Angus Maddison,1995,Monitoring the World Economy 1820-1992,一直到19世纪中叶,中国是全世界最大的经济技术:在工业革命以前的1000多年的时间里中国是世界上科技最先进的国家。(Francis Bacon认为使欧洲从黑暗的中世纪转变为现代世纪的发明是纸张、印刷术、火药和指南针,但是他不知道这些都是中国发明的)(Francis Bacon (1561-1626) The most influential and versatile English writer of the 17th century,Francis Bacon wrote on a broad range of topics,including ethics,philosophy,science,law,history,and politics,Bacon helped usher in the era of modern scientific thought by developing a reasoning process called induction,Induction is the process by which general conclusions are drawn from particular situations.)
Marco Polo's description about Su-chou and Hang-chou,p,270.(威尼斯人,1254-1324)
“Su-chou is so large that it measures about forty miles in circumference,It has so many inhabitants that one could not reckon their number." and Hang-chou "without doubt the finest and most splendid city in the world,..,anyone seeing such a multitude would believe it a stark impossibility that food could be found to fill so many mouths.”
"the West in the Dark Ages was essentially agrarian and,in comparison with China,was poorer and under-developed." (Carlo M,Cipolla,Beofre the Industrial Revolution European Society and Economy,1000-1700,New York and London,W.W,Norton & Company p,171),
As late as 1776,Adam Smith described,China has been long one of the richest,that is,one of the most fertile,best cultivated,most industrious,and most populous countries in the world.” (p,71) and,China is a much richer country than any part of Europe,…" (p.189) (Adam Smith,An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,(first Modern Library Edition),New York,Random House,1937.
,It seems,however,to have been long stationary,Marco Polo,who visited it more than five hundred years ago,describes its cultivation,industry,and populousness,almost in the same terms in which they are described by travelers in the present times,It had perhaps,even long before this time,acquiring that full complement of riches which the nature of its laws and institutions permits to acquire.” (Adam Smith,p,71).
在14世纪时,中国已经达到了全面科学革命和工业革命的阀值(threshold level).
二,现有的解释有几个被普遍接受的假说:大部分的假说,可以解释中国现代为何落后,但不能解释为何过去先进,或是能解释过去为何先进,但不能解释现代落后文化决定论儒家文化,Marx Webb,“新教伦理与资本主义精神“
需求失败论,高水平均衡理论(Mark Elvin:The Pattern of China’s Past).
在前现代社会中国拥有先进的“现代” 制度,导致较快的技术发明和传播,由于中国人的传宗接代观念鼓励早婚、早育和多生多育,以至人均土地不断下降.
评论,人口增加劳动力的价格会下降只在技术不变迁(或是变迁极端慢时)才成立,假如技术变迁的速度快,劳动力增加,劳动力的价格也会不断提高,那么,对替代劳动力的技术也会有需求。只有在技术不变迁时,劳动力不断增加,有些劳动力替代的技术才会被放置不用。所以,这个理论要解释技术为何不变迁,却先假定了技术不变迁,在内部逻辑上有问题。 (例如日本,四小龙,中国沿海在改革开放以后的情况)。
机制二,随着人口增加,人均耕地下降,剩余越来越少。当新技术出现时,没有足够的剩余来购买新技术(Mark Evlin,Anthony Tang)
假说 1,figure 1,table 1,Buck's survey.
假说 2,figure 1,table 1,Riskin's estimate,first five-year plan.
Table 1
Per capita Acreage of Cultivated Land,A.D,2-1887
Cultivated land Population Per capita
Amount Number acreage
Year (million mu) Year (million) (mu)
2 571 2 59 9.67
105 535 105 53 10.09
146 507 146 47 10.78
976 255 961 32 7.96
1072 666 1109 121 5.50
1393 522 1391 60 8.70
1581 793 1592 200 3.96
1662 570 1657 72 7.92
1784 886 1776 268 3.30
1812 943 1800 295 3.19
1887 1,154 1848 426 2.70
Source,Kang Chao,Man and Land in Chinese History,An Economic Analysis,Stanford,Stanford University Press,1986,p,89.

Figure 1,Population in China (in million)
三,Lin hypothesis:
1),What is industrial revolution,
Conventional definition,Inventions of steam engine,mechanisation of textile industry,and exploitation of iron and coal.
Lin's definition,sustained high and accelerated rate of technological innovation.
2). Lin's hypothesis,different way of technological invention and discovery.
A),Technology,a body of knowledge about how to combine a set of inputs for producing a certain product.
B) Technological distribution curve.
C) Invention,Finding a technology with higher productivity than the productivity of current-used technology,
D) Invention possibility curve.
F) 发现新技术的机制:尝试错误(Trial and Error),例如:超导
E) 技术发明的范式:

h) Three testable hypotheses,
The likelihood of inventing a better technology is a positive function of the number of trials,
The probability of inventing a better technology is a negative function of the highest productivity of previous draws---the level of existing technology,
Increases in the stock of scientific knowledge and improvements in the quality of available materials raise an inventor's likelihood of finding a better technology.
i) Lin's hypothesis,China had advantage in the pre-modern times because of its large population,After the scientific revolution in the sixteenth century,Europe had advantages,because of i) starting to use experiment and ii) later on,using science to release the bottleneck of invention,(Science and technology initially were separated).
4,Why a Scientific Revolution did not occur in China
What is a Scientific Revolution?
Primitive science,casual observation--China had an advantage.
Modern science,mathematization of hypothesis about the nature,and controlled experiments or replicable tests to examine the validity of hypotheses.
Scientific Revolution is a revolution in technology of finding new knowledge,Its discovery mechanism is the same as the invention of technology.
4,Why China did not have a scientific revolution?
Needham's postulation,China had a bureaucratic system,Europe had an aristocratic feudalism,which was more favourable to the rise of mercantilist value system,The collapse of feudalism gave rise to capitalism and modern science,A.中国传统工商业非常发达,明代资本主义的萌芽,B.科学革命是出于好奇而没有商业动机。产权保护不重要。
2) Qian Wen-yuan's postulation,imperial and ideological unification,A,前现代社会的欧洲由于宗教的统一,在抑制异端学说上和中国中国相比,可能有过之而无不及。B,国家间竞争对科学革命没有直接贡献,因为在15、6世纪科学对技术没有直接贡献;C.科学实验需要经费,在中国能拿出的钱比在欧洲能拿的钱多,虽然由于大一统能拿的概率较低
Lin's hypothesis:
Mathematics and controlled experiments are human capital,which require investment.
b) European countries were ruled by feudalistic aristocrats,which were hereditary,China was governed by bureaucrats,Government service was the most honourable and profitable occupation in China,which attracted the gifted.
c) Civil service examination and Confucian classics.
d) Climbing official ladders.
e) 儒家哲学、科举和中国的大一统科举开始时也要考数学,后来为何只考四书五经?
4,Concluding remarks:
The advantage of large population once China reaches the technological frontier.
Early achievement,Middle Kingdom metality
Confucianism,the learned class should take the nation as his responsibility and should be royal to the emperor.
Modern defeat,frustration