Unit Eight Travel Teaching Period : 10 (1-2) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To understand the reading material (Text A) Important Point: Understanding the reading material (Text A) Difficult Point: Training the Ss’ reading ability Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 0’ ) STEP THREE: Introduction ( 10’ ) a. Pre-reading task on P258 Get the Ss to listen to the recording Ask the Ss to answer the following questions: b. Theme of the unit: & Text A: STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A Comprehension a. Pre-reading Background Knowledge New words and expressions b. While-reading Go through the Text paragraph by paragraph Point out the important structures and long sentences for further explanation later c. Post-reading Text Questions Text Organization Part One: (Paras Part Two: (Paras Part Three: (Paras) 2) Writing characteristics 4.. . Discussion 5. Main idea STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 8’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review the understanding of the text and preview the language items of the text; Comprehension b. Written: Nothing Teaching Period : 10 (3-4) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) Revising the understanding of Text A b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A 1. in the hear of: in the center of e.g. 1) The metropolitan museum is located in the heart of the city. 2) apartments in the heart of the city are too expensive to purchase. 2. hush: to or become silent e.g. 1) Hush, you’ll wake up the baby! 2) Having cried for half hour, the little boy hushed. 3. illumine: shine light on e.g.1) The sky was illumined by flashes from the volcano. 2) My balloon was illumined by the sun that was just rising. now…now…: at one time…at one time… e.g. 1) The junior officer who came into the room looked nervous; his eyes swiveled quickly, now this way, not that, as if he were scanning the room for danger. 2) Now soft, now loud, now cheerful, now sorrowful, the voice of Uncle Tom told as much of the tale as his words did. in (all/complete) silence: with(complete) absence of sound or noise e.g. 1) The kids were listening to the music in the classroom, in complete silence. 2) The soldiers stood in the glaring sun as the minutes ticked away, in all silence. tangle: catch in or as in a net, trap; mix together or intertwine in a confused mass. e.g. 1) The bushes were tangled with vines. 2) I have the sort of hair that tangles easily. trail: extend over a surface e.g. 1) Roses trailing over the walls made her garden so beautiful. 2) The strawberry is a trailing plant belonging to the rose family. loop: form or bend into a loop e.g. 1) The man looped the rope over the wooden pole. 2) She looped the scarf round her neck and went out into the cold night air. mute: reduce or stop the sound of e.g. 1) St the sight of their teacher walking into to classroom, they muted their voices. 2) The strings are muted throughout the closing bars of the symphony. dissolve: fade away, disappear e.g. 1) The panda ate the bamboo rapidly and then dissolved into the shadows. 2) The characteristics of gases vary widely. Some gases are transparent, some dissolve in water, and some have a strong snell. loose: untie, release e.g. 1) The hunter loosed the arrow without warning. 2) It’s not a healthy babit to loose your belt when you are full. slump: sit or fall down heavily e.g. 1) Kennedy had been hit and slumped to the floor of the automobile. 2) He slumped into a chair, completely exhausted. be dying to do sth/ for sth:: desire ( to do) sth. eagerly e.g. 1) She was dying to tell them the good news that she had won first prize in the speech contest. 2) Having worked in the sun for four hours, I was dying for a cup of tea. get one’s hands on: catch hold of, find or get sth ( same as lay one’s hands on) e.g. 1) I wish I could get my hands on a copy of Harry Potter. 2) I need to get my hands on a good computer. 3) The book’s here somewhere, but I don’t seem to be able to get my hands on it just now take apart: separate into its different parts e.g. 1) When I was young, my parents never blamed me for taking my toys apart. 2) When my computer broke down, I took it apart, found what was wrong, and put the whole thing together again. spectacular: extraordinary; very attractive or impressive e.g. 1) The Britain Museum, one of the most spectacular museums in the world, is renowned for its extensive and diverse collection s. 2) The Sun’s movement can produce spectacular sunrises and sunsets under the right atmospheric conditions. fringe: the outer edge or limit of sth e.g. 1) Near the outer fringes of the solar system lies dark blue Neptune, a gas giant that probably has no true surface. 2) With the new suburbs springing up on the fringes of the city, the urban life has changed completely. hollow: a space sunk into something e.g. 1) The explorer fell into a muddy hollow while walking in the forest. 2) Water gathers in a hollow and forms a pond. in detail: with specifics e.g.1) The police asked the victim of the robbery to describe what happened to him in detail. 2) To maintain their place in the media world, newspapers try hard to cover news events in greater detail than television and radio do. opaque: not clear enough to allow light through e.g.1) Usually transparent, glass can nonetheless also be opaque. 2) Milk is often stored in opaque containers to prevent vitamins from being destroyed by light. STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1.Review … and preview the second part of the words and phrases 16.Language Focus b.Written: Teaching Period : 10 (5-6) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) a. Review the first part of the words and phrases b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A smear: sth dirty; spread( a thick liquid,etc.) over a surface( used in the patterns: smear on/ over sth/sb; smear sth/sb with sth) e.g. 1) Don’t smear the glasses; I’ve just polished them. 2) The boy’s face was smeared with mud. 3) My sister smeared herself with suntan oil as she sat by the swimming pool. flock: a group of certain animals e.g.1) Large flocks of geese pass this way in autumn, searching for a resting place. 2) The police are warning motorists that a flock of sheep has/ have escaped onto the road. In flocks: in groups e.g.1) Many small birds feed in flocks. 2) Penguins are gregarious birds and are found in flocks even at sea. dart: move suddenly and rapidly e.g.1) The lizard darted out its tongue at a fly. 2) The boy darted behind the sofa as his father stormed into the living room. repute: believe, consider( if you say that something is reputed to be true, you mean that people say it is true, but you don’t know if it is definitely true; often used in passive; a formal word) e.g.1) Mohammed Atef was reputed to be the mastermind of the September II attacks. 2) She is widely reputed to be over twenty years younger than her husband. 3) Maradona is reputed to earn over two million pounds a year. strip: a long narrow region of land or body of water; a long narrow piece. e.g.1) About 30 million people live along the California coastal strip. 2) Our pay slips used to be printed on long strips of paper. paddle: move (a canoe) through the water using a paddle e.g.1) Canoes can be paddled by one or more persons. 2) One of the things you will be taught at the training school is how to paddle a canoe. out of sight: no longer in view e.g.1) When out of sight of land, ancient seafarers used to derive clues about their location by observing the position of the Sun. 2) The woman didn’t go into the house until her daughter drove away and slowly faded out of sight. striped: marked with or having stripes e.g.1) She looked slim in her green and white striped shirt. 2) The room was decorated with striped wallpaper. clatter: vi. Move quickly and noisily; (cause to)make continuous loud noises by hitting hard objects against each other. e.g.1) She dropped the bucket and it went clattering down the stairs. 2) His boots clattered on the stone floor, attracting our attention. fuss: bustle about: give too much attention to small and unimportant matters (often followed by around/ about/ over) e.g.1) As soon as they saw the manager the waiters began fussing around the tables. 2) My wife was fussing over the food we were going to take. slap: shoot, throw with force; hit with something flat e.g. 1) The pinch hitter slapped the ball. 2) Catherine responder to the man’s attempt by slapping him. 3) “If you tell lie again I’ll slap your face,” the woman said. out of range: too far away to be reached, seen or heard e.g.1) We thought that we were out of range of their rifles until the bullets started kicking up the dust in front of us. 2) It was said the flying object was well out of range of their rockets. thrash: move wildly or violently ( followed b about/ around) e.g.1) The swimmers were thrashing about in the water. 2) The dog thrashed around trying to break free. heap an :untidy pile of something; plenty of, a lot of (usu. In plural) e.g.1) He left his books in a heap on the floor. 2) There is heaps of time before I take the examination. glide: move quickly and silently with ease; fly through the air without power. e.g.1) At the sight of me she glided across the dance floor to greet me. 2) The waiters glided between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta. swarm: move in a crowd e.g.1) A dark cloud of bees came swarming out of the hive. 2) Panic-stricken, people swarmed to the shops, buying up everything in sight. hop: (of a person) jump on one foot; ( of a bird or other animals) jump with two or all feet at once) e.g.1) He hopped down the steps like an athlete. 2) The birds hopped about and pecked the earth briskly, looking for seeds and insects. STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1.Review … and preview the structures and long sentences of the text; 2.Language Focus b.Written: Teaching Period : 10 (7-8) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful structures, understand some difficult sentences and check the exercises in Part II Important Point: Grasping some useful structures and understanding some difficult sentences Difficult Point: Practising the usage of the structures Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 7’ ) Revising the words and phrases of Text A (Usage) Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to deal with some important structures and difficult sentences in Text A and check the exercises of Part II. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80' ) Important structures and Difficult sentences in Text A Exercises of Part II STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 10ˊ ) Summary Part II. Text A 1. Comprehension Pre-reading * Background knowledge (2) While-reading * Go through the Text paragraph by paragraph *Point out the important structures and long sentences for further explanation later (3) Post-reading *Text Questions *Text Organization * Writing Characteristics * Discussion *Main Idea 2. Language items 3. Exercises b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1ˊ ) a. Oral: 1. Review the structures and difficult sentences and preview Part III & IV. b. Written: 1. Structure 1, 2 Teaching Period : 10 (9-10) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: 1.To understand Text B 2.To perform the theme-related language learning tasks . Practising the speaking and writing skills Important Point: Understanding Text B Difficult Point: .Practising the speaking and writing skills Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 7’ ) Review Part II (Text A) Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to deal with Part III & IV: Text B and the theme-related language learning tasks STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80' ) Text B (Part III) 1. Words and phrases to learn (P278) 2. Comprehension (1) Explain the text (2) Summarize Text Organization Part One (Paras Part Two: (Paras Part Three: (Para (3) Summarize General idea b. the theme-related language learning tasks (Part IV) Step 1: Form teams Make teams of four people. Half of the teams will take the side of Group A and the other half will side with Group B. Step 2: Have a pre-debate discussion Prepare your arguments and supporting facts by brainstorming together Step 3: Carry on the debate The debate begins between two teams having different view. It will go on until one side fails to respond. 2. Essay Writing STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 10’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review Text B and finish the exercises b. Written: 2.Write an essay