Unit Five Cruelty Teaching Period : 10 (1-2) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To understand the reading material (Text A) Important Point: Understanding the reading material (Text A) Difficult Point: Training the Ss’ reading ability Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 0’ ) STEP THREE: Introduction ( 10’ ) a. Pre-reading task on P188 Get the Ss to listen to the recording Ask the Ss to answer the following questions: b. Theme of the unit: & Text A: STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A Comprehension a. Pre-reading 1.Background Knowledge 2.New words and expressions b. While-reading 1.Go through the Text paragraph by paragraph 2.Point out the important structures and long sentences for further explanation later c. Post-reading 1.Text Questions 2.Text Organization Part One: (Paras Part Two: (Paras Part Three:(Paras Part Four: (Paras Part Five: (Para 3. Writing characteristics 4. Discussion 5. Main idea STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 8’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review the understanding of the text and preview the language items of the text; Comprehension b. Written: Nothing Teaching Period : 10 (3-4) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) Revising the understanding of Text A b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A 1 deceptive : likely to deceive, misleading eg (1)The newspapers promised not to run deceptive ads in the future (2)The company was charged with deceptive advertising for a number of products 2 for sb’s own part / the part of : as far as sb is concerned eg (1) For my part I prefer living in the country (2) Some young students, for their part, can stay up late playing computer games 3 definite : clear, that can’t be doubted eg (1) I was wandering round the shop with no very definite aim (2) Doctors have found a definite link between smoking and lung cancer 4 all of a piece : the same in all parts, the same as sth else eg (1) The style of the book is all of a piece, in both illustrations and text (2) The testimony was all of a piece with the professor’s version of events 5 wrinkle : tighten the skin of the face into lines or folds eg (1) The woman was forty, but looked fifty. Her cheeks were sunken and her skin was wrinkled and yellow (2) The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning to wrinkle 6 in accordance with : in agreement or harmony with eg (1) Students will be criticized or punished if their behavior is not in accordance with school regulations (2) Some young people are self-centered, which is not in accordance with Chinese traditional values 7 elderly : of people rather old, past middle age eg (1) Traveling at 97 km/h, an elderly driver may miss the information he or she needs or may act on the wrong information (2) Most of the residents in the old district are the elderly as their as their offspring have moved to new residential areas 8 evidently : obviously, it appears that eg (1) Evidently our living conditions are much better than before (2) He was evidently upset when he learned that he failed in the final examination 9 mild : of people or their manner gentle and kind, not severe or harsh eg (1) Peter is a mild man, never getting angry easily (2) She has inherited my husband’s milder nature 10 spicy : exciting esp because of being slightly indecent, containing or tasting like spice eg (1) You can often read spicy stories about film stars in the local newspapers (2) People from Sichuan province like to eat spicy food 11 something of : to some degree eg (1) It’s something of a disadvantage nowadays if you can’t use a computer (2) They haven’t got a loan from the bank, which is something of disappointment 12 instinct : a tendency that one is born with to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training eg (1) It is the mother’s instinct to protect her children (2) He always knew what time it was, as if by instinct 13 clap : strike the inner surface of one’s hands tighter eg (1) The noise of conversation rose, and the teacher clapped her hands for silence (2) The audience clapped enthusiastically as the singer stepped on to the stage 14 oddly enough : used to say that sth seems strange or surprising eg (1) Children’s books, oddly enough, continued to have a big place in retail sales (2) Oddly enough, some of the students don’t know how to log on the Internet 15 sip : drink sth taking a very small amount each time eg (1) Jessica sipped her coffee, listening to the music (2)He sipped at the glass and then put it down 16 in a way : to a certain extent but not entirely eg (1) I agree with you in a way, but there are still some areas on which I can’t see eye to eye with you (2) It’s easier for men to get work in a way 17 with a bad / good grace : unwillingly and rudely / willingly and happily eg (1) After I talked to him for an hour, he admitted his mistake with bad grace (2) My mentor accepted my invitation to dinner with good grace 18 stroke : pass the hand gently over a surface usu several; times eg: (1) At the sight of her husband getting off the train, the woman walked forward and embraced him and stroked his white hair (2) I reached out and stroked the baby’s cheek tenderly 19 shave : cut hair off one’s face with a razor cut or scrape thin slices from the surface of eg (1) In the Qing dynasty men shaved the front of the head and wore the hair at the back tied in a queue or pigtail (2) He washed and shaved, then hurried out of the house 20 transparent : allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly eg (1) The cup is made of transparent colored plastic (2) Transparent plastic is often used for packaging foods, enabling the consumer to see the product inside STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a.. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1.Review … and preview the second part of the words and phrases b. Language Focus c .Written: nothing Teaching Period : 10 (5-6) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful words and phrases and have a better understanding of Text A Important Point: Grasping the useful words and phrases in the text Difficult Point: Putting the words and phrases into practical use Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 10’ ) a. Review the first part of the words and phrases b. Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to learn some useful words and phrases. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80’ ) Text A 21 go broke : have no money, go bankrupt eg (1) Many multinational companies went broke during the financial crisis, not to speak of small businesses (2) He invested all his money in stocks, unfortunately he made one wrong choice after another and finally went broke 22 hitherto : until now until a particular time eg (1) The Hope Project sent money to students hitherto unable to afford their tuition fees (2) He has hitherto achieved great success in his career 23 stick to : refuse to abandon or change sth eg (1) Mike, you just tell the cops what you saw, stick to your story (2) The old man stuck to jogging every morning although he was eighty years old 24 trim : defeat, make sth near or smooth by cutting away irregular parts eg (1) They were trimmed by 3 goals to 2 (2) My friend trimmed my hair last week 25 down and out : having no money, home etc eg (1) When he was down and out, none of his friends gave him a helping hand (2) Shortly after his company was declared bankrupt, the manager became down and out 26 commit : do sth illegal or wrong eg (1) It is illegal to commit violations of the copyright (2) The man was suspected of committing murder 27 be / go all to piece : of a person have a breakdown, lose control of oneself eg (1) I was attracted by the story of a housewife who went to pieces as one disaster followed another (2) She nearly went to pieces when she heard that her husband was among those buried in the ruins of the World Trade Center 28 insane : very foolish eg (1) You would be insane to refuse the invitation to attend the conference (2) Your plan to walk through the desert on your own is quite insane 29 drive at : be trying to say eg (1) I have no idea what you’re driving at (2) The teacher didn’t mention the word cheating but I knew what he was driving at 30 current : continuous flow of water or air in a particular direction eg(1) Swimming against the current is energy-consuming (2) I felt a current of cool air blowing in my face 31 be taken aback : be shocked or surprised eg (1) She was taken aback when a man answered the phone (2) I was taken aback when I found my computer was gone 32 in bad / good condition : in bad / good health eg (1) He is in good condition again after a long holiday (2) In spited of the surgery he is still in bad condition 33 turn up :arrive, make one’s appearance eg (1) He didn’t turn up until the end of the examinations (2) Some students always turn up late for class 34 funk : avoid because of fear eg (1) They were given a chance of taking part in the speech contest, but funked it (2) He promised to climb the montain with us, but he funked it at the last moment 35 constitution : condition of a person’s body with regard to health, strength 36 trifle : a thing, a matter or an activity that has little value or importance (a trifle ) eg (1) My daughter always wastes her money on trifles (2)The couple often quarreled about some petty trifle connected with the housework 37 candid : not hiding one’s thoughts, frank and honest eg (1) Let me be absolutely candid with you: your work is not good enough (2) Nancy is candid about the problems she is having with Steve 38 vacancy : unfilled position or post eg (1) The company has a vacancy in the accounts department (2) He didn’t want to fill the short-term vacancy in the office STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 7’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1.Review … and preview the structures and long sentences of the text; 2.Language Focus b. Written: nothing Teaching Period : 10 (7-8) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective: To grasp some useful structures, understand some difficult sentences and check the exercises in Part II Important Point: Grasping some useful structures and understanding some difficult sentences Difficult Point: Practising the usage of the structures Processes: STEP ONE: Organization ( 1’ ) STEP TWO: Revision ( 7’ ) Revising the words and phrases of Text A (Usage) Check the homework STEP THREE: Introduction ( 1’ ) a. Tell the Ss that in these two periods, we are going to deal with some important structures and difficult sentences in Text A and check the exercises of Part II. STEP FOUR: New Lesson ( 80' ) Important structures and Difficult sentences in Text A Summarize Text Organization Part One (Paras 1- Part Two: (Paras Part Three: (Paras Summarize General idea the theme-related language learning tasks (Part IV) 1. Group Discussion 2. Essay Writing STEP FIVE: Consolidation ( 10’ ) a. Summary b. Practice STEP SIX: Homework ( 1’ ) a. Oral: 1. Review Text B and finish the exercises b. Written: 2. Write an essay