of numerous similar segments, each with its own circulatory, excretory, and neural elements, and array of setae. There are three classes of annelids, the largely marine Polychaeta, the largely terrestrial Oligochaeta, and the largely freshwater Hirudinea. 6. What evolutionary advantages does segmentation confer upon an organism? 7. What are annelid setae? What function do they serve? What are parapodia? What class of annelids possess them? 8. How do earthworms obtain their nutrients? What sensory structures do earthworms possess? How do these animals reproduce? 45.2 Annelids were the first segmented animals. ? The lophophorates consist of three phyla of marine animals—Phoronida, Ectoprocta, and Brachiopoda— characterized by a circular or U-shaped ridge, the lophophore, around the mouth. ? Some lophophorates have characteristics like protostomes, others like deuterostomes. All are characterized by a lophophore and are thought to share a common ancestor. 9. What prominent feature characterizes the lophophorate animals? What are the functions of this feature? 45.3 Lophophorates appear to be a transitional group. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Mollusks ? Annelids ? Student Research: Growth in Earthworms 913 46 Arthropods Concept Outline 46.1 The evolution of jointed appendages has made arthropods very successful. Jointed Appendages and an Exoskeleton. Arthropods probably evolved from annelids, and with their jointed appendages and an exoskeleton, have successfully invaded practically every habitat on earth. Classification of Arthropods. Arthropods have been traditionally divided into three groups based on morphological characters. However, recent research suggests a restructuring of arthropod classification is needed. General Characteristics of Arthropods. Arthropods have segmented bodies, a chitinous exoskeleton, and often have compound eyes. They have open circulatory systems. In some groups, a series of tubes carry oxygen to the organs, and unique tubules eliminate waste. 46.2 The chelicerates all have fangs or pincers. Class Arachnida: The Arachnids. Spiders and scorpions are predators, while most mites are herbivores. Class Merostomata: Horseshoe Crabs. Among the most ancient of living animals, horseshoe crabs are thought to have evolved from trilobites. Class Pycnogonida: The Sea Spiders. The spiders that are common in marine habitats differ greatly from terrestrial spiders. 46.3 Crustaceans have branched appendages. Crustaceans. Crustaceans are unique among living arthropods because virtually all of their appendages are branched. 46.4 Insects are the most diverse of all animal groups. Classes Chilopoda and Diplopoda: The Centipedes and Millipedes. Centipedes and millipedes are highly segmented, with legs on each segment. Class Insecta: The Insects. Insects are the largest group of organisms on earth. They are the only invertebrate animals that have wings and can fly. Insect Life Histories. Insects undergo simple or complete metamorphosis. T he evolution of segmentation among annelids marked the first major innovation in body structure among coelomates. An even more profound innovation was the de- velopment of jointed appendages in arthropods, a phylum that almost certainly evolved from an annelid ancestor. Arthropod bodies are segmented like those of annelids, but the individual segments often exist only during early devel- opment and fuse into functional groups as adults. In arthropods like the wasp above (figure 46.1), jointed ap- pendages include legs, antennae, and a complex array of mouthparts. The functional flexibility provided by such a broad array of appendages has made arthropods the most successful of animal groups. FIGURE 46.1 An arthropod. One of the major arthropod groups is represented here by Polistes, the common paper wasp (class Insecta). component of plants, and shares similar properties of toughness and flexibility. Together, the chitin and protein provide an external covering that is both very strong and capable of flexing in response to the contrac- tion of muscles attached to it. In most crustaceans, the exoskeleton is made even tougher, although less flexible, with deposits of calcium salts. However, there is a limitation. The exoskeleton must be much thicker to bear the pull of the mus- cles in large insects than in small ones. That is why you don’t see bee- tles as big as birds, or crabs the size of a cow—the exoskeleton would be so thick the animal couldn’t move its great weight. Because this size limi- tation is inherent in the body design of arthropods, there are no large arthropods—few are larger than your thumb. The Arthropods Arthropods, especially the largest class—insects—are by far the most successful of all animals. Well over 1,000,000 species—about two-thirds of all the named species on earth— are members of this phylum (figure 46.2). One scientist recently esti- mated, based on the number and di- versity of insects in tropical forests, that there might be as many as 30 million species in this one class alone. About 200 million insects are alive at any one time for each human! Insects and other arthro- pods (figure 46.3) abound in every habitat on the planet, but they espe- cially dominate the land, along with flowering plants and vertebrates. The majority of arthropod species consist of small animals, mostly about a millimeter in length. Members of the phylum range in adult size from about 80 micrometers long (some parasitic mites) to 3.6 meters across (a gigantic crab found in the sea off Japan). Arthropods, especially insects, are of enormous eco- nomic importance and affect all aspects of human life. They compete with humans for food of every kind, play a key role in the pollination of certain crops, and cause bil- 914 Part XII Animal Diversity Jointed Appendages and an Exoskeleton With the evolution of the first an- nelids, many of the major innova- tions of animal structure had already appeared: the division of tissues into three primary types (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm), bilateral symmetry, a coelom, and segmenta- tion. With arthropods, two more in- novations arose—the development of jointed appendages and an exoskeleton. Jointed appendages and an exoskele- ton have allowed arthropods (phy- lum Arthropoda) to become the most diverse phylum. Jointed Appendages The name “arthropod” comes from two Greek words, arthros, “jointed,” and podes, “feet.” All arthropods have jointed appendages. The numbers of these appendages are reduced in the more advanced members of the phy- lum. Individual appendages may be modified into antennae, mouthparts of various kinds, or legs. Some ap- pendages, such as the wings of certain insects, are not homologous to the other appendages; insect wings evolved separately. To gain some idea of the impor- tance of jointed appendages, imagine yourself without them—no hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists, or knuckles. Without jointed appendages, you could not walk or grasp any object. Arthropods use jointed appendages such as legs for walking, antennae to sense their envi- ronment, and mouthparts for feeding. Exoskeleton The arthropod body plan has a sec- ond major innovation: a rigid external skeleton, or ex- oskeleton, made of chitin and protein. In any animal, the skeleton functions to provide places for muscle attach- ment. In arthropods, the muscles attach to the interior surface of their hard exoskeleton, which also protects the animal from predators and impedes water loss. Chitin is chemically similar to cellulose, the dominant structural 46.1 The evolution of jointed appendages has made arthropods very successful. Sponges Cnidarians Flatworms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Arthropods Echinoderms Chordates Beetles Bacteria Protists Plants Mollusks Chordates Other animals Flies Butterflies, moths Bees, wasps Other insects Other arthropods Spiders Crustaceans Fungi FIGURE 46.2 Arthropods are a successful group. About two-thirds of all named species are arthropods. About 80% of all arthropods are insects, and about half of the named species of insects are beetles. lions of dollars of damage to crops, before and after har- vest. They are by far the most important herbivores in all terrestrial ecosystems and are a valuable food source as well. Virtually every kind of plant is eaten by one or more species of insect. Diseases spread by insects cause enormous financial damage each year and strike every kind of domesticated animal and plant, as well as human beings. Arthropods are segmented protostomes with jointed appendages. Arthropods are the most successful of all animal groups. Chapter 46 Arthropods 915 The jointed appendages of insects are all connected to the central body region, the thorax. There are three pairs of legs attached there and, most often, two pairs of wings (some insects like flies have retained only one wing pair). The wings are sheets of chitin and protein. Insects eliminate wastes by collecting circulatory fluid osmotically in Malpighian tubules that extend from the gut into the blood and then reabsorbing the fluid, but not the wastes. Insects breathe through small tubes called tracheae that pass throughout the body and are connected to the outside by special openings called spiracles. Insects have complex sensory organs located on the head, including a single pair of antennae and compound eyes composed of many independent visual units. Arthropods have been the most successful of all animals. Two-thirds of all named species on earth are arthropods. Antenna Eye Head Thorax Air sac Malpighian tubules Abdomen Rectum Poison sac Sting Midgut Spiracles Mouthparts PHYLUM ARTHROPODA: Jointed appendages and exoskeleton FIGURE 46.3 The evolution of jointed appendages and an exoskeleton. Insects and other arthropods (phylum Arthropoda) have a coelom, segmented bodies, and jointed appendages. The three body regions of an insect (head, thorax, and abdomen) are each actually composed of a number of segments that fuse during development. All arthropods have a strong exoskeleton made of chitin. One class, the insects, has evolved wings that permit them to fly rapidly through the air. Classification of the Arthropods Arthropods are among the oldest of animals, first appearing in the Precambrian over 600 million years ago. Ranging in size from enormous to microscopic, all arthropods share a common heritage of segmented bodies and jointed ap- pendages, a powerful combination for generating novel evolutionary forms. Arthropods are the most diverse of all the animal phyla, with more species than all other animal phyla combined, most of them insects. Origin of the Arthropods Taxonomists have long held that there is a close relation- ship between the annelids and the arthropods, the two great segmented phyla. Velvet worms (phylum Ony- chophora), known from the Burgess Shale (where upside- down fossils were called Hallucigenia) and many other early Cambrian deposits, have many features in common with both annelids and arthropods. Some recent molecular stud- ies have supported the close relationship between annelids and arthropods, others have not. Traditional Classification Members of the phylum Arthropoda have been tradition- ally divided into three subphyla, based largely on morpho- logical characters. 1. Trilobites (the extinct trilobites). Trilobites, com- mon in the seas 250 million years ago, were the first animals whose eyes were capable of a high degree of resolution. 2. Chelicerates (spiders, horseshoe crabs, sea spiders). These arthropods lack jaws. The foremost ap- pendages of their bodies are mouthparts called che- licerae (figure 46.4a) that function in feeding, usually pincers or fangs . 3. Mandibulates (crustaceans, insects, centipedes, milli- pedes). These arthropods have biting jaws, called mandibles (figure 46.4b). In mandibulates, the most anterior appendages are one or more pairs of sensory antennae, and the next appendages are the mandibles. Among the mandibulates, insects have traditionally been set apart from the crustaceans, grouped instead with the myriapods (centipedes and millipedes) in a taxon called Tracheata. This phylogeny, still widely employed, dates back to benchmark work by the great comparative biologist Robert Snodgrass in the 1930s. He pointed out that insects, centipedes, and millipedes are united by several seemingly powerful attributes: A tracheal respiratory system. Trachea are small, branched air ducts that transmit oxygen from openings in the exoskeleton to every cell of the body. Use of Malpighian tubules for excretion. Malpighian tubules are slender projections from the digestive tract which collect and filter body fluids, emptying wastes into the hindgut. Uniramous (single-branched) legs. All crustacean ap- pendages are basically biramous, or “two- branched” (figure 46.5), although some of these appendages have become single-branched by re- duction in the course of their evolution. Insects, by contrast, have uniramous, or single-branched, mandibles and other appendages. Doubts about the Traditional Approach Recent research is casting doubt on the wisdom of this taxonomic decision. The problem is that the key morpho- logical traits used to define the Tracheata are not as pow- erful taxonomically as had been assumed. Taxonomists have traditionally assumed a character like branching ap- 916 Part XII Animal Diversity Eyes Chelicera Pedipalp Antenna Mandible (a) Chelicerate (b) Mandibulate FIGURE 46.4 Chelicerates and mandibulates. In the chelicerates, such as a spider (a), the chelicerae are the foremost appendages of the body. In contrast, the foremost appendages in the mandibulates, such as an ant (b), are the antennae, followed by the mandibles. Exopodite Endopodite Crayfish maxilliped (biramous) Insect appendage (uniramous) FIGURE 46.5 Mandibulate appendages. A biramous leg in a crustacean (crayfish) and a uniramous leg in an insect. pendages to be a fundamental one, conserved over the course of evolution, and thus suitable for making taxo- nomic distinctions. However, modern molecular biology now tells us that this is not a valid assumption. The branching of arthro- pod legs, for example, turns out to be controlled by a sin- gle gene. The pattern of appendages among arthropods is orchestrated by a family of genes called homeotic (Hox) genes, described in detail in chapter 17. A single one of these Hox genes, called Distal-less, has recently been shown to initiate development of unbranched limbs in in- sects and branched limbs in crustaceans. The same Distal-less gene is found in many animal phyla, including vertebrates. A Revolutionary New Phylogeny In recent years a mass of accumulating morphological and molecular data has led many taxonomists to suggest new arthropod taxonomies. The most revolutionary of these, championed by Richard Brusca of Columbia University, considers crustaceans to be the basic arthropod group, and insects a close sister group (figure 46.6). Morphological Evidence. The most recent morphologi- cal study of arthropod phylogeny, reported in 1998, was based on 100 conserved anatomical features of the central nervous system. It concluded insects were more closely re- lated to crustaceans than to any other arthropod group. They share a unique pattern of segmental neurons, and many other features. Molecular Evidence. Molecular phylogenies based on 18S rRNA sequences, the 18S rDNA gene, the elongation factor EF-1a, and the RNA polymerase II gene, all place insects as a sister group to crustaceans, not myriapods, and arising from within the crustaceans. In conflict with 150 years of morphology-based thinking, these conclusions are certain to engender lively discussion. Arthropods have traditionally been classified into arachnids and other chelicerates that lack jaws and have fang mouthparts, and mandibulates (crustaceans and tracheates) with biting jaws. A revised arthropod taxonomy considers Tracheata to be the products convergent evolution, with insects and crustaceans sister groups. Chapter 46 Arthropods 917 Ancestral arthropod Ancestral arthropod Trilobites (extinct) Trilobites (extinct) Eurypterids (extinct) Horseshoe crabs Horseshoe crabs Arachnids Arachnids Sea spiders Sea spiders Chelicerates Chelicerates Crustaceans Crustaceans Mandibulates Traditional Phylogeny Revised Phylogeny Insects Insects Tracheata Centipedes Centipedes Millipedes Millipedes Myriapoda Modern crustaceans Eurypterids (extinct) A crustacean? FIGURE 46.6 A proposed revision of arthropod phylogeny. Accumulating evidence supports the hypothesis that insects and modern crustaceans are sister groups, having evolved from the same ancient crustacean ancestor in the Precambrian. This implies that insects may be viewed as “flying crustaceans,” and that the traditional Tracheata taxon, which places centipedes, millipedes, and insects together, is in fact a polyphyletic group. General Characteristics of Arthropods Arthropod bodies are segmented like annelids, a phylum to which at least some arthropods are clearly related. Mem- bers of some classes of arthropods have many body seg- ments. In others, the segments have become fused together into functional groups, or tagmata (singular, tagma), such as the head and thorax of an insect (figure 46.7). This fus- ing process, known as tagmatization, is of central impor- tance in the evolution of arthropods. In most arthropods, the original segments can be distinguished during larval de- velopment. All arthropods have a distinct head, sometimes fused with the thorax to form a tagma called the cephalothorax. Exoskeleton The bodies of all arthropods are covered by an exoskeleton, or cuticle, that contains chitin. This tough outer covering, against which the muscles work, is secreted by the epider- mis and fused with it. The exoskeleton remains fairly flexi- ble at specific points, allowing the exoskeleton to bend and appendages to move. The exoskeleton protects arthropods from water loss and helps to protect them from predators, parasites, and injury. Molting. Arthropods periodically undergo ecdysis, or molting, the shedding of the outer cuticular layer. When they outgrow their exoskeleton, they form a new one un- derneath. This process is controlled by hormones. When the new exoskeleton is complete, it becomes separated from the old one by fluid. This fluid dissolves the chitin and pro- tein and, if it is present, calcium carbonate, from the old exoskeleton. The fluid increases in volume until, finally, the original exoskeleton cracks open, usually along the back, and is shed. The arthropod emerges, clothed in a new, pale, and still somewhat soft exoskeleton. The arthro- pod then “puffs itself up,” ultimately expanding to full size. The blood circulation to all parts of the body aids them in this expansion, and many insects and spiders take in air to assist them. The expanded exoskeleton subsequently hard- ens. While the exoskeleton is soft, the animal is especially vulnerable. At this stage, arthropods often hide under stones, leaves, or branches. Compound Eye Another important structure in many arthropods is the compound eye (figure 46.8a). Compound eyes are com- posed of many independent visual units, often thousands of them, called ommatidia. Each ommatidium is covered with a lens and linked to a complex of eight retinular cells 918 Part XII Animal Diversity Cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) Abdomen Abdomen (a) Scorpion (b) Honeybee Head Thorax FIGURE 46.7 Arthropod evolution from many to few body segments. The (a) scorpion and the (b) honeybee are arthropods with different numbers of body segments. Ommatidium Optic nerve Nerve fiber Corneal lens Crystalline core Rhabdom Retinular cells Pigment cells Cross section of ommatidium FIGURE 46.8 The compound eye. (a) The compound eyes found in insects are complex structures. (b) Three ocelli are visible between the compound eyes of the robberfly (order Diptera). (a) (b) and a light-sensitive central core, or rhabdom. Com- pound eyes among insects are of two main types: apposi- tion eyes and superposition eyes. Apposition eyes are found in bees and butterflies and other insects that are ac- tive during the day. Each ommatidium acts in isolation, surrounded by a curtain of pigment cells that blocks the passage of light from one to another. Superposition eyes, such as those found in moths and other insects that are active at night, are designed to maximize the amount of light that enters each ommatidium. At night, the pigment in the pigment cells is concentrated at the top of the cells so that the low levels of light can be received by many dif- ferent ommatidia. During daylight, the pigment in the pigment cells is evenly dispersed throughout the cells, al- lowing the eye to function much like an apposition eye. The pigment in the pigment cells gives the arthropod eye its color, but it is not the critical pigment needed for vi- sion. The visual pigment is located in an area called the rhabdom found in the center of the ommatidium. The in- dividual images from each ommatidium are combined in the arthropod’s brain to form its image of the external world. Simple eyes, or ocelli, with single lenses are found in the other arthropod groups and sometimes occur together with compound eyes, as is often the case in insects (figure 46.8b). Ocelli function in distinguishing light from dark- ness. The ocelli of some flying insects, namely locusts and dragonflies, function as horizon detectors and help the in- sect visually stabilize its course in flight. Circulatory System In the course of arthropod evolution, the coelom has be- come greatly reduced, consisting only of cavities that house the reproductive organs and some glands. Arthro- pods completely lack cilia, both on the external surfaces of the body and on the internal organs. Like annelids, arthropods have a tubular gut that extends from the mouth to the anus. In the next paragraphs we will discuss the circulatory, respiratory, excretory, and nervous sys- tems of the arthropods (figure 46.9). The circulatory system of arthropods is open; their blood flows through cavities between the internal organs and not through closed vessels. The principal component of an insect’s circulatory system is a longitudinal vessel called the heart. This vessel runs near the dorsal surface of the thorax and abdomen. When it contracts, blood flows into the head region of the insect. When an insect’s heart relaxes, blood returns to it through a series of valves. These valves are located in the posterior region of the heart and allow the blood to flow inward only. Thus, blood from the head and other anterior portions of the insect gradually flows through the spaces between the tissues toward the posterior end and then back through the one-way valves into the heart. Blood flows most rapidly when the insect is running, flying, or other- wise active. At such times, the blood efficiently delivers nu- trients to the tissues and removes wastes from them. Nervous System The central feature of the arthropod nervous system is a double chain of segmented ganglia running along the ani- mal’s ventral surface. At the anterior end of the animal are three fused pairs of dorsal ganglia, which constitute the brain. However, much of the control of an arthropod’s ac- tivities is relegated to ventral ganglia. Therefore, the ani- mal can carry out many functions, including eating, move- ment, and copulation, even if the brain has been removed. The brain of arthropods seems to be a control point, or in- hibitor, for various actions, rather than a stimulator, as it is in vertebrates. Chapter 46 Arthropods 919 Rectum Malpighian tubules Heart Ovary Tympanal organ Compound eye Ocelli Head Thorax Abdomen Antennae Spiracles Mouth Nerve ganglia Brain Aorta Crop Stomach Gastric ceca (a) (b) FIGURE 46.9 A grasshopper (order Orthoptera). This grasshopper illustrates the major structural features of the insects, the most numerous group of arthropods. (a) External anatomy. (b) Internal anatomy. Respiratory System Insects and other members of subphylum Uniramia, which are fundamentally terrestrial, depend on their respiratory rather than their circulatory system to carry oxygen to their tissues. In vertebrates, blood moves within a closed circula- tory system to all parts of the body, carrying the oxygen with it. This is a much more efficient arrangement than ex- ists in arthropods, in which all parts of the body need to be near a respiratory passage to obtain oxygen. As a result, the size of the arthropod body is much more limited than that of the vertebrates. Along with the brittleness of their chitin exoskeletons, this feature of arthropod design places severe limitations on size. Unlike most animals, the arthropods have no single major respiratory organ. The respiratory system of most terrestrial arthropods consists of small, branched, cuticle- lined air ducts called tracheae (figure 46.10). These tra- cheae, which ultimately branch into very small tracheoles, are a series of tubes that transmit oxygen throughout the body. Tracheoles are in direct contact with individual cells, and oxygen diffuses directly across the cell membranes. Air passes into the tracheae by way of specialized openings in the exoskeleton called spiracles, which, in most insects, can be opened and closed by valves. The ability to prevent water loss by closing the spiracles was a key adaptation that facilitated the invasion of the land by arthropods. In many insects, especially larger ones, muscle contraction helps to increase the flow of gases in and out of the tracheae. In other terrestrial arthropods, the flow of gases is essentially a passive process. Many spiders and some other chelicerates have a unique respiratory system that involves book lungs, a series of leaflike plates within a chamber. Air is drawn in and ex- pelled out of this chamber by muscular contraction. Book lungs may exist alongside tracheae, or they may function instead of tracheae. One small class of marine chelicerates, the horseshoe crabs, have book gills, which are analogous to book lungs but function in water. Tracheae, book lungs, and book gills are all structures found only in arthropods and in the phylum Onychophora, which have tracheae. Crustaceans lack such structures and have gills. Excretory System Though there are various kinds of excretory systems in dif- ferent groups of arthropods, we will focus here on the unique excretory system consisting of Malpighian tubules that evolved in terrestrial uniramians. Malpighian tubules are slender projections from the digestive tract that are attached at the junction of the midgut and hindgut (see figure 46.3). Fluid passes through the walls of the Malpighian tubules to and from the blood in which the tubules are bathed. As this fluid passes through the tubules toward the hindgut, nitroge- nous wastes are precipitated as concentrated uric acid or guanine. These substances are then emptied into the hindgut and eliminated. Most of the water and salts in the fluid are reabsorbed by the hindgut and rectum and returned to the arthropod’s body. Malpighian tubules are an efficient mech- anism for water conservation and were another key adapta- tion facilitating invasion of the land by arthropods. All arthropods have a rigid chitin and protein exoskeleton that provides places for muscle attachment, protects the animal from predators and injury, and, most important, impedes water loss. Many arthropods have compound eyes. Arthropods have an open circulatory system. Many arthropods eliminate metabolic wastes by a unique system of Malpighian tubules. Most terrestrial insects have a network of tubes called tracheae that transmit oxygen from the outside to the organs. 920 Part XII Animal Diversity Spiracles Spiracle Tracheoles Trachea FIGURE 46.10 Tracheae and tracheoles. Tracheae and tracheoles are connected to the exterior by specialized openings called spiracles and carry oxygen to all parts of a terrestrial insect’s body. (a) The tracheal system of a grasshopper. (b) A portion of the tracheal system of a cockroach. (a) (b) Class Arachnida: The Arachnids Chelicerates (subphylum Chelicerata) are a distinct evolu- tionary line of arthropods in which the most anterior ap- pendages have been modified into chelicerae, which often function as fangs or pincers. By far the largest of the three classes of chelicerates is the largely terrestrial Arachnida, with some 57,000 named species; it includes spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions, and daddy longlegs. Arachnids have a pair of chelicerae, a pair of pedipalps, and four pairs of walking legs. The chelicerae are the foremost appendages; they consist of a stout basal portion and a movable fang often connected to a poison gland. The next pair of appendages, pedipalps, resemble legs but have one less segment and are not used for locomotion. In male spiders, they are specialized copulatory organs. In scorpions, the pedipalps are large pincers. Most arachnids are carnivorous. The main exception is mites, which are largely herbivorous. Most arachnids can ingest only preliquified food, which they often digest ex- ternally by secreting enzymes into their prey. They can then suck up the digested material with their muscular, pumping pharynx. Arachnids are primarily, but not exclu- sively, terrestrial. Some 4000 known species of mites and one species of spider live in fresh water, and a few mites live in the sea. Arachnids breathe by means of tracheae, book lungs, or both. Order Opiliones: The Daddy Longlegs A familiar group of arachnids consists of the daddy long- legs, or harvestmen (order Opiliones). Members of this order are easily recognized by their oval, compact bodies and extremely long, slender legs (figure 46.11). They respire by means of a primary pair of tracheae and are un- usual among the arachnids in that they engage in direct copulation. The males have a penis, and the females an ovipositor, or egg-laying organ which deposits their eggs in cracks and crevices. Most daddy longlegs are predators of insects and other arachnids, but some live on plant juices and many scavenge dead animal matter. The order includes about 5000 species. Order Scorpiones: The Scorpions Scorpions (order Scorpiones) are arachnids whose pedi- palps are modified into pincers. Scorpions use these pincers to handle and tear apart their food (figure 46.12). The ven- omous stings of scorpions are used mainly to stun their prey and less commonly in self-defense. The stinging appa- ratus is located in the terminal segment of the abdomen. A scorpion holds its abdomen folded forward over its body when it is moving about. The elongated, jointed abdomens of scorpions are distinctive; in most chelicerates, the ab- dominal segments are more or less fused together and ap- pear as a single unit. Scorpions are probably the most ancient group of terres- trial arthropods; they are known from the Silurian Period, some 425 million years ago. Adults of this order of arach- nids range in size from 1 to 18 centimeters. There are some 1200 species of scorpions, all terrestrial, which occur throughout the world. They are most common in tropical, subtropical, and desert regions. The young are born alive, with 1 to 95 in a given brood. Chapter 46 Arthropods 921 46.2 The chelicerates all have fangs or pincers. FIGURE 46.11 A harvestman, or daddy longlegs. FIGURE 46.12 The scorpion, Uroctonus mordax. This photograph shows the characteristic pincers and segmented abdomen, ending in a stinging apparatus, raised over the animal’s back. The white mass is comprised of the scorpion’s young. Order Araneae: The Spiders There are about 35,000 named species of spiders (order Araneae). These animals play a major role in virtually all terrestrial ecosystems. They are particularly important as predators of insects and other small animals. Spiders hunt their prey or catch it in silk webs of remarkable di- versity. The silk is formed from a fluid protein that is forced out of spinnerets on the posterior portion of the spider’s abdomen. The webs and habits of spiders are often distinctive. Some spiders can spin gossamer floats that allow them to drift away in the breeze to a new site. Many kinds of spiders, like the familiar wolf spiders and tarantulas, do not spin webs but instead hunt their prey ac- tively. Others, called trap-door spiders, construct silk-lined burrows with lids, seizing their prey as it passes by. One species of spider, Argyroneta aquatica, lives in fresh water, spending most of its time below the surface. Its body is sur- rounded by a bubble of air, while its legs, which are used both for underwater walking and for swimming, are not. Several other kinds of spiders walk about freely on the sur- face of water. Spiders have poison glands leading through their che- licerae, which are pointed and used to bite and paralyze prey. Some members of this order, such as the black widow and brown recluse (figure 46.13), have bites that are poiso- nous to humans and other large mammals. Order Acari: Mites and Ticks The order Acari, the mites and ticks, is the largest in terms of number of species and the most diverse of the arachnids. Although only about 30,000 species of mites and ticks have been named, scientists that study the group estimate that there may be a million or more members of this order in existence. Most mites are small, less than 1 millimeter long, but adults of different species range from 100 nanometers to 2 centimeters. In most mites, the cephalothorax and ab- domen are fused into an unsegmented ovoid body. Respira- tion occurs either by means of tracheae or directly through the exoskeleton. Many mites pass through several distinct stages during their life cycle. In most, an inactive eight- legged prelarva gives rise to an active six-legged larva, which in turn produces a succession of three eight-legged stages and, finally, the adult males and females. Mites and ticks are diverse in structure and habitat. They are found in virtually every terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitat known and feed on fungi, plants, and animals. They act as predators and as internal and external parasites of both invertebrates and vertebrates. Many mites produce irritating bites and diseases in hu- mans. Mites live in the hair follicles and wax glands of your forehead and nose, but usually cause no symptoms. Ticks are blood-feeding ectoparasites, parasites that occur on the surface of their host (figure 46.14). They are larger than most other mites and cause discomfort by suck- ing the blood of humans and other animals. Ticks can carry many diseases, including some caused by viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. The spotted fevers (Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a familiar example) are caused by bacteria carried by ticks. Lyme disease is apparently caused by spirochaetes transmitted by ticks. Red-water fever, or Texas fever, is an important tick-borne protozoan disease of cattle, horses, sheep, and dogs. Scorpions, spiders, and mites are all arachnids, the largest class of chelicerates. 922 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 46.13 Two common poisonous spiders. (a) The black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans. (b) The brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa. Both species are common throughout temperate and subtropical North America, but bites are rare in humans. FIGURE 46.14 Ticks (order Acari). Ticks (the large one is engorged) on the hide of a tapir in Peru. Many ticks spread diseases in humans and other vertebrates. (a) (b) Class Merostomata: Horseshoe Crabs A second class of chelicerates is the horseshoe crabs (class Merostomata). There are three genera of horseshoe crabs. One, Limulus (figure 46.15), is common along the East Coast of North America. The other two genera live in the Asian tropics. Horseshoe crabs are an ancient group, with fossils virtually identical to Limulus dating back 220 million years to the Triassic Period. Other members of the class, the now-extinct eurypterans, are known from 400 million years ago. Horseshoe crabs may have been derived from trilobites, a relationship suggested by the appearance of their larvae. Individ- uals of Limulus grow up to 60 centime- ters long. They mature in 9 to 12 years and have a life span of 14 to 19 years. Limulus individuals live in deep water, but they migrate to shallow coastal wa- ters every spring, emerging from the sea to mate on moonlit nights when the tide is high. Horseshoe crabs feed at night, pri- marily on mollusks and annelids. They swim on their backs by moving their abdominal plates. They can also walk on their four pairs of legs, protected along with chelicerae and pedipalps by their shell (figure 46.16). Horseshoe crabs are a very ancient group. Class Pycnogonida: The Sea Spiders The third class of chelicerates is the sea spiders (class Pyc- nogonida). Sea spiders are common in coastal waters, with more than 1000 species in the class. These animals are not often observed because many are small, only about 1 to 3 centimeters long, and rather inconspicuous. They are found in oceans throughout the world but are most abun- dant in the far north and far south. Adult sea spiders are mostly external parasites or predators of other animals like sea anemones (figure 46.17). Sea spiders have a sucking proboscis in a mouth located at its end. Their abdomen is much reduced, and their body appears to consist almost entirely of the cephalothorax, with no well-defined head. Sea spiders usually have four, or less commonly five or six, pairs of legs. Male sea spiders carry the eggs on their legs until they hatch, thus providing a measure of parental care. Sea spiders completely lack excretory and respiratory systems. They appear to carry out these functions by direct diffusion, with waste products flowing outward through the cells and oxygen flowing in- ward through them. Sea spiders are not closely related to either of the other two classes of chelicerates. Sea spiders are very common in marine habitats. They are not closely related to terrestrial spiders. Chapter 46 Arthropods 923 FIGURE 46.15 Limulus. Horseshoe crabs, emerging from the sea to mate at the edge of Delaware Bay, New Jersey, in early May. Operculum Walking legs Book gills Pedipalp Chelicera Mouth Carapace Cephalothorax Abdomen Telson FIGURE 46.16 Diagram of a horseshoe crab, Limulus, from below. This diagram illustrates the principal features of this archaic animal. FIGURE 46.17 A marine pycnogonid. The sea spider, Pycnogonum littorale (yellow animal), crawling over a sea anemone. Crustaceans The crustaceans (subphylum Crustacea) are a large group of primarily aquatic organisms, consisting of some 35,000 species of crabs, shrimps, lobsters, crayfish, barnacles, water fleas, pillbugs, and related groups (table 46.1). Most crustaceans have two pairs of antennae, three types of chewing appendages, and various numbers of pairs of legs. All crustacean appendages, with the possible exception of the first pair of antennae, are basically biramous. In some crustaceans, appendages appear to have only a single branch; in those cases, one of the branches has been lost during the course of evolutionary specialization. The nauplius larva stage through which all crustaceans pass (figure 46.18) provides evidence that all members of this diverse group are descended from a common ancestor. The nauplius hatches with three pairs of appendages and metamorphoses through several stages before reaching maturity. In many groups, this nauplius stage is passed in the egg, and development of the hatchling to the adult form is direct. Crustaceans differ from insects but resemble cen- tipedes and millipedes in that they have appendages on their abdomen as well as on their thorax. They are the only arthropods with two pairs of antennae. Their mandibles likely originated from a pair of limbs that took on a chewing function during the course of evolution, a process that apparently occurred independently in the common ancestor of the terrestrial mandibulates. Many crustaceans have compound eyes. In addition, they have delicate tactile hairs that project from the cuticle all over the body. Larger crustaceans have feathery gills near the bases of their legs. In smaller members of this class, gas exchange takes place directly through the thinner areas of the cuticle or the entire body. Most crustaceans have sep- arate sexes. Many different kinds of specialized copulation occur among the crustaceans, and the members of some orders carry their eggs with them, either singly or in egg pouches, until they hatch. Decapod Crustaceans Large, primarily marine crustaceans such as shrimps, lob- sters, and crabs, along with their freshwater relatives, the crayfish, are collectively called decapod crustaceans (figure 46.19). The term decapod means “ten-footed.” In these ani- mals, the exoskeleton is usually reinforced with calcium carbonate. Most of their body segments are fused into a cephalothorax covered by a dorsal shield, or carapace, which arises from the head. The crushing pincers common in many decapod crustaceans are used in obtaining food, for example, by crushing mollusk shells. In lobsters and crayfish, appendages called swimmerets occur in lines along the ventral surface of the abdomen and are used in reproduction and swimming. In addition, flat- tened appendages known as uropods form a kind of com- pound “paddle” at the end of the abdomen. These animals may also have a telson, or tail spine. By snapping its ab- domen, the animal propels itself through the water rapidly and forcefully. Crabs differ from lobsters and crayfish in proportion; their carapace is much larger and broader and the abdomen is tucked under it. 924 Part XII Animal Diversity Table 46.1 Tradional Classification of the Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Characteristics Members Chelicerata Mouthparts are chelicerae The chelicerates: spiders, horseshoe crabs, mites Crustacea Mouthparts are mandibles; The crustaceans: biramous appendages lobsters, crabs, shrimp, isopods, barnacles Uniramia Mouthparts are mandibles; Chilopods uniramous appendages (centipedes), diplopods (millipedes), and insects 46.3 Crustaceans have branched appendages. FIGURE 46.18 Although crustaceans are diverse, they have fundamentally similar larvae. The nauplius larva of a crustacean is an important unifying feature found in all members of this group. Terrestrial and Freshwater Crustaceans Although most crustaceans are marine, many occur in fresh water and a few have become terrestrial. These include pill- bugs and sowbugs, the terrestrial members of a large order of crustaceans known as the isopods (order Isopoda). About half of the estimated 4500 species of this order are terres- trial and live primarily in places that are moist, at least sea- sonally. Sand fleas or beach fleas (order Amphipoda) are other familiar crustaceans, many of which are semiterres- trial (intertidal) species. Along with the larvae of larger species, minute crus- taceans are abundant in the plankton. Especially significant are the tiny copepods (order Copepoda; figure 46.20), which are among the most abundant multicellular organ- isms on earth. Sessile Crustaceans Barnacles (order Cirripedia; figure 46.21) are a group of crustaceans that are sessile as adults. Barnacles have free- swimming larvae, which ultimately attach their heads to a piling, rock, or other submerged object and then stir food into their mouth with their feathery legs. Calcareous plates protect the barnacle’s body, and these plates are usually at- tached directly and solidly to the substrate. Although most crustaceans have separate sexes, barnacles are hermaphro- ditic, but they generally cross-fertilize. Crustaceans include marine, freshwater, and terrestrial forms. All possess a nauplius larval stage and branched appendages. Chapter 46 Arthropods 925 Cheliped Eye Cephalothorax Abdomen Swimmerets Telson Uropod Antenna Antennule Walking legs FIGURE 46.19 Decapod crustacean. A lobster, Homarus americanus. The principal features are labeled. FIGURE 46.20 Freshwater crustacean. A copepod with attached eggs, a member of an abundant group of marine and freshwater crustaceans (order Copepoda), most of which are a few millimeters long. Copepods are important components of the plankton. FIGURE 46.21 Gooseneck barnacles, Lepas anatifera, feeding. These are stalked barnacles; many others lack a stalk. Millipedes, centipedes, and insects, three dis- tinct classes, are uniramian mandibulates. They respire by means of tracheae and excrete their waste products through Malpighian tubules. These groups were certainly derived from annelids, probably ones similar to the oligochaetes, which they resemble in their embryology. Classes Chilopoda and Diplopoda: The Centipedes and Millipedes The centipedes (class Chilopoda) and millipedes (class Diplopoda) both have bodies that consist of a head region followed by numerous seg- ments, all more or less similar and nearly all bearing paired appendages. Although the name centipede would imply an animal with a hundred legs and the name millipede one with a thousand, adult cen- tipedes usually have 30 or more legs, adult millipedes 60 or more. Centipedes have one pair of legs on each body seg- ment (figure 46.22), millipedes two (figure 46.23). Each segment of a millipede is a tagma that originated during the group’s evolution when two ancestral segments fused. This explains why millipedes have twice as many legs per segment as centipedes. In both centipedes and millipedes, fertilization is in- ternal and takes place by direct transfer of sperm. The sexes are separate, and all species lay eggs. Young milli- pedes usually hatch with three pairs of legs; they experi- ence a number of growth stages, adding segments and legs as they mature, but do not change in general appearance. Centipedes, of which some 2500 species are known, are all carnivorous and feed mainly on insects. The ap- pendages of the first trunk segment are modi- fied into a pair of poison fangs. The poison is often quite toxic to human beings, and many centipede bites are extremely painful, some- times even dangerous. In contrast, most millipedes are herbivores, feeding mainly on decaying vegetation. A few millipedes are carnivorous. Many millipedes can roll their bodies into a flat coil or sphere be- cause the dorsal area of each of their body seg- ments is much longer than the ventral one. More than 10,000 species of millipedes have been named, but this is estimated to be no more than one-sixth of the actual number of species that exists. In each segment of their body, most millipedes have a pair of complex glands that produces a bad-smelling fluid. This fluid is ex- uded for defensive purposes through openings along the sides of the body. The chemistry of the secretions of dif- ferent millipedes has become a subject of considerable in- terest because of the diversity of the compounds involved and their effectiveness in protecting millipedes from at- tack. Some produce cyanide gas from segments near their head end. Millipedes live primarily in damp, protected places, such as under leaf litter, in rotting logs, under bark or stones, or in the soil. Centipedes are segmented hunters with one pair of legs on each segment. Millipedes are segmented herbivores with two pairs of legs on each segment. 926 Part XII Animal Diversity 46.4 Insects are the most diverse of all animal groups. FIGURE 46.22 A centipede. Centipedes, like this member of the genus Scolopendra, are active predators. FIGURE 46.23 A millipede. Millipedes, such as this Sigmoria individual, are herbivores. Class Insecta: The Insects The insects, class Insecta, are by far the largest group of or- ganisms on earth, whether measured in terms of numbers of species or numbers of individuals. Insects live in every conceivable habitat on land and in fresh water, and a few have even invaded the sea. More than half of all the named animal species are insects, and the actual proportion is doubtless much higher because millions of additional forms await detection, classification, and naming. Approximately 90,000 described species occur in the United States and Canada, and the actual number of species in this area prob- ably approaches 125,000. A hectare of lowland tropical for- est is estimated to be inhabited by as many as 41,000 species of insects, and many suburban gardens may have 1500 or more species. It has been estimated that approxi- mately a billion billion (10 18 ) individual insects are alive at any one time. A glimpse at the enormous diversity of in- sects is presented in figure 46.24 and later in table 46.2. Chapter 46 Arthropods 927 (a) (b) (d) (e) (f) (c) FIGURE 46.24 Insect diversity. (a) Luna moth, Actias luna. Luna moths and their relatives are among the most spectacular insects (order Lepidoptera). (b) Soldier fly, Ptecticus trivittatus (order Diptera). (c) Boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis. Weevils are one of the largest groups of beetles (order Coleoptera). (d) A thorn-shaped leafhopper, Umbonica crassicornis (order Hemiptera). (e) Copulating grasshoppers (order Orthoptera). (f) Termite, Macrotermes bellicosus (order Isoptera). The large, sausage-shaped individual is a queen, specialized for laying eggs; most of the smaller individuals around the queen are nonreproductive workers, but the larger individual at the lower left is a reproductive male. External Features Insects are primarily a terrestrial group, and most, if not all, of the aquatic insects probably had terrestrial ances- tors. Most insects are relatively small, ranging in size from 0.1 millimeter to about 30 centimeters in length or wingspan. Insects have three body sections, the head, tho- rax, and abdomen; three pairs of legs, all attached to the thorax; and one pair of antennae. In addition, they may have one or two pairs of wings. Insect mouthparts all have the same basic structure but are modified in different groups in relation to their feeding habits (figure 46.25). Most insects have compound eyes, and many have ocelli as well. The insect thorax consists of three segments, each with a pair of legs. Legs are completely absent in the larvae of certain groups, for example, in most members of the order Diptera (flies) (figure 46.26). If two pairs of wings are present, they attach to the middle and posterior seg- ments of the thorax. If only one pair of wings is present, it usually attaches to the middle segment. The thorax is al- most entirely filled with muscles that operate the legs and wings. The wings of insects arise as saclike outgrowths of the body wall. In adult insects, the wings are solid except for the veins. Insect wings are not homologous to the other ap- pendages. Basically, insects have two pairs of wings, but in some groups, like flies, the second set has been reduced to a pair of balancing knobs called halteres during the course of evolution. Most insects can fold their wings over their ab- domen when they are at rest; but a few, such as the dragon- flies and damselflies (order Odonata), keep their wings erect or outstretched at all times. Insect forewings may be tough and hard, as in beetles. If they are, they form a cover for the hindwings and usu- ally open during flight. The tough forewings also serve a protective function in the order Orthoptera, which in- cludes grasshoppers and crickets. The wings of insects are made of sheets of chitin and protein; their strengthening veins are tubules of chitin and protein. Moths and butter- flies have wings that are covered with detachable scales that provide most of their bright colors (figure 46.27). In some wingless insects, such as the springtails or silverfish, wings never evolved. Other wingless groups, such as fleas and lice, are derived from ancestral groups of insects that had wings. Internal Organization The internal features of insects resemble those of the other arthropods in many ways. The digestive tract is a tube, usually somewhat coiled. It is often about the same length as the body. However, in the order Hemiptera, which consists of the leafhoppers, cicadas, and related groups, and in many flies (order Diptera), the digestive tube may be greatly coiled and several times longer than the body. Such long digestive tracts are generally found in 928 Part XII Animal Diversity (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 46.25 Modified mouthparts in three kinds of insects. Mouthparts are modified for (a) piercing in the mosquito, Culex, (b) sucking nectar from flowers in the alfalfa butterfly, Colias, and (c) sopping up liquids in the housefly, Musca domestica. FIGURE 46.26 Larvae of a mosquito, Culex pipiens. The aquatic larvae of mosquitoes are quite active. They breathe through tubes from the surface of the water, as shown here. Covering the water with a thin film of oil causes them to drown. insects that have sucking mouthparts and feed on juices rather than on protein-rich solid foods because they offer a greater opportunity to absorb fluids and their dissolved nutrients. The digestive enzymes of the insect also are more dilute and thus less effec- tive in a highly liquid medium than in a more solid one. Longer digestive tracts give these enzymes more time to work while food is passing through. The anterior and posterior regions of an insect’s digestive tract are lined with cuticle. Digestion takes place pri- marily in the stomach, or midgut; and excretion takes place through Malpighian tubules. Digestive enzymes are mainly secreted from the cells that line the midgut, although some are contributed by the salivary glands near the mouth. The tracheae of insects extend throughout the body and permeate its different tissues. In many winged in- sects, the tracheae are dilated in vari- ous parts of the body, forming air sacs. These air sacs are surrounded by mus- cles and form a kind of bellows system to force air deep into the tracheal sys- tem. The spiracles, a maximum of 10 on each side of the insect, are paired and located on or between the seg- ments along the sides of the thorax and abdomen. In most insects, the spiracles can be opened by muscular action. Closing the spiracles at times may be important in retarding water loss. In some parasitic and aquatic groups of insects, the spiracles are permanently closed. In these groups, the tra- cheae run just below the surface of the insect, and gas ex- change takes place by diffusion. The fat body is a group of cells located in the insect body cavity. This structure may be quite large in relation to the size of the insect, and it serves as a food-storage reservoir, also having some of the functions of a verte- brate liver. It is often more prominent in immature in- sects than in adults, and it may be completely depleted when metamorphosis is finished. Insects that do not feed as adults retain their fat bodies and live on the food stored in them throughout their adult lives (which may be very short). Sense Receptors In addition to their eyes, insects have several characteristic kinds of sense receptors. These include sensory hairs, which are usually widely distributed over their bodies. The sensory hairs are linked to nerve cells and are sensitive to mechanical and chemical stimulation. They are partic- ularly abundant on the antennae and legs—the parts of the insect most likely to come into contact with other objects. Sound, which is of vital importance to insects, is detected by tympanal or- gans in groups such as grasshoppers and crickets, cicadas, and some moths. These organs are paired struc- tures composed of a thin membrane, the tympanum, associated with the tracheal air sacs. In many other groups of insects, sound waves are de- tected by sensory hairs. Male mosqui- toes use thousands of sensory hairs on their antennae to detect the sounds made by the vibrating wings of female mosquitoes. Sound detection in insects is impor- tant not only for protection but also for communication. Many insects communicate by making sounds, most of which are quite soft, very high- pitched, or both, and thus inaudible to humans. Only a few groups of insects, especially grasshoppers, crickets, and cicadas, make sounds that people can hear. Male crickets and longhorned grasshoppers produce sounds by rub- bing their two front wings together. Shorthorned grasshoppers do so by rubbing their hind legs over specialized areas on their wings. Male cicadas vibrate the membranes of air sacs lo- cated on the lower side of the most anterior abdominal segment. In addition to using sound, nearly all insects communi- cate by means of chemicals or mixtures of chemicals known as pheromones. These compounds, extremely di- verse in their chemical structure, are sent forth into the environment, where they are active in very small amounts and convey a variety of messages to other individuals. These messages not only convey the attraction and recog- nition of members of the same species for mating, but they also mark trails for members of the same species, as in the ants. All insects possess three body segments (tagmata): the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The three pairs of legs are attached to the thorax. Most insects have compound eyes, and many have one or two pairs of wings. Insects possess sophisticated means of sensing their environment, including sensory hairs, tympanal organs, and chemoreceptors. Chapter 46 Arthropods 929 FIGURE 46.27 Scales on the wing of Parnassius imperator, a butterfly from China. Scales of this sort account for most of the colored patterns on the wings of butterflies and moths. Insect Life Histories Most young insects hatch from fertilized eggs laid outside their mother’s body. The zygote develops within the egg into a young insect, which escapes by chewing through or bursting the shell. Some immature insects have specialized projections on the head that assist in this process. In a few insects, eggs hatch within the mother’s body. During the course of their development, young insects undergo ecdysis a number of times before they become adults. Most insects molt four to eight times during the course of their development, but some may molt as many as 30 times. The stages between the molts are called in- stars. When an insect first emerges following ecdysis, it is pale, soft, and especially susceptible to predators. Its ex- oskeleton generally hardens in an hour or two. It must grow to its new size, usually by taking in air or water, dur- ing this brief period. There are two principal kinds of metamorphosis in in- sects: simple metamorphosis and complete metamor- phosis (figure 46.28). In insects with simple metamorpho- sis, immature stages are often called nymphs. Nymphs are usually quite similar to adults, differing mainly in their smaller size, less well-developed wings, and sometimes color. In insect orders with simple metamorphosis, such as mayflies and dragonflies, nymphs are aquatic and extract oxygen from the water through gills. The adult stages are terrestrial and look very different from the nymphs. In other groups, such as grasshoppers and their relatives, nymphs and adults live in the same habitat. Such insects usually change gradually during their life cycles with re- spect to wing development, body proportions, the appear- ance of ocelli, and other features. In complete metamorphosis, the wings develop inter- nally during the juvenile stages and appear externally only during the resting stage that immediately precedes the final molt (figure 46.28b). During this stage, the in- sect is called a pupa or chrysalis, depending on the group to which it belongs. A pupa or chrysalis does not normally move around much, although mosquito pupae do move around freely. A large amount of internal body reorganization takes place while the insect is a pupa or chrysalis. More than 90% of the insects, including the members of all of the largest and most successful orders, display com- plete metamorphosis. The juvenile stages and adults often live in distinct habitats, have different habits, and are usu- ally extremely different in form. In these insects, develop- ment is indirect. The immature stages, called larvae, are often wormlike, differing greatly in appearance from the adults. Larvae do not have compound eyes. They may be legless or have legs or leg-like appendages on the abdomen. They usually have chewing mouthparts, even in those or- ders in which the adults have sucking mouthparts; chewing mouthparts are the primitive condition in these groups. When larvae and adults play different ecological roles, they do not compete directly for the same resources, an advan- tage to the species. Pupae do not feed and are usually relatively inactive. As pupae, insects are extremely vulnerable to predators and parasites, but they are often covered by a cocoon or some other protective structure. Groups of insects with complete metamorphosis include moths and butterflies; beetles; bees, wasps, and ants; flies; and fleas. Some species of insects exhibit no dramatic change in form from immature stages to adult. This type of develop- ment is called ametabolus (meaning without change) and is seen in the most primitive orders of insects such as the silverfish and springtails. Hormones control both ecdysis and metamorphosis. Molting hormone, or ecdysone, is released from a gland in the thorax when that gland has been stimulated by brain hormone, which in turn is produced by neurosecretory cells and released into the blood. The effects of the molting induced by ecdysone are determined by juvenile hormone, which is present during the immature stages but declines in quantity as the insect passes through successive molts. When the level of juvenile hormone is relatively high, the molt produces another larva; when it is lower, it produces the pupa and then the final development of the adult. Insects undergo either simple or complete metamorphosis. 930 Part XII Animal Diversity Egg (a) (b) Egg Early larva Nymphs Full-sized larva Pupa Adult chinch bug Adult housefly FIGURE 46.28 Metamorphosis. (a) Simple metamorphosis in a chinch bug (order Hemiptera), and (b) complete metamorphosis in a housefly, Musca domestica (order Diptera). Chapter 46 Arthropods 931 Table 46.2 Major Orders of Insects Approximate Typical Number of Order Examples Key Characteristics Named Species Coleoptera Diptera Lepidoptera Hymenoptera Hemiptera Orthoptera Odonata Isoptera Siphonaptera Beetles Flies Butterflies, moths Bees, wasps, ants True bugs, bedbugs, leafhoppers Grasshoppers, crickets, roaches Dragonflies Termites Fleas The most diverse animal order; two pairs of wings; front pair of wings is a hard cover that partially protects the transparent rear pair of flying wings; heavily armored exoskeleton; biting and chewing mouthparts; complete metamorphosis Some that bite people and other mammals are considered pests; front flying wings are transparent; hind wings are reduced to knobby balancing organs; sucking, piercing, and lapping mouthparts; complete metamorphosis Often collected for their beauty; two pairs of broad, scaly, flying wings, often brightly colored; hairy body; tubelike, sucking mouthparts; complete metamorphosis Often social, known to many by their sting; two pairs of transparent flying wings; mobile head and well- developed eyes; often possess stingers; chewing and sucking mouthparts; complete metamorphosis Often live on blood; two pairs of wings, or wingless; piercing, sucking mouthparts; simple metamorphosis Known for their jumping; two pairs of wings or wingless; among the largest insects; biting and chewing mouthparts in adults; simple metamorphosis Among the most primitive of the insect order; two pairs of transparent flying wings; large, long, and slender body; chewing mouthparts; simple metamorphosis One of the few types of animals able to eat wood; two pairs of wings, but some stages are wingless; social insects; there are several body types with division of labor; chewing mouthparts; simple metamorphosis Small, known for their irritating bites; wingless; small flattened body with jumping legs; piercing and sucking mouthparts; complete metamorphosis 350,000 120,000 120,000 100,000 60,000 20,000 5,000 2,000 1,200 932 Part XII Animal Diversity Chapter 46 Summary Questions Media Resources 46.1 The evolution of jointed appendages has made arthropods very successful. ? Jointed appendages and an exoskeleton greatly expanded locomotive and manipulative capabilities for the arthropod phyla, the most successful of all animals in terms of numbers of individuals, species, and ecological diversification. ? Traditionally, arthropods have been grouped into three subphyla based on morphological characters but new research is calling this classification of the arthropods into question. ? Like annelids, arthropods have segmented bodies, but some of their segments have become fused into tagmata during the course of evolution. All possess a rigid external skeleton, or exoskeleton. 1. What are the advantages of an exoskeleton? What occurs during ecdysis? What controls this process? 2. What type of circulatory system do arthropods have? Describe the direction of blood flow. What helps to maintain this one-way flow? 3. What are Malpighian tubules? How do they work? What other system are they connected to? How does this system process wastes? How does it regulate water loss? ? Chelicerates consist of three classes: Arachnida (spiders, ticks, mites, and scorpions); Merostomata (horseshoe crabs); and Pycnogonida (sea spiders). ? Spiders, the best known arachnids, have a pair of chelicerae, a pair of pedipalps, and four pairs of walking legs. Spiders secrete digestive enzymes into their prey, then suck the contents out. 4. Into what two groups are arthropods traditionally divided? Describe each group in terms of its mouthparts and appendages, and give several examples of each. 46.2 The chelicerates all have fangs or pincers. ? Crustaceans comprise some 35,000 species of crabs, shrimps, lobsters, barnacles, sowbugs, beach fleas, and many other groups. Their appendages are basically biramous, and their embryology is distinctive. 5. On which parts of the body do crustaceans possess legs? 6. How do biramous and uniramous appendages differ? 46.3 Crustaceans have branched appendages. ? Centipedes and millipedes are segmented uniramia. Centipedes are hunters with one pair of legs per segment, and millipedes are herbivores with two pairs of legs per segment. ? Insects have three body segments, three pairs of legs, and often one or two pairs of wings. Many have complex eyes and other specialized sensory structures. ? Insects exhibit either simple metamorphosis, moving through a succession of forms relatively similar to the adult, or complete metamorphosis, in which an often wormlike larva becomes a usually sedentary pupa, and then an adult. 7. How are millipedes and centipedes similar to each other? How do they differ? 8. What type of digestive system do most insects possess? What digestive adaptations occur in insects that feed on juices low in protein? Why? 9. What is an instar as it relates to insect metamorphosis? What are the two different kinds of metamorphosis in insects? How do they differ? 46.4 Insects are the most diverse of all animal groups. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Arthropods ? Enhancement Chapter: Arthropod Taxonomy, Sections 1 and 2 ? Enhancement Chapter: Arthropod Taxonomy, Section 3 ? Enhancement Chapter: Arthropod Taxonomy, Section 4 ? Student Research: Insect Behavior 933 47 Echinoderms Concept Outline 47.1 The embryos of deuterostomes develop quite differently from those of protostomes. Protostomes and Deuterostomes. Deuterostomes—the echinoderms, chordates, and a few other groups—share a mode of development that is quite different from other animals. 47.2 Echinoderms are deuterostomes with an endoskeleton. Deuterostomes. Echinoderms are bilaterally symmetrical as larvae but metamorphose to radially symmetrical adults. Echinoderm Body Plan. Echinoderms have an endoskeleton and a unique water-vascular system seen in no other phylum. 47.3 The six classes of echinoderms are all radially symmetrical as adults. Class Crinoidea: The Sea Lilies and Feather Stars. Crinoids are the only echinoderms that are attached to the sea bottom for much of their lives. Class Asteroidea: The Sea Stars. Sea stars, also called starfish, are five-armed mobile predators. Class Ophiuroidea: The Brittle Stars. Brittle stars are quite different from the sea stars for whom they are sometimes mistaken. Class Echinoidea: The Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars. Sea urchins and sand dollars have five-part radial symmetry but lack arms. Classes Holothuroidea and Concentricycloidea: Sea Cucumbers and Sea Daisies. Sea cucumbers are soft- bodied echinoderms without arms. The most recently discovered class of echinoderms, sea daisies are tiny, primitive echinoderms that live at great depths. E chinoderms, which include the familiar starfish, have been described as a “noble group especially designed to puzzle the zoologist.” They are bilaterally symmetrical as larvae, but undergo a bizarre metamorphosis to a radially symmetrical adult (figure 47.1). A compartment of the coelom is transformed into a unique water-vascular system that uses hydraulic power to operate a multitude of tiny tube feet that are used in locomotion and food capture. Some echinoderms have an endoskeleton of dermal plates beneath the skin, fused together like body armor. Many have miniature jawlike pincers scattered over their body surface, often on stalks and sometimes bearing poison glands. This collection of characteristics is unique in the animal kingdom. FIGURE 47.1 An echinoderm. Brittle star, Ophiothrix, a member of the largest group of echinoderms. to all of the phyla that exhibit it. In deuterostome (Greek, deuteros, “second,” and stoma, “mouth”) development, the blastopore gives rise to the organism’s anus, and the mouth develops from a second pore that arises in the blastula later in development. Deuterostomes represent a revolution in embryonic de- velopment. In addition to the pattern of blastopore forma- tion, deuterostomes differ from protostomes in a number of other fundamental embryological features: 1. The progressive division of cells during embryonic growth is called cleavage. The cleavage pattern relative to the embryo’s polar axis determines how the cells will array. In nearly all protostomes, each new cell buds off at an angle oblique to the polar axis. As a re- sult, a new cell nestles into the space between the older ones in a closely packed array. This pattern is called spiral cleavage because a line drawn through a sequence of dividing cells spirals outward from the polar axis (figure 47.2). In deuterostomes, the cells divide parallel to and at right angles to the polar axis. As a result, the pairs of cells from each division are positioned directly above 934 Part XII Animal Diversity Protostomes and Deuterostomes The coelomates we have met so far—the mollusks, annelids, and arthropods—exhibit essentially the same kind of embry- ological development, starting as a hollow ball of cells, a blastula, which indents to form a two-layer-thick ball with a blastopore opening to the outside. Also in this group, the mouth (stoma) develops from or near the blastopore (figure 47.2). This same pattern of development, in a general sense, is seen in all noncoelomate animals. An animal whose mouth develops in this way is called a protostome (from the Greek words protos, “first,” and stoma, “mouth”). If such an animal has a distinct anus or anal pore, it develops later in another region of the embryo. The fact that this kind of developmental pattern is so widespread in diverse phyla sug- gests that it is the original pattern for animals as a whole and that it was characteristic of the common ancestor of all eu- metazoan animals. A second distinct pattern of embryological development occurs in the echinoderms, the chordates, and a few other smaller related phyla. The consistency of this pattern of de- velopment, and its distinctiveness from that of the proto- stomes suggests that it evolved once, in a common ancestor 47.1 The embryos of deuterostomes develop quite differently from those of protostomes. 1 cell 1 cell 2 cells 4 cells 8 cells 16 cells 32 cells 2 cells 4 cells 8 cells 16 cells 32 cells Protostomes Deuterostomes FIGURE 47.2 Embryonic development in protostomes and deuterostomes. Cleavage of the egg produces a hollow ball of cells called the blastula. Invagination of the blastula produces the blastopore and archenteron. In protostomes, embryonic cells cleave in a spiral pattern and become tightly packed. The blastopore becomes the animal’s mouth, and the coelom originates from a mesodermal split. and below one another; this process gives rise to a loosely packed array of cells. This pattern is called ra- dial cleavage because a line drawn through a se- quence of dividing cells describes a radius outward from the polar axis. 2. Protostomes exhibit determinate development. In this type of development, each embryonic cell has a predetermined fate in terms of what kind of tissue it will form in the adult. Before cleavage begins, the chemicals that act as developmental signals are local- ized in different parts of the egg. Consequently, the cell divisions that occur after fertilization separate dif- ferent signals into different daughter cells. This process specifies the fate of even the very earliest em- bryonic cells. Deuterostomes, on the other hand, dis- play indeterminate development. The first few cell divisions of the egg produce identical daughter cells. Any one of these cells, if separated from the others, can develop into a complete organism. This is possible because the chemicals that signal the embryonic cells to develop differently are not localized until later in the animal’s development. 3. In all coelomates, the coelom originates from meso- derm. In protostomes, this occurs simply and directly: the cells simply move away from one another as the coelomic cavity expands within the mesoderm. How- ever, in deuterostomes, whole groups of cells usually move around to form new tissue associations. The coelom is normally produced by an evagination of the archenteron—the central tube within the gastrula, also called the primitive gut. This tube, lined with en- doderm, opens to the outside via the blastopore and eventually becomes the gut cavity. The first abundant and well-preserved animal fossils are nearly 600 million years old; they occur in the Ediacara se- ries of Australia and similar formations elsewhere. Among these fossils, many represent groups of animals that no longer exist. In addition, these ancient rocks bear evidence of the coelomates, the most advanced evolutionary line of animals, and it is remarkable that their two major subdivi- sions were differentiated so early. In the coelomates, it seems likely that all deuterostomes share a common proto- stome ancestor—a theory that is supported by evidence from comparison of rRNA and other molecular studies. The event, however, occurred very long ago and presumably did not involve groups of organisms that closely resemble any that are living now. In deuterostomes, the egg cleaves radially, and the blastopore becomes the anus. In protostomes, the egg cleaves spirally, and the blastopore becomes the mouth. Chapter 47 Echinoderms 935 Mesoderm splits Archenteron outpockets to form coelom Mouth forms from blastopore Anus forms from blastopore Blastula Blastula Blastopore Mesoderm Blastopore Archenteron Coelom Archenteron Coelom Coelom Coelom Anus Mouth Anus Mouth FIGURE 47.2 (continued) In deuterostomes, embryonic cells cleave radially and form a loosely packed array. The blastopore becomes the animal’s anus, and the mouth develops at the other end. The coelom originates from an evagination, or outpouching, of the archenteron in deuterostomes. Deuterostomes Mollusks, annelids, and arthropods are protostomes. However, the echinoderms are characterized by deuterostome develop- ment, a key evolutionary advance. The endoskeleton makes its first appearance in the echinoderms also. The Echinoderms Deuterostomate marine animals called echinoderms appeared nearly 600 mil- lion years ago (figure 47.3). Echino- derms (phylum Echinodermata) are an ancient group of marine animals con- sisting of about 6000 living species and are also well represented in the fossil record. The term echinoderm means “spiny skin” and refers to an en- doskeleton composed of hard calcium- rich plates just beneath the delicate skin (figure 47.4). When they first form, the plates are enclosed in living tis- sue and so are truly an endoskeleton, although in adults they frequently fuse, forming a hard shell. Another inno- vation in echinoderms is the development of a hydraulic system to aid in movement or feeding. Called a water- vascular system, this fluid-filled system is composed of a central ring canal from which five radial canals extend out into the body and arms. Many of the most familiar animals seen along the seashore, sea stars (starfish), brittle stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers, are echinoderms. All are radi- ally symmetrical as adults. While some other kinds of ani- mals are radially symmetrical, none have the complex organ systems of adult echinoderms. Echinoderms are well represented not only in the shallow waters of the sea but also in its abyssal depths. In the oceanic trenches, which are the deepest regions of the oceans, sea cucumbers account for more than 90% of the biomass! All of them are bottom-dwellers except for a few swimming sea cucumbers. The adults range from a few millimeters to more than a meter in diameter (for one species of sea star) or in length (for a species of sea cucumber). There is an excellent fossil record of the echinoderms, extending back into the Cambrian. However, despite this wealth of information, the origin of echinoderms remains unclear. They are thought to have evolved from bilaterally symmetrical ances- tors because echinoderm larvae are bilateral. The radial symmetry that is the hallmark of echinoderms develops later, in the adult body. Many biologists believe that early echinoderms were sessile and evolved radiality as an adaptation to the sessile existence. Bilaterality is of adaptive value to an an- imal that travels through its environment, while radiality is of value to an animal whose environment meets it on all sides. Echinoderms attached to the sea bottom by a central stalk were once common, but only about 80 such species survive today. Echinoderms are a unique, exclusively marine group of organisms in which deuterostome development and an endoskeleton are seen for the first time. 936 Part XII Animal Diversity 47.2 Echinoderms are deuterostomes with an endoskeleton. Sponges Cnidarians Flatworms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Arthropods Echinoderms Chordates (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 47.3 Diversity in echinoderms. (a) Sea star, Oreaster occidentalis (class Asteroidea), in the Gulf of California, Mexico. (b) Warty sea cucumber, Parastichopus parvimensis (class Holothuroidea), Philippines. (c) Sea urchin (class Echinoidea). Chapter 47 Echinoderms 937 Each tube foot has a water-filled sac at its base; when the sac contracts, the tube foot extends — as when you squeeze a balloon. Sea stars have a delicate skin stretched over a calcium-rich endoskeleton of spiny plates. Sea stars walk using a water vascular system. Hundreds of tube feet extend from the bottom of each arm. When suckers on the bottom of the feet attach to the sea floor, the animal's muscles can pull against them to haul itself along. Tube feet Madreporite Water vascular system Ampulla Radial canal Digestive glands Stomach Gonad Mouth Anus Sea stars often drop arms when under attack and rapidly grow new ones. Amazingly, an arm can sometimes regenerate a whole animal! PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA: Deuterostome development and endoskeleton Skeletal plates Echinoderms have deuterostome development and are bilaterally symmetrical as larvae. Adults have five-part radial symmetry. They often have five arms, or multiples of five. Sea stars reproduce sexually. The gonads lie in the ventral region of each arm. FIGURE 47.4 The evolution of deuterostome development and an endoskeleton. Echinoderms, such as sea stars (phylum Echinodermata), are coelomates with a deuterostome pattern of development. A delicate skin stretches over an endoskeleton made of calcium-rich plates, often fused into a continuous, tough, spiny layer. Echinoderm Body Plan The body plan of echinoderms undergoes a fundamental shift during development. All echinoderms have secondary radial symmetry, that is, they are bilaterally symmetrical during larval development but become radially symmetrical as adults. Because of their radially symmetrical bodies, the usual terms used to describe an animal’s body are not ap- plicable: dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior have no meaning without a head or tail. Instead, the body structure of echinoderms is discussed in reference to their mouths which are located on the oral surface. Most echinoderms crawl along on their oral surfaces, although in sea cucum- bers and some other echinoderms, the animal’s axis lies hor- izontally and they crawl with the oral surface in front. Echinoderms have a five-part body plan corresponding to the arms of a sea star or the design on the “shell” of a sand dollar. These animals have no head or brain. Their nervous systems consist of a central nerve ring from which branches arise. The animals are capable of complex response patterns, but there is no centralization of function. Endoskeleton Echinoderms have a delicate epidermis, containing thou- sands of neurosensory cells, stretched over an endoskeleton composed of either movable or fixed calcium-rich (calcite) plates called ossicles. The animals grow more or less contin- uously, but their growth slows down with age. When the plates first form, they are enclosed in living tissue. In some echinoderms, such as asteroids and holothuroids, the ossi- cles are widely scattered and the body wall is flexible. In others, especially the echinoids, the ossicles become fused and form a rigid shell. In many cases, these plates bear spines. In nearly all species of echinoderms, the entire skele- ton, even the long spines of sea urchins, is covered by a layer of skin. Another important feature of this phylum is the presence of mutable collagenous tissue which can range from being tough and rubbery to weak and fluid. This amazing tissue accounts for many of the special attributes of echinoderms, such as the ability to rapidly autotomize body parts. The plates in certain portions of the body of some echinoderms are perforated by pores. Through these pores extend tube feet, part of the water-vascular system that is a unique feature of this phylum. The Water-Vascular System The water-vascular system of an echinoderm radiates from a ring canal that encircles the animal’s esophagus. Five radial canals, their positions determined early in the development of the embryo, extend into each of the five parts of the body and determine its basic symmetry (figure 47.5). Water en- ters the water-vascular system through a madreporite, a sievelike plate on the animal’s surface, and flows to the ring canal through a tube, or stone canal, so named because of 938 Part XII Animal Diversity Madreporite Stone canal Tube feet Ring canal Radial canal Lateral canal Ampulla Radial nerve Tube foot Radial canal Ampulla Gonad Digestive gland Skeletal plate Papula (gill) FIGURE 47.5 The water-vascular system of an echinoderm. Radial canals allow water to flow into the tube feet. As the ampulla in each tube foot contracts, the tube extends and can attach to the substrate. Subsequently, muscles in the tube feet contract bending the tube foot and pulling the animal forward. the surrounding rings of calcium carbonate. The five radial canals in turn extend out through short side branches into the hollow tube feet (figure 47.6). In some echinoderms, each tube foot has a sucker at its end; in others, suckers are absent. At the base of each tube foot is a muscular sac, the ampulla, which contains fluid. When the ampulla contracts, the fluid is prevented from entering the radial canal by a one-way valve and is forced into the tube foot, thus extend- ing it. When extended, the foot can attach itself to the sub- strate. Longitudinal muscles in the tube foot wall then con- tract causing the tube feet to bend. Relaxation of the muscles in the ampulla allows the fluid to flow back into the ampulla which moves the foot. By the concerted action of a very large number of small individually weak tube feet, the animal can move across the sea floor. Sea cucumbers (see figure 47.3b) usually have five rows of tube feet on the body surface that are used in locomotion. They also have modified tube feet around their mouth cav- ity that are used in feeding. In sea lilies, the tube feet arise from the branches of the arms, which extend from the mar- gins of an upward-directed cup. With these tube feet, the animals take food from the surrounding water. In brittle stars (see figure 47.1), the tube feet are pointed and special- ized for feeding. Body Cavity In echinoderms, the coelom, which is proportionately large, connects with a complicated system of tubes and helps pro- vide circulation and respiration. In many echinoderms, res- piration and waste removal occurs across the skin through small, fingerlike extensions of the coelom called papulae (see figure 47.5). They are covered with a thin layer of skin and protrude through the body wall to function as gills. Reproduction Many echinoderms are able to regenerate lost parts, and some, especially sea stars and brittle stars, drop various parts when under attack. In a few echinoderms, asexual reproduc- tion takes place by splitting, and the broken parts of sea stars can sometimes regenerate whole animals. Some of the smaller brittle stars, especially tropical species, regularly re- produce by breaking into two equal parts; each half then re- generates a whole animal. Despite the ability of many echinoderms to break into parts and regenerate new animals from them, most repro- duction in the phylum is sexual and external. The sexes in most echinoderms are separate, although there are few ex- ternal differences. Fertilized eggs of echinoderms usually develop into free-swimming, bilaterally symmetrical larvae (figure 47.7), which differ from the trochophore larvae of mollusks and annelids. These larvae form a part of the plankton until they metamorphose through a series of stages into the more sedentary adults. Echinoderms are characterized by a secondary radial symmetry and a five-part body plan. They have characteristic calcium-rich plates called ossicles and a unique water-vascular system that includes hollow tube feet. Chapter 47 Echinoderms 939 FIGURE 47.6 Tube feet. The nonsuckered tube feet of the sea star, Ludia magnifica, are extended. Anus Cilia Mouth Gut Developing coelom and water vascular system FIGURE 47.7 The free-swimming larva of an echinoderm. The bands of cilia by which the larva moves are prominent in this drawing. Such bilaterally symmetrical larvae suggest that the ancestors of the echinoderms were not radially symmetrical, like the living members of the phylum. There are more than 20 extinct classes of echinoderms and an additional 6 with living members: (1) Crinoidea, sea lilies and feather stars; (2) Asteroidea, sea stars, or starfish; (3) Ophiuroidea, brittle stars; (4) Echinoidea, sea urchins and sand dollars; (5) Holothuroidea, sea cu- cumbers, and (6) Concentricycloidea, sea daisies. Sea daisies were recently dis- covered living on submerged wood in the deep sea. Class Crinoidea: The Sea Lilies and Feather Stars Sea lilies and feather stars, or crinoids (class Crinoidea) differ from all other living echinoderms in that the mouth and anus are located on their upper surface in an open disc. The two struc- tures are connected by a simple gut. These animals have simple excretory and reproductive systems and an exten- sive water-vascular system. The arms, which are the food-gathering struc- tures of crinoids, are located around the margins of the disc. Different species of crinoids may have from 5 to more than 200 arms extending upward from their bodies, with smaller struc- tures called pinnules branching from the arms. In all crinoids, the number of arms is initially small. Species with more than 10 arms add additional arms progressively during growth. Crinoids are filter feeders, capturing the micro- scopic organisms on which they feed by means of the mucus that coats their tube feet, which are abundant on the animals’ pinnules. Scientists that study echinoderms believe that the common ancestors of this phylum were sessile, sedentary, ra- dially symmetrical animals that resem- bled crinoids. Crinoids were abundant in ancient seas, and were present when the Burgess Shale was deposited about 515 million years ago. More than 6000 fossil species of this class are known, in comparison with the approximately 600 living species. Sea Lilies There are two basic crinoid body plans. In sea lilies, the flower-shaped body is attached to its substrate by a stalk that is from 15 to 30 cm long, al- though in some species the stalk may be as much as a meter long (figure 47.8). Some fossil species had stalks up to 20 meters long. If they are detached from the substrate, some sea lilies can move slowly by means of their feather- like arms. All of the approximately 80 living species of sea lilies are found below a depth of 100 meters in the ocean. Sea lilies are the only living echinoderms that are fully sessile. Feather Stars In the second group of crinoids, the 520 or so species of feather stars, the disc detaches from the stalk at an early stage of development (figure 47.9). Adult feather stars have long, many-branched arms and usually an- chor themselves to their substrate by claw-like structures. However, some feather stars are able to swim for short distances, and many of them can move along the substrate. Feather stars range into shallower water than do sea lilies, and only a few species of either group are found at depths greater than 500 meters. Along with sea cucumbers, crinoids are the most abundant and conspicuous large in- vertebrates in the warm waters and among the coral reefs of the western Pacific Ocean. They have separate sexes, with the sex organs simple masses of cells in special cavities of the arms and pinnules. Fertilization is usually external, with the male and fe- male gametes shed into the water, but brooding—in which the female shel- ters the young—occurs occasionally. Crinoids, the sea lilies and feather stars, were once far more numerous. Crinoids are the only echinoderms attached for much of their lives to the sea bottom. 940 Part XII Animal Diversity 47.3 The six classes of echinoderms are all radially symmetrical as adults. FIGURE 47.8 Sea lilies, Cenocrinus asterius. Two specimens showing a typical parabola of arms forming a “feeding net.” The water current is flowing from right to left, carrying small organisms to the stalked crinoid’s arms. Prey, when captured, are passed down the arms to the central mouth. This photograph was taken at a depth of about 400 meters in the Bahamas from the Johnson-Sea-Link Submersible of the Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. FIGURE 47.9 Feather star. This feather star is on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Class Asteroidea: The Sea Stars Sea stars, or starfish (class Asteroidea; figure 47.10), are perhaps the most familiar echinoderms. Among the most important predators in many marine ecosystems, they range in size from a centimeter to a meter across. They are abundant in the intertidal zone, but they also occur at depths as great as 10,000 meters. Around 1500 species of sea stars occur throughout the world. The body of a sea star is composed of a central disc that merges gradually with the arms. Although most sea stars have five arms, the basic symmetry of the phylum, mem- bers of some families have many more, typically in multi- ples of five. The body is somewhat flattened, flexible, and covered with a pigmented epidermis. Endoskeleton Beneath the epidermis is an endoskeleton of small calcium- rich plates called ossicles, bound together with connective tissue. From these ossicles project spines that make up the spiny upper surface. Around the base of the spines are minute, pincerlike pedicellariae, bearing tiny jaws manipu- lated by muscles. These keep the body surface free of de- bris and may aid in food capture. The Water-Vascular System A deep groove runs along the oral (bottom) surface of each arm from the central mouth out to the tip of the arm. This groove is bordered by rows of tube feet, which the animal uses to move about. Within each arm, there is a radial canal that connects the tube feet to a ring canal in the central body. This system of piping is used by sea stars to power a unique hydraulic system. Contraction of small chambers called ampullae attached to the tube feet forces water into the podium of the feet, extending them. Conversely, con- traction of muscles in the tube foot retracts the podium, forcing fluid back into the ampulla. Small muscles at the end of each tube foot can raise the center of the disclike end, creating suction when the foot is pressed against a substrate. Hundreds of tube feet, moving in unison, pull the arm along the surface. Feeding The mouth of a sea star is located in the center of its oral surface. Some sea stars have an extraordinary way of feed- ing on bivalve mollusks. They can open a small gape be- tween the shells of bivalves by exerting a muscular pull on the shells (figure 47.11). Eventually, muscular fatigue in the bivalve results in a very narrow gape, sufficient enough for the sea star to insert its stomach out through its mouth into the bivalve. Within the mollusk, the sea star secretes its di- gestive enzymes and digests the soft tissues of its prey, re- tracting its stomach when the process is complete. Reproduction Most sea stars have separate sexes, with a pair of gonads lying in the ventral region inside each arm. Eggs and sperm are shed into the water so that fertilization is external. In some species, fertilized eggs are brooded in special cavities or simply under the animal. They mature into larvae that swim by means of conspicuous bands of cilia. Sea stars, also called starfish, are five-armed, mobile predators. Chapter 47 Echinoderms 941 FIGURE 47.10 Class Asteroidea. This class includes the familiar starfish, or sea stars. FIGURE 47.11 A sea star attacking a clam. The tube feet, each of which ends in a suction cup, are located along grooves on the underside of the arms. Class Ophiuroidea: The Brittle Stars Brittle stars (class Ophiuroidea; figure 47.12) are the largest class of echino- derms in numbers of species (about 2000) and they are probably the most abundant also. Secretive, they avoid light and are more active at night. Brittle stars have slender, branched arms. The most mobile of echino- derms, brittle stars move by pulling themselves along, “rowing” over the substrate by moving their arms, often in pairs or groups, from side to side. Some brittle stars use their arms to swim, a very unusual habit among echinoderms. Brittle stars feed by capturing sus- pended microplankton and organic de- tritus with their tube feet, climbing over objects on the ocean floor. In ad- dition, the tube feet are important sen- sory organs and assist in directing food into the mouth once the animal has captured it. As implied by their com- mon name, the arms of brittle stars de- tach easily, a characteristic that helps to protect the brittle stars from their predators. Like sea stars, brittle stars have five arms. More closely related to the sea stars than to the other classes of the phylum, on closer inspection they are surprisingly different. They have no pedicellariae, as sea stars have, and the groove running down the length of each arm is closed over and covered with ossicles. Their tube feet lack am- pullae, have no suckers, and are used for feeding, not locomotion. Brittle stars usually have separate sexes, with the male and female ga- metes in most species being released into the water and fusing there. De- velopment takes place in the plankton and the larvae swim and feed using elaborate bands of cilia. Some species brood their young in special cavities and fully developed juvenile brittle stars emerge at the end of development. Brittle stars, very secretive, pull themselves along with their arms. Class Echinoidea: The Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars The members of the class Echinoidea, sand dollars and sea urchins, lack dis- tinct arms but have the same five-part body plan as all other echinoderms (figure 47.13). Five rows of tube feet protrude through the plates of the calcareous skeleton, and there are also openings for the mouth and anus. These different openings can be seen in the globular skeletons of sea urchins and in the flat skeletons of sand dollars. Both types of endoskele- ton, often common along the seashore, consist of fused calcareous plates. About 950 living species con- stitute the class Echinoidea. Echinoids walk by means of their tube feet or their movable spines, which are hinged to the skeleton by a joint that makes free rotation possible. Sea urchins and sand dollars move along the sea bottom, feeding on algae and small fragments of organic mater- ial. They scrape these off the substrate with the large, triangular teeth that ring their mouths. The gonads of sea urchins are considered a great delicacy by people in different parts of the world. Because of their calcareous plates, sea urchins and sand dollars are well preserved in the fossil record, with more than 5000 additional species described. As with most other echinoderms, the sexes of sea urchins and sand dol- lars are separate. The eggs and sperm are shed separately into the water, where they fuse. Some brood their young, and others have free- swimming larvae, with bands of cilia extending onto their long, graceful arms. Sand dollars and sea urchins lack arms but have a five-part symmetry. 942 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 47.12 Class Ophiuroidea. Brittle stars crawl actively across their marine substrates. FIGURE 47.13 Class Echinoidea. (a) Sand dollar, Echinarachnius parma. (b) Giant red sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus. (a) (b) Classes Holothuroidea and Concentricycloidea: Sea Cucumbers and Sea Daisies Sea Cucumbers Sea cucumbers (class Holothuroidea) are shaped somewhat like their plant namesakes. They differ from the preceding classes in that they are soft, sluglike organisms, often with a tough, leathery outside skin (figure 47.14). The class consists of about 1500 species found worldwide. Except for a few forms that swim, sea cucumbers lie on their sides at the bottom of the ocean. Their mouth is located at one end and is surrounded by eight to 30 modified tube feet called tentacles; the anus is at the other end. The tentacles around the mouth may secrete mucus, used to capture the small planktonic organisms on which the animals feed. Each tentacle is periodically wiped off within the esopha- gus and then brought out again, covered with a new supply of mucus. Sea cucumbers are soft because their calcareous skele- tons are reduced to widely separated microscopic plates. These animals have extensive internal branching systems, called respiratory trees, which arise from the cloaca, or anal cavity. Water is pulled into and expelled from the respiratory tree by contractions of the cloaca; gas ex- change takes place as this process occurs. The sexes of most cucumbers are separate, but some of them are hermaphroditic. Most kinds of sea cucumbers have tube feet on the body in addition to tentacles. These additional tube feet, which might be restricted to five radial grooves or scattered over the surface of the body, may enable the animals to move about slowly. On the other hand, sea cucumbers may sim- ply wriggle along whether or not they have additional tube feet. Most sea cucumbers are quite sluggish, but some, es- pecially among the deep-sea forms, swim actively. Sea cu- cumbers, when irritated, sometimes eject a portion of their intestines by a strong muscular contraction that may send the intestinal fragments through the anus or even rupture the body wall. Sea Daisies The most recently described class of echinoderms (1986), sea daisies are strange little disc-shaped animals, less than 1 cm in diameter, discovered in waters over 1000 m deep off New Zealand (figure 47.15). Only two species are known so far. They have five-part radial symmetry, but no arms. Their tube feet are located around the periphery of the disc, rather than along radial lines, as in other echinoderms. One species has a shallow, saclike stomach but no intestine or anus; the other species has no digestive tract at all—the surface of its mouth is covered by a membrane through which it apparently absorbs nutrients. Sea cucumbers are soft-bodied, sluglike animals without arms. The newly discovered sea daisies are the most mysterious echinoderms. Tiny and simple in form, they live at great depths, absorbing food from their surroundings. Chapter 47 Echinoderms 943 FIGURE 47.14 Class Holothuroidea. Sea cucumber. FIGURE 47.15 Class Concentricycloidea. Sea daisy. 944 Part XII Animal Diversity Chapter 47 Summary Questions Media Resources 47.1 The embryos of deuterostomes develop quite differently from those of protostomes. ? The two major evolutionary lines of coelomate animals—the protostomes and the deuterostomes— are both represented among the oldest known fossils of multicellular animals, dating back some 650 million years. ? In the protostomes, the mouth develops from or near the blastopore, and the early divisions of the embryo are spiral. At early stages of development, the fate of the individual cells is already determined, and they cannot develop individually into a whole animal. ? In the deuterostomes, the anus develops from or near the blastopore, and the mouth forms subsequently on another part of the gastrula. The early divisions of the embryo are radial. At early stages of development, each cell of the embryo can differentiate into a whole animal. 1. What patterns of embryonic development related to cleavage and the blastopore occur in protostome coelomates? What patterns occur in deuterostome coelomates? 2. Which major coelomate phyla are protostomes and which are deuterostomes? How does the early developmental fate of cells differ between the two groups? How is the development of the coelom from mesodermal tissue different between them? ? Echinoderms are exclusively marine deuterostomes that are radially symmetrical as adults. ? The epidermis of an echinoderm stretches over an endoskeleton made of separate or fused calcium-rich plates. ? Echinoderms use a unique water-vascular system that includes tube feet for locomotion and feeding. 3. What type of symmetry and body plan do adult echinoderms exhibit? 4. What is the composition and location of the echinoderm skeleton? 5. How do echinoderms respire? How developed is their digestive system? 47.2 Echinoderms are deuterostomes with an endoskeleton. ? Crinoids are sessile for some or all of their lives and have a mouth and anus located on the upper surface of the animal. ? Sea stars are active predators that move about on their tube feet. ? Brittle stars use their tube feet for feeding and move about using two arms at a time. ? The endoskeletons of sea urchins and sand dollars consist of fused calcareous plates that have been well preserved in the fossil record. ? The endoskeletons of sea cucumbers are drastically reduced and separated, making them soft-bodied. ? Sea daisies are a newly described class of echinoderms with disc-shaped bodies. 6. In what two ways do members of the phylum Echinodermata reproduce? What type of larva do they possess? 7. How do sea cucumbers superficially differ from other echinoderms? How are some of their tube feet specially modified? What is the extent of their skeleton? What is the function of their unique respiratory tree? How is their reproduction different from that of other echinoderms? 47.3 The six classes of echinoderms are all radially symmetrical as adults. www.mhhe.com/raven6e www.biocourse.com ? Echinoderms 945 48 Vertebrates Concept Outline 48.1 Attaching muscles to an internal framework greatly improves movement. The Chordates. Chordates have an internal flexible rod, the first stage in the evolution of a truly internal skeleton. 48.2 Nonvertebrate chordates have a notochord but no backbone. The Nonvertebrate Chordates. Lancelets are thought to resemble the ancestors of vertebrates. 48.3 The vertebrates have an interior framework of bone. Characteristics of Vertebrate. Vertebrates have a true, usually bony endoskeleton, with a backbone encasing the spinal column, and a skull-encased brain. 48.4 The evolution of vertebrates involves invasions of sea, land, and air. Fishes. Over half of all vertebrate species are fishes, which include the group from which all other vertebrates evolved. History of the Fishes. Swim bladders have made bony fishes a particularly successful group. Amphibians. The key innovation that made life on land possible for vertebrates was the pulmonary vein. History of the Amphibians. In the past, amphibians were far more diverse, and included many large, armored terrestrial forms. Reptiles. Reptiles were the first vertebrates to completely master the challenge of living on dry land. The Rise and Fall of Dominant Reptile Groups. Now- extinct forms of reptiles dominated life on land for 250 million years. Four orders survive today. Birds. Birds are much like reptiles, but with feathers. History of the Birds. Birds are thought to have evolved from dinosaurs with adaptations of feathers and flight. Mammals. Mammals are the only vertebrates that possess hair and milk glands. History of the Mammals. Mammals evolved at the same time as dinosaurs, but only became common when dinosaurs disappeared. M embers of the phylum Chordata (figure 48.1) exhibit great improvements in the endoskeleton over what is seen in echinoderms. As we saw in the previous chapter, the endoskeleton of echinoderms is functionally similar to the exoskeleton of arthropods; it is a hard shell that encases the body, with muscles attached to its inner surface. Chor- dates employ a very different kind of endoskeleton, one that is truly internal. Members of the phylum Chordata are characterized by a flexible rod that develops along the back of the embryo. Muscles attached to this rod allowed early chordates to swing their backs from side to side, swimming through the water. This key evolutionary advance, attach- ing muscles to an internal element, started chordates along an evolutionary path that led to the vertebrates—and, for the first time, to truly large animals. FIGURE 48.1 A typical vertebrate. Today mammals, like this snow leopard, Panthera uncia, dominate vertebrate life on land, but for over 200 million years in the past they were a minor group in a world dominated by reptiles. 946 Part XII Animal Diversity The Chordates Chordates (phylum Chordata) are deuterostome coelomates whose near- est relations in the animal kingdom are the echinoderms, the only other deuterostomes. However, unlike echinoderms, chordates are character- ized by a notochord, jointed appendages, and segmentation. There are some 43,000 species of chordates, a phylum that includes birds, reptiles, amphib- ians, fishes, and mammals. Four features characterize the chor- dates and have played an important role in the evolution of the phylum (figure 48.2): 1. A single, hollow nerve cord runs just beneath the dorsal sur- face of the animal. In verte- brates, the dorsal nerve cord differentiates into the brain and spinal cord. 2. A flexible rod, the notochord, forms on the dorsal side of the primitive gut in the early embryo and is present at some developmental stage in all chor- dates. The notochord is located just below the nerve cord. The notochord may persist throughout the life cycle of some chordates or be displaced dur- ing embryological development as in most verte- brates by the vertebral column that forms around the nerve cord. 3. Pharyngeal slits connect the pharynx, a muscular tube that links the mouth cavity and the esophagus, with the outside. In terrestrial vertebrates, the slits do not actually connect to the outside and are better termed pharyngeal pouches. Pharyngeal pouches are present in the embryos of all vertebrates. They be- come slits, open to the outside in animals with gills, but disappear in those lacking gills. The presence of these structures in all vertebrate embryos provides ev- idence to their aquatic ancestry. 4. Chordates have a postanal tail that extends beyond the anus, at least during their embryonic develop- ment. Nearly all other animals have a terminal anus. All chordates have all four of these characteristics at some time in their lives. For example, humans have pha- ryngeal slits, a dorsal nerve cord, and a notochord as em- bryos. As adults, the nerve cord remains while the noto- chord is replaced by the vertebral column and all but one pair of pharyngeal slits are lost. This remaining pair forms the Eustachian tubes that connect the throat to the middle ear. 48.1 Attaching muscles to an internal framework greatly improves movement. Sponges Cnidarians Flatworms Nematodes Mollusks Annelids Arthropods Echinoderms Chordates Postanal tail Notochord Hollow dorsal nerve cord Pharyngeal pouches FIGURE 48.2 Some of the principal features of the chordates, as shown in a generalized embryo. FIGURE 48.3 A mouse embryo. At 11.5 days of development, the mesoderm is already divided into segments called somites (stained dark in this photo), reflecting the fundamentally segmented nature of all chordates. A number of other characteristics also distinguish the chordates fundamentally from other animals. Chordates’ muscles are arranged in segmented blocks that affect the basic organization of the chordate body and can often be clearly seen in embryos of this phylum (figure 48.3). Most chordates have an internal skeleton against which the muscles work. Either this internal skeleton or the no- tochord (figure 48.4) makes possible the extraordinary powers of locomotion that characterize the members of this group. Chordates are characterized by a hollow dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a postanal tail at some point in their development. The flexible notochord anchors internal muscles and allows rapid, versatile movement. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 947 PHYLUM CHORDATA: Notochord In a lancelet, the simplest chordate, the flexible notochord persists throughout life and aids swimming by giving muscles something to pull against. In the lancelet these muscles form a series of discrete blocks that can easily be seen. More advanced chordates have jointed appendages. Lancelets are filter-feeders with highly reduced sensory systems. The animal has no head, eyes, ears, or nose. Instead, sensory cells that detect chemicals line the oral tentacles. Lancelets feed on microscopic protists caught by filtering them through cilia and gills on the pharyngeal slits. As the cilia that line the front end of the gut passage beat, they draw water through the mouth, through the pharynx, and out the slits. Unlike that of vertebrates, the skin of a lancelet has only a single layer of cells. Lancelets lack pigment in their skins, and so are transparent. Notochord Water Oral hood with tentacles Gill slits in pharynx Atrium Atriopore Anus Intestine Dorsal nerve cord FIGURE 48.4 Evolution of a notochord. Vertebrates, tunicates, and lancelets are chordates (phylum Chordata), coelomate animals with a flexible rod, the notochord, that provides resistance to muscle contraction and permits rapid lateral body movements. Chordates also possess pharyngeal slits (reflecting their aquatic ancestry and present habitat in some) and a hollow dorsal nerve cord. In vertebrates, the notochord is replaced during embryonic development by the vertebral column. The Nonvertebrate Chordates Tunicates The tunicates (subphylum Urochordata) are a group of about 1250 species of marine animals. Most of them are sessile as adults (figure 48.5a,b), with only the larvae hav- ing a notochord and nerve cord. As adults, they exhibit neither a major body cavity nor visible signs of segmenta- tion. Most species occur in shallow waters, but some are found at great depths. In some tunicates, adults are colo- nial, living in masses on the ocean floor. The pharynx is lined with numerous cilia, and the animals obtain their food by ciliary action. The cilia beat, drawing a stream of water into the pharynx, where microscopic food particles are trapped in a mucous sheet secreted from a structure called an endostyle. The tadpolelike larvae of tunicates plainly exhibit all of the basic characteristics of chordates and mark the tuni- cates as having the most primitive combination of features found in any chordate (figure 48.5c). The larvae do not feed and have a poorly developed gut. They remain free- swimming for only a few days before settling to the bot- tom and attaching themselves to a suitable substrate by means of a sucker. Tunicates change so much as they mature and adjust developmentally to a sessile, filter-feeding existence that it would be difficult to discern their evolutionary rela- tionships by examining an adult. Many adult tunicates se- crete a tunic, a tough sac composed mainly of cellulose. The tunic surrounds the animal and gives the subphylum its name. Cellulose is a substance frequently found in the cell walls of plants and algae but is rarely found in ani- 948 Part XII Animal Diversity 48.2 Nonvertebrate chordates have a notochord but no backbone. Heart Pharynx Endostyle Gill slit Tunic Gonad Incurrent siphon Excurrent Stomach Stomach Genital duct Intestine Nerve ganglion Hypophyseal duct siphon Heart Pharynx with gill slits Notochord Dorsal nerve cord Atriopore (excurrent siphon) Mouth (incurrent siphon) (b) (c) (a) FIGURE 48.5 Tunicates (phylum Chordata, subphylum Urochordata). (a) The sea peach, Halocynthia auranthium. (b) Diagram of the structure of an adult tunicate. (c) Diagram of the structure of a larval tunicate, showing the characteristic tadpolelike form. Larval tunicates resemble the postulated common ancestor of the chordates. mals. In colonial tunicates, there may be a common sac and a common opening to the outside. There is a group of Urochordates, the Larvacea, which retains the tail and notochord into adulthood. One theory of verte- brate origins involves a larval form, perhaps that of a tunicate, which ac- quires the ability to reproduce. Lancelets Lancelets are scaleless, fishlike marine chordates a few centimeters long that occur widely in shallow water throughout the oceans of the world. Lancelets (subphylum Cephalochor- data) were given their English name because they resemble a lancet—a small, two-edged surgical knife. There are about 23 species of this subphy- lum. Most of them belong to the genus Branchiostoma, formerly called Amphioxus, a name still used widely. In lancelets, the notochord runs the en- tire length of the dorsal nerve cord and persists throughout the animal’s life. Lancelets spend most of their time partly buried in sandy or muddy substrates, with only their anterior ends protruding (figure 48.6). They can swim, although they rarely do so. Their muscles can easily be seen as a series of discrete blocks. Lancelets have many more pharyngeal gill slits than fishes, which they resemble in overall shape. They lack pigment in their skin, which has only a single layer of cells, unlike the multilayered skin of vertebrates. The lancelet body is pointed at both ends. There is no distinguishable head or sensory structures other than pigmented light re- ceptors. Lancelets feed on microscopic plankton, using a current created by beating cilia that lines the oral hood, pharynx, and gill slits (figure 48.7). The gill slits provide an exit for the water and are an adaptation for filter feeding. The oral hood projects beyond the mouth and bears sensory tentacles, which also ring the mouth. Males and females are separate, but no obvious external dif- ferences exist between them. Biologists are not sure whether lancelets are primitive or are actually degenerate fishes whose structural features have been reduced and simplified during the course of evo- lution. The fact that lancelets feed by means of cilia and have a single-layered skin, coupled with distinctive features of their excretory systems, suggest that this is an ancient group of chordates. The recent discovery of fossil forms similar to living lancelets in rocks 550 million years old— well before the appearance of any fishes—also argues for the antiquity of this group. Recent studies by molecular systematists further support the hypothesis that lancelets are vertebrates’ closest ancestors. Nonvertebrate chordates, including tunicates and lancelets, have notochords but not vertebrae. They are the closest relatives of vertebrates. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 949 FIGURE 48.6 Lancelets. Two lancelets, Branchiostoma lanceolatum (phylum Chordata, subphylum Cephalochordata), partly buried in shell gravel, with their anterior ends protruding. The muscle segments are clearly visible; the square objects along the side of the body are gonads, indicating that these are male lancelets. Atrium AtrioporeGill slits in pharynx Oral hood with tentacles Notochord Intestine Dorsal nerve cord Anus Gonad FIGURE 48.7 The structure of a lancelet. This diagram shows the path through which the lancelet’s cilia pull water. Characteristics of Vertebrates Vertebrates (subphylum Vertebrata) are chordates with a spinal column. The name vertebrate comes from the indi- vidual bony segments called vertebrae that make up the spine. Vertebrates differ from the tunicates and lancelets in two important respects: 1. Vertebral column. In vertebrates, the notochord is replaced during the course of embryonic develop- ment by a bony vertebral column. The column is a series of bones that encloses and protects the dorsal nerve cord like a sleeve (figure 48.8). 2. Head. In all vertebrates but the earliest fishes, there is a distinct and well-differentiated head, with a skull and brain. For this reason, the vertebrates are some- times called the craniate chordates (Greek kranion, “skull”). In addition to these two key characteristics, vertebrates differ from other chordates in other important respects: 1. Neural crest. A unique group of embryonic cells called the neural crest contributes to the development of many vertebrate structures. These cells develop on the crest of the neural tube as it forms by an invagina- tion and pinching together of the neural plate (see chapter 60 for a detailed account). Neural crest cells then migrate to various locations in the developing embryo, where they participate in the development of a variety of structures. 2. Internal organs. Among the internal organs of ver- tebrates, livers, kidneys, and endocrine glands are characteristic of the group. The ductless endocrine glands secrete hormones that help regulate many of the body’s functions. All vertebrates have a heart and a closed circulatory system. In both their circulatory and their excretory functions, vertebrates differ markedly from other animals. 3. Endoskeleton. The endoskeleton of most verte- brates is made of cartilage or bone. Cartilage and bone are specialized tissue containing fibers of the protein collagen compacted together. Bone also contains crystals of a calcium phosphate salt. Bone forms in two stages. First, collagen is laid down in a matrix of fibers along stress lines to provide flexibil- ity, and then calcium minerals infiltrate the fibers, providing rigidity. The great advantage of bone over chitin as a structural material is that bone is strong without being brittle. The vertebrate en- doskeleton makes possible the great size and extra- ordinary powers of movement that characterize this group. Overview of the Evolution of Vertebrates The first vertebrates evolved in the oceans about 470 mil- lion years ago. They were jawless fishes with a single caudal fin. Many of them looked like a flat hot dog, with a hole at one end and a fin at the other. The appearance of a hinged jaw was a major advancement, opening up new food op- tions, and jawed fishes became the dominant creatures in the sea. Their descendants, the amphibians, invaded the land. Salamander-like amphibians and other, much larger now-extinct amphibians were the first vertebrates to live successfully on land. Amphibians, in turn, gave rise to the first reptiles about 300 million years ago. Within 50 million years, reptiles, better suited than amphibians to living out of water, replaced them as the dominant land vertebrates. With the success of reptiles, vertebrates truly came to dominate the surface of the earth. Many kinds of reptiles evolved, ranging in size from smaller than a chicken to big- 950 Part XII Animal Diversity 48.3 The vertebrates have an interior framework of bone. Ectoderm Vertebral body developing around notochord Neural tube Notochord Rib Neural arch Centrum Forming neural arch Blood vessels FIGURE 48.8 Embryonic development of a vertebra. During the course of evolution of animal development, the flexible notochord is surrounded and eventually replaced by a cartilaginous or bony covering, the centrum. The neural tube is protected by an arch above the centrum, and the vertebra may also have a hemal arch, which protects major blood vessels below the centrum. The vertebral column functions as a strong, flexible rod that the muscles pull against when the animal swims or moves. ger than a truck. Some flew, and others swam. Among them evolved reptiles that gave rise to the two remaining great lines of terrestrial vertebrates, birds (descendants of the dinosaurs) and mammals. Dinosaurs and mammals ap- pear at about the same time in the fossil record, 220 million years ago. For over 150 million years, dinosaurs dominated the face of the earth. Over all these centuries (think of it— over a million centuries!) the largest mammal was no bigger than a cat. Then, about 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs abruptly disappeared, for reasons that are still hotly de- bated. In their absence, mammals and birds quickly took their place, becoming in turn abundant and diverse. The history of vertebrates has been a series of evolution- ary advances that have allowed vertebrates to first invade the sea and then the land. In this chapter, we will examine the key evolutionary advances that permitted vertebrates to invade the land successfully. As you will see, this invasion was a staggering evolutionary achievement, involving fun- damental changes in many body systems. Vertebrates are a diverse group, containing members adapted to life in aquatic habitats, on land, and in the air. There are eight principal classes of living vertebrates (figure 48.9). Four of the classes are fishes that live in the water, and four are land-dwelling tetrapods, animals with four limbs. (The name tetrapod comes from two Greek words meaning “four-footed.”) The extant classes of fishes are the superclass Agnatha (the jawless fishes), which includes the class Myxini, the hagfish, and the class Cephalaspidomorphi, the lampreys; Chondrichthyes, the cartilaginous fishes, sharks, skates, and rays; and Oste- ichthyes, the bony fishes that are dominant today. The four classes of tetrapods are Amphibia, the amphibians; Reptilia, the reptiles; Aves, the birds; and Mammalia, the mammals. Vertebrates, the principal chordate group, are characterized by a vertebral column and a distinct head. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 951 500 400 300 200 100 0 Ordovician (505–438) Silurian (438–408) Devonian (408–360) Carboniferous (360–280) Permian (280–248) Triassic (248–213) Jurassic (213–144) Cretaceous (144–65) Tertiary (65–2) Quaternary (2–Present) T ime (millions of years ago) Jawless fishes (two classes) Amphibians Mammals Birds Reptiles Cartilaginous fishes Modern bony fishes Placoderms (extinct) Primitive amphibians (extinct) Primitive reptiles (extinct) Ostracoderms (extinct) Chordate ancestor Acanthodians (extinct) FIGURE 48.9 Vertebrate family tree. Two classes of vertebrates comprise the Agnatha, or jawless fishes. Primitive amphibians arose from fish. Primitive reptiles arose from amphibians and gave rise to mammals and to dinosaurs, which survive today as birds. Fishes Over half of all vertebrates are fishes. The most diverse and successful vertebrate group (figure 48.10), they provided the evolutionary base for invasion of land by amphibians. In many ways, amphibians, the first terrestrial vertebrates, can be viewed as transitional—fish out of water. In fact, fishes and amphibians share many similar features, among the host of obvious differences. First, let us look at the fishes (table 48.1). The story of vertebrate evolution started in the ancient seas of the Cambrian Period (570 to 505 million years ago), when the first backboned animals appeared (figure 48.11). Wriggling through the water, jawless and toothless, these first fishes sucked up small food particles from the ocean floor like miniature vacuum cleaners. Most were less than a foot long, respired with gills, and had no paired fins—just a primitive tail to push them through the water. For 50 mil- lion years, during the Ordovician Period (505 to 438 mil- lion years ago), these simple fishes were the only verte- brates. By the end of this period, fish had developed primitive fins to help them swim and massive shields of bone for protection. Jawed fishes first appeared during the Silurian Period (438 to 408 million years ago) and along with them came a new mode of feeding. Later, both the cartilaginous and bony fishes appeared. 952 Part XII Animal Diversity 48.4 The evolution of vertebrates involves invasions of sea, land, and air. Jawed fishes with heavily armored heads; often quite large Fishes with jaws; all now extinct; paired fins supported by sharp spines Most diverse group of vertebrates; swim bladders and bony skeletons; paired fins supported by bony rays Largely extinct group of bony fishes; ancestral to amphibians; paired lobed fins Streamlined hunters; cartilaginous skeletons; no swim bladders; internal fertilization Jawless fishes with no paired appendages; scavengers; mostly blind, but a well- developed sense of smell Largely extinct group of jawless fishes with no paired appendages; parasitic and nonparasitic types; all breed in fresh water Table 48.1 Major Classes of Fishes Approximate Typical Number of Class Examples Key Characteristics Living Species Placodermi Acanthodii Osteichthyes Chondrichthyes Myxini Cephalaspidomorphi FIGURE 48.10 Fish are diverse and include more species than all other kinds of vertebrates combined. Armored fishes Spiny fishes Ray-finned fishes Lobe-finned fishes Sharks, skates, rays Hagfishes Lampreys Extinct Extinct 20,000 7 850 43 17 Characteristics of Fishes From whale sharks that are 18 meters long to tiny cich- lids no larger than your fingernail, fishes vary consider- ably in size, shape, color, and appearance. Some live in freezing Arctic seas, others in warm freshwater lakes, and still others spend a lot of time out of water entirely. However varied, all fishes have important characteristics in common: 1. Gills. Fishes are water-dwelling creatures and must extract oxygen dissolved in the water around them. They do this by directing a flow of water through their mouths and across their gills. The gills are com- posed of fine filaments of tissue that are rich in blood vessels. They are located at the back of the pharynx and are supported by arches of cartilage. Blood moves through the gills in the opposite direction to the flow of water in order to maximize the efficiency of oxygen absorption. 2. Vertebral column. All fishes have an internal skeleton with a spine surrounding the dorsal nerve cord, although it may not necessarily be made of bone. The brain is fully encased within a protective box, the skull or cranium, made of bone or cartilage. 3. Single-loop blood circulation. Blood is pumped from the heart to the gills. From the gills, the oxy- genated blood passes to the rest of the body, then re- turns to the heart. The heart is a muscular tube-pump made of four chambers that contract in sequence. 4. Nutritional deficiencies. Fishes are unable to syn- thesize the aromatic amino acids and must consume them in their diet. This inability has been inherited by all their vertebrate descendants. Fishes were the first vertebrates to make their appearance, and today they are still the largest vertebrate class. They are the vertebrate group from which all other vertebrates evolved. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 953 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Agnathans Lamprey Amphibians Frog Chondrichthyes Shark Acanthodians (extinct) Spiny fishes Placoderms (extinct) Armored fishes Ostracoderms (extinct) Shell-skinned fishes Osteichthyes (lobe-finned fishes) Coelacanth Osteichthyes (ray-finned fishes) Perch Cambrian (570–505) Ordovician (505–438) Silurian (438–408) Devonian (408–360) Carboniferous (360–280) Permian (280–248) Triassic (248–213) Jurassic (213–144) Cretaceous (144–65) Tertiary (65–2) Quaternary (2–Present) Time (millions of years ago) FIGURE 48.11 Evolution of the fishes. The evolutionary relationships among the different groups of fishes as well as between fishes and amphibians is shown. The spiny and armored fishes that dominated the early seas are now extinct. History of the Fishes The First Fishes The first fishes were members of the five Ostracoderm orders (the word means “shell-skinned”). Only their head-shields were made of bone; their elaborate internal skele- tons were constructed of cartilage. Many ostracoderms were bottom dwellers, with a jawless mouth un- derneath a flat head, and eyes on the upper surface. Ostracoderms thrived in the Ordovician Period and in the period which followed, the Silurian Period (438 to 408 million years ago), only to become almost completely extinct at the close of the following Devonian Period (408 to 360 million years ago). One group, the jawless Ag- natha, survive today as hagfish and parasitic lampreys (figure 48.12). A fundamentally important evolutionary advance oc- curred in the late Silurian Period, 410 million years ago— the development of jaws. Jaws evolved from the most ante- rior of a series of arch-supports made of cartilage that were used to reinforce the tissue between gill slits, holding the slits open (figure 48.13). This transformation was not as radical as it might at first appear. Each gill arch was formed by a series of several cartilages (later to become bones) arranged somewhat in the shape of a V turned on its side, with the point directed outward. Imagine the fusion of the front pair of arches at top and bottom, with hinges at the points, and you have the primitive vertebrate jaw. The top half of the jaw is not attached to the skull directly except at the rear. Teeth developed on the jaws from modified scales on the skin that lined the mouth. Armored fishes called placoderms and spiny fishes called acanthodians both had jaws. Spiny fishes were very com- mon during the early Devonian, largely replacing ostracoderms, but became extinct themselves at the close of the Permian. Like ostracoderms, they had internal skeletons made of cartilage, but their scales contained small plates of bone, foreshadowing the much larger role bone would play in the future of vertebrates. Spiny fishes were predators and far better swimmers than ostracoderms, with as many as seven fins to aid them swim- ming. All of these fins were reinforced with strong spines, giving these fishes their name. No spiny fishes survive today. By the mid-Devonian, the heavily armored placoderms became common. A very diverse and successful group, seven orders of placoderms dominated the seas of the late Devonian, only to become extinct at the end of that period. The front of the placoderm body was more heavily ar- mored than the rear. The placoderm jaw was much im- proved from the primitive jaw of spiny fishes, with the upper jaw fused to the skull and the skull hinged on the shoulder. Many of the placoderms grew to enormous sizes, some over 30 feet long, with two-foot skulls that had an enormous bite. 954 Part XII Animal Diversity Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes Reptiles Birds Mammals Amphibians Jawless fishes FIGURE 48.12 Specialized mouth of a lamprey. Lampreys use their suckerlike mouths to attach themselves to the fishes on which they prey. When they have done so, they bore a hole in the fish with their teeth and feed on its blood. Skull Gill slits Anterior gill arches FIGURE 48.13 Evolution of the jaw. Jaws evolved from the anterior gill arches of ancient, jawless fishes. The Rise of Active Swimmers At the end of the Devonian, essen- tially all of these pioneer vertebrates disappeared, replaced by sharks and bony fishes. Sharks and bony fishes first evolved in the early Devonian, 400 million years ago. In these fishes, the jaw was improved even further, with the first gill arch be- hind the jaws being transformed into a supporting strut or prop, join- ing the rear of the lower jaw to the rear of the skull. This allowed the mouth to open very wide, into al- most a full circle. In a great white shark, this wide-open mouth can be a very efficient weapon. The major factor responsible for the replacement of primitive fishes by sharks and bony fishes was that they had a superior design for swimming. The typical shark and bony fish is streamlined. The head of the fish acts as a wedge to cleave through the water, and the body tapers back to the tail, allowing the fish to slip through the water with a minimum amount of turbulence. In addition, sharks and bony fishes have an array of mo- bile fins that greatly aid swimming. First, there is a propul- sion fin: a large and efficient tail (caudal) fin that helps drive the fish through the water when it is swept side-to- side, pushing against the water and thrusting the fish for- ward. Second, there are stabilizing fins: one (or sometimes two) dorsal fins on the back that act as a stabilizer to pre- vent rolling as the fish swims through the water, while an- other ventral fin acts as a keel to prevent side-slip. Third, there are the paired fins at shoulder and hip (“A fin at each corner”), consisting of a front (pectoral) pair and a rear (pelvic) pair. These fins act like the elevator flaps of an air- plane to assist the fish in going up or down through the water, as rudders to help it turn sharply left or right, and as brakes to help it stop quickly. Sharks Become Top Predators In the period following the Devonian, the Carboniferous Period (360 to 280 million years ago), sharks became the dominant predator in the sea. Sharks (class Chon- drichythes) have a skeleton made of cartilage, like primitive fishes, but it is “calcified,” strengthened by granules of cal- cium carbonate deposited in the outer layers of cartilage. The result is a very light and strong skeleton. Streamlined, with paired fins and a light, flexible skeleton, sharks are su- perior swimmers (figure 48.14). Their pectoral fins are par- ticularly large, jutting out stiffly like airplane wings—and that is how they function, adding lift to compensate for the downward thrust of the tail fin. Very aggressive predators, some sharks reached enormous size. Sharks were among the first vertebrates to develop teeth. These teeth evolved from rough scales on the skin and are not set into the jaw, as yours are, but rather sit atop it. The teeth are not firmly anchored and are easily lost. In a shark’s mouth, the teeth are arrayed in up to 20 rows, the teeth in front doing the biting and cutting, while behind them other teeth grow and await their turn. When a tooth breaks or is worn down, a replacement from the next row moves forward. One shark may even- tually use more than 20,000 teeth. This programmed loss of teeth offers a great advantage: the teeth in use are al- ways new and sharp. The skin is covered with tiny teeth- like scales, giving it a rough “sandpaper” texture. Like the teeth, these scales are constantly replaced throughout the shark’s life. Reproduction among the Chondrichythes is the most advanced of any fishes. Shark eggs are fertilized internally. During mating, the male grasps the female with modified fins called claspers. Sperm run from the male into the fe- male through grooves in the claspers. Although a few species lay fertilized eggs, the eggs of most species develop within the female’s body, and the pups are born alive. Many of the early evolutionary lines of sharks died out during the great extinction at the end of the Permian Pe- riod (280 to 248 million years ago). The survivors thrived and underwent a burst of diversification during the Meso- zoic era, when most of the modern groups of sharks ap- peared. Skates and rays (flattened sharks that are bottom- dwellers) evolved at this time, some 200 million years after the sharks first appeared. Sharks competed success- fully with the marine reptiles of that time and are still the dominant predators of the sea. Today there are 275 species of sharks, more kinds than existed in the Carboniferous. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 955 Jawless fishes Bony fishes Reptiles Birds Mammals Amphibians Cartilaginous fishes FIGURE 48.14 Chondrichthyes. Members of the class Chondrichthyes, such as this bull shark, are mainly predators or scavengers and spend most of their time in graceful motion. As they move, they create a flow of water past their gills, extracting oxygen from the water. Bony Fishes Dominate the Water Bony fishes (members of the class Os- teichthyes, figure 48.15) evolved at the same time as sharks, some 400 million years ago, but took quite a different evolutionary road. Instead of gaining speed through lightness, as sharks did, bony fishes adopted a heavy internal skeleton made completely of bone. Such an internal skeleton is very strong, providing a base against which very strong muscles could pull. The process of ossification (the evolutionary replacement of cartilage by bone) hap- pened suddenly in evolutionary terms, completing a process started by sharks, who lay down a thin film of bone over their cartilage. Not only is the internal skeleton ossified, but also the external skeleton, the outer covering of plates and scales. Many scien- tists believe bony fishes evolved from spiny sharks, which also had bony plates set in their skin. Bony fishes are the most successful of all fishes, indeed of all vertebrates. There are several dozen orders containing more than 20,000 living species. Unlike sharks, bony fishes evolved in fresh water. The most ancient fossils of bony fishes are found in freshwater lake beds from the middle Devonian. These first bony fishes were small and possessed paired air sacs connected to the back of the throat. These sacs could be inflated with air to buoy the fish up or deflated to sink it down in the water. Most bony fishes have highly mobile fins, very thin scales, and completely symmetrical tails (which keep the fish on a straight course as it swims through the water). This is a very successful design for a fish. Two great groups arose from these pioneers: the lobe-finned fishes, ancestors of the first tetrapods, and the ray-finned fishes, which in- clude the vast majority of today’s fishes. The characteristic feature of all ray-finned fishes is an in- ternal skeleton of parallel bony rays that support and stiffen each fin. There are no muscles within the fins; they are moved by muscles within the body. In ray-finned fishes, the primitive air sacs are transformed into an air pouch, which provides a remarkable degree of control over buoyancy. Important Adaptations of Bony Fishes The remarkable success of the bony fishes has resulted from a series of significant adaptations that have enabled them to dominate life in the water. These include the swim bladder, lateral line system, and gill cover. Swim Bladder. Although bones are heavier than carti- laginous skeletons, bony fishes are still buoyant because they possess a swim bladder, a gas-filled sac that allows them to regulate their buoyant density and so remain sus- pended at any depth in the water effort- lessly (figure 48.16). Sharks, by contrast, must move through the water or sink, as their bodies are denser than water. In primitive bony fishes, the swim bladder is a ventral outpocketing of the pharynx behind the throat, and these species fill the swim bladder by simply gulping air at the surface of the water. In most of today’s bony fishes, the swim bladder is an independent organ that is filled and drained of gases, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, internally. How do bony fishes manage this remarkable trick? It turns out that the gases are released from their blood. Gas exchange occurs across the wall of the swim bladder and the blood vessels located near the swim bladder. A variety of physio- logical factors controls the exchange of gases between the blood stream and the swim bladder. Lateral Line System. Although precursors are found in sharks, bony fishes possess a fully developed lateral line sys- tem. The lateral line system consists of a series of sensory organs that project into a canal beneath the surface of the skin. The canal runs the length of the fish’s body and is open to the exterior through a series of sunken pits. Move- 956 Part XII Animal Diversity Jawless fishes Cartilaginous fishes Reptiles Birds Mammals AmphibiansBony fishes FIGURE 48.15 Bony fishes. The bony fishes (class Osteichthyes) are extremely diverse. This Korean angelfish in Fiji is one of the many striking fishes that live around coral reefs in tropical seas. ment of water past the fish forces water through the canal. The sensory organs consist of clusters of cells with hairlike projections called cilia, embedded in a gelatinous cap. The hairs are deflected by the slightest movement of water over them. The pits are oriented so that some are stimulated no matter what direction the water moves (see chapter 55). Nerve impulses from these sensory organs permit the fish to assess its rate of movement through water, sensing the movement as pressure waves against its lateral line. This is how a trout orients itself with its head upstream. The lateral line system also enables a fish to detect mo- tionless objects at a distance by the movement of water re- flected off the object. In a very real sense, this is the fish equivalent of hearing. The basic mechanism of cilia deflec- tion by pressure waves is very similar to what happens in human ears (see chapter 55). Gill Cover. Most bony fishes have a hard plate called the operculum that covers the gills on each side of the head. Flexing the operculum permits bony fishes to pump water over their gills. The gills are suspended in the pharyngeal slits that form a passageway between the pharynx and the outside of the fish’s body. When the operculum is closed, it seals off the exit. When the mouth is open, closing the op- erculum increases the volume of the mouth cavity, so that water is drawn into the mouth. When the mouth is closed, opening the operculum decreases the volume of the mouth cavity, forcing water past the gills to the outside. Using this very efficient bellows, bony fishes can pass water over the gills while stationary in the water. That is what a goldfish is doing when it seems to be gulping in a fish tank. The Path to Land Lobe-finned fishes (figure 48.17) evolved 390 million years ago, shortly after the first bony fishes appeared. Only seven species survive today, a single species of coelacanth and six species of lungfish. Lobe-finned fishes have paired fins that consist of a long fleshy muscular lobe (hence their name), supported by a central core of bones that form fully articu- lated joints with one another. There are bony rays only at the tips of each lobed fin. Muscles within each lobe can move the fin rays independently of one another, a feat no ray-finned fish could match. Although rare today, lobe- finned fishes played an important part in the evolutionary story of vertebrates. Amphibians almost certainly evolved from the lobe-finned fishes. Fishes are characterized by gills and a simple, single- loop circulatory system. Cartilaginous fishes, such as sharks, are fast swimmers, while the very successful bony fishes have unique characteristics such as swim bladders and lateral line systems. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 957 Primitive fish Swim bladder Swim bladder Pharynx Modern bony fish FIGURE 48.16 Diagram of a swim bladder. The bony fishes use this structure, which evolved as a ventral outpocketing of the pharynx, to control their buoyancy in water. FIGURE 48.17 The living coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. Discovered in the western Indian Ocean in 1938, this coelacanth represents a group of fishes that had been thought to be extinct for about 70 million years. Scientists who studied living individuals in their natural habitat at depths of 100 to 200 meters observed them drifting in the current and hunting other fishes at night. Some individuals are nearly 3 meters long; they have a slender, fat-filled swim bladder. Latimeria is a strange animal, and its discovery was a complete surprise. Amphibians Frogs, salamanders, and caecilians, the damp-skinned vertebrates, are direct descendants of fishes. They are the sole survivors of a very successful group, the amphibians, the first verte- brates to walk on land. Most present- day amphibians are small and live largely unnoticed by humans. Am- phibians are among the most numer- ous of terrestrial animals; there are more species of amphibians than of mammals. Throughout the world am- phibians play key roles in terrestrial food chains. Characteristics of Living Amphibians Biologists have classified living species of amphibians into three orders (table 48.2): 3680 species of frogs and toads in 22 families make up the order Anura (“without a tail”); 369 species of salamanders and newts in 9 families make up the order Urodela or Caudata (“visible tail”); and 168 species (6 families) of wormlike, nearly blind organisms called caecilians that live in the tropics make up the order Apoda or Gymnophiona (“with- out legs”). They have key characteristics in common: 1. Legs. Frogs and salamanders have four legs and can move about on land quite well. Legs were one of the key adaptations to life on land. Caecilians have lost their legs during the course of adapting to a burrow- ing existence. 2. Cutaneous respiration. Frogs, salamanders, and caecilians all supplement the use of lungs by respiring directly across their skin, which is kept moist and provides an extensive surface area. This mode of res- piration is only efficient for a high surface-to-volume ratio in an animal. 3. Lungs. Most amphibians possess a pair of lungs, although the internal sur- faces are poorly developed, with much less surface area than reptilian or mam- malian lungs. Amphibians still breathe by lowering the floor of the mouth to suck air in, then raising it back to force the air down into the lungs. 4. Pulmonary veins. After blood is pumped through the lungs, two large veins called pulmonary veins return the aerated blood to the heart for repump- ing. This allows the aerated blood to be pumped to the tissues at a much higher pressure than when it leaves the lungs. 5. Partially divided heart. The initial chamber of the fish heart is absent in amphibians, and the second and last chambers are separated by a dividing wall that helps prevent aerated blood from the lungs from mixing with non- aerated blood being returned to the heart from the rest of the body. This separates the blood circulation into two separate paths, pulmonary and systemic. The separation is imperfect; the third chamber has no dividing wall. Several other specialized characteristics are shared by all present-day amphibians. In all three orders, there is a zone of weakness between the base and the crown of the teeth. They also have a peculiar type of sensory rod cell in the retina of the eye called a “green rod.” The exact function of this rod is unknown. Amphibians, with legs and more efficient blood circulation than fishes, were the first vertebrates to walk on land. 958 Part XII Animal Diversity Table 48.2 Orders of Amphibians Approximate Typical Number of Order Examples Key Characteristics Living Species Anura Caudata Apoda (Gymnophiona) Frogs, toads Salamanders, newts Caecilians 3680 369 168 Compact tailless body; large head fused to the trunk; rear limbs specialized for jumping Slender body; long tail and limbs set out at right angles to the body Tropical group with a snakelike body; no limbs; little or no tail Jawless fishes Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes Reptiles Birds Mammals Amphibians History of the Amphibians The word amphibia (a Greek word meaning “both lives”) nicely describes the essential quality of modern day am- phibians, referring to their ability to live in two worlds: the aquatic world of their fish ancestors and in the terrestrial world that they first invaded. In this section, we will review the checkered history of this group, almost all of whose members have been extinct for the last 200 million years. Then, in the following section, we will examine in more detail what the few kinds of surviving amphibians are like. Origin of Amphibians Paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) agree that am- phibians must have evolved from the lobe-finned fishes, al- though for some years there has been considerable dis- agreement about whether the direct ancestors were coelacanths, lungfish, or the extinct rhipidistian fishes. Good arguments can be made for each. Many details of amphibian internal anatomy resemble those of the coela- canth. Lungfish and rhipidistians have openings in the tops of their mouths similar to the internal nostrils of amphib- ians. In addition, lungfish have paired lungs, like those of amphibians. Recent DNA analysis indicates lungfish are in fact far more closely related to amphibians than are coela- canths. Most paleontologists consider that amphibians evolved from rhipidistian fishes, rather than lungfish, be- cause the pattern of bones in the early amphibian skull and limbs bears a remarkable resemblance to the rhipidistians. They also share a particular tooth structure. They successful invasion of land by vertebrates involved a number of major adaptations: 1. Legs were necessary to support the body’s weight as well as to allow movement from place to place (figure 48.18). 2. Lungs were necessary to extract oxygen from air. Even though there is far more oxygen available to gills in air than in water, the delicate structure of fish gills requires the buoyancy of water to support them and they will not function in air. 3. The heart had to be redesigned to make full use of new respiratory systems and to deliver the greater amounts of oxygen required by walking muscles. 4. Reproduction had to be carried out in water until methods evolved to prevent eggs from drying out. 5. Most importantly, a system had to be developed to prevent the body itself from drying out. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 959 Tibia Tibia Femur Femur Pelvis Pelvis Fibula Fibula (a) Lobe-finned fish (b) Early amphibian Humerus Humerus Shoulder Shoulder Radius Radius Ulna Ulna FIGURE 48.18 A comparison between the limbs of a lobe-finned fish and those of a primitive amphibian. (a) A lobe-finned fish. Some of these animals could probably move onto land. (b) A primitive amphibian. As illustrated by their skeletal structure, the legs of such an animal could clearly function on land much better than the fins of the lobe-finned fish. The First Amphibian Amphibians solved these problems only partially, but their solutions worked well enough that amphibians have sur- vived for 350 million years. Evolution does not insist on perfect solutions, only workable ones. Ichthyostega, the earliest amphibian fossil (figure 48.19) was found in a 370-million-year-old rock in Greenland. At that time, Greenland was part of the North American con- tinent and lay near the equator. For the next 100 million years, all amphibian fossils are found in North America. Only when Asia and the southern continents all merged with North America to form the supercontinent Pangaea did amphibians spread throughout the world. Ichthyostega was a strongly built animal, with four sturdy legs well supported by hip and shoulder bones. The shoul- der bones no longer attached to the skull as in fish. The hipbones were braced against the backbone unlike in fish, so the limbs could support the animal’s weight. To strengthen the backbone further, long, broad ribs that overlap each other formed a solid cage for the lungs and heart. The rib cage was so solid that it probably couldn’t expand and contract for breathing. Instead, Ichthyostega ob- tained oxygen somewhat as a fish does, by lowering the floor of the mouth to draw air in, then raising it to push air down the windpipe into the lungs. The Rise and Fall of Amphibians Amphibians first became common during the Carbonifer- ous Period (360 to 280 million years ago). Fourteen fami- lies of amphibians are known from the early Carboniferous, nearly all aquatic or semiaquatic, like Ichthyostega. By the late Carboniferous, much of North America was covered by low-lying tropical swamplands, and 34 families of am- phibians thrived in this wet terrestrial environment, sharing it with pelycosaurs and other early reptiles. In the early Permian Period that followed (280 to 248 million years ago), a remarkable change occurred among amphibians— they began to leave the marshes for dry uplands. Many of these terrestrial amphibians had bony plates and armor covering their bodies and grew to be very large, some as big as a pony (figure 48.20). Both their large size and the complete covering of their bodies indicate that these am- phibians did not use the skin respiratory system of present- day amphibians, but rather had an impermeable leathery skin to prevent water loss. By the mid-Permian, there were 40 families of amphibians. Only 25% of them were still semiaquatic like Ichthyostega; 60% of the amphibians were fully terrestrial, 15% were semiterrestrial. This was the peak of amphibian success. By the end of the Permian, a reptile called a therapsid had become com- mon, ousting the amphibians from their newly acquired niche on land. Following the mass extinction event at the end of the Permian, therapsids were the dominant land ver- tebrate and most amphibians were aquatic. This trend con- tinued in the following Triassic Period (248 to 213 million years ago), which saw the virtual extinction of amphibians from land. By the end of the Triassic, there were only 15 families of amphibians (including the first frog), and almost without exception they were aquatic. Some of these grew to great size; one was 3 meters long. Only two groups of am- phibians are known from the following Jurassic Period (213 to 144 million years ago), the anurans (frogs and toads) and the urodeles (salamanders and newts). The Age of Amphib- ians was over. 960 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 48.19 Amphibians were the first vertebrates to walk on land. Reconstruction of Ichthyostega, one of the first amphibians with efficient limbs for crawling on land, an improved olfactory sense associated with a lengthened snout, and a relatively advanced ear structure for picking up airborne sounds. Despite these features, Ichthyostega, which lived about 350 million years ago, was still quite fishlike in overall appearance and represents a very early amphibian. FIGURE 48.20 A terrestrial amphibian of the Permian. Cacops, a large, extinct amphibian, had extensive body armor. Amphibians Today All of today’s amphibians descended from the two families of amphibians that survived the Age of the Dinosaurs. Dur- ing the Tertiary Period (65 to 2 million years ago), these moist-skinned amphibians underwent a highly successful invasion of wet habitats all over the world, and today there are over 4200 species of amphibians in 37 different families. Anura. Frogs and toads, amphibians without tails, live in a variety of environments from deserts and mountains to ponds and puddles (figure 48.21a). Frogs have smooth, moist skin, a broad body, and long hind legs that make them excellent jumpers. Most frogs live in or near water, although some tropical species live in trees. Unlike frogs, toads have a dry, bumpy skin, short legs, and are well adapted to dry environments. All adult anurans are carni- vores, eating a wide variety of invertebrates. Most frogs and toads return to water to reproduce, lay- ing their eggs directly in water. Their eggs lack water-tight external membranes and would dry out quickly out of the water. Eggs are fertilized externally and hatch into swim- ming larval forms called tadpoles. Tadpoles live in the water, where they generally feed on minute algae. After considerable growth, the body of the tadpole gradually changes into that of an adult frog. This process of abrupt change in body form is called metamorphosis. Urodela (Caudata). Salamanders have elongated bodies, long tails, and smooth moist skin (figure 48.21b). They typ- ically range in length from a few inches to a foot, although giant Asiatic salamanders of the genus Andrias are as much as 1.5 meters long and weigh up to 33 kilograms. Most salamanders live in moist places, such as under stones or logs, or among the leaves of tropical plants. Some salaman- ders live entirely in water. Salamanders lay their eggs in water or in moist places. Fertilization is usually external, although a few species practice a type of internal fertilization in which the female picks up sperm packets deposited by the male. Unlike anu- rans, the young that hatch from salamander eggs do not undergo profound metamorphosis, but are born looking like small adults and are carnivorous. Apoda (Gymnophiona). Caecilians, members of the order Apoda (Gymnophiona), are a highly specialized group of tropical burrowing amphibians (figure 48.21c). These legless, wormlike creatures average about 30 cen- timeters long, but can be up to 1.3 meters long. They have very small eyes and are often blind. They resemble worms but have jaws with teeth. They eat worms and other soil in- vertebrates. The caecilian male deposits sperm directly into the female, and the female usually bears live young. Mud eels, small amphibians with tiny forelimbs and no hind limbs that live in the eastern United States, are not apo- dans, but highly specialized urodelians. Amphibians ventured onto land some 370 million years ago. They are characterized by moist skin, legs (secondarily lost in some species), lungs (usually), and a more complex and divided circulatory system. They are still tied to water for reproduction. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 961 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 48.21 Class Amphibia. (a) Red-eyed tree frog, Agalychnis callidryas (order Anura). (b) An adult barred tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum (order Caudata). (c) A XXXXXXX caecilian, XXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx (order Gymnophiona). Reptiles If one thinks of amphibians as a first draft of a manuscript about survival on land, then reptiles are the finished book. For each of the five key challenges of living on land, reptiles improved on the in- novations first seen in amphibians. Legs were arranged to support the body’s weight more effectively, al- lowing reptile bodies to be bigger and to run. Lungs and heart were altered to make them more effi- cient. The skin was covered with dry plates or scales to minimize water loss, and eggs were encased in watertight covers (figure 48.22). Reptiles were the first truly terres- trial vertebrates. Over 7000 species of reptiles (class Reptilia) now live on earth (table 48.3). They are a highly successful group in today’s world, more common than mammals. There are three reptile species for every two mammal species. While it is traditional to think of reptiles as more primitive than mammals, the great major- ity of reptiles that live today evolved from lines that ap- peared after therapsids did (the line that leads directly to mammals). Key Characteristics of Reptiles All living reptiles share certain fundamental characteristics, features they retain from the time when they replaced am- phibians as the dominant terrestrial vertebrates. Among the most important are: 1. Amniotic egg. Amphibians never succeeded in becoming fully ter- restrial because amphibian eggs must be laid in water to avoid dry- ing out. Most reptiles lay water- tight eggs that contain a food source (the yolk) and a series of four membranes—the yolk sac, the amnion, the allantois, and the chorion (figure 48.22). Each mem- brane plays a role in making the egg an independent life-support system. The outermost membrane of the egg is the chorion, which lies just beneath the porous shell. It allows respiratory gases to pass through, but retains water within the egg. Within, the amnion en- cases the developing embryo within a fluid-filled cavity. The yolk sac provides food from the yolk for the embryo via blood vessels con- necting to the embryo’s gut. The al- lantois surrounds a cavity into which waste products from the embryo are excreted. All modern reptiles (as well as birds and mammals) show exactly this same pattern of membranes within the egg. These three classes are called amniotes. 2. Dry skin. Living amphibians have a moist skin and must remain in moist places to avoid drying out. Reptiles have dry, watertight skin. A layer of scales or armor covers their bodies, preventing water loss. These scales develop as surface cells fill with keratin, the same protein that forms claws, fingernails, hair, and bird feathers. 3. Thoracic breathing. Amphibians breathe by squeezing their throat to pump air into their lungs; this limits their breathing capacity to the volume of their mouth. Reptiles developed pul- monary breathing, expanding and contracting the rib cage to suck air into the lungs and then force it out. The capacity of this system is limited only by the vol- ume of the lungs. Reptiles were the first vertebrates to completely master the challenge of living on dry land. 962 Part XII Animal Diversity Jawless fishes Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes Birds Mammals Amphibians Reptiles Embryo Leathery shell Chorion Allantois Yolk sac Amnion FIGURE 48.22 The watertight egg. The amniotic egg is perhaps the most important feature that allows reptiles to live in a wide variety of terrestrial habitats. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 963 Stegosaur Tyrannosaur Pterosaur Plesiosaur Ichthyosaur Lizards Snakes Turtles, tortoises, sea turtles Crocodiles, alligators, gavials, caimans Tuataras Table 48.3 Major Orders of Reptiles Approximate Typical Number of Order Examples Key Characteristics Living Species Ornithischia Saurischia Pterosauria Plesiosaura Ichthyosauria Squamata, suborder Sauria Squamata, suborder Serpentes Chelonia Crocodylia Rhynchocephalia Dinosaurs with two pelvic bones facing backward, like a bird’s pelvis; herbivores, with turtlelike upper beak; legs under body Dinosaurs with one pelvic bone facing forward, the other back, like a lizard’s pelvis; both plant- and flesh-eaters; legs under body Flying reptiles; wings were made of skin stretched between fourth fingers and body; wingspans of early forms typically 60 centimeters, later forms nearly 8 meters Barrel-shaped marine reptiles with sharp teeth and large, paddle-shaped fins; some had snakelike necks twice as long as their bodies Streamlined marine reptiles with many body similarities to sharks and modern fishes Lizards; limbs set at right angles to body; anus is in transverse (sideways) slit; most are terrestrial Snakes; no legs; move by slithering; scaly skin is shed periodically; most are terrestrial Ancient armored reptiles with shell of bony plates to which vertebrae and ribs are fused; sharp, horny beak without teeth Advanced reptiles with four-chambered heart and socketed teeth; anus is a longitudinal (lengthwise) slit; closest living relatives to birds Sole survivors of a once successful group that largely disappeared before dinosaurs; fused, wedgelike, socketless teeth; primitive third eye under skin of forehead Extinct Extinct Extinct Extinct Extinct 3800 3000 250 25 2 The Rise and Fall of Dominant Reptile Groups During the 250 million years that reptiles were the domi- nant large terrestrial vertebrates, four major forms of rep- tiles took turns as the dominant type: pelycosaurs, therap- sids, thecodonts, and dinosaurs. Pelycosaurs: Becoming a Better Predator Early reptiles like pelycosaurs were better adapted to life on dry land than amphibians because they evolved watertight eggs. They had powerful jaws because of an innovation in skull design and muscle arrangement. Pelycosaurs were synapsids, meaning that their skulls had a pair of temporal holes behind the openings for the eyes. An important fea- ture of reptile classification is the presence and number of openings behind the eyes (see figure 48.27). Their jaw muscles were anchored to these holes, which allowed them to bite more powerfully. An individual pelycosaur weighed about 200 kilograms. With long, sharp, “steak knife” teeth, pelycosaurs were the first land vertebrates to kill beasts their own size (figure 48.23). Dominant for 50 million years, pelycosaurs once made up 70% of all land verte- brates. They died out about 250 million years ago, replaced by their direct descendants—the therapsids. Therapsids: Speeding Up Metabolism Therapsids (figure 48.24) ate ten times more frequently than their pelycosaur ancestors (figure 48.24). There is evidence that they may have been endotherms, able to regulate their own body temperature. The extra food consumption would have been necessary to produce body heat. This would have permitted therapsids to be far more active than other vertebrates of that time, when winters were cold and long. For 20 million years, therapsids (also called “mammallike reptiles”) were the dominant land vertebrate, until largely replaced 230 million years ago by a cold-blooded, or ec- tothermic, reptile line—the thecodonts. Therapsids be- came extinct 170 million years ago, but not before giving rise to their descendants—the mammals. Thecodonts: Wasting Less Energy Thecodonts were diapsids, their skulls having two pairs of temporal holes, and like amphibians and early reptiles, they were ectotherms (figure 48.25). Thecodonts largely re- placed therapsids when the world’s climate warmed 230 million years ago. In the warm climate, the therapsid’s en- dothermy no longer offered a competitive advantage, and ectothermic thecodonts needed only a tenth as much food. Thecodonts were the first land vertebrates to be bipedal— to stand and walk on two feet. They were dominant through the Triassic and survived for 15 million years, until replaced by their direct descendants—the dinosaurs. 964 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 48.23 A pelycosaur. Dimetrodon, a carnivorous pelycosaur, had a dorsal sail that is thought to have been used to dissipate body heat or gain it by basking. FIGURE 48.24 A therapsid. This small weaslelike cynodont therapsid, Megazostrodon, may have had fur. From the late Triassic, it is so similar to modern mammals that some paleontologists consider it the first mammal. FIGURE 48.25 A thecodont. Euparkeria, a thecodont, had rows of bony plates along the sides of the backbone, as seen in modern crocodiles and alligators. Dinosaurs: Learning to Run Upright Dinosaurs evolved from thecodonts about 220 million years ago. Unlike the thecodonts, their legs were positioned di- rectly underneath their bodies, a significant improvement in body design (figure 48.26). This design placed the weight of the body directly over the legs, which allowed di- nosaurs to run with great speed and agility. A dinosaur fos- sil can be distinguished from a thecodont fossil by the pres- ence of a hole in the side of the hip socket. Because the dinosaur leg is positioned underneath the socket, the force is directed upward, not inward, so there was no need for bone on the side of the socket. Dinosaurs went on to be- come the most successful of all land vertebrates, dominat- ing for 150 million years. All dinosaurs became extinct rather abruptly 65 million years ago, apparently as a result of an asteroid’s impact. Figures 48.27 and 48.28 summarize the evolutionary re- lationships among the extinct and living reptiles. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 965 FIGURE 48.26 The largest mounted dinosaur in the world. This 145-million-year-old Brachiosaurus, a plant-eating sauropod over 80 feet long, lived in East Africa. Pelycosaur Turtle Lizards and snakes Thecodont Dinosaur Crocodilians Birds Lateral temporal opening Synapsid skull Orbit Orbit Anapsid skull Dorsal temporal opening Orbit Lateral temporal opening Diapsid skull Synapsids: skull with single pair of lateral temporal openings Chelonia: solid-roofed anapsid skull, plastron, and carapace derived from dermal bone and fused to part of axial skeleton Squamata: fusion of snout bones, characteristics of palate, skull roof, vertebrae, ribs, pectoral girdle, humerus Archosauria: presence of opening anterior to eye, orbit shaped like inverted triangle, teeth laterally compressed Diapsids: diapsid skull with 2 pairs of temporal openings Turtle-diapsid clade (Sauropsida) characteristics of skull and appendages Amniotes: extraembryonic membranes of amnion, chorion, and allantois FIGURE 48.27 Cladogram of amniotes. 966 Part XII Animal Diversity 350 300 200 250 100 150 50 0 Crocodiles MammalsBirdsTuatarasSnakesLizardsTurtles Early reptiles (extinct) Therapsids (extinct) Dinosaurs (extinct) Pelycosaurs (extinct) Thecodonts (extinct) Carboniferous (360–280) Permian (280–248) Triassic (248–213) Jurassic (213–144) Cretaceous (144–65) Tertiary (65–2) Quaternary (2–Present) T ime (millions of years ago) FIGURE 48.28 Evolutionary relationships among the reptiles. There are four orders of living reptiles: turtles, lizards and snakes, tuataras, and crocodiles. This phylogenetic tree shows how these four orders are related to one another and to dinosaurs, birds, and mammals. Today’s Reptiles Most of the major reptile orders are now extinct. Of the 16 orders of reptiles that have existed, only 4 survive. Turtles. The most ancient surviving lineage of rep- tiles is that of turtles. Turtles have anapsid skulls much like those of the first reptiles. Turtles have changed little in the past 200 million years. Lizards and snakes. Most reptiles living today belong to the second lineage to evolve, the lizards and snakes. Lizards and snakes are descended from an ancient lin- eage of lizardlike reptiles that branched off the main line of reptile evolution in the late Permian, 250 million years ago, before the thecodonts appeared (figure 48.28). Throughout the Mesozoic era, during the dominance of the dinosaurs, these reptiles survived as minor elements of the landscape, much as mammals did. Like mammals, lizards and snakes became diverse and common only after the dinosaurs disappeared. Tuataras. The third lineage of surviving reptiles to evolve were the Rhynchocephalonts, small diapsid rep- tiles that appeared shortly before the dinosaurs. They lived throughout the time of the dinosaurs and were common in the Jurassic. They began to decline in the Cretaceous, apparently unable to compete with lizards, and were already rare by the time dinosaurs disappeared. Today only two species of the order Rhynchocephalia survive, both tuataras living on small islands near New Zealand. Crocodiles. The fourth lineage of living reptile, croc- odiles, appeared on the evolutionary scene much later than other living reptiles. Crocodiles are descended from the same line of thecodonts that gave rise to the di- nosaurs and resemble dinosaurs in many ways. They have changed very little in over 200 million years. Croc- odiles, pterosaurs, thecodonts, and dinosaurs together make up a group called archosaurs (“ruling reptiles”). Other Important Characteristics As you might imagine from the structure of the amniotic egg, reptiles and other amniotes do not practice external fertilization as most amphibians do. There would be no way for a sperm to penetrate the membrane barriers pro- tecting the egg. Instead, the male places sperm inside the female, where they fertilize the egg before the membranes are formed. This is called internal fertilization. The circulatory system of reptiles is improved over that of fish and amphibians, providing oxygen to the body more efficiently (figure 48.29). The improvement is achieved by extending the septum within the heart from the atrium partway across the ventricle. This septum creates a partial wall that tends to lessen mixing of oxygen-poor blood with oxygen-rich blood within the ventricle. In crocodiles, the septum completely divides the ventricle, creating a four- chambered heart, just as it does in birds and mammals (and probably in dinosaurs). All living reptiles are ectothermic, obtaining their heat from external sources. In contrast, endothermic an- imals are able to generate their heat internally. In addi- tion, homeothermic animals have a constant body tem- perature, and poikilothermic animals have a body temperature that fluctuates with ambient temperature. Thus, a deep-sea fish may be an ectothermic homeotherm because its heat comes from an external source, but its body temperature is constant. Reptiles are largely ectothermic poikilotherms; their body tempera- ture is largely determined by their surroundings. Reptiles also regulate their temperature through behavior. They may bask in the sun to warm up or seek shade to prevent overheating. The thecodont ancestors of crocodiles were ectothermic, as crocodiles are today. The later dinosaurs from which birds evolved were endothermic. Crocodiles and birds differ in this one important respect. Ec- tothermy is a principal reason why crocodiles have been grouped among the reptiles. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 967 Heart Lungs Body Lung Lung Systemic capillaries Dorsal aorta Ventricle Atrium Heart Gills Body Ventral aorta Gills Systemic capillaries (a) (b) FIGURE 48.29 A comparison of reptile and fish circulation. (a) In reptiles such as this turtle, blood is repumped after leaving the lungs, and circulation to the rest of the body remains vigorous. (b) The blood in fishes flows from the gills directly to the rest of the body, resulting in slower circulation. Kinds of Living Reptiles The four surviving orders of reptiles contain about 7000 species. Reptiles occur worldwide except in the coldest re- gions, where it is impossible for ectotherms to survive. Reptiles are among the most numerous and diverse of ter- restrial vertebrates. The four living orders of the class Rep- tilia are Chelonia, Rhynchocephalia, Squamata, and Croco- dilia. Order Chelonia: Turtles and Tortoises. The order Chelonia consists of about 250 species of turtles (most of which are aquatic; figure 48.30) and tortoises (which are terrestrial). They differ from all other reptiles because their bodies are encased within a protective shell. Many of them can pull their head and legs into the shell as well, for total protection from predators. Turtles and tortoises lack teeth but have sharp beaks. Today’s turtles and tortoises have changed very little since the first turtles appeared 200 million years ago. Tur- tles are anapsid—they lack the temporal openings in the skull characteristic of other living reptiles, which are diap- sid. This evolutionary stability of turtles may reflect the continuous benefit of their basic design—a body covered with a shell. In some species, the shell is made of hard plates; in other species, it is a covering of tough, leathery skin. In either case, the shell consists of two basic parts. The carapace is the dorsal covering, while the plastron is the ventral portion. In a fundamental commitment to this shell architecture, the vertebrae and ribs of most turtle and tortoise species are fused to the inside of the carapace. All of the support for muscle attachment comes from the shell. While most tortoises have a domed-shaped shell into which they can retract their head and limbs, water-dwelling turtles have a streamlined, disc-shaped shell that permits rapid turning in water. Freshwater turtles have webbed toes, and in marine turtles, the forelimbs have evolved into flippers. Although marine turtles spend their lives at sea, they must return to land to lay their eggs. Many species mi- grate long distances to do this. Atlantic green turtles mi- grate from their feeding grounds off the coast of Brazil to Ascension Island in the middle of the South Atlantic—a distance of more than 2000 kilometers—to lay their eggs on the same beaches where they hatched. Order Rhynchocephalia: Tuatara. The order Rhyn- chocephalia contains only two species today, the tuataras, large, lizardlike animals about half a meter long. The only place in the world where these endangered species are found is on a cluster of small islands off the coast of New Zealand. The native Maoris of New Zealand named the tu- atara for the conspicuous spiny crest running down its back. An unusual feature of the tuatara (and some lizards) is the inconspicuous “third eye” on the top of its head, called a parietal eye. Concealed under a thin layer of scales, the eye has a lens and retina and is connected by nerves to the brain. Why have an eye, if it is covered up? The parietal eye may function to alert the tuatara when it has been ex- posed to too much sun, protecting it against overheating. Unlike most reptiles, tuataras are most active at low tem- peratures. They burrow during the day and feed at night on insects, worms, and other small animals. Order Squamata: Lizards and Snakes. The order Squa- mata (figure 48.31) consists of three suborders: Sauria, some 3800 species of lizards, Amphisbaenia, about 135 species of worm lizards, and Serpentes, about 3000 species of snakes. The distinguishing characteristics of this order are the presence of paired copulatory organs in the male and a lower jaw that is not joined directly to the skull. A movable hinge with five joints (your jaw has only one) al- lows great flexibility in the movements of the jaw. In addi- tion, the loss of the lower arch of bone below the lower opening in the skull of lizards makes room for large mus- cles to operate their jaws. Most lizards and snakes are car- nivores, preying on insects and small animals, and these im- provements in jaw design have made a major contribution to their evolutionary success. The chief difference between lizards and snakes is that most lizards have limbs and snakes do not. Snakes also lack movable eyelids and external ears. Lizards are a more an- cient group than modern snakes, which evolved only 20 million years ago. Common lizards include iguanas, chameleons, geckos, and anoles. Most are small, measuring less than a foot in length. The largest lizards belong to the monitor family. The largest of all monitors is the Komodo dragon of Indonesia, which reaches 3 meters in length and weighs up to 100 kilograms. Snakes also vary in size from only a few inches long to those that reach nearly 10 meters in length. Lizards and snakes rely on agility and speed to catch prey and elude predators. Only two species of lizard are venomous, the Gila monster of the southwestern United States and the beaded lizard of western Mexico. Similarly, most species of snakes are nonvenomous. Of the 13 families of snakes, only 4 are venomous: the elapids (cobras, kraits, 968 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 48.30 Red-bellied turtles, Pseudemys rubriventris. This turtle is common in the northeastern United States. and coral snakes); the sea snakes; the vipers (adders, bush- masters, rattlesnakes, water moccasins, and copperheads); and some colubrids (African boomslang and twig snake). Many lizards, including skinks and geckos, have the abil- ity to lose their tails and then regenerate a new one. This apparently allows these lizards to escape from predators. Order Crocodilia: Crocodiles and Alligators. The order Crocodilia is composed of 25 species of large, pri- marily aquatic, primitive-looking reptiles (figure 48.32). In addition to crocodiles and alligators, the order includes two less familiar animals: the caimans and gavials. Crocodilians have remained relatively unchanged since they first evolved. Crocodiles are largely nocturnal animals that live in or near water in tropical or subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and South America. The American crocodile is found in southern Florida and Cuba to Columbia and Ecuador. Nile crocodiles and estuarine crocodiles can grow to enormous size and are responsible for many human fatalities each year. There are only two species of alligators: one living in the southern United States and the other a rare endangered species living in China. Caimans, which resemble alligators, are native to Central America. Gavials are a group of fish- eating crocodilians with long, slender snouts that live only in India and Burma. All crocodilians are carnivores. They generally hunt by stealth, waiting in ambush for prey, then attacking fero- ciously. Their bodies are well adapted for this form of hunting: their eyes are on top of their heads and their nostrils on top of their snouts, so they can see and breathe while lying quietly submerged in water. They have enor- mous mouths, studded with sharp teeth, and very strong necks. A valve in the back of the mouth prevents water from entering the air passage when a crocodilian feeds underwater. Crocodiles resemble birds far more than they do other living reptiles. Alone among living reptiles, crocodiles care for their young (a trait they share with at least some dinosaurs) and have a four-chambered heart, as birds do. There are also many other points of anatomy in which crocodiles differ from all living reptiles and resemble birds. Why are crocodiles more similar to birds than to other living reptiles? Most biologists now believe that birds are in fact the direct descendants of dinosaurs. Both crocodiles and birds are more closely related to di- nosaurs, and each other, than they are related to lizards and snakes. Many major reptile groups that dominated life on land for 250 million years are now extinct. The four living orders of reptiles include the turtles, lizards and snakes, tuataras, and crocodiles. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 969 FIGURE 48.31 Representatives from the order Squamata. (a) An Australian skink, Sphenomorophus. Some burrowing lizards lack legs, and the snakes evolved from one line of legless lizards. (b) A smooth green snake, Liochlorophis vernalis. (a) (b) FIGURE 48.32 River crocodile, Crocodilus acutus. Most crocodiles resemble birds and mammals in having four-chambered hearts; all other living reptiles have three-chambered hearts. Crocodiles, like birds, are more closely related to dinosaurs than to any of the other living reptiles. Birds Only four groups of animals have evolved the ability to fly—insects, pterosaurs, birds, and bats. Pterosaurs, flying reptiles, evolved from gliding reptiles and flew for 130 million years before becoming extinct with the di- nosaurs. There are startling similarities in how these very different animals meet the challenges of flight. Like water running downhill through similar gullies, evolution tends to seek out sim- ilar adaptations. There are major dif- ferences as well. The success of birds lies in the development of a structure unique in the animal world—the feather. Developed from reptilian scales, feathers are the ideal adaptation for flight—lightweight airfoils that are easily replaced if damaged (unlike the vulnerable skin wings of pterosaurs and bats). Today, birds (class Aves) are the most successful and diverse of all terres- trial vertebrates, with 28 orders containing a total of 166 families and about 8800 species (table 48.4). Key Characteristics of Birds Modern birds lack teeth and have only vestigial tails, but they still retain many reptilian characteristics. For instance, birds lay amniotic eggs, although the shells of bird eggs are hard rather than leathery. Also, reptilian scales are present on the feet and lower legs of birds. What makes birds unique? What distinguishes them from living reptiles? 1. Feathers. Feathers are modified reptilian scales that serve two func- tions: providing lift for flight and conserving heat. The structure of feathers combines maximum flexi- bility and strength with minimum weight (figure 48.33). Feathers de- velop from tiny pits in the skin called follicles. In a typical flight feather, a shaft emerges from the follicle, and pairs of vanes develop from its opposite sides. At maturity, each vane has many branches called barbs. The barbs, in turn, have many projections called barbules that are equipped with microscopic hooks. These hooks link the barbs to one another, giving the feather a continuous surface and a sturdy but flexible shape. Like scales, feathers can be replaced. Feathers are unique to birds among living animals. Recent fossil finds sug- gest that some dinosaurs may have had feathers. 2. Flight skeleton. The bones of birds are thin and hollow. Many of the bones are fused, making the bird skeleton more rigid than a reptilian skeleton. The fused sections of backbone and of the shoulder and hip girdles form a sturdy frame that anchors muscles during flight. The power for active flight comes from large breast muscles that can make up 30% of a bird’s total body weight. They stretch down from the wing and attach to the breastbone, which is greatly en- larged and bears a prominent keel for muscle attach- ment. They also attach to the fused collarbones that form the so-called “wishbone.” No other living verte- brates have a fused collarbone or a keeled breastbone. Birds are the most diverse of all terrestrial vertebrates. They are closely related to reptiles, but unlike reptiles or any other animals, birds have feathers. 970 Part XII Animal Diversity Jawless fishes Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes Reptiles Mammals Amphibians Birds Shaft Quill Shaft Barbules Hooks Barb FIGURE 48.33 A feather. This enlargement shows how the vanes, secondary branches and barbs, are linked together by microscopic barbules. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 971 Table 48.4 Major Orders of Birds Approximate Typical Number of Order Examples Key Characteristics Living Species Passeriformes Apodiformes Piciformes Psittaciformes Charadriiformes Columbiformes Falconiformes Galliformes Gruiformes Anseriformes Strigiformes Ciconiiformes Procellariformes Sphenisciformes Dinornithiformes Struthioniformes Crows, mockingbirds, robins, sparrows, starlings, warblers Hummingbirds, swifts Honeyguides, toucans, woodpeckers Cockatoos, parrots Auks, gulls, plovers, sandpipers, terns Doves, pigeons Eagles, falcons, hawks, vultures Chickens, grouse, pheasants, quail Bitterns, coots, cranes, rails Ducks, geese, swans Barn owls, screech owls Herons, ibises, storks Albatrosses, petrels Emperor penguins, crested penguins Kiwis Ostriches Songbirds Well-developed vocal organs; perching feet; dependent young Fast fliers Short legs; small bodies; rapid wing beat Woodpeckers or toucans Grasping feet; chisel-like, sharp bills can break down wood Parrots Large, powerful bills for crushing seeds; well-developed vocal organs Shorebirds Long, stiltlike legs; slender probing bills Pigeons Perching feet; rounded, stout bodies Birds of prey Carnivorous; keen vision; sharp, pointed beaks for tearing flesh; active during the day Gamebirds Often limited flying ability; rounded bodies Marsh birds Long, stiltlike legs; diverse body shapes; marsh-dwellers Waterfowl Webbed toes; broad bill with filtering ridges Owls Nocturnal birds of prey; strong beaks; powerful feet Waders Long-legged; large bodies Seabirds Tube-shaped bills; capable of flying for long periods of time Penguins Marine; modified wings for swimming; flightless; found only in southern hemisphere; thick coats of insulating feathers Kiwis Flightless; small; primitive; confined to New Zealand Ostriches Powerful running legs; flightless; only two toes; very large 5276 (largest of all bird orders; contains over 60% of all species) 428 383 340 331 303 288 268 209 150 146 114 104 18 2 1 History of the Birds A 150-million-year-old fossil of the first known bird, Ar- chaeopteryx (figure 48.34)—pronounced “archie-op-ter-ichs”— was found in 1862 in a limestone quarry in Bavaria, the impression of its feathers stamped clearly into the rocks. Birds Are Descended from Dinosaurs The skeleton of Archaeopteryx shares many features with small theropod dinosaurs. About the size of a crow, its skull has teeth, and very few of its bones are fused to one an- other—dinosaurian features, not avian. Its bones are solid, not hollow like a bird’s. Also, it has a long reptilian tail, and no enlarged breastbone such as modern birds use to anchor flight muscles. Finally, it has the forelimbs of a dinosaur. Because of its many dinosaur features, several Archaeopteryx fossils were originally classified as the coelurosaur Compsog- nathus, a small theropod dinosaur of similar size—until feathers were discovered on the fossils. What makes Ar- chaeopteryx distinctly avian is the presence of feathers on its wings and tail. It also has other birdlike features, notably the presence of a wishbone. Dinosaurs lack a wishbone, al- though thecodonts had them. The remarkable similarity of Archaeopteryx to Compsog- nathus has led almost all paleontologists to conclude that Archaeopteryx is the direct descendant of dinosaurs—in- deed, that today’s birds are “feathered dinosaurs.” Some even speak flippantly of “carving the dinosaur” at Thanks- giving dinner. The recent discovery of feathered dinosaurs in China lends strong support to this inference. The di- nosaur Caudipteryx, for example, is clearly intermediate be- tween Archaeopteryx and dinosaurs, having large feathers on its tail and arms but also many features of velociraptor di- nosaurs (figure 48.35). Because the arms of Caudipteryx were too short to use as wings, feathers probably didn’t evolve for flight. Instead, they probably served as insula- tion, much as fur does for animals. Flight is something that certain kinds of dinosaurs achieved as they evolved longer arms. We call these dinosaurs birds. Despite their close affinity to dinosaurs, biologists con- tinue to classify birds as Aves, a separate class, because of the key evolutionary novelties of birds: feathers, hollow bones, and physiological mechanisms such as supereffi- cient lungs that permit sustained, powered flight. It is be- cause of their unique adaptations and great diversity that 972 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 48.34 Archaeopteryx. An artist’s reconstruction of Archaeopteryx, an early bird about the size of a crow. Closely related to its ancestors among the bipedal dinosaurs, Archaeopteryx lived in the forests of central Europe 150 million years ago. The true feather colors of Archaeopteryx are not known. FIGURE 48.35 The evolutionary path to the birds. Almost all paleontologists now accept the theory that birds are the direct descendents of theropod dinosaurs. birds are assigned to a separate class. This practical judgment should not conceal the basic agreement among al- most all biologists that birds are the direct descendants of theropod di- nosaurs, as closely related to coelurosaurs as are other theropods (see figure 48.35). By the early Cretaceous, only a few million years after Archaeopteryx, a di- verse array of birds had evolved, with many of the features of modern birds. Fossils in Mongolia, Spain, and China discovered within the last few years reveal a diverse collection of toothed birds with the hollow bones and breastbones necessary for sustained flight. Other fossils reveal highly spe- cialized, flightless diving birds. The diverse birds of the Cretaceous shared the skies with pterosaurs for 70 mil- lion years. Because the impression of feathers is rarely fossilized and modern birds have hollow, delicate bones, the fossil record of birds is incomplete. Relation- ships among the 166 families of modern birds are mostly inferred from studies of the degree of DNA similarity among living birds. These studies suggest that the most ancient living birds are the flightless birds, like the os- trich. Ducks, geese, and other waterfowl evolved next, in the early Cretaceous, followed by a diverse group of woodpeckers, parrots, swifts, and owls. The largest of the bird orders, Passeriformes, or songbirds (60% of all species of birds today), evolved in the mid-Cretaceous. The more specialized orders of birds, such as shorebirds, birds of prey, flamingos, and penguins, did not appear until the late Cretaceous. All but a few of the modern or- ders of toothless birds are thought to have arisen before the disappearance of the pterosaurs and dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous 65 million years ago. Birds Today You can tell a great deal about the habits and food of a bird by examining its beak and feet. For instance, carnivorous birds such as owls have curved talons for seizing prey and sharp beaks for tearing apart their meal. The beaks of ducks are flat for shoveling through mud, while the beaks of finches are short, thick seed-crushers. There are 28 or- ders of birds, the largest consisting of over 5000 species (figure 48.36). Many adaptations enabled birds to cope with the heavy energy demands of flight: 1. Efficient respiration. Flight muscles consume an enormous amount of oxygen during active flight. The reptilian lung has a limited internal surface area, not nearly enough to ab- sorb all the oxygen needed. Mammalian lungs have a greater surface area, but as we will see in chapter 53, bird lungs satisfy this challenge with a radical re- design. When a bird inhales, the air goes past the lungs to a series of air sacs located near and within the hollow bones of the back; from there the air travels to the lungs and then to a set of anterior air sacs before being ex- haled. Because air always passes through the lungs in the same direction, and blood flows past the lung at right angles to the airflow, gas exchange is highly efficient. 2. Efficient circulation. The revved-up metabolism needed to power active flight also requires very efficient blood circulation, so that the oxygen captured by the lungs can be deliv- ered to the flight muscles quickly. In the heart of most living reptiles, oxygen-rich blood coming from the lungs mixes with oxygen-poor blood returning from the body because the wall dividing the ventricle into two chambers is not complete. In birds, the wall dividing the ventricle is complete, and the two blood circulations do not mix, so flight muscles receive fully oxygenated blood. In comparison with reptiles and most other verte- brates, birds have a rapid heartbeat. A hummingbird’s heart beats about 600 times a minute. An active chickadee’s heart beats 1000 times a minute. In con- trast, the heart of the large, flightless ostrich averages 70 beats per minute—the same rate as the human heart. 3. Endothermy. Birds, like mammals, are endother- mic. Many paleontologists believe the dinosaurs that birds evolved from were endothermic as well. Birds maintain body temperatures significantly higher than most mammals, ranging from 40° to 42°C (your body temperature is 37°C). Feathers provide excellent in- sulation, helping to conserve body heat. The high temperatures maintained by endothermy permit me- tabolism in the bird’s flight muscles to proceed at a rapid pace, to provide the ATP necessary to drive rapid muscle contraction. The class Aves probably debuted 150 million years ago with Archaeopteryx. Modern birds are characterized by feathers, scales, a thin, hollow skeleton, auxiliary air sacs, and a four-chambered heart. Birds lay amniotic eggs and are endothermic. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 973 FIGURE 48.36 Class Aves. This Western tanager, Piranga ludoviciana, is a member of the largest order of birds, the Passeriformes, with over 5000 species. Mammals There are about 4100 living species of mammals (class Mammalia), the small- est number of species in any of the five classes of vertebrates. Most large, land-dwelling vertebrates are mam- mals (figure 48.37), and they tend to dominate terrestrial communities, as did the dinosaurs that they replaced. When you look out over an African plain, you see the big mammals, the lions, zebras, gazelles, and antelope. Your eye does not as readily pick out the many birds, lizards, and frogs that live in the grassland community with them. But the typical mammal is not all that large. Of the 4100 species of mammals, 3200 are rodents, bats, shrews, or moles (table 48.5). Key Mammalian Characteristics Mammals are distinguished from all other classes of verte- brates by two fundamental characteristics that are unique to mammals: 1. Hair. All mammals have hair. Even apparently naked whales and dolphins grow sensitive bristles on their snouts. Evolution of fur and the ability to regu- late body temperature enabled mammals to invade colder climates that ectothermic reptiles could not in- habit, and the insulation fur provided may have en- sured the survival of mammals when the dinosaurs perished. Unlike feathers, which evolved from modified reptilian scales, mammalian hair is a completely dif- ferent form of skin structure. An individual mam- malian hair is a long, protein-rich filament that ex- tends like a stiff thread from a bulblike foundation beneath the skin known as a hair follicle. The fila- ment is composed mainly of dead cells filled with the fibrous protein keratin. One of the most important functions of hair is in- sulation against heat loss. Mammals are endothermic animals, and typically maintain body temperatures higher than the temperature of their surroundings. The dense undercoat of many mammals reduces the amount of body heat that escapes. Another function of hair is camouflage. The col- oration and pattern of a mammal’s coat usually matches its background. A little brown mouse is practically in- visible against the brown leaf litter of a forest floor, while the orange and black stripes of a Bengal tiger dis- appear against the orange-brown color of the tall grass in which it hunts. Hairs also function as sensory struc- tures. The whiskers of cats and dogs are stiff hairs that are very sensitive to touch. Mam- mals that are active at night or live underground often rely on their whiskers to locate prey or to avoid colliding with objects. Hair can also serve as a defense weapon. Porcupines and hedge- hogs protect themselves with long, sharp, stiff hairs called quills. 2. Mammary glands. All female mammals possess mammary glands that secrete milk. New- born mammals, born without teeth, suckle this milk. Even baby whales are nursed by their mother’s milk. Milk is a fluid rich in fat, sugar, and protein. A liter of human milk contains 11 grams of protein, 49 grams of fat, 70 grams of carbohydrate (chiefly the sugar lactose), and 2 grams of minerals critical to early growth, such as calcium. About 95% of the volume is water, critical to avoid dehydration. Milk is a very high calorie food (human milk has 750 kcal per liter), important because of the high energy needs of a rapidly growing newborn mammal. About 50% of the energy in the milk comes from fat. Mammals first appeared 220 million years ago, evolving to their present position of dominance in modern terrestrial ecosystems. Mammals are the only vertebrates that possess hair and milk glands. 974 Part XII Animal Diversity Jawless fishes Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes Reptiles Birds Amphibians Mammals FIGURE 48.37 Mammals. African elephants, Loxodonta africana, at a water hole (order Proboscidea). Chapter 48 Vertebrates 975 1814 986 390 280 240 233 211 79 69 34 30 17 2 Table 48.5 Major Orders of Mammals Approximate Typical Number of Order Examples Key Characteristics Living Species Rodentia Chiroptera Insectivora Marsupialia Carnivora Primates Artiodactyla Cetacea Lagomorpha Pinnipedia Edentata Perissodactyla Proboscidea Small plant-eaters Chisel-like incisor teeth Flying mammals Primarily fruit- or insect-eaters; elongated fingers; thin wing membrane; nocturnal; navigate by sonar Small, burrowing mammals Insect-eaters; most primitive placental mammals; spend most of their time underground Pouched mammals Young develop in abdominal pouch Carnivorous predators Teeth adapted for shearing flesh; no native families in Australia Tree-dwellers Large brain size; binocular vision; opposable thumb; end product of a line that branched off early from other mammals Hoofed mammals With two or four toes; mostly herbivores Fully marine mammals Streamlined bodies; front limbs modified into flippers; no hind limbs; blowholes on top of head; no hair except on muzzle Rodentlike jumpers Four upper incisors (rather than the two seen in rodents); hind legs often longer than forelegs; an adaptation for jumping Marine carnivores Feed mainly on fish; limbs modified for swimming Toothless insect-eaters Many are toothless, but some have degenerate, peglike teeth Hoofed mammals with one or three toes Herbivorous teeth adapted for chewing Long-trunked herbivores Two upper incisors elongated as tusks; largest living land animal Beavers, mice, porcupines, rats Bats Moles, shrews Kangaroos, koalas Bears, cats, raccoons, weasels, dogs Apes, humans, lemurs, monkeys Cattle, deer, giraffes, pigs Dolphins, porpoises, whales Rabbits, hares, pikas Sea lions, seals, walruses Anteaters, armadillos, sloths Horses, rhinoceroses, zebras Elephants History of the Mammals Mammals have been around since the time of the dinosaurs, although they were never common until the dinosaurs disappeared. We have learned a lot about the evolutionary history of mam- mals from their fossils. Origin of Mammals The first mammals arose from therap- sids in the mid-Triassic about 220 million years ago, just as the first di- nosaurs evolved from thecodonts. Tiny, shrewlike creatures that lived in trees eating insects, mammals were only a minor element in a land that quickly came to be dominated by di- nosaurs. Fossils reveal that these early mammals had large eye sockets, evi- dence that they may have been active at night. Early mammals had a single lower jawbone. Therapsid fossils show a change from the reptile lower jaw with several bones to a jaw closer to the mammalian-type jaw. Two of the bones forming the therapsid jaw joint retreated into the middle ear of mam- mals, linking with a bone already there producing a three-bone struc- ture that amplifies sound better than the reptilian ear. Early Divergence in Mammals For 155 million years, while the dinosaurs flourished, mammals were a minor group of small insectivores and herbivores. Only five orders of mammals arose in that time, and their fossils are scarce, indicating that mammals were not abundant. However, the two groups to which present-day mammals belong did appear. The most prim- itive mammals, direct descendents of therapsids, were members of the subclass Prototheria. Most prototherians were small and resembled modern shrews. All prototheri- ans laid eggs, as did their therapsid ancestors. The only prototherians surviving today are the monotremes—the duckbill platypus and the echidnas, or spiny anteaters. The other major mammalian group is the subclass Theria. All of the mammals you are familiar with, including hu- mans, are therians. Therians are viviparous (that is, their young are born alive). The two major living therian groups are marsupials, or pouched mammals, and placen- tal mammals. Kangaroos, opossums, and koalas are mar- supials. Dogs, cats, humans, horses, and most other mam- mals are placentals. The Age of Mammals At the end of the Cretaceous Period 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs and numerous other land and marine animals became extinct, but mammals survived, possibly because of the insulation their fur provided. In the Tertiary Period (lasting from 65 million years to 2 million years ago), mam- mals rapidly diversified, taking over many of the ecological roles once dominated by dinosaurs (table 48.6). Mammals reached their maximum diversity late in the Tertiary Pe- riod, about 15 million years ago. At that time, tropical con- ditions existed over much of the world. During the last 15 million years, world climates have deteriorated, and the area covered by tropical habitats has decreased, causing a decline in the total number of mammalian species. There are now 19 orders of mammals. 976 Part XII Animal Diversity Table 48.6 Some Groups of Extinct Mammals Group Description Cave bears Irish elk Mammoths Giant ground sloths Sabertooth cats Numerous in the ice ages; this enormous vegetarian bear slept through the winter in large groups. Neither Irish nor an elk (it is a kind of deer), Megaloceros was the largest deer that ever lived, with horns spanning 12 feet. Seen in French cave paintings, they became extinct about 2500 years ago. Although only two species of elephants survive today, the elephant family was far more diverse during the late Tertiary. Many were cold- adapted mammoths with fur. Megatherium was a giant 20-foot ground sloth that weighed three tons and was as large as a modern elephant. The jaws of these large, lionlike cats opened an incredible 120 degrees to allow the animal to drive its huge upper pair of saber teeth into prey. Characteristics of Modern Mammals Endothermy. Mammals are endothermic, a crucial adap- tation that has allowed mammals to be active at any time of the day or night and to colonize severe environments, from deserts to ice fields. Many characteristics, such as hair that provides insulation, played important roles in making en- dothermy possible. Also, the more efficient blood circula- tion provided by the four-chambered heart and the more efficient respiration provided by the diaphragm (a special sheet of muscles below the rib cage that aids breathing) make possible the higher metabolic rate upon which en- dothermy depends. Placenta. In most mammal species, females carry their young in a uterus during development, nourishing them through a placenta, and give birth to live young. The pla- centa is a specialized organ within the uterus of the preg- nant mother that brings the bloodstream of the fetus into close contact with the bloodstream of the mother (figure 48.38). Food, water, and oxygen can pass across from mother to child, and wastes can pass over to the mother’s blood and be carried away. Teeth. Reptiles have homodont dentition: their teeth are all the same. However, mammals have heterodont denti- tion, with different types of teeth that are highly specialized to match particular eating habits (figure 48.39). It is usually possible to determine a mammal’s diet simply by examining its teeth. Compare the skull of a dog (a carnivore) and a deer (an herbivore). The dog’s long canine teeth are well suited for biting and holding prey, and some of its premo- lar and molar teeth are triangular and sharp for ripping off chunks of flesh. In contrast, canine teeth are absent in deer; instead the deer clips off mouthfuls of plants with flat, chisel-like incisors on its lower jaw. The deer’s molars are large and covered with ridges to effectively grind and break up tough plant tissues. Rodents, such as beavers, are gnaw- ers and have long incisors for chewing through branches or stems. These incisors are ever-growing; that is, the ends wear down, but new incisor growth maintains the length. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 977 Embryo Umbilical cord Chorion Placenta Uterus Amnion Yolk sac FIGURE 48.38 The placenta. The placenta is characteristic of the largest group of mammals, the placental mammals. It evolved from membranes in the amniotic egg. The umbilical cord evolved from the allantois. The chorion, or outermost part of the amniotic egg, forms most of the placenta itself. The placenta serves as the provisional lungs, intestine, and kidneys of the embryo, without ever mixing maternal and fetal blood. Dog Deer Beaver Elephant Human Grinding teeth Ripping teeth Chiseling teeth Incisors Canine Premolars and molars FIGURE 48.39 Mammals have different types of specialized teeth. While reptiles have all the same kind of teeth, mammals have different types of teeth specialized for different feeding habits. Carnivores such as dogs, have canine teeth that are able to rip food; some of the premolars and molars in dogs are also ripping teeth. Herbivores, such as deer, have incisors to chisel off vegetation and molars designed to grind up the plant material. In the beaver, the chiseling incisors dominate. In the elephant, the incisors have become specialized weapons, and molars grind up vegetation. Humans are omnivores; we have ripping, chiseling, and grinding teeth. Digesting Plants. Most mammals are herbivores, eating mostly or only plants. Cellulose, the major component of plant cell walls, forms the bulk of a plant’s body and is a major source of food for mammalian herbivores. The cellulose molecule has the structure of a pearl necklace, with each pearl a glu- cose sugar molecule. Mammals do not have enzymes that can break the links between the pearls to release the glu- cose elements for use as food. Herbivo- rous mammals rely on a mutualistic partnership with bacteria that have the necessary cellulose-splitting enzymes to digest cellulose into sugar for them. Mammals such as cows, buffalo, antelopes, goats, deer, and giraffes have huge, four-chambered stomachs that function as storage and fermenta- tion vats. The first chamber is the largest and holds a dense population of cellulose-digesting bacteria. Chewed plant material passes into this chamber, where the bacteria at- tack the cellulose. The material is then digested further in the rest of the stomach. Rodents, horses, rabbits, and elephants are herbivores that employ mutualistic bacteria to digest cellulose in a dif- ferent way. They have relatively small stomachs, and in- stead digest plant material in their large intestine, like a termite. The bacteria that actually carry out the digestion of the cellulose live in a pouch called the cecum that branches from the end of the small intestine. Even with these complex adaptations for digesting cellu- lose, a mouthful of plant is less nutritious than a mouthful of flesh. Herbivores must consume large amounts of plant material to gain sufficient nutrition. An elephant eats 135 to 150 kg (300 to 400 pounds) each day. Horns and Hooves. Keratin, the protein of hair, is also the structural building material in claws, fingernails, and hooves. Hooves are specialized keratin pads on the toes of horses, cows, sheep, antelopes, and other running mam- mals. The pads are hard and horny, protecting the toe and cushioning it from impact. The horns of cattle and sheep are composed of a core of bone surrounded by a sheath of keratin. The bony core is attached to the skull, and the horn is not shed. The horn that you see is the outer sheath, made of hairlike fibers of keratin compacted into a very hard structure. Deer antlers are made not of keratin but of bone. Male deer grow and shed a set of antlers each year. While growing during the summer, antlers are covered by a thin layer of skin known as velvet. A third type of horn, the rhinoceros horn, is com- posed only of keratinized fibers with no bony core. Flying Mammals. Bats are the only mammals capable of powered flight (figure 48.40). Like the wings of birds, bat wings are modified forelimbs. The bat wing is a leathery membrane of skin and muscle stretched over the bones of four fingers. The edges of the membrane attach to the side of the body and to the hind leg. When resting, most bats prefer to hang upside down by their toe claws. Bats are the second largest order of mammals, after rodents. They have been a particularly successful group because many species have been able to utilize a food resource that most birds do not have access to—night-flying insects. How do bats navigate in the dark? Late in the eigh- teenth century, the Italian biologist Lazzaro Spallanzani showed that a blinded bat could fly without crashing into things and still capture insects. Clearly another sense other than vision was being used by bats to navigate in the dark. When Spallanzani plugged the ears of a bat, it was unable to navigate and collided with objects. Spallanzani con- cluded that bats “hear” their way through the night world. We now know that bats have evolved a sonar system that functions much like the sonar devices used by ships and submarines to locate underwater objects. As a bat flies, it emits a very rapid series of extremely high- pitched “clicking” sounds well above our range of human hearing. The high-frequency pulses are emitted either through the mouth or, in some cases, through the nose. The soundwaves bounce off obstacles or flying insects, and the bat hears the echo. Through sophisticated pro- cessing of this echo within its brain, a bat can determine not only the direction of an object but also the distance to the object. 978 Part XII Animal Diversity FIGURE 48.40 Greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. The bat is the only mammal capable of true flight. The Orders of Mammals There are 19 orders of mammals. Seventeen of them (con- taining 94% of the species) are placental. The other two are the primitive monotremes and the marsupials. Monotremes: Egg-laying Mammals. The duck-billed platypus and two species of echidna, or spiny anteater, are the only living monotremes (figure 48.41a). Among living mammals, only monotremes lay shelled eggs. The structure of their shoulder and pelvis is more similar to that of the early reptiles than to any other living mammal. Also like reptiles, monotremes have a cloaca, a single opening through which feces, urine, and reproductive products leave the body. Monotremes are more closely related to early mammals than are any other living mammal. In addition to many reptilian features, monotremes have both defining mammalian features: fur and function- ing mammary glands. Young monotremes drink their mother’s milk after they hatch from eggs. Females lack well-developed nipples so the babies cannot suckle. In- stead, the milk oozes onto the mother’s fur, and the babies lap it off with their tongues. The platypus, found only in Australia, lives much of its life in the water and is a good swimmer. It uses its bill much as a duck does, rooting in the mud for worms and other soft-bodied animals. Echidnas of Australia and New Guinea have very strong, sharp claws, which they use for burrowing and digging. The echidna probes with its long, beaklike snout for insects, especially ants and termites. Marsupials: Pouched Mammals. The major difference between marsupials (figure 48.41b) and other mammals is their pattern of embryonic development. In marsupials, a fertilized egg is surrounded by chorion and amniotic mem- branes, but no shell forms around the egg as it does in monotremes. During most of its early development, the marsupial embryo is nourished by an abundant yolk within the egg. Shortly before birth, a short-lived placenta forms from the chorion membrane. Soon after, sometimes within eight days of fertilization, the embryonic marsupial is born. It emerges tiny and hairless, and crawls into the marsupial pouch, where it latches onto a nipple and continues its de- velopment. Marsupials evolved shortly before placental mammals, about 100 million years ago. Today, most species of marsu- pials live in Australia and South America, areas that have been historically isolated. Marsupials in Australia and New Guinea have diversified to fill ecological positions occupied by placental mammals elsewhere in the world. For example, kangaroos are the Australian grazers, playing the role ante- lope, horses, and buffalo perform elsewhere. The placental mammals in Australia and New Guinea today arrived rela- tively recently and include some introduced by humans. The only marsupial found in North America is the Virginia opossum. Placental Mammals. Mammals that produce a true pla- centa that nourishes the embryo throughout its entire de- velopment are called placental mammals (figure 48.41c). Most species of mammals living today, including humans, are in this group. Of the 19 orders of living mammals, 17 are placental mammals. They are a very diverse group, ranging in size from 1.5 g pygmy shrews to 100,000 kg whales. Early in the course of embryonic development, the pla- centa forms. Both fetal and maternal blood vessels are abundant in the placenta, and substances can be exchanged efficiently between the bloodstreams of mother and off- spring. The fetal placenta is formed from the membranes of the chorion and allantois. The maternal side of the pla- centa is part of the wall of the uterus, the organ in which the young develop. In placental mammals, unlike marsupi- als, the young undergo a considerable period of develop- ment before they are born. Mammals were not a major group until the dinosaurs disappeared. Mammal specializations include the placenta, a tooth design suited to diet, and specialized sensory systems. Chapter 48 Vertebrates 979 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 48.41 Three types of mammals. (a) This echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus, is a monotreme. (b) Marsupials include kangaroos, like this adult with young in its pouch. (c) This female African lion, Panthera leo (order Carnivora), is a placental mammal. 980 Part XII Animal Diversity Chapter 48 Summary Questions Media Resources 48.1 Attaching muscles to an internal framework greatly improves movement. ? The chordates are characterized by a dorsal nerve cord and by the presence, at least early in development, of a notochord, pharyngeal slits, and a postanal tail. In vertebrates, a bony endoskeleton provides attachment sites for skeletal muscle. 1. What are the four primary characteristics of the chordates? ? Tunicates and the lancelets seem to represent ancient evolutionary Chordate offshoots. 2. What are the three subphyla of the chordates? Give an example of each. 48.2 Nonvertebrate chordates have a notochord but no backbone. ? Vertebrates differ from other chordates in that they possess a vertebral column, a distinct and well- differentiated head, and a bony skeleton. 3. What is the relationship between the notochord and the vertebral column in vertebrates? 48.3 The vertebrates have an interior framework of bone. ? Members of the group Agnatha differ from other vertebrates because they lack jaws. ? Jawed fishes constitute more than half of the estimated 42,500 species of vertebrates and are dominant in fresh and salt water everywhere. ? The first land vertebrates were the amphibians. Amphibians are dependent on water and lay their eggs in moist places. ? Reptiles were the first vertebrates fully adapted to terrestrial habitats. Scales and amniotic eggs represented significant adaptations to the dry conditions on land. ? Birds and mammals were derived from reptiles and are now among the dominant groups of animals on land. The members of these two classes have independently become endothermic, capable of regulating their own body temperatures; all other living animals are ectothermic, their temperatures set by external conditions. ? The living mammals are divided into three major groups: (1) the monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, consisting only of the echidnas and the duck-billed platypus; (2) the marsupials, in which the young are born at a very early stage of development and complete their development in a pouch; and (3) the placental mammals, which lack pouches and suckle their young. 4. What is one advantage of possessing jaws? From what existing structures did jaws evolve? 5. What is the primary disadvantage of a bony skeleton compared to one made of cartilage? 6. What is the lateral line system in fishes? How does it function? 7. The successful invasion of land by amphibians involved five major innovations. What were they, and why was each important? 8. How does the embryo obtain nutrients and excrete wastes while contained within the egg? 9. From what reptilian structure are feathers derived? 10. How do amphibian, reptile, and mammal legs differ? 11. Exactly how would you distinguish a cat from a dog? (be specific) 48.4 The evolution of vertebrates involves successful invasions of sea, land, and air. BIOLOGY RAVEN JOHNSON SIX TH EDITION www.mhhe.com/raven6ch/resource28.mhtml ? Chordates ? Introduction to Vertebrates ? Enhancement Chapter: Dinosaurs, Sections 6 and 7 ? Activity: Lamprey ? Activity: Fin Fish ? Fish ? Amphibians ? Reptiles ? Birds ? Mammals ? Enhancement Chapter: Dinosaurs, Sections 5 ? Book Review: The Pope’s Rhinoceros by Norfolk ? Student Research: Phylogeny of Hylid Frogs ? Student Research: Metamorphosis in Flatfish ? Evolution of Fish