Unit Seven Terrorism Teaching Period : 10 (1-2) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To understand the reading material (Text A) Important Point: Understanding the reading material (Text A) Difficult Point: Training the Ss’ reading ability Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 0’ ) STEP THREE: Introduction ( 10’ ) a. Pre-reading task Get the Ss to listen to the recording Ask the Ss to answer the following questions: b. Theme of the unit: & Text A: STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A Comprehension a. Pre-reading Background Knowledge New words and expressions b. While-reading Go through the Text paragraph by paragraph Point out the important structures and long sentences for further explanation later c. Post-reading Text Questions Text Organization Part One: (Paras Part Two: (Paras Part Three: (Paras) 2) Writing characteristics 4.. . Discussion 5. Main idea STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 8’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review the understanding of the text and preview the language items of the text; Comprehension b. Written: Nothing Teaching Period : 10 (3-4) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) Revising the understanding of Text A b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A 1. reflect on/upon: think deeply about, remind oneself of (past events) e.g. 1) It’s a good habit to reflect on what you have done in the past. We agree that a central purpose of drama has always been to provide a means for society to reflect upon itself and its beliefs. fax: transmit printed matter or an image by electronic means e.g.1) Traveling businesspeople can send and receive electronic mail and fax messages in some airports. 2) To deal with stiffer competition, hotels and motels offer better services, such as faxing and photocopying for business travelers span: extend across in space or time e.g.1) Travelers will be able to walk across a footbridge that spans the Huangpu River by 2010. 2) The film, spanning almost a quarter-century, tells the story of the Kennedy family. I am struck…: I am impressed… jog: run slowly for physical exercise; push slightly e.g.1) Running at a slow pace is sometimes called jogging. 2) Peter jogged my arm and made me spill my tea. hike: go for a long walk e.g.1) We are planning to hike in the country on Sunday. 2) Helen had hiked across Europe in his youth. for nothing: without payment, free, with no reward or result. e.g.1) I know the cyber bar manager so I always get in for nothing. 2) All that hard work for nothing! maintenance: maintaining or being maintained e.g.1) Concrete pavements have a long life and require little maintenance. 2) Our research focuses on using computers, instrumentation, automation, and new materials to improve bridge design, construction, and maintenance. contend: struggle or compete(usu. followed by with or for) e.g 1) Several teams are contending for the prize. 2) She has had a lot of problems to contend with. disapproving: showing disapproval e.g.1) When I suggested a drink, she gave me a disapproving look. 2) When I showed my newly-bought suit to her, she cast a disapproving look at it. hold up: put(sb/sth) forward as an example, show e.g.1) This school is being held up as a model for other middle schools in the city. 2) My sister was always held up to me as a model child. pertinent: to the point, related (followed by to) e.g.1) If you intend to be a teacher, you have to obtain knowledge and skills pertinent to classroom teaching. 2) His remarks were not pertinent to the matter we were discussing. suffering: pain of body or mind;(pl)feelings of pain, sorrow, etc. e.g.1) Euthanasia is a practice of mercifully ending a person’s life in order to release the person from an incurable disease and intolerable suffering. 2) According to the Bible, Christians must accept humility, suffering and self-sacrifice. settle for: accept (sth that is seen as not quite satisfactory) e.g.1) I would like a job in banking, but jobs are so scare at the moment I would settle for anything. 2) Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre. come out: be produced or published; become known, be revealed e.g.1) The dictionary has just come out on CD-ROM. 2) My daughter bought F4’s new album on the day it came out. STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1.Review … and preview the second part of the words and phrases 16.Language Focus b.Written: Teaching Period : 10 (5-6) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) a. Review the first part of the words and phrases b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A tag: a small piece of paper, plastic, etc. fixed to something to show that what it is, who owns it, what it cost, etc. e.g.1) Staff were required to wear name tags at work. 2) The most important trees were tagged to show they were under special protection. string: thin cord; a series of things put together on a thread e.g.1) The parcel was tied up with string. 2) He had stung a banner across the wall. ponder: think about carefully and for a long time (used in the patterns: ponder sth; ponder on/ over sth; ponder+ wh) e.g.1) I found myself constantly pondering the question: ”What’s the mean of the life?” 2) My parents pondered on when to send me abroad for study. all of a sudden: suddenly e.g.1) All the kids were quietly asleep, when, all of a sudden, the bell rang. 2) The students were singing and dancing cheerfully. All of a sudden, all the lights went off. I am not just blowing through life: I am not just living my life without any sense of purpose. obscure: not easily seen or understood; not well-known e.g.1) The letter is written in rather obscure language. 2) The message of a dream is often rather obscure. boom: sudden increase or growth e.g.1) As workers born during the baby boom of 1946-1964 have aged, the work force in the united states has grown progressively older. 2) People with houses to sell are benefiting from the boom in property prices. mortality: the state of being unable to live for ever;; the rate of deaths among a certain kind of people. e.g.1) The nation’s infant mortality rate has reached a record low. 2) Although it has a huge population. China has successfully reduced both fertility and mortality statistical: means of or shown by statistics. e.g.1) The teacher made a statistical analysis of how frequently certain words are used in speech and writing. 2) The report was based heavily on primary statistical information regularly collected by governments. back up: support; make a copy of (a disk) e.g.1) Only a few employees backed him up in the election. 2) I often back up the files stored on my computer just in case. envelope: enclose with a covering e.g.1) The lake was enveloped in mist. 2) Walking in the forest, we felt the rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloping us. adolescent: a young person between childhood and adulthood e.g.1) Historically, the task of instructing adolescents about sex has been as the responsibility of the parents. 2) Among adolescents, imitating the fashion, hairstyle, or speech of prominent public figures is an attempt to secure charisma and success. send in: send (sth) to a place where it will be dealt with e.g.1) Applicants are asked to send in a CD and a covering letter, 2) I hope that readers will send in their ideas for saving money. recur: happen again or repeatedly e.g.1) Eclipses recur at regular intervals. 2) Although he was not caught cheating on the exam, the feelings of guilt recurred over and over again. unusual: not usual, exceptional e.g.1) A profusion of Japanese cherry trees is an unusual feature of the garden. 2) American culture possesses an unusual mixture of patterns and forms forged from among its diverse people. weave: make threads into cloth by crossing them under and over each other on a loom, or make cloth in this way; invent a complicated story or plan e.g.1) In The Emperor’s New Clothes, the two strangers declare they can weave the finest stuff anyone can image. 2) He was good at weaving elaborate plots. imagination: the ability to imagine; sth. only imagined and not real e.g.1) Einstein’s genius was characterized equally by logical clarity and creative imagination. 2) The teacher should let his students’ imagination go as far as it can. STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1.Review … and preview the structures and long sentences of the text; 2.Language Focus b.Written: Teaching Period : 10 (7-8) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful structures, understand some difficult sentences and check the exercises in Part II Important Point: Grasping some useful structures and understanding some difficult sentences Difficult Point: Practising the usage of the structures Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 7’ ) Revising the words and phrases of Text A (Usage) Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to deal with some important structures and difficult sentences in Text A and check the exercises of Part II. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80' ) Important structures and Difficult sentences in Text A Exercises of Part II STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 10ˊ ) Summary Part II. Text A 1. Comprehension Pre-reading * Background knowledge (2) While-reading * Go through the Text paragraph by paragraph *Point out the important structures and long sentences for further explanation later (3) Post-reading *Text Questions *Text Organization * Writing Characteristics * Discussion *Main Idea 2. Language items 3. Exercises b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1ˊ ) a. Oral: 1. Review the structures and difficult sentences and preview Part III & IV. b. Written: 1. Structure 1, 2 Teaching Period : 10 (9-10) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: 1.To understand Text B 2.To perform the theme-related language learning tasks . Practising the speaking and writing skills Important Point: Understanding Text B Difficult Point: .Practising the speaking and writing skills Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 7’ ) Review Part II (Text A) Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to deal with Part III & IV: Text B and the theme-related language learning tasks STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80' ) Text B (Part III) 1. Words and phrases to learn (P278) 2. Comprehension (1) Explain the text (2) Summarize Text Organization Part One (Paras Part Two: (Paras Part Three: (Para (3) Summarize General idea b. the theme-related language learning tasks (Part IV) Step 1: Form teams Make teams of four people. Half of the teams will take the side of Group A and the other half will side with Group B. Step 2: Have a pre-debate discussion Prepare your arguments and supporting facts by brainstorming together Step 3: Carry on the debate The debate begins between two teams having different view. It will go on until one side fails to respond. 2. Essay Writing STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 10’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review Text B and finish the exercises b. Written: 2.Write an essay