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Chapter 2 Theory of Plane Problems
2.1 Plane stress and plane strain
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Spatial problems and plane problems
? a spatial problem a plane problem
the body has a particular shape.
particular external forces.
? 当物体的形状特殊,外力分布特殊,空间问题
? Plane problems,plane stress problems and
plane strain problems
平面问题, 平面应力问题与平面应变问题
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A,conditions for plane stress problem
? Body--a very thin plate of uniform thickness t,
? External forces--
1,The surface forces act on the edges only.
2,The surface forces and body forces are parallel to
the faces of the plate and distributed uniformly
over the thickness,
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B,Coordinate system for plane stress problem
? x and y axes are in the middle plane and
z axis is perpendicular to the middle
? x,y轴放在 薄板的中面内,z垂直于中面
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C,Stresses for plane stress problem
? Noting the absence of surface forces on the faces
of the plate,we have板 面无面力作用故,
(?z ?zx ?zy)z=?t/2=0
? since stress gradients through plate are small,
通过板的 应力梯度小
(?z ?zx ?zy)z=any ≈ 0
? (?x ?y ?xy)≠ 0,They are functions of x and y only,
? the plate is said to be in a plane stress condition
板称为处于平面应力状态 。
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D,conditions for plane strain problem
? Body--a cylindrical or prismatical body with
infinite length 无限长的柱形体
? External forces--
1,The surface forces are acting on the lateral surface,
2,The surface forces and body forces are parallel to
any cross section of the body and not varying along
the axial direction,
面力体力平行于横截面且不沿长度变化 。
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E,Coordinate system for plane strain problem
? x and y axes are in any cross section of
the body,and z axis is perpendicular to
the xy plane,
? x,y轴放在任意的横截 面内,z垂直于 xy面
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F,Displacements for plane strain problem
? Noting motion constrained in z direction,we
have, w=0
? (u,v)≠ 0,They are functions of x and y only
u v 通常不为零,且只是 x y的函数。
? Plane displacement problem
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G,Stresses for plane strain problem
? Symmetric condition 对称条件,
?zx=0 ?zy=0
? ?z ≠ 0 not independent 不独立
? (?x ?y ?xy) ≠ 0,
They are functions of x and y only
?x ?y ?xy 通常不为零,且只是 x y的函数
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Symmetric condition对称条件,?zx=0,?zy=0
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H,Strain for plane strain problem
? W=0---------?z=0
? ?zx=0 ?zy=0--------rzx=0,rzy=0
? (?x ?y rxy) ≠ 0 functions of x and y only
?x ?y rxy 通常不为零,且只是 x y的函数
? The body is said to be in a plane strain
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? 空间问题转化为平面问题的条件。
? 试述两类平面问题 z面上的应力情况?
? 平面应力问题 z面上的三个应力 ?z?zx ?zy
? 平面应变问题 z面上的两个应力 ?zx ?zy是
? 平面应变问题的位移和应变?
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2.2 Differential equations of equilibrium
? Equations of equilibrium in mechanics of
materials 材料力学中的平衡方程
isolated element (脱离体 )
L*h*b 从整体平衡中可求得反力
x*h*b 从部分梁的平衡可求得内力,
dx*h*b 从 dx× h的脱离体平衡可求得 M,Q和 q之
dx*dy*dz Spatial elasticity problems
dx*dy*1 Plane elasticity problems
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? 问题:, 如果脱离体取得更小成 dx× dy,那将
? 回答, dx× dy的脱离体也是平衡的, 由平衡条
件就可导得应力和体力之间的关系式, 即平衡
微分方程, 这就是弹力研究的内容 。
? 比较类推, 可见弹力的平衡微分方程的推导并
不是全新的内容, 其所用的方法 ( 取脱离体,
考虑脱离体的平衡 ) 在材力中早已用过
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? 弹力的脱离体变小了, 所得方程从反力, 内力
微分关系 。
? 弹力的研究更前进了一步, 因为叠加弹力中无
中有限大的平衡脱离体;相反, 材力中有限大
体的平衡 。
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Review,Taylor’s series,泰勒级数
? F(x+dx)=F(x)+dF(x)/dx dx+0.5d2F(x)/dx2 dx2+???
≈ F(x)+dF(x)/dx dx
? F(x+dx,y)=F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?x dx+0.5 ?2F(x,y)/?x2
dx2+??? ≈ F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?x dx
? F(x,y+dy)=F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?y dy+0.5?2F(x,y)/?y2
dy2+??? ≈ F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?y dy
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Review,Taylor’s series,泰勒级数
? F(x+dx,y)=F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?x dx+0.5 ?2F(x,y)/?x2
dx2+??? ≈ F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?x dx
? ?x(x+dx,y)≈ ?x(x,y)+??x(x,y)/?x dx
? ?xy(x+dx,y)≈ ?xy(x,y)+??xy(x,y)/?x dx
? F(x,y+dy)=F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?y dy+0.5 ?2F(x,y)/?y2
dy2+??? ≈ F(x,y)+?F(x,y)/?y dy
? ?y(x,y+dy)≈ ?y(x,y)+??y(x,y)/?y dy
? ?yx(x,y+dy)≈ ?yx(x,y)+??yx(x,y)/?y dy
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? 弹性力学平面问题中的平衡方程
??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0 (2.2.2)
? ?Fx=0,(?x+??x/?xdx)dy-
?xdy +(?yx+??yx/?ydy)dx-
?yx dx+Xdxdy=0
? ?Fy=0,(?y+??y/?ydy)dx-
?ydx +(?xy+??xy/?xdx)dy-
?xy dy+Ydxdy=0
? ?M=0 ?xy = ?yx
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Notes about differential equations of
equilibrium 平衡方程注
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 --x方向的平衡方程,体力
和应力都是 x方向,故应力的第二个下标为 x方
? ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0 --y方向的平衡方程,体
力和应力都是 y方向,故应力的第二个下标为 y
? In the first (second) differential equation of
equilibrium,the body force and stresses are in
the x (y) direction,the second coordinate
subscript in stresses is x (y),the differential of
stresses is respect to the first subscript,
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? 空间问题转化为平面问题的条件。
? 试述两类平面问题 z面上的应力情况?
? 平面应力问题 z面上的三个应力 ?z?zx ?zy是否精确为
? 平面应变问题 z面上的两个应力 ?zx ?zy是否精确为零

? 平面应变问题的位移和应变?
? 检查下面的应力在体力为零时是否是可能的解答,
(1) б x = 5x,б y = 3y,τ xy=0
(2) б x = 2x2,б y = 2y2,τ xy=- 4xy
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Check whether the following stresses
may be the possible solution when X=0
and Y=0
(1) б x =5x,б y =0 τ xy =0
(2) б x =2x б y =2y τ xy =-4xy
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2.3 Stress at a point,Principal stresses
? problem 1,the stress components ?x ?y ?xy at a
point P are known,Let N be the outward
normal to the plane AB passing through point
P,The cosines of the angles between N and
axes x and y are denoted by L and m
respectively,We want to know the stresses
acting on AB
? 问题 1:已知 1.P点 的 ?x ?y ?xy 2.过 P 点
的斜面的法线 N的方向余弦
l=cos(N,x) m=cos(N,y)求斜面上应力
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? AB=ds PA=mds PB=lds
? ?Fx=0,XNds-?xl ds-?yxm ds+X0.5lds mds=0
? ?Fy=0,YNds-?ym ds-?xyl ds+Y0.5 lds mds=0
? XN=l?x+m ?yx YN=m?y+l?xy (2.3.3)
stresses acting
on any plane
斜面上应力 XN
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acting on any plane
斜面上应力 ?N ?N
? projection of XN YN on the normal N will give ?N,
projection of XN YN perpendicular to the normal N
will give ?N
XN YN(XN=l?x+m ?yx YN=m?y+l?xy)投影到法线方
向为 ?N,投影到和法线垂直的方向为 ?N
?N=lXN+m YN=l2 ?x +m2?y+2lm?xy (2.3.4)
?N=lYN - m XN=lm (?y- ?x)+(l2- m2)?xy (2.3.5)
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Problem 2,Principal stress 主应力
? ?1= (?x + ?y)/2 + ?[(?x - ?y ) /2]2 +?xy2
?2= (?x + ?y)/2 - ?[(?x - ?y ) /2]2 +?xy2
? tan(?,x)=(?-?x )/ ?xy= ?xy /(?- ?y)
(?= ?1 or?2)
? ?1 + ?2= ?x + ?y invariant of the state of
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Problem3:Maximum and minimum shearing stress
? ?max= (?1 - ?2)/2 ?min= - (?1 - ?2)/2
They are acting on planes inclined at 45 with ?1 or ?2
最大与最小剪应力发生在与应力主向成 45度的斜面上
? ?N= (?1 + ?2)/2
The normal stresses on the planes of maximum and
minimum shearing stresses at a point are equal and
take the mean value of the two principal stresses at
the point.
在发生最大与最小剪应力的面上,正应力的数值 都
等于两个主应力的平均值 。
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? AB=ds PA=mds PB=Lds
? ?Fx=0,XNds-?xl ds-?yxm ds+X0.5 Lds mds=0
? ?Fy=0,YNds-?ym ds-?xyl ds+Y0.5 Lds mds=0
? XN=l?x+m ?yx YN=m?y+l?xy (2.3.3)
Problem 1:
stresses acting
on any plane
斜面上应力 XN
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Problem 2,stresses
acting on any plane
斜面上应力 ?N ?N
? projection of XN YN on the normal N will give ?N,
projection of XN YN perpendicular to the normal N
will give ?N
XN YN(XN=l?x+m ?yx YN=m?y+l?xy)投影到法线方
向为 ?N,投影到和法线垂直的方向为 ?N
?N=lXN+m YN=l2 ?x +m2?y+2lm?xy (2.3.4)
?N=lYN - m XN=lm (?y- ?x)+(l2- m2)?xy (2.3.5)
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? 令 X,Y轴分别在 ?1, ?2 方向上。
∴ ?xy= 0,?x= ?1,?Y= ?2
? 将其代入( 2.3.4) (2.3.5)式
?N=lXN+m YN=l2 ?x +m2?y+2lm?xy (2.3.4)
?N=lYN - m XN=lm (?y- ?x)+(l2- m2)?xy (2.3.5)有
? N= l2 ?1 +m2 ?2 (*) ?N=lm (?2- ?1)
? ?N=± l?1 - l2 (?2- ?1) =± ?l2 - l4 (?2- ?1)
=± ? 1/4 -(1/2- l2 )2 (?2- ?1)
当 l= ± ? 0.5时,?N取得最大最小值 ± 0.5 (?2- ?1)
m= ?1 - l2 = = ± ? 0.5
? 将 l=m= ± ? 0.5代入 (*)式得 ? N=(? 1+? 2)/2,
Problem 3,最
的 应力 ?N ?N
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2-2-a.已知 ?X=q,? y=0,?xy = -2q
求 ?1, ?1, a1
解,?1 =( ?x+ ?y)/2+ ?((?x- ?y)/2)2 + ?xy
?2 = ( ?x+ ?y)/2-?((?x- ?y)/2)2 + ?xy
tga 1 =(?1- ?x )/ ?xy
∴ 分别代入后,得
tga1=-0.781 a1=-37.99o=-37o59`
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2.4 Geometrical equations,Rigid-body
displacements 一几何方程,刚体位移
? 几何方程
?x=?u/?x ?y=?v/?y rxy=?u/?y+?v/?x
? 刚体位移 u= - ?y +u0 v=?x+v0
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line segments PA,PB,PC
? To study deformation condition at a certain
point P,we consider line segments PA,PB,
研究一点的变形,考虑通过 P点的三个正向微
? PA//x PA=dx P A ----positive x direction
PB//y PB=dy P B ----positive y direction
PC//z PC=dz P C ----positive z direction
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Normal strain--a change in length per unit length
正应变 --单位长度的长度改变
? ?x--change in length per unit length of PA
? ?y--change in length per unit length of PB
? ?z--change in length per unit length of PC
? positive (negative) for elongation (contraction)
? ?x--x向微段 PA的相对伸缩
? ?y--y向微段 PB的相对伸缩 伸长为正
? ?z-- z向微段 PC的相对伸缩 缩短为负
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Shearing strain--the change of a right angle( radian)
剪应变 --直角的改变量 (弧度 )
? rxy--the change of a right angle APB
? ryz--the change of a right angle BPC
? rzx--the change of a right angle APC
? positive (negative) for a decrease(increase) of the
right angle
? rxy-- 直角 APB的改变量
? ryz-- 直角 BPC的改变量 直角 变小为正
? rzx-- 直角 APC的改变量 直角 变大为负
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?x--change in length per unit length of PA
?x--x向微段 PA的相对伸缩
?x =(A点 x向位移 - P点 x向位移 )/PA
=(u+?u/?x dx-u)/dx= ?u/?x
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? ?y--change in length per unit length of PB
?y--y向微段 PB的相对伸缩
? ?y =(B点 y向位移 - P点 y向位移 )/PB
=(v+?v/?y dy -v)/dy= ?v/?y
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rxy--the change of a right angle APB
rxy-- 直角 APB的改变量
? ?= (A点 y向位移 - P点
y向位移 )/PA
=(v+?v/?x dx -v)/dx
= ?v/?x
? ?= (B点 x向位移 - P点
x向位移 )/PB
=(u+?u/?y dy -u)/dy
= ?u/?y
? rxy = ? +? = ?u/?y+
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Notes 注,规律
? ?x=?u/?x ---x方向的位移 u对 x坐标求导 ?u/?x 为
x方向线段的正应变 ?x 。
? ?y=?v/?y ---y方向的位移 v 对 y坐标求导 ?v/?y
为 y方向线段的正应变 ?y 。
? ?u/?y--x方向的位移 u 对 y坐标求导为 y方向线
? ?v/?x--y方向的位移 v 对 x坐标求导为 x方向线
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Rigid-body displacements--displacements
corresponding to zero strains
刚体位移 --应变为零时的位移
? ?x=?u/?x =0 u=f(y)
?y=?v/?y=0 v=g(x)
? rxy=?u/?y+?v/?x=df(y)/dy+dg(x)/dx=0
? -df(y)/dy=dg(x)/dx= ?
-df(y)/dy= ? f(y)=- ?y+u0
dg(x)/dx= ? g(x)= ?x+v0
? u= - ?y +u0 v=?x+v0
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Physical meanings of u0 v0 ?
刚体位移中 u0 v0 ? 的物理意义。
? u= - ?y +u0 v=?x+v0
? u0--the rigid-body translation in the x direction
? v0--the rigid-body translation in the y direction
? ? --the rigid-body rotation of the body about z
axis.绕 z 轴的刚体转动
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u= - ?y +u0 v=?x+v0
? Assume,u0≠0,v0 =0,?=0,u(x,y)= u0,v(x,y)=0
u0 ---the rigid-body translation in the x
? Assume,u0 =0,v0≠ 0,?=0,u(x,y)= 0,v(x,y)= v0
v0 ---the rigid-body translation in the y
? Assume,u0 =0,v0 =0,?≠ 0,u= - ?y v= ?x
?---the rigid-body rotation of the body about z
axis,绕 z 轴的刚体转动
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2.6 Physical equations,物理方程
? Hook’s law 虎克定律 -- 实验得
? ?x=[?x- ??y- ??z]/E rxy=?xy/G
?y=[?y- ??x- ??z]/E rxz=?xz/G (1)
?z=[?z- ??x- ??y]/E rzy=?zy/G
A.Physical equations for spatial problems
A 空间问题的物理方程
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? E--the modulus of elasticity or Young`s
modulus 弹 性模量 杨氏模量
? ?--Poisson`s ratio 泊松比
? G--the shear modulus 剪切 模量
? They are interrelated by the equation。
E ? G 的关系式
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B.Physical equations for plane stress problems
B,平面应力 问题的物理方程
? Substituting ?z=0,?zx=0 and ?zy=0 into eq,(1),we
将 ?z=0,?zx=0 和 ?zy=0 代入方程 (1)得:
?x=[?x-??y]/E (2)
?y=[?y- ??x]/E rxy=?xy/G
? ?z=- ?[?x+?y]/E 算板厚改变 it can be used to find
the change of thickness of the plate,
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B.Physical equations for plane stress problems
B,平面应力 问题的物理方程
? ?x=[?x-??y]/E (2)
?y=[?y- ??x]/E rxy=?xy/G
? ?x=E/(1-?2)[?x +??y]
?y=E/(1-?2)[?y +??x]
?xy= G rxy
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C.Physical equations for plane strain problems
C,平面应变 问题的物理方程
? ?z=[?z- ??x- ??y]/E =0---- ?z= ?(?x+?y)
? Substituting ?z= ?(?x+?y),?zx=0 and ?zy=0
into eq,(1),we obtain,
将 ?z= ?(?x+?y),?zx=0 和 ?zy=0 代入方程
?x=[?x- ?/(1-?)?y](1-?2) /E
?y=[?y- ?/(1-?)?x] (1-?2)/E (3)
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E E/(1- ?2)
? ? /(1- ?)
Plane stress problem Plane strain problem
平面应力问题 平面应变问题
E(1+2 ?)/(1+ ?)2 E
? /(1+ ?) ?
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其中 c是个常数。求以下物理量在点 P(x=2.5,
(1) 应变分量
(2) 应力分量,已知 E=200000,μ = 0.2.
(3) PA (PA=dx,PA//x)的转角
(4) PB (PB=dy,PB//y) 的转角
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u(x,y)=c(x-5)y v(x,y)=c[0.5(10-x)x-
0.1y2] x=2.5,y=1 E=200000,μ =
?x=?u/?x=cy=c ?y=?v/?y=c(-0.2y)=-0.2c
PA的转角 =?v/?x=c(5-x)=2.5c
PB的转角 =?u/?y=c(x-5)=-2.5c
?x=E/(1-?2)[?x +??y]= E/(1-?2) [c-0.22c]=Ec
?y=E/(1-?2)[?y +??x]=E/(1-?2) [-0.2c+0.2c]=0
?xy= G rxy=0
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2.7 Boundary conditions边界条件
? Elasticity problems,
displacement boundary problems,
stress boundary problems,
mixed boundary problems
? 弹性力学问题,位移边界问题,应力边
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Displacement boundary problems
? All the surface displacements of the whole body
are specified。
? Displacement boundary condition:位移边界 条件
us = u vs= v (2.7.1)
in which us vs---displacement components on the
surface,欲求的 位移分量在边界点的值。
u v--prescribed functions of coordinates on the
surface.给定的 边界点的位移分量值
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Stress boundary problems 应力边界问题
? All the surface forces acting on the body are
? stress boundary condition,应力边界 条件,
(l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
in which ?x ?y ?xy ---stress components on the
surface,欲求的应力 分量在边界点的值
X Y-----prescribed functions of coordinates on
the surface,给定的 边界点的面力分量值
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Stress boundary conditions on a coordinate plane
坐标面上的 应力边界条件
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
? ?x)s= X ?xy)s =Y (positive x plane 正 x面, l=1,m=0)
? ?x)s=-X ?xy)s=-Y (negative x plane负 x面, l= -1,m=0)
? ?yx)s= X ?y)s=Y (positive y plane 正 y面, l=0,m=1)
? ?yx)s=-X ?y)s=-Y (negative y plane 负 y面, l=0,m=-1)
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?y y Y
? ?x)s= X ?xy)s =Y
?x)s=-X ?xy)s=-Y
?x ?x
? ?yx)s= X ?y)s=Y
? ?yx)s=-X ?y)s=-Y
?y Y
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y ?y
?x)s=-X ?x)s= X
X ?x ?x X
Y ?xy ?xy Y
?xy)s=-Y ?xy)s =Y
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Y y X
?yx)s= X ?x ?x
?y ?yx
?y)s=-Y ?y ?yx
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Mixed boundary problems-1
混合 边界问题 -1
? Some portion of the boundary is specified
with known displacements while the other
portion is subjected to known surface forces,
? 物体一部分边界上已知所有位移分量,因
而具有位移边界 条件,us = u vs= v 物体
具有应力边界 条件:
(l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
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Mixed boundary problems-2
混合 边界问题 -2
? A boundary is specified with a known
displacement in one direction and
subjected to known surface force in the
perpendicular direction,
? 物体同一部分边界上一个方向已知位移分
量,因而具有位移边界 条件,另一正交方
向已知应力分量,因而具有应力边界 条件
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u=u=0 ?xy=Y=0 v=v=0 ?x=X=0
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2.8 Saint-venant`s principle-1 圣维南原理
? If a system of forces acting on a small portion of
the surface of an elastic body is replaced by
another statically equivalent system of forces
acting on the same portion of the surface,
the redistribution of loading produces substantial
changes in the stresses only in the immediate
neighborhood of the loading,and the stresses are
essentially the same in the parts of the body which
are at large distances in comparison with the linear
dimension of the surface which the forces are
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2.8 Saint-venant`s principle-1 圣维南原理
? 把物体一 小 部分边界上的面力,变换为分布不
同但静力等效的面力,那末,离 面力变换处 较
近 的地方的应力将有显著变化,离面力变换处
较 远 的地方的应力将基本不变。
statically equivalent systems 静力等效力系
? By,statically equivalent systems” we mean that
the two system have the same resultant force and
the same resultant moment.
? 静力等效力系是指两个力系的主矢量相同,对
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2.8 Saint-venant`s principle-2 圣维南原理
? If a balanced system of surface forces is applied to
any small portion of a body,it will induce
significant stresses only in the neighborhood of
the surface forces,
? A balanced force system can be regarded as the
difference between two statically equivalent force
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补,Mathematical expressions for elasticity problem
(plane stress )弹性力学平面应力问题的数学表述
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0
??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0 (2.2.2)
? ?x=?u/?x ?y=?v/?y
rxy=?u/?y+?v/?x (2.4.6)
? ?x=[?x-??y]/E ?y=[?y-??x]/E rxy=?xy/G (2.6.4)
?x=E/(1-? 2)(?x+??y) ?y=E/(1-? 2)(?y+??x)
?xy= E/[2(1+?)] rxy (2.9.1)
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
? us = u vs= v (2.7.1)
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Three ways for the solution of an elasticity problem,
? 1.solution in terms of displacements--take the
displacement components as the basic unknown
按位移求解 --把位移作为基本未知函数
? 2.solution in terms of stresses--take the stress
components as the basic unknown functions,
按应力求解 --把应力作为基本未知函数
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? 3.solution in terms of displacements and
stresses--take some of the displacement
components and also some of the stress
components as the basic unknown
按应力和位移混合求解 --同时把某些位移
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2.9 solution of plane problem in terms of displacements
Elastic equations 弹性方程
? Substituting the strains expressed by displacements
through geometrical equations into physical
equations in which the stresses are in the left side
while the strains are in the right side,we get elastic
equations (2.9.2).
性方程) (2.9.2)
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Elastic equations 平面应力问题弹性方程
? ?x=?u/?x ?y=?v/?y
rxy=?u/?y+?v/?x (2.4.6)
? ?x=E/(1-? 2)(?x+??y) ?y=E/(1-? 2)(?y+??x)
?xy= E/[2(1+?)] rxy (2.9.1)
? 将几何方程 (2.4.6)代入应力放左边的物理方程
(2.9.1),得弹性方程 (2.9.2)
? ?x=E/(1-? 2)(?u/?x+??v/?y )
?y=E/(1-? 2)(?v/?y +??u/?x ) (2.9.2)
?xy= E/[2(1+?)] (?u/?y+?v/?x)
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Differential equations of equilibrium expressed by
displacements --用位移表示的平衡微分方程
? Substituting the stresses expressed by
displacements through elastic equations into
differential equations of equilibrium expressed by
stresses,we get another differential equations of
equilibrium[p27,equations (2.9.3)],expressed by
将用位移表示的应力 (弹性方程 )代入用应力表示的
平衡微分方程,得 用位移表示的平衡微分方程 (p27
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? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0
??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0 (2.2.2)
? ?x=E/(1-? 2)(?u/?x+??v/?y )
?y=E/(1-? 2)(?v/?y +??u/?x ) (2.9.2)
?xy= E/[2(1+?)] (?u/?y+?v/?x)
用位移表示的平衡微分方程 (p27 2.9.3)
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boundary conditions expressed by displacements.
? Substituting the stresses expressed by displacements
through elastic equations into stress boundary
conditions expressed by stresses,we get stress
boundary conditions expressed by displacements.
将用位移表示的应力 (弹性方程 )代入用应力表示的
应力边界条件,得 用位移表示的应力边界条件 (p27
? Displacement boundary condition,us = u vs= v
用位移表示的位移边界条件 (p23 2.7.1):
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? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
? ?x=E/(1-? 2)(?u/?x+??v/?y )
?y=E/(1-? 2)(?v/?y +??u/?x ) (2.9.2)
?xy= E/[2(1+?)] (?u/?y+?v/?x)
用位移表示的应力边界条件 (p27 2.9.4)
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Formulas for plane stress problem in terms of
按位移求解平面应力问题 的公式
? 1.Differential equations (2.9./3) of equilibrium
expressed by displacements.
用位移表示的平衡微分方程 (p27 2.9.3)
? 2,Stress boundary conditions expressed by
displacements 用位移表示的应力边界条件 (p27
? 3.Displacement boundary condition,us = u vs= v
用位移表示的位移边界条件 (p23 2.7.1)
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2.10 solution of plane problem in terms of
stresses 按应力求解
? We take the three stress components as the
basic unknown functions,The two differential
equations of equilibrium (2.2.2) contain the
stress components only,The third differential
equation can be obtained from the geometrical
and physical equations by eliminating the
displacements and strains therein as follows,
? 将应力分量作为基本未知函数,两个平衡微分
方程 (2.2.2)只含应力,第三个方程由几何方程
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The compatibility equation for strain
? ?x=?u/?x ?2?x/?y2 =?3u/?x?y2
? ?y=?v/?y ?2?y/?x2= ?3v/ ?x2 ?y
? ?2?x/?y2+?2?y/?x2= ?3u/?x?y2 + ?3v/ ?x2 ?y
? rxy=?u/?y+?v/?x
?2rxy/?x?y = ?3u/?x?y2 + ?3v/ ?x2 ?y
? ?2?x/?y2+?2?y/?x2=?2rxy/?x?y (2.10.1)
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The compatibility equation in terms of stresses--1
用应力表示的相容方程 -1
?x=[?x-??y]/E (plane stress problem) (2.6.4)
?y=[?y- ??x]/E rxy=?xy/G
Substitution of (2.6.4) into (2.10.1) yields,
?2 [?x- ??y]/?y2+?2 [?y- ??x]/?x2 =2(1+?)?2?xy/?x?y
----------------------- (2.10.2 )
The compatibility equation for strain
? ?x=?u/?x ?y=?v/?y rxy=?u/?y+?v/?x
? ?2?x/?y2+?2?y/?x2=?2rxy/?x?y (2.10.1)
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? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0
?2?yx/(?x?y)= -(?2?x/?x2+?X/?x)
? ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
?2?yx/(?x?y)= -(?2?y/?y2+?Y/?y)
? 2?2?yx/(?x?y)= -(?2?x/?x2+?2?y/?y2+?X/?x+?Y/?y) (a)
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The compatibility equation in terms of stresses--2
用应力表示的相容方程 -2
? ?2 [?x- ??y]/?y2+?2 [?y- ??x]/?x2
=2(1+?)?2?xy/?x?y (2.10.2 )
2?2?yx/(?x?y)= -(?2?x/?x2+?2?y/?y2+?X/?x+?Y/?y) (a)
? Substitution of (a) into (2.10.2) yields:
plane stress problem 平面应力问题
? plane strain problem平面应变问题
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plane stress problem 平面应力问题
?2 (?x+?y)=-(?X/?x+?Y/?y)(1+?)
plane strain problem平面应变问题
?2 (?x+?y)=-(?X/?x+?Y/?y)/(1-?)
operator 算子
? Laplace operator,harmonic operator 拉普拉斯算子,
调和算子 ?=??=?2=(?2/?x2+?2/?y2)
? Double harmonic operator 重 调和算子
?? =?2 ?2 =?4
=(?2/?x2+?2/?y2)2 =?4/?x4+2?4/?x2?y2 +?4/?y4
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Equations of plane problem in terms of stresses
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
plane stress problem 平面应力问题
plane strain problem平面应变问题
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
? the condition of single-valued displacements for
multiply connected body 多连体的位移单值条件
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Simply connected body and multiply connected
body-1 单连体和多连体 -1
? Simply connected body--an arbitrary closed
curve lying in the body can be shrunk to a
point,by continuous contraction,without
passing outside its boundaries.
? 单连体:物体内的任何一个封闭曲线通过连续
球为单连体,圆环,中空圆柱体为多连体 。
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Simply connected body and multiply connected
body-2 单连体和多连体 -2
? In plane problems,a simply connected body is
one with only one continuous boundary,and a
multiply connected body is one with two or
more continuous boundaries.
? 平面问题中,单连体为只有一个连续边界的物

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About compatibility equation 关于相容方程
? ?x=0 ?y=0 rxy=xy ?x=?u/?x =0 u=f(y)
?y=?v/?y=0 v=g(x)
? The compatibility equation must be satisfied by
the strain components ?x ?y rxy to ensure the
existence of single-valued continuous functions
u and v connected with the strain components
by the geometrical equations,
? 只有 ?x ?y rxy 满足了相容方程才能由几何方程
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2.11 Case of constant body forces
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Review,solution of plane problem in terms of stresses
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
? plane stress problem 平面应力问题
? plane strain problem平面应变问题
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
? the condition of single-valued displacements for
multiply connected body 多连体的位移单值条件
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Solution of plane problem in terms of stresses
in case of constant body forces
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
? plane stress problem 平面应力问题
plane strain problem平面应变问题
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
? the condition of single-valued displacements for
multiply connected body 多连体的位移单值条件
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solution of plane stress boundary problem in terms
of stresses in the case of constant body forces for
simply connected body
单连体 常体力应力边界问题按应力求解的公式
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
? plane stress problem 平面应力问题
plane strain problem平面应变问题
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
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The stress components ?x?y?xy,solution of
plane stress boundary problem in terms of stresses in
the case of constant body forces for simply connected
body,will be independent of the elastic properties of
the body and have the same distribution in both plane
stress condition and plane strain condition,
单连体 常体 力应力边界问题应力分量与弹性常数
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? experimental analysis of stresses,
1,we may use any model material convenient for
stress measurement,
2,use a model (a thin slice) in plane stress
condition instead of one (a long cylindrical body)
in plane strain condition.
? 应力的实验分析:
1 用便于量测的材料制造模型
2 用平面应力的模型代替平面应变的模型 。
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Body forces are converted to surface forces.
condition,stress analysis in the case of a plane
stress boundary problem subjected to constant body
forces for simply connected body
体力转化为面力, 条件, 单连体 常体力应力边界
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? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
? (?2/?x2+?2/?y2)(?x+?y)=0 (1)
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
? ??x */?x+??yx* /?y=0 ??y* /?y+??xy* /?x=0
? (?2/?x2+?2/?y2)(?x* +?y* )=0 (3)
? (l?x* +m ?yx* )s=X+lXx (m?y*+l?xy*)s=Y+mYy
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
? we set ?x=?x*- Xx ?y =?y* - Y y ?xy =?xy* (2)
? substitution of (2) into (1) yields (3)
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Example,body forces are converted to surface forces
(l?x* +m ?yx* )s=X+lXx (m?y*+l?xy*)s=Y+mYy
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2.12 Airy`s stress function,Inverse method
and semi-inverse method
艾瑞应力函数,逆解法,半 逆解法
particular solution 特解
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0 -------
? When the body forces are constant,the particular
solution may be taken as
?x= -Xx ?y= -Yy ?xy=0 (2.12.2 )
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? Homogeneous equation 齐次方程
??x/?x+??yx/?y=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x=0 --(2.12.1)
? The general solution of eqs,(2.12.1) is obtained as
齐次 方程 (2.12.1)的通解可取为
?x=?2?/?y2 ?y=?2?/?x2 ?xy=-?2?/?x?y --(2.12.9)
in which ?----Airy`s stress function 艾瑞应力函数
? ??x/?x=?(-?yx)/?y ?x =?A/?y -?yx =?A/?x
? ??y/?y=?(-?xy)/?x ?y=?B/?x -?yx =?B/?y
? -?yx=?A/?x=?B/?y A=??/?y B=??/?x
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? The complete solution of eqs,(2.2.2) is
expressed as the sum of the general
solution of the homogeneous equation
(2.12.1) and a particular solution of the
equation (2.2.2 )
? 方程 (2.2.2 ) 的全解为方程 (2.12.1)的通解
加上方程 (2.2.2 ) 的任一特解。
?x=?2?/?y2-Xx ?y=?2?/?x2-Yy
?xy=-?2?/?x?y (2.12.10)
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? Compatibility equation in terms of the stresses,
用应力表示的相容方程, (body forces are constant)
(?2/?x2+?2/?y2)(?x+?y)=0 (2.11.1)
? ?4 ? =0 (2.12.11)
in which ?? =?2 ?2 =?4 =(?2/?x2+?2/?y2)2
=?4/?x4+2?4/?x2?y2 +?4/?y4
Compatibility equation in terms of the stress function
用应力函数表示的相容方程, (X,Y--constant)
? ?x=?2?/?y2-Xx ?y=?2?/?x2-Yy
?xy=-?2?/?x?y (2.12.10)
? substitution of (2.12.10) into (2.11.1) yields (2.12.11)
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Review,solution of plane stress boundary problem
in terms of stresses in the case of constant body
forces for simply connected body
单连体 常体力应力边界问题按应力求解的公式
? ??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
? plane stress problem 平面应力问题
plane strain problem平面应变问题
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
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solution of plane stress boundary problem in terms
of stress function in the case of constant body forces
? ?4 ? =0 (2.12.11)
? ?x=?2?/?y2-Xx ?y=?2?/?x2-Yy
?xy=-?2?/?x?y (2.12.10)
? (l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
? no displacement boundary condition无位移边界条件
? the condition of single-valued displacements for
multiply connected body 多连体的位移单值条件
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Inverse method 逆解法
? Select ? satisfying the compatibility equation ?4
? =0 (2.12.11)
? find the stress components by
?x=?2?/?y2-Xx ?y=?2?/?x2-Yy
?xy=-?2?/?x?y (2.12.10)
? find the surface force components by
(l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
? identify the problem which the ? selected can
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Inverse method 逆解法
? 设定 ?,并 满足相容方程 ?4 ? =0 (2.12.11)
? 由下式求出应力分量
?x=?2?/?y2-Xx ?y=?2?/?x2-Yy
?xy=-?2?/?x?y (2.12.10)
? 由下式对给定坐标的物体求出面力分量
(l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
? 确定所 设定的 ? 能解决的问题
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Semi-inverse method 半逆解法
? Assume the solution for the stress function partly
? show that the stress function satisfies the
compatibility equation ?4 ? =0 (2.12.11)
? show that the stress components derived from the
stress function assumed can satisfy all the
boundary conditions.
? If some conditions are not satisfied,modify the
assumptions made,If all conditions are satisfied
we obtained the solution since it is unique.
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Semi-inverse method 半逆解法
? 部分设定 ?,
? 满足相容方程 ?4 ? =0
? 由下式求出应力分量
?x=?2?/?y2-Xx ?y=?2?/?x2-Yy
?xy=-?2?/?x?y (2.12.10)
? 由下式对给定坐标的物体求出面力分量
(l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
? 满足应力边界条件,确定 ?中常数,如有矛盾,
重设 ?
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Chapter 2 --Exercise
第二章作业,英文书 2.13.1,2.13.2(a),2.13.3,2.13.4
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2.13.1 Show that the normal stresses on the planes of
maximum and minimum shearing stresses at a point
are equal and take the mean value of the two principal
stresses at the point.
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? AB=ds PA=mds PB=Lds
? ?Fx=0,XNds-?xL ds-?yxm ds+X0.5 Lds mds=0
? ?Fy=0,YNds-?ym ds-?xyL ds+Y0.5 Lds mds=0
? XN=L?x+m ?yx YN=m?y+L?xy (2.3.3)
Problem 1:
stresses acting
on any plane
斜面上应力 XN
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Problem 2,stresses
acting on any plane
斜面上应力 ?N ?N
? projection of XN YN on the normal N will give ?N,
projection of XN YN perpendicular to the normal N
will give ?N
XN YN(XN=L?x+m ?yx YN=m?y+L?xy)投影到法线方
向为 ?N,投影到和法线垂直的方向为 ?N
?N=LXN+m YN=L2 ?x +m2?y+2Lm?xy (2.3.4)
?N=LYN - m XN=Lm (?y- ?x)+(L2- m2)?xy (2.3.5)
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? 令 X,Y轴分别在 ?1, ?2 方向上。
∴ ?xy= 0,?x= ?1,?Y= ?2
? 将其代入( 2.3.4) (2.3.5)式
?N=LXN+m YN=L2 ?x +m2?y+2Lm?xy (2.3.4)
?N=LYN - m XN=Lm (?y- ?x)+(L2- m2)?xy (2.3.5)有
? N= L2 ?1 +m2 ?2 (*) ?N=Lm (?2- ?1)
? ?N=± L?1 - L2 (?2- ?1) =± ? L2 - L4 (?2- ?1)
=± ? 1/4 -(1/2- L2 )2 (?2- ?1)
当 L= ± ?0.5时,?N取得最大最小值 ± 0.5 (?2-
?1) m= ?1 - L2 = = ± ? 0.5
? 将 L=m= ± ? 0.5代入 (*)式得 ? N=(? 1+? 2)/2,
Problem 3,最
的 应力 ?N ?N
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2-2-a.已知 ?X=q,? y=0,?xy = -2q
求 ?1, ?1, a1
解,?1 =( ?x+ ?y)/2+ ?((?x- ?y)/2)2 + ?xy2
?2 = ( ?x+ ?y)/2-?((?x- ?y)/2)2 + ?xy2
tga 1 =(?1- ?x )/ ?xy
∴ 分别代入后,得
tga1=-0.781 a1=-37.99o=-37o59`
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2-13-3 A uniform thin plate with hole is subjected to a
uniform pressure of intensity q on its entire boundary,
including the edges of the holes,Show that the stress
components ?X= ? y= -q and ?xy = 0 satisfy the
differential equations of equilibrium,the compatibility
equation,the boundary conditions and the condition of
single-valued displacements,i.e.,they are the true
solution of the problem,
2-3设有任意形状的等厚度板, 体力可以不计, 在全部
边界上 ( 包括孔口边界上 ) 受有均匀压力 q。 试证:
?X= ? y= -q ?xy = 0 能满足平衡微分方程, 相容方程
和应力边界条件, 也能满足位移单值条件, 因而就
是正确的解答 。
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??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0 (2.2.2)
由题已知,?X= ? y= -q,?xy =0且体力不计
2,平面问题体力为 0的相容方程为:
将 ?X= ? y= -q ?xy =0 代入, 两边为零, 满
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将 X=-lq Y=-mq
?X= ? y= -q,?xy =0
(l?x+m ?yx)s = X (m?y+l?xy)s =Y (2.7.2)
可见 满足应力边界条件。
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4.在平面应力问题中,将 ?X= ? y= -q ?xy =0 代入物理方
?x=[?x-??y]/E=(μ q-q)/E
?y=[?y-??x]/E =(μ q-q)/E rxy=?xy/G =0 (2.6.4)
?x=?u/?x =(μ q-q)/E u=(μ q-q)x/E+f(y)
?y=?v/?y= (μ q-q)/E v =(μ q-q)y/E+g(x)
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-df(y)/dy=dg(x)/dx= ?
-df(y)/dy= ? f(y)=- ?y+u0
dg(x)/dx= ? g(x)= ?x+v0
u=(μ q-q)x/E+f(y) =(μ q-q)x/E-?y+u0
v=(μ q-q)y/E+g(x) =(μ q-q)y/E+ ?x+v0
所以 ?X= ? y= -q ?xy =0 为正确解答。
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σ x=My/Iz =-12Pxy/h3 σ y=0
?xy=QS*y /Iyb=-6P(h2/4-y2)/h3
1.代入平衡微分方程 2— 2式:满足
??x/?x+??yx/?y+X=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x+Y=0
2,代入相容方程 2— 20式:满足
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?y)y=?h/2 =0 ?xy)y=?h/2 =0
?-h/2h/2 ?x)x=0dy= 0
?-h/2h/2 ?x)x=0 y dy = 0
?-h/2h/2 ?xy)x=0 dy =-P
x=0 y= ?h/2满足边界条件 后,x=l的 边界
条件 自动满足。检验用。
是本题的正确 的近似 解答 。
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2-5试证明, 如果体力虽然不是常量, 但却是
有势的力, 即体力分量可以表示为:
其中 V是势函数, 则应力分量亦可用应力函
试导出相应的相容方程 。
? VxY ??
yxxy ??
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2.13.4 When the body force components may
be expresses by
the body forces are said to have a potential
and V is called the potential function.
Show that,in this case,the differential of
equilibrium can be satisfied by
Derive the differential equation of ?
? V
yxxy ??
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证明, 1.平衡微分方程
??x/?x+??yx/?y -?v/?x=0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x -?v/?y =0
特解为,?x=V ?y=V ?xy=0
??x/?x+??yx/?y= 0 ??y/?y+??xy/?x=0
通解为,?x=?2?/?y2?y=?2?/?x2 ?xy=-?2?/?x?y
?平衡方程 ??x/?x+??yx/?y-?v/?x=0
?x=?2?/?y2+V ?y=?2?/?x2+V ?xy=-?2?/?x?y (2)
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3.由式 ( 2-20) 知
( ?2/?x2+?2/?y2) (?x+?y)=-(1+?)(?X/?x+?Y/?y)
将 (1)(2)的 X Y ?x ?y 代入上式得
即 2?4?/?x2?y2+?4?/?x4+?4?/?y4+2?2V/?x2+2?2v/?y2
? ?4?==-(1-?)?2V
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将 ?换为 ?/(1-?)
即, ?4?=-( 1-2?) ?2V /( 1-?)
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Shear stress trajectories in a cantilever beam
单位宽度悬臂梁,梁高为 2h,梁
长 L=4h,端部受集中力 P作用,
试证明最大 剪应力为:
Max?xy = ?xy* P/ h,其中
?xy* =0.75 ? y12(4x1-4)2+(1-y12)2
y1=y/h x1=x/L 编程绘出
?xy* = 0.75,1,1.5,2,2.5,3的应力轨
迹线,y1的间隔取 0.02