第四讲 传统计划体制的形成
The formation of the traditional economic system in China
The motivations for adopting the Stalinist heavy-industry-oriented development strategy.
The dream for nation building,heavy industry and military power
The experience of Soviet Union’s industrialisation和欧美发生经济大萧条的对比
The dependent theory -大萧条时,原材料出口的价格下降,边沿国家被剥削
The development economics
What are the main characteristics of capital-intensive industries?
What are the main characteristics of a LDC's economy?
What kind of macro-policy environment is required for accelerating the development of capital-intensive industries?
Interest rate policy,年利30%,5年,3.7,10年,13.8
Exchange rate policy
Raw material price and wage policy
Living necessity price policy
What kind of resource allocation mechanism is required?
National plan
Administrative control and allocation
9. What kind of micro-management system is required?
Urban Industrial/commerce,
2,Corporate management system
The formation of the traditional economic system in China
The motivations for adopting the Stalinist heavy-industry-oriented development strategy.
The dream for nation building,heavy industry and military power
The experience of Soviet Union’s industrialisation和欧美发生经济大萧条的对比
The dependent theory -大萧条时,原材料出口的价格下降,边沿国家被剥削
The development economics
What are the main characteristics of capital-intensive industries?
What are the main characteristics of a LDC's economy?
What kind of macro-policy environment is required for accelerating the development of capital-intensive industries?
Interest rate policy,年利30%,5年,3.7,10年,13.8
Exchange rate policy
Raw material price and wage policy
Living necessity price policy
What kind of resource allocation mechanism is required?
National plan
Administrative control and allocation
9. What kind of micro-management system is required?
Urban Industrial/commerce,
2,Corporate management system