Unit One Fighting with the Forces of nature Text A the Icy Defender Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Student’s and Teaching’s Book Teaching Method: ESA (engage, study, activate) Objective: 1 grasp the main idea and structure of the text 2 do a comparison contrast between Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union 3 master the key language points and grammatical structure in the text 4 conduct a series of reading listening speaking and writing actives related to the theme of the unit Time allocation Teaching Period ( 01 & 10) 10 Teaching Processes : Pre-reading 1 Warming-up Introduce some relevant materials and Quotations 2 Culture Note Background information Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many conquerors Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1827) : emperor of the French, who consolidated and institutionalized many reforms of the French Revolution. One of the greatest military commanders of all time, he conquered the larger part of Europe The Battle of Waterloo : final and decisive action of the Napoleonic Wars, that effectively ended French domination of the European continent and brought about drastic changes in the political boundaries and the power balance of Europe Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) German political and military leader and one of the20th century’s most powerful dictators. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. 3 Discussion : Man or Nature , which is powerful ? While-reading 1 T draw Ss’ attention to the subtitles in the text , then leads them through Text Organization Exercise 1. In this way Ss will have a better understanding of the text structure 2 T explains the language points in Parts I and IV and has Ss practice them 3 Ss sum up the main ideas respectively Ss form groups to analyze the similarities and difference between the two invasions. Key words 1 bleak ---adj bare barren desolate // sheltered gloomy dismal dreary \\ cheerful eg: The future of a firm will be very bleak indeed if it cannot devise new products. 2 launch ---vt /n eg: The Queen is to launch a new warship today. The ship Princess will be launched on the first of this month. 3 retreat ---v / n eg : The Minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position. The defeated army had to retreat hastily from the field of battle to the coast. beat a retreat 避开 in full retreat 逃跑 make good one’s retreat 成功逃避 4 crucial---adj eg: Getting this contract is crucial to the future of our company. The success of this exam is crucial to my graduation be crucial to / be crucial for 5 occupation 占领占据 职业工作 业余活动消遣 eg: When we fill in a form, we will usually write down our name, address, occupation, ect. During the Japanese occupation of China, millions of innocent Chinese people were killed by Japanese solider 6 stroke---n / vt 打击 一笔 敲钟声 一次努力 突然一击 发作 eg: which stroke are you best at? We have lunch on the stroke of 12 every day. I saw a chance of solving all my problems at a stroke He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer 7 alliance---n ally---n eg: States seek to become stronger through alliance. The steel union, in alliance with the railway worker, is planning a major strike. enter into alliance with sb / in alliance with 8 invasion---n aggression attack / violation incursion eg: The country remained free from invasion for 60 years. 9 invent---vt 发明 虚构捏造 eg: Can’t you invent a better excuse than that ? 10 limp---adj 柔软的 没有精神的 ---vi 一拐一拐的走 困难的航行 eg: The injured dog limped slowly off the yard. 11 region 方位 范围 部位 区域 eg: He can earn in the region of 10000 a month. in the region of sth 大约 Key phrases In the case of In the case of Russia , they had succeeded at last. Be/ get bogged down The tank got bagged down in the mud Engaged sb in sth I have no time to engage in gossip Press on /ahead The firm is pressing ahead with the modernization plan Take a gamble The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off- it was financially successful Drag on The film dragged on terribly Bide one’s time We are biding our time Catch sb off guard He caught her off guard and run away Die from / of He die of an illness Be reckoned with They had many difficulties to reckon with Key Sentence Paraphrases 1 In 1941,Adolf Hilter,leader of Nazi Germany, launched an attack against the Soviet Union, as Russia then was called (The Soviet Union was the Russia's name at that time ) 2 Instead, they retreated eastward, burning their crops and homes as they went (Instead of resistance to the French, they retreat eastward, when they were going, they burned their crops and homes ) 3 Again, the Russian army retreated to safety. Napoleon had a clear path to Moscow, but the occupation of the city became an empty victory ( The Russian army retreated to safety and gave Napoleon an empty city ) 4 The French soldier dragged on , leaving the dead along every mile (While the French soldier fragged on, they left the dead along the road. Some French would died along every mile ) 5 In March 1814, Paris was captured ( Napoleon failed to conquer Europe, and Paris fell In March 1814 ) 6 On June 22, 1941, without a declaration of war, Hitler began an invasion of the Soviet Union that was the largest military land campaign in history. (On June 22, 1941, Hitler invaded Soviet Union secretly. And the war is the largest land war in history.) 7 The German victories were over, thanks in part to the Russian winter. (In part because of the cold winter in Russia, German was defeated.) 8 During 1943 and 1944,the Soviet armies pushed the German front back toward the west. (The Soviet armies forced the German to retreat from the east.) 9 Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures took their toll on both invading armies (Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures weakened the two armies' power ) 5 Writing Strategy of Text A Subtitle---help reader understanding clearly Comparison and contrast vividly Based on the sequence of time 6 Summary of Text A In 1812 ,Napoleon led his army into Russia. He got Moscow easily for the Russia’ retreat. However, in winter ,he couldn’t supply his army in Russia and had to retreat. Soon, he failed after he came back to Paris and was sent into exile. In 1941, Hitler began an invasion of the soviet union, soviet leader Stalin burned farms and factories. In winter the German soldiers froze in their summer uniforms. Hitler’s victories were over soon Napoleon and Hitler both underestimated the severity of the Russian winter and suffered heavy losses 7 Text organization Section One (1---2) Both Napoleon and Hitler were not prepared for the devastating enemy that met them in Moscow---the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter Section Two (3---11) Why did the quick , decisive victory that Napoleon expected never happened? Section Three (12—20) For Hitler, the invasion of the Soviet Union had turned into a military disaster Section Four (21) For the Russian people, the winter was an icy defender 8 A Comparison and Contrast Analysis of the Two Invasion Invading country France Germany Country invaded Russia Soviet Union Starter of war Napoleon Hitler Starting time of invasion Spring 1812 6 / 22 / 1941 Prediction quick victory, conquest Blitzkrieg (lightning war of Russia in 5 lasting no longer than weeks 3 months Initial resistance strategy refusing to stand and scorch the earth, fierce fight; retreating eastwards, fight to defend major burning crops and homes cities Capture of the Russia capital yes no Major battles Smolensk , Borodino Leninggrad , the Berezina River Stalingrad Biggest enemy for the invading force snow freezing temperature heavy rain, General Mud, snow freezing temperature Turning point October 1812,when 1943,when the Soviet troops Napoleon ordered a retreat pushed the German force back Fate of the invading force only100000 survived heavy losses War-starter’ fate Napoleon abdicated and went Hitler committed suicide into exile, his empire at an end his empire collapsing After-Reading Going over Some contend question P10 Discussion 1 T may move on to Text A by saying : Man changes nature in order to live . However , man must also be careful not to disregard the laws of nature . When Napoleon and Hitler finally realized their arrogance , it was already too late . 2 Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the laws of nature When Napoleon and Hitler finally realized their arrogance, it was already too late 3 Prussian military strategist Karl von Clausewitz said : War is nothing but the continuation of politics with the admixture of other means. What do you think of this his definition of war ? Do you think war can be avoided in today's world? Language Sense Enhancement Poems and Quotations P12-P13 Dictation Key words and Key phrases Structure and Comprehensive Exercise P17-P20 Unit One Fighting with the Force of Nature Text B Normandy Landing Teaching Method: Ask-based learning (The emphasis focus on the task rather than the language) Key words 1 obstacle \ barrier eg : Not being able to pass his mathematics exam proved an obstacle to his career We have still tremendous obstacles to over come before we can achieve our goal. 2 cancel \ eliminate abolish get rid of eg : Cancel the last sentence. The sports meeting has been cancelled because of the weather As we can on longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to cancel it Her generosity cancels out her bad temper Cancellation 取消 注销 cancel sth out 抵消 3 absent—adj eg : He was deliberately absent from the meeting absent over leave 越假不归 absent from 不在某处 absent in 不在这里 4 complication 复杂 (医)并发正症 (pl) eg : I have enough complication in my life without having to look after your sick pets 5 withstand 抵抗 承受 经得住 6 concern ----n 关心 担心 利害关系 ----vt 涉及 使担心 eg : There are no need to concern yourself with this matter ; we are dealing with it. Anything that concerns Mr Green interests me As far as / so far as : be concerned 就…而言 至于 Be concerned with 与……….有关 7 objective----n goal aim ambition -----adj factual impartial just // biased subjective eg : A jury’s decision in a count case must be absolutely objective A person with on object in life can never live a happy life The child is much too young , I object leaving him alone at home Be objective about 对……..持客观态度 Objectively-----ad objectivity-----n 客观 事实性 无偏见 8 rest----n 休息 睡眠 ----v 休息 靠 停放 搁在 依据 依赖 rest on /upon 依赖 为…….所支持 9 contest-----vt 争夺 夺取 strive ------vi 争议 辩驳 argue against contend (contest with / contest against ) -----n 竞争 比赛 game dispute eg : As a protest , the party has decided not to contest this election How many people are contesting the seat on the council ? 10 boast---- v 吹嘘 夸口 以 ……..为自豪 ----n 自吹自擂 自夸 eg : He is always boasting about his children’ s success at school She boasts about her grades in school . 11 stiff---- adj不易弯曲的 变形的 坚硬的 严厉的 激烈的 生硬的 难搅拌的 ----adv 极度的 非常 僵硬地 eg : Her manner is very stiff stiffen----v使变得坚硬 困难 生硬 强烈 stiffer----n 用以变硬变强之物 Key phrases Hold out 提出 维持 坚持 we can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out call off 取消 The match was called off because of bad weather Pin down 把……..困住 使不能动 He was pinned down by his attackers Pay off 成功 取得好结果 The gamble paid off Summary of Text B In order to open up a second front in Europe, military planner spent much time in thinking about every aspect . They decided a certain time to land on Normandy . The weather affected the two parties very much . However , allied forces got the last victory Writing Strategy of Text B Narration based on the sequence of time many kinds of sentence structure used in text changefully Sentence Paraphrases 1 With the arrival of 5 June, the weather was so bad that General Eisenhower, supreme commander of the invasion forces, was forced to postpone the invasion by one day ( The weather of 5 June was very bad. As a result, General Eisenhower, who was supreme commander of invasion force, had to postpone the invasion to 6 June ) 2 Meanwhile, critical errors by the German side allowed them to be taken completely by surprise ( At the same time, the German side had made critical errors. This made it possible for the German side to be taken by surprise all of a sudden ) 3 Never before had such a fleet been assembled (Such a fleet had never been assemble before ) 4 This would liberate France and open the way for the final assault on Germany itself ( Normandy landings would set France free, as well as give Germany a sudden violent attack ) 5 The hour of the invasion would need to be near sunrise, when the sea borne troops would have a rising tide ( The time of the invasion would have to be around sunrise, because at this time, the sea borne troops would have a rising tide ) 6 In addition to moonlight and favorable tides, calm seas were needed for the crossing ( Calm seas, as well as moonlight and favorable tides, were necessary for the crossing ) 7 Due to the bad weather, the Germany navy cancelled its usual patrol of the English Channel ( Because of the bad weather, the German navy didn't patrol the English Channel as it usually did ) 8 Rommel, the general in charge of the coastal defiance, was in Germany visiting his wife on her birthday, and several officers were some distance away in Rennes or on their way there for a war - game exercise ( Rommel, who was the general in charge of the coastal defenses, was on her wife's birthday in Germany; while many other officers were in Rennes or about to be there for a war-game exercise) 9 Behind them followed a vast array of naval vessels of every conceivable type ( A vast array of naval vessels of every conceivable type was behind them ) 10 Within a year Hitler's empire, which he had boasted would last a thousand years, lay in ruins (Hitler had boasted that his empire would last a thousand years, but actually it lay in ruins within a year) Conclusion of Unit One Assignment of Unit One